#loved the adrenaline rush just kidding it was horrendous
yourdoorisunlocked · 5 months
What A Dish, What A Doll! - Part 3
🎙️【 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰𝑰 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰𝑰𝑰 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰𝑽 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑽 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑽𝑰 】🎙️
𝐀/𝐍: Yup, we're getting into it now. Remember that this man is literally a cannibalistic serial killer who convenes with dark spirits and shit.
But I think that just makes him more attractive tbh.
Btw this man is like 6'1 in this story in his human form, so do with that information as you wish. ;)
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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟑,𝟕𝟔𝟖 𝐓𝐖/𝐂𝐖: Descriptive gore, sacrificial rituals, just Alastor-coded shenanigans and levels of down horrendous I'm embarrassed to share... 😭👍 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: - ᴛʜᴇ ꜰʀᴜɪᴛꜱ | ᴘᴀʀɪꜱ ᴘᴀʟᴏᴍᴀ - ꜱʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ
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There was always a moment when Alastor had to take a small smoke before finishing off his prey, allowing the adrenaline of the hunt to wear off as he reveled in his latest kill.  
A gentle evening wind brushed against his ears, ruffling his cocoa-brown hair as he smiled up at the full moon with teeth as white as its luminous surface. Translucent curtains of gloom drifted past the celestial orb of night, just as the scent of a marshy swampland drifted up and enveloped Alastor in its nostalgic, wistful aroma of home.  
Though he relished the private, intimate moments he spent with you, times like these, where his mind could simply slip away from the drag of life and reflect upon the day, were as precious and rare as gold.  
Alastor simpered to himself as he fixated upon you being the star-struck little darling you were, mad with elation to finally be able to watch him host his radio show in the studio you both worked at. And he imagined you’d needed such a treat, after your delightful breakfast at that restaurant you’d wanted to try out for so long.  
It was too bad. Alastor quite liked that cozy little diner. Oh, well.  
Perhaps you could work there yourself, now that a fresh, new spot for a job had opened up at the restaurant, perfect for a lovely little doll like you. You wouldn’t have to deal with your rather overbearing supervisor anymore, who gave Alastor much more leeway than you.  
Ha! Who was he kidding? Like he’d ever let you take so much as six steps away from him, from the safety he could provide.  
He couldn't have you running around willy-nilly, gaining the attention of unworthy scumbags, after all! 
Then again, Alastor didn’t mind the image of you rushing around, serving him ever so politely in one of those form-flattering, tight waitress uniforms that had swept New Orleans recently.  
But that was an experience for him, and him alone. Besides, the reverie of having you as a pretty little assistant would do just fine, for now. Perhaps he could bring that idea to fruition, someday.  
Oh, one can only dream!  
With a last puff of smoke that condensed in the chilly night air, Alastor disposed of the cigarette and ground it into the dirt path with his heel. Maybe he could use an assistant around the studio; being the most charming, captivating voice in all of Louisiana wasn’t easy, after all! 
Plus, it meant more alone time with you, and your dazzling, melodic voice, and that divine smile that he could only wish to be blessed with. He drank it all up, your enthusiasm to be in his presence, your witty yet flustered company...
God, he could just eat you up–  
Muffled groans and wails broke him from his peaceful midnight musing, and he turned his attention towards the small shack he used. Normally, he’d relish in such helplessness from his latest kill, though his patience was wearing thin, tonight.  
But Alastor needed this one to be alive. The Loa didn’t favor cold, dead prey.  
Then again, it never complained of the condition its scraps were in. Only that Alastor could provide any. 
“Why, hello there!” The radio host’s air of exuberant showmanship rolled off him in waves as he stood above the crumpled form of the waiter who had insulted Alastor’s very being with his rotten presence.  
A throbbing pain at the front of his head where he had been knocked out with a bat ached painfully, and he cradled his wound with an anguished groan.  
“Ouch! That’s got to hurt, ha-ha!” Polished western-style shoes thumped against the wooden floor of the shack as Alastor made his way over to his victim, before bashing his head against the floor, reveling in his pained groan before he slumped in Alastor’s grip.  
“Hm, a bit meatier than I had expected... He’ll have quite a feast, tonight!” A dark chuckle, laced with venom and coated with mirth filled the small room, and Alastor hoisted the body over his head and dragged the unconscious prey out into the forest.  
Darkness enveloped the waiter’s mind, like a weighted blanket upon his consciousness as the pain worsened, before fading as his body gave out.  
. . .   
The sound of shoveling and short, exhausted huffing awakened him as he slowly came to, and the wintry night air brought him from slumber like the bony, thinned hands of Death itself.  
Shadows danced around his vision as his eyes fluttered open, and the light of Alastor’s lantern roused him fully awake. The quiet croaking of frogs, and the midnight lullaby of chirping crickets filled the otherwise eerie silence. A large, wilting tree hung over him, where moss and fungus sprouted from each branch as its hanging leaves reached down to him and the scent of dampened swampland baffled his senses. 
W-Where... Where the hell am I...?
Alastor watched with an amused smile as the pitiful lad tried to raise a hand to hoist himself up from the dirt, only to struggle for a few moments against his cursed restraints that bound him to the forest floor.  
Slim-fit gloves tightened against the handle of his shovel as Alastor leaned against it with a condescending grin, moonlight bouncing off his glasses as he looked down at the pitiful prey.  
“Oh, please don’t struggle too much. I did go to all that trouble of tying you up, after all,” Alastor cooed from his standing position above his victim, like he could possibly escape from the rune-encrusted stakes he had been bound to. 
“Now, be polite...  
And say hello to my old friend, for me.”  
A gust of wind howled around the pair, bringing Alastor’s attention towards the crooked trees standing tall against the swamp. The bushes rustled softly beneath its branches, when suddenly, a buck jumped out from behind the bramble, kicking at the dirt and eyeing Alastor’s little summoning circle with curiosity.  
It was a shame he hadn’t brought his hunting gun; those magnificent antlers would’ve been a dazzling addition to his collection. 
Also, the idea of impressing you with such a display had Alastor catching himself drifting off into his fantasies yet again. He really needed to stop doing that. You were turning the demented radio host into a moony-eyed sap, and in the middle of a sacrifice, no less!  
The deer slowly trotted towards Alastor with its head tilted in confusion as it eyed him, regarding the man with caution.  
Slowly, the radio host lowered himself into a respectful bow, and the buck reciprocated. It strayed a little closer, and a step too far proved to be its undoing.  
The busboy jolted with each snap of bone within the animal's body, the grotesque sounds echoing across the forest. The deer grew suddenly limp and collapsed upon the forest floor as the waiter’s eyes bulged out of his head. 
“W-What...? What the fuck is that!?” Alastor ignored his victim’s struggle behind him as he kicked at the chilled, marshy dirt with his bare, scabbed feet, hoping to create some distance between himself and the massive, horned beast that was forming rapidly.  
A futile effort, really... 
An animalistic screech of anguish would be the last sound that the deer ever made, as it finally fell completely under the control of whatever unholy beat had been foolishly summoned into existence. Shadows flooded the inside of the poor animal, hollowing it out at a rapid rate, and the unseen horror took its puppet upon a sleeve to speak to the mortal who summoned it. 
Whether it was utterly foolish or terribly sadistic was a true mystery. A gamble that made these little summonses the least bit entertaining, particularly if it was the latter. 
The sound of groaning wood echoed across the forest as two large, crooked antlers bent towards the sky. The creature’s hanging ribcage protruded from the gaping hole in its stomach, revealing bloody, mossy innards riddled with mold and buzzing flies that gluttonously fed upon the mangled buck's entrails. 
An ominous emerald glow shimmered within the buck’s maw, and two stark-black eyes fell into its open mouth, before sliding down its tongue
The deer's organs were promptly squeezed out of the corpse's slit belly and dropped onto the ground as the carcass thinned dramatically. A puddle of thick, glistening liquid that was much too dark to be considered regular animal blood had gathered beneath it.
Drip. Drip. Drip. 
Tarred, ashen-gray skin glimmered underneath the moonlight, as a guttural roar shook the forest, leaving the branches trembling with terror. Alastor stood before the beast with his hands crossed behind his back with an unbothered, almost bored expression.  
As the Loa stood before him in its complete, beastly form, Alastor brushed off an imaginary speck of dirt from his coat sleeve before opening his arms up to his old friend with a wide grin that nearly split his face in half. It had been a while since he’d borne witness to a proper summoning.  
“Quite a good show, my friend! Captivating as always,” Alastor called out cheerfully, clapping once or twice in emphasis.  
“Ɱվ ƒօɾʍ էąҟҽʂ էհҽ ìժҽղէìէվ օƒ ҽąçհ ʂօմӀ էհąէ çąӀӀʂ էօ ʍҽ, འօէէҽժ ටղҽ,” the Loa's voice answered his old friend in a deep, gravely rasp from the mutilated buck's unhinged jaw. It stood proudly on its hind legs as it hunched over Alastor with a low rumble, and the stench of rotting flesh overpowered the natural, swampy scent of the forest, to the radio host’s distaste. 
“Then I do hope my soul has been quite the treat to replicate!” he clasped his hands together behind his back, folding his arms tightly behind him. 
“చհվ հąʂէ էհօմ çąӀӀҽժ ʍҽ հҽɾҽ, մքօղ էհìʂ ղìցհէ?” Its impatience wore thin as it looked upon the setting of the candlelit circle, and the pleasant aroma of fresh blood brought the Loa’s attention to the young man tied up behind Alastor.  
“Why, of course! How impolite of me to keep you waiting,” the excited glint in the radio host’s eye evolved into a look of complete madness as he gestured to the poor sap behind him, who gaped up at the Loa’s ghastly form in horror.  
“Presenting the main course for tonight, this pitiful little insect that I had the unfortunate displeasure of stumbling upon! Though it seems this chap appears to be faring far worse than I!” A cynical chuckle dripped from his thin-lipped grin as he bowed before the Loa like a true showman.  
Alastor hadn’t even noticed he had been rambling like a supervillain, monologuing about his latest victim as if it were a typical evening hosting his radio show. 
“įէ ʂҽҽʍʂ էհօմ հąէհ.. φҽɾʂօղąӀ հìʂէօɾվ աìէհ էհìʂ օղҽ,” the Loa rumbled thoughtfully, now circling the panicking prey as he thrashed in his roped constraints. 
“Ah, just a little disagreement, is all. Apparently, manners are no longer an important matter of discussion within one’s own household,” Alastor ‘tsked’, shaking his head in mock disappointment, “A shame, truly.”   
“įէ ʂʍҽӀӀʂ ƒɾҽʂհ,” the horned creature inhaled deeply, stinking putridly of decay as he bent over the trembling busboy, its skeletal back cracking and snapping as he further hunched over. Its victim blubbered pathetically, shaking his head as hopeless tears spilt from his eyes while he choked out helpless pleads. 
“Ꝉìҟҽ… Ͳҽɾɾօɾ…”   
In a flurry of shadows, the Loa pounced upon its feast, rumbling with fervor and gluttony as its fangs tore through flesh, ripping its prey apart as it aimed for the meatiest bits of its meal.  
The agonized moans of the damned that protruded from the Loa's maw conducted the symphony of terror, and the screams of the disrespectful runt carried the harmony as Alastor stood off to the side, relishing the gory display.  
When the Loa had finished, a long, blackened tongue licked its chops as it rumbled in satisfaction. It turned towards Alastor, who bowed before it, as was a respectful custom whenever the God finished its meal. 
"Ͳհìʂ աąʂ զմìէҽ ʂąէìʂƒąçէօɾվ. చհąէ çąӀӀʂ մքօղ էհվ ʂքօղէąղҽօմʂ օƒƒҽɾìղց, էօղìցհէ, ȺӀąʂէօɾ…?" 
"Oh, I was just taking out some trash. Honestly, you're doing me quite a favor, old friend! Think of it as a celebration for our friendship," Alastor grinned impudently, before bidding the Loa a silent farewell as he turned on his heel. 
"Now, I'm afraid that our time together must be cut short. I have a little darling to check up upon, and she is quite the feisty one, I'll have you know!" Oh, how perfectly this night had ended. Ridding himself, and you the trouble of ever dealing with such a pest ever again, and cuddling up to you while discussing your day over dinner, and ending it with a-
"చհօ ìʂ ʂհҽ?" 
Alastor stopped in his tracks, his smile beginning to strain and actually make his cheeks ache as he half-turned back to the Loa. Fuck.  
It seems that his utter enthusiasm for running his mouth about you has overridden his reasoning. 
"Whatever do you mean, my friend? Don't tell me you've taken a liking to my darling?" He pointed a teasing finger at it with a wide, knowing smirk that bordered upon a warning. 
The god eyed Alastor with pure contempt, before huffing impatiently and nodding towards Alastor's house in the distance. 
"Ƕҽɾ. Ͳհҽ βɾìցհէ ටղҽ. చհҽղ հąʂէ էհօմ ƒąӀӀҽղ ƒօɾ ʂմçհ ƒɾìѵօӀìէìҽʂ?" 
Alastor stubbornly clasped his hands together behind his back and stood tall as the ancient god bent down towards his level, empty sockets glowing an emerald green and practically blinding him as it asked again. 
"į աìʂհ էօ ҟղօա օƒ էհìʂ… ժìʂէɾąçէìօղ էհąէ հąʂէ էհҽҽ ìղ ą ҍìղժ ʂմçհ ąʂ էհìʂ," for the first time in thousands of years, the god's interest had been caught. Quite a peculiarity, considering that the Loa did not care for petty mortal matters that Alastor would rarely partake in himself, but the mention of a girl brought slight surprise to it. 
And judging by the glimpses the ancient being took within Alastor's mind, he could understand why the radio host had taken such a liking to you. 
Like the sway of wind, by the bloom of daffodils, you were akin to a wicked, unruly summer wind sweeping up sea salt and touching the hearts of those you met, everywhere you went. 
A rare commodity, in a corrupt world such as this. 
"Oh, well I suppose I must've slipped the word about her. Well!" Alastor placed his fingertips together as the memory of first meeting you surfaced in his mind.  
"I'd be happy to tell you how we met! It all began when I came across the darling little Doll in a charming diner. I'll tell you; the place couldn't have shined as much as it had without her presence, ha-ha!" 
The eldritch horror noted the complete adoration that swept the normally deranged man off his feet. Alastor’s animated announcer's voice and occasional jazz hands did all the talking for him as he spoke of you. 
The spirit never thought it'd see the day... 
"She was certainly efficient at her job, as well! Carried the entire restaurant on her back, in my humble opinion," of course, Alastor was completely biased in his reasoning. He'd take any excuse to sing your praises all night. 
"Why, she even gave me a shock when she rolled into the building with a pair of skates, one Thursday afternoon! Quite the compliment to that stunning dress pattern, I must say..." 
How curious, that the boy the Loa had met all those years ago, the one who seemed to have no such interest in pursuing relationships, who outwardly expressed disgust at the mere thought of being touched found someone like you to keep him company. 
"So, I decided to give the Doe a chance at my radio station, and we immediately hit it off!" The radio host's smile nearly cracked his face in half as he fondly recalled his first meeting with you, and the spirit tilted its head to the side. 
How strange, indeed... 
Well, now it just had to meet the girl who had captivated Alastor so and sprung upon this new sacrifice earlier than what was expected of him. 
Then, the Loa nodded towards the direction of Alastor's house in the twilight, softly hitting its hoof against the ground with an insistent thud. 
