#loveless by alice oseman
trashedinpluto-jpg · 1 year
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listening to universe city in the library while ur besties have their enemies to lovers arc... it's all a part of the georgia warr aroace experience ✨️
happy arospec awareness week! 💚🤍🩶🖤
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torispringroll · 8 months
“you know why people pair up into couples? because being a human is fucking terrifying. but it's a hell of a lot easier if you're not doing it by yourself”
loveless by alice oseman
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plutonicbees · 2 years
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happy ace awareness week w iconic aroace fav, georgia warr from loveless 🖤💜🤍💚
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purpletrashcans · 11 days
I am so fucking annoyed and here is why
I recently made the discovery that i'm probably aromantic and i would like to do what i did when i discoverd that i'm trans which is go and watch/read everything that even has the tiniest bit of trans representation in it, but i can't because there is no aromantic representation
now obviously that's nothing new, i was aware of this problem before and it pissed me right off then as much as it does now
it’s honestly just such bullshit that whenever there is an asexual character in media, basically the first thing they say after coming out as ace is that "they still want to fall in love" like not wanting, not being able to feel romantic love, would make them less human or something like that and of course there are ace people who are not aro, i'm not saying that and i'm not trying to shit on anybodys identity, if you are ace and not aro you are just as valid as anybody else and this lack of aro rep is obviously not your fault, we also need more ace rep while we're on it, that's not the point i'm trying to make, what i mean is that media always tells us that romance makes us human and if you don’t experience that you are either immature, unstable or not human and that's just bullshit
also it is no wonder that when i told my grandma about Loveless by Alice Oseman and how much i love this book, she was worried that i was like Georgia because i never like anyone romantically, she has never heard of aromanticism before, when she thinks of adult people that have never been in a relationship and don't have children she thinks of lonely, sad people and she doesn't want that for me
it is no wonder that when i see my greataunt and -uncle once a year they ask if i have a partner and when i say that no, i don't have a partner, they tell me that i have time and i'll meet someone eventually
and it is no wonder that so, so many people think that they're broken, that they enter relationships and situations that they don't want to be in, that fucking therapist try to cure people, that it took me 21 years, almost losing my friends, actually losing 8 kg in two months do to disordered eating and reading Loveless two times to figure out that i might just be aro, when there is barely any representation whatsoever, when most people haven't even heard of aromanticism
we need more representation and we need it desperately, that way not only will aro people discover their identity sooner and safe themselves a whole lot of trouble, but allo people can also learn how to react to someone being aro and we can all learn that being aro isn't sad or inhumane or weird or lonely
and because i'm a fancy-schmancy college student (who wrote "collage" instead of "college" first because i can not spell)(and have watched too much criminal minds) i would like to end this with a quote by Mariah Wright Edelman (tho the quotes are the worst part of criminal minds, they are so cringe istg):
“You can’t be what you can’t see”
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thatonemouseykid · 29 days
if i had a nickel for every time an aroace book that fundamentally changed my brain chemistry was set at durham university, id have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
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caliveralt · 7 months
Am i the only one who associates alices books with different seasons depending on when i read them? To me, this winter gives me the most nostalgic feeling during December. Loveless is fall, solitar and radio silence are winter-spring, iwbft is summer, and nick and charlie is summer. (And heartstopper is obv all of them)
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galaxisban-stoppolo · 2 months
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Don’t do this to me… not again
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I did the work so you don’t have to.
In Ep. 6 when there on their trip in Paris, after they have had all their fun shopping around the city, and they are back in their hotel room there is a scene where all of Isaac‘s books are laid across the bed. If you look close enough, you can catch a glimpse of one of Alice Osman‘s books!! Specifically, Loveless. WHICH FOCUSES ON ACE/ARO REPRESENTATION.
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also its like super unfair that the us get the cool cover art for the osemanverse books
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mylos-milo · 8 months
how people feel after marketIng "loveless" by aLIce oseman as an asexual book and dIsregardIng the aromantIcIsm 😝😝
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locklylemybeloved · 11 months
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this speech never fails to break me like i hope every single aspec person out there EVER finds a friend like rooney like this shit. this shit makes me want to SOB
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raspberry-arev · 6 months
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You know I had to do it to Pip
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torispringroll · 3 months
“i've always hated being asked if i'm OK. the available answers are either to lie and say i'm fine, or to massively and embarrassingly overshare”
loveless by alice oseman
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trailmixtime · 2 years
"alice oseman's 'loveless' was the first piece of media i've felt properly represented by" and "i wish she wouldn't have called it 'loveless' because it's a misrepresentation of what it is to be loveless" aren't conflicting opinions actually.
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purpletrashcans · 16 days
Loveless by Alice Oseman deserves so much more love
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robotixtz · 1 year
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[🧡💛🤍💙] - “I could see it all, all the time, all around, but when I got closer, I found that nothing was there. A mirage.”
“Loveless” by @aliceoseman, also creator of @heartstoppercomic !
I haven’t said this publicly, but yes, I fall under the aro ace spectrum (demi/aromantic & graysexual), & yes, a particular scene from the book made me inspired to do a book cover in a similar style to what @aliceosemanart usually draws in.
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