#lucifer no clue something I just felt like writing..
koolades-world · 2 months
had fun writing a merman levi with a swimmer reader!! idk how the idea hit me but she's here. the levi in mind i had while writing this was kinda like regular demon form him lol, just with gills, webbed fingers, scales and stuff
did this all today too! haven't lost my touch yet haha
Fate or Chance?
Levi didn't know much about humans, but the little he did know made them seem strange. Well, he only really knew one, and even that was stretching it. Now, he felt as if he was in somewhat of a predicament and no clue how to get himself out, if that was even possible. Curiosity killed the cat, after all.
He had been perfectly happy living underwater with his beloved Lotan for however long he'd been alive. That's what he thought, at least. He had no way of knowing, but he was happy living the way he was. His brothers also lived with him, but he saw much more of Lotan than he ever did of them. Why'd he have to go and ruin that?
He first saw you late one night out on the beach he and Lotan liked to frequent at around that time. He first noticed a sound he didn't quite recognize, so he surfaced on his own, just in case. Thankfully Lotan stayed hidden, because there was something he was almost certain was a human sitting there. Lucifer had lectured them many times to be wary of them, and he'd consumed enough media to know how dangerous they were, but something seemed different about that one. You were sitting, facing away from him, curled in on yourself and staring off at where the sea and stars met. He had no clue how you didn't hear him break the surface of the water, but something seemed wrong. He was way too afraid to get any closer to check the situation out anything further, but that didn't stop him from thinking about you for the rest of the night and into the next day.
It bugged him so much, he just had to go back. Just like the night before, he found you out on the beach. You were doing that same, melancholy staring out into the distance, but with a few things around you this time. He made coming to see you a routine. He found a new place to play with Lotan, but he dedicated a little time to visiting you nightly, where you were without fail. Eventually, he decided to check out your beach during the day, since he knew humans spent most of their time awake and moving during the day.
He didn't even have to leave the water to see you this time. This time, you were swimming not too far from the beach. He stayed deep down, just observing you. He thought it was mesmerizing that a human, a creature not meant to be in the water was so keen on being in and around it. His brothers didn't usually pay too much attention to his habits since he usually kept to himself, but he could tell Lucifer knew something was up. He swore Lucifer just had a second sense for when his brothers were up to something. Yet, even that couldn't stop him from going to see you.
Before he knew it, he enjoyed coming to watch you. He felt awfully creepy, but he just felt like he knew you somehow. He could tell something wasn't quite right from the way you behaved, but he felt this connection between the two of you that he couldn't deny, or brush off. When he was feeling brave, he would dare to poke more than just his eyes and top of his head out of the water, but he never got fully out of the water. When he could, he made trips during the day to watch you swim.
On one of his many trips, he actually ended up saving your life accidentally. While it was clear that night, a sudden storm rolled in. You didn't seem to be taking it very seriously. Levi had assumed humans were smarter than that, he found himself hoping you got out of the water, and to safety. But, you didn't seem to care very much. He could tell that this storm was going to be big, and dangerous, and his heart began to beat as he continued to watch you swim your laps.
Before he could think about what he was doing, he grabbed you by one of your ankles and dragged you under. He hoped you'd forgive him for doing something so terrifying to you, but seconds after he'd dragged you under, he saw a bolt of lightning hit the water nearby where'd they just been swimming. The crack of thunder followed quickly after. The bolt illuminated the water temporarily, and he finally got a better look at you. After that initial shock was over, he turned his attention to you and the realization at what'd he'd done set in. You looked freaked out, obviously, and were struggling to get free. The two of you had made eye contact, which seemed to shake some sense into him. He released you, stunned at what he'd done and the implications. He didn't know what got into him, or how he knew that lightning was about to strike, that he, of all his brothers, would be possessed to do something like that. He sat in silence, watching as you frantically swam to shore and ran off. He let himself sink to the bottom, and he laid there. He laid there for so long that sea grass got tangled in his horns and his tail fell asleep.
He was royally fucked. Or, so he thought.
He couldn't help himself but continue to show up nightly despite what he'd done. He wanted to make sure you were ok. That's what he told himself, anyways. You were still there, but you seemed more alert. He knew you were on the look out for him, and the moment you thought you saw him, you began to yell and slosh your way into the water. Those days, he stayed extra far from the shore. He knew that he'd already be in so much trouble if Lucifer figured out he saved a human's life, so he just couldn't communicate. Despite knowing this, he found himself wanting to go to you, even if to just sit there and listen. He'd never felt this way, having his heart betray his mind like this. You tried many times and many ways to try to get him to come to you, or vice versa, and while he never gave in, every time, he became more tempted.
One night, you failed to appear. He had been watching, and waiting as usual for your nightly standoff, but you were no where in sight. His mind began to race as he scanned every part of the beach, but couldn't find even a trace of you. He went back and forth for a few minutes, and somehow, he found the courage to get onto the beach. He didn't remember the last time he'd been on dry land fully like he was about to be, but something in him was telling him he just had to search for you. He wasn't sure what his plan was, but it felt right.
Levi swam as close as he could to the shore before needing to stand up. Getting out wasn't too difficult, but the feeling of the air on his skin was strange. He wasn't quite sure what to do with his tail, but he hated the feeling of dragging it in the sand. Once he was out, and as adjusted as he could be, he looked around, unsure where to start. He soon decided to go to the spot where he always saw you sitting, maybe to search for a sign of you, or maybe to see what you always seemed to want to see.
"It's you." He heard a voice from behind him. He nearly jumped out of his skin, and he toppled over face-first into the sand. Levi began to cough and inhaled some sand on accident. He sputtered on the air. It felt so sharp and cold on his airways. As he struggled, he heard whoever snuck up on him take a few steps back. He rolled over, and continued coughing so he could get a look at who it was.
He nearly felt his heart stop when he saw that it was you. You made eye contact, which caused him to hack even more. He thumped himself on the chest, before actively trying to get up and leave, but failing every time. He'd never been more terrified in his life. That was the moment he thought he was doing to die. He was sure of it. The sand dug into his skin and caused him to slide around every time he tried to get up. But, you approached him despite his frantic efforts to offer him a hand up.
He stopped for a moment, scanning you. You were so much more stunning up close. Reluctantly, he accepted the hand up. You tugged him off the ground with some work on his end. After you let go of his hand, the two of you stared at each other for a moment. You looked right up into his eyes. He tried to scramble away again, but paused at the sound of your voice again.
"Please, wait." Levi paused. "I wanted to thank you. For saving my life." You held out something in your hands for him. It was a pretty looking shell that you seemingly polished to make smooth and shiny. He turned back around, and slowly made his way back over to you to accept the gift. "How long have you been watching me?" You asked as soon as he'd taken the shell.
"... I'm not sure. One night, you were just here." He finally spoke. It felt a little strange, but nothing he couldn't do.
"I always felt like someone was watching over me. Thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here right now." Levi anxiously turned the shell over in his hands and stroked it. His tail, which had lashing about the entire time, kicked up a little sand, causing him to scare himself.
"It's nothing." He dared to look at you again. You were still staring back at him with an intensity he only saw in Lucifer's eyes. But, it felt different when he saw it in you.
"Your eyes are the only thing I vividly remembered about that encounter. They're beautiful." You complimented him. Levi felt himself begin to turn red and his tail got more frantic. "Do you have any time to talk?" They inched closer to him. While his legs and mind told him to run, his heart betrayed the rest of his body again. So, he sat with you, and the two of you talked for hours.
He could tell this was the start of something unexpected, but not something he was opposed to. He almost found himself not wanting to go back. He didn't remember the last time he'd had a conversation as fulfilling as that one, or one that left him equally as flustered, but happy.
"Will you be back?" You asked him. The first light of dawn had begun to show itself, meaning he needed to be back home for breakfast soon.
"I will. Tomorrow, here?" He found himself speaking more confidently than he had been before. He actually liked getting to speak to someone who was interested in hearing what he had to say.
"I'm counting on it. I'll bring some more things for you too. See you tomorrow then." You stood back and watched as he slowly retreated back into the ocean. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.
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sinner-sunflower · 3 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 11/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
I'm sorry if this feels a bit fast-paced but I am not writing 1 month's worth of Luci's journey on Earth alksjdlas
Everything is tying up very nicely.
The ending is already being written and this chapter has a lot of clues on what will happen next.
To any ARTISTS or WRITERS who want to make something based on this AU, you have my full permission! All I ask is I want to read/see it!
Your reblogs, likes, and comments are much appreciated.
And feel free to chat with me if you have any theories or AUs or this AU of your own!
The thing about being immortal and whose existence started since the beginning of well- everything- is that it is literally just a concept.
Centuries feel like minutes. Days into seconds. Seconds into basically nothing.
Hell, the only reason why Lucifer knew 7 years had passed since Lilith left was because he was counting. He wanted to be reminded of the pain of losing the first person he ever loved.
Call him a bad father but he genuinely doesn't know how long since he has seen Charlie.
He knows it's been a while but he didn't realize just how much longer it was. He missed out on so many years of his daughter's life because he couldn't stop being fucking sad.
Charlie probably has something to say about that mentality but he can't help it.
So when Lucifer takes a whole month of scouring Earth before he finds what he's looking for, he curses himself.
Didn't he just arrive on Earth a few hours ago? Now that he thinks about it, following that wild duck chase (it's goose, dear) should've been a dead giveaway that he was taking too long.
He should've known seeing the sun and moon appearing at that many intervals meant days were flying by.
It's not entirely his fault. Pride's days and nights are basically the same- plus it's not like he needs sleep. It was bound to fuck up his body clock.
Judging by how there are no effects in the human world yet, they're still probably keeping the Roo situation at bay. He's grateful for his siblings but it only makes him move more urgently.
Lucifer arrives at a grassy field on a hill in the middle of nowhere.
It was warm, but the wind is making sure the skin doesn't burn by the sun's rays. He looks around and spots a woman-like figure under the shade of the line tree- her short hair dancing with the wind.
Lucifer walks loudly to her but she doesn't acknowledge his presence. Only when he is standing in her line of sight does she react.
Unknown: Hello, Lucifer.
Lucifer: Goodie.
The Good of Humanity. The being he unintentionally corrupted by his actions.
Goodie: To what do I owe the pleasure.
Lucifer: I need your help. It's about your sister.
Goodie: Hmm? Well then. Come sit. It appears we have a lot to talk about ~
Lucifer sits and takes a deep breath.
Lucifer: Roo- Roo is breaking out. It's only a matter of time before she fully escapes and we are not strong enough to seal her back up again with her stronger state. Hell will-
Goodie stops his rambling by placing a hand on his.
Goodie: Calm now, angel.
Lucifer:… sorry.
Goodie: You say my sister is coming back?
Lucifer: Yes. She's eating her way out of hell and if we don't stop her soon, my people- my family are going to die. I am never above begging so please- help us.
There was a pregnant pause before Goodie spoke up again.
Goodie: I do not have the power you are looking for.
Lucifer: But..
Goodie: But! I never said I would not help.
Lucifer: you'll help Hell?
Goodie: I am the embodiment of good. I can see how much of it someone has inside their heart and right now… your heart is as full as it is pure.
Lucifer: Then how can we-
Goodie: I can lend you something that shall be enough to contain her. But for this to work, I need one thing.
Lucifer: What is it?
Goodie finally meets his eyes. He felt like he was looking at everything he destroyed- the failed project that is humanity.
Goodie: You.
What to look forward to in Part 12:
Luci comes back to hell with Goodie in tow.
Some conflicts started by the overlords
The Lucifer finally gets involve in the ritual
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
Oh damn if I'm not too late, maybe "I just wanted to make sure you're okay." with Levi?
Hello, anon!
Okay, this one ended up being hurt/comfort. I almost wrote the whole thing without including the dialogue prompt, too. But I realized I hadn't used it yet while I was writing the part where I did end up using it lol. So it was easy enough to fix that.
As always, Levi's anxiety and low self esteem hits close to home for me and that always makes him a liiiittle hard to write for. BUT I feel like I'm getting the hang of it maybe. I had less of an issue with this one than I did with his daily chat scene, anyway.
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GN!MC x Leviathan with prompt "I just wanted to make sure you're okay."
Warnings: hurt/comfort, the usual Levi anxiety and such, brief appearances and mentions of the other brothers
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Everybody knew that you were close with Leviathan. The other brothers never said it, but it was clear from the way they looked at the two of you, always together, always talking animatedly about your shared interests. Everyone noticed the amount of time you spent in Levi's room, watching anime and playing video games. Even Lotan seemed fond of you.
Levi was the only one who didn't quite realize the special bond you had. Not because he didn't notice how often you were with him, but because he simply couldn't believe that you would be interested in someone like him. There must be some other reason why you were always hanging around him. It was probably because video games and anime reminded you of the human world where you had enjoyed such interests before you were brought to the Devildom.
Levi easily explained away the things you did that didn't fit this narrative. He told himself he was imagining things when you smiled brightly any time he entered the room. He convinced himself that he was just the closest person any time you turned to him when you needed something.
Every day, he talked himself out of the idea that you might just like him for himself. Levi just couldn't wrap his head around that at all.
A few of his brothers tried to clue him in, but Levi came up with excuses for everything they said, too. Most of them gave up, but they were all equally annoyed at the way he seemed determined not to see your true feelings.
The truth was that Levi was too scared to confront you about it. It was just so much easier to pretend it wasn't happening. Especially since you hadn't actually told anyone that you felt anything for him beyond the casual friendship he kept believing your relationship was. What if everybody was wrong, like he suspected they were? He couldn't handle your rejection. It was too much to even think about it.
