#love to be tagged and asked to share. it's like we are in the playground and you are asking what my favourite colour is :3c
firegolds · 2 years
what's up cool cats i was tagged by my dear @spacecores to do a thing and so i thing i shall do! (where the thing is 10 characters/fandoms/tags)
duchess from aristocats
princess bubblegum from adventure time
data from star trek
scarlet witch from marvel (specifically wandavision)
starfire from teen titans
triss from the witcher
sam from lotr
delirium from sandman
cubey from sleepy princess in the demon castle
makoto from persona 5
i should be tagging 10 besties here but i won't bc of reasons. if you see this and you wanna partake, do it! then @ me so i can See 👀
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nereidprinc3ss · 3 months
toaster waffles
in which spencer is woken up by fem!reader and their young daughter after being away on a case
fluff warnings/tags: none really, a bit of suggestiveness between spencer and reader but nothing explicit, their daughter is a genius duh, i love dad!spence so fucking much holy shit a/n: i wrote this in like thirty minutes so good luck! just needed to write dad spencer it just needed to happen idk
“No—baby, we have to let daddy sleep in,” you chide your daughter, jogging to catch her as she races down the hallway on clumsy little legs. 
“No! I wanna see daddy!” She yells—and if Spencer wasn’t awake yet, he will be now. You give in, opening the bedroom door for Ada with a fond (exasperated) sigh. 
“Daddy! Daddy wake up!” 
He blinks sleepily several times, sitting up and grinning at his daughter as she attempts to climb up onto the bed. 
“Hi, princess,” he laughs, grunting dramatically as he pulls her up onto his lap. “Oh my gosh, did you get all grown up while I was gone?”
He catches your eye as you stop at the foot of the bed, arms folded and mouthing an amused ‘I’m sorry.’ Spencer smiles and almost imperceptibly shakes his head, eyes sparkling as Ada attempts to use him as playground equipment. No apology necessary. 
“I made you breakfast!” she remembers, grabbing onto his shoulders and springing up and down on the bed. His eyes go wide. 
“You did? Where is it?”
“Oh no!” she claps her hands to her cheeks and opens her mouth wide, Home Alone style. Spencer laughs. “I forgot it!”
Then she’s wriggling off the bed and running as fast as her little feet will carry her, presumably to the kitchen. 
“You like cold toaster waffles, right?” you tease, approaching the bed and filling the now empty seat that is Spencer’s lap. His hands find your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck. 
“I would go so far as to say I love them. Hi, baby.”
“Hi,” you murmur, resting your head on his shoulder. “I missed you. I forgot how hard it is when you’re gone.”
He hums, running his hand over your hair. 
“I know. Me too.” Spencer now only consults on cases, and very rarely is he actually obliged to travel with the BAU. It was never easy before, but now that you have a child, it takes more out of everyone. “Hey. Look at me.”
You do, lifting your head and meeting his soft gaze. He leans forward and captures your lips in a gentle kiss, brushing his thumb over your cheek before pulling away. “I love you. Thank you for taking care of the progeny while I was away. I know it’s not easy on your own.”
“Eh. She’s alright. She reads to me at bedtime.”
Spencer grins, eyes darting back to your lips. Several quick kisses are pressed there in succession, and it’s not exactly how he wanted to say good morning to you but that will have to wait until later. 
Ada is at the door again, waffle in hand, making a half-disgust half-delight face before prancing back to the bed and receiving another airlift from Spencer up onto the mattress. 
“What do you mean, ew?” he asks in mock offense as her legs swing in the air. “You’re next!”
You watch in unadulterated joy as he peppers little kisses all over her face and she pretends to hate it, squealing with glee.
“Is that for me?” he asks once she’s comfortably sharing his lap with you, pointing to the forgotten waffle. She holds it up, pressing the disk against his lips. Spencer takes a bite, makes an exaggerated yum sound, and kisses her forehead once more. “Thank you. That was delicious.”
“You have to eat all of it so you’ll grow up big and strong.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll do that. Why don’t you leave it on the nightstand and go find a book we can read together?”
“Game of Thrones!”
“No!” he laughs. “That book is way too grownup for you!”
“But I read the first three pages!”
“I know you did. And Auntie Penelope is still in big trouble for that. Go get Lord of the Rings.”
Full of energy despite the early hour, Ada skitters off again to find the book. 
“She’s too smart for her own good,” you sigh, listening to her making up a song as she picks through the book shelf in the next room. 
“Intelligence is generally more nurture than nature. If we act fast we could probably stunt her IQ to just two or three standard deviations above the average.”
You giggle, straddling him as he slips his hand under your shirt to rub your back. Then you try to school your features into a serious expression.
“Not funny.”
That big, lazy grin might never fade—and you’d be happy to look at it forever. 
“You’re right. Not funny at all.”
“Hey,” you remember, grabbing his biceps. He raises his eyebrows expectantly. “I was gonna make you real breakfast. What do you want?”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know I don’t. I want to. So tell me what you want.”
“Anything other than a toaster waffle.”
You snort, moving to slide off the bed. 
“We can probably make that happen.”
“Hey—" he catches your waist, pulling you closer. “Penelope is taking Ada to the park this afternoon. We’re gonna spend some time together, okay?”
After having an entire child together, you still get butterflies when he looks at you like that. 
“What if I have plans this afternoon?”
Spencer doesn’t even look mildly concerned—just tilts his head, brushes his thumb over your lips. 
“Then I’m asking you to cancel them, pretty girl. I owe you some undivided attention.”
You chew on your lip. It’s embarrassing how easily he can still fluster you. 
“Right now I have to go find out why our child is being so quiet.”
He laughs, letting you slip from his grasp for good. 
“She probably got into the Stephen King again.”
You pick up the waffle and gesture at him with it emphatically as you walk away.
“This is all your fault.”
“Mm… let’s call it a team effort.”
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justcallmesakira · 6 months
Bsd men with a childish s/o:
Sypnosis: how they go on with their day with you :333
Genre: crack, low key fluff
Warnings: mention of roblox, McDonald's, LOADS of blasting stuff, torturing Mexican man, war flashbacks
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• one word, power couple (more like powerblasting the agency every couple of hours)
• he absolutely loves your childish demeanor, like bro you saw how he acts? He gives undeveloped 22 year old man and so do you🙃
•anyways he actually enjoys your company, your cute little childish acts and stuff
• ex: blasting the electricity cables of Yokohama, drawing silly little Sanrio doodles everywhere, going ":3"after cutely making the enemy go insane etc.
•honestly he would definitely take you to the playground instead of a fancy restaurant 😘👍
•probably swings with you on the swings •"Couple found playing in a children's playground before getting hit in the anal by lighting"
•bro he would go with your childish and stopid tactics😰😰😰
• "omg let's make a paper boat and ride it down the river😍😍🤩😘😘🥰" "anything for you babygorilla😏😈😈😈😽😼"
•like seriously though the agency actually worries, not for dazai but for when he gaslights you with a lollipop into committing double-plugging each other off
•he still enjoys your childish antics, you would go with a cute Lil face doing dumb stuff and he will just watch you with soften eye
•anyways you two have matching energy but unless your in real danger he's not saving you... He's joining you😰😰😨
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•he's so done with you
•you would act so silly and chilly that's he's gonna get literally WAR flashbacks (dazai I am lookin at you and your little lighter🤨🤨
•when ever he took you to McDonald's you would ask the employee for extra sauce and he would ask "why would you want extra sau- AND WHY ARE WE IN MCDONALD'S ORDERING HAPPY Meals????!!!" *slurps down every sauce packet* "it's for the toy, chuuya"
•he totally not traumatized by your tactics <33
•poor chuuya he just wants to have a nice romantic bath with you and there you are with rubber ducks and balls everywhere
•"darling Ily but why the hell did you stick rubber ducks on your body with Elmer's glue? 😃" -chuuya probably
•even during hard missions your so unserious😭
•it's scares him how goofy your are during a shooting..... *flashback*
•he wants to put like a dog leash on you so I don't wander off Dora the explorer live action (NO YALL NOT IN THAT Way) •chuuya=🙅 you begging him to buy a children's kitchen set= 💁‍♀️🔪🍳.
•he genuinely likes your sweet little innocent side
•whenever he's tired of babysit-- I mean taking care of you he takes you to kouyou and goes 🕳️🎢 'bye'
•he still cares for you especially when you are tired and fell asleep he would carry you to the bedroom and sleep with your head on his shoulder and him giving you a soft smile :)
•just don't remind him of a certain someone.... 🤕
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•he doesn't know why he picked up a street dawg like you
•careful who U call street dog before I leave you on the streets😃
•you and gogol would do stupid stuff in his room, run around playing tag all over his office and there he is with his silly little discord mod on his computer (fyodor please get your rusty ass off from that computer)
•you actually like his goofy cartoon mouse logo and made merch out of his organization 😘😘😘
•"myshka, why are you wearing my organization's shirt and a-" "shhhh- I am promoting your company" "what"
•he's just like chuuya but calmer and is questioning how you can act so carefree while he's brutally torturing a Mexican man
•still he buys you those kitchen set toys so you won't scream "shimmy shimmy ya" during the Doa meetings😃😃😃
•it's actually kinda sweet bcs of the dynamic you share like-- cold x cheerful
•you begged him to play roblox with you
•"I have work to do" "you can blast people in this game" "..."
•"yadayadaya safusafusafu" -you
•he likes your cheery mess but keep it at an extent before he sends you to the adoption center
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A/N: I am sorry this is bad but it's my first post so please be patient I will start a writing blog with rules and all ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Divider crds: /@junkyukim on pinterest
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janicho88 · 11 months
When It All Falls Apart - Chapter 11
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Pairing- ex!Jensen x Padalecki Reader
Word count- 4,674
Warnings- Some language. Dealing with a breakup. Sad reader. Angst, If I missed something let me know!
A/N-II'm interested to see what you all think about this one. Jensen is wrapping up his time in Toronto, and this brings a visitor to Austin. A little off canon, SPN ended after 10 years. We still got all the characters in during that time though. Thank you to @writercole and @leigh70 for your help with this. You two are amazing!!
Summary-Y/N Padalecki loved acting on Supernatural.  Working alongside your older brother and your boyfriend, but after ten seasons the guys have chosen to hang up the guns.  Now the three of you are moving on to other projects, but that’s all that needs to change right?  While you have moved to Austin to be closer to your family and boyfriend, Jensen is working elsewhere.  Distance is only the start of your troubles.
Series Masterlist
The nice thing about your first day on Walker?  It was everyone’s first day.  When you joined Supernatural, they had already been working together for a couple seasons.  You were the new kid who had to figure out where she fit in on her brother's playground.   
There were a few scenes with the whole Walker family, so you had a chance between takes and set ups to get to know your new cast mates.  You and Keegan, hit it off.  During one of the breaks, you can’t help but ask what it was like working on Pretty Little Liars.  He laughs at that.
“Dude, that show was my guilty pleasure.  Please?” you plead.  “Did you know the ‘A’ secrets ahead of time?  What were the girls like?”
“You do know the show wrapped right?  Like a few years ago.”
“Yes, I saw the finale.  It was nuts.”
“It was,” he laughs again.
“Please Toby won’t you share?” you ask with a laugh.
Shaking his head at your use of his PLL character’s name he responds, “maybe another time when I don’t have to be Liam in a few minutes.”
He takes some pictures and behind the scenes videos and posts them on his Instagram, announcing the first day of filming, tagging you, Jared and a few other cast mates.
The rest of the work week goes by very quickly.  Before you know it, it’s Saturday and you are loading up your car and Jared’s truck with the rest of your things.  The four of you make the trip over to your new place.  You and Jared start to unload his truck while Gen and Tom watch,  stepping away from the  truck a box is taken out of your hand, shocking you.  Turning you see Jeff holding it with a smile.
“Surprise.  Couldn’t let that one over there take all the credit for helping you.  Plus, I have to know where I can find my little sister too.”
You laugh at that, “Thanks, I appreciate the help.  Ulterior motivated, but still help.”  Grabbing another box you lead them all upstairs to your new apartment.  
Unlocking the door, you let them all in before following.  You don't notice the look Jared and Jeff share.  Gen bites her bottom lip as she looks around before raising her eyebrows at Jared.  
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“It’s small in here,” Tom is the first to speak.
‘Yeah, but it’s just me, so it’s alright,” you tell him.
“It’s cute,” Gen finally speaks up.
