#love that job occupation for him! he gets to go on history rants!
sinfulpanda16 · 6 months
JJK Men x Coll. Student
Gojo Saturo, Kento Nanami, Geto Suguru, Toji Fushiguro x College Student
He with a s/o that's in college. How does he feel about it? How does he help you throughout your college journey?
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Helps you cheat for sure. When you're taking your online tests, he's by your side searching up the questions too. You still don't know how, but one time he managed to get at the questions on your midterm with the answers! You memorized them and Aced that damn test.
Gojo is you hype man.
You're right there typing away on your computer and then to your left you hear the slightest, "You can do it." You jump a bit and turn to see Gojo smiling at you. He claps for you when you finally turn in that big project, feels relived when you pass a class, and overall feels likes he's winning too.
Every college student complains about a course, you are no exception. When you're ranting about how much you hate a class, he joins in too even though he has nothing to do with it.
Like when you're working on a History project You throw your head back and say in an annoyed tone, "Ugh History is so stupid" and then Gojo chimes in, "Right, like, why y'all living in the past?"
If you get an unreasonable grade on an assignment you start complaining about how the school is dumb and he would just agree. "Yes. You're right everyone else is wrong😤"
You two would just hate on school together. Saying dropping is smarter than staying but they're all jokes. You jokingly say, "Maybe I should just be your stay at home (s/o)." and see him smirk. Enjoying the sound of that, "That would fit you better in my opinion."
Obviously, he supports you with everything. If you want to stay in school he'll be in the sidelines cheering you on. If not he will take care of you and you wont ever have to worry about school ever again.
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Nanami would actually sit down with you and help you study. Sometimes when you're procrastinating he will tell you to go grab your books so both of you can study together.
If you're feeling burn out, he will help you ease your mind, if you just aren't feeling motivated, he will help motivate you by saying, "Come on Ms/Mr future (occupation) lets go." as he grabs your hand leading the way to your guy's study area.
He's the one who buys your books. You tell him he doesn't have to, but he insists. He really just wants to help you focus on your studies and not worry about financial responsibilities. Let him take care of that.
He's so gentle with you. He's generally gentle but when he sees you stressing over school, he becomes even more gentle. He walks in your room and sees you with your head down on your desk, books laying open everywhere. He walks towards you with a cup of tea and wakes you up gently. You slowly wake up and look up at him with tired eyes. His eyes soften, seeing you like that sucks, he hands you your tea, "Your tea my love." he says softly. You smile and thank him and when you take a zip of your tea he kisses your temple and whispers, "You did good today love."
He makes sure you rest. It's why he doesn't encourage you to procrastinate. Sleep is so important, and he'll be damned if you lose yourself all cuz you refused rest. That plus, his favorite time of day is going to bed with you, and if your too busy working he's not gonna have that anymore.
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He threatens to end your teachers if they so much as give you an average grade. You're the one that has to calm him down, even though, yeah, your teachers are total losers for that.
He was always the type of person that would say college is a scam but then he met you. You told him you're in college and the way you speak about your dream job, with so much passion and hope, made him have so much respect for you. He sees how much effort you put in your work and how strong you are emotionally and mentally. If it were him, he would've have dropped out by now.
Studying isn't his thing, but he still wants to help you. One time he sat there in front of your computer while you sat next to him telling what to type in your essay. He made a little lofi playlist for you and him. He made it so you can have something to listen to when you study and so he can listen to it when he works out at midnight.
Other ways he'd help you out would be by dropping you off at school, carrying your bag and books for you, going to buy your essentials, join you for some school activities, and even make sure you drink water.
The times you just can't anymore he will let you throw out your anger on him. He loves seeing you angry and will say, "Yeah! show me how mad you are!" as he bares his arm for you to punch. (Your punches don't hurt him dw) Letting out your emotions is good for you so he helps you let out all your frustration.
He knows college was never meant for him but that doesn't stop him from helping you through it.
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Geto would force you to stop studying when he sees things are getting out of hand. You haven't been taking care of yourself or making time for yourself due to your studies. All you've been doing recently was work and would only stop to make time for him and don't get him wrong, he loves that, but he knows it's more important if you take time off for your own self. So he picks you off your chair scaring you and says, "Baby enough studying. Let's go" and will take you to another room.
Let's say one of your hobbies is journaling, he will take you to another room, hand you your journal and say, "Use those new stickers I bought for you, ok?" Or if you play games, he will sit you in front of your console and will tell you to enjoy yourself. Truth be told, its not the same when you spend time with him as you're forgetting yourself.
He tells you you're smart every day. You are, it's no lie.
If he sees you're getting discouraged he'll say something like, "At least you smarter than that monkey, Gojo."
Geto would pe pissed to see one of your professors failed you. That low grade really hurt you so its only right he returns the favor. You tell him he can't physically hurt them but that doesn't stop him from slashing their tires.
He also tells you how proud he is of you. You're really the only person he's truly proud of and every day of your college career he becomes prouder and prouder of you and beyond the day you graduate.
There's also another way they're all really good at helping you relief stress. It involves him caging you with his body 😏 and they're so good at it.
a/n: College Students You Got This! ^^
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archiefeathursby · 2 years
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Task 11: Intro & Connections
Name: Dr. Archimedes Feathursby Age: 63 Gender: Cis man (he/him) Occupation: Dean at Redwood College Sexuality: Gay Birthplace: Redwood Hollow Redwood Hollow Residency: Lifelong resident
Archie grew up in Redwood Hollow with his parents and four siblings. He was an extremely bright student and had a promising career ahead of him doing whatever he wished.
However, his father walked out when he was a teenager. He dropped out of school to work full time to support his family as an accountant, taking on shadier jobs that more “professional” accountants wouldn’t.
His mother became very ill and would eventually pass, splintering the rest of the family. His siblings moved on, but Archie stayed in Redwood, unsure of what else he could do.
He took on a job as the bookkeeper for the Snake Eyes Casino, where he met and fell in love with Oz. The two remained a pair for decades as they built a criminal empire together.
Archie always struggled with alcoholism, but it got worse as the years went on and his guilt about his involvement in crime built. He eventually fell into a spiral of heavy alcoholism, depression, and suicidal ideation.
He was found by his old teacher, Merlin Merrill, who managed to convince him to get his life on track. Although it was painful and difficult, he left Oz, quit the casino, got sober, and went back to school.
Archie has since spent the last 20 years in academia. Throughout his career he has been a high school teacher, a college history professor, and a dean.
Cantankerous, coarse, and crafty, anyone who looks at Archie will see a brilliant but deeply grumpy man. He is known to go on rants about anything, and is extremely cynical about the world around him.
Despite this, he cares deeply for everyone who comes under his wing. Knowing how awful and resistant he’d been to Merlin--only to become the man he is today--Archie is confident that anyone can turn their lives around at any point. He is here to guide others the same way that Merlin guided him.
He feels great responsibility towards his staff and students and refuses to give up on them.
College Professors: Archie is the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. If your specialty falls under that umbrella, that means he is your boss.
Students: If you have been in Redwood Hollow High School or College in the last 20 years, then you have probably been a student of Archie’s. The exact timeline of teacher -> principal -> professor -> dean is a little nebulous for the sake of plotting but we can figure something out. In all likelihood he remembers you, and wants to know how you’re doing.
Locals: Archie has lived here his entire life and even outside of academia, knows the town very well. If you’ve lived here for long, you’re probably at least acquaintances, if not more.
Haters: It is really easy (and honestly fun) to get under Archie’s skin, so please do so.
Criminals: Before his 20 year stint in education, Archie spent his life as a criminal. While mostly doing white collar crime, he is probably familiar with anyone else who was in that scene at that time.
Elders: 50+ year old residents of Redwood probably have a more extensive history with Archie, which is always fun to plot.
Oz mututals: Archie and Oz’s history is messy and continues to remain complicated. If you’ve interacted with him, Archie may have a thought or two to share.
Under My Wing: While Archie takes care of everyone in his purview, there are some cases that need more care and attention than others. Either you are in the process of trying to get your life on track, or you need convincing to do so. Archie’s been there, and he won’t give up.
AA Sponsorship: Archie “runs” the town’s Alcoholic Anonymous group, which has meetings several times a week. More than this, though, he is willing to take on a sponsee, someone whose progress he is personally involved in. Once again, whether your character is in the process of getting sober, or needs convincing, Archie will be there.
Shove It, Old Man: In all these cases, convincing doesn’t come easy. Archie has decided to help you, but you don’t want it. No matter how hard he tries, you’re not giving in and it’s causing a lot of tension and stress.
Professor Underlings: James Sullivan @jxmespsullivxn, Honeymaren Nattura @honeymxren, (potentially) Ares Olympia @aresolympia
Students Past/Present: Ella Fontaine @sweetellafontaine, Jim Hawkins @jxmhawkins, Tina Bell @xaspiringbeamoflightx, Becky Detweiler @beckydetweiler, James Hook @magicaljameshook, Minnie Myshkin @minniemyshkin, (potentially) Flynn Rider @flynnxrider, Logan Borror @lockborror, Sofia Bach @sofia-bach
Ex-Lover: Oz Borror @ozborror-highroller
Ex-coworker: Lorelai Hart @queencfharts
Need a Saaiqa (Shock, Nightmare Before Christmas) to complete the Unholy Trinity of pseudo-step children
Would love to see an Arthur to complete the Sword in the Stone characters, whether he’s an actual bio or just an NPC
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and-stir-the-stars · 3 years
Fic rec for queerplatonic Sastiel~
One Night by ao3 user story_monger. It’s a no supernatural au fic that does a wonderful job of portraying Cas dealing with aphobia and developing a strong, non-romantic/sexual bond with Sam. Best part is that Sam isn’t Castiel’s platonic side piece; Dean doesn’t even come into the story until nearly halfway through, and the emphasis stays on Sam and Cas the whole time. 
Castiel has already gone through the rigmarole of coming out as asexual and aromantic. That somehow doesn't stop a few unruly cousins from setting Castiel up with a stupidly tall sex worker named Sam. Castiel is mortified and ready to put the whole thing behind him, except he and Sam inexplicably bump into each other again a few weeks later. It marks the beginning of a friendship that ushers them into new territories, both with each other and the people around them.
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sailxrmxrs · 3 years
can someone tell me why the most cursed and yet blessed headcanons and aus come from the discord at 2am. anyway divorce lawyer au has been dwelling in my head rent free. then divorce lawyer xyx and wedding planner mc was born. s/o nei for planting the seed that sparked this. i hope i did your vision justice 🙏 lowkey going through it as i write but hopefully it's half decent lmao enjoy
"So tell me, what do you do for a living?" Xyx asked, taking a sip of the deep red wine in his glass. A nice merlot as per the recommendation of the waiter. Xyx wasn't typically a wine guy, usually opting for a nice whiskey. But in a place as fancy as this, it only felt appropriate to really get into the atmosphere of it all. Besides, how could he complain when he was sitting across the table from such beautiful company? He hadn't been ecstatic about the idea when a coworker suggested setting him up with a friend of theirs but ultimately what was there to lose? He typically didn't date around a lot what with how busy his job was. There was also the additional factor that Xyx was a divorce lawyer. Day in, day out he had to deal with all kinds of relationship issues. From minor separation cases to far more serious ordeals. Xyx's own relationship history combined with the tumultuous nature of his job left him somewhat jaded about dating and romantic relationships. Sure, the idea of it sounded nice, but the reality was oftentimes not quite so sweet.
"Oh, I'm actually a wedding planner! After I graduated I felt kind of burned out with my studies so decided to look for something entirely different. I took an events management class during my undergrad and enjoyed it, so I thought why not figure out how to do that. And now, a few years later, I get to plan people's weddings for a living! How about you? What pays your bills?"
Xyx chuckled in amusement. Oh what a pair they made. "I'm a divorce lawyer. The one who deals with the aftermath of your former clients' bad choices."
There was a beat of stunned silence before Xyx's date burst into laughter. "Are you serious? Have we been transported into some romance novel?"
"Nah, this is too perfect to be written. What with my divorces and your weddings I think we're doomed to fail right from the start, doll." Xyx watched as his date raised a single brow, smirking as they took a sip from their own wine glass.
"We'll just have to wait and see about that then, won't we?"
Oh, yes. Xyx was going to have some fun with this one.
Weeks came and went, the pair still meeting for dates out and nights in. It wasn't anything official, just some casual fun between two work obsessed adults. Despite their star crossed occupations, it became apparent just how natural everything felt so soon. Xyx showing up slightly early to pick up his date to see them not fully ready yet. He happily strolls in and sits on their bed, watching as they frantically run about the apartment trying to find that one pair of shoes that goes ever so nicely with their outfit. He smiles to himself, leaning back on his hands. It feels awfully domestic, like a boyfriend waiting for his partner. Maybe that's what this is. Maybe he does feel something more than just a physical attraction to them. Maybe hearing the way they rant about a difficult client, or listen to him talk about a particularly stressful day was nice. Maybe being the divorce lawyer jaded about love wasn't the kind of man he wanted to be anymore.