"į աìʂհ էօ ʍҽҽէ հҽɾ. į աąղէ էօ ҟղօա ահąէ ҟìղժ օƒ ʂօմӀ հąʂ çąքէìѵąէҽժ էհҽҽ ʂօ." 
Alastor slowly turned towards the beast, whose antlers seemed to grow even larger in return, sensing the human's challenge. 
"And what makes you believe that you have a right to meddle in my life, if it does not offend you to ask? Her soul is not yours, and her heart shall soon lie with me."  
The Loa huffed, before bowing its head towards the maddened, lovesick mortal. How foolish, the way such silly human matters have clouded the ever-articulate mind of one of his oldest acquaintances.  
Honestly, what did Alastor think it was going to do? Snatch you away from him? 
Like it'd ever get the chance. 
"βմէ ìէ ժօҽʂղ'է. ហօէ աìէհìղ çմɾɾҽղէ çìɾçմʍʂէąղçҽʂ. į çօմӀժ ƒì× էհąէ, հօաҽѵҽɾ," The Loa rumbled, knowing it was pricking at a soft spot as the young man shot him an unamused glare with a raised eyebrow.  
"į ʂհąӀӀ ҍҽ ժìʂçɾҽҽէ, օƒ çօմɾʂҽ. Ⱥ ʍҽɾҽ ìղէҽɾƒҽɾҽղçҽ ƒɾօʍ ąƒąɾ." Alastor scoffed and fully turned to the Loa with a sneer darkening his too-wide smile, his teeth seeming sharpened in the glint of the moonlight. 
To the Loa, Alastor appeared merely to be a puppy baring its pint-sized fangs. 
"Ha-ha! You seem to misunderstand me, my friend," he stepped boldly towards the beast, his hands folded behind his back with half-lidded eyes that dared it to cross the very clear line he had drawn.  
"I believe you have crossed a bit of a line, there, implying that I do not own her heart," the radio host sneered; a threatening grimace hidden behind a thin mask portraying a cheeky, unbothered smile. But the underlying threat was clear. You were not to be touched. 
Honestly, Alastor reminded the Loa of another, more ethereal being it had met long ago. Madly in love and willing to do anything, preform any atrocity, to protect his fleeting fancy. Looking back, he was rather short for someone of his status, and impossibly pale, having a sort of 'heavenly' hue to it. 
How ironic. 
The Loa looked upon the human with slight amusement dancing within its soulless, ominously glowing sockets. The mortal held such determination, such drive to keep you solely within his hold, a kind of devotion it hadn’t seen in centuries. 
Such a pitiful display of favor for his new toy had the Loa truly interested, now. It was sure that Alastor would do anything to keep you, anything to win your affections. 
Of course, good things came to those who waited. And so, with a soft nod, the Loa dropped the subject. 
“Ⱥʂ էհօմ աìʂհҽʂ. Ͳհօմցհ, ʍìղҽ օƒƒҽɾ ʂհąӀӀ ʂէìӀӀ ʂէąղժ." 
“Duly noted.” And with that, Alastor’s clipped tone snapped through the air, cutting off the conversation entirely. The distant hum of insects whispered against his ears as he waited for the Loa’s dismissal. 
"ƑąɾҽաҽӀӀ, འօէէҽժ ටղҽ. į հąѵҽ ҍմʂìղҽʂʂ ҽӀʂҽահҽɾҽ.” Finally, the Loa turned away from the mortal, its shadows dropping the corpse of the deer and vanishing from the scene. Alastor paid no mind to it, however, as there typically wouldn’t be any human nor animal remains, come sunrise. 
The god fed gluttonously, after all. 
Alastor swiftly turned on his heel and started back upon the path. “Adieu, my good friend! I do hope we’ll see each other again,” as he strode further away from the ghastly terror, all mirth had evaporated from his voice, leaving a biting cold edging at his words and rivaling the winter chill as he neared the house. 
But every step closer to you thawed his heart as he strolled through the bramble, choosing to shove away the thoughts that mulled over the Loa's offer. That would be something for 'Tomorrow Alastor' to deal with.
It wasn't long before he had finally made it back to the house, confidently striding across the forest as if nothing had ever happened, and Alastor slipped through the front door, brief as the wind and quiet as a shadow.
He was quite disappointed to see you had left for a bed, and his heart panged with guilt at the thought of you solemnly retreating to your quarters when you realized Alastor was probably working late tonight.
It was far from the truth, but it'd suffice as a good cover.
I'll make it up to her tomorrow.
Carefully, Alastor crept up the stairs, avoiding each loose board and step that would creak under the pressure of his weight. 
Then, after seeming to have climbed a mountain simply to get upstairs, he slowly opened the door to your room, his hands clenching the doorknob to the point where it'd snap in half from his vice grip.
Alastor took steady, silent steps over to your bedframe, standing over your soundly sleeping form with a lovesick simper.
Since when had he grown so infatuated with little ol' you? Was it when you ran up to him with stars in your eyes and that beautiful, kissable smile plastered on your face after you listened to his podcast from start to finish? When you raved about how amazing it was, how captivating he sounded?  
Moonlight was cast over your form, painting a pale, sleek canvas of stardust over your skin as Alastor drank in the sight with trembling fervor. 
Leaning over, he took a hand and carefully twirled a lock of your hair around a slender finger as he stared down at you adoringly.
"Darling... what are you doing to me~?"
As Alastor bent down to nuzzle your loose hair, your scent hit him almost instantly, and he groaned softly as the room became so hot, so unbearably tight as he became ever aware of the throbbing bulge tightened against the confines of his trousers. 
With a heavy, forlorn heart, and an aching erection he'd soon have to tend to, he pulled away from your slumbering form, and brushed a stray lock out of your face.
A warmth crept up to his cheeks as you leaned towards his familiar touch, smiling softly at the mere touch of contact as you mumbled incoherently in your sleep.
"Mmmph... Alastor..."
With a tender, close-lipped simper, Alastor placed a chaste, tender peck to your forehead.
"Sweet dreams, my Doe~."
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𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: So, I lowkey lied, saying it was gonna be a shorter chapter...
I'm sorry, making these longer ones are so much fun, and I can't for the life of me shorten any paragraph or story I'm working on. Even the end notes are an essay long lmao.
Anyway, thanks for reading, as always (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
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wizardmaster94 · 2 years
Stranger Things Head-Canons ! (Dating Edition)
by yours truly,
rich <3
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Eddie Munson
Dating him would always be an adrenaline rush to both you and, Eddie. Constantly doing stupid stuff together like breaking into the school after hours just to do it for fun, always sneaking off any chance you can get just to have that spare moment of alone time together. And not to forget the fact your relationship had to keep secret, while it sucked, sometimes it helped add to the pure fun of it all.
You two probably would’ve been chasing each other for a long time before one of you finally admitted your feelings for the other. Probably while intoxicated or high in the back of his van.
If it was Eddie who confessed first, he would blurt it out but then feel terrified of your reaction, scared that for some reason you’re secretly homophobic. He would say something like, “you would make a pretty sexy bard, y’know? I love bards. I love you.” Then pause, “oh shit.”
But if it was you who had confessed first, you might go for the sweeter route, speaking to him sweet and gentle, clearly telling him how you feel. But maybe a more, awkward way, like just straight up kissing him in the middle of him speaking. He would say you’re rude, finish his sentence, then kiss you again.
The first date he’d take you on would be to a metal concert of some band you had never heard of, but you would enjoy it anyways seeing how happy it made Eddie to be there, moshing and singing along to whatever it was they were playing.
After your date, you’d take him to the only diner in town, letting him get whatever he wanted to since he did treat you to a show that night. He wouldn’t let you pay for his food at first, maybe argue a little bit but nothing actually serious. I think he would enjoy milkshakes a lot, especially making atrocious sounds of sucking up the whip cream at the bottom of the glass with his straw, just to annoy you.
Being the, oh so caring boyfriend he is, would let you sit in on his Dnd sessions on one exception, that you kept things strictly professional and don’t ask stupid questions. Trust me, you learned your lesson after you asked why you couldn’t just cast an instant kill spell on goblins at level freaking one.
Everyone may have tried to convince Eddie to ban you from HellFire after that. He obviously didn’t, but the thought may have crossed his mind a few times, not going to lie.
You two would keep your relationship a secret for a while from everyone, just out of wanting to be able to hang out together and no one poke fun or make suggestive comments. It wasn’t like they wouldn’t all support you two being together, but again, they’re stupid teenagers who would make the most horrendous jokes known to man.
The day the found out though, was at DnD when you made a joke after they all entered a brothel for a rest stop and said, “man, I wish I was playing, I’d try to seduce you.” Or something stupid and cheesy like that, and have Eddie respond with, “you’d have to roll to find out.” Hand you a die, and you roll a natural 20. “Damn, you definitely seduced me, L/N.” And everyone would be slow at first, making comments like, “Eddie, Y/N isn’t even playing.” “That’s not how that works-” and after a few moments, they would all run their brain cells together to figure it out.
You would just shrug and lean back in your chair, grinning at Eddie. “Uhh..anyways, back to the campaign..” he would try to get everyone back on track but they all would just keep asking questions until Dustin would finally ask if you two were dating or not.
Since then, you two didn’t really ever hide your relationship around the kids anymore, even making jokes that you two were the fun uncles everyone loved.
If you were artsy, you’d paint DnD mini figures for HellFire, while he would be working on the next campaign he’d be hosting.
And if you were more into writing, he’d let you give him ideas for things they could do, like encounter a dangerous cave system, or a hoard of evil werewolves, anything can happen you never know.
I feel like Eddie would be very touchy with you.
When working on DnD related things he would always try to have you next to him, on his lap, have you okay with his hair, just anything, absolutely anything to have your touch.
Speaking of hair, you would always mess with his hair, either braiding it, running your fingers through the soft curls, or even helping him style it in the morning.
Also, constantly stealing each other’s clothes, I think he wouldn’t really wear yours out in public due to the fact he favors sleeping in them, but you’re always wearing his clothes to school. His HellFire shirt, his vest sometimes, or a pair of his jeans, anything you could get your grubby little hands on.
And finally, he’d try his best to keep you safe and out of harms way and to just be the best boyfriend he could be, even if he messed up sometimes. You definitely love and appreciate that about him.
Okay, anyways, that’s the end of this bad boy, first time writing anything Stranger Things related! I think it’s pretty decent, sorry if some of it seems out of character for him but I feel like everything is just pretty cute.
If you have any requests for fics, send them my way!
Yours truly,
Rich <3
Master List!
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tsumikoz · 4 years
ok so u kno how on monday I was like hm maybe things r good :-) well apparently universe heard that n had enough of my shit
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bloodredx · 4 years
Day 27: Midnight
The old bell at the center of Reedsdale sang out its chime, the low echoes of the metallic clang reverberated around the buildings to let folks know it was far too late to be out and about. Didn’t stop anyone though. There were parties to go to, bars to sample, and the night to enjoy. Bones didn’t have to count the chimes to know what time it was, midnight on the nose. And where was that pain in the ass little mage? He was the one who wanted to meet him, not the other way around. He could be sleeping, or at least at home if rest would not find him. Sometimes it was just too much of a pain to come all the way into town from the deep swamp. Especially when the waters were high.
He leaned against a nearby lamp post, contemplating whether or not to just bail. While he was rarely on time himself, he didn’t mind not extending any courtesies to those who would waste time themselves. He made note of the cobbled streets, counting a few stones before becoming bored of the action. He had intentionally chosen a more residential side of Reedsdale, so as to have some level of privacy. There were far too many still out and about downtown for Bones to feel comfortable meeting someone like Pria without incident.
Feeling a rush of cold air, Bones glanced to his left, seeing a flash of black cloth settle into the outline of the boy. “Hey Pria.” He grunted without much fanfare, pulling a cigarette from the box in his pocket.
“Salutations.” The ever so cheerful voice shined back. Bones had never seen the kid’s face, but nothing he could picture ever matched the tone he always spoke in.
“What ya want from me? I ain’t got much time, so make it quick.” Bones flicked his lighter, igniting his smoke with a single motion.
“One has as much time as needed.” Pria noted, seeming to bounce on their toes before continuing. “Have you ever noticed how thin the air gets at midnight?”
Raising a brow, Bones grunted a single “No.” It was a lie of course, he had been around enough to know that the world felt different at midnight, but it held no other significance to him. But it was in his nature to play the idiot, and let people explain their purposes.
“Magic just seems easier.” Pria concluded, a slight clap to their hands. “Air tastes better too.”
“And ya brought me all the way into town to just say that?”
“Sure, why not? You fascinate me, Bones. I quite enjoy your company. Wouldn’t you want to spend time with fellow wielders at such an hour?”
“I ain’t much for playin’ with magic unneeded.” His eyes again wandered over the cobbles, thinking longingly for the road back home and back to bed. “I also haven’t spent much ‘round other mages, at least not formally. Too stiff with all their rules, colleges ain’t a place for me.”
There was a soft silence, before Pria took a step forward. “You don’t like me much.” It wasn’t an accusation, just a statement of fact. There wasn’t much emotion attached to it either.
“Can’t say I’mma fan of anyone dragging me into town this late.”
“Aw, don’t say that. All the fun things happen after midnight. It allows us to do things like this.”
A low roar was heard in the distance, and the sound of stomping feet were getting louder with every step. Bones didn’t know why he was so surprised, but he leapt into the air, summoning his staff, bracing himself for the sight of whatever weird creation Pria had come up with now. He turned his head to yell at the boy, but as usual he was already gone. Bones bit his lip and rushed to meet the beast head on.
In Pria’s usual fashion in making nightmare creatures, this thing was massive. It nearly reached three stories in height, its sewn skin dripping off of it in pieces, leaving a convenient trail to follow if Bones ever lost sight of it, but how could you lose sight of such a large beast? Antlers jutted out on all the joints, splitting between exposed muscles. If the sight alone wouldn’t make one vomit, the smell certainly did. How did he keep this thing under wraps for so long? Bones sneered as he began to doubt his own senses, normally he’d sense this creature the second it was animated. Perhaps there was something else in play here. That could be solved later, right now he had to at least get this thing out of town, and then destroy it somehow without getting its foul flesh all over his body.
Bones stuck his fingers between his lips, blowing a shrill whistle to get the monster’s attention. “Hey big boy, come’n get it!” He waved his free hand and began to fly down the street, leading towards the tree line.
The beast opened its maw and released a horrendous roar, turning to follow the tempting prize of the necromancer. At least it was stupid and sight oriented. “That’s it, come play with me! What, ya so pathetic ya can’t even fly? Your master must not love ya at all.”
It flexed its muscles, crouching to build up tension and then releasing it all at once flinging its weight several hundred feet forward. “Aw, hell.”
Bones dodged at the last possible second, the monster passing him easily. Note, bad plan to taunt it too much. Could cause needless destruction. Just as he was pondering what to do next, a buzz reminded him of the flip phone in his pocket. “What now?” He flipped the phone open. “Make it quick. Got my hands full.”
“Where are you?” Icarus’s voice squeaked through the speaker.
“Tryin’ to keep the neighborhood from bein’ ripped apart.” The monster roared again, as if wanting a part in the conversation. “Where the hell are ya?”
“Walking to town, what the hell was that?”
“A pain in my ass, can ya get down to the east side and give me a hand?”
“I’ll try.”
“Ya better.” Bones slammed the phone shut and refocused on leading it away. They were so close to being out of harm’s way.
