#love streak
nike2times · 11 months
+++if u don’t keep yo eyes wide u gon miss da moment💫😎
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platoapproved · 2 months
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louis + cruelty
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yeehawpim · 3 months
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Not to be correct but Rick Riordan's greatest crime was making Percy and Annabeth's grey streaks fade.
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suntails · 5 months
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toot toot!
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disaster-j · 5 months
A lot of speculation (and some bitchass judgemental commentary) on why Tommy calls Buck Evan and i wanna give my two cents
I believe that Chim did NOT introduce them properly when he showed up. He was just like "hey Tommy bro it's been forever we gotta meet under non someone's life threatening circumstances oh yeah these losers are with me they're at the 118 too say hi losers this guy is gonna steal us a chopper"
And Buck was standing there a little starstruck as Tommy smiled and shook his hand and he definitely did his lil anxious stutter thing where he went "oh um hi im- evan- evan buckley" and before he could manage to get out the "you can call me Buck part" Tommy went "hi Evan, nice to meet you" and the fucking SOFT way Tommy said his name just had Buck's brain melting so he forgot about the Buck thing and then well they were stealing helicopters flying into hurricanes and it just settled as A Thing in his head that Tommy calls him Evan and Buck kinda just Likes It.
Meanwhile Tommy is increasingly confused about the Buck thing the more time they spend together and the more time he spends with the extended 118 fam the more he realises that NO ONE calls Buck Evan except Evan had very specifically introduced himself as "Evan. Evan Buckley" and had never once told Tommy he could call him Buck and now it's been so long Tommy's just afraid to ask what's going on.
This is all now canon in my head also I wanna read fics where Tommy is confused about the name thing now HAS ANYONE WRITTEN THE FICS!?!?
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spacessie · 7 months
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i love these guys
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rainedropsart · 3 months
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Cassie Sandsmark they could never make me hate you. Even if they’re trying. Really hard
Also idk if Greta and Cassie were technically roommates at Saint Elias’s but who else would it be. They’re buddies. Bonds forged in Yj are unbreakable unfortunately
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natalievoncatte · 18 days
Kara stared between her feet, as if the hardwood floor between her socks had answers. She was wearing mismatched SpongeBob and Hello Kitty socks. The Hello Kitty ones were Christmas gifts from Lena. Lena had admitted she didn’t know anything about Hello Kitty except that the design was cute, and Kara liked cute things. Kara treasured those socks as though they were a kingly gift.
There was a cold beer in her hand. She turned the bottle this way and that, wondering what the point was. She didn’t like the taste. Alcohol wasn’t strong enough to dull her emotions or make her laugh or cry the way it did for her humans. It just tasted mostly pretty bad. She took a drink anyway, doing what she always did: trying too hard to be something she’d never be.
Alex had offered the beer and Kara had accepted, taking one from the six pack she’d brought over. Alex was on her second, sitting back in her chair and nursing her beer.
“Kara,” she said.
Kara gave her head a listless shake.
“I’m just not in the mood to cheer up.”
Alex took a pull of her beer. “Maybe it wasn’t meant to be.”
“Our friendship meant something,” said Kara, the last word coming out strained, pushed past its breaking point but holding on.
“To you,” Alex said. “It meant another thing to her.”
“You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what she said.”
“There’s nothing she could say that would justify abusing you like that.”
Kara looked at her. Alex was clearly on a mission here- to get Kara’s head turned around right, to help her see the truth, and to help her process it and move on.
The bottle in her hand shattered.
“Jesus!” Alex yelped.
Kara didn’t want to process it. She didn’t want to see Alex’s truth. She didn’t want to fucking move on. She moved on too much. Her world died and she moved on. Her foster father died and she moved on. Her aunt tried to kill her and she moved on. Her boyfriend turned out to be a galactic conquered and she moved on. She got her back broken and her skull fractured and she moved on. She was beaten to death by a literal clone of herself and came to back to life, and she moved. On.
She didn’t want to move on from Lena. She wanted her back. She wanted to be like it was.
She wanted…
She wanted things she couldn’t say, because she couldn’t want them.
“She said she killed her brother for me,” Kara choked out.
Alex frowned, eyes flicking between Kara’s face and the suds on the floor.
“You’ve got to see she’s bad news.”