A month later and Xyx knows for a fact that he's in love. There's no other word to describe it. His heart pounds and his hands clam up every time he thinks about telling them. It's not that he doesn't want them to know, but rather the last person he told he loved broke his heart and shattered so much of who he was. What if he went through all that again? What if they saw him pouring out his heart and soul and just threw it back in his face? He'd seen couple after couple arguing and fighting over so much in his line of work. Heard so many horror stories and nightmarish accounts of families torn apart at the seams, couples who had once been so sickeningly in love they declared it for the world to see in the gold bands on their fingers. He didn't know if he could face all that again.
But now, he had them. He had their warm smile, their gentle eyes, their soft touch. Those fears would dwindle as soon as he felt a hand cautiously touching his thigh, pulling him out of those spiralling thoughts.
"Hey, talk to me. What's troubling you?"
Xyx stumbled on his words. He sighed, his own hand coming down to hold theirs. "Don't worry about me, doll. Just thinking about things."
"Well I do worry about you. More than you probably realise." They reached their other hand to gently play with the strands of hair at Xyx's temple, admiring the man sat beside them.
"You do?"
"Of course I do. I love you, silly."
Xyx's eyes widened, his entire body going rigid.
"Shit, was that-? No, ignore me. Forget I said anything." Before they could continue to try and stutter out some kind of excuse or change the topic, Xyx leaned in and kissed them. It wasn't anything like their past kisses. This was something far more intimate. It was ever so soft, and ever so quick, but there was some deep rooted emotion dwelling in it that Xyx could only hope they felt it too. His lips left theirs, his face remaining so close they could probably count each individual freckle adorning his skin.
"Now why would I want to forget something like that, doll?"
They stuttered, entirely lost for words. Something about their close proximity, his deep voice, and that godforsaken nickname struck a chord that ignited the flames of a beautiful symphony. Before they could give an answer, or at least attempt to, Xyx's mouth was on theirs again. This time urgent, more desperate, as though Xyx wanted to mould the shape of his lips onto theirs, branding his touch on them for eternity. Their fingers tangled in his hair as his curled around their waist, holding their body close to his.
Breathless and dazed, Xyx pulled back. "In case it wasn't obvious, I love you too."
Months pass and that heavenly sweet honeymoon phase had long passed, and the pair settled into something comfortable. Healthy. They had just moved in together, deciding their hectic schedules had kept them apart long enough. Luckily they each earned a sizable enough wage to afford the double office space in their new apartment. One was decorated with an array of wedding photos from past clients, vases filled with flowers of all colours adorning the desk and shelves. It was light and bright and radiated the hopeful romance that weddings promised. Entirely fitting and aligned with the optimism of a wedding planner. Xyx's, on the other hand, was darker. Instead of pine bookshelves and brightly coloured decorations, his office consisted of a darker oak. Shelves of case files and information lined the walls, stacks of loose sheets were dotted haphazardly about the place. It reflected the harsh realities his job made him come face-to-face with on a regular basis. But, where he might have let that weight him down before, now it didn't quite do that. Sure, marriage might be a step too far out of his comfort zone—at least at this point in his life. He didn't feel quite so pessimistic about love, especially now that he'd fallen so deeply in it. But the thought of having a wedding, going on a honeymoon, being a married man... What if it all just came crashing down? How could he ever pick himself back up again after that? He'd seen far too much mess and chaos and destruction to think that something like that could work for him. At least, right now, anyway.
Sighing as he removed his glasses, Xyx rubbed at the corners of his eyes, feeling the dull ache of having worn the glasses for so long. It had been an exhausting day. Earlier on, he'd been out for a meeting with a particularly difficult client before returning home to finish his work. He couldn't stand to be in the company's stuffy offices any longer after being shouted at by, frankly, one of the worst humans he'd ever interacted with. All he wanted now was to collapse on the sofa with his favourite person lounging in his arms, venting about their days before ordering food and letting the rest of the day wash past them. Standing from the desk, Xyx wondered to himself, Was this really his life now? Just a year ago he'd been so close to writing off relationships entirely. Yet here he was, disgustingly in love with another.
"Hey, I just got done with some paperwork, you want to order some Chinese food? Oh, is everything good? You look a little tired." They stopped short in the doorway, phone in hand as they looked at Xyx, concern and slight worry marring their face.
"Ah, nothing, love. Just work being work."
"That same client from last week?"
"Yeah, it seems she's taken it upon herself to get on every last nerve in my body. I trust your day was better?"
"Much. More couples with stars in their eyes and no end to the money they'll spend on their perfect day."
"Can't we trade jobs for a day? Let me have the happy ones in their wedding bliss while you deal with the angry ones determined to shout about the most ridiculous things?" Xyx strode over to them, his hands sliding around their waist as he pressed a kiss to their forehead. "Just a thought, you know."
"Hm," they pondered. "No. Anyway, being a wedding planner isn't all sunshine and rainbows. You've not dealt with the helicopter parents or obstinate brides, grooms, and other weddinggoers of the world dead set on making my life as difficult as they can."
Another kiss pressed to their forehead. "I can handle it. Plus I'd love to see you go up against some of my clients. You look cute when you get mad."
"I hate you."
"I love you too, doll."
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rametarin · 2 years
Does this phenomenon have a name?
Yet another post about abuse. But, here I am.
So, when I was a teenager, because of shenanigans with my father (parents divorced) using his back yard as a place for construction companies to dump dirt, we lost our tapwater. It became contaminated and iron rich and would turn brown and smelly.
So, we stopped using it and instead started filling up big jugs and lugging home water. To do the dishes, we’d heat it up on the stove using natural gas and dump it in the sink.
Because I was suffering serious bowel issues and couldn’t work, it was my job to do the dishes. Which my younger brother loved, because he absolutely despised doing dishes. He’d then have a bunch of his friends over for dinners and lunches and shit, so that meant tons of more work for me to do. His household chore was to put stuff in the washing machine. And with the tapwater out, doing our laundry at grandma’s, he did nothing.
But it was still my responsibility to do the dishes.
Around that time, my mom was stomping around being a passive aggressive and sometimes directly confrontational tyrant because she’s by nature a disgusting human being that keeps her tyrannical bullshit behind a veneer of sweetness. Yeah yeah Umbridge blahblah read another book (I ONLY READ TWO OF THOSE.) She made her money by a caregiver career and would allow her occupation to take from her all she could give and more, and then come home and expect to extract attention and suibserviance from everybody around her under the guise of “loving family” shit. Which really just meant petty bullshit for the sake of petty bullshit as punishment.
So that leads me to what she actually did.
My younger brother and his friends would go through silverware and dishes like they were dixie cups at a party. Because why wash them yourself or use the same dish for different courses of the same meal, right? The home living 20-something will clean them for us. :^) Serves him right for being unemployed and an adult. And this pissed my mom off, because just as soon as they were done eating, she’d come down from sleeping all day (she worked nights) and started ranting and raving this imaginary world where I never did the dishes, always, “waited for them to pile up before doing them.” Always, “waited hours, days, before doing them.” Just, loudly deluding herself about these things that were not true like she was newspapering a bird cage in preparation for the shit to drop. Fabricating this false history where I never do anything around the house and she does it all and “needed to contribute some around here.” Performative, “putting her foot down” shit.
So she decided to put water on the stove to boil, then dump it in the sink.
Why is this significant? Because she likes to set up windows of time where YOU have to accomplish X by Y, and there will be consequences if you don’t. But, she wants them to seem like consequences I brought on myself. Yes, she could make an arbitrary, “DO THE DISHES RIGHT NOW! RIGHT FUCKING NOW BECAUSE I SAID SO!” rule, but then by the rules of her own mental game, she takes the onus of responsibility of being unreasonable and imposing this on me.
However, if she just, “innocently,” heats the water and dumps it into the sink, and says, “I want the dishes done by the time I get back. :^)” before she leaves, that gives me a window of time to do the job exactly when and how and why she demands it be done, and refusing to do so EXACTLY when she demands it means the water becomes too cold to effectively use it to wash dishes. As we’re rural and our access to water at the time was from gallon jugs brought home from elsewhere, lacking transportation anywhere, there was no way to replace the water.
I’d been put into a position where through her own petty need to be obeyed immediately but not be directly responsible for telling me to do something (bonus points if she, “never said you needed to do it /right now/” technically), I had to do the thing. She didn’t say, “you MUST do it NOW,” she simply put events into action that gave me no choice. At the very least it would’ve required me to manually lift every pot full of water back out of the sink and into the big pot just to heat it back up and do it on MY schedule. Which just made more petty work for me.
All because she wanted me doing the dishes on her timetable, not mine. Her leaving in the afternoon, that meant she’d be gone twelve hours and wanted those dishes done within the hour. Trying to get her way passively, but giving me no alternative. Doing it on her timetable, or being unable to do it.
And I did the dishes, but on my timetable. I re-heated the water, because I wasn’t ready to do the dishes exactly when she felt I was supposed to do them (while she was at work.) She called me later that night and asked if I did the dishes yet.
I said no.
She got very angry. Had an absolute fit, because she thought she had me over a barrel, and by virtue of manipulating the world around me, thought she had a way to FORCE me to do what she wanted, exactly when she wanted. Just subverting what she felt was her authority to command something be done, when why and how, she had a fucking fit over the phone while at work.
It didn’t matter that I did the dishes, as normal. The dishes were done before supper, the dishes were done before she got home the next day. She still was so god damned angry she thought she’d developed a surefire environmental way to force me to play on her schedule and timetable to do exactly what she wanted or be unable to do it and thus get in trouble for not doing the dishes, justifying further performances and outrage for not doing [thing], when her real gripe was my not being subservient and obedient.
And then she tried this shit again when we moved out of that shitty slum house and into a home she actually owned. Only this time she decided I was going to clean the oven that day, so she decided to spray oven cleaner inside. Told me, “Okay I’m leaving now. I want the oven cleaned by the time I get back. You’re cleaning the oven today. ^.^”
Well I told her I would clean the oven, I did not agree on her setting me up to do it immediately. So I did not clean the oven.
She got home and used the oven, performative, and then got mad about how the spray she used was still on the heating coils. So when she went to use it we got a bad smell. She had the audacity to scream at me for not cleaning the oven, “so this wouldn’t happen.”
This fucking bitch has always tried to use the environment to be the pettiest of fucking dictators. Does this have a legal, official term in psychology for what kind of abuse this is? A label for this phenomenon? Imperiling a situation, spinning a plate and then trying to force other people to attend to it, then being furious other people won’t spin their plate for them, making it their fault?
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
Dick Grayson x Mercenary Reader HCs Part 1
a/n: This is basically a Dick Grayson/ Reader thingy that has been stuck in my head for months but I haven’t plotted out an actual fic for. Basically, I have the relationship mapped out in my head but I have no scenarios. I was hoping someone could suggest a plot I can play with. This part is mostly platonic with hints of a future relationship. This is pretty much in a weird version of canon running around in my head. 
You’re Deathstroke’s apprentice. (This version is the version from the Knights and Dragons movie so he isn't a complete and utter asshole. Look, I just really like that version.) Let's just say you had more moxie than self preservation. It also helps that you’re a meta with a pretty unique power. Anything drawn on your skin turns into a physical object. (You basically have a bunch of permanent markers on you in addition to your usual equipment.)
Dick doesn't like you because of your profession but has a grudging respect for your skill. You think Dick is annoying for getting in the way but you understand that he's just trying to do his best to help the city in his own useless way.
You and Dick never set out to be friends. You honestly had no clue when this even started. Maybe it was because you keep accidentally saving each other or maybe because you two have a lot to bond over such as murdered parents and emotionally inept mentors. 
When it actually started: You, in full  costume, recognize your least favourite bird and see that he's crying and that he not only has an ugly bruise in his face but also a bunch of other injuries. you simply sit with him and throw your arms around him letting your muscles relax as if to tell him ‘it's ok and that you’ve got him’. You let him cry into your shoulder. You understand that you have a little more in common than he's willing to admit. You use one of your motion tattoo wings as a cover from the rain and the other to keep Dick warm. When Dick finally calms down enough to think, he's jarred by how nice you are acting. your general demeanor loosened at this point you let your offense show and the very petulant look on your face draws a tired laugh out of Dick. your angry look melts to give way to something resembling relief. You stay there for a while not speaking before Dick decides he needs to leave. Without a fuss you let him go.
After that, instead of fighting each other during encounters, you two kind of just sit together and start talking about what happened since your last encounter. Or you two play rock, paper, scissors to see who ‘won’. 
Dick realizes that your personality is hilariously incompatible with your chosen profession. You rant about how Slade lectures you about learning how to lie better and when they tested how bad you were at it Dick was sure Alfred would politely word it as wooden. you had good control over your body language but you had a look caught between pain and annoyance etched on your face. 
Mini scenario: 
Dick is really stressed out with school and vigilanteing and with Bruce that he just starts wandering around Gotham. 
It was a bad idea. Wandering around Gotham is generally a bad idea especially if your head isn't on straight but there is something relaxing about just wandering around. 
Dick ends up at one of Gotham's old movie theatres. One of those businesses that you're pretty sure is a front for something because you can't wrap your head around how they could possibly still be in business. 
Then there you were a foot from the ticketing windows. His mind instantly recognizes you. You, in turn, recognize him instantly. 
When neither of you launch into an attack, you decide to watch a movie together. After bickering for 15 minutes about what movie you should watch, you decide on a coin toss. Because you won, Dick was subjected to your love of terrible movies. 