Bones jet himself forward, focusing inward to feel the skeletal structure of this thing, maybe he could take over influence of its action. They were too far from any known burial sites for him to summon any assistance, and who knows how long it would take Icarus to arrive, or if he’d be any help at all. But if he could hijack its energy, maybe he could just bend it to his will. Bones’s eyes glowed purple, trying to make out what made this thing tick, seeing the aura of magic moving over its body was fascinating. There were so many connection points and the system seemed to be finely tuned. He couldn’t directly notice a weak point. But there were flares when it charged up to move, as if it had limited capacity to hold together, it was leaking energy something fierce. How did Pria manage to get this thing moving in the first place? He must’ve tricked several mages into powering its core, there was no other way to get that much force from one person. Let alone a kid.
A rustle of branches let Bones now Icarus had just arrived, not to mention to shriek of fear once he laid eyes on it. “What the fuck is that?!?”
“Doesn’t matter, help me kill it.” Bones growled, beginning to chant wards to block the beast from moving further.
It screamed once it realized its muscles were locking up, turning to spitting up whatever bile was circulating in it. Icarus was fear struck, he had never seen anything like this, or heard about monsters of this size. His hands shook as he tried to figure out exactly where he should start on such a being. He slit his palm, forming one of his throwing knives in his hands. This would be such a waste of blood, and he cursed himself for coming out to this at all.
He threw the blade at the beast’s knee, trying to cut the sinews that gave it mobility, the blade struck alright, but didn’t seem to make much of a dent. It only proceeded to make the thing even more pissed off, Icarus knew this due to the blow a swinging fist that caught him to the side, the force throwing him into the tree tops.
“Shit.” Bones whispered between chants, lowering his altitude to see if Icarus was alright. The stirring of leaves let him know the vampire was at least still alive. That was good. What was not so good was the beast winding up to get him next. He had to end this right now. “I’m gonna hate life no matter what, so here we go.”
With little choice, Bones flung himself into the chest of the beast, grabbing onto portions of exposed ribcage, and willing his magic directly into the conglomeration of bones. His body screamed at the dishonor of touching such a filthy thing, the image of whatever ooze, bile, and other miscellaneous filth covering his hands. Just a minute longer, he could freak out in a minute, just take this thing down.
Icarus freed himself from the leaves, dropping down to gear up from a more close range attack, snapping his dislocated should back into the socket. He was pissed, feeling the heat rising into his hands, so he summoned a new knife. He would make that thing regret its every move. He rushed forward, realizing that his leg wasn’t properly centered but he would worry about healing later. The lust of adrenaline was controlling him now. His new blade sunk into its leg, and he pulled it out, slashing and tearing at the flesh like a mad man.
Glowing purple runes suddenly bubbled up to the surface of its flesh, giving Icarus enough warning to leap back. The beast screamed as flesh flung off its body in a sick rain of gore, increasing in speed until only the bones remained. The light of its eyes went out, collapsing to the ground. “Well that went well.” Icarus moaned in pain as the adrenaline wore off. His senses came back for a moment, where the hell was Bones?
He carefully moved around the monster, looking through coagulates of flesh, moving bone and marrow around, listening for the telltale sound of the mage’s heartbeat. He rolled over the ribcage, finding him unconscious underneath and leaking black smoke out of his mouth. “Fuck.”
He picked up his ooze-covered friend and ran back to the house. He needed to call Lady Serena right now. Nothing good was about to happen, he could feel it in his blood. His mother always told him nothing good happened after midnight, and now more than ever he knew what she meant. He just hoped there was time to fix this.
(OC-tober prompt list by @oc-growth-and-development can be found here)
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bloodbitchwitch · 4 years
The Sparda Family's Pet
Chapter #01
It was another normal day for you. You woke up in your dingy old mattress and dust-covered room. You lived in an abandoned building so this was normal for you to say the least. You had been given away to an orphanage at birth but as soon as you turned 18, you were kicked out and was forced to live on your own accord. You had nowhere to go so you wandered around a bit and eventually came across the oh so lovely, almost falling apart building.
You yawn loudly and stretch your limbs then throw your legs off the bed to sit up slowly. The light from the window across from your bed, temporarily blinding you as you stand and start to make your way over to the small dresser where you stuffed all your belongings in, which wasn't much, just a few changes of clothes and some miscellaneous objects. You take out a new pair of clothes for the day, you wonder what and how you were going to eat today. You didn't have money and without that, you were either left with dumpster food or stealing whatever you could and you were definitely going with the latter. You continued your daily morning routine and once finished, you left your little and barely standing paradise and headed into town where you'd hopefully find breakfast.
While walking, you spotted a man in a leather jacket swiftly following quite an attractive young lady with brown hair and glasses. You hummed to yourself and continued on, barely even acknowledging that the man had some sort of robot arm. After walking quite a bit past the loud couple that were now yelling at each other from behind you and could be heard about a block away, you saw a few small rocks roll past your feet and abruptly stopped. Turning your head left, the direction the rocks came from, you found yourself peering into a dark alleyway that you had failed to notice before. You shuffled your feet a bit nervously because you knew that rocks didn't just go rolling themselves. Swallowing the spit in the back of your throat, you inched closer towards the alleyway. "Hello?" your better judgment being thrown out the window even though you knew you probably should have walked away and not looked back.
A small cough that echoed through the alleyway and a small boy walked into view. He looked hungry and scuffed up. His clothes were dingy and his skin had small cuts everywhere and dirt-caked his face. He had tears brewing in his eyes as he huffed lightly. "Please help me. I'm hungry and have nowhere to go..." You were heartbroken the second he said "hungry" and frowned lightly. You crouched down and got eye level with the boy and beckoned him to come closer. When he finally got close enough for you to reach out and grip his shoulders firmly but not enough to hurt the poor boy, you looked him over to make sure he wasn't hurt too badly and once finished your eyes returned to the boy's face which had contorted into some sort of monstrous-looking being. Your eyes went wide and you screamed loudly which alerted the couple down the block that you had passed. Your breathing quickened as you were face to face with the demon child that had grown a pair of sharp teeth and huge claws. The demon boy coiled his arm back and was getting ready to impale you with his sharp claws when suddenly the man in the dark coat jumped over you and the demon boy. Guns in hands while still in the air, he shot multiple rounds into the back of the demon head causing him to fall forward and nearly landing on you if the brunette from before hadn't pulled you into her chest before so. Blood poured out of the monstrous child's head and pooled at your feet. Your mouth had gone dry as you stared at the deformed and deceitful demon child.
The pretty lady brought her hand up to your face and blinded you by covering your eyes from the horrendous sight. "Nero! Was that really necessary? Right in front of this poor gal?!" The man, apparently called Nero, clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. "Well if I didn't then she wouldn't be standing there, would she? No. she'd be cabobbed onto the shit's arm and bleeding out." the man sassed the woman in front of him, not really upset or anything, it's just how their relationship kind of works.
While the two bickered, you could feel the creature's blood seep into the holes on the bottoms of your worn-out shoes. You cringed and panted, wanting nothing more than to get out of the bloodied alleyway. She tried to step backward, which only succeeded in getting the pair's attention. "Hey now Nero, we should probably get her outta here, she's probably scarred cause of your dumbass." and with that, she grabbed onto your hand with her other hand that wasn't shielding your vision from the gory sight in front of you and guided you away. When she deemed you both to be a safe distance away from the alley, she removed her hand from your face and smiled down at you. "Well aren't you a cute little thing." she snorted and grinned down at you. You blushed a bit and looked down at your blood-soaked shoes "Thank you..." you mumbled lightly and looked behind you to see how far away you were from the crime scene that just took place, only for you to see the man named Nero instead who was most likely intentionally blocking the view from you.
Nero stared down at you for a few seconds, taking in your appearance before huffing lightly and crossing his arms only to turn his head and look the other way. He sort of had a pink hue on his cheeks but you couldn't tell if he was blushing or if he had any kind of adrenaline rushing after that onslaught. You cleared your throat and began to speak. "Um....thank you for saving me back there. I almost became monster food." you then proceeded to give a small, nervous chuckle. The pair nodded and gave you a "No problem". You were about to say goodbye and go your separate ways until your stomach decided that now would be the perfect time to remind you of the reason you were out and about anyways. Your face began to turn a crimson color as they both chuckled at the sound of your stomach making gurgling noises. "Well, I see no reason to leave a pretty little thing such as yourself out on the streets and hungry. Hop on in the van and ill make ya a good ole breakfast that'll stop all that noise!" the pretty brunette exclaimed loudly and grabbed hold of your hand once again and dragged you into her van. "I'll even cook for ya for free since you're so darn cute!" she said in her raspy voice and gave another little snort. Your blush only seemed to darken at her words and you took a seat at one of the barstools by the kitchen area inside the van. "By the way Darlin, the name's Nico and that there is Nero." she pointed to the male who had killed the demon as he was taking a seat next to you on another bar stool. He looked over at you and gave a small smile and a nod before uttering a simple "Hey" which you returned. "It's nice to meet you both, my name is y/n" you gave both a small smile and continued "Thank you both for saving me".
While Nico was cooking and had most of your attention on her, Nero couldn't help himself but look you over again like he did outside. He found it attractive and after Kyrie broke up with him, claiming she was lesbian and started seeing some girl, he needed something to distract himself from the degrading thoughts he had about himself, claiming that he wasn't good enough for the woman he thought he'd marry. He licked his lips and took in your curves....or wait...curves? The more he looked at you, he could see just how hungry you truly were. You looked so small to him and compared to Nico, you were basically skin and bones. How long have you been in need of food? He also noticed all the holes and how dingy your clothes looked. He frowned and came to the conclusion that you were probably trying your hardest and living out in the streets. "Hey" he spoke up "You live around here?" you turned your attention to the white-haired male and pursed your lips. "Yeah, I live down the road. Two blocks away to be exact." Nero's eyebrows furrowed. "Nico and I just came that way. The only house that way is abandoned and falling apart". After hearing his words, your face turned red once more but not because you were shy but because you were embarrassed he now knew that you lived in some old and dusty building. He noticed that you looked upset at his words and mentally cringed at himself for being too blunt. "Hey there, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset... I just... I don't think you should have to live there is all." Nero then thought about his next words carefully and decided that any punishment he'd get out of this would be worth it. "I was thinking that if you wanted to, you could come live with my uncle, my father and I at my uncle's shop?" he peered down at you with what looked like puppy dog eyes and honestly, who were you kidding, it's not like you were going to say no anyways. You were hungry and living in poor conditions. "I... id be more than happy if you'd let me stay with you guys. I'll help around with your uncle's shop and make sure to pay you guys back in any way possible for letting me stay". Nero blushed at your words and felt his cock twitch in his jeans after hearing that you'd pay them back in any way possible. He bit his lip and looked away "yeah yeah whatever. We'll deal with all that when we get to the shop. While we're here though, do you have any belongings you want to pick up before we head out?" You shook your head no and finally turned your attention back to Nico who had just finished breakfast for everyone.
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digitalworldbound · 4 years
sorRy if i'm not allowed to send a second ask; but 108 for jyoumato would be AWESOME!! thank you so much!!
Number 108: “Have you seen my contacts?”
Characters: Yamato & Jyou. They are both adults here! I like to think that these two always remained good friends and always make an effort to catch up every other week. This prompt was completely self-indulgent, and I apologize if either of them seem out-of-character (I just love Mama!Yama).
Send me a prompt if you’d like!
*mentions of alcohol use!!*
“Have you seen my contacts?” Jyou asked, words rushing together. The pinch in his voice wasn’t the only indicator of the young doctor’s tension; his hands were trembling at his side. ‘This is the absolute worse time for me to be blind.’ he chastised himself. He wasn’t even sure who he was talking to; the last he remembered, he had been alone when the lights suddenly flickered out.
His hands fumbled in the inky blackness of the room, threading through the frayed ends of his carpet. “Oh, god.” He mumbled, panic seeping into his stomach. If someone called out, Jyou wouldn’t have been able to hear, the pounding of his chest drowning out his own thoughts. Frayed carpet bit at his knees has the grown man attempted to perform a search-and-rescue for his contacts, but he ignored his raw skin. The darkness of the room felt heavy against his skin as he struggled to calm his heaving chest. Moving forward, the young man visibly flinched when his palm made contact with something vaguely soft. Bile rose to his throat upon his realization: he was holding something fleshy.
Blindly scrambling backwards, Jyou let out a horrendous shriek. The sound reverberated off of the walls, ringing in his ears. Something to his right let out a slow, tremulous hiss. The breeze shifted the hairs on his forehead, sticky with sweat and fear. An uncontrollable shiver traveled his spine, and Jyou silently begged any deity that would listen for mercy.
Before he had time to react, thin, icy fingers wrapped themselves around his ankles. “Psst.” the hiss sounded again, breath caressing the nape of his neck.
Jyou liked to think himself a simple, sane man. So, in the manner of a simple, sane man, he peed himself. He begged the deities for death.
The hands on his ankles released their vice grip. “J-Jyou-senpai?” a voice whispered, words slurring together. Something tugged at the edges of his mind, a small spark of realization. The navy-hair boy didn’t dwell on the fact that he recognized the speaker’s low, smoky tone. His mind was preoccupied with the fact he had pissed himself in front of Yamato, evidence leaking onto the carpet beneath his knees.
Jyou froze in place, hoping that if he remained perfectly still, the blonde would forget that the past two minutes had even happened. “Y’know? The room wouldn’t be s’ dark if you’d jus’ open your eyes.”
“I- I don’t know what you’re talking about,” the senior managed between his gritted teeth. All of the excitement and adrenaline had begun to make him feel light-headed, his stomach rolling. A giggle, light and airy and unnatural, was his only warning before a pair of poorly manicured nails were thrust into his eye sockets. “Ow! Stop! You’re goin’ t’ scratch my cornea,” Jyou exclaimed, struggling to pronounce his words clearly.
“Quit bein’ such a baby.” Yamato huffed. With his eyelids effectively pried open, the young doctor assessed the situation at hand. A disgruntled blonde sat crossed-legged in front of him, bottom lip protruding in a way that reminded Jyou of the little boy with an old harmonica. Given the plush comforter and desk situated off the side, he could only assume that they were in someone’s bedroom. The lights had apparently been on the entire time, but his dark eyes had to squint to make out any details.
His felt like he was stuck underwater, thoughts unfocused and head swimming. Carefully avoiding the sopping, dark spot in the carpet, he carefully tucked his legs underneath him, carpet-burned knees nearly grazing the blonde’s. “Wha’ happened? Everything’s s’ blurry.”
Yamato swayed in place; lips curled into a smile. “Uh, yeah. ‘Member? You made Iori dress up in your ol’ clothes from summer camp and put your glasses on ‘im.” He punctuated his statement with a hiccup, and it was only then that Jyou’s eyes focused on the empty liquor bottles scattered across the floor.
The seven empty liquor bottles scattered across the floor.
It clicked for Jyou, then, why he had been feeling this way. It clicked a moment too late, however, and the swift movement of his head sending him spiraling into a horrible dizzy spell. Yamato tried in vain to catch his friend before he sank headfirst into the dampened carpet, but his subdued reflexes proved to be ineffective. With a sickening squelch, Jyou moaned out in misery. His pants, soiled with his despair, clung to his thin legs. The room continued to spin as he clung to the carpet. Without warning, his stomach seized, emptying the sliver of tuna sandwich he managed in between drinks. The deities chose that moment to bestowed pity upon Jyou, as a pair of arms hoisted him up from under his arm pits.
“C’mon,” a trashed Yamato slurred, giggling to himself, “Let’s go get you all clean!”
