#lost cart jam
elv13s · 2 years
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Hey! I found a tech demo in the attic of my grandfathers' house! XD https:/ play and rate the game, help a brother out XD its on itch.io
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Wicked Games 3
No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
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Warnings: non/dubcon, cheating, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Steve Rogers
Summary: you had a one night stand. Or did you?
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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A week passes in a tense slog. Barrett continues his pandering penance and you wallow in irritation. You want to put it behind you. You want to get past it but every time you do, it just happens again.
If this was the first time, it would be easy but you’ve lost count of all the times you’ve had this fight. 
Your menial office work does little to distract. It only allows you to think about all the bullshit. The way Barrett dismisses everything you do and has to list of everything you don’t. The way he can’t see his own flaws or how you’ve never once rubbed his nose in them like a dog.  
Is it passive or weak or just acceptance? You can’t say. You just always put up with it.  It’s just easier not to make an issue of every little thing. Problem is, now it’s a big thing. 
When you come home, you’re worn out but you still have work to do. Dishes, tidying, cooking. Even your weekends don’t allow you must rest. You need to sort through the bills and go get groceries. All along the way, he’s in the way. You’re not sure he’s trying to help, more so trying to force his way to forgiveness. 
You grab a bundle of reusable shopping bags from the cupboard overflowing with them. It only took about a hundred of the things to start remembering to take them with you.  
As you shut the cupboard, Barrett’s on the other side of the oven. Watching and waiting. He’d be a lot more help if you didn’t have to tell him what to do. You forgot a mug and to him, that’s high crime, but he can’t remember to pay the power bill without six texts on the due date. 
“So... what’s going on today?” He smiles. 
It used to be that that smile made you melt. It would make all your troubles flutter away like butterflies. Now it’s just another irk. 
“Groceries.” You wave the fistful of bags. 
“Oh, cool, want me to come?” 
You nearly scoff. Every weekend you ask and every weekend he’s too busy. His pals want him to jam in their garage band or go fishing down at some dirty river. Another tick on the wrong side of the Pros-Cons list. 
“Sure,” you shrug. It’s easier to just let him come along. You don’t need another argument and you could use the extra hands. 
You shove the bags into the folded shopping cart and put your shoes on. He toddles behind like a lost child. You’re repress a glare as you grab your keys and purse. You’re going to have to talk this out sooner than later our you’re really going to hate him. 
He follows you out to the bus stop and you wait in silence. You had a car but it broke down last year. Ever since, he gets a ride off his coworkers or friends and you flash your bus pass. It’s cheaper than leasing a car, even a used one. 
You don’t know what stresses you out more; thinking about all the stuff he does or just thinking about your life. You get on the bus and sit near the back. He reaches over to grab your hand. You wince but don’t pull away. 
“Nice day,” he says. 
“Mhmm,” you grumble. 
His attempt at small talk doesn’t go much further. You get off at your stop and walk the block to the grocery store. You unfold your shopping cart and pull out your list. Barrett grabs a bag of gummy bears and dumps them in the cart. 
“Those aren’t on the list,” you say. 
“I know but it’ll be a nice treat for later. We’ll have some tonight after dinner.” 
“Oh, alright.” 
You factor in the extra cost and mentally cross off the avocado from the list. You can go without. You roll through the produce section and work your way down the list. Barrett trails behind you. 
You stop in the cereal aisle to grab a bag of oatmeal. As you stand, you flinch and cry out at a surprise peck on your cheek. Barrett puts his arm around your shoulder as he presses his lips against you. 
“What are you doing?” You ask. 
“Baby, giving you a kiss.” You look at him and he grins, “I miss you. I love you. I’m tryna be better, honey.” 
“In the grocery store?” You challenge. 
“It’s cute.” 
“Mm, it’s... let’s wait ‘til we get outta here. It’s starting to get busy.” You glance around at the other customers, hoping none of them noticed his little act. “How about you go grab some drumsticks? Flyer says they’re on sale.” 
“Oh, I can do that. Be right back!” He proclaims. 
He shuffles off and you shake your head and turn back to the shelves. The store brand on discount is all out. You hiss in disappointment. You search the rest of the selection. That’s the cheapest on the shelf and you really can’t stretch the extra dollar. 
You look up at the overstock along the top. It’s right up there but you’re just too short to reach. You give a poor attempt then stand flat on your feet. You peer up and down the aisle. You could find an employee. 
“Need some help?”  
You turn to face the stranger and give a start. They aren’t so strange after all. You know him. Well, not know-know him. Everyone in the city knows Steve Rogers, the Captain America. 
“What’s your brand?” He asks. “They don’t run restock until before closing. I usually come then, less busy but I got... ha, sorry, I’m rambling. What can I grab for you?” 
You lick your dry lips and glance at the shelf. You appreciate the help but telling Captain America that you need the cheapest bag on the shelf isn’t exactly dignified. You point to the price tag on the shelf and he reaches on his toes to grab the edge of the box on the top. He wiggles out a bag and stands flat. 
“Here,” he offers it with a handsome smile. “You know, it’s made at the same factory as the regular brand.” He taps the back of the bag, “exact same address. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re from the same lot.” 
“Oh, well, er... thanks,” you take the oats and put them in your cart. 
“No problem. Sometimes being a hero isn’t very glorious. Sometimes it’s just reaching the top shelf.” 
You force a chuckle. You’re sure the Cap’s life is all sunshine and rainbows. Must be a real ego boost to help the little people. 
“Well, I appreciate it, Captain.” 
“Steve,” he smirks and stares. Your lower your brows and look behind you. Is he looking at someone else? 
“Oh, of course. I should go find my husband.” You roll around him and try to shake off the awkward encounter. You look down at your list as you stop at the end of the aisle. 
“Hope he’s not lost...” Steve calls after you. He says your name and you crane to look at him. You meet his gaze and blanch. He turns and struts off without another word. 
You turn back to your path and slowly leave the aisle. How did he know your name? You replay the interaction and try to recall giving it but you can’t. Well, you’re not exactly thinking straight right now. It’s nothing. You’re just stressed. 
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All In
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Summary: It's the swinging '60s, baby, and Elvis Presley is the grooviest spy this side of the Rockies. He's in Monaco on a new mission, breaking hearts and breaking codes.
* Elvis doesn't like losing, but he's good at it. 
Losing isn't so bad when he has to, it’s just a role to play like any other. Winning, though—a victory lap or getting the girl—that's what Elvis loves. He’s too competitive, that's his problem. 
Usually. Today is different.
The sun slices through early-morning clouds, casting long shadows across the potted bougainvillea on his balcony. A lizard darts across the sun-warmed travertine. Elvis leans back in his chair, the white lacquered wicker creaking beneath his weight as he takes a sip of freshly-squeezed orange juice. It’s tart and tangy, made from Sicilian blood oranges flown in specially for hotel guests. He could get used to this, he thinks, even though anything would be better than his last job in Albuquerque.
The view from his room is breathtaking—a panorama of the glistening Mediterranean Sea, palm trees standing sentinel along the shore, and the winding streets of the principality. Above it all, both figuratively and literally, sits the Casino de Monte-Carlo, an opulent sugar cube of a gambling house that has seen countless fortunes won and lost. 
Elvis squints against the lettuce green sky, the warm breeze ruffling his jet-black hair. Crossing one long leg over another, his tailored trousers stretching over his lithe frame, Elvis savors the moment. At a perfect 6 feet tall, with piercing blue eyes and a marble-chiseled profile, he cuts a striking figure even in repose. 
It's a perfect August day, the kind that makes one forget there's always work to do, even in a paradise like this. 
A knock at the door interrupts his reverie. “Room service,” a muffled voice calls out.
Elvis rises and pads for the door, greeting the uniformed attendant with a warm smile. “Morning,” he says, stepping aside to let the man enter. 
The attendant wheels in a cart laden with covered dishes. “Where would you like me to set up, sir?” he asks.
“The terrace, please,” Elvis replies, watching as the man efficiently arranges the dishes on the table. “Thank you…?” He pauses, waiting for a name.
“Jean-Luc, sir,” the attendant supplies with a slight bow. 
“Thank you, Jean-Luc.” Elvis nods approvingly and hands the young man a few crisp bills, a generous tip reflecting his own working-class roots. He knows two things for sure: Jean-Luc works exceptionally hard for his money, and he probably knows more than he should about every hotel guest. He might prove useful. 
Jean-Luc's eyes widen slightly as he pockets the tip, his posture straightening imperceptibly. "If there's anything else you need, sir, please don't hesitate to ask." His tone carries a hint of conspiratorial understanding, a recognition of the unspoken agreement between them.
Elvis gives him a smile, equal parts charming and enigmatic. "I'll keep that in mind."
With a final nod, Jean-Luc takes his leave, the door closing softly behind him. Elvis settles back into his chair, his mind already racing with the possibilities of this new connection.
On the table before him, a sumptuous breakfast: buttery croissants, jam, slices of blackened bacon, and a variety of cheeses. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingles with the salty sea air. Elvis unfolds the crinkled newspaper, his sharp gaze scanning the headlines for anything of interest. He's expecting a message, a signal that will set today's events in motion. He knows Reginald would never let him down. 
As he turns the page, a small butterfly of a note flutters to the ground. Reaching down, his fingers trace the embossed CIA seal, the paper smooth and cool to the touch. 
Ah, there it is. 
Elvis' pulse quickens as scans the writing: 22 Avenue de la Costa. He turns the scrap of paper over in his fingers, searching for any additional clues, but the reverseis blank. The message is clear enough: whatever awaits him, it's not going to be a walk in the park. He’s been in the game long enough to know that when Reginald plays things close to the vest, it means the stakes are higher than ever.
His handler had been unusually tight-lipped during their briefing. But that’s just the way Elvis likes it. The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. And such secrecy could only mean one thing–this job is tough. Dangerous. The kind of high-stakes operation that gets Elvis’ blood pumping. Let the games begin. 
Glancing at his watch, he notes the time: 9:58 AM. The casino won't open for hours, giving him plenty of time to plan his approach. He'll need to be cautious, though. The Duke and Duchess of Castellano, his well-connected friends, have arranged for him to join an exclusive poker game later that evening, one in which he will have to lose. Drawing attention to himself before then wouldn't be wise. 
Finishing his breakfast, he stands and stretches his limbs, muscles flexing beneath his shirt. Monaco is a playground for the glitterati, their perfect little jewel box on the Côte d'Azur. But beneath the surface, he knows, lurk secrets and dangers that most people never see. Dangers they could never even dream of. 
With practiced efficiency, he hurries across the suite, his mind already shifting into mission mode. He pulls a sleek black case from beneath the bed, his fingers dancing over the combination lock. Inside, an array of gadgets and weapons gleam in the morning light—tools of his trade, each one carefully chosen for maximum impact and minimum detectability.
He selects a few key items: a miniaturized camera, a set of lockpicks, a small vial of a clear liquid that definitely isn't water. Each one designed disappear into the hidden pockets of his suit jacket, concealed with a skill born of years of practice. Elvis learned long ago that preparation is key in this line of work—you never know what you might need until you need it.
It's time to become Anderson “Andy” Davis, a first-time Grand Prix entrant and new pet project of the Monegasque elite. He opens his closet and selects a lightweight blazer and a crisp white shirt—a smart, sensible choice that won't draw a second glance. Dressing quickly, his fingers deftly fasten the buttons, the silk smooth against his skin.
As he checks his reflection in the mirror, Elvis allows himself a small, secret smile. His handsome features, so often a liability in his line of work, are expertly disguised by the subtle changes in his posture and expression. With a final adjustment of his cufflinks, he grabs his room key and heads out the door, the steel heavy in his pocket. 
Ready or not, here comes Andy.
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elisela · 9 months
since there's no place to go stiles x derek, established relationship, fluff for @missanniewhimsy <3
“Snow in the forecast,” Stiles says, face tilted down towards his phone screen. 
Derek shifts a half step back, just enough that their bodies brush as Stiles squeezes by him, and stays silent. It’s the third time in as many weeks that he’s made the announcement; Derek doesn’t have the heart to tell him that they’re probably still several weeks out from the first real snow of the season. He hums noncommittally instead, tilts his head a little when Stiles pauses and drops a feather-light kiss on the back of his neck before moving on to the refrigerator. 
“Supposed to drop into the 20’s,” he adds, and his voice raises unnecessarily when he moves out of Derek’s sight. “Should we get winter tires? We should, right?”
“I’ll pick them up this weekend,” Derek says, because he’s clearly not getting out of this conversation. “Did you put together the emergency kits for the cars?”
There’s a weighty pause. “Uh … yeah, yeah,” Stiles says; Derek rolls his eyes as he pulls the last potato closer and starts dicing it. “I’m just gonna—go check the oil. I think—yeah.”
He waits until Stiles’ footsteps have sounded down the hallway and the garage door swings open to call out, “Don’t forget the gloves!” because they’ve stayed sitting on the front table since Derek dropped them there two weeks earlier. “The kit won’t do you much good if you get frostbite.”
Derek ignores the thump and slight sway of the cart as it knocks gently into his hip. He’s got the two air fryers he’s considering on the shelf in front of him, eyeing the differences between the two, and Stiles had gotten bored and wandered off five minutes earlier and had reappeared sporadically to dump things in the cart and leave again. 
It suits him just fine; maybe they’ll be ready to go by the time he makes a choice. 
There’s a louder thump a moment later, followed by Stiles’ muttered curse, but what makes Derek turn around is the clatter of plastic hitting the ground. 
Two neon green sleds are on the ground. The groceries in the cart are hidden by a pile of snow pants and thick packages of wool socks, a winter hat with fuzzy reindeer antlers sitting on top. 
Derek raises an eyebrow. 
“We’ll need sleds when it snows,” Stiles says as he bends down to retrieve them. “I told you the whole reason I wanted the house was for the hill.”
��And the hat?”
“On sale,” Stiles says cheerfully, without an ounce of shame as he snatches it from the cart and jams it on his head, nearly covering his eyes. “It looks great on me.”
Derek shakes his head and turns back to the air fryers. “Do you think we’ll need the dehydrate feature?”
“Just get that one,” Stiles says, pushing into Derek’s space and gesturing to the left. “It’ll look better on the counter.”
“It’s not going on the counter.”
Stiles sounds amused when he says, “Sure it’s not,” and Derek, deciding that’s the hill he’s going to die on, reaches for the one on the right.
He’s seven pages from the end of his book when the sound of Stiles stomping up the porch steps and dropping something heavy makes him pause and look up. Stiles’ footsteps head back towards the driveway, and Derek sets his book aside and stands up, back cracking while he stretches and makes his way towards the front hall.
There’s a case of water sitting just to the left of the door; Stiles is carrying another from the car. “Make yourself useful,” he calls, and Derek shakes his head and moves to do just that. 
“Thanks, Boo,” Stiles says after he’s stacked both cases in the pantry, shoved into the corner. His arm slides around Derek’s waist, and Derek turns towards him and wraps him in a hug. “Aww, you missed me.”
“Thought you’d be back a few hours ago,” Derek says, letting him go. “Were you climbing?”
“Yeah, but then I went to the bookstore, lost track of time,” Stiles says; he grabs a box of cheese crackers from the shelf that Derek takes out of his hands and puts back—he’s had dinner in the crockpot all day and can serve it immediately, he doesn’t need Stiles filling up on snacks in the time it takes him to dish out into a bowl. “Rude. Anyway, did you check your email? I was looking into generators and there are some we can hook up to the propane tank so we wouldn’t need to keep gas around.”
Derek looks at the two cases of water he’d just carried in, then at the quickly growing collection of canned food that’s taking over the shelves. Power outages don’t worry him—the heating runs off propane, they’ve got a wood-burning fireplace for backup, and a collection of lanterns that rivals a sporting goods store—but Stiles is clearly trying to control what he can. “Sure, I’ll look at what you sent after dinner,” he says, putting his hand on the small of Stiles’ back and leading them out of the pantry. “How was work?”
It’s cold even to Derek’s standards, yet Stiles is standing in the middle of their backyard in short sleeves, head tilted back towards the sky, looking like the weather doesn’t bother him at all. Still, Derek takes a moment to pick up one of the blankets tossed across the back of the couch before he slides his feet into a pair of slippers and opens the back door, breath ghosting out in front of him as he crosses the threshold. 
“My mom used to say we’d catch our deaths standing out in the cold like this,” he says as he gets closer, shaking the blanket out before wrapping it around his husband’s shoulders. “That’s probably more true for you.”
Stiles looks over and grins. “You gonna cluck at me like a mother hen when I tell you I signed us up for the polar plunge next weekend?”
Derek looks skyward and shakes his head. “I told you to stop signing me up for things.”
“I told you I’d stop when you started voluntarily leaving the house,” Stiles says, “yet your calendar remains depressingly empty.”
“I’m too busy responding to all the texts you send me while you’re supposed to be working to look anything up.” Stiles’ hip bumps into his, and he slides an arm around his waist to keep him in place. Derek opens his mouth to say something else, but Stiles is looking up again, a pensive look on his face, so he keeps quiet and stays where he is.
“Think it’ll snow soon?” Stiles asks, long past the time that the cold has covered Derek’s arms in goosebumps.
He looks up at the white sky and breathes in deep, the air cold and sweet in his lungs. “Yeah,” he says, “I think it will.”
There’s not much that Derek minds about growing older, except when a middle-of-the-night bathroom trip is unavoidable, and then he feels like he’s on the wrong side of forty. He makes it out of bed without waking Stiles—a feat, especially when their legs are tangled together and Derek’s laying half on top of him—and is in the process of shuffling back down the hallway when movement outside the window catches his eye.
Snow, falling fast in the light of the full moon. It’s already piling up in small drifts on the ledge of the window, and when his eyes adjust he can see that it blankets their backyard, the single strand of Christmas lights along their porch casting a glow all around.
He spends a moment telling himself that Stiles will be happy enough in the morning with it, that he won’t care and doesn’t have to know that Derek had known—then he lets out a soft sigh and turns back towards the kitchen, where he fills two mugs with water and puts them in the microwave before searching the living room tiredly for the slippers he knows Stiles had left out there before going to bed. He gets everything ready before he goes back into the bedroom—glancing out the window first just to make sure it hasn’t stopped—and puts his hand on Stiles’ cheek.
“Hey,” he says lowly, clearing his throat a bit when his voice comes out rough. Stiles turns his head and his lips brush Derek’s palm. “Hey,” he says again, “it’s snowing.”
Stiles takes in a stuttering breath, eyes cracking open. “Huh?”
“It’s snowing,” Derek repeats, keeping his voice quiet in case Stiles decides he’d rather keep sleeping. “Looks like it has been for a bit.”
“Snowing?” Stiles says; he sounds confused, and then his eyes blink open wider. “Wait, really snowing?”
“Really snowing,” Derek confirms, and holds out his hand when Stiles struggles to sit up. “I made tea, if you want to watch.”