And yet things couldn't continue this way and everything changed one lazy afternoon. Everyone was at the House of Lamentation since it was the weekend. Lucifer was holed up in his office doing paperwork and Beel was no doubt in the kitchen, but everyone else was in the common room, doing various activities.
Even Levi was out of his room, though he was still playing a handheld video game. You were sitting beside him, watching over his shoulder. This was a fairly normal activity for the two of you. You both enjoyed watching the other person play and after a while, Levi would hand the game over to you so he could watch for a bit.
Asmo was sitting at the table bedazzling a new bag he had bought recently and Mammon was on the other side of you, scrolling through his D.D.D.
Across from where you and Levi sat, Satan and Belphie were in discussion about their latest idea for pranking Lucifer.
Satan was holding open a book of spells. "If I'm interpreting this correctly, it will cause the person it hits to state their deepest secret out loud."
"LMAO," Levi said from where he was listening in. "Do you really think a curse like that would work on Lucifer?"
"If we're sneaky enough and he doesn't see it coming, it might," Belphie said.
Levi handed you the video game so you could start playing. "You guys aren't sneaky enough to pull that off."
"We should probably test it," Satan said, still looking at the book. "I wouldn't want to successfully hit Lucifer with a curse only to find out it doesn't work as we thought."
Before anyone could do or say anything else, Satan recited the spell. It hit Levi squarely in the chest.
Levi fell back into the couch with a thud. "Even though everybody thinks MC likes me, I know they only hang out with me because my interests remind them of home!"
The silence that filled the room was broken only by the slap of Levi clapping his hands over his mouth and the cutesy music coming from the handheld device that had gone limp in your hands.
"Well, now we know it works," Belphie said mildly.
You looked at Levi, but he couldn't bring himself to meet your gaze. "Do you really think that?" you asked, the pain evident in your voice.
Levi wasn't sure what to say. If he denied it, you would know he was lying, but if he said yes…
He couldn't look at you and he couldn't say anything and he couldn't move. All he could do was sit there with his hands covering his mouth, his eyes squeezed shut.
Levi heard the sound of you putting the video game down on the table. He could hear you getting up from the sofa, heard the hitch in your breath as though you were trying to hold back your tears. Levi heard when you left the room, closing the door behind you.
"They're gone," Mammon said.
Levi opened his eyes and slowly lowered his hands.
"You're not really going to just let them go like that, are you?" Asmo asked.
Levi glared at him for a moment, then glared at Satan. "Why would you do that?"
Satan blinked. "I had no idea you would say that. I thought for certain you would say something about your favorite anime character. It seemed safe enough."
"Ya better go after 'em, Levi," Mammon said.
Levi considered this. They were right, of course. He couldn't just let you go. He had to go after you. He had to tell you why he continued to force himself to believe something that deep down he knew wasn't true. It was going to be the most terrifying thing he had ever done, but he had to do it. Not for himself. For you. The pain he had heard in your voice was more than enough motivation to help him overcome the fear of facing you.
Levi didn't say anything to his brothers. He simply stood up from the couch and went to look for you.
The first place Levi went was your room, but you weren't there. He poked his head into Lucifer's office only to receive a glare from Lucifer himself. You weren't there, either. He found Beel in the kitchen, but you were still nowhere to be seen. He checked the music room, the planetarium, the living room, the attic, even his brothers' rooms. Where else could you have gone? Did you leave the house all together? He checked the garden, but you weren't there, either. Perhaps you went to Purgatory Hall? Or the Demon Lord's Castle? Or somewhere else entirely?
Levi sighed. If he was going to leave the house to look for you, he wanted to be prepared. So he went to his room to grab a few things.
Levi opened the door to his bedroom and stopped dead in his tracks.
There you were, sitting in his bathtub, hugging yourself and looking miserable.
"MC?" he asked, too surprised to see you to do anything else.
You looked up at him and frowned. "What are you doing here?"
Levi blinked. "This is my room."
You looked around the room as though you were surprised to find yourself there. "Oh. Right."
"I was looking for you everywhere," Levi said. "I searched the whole house. Were you here the whole time?"
You didn't answer him, only ducked your head down and hugged yourself harder, your knees pulled up as you slumped down in his tub.
Levi closed the door to his room. He sat down on the floor next to the tub and looked down at his hands. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay."
When you didn't say anything, Levi began to ramble. "It's just that you're so cool and I'm so lame and I couldn't believe that you would actually like me just because I'm me and I knew it wasn't like that really, but it was too scary to think-"
Levi stopped talking and looked up at you. Your gaze was on the far wall.
"I came to your room instead of going to mine because this is where I feel safe," you said. "I feel safe when I'm here with you. And it isn't because of the anime or the video games or any of that. It's because of you. I thought you knew that."
"I did!" Levi insisted, then corrected himself. "I do. I do know it, MC."
You looked at him then, reaching a hand over the top of the tub, offering it to him. "Just get in here and hug me, won't you?"
Levi stood up immediately, grabbing your hand and climbing into the tub with you. You didn't even hesitate, collapsing forward into him, wrapping your arms around his torso, resting your head on his chest.
Levi felt himself blush profusely, but he didn't say anything or try to pull away. Instead he just returned your embrace, holding you close in his arms.
"I like you, Levi," you said, your face pressed into his chest.
Levi's blush deepened, but he powered through it. "I… I-I like you, too, MC."
Even though Levi's anxiety was sky high, even though he was still nervous to be this close to you, he was also the happiest he had ever been in his life. Holding you close like that, hearing you say that you liked him, being able to say it back, everything about these moments filled him with a joy he'd never known. He vowed to never hurt you again, to only ever tell you how he really felt, what he really meant. He vowed not to let his own insecurity get in the way of the truth of your heart.
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gumsnail682 · 1 year
Mc that likes touching/tracing their pact marks? Like they randomly tap on it pat it or trace random shapes on it?
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you had in mind, if not I'm sorry! Also sorry for taking so long I have no excuse lol. I couldn't think of anything for Asmo or barb but I might write one for them later if I think of something.
Lucifer had never been in a pact before you so he had absolutely no clue what to really expect. He was sitting in his room doing paperwork when he felt a gentle, very gentle tapping on his inner wrist, gentle tapping that turned into small circular motions then back to tapping. He moved his wrist to his face to observe the spot and only saw the small star that symbolized his pact with you. “I better look into this.” He muttered to himself before setting down his pen and pulling out his phone, he spent a good twenty minutes looking but couldn't find anything helpful. “Perhaps lord Diavalo will know what this is.” He thought as he opened the prince's contact and hit the call button. The phone rang only a single time before Diavalo picked up, “Lucifer? You don’t normally call around this time. Did something happen?” The prince knew something must have happened for the firstborn to call out of the blue. “My apologies Diavalo, about twenty minutes ago a felt a strange tapping on my wrist, right where my pact mark is. I'm not sure why it's bothering me so much but I wanted to know if you knew what it could be.” A large grin made its way to Diavalos face, “I’m not surprised that you don't know,  you’ve never been in a pact before, I also had this feeling before but Barbados explained it to me. Your feeling what MC is feeling where the pact mark is. MC tends to caress the marks, it's actually quite comforting once you know it's them.” Lucifer hung up and set his phone down, he covered his mouth with his hands as a heavy blush adorned his face, he didn’t know why but to him it felt so intimate in a different way than he was used to. It was such a wholesome sort of affection that Lucifer had never even imagined before and for some reason, it flustered him like nothing else. He felt the gentle circular motions again and nearly melted in his seat, he felt like a kid with their first crush but at the moment it didn’t matter.
It took him a while to figure it out, he figured it was some weird pact thing and thought it would go away. It didn't go away, it never irritated him like he thought, it felt like someone was tracing symbols on his shoulder and sometimes on his chest and it was really comforting. He was feeling it right now at the casino, he was about to recklessly bet a lot of money but when the feeling started he suddenly felt like he should call it a night. You were the only one who could ever get him to quit early but you weren’t here right now so why was he suddenly feeling responsible?
He got his answer as soon as he stepped into his room. There you were, laying on his bed and tracing the feathers of his pact mark on your shoulder and he suddenly felt stupid for not putting the pieces together before. He was feeling you and your worry for him is what made him stop before he went too far. “Oi, what are you doing?” He acted annoyed but his heart was melting. When you heard his voice you perked up immediately, “Your back early!” Mammon couldn’t stop his smile at your happy expression, “Yeah, just felt responsible tonight ya know? Also, I couldn't just leave my human all alone now could I?” As he spoke he climbed into his bed with you and pulled you close to his chest, now that you were unable to see his face he let his smile turn love-struck as he held you close. 
He fell out of his chair the first time he felt it, it scared the crap out of him, “Ahh!” He pulled up his pant leg to see if something was crawling on him but saw nothing, “Levi! What's wrong?” You sat up from where you lied in his bathtub bed and looked over at him, “N-nothing! I.. I just felt something touching my thigh.” He calmed down from the shock and got back into his chair. You knew, you knew immediately what he felt but weren’t going to tell him, not yet anyway. You waited until he was comfortably in his chair again then traced the pact mark starting from your ankle and going up to your thigh, Levi jumped again and once again pulled his pant leg up to check if something was there. 
You couldn't keep it together and started laughing, “Why are you laughing at me!” He cried, you quickly got out of the tub and sat down in his lap, giggling more at his flustered expression. “Levi look.” you put your hand on your thigh where part of the mark was and gave a squeeze, in turn, Levi felt a gentle squeeze on his own thigh. "The pact mark connects us more than I thought!" You giggled again as Levi wrapped his arms around your shoulders and hid his face on the back of your neck. "D-don't scare me like that!" He kept his flustered face hidden against your neck. "Ok, I'm sorry Sweetheart." You took one of his hands in yours and gave a gentle squeeze.
He already did extensive research on pacts, when Asmo first made a pact with Solomon he wanted to know everything there was to know about them. He even forced Asmo to answer a ton of questions regarding the pact. He began doing his own experiments when he entered his pack with you though and today's test would be the pact mark itself. “MC, are you busy right now?” He knew you weren’t since you were only sitting on the couch with a snoozing Belphegor on your lap. “Not at the moment, why?” You turned your gaze from your phone to him, “I require your immediate assistance with something. Would you mind joining me in my room?” You looked down to Belphie then back to Satan, “Sorry, Belphie is-” “Great, thank you MC I greatly appreciate it.” He grabbed the collar of Belphies shirt and gently tossed him off your lap and onto the ground, “Shall we?” Satan smiled innocently at you while offering you his hand. ‘You are so mean, take me.” You accepted his hand and he pulled you to your feet and began leading you away. “Asshole.” You heard Belphie mutter bitterly as you walked.
Earlier when he and Asmo were doing some ‘detective’ work he felt something caressing his hip, gently tracing the mark around his hips that matched yours. He immediately abandoned the detective work to test the theory he just thought up. “So what's all this about?” You asked, “Just a little experiment, don't worry it's nothing big.” Satan said as he let go of your hand, “Could I see my pact mark?” He asked, he seemed almost giddy, “of course.” You held back a giggle as you lifted your shirt just a little and tugged your pants down just enough to fully show off the thorned vine mark that wrapped around your hips. Satan's smile widened when he saw it, he always loved seeing his mark on you. “Now just hold still a moment.” He moved to put his hand on your waist but stopped before he made contact, “may I?” as soon as he got your approval his hand met your skin and he gently traced the mark that went around your waist, feeling a similar feeling himself, “I knew it.” He smiled proudly, “Knew what?” You were doing your best not to squirm but the way he traced the mark ticked. “I can feel when our shared mark is being touched. I felt it not long ago and had to come test it to be sure.” You rolled your eyes and moved to kiss his forehead, “You're such a nerd. I love you.” Satan ignored the nerd comment and wrapped you in a comforting embrace.
He always gets this love-struck look on his face whenever he feels you touching the mark and sometimes(always) will seek you out. "MC, there you are." He feels so happy when he sees you absentmindedly tracing the mark while scrolling on your phone or doing any other activity. "Beel! Perfect timing, I was just about to go looking for you. Do you wanna go to madam screams with me?” Beel nodded, “We should invite Belphie too. Do you know where he is?” Beel asked, usually Belphie would be using you as a pillow but was nowhere to be seen at the moment. “Nope, how about we go look for him?” You reached out to Beel and he pulled you to your feet and into a tight hug. “Whoa, your awfully cuddly today!” You weren’t complaining though, “Sorry, I just wanna hold you.” He said sheepishly, “I don't mind! Hold me all you want.” He brought his hand up to where his pact mark was on your neck and very gently traced the web pattern. “Is the mark what made you feel so mushy?” You asked with an amused smile, “Yeah, I get happy when I feel you touch it.” You felt your face heat up and wrapped your arms around Beel the best you could. “You’re so cute!” you heard snickering not far from where you stood and turned to see Belphie laughing at the two of you. “Cringe.” You rolled your eyes at him, “Shut up Belphie I know you wanna join us!” You reached out to him and he eagerly joined your hug. “Wanna go to Madan screams with us Belphie?” Beel asked him after a few moments, “How could I say no? Let's go.” 
When he feels it he feels very cocky about it because he knows it's not a spot you can get to easily considering it's in between your shoulder blades. He knows you’re thinking of him when he feels your touch on his matching mark. “What's got you grinning like that Belphie?” Mammon asked, “MC.” He responded vaguely, “How? They’re not even here right now there at home sick.” Mammon rolled his eyes at his youngest brother, “I’m gonna go see them. Tell Beel where I went.” Belphie got up and left the classroom, ignoring Mamon telling him that Lucifer would be mad.