A flush took up a permanent residency on his cheeks, but his limbs felt like water. He let his friend drag his half-conscious body into the bathroom where he managed to peel his pissed-stained shorts from his body. The breeze of the air-conditioner left a trail of gooseflesh down his thighs, and Jyou whimpered pathetically. “I’m sorry, Yamato-san. I didn’t mean to, you’d jus’ spooked me s’all.” Tears welled in his dark eyes, a few trailblazing their way down reddened cheeks. His friend only cocked a singular blonde eyebrow, running a washcloth under warm water. “I used to have to do this when Takeru-kun was little, so I’m kinda used to it.”
The comparison between him and a five-year-old Takeru went over his head, and Jyou sat back as Yamato wiped off his legs. Wrestling the older boy into a pair of borrowed pajama pants had been  a difficult task, involving more tears (on Jyou’s part) and an indirect knee to the groin (on Yamato’s part). The rock star lifestyle had taught the blonde how to handle his alcohol, a skill proven necessary when all of the Chosen boys got together.
Within the hour, Jyou woke up underneath a pile of warm blankets, tension building behind his eyes. Reaching blindly at the unfamiliar bedside table, his fingers grasped at a circular case. Fumbling for the lamp, he strained his eyes to make sense of the sticky note that rested on top.
I found these in your pants pocket last night. The other guys tried to recreate a dance-off they saw on some American Disney movie, so I’m busy babysitting. There is some medicine in the bathroom if you need it (and a diaper). Only kidding!  – Yama
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Thor-Hercules AU
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I saw this gift and it just gave me Hercules vibe. And I thought, why not? Might be the first part of a Disney’s AU I’m going to do, since I’m working on college on a project for kids about Disney and WELL I CAN’T HELP MYSELF.
Plot:  you didn’t believe in heroes. Those strong, brave men that always wanted to save the day, only to cower away when the real problems began. You didn’t like heroes, who wanted to save the damsel in distress; you could save yourself, thank you very much. You didn’t fall in love with heroes, until a certain blonde one stumbled into your life.
Heroes, you had come to learn, were entirely more trouble than what they were worth.
They went and ran into danger without a moment’s notice, determinated to be noble and brave and never give cleverness a second thought. They did stupid things, always trying to outdo each other. And, in the end, they died.
You should have known, the moment that horrendous big beast roared, someone would come running. Some wanna-be-brave, and trying-to-be-handsome guy. Greece seemed to be absolutely overrun with heroes; if you lifted a rock, there could be at least two. Girls your age drooled over them, and you had met a few that had faked a dangerous situation just so they could see one. You had heard too plenty of stories about how they saved a damsel in distress and let her become the queen of their dreams.  Still, you didn’t like them.
“It’s alright” you assured the creature, hands spread wide and steps careful and slow. The beast roared again, tossing it’s massive – paws? In the air and moving his head around, as if it didn’t really know where you were. It was so wide that it seemed to block out the sky. “It’s okay, I’m not going to-“
Your words got cut off by the scream, and you froze, eyes wide. The beast sensed the intruder as well, its huge, golden eyes narrowing as its wings folded in, tail whipping against the ground.
“Are you alright, milady?” the voice asked again, footfalls accompanying it.
You turned, coming face to face with a man about your age, clad in armour and holding a long bronze sword. Well, not much armour; his sculpted abs were bared, only his shoulders and one arm covered in laughably impractical armour. He had long, blonde hair and deep blue eyes, boring into yours as if you were the only woman he had ever seen. He was tall, taller than any man you had met, and his shoulders were broad.
Regardless of how handsome he might had been, you still had no interest in getting killed.
“Stay back, you idiot” you hissed, and the blonde man froze, his brow furrowing.
“I… you don’t want help?” he asked, to which you shook your head vigorously. “But – aren’t you a damsel in distress?”
You almost wanted to laugh. There was the hero; tall, handsome, strong and with not a single braincell that told him that you didn’t need help. It was as if every one of them had a sixth sense to know when a woman was in distress. Distress meaning anything that wasn’t sleeping or trying new dresses.
Rolling your eyes, you couldn’t resist the urge to perch a hand on your hop, fixing him with a withering scowl. You didn’t miss the way his eyes roamed up your entire figure, and suddenly the destiny of ending up between those enormous claws didn’t seem so bad.
“I’m a damsel. I’m in distress. I can handle it” you said, before turning back to the creature, giving it your full attention once more. It roared, wings spread wide once again and faring its razor fangs. If only, the presence of the man made it more nervous and aggressive, and you sighed in annoyance.
Your newfound hero didn’t seem to heed your words, as before you could blink, he was running past you, sword raised. The dress that was then stained and ripped flew past him and you let your mouth hang open, surprised at how stupid a man could be.
The beast roared, taking a step forward and coating the man and you with its disgusting drool. You closed your eyes and scrunched your nose, hearing the metallic clang of his sword against the animal’s side. It echoed through the clearing, only making the creature more agitated, hissing at the man.
“What are you doing?” you demanded, but he continued to fight, to no avail. You wanted to explain that you were the one stepping in the beast territory, and that it could be fixed with a little sweet talk. Your breath caught as he seemed to find a chink in the beast’s skin, the creature roaring in pain. “Hey!”
All thoughts of your own safety thrown to the wind as you rushed over the man, shoving him back from the animal before he could deliver the kill shot. He seemed so stunned by your actions that he stumbled back, sword falling to your side; although, probably, your shove had been like a soft breezed against a stone’s building, looking at his broad torso.
Your hands flew to the beasts neck, who was breathing heavily. It felt warm under your palms.
“It’s alright” you whispered, shushing it. The creature calmed and you swore it almost sighed in relief, the soft touch making it relax. You repeated the words a few times, until it stopped buffing. It’s head lowered and large, golden eyes blinked at her. “You’re safe now, he’s not going to hurt you”
A rumbling noise sounded in its throat, and his eyes slid shut as you tentatively stroked the top of its head, a whistling purr echoing from his nostrils. Once more, the beast’s eyes opened head rising as it spread its wings and leapt into the sky.
You stepped back to allow the creature room to take off, only remembering the ‘hero’ was still there when he spoke again.
“How did you do that, milady?”
“It was just frightened. Didn’t want to hurt anyone, not until you went rushing at him with a sword.”
The man looked down at the sword he had picked a few seconds before, afternoon sunlight gleaming off the bronze blade. The pommel was shaped to look like the handle of a hammer, you realized, rubies glinting on the sides. It looked expensive, and well made. Not something just anyone would happen to acquire. Not that the man was anything normal either; its beauty couldn’t be from Earth.
“Not everything that looks like a monster is one”
You raised your eyebrow at the man, sneaking a glance at his toned chest. He stood there dumbly, blinking at you and sword in hand. As the great winged beast grew smaller and smaller in the sky. Not everything that is a monster looks like one, either.
“I didn’t realize” he said finally. “I’m sorry, eh, milady. Do you – uh, have a name?”
“Y/N” you supplied.
“Y/N, your name calls the beauty in your” he answered, and you tried not to laugh at the poor attempt of a complement. Still, you wondered if you would be lucky enough to hear your name leaving his lips ever again. “I didn’t mean to interfere in something you had under control. Only wanted to help”
“It’s alright” you said with a shrug. “You should head into the city, though, if you’re looking for monsters to fight. Much more plentiful than out here”
He seemed to glow at your words, showing you a bright smile. He changed his weight from one feet to another, and you realised that you didn’t know the name of the handsome stranger that had made a fool of himself. Your smirked, and he took that as an invitation to talk again.
“I was on my way there” he admitted. “I’m Thor”
The name wanted to ring a bell in your head, but you couldn’t remember where you had heard it before. You blinked, trying to remember why it brought a sense of comfort over you, but he didn’t make any intention of explaining himself further.
“Well, I wish a good fortune. I hope you find the fame al glory all you heroes seem to be chasing” you said, with a little wave of farewell. “Thor.”
“I don’t want fame and glory” he replied, a bit of a frown on his face. Surprisingly, the conviction in his voice had you actually believing him. It seemed like he felt insulted for assuming that. “I just want to help people”
“Well, then I hope you can manage to do that. Try not to get yourself killed” you said. Finally, a teasing smile broke into your lips, a real one. Thor seemed to notice, as he laughed; and it was so loud, that your heart jumped from it. It was a beautiful sound, you decided.
“I’ll do my best, Lady Y/N” he said winking at you, before he turned, and he was gone. Leaving with you with blushing cheeks and small smile.
You exhaled, leaning up against a tree, heart still pounding with leftover adrenaline- whether from the beast, from Thor, you weren’t sure.
The calm after the storm didn’t last long, though. Mere moments after Thor disappeared, you could feel the chill creep into the wood, see the sky darken and the air grow heavy. You squeezed your eyes closed, whishing that you didn’t have to do that. Not after the sweet feeling Thor had left in you, and certain not after the happy smile you had on your face.
“Y/N, darling.”
A voice echoed from the trees, its owner emerging from the darkness like a shadow creeping closer. You could see the annoyance on his pallid face, long fingers pressed together as he stepped closer. You wrapped your arms around your chest, past from the point of being scared but still not comfortable with his presence.
“Hades” you said, trying to keep the bitterness out of your voice. It was not good to go and displease the god of the death, especially when he was already in a sour mood.
“What are you exactly doing here?” he asked, fake sweet smile on your face. “You’re supposed to be working. Convincing minor duties over to my side. Remember? Or is that dumb head of yours empty again?”
In a second, his pale face was in front of you. You had never met such a disgusting eyes over the years; dull, filled with darkness and pain, and slightly red at the end because of the constant hate he felt. Towards everything. His rancid breath hit your face and you tried to stay in place.
How could you forget, if it was everything he ever talked about. His grand plan to unseat the universe the gods by freeing the Titans when the planets aligned, giving him control of the universe. It sounded awful to you, and too much work to be worth it. World domination seemed better in theoreticals, you were sure. But you didn’t exactly have a choice. Whatever the god wanted from you, you had to do.
“I’m sorry, my lord” you said, smiling. Hoping Hades couldn’t noticed how different it was from the one you had a moment ago. “I was going to convince the river guardian to join your fight. I ran into the beast the way there”
“Our fight, darling” Hades corrected you. His hand, suspiciously wet and cold, caressed your face for a bit, until he gripped the back of your hair and pulled your closer. From that distance, he spat on your face when he talked. “As long as your soul belongs to me, my cause is yours too. You’re mine”
You squeezed your eyes closed again, letting the silence between you hang heavy. As if you needed any reminders of everything you gave up for a man who walked away from you the moment it was convenient. Hades kept his grip a little while longer, and finally let your hair go. Then, he wiped his hands on his thighs; as if humans were the most disgusting thing he had ever met.
You mumbled a quick apology, and looked to your feet. Stupid bloody heroes. Always chasing the next best thing, and leaving everything else behind them in dust and ruins.
“That’s more like it!” Hades said, his sickening smile too pleased. He remembered something and frowned, scary attitude back. “Back to the reason I was here. I was – you know, chilling between the eternal flames of death. And couldn’t help but noticing you were talking to, a man, was it? Didn’t remember giving you permission to do so.”
“I don’t know” you shrugged, a bit of annoyed that the conversation was focused on him. “Some here who came barging in, like the always do. Almost killed the poor creature”
“Oh, poor thing, um?” Hades blinked at you and put his folded hands under his chin, as if he was really sorry. “I wonder how long will that beast be alive for. Lucky I wasn’t here, or the dogs would have dinner for tonight”
You prickled at the way he called them beasts. You had always thought those creatures were fascinating in their own way. While they could be fierce, they could also be gentle. Some of them, hydras or chimeras, wanted to hurt you, sure; but most of them were just trying to survive.
Sometimes, you thought of yourself like them. You may had been a minion of Hades, been forced to do terrible things, but sometimes you could still believe there was something good left in you.
“It’s still alive, luckily” you spat back, narrowing your eyes at the god of death. “Even if this Thor almost ran him through”
You expected Hades to quip back. Ignore the anecdote and go straight to what he wanted from you. Maybe punish you from the unnecessary interaction with the man, or make you kill the creature for fun.
He didn’t. Instead, the god’s pale face grew more pallid, eyes going wide and mouth falling open. Hades demanded you to repeat yourself, stepping a little bit closer and making you press yourself further into the bark of the tree. His voice held something you had never heard; rage, surprise, hate. Fright. The stench of death and raw meat he always carried only made room to an even more disgusting one, and you scrunched your nose.
“The hero” you said carefully. “He almost ran the creature through.”
“I got that part!” Hades roared, and the temperature increased. He was fuming. “You said Thor”
“Thor” you repeated, unsure. “I did. Why? Who is he?”
There was no answer on his part, just a big bomb of smoke and he was out of sight. The beautiful landscape you had managed to get lost in the first place came back, birds singing and animals running around. You blinked confused, and took a step forward to finally relieve your back from the rough tree. Looking around, you tried to find the God.
You knew he wasn’t gone; Hades did that a lot. Whenever he remembered something or had business to do, he disappeared and came back a few seconds later. For him, it would had been some days of torturing something.
Your suspicious turned out to be right when he appeared on your right once more. That time, he was cleaning his hands with an old rag. It didn’t take a genius to understand what he had been doing; blood coated his left cheek and there were stains on his clothes. He had a murderous look on his eyes, but he was far more calm. And had a smirk that you didn’t like one bit.
You remined silent, not sure what to say not to anger him further. Thor had seemed strong, sure and a bit dumb although brave, but nothing worthy of being the worry of a god; let alone Hades. You had seen bigger and better man.
“I have a new plan” he said, brushing back his silver hair. “I need him dead, for real this time. And I know just the thing”
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@all-i-need-is-marvel-and-coffee (I don’t know why I can’t tag you...)
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scribblestatic · 5 years
Katsuki wakes up with a start in the middle of the night, hands burning from overuse, right wrist aching with strain, the smell of scalded paint and cotton strong cloying and blocking his nose, his body shaking with a terrible, cold sweat, and his father’s arms wrapped around him.
“You’re okay, son. You’re okay. Just breathe, Katsuki...breathe.”
He tries to follow his instructions, but it’s a struggle. He has to fight against himself, against his memories, to get his body to stop hyperventilating and suffocating itself. But it’s much easier to do with his dad’s warm body against his, Masaru’s heartbeat and lungs working much less strenuously than his own were.
Slowly, he’s brought down from his nightmare-induced panic attack, and, exhausted, he doesn’t try to wipe away the angry, scared tears in his eyes. Katsuki sags against his dad, not hugging him back, but not protesting the hold either.
They stay like that for a while, Masaru whispering slow, calm words to him like he did when Katsuki used to have really bad tantrums. As he does, red-eyed and exhausted, Katsuki takes stock of his room.
He’s burned up the wall next to his bed pretty badly. His sheets are still smoldering a bit, but the little burn spots aren’t yellow anymore. The lower left edge of the single All Might poster he has up on his wall is unsalvageable. When he strains his eyes to look upwards, he spots a darker, more burned spot on the ceiling right above his bed.
As a child, nightmares used to be accompanied by involuntary quirk usage. He remembered the scratchy, heat-resistant sleep gloves he used to have to wear. Back then, he’d hated them with a vengeance, so he trained himself to work through his nightmares quietly. To take the brunt of his terrors and kick their asses in his dreams rather than in reality. His efforts had paid off then—at eight years old, he was finally allowed to sleep without the gloves.
He doesn’t complain the next morning when his old man silently presents some new sleeping gloves to him.
These aren’t flashy or full of cool designs like his kiddie ones had been, no exploding red and orange on a black background, bombastic enough to hide the buckles that would be strapped around his wrists to keep them on. These are a simple black on the backhand, orange on the front, the buckle plain to see, but not nearly as daunting to look at now as it had been as a kid.
