#lucie x grace
margareturtle · 9 months
I know I said I would prefer Lucie/Jesse/Matthew as a Love triangle to James/Cordelia/Matthew love triangle
But tbh my ideal love triangle would be Lucie/Cordelia/Grace
Let me explain:
- more sapphic drama (that’s all)
- Lucie is in love with Cordelia (ofc see The Beautiful Cordelia)
- Lucie also starts to fall for Grace when they do necromancy together
- does Cordelia want to be Grace or be with Grace?!
- Cordelia wants to be parabatai with Lucie bc she doesn’t think she could ever be with her
- Grace has always been curious about Cordelia from hearing about her from James (before bracelet)
- Grace understands how James fell hard for her
- She also gets to know Lucie doing necromancy together and falls for her
- Also Grace is bi but she has always leaned more towards women esp bc her power makes her doubtful of ant potential relationship with a man
Anyway yeah Lucie/Grace/Cordelia
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pitchsidestories · 6 months
New Romantics II Grace Clinton x Bronze!Reader
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part 2 I masterlist I word count: 2534
a/n: hi, this is inspired by the cute request here. Anyone interested in a part 2 ?
You stood at the window of your London flat, taking in the view over the city. It was a surprisingly nice day but the restless feeling in your chest kept you from enjoying it. Your girlfriend watched you from the sofa on the other side of the room.
Unsurprisingly, as she had been called up for Englands Senior squad before. Something you have also wanted for a long time. And you were hoping that today would be the day your wish would come true.
A sudden buzzing sound jolted you from your thoughts.
It took you a moment to realize what was happening. You met Grace's eyes as you looked at your phone on the coffee table. It was still buzzing, the screen lit up with an unknown number.
“That’s her number, babe. Go and take the call!“, Grace exclaimed, bouncing on the cushions of the sofa.
“Okay, okay, calm down. You’re even more nervous than me.“, you joked before taking the call. “Hello?“
“Hello, y/n. It’s Sarina. I’m just calling to inform you that you made the team and we can’t wait to meet you.“, the national team coach immediately got to the point.
You could not stop yourself from beaming: “Thank you, Sarina. This call-up means a lot to me.“
With her typical dutch accent, she replied: “You really deserve it. I hope to see you soon.“
“I can’t wait.“
Your cheeks already started to hurt from smiling as you ended the call.
Grace walked over to you and wrapped her arms around you: “I can see from the look on your face that you got the call-up. Congrats.“
„Thanks.“ You shook your head in disbelief: “We’ll be going to the England Senior National team together. I’m so excited!“
You quickly pulled away from your girlfriend's embrace and turned on some music. You took Graces hands in yours and started moving the rhythm.
The midfielder laughed, trying to follow your movements. You had to admit that even though celebrating your call-up to the national team with a dance party was something you usually did when you played for youth teams, it never lost its fun.
However, one sudden realization made you pause after two songs.
“I guess I should tell my sister the big news…“, you said suddenly.
Grace turned off the music and gave you an amused look: “I wouldn’t be surprised if she already knew.“
“You’re probably right. Lucy loves to chat with Sarina about womens football, maybe she gave her a hint during one of their conversations.“, you laughed, thinking back about the time your sister had told you about her discussions with her coach.
“Probably.“, your girlfriend agreed.
With a look on your phone, you had to correct yourself: “In fact, Lucy is already calling.“
Eagerly you answered your phone: “Hi, Luce. Sarina called me up for the lionesses!“
“I know! About time that you finally join the grown-ups.”, your big sister responded in a jokingly tone.
Amused you shook your head: “About time? Lucy, do I have to remind you that you were 22 when you joined the senior England team and that I just turned 21 in February?”
“Excuse me? Do you know who I had to compete with? Alex fucking Scott.”, she huffed.
“Yeah, yeah you had no chance before that I know the story, you told it many times.”, you teased her while the Barcelona defender could hear Grace laugh in the background.
Because you two were on a video call you were able to see Lucy lifting an eyebrow in this exact moment unlike her eyes her ears were hearing everything:” Who is with you? Is that Grace?”
“Yes, that’s Grace, we celebrated our call ups together before you called and interrupted us.”, you explained smirking.
She rolled her eyes at you:” Sorry, that I wanted to congratulate my sister.”
“No, it’s cute.”, Grace interjected.
You both wrinkled your nose, pretended to be disgusted by her comment, while the defender was the first to speak again:” Ew, don’t call this cute.”
“Yeah, we’re not cute we’re cool sisters.”, you added.