You go out for burgers afterwards and joke about the movie. You complain about the bad acting and the ridiculous story line. You even come up with how they should have done it.
Your lunch was spent outside in the parking lot of the burger joint. 
You walk around some more after you explain that you haven't been to this part of Gotham and Dick gives you a mini tour. 
You talk about a mix of mundane teenager things and some complaints about their occupations.
You check your watch and explain that you need to go to the grocery store for ingredients. 
Dick goes with you just because. He won't admit that he's having a lot of fun.
Being teenagers they fuck around. Being exceptionally athletic and intelligent teenagers you fuck around entertainingly. 
At first, you play 'the price is right' because Dick wants to prove he isn't a spoiled rich kid. He doesn't prove jack. You don't do much better but it's on the opposite end. 
You get bored and frustrated so you start a scavenger hunt much to the terror of the other customers. How would you feel about 2 terrors zooming around screaming about butter and backflipping over you?
Dick is busy gloating about his victory when the store gets robbed. Dick can't do anything because right now he is a rich boy extraordinaire and should not be capable of fighting. you on the other hand is sore from losing and just yeets a can into one of the robbers faces. 
Everyone's attention pans to your as you ready to lob another can at them. The robbers run leaving their unconscious friend on the floor bleeding. 
You still pay for the can but ask Dick to get another one. 
 Walking down the street, Dick notices how many take out places are on the way and asks why you don't just eat from there. you simply tell him you like home cooking more. He notes that for next time. 
You exchange phone numbers so you can plan a next time. 
The next time they hang out you both bring homemade snacks to sneak into the theater.
They start hanging out in civvies and do really mundane civilian stuff you want to try and that Dick doesn't get to do enough. 
You become a sort of hub of normality for Dick. He can talk to you about all the weird stuff without worrying about your not getting it or your judging him while also doing the most mind numbingly human things. 
What do they usually talk about:
Casual nerdy stuff
Weird history shit you reads about
Vigilante stuff
Funny henchman stories from the perspective of a vigilante and a higher level henchman
Sometimes they talk about trauma but they only vaguely mention it
They debate over dumb things like whether there's too much variety in cereal. Guess who's on which side. 
Sometimes they discuss fighting techniques. 
Dick teaches you Romani and about the Romani culture
You sometimes explains various myths and superstitions from your own culture
Dick sometimes talks about school and galas and you end up making fun of weird rich people. They also end up making fun of the various rich people who hire you.
You'll talk about almost everything with each other
You bring him to one of your safe houses for a home cooked meal after he tells you how he lives off of cereal. You were horrified. 
The Titans, Batman, and Alfred get really suspicious about Dick's new civilian friend. 
Slade gets suspicious of you frequently visiting certain cities. 
Somehow they figure out that you are the wraith. 
They all lecture Dick about it. 
Slade just finds the whole thing amusing and debates on whether he can actually convince you to give up some of Grayson's secrets. 
I just love the image of them casually hanging out in civvies with Batman questioning Dick's life decisions and what your has been influenced by his relationship with Catwoman while Deathstroke and Wintergreen are just quietly amused by the situation at some point they were worried about you discussing merc stuff but neither talk about current business unless it's safe to. 
Wintergreen isn't particularly worried since Grayson is a good kid. Wintergreen once joked that you should convince him to join their side. You said that Dick didn't have the right personality to be a merc. The irony of this was completely lost on your. 
You spending a ton of your hard earned mercenary money to win a stuffed toy that you think little Rose would want. Dick making fun of you for not getting it then he ends up spending too much money but he eventually gets it. You and Dick pass by a shop and you see the exact same stuffed toy in the shop window for a sixteenth of the fortune you spent at the arcade. Good news though, Rose still has the stuffed toy. 
 Both of you being petty at dance dance revolution. 
When you rant to each other in less than private areas, you rapidly switch languages.
Unbeknownst to Slade, Dick actually knows a bunch of his safe houses and unbeknownst to Dick, those are Deathstroke's safe houses.  You are technically not lying when you say it's yours. 
You have a silent pact not to blow each other's covers unless they deem it completely necessary (when people's lives are at stake). The only person who knows this pact is Jason and they have bought his silence. 
You will both go out of their way to help each other out of a bind. 
Sometimes when Bruce and Alfred are out of town and the stars align to have you visiting for a job, you end up helping Dick babysit. Jason gets confused and defensive at first. You have dealt with distrustful youngins. Neither Rose nor Joey wanted anything to do with you at first. You, however, grew up wanting siblings so you tried your darndest to look after them and it is really fucking hard to not let this munchkin grown on you. 
When you're old enough to hit the club they often go drinking together. You once tried to have you wingman for Dick. Using the ‘fantastic’ negotiating skills you got from mercenary work, you ended up getting the number for yourself. You once told Rose and Joey about it and both of them made lighthearted jokes about it. 
Dick gets confronted by Slade at sword point and asks what his intentions are with his kid (He honestly isn't at all serious but he likes how scared Dick got because the man is terrifying.)
Dick also gets interrogated by Joey and Rose because, you know, this is their big sister. 
You often insist on family dinners at least once every 2 weeks with your siblings, sometimes with their mom (Adeline is kind of not ok with you and Rose being present but is trying her best for Joey's sake), sometimes with their dad, occasionally with their uncle Wintergreen. 
You usually just casually call Slade 'pops'  and you drawls 'dad' when you’re pissed and 'papa' when you’re emotional. You try your damndest to only call him Slade or Deathstroke on the field but sometimes you slip up and calls him pops in the field
You have batnapped each batkid at least once. Batnapping meaning seeing a baby bat and throwing them over your shoulder when you’re pretty sure they’re going to get killed. This isn’t limited to kids. You still do this when they’re adults. The image of you throwing Dick over your shoulder when you two were tiny gives me life but you throwing Dick and/or Jason over your shoulder when they’re huge has me cackling.  
You basically accidentally become a de facto big sister/ mom friend to the batkids purely through your friendship with Dick.
Images from this scenario I can’t get out of my head:
Teaching Dick how to cook. He just ends up going to your place for a meal though. 
Running around during a rain storm huddled under a jacket with Dick because neither of you checked the weather
Casual affection you two share because you’re both tactile people. Casual affection as in just sitting on the couch in each other’s space, bumping shoulders to communicate, leaning on each other, hugging each other when greeting each other, and all that good stuff. 
Thanks for reading! I’m really sorry for the grammar and disorganization. 
If you guys are interested in the more bickering dialogue heavy part 2 either comment here or send an ask or pm me. *shrugs* This is just really self indulgent on my part. 
@birdy-bat-writes (I will stop tagging you when you run out of good ideas for me.)
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resonanteye · 3 years
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via https://resonanteye.net/horror-movie-reviews-day-one-the-horror-of-everyday-life/
horror movie reviews: day one, the horror of everyday life
a series of reviews, two each day, of horror movies.
day one, movie one: # alive.
1: half the people are crazed and trying to kill the other half of the people, panic and mass casualties, violent infection, etc – yes, it’s 2020-2021 thank you, continue
2: infected people trying to get in and infect people who are quarantined, aggressive mental illness -yes, yes
3: your neighbors are all worse than you ever knew -yes. yes
4: cops eating each other -please do go on
5: oh no several days how will you ever survive with only ramen
two whole days of lockdown
6: so you’re warned to have plenty of food and water, yet you don’t immediately fill up the bathtub at least, or the sinks. and you don’t go into the zombie neighbor’s abandoned apartment to see if there’s food
7: too much tech, not enough walkie talkies. I doubt.
8: I get it, people expect the end of the world to be like, a switch flipped, but no. this shit draaaags forever
9: the golf club is reminiscent of funny games. maybe an intentional nod to his change in mental state
10: slapstick!
11: finally, foraging.
12: the Mormons are at the door
13: we have skipped two weeks, without water or food?
14: and finally the lights out- wouldn’t that go before the running water?
15: oh the melodrama. don’t be a moron, but this magical dude has been alive a month without water
16: Kim Yu-bin is keeping track of her shit. I bet he gets her killed. nice waterworld callback with watering the plant.
17: of course he’s that stupid, he’s the protagonist and you’re a competent woman in a movie. how else would it justify you endangering yourself for him?
18: oh, wait. he HAS water? from where?
19: finally the tech is worth a damn. and she’s feeding him, which is ok because yes helping each other matters but
20: ok yes the tech is nice, good point, this is a scene from hackers vs zombies. slapstick is fine. zombie big mad. give me back my hand you bastards
21: Jun-u. I had been ignoring his name the entire movie. This is a bad habit of mine with zombie stuff.
22: finally some decent fuckin plot movement. there’s kids, in a good movie he’d have to kill one. instead, a treasure trove of all the survival gear. it’s handy when someone else did the preparation FOR you. I mean damn
23: oooh she’s only alive to help HIM. what a fucking surprise
24: reminds me of the pandemic “share a window” website crossed with a gentle, normal mukbang (not a weird fetish feeder one)
25: the zombies are going hooome. the zombies are going hooooooome
26: ok yes sounds scary, looked scary but it seems like there’s only five of them at her door
27: she’s skilled. of course. melee fighter. I like that this isn’t the dumb-ass slow zombies, nor the superhuman ones. just regular people.
28: another pile up!
29: don’t drink koolaid from strangers, but spam? NO NOT THAT EITHER. of course there will be cannibals in this that aren’t sick, that’s another nice callback (the road) (dead alive). I’m still holding out hope a kid zombie gets killed, although it’s unlikely at this point.
30: holy fuckin generational-divide-monologue for the ages
31: oh damn a gunshot in South Korea.
32: look, Kim, I wasn’t given any backstory for you, but I really want you to outlive “regular dumb guy”. the suicide subplot is going nowhere and we both know it
33: it’s never a good look to be fighting zombie hordes on the stairs. I don’t know why, it just isn’t good. just stay in the damn apartment. please.
34: regular Joe, you are doing the right thing by staying behind, keep that up.
36: finally, machine guns. sorry, I’m American. I’ve been waiting for an hour and a half for logic to set in
37: where are they even going? she’s cooler than him, why isn’t she getting messages? so I guess his Instagram saved her? is that a subversiveon of what I’ve been complaining about? I think it is.
7/10 excellent slapstick, callbacks, just enough humor without ruining the narrative. subversive ending in that he’s only in the movie for the sake of saving her life, and neither died. points deducted for lack of depth to the woman in the film, too much depth for the guy, and for showing us a lack of water then changing that enough to keep someone alive for 20 days. (also, he didn’t even fill up the sink, the hell)
number two, day one: condemned
this movie is about squatting, a lifestyle I’m too familiar with. let’s see how close to the mark it gets. oh, and zombie infection stuff. that too.
1: the supe is always the strangest thing in any building in NYC. always. this isn’t a narrator. this is realism.
2: when will rich kids learn that poverty isn’t an aesthetic? when will something that poor people authentically live through, be safe from commodification and the thievery of the privileged? where does class/cultural appropriation end? why are people using their yacht money on a tiny fuckin house? find out on the next episode of generation x, when we discuss the occup- wait no- this is just a zombie flick. sorry about that
3: I know she’s saying other shit on the phone but all I hear is “the rain was such a blessing”
4: montage is always good with good music over it. going anywhere in the city is basically a montage in reality
5: cigarettes cost 14 bucks in New York holy fuckin shit I’m old
6: ominous: “what could be worse than where you are now”, teens having sex, neon lighting, drainpipe footage, “what difference is a day gonna make”, “I won’t make the same mistake like I did in Vladivostok”
7: this bondage shit on the third floor is giving me a real, serious flashback to a job I did briefly which paid incredibly well. every time these characters show up I have a flashback, every time I watch this.
8: every character in this movie is someone I’ve met. every fuckin one. even cookie. I hate that and love it at the same time. I don’t know if you’ve ever lived in bad beat city but this is accuracy.
9: the glitch hallucination is wonderful. don’t show me people’s bad dreams, though. it’s a waste of film. especially someone’s dream who doesn’t know that squats don’t get the garbage picked up. at least he was gentle about her tourist status. (yes, that was fucking gentle. she’s visiting, but they LIVE there. he’ll show you the life of the mind)
10: the colors in this movie reminds me of Mermaid in a Manhole, an amazing movie itself- this is a compliment
11: yes punk means you puke and say “did you SEE that” yes it does
12: the way sickness spreads in close, unmaintained quarters is accurate too. these old buildings were originally tenements and were notorious for being built in a way that contributed to outbreaks of diseases. ny poverty history
13: the glitch used as stand-in for visual mirage is again amazing and continues to be throughout
14: that walk up all the stairs after a day at work to complain about the horror of everyday life, with a back crack and sore feet.
15: the cops are also accurate
16: the plot takes a nice strong left turn here, and it’s perfection. since the development of the plot cookie was leading us to doesn’t matter to the people in this building, it’s better to truncate it. and then we can get to business.
17: yes. if you die in a squat, you’re getting rolled in a carpet and left blocks away. you’ve got to. nobody’s gonna kill you but nobody’s going to be on the street over your ass either.
18: guitar axe skyline lightning. that may be a summary of the whole movie.
19: absolutely pitch perfect “you ruined new york city” rant for the ages
I used to live there
20: if the building wasn’t shit, this would be a nice Shining callback
22: this movie just will not let you have any expected outcome. it’s brilliant.
