#lots of german bro angst as well
madizenmadi · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Austria/Prussia (Hetalia), Prussia/Russia (Hetalia) Characters: Prussia (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Hungary (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia) Additional Tags: Past Hungary/Prussia (Hetalia), Minor Prussia/Russia (Hetalia), Arranged Marriage, Nationverse (Hetalia), Historical Hetalia, World War II, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Family Issues, Dysfunctional Relationships, Past Austria/Hungary (Hetalia) Series: Part 2 of Historical Nationverse Summary:
Following the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany in March of 1938, Roderich is set to marry Gilbert Beilschmidt - a man he shares a long and tumultuous history with.
The turn of the 20th century has made life troublesome enough, but the unlabeled relationship he and the Prussian seemed to have formed over the past thirty years is something that can only make this arrangement more complicated than anyone could know. It's hard for Roderich to keep a diplomatic head during all of this turmoil, especially when Gilbert sometimes looks at Roderich like he wants him, too.
Roderich feels violated and helpless while his world upturns. Gilbert feels angry and confused as everything slowly crumbles around him.
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soyhasmcaamp · 4 months
Unfortunately for me and some people around me, draco malfoy has become my new hyperfixation character. Along with a lot of angst, him punching Voldemort in the face, and a lot of not in-character head canons I have had in my head, I have thought of a list.
You know those tik toks or posts about what would kill a Victorian child or a British child in the 1700s-1800s? Well, I think that first-second year draco gives spoiled British child vibes.
So, here's a list of things that I think would make young Draco pass out:
-public transport
-fast food, bro has never had anything not healthy in his life, the amount of grease on an average pizza or a burger patty would fucking stun him.
-big crowded shopping malls
-black Friday sells
-literally any app out there
-phones in general
-a kebab
-public school, he'd get the shit bullied out of him purely bc of his name
-the amount of swearing on the street
-a bag of weed, not even smoking it, just seeing it.
-german weather at the moment
-role play accounts
-the Omegaverse
-train stations in Germany, specifically Frankfurt
-Breaking Bad
-fifth graders
-anyone in his hearing range cracking their knuckles/neck/back
-a smokers cough
-any neon color
-marvel comics and movies
-a person showing signs of depression
-german history
-a dead dove: do not eat fan fic
-i think like I should have said this way back there but the internet
-the mean girls musical
-heathers the musical
-a CSD
-any kind of demonstration really
I can't think of more but there definitely is.
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cannedkopi · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
So, this has popped up in my feed several times within the last few days, so I thought, why not give it a go and expose my fic writing persona. So....
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
7. All posted as Sequanea
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
103.282, which I know for some writers is like one story, but for me is quite a lot.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently only Bridgerton. I used to write for other fandoms waaaaay back in the day, specifically Buffy and Harry Potter. But looking at when the former wrapped up, you can see that I do mean way back when I say way back.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
When the world ends (675)
Lift me up (667)
Heaven is here if you want it (558)
Don't fight it (if you don't know what it is) (283)
Year of Hell (194)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually do not, because I feel extremely embarrassed about what to say without sounding stupid and not being able to show my appreciation properly. Which I know is doing exactly the opposite, and I really, really want to change that, but unfortunately old habits die hard.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
All of my fics have a HEA, but I think the angstiest thing I have written so far is “Year of Hell” since the angst goes all the way until the last few paragraphs.  
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
As above, everything I write is HEA in the end.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no. There were some weird comments that did not make much sense in the context of what I have written, but no hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ehm... I try? I still feel quite embarrassed writing smut, but I am doing my best to push myself to get out of my comfort zone and include more M or E rated content in the future. I'm a very vanilla kind of girl though, so don't expect anything other than that.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not anymore, but the very first fic I have ever written was a Harry Potter/Discworld crossover (which was pure comedy) and there is an abandoned Harry Potter/Buffy story probably still buried somewhere on fanfiction.net that I never finished. You get the picture. .
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I did write a few fics in German. Needles to say, all have been abandoned.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I have to say Bridgeton’s Kathony (Kanthony?), but there was a time when my heart belonged to How I met your Mother’s Barney and Robin. I shipped these two even before they became canon and still remember the discussion if they should be called Robarn or BRo (It's BRo btw. Robarn just sounds so wrong).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I really would like to finish that Buffy/HP crossover, but a) I am so way out of these fandoms by now that don’t think I could come up with a proper plot (and I forgot most of my initial outline) and b) I  have lost my password to all of my old fanfiction accounts as well as access to any email addresses that I used for them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I can write an entire story without any dialogue. Does that count?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finding the right words after dialogue in order to not repeatedly write he said/she said or a variation thereof. Not repeating myself, including not using the same words multiple times in a sentence or paragraph, is in general something I struggle with.
Courtesy of my lawyer brain, I also get stuck on details a lot and over think things far too much. It’s hard for me to sometimes just say “screw it” and not go down the rabbit hole of research because I want to get each and every fact right.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Only if it serves a purpose, and at least in my stories it never would. I exclude terms of endearment from that though. In my opinion these do not count as full dialogue.   
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter (and Discworld, since my very first fic was a crossover).
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Surprisingly Year of Hell. Which has a very similar structure to another one shot I am very proud of that I wrote for HIMYM like 15 years ago and found earlier this year on one of my old hard drives. I think it is still somewhere on fanfiction.net, but I really don’t remember under which nick I posted it, especially since I don’t even remember what nicks I used to go by back then to be honest
Since I am still new to tumblr and don’t really know anyone around here, I tag whoever stumbles upon this and decides to give these 20 questions a go. Cheers!
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sparklingpax · 1 year
And now, on this edition of miscellaneous headcanons no one asked for!! 
-(intended to be set in canon, but opinionated so feel free to disagree if you disagree just don’t attack me for it dkjdsksdjk thanks ;w;)
-typos...sorry if you see any...I typed this on my phone
-this is so long. Too long??? y'all I have many thoughts tho 😭 these range from specific little things to wholesome to kinda angst to like... whatever. Lots of things 🥺 I know I didn't talk about everyone.......so
-pls drop in to ask for more of these anytime I enjoy writing these out qwq 
-If you didn’t read that one long-ass fic or my (also long-ass) ramble about landiver as a couple, they went to like military academy together and that’s where their whole relationship began....also they never formally met Phoenix but he went to that same academy. Hawk, meanwhile, studied somewhere else...he was kinda always on a fast-track to a higher-level military position so he went to a more “prestigious” school...he aimed to be a captain or some higher rank for a couple reasons, but one of the biggest was so he could prove that a team could be run without the meaningless caste/social class-enforcing regulations and rituals he so much despised. 
-Giga and Mega enjoy when they have quiet nights to curl up and read books together....perhaps also with a glass of wine to accompany this.....Giga dozes off first, always.
-Hydra actually studies other languages for fun; right now he speaks German, and has a decent grip on English, Japanese, and French--he's currently trying to learn Chinese.
-Mega and Giga are really good cooks, and they are responsible for the banquet-type meals the Deceptions have sometimes. They also enjoy it, viewing cooking as a "labor of love" and enjoying the smiles on everyone's faces when they sit for dinner and eat. Now, while they appreciate help in the kitchen....surprisingly only Bullhorn is a decent cook and the least likely to break something (he actually puts effort into cooking/baking, it's a hobby of his)....so Mega finds ways to gently coax Cancer and Wilder out of the kitchen so they don't end up making a mess of things...💀✨
-The only Pretender who perhaps has never been to Cab's treehouse is Phoenix.....he's literally nowhere to be found most days cause of his job 😭 bro is literally gone for half the missions they go on too sjsjjssj
-Phoenix is a nice guy, really. He tries. To hang out when he's around, to remember names and come off as easy-going and funny, to be friendly (which he is), but he himself is a little awkward sometimes, surprisingly more of an introvert...he feels bad about always being busy...the kids (and the other team members) do understand and don't blame him for it, but he thinks about it a lot....after all, the Pretenders all know each other best because of all the ime they spent on their initial mission assignment....So basically, he's always been distant but he's not a distant person, its just his situation in life 😔✨
-The kids introduced Lofi to Hawk and he listens to it a lot while working, it helps him focus quite well.
-Diver never formally got his driver's license...he does know how to drive a car...it just deadass had never crossed his mind and then when it did..............he'd just forget 💀 Lander is usually glad to give him a ride in his vehicle mode tho, and on occasion, he'll be driving if he has to...just hoping in the back of his mind he doesnt get stopped or something
-Oh yea and those two hang out in each other's rooms in HQ all the time....on the whole, Diver goes to Lander's room more often tho (I believe there was an episode where they were in this room-looking space looking at the news together and I will die on the hill that was one of their rooms in HQ)
-After coming together with the other Godmasters, Roadking found a new hobby in poking fun at Ginrai and Ginrai would always have good comebacks; I mean come ON theyre both 19 and definitely have similar personalities, they most certainly argue and have a mild (friendly) rivalry (nothing serious, all /lh if you know what I mean 😌)
-Ranger is the chillest dude. He and Diver get along v well, and he is always amused to watch Diver and Lander go at it in one of their (ultimately pointless) discussions about motivations of characters in a movie they just watched or why there was a billboard with a misspelling in the slogan line on the road the other day.
-Lightfoot unironically really likes classical music over any other kind of music, and I say unironically because Roadking and the kids thought he was joking
-I swear I've mentioned this before but Ginrai regularly goes on non-work-related drives in his truck; he always did ever since he started working his trucker job, and still enjoys it, especially at night. And, now that he has a virtually indestructible transtector for a truck...he's got no worries. Hawk tags along when he's not swamped with work...they very much enjoy the time together, sharing music and sometimes stopping at random places on the side of the road for one reason or another.
-On a similar note, Wilder likes walks on the beach by himself. He has a lot of stuff to think about and gets pretty frustrated pretty fast so...it does him good to have the silence and alone time.
-Lander initially used to not need glasses but then over time (after he added glasses to his human disguise) because his human form wore the (random) pair for so long, he found his human body's vision deteriorating to the point where he finally dragged himself over to an optometrist one day for a formal appointment, where he ended up getting the right prescription...and all was right with the world
-Ginrai plays with the straps of his overall things when he's nervous/jittery.
-Buster is a coffee-enjoyer (like 1-2 cups a day, actually--) meanwhile, Hydra is a tea guy, like Giga. Mega will drink either, she has no preference.
-All the Pretenders have taken the kids out for some kind of training exercise at least once, but they've gone with Diver the most.
-Due to his previous occupation & personal interest (as a hobby), Ranger knows how to deal with & ride horses. He tried to teach both Ginrai and Roadking (initially it was just Ginrai but Roadking chimed in wanting to do it as well; Lightfoot is already something of a horseback rider himself, so he offered to tag along for fun) how to ride horses.........once. never again 😀
-nearly every single (human) character on both sides has some form of social media. And yes, they do congregate on Twitter for the most part (I have so many thoughts about this but I'll leave it at this for now)
-Lander has been known to make drunken tweets at odd hours of the morning and then when he's sober again....he really only feels like deleting the most heinous ones. He doesn't really care what he posts, especially cause he has all work-related contacts blocked on that account so...he's got no worries.
-Shuta's motorcycle-lookin bike thing is actually a regular motorbike turned into something way cooler as a whole separate job-related project by his father years ago...Shuta just started using it for himself one day and no one seemed to notice...so he kept going out with it.
-Sometimes, when he's working, Lander ties his hair back, especially when it gets longer (before he gets it trimmed)--he puts it in a ponytail so it doesn't distract him. (Sometimes he leaves it in and doesn't realize; Diver thinks it's cute)
-The Pretenders, while in their human bodies, do have stuff like heightened immune systems, quicker healing from physical wounds, ability to take higher levels of alcohol and such with little to no problems, etc......but they still have human bodies.....so it's not impossible they (and it does happen) get sick, break bones/sustain different kinds of injuries, get drunk, become generally physically exhausted, etc....like with food/drink, they can go way longer than the normal human without it, but at some point they'd need to eat something or they'd starve in their human form (just as Cybertronians need to refuel and stuff)........so......anyway......on the mild tangential connection to the topic of getting drunk......it is a mystery to all of them how bad Hawk is at holding alcohol...of all of them, he gets drunk the fastest, both in his Cybertronian and human body--whether it's energon or human wine, Hawk has a 95% chance of getting tipsy off even just the first glass....hence he is careful with how much he consumes...most times.
-Clouder is that one guy that will make multiple extra accounts to mess with someone. He has done this actually. No one wants to add him on discord servers as a 'friend' because they just feel the weird vibes his main account gives,,,
-The Deception HM Jrs would have been voted "best friendship trio" in their senior year of highschool superlatives contest had they actually gone to school instead of what they ended up doing (based on a real entry in my own highschool's superlatives contest btw haha)
-Lander drinks....a lot.....he has a lot of heavy thoughts. Especially after Shuta's dad died...he harbors a lot of private guilt about that. Diver, beneath much of their daily back and forth teasing, is always watching for signs anything is getting worse with Lander, and is always silently there for him in that regard. They often go drinking together so Diver can just make sure nothing happens to Lander. Lander knows this, and lets him...he trusts Diver, and they understand without needing even to discuss it; Diver's presence gives him confidence to gradually learn to pull himself out of these frequent ruts, and over time, he found his way back to enjoying drinking rather than using it as a way to attempt to forget the past. Diver was there the whole way for it :]
-Ginrai will not eat natto.