Kara shook her head and stood up, moving to grab a towel and clean up the mess. She plucked the shards of glass from the floor and soaked up the suds. Alex didn’t offer another brew or take one. She just held the empty bottle in her hand.
“Kara,” she finally said. “You need to come to terms with this. I don’t think you’re being healthy about how you feel about-“
“Lena,” Kara gasped.
“Yeah, I mean, the way you two have been behaving is more like a-“
Kara tuned her out. Lena was approaching, and her heart was racing. Kara heard the distinct sound of her footsteps as she ran up the stairs and down the hall to the loft and had the door open as Lena stumbled to a stop in front of it, wide-eyed and panicked.
“Luthor!” Alex snapped. “You’ve got some balls showing your face here. Give me one good reason not to arrest you. Now.”
“Alex,” Kara warned.
Lena was looking at her with a shocking blend of fear and relief, tears streaming freely down her cheeks.
“Oh God,” said Lena. “Oh thank God you’re alive.”
Alex started to speak but Kara put up a warning hand. She didn’t move, standing fixed in the doorway as Lena stood there shaking, wrapped up in her coat like a drowned rat.
“Let me in, please let me in.”
“Kara,” Alex warned.
“Take this!” Lena blurted.
A jolt of shock ran through Kara as Lena produced the Myriad module and thrust it at her in both hands, almost dropping it in the process. Kara had taken it before she realized what she was doing.
“Take it, take it, take the fucking thing! I don’t want it anymore.”
Kara hit her lip. Lena’s eyes were full of silent appeal, heavy with… knowledge, or something like it.
“Why are you doing this?”
“You won’t believe me,” Lena said, her voice trembling.
Kara flinched. Lena’s heart was racing painfully, dangerously fast, and she was staring to hyperventilate. Instinct took over, and she pulled the other woman inside, gently tucking her into a firm hug.
“Kara!” Alex snapped.
“Alex,” Kara said, firmly. “Out. Now.”
“But you can’t just let her back in!”
“Trust me, Alex.”
“Fine, but I’m not going far, and if I even think I smell a trap, Luthor, I swear, I will bring the wrath of God down on your head. I will destroy you.”
Lena said nothing, turning her face into Kara’s shoulder. Alex glared fury at her as she passed, and Kara pushed the door shut.
“Lena, tell me what happened.”
It took Lena at least a minute to get her breathing under enough control to even talk.
“I was in my lab when this man appeared inside. That should be impossible. My lab is a fortress. Not even you could get in.”
“Wait? What man?”
“He looked like a funny little man with a bowler hat, but he’s not. It’s some kind of illusion or trick. He told me some incomprehensible name and told me he was there on your behalf. His name was just gibberish, Mix-something.”
She was finally calming. Kara guided her to the couch and set Myriad on the table, sitting beside her. Lena stared at it.
“I know his name,” Kara said, coldly.
“Did you send him?”
“I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“He told me he was there to give me what I wanted, a life without you. Before I could say anything he just snapped his fingers, and I was on the helicopter, the day you saved me from Lex’s drones, but you weren’t there. I screamed for help but you didn’t come.”
Kara felt the sour taste of beer and vomit rising to the back of her throat.
“I remember the crash and it was real, it was like it was really happening and it hurt so much, and then I woke up and Lillian was there with her doctors and she was cutting. Cutting me up and carving me apart with scalpels and putting machinery in me and Kryptonite, she put Kryptonite in my chest!”
“Easy,” Kara said, “Easy, Lena. Take a breath.”
Red-faced and breathing too quickly, Lena ignored her. “Then you were there and I couldn’t stop myself, it was burning you alive, like in the Fortress but worse and I couldn’t stop, I couldn’t even scream, and I felt this hate inside me, and I just wanted it to stop. Then I was back in my lab and he was there.”
“So you came here?”
“No! I told him that wasn’t what I wanted. I told him I wanted a world without lies, without conflict or hate or deception. I told him what I wanted to do. I don’t know why, it was like he was forcing the words out of me, and he told me fine, he’d give me what I wanted.”
Lena hugged herself, sinking back into the couch.
“It was real, Kara. It all happened. I mean, it actually happened. I finished Non Nocere. I pacified the entire world, made everyone calm and peaceful and truthful. I lived this. For years.”
Kara swallowed. Mxy… could do that. He was that powerful. Kara has suspected as much. He’d been toying with her before, like a cat tormenting a mouse. Her blood ran cold and she suppressed a shiver.