23: I’ve lived in a brownstone that had a cellar which connected to every building on the block and beyond. that was in Philly, but the construction of this landscape is perfect.
full disclosure- I own this DVD and have watched it a lot. it’s one of my favorite movies, structurally and visually, and I think it’s one of the best horror movies made this decade.
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D.W. Colt → Genevieve Padalecki, Olivia Munn, Sophia Bush, Penn Badgley → Human Shifter
→ Basic Information
Age: 47
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: February 4th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Religion: Agnostic
→ Her Personality
D.W. has always had issues forming attachments to people. Since she was a child, she looked at things through an overly pragmatic lens and tried to analyze people to best understand them. This most likely stemmed from her mother coming and going and her father’s constant distraction when she was young. She has very few familial connections, and doesn’t let many people past the outside shell that she created. One person who has wormed their way through is D.W.’s fellow clan member, Greta Bow. They connected when Greta wanted to shadow her and she was able to help her work through the trauma she experienced at the hands of hunters. While Greta ended up staying at her current position, D.W. fell in love with her. She knows nothing will come from it, but it keeps her going throughout the day. One unique thing is D.W. ’s ability to view herself, her actions, and her beliefs as tools to help fix what is wrong. She can detach from her emotions and do what is necessary to keep things on the right path.
This detachment doesn’t mean she doesn’t care, however. She cares about ideas and issues a lot, specifically those related to her career. As a Victim Advocate she is able to connect with her clients, both supernatural and human alike. She fights for them and for their safety whether it is from abusive parents or spouses, or just a system that wronged them. She is a driving force to try and end non consensual changes in the Animal Shifter community, and specifically wants to go after the Nimbles and Hyenas. Another goal that she has dedicated her current existence towards is ending the Colt family of hunters. A couple of years ago she set out to seduce one of the brothers in order to gather information. It went further and further, and she has been married to Colin Colt for almost a year. Though she doesn’t know how long it will go on for, she knows it will end with the clan taking the Colts down.
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Victim Advocate
Scars: Depending on the Shift/Form
Tattoos: Depending on the Shift/Form
Two Likes: Boots and Being Alone
Two Dislikes: Dogs and Bright Lipsticks
Two Fears: Being Compromised and Childbirth
Two Hobbies: Shooting and Taxidermy
Three Positive Traits: Patience, Undisturbed, Unbothered
Three Negative Traits: Detached, Calculating, Overambitious
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Kenneth Grainger (Father): Despite living in the same city, Ken and D.W. rarely see each other. Occasionally they’ll meet up if Molly and her partner are in town, but that only happens once or twice a year.
Priscilla Grainger (Mother): Priscilla has flitted in and out of D.W.’s life  since she’s been born. When Molly came around, she tried to stay longer, but never lasted longer than a season. Last D.W. heard she was in Edmonton.
Sibling Names:
Molly Bliss (Sister): Molly moved to Albuquerque shortly after her 30th birthday to follow a fellow human shifter, Drew Bliss. The two have lived happily as artists in the interim 15 years. D.W. isn’t very good about reaching out to anyone, so Molly typically initiates all phone calls.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Greta Bow (Beloved): She only truly became acquainted with Greta when she showed interest in the victim advocate branch. When she began opening up to her, D.W. helped her with the trauma from her own capturing. Greta then began shadowing her and they spent nearly every day together for a few months. Slowly, D.W. fell for her very genuine soul. She knows the feelings aren’t reciprocated, but is happy to settle with the fact that she is in her life.
Colin Colt (Husband): D.W. seduced and married Colin to get information on the Colts, and eventually take them down. Now he’s pushing for babies, and she’s running out of ways to say no.
Platonic Connections:
Arthur Milligan (Good Friend): Art is a good friend and the only other person in the family who has a connection with the Colts. His face is known to them as her friend from high school and college, and at times he is the only human shifter she sees for weeks. She always knows that she can count on him when she needs a break from it all.
Churchill Darling (Friend): Church jokingly gave her the idea to make one of the Colts fall for her, after a particularly long ranting session about them. He gave her his full support when she laid it out for him, Sirius, and Vincent, and went toe to toe for it.
Sirius Cobic (Leader): Sirius was the one who finally gave her the go ahead to infiltrate the Colts. With his blessing she has been able to create a massive network of information on the Colts that will lead to their demise.
Vincent Kane (Friend): Vincent does not approve of her mission and was the only force working against her in her quest to start following the Colts. It has made their friendship frosty at times, though they do get along.
Douglas Gish (Friend): Douglas is a good person to go to when she needs to decompress. He’s funny and quick witted, though not annoyingly so. He has a good mind and is great at conversation.
Lillian Pickford (Friend and Coworker): Lillian and D.W. often work together when Lillian is trying to gain justice for her victims. They get along well and share a passion for their work. D.W. sees Lillian’s insecurity and is working out a way to help with her confidence.
Emmanuel Flores (Former Potential Client): Emmanuel was a perfect example of how Percy paid someone off after he ruined their life, however he didn’t want to bring anything forward, or be used as an example against the Nimbles.
Jesse Wicker (Client): Jesse’s parents were killed a few weeks ago, in what looks to be an attack by a hyena. D.W. has been helping to organize the funeral and get Jesse on his feet. He’s turning 18 in a month, and won’t have the support of the system afterwards.
Caroline Hess (Client): She has been helping Caroline process the paperwork for the divorce from her abusive ex-husband. He has continued to try and intimidate Caroline, despite numerous restraint orders. If he threatens her anymore, D.W. may take care of him, and Caroline won’t have to finish the filing.
Hostile Connections:
Elle Colt (Target): Elle, like many of the Colts, to a liking to D.W. quickly. They appeared to be the same age, had the same interests, and could even share clothes. Elle, along with Blaine and Colin, was her primary target in order to be accepted by the Colt family.
Blaine Colt: (Target): Blaine was nearly as easy to win over as his brother, and was actually her initial target before D.W knew he was married. He has a shrewdness about him, however, that made her back off in the end. They’ll often go shooting together when she has to spend time with him. Lately, D.W has been unsure about their connection thanks to Imani whispering in his ear.
Alice Colt: (Target): Alice has a deep distrust of D.W. that stems all the way back to before the wedding when she saw her slipping her ring on and off before coming “home”. She suspects that Alice brought it up to Colin, but it didn’t take much for her to gaslight the younger woman. She knows that the cruelty streak runs deep with Alice and can’t wait to get rid of her.
Hailey Colt (Target): If D.W. had to pick a Colt that she could tolerate the most it would most likely be Hailey. She minds her business and she doesn’t share any overly obnoxious opinions when they go on walks. D.W. can see how depressed she is, and wonders how no one else sees it. Then she remembers that she has a job, and not to get emotionally involved.
Casper Colt (Target): D.W. finds Casper the most arrogant of the Colts, simply due to the fact he has done nothing, yet walks around like royalty. She knows Blaine and Colin are getting sick of the attitude as well, and is looking forward to seeing him get torn down.
Iris Colt (Target): D.W. thinks it’s a bit middle ages to arrange a marriage for power consolidation, but it’s not really her place to say. She has some sympathy for Iris, and wonders what she might have been if not a hunter.
Imani Colt (Dislike): Imani is going to blow D.W cover and she has no idea how to get the former Anderson hunter off of her back. D.W did not have the correct intelligence on Blaine and Imani’s relationship and it has thrown a wrench in her plans. She is unsure whether to start playing it extra nice or go on the defensive.
Percy McCormick (Dislikes): Percy McCormick doesn’t care about the people he unleashes on Chicago or the trauma that he leaves behind when he allows reckless and dangerous changes. A significant number of supernaturals who come to her are Nimbles, looking for any kind of answer.
Juliette Willott (Dislikes): D.W. is incredibly suspicious of Juliette. She doesn’t like the radio silence that much of the hyenas became once she took over, and she knows she is behind the uptick in random changes.
Jin Asato (Former Contact): Jin was her primary contact within the Hyenas before Juliette took over. She thought she was making headway with convincing him to stop the neverending non consensual changes, but all communication ceased once Juliette came to town. Now, Jin won’t answer her emails or calls.
Ruger (Colin’s Dog): Ruger, like all domesticated animals with Human Shifters, hates her. He seems to be the only one who has figured her out. She’s considered letting him loose, or killing him herself, but he won’t let her get within 10 feet of him.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Genevieve Padalecki [1][2]  
Olivia Munn [1][2]  
Sophia Bush [1][2][3]  
Penn Badgley  [1][2][3][4]
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i-am-extremely-mad · 4 years
Discussion I have on YouTube under video 'A Mediocre Recap of Mediocre Alternate History Shows' from AlternateHistoryHub
Sir Reginald Meowington 1 month ago Uh-oh here comes the Korra Stans. Back to the topic, I feel that some of the people who worked on Fringe most likely worked on Man in the High Castle. It's too early similar or they are Fringe fans.
Extreme Madness 1 month ago (edited) Becase she wasn't Mary Sue... an argument that ignores the original meaning and is actually used against any female character that shows even hints of self-confidence or arrogance or is even better at something than male characters. Aang learned and became a master of all four elements in less than 9 months, almost constantly dominating his opponents, somehow people don't consider him Mary Sue, Korra who spent 13 YEARS! of intense training, and despite that still could not airbending, struggling in fighting opponents who have some superior abilities, ended up in a wheelchair, recovered for more than three years from mental and physical trauma ... somehow it makes her Mary Sue, if she was a male character no one would even thought of considering him a Mary Sue...
Sir Reginald Meowington 1 month ago ​@Extreme Madness I like how you automatically assume that I dislike Korra out of misogyny or a hidden agenda despite enjoying female characters like She-Hulk, Wonder Woman, Rogue, Big Barda, Phoenix, Zarya (Overwatch), and Noi (Dorohedoro). Basically, women who fight like men and have the muscles/powers to prove it. There is a reason why I dislike Goku, Wolverine, Batman, and similar characters. Nice try on attempting to find a non-existent bias. When it comes to a wheelchair recovery story I prefer Barbara Gordon's journey and triumph to become Batgirl again, over Korra's lackluster 10-minute portrayal. There was more emotional weight seeing Barbara doing normal mundane tasks like eating, showering, attempting to walk (after failing numerous times), and talking to a therapist about her trauma in the course of several issues than it was for Korra getting a quick fix in one episode. Korra isn't a well-written character and it shows. She never has to own up to her mistakes like the time she broke up with Mako by wrecking his desk and threatening him for doing the right thing. Does she apologize for her behavior in the police station? Never. Did she apologize when seducing Mako so he can cheat with Asami or apologizes to Bolin for using him as a way to get Mako? Never. Does she apologize to Tenzin for yelling at him for being a horrible teacher? The story forgets it. Do any characters tell Korra she is making the wrong decision or that her going in fists first will cause more damage and be proven right. Nope. Was Korra shown to be wrong when wanting to create a fictional Gulf of Tonkin incident to get the United Nations in a war with the Northern Watertribe as careless and harmful? No. The plots dictate that she can never be wrong even when it could potentially put people in danger. Korra is given fixes too quickly. She gets her bending taken away. That's interesting. We can see her work through her anger, hurt, and self-delusion, Oh nope sorry she gets it back 5 minutes later after crying about it. Oh no she lost the past Avatars. Why should Korra care? She never talked to them or formed a relationship with any of them similar to Aang and Roku. Oh wow, she is disabled are we going to get two or three episodes where she deals with her new life in a wheelchair including how mundane tasks are now a struggle? Sorry, we don't get time for that or life-long PTSD, we have to rush the plot because we can't understand how to tell a story in 12 episodes. You can also tell how much of a fetish they have for brutalizing Korra and show it in meticulous detail. Ah yes, this is what I asked for more man pain and people wonder why I hate Wolverine.
Extreme Madness 3 weeks ago (edited) @Sir Reginald Meowington Even if everything you said was true (it isn't), that's still argument against her being Mary Sue (character that supposed to be ridiculously perfect and not having flaws and weaknesses).  Her being in wheelchair was just part of her slow recovery through entire season (she didn't recover immediately, she was in wheelchair for months, while trying to walk again, and after that she was still recovering for 3 years). How is she guilty for Mako cheating? He have his own agency. If he really loved Asami he could just said that he wasn't interested. Korra give up to be with Mako anyway when she became friend with Asami, she even ask Mako to go to Asami after they escape from her father. Everything after that was on him.  She didn't use Bolin to get Mako, she just go out with him to have fun. Bolin was the one who mistakenly thought that they are on date. Mako was technically right when he stop Korra attend, but he still did that behind her back, she was right to be angry, especially when it was desperate attempt to save her tribe from occupation. Isn't she apologized to Tenzin when she come back after learning what her uncle trying to do.