-As a Nagano native, Ginrai has absolutely taken members of the team to his hometown and the surrounding areas for sightseeing and other things :3 Also, Nagano is known for its awesome apples! (A/n: Actually real; I was there and learned about that/ate some apple treats....which were literally so good 🤤) so Ginrai is very fond of apples in general, always has been ^^
-Cancer and Browning are a KNOWN prankster duo 😎 (their victims are often the Decepticon Pretenders, mainly because those three STILL haven't figured out the pranking duo is Cancer and Browning, they just Know that Someone Out There is Up to something 🧐 this lack of awareness is the same reason neither Giga nor Mega intend to intervene either 💀)
-'King Poseidon' has no hobbies or passtimes, the Seacons just Rage wherever they are until they have to fight next...that's why King Poseidon is so fucking Mad
-while its true that Dauros was plotting some kind of usurpation of Blood as the trio's (unofficial) leader, he actually gave up because upon later thought....what was the point? It was just the three of them? So...he conceded to just let Blood do whatever and instead just be snarky with him. Gilmer is like a third wheel to this conflict, with no actual opinion on this at any point. He's just there to manically laugh alongside them while they carry out their Evil Plans™
-Hawk kinda has kitten sneezes (canon 💀😭)
-Diver actually doesn't like heights much....but you wouldn't be able to tell because he does his best to bear through it, especially during missions....it also helps when the distance from the ground below is not visible, so like "out of sight out of mind" sorta thing....but yea it makes him uneasy and (somewhat uncharictaristically) tense when heights come into play. Of course, it also helps a lot when Lander's there...he just focuses on the presence of someone who isn't afraid and that helps him not be as afraid of it for that moment
-You'd think Lightfoot doesn't have any interest in being any kind of jokester, but he's actually a serial pun-maker. Do not get him started, he will not stop, and he'll do it with a somewhat neutral expression too, which makes it funnier for the others 💀
-Bullhorn sometimes puts Cancer on his shoulders if they're in some kind of a crowd and the boy can't see, since Wilder and Bullhorn are tall enough to usually get a good view, but Cancer is usually not.
-Phoenix is the one monitoring airwaves the most (it's partially his actual dayjob to do something similar, so he does both that and work for the Autoboy team most days/nights); as such, he kept contact with the Headmasters quite often for a while...then they stopped sending transmissions...he hasn't completely lost contact with them but it's reduced only to emergency transmissions now....he misses the random conversations they'd have with him.
-Roadking really likes EDM, dance, Phonk, etc.
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dopebonksaladfarm · 1 year
The Fault in Our Doritos
My mom always declared to me all about how magical prom is supposed to be, being dolled up like a princess and courted away by a charming prince on a special night. The one problem was that I didn’t have a charming prince. I hadn’t even gone on a single date in my life. One could say it’s because my autistic self is just too hot for this world, what with my constant daydreaming over real social interaction and wearing whatever thrift store clothes that were in my closet. In my defense, I wasn’t single due to my lack of trying.
One of the guys that I had asked out was, whom I’m going to call just for the sake of having his name being forever stained by the horrible memory of being asked out by a girl, Don. I was with Don throughout all of my time at swimming, whether it was for school or for district. Since it was a few days before a winter formal event, I decided to simply ask him if he was going to the dance.
“I don’t dance,” Don cluelessly said to me, “Since food isn’t allowed at the formal, I don’t have any reason to come.”
While it was quite the disappointment, I understood that he wasn’t the only boy in the world, especially when it came to asking out. I knew one place that I could find a potential prince charming, and that was in my literature class. With all the angst artsy fartsy kids had in that class, I knew one would reveal their truest selves with what was called the ‘hot seat’. Named for the smokin hot seat that my literature teacher would occasionally sit on, the whole class got to write one to three questions on a notecard given to them for the one unfortunate volunteer. The volunteer for the day was a boy named Benton.
“What classes do you plan to take for senior year?” the teacher asked from a worn-out note, echoing the voice of Derrick.
I remembered Derrick from the first day of school, when we were learning about the cellphone policy.
“And if you refuse to give up your phone after the third strike,” the literature teacher commanded. “We will have to call in your parents.”
“Does that mean that my dad will finally come back.” Derrick snarked, causing everyone in the class to laugh uncomfortably.
He was the perfect example of what you would expect from my literature class, a boy who's brave and bold opinions translated beautifully into comedic punchlines that were totally not loud enough to make someone who happened to pass by to mutter “‘what’s going on in there?”
Despite that, Derrick mostly stayed with his one true bro friend named Morales here.
“I plan to take mostly AP classes,” Benton replied to the teacher’s note.
“Since you were an only child, were your parents overprotective of you?”
“They were when I was younger, but they’re willing to give me more freedom now that I’m older.”
“Why don't you have a girlfriend?”
“I’m busy studying.”
“Why are you so cool?”
“Well, I guess it’s because I keep up with school work. I try to keep all A’s in my class.”
“If you are so cool, why don’t you have a girlfriend?”
“I study a lot.”
As Benton continued to answer questions from the teacher, I continued daydreaming of what special boy I could get for prom. I looked at Benton and realized that he was a good shot. My dad knew his parents from his work, so there was a good chance of him noting being chained up in the basement for an hour long lecture of how to treat me right. Benton also had dark eyes like those of romantic heroes in books that were written as therapy for the writer, and was as tall as the typical Middle European was. He was a perfect German kid: tall, studious, and honest. What more could a girl ask for?
When the class period ended, I had to think of a way to charm Benton. Bluntly asking him out to a romantic night would be too much for me. Telling him either random trivia about My Little Pony or how long a decapitated head can live away from the body would definitely scare him off (though I’m quite good at it). Only one night was left to come up with a plan to woo him! Finally, I devised a fool-proof plan, or that’s what I thought. There is a German saying that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
I went to the nuclear disaster place that was my kitchen to see a bag of doritos. Those doritos were about a week old, bought by my mom while she was half asleep at Seven-Eleven. No one really wanted to touch them as they lay fallen in the corner of the kitchen table. On the plus side, as a commercialized snack, they were easily recognizable to many boys my age. I decided that those blue bagged doritos were the safest bet to win my charming prince’s heart.
“Are you going to prom?” I wrote across a scrap of lined paper. “We can eat together in the corner.”
I tapped the paper to the doritos and got a drink to go along with it. The next morning, I arrived early for my class to place the snack on Benton’s desk. The room was in its rare state of silence, with only the desks to keep me company. Despite that, I was as nervous as I would be if I had to directly court Benton as I laid the doritos.
I escaped to the bathroom during break, dreading the response from the special boy. When I came back to the class, my heart sank as I realized that my bag of doritos was moved onto the desk of Morales. Why would the little curly haired Morales have the doritos? The best he had ever gotten to charming a female was telling her a story of how a guy lost his “member” in WW1. And all that Morales got was two middle fingers, which he took as a dashing kiss from the maiden.
In the present, he was equally as surprised as I was when he saw the bag, with Benton’s eyes curled with fear as Derrick began his taunts.
He had flashbacks of his German mother. A woman who was larger than life. Who would always keep such a watchful eye on Benton. Who he would dread if he got an infamous B by accident.
“Ohhh,” Derrick smirked to a shell-shocked Benton. “Looks like someone found a special someone.”
He had worked so hard to escape the clutches of his mother’s regime, only to risk falling into it again with another girl.
In a moment of panic, Benton half-heartedly asked desperately looking for an escape, “but what if there’s a roofie in the doritos?”
Derrick laughed as he saw Benton squirm at the idea of having a date, realizing that despite not even having half of the academic smarts as him, he could at least have better success with the ladies. Meanwhile, Morales was happily eating away at the one thing that was most important in his life, the doritos. I, however, was completely dumbstruck on how such a genius plan could go horribly awry? I had given a German boy food with the most subtle implication of romance.
My, or rather my mother’s, bucket list item of a prom date did not pan out. So no Facebook posts of something magical with dresses and tuxes for everlasting happiness. Still, prom night with a bunch of friends was great fun.
I even gave a boy my rose corsage after he had exclaimed “I have never seen roses in my life before,” before promptly eating it.
Moral of the story: roses not doritos are the way to a man's heart!
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some-random-writer · 3 years
Slender - French, ofc! With a English accent
Jeff - He knows sign language. One time, he had an awful nightmare about BEN going into cyberspace and coming back deaf. When he woke up, he started to learn, in case it ever did happen…bros I could rly hit y’all with some angst but I won’t :/ He sounds like he’s from up north?
BEN - Since his brain works like a computer, he kinda just knows a lot of them??? He can change his voice, so from ItItalian to Southern American!
EJ - German baby! Ik a lot of plp say “aww yis, EJ would know Russian” but like…no? I just can’t see Jack speaking Russian?? Deep, Russian sounding voice tho??? idk if that makes sense
Jane - She knows Spanish, and she can read and write in French (currently trying to learn to speak it) She sounds French
Clockwork - She knows German as well, but that’s becuz she’s from German decent (another Headcanon of mine!). AHHHH HOT DEEP BOSTON VOICE OMG
Sally - Being a ghost, she’s had a lot of time on her hands! She knows Spanish, French, and currently is learning Sign Language. Sounds like a little kid from the mid US?
Homicidal Liu - He doesn’t know any, Sully just can’t stay focused and let him learn. Northern Sounding?
Masky/Tim - SHITTTTT— he knows Russian and it’s is *chef kiss* AHHH MORE DEEP VOICE..Canada maybe???
Hooide/Brian- He knows German and Spanish, but he only ever learned Spanish becuz He was required to for school (do u guys have to have a foreign language for school??? I do) Maybe and Irish sounding accent?? not heavy, but it’s there
Toby - He’s getting Jeff to teach him sign languag, he wanted to learn, thought it would be cool. Kinda Southern-ish sounding??
LJ - LJ knows quite a few languages, but chooses to only speak English. BRITISH ACCENT PLEASE
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writerfae · 2 years
about your Aiden post, here are some questions I would like you to answer 😌
what is his fav colour?
would he raise a baby deer if he ever finds one that is lost or their mother is killed?
what would he name the deer?
what would he wear on a festival/ball thing (you know what I mean)? And I need details like colour, jewelry etc.
are there nicknames he called his brother?
did his brother have any nicknames for him?
what is his most precious memory with his brother?
what does he do nowadays when there is a storm?
does he know how to ride a horse? (Idk this question just came to me and it reminded me that I always imagined him go to foot where ever he went but that would take some time wouldn’t it?? 😭😭)
his fav star constellation if he has one?
that brings me to, can he coordinate where to go by (or with, why is English so hard??) the stars?
car or dog person?
white, green, black or fruit tea?
Okay that’s enough questions I guess 😭😭😭
anyway I love my boy Aiden so much *gently holds him* 🥺🤲🏻💗
omg THANK YOU SO MUCH again I love you for asking about my boy, I could still cry 😭💕 (Aiden loves you too 🥺)
What is his fav colour? - (Dark) green!
would he raise a baby deer if he ever finds one that is lost or their mother is killed? - Absolutely. He loves animals and I think he’d grow pretty attached to it (bonus point and extra angst what if he shot the mother because he didn’t see that she had a fawn so he raises the baby to kinda make up for it)
what would he name the deer? - probably Bonny (that means something along the lines of „pretty one“) or Fia
what would he wear on a festival/ball? - He’d definitely wear a fancy suit. Almost had a mental breakdown over trying to decide what kind of cut that suit would have and didn’t come up with anything but I do have a certain color/pattern in mind. He’d wear a black suit (maybe with either black or dark green vest?) and the suit jacket would have little dark green embroidery on the sleeves and the collar area that look like little branches (I had a ref pic but of course i lost it). Aiden is never really wearing much jewelry, but he’d insist on keeping on his crow pendant. In general Aiden looks really good in dark green and/or black suits I imagine (or black with dark red. Or black-gold, y’know, Talon’s house colors 👀👀).
He’d prefer simple designs that wouldn’t make him stick out too much, as if he wouldn’t look so good in any kind of suit that people just have to watch him 👀
are there nicknames he called his brother? - he calls him old man sometimes to mock him xD (in modern AU he calls him bro but idk if he does in canon cause not sure if it fits the time period ahaha)
did his brother have any nicknames for him? - haha yeah he called him little rabbit because he ran around like one when he was little and little brother of course (or you know, Brüderchen in German). Sometimes troublemaker xD
what is his most precious memory with his brother? - Oh he has many but what he treasures most is crawling into his brother’s bed after a nightmare and Henry reading him stories until they both fell back asleep. Also Henry carrying him back home on his back whenever Aiden was exhausted from playing in the woods.
what does he do nowadays when there is a storm? - trying to blend out the thunder by working in the house, humming his mother’s lullaby to calm his nerves
does he know how to ride a horse? - he does! His neighbors had a horse so him and Henry learned to ride there (yeah well Aiden does walk a lot but for very far ways he does indeed ride a horse sometimes 🙈)
his fav star constellation if he has one? - not to be predictable ahaha but it’s Sagittarius (y’know since he’s an archer haha) I’m still not over the fact that this is also Talon’s star sign
can he coordinate where to go by the stars? - yes he can! his father taught him how to do it
cat or dog person? - he likes both but I’d say he’s more of a cat person, since his family had a cat when he was little that he was pretty attached to
white, green, black or fruit tea? - fruit tea! (like me ^^)
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antarestyl · 3 years
Got not tagged but saw this meme and wanted to do it :D
I tag @namekian-maoh and whoever else wanna try!
How many works do you have on AO3?
56 so far.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
600021 at this moment... damnit, I like nice and round numbers more XD
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
29 XD well, some are crossover and some are almost-the-same (especially with Video games where I often take multiple entires in a series into account and tag them accordingly)
As for my fandoms:
Video games: Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Among Us, Bowser's Fury, Deltarune, Don't Starve, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Final Fantasy XV, Luigi's Mansion, Mario & Luigi RPG, Monkey Island, Pikmin, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Odyssey, Super Paper Mario, Undertale, (+ AU of Undertale)
Comic/Cartoon/Manga/Anime: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! (All Media Types), Homestuck, Gravity Falls, DCU (Comics), Booster Gold (Comics),  Blue Beetle (Comics)
Books/Movies/Divers: Harry Potter, Mystery Skulls Animated, Olsen-banden | The Olsen Gang (Movies), Ties of Lapis (Skyrim-AU),
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. PTA Sans and other glorious things       
73016 words, 3192 Kudos, so far my most successful work XD It’s still ongoing. Undertale Fanfic, Monster-on-the-Surface, True Pacifist Ending, PTA AU, SansxToriel in the Background, everybody is here, mostly happy, silly and only a small dose of angst from time to time. Later chapters with more story.
