#love it. walked my dog with no pain didn't realize how nice it is
loving-jack-kelly · 5 months
my feet were hurting so much for so long and according to my googling it was due to lack of arch support so I got better shoes and it didn't help and now I'm on day two of wearing arch support braces and oh my god. the difference it's making. never going back.
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Hello friend 👋 wasn’t episode 4 of tbb amazing?? I’m loving this season. Wanted to pop in and request a fic - you know how when you’re walking your dog and everyone has to stop and say hello to the dog bc obvs. Can you do something like that but it’s crosshair walking batcher and reader stops to say how cute but then crosshair gets jealous of batcher getting all the love lol
Dog Days
Crosshair x Reader
Summary- You met Crosshair while he was taking Batcher for a walk. Passing your house quickly became a daily task you all looked forward to. Is it wrong to say you caught feelings for him? And was Crosshair really jealous of the attention you gave Batcher?
A/N- Hey girl! Sorry your request took so long to get around to. I didn't forget you! I want to personally thank you for all your kind words. I always see your liking and commenting on my works! This was such a cute idea!!! Crosshair is definitely the 'dad who didn't want the dog, but now loves it' guy. Thanks for requesting!
Word Count- 1,409
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The scurrying of paws on tile caught your attention. You raised from your bent position, having been watering your plants outside your home.
You turned just in time to see a various colored blue animal running your way. The figure and attitude of it reminded you of a dog, but you were sure it wasn't.
The closer it got, you realized it was not slowing down. With a hiked breath, you squinted your eyes and prepared for impact.
"Batcher, stop!" A males voice rang out.
Just as commanded, the animal stopped at your feet. You opened your eyes to see it now sitting, tongue out. You blinked, heart still pounding.
"Sorry." Said the man, which you recognized as Crosshair. Him and the rest of his brothers had come back to Pabu after rescuing Omega.
"No, it's okay. Really, he seems sweet." The animal jumped to its feet as you reached a hand out. Your hand was soon met with slobber, as the animal licked you again.
"Oh, sorry. She seems sweet." You crouched down to her level, now fully petting her. You gave out a laugh as she now nuzzled into your face.
Crosshair crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. You took the hint.
"I guess I'll let you two get going. Have a nice day!" You stood, much to Batchers dismay. She already had a liking to you. She reluctantly followed Crosshair when he turned and walked away.
Only a day passed until you saw the two of them again. This time you had been leaving a neighbors house, needing some flour.
You of course, saw Batcher running down first. Crosshair slowly following. She barked at the sight of you, you didn't get scared when she ran at you this time.
"Hey girl!" You called out to her, but what you didn't expect was for her to actually jump on you.
It wasn't painful, but she did manage to knock the small bag of flour out of your hands. She had you playfully pinned under her, licking whatever she could.
The flour was also on top of you, and her, and the surrounding tile.
You gave out a cough, a white puff leaving your lips.
'Batcher, off!" Crosshair was frustrated at the scene. He had watched the whole fall.
Batcher didn't understand and happily ran over to him. You were still on the ground, slightly embarrassed at the turned heads.
A hand reached down to you, you grabbed it. Crosshair easily pulled you up. His strength took you by surprise.
"She hurt you?" He asked.
"I'm okay, I think most of the impact was on my butt." You rubbed at your hip, a dull pain arriving. It was going to bruise.
"How much flour was it?" He didn't seem to really care how you were doing.
"Uh, I think five cups? I was just borrowing it from my friend."
He hummed, Batcher was still at his side. She was awaiting his next command.
"It's fine, really. I know she didn't mean to." There was an awkward air around.
"I'll bring some tomorrow." Was all he said before turning and walking off.
He did bring the flour the next day, a bag double the size of what you had. You gave your neighbor her portion and put the rest in a jar.
You profusely thanked him, but he brushed it off and continued his walk.
To show your gratitude for the extra flour, you baked him a dozen cookies. You wrapped them neatly and carefully waited to see the two of them.
You found ways to busy yourself outside, trying not to make it obvious you were eagerly waiting for Crosshair. Oh, yeah and Batcher.
Upon hearing a bark, you ran inside to grab your fresh cookies. You raced back outside just in time to see Crosshair standing. He had his head turned, looking around. Was he looking for you?
"Crosshair?" His head shot your way.
"I baked you some cookies! As a formal 'thank you.'" He just looked at you, so you raised the cookies to him.
"Thank you." He said, fighting a smile.
"What did you say your name was?" It was your turn to smile at his question.
You promptly told him, trying not to grin too big.
He nodded.
"T-Theres enough cookies for the rest of your brothers, and Omega." You informed him. At his look, you felt your cheeks getting hot. He probably felt weirded out that you knew everyone's name, especially since he just learnt yours.
"Sorry..." You didn't even know what you were apologizing for, but you felt guilty for making things awkward once again.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, so don't apologize." His words were cold, but had a sense of affection in them.
At the new silence, you figured it was time to part once again.
"Have a good day, I hope you like the cookies." He actually waved this time, glancing over his shoulder to see you smile and wave back.
With each day that passed, you slowly got closer and closer to Crosshair and Batcher. Passing your house seemed to be on their daily walking routine.
A minute spent passing your house turned into taking a twenty or thirty minute break. You'd hold and play with Batcher while talking with Cross. It ranged from the weather to nightmares. You both found yourselves opening up to each other.
You quickly grew feelings for Crosshair over the weeks passed.
There were times you thought he felt the same, but the second you might have confessed or leaned in for a kiss- he'd change the subject. You just accepted that he didn't like you in the way you liked him. It hurt but you couldn't force feelings onto him.
You had started to notice that when you giddily ran to Batcher or held her tightly, Crosshair curled his lip- or gave out a glare. You picked up that he might be jealous of the attention you were giving her. Though, why would he be jealous if he didn't have any feelings for you?
It came to be a few minutes past two o'clock. Crosshair would be coming down any minute now. Though, your pesky bladder had you quickly running back inside.
When you came out, Crosshair was sat on your front porch. Batcher was at the ready, panting and hyper.
You greeted her first, dropping to your knees. She was more playful today, not leaving you alone.
"Oh, you're such a good girl!" You scratched behind her ears, she closed her eyes and wagged her tail.
You continued to play with her, she was rolling and doing tricks for you. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Crosshair stand. He crossed his arms, a scowl on his face.
"Such a pretty girl, so cute." You announced praises at her. Though not on purpose, you ignored Crosshair. She was on her back as you rubbed her belly.
"Why don't you get a room." He remarked, now obviously jealous of Batcher.
"Don't listen to him, Batcher! He's just grumpy and jealous." You were getting brave with your comebacks.
"I am not!" He was getting defensive.
"Shh, it's okay Batcher. Your dad is pretty cute too." You said, nuzzling her face.
"I am not her dad and i'm n-" Your words registered in Crosshairs head, the same time they did in yours.
You moved away from Batcher, the mood changed. It was silent for a moment, you looked at the ground.
"Okay I'll be leaving now." You stood to your feet, about to die of embarrassment. That was until Crosshair grabbed a hold of your wrist.
He forced you to face him. "Why?"
"Well gee Cross, I don't know. Maybe because I just said the dumbest thing ever. You think I don't know the feeling isn't mutual!" You confessed.
He stared for a moment, hand still gripping your wrist. You could tell he was contemplating something. That was until he made the last step forward and kissed you.
You felt light as a feather. He did like you back!
You could feel Batcher rubbing against your leg, but payed no attention to it. You were too lost in the kiss.
The two of you held each other, not puling away except to gasp for air.
"I guess I was wrong?" You panted out.
"You were far from being right." He just pulled you back in for another kiss.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I am so appreciative for your sweet comments HayBelle! Please let me know if there is anything you want changed in this fic!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss @dangraccoon
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icarusredwings · 27 days
I rewatched Deadpool 2 and took notes.
Disclaimer: He's mentally ill and does mentally ill things (GASP, who would have thought?). Also, violence. A lot of violence. It's really long. Like.. really really long.
The very first words he says is "fuck wolverine"
Then blows his own head off with a shit ton of gasoline. Wonder if he had insurance on that appartment.
He started taking worldwide cases
He also admits to knowing "8th grade spanish"
"Passion of the christ. Then me." Says the man whos marvel jesus now.
I wonder how much wade owes cab guy.
Cab guy killed bandu Lmao
"What is it?"
"My IUD"
"A bomb??" Tell me why he was lowkey excited for it to be a bomb?
I love how serious he gets talking about how scared he is to be a dad.
This empire joke traveled from the first movie too.
"Pretty sure it doesn't work that way but we can try" yes.
When making toaster strudles its almost as if he could sense them coming despite it being so silent. This kind of makes me think that Logans not the only one who just jumps up sometimes.
This man really just said "Fuck it" jumped out of a 2 story window, BOLTED after this guy as fast as he could, got hit by a car, rammed another car, and whole ass hugged this guy before jumping in front of a truck with him. I don't want to see anyone try to tell me he's one sandwitch drop away from jumping off a cliff.
Cinatography by Blind Al.
Directed by one of those guys that killed john wicks dog.
God I love Ryan Reynolds because you know it was him.
Wade stop peeing your pants in public.
Weasel "We still have bowie..." Yeah id lie to him too at this point.
"Yeah im fine"
Fucked up
Needy and
Emotional. Kübler ross apprently.
"Buck no more speaking lines for you" and he meant that shit.
Al is so humble and sweet. Making tea and giggling. Tries to shoot him and then just hears him collapse on the floor. How many times do you think he collapses on the floor a week? Just to be drimatic?
"Sweetheart can you speak up? Its a little hard to hear you with yhat pity dick in your mouth" Oh so shes his mom. Al is his fucking mom. Hands down. And the best one.
I love how he decided to do an entire bag of cocaine before dying. There was no reason for it and honestly was a waste of cocaine until you realize that these cocaine is wades whiskey. Shots dont work for him really, probably because hes already done it so much, but its the same way how Logan chugs that bottle before wade kidnaps him. Its easier to blame it on a substance then accept those were your actions.
Ness is so cute. The poster behind her has "I love you wade wilson" scratched into it. Its nice to know that his version of heaven is literally just a cozy Saturday morning with his wife.
Colossus just walking in to find wades body parts everywhere and put him in a bag like old dirty clothes lol
"Why cant I fucking die" tone was SO serious.
The fact that theres an x men rule book and its lowkey thicker then a bible. I bet you scott and Logan made 80% of those.
"That asshole was me" oh the tears. Baby boyy.
Wait isnt cable literally scotts son.
Im never going to understand this fucking time line jesus christ
Mutant rehabilitation?? What is he a drug addict? That kid is clearly in pain dipshits.