Jared doesn’t want her carrying anything, so she and Tom stay in the apartment and she begins opening some of the boxes of clothes while the three of you carry in the rest.  It doesn’t take long to get everything inside.  Some of your things are still at still stored at your brother's place.
“How long of a lease did you sign?” Jeff carefully asks once everything is unloaded..
“It was only available for four months.”
“Good,” he answers without thinking. “To know, so you won’t be able to hide from us,” he quickly finishes
“I don’t think you could hide from anything in here,” Jared mumbles, but you don’t hear him.
You had gone to help Gen in the bedroom area and come back to your two brothers in the kitchen.  It looks even smaller than before with them standing in it.  You finally get everyone to clear out, and you are alone for your first night in your new place. 
It was a restless night; it will take some time to get used to a new place, especially one with so many outside noises.  There is a text from Jared asking how your first night went, and you respond before walking to the kitchen.   The empty cupboards and fridge dictate your plans after a shower.  Heading to the grocery store, you grab what you need to get you through the week. 
The following week has you scheduled for four days of filming.  You spend your off days in your apartment, or at the onsite gym and pool.  Gen and Tom stop by on Tuesday, your nephew was having a hard time not seeing you as frequently as he had become used to.  He asked for a snack, but wasn’t happy with what was in your cupboard. Protein bars just aren’t his thing apparently.  On Thursday you receive a text from Kenzie.
Mack-Hey lady!  How are you doing?  I’ll be in Austin this weekend, are you free Sunday?
You- Hi Kenz, I don’t know of anything going on.
Mack- Great! Are you up for grabbing lunch or shopping? Something?
You-Yeah, sure.  Whatever you feel like.
You haven’t talked to her since your birthday.  You’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous about seeing her now that you and Jensen were no longer together.  She had to know by now right?
Tom comes to set with Gen on Friday, he walks over and hands you a bag when you finish filming your scene.  
“Thanks bud, what’s this?”
“It’s for your new home.”
You open it up and find a big box of goldfish crackers inside.
“Oh, uh..thanks Tom.”
“Dad says Unca Jensen comes home this weekend.  Now you have something for him, not those yucky bars.”
“Great.  Thanks.”
Gen gives you a side hug as he runs to his dad.  “Sorry, we haven’t explained the break up to him yet.”
“That’s alright.”
Jared, carrying Tom over his shoulder, makes his way over. “Hey, we’re doing tacos tonight.  Do you want to come over for dinner?”
“Thanks, but I have plans tonight.”
“Plans? You never have plans.  What are they?” your brother pushes.
“None of our business,” Gen answers while pushing him away.  “We’ll see you later, Y/N.”
So your plans might have been watching movies with a bag of popcorn on the couch, but they were still plans right?  You could handle being on your own again just fine.
Up in Toronto, Jensen is going through his apartment.  Checking that he has everything all packed up. Filming wrapped the day before, there is a get together tonight and then he is out of here tomorrow.  A majority of his things were shipped out earlier in the week.  He just has two suitcases and a carry on going back with him tomorrow. The benefit of renting a fully furnished place, there isn’t as much to take or bring back. 
Not finding anything he missed, he sits down on the couch next to his carryon.  Pulling open the front pocket he removes the black box he has looked at every night since he found it.  In a way it has become a reminder of his failures.  Just over a month ago he would have been excited to be going back to Austin and being with his girl.  Now he was just going back to Austin.
Jensen is standing next to one of the bars set up around the room that evening, when Eric finds him.  
“How are you doing?” his friend asks.
“Alright, you?”
“I’m fine, but I’m not the one with problems at home.  Ya buy your knee pads yet?”
“You’re hilarious, Eric.  I’m not sure what’s going to happen there.”
The two talk for a bit before Eric moves on to make his rounds among the cast and crew. He talks with Karl and Chase, before they move on to other groups.  Claudia keeps seeming to pop up at his side, but he isn’t up to talking much with her.  When Jensen feels he has been there for a suitable amount of time, he says his farewells.
He crashes on the couch that night, his bed already stripped.  The next morning comes too soon as he quickly showers and throws on travel clothes and a hat to head to the airport and his early morning flight.  
Thankfully, there aren’t too many people at the airport at 5 am, and he is able to get through check-in and security without too much of a wait.  Finding a coffee is the first thing on his list once he’s past security.  Taking a muffin with him, he slowly makes his way down to the terminal to wait for the flight to board.  The closer it gets to take off the more the seats fill up.  He pulls the baseball cap down a little lower to try and avoid being recognized.  
The three and half hour flight is a rougher one, good thing he’s gotten used to flying over the years.  He is surprised to see Mackenzie waiting for him after he grabs his luggage, he had been planning on just grabbing a taxi to drop him off a few houses down from his.  She walks over to give him a hug and grabs the handle of one of his three bags.
“Hey, how was the flight?”
“Awful.  What are you doing here?”
“Good to see you too, brother dear.”
“I just wasn’t expecting you.”
“Mom told me you were flying in, and gave me the flight details.  I didn’t think you had anyone else picking you up.”
“Yeah, not this time.”  Neither one brings up that it should have been you there instead.
The rest of the walk to the car is a quiet one, once it’s loaded they are off to his place.  Before she can start asking questions, he turns the radio up to discourage conversation.  Luckily, she lets it go, he just doesn’t know the reason she didn’t put up a fight. Once Kenzie pulls into his  driveway she gets out and grabs another bag from the backseat, along with one of Jensen’s.  He gives her a questioning look when he notices it while walking to the front door.
“I’m crashing here tonight, I need some catch up time.  Figured, I could help make sure the house was in order before I left.”
“Did mom just mention that I was coming home, or she send you down?”
She just smiles and continues past him to the door.  “Are you going to come open this or what?”
“This why you didn’t push to talk in the car?  You knew you weren’t just going to drop me off.”
“Whatever would I push you to talk about?” she questions with a smirk.
With a shake of his head, Jensen unlocks the door and heads inside to shut off the alarm. He sets his bags by the stairs and heads to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen. He walks past the counter, pauses and turns back to look at it.  Sitting near the edge is a house key and a garage remote, the ones he gave you.  He stares at them a moment before continuing to the fridge, but instead of pulling out a water he walks out of the kitchen with a beer.
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“Little early for that, don’t you think?” his sister questions.
��It’s almost noon in Toronto right now,” he replies as he sits down on the couch.
“You want to talk about it?” She asks, sitting across from him.
“Toronto’s a nice place, but I’ve been there before.”
“I didn’t mean the city, Jay.”
“The cast? The show?  They were both great, but mom is so not allowed to watch.”
“Jensen, I was referring to Y/N and you know it.”
He’s quiet before replying to Mack, “next topic.”
“Jay, what happened?” she softly pushes.  “When you were home Father’s Day weekend, you said everything was good.”
“Why did no one tell me it was Father’s Day weekend?” He tries to change the subject.
“I guess we thought you knew, and would be home that weekend for Y/N’s birthday anyway.”
He looks at his sister, “You knew it was her birthday?”
“Mom and I knew it was on Saturday, yes.”
“No one said anything.  But you both asked if I saw her, you could have said why.”
“Really?  We both thought you knew,  you were always on top of those things especially with Y/N.  When you said you were busy Saturday, we figured it was with her.  When we talked to Y/N that day, she was here waiting for you to come home.  She told mom she thought you saying you had meetings was to surprise her.  Not one of us ever expected you to forget her birthday.”
Hearing this, Jensen felt even worse than before about forgetting your birthday.
“What happened?”
Hanging his head with a sigh, he shrugs.  “I don’t really know.  I guess time went faster than I thought.  I knew filming was coming to an end in a few weeks, but I still didn’t put it together that it was already into June.  Not until I was back on set the next week.”  
“Did you talk to her about it?”
“I meant to.  Guess I had it in my head that I did, but I found her gift in my safe last week.  I never gave it to her.”
“Did she really come up to Toronto to break up with you, like that chick said in the interview?”
He looks up in confusion, before it dawns on him. “You mean Claudia?  I don’t know how she even found out about it.  Jared said he and Gen were hoping things would be better if she came up and saw me, so I guess breaking up wasn’t her intent when she arrived.”
“So something happened when she was there?”
“I guess.”
“Care to elaborate?  Something tells me that’s a big part of the story.”
He gives her a brief recap of that weekend, he had work things, she was on her own.  The group went out for dinner and Kripke ran into her and invited her along.  “I might have been upset about that, and maybe didn’t handle it in the right way,” he finishes up.
“What’s not the right way?”
“I might have pushed her to leave the restaurant.”
“Jensen, you didn’t.  You friggin idiot.”
He nods, “when I got back to the apartment her bag was packed and she was waiting for me.  She said,” he pauses as he wills the tears forming away, “that she couldn’t do whatever us was, didn’t even know what we were anymore.  That she wasn’t important to me.  My life was too busy and she didn’t fit in it anymore.”
“What did you say when she said this?”
“That I didn’t know what she was talking about, and everything I do is for the two of us.”  In a quieter voice he says, “might have told her to be out of the house before I got back too.”
Mack is quiet as she takes in everything he said.  
Jensen continues before she can speak.  “Talked to Jare at the last convention.  He said she’s been hurting for a while, because of how things were.  I never saw it.”
“Wow.  One, you’re an ass.  Two, you didn’t have any inkling she was feeling any of that?  Had she mentioned anything before when you guys talked?”
He hangs his head once again, “That was the other thing they both said, we didn’t talk anymore.”
“Is that true?”
He just shrugs, looking around the room.  His eyes settle on the dvd laying by the tv.  It was the last one you two had watched together.  
“I just always thought you two would be forever,” Mack comments. 
“Me too, already bought the ring.”
“You did?” 
He just nods.
“Are you going to try and fix things?” 
“She deserves better,” he finally mumbles.
Mackenzie doesn’t get anything else out of him.  Leaving him alone for a bit, she works on dusting and vacuuming before coming back to try and get him to go to the grocery store with her, but he won’t leave the couch.  His bags stay by the stairs, and she notices he is on his third beer before she leaves for the store.
Returning an hour later, he is still in the same spot.  The third bottle of beer was the last one in the house, so at least he didn't have anything more to drink while she was gone.  The only thing different is the jar of peanut butter and spoon sitting in front of him.
“Alright, time to take your luggage upstairs.  Come on, let’s move.”
She finally gets him upstairs, and starts on a light dinner while he’s busy.  The rest of the evening is a quiet one.  Mack isn’t sure if she should be surprised or not over how bad he is taking the breakup.  She can’t help but wonder what kind of shape you are going to be in tomorrow.
When your alarm goes off Sunday, it takes a moment for you to realize why you even set it.  Oh yeah, shopping and lunch with Kenzie.  Dragging yourself out of bed you make your way to the bathroom to get ready. 
A text comes through while you are drying your hair.
Mack-I’m almost ready, do you want me to swing by and pick you up?
You- You don’t have to do that.
Mack- I want to, that we can spend more time together.
You- If you’re sure.
After entering your new address you hit send and quickly finish your hair and makeup.  As you are making sure you have everything you need in your purse, there is a knock at the door.  Opening it up, you find a smiling Mackenzie on the other side.  She gives you a hug before walking in and looking around.
“This is…um.  Where’s the rest of it?” she finally asks.
“Good to see you too, Kenz.”
“It’s always good to see you, Y/N.  But seriously, is there more to this place?  I’m standing in the living room and so are your kitchen and bedroom.”
“It’s not that bad,” you defend.  “There’s a pool and a gym that I have access to.”
“I was just checking my purse, then I’m ready.”
Throwing the apartment keys in your bag after locking the door you follow Kenzie out to the car.  She doesn’t ask any questions as she drives to Barton Creek Square, just talks about what she has been up to lately.  After she parks at the JCPenny’s entrance the two of you get out and head inside.  
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Walking through the department store, you browse the first floor before riding the escalator to the second.  Mackenzie is looking through the toddler clothes for her nephew Levi, while you find yourself wondering over to the baby department.  You don’t hear her walk over to you, as you are looking through the bottom shelf.  Noticing the feet beside you, you look up at her sad face.
“What’s wrong?” you question, standing up.
She just shakes her head.
“I’ve known you too long for that, what’s up?”
“It’s just, I didn’t used to think it would be too much longer and I would be picking up these for your and Jay’s baby.  I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up, I just...”
A sad smile spreads over your face, “There have been a few that have caught my eye, where I’ve thought Jens would love this one.  I get it.  Let’s get out of here.”
After both of you pay for the items you picked up, you walk out into the mall’s second story.   Checking out the shops as you pass, nothing catches your eye before you reach the center of the mall. 