Sir Reginald Meowington 3 weeks ago @Extreme Madness "Even if everything you said was true (it isn't)," Talk about denialism there. I don't like the evidence you presented to me therefore it is not true. That doesn't refute anything I have said or why it's problematic. That just tells me you don't like any argument presented to you therefore everything you don't like is false or a lie. Just a reminder Korra isn't right to create a Gulf of Tonkin situation and starting a war will cost the lives of citizens who are unaffiliated with the conflict. (Looks at Vietnam and Spanish American War) It is not right for a high ranking member (General Iroh) to create a situation that leads to justification for war. You know what happens with that right? Court Martial and possible execution. We have whistleblower laws for a reason. Apologizing isn't enough. The writers should known better and have everyone call her out for it. It's the biggest reason why Korra is problematic in the show. The writers have no understanding of writing Korra or any political ideologies (Everyone ranting how Amon is communist is using red-baiting arguments) present in the show that they flaunt to make them appear edgy and mature. It's why Korra comes out bad for forcing a kiss on Mako and telling him "Yeah, but when you're with her, your thinking about me, aren't you?", never apologizing to Bolin for cheating only Mako apologized, having her disabilities skipped because they don't know how to scope within 12 episodes (Barbara Gordon did it better and in less than 30 pages), Asami getting back with her dad was brought up last minute and then he is dead. Just because someone apologizes doesn't mean they deserve forgiveness. Especially not after destroying property damage over a fit. You do that and I get the restraining order.
Extreme Madness 1 week ago (edited) @Sir Reginald Meowington I actually started watch the show again and look at that, you are full of shit, Korra actually apologize to Tenzin for calling him terrible teacher in second episode of Book 1! Korra didn't use Bolin to get closer to Mako, that's what Mako accused Korra for, doesn't make it true, Korra was actually right about his feelings for her, and Korra literally apologize to Bolin while healing his arm in episode 5 for whole situation. About situation when she desperately trying to free southern water tribe from occupation, it's interesting how you blame entire situation on her and not at her uncle. She have every right to be frustrated. She make only few brash decisions, in most situations she listens and work with others like when she  listen Mako how they should save Bolin from Amon, she was doing that for the rest of the show, especially after she returns after having vision of Avatar Wan and learning what her uncle actually planning, in book 3 she surrender to Red Lotus so others can save Airbenders. About her recovery, you don't see the forest for the trees, her being in wheelchair was just part of her slow recovery, it wasn't only important part of it. When did Barbara Gordon stopped being Oracle? It's another lazy retcon from DC? DC couldn't work with other batgirls so they took one of rear example of superheroes with disabilities and make her somehow magically recover from spine cord injury. Lazy writing I'd say. Bad example. I will stay with Korra.
Extreme Madness 5 days ago @Sir Reginald Meowington "Does she apologize for her behavior in the police station? Never." I know you ignored my previous answers but ... Just a few days ago I watched the finale of Book 2 and look at that, Korra actually APOLOGIZED to Mako for that before they broke up! When you actually watch the show you see how many arguments arose from people who didn’t actually watch the show or didn’t pay attention to such important details.
Sir Reginald Meowington 5 days ago @Extreme Madness You lost all credibility when you put Barbara Gordon and Gail Simone under the bus to make Korra look good when a 10-minute google search into the story arcs and fan discussions regarding disabilities and whether or not she should walk again were ignored. Not to mention the decades of critiques and discussions of the event in The Killing Joke and the input of various writers who talked about it for decades in several series starting Barbara. Then you go by using ad-hominem attacks towards me by claiming I am a liar and that I don't watch the show. I quoted the episodes and the scene in the last comment that mysteriously disappeared including why that was problematic and how the show does not do a good job at addressing her faults. As mentioned before, apologizing after enacting violence against your partner during a break up is not enough. As I said when I addressed it, "Just because someone apologizes doesn't mean they deserve forgiveness. Especially not after destroying property damage over a fit. You do that and I get the restraining order." and this is the problem of the writers not understanding how to write Korra or her archetype. It is obvious she was sacrificed in the altar of man pain for character growth and the most abysmal love triangle since the Jean Grey/Scott Summers/Wolverine ship. It's the only reason why I started shipping Asami and Korra as I do with Jean Grey and Emma Frost due to the levels of toxicity. Of course, that would require you to have basic reading comprehension or understanding of social/political issues when moving the goal post so you don't have to address those ugly truths when questioning the romance even fans addressed was badly handled. So now you are trying to grasp at anything in an attempt to make yourself look good after calling you out about supporting a toxic relationship with a female abuser. But of course, it ain't toxic or bad when it's female on male. It's just for laughs.
Extreme Madness 5 days ago @Sir Reginald Meowington "apologizing after enacting violence against your partner during a break up is not enough" Originally you only claimed that she never apologized, which is a notorious untruth, now you claim that her apology is not enough, who here moving the goal post actually. "supporting a toxic relationship with a female abuser" What the hell are you talking about ?! Korra, abuser ?! Go fuck off. I also don't care about the convoluted mess that DC and Marvel comics are for which no one knows which continuum they follow anymore. So no I don’t want to see them as an argument.
Sir Reginald Meowington 5 days ago ​@Extreme Madness Saying they don't count as an argument because it is not your preference is a lame excuse to dismiss evidence regarding a comparison between two similar story arcs between Korra and Barbara. As for the other point It would be good of you to stop time traveling between comments and look at the entire picture of why throwing your partner's desk while they are at work during an argument is problematic. As defined by several resources that talk about relationship and spousal abuse.
It is not okay for your significant other to throw or breaks things when angry in front of you even if they have no intention of physically hurting you.
That is a person who is purposefully threatening you and reestablishing the power dynamics of control/dominance when their partner does something they do not like. That is a person with massive anger issues who is one step away from physically hurting you someday. It's a big red flag that you need to get out and it's only going to escalate from there. There is no excuse for that kind of behavior, no excuse for your partner to throw items in front of you, no excuse for them intimidating you, and no excuse for creating a scene or atmosphere of violence. That is damaging to the psyche of the person that it is enacted upon. In any situation, get out and contact the authorities immediately don't wait, especially if you feel you are in danger. Grab your things, file a protection order, and don't look back. Nobody should vent or release their anger at someone like that.
How do I answer this, they first claimed that Korra never apologized to anyone and that her recovery is worse than some completely different character who has nothing to do with her and now claims that Korra was abusive in her relationship with Mako. I don't know what to say anymore...
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mountphoenixrp · 5 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                                 Cha Woojin, who is known by no other name;                                                      a 19 year old son of Apollo.                                           He is a student and DJ at Visión / Ilusión.
FC NAME/GROUP:  Na Jaemin (NCT) CHARACTER NAME:  Cha Woojin AGE/DATE OF BIRTH:  August 13, 2000 PLACE OF BIRTH: Seoul, South Korea OCCUPATION: Student (Recording Arts major), DJ at Vision/Illusion HEIGHT: 175 cm DEFINING FEATURES: - Thick eyebrows, long hooded eyes, upturned lips, bright smile - 02 piercings on his two earlobes
PERSONALITY: Woojin belonged to the ambivert category, as he needs communication to stay live, yet requires utter solitude to create. He loves to share, but still guarantees that people would always be aware of the unbreakable boundary around his privacy. Like the sun, he shines when it’s the right time to shine. When Woojin is in his element, he exudes charm and confidence, probably the coolest, friendliest, most approachable, and sometimes loudest person in the room. His gallantry comes naturally, and kindness is something he will never lack of. Work hard, play hard, he could be someone one needs for the party to start, but the demigod always had great self-control. Despite the laid-back and distant vibe he usually shows to the world, Woojin still secretly cares about what people might think of him. He doesn’t crave anything more than recognition and respect for who he is and what he does, so no, he wouldn’t give anyone a chance to degrade and call him fuckboy, a swindler, a slob, a criminal, or any other names along the line.
Rooted from the fear of being looked down on, Woojin always wants to control everything happening in his, and sometimes others’ life, striving to perfect all of the perfect-able. Brought up to his mother’s turbulent lifestyle, since a very young age, the demigod has believed that all of what he’s got is useless, unless it is hard-earned. Without intense competition, hardship, blood, sweats, and tears, no prize would be valuable. He put all of himself into getting what he think would worth it, and as one could foresee, once he gets it, it’s nearly impossible for him to let it go, which makes him appears to be over-possessive and over-obsessive. There is always a fire burning inside him, commanding him to act and fight, so patience and calmness are definitely not his strengths. Easily provoked, he may get into a fight or accept a challenge before being aware of what is really happening. Regarding his temper, Woojin has a lot more things to learn to tame it.    
HISTORY: Their mother was beautiful, charming, and ambitious. A talented archeologist, an eager globetrotter, a passionate treasure seeker.
That was it. That was everything Woojin could, and would, say about the one who brought his elder brother and him to life. The life that at first, the brothers considered as absolutely awesome, that they could fit in perfectly well until the day they died. Even though they were constantly on the go, and even though Woojin couldn’t stay long enough to be close friends to any of his classmates, it was fine by him.
Long story short, they were wrong. Jungjin, him, and their mother, all realized that they were deadly wrong right from the start.
“I regret it the most, you know…”
His footsteps were halted by the slightly trembling voice of his mother. The whole floor reverberated with her frustrated, angry voice, her occasional teary sniffs served as an extra sound effect. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop, because he was a good-mannered and well-educated young man. But, his mother forgot to lock the door, and because it looked like she wouldn’t even care if anyone could hear her rant at this ungodly hour of the night.
“Set’s a fucking huge mistake! I doubt he even gives a shit about Jungjin’s existence. And I thought it would be better with the other… Yeah, Woojin’s father. But fuck it, they’re gods! Asshole ones! Hahaha, I was stupid enough to believe in asshole gods, can you believe it?”
Right at that moment, Woojin decided that even when he became legal, not a single drop of wine, or anything that could mess up his brain system, would be allowed to pass his lips. Or else, he might be doing what his tipsy, mythology - obsessive mother was doing right then, babbling about how her children were sons of ancient a-hole gods.
The real question was asked only about a year later, in the dirty kitchen, when his mother was sober and his elder brother off to the bathroom. At that time, he was sixteen, Jungjin two years older, both had a plan to say goodbye to their mother, but this time not because she was going on another trip to somewhere none of them could pronounce.
“Who’s my father, mom?” Woojin added before his mother’s eyebrows could properly knit to each other and mouth open to spit not-so-nice words at him, “Not the one died in the fire when I was freshly born. I know, he doesn’t exist. And know who hyung’s father is.”
That was how he learned Apollo wasn’t only the name of those cool spaceships of NASA. That was also the name of who had blessed half of his existence. A Greek god, one of the Olympian deities, someone might not even care enough to learn about his existence, much less meeting him in person someday.
Woojin was sure that not many, if none, of his schoolmates would go through the bizarre experience of getting to know their fathers via ancient hardcovers from the Mythology section. After forcing himself to read up all the sources of info about Jungjin’s and his deity dads, he believed it would be better to keep it as a secret from his elder brother for a little bit longer, at least until their plan was proved to be a success. Their plan was to run away, no, to stay away from their mother. A conflict between lifestyles was what Woojin would describe about the cause, simply because saying that he disliked his own mother was not really pleasant to anyone’s ears.  
The brothers chose to settle down in South Korea, right in the old apartment that Woojin called his very first home. While Jungjin tried his best to afford their so-much-freedom-but-so-little-of-everything-else new life, Woojin strived to be the best at whatever he was able to. An excellent student, a helpful friend, a well-behaved and supportive little brother, he made sure not to let anyone and himself down. Except for a couple times when he had to punch someone’s face because that was what they deserved, he was totally fine. Actually, thanks to those encounters with the bad guys, Woojin had discovered his healing ability. Even though it was almost impossible for him to perform it during the night, he felt somewhat grateful to be the son of the Greek god of the sun.
He planned to spill the beans to Jungjin - about the deity blood running in their veins – right after he won a scholarship of some kind for college. But, that fateful day came much faster than he thought, as Jungjin came home one day with money, also a major mental breakdown.  
After helping his elder brother to calm down, Woojin finally confessed, “Hyung, so… I heard this from mom… That our father hasn’t died in a fire. You and I, we have different dads, and they’re gods. Like, literally, gods.”
It took an hour or so after that for Woojin to help Jungjin, once again, calmed down, and to brief what he had researched about their fathers. It seemed like his elder brother needed more to accept the fact than he did. At least, Woojin was thankful that his elder brother wasn’t convinced that he had gone insane or just got high on something without his approval.
One or two years later, with his outstanding achievements in high school, Woojin won some prestige scholarships, also got accept to well-known music academy abroad. While he was preparing for the very first school term living alone, Jungjin brought home a shocking, yet intriguing news about Mount Phoenix, a place made for gods and their descendants.
“There are plenty of jobs you can have, hyung! We also can live in a nice apartment, befriend people like us, and there is a big university with all of the majors in this world, all free! And maybe we can meet our dads, who knows? We still have this place as a back-up plan if things don’t work out there, so why not give it a try?”
He wasn’t sure how many times he had repeated that same monologue to his elder brother in the next few weeks, but it was finally proved to be fruitful. Woojin’s world brightened up right at the moment his brother nodded his head in approval. And like that, with great hope and burning passions packed in his luggage, Woojin followed his brother to Mount Phoenix, determined to earn a much better future for both of them.    
Healing: Able to use the power of light to heal physical wounds of others’ and his own. The more serious the wounds, the more energy he will have to spend. Sometimes the wounds would leave permanent scars. Unable to heal mental disorders. Unable to save people from death.
Natural musical ability: Able to remember melodies, sing and compose songs, DJ-ing, and learn how to play musical instruments well in a shorter time than usual. Potential in rap and dance, but choose not to invest his time on those.
