#luis x scott lang
lesbian-deadpool · 2 years
Luis to Scott: The spell can only be broken by true love's high-five.
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imposterogers · 2 years
I feel so bad for luis (antman) bc our man is fully aware he is down bad for scott. bestie fell in love at first meet, wrote home to abuelita about him from prison, the whole shebang. he picked scott up from prison recounting all the horrible things that had happened in the last few months, but couldn't stop smiling bc omg its scottie. he said (about scott) 'I love it when he gets cocky', called himself daddy to scott, loves cassie so much, started a business with scott, and moved IN with scott for two years (omg they were roommates) while he was under house arrest. under truth serum the worst thing he could say about scott was that he doesn't like the way he does the dishes. he is down BAD bad. luis is in a fully dedicated long-term relationship with scott, and the other man doesn't even notice.
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incorrect-multiverse · 3 months
Scott: I hate playing scrabble.
Luis: What? Scrabble’s great.
Scott: Not when you’re playing with Hope, it’s not. She put words like ‘ephemeral’ and I put words like ‘dog’.
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neonshrike · 18 days
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aimmyarrowshigh · 5 months
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MLMay 2024: 100 Slash Drabbles
006. Melancholy - Scott Lang/Luis (Ant-Man)
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antvnger · 9 months
Does X-Con have an office Christmas party?
We sure do! We’ve actually already had ours this year, and they’re so fun! We have food and games and music, including karaoke more on that in a second, and dirty Santa. It’s always a fun time.
I got a Dad Joke button and Snoop Dog’s cookbook. And I gave bandaids that look like bacon and a blanket that looks like a tortilla. 
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Kurt’s rendition of All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth is blackmail worthy and so so SO funny.
Luis told us none of us can sing Feliz Navidad right, so he gave us what was probably the best version I’ve ever heard not gonna lie.
And then the guys asked (made) me sing White Christmas like Bing Crosby, and while I think I did pretty good, I can’t do Bing any justice.
And Dave sang I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.
It was quite a party, lemme tell ya. We throw the best office parties.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 8 months
My Sweetheart: Part 5
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: You purchase a vintage sweetheart bracelet from an antique store and with it, comes the spirit of the woman who owned it. Through her, you go on an interesting journey to find out what happened to her old lover.
Series Masterlist
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During your next shift, Kamala went to the animal shelter you worked at and picked up several volunteer forms. The young Avenger was excited about bringing herself and her superhero friends to help around your workplace.
It was a week later when she brought back the forms and as you were going through them, you were surprised to see Bucky had signed up. You assumed that Kamala convinced him to volunteer.
Well, here's to hoping this goes how she hopes it does.
After the forms were overlooked, each person who signed up was sent an acceptance email and a date of their orientation. The roster was: Kamala, Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, America Chavez, Cassie Lang, Scott Lang, Scott's friends Luis, Kurt, and Dave; and lastly, Bucky Barnes.
Eventually, said group arrived Wednesday morning at the front desk. Your coworker, Mikayla, was starstruck. Yes, you told her who would be volunteering there, but that still didn't minimize the feeling of excitement she felt when they arrived.
"Holy shit, this is happening," she stares wide-eyed at the group before her.
You pat her shoulder, "Should I do the orientation?"
Mikayla slowly nods, "Yeah. I think so."
You snort and step forward, "Hi, everyone! I'm Y/N. I help oversee the volunteers that work at the shelter!" you go into your spiel about the shelter, what animals you take care of, some of the tasks everyone is expected to do, etc.
You finish off with asking who'd like to work in what areas of the shelter. Kamala immediately raises her hand, and Bucky's, for when you ask about the cat area. Yelena also volunteers and the three of them follow you to the cat room.
"So we do have a few kittens here that we just received a few days ago, but most of our residents are adult cats."
One particular kitten is crying out, which catches your attention. You turn to its cage and chuckle, "Alright, I hear ya, buddy," you unlock the cage and pull a small white kitten out.
"This is one of our newer residents. His name is Alpine and, don't tell the other cats this, but he's currently my favorite."
The small white cat climbs out of your arms and up your shoulder. Kamala is practically melting at the spot, "Oh my gosh! He's sooo cute!"
You nod, "He is. He was also born with three legs instead of one, but that obviously doesn't stop him. He's a determined little guy."
You look at Bucky, who's softly smiling at the cat. He reaches out and gently pets Alpine behind the ears, "Hey, buddy," he murmurs. He then looks at you, "Can I hold him?"
"Of course," you pluck Al off your shoulder and gently place him in Bucky's arms. Alpine doesn't hesitate to climb up Bucky's shirt.
Bucky winces, "Watch the claws, pal," but he smiles as Al continues to meow.
Yelena snorts, "He likes you, Barnes, probably because he knows you two are alike," she nods at his vibranium arm.
You proceed to inform the three of their duties with the cats, how to clean the cages, how much food to give, the personality of each cat, etc.. Throughout that time, Bucky listened while also stroking Alpine's fur.
While Yelena and Kamala are playing with two other cats, you go up to Bucky, "He really likes you," you gesture to Al who's now asleep in Bucky's arms.
"He's a good one."