2. TrioBlasterSets AU - Six puppys and 3 flames                 
270813 word, 758 Kudos. I write this AU together with @namekian-maoh . Still ongoing. Undertale Baby-Blaster AU with some Underfell and Underswap thrown into it. Dadby, Badster, mostly family fluff and dealing with the experiment!gaster-blaster Background of 3 skeleton children. Also 3 flames who take care of them that have way more drama going on themselves than nessessary. Chapters are not in chronological order. Has a few Spin-offs too (including some NSFW oneshorts about the flames and their relationship ;) )
3. So I won't regret another day 
19214 words, 320 Kudos. Undertale Underfell AU, Underfell Sansby with some healthy relationships, the planning of a revolt against an insane king, monster still being monster and not really made for violence in an violent setting. If officially finished but I write new chapters when the fancy strikes me.
4. Grillby's                 
9894 words, 265 Kudos. Deltarune/Undertale fanfic with a Spin, named Plushyrune (aka Deltarune where eveything is the same, just with Sansby and Sans makes plushies). Started as just pure silly fluff, kinda got a plot now about the kids of Deltarune. Still ongoing, new chapter is 80% done ;)
5. Something old, something new... 
6579 words, 208 Kudos. Pure Post-Pacifist Surface Sansby fluff. Mostly from Grillby’s POV how they fall in love and be silly and in love. Still ongoing, haven’t really had to mojo to write more for it lately, but I WILL return at some point.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to! I used to not comment on comments because I had this irrational feeling of “cheating the numbers” if I reply to comments but... screw that, I want to interact with people! So I try to answer any and all comments now :)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ufff, for me it’s a tie between The last chip  and Laughter in the Darkness. The Last Chip is a Yu-gi-Oh! Fanfic in a series of Kaiba spiraling downwards after the Manga/Anime ended and sets up the events of Dark Site of Dimensions. It ends pretty much with Kaiba ending up getting borderline suicidal in his Obsession with the Pharaoh.
Laughter in the Darkness is the Epilog I wrote for my Gravity Falls x Amnesia Crossover where Ford is pretty much an Amnesia-Protagonist and archives the very worst ending for himself. Mind the tags if you read this. It ends with Ford at the lowest possible point for himself and its open ended if he is going fully insane or if Bill Chiper really is still around. (and it’s not clear what outcome is the better one)
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nah, not really. I am a chill writer in my own little corners of the fandom and most people leave me alone. I did get one “But Queer is a SLUR” comment way back in the day where it was still all “????” to say that out loud. But otherwise? Nah. I am not important enough for hate, lol.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have XD Not much thou. I wrote so far an mastubation scene with the one going down on himself heavily NOT BEING ALRIGHT while doing so XD Other than that I have 2 NSFW Undertale fics with some hot flame-on-flame action. I do like writing not-standard-sex (as in Sex that doesn’t requite human genitila) Otherwise I like to hint or describe feelings more than the act itself. More lime than lemon ;)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. As I said, I am not important enough for that.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I had some ppl asking for permission to translate (which of course) but as far as I know there are no translations out there as of yet.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, I am writing the TrioBlasterSet AU with @namekian-maoh I did Co-write some fics way back during my fanfiction.de time too but that’s a long time ago.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I ship a lot and am a dirty multishipper XD I have to many ships to really call one out as my favorite.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
TrioBlasterSets AU because there is always MORE to tell with this AU XD
What are your writing strengths?
I am the Queen of Worldbuilding and Crossovers baby!
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Only do it if you have a REALLY good reason for it AND if you have a good gasp on the language. Like, nothing takes me out of a fic faster than reading stuff in horrible German written by people who were to lazy to just copy/paste the word from google translate (my time in the Apollo Justice fandom has seriously scared me. It’s Fräulein, not Fraulein or Fraülein! Also you can’t just swap ei and ie around THOSE ARE DIFFERENT SOUNDS! als we have the letter ß it’s a shap s sound you can’t just use/not use it as you please!)
Also in 90% of all cases it’s just not nessessary. Write what you wanna write, TELL us it was said in a different language OR let the POV character just tell us their hear something said in an other language they couldn’t understand.
What I want to say is: Have some respect of the language you want to use!
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
I THINK it was Harry Potter? IDK I wrote a cringy Star Trek Parodie when I was like 14 or so and those OCs went through a lot from that time on forward but Idk if that even counts XD
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
The Game of Our Life It’s a series of Mario x Homestuck Fics I wrote before Undertale came along and swept me away XD I love all my fics of course but this one was the first really big one I finished on english and it was the one I am most proud of of the world-building. It has angst, it has lore, my writing style was just really developing there and I am just proud of it. (Also it’s very self-indulging so yeah XD love it a LOT)
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lunapaper · 3 years
Album Review: 'Screen Violence' - CHVRCHES
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I’ve said it a lot over the years, but it bears repeating: I thought Love is Dead was awful. Most people did, in fact.
Working with super-producer Greg Kurstin, CHVRCHES’ 2018 album saw them go from sinister wordplay and cinematic soundscapes to repetitive hooks, vague platitudes and bland, Imagine Dragons-style EDM pop.
Needless to say, it didn’t go down well. In their attempt to appeal to mainstream audiences and Spotify algorithms, the Scottish trio had managed to disappoint critics and alienate longtime fans. Accusations of ‘selling out’ get thrown around all too often, but it really did feel like a betrayal of sorts.
And it only got worse from there, with the band collaborating with pop’s Kiss of Death, Marshmello, on the tepid ‘Here With Me’ (a decision they later came to regret).
Lauren Mayberry didn’t take kindly to the criticism, even accusing Stereogum’s Chris DeVille of supposedly using the record as a ‘symbol or scapegoat for something.’ What the frontwoman had a problem with is not entirely clear, though she seemed to chalk it up to politics, writing in a series of now-deleted tweets:
‘You can write a crappy album review and feel smart and what do I give a shit. But don’t minimise the ‘resistance’ as a comical joke/a stupid thing that you think is funny or smart because you are privileged enough to not actually have to think about it in real terms. It actually matters to people who live outside of you moment/life/world view, so shame on you. Maybe I live in my ‘inter personal comfort zone’ but at least I give a fucking shit. What can you say in exchange?’
DeVille’s take was, in my opinion, quite fair, even if he does admit that Love is Dead is ‘not a faceplant, but it’s definitely a stumble.’
Mayberry’s knee-jerk reaction, unfortunately, left a bitter taste in my mouth, impacting my already low opinion of Love is Dead. As I’ve also stated time and time again: What’s the point of responding to a negative review without looking petty as fuck? If you don’t want your art judge by the masses, then being an artist is probably not for you.
It’s also pretty rich of the band to try and make excuses for why everyone hated Love is Dead. No one made you produce a generic pop album. No one made you write and record a ‘tacky pop song’ with Marshmello. How could you not know that he’s a sleazy EDM bro, the rest of us did! Don’t take your shitty creative decisions out on everyone else – that's on you.
So, have CHVRCHES been able to rectify the damage on Album No.4? For the most part, yes.
Keeping production duties in-house this time around, Screen Violence combines the dystopian feel of their 2013 debut with the sleek gloss of later releases.
Written and produced through screens between LA and Glasgow in the early stages of the pandemic, the record explores the horrors that play out on screens via social media and how they translate into real-world feelings of fear, isolation and hopelessness.
On the ‘depressing but hopeful’ Asking for a Friend,’ Mayberry admits ‘'Cause I sunk some ships with selfish lips/And it all came back to me/I was terrified//I never told them why,’ riddled with self-loathing and regret. On ‘He Said She Said,’ she reckons with industry sexism and social contradictions, the track recalling the heady euphoria of the trio’s earlier singles.
‘Killing your idols is a chore/And it's such a fucking bore/'Cause I don't need them anymore,’ she asserts on the glistening ‘Good Girls,’ obliterating the pedestal that some male artists sit upon. Insecurity, however, gets the better of her on ‘Final Girl,’ wondering if she should just ‘quit, maybe go get married’ before she becomes yet another victim of the Hollywood machine.
Repetition is also employed a hell of a lot better than it was on Love is Dead. When Mayberry tells you she feels like she’s losing her mind on ‘He Said She Said, it’s like she’s in the grips of madness while trapped in a cybernetic void. Fear grips her by the throat on standout track ‘Violent Delights’ as she begs ‘I don't want to see it’ over and over again.
Screen Violence also lives up to its name music-wise, proving a lot darker and more foreboding than 2015’s Every Open Eye and even The Bones of What You Believe.
There’s jangling indie rock on ‘Violent Delights’ that give the track a foggy sense of nostalgia. On the menacing ‘Final Girl,’ they drive Mayberry’s sense of panic as she stares back in disbelief at a flickering screen, while the thumping New Wave angst of ‘Lullabies’ sees her vocals soar. Final track, ‘Better If You Don’t’ is almost straight-up grunge, evoking the feel of a rainy Glasgow morning.
And apparently ‘Nightmares’ was ‘too metal for German radio,’ suitably chilling as Mayberry asks: ‘What is it like to be the apple of your own eye?’ It could almost be mistaken for a Poppy track. Darkest, though, is ‘How Not to Drown’ with The Cure’s Robert Smith, their dissonant tones rising from the murky deep like a haunting spectre.
Screen Violence doesn't reinvent CHVRCHES, but it does help to reinvigorate them, even if the record feels a little samey at times. Some mediocre lyrics also manage to slip through the cracks, yet Mayberry’s commentary is overall cutting, brutal and sometimes tragic.
From trying to seem perfect on Love is Dead to realising things aren’t so fucking perfect after all, the trio discover that there’s ‘freedom in failure.’ Though they might never reach the dizzying heights of The Bones of What You Believe or even Every Open Eye again, CHVRCHES have found a groove that works for now just as the world finds itself in the grips of an ongoing nightmare.
Hopefully they’ll be able to sustain this momentum in the long run...
- Bianca B.
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wecomrades · 4 years
❝ It’s a free ride when you’ve already paid ❞
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A/N: Hiii! So, this is my christening to the Band of Brothers fandom as a writer, so bear with me and please come say hi on Wattpad and AO3! I’d appreciate it a lot, also I hope you like it - it’s angst, oops? Thanks a lot to my other brain cell @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant​ for reading it in advance and cleaning up the mess! Ily ♥
I used my own prompts list, you can find it here! Prompt used Malarkey/Muck + “That’s surely not what I meant” + breathe (NO ROMANCE)
Words count: 1.1k
Warning: angst
The snow creaks heavily under Malarkey's boots. He sighs, thinking about that time he bantered with one of his friends from Oregon about how the snow was thousand of times better than the rain. Now, a few years later, he wishes he could have some rain just as much as a cup of hot chocolate, and he wishes the snow would be fucking abolished from nature. He hates snow, now. Snow is evil. Snow took his best friend away from him. Technically it was German artillery, but it doesn't make so much difference now.
Malarkey hates the snow.
He sighs again, letting his body drop heavily in his foxhole. He hides his hands in his pockets, trying to warm them up a little without really succeeding, when his palm meets something. At first he frowns, he's quite sure he only had a pack of cigarettes and a wet tissue in that pocket.
Then he remembers.
A black cross. The black cross.
Malarkey rolls it carefully in his hands, with a touch so gentle as if he's afraid to break it, the corner of his mouth quirks up and suddenly his head is filled with memories; a lot of memories, all of them fighting with each other like they were waiting impatiently for him to touch the cross to come back to life. All of them so confusing, but he is so vivid it's like having him here in this very moment.
But he's not.
✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞
Skip Muck reaches him at the table as Malarkey attacks a piece of bread that was laying on his plate.
"What's this supposed to be, Malark?" Skip asks, sliding in the chair in front of him and tossing his plate as if it 's burning his skin.
"Mashed potatoes, I believe."
"Friend, I'm telling you, if this is potatoes I'm Glenn Miller," Skip moans. "I swear this is Perconte's vomit from the other day. Isn't mashed potatoes supposed to be yellow-ish? Why is this stuff  brown?"
Malarkey barks out a laugh. "Stop complaining and eat, smartass."
Skip Muck has been his best friend since day one. He's everybody's best friend, actually - how could he not be? - but he and Malarkey have been inseparable almost from the start. Muck is a fun bloke to have around, smart, carefree and sometimes Malarkey wishes he could be at least half the person Skip is.
"Oh, by the way," Malarkey says, rummaging in his pocket. "I found this near my night stand this morning!"
Skip's eyes lit up as he stretches his arm towards his friend to take the item.
"My cross!" he shouts a little bit too loud. "I thought I'd lost it! Thanks, Malark, you're a life saver."
Malarkey smiles at him, shaking his head at his friend's way too exaggerated reaction.T ypical of him.
"How come it was there, though?" Skip asks then, his brows knitted. "That's a long journey from my bed and I swear I placed it on top of that book I borrowed from Penk."
"You mean the book you stole from him," Malarkey comments, raising an eyebrow and restraining himself a laugh. When it's clear Skip won't answer that, Malarkey adds: "Dunno, man. It was just there."
Skip sighs, looking fervently at his black cross as if he's asking it 'why did you leave me?'. "Perhaps it wanted to fulfill my wishes... a little too soon, though."
"What wishes?"
"Nothing too overwhelming, just--" Skip snorts fleebly, "It's stupid. I just wish you'd take my cross, when something will happen to me."
Malarkey blinks once. Twice. Thrice. "What on earth are you on about? You're implying you'll die when we don't even have our jump wings yet?"