"X men trainee" is so funny
"Please stop cheating on me"
Daniel the pedophile looking ass
Bro casually signs ryan reynolds on the wolverine cereal box and then destroys his knee caps.
"Those guys hurt you??" It was at that moment, wade went ape shit.
Wade having fun in prison is so him. But come on imagine going to prison just for standing up to an abused child. Not to mention, His face when he immediately realizes how fucked he is and that "oh shit I actually DO have cancer now and it SUCKS"
Is it just me or does Cable reminds you of forge with all his cool fix it abilities. Or is he just futurey.
He didn't say were not friends to make him upset but to draw attention to himself. Him just eye rolling when stabbed in the hand was so funny too because he was like "Ouch. God damn it. Ducking OUCH."
Hes literally pleading with russel to find someone else to peotect him or hes gonna get molested because he cant do anything. His entire power is replacing dead cells WITH new cancer cells. His entire body is dying 24/7 but never fast enough to actually kill him, always regrowing way too quickly. Cancerous is better then dead.
"Get away from me kid" yeah cause he knows hes trouble and he REALLY doesn't wanna watch this kid die.
"Who the hell tries to kill a 14 year old boy"
"Kids give us a chance to be better then we used to be"
Dopinder is so wholesome. I love him so much. No i dont care that he killed a guy. Hes the type of friend you call to take to the movies or the zoo once every year and hes stoked just to be invited.
Peter: I just thought it looked fun :D
Dopinder: FUCK
Peter is that one dad whos kids left the nest and now he needs friends and a hobby so searches for the biggest weirdos he can find.
"Grab the boy- NOT INAPPROPRIATELY >:("
i love his crayon maps/plans
Oh my god weasel im not telling you anything ever again you snitch (same dude, cable is terrifying)
After crying over the love he has for his new team (x force) Wade confirms that he spent 10 years in special forces.
I love how supportive wade is with Peter despite him just being a normal dude only for him to immediately die LMAO
He just cassually lets his impulse win in which he steals a moped.
Oh i just noticed Dominos vitiligo. I always loved vitiligo charaters. Theyre so unique and barley ever given movie roles. Like why not?? Why wouldnt you want someone so beautiful? Im pretty sure she just has make up but it would be cool if not.
Something else is that cable just starts yeeting criminals out onto the street lol
"Theres nothing I cant kill" Let me intorduce you to the man whos on a constant road to dying but can never actually get there.
Im assuming cable wants to kill russel because he unleashes a big bad guy or something.
*cassually snaps neck back into place* Oh god that hurt!
Oh I was right! It was Juggernaut :)
Wade: *gets excited about being PHYSICALLY ripped in half*
"Rub my legs mama 🥺 I got growing pains"
"Oh noo! No no no Dp not again!" We love you Dopinder. Do not ever stop caring. "This shits happened before!?" Yes weasel. Sometimes your friends get ripped in half. Get used to it.
Wade just moves her gun to the right position.
Wade talking about saving russel is so serious that it makes you forget that he has a tiny baby ass rn. I couldn't make a deal with someone woth tiny baby legs... just... no. Not to mention that those baby legs are made of cancer.
"50 years from now you're super fucking dead"
Wade standing outside of the xmen mansion with his phone and a picture of a boom box playing music for Colossus to come outside and help him save russel is something i can see happening to Logan. They have a fight and he storms off to the mansion only for wade to stand outside like that.
"Hi Wade🎀✨️" "Hi Yukio!🥹 you guys make a super cute couple 😊 where was I? 🤨"
"So you wear a helmet so your brother cant read your mind?" "Yeaaahh" average kid conversations.
"Lets fuck some shit up is my legal middle name"
Okay sir edgelord.
Apprently wade has a gluten sensitivity
What is it with wade and metal men??? My man has a type.
"Im just gonna use this brick and maximum effort" Same wade. Same.
Yaayy!! Go yukio! Eveyone loves yukio.
"Thats how we do it in mother russia" What? Shoving an electrical cable up their ass and then put them in a pool? Damn. Ok.
That "I never should have never left you in that prison" with the hug? Man hed be a decent dad I think.
"Dont be ive been trying to make this happen for awhile" okay someone supervise him 24/7. Hes on the active watch list.
Wade: *is dying* Hi Yukio :D
Yukio: Hi wade :)
"R-dog" Oh my god hes too cute.
Them carrying the racist joke all the way til the end made me cringe but that was the point.
His last words being "do you wanna build a snow man?" Is such a deadpool thing.
I was NOT expecting to cry at the end of this stupid ass movie, AGAIN
"Dont fuck colossus" VANESSA KNEW
"Is there a knife in my dick?" "There's a knife in your dick."
Oh I just didn't even notice she has heterochromancia! <3 Aahh!!
"Dont scratch!" *shoots himself 8 times* "Love you! Bye."
Wolverine: ???
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kenmakodz · 7 months
06. brain food ☆
writing in-between cuts!
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a quiet knock on the door catches your attention, which was previously focused on scrolling through random shows on Netflix. a weird feeling, you get. an emotion that seems to be the love-child of excitement and nervousness. there's no time to run away from these feelings, though, so you get up and open the door for the poor boy who's been hauling 3 bags of food.
"my god" he sighs, setting the bags down on the coffee table. "i think my stomach has eyes. there's no way we're finishing all this in one night." you laugh, noticing how he's holding his arm out of pain. "i've definitely done the same, more times than i'd like to admit-- here, sit down for a bit." gesturing to the couch, you sit down and pat a spot relatively close to you. he takes this offer with open arms, considering he'd walked pretty far. "sorry i took a while, hopefully i didn't keep you waiting too long?" his hands fidget together as he takes in your room. it's the size of a triple, but you have it to yourself. it's quite surprising how nice the school treats transfer students, considering how main students are usually shoved into a tiny room with 2-3 other people. you place your hand upon his; a ballsy move, but you know how it feels to be anxious about things. you don't want him to be anxious with you. "it's fine, really. i don't mind waiting for you." you smile, moving your hand back to it's previous position. embarrassment clearly runs through his body, but to you he just looked starstruck. after a moment of pushing these feelings back, he returns your smile. "i'm glad, then. um, can we eat? i fear my stomach is going to wrinkle up if we don't." "yes yuuta, we can eat."
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"okay, okay. this seems good for now, i think?" he sits back from the laptop you two have been sharing, taking a second to re-read the outline. your eyes scan the page as well; it's a very.. rough outline. you start laughing at the last few lines, where he'd begun to give up on being professional. after all, only you two will see this draft. "why are you laughing?" he pouts, thinking you're making fun of the ideas laid out. "oh relax," you lean back with him, realizing he's gotten much closer than before. "i can just tell that you were rushing writing the final scene." his head whips to you and a hand clutches his chest, feigning shock; a sarcastic gasp falls from his lips. "how could you! we worked very hard on this!" your hand pushes his away from his chest, the both of them landing on his lap. "oh, shut up. i'm just teasing." he huffs anyways, a facade you've become accustomed to. after all, one of your best friends is nobara kugisaki.
reaching to a stuffed dog to your side, you hand it to him. "here, will an emotional support dog help?" he sighs, wrapping it in his arms. "i suppose." laughing again, you sit up and grab the laptop once more. "you're so dumb." he grips the toy more, you don't realize it, but he likes the way it smells of lavender just like you do. "what are you doing now, don't you think its enough for tonight?" you stop to think, after sending the draft to your phone. "well, we'll need to send casting calls to the neighboring schools sometime soon.. but i guess we can be done for now." he closes the laptop for you and places it on the table once again, looking back. "good, we can do that another time-" his sentence is cut off due to his phone practically blowing up in the room over. "sorry," he starts, getting up and handing the stuffed dog back to you. "let me go check on that."
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"hey, sorry again. my friends were blowing up my phone for some reason." he comes back into the room where you two were sitting before, unsure if he should sit back down. he can't read your face, and you can't read his either, despite you both feeling the same way. "it's okay. you can sit back down if you want to stay a bit longer..?" you look down for a split second, anticipating the rejection he was about to give you. "i was looking for shows before you got here, but i couldn't find a good one." you try to convey what you say as a question, but it almost comes out as a plea. he doesn't say anything immediately, and you almost get upset? looking back up, you realize he's already getting ready to sit back down with you. "i'd love to stay. i also have an amazing suggestion for a show." your eyes light up, and it feels like the room filled with more air the way you both sighed with relief. "oh really?" you tease him, as he takes back the toy he'd left with you. "lay it on me then."
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fun facts -> TWO PEOPLE PINING FOR EACHOTHER BUT NEITHER KNOW IT!!!! a classic trope. chefs kiss. yuuta offered to go get snacks not only because he was starving, but he also needed time to calm himself down before going to y/n's dorm. he was scared. scared that he'd say something stupid, give her the ick, embarrass himself. you know, the works. once he got there though, it felt like he never wanted to go home again.
-> GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCh. screams. kicking my feet like a little girl writing this chapter.
previous, masterlist, next [07. i hate men (except you two)]
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if you are in bold, i am unable to tag you :( and if i forgot to add you, PLEASE YELL AT ME
⤷ © kenmakodz
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I really love your child reader writings with all my soul and it fills my soul and makes me feel safe and comforted, I adore them. I wanted to request something from Michael Myers where his younger sister (who is Angel Myers? but she is a reader) would visit him once a year at Smith's Grove (their parents do it willingly but avoiding Loomis, it never suited them as it seems). obsessed with a child) and Michael adores her, these are the only moments in which he comes to himself and is happy. Both brothers adore each other can be seen, reader's new parents see it and are heartbroken that Michael has been raised in a horrible environment so they try to at least ease their painful stay in Smith's Grove but Loomis realizes and wishes having reader as a patient, the parents deny it and they are denied visits but they do not leave without explaining to Michael. It is a plot that he had in his head, I feel that Michael did have problems as a child but also nobody offered him sincere help and he was left alone without meaning to. From then on I don't know where he's going, I'll leave it to his imagination, take care of yourself and I love his imagination! 🖤✨🌸
This sweet request has been rotting in my ask box for far too long.
Also sorry anon I couldn't really understand so I tried to the best of my abilities 😅
Also, for some reason I went with rob Zombie Michael. It just sounded more right with the way you described the scenario.
Warnings: blood, death, murder, yk the usual.
Relationship: platonic/sister brother relationship!!
Don't leave me again... Please..
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You listened to the sound of your footsteps.
The sound of your shoes making contact with the hospital ground sounded quite nice to you.
What was nicer was that you were visiting your brother again, you've done this every year. It's like a religious thing now.
You loved it since every time you came Michael seemed to always lighten up even though he has the most expressionless face ever. You know you're his source of light and he knows you know it too. (As much as he would cringe at that.)