Stiles is quiet as they walk down the hallway, but Derek can hear the small, surprised breath that he pulls in when they walk into the living room and the snow becomes visible in the large picture window. He starts towards the couch, but Stiles walks right past it and to the door, pulling it open and stepping outside in his bare feet.
Derek, sighing, scoops up the slippers and a throw blanket before following him out. “Put these on,” he says, letting them fall to the ground and pushing at Stiles gently until he sits down on the porch swing. “You’d complain bitterly in Beacon Hills if it dropped below fifty and now I can’t get you to stay inside.”
Stiles cracks a tired grin. “Yeah,” he says, moving his arms when Derek starts to tuck the blanket around his lap, “but—look.”
He couldn’t care less about the snow. It’s nothing new to him; but there is something about the peaceful look on Stiles’ face that gets to him, and he ducks down to press a kiss to his husband’s cheek before going back into the house and grabbing an armload of blankets—probably more than they’ll need—and making a second trip for the still steaming mugs of tea.
Stiles has arranged a nest of blankets when Derek comes back outside, and as soon as Derek sits down there’s a blanket being drawn across his shoulders. He passes a mug to Stiles and takes a drink of his own, savoring the warm as it goes down, the way the snow muffles all the noise around him, and the feeling of Stiles at his side. 
“S’nice,” Stiles says after a while, just as Derek’s starting to feel sleepiness tug at him. “We should get the sleds and try them out.”
“Not at three in the morning we shouldn’t,” he says, and plucks the empty mug from Stiles’ hands before it can droop any further towards the ground and shatter. “I’m not sure I trust you with that in the daylight.”
“Spoilsport,” Stiles says, his tone sounding fond. “You’re just scared I’ll beat you.”
“The thought never crossed my mind,” Derek says. “Come on, let’s go to bed.”
“Five more minutes,” Stiles says, and when he reaches over and links their fingers together, Derek doesn’t protest. 
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forasecondtherewedwon · 4 months
3 11 24
Thanks, Anon :) As I mention in my author's note on AO3, this isn't quite a Dirty Dancing AU, but Kellerman's was absolutely the inspiration for Bridgerton's.
3) SHIP: Cressida x Eloise
11) LOCATION: a ballroom
24) ITEM: a fan
more Bridgerton-themed fic prompts
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Cressida in a Corner
Pairing: Cressida x Eloise Rating: T Word Count: 2761
Summary: Cressida's wasting her summer at Bridgerton's—the resort for "society families" like hers—taking dance classes she sucks at to get a boyfriend she doesn't want. When the AC breaks and a girl named Eloise shows up with a fan, Cressida sees the potential for more than one quick fix.
Cressida fell out of her spin when she saw the girl. Her eyes followed her instead of sticking to one spot on the wall like they were supposed to, she lost her balance, and then she missed the hand Freddie held out for her to grab—the one that was meant to whirl her back into their starting position. Instead, Cressida messed up and staggered off to the side as the music kept playing and the instructor kept clapping and all the other pairs finished the routine more or less in sync. Cressida huffed and mouthed Sorry at her partner. He shrugged, not looking too concerned.
The girl was oblivious to the disruption she had caused. She was wheeling a metal cart along the perimeter of the ballroom, avoiding the dancers in the center. Taking a long drink from her water bottle, Cressida stared at her. She saw her wince as she bumped and quickly retreated from a speaker. She was funny, Cressida decided, unable to help her smile.
The cart she pushed was carrying two box fans, and that was a very welcome sight; the AC in this building had gone on the fritz yesterday, but, promised relief, guests had been encouraged to continue attending the activities they’d signed up for. That was alright, Cressida had thought, if you’d put your name down for beach volleyball lessons. Those were already outside. You expected it to be hot. The ballroom was cool. It was where you went when you wanted something that didn’t involve sun or small talk or acknowledging that this was the only sad excuse for a family vacation you were ever gonna get.
Cressida twisted her hair up and away from her damp neck, turning her long ponytail into a bun. They were starting again.
“Precision,” Anthony was saying as they took their positions. “If you’ve got the steps, work on your lines. Point the toes. Elegant fingers. If you haven’t got the steps, learn them.”
As Cressida placed her hand in Freddie’s, Anthony went to turn the music louder. He must have cranked the knob in the wrong direction because the music died instead. The only sound was the shriek of one of the wheels on the cart, then the rickety thud of the girl half placing, half dropping a box fan.
Cressida was near enough to hear her instructor’s impatiently uttered “Eloise” before he turned the music up and they began the routine over again.
Eloise, she thought. As though called, the girl looked up from where she was jamming the fan’s plug into the wall. She looked right at Cressida. She wore trainers, denim shorts, a big blue t-shirt that was cropped at the waist, and had a fringe that needed trimming. Maybe she liked it a little long.
It was hard to get another glimpse of her as they moved across the floor. Cressida was grateful to Freddie; while she somehow forgot everything except making her fingers look elegant, his surprising grace covered for her mistakes. He was really alright, she thought. She smiled at him when the class finally ended—a mix of apology and gratitude.
He only said, “Tomorrow,” and gave her an overly formal head tilt that was almost like a bow.
While the room cleared out, Cressida lingered. Everyone had someplace to be; Bridgerton’s resort could only support this much carefree relaxation by running all its activities on a tight schedule. That way, guests could be sure they were maximizing their time. But with fun! Fun, just the way the busy businesspeople who came here with their children liked it: itemized, prioritized, scheduled. Well, Cressida thought, the rest of the water polo group would have to survive without her this afternoon.
Because the girl—Eloise—was still there. She was cleaning a mirror. Poorly. There was something endearing about the fact that streaks continued to reappear, no matter how many times she wiped. Cressida went over to her. One of the box fans rattled on nearby.
“Do you work here?” Cressida asked.
The girl—Eloise—turned, eyebrows lifted in surprise. She snorted. Cressida was further charmed.
“A life sentence,” she said.
Cressida laughed, confused. It must have shown on her face.
“I’m a Bridgerton,” Eloise added. “Eloise Bridgerton.”
“Cressida Cowper.”
It felt strange to shake hands, but Cressida did it as though it weren’t. This was how she’d been raised: to never seem the unprepared in any situation. Never the uninitiated, never the inferior. Never mind that she was nineteen years old and Eloise Bridgerton looked to be about the same. It was a warm grip. Cressida hoped her palm wasn’t sweaty.
“A Bridgerton’s Bridgerton?” she confirmed.
Eloise’s smile was almost apologetic.
“The resort wasn’t exactly my idea—my grandfather came up with it before I was born, then my dad brought it into a renaissance before he died—but yes, my name on the sign, all the same.”
“Huh. Well, you should be proud,” Cressida suggested. “It’s very popular.”
“Oh yes. Yes. It is that. No risk of ever having to look for a summer job where my older brothers don’t get to boss me around.”
Cressida laughed, then took her turn at apologetic: “Only child.”
“The instructor then…”
“Yes,” Eloise confirmed. “He’s one of them.” She studied Cressida a moment. “He’s married.”
Cressida didn’t immediately follow. Maybe it was because it was still warm in the ballroom. Maybe it had been all that spinning.
“Pardon?” she asked.
“That’s why you’re asking about him, isn’t it? You wouldn’t be the first. People take his dance classes. There’s romantic music. Maybe he partners them to show them how a certain move should go. They’re here on holiday. They think, why not a fling?”
Cressida was shaking her head adamantly.
“That isn’t what I was thinking at all.”
“It isn’t?” Eloise appeared incredibly relieved. Cressida found herself hoping it wasn’t all because she’d just saved her from having to come up with a fake phone number for her brother.
“Not at all,” she repeated. “I guess I was just curious. Anthony teaches dance classes and you… move fans?”
When Eloise laughed, it had texture. Cressida wanted to stretch out on that laugh as if on a combed beach. She felt herself smiling just watching the delight she had caused.
“By choice,” Eloise said. “I move fans and clean mirrors and whatever else by choice. The rest of it isn’t for me.”
“The rest of it?”
Eloise gave Cressida a long, assessing look. She had obviously decided something when she spoke again.
“This whole… courtship ritual. Business, romance, whatever. Bridgerton’s became a household name in certain households,” Eloise lectured. “It’s a certain type of guest here. A certain segment of society.”
“I’ve been coming here with my parents every summer for as long as I can remember,” Cressida offered.
“So, you know then.”
“Are you saying the Bridgerton’s resort is some kind of front?” Cressida joked, hoping Eloise wouldn’t take offence to the question.
Her snort said she didn’t.
“Not as insidious as that,” she said. “It plays a role, is all. Businesspeople make deals. Parents nudge their children towards relationships with the right families.”
“These are our circles. These are the people we know.” Cressida didn’t completely understand Eloise’s criticisms, but she wasn’t bothered by them. She found this box fan girl interesting. She found her unusual. Neither of them asked whether the other would be missed, if there were someplace else they were supposed to be at that moment. It was so strangely easy to just talk to this girl. She was sure it wouldn’t have upset her parents to come across her making conversation. The girl was a Bridgerton! But Cressida didn’t think like her parents, and she couldn’t have cared less about Eloise’s last name. She cared that she was friendly, and that she made Cressida forget about the schedule of activities. She cared about the soft-looking ends of her fringe.
Eloise shrugged off the topic and sat down. There were chairs around the edge of the dance space, beautiful chairs that seemed more suited to the ballroom aesthetic than the needs of sweaty amateur dancers. Cressida sat on another of them. The mirror and cloth were forgotten. The sport of water polo might never have existed.
“My parents met here,” Cressida confided.
“Many couples do,” Eloise acknowledged. She could just reach one of the fans if she extended her leg; Cressida watched her turn the fan towards them with the toe of her trainers. The sudden rush of cooler air was excellent. She looked questioningly at Cressida. “Better?”
“Much better.”
“How ’bout you and the guy you were dancing with?”
“You saw me dancing?”
Eloise rolled her eyes, but her cheeks went a bit pink, making Cressida smile in satisfaction.
“You’re tall and blonde and about a quarter of the age of most of your classmates. So, yes,” Eloise admitted, as though under great duress (in which Cressida was absolutely delighting), “I saw you dancing.”
“His name is Freddie Debling,” Cressida supplied once she’d wrung this from Eloise. She was preening a little, possibly patting her hair to ensure her bun was still in place.
“Is dear Freddie your boyfriend, corporate ally…?”
Though Cressida wanted to laugh, she found she couldn’t. Whatever Eloise saw on her face then seemed to make this brazen, opinionated girl uncomfortable for the first time.
“God, I am so… I am so sorry,” Eloise backtracked, sitting up straight like she was about to rise from her chair. “That is none of my business. You’re a guest and… ha… the look of disapproval my mother would be giving me right now for just rambling at you—”
“Please stop,” Cressida requested softly. “You can say whatever you’d like.”
“But you just told me to stop.”
Cressida smiled, wrong-footed but somehow pleased, because Eloise was grinning at her, teasing her, still talking to her. She would be just as generous. She would be truthful, and venture something of her own experience.
“I barely know Freddie,” she said. “He seems nice. Apparently, he comes here mainly for the birdwatching, and I’ve heard some girls say that’s a red flag, but I think they’re just reacting to the idea of a man with a pair of binoculars.”
“Not not creepy,” Eloise put in.
“He’s alright though, really. The problem with him—or anybody else, honestly—is, well, it’s like you said. These courtship rituals. Freddie Debling might be odd, but he’s successful. My parents…” She sighed.
Though the Mad Libs club wouldn’t meet until 4:30, Eloise went ahead and filled in the blank.
“You feel pressure to go out with him. Get romantically involved.”
Cressida nodded.
“A date might be fine. Being dance partners is fine. But there would be this expectation…”
“For it to be more than a summer fling.” Once again, Eloise had understood.
“Exactly,” Cressida said. She crossed her legs and circled her dangling foot above the ballroom floor. “Freddie and I look awfully good on paper.”
“I might just be moving fans around, but I’m in this world too. I do understand.” Eloise nudged her shoulder into Cressida’s, making Cressida smile.
“Maybe I should just go out with you then,” Cressida kidded. (But, oh, she wasn’t kidding.)
“Maybe you should.”
“If only you danced.”
Eloise jerked back and continued to lean away from Cressida as she demanded, “Who says I don’t?”
“Everyone in my fucking family can dance,” Eloise assured Cressida jauntily, enlighteningly. “And two of us teach it.”
“You teach classes?” Broadening her idea of Eloise to admit dancing was one thing; imagining Eloise—squeaky cart-pushing Eloise, too-long fringe Eloise—clapping her hands and shouting above the music for people to elongate their lines and pressing her hand to a back or a hip (Cressida swallowed at the thought) to correct someone’s posture… that was another.
But Eloise said, “Oh god, no. My sister, Daphne. She’s the other one.”
Cressida nodded and glanced around the ballroom as she processed this. She looked back to Eloise when she noticed, from the corner of her eye, that she was being watched. Their eyes met and Eloise cocked her head in curiosity.
“Are they missing you at Pilates right now?” she inquired.
“Don’t be silly.” Knowing she was being teased, Cressida took a deliberate pause before adding, “Pilates is at dawn.”
Eloise wrapped an arm around her stomach and laughed hard. Cressida felt herself beaming reflexively. She didn’t know the last time she’d made someone laugh—she genuinely couldn’t think of it. Eloise, who was so very clever, so very witty herself… Eloise found her funny. It felt quite nice.
Eloise sighed and smiled.
“Can I keep you a little longer then?” She stuck out her hand, palm up, and wiggled her fingers in invitation.
“Is this a date?” Cressida asked wryly.
“Just a dance.” Eloise got to her feet, and when Cressida placed her hand in Eloise’s, she pulled her up too, leading her towards the center of the room. “Though, as I’m sure you know, when it comes to courtship rituals—be they business or romantic in nature—dancing together is a pretty classic move.”
Eloise was funny and a sweet, offbeat sort of charming that was taking Cressida by surprise—and so it wasn’t until she had Eloise’s hand on her waist that she remembered she was genuinely piss poor at this. She started to get nervous, shooting Eloise a tight smile.
“Talking was nice, actually,” Cressida said anxiously. “Maybe we should do more talking.”
“We can talk while we dance.” Eloise stepped forward, and Cressida knew she was meant to step back, but she didn’t. They bumped into each other. Eloise released her and stepped back. “Or not?”
“Just… I’m not good at this. I’m not one of the dancing Bridgertons.”
“Alright, well, no need to make us sound like a sideshow,” Eloise said with a laugh. “You and I can just dance. I don’t expect you to be Anthony. I’m actually extremely glad you’re not Anthony, if that isn’t obvious. Or Daphne or Freddie Whatshisface.” She flapped a dismissive hand.
“I’m afraid I might step on your feet,” Cressida confessed.
“I think I could survive that.”
“Yes. And are you forgetting that I already watched you dance? I know you hold your shoulders too stiff and you’re shit at finding the beat if you lose it.”
Cressida ignored these bluntly-delivered critiques to focus on something more interesting.
“You watched me dance?” she checked.
“I already said.”
“You said you saw me dancing. That’s not the same.” Cressida was smiling smugly now, fears of toe-treading all but departed. It was warmer away from the fans, and with Eloise’s hand returning to her waist, the other gripping her own.
“Yes, well, these aren’t splitting-hairs lessons—which you clearly don’t need. We’re here to dance.” Eloise lifted her chin with a theatrical grandiosity. “So let’s fucking dance.”
“Let’s fucking dance,” Cressida agreed, giggling.
Eloise counted them in and, in the absence of music, kept counting. Cressida really wasn’t good, and Eloise was smaller than Freddie, so Cressida couldn’t simply surrender to letting her partner steer her around—brute-forcing competence—while she tripped over her own feet. When Cressida tumbled out of step with Eloise, Eloise just carried on counting out the beats until they could re-enter the dance together. It forced Cressida to pay attention instead of giving up, and made her feel she was, just maybe, getting a little bit better.
She was out of breath when they packed it in. They both slouched towards one of the fans and sat down on the cool floor. Cressida started stretching, but when Eloise laid down on her back, Cressida joined her. Side by side, they stared at the ceiling.
“You really aren’t bad,” Eloise stated.
“Except that my shoulders are stiff and I can’t find the beat and—”
Cressida smiled at the ceiling.
“My fingers are good though.”
She heard Eloise shift and glanced over to discover she was being stared at. Eloise’s mouth was even open a little.
“My fingers. A-Anthony said,” Cressida stuttered to explain, “that our fingers should be elegant.”
“Right.” Eloise cleared her throat, dark hair sliding across the floor as she nodded. “Right, yeah, you’ve gotta… you’ve gotta think about that. Which you are. That’s great.”
After her babbling, Eloise was avoiding her eye. Slowly, Cressida smiled. She had just thought of a new activity to schedule in every afternoon for the rest of her summer holiday.
So much for water polo.
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filmbyjy · 2 years
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— the mafia main masterlist
pairing: lee heeseung x fem!reader
summary: working at one of the world's famous hotels in seoul was pretty interesting. you never thought your life would make a whole 180 when you got the job. you were now a mafia leader's fake wife and it's definitely not how you thought how you'd spend life.
warnings: cussing, shady business, honestly would make a little more sense if you played the game bc i tried my best to describe it as how i remembered. it's been a whole 1 year since i played that game. flirty heeseung.
word count: 9.1K words
NOTE: o em gee😵‍💫 it’s been so long since last touched this series. i was supposed to continue to it after ‘jam out’ ended but you know the whole fiasco happened with my account so here this is. i’m still procrastinating on writing the next member. i feel like it’s not as great so I may just scrap it and restart the whole thing🗿
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when you look at a hotel, you would never think anything shady was happening. it was just a simple mere 5 star hotel that stood tall in the middle of seoul with all its glory. to many, the people behind this spectacular place were more in the talks. who were they? you might ask.
“have you heard about lee heeseung? one of the owners of this spectacular building?” one rich lady asks another.
“i heard. aren’t there 6 other guys too? i heard they are quite dashing too.”
“yeah. think we could meet them?”
“nobody ever gets to meet them. only if we were lucky, we would.” the ladies snobbishly laugh before leaving the hotel grounds.
you rolled your eyes at them. this was how it was everyday for the past 1 week at your new workplace, they always talked about the building but mainly the 7 boys who actually owned the place and built other hotels after.
Decelis Resort, it was really hard to get a job here. all their staff was to be trained. the first few days when you started were harsh. it felt like an army training camp rather than a simple training. thankfully, you became friends with the rest of the maids and even one of the higher up maids. there were two maids who joined 2 weeks earlier than you. they certainly made you feel like you were cinderella, as they constantly made fun of you and always left the work for you to do.
but at least there were other maids to help you out. that’s how the bond was because every one of them has gone through descrimination from the guests here.
“(name), care to help me?” danbi asks. she stands at one end of the bed and you stood at the other. the both of you lifted up the covers and straightened it out. she goes to grab something out from the cart. “oh no, we’ve ran out of towels to put in this room.”
“I can get it for you.” you say.