"That's surely not what I meant, bro, chill!" Skip laughs at him, leaning on the other side of the table to ruffle his hair. When he realises Malarkey is not convinced at all, he continues: "Maybe I phrased it wrong, I'm just saying, if something happens to me - if, okay? - then I'd want you to have my cross. To remember your friend Skip. That's why I find it funny it came to you the very day after I prayed about it."
Yeah, very funny, Malarkey thinks, but doesn't dare to say it out loud. Then he looks up at his friend and can't help but smile.
"You're a menace, Warren Muck."
"Hey!" The other one protests, trying to smack him in the head but failing miserably. "You don't have to worry, though. I'm strong, I'm invincible, fuckin' Germans won't get me because I have to marry Faye first, have a handful of babies, get a couple of dogs and take you to Tonawanda to see my home."
And Malarkey believes him.
✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞
"You alright, Malark?" Someone says behind him, making him startle.
It's Lipton. Of course it's Lipton. Malarkey isn't sure how to answer: he isn't alright at all, hasn't been alright since he threw himself out of a plane what seemed like a decade ago. How could he be alright? He hasn't had a shower in months, his beard is way too long and thick, his feet are sore from the cold, his best friend fucking blew up in a foxhole, his other friend happened to be in the same foxhole, so, well, he lost him too, and another one of his closest friends was sent home due to a breakdown.
He's pretty sure he's not going to be alright anytime soon. Fucking snow.
"Yeah," he says instead to Lipton, with a small smile. "Yeah, thanks, Lip."
Lipton gives him a comforting smile, patting his shoulder as a reassurement after seeing what Malarkey is holding in his hands.
Breathe, Don, breathe, he tells himself. It's not easy to breathe when you have a tornado in your head and the cold pressing on your lungs. But he needs to breathe, he needs it for Skip.
Malarkey snorts at himself when the lyrics from a song come up in his mind. I just quarreled with Sue, that's why I'm blue, she's gone away and left me just like all dolls do. It's Paper Doll, the song Skip was obsessed with. Their favourite song to listen together, and those were Skip's favourite lyrics. Sometimes Skip was so deep into singing it that instead of calling him Don, he went for Doll. From that, Skip became Sue. And they would laugh together, and people would ask them what was wrong with them. Always. They were just being them, together like they were supposed to be until the end of the war and beyond.
Life didn't take the same view, though, and now Malarkey is alone.
He holds back some tears - he doesn't know why, but he hasn't had the time to even cry properly -, while gently wearing Skip Muck's cross with no intention of getting rid of it, like, ever. As he wears it, he swears he hears his best friend voice: I knew it would come back to you, eventually.
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sagegarnish · 3 years
How did you get into Supernatural?
Aw I am happy you asked!!! I don’t really get to talk about this much. I had a bf at the time who got me into watching “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”. I had JUST finished watching it all in 2005. I was looking for something else similar, and I heard about this new show about demon hunting brothers. I was watching it on TV from the VERY FIRST EPISODE. I was ENTHRALLED. It was exactly what I was looking for to replace the sometimes gritty, sometimes goofy aspect of Buffy. Me and my bf tuned in every episode, and we NEVER MISSED AN EP. I was a diehard addict of the show for YEARS. Like OBSESSED. Loved the classic rock. Loved the car. Loved the badass bros. Loved monsters and the ghost fighting lore. The “no chick flick moments” but then THE DEEP MANLY ANGST.
I was a Dean Girl through and through. I liked Sam well enough, but Dean had this irreverent protective older sibling thing I really related to (and Jensen was also really hot). Dean actually reminded me a lot of a ex-bf I am still friends with. I was the one who got my NEXT bf hooked on the show too. He also loved Dean, and even cosplayed as him once. My two best friends at the time were ALSO superfans, one of them even got a tattoo!  We attended a SPN convention together, which was nice.  
OH MAN, then Dean was in Hell. I was just fuckin... on edge the whole hiatus between s03-04. Of course I knew he’d be fine but... you know, you WONDER HOW. I came from Buffy and season 1-3 of SPN. I know nothin stays dead. Cas was introduced and I was immediately like WELL WHO IS THIS GUY, but like.. hot guest star is one thing, but the whole ANGEL LORE plot was VERY COOL TO ME. I’ve always been fascinated by the lore they have on the show and ANGEL LORE is even cooler. Anyway I immediately became a Dean/Cas shipper, like... in season 4. The handprint! The resurrection! That Dean/Anna sex with the HAND ON THE HANDPRINT and then the KISS where Cas looked AWAY! I was pretty much all in. It was a show I was already obsessed with, and they just sprinkled MORE GOOD SHIT ON TO IT.
SO I watched it like religiously even though I sort of lost interest in s07, I just wasn’t as engaged somehow but I kept watching. Then season 8 hit, and I was like “WOW this is more like Season GREAT” and then season 9 hit and I was joking that it was actually Season Nein (”No” in German) and I quit watching, assuring myself I would catch up later maybe.
I was out of the fandom for about 2 years, and then during the airing of Season 11, someone told me about the Fanfiction musical episode. So I looked up a clip, and was like, ALRIGHT I clearly have to catch up.
So then I was all caught up with s9-10, but I didn’t have cable, so I couldn’t watch 11 as it aired. Once again, I stepped back and assumed I’d catch up again later.
*3 years pass*
During season 14, I found out about the animated Scoobynatural episode, and was ONCE AGAIN “I should catch up.” So I grabbed my now husband, and went back into the Supernatural hole.
I caught all the way up to Season 14 finale. (Yay for streaming services and extra cash)
And then waited for Season 15, which I heard was going to be the LAST ONE.
Then, you know, 2020 was a thing, and I didn’t have much time for shows.
THEN. NOVEMBER 5th.  November 5th 2020. Despair.
I felt so shocked and cheated that I didn’t watch it live, that I’d MEANT to watch season 15 in it’s entirety but hadn’t gotten around to it.
Being spoiled on it was like A BRUTAL TAKEDOWN FOR ME. I shipped Destiel SO SO HARD for like 10 years. Even when I was not watching the show I was reading fanfic. I was in UTTER DISBELIEF. I saw a clip before I even saw the episode. I tumbled immediately back into the fandom. It was like I was awakened again. Like a freeze dried food, dropped into water. I was SUDDENLY just as fuckin OBSESSED AS I HAD BEEN IN S1-8.
AND SEASON 15 WAS A WILD RIDE. Like... i was jaw dropped watching it. Knowing about the confession in advance but not the leadup was... well it was something. The Sam/Eileen parallels. The Rupture. The Trap. I couldn’t BELIEVE IT. And I never doubted that they’d SAVE CASTIEL. I knew they MUST. Narratively it didn’t make SENSE if they didn’t.
ANYWAY we all know what happened haha.
I legit made myself sick for like a week after the finale. Legit actual sick. I had headache and dizzy and muscle cramps. I couldn’t sleep, could barely eat. I WAS A MESS. It was all very embarrassing. I still feel pretty let down by the ending. But overall I’m basically back in the fandom.
It’s funny how many times they managed to rope me back in with “special episodes” though. I guess that REALLY DOES WORK. To a point. ANYWAY thanks for reading my ramble, and thanks for asking!
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give-seconds · 4 years
I Loved You
Summery: Your fiancé starts acting different once your brother comes back to Korea after working for a year in England.   
Parings: Jeno x reader, kinda Jeno x Jaemin
Genre: Angst (I don’t really know what classifies as angst, but I’m pretty sure this counts), and fluff scenes 
Warnings: Jeno cries, so slight description of that.
Italics are English words or just thoughts
H̄ạwcı: Thai, meaning spirit or center
Hintern: German. meaning butt
értóng: Chinese, meaning baby
Thank you to @bunny-doyounq and @jxngolas for helping me to make this. Both are excellent writers and I encourage anyone even passing this to go read their stuff. 
---- Part I
You groan as you lightly hit your head against the table. Jeno glances over at you and laughs. 
“You good, bro?” 
You whip your head in his direction and squint your eyes at him. “Listen here Lee, I may only be half Korean and from England but I am still Korean, so don’t bro me. Save that for your hyungs.” After your statement, you resume your head slamming. 
He rolls his eyes at you before getting up and making his way over to you. Standing behind your chair he wraps his arms around you and presses a kiss to the back of your head before leaning his cheek against your cheek. “Let’s take a break, yeah? Go to Jaemin’s café?” 
“What do you mean ‘let’s take a break’? I am the only one working here,” you grumble, shrugging him off in order to stand up. 
You grab your wallet, you both put your shoes on and off you two go. The walk to the café was 5 minutes of discussion about which flowers matched the vases best and which vases matched the venue. The café was a hole in the wall place that your adopted brother opened a week ago, so of course, visiting any other café was a betrayal of the highest standard to Jaemin. 
As soon as you open the door, you’re greeted with quiet conversations and the sound of pouring liquid. You smile as you make your way up to the counter, already having yours and Jeno’s order in mind.
“How can I help you today?” 
“You know full well what I want Liu. Two hot chocolates, and don’t be stingy on the whipped cream,” you order, leaning on the counter. 
YangYang smiles and rolls his eyes, “You say that every time, it’s time to get more creative l/n.”
You click your tongue and hold the card out for him to swipe. 
“You know one of these days you should make Jeno pay for you, he is the man in the relationship after all.” 
“And what are you implying? That I can’t pay just because I’m a woman? That is incredibly sexist of you, I thought I raised you better than this.” 
He raises an eyebrow as he hands the card back. “First of all you didn’t raise me, if anything, I raised you. And having raised you I know how cheap you are Miss. You-and-Jaemin-can-share-a-bag-of-chips-l/n.” 
“Fine if I’m so cheap then you’re uninvited to the wedding. Save me some money and food.”
“Oh please you’d crash and burn without me, now go away. You’re holding up the line.” 
You stick your tongue out at him before walking over to the table Jeno had secured for you two. Sliding in the seat across from him, you slide his card back to him. He looks down, up to you, and back at the card. “Is this my card?” 
“You know it. I may not let on, but YangYang taught me to be a pretty good pickpocket. Jaemin too for that matter.” 
“You know for being engaged, I feel like I know nothing about you.” 
You wink at him, “That’s my charm sweetie.” 
He rolls his eyes, unamused by your behavior. “Are you sure you and Jaemin aren’t blood related? You sure act a lot alike.” 
“Jeno-yah you should know more than anyone that family isn’t blood.” 
You both look up to the owner of the voice, smiling once you see your brother. You glance over at Jeno and see the way his eyes light up when he looks at Jaemin, just before pain flashes through them. You make a mental note to ask him about it later.
“Yes well I still think that the resemblance you guys have in characteristics is creepily similar. I mean you both have that creepy no shame smile,” he says, pointing between the two of you as Jaemin wraps his arm around your shoulder. 
Jaemin squeezes your shoulders and smiles, “Well growing up with someone does that to a person.”
You swat his hand away “Don’t act like you care, you and YangYang would feed me to the wolves.”
Jaemin laughs. “Yes well YangYang is a naughty German kid.” 
“What do you mean ‘naughty German kid’, what you got against the Germans huh?” YangYang quizzes, placing the two hot chocolates on the table. 
Jaemin holds his hands up in surrender. “Nothing, I only know you and you are very naughty.” 
YangYang shakes his head, muttering something that sounds like “Okay English man” before retreating to the counter. 
You laugh before looking up at your brother, “Shouldn’t you be working?” 
He blinks at you before repeating in a mocking voice. “Shouldn’t you be working?” 
You look over at Jeno, who was watching you both with found eyes, and pointed your thumb over to Jaemin. “Someone’s mad he can’t sit with the best couple.” 
“Someone’s mad he can’t sit with the best couple,” Jaemin mocks before turning his back to you and walks back to wherever he came from. 
Jeno tracks him with his eyes before looking back at you “You know I don’t understand how you, Jaemin, and YangYang are so close. I mean me and my hyung are close but not this close.” 
You shrug your shoulders and pick up your hot chocolate, “I guess it’s just what happens when you have a military family who adopts stray kids from orphanages in random countries because ‘I swear that this is the place for us’. I used to be upset whenever we moved, but back then I didn’t know my dad had no control over that. I got my brothers so I guess it all worked out in the end.” 
He grabs your hand from across the table and rubs his thumb across your palm before proceeding to ask you if you’d rather fight a horse sized duck or a duck sized horse.
~one week later~
At 6 in the morning, your alarm reminds you that you have a life on weekdays and it was time to get back to it. You look to your left where Jeno normally was, only to find him missing. 
“It’s too early for this,” you mumble as you pick your clothes out for the day and head to the bathroom to change. 
Once you’re dressed to take on the day, you make your way out towards the kitchen. You stop at the doorway upon seeing your fiancé pouring milk into a coffee cup that presumably had your tea in it. 
“What’re you doing up so early Mr. preschool teacher assistant? And what is all of this?” 
He turns around to face you before motioning to the island for you to take a seat as he places the cup in front of you. “I haven’t been sleeping well lately,” he says shrugging, never quite meeting your eyes, “I woke up at 5 today so I decided to do something useful and make you your tea.” 
Smiling you pick up the cup to blow on it. “Thank you, I appreciate it. But are you okay? What’s got you thinking so much?” 
He flashes you a smile, one that doesn’t reach his eyes. Eyes that look so tired. So pained.
“It’s nothing to worry about, just a lot at the school,” he moves over to your side of the island and sits on the other bench, “I just want you to remember that in this moment and forever I’m going to love you for who you are. You are nothing but perfect and I don’t know how I got lucky enough to know you, let alone be engaged to you. Just, just remember that, okay?” 
Setting down your cup you grab his hand and scan his face. His eyes held so much sincerity in them, you had never seen him so serious yet so desperate at the same time “Okay, I promise. Any reason this is coming up?” 
He smiles and stands up to press a kiss on your forehead. He gives you that sad, tired smile  “Don’t worry about it okay? I’m going to go shower, see you when you get home.”
“Oh okay, see you later. Have a great day and I love you too.” 
