#lucy's tip
blcst4r · 2 years
Hace unos días por fin le preste atención a los post de Edward art (anteriormente había visto sus videos pero nunca le preste tanta atención) y siento que ahora REALMENTE entiendo la ley de la asunción.
Si han estado en tumblr loassumption habrán escuchado de la frase "nadie a quien cambiar más que a si mismo". Es una frase tan simple pero que pocos entienden, o pocos quieren entender.
Una de las bases de la ley de la asunción es que vos creas todo lo que te rodea; las personas, la tierra, el aire, los arboles, TODO existe porque vos sos consciente de ello, de alguna forma, hay una parte de vos en todo lo que te rodea, porque lo que te rodea es algo que salio de tu mente incluso si no sos consciente de ello.
Entonces ¿Que significa nadie a quien cambiar más que a si mismos?
Significa que cambiando la percepción que tenemos de nosotros mismos, cambiamos la forma en el que el mundo nos ve y el mundo que vemos.
Les voy a poner un ejemplo.
Martita se cansó de tratarse mal a sí misma. Se cansó de que el mundo la trate mal, y encima de eso, que ella también lo haga. Así que decidió empezó a ser más amable con ella misma.
Empezó a tenerse más paciencia, hablarse con amor y dejar de tirarse para abajo todo el tiempo. Cada vez que caminaba por las calles, en vez de andar cabizbaja y pensar que las personas estaban hablando mal de ella, caminaba con firmeza, con la cabeza en alto, llena de confianza, sin importarle si alguien la miraba o no.
Cuando ella hizo este cambio interno, las personas a su alrededor empezaron a tratarla con más amabilidad, empezaron a decirle más cumplidos, personas se empezaron a fijar en ella, y demás de cosas buenas.
Martita primero cambio su forma de tratarse a ella misma en su mente (en su 4D) y eventualmente el mundo (la 3D) reflejo sus pensamientos.
Martita sin siquiera saber de la ley, la aplico perfectamente. Cambio el concepto que tenía de ella misma en su mente, restandole importancia al exterior y eventualmente la 3D reflejo sus deseos.
La clave para manifestar es saber que lo único que importa es tu interior, no lo exterior, porque al final del día lo que ves es una creación de tu mente, de lo interno ¿Por qué le tendrías miedo a algo que tranquilamente podes cambiar?
Tomate un tiempito de tu día para sentarte, cerrar los ojos y SENTIR lo que sentirías si ya tuvieras tus deseos.
Preguntate ¿Como me sentiría si tuviera todos mis deseos? Olvidate del mundo exterior, pensa en tu cuerpo como algo secundario y simplemente enfocate en tu mente y en tus deseos.
Sentilos en el ahora, como si realmente los tuvieras (porque así es), olvidate del miedo, de las preguntas, no te cuestiones si realmente pasara o no, simplemente sentilo. Sentí esa libertad y relajación de saber que todo esta bajo tú control.
Luego de hacer esto seguí con tu día sabiendo que ya tenes eso que querías, es inútil desearlo, porque ya lo tengo, es algo que aprecio de mi vida, pero ya no lo deseo, pues lo tengo conmigo.
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moderngoddes · 2 years
La información más básica de la ley de la asunción es que al momento que imaginamos algo, ya es una realidad creada.
Nuestra mente es como la Lifa app, o una varita mágica, el solo pensar en algo ya crea una nueva realidad, y si persistimos en ese estado, la realidad se materializa en la 3D; el que se materialice en la 3D no significa que anteriormente no fue real, no es así, el que se haya materializado en primer lugar es gracias a la 4D, porque 4D (imaginación) > 3D (tu realidad física).
También otra de las infos básicas de la ley de la asunción es que la 4D es la única realidad. Que la 4D sea la única realidad significa que no hay un proceso de manifestación, o tiempo de espera, ya que si lo tenemos en la 4D, lo tenemos en la 3D.
Por eso el tiempo no importa, en el momento que vos decidís que tenes algo, ya está hecho, porque vos ya lo pensaste y ya declaraste tu deseo como tuyo.
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lucybellwood · 1 year
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I’ve been meaning to repost this mini-essay I wrote for Global Maritime History back in 2015 for AGES and since today's dash is full of people lamenting the burden of Boat Knowledge this seems like the right time.
I often get questions from people who are concerned that their illustrated boats aren’t going to be up to snuff, and the short answer is generally: don’t sweat it. If you’ve drawn a thing that has a hull in the water and sails in the air, you’re off to a great start, and if you consult a few handy reference images, you’re bound to end up with something that looks mostly ship-like.