“(name). it’s okay, i can get it. you can stay here and help sort more stuff in this room. i’m sure you still haven’t really memorised where the storage room is.”
“well, i have to learn, don't i? so, this is a great opportunity for me!”
“oh (name).” she sighs. “alright, you can go but if you get lost. please call me, don’t even bother pondering over the contact. you know how this place is, it’s scary. one mistake and you are done for.”
“alright, danbi unnie.” you say.
you were determined to get the route of the storage room right. you always wondered why the heck it was so confusing to find the place but danbi simply explained that it was the owner’s decision to do it. which owner? danbi doesn’t know, all she knows is that it was one of them. everyone suspects it was lee heeseung because the two parks of their group couldn’t stop making out with girls. they were party lovers and you would always catch them partying with girls surrounding them constantly. some people even say that they always came back with lipstick marks staining the corner of their lips, dishevelled hair and a smirk adorning their lips. probably making out with their chosen girl for the night in a janitor’s closet. hence, lee heeseung was done with their doings so he placed the storage room far from any contact. it made the job for the maids harder though so you thought lee heeseung must really hate cleaners or either he really didn’t plan the floorplan properly at all.
“now was it the left or right turn?” you say. you took the right corridor. which wasn’t the way at all to the storage room. you entered one of the rooms.
“oh? are those towels?” you say. surprisingly, they had cleaned towels here but they were high up on the shelf. too tall for you. you found a chair but it didn’t look sturdy. you knew you had to take the risk since you needed those towels. you climbed the chair and went to grab the towels.
“just a little more.” you went on your tiptoes trying to reach for the clean towels. unfortunately, the chair gives up on you and you fell to the ground. it wasn’t a high fall but you were for sure going to have bruises the next morning. you wince at the sharp pain that appeared on your ankle. your uniform torn from getting caught on something as you fell.
the torn definitely made you look unprofessional though since it was like a cut slit to a formal dress. you were practically showing off a decent amount of your skin. you sighed and then you realised something else had broken as you fell. it was an art piece, sure to be way more than your salary. let’s hope nobody finds you-
“you.” someone says. you gasp and hide your face. he pries your hands off your face. “you just broke the bosses’ art piece! you are going to pay it back in full amount now!”
“h-how much is it?” you asked. the guy smirks.
“definitely more than your poor ass can afford.” you flinch when he brings his hand forward to tilt your head up to face him. “you seem pricey though, surely we would earn millions of dollars.” he smirks.
“i’m not an object though and i can’t be sold!” you say. the guy laughs.
“then find another solution for you to pay me off.”
“I can give you in small amounts first. how about that?” you suggest.
“it’s going to take you a lifetime if you want to pay me the full amount.”
“then i shall do it! I don’t care how long it takes. i would rather do that then we sold off to god knows what.” the guy laughs hard.
“Well too bad. I will not take that deal.” he knocks you out cold. the next time you opened your eyes, you could hear talking and gossiping. it was dark, something was blocking the light. the blanket gets pulled off from the place where you held at. you quickly realise, you were in a giant cage and your hands were bound to the chair by a tight knot.
you couldn’t even say a word as there was tape covering your lips. you could hear the guy calling out numbers and you only assume it was the price. it kept going up. this was it, you would be sold to some random old dude and he could do whatever he wanted with you. you wished someone would at least help you. please anyone but a random creep. you looked up to see who was betting for you.
there was this guy who was constantly betting for you and he looked like a complete creep. smirking at you, rubbing his hands and licking his lips constantly. it made you sick.
“going once, going twice. sold to the man in-” in grows quiet, someone else raised his hand. he was at the top, overlooking everyone. “What’s the price you’d like to name, sir with the mask and red hair.”
“100 million usd.” the announcer’s jaw drops. actually everyone’s jaw drops, even yours if your mouth wasn’t taped shut.
“anyone would like to add more?” the creep raises his hands.
“140 million won.” your eyes widened.
“500 million usd.” the guy in the red hair says. everyone gasps again. the creep was shocked. he quickly backs down, he can’t lose his money. he only had a certain amount.
“going once, going twice. sold to the man in the mask with red hair!” the announcer comes up to you and opens the door.
“good luck on your new life.” he whispers, you felt shivers down your spine. he removes the rope binding you to the chair and removes the tape across your lips. the guy who bought you comes up to you and holds out his hand. you hesitantly take it. a small smirk appears at the corner of his lips. he pulls you close.
“meet upstairs.” he hands you a keycard before pulling back and turning to the announcer. “The money is with my friends, let us go to them.” the announcer nods and follows the guy along. A few bodyguards coming along with the announcer to protect him, you guessed. you did what you were told to do because you were terrified.
you got in the elevator but you realise, that there were far more levels than upstairs. you noticed there was a penthouse but you were certain that was not what the guy meant. from what you were told, the penthouse was where the owners of the buildings hang out and probably stay. there was no way the guy wanted you there.
you entered the 18th floor, it was a ball. well, the business meeting kind of ball. tons of guests here were the rich business men/women. you certainly felt out of place, bruises glazing your skin, you carefully walked around when someone hands you an empty wine glass.
“thank you, the service here has been so far horrible. waiters are nowhere to be found. you guys should step up, we are providing more work for you to get money!” ah, how you despise rich snobby people but you couldn’t do anything. what if you somehow got told on and then you got fired. you were not taking any chances.
“of course sir, we are so sorry for the terrible service provided. I will make sure to inform the service team of our horrible behaviour.” you bowed. the guy scoffs.
“is this what enhypen taught their staff? those young boys are nothing but good looks. they have no skills.” you looked down pretending to feel sorry for the damage the other staff had done. someone stands next to you and you looked up. you stared at the man who just stood beside you. he smiles at the guy who insulted the owners of the hotel.
this young man had streaks of dirty blonde hair against his natural hair colour, his lips were wide but even though he was wearing a masquerade mask to hide his identity, you could tell he was really handsome. the suit was wearing showed off his amazing physique, small waist line, perfect combination of masculine and feminine hands, long legs and strong chest muscles (he most definitely had a huge heart under there). A rose tattoo adorned his beautiful neck, the final touch to make any girl swoon over him.
he smirks.
“you must be mr.hansel.” the young man holds out his hand. mr.hansel shakes his hand.
“yes, that is certain. i’m so sorry for not being able to recognise you but who might you be exactly.” mr.hansel says. the young man smirks again. he take off his mask and mr.hansel gasps.
“nice to meet you, i am sim jaeyun, i go by jake too. one of the owners of the decelis hotels.” he smiles. you froze in your spot.
you mean he is the jake that is part of the enhypen team? one of the owners who are highly important and the ones who created the hotels that every rich people lavish in?
mr.hansel freezes too. you noticed he was taken aback, not being able to find words to form.
“i overheard you talking to one of our staffs here.” jake turns to look at you. “you were complaining about the horrible service here and about how we don’t train our staffs right. we do apologise for that.”
“no no, it’s okay haha. mistakes are common of course. not everyone can do their job right all the time.” jake nods in agreement.
“that is very true. in that case, shall i punish our staff over here and her team?”
“oh my, there is no need for that.”
“great because she is no staff.” jake says. you tilt your head, “she’s mr.lee heeseung’s wife.”
mr.hansel’s eyes widened. he looks at you and starts bowing whilst muttering a string of apologies.
“i am so sorry, my dear lady. mr.lee has never revealed that he has a wife and we have never seen her before so i did not know it was you. Forgive me.” he mutters. you looked shocked. you turned to look at jake before he gestures for you to act it out.
“u-uh, it’s okay. i came out here without my husband’s knowledge and in a disguise. i just wanted to see how the ball was doing since my husband didn’t allow me to.”
“well, enough with the apologies, your husband awaits for you upstairs.” jake says. he helps to escort you.
you enter the elevator, jake swipes his card and clicks onto the penthouse. it looked similar to the one the guy had given to you downstairs. your eyes widened. wait so were you supposed to go to the penthouse with the keycard??
“you know, you’re really naive. heeseung hyung was waiting for you and was even looking for you but you were nowhere to be found. He thinks you should repay since he saved you from being sold to some creep.” you kept quiet. you shouldn’t voice out to someone of higher authority than you.
the elevator doors open, jake walks out first. you noticed there were 6 other people standing in the middle of the room.
“hyung, here you go. got your chew toy for you.” jake says. everyone turns their heads to look at you. you suddenly felt small, out of place. after all, these boys were higher class than you. one of them comes up to you and hands you a set of new clothes.
“here you go noona, your work attire is all ripped up.” he smiles.
“sunoo, stop being so nice to everyone you meet.” the boy with silver hair groans.
“well sunghoon hyung, maybe if you actually tried being nice to a girl for once you’d be able to find love and possibly get laid!” sunoo says. The boy named sunghoon gasps. clearly a little offended by the younger boy’s remarks. jake laughs before patting his dear friend’s shoulder.
“sunoo is right bud, being grumpy all the time does not get you laid.”
“shut it sim. you too should realise that your so called girl best friend has no crush on you!” sunghoon huffs.
“oh hoon, i do know. i’m not that dumb alright. this is why i’m part of the tech team and you are part of the protocol team.” sunghoon shoves jake. they argue for what seemed like a minute. the guy in the red hair sighs, takes off his mask and runs his fingers through his hair.
“would you two idiots stop arguing?” heeseung says. the two younger boys stopped arguing.
“sorry heeseung hyung.” jake pouts. heeseung’s eyes met yours, he steps forward towards you and you moved back. heeseung obviously knew what you were doing so his hand reaches for your waist to scoop you closer to him. you couldn’t move back anymore and when he scooped you closer, your hands fall flat on his huge chest. you blushed.
“look, i have no feelings for you in any sort of way.” well that ruined the slightly romantic mood, if there was even one to begin with. “and since I ‘bought’ you, i can do anything i want to you.” you gulped.
‘anything’ he wanted. this was not what you’d expected you’d be doing 3 weeks ago before you got this job. you thought you’d be happily living your life since you just finished college days prior. you thought you’d be happily at home entertaining your younger siblings as they play with their pet bunny. possibly also teaching your siblings their math homework and then giving up because who in their right minds likes math?
“uhhh hyung, i think you are scaring the poor girl.” sunoo says. Heeseung lets you go. he cocks a brow at you.
“so, deal?” he says. as if you could say no. well, you could but that is only a first class ticket to unemployment and possibly death if they were bad people.
“deal.” you held out your hand to shake his. his hands were huge, it covers yours. funny how it strangely fit yours too well. you shiver.
“alright, your first task.” he stares right into your eyes, “be my wife.” your eyes widened. it shocked you and it seems like you weren’t the only one who was shocked too.
“hyung, are you sure about this?” the boy with dark blue hair says.
“yes, jungwon.”
“but heeseung hyung, you do know that if you declare you’re in a relationship. everyone who practically hates us will be after noona too?” the tallest boy says.
“which is why you and sunghoon hyung will be around her at all times. don’t leave her side.”
you wondered, what did the boy mean by ‘everyone who practically hates them, will be after you’. then it hit you, they were bad guys weren’t they? you were going to be associated with shady people. oh no.
“h-hey umm, if you don’t mind me asking but what do you guys do?” your voice was soft but surely enough for them all to hear. you were terrified if you voiced out they’d possibly harm you. sunoo pouts, he could easily read your expression.
“noona, don’t worry. we won’t harm you, at most we will harm the people who hurt you so you’re safest with us.” sunoo says.
“yeah, don’t worry. we will protect you from harm.” jake says.
“then what about my family?” heeseung steps forward and holds your hand.
“they will be fine, we can move them closer to us or we can get our spies to watch over them and protect them.”
“okay. umm, what do i have to do to be your…wife?” the other boys tilt their heads. “i’m sorry, i’ve never dated anyone and neither have i been offered to be someone’s wife.”
“you’ve never dated anyone? you look like you’ve dated at least 1 person in your life.” jake says.
“unfortunately, i’ve been single my entire life. i’ve only focused on school and i just finished college 3 weeks ago.”
“wait but college doesn’t end this early.”
“i finished earlier since they allowed me to.”
“and what course did you even take.”
“Business.” they were shocked. heeseung smirks.
“maybe you could be of use, my dear wife.” he says. you blushed and quickly looked away from them.
“I need to change, is there any bathroom around?”
“go up, straight and turn left.” jungwon instructs. you nod. “that’s heeseung hyung’s room, just use his bathroom. after all, you two are gonna be a wedded couple.” the younger boy smirks.
“jungwon.” heeseung sighs. he grabs your hand and pulls you along with him. he drags you up the stairs and into the bedroom before standing still in the middle of the room.
“i can’t change when you’re here though.”
“i’m going to be your husband though, so just change.”
“what?! no. we aren’t even real husband and wife. we don’t like each other and i’m just doing your task.”
he comes close to whisper in your ears, “we’ll have an official marriage cert so we will be officially married. which makes me, your official husband.” he steps back and smirks.
you grabbed the pillow on the bed and threw it at him. you didn’t care if this would get you fired, he was a pervert and you were absolutely disgusted.
“pervert!” you yelled. heeseung chuckles.
“i’m kidding. if you want to take a shower, go ahead and wash up. towels are in the bathroom. i’ll be waiting for you downstairs.” he winks before exiting the bedroom.
why did heeseung have to tease you like that? did all bad guys have to be so flirty and charming? or were you somehow attracted to bad people? no that’s not possible. you huffed and glared at the closed bedroom door.
“what have i seriously gotten myself into.”
you walked downstairs after changing and everyone literally watched you walk down the stairs. you didn’t like the attention and spotlight.
“why are you guys staring at me like that?”
“uhh sunoo, are you sure this outfit is appropriate for any of our eyes.” sunghoon asks. jake smacks the boy’s arm before pointing at heeseung. he had his arms folded and staring at them. “sorry, she’s your so-called ‘wife’ forgot.”
heeseung pulls off his blazer and wraps it around you, he holds it shut.
“don’t you guys have jobs to do? we still need to find clues as to where that idiot of a guy is.”
“right, sorry hyung.” the tallest boy bows. he goes to leave the room with sunghoon. jungwon and jake left together to enter another room. jay and sunoo remained.
“umm hyung, we kinda need you since we are working as a team.” sunoo says.
“jay, how about you go meet up with the people downstairs. i’m sure there are great investors to meet up.” heeseung says.
“yes, oh great lee heeseung.” jay bows. sunoo holds in his laughter while heeseung glares at jay. the both of them quickly left the area before heeseung could even say anything. they knew if they stayed longer, he would have possibly used his hyung card to whack them.
“idiots.” heeseung mumbles.
“uhh, i’m not exactly sure what to do…” heeseung turns to look at you. his gaze was intimidating but in some way, it flustered you. especially since he was so good looking.
“well, you need a ring and we need to register our marriage certificate so let’s go out.”
“but i haven’t clock out and technically, i’m still working. i have a shift until 10pm.” heeseung sighs.
“i’ll talk to the person-in-charge of you, you will be excused. this is more important than your job.”
“how is this more important than my job-” before you could even finish, heeseung holds your hands and lightly drags you out of the penthouse. there was another elevator down to the VIP garage. which you didn’t know existed because you were sure it was simply only for the 7 boys.
heeseung opens the door for you and you enter his-
“It’s the latest ferrari model.” heeseung says as he sees you gawking at how nice the exterior and interior of the car is.
“and how much is it exactly?”
“About 700-800 million won.” heeseung casually says as he starts up the car. your eyes widened. you feel like you should not be seated in such an expensive car.
“are you sure you are okay with me sitting in this car? i mean, if i scratch anything won’t that anger you?”
“the boys play rough all the time so no, i’m not worried over a tiny scratch. besides, you are already paying by being my wife. my earnings are also for you to share.”
“don’t tell me you’re a sugar daddy.”
“would you be surprised if i am?”
you gasp, “no way. are you actually one?” heeseung chuckles.
“no, i’ve never even dated anyone-” he shuts his mouth before clearing his throat, “i mean, i’ve dated someone before.”
“you know heeseung, you’re not that lame if you’ve never dated anyone. besides, i did mentioned i have never met anyone too since i’m too busy with school. I’m sure you had your reasons to not date anyone.”
“right.” he blushes, “any ideas of rings you’d like to get.”
“A simple one please.”
“simple one it is.” he says.
you entered a shop filled with high class jewellery. Diamond rings and necklaces everywhere. it sparkled like your eyes as you glance through the collections. heeseung smiles. he goes over to the worker.
“mr.lee, what would you be getting today.”
“a ring.” the worker smiles and nods.
“for the lady over there?”
“mhm, she’s the one.”
“judging by her appearance I think she suits these rings. let me just bring it out and you can call over to get her opinion on it.”
“thank you. oh and it’s no simple ring, rather a wedding ring.” the lady was quite shocked but she still manages to put on a smile. a fake smile. how could someone like you be marrying lee heeseung, just one of the seven charming owners of Decelis Resort.
“right on it, sir.” she says. heeseung scoffs once she leaves.
coming from a family full of liars, he could easily differentiate their fake expressions from their real expressions. it was honestly a game for heeseung and it baffled him how fake some people could be to suck up to someone handsome, not that he knows he is handsome. they’d never bat an eye for someone who was deemed ‘ugly’. 
the lady comes back and shows heeseung the collection that she thought was perfect for you.
“(name)?” he calls out your name sweetly. you walked over to him and panned the collection. they were surely pretty but none suit your exact taste.
heeseung comes close to whisper, “call me babe or any sweet nickname. wouldn’t want someone to suspect that we actually aren’t married.” he moves back and pushes a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“so sorry dear, your hair was blocking my view of you.” heeseung says. your heart leaps.
“o-oh.” you feel your cheeks flame up, “thank you, babe.”
“anytime, love.” and…there goes your heart rate. you were starting to question if heeseung was lying about being single for all of his life because there is no way someone who is single can flirt and use such smooth vocabulary.
“now, what did you want to say before, love?”
“ah right, i was about to ask for your opinion for the ring design. i’m not entirely sure which rings suit me.” you blushed. heeseung pats your head. he scans through the collection and one of them catches his eyes.
“may i take a look at this?” he asks the lady. she nods and takes it out and carefully hands it to heeseung. heeseung delicately grabs your hand and slips the ring in. you stared at the ring.
it was twisted and intertwined with a line of small diamonds lacing one of the twists. surely sweet and simple enough for you. you looked up at heeseung and he smiles before turning to the lady.
“we’ll take this. Ah right, i have to get a ring too.” he turns to you, “care to choose a ring for me, love?”
“i’m not exactly sure what would suit you.”
“i’m not picky and definitely will never judge you.” he side eyes the lady seemingly indirectly calling her out on what she did before.
“alright.” you turned to the lady, “may i see the collection you have for wedding rings for men?”