“I’m sorry, Katsuki,” his old man says as he takes the gloves without protest. “I know you hated these as a child, but—”
“I get it,” he replies, stuffing his hands—the left one free, the right wrapped in a fresh ACE bandage—into his pockets as he turns to head back to his burned room. “I get it.”
Before he’s completely out of the living room, he hears the dining room chair slide back.
“Maybe...maybe if you talked to the counselor at school, it would help you work through those nightmares. Or, well, you could tell me.” Katsuki stays staring at the floor, back to his dad. “I won’t be able to fully understand what you’ve been through, but son, you...you have to talk to someone. You need someone to help you.”
Katsuki clenches his teeth tightly. Not out of anger, but out of the pang of panic that strikes through him at the mere mention of the word.
He’d cried for help.
Begged for it.
As that sludge clogged his lungs and slowed his heart, he’d pumped as much adrenaline into his body as he could to keep exploding, keep moving, keep trying to force it out, don’t drown, don’t drown, don’t drown—
He’d needed help. He’d looked out into the crowd and begged for it.
And not a single living soul reached to help him.
The crowd had stood stock still, looking around for heroes to come help. Hell, the heroes who were there didn’t...they didn’t even try. They didn’t reach for him, didn’t use what the could to help him. Nothing. They were going to watch him die, they were ready to watch him die, he was dying and they…
But he’d felt it.
A cold, clammy hand forcing his wrist back into the sludge, backwards, straining, before forcing a solid kick against his back. It had shoved his face out of the sludge long enough to breathe, long enough to make a good explosion, long enough that the hand forced backwards let out an explosion big enough to send him flying out like a rocket. He’d had a rough landing, a solid slab of concrete hitting him in the stomach on his way down before he collapsed and began throwing up food and drink and sticky green from the harsh hit.
He barely understood what happened after that. His hearing was already shot from having sludge shoved into him, the fucking monster of a man trying to force himself into his body in the most disgusting, horrendous ways possible. He’d still been throwing up and coughing, trying to crawl desperately away from the sloughing sludge behind him, and still, the heroes weren’t close enough to help. Were refusing to help.
It wasn’t until All Might wrapped an arm around his waist as he threw a punch that changed the weather that he felt even remotely like things would be okay. He hadn’t even realized it was All Might at first, but the body was not cold and wet and curling and forcing itself into his body, so he didn’t struggle against it.
Paramedics quickly took him after, gave him a general check up and quickly diagnosed him with pneumonia, doing their best to tell the media to fuck off as a nurse with a healing quirk—something about toxin expulsion—helped expunge him of the physical residuals from the attack. (Had it not been for her and those nurses, he’d probably have died of bacterial aspiration pneumonia, lactic acidosis, and flat-out blood poisoning. Thank fuck some actually thoughful pricks were around.)
The nurses couldn’t conceal him forever, and after a solid jar-full of extra sludge coming out of his body, another check, and a watchful bill of health with an ACE bandage for his mysteriously sprained right wrist, they were forced to throw him back to the dogs as the media, police, and heroes hounded to hear something from him. But he’d barely said a word. The only thing he’d really managed to say occured when a crowd of heroes tried to congratulate him, cooing over how strong his quirk is, how they’d love to have him as a sidekick. Same shit he’d been hearing all his life.
Only this time, while usually it brought him a sense of pride thinly concealing an overwhelming ball of anxiety, now it just fell flat. Numb. Like something was trying to tickle him but it couldn’t get a response. 
He just stared off to the side, where the nurses were gingerly concealing Deku’s dead body from the rest of the world. A single casualty that none of the heroes surrounding him were paying attention to. No. Only All Might acknowledged him, standing over his long cold body with slightly slumped shoulders, his body also a guard against a bunch of nosy gossip mongers from taking Deku’s slack-faced picture and posting it all over the web.
No...Deku’s face was slack. It was, but not the way the dead tend to look.
He’d seen it as the nurses covered him. Nah, the dumbass seemed like he was just sleeping. Just a little opening of the mouth, the lack of chest movement and the severe impact scar scraped into his chest the only indications he was dead. Yet, his face hadn’t been scrunched in pain. No, he was serene, like he was having a good-damn dream.
He stared as the nurses covered his red shoes, and slapped one of the heroes’ hands off his shoulder as they touched him.
“Keep your paws off me. It’s too fuckin’ late now.”
Apparently his face said something his mouth didn’t, because none of the heroes followed after him as he left.
Katsuki kept it together all the way till he got home, right up until his dad rushed in his room and held him close, thanking every Shinto god he could think of that his son was alive. Then Katsuki pressed his face into his dad’s shoulder and finally shattered to pieces, not caring that the old hag hovered in the doorway, unsure and concerned.
She ended up occupied anyway. Had to console her best friend during the loss of the woman’s only son. But just hearing the call start up opened up another can of beans because he’d seen Deku’s face last. Before the silent, sleeping face, there had been a terrible, teary-eyed, wide-pupiled grin before Deku’s dead maw had opened, peering eyes peeking out from his already cold body, spewing forth death that quickly surrounded Katsuki and tried to invade his body and take him with it.
But even that isn’t what haunts him most. Haunts him so much that he can’t yet bear to talk about it, because he’s sure if he tries, he’ll be admitted to the nearest psych ward and he’s not sure he could take that.
So instead of answering his dad back, he just keeps walking forward. Keeps heading to the stairs and shuffling to his room. Silently closes the door and stares at his charred wall and the new bed sheets that have replaced the newly burnt ones. Stares at the crispy All Might poster that he’s still going to leave up on his wall.
Then, once he’s sure he’ll be left alone, his gaze shoots to his closet.
See, in his time off school, he’s had time to think. Time to process some shit and really get his head into gear. Actually use his brain after it had been so rudely thrust out of its usual orbit. And he’s still not quite back, but he’s aware enough. Thoughtful enough. Observant enough.
And he’d observed something he’d thought he’d imagined, but still has proof of, and has vigilantly kept it hidden in the ice box in his closet.
He shoves his hanging clothes aside to reveal the ice chest and pulls it out, a strange mixture of sewage and car air fresheners seeping just the tiniest bit out of the corners of the top. He shoves the top off and pulls out its contents, ignoring the rush of smells with only the scrunch of his nose.
He stares.
It’s still there.
On the back of his gakuran is a single dirt stain. The thing stinks like sewer sludge, but he just contains it by wrapping the jacket in plastic and spraying Febreeze on it until he can’t smell anything but Bamboo Essence. Cloying and flowery, but better than sludge. But see, he has to save it. Has to save his gakuran as his proof. 
Because the single dirt stain is of a shoe print. And that is enough to convince him that he’s not crazy.
He can still see the stain where an already dead Deku had kicked him in the back to save him.
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thehoodsweetheart · 5 years
Sandcastles | Part III.
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A/N: Sandcastles is officially a series! I really hope this is up to par. Please excuse the mistakes.
Warnings: Fuckboy!Erik (?), Angst!, Use of the N-word (I’m Black. I have that right).
Summary: If you have not read Sandcastles Part 1 and Part 2, please do so before reading this. Although, it may not be totally necessary to do so but it helps. The reader is a Black Woman, always has been always will be.
Word Count: 2.4K
           Fear. Erik didn’t possess the concept of fear. He’d overcome that emotion in his early years. Somewhere between finding his father dead and his first mission as a secret operative, that feeling had been wiped from him. At least that’s what Erik believed. Who could possibly still possess that emotion after witnessing and partaking in such horrendous acts? Fear equated weakness and he prided himself of not being weak, never letting anyone in close enough to expose a weakness. That was until he did. He let you in.
            When Erik realized that he let you in, he tried to push you away but you didn’t tolerate it. This was before you and Erik were even in a “real” relationship. Erik thoughthe was able to give people the cold shoulder, but yours could get colder. Erik had grown accustomed to stringing women along, fucking them, leaving them, and popping back up whenever he felt like it. When he attempted to ghost you, you completely ghosted him. You did not go for the ‘I’ll pop up in a few months to see if I can still hit’ game. When he saw you on what he thought was a date, he lost it. He wasn’t going for that shit. He knew that he had to make y’all relationship real. Erik fearedlosing you. This was something he would have to come to terms with quite a few times. He actually feared losing and loving you.
           This kind of fear was one that perplexed him. He wasn’t like he was afraid you could get him killed or kill him. He’d done his research after meeting you the first time. This fear was childish in Erik’s mind. It was the fear parents provoke when they threaten to take away something after you misbehave. One where you know you could live without it but you still feel like you need that thing or just really want to keep it. Or possibly it was the fear of what became his new normal being stripped from him? It wracked his brain until he’d have a lapse in judgment. The fear of loving you led to him doing things that would risk you leaving. It was a cycle.
         The birth of Iman only added to his paranoia. He never put much thought into having children because he simply never thought he would live long enough to have them. When Iman was born, he questioned everything he’d ever did wrong. Was he even good enough to have a love so pure? What if his past came for him and he lost you and Iman? He feared walking into a repeat of his childhood. His father’s death haunted him. Death was something he could accept. It was second nature but not with you two. Erik would give his life to spare you both.
         These thoughts invaded his brain as he sat in a long drawn out meeting. Queen Mother Ramonda came to Los Angeles for the benefit and there was quite a bit of business to handle since she was in town. Erik was the first to present her updates with his social outreach work at the center, along with some technological advances he worked on with Shuri. But once he was done presenting, his thoughts began to invade him. Erik constantly checked his watch and peered out of the closest window spacing out. For the start of the day, Erik felt normal coming back to work, confident even.  There was a shift. He could feel it in his stomach as if something wasn’t right. It could have been paranoia.
       Erik received a notification to his phone that only heightened his paranoia. Iman’s Kimoyo beads dropped offline. It wouldn’t have been odd but this was the third time he’d gotten this notification that day. Iman’s Kimoyo beads never went off more than once, two times max. Why would Y/N take off Iman’s kimoyo beads so many times in only a few hours? His leg bounced as he slouched into his seat bringing his hand that now formed a tight fist to his mouth. It didn’t help that Y/N’s kimoyo beads had been offline since the night of the benefit. They were the final item Y/N threw at him before leaving.
       Erik’s eyes scanned the room as if he was searching for an answer that was obviously not in that conference room. Shuri shot him a quizzical look. He could only assume she had received the notifications for Iman. By the time the meeting wrapped up, Erik had not received a new notification signaling that they were back online. It had been 32 minutes since the last alert. He didn’t need his iPhone to tell him that. He had counted. He brushed past everyone being the first to exit the conference. He needed to figure out what was going on. He knew he could easily check once he was in the privacy of his own office. Before he could reach his office, he felt a small hand grab his shoulder. Erik spun around with annoyance only to see Shuri with a concerned look on her face.
“Hey cuz…Is everything cool? Have you talked to Y/N? Iman is still showing offline.” Shuri asked with her eyebrows furrowed together.
“Don’t even worry about it lil cuz. I’m about to give her a call now.” He tried to wave her off and continue his walk to his office. Shuri stopped him again.
“You know, I know right? I’m young but I’m smarter than you, American.” Shuri teased. Erik scoffed. “I’ll do an override to tap into the beads. See if Y/N left your sorry ass...again” She whispered her disapproval.
“Nah, I don’t need you doin all that. Y’all all up in my business bad enough as it is. Iman probably had an accident and needed to take an extra bath.” Erik stared down Shuri with cut eyes.
“We wouldn’t be in your business, if you didn’t mix business with pleasure in your office…and if that scenario makes you feel better, believe what you want. WHEN you need an actual answer I’ll be in my lab.” Shuri waved her hand turning to leave him.
“Yeaaa…please focus on something important kid. I know you have some new developments that you haven’t completed yet. Maybe a new toy?”
Shuri rolled her eyes raising her hand holding a middle finger high, unaware of her mother sauntering through the hallway.
“Shuriiii”, Ramonda scolded. Shuri groaned stomping away. Erik chuckled only to earn a side-eye from his aunt.  She mumbled a ‘mmhmm’ before walking away.
           Erik entered his office immediately dialing Y/N’s number. He listened to it ring for a while before going to voicemail. He tried not to think much of it. That was his first time calling her. Erik hung up dialing her number again only to get the same result. He took in an uneasy breath trying to calm his heartbeat. He took a seat at his desk, his leg bouncing as he debated if he should call her for a third time back to back.  You normally answered his calls if he called twice in a row, even if you answered just to tell him you’d call him back. He decided against calling again. Erik knew he should give you some time and not let his paranoia overtake him. Maybe he was too used to you being available? Or maybe Shuri was right?
           He couldn’t fight the urge anymore. Erik swiveled around in his chair, his fingers moving with no hesitation as he logged into his work computer. It had been 44 minutes since Iman’s kimoyo beads sent the last notification with no indication that they were back online. He doubled clicked the icon for the program that allowed him to view the activities in his home via the cameras he installed throughout the house. Each room assigned to its appropriate label.
          The first room to come into view was the living room showing no sign of disturbance. Erik could feel his adrenaline spike as he double clicked the label for Iman’s room. Her nursery appeared but he could see her crib was empty but the kimoyo beads lay in the center of it. Did she bounce and take the baby? What if she just left to run errands and the Kimoyo beads fell off by accident? Or she could be giving Iman a bath. Erik hoped it was one of the later scenerios. His chest tightened as he scrolled through the current activity of the various rooms seeing that Y/N and Iman were not at home. But where could they be? He gave Y/N a call once more. This time it went straight to voicemail.
          He picked up his office phone about to dial his assistant’s phone number when it hit him. He no longer had an assistant. The intern, Arya, was taking on the role as his assistant. In the past six months she had full access to his schedule, followed him around everywhere, and managed to keep up with him without getting in his way. That was until they crossed that professional friendly line and began an affair two months ago. For Erik the affair was a physical thing, no real emotion lived there. Nonetheless, Arya was not worth losing his family over. When T’Challa made the decision to let her go during Erik’s one-week leave of absence, he didn’t care. That was one step towards fixing world that crumbled before him.
       Erik opted to call Shuri instead. He knew Y/N formed a close bond with Shuri and Nakia over the past few years. It was strong possibility that Shuri could get an answer from Y/N faster. He wasn’t going to lie to himself and say she had forgiven him completely. Shuri answered in a knowing tone.
“Did Y/N mention her next doctor’s appointment?” Erik’s voice rushed almost sounding as if his question was one word.
“Whoaa, slow down. It’s not until next week or something but I don’t keep your wife’s schedule. You should know that.”
“Tell him to stop trying to spy on his family from his computer.” T’Challa interjected only for Erik to smack his teeth.
“Nigga nobody’s spying. I’m trying to make sure they’re okay.” Erik countered.
“Ah, is that what we’re calling it now? Okay. Well maybe you should head home? You probably won’t stop checking the cameras until you see them come back anyway.”
“Shit nigga, wouldn’t you?! I knew I shouldn’t have come into work today. I could’ve did that damn presentation from my home office.” Erik ranted as he snatched his blazer from the couch in his office. He scrambled to put it on while looking for his keys.
           Erik quickly ended the call rushing out to his Acura NSX. He sped the entire way home. Despite trying to be optimistic and think they were running errands, something just didn’t feel right. It was nagging at him since the meeting. Maybe it was his conscious reminding him that he still fucked up and needed to right his wrongs with his wife? But after last night and this morning, the way she screamed his name and clung to him, just as she always had, he thought he still had time to fix things.
