#lucien x abel
megatraven · 1 year
If you could have a poly/ot3 route with any two LIs (so the MC dates both of them and they date each other) which ones would you pick? 😁
i think i'd have to go with Alex x MC x Medusa for my top OT3 that i'd want! i already think about it a lot, it would just be so fantastic <333
but i'd also really REALLY enjoy:
Abel x MMC x Lucas Lucien x MC x Roman Vivienne x MC x Zoe Andi x MC x Lorelei Andi x MC x Juliette Antonio x MC x Diego (it would be so fucking funny) Alain x MC x Helena (but i dont want helena and alain dating each other tho) Mackenzie x MC x Annabelle who i know technically isn't an LI but 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Aurora x Astoria MC x Medusa (this is a guilty pleasure ship tbh) Arin x FMC x Nora Jessa x Alien MC x Nav (but again i dont want Jessa and Nav dating each other) JD x MC x Razi (again. hilarious potential.) Jett x MC x Remy Renzei x MC x Zeke Cal x MC x Darius (AGAIN. WOULD BE VERY FUNNY.) Alex x MC x Hydra Alex x MC x Astraeus
im gonna stop before i just list every possible ot3 combo one could imagine :^) thanks for asking though, i really like indulging in my ot3s :)
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hvlfwygod · 4 years
boxing day | major & abel & lucien (& gabriele)
summary: a surprise opportunity, a battle, an exorcism, a close call, a rescue
tw: stabbing, blood, broken bones, it’s a lil nasty
His head hurt. There had been this pushing, insistent pressure building up behind his eyes all day, and he could barely focus anymore. He was walking back to the Hebe cabin, ready to go to bed despite the early hour. The sun had only just set, but he was squinting just enough to see in front of him, trying to block out the streetlights with his hands. As time went on (how long, he couldn't say) the pressure only got worse, though. It built up and built up and built up until he had to crouch down and put his head between his knees to fight off nausea.
It wasn't clear to Major how long he'd been in control, distracted as he was by the sensation of his head splitting open. It'd been so long since he'd been at the front of his own mind, he almost didn't believe it when he willed himself to move and his body reacted readily. But he didn't allow himself to marvel at it: like every other time this happened, Major had a lot to do and no time to do it. He'd already wasted who knows how long just sitting there, halfway between himself and someone else.
Even though his head was still hurting, Major moved fast. He scrambled for his phone and immediately abandoned the idea when he saw that it was— of course— not fucking charged. Instead, he ran the rest of the way back to the cabin.
"Syd!" he called, practically falling through the front door. But all the rooms were dark and no one was home. Feeling desperate, Major started moving again before knowing exactly where he was going. It became clear to him after a moment, though: some small part of him remembered the party, another lifetime ago, where he'd met Abel. Abel, the person who saw him, knew he was here, and was trying to get Lucien out.
Maybe being the one in control would make it easier. Major didn't know, but he had to try. He ran up and down familiar looking streets, knocked on a few wrong doors, until he finally made it to the right house. At least, he hoped so as he banged frantically on the front door.
December 26th. It was a day of rest after their busy week. Picking Bailey up from Michigan, doing their best to help her recover, hosting groups for Christmas Eve and then the day of. They felt that they had earned a day of nothing. Still, there was a knock on their door.
Abel cast a glance down at Soup. Roommates off on their own misadventures (aka, normal human socializing), the two were in the living room alone and, naturally, sitting in the dark. “You think I should ignore it too, right?”
The cat blinked and Abel sighed as they stood and crossed the room to answer the door. As they opened it, they immediately tensed. Their spear had to be close by; their shield even. Why would Lucien come looking for them if not for a fight. Gabriele had told them to wait, and yet here was the perfect opportunity, presenting itself. They grabbed Major almost without thinking, yanking him inside as they aimed to pin him up against a wall.
The small wave of relief at seeing Abel answer was quickly brushed aside as they reached for him. Major yelped as hands closed around his shirt and pulled him inside. He held their wrists for leverage and tried to stop himself from falling over as Abel pushed him up against the wall. "I'm not—" he struggled to form a sentence and forced himself to let go and hold his hands up. "It's... I'm Major. I know you're trying to..." He trailed off but gave Abel a pleading look. "I don't know how long I have."
Their eyes betrayed their emotions. Anger turned to skepticism to relief to understanding, and they only loosened their grip slightly. "Then come with me." They kicked the door closed before turning towards their room, afraid of letting their mind buffer for too long. If they could restrain Major, then by the time Lucien took control once more it would be too late for him to get away. "Tell me how I can help you."
"I don't know," he admitted in a small voice. It took him a moment to move again, but he eventually followed Abel further into the house. He crossed his arms tightly over his chest, as if trying to hold himself together. It was only when he placed his hands against his ribcage that he noticed how badly he was shaking. "I don't know. But if this doesn't work can you, tell my sister?" Major blinked a few times in a poor attempt to keep his eyes dry. "Her name is Sydney, she lives in the Hebe cabin."
They crossed the apartment into the room with a light, the warm glow of their snake tank almost sinister given the circumstances. Once in their room, Abel took no time to search for and then produce rope. "I've spoken to her already." This was not comforting, they realized, and exhaled as they decided to explain to Major more. "I... don't want to tell you much. In case he gets the information. But know that we're trying to help you, okay? I'm trying to figure out how to do something to him without doing something to you. You regenerate, ya?" They looked down at the rope in their hands. "Can I tie you up? It'll be easier to restrain him while you're willing, and then I won't lose him again."
Knowing that Syd was already aware and trying to get him back made Major nearly stop in his tracks. He almost bumped into something in the dark and stumbled into Abel's room as a few tears slid down his cheeks. "Okay," he said quietly. Major just nodded at Abel's explanation and lowered his hands. "Yeah," he answered. "I, think I heal faster, too, but if I—" His train of thought completely derailed mid-sentence, and Major pressed his eyes shut as a wave of anger washed over him. "You should start tying me up," he mumbled.
Abel looked at Major with sympathy but not pity. This wasn’t a job for a paycheck or personal reasons, it was a job to help a man who was going through something unimaginable. “If you...?” Abel prompted as they took Major’s wrist gently and moved his arm behind his back. The knots were less gentle. They wanted to make sure that they were tight enough to give Lucien a hard time.
He didn't respond right away, too busy focusing on not fighting Abel off. His head was hurting again, this time pulsing with increasingly sharp pains. "If I die I come back," he said, a little stiff and breathless, as if he were holding something heavy. "But I don't know how it works. What are you planning to do?"
The tinny ringing started, sharp and disarming for a moment, making Abel shake their head as they took pause, then continued. “I’m no killer. But I’ve never extracted a ghost from a human. I’ve been warned it could get... messy.”
A chill travelled down his spine. "Then I'll try to—" But whatever else Major had to say about that was lost. Lucien's reaction to this was enough to pull himself forward the rest of the way. He immediately acted, the last word still falling from his lips as he jerked his elbow upward, connecting somewhere on Abel's face. He yanked himself away and tried pulling at the ropes around his wrist to no avail. But his legs were free, so he started to sprint, heading back toward the front door.
Abel grabbed their face rather than at Lucien, then swore as they watched him run away. They staggered back, more disoriented from the blow than they thought they would be, but then forced themself to run forward after him, figuring knowing the layout would work to their advantage, as well as the fact that his hands were tied up. Should’ve done the legs first.
Lucien bit back a curse as he tripped over something, surely alerting Abel to exactly where he was. He gave up on going straight for the door, and instead pressed into the wall while he twisted his arms to grab at the knife on his waist. For everything else that had gone wrong tonight, at least Major hadn't let it slip that he had a weapon. He just barely managed to grab it and get it behind his back before he heard Abel approaching. He fumbled to turn the blade toward the ropes as he ran further into the apartment.
Abel watched as Lucien stumbled around. They hadn’t even considered that they’d have the advantage of being able to see when he couldn’t, but was glad that they could. Their spear was back in their room, and their shield by the door, but they took off after Lucien while reaching for their utility knife instead, afraid of him doing something if he ran into Soup. As they approached, they let the shadows engulf them, fading from vision, and kicked Lucien’s leg to knock him off balance.
One second Abel was there, and the next it was darkness, and then he felt a blow smash into his leg so hard that he immediately dropped to the floor. "Fuck!" he groaned. His head bounced off the floorboards and his knife—which he held onto for dear life— bit into his arm, drawing blood. He groaned and switched tactics again, deciding to stay on the ground and buy himself time. Lucien arched his back and tried pushing himself away from Abel a bit with his feet. He started cutting at his restraints as subtly as he could, glaring up at Abel as he did. "Fuck you," he sneered at them. A bit of the pressure released around his wrist. "If you try anything I'm dragging that motherfucker out with me.”
Abel moved forward and dropped down on top of Lucien, one knee against his chest. They grimaced at Lucien, almost as a way of showing their teeth than anything else. "You can't do that." They had no idea if he could do that, but they were pretty sure he was bluffing. "And if you could, don't you know I have friends in low places? He's not going anywhere."
He knew that his words would cause a reaction, but he hadn't expected Abel to come down so hard. Lucien grunted in frustration and then in pain. This time his grip on his knife was lost and he felt the blade cut into a hand. Lucien snarled back at Abel and tried to wriggle out from under them, grabbing hold of the knife once again despite the pain radiating throughout his palm. "No," Lucien struggled to catch his breath before he continued, "it's already too late."
“You really believe that?” Abel snarled back, grabbing Lucien by the hair. “Not only do I have to deal with an insolent ghost, but an ignorant one.” They brought their fist down towards his side.
Lucien's heart was racing with adrenaline, but he forced himself to stay calm. It was always moments like this where he lost his control, and he couldn't afford that right now. He writhed away from the blow and pulled his wrists with renewed vigor. He'd managed to cut it loose enough before that now the ropes broke after little resistance. Lucien leaned as much pressure as he could from one side of his body so he could lift his already-bloody hand out from under him. With a grunt of effort, he stabbed blindly at Abel's leg.
Abel yelled as they were stabbed, only holding tighter onto Lucien’s hair. You deserve this for not checking if he had weapons. This is textbook, Abel. They grunted and looked from their leg to Lucien. They could attack him and possibly incapacitate him, or they could disarm him, and keep the knife from leaving the wound. They went for Lucien’s wrist, trying to get him to let go of the knife without twisting their own body too much.
As soon as the grip released from his hair, Lucien started struggling more wildly, kicking his legs and twisting his body around in an attempt to get away. His other, more injured arm made it out from under him, numb and bloody and hard to use. The fight to break free also cost him his hold on the knife. Lucien made an angry sound and pounded his hand into Abel's other leg as he pried himself out from under their knee. He took in a ragged breath as he righted himself, but didn't waste his time. Practically trembling with anger, the thought of running away had completely left Lucien's mind. Instead, he tackled them. "It's too late," he repeated as he struggled to pin them down. "You should've just fucking— let me be!"
Abel prioritizing the knife and not moving it just made things complicated, they realized, when their balance was thrown off and they were looking up at Lucien, who was now holding their wrists down. They were bent backwards, already shifting the knife in the wound, and they inhaled sharply as they brought their good knee up, once and then again, trying to knock the wind out of Lucien as they tried to pull their hands free. They thanked the fact that they were in the dark, letting the shadows ebb around them, creating a barrier between the two.
His left hand was screaming as Lucien continued to apply pressure onto Abel's wrists. Teeth gnashing in determination, Lucien bore the blows to his body as best he could, but his arms couldn't keep Abel down. Their hands broke free as the second knee smashed into his ribs. Lucien quickly turned toward Abel's injured leg, gripped the handle of his knife, and pulled out the weapon roughly. I hope that hurt. He brought the knife back down— this time aimed at their chest— but a dark wall blocked his attack. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me."
The knife getting pulled out was pure agony, but Abel still managed to hold their shield up– it was a good thing too, as Lucien’s attack bounced off of it. Pride seemed to swell in Abel’s chest along with their fear. They were not about to be bested by an untrained ghost when they were a child of Hades who knew how to fight. As their shield began to fade, they formed a blade from the darkness, reached up to snatch Lucien’s wrist, and yanked to pull themself up as they pulled Lucien down, sending the dark blade into his shoulder, hoping to incapacitate this arm as well. “Λείπω,” they hissed as their face was close to their ear. “Or I will make you.” They grit their teeth, letting go of the shadow blade to hold a hand close to Lucien’s face, trying once again to force away the spirit within.
In another instant, Lucien was back on the floor and his shoulder seemed to partially explode. A pained cry escaped him involuntarily, but his voice died in his throat once Abel commanded him to leave. For a brief moment, Lucien's whole world went soft and shapeless, but he scrambled to come back to the moment. Ghosts swarmed in protest, trying like him to anchor themselves in their new body. A deep ache formed in Lucien's chest. "N...o..." he struggled, tasting metal as blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth. "You won't... get him back. You can't."
Abel kept their grip strong on Lucien’s wrist despite the way the resonance of the ghosts seemed to reverberate throughout them. They turned their head away so that they could bite down on the collar of their shirt, gnawing at the fabric in an attempt to better handle the pain. Instead of replying to his threat, they just anchored themself and pressed their hand into Lucien’s face, trying to find the right spirit to pull from the body.