“MC, there you are.” He entered your room so silently that you didn't even notice him until he said something. “Belphie? What are you doing here?” You asked, you were lying on your stomach with your hand reaching up your back to touch Belphies pact mark. “I felt like coming back to take care of you, is that so wrong?” You knew he only came because he felt you touching the mark and that's exactly what you wanted. “I’m glad you came but won’t Luci be mad?” You asked, “Ew, don't call him Luci in front of me. Now scoot over.” He invited himself into your bed and Kowalad himself around you, “Belphie what if you get sick?” You relaxed into his embrace but still worried about the demon. “You’re human illnesses have no effect on me.” He murmured before promptly passing out. You shook your head with a grin, before falling asleep yourself.
He gets the biggest smile on his face when he feels you touching his mark and it only makes him happier to see you doing it. When you’re in meetings and he sees you idly tracing the mark he had to restrain himself from pulling you to his side and holding you for the rest of the meeting. “Diavolo?” He was snapped from his thoughts by Lucifer, “Oh sorry. I got a little distracted.” Dia had been shamelessly staring at you the entire meeting like a lovestruck puppy. “Perhaps we should exclude MC from these meetings and inform them of everything after, seeing as you can't keep your eyes off them for even a moment.” Barbados said with a dangerous smile, “Now now there's no need for that! MC come sit beside me.” Your amused giggle made Diavolo's heart flutter, “Will you be able to focus better with me by your side?” You asked, “I believe so, now if you would.” You got up from your spot beside Lucifer and sat beside Diavolo. He moved your arm to rest on his thigh so he could trace his pact mark himself.
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mageofseven · 1 year
Hi there! I love your blog; I found it in 2022 and fell in love with your writing, and was disappointed to see you weren’t active anymore. I stumbled across you again when a mutual reblogged one of your more recent fics, and I’m so happy to see you’re back (and indeed alive)!
If it’s possible, could I request headcanons or a scenario (whichever you prefer) for poly!mc (who is dating all 7 brothers. And the dateables if you feel like it) announcing they’re pregnant, but bc they’ve been sleeping with all of the boys, they have no clue who the father is? I totally understand if you don’t want to write this.
Haha, yes I am alive. I had to leave for multiple reasons; one being the most common reason: life, man 😅
Still, thank you so much for checking out my stories even when I was away! It's always good to hear that people get enjoyment out of the things I write.
Also, another Nonnie recently requested some poly!MC where they date the brothers so I think they'll be happy to read this too~
I think I will add the unDatables to this as well because I've developed an extra strong love for them lately 🥰💕
How MC Found Out:
MC discovered she was pregnant through Simeon.
Angels have a special the ability to sense life (or in this case, pre-life) and this man had been sensing something different within the human for a few weeks now.
When he discovered that the blurry feeling attached to MC was a baby though, he didn't know how to bring it up.
He didn't know how his Feather would feel about her condition, but assumed that if she wanted a child, she would have brought up with at least one of the men that she loved so dearly.
The angel could just sense that this would be hard on her
And he was right.
MC cried into his embrace, scared of how the other men would react.
No matter how much she thought about it, the human couldn't pinpoint which man could be the father. I mean, it's not like she writes down in a notebook every time she sleeps with one of them.
And what if the one who is the father doesn't want their baby? Or what if the others are upset because its not theirs? Or...what if none of them wanted to be with her now that she'll be a mom?
He reminded her that the other men were good people who loved her just as dearly as he did.
MC had to tell the others and Simeon was going to support her every step of the way.
With Simeon's help, she gathered all of the men at HoL and tearful announced that she was pregnant, that someone in this room was going to a father.
The only emotion he let show on his face was shock
But there was so much more swirling around in his chest.
The idea that this child could be his truly scared him.
I mean, he's already a father...and a terrible one at that, he felt.
He did not want this baby to be his; he did not want a second child to risk hurting.
Still, if this child was his then he wouldn't abandon them; abandon MC.
Regardless of whose child they are, Lucifer was going to be there for his Love no matter what.
Summary? This man is scared shitless and doesn't want the child, but is ready and willing to support MC.
Unlike Lucifer, he is obviously upset.
I mean, MC is freakin' pregnant.
And that means either he's gonna be a dad and has to get his shit together
Or one of the others, even one of his own brothers, knocked up his Human and honestly, he's not okay with that.
Yeah, he knows this poly relationship thing means he has to share his girlfriend but he did not sign up for one of his brothers to knock up MC.
Honestly has no fucking clue what he wants.
I mean, yeah, he's always kinda wanted a kid, but not now.
One look at the tears flowing down his girlfriend's cheeks though was all he needed to toss all of that that complicated shit aside and promising her that she doesn't gotta worry because The Great Mammon is gonna be here for her no matter what.
Summary: Scared, confused, but has MC's back just like always.
Levi.exe has stopped working
Which, in fairness, happens a lot because of this women
But it's not funny this time!
Like Mammon, he's both terrified of it being his kid and not being his kid.
Unlike Mammon though, the third brother isn't sure he could handle it if the baby turns out not to be his.
Honestly, he's not too sure what he'd do if the baby's not his.
Hell, he's not sure what he'll do if it is.
This man just wants to hide away in his room indefinitely.
Summary: PANICKING, doesn't think he wants the kid, just wants to hide away.
This is one of the last things the wrath demon wants to hear, but he also acknowledges that this was bound to happen at some point.
I mean, he's not exactly found of children.
Even if this child isn't his, the man still has the issue of his Kitten becoming a mom and essentially making him a step dad.
As much as he hates the idea, he acknowledges that this is the best alternative.
Leaving MC over this is not even an idea that the fourth brother is humoring
But he'd also rather that the child not be of his flesh and blood.
Has decided to never let MC hear such thoughts from him though.
Summary: logical but adverse, does not want the child to be his, but will stay by his Kitten's side no matter what.
Immediately runs up to his Dolly to hug her
And kisses her tears away.
Promises her that everything will be okay and this is a happy thing!
Plus, he'll be by her side through it all, no matter what!
Tries to get the other men in the room to speak up too and tell her everything is fine
Because hello! Crying MC over here! Get your priorities in order!
Summary: Worried about MC, will be happy regardless of whether the child is his or not, and is fiercely supportive.
Boy's brain is buffering
Like he was so confused at first about why his Muffin was so upset.
Like, there's gonna be a baby here in HoL! How can that not be a happy thing?
Then he remembered how his twin dislikes kids and realized that he doesn't know how the other men feel about them.
Suddenly becomes very upset for MC and walks up to give her a big hug
But is very mindful about how tight he hugs her because he understands that his Muffin is basically a walking plus one right now so he needs to be gentle.
Tells her that he's here for her and her baby no matter what.
Yes, Beely would love it if the baby was his own, but will still love this child if it's not because it's his Muffin's.
Summary: Confusion melts into concern, wants the baby to be his but will love it even if its not, agrees with Asmo that MC is the priority and wants everyone to be on the same page.
"You gotta be kidding me."
Believes this is one of the worst things to happen to him
And is now becoming paranoid that maybe he's the one who fucked up.
I mean, they always used protection, but those runes aren't foolproof.
All it could have took was his hand to be just slightly sloppy when drawing the rune below her navel beforehand for the whole thing to be faulty
And the sloth demon didn't always check his work, so to speak.
Does not, under any circumstances, want this kid to be his.
Hell, he doesn't want this kid to exist at all.
But that's not his decision and he knows this.
He felt like things were going so good and now its ruined.
Still...the man was still indebted to her. He killed his Human once before and it was the worst mistake of his life.
He can't take it back; that's why aims to just make her happy
So this man isn't going anywhere, no matter how miserable he gets.
Summary: angry at himself and paranoid, does not want the child at all, but is going no where while his Human needs him.
The prince's initial feeling was excitement.
I mean, MC's pregnant! He could be a dad!
And honestly, this man would love nothing more than to have a child with his Queen.
He understands why MC is upset and is very vocal with comfort, telling her that she'll get through this, that they will all get through this.
Another man that would be okay with the child not being his.
Don't get him wrong; he wants that child to be his so badly
But will also be accepting if it turns out that they're not.
If the child is not his, he will still be good them to them and his Queen
But also plans on asking MC in the future if she could give him one of his own.
Please MC, make this man a Daddy 🥺
Summary: Excited and tries to help the situation, really wants the baby to be his, stands by his Queen no matter what.
Pursed his lips at the news, but ultimately says nothing.
Is pained just by seeing his Dear's tears, but hesitates to step forward and comfort her because of the other men already doing so.
This situation was one of the reasons why he wasn't too pleased about this poly relationship.
The butler didn't necessarily mind sharing his girlfriend with the other men
Nor did he mind that her baby might have been conceived with one of the other men.
What he did mind, however, was just how spread thin she seemed some days.
MC put so much effort in keeping the peace and trying to keep things fair for the men, even when it became mentally exhausting
So for her to be made afraid of the very reactions of the men who could have been the one to have brought her into this situation?
Grows a bit of resentment towards some of the others.
Barb couldn't hold much sympathy for them while knowing all that MC has done for them.
Will stick by her and her child no matter what.
Hopes that this child is not his, but only because his power to see into the future is genetic and when you lack the skill to control it, it can be mentally torturous.
Barb would never wish such a thing on a child hence why he'd prefer it to not be of his blood.
Summary: Concerned for MC and resentful of the men who are making this worse for her, does not want the child to be his because of a genetic issue, but is prepared to take care of MC and the child.
Frowned upon hearing this announcement.
It wasn't because of the pregnancy though.
In truth, the sorcerer was more or less ambivalent about children.
I mean, he did well enough with them and got along well with Luke
But its never exactly been a priority to have his own.
Honestly, Soli didn't even mind the idea of his little Minx carrying the baby of another man; I mean, they all agreed to share her and things like this happen sometimes.
What bothered him was how upset she was.
Told his little Minx that there was nothing to be afraid of.
There's this saying that it takes a village to raise a child and in truth, MC had quite the village in front of her.
Things will work out; it will just take some time.
Summary: Concerned for MC, does not care if the child is his or not, prepared to weather through this storm with his little Minx.
Kept an arm around her while she broke the news to the others.
The angel wished he could take her suffering away, but could only stand with her as she cried.
Has never stopped supporting her since the moment he sensed her pregnancy and will continue to support her.
These other men, many of whom he'd consider a friend, surely will understand.
The situation is difficult, yes, but MC needs them all now more than ever.
Does not truly stop to consider if this child is his or not.
Angels generally don't procreate. Then again, that is because the method of doing so is forbidden in the Celestial realm.
Yes, he and MC have a pretty active bedroom life
And yes, he has just as much of a chance of being the father as the other men
But such thoughts have not even occurred to him yet because he's been so focused on MC and her feelings.
Still, if the child does end up being his, he will love it dearly.
If the child ends up not being his, he will still love it dearly.
This child is his Feather's after all so he will make sure they grow up safe and loved.
Summary: Solely focused on MC's wellbeing, hasn't realized the fact that he himself could be this child's father, will fervently support the woman during this hard time.
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morningstarwrites · 2 months
I am losing my mind with the last chapter. Do u think people thought that something else’s was going on after Lucy and Al came back from their little ‘fight’, cause god the stares…I can understand why Al run XD And The idea of people lining up to sign up the pictures, that was hilarious.
Honestly I am confused of what the vees were trying to archive with this little prank, even if Lucy did nothing it wasn’t that bad of a situation to be found hanging out with the king of hell, besides the only thing it did was make their bond stronger lmao, which it is going to definitely bite them in the back later and I am so in for it.
I love how u write Al and I was wondering if u have some tips, on how to write Alastor when he is being filtered with. I am planning to write a fic as well, And I realised how clueless I am on the subject, cause I have got no clue how to make Al act with such acts towards him.
I mostly blaming the fact that I have never been in relationships and I follow into the ACE spectrum, where I mostly know the basic and cliche of a relationship, but Al is anything but cliche, that man is a ducking mystery and his being a unreliable narrator it’s not helping my dilemma .
Thank u for listening and can’t wait to see how the hotel residents are gonna react at those two being besties and hugging 😭🤣
Thank you!! I wouldn't think so because they clearly look like they were in a fight, so it's more like they're super beat up haha. And I'll talk more about the Vees in the next chapter!
Ooh, I'd be happy to give you some tips! It kiiiind of sounds like you're asking specifically on how to write about Alastor in a relationship? (did I get that right?)
TO ME, [radioapple] would be a relationship of equals. They're both incredibly prideful people, but they should acknowledge each other's strengths, poke fun of their flaws, KNOW that they're very different but still respect each other. And that kind of pride makes them extremely competitive, which you can also write as playful.
Please let me know if you have other questions about it. I can probably write an essay just on the character analyses of Lucifer and Alastor alone lmao, I just felt like this reply was getting too long already ugh
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hells-greatestdad · 14 days
Lucifer going total shut-in for 7 years is relatable to me, if for different reasons
Personal details of my life shared, no need for any of y'all to read this shit. I just feel like being a rambly bitch I guess. Probs gonna delete later.
My adulthood had a very rocky start. Having lost my stepfather (whom I was VERY close with) around the time I should have been finishing up highschool.... plus. Being someone with autism and ADHD and having zero clue about that fact - these conditions come with something called "executive dysfunction", which is a fancy way to say that many things that come more easily to other people don't come at all easily for us.
I had absolutely zero support during that time, outside of my internet buddies who were just.... emotional support, naturally.
I spent literal years stuck in a very deep rut of nothing. Sometimes depressed, sometimes not. But needing and WANTING to move on with life, despite having no idea how. Feeling left behind by my peers, who were going to college, getting jobs, starting careers, some getting married.
Meanwhile? My days were basically spent.... trying to accomplish shit. But failing. Not knowing where to even start. I'd try something and more often than not get overwhelmed by not knowing what fucking steps to take first and foremost. Which caused me to either give up and fuck around on the internet, or go lie in bed and despair about how goddamn useless I felt.