“Oh my God. You’re scared of this thing, aren’t you?”
“You should be. It got worse. It got worse, Kara. Non Nocere worked. The world became a place of peace. You came to me and you were furious, but I asked you, was it better the other way? Were you angry because of what I did or were you angry because I made a world that doesn’t need superheroes?”
Kara swallowed. “Lena, it wouldn’t be right to control everyone like that. You can’t just-“
“I know! I learned my goddamn lesson already, will you just listen to me?”
Kara took a deep breath.
“Okay. I’m listening.”
“You were the only one not affected. You stayed for a while, tried to reason with me, but then you left. You went back to Argo and rejoined the Kryptonian survivors.”
Lena went quiet, staring at nothing.
“Lena? Lena, what is it?”
“I gave him the world on a silver platter. I just handed it over and I didn’t even realize it. I wasn’t fixing the world, I was ringing a dinner bell. He came.”
“No, Kara. Something worse. From the stars. He came in a ship… his ship was as big as the sky. They came from cracks in the air, these… these portals started belching out these things, demons, I don’t know, and he came from the sky.”
“Who, Lena?”
Silence. Lena pulled her knees up and rocked in place, staring.
“Darkseid,” said Lena. “He called himself Darkseid. He took Non Nocere from me. He used it. On everyone. On me, too. He made us worship… he made us love. He took something from my mind, from everyone’s mind, some kind of weapon, and you came back. You came back to stop him.”
“Of course I would,” said Kara.
“He made me watch. He said it was a gift for delivering him his prize. I saw you die.”
Kara’s stomach dropped. Tentatively, she reached for Lena’s shoulder, found it and grasped it softly. Lena hid her face in her arms and began to whimper.
“The things I saw. The things we were made to do. The things I was made to do. I can’t. I can’t get it out of my head.”
“It wasn’t real. You’re safe. I promise.”
“It was real. Then that Mixylwhatever came back and asked me if I wanted out. I almost said no, Kara! I almost said no!”
Kara closed her fists, arms wrapped around her self.
Great Rao, what happened to her?
I said yes and I was just… back in my lab. Like none of it happened. There with that thing in my hands. I did the only thing I could think of. I ran here.”
Lena is was still shaking.
Hushing her softly, Kara guided her to lie down on the couch, throwing a blanket over her. Lena shoved her face in the pillow and sobbed as Kara knelt beside her, trying to soothe her by stroking her back and sweeping the hair from her eyes.
“It wasn’t real.”
“It felt real.”
“I won’t let it happen.”
“You couldn’t stop it. Not even you, not even you and Clark.”
Kara leaned closer and looked her in the eye.
“I won’t. Let. It. Happen.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
Lena closed her eyes and let out a long sigh. Finally she seemed to calm, at least a little.
“Listen to me, Lena. Please.”
She nodded.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry. I should have listened to you. I should have respected you. I should have let myself be vulnerable and let you in the way you did for me. I only thought about what I wanted and I let my fear control me. I will never do that again. I will never run off to Argo or wherever else as long as you need me. I will always protect you, Lena. Always.”
“I know, Kara. I saw it in your eyes when you… when he… your last word was my name.”
“Rest, Lee. I’m going to destroy Myriad. I’m going to get Alex and and Brainy and Nia ans J’onn and we’re going to figure this out.”
“Okay,” Lena choked out. “Okay.”
Kara knelt beside her until she finally fell asleep, then paced the loft for a while.
She turned to look at Lena as she slept and then it hit her. It was like suddenly becoming aware of a new color, a hue that shaded the whole world but had been previously invisible. It was just suddenly there, and she understood.
Kara was in love with her.
She would forgive Lena any trespass, and she would do anything to protect her.
She called Alex. Told her what happened, leaving out nothing Lena said. They decided, after their earlier interaction, that it would be best if J’onn watched over her.
When he arrived, Kara went to the roof.
“Mxyzptlk,” said Kara.
In a blink he was there.
“Well then,” he said. “You’re welcome. Killed two birds with one stone, showing your Lena the error of her ways and-“
Kara didn’t let him finish. When she slammed him into the brickwork, cracks spread from the impact and her eyes blazed with all the fury of her long lost sun.