Another unwilling wail rang out of Major's body: it wasn't his, or Lucien's, voice. His body jerked, trying desperately to get away. Lucien clawed at Abel's face with his free hand and started writhing. It felt like something, somewhere in his chest, was about to break apart and he could do nothing to stop it. "I'm not— going. I'm not—" This time, his cry was quieter, but far more pained and agitated. He heard a worrying snapping sound and then coughed up some more blood, right into Abel's hand and consequently all over his face.
The blood was concerning and disgusting, but what really worried Abel was the snap. They didn’t relent, however, not even as Lucien began to claw at their face. They had gotten a hold of something, and though it wasn’t Lucien, it needed to come out. They dropped Lucien’s wrist to press their hand into his middle, opting to create armor with shadow to protect themself instead as they pushed at the same time that they pulled. They were past overexerting themself, but they didn’t care. This was coming out, and Lucien was next. They bit down harder on their shirt.
An agonizing burn spread over his skin, and Lucien lost a few seconds of lucidity, and then whatever unlucky ghost that had been grabbed was gone. For a disorienting moment, he wasn't sure if he was really there, taking a few gasping inhales, if his body would move if he willed it. "Listen to me," he rasped quietly. Another gurgling noise, a muffled half-laugh, and Lucien's arm twitched upward but grasped at nothing. "Listen, I'm serious. He's not going to make it if they're all gonna be like this."
Abel came to the terrible realization that Lucien was right as they pulled out what they had a grip on. It wasn’t a full ghost, but a patchwork of a few, trembling as Abel barked at them to leave once more. With nothing to tether them, they sank into the ground, the parts of them that remained dismissed. There was no telling exactly how many more were inside this body, but Abel could tell that if every extraction went this way, Major’s regeneration might not be enough. Still, they didn’t want to give Lucien the satisfaction of a reply, so they jabbed at his head once, twice.
The lack of a response was enough for Lucien. He blinked through the stinging in his eyes and angled his head back so he was staring up into Abel’s face. “I’m not even talking about physically.” The longer he was still, the more this terrible ache settled in his torso— so he tried sliding up along the floor somewhat. “I was dead for a long time, do you know what that did to me? Your friends in low places, they ever tell you what it’s like?” He sneered. “Not all of me came back. I don’t know what, but I can just— I can tell, so when I woke up in this body with all these ghosts, and this whole other person...” Lucien tried to move more; he succeeded in inching his arm slightly, nothing else. “I filled in all the gaps. I took what I needed, and you can’t—“ He managed another laugh, grimacing through it. “I can’t even fucking tell anymore what’s me and what I took. If you pull me out, and he survives it, he’s not going to be the same person. He’s not, and he’ll always know something is missing but won’t ever know what. That’s what I mean when I say you’re too late.” Lucien finally saw a decent enough angle, and willed himself to move through the agony in his shoulder to thrust his arm— and the knife—  upward.
Pain as a knife found its way into Abel’s side. It was blocked and slowed by their armor, they were sure it would have been worse had they not had the hardened shadow to help them. But still, they could tell this was bad. They’d spent most of their adrenaline rush fighting, and now they weren’t sure if their leg was going to support their weight if they stood. Even so, Abel let out a spiteful laugh and pushed into the shadow knife, just burying it deeper into Lucien as they pulled him closer. “You come all this way just to give that shitty speech?” They growled, taking a ragged breath before continuing. “You have no idea who you’re talking to. I don’t need my friends to tell me what it’s like; I’ve been to hell and back myself.” They grasped the hair at the  back of Lucien’s head, then yanked his head back to force him to look at them. “A long time? Try being dead for three years. You know nothing.” Their mouth tasted metallic, but they just continued on. “I want you to look at me and know that some do not decompose. Just the weak.” Their eyes burned, both dark instead of their usual two tones. “You can’t fill in any gaps. He’s a whole person. You. Stupid. Fuck.” They released his hair and brought their fist down on the back of his head, much weaker than before, hoping that their stamina would win out over his.
Lucien was nearly delirious with pain, which might’ve explained why he continued laughing despite being hit again. His arm barely had any feeling left in it, which might’ve explained how he managed to rip the knife out of Abel’s side and stab them again, this time closer to their stomach. They had to be bluffing, they had to be. “Three years and you don’t know shit,” he slurred, pushing himself upright as best he could. “How’d you make it back, huh? How come that’s allowed and I’m not? Fuck you. Fuck you.” Lucien grabbed Abel’s shirt to pull himself up further and pushed them backwards. “If you get to decide if I live, do I get to decide that for you, too?”
As Lucien moved, Abel predicted his movements enough to concentrate their shield on their stomach, and the wound they retained was much more superficial than the others. They pushed themself up more, then winced, back down on one knee. There was no way they could stand on that leg, darkness empowering them or not. They were shaking, and the floor trembled with them. “I made it back because this is my body. What you’re doing right now, you are not living. You are a virus. παράσιτο,” they hissed. Shadows swelled around them, covering their arms, chest, half their face, seeping into their wounds. “I came back because I am Abel Benoit, child of Death. So you’re going to have to try harder to kill me.” They leaned back into the shadows, fully absorbed and invisible now, before lunging forward to get Lucien back on the ground.
What would keep them down? Every time Lucien got a little bit of leverage, Abel hit him back. As he slammed once again into the floor, desperation melted into anger and prompted him to reach for his assailant’s throat. “Give me a fucking break,” he snarled up at them. “I fucking waited, I waited and I held out and I made it back. I deserve to be here, I’m more alive than you and your reanimated fucking corpse. I care about living more than any of you.”
Even Abel, the ruler of waxing poetic, knew when the time for saying cool things was over in a fight. There was also the fact that there were hands around their throat, making it difficult for them to deliver a monologue. They drove two knuckles down into Lucien's windpipe, a quick but strong jab to keep him from breathing. They grinned down at him, letting the fact that they seemed unhindered speak for how well they could hold their breath since coming back.
His hands unlatched from Abel's throat a little too readily. Lucien couldn't do more than make choking sound to relay how pissed, frustrated, panicked he was. He struggled to take a breath and resume fighting, but his head was spinning too badly, and his control felt shaky at best. He wanted to punch Abel back, but his arms refused to move anymore. "Fuck off," he groaned through clenched teeth as the fight began to melt out of his body. Linnaea! he tried, frantic. Lin! Can you hear me? I need you. But she was too far away, or maybe he was already too far under, because he didn't get an answer before he completely lost control.
Major couldn't understand how his body had managed to hold out this long. But for as much pain he was in, he was grateful to still be conscious, since he'd had enough time to claw his way back to the surface. He took another few rattling inhales and pressed his eyes shut. "Abel," he wheezed. "I—" he coughed and tasted more blood, "sorry.”
As the hands fell away from their throat, Abel grabbed them to pin Lucien down fully, and soon they recognized that it was Major they were holding down instead. "As am I," they rasped back. The shadows melted away from them, and their head spun as they found the knife, cut into their shirt, and ripped it to make strips so they could begin tying Major up once more. They pocketed the pesky blade and did their best to tie knots with shaky fingers. "Are you as close to passing out as I am?" They found their phone, but the screen glitched as they tried to use it, and they held it out to Major, before realizing that he couldn't call anyone, as he was tied up. They laughed and hung their head. "Shit. Can you move your hands or did I do an effective job tying you up this time?"
In a matter of minutes, Major was leaning against a wall with his hands and ankles tied in front of him, and it was the safest he felt in months. He was overwhelmed with how badly his body hurt; his arms protested even the smallest movement, like taking Abel's phone. "You did it fine the first time," he mumbled, wincing as he lowered the phone into his lap. "It's my fault. I should've said he had a..." Major's eyes misted over as the gravity of what was happening hit him all over again. He felt so far away, and Lucien's taunts from earlier were replaying in his head. "Um. Who should I call?"
“Don’t say that any of this is your fault or you should have done anything. You don’t have to apologize.” Abel lowered onto the floor, curling up on their side as they heaved ragged breaths. “Um. My roommates. Or Gabriele. Or a healer. Someone like that.” Their eyes darted without their permission, and they sighed. “Thank you.”
It was hard to feel reassured by that when Abel was beside him looking so pained. Instead of dwelling on it, for now he focused on finding someone who could help. Major was tempted to call Syd, but he thought he might completely lose it if he talked to her, so he just found the only name Abel mentioned and switched to speaker phone.
Gabriele was in the middle of a jog when his phone started ringing. He checked the screen without breaking stride and frowned at Abel's name glowing back at him. If they were calling, it had to be serious. Gabriele slowed to a walk and answered. "Hello, friend, is everything okay?"
"Can you come to Abel's house?" Major asked, not bothering to even attempt explaining what was going on. "I think the door is unlocked. Please, it's important."
"Who is this?" Gabriele asked, already turning toward the townhouses.
He shifted and inhaled sharply as pain flared through his torso. "Major." 
A long silence followed this, then Gabriele finally responded. "I will be there in five minutes."
Abel’s eyes began to tick. Right, right, right, down. Right, right, right, down. They let their eyes half-close and focused on breathing through the pain. “Hey,” they said quietly to Major, pretty sure he was off the phone by now. “I’m sorry for taking so long on this, and I’m sorry for how much it’s hurting.” Their eyelids fluttered as they felt a familiar presence come and settle in against their stomach. “Where were you during that?” they jokingly chastised Soup quietly before continuing to Major. “And I don’t know how much you can retain while he’s... present, but I don’t want you to believe a word he says. He sounds really compelling, but so do demagogues, and you don’t listen to them, ya?” They rested a hand on Soup, hoping they wouldn’t get blood on his fur and worry their roommates when they got home. “You’re gonna feel different after this, but it’s not because he took something, it’s because that’s the human reaction.” A shudder ran through them, but their lips ticked upwards. “Do not go gentle into that good night, ya?”
Any feeble attempts Major had been making to keep himself together broke once Abel started speaking to him. He was so sick of this. He took a few shaking breaths as tears began to streak down his face. "Thanks," he mumbled, his voice breaking on the word. But as much as he appreciated their comfort, all Major could think about was how little time he had before he was pulled back under. "I'm trying my best."
It was almost five minutes on the dot when Gabriele shoved open the front door. He was breathless from sprinting, but he still rushed toward Abel's room, only stopping short once he found the two bodies sprawled on the ground in the hall. "Porco cane..." he whispered, dropping by Abel's side. He glanced toward Major, too, noting the restraints. "Explain later, what do I need to do?" he asked, looking between the both of them.
Abel wasn’t very good at comforting people, so they were quiet for the rest of the time as they waiting for Gab. Each second seemed to stretch on for ages, and they could feel themself being pulled under as Soup pressed himself into their stomach, causing them to hiss in pain, but thankful for something keeping them conscious. Their breathing was growing shallow when they heard someone enter their house, and they had regained control of their eye movements, but chose to keep them closed. “Hospital,” they said quietly. “Sorry, I should have called someone with a car.” Now that Gab was here, they relaxed a bit more, nearly melting into the floor. “I might... ambrosia in my room. Some drawer. Only a bit,” they muttered into the floor, their breathing slowing down more. “Can you leave a note for my roommates?”
Gabriele ran the rest of the way toward Abel's room. He emerged after a minute with the ambrosia, then propped Abel up slightly and fed them a few pieces. "I'll call for help. And tell them..." He glanced over to Major once again.
While Abel seemed to relax in Gabriele's presence, Major was more stiff and cautious than ever. Even though it'd be two against one, the last thing he wanted was for Lucien to slow everything down. "Just make sure he doesn't get away," he said when Gabriele looked at him. "I don't care what you have to do."
Gabriele nodded. "I'll take care of everything," he assured them both. "Major, sorry to meet again in such circumstances."
"Me, too," he muttered.
Before he did anything else, Gabriele called for his goddess. While she couldn't fully intervene, she helped move him along quicker than he could have managed on his own. He called an ambulance, wrote a note, and gently helped get Abel and Major into the truck once it arrived, all in a matter of minutes. He even found a set of keys and locked the front door on the way out. Gabriele charmed his way into the back of the ambulance and began to explain, as discreetly as he could, the importance of keeping an eye on one of the passengers in particular...
He wouldn't let himself get his hopes up. Major had taken control twice tonight, and both for prolonged periods of time. He'd never managed such a thing before, but he could feel Lucien's rage rumbling inside of him. He knew the moment the painkillers hit, he'd go under, and probably be unable to surface for a long time. A fresh wave of sadness rolled over him, but for once, Major didn't feel completely hopeless. Still, he wished he'd thanked Abel more, he wished he had more time. But everything he wanted to say would yet again go unheard, since it wasn't long until the pain started to fade out of his body, and Major finally passed out.
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intomusings · 3 years
﹒﹒   male   names   masterlist     !
in honor of my third milestone on here ( thank you sm ) , i’ve decided to release a master list of 400+male names i personally love and think could be used more in the community . this was also requested by a few anons and names will be added to the list frequently . the names are sorted by first letter but not alphabetically within each letter category . if you found this useful , feel free to like or reblog to spread this !
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A : alston, ander, adamo, alex, austen, ace, arian, adrian, atlas, augustus, axel, archer, angel, archie, aaron, abel, asher, amir, adriel, andrew, ace, alejandro, arlo, adonis, atticus, abram, ambrose. 
B : bryce, bryson, benji, bellamy, banks, bear, beau, bentley, barrett, brody, brayden, bennett, braxton, bowen, briggs, baker, bruce, benson, bristol, boston, brycen, bryant, brock, brendan, bruno, byron, braden, bronson, braeson.