"Kamala says your a cat person?"
He shrugs, "I suppose. I like to feed the stray cats I see, pet them if they let me. I like dogs too, but I guess I like cats better because they're more...mellow?"
You snort, "Not all of them are mellow, but I get what you're saying."
Bucky shifts from one foot to the other, "So, uh, is Dot still with you?"
You sigh, twiddling with the sweetheart bracelet on your wrist, "Yeah. She's," you pause to chuckle, "stubborn."
Bucky snorts, "Yeah. She's always been a bit stubborn, even back then when we were together."
"Birds of a feather stay together, I suppose." He raises a brow at you and you explain, "From our short interaction, I can tell you're just as stubborn. You don't want to help me, that's fine, but honestly, this is more about Dot herself. Help me to help her cross over."
You run a hand over your face, "Dot says you're unhappy."
"I'm not!" Bucky raises his voice, causing Alpine to stir from his sleep.
You give Bucky a pointed look and open Al's enclosure so he could place him onto his bed. Once he's safely back in, you turn back to Bucky.
"There isn't anything that you think would make you happier?"
Someone to call my own. A peaceful place for me to live. A family. A chance to grow old.
"Not really," Bucky replies.
You scoff, "I call bullshit."
Bucky's jaw clenches, "Listen here, sweetheart, you don't know me. You don't know what I want or need."
"I don't, but Dot does. Bucky, come on. I don't get why you're so apprehensive about this. This benefits Dot and you."
He leans back against a wall, crossing his arms over his chest. He glances at Kamala and Yelena, who stopped playing with the cats to watch you and him.
Bucky grabs your arm and pulls you out of the cat room and into the hallway, "If I agree to this, what would it entail?"
You shrug and scratch your head, "I dunno. I guess it really depends on what you think would make you happier right now."
Bucky doesn't know you. You're a stranger, but he doesn't get any weird vibes from you. You seem like a genuine person, but he could never be too sure. He can't just tell you his deepest desires. Not yet, anyway.
He sighs, "I guess, a companion?"
"Like a pet or a person?"
He shrugs, "Both? I don't know. I mean, I guess a pet would be nice?"
You roll your eyes, "Okay, well, I guess it's a good thing you volunteered to work here for the month. We'll see how you really feel about having a pet and if you think you can really take care of one."
With that you turn your back to him and enter the cat room again. Bucky watches you through the window as you talk with Kamala and Yelena. He's sure they're berating you about what you and he discussed.
Bucky groans and runs a hand through his cropped hair. He then feels a cool sensation on his shoulder, but it's not alarming. Instead, it brings comfort.
"Thanks, Dot," he murmurs before also heading back inside the cat room.
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firelance2361 · 7 months
What If…Pym Misplaced His Particle?
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Here’s a trippy new piece I did based on my earlier work, with Hope Van Dyne/Red Queen and Hank Pym as the Wasp in honor of the (late) anniversary of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, which I have now fully developed into a What If…? Scenario.
In this universe, shortly after Scott Lang is released from prison and goes to see his family and daughter Cassie, things take a turn for the worse when Cassie suffers a heart attack and needs to be hospitalized. After Cassie is treated and stabilized, the doctors tell Scott, Maggie, and Jim Paxton that the cause was some mysterious nanotech device near her artery valve. Upon closer examination of the x-rays and later the discs, they find a Pym Tech logo on each and every one of them.
Jim and Scott go to confront Hank Pym and interrogate him on his possible involvement. After showing him the Resizing discs they found from Cassie’s X-rays, Hank agrees to fill them on everything. After telling them the history of the Pym Particle and how he retired after Janet went subatomic, he shows them both the Ant-Man and prototype Wasp suit, telling Scott that he had him in mind for a successor since the Vistacorp burglary.
Hank then reveals the other potential culprits behind this: Mitchell Carson, Bill Foster, and Darren Cross. He also informs them that his daughter Hope can’t be a suspect since she died in this universe soon after Cross announced plans for the Yellowjacket armor, something he believes is connected to Cassie’s hospitalization. Jim and Scott decide to bring Hank along as a consultant to keep a close eye on him while they investigate further; Jim calls in his police friends to secure all of Hank’s assets and suits elsewhere as a precaution, and Scott enlists his Ex-Con friends Luis, Dave, and Kurt to keep tabs on any street news.
Deciding to work their way up to Cross before they jump the gun, first on their list of suspects is Bill Foster, due to his involvement with Project G.O.L.I.A.T.H. Upon arriving and learning of his and Hank’s rivalry, Jim and Scott get right to questioning, They ask Bill about his whereabouts and his recent actions regarding the Pym Particles, to which Bill tells them he hasn’t been involved with anything regarding the Particles as he’s been busy tending to someone else.
That’s when Ava Starr phases in out of nowhere, about to kill Hank before Bill stops and talks her down. Upon realizing she’s Elias Starr’s daughter, he informs everyone how he and Janet confronted her father over his misuse of the Quantum Tunnel, leading to his accidental death and Ava’s molecular disequilibrium. A riled-up Ava chews him out for being responsible for Elias’ death, which causes her condition to flare up suddenly. As she makes her way to her Quantum Chamber, Bill explains the logistics of her condition as well as how the container operates to treat it.