Deciding to walk toward the end with Dillard's first, you turn to the right.  Browsing through a few stores, you once again make your way to the middle and head down to the other end.
“California Pizza Kitchen, was down this way right?” Mack asks.
“Yeah, it is.”
“Want to grab lunch?”
You walk down one side and look through those stores before coming back up the other aisle.  You don’t know who you forgot about the store right next door to the restaurant.
Coming up to the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop, you stop.  Kenzie is almost to the restaurant when she realizes you aren’t with her.  Turning around she sees you staring into the previous shop.
“Did you want to go in there first?”
“No, no, I’m good.”  With one last look you make your way over to the restaurant.
As you order drinks and food, Kenzie can pick up on a dip in your mood, just like in JCPenny’s.
“What’s on your mind, and before you say nothing, remember I know you too.”
Giving her a small smile, you look down at the table as you answer.  “I don’t think I’ve made a trip here where I haven’t gone to the Pro Shop and picked something up for Jensen.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“The store?”
She gives you a bitch face, “Oh my god you are as bad as my brother!”
You give her a tight smile and look around the crowded restaurant. “Not here.”
Mack understands what you mean, “Alright, I’ll let it go for now.”
She asks about Walker, and the Netflix mini series that wrapped up.  You ask how Jeremy, her parents, and brother’s family are.  Jensen used to keep you up on all of that.  Conversation died down when the pizza and bread arrived.  The leftovers are boxed up when the two of you are finished and put in a bag to go. 
Having walked the second floor of the mall, you take the escalator down to the first floor to check out those stores.  After browsing Bath and Body Works new scents you manage to leave that store empty handed.  A new pair of workout shoes, and some workout pants are all that catch your attention.  It was obvious to Kenzie, your heart and mind just aren’t into this shopping trip. After a quick stop at the Cheesecake Factory for dessert to go and Soul Popped for some popcorn, the two of you are on your way back to your place. 
Jensen receives a call from Jared, while Kenzie is out doing whatever it was she had to do this afternoon.
“Hey man.”
“Hey Jare.”
“Um, So are you back in town?”
“Yeah, got back last night.”
“That’s…that’s good.”
There was a little bit of awkward silence the two of them didn’t usually have.  It seems like they aren’t really sure where their friendship stands.
“Well, Tom keeps asking about you, and I told him I would call and see if you wanted to come over and hang by the pool?”
Jensen bites down on his lip as he thinks over the invitation.  It used to be a no brainer, but after the conversation with his sister yesterday he really doesn’t think he can face Y/N right now.
“I miss my little buddy, but I don’t know if today will work.  Kenzie’s in town today.  She had something to go out and do, but I expect her back anytime and I don’t know what she has planned.”
“Oh, alright.  Have a nice time with your sister.”
“Thanks.  Maybe we can take him down to the park he likes one day this week?���  Jensen throws his head back, usually it’s you taking Tom out with him.
“Sure, I’ll check my and Gen’s filming schedule for this week and see what we have going on.”
“Sounds good.”
“Alright, I’ll talk to you later then Jackles.  Have a good one.”
“Thanks Jpad.  See ya.”
Mack pulls into the empty parking spot near your apartment and hops out.  She grabs the leftovers from lunch while you carry the cheesecake and your purchases.  You set the shopping bag on your bed and take the dessert to the kitchen where she is already putting the pizza in the fridge.  She starts opening the few cupboards looking for plates and utensils for the cheesecake.  You help her out before you both move over to the couch.
“Alright now are you ready to talk about it?  And if you even think about saying, ‘about what,’ I’m going to scream.”
Setting the barely touched desert down, you sit back on the couch and look at your friend.  “I guess I just don’t fit in his life anymore.  I think he’s ready to move on to his new co-star anyway.”
“For what it’s worth, I think my brother is a major idiot, but he hasn’t moved on to anyone else.” 
“I was… was just convenient when we were working together in Vancouver.  He never had time to talk anymore.  I had to call him, I think he’s called me once in the last few months.  I went to see him, and other things came up that were more important than spending time together.”  You shrug not sure what else to say.  
“What could have been more important than seeing you?” she questions.
“Going out with his castmates for drinks or golfing.”
“Shit, I’m sorry for all that.  I really am.  Mom and I were so surprised to hear you two broke up.”
You just nod your head. “I wasn’t sure what he’d tell you.”
“We heard from the interview.  Honestly, he has barely talked to any of us lately either.”
“Oh, so you heard I went up there just to break up with him.  That’s not how it happened.”
“I know.”
You stop and stare at her.
“He talked to me a little bit last night about Toronto, and what happened that weekend.  Eventually he told me what he did and what happened.  I don’t blame you at all.”
You can’t help the tears that begin to flow.  Kenzie puts down her plate and scoots closer to wrap you in a big hug.
“I really thought he was it for me, you know,” you manage to get out between sobs.
“I know, I know, honey,” Kenzie squeezes you tighter and curses out her brother in her head.  
When you finally calm down she moves back.  You get up to go wash your face.  She has the television on Hallmark when you return.  The two of you watch the Christmas in July movie in silence while you pick at your cheesecake.
“Okay, but what is the deal with this place?” she finally asks.
You look around and shrug.  “It came fully furnished.  I sold all my furniture when I moved to Texas and in with your brother.”
“You did?”
“Yeah, his house was set.  We didn’t need the hassle of moving more than my clothes and personal items.”
“So that’s why you got this place?”
“Yeah.  And it didn’t need a long term contract.”
“So are you still looking for another place?”
Biting your lip you study the blonde in front of you.  “Can you keep this to yourself?”
“Of course.”
“I’m thinking of moving back to L.A. at the end of the year.”
“What! Why?”
“Because everything here reminds me of your brother.  I just can’t handle being reminded of him all the time.  Being with Jensen was the reason I moved here in the first place.”
“What about Walker?”
“I think I’m going to see if they can scale back how often my character is on.  Maybe be just a guest star or something.”
“Oh wow.”   A minute later she softly asks, “Do you still love him?”
Closing your eyes and shaking your head you almost whisper “I don’t want to.  I shouldn’t, he’s probably already moving on.  I just can’t get that through to my heart.”
There isn’t much more said after that.  The movie neither of you have been paying attention to, finishes, and Kenzie gets up to leave.  She gives you a big hug before descending the steps.
“Call me if you ever need anything.  I’m still here for you, so are my parents.  Love ya girl!” she calls out.
“Thanks Mack.  Same goes for you.  Love you, drive safe!”  You watch her pull out before heading back inside.  Grabbing a bag of popcorn you collapse down on the couch with your Hallmark movies for company.  When the heroine eventually finds her Mr. Right, you can’t help the tears that fall thinking how you lost yours.
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 12
SPNForevers- @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie @deanwanddamons  @emoryhemsworth  @atc74 @sandlee44 @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002 @writercole @440mxs-wife   @nervousfandom @lunarmoon8 @thoughts-and-funnies @downanddirtydean @katelyn--renee​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @lyarr24 @pineapleavocado @siospins2 @deans-spinster-witch ​ @ariesbabe1993​  @graciebear73  @stixnstripesworld​ @spnbaby-67  @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @charmed-asylum​ @winchestergirl2 @jawritter @hobby27 @amyzombie1013  @sexyvixen7 @leigh70 @krazykelly @nancymcl @candy-coated-misery0731 @kmc1989 @supraveng
WIAFA Masterlist
@woodworthti666 @spnfamily-j2 @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @kaz11283 @deans-baby-momma @let-me-luv-you @senjoritanana @itzabbyxx @djs8891 @tmb510 @perpetualabsurdity @mellyie @fiftyshadesgrl @jessicalynnann @prettyinplaid94 @itsdesiree86 @mrsfox79 @backseat-of-deans-67chevy @jamerlynn @jessica-marsh09 @abaker74 @ladysparkles78 @monkey-d-hoshizora98
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Tokyo Revengers but Mikey has the same coping mechanism as Sunny (Omori)
It's an incomplete post so anyone can add things if they want!
'Manjiro' will be used to talk about irl!Mikey while 'Mikey' will refer to Headspace!Mikey
Sanzu is called Haruchiyo and takes on Basil's role (aKa he's important but Mikey doesn't want to either make him tag along/a member of the party or to confine him on the picnic blanket)
'Sanzu' would be The Stranger
Takemichi also has The Stranger role (in timelines where he truly left an impression on Mikey - so probably not in the first two unfortunately)
Shinichiro and Emma both play Mari's role
-> Shinichiro & Takemichi being the only one to call Mikey Manjiro
Senju and Izana share a common role (in Bonten)
The party is made of Toman founding members
Baji, Kazutora, Pah-chin have a dynamic similar to Aubrey and Kel
Draken takes on Hero's role, Mitsuya too, a bit
Draken is the one who takes pictures!!! (like in canon :) )
-> "Did I take this photo? Something about it feels so familiar... No... Emma, she's-"
(Draken has little flags to make Mikey (or other party members) happy during fights)
(Mitsuya is the one who can cook)
Unbread Twins = Kawata Twins (with their ramen shop ofc, no bakery here)
other members are a bit scattered everywhere, mostly the playground ofc (which is a mix of: Toman's gathering place, the playground Baji&Mikey used to play in as children with a huge jungle gym), and the garden and dojo in the Sano house)
There's also the beach which can be reached mostly by Toman members
There's a train but they move around in motorbikes (and Mucho's car)
Motor shop to fix the bikes! Shinichiro can be found there with other BD members :)! (for some reasons, Mikey doesn't like it when Baji and Kazutora are there, so they have to find alternatives to fix their bikes (most of the time they ask another party member to take their bike))
Somehow, Manjiro subconsciously remember the story of Taiyaki-kun so there's a lake where Taiyaki-kun lives (he wants to leave but he can't :( )
It's the dreamworld so everyone is happy and has good relationships with everyone else
Somwhere there's a plane. It doesn't fly, but it's there, lying on the ground. It mustn't broke. (when it does, it leads to Blackspace) (Sanzu always tries to lead Mikey here)
Manjiro/Mikey don't fear a lot of things but things that may upset/trigger them are: mirrors/any type of reflection; whenever he sees a plane (won't make him go back to Whitespace but it's really close sometimes); (people needing to go to the) hospitals (no matter if it's bc they're sick or badly hurt) & probably other things but they don't come to mind sorry
Mikey's 'Something' is just.. everyone. They're all horrifying in a different way, but each person Mikey has failed haunts him (emphasis on Izana & Senju during Bonten)
The Somethings telling him 'I love you' in Blackspace 🥹
Important flowers would be black lilies (curse), and red and white spider lilies at the very end :) (Red spider lilies symbolizing the inability to meet again, farewell, death, loss, abandonment and White spider lilies symbolizing rebirth, meeting (anew), purity)
Also poppies since in Hanakotoba they can symbolize fun-loving and success, and in the more Western flower language they symbolize peaceful sleep and death, remembrance/remembering the fallen and renewal/resurrection among other things
(not a flower professional - just did some google researches so be careful with what I'm saying)
Old blanket
NES (that he irl has in his bedroom and must hold a lot of memories of family/friends game night)
Mewo being replaced by Peke-j? But Mikey is not close to Peke-j(/not that close from Chifuyu (unlike other ppl)) from what we know. Peke-j could also be used as a way to show how guilty Manjiro is about Baji (and Chifuyu? Kazutora?)
moto figurines laying around? Little flags?
Probably wouldn't have a laptop
The journal+drawings stay tho. He deserves to vent
Deserves to keep the tissue box and cry, too
Mikey goes in and out of it; he never chooses if he pops up in Whitespace, Dreamworld or Blackspace. It depends on how is his mind irl. There are also some places where he can directly enter it (ex: whenever the Concorde is broken)
Haruchiyo keeps dying. Or having his lower jaw removed out of nowhere (also happens in headspace -> leads Mikey to go back to Whitespace on the spot)
If we do put Peke-j in this AU as Mewo replacement, which choice do you think Mikey would make in the Cat dissection room with our dear mister the Cat Butler? /genuine
The three first timeline are very similar. Senju and Haruchiyo/Sanzu have a lesser role here. In the 3rd/Bad Toman, Kazutora is here and is hurt less by Mikey (whereas if he ever is present in the two firsts, Mikey won't be merciful)
"You loved them and you killed them. You should just die." — hits more in this timeline than any other
Rather than Manjiro completely loosing against Mikey; there's a feeling of acceptance at the end of their fight from both parts. They can't go back, but they can't go further either.