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HOWEVER. There are a couple things that often get lost in translation which—if you pay attention to them—can make the difference between a passable tall ship and a vessel that definitely looks like you know your baggywrinkle from your bunghole. Here’s two tips to get you started.
Flags in the Wind
Generally when we think of a thing that’s going fast, we imagine a flag streaming out in the wind behind it, right? Well, when it comes to square rig sailing, things aren’t always so simple. If the wind is coming up from behind a ship—or from the side—to push it forward, the flag may be flying in a direction you wouldn’t expect! How are the yards angled to catch the wind in the sails? What’s driving the vessel forward? Sailors often look to flags for a quick indicator of wind direction—use that thought process when drawing your ships.
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Keep Your Shrouds Tight!
Those rope ladder-looking things sailors are always clambering up? They’re called shrouds, and they also form a large part of the tensioning system that keeps a ship’s masts stable and upright. Stays (lines that don’t move i.e. stay put) are arranged throughout the rig to maintain even aft-to-fore pull on the masts and prevent them from keeling over. Shrouds form the lateral component of that system, so here’s an important fact: they will not be saggy. No saggy shrouds. No saggy stays. In addition to making the mast unstable, it’d be a devil to climb in heavy weather.
Note: the ratlines (the “ladder rungs” of the shroud) can have slack in them—it’s the vertical lines that should be tight.
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When the crew is “tuning the rig,” they’re putting slack in all the stays and then re-tensioning them to ensure that the whole operation is as stable as possible, so unless you’ve got a bunch of idiots running your fictional vessel, keep ’em tight.
And another thing…
I see a lot of people running their shrouds down to the deck, rather than alongside the vessel. Don’t do that! I mean, okay, sometimes shrouds do attach to chain plates on-deck, but most of your classic Golden Age of Sail vessels will have them running alongside to the channels. Also: they end in deadeyes to help with the tensioning of the line and to keep things stable, so don’t forget your deadeyes!
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Honestly, these are the biggest things that I see artists flub when drawing tall ships, so if you can keep them in mind, you’ll be head and shoulders above the rest!
If you’re looking to go more in-depth with your research, I would recommend…
Seeing if you can find a modern replica of the type of ship you’re after and then centering your reference search around the name of that ship. I get far more extensive results when I’m searching for “Privateer Lynx” rather than “1700s topsail schooner.” Don’t discount the many photos tourists will have taken while visiting these ships!
Nose around on model ship-building forums. There is no greater boon to the modern nautical artist than these obsessive craftspeople, who will spend hundreds of hours replicating classic ships in minute detail—often photographing the whole process so you can actually see how the rig of a vessel is put together! God bless ’em.
And that’s all I’ve got! I hope you’ve enjoyed this brief foray into accurate tall ship representation. Fair winds and following seas!
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mossy-rot · 5 months
just started playing stardew valley and i cannot imagine what it has to be like for the townsfolk to have some 20 something twink move in and then pass out in the weeds his first day there. then proceed to watch him spend the next four days covered in dirt and frantically lusting after the son of the local carpenter
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ahb-writes · 2 years
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What's your Writer Demon like?
(from Disenchantment S1E18: "In Her Own Write")
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ramyeonpng · 9 months
In essence, it involves having a weekly schedule with hourly slots where you visually colour in the times where you have tasks. This way, instead of having some disembodied task list that feels like it will get done quickly, you have a concrete dedication of time.
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hi!! New fan here, i was wondering, how do you know which stats and data to look for in terms of fairly comparing the performances of drivers? and just in general tips on race analysis :') like figuring out if they did the right strategy, the data you need to look for, anything else you find significant? thank you so much! i'd like to be more objective tbh bc the emotions are vv strong during a race and they tend to overpower my rational side.
Well there is a lot that can go into this. Some of it is very much a learned skill that you get better at over time.
General good rules of thumb for comparison and analysis:
1.The same car/teammates: comparing teammates is usually very helpful in understanding a car and also where the two drivers differ. Since they are in the same machinery we can see what some general characteristics are of a specific car. And then we can also see where there are differences that can be attributed to a driver specifically. Comparing teammates is always useful, and helpful in understanding a team overall because you know that team is constantly comparing their driver's performances.
2. Max(or whoever is the current #1): having Max as a benchmark of the current top driver is always helpful because he's obviously the one to beat. Also since he is so good he delivers amazing data on tracks. So if I want to see where the SF-24 or Charles need to improve comparing to Max is a good way to do it. It would not be as helpful to compare Charles to say Fernando, who while a great driver, the car he's in and his standing right now just isn't going to offer many valuable insights.