As Ava’s being administered her quantum particles, Scott and Jim call Maggie about Cassie’s condition and the information they’ve gathered. Maggie tells them she’s fine, and that the police are keeping guard outside her room 24/7. Before they hang up, Maggie tells them that she did some digging regarding Hank’s past, and that Hope’s death happened in a car crash not too far from the Lang household. As they hang up with this new info in mind, Scott texts Luis about the location, telling him to look more into it.
That’s when alarms start going off from the chamber, and Hank notices something going wrong with Ava. He and Bill checks the schematics and sees that the chambers systems have been set in overdrive and are now overloading Ava with quantum energy. Bill tries to stop it, yelling for them to help, but to no avail. All Bill can do is watch as Ava screams for mercy as her body begins to tear itself apart from the inside. Then the chamber explodes, blasting everyone back, killing Ava in the process. Bill lays there in shock, horrified by how this happened, until Jim pins him to the ground, placing him under arrest as Bill shouts frantically that he’s innocent.
Hank and Scott just look on at the scene, knowing now that whoever’s after them was after more than just the simple particle. This was personal.
Bill gets taken into custody as the group reviews the information regarding the murderer. They’ve yet to nail Darren Cross as their culprit since they don’t have any definitive proof it was him and not an imposter.
Things only get more intense when the Ex-Cons calls up Scott and tells them Luis heard from a street informant about a possible lead, which sends the cops over to an old S.H.I.E.L.D. warehouse upstate. As the group checks in on them via camera feed, they all are shocked to find the body of Mitchell Carson, half his face burned off, ruling him out as a possible suspect.
Hank, while reviewing the evidence, laments to Scott over the disappearance of his wife and the death of his daughter, and how his life spiraled after that. He shares his regrets about creating the Pym Particle, calling it a doomed miracle that brings nothing but chaos wherever it brings. Hank tells Scott he chose him because he believed that perhaps Lang could succeed where he himself had failed, giving him the advice not to take his family for granted.
Going in to interrogate Bill on the matter, the two of them discuss the reasoning behind the killer, correctly assuming that whoever’s after Hank is using these people to get to him, to break him down and weaken him. As the two of them chat, they remark about the old days and their partnership, and Hank apologizes if his temper did get the better of him then.
Before they can finish their talk, however, Bill collapses on the ground, suffering from a fatal heart attack. Hank and the others rush in to try and help save him, but it’s too late. As the medics try to save Bill, Hank notices a small figure leaping away through the doorway; they try to catch the figure but they are too late as it’s long gone.
Now with no other leads and an official warrant, Hank, Scott, and Jim go to arrest Darren Cross for the murders committed. Scott tells Maggie, Cassie, and the Ex-Cons to stay alert and keep her eyes and ears open, and Hank gives him the Ant-Man suit as a precaution, telling him to stay close.
The group goes advances with their police team on the Pym Technologies Building, Darren barricades himself inside the Yellowjacket chamber, suiting himself up. As Hank, Scott, and Jim break into the containment unit, Darren starts attacking them, taking out guards lefts and right, with only Scott managing to stop him from killing his friends.
As Darren gets back up, however, a malfunction starts to go off in his suit. His Pym Particles start to alter his size uncontrollably, shrinking and growing different parts of his body. The others watch in horror as the Yellowjacket begins to grow into an amorphous mass, his screams echoing throughout the building, before exploding in a mass pile of smoke and blood. Everybody watches on in shock, before immediately moving to arrest a now dumbstruck Hank Pym, as he is the only suspect left they have.
A confused and worried Hank tries to tell Scott and Jim that he’s innocent, that he didn’t kill them, but neither of them are having any bit of it. The mood stays tense until they get a face-time call from Luis, Kurt, and Dave, who said they found something interesting at Hope’s death site. Kurt and Dave double-checked the impact on the tree where the car crashed, and they found out it doesn’t match the ones normally found at these kind of crashes; they say it almost looked like someone blew it up from the inside.
The news sends Hank into a panic. He tells Luis and Ex-Cons to get out of there now, but it’s too late, as the phone goes dark and screams are heard from the other side. The trio rush over to the crash site, trying to save them, but arriving too late to save them as the trio lay dead before them.
Hank rushes over to the tree stump where the crash happened, using a Resizing disc to open it up. Scott then enters it to find massive laboratory inside the tree, with computers and generators shrunken down to fit inside. They also find a mysterious layout of the city sewer system and where they all connect to where they’ve been chasing the killer. Scott checks the computers, confirming that the killer had been keeping tabs on them since the Yellowjacket announcement, and that revenge on Hank Pym and his legacy was their real target. Knowing now who the killer is, they rush over to the hospital, calling Maggie to get Cassie to safety.
When they get to the hospital though, they find a swarm of police officers surrounding it, and a wounded Maggie being hysterical. Scott and Jim ask her what happened, and they learn that the killer knocked her out as she tried to get Cassie out of the hospital, and she woke up alone only to find a note left for Hank.
Hank opens it to find a tracking beacon and a message from the killer: (Graveyard. 11:11. Tonight. Both of you. Or history repeats itself.)