C : colton, cartier, cyrus, caleb, carter, cedric, carson, cohen, calvin, callum, casper, caspius, chase, cole, connor, camden, colt, caden, cash, crew, chance, clayton, cruz, cairo, corbin, colson, cesar, clark. 
D : damon, damien, darren, dylan, dominic, declan, dean, dario, drew, dimitri, dakota, dawson, daxton, dante, desmond, denver, dax, deacon, drake, derrick, darius, duke, deandre, dash, dilan, dayton, duncan, dior. 
E : eduardo, edward, elias, emilien, evan, easton, everett, emmett, enzo, ezra, elliot, emmanuel, ezekial, elias, emerson, eric, emory, edwin, elian, esteban, edison, emir, everest, eliseo, everley.
F : florencio, flynn, fabio, forester, francis, flynn, fallon, finn, finnick, felix, fernando, finnegan, fabian, ford, forbes, fletcher, fisher, fox, fitz, flint, fulton. 
G : giovanni, gage, gomez, grayson, griffin, grant, graham, gavin, grant, gianni, gunner, gideon, gregory, grey, gustavo, guillermo, gentry, gadiel, gabriel. 
H : halton, herman, holden, hayes, hudson, hayden, harrison, harlow, harvey, hugo, hank, henley, holland, hamza, hugh, houston, hakeem. 
I : isaac, icarius, idris, ian, ivan, isaiah, ismael, ilan, irvin, iain. 
J : julian, juniper, joao, joaquim, jordan, jaxton, joshua, josiah, javier, jayden, justin, jonah, jace, jasper, jay, jj, jackson, jeremiah, judah, joel, jensen, jaylen, jonas, jamal. 
K : kai, kolton, kaleb, klaus, kyrie, kingston, kayden, king, kobe, knox, kyler, kaden, khalil, kane, killian, keegan, kian, kamden, kieran, keanu, kyland, kareem, kasen, 
L : liam, lukas, logan, lucien, lawrence, leo, leighton, leon, lindell, lamar, latrell, larson, lance, levi, luke, landon, luca, lincoln, landon, lorenzo, london, lennox, leonel, lawson, luciano, layton, lux, leroy, lamar. 
M : micaiah, mateo, marcell, manny, mac, malcolm, mckay, meechie, matias, mason, maverick, mitch, murphy, miles, malachi, maddox, marshall, malik, moses, marvin, milo. 
N : noah, nicolai, nasir, nico, nash, neymar, naveen, nehemiah, nixon, nelson, nigel, niles, nolyn, namir. 
O : orlando, ozzy, oliver, omar, orion, otto, odin, otis, oskar, osvaldo, owen. 
P : peyton, parker, pearce, prince, preston, porter, pierre, penn, patton, paxton, paolo, pope, percy. 
Q : quentin, quinn, quint, quang. 
R : roman, rowan, reid, riggs, reece, rafael, ryland, roland, ronan, rhett, rhys, rory, rainer, roscoe, rocco, ryder, ryker, remington, russell, romeo, raiden, ruben, ridge, rex, rudy, remy. 
S : sawyer, spencer, salem, salvatore, stefan, samson, sebastian, samuel, santiago, silas, sutton, sterling, sully, sergio, seth, santino, santibel, soren, saint, samir, saul, sal, santos, slater, santino. 
T : tyson, tyrin, taylor, teagan, tobias, troye, tristan, tucker, theo, torrento, tanner, travis, tripp, trenton, trey, tomas, talon, thad, terrance, teddy. 
U : uriel, ulysesses, umar, urbane, uri, ursel, usher. 
V : valencio, victor, valence, valentino, vance, victor, vaughn, vincent, virgil, vernon, vander, vito, vero, villard. 
W : wick, walker, weston, wyatt, wolfgang, wells, wilder, wesley, walter, warren, wade, winston, watson, wiley, waylen. 
X : xavier, xander, xane, xavion, xavi, xiomar, xackery, xan. 
Y : yosef, yosan, york, yasir, yoel, yuri, yannis.
Z : zane, zakhar, zavier, zion, zahir, zev, zeus, zacharias.
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writing-fanics · 2 years
The Sandman x Gender-Neutral!Reader [Based off the Sandman Comic coming soon]
[a/n: going to be adapting the whole comic like all of it as well some of the one off shorts to add more to y/n and morepheus’ developing relationship. I’m still reading through the comics so if anything is wrong I’ll fix it later]
may do a f!reader as well
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[Y/n] Morningstar, finger twirled around the metal chain of the necklace wrapped around their neck. The charm shimmered even in the darkness of hell. Inside it was sand, yes, sand. From The Dreaming, their friendship with the Dream Lord was known. Even though [Y/n] tried to keep it a secret from their father.
Dream gave them that necklace so that they may. Have a little bit of, The Dreaming whenever they’re away from it. He knew how much they love The Dreaming. More than their own realm. The magical and mystery of the Dreaming. Seeing the dreams of others just fascinated them.
(Y/n) couldn’t count the countless times of going to The Dreaming and having dinner there. Visiting, Abel and Cain, Goldie, and Gregory. Seeing all the creatures and dreams and nightmares that reside in the dreaming. Walking around the gorgeously built Dream palace. Reading the countless books that ever been written. Always telling Lucien how the library in The Dreaming couldn’t compare to the one in Hell.
“How could some amateur warlock capture one of the Endless?” [Y/n] mumbled, gripping the charm in their hand. Holding it close to them. They’ve known Dream for eons, and their friendship centuries. Their feelings for the Dream Lord were quite obvious to their father.
“I’ve asked Death and she can’t intervene. His others-” Letting it linger as they stand up from their bed and pace around their room. “I can’t do anything for The Dreaming with my power.” They say looking down at their hands, even with their powers the could only do so little to help the dreaming. “I’m going to free him.” They say, as they grab their coat and travel to the surface.
[this isn’t much but this is what you can except. Y/n is the child of Lucifer Morningstar, and their friendship with Dream is known. As well their feelings towards Dream. With his countless sour relationships know it’ll never work out between them or will it? Also yes the ending in the comics will be the same in this. You’ll just have to wait and see what I’ll do]
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somekidnamedkai · 4 years
Lovestruck Masterlist
Sin With Me
Jealous Cal (Cals POV)
Jealous Cal (MCs POV)
Cal Headcanons
None yet
None yet
Sweet Enchantments
Romans Proposal
None yet
None yet
None yet
Wicked Lawless
Nathan request, prompt 45
None yet
None yet
None yet
Reigning Passions
Quince request
Piama Impressing MC Headcanons
None yet
None yet
TK fluff request
Shades on
None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
Ever After Academy
The future
Study headcanons
Flowers and Kisses
A Mistletoe Kiss
None yet
Decorating The Tree
Fluff ABCs (U,X)
None yet
None yet
None yet
Let me braid your hair
None yet
None yet
Villainous Nights
None yet
None yet
None yet
Robin Headcanons
Robin Fluff request
MC coming out
None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
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operationx · 4 years
mods! oh great powerful mod! give us ur identity hcs for the muses!
Mod Spooky:
ALRIGHT BITCHES, strap in this is gonna be long, I'm gonna do a general X Class, some of them won't be here permanently, plus the few important staff in Site-7 and bastards that will appear on the blog. Then Blue is gonna reblog w her part of bastards. Okay let's gooooo!
Also, keep in mind a lot of these characters aren't human, weren't raised in modern times or with human perception of gender or orientation, hence a lot of these labels are how modern humans would describe them, but they don't use this terminology.
Abel (076) - genderfluid queer, more specifically greysexual demi-homoflexible but doesn't use these labels, any pronouns
Cain (not my muse but Abel's fam is my thing, 073) - cis polysexual man, he/him
Alan (079) - agender acearo, they/them
Lizard (682) - agender acearo, any pronouns
Iris (105) - pan trans girl, she/her
Keter (939) - non-binary acearo, she/they/it/xe
Han (2913) - hands don't have genders or orientations, he/him
408 - they're a hive mind of butterflies soooo...they/them
Guy (507) - bi trans guy, he/him
Conner - non-binary man, bi but doesn't know it yet (big preference for women), he/em
Rook (007) - cis gay guy, he/him
Miriam (Meri, 166) - non-binary/genderfluid ace demi-lesbian, she/her
TJ Bright (590) - trans gay boy, he/him
999 - non-binary acearo, any pronouns
MTF Omega-7
(Most of these are ocs I made when I was 12-14, I will try my best to remember their surnames but dont expect miracles from me lmao)
Agent Cross (supervisor) - queer cis man, any pronouns
Christopher Walker (Squire, right-hand man) - gay cis guy, he/him
Britha Smith - cis bi woman, she/her
Mark Smith - cis bi man, he/him
Sven Miller - cis gay man, he/him
Michael - cis polysexual man, he/him
Will - cis heterosexual aro man, he/him
Zophia - trans lesbian, she/her
Nina - cis lesbian, she/her
Sarah - non-binary lesbian, she/they
Bianca (Will's cousin) - non-binary bi woman, she/her and any noepronouns
Rich - cis gay aro man, he/him
Other Site-7 staff:
Natalie Powers (Conner's gf) - cis pan woman, she/her
Dr Sophia Light (Site Director, head of research) - non-binary lesbian, she/they
Dr James Bright (Site Director) - pan trans man, he/him
Dr Jeremiah Cimmerian (EC Liaison) - non-binary trans man (doesn't realise he's enby yet), polysexual polyamorous, he/him
James Talloran - genderfluid bi, he/they/em
Other characters that will appear:
Commander Zero - token cishet
Commander Horus - cis gay man, he/him
Tiff Thompson (Cimmerian's assistant) - non-binary bi, they/them
Andrea Adams - trans bi woman, she/her
Agent Diogenes - non-binary gay, he/she/they
S (Abel's father) - bigender queer, polyamorous, any pronouns
Lucien - genderfluid queer, any pronouns
Lil - non-binary queer woman, any pronouns
Gaia - queer, any pronouns
Y (Abel's uncle, S's brother) - polygender acearo, any pronouns
H (Abel's uncle, Gaia's brother) - queer, any pronouns
M (Abel's uncle, Gaia's brother) - agender, any pronouns
Maveth - non-binary queer (prefers masculine aligned people), any pronouns
A'habbat (231-7) - non-binary bi woman, she/her
Ralph - genderfluid bi, any pronouns
Sam - agender queer, any pronouns
I'm probably skipping a shitton but here are the most important ones :P
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honeylikewords · 6 years
oh boy it’s the 9 o’clock news
It is 9 pm on a Sunday night, so consider this a news-broadcast PSA:  I am now expanding this blog from just Jon-related things to works that encompass the gamut of Oscar-boys, too!
I’m a big Oscar Isaac fan and I’ve been writing about Miguel and Poe for a hot minute here, but I’m also going to do stuff for his more, let’s say, ‘rare’ or ‘underappreciated’ roles.
I’m going to do a quick breakdown here of the Oscar characters I’m familiar with (from films of his I’ve seen so far), and if there are roles that aren’t listed, I haven’t seen them yet! Any ones I’m not going to write about will be at the bottom, explicitly stated as not being written about. 
So, without further ado, here’s the list so far!
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1. Miguel O’Hara, Marvel Cinematic Universe and Comics: I’ve already written about Miggy on here, and you all know I love and adore him. However, for anyone who missed it, here’s a brief synopsis about Miguel. Miguel O’Hara is a version of Spider-Man in the Marvel Comics Universe AND, now, the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He appeared briefly as the after-credits scene in Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, where he was played by Oscar. Miguel comes from the year 2099 and is a completely unique Spider-Person, not only in terms of his range of powers, but his personality. Miguel is intelligent, sarcastic, determined, and passionate.
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2. Poe Dameron, Star Wars: You know him, you love him, and he’s an iconic staple of the newest Star Wars trilogy. One of the most (if not the absolute) recognizable of Oscar’s roles, Poe is a hot-shot X-Wing pilot with a sharp tongue, warm heart, and intense desire to bring light and freedom to the galaxy. Poe is kind, excitable, comedic, and playful.
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3. Orestes, Agora: A ‘rare’ or, more aptly, underappreciated role of Oscar’s, Orestes is the prefect of Alexandria. Orestes is boyish and clever, with a quick mind and a loving heart. He is loyal, driven, tender, and thoughtful.
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4. Reeves, 10 Years: Another underappreciated role of Oscar’s, Reeves is a successful musician whose folk-style songs have become major hits across the U.S., and he is often on tour. Reeves is a nostalgic, sweet, humble, and affectionate.
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5. Standard Gabriel, Drive: Oscar was SO underused in his role in Drive. Standard Gabriel is a down-to-earth man recently released from prison; he loves his family, adoring his son, and would do anything to keep them safe. Standard is protective, modest, loving and introspective. 
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6. Rydal Keener, The Two Faces of January: Rydal Keener is an American working in Greece as a tour guide, having recently graduated college. Rydal enjoys poetry and history. Rydal is witty, youthful, romantic, and intense.
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7. Abel Morales, A Most Violent Year: Abel is a Mexican-American businessman in New York; his business is successful, but he is frequently bullied by other businesses, though he is determined to stand up against them. Abel is gentle, good-hearted, noble, and focused.
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8. Mikael Boghosian, The Promise: Mikael is an Armenian doctor whose purpose in life is to heal and help others. He is generous and romantic, guided by his passionate heart. Mikael is sensitive, devoted, kindly, and soothing.