A natural musician and leader
A good conversationalist and negotiator
A go-to man in times of crisis
Hotheaded, can be ruthless and violent when angry
Highly competitive, accepting challenges too quick  
Possessive (and maybe obsessive) towards people and things he cares about
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northofsomewhererp · 5 years
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Your Name, Age (17+), & Timezone: Meg, too old, EDT
Blu F. Sinclair turned 22 years old on October 13th. He’s a resident in Greensville. His face claim is Jimin Park.
Bio (10+ sentences, include brief history, personality, potential plots):
After years of trying to conceive with no luck, it became apparent to high school sweethearts Lori and Kenneth Sinclair that one of them was infertile and that their dream family could never be completed using biological methods. A few alternatives came to light, but for Lori, there was no doubt in her mind that she wanted to adopt and save a child in need. And so the couple, after thorough research, settled on partnering up with the Holt International adoption agency. Through them, they found their perfect little bundle of joy.
Blu, originally named Beomgyu, was adopted and brought home to his family in Greensville when he was only three years old. Little is known about what happened to Blu’s birth parents, but with Lori and Kenneth, he never lacked anything he desired. He was raised with the utmost care by two loving parents, whether their bond be of blood or not didn’t matter to any of them.
From early childhood, it was clear to anyone that Blu was… larger than life. Even when he was only three years old, he had a commanding presence that everyone couldn’t help but pay attention to. He had this way of making audiences wherever he went and getting exactly what he wants, much to the dismay of his very fond parents. He’s always been a free spirit, independent. Never one to be shoved aside, it was simply impossible to ignore the little ball of energy, with his charming demeanour and the innate competence he had making friends wherever he went. As he grew older, that ‘skill’ only managed to serve him further, with both boys and girls lining up just to get a chance at merely catching his attention. But, ever noncommittal, none of that interested Blu. All he held in his heart were his parents, and the ice.
Sinclair was signed up for ice skating lessons as a kid, and neither Lori or Kenneth expected their baby boy to find his calling this early on in life. The utmost ease with which he tackled the ice, it was as if their son was born to be on there: it was where he belonged. Ice skating lessons turned to figure skating classes, and Blu has never looked back since. There’s this sense of wholeness that only performing on the ice brings him, and it’s a feeling nothing in the world could force him to give up on. Lori and Kenneth were supportive from the get go, paid for his lessons even when he hit majority and had his own job, with which he could afford his coach. Blu’s goal from the very start was the Olympics, and they swore to do whatever it took to get him there. But all good things must come to an end.
With only Kenneth bringing in a stable income in their household, affording Blu’s dreams soon became out of reach. Debts started piling up rather quickly, Blu being the first to take two part time jobs just to help around the house. So when a forest fire spread to the Sinclairs’ neighborhood and burned their house down, leaving them with nothing, his dream was the least of their problems. Their main priority became surviving. Needless to say, moving from a four-bedroom house to a two-bedroom apartment was quite the adaption for the Sinclairs. But no matter how hard they worked, how hard they tried, nothing seemed to help dig them out of this hole they’d found themselves in.
Although they’d never asked anything of him, Blu wished he could do more. He helped with chores around the house, worked tirelessly every single day of the week, but they still hadn’t made a dent in their crippling debt. And it was by pure luck that one day, when ranting about his stressful home life to a close friend, that she suggested something so extravagant, so absurd that it could actually work. “You could be a sugar baby. They make tons of money just by entertaining the idea of fucking pervy old dudes. You totally have the body for it, you have absolutely nothing to lose, B.”
What was originally presented as a joke somehow became a very real possibility. Upon going home, Blu was instantly glued to his computer and delving deep into the world of sex workers. How much money they made, how they stayed safe, every little ins and outs of the job. And maybe he was crazy, or maybe he was just desperate, but that very night, Blu created a profile on a seeking arrangement website. Next thing he knew, he was getting hundreds of dollars simply for having dinner with lonely old men. He found there was even more money to be made through online means, and got whisked away quite rapidly into being a camboy along with a sugar baby.
Blu’s now garnered a pretty substantial online following, fifty thousand and counting, of people drooling and sometimes paying for his services. His identity remains anonymous as a means to protect himself, and no one in his life, not his family, or his friends, are aware of his occupation. He still works full-time at a kid’s boutique downtown so people don’t get suspicious, but little do they know, he’s far from needing it anymore.
Activity (1-10): 5
Have you read the rules?: removed
In the event that you leave, can we keep your biography for future use? no pls he my baby! Any comments/questions?: removed
Sample( 2+ paragraphs): 
“Jonathan? Is everything alright? You’ve barely touched your food, is it bad? We can take it back to the kitchen, ask for a new one”, the old man sitting across from Blu rambled on, wrinkly hand coming to rest atop his. Jonathan was the name he’d chosen to use tonight; no way in hell he’d give these creeps the ammunition of knowing his true identity. He’d be compromised, and after two years of being in the business, he knew better than to be sloppy. Blu offered him the most dashing grin he could afford, took the 72 year old man’s hand and interlaced their fingers.
“Oh, Harold, aren’t you the sweetest? I’m okay, just… not very hungry”, he brought their intertwined hands to his lips, brushed them against the elder’s soap-smelling knuckles. “At least, not for food”, Blu grinned devilishly, and the older man seemed to be pleased by this answer. If his client – because that’s all he was to him; a client – didn’t have such poor circulation, he maybe would’ve even blushed.
“Jonathan… oh my”, the older was quick to grab a napkin off the table to wipe incoming beads of sweat pearling on his forehead. “I didn’t remember you being so bold”, he smiled. But Blu wasn’t about to let up. He gave his knuckles one single kitten lick, maintaing eye contact.
“Well, you haven’t called me in a while, maybe you just forgot”, Sinclair untangled their fingers but kept his grip on Harold’s hand firm. “Why’s that? Did you not miss me… daddy?” He spread the senior’s fingers and, without a warning, slipped his index in his mouth. Sucked on it like they were alone in a hotel room and not just at some five-star restaurant right outside of Rosewood, with a dozen other people around. The way Harold gasped was enough for Blu to know he didn’t mind, though. “I thought I made you feel so good last time… kind of hurt my feelings that you didn’t call back”, he pouted, fucking pouted, and the way the ancient man’s – who’s mothball-flavored fingers he’d just sucked – brows furrowed was rewarding enough.
“I- I meant to, Jon, I really did! Just, my son came into town and he wanted me to lend a bit of money-”
“You know I’m understanding, Harry. We’ve been through this”, Blu put down the man’s hand, but not before swirling his tongue one last time around his digit. “You’re one of my oldest clients, I would’ve taken a bit less for you. Hell, just shooting me a message saying money was tight would’ve been enough. But you just ghosted me… that wasn’t very nice”, he drawled out almost every word unnecessarily, thrived at the way Harold was hanging on to every single one of them ...
removed [nsfw trigger warning]
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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D.W. Colt → Genevieve Padalecki, Olivia Munn, Sophia Bush, Penn Badgley → Human Shifter
→ Basic Information 
Age: 47
Gender: Female 
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: February 4th 
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Religion: Agnostic 
→ Her Personality
D.W. has always had issues forming attachments to people. Since she was a child, she looked at things through an overly pragmatic lens and tried to analyze people to best understand them. This most likely stemmed from her mother coming and going and her father’s constant distraction when she was young. She has very few familial connections, and doesn’t let many people past the outside shell that she created. One person who has wormed their way through is D.W.’s fellow clan member, Greta Bow. They connected when Greta wanted to shadow her and she was able to help her work through the trauma she experienced at the hands of hunters. While Greta ended up staying at her current position, D.W. fell in love with her. She knows nothing will come from it, but it keeps her going throughout the day. One unique thing is D.W. ’s ability to view herself, her actions, and her beliefs as tools to help fix what is wrong. She can detach from her emotions and do what is necessary to keep things on the right path. 
This detachment doesn’t mean she doesn’t care, however. She cares about ideas and issues a lot, specifically those related to her career. As a Victim Advocate she is able to connect with her clients, both supernatural and human alike. She fights for them and for their safety whether it is from abusive parents or spouses, or just a system that wronged them. She is a driving force to try and end non consensual changes in the Animal Shifter community, and specifically wants to go after the Nimbles and Hyenas. Another goal that she has dedicated her current existence towards is ending the Colt family of hunters. A couple of years ago she set out to seduce one of the brothers in order to gather information. It went further and further, and she has been married to Colin Colt for almost a year. Though she doesn’t know how long it will go on for, she knows it will end with the clan taking the Colts down. 
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Victim Advocate
Scars: Depending on the Shift/Form
Tattoos: Depending on the Shift/Form
Two Likes: Boots and Being Alone
Two Dislikes: Dogs and Bright Lipsticks 
Two Fears: Being Compromised and Childbirth
Two Hobbies: Shooting and Taxidermy 
Three Positive Traits: Patience, Undisturbed, Unbothered
Three Negative Traits: Detached, Calculating, Overambitious
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Kenneth Grainger (Father): Despite living in the same city, Ken and D.W. rarely see each other. Occasionally they’ll meet up if Molly and her partner are in town, but that only happens once or twice a year. 
Priscilla Grainger (Mother): Priscilla has flitted in and out of D.W.’s life  since she’s been born. When Molly came around, she tried to stay longer, but never lasted longer than a season. Last D.W. heard she was in Edmonton.
Sibling Names:
Molly Bliss (Sister): Molly moved to Albuquerque shortly after her 30th birthday to follow a fellow human shifter, Drew Bliss. The two have lived happily as artists in the interim 15 years. D.W. isn’t very good about reaching out to anyone, so Molly typically initiates all phone calls.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Greta Bow (Beloved): She only truly became acquainted with Greta when she showed interest in the victim advocate branch. When she began opening up to her, D.W. helped her with the trauma from her own capturing. Greta then began shadowing her and they spent nearly every day together for a few months. Slowly, D.W. fell for her very genuine soul. She knows the feelings aren’t reciprocated, but is happy to settle with the fact that she is in her life. 
Colin Colt (Husband): D.W. seduced and married Colin to get information on the Colts, and eventually take them down. Now he’s pushing for babies, and she’s running out of ways to say no. 
Platonic Connections:
Arthur Milligan (Good Friend): Art is a good friend and the only other person in the family who has a connection with the Colts. His face is known to them as her friend from high school and college, and at times he is the only human shifter she sees for weeks. She always knows that she can count on him when she needs a break from it all.
Churchill Darling (Friend): Church jokingly gave her the idea to make one of the Colts fall for her, after a particularly long ranting session about them. He gave her his full support when she laid it out for him, Sirius, and Vincent, and went toe to toe for it. 
Sirius Cobic (Leader): Sirius was the one who finally gave her the go ahead to infiltrate the Colts. With his blessing she has been able to create a massive network of information on the Colts that will lead to their demise. 
Vincent Kane (Friend): Vincent does not approve of her mission and was the only force working against her in her quest to start following the Colts. It has made their friendship frosty at times, though they do get along.
Douglas Gish (Friend): Douglas is a good person to go to when she needs to decompress. He’s funny and quick witted, though not annoyingly so. He has a good mind and is great at conversation.
Lillian Pickford (Friend and Coworker): Lillian and D.W. often work together when Lillian is trying to gain justice for her victims. They get along well and share a passion for their work. D.W. sees Lillian’s insecurity and is working out a way to help with her confidence.
Emmanuel Flores (Former Potential Client): Emmanuel was a perfect example of how Percy paid someone off after he ruined their life, however he didn’t want to bring anything forward, or be used as an example against the Nimbles. 
Jesse Wicker (Client): Jesse’s parents were killed a few weeks ago, in what looks to be an attack by a hyena. D.W. has been helping to organize the funeral and get Jesse on his feet. He’s turning 18 in a month, and won’t have the support of the system afterwards. 
Caroline Hess (Client): She has been helping Caroline process the paperwork for the divorce from her abusive ex-husband. He has continued to try and intimidate Caroline, despite numerous restraint orders. If he threatens her anymore, D.W. may take care of him, and Caroline won’t have to finish the filing.
Hostile Connections:
Elle Colt (Target): Elle, like many of the Colts, to a liking to D.W. quickly. They appeared to be the same age, had the same interests, and could even share clothes. Elle, along with Blaine and Colin, was her primary target in order to be accepted by the Colt family.
Blaine Colt: (Target): Blaine was nearly as easy to win over as his brother, and was actually her initial target before D.W knew he was married. He has a shrewdness about him, however, that made her back off in the end. They’ll often go shooting together when she has to spend time with him. Lately, D.W has been unsure about their connection thanks to Imani whispering in his ear.
Alice Colt: (Target): Alice has a deep distrust of D.W. that stems all the way back to before the wedding when she saw her slipping her ring on and off before coming “home”. She suspects that Alice brought it up to Colin, but it didn’t take much for her to gaslight the younger woman. She knows that the cruelty streak runs deep with Alice and can’t wait to get rid of her.
Hailey Colt (Target): If D.W. had to pick a Colt that she could tolerate the most it would most likely be Hailey. She minds her business and she doesn’t share any overly obnoxious opinions when they go on walks. D.W. can see how depressed she is, and wonders how no one else sees it. Then she remembers that she has a job, and not to get emotionally involved.