The group returns to the police station to stock up on the remaining Pym-Tech they have, and Hank grabs the prototype Wasp suit they still had locked up, figuring now’s a better time than ever to finish it. After retrofitting it to fit himself and suiting up, Hank and Scott fly over to the San Francisco Cemetery to save Cassie’s life with a SWAT team on route, with Jim and Maggie monitoring from the police station. The new Ant-Man and Wasp follow the beacon to its source: the gravesite of Janet Van Dyne.
Hank laments to Scott again over his wife, sorrow in his voice, until his tone turns to disdain when the killer finally appears, revealing herself to be none other than Hope Van Dyne as the Red Queen. Hope chews out her father for wearing her mother’s suit, and gifting his own to a complete stranger, blaming him for Janet’s fate. We learn that Hank’s decision to pick Scott as a successor drove Hope far more over the edge in this universe, leading her down a bloody path of vengeance against the legacy of Ant-Man, a legacy she says is nothing more than that of a coward.
As father and daughter engage in combat, Scott runs off to find Cassie, searching everywhere until he finds her in shrunken Quantum Chamber like Ava’s, rigged and timed to go subatomic. Scott works fast to free his daughter, trying to dodge the barrage of Wasp stings from both Hank and Hope. The two Pyms keep dueling each other, their long-suppressed trauma and grief over Janet’s demise coming to light.
Scott manages to free Cassie from the container in time, but their troubles are far from over, as Jim reports they’ve picked up readings of multiple Pym-Particle bombs laced throughout the city sewer systems all linked to Hope’s heartbeat. If she dies, the city goes subatomic. As this happens, Hope manages to pin Hank by his wings using her shoulder spikes, immobilizing him.
She knocks back Scott, before holding Cassie captive, telling him to make the choice between saving Cassie and saving the city. Scott seemingly hesitates for a moment, unsure of what to do, but that was only a distraction. He managed to slip Cassie a Resizing disc earlier, which she uses to shrink Hope off her long enough for Scott to land a critical hit, knocking her back onto a tombstone and crippling both her suit’s systems and her leg.
Scott and Cassie are safely reunited, and Hank breaks free and radios for the Feds to move in. Despite Hope’s hatred of him, he tries to reconcile with her about their past, apologizing for what happened to Janet because of his failure.
Hope gets taken into police custody, and Hank promises to help repair the damage she has caused to the city and Scott’s family. Sometime afterwards as they all gathered at the Lang house for dinner, Scott, Hank, and the family get a visit from the Avengers themselves, who thank them for their service in catching the Red Queen, offering them both a spot on the team.
Sorry again for the lengthy bio on this one, but this is something I wanted to throw out before the month ends.
Hope you like it!
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bobgasm · 2 years
lieutenant smoulder [07/15]
pairing: bucky barnes x reader word count: 2276 warnings: smut, unprotected sex, a party
prompt: “i was made for you” | @wkemeup​​​​​​​ 4k writing challenge
summary: in which they fall back into a routine...
author’s note: *posts this* *hides in my cave*
flare | lieutenant smoulder | hearth
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        Y/N wasn’t sure how she ended up backed into a wall of hoses, bare ass resting on the edge of a shelf with Barnes buried deep inside her.  Her body craved his touch as his lips sought her own, stifling the moan that blossomed deep in her chest and threatened to expose everyone to their location.
        He shuddered as he came and she tightened her legs around his waist, emptying himself into the condom inside her.  His hips still rocking against her own, sucking on her bottom lip before thrusting his tongue inside her mouth.
        “Fucking hell,” he cursed lowly, feeling her body shudder and clench around him as her own orgasm washed over her.  “You feel so fucking good.  So fucking good.”
         A 1am screw in the gear shed wasn’t how she saw her night playing out, but she wasn’t about to complain.  She’d needed the reprieve of an orgasm, and who better to provide that?
        She felt good.  Better than good; she felt satiated.  Her body missing his as he set her back down on the ground and they made slow work to make themselves presentable again.
        “How do we always end up here, Barnes?”  She found herself asking, running a hand over her face while he tucked his shirt into his pants.
        “I don’t think you want me to answer that.”
        Luis’ Bar was a frequent place of occurrence for most firefighters.  Co-owned by Scott Lang, Luis’ best friend, he’d managed to befriend a few firefighters in his line of work, who’d come to love the bar over time.  
        Y/N had heard about the place from Hope, who was dating Scott, and had shown up one night and bumped into a few guys she knew.  Quill, who’d been her first friend after leaving the Academy and being placed at his house temporarily, had welcomed her with open arms.  Introducing her to the other couple of guys he was with.  Some friends from work, others from outside professions who they were chummy with.
        She was glad to have made some friends at her new house, but had been moved around a lot in the following year.  That was where she had met Officer Carol Danvers of the NYPD.  Having a few drinks over a game of pool, and chatting shit about the men they worked with who didn’t see them as equals.  They were both badasses, and had to prove themselves every shift.  It sucked, but having a friend who understood the struggles she faced at work meant Y/N found solace in the friendship.