Plus, Manjiro never fought for a will to live to start with
Actually I'm not sure if there'd be a fight to start with
Izana, S62 & Kakucho are not present in the headspace of this timeline
there's an entire space dedicated to Senju and Izana. It's filled with always-falling snow and everlasting sakura; the party can make snowmen and other snow constructions! There's a pond with a giant majestic beta fish somewhere, too (maybe it could interact with Taiyaki-kun, maybe not)
Edit: They live in a snow castle
those two are either safe in this place (*cough* until the snow and sakura start to get tainted by blood out of nowhere and they disappear and the flowers wilt *cough* The snow melts a bit under the warmth of blood and suddenly it's less a childhood joy and more just... Hellishly cold. bc the cold refuses to leave ofc *cough*) or with Shinichiro and Emma on the picnic blanket. Kakucho is always found around Izana so he can be found in the snow, too! (He's the one staying there when Izana & Senju disappear; he's panicking and extremely worried)
*cough* canonical Oyasumi ending *cough*
Timeline where the Somethings are the most troublesome and present
eat irl then go puke in the toilet
sleeps less and sleeps badly
Kanto Manji & Final timeline:
Still developing, mostly Whitespace
Mikey and Manjiro are not two different entities yet - Manjiro is not at that point where he suppresses all of his traumas when he's in the Dreamworld as Mikey
not a great emphasis on Senju since she doesn't die, but she's still there, having a lesser role
Draken, on the other hand- (it doesn't last long anyway since he travels back in time no long after)(I mean. it's still three months so maybe it's a bit long)
The "I have to tell you something"-timeline/ending, if there has to be one
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
can you do when yn invited them to a party at their house (its a vacation day) and their is jumphouse and yn is fighting the little kids that want to fight her and ominis,sebastian, and Gareth doesn't know what to do
A/N: This is the silliest thing I have ever written and I love it!!! Since bouncy houses weren't a thing in this era, I have changed it to a playground. Thank you for requesting <3
Ominis Gaunt:
Mans didn't honestly want to be there in the first place. I mean he loves you and is honored you invited him to your house! He goes, but he is too introverted to be excited about it.
Until he hears you yelling.
It's coming from the direction of the playground and he is slightly worried. Is someone picking a fight? So he sets his drink down and leaves the comfort of the backyard to come find you.
And when he finds you in the midst of an argument with a small child, he is even more confused.
"Ominis, this little brat is insisting he can beat me at quidditch! He doesn't believe I play for the school, back me up here!"
Okay he isn't expecting it. So Ominis just sighs and shakes his head. "They do play for Hogwarts, but I am sure you are very good. Maybe you can play for Hogwarts and beat them when you go!" Kids are not his forte in the slightest but he's actually really good with them.
The kid just rolls his eyes but he walks away. "wow, MC, that was-" and then ANOTHER kid comes up and punches you in the knee. Of course he can't see it but he recognizes the uneven footsteps of a small child, and he recognizes your gasp of pain.
"What even...?" Ominis takes you by the arm and leads you out of the playground before you can get ambushed by more children.
Sebastian Sallow:
He was on the playground with you! Your little cousin asked him to play with them and of course he couldn't resist. He loves kids!
So they are playing a game of tag when he hears you yelling. This is Sebastian we are talking about, and he goes into guard dog boyfriend mode. Mans marches right up prepared to fight and to his shock it's a group of little kids that are circling you.
"Call us pipsqueaks again, why don't you!?" One of them sneers. He finds it kind of cute...until he realizes that you're not treating this like a game.
"You are pipsqueaks! Give me back my wand!" And you're trying to kick at the swarm of kids without kicking hard enough to hurt one.
"Hey!" Sebastian shouts, and all the attention goes to him. "I'll make a deal! If you let MC go, I will personally make sure they never call you a pipsqueak again!"
The kids murmur to each other before shaking their heads at Sebastian. "Okay. I will give you...this!" He produces a package of Chocolate frogs from his bag.
This time, the kids go for it, tossing you your wand and diving for the frogs.
"MC, what the hell?" He smiled in exasperation. "I'm the one usually in trouble, and with adults!"
"They took my wand." Is all you offer, even though Sebastian suspects there is more to the story. "Okay. Well, then that's reasonable."
Garreth Weasley
Even though he isn't too fond of kids, Garreth has grown up with a house full of siblings. So he definitely knows how to handle them.
And when you guys are taking a stroll through the park, he shares your annoyance when a little kid runs up and hugs your leg. "Come play!" He yells. And when you politely turn him down he gets angry.
And you, being the hothead you are, takes the bate. "I am not a loser for not wanting to play with a brat."
"You're a loser for not wanting to play!"
The little debate goes on until the little kid kicks you in the shin. "Oh, it's on!" You yell, but Garreth pulls on your sleeve before you can retaliate.
"Hey kid, get lost, Or I'll tell your mom you just kicked her!"
The little kid's eyes widened and he took off.
"Um, can we go walk somewhere else?" Garreth asks with a slightly confused look.
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tpwkluv · 2 years
it's the little things | s.h. x reader
Tumblr media
Summary: Tina's infamous Halloween party leads to the revelation that your best friend is in love with you, and all of the implicit moments that led to it.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings/Tags: none?, fluffy, semi-angst, broken-hearted steve, friends to lovers, late night hang outs, some smoochin', no uses of Y/N, no descriptions of reader
A/N: hey... tumblr? (who am i supposed to address when I have no ST mutuals or followers T-T) i've missed writing, so i pumped out a little friends to lovers piece with my main squeeze, Steve Harrington. hopefully this makes someone's day brighter because i sure had a blast writing it. If you have any suggestions, want tagged in future pieces, have any requests, or are just looking for a friend: let me know! feedback is always welcome and appreciated.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your best friend, Steve Harrington’s, moment of realization that he was in love with you was an unforgettable one. You’d gone through life together. The two of you almost joined to the hip ever since you showed up in Miss Miller’s 2nd grade class in a faded Scooby Doo t-shirt. After that, it was a jumbled mess of shared tapioca pudding when parents forgot to pack lunches, shared icees at the Shell gas station down the block, and late night talks on the phone when one of you were lonely. You’d been the one to console him when he scrapped a knee at the playground, and now you were the one to hold him after Nancy Wheeler broke his heart at Tina’s Halloween party.
“Steve, where are you going?” you ask, trying to speak loud enough for him to hear, but quiet enough to keep the situation between you two. 
Furrowed brows and darkened eyes plaster his face as he walks out the front door. While his eyes were normally like that of golden boughs with moss hidden in the frost cracks, they appear now to be more like that of burnt umber. The man was not known to leave parties early. Especially when the booze was free, the music was loud, and his girlfriend was available to be shown off. Nancy may have not been popular, but their being together sure caused a whirlwind of eyes, and Steve was never one to turn down attention.
“Steve! Can you slow down?” you huff as you follow him, rushing towards the BMW. “You know, you’re my ride here, right?”
The dim street light glows just enough to show the solemn look on his face.“Yeah, yeah. I know,” he mutters. “Just get in the car so we can go, alright?”
“Shouldn’t we wait for Nancy? She kinda came wit—“
Steve’s irritation is becoming more apparent as he barely let you start speaking before interrupting, “No, she’s getting a ride from her boyfriend.” A mix of pain and anger dripping off the last word. “Now get in the car, or your walking home.”
“Boyfriend? Steve, what the hell are you talking about?” you query, tilting your head to the side with confusion. “You are her boyfriend? Apparently you snuck drinks when we weren’t looking.”
“Will you just get in the damn car?” Steve snaps. An apologetic look glazes over his eyes before turning from you and getting into the car. ‘We can talk about this later.”
Steve was never really quick to anger. Of course he was prone to outbursts of irritation. All that was needed was one smart comment from Dustin or Max, but to get a true rise of anger out of him? Well, you really had to push his buttons. As you fall into the passenger’s seat, however; it’s clear that Steve is more upset than you’d seen him in a while.
The furrowed brows, clenched jaw, and white knuckles on the steering wheel have now been replaced with a softer countenance. His eyes seem to return to their normal caramel state, now tinged with a hint of sadness. Confusion has taken the backseat in your mind and gives way to pangs of concern. You’ve never seen Steve so torn up. Not when Tommy H made fun of him for admitting he is supposed to wear glasses. Not back in middle school when he won you a stuffed panda at the county fair only for a larger teen to snatch it from you. And not even when his father had told him he was the biggest disappointment to ever happen in his life.
Turning to face Steve, you place your hand atop his, and ask, “Hey, do you want to talk about it? We don’t have to or anything. I just want you to know I’m here, okay?”
He stares down at the wheel before quietly answering, “I don’t wanna talk about it right now,” knuckles tightly gripping the wheel again as if what had happened was running through his mind all over again. “I don’t really want to be alone either though. Do you wanna come back to mine and do something? My parent's are still out on that trip in Tulsa.”
“Alright, how about we go to Aldi’s, get way too many snacks, and watch Footloose for the hundredth time? You, me, Kevin Bacon, the best movie soundtrack, and loads of sweets? I don’t think you could turn this down, Harrington.” You smile at him, holding out hope that at least a bit of humor and company can lift his spirits.
The smallest smirk began to form on his face as his hands relax. “Oh, now how could I ever turn that down, darlin’,” Steve answers, turning the car on and driving onto the street. Despite the light joke, the words were thrown together with a bittersweet tone.
Steve’s parents had left him with a sour taste on his tongue when it came to love. His parents were cold and distant. Not only with him, but also with each other. Mr. Harrington’s frequent work trips had almost always turned into affairs, which quickly lead the Mrs. accompanying him. Steve was often left with a weekly allowance for food and other necessities; however, the freedom of a teen with an empty house only held excitement for so long before the loneliness set in. This is when he would call you.
In middle school, it was a call followed up by a bike ride to the nearest park. You’d push Steve gently on the swing, and he’d vent about how his dick father left on another trip and won’t be back until god knows when. “Yeah, it’s cool at first to have a house all to yourself, but I don’t know,” he’d start, craning his neck to face you. “It just gets lonely after a while. That huge house and knowing no one was in the next room if I needed them. Hell, even if I wanted them.”
In high school, it was a call to invite you over for a party. Long nights of drinking anything you and your classmates could scrounge up, smoking out by the pool until the lights were hazy, and dancing way too close to music that was way too loud with people that were way too old to be at a high school party. Those were the nights when Steve was angry. The ones when he felt homesick, though? Those called for a night in with a classic movie, snacks, and late night talks about life.
The fluorescent lights of the Aldi’s parking lot pull you out of the past. The night is cool as you step out onto the pavement, your costume not doing much to shield you from the crisp autumn night. No one wears jackets with their costumes; especially not sexy camp counselors running from Jason Voorhees. The shutting of the car door breaks the quiet buzzing of the storefront’s LED sign, and you realize Steve is already walking towards the tanned brick building. Quickly following suit, you close your door and jog up to him. 
As you approach, he mindlessly pulls up his Levi’s causing the black blazer and t-shirt to lift slightly. You find yourself staring as a small breeze causes goosebumps to ghost across his freckle-bathed waist. Jeans hugging tight in all the right places, perfectly showcasing his long legs. Just because he’s your best friend doesn’t mean you don’t know beauty when you see it, and Steve Harrington is the epitome of effortless beauty. Despite the hair of course. That was a half hour process. Minimum.
“You gunna sit there and eye fuck me all night, or are we going to get some snacks?” Steve chuckles, the smirk on his face ever growing. You can feel your cheeks heat up from the sudden realization of being caught.
“Hey, it stared at me first. What’d ya do? Raid Billy’s closet for his tightest pair of blue jeans?” you shoot back with a raised eyebrow. Playful banter is one of the many staples of your friendship, and boy, oh boy, did you both put your all into it, on most occasions anyway. This one was just left with a soft chuckle followed by a “Fuck you.”
The automatic doors glide open to reveal the worn out linoleum floor marked with years of scuff marks and spills. You grab one of the blue baskets off the tower, and make your way through the aisles. You pause in front of the chip display, pondering which choice to go with.
“Pringles or Doritos?” you ask. “And if Doritos: sour cream and onion or nacho cheese?”
“Definitely nacho cheese,” he responds, grabbing the bag and walking further down the aisle. “I don’t want to have to smell your breath all night if we get the others.”
“Oh shut up, you ass. Newsflash, your breath would smell just as bad”
“Not even. I have never once had bad breath.”
“HA!”, you laugh, a smile planting itself on your face. “Someone clearly doesn’t remember first day of 6th grade when we met at the bus stop and you literally made Melissa puke because you didn’t brush your teeth for most of the summer.”