3. Race strategy: this is a very complicated topic, it is way more like chess than people realize. Seeing who starts where, the places they can likely gain from there, the timing that needs to happen to gain those places etc. Those are all factors. You really get a sense of it after you watch for a while. This is an extremely complex area that is a constantly evolving logic problem (which is why teams are so focused during races) This is the area where I have the fewest tips because it is really one of those things that just comes from experience and observation. One thing to do would be read interviews about what your team is saying about their strategy and the thinking that went into it. Spatial reasoning and logic are a big part of race strategy, and then once the lights go out those things get affected by time and random events (ex a driver DNFing) So race strategy is a combination of spatial logic and being able to do it dynamically as time progresses over a race. So thinking of it like chess that changes every lap is a good way to think about it.
4. Race specific battles: pay attention during races who is really battling (ex Lewis and Oscar in Jeddah, or Lando and Carlos in Suzuka or Lando and Charles in Melbourne) then you can look at the data for some insights into why the battle played out the way it did. Another example would be if you wanted to understand why Mclaren made Oscar and Lando switch in Australia, you can go look at the data and the answer it pretty clear. So these kinds of comparisons can give a lot of insight into why a team made certain strategy calls.
5. DRS: DRS is always something I look at when talking about speed, because while it's great for speed it's more of a luck right place at the right time thing, and so if I want to be fair in pace or speed comparisons I try to find laps where either both drivers got DRS or neither did (sometimes this isn't possible but it's a good factor to keep in mind)
6. Same tyres: comparing pace and speed on tyres it's important to keep the compound in mind. Comparing a fast lap one driver did on a medium tyre to one another driver did on hards isn't really in good faith. Now sometimes doing cross compound comparison can be useful, (ex a driver setting the same times on hards as another driver on mediums is interesting and worth digging into) But if you are wanting to do a direct comparison and want to eliminate this as a variable always compare on the same compound (sometimes this isn't possible so keep that in mind) Comparing across compounds is helpful too, but you should be very clear about why and the logic behind it.
7. Field placement: Comparing a midfield car to a top car isn't super helpful. Max isn't Logan's competition, other midfield drivers are Logan's competition. So it's important to look at who is actually competing with who. You could do a Logan to Max comparison but it likely wouldn't offer much insight into either drivers' strengths or weaknesses. Comparing Logan to Alex(his teammate) or Zhou(someone else in the midfield) is going to be way more useful.
8. Weather/Temperature: this can be a massive compounding factor for performance and should always be considered. Was it raining? Was it windy? Was there notable heat? How was that affecting drivers? etc
9. Mechanical issues: always note them and take them into account, this sounds like a no-brainer but not everyone does this and it leads to a lot of bad faith representations of a driver or a race.
10. Team Radio: if you want to understand what a driver and a team were thinking during the race and want answers for why things played out the way they did (good or bad) then team radio usually has a lot of answers. A good example of this would be listening to Charles' radios in Suzuka, you can listen to him talking about which strategy to go with and then the team figuring that out with him. Radios are very informative. I always listen to Charles', so if you have a driver/team you are focused on I highly recommend doing that.
11. Sometimes there is no way to do a fair comparison: this is something that is important to keep in mind(and again a lot of people forget this). For example in Bahrain when Charles had that massive brake temperature imbalance issue, no one else had it. So we cannot really compare his pace or performance to anyone and account for that. We can still compare his say fastest lap to Carlos' to see what he was able to do in less than optimal circumstances. But this is another very important thing to remember. Sometimes conditions do not allow for a totally fair comparison, and that is always worth noting. This is a very important fallacy to be aware of, and it's a trap a lot of people fall into, making it appear as though there is a fair comparison in a situation when there is not. So always keep this in mind. Sometimes the fact no fair comparison can be made is informative in itself.
A lot of analysis is also what I feel like just falls under plain old common sense and logical reasoning. Races are big logical puzzles, so just like with any logic based game it takes practice to get the hang of it. This just comes with watching races and paying attention to the details.
Also analysis doesn't get rid of the emotional reactions(at least not for me) I watch live and have all kinds of emotions. I just do that in private and wait to look at the data. And that is totally normal for the record. This is why I recommend re-watching a race for analysis for 2 reasons. 1. You will probably catch a lot of things you didn't notice the first time, and 2. You won't be as emotional and will probably be able to view what happened more objectively.