He flashes one last smile before walking down the hallways and disappearing into the bedroom. You look at where he used to stand, confused as to the recent change in his behavior. He’s been acting strange for the past two weeks and since last week he’s had issues sleeping. Mental note #2, pick up some melatonin. 
Shaking your head, you grabbed your tea as you stand up to go collect the rest of your belongings for the day, also grabbing the gimbap from the day before as a breakfast. 
“Je I’m heading out now, bye bye,” you close the door after hearing a muffled ‘bye’ from somewhere in the bedroom. You make your way out of the apartment complex to the nearest bus stop where you proceed to wait for the next bus to whisk you away to the world of clients and paperwork. 
“Mind if I sit?” 
“Not at all,” you respond scooting over to make room for the man to join you at the bus stop. It takes a second to realize that 1) that was not Korean and 2) you recognize that voice. You whip your head to look at your seatmate, and right in front of your eyes, you see your college best friend grinning his signature cat-like smile. 
“Ten! What are you doing in Korea? Last I talked to you, you were still in England?”
“I’m here to translate for a court case involving a Thai man and it just so happens that this bus takes me to the court house, so before you can accuse me, no y/n, I am not stalking you.” 
You laugh, “Well that’s definitely not what I pictured you doing with your bachelors in language.” 
He shrugs and leans against the wall. “Translating is an interesting job, takes you places. My goal is to make it to China and translate for some K-Pop idol on Happy Camp.” 
“Well that’s definitely possible, but isn’t Mandarin the language you get the least practice with?” 
“Oh definitely, I just haven’t met any Chinese people lately. I mean here obviously everyone speaks Korean, everyone back home speaks Thai, and everyone from uni speaks English. Really the only practice I get is when I call my grandparents, which isn’t often.” 
“Well today’s your lucky day my dude, because you remember my adopted brother YangYang? He’s Chinese, well Taiwanese, but anyways he’s looking for someone to practice with too.” 
Ten looks over to you in surprise “He knows Chinese after living with you guys for so long?” 
Nodding your head, you turn to look back at the busy city, “We adopted him in Germany after his grandmother who was taking care of him passed away. He was 11 and had a good understanding of English and German. My parents wanted him to hold onto his Mandarin so they bought him books and every weekend we’d watch a movie in Mandarin, but he hasn’t had a lot of practice speaking it and I think it’d be good for him.” 
He smiles, eyes flashing down to your left hand. “Only if you come with me, I miss seeing you. Plus I would love to show off my language skills to you again, I’ve improved a lot since you left for Korea.” 
You laugh and rest your head against the bus stop walls. “Well I don’t see why not, we can meet at my other brother’s café which is also where he works.” 
He looks down the street before standing up “That sounds nice, it can be a study date like we used to have back at uni. Just less studying.” 
Snorting, you stand up to join him as the bus pulls up “You make it sound like we did study. You know full well that at those study sessions we didn’t get much studying done.” 
“Crap y/n how much is the bus?” 
After scanning your bus pass, you turn around to see him frozen at the front of the bus digging for his wallet in the front pocket of his jeans. You shake your head, before swiping your card for him. “Typical Ten, because you can’t keep your head on your shoulders I end up losing money. I hope you know that you are paying for whatever I want at the café.”
Sinking into the seat next to you, he responds “Was planning on it anyways H̄ạwcı.” 
~same day but after you left~
Jeno lets out a sigh as he sits on the bed. He loves you, he really does, but he can’t love you like he wants to. He lets himself fall backwards and looks up at the ceiling, letting himself the weight of everything he’s been feeling sink in.
“Okay Jeno, get it together. Today is the day.” 
He picks himself up, gathers his things, looks at himself in the mirror for a last ‘get it together Lee’ before heading out the door and to the busy streets of Seoul. His feet take him to his intended destination while his mind works in overdrive for the hundredth time to try and make sense of what he can do and before he knows it, he’s reaching out to open the door. 
“Morning Jeno! Your regular?” 
And suddenly the world is crashing back into him. But seeing his smile and the way he looks at Jeno, maybe everything will be okay. He doesn’t know how and he doesn’t know when, but all he knows is that as long as this man is in his life it’ll all be okay. 
“Jeno isn’t home yet, but he should be soon. You can put your stuff in the guest room.” Pushing the door open to the apartment, you take your shoes off before showing him to the room. 
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to stay? I really don’t mind staying at the hotel. I don’t want to be a bother,” Ten offers as he trails behind you. 
Leaning against the doorway you smile up at him, “Don’t worry about it, I’m sure Jeno won’t mind. I mean I’ve talked about you enough for him to admit he’s excited to meet you at the wedding. Plus I want you two to get along, you’re both really important to me.”
“Yeah but-“ 
“Didn’t we say we wanted to live together? This is as close as we’re ever gonna get to that. So you should enjoy it! Come on, it’ll be fun,” you pout taking his hand in yours to swing your arms. 
He rolls his eyes, not bothering to hide his amused smile “I have yet to meet someone who can say no to you.” 
Your eyes brighten up at the statement. “And that means I get my fiancé and bff in the same house? Oh heck yeah.” 
“You're a child, how-“ 
“Y/n I’m home!” Jeno exclaims from the front of the apartment. 
“Jeno! I have someone I want you to meet” you yell back before pulling on Ten’s hand and dragging him down the hallway and back to the main room. 
“Jeno, this is Ten, my college friend. Ten, this is Jeno,'' you introduce briefly.
Ten politely bows while Jeno blinks at him before bowing back. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jeno-ssi. I remember the days when y/n wouldn’t shut up about you.” Ten flashes you a smile as you lightly push him. 
“No need to be formal. Any friend of y/n’s is a friend of mine,” Jeno replies smiling. 
You move to press a kiss to Jeno’s cheek, “I invited him to stay with us for as long as he’s here for. Is that okay?” 
Jeno smiles down at you. “Of course, I’m excited to get to know more of your friends. This way I won’t be totally swamped at the wedding.” 
You clap your hands together jumping a little from the excitement. “Okay, this is great. So we will get Ten situated and then we were thinking of going down to Nana's café. Do you want to come with? It’s just going to be Ten and the brat that is YangYang practicing their Mandarin and then some catching up. But of course you can stay and we can pick you up something and do the catching up here. Or-” 
You’re interrupted by Ten’s laugh “Y/n you’re going a million words a minute, slow down and maybe let Jeno talk for himself yeah?” 
You stare at him for a second before erupting into a smile, “You’re right, sorry. Bad habit of mine when I get excited. Well, I will put my new found energy to work and go change.” 
You separate from the other two to go to the bedroom, already thinking about how nice it will be to get out of this skirt and into a sweater.
“The hick heck you doing here? I told you to stop coming in here after closing.” 
“Hello to you too sibling. As always, I appreciate the warm welcome,” you respond walking in. You turn around to make sure the other two are behind you and roll your eyes when you see them standing outside the shop “Oh come on you guys, don’t let this coffee addict scare you. Get in here.”
“Y/n, are you sure it’s okay for us to be here? I don’t want to be a burden.” Ten asks shyly walking in looking around at all the chairs on the table. 
You dismiss his worries with a wave of your hand “It’s fine, Jaeminie is just being annoying.” 
Jaemin scoffs “Me? Annoying? I think you have it backwards punk, I am not the one in a shop after closing.” 
“Technically, you are.” 
“Oh shut up, you knew full well what I meant.” 
“Hate to interrupt, but can we speak Korean for the non-English person here? He’s confused by the big words and his limited English,” Jeno comments from the side. 
You laugh and link your arm with his as an apology “Sorry Je Je. But Jaemin we came here for a reason. Where is our brat of a brother?” 
“YangYang’s in the back,” Jaemin turns his attention towards Ten “Who’s this?” 
You roll your eyes, “Come on Jaemin don’t play dumb, this is Ten. The really smart language major I was friends with at university. Ten, you remember Jaemin, the weirdo who slept in my house since we were nine. Now that introductions are done,” you take a deep breath, “YangYang get your hintern in here.” 
“You guys are the messiest family with the strangest language mix I have ever seen” Jeno mutters, shaking his head. 
“I think you mean had the pleasure of meeting,” you correct, pointing your finger at him. 
“Y/n what the heck are you doing here, this is the 5th time this month!” YangYang scolds as he walks out from the back room. 
“Well my dear I am here to offer you a proposition, and that proposition is named Ten.” you reach behind you and drag Ten to your side. You say a final “Converse” before you push your best friend toward your brother and offer a motherly smile as Ten awkwardly greets him in Mandarin. 
Once YangYang leads him to a table on the other side of the shop, you turn to face the other two. “Well now that the hard part is over, I am going to make everyone some hot chocolate. And I guess Nana’s black death drink.” 
“Should you be touching that stuff?” Jeno questions.
“Have some faith in me Je, I’m the one who taught Jaemin and YangYang all that they know in the way of the drink machines.” 
Jeno looks over to Jaemin who just nods, already knowing that there is no stopping you. 
“So how have you been?’ Jaemin starts awkwardly as he leads Jeno over to a table.
“Things haven’t changed since this morning Min” Jeno replies as he helps take down some chairs.
“Jeno listen, you know I care about you. I really do, but my sister she… she means the world to me. And if I have to suffer so that she doesn’t then I will. You know that.” 
Jeno sighs and drops into a chair “And you don’t think I feel the same way? I love her Min, I have since the moment you introduced us and I got to know her. She acts so much like you-” 
“Jeno you have to stop this,” Jaemin interrupts, pain evident in his eyes “you chose her, and you have to honor that. I’m not saying that you have to go through with it, but you can’t lead her on like this.” 
Jeno can feel his throat and eyes burn from the tears he is hoping to keep from falling, “But I can’t hurt her, how am I supposed to tell her that I’m-” his voice breaks and he closes his eyes “how am I supposed to tell her that I’m gay.”
Jaemin offers him a sad smile. He can remember how scary it was to go through this, how scary the words ‘I’m gay’ actually are. “It’ll be okay.” 
“Will it? I had this perfect thing with this perfect girl, who has the perfect brother. And then I had to go and realize that it wasn’t the girl I wanted to marry, but her brother. And her personality is so much like yours that I ignored everything in me that told me -screamed at me- to look closer at what I actually found attractive. And I realize now that the only thing I wanted was you. I feel so broken and so guilty and I-” Jeno let out a sob and covers his mouth with his hand. 
All the broken and hurt feelings he had harbored were finally coming out. What was he going to tell you when you came out and saw him like this? He’s not ready to tell you, he won’t be ready for a long time. But ever since Jaemin opened his café and came back from working in England, all the feelings Jeno had convinced himself that were only the feelings for his best friend came flooding back. And suddenly all the things he was supposed to feel for you, he found himself feeling for another man. For a day, a single day, he was happy. He finally understood what made him different, he finally understood why he could never fully contribute to a conversation with his friends about how good looking girls were. He finally understood why when Jaemin left, he felt this hole inside him that took months to get over. He finally understood why in those months the only thing that made him feel better was you. 
But after that day, everything went downhill. It became harder to look you in the eyes. It became almost impossible to help plan the wedding because he felt so guilty that his heart wanted it to be Na Jaemin he was planning it with. The guilt became crushing as he struggled to love you as you should be loved, to love you like he loved your brother. 
“I should go, could you tell her that I forgot I had to do something for work? Tell her I’ll pay next time,” Jeno stood up, chair scraping against the floor. 
“Jeno, wait,” Jaemin protested, voice pleading. 
“Bye, Jaemin.” 
Jaemin sighs as he hears the bell chime signifying that his best friend had just left. What has he gotten his family into?  
“Guys I’m back, here’s- where’s Jeno?” you ask as you emerge from the back carrying your newly made drinks in a drink carrier. 
“Oh, he just had something to do for work. Let me see how much better of a coffee maker I am than you,” Jaemin says, shaking his head and reaching for his coffee. There was something wrong with him, his eyes didn’t sparkle with their normal light. 
You sigh and slide into Jeno’s still warm seat “What is wrong Jaemin-ah? Jeno has been acting so strange lately, and now you? If I’m being honest, I’m starting to get really worried. You know you can still talk to me, yeah? I’m no different than when you left.” 
His smile fell and his eyes dropped to look at his drink “I don’t think it’s me you need to worry about, I think you should go check on Jeno.” 
Your eyebrows furrow and you reach for his hand “Jae I don’t understand I-” 
“Hey, we’re done for now! Where’d Jeno go?” 
You turn around to face your brother and Ten “Oh he went home, something about work. But come sit, I made hot chocolates.” 
“What’s your plan of payment y/n?” YangYang asks taking a seat next to Jaemin. 
You open your mouth to reply but Jaemin beast you to it. “It’s on me, I mean it’s not every day our sister’s best friend comes to visit. Now tell me, what were you and our younger brother talking about?” 
“For the last time, I am two months younger than you. But other than that we are all the same age,” YangYang complains, laying down on the table and pouting. 
Ten laughs and fluffs his hair. “Poor értóng. But anyways Yang and I were practicing some Mandarin and setting up a time to practice.” 
“Yeah! Ten ge is good at the language, translation was a good job for you.” 
Ten smiles and pulls down his sleeves in embarrassment “Well, with knowing four languages, I figured I should do something with it right?” 
“Wow, you know four languages-” 
Everything around you became white noise as you thought back to what Jaemin said. What could be bothering both your brother and fiancé? Well, he did say that I should go check on Jeno, but how am I going to get out of here without looking like I’m ditching? You look down the table and see some of the hot chocolates still in the carrier. Well dang, I really like these jeans too. 
“Here you guys,” you say probably interrupting some conversation, “Try some of the hot chocolate I made.” 
And here goes nothing. As you pick up one of the cups to hand to Ten, you ‘accidentally’ drop it on the table and all the hot liquid falls onto your lap. You yelp in pain and jump up from the table. 
“Oh my gosh, are you okay y/n?” Jaemin asks standing up from the table and handing you a bunch of napkins. 