           He arrived to the house in record time. He walked in calling Y/N’s name only to be met with silence. He checked the garage seeing that your car was in fact gone. Erik clenched and unclenched his fist while beginning to count backwards from ten. The pressure he was feeling in his chest was beginning to weigh him down. He couldn’t explain why he was anxious about walking upstairs in his own house to his own room. Nevertheless, his feet carried him there.
           He reached their taking in his surroundings. The gleam from your 7-karat pear shaped diamond ring caught his attention. Approached the nightstand noticing the handwritten note under your ring. He read and reread the note three times trying to internalize what you wrote. His nostrils flared as his eyes began to burn. He balled up the note with hast throwing it across the room. He screamed ‘fuck’ storming out of the master bedroom. You really left him and you took his heart with you, Iman. To top it off, you didn’t want to be apart of this new pregnancy. His chest heaved just thinking about it.
         Erik made his way to Iman’s nursery seeing the closet was open. For whatever reason, he hadn’t noticed her closet while checking the cameras earlier. His mind was centered on the Kimoyo beads then. Iman’s closet was practically empty. There were only a couple of onesies and dresses left. He counted five. Erik walked over to Iman’s crib grabbing the plush pink elephant that Iman loved. He leaned over the crib’s railing clutching the stuffed animal inhaling its scent. Y/N really took his baby. His family was gone.
        The sound of slamming doors followed by the doorbell ringing snapped him out of his thoughts. Using the back of his hand, he wiped his tears. He rushed downstairs hoping it was his wife, but why would she show up after writing that note. He opened the door without even checking to see whom it was, only to reveal two men in khaki colored uniforms. He squared his shoulders feeling his internal rage grow.
“Who the fuck are y’all?” Erik barked. The men blinked a couple times looking taken aback.
“Uhh…Umm…We’re from Enterprise Moving company. We were sent to get Mrs. Udaku-Steven’s belongings.” The shortest one stuttered. Erik’s frown deepened.
“Y’ALL NOT TAKIN’ SHIT! GET THE FUCK OFF MY PROPERTY!” Erik slammed the door in their faces and immediately went to call you.
      He got your voicemail once again. It took his entire strength not to throw his phone. There were knocks at the door followed by the doorbell once again. He clenched his jaw as he heard the moving men asking his to open the door. Erik decided to text you.
You better call that moving company and tell them to leave before I body ALL these mothafuckas!
           Erik knew you were screening your calls. It was confirmed when his text appeared as read a minute later. The gray bubbled with three dots popped up, then went away, and popped up again before going away. His phone began to ring as you picture appeared. He pressed the green button answering. Before he could even say hello, your voice blared through the speaker.
Tag list:
@purple-apricots @chaneajoyyy @toniilaney @wakanda-inspired @almeda-344 @desireatatyana
@wakandalivesforever @yoyolovesbucky @beaut1fulone-blog @sarcastic-sunshines
@elaindeereads @soufcakmistress @bujotellsyourstory @scott-mccall-could-lift-mjolnir
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nerd-of-sorts · 6 years
Hold On Tight & Don’t Let Go
Tony received the call from Peter he had prayed to never get. Now he has to do what is best for Pete, even if it tears him apart. 
Warnings: Major character death, angst, Iron!dad
Tony was so close to fixing the compression issue, he could almost taste it. It right there in front of him, he was so close, so close...
The storage unit whined horrendously and popped open, a dust of Nano-tech particles settling over him. It was like a confetti, saying ‘good try but you still fuck up bro’. His aim had been off by less than a millimetre, but it was enough.
God, it was even it his hair.
He flicked on the magnet with a sigh, attracting the particles back to the table. Sure, he had hit the millionth road block with this new suit, but he had to remember what it was going to become. And he sure as hell couldn’t wait for the Nano-tech suit to come together. He already was drawing up plans to introduce the tech to the kid’s suit.
It was a jump forward for science, and the engineer inside him was bouncing off the walls with excitement. With this jump forward though, came the reminder of why he was designing these suits. Tony dreaded the day that something cruel enough would come that demanded the use of the Nano-tech.
“Boss, you have an incoming call from Spider-Man’s suit line,” FRIDAY announced, stopping Tony from resetting the compression unit.
Well, this is a first, Tony thought to himself. Normally Pete just spammed his phone with texts and voice mails about his daily patrols.
Although he would never admit it to anyone, he loved reading the kid’s constant upbeat messages and overuse of emojis.
“Put him through,” he ordered, deciding it was time for a three-minute break. “Hey kid, stop any jaywalking thugs today?” He asked, resting easily against a bench top.
“Mr Stark, I screwed up. I screwed up so bad,” Peter’s voice cracked, betraying the fear he’d hoped so badly to hide.
Tony’s heart dropped at his words. This was not how he had expected this call to go. “Hey, hey, Pete, I’m sure it’s nothing we can’t fix. What happened?” His voice was gentle, coaxing Peter to explain what had happened.
“There was a man and he... well I thought he was just breaking in but he had a gun and I, I wasn’t, I wasn’t,” he stuttered, “I wasn’t fast enough, and now I don’t know where he’s gone, normally I wouldn’t bother you but my leg won’t stop bleeding and...”
“Peter,” Tony cut off his rambling. “I’m coming to your co-ordinates with the med suit, just hang tight for a few more minutes okay?
“FRIDAY, make sure that his suit’s running the ‘Bandaid for an Ouchie’ protocol. Keep me up to date on his vitals, bring out Mark 19 for me.”
“Already on it Boss,” she responded, and true to her word he could hear the capsule holding Mark 19 unlocking. Moments later the suit was bursting through the door, landing in front of him with a grace only a machine could achieve.
The calm whir of the suit opening up was a harsh contrast to the pounding of Tony’s heart. Adrenaline was already surging through him, and he barely waited for the suit to sync before he rushed out of the exit and into the sky.
The Med suit flanked him as he crossed the border of the compound, and no sooner had it done that, he put all that he had into the thrusters. He had to get to Peter, and now. FRIDAY had his ETA at seven minutes, and he prayed that the kid could hold on for that long. The ‘Bandaid for an Ouchie’ protocol should walk Pete through controlling the bleeding, but would that be enough?
Tony knew that Pete was strong, and not just because he was bitten by a jacked up spider. He was a good kid at heart, pushing through everything to do what was right.
It made him even more worried over the fact he had called Tony over an injury, because that meant it was serious.
“His heart rate is at 63 BPM and blood pressure is at 95/60 and falling,” Friday rattled off in his ear. Even she sounded afraid. “All data is being streamed to the med suit as we speak. It appears that Peter sustained an injury to sector 18, and considerable trauma to his femoral artery.”
“Shit, shit, shit, we need to go faster,” Tony muttered, trying to calculate how much time he had to get to Peter… The call had been a minute and a half ago, they were still six and a half minutes from his kid’s location…
“I said faster FRIDAY!”
“Boss we…” FRIDAY tried to argue.
Tony wasn’t exactly yelling, but his tone left no room for argument. “I don’t care FRI, juice ‘em up!” He braced himself as the suit broke through the sound barrier, and had he not been panicking over Peter, he would have been exhilarated to be flying so fast again.
But all he could picture was arriving to a limp body framed by a pool of blood.
He watched the ETA number decrease rapidly, the numbers falling away. Up ahead he could see the suit beacon plotted, the pin point becoming larger and larger as he neared. Together he and the med suit smacked down to the ground, little craters left behind on the side walk.
The only souls awake at this hour to notice their grand entrance were the rats, who skittered away and around corners, darkness swallowing them up.
They were on the outskirts of the city, facing a run-down jewellery store that looked like it sold more fakes than genuine pieces. Tony briefly wondered what Peter was doing so far out, but it was only for a moment. He had to get in there to his kid, he had to stop the bleeding.
Tony blasted down what remained of the broken door. The beams of light from his suit lit up patches of the small store, and frantically he spun around, searching for red and blue. One whole wall of cases had been shattered. The harsh angles of fractured glass glinted back at him, small pieces littering the floor like a fresh snow.
Seconds ticked by and Tony could feel the panic rising in his throat. Slowly it threatened to choke him, taking away his ability to breathe. His ability to think rationally.
“Peter?” he let out a strangled cry.
 The faintest sound of shifting broken glass caught his attention, and his head snapped to the far corner.  
Peter was slumped against the wall, one hand draped across his lap, the other sitting useless beside him. The mask was still on, his head lolled forward with his chin resting gently against his chest. The only sign of life were the soft wheezes he intermittently released.
Tony released himself from the suit, needing to hold the kid with his own two hands. The med suit followed only a step behind.
The billionaire dropped to his knees beside Pete, gingerly reaching out with both hands to raise the boy’s head. Keeping one hand under his chin, Tony slowly peeled off the mask.
Peter’s skin was a deathly shade of grey, a sheen of sweat glistening under the soft blue light of Mark 19. Tony brushed the damp curls back from his forehead, trying to ignore the way Pete’s clammy skin was like ice beneath his fingers. He stilled hadn’t opened his eyes, and Tony cupped his face in both try and get his attention.
“Peter?” he breathed shakily, and to his greatest relief the boy’s brown eyes fluttered open. It was okay, Peter was alive. He got to him in time.
“M’Stark?” the kid slurred, his eyes lazily drawing upwards to look at his mentor. They weren’t as sharp as Tony remembered. An unreachable distance separated the pair.
“Yeah kid, I’m here. You’re okay, you’re okay,” he repeated, but at this point he didn’t know is he was reassuring Peter or himself. Peter seemed too out of it to notice the tremble in Tony’s hands as he held him.
A soft moan escaped Peter’s lips and Tony’s gaze whipped down to see what the med suit was doing to him.
He nearly blanched at the sight. What used to be the blue of the suit of his left thigh was now saturated in dark blood, shining under the focal light of the med suit. Tony could see a faint pulse as more blood poured from the wound, trickling down to join the pool collecting on the ground. It had been a clean bullet entry, ripping right through the artery.
Tony noticed the palm of the hand draped across Peter’s lap was also stained a similar colour, from where the kid had desperately tried to put pressure on the wound. Tony hated to think of him in here alone in the dark, clutching his leg as he bled out.
The med suit had already fashioned a tourniquet, and was beginning to search for the bullet, which apparently hadn’t gone all the way through his leg.
It was still in there somewhere.
Peter tried to shift away from the pain, but Tony moved to grab his shoulders. He had to keep him still.
“Hey, hey now. Let the suit do it’s thing.” Keep him awake Tony, he can’t go under again. “What happened here kid? You did a fine job of smashing everything, and that’s coming from me.”
That earned a lopsided grin from Peter, and Tony took that as a small win. Pete sucked in a rattling breathe before he began. “H’ was high or” wheeze. “s’meth’n,” wheeze. “Dodg’d five, b’t” wheeze “screw’d up l’st one.” Wheeze.
A hideous anger started to swirl in Tony’s stomach. Had some crackhead decided to empty a gun at some kid? He promised himself there that he would track down that waste of oxygen if it were the last thing he did…
Peter’s weak body succumbed even further to the blood loss, shaking in Tony’s grip. The billionaire positioned himself even closer to the kid, so that Peter was basically lying in his lap as he cradled him.
Tony stripped off his own hoodie without thinking twice and wrapped it around Peter’s shoulders as best he could.
He could now feel each weak breath the kid took, a desperate grasp to hang onto consciousness. He felt the tensing of muscles as Pete tried his best not to pull away from the med suit, and Tony wished more than anything that they could trade spots. Tony was an old man who had fucked up more times than he could count – he should be on the ground bleeding. Not Peter. Not the boy who only wanted to help everyone, who hadn’t even graduated. Who wanted to be just like ‘Mr Stark’, even though Tony couldn’t see how.
Peter couldn’t die tonight.
“We have to get him out of here now,” he spoke in a low voice at the suit. It had removed the bullet, and was now applying more pressure to the wound.
“The patient has less than a 4% chance of surviving the flight,” it stated.
“He won’t survive in this shithole either. His healing has stopped him from bleeding out until now, it will hold him together during the flight,” he growled back. Peter tensed in his lap, but Tony took no notice. He was ready to order it to collect up Peter, when FRIDAY spoke up.
“Boss, think about what’s best for Peter. If we were to move him he would die alone and afraid, but if you stay with him…”
“FRIDAY, shut it.” He snapped. How dare she talk like that.
Peter had stopped shivering, but Tony didn’t know if that was good or not. The kid’s glassy eyes looked up into his own, filled with a kind of resignation.
“S’kay M’ Stark,” he whispered, a trace of a smile ghosting across his features. But Tony wasn’t falling for it. He knew inside the kid was scared. Terrified of what was happening to him.
And there wasn’t anything Tony could do about it.
But maybe there was. Perhaps FRIDAY was right. The rising tension was only upsetting Peter, and Tony was making it worse by fighting it. His vision blurred as the tears started to form, but he looked up and willed them away. He couldn’t let the kid see the horror that he felt inside, not now. He had to be strong for Peter.
Slowly he ran his hand through the kid’s brown tangles, in what he hoped was a comforting manner. He didn’t have any experience in this area – what are you supposed to do while helplessly watching someone die in your arms? Every cell of his fought to get up and whisk the kid away to the compound, or at least a hospital. But he didn’t, he just sat there and tried his best to provide some sort of comfort. 
“Th’nk you, Tony.” Pete murmured, his body relaxing.
He broke inside as Peter said his name.
Of course the kid was thanking Tony with his dying breath. It was such a Peter thing to do.
“You’re a fucking wonder, Peter. Damnit,” Tony cursed, his voice breaking. He couldn’t bear this. He closed his eyes and tried his hardest to get a grip. Just keep stroking the kid’s head, hold him tight, don’t let go…
Tony felt it before he even opened his eyes.
Peter’s body stopped seeking Tony’s warmth, but limply fell away from him, unnaturally still. Those big, brown eyes stared vacantly upward at the ceiling, no longer seeing. No longer scared.
Tony let out a choked gasp, his whole body uncontrollably trembling as he clutched the dead kid’s body. He’d come to know all kinds of pain during different stages of his life.
But it was nothing like this hurt. The ache he felt in every fibre of his being.
He was vaguely aware of the med suit rising to return home, and FRIDAY saying something over and over in his ear, but he never heard a word she said. A loop of Pete saying his name was playing over and over in his mind, drowning everything else out.
Thank you, Tony.
Tony sat there silently under the dim light of Mark 19, tears spilling down his cheeks as he held his kid close for the very last time.
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levi-ish · 6 years
So far away [T.H.]
— Requests: hey:) i love your posts, you are a great writer<3 can you write something about tom x the reader having a long distance relationship? and maybe something like how they meet again at the airport? thanks, i can’t wait to read more of your posts😚💕
can you do one of tom dating an american girl who lives in new york/does broadway and how they have to deal with long distance and stuff?
Pairing: Tom Holland X Broadway!Reader
Genre: Angst and fluff
A/N: Hi there! I posted this before but the post was bugging my phone and notebook so I’m trying to post again. And by the way, thank you guys for all those awesome compliments you’ve been sending me! All the good vibes for you, guys! (Again, try to ignore the errors you might find. I’m trying my best to write in English but sometimes, the Universe just doesn’t want it that way. Just kidding, good reading!)
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(just look at this gif tho)
“Alright guys, let’s do that again. Carlton, you’re missing the steps!” Sonya, the choreographer yelled, her voice echoing the whole theater.
You looked once more to the bright screen of your phone and sighed, letting out the excess of pain trapped in your chest.
“Is everything okay?” You felt a hand weighting on your shoulder and looked at the person beside you, Patrick, the boy who was incorporating Marius in the musical, your ‘everything is fine’ smile growing once more on your lips.
You looked down at your phone again, your smile fading a little.