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9. Llewyn Davis, Inside Llewyn Davis: Llewyn is a down-on-his-luck performer whose love of folk music takes him wherever the wind blows. He is struggling but trying to mature, despite being weighed down by tragedies and inner conflict. Llewyn is sardonic, dreaming, rash, and lonesome.
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10. Robbie Paulson, Law & Order: Criminal Intent: A very minor, very early role of Oscar’s, Robbie is a nurse working in New York. He is the unfortunate victim of mental manipulation, but now free and on his way towards true healing. Robbie is child-like, enthusiastic, ardent, and a little needy.
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11. Bud Cooper, Suburbicon: Yet another grievously underused Oscar performance, Bud is an insurance claims investigator in Los Angeles. (We’re ignoring canon on this one, lads.) Bud is teasing, goofy, strategic and fun.
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12. Shiv, Pu-239: Another minor Oscar role, Shiv is a young Russian man trying to make ends meet in post-Soviet Moscow. (We’re also ignoring canon on this one. For Reasons.) Shiv is guileless, heartfelt, sincere and charming.
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13. Basil Stitt, Lightningface: One of two short-film roles Oscar has been in, Basil is a (presumably) New York businessman who is one day struck by lightning, scarring half of his face terribly. He goes into shock and locks himself in an apartment, beginning a journey of hallucinatory self-investigation. Basil is self-conscious, anxious, melodramatic, and curious. 
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14. Lucien, Ticky-Tacky: The other of the short-film roles, Lucien is a rich man with incredible mood swings and dramatic behaviors. Lucien is juvenile, erratic, tempestuous, and clingy.
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15. John “Jack” Jackson, Mojave: An American veteran with an incredible mind (gone rogue) and taste for literature, Jack wanders the wilderness of the Mojave desert, stirring up trouble. Jack is astute, comical, fiery, and singular.
There are more Oscars I’d like to write about (such as Outcome #3 from The Bourne Legacy, Will Dempsey from Life Itself, Michael Perry from Won’t Back Down, Evgeni from W.E.), but I still am catching up with his filmography!
Here, however, are the Oscars I won’t be writing about.
1. Nathan Bateman, Ex Machina.
2. Blue Jones, Sucker Punch.
3. Prince John/John, King of England, Robin Hood.
Anyway, that’s the list so far! Keep an eye out for these names and these boys, and let me know if you want to know more about them (TL;DRs for their plots, headcanons I have for them, plot derivations I have for them, etc), or if there’s a different Oscar you’d like to see me talk about who wasn’t mentioned here!
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hellyeahheroes · 6 years
Best Ongoing Team Books of 2018 - In text because I cannot make it in video
Okay, so my mic is broken, I have barely time to make it work with how many ever hours I’m working recently, so screw it. Last part of my promised list is long overdue anyway, so I’ll just drop it as a text. Apologies for this but yeah, sometimes stuff just piles up. I hope you’ll still enjoy my picks and check the 3 parts that made it to the video
Welcome to Best Books of 2018, the long-awaited final part. I’m terribly sorry it took me so, so terribly long but I had been forced to take many over hours at my day job and it just ate in my time. The rules are as before. The book must still be ongoing in 2018, even if only for a single issue. It also must have more than two issues published in two thousand eighteen. However, if a book got relaunched as effectively the same title, they count as one. This time we’re doing team books. So if you can, go check those titles out at your local store.
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Number Ten: Super Sons and its continuation, Adventures of the Super Sons. Work of writers Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason with artwork by Carlo Barberi with issue twelve of the first series draw by Tyler Kirkham. Super Sons continue to be an absolute joy. The greatest asset of this story is that Jon and Damian are written as a pair of actual kids, with behavior we would find too childish with other people but appropriate with them. Which only adds charm to an already book that captures joys of being a kid and going on adventures and that embraces silver age weirdness with all kinds of strange stuff, from a bunch of alien kids idealizing Earth supervillains and modeling themselves after them to an alien versions of Cain and Abel and their House of Secret Mysteries. It is a book that you can just pick up, relax and enjoy, lose yourself in fluffy fun. Its time is limited as Adventures is just a mini but I think if there is one title on this list that is just pure escapism, bar themes touched in an issue where our heroes meet their future selves, it is this one.
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Number Nine: House of Whispers by writer Nalo Hopkins and artist Domonike Stanton. One of my favorite out of the new Sandman Universe books, it tells a story of a spell gone wrong that results in the tied fate of goddess Erzulie from Vodou religion and girl named Latoya. The former ends up trapped in the Dreaming, cut from her worshippers and desperately needing to come back before she starves without worship. The latter loses her soul in the same accident and now is affected by Cotard’s delusion, a mental disorder that makes a living person believe they’re dead and worse, she can spread it like an infection. While absolutely fantastic with the weaved narrative I will say that at the time it might be even too heavy as the parts that deal with people affected by the delusion, especially Latoya and her girlfriend Maggie, often feel so outright depressing I had to put the book down and take a break. It is not a bad thing, not every comic book has to just make you feel entertained, especially not one aiming at evoking different emotions. But I need to recommend this one with a warning it is not for everyone as people who already feel down might only feel worse. Still, if you are looking for a book either heavily using themes from religion by far underexplored by literature and pop culture in a respectful way or for a book that might leave you shaken and made think, appreciate your life even, this is a book for you.
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Number Eight is a tie: Justice League Dark by writer James Tynion the Fourth and artists Alvaro Martinez and Daniel Sampere as well as Justice League Odyssey by writer Joshua Williamson and artists Stjepan Sejic and Philipe Briones. Two of the new Justice League titles have their problems, I’ll admit it. The main villain in Justice League Dark comes off as invincible for the sake of it and the establishment of the Sisterhood of the Sleight hand only to destroy it rubs me the wrong way and Odyssey feels to have missed its impact moment due to delays and artist change. However, both books are still excellent in what they set to do, opening this new age in Justice League books and bringing them back to the flagship role. Be it dark atmosphere of JLD that isn’t mitigated by inclusion of either Detective Chimp or Wonder Woman, in fact it is a stroke of genius to have her confront the darker side of magic, or the outlandish space opera of Odyssey, with super likable cast playing game of cat and mouse with Darkseid himself, the books do bring new to the table and truly make the Justice League currently one of the strongest if not the strongest lines in the big two.
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Number Seven: Rogue & Gambit and its continuation Mr & Mrs. X by writer Kelly Thompson and artist Pere Perez on the former and Oscar Balduza and David Lopez. I’m counting it as one book even if an important part, the wedding, took place in a different title and was fairly controversial. But Kelly Thompson has really shown that she feels the two and their relationship and uses as much of their history as possible to build on and inform said relationship. It is in how natural it comes off as, how strong their bond is but also how unafraid of testing it through their adventures Kelly Thompson is that really makes this book so unique. With the cancellation of X-Men: Red and Exiles and with how Uncanny X-Men and Age of X-Man seem in a contest who can drop more balls, this book is now the best ongoing in the X-Line and you will be doing yourself a disservice if you won’t check it out.
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Number Six: Justice League by writers Scott Snyder and James Tynion the Fourth and artists Jim Cheung, Jorge Jimenez, Doug Mankhe, Mike Janin, Francis Manapul, Fazer Irving and Guillem March. This book decided to bring the Justice League back to its greatness and to my great surprise, it succeeded. Scott Snyder’s over the top imagination is a perfect fit for this title and in just a few issues he proved he is not afraid of breaking established boundaries and showing us that cosmology of DC Universe is much greater and more amazing than we might have thought, that everything we thought we know hides more secrets and there is always a new adventure right behind the corner. It asks important questions that, while not intended to be political, by Snyder’s own admission, I feel are still questions about life, a current state of the world and our expectations and ourselves. Upon seeing how flawed the world is, how flawed other people are, how flawed, in the end, we ourselves are, what is a correct course of action? Deny it and try to grind yourself into the idea of perfection you want to be even if it is impossible? Embrace your worst and care only about yourself? Or accept you have flaws, that you feel pain and trauma and realize you can still be a good person regardless? That is the theme of Justice League that makes me enjoy this book so much.
Also, they have hired Ferdinand the Minotaur to work at their cafeteria, that’s awesome.
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Number Five: The Dreaming by writer Simon Spurrier and artist Bilquis Evely. The Dreaming is in peril. Dream of Endless has left his dominion, there is a hole in it through which strange things come, citizens find themselves in state of unrest and all beloved characters, from Lucien and Matthew to Merv Pumpkinhead and Eve to Cain and Abel are set on a course that will challenge them and will change them in unexpected ways, all while old faces like Glob and Brute come back and new ones like mysterious Dora and merciless Judge Gallows leave their mark on the place. The Dreaming plays with obvious political undertones but on a meta sense, it is another case of what Simon Spurrier is driven to do, to deconstruct the darker corners of comics and try to explore questions of responsibility and morality through it like he did with Legion and X-Force. This new, heavier, darker take on the Dreaming sucked me in instantly and I really hope the ride Spurrier has prepared for us is a long one.
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Number Four: Exiles by writer Saladin Ahmed and artists Javier Rodrigues, Rod Reis and Joe Quinones. Exiles had another short-living comeback and it saddens me to see that it has already been cancelled, though not before qualifying on this list. I love Exiles as a series and a concept and the return with all-new cast and Blink was a welcome one. With adventures that are in equal parts fun and serious and characters with such amazing charm as a cartoon kid Wolverine or Valkyrie. What’s more is that the book had such amazing creative artwork, with Rodriguez especially giving it his all and creating some amazing visuals that truly matched increasingly crazier visions that Ahmed has weaved in front of him through the script. This was a top-notch creative team that I sure hope we’ll see them team-up once again on another project in the future. Meanwhile, while brief it it was still a pleasure to come back to this team of weirdos and outcasts hopping between dimensions, one crazier than the other.
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Number Three: Wild Storm by writer Warren Ellis and artist John Davis Hunt. Now here is a book that benefits from its stated twenty four issues run. Wild Storm is a slow burn. But it is by far one of the most glorious slow burns in the history of comics. Ellis continues to create a gritty narrative that combines aliens, conspiracies, secret agencies, technological inventions and movie-like decompressed storytelling into a chilling, dark story that absolutely dominates with the atmosphere. The vision of Wildstorm Universe Ellis and Hunt created for us is absolutely captivating and the feel of the world at the verge of total war between two agencies that long time ago stopped caring for common folk, while Jacob Marlowe, Jenny Sparks, and John Lynch, each in their own way, race to stop them or deal with problems they unleash, is unlike any other. There is plain and simply no other book like this on the shelves right now and it is very unlikely there will be such a book soon after it ends.
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Number Two: The Terrifics by writer Jeff Lemire and artists Ivan Reis, Evan Doc Sharner, Joe Bennett, Dale Eaglesham. Out of all New Age of Heroes Books this is undeniably the best one. A loving tribute to the original Fantastic Four stories that finds a new quality through use of characters that may fill similar archetypes but are different enough that each brings their own thing to the table, creating new dynamics that liven up known narratives while at the same time the artists manage to get creative, especially the issue that divides each page into a sort of camera following each of the four protagonists one panel per person and uniting them and dividing as they join together or split up, pushing the very boundaries of graphic storytelling as we know it. It is also a book full of warmth and joy and optimism we often do not see in books like that. It is truly a title that has a heart and imagination on its side and it is using them to their full potential.
Honorable Mentions: West Coast Avengers, Champions, Teen Titans
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And our Number One is Runaways by writer Rainbow Rowell and artists Kris Anka and David Lafuente. It couldn’t be anything else. Runaways this year was plain and simply the best book on the shelves. Kris Anka’s beautiful art brings to life Rainbow Rowell amazing heart for these characters as she lets them face new challenges in their lives, creating story if teenagers at the verge of adulthood as they try to wrestle less with supervillains and more with their own fears and insecurities and this feeling of childhood and innocence lost for superhero life they never wanted, all as they try to rebuild and maintain their family. It is a story where greatest victories are not supervillain battles, which they seem to win by a fluke most of the time anyway, but to take a step forward, overcome your fear and doubt and admit to yourself that yes, you are worthy of happiness and you will be happy. In that Runaways is without a doubt the book that speaks to me the most and one I wait for every month. I cannot recommend this book enough.
So here are my final picks. I’m exhausted. I will say that recently all stuff in my life made working on the videos harder, especially now that i’m trying, against any better reason to record myself  and I might not be able to do it as regularly. I might think of reinventing the format and maybe relegate the channel to a different role in relation to my blog, which I think is by now much more popular. I still have learned a lot in that time of doing these videos and I wish to continue, maybe with a more focused vision. Thank you all for being so long with me and putting up with my nosense and rest assured, I shall return.
- Admin
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thenightling · 6 years
The many things wrong with The Dreaming issue 5 (2019) ...I will not be kind...
Warning!  It’s long!
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1.   Let us begin with the stupid Trumpisms.   I feel like Simon Spurrier thinks he has to punish or “re-educate” us poor, ignorant, Americans for electing Donald Trump.  It appears that no one has broken it to him yet that Trump lost the popular vote by over three million voters.  So why are we being punished because we’re stuck with him?  We’re already resisting as best we can or does he not watch the news? 
 There’s no way in Hell the color palette for this cover was an accident or happenstance.  For you non-Americans, the Republican (Trump) Party have a popular symbol.  An elephant that is usually drawn in red, white, and blue.