        Darcy and Daisy were waiting for Y/N when she arrived.  Making quick work of ordering a drink and sitting down with the girls in a booth.
        She was aware of how she looked.  She’s made an effort getting ready for a change, rather than sticking to her usual jeans and tee/hoodie, she was actually wearing a dress and makeup.  Ready for a girls night of drinking and dancing to take her mind off the man who’d found his way into her pants once again, and the hell of a shift they’d been through over the last 24 hours. 
        “Mhm girl look at you!”  Daisy gushed.  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to pull tonight.”
        Darcy stifled a laugh.  “Unless it’s a late night booty call with Bucky, she isn’t getting any.”
        “Great to see you guys, too,” Y/N replied sarcastically, taking a large sip of her drink.  “Can’t a girl get glammed up once in a while?”
        Darcy and Daisy shared a knowing look.  It took them a second before Darcy spoke.  “Scott heard about all the shit you and Barnes have been pulling at 17 when he filled in last shift,” she elaborated.
        “And he told Hope, who told you, I’m guessing?”
        Daisy smiled.  “Please don’t tell me you’re falling back into old habits again.”
        “I’m not,” Y/N lied, though both girls saw right through it.  “I’m a big girl, okay?  I can make my own mistakes if I want.”
        “You remember how it ended last time,” Darcy reminded her.  “You took furlough and went MIA on us, Y/N/N.   You guys have a lot of unresolved history.”
        “And neither of us want to relive the past.  Yes, we argue on shift, but you know how we work together.  We have each others’ backs.”
        Darcy tapped her forehead.  “Is that why he left you in a burning building?”
        “He didn’t le—I’m going to kill Lang,” Y/N muttered.  She took a deep breath before replying.  “It was faulty equipment.  He made several calls for help.  The flames overpowered us and I couldn’t get back to him.  The only way he could keep me safe was to leave and get help, because no one was answering him.  Can we just…not talk about Bucky for one night?  Please?  I want to get drunk with my girls and have a good time.”
        So that’s exactly what they did.
        Until she drunk dialled Bucky and ended the night in his bed. 
        “Do I have to come to your party tonight?”  Bucky asked.  He leant in the doorway of the bathroom while Y/N peed.
        “Do I need to answer this right now?  I’m kind of busy here, Barnes.”
        He crossed his arms over his bare chest.
        Y/N sighed.  “What do you want me to say?”
        He shrugged.  “I’ve got dinner plans.”
        “Then don’t come,” she said.  “It’s not a big deal.”
        “What time is it kicking off?”
        “I’d rather you didn’t bring your date along,” she quipped, but missed the humor in his eyes as she flushed the toilet and wiped her hands.
        “Then I’ll come along after dinner.  Around 9?”
        “What, she has a curfew you have to meet?”  She laughed as she dried her hands, and Bucky made quick work of standing behind her.  Pushing up against her, his hands firmly on her hips.
        “I’m not taking someone else to bed when you keep me busy enough,” he commented lowly, dropping his mouth to her ear and holding her gaze in the mirror.  “If you’re done being snarky about it, I’m going to my moms.”
        Y/N sighed as his lips found her neck, a hand sliding under her top to cup her breast, the other splaying across her abdomen.
        “Nine works,” she breathed, his mouth hot against her skin.  She knew he was working a bruise into the spot, but she didn’t care.  His cock was hard against her ass, and she was ready for him to cure her hangover.
        “Good,” he said, smiling proudly at his work before moving to turn the shower on and stripping down.  “Get in.”
        She sank to her knees on the tiled floor of the shower, taking him in her mouth.  He groaned appreciatively, a hand winding into her hair.  Wide eyes peering up at him from beneath thick lashes, and he almost lost it.  The way her tongue and mouth worked him, hands placed firmly on his thighs as he guided her head.  She got him close more than once, but that wicked look in her eyes told him she wasn’t going to let him cum just yet.
        He kissed her as she rose to her feet, her hands still working his cock.  He moaned as his fingers slid between her legs, delving into her heat with one goal in mind; make her cum.
        His palm hit her clit as he worked her over, building her orgasm and feeling her walls clench around his fingers.  She moaned his name as she came, and he gave her a moment to come back down before he thrust inside her.  Leg hooked around his waist, her back against the wall and lips on her own.  Her hands got stuck in his hair, but neither cared.  Her gasps captured by his mouth, his moans mixed in between.
        “Fuck you feel so good,” he groaned in appreciation.  She’d never grow tired of hearing it, and he’d never tire of telling her.  “I’m close.”
        “Cum inside me,” she panted.  It’d been a hot minute since they’d foregone the condom – 4 years, at least – , but her words of encouragement left little room for argument.  His brain was mush, so even if he wanted to protest, he had no way of doing so.  He was too far gone.
        “Fucking hell,” he cursed, throwing his head back as his hips stilled and his cock pulsed with his orgasm.  “Fuck.”
        She pulled him in for another kiss.  Slower this time, savouring the moment until he pulled out and they went back to the snippy comments.
        She didn’t argue, for a change, as he started to wash them both.  Her feet settled back down on the ground, albeit shaky on her legs, and lathered her body with body wash.  Letting her lean back into his chest as his hands traversed her body.  Lingering on her chest, appreciating the soft moans that filled his ears as her nipples hardened beneath his fingers. 