“I’m going to hang up now. I’ll see you in camp.”, Lucy declared. You both didn’t need to say anything more because you two knew that the other was excited and happy to meet her sister again.
“Goodbye, Lucy.”, you waved at her before ending the video call.
Still smiling you turned around to face your girlfriend:” Where were we before she came between us?”
 “We danced but don’t worry I ordered our favourite dinner to celebrate this special day right.”, she winked at you.
Beaming you placed a kiss to her flushed cheek:” You’re the best.”
“If I was a Bronze, I would just say I know but I’m not so you’re welcome.”, Grace said, even a bit redder than before.
“No, I prefer you as a Clinton.”, you told her.
As the doorbell rang, she clapped her hands, looking thrilled:” Oh, that’s the delivery service!”
The days went by quickly, in just a blink of an eye Grace and you were arriving at St. George’s Park together. Your girlfriend didn’t even look like a boyfriend with her brown hoodie and cap on, she even had the attitude of one as the forward was attempting to carry both of your suitcases.
“Babe, I can take my suitcase perfectly by myself.”, you pouted at her, being a Bronze made you very independent although you secretly loved when Grace did something like this.
“No.”, she decidedly waved you off.
You both turned your heads to a cheerful scream coming from no other than Ella:”  My favourite young lovebirds have arrived!”
Next to the Manchester United player your big sister showed up grinning, warning your girlfriend:” Clinton! Let her carry her suitcase herself, she’s getting spoiled!”
“You don’t get to have a say in how I treat my princess, Bronze. Especially not when I saw pictures of Ona carrying your things.“, Grace retorted unimpressed and continued to carry your suitcase towards your room.
There was an audible gasp from the older players.
Lucy pretended to gag: “Princess?“
“Don’t you dare say anything more!“, you warned and followed your girlfriend to your room.
You stayed in these rooms before with the youth teams but this time, things felt different, more serious. You took your time to take in the room before you started unpacking.
You were in the middle of putting away your warm-up shirts, when there was a knock on the door.
“Come on in.“, you said, expecting Grace to stand in the door way.
To your surprise, it was your sister that opened the door and let her gaze wander across the chaos you had created while unpacking: “Of course it’s chaotic in here already.“
“Rude!“, you said and threw a shirt in her general direction.
Lucy casually caught it mid-air and shook her head: “Typical.“
You crossed your arms in front of your chest, looking at your sister: “So, what do you want?“
“Checking in on you.“, she shrugged casually.
“Aw, that’s sweet of you.“, you teased her.
Lucy raised an eyebrow: “Sweet? Sarina made me do it.“
“She did?!“, you laughed, knowing full well that your sister was just pretending to be too cool to care about you.
“Yeah, she’s such a mum.“, Lucy rolled her eyes.
“But we’re adults here, I don’t need a babysitter.“, you protested.
“The youngsters always get babysitters.“
“Oh wow. Any advice for camp life, Lucy?“, you asked.
You older sister lifted a warning finger: “Yeah, be good or you’ll get in trouble with your sister.“
Before you could reply that Lucy was horribly annoying with her overprotectiveness, Grace appeared behind your sister with an innocent smile: “Sorry to interrupt you two but it’s dinner time.“
“Let’s go. We can’t miss that. The food here is great.“, Lucy said, nodding in the direction of the floor.
“Coming.“ You took Graces hand in yours as you followed your sister to the dining room.
“Look at this cute couple!“, Beth yelled when you entered the room.
Alessia who sat next to her Arsenal team mate agreed: “They’re so adorable.“
You could feel your cheeks heat as you sat down at their table.
Lucy grimaced in disgust: “Stop it, one of them is my little baby sister you’re gushing about.“
Lauren James who sat down next to Lucy with a full plate gave her a smirk: “Looks like she got all the good genes, Bronzy.“
“LJ, what do you mean by that?! Don’t worry, I’ll beat you on the training pitch.“, Lucy threatened her with a grin.
“You can try, grandma.“, the youngster laughed.
“Don’t you worry.“
You were glad that their playful bickering was entertaining the table now.
Gently, you squeezed Graces hand under the table: “Let’s ignore them for now and grab some food, love.“
“It’s kind of funny though.“, Grace grinned and got up from her seat, pulling you with her.
“Yes, it is.“, you admitted as you walked over to the buffet together.
As the blonde was putting some salad onto her plate, she hummed:” I love this team.”
“Me too.”, you nodded.
After taking a bite from the pasta dish your girlfriend continued raving:”And the food is delicious.”