I went years accomplishing nothing. I was 25 before I knew it, and it was at that point that I decided I NEEDED HELP. Because I wasn't getting it from my mom, who just shamed me for not having a job and was zero help.
I started an outpatient program at the local mental health clinic, got dx'd with OCD and social anxiety (OCD yes, the social anxiety was more a symptom of my autism which had yet to be discovered). Was given a social worker who helped me get into a routine and start the process for finding a job. That's what I mainly needed.
Anyways. Lucifer's reasons for falling into the shut-in life are obviously different, more to do with the fallout of Lilith's absence and likely his own abandonment issues remnant from the fallout with Heaven.
But writing him in that period of his life does brings back stuff. Not in a bad way, more in a way that helps to give... insight, maybe?
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ninjnerd-anaklusmos · 11 months
Could you please do 25 with Lucifer? I like your writing very much!
Hey there! Thanks for requesting a drabble <3. If anyone wants to know how to request a drabble, please click here!
Lucifer watched idly between signatures as Satan toddled after Asmodeus, who was excitedly pointing out all the bits and bobbles in the foyer he enjoyed and what he wanted to remove entirely. Falling from Grace was one thing, remodeling an ancient house was another.
At least it seemed to be keeping everyone occupied and in decently bright spirits. He had seen Belphegor crack a smile for the first time in ages, making Beelzebub beam back at him. Mammon was laughing brightly as he raced through the house, Leviathan rushing after him in equally high spirits.
Just the sight made Lucifer feel a little better, knowing they were happy.
For now, his traitorous brain supplied. They'll soon realize that they're stuck here because of you.
Lucifer sighed, shaking his head as he returned to the papers scattered before him. They were important, if only because the Prince himself needed them completed. He wasn't entirely sure what they were referring to, he wasn't well versed enough in Devildom politics yet, but they needed signatures.
He closed his eyes briefly, flinching when he felt cold fingers press against his shoulder. How he could feel them through his layers was incredible, but he would have to think about that another time. Mildly surprised at the sight of Belphegor, he arched a brow.
Why was he so cold? Surely that wasn't part of his own demon traits. Lucifer was pretty sure anything to do with the cold was his domain. Sleep should have been warm and cozy, not jolting and chilly. He would have to see if Beel knew anything about it
"Yes?" He asked when it was clear that Belphegor wasn't going to start the conversation.
Belphegor pointed downward, then turned away, adjusting his hold on his pillow. He was still dressed in his pajamas, but Lucifer wasn't going to say anything about it. Instead, he looked down, finding Satan standing at his feet, tiny hands toying with some kind of bone.
Lucifer liked to think he was good with other beings, but he had no clue how to deal with Satan. It was as if sin itself had condensed into a being, always angry at something. Usually, that something was him.
Although, Satan wasn't glaring at him. He had just been following Asmodeus around without making a peep. Perhaps he was misjudging him, painting him in a light that was cruel and vile. Like a true demon would. Lucifer shuddered, immediately moving to see what Satan wanted from him.
Maybe he was at a disadvantage in the parenting department because of his own father and what had happened between them. But Satan was staring up at him with intelligence and childlike wonder, and for just a moment, Lucifer could have sworn he was an angel.The moment was short-lived when Satan’s teeth sunk into Lucifer's calf, but well, it was an eye-opening second of time for him. Toddlers were insane no matter the species, apparently. A good thing to note as he was never raising another child. Ever.
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falconflight123 · 1 year
Stuck In Doors (Obey me)
You find yourself introducing Levithan to a new human world game called Doors on Roblox, what you don’t know it that thing were about to get a lot more spooky then just playing the horror game.
No warnings really. This idea came to mind when I was watching some random person speed run doors. I was supposed to fall asleep but then got this idea and woke right up. So I hope you enjoy it! ~♡
word count: 578
Not proofread, excuse any errors
   You slammed opened Leviathan's door with your D.D.D in your hand, excitement fizzing in your chest. Leviathan almost leaped out of his skin when he heard his door open. He turned around ready to yell at whoever it was, but quickly stopped in his tracks when he saw you.
   “Y/n?” He asked, taking off his headset and placing his controller down. “Whats going on?”
   You wasted no time plopping down right beside him and explaining this new game you found called Doors. His eyes lit up in curiosity when you finished explaining all the rules.
   “It sounds fun right?” You asked with a smile. “I was wondering if you could play it with me?”
“Me?” He asked. “Are you sure?” 
   Before he could go on rambling about how he was a yucky excuse of an otaku, you shushed him and nodded. 
   “Your the only person here who would most likely understand the rules” You explained. “And plus, your great at games, I can rely on you to help me.”
   Levithan was now a blushing mess and you couldn’t help but smile. What he didn’t know though, was that you were mainly trying to test something that he didn’t know. Your smiled turned into a wicked one when he wasn’t looking. Oh how fun this would be.
   “We should invite one more person.” You suggested. “It’s better to play together.”
   Before Levithan could protest about it, Mammon suddenly burst through the door with a huge bang which startled you both. He scrambled to your side in an instant.
   “Where were ya?” He demanded. “I’ve been looking all over for ya and your here with him!”
   “Quit being clingy Mammon.” Levithan sighed. “It’s cringe. And what gives you the right to burst through my room like that?”
   “What do you mean?” he hissed. “I’m not clingy! I’m just looking out for Y/n!”
   As you could clearly see, Mammon was now clinging to your waist with a glare. You just chuckled. 
   “Here’s the deal.” You suddenly spoke, getting their attention. “Whoever makes it to the end of this game first gets a kiss from yours truly!”
   At the sound of that, Mammon and Levithan both looked up in surprise. You knew this would only fuel their motivation to play this game with you, so what better way then to give them a prize.
   “A k-kiss??” Levithan stuttered. 
   “I’ll play, but it’s not like I want it or anything!” Mammon mumbled. They both were clearly blushing furiously but you paid it no mine at all.
   “Alright! Get your D.D.D’s ready!”
   You watched as they pulled out their D.D.D’s, their gaze turning to a determined look. You were glad they were about to experience this with you. 
   “I’m sure you’ve played horror games before.” You suddenly spoke. “I’ll explain more of what happens when we’re in the game.”
   “Ha! Like a silly horror game could scare me!! Mammon declared.
   You only nodded at his comment. He was bound to get scared at least twice. You turned to Leviathan.
   “Your not scared are you?” You asked, He almost flinched from your voice.
   “N-No! I’m not!”
   When you finally saw everyone in the elevator, stifling a laugh at Mammon’s character, you watched as the doors shut. Suddenly you felt really nauseous. You looked around dazed before the light on your phone flashed upwards out of the screen. Leviathan let out a gasp when his and Mammon's did the same. So it was working!
   “Mammon! What are these recent payment-”
   You faintly heard Lucifer's voice boom throughout the room as the sound of the door slammed open before your vision blacked out.
Honestly, what? Why did I write this? I have no clue. If you wanna see more uh I might do more. I honestly was just bored at the time but yeah I might make more ^^
I don’t know what to put, should there be a tag list or something? I don’t know i’m new to all this technically. But i hope you enjoyed!
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Hunters, Vampires and Bears. Oh my!~ Supernatural Imagine
Trigger Warning: Mentions of violence, gore and cursing.
A/N: My first try at writing something to do with the show Supernatural. This is set from Season four about the 66 seals and Lucifer.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Ophelia (Female Reader)
Link to Ophelia headcanons
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The tap turned on and off in the bathroom, Ophelia frowned unable to discern the cause of the electrical circuits failing, taps turning on and off by themselves and the brief cold tempertures that came and went while it all happened. She didn't think much of it at first because she had dealt with ghosts, spirits in the past. Not like these ones, but similar to it at the very least. She sat on her motel bed crossing her arms rather confused and tired. IT wouldn't let her leave and she couldn't get out while this happened. They were at a standoff that had lasted at least three of four days already. Whoever or whatever it was didn't seem to care about the effects it would have to the people around the room let alone Ophelia.
"This world isn't like my own, it seems to have things that latch on longer than they should and the humans here are that much weirder," She thought to herself pacing around the room, "The last creature that spoke to me mentioned something about seals and a demon that called itself Lucifer. As much as I say I have no clue what they're talking about. It gets their tempers hotter than a boiling kettle."
Ophelia sighed thinking harder about this factor, pondering about what to ask the next time they decided to show up again. Which they have, two of them a blonde standing in front of her with a smirk firmly planted on her lips. White eyes, a demon to be sure and a powerful at that.
"You're not like those other demons that have already been here, you're a lot different, your eyes are white and not black for starters. So who are you and what do you want?" Ophelia asked her pacing around her in a circle inspecting her closely.
"You're a hunter aren't you?"
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
"You're nothing like the ones I saw,"
"No I wouldn't be. My world doesn't have demons or angels."
"Well this is your world now, so get used to it."
"No, I don't think I will."
Ophelia and this white eyed demon glared at each other for what it felt like a dozen centuries or maybe even longer. Ophelia struck first and the fight shook the ground around them. The fight with Lady Maria was more exciting than this one and Maria had more finesse than what she saw in this demon she's currently fighting. Ophelia's white hair seemed to glow underneath moonlit sky and she's only getting started.
"I don't plan on killing you by the way," She stated after her hunter's axe collided into the demon's body sending her into the wall of the house that is only a few miles away from them, "I'm stalling, so tweedledee and tweedledum get here or you can leave and lick your wounds somewhere,"
"Sam and Dean will kill you, I just want to watch it happen." Castiel got in the way and with that they were gone.
"You could have gotten yourself killed," Dean yelled clearly upset. Sam looked angry arms crossed and Bobby said he didn't want to talk to her for a while.
"I can handle it Dean, I have been hunting these types of creatures long before you were born,"
"That's not the issue Ophelia," Sam interjected, "The problem is that you lied about it,"
"I didn't lie about it, you just never asked and I never told you. So how the fuck is that lying?"
"From this point onward you stay here," Dean says pointing to Bobby's house.
"I don't think so, you can't go around telling me what I can or can not do. I have done way more for you in the terms of making you into a lethal hunter, I made you those quicksilver bullets and used my own blood to make them. I even gave you a shotgun to use them. What more do I need to do to prove that I can handle it."
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randomclam24 · 1 month
Under the graphics card settings, antialiasing set to enhance application settings has been set emphatically to supersampling with morphological turned off
On actual effort to afford the required
If drama "lords" would speak historically - you don't have to uncover the 1900s
4/25 I've consistently failed to see the moves in play because I utterly fail to see the basic context around us. When you do a thing, it's in the form of requesting * foreign * aid. Nothing else ever at the behest of presumptive y'alling which manifests out of the uncanny valley, as we meaninglessly miss in trying to circulate this. If you're white, you've been given this already your whole *life*, so when it shuts off, it's natural we blame everyone but ourselves, but it's true! We are foreign agents
Update A thing literally sprouted out of my desktop like a plant. It said free weather updates and so much more - I've never had it do that before, but it spoke in my face like that
If you can *solve* this riddle, you get free etherium
When you see updated *cereal* box mascots, at least from Kelloggs, as the divine hand, you're supposed to *see* it like that. But that's just another clue; what *is*-
Just pre-9-11, people were acting like they could talk their shit. They told you *no*
but these are just relativist acts. - *no* these are the morals we follow (if anyone disregards these, everyone does, that's why tiktok had to - if you don't know the context you might as well not even say it)
4/26 Something about how if we can't even have a cabal, we can't even have a technologically-procured existence
The trauma that propels people - just arbitrarily out of a vacuum of reason to success in this artificial life happens entirely devoid of the gene pool
Update I mean, they say jews don't like to admit it, but their god is Lucifer, but speak for everybody
How do you think they *got* in this childbirth-beholden-to-sacrifice state? Hmm? *You* don't seem very willing
Update On the episode of Common Filth I stopped on, everything, again, he is describing about how women - he puts it, "girls", like to make their children into sociology experiments, is just the womanhood of my immediate family, in and of itself. There is nothing more. Again, "Money's Prophets" - that is a book about the Rothschilds. Do you really want to masturbate what has gone on? The procreation as the psychosis endowment with our selves is not what you think it is
Update Writing this before finishing, with Silent Hill 2 enhanced edition, the settings for the static and fog are actually extremely sensitive, to the point that it's going to piss me off You could say the two have a relationship, like how, when Sega allegedly even admitted that having Sonic release right now was dumb because of Mario Wonder, the static is Sonic while the fog is the Bowser castle Ideally, between James Sunderland and the trees at the very beginning, a similar effect should be achieved where Godzilla NES Creepypasta's dynamic of overshadowing Godzilla should be reflected - in fact I've seen audio uploads on YouTube accentuating that phobia but never felt it Static got adjusted to liking, which was just default without correction, then tried starting the game and felt like I had to shut off everything until I eventually adjusted the fog settings to [Restore 3D fog levels] switched off, [Adjust fog-of-war boundaries] left on, and [Natural fog movement] switched off. Now it feels like it needs static, but not the way I had it. One setting I left behind made the trees in the Rosewater Park feel like poking right into my thought process Yes it was ultra-fine with correction, and now you can't use keyboard - they will know
4/27 I'm what's wrong with trannies. That's dangerous to admit, because then that comes into play for communism and then the deck of cards just comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling do o own (.)<-it's the truth. You think you get *over* this shit("shit" being used for who knows what reason It's not just me acting not like but as the assclown as white people are so committed to * * evil * *
The relationship black people have among the rap games, "dog", being in origin our subservience to community or as we call it "communism", if they knew that, we would *never* be able to get over it. Never. We would have to disband 4chan's idiocy in its own filth and everything. The whole world would be on fire, in itself as what that in psychology would always have been in origin. QED and don't you walk no more <- But are you taking this seriously
Like sex, Denzel Curry adding "last days" in a latest rap song is just a *fashion* statement - everyone knows the world is beyond fucking
If that's how hopeless white things are, then we're going to have to make some understatement reparations - do I even know what those are? You're talking to me like I'm fashionable.