“Yeah that just hurt a lot, wow okay.” You shake your hands and hop around to try and relieve the burning a little. 
“Press some napkins to it, maybe it can get some of the liquid” Ten says grabbing some napkins and starts to clean the liquid off the table.
“It’s okay, I’ll just run home, change, and come back here,” you make eye contact with Jaemin, sending a wink in his direction. Recognition flashes through his eyes and he nods his head. 
“Do you want me to walk back with you?” Ten asks. 
“I’ll be fine, it’s a five minute walk. I’ll be back,” and with that, you take your leave before any other debate can come up. 
The walk back to your apartment was spent very uncomfortably. The burning eventually cooled and now you just had wet jeans sticking to your legs. 
“Lee Jeno, you better be dead or dying for this to be worth it,” you mumble as you walk into your apartment building and up the stairs to the first floor. 
Once you reach your apartment, you take a deep breath before opening the door. As soon as you open the door, you can hear the sobs echoing through the apartment. 
“Jeno?” You ask, panic lacing your voice “Jeno, where are you?” 
“Y/n?” A broken voice asks from the living room. 
“Jeno, what’s wrong?” You call out quickly slipping off your shoes and walking into the main part of the apartment. You find him on the living room floor, head between his knees. 
“Y/n I-“ he’s cut off as another sob breaks through. Your heart breaks as you listen to him struggle to breathe and you wrap your arms around him to pull him to your chest.
“Oh honey, it’s okay. Just breathe, ready? In,” you take a deep breath and he attempts to do the same, breath shaking. “Good, now hold for 2 and 3 and now out slowly.” You repeat the process a few times, rubbing his arms. 
“Oh my baby, are you feeling well enough for me to go get you a glass of water?” you ask as you duck your head down trying to look him in the face. 
He sniffles and lets out a shaky, “Okay.” You smile and pat his head before standing up. 
You hurry into the kitchen to get a glass of water. You struggle to hear him, but you don’t hear any sobs so he’s at least calmed down a little. You take your phone and text the group chat you have with your brothers telling them you’re just going to stay in tonight, an emergency. You also asked them to stall for you so that you and Jeno could have a moment to calm down before Ten came back. 
“Okay, I’m back! Here is your water Madame,” you say as you hand him the glass. He laughs and sits up in order to take the glass. 
“Thank you so much y/n, you don’t deserve this. You deserve someone who can be strong, someone-” 
“Don’t think such thoughts! I’m marrying you for a reason, so don’t put yourself down so much. I don’t know what this was about, and I won’t push you to answer me right now. But we’ll talk later okay?” 
He looks over to you, scanning your face with his red, glassy eyes. He feels dirty. How dare he cry when he’s the one lying to you. He doesn't deserve this kind of care and he knows it, you should be comforting someone who loves you as more than a friend. 
But he can’t bring himself to care. He can’t bring himself to push you away, to tell you the truth. But the truth of the moment, this moment, is that he wants someone else to feel sorry for him, to share his pain so for a moment he isn’t so alone.
“Can I ask something?”
“Why are your jeans wet?” 
You burst out laughing, you were too worried about Jeno to remember the uncomfortable stickiness. He smiles at you, glad to hear your bubbly laughter. 
“Oh my gosh thank you for reminding me,” you say heaving yourself up “I’m going to go change into one of your sweaters and some shorts. I shall return!” 
You walk to the bedroom and rummage through your closet until you find your favourite hoodie belonging to Jeno. You get changed and make your way back to the living room, stopping by the hallway closet to grab some blankets. 
“Okay Je, get your butt up and on the couch. I brought some blankets and me and you are going to watch a movie from your childhood,” you command as you throw the blankets down on the couch. 
He looks up at you, blinking before slowly pulling himself up. You plop down next to him and pull the blankets over the two of you. You push up against his side and wiggle under his arm. You shove the remote into his hand and order him to pick. He smiles at your childness, while reveling in your closeness. 
You guys get 30 minutes in before you hear a knock at the door. 
“I’ll get it,” you say, sighing before standing up. You make your way over to the door, already missing the warmth of both Jeno and the blankets. Once you open the door you’re faced with Ten holding a paper bag. 
“Uh, I got ice cream? I don’t know, Jaemin and YangYang said something happened so they dragged me to the store to get ice cream. I got three different kinds, one for each of us. Jaemin picked out Jeno’s favourite while YangYang and I picked out yours so I don’t know if it’s right or-” 
“Oh my god shut up,” you grab his wrist pulling him into the apartment “and you say I’m bad.” 
“Jeno, Ten brought us ice cream! We each get our own, so you better believe that I ain’t sharing with any of y’all,” you yell into the apartment so Jeno can hear you. 
“We’re watching a movie, join us,” you offer as you grab spoons from the kitchen. 
“I’d love to, but is everything okay here?” Ten whispers as he takes the ice cream out of the bag and peels the plastic covering off. 
You glance over to Jeno sighing “I don’t know, I came home and he was crying. But let’s not mention it yeah?” 
Ten nods his head and hands you the ice cream. You both make your way over to the couch, you assuming your place next to Jeno and Ten occupying the space next to you. You smile as you take a bite of your ice cream, I hope we always stay like this. 
A/N: This is my first time ever writing something like this and my first time ever posting on Tumblr. I would love any feedback from anyone who is reading this! Again I would love to thank @jxngolas for reading and editing my story along with being my tech support. I would also like to thank @bunny-doyounq for reading and supporting me with such kind words. Both were willing to help a complete stranger and I am very grateful to the support you both showed me.  
Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Part 2
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dxnnyboi · 4 years
⌠ DARREN BARNET, 24, MALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, DANIEL ‘DANNY’ ISHIDA ! according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in LINGUISTICS, CULTURE & ASSIMILATION + COVERT OPERATIONS; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (a white, perfectly charming, crooked smile; finger guns across the hallway; loose laces in his shoes). when it’s the (taurus)’s birthday on 5/17/1995, they always request their FRENCH TOAST from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
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He was born right outside of Boston amongst big houses, expensive cars and fine jewelry.
The youngest of the Ishida boys. There’s four of them.
He’s the not-so-happy accident in his family, which isn’t exactly a secret and it’s clear on plain sight, when you find out his siblings are 12, 13 and 15 years older than him, so there wasn’t much relationship with them, nor her parents. Danny has always been the neglected boy in the family. He’s tried to impress them many times, but at some point he simply gave up.
That did not mean he didn’t get anything material. It was the way his parents would compensate for the lack of attention and amusement. Danny had everything every young kid would’ve dreamed of. He got his first Mercedes Benz at the age of sixteen (crashed it merely three days later only to get a replacement after a week long punishment of driving a simple Ford).
Let’s get a little bit into his family. His father was always busy, if you could call drinking, gambling and doing drugs such thing. That’s on the surface, what everybody knows of Mr. Ishida. What not many people know, and he would like to keep that way, is that the Ishida family are the head of a mob organization with ties to drug cartels and prostitution rinks. Just. Very illegal stuff.
Mom... Mom just likes to take antidepressants with a bottle of champagne in very expensive silk robes.
Danny has known of the family business since he was old enough to comprehend the things he could and could not say, but before that, Danny basically grew up alone. Raised himself with the very few examples he saw in his life, which surprise, weren’t exactly the best, but he learned to be sympathetic too. Most of his life lessons though, came from movies. And he was a fan fo romantic comedies. 
Fast forward to him being seventeen and in high school. His father had been recruiting new girls, and he wanted Danny to learn. Sure, he was kind of neglected, but every now and then daddy felt merciful of his youngest son and wanted to give him a sense that they had some sort of bonding.
Dad said not to talk to any of the girls. Just fix their documents, since most of them were illegal, don’t ask names, or lives, but there goes sympathetic Danny, ready to disobey his father. 
Long story short, he fell for a girl named Lucia. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen, and even though he was quite the ladies man in school, she was his first time, his first love, his first anything. It was all a secret, of course. His father could not find out, but of course he did. 
Danny was in the midst of a heated make out session with Lucia when his oldest brother saw them, and went and told Mr. Ishida about it. 
Long story short again... Lucia did not make it, which Danny did not take well, but he had to hold it all back, or things would not have ended well for him either. And ever since, Danny has been trying to find a way to get back at him for it. 
Just like the rest of his brothers, Danny had an automatic pass into Yale. He hated it, but he convinced himself this would be the end of it. That he would get a good major, a good career, a good job somewhere far far away from his family and that the nightmare would be over. 
But it wasn’t. His father’s plans for him weren’t over, and since he was the one with the least interest in following the family business, Mr. Ishida sent his youngest son to a place where he would learn how to do things on the low, to be secretive and lethal all at the same time and what a better place than Blackthorne. 
Danny almost rebelled and escaped, but upon thinking about it a couple times, he realized it could play against his father too. He would learn everything he needs to learn, be the best secret weapon as he can be and eventually shoot his shot, end with this fucking bullshit life they had. 
Despite the internal angst in Danny’s life.... his personality is far from what could expected. He’s not broody or dark. He’s more of a fuckboy with a warm smile and a wit word to charm as many as he can. Or annoy the fuck out of them. He’ll find enjoyment in both. This gif is literally the most Danny thing you will ever see. 
Selfie enthusiast. Bonus points if they happen at the gym. Definitely self absorbed. 
He loves movies, loves books, and will quote them every now and then.
He’s really smart. Borderline brilliant. School comes really easy to him as well as other sort of activities. He doesn’t brag about it, but he’s quite proud of his intelligence, because high key, his parents never really mention it. So if someone has to hype him up, it better be himself.
He speaks English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, some Korean and is trying to learn Italian, simply because it’s hot.
He’s a sensitive child. He will cry with good songs, and some animal videos on Facebook and TikTok. He won’t deny it. He’s very proud of his emotions but will be a dick about it every damn time, and call himself a damn good person, as if.
He’s a party boy. Usually organizing them, bringing in the party goods and favors. What are his father’s connections for anyway?
On that matter, he ain’t a drug dealer and would never call himself that. He does like to share his own stuff, though. But won’t sell. Anything else illegal? Fake IDs? He’s your guy.
He always gets what he wants so he falls on the manipulative side. He will fake being your best friend, will fake having a crush, will do it all just to get what he wants.
He can be a pretty good boy too, though. Sensitive, attentive, loyal, responsible (for the most part) but be sure to always question his intentions.
Fuck boy calls for hook ups, friends with benefits, and one night stands. Give me some. Unlimited amount. 
Sum fucks he could have had in Blackthorne too. Where my queer boys at.
Exes? He kind of runs away from actual love and opening up, but I could see him trying to be a little bit serious. Of course it did not work. Could be him breaking your child’s heart or the other way around. 
Besties. He’s the bro kind of guy. Loves his friends a lot. Extremely loyal. Would lie, fight and kill for them. 
Someone who’s actually had eyes on the Ishida family. This is a school of spies, some families are in the government or agencies who could already be trying to dismantle the whole organization. 
Enemies. Just people who can’t stand him. 
Old friends who had a fall out after something?
Former roommates who hated him. He’s annoying, messy and is always shirtless and working out. Could have liked him too tbh.
I suck. Give me anything pls.
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deckerstarwrites · 4 years
wanted plots for my 1x1 blog @mostpxculiar as well as fcs I’d like to play/play opposite to. please like this post, or dm me if you’d like to discuss any of these plots further! tw: nsfw/smut plots cheating, pregnancy, murder/blood,  under the cut.
plots i want, but also please come at me with plots YOU want!
a plot based off of fleabag/hot priest from fleabag
someone should give me a plot with this big bad gang leader and his super soft and cute girlfriend that has him wrapped around her finger. like he’s a feared man, which she doesn’t really care about. and she’s there to patch him up and while he usually tries to hide her away from the cruel world he’s in whenever he isn’t there with her, she just patiently waits for him when he’s out and about doing his business and he’s so fascinated by her and no matter how much of a bad guy he is, he’s just so soft for her and he’d do anything for her!!! and then his most precious possession gets kidnaped and shit goes down snsnsns (m/f, f/f)
f/f plot where a snobby, graceful, poised and rich prima ballerina falls in love with a reckless pole dancer who is super hot with a 6 pack and colourful hair and the girls are total polar opposites pls hmu
a plot where muse a just needs to get away from everything so she packs up everything into her small shitty car that barley runs and just drives. she loses count of the boarders she crossed until she lands right into the middle of a small town where the population is like 2 thousand and her car breaks down. so she goes into a diner that she sees is open and she asks about a mechanic so the lady in the diner calls up her friend who happens to be muse b, the local mechanic. so muse b comes over and tells her that he wont be able to check her car out until morning bc its like 10 pm now so muse a is going to check into a motel or smth but muse b offers to put her up for the night and bc shes broke she says yeah and basically they end up banging with the intention that after tomorrow they are never gonna see each other again - wrong. muse b goes down to his shop and looks at the engine and a really important parts gone in it and its going to take a couple weeks for it to come in and basically muse a has to stay in this shitty small town for the next couple of weeks AND THEY FALL FOR EACH OTHER AND WE CAN FIGURE THE REST OUT! (m/f, f/f)
I really want a one night stand where she snuck out before he woke up and he tried looking her up but he didn’t even know her full name, so he moved on. Move on years down the road and he’s just gotten engaged and at the engagement part he’s introduced to her sister that’s been living overseas for the past few days, but who is it, that girl from all those years ago. Better yet, meet her child, wait, why do they his eyes.