        She gripped his wrist tightly as his fingers slipped between her legs, his other hand wrapped around her waist.
        “Let me make you cum again,” he prompted softly, kissing her neck.  “You can give me one more.”
        “O-kay,” she stammered, breath catching in her throat as his fingers lightly circled her swollen clit.
        She didn’t let go of his wrist, but instead moaned as her free hand grasped at her chest.  His fingers skilfully brought her towards her second orgasm of the morning, but something told her he wasn’t quite finished.  Either way, he left her satiated and wanting more, but didn’t act on it as he got himself dressed for the day and prompted her to do the same.
        “I’ll see you tonight,” he promised, practically racing her out the door and leaving her wondering what the fuck he was up to.
        Y/N was glad to be drunk.  This was the first time her friends from her old stations were meeting everyone at station 17, so the alcohol blanket was appreciated.  Natasha and Maria were deep in conversation with Hope, who she knew would all get along perfectly.  The same was said for Bruce and Darcy, who were clearly boring Thor and Pietro with doctor talk, yet still seemed captivated by the small brunette.
        Like clockwork, Barnes had shown up just after nine, with a small gift that gave her the feeling it was better to open it when no one else was around.  She still wondered why he’d been in such a rush this morning, but the way the night was going, she was sure to find out later. 
        He was deep in conversation with Sam, so Y/N joined the conversation with Scott and Steve.
        “Any news on our suspected arsonist?”  She asked.
        Steve’s face was grim.  “They’re still investigating, but you know they’re backed up with other cases like ours.  Fury said Stark’s trying to push someone onto calls with us, just to see if it’s happening across several areas or if it’s just ours.”
        “Unless we spot someone in the flesh setting the fires, and manage to hold them until the police and arson investigation show up, there’s fuck all we can do,” Scott summarised.
        “Typical,” Y/N muttered.  Both men scoffed in agreement.  “How’s Sharon doing?”
        “Ready for it to be over,” Steve admitted with a chuckle.  “I’ve only got a few more shifts until my furlough, and to be honest, I can’t wait.”
        “If it’s a girl, how about the name Y/N?”  She joked playfully.  Steve laughed.
        “We’ve already got a name picked out,” he told her earnestly.  “Sarah.  For my mom.”
        “It’s a beautiful name, Steve,” Y/N told him honestly.
        As time grew older, there was cake and then the party started to dissipate.  Steve left first, needing to get back home, then Hope and Scott dipped.  Cassie apparently needed to be picked up from the library. 
        Y/N didn’t know when Bucky left, but as she farewelled Darcy with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, she was grateful to have the house to herself again.  Quickly tidying up the last few things before retiring to bed, only to find Bucky fast asleep beneath the covers and tightly hugging her pillow.
        “So…birthday sex is out of the question?”  She harrumphed as she stripped down and removed her makeup, making no effort to hide her annoyance as she snatched her pillow back and hit him with it.
        “I’m awake, fuck.”  He groaned and reached for her, stopping the pillow from connecting with him again.
        “I thought you left earlier,” she commented, dropping the pillow back onto the bed and lying down facing him.
        “Was just tired,” he replied.  “Someone woke me up for sex last night and hasn’t let me rest since.”
        “Like you can say no to me,” she teased.
        “Are you drunk again?”
        “I was earlier,” she admitted.  “Now I have a good buzz on.  What present did you get me?”
        “It’s on your nightstand,” he replied.
        She flicked the lamp on and found the small gift bag, sitting up in bed to open it.  He watched her humorously as her face fell into a frown.
        “I’m shocked I need to even say this, Barnes, but I don’t have a penis.  Why did you get me condoms?”
        “Do you want me to fuck you or not?”
        “Well…yes, obviously.”
        “Then give me a condom.”
        “Can I at least get birthday head?”
        Bucky exhaled slowly. “Are you going to be bossy all night or should I go?”
        “I’ll shut up,” she assured him.  “Just, please, fuck me.”
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t-marveland · 3 months
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 | scott lang
Scott Lang x Reader
Warning : aucun
Mots : 97
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Tu avais enfin admis ton attirance envers Scott. Cela faisait quelques semaines qu'il faisait des allusions sur le fait qu'il t'aimait vraiment bien, mais tu le rejetais à chaque fois. Et cette fois dans la voiture, tu rentras dans son jeu de séduction.
❝━ Tu es en retard. Avait-il dit en entrant dans la voiture.
━ J'espère ne pas l'être quand je viendrai te chercher ce soir. Dis-tu en lui faisant un clin d'œil.❞
Il mit du temps à assimiler ce que tu venais de dire et souris quand il comprit.
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arrthurpendragon · 1 year
MY ANGEL <3 Thank you for the opportunity to infodump about my current muse lol. Right now my girl is Lydia Forbes (played by Katie Cassidy.) She has a vampire diaries verse but right now I’m all about her Marvel verse (bc ofc I am.)
Ive wanted to make a Scott Lang OC for ages but could never think of a good story to go along with it (aside from my emo Scott/Leila AU which is not MMCU canon). But recently I finally figured out how to work Lydia into the story organically!