“right this way.”
after shopping for the rings, you and heeseung went to the marriage officiant to get an official letter stating you two were married for real. they were surprised to see heeseung here since after all his private life was practically surrounded by cameras due to him being one of the top businessmen. they were of course shocked when he walked through the doors with a girl they did not know about. how did heeseung shield you away from cameras and paparazzi. not only that, how did you two even meet when you looked like a pretty average person and not part of some rich family.
those were the questions in their head as they watched you and heeseung sign the marriage letter together. then they saw the loving gaze heeseung gave you. well some sort, heeseung knew they were judging the both of you. he knows the public would act like this since it’s not common for an average person and someone as high-class as him to marry but was society this fucked up? yes, unfortunately it was.
the both of you left the place as an official married couple. heeseung’s phone rings, he goes to answer it and so you were left to wait for him as he finishes the call. once he does, he brings you over to the car and drives back to the hotel.
“you should sleep over. it’s easier for you to get to work on time without having to wake up early. it’s already pretty late.” heeseung says.
“no, its fine. my mom will be worried sick.”
“i see, in that case, i’ll drive you home and pick you up before work.” your eyes widened at heeseung’s words.
“no, it’s okay. you don’t have to drive me to work, you must be very busy with whatever. besides, we can’t exactly be seen as a couple in front of other staffs.”
“what’s so wrong about that?”
“they’ll think i got into this job through you or that i seduced you.”
heeseung snorts, “they don’t know the reason for us to even exist in the first place. Society is constantly judgmental. you don’t have to care about what they say. you’re living your own life.”
“I guess so but you seriously don’t have to pick me up tomorrow. my mom might question our relationship if you do.”
“I can just always tell your parents that i’m your boyfriend or better yet, your husband.”
“please don’t, she’ll think it’s a shotgun marriage and that i got married to you because we had a one night stand and now i’m pregnant.”
“will your mom really think that way.”
“you don’t know my mom, she’s insane.”
“maybe that’s why you are equally as insane.” heeseung jokes. you smacked his arm. “i’m kidding!”
“well, that’s not funny.” you pout. the car stops at a red light. heeseung unbuckles his seat belt and leans in to peck your lips. you gasp and before you could even question him, he speeds when the green light flashes.
“care to tell me your address now?” heeseung cocks his brow whilst smirking. you rolled your eyes playfully.
“it’s xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx.”
heeseung drives you home. it was silent and neither of you wanted to mention the little stunt heeseung had pulled. why did he suddenly peck you? was it just the slightly romantic air? why did his personality do a 180° flip? those were just a few questions that kept you awake, you couldn’t even sleep properly.
your alarm rings and you were shaken by your younger siblings waking you up.
“noona! help us choose what shoe to wear!!” the twins say.
“junyoung, jihoon. It’s too early in the morning.”
“well shoes are important!” junyoung stomps his little foot on the ground.
“yeah, very important!” jihoon added.
“alright, i’ll help. where is mom?”
“we tried to call her but i think she’s asleep.”
“that’s because it’s 6am. your classes don’t start until 8am. i have to get ready for work. just go back to sleep and mom will help you, okay?”
“fine! you are of no help, noona.” junyoung huffs before walking away. jihoon goes to almost agree but he stops himself. he gives you a hug and apologises for junyoung’s behaviour.
your twin brothers, junyoung and jihoon. they are both 10. junyoung was more chaotic compared to jihoon. jihoon was the nicer one of the twin pair, he only agreed with junyoung whenever it was right but whenever junyoung was in the wrong, he was quick to disagree. in this case, he did not believe you were of no help. in fact to jihoon, you were the best sister he could have. he wouldn’t trade you for anyone else.
you quickly showered and put on your work attire. somehow, you were thankful that you bought extra pairs in case. you had to return the clothes the boys lent you, you felt somehow in debt. maybe you were considering heeseung quite literally saved you from being sold to a creep. you quickly left a note at the fridge to inform your mom you had already gone off to work. yes, you had a very early shift and ended extremely late.
you quickly clocked in and checked your roster. cleaning duty. at least you wouldn’t be stuck with those two girls-
you heard their laughter from down the hallway. you weren’t one to be mean but their laughter sounded obnoxious. you glanced back at the roster and quickly realised…
“great, stuck with them for practically the whole day. they are probably just going to make me do their work. as per usual.” you sighed. they stepped into the room and scoffed when they saw you.
“you. why are you here so early.”
“sorry, i shall leave. I have business to attend to.” you say.
“hold on.” you paused in your step.
“take this with you.” they hand you a broom and basic cleaning supplies.
“you didn’t think we’d do the work right?”
“as your newbie orientation, you shall do extra work so you can get used to this hard labour.” they laughed. you nodded and went your own way.
you had no energy to deal with them early in the morning. you dropped the bucket of supplies onto the ground and got ready to clean the lobby. it was clean for the most parts but you were sure after last night’s ball, there had to be something amidst the clean surface. you mopped, swept, cleaned the windows and took care of the plants all by yourself until 12pm in the afternoon. lunch time finally came around and you sat down in the staff room.
heeseung pops his head in and you were startled by it. you were thankful that no one was around because it wouldn’t be great if anyone saw you with one of the owners of Decelis Resort.
you pulled heeseung inside and locked the door behind you. you folded your arms at the boy.
“why are you here?”
“can’t i visit my own wife?” you covered his mouth.
“don’t say that out loud. with the people i’m working with today, i’m sure they would be the type to listen in behind closed doors.” heeseung pries your hand off his lips.
“haven’t i told you to ignore the judging?”
“you have but these two literally bully me-” you cover your mouth.
“bully you? what did they do?”
“nothing, mr.lee-”
“also haven’t i told you that you are now my wife, you should call me by name or at least a nickname.”
“no one is around.”
“anyone can be around. you don’t know how my world works.”
“fine, since i don’t know how your world works, then why don’t you teach me.”
“that’s why i came here, to bring you over since i have some business meeting to attend to. i need my ‘wife’ to come with me so that everyone can get all shocked.”
“you could have said that first before barging in like that.” heeseung sighs.
“i was going to but you got all scared in case your co-workers heard me.”
“can you really blame me? I am suddenly married and my husband is the owner of the resort. they’d freak out.”
“whatever, i’ll meet you upstairs. don’t be late and here, the keycard.” heeseung goes up first. you rolled your eyes.
why was he so snappy today. you didn’t bother clocking out since you were still going to be in the hotel. i guess it was best that you should go up as quickly as possible to prevent heeseung from getting mad at you.
“first time getting snapped up by heeseung hyung?” ni-ki says as he leans on the elevator walls. “it’s normal, he is just stressed over work. since you are his wife now noona, you could relieve his stress.” the elevator dings and ni-ki leaves the confined space before you could even answer him.
“what did that boy mean?” you wondered. then it hit you, you gasp and covered your mouth in shock. “who taught him such dirty things?”
“hi noona.” sunoo waves and smiles. you smiled back at him.
“where is heeseung?”
“Mmm, i think in his office. probably handling some stuff. me and jay hyung need to go somewhere, do tell him since you are visiting him noona.”
“alright.” sunoo slightly bows and leaves. you went up the steps and looked around for heeseung’s office. surprisingly, you found it with ease. you knocked on the door and you could hear a small ‘come in’ before you entered. the room was huge, tons of books on each shelf. heeseung sat on the leather chair, glasses adorning his face, his tie loosened up and he muttered grunts and curses as he types away on his desk.
“you wanted me up here?” you say. heeseung briefly looks up from his laptop, his eyebrow lifting as he looks at you.
“ah right, you’re 10 minutes late.”
“i’m sorry, i was talking to sunoo. right, he said he and jay went out.” heeseung sighs before nodding.
“alright.” he stands up and hands you a red dress. “i have some business to attend to and i think it’s about time i show them my…wife.” heeseung grabs your hand and kisses it. you were flustered.
“umm where are we going?”
“i’m sorry?”
“we are going to meet with the client. this client is apparently quite the ladies’ man so it would be great to have you around to strike a deal with him.”
“oh but what if he…umm you know, tries something on me.”
“don’t worry. you’re safe in our hands.” he charmingly smiles.
you went to heeseung’s bathroom to change and you realised that the dress was extremely provocative. you looked at yourself in the mirror, eyes trailing each part of you. the dress was a spaghetti strapped velvety red dress with a slit starting from your thighs and down to your ankles. who were you? this wasn’t how you’d normally dress. you breathed in and out and confidently left the bathroom. heeseung was waiting for you, he settled right on his bed as he scrolled and typed on his phone.
“okay, i’m done.” you say. heeseung lifts his head to look at you and he was certainly in awe.
“perfect, now the hair and makeup needs to be done.”
“huh? I don’t have my makeup with me.”
“oh don’t worry.” he snaps his fingers and 2 ladies enter his bedroom with 2 huge makeup boxes. “they will take care of you.” heeseung smirks before leaving the bedroom.
they dolled you up to perfection and smiled once they were done.
“i never thought i’d see lee heeseung with a woman.” one of them say. you tilt your head.
“what do you mean?”
“ah well, heeseung kinda doesn’t hang out with any girls. after his whole family fiasco, he was never exactly keen on dating or let alone getting married.”
“what happened to his family-”
“ladies, i see you’ve done up my wife beautifully. we are already running a little late so we have to get going. thank you for your hard work.” heeseung says as he grabs you. the makeup stylist bowed at him as he left with you.
the ride there was a little quiet, you didn’t exactly know what to say or ask. you two weren’t exactly really in love so you couldn’t talk like normal couples do. heeseung parks the car once you two had arrived at the place. he holds out a hand for you to hold and you happily took it, he leads you into the building. everyone’s eyes were on the both of you, wondering how and when the lee heeseung got a girlfriend (or well wife).
“sir choi.” heeseung holds out his free hand to shake the person’s hand.
“mr.lee fancy seeing you here and without your usual partners.” the guy tilts his head at you before smirking. “who is this fine lady?”
“ah.” heeseung’s hand travels down to your waist, he tugs you closer before throwing the older male a smirk. “this is (name). my wife.” he smiles. you hear gasps from the other girls that were beside the client.
“oh, mr.lee has found a wife. never would have seen the day. she’s really beautiful.”
“thank you, sir. now, i am sure you owe me a game of poker.” the older male laughs.
“of course, mr.lee. we can certainly play a game of poker as we discuss our business together.”
“hold on for a second. I need to talk to my dear wife.” heeseung says.
“go ahead. i shall set up the game for us first.” heeseung bows before dragging you somewhere secluded.
“so, what am i supposed to do?” you asked.
“simple, just sit there and look pretty. he will get distracted by you and your beauty.”
“well, i don’t exactly look pretty. those other girls are shining more than me.”
“look, you may not know this but you’re really distracting me right now. which means, you’re pretty so don’t look down on yourself.” you blushed. “jay and sunoo are here too. take this.” he hands you the other side of the airpods.
“hey pretty.” jay says.
“jay, could you not flirt right now.” heeseung scowls at the younger boy.
“whoops sorry, you are her husband. my bad. i’ll back off.”
“hi hi noona.” sunoo says.
“hi sunoo.”
“okay enough with catching up, jay you have eyes on the guy. let me know his moves.”
“on it hyung.”
“sunoo, you’ll come in when it’s time. you know what to do.”
“okay hyung.”
“(name).” heeseung stares at you.
you felt flustered under his gaze, “y-yes?”
“you are going to need to act.”
“don’t have i have to sit there and just look pretty.”
“yes but try to act all flirty. send seductive looks to him. that will really get him distracted.”
“umm, i’ll try.” heeseung chuckles.
“you don’t have to if you can’t, your job after all is just to be by my side tonight.” 
“no, i’ll try to act. you did save me after all, it’s the least i could do for you.”
heeseung’s heart shouldn’t be racing as fast as right now. you looked adorable, well if he wasn’t looking at the outfit you were wearing. he nodded before bringing you over to where his client was.
“shall we play now?” heeseung sends his signature smirk to him. mr.choi laughs.
“eager to play, i see. in that case, let the games begin.”
the game starts, heeseung throws you a few glances. you nodded at him.
“noona, we need intel.” jay says.
“well, i’m not exactly great at poker so i don’t really know what is going on.”
“It’s okay noona. jay hyung, knows how to play and he knows tactics. he has eyes on mr.choi so you don’t have to worry about a thing. just tell us how he’s acting since we can’t see his expressions as great as you.” sunoo explains.
“for one thing, he keeps throwing me lustful looks.”
“guess you are doing well at being seductive.” jay says. you hear a smack from the other side of the call.
“forgive jay hyung, continue noona.” sunoo says.
“umm, he just has been throwing those like confident looks. like he knows he is going to win.”
“that’s because he believes so. mr.choi always wins poker matches by cheating.”
“heeseung hyung, just a heads up. he has an ace card under his sleeve and he will use it soon.” heeseung scoffs under his breath, he tilts his head to crack it before smirking at mr.choi.
“good god, he’s hot.” you whisper. it was loud enough for the boys to hear and yes including heeseung. it boosted his confidence though.
“noona, we heard that you know.” jay says. you blushed.
“ah, whoops. Sorry.” you were embarrassed, for a split second you forgot you were even wearing the airpods.
“alright, i’m pretty sure he is about to strike now. noona, you need to distract him.” jay says.
“umm.” you stood up and walked over to heeseung.
“babe, we should go.” your arms slither around heeseung’s waist. he smirks.
“of course, sorry to keep you waiting my lady.” mr.choi clenches his fist and slams the table.
“no one is allowed to leave in the middle of the game.”
“uh oh. hey, you think it’s time to call the others over. more specifically, sunghoon hyung and ni-ki?” sunoo says.
“yes of course.” heeseung answers. sunoo knows it was for both his question and mr.choi’s warning.
“noona, i think you should run to the bathroom. it’s going to get bloody. i’ll grab you.” sunoo says.
“i’m sorry, dear. I need to run the bathroom for a bit. you may continue your game.” you tried walking out but they blocked you.
“like i said, no one can leave in the middle of the game. including escorts.”
“we’re fucked.” you mumbled. you noticed someone walking in. it was jay.
“sorry to disturb the game mr.choi but i don’t think this was part of the deal.” jay puts on white gloves and then takes out a silenced pistol, he pushes back his slick back hair.
“mr.park.” mr.choi says in a distressed voice.
“how silly of you to have forgotten that the park family has joined forces with lee corporation.” jay scoffs. “you know how my family deals with people who don’t pay up.” jay cocks the pistol and points it straight to mr.choi. mr.choi’s personal bodyguards stepped in front of him, protecting him. jay laughs.
“ah, have you also forgotten. I have eyes everywhere.” a gunshot was heard and mr.choi falls flat onto the ground. you yelped, heeseung holds you close.
“heeseung hyung, you may leave. I have business to attend to. oh don’t worry about the money. it shall be deposited by the end of the day, sunoo is checking it.”
“do you need anymore help?” heeseung asks. jay laughs.
“just a clean up help? we need to make this massacre look like an accident.”
“I’ll dial for jake and jungwon for clean up help.” heeseung leads you out to where sunoo was. he sits in the driver’s seat and drives off.
“what about jay?”
“oh, don’t worry. he would never get into a horrible situation. he has help from his family.” sunoo says.
“his family is in it too?”
“yup. ah, i wish to have parents like his. they are really cool though. as for mine…they abandoned me.” sunoo says.
“i’m so sorry.”
“oh, it’s fine. you don’t have to pity me, noona. my parents are my enemies too, seems like karma got them the best though. hell sure looks great on their death certificate.” sunoo says with a happy smile on his face. your jaw dropped.
truly bone chilling for someone to just say so. heeseung chuckles.
“you’ll get used to this. sunoo usually says the grimmest things with a smile all the time.”
“i don’t think i’ll be able to do so.”
“well, don’t worry. i’m here.”
“eww hyung, you aren’t even a real couple. what’s with these flirty comments. it makes me wanna gag.” sunoo says. heeseung laughs.
a month passes by since that incident, your life was still unfortunately miserable considering those 2 maids were constantly on your ass. oh and they had found out you and heeseung were married which made it 10 times worse. heeseung doesn’t know this because you kept quiet and never told him about it since you didn’t want him to do anything drastic.
which you found weird considering, yes he was your husband but you were never a thing from the start. why was he constantly doing things for you? what if…what if he-
“yeah, there is no doubt in my mind that lee heeseung is in love with you.” danbi says. you smacked her arm.
“no, danbi unnie. he can’t fall for me. this is a fake marriage and well i can’t date him because he is a rich CEO and people like him.”
“to you it’s a fake marriage but everyone already knows you are in a real marriage. you even got real marriage certs, you can literally skip the dating phase and go straight to your hot CEO husband.”
“unnie, this isn’t right.”
“and so is denying your own feelings for mr.ceo. come on (name). give him a chance to melt your heart. actually, i’m sure he has already melted that heart of yours. considering he does things to you constantly that makes your heart go crazy.” she huffs. “this is descrimination to single people aka me.”
“shut it. your hot husband is coming over.” you froze.
“we need to go somewhere again. they want dinner with the couple.” heeseung smiles. you playfully rolled your eyes.
“do your clients want to or do you want to?”
“Both.” heeseung flirts.
“you two never fail to make me third wheel.” danbi says. heeseung laughs.
“come on, let’s go. my lady.” he holds out his hand and you happily took it. just as you were about to leave, the two (read: annoying) maids came up to you and heeseung.
“how could you leave in the middle of a shift? moreover, with the owner of Decelis Resort? disgusting, you’re just a wh*re.” heeseung scoffs.
“being a pick me girl i see. well, today’s a good day for the both of you. i’m assigning you two to a new job. a better one.”
the two girls gasp, “really?”
“yes, congrats. you’ve been promoted to unemployment.”
“what?” danbi holds in her laughter watching the two girls frantically panic.
“but we did nothing.”
“bullying surely isn’t nothing. after all, (name) is married to the owner of the Decelis Resort which makes her the co-owner of this place. if you insult the co-owner, it leads to expulsion. am i wrong? i’m just following the rules.” heeseung says. the two girls looked at you.
“we are sorry. we need this job. our parents will freeze our cards if we don’t work here.” they begged you. you turned to heeseung.
“well mrs.lee, you make the call. i’ll meet up in the penthouse.” he pecks your forehead.
once he leaves, the girls scoff.
“seriously, do you think you have the power? we only take orders from lee heeseung and the other enhypen boys.”
“ah, i came back to say. the expulsion will be done immediately so you may start packing your things right now ladies.” heeseung pops in. he leaves again and they turned back to you in shock. you simply shrug your shoulders.
“good luck.” you say.
in the car after changing into your outfit and putting on your makeup, heeseung drives with one hand on the wheel and the other holding your hands.
“so, who are we having dinner with?” you asked.
“someone who has worked for my family.”
“oh, it’s a big deal huh.”
“not exactly. we are having dinner with him because he may know who killed my parents.”
“right. again, i’m sorry about your parents’ death.” he rubs your hand.
“it’s okay. it happened already and there is no way i can bring them back.” heeseung smiles at you. your heart flutters. heeseung stops at a red light.
“heeseung, do you like me?” he turns to you.