And there you have it - the reason 4chan says irony when it says become ungovernable - it really only means become unfashionable, which is why it never carries, it is not funny <- Are you paying attention
*no* they are not
Update I know well there's more under pressure with Dark Souls II right now than there is without
So I'd rather everyone get bored
4/29 I don't get it, but it always seems like the white identity jews even just kind of compulsively denounce as their identity masturbation is actually, as the book on Communism: Irresistible Revolution isolated, the Christian Democrats that made them possible
I was born too late historically, but we just consider those * your footsoldier * I know if you followed directions cue-wise, it was supposed to be as the boomers said.
Update Christian Democrats are the kid that jews turn into their sociology experiment. * They don't mind *.
So when the crazy moms try to do the same and the kid would ever act *out*, they just say what world did *you* come out of - you came out of my womb
5/1 Before I forget, the analog horror PHEN-228, what does it really represent Especially at the photo with the kids' house, I tend to pause the video and then inexplicably the horror is gone I had a maturity as a kid to the point that my mother had a nightmare about her little boy going off already with briefcases This is the exact moment when the music starts reversing Also why I won't actually into a job
Update So that you won't fall into a grind being gay, I got Advanced education with Viktor Strobovski after looking up that theater creepypasta
5/2 You know how the in-game music starts to have this semi-royal feel to it, because it's Russian? You know how blacks consider themselves in origin kings? College campuses unite against Russia <-
When Drumpt talks about they're rapists, he's subliminally talking about, god forbidding, whatever that means,
I was going to add to that but then realized it's just this world's god *forbidding*
It's easy to overstep the boundaries of this world because it's so provincial. Mere sentence completion overdraws like a bank account.
That kid on diesel patches can't be left denoted as said. Soon the whole world will be terraformed so only the jew in-lineiant can partake in the economy oh wait that nu-male was all the time that? OKAY
Update Okay okay okay. The "province" in question? *Human* brain [*human* race (one race, the), in its origins?
The only reason leaders want to nuke is they're butt angered about their bulldozable [It was BBC.]state being a fundamentally ugly tax farm., and that should have a period on it and not a blank space. presidential address
oh no. If you're a defectant, meaning the height of these CEOs, you're supposed to not "change and grow as a person"; you hold the timeline *roots* - fill these jeans zoomers don't *have* what it takes to meander their trash bag
Alright *look*. The elites' front-and-center-talked-about plan that people are going to embrace fascism as soon as people are no longer worth salvaging as they will not be, that's been the case over 2003.
That takes place the most part, I don't really comprehend this, when you try ripping away from the microscopic province, they rip (...this was the *origin* of what was considered sex, I don't really comprehend this, a fetish) That Wiley thing I had, it said you didn't tell "that boy" to back off, I swerve They made that final <-huh?(alright this is the *origin* for Pride popping in the final top off.
And then Heather in SH3 can say I don't get it - you ripped off [too many people]?(the business owners(they're getting what they deserve
And I think - I know.
this is what business owners mean when they imply Boots on the ground. It means watching a shitty commercial
Alright the science says the brain has layers, down to such as the *reptilian* - were you to ever step foot out - well where is the rest of the world? Under America's *influence*
5/3 You could say, when agents talk, your kingship, which literally represents the anal retention - not nations - but people in natural context disregard jews just in - not historical context - ALL HISTORY - you have to say it compulsive as a liberal-prophecy like that, or else they'll think it's a joke When the state footsoldierhood speaks, as in Black Pigeon Speaks, your kingship meaning the shoes you fill just to - not work, but proceed beyond through bodily inhabitation - that's why we had the liberal prophecy. You don't even - not even get - care(if you don't add the period, we will
Update Catching my breath -
If you're a king, that means we're trying to get through to you.
See how that doesn't mean anything?
But behind closed eyelids, *every* world leader - insert "ahh"
update I bought Hexen just to play the Hexen Veil of Darkness mod (but Hexen comes before it) - I'm not keen to even TNT II on HMP has the current state of the Icon of Sin Unfortunately I think the actual reason for the Bible's "do not kill" when black people make it practically a virtue in rap is that jews' way of saying a jew's life is worth a thousand goyim Can't say it *That's where it would have count* But what's really happening is a bunch of liberals playing Dreamblood (also Cacowards 2023 implying that they can get it installed, with fastmonsters Also D Grapesofwrath stating he is the beast he worships means it's just the state
Update Next time you say fuck the police, remember that none of it would have existed if it weren't fueled by our intelligentsia out the ass The kid on diesel patches, taking the purple horseshoe, is only reminding what the police, and that can mean, but before the origin of my argument presumptive intelligentsia, confiscate- but this use of confiscate calls into severity the accusation of jewish monetary appropriation which comes with all nations. This is not a sound origin
I just said it - it's our intelligent! *We told them* you don't have account (accountability culture
alright when you go to a movie, what do they tell you? Look at the movie poster on the front. *That's* what tells you the conclusions of the content -they're not pulling a fast one on you with the content, *white boy religion*
Atheist logic (breach a conclusion through the social sphere, work to its conclusions) isn't unpreceded and - oh - this is where we inevitably get our dicks cut off for the *woman* of our dreams| it was *all* a woman all along
Why do we have to perpetuate to sex? I don't get [any pussy so I ]
5/4 What comes before a White Castle craving has even any need to be spoken about Scratch that because I just had seven; I hadn't eaten much all day We're speaking to the one who ate all ten
I think there(if you had to be told this and aren't of the top five tens like I asked, then you're not and I said 's a [crashed(landing.) [no you wouldn't have even gotten to that point pattern where since all life [me being like an Area 51 focus [See what you did. [everything about bad history man's saying they will not denounce their elites is just *implicating* me, except it's [except I won't get fucked and calm down, so I won't see Hitler was the enemy of internal jews such as myself and not the outward genetic ones whom anger was taken out on takes the form of surgery as implied by the TNT II Icon of Sin's entry *implied* by Quake 4's reminder [reminder is not present see normal normals wouldn't have even gotten to that point - they would have gotten hung up social texting over Doom3's bridge burning out [you're supposed to be empathizing with a child getting carried off - Mario 7/29 Build was them discount - *dis*credit-oOhwhataretheydoing The point of the lockdowns was to discredit
Edit: So it looks like since people won't get over the fact that they *are* being implicated, they'll never relax and see the reality that the accusation underlying was restant
Update alright I was trying to say They said zoomers aren't identifying with the associations to the horrors of the past, and yet when we tell them to learn to back up in a fight, the standard Krystallnacht is what they call literally
What precedes that is the internet went out according to the economy which would *implicate* a Charles Manson - their making fun of you is over a potential for you to rape kids, cast aside this forming a victim compl- something it's a bit more complicated than that. Take it a way office workers Okay. We said[wait see they're not going to do anything
Update Based on cumulation in experience and that alone, I'm going to guess and say Star Fox 64 in a very hyperreal sense is the big one (but it strictly has to be experienced analog
update This is going to sound weird Everything has gotten UNO card reversed so that you can beat Star Fox on entirely the base route If you can get to Aquas without anal fixation, the pollution they're speaking of beginning as a proposal to distance onesel[ves] from conflicts with the absolute common denominator of the crazy American which to great roller coaster is Kyle Rittenhouse starring in Moon II by Middlefingerman exclusively with the track d_moon7 set with the changemus command in console with the TNT II mod, on easy in itself except they're making fun of *me* and Monogatari manga thinks having a first time heterosexual relationship is usual
5/7 Okay. To pose as an emperor virginally in this time and age era you're going to have to play Veil of Darkness looking like Rubber Johny
*W*-what *class?*
Fighter class
Steven Hawking
left a few message tapes after his dæth, and they said "Brave": If you had - One Shot
5/11 Get back there When I was coaxed into with my mom, saying, one-off clinic in the hood stopping kid from going south was never *"solution"*, I meant, Dear White People America was never (and it's this wrinkling of psychosis here that I'm really wondered about, or something
...Whare have all the good men gon
5/13 I'm a corporate office worker; I've got a big time, I don't take time out for non-businessmen but I found a "frequency" I custom-made to prove that Doom's overall positive outlook despite the daemons remains even in sub-.2 gamma settings, which is creating a new contingency surrounding approach to now exclusively episode three, Inferno There's a narration in Doom, this floats above Hell itself, but to the Doom-consuming consumer, that's all just hogwash. No, skip all that. This is a leftist prophecy. Repeat it like a mantra (vid_brightness[even Family Guy, the early seasons themselves, said of the South, where there are a lot of Masons, as long as we share the same god, it's all okay, which is why the brightness.] .680302, vid_gamma 0.0503764 Donald Trump wouldn't shy away from a photo opportunity with Jeffrey Epstein, and those who speak from that vestige get listened without thinking The Pink Season album ending with "why can't we get along", coming after *its* album comes after the mostly peaceful protests in white America that have the, to gleefully obedient onlookers to my salvation through coming to terms - finally, - oh you don't even care - have the cameras turn so that when the Pizzagate harddrive shooter rushes in like a bat out of hell you don't see anything
Well, actually, that's what *I* would do. They're just having these crisis actors as a - they called it "shaming ritual" - that's okay, nobody cares
Oh and as a loving adage I called it the Four Comas frequency
The snake you can find as a sort-of secret in the map is the kind of freedom that constitutes our sense of moral affirmation
Update We as Americans want to have our osmotic revolution, already playing this on nightmare, to be the act when we hand-have saying France: Burn Until You Learn
I actually saw an anon who explained how he booby-trapped his house - do you think something's wrong when the amends he went to were so out of the average American's ordinary extent oh, it's [all][<-] immaterial - we already [it goes here: *all*]fell asleep
*Super* update The reason there's ever a focus on there merely being a *nonzero* amount of people is that when provincialism drops, and their trauma goes beneath what all that did, little Timmy seeing the Pope for private time is the *only* way
*minor* update The moon landing isn't fake, we just have to go through all this (It's called Sex Junk. (From Bill Nye?
Girls' Last Pedophile (It's yuri.) tour is trying to pass by God and ignore this.(Infact it wasn't worth its *salt*
pseudoupdateLook it wasn't hentai superceding anime, it was yuri(you almost gotta branch it out of him)look!That was your concept of Jesus.
The stay in the creepy part of Pandemonium should have been extended to the point that it gets fecal. One pedophile location that got scanned by anons and forgotten about (unnaturally quickly - but to them that's not what it is(Period.) said "stay zaza" in a nearby location, a hotel That's the experience where all say, come *on*, we were having the time of our li[v confiscated]es quantumupdate
And that's where the tried-and-true-accurate depiction of the warlord who makes his victims work comes
alright we're not worker bees cause we're needed. We need it that way because otherwise all the paperwork files undone
Our economy of orbiting helpers is not to get the insinuation done, it's to convince ourselves that the work done through broadcasting is still keeping its power white. If you remove that pre-underlying mechanism, the thing{oh, some *bullshit* happens, I don't know
Alright if you haven't figured out, Ender's Game's ender game *is* projection - mountain out of every molehill?
you know how animals in the wild will tremor out trauma? When we affirm Lucifer Masonically through calumniation, that's just *anxiety* - that's all we see
But it's *more* than that. We can't tremor out a *penny* because when we do, the whole commercial popularity - it's like a promise, you broke ["Don't make a girl a promise" ? ?
"Yeah, and it's not just the fog either"
The way we are, if we denounce Lucifer as God, our mind will just reinstate it subconsciously sexually
what was Halo? some corporate dogma wrapped in a religious deligitimization disguised as a deceleration as, *as was original*, its disguise - not hard
update The original classic Doom, in reality being preceded by Doom 3, where not even that constitutes a reminder that the people related would be afforded a human element So they have a connundrum where they have to force Silent Hill 4's situation In reality, we can't force our dicks down everyone's throats - no that's where we have solitary confinemenf that's what republicans want
MGS, whinging over a nuke, not realizing that the regressive state is all that existed and all that can possibly exist, didn't realize what swept over was *everybody
I'm getting the blame because the way everybody thought the corporations would have them is *perpetuity
"Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski" is the real {whatever you want to call it because I don't care}because it thought that a flipped mouse (like spilled milk) could just be flipped haphazard however., let alone this unfixture.
vid_contrast is .367902. You have to be attuned to what people are doing in the *bedroom*, otherwise exploring the earth isn't even an overworld
Update! The reason for your mom's season is whatever *we* accomplish in the present, *you're*, without any expertise, going to be dragged along like it's the zombie in Zombieland. QED. If you're not doing it limited by your projections, well, it's not like the monsters in the games are things you identified with on some level anyway. It's all just spam.
5/16? Yume 2kki has a version of the early builds which was standard I think for the originals surrounding 2007 where the space entrance to the hospital had additionally some gore with it and I think they squeamished out of it
In reality, the wargame-defying reality of the Hitlers not crossing but attempting to enter the Russian world space was fucked before they went in. The failure was allowed because they drug out finding out so long. Russia has roots - as agents modern liberals hate so much - that go deeper in the origins of the collegiates' own liberalism that make them look bad, than just enough to make the throne of God seem finalized in actualizing itself in liberal.
And yeah Microsoft will try to subliminally eat this up
Alright. We're fucked, but we put the red flag on Microsoft. That's what's currently going in.