You held on to the bag you had tightly. The soft crunching of the plastic wrapper inside it whenever you took a larger step than the previous. It was the 19th of October, it was Michael's birthday and also during his favorite holiday and you wanted to give him a bag of his favorite candies during it.
Your parents talking and discussing whatever they were discussing behind you along with guards near them.
Deciding to ignore everything and just walk until you see the visitation room. You heard from Michael how awful the sanitarium is, the food is always cold and stale and that they tasted like 'dog shit'. With this you tried to learn how to cook so that your brother may taste a decent home cooked meal for the first time in a long time.
You saw the visitation room where Michael was in and you happily opened the door, ignoring the guard's warning.
You could already see the slightly hopeful look on Michael's face right when you entered and turn into a small glad smile, although you weren't originally allowed or supposed to give an inmate anything, some strings were pulled by Dr. Loomis. What a nice man! Your parents seem to elude his presence you never understood why but you didn't really care as of now.
After hugging what felt like after hours, you sat down next to him and brought the bags onto the table. Showing your big brother how many kinds of treats you bought him. You mostly came around his birthday so it would be extra special. Other times you came randomly.
"Hehe, what is that supposed to be?"
"Well obviously it's a dog!"
You don't really know the reason why he was in a place like this. You asked your parents one time and they just answered with 'he's just a bit sick honey, but I'm sure he'll be better soon enough.' You nodded and rolled with it, although every time you visited Michael seemed to be in great shape and he never looked ill once. You just hoped whatever sickness they said he has will be gone soon, so you and Michael can play together for as long as you want in your home!
"Looks more like a cow..."
"It's a black and white dog!"
You always knew your brother was a bit unique from the others. He never really spoke to anyone. Never really wanted to stand out, never really wanted to make friends, join in sports, bully, do after school activities... Not really anything. But he was quite special in his own way. You knew that in your heart, he was special because despite all of his odd habits he was kind. Kind to you. He never dreamt of hurting you, would never even think of hurting you. But one person he really did think of hurting was Ronnie. 'An asshole, a pathetic joke of a father' was how your dear beloved brother would describe your old father. You were just an infant around that time so you couldn't really have an opinion of it. But one thing you were sure of was if Michael was acting like this because of him, you are really glad you didn't have to deal with Ronnie.
"I think this one tastes the best."
"Really? I think that's second best to this one!"
You remember searching for your parents to ask if you could sleep with them instead because you had a bad dream, hearing concerned quiet, almost whispering sad tones. "I know but it would feel so wrong to leave him after all that poor boy has been through. They said he's been acting fairly well these past months I'm sure he'll be discharged eventually. Let's give it more time."
That time never seemed to come. The only times you ever made any sort of contact with Michael was only in the hospital. You could tell he was getting so sick of it too. Discussing with you that every year he spends here the more irritated he gets, violent thoughts and getting more prone to anger.
He looks at you,
"I would never to anything like that to you though. Everything is way better with you." You know he won't. Your brother was the best.
"What!? What do the hell do you mean you want to keep her as a patient!?" Your mother said fiercely with confusion at the doctor's suggestion.
"Like I said Mrs. L/n, Y/n and Michael have a strong bond and brings out something in him that nothing else can. I think y/n may be able to help Michael with his pro-"
"No way...! You're not keeping our daughter in a place like this, she's just a small child-!" Your mother further protest.
"I know this may be a hard decision but-"
"I'm sorry Dr. Loomis, but we will not allow you to keep our daughter in an insane asylum." Your father speaks.
".... Very well then. But I'm afraid we cannot allow you to visit anymore."
"What!? You said yourself y/n and Michael have a strong bond together, why would you do this!?" Your mother can't contain her emotions anymore.
"I'm sorry Mrs and Mr. L/n."
Knowing deep inside her heart that she won't be getting shit from this doctor, asks for a simple request.
"Fine... But can we say goodbye to him? We can't just disappear without saying anything."
"You will may. Please arrive tomorrow at 7 am"
"Alright.. Thank you Dr. Loomis" Your father's tone is flat. But he can't start a scene.
"What? What do you mean we can't see him anymore after this?" The panic and confusion clear in your voice.
"I'm sorry honey... Something happened... And-"
"Noo! I can't leave Michael! I can't leave him! Do you know how lonely he gets?" Your shoulders get gripped on by your father.
"Y/n, behave yourself. I know this is so sudden but this is your last time with him so please, try not to be too upset."
You couldn't find the words to speak or talk back.
"What...?" The tension coming from you was already a bit dull and heavy when you walked in the room. Immediately contrasting with your brother's earlier energy. His worried eyes turning into ones of disbelief and shock. You can't come to yourself to look at him in his eyes, especially after those times where you promised to never leave or go away from each other for more than a year.
You felt the familiar stinging pain creeping up to your eyes and nose. Liquid forming and ready to spill, you think he couldn't be anymore upset than you since he wasn't saying anything.
"Oh my, I guess you won't be seeing each other anymo-" The nurse who were near the both of you, cut her sentence short and was instead now filled with the gurgling choked attempted screams. Your brain wasn't able to fully process what in the world you were witnessing. Blood spewed from her mouth.
You shrieked, "MICHAEL!!" He had stabbed her in the throat with the fork he was given with his lunch – you stared at him in horror and silence. Your sweet brother, what's wrong with him?
"Michael stop that!" You cried out and tried to pull him when he started choking the nurse. You wanted him to take that mask off, to be able to properly see his face, look at him in the eyes and ask him - "What has gotten to you?" You're sure you already know the answer. He hates this place. But at the same time you wish he would properly communicate with you.
He's panting. His dirty blonde hair is a mess, cascading down his mask and his gaze refused to look towards your direction. He doesn't speak. Neither of you do.
The silence breaks when a bunch of security guards come barging in – one restraining Michael by the arms, one crouching down to the nurse who you know is between the thin line of living and dead. And another pulling you away. Everything seemed to blur and slow down. You watched helplessly as Michael thrashed and screamed – although you couldn't hear it. You couldn't hear anything. Just panic.
It's a year later. Halloween. Again.
Michael held hope. You always had him hold onto hope when he couldn't feel like everything else was doomed. He was a nervous and anxious wreck – creating more masks to cope with the stress. 'Reader will come back.' 'She would never leave me.' 'She'll come back.. And I'll get to see her again..'
Right now he was nervously waiting for the guards or Loomis or whatever to come in and tell him the words he's been echoing in his head for so long 'Someone is here to see you' or more preferably, 'Reader'. Is all he needed to hear to settle the churning in his stomach and the uneasiness in his gut. It's Halloween. You will come back and see him.
You have to.
And he sits hours upon hours in his chair. Breakfast rolls, he goes back. Lunch comes around, he goes back to his cell. Dinner arrives... The moment he steps inside his horrible fucking containment he's seething with rage, frustration and anger.
This is all Loomis's fault! He's the reason behind all this! The reason he can't be with you, his angel sister... That asshole! His hands grip onto his hair while gritting his teeth before he slowly starts breaking down into tears.
Why...? Why can't he just go home to you? If it wasn't for Ronnie, Judith and her disgusting boyfriend none of this would have happened! He doesn't want to be here anymore!
After a while he calms down. His breathing ragged and rough but he considerably calmed down. He promises to himself and you, that when the right time comes. He'll break out of this hell hole and come to you. Have his sister by his side once again.
15 years later, October 30th
You were now in your mid twenties. Lying on your couch as you watch some cheesy horror movie. Yawning as your eyelids began to feel heavy.
15 years later and you still haven't forgotten about your Michael. You heard that normally your brain represses traumatic memories to protect yourself but for some odd reason you can't seem to forget your brother even if you tried. And some part of you doesn't want to. In your mind, he was still your big brother who loves and cared for you deeply.
You close your eyes, snuggling further into the couch cushion. You missed him – and you wonder if he still thinks about you sometimes too. Knife gripped tightly in his hand yet is willing to serve no purpose when it comes to you.
And yes, he does. He stood outside of the front door, peeking at you through the window through the slits of the mask. 60% of his thoughts are run by murder and instincts and the other 40% is run by you. He wants nothing more than to sit next to you on the couch, watch your reaction to him finally coming back home.
You'd be happy to see him, wouldn't you?
His hand grasps on the doorknob. You'd be happy to see him again.. Surely you wouldn't mind if he breaks the doorknob to come in?
'Please... Don't leave me again..' He thinks as he twists the doorknob with great strength, noticing how your figure immediately shot up from the couch.
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ehilaaaaa12340 · 2 years
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Spider headcanons!
Aroace and pansexual
He loves pizza. He would eat pizza every hour, every day, every second of his life. One day Norm gave him a slice of pizza. Spider accepted it jumping with happiness. "Give me that! Give me that!" he said and stole the slice of pizza from Norm's hands and he went off nibbling it so as not to finish it all at once. He got into a conversation between Kiri, Neteyam and Lo'ak in the village as he continued to eat the slice of pizza. While he listened the three talking he kept eating the slice of pizza staring at them. The three blue aliens glared at him and Kiri was giggling. "What? I was hungry!" Spider said as he spoke with his mouth full.
Even as soon as he got a little familiar with Quaritch, Spider asked him shyly lowering his head like a beaten dog: "Do you have some..pizza?" he said with puppy eyes (Lyle gave him a slice)
Spider has always loved to pay respect to the Sully parents. Even if he didn't get along very well with them and he thought maybe Neytiri hated him, when they asked him something he always answered with a joyful but respectful tone. He's so silly.
While he is technically the biggest of all but the shortest, he remains the most childish and silly along with Tuk.
He often makes silly faces even to make Kiri laugh if she's down.
He always stumbles. On everything. He can't walk straight. Is there a twig on the ground? He stumbles. Is there a slice of pizza that was probably looking for oh the ground? He stumbles. Is there a stone on the ground? He stumbles.
He makes goofy jokes but they're funny precisely because they're goofy. He makes too many jokes, even at inopportune moments. Are they talking seriously? He makes a joke. They all glare at him and he blushes and looks to the side. "What? It was to defuse!"
He can be a very flirty guy.
In addition to having a small knife and a bow, he has a stick. He is very able and strong with his stick and can be very dangerous when he uses it. He loves to spin it and once hit Lo'ak's face: "PLEASE DON'T TELL NEYTIRI ABOUT THIS I WILL CURE YOUR WOUND!!"
Although he proves to be very confident and sure of himself, he is afraid. He is scared and very insecure of himself. Basically false confidence.
He always kept his pain inside. He never shows it to anyone and hates talking about feelings.
He always try to be nice to everyone.
He hates bullying. He was bullied by some Na'vi and he suffered a lot. He still feels very ridiculous.
Despite everything he's been through he doesn't give up and goes on with life hoping for a miracle one day.