So basically: Lydia is the daughter of a former family friend of the Pyms. She actually is introduced in a Steve/Leila centered fic (still pre-relationship) as a member of the Trust, the superpowered gang that Leila used to run. She has the power of sonic screams (very apt use of faceclaim lmao.) 
Basically, either during the Battle of New York in the Avengers OR the Harlem Incident in The Incredible Hulk, Lydia’s younger sister died in the chaos. What also happened is that the stress caused Lydia’s powers to manifest. But because of her sister’s death, her parents became vehemently anti-superpower. Lydia was afraid of what they’d do if they found out, so she dropped off the grid and eventually became a part of the Trust because she didn’t know where else to go. 
Her first arc actually takes place in the Daredevil corner of the universe. Unsure exactly what happens, but the Trust is working for Kingpin (how the Trust works is basically, larger crime bosses will pay the Trust for their members to perform certain illegal or sketchy tasks–heists, bodyguards, whatever. Kingpin has hired a few Trust members, including Lydia, for reasons I’m unsure of currently.)
Lydia has qualms about this and ends up in a precarious alliance with Matt. They have a kind of almost-thing, not unlike Matt and Claire, but Lydia ultimately ends up fully turning good and leaving the city for San Francisco instead to start fresh. 
She gets involved in the Pymtech heist in two ways. One, she ends up living with the X-Con squad in their shitty apartment (telling them she’s also an ex-con, which she is not) and when Hank reaches out to her, she recommends Scott as the new Ant-Man, kicking off Hank baiting Scott into robbing him. 
Then later she ends up robbing her mom’s house–her mom used to be the head of security for Pymtech, way back in the day, and Darren has become paranoid enough to bring in some legacy security measures, so Lydia and Scott have to break into her mom’s house to get schematics from when she ran Pymtech security. 
There’s a running gag up to this point that none of the X-Con squad knows anything about Lydia or where she came from or what she did to go to prison. So during this heist, with Scott and Lydia in the house and the rest of them listening over comms, Lydia’s mom comes into the room and flips the lights on and they turn around and Lydia says, reluctantly, “Hi, mom,” and the boys lose their fucking minds about it. Lydia and her mom start arguing (I think they are still estranged, but her mom does know about her powers atp) and Scott is trying to become one with the wallpaper and over the comms the guys are like “Scott stop breathing so loud we are trying to hear what’s going on”
Also at some point prior to this, Kurt hacked into the prison records to try to find out what Lydia was in for, and said he couldn’t find a reason she was in prison. So eventually everyone finds out that she’s not, actually, an ex-con (“When I break the law, I don’t get caught.” –Lydia) And Scott’s like that’s not true, Kurt found your records in the [prison name] system! And Kurt’s like actually I never said that. 
So Scott’s like ??? And Kurt’s like “She is young women who choose willingly to live with three older–how say…sketchy, men. I assume she have reason.” And Scott’s like “Hey, we’re not sketchy! We’re not sketchy, right?” And Luis is like “I mean…” and Dave is like “eh.”
ANYWAYS. Hank does make her a suit with a collar that helps her control her sonic screams and allows her to shrink. (I’m trying to do research on How Sound Works(™) to know what her screams would be like when she is tiny.) And she, Hope and Scott become a team (I’m thinking of her superhero name being Cicada around this time, although she was Scream Queen in New York) and Lydia and Scott start dating around this point. 
In Civil War, Scott actually does ask Hope and Lydia to go with him. Hope refuses but Lydia agrees, and they both get arrested and put on the raft. Steve frees them, and as in canon Scott turns himself in and gets house arrest, but Lydia is worried about what they’ll do when they find out her powers are hers and don’t come from the technology, so she chooses to go on the run. 
While Scott’s under house arrest, Hope and Hank are also on the run as in canon, and during that period of time they make their peace with Lydia–they reach out to her because they need her criminal contacts to be able to find the things they need to build the quantum tunnel. So by the time Scott gets involved again, Lydia’s cool with them but they’re still mad at him, and Lydia has to kind of mediate for a lot of the Ant-Man and the Wasp plotline. 
(Also Lydia’s “on the run from the law” makeover look is Katie Cassidy with the platinum pixie cut she had in later seasons of Arrow.)
Anyway, at the end Lydia gets snapped so she can’t pull Scott out of the Quantum Realm, then comes back for the End Game battle, etc. There’s a lot of gaps here that I’m still working out but overall I’m really excited about her right now! (I also feel like she has a complicated history with Hope somehow, but I’m still figuring out what that is–regardless, they make peace during the first Ant-Man movie and are close friends after that.)
(I want to give Hope her own OC love interest, I’m just not sure who right now.)
(I’m also excited because Katie Cassidy and Paul Rudd would look so good together like why lie)
One element I really like about her relationship with Scott–I characterize Scott in my fics as having a dark side. I rewatched all his movies the other day and everything and I really do think that looking at canon, you can make a good argument that Scott struggles with anger issues and impulse control issues. Meanwhile, I think Hank and Hope know that Lydia was involved with some shady stuff in new york, but they don’t know the full extent of what she was complicit in. 