I'm sure if we all just watch Kangaroo Jack, it'll all be business
Essentially they told you, anything involving key symbolism occurs according to its allegiances already shown to you in advance when Google input to all those sites, not just Le Reddit
You all are looking for a tragedy to hand-have the act of anal worship, by worrying for the movement in its place because they're too blind to strike out, vicariously when whatever is next I *do* will have turned out to have already played out in the form of ("reparations"(what are, in the end, being all that we can or could have come just to ask
This is *not* what we came for. If we just interpreted the lyric "God is a living man" in its roots, that would already undercut our entire faith in world leaders, and liberals would have no roots but to mock us for the rest of our livelihoods until we *cede* the economies seeing that they're already in the pit we designated - look we're going to fast, just let them sit in the house we paid for them and figure They're not even doing that.
5/19 Alright the first rule of assuming white Americana privilege - you're carrying weights whether you are
The entire message, you don't hope for someone to get it right when they have a job you're paying them so much to do, is entirely favoring the establishment which we are inheriting (not in the sense of generational inheritance, but right now, like a class inheritance in object-oriented programming which for generally that reason I never wanted to get into
If you had finally acknowledged that as I inheretedly did even though I mislooked, to they, the onlookers', detriment (Freddy Freaker: "doin the *freak*(.)<-(it's that)")
Alright people who need anal fixation in order to carry weights are actualized *hereby* as insane; we just need to y'all to all people who already accept the hustle culture life and get all the dissidents dead - in *jail* cells! *all* of them
I didn't know the coffee would be hot
"I didn't know the coffe would be hot" *No* for you you gotta carry it the rest of * your life*
Update I don't know enough about Viktor Strobovski's advanced education to gauge the furries
(public education something)
I got referenced to bootleg_pokemon by VibingLeaf, and when it comes to the gameplay itself, right after the beginning, when a thing head pops up, the reception is a "no" like it was a kid of my own Then I realize my perception of "Liddle Kids" as the actual relationship with the elites and not just a one-off pedophile organization, is actually this
It wasn't public education: the fact that it was mandated
I just call it crappy pasta
5/20 I don't know why I kept calling it a blood transfusion, but it was time to get my blood test done, and the idea of True Blue Self, just keeps hammering me and hammering me - I can't *get* it to stop, and now that I'm home, it feels like the primordial proto-whiteness only spoken of in - Not even rich jewish families speaking in terms of their Romanized first names as namesakes
I can't into conversation even with my mom. It's all fucked "beyond comprehension". That's the basics.
Telling people their inherency of expression is just mandating that things are the way they are according to their true whiteness as this basic-bitchdom-ness, which is essentially read as fem-dom, as you can't fool a jew on their eyes
we're just going - *already* - united upon as *rapists* - exactly as *Trump* said! Oh no! Who could have said
My mom told me today in what might as well be the Silent Hill 2 *letter* by Christ am I *saved*(*cut* off. (*Don't* do that, or else (right-wing death squads - that's what they meant when they collegiately implicated the Republican circling of the wagons - that's a *shaming ritual* - you're all apes - on the pavement )))
I say it like it's beyond comprehension, but I *already* flagged it's (Microsoft) - you don't even know ("who we are" - McDonalds rap by Pink Guy)
No, Christian Christ is just the *sexual* attunement to which we get things like that dude in the movie having sexual realizations about what historical secrets are. That's not the permanence of Revelation or anything. *dies*
I think that's why they push homosexuality, because otherwise the American mind just frizzles when we say the conclusions have to be something other than the *consumption* relaxation
Even if the D. Grips fans scream "Jenny Death", the subliminal they're choking is that it's not just "it's all about money" in the end
from the beginning "money is the predifenition
money is the predefinetion" You can't have a worldsociety without a money fixation - and it's totally not Open Society but primordial formation
We didn't have modern mathematics when civilizations formed. They were considered among sacred geometry, and you're just treating them like un-sacred *bitches*. Bitches
Our concept of strengthening indicates *rationalizing* as in Build Back Better itself That's why when anal sex like with bodybuilders and old rich dudes We get all upset like we entitled to some world like China men
Update is a word I have the last three videos of VibingLeaf's sonic playlist set aside as a playlist, and I entitled it accordingly have chicken sex you incel. You are not allowed happiness until it is through these affirmations you punk
I will not do this as I am white supremacist as a CEO [swagger swag s That thing in the last video
If it isn't the correct date, off with your heads.
I mean it
If anything's what being at the "academy" of being gangstalked has taught me It's that if Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb without meming social distancing from heterosexually existing in that's simplicity started to manifest, the number of "20th-century witches" that would appear instantly beyond that instant would outmeasure the sun
update: I have no intent on doing the negotiating attempts like Death Stranding implies. Even though that's implied as instructions.
5/21, it's May again, heh
That's not some weird dissident- that's just the "anxiety" that came out of me every time I was posed sitting next to relatives or other people in general in a congregative-for-the-sake-of-insisting-upon-its-continued-existence congregation that wasn't the cousins that were my own age
I'm trying leaning here there isn't any reason for interacting *diverting* from this other than like one entertainment -okay
The Pigmasks in Mother 3 were asses and elbows, but this mediocrity forever was just preeminent.
Correction I think the focus here is that it was in everything. It *was* everything.
Update You're not allowed to have any reservations. Every time you reach the point in addressing traumatic inevitabilities that it's substantial, the reality coming out at the very seams of itself is that everyone before you who ever *did* this stuck their *dick* in it -only ever people did Christianity non-provincially to vampirically *leech* off the iniquity It's like a fire that breaks out. That's why I don't "trust" the Bible with placing this unholy brushfire of realization as the highest position or throne of God as always, because it doesn't. This works to the effect of making things not work, for its own sake.
5/22 I have to say "abba" here so the Radar doesn't assume This is what we've lived as all it is for its sake all our life
From now on, our dissidents will be calmed with homosexuality direct- people don't seem to know this, so: this is the only origin of *Nintendo* Direct (People don't *think* like this)
In reality, in order to post, you have to assume gatekeeping - we don't even have to call it that because it's so unconscious in our case
It's hard to stay on live TV; they're not "gatekeeping", they're framing the situation in hopes - I had hoped(that has a dictionary definition-lookitup)- that you see the blood on the leaves(, or something, because that doesn't carry
From redirecting from the Common Filth social media which broadly speaking you should not browse, oh here we have what we have here: in the words of ghostler, "oh how quaint"
("hoo yeah")
If you want to go there, even the concept of heroism - as it's been portrayed up through the 80's, they don't even entertain that anymore because they knew it would be too much for people like Live Mas (I don't know what I'm talking about) If you want to go there, essentially the most recent that wasn't simply derivative was the Crimson Chin, and if you want to actually do that, it's kind of a dig at the idea But if you want to really go there, the entire idea of bodybuilding, the idea of strength is predicated in the roots of rich men who buy their bodies after the fact, not before
Oh, I forgot to say, it's about the holding back of shit when the projections the elites had in mind for your schenainegans eventually fall apart revealing the truth even when you didn't want to speak it - you can speak the truth accidentally and get killed just because you're autistic, and you wouldn't even know
Update Even XXXTentacion could only admit that he's lost and found by this society. He says it because I say it and in my case you arleady knwo
I couldn't even look up garfielf blows up the earth without it coming all over me, and that's a socially good thing no *look*-> https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15352542
They know how you talk.
From now on, what I'm going to do is fered this worse
I said feed, but what came out was r, implying the logical conclusions have just happened as I tripped over this - this is why I stopped Death Stranding, because I knew when I saw the baked-in tripping animations it was telling me this artificially again like everything
The goons are in the house eating well? What Ghost thinks this movie is? That's it. "We In The House".
All of this ensnares before you have the effort invested to leave your parents' house. No one is talking about financial investing or weight lifting. It already is
I don't know what's going on, but as I review this, the vibe is that police can detect psychosis from a mileaway
Even Kndrick Lamar's fantasy about things being according to thoguhts and ideations in his head is not milestoneded, but is actual in Saturday Night Live making - *he* appread
Just another Repulibcan shil making it
Update And meanwhile this idiot is playing right into the grooves of the cinematic memery hook line and sinker because he's in cahoots obviously - that's why "imagine my shock" when he has *semen* in his farts
Same guy I got redirected to from that other time-isn't it time you show up? Stop watching these vids?
Basic diagram: When you have organic expressions, you're buying into the memery of the establishment like negroes on rap music when that music is branded music, and it stands, that's the dichotomy Everyone's investing in a slingshot effect, but in reality have you ever committed effort and dug deep to build a hole on the beach? What is inevitable? The ocean makes itself known
Update The way independent articulations outside of projected possibility interactions with mom fall into the uncanny valley of furry personas like even Doom's RAMP2023 had at the starting - you're going too fast, you're going to have to talk slower to them, they won't realize (and I just left, what that is! *what is that*) I'm not very honest. This is the realization culmination most people have looked up to their whole lives. They don't know what's beyond this, and I'm fucking this whole up. But if you were listening, what I was *trying* to say was that furry personas inevitability if you don't just fall into the well-made chasm that humans should just be disposed of as disposable trailer trash as Ghost does - see we're going too fast. They won't listen confirms the concept of the universal human race as liberal, we all were This pretty much sums the real divide where in black people's world they have the less-spoken-of divide between well-to-do black people and FUCKING NIGGGGGGGG
I walked away from humanity like the ocean. Walking *over* the words' guidelines, by existing in non-pre-concordance, I slut shame the validity of..."Fighting in the Name of".
I mean, a disposable Kanye with the Iron Man adaptation of such an accident of words would *relish* in the slingshot effects, and I would be ever the ignorant
Update *Upon * viewing the uploader of Zombies Ate My Neighbors, the 3D Doom adaptation's Twitter account to see for more versions, it turns out the apocalypse, based on a forward, is the *preeminence
and I don't even know what that means.
Settlements.wad? More like Israeli settlements. There's no open-ended question
Update Hero narratives hinged on the idea that the insistence of our true selves at the forefront of our minds solves everything. That's when "get woke" makes conservatives lose their profit, essentially forming the barrier to when Hitler denied the bankers *their* profits, that's when people form projections Are you going to actually run with this or are you just going to forget - they always They have no ability to remember.
5/24 Things gangstalking *can't* do (and it's not a gang, they're doing it to shame what's preconceived of us, forming the roots for the "I'M GANGSTER") I haven't heard anyone raise complaints, including myself, that comments from ten years ago are *also* according to my momentary thoughts which have to dip into the uncanny valley for Ha-Satan
Yume Shikki got really creepy, and I have to stay in a playlist in theater mode with a sock, doubled-over, on the top left of my screen
at all times
Update Pretty much over settlements.wad at all, Common Filth's former twitter take that neoconservatives have actually done well - you would have to read it - conserving the liberal state we currently see: that exact dichotomy of words came out the second I had a training program under this tech company and, after a question, I had a minor complaint about how they handled: a higher-up swooped in and had to rectify that she had made a *very* well-done job, pretty much as a sealing act within hand-having itself. It's *very* ingrained
Even the service I used, yt1s.com, switched to be shut down in 2021 so you have to used yt5s's selection of myriad sites, where iFlyDown as the hand-having for the swooping term
I don't think they actually mean submit to traffic when they say look out for traffic, but in the real world it never wasn't
5/26 The obvious (glaring) - glaring?
reason for this is that the nature of revolution in this country is correcting after-the-fact, which in itself is self-defeating in its image, that we were in the end subservient to the same as the Covenant in Halo, after this autistic "Great Journey" that we're all embroiled in as 9-5-job-pursuers and nothing else, naturally, as what we are.
If you have to *correct* in the middle of a defining statement, you were on a journey and not active. You might as well have been reciting something said as an announcement on a cruise ship. That's not a good example for how it goes, but that basically describes how casual it is something about how boomers thought cruise ships with playgrounds connecting different areas in them or something were the highest peak of human potential
Also the blue and white standard computer technical colors correspond with Epstein's island
0 notes
higanbanahime · 2 years
Dream diary #1
I was in a backrooms like mall where I was with a guy who was trying to get out. We went on an elevator that only had buttons to go down and to my utter surprise it took us to hell. Turns out that Hell is also like a Mall but more red and equally as confusing. So we tried to find an elevator that took us up, really to no avail We just kept going deeper and deeper. Eventually this guy tells me that the devil is after him because of something he did. We find like a cafeteria section and he hears the devil coming and decides to pretend to be a seller of food. He hides me under the counter and I am terrified because who wouldn't be. The guy of course gets caught and I'm dragged out from under the counter. Satan was a flame in a nice suit. Had nice eyes though. As the other guy was dragged away he laughed and told his men to take me to the women's hell. I was teleported to an ultra large Dailymart. I was removed of my tank top and shorts, shoved into a uniform and given a run down of what to do. The little devils would shop, I would restock and help them, and it would never end. And it didn't, we were constantly exhausted but we couldn't sleep, somewhat hungry but never could eat. The devils were determined to take forever and boss us around. It really was hell. Then one day we are all told to go outside in single file and to not talk. I thought I was going to be last in line but this poor woman who was almost always hysterical got in behind me and was upset because she would be alone with the Devil. I asked what she ment and she said that this was a selection. This hell was tiny and so every once in a while, Lucifer would come by to obliterate some of the more useless workers to let new women in. We walked outside and I felt so bad for her that I let her in front of me since it didn't matter if I was alone. Maybe I'd get a chance to punch the guy. We walked to a large meat processing facility that that had moving floors. Three girls would go at a time and I couldn't get the girl in front of me to calm down. Eventually I was left alone outside, but I heard the girl scream and I'm pretty sure she got obliterated. I was told to go inside, I was stripped down and came to a room with Lucifer. The aura was overwhelming and I was terrified again. He immediately began interrogating me about the other guy because apparently he escaped. I had no clue, met the guy while wandering a mall. He didn't believe me and said he would be back. The dream then went up into heaven, where there were condominiums and lush green grass with a little river separating each side. A guy on the river was selling Hell daily and people were reading about me and the guy. Someone apparently knew me and said I didn't belong there, I was a good person.