“Oh yes, you weren’t promising too much.”
You two were back at your table and you really enjoyed the food the cooks made for the team.
“Right?”, Grace beamed at you.
“But wait until training starts tomorrow.”, the Tottenham player reminded you why you were here in the first place.
“I’m ready for it.”, you truthfully replied, you simply couldn’t wait to prove everyone that you had a right to be here and not because you and your sister shared the same surname.
Delighted Grace announced:” It’s going to be fun.”
The training over the next days was tough and light-hearted at the same time because the atmosphere between the girls was great even though you were all competing for the starting eleven or to be substituted.
You couldn’t believe your luck when Sarina told you during the match against Sweden to warm up.
“Nervous, little Bronzey.”, Khiara asked you amused.
“A bit.”, you mumbled.
“You can do it.”, Esme whispered into your ear before hugging you shortly.  
Making your way from the bench to the pitch Sarina patted encouragingly your shoulder: “She’s right, enjoy it, y/n.”
“Thank you, I won’t let you down.”, you promised the England coach before you stepped onto the grass. For a moment you felt overwhelmed by the noise and the crowd which showed up at Wembley remembering when you attended the first games of your big sister where only a few people came to watch it.
Naturally you looked for Lucy and for a second you exchanged a meaningful glance. Her green eyes which were the exact same shade as yours seemed to say Show them what you can do. You’re a Bronze. Now you were ready to play football.  
In the end you didn’t disappoint Sarina who believed in you enough to give you a chance tonight, you assisted Grace and scored a goal yourself in the last minute of the game. The stadium was buzzing with excitement and so were you: “We won, Grace!”
“What a game you had!”, she shouted back giddily before kissing your cheek.
Equally thrilled you remarked:” You were amazing too.” Wearing a bright grin on your lips you turned around to face your sister:” What do you think, Luce? Was it good enough?”
You could tell that your sister forced her face to remain blank as she shrugged: “You were okay. The kiss wasn’t necessary though.“
“Yes, it was!“, Grace protested by your side, her hands wrapped around your waist in a side hug.
“Absolutely not.“, Lucy said and rolled her eyes before walking past you into the dressing room.
Grace and you shared an exhilarated grin and followed suit. As soon as the door of the dressing room closed behind you, you turned to your girlfriend and kissed her quickly and passionately. As soon as two of you broke apart again, you found your sister demonstratively looking into the opposite direction. You smirked.
Keira elbowed Lucy with a thrilled expression on her face: “Your little sister feels untouchable tonight. Those two are lucky that they are cute.“
“They’re not even that cute.“, the defender replied unimpressed.
Leah sang along to the song playing in the dressing room while pointing to you and Grace: “Baby, we’re the new romantics. The best people in life are free.“
Keira shrugged with a laugh: “Leah’s singing is even worse compared to them.“
Finally, the corners of Lucys mouth quirked upwards.
It was already late when you arrived back at the hotel. You had enjoyed celebrating your debut with the rest of the team but when you reached your hotel room, you were exhausted and ready to go to bed. You had just changed into your pyjamas when there was knock on your door. Yawning, you opened it and found yourself face to face with your older sister.
“Hi, what’s wrong. It’s late.“
Lucy stood there and considered you for a moment: “I’m proud of you, kid. You played great tonight.“
“I thought I was only okay.“, you smirked.
“Shut up and come here.“, she just said and pulled you into a tight hug. Her hugs might have been rare, but they always carried a lot of love. It felt comforting, almost like being home for Christmas and you suddenly realized how much you have missed playing with her again.
With your head was still buried on her shoulder, you whispered: “To be fair, I was a bit nervous… You made our family name so big in womens football and I didn’t want to let you or our team down.“
Lucy released you from the hug but kept her hands on your upper arms: “You couldn’t have let anyone down. You’re not me and people know that. One day, you might even be better than me.“
You gave her a weak smile: “Who knows, right?“
“Who knows.“
“But it felt great to play together.”, you admitted.
“We’ll have a few more games together, trust me. You’ll be called up again.”, Lucy replied seriously.
You felt your grin grew deeper: ”I’d love to play with you as long as possible.”
“You’ll.”, she promised solemnly while padding your back one last time before telling you good night and leaving the room.
“Finally, I thought she’ll never leave!”, Grace sighed relieved, the blonde had been hiding underneath the blankets during your whole chat with your sister.
“Grace!”, you exclaimed laughing.
“What? I could barely breathe under this.”, the Tottenham player said as she pointed accusingly to the bedding.