He can speak Spanish quite well.
Even though he is a boy who has lived in nature, many times he can be very intelligent and cunning. He loves science, technology and astronomy. Once he and Norm created an experiment on a flower, another fixed Jake's gun (Norm taught him how to) and he loves to look at the sky. He goes to watch it especially with Kiri. As soon as he sees a shooting star he leaps to his feet and jumps in excitement: "LOOK LOOK KIRI KIRI! A SHOOTING STAR! I SAW A SHOOTING STAR! I I'LL EXPRESS A WISH!". He points to the sky and then kneels down on the ground "praying". "I'll never tell you my wish! It's a secret!" and then he goes to tell it the whole world.
He's lazy. He falls asleep without realizing it in less than a second and then randomly wakes up: "Did I just..fell asleep??"
He suffers from insomnia. He oftentimes has nightmares and when he has them he goes to sleep with Kiri. The kid is too scared.
He listens to pop and hip hop music.
If he had a crush he would probably be very shy and would play with his fingers whenever he saw his crush.
Totally randomly sometimes he goes to hug anyone. He once hugged Lo'ak. "Lo'ak I missed you so much!!"
He has mood swings, lack of patience and fits of rage and panic. When he has panic attacks he tends to almost tear his hair out in horror.
He's afraid of horror movies. If he looks at them twice, however, they have no effect on him. Once they were watching a horror movie in Norm's room and Spider tended to look down, hug Kiri's arm or shelter his head in Kiri's arm. "I-I have to go to the bathroom! Hehe.." At the end he never came back.
He looks like a little angel but he can be very dangerous.
Love and hate physical contact. There are times that he craves it especially from Kiri, times instead when as soon as they touch him he stiffens and does everything to walk away. He feels uncomfortable.
He loves salty more than sweet.
If he had to choose between white chocolate and dark chocolate he would choose white. He loves melting chocolate in his mouth.
He's an iPad kid.
He can be very childish and literally behaving like a child. He hugs Kiri like a baby and a koala and stays in the hug for about 10 minutes. He makes little cute noises like a kid. When he was with Quaritch he loved to watch cartoons while hugging him.
Every time he sees something he likes, he gets "stars in his eyes" and starts jumping for joy.
When he gets angry, he turns red like a little tomato.
He blushes very often.
When he is down or very tired he goes to hug Kiri. She's his only strong point.
This is part. 1! I'll make a part. 2..maybe👺
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aleksa-sims · 6 months
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RL Story
CW: addiction, serious illness
Totally done and still sad because I saw Daniel and this stupid girl today I came home after work. Nico wasn’t home yet. I was kind of relieved about that. I wasn't sure, if I should tell him? I mean, nothing happened, but what I said to Daniel today was just not ok! It was totally unfair and selfish.
As soon as I got home, I went for a walk with N.’s dog. Back home I took a shower & I lay down on the bed. I wasn’t feeling so well. I got serv pain in my right knee and my hands also hurt. It bothered me so much, that I had to take a painkiller. After that it slowly got better while I fell asleep.
A little later N. came home. I heard him come up to the bedroom and watch me sleep. Nico has an extraordinary talent for disturbing me while sleeping. No, tbh it's really cute. Every morning before he leaves the house, he comes back to the bedroom to me, while I’m mostly still sleeping. He kisses me and tells me quietly that he loves me. In the beginning I found it hard to get used to. It's annoying to be woken up by him in the morning (5.00 am!) just because he has to kiss me. Yk? It wasn’t until he was gone (abroad), that I realized how much I missed being woken up by him in the morning.🩷 But back to that day, it was not in the morning, but in the evening.
N. saw the painkillers I had taken next to me on the bed, thinking I was sick or something.
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Nico: Hey babe.... Are you ok?
Me: M-hm... Yea, I'm ok.... Where were you? I missed you.
Nico: I said good-bye to Damien and the others. They’re going back to Italy tomorrow.
Me: Yea, without you.... You stay here, with me. So happy about that. Right now I need you with me. I've had a really, really bad day N.... And you? How is your new team? Are they nice?
Nico: Agh...well, what can I say? Germans, yk?🤷‍♀️😉 But it was ok and it’s nice to be home, not somewhere alone abroad ..... Did you see Dilek today?
Me: No, she’s sick. She stayed home.
Nico: Are you sick too? I see you’ve taken painkillers.
Me: My knee hurt again. Somehow my whole body hurts, my hands and legs... But I'm fine. 🙂
Nico: You should tell your doc. You are pregnant. Maybe it has something to do with it?
Me: Yea, but don't worry. I know this pain. It's nothing. I’ve had this pain since I was a kid. It comes and goes, but it’s not serious. My muscles and bones are just very sensitive to pain. 🫤
Nico: It’s all right, babe. But if I see you get pain again, I’ll take you to your doc. I don’t want to scare you, you know that! But you don’t hurt for no reason. Sure, it's nothing, but it’s better to get it checked out before you need to take painkillers again.
Me: Chill Nico!! I know you’re afraid I might get addicted to painkillers . But c'mon, N.! It's just ibuprofen. 😄🤷‍♀️My pill addiction is past. I know I was difficult for you back then, but I promise, this won’t happen anymore. Love you.
Nico didn’t worry about my pill addiction, but actually about the pain I had. A few days ago, my knee hurt so badly that I could not walk. I even cried. But after I took a painkiller, it stopped again. That pain I had in my muscles and bones will get really bad after delivery. Not immediately after delivery, a few months later. But I do not want to draw too much attention to this issue now. Later, when the time comes, I will explain this in more detail. These were the first symptoms of a serious illness. Since CML is not so easy to diagnose, it will take a while for me to get the diagnosis.
And about Daniel I didn't tell Nico. I was happy with N. and we’re about to have a Baby, so I decided to somehow forget Daniel and let him go. But something happened that night!😞 Daniel texted me at 1:00 a.m. I’ll see him tomorrow again. 😢
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Before the cages get lowered in lava Luigi ask to say something before dying and Bowser allows it thinking he was going to beg to be spared but instead Luigi goes on a rant about how wrong this wedding is starting with "you are down right disgusting for doing this to the princess!" Saying this shocks everyone even the other prisoners then continues before could speak "and not to mention the freaking wedding is only one side I mean you actually think will love you for all the pain and suffering your putting on her shoulders!?" He yelled making Bowser suddenly shut his mouth in amazement, for a moment of course 😉 "I mean even if the princess falls for you you already ruined it but 1 terrorizing her people 2 for hurting her land and 3 for forcing her to marry you! You literally made the wedding about your freaking self No lady or princess likes that, it's downright mean, disgusting and rude! YOU EVEN MADE THE DAMN CAKE MORE ABOUT YOU THEN BOTH OF YOU!!" He yelled out scaring everyone a little bit and he was now walking back and forth in his cage (who knew the little guy had it in him) "and finally you no good snail turtle for brains dog water breath of a king didn't think how she might fell about this if she really loved you! You would have let her in the wedding plans but nooooo it had to be all about you, you, you! You literally not once asked how she felt about any of this and thus is why you are always alone you giant angry turtle!" He said panting heavily before turning around and sitting in his cage everyone was in shock and Bowser was the only person staring at him now as everyone whispered to the person closest to them Luigi was half expecting Bowser to kill him right then and there as he was about to turn around "the wedding is being put on hold we are going back to the dark lands!" Bowser yelled then looked at Kamek "put that green scared a cat in a guest room this instant and do not question my order" he said walking off as the island started rising
Leaving the mushroom kingdom and later Luigi was taken to a room with the princess shocking both of them "you had a lot of courage saying that stuff to Bowser" Peach said as Luigi rubbed the back of his neck "you don't have to tell me twice" he said, they decided to talk about stuff while Bowser was in his studies walking back and forth trying to get Luigi's angry face out of his head it turned him on a little bit wait what Bowser focus! He roars before punching a wall trying to understand what's happening is messing with his head he's seen Peach angry but it never made him feel like this as Kamek walked in Bowser grabbed ahold of him pulling him closer to his face "You said when your eyes land on someone you would begin to feel butterflies in your stomach!? Why the fuck am I feeling like this after getting disrespected at my own wedding!!" Kamek tried his best to calm Bowser down rubbing his hand "your majesty I'm sure these feeling will pass you said it yourself you love the princess maybe you're just a little nervous and upset because of what happened at the altar" Bowser for some reason didn't like this letting Kamek go "you don't understand it's the way he looked at me with those dark baby blue eyes...his..his cold but yet sweet voice and his..soft...skin.." Bowser said slowing realizing he fell in love with that no good girl stealing and ugly Mario's little brother then it hit him he was in love with **Mario's** little brother a evil smile showed up on his face "I know a way to get back at that short mustache wife stealing Mario! I'll date his brother and steal away the thing most dear to him...yes..yes! Mario would have no choice but to back off if I make his brother love me by marrying him instead!" Bowser's smile turned into a wicked smirk as Kamek was loving all of this "would you like me to let everyone know of the new plans?" He asked as Bowser looked at him "no I'm gonna do this nice and slow for now don't want greenie getting any ideas"
If your wondering where Mario and Donkey Kong are they're climbing the side of the island that is all I'll talk about it later no promises tho (that's a lie >:) )
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gggreengoblin · 1 year
Around 750+ words. Dog!Maxiel. Belgian malinois!Max missing his best friend, Border collie!Daniel, at a dog park. Inspired by this.
Just my coping mechanism for the current tragedy. I am sorry if it's too weird.
Max was shaking with excitement when they reached the dog park. As usual, Christian took Max to this park every other day. All morning, since dawn, Max had waited for the man to say "park" and put him into the passenger seat of his car.
This morning they came earlier than usual. The air was still cold and the grass that Max had stepped on was still wet with morning dew. They stopped at their usual place, right in front of a long bench. 
Max loved this place. All he could focus on was the large expanse of grass right in front of them. Oh, how he loved this park with all of his little doggy heart.
Christian took off the leash from his collar and gave him the command to run to wherever and do whatever he pleased. Christian also brought Max's tennis ball. Max wanted his ball, so he just sat there, eyeing the ball, and refused to run.
"You want this, don't you?" He tossed the ball into the air. Max jumped and caught the ball with his sharp teeth.
"Good boy."
"Run!" Max took his lovely ball and ran around the park, past the sandbox and the grass. Occasionally he glanced toward the long bench, made sure he did not go too far from Christian.
He stopped briefly when he passed a woman who was playing with her dogs. They were playing frisbee toss. Max didn't join them. He did not enjoy playing with strangers.
Max had been playing alone in this park for a while. It's been a long time since Max last met his best friend in this park. Usually, they played with whatever toys their humans brought them, running around, playing tug or just chasing after the ball thrown by Christian.