Then I woke up.
TLDR: women's hell is a daily mart.
If the dream continues I'll write it down. Think I'll use this blog mostly as a dream diary since I've always had vivid dreams and I like telling people them.
0 notes
sanoiro · 3 years
Lucifer Meta: Smile
This meta will be divided in three parts as it involves Chloe, Trixie and of course Dad/God. 
Let’s begin with the most difficult yet easier to decipher. Trixie. 
Trixie is just an 11 year old on the threshold of teenagehood and now understands more than people think. Her relationship with Lucifer is not great at that point and it becomes worse when she takes it out of her scope, places it on her mother and gets it back because then she has to ask what she means to Lucifer as well.
Smile carries a great optimism as a song. A melody first from Chaplin's 1936 film Modern Times up to this day it carries its innocence. And through the eyes of the children comes the truth that Deckerstar in P2 starts and remains in a very painful place not to due to the absence of love but because it overflows.
Now Dad is seen outside Chloe’s place, his visit was not meant to be without him talking to Chloe addressing certain things but as we see when he listens to Trixie two things happen. 
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First he realises that everyone is in pain and Lucifer is blind to his love because he cannot connect with his son while the woman that has given Lucifer an abundance of it. However there is also so much pain from Chloe’s part, the same pain that Lucifer has exhibited in the Family Dinner. Suddenly Lucifer’s plea to have a relationship with him in order to have a relationship [with Chloe] makes so much more sense. Dad realises that Lucifer sees himself as broken and that in reality affects his relationship with Chloe and everything is sourcing from Dad’s inability to get close to humans despite having created them. 
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On a second note the one that started singing was Trixie not Chloe. Trixie expresses the same anguish over her mother that Lucifer did over his Dad on the Family Dinner. Dad is now more aware of how children are affected by their parents how they try to fix things but usually they bottle everything up because the parent is not there to realise they need to open up. Parent-children relationships are always hard but like He wants for Lucifer to be happy, he has ignored Lucifer’s feelings over everything. Better yet he is completely unaware of what is happening hence why in the end of the episode he says to Lucifer that he cannot fix Lucifer. Not because he doesn’t want to again but because he cannot as Lucifer has said already in S2 that he is not broken but the distorted view of himself follows him well into S5P2. 
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So Dad refrains from having a talk with Chloe and leaves to find his son.
Chloe’s part is the most difficult one... As the song progresses we see her main memories of her relationship with Lucifer... So let’s analyse them a bit...
In order to do that we need perhaps to put them side by side with Lucifer’s panic attack memories in 2x12.
Different circumstances of course but it is interesting what kind of memories they were more vivid for them also... 
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Both Chloe and Lucifer start with their meeting at LUX and end their recall of their times together with their first kiss by the water in 2x12. Although three seasons apart we see that although they have a different footing in their relationship subconsciously they were always on the same page...  
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So Chloe like Lucifer starts with their meeting at LUX, who could ever forget that one? 
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There is an innocence in his smile there something that Lucifer’s memories didn’t hold. He remember himself as being cocky and flirty but for some reason she saw him despite everything as a goodhearted man from the very beginning... Interesting to know that...
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In her next memory we see her smiling and now we can be assured that she was smitten with him as much as he was in that scene. Perhaps neither of them admitted it but there was something there and now in S5 she is willing to allow herself to remember that moment as a very beautiful one where she indeed felt something. Surely not love. Perhaps lust but both felt a connection and that’s enough but also rare.
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Her playful moments around him as her second memory also remind us how she tried to coax him on opening himself to her advances to a stage where she thought there was something and like then, in S5 Chloe has more cards on her hand on that relationship but not the words she need to move forward so her insecurity is creeping like it did back in 2x12. 
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That insecurity and naiveness comes also with youth which she experienced on Lucifer’s prom dance at LUX. There was something special there for sure but again the key here is innocence and insecurity. Do not forget that next Chloe moved to Marcus when Lucifer drew back only two episodes later on ‘Let The Pinhead Sing’ aka 3x17. 
Now though Chloe knows not to give up. She has the knowledge she needs but that does not make Lucifer’s distance over their relationship and his feelings any less painful. So like in S3 she is waiting for Lucifer to open up but it ain’t easy and as we know she will not wait for much longer.  
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Next comes the scar scene. What an iconic scene but also a scene where Chloe understands not only his physical scars but his emotional ones. It’s a moment when she realises he is in a bad shape, where he shows afterwards his own insecurity and vulnerability to her... Not with bullets but by a being that is not accustomed on people caring, who believes all will eventually disregard him and that is a connection to his Daddy issues. What it is also is that he is not human and thus his baggage are so much heavier and agonising to carry around. 
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But even then, even with his scars and his deep open wounds when his Father is mentioned or when he awkwardly attempts to show emotion, he is capable of feeling so much. She remembers his words as she pretended she was asleep, he remember his gift and she now knows more than ever it was never a joke. It was him being vulnerable to her because he trusted her and yes he is capable of love...
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He is capable of love because she saw him mourn and love through a friendship with a priest. Only a person who feels so much, loves so much can also find himself in so much pain... So she understands his pain but she allows herself to feel hers as well and she knows she has to be next to him once again and she does that in 5x11 and onwards. She is clear about her feelings soon after when she believes he has adjusted with his father a bit in 5x13. 
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What she also remembers is that again he is a man who needs support to thrive. It is perhaps why she assumes later on she has to give up her job as Lucifer is more fragile than anyone thinks. He also attaches himself to people and places and again he has exhibiting love...
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In one of their earlierst *good*days she was able to see him feel and respond to love. Share it as well. Because this is real and Chloe knows she cannot doubt him. Linda has warned her as much. He is set to destroy everything good that comes his way so again he needs help. She needs to trust him as she did in 2x12. 
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Because when she trusts him, she knows they are incredible. She was the one that initiated their relationship, their lovemaking and their partnership after a while but he has a tenacity to make things last if only he is allowed some space and is given the love he needs.
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And there have been so many happy times... In 5x07 she cannot fathom that Lucifer cannot love. He can love but whether he is in love is a different matter now. 
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She remembers when she felt his love (above) but also when he cryptically said it when he again opened up to her with his wings. There is a purity about Lucifer than not many if anyone can realise aside from her and it’s perhaps that reason she does not recall his bad days as she always remember him as the person she met in 1x01. A cocky lovable bastard. 
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So when he left he said: “It was always you Chloe”. Again she remembers that she knows he means more and her insecurities are great so that is why knowing she offers him in 5x13 an easier front. Are we together or not? Is this a relationship? She has faith in him to return to her as she had faith to him when he left to go to Hell. 
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And she has faith because she remebers he has protected her so much. “You are safe that’s all that matters”. If we ever wondered about 3x24 well now it is canon that Chloe even in a hazy state was aware what happened that day. 
That Lucifer protected her, he bled for her and made sure no harm would come her way. For a selfish being he was so effortlessly giving to her and that again is Love. A bleeding one and she knows she would have done the same... She eventually did in 5x16. 
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Seriously... It’s canon she remember that scene people...
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And here comes the realisation again. He would endanger himself whether vulnerable or not for her over and over and over again. He told her so in 5x02 and that was again one of his grand admisions. Because since the beginning he loved her...
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Since that first kiss they both knew... Both end up their recollection of their relationship with that kiss. Because they were both so open there, especially Lucifer.  It was also the point where they know even for a brief while what to do the right way in order for the person they love to feel safe eventually, consequences be damned. Because they love them so through all the anguish how is it possible not to smile?
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There is love. It is apparent but not told by Lucifer yet it’s right there so they will both smile for what they feel while they try to protect the one they love. Pain be damned. 
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obeymematches · 3 years
Could you do Diavolo, Satan and Lucifer’s reaction to MC falling asleep on their shoulder during a RAD meeting? Please and thank you 🙏
awww🥺 sleeby mc <3 thank you for sending in a request i love this so much ;;
You fall asleep during a RAD meeting 
Prologue/Setting; Nobody told you the meeting would be 4 hours long. Absolutely ridiculous. Demons have no sense of time, it seems. The fact that you didn’t get a good nights’ sleep last night isn’t working in your favour either. However, the most important question of all is; why did it had to start at 8AM?!  In your defense, at least you were there - unlike Belphie who is either fashionably late or might never show up. 
He felt something touch his shoulders, which made him twitch a little in surpise. 
When he looked over his shoulder, he saw the top of your head leaning on him. You were so close to him now that he didn’t even had to turn his head to sense your scent. 
Has no clue about you being asleep, 100% thinks you leaned close just to be cute.
Only realizes you are actually asleep when Lucifer glares at you, opening his mouth to attempt waking you up-
“No need for that, Lucifer. We can move on to the part which doesn’t concern MC as much... we can continue this topic once they are awake. We don’t want MC to die on us, you remember-” 
Yes, he seriously thinks your life would be in danger if they don’t let you sleep in just a bit- (you need to spend so much more time with him)
stressed_lucifer.png it’s so early and he has to deal with explaining humans to Diavolo
In case he knows more than that about you, he’d still let you sleep a bit but when the meeting changes to a topic which involves you, he’d definitely wake you up. Apologizes so much after though :( 
Oop- you are in danger-
Has no idea what happened when he feels something on his shoulder-
Mercilessly wakes you up the moment he figures you are alseep (which is easy to tell from your slowed down breathing)
Probably turns into his demon form to get his message accross- 
HOWEVER. If you are dating him, he will go easier on you & probably pretends not to notice you for like. 5 minutes. After that he wakes you up anyway. In that case he probably doesn’t turn into his demon form, but if you have a strong bond with him you can sense he is a bit disappointed. 
After the meeting he expresses these feelings to you. Asks you what happened that you were so tired- 
“Although it was flattering that you chose to sleep on me MC, next time you should not do that under these circumstances.”
Caught by surprise as well. Thinks it’s just Asmo at first. 
Blushes when realization hits him. 
Doesn’t want to wake you up at all- takes notes for you so you can catch up on the important stuff once you are awake. Takes down things he normally wouldn’t. 
Though writing is a bit difficult if you are on his main hand’s shoulder-
You can tell he’s not going to let Lucifer wake you up either, as long as the oldest isn’t threatening him. 
 Definitely teases you a bit when you wake up but isn’t mad at you at all. 
Given the fact that he’d rather be sleeping at such early hours, he completely understands you. Maybe even a bit fascinated with how you had the guts to fall asleep in a meeting, though he isn’t encouraging it in the future.
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mageofseven · 1 year
I’m sure you’re sick of these types of requests atp, but after learning you’re also a poly dialuci fan I can’t not request a surprise birth story for them together/combined 😭🙌
Omg I swear y'all either have the worst case of baby fever or just love baby drama 😂
But no worries! Honestly, these are one of my favorite posts to write because I too love this kind of drama hehe~
Okay, these two men had zero clue MC could be pregnant.
This triad more or less was in agreement that babies were not something they needed at this time.
I mean, the triad only just hit their 1st year anniversary
Which, coincidentally enough, was the night MC conceived.
Neither of the three knew this because they always used protection with MC, almost to a religious degree.
All it took was one overzealous redhead on script duty with bad handwriting to mess it all up though 😅
Reminder that they use runes on MC as a form of birth control and the men take turns on being the scripter
The first time they could have discovered the pregnancy was when her morning sickness hit her hard.
Problem? It also hit her around the time MC accidentally ate some demon food that wasn't human safe 😅
It was a food MC had never seen before and since she has been in the Devildom for so long and was so used to eating weird food, it had never accord to her to be cautious.
Oh boy was Lucifer upset.
He chastised his girlfriend, but was still the one to hold her hair back as she puked.
Dia just laughed it off, somewhat anxious.
I mean, the food she ate wasn't going to harm her, but it commonly made humans have intense nausea and make them puke for weeks as their body tried to rid itself of the foreign toxin.
Lucifer wanted her to see to a see a doctor, but MC refused.
She loved her boyfriends, but they were so protective that it was exhausting; Lucifer especially so since his protectiveness was also paired with his stubbornness.
Some days it felt like Lucifer would make her see a doctor for a freaking paper cut if she'd let him.
Though also worried about his Queen, the redhead accepted her decision and persuaded Lucifer to do the same.
However, he did remind her that she could change her mind at any time.
She didn't though and honestly, MC will regret that decision every time she thinks back on it.
With the end of her nausea came cravings and a big appetite. The three just assumed that after weeks of not being able to eat much that her body was catching up for lost time.
As her belly grew, MC grew more and more self conscious as well.
She had less 'intimate time' with her boyfriends and would hide her belly under baggy shirts.
Honestly, the woman started getting really depressed about her rapidly changing figure.
The two men were worried about the weight gain too, but only because it upset their girlfriend so greatly.
This was a period of a comforting for this triad. The two men put aside work more and more to comfort their depressed human.
The two men showered her in gifts, took her on more dates outside the house since she became more homebound during this period, and spent so much time trying to cuddle the sadness out of her.
This went on for months till finally, it all came to a conclusion.
MC was having really bad cramps one day. Both men had a meeting they needed to attend, but the pride demon's intuition was raising red flags.
Despite the woman's protests, Lucifer was able to convince their boyfriend to stay home and the two stayed by her side.
Like always, Lucifer wanted to call a doctor immediately. Also like always, MC outright refused...for awhile at least.