So I like the idea of them kind of being able to show that side to each other that they aren’t necessarily proud of and kind of understand each other on that level. Alexa play Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson. 
Anyways thank you for letting me ramble about her and them I love you <3 Also sorry if some of this didn’t make sense lol 
The "Scott stop breathing so loud" broke me! lol. This sounds epic! I think you have more planned out for an OC in one ask than I do for all of my OCs combined! lol. (I'm exaggerating, but you're thorough)
All the kudos going forward creating!
Love you!!!
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imposterogers · 2 years
ok but in the beginning of ant man 1 scott is living on luis’ couch (there’s a sleeping bag and pillow on it) & luis is such a male wife. he’s making waffles for when scott gets out of work (bc scotty loves snacks) and hyping his man up to his friends. giving him the up down across the table. finding him a job (robbing a millionaire) that he knows scott would have fun doing. like I’m not even exaggerating pls watch this clip
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Luis: Which movie are you and Scott going to see?
Hope: Oh, I always go to whichever movie Scott wants.
Luis: Which one does he want to see?
Hope: I haven’t decided yet.
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lovecanbesostrange · 2 years
Finally saw Ant-Man & the Wasp: Quantumania last night and now clicking through the general reviews... well... I do get the overall “why is everything CG in blockbusters, especially Marvel”. Oh, I want more shots on set and more practical effects. But this film is set in the quantum realm. Yes, it did not have to look so Star Wars-y (somebody better put the Mos Eisley Cantina music over that bar scene), but of all the things to bemoan that isn’t such a big deal in this film particularly?!
One reason the second Ant-Man is one of my absolute fav MCU films is the fact it’s not about saving the entire planet. Kinda low stakes and all, very character focused. And in lots of ways Quantumania (sadly) is the opposite of that. But also Kang is among my least cared about villains, I loathe so many times I would read Avengers and boom who shows up... ugh. Do. Not. Care. I already feared Kang would come after Thanos before Phase 2 was over. And here we are. But I think this version, for this movieverse, could overall be very entertaining. So hooray for that. It absolutely IS weird to set him up within an Ant-Man movie though. Then again breaking formula in a way?? Everybody else on these soulcrushing rides, adventures about personal grief and changes, but Scott Lang and family end up with this big threat looming. Hmm, okay.
I am upset that we didn’t get to see any of the non-suit-wearing characters we love. I especially don’t get why Maggie wasn’t at the fake birthday party in the end. I get why Luis isn’t in the big story, but a quick shot in the beginning - just like with Jimmy - would have been nice. I don’t think this film tells us that Scott doesn’t care about them and is only here for the Pym-van-Dyne family, but it’s a bit sad to get NOTHING.
What I wanted most of all was seeing Michelle Pfeiffer kick some ass. Expectation met. Thank you. I think Hope was a bit pushed too far back, but the way she comes back for Scott (always), is nice. I can get behind their relationship, their love, their commitment to each other 100%. Also Hank and Janet? Amazing. She kept so much for herself, but is he mad? Do they have to have long drawn out fights for D~rama?? Nope. Some irritation and frustration, sure, that’s more than allowed. But in the end there is only trust and love and unquestionable support. Also please, Hank is there to show some love for ants and that’s wonderful. Really glad his ant farm got sucked in. XD
Also watching this, my one wish is now stronger than ever. Seeing the absolute ridiculous M.O.D.O.K. (and I am not sorry they evolved this from Yellowjacket), I neeeeeeeeeeeeeee~d an X-Men film set in MojoWorld. So much. Ridiculous, over the top, non-sensical absurdity, that has zero consequences when the end credits roll. PLEASE! I need that.
Is this a cinematic masterpiece? lol no, why would I expect that from an MCU movie (so far down the line)? This is about characters I already love and adore (Scott Lang is the best), who end up in unfortunate circumstances and pew-pew their way out of it. For deeper feelings I watch other stuff. (While I’d still change things, I feel like the writers understand Ant-Man & Co better than whatever is happening with Thor. I think the tonal inconsistency of Love & Thunder drags that film down for me and Quantumania felt pretty solid in that regard.)
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wizlaptop · 2 years
so, kurt's post end-game verse main facts include.
kurt is PURPOSEFULLY avoiding scott and hope and co because hard times, and he doesn't want to ruin the cute van dyne/pym/lang household which just seems to be going from strength to strength and his like: let me cut off dead weight. (cause scott is not a dick who just abandons his friends so we're not doing that)
luis and kurt have a waffle business: wombat waffles. it's going pretty well. they have an ant-man promotion that if you have ant-man gear on, you get a discount
x-con security given what had happened the previous five year would most definitely be out of business, so that's why they have the waffle place.
kurt still suffers from depression and PTSD from his days in prison.
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antvnger · 1 year
If you hadn't become an Avenger, what would your second biggest accomplishment be? Assuming that the first is Cassie.
Oh that's easy. That would definitely be starting my own business - since no one would hire an ex con - and be successful in that business. I'm really proud of what my friends and I have done with X-Con Security, and I'm honestly really stoked it worked out.
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Without it, I don't know what I would have done.
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