2.  The ugly and immature symbolism.   The Dreaming is bleeding color! (says the plot synopsis from the solicitations and DC Vertigo’s Facebook page).  Without diversity, without color, The Dreaming becomes bland, all white, and dreams die.  Do you know where I first saw this same literal story?   Rainbow  Bite in 1985!  Not only is it condescending and lacks the charm of the symbolism from The Sandman: Overture but it’s stolen, whether accidental or not, this is from a kids show from when i was a toddler in the 80s!    
3.   ‘Y’all.”   I know Judge Gallows is meant to be a cliche, old west style judge. But this is like watching a 1970s Doctor Who Brit actor put on what they think is an American accent.  The y’all(s) feel forced, and that takes a lot when it’s not said out loud.   He sounds like the damn chicken lawyer from Futurama. 
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The accent, it burns!
4.    “His creator.”     It’s like Simon both knows and doesn’t know the original lore, all at once, it’s baffling.     As Lucien’s dying it looks like he’s half-reverted to a raven form.  @missghostlymoonshadow  you were right! 
 However as he was one of Dream’s ravens that indicates he used to be human (even if Lucien claims otherwise).   There was even some suggestion that he’s Adam.  Not sure about that as it’s very close to the novel Lilith but not impossible either.  
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5. It’s Daniel the asshole, ladies and gentlemen!     I’ve complained about this before.  That whenever anyone other than Neil Gaiman writes Daniel, no matter how hard they seem to try, Daniel comes off as a f--king asshole.  Supposedly he has no choice, he has to leave.   But he’s so f--king cold here, so, so cold. 
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You... Heartless... Little... Asshole...  
Morpheus was more kind to Dora in the flashback than Daniel is here!   WHY do people keep making Daniel crueler than Morpheus was pre-character-growth??!     Granted I’m starting to think there may be something wrong with Simon Spurrier, himself, that he thought what Lucien did on the steps of the castle with “I did warn you” is perfectly okay.  He doesn’t treat it like anything bad that he just uncreated a bunch of Merv’s friends on the steps of the castle.  In fact he treats Merv like he’s overreacting for being upset by it!  (Clearly he never read the start of Sandman: Overture or even The Dolls House.)  And yet we’re not supposed to be sympathizing with Merv’s behavior.  He made that clear.  Who (besides Dora) Are we supposed to care about?!??
His narrations try to keep us from pitying those that actually deserve pity.
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Because how dare Cain actually give a damn that his brother is acting weird!
Unless Daniel turns out to be wearing a control collar ala X-Men, or has a magical-bomb implanted in his spine (Suicide Squad) this is going to be very hard for The Dream Lord to justify and even then it’ll be a little hard to forgive.  Daniel’s walking around, obviously still has access to some power.   Whatever his “I have no choice” is all about it seems like it can’t be quite equatable to Morpheus in the binding circle, in his glass bubble.   
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6. I still want to know what the Hell happened to the griffon.   That griffon wasn’t of The Dreaming.  He was a gift from The Greeks.  Why did you replace him?  For the sake of cultural diversity?  There’s no in-story explanation.   Eve being any race she feels like makes sense.   But this doesn’t make sense and it’s jarring.  The Griffon wasn’t a dream entity.   See “The Wake.”
7.    Oh, look, someone skimmed Dream Hunters, or they didn’t and just picked up a few bits and pieces of Japanese folklore...
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8.  MIlam Cascades is being far over-used and retroactively at that.   Trying to insert that into the original Sandman now doesn’t work.  I get the lore, I understand it’s origin, but really stop.  You’re just trying to make a mini Dream vortex.  or Vortexes... er Vortices.   
I NEVER want to be subjected to Milam Cascades again!  I’m starting to hate it as much as I hate the stupid revisions to Nuala’s necklace to make it a Macguffin, the existence of Echo, Cain and Abel’s sister wives, and Danny Nod.  (Creations from the first version of The Dreaming.) 
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Do NOT retroactively describe things you want to insert into the original Sandman!  YOU are not Neil Gaiman!   Only he has a right to do that!  How dare you!
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This is egotism. Not only is Milam Cascade being used as a mini Dream Vortex (the way Matthew’s death in the first version of The Dreaming was used as a mini knock-off of The Wake) but to have the audacity and arrogance to insert it into the original Sandman lore, to retroactively TAINT the original Sandman with this crap!    No.  if Neil, himself, did it, I would begrudgingly accept it.  But not here.  Not like this.   I don’t care if it’s “With Neil’s consent.”  He consents to a LOT of stuff, including the first, now defunct, version of The Dreaming.  
Wow, I’m more angry about that than I originally thought...
 9.   How dare you!  How DARE you do this to Lucien!    How dare you!   You saw how much it was despised that Matthew was killed off in the late 90s / early 2000s version of The Dreaming and yet you go and use Lucien like this?  And what’s worse is we’re supposed to pretend his behavior in issue 2 was okay because of it.  And no one reacted badly to him uncreating dream entities on the steps of the castle and acting like it was a form of punishment (”I did Warn you.”) except Mervyn, who was OBVIOUSLY in the wrong, because he’s an EVIL racist now!
 So, first you write Lucien badly, but I guess the memory fading was supposed to make that justifiable. Then you don’t even address that what he did was wrong, except through a character who you’ve gone out of your way to make unlikable and ridiculously out of character.   And now poor Lucien is dying and “Won’t be at peace in The Dreaming.” 
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Thanks, Satan.
10.  Still no explanation for randomly turning Mervyn into a redneck Trump supporter and classist caricature.  The biggest OOC (Out of character) moment being when he made the “You people” comment to Erzulie in The House of Whispers comic book.  Do you not remember how Merv would look like a deer in headlights if caught backbiting Morpheus but you think he’d be racist to a Voodoo goddess to her face?!  This... Does not make sense...
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Yeah, no....
He should be afraid Erzulie will turn him into a spiced pumpkin jam in her cupboard.  
11.   The only sword in Destruction’s realm should have been his own and he took that with him when he abandoned his post. (See Brief Lives.)
12.  He writes Cain as a knife-happy muppet that wants to stab everything.  We’re supposed to know something’s wrong with how Abel’s acting but this is what he thinks is normal for Cain?  Cain ONLY kills his brother, it’s his compulsion.  As they are both mostly immortal this is kind of a thing for them.  And Simon Spurrier has yet to justify having THE KEEPER OF MYSTERY spend nearly three pages explaining who and what he is.  (There’s no way in Hell he’s murder incarnate.  That’s like saying Bill Gates is Windows OS Incarnate.) 
Things I’m okay with:
I’m okay with Dreamkin.  We can keep that term.  I’ve been trying to figure out what to call the creatures of the Dreaming for over a year and a half now.  Dreamkin works.     
The Morpheus flashback was... Okay...   I sort of liked those. 
Matthew’s still being written semi-decently.
The art is decent. 
There.  It’s done.  It’s written.   I’m going to go back to re-reading Goethe’s Faust again...
I’m tagging all the Sandman fans who may want to see this.
@jr4cats  @sorry-for-the-chocolate @deathlyendless @winterbirdybuddy @vagaryhexxx @endlessemptynight  
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brokenbloodlinesrp · 6 years
Dianna A. Boleyn + Joseph Sutton = Nathalie Sutton | Vampiro | 19 | Liana Liberato
¿? + Katherine Pierce:  Nadia Petrova de 20 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Lucy Hale.
Amadeus Mills x Cecily Byrne :  Zander Byrne de 21 años. Brujo con el rostro de   Ezra Miller.
Alois Leroux x Lorna Leschere:  Orión Leschere de 20 años. Brujo con el rostro de Daniel Radcliffe.
Brimstone Ramussen x Margaery Snyder: Sierra Ramussen de 16 años.Brujaytiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Maisie Williams.
Brimstone Ramussen x Margaery Snyder: Serena Ramussen de 18 años.Bruja y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Danna Paola.
Cary Wilner x Liv Parker:  Luke Wilner de 18 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo) con el rostro de  Jake Abel.
Cary Wilner x Liv Parker:  Brandon Wilner de 18 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo)con el rostro de  William Moseley.
Damon Salvatore x Katherine Pierce:  Kristen Salvatore de 17 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Adelaide Kane.
Damon Salvatore x Katherine Pierce: Zachariah Salvatore  de 21 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Gregg Sulkin.
Dante Cassano x  Rebekah Mikaelson: Kelly Cassano de 16 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Alexandra Daddario.
Dante Cassano x  Rebekah Mikaelson: Angelo Cassano de 18 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Amadeus Serafini .  
Darek Kiselev x Mazikeen Ragnarsdóttir + Declan O’Connell: James Kiselev de 20 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Avan Jogia.
Darek Kiselev x Mazikeen Ragnarsdóttir + Declan O’Connell: Tasha Kiselev de 18 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Alexis Bledel.
Declan O’Connell x Mazikeen Ragnarsdóttir +  Darek Kiselev: Sven O’Connell de 19 años.  Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Hunter Parrish .
Devon Crawley x  Elena Gilbert: Kalea Crawley de 19 años. Posibilidad a vampirocon el rostro de  Ivana Baquero.
Joseph Sutton +  Dianna A. Boleyn:  Nathalie Sutton de 19 años. Vampiro con el rostro de  Liana Liberato.
Dominic Tomford x Hannah Golden:  Allison Tomford de 17 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Kaya Scodelario.
Dominic Tomford x Hannah Golden: Luther Tomford de 19 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Brenton Thwaites.
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall:  Charlotte Mikaelson de 18 años. Licántropo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Crystal Reed .
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall:  Henrik Mikaelson de 19 años. Híbrido (Licántropo/Vampiro) con el rostro de Nico Tortorella .
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall + Jack Clearwater + Sally Evans:Louis Clearwater de 19 años. Tiene gen licántropo con el rostro de Noah Centineo.
Enzo St. John x Bonnie Bennett:  Jules St. John de 18 años. Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Keiynan Lonsdale.
Enzo St. John x Bonnie Bennett:   Riley St. John de 19 años. Bruja  y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Vanessa Morgan.
Finn Mikaelson x Elizabeth Thompson: Finn Mikaelson Jr. de 16 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Troye Sivan.
Finn Mikaelson x Elizabeth Thompson: Mason Mikaelson de 17 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Tyler Young.
Francis Schuyler x Isabelle Walton:  Bartholomew “Bart” Schuyler Walton  de 17 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Nick Robinson.
Francis Schuyler x Isabelle Walton:  Cornelia Schuyler  de 19 años. Vampiro con el rostro de
Alexandra Park.
Ivar Ramsay x Ryder Langer:   Cordelia Ramsay-Langer de 17 años. Bruja con el rostro de Bella Thorne.
Ivar Ramsay x Aurora de Martel + Ryder Langer:  Saige Ramsay de 20 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Madelaine Petsch.
Josh Rozsa x  Aiden Nardell + Davina Claire: James Nardell Rozsa de 18 años.Brujo y tiene gen licántropo con el rostro de Shawn Mendes.
Josh Rozsa x  Aiden Nardell + Davina Claire:   Melanie Nardell Rozsa de 18 años.Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro con el rostro de Maia Mitchell.
Kai Parker x  Carol Quaine:  Kendra Parker de 21 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro )con el rostro de Margaret Qualley.
Kai Parker x  Carol Quaine: Kayden Parker de 21 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro )con el rostro de Asa Butterfield.
Keelin Moix x Freya Mikaelson + Vincent Griffit:  Farah Moix-Mikaelsonde 16 años.Bruja con gen licántropo con el rostro de Zoe Kravitz.
Klaus Mikaelson x Camille:   Einer Mikaelson de 17 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Bill Skarsgard.
Klaus Mikaelson x Camille:  Florence Mikaelson de 17 años . Gen licántropo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Ginny Gardner.
Klaus Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall: Hope Mikaelson de 21 años. Tribrido(Vampiro/ Licántropo/Bruja) con el rostro de Danielle Russell.
Kol Mikaelson x Davina Claire: Niall Mikaelson de 16 años. Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de  Freddie Highmore.
Kol Mikaelson x Davina Claire: Blair Mikaelson de 18 años. Bruja y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de  Elizabeth Olsen.
Kol Mikaelson x Sofya Voronova:   Milena Mikaelson de 19 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Emma Dumont.
Lucien Castle x Rebekah Mikaelson: Liam Castle de 20 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Dacre Montgomery.
Lucien Castle x Aurora de Martel: Sophie Castle de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Holland Roden.
Lucien Castle x Aurora de Martel: Jerome Castle de 19 años. Vampiro. Expulsado.  
Lyanna O’Leary: Bree O’Leary de 18 años. Bruja con el rostro de Emma Mackey.
Matt Donovan x Lexi Branson: Victor Donovan de 19 años. Posibilidad a vampirocon el rostro de Ansel Elgort.
Marcel Gerard x Elena Gilbert : Fallon Gerard de 17 años. Posibilidad a vampirocon el rostro de Victoria Justice .
Marcel Gerard x Elena Gilbert : Noah Gerard de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro deMilo Ventimiglia.
Nathan Roth x Nadja Haelfiger:  Sirius Roth de 19 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo)con el rostro de Aaron Taylor Johnson.
Noel Levesque x Freya Mikaelson:  Giselle Levesque de 20 años. Híbrida (Bruja/Licántropo) con el rostro de Eliza Taylor.
Noel Levesque x Freya Mikaelson:  Mikael Levesque de 17 años. Híbrida (Bruja/Licántropo) con el rostro de Ross Lynch.