Max took the ball and ran back to Christian. The old man was already sitting on a bench and playing with the thing they called a book. He stopped and sat in front of Christian and dropped the ball.
"Hey, Buddy. You done running?"
Max barked.
Cristian put down his book and took the ball from the grass. He stood up and threw the ball as far as he could. Max ran and looked for where his ball had landed.
The ball rolled and was hidden under the bushes. Immediately Max picked the ball up using his snout and ran towards Christian.
When he returned, he realized who had just arrived in the park. He smelled a scent that was carried by the wind. Then he saw his friend running with his human.
Daniel, whom he had not seen for a long time, ran while carrying a nice stick, so long that it was difficult for Daniel to carry it. His tail was waggling so fast it messed with his balance. He slightly tugged on Franz who was holding his harness's leash.
Franz ordered Daniel to sit down and then uncliped the leash from Daniel's harness.
He dropped his stick. "Hi, Max. Long time no see!"
Max wanted to run and crash himself into Daniel, but his human didn't like Max doing that. So he can only dance on his two front paws. He tried to stay still but he failed. The sight of Daniel filled his body with a rush of energy.  His body needed to move. He was so happy he wanted to bark, howl, and run around the park.
When Daniel got back on his feet, Max came closer and sniffed Daniel.
"Where have you been?"
"Look!" Daniel lifted his left front paw. The leg was hairless. "My leg got hurt."
"I hit a wall while playing with Oscar in the backyard."
"Ow. That looks painful, Daniel." Max noticed a strange line on the bald skin of Daniel's leg.
"Yeah, Franz had to take me to the vet. I have to sleep at the vet's house for a few days."
"Do you feel better now?"
"Yes, I feel better, much better. I can run." Daniel trotted around Max. "But I can't run as fast as usual. My leg still hurts a little if I walk too much."
"Too bad. I wanted to play tag with you."
"Next time, Max. We can play another game though."
"Look at my stick. It's pretty big, isn't it? I found it under a tree when I was walking here."
"You are very lucky no other dog took it."
"Shall we take a walk around the park? I miss the fresh air and the park."
"Of course."
Max bolted and ran as fast as he could.
"Max, wait for me!" Daniel lagged far behind him.
He could hear Franz screaming for Daniel to stop running in the distance and the sound of Christian's chuckle.
Max ran over to Daniel. "It's okay. You take it slow." Max joged around Daniel who was limping a bit.
"Yeah." all Daniel could say. Too busy beaming and waggling his tail.
Max was delighted. Daniel was back around him. He was happy to be able to play together again.
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heartsoji · 1 year
tw: death of a dog // angst-ish w/ comfort
"cheer up!"
"you're so strong for not crying! keep it up!"
"it's ok! they're in a better place. you should just be happy for them!"
"just don't think about it!"
those phrases, with some type of wording variation, were words you had heard a little too frequently lately.
3 days ago, your beloved dog had ascended to the clouds, and you had been a wreck internally since.
various people had said some sort of alteration of the above four phrases at least a few dozen times. and while you knew that they were simply trying to offer their comfort without malicious intent, their comments would either aggravate you or further add to your desolation.
you understood that it was scary. it would be scary seeing someone who you'd built up in your mind to be a sweet, bubbly, cheerful person breaking down and breaking character. it would be scary seeing them cease to be the person you once knew and loved. you wouldn't know who they were anymore and you were now desperately trying to keep them in character to preserve the bubbly image of the person in your mind.
you knew that you had to move on. you were a mess inside and you could feel your sadness continue to grow exponentially each and everyday.
however, no one would ever know you were such an internal wreck just by looking at you. you were trying so hard and doing a very good job at keeping up a good front. smile at your peers and teachers. keep your appearance tidy. go out with friends after school.
you, too, were trying to preserve the bubbly image of yourself in your mind.
"good morning, sensei!"
"good morning, l/n."
"yui-chan! good morning!"
"y/n-chan! morning! energetic as usual!"
"ah, bokuto-san! morning!"
"morning! how are you?"
you paused for a tiny fraction of a second. you felt your features trying to twist into a pained expression. you wanted to say, "not well, actually. i've been a wreck since, as the whole school knows for whatever reason, my dog passed recently." you wanted to cry. you wanted to go home. you wanted to scream. you wanted for your best friend to come back.
but you refused to let any of your thoughts show. pushing past it with a perhaps overly wide and possibly fake-looking smile, you replied, "great! i got a lot of sleep last night. how about you?"
bokuto, too, paused for a second. but not because he had to think about how he was doing, but because he saw the perhaps millisecond of hesitation. because he saw the slight crack in your cheerful facade. because he saw the way you tried to cover it up with an extra burst of cheer. because he saw it. because he saw you.
he chose not to comment on it, but made a mental note of it. "really good! i studied real hard last night, and i'm sure im gonna pass the math test today!"
"that's great!" you replied. "good luck!" and with that, you moved on with your day.
later, when you went outside, you realized that it was raining, and that you'd have to walk home in the pouring rain. you really didn't feel like getting wet today, so you chose to wait it out. the forecast said that it would take a mere 45 minutes, anyways.
two hours later, and you were still scrolling on your phone, waiting for the heavy rain to pass.
you sighed and set down your phone, bored. you had heard before that rain symbolized rebirth. perhaps right now, your beloved pup was getting reborn into a different body. you wondered if they were getting treated well in a nice home. if they had a warm bed and healthy meals. if they were doing well without you.
suddenly, you felt the drip-drip-dripping of not the rain from the sky on your legs, but the rain from your eyes instead. you had been so bottled up lately, and you could suddenly feel the cap pop off and all the emotion rushing out. you had been trying so hard to make it seem like everything was ok, when it reality, it wasn't. your best friend suddenly wasn't here anymore, and you felt more alone than ever. you had spent so much time and effort trying to be happy, but it wasn't working in the slightest, and you felt awful and incompetent for it. sobs wracked your body as you cried and grieved for your lost best friend. however, even in these moments, where you were obviously breaking down and having a much-needed cry, you were thinking to yourself, "why are you crying? keep up a smile! this is no time to be wallowing in pity. smile. smile. smile."
suddenly, you felt a gentle hand on your back. you turned around to see bokuto, setting his stuff down and coming to sit next to you.
"b-bokuto-san? oh my gosh, i'm so sorry. uhm, i actually, uh, stubbed my toe and it really hurt, so that's why i'm crying. gosh, i probably look like such a mess." you blabbered lamely.
"you know," he started, "if there's something bothering you, you can feel free to let me know. i'm a pretty good listener!"
you wiped your face quickly. "oh, don't worry. seriously, there's nothing wrong."
bokuto paused for a moment. "sorry if this is invading your privacy, but, well, i heard your dog died recently."
you're not quite sure why that was what set you off, but it did. like an old dam breaking down, a flood was released from your eyes as you let out loud, somewhat embarrassing sobs.
bokuto calmly rubbed your back with his large hand. "wanna talk about it?" he asked in a sort of soothing tone.
you weren't usually the type to complain or dramatize your situation in fear of burdening others with your problems. you had developed the habit of bottling up in order to not do so, and you thought that you'd been doing a good job at suppressing your emotions and pretending like everything's fine when it isn't. however, something about bokuto, whether it be the way he asked, his voice, the situation, whatever, tore down the walls you had built over the years. suddenly, you found yourself venting and bawling like a baby to a classmate you had never had a real conversation with. it was a bit embarrassing, humiliatingly vulnerable, but apparently much needed.
"and, well," you said in between your sobs, "everyone's been telling me to just be happy! and to not think about it! but sometimes, i don't know, i just really, really, really, want to cry and scream like a baby. i'm so tired of being the cheerful yet mature, infallible, reliable, therapist character! i just sometimes wish that i could lean on somebody, even if only for a few moments, even though that's also my worst nightmare. i hate that i don't even understand what im feeling! i hate it! i hate it!" you cried into him.
bokuto let you cry silently for a minute before starting with, "sometimes, i get into moods when im playing volleyball where i'm grumpy, annoyed, and frankly, useless." he chuckled a little before continuing, "my teammates call it 'bokuto's emo mode.'" his facial expression saddens a bit before saying, "they always tell me to snap out of it and to cheer up, but i don't think that they understand that sometimes, i just want to be sad."
you felt your heart pang a little. honestly, you couldn’t believe that a guy whom you’d never exchanged more than a brief set of hellos with seemed to understand your feelings better than your lifelong friends. “i just want to be sad,” huh? that indeed did feel accurate. you wanted to cry and sob for nights without end, but had never allowed yourself to before. it felt too vulnerable and dramatic to cry and feel sad about it.
you thought for a moment. “yeah,” you replied simply, not because you didn’t know what to say, or you didn’t agree, but actually, because you agreed entirely. bottling things up had always made things worse, whereas crying to bokuto felt therapeutic and relaxing. “honestly, this whole talk thing’s making me feel a lot better.
“im glad.” bokuto smiled warmly. “ill always be here if you ever need to talk again.”
and he kept that promise to be there, but not just for talking. he continued to be there for your highest and lowest moments, for your anger and resentment, for your sadness and angst, for your fear and disgust, for your bliss and joy.
he’d be there for your ongoing battle with depression, for your growth in talking about your problems instead of bottling it up, and for your 3am cravings.
he’d also be there for the first time you’d accepted a confession, which, coincidentally, happened to be from a guy named bokuto.
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cloud-somersault · 5 months
Your fic "The constellations within us" was so perfect, and exactly what I wanted and needed for since I joined the fandom. I wish I had eloquent words but english is not my native language, and I'm struggling with the translator now, but this fic is probably one of the most high quality ones I’ve ever read so i've finally worked up the energy to leave a solid comment.
I love your prose, the descriptions and internal monologues are so immersive and emotional that I need to reread over and over again. The worldbuilding scratches my brain real nice, all contribute to make a really cohesive image that canon still doesn't quite achieve in my opinion. And you did a good job capturing the mood and humor of the show with every little detail but at the same time you’ve added a whole new dimension to the plot and characters. Keep cooking, I beg you but also have mercy on me. I imagine you saying something like: I am going to create an situation that is so emotionally fucked up before writing any chapter.
I really love the way shadowpeach interact in this story. From trying to kill each other to sharing the food. It's kinda crazy that people genuinely thought shadowpeach was a one sided crush until s4.
To be honest, I'm not a fan how the fandom treats shadowpeach but you have successfully kept the characterization of mystical monkeys to perfection while setting up a realistic shadowpeach plotline. I read this quote in another fic but it applies very well to them: "They really embody the pain/comfort thing, except that comfort is understanding and trust."