“and if do? what are you going to do about it?” you unbuckled your belt and leaned forward to kiss heeseung. he quickly responds to it. it turns green and cars start honking at heeseung. he pulls away first and drives. you put on your belt again.
“i like you too.” you say. heeseung bites down a smile from appearing. he kisses your knuckles.
the both of you arrived at the restaurant, it was going really well until you felt something off. you excused yourself to the bathroom and dialed for jake.
“jake, something feels off. i think we need backup.”
“are you sure? i don’t think heeseung’s family connection would do anything to him.”
“jake, didn’t you say heeseung’s family was in debt to the mafia?”
“shit. we’ll come over right now. keep us updated for now.”
“alright.” the call ends and you went back to the table.
“love, do you want anymore desserts?” heeseung says.
“oh no, it’s okay. I’m really full right now.”
“can’t believe that our lee heeseung that we knew since he was young is married.” mr.kim says.
“that is right! you’re so grown up heeseung-ah.” mrs.kim praises. heeseung blushes.
“ah right, i forgot to ask.”
“ask away.” mr.kim says.
“do you happen to know who killed my parents? or did the killer ever leave any clues.” mr.kim was shocked.
“heeseung, did you not know?”
“know what?”
“your parents they are-” the door bursts open, they covered mr.kim lips and dragged mrs.kim out. they held you and heeseung at gunpoint and so you were forced to put your hand up. they were about to question heeseung when the other boys walked in.
“hey, big one. pick on someone your size.” ni-ki gestures for him to fight. the bigger guy runs to ni-ki but he was quick to avoid and then strike on the guy’s skull. you winced.
“missed us?” jungwon smirks. enhypen never knew who exactly these people were but any time heeseung tried to investigate about his parents’ death, they always appeared and caused chaos.
“sunoo, could you bring (name) out?” heeseung says.
“of course.” you quickly grabbed onto sunoo’s hand and he tries to lead you out of the room but there were people blocking the way.
“not again.” you sighed.
“noona, could you step back.”
sunoo breathes in, pulls out a pocket pistol and shoots twice before they could even react. he spins the gun and blows it out.
“come on noona.” sunoo smiles. you were still in shock. “oh? why is there a tissue paper on the ground?” sunoo picks it up.
“are alive?” it’s written in lipstick. you were thinking about it and then it hit you.
“heeseung’s parents are still alive.” sunoo gasps.
“we have to tell hyung.”
“well we can’t exactly tell them-” the 6 boys walked out of the door and shut it close.
“hey umm, we need a clean up. make it look like an accident as per usual, thanks.” jay ends the call.
“what’s wrong?” sunghoon says.
“Heeseung.” you hand heeseung the tissue paper.
“are alive? what does that even mean?” ni-ki tilts his head.
“my parents are alive.” heeseung says.
“they are what?” jake says.
“how can that even be possible. they’ve been dead for literally half of heeseung hyung’s lifetime and he is literally 40.” ni-ki says. heeseung glares at the younger boy.
“i’m not 40, ni-ki.” heeseung says.
“well you do seem like you’re ageing fast. white hair does not suit you by the way.” sunghoon says.
“can you not.” heeseung growls.
“well what are we going to do now?” jungwon says.
“find my parents and where mr.kim and mrs.kim have been abducted to.”
“is noona coming though.” sunoo says.
“well yes, she is my wife…for real.” heeseung says. you blushed. heeseung holds onto your hand.
“gross.” jay says.
taglist[open]: @my5colors @wtfhyuck @nyfwyeonjun @thealatte @dimplewonie @nuttykittypainter
(not me forgetting to put the taglist, sorry🙏🏻)
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midnightmayhem13 · 1 year
Hey May- Mayhem? Midnight? Do you have a preference? Let me know I wanna respect whichever you go by. 🩵 But either way I’ve been enjoying your headcanons so much!! And if you’re taking prompts, if not you can ignore this, I’d love to read some domestic grocery trips with all of the women or a fic with one you’d like to write. I think Carol and Nebula would be an interesting experience to take them with you lmao honestly all of them would be but something abt them makes me think they’d be all grumpy until they pass, aka stop at, the toys section and grab one
On the counter was a cardboard box
love this❕ and call me whatever one you feel like!! thank youuu
carol danvers
danvers hasn't been to a store in a while, and it definitely changed since the last time she when grocery shopping. why is everything so expensive? but she'd be willing to go but she wouldn't be so excited. she didn't like going in the 60's she probably wouldn't like it now. but if she's with you it's okay. she'll b a whiney baby and just like "babeeee when are we going home?". when you can't reach something she'll reach over you or literally lift you to it. then she'll be like "here you go baby". she'll be riding the cart around too, like a child on the loose. but if you buy her twinkies everything is okay.
sharon carter
sharon would actually be helpful omg. she'd hold you're hand the whole time and even make a list. if you ask for her opinion she'll state why one is better. and if you disagree she'll be like sweet and get that one for you. home girl is eyeing the whiskey the whole time judging the crappy ones they have on display, then giving you a full rundown of why to never get that one. she'd definitely offer to pay for you and you gotta fight her with to just not. it's not that it's not nice to have someone pay for you but you got money.
darcy lewis
dr would be so fun to shop with. she'd jam out to the playlist theyre playing over the speakers. she'd take random pictures of you too. and she deff would jump on your back and make you carry her around the store. you two get into arguments about cereal and shes a firm cheerios hater. she's also an almond milk girlie. and as if it were a ritual you two cheek the sweets section. if she seems smt over priced she'll be like "we can literally make that at home babe". then if you guys go past the tots section you definitely get a kick out of them. you guys spend more time in the toys section then the adult section. she also has a very strong opinion on specific pads. darcy definitely gives you puppy eyes if she sees a fuzzy blanket you two could add to your collection.
nebs is completely lost😭 she's never been to anything that wasn't some sort of space market. and you have to repeatedly tell her she can't just open a bag of snacks or punch a mannequin because they were "provoking her". she'd also be holding on to you super duper tight. to assert dominance over you of course. and she'll glare daggers if anyone looks at you. and if any workers offer assistance she'll be a little mean. you gotta love your blue meanie tho. when she passes by the toy or baby section. how could a thing be so adorable. she's never say anything tho. and she'll only calm down if you buy her a plushie. she'll even smile if you buy her one. if anyone even looks at her blueness you literally jump them.
maria hill
maria's gotta get shit done. so she doesn't really like spending time doing or looking at useless things. so when you drag her to the store she's not very happy. but you try you're best to cheer her up, her pout is so cute tho. you say it'll be a fun couple bonding experience, so she feels bad acting so annoying. she'd definitely geek out in the pen aisle. but if you're stuck between to cereals shes no help. she just says "i don't know love, you chose" she'll watch you in adoration as you pick out stuff and smile when you see something cute. she'll offer to hold the basket or shopping cart. she also loves dark chocolate and always checks out the stores coffee selection.
kate bishop
katie is like a child in the store. she kinda stays glued to you if they're too many people around but if it's rather empty she'll be touching everything. you two spend a while discussing in the snack lane. she also likes to sit in the shopping cart when you've been theyre "way too long". she'll be trying to convince you to by little things like you wouldn't do anything for her. kate also grabs little toys kids have left around after their mom said no. and if she accidentally pokes a toy and the package breaks she'll make her cute little face nd put it back silently.
a/n sorry if maria's and kate's are a little sloppy, i usually run outta ideas when i get to them but gotta do them justice❕❕
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chioneeirwen · 2 months
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The Search...
Chione had spent days trying to find a contract to hire. And still, no one bit the bait. Groaning, she threw the files of these missing men on her desk, littering the already disorganized mess she made. 
“Ugh… I’m just about to look for these damned fools myself. How has NO ONE taken the bait for gil? It seems like no one cares about workers anymore. Especially if they’re not wealthy, with gold lining their pockets.” Chione spat in annoyance. She was clueless about what to do next. And, of course, since she earned the rank of Lieutenant at the Barracks, everyone was too afraid of her to even speak to her. Another sigh left her lips as she pushed away from her desk, her back hitting the cushioned seat behind her. Her arm bent, and her forefinger and middle finger rested at her temple to ease the pressure that was building behind her eyes from reading too much in such piss-poor lighting. Eventually, she stood and picked up the papers and put them back in a neat pile before placing them back into their folder and putting them in the safe that was embedded into the stone wall behind her desk. Clearing her desk completely, she sighed before approaching a small servant’s cart, taking a wine glass, flipping it over, and pouring crimson liquid into the container. She returned to her office chair, her mind clouded by those people who went missing. 
“Twelve hear me… Please let these people be safe…” Chione whispered to the cold air, earning silence as her response. She relaxed, practically melting into the seat, taking a drink from the wine glass. Another sigh left her nostrils. Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear a rap at her door before hearing the hinges squeak. Looking up, she sees she’s met with her maid, Teagan. “Oh, Teagan! I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you knock. Please come in,” Chione invited with a pleasant smile. Teagan returned her smile and entered Chione’s chambers fully, the room feeling homey and clean. 
“What can I do for you this evening, Teagan? It is rather late, and I figured you and the rest of the household would be asleep by now,” Chione said, straightening in her seat and trying to remain proper in front of her attendant. 
“I’m sorry for the late intrusion, Milady,” Teagan began, bowing swiftly in greeting. 
“No need to apologize! Is something amiss?” Teagan pulled a missive from her coat and handed it to Chione. “I think someone answered your bounty, milady…” Chione stood from her leather-cushioned armchair, and gently took the letter from Teagan’s grasp and used a small blade to open the parchment. Inside was indeed a response, but the name was unfamiliar to her. Chione looked back up at her maid, who was lightly playing with her fingers.
“Thank you for delivering this to me, Teag… Did someone give this to you, or was it dropped off?” She questioned as she placed the missive back on her desk. The maid shook her head, “I didn’t see anyone when I heard the knock on the door. I came down the stairs from my bed chambers, walked to the door, and saw this missive jammed in the door frame. It looked like whoever responded didn’t want to be seen or spoken to. I opened the front door and looked around but didn’t see anyone.” 
Chione sat back in her chair and pondered, her fingers touching her palm, her thumb and forefinger resting against her chin. After sitting there silently, Teagan clears her throat and pulls the Lady out of thought. “A-Also, Milady, I wanted to congratulate you on your promotion to Lieutenant. You are more than deserving of this promotion and its power.” Teagan said with a simpered smile. Chione looks up at her and responds with a smile. “Thank you, Teagan. Your kindness is appreciated.” She finishes with a grin. 
The tall elezen man stood in a dark alleyway of a noble home he’d known since he could walk on his own two feet. Their families history running long and deep that their parents pushed for the young woman and man to become quick friends and possibly mates. However, at a young age, Hex found himself annoyed of the young girl and was quick to push her to the ground and pull at her hair in passing. 
Even in Sharlayan he continued to be her bully, but that one fateful Starlight Celebration and he was without a family to celebrate with, he found Chione standing amongst others before inserting himself. The years hadn’t been kind between them, but for that celebration she was his salvation. Since then, he’s held a certain soft spot when it came to her, but of course he wouldn’t admit it. 
Now that he’d seen her missive, searching for her men, he found himself answering her call while standing silently in the shadows of the dark cold night. Silently cursing himself on his decision to answer, he was close to leaving when he saw her window light still on that he found himself scaling the walls and up the window where he’d find himself perched all those years before. 
Hex listened to the conversation and waited for the maid to leave. When she did, he reached for the window to see if she left it unlocked like she did before, and to his surprise, it was open. Pushing it open slowly, he stepped through the window frame, his soft leather padding of his boot hitting the floorboards bringing in a slight chill to the otherwise warm room. 
“Long time no see, kitten.” Hex spoke in a soft and low baritone. 
“Sleep well, Teag… I’ll see you bright and early in the morning,” Chione said, a warm smile tugging her lips. Teagan bowed graciously. “Goodnight, Milady.” 
Chione nodded, and Teagan left. Hearing the hinges creak to a close, Chione let out a sigh she didn’t know she was holding in. Soon, she felt a draft and a slight shiver ran up her spine. Standing from her seat, she pulled her linen robe around her torso and slid her slippers back onto her feet before walking towards her window when that all too familiar voice echoed into her ears again. Looking at her window, she saw the tall Elezen man lean against the wall beside the now-closed pane.
“Silas…” Chione gaped in surprise, feeling a little revealing in front of the man she hadn’t seen in almost a decade. The memories of her bully becoming her lover in an all too quick time, just for it all to wash away. And now the man she thought she’d never see again was standing in front of her with an all too familiar smirk, and the bass in his voice sent a chill up her spine. “What are you doing here?” Chione questioned as she pulled her garments closer to her body. 
“It appears you got my missive.” Silas pushed himself from the window pane and walked towards her slowly. For someone who hated the cold he definitely wasn’t dressed for a cold winter night in Coerthas. Home to his father, Chione and himself, once upon a time. 
“And it appears congratulations are in order, Lieutenant.” Silas said lowering himself to meet her gaze with a slight tilt to his head and a smirk on his lips. He wore nothing but a leather jacket, pants, and a thin pair of gloves. Silas pulled one glove from his hand, and if allowed he’d reach over to line his fingers against the lapels of her linen robe. 
Silas kept his eyes on where his hand was placed before he slowly retracted and raised that same hand to brush his grey hair back. His red unusual eyes glistened in the soft light when he turned his gaze back down to her. 
“Your bounty,” Silas started off by saying and giving a brief pause. “You’re losing men and no one is willing to search for them?” He asked going straight to business to distract himself from his wandering mind. 
His mind kept going back to their brief romance. How stupidly infatuated with her but his own mistake causing them to argue and ultimately ending their romance. Again Silas removed his gaze to distract himself further, allowing her the time to give more information on the men she’d lost and about the bounty itself. 
Chione’s eyes glared slightly at the male in front of her as he told her about the anonymous letter. Her breath hitched in her throat as he reached to touch her, but only pinching the folds of the collar on her robe, her nerves shot. Feeling the warmth from his fingers behind the only layer of clothing between them, she began to get butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Watching him as he pulled his hand away to brush the soft hair she once used to play with out of his face.
“Thank you,” Chione responded quickly, hearing him congratulate her on her promotion. “But you’re the one who responded to my message? Why would you want to help me? I thought you had other things to worry about,” she said, trying to sound dismissive toward the man. She returned to her desk and grabbed her wine, which she took a rather large drink from—another sigh leaving her small frame. 
“I haven’t seen or heard from you in over a decade, and THIS is how you choose to rekindle the friendship? A silly message response?” Chione said with a tinge of sadness as she turned back to look at Silas, her baby blues piercing his crimson eyes. Sighing, she rolled her eyes and returned to her desk chair, sitting down, her hands resting over her face. The blonde-haired woman was shocked. She couldn’t even describe her feelings as Silas stood in her bed chambers. 
“What you can say, kitten is thank you, Silas for helping me.” He followed after her, his boots loose of any snow that had stuck to the soles, now leaving wet traces in his wake. 
Silas stopped as she poured herself some wine and sighed as she returned to her desk chair. A sight to behold. He told himself. And once again he was cursing his mind for how quick it was to wander to their shared past. 
Instead of arguing with her, at least for that moment he leaned down and tilted her chin up with his thumb and index finger. “Allow me to start over.” Silas whispered. 
“Hello, Chione, it’s been a while, did you miss me, my kitten?” His voice lowered now that he was face to face with her. 
Chione’s breath hitched in her throat. Hearing him tease her over her reaction to him showing up at her home in Coerthas, where the weather was harsh and extremely cold, the blonde-haired woman looked up slightly, seeing him approach her massive desk. Hearing his words, she put her head down again, still shocked about him showing up. Chione suddenly felt soft, yet cool skin touch her face before her head moved slightly to look up at the tall man. His words were like a song, sending palpitating beats through her heart. Her blue orbs watered slightly. 
“Of course I missed you… You left me alone after I found you with a girl who absolutely despised me. You cheated on me, then degraded me to your friends while the same bitch was on your arm like a trophy… And here I am, feeling conflicted because you want to apologize.” She paused, the water in her eyes causing her vision to blur. “And you want to ‘start over?’ What am I supposed to think? How am I supposed to feel?” Chione whispered, pulling her face away from his digits. Standing up, she finished her glass and placed it on the dark oak desk—a heavy sigh leaving her body. 
“How many times are you going to put me through the mental stress..?” Chione whispers, turning to look up at Silas. Hurt evident in her facial features. 
            “I would've killed for you to love me, but it was always me getting bullied instead. Or you yanking on my hair and shoving me… Whereas, I would and always did bend over backwards for you and put you on such a high pedestal…” Chione spoke softly, her emotions getting to her.
Silas was never overly confident when it came to Chione. As a child he’d argue that he couldn’t stand her because their families placed too much expectation on them to be friends and later mates if they chose to do so. He hated how much he loved the colour of her eyes, almost muttering under his breath that he could drown in them, of course never loud enough for her to hear, perhaps except the one time he said it out loud. While they welled up with water, he wanted to wipe them away but before he could, she had already turned her head away from him. 
Chione always knew how to pull herself away from him, protecting not only herself but her heart too. And there was little reason why she should trust him when all he’d done was hurt her. Whether it was physical or even mentally. Silas was hardly the good man his family hoped he’d be. Her words were like different knives, stabbing into him. Each word true. He did wrap his arms around a girl, but the cheating, he took no part in. Truth be told, he teased the girl relentlessly in a bid to see who could get her more interested in him only to reject her later. Silas stooped low when she brought up Chione. The girl hated her for some unknown reason and likely took in the fact that he too used to feel the same.
A silly game he and his friends played but never wanted to when it came to Chione. But she wouldn’t believe him, not after this long. It’s been a decade since. While she got up to stand, his shoulder brushed against hers and he stayed leaning forward while reflecting on his past actions. 
“You know I never wanted to hurt you.” His voice low and sorrowful. “Not in that way, but you wouldn’t understand.” Silas finally stood and turned to face her. His ungloved hand reaching out for her again but this time he stopped himself from touching her. 
Silas’ hand fell to his side, his fingers lightly tapping against his leg like he used to do as a child whenever he was lost in thought. He couldn’t exactly tell her that he wanted to be everything he wasn’t, for her. To be worthy of her affections and partner. But just like before, he was stopping himself from telling her more than he had to. 
“I didn’t come here to bring you duress, I saw your bounty and wanted to help. As a member of the Kane family, even… unofficially and even if I’d been disowned, I can still help.” Silas deflected. “Our families as far as I know still have some sort of relationship.”
When Silas left the first time and after hurting Chione, he argued with his father that sent waves of shock throughout the noble house as well as the rest of Ishgard. Not only did his father disown him, but Silas was no where to be seen. He’d heard that the house was in chaos, a promise of marriage and proposal rumours circulated but with Silas gone and Silas Sr’s lips tight. The rumours became baseless and the house carried on as usual, just without the sole heir. 
“If you wish for me to leave, then I can go. Is me being here worth that to you?” Silas inquired, this time looking into her eyes. His fingers still tapping lightly at his leg. 