“Sorry, love.”, you apologized.
Her gaze at you turned soft:”Come here now.”
You quickly followed her wish and joined her in your hotel bed. Happily, Grace wrapped your arms around you. Feeling her warmth around you, you were starting to get sleepy:” That was a great game tonight, wasn’t it?”
“The best so far.”, your girlfriend responded, before she kissed the top of your head and turning the lights off. Today was certainly a day you both would remember and cherish forever.
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tenthprinceofhell · 4 months
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I knew this duo reminded me of someone 🤔
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wileys-russo · 1 year
woso blurbs masterlist
 🫶🏻  🫶🏻  🫶🏻  🫶🏻  🫶🏻  
✨ II alessia russo masterlist II AR23
✨ II leah williamson masterlist II LW6
✨ II mary earps masterlist II ME27
✨ II alexia putellas masterlist II AP11
✨  II jenni hermoso masterlist II JH10
✨ II barcelona femeni masterlist II FCB
✨ II kyra cooney cross masterlist II KCC23
✨ II katie mccabe masterlist II KM15
✨ II georgia stanway masterlist II GS8
✨ II a.russo & l.williamson x reader II
the wrangler
chess pawn
jersey jealousy
best behaviour
you’re not doing it right
i licked it so its mine
seeing red
flu season (2)
offence and defence
switch up
✨ II e.toone x reader II ET7
red vs blue
sorry seems to be the hardest word
tiktok edits
drama queen
rage room
✨ || m.león & i.engen x reader II
mario kart
bed bound
✨ || m.león x reader II ML4
coloring book
you love me, really
✨ || i.engen x reader II IE23
✨ II awfc x reader II
drop kick
travel buddies
april fools
✨ II m.bright x reader II MB4
my captain
fa cup final
flat packs
✨ II e.fox x reader II EF23
amazon packages
house hunting
brand deal
✨ II l.bronze x reader II LB15
the downpour
girlfriend ficlet
✨ II s.blackstenius x reader II SB25
tongue tied
my love you’re forgetting something
you look like you need a hug
✨ II g.clinton x reader II GC11
you never asked
chocolate thief
the best view
✨ II a.kennedy x reader II AK14
secrets out
golden hour
competitive streak
✨ II a.bonmatí x reader II AB14
half sized
stop taking signs home when you win a game
not helping
you're comfy
you can do it
✨ II e.carpenter x reader II EC21
✨II n.charles x reader II NC21
sweet jealousy
captain charles
✨ II m.bright x reader II MB4
my captain
fa cup final
flat packs
✨ || m.le-tissier x reader II MLT4
trick or treat
✨ II s.kerr x reader II SK20
✨ II p.guijarro x reader II PG12
how bad is it
✨ II m.rodriguez x reader II MR1
jump scare
✨ || h.raso x reader II HR16
world class
✨ II l.freigang x reader II LF10
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pelova4president · 10 months
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☆ Esmee Brugts
that stupid smile of hers I
that stupid smile of her II
☆ Victoria Pelova
relationship launch, socials I
relationship launch, socials II
fuck you, stargirl
☆ Daphne van Domselaar
world cup, socials
☆ Jill Roord x Reader
lovey dovey
☆ Aitana Bonmati x Reader
home is where the heart is, socials
☆ Jana Fernandez x Reader
the best view, socials
☆ Salma Paralluelo x Reader
focus I
focus II
☆ Vicky Lopez
ice ice baby
☆ Grace Clinton x Reader
the bestest of friends
☆ Lucy Bronze x Reader
almost impossible
☆ Georgia Stanway x Reader
bet on it
☆ Leah Williamson x Reader
the williamsons, socials
magic euros I
magic euros II
the girlfriend scarer
☆ Alessia Russo x Reader
won us the world cup
sneak me in
☆ Maya Le Tissier x Reader
the extrovert to my introvert
☆ Aggie Beever-Jones x Reader
green looks good on you
☆ Lauren Hemp x Reader
to your rescue
☆ Fridolina Rölfo x Reader
blind date
☆ Laura Freigang x Sydney Lohmann x Reader
my muses
☆ Sydney Lohmann x Reader
gone soft
☆ Kyra Cooney-Cross x Reader
pretty fangirl, socials
☆Jessie Fleming x Reader
why so shy?