Steve turns on his heels to face you, his face pragmatic and unmoving as he quietly responds, “I told you to never bring that up again.” He pauses, and starts walking back towards you before continuing, “I will get on this intercom and tell all of these shoppers about how you shit your pants walking home, last year.”
The smile falls from your face. “Don’t you even dare, Steve,” you growl, “That’s not fair and you know it. I was sick! You were just a teenage boy.”
Steve starts walking towards the sweets while chuckling to himself “Yeah, but they don’t know that.” He turns back to see you still standing there staring at him with a stunned look on your face. “You know I won’t do that,” he reveals grabbing your hand, “Come on, we’ve got some candy to pick out.”
You soon head back to the car with a bag of Doritos, Razzles, Starburst, and Miller Lite. Steve’s charm is good for some things; like never being carded. Well, at least when it was a middle-aged woman working the checkout.
It’s a quick drive back to Steve’s house, and soon enough you’re both laying down watching Footloose with your head on one arm of the couch and Steve’s on the other. Try as you might to focus on the film, you can’t help but find your eyes flitting back to Steve. Even with the cheap beer making your gaze heavy, it’s easy to tell his mind is elsewhere. Gently turning your foot into his arm, you ask, “You okay, Stevie? I know that’s a dumb question, but I can tell you’re distracted. Need anything? Another beer? Hair rubs? More red Starburst?”
“I think I’m all beered out for the night,” he chuckles. “Hair rubs sound nice though.”
You slide up on the couch and Steve settles his head into your lap. The low light of the tv causes an ethereal glow to fall across his face, his eyes getting heavier with each pass of your hand through his hair. He could always count on you to keep him grounded. You count the freckles on his face, mindlessly playing with his tousled tresses. “You know they say that beauty marks are the spots where you were kissed the most by your lover in your past life,” you babble, the beer clearly evident in your system. “You must have never had a free moment.”
You can feel Steve chuckle below you. “Staring at me again are we, darling?” he titters. “What can I say? I’m a king in every lifetime.” You grant him a small chuckle before gently patting his face.
“What? You know it’s true,” he sputters, laughing as he gently elbows you.
“I get it Steve, you’re a very handsome man,” you chide as you pull his cheeks like a child. He grabs your hand and places it back on his head, signaling for you to continue. You begin to run your hands through his chestnut hair once more and watch the movie through still heavy eyes. Only a few minutes later you can feel Steve tense up again but decide to keep quiet this time.
“Nance said that she doesn’t love me,” he sighs out a few moments later, eyes still fixed on the TV. You don’t say anything, not wanting to interrupt. He continues, starting to sit up, “She said that I’m bullshit because I don’t care that we killed Barb, and that our whole relationship is just bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.”
“Oh, Stevie,” you murmur before pulling him into a hug. “You are not bullshit, okay? If anything she’s bullshit. She used you to break out of her life of boring normalcy.” She’s been through a lot, and she’s handled it well; however, her treatment of your best friend? That is where she rubbed you wrong. You could tell he was falling hard, and she just seemed to love the attention with no means to reciprocate. 
“No, she’s right,” he interjects, pulling back to sit against the couch. “I am bullshit. All I ever cared about was keeping my reputation as King Steve and acting like an ass with Tommy H. I cared more about that than making Nance happy.” He stops talking and turns away, his eyes tearing up.
“Key word being was, Steve,” you huff, “Were you an asshole? Without a doubt. How many times did I put your ass in check for that? But you’ve become a different person after we got Will back. She can’t continue to hold that against you.”
He looks at you while you’re speaking, but you can tell he doesn’t believe the sentiment behind your statements. You grab both sides of his face and pull your foreheads together. With knitted brows and closed eyes, you speak softly, “Stevie, look at me and actively listen to what I’m saying.” It breaks your heart to think of all the changes he has made just to make her happy, and she has done nothing to acknowledge it.
Your eyes begin to brim with tears, and as you open them to look up at him through wet lashes, you speak from the heart, “We’ve all done things we aren’t proud of. That’s just a fact of life, but you are not that person anymore. You dropped Tommy H and Carol, and even saved Nancy and Jonathan’s ass from a Demagorgon when you were there to apologize. You have been trying so hard to make an effort in rekindling your relationship and her happiness. I mean, didn’t you take her to that party so she could get her mind off everything? All you have ever done in your life is try and prove yourself to the people you love, but love shouldn’t be conditional. It isn’t conditional. You are enough just the way you are right now, okay? I can’t be more serious,” you finish, closing your eyes once again.
This isn’t the first time you’ve had a heart-to-heart, but you can only see Steve tear himself apart for so long. He was dealt a shitty hand in life, and you tried your best to make it better. After a moment of silence, you feel his hand cup your tear-stained cheek.
“Look at me,” he speaks softly, voice barely above a whisper. “Please, dear,” his voice lacking the usual confidence. Slowly you pull your head back and look at him. His eyes dart back and forth between your own with a look of apprehension. Steve subconsciously wets his lips as he looks down at your own. Your feel a lump in your throat as you swallow hard, eyes meeting his once again. The mixture of alcohol and vulnerability lie thick in the air as your heads slowly drift closer to one another, and soon enough your noses brush.
“Steve,” you whisper, voice full of hesitancy and confusion. Hesitant on the part that this was your best friend who was still in a relationship despite this evening’s events. Confusion on the part that this was your best friend. But if he were just that, then why was your heart hammering against your chest?
His eyebrows furrow, as if distressed by your response. “Yeah?” he whispers back, slightly dejected. 
You stay like this, unsure of how long has passed. Seconds? Minutes? Then, you hear him sigh. With hope you aren’t misreading the current situation, you say under your breath, “Kiss me.” You feel him draw back slightly and your heart falls to your stomach just before his lips are crashing into yours. His lips fit perfectly into your own as if this were a habitual pleasure, bodies hand-crafted for each other. His soft, cherry flavored lips moving in such perfect motion with yours.
He draws your bottom lip into his mouth and bites gently, earning a soft whimper from you. He melts into the moan, slipping his tongue into your mouth as you return the favor. His hands fall across the nape of your neck, deepening the kiss and pulling you into him. You both soon pull back to catch your breath, and your vision is full of stars. He takes your hands in his and once again rests his forehead against your own.
“Well that was unexpected,” you chuckle.
“I just couldn’t help myself. I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t apologize, Steve. I asked for it.”
His hazel eyes meet yours once more. “I’ve never had someone care for me as much as you, and I’m kicking myself for not realizing it sooner.”
“Steve, I don’t think it’s a big surprise that I care for you. I’ve cleaned more scraped knees and alcohol-stained houses than I can count,” you remark.
“I’m quite aware of that, darling,” he answers bemused. Taking a deep breath, he starts again, “I mean, realizing that I love you.”
Once again, the boy’s words send a fire straight to your cheeks. “Oh,” you manage to choke out, taken aback from the confession. Although, you’re not quite sure why you’re surprised. You suppose the feelings had been there all along.
“You don’t have to say it back, okay? I mean, I’m still with Nancy, so really I shouldn’t have even kissed you,” he rambles, filling with embarrassment over what he confessed and your small reaction.
“I just—” he sighs, rubbing the back of his neck before continuing, “I don’t want this to ruin us. I mean, our friendship, ya know?”
“How could this ruin anything, Steve?,” you ask him, caressing his cheeks. “We have always been close, and I suppose I just mistook our love as platonic. Maybe it did start there, but tonight, after that kiss, I care for you in more ways than one.”
Now it was his turn to burn, the pink tinge crawling up his cheeks. There was a shared look of longing, a decades worth of love buried beneath the ruse of friendship.
“How did I ever get so lucky to have you in my life?” He asks, a smile growing.
“Oh now, Steve,” you grin, “I don’t think barreling through kids to get me to sit next to you in class counts as luck.”
“Well, if you weren’t wearing that Scooby t-shirt I probably wouldn’t have even talked to you, so consider yourself lucky,” he laughs with a wink.
You roll your eyes at him and lean back on the couch just in time for the credits to start rolling and for Kenny Loggins’ voice to fill your ears:
Looking into your eyes
I know I'm right
If there's anything worth my love
It's worth a fight
We only get one chance
And nothing ties our hands
You're what I want, listen to me
Nothing I want's out of my reach 
You look back over to Steve only to see him smiling at you already. And as the music continues to play, you know that no matter what tomorrow brings, Steve will always be there for you like you are for him.
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yvonnesrespite · 14 days
❧ Late to your appointment, sweets? ❧
➵ MDNI; This blog is 21+  ➵ OOC Disclaimer: This is a gimmick blog as Yvonne from the game Love and Deepspace, and is not officially affiliated with the studio which created the game. The blog was merely created for recreational purposes!
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❥ Rules
Don’t ask for medical advice. Mun isn’t in the medical field. Take any medical advice/content with multiple grains of salt.
Be respectful of mun and myself. We’re people. Mun is a person behind a screen and you don’t own her, and definitely not me either. Treat us as we are; like people, and certainly do not forget that there is a HUGE and THICCC line between fiction and reality.
All ships and interactions that occur on this blog are all in separate universes. This means that if I (Yvonne) am pursuing someone romantically in one rp, then you cannot have your character cry about it in your own rp with me. If you get butthurt about seeing me in other roleplays with other people, or interacting with a character you admire, that’s your problem. Not ours.
We will not roleplay with canon characters or ocs from other franchises. This limits confusion on our end and yours.
Any heavy/potentially triggering subjects (such as anything considered “dead dove”) in asks or any interactions will most likely be ignored or promptly deleted, and your account will be blocked.
NSFW content will be allowed on this blog but it is highly preferred to pace things at a reasonable rate and have a SFW interaction first. At the very least discuss it OOC first.
In addition to so, you must be 21+ to interact with this blog.
We are usually busy on the weekends, and some replies may take up to 3-4 days. If you have not heard from us after that time frame has passed, you can respectfully reach out to us.
Your asks must be in English and coherent enough for us to comprehend and respond too. Otherwise we will delete or ignore the interaction.
We prefer literate roleplay, but we will try to accommodate to other styles so long as the English is proficient and it’s comprehensible.
If you read the whole post and not just up until here, respond to this post with your thoughts or feelings about the Shrek franchise.
Due to the lack of official content on myself in the game, please remain respectful and understand that mun’s interpretation of myself is based on her judgement of my character in my 10 seconds of Mike Wazowski style screen time. 
Introduce any new characters or yourself if you are trying to roleplay with us for the first time. Whether it’s a character’s name, alias, or an emote so that we can keep track of our interactions.
Don’t god-mod (controlling Yvonne in your rp) with us. We’ll cringe and halt the interaction right there.
Do not feed any content we write or art we share into any AI engines, and credit us properly. If we find evidence of this, we will ask for it to be taken down, or in rare and intense cases seek out legal action, as mun’s work is protected by Canadian Copyright law.
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❥ Post and Ask Tags
Info and Rules: ♡ respitesrules
Posts About/From Mun: ♡ nurse off duty
Posts About/From Yvonne: ♡ lnds yvonne
Textposts and Thoughts: ♡ yvonne's diary
All Asks: ♡ akso askbulance
Akso Staff Interactions: ♡ akso staff shenanigans
Akso Gossip: ♡ akso tea time
Ships: ♡ one steep forward, ♡ greYv train, ♡ jermvonne
Anon Asks: ♡ [emoji/name] spillin' tea
All Roleplays: ♡ lnds rp, ♡ nurse yvonne's rps, ♡ open rp, ♡ closed rp
Interactions with Canon Characters: ♡ dr grey's blue skies; drgreysonmd, ♡ jer’s lavender lullabies; jeremiahofphilo, ♡ dr zayne’s twilit tundras; zayne-snowman, ♡ astra’s poutings; sasstras-gaze, ♡ caleb’s crabapples; caleb-pilot, ♡ talia’s crystalline nocturnes; talia-sings, ♡ nero’s wanderer empire; wandererenthusiast1, ♡ the getaway caw; just-a-normal-crow, ♡ raf’s resonant infernos; flamesque
Roleplay Starters: ♡ defibroleplaytor charge
Fics, Drabbles, and Headcanons: ♡ gauze and glitter pens
Muse/Inspo: ♡ musings to mend
Group Tags: ♡ linkon playground
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❥ About Me! (Yvonne's Info)
Physical Appearance: Fair skin, hazel/amber eyes, chestnut coloured hair with a side-swept fringe in various styles, and my usual scrubs or y2k fashion.