Casper Colt (Target): D.W. finds Casper the most arrogant of the Colts, simply due to the fact he has done nothing, yet walks around like royalty. She knows Blaine and Colin are getting sick of the attitude as well, and is looking forward to seeing him get torn down. 
Iris Colt (Target): D.W. thinks it’s a bit middle ages to arrange a marriage for power consolidation, but it’s not really her place to say. She has some sympathy for Iris, and wonders what she might have been if not a hunter.
Imani Colt (Dislike): Imani is going to blow D.W cover and she has no idea how to get the former Anderson hunter off of her back. D.W did not have the correct intelligence on Blaine and Imani's relationship and it has thrown a wrench in her plans. She is unsure whether to start playing it extra nice or go on the defensive. 
Percy McCormick (Dislikes): Percy McCormick doesn’t care about the people he unleashes on Chicago or the trauma that he leaves behind when he allows reckless and dangerous changes. A significant number of supernaturals who come to her are Nimbles, looking for any kind of answer. 
Nada Rajui (Former Contact): Nada was her primary contact within the Hyenas before Venus died and everything went crazy. She thought she was making headway with convincing him to stop the neverending non consensual changes, but all communication ceased once their search for a new leader began.
Ruger (Colin’s Dog): Ruger, like all domesticated animals with Human Shifters, hates her. He seems to be the only one who has figured her out. She’s considered letting him loose, or killing him herself, but he won’t let her get within 10 feet of him. 
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Genevieve Padalecki [1][2]  
Olivia Munn [1][2]  
Sophia Bush [1][2][3]  
 Penn Badgley  [1][2][3][4]
0 notes
nola-unchained · 5 years
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Name: Asher Stellan Gender/pronouns: He/him Age: 23 Species: Halfling, witch Occupation: Cashier, Faulkner House Books; stalker Faceclaim: Alex Fitzalan
HISTORY:  (triggers: missing person)
Asher spent the majority of his childhood hearing his father praying for his eighteenth birthday, hoping that Asher would inherit his powers and not take after his mother. It was that man’s dream to have a son to carry on his legacy, even if he had to take the risk that the child could be human. He heard it so much that he had grown sick of it and so had his mother. She had become tired of hearing how badly her husband wanted Asher to be different, to be better than. It drove them to a split, mother packing up her belongings, and leaving Asher with a kiss on the head at sixteen. It was an awkward time period to say the least, forced to live with a man who rambled like mad for most of his days, about things Asher couldn’t even understand or decode. Asher’s father refused to teach him anything before he was of age, telling Asher that it would be a complete waste of time giving such secrets away to an undeserving human child. It was presumptuous, beneath him.
On the eve of his eighteenth birthday, his father left him with an empty house and one single letter on the kitchen counter. An apology, a few crisp bills, and no advice should the sun come up and Asher discover his magic. There was something about the letter that gave Asher reasons to believe that perhaps this was not planned by his father, but that maybe the man had been forced to skip town and leave Asher right before the day he’d talked about for years and years. Asher spent his birthday on the phone, in the sheriff’s office, calling family members, calling mom. After listening to so many psychotic ramblings and passionate rants, Asher felt like he deserved to be taught whatever knowledge he was supposed to be given. If he didn’t at least try to search and try to understand what the disappearance meant, that his whole childhood would just be a fable. 
He didn’t know if he even cared about the surge of energy he’d felt that night, the very obvious currents of magic that had been given to him by blood, and the overwhelming sadness that settled deep in his bones.
Asher had been left to his own devices, trying to keep himself calm and rational, even though he thought about the possibility his father may have been kidnapped or had been running from a danger Asher hadn’t known about. His father was good at that though, keeping him in the dark when it mattered most. The halfling loves to pretend he could care less about his father’s whereabouts – as if it doesn’t keep him from sleep, as if his childhood had been normal – but deep down Asher hopes he’ll come back. If only to teach him how to use his powers and what to do with them. Asher had never felt more useless than he had growing up wondering what would happen if he were to be human, walking around feeling like a stale witch. He had no motives, nothing that drove him to use any of it. Asher was sitting on a goldmine of energy and he didn’t even know it.
He navigates the world on his own, working a job he doesn’t care about and paying bills that aren’t his, living alone in a house too big for himself. Don’t get him wrong, it certainly has its perks being grown and having no one around to tell him what to do, even if there are times where it’s all he wants. While he’s gotten used to a new routine, he has no hold on his own magic and finds that at times it controls him. When he wakes up on the kitchen floor, hours have gone by with no memory has to how they were spent. The prickles that run down his spine when he touches items that were once his father’s. The way the magic calls when Asher least expects it has become a bothersome norm. 
The darkest chapter of Asher’s life has yet to come, a brewing deep inside that tingles every now and again, a harmony that sings the loudest, the gospel of black magic.
+   loyal, intuitive, easy-going, patient
- emotional, apathetic at times, hypocritical, stubborn
Asher is played by Pluto.  
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hickorycreekrp-blog · 7 years
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Out of Character:
Name/Alias: Nikki.
Pronouns: she/her.
Age: 22.
Timezone: PST.
Face Claim Preferences: Jessica Alba.
Character Basics:
Full Name: Gema Ramos.
Nicknames/Prefers: Gema.
Age: 33.
Occupation: US Customs Agent.
Pronouns: she/her.
Gender: Female.
Hometown: Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Current Neighborhood: Rose Acres.
Highest Education: Masters in Criminal Justice.
Religion: Raised Catholic.
Family and Relationships:
Parents: Angelica Ramos (Mother - deceased), Mitch Jones (Father).
Siblings: None.
Children: Alexander Ramos.
Other: None.
Pets: None.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.
Romantic Orientation: Heteromantic.
Marital Status: Single.
Favorite Film: To Catch A Theif.
Favorite TV Show: Dexter.
Favorite Book: For Whom The Bell Tolls.
Favorite Song: Wicked Games.
Favorite Color: Red.
Likes: Shoes, deep conversations, literature, wine, money.
Dislikes: Her dad, bigots, racists, uptight people, poor manners.
Born on the Bayou, almost quite literally, Gema Ramos came into the world to her single mother in the Southern Louisiana state. Her mother was the daughter of immigrants from the South of Spain, a suburb of Seville. They had settled in Baton Rouge and had a single child, Angelica Torries, a carefree but also spirited woman called Angie. She met Gema’s father, a man of mixed European decent – mostly Danish, when working in Scottsdale Arizona. Their short lived relationship, if anyone could call it that, was incredibly turbulent and mostly physical. Mitch Jones was a man with a wild reputation, he was a producer in the porn industry but also racist and outspoken about it. And despite his attraction to Angie, he still ran her down constantly with terrible remarks, even telling her to ‘get rid of it’ when she found out she was carrying his baby. Stupidly she stuck around for a while, not entering in any kind of relationship with the man but thinking that he’d at least want to know his child. She couldn’t be more wrong and a month before she was due to give birth, Angie packed up and headed to her parents for support.
The two, Angie and her baby girl Gema, had a wonderful relationship. Full of love and light and in a world where Gema didn’t know bad things could touch you. She never asked about her father and while Angie thought it was a little strange, Abuelita Ramos always said it was because Gema got all she needed from her mother. As the saying goes, all good things come to an end, and it was a heartbreaking one for an 8 year old girl to take. Her mother got sick with cancer, surgeries and chemotherapy only stalled the inevitable before she succumbed to the disease and left little Gema without a parent. For months she cried every night for her mother, not understanding the loss and why she wasn’t there – her mother had always been there for her. Life went on but the sweet and happy child had become quiet, once she stopped crying at night, Gema stopped talking. There was nothing her Grandparents could do – they even reached out to Mitch but all he did was write back and tell them to leave him alone.
Seeing his letter, the then 10 year old took the envelope and hitched her way to Scottsdale. With the help of strangers, the little girl made it to her father’s doorstep and Mitch hated it but he was amazed that she had made it. The two couldn’t connect, he recognized that Gema was in fact his but she was also a reminder of a woman he had loved and lost, even though he would never have admitted it to anyone. When he tried to refuse her and send her back home to her grandparents, Gema talked for the first time after 2 years by yelling at her father and breaking down. He took Gema in and made sure she had the necessities and put her through school while he continued to live his own life. As long as she stayed out of the way – that was his promise to her. She could stay as long as she didn’t cramp his style.
As a teenager, Gema was a wild one; she had no one to set any boundaries or tell her how to behave – no one that cared enough unless she went back to Louisiana. She ran with the boys; smoking and drinking, racing cars and shooting guns, and sex. Drugs were never something she got into, she didn’t like the way they made her feel, she had a lively Spanish spirit that didn’t want to be contained by anything and drugs were a drag. The up to no good teenager often stopped by the film studios her father worked and would watch or talk to the ‘actors’ – she learned a lot from them but being in that environment was enough to keep her from ever wanting to fall into it. She was too smart for that anyway and eventually went to university in Miami where she earned a degree in criminal justice with a specialty in security management.
After hearing so many racist rants from her father and the way he talked about border patrol and immigration, Gema sought out a career that would be a big FU to him. Considering her grandparents were immigrants and she was half Spanish, she always took great offense to his rants and often argued with him – one time it had gotten so heated that he hit her across the face 6 times while he drilled his point into her. It’s a memory that seeps into the forefront of her brain more often than she’d like but she made her way into Homeland Security and then moved into U.S. Customs. Gema liked being in a position, a job, of some level of power and she soon found out how lucrative it was to play both sides.
Since her mother passed, all she had to look out for was herself and she knew nothing else in life and didn’t care for any other way. The money she took on the side from importers looking to move some sort of product over the borders was a nice supplement to her government salary. Anytime she was questioned on her attire or expensive shoes she had the explanation of her father being a film producer that made and shared his money. Eventually the questions stopped, Gema had her way around anything and wasn’t afraid to use sex as a weapon. That was something an ex had thrown at her in the middle of their break up and all she could do was smile – Gema couldn’t deny that truth.
Eventually Gema Ramos found herself stationed in Hickory Creek, Connecticut and since she’d made it home for a few years now, it’s become a permanent spot for her. She knows how to do enough work to get by and stay under the radar and she definitely does do busts but she continues to work with some of the larger known criminals in the Tri-State area. Helping and assisting and assuring them of anything customs related for a fee. Most of her motivation these days is less about fulfilling her materialistic needs and more about providing the best for her year old son, Alexander. The baby came about after a short lived fling that didn’t last due to an understanded relationship that he would have been leaving soon. To Gema, it was the best kind of relationship as she had her needs met but wasn’t forced into committing to anything more than herself. That was until after he was gone out of town she found herself pregnant with child. As most of those situations go, it changed Gema’s life and forced her to care and be responsible for someone other than herself. Something she is grateful for, as it has brought her a connection with the mother she has missed all these years.
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abewritesshit-blog · 6 years
Making The Most Out Of Modest Character Profiles
Part Two: Rory Lawe
Basic Stats:
Name: Aurora Eloise “Rory” Lawe
Gender: Cis female, not a huge girly girl, and certainly not the type to follow feminine gender roles, but likes feminine things in life.
Age: 26
Race/Ethnicity: White/Indian, Indian-American
Height: 5’9”
Body Type: Thin. She works out regularly, so she’s toned, but she’s not super muscular.
Appearance: She has long, straight, sleek black hair that falls to her shoulders. Rory devotes a lot of time to make it look good, but if she lets her hair routine falls to the wayside her hair gets frizzy and puffy. Eyes are large and brown. Her skin is a pale tan; she tans more when she goes out, but she rarely gets any opportunity. Both of her ears are pierced, and it’s rare to see her without some earrings. She has some freckles along her nose and the top of her cheeks. Her face is more on the angular side, but softened. She’s a fairly hairy gal, and shaves regularly to avoid that getting out of control.
Where Is She From? Modest, Georgia. She lived in a middle class part of town, in a large family of adopted kids along with her brother. Her adoptive parents, and most of the surrounding people, are conservative Christians. While they rarely struggled financially for basic needs, if Rory wanted anything beyond the basics, she had to work for it.
Family: Rory and her twin brother Bastian are very close. They spend most of their time together, and as much as they drive each other nuts, they love each other deeply. Their birth mother, Sophie, died when they were four. They were raised by family friends, Adeline and Sam Lawe, who adopted them and multiple other kids. Adeline is a very conservative woman, very Christian, but also fairly accepting. She deeply loves and cares for the kids. Sam, however, was stern and much more stubborn in his beliefs. He does not approve of Rory and Bastian’s sexualities, and was very angry when Rory broke up with Roman Cavanagh and started dating Henry. Their relationship was worsened when Sam drunkenly ranted about Henry during Rory and Bastian’s college graduation party, which Henry was attending. Sam and Bastian got into a physical fight, ending the party and resulting in Rory and Bastian getting kicked out. Rory and Bastian’s adoptive siblings, Caleb, Rosie, Josephine, and Charlotte, were all older than Rory and Bastian, but they were very protective of the two. Caleb and Rosie helped the two with school, and Josephine and Charlotte were there for the two when they were figuring out their sexualities in high school. The older siblings have all had conflicts with Adeline and especially with Sam, leading to them leaving town. They do visit Modest occasionally, primarily to see Rory and Bastian. Rory’s relationship with her biological father, Sai Singh, is a bit fraught as well. He was absent for most of her life, since she was an infant. However, in the past two years, he reconnected with his kids after a terminal cancer prognosis. He is a very wealthy film and stage director who worked his way up from the bottom. Sai intended to bring Sophie, Bastian, and Rory with him to New York when he first got work in the theatre business, but Sophie refused, and she and Sai divorced. Because he couldn’t stay for the proceedings without losing his job, he let her have the kids, a decision he deeply regrets. He realized they were still in Modest after seeing them in a front page news article for the local newspaper, and his wife, Anika contacted them while he was in the hospital. Since then, they have formed a good relationship with both their father and their stepmother, who are both warm people who quickly accepted Rory and Bastian into their lives.