“Yeah, it is”
After the rehearsal you went backstage and sat down on the floor, your face framed by wet strands of hair and swollen feet. Looking at the ceiling you inhaled deeply trying to take a little break before leaving the theater.
Five months ago, you got your dream role as Éponine Thérnardier in the upcoming Les Misérables Broadway musical. It was a great advancement in your acting career and you just couldn’t drop out. After battling to pay your Performing Arts tuition with endless nights of serving rich spoiled people who would often laugh at you (what turned into a few self-esteem problems), this job would be the opening to the Broadway world.
And five months ago you felt like the things with your boyfriend wouldn’t ever be the same again.
You met Tom when he played a role in Singing in The Rain as a guest star, he was Cosmo Brown while you were just a backup dancer. Even against all odds, he loved the way you looked so passionate about your job. He invited you to coffee an evening after rehearsal, and, after that, everything just went as the Universe wanted it to be.
The only problem was that with his and your career, you two wouldn’t spend as much time together as before.
In the start, your relationship consisted in Skype calls from time to time, vague visits between interviews or short texts. You just couldn’t help but miss his arms sneaking around you in the mornings, while you were making breakfast; or restless nights spent just talking about random things or snuggling to watch Netflix with wine and popcorn.
Of course he supported your career — you should’ve seen the way he jumped around when you dropped the news of your new role! — and you supported him as much. The only thing was that, even though you two were always busy, you always found time to call or text him.
But he almost never did.
Now you would always carry the same annoying weight which seemed to make a nest in your chest, claiming that it wouldn’t leave so soon. The horrendous feeling that your relationship was fading away dominated your whole body, not leaving any part behind. You just couldn’t remember the taste of his lips or the warmth of his embrace and all that hurt.
But not as much as the day when you saw.
It was a stupid article that just happened to pop in your feed. It was supposed to be stupid and meaningless, because you’ve been there before, and guaranteed that it wasn’t the truth. You felt the pain grow even more, now heading towards your heart and making it hard to hold onto your chest. You felt like throwing up.
‘Tom Holland and girlfriend hangs out in Champs-Elysées’
You stared at the picture for a while not wanting to hear your subconscious warnings to not look. He was wearing that navy-blue cap that he loved so much and you would tease him about it. He was holding her close to his chest, the same way he would do to you before. His hands were resting on her small waist while his eyes were glued to hers, like he would do to you before. All you could see was that he was happy. Happy without you. Like he looked like before.
But now was the after, and it wasn’t as good as before.
That night, you decided that you wouldn’t call or text him for a good while.
“Okay, (Y/N), your turn” the stage-manager, Robin, whispered-yelled at you quickly.
You adjusted the red hat on your hair and inhaled deeply, trying to regain your composure before going there. It was the opening night and the theater was full of people enjoying the musical. You felt like never before when you appeared for the first time, but now was your solo — your time to shine — and you felt awful.
You felt awful because Tom wasn’t there to cheer to you.
When the background music started to play, you inhaled and exhaled again, entering the stage. A huge spotlight illuminated you while you walked slowly, hands in the pockets of your beige topcoat.
It wouldn’t be easy to sing that song, especially that song. In the story, Éponine was heartbroken because Marius loved another one and was so blinded that he couldn’t see the girl right in front of him. In all of your rehearsals, it was easy to sing “On My Own”, but now, even the thought of singing was hard. On My Own was based on her feelings of not being reciprocated on love.
You opened your mouth and started to sing, but when you did, all your thoughts went back rushing in your mind. You remembered the article, you remembered him not calling you to even wish good luck, but sending a short text that sounded so vague, you remembered him holding that girl close to him. And you just couldn’t hide the emotions.
When you stopped thinking, you stared back at the audience, feeling your chest rising and falling with such a force, adrenaline rushing in your veins and sweat forming on your neck while your mouth was still parted and the background music stopped. Your cheeks burning from the tears.
“I love him” you sang again, with pain exploding inside you. “But only on my own.”
And everybody stood up, the clapping sound incessant while every single one person in the audience cheered for you.
You smiled, but with that “everything is fine” smile, again.
The critics were going wild about you. Every single one of them loved how much passion you showed that night and how the emotions looked so real. Little did they know that they were real.
It was your week off and you were sitting in your shared apartment, but alone, with a glass of wine right next to you while you stared at the phone screen, reading and rereading the message over and over again.
‘Hey, love, I arranged to spend my week off with you. Could you pick me up at the airport?’
You felt so stupid. So, so stupid. While he was spending his time with another girl, you were alone, feeling like shit when you were supposed to feel awesome— I mean, have you looked at all those reviews? — and how were you supposed to look at his face? Even when he texted you, congratulating about the reviews, you felt hurt.
The next day, he texted you the time when he would arrive for you to be there to pick him up. And you went. 3 hours before.
You stood there, trying to prepare yourself. You were an actress, how hard would that be?! But when you saw him leaving the plane exit and looking for you in the sea of people, your heart sparkled a bit, even though you didn’t want it to.
Right behind him, that girl was standing, looking so good, almost like an angel, and your self-esteem dropped once more.
“(Y/N)!” He saw you there and walked in your direction, his smile growing more each step.
He stood there, now smiling at you, when you saw the same girl behind him looking a little confused.
“Tom, have you seen Emilia?” She asked and he nodded.
“I saw her leaving right after you. I think she’s coming” he saw you again, now looking hurt. “Oh, (Y/N), this is Leigh. She’s in the new movie”
She offered you a hand to shake and you took it, feeling even worse. How could they do this to you and act like it wasn’t a big deal?
“Sorry, I’m looking for my girlfriend” Leigh told you. Another girl appeared right behind her and they shared a quick kiss, leaving the room together.
Your mouth was parted and you looked at your boyfriend hesitantly, now feeling like shit again.
“You’re looking weird, love” he pressed his lips together, analyzing your figure. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you that much… The press was crazy about the movie and…”
“I thought you were cheating on me” you told him, biting your lower lip. “I-I…”
The tears slipped out of your eyes without any warning, burning down your cheeks while his arms sneaked around you, holding your small frame with such care and warmth; the warmth that you’ve missed so much. His hands caressed your hair while your grip was hard against his chest, making up for all that time that you couldn’t be with him.
“I would never! I love you too much; I can’t think of me with another person” he whispered in your ear, kissing your cheek right after.
“I saw that article… you were holding Leigh and I…” You sobbed against his coat, taking in his scent.
“She’s like a little sister to me.” He moved a little, just to look into your eyes with those sweet chocolate orbs, sending you that same look as before. “She doesn’t even like men!”
You laughed at your own thoughts and leaned in to place a chaste kiss on his lips. When you were leaning back, he pulled you close again, sealing your lips on a more passionate kiss, like his life depended on it. His hands sending warm waves through your body only by the sweet touch that only he had and everything felt like home. Everything felt like before. 
Suddenly, you weren’t on your own again.
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cy4658-writes · 6 years
3. Afternoon Jazz
'In the blue sky just a few specks of gray
Is the evening of a beautiful day'
Francis Duggan - A Beautiful day
I spent almost all day outside walking, wondering through the cobbled streets of northern London. The weather was perfect, warm but with a slight breeze. The trees around me were starting to become green again, spring was in the air and you could tell.
I had found the perfect place to grab a quick lunch before heading to the supermarket to stock my cupboards.
I finally got back to my apartment, took my shoes off. I was tired at last, both mentally and physically. I was feeling lazy so I only put out the stuff that needed to go on the fridge.
I wasn't hungry at all, which was strange but I thought to myself it was all because of my jet lag. It always takes me 2 to 3 days for my body to fully adjust to my new time zone and that's why I knew I shouldn't go to be before 9 pm or I'll suffer from it longer.
Checked my phone: 7:30 pm so I thought I can finally call home to let them know I arrived safe and sound.
Mom sounded happy but a bit sad that I was going to be gone for that long. Despite the fact that I was already in my 30s and being the older one of two, I will always be a kid in her eyes. We spent about 20 minutes talking and catching up on each other's day till I could no longer keep my eyes open.
'Bye mom. I promise I'll call you tomorrow' I said in the middle of a yawn 'Bye love. Be safe and get some rest' she said before hanging up.
Literally dragging my feet through the dark wooden floor, I made my way to the bathroom. I still had a bit of will power, so I decided to take a shower before going to bed. The apartment was getting cold and I still haven't gotten around of figuring out how the heater worked neither I felt like even trying at this point so, the best solution was a hot bath and 2 extra blankets I found earlier while hanging my clothes.
As I was dry blowing my hair, Morpheous decided I should call it a night. Got next to my bed, pulled my pajamas from under the pillow: an oversized Korn t-shirt that I owned since high school and a flannel pair of pants; put my hair up in a bun and proceeded to lie down. My eyes promptly closed making me fall automatically into my slumber.
°Dan's POV°
'Wake up! Come on, Dan. Wake up!'
As I open my eyes, I see Phil's face a few inches above mine, looking at me upside down.
'How long was I out?' I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes.
'About 3 hours?' he replied still looking at me from that awkward position.
'Crap' I thought to myself 'This is not going to help get my sleeping pattern back in check'
'I was going to wake you up sooner, but I heard you got up super early this morning. I didn't want to bother you' he said.
'It's fine. What's up?'
'I just finished installing Amnesia: The Dark Descent on the computer so I thought we could make a video out of it. The reviews say it's an amazing horror game and I've been meaning to play it' Phil said with that twinkle in his eyes he only gets when he is really excited.
'Ok but first, can we have something to eat? I'm starving' I could hear my stomach growl 'Chinese?' He nodded as he left the room to order.
I sit up and cracked every bone in my body; I must've slept in a very crooked position. My head was pounding and my back ached like a mother fucker 'Maybe a hot bath would help' I thought to myself, after all, it'd take a while for the food to arrive.
I wasn't keen of playing horror games at night, I always ended up super hyped and I couldn't go to bed for a few hours after but it was my fault for not setting my alarm as I took my nap. 'No' I stopped my thoughts 'No it wasn't my fault. If that stupid neighbor hadn't blasted that stupid music in the morning' I cursed as I rubbed my neck under the warm water.
I was still in a foul mood; I've been cranky since I woke up 'Maybe some comfort food would help change that'
The doorbell rang signaling the arrival of our meal. 'I'll get it, you set up the table' said Phil as he stormed out the door.
After we finished eating, put the dishes on the washing machine and I was already feeling better and ready to play.
'So, what's that game about?' I asked Phil
'Well, basically is a horror game, which means that you're in trouble from the get-go. Daniel is the name of the main character' he chuckled before proceeding 'Who's a few fries short of a Happy Meal and has absolutely no recourse to weapons or any sort of magic or special gadgets. So when the shambling monsters shamble by, you have no choice but to avoid them. Take them head-on, and you either go as crazy as Lovecraft's Charles Dexter Ward or get slaughtered. Pretty rad, right?' he said with a giant grin on his lips.
'Oh fucking great' I was having some horrendous Outlast flashbacks.
We sat down and we were all ready to start, I turned on the camera:
'Hello Dan and Phil horror friends' Yelled Phil with excitement
'Here we are, yet again, ready to play something that will keep me up for THE REST OF MY TORTUOUS LIFE' I said
Phil proceeded to explain the game as I rolled my eyes and made a snarky comment here and there. After a battle of Rock, Paper, Scissors, I lost so it was my turn to be the first one to play. I was not thrilled.
The game was keeping me on edge, I really don't like going in without even knowing what it was REALLY about. Of course, that was Phil's plan all along as he gets some odd thrill when he hears me scream my lungs out.
All of a sudden, everything was calm, I knew that something horrible was about to happen yet it caught me off guard.
I screamed like there was no tomorrow. I could feel the glasses from the windows shake as my voice echoed around the room. No sound proof tiles could have ever muffled the sounds I was making
°Your POV°
'What the hell?!' I was awaken by scream. 'What the fuck is going on?!'
It sounded like someone was shouting right beside me. I couldn't make up what the person was saying but I could tell that it was someone screaming out of terror. My eyes were wide open.
The screaming stopped.
I run to my windows and shut them closed. 'Yeah, because someone is going to go all Spiderman to the 4th floor' I shook my head at how silly my precaution measure was.
I wasn't able to see at all, on the heat of the moment I jumped off bed and I didn't even bother to put on my glasses, without them I'm pretty much blind as a bat. Everything looked blurry as I was running into every single piece of furniture in my way. 'Fuck'
The quiet murmuring of the busy street beneath me started filling my flat once again.
As I was swinging my way back to my room when I hear it again.
A crude scream but now I could make up some words 'Oh no, not again, please don't let me die'
The noises were coming from my next door neighbor's apartment.
'What should I do?' My mind run a million miles an hour 'Shall I call 911? No Y/N, that only works in the US' I was panicking.
Without even realizing, I stormed out of my apartment and started banging on my neighbor's door. What was I even going to do? Was I going to get murdered by whoever was attacking this person? I didn't even know but a rush of adrenaline came over me and I kept banging till someone opened the door.
'Oh my god, are you alright?' I yelled at the tall person that answered the door 'I heard someone screaming, is everyone in there ok?' I said, slightly hyperventilating.
As I was trying to focus my eyes on this person, I hear a loud laugh 'What the hell?!'
'I'm sorry' he said 'Everything is alright, I think we might have gotten a little carried away with a game I'm playing with my friend'  he said as he was trying to hold back a laugh
'Are you fucking kidding me right now?!' I got mad 'I thought something horrible was happening in there, you fucking asshole!' I was fuming now as the asshole kept on laughing.
It might have been a laughable sight, I must admit. Me, with my rattled hair, unable to shit and hyperventilating. What a picture!
'I didn't mean to b...' he was saying as I interrupt him
'You know what? I hope you fucking get kill, you goddamn prick! The audacity you have to even laugh in my face. Screw you' I hollered as I was slamming my front door shut.
'God damn, bastard' I muttered as I went in my room
°Dan's POV°
I went back to our gaming room; Phil looked at me and asked 'What was that all about?'
'Apparently, our neighbor thought that someone was getting killed in here and came to our rescue' I chuckled 'I nervously laugh in her face and got upset. She hoped I got killed tonight for being a prick'
'I think we may need to buy more sound proof tiles' I told Phil as we resumed with our game
a/n: Sorry, I got a little carried away here
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melonoverlord · 4 years
New ask for my lil skater sis
Which parent do they look the most like?
Definitely her dad, which she loathes. She got all of his features, and especially when she’s older she’s the spitting image of him (except much prettier and happier).
Is there a name they were almost given (either by their parents or during character creation)?
She was almost named Aamani after her grandmother, but is extremely glad she isn’t because she loves being Sarita. It’s only annoying when someone tries to call her Sarah or Rita because she thinks they are ugly names, but she loves being almost name twins with her big sis.
What were they like as a kid (if they’re currently a child, what would they be like as a teen)?
She’s currently a child (or well, she’d say “almost adult” but she’s twelve), but as a teen she would take the skater punk aesthetic to a new level. Kari fully supports all her piercings, hair dyeing, and when she’s old enough, tattoos. She’d also love dunking on all her friends, especially Benny.
What’s their drinking tolerance and what kind of drunk are they?
Kari will not let her drink until she’s 18 but she definitely has the highest drinking tolerance of the younger squad except for Bridgette, and after 4 drinks, is very loud and boisterous trying to start a fight with everyone just because she can. Even people bigger than her. Especially people bigger than her.
Where do they like to be touched?
Sari is the queen of fist bumps and secret handshakes, but other than hands, she does like throwing her entire bodyweight on top of people she cares about, so when people are chilling she will come in and sit next to them and just throw her legs over theirs and start talking about her day. Really the only one who’s enamored by it is Ezra.