Nora Hildegard x Mary Louise:  Ryu Hildegard de 18 años. Licántropo con el rostro de Manny Jacinto.
Nora Hildegard x Mary Louise + Kai Parker: Maddy Hildegard de 19 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro ) con el rostro de Elizabeth Gillies .
Richard Gansey Sargent x Blue Fenwick : Lena Sarafine Sargent de 19 años. Brujacon el rostro de Kristen Froseth.
Richard  Gansey Sargent x Dolunay Mahmoody: Cornelius Sargent Mahmoodyde18 años. Brujo con el rostro de Xavier Dolan .
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes: Danae Salvatore-Forbes de 18 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Saoirse Ronan.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes: Alexandra Salvatore-Forbes de 16 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Dove Cameron.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes + Josette Laughlin + Alaric Saltzman : Josie Salvatore-Forbes de 19 años. Sifón con el rostro de Kaylee Bryant.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes + Josette Laughlin + Alaric Saltzman : Lizzie Salvatore-Forbes de 19 años. Sifón con el rostro de Jenny Boyd.
Tarik Wayne x Nick Nardell + Nasim : Amunet Wayne-Nardell de 20 años.Vampirocon el rostro de Naomi Scott.
Tarik Wayne x Nick Nardell + Nasim : Callum Wayne-Nardell de 18 años. Vampirocon el rostro de Daviz Mazouz.
Tyler Lockwood x Liv Parker:  Mason Lockwood–Parker de 19 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo) con el rostro de Nat Wolff.
Tristan de Martel x Annalyse Rhee:  Pearl de Martel–Rhee  de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Merritt Patterson.
Tristan de Martel x Annalyse Rhee: Vladimir de Martel–Rhee  de 21 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Timothée Chalamet.
Vincent Griffit x Cecily Byrne:  Africa Griffith de 19 años. Brujo con el rostro de   Zendaya C.
1 note · View note
paylasimzamani · 5 years
Oscar Isaac kimdir
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Oscar Isaac kimdir, 2013 yılıda “Inside Llewyn Davis / Sen Şarkılarını Söyle” filmindeki rolü ile tanındı. Oscar Isaac, 9 Mart 1979 tarihinde Guatemala‘da doğmuştur. Tam adı Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada’dır. Annesi Maria Guatemalalı, babası Oscar Gonzalo Hernández-Cano ise Küba’lıdır. Bir kız kardeşi vardır. Ailesi o beş aylıkken ABD‘ye göç etti. Oscar Isaac, Miami, Florida’da büyüdü. 2005 yılında Juilliard School’dan mezun oldu. On iki yaşından beri gitar çalmakta olan Oscar Isaaşlamadan önce lise yıllarında punk gurubunda ve Yavru Köstebek grubunda solistlik yaptı. Miami’de ‘The Blinking Underdogs’ grubu için şarkı vokallerini seslendirdi. Miami Sahili Area Stage Company ile oyunculuk yolculuğuna başladı ve 2000-2001 yılları arasında Miami’de bulunan City Theater’ın Summer Shorts kısa oyun festivalinde rol aldı. Oscar Isaac, 2013 yılında senaryosunu yazıp yönetmenliğini Coen Kardeşler‘in yaptığı “Sen Şarkılarını Söyle” filminde Llewyn Davis karakterini canlandırırken Oscar Isaac ayrıca filmde 5 şarkıyı seslendirmiştir. 2015 yılında yönetmenliğini J.J. Abrams‘ın yaptığı “Star Wars: Episode Vıı – The Force Awakens / Star Wars: Güç Uyanıyor” filminde Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Laurence Fishburne, Andy Serkis, Simon Pegg, Max Von Sydowile birlikte rol aldı. 2012 yılından beri yönetmen Elvira Lind ile birlikte olup, 2017 yılında bir çocuğu olmuştur. 2016 tarihinde yönetmenliğini Bryan Singer‘in yaptığı “X-Men: Apocalypse” adlı filmde evreninin en güçlü mutantı olan En Sabah Nur, yani Apocalypse’yi canlandıran Oscar Isaac, bu filmde Sophie Turner, Jennifer Lawrence, Olivia Munn, Rose Byrne, Michael Fassbender, Nicholas Hoult, James McAvoy, Hugh Jackman, ile birlikte başrolde oynadı. 23 Şubat 2018‘de vizyona girecek olan “Annihilation / Yok Oluş” filmin kadrosunda Natalie Portman, Oscar Isaac, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tessa Thompson, Gina Rodriguez ve Tuva Novotny yer alıyor Ödülleri: 2016 – 73. Altın Küre Ödülleri – En iyi erkek oyuncu – mini dizi (Show Me a Hero) Filmleri ve dizileri : Oyuncu : 2018 – Annihilation / Yok Oluş (The Biologist’s Husband) (Sinema Filmi) 2018 – Life Itself (Sinema Filmi) 2017 – The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mort… (Sinema Filmi) 2017 – Suburbicon (Roger) (Sinema Filmi) 2017 – Star Wars: The Last Jedi Star Wars: Son Jedi (Poe Dameron) (Sinema Filmi) 2016 – X-Men: Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur / Apocalypse) (Sinema Filmi) 2016 – The Promise (Michael) (Sinema Filmi) 2015 – Star Wars: Episode Vıı – The Force Awakens / Star Wars: Güç Uyanıyor (Poe Dameron) (Sinema Filmi) 2015 – Show Me a Hero (Nick Wasicsko) (TV Dizisi) 2015 – Mojave (Jack) (Sinema Filmi) 2015 – Ex Machina (Nathan Bateman) (Sinema Filmi) 2014 – Ticky Tacky (Lucien) (Sinema Filmi) 2014 – A Most Violent Year (Abel Morales) (Sinema Filmi) 2013 – Inside Llewyn Davis / Sen Şarkılarını Söyle (Llewyn Davis) (Sinema Filmi) 2013 – O 2013 – In Secret (Laurent LeClaire) (Sinema Filmi) 2013 – Another Day, Another Time: Cel… (Sinema Filmi) 2012 – Won’t Back Down (Michael Perry) (Sinema Filmi) 2012 – The Bourne Legacy (Number 3) (Sinema Filmi) 2012 – Revenge For Jolly! (Cecil) (Sinema Filmi) 2012 – For Greater Glory (Victoriano “El Catorce” Ramírez) (Sinema Filmi) 2012 – Learning To Fly (Michael Raymond) (Sinema Filmi) 2012 – Bourne’un Mirası (3 Numara) (Sinema Filmi) 2011 – W.E. (Evgeni) (Sinema Filmi) 2011 – Ten Year (Reeves) (Sinema Filmi) 2011 – Sürücü (Standard Gabriel) (Sinema Filmi) 2011 – Sucker Punch (Blue) (Sinema Filmi) 2011 – For Greater Glory (Sinema Filmi) 2010 – Robin Hood (Prens John) (Sinema Filmi) 2009 – Balibo (Jose Ramos-Horta) (Sinema Filmi) 2009 – Agora (Orestes) (Sinema Filmi) 2008 – Body of Lies (Bassam) (Sinema Filmi) 2008 – Che: Part One (Interpreter) (Sinema Filmi) 2007 – The Life Before Her Eyes (Marcus) (Sinema Filmi) 2007 – 1408 (Sinema Filmi) 2006 – The Nativity Story (Joseph) (Sinema Filmi) 2006 – Law & Order: Criminal Intent (Robbie Paulson)(TV Dizisi) 2006 – Pu-239 / Zehirli Element (Shiv) (Sinema Filmi) 2004 – Lenny the Wonder Dog (Detective Fartman) (Sinema Filmi) 2002 – All About the Benjamins (Francesco) (Sinema Filmi) 1998 – Illtown (Pool Boy) (Sinema Filmi).
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Sinema Oyuncusu Oscar Isaac 
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bookishbichic · 5 years
Hi Guys
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, i had two days of food coma because every year i lie to myself i have self control.
This end of the year book awards is done by Noria (@Noriathereader on Twitter and Noria reads on YouTube). Now i am obsessed with Noria’s Channel and if i start a booktube she’s part of the reason. Please watch her videos when you are free you’ll love them.
Now for the tag you can try to keep the answers to books released in 2019 but it doesn’t really matter.
Tag Questions:
1. Favorite Book
So my favorite book this year would be Get a life Chloe Brown. It renewed my love for romance novels.
2. Underrated Book(s) of the Year
Of course i can’t just go with one
The Red Winter trilogy by Annette Marie
Villains Deception by M.K Gibson
The Gladiators Downfall ( Age of the Andinna) by Kristen Bannet
Adorned by Chi by Jacque Aye
Phoenix Unbound by Grace Draven
LaGuardiaby Nnedi Okorafor
  3. DnF of the Year
Daddy’s Dirty Boss by Jade West
Listen I love me some good ol’ Jade West Story. Usually i need a mild priest confession and i am back to feeling like a good girl. But this book dear lordt, i had to call in the saints for an exorcism. I couldn’t do it.
4. Backlist Title of the Year
Born a crime by Trevor Noah. A look into my favorite comedian’s life.
5. Best Debut Author
My sister the serial killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite. I actually loved the writing short and precise the easiest book to read.
6. Favorite Male Character
Lucien Vaudrey a.k.a Lord Crane from The Magpie Lord by K.J Charles. He’s my rich sarcastic, Victorian uncle( In my head).
7. Favorite Female Character
Mave. Bad ass dominant female with a harem
8. Favorite Non-binary Character
9. Most Hated Book Villain
The empress in  Age of the Andinna and the Empress in Phoenix unbound. It was a year of evil bitches
10. Best Ship
Lord Crane x Stephen Day From The Magpie Lord.
11. Best Ensemble
Lord crane, Stephen day and noble butler who won’t hesitate to kick your ass Merrick.
12. Saddest Book
Aht aht, We don’t read sad books here.
13. Funniest Read of the Year
Villains Deception by M.K Gibson.
14. Book World You Want to Live in
Power Play because i want Mad and Abel to adopt me. And yes this is set in the real world because all the fantasy books i read this year if i where to live in any of them i would not make it out.
15. Most Dysfunctional Relationship
Jackson Blackwell and his wife Lydia and his best friend slash demon Sophia. They are all crazy af.
16. Best Romance Book of the Year
Get a life, Chloe brown by Talia Hibbert
17. Best Sci-fi Book of the Year
Villains deception
18. Best Thriller/Action Book of the Year
I don’t think i read any.
19. Best Horror Book of the Year
Fire boy, Earth boy ( Djinn Son duology) by Sami Shah. Well i learnt Djinns aren’t nice.
20. Best Fantasy Book of the Year
The Red Winter Trilogy, absolutely mind blown.
21. Best Contemporary Book of the Year
Get a life, Chloe Brown  by Talia Hibbert. (Seriously by now everyone should get on this book and fall in love with my grumpy queen Chloe)
22. Best Period Book of the Year
Didn’t read any
23. Favorite Writer
Favorite writer this year was Grace Draven.
24. Best World building
I have to give it to Grace Draven. I friggin love the the worlds she creates.
25. Favorite Platonic Relationship
I mean this is as platonic as it gets, its an i love you but i will kill you eventually type friendship Sophia and Jackson Blackwell [Villains Deception, Shadow Master #3].
  And that’s all feel free to do this Book tag don’t forget to subscribe to Noria on her Booktube.
Thanks for reading.
As always,
Nelo-booked unicorn
End Of the Year Book Awards Tag created by @noriathereader. Hi Guys I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, i had two days of food coma because every year i lie to myself i have self control.
0 notes
hvlfwygod · 4 years
the ferryman | gabriele & abel & lucien (& chiron) (& etc)
summary: some spirits are moved more easily than others
Gabriele wasn't sure why he'd come anymore. His company was frustrating at best and— he didn't want to be uncharitable and finish the thought. He'd come not because he was doing anything particularly useful, but because he was worried. He thought Lucien had been perfectly secure in the hospital, but apparently the bed was needed. So, he was going to the Big House instead. Despite getting Jordan to seal all the windows and Chiron's repeated assurances, he could not shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong. His goddess was whispering something, but he couldn't quite catch it. Really, he just wanted to see Lucien get inside this room and the door get locked. And he wanted a friend by his side while he waited with Jordan for this transfer to occur. But Abel was sulking, honestly sulking, and Gabriele prayed to be out of the bad energy soon. "You didn't lose, Abel," he said, not for the first time.
Jordan said that he’d meet everyone there, trying to spend as little time as possible with every single component of this. He’d told them before he left that he’d done the research, and turns out, Hecate, though excellent with communicating with and guiding spirits, had no actual control over them. Turns out, there was no way that the spell was supposed to work with putting a second spirit in the body. Because Major came back, it complicated things. He was an anomaly, and there was... basically nothing Jordan could do about it, besides put a locking spell on his holding cell, apparently. He shivered under four layers, his body protesting the cold and yet refusing to warm up.
Abel was on the other side of Gabriele, just as quiet, though the gloom did seem to seep from their pores. As Gab spoke, they turned up their nose. “Ah, I didn’t say that I did.” This time. “You can stop speaking to me as though I am a petulant child.” They were almost grumbling instead of speaking. “Had I decided to go for lethal blows he would not be standing there anyway.”