“Leave her alone. If you ever go near her again, I’ll break every bone in your body. I don’t care what I have to do. I don’t care what I have to sacrifice. If I’m not powerful enough now I will find a way.”
“You can’t do that.”
“When it comes to my Lena, I have no rules. Now get the fuck off my planet.”
She let him go and took a step back. He regarded her for a moment, looking rather pale for a fifth dimensional imp, and then vanished without another word.
Kara went back to Lena.
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mrghostrat · 2 months
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was too shy to share selfies for a bit but i finally got my grey streakkkkkk 🩶🩶🩶
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ghosted-jazz · 1 year
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Gee Clockers! How come you get to have TWO moms?
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nike2times · 11 months
+++open ur mind & u can tlk to meh.
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chocostrwberry · 2 months
Does the Re verse/shady bug and claw noir AU exist in This AU? It would be cool seeing betterfly/hesperia interacting with a post season 2 Chat Noir or Post Finale Chat Noir interacting with Shadybug since she still exists in her universe, etc and etc. Lol!!!!!!!!
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But here’s the designs for them if they existed in my AU!!
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I wanted to play with the “good and bad luck” aspect. Reverse Marinette struggled with bad luck, and Reverse Adrien had good luck UNTIL they got their miraculous!!
Reverse Marinette is a bullied teen who’s life is pretty bad. Her mom’s bakery is going under, her dad is sick need to pay medical bills, everyone at her regular public school thinks she’s creepy and dirty so she has no friends, and life seems to always go out of its way to make her miserable. She has a massive crush on Adrien, even though she has caught him multiple times throwing away her anonymous love letters. (He KNOWS they’re from her and he finds her obsessive and a loser).
As Shadybug, she takes out her emotions and anger on innocent Parisians. She loves feeling like she has control over her life and actions, and making others feel the same way she does: fearful. She terrorizes alongside Claw Noir, who always has an idea on how to make something go from bad to worse. But she finds his doting cringe and desperate.
Reverse Adrien is the wonder boy who never seems to get what’s coming to him! He’s figured out that no matter what he does, for some unnatural reason, he seems to never face any real consequences. You could say he’s been “spoiled by life”. After receiving the cat miraculous, he can’t act out nearly as much anymore because for the first time, he now knows what it’s like to face the results of his actions (detention, suspension, grounding, etc.) and he lowkey HATES it. Even though he likes being Claw Noir at times, he argues that the cat miraculous ruined his life.
When he becomes Claw Noir he channels his destructive tendencies towards Paris, while fighting the akumas that Betterfly throws at them. Unknown to anyone, his favorite part is being defeated, which means it’s the end of the game. The Bonnie to his Clyde, Shadybug’s unsympathetic and sadistic attitude is the kind of girl Claw Noir likes best, so he does whatever she asks him to in the name of love.
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ultravioletbrit · 8 days
“metal” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 281 words
CW: lighthearted talk of violence, not explicit
Regulus is waiting at the table for James to come back with their food. He tried to go up to the buffet with him, but James insisted on going alone for some reason. That was fine with Regulus, the less people he has to interact with at these things the better. These work events are some of the most boring things they have to attend. Regulus would feel bad saying that, except he knows James thinks they’re boring also.
James makes it back to the table and sits everything down then takes his seat beside Regulus.
“Thank you.” Regulus tells him but pauses when he looks down at the table. “What is this?” He holds up his fork in question.
“A fork.” James answers simply.
“Why is it plastic, James?”
“Because when you had a metal one, you stabbed a guy in the thigh with it.” James reminds him.
“Well, these things are boring and the guy was badmouthing you. That was entertaining and I got to defend your honor. Two birds, one fork.” He says casually. “Plus, it barely broke skin. I could do significantly more damage with a…” he looks down at the table. “Where is my knife, James?” He looks back up at James.
“I’ll cut your meat for you, love.” James says and kisses Regulus sweetly.
Regulus huffs and slumps back in his chair. He picks up his spoon- his only metal utensil- and stares at it while he twirls it between his fingers.
“What are you doing?” James asks skeptically.
“Determining if I could gouge someone’s eye out with this.
“We’re not coming next year.” James tells him as he plucks the spoon out of Regulus’ hand.
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betterthanbatman1 · 11 months
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Who decided he could be this pretty
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blank-barrel · 5 months
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Another Faust post (featuring color 3).
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