Friends: Aside from her brother and boyfriend, Rory’s best friends are Vicky Parks and Defiance Lautari. They were childhood friends, and while they have very different personalities and beliefs, they’re very close. Defiance, in accordance with her name, has always stuck up for the two, and Vicky is a comforting and calming presence. While Rory may or may not have had crushes on both of them (and may or may not still have a crush on them now) they are very affectionate with each other, and the phrase “I love you” is often uttered when they’re together.
Sexy Stuff:
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic, polyamorous
What Is She Attracted To? She likes aesthetically pleasing people. Not necessarily hot or fitting society’s standards of beauty, but someone who looks interesting to her. She likes beards on guys, chubby cheeks on girls, soft hair on anyone. She likes femininity over masculinity; she likes really girly girls and not super manly guys. She really likes someone she can be open with, someone she has fun with, and someone whom she can help and who can help her.
Sexual Experience: Rory didn’t have sexual experience until junior year of college with Henry. Her previous boyfriend, Roman, was very conservative, and her other boyfriends never really lasted long enough to go that far. Aside from some flirting and kissing with other short-term partners, she hasn’t gone that far with anyone else.
Romantic Experience: Rory began dating in high school (much to the chagrin of her adoptive father). Her first few dates never lasted longer than a month. However, in sophomore year, she began dating Roman Cavanagh, a freshman and the son of a local banking family. They were set up by Roman’s brother Edward, who was dating Vicky, Rory’s best friend. The couple lasted until senior year, when things began moving very quickly and Roman began pressuring Rory to get married after high school. Coupled with Mrs. Cavanagh’s treatment of her (bringing her to a church meeting nicknamed “The Housewives Club”, composed of women talking about being good Christian wives; isolating her from her friends; putting her down for having ambitions of owning her own clothing store), Rory realized things weren’t gonna work. She dumped him before winter break (again, much to the chagrin of her adoptive father), and shortly thereafter began dating Henry. She and Henry have been dating since then, and while they’ve opened their relationship since college, neither have had many partners for longer than a few weeks.
Skills: Rory loves anything involving clothing. She can design and sew clothes, do alterations and fittings, as well as style outfits and model them. She’s also great at running social media, running popular personal Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr accounts (@roryelawe, @roryelawefashion, and @areoharewhy), as well as the accounts for the Youtube channel. She also makes tutorial videos for the channel, as well as videos about interesting research she discovers about things she hyper-focuses on (typically fashion, queer history, and her favorite films). Rory tends to bounce between other hobbies, much like Henry. Typically they’re related to art, such as sketching, painting, and crafting. She is smart, though her skills are more focused on the humanities than science or math.
Education: Rory attended a small private school in her town. While she’s smart, she struggled with focusing and studying due to untreated ADHD. Her adoptive parents didn’t get her treatment, and when she attended college she continued to struggle. Rory eventually sought treatment herself, and got much better grades. She double-majored in Fashion Design and Business, and while she didn’t graduate with honors she was still proud of her success.
Occupation: Rory has had part-time summer jobs at restaurants and retail stores in high school and college. She currently works full-time at a local tailor, helping with alterations and fittings. She also sells clothing online and has done some modelling work for small businesses.
Hobbies: Rory is almost always working on something related to clothing. If she’s not designing it, she’s repairing, refitting, or redesigning it. She also likes styling clothes (she rarely leaves the house without a meticulously chosen outfit) and doing makeup, both on herself and other people. She loves researching things; Rory has spent many a night diving into Google and learning about the history of high heels or a queer icon. She often picks up hobbies from Henry, as well. And, of course, she manages the YouTube channel.
Personality & Character:
Introvert or Extrovert? Ambivert. She enjoys going out and spending time with friends, but she also needs time to herself every so often. Rory’s true happy place is doing something quiet with a loved one or two.
Strengths: Rory is passionate about whatever she’s doing. She is a huge confidence booster to everyone around her. She’s the type of person who can turn a quiet room into a party and a fight into a reunion. Loves making people feel better about themselves. Hard worker. Fun and bubbly. She’s a good team player and can work well with a lot of different personalities. She’s always on top of trends and new things. Rory is quick to get people smiling and can bring out the best in others.
Weaknesses: Rory sometimes gets so involved in something she’s passionate about she forgets other things. She’s a bit of a busybody, and meddles when she really shouldn’t sometimes. She is hella forgetful. Not the best at taking care of her own problems. Bottles up her feelings. Works beyond her limits a lot. Isn’t open about how she feels. Self sacrificial. Big time worrier.
Goals: She wants to open a clothing store with her own pieces. She wants the vlog to succeed as well. She’d love to marry Henry, but worries about money and space. While she’d like to have kids, she’s not sure about having any at the moment, especially since she’s not terribly used to them. She also wants to develop a relationship with her father, stepmother, and those around them, though she worries they won’t like or accept her and her friends.
Beliefs: Rory is agnostic, like Henry. While she was raised Christian, she disagrees with a lot of their beliefs. She doesn’t like organized religion, nor does she like the idea of having to worship someone or something. She believes in the possibility of a higher power, but she doesn’t really care what or who it is. She is very liberal, feminist as hell, and believes in socialism. She believes society should be accepting, and that civilization requires teamwork to succeed. She distrusts what authorities tell her, and often goes against societal expectations.
Fears: Rory is terrified of being hurt. Older people, especially those in parental or teacher type relationships, make her anxious due to her bad experiences with them. She worries about not succeeding or being a failure. She sometimes deeply fears the people around her, since she’s heard a lot of hateful rhetoric and has seen a lot of her closest friends get hurt because of who they were. She worries about breaking down because of how hard she pushes herself, and then being a burden rather than an aide to her friends.
Insecurities: Rory doesn’t like having ADHD and anxiety, since it tends to be more than a harm than a help. She has insecurities about her body, especially since she spends a lot of time looking at herself in the mirror. She is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to her work, and when things don’t go the way she expected, she’s quick to get angry. Whenever she needs help, she feels like she’s bothering or hurting others.
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augustdecaymuse · 8 years
Aidan App V2
<span><b>name:</b>Aidan Hunter Thiessen</span>
<span><b>birthday:</b> 10/14/1990</span>
<span><b>occupation:</b> Thief/Entertainer</span>
<span><b>species:</b> Kokopelli</span>
<span><b>gender:</b> Cismale</span>
<span><b>orientation:</b> Androsexual</span>
<span><b>birth place:</b> Weston, Massachusetts</span>
<span><b>father:</b> Sigmund Thiessen</span>
<span><b>mother:</b> Cathrine Thiessen</span>
<span><b>sibllings:</b> Many</span>
<span><b>significant other:</b> None</span>
<span><b>children:</b> None that he knows of</span>
<span><b>personality traits</b> Sarcastic, Witty, Flirtatious, Self-Motivated, Generous, Wary, Vain, Pessimistic, Loyal, Adaptable.</span>
<span><b>likes:</b>Motorcycles, Cars, Energy Drinks, Birds, Shots, Naps, Money, Classic Rock, Leather.</span>
<span><b>dislikes:</b> Tea, Feet, Big Dogs, Police, Tight Spaces, Cold Temperatures, Ask Him He Can Rant Forever.</span>
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tw: neglect, crime
“White picket fence covered in barbs and electricity, a pool, and a hot hunk in speedo with my name tattooed across his ass serving my cocktails.” <p>
“Fear itself? Fuck, I don’t know. Isn’t there an expression that only idiots don’t get scared. I don’t like to think about that stuff. I like to pretend that I’m not going over the hump of getting older, wiser, and ever the more useless. I don’t want to have to ever give up my lifestyle out of my own free will. Though sometimes I worry that I’ll never grow because of that and I’ll be a selfish brat until the day I die no matter how many have to go before me.” <p>
“Oh boy there’s a plethora to choose from. I’m selfish, immature, and cowardly. I also have some pretty nasty morning breath I’ve been told too so there’s that. Yuck.” <p>
“Entitlement for sure. Nothing worse than trying to split up loot with someone who thinks they deserve more than the rest.” <p>
“Any person who has clawed their way so far in this world ain’t good, so no one.”
“My half a life.” <p>
“Hangry af.” <p>
“Chastity. It’s going to go eventually, might as well trade it away for some Doritos.” <p>
“Whenever it makes things easier. Lies are about convenience. Telling the truth isn’t always the solution, but neither is getting caught up in a ball of lies. It’s all about being smart. People think criminals are stupid but most of us aren’t dumb as they might think.” <p>
“Without the beard strange people offer me candy and try to get me to hop into their vans to play.” <p>
“Wardens, judges, police officers, politicians, pretty much everyone. I never got hugged growing up, what can I say? Blame my parents. I hate them too.” <p>
“How big their ‘personality’ is of course.” <p>
“If she’s sweet enough to help me through tough times, slick enough to make a steal, and strong enough to slap me up when I need it.” <p>
“Pet names, baby, sweetheart, bitch, dead-to-me, I spare no one.” <p>
“Chips. RIP my waistline. Thankfully running for my life and performing keeps a body good.” <p>
“On my bike, wind through my hair, engine roaring. Would kill to have those days back. I miss the open roads and taste of true freedom.” <p>
“Fart dollar bills?” <p>
“I don’t like to think about this but sometimes I wonder what it’d be like if I was my dad’s child. Would I have been treated like part of my family? I would have been spoiled like the rest of the brat pack. Never would have run away. Lived a normal life of a rich kid. I wouldn’t have become /me/, but would have I been happy? Who knows… It’s not worth the energy…”<p>
“Getting the guts to actually leave home and become my own man.” <p>
“A bird would be cool, get lots of frequent flyer miles.” <p>
“Don’t know. Here’s pretty nice for now. I like the heat and the strange mix of anonymity and familiarity in the town.” <p>
“Leather jacket, provides some storage, keeps me warm and looking damn fine.” <p>
“Knowing that I’m not my father’s child but I’m not even human. They weren’t right to ostracize me for the reasons they did but they should have stayed away. I’m a monster.” <p>
“Before shit went down I was a thief if you call that a job. Ran around with the biker gang I went with and we’d break loose. I’d swipe stuff and pawn it to get by. Went to prison for it and that’s how I ended up like this so I wouldn’t say it’s exactly my favorite job, but at the time I liked the adrenaline. The dominance and most everything else about it.” <p>
“I’m a brown eyed boy.” <p>
“Loyalty. I want friends that won’t betray me even when I feel like I can’t trust myself.” <p>
“The fucker who writes Toy Story 2 was ok in the bathroom stalls.” <p>
“Ugly duckling. Guess who’s a swan now bitches?” <p>
“Probably some guy back in the medieval ages who walked out his door and a chamber pot randomly got emptied on his head.” <p>
“Zippo.” <p>
“Mike Hunt.” <p>
“Not being sure whether I want to change my ways or not. On one hand I could give up being a thief, keep entertaining as my income and settle down here. Or I could do what I always do, give up and run. I just don’t know anymore. It just seems like instinct now to do the latter. Fight or flight I always have given into fear.” <p>
“Getting caught and going to prison.” <p>
“I would have liked to die before I was even born to be honest. Would have saved me a lot of angst and money on Marylin Manson merch. Probably some other people their lives too.” <p>
“I don’t bite, unless you want to play rough.”
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<p></p><span>friends</span> Aidan has been in town for a few months and is likely to have some friends by now. He’s extremely social and likes to hang around bars, clubs, and other entertainment establishments to raise hell merriment. He mainly works as a singer in town so far but has been known to do odd jobs as well to get by. He’s also likely to have met people on the road in the past since he’s traveled a lot in his lifetime ever since he was sixteen. Since he’s also got a criminal history with thievery and a criminal record he might have some people who know him from prison. He doesn’t like to get close to many since there’s a lot of abandonment in his history. That and he fears of hurting people being a kokopelli, but to those he truly considers himself loyal to he’s generous and extremely protective of.
<p></p><span>enemies</span> Oh boy this one’s got a mouth on him. He’s extremely snarky and doesn’t have respect for authority. In fact quite the opposite, he goes out of his way to antagonize those he perceives with power (i.e. law, money, education, etc) with biting remarks and almost teenage antics. However he’s not particularly violent. Only in times of desperation has he used his powers for his gain. He doesn’t to want mortal enemies, but some might not take too kindly to his playful nature.
<p></p><span>lovers</span> He’s never been in love before and honestly never plans to be. It’s not that he doesn’t believe in love, it’s just he doesn’t think he’s lucky enough or deserving for it. He however is very sexual. He uses his body to get ahead at times. And has explored many facets of different kink communities. But he keeps emotions out of things and makes that very clear with those he ends up around, for better or for worse. However perhaps there’s someone out there who could change things for good.
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