Eventually, the pain got so severe that she was gripping one or both men, begging through tears for a doctor, which her boyfriends quickly obliged.
That's when they learned that not only was MC pregnant, but she was actively in labor.
The panic and shock was obvious from Lucifer; I mean, how did this happen?? It made absolutely no sense to this man considering how careful they have been.
Dia, on the other hand, was ecstatic.
I mean yes, the three of them had originally agreed that babies weren't on the agenda for the time being, but the prince mostly just agreed because both of his partners weren't ready for parenthood and he himself was okay with waiting.
The two men got into a small squabble over the prince's reaction, but was interrupted by their girlfriend's scream of pain.
To Lucifer's dismay, Dia sent the doctor away as per MC's request. She didn't want some stranger in the room while she was naked and in the worst pain of her life.
As a compromise though, the doctor was kept on standby else where in case the human needed him.
Each man planted themselves on different sides of MC and held her hands.
Both men gave MC encouragement and comfort, but Dia excelled at it. He was constantly whispering in her ear, peppering well-appreciated kisses on her face, and rubbing her taut belly.
Lucifer did the same, but given that he was the more anxious one, was constantly checking her progress and making sure she was keeping hydrated because obviously hours of screaming and pain can make any person easily dehydrated.
Day turned to night by the time the baby was born; the triad had never been more relieved to hear cries echo through a room before.
However...there was something a bit off about this baby.
When Lucifer brought their new daughter into MC's arms, the human noticed a strange mixture features.
This baby had Diavolo's skin tone, down the same golden markings on her arms as are found on the prince when in his demon form. However, she also had Lucifer's black hair. Her eyes matched her mother's and she had two little golden nubs on her head that will grow into horns in the future.
How...how did this child look like both her boyfriends? Even Lucifer was perplexed.
Luckily, Diavolo had the answer to this.
Some demons experience what is referred to a chimera conception; basically, if a demon has multiple partners within the window of time for conception, the baby can take genetics from more than one father.
In truth, the prince never thought it could occur in a human till now.
Still, the man was excited! His Queen just had a baby. He was a dad now--
Lucifer pulled his boyfriend out into the hallway, telling him that he needs to cool it down.
The pride demon didn't like bringing the mood down for the happy man, but it really needed to be said.
He reminded the prince that before this baby was essentially forced on MC by the universe, she didn't actually want a child; not yet anyway.
Neither man knew quite yet what their girlfriend wanted to do with this baby, whether she wanted to raise it or send it away.
To get excited now was premature and could unintentionally guilt the human into keeping a child she might not want.
This talk deflated the prince and his boyfriend hated that he had to do it.
The pride demon tugged his boyfriend into his arms.
"I'm sorry. I know this is difficult, but we need to keep MC in mind; she's already been through a lot as it is."
Dia nuzzled his face into the other demon neck.
"No, you're right. I...I just got carried away." He pulled back to meet Luce's eyes. "I'll keep myself under control."
"I know you want to be a father. Maybe you will be able to be one; maybe we will with this child. If MC can't handle this now though, we could always have another when she is ready."
Dia leaned in and kissed his boyfriend.
"I know...thank you, my Light."
The two men returned to the room, opening the door just to find MC crying as she stared down at her daughter.
The two men picked up the pace and joined the human at her bedside.
Dia knelt down next to her and wiped a tear from her face with his thumb.
"Don't hate me..." She said softly.
His eyes widen.
"What do you mean, my Queen?"
The woman shook her head and looked away from the prince.
Lucifer sat next to her on the bed and kissed her head.
"Love...just talk to us." He cajoled. "It will be alright, I assure you."
"I-I just...I don't know what to do; I'm so scared."
"Oh my Queen..." Dia joined his partners on the bed and pulled MC in to a hug, careful of the child resting within her arms. "It's okay; it's okay to be scared."
"But what if I can't handle it? What if I don't want..."
Her gaze fell to her daughter and the guilt choked her.
Dia's heart cracked. Lucifer was right.
He leaned into kiss her head.
"If you do not want this child...I will find a safe home for them."
MC's eyes widened as she turned to him.
"But...but you want her...I know you want to be a dad."
Dia lowered his head.
"I love our child...but I love you more." He insisted. "Will not pressure you to keep a child you aren't ready for; especially after the trauma you just went through."
MC shook her head, thick tears spilling down her cheeks.
"I don't know what I want...I'm so confused."
"It's fine; you can be confused." Lucifer told her. "You don't need to decide now."
In accidental unison, both men leaned in and each kissed a side of her head.
Diavolo nodded.
"That's right." He agreed. "Just know we are here for you and will continue to love you no matter your choice."
It took a few days for MC to recover from it all. Originally, her emotions were running hard after the birth and it made an already overwhelming situations worse for her.
As she recovered from it all, the woman started to get so very attached to her daughter.
Before she even told her boyfriends that she wanted to keep her, the men could just sense it from how she looked at her.
The three decided to name their daughter Eris.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Hi can I request the boys reactions to coming back and seeing that MC has snucked into their beds
The Brothers Find the MC Asleep in Their Bed
This is that other bed request. Back to my fluffy content! Huzzah!! I was a fidgeting mess on that last one… If it wasn't in second person I probably would have never gotten through it… 🤦‍♀️😅 Amazing how distancing the pronoun "you" can be when you're writing: "Oh no, this ain't happening to me, it's gonna happen to you. I dunno what to tell ya." 🤷‍♀️ I give my props for this to one to my favorite jazz singers, Nicki Parrot, and her rendition of I Won't Last a Day Without You.
If you're missing someone and, presumably, you have a fairly intimate relationship then something you can do is stay in their bed. Sure, your loved one’s body may not be next to yours but the familiarity can help soothe that aching heart… So when the brothers were away from the House for a few days, it wasn't totally unreasonable for the MC to sneak a night or two in their favorite demon's bed.
If only they had known said demon would come home early… 
It was a looong trip for him. Lucifer only goes up to the human world for business reasons and usually he has to bring Mammon to keep an eye on him, which he also swears ages him by a century each time he does… 
When he retired to his room that night he wasn't really looking to talk or interact with anyone, not his brothers and not even the MC. He just wanted to go to sleep…
He wasn't expecting to find his human curled up under his sheets, though. And without him there no less.
Had it been another day, he might have just woken them up and sent them away or slept somewhere else but that night, after the trip he had, he felt so… loved all of sudden...
His brothers never miss him when he leaves. They give him the usual welcoming rigmarole when he gets back, "Good to see you, how was the trip?" that kind of thing, but he can tell they're all disappointed that he's back to discipline them again…
But here was the MC, apparently wanting him back so much that they'd risk breaking into his room just to feel close to him again… It's honestly good he was the only conscious soul in the room because if anyone else had seen the look on his face, he'd have to start erasing some memories again.
He changed clothes quietly before getting into the bed himself, careful not to jostle them too much. Only once he was settled in, did he give them a tender kiss to their forehead and finally got a good night's sleep...
Look, he never asks to be dragged along with Lucifer on his business trips! It's a pain in the ass for everyone involved so he was more than happy to be home...
So happy in fact, that he didn't think to check his bed before he went sailing into it face first…
When he didn't feel the cushion of his mattress below him, but what felt like muscle and bone, he screamed. Which caused the MC to shoot up from under his covers and scream right back at him.
The two dummies screamed at each other for about five seconds straight before it clicked that neither even knew what they were screaming about… 🙄
"MC?!? The hell are ya doin'?! This is my bed, ya know??"
Oh was he tickled pink when they told him they came there just 'cause they missed him so much… Of course they'd miss the Great Mammon! Anybody who got to spend that much time in his presence would eventually! And he had been missing them so much he could hardly see straight anyway...
"Geez, is that all? Well fine! You can stay the night, but only for tonight! … I mean, unless ya want to stay longer or somethin' crazy like that….. You want to, doncha?"
And that's how the MC ended up spending the next week in the arms of their first man… and getting a pretty good bruise on their shoulder too from Mammon's thick skull slamming into it.
He was coming back from a three-day convention and boy was he tired… There's only so much excitement an introvert can withstand for that long without shutting down completely...
His first clue that something was a little off was his door. It was unlocked. Since he was positive he locked it before he left, he was already on edge... Mammon was in there stealing his stuff again, wasn’t he??
He had his demon form already out when he threw the door open, expecting to have to chase out a thief, but instead he found the MC's arm sticking out of his bathtub-bed.
Cue an incredibly flustered Levi. Did the MC really want to sleep with him? A yucky otaku?? Did they miss him that much?? For a brief moment, he hit cloud nine and beyond.
Levi was frozen in his doorway for a good five minutes, too afraid to walk in and possibly disturb them, before he finally tiptoed to have a look in the tub.
…. He may or may not have snapped a picture when he saw them snuggled against his Ruri-chan body pillow… So what if that's a little creepy??? You're creepy!!
There wasn't really a good way for him to squeeze in with them so he settled for pulling his computer chair over and taking their outstretched hand in his own...
He stayed like that all night until the MC woke up to find him passed out next to them, head rolled back in the chair but still holding their hand with laced fingers...
He hates going to the human world with Lucifer, even though he acknowledges that he's better behaved than the others for it. That doesn't change the fact that he'd much rather be back in his room with a good book...
He just wasn't expecting the MC to share his sentiments so… identically?
After his trip to Paris with Lucifer, Satan dragged his bags back into his room and expected to at least get another hour of reading in before his mind finally caught up with his body… But to his surprise, his bed was already occupied.
The MC was half-under his covers with their head wedged into the corner of the wall above his pillows, sound asleep… A stray book sat by their hand, one of his favorites too judging by the cover.
He felt the warmth of a chuckle escape his chest… How many times had he woken up in that exact same position? It was almost like they missed him so badly they tried to be him for a while... It was all too cute for words…
He put aside getting some sleep just long enough to take care of his MC, gently moving their body back under the covers and setting the book onto one of the endless stacks that surrounded his bed.
Only once he had them placed into a more comfortable position did he change his clothes and take the spot in the bed next to them…
The MC woke up very much not how they fell asleep… but trading out a good book in their hand for a warm bookworm against their body wasn't a bad deal now, was it?
He was on one of those long self-care retreats and though, yes, it was a good time he really needed a good nap after such a long trip… He was even considering shortening his nightly routine for once.
When he came into his room, he was ready to just faceplant into his pillows until he spied MC's head poking out from under his covers…
He squealed, but not out of anger or fright. No, no. He felt nothing but Pure. Joy. His heart was soaring and he could have sang, he was just that happy!
His human missed him so much that they just needed to wrap themselves up under his covers?? Well, of course they would wouldn't they? There's no good substitute for Asmo and he knows it.
His literal shriek made the MC shoot out of his bed and try to apologize but he just tackled them back down, wrapping his arms around them in a vice grip of adoration. He was not letting them back down now. It was cuddle time!
In truth, their sudden appearance shocked Asmo awake for about another hour, which he spent snuggled up to his MC and babbling about his trip. He did eventually lose steam though, falling asleep soundly with his head snuggled into the crook of their neck.
The lovey mood was dampened slightly when he woke up and realized he hadn't done any of his routine the night before, but since the MC was still resting in his arms he decided that, just this once, he didn't need to rush it...
Beel's team had just come back from a long tournament trip and, for the first time ever, he could say that he was more tired than he was hungry…
Belphie was really happy to have his twin back, but this time he was kind of ignoring his brother's excitement as his mind zoned in on his bed… He almost didn't notice the MC was even in there until he pulled back the covers to climb in himself. 
His poor sleep-deprived mind had to take a minute to catch up… This was his bed wasn't it...? 😰
"Beel? Is that MC?" "... I think so?" "Why are they in your bed?" "I don't know… Maybe they just wanted to sleep here?" "... Uh-huh. Hey, Beel, I know you're tired. How about you just take my bed instead since it's free? I'll take yours tonight."
Since he was so exhausted, Beel almost considered the offer until he noticed the resentful pout on Belphie's face... Oh. Right. The MC probably wanted to sleep with him. That meant they must have missed him… That thought alone gave Beel a warm, fuzzy feeling like he'd just taken a giant gulp of hot cocoa and he just couldn't help his groggy smile.
"No… This is fine." "But-" "I don't mind, Belphie. Goodnight."
He didn't give his jealous twin any more room to argue before he climbed into bed next to the MC, nestling them close to his chest as if he was welcoming them home instead. And in his last moments of consciousness, Beel promised himself that they'd wake up just like this too…
Belphie tends to hate trips about as much as Levi, especially ones where Beel or the MC can't come along... Too much hassle and all his brothers make so much noise…
When he finally got back from the trip Lucifer dragged him into, he only had one thing on his mind. Sleep. His bed was calling to him, that's where he needed to be… and the MC too, apparently?
He was honestly a little caught off guard to find the MC in his bed... The attic bed? Sure. That was their cuddle space and it was practically sacred ground at that point. But the bed in the room he shared with Beel...? They didn't stay there very often…
Which meant they weren't in his bed just because they wanted to sleep. They wanted him… Had they been awake he might have had something smug to say, but without any audience to save face to he just felt somewhat honored…
There wasn't a day that went by where Belphie didn't regret the things he'd done to them, even during the quiet moments where they assured him that they'd forgiven him for it... Seeing them there in his actual bed proved something, they chose him. No one else. 
He didn't think twice about crawling under there next to them, he even got into his usual position by their side on instinct. But this time, for a minute or two, he just watched their sleeping form peacefully and counted himself lucky to even be there…
When the MC woke up to Belphegor wrapped around them, an adoring smile nuzzled into their neck, and they just had to wonder if the mere act of sleeping alone was all they’d ever need to summon their demon home...
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