☆ Katie McCabe x Reader
mrs. mccard, socials
☆ Mapi León x Ingrid Engen x Reader
little soulmates
☆ Mapi León x Ingrid Engen x Fridolina Rölfo x Reader
all eyes on you I
all eyes on you II
shadows are to protect series
☆ Alessia Russo x Putellas!Reader
☆ Victoria Pelova x Putellas!Reader
shadows are to protect I, II, III, IV
disclaimer, english isn’t my first language, i’m dutch so i’m sorry for any grammar mistakes.
I’ll write for almost any female footballer so if you have any requests or ideas, send them in :)
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shihoerusu · 4 months
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Thanks to my ride and or die @oceanview15
This was a gold one to draw
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allisluv · 24 days
What are your Headcannons for the hunger games characters taking a bath/shower with you?
katniss doesn't like having showers with people if i'm being honest. on a rare occasion, she'll have a bath with you, but only if it's date night or if either of you have had bad days.
peeta will play relaxing music and light candles, regardless of whether you're having a bath or a shower.
finnick will wash your hair and pepper kisses along your shoulderblades. it'a a very intimate, romantic thing having showers with finnick.
having a shower with johanna nearly always turns into some kind of sex and thats the god honest truth.
baths with both lucy gray and annie cresta are full of giggles and lots of bubbles.
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wormdevourer · 6 days
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the cats in zenless zone zero are so cute 😭
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sophiaxosposts · 2 months
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emotionalcadaver · 1 year
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Series Masterlist
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x OC
Summary: They call him the Devil. They tell her to stay clear of him. They warn her that he'll steal her soul. But Lucy Winters came to Small Health fleeing monsters and unspeakable trauma. And her soul seems but a small price to pay in exchange for the things that Tommy Shelby has to offer her.
Word Count: 456,927
Notes: While all fics can be read as standalone pieces, those listed here are interconnected and can also be read as one long series. Please heed the warnings the can be found in the notes of each individual fic. All works are listed in the order I recommend reading them in. Please also note that while this series is labeled Tommy Shelby x OC and will focus on their relationship, it will also feature depictions of polyamory throughout.
✽ Indicates works with multiple chapters.
Fics or chapters that contain explicit smut will be marked with 🔞 and have the appropriate warnings listed in their corresponding notes.
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Part 1: These Devilish Intentions ✽🔞
Part 2: Does the Devil Have a Heart ✽
Part 3: Teach Me How 🔞
Part 4: Barren
Part 5: Not Afraid of a Little Blood 🔞
Part 6: The Shovels Against the Wall 🔞
Part 7: Stitched into Skin
Part 8: Thunder
Part 9: Bound in Blood 🔞
Part 10: Red Right Hand ✽🔞
Part 11: Don’t Look Back ✽
Part 12: Bloodied & Broken ✽
Part 13: Dance of Darkness ✽🔞
Part 14: Everything
Part 15: Accepted
Part 16: Lady of the Various Sorrows ✽
Part 17: Not Yours
Part 18: Moth
Part 19: In the Bleak Midwinter ✽🔞
Part 20: Smoky Kisses 🔞
Part 21: The Shadow of the Abattoir ✽🔞 (IN PROGRESS)
Part 22: This Misery We've Made ✽🔞 (COMING SOON)
Part 23: My Darling One (COMING SOON)
Part 24: Do You Love Me ✽🔞 (COMING SOON)
Part 25: Back From Under the Ground ✽🔞 (COMING SOON)
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Thank you for reading! Please consider leaving a comment, reblog, or like. I always appreciate feedback and love getting the opportunity to interact with you and hear your thoughts!
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laylalucie · 2 years
Chot photos colered.
ART: @/charliebowater
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helen-with-an-a · 13 days
Hiiiii - so this is a call out for ideas
I am after some ideas or requests that I can make/are birthday themed (my birthday is in November but I wanna start having ideas now so I can write them etc)
Who I write for:
Barça Femeni
Lucy Bronze
Ona Batlle
Ingrid Engen
Mapí León
Viv Miedema
Jessie Fleming
Alessia Russo
Leah Williamson
Grace Clinton
Vibes I’m kinda after:
Something fluffy (could have some angst but what it to be mainly happy)
Don’t mind it being smutty but again it’s fluffy smut
Just overall happy and nice birthday vibes
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pitchsidestories · 3 months
New Romantics (2) II Grace Clinton x Bronze!Reader
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part 1 I masterlist I word count: 2485
summary: England looses at home and you feel like it's your fault, but your girlfriend Grace Clinton and your older sister Lucy Bronze are there for you. Despite that you've a decision to make which could change your life.
a/n: Hi, quite a few of you wanted to see a part 2 of this, we hope you enjoy it just as much as part 1. Plus, the oneshot was written before the announcement of Lucy Bronze leaving the club. 💔
The last bit of energy left your body once the game ended. You had been on a high with the English national team so this result was more than just disappointing. You felt deflated. Angry and sad and everything in between.