modern hades and persephone where persephone is a tired college student and when she finds out the god of the underworld wants to make her his bride she’s like “become queen of the dead AND never have to go to an 8 AM lecture again, not to mention watch with popcorn as my ex dies and finds out my new boyfriend is his new king? YES PLZ” and just fucking swandives down into the underworld and hades is like “…i had a carriage prepared but okay that works too”
plot three. six months ago he let the nanny give him head. he has been avoiding talking to her since, and is really flustered. she is a full time, live in nanny in their giant mansion. i’m getting a ‘living in england’ vibe, but i’m not sure. he has 3-4 kids running around with his wife of years. the nanny can’t stand the wife, but is obviously polite. his wife is bitchy, whiny, and all she cares is about appearances. who cares if you’re actually happy? just play happy. pretend to be happy. the nanny loves to fluster him when the wife isn’t home. she’ll wear short outfits, lean over, not wear underwear, forget to wear a bra. it was a holiday. so they invited the nanny to eat dinner with them. she starts rubbing him under the table. later on that day, he pulls the nanny to the side into the bathroom or something to tell her that she had to cut it out and that it was a one time thing. out of the blue  - he kisses her hard. just give me lots of behind the wives back, and maybe she gets pregnant down the line?
ok but i need a plot where there’s these two idiots who are roommates, and they bicker and act like a married couple constantly, and can hang out like bros but they’re completely platonic, no we’re not in love that’s preposterous!! and it’s so evident that they’re into each other like whenever one goes out on a date, the other is all bitter like ‘no i’m definitely not jealous’. and they like leave bars together at some stupidly early hour and their friends tease them and they just go home and get drunk together instead. and like domestic washing the dishes and fighting over who does what and flinging soap at each other. and then one day it kind of just clicks, you know, like wow you’re my best friend but i think i might love you as more this is so difficult and just, give this to me now.  (m/f, f/f)
not to be dramatic or anything but i really want a sugar daddy/sugar baby plot where the muse a is “ happily ” married ceo of a big company with shit tons of money and muse a goes out to a local bar just to chill when they meet muse b. ofc they hit it off and go in muse a’s car and fuck all night and in the morning muse a offers muse b a proposition, if muse b agrees to be muse a’s mistress then muse a will give muse b anything they want starting their sugar baby/sugar daddy relationship. it’s all good until muse a sees muse b all over another guy and looses it and gets into a huge fight with muse b that ends with muse a fucking muse b up against his car and yea gimmie this smut i need sneaky around and sexting while around his wife nd getting him riled up like yes pls thank  
bloody , murderous & psychotic couples who love killing people for the thrill and make out with bloody lips and high five each other by the mountains of dead bodies they made . fuckyeah ?  give me this crazy shit . serial killer couples . vampire couples . dark romeo & juliet couples . modern au persephone & hades couples . couples who compete to see who kills the most or the most gruesome . give me gore . give me bloodshed . GIVE IT TO ME !  (m/f, f/f) (focusing a lot on hades/persephone, vampires but willing to go the bonnie and clyde or serial killer route)
no offense but i need a messy exes plot where they can’t get over one another no matter what they do and they always tell themselves they’re not gonna go back to them yet every time they get done with a date they end up knocking on the other person’s door and just jealousy and angst and heartbreak and crying because they don’t know if this is ever going to work out but they can’t walk away because this person is still their whole fucking world and they don’t know how to move on  (m/f, f/f)
faceclaims I’d like to play and play against or both  but also literally come at me with your fcs!!!
Inbar Lavi
Tom Ellis
Lauren German
Sophia Bush
Trevante Rhodes
Zoe Saldana
Madelaine Petsch 
Camila Mendes
Lesley Ann Brandt
Manny Montana
Diane Guerrero 
Adria Arjona
Ana De Arms
Aisha Dee
Chris Evans
Ryan Gosling
John Krazinski
Matt Czuchry
Lana Condor 
Elizabeth Lail
Anya Charlotra
Victoria Pedretti
Zazie Beetz
Shay Mitchell
Candice Patton
Margot Robbie
Florence Pugh
Lucy Liu
Jodie Comer
Katie Mcgrath
Justin Baldoni
Indya Moore
Oscar Isaac
Matthew Daddario
Tessa Thompson
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givemequeen · 5 years
ticket to ride ; paul x reader
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request: may I make a request with Paul,the reader is German and misses paul but they make it work. you see, my girlfriend lives in Germany and I live in the states as I’ve met her through pen paling.Hm, im kinda thinking of “just give me a reason” by Pink kinda fits in,reader doubts the relationship/assumes bad things but Paul comforts her.Oh also colors by Halsey,the effect of being away from each other on him and maybe it gets so bad that they breakup and Paul isn’t the same. 💓ILU and ur writing UwU a/n: bro- sad Paul makes me sad pairing: paul x german!reader summary: paul, your boyfriend, left the country and you missed him oh so much but being away from each other hurts too much. warnings: angst? mentinos of sex (nothing graphic at all) year: 1961-62 word count: 1954
You knew from the moment Paul said he was leaving that things weren’t going to be the same. You had gone with him to the airport to see him off. To be honest, you wished you hadn’t. All you did was cry and cry as he held you close to him.
“I’ll promise I’ll visit, I’ll write to you and I’ll phone you,” Paul said as he squeezed his arms around you. “I promise schatzi.” you looked up to him and smiled and the pet name, it always made you smile.
The day after he left things weren’t the same. He had been living with you for about a month before they were forced to leave and your bed seemed so empty that night so you cried yourself to sleep. As soon as the plane landed and Paul got home he called you.
“Hey there.” he quietly said into the phone.
“Hi.” you replied equally as quiet, you missed him so much and all you wanted to do was reach into the phone and hug him. You chatted for a while until he had to go.
It had been one month since he left and things had gotten better. You called each other a lot during the week and talked for hours without end. Apart from that you also wrote each other letter. Paul had started writing you sappy love songs and poems (in a jokingly manner) and even though you cringed at them you loved them.
Another you guys had started doing was send each other photographs. “So you don’t forget my face.” Paul had written in the first photograph-filled letter. You smiled down at his sloppy handwriting and smiled even wider at the pictures. Some of the photographs where of him performing, at home, with his hair up funny after a shower, taken by his friends, with his friends...
So the next day you did the same. After having all of them developed you packed them carefully in an envelope and sent them to him. He called you as soon as he got them and talked about them for hours. 
Both of your friends knew things weren’t the same. The all saw how you were getting sadder as the days went by. Went the six months mark went by you didn’t even leave your flat. You kept yourself in your room, wrapped in one of his leather jackets he had sent you and looking through photographs of him and the two of you together.
Paul, on the other hand, got piss drunk also alone. John had found him when he got home, he was in the couch sobbing in the empty flat and John knew things weren’t going to get any better for the either of you. If it were up to him, or any of your friends, he would end the relationship. But you loved each other too much to do so.
“Hey,” you said weakly the day after, you didn’t want him to know you had been crying last night.
“Hi.” he groaned into the phone.
“Everything all right?” you asked at his tone.
“Yeah, just got drunk last night,” Paul said as he laughed and it left you shocked, had he been partying all night? Was he with other girls? You shook your head quickly, he wouldn’t do that and you had to trust him if things were going to work out. “Everything okay over there?” he asked when you didn’t say anything.
“Yeah, yeah.” 
“Yeah.” you sighed and the conversation fell into silence.
“Listen yn,” he said. “I’m thinking about visiting, you don’t have any plans, do you?” your face lit up as soon as you heard the news and you couldn’t help but stand up straight and smile.
“No, no plans here. When are you coming?”
“In four days.” you threw your hand in the air, punching the emptiness. “Sorry for the short notice,” he added.
“No worries Paul.”
“See you then.”
“See you.”
You hanged up the phone and started to dance dramatically. You were jumping around and hitting the air. To set the mood you put on your favourite upbeat song on your record player. After your little dance party, you got yourself ready before heading down to the shops and buying things for when Paul came over.
In honour of him, you decided to cook his favourite deal. The couple of days you had before his visit were spent practising the dish. And if you said so yourself, you were pretty good at cooking it. All your friends noticed the change in you, you were much happier, back to your old self.
The day before his visit you could barely sleep. You tossed and turned in your bed and soon worry flushed over you. Why was he coming over? Was he going to break up with you? Was he seeing other girls? Now that you thought about it his visit seemed a bit strange. You pushed all the nasty thoughts to the back of your mind and dozed off to sleep.
Paul was coming at around 6:30 so you had a long time to get ready. You had cleaned the flat yesterday so that was one less thing to worry about. In the morning you washed your hair and shaved your legs so you felt as slick as a dolphin.
You put on Paul’s favourite dress and at around 6:00pm you began panicking. You sat down on the couch so Paul would see you as soon as the door opened (which was kind of dumb since you had to get to open the door). Was he going to like this? All the bad thoughts from last night came back to you and you felt like you were going to puke. 
And then there was a knock. It was Paul knock, definitely. He always knocked with that same rhythm and your heart dropped. Very slowly you got up and walked over to the door. You took a deep breath in and out before opening the door. 
There stood Paul, his hands were tucked into his jacket’s pockets, he was leaning against the door and his head was fixed on his shoes but it immediately flew up when the door opened. He broke into a smile and wrapped his arms around you.
You melted into the hug and smiled at the familiar sensation. Paul still smelled the same, like aftershave and cigarettes. His hands were tight around but not too tight that it hurt. He pulled away, looked into your eyes and smiled. Paul cupped your face and leaned down to kiss you.
“I missed you yn, so much,” Paul said after the kiss.
“Me too Paulie.” he smiled at the way you called him.
Once greetings were over, you helped him put his things in your room where he was going to be staying. After he got ready you led him into the dining room where your round table was set up romantically. It had a white cover over it and a candle lit in the middle.
“This is lovely.”
“Anything for you love.” 
The two of you sit down and began eating and chatting. He caught you up with what was going in his life, how they had changed the drummer. The new one was named Ringo and they even had a manager called Brian Epstein. In turn, you caught him up with your life. Nothing much had happened compared to him but he listened as you told funny stories of things that had happened to you and your friends.
That night, after cleaning up together, the two of you cuddled so close as though either of you would disappear. His arm was wrapped around your waist pulling your back close against his chest. Paul had his face nuzzling against your exposed neck.
But nothing that’s good lasts forever, he was going to stay for a week and at first, it was amazing. You took him around the city and acted like tourists. It was fun and both of you messed around an awful lot at tours and museums. You also took him to see your friends and all of you had dinner together. 
During the nights he would softly make love to you but as soon as that was over it only made you realise how much you loved him and missed him and you didn’t want this to end. You knew that if he left again, which he was going to, you would be broken. It sucked, you didn’t want this to happen to you because of some guy but that was just the thing, he wasn’t some guy. 
He was Paul.
Paul McCartney.
The last day came around and you both silently packed his back, you could barely look over at his direction. You knew if you did you would break down in tears. Once the bags were packed you cuddled in the living room until it was time for him to leave.
“yn we should talk,” Paul said as he turned off the telly. You gulped and sat up to face him.
“Yeah?” you asked with your eyes fixed on his fingers as you played with them.
“Look at me love.” he wrapped two of his fingers around your chin and tilted your head up.
“Yeah?” you repeated.
“I love you, I hope you know that.” you nodded. “But, this hurts too much. For both of us...” you held back tears knowing what was happening.
“We should break up.” you finished as you broke down in teas. Paul wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him as he whispered sweet words into your ears and for a minute you thought everything would be alright.
“I love you too much to keep you to myself, you deserve to be happy.”
“We can be happy, together.” you insisted and you rubbed your eyes.
“Love, I want you to have someone that can be there for you always.”
“I can come to Liverpool.”
“We both know you can’t, if you could you would have done it much earlier. Your life is here, your career, your friends, your family.”
“I’m sorry.” you cried.
“Wh- Why are you sorry?”
“For not being able to go with you,” you admitted quietly making him laugh.
“Oh yn, it’s not your fault. Sorry that we got kicked out of Germany.” it was your turn to laugh. Well more like give out a choked-out version of a laugh. You had half an hour until he had to leave to go back to Liverpool and the two of you spent it in each other embrace. 
You hugged him like it was the last time you would see him and it probably will be. He tried remembering you, your face, your body and so did you. You wanted to remember his scent, the way his hands felt around your body and the way his lips felt against yours.
You watched from your window as his taxi sped away, he waved until you could no longer see him and as soon as he was out of sight you climbed into your bed and cried softly. This time it was over, probably for the best since you both knew it would have hurt too much to continue like this.
Both of your friends noticed a change. 
Your smile seemed a bit duller, you no longer believed in love. The way you talked about was the same way you would talk about a disease. Eventually, you did find love once more but it wasn’t like Paul. Your smile wasn’t as wide and the twinkle in your eyes wasn't there. 
Paul wasn’t the same as well. His jokes were reduced after the breakup. John, Ringo and George would notice him staring off into space occasionally but things got better. His humour came back and so did his happiness. He did call you after a year and when he found out you were happy and thriving he got happier.
Things were going to get better. 
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verllaine-blog · 7 years
A guide to the fandom of French politics/lolitics
I found something similar going around in the Spanish lolitics fandom (I think?) and thought it was kind of funny, and what with French politics going world-wide since the elections in May and Macron making himself heard around the globe (and before you come at me, he’s also got his flaws too, I’ll fully agree with you there), I thought it would be cool to open up the wonderful fandom of French politics (and our ships!) to our international friends. So sit tight, this is probably going to be long!
First off, who are the big names you’re likely to find the most often?
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Emmanuel Macron
° Not surprising since he’s our new president.
° He’s actually pretty smol. Especially when standing next to other taller world leaders.
° He’s a lot younger than the other members of the French politics fandom. (He’s 39).
° Can’t take selfies.
° (It’s even a song).
° He looks like a pretty cool guy but does have some shitty policies he wants to put into effect (*cough* doesn't necessarily plan to stop nuclear energy jobs even though they are polluting *cough*).
° Literally seems to think that he’s some kind of king/God.
° Loves Europe & the European Union (like, Emmanuel Macron x the EU is as canon as Emmanuel x Brigitte).
° Likes cordons bleus (and I get him, cordons bleus are amazing), chocolates and eating off the kid’s menu and is essentially a child in an adult’s body.
° Apparently even the official cook at the Elysée palace makes him little cordons bleus. (And he loves them).