Personality: What you wish you could be, lol. Witty, playful, and honestly a bit blunt or snippy sometimes. If you deserve the roasting, you’ll get it. Don’t dish what you can’t take, babes.
Occupation: Akso’s prettiest nurse, duh. Cardiac surgery department and sometimes chilling at the front desk.
Canon Relationships: Colleagues with Dr. Zayne and Dr. Greyson. A little gossip about the MC but only brief interactions.
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❀ Doctor Zayne ~ @zayne-snowman  ✩ Doctor Greyson ~ @drgreysonmd  ♡ Crow ~ @just-a-normal-crow ❀ Rafayel ~ @flamesque ✩ Xavier ~ @xavier-starlight ♡ Jeremiah ~ @jeremiahofphilo ❀ Thomas ~ @thomasicism ✩ Jenna ~ @unicorns-captain ♡ Nero ~ @wandererenthusiast1 ❀ Astra ~ @sasstras-gaze ✩ mc ~ @aethercodeevol
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➵ This post will be updated as more info comes out and if important things change/come up, or if mun sees typos/errors lmao
➵ Divider art by mun, aka mahalkitart, aka "mahalkitheart" here on Tumblr.
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juniperss · 3 months
“Days Between”
Jinny {OC} x Eugene Sledge
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Author’s note: uh yeah this wasn’t supposed to turn into a story but here we are…..I’m so normal about the childhood best friends to lovers trope with Eugene. I had this song on repeat the entire time I was writing
Tagging: @rosies-riveters (pls lemme know if you don’t wanna be tagged that’s totally fine LOL)
Content warnings: none
Word count: 1,580
“You’ll write when you have the time?” Jinny asked, turning her head to the side to peer at Eugene. He was propped up on his elbows and twirling a strand of golden grass between his fingers, the sunlight shining against his face giving him an almost ethereal quality. 
Feeling her eyes on him, Eugene met her gaze and offered what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “ ‘Course I will. It’ll be like I never left.”
But of course that wasn’t true and they both knew it. Besides Sid Philips, Jinny was Eugene Sledge’s closest friend and he was her’s. The absence would be felt strongly and bitterly. It was bad enough that Sidney had already gone and the trio had been cut down to two, but now Eugene was going to leave too and Jinny wasn’t sure what her life looked like without him.  
The grass around them gave them the illusion of shelter from the reality that in just a few days he would be gone for bootcamp and then to war. The fields and woods were their safe place; their childhood playground and teenage hideaways when the responsibilities of everyday life got to be too much. If one of them wasn’t at home it was likely that they could be found here. 
“I’ll miss you.” Eugene spoke to the sky, but the words were meant for her. 
Jinny looked up too, catching sight of a flock of birds taking off. There was so much she wanted to say to him: that she didn’t want him to leave, that she loved him more than a friend should love another and that she had for so long but the words were stuck in her throat and sat there choking her. It would be selfish for her to tell him those things, she chided herself. Telling him not to go when she knew how long he had dreamed of fighting was selfish. And telling him she loved him and risking ruining a friendship before he went to war? So instead she put all of the meaning and desires that made them up and put them into another phrase: 
“I’ll miss you too.”
He was a liar. 
Jinny knew the thought were harsh, unfair, and frankly untrue as soon as they flashed in her mind. She quickly banished it, sending up a “I’m sorry” to the heavens, and retrieved the box of bandages from the top shelf of the supply closet she was currently standing in. 
 Eugene had written, just like he said he would and as often as he could, and with each letter was the confirmation that he was alive. A sweet balm of relief however temporary. The real reason for the stinging pain in her chest was that no amount of letters would truly make up for him not being home. Because she did miss him and she felt it so acutely every moment. She had carefully folded each letter and tucked them into her nightstand to read again and again when her mind refused to stop worrying. And after she had read and reread them, she penned her own letters to him. 
Recounting the mundane aspects of her life had seemed pointless and almost ridiculous when s he first put pen to paper. But the more she wrote and as her life shifted with her job at the hospital and rehabilitation center, the easier it came in sharing everything with Eugene. She hoped the stories about her visits to his parent’s home for dinner, her talks with soldiers during rounds, her ramblings about Sidney’s latest schemes now that he was home, her thoughts about everything and anything might lend the same sense of comfort his letters brought to her. 
Even now as she set to work organizing the boxes meant to be shipped overseas she began drafting a letter to him, one that she knew she would never send. 
“Dear Eugene,  I love you. I can’t wait to take our walks together again and talk. I don’t even care about what we say. I just miss hearing your voice. When you’re home, I’ll tell you that in person, as much as you can bear to hear me say it. Just come home safe, that’s all I want more than anything now or ever. Yours always, Jinny.”
The grass tickled her calves as it moved in the breeze that was sending the trees into a frenzy. It wasn’t as warm as it had been earlier in the day and Jinny was thankful for the reprieve from the constant sweating under its rays. Her eyes closed and arms crossed against her chest she let her mind drift away from the day just like she had when she was younger. Even though Sidney’s return wasn’t enough to erase the ever present stain of Eugene’s absence, having him home was a blessing and made walking their childhood route less bitter. Jinny had missed his constant talking and easy to come by smiles and she found some solace in busying herself with asking details about his upcoming wedding. 
But today she was making the walk by herself since Sidney was busy and just for a few moments with her eyes closed she could almost feel the peace that had been gone since the war began. How much she had changed shocked her when she truly sat down to think about it. She had been so concerned about others and focused on their wellbeing that her own growth and maturity had come as a surprise. She was tougher now in so many ways but a heaviness came with it and sat on her shoulders even as she left work behind for the day. There was still much of herself that she was figuring out. Yet in moments like this, in the silence and the familiarity and in the missing of her friend, she knew that there were still pieces of her old self there that hadn’t changed. 
“Hey, Jinny.”
The air left her lungs like she'd suffered a kick to the chest, mind not quite comprehending who that voice belonged to and how he was there and how it had most definitely come from behind her. She turned slowly as if he was Eurydice and she was Orpheus and looking back would send Eugene’s soul back to  the underworld. 
Because it was Eugene and he was standing right there with his arms at his sides looking so smart in his uniform. She stared, soaking in all of him, searching for signs of how much he changed in the time he had been away. He was skinnier and he looked tired, and there was that bone deep exhaustion that she saw in the face of every soldier she met at the hospital. But she could still see the laugh lines around his eyes and the sun touching his ginger hair making it glow, and she knew that this was her friend even with all that he brought back with him. 
And then she was moving and throwing her arms around him and pulling him into her body. There was the possibility that she was hugging him too tightly but she couldn’t quite bring herself to care as all the fears dissipated with him against her. He was solid and warm and his arms were around her waist now holding just as tightly as she was to him. She could feel cheek against her head and his breathing on her ear, and she wondered if he could feel her tears falling on him. 
“Sorry I didn’t write the last few weeks. I was going to write you one last letter, but I figured I could say it all to you once we were face to face.”
Eugene’s voice was muffled but she could still hear him. There was a half hearted laugh against his shoulder and finally, after another few moments of holding onto each other, Jinny allowed herself to step back. Her hands were still clasping his arms as if he would vanish without her there to anchor. He was smiling now and so was she, reaching up to touch his cheek. “I guess I can let it slide this time.”
His hand covered hers to hold it there. It was calloused and strong, so different from the hands she remembered before. She was surprised to see him looking at her with the same curiosity and searching that mirrored her own. He was trying to see the parts of her that had changed and fill in all the pieces of what her letters did not tell him about what he had missed of her life. Eugene swallowed hard and shook his head, still smiling. 
“I love you Jinny Collins.”
There were seldom moments in her life that she remembered being too stunned to say something. But standing here with Eugene in her arms Jinny found her mind reeling with his declaration. How many times had Jinny thought those same words? Even before he had left, she had dreamt of saying them to him.  How many times had she thrown away a draft of a letter that had those three words written carefully at the end? She had loved him for so long. And he loved her?  She cupped his cheek in her hand and stared up at him with teary eyes and uttered the phrase that she wished she had said the last day they were together in the field of grass: 
“I love you too.”
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tumsa · 1 year
thrown into your tide
you know that "kitten i'll be completely honest, daddy is a fucking mess" meme? that's me, i have been a fucking mess for the past three days, and apparently, when i am a mess, i take it out on my blorbos.
have some ken/big stuff
summary: He wonders how it would feel to look at Big and not feel like his heart was slowly carved hollow, one glance at a time. warnings: canon-typical stuff, pining, feeling untethered inspired by @aikinn tags, specifically this one: #the Ken who loves Big who loves Kinn line of unrequited pain and suffering is something that can be so personal (and @snarkspawn‘s lovely art accordingly)
- - -
Sometimes Ken misses the time when Big hated him, looked at him with sharp annoyance, a slight snarl on his lips, and rolled his eyes when Ken spoke. He misses looking at Big and thinking: I want to punch you, you fucker. Feeling furious was much easier than feeling invisible. Feeling not enough, never enough.
He wonders how it would feel to look at Big and not feel like his heart was slowly carved hollow, one glance at a time. How would it feel not to hear Big laughing and have the barbed wire wrapped around his insides tighten. Ken knows he is a sore loser, never mastered the art of being okay with not being first, and so it eats at him; the void in him grows and grows, and it hungers, and it wants, and Ken doesn't know how to soothe it. 
"Do you ever wish," he asks, rubbing a bite mark he left on Big's shoulder gently, as if he could erase it with his fingertips, "that you felt differently?"
"No," Big says, and if there was a light on, Ken thinks he could see the small, gentle smile on Big's face that nobody outside of their room ever sees. "I am happy just to be near him, to protect him."
Ken hums. He wishes it was enough for him.
- - -
It begins with Chan yelling at both of them for breaking the sacred rules of peace, "no fights between bodyguards", and being childish. It's Ken's second week on the job, and he has finally lost it and punched Big in the face. The pained whimper that Big had made before pulling a gun and aiming it at Ken's chest had been glorious.
"I will not have this," Chan's voice is snappy and cold, as his eyes throw daggers at both Big and Ken, "this is not a playground. I am giving you one last chance to fix this."
He walks them to Big's room, opens the door and waits for them to get inside, pushing Ken when he is too slow to move. 
"You have until Monday," Chan says, closes the door and then locks it. He adds through the now-closed door: "If you break the lock, I will know. If either of you dies, I'll kill the other too."
"But-" Big protests pointlessly, then shuts his mouth and turns to face Ken, scowling. There's a red mark on his face where Ken's knuckles met his skin, and it makes Ken gleeful. 
"Nice one," Ken says because Big does not know how not to show emotions on his face, and right now, he looks like one of those small, angry dogs that old ladies put in their handbags. 
"Fucking great," Big says, kicking the door, "it's all your fault."
"No, mate, that's all you for being such a dick."
It's funny to watch Big reaching for his gun, only to realize that it's not there, that Chan didn't give it back. 
"Well," Ken says, because he doesn't actually want to die, and he can see Big eyeing a collection of knives on his wall, "give me a tour. Are we sharing a bed?" 
He winks, changing his mind because getting stabbed might be worth seeing Big all flustered. And then, because Big is no fun at all, he sits down on the sofa, turning away from Ken.
- - -
By Saturday, Ken thinks getting shot by Chan might be a relief. It's not the multiple fights they have had in the past two days (although Ken's ribs feel bruised and sore, and his split lip burns). It is boredom. Someone, probably Arm by Chan's request, has turned off their access to the internet so they cannot watch anything on the TV, and they are not allowed to have phones or computers, and Big has nothing else in his room that is even remotely entertaining, so Ken is dying. He can feel the time moving agonizingly slowly. Every minute feels like an eternity, and Ken might just kill Big so Chan can end the misery.
"Shoot me," he says, from where he is lying on the carpet and staring at the ceiling.
"I wish," Big unexpectedly replies, and his voice has no heat in it. They have not talked to each other outside of insults. 
"How did humans survive without the internet," Ken wonders, not for the first time. "What did they do all day?"
"Fuck if I know," apparently, they are talking now. 
Except Ken doesn't know what to say, they are not friends and have nothing in common. None of Chan's bodyguard lessons or videos included the "How to talk with your annoying coworker" tutorial.
"My grandparents play board games," Big breaks the silence. "Not that I have any."
Ken sighs, his eyes travelling down the shelf across him, full of Big's stuff. They stop at a bottle of whiskey.
"Or," he says, grinning, "we could get drunk."
- - -
"I love you, man," Ken is wheezing with laughter hours, days, or weeks later when they have emptied two bottles of whiskey and popped open a random champagne bottle.