Chione turned to face Silas again, her eyes still full of tears and her lip quivered slightly.
“No, I don’t want you to leave. But hearing you say you never wanted to hurt me and that I don’t understand? What do I not understand? What you did was awful… Tell me to my face that you didn’t cheat on me. That’s all everyone spoke about after we broke up.” Chione said, the hurt in her features evident. She approached Silas with vigor, her feet still silent against the floorboards, taking his hand to stop his tapping, knowing that was a habit he’d had since she had known him. Looking up at his features, she couldn’t help but think about their past together. How he used to push her around, pull her braid, and or made her feel inferior. Her blonde waves cloaked her shoulders as her long curtain-like bangs framed her face. Her baby blues burning holes into the right side of his face, pleading silently to look at her. 
“I appreciate you wanting to help me… I’m sorry for not expressing my gratitude. I just—you weren’t the person I was expecting to answer my missive about my workers going missing. Baurendouin barely gave me anything to go off on besides them not showing up to work.” Chione said, a sigh leaving her as she rested her head against his shoulder. His smell was calming to her, his presence feeling like home to her, too. 
“The bounty price is 400k in gil. Thank you for lending me your help. If you’d like, I can come with you, so you don’t freeze to death.” She said quietly, a slight giggle leaving her lips. “Cause we all know how much you hate the cold.” 
“You didn’t answer me, is me being here worth that mental stress to you?” Silas asked feeling her warm hand take his. His hand moved instinctively and his fingers were soon wrapped around hers. 
Silas gently lifted her arm and placed her hand against his cold cheek before softly kissing it and moving his lips down to her wrist. His free hand wrapped around her waist loosely while he gazed down at her. He couldn’t help but think of how much shorter she was than him. When they first started to hang out he’d rest his arm on the top of her head before wrapping it over her shoulders. 
“I didn’t cheat on you Chione, my kitten. Not once. Not ever. It was a stupid game.” His brows furrowed as he closed his eyes. Muttering the same words of it only being a game. “I agreed to set her up with the boys. Make her trust me, make her… fall for me, before I blindsided her and my friends with our relationship.” Silas whispered kissing her wrist again with his cold lips. 
Finally, Silas opened his eyes and he looked down at her again. Her tone was light but serious as she explained what Baurendouin said about the missing men. While holding her in that position he wondered who the men were and why they hadn’t come out to work. Even wondering if they had too much to drink and didn’t show up the next day because of a hangover. But a hangover wouldn’t last for days. 
Silas chuckled lightly putting her hand just over his heart. “I don’t need the gil, use it for the families, they’ll need it more than I ever would. Besides my father left me a hefty sum to leave until I got my ass screwed on right. His words, not mine.” The comment about him hating the cold was true. He used to argue with his mother when he had to come home to see his father.
Sometimes he’d take it out on Chione if she was nearby. But during that one Starlight Celebration, she was his warmth and he stuck to her like glue. At least one part of him was touching her at all times. Silas shook his head, his top teeth biting softly at his bottom lip while a soft chuckle escaped him again. “Are you going to keep me warm at night? Sliding into my bedroll, huddling close to me by the fire?”
Listening to him talk, she couldn’t help but sigh when the part about the girl who hated her came up again. Realization hit her hard when Silas spoke about the messed-up game he started with his friends. 
“If you didn’t cheat on me, then why did everyone tell me you did, Silas?” she questioned him, lightly gripping his shirt, still feeling the lingering touches of his lips against her skin. “Why did you do that to the girl? She didn't deserve that just because she didn’t like me.” Chione was blindsided when Silas said that. She paused as he continued to speak, telling her about his father, the man who used to watch them grow up together while spending days away from Sharlayan. Looking up at him, she sighed, a slight smirk tugging at her lips as he teased her again. 
“I doubt you’ll deny me, anyway, Si-Si. You’d kill to have me that close to you again. Besides, it’s been a while since you last had a competition with me to see who was the better swordsman.” She teased him as she let go of his shirt to go sit by the fireplace. Sitting down on the soft white carpet, she stared into the flames as they danced their erotic dance for her. 
“It’s killing me that all the memories of us came flooding back the minute I heard your voice again, but I need to focus on House Eirwen and the factories I manage. I need to focus on finding those poor workers who disappeared. I’ll need to talk with Baurendouin again and have him give me the emergency link pearls of the people who are missing… Can I rely on your blade again, Silas?” Chione asked as she lifted her head to look at him from across her bedroom.
“Chione,” Silas said her name in a more serious tone. “Didn’t my father send word that I’ve been disowned?” In truth, Silas wasn’t sure if that was public knowledge. His mother hardly said anything to him when it came to his father. And in return, he didn’t ask. Neither did he ask about the affairs of the house, nor its occupants. When she gripped his shirt lightly he glanced down at the way her fingers curled around the fabric for a moment before turning his attention back to her. 
“The day after… after our fight, I was told to leave. As for that girl, she deserved far worse than what I was planning on doing with her. She’d of course done a lot worse things to you if I hadn’t intervened. Not only did I threaten her, I threatened her family too.” Silas sighed letting go of her hand to rub his face. He didn’t think he’d have to explain his past actions, yet here he was. Trying to justify and explain them to her. 
Si-Si. Now that was a name he hadn’t heard in so long. There were at least a handful of people that he spoke to regularly who didn’t know him by the moniker, Hex. So when she said her old nickname for him, he couldn’t stop himself from smiling gently and following after her in front of the fireplace. Silas removed his leather jacket, exposing a form-fitted black turtleneck with a silver chain. 
He sat down beside her, dropping his jacket at his side and softly extended his fingers out to the flame. Both of his arms are on each side of his knees. “I would,” Silas whispered. His tone, was low and soft as he spoke. “Kill… I mean. If that’s what it took for us to start over again, I’d do it.”
“By the twelve…” He whispered again, this time dropping his head between his knees. “This is why I’ve avoided you for over a decade, I knew just being near you, I’d melt.” Silas chuckled lightly and lifted his head. While Chione spoke, Silas turned to look over at her. The flames of the fire cast shadows on her face as she spoke. Her blue eyes filled with emotion as she spoke about her people, and how she had to focus on her house. 
He knew what that meant. There was no room for him in her life, at least not at that moment. “This Baurendouin, would he have a file of the people missing? Address, family? That sort of thing.” Silas distracted himself from what she’d just said, but he nodded slowly. A low self-deprecating laugh escaped him soon after, “You may. I’ll help you, I already answered your missive, did I not?”
Chione smiled at him and reached for his slender hand. She scaled his frame with intent and interest.
“No, no one told us anything about you being disowned and disappearing. We haven’t heard anything from the Kane family since we called off our relationship. After that, I’ve just been focusing on business with my manufactory and discussing business for trading with my cousin, Vahalia Cress. I run Eirwen Steel and Stone now in my father's stead since he’s a Temple Knight under Lord Commander Aymeric.” Chione said, reaching to touch Silas’s hand softly.
“And now, knowing that you were disowned by your father,” she pauses, sighing and lowering her head in sadness. “It’s hard to even continue speaking with them.” Chione finishes, tightening her grip slightly on his hand and scooting her small frame over to him, leaning her head against his shoulder, a heavy breath escaping her nostrils, feeling exasperated from the events of her evening. 
“Well, difficult for me anyway, to speak to your parents.” 
“Where are you staying? I can have you stay here with me if you’d like, and we can go over a plan for tomorrow morning since I have to go to the factory and do my daily check-ups for my foremen.” She whispered as she stared at the flames, slightly embarrassed that she had opened her door to him. The blonde-haired woman couldn’t deny the feelings she had for him still. They were the complete opposite of each other but also felt equal—one. 
“Then we’ll be able to speak with Baurendouin. If the daft man shows his face.” Chione scolds in jest.
Silas looked towards her with a surprised expression. From what his mother said, it’s been announced that he was removed from society and disowned. Or at least some variation of that. A wave of confusion went through him as he wondered what his father was thinking. His fingers drummed lightly against his knee as he was lost in thought but made sure to listen to her. 
Vahalia, that name was familiar to him. She was part of the Cress family and a cousin to Chione. He’d only seen her a handful of times as their friends never collided with one another so he truthfully didn’t know much about her other than the few times he’d seen her. “It appears I’ve been away for too long if you’re the one running the Eirwen Steel and Stone now.” He laughed lightly shaking his head. 
“You know how the old farts in this part of the world are.” Silas laughed. “You do something wrong and you’re quickly dismissed. Now if I were half the man they thought I’d be, then that would be a different story. But I am not.” He smiled looking into the dancing flames. 
His body slowly began to warm up by the time Chione asked where he was spending the night. “Ahh, truthfully I was planning on leaving through the aetheryte and deal with the sickness afterwards before returning. I hardly have the supplies and clothing needed to weather the cold.” 
Silas leaned his head towards her as she rested her head on his shoulder. “If that’s your way of asking me to stay kitten I will. Are you offering your bed to me, or are you going to make me stay in the guest quarters?” He reached over to take her chin, but this time more gently as he tilted her head up. 
Silas stalling as he wondered if kissing her would be too much, but he leaned forward leaving just barely enough room between them. Her breath tasted like the wine she’d just drank and he wondered what the rest of her tasted, especially after all this time. “Slap or hit me if I’m being too forward.” His tone low and soft. 
Chione’s face flushed in embarrassment, but she nodded in agreement about the older Elezen in charge, feeling his fingers delicately take her chin. Their eyes met. The tension between the two was undeniable, and it felt like they started where they left off, minus Silas tormenting her. 
“I–I think it might be too early for that, Silas…” she stuttered; feeling like the cliche school girl all over again. Her heart was about to burst. If it beat any harder and louder the man before her was bound to hear it himself. 
“But I won’t strike you for it, that’s just silly.” Chione finished as she tried to clear her throat and pull away, but found herself still staring. His red orbs captivated her. Her toes becoming a little too warm as they sat by the fire in her room. Enjoying his presence was something she was always catching herself liking. The blonde woman snickered to herself as his question finally hit her. 
“I’d only offer my couch in my room to you for right now. You have to earn my affections before you jump into my bed, sir.” she jested as she nudged him slightly, finally able to pull her eyes from his. Sighing, the blonde-haired woman stretched her arms above her head, the sleeves of her robe riding up her biceps, showing slight muscle in her slender frame, and yawned. Fixing her lounge pants and tank top, she shivered slightly. 
“I can’t believe you pulled the same shit you did when we were kids. Climbing the wall like an Opo-Opo. What is up with that?” Chione laughed as she watched him, sensing the wheels in his head turning.
Silas groaned slightly and used his now free hand to cup the side of his face. “You are… something.” He muttered wanting to torment her further. So he did, he gently pushed her down into the plush carpet and wiggled himself in between her legs while his arm rested beside her head. 
“Will you strike me now?” Silas asked lightly trailing his finger on her exposed thigh. He leaned down and gently left a wake of kisses on her collarbone, neck and jaw before pulling away. Waves of desire nearly took over when he remembered that this wasn’t what he wanted either. This time he wanted to do something right and so he pulled himself off her and just knelt there, still in between her legs. 
“Perhaps an inn would be safest.” Silas chuckled lifting her back up to sit. “I can always climb back down like an Opo-Opo.” He laughed again, this time with her while she got up to get herself ready for bed. “Or… the sofa can work too.” A soft groan left him while he laid on top of the carpet, his eyes fixated on the ceiling above. 
“So tomorrow, we’ll head over to the factory then?” Silas inquired, wanting to follow up on what she said before. 
Chione gasped lightly as the tall male worked his way in between her legs, his question ringing in her ears as he peppered her chest, neck, and jaw with soft wet kisses. Her mind was so fuzzy from his touch before he stopped and pulled away. Champagne-colored hair plummed behind her head as she opened her eyes, unbeknownst to her that she had closed them the second he closed the gap between their bodies. Her feelings being pulled in every direction. Looking up at him, her blue orbs searching his crimson ones for any inkling of his actions. Chione knew better than to make a man kiss and tell, knowing that wasn’t how most men operated. 
“No, I will not hit you, you masochist,” Chione laughed as she took his hands to help her sit back up straight. “But yes, if things did go from there, an inn would be our best bet until I bought my own land.” 
Standing on her feet as Silas rolled onto his back, to stare at the ceiling, Chione walked to her bathroom as he jested with her about being called a small lemur. She stepped into her bathroom and wet her toothbrush as the silvery-haired Elezen asked her a question regarding their day tomorrow.
“Yes, I need to check on my Foremen and how things are running while short-staffed. Baurendouin better be there tomorrow, or I’ll blow a fuse.” She called, toothpaste slathered everywhere as she cleaned her teeth. With a hefty spit, she spat the remaining toothpaste into the washbasin as she rinsed the bristles of the toothbrush under the cool water before leaning down and gathering some of the liquid in her mouth to swish around and remove any loose gunk she might’ve missed. Reaching for her brush, she began to gently brush her hair as she walked to the threshold of her bathroom door, watching the man lay on her carpet, the steady rise and fall of his chest calming her. Thoughts ravaged her mind about what her parents might think, seeing Silas come back into the picture. Coming home. Chione’s father adored Silas and always viewed him as the “son he never had.” A soft simple smile tugged at the corners of her nude lips, the light tugging of knots not phasing her. As she finished she looked back at Silas, her eyebrow raised slightly. A low chuckle left her and she walked to her bed that sat in the corner of her spacious room. Pulling the blankets back; she readied herself for bed. Pulling a pillow and a heavy blanket off her bed, she placed them on the couch. 
“Here you go, if you need clothes I can call for Belmont?” Chione said as she sat down on her bed.
While Chione got herself ready for bed, Silas’ mind reeled on the fact he had nearly had his way with her. Both of his hands lifted as he pressed both palms against his face, trying to think of anything disgusting to stop his lower half from rising any higher. When the splashes of water came from the bathroom, he peeked through his fingers and watched as the curls from her head draped over her shoulders. Again, he was thinking of how soft her skin felt against his lips and he quickly covered his eyes again. 
Old, wrinkley, nuns… old, wrinkley nuns… nuns… Chione in a nun dress… Chione in a sexy… nun dress. No! Twelves above strike me now. Old wrinkley nuns! Old wrinkley stinky nuns! Silas chanted in his mind until he heard the water stop. 
Everything she’s said was lost to him and his mind as he propped himself up on his elbows. For once he felt relieved that she couldn’t see the flush on his cheeks. “I don’t need any, unless you’d feel more comfortable I’m clothed from head to toe after, well…” Silas chuckled sitting himself up to hide what was going on in his pants. 
He unbuttoned his shirt and removed it from his shoulders exposing his upper frame. There were multiple scars from his life out in the open world. Stories he’d likely have to tell her sometime if she ever asked about them. While she brought over the pillow and blanket, he at least calmed down enough that he could stand and unbutton his pants but stopped before looking at her.
“Think I can wear just my underclothes for bed, kitten? Or would you be more comfortable if I wore pants?” He asked, wondering what she'd be most comfortable with.
Chione watched him as he began to remove his articles of clothing. Exposing his torso to her, she saw the multitude of scars on his skin. Knowing better than to reopen old wounds, she’d badger him about those stories in the future, knowing full well it would take a miracle now for him to disappear from her life. 
“No, I don’t mind if you sleep in your underwear,” She spoke softly, her heart skipping a beat at her old nickname. Kitten. It made her feel cherished in a way. Loved. But Chione had different priorities now than a school crush… Or did she?  She tried to deny any and all feelings for that boy since he bullied her throughout their lives together. But that Starlight Celebration that they shared together all those years ago still clouded her mind every time she caught herself staring off into the aether. Chione shielded her eyes to give him privacy and he finished removing his clothes and lied down on the couch. The soft fleece quilt covering him. Remembering she still had her articles of clothing on she stood and turned her back to him, giving herself the little privacy she could. The sheer midnight blue robe gently slid off her back, hanging it on the hook by her bed. She wore shorts that were black and a lighter Dragoon-ish blue-colored tanktop. With nimble fingers, she pulled her champagne-colored hair into a messy bun atop her head before sliding into the sheets of her bed, covering her petite body. 
“Goodnight, Si-Si… I’ll see you in the morning,” Chione whispered as the two drifted off to sleep.
@vahalia-cress @hex-xiv
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cookieswithay · 2 years
When they get a random kiss! ROTTMNT x reader! Pt 1 of 4 ⚠️Warning: possible typos⚠️ (And yes, this is BEFORE dating)
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Leo! Prime time boy😎!
It's been a crazy day. Meat sweats had kidnapped ya, a bomb was planted on the tank, and your PHONE was destroyed. By the time you guys got back to the lair, it was nearly seven. You were DEAD tired. After shooting your mom a text, (Using Donnie's phone) you laid your face on one of the arcade games. You nearly fell asleep, when you felt someone poking your sides. "Y/N~!" Of course it was Leo tickling you. You grumbled and swatted his hands away. Once again you tried to fall asleep.
But this time, you JOLTED up. Cause a certain somebody JAMMED his fingers in your armpits. " Ah! " He burst out laughing. Man, you just wanted a few minutes of peace! " Okay, okay, I'm sorry, " He said, hoping you'd drop the death glare. " But c'mon, let's play a game or something. " You rubbed your eyes. " Why? " You were crazy tired. Sure a few minutes would barely take the edge off, but it would still be awesome. " Well I mean, If I spent the day in danger, I'd vibe afterwards. " You sighed and stared at him. Leo poked your cheek. " I'll leave you alone if play a round of zombie unicorn with me~. "
He (basically) sang. Guess it wouldn't be so bad. Spending time with Leo was one of favorite things to do. " Okay, " You said. " Let's go poof some unicorns. " He snickered. " Oh yeah! " He said, grabbing your hand. For the next thirty minutes, the two of you played ALL the games. Nothing like video games to wake you up. After beating Leo (and Donnie.) at "Luigi" cart again, D's phone buzzed. " M/N's here. " He said, in the background. You looked back. " She's parked at April's place, again. " You stood up. " Can I have this walk, fair maiden? " Leo chimed in. You snickered " Why of course, kind sir. "
After a fun roof walk, you two were on April's fire escape. (Probably should've called first) " And remember, " Leo said. " If your mom asks about the scratches, tell her Mayhem got to you. " You chuckled. Yeah right. She would totally freak if she thought Mayhem touched you. " Sure, bud. " You said. You gave a wave and started down the stairs. "Wait, wait," Leo said, grabbing onto your hoodie. " Hug fee. " Of course, he never lets you forget that.
As you both embraced, you started to get lost in your thoughts. You were sleepier than a PANDA earlier, but your bff turned things around. Made all worries fly away. Like he always does. " Clingy today, aren't we? " That snapped you out of it. You pulled away giving a quiet "sorry". " It's fine! " Leo leaned on his sword. " I'm irresistible, y'know. " Instead of laughing at his gloating, you took a deep breath. And... kissed him. It was...nice and quick. When you pulled away, Leo gasped. He looked... mesmerised. Or like entranced. Honestly, he looked frickin adorable like that.