It was an important game that you just lost against France. It was in front of a home crowd and in front of your whole family. You wanted to disappear, not talk to anyone for some time.
Grace approached you when you were still standing on the pitch, scenes from the play replaying in front of your inner eye again and again. You losing the ball in a dangerous situation right in front the penalty area. Why did you not pass faster? Why did you not play a long ball out?
“Y/n? Your family is over there, let’s say hi to them…“ Graces voice was soft next to your ear.
She pointed to the stands but you refused to look. Tears welled up in your eyes at the mention of your family.
“I can’t. I disappointed them, Grace…“, you sniffed.
Grace gently took your hand into hers, rubbing circle with her thumb: “You didn’t. They’re your family, they’ll want to see you.“
You pulled back from her: “But I don’t want to see anyone right now.“
“Y/n.“, she said but you were already headed towards the changing rooms so you missed your Lucy approaching Grace with a frown.
“Where’s my sister, Grace? Our nephew and niece wanted to say hi to her.“
“She went to the changing rooms already.“, the young midfielder replied truthfully, but slightly hurt.
Without missing a beat, Lucy walked determinedly towards the players tunnel.
“Y/n!“ You winced as she called your name and slammed open the door.
You knew what would follow. And you really did not need a lecture right now.
“What?! Leave me alone, Lucia!“, you yelled at her, standing up from the wooden bench that you had been sitting on.
You glared at each other for a moment until you finally gave in first. You sighed and whispered: “I can’t go back out there…“
“Our family is waiting. Mum and Dad want to see you.“
“They want to see me? After this game? The second goal for France was so my fault…“ Scepticism outweighed the disbelief in your voice.
Lucy rolled her eyes: “Can you calm down? This is not your first football game. Mistakes happen, there are ten of us on the field who are supposed to help you in these situations.“
“No but… It was in front of our family. And what if Sarina doesn’t call me up anymore after his?“, you asked. Your thoughts were running wild with your greatest fears.
“That’s just football, y/n.”, your older sister shrugged. In a more uplifting tone, she continued:” And Sarina was talking to mum earlier about how happy she was with your debut.”
“She did? Really?”, you looked up at her surprised.
“Of course she did. You played great except for that one second.”, Lucy answered, there was a softness to her voice now which wasn’t here before. The older defender knew what she was talking about, her career had a lot of highs and a few lows too and mistakes were made along the way. They were a part of the beautiful game.
“A second which mattered.”, you whispered heartbroken.
“This is like arguing with a wall.”, Lucy rolled her eyes.
Your brother entered the changing room, glancing at her amused:” Weird, she reminds me of your younger self.”
“I wasn’t like this at all!”, the Barcelona player protested.
“Yes, you were and are bad at loosing games.”, he reminded her.
“Lies.”, she spat out.
“You know it’s true.”, Jorge argued. The older sister wouldn’t agree to it, but her silence was enough for him. Lucy and you were in some ways more similar than you would admit. Sometimes it scared her how much you reminded her of her younger self she thought she let behind. The defender saw your insecurities, and ambition and saw her young adult reflected in your behaviour.
Right behind Jorge were your nephew and niece.
The little girl came to you, her face beaming:” Look auntie Grace gave me this.”
“What’s that?”, you asked her irritated.
“It’s for you. Gracie said to give it to you.”, she declared.
“Thanks. That’s sweet of her.”, you sighed.
“And she’s waiting.”, your niece stated seriously.
When she and her brother were born you were relieved because it meant you weren’t the youngest in the family anymore. But you also felt a responsibility, to be more grown up, be a good example for them.
“Uhm little one? Are you very sad that we lost?”, you questioned her cautiously.
“No, next game you’ll win.”, the little girl shook her head fiercely. There was a certainty in her voice which warmed your heart.
“The next game is against them again.”, you remembered.
“Then you can try again.”, she grinned at you.
“Hi, you two.”, Grace stopped in front of you nervously.
“Grace, hi.”, you greeted her.
“Can I give you a hug now or is it too early for that?”, your girlfriend wanted to know.
“No, I’m ready for a hug.”, you told her. A relieved smile was on her lips while she bent down to kiss you, before wrapping her strong warms around you.
“Thank you, Grace.”, you muttered gratefully, as you inhaled her familiar scent of warmth and home.