Big is grinning on the sofa next to him. He's wearing a stupid "I <3 New York" shirt that makes Ken giggle even more. 
"That's it," Big finally slurs, looking pleased, "that's how I got the job."
"Fucking legend," Ken says, and he would clap Big on the shoulder if his arms cooperated a bit better. "If I were you, I'd sleep with my eyes open."
Big makes an agreeing noise. "I did, for like a year. He still might kill me."
From what Ken has heard about Khun Vegas in the two weeks he has been in the main family's house, he really might. 
"You'll die a hero," Ken says, looking at Big and bursting into laughter again. 
Big is fucking awesome.
- - -
Ken doesn't know who is more surprised that they both make it out alive by Monday morning, them or Chan. Or maybe it's that Ken is teaching Big how to do a backflip, and they are laughing when he opens the door. The eyebrow rise speaks volumes. 
Ken moves in with Big on Wednesday.
- - -
Ken doesn't know when things change again; there is no whiskey this time. He's used to having Big by his side, used to having Big's back during the missions; within a year, he has learned every Big's strength and weakness, he knows where to cover for him, where to let Big balance out Ken's shortcomings. They quickly go from "Big" and "Ken" to "Big and Ken". Chan takes them on missions together or not at all, and they quickly become Khun Kinn's favourites, trailing him every step he takes outside the mansion. Ken is used to it, even to the ugly parts of it, the parts where Big gets hurt and Ken worries, or parts where Ken gets injured and feels ashamed of not doing better.
It shifts, and it's a sudden, terrifying realization, and the implication of it creeps up Ken's spine like a poison ivy. It's the moment when Big enters their room, eyes wet, face bruised, red, angry finger marks on his cheek, right after he has told Ken he must tell Kinn about his suspicions of Tawan. It's the moment when Big swallows a sob as he slides down the wall, shaking and trying not to cry openly, and Ken thinks I will fucking kill Kinn that it hits him right in the solar plexus and takes his breath away.
"Big," Ken says, and his voice trembles; he feels a little untethered and a lot like the ground beneath him is moving, shifting, falling open.
"He," Big whispers, and the despair in his voice makes Ken sick, "he didn't believe me."
Ken wants to say something, anything, but his voice is drowning; he is drowning. I'm in love with you, he thinks, and the thought is like a match, setting his insides on fire, blazing its way into Ken's stomach, settling in his bones, burning.
"Fuck," he finally says, mumbles, desperate to regain some control.
"What if he dies?" Big asks as he starts weeping, trying to hold his sobs, pressing the back of his palm against his mouth, and Ken feels like someone is slicing his chest open.
"It will be okay," he says because he wants Big to stop crying and fix this somehow; he wants Big to smile and laugh about Ken's dumb jokes. "We will figure it out. I have your back, remember?"
Big nods and tries to smile through tears. Ken reaches an arm out, and Big takes it and lets Ken pull him up. Ken's skin burns under his touch.
- - -
The first time it happens, they are drunk again. They are celebrating a mission gone well. Big cannot stop grinning because Kinn had praised and promoted him to the head of his bodyguards. He looks so happy. Something ugly warms its way into Ken's bones, and yet he cannot stop grinning back.
Big leans and kisses him. It's soft and warm and nothing like kissing anyone Ken has kissed before. The gentle nip on Ken's bottom lip feels like salvation.
Big pulls away and gets up, then reaches for Ken's hand, still smiling. Their fingers lock together, and Ken thinks that for someone more used to holding a gun than anyone's hand, he could get used to it. 
He doesn't care that Big turns off the light, the soft and sweaty heat of his body, the tiny whimpers, squirming, twisting and writhing, all of it outweighs the way Big murmurs and pleads Kinn's name, between the shaky breaths, it almost sounds like Ken's. 
- - -
It happens again and again and again. It messes with Ken's head; he gets more irritable and sulky; something inside him wants to claw its way out, and it scares him. He looks at Kinn sometimes and forgets his job. He looks at Kinn and wonders how it would feel to tear him apart and have Kinn's blood on his hands, slimy and thick. 
He knows it would kill Big, so he stands between Kinn and a knife, between Kinn and a bullet, and between Kinn and the world trying to kill him. He smiles when Big hugs him after another well-done mission and swallows bitter bile when Big's eyes still follow Kinn. 
- - -
"He will never belong to you," Vegas whispers, tempting, "while Kinn is alive."
Ken gives in.
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ffviirarepairweek · 4 months
Hello! What is the definition of rarepair?
I feel this group is overtaken by the same old popular pairs we see everywhere all the time
Hi there, so there’s two parts to your question.
I’m going to address the second part first – that it’s just the same popular pairs being shown. Before your ask arrived in the inbox, I had reblogged the following pairings for this year's event (in no particular order):
I’m also writing requests for Seph/Elfe, Seph/Lazard, Reeve/Vincent, and Biggs/Wedge which will be posted later in the week.
I wouldn’t call that list just all the same popular pairings. If you mean there’s a lot of repeats from previous years of this event, well, yeah. We have a number of repeat participants who, unsurprisingly, still like the same pairings they did last year.
In order for me to share a pairing, someone needs to make content for the event for them (and of course Tumblr has to cooperate in showing it to me, or they can mention to me that it exists – a quick reminder to please do let me know if I’ve been missing your posts, we’ve already found one person who the tag is ignoring > . <) so that I can share it. (Or, someone can request a pairing and I will write something for it to the best of my ability.)
The second part – what is a rare pair.
On the prompt post ( https://ffviirarepairweek.tumblr.com/post/740152122290618368/ffvii-rare-pair-week-2024 ) I have the opening as:
Urban Dictionary defines rarepair as “A ship or pairing that not many people ship or is very rare to find fanfiction and fanart of. Typically happens within small fandoms or with minor characters.”
Of course, people often ask for more specific clarifications because some events are very specific about this. I’ve answered this previously, and this year in this post: https://ffviirarepairweek.tumblr.com/post/740261946911260672/is-there-a-number-of-fics-on-ao3-that-you-are
I’ll copy that reply here as well however:
Obviously there are the big huge pairings that you can’t avoid, and no one is going to mistake them for being rare, and there are some pairings people feel are rare on AO3 but may have had a bigger home on other sites in the past. There’s always debate on what counts as rare. If a pairing has their own currently running active annual event week, then I’d encourage folx to seek those out for those pairings first, as someone is trying to create a space for that pairing already and I’m not trying to take that away (but not everyone knows those are happening either!). My general policy is I’m not going to police a rare pair. At the end of the day, I want folx to have fun and encourage people to create above all.
To further elaborate on that, my goal, as always, in running any event (week or otherwise) is to encourage people to have fun and create for the things they love. To help people find others that share their interests. Maybe introduce others to a pairing they may not have thought about yet, when it comes to rare pair week in particular. I would much rather people feel welcome to create, than sit here looking at every fan site calculating how many entries there is for each pairing and tell someone, sorry, your pairing has x number more things than another, so you’re not welcome in the playground. My table has enough room for us all to sit at for show and tell.
I'll try to be better with tagging the pairings so you can ignore the pairings you don't like for the rest of the week - I was working off mobile the last couple days to post things more frequently. That's on me. If there's something particular you need tagged, you can always send in an ask or message me directly.
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rubykgrant · 1 year
OK, here's my pitch for a live-action "grown-up" PPG series (which should still not exist, but let's pretend for a minute~). It begins opening to a slow sunrise of- The City Of Townsville! We even hear the classic Narrator (still Tom Kenny, come on). We never fully see this narrator, but we do see the lower half of his face as he talks and describes what's happening in the city (think of the DJ, Lynne Thigpen, from Warriors or Mister Señor Love Daddy from Do The Right Thing). As the light brightens, people drive and walk around, going to work, and dropping off their at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten.
The screen shows a split of two different things happening simultaneously; one side is little kids putting their backpacks in their cubbies, taking off their shoes, and sitting down at the circular desks as they wait for their teachers to take roll. The OTHER side is a group of people preparing for a bank heist, all old-school style with stripped shirts and scarfs to cover their mouths like wild west robbers. As the kids call out "Here!" when the voices of unseen teachers say their names, the bank robbers go through a check-list of their gear. When the teachers begin describing that their going to begin today by coloring pictures, then play a word game, then go outside for recess- the robber go through their plan for what their going to do in the bank. The robbers burst into the bank, fire a few warning shots, and begin barking orders for money. One robber tells a bank employee "No phone calls!". Immediately, the screen goes back to the kindergarten, where the HOTLINE is buzzing!
As the children look at it expectantly, one of the teachers answers. The voice we hear on the other end is a woman (Miss Bellum), explaining that bank robbers have been spotted at such-and-such address! The teacher who answered says "We're on it, Miss Mayor!". Now the camera pulls back, revealing the three teachers are in fact a red-head wearing pink, a blonde wearing blue, and a dark brunette wearing green. The teacher in pink, who answered the phone, explains the situation to the others, and they prepare to leave. The ask the TA to take care of things, which they promise to do while they're gone. The ladies go to the large double doors that open to the playground. Before leaving, each one mentions something like- "Remember, Calla has her meds to take after snack time!" and "Terry, share the crayons!" and "Ken, no more telling the other kids about what happens in the horror movies your dad let you watch!". The three women the FLY, surging forward with trailing rainbow of blue/pink/green as the kids cheer!
They arrive at the bank, where the robber lament getting caught (they had hoped doing this early in the day would result in the ladies being preoccupied at the kindergarten, giving the robbers time to get away). A fantastic fight scene ensues, with many POWs and BAMs (some of the shots mimicking the opening scenes from the cartoon). The robbers are dealt with and captured. The people in the bank applaud, and thank the ladies for the rescue. When the ladies fly off to leave, they notice another problem... then another... and ANOTHER! Each issue gets more and more extreme, eventually turning into a giant monster attacking the city! The ladies go through it in a montage, that begins with a slow pace, but as the danger increases, the fight scenes become more rapid.
Finally, the screen goes back to the kindergarten, where the kids are going outside for recess. Their three teachers land on the playground, a little battle-warn (teacher in pink fixes her hair because ONE strand was out of place. teacher in blue lightly dabs a little blood from her nose with a tissue, after she had been smashed in the face by a robot with wrecking balls for arms. the teacher in green simply dusts off her shoulders a bit). The kids happily welcome them back, and the teachers proceed to play tag and kickball with them. The teacher in pink gives the TA a coffee she picked up between the fights, as thanks for watching the kids while they were gone~
The rest of the series would proceed with that tone, the exact same spirit of silly whimsy AND dynamic action as the cartoon. Why are the grown-up PPG kindergarten teachers, you ask? Well, I find the fake-out of them answering the Hotline, not as students but adults, very amusing. Also, it just seems like a job they would enjoy doing, simply for the fun of it. Like, Blossom could be a doctor, or a lawyer. Bubbles could be an artist, Buttercup could run a demolition derby (where SHE'S the one who wrecks the cars). They could all be actresses, or perform in a band, or just about ANYTHING, because they're very talented. They probably do some of that in their spare time, anyway... but they don't "need" jobs or careers. They're super heroes! However, they have indeed grown up in this scenario, and they remember how nice it was to be able to go to school with other kids, having a place where they belonged simply because they were little girls. They really appreciate Ms Keane for being so nurturing, and want to be part of that now. Blossom loves teaching and sharing knowledge, Bubbles loves encouraging creativity, and Buttercup is actually very good when it comes to helping kids with anger issues and other problems.
Some of the villains are semi-retired and no longer threats, but still get up to shenanigans from time to time. Him looks like Frank-N-Furter but with lobster claws. Miss Bellum is the mayor now, and the Professor has his own research facility now. Princess tries to be popular as a "influencer", but nobody likes her (and occasionally, she hires people to be her "back up" so she has an evil trio to match the PPG, but it never works). The Gangreen Gang are chill (and there's a few jokes about Ace still getting paychecks from when he worked with a famous band). Some episodes would be the girls dealing with a normal grown-up problem that is ironically more difficult than super hero nonsense. Some episodes would be fun little nods to previous things from the cartoon. Some episodes would introduce new characters, good and bad. There would be a very deliberate lack of Mojo Jojo through the first season, until somebody finally goes "Uh... where IS he???", and they're genuinely worried about what happened to him, the the three-part episode finale is the PPG trying to find Mojo Jojo
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dewdropreader · 7 months
WIP Folder Tag Game
The lovely @insert-witty-user-name-here has tagged me because she knows the absolutely unhinged amount of WIPs in various stages that I have lol. But I also love sharing them out of context and talking about them because that often motivates me so here we go! And thank you!