Sun Wukong is canonically a latent danger that not even the most powerful entities in celestial realm or underworld could subdue him, but he has no self preservation skills whatsoever. He's a bleeding heart. He's the one who sacrifices everything possible to protect the few he loves because, god, he has lost so much. The immortality he achieved with peaches, wine, pills, among many other things, may have made him indestructible on the outside, but inside they made him emotionally vulnerable, lonely and afraid of attachment. This monkey can fit so much trauma and he's holding a lot close to his chest even from the audience. The fandom villainizes him unfairly, but sometimes they also put him on some kind of pedestal, which is also incorrect.
The same happens with Macaque. He's the walking mystery who may or may not realize how much of a prickly capricious hypocrite he is in some things. For example, he feels an apparent resentment at being relegated to being a mere shadow of someone much brighter, but at the same time he seems unwilling to step out of that role. In s1 and s3, he clings so much to the past that he pushes Wukong, the only constant of him in a modern world after his resurrection, to be the version he remembered. Where Wukong advanced, Macaque retreated.
Nonetheless, the motives behind every action of his are more nuanced than him just being evil. He did once he was free from LBD's control was immediately start helping everyone even until s4, as if it were a tacit way of apologizing because he was just trapped under incredibly shitty circumstances, let's remember the part where LBD said she'd kill him if he didn't do what she wanted. Although I don't think he didn’t have fun knocking everyone around a bit (to his ex-husband especially).
It's little funny because I consider that before the perigranation trip, Wukong is a self-proclaimed hero with destructive or villainous tendencies (depending on which side you look at, celestial Realm definitely sees it that way still) while in the current timeline, Macaque is a self-proclaimed villain with heroic tendencies.
I wont keep rambling, but thank you again for pouring your time and talent into this beautifully painful read. I can't wait to chew on the next chapter like a hungry dog ​​with a good steak and also I'll be keeping an eye out for your future works, in case you continue writing about queer monkeys with emotional constipation, but if not, it's such a treat to read what you've already gifted us. Have a good week! and sorry for any translation errors again.
AAAAAH i'm sorry i've taken so long to respond to this. this ask is SO SWEET and i loved just rereading it over and over to suck all the serotonin out of it. Filled me with gleee!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to translate and write out this message! There weren't any errors, it's okay! I'm so glad you liked my story sm and read it and ENJOYED IT YAAAAAY!!!
honestly, I only cackle evilly before posting chapters sometimes. Only sometimes, when I remember. I usually cackle while writing, but then, by the time I've posted it, I've read it so much, it doesn't have that emotional impact on me anymore LOL
I think that's a great way to sum up shadowpeach! It's about understanding and trust. No matter what, that trust has to be rebuilt, and that process is so painful and hard and time-consuming that...it takes such a great amount of effort on both their parts. It's the choice to persevere in spite of that amount of hardship that makes them beautiful, even if what they create together isn't inherently beautiful. What's beautiful is that, in spite of tragedy, these two monkeys want to be together in whatever way they can.
I think with any fandom, people are going to misinterpret characters. I've kind of gotten used to it, but there's definitely a lot of missed nuance and character depth that the fandom chooses to not see or doesn't except. Maybe they like to keep it surface level, but i think critically thinking about the plot and characters is where you can find depth or make depth of your own that's not present in the show.
Wukong is either a trickster villain or a precious soul who has done no wrong and needs to be protected. Macaque is usually a mustache-twirling villain or a sweet, bashful monkey who was just pretending all that time! and has never done anything bad.
A lot of the fandom sees things in a clear black and white way, which is dangerous for several reasons, but it means that their interpretations lack that depth or understanding that people crave. Because no one is black and white. The world doesn't work that way, so it's kind of worrying that they think that's...normal. It's not normal. I see it as a lack of life experience and maturity, but I also don't know these people. Maybe they like their fictional worlds to be black and white, I dunno.
Aaaanyway, you're not the first person to speak about this topic with shadowpeach and how, through constellations, they found some understanding or were pleased with how shadowpeach interacted. and to that I say, thanks! I just like some realism and three dimensional...ness to my characters, please and thanks. Don't even get me started on MK.
But wow! Yes! I'm so honored you'll keep reading whatever I write next. I have no fucking clue what I'm doing, and I'm just smashing my dolls together, but I'm happy to have you here in Constellations AU land! Welcome! Enjoy your stay 💕
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adhesive-king · 2 months
if there's one thing you're not good at, it's anything in the kitchen. cooking, baking, prepping; you're bad at it all. so bad in fact that you require supervision when you want to cook or bake! but it's sero's birthday and you want to make it special..
you enlist the help of your mom (by begging with big puppy dog eyes for her help) and spend the weekend working on the cake. the first one was a fail but thankfully, the second one was perfect! you carefully put it into a container and walk so cautiously back to the dorm.
it doesn't take long for you to find him, smiling wide as ever with braces on full display as you hold out the box for him to take. inside is a tres leches cake with a variety of fruit on the top and everything was made using gluten free products out of caution. even the fruit was organic and the chocolate curls were vegan!
once he takes the box, you sing a very out of tune rendition of the classic happy birthday song while clapping. reaching out, you pinch his cheeks and make obnoxious kissy noises as you do. "happy birthday! i-i won't smash your face into the cake, e-even if i kinda want to. it's a tres leches cake t-that me and my mom made. i-i hope that it's okay.. if you d-don't like it, i'll buy a cake! um."
you pull out a small notebook from your pocket. the notebook has a sweet note on the first page written by you. "here's this too. it's j-just to have on hand in case you want to use it. i-it, well. it feels a bit silly now but i-i don't know.. i guess i wanted us to match. i-it's a bit nerdy, huh?" [birfday ask from izuku mwah i love u both
Sero's Birthday Bonanza!!!
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@4heart with Birthday Wishes!!!
Hanta was used to having rather chill and uneventful birthdays. Not to say that his dads and his brother didn't put in effort to making the day special, but it was always something lowkey. A store bought cake and a little celebration in the kitchen with some of his favorite foods. Maybe going out to dinner at a restaurant of his choice with a nice gift waiting at the end. They were intimate and special moments, always a gentle kind of experience. It's what he loved most about them.
Living at the dorms, he thought to himself, that other than the well wishes, it was going to be much more quiet than he was used to even with how lowkey celebrations always were. He was chilling in the common room, taking up a majority of the couch with his lanky figure and reading a manga he had borrowed from his dorm neighbor.
When Midoriya walked in with a box, he sat up to offer some help but before he could even say anything he had deftly realized the box was for him. He grinned, his own bright orange braces peeking out from behind his lips and shining in the shared light of their joy. He peeks under the lid and his smile somehow becomes impossibly wider seeing the cake and despite the out of tune singing and the quite painful (watch your strength Midoriya) pinches to his cheek it doesn't at all damper his happiness and excitement. Midoriya had put in all this effort to do something so kind for him, a homemade cake of all things, and how could Hanta ever be anything but filled with an overwhelming glee and adoration for his friend?
The notebook is the last straw and Hanta can't help but, carefully as to not harm the cake, practically throw himself over the back of the couch to wrap his friend in a hug, even pulling him down slightly into the cushions as a barrage of kisses to the top of his head strikes down.
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"It's perfect! The cake is perfect, the notebook is perfect. Thank you!"
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You and the Shadows That Trail Alongside You Episode 1
Trigger Warnings: Anxiety
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Pairing: Dazai x OC / Chuuya x OC
Notes: Welcome to a deeply personal story. It's just a self insert fic making me, an adult black woman with many a mental health issue, face my demons. If it helps anyone else? Awesome. A name is never used, so it would qualify as a reader insert if you like.
If I had lived a different life, I think I would have been a Literature major. Actually, I almost was. I wanted to go to school for it out in Atlanta, but that idea was popped the moment it was asked how I would feed myself, if I could make money, and did it translate to skills for when robots inevitably took my job.
Needless to say I went to school for something else.
However, the idea still lingered. Hell, I would argue it expanded as I got older. American literature was fun, English Literature was my first love, and then there was Japanese literature....
I was introduced to it thanks to a friend, and I fucking loved it. Sitting in alher living room, watching this anime called Bungo Stray Dogs, made me fall in love with not just Japanese literature, but the entire written word all over again. With the themes that could be woven with just ink and paper, lessons that could burn your soul, and all in a rather pretty package.
I was more than a bit smitten with the idea.
Maybe I dug a little too deep into my latest hyperfixation. Plunged my hands a bit too far wanting more, more, more. Everyone always joked that my greatest vice was greed, and I always agreed with them without a hint of hesitation. Whether it was money, love, or just hyperfixations I just wanted more.
And now it had called in its debt.
Because how else did one explain waking up in the middle of an unfamiliar city?
I was damn near a hermit. I left my house only on Mondays and Thursdays at the insistance of my friends. Hell, I rarely left my own bedroom.
I stared at the cars that zoomed past on the street only a few feet away from where I sat on a bench. The stench of gasoline was comforting, something that felt familiar and safe. All that was missing was cigarettes and pine.
I tilted my head back and groaned. "Please for the love of christ focus! You're supposed to be getting courage to ask for directions, remember?"
Directions, a lift, even a half hearted shrug would be nice. However, that meant approaching someone, which meant talking to someone, which meant showing off my poor Japanese skills...
I glare at the very clearly Japanese street sign, as if it was the reason I was procrastinating.
"Oh yeah! And remember that one time-"
My head whipped around and I watched a young woman walk down the street with a well to do looking man. Both of them appeared Japanese, and the words that I could understand, more than I swore I studied, came easily enough.
I worried my bottom lip and watched them go further down the road. Then, just as they turned a corner, I finally picked myself up and hurried after them. Concrete warmed my feet, and the cool breeze dried the beginnings of tears as I hurried.
A sharp pain in my shoulder had me stumbling, and I twisted around just to get a brown haired man only inches in front of my face. "Oi!"
I blinked as he said... Honestly, I wasn't sure what he was saying. Either he was trying to sound tough or he didn't care to enunciate, either way he didn't open his mouth enough for me to understand his Japanese.
Probably not realizing I didn’t understand him, or maybe he didn't care, he continued talking. It didn't take a genius to realize he was furious by his tone.
"Hey, lay off Satoshi. It's a civilian for fuck's sake."
The man straightened up and turned around. I took that as an oppertunity to mutter a quick sorry, before sprinting away.
Now to go cry instead of getting directions...
The sky had dipped into a swirling array of pinks, oranges, and violets. The cold was starting to set in, and my tank top and skirt combo wasn't cutting it anymore.
I leaned against a shop and dug my bare arm against the still warm brick. I still hadn't gotten the courage to speak to anyone. More people had clogged the streets, and that led me to making myself scare in an alley for the past two hours.
Now that most people had dissapeared into bars, taxis, and their homes I had crept out of my anxiety hole with the intention to try again.