“You’re welcome.”, she replied.
“I think I needed that.”, you acknowledged.
Your girlfriend studied your face with worry: “You can always come to me, not only for hugs you know? I hate when you’re too hard on yourself.“
“I know. But it just feels like shit when you’re partly responsible when your team loses… during your debut too.“ You tried to avoid her gaze by looking down at your shoes.
“You already played once for England so it’s not really your debut, love…“
You sighed, obviously she was right. “You know what I mean. Playing from the start… at home.“
Grace nodded slowly: “Sorry, of course.“
“But everyone’s been nothing but nice to me and it feels all wrong!“, you complained. You blinked back a few tears.
Lucy appeared on your side again with a deadpan expression: “No, that’s just how a team sticks together.“
You slowly started to get frustrated with your sister. It seemed like she refused to understand your point of view.
“I just feel like I don’t deserve it, you know?“
“Oh I know.“, she replied and you paused for a second, surprised.
She rolled her eyes once again: “Also Jorge had to remind me.“
“I’ll let you two talk alone, in peace.“, Grace said quietly, almost ducking out of the conversation.
Gratefully, you squeezed her hand: “Thank you, Grace.“ Turning back to Lucy, you continued: “He had to remind you of…?“
“That I was just like you when I was younger. I still hate losing obviously but I don’t dwell on my mistakes that long anymore.“, Lucy revealed reluctantly.
You considered your sister for a moment: “How did you do it?“
“Losing and losing and losing again.“
“What? Really?“, you asked.
Lucy nodded solemnly: “Yes, one day you’ll get it.“
With a small smile you noted: “Also Graces hugs are helping.“
“Of course they are.“ Another eye roll, a defense mechanism as you knew.
You grinned: “Hey, do I have to remind you of Ona comforting you after the lost World Cup Final?“
“Shut up.“
Lucy grimaced, sticking out her tongue: “Be nice or I’ll make you rewatch your failure again!“
“Nooo.“, you drawled with a laugh.
Bickering with your sister always made you feel better.
“Don’t fight. I already missed her smile.“ Grace had reappeared with a kiss on your cheek.
Lucy shrugged: “That’s how you show love in the Tough-Bronze household, Grace!“
“That doesn’t sound very pleasant.“, Grace wrinkled her nose.
You took you girlfriends hand in yours: “Let’s leave, Grace.“
“Okay.“, she complied happily.
“Fine, but say hi to our parents!“, your sister called after you.
“Good girl!“
“Hi, everyone.”, you waved at your mum and dad, unsure what else to do.
“Hello y/n. We’re so proud of you.”, your mum hugged you, and pressed a kiss to your heated cheek.
“Thanks, mum.”, you answered quietly.
“The next time you’ll win against the French, I can feel it in my bones.”, your dad winked at you, he hoped this would make you smile, because he hated to see his children especially his youngest sad.
“Your granddaughter thinks so too.”, you responded with a small smile.
“And she must know it, trust me.”, your brother hummed.
“We’ll see next week.”, you said earnestly.
The next day you felt nervous. Sarina Wiegman has asked to have a conversation with and even though you remembered Lucys words from yesterday where she said that the England Coach was full of praise about you in front of your mum, there was a little voice inside your head telling you it must be bad news from her.
“Ah, thanks for coming y/n, sit down.”, Sarina looked up delighted, nodding into the empty chair opposite from where she was sitting.
Like you expected the Dutch woman came straight to the point, leaving all the nice English necessities at the door:” When you were involved in the own goal, you were not mentally in the game, right? You seemed distracted for a second.”
“Yes, I promise this won’t happen again. To be honest I was thinking about an offer I got.”, you promptly confessed. There was no use in being dishonest in front of Sarina who with her glasses seem to look straight into your heart.
“I see.. if you want to talk about it.”, she offered kindly.
“Sorry, I haven’t told anyone yet, first I thought it was a joke.”, you continued, feeling the weight of your shoulders getting a little less now that you were speaking the truth.
“I think you haven’t seen how much you’ve improved over the past few months. I’m sure whatever offer it’s, it wasn’t a joke.”, she remarked thoughtfully.
“It’s Barcelona.”, you retorted hastily.
“This is a big step.”, the Blonde observed.
“It’s but I’m not sure if I’m ready for that yet.”, you admitted truthfully.
“I trust that you’ll figure out what’s best for you, you’re still young.”, the Dutch reminded you warmly.
“But my family, friends and girlfriend are in England.”, you listed your personal reasons for a stay in London.