Gabriele rubbed his hands together, unconsciously affected by Jordan's shivering. He sighed deeply. "I'm not speaking to—" He had half a mind to ask Jordan if he also thought that he was speaking to Abel like they were a petulant child, then he realized that doing that might vindicate them. "Alas, my attempts at encouragement fall on unwilling ears. I am sure you're correct, and let's be thankful that you went easy on the poor man." He sighed again. "I still think this is a bad idea. Jordan, the room will hold, yes?"
Abel only sighed more at Gabriele’s reply, feeling more patronized, and Jordan could feel the aura of death creeping in on him, though he didn’t know quite what it was. He hunched his shoulders up as if that might keep him warmer, and suddenly a cat appeared on his shoulders, wrapping around his neck like a scarf and blending into his hair. At the question, both man and cat tensed, and his eyes found another person as if for the first time. “I don’t fucking know,” he snapped. “I’m literally fucking here because I’m a failed magician. I think it’ll hold. I don’t know.”
Abel glared at Jordan over Gab. “Shut up. Stop sulking because you accidentally possessed a person. Poor you.”
Gabriele bristled slightly at Jordan’s reply and even more at Abel’s. Though he was inclined to agree with them: as much as he believed in second chances, and even pitied Jordan’s situation, he didn’t appreciate being snapped at. “Abel, shush. Jordan, you are not a failed magician. I would argue you’re actually quite competent, which for this instance is quite unfortunate. You’ll have to forgive my paranoia, as since you cannot do much else to assist us, we’ll have to wait until Abel is healed to help our friend.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. The vibrations off these two were unbearable. “I do not like playing with fire by giving Lucien more time to scheme, but it cannot be helped. The least I can do is make sure he cannot run off.”
Jordan clenched his jaw and Crinitus growled at Abel, looking as though he might leap off Jordan’s neck before he got a pat from his owner. “It was a stupid question. I gave an equal response.” Fuck this year, thank god it’s almost over, Jordan thought to himself as he walked away from the other two, not giving them time to reply to him. He approached each of the windows, drawing sigils so they would stay locked tightly. Crinitus followed down Jordan’s arm, as if inspecting and reinforcing the windows.
“Don’t listen to him,” Abel muttered, as though they needed to be the one to reassure Gab. “It was a good question. He’s just upset.” They hung their head. “I wish I was well enough to extract more from him. I might be. I’ve been using shadow magic each night to heal myself and I think Ime might be messing with me to keep me on the crutches as a joke.”
Gabrielle watched Jordan walk away with a weary expression, then turned his attention to Abel. He tilted his head, studying them for a moment. “I would prefer you be safe, Abel. I would hate to see you hurt yourself more. I’m sure Major would, too.” He didn’t know this, but he wanted to reassure Abel. Gabriele rubbed his chin, thinking for a moment. “How bad was it when you took those smaller ghosts out?”
“It’s not hurting me. I’m perfectly able to do it,” Abel was muttering once more. “Not like I need my leg to extract a ghost.” They rubbed their eyes with two fingers and pinched the bridge of their nose at the question. “That’s the real reason I’m afraid to do more. He started bleeding internally, I think. Coughing up blood and the like. I’ve never taken a ghost out of someone before, but it seemed strenuous.”
Gabriele decided he wasn't going to argue with Abel about why they should wait for a stab wound to heal before doing anything strenuous like exorcise a ghost. Something told him that it would only end in further frustration. Instead he focused on their answer to his question. "I see," he said with a frown. He took a few steps away from Abel, hoping the bit of space might help to clear his head. "I think I can—" Gabriele paused when he saw a car approaching. His eyes flickered over to Jordan, then Abel, then he walked over to the passenger door as Chiron unfolded himself from it. "How is he?"
"Difficult to move," Chiron said. He, too, seemed incredibly annoyed. At least they all had each other for company.
Gabriele moved to peek into the car. Lucien was handcuffed in the backseat and trying very hard to not be. Gabriele was given a hard, hateful stare, and an unkind comment that he only heard partly, muffled as the man was by the closed window. He rolled his eyes and walked back over to Abel. "I was saying, I can try to ease that burden.
Jordan felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up as Crinitus, true to his name, floofed out as he pressed closer to his owner. He had no desire to see Lucien ever again, and he walked back to Gabriele and Chiron. “Done. I’m leaving.” Despite his words, he didn’t disappear right away, awaiting any sort of further instruction.
Abel did seem like they were starting to disappear. At the sight of the car, Abel’s form began to fade from vision, as though hiding themself from Lucien.
Lucien knew it was probably a hopeless endeavor, but he tried to break out of Chiron's hold anyway. As he was hauled out of the car, he tried to push his way to freedom. Of course, it was to no avail, but it didn't stop him from kicking and thrashing. He couldn't believe there was an audience for this, and he was newly enraged when he saw that Jordan was among it. For a single moment, he thought the man was here to help him, but then it became clear and Lucien bared his teeth. "You fucking traitor," he sneered.
Was Abel even listening to him? Gabriele looked up to the sky. "That would be nice, Gabriele," he mumbled under his breath, so quiet he doubted anyone heard him with Lucien throwing such a fit. "Thank you."
With no further instructions and even less of a desire to stay now that Lucien was directly speaking to him, Jordan ignored the hissing cat on his shoulder and disappeared with a small pop.
Abel glanced over at Gabriele when he spoke once more. “Hm?” The shadows under their eyes were more pronounced, though it could be to do with their near transparency. “Ah, ya, thank you. Sorry, I just don’t know if a peaceful passing is an option at this point.”
Gabriele just watched as Chiron hauled Lucien inside. Normally he would offer to help with a task that looked as difficult as this, but Gabriele had no interest in getting kicked in the face over someone else's bad idea. Besides, Chiron was strong, and for Lucien's struggles he was inside the house in a matter of seconds. Gabriele followed after from a safe distance. "I agree. It's doubtful, with that one," he said. "But I want to try something, okay? Come with me."
Abel resisted the urge to groan loudly in displeasure, instead they just kept a small frown below their face mask. When asked them to come, they followed after Gabriele.
Gabriele managed a smile, then sped up his walk. "Chiron?" he called out as he walked into the Big House.
The centaur looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" His arm was fully wrapped around Major's body, and Lucien seemed to be exhausting himself; his struggles were getting more vague and had longer pauses in between. Now it looked to be nothing to just hold the man relatively still.
Gabriele cleared his throat and pointed to Lucien. "May I quickly speak to—”
"I'm not talking to you," Lucien snarled.
Gabriele smiled. "You don't have to say anything, actually."
Chiron sighed. "Quickly." He tightened his grip and turned so that Lucien, glaring at anything other than him, was facing Gabriele.
Wasting no time, Gabriele moved a little closer and stared at Lucien. Eye contact would be easier, but since it was so... busy in this body, he could manage. "Hello?" he asked gently. Was he imagining things, or did Major's body slump somewhat? Regardless, he felt that he had someone's attention. "How are you feeling?"
Abel ran their tongue over their teeth as they watched Gabriele and whoever it was inside of Major’s body he was speaking to. They noted the change in posture and pitch of the ringing in their ears as they shifted their weight from their heel rather than their toes.
No answer came out loud, but Gabriele felt it: restless, uncertain, grasping at empty air. "Forgive me for disturbing you," he said; it was only because it was definitely not Lucien that he was being so polite. "What are you doing in there?" Another quiet moment, but this time Major's hands twitched slightly. Gabriele took it gently and felt the ghost become more grounded in Major's body. Or rather... many, cobbled together. There was halfway a conscious person here. Gabriele swallowed his disgust and pressed on. It felt as though a thousand pairs of eyes were on his back, so he knew he had many spirits listening in, not just the ones who responded to his greeting. "I am not here to hurt you. I simply think you are lost. This is not where you belong, and if you feel stuck, I am able to guide you out. You need only follow my voice." Immediately, he felt something brush against his hand. Just a few ghosts, but it was better than nothing.
Abel had never seen Gabriele work before, and they went from quietly sulking to entirely rapt. They could understand now why a goddess would have chosen Gab for his job. How comforting would it be to have a soothing voice to follow at a time of such confusion and stress. His voice was hope. It was a vocal guiding hand, and they suddenly forgot that they were upset and sulking.
Gabriele allowed another moment to pass to see if anyone else would join his small group, but all the rest of the ghosts seemed unwilling or too uncertain. He didn't push it for now, and let go of Major's hand. "Sono venuto per avvolgerti e proteggerti da tutte le cose malvagie," he mumbled. "I'll take you soon, stay with me."
Lucien was already starting to stir, so Gabriele stepped back, his new spiritual posse moving with him like little orbiting moons. "I will come back and talk to more. I shouldn't try to guide too many at once."
"Ugh," Lucien moaned before Chiron could get a word in. He lifted his head groggily, like he'd just woken from a long sleep, and spat at Gabriele's feet. "Fuck you." Gabriele ignored this.
Chiron did, too. "That... Well, let me know when you plan to visit, so we can have him ready."
"Fuck you."
Gabriele smiled again. "Of course." He turned to Abel. "If I can help enough of these spirits, it should hopefully make your job less... painful, no?"
Abel didn't quite know how to express how much they needed Gabriele to help them at their job. After seeing him in action, the wanted to let him know that they thought his technique was both brilliant and moving, but they weren't sure if it was quite time for such sentiments, especially in front of Lucien. They nodded once, eyes bright and focused on Gab. "I... yes, I think that it would."
He noticed that Abel was no longer pouting. It was like the whole room got a little brighter, and Gabriele's smile grew. "Good. I am glad."
Once the demonstration seemed to end, Chiron lifted Lucien off the floor completely and walked him further into the house. He kicked his legs in protest, but there wasn't much he could do.
Gabriele watched Chiron disappear into the house as he headed for the door himself. "I am going to go somewhere more secluded to finish this," he said to Abel, gesturing the ghosts surrounding him. "But I will speak to you later, si?"
Abel almost smiled back at Gab, and then remembered that the slightest uptick of their lips would be imperceptible to their friend anyway. “Ya,” they agreed with a nod, starting out of the room after Gabriele. “If you can still find pleasure in my company after today.”
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sswarehouse-blog1 · 6 years
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I'm writing today, a day earlier than usual, because I just can't wait to make this announcement any longer (and because I'm going to be sequestered in the warehouse for the next two days getting things ready for Greensboro Comicon [tickets on sale now here at the shop]): We'll be getting our very own exclusive variant cover to Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion #1 in October!
Illustrated by the always prolific Francesco Francavilla and limited to 1,500 copies worldwide, the interior madness will be presented by the original series team, written by My Chemical Romance frontman and DC's Young Animal editor-in-chief Gerard Way and illustrated by multiple-Eisner-award-winner Gabriel Ba. As with our Batman #50 variant, the first copy purchased in-store will be cover price, with each additional copy available for just $10. It's also the perfect book to get signed by G at NC Comicon: Bull City in November!
This is truly another dream come truth for me. Umbrella Academy is hands down a desert island, top 5 series of all time (alongside Scott Pilgrim, DC New Frontier, All-Star Superman, and Casanova for those keeping track at home). I've even quintuple-dipped on Apocalypse Suite in deluxe hardcover, paperback, single issues, mini hardcover, and digital, and this is just another example of how lucky I am to be a business owner, that, with the consultation of my partners, of course, I can see where we're at and the road ahead and make a completely self-dulgent decision to do something that will spread my personal enjoyment of something across the world!
The following titles are scheduled to ship on Wednesday, September 5th excluding some re-orders and providing nothing changes by the time the final invoice arrives on Monday:
Adventures of the Super Sons #2
Ant-Man & the Wasp #5 - final issue!
Aphrodite IX Ares One-Shot
Asgardians of the Galaxy #1
Astonishing X-Men #15 - Akcho Cosmic Ghost Rider variant available!
Avengers #7 - Tradd Moore Cosmic Ghost Rider and Ventrue Spider-man Video Game variants available!
Batman #54
Batman/ Catwoman Wedding Album Deluxe HC - reprinting the proposal in Batman #24, the wedding dress reveal in Batman #44, and the "wedding" in Batman #50, plus every version of every variant cover, including our Joshua Middleton exclusive, all for just $17.99!
Batman Detective Comics TP vol. 7
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider #23
Black Science #38
Border Town #1 - the first ongoing series from the revitalized Vertigo Comics!
Boruto TP vol. 4
Bully Wars #1 - new from Image Comics, Deadpool & I Hate Fairyland's Skottie Young, and Sabretooth Swordsman's Aaron Conley, with Young, Scott Brown, and CBLDF censored & uncensored variants available for cover price!
Call of Duty Zombies 2 #1
Captain America #3 - Jack Kirby remastered and Patrick Zircher Cosmic Ghost Rider variants available!
Catalyst Prime Noble #11
Cosmic Ghost Rider #3
Cover #1 - the Daredevil team of Brian Michael Bendis & David Mack reunite for the story of a female comic creator that become a spy!
Crystal Fighters TP - written & illustrated by the always vibrant Jen Bartel!
Curse of Brimstone #6
Dark Ark #10
DC Nation #4
Dead Hand #6
Deadpool #4 - Todd Nauck Cosmic Ghost Rider variant available!
Death of the Inhumans #3
Deathstroke #35
Dr. Stone TP vol. 1
Dreaming #1 - the first of the ongoing series in the Sandman Universe, featuring Lucien, Matthew, Cain, Abel, Merv Pumpkinhead, and the rest of the kingdom!