° Is probably going to be annoying in the upcoming five years but we currently kind of like him. Or at the very least, he hasn’t fucked up too bad yet. (But please don’t cozy up to Trump too much).
° Is far better at speaking English than most French politicians (and possibly even the current US president) and uses expressions that are probably twice his age and that nobody uses anymore.
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Manuel Valls
° He’s from Spain Catalonia but he’s French.
° Our former Prime Minister. Apparently he tried to join Macron’s party after the elections?
° The scapegoat who gets blamed for everything, even stuff he isn't fully responsible for.
° Had flour thrown on him that one time.
° Often angry, but he does smile sometimes. (They’re actually rays of sunshine)
° Really did try to save the Parti Socialiste but didn’t manage and ended up quitting it. Is more of a center-left candidate??
° Dealt with a wide variety of shit ranging from terrorist attacks to being slapped across the face.
° King of the style game and sometimes wears see-through shirts. (cf La Rochelle, 2015).
° Was kind of friends with Macron (he was the one who convinced Hollande to hire him before they started to work together).
° People are beginning to realize that their hatred towards him was misdirected, which is nice. Hell, some are even beginning to appreciate him, which is even better.
° Gave that one really amazing speech at the Assemblée Nationale on January 13 2015 and got a standing ovation for it.
° Probably chilling off somewhere now? Or is he still trying to join En Marche?
° Has a cute Cairn Terrier called Homère. He even used to bring him to his meetings at the Elysée palace.
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Benoît Hamon
° Former member of the Socialist party. He tried hard to save it, he really did.
° Is basically a Hobbit.
° Has lots of cute pairs of glasses.
° Good with kids.
° His real name is Baenoît Hamon.
° Even shared a picture of his kebab once and it was way more popular than President Macron’s official portrait.
° Deserved so much better.
° Is an actual cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure.
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Arnaud Montebourg
° Toll ™.
° Often seen hanging out with Hamon.
° A rebel, he resigned from his post as economy minister from Hollande’s government.
° Is a drama queen.
° Loves everything with the label “Made in France”.
° Has fluffy looking hair.
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Phillipe Poutou
° Far-left anticapitalist.
° He literally has no chill and will destroy you if you give him the opportunity.
° Popular among the young voters (I think???).
° Can also be really cute and adorable when he doesn’t vent about the evils of capitalism.
° Too cool to wear an actual suit.
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Jean-François Copé
° Sometimes wonder whether he’s an actual politician or not.
° Is sometimes problematic ™
° Says chocolatine instead of pain au chocolat (which is downright wrong >:(( ) (Question à part: ça se dit où "chocolatine" exactement?? Ca va bientôt faire quinze ans que j'habite en France et je suis jamais tombée dessus?? Ca a toujours été "pain au chocolat" chez moi???)
° Never really scores any higher than 0.5%.
° Always enthusiastic and up for a good laugh.
° Memes.
° One of the rare right-wing politicians to actually be part of the fandom since everybody else ranges from the center (Macron & maybe even Valls) to the far-left (Poutou & Mélenchon).
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Jean Lassalle
° He’s not really a big name, kind of a centrist?
° Has a heavy accent and loves his region very much.
° Lives a down-to-earth-appreciate-everything kind of life.
° Is probably one of the only politicians to actually be a really adorable person in real life.
° Appreciated by both his fellow politician colleagues and the general public. (Which is a real feat here).
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Christiane Taubira
° The Queen ™
° She's from French Guyana.
° Everybody loves her.
° She’s amazing, that’s all you need to know.
° She won’t let you mess with her: she might be smoll but she’s always ready to brawl (and clash you in the Assemblée Nationale).
° Has the law legalizing gay marriage named after her, like how cool is that???
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Jean-Luc Mélenchon
° He's on the far-left.
° He's the hologram guy, loves modern technology.
° Has developed a legit game called "Fiscal Kombat", where the Mélenchon character fights other French politicians to make them give back money, counter frauds and earn as much cash as possible to implement his program.
° He's actually from Morocco.
° Is either angry or will take a great satisfaction in publicly clashing you.
° He has no chill and will call you out to your face.
° Always up for a fight and lives off drama.
° Is a sore looser tho.
Our international players:
Justin Trudeau
° The French speaking cousin ™ (with a slight accent)
° He’s not French but he’s basically considered as part of the fandom.
° Like Macron would say, he’s “part of the club” (yes, he really did use that expression).
° He got on well enough with the previous government,and currently has a thriving bromance with Macron.
° They probably diss Trump together in French.
° We’re all looking forward to anything more they can give us.
° Can also be spotted on photos with François Hollande and Manuel Valls.
Theresa May
°  The annoying friend from across the Channel.
° Brexit with Benefits ™
° Likes football.
° Speaks English only.
° Probably a source of conflict over Europe and the EU.
° Still the English member of our Franco-British (or soon to be English-only?) bromance.
° Hopefully introduced Manu to the wonders that are Fish & Chips.
Barack Obama
° He may no longer be president but we still love him.
° Had a soft spot for Hollande’s poor English.
Angela Merkel
° Proud member of the pro-EU squad.
° Holds the flag for the Franco-German bromance.
° Was bros with Sarkozy and seems to like Macron a lot.
° Also an avid football supporter.
As for our ships, well here’s what we’ve got to offer :))
The French only ships
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Vallande: François Hollande and Manuel Valls
° I don’t know, it’s the first of the political ships I really heard of.
° Apparently it was a thing??
° Basically the president and his Prime Minister.
° There is legit real fanart out there if you look hard.
° They seemed to be happy when they were together sometimes, so I guess there’s that??
° Unfortunately they then broke up when Valls left Hollande’s government to run for the left wing primaries. I guess not every pairing can have a happy ending :(
° **Edit: I just happen to have found an entire blog dedicated to the ship (Vallande is real les amis), and it's the most unlikely thing ever but also fucking hilarious! (Je ne sais pas qui est derrière ce Tumblr, mais... Merci, pour le coup, ça m'a bien fait rire ^^).
° **Edit 2: Guys, just... Check the “Vallande“ tag, I promise it’s worth it. ^^
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M&M’s/Vacron: Manuel Valls and Emmanuel Macron
° Probably the most popular/biggest ship in the fandom for now.
° They have a complicated ™ relationship.
° They used to be kind of friends??? But Macron essentially stabbed Valls in the back by using Valls’ declining popularity and problems to push himself forward. ° I’m not even sure where they stand at now. Probably former colleagues?
° Although Valls did immediately back Macron after losing the socialist primary final to Hamon (whether that is to be taken as a sense of affection/friendship/something else towards Macron, I’ll let you decide for yourself).
° We still ship them though.
° All the more so because there are lots of pics (and non-photoshopped ones I might add) that are out there.
° (Perhaps they even ship themselves, who knows?)
°  Oh and Vall's official nickname for Macron when they were in the same government was "Microbe", which basically means germ (if you translate it literally) or squirt.
° We also have AO3 fics and fanart. (Seriously, the M&M's fandom is amazing :)).
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(Add Myriam El Khomri and you get an OT3).
(But Valls and El Khomri look more like embarrassed parents and Macron their overly-enthusiastic five year-old).
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(Or you can add Najat Vallaud-Bellkacem if you’d prefer). 
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Cinnhamonbourge: Benoît Hamon and Arnaud Montebourg
° The Cuties ™.
° Also quite popular in the fics and fanart territory.
° Fluff, fluff and more fluff. (And possibly the occasional angst, but it's mostly fluff).
° Team “Looks like a cinnamon roll and actually is a cinnamon roll”.
° Well Hamon is, Montebourg can get a little more angry at times.
° But they like each other, that’s the most important part.
° Both are now former members of the PS, Montebourg quit in 2014 and Hamon only a month ago.
° Used to hang out together a lot.
° Probably diss Hollande (and Macron’s) government together.
° Organize cool-looking parties.
° Like flowers.
° Probably drowning their sorrows and crying over the state of French politics together. (With a bottle of fine champagne).
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(You can even add Valls if you want an OT3, not sure they’d get along tho).
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(Is Macrontebourg also a thing? Just askin’) (Although we all know Arnaud and Benoît belong together).
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Along with Montebourg, apparently Hamon and Taubira were also good friends :)
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Marine Le Pen x Florian Philippot
° I think this is also a thing?
° They’re basically the Evil Power Couple of French politics.
° Probably want to dominate France and are secretly building a “Grand Villain Manifesto” for the 2022 elections.
° They can stay together as long as they don’t bother us.
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° Apparently people also ship Le Pen and Mélenchon???
° Is it a hate-ship??
° (Je n'en sais rien vraiment, mais je suis tombée dessus une ou deux fois… Je ne sais toujours pas trop quoi en penser ^^).
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Team Destroy Capitalism: Nathalie Arthaud and Philippe Poutou
° Like the ship name suggests, they hate capitalism.
° The far-left bros.
° They’re full of bitterness and full of salt.
° Arthaud is Angry ™, elle est là pour NIQUER SES MERES.
° Often angry. Just a reminder.
° Poutou has no chill and will fight you even though he’s only a factory worker for Ford, who works REALLY HARD.
° (But he’s cool). (He can also be really nice and really cute).
° Arthaud will also fight you, especially on capitalism. Arthaud x Capitalism is probably her biggest NOTP.
° Team Tiny Candidates.
The international ships
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Merkozy: Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy (aka President Bling Bling ™).
° I wasn’t really following politics all that much back in 2007.
° Apparently they were like BFF’s, and are one of the early bro-ships in French politics??
° The Oldie but Goldie, I guess that’s what we could roll with?
° The Smol bros.
° I don’t know whether they are still in touch or not but let’s hope so, because Merkel’s huge smiles are literal rays of sunshine.
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Don't ask me, but there was also something with Hollande.
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And Valls.
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And she seems to be climbing up the new BFF scale with Macron too.
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Hobama: François Hollande and Barack Obama
° Obama seemed to get along well with Macron’s clumsy predecessor, maybe his poor English even grew on him after a while.
° “Ah na wol spriking in French because ay oblairge ay oblaïge to do that.”
° President Classy ™ and President Awkward ™.
° They both exited the world stage at the same time at the end of 2016, right before shit got real.
° Might be keeping in touch and maybe even mounting a scheme to take out the Crazy Orange Cheeto (okay probably not, but let’s just imagine for a second that they are really doing this?)
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(Obama was also friends with Sarkozy, if you were wondering).
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Macdeau: Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron
(C'est bien Macdeau le "nom officiel"? Parce que j'ai vu des choses du style Macreau, Trudon et Trudō également)
° Highly anticipated bromance that came about shortly after Macron won the election.
° Basically became canon in Taormina when they met for the G7 Summit, and we got the pics of them strolling along in the flowery gardens. (Looking extremely similar to that one scene in Game of Thrones between Margaery and Sansa)
° Trudeau is Toll ™ and Macron is Smoll ™.
° Always smiling.
° New pics and Twitter posts are always welcomed and widely shared. ° They’re always happy together and as long as their bromance is thriving, so are we. 
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(( But if you’d rather ship him with Valls, then there’s also canon photos you can use too :) ))
Then we've also got this but:
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Does it
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Really warrant
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An explanation?
(There aren't any pictures, but just in case you were wondering, our friend Mister Donald the Crazy Orange Cheeto also rooted for her during the elections).
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Maycron: Theresa May and Emmanuel Macron
° Also a G7 baby.
° Speak English together.
° Trying to mend bridges between the UK and France. (Because from what I’ve gathered, neither Sarkozy or Hollande were apparently great friends with David Cameron).
° Give affectionate hugs.
° Probably butt heads over topics like Europe and Brexit since May wants out of the EU and Macron is arguably one of the EU leader who loves the EU the most (like I said, Macron x EU is as canon as Emmanuel x Brigitte).
° Share a passion and enthusiasm for football. May can even be a little bit too enthusiastic sometimes ;)
° Probably also vent about the Orange Cheeto to one another.
And as a Franco-Irish member of the French lolitics fandom, I'm also really happy to be able to say that
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French politicians
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Seem to have an ongoing bromance
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With their Irish counterparts
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That doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon :)
And if you really want to go deep down, here are the over-the-top-not-really-serious-recurring-pairings you can also find:
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Benoît Hamon x Kebabs (It’s pure, it’s lovely, and believe it or not, it’s way more popular than you’d think more popular than Macron at any rate).
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François Fillon & "Rends l'argent" (we basically want him to give back the public money he stole).
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Eva Joly x The Green Glasses
° Kind of an older pairing, since it goes back to the 2012 elections (she didn't run this year).
° Joly usually wore red glasses, but to represent her Green Party (EELV), she campaigned with a pair of green ones.
° Basically what she was remembered for.
° Maybe she still wears them?
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Emmanuel Macron x Cordons bleus (the truest OTP of this 2017 presidential campaign and we understand him, those things taste like heaven).
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François Hollande x Being Akward (pretty much what you can resume his five-year presidency as).
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Benoît Hamon x His glasses (they even have their own Twitter account apparently at LunettesBenoit).
Apparently he loves them so much he went and bought a bunch of them right before the presidential race began.
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Marine Le Pen & Being a scary arsehole (basically she hates anything non 100% French, was high on drugs or something during her debate with Macron and couldn’t make coherent arguments. Blames immigrants, non French citizens and Muslims for everything wrong in the country).
She’s basically our equivalent of the horrors known as Donald Trump, Geert Wilders, Frauke Petry and Nigel Farage.
(Unsurprisingly, she's also friends with all of them).
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French politicians in general x Being assaulted with food ingredients: whether it’s flour, eggs or the hand that whisks them up in the form of a slap, Valls, Macron, Le Pen, Sarkozy, Fillon and Hollande have all had it thrown at them. ^^
Après, si j'en ai oublié d'autres, n'hésitez pas à les rajouter, histoire de faire répandre nos ships et la fandom politique française à l'international! C'est ma toute première contribution, donc je n'ai probablement pas donné une liste exhaustive :))
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