“Maybe you should talk to them about it. You need to get this out of your head.”, Sarina suggested.
“I’ll start with Grace and then Lucy.”, you decided.
You wanted to talk to your girlfriend about it as soon as possible, so when you both were getting ready to got bed, you chose to open up.
“Yes?“, she replied, slipping into her PJs.
“Can we talk? You might want to sit down for it…“ You grimaced, this sounded unnecessary dramatic.
Grace paused for a moment, taken aback but she quickly caught herself.
“Oh, sure. What is it?“ She sat down cross-legged on the mattress.
You could not look at her. “Barcelona offered me a contract.“
“Oh, wow. That’s amazing for you, babe.“, you heard your girlfriend say happily.
You looked up at her in confusion. Did she not hear you? Or did she not understand what that meant?
“Yes, but… you wouldn’t mind?“
Your girlfriend watched you with soft eyes: “We’re both football players, I know what it means to be able to play for Barcelona. If you want to go, I’ll support you. We can make it work.“
It was hard to find words for what you were feeling after hearing these words from her.
You swallowed around the lump in your throat: “You’re the best, Grace.“
“Don’t even worry about it.“, she smiled.
“I love you.“
“I love you too.“
After your surprisingly successful talk with Grace, you decided to keep the conversation more casual with your sister.
You were on your way to the stadium for the second match against France when you dropped into the seat next to Lucy: “Luce?“
She gave you an annoyed look, she was currently in a video call with her girlfriend.
“Since when are you sitting next to me? Scared of the game?“, she teased.
“Not about the game, it’s about an offer I got…“
Your sister perked up, ignoring Ona on the screen. You knew she was silent to eavesdrop on the conversation.
“An offer, huh?“
“Yes, Grace said she would support me going there.“, you smiled innocently.
Lucy frowned: “Where is it?“
“What?! Of course you’re taking that offer!“, she commanded, her voice a bit too loud.
You grimaced uncomfortably: “What if I���m not good enough, Lucy?“
She shook her head with reassuring calmness: “They wouldn’t want you if you weren’t.“
“True… so you wouldn’t mind me joining your team?“
A smirk appeared on your sisters face: “I would force you to if I could.“
“Alright but I might have move in with Ona and you for a couple of days until I have an apartment.“, you smiled at her.
“Don’t worry, we’ll survive.“, she shrugged.
Ona called from Lucys phone screen: “My favourite Bronzey will move to Barca?! I’m so excited!“
“Me too, Oni.“, you grinned back at her while Lucy angled her phone towards you.
“Excuse me?!“, Lucy asked her girlfriend in mock offense.
“Can’t wait to see you again and meet the team soon… but we got a game to win now.“, you told Ona.
Lucy took the phone back and with an apologetic shrug said into the camera: “You heard her.“
“I did. Waiting patiently for your return, amor.“, Ona waved her goodbye through the phone.
You wrinkled your nose, looking at your sister: “Disgusting.“
Lucy just elbowed you in the side for your comment and told Ona: “I’ll be back before you know it. With or without my sister.“
She warningly raised an eyebrow, making sure you understood her threat but instead you just burst out in giggles.
The relief you felt after your talks lasted throughout the game. This topic stopped weighing your game down, your were back to your usual self and profited from a change of tactics.
It was a much better game that you won 2:1.
You jumped into Grace arms once the game was over. “We won, Grace!“
“You had an amazing game!“, your girlfriend cheered, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You basically vibrated with excitement. Wrapping your arms around her neck, you kissed her on the lips in front of the whole stadium.
Lucy stood to the side, watching this display with her arms crossed in front of her chest. She smirked at her coach who stood right beside her: “Young love, eh?“
“She’s not staying, right?“, Sarina asked.
“No but their love can handle this.“
Your feedback is always appreciated. <3
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drusilla-carstairs · 3 months
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and what if I said Grace and Lucie
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daydreamxr17 · 11 months
Kinda late with this but I'm rereading CoT and what if the Grace and Christopher thing in family tree would be expained in Titanic way like when someone asked Rose her name and she answered "Rose Dawson", so what if Grace didn't want to be Cartwright or Blackthorn for bad memories so she chose Lightwood?
Would be cute and heartbreaking
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barcaatthemoon · 4 months
to celebrate getting to a thousand followers (which is insane, so thank you) I will be doing little prompt blurbs. throughout the week, I will reblog different lists. any prompt or player (even if I haven't written for them yet) can be used, I just ask that you put the line in the request. thank you for following me, I can't wait to see where this goes.
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