"Jesus. Now look, you're sleeping on the streets. Congrats!"
I do my best to ignore my own reflection in the shop window as I push myself off. It wasn’t the first time I'd slept in the elements against my will, but...
I curled my toes and grit my teeth as I looked around. When I spotted something neon at the edge of my vision I nearly twisted my head off to see it properly. Attached to a squat building appeared to be a bar. I darted across the street and stood outside the heavy wood door. If push came to shove I could pretend to be drunk. If push came to shove I could be a dumb gaijin.
It was okay.
It was okay.
I pushed the door open, and not a soul seemed to care. In fact, the only person who seemed to notice my existence was myself.
I sucked in a breath and stepped over the threshold, cold wood making my spine shiver and grilling meat made my mouth water. I made a beeline for the bar, making myself small and avoiding the bodies of the men that crowded the rather plain bar room.
I leaned against the wood bartop and a woman with her hair piled high and a bored expression approached. She looked me up and down once before raising an eyebrow.
"Foreigner, right?" She asked in slow English. "We don't serv American military-"
"I-I'm not!" I said. "Um, I'm just lost. I have no clue where I am."
"You're at Blue Moon Bar."
"N-no... In Japan. I don’t know where in Japan I am."
The woman raised an eyebrow, her gaze stuck on me even as she reached behind her for a beer and slid it down the bar. "In Japan? Are you intoxicated? Did you use drugs?"
"No! I'm defenitely sober. Look, is there an American Embassy nearby?"
I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt a large, callussed hand touch my shoulder. "Lost in this world and seeking company. A feeling I know all too well."
I kept my gaze locked on the woman as I sidestepped away from the hand until I could no longer feel it. "So um, do you have the directions? I can read a map too if you don't want to tell me."
"Lost and learned! What a wonderfully bitter sweet taste. You're like Cantarella used to-Gak!"
I yelp as I knock into the bar, a painful jolt going up my ribs.
"Shit." The bar tender muttered.
"Dazai you stupid, womanaizing, self centered, egotistical, waste of bandages and air!"
"Hey only one of those is actually true!"
I pushed myself off the bar with a quickness I hadn't expressed since middle school. Standing next to me was a tall man that had hair that was a bright blonde. His hands were wrapped around a far too skinny man's neck, seemingly uncaring if this would kill him.
I knew these people.
I had seen them only a few hours ago from the safety of my best friend's couch.
I was screaming about how important character design was.
My friend was laughing at me and agreeing.
I could still taste the maple syrup that I had dumped on my eggs.
"Yokohama." I whispered the words to myself, and wrapped my arms around my middle. "I'm in Yokohama."
I jumped as Dazai was suddenly dumped in front of me, his hair disheveled and his coat hanging off one shoulder. "Now apologize! Can't you see she was uncomfortable?"
"I'm no good at English."
"Of course you're not."
Kunikida clicked his tongue and grabbed Dazai's head and forced him to bow. "My friend apologizes for his behavior. He never meant to make you uncomfortable." He seemed to increase his grip if Dazai's whining was any indicator, and switched to Japanese. "Right?"
"Yeah! Whatever you say!"
"Actually, Mr. Kunikida," The bartender said. "Can you help her? She says she's not with the military, and doesn't even know what city we're in." Her voice lowered, and she too switched to Japanese. "I think she might be one of the Port Mafia's red light girls."
I knew my face had to be as red as the district she spoke about. I twisted on my heel and I started to walk away. Whether from ebaressment or self preservation I could analyze in the safety of a dumpster-
I stopped dead and stared at my bare feet. All it did was earn a chuckle that made me want to burrow into the wood and curl into subflooring.
"Well now," A pair of scuffed brown shoes appeared in front of my feet, and when I looked up, I was gazing into the amused face of Osamu Dazai himself. "Looks like this one does know Japanese. Right, Cantarella?"
Was it a bar or a tea house? I knew the difference intellectually, but the whiskey was making my head swim and I couldn't grapple onto anything that wasn't in my immediate focus.
Like the men in front of me.
"And you're sure you don't remember being on that side of town?" Kunikida asked.
I looked up from my glass, the ball shaped ice cube no longer interesting. "I mean probably not? I suck at remembering directions. I got lost in my elementary school every year after summer vacation!"
"Awe, what a shame." Dazai reached for the whiskey glass, and I snatched it back. "You gave it to me."
"I did."
"So it's mine."
"Of course! I just didn't realize you were such a light weight."
Kunikida sighed and I swore he called us both children. I swallowed the words behind my teeth, and directed my gaze from Dazai's unamused expression to Kunikida's exhausted one.
"The embassy or whatever is probably closed, yeah? Fuckin the worst."
"And now she talks like a deliquent."
"I'd be impressed if she could say anything coherent at all." Kunikida snapped. "Look, it's clear she doesn't know anything about the Port Mafia. Let's drop her off with the police and go look for that tiger."
The tiger?
Episode one? Wasn't Kat and I on episode whatever of season four? Didn't whatever God, demon, alien that sent me here know that much?
"Maybe you're right. Damn, and to think we could have cracked something before Ranpo."
"Not in your dreams." Kunikida said as he stood up. "Come on, Miss. Let's get you to the police."
"The river."
Kunikida raised an eyebrow. "What?"
I dropped my gaze back to my whiskey when I felt both of their stares against my skin. It was probably a rule or something, right? You didn't say anything to influence the plot. You didn't insert yourself in the plot. Fanfiction or issekai or whatever 101.
It wouldn't hurt, right?
Just this once to do something like this.
To be more than just me?
I giggled at that, a snorting sound that I had hated since I was a teenager. "Oh god, I'm stupid. So stupid."
I look up at them both, the grip on my glass so tight my fingers were going numb. "A tiger, right? I saw something near the river."
The detectives looked at each other, before Kunikida snatched the glass away and hauled me up. "Well, looks like we got something useful out of this exchange afterall."
Dazai knocked the glass back with ease before grinning at me with a smile that was far too sharp to be normal. "We got ourselves a witness."
Translation Notes:
Matte: It can meet wait or stop in Japanese.
Cantarella: A sweet tasting poison said to be used by a certain family back in ye olden days.
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pbandjesse · 8 months
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Today was a pretty good day. I was still riding the high of buying our house. And we got a lot of stuff done. It felt good. Today was good.
I did not sleep good though. I woke up around 4 with a bad pain in my ribs. I was not having fun and falling back asleep was very very rough. I was able to eventually but it took forever.
When I woke up at 7 though I felt fine. I was happy to see James. I was in a good mood. James let me know that they went to the house to drop off some stuff. And discovered that while we were given 4 keys, 3 of them were all for the back door and I had the only front door one. This is hilarious. We will have to get more front door ones made ASAP. In the meantime James just let themselves in the backdoor and everything was just fine.
I got myself together and we left a little early. We left together. And I had a nice drive to camp. There wasn't any traffic on my drive, but going the opposite way I saw 3 different fender benders that were causing so much traffic. It was for miles.
I got to camp before 8. And it was cold but not as cold as yesterday. I was in a good mood.
I had some stuff to do this morning. I wanted to do my drawing for the day but that was all I would get done. Because pretty quickly I was working on documenting things bought for the house and making a more solid plan for what ones furniture were buying and a few other things. Just wanting to go at it with the best data and staying in budget. And so far so good.
I decided I would put together the desk Alexi got from IKEA yesterday. And that was going really well. Until I got to the last steps.
When everyone else came in I was putting the last screws in but was struggling because it wasn't 100% lining up and so Alexi and Heather were trying to help hold it but it wasn't working. And then it was missing a plastic triangle that holds the desk up to be a standing desk.
So I was like. Okay problem solved. And went to turn it over and that's when we realized that the entire top of the table was scratched and gouged? What? Did I do that?? How??? I hadn't looked at the top when I opened the box. I just put it on the floor. But it was so extensively scratched that Alexi didn't think it was possible that I did it by accident. And so we think it may have been a return that was our back in the floor? It was so weird. And I was so upset.
But Sarah took over and got customer service on the computer they are giving us a new table, and letting us keep the scratched one. Sarah was such a rockstar. I really appreciated her handling that because I was so upset.
Since she did that I took over creating labels to send letters to Europe for our camp America staff. I had to go through a bunch of very unfamiliar addresses. But I was able to collect everything and learned to create labels and how to print them. New skill unlocked.
Me and Sarah moved the scratched desk up to the attic and found that one of the buck heads had fallen down. So we moved that back to a better spot. Decided he was the guard dog of the attic. We were just in a little bit of a silly mood.
Heather asked us if we could go set up some tables and chairs over at the lodge for when John the consultant was coming. No problem. So we walked across the feild. I love walking through the snow. It's slightly frozen on top so it's really crunchy. And we talked about paint and colors. Specifically haint blue. And how it's supposed to keep spiders away. I think it would be nice to use that color somewhere in the house.
I have paint on the mind for sure. Later this evening me and James would discuss painting. And specifically we realized that the entire house is grey. Including the ceilings. I am mostly sure that it is actually just primer because of the matte texture and how easily it scuffs. So we are going to have to do a lot of painting sooner rather then later. Maybe we will use haint blue somewhere.
After we finished setting up the tables and chairs and things we went back to the office for lunch. I read some of my book. Learned about cowboys and how hobbling a horse is a way of breaking them. Which lead to me and Heather talking about how my highschool principal broke wild horses as a young man. And now he got his jaw broken by one of them and that story was wild. Especially since he told it to us in Bible class.
I was telling Heather all about the weird stuff at my school. And just the stuff I had to unlearn or relearn because we weren't really socialized to people outside the church. But I don't really have many shocking moments learning that something was weird anymore. It's been a few years since I have had to deal with that.
Eventually it was time to go to the lodge for the meeting. And it was a long meeting. I won't rehash it completely but I got a little frustrated at times. And I don't want Alexi to think that I don't love camp, because I do! So much! But I also want camp to be better and when we just talk about it but we aren't actually doing anything but talking it makes me feel crazy. I don't want to talk broad, I want specifics, I want answers and direction! I got some kudos about all the program writing I had done but I still felt like no one was saying what exactly we were doing. And I get it but also it's incredibly frustrating for me when I can see some answers. Ugh.
Chris was in this meeting too. And I think between Alexi talking about best case scenarios and Chris talking about the worst case I was just a little over frustrated. I really hope I didn't come off as a brat but I was pushing for answers pretty hard. And at least tomorrow I have some direction for working on village programing.
John is very inspirational but I think the office wants him to be more then that and I don't think that's realistic. He's there to give them a push but they have to be the ones to do it. And I can only write so much. Like I don't care if we use exactly what I've made, it won't hurt my feelings, but at least I've done something and we aren't working from nothing or just imagining. I have made something tangible. And I hope that helps push everyone else forward.