What’s their favorite position (top/bottom/switch/pillow princess/etc.)
When she’s older, she’ll be a pretty teasy top to her himbo of a boyfriend, because it’s almost impossible to fluster him with verbal flirts because he is more just in love with everything she is and does than what she says about him (plus he has that self love that he knows he’s great because Philly told him so), but is easily flustered when those flirts become more sensual and touchy. Because no one ever taught him how to respond to it.
What are their kinks?
When Sari and Ezra get older to do anything sensual or sexual, Kari sits them down for a long long conversation because with Ezra’s power and Sari’s lack thereof, it can quickly become manipulative or toxic, which no party wants. So one of the ways they will find they can take that worry away (and something they find they’re both into) is making Ez unable to speak and really putting Sari into the power position. They’re both more vanilla than some of the others of their group, but they do like the very sweet gentle dom/sub that can go both directions.
How do they feel about adrenaline (roller coasters, extreme sports, etc.)?
Unsurprisingly, Sari is right behind her sister in doing dangerous stunts to feel the rush of being on a mission. She’s the first to try anything and usually is the first to get hurt unless one of the others intervene.
What is their fight or flight response?
Definitely fight. She will punch and kick until she’s listened to, god dammit.
What’s their pain tolerance?
Usually Kari edges her little sister out in every category, but Sari actually has a higher pain tolerance than her. Mainly because Sarita’s more dexterous than Kari, but also she can take more hits before she’s down. Sari likes to say it’s her own chi, even though everyone knows it isn’t.
What character archetype are they the most like (the Innocent, the Hero, etc.)
The Magician. Sarita wants to show that she can be just as powerful as her friends. She doesn’t have the mechanical or technological prowess that Kari has, but Sari has more of something to prove and more of a drive to show that she can be great and she can be powerful.
What TV-Tropes trope would they be?
Badass Adorable. She’s the little sister that everyone wants and she’s even willing to become a vigilante to play with the older kids.
What John Mulaney quote/bit do they most embody?
‘So, we’re going on the highway. We’ve been on the road for three hours. And in the distance, we see a McDonald’s. We see the golden arches. And we got so excited. We started chanting, “McDonald’s! McDonald’s! McDonald’s! McDonald’s!” And my dad pulled into the drive-thru, and we started cheering. And then, he ordered one black coffee for himself. And kept driving.’
She’s simultaneously the kids and the dad.
With the exception of love interests and immediate family, who are they closest to?
Outside of Kari who she thinks the world of and her future stupid boo Ezra, she’s pretty close to Bridgette and later Ashi. In her own perfect world, Ashi is what Kari should’ve been. A cool big sister who can show her the ropes without acting like the parental figure as well. Sarita just wants to party. However, she will eventually become best friends with Benny because as everyone knows, when you’re straight and you’re a jock you just find the nearest straight jock and be friends with them.
What is their moral alignment? What would have to happen for it to shift?
She’s too calculated to be full chaotic, but she’s straddling the line between neutral and chaotic good. She’s much more likely to bend the rules than outright break them so she can defend herself under and circumstance. While she could never go evil, she does whatever she can to twist a situation to fit her needs.
Are they a morning person? What are they like before 8am?
Sarita is not a morning person and you can never make her a morning person. If she’s up before 11am, something is horrendously wrong. She is just a lump of potatoes in the shape of a human who doesn’t do anything but sit and wait for her hot chocolate and bagel.
What are they like when they’re tired?
She starts to get a little silly when tired. She will make the randomest jokes that are more on par with what Ezra makes, which he finds the absolute best. She also will start playing with her hair more because having her fingers busy is the only way to keep her awake.
What are they like in arguments?
She’s like Bridgette in that she can hold a grudge, especially on behalf of others. If someone’s talking shit about someone she loves, she will stare them down and debunk everything they say. However, when it comes to generic arguments about everyday things, she loves to troll people and make them look like idiots. She will pretend to not know what a burger is just because you told her she took your lunch.
What is their dominant hand?
She’s naturally a rightie, but taught herself to write with her left hand because she’s that bitch.
Out of 10, how happy are they? How happy do they think they are?
Out of all the kids in the Library, she’s probably had the least amount of trauma, and although she’s definitely had struggles (her parents abandoned the family at two, leaving an eleven year old still figuring herself out to care for her baby sister and also being the only child in the Library besides Kauri not to have powers), but she’s still at a good 8/10. Now let’s see if it stays that way.
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rob-blog1234 · 7 years
Check out my guide to the top films on TV this weekend, best of the rest and what to avoid at all costs. Enjoy!
More4 @ 2100     Rush (2013) *****
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You may see this film advertised on TV and think it’s not for you as you are not really a big fan of Formula 1…STOP. This film transcends a simple “sports film” and is a fantastic film for all. It’s a biography of F1 champion Nikki Lauda, specifically around the 1976 F1 season, focusing on the intense relationship between himself and arch rival James Hunt, we see the highs and the lows of one of the most competitive relationships in sporting history. Ron Howard has pulled out all the stops here and created something quite amazing, packed full of emotion, with characters you can really feel, combined with some of the best action facing sequences I’ve seen for a long time - Rush is a great success. Sit down, strap in and hold on tight.
Horror @ 0220     Let the Right One In (2008) *****
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This is my favourite film of 2009 (UK release date). This amazing vampire drama from Sweden did suffer the indignity of a U.S remake “Let Me In” - but luckily they somehow pulled that one off - but here’s the original in all its glory. A thoroughly engrossing and touching film based on a superb book. Watch this! 5 Stars. It’s a dark love story set in Sweden. The bleak and snowy back drop compliments the pace and mood of the film. The sound, direction and acting are all perfect. I find it very difficult to find fault with any part of it. The relationship that is built between our two young lead actors is simply fascinating to watch, there’s so much realism. This is a tender and touching film but also subtly horrifying. The end of this film will stay with me for a long time. So much is said with so few words. It really leaves a mark on you. A truly great film.
Best of the rest:
TCM @ 2100     Kill Bill Vol 1 (2003) *****
C4 @ 0005        Boyhood (2014) *****
ITV3 @ 0030     The Theory of Everything (2014) ****
TCM @ 2310     Goodfellas (1990) *****
Film4 @ 2310    Aliens (1986) *****
Film4 @ 0215 Piranha DD (2012) * SO BAD IT'S GOOD!
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I expected awful and even potentially unwatchable. I saw the reviews and prepared myself that I could even be angry with how bad this film would be... but would you believe it, it's not as bad as the majority say. This is a B-Movie that knows exactly what it is, doesn't apologise and really doesn't care. It makes no attempt to cover up its shortcomings, it uses them to its advantage. Don't get me wrong, this film isn't great, it's not even good but it just about squeezes in enough gratuitous wobbling body parts, awful jokes, ridiculous death scenes and, most importantly, appearances from Gary Busey and David Hasselhoff to make this throw away comedy better than you've read about in the press. If everyone understood this films place as well as its makers did, I think it would get a little less horrendous panning.
W @ 2100    Dark Shadows (2012) * AVOID AT ALL COSTS!
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Dark Shadows marks a definitive end to my patience for the continuing dross being offered from the Burton / Depp camp. I fail to actually see who this film was supposed to be for. If it's for adults it's far too childish, if it's for kids there is far too much innuendo and sexual themes. I personally think it's was for Burton himself who seems to know he can somehow churn out whatever tickles his fancy and still get paid. Very disappointing indeed.
C4 @ 2100      Ex Machina (2014) *****
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I can't believe this was Alex Garland's directorial debut. He was the writer on 28 days Later and Sunshine - so here's his directorial debut and it's unmissable. It's hard to even think this is his first film at the helm. The film oozes beauty in every shot - the clinical setting and awesome camera work produce some fantastic visuals in what is in essence a very tight and small set with 3 main characters in the most part. Ex Machina is one of the best Sci-Fi films to come out in recent years. It follows Domhnall Gleeson as Caleb, a 26 year old coder for the world’s largest internet company. He wins a competition to spend a week at the private mountain retreat of the company CEO - Nathan (Oscar Issac). Nathan is a recluse and the social interactions between the two are fascinating. Caleb finds out that he is to participate in an experiment interacting with the world’s first true artificial intelligence, housed in the body of a beautiful robot girl played by Alicia Vikander. This is true Sci-Fi. It could very easily be set right now. It's only a matter of time before one of the big players launch something truly stunning. Thought provoking, brilliantly story telling that keeps your eyes glued to each interaction and the wonderful script wraps its way right through you. It lingers long after the credits roll. Don't miss this. Look out for the trailer for his next step into Sci-Fi that I for one am very excited about… Annihilation.
Horror @ 2100     The Descent (2005) *****
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The best British Horror film of the noughties. Neil Marshall’s superb Brit Shock Horror “The Descent” is chilling, creepy and full of suspense. It’s packed full of shocks, not just run of the mill cheap tricks, these are great shocks, perfectly timed with fantastic twists. This was just what the genre needed. It withstands multiple watches and has become a firm favourite of mine. If all else fails… Stick The Descent on.
A group of young women go on a caving expedition that goes horribly wrong and they soon become lost in an uncharted cave system. As panic escalates they come across some strange and very dangerous creatures. Here begins a fight for survival. This is a very accomplished Horror that excels in all aspects; the relatively unknown cast are all superb and help along the back story nicely. The cinematography is second to none, capturing all the awkward angles of the confined spaces as well as the vast open space of the caves; the story is wonderfully layered and is excellently told. This certainly is NOT a cheap teen horror. Neil Marshall hit our radar with his 2002 debut “Dog Soldiers” which was a lot of fun and showed a lot of talent, but in 2005, he had obviously honed his skills and produced this dark, bloody and claustrophobic Horror with a fantastic story line. It has some beautifully executed twists that will stick in your mind for a long while. From the very off this film is set at full speed and rarely lets up - every time your adrenalin begins to drop you are thrown back into heart stopping tension and fantastic frights that all add up to one of the great Horrors of modern times. If you like Horror… Love this.
Best of the rest:
Film4 @ 1300     Field of Dreams (1989) *****
ITV2 @ 1850       Inception (2010) *****
TCM @ 2100      Goodfellas (1990) *****
ITV4 @ 2300       Full Metal Jacket (1987) *****
Sony @ 1630     Another Earth (2011) ****
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Through all the improbabilities and implausible ideas in this elaborate work of fiction, Mike Cahill brings us a subtle, affecting and intimate story that takes place as we discover another planet, another Earth, getting closer and closer to our planet. An exact replica. This huge and admittedly outrageous Sci-Fi concept is merely a sub plot to the main event - It is a story of how two people meet and how their relationship, forged through tragedy, grows.
Brit Marling, who not only co-wrote this film but it is also her fantastic debut in the lead role as Rhoda, turns this light weight, low budget story of a tragic relationship into a serious heavy weight contender. This is no doubt the start of a great career for her. I still haven't managed to catch her in the 2012 release Sound of My Voice which I'm very much looking forward to.
The film does raise a ton of unanswerable questions but sensibly chooses to stick to its guns and focus purely on Rhoda, her decisions and the reasons for the path she takes. This emotionally charged Indie Sci-Fi fascinates and mesmerises with its subtle, slow pace, mysterious soundtrack and affecting performances.
C5 @ 2100       Fury (2014) ****
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There are plenty of war films with the same old formula, and this film does follow a rather formulaic approach, but here we focus solely on a U.S. Sherman tank crew. Not since the amazing Kelly’s Heroes had I seen a film focus on these tanks. A history lesson in itself for the ignorant and uneducated - the Nazi Tiger tanks they are up against completely and utterly out gun them and with armour so strong - the Sherman’s found it extremely difficult to stop them. Comparatively this film is nothing like the almost light hearted, satirically barbed Kelly’s Heroes, here we have a film attempting to capture the realism of war, the death, the squalor and the sheer inhumanity. It does this very well.
It’s dark, rich colour palette and beautifully framed cinematography certainly keep your eyes glued to the screen. The poor Sherman crews did not have much hope. We are taken deep inside the belly of “Fury” the Sherman tank with crew of 5 led by Don “Wardaddy” Collier played by Brad Pitt. Never before have I seen such oddly perfect hair styling in a war zone since Clint Eastwood’s barnet in Where Eagles Dare.
The claustrophobia of the tank is captured really well but it also somehow creates space with every odd angle when we see times where this crew felt secure in their new found home. The performances are the icing on the cake here with everyone pulling out performances to be very proud of. Not a film that will survive a re-watch mainly down to its bleakness, but never the less a film I am very pleased to have seen.
Film4 @ 2320     The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) ****
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Before McConaughey did anything good at a time when mediocrity saturated his filmography with sub-standard Rom-Coms and Sahara… I hate Sahara…. Anyway - Here we see him in a fantastic role as (you guessed it) a lawyer who works out of the back of his car - a Lincoln… See what they did there! I’m a sucker for a good court room drama and this is certain one of those. Plenty of twists. Stand out McConaughey. Great supporting cast. Don’t miss it.
Sony @ 2320      Sunshine (2007) *****
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It’s been a while since this has graced our TV schedule. Don’t miss Danny Boyle’s splendid venture into the space Sci-Fi genre: Sunshine. I love this film. It pulls from so many influences from Science Fiction greats such as Alien, 2001, and even Event Horizon. The film is set 50 years in the future, a team of astronauts are sent on a mission to reignite the dying sun. They are Earth’s last hope of survival.
Sunshine relies heavily on the quality of the cast to drive this through and they all do a sterling job. Particularly Cillian Murphy and Chris Evans. They all capture the essence of how 16 months cooped up in a confined space must make you feel. The mission takes a turn when they find the original lost ship from a failed mission in a decaying orbit around the sun. This is the beginning of a string of unfortunate and strange events that put not only their lives but their mission to save the world as well.
Boyle dishes out some seriously tense scenes and towards the end of the film it changes from Sci-Fi to Horror as certain things are revealed. Although not everyone welcomed these changes, I think they worked really well and it was a good twist ultimately carrying film to conclusion. Sunshine is a thrilling and very gripping Sci-Fi feast from a great British Director. A must see film.
Best of the rest:
ITV2 @ 1605       Despicable Me (2010) ***
Film4 @ 1705     The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) *****
C4 @ 1805          Men In Black 3 (2012) ***
TCM @ 2100       The Day of the Jackal (1973) ****
Sony @ 2100      Unbreakable (2000) ****
Film4 @ 2100     Cowboys & Aliens (2011) * AVOID AT ALL COSTS!
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First off - Ignore the cast. You would wrongly assume that a film with Harrison Ford / Daniel Craig / Sam Rockwell / Olivia Wilde / Paul Dano / Walter Goggins & Clancey Brown would at least be slightly watchable. You would be wrong. It may as well have cast Hugh / Pew / Barney McGrew / Cuthbert / Dibble & Grub. Disjointed, Unentertaining, dull and horribly boring - Nothing stands out here. I haven’t felt this disappointed in a “Western” since Wild Wild West and I’m still angry about the sheer existence of that grot. Why was this film even made?? Maybe it’s a cover for something bigger, maybe Money Laundering!!? - filtering money through the stinking bowels of this “film”…Who knows… What I do know - AVOID AT ALL COSTS!  
BBC2 @ 2240     John Carter (2012) * AVOID AT ALL COSTS!
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What an unfortunately boring waste of a colossal budget. Slap-dash, hurried and choppy story with some ludicrous ideas. We’ve seen enough special effects to now not be simply wow-ed by that alone. John Carter looks good but bored the hell out of me. AVOID!
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