Finally realizing what you just did, you covered your mouth. " Um, " You started. Ahhh, you messed up. You were gonna apologize (or run away) when Leo pulled you in by the waist. Your lips clashed with his. He was smooching you! Really passionately. You didn't mind, but boy were you surprised. After four more kisses, he pulls away. (This boy needed a AIR break) He cleared his throat.
" Sorry. " He had NOTHING to apologize for. " Um, " You tapped your nail on his plastron, wondering what to say next. " Talk about it tomorrow? " You tried. "Talk about it tomorrow." Leo let go of your waist, and you guys awkwardly said bye to one another. You pretty shocked that you RANDOMLY kissed him. But at the same time, Leo ALWAYS acted like your boyfriend. Guess you guys were finally putting things in motion. Nice.
Wow...I think my HEART fluttered a bit.☺️ This randomly turned out really nice. Bravo me~!😎 Stay tuned for the other parts! And as usual, pardon any spelling errors. I keep missing the little details😅
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atonalginger · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
thanks for the tag @eridanidreams! I tag anyone who has something they would like to share.
My WIP sample today is from the Sam x Lila oneshot I shared a snip of a little while back. I've settled on calling it Unique Cargo and will finish it soonish...need to get to a comfortable point with the Ranger!Del fic and take a day to put finishing touches on the oneshot...anyway the WIP:
“Have you really boxed a terrormorph?” Ruby asked from her nest of pillows and blankets in a big chair in the living room. She was barely visible from her nest, her little voice slightly muffled by the pillow she rested her chin on.
Goose snorted a laugh from his chair, nearly choking on the popcorn he was eating. Lila giggled into Sam’s chest, her body bouncing with her laughter while curled up next to Sam. His arm bounced with her body, jostling him slightly as he stared at the large monitor on the wall.
His team was losing this series and he’d lost interest with the game so he didn’t bother pausing before answering the little one’s question, “I have. Several actually, but not all at once.”
Ruby’s little head popped up, her hazel eyes wide, “why?”
“Because he’s a touch crazy,” Goose joked.
Sam flashed Goose a ‘knock it off’ glance and looked to Ruby, “guns jam, knives break, but my fists haven’t failed me yet.”
“And he’s a touch crazy,” Lila added, a playful pinch catching him in the side making him jump, “but I think that’s true for most of the family. It’s what brought us together.”
Ruby smiled bright and then settled back into her nest, “have you ever wrestled an ashta?”
“I might’ve.”
“What about a siren?” Ruby asked.
“One or two,” he admitted.
“Have you ever punched a dropsalm? Ruby asked.
“Yup,” he sipped his beer, wondering how long this line of questions might go.
“What about a crocodaunt?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“What about a beetle grazer?”
“Never met a beetle grazer who caused me grief,” Sam smiled, realizing she was checking to see if he was listening.
Ruby peeked over her blankets again, “have you really punched all the others?”
“I have.” He admitted.
“Why were you on Jemison? It’s toxic or something there now.” Ruby asked.
“Loooong story,” He stretched.
“Do you punch everything?” Ruby asked.
“Sometimes he kicks,” Lila teased.
Ruby giggled and disappeared into her nest.
(bonus second excerpt)
Lila’s laid her head on Sam’s chest and hugged him tight as he tapped his lamp to switch it off. It had been a long day getting Ruby settled into her new room and would take time for the little girl to relax at the ranch. Sam knew they should have stayed in Kryx a while longer or returned to Maheo where there were budding settlements. A place for her to be around people and get more in person care from her therapist. But she just wanted to hide so they retreated to the ranch. In a few weeks they’d head back to the Key for the Bitter Angel and a recheck with Samina and they could see to that then.
“We aren’t really going to be taking her raiding with us, are we?” Lila asked him, her voice a whisper.
“Bitter Angel is a safer ship than whatever either of us were carting Cora around in,” Sam said as he ran fingers up and down her back, “and it’s not like we’re going to raiding non-stop.”
“I suppose,” Lila kissed his chest.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
She pushed herself up and leaned close to his face, kissing him softly before speaking, “we’re in uncharted territory again.”
“We’ll be okay,” he said, even as his own worries continued to gnaw at him.
“We will,” she agreed, “it’s exciting.”
“It is,” he smiled.
She cuddled in close, her arm draped over his chest. He closed his eyes and tried to relax as his mind buzzed with all the things they needed to do. There were lessons to find, furniture to build, xeno to hunt, greenhouses to harvest. And little Ruby would be right there with all her curious questions. His smile lingered as sleep started to claim him, the realization that he was looking forward to the curious inquisitor tomorrow.
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totkdaily · 7 months
Day 25: The Great Fairy Tera, and Princess Zelda
Dawn comes too soon to Woodland Stable, after my late night yesterday.
I speak to the few people at the stable. Molo is wondering whether to take the new road to Goron City or the dangerous old road from Foothill Stable. He'll sleep on it - so I won't wait for him. Maypin is ready to head out with their wagon. But I do want to deal with the Great Fairy before I head towards the City. Ashe says to watch out for Gorons with strange rocks. The younger Gorons have stopped work and started playing tricks instead. I guess I'll watch out for that?
Kish wants a photo of a Goron in the hot springs north of Goron City for the stable wall. Noted.
Right, time to get on. I hitch Pumpkin to the musical troupe's cart to pull them up to the Great Fairy so that the violinist, Violynne, can play for her.
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Tera emerges at the sound of Violynne's beautiful music.
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Tera says the world isn't as Princess Zelda described to her - she warned her of Gloom and said the world would soon be lost to monsters. I mean… it's a little pessimistic. It's unlike her. But then Tera admits she couldn't see the figure's face. Maybe it wasn't Zelda after all. 
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Penn puts it together clearer than I'd like. Looks like Princess Zelda, but isn't Princess Zelda. Is that possible? Is Zelda here at all? Has anyone seen the real Princess, or am I chasing a ghost? A horse-scaring, doom-warning, cold-faced ghost… 
I don't know what to do with that. Penn is still speaking. He pays me and leaves.
Violynne and Mastro plan to get the band back together - I knew they were the Stable Trotters! - and coax the other Great Fairies out of hiding. Tera tells me where her three sisters are and I mark them on my map. 
It's first thing in the morning but I feel shattered. I glide down the hill in the sudden rainstorm to the shrine. Then back down to the stable, pick up Pumpkin, and charge up the hill towards Death Mountain in the storm.
A rock falls and I remember that Gerudo treasure hunter. I use Zelda's recall ability to ride it back up, curious. It lands at a small sky island. From here, I can see the glowing eyes of a Goron statue roughly where the City should be - but it's not Daruk. No beard. Surely they didn't replace him? This must just be a new one. Would they carve such a thing for Yunobo, after he aided in the defeat of the Calamity Ganon? 
I drop back down to Pumpkin. I could probably make it to Goron City faster on my own, but what's the rush? It would be nice to have company. 
And if I had just glided off, I would have missed Addison. 
I stop to read a sign on the road. YunoboCo hiring! Sounds like Yunobo is doing well for himself, then. 
I scramble across to the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower while I'm vaguely nearby, but Sawson says the door is jammed and the top of the tower has come off. I wonder if I can figure this out… Just as I'm wondering if I have enough stamina to climb the tower, a rock falls nearby! That'll do - I ride it up and glide down to the top of the tower. Scan the horizon without the benefit of the launch, then pop down inside to activate it.
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84reedsy · 7 months
The Mentorship, Part 5
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The Mentorship
Characters: Curt Hennig/FemOC , Scott Hall/FemOC
Parts 5 of ? (Parts not chapters, parts length varies)
Word Count: 4845
-----Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4----
Warnings/Considerations: Smut, Age Gap, Power Dynamics, Dirty Talk, swearing
A mandatory stop at a Waffle House did not improve her mood. She tried to stay in the car, but neither man was having it.
Scott opened her door, bending down to her level.
“Either you get in there or I'll throw you over my shoulder and take you myself.” He warned, Curt snickering behind him.
She was irritated by him still, even more so at his flirting now, knowing she was in a bad mood. 
She was the only one not in comfortable clothes and she stuck out like a sore thumb. At least the shorts held her ass in and it wasn't half hanging out. It was a small consolation.
As with any Waffle House there was little seating and she ended up sitting on the inside of the booth at the strong suggestion from the oversized men. Scott slid in next to her, his legs splayed wide open and pinning her as far in as possible. Curt sat across from her, ordering for her before she got a chance to speak.
“One waffle isn't going to kill me,” she mumbled, not looking forward to her egg whites and peppers.
“Yeah, but it might make those shorts tighter,” Scott pinched some skin around her waist and she squirmed, smacking his hand. Curt sipped his coffee, knowing that this slow rib was starting to build beautifully. The culmination would teach her a lesson she may never forget.
The next hotel was a little more stately, it had several floors and even a pool. She hoped she could get in a few laps before they left in the morning. Her shoulders fell when she realized she still had none of her things. 
She drug in bag after bag and lay them in the lobby. She was the last to get to the counter. She waited expectantly for Curt to give her their room info, but she could tell something was up.
“Looks like you are having the worst luck with rooms,” he said, “you gotta get in here quicker to get a shot at the good ones,”
“There can't be that many people here, the parking lot isn't even full. What,  do we have one bed again,” she held out her hand for a key.
“I don't,” he responded, pocketing his key, “or should I say, Ricky Steiner and I don't,”
Brinkley was stunned for a moment, she assumed she was misunderstanding him. 
“Do I have to get my own room?” She asked, “If you’ll recall, I don’t have my wallet,” she reminded him, a bit of hostility in her tone.
“Nah, you are sharing,” He replied vaguely, smirking, “after you bring our bags up,”
She couldn’t stifle her scowl; she was tired and achy and she’d been the butt of everyone’s joke for three days.
“Yeah, I lost this time,” Scott sauntered up to them, “I have to share with the rookie,”
Her breath caught in her throat and her mouth felt dry. Curt was already walking away, calling behind him, “Room 247,” and a chorus of others yelled out their room numbers as they headed for the elevators. 
Brinkley could have strangled every one of them, instead grabbing a luggage cart. She slammed the bags on it as she stacked them.
“Panties in a bunch?” Scott watched her amused, but grabbed a couple of the bags to help.
“You know, I wouldn’t know, because I don’t know where mine are,” She snapped a little, “they seem to have gone missing and like anything is going to fit under these shorts,” She rambled.
Scott’s eyebrows rose up again, his eyes darting to her shorts. She was probably right, those things were skin tight. 
“Probably should keep track of your stuff better,” He chided her, handing her a keycard as she turned to stare angrily at him. She snatched it out of his hand only to realize quickly after that she had no pockets. She jammed it in her top, hoping her boob and the material would hold it securely. 
At room 212, she dropped Eddie and Chavo’s bags - both tipped her generously. Again, she had to store it in her top. At 215, she dropped Steve and Lex’s bags and she noticed something familiar through a gap in the top flap. She grabbed the bag as Steve started to take it in his room, unzipping it completely to find the other parts of her ring gear. She snatched it from the bag.
“What about the rest,” she dug through it before he pulled it back.
“That’s all I’ve got,” He snickered, Lex holding up his hands in innocence behind him.
“I’m not involved in this at all, have a look if you want.” he motioned towards his bag still on the cart. She did and found nothing.
She stared sharply at Scott as they left the room.
“Hey, at least you found some of it.” He shrugged. 
She was going through Kevin’s bag as he answered his door. 
“Ah, she figured it out?” Kevin asked, leaning against the door frame amused as she yanked her things out of his bag.
“Yeah, she’s pretty quick, Stinger kind of messed it up though, left his bag open,” Scott explained. She zipped it roughly once she was convinced she had everything. She shoved it at him roughly and left, turning her nose up at his tip.
“Oh, she’s got some attitude,” Kevin joked loudly. 
Again she was already going through Curt’s bag when he opened the door. He looked at Scott, impressed that she’d figured it out already. She didn’t say a word to him or Rick as she dumped their still open bags at their feet. 
“What, no goodnight?” Curt called after her as she drug the now much lighter cart behind her. 
“I think she’s getting a little snippy,” Scott slapped Curt on the shoulder, “might want to send someone to check on me,”
“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME,” They both heard from down the hall, seeing that she had found their room and had gone inside.
“Well…good luck, brother,” Curt laughed, slapping Scott on the back now.
Scott stood behind her in the doorway, staring at the same single king bed in the middle of the room that she was.
“Yeah, sucks don’t it,” He stepped around her, carrying his own bag and tossing it on the dresser. 
Brinkley dropped her bag, now mostly full again. She began rummaging through Scott’s bag now, knowing a few things were still missing. Buried in the side of his bag were her wallet, panties, and bras. She tried not to think that he cherry picked these items, but part of her wondered if he did.
“Everything accounted for?” He looked through the shambles left in his bag, “Oh, nope, forgot one,” he held up a lacy excuse for panties, letting them dangle off his finger tip. 
She reached for them, only for him to lift them up higher out of her reach. She tried to grab for them again, but he kept them out of reach still.
“Oh my god, just give it to me!” She huffed in frustration, his height making it impossible to grab them. 
“Aw, c’mon,” He scoffed, you gotta try harder than that,” 
Frustrated and at the end of her rope, she grabbed onto his shoulders and leapt, her thighs gripping around his hips as she tried to climb him. Perhaps he was surprised by her tactic or repulsed, but she shimmied up him a little further and quickly grabbed them from his hand. It was then she realized, his other arm had slipped under her backside and was holding her on him. She stared at him for a moment, at a loss for words.
Scott knew the long game plan wouldn’t work out quite right if he jumped the gun, he was a little disappointed he couldn’t kiss her right now. It was a 50/50 shot between her liking it and her slapping the piss out of him. 
“Um…can you let me down?” She asked softly, not really wanting him to, but not knowing what else to say. She wasn’t sure he was going to grant her request, but slowly he slid his arm away and she slipped down his body. She fought blushing, burying the panties in her bag. She felt a little better now, relieved to have all her things back, but now she had the new issue of sleeping arrangements. 
“I…I’ll let you have the bed,” She motioned vaguely towards it, “I can just sleep in the tub or on the floor,”
“Are you fucking serious?” Scott laughed incredulously, watching as she grabbed a pillow and the spare blanket from the closet.
“Well…you get the front seat, why wouldn’t you also get the bed?” She shrugged.
“Well that’s bullshit. Got a girl in my room and she won’t even sleep with me,” He smirked, noticing her shiver a little. 
“Do you want me to sleep with you?” She controlled her reply, turning it back around on him. 
“Figured I’d at least be the big spoon,” he nodded towards the bed. 
“It’s alright, I’ll just sleep on the floor.” She tried not to imagine that scenario and how it might progress.
“Suit yourself, girl,” He shrugged and moved to leave, “Be back when I’m back,” 
Brinkley was sure she’d never been so relieved to not be invited out to the bar. She relished the long, interrupted shower again, happy to finally get out of her ring clothes. Her pajamas were only cotton shorts and a t-shirt, but they had never felt so comfortable. She tried to make a palette on the floor and watch a little TV, but the floor was insanely uncomfortable and she knew her back would regret the decision in the morning.
She knew he was teasing her earlier, but she had to think he wouldn’t really mind if she took up on the bed. It was huge after all. Even with his hulking frame, he’d have plenty of space. She wasn’t on the mattress 5 minutes before she was asleep. 
Scott felt buzzed, but was not completely out of it. The bedside lamp was still on, but Brinkley was out and clearly not on the floor. He turned out the light first, starting to strip down while standing over her. He was amused at the idea of her waking up to seeing him undressing right next to her. She might not find it funny, but he was pent up and horny from earlier and from spending the last few hours thinking about her panties. 
She did not wake and he walked to his side of the bed, flopping down in nothing but his boxers. She was turned away from him. He wondered why Curt had set such an arbitrary timeline, he didn’t really feel like waiting two weeks to get his dick wet. Curt had been vague with details on how she was, mainly Scott knew they had hooked up twice. Why the hell couldn’t he have gotten that mentorship?
He found himself absentmindedly watching her ass as she shifted in bed and licked his lips. He wondered if he could get a quick squeeze without waking her. He felt his cock stir as he thought, and his hand absentmindedly reached out. He ran his hand over her cotton shorts, gently gripping his fingers in. He felt the firmness and hummed to himself. He had to resist the urge to smack it. He would definitely get a few in when he had the opportunity.
He pulled his hand back quickly when she shifted a little. He occupied it now reaching under his boxers. He massaged and squeezed the stiffening flesh. Maybe if the poisons left the building, his mind wouldn’t be so consumed. Switching hands, he risked touching her again, gripping a cheek more firmly. She shifted a little more, straightening one leg while bending the other. Scott cursed at how easily he could slip his fingers down and test her waters. 
He released her ass, focusing on imaging what he hoped would happen. Curt had never mentioned any restrictions and Scott could think of a lot of things he wanted to do to her. 
Brinkley woke, groggy. She felt confused again as she had previously, but felt the familiar shake of the bed. Facing away from him, her eyes went wide as she processed what was happening. Again. 
This felt different though. She and Curt had a sexual history. She and Scott didn’t. She wished that was a different story, but as of now, they had nothing. She cursed to herself unable to turn over and take a peek as Scott groaned over his self-satisfaction. She was so curious, she considered risking it and if he thought she was awake...maybe he’d make a move. She only thought a second, realizing she’d have no idea how to be with a man she didn’t know very well, a man she wasn’t sure she could trust. 
“God that’s a nice ass,” Scott hissed to himself, his fist working faster along his pulsing shaft. He didn’t take his time, imagining her on her knees, his cock in her mouth ready to explode. He grunted as he started to cum, spurts flying from the tip. He didn’t direct it, some of it landing on her thigh, “Shit…” he cursed.
Brinkley felt the sticky mass land on her skin and her mouth hung open in shock. Did he just cum on her? Was it on purpose? Perhaps there was more on her clothes…she felt violated, but oddly enough turned on. 
Scott cleaned up his mess on himself, but did not want to risk waking her. Plus, the thought of his cum on her leg turned him on. She would be blissfully ignorant, unknowingly marked by his seed. 
He quickly shoved his cock back into his boxers as she turned over partially, her face now towards him. His timing was impeccable.
She was disappointed as she turned over and try to peer through her eyelashes. He’d already concealed himself. She felt a pulse between her legs and wished like hell she could cash in her pass with Curt. She needed sex, she craved the release.
The hazing eased up for the next couple of days, much to her relief. Her mind kept slipping back to thinking about both men she’d shared a bed with and that they’d ended up masturbating with her merely inches away. Perhaps this was a thing with wrestlers…Maybe they had to find some way to expend their energy if they hadn’t found a ring rat or some other company. But the longer she thought about it, the more pent up she felt. She hoped that her hotel situation worked out better than it had lately. She could use her own bed, but she could also use Curt’s company. She had a hopeful suspicion that if she used up her pass, he’d likely issue another one. Or maybe he wouldn’t limit her and just fuck her silly every night.