Elric White Wolf #1
Fear Agent Final Edition TP vol. 3
Fix TP vol. 3
Ghostbusters Crossing Over #6
Giant Days #42
Green Arrow #44
Green Lanterns #54
Haikyu TP vol. 27
Harley Quinn #49
Hellboy Omnibus TP vol. 4
Immortal Hulk #5 - Rahzzah Cosmic Ghost Rider variant available!
Injustice #33
James Bond Origin #1
Justice League #7
Kaijumax Season 4 #2
Last Siege #4
Leviathan #2
Long Con #2
Monstress TP vol. 3
New Lieutenants of Metal #3
Nightmare Before Christmas TP
Nightwing #48
Old Man Logan Annual #1
Optimus Prime #23
Paper Girls #24
Pestilence Story of Satan #4
Predator Hunters II #2
Project Superpowers #2
Quicksilver No Surrender #5 - final issue!
Raid #2
Relay #3
Riverdale TP vol. 3
Rocko's Modern Life #8
Shadow Roads #3
Silver Surfer Annual #1
Snotgirl #11
Spawn #289
Spider-man/ Deadpool #38
Star Wars #52
Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #2
Thanos Legacy #1 - Donny Cates returns to the character that broke him at Marvel, filling in the story between his run on the Mad Titan's ongoing series and where he ended up in Infinity Wars Prime! Dave Johnson Cosmic Ghost Rider, Ron Lim, George Perez, Esad Ribic, and Stonehouse variants available!
TMNT Ultimate Collection TP vol. 3
TMNT Urban Legends #5
Tomo Chan is a Girl TP vol. 1
Transformers Lost Light #23
Transformers Unicron #4
True Believers Daredevil by Bendis & Maleev #1 - reprinting Daredevil vol. 2 #26 for $1!
True Believers Daredevil by Lee & Everett #1 - reprinting Daredevil #1 for $1!
True Believers Daredevil by Smith & Quesada #1 - reprinting Daredevil vol. 2 #1 for $1
Unexpected #4
United Statues of Murder Inc. #1
Unnatural #3 - Matteo Scalera and CBLDF censored & uncensored variants available for cover price!
Vampironica #3
Venom First Host #2
Vigilant One-Shot
Walking Dead #183
Walking Dead TP vol. 30
War Bears #1
Weapon X #23
Wolverine Old Man Logan TP vol. 8
WWE Nxt Takeover Blueprint #1
X-Men Gold #35
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brokenbloodlinesrp · 6 years
Para dejar constancia y el fc: Aiden x Josh + Davina: Melanie Nardell-Rosza + 18 años + Bruja con sangre de vampiro + Maia Mitchell. Thanks!
¿? + Katherine Pierce:  Nadia Petrova de 20 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Lucy Hale.
Amadeus Mills x Cecily Byrne :  Zander Byrne de 21 años. Brujo con el rostro de   Ezra Miller.
Brimstone Ramussen x Margaery Snyder: Sierra Ramussen de 16 años.Brujay tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Maisie Williams.
Cary Wilner x Liv Parker:  Luke Wilner de 18 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo) con el rostro de  Jake Abel.
Cary Wilner x Liv Parker:  Brandon Wilner de 18 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo)con el rostro de  William Moseley.
Damon Salvatore x Katherine Pierce:  Kristen Salvatore de 17 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Adelaide Kane.
Damon Salvatore x Katherine Pierce: Zachariah Salvatore  de 21 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Gregg Sulkin.
Dante Cassano x  Rebekah Mikaelson: Kelly Cassano de 16 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Alexandra Daddario.
Dante Cassano x  Rebekah Mikaelson: Angelo Cassano de 18 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Amadeus Serafini .  
Darek Kiselev x Mazikeen Ragnarsdóttir + Declan O’Connell: James Kiselev de 20 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Avan Jogia.
Darek Kiselev x Mazikeen Ragnarsdóttir + Declan O’Connell: Tasha Kiselev de 18 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Alexis Bledel.
Declan O’Connell x Mazikeen Ragnarsdóttir +  Darek Kiselev: Sven O’Connell de 19 años.  Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Hunter Parrish .
Devon Crawley x  Elena Gilbert: Kalea Crawley de 19 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de  Ivana Baquero.
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall:  Charlotte Mikaelson de 18 años. Licántropo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Crystal Reed .
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall:  Henrik Mikaelson de 19 años. Híbrido (Licántropo/Vampiro) con el rostro de Nico Tortorella .
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall + Jack Clearwater + Sally Evans:Louis Clearwater de 19 años. Tiene gen licántropo con el rostro deNoah Centineo.
Enzo St. John x Bonnie Bennett:  Jules St. John de 18 años. Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Keiynan Lonsdale.
Enzo St. John x Bonnie Bennett:   Riley St. John de 19 años. Bruja  y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Vanessa Morgan.
Finn Mikaelson x Elizabeth Thompson: Finn Mikaelson Jr. de 16 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Troye Sivan.
Finn Mikaelson x Elizabeth Thompson: Mason Mikaelson de 17 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Tyler Young.
Ivar Ramsay x Ryder Langer:   Cordelia Ramsay-Langer de 17 años. Bruja con el rostro de Bella Thorne.
Ivar Ramsay x Aurora de Martel + Ryder Langer:  Saige Ramsay de 20 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Madelaine Petsch.
Josh Rozsa x  Aiden Nardell + Davina Claire: James Nardell Rozsa de 18 años.Brujo y tiene gen licántropo con el rostro de Shawn Mendes.
Josh Rozsa x  Aiden Nardell + Davina Claire:   Melanie Nardell Rozsa de 18 años.Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro con el rostro de Maia Mitchell.
Kai Parker x  Carol Quaine:  Kendra Parker de 21 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro )con el rostro de Margaret Qualley.
Kai Parker x  Carol Quaine: Kayden Parker de 21 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro )con el rostro de Asa Butterfield.
Keelin Moix x Freya Mikaelson + Vincent Griffit:  Farah Moix-Mikaelsonde 16 años.Bruja con gen licántropo con el rostro de Zoe Kravitz.
Klaus Mikaelson x Camille:   Einer Mikaelson de 17 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Bill Skarsgard.
Klaus Mikaelson x Camille:  Florence Mikaelson de 17 años . Gen licántropo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Ginny Gardner.
Klaus Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall: Hope Mikaelson de 21 años. Tribrido(Vampiro/ Licántropo/Bruja) con el rostro de Danielle Russell.
Kol Mikaelson x Davina Claire: Niall Mikaelson de 16 años. Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de  Freddie Highmore.
Kol Mikaelson x Davina Claire: Blair Mikaelson de 18 años. Bruja y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de  Elizabeth Olsen.
Kol Mikaelson x Sofya Voronova:   Milena Mikaelson de 19 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Emma Dumont.
Lucien Castle x Rebekah Mikaelson: Liam Castle de 20 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Dacre Montgomery.
Lucien Castle x Aurora de Martel: Sophie Castle de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Holland Roden.
Lucien Castle x Aurora de Martel: Jerome Castle de 19 años. Vampiro. Expulsado.  
Marcel Gerard x Elena Gilbert : Fallon Gerard de 17 años. Posibilidad a vampirocon el rostro de Victoria Justice .
Marcel Gerard x Elena Gilbert : Noah Gerard de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Milo Ventimiglia.
Noel Levesque x Freya Mikaelson:  Giselle Levesque de 20 años. Híbrida (Bruja/Licántropo) con el rostro de Eliza Taylor.
Noel Levesque x Freya Mikaelson:  Mikael Levesque de 17 años. Híbrida (Bruja/Licántropo) con el rostro de Ross Lynch.
Nora Hildegard x Mary Louise:  Ryu Hildegard de 18 años. Licántropo con el rostro de Manny Jacinto.
Nora Hildegard x Mary Louise + Kai Parker: Maddy Hildegard de 19 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro ) con el rostro de Elizabeth Gillies .
Richard Gansey Sargent x Blue Fenwick : Lena Sarafine Sargent de 19 años. Bruja con el rostro de Kristen Froseth.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes: Danae Salvatore-Forbes de 18 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Saoirse Ronan.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes: Alexandra Salvatore-Forbes de 16 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Dove Cameron.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes + Josette Laughlin + Alaric Saltzman : Josie Salvatore-Forbes de 19 años. Sifón con el rostro de Kaylee Bryant.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes + Josette Laughlin + Alaric Saltzman : Lizzie Salvatore-Forbes de 19 años. Sifón con el rostro de Jenny Boyd.
Tyler Lockwood x Liv Parker:  Mason Lockwood–Parker de 19 años. Lobo con el rostro de Nat Wolff.
Tristan de Martel x Annalyse Rhee:  Pearl de Martel–Rhee  de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Merritt Patterson.
Tristan de Martel x Annalyse Rhee: Vladimir de Martel–Rhee  de 21 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Timothée Chalamet.
Vincent Griffit x Cecily Byrne:  Africa Griffith de 19 años. Brujo con el rostro de   Zendaya C.
1 note · View note
brokenbloodlinesrp · 6 years
Klaus Mikaelson y Camille O’Connell: Einer Mikaelson | Híbrido | 18 años | Fc: Bill Skarsgard °°// Brimstone y Maggie: Sierra Ramussen | Bruja | 16 años | Fc: Maisie Williams
¿? + Katherine Pierce:  Nadia Petrova de 20 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Lucy Hale.
Amadeus Mills x Cecily Byrne :  Zander Byrne de 21 años. Brujo con el rostro de   Ezra Miller.
Brimstone Ramussen x Margaery Snyder: Sierra Ramussen de 16 años. Bruja  y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Maisie Williams.
Cary Wilner x Liv Parker:  Luke Wilner de 18 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo) con el rostro de  Jake Abel.
Cary Wilner x Liv Parker:  Brandon Wilner de 18 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo) con el rostro de  William Moseley.
Damon Salvatore x Katherine Pierce:  Kristen Salvatore de 17 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Adelaide Kane.
Dante Cassano x  Rebekah Mikaelson: Kelly Cassano de 16 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Alexandra Daddario.
Dante Cassano x  Rebekah Mikaelson: Angelo Cassano de 18 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Amadeus Serafini .
Darek Kiselev x Mazikeen Ragnarsdóttir + Declan O’Connell:  Tasha Kiselev de 18 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Alexis Bledel.
Devon Crawley x  Elena Gilbert: Kalea Crawley de 19 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de  Ivana Baquero.
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall:  Henrik Mikaelson de 19 años. Híbrido (Licántropo/Vampiro) con el rostro de Nico Tortorella .
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall:  Charlotte Mikaelson de 18 años. Licántropo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Crystal Reed .
Enzo St. John x Bonnie Bennett:  Jules St. John de 18 años. Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Keiynan Lonsdale.
Enzo St. John x Bonnie Bennett:   Riley St. John de 19 años. Bruja  y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Vanessa Morgan.
Finn Mikaelson x Elizabeth Thompson: Mason Mikaelson de 17 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Tyler Young.
Ivar Ramsay x Ryder Langer:  Saige Ramsay-Langer de 19 años. Bruja con el rostro de Madelaine Petsch.
Jack Clearwater x Sally Evans: Louis Clearwater de 19 años. Tiene gen licántropo con el rostro de Noah Centineo.
Josh Rozsa x  Aiden Nardell + Davina Claire:  James Nardell Rozsa de 18 años.Brujo y Sangre de Vampiro con el rostro de Shawn Mendes.
Kai Parker x  Carol Quaine:  Kendra Parker de 21 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro ) con el rostro de Margaret Qualley.
Keelin Moix x Freya Mikaelson + Vincent Griffit:  Farah Moix-Mikaelson de 16 años. Bruja con gen licántropo con el rostro de Zoe Kravitz.
Klaus Mikaelson x Camille:   Einer Mikaelson de 17 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Bill Skarsgard.
Klaus Mikaelson x Camille:  Florence Mikaelson de 17 años . Gen licántropo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Ginny Gardner.
Kol Mikaelson x Davina Claire: Niall Mikaelson de 16 años. Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de  Freddie Highmore.
Kol Mikaelson x Davina Claire: Blair Mikaelson de 18 años. Bruja y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de  Elizabeth Olsen.
Lucien Castle x Rebekah Mikaelson: Liam Castle de 19 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Dacre Montgomery.
Lucien Castle x Aurora de Martel: Sophie Castle de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Holland Roden.
Marcel Gerard x Elena Gilbert : Fallon Gerard de 18 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Victoria Justice .
Noel Levesque x Freya Mikaelson:  Giselle Levesque de 20 años. Híbrida (Bruja/Licántropo) con el rostro de Eliza Taylor.
Nora Hildegard x Mary Louise:  Ryu Hildegard de 18 años. Licántropo con el rostro de Manny Jacinto.
Nora Hildegard x Mary Louise + Kai Parker:  Maddy Hildegard de 19 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro ) con el rostro de Elizabeth Gillies .
Richard Gansey Sargent x Blue Fenwick : Lena Sarafine Sargent de 19 años. Brujacon el rostro de Kristen Froseth.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes: Danae Salvatore-Forbes de 18 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Saoirse Ronan.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes: Alexandra Salvatore-Forbes de 16 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Dove Cameron.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes + Josette Laughlin + Alaric Saltzman : Lizzie Salvatore-Forbes de 19 años. Sifón con el rostro de Jenny Boyd .
Tristan de Martel x Annalyse Rhee:  Pearl de Martel–Rhee  de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Merritt Patterson.
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