Hopefully this answers your question <3
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
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📝🤍  Oh our dear Chancellor
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djevilninja · 1 year
I can’t fake it no more, I can’t take it no more, I need you in my life fo’ sho, My wife fo’ sho. No turnin’ back, it’s on and crackin’; Pure satisfaction, girls that’s what’s happenin’.
Lucy Pearl feat Snoop Dogg and Q-Tip - You
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allastoredeer · 7 days
Trying to start the next fic for "Just Kiss Already" and GRRRRR why is the very beginning of fics so hard to write???? Middles and endings, easy peasy. But the beginning??? What do I do? How am I supposed to start this???
Why is this so hard ಠ╭╮ಠ it feels like it shouldn't be this hard. They're just going to a barbeque, this should be the easiest opening ever.
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sincerity--extreme · 1 year
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safyresky · 4 months
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Scrimbly Jacquelines 23/52: tfw you're stuck in an au where you are DEAD and you miss your wife and your brother has shit timing
So idk if you guys know this about me, but I am absolutely in love with @kscribbs's one shot "The Forgiven", which was her sequel to "The Jacqueline Dies AU", which will one day have a better name (how are we all feeling about "The One Where Jacqueline Dies" as a title? Yay? Nay? Should I go back to the drawing board? I'll go back to the drawing board). In fact, I'd go so far as to say I am OBSESSED with it.
SO MUCH SO that one of my fave pass times is spamming her on any and all platforms about a what if scenario in which Lucy and Jacqueline from ML/CS get stuck IN The Forgiven Universe for really cool badass stuff and what SHENANIGANS ensue??
This is one of them. Deffs a classic crack idea. Loosely inspired by this. I imagine it goes something like this:
"That's a lot of sprinkles, Winnie. That's more sprinkles than ice cream. Lacking a bit of sugar in your life? A little bit of sweetness, perhaps?" Winnie looked up from her sugary ice cream sundae, eyes hard, face haggard. "I miss my wife, Jack," she said, adding more sprinkles to her ice cream. "I miss her a lot." Unsure how to reply (an apology? Condolences?), Jack decided it'd be best to disengage, slowly backing out of the kitchen and quite glad to look for Lucy elsewhere in the Willow as the can of sprinkles (by far a Costco sized jar) trickled out of the lid, landing on top of the rest of the jar of sprinkles that now topped the ice cream.
She's in a glamour! Disguised herself as a more summery sprite and is going by Winnie, short for Winifred (Winter, actually, it's her middle name, but best not be giving away who she is—Father Time hadn't said she couldn't, but he did specify that it'd be best to not to while she and Lucy worked to complete their goal!), hence the thawed hair and red tones, lol. Fun fact: my dark brown prisma colour is NOT dark brown. source: I have dark brown hair and it does NOT match the pencil crayon!
ANYWAY, now that the scrimble is up (I drafted this post Thursday night but only got around to doodling it towards the end of the night--was way too focused on sweeping CS) some general art musings:
Man. That dark brown prisma. NOT dark brown. hhhhh
Something is wonk with her left arm (our right) and I can't stop thinking about it!!
The weird smudges are sprinkles lol
The table is a tree trunk! every time I picture the willow it's got tree furniture for some reason lmao
Her hair has like 5 layers of different browns and reds lmao
I can't remember how I did her thawed hair a couple scrimbles ago!! But I will find a way! Ah!
But yeah she's having a time in this timeline. Fun fact! Jacqueline does not like "Jacqueline Dies" timelines. They skeeve her out, man
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moderngoddes · 2 years
la ley de la asunción es simple si ustedes la hacen simple, si la complican y creen que tienen que hacer un millón de cosas para que haya un poco de movimiento en la 3D, eso es lo que va a suceder, cuando no es necesariamente así.
Creo que la mayoría se rinde muy fácil, vienen con una racha de buenos pensamientos por unos días pero después tienen un solo pensamiento negativo y ya piensan que su mentalidad y esfuerzo se fue a la basura, y no es así.
Cuando tengan un pensamiento negativo no vuelvan a ese bucle infinito de negatividad, ni siquiera le den importancia a este pensamiento, recuerden su poder, disociense y deshaganse de esos pensamientos negativos, ellos ya no les pertenecen, son parte de su viejo ser que quiere volver a tomar control de ustedes.
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take-it-on-the-run · 6 months
Fan Fic Preferences
PLEASE!!! I need help bc idk if I should write in first or second person for my x reader fics.
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tha-wrecka-stow · 10 months
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ahb-writes · 1 year
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Constructive criticism. Sort of.
(from Disenchantment S1E18: "In Her Own Write")
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