She shifted in the backseat as they drove through the night following their show, crossing her legs as her thoughts did little to calm her libido. It was either Curt or the fact that Scott came on her or maybe both, but she knew while she was alone she was going to take the chance to try and satiate her own needs. 
The guys were a little more excited about tonight, the motel they had planned on meeting at was across from a truckstop that had an attached strip club. She tried to convince them to let her tag along. She had no problem watching women dance or strip. She could appreciate beauty and sexiness as much as the next person, but none of them were very receptive to the idea. 
SHe only carried Scott’s bag to his room and her’s and Curt’s to the one they shared. Two beds graced this room. She was surprised how indifferent she felt about it. 
“Thought you’d be jumping up and down,” Curt voiced the same surprise.
“I’m just tired,” She lied, hoping he would leave soon. She had noticed another building across the road next door to the truck stop. She had an agenda that she couldn’t fulfill with people around, “You guys going to be out late again?” 
“Trying to get rid of me?” He unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off. He could see she was definitely looking at him as she swapped for a t-shirt, expecting the strip club to be fairly hot. 
She was frustrated by how much she liked looking at Curt’s physique. Perhaps the fact that he was off limits is what added to his allure. 
She watched from her room window as the group filtered out to the strip club. Once she thought the coast was clear enough, she grabbed her room key and some cash from her wallet. She quickly jogged across the road and to the shop around the side of the truck stop. She almost changed her mind as she reached the door, the three X’s on the glass making her nervous. She had never been in a sex shop before and as she gathered the courage and opened it, she felt overwhelmed. 
She wasn’t sure what to expect but everything within view was explicit. She didn’t know there could be so many different shapes, colors, and types of dildos. Vibrators were everything from small finger sized buttons to cephlapod-looking monstrosities. She knew she was blushing even though she was by herself. There was an entire bookshelf of different lubes. She grabbed one small bottle that said it had a warming effect. Out of curiosity she put it in her basket. She got lost too long in the lingerie racks, deciding on something strappy and lacy just in case she needed to get someone’s blood pressure up. She almost laughed at the video section, the names got progressively more unhinged and the graphics on the boxes were laughable. She left that section quickly as a trucker approached her to try and make a suggestion. She put some distance between them as she found a section of dildos that advertised realistic looking and feeling phalics. 
Looking them over, she found one that mimicked Curt’s length, girth, and curve. At least she knew it would hit what she wanted. She dumped it in her basket and grabbed the finger-worn vibrator button as she headed to the checkout. She didn’t want to stay much longer. More and more people were coming in and she didn’t want to be surrounded in this place. She was relieved that they used plain brown bags, at least she wouldn’t have to explain anything if it was found. She felt eyes on her and saw the same trucker still looking at her. She pocketed her change and grabbed the bag by its handles as she attempted to flee quickly. She was stopped immediately as she ran into another person.
“Mamacita, why are you in such a hurry?” Eddie steadied her and glanced down at the bag she’d dropped, some of the items falling out of it. Her face reddened like never before, “Busy night planned?”
“I….I….it’s not what…I mean, I just,” She fumbled over her words, hurriedly stuffing the items back in her bag. She almost felt like crying. 
“Shhh, I’m just teasing, mija,” He tried to calm her, “Nothing wrong with it, don’t get all worked up,” 
“Everyone else is at the club,” She said, “I just get bored,” She shrugged, noticing the stranger’s eyes on her again.
“No judgment here,” Eddie held up a stack of magazines, but quickly lowered them.
“Eddie…” She still felt eyes on her, “This guy is acting really weird…could you walk me out?” 
Eddie turned around and the man quickly looked away, turning his back. 
“Absolutely,” He set his items on the counter to pay, “Stick by me,” He said, still staring at the man as if daring him to look again. Eddie walked with her to the exit and outside. 
“Go straight back to your room, don’t answer the door just in case. Anyone who needs in will have a key. I’ll watch you from here and make sure you get back,” he said, standing on the curb, watching to make sure no one followed her. 
She hurried across the road and before going to her door she made sure no one was watching. Once inside, she felt relieved for multiple reasons. She took everything from the bag and shoved it in her duffel, reserving only the somewhat familiar dildo and the lube. She read over them as she slipped off her pants and panties. She was sure they weren’t complicated, but she was still new to these things. She climbed into the bed and under the covers, leaving her shirt on just in case. 
First she slipped a drop of the warming liquid on her finger tip and touched herself. It only took a few moments before it did indeed start to warm and tingle. Brinkley felt herself relax completely as she rubbed her own sex. She thought of the men that had been toying with her lately. She could always use her experiences with Curt, but she pictured a fantasy with Scott, too. She imagined seeing him between her legs, his stubble burning her thighs. She wished she had been able to see his dick the night before…
She didn’t rush her orgasm, instead backing off when the tingles built too much. She teased her entrance with the tip of the dildo, slowly pushing it in as she arched off the mattress. She worked it in and out of her quickly soaking pussy. She came, but did not stop, whimpering and moaning as she continued to assault her sex. 
“Did you see that?” Scott pointed towards the tinted glass facing the road.
“What?” Curt’s eyes followed Scott’s finger. He saw Brinkley jogging quickly across the road, carrying a nondescript bag, “Oh…guess she’s got her own plans,”
“Wanna go fuck with her?” Scott said, receiving a look from Curt, “I said fuck WITH her,” He reiterated. They both turned to the talent on stage, otherwise occupied with their traveling companions.
“Yeah, this isn’t my scene anyway,” Curt downed the rest of his double whiskey shot. 
They took their time making their way over, hoping that she would be given enough time to put herself in a difficult situation. Curt listened at the door and grinned when he heard her moan slightly. He slipped his key in the lock with a painful slowness, careful to avoid making noise. Once the knob loosened, it clicked and he opened the door. 
Brinkley heard the click and quickly stopped her self-pleasuring, bolting up in bed, but making sure the covers were up high enough to hide her partial nakedness. She tried to hide her labored breathing as she looked toward the door to see Curt and Scott walk in. She looked entirely too casual.
“What on earth are you doing in here,” Curt knew instinctively that there were no clothes under those covers. The TV wasn’t on and she was just here sitting straight up in bed, she must’ve not known how obvious she looked. Her flushed cheeks didn’t help. 
Scott smirked at her embarrassed visage. The faint smell of her sex was in the air and he picked it up quickly. 
“Just getting ready to go to sleep,” She fibbed. Some guy was following me around the…truck stop earlier,” She expanded the lie, “So I’ve been on edge since then…glad it's just you two,” She wasn’t sure she could say glad in all sincerity. But she could say she was relieved it wasn’t a creepy stranger.
“Were you having a nightmare? You look a little…excitable,” Scott said, walking over to her bed, “Need someone to give you a hug?” he teased, one knee on the edge of her bed.
“Oh god, no,” she thought.
“No thank you…” She shook her head, “No nightmares here.”
“Aw c’mon, you can tell me if you’re scared,” His large hand dug into the comforter on the bed and started pulling it. Brinkley panicked, holding the comforter around her waist as tightly as she could, but it was no secret he was much stronger. She began sliding inch by inch across the mattress. This forced the dildo that was barely inside of her to slip deeper and deeper with every tug. She had to hold her breath to keep from moaning. 
“Stop,” She begged “Maybe you were the nightmare,” She tried to skitter backwards but keep the covers. It was a tug of war that she had no chance of winning. She glanced at Curt for backup. He just stood a distance behind them with his arms folded, looking amused and not at all like he was going to help her.
Scott stopped pulling the covers towards him and leaned over, crawling towards her on the bed. The dildo wasn’t moving but was buried in her and Scott’s actions were starting to drive her over the edge. She was mortified that she might cum any moment. 
Scott flopped beside her and muscled her up against him.
“Dreaming about me, huh? Can’t say I’m surprised,” He said with a cocky aire. 
“I said nightmare,” She countered,”Big difference.”
“Poor thing, you’re shaking,” His hand slid over the top of the covers to her thigh, “I should probably stay. Help keep those bad thoughts away,” 
Brinkley was desperate for him to stop touching her as her sex threatened to betray her restraint. But she found it difficult to voice that resistance - her subconscious not wanting him to stop.
Curt recognized that Scott may very well be attempting to uncover the truth of her activities and that he may pilot the situation into motion.
“I”m going to bed, Hall, unless you two can do it silently, it's gonna have to wait,” He had to stifle a snicker at the mortified look on Brinkley’s face.
“Cock blocking me again,” Scott shook his head, “Leave it to you, Hennig,” He backed off a little, looking down toward her lap and then back to her eyes. He smirked knowingly as if silently telling her he knew she was naked. His wink as he turned to leave shook her a little.
“You’re a bad liar,” Curt was a little more openly amused now they were alone. 
“I’m not lying,” She defended herself overzealously as she tried to scoot back towards the headboard without slipping out from under the covers and prove him right.
“Baby, I could smell you the second I walked in the door,” He slipped his tshirt off and began undoing his belt as he stood at the foot of her bed, “You think I don’t know where that bag is from,” He didn’t have to point it out for her to know what he referred to. She didn’t know how he knew, but knew she had been caught red-handed.
She watched him, biting her lower lip as the dildo was still partially inside her.
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” She defended weakly, “I just went across the street, I can do that if I want to,”
“Scott was about two seconds from fucking you,” he teased her.
“No he wasn’t,” She argued, unconvincingly. She watched as Curt let his jeans fall and slipped off his boxers. Her stomach flipped a little when she saw his partially hard member. 
“I’m not fucking you,” He stated, crawling under her covers, “But…doesn’t mean I can’t help you,” He reached out and grabbed her thigh, pulling her over to his side and spreading her legs. 
“Curt, you do’t ha- god, yes,” She fell back onto the bed as his hand explored, finding the apparatus she’d been using, he worked it into her rapidly, making her squirm and moan his name.
“No no no, you know what I like to hear,” his breath was on her ear, his tongue licking up the sensitive edge.
“Yes, Daddy,” she purred, enjoying the lack of control she had over her own sexual dominion. He kissed her neck roughly, his teeth barely avoided leaving marks. He used his free hand to direct her’s to his cock.
“Be a good girl and play with Daddy,” he murmured into her skin, groaning as he slickened fingers gripped and stroked him. He could feel his skin unusually warm. 
He drove her to another orgasm, not slowing the rapid pumps as she bit her lip to keep from screaming.
Curt hissed through his teeth as she toyed with his tip, flicking the ridge on the underside. A plastic bottle bumped into his thigh.  He grasped it, pulling it up to read. 
“I see…naughty,  naughty girl,” his voice sounded more like praise than admonishment.
“You seem to like it,  Daddy,” she lengthened and slowed her stroking.
“Do you hear me complaining,” he leaned down to kiss her, swallowing her sudden gasp as he began to fuck her with the new toy roughly.
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spiderh0rse · 3 months
gina's mind notes! no part this and that, there's only the one episode out.
bleary and eepy,,
briefly very upset at being wiped from the databases. relieved it's just security
knows of Freeman! wishes she could've seen his HEV trials.
ma'am you're super quiet and mumbly rn :(
used to get really lost in Black Mesa. Thinks it's hard to NOT get lost
kinda NEEDS her corneas
skipped. breakfast.
Dr. Matthews!!
awwww shit Collette ran off :( was talking about something weird,,
knows about Xen! Mostly just complains about her workload today
tells herself to wake up! wake up more!!
guesses that Freeman's dorms are far away and that's why he's late
guesses (correctly) that Keller and Rosenberg are going to start fighting
worried about how high the AMS is going to be run
doesn't like how bright the scanners are
medical tested the brightness of the lights and they DO harm people
quietly pushes the cart
mocks a scientist's sodas
Collette wouldn't have jammed the machine. She'd be fixing it
brainfog :(
wishes she'd brought a pillow. No work left for her to do under the AMS chamber
knows how long the samples usually take to run
it might be pizza day in the cafeteria! or breakfast! would kill for pancakes
freaks the fuck out about the explosions + BLACK VOID
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canisonicscrewyou · 6 months
hi !! i got this idea from some of my other mutuals (evildead and ratoffstring and sharktoothedfae) can you tell me about some things you enjoy ? please and thank you !! :3
!!!!! oh boy I just took a big hit off my pen let’s seeeee
I. Love. Making. Little. Drinks. I love the rituals and craft of coffee and tea and cocktails. I love it at my job, and nowadays the only thing I really dislike about being a manager is that it means I can’t bar as often as I’d like. I love it at home where I brew myself & my partner & our roommate coffee with my French press on our days off. I have strong opinions on coffee roasts and types of tea and gin. I love light roasts and used to especially lean towards light roasts so acidic that they’d curdle milk/nondairy/etc. I prefer something that’s less heartburn inducing for my regular nowadays(Starbucks Green Apron & Anniversary Blends my beloved)(Atomic Coffee Cabot Street my beloved)(Trade Coffee in general my beloved). Likewise, I also really like shitty cumbies gas station coffee, and instant coffee, and Arizona iced teas and what have you. I do NOT like energy drinks because most of them are carbonated(yucky)(aside from when it’s alcohol that’s carbonated for some reason?). But I do like Monster’s Lemon or Raspberry Iced Tea if I ever need one. I’m just a beverage opinions girlie.
On a similar note I also really love herbs and other botanicals !! I have a little “apothecary” near my altars and also a big tea/coffee/herbs cart in the kitchen lol, and used to dabble in making different cordials and tinctures and stuff- and I wanna start doing more of that again soon. But I also just like rose and mugwort teas now. I’m in the process of setting up an old snake tank as a little herb garden and I’m excited!!! :3 My mom and I had an herb garden & a vegetable garden (+ the home to one fuckass big blackberry bramble) when I lived with my parents so I’m sosososo excited to make a little one againnnn.
I love cooking dinner and more specifically I love cooking dinner for @demonicomens . I love cooking them good food & experimenting w stuff I think they will like. I also like introducing them to the concept of a sunbutter & jam sandwich(and the next time we get bananas I have promised a sunbutter and banana sandie). I like peeling oranges for them and cutting strawberries into hearts for them. Now I’m just thinking about how much I lovelovelove cooking & baking for other people.
I have lost the energy to ramble. I love decorating my spaces. Here was my living room at some point, I wanna take newer pictures when I put more stuff on the walls (as usual)
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Finally that gay bitch the Master (Rory!Master AU my beloved).
Thank youuuuuu
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adickaboutspoons · 7 months
List five of your least-popular fics, as well as when/why you wrote them. Tag five people to play. Shamelessly stolen from someone foolish enough to say they were tagging "anyone who wants to play." I'm going to go ahead and interpret "least-popular" as "has received fewest hits"? I mean, I have a (prolly unhealthy) spreadsheet with data like the ratio of kudos:hits, which is PROLLY the most accurate way of determining what was well-liked by the people who read it, but that's also possibly just speculation (except Like I Want to be Awake, my beloved. It's got the lowest ratio of them all, and even the people who were nice enough to comment have mentioned that the ending is a bit of a downer because it's canon-compliant. So I can easily imagine that readers getting to the end of 16K and being mad about the "downer ending" that I didn't warn for). Anyway. Unbelievable: written in August 2023 in response to @ofmd-dailyquest prompt: Make Up Unbelievable Stories about The Most Fearsome Pirate. I'm not surprised this one has so few hits. It's T-rated (generously, could easily be G), and Jeffery Fettering is the POV character. Who's that? Exactly (The answer is the guy who approached him in the tavern in Bridgetown). Just because I like to imagine the string of repressed white dudes inspired to piracy that Stede leaves in his wake doesn't mean it's gonna be everyone's cuppa. It's about Jeffery and his tavern buddies making up nasty stories about Blackbeard's exploits to entertain themselves and Jeffery realizing that they're all full of shit and he's bored out of his skull and hitting much closer to the truth than he knows.
Hook Head Man Tale: written in April 2023 in response to another @ofmd-dailyquests prompt: Learn the Hook Head Man Tale (Bonus: Discover how he Eats and how he Kisses). Another one I'm not surprised about. It's G-rated, and it's kind of bad on purpose (from a technical writing stand-point; it's written in the style of Young Stede's first self-insert fan fiction, so it's pretty self-indulgent and overwrought). It's the story of Young Stede meeting a creature with a hook for a head because he's under a curse. And breaking that curse to reveal it was really a fairy with long black hair and big brown eyes all along... When a Good Plan Comes Together: written in September 2023. Ed and Stede plan a fuckery together for the first time after the reunion, and get caught up in the giddy euphoria of it and wind up making love on the paper-covered table. I've talked smack about it before. It's fine, and there's actually some pretty excellent metaphors and lovely turns of phrase in there, but mostly I'm cross with myself for lazily glossing over both the actual plan of the fuckery and the actual sex. Stede Sonnets: started in December 2023, but I add new ones every now and again when the fancy takes me. Exactly what it says on the tin - sonnets either about or from the perspective of Stede. Poetry isn't everyone's jam, so yeah - another one that I'm not particularly surprised it's not popular. Under Par: written in June 2023. Stede is golfing with the Badmintons and hating life. Ed is a flirty cart-girl (delivering beverages and snacks to golfers on the links) to the rescue! Remember when there was that 2-second clip of Taika in his Blackbeard get-up riding around in a golf cart in the bts footage from a Rita Ora music video? And we were so desperately starved for any news at all about the second season that we all lost our minds? So this is a little modern AU based on that clip and comments it inspired. It was v. much an "of the moment" fic, and now that we've all moved on from the moment, I'm not surprised there's not any interest in reading this one anymore. Ironically, this has the highest kudos:hits ratio of all my fics, so even though it's not been read by many, I guess those who did read it generally liked it? Tagging @bizarrelittlemew, @chocolatepot, @emi--rose, @epersonae, & @forpiratereasons
And, of course, anyone who wants to play 😉
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rozieramati · 8 months
it's one of those days where i can't see. i hate when i can't see. everything blurs together like a weak blob and my head spins like a grocery cart wheel that's jammed with hair strands. i'm getting an MRI on february 10th. i'm releasing my next single on february *redacted* it's my mom and manager's birthday on february 7th. the blur just got real bad. i can barely see the letters i'm typing. we'll go with intuition for now.
i haven't been introspective with my words for a while. i've been busy worrying about finishing the music. fuck my eyes hurt. i don't want to sleep more though, i want to get up and start the day. it's 10:38am. maybe i've lost myself. maybe i just need to rest. i couldn't sleep last night. the weirdest thing happened, i woke up around 5am because my lights were on super bright, even though i had them off when i went to sleep. i figured maybe there was a power outage because my laptop wasn't connected to wifi as well. i don't know if i slept. i feel asleep. i've been on go, i've been swirling in purpose. now i'm dwindling into the sickness again. at the very least i've re-found my capacity for love. not just in a romantic sense, but in all senses. i feel capable of giving myself now. all of 2023 i was healing from giving too much, and to the wrong people. now i feel like i have a few people that are the right people, and that's all i could ask for, and more.
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