We finished up the meeting and I packed up the screens and books we used to prop up John's projector. I chatted with everyone for a few minutes. But it was time for me to go.
I trudged across the field and stopped at the office. I got my tablet and my lunch bag. My first package of my Amazon order came and that was exciting. I chatted with Sarah for a few minutes but she had a tour to give. So I was off and heading home.
I had a stop at amazing glaze first to get me and Callie's bowls and I was so so happy with how they came out. They look amazing. I am so thrilled with my room and I think this might be my favorite piece. Even more then my ducks and I love my ducks.
After I sent pictures to Callie I went home for real..I was so happy to see James. I texted them and let them know I was home so they could bring some stuff done to start packing the car.
We brought a few boxes and got as much in the car as we could. I decided to bring some toilet paper, tissues, and paper towels to have over there. And then we headed to our new house!
The street was not as dark as it had been that one night. There are actually street lights and each house has a light so we are doing good there. And I was so happy to walk around the house. I can be a little more critical now. Some of the trim paint is messy on baseboards. The vinal flooring they referred to as luxury is. Fine. But the biggest issue I have noticed is the colors of the walls and ceilings.
It's grey. It's all grey. And like I said earlier I think it's just primer? Painting the ceilings was not in the plan. Painting walls sure, but ceilings is a lot of work. It's not impossible but it will take some planning and I am really hoping we can get it done sooner rather then later so we don't have to cover all of our belongings. I will have to look into that this weekend or this upcoming week.
While we were at the house, after we got all of the stuff inside I decided to build the toilet paper storage I bought. It's so cute. It was a little difficult to put together but that's okay. James helped. And it felt good that we have made something just for this house. That felt. Really good.
We would also change out some of the knobs in the kitchen. And then I had some weird hinged ones I put in the bathroom. We would do a ton of measuring for the living room and trying to make some plans for the walls. I am excited to figure out how to do new types of diy work and I'm just so excited. Even if I'm not looking forward to painting the ceilings.
After we had done everything we thought we could for the evening we would gather ourselves and went to dinner.
We decided to go to five guys. And that was fun. I showed James my lists and we discussed deligating tasks. James was being so sweet. We were laughing about the soda machine being in Spanish. It was just so lovely. I love my husband so much.
We would soon go home. And I became exhausted as soon as we got home. I would shake off the brain tired but I just wanted to get in bed. I would first add some new water to my tanks and kiss Sweetp. And then got in bed to be cuddly.
Our landlady Tina called that a new oven is supposed to be delivered tomorrow. And we were finally able to break the news. We bought a house. And she was so excited for us. So the plan is to be out of here at the end of February and we have a reference for possibly Julien and his roommate moving in. She said she is always excited when her tenants buy something permanent and I had been so nervous about telling her. Because she's always so lovely to us. So I'm just so glad she reacted so positively.
And now I am just very ready to sleep. I am going to grab a shower and brush my teeth and get ready for sleep.
I don't know if I need to go to camp tomorrow. It's supposed to snow overnight and throughout the day tomorrow. So we will see what the day holds. If I'm working at home or what. But I think it will still be a lovely day.
I hope you all have a great night. I love you all. Sleep good!
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girl-by-the-seashore · 11 months
I did not mean to be the daughter that left. Or, I guess I thought it would be different - I have been dreaming of going abroad all by myself for years. I wanted to leave. At the time, my grandmother's musings of "well, sometimes it's nice to stay home, you've travelled and lived on your own, you might like staying home" fell on deaf - or, defiant - ears. I was going to go far and I was going to do great things.
The greatest thing I have ever done and will ever do is be her granddaughter, my grandfather's granddaughter, my parents' daughter.
In the end, I didn't go as far as 13-year-old me had hoped. I'd had dreams of Europe, or, at the very least, the other coast of the country. I worked so hard to be able to do it, dragged myself through hell to protect the opportunities my parents had given me to chase my dreams. When I got there, when it came time to make my choice.... I realized I didn't want it anymore. What I wanted was to be less than a day's travel from my family. I wanted to prioritize my home, the local communities that raised me. And so I left, a medium jump from my original dreams but big enough to get the independence I still so desperately wanted. I left so that I could learn, and grow, and come home with the tools I needed to ensure a home for the generations to come.
My family descended on my new home for thanksgiving and I received them joyfully. There was over 20 of us, plus three dogs, crowded around two massive tables covered with pumpkins, gourds, fall leaves, candles, and heaps and heaps of food. We shared our gratitude for one another, sobbing over the pain of change - we are so far dispersed now, and you can only share so much of your life over email. My grandmother's memory is going now, but she always recognizes me. I have a reminder set in my phone to message her every four days - I send her a photo of myself or whatever I've gotten into, a short update of my day. I live so far away now, but I can't let her forget me. I think it would kill me.
I drove my parents to the airport in the car that I bought for myself. My parents hugged me tightly and told me they were proud of me. I didn't cry until they walked away. They'd gotten me to the point of being capable to live the life I wanted, and I didn't want them to see me cry over how much chasing that life hurt. I drove myself home. I played my music on my radio. I returned to my apartment that I had decorated with my roommates, who had added more fall decorations since I'd been home last, who were cooking in the kitchen and filling our home with wonderful scents. I wrote my to-do list for the week, filled with school assignments that excited me and tasks for a job that I adored. I realized I had indeed built a life here, I had a family of my own choosing, I had things keeping me here. I wanted to stay. My heart was breaking over the distance from my parents, from my grandmother and her fading memory, and my grandfather and his dedicated kindness. But I was in the right place for myself.
I resented my sister when she left. I couldn't imagine how she could leave our family. Ironically, I moved to the same city she did at the time, although she was long gone from it. She had told me I would love it. It is a funny pattern, how I keep thinking my family doesn't know what is best for me. They know me better than anyone, and they routinely correctly identify what will be the best choice.
I really didn't mean the daughter that left. I listen to Noah Kahan's "You're Gonna Go Far" and I sob with the pain of the juxtaposition of leaving my loved ones while simultaneously loving the life I've built for myself, the life that is only the possible because of the opportunities my parents and grandparents made for me.
I think, at the end of the day, I just thought I had more time. I think I thought my grandparents would always be the same - I could go as far as I wanted, then come home and they would still be here. I was okay to leave if I knew they would be waiting for me when I came back. Leaving, knowing my grandmother wouldn't be the same when I came home next, that dementia would continue to take her from us, was a much, much harder choice. Many days I still don't feel like it was the right one, but I know it would hurt her more for me to sacrifice the life I wanted because of her. I can know that and regret every moment I've missed with her at the same time.
Grief only exists with love. We can't stop time from continuing. I can't return my grandmother's memories. I can only do my best to honour my family's hard work by making choices that give me a well-lived life.
Image ID: a black and white photo taken through the windshield of a white car. The street is lined with trees that are bare of leaves.
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Stranger Things Incorrect Quotes Part Eight
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Part one / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven
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Eddie, talking about Steve: Is this a friend of yours, Marianna? Marianna: Kind of? Not really. He's in my life and there's nothing I can do about it.
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Steve: Hello all, it is I, your favorite person. Marianna: Actually, Eddie is my favorite. Steve: Okay then, it is I, that bitch.
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Eddie: *yawns* Marianna: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring. Eddie: Then you must be exhausted. Steve: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
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Steve: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare. Eddie: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great. Steve: Not when you’re playing with Marianna, it’s not. She puts words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”
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Marianna: The first time I ever got upset in front of Steve, he put his arms around me. It was so awkward that I had to ask them if he were hugging me or reaching for something on the shelf behind me. Steve: I was doing both, for your information. Eddie: The first time Steve hugged me, it was such a disaster we didn’t make eye contact for, like, a week after.
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Eddie: So Marianna sneezed earlier today and I accidentally said 'shut the fuck up' instead of 'bless you'. Steve: How do you accidentally say 'shut the fuck up'?
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Marianna: So... This is my full potential? Eddie: Yes. Marianna: So, then it's... Eddie: All downhill from here. Marianna: Like Steve. Eddie: I do not know what this Steve is. But it sounds disappointing.
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Steve: The clock is ticking! We don't have time for this asinine tomfoolery! Marianna: This unmitigated poppycock? Eddie: Extravagant hogwash! Steve: Okay, stop.
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Eddie: What happened to Steve? Marianna: He died. Eddie: He what? Marianna: He died, but he's okay. Eddie: …Can you please clarify? Steve: Clarification is for the weak.
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Eddie, looking through his clothes: Has anyone seen my top? Steve: Marianna's in the kitchen.
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Eddie: A party is a celebration of a life, bringing people together to let the guest of honor know how much she is loved. Marianna has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for her. Steve: By forcing her to have fun at a party that she doesn’t want to be at? Eddie: I knew you’d understand.
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Marianna: Enough! How dare you mock me in such a manner!? Eddie: Well. How would you like me to mock you? I take requests.
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Eddie: I wasn’t that drunk. Marianna: You colored my face with a highlighter because you said I was important. Eddie: BECAUSE YOU ARE!
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Marianna: Stop failing. Eddie: Don’t tell me what to do! I'll fail right now! Eddie: *Succeeds* Eddie: Dang it!
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Eddie: Seriously, Marianna, how many people would you have killed if we’d asked you to? Marianna: That’s not important Eddie: I DISAGREE.
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Eddie: *sees someone doing something stupid* Eddie: What an idiot. Eddie: *realizes it's Marianna* Eddie: Wait, that's MY idiot!
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Eddie, texting Marianna: Roses are red, Tony Hawk is a skater… Marianna′s phone, auto-replying: I’m driving right now–I’ll get back to you later. *Later* Marianna, texting back: Fuck you.
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Marianna: How long do you think it'll take? Eddie: I don’t know, three or four. Marianna: Three or four what? Days? Weeks? Months? Eddie: Yeah, maybe five. Marianna: Five what?!
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Marianna: Oh man I think I just ran out of pain Marianna: Paint* Marianna: I still have plenty of pain
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Marianna: Going somewhere, Eddie Eddie: Just taking a stroll
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Steve: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room. Eddie: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you. *Marianna walks in* Eddie: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
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Steve: Marianna, I know you love Eddie. I mean, we all do, they’re a very nice person and I respect them immensely. Steve: But I think they might be a fucking idiot.
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Steve: Well, has Eddie been wrong before? Marianna: How wide are we willing to open this up?
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Marianna, slamming pots and pans together to the rhythm of "Give it to me, I'm worth it": I didn't get no sleep cause a' y'all! Y'all never gonna sleep cause a' me!
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Young Marianna: Did you just call me a shrimp, you asshole?! I'm still growing, dammit!
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Young Marianna: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
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