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents (or as many people as you want). Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!'
I went in rough order from most recently created/worked on to older ones so you can see how at some point I just stopped counting my found family and general “Time Crew” based ideas because I lost track lmao.
Sleeping around untrustworthy people 5+1
Gator Pres Reconciliation
Cat chapter 8
Prayer TC
Collapse TC
God of Outcasts Returning
Found Family- Frost Giants
Hugsssss 5+1
Big Sister Sylvie
Do you have a better plan—(the original Drabble is done and posted but there is a part two WIP in the same doc!)
TC- Ghosts
Found family- Guilt
Freeze- TC
Protective- TC
Birthdays- TC
Love Letters- TC
TC- Restored
TC- Playground
Time Crew Fic 9- Void Road Trip
Touch Starved TC
TC Reassuring
TC Unfairness
A few I have mentioned before ina few tag games like this because some have festered in WIP hell for that long 😅 though I’m not including every single much older one, just a few of my favorites and/or ones that actually have something there to work on! But for any new people/people who didn’t see these!!
Sylvie and Peggy Vs the End of the World
Sylkius Christmas
Loki Found Family 5- Boastful
Found Family 8- Kid and Genderfluidity
TC- Kitchen Sink
And a few I haven’t made documents for but I have little notes made about them in one larger document called “All Loki Ideas” where I compile them and highlight different colors based on if they’re done or in progress or new/untouched ideas and organized by category or ship so if I have a particular person/ship I want to write but no solid idea I can go hunting lol. Some descriptions are all I have and others I just put in the first sentence and there is more!
Loki waking up with a nightmare/panic about Mobius not knowing him, and Mobius helping him calm down and reassuring him that he knows and loves him
Exploring the deep empathy and attempts at understanding Mobius felt when having to go through Loki’s life
Lokius inspired by songs/lyrics (there are lyric snippets and/or actual ideas for most of these if anyone is curious! Also yes there is a lot of Taylor Swift, sue me 😅)
Superman-Taylor Swift
Cardigan-Taylor Swift
Happy endings are stories that haven’t ended yet- mayday parade
London boy- Taylor swift
The man who can’t be moved-the script
When the day met the night- panic at the disco
The joker and the queen- ed sheeran
New Year’s Day- Taylor Swift
Delicate- Taylor swift
I’m yours- the script
Haunted- Taylor swift
Loki having a nightmare about Sylvie (and Mobius?) dying, and having to contend with it
Lokius reunion (this was noted before s2 even came out but hey guess it circled back to being relevant 😭)
Mobius and Loki (and Sylvie?) moving into a home together and having small domestic moments like having a “picnic” on the floor
Drunk Sylkius- Sylvie and Loki drunk and arguing about who’s more hedonistic
Drunk Sylkius- Folksy Dope fan club with sylvie and loki goofing off and praising and gushing over Mobius
B-15 and Sylvie spending time together, sorting out feelings
C-20 and Sylvie growing closer after she is rescued
If any of these are interesting to you, and you want to know more/see a snippet (if one exists!) please let me know, I love rambling about all of these ideas and sometimes talking about them gives more inspiration! 💕
Certainly will double tag some people (and am going to tag the originator in her own game lol bc I also want to see her stuff!) but that’s expected from me!
@insert-witty-user-name-here @starport-seven-five @mirilyawrites @lgwilt @dreamycloud @cha-melodius @blackbirdofasgard @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @nostalgia-tblr @bushs-world @queen-of-meows
And anyone else who would like to share!!
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snorlaxlovesme · 8 days
38. What is your most self-indulgent posted story?
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
i'm greedy
38. What is your most self-indulgent posted story?
i'm glad it clarified "posted" story (i literally have a unpublished wip titled "self-indulgent wes and soul BS" because it's a sequel to ANOTHER wip, also not finished. that fic is my personal playground). ANYWAY. ignoring the fact that ALL my fics are self indulgent, More Confused Than Usual [x] is probably the best example of one. for starters, it's Pokemon, a fandom i rarely write for. it's also contestshipping (May x Drew), a couple i have only absorbed through fanon because I never actually...watched Advanced Generation? i've seen clips but i've watched maybe ONE episode feature May and Drew from start to finish. and thirdly it's tropey as hell. who doesn't love a good amnesia shenanigans fic? the writer i mentioned in your previous ask, Bittersweet Romanticide? she'd write something like this. THAT's probably why i love it.
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fic?
the last two fics i've posted both have the tag "food as a metaphor for love" which i found very funny in hindsight. is this my niche? i also love writing that gray area of love where 2 characters would die for each other but also have never come close to confessing their feelings or even admitting they HAVE feelings. my aroasexuality loves putting a lid on ANY concrete evidence of romance in my fics. YES these characters share a love that's strong enough to move mountains, to traverse oceans, to wage wars. no, they probably won't kiss.
72. What's your favorite writing compliment you've gotten?
any time someone tells me that my writing has like, existed somehow outside of their phone or laptop i lose my mind a little. like my baseline assumption is that people read my writing, then solemnly nod their head, think "hm.", and click the kudos button. so when someone tells me that my writing made them cry??? made them laugh out loud in class?? that they talked about my story with another human person? idk, it makes it feel more real. a real human person read something i wrote and somehow it caused a physical reaction out there in the world somewhere. isn't that weird?
79. Do you have any writing advice you'd like to share?
i think my favorite piece of writing advice is that "write what you know" is terrible advice. or terribly reductive advice. whenever professors at my college would trot around that piece of advice with no follow-up i'd get so mad. like you want me to write what i know?? my day-job is Maid and my night-job is Couch Potato. i clean toilets and go home and watch TV. what the hell do i know? and who'd want to read that? it felt like i wasn't allowed to go beyond that in my writing because i didn't have experience with it. then i took those Stief courses and got BETTER writing advice. when writing what you know, you should be writing the EMOTIONAL TRUTHS you know. you don't need every character or situation to be 1 to 1 comparable to your life, but if you want what you write to believable then try to find the emotional truths within that situation that are. ex: an original concept i've toyed with is a story where the world fast-forwards a whole year in the blink of an eye. as in, the entire world FORGOT what happened in the past year, and now is struggling to pick up the pieces of their new lives. people have moved, gotten new jobs, broken up, had children etc. and have to grapple with these changes they have no context for. the main character? a woman who works at the penguin emporium at the zoo. she puts on a scuba suit and sucks up fish guts and penguin shit from the bottom of the tank. she teaches little kids about penguin gestation periods. the conflict? all of her co-workers and loved ones have dramatic Leap Year conflicts except for her, because her life doesn't appear to have changed at all. i have never experienced long or short term amnesia. i have not and never will work as a penguin shit vacuumer at a zoo. this is very outside the realm of my expertise and has required a lot of youtube video research about penguin care. it SHOULD fall outside of my WWYK bubble, but that doesn't matter! the emotional truth is something that resonates with me deeply, as a late 20s woman who had felt stagnant in her life while other people were changing rapidly around her. are the readers going to get caught up in the penguin details, or are they going to relate that the book shelf they've been planning to build for months is STILL sitting in its box a year later, while their neighbor just got engaged AND promoted? that they STILL leave their clean laundry on the chair in their room instead of folding it, but their favorite co-worker doesn't actually work with them anymore because they transferred to the department they've always wanted to work in? i could have my character be space alien. a deepwater fish. a Vegas showgirl. that stuff is all window dressing if i can still get THAT emotional truth across. THAT'S writing what you know. and i can know all of that from my night job sitting on my couch.
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clunelover · 4 months
I am in such a great mood! I logged in to work computer today cause I was pretty sure it was the day raise amounts would be in the system and because of my leave I had missed the usual discussion with boss about how much the raise is (which - yay - that discussion is always so awkward, the boss will screen share and bring up a document showing your new salary, and where you fall in the salary band before and after, and you have to just plaster a smile on your face and nod while you try to mentally figure out the % and whether you're mad or accepting). So I went in and saw that I got 4.5% - not great but not terrible (I thought it would be more this year since they redid the salary bands and I'm now so far from the mid point...and again I say, glad I could just see the number on my own since I tried to temper my expectations but that is NOT something I'm good at).
Then I saw an email from my boss saying yes, the unpaid leave is okay, and we can discuss more when I am in on Friday. Thank GOD! I get to enjoy vacation! The more I thought about it the more I really really didn't want to work (I mean, DUH, but I'd initially just made peace with it. But it was a false peace!) especially because we can only afford to take a trip like this because of MY bonus at work, so what bullshit that would be if I got the money for a vacation and then had to work during it.
Then, I took C to a Cub Scouts event - last week, the scouts had gone around hanging door tags in a neighborhood asking for food donations, and today we went around collecting all the food. I was paired with another mom and son, and told which part of the map we were supposed to cover - each with our cars because if there's a lot of food it's good to have multiple trunks for it. I spent some time cleaning out my trunk and then drove to the part where we were supposed to start PER THE MAP but the other mom wasn't there! We waited a few minutes and then just started. I just drove slow and then any time we couldn't eyeball the front door from the car, I had C get out and look. None of the houses had put out any food! I kept wondering about the other mom but was able to put it from my mind. Then we eventually ran into them coming the opposite way, and I realized, oh duh we were actually probably supposed to start on opposite ends and converge in the middle. In the past this whole thing, the uncertainty of both the other mom and whether we did something wrong somehow since nobody had put out food, would have been verrrry anxiety provoking. Today it was only mildly so.
And C had been really whining about having to leave the house to do this, and asking if I could promise we didn't have to stay longer than X minutes, and in the end he really liked it! He loves having a job to do, so checking doors was a good activity for him. And then on the way home he saw a playground and asked to stop, so we did that too!! A great morning.
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abugeatbugworld · 2 years
Dear abugeatbugworld,
How exactly did you get into the A Bug’s Life community in the first place?
Dear gorilladude32,
Man what a question! Thanks for asking it. Buckle up because the answer is long :)
So A Bug’s Life was one of the first movies I ever saw as a kid. I don’t know if I watched it in theaters or on a pirated VHS tape (a very likely possibility because my family had a personal supplier back then heheh), but I must have seen it around the time it came out because I have finger paintings of the characters that are dated 1998.
For years I was OBSESSED with this movie. My cousin says she remembers me asking every single morning on vacation the summer after the movie came out if we could watch A Bug’s Life. I had A Bug’s Life books that I would read over and over and I wrote/illustrated countless A Bug’s Life inspired stories. I remember acting out the movie with friends on the playground at recess. Eventually Atlantis: The Lost Empire and Lilo & Stitch entered the scene and I had some new fixations for a while, but this film always held a special place in my heart.
At some point during college, I rewatched the film in its entirety for the first time since I was a kid and basically fell in love all over again. I think there was something about watching something that was such a core part of my childhood during a time that was very much a transition into adulthood that was just really special. That’s when I started writing fanfiction and drawing the characters again.
It’s also when I realized that A Bug’s Life had fallen under most people’s radars. Most of my friends had vague memories of watching it as a kid, but few of them had the same connection to the movie that I did. It made me sad to see it near the bottom of almost every Pixar movie ranking list, even if I could understand why it wasn’t as widely beloved as movies like Toy Story and Finding Nemo. (That’s also part of why I started writing fanfiction — I wanted to remedy some of the shortcomings I saw in terms of the movie’s emotional impact and character development.)
I created this blog in January of 2017, around the time I was going through another major transition in life. It became a sweet outlet for me during a time that was really overwhelming and confusing and lonely. I just wanted to do my part in honoring this movie that had such an impact on me, even if few other people felt the same way. And let me tell you, for a long time I had almost NOTHING to work with. I would scour the A Bug’s Life tags for hours and reblog posts that were years old. I couldn’t find any other blogs that were solely devoted to this film. For months (maybe even a couple years) I had under ten followers. My blog was really just for me, and I was okay with that.
And then @ladies-and-gentlebugs showed up on the scene and suddenly there was one another person here who loved this movie as much as I did. And then @petitefrancis and @bluemoonbeam15 and @little-piojo and @yourcrazybuglady and @okashinara and @acridomorph and @cercusclown (and others I know I’m forgetting I’m sorry!!!!!) came along and made it a whole party. And I finally found the confidence to start sharing my own stories and posting my own art here instead of just reblogging other people’s and it was received with so much encouragement and affirmation. And after years of feeling like I was holding my own little solo A Bug’s Life dance party, I finally found my people and I love them with all my heart.
the end 🥹🎉
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