#lux morningstar
acircusfullofdemons · 2 years
I've decided that I'm going to wish my paras happy birthdays at the beginning of the appropriate month. including October's births bc I don't wanna wait a whole year for that lol. also this is just for Phantasmagoria, I haven't even touched MaaC or any other paracosm in terms of birthdays yet.
Theodore Cornelius Roosevelt Montgomery III (October 13)
Isaac Raymond (October 15)
Rika Koumori (October 15)
Bethany Crowley Raymond (October 21)
Macbeth Torrence (October 31, 1943)
Vincent Hyde (October 31, 1999)
Lucien Jekyll (October 31, 1999)
Lux Cenred-Stark (November 2, 2043)
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toweringclam · 3 months
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zahramorningstar · 8 months
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✨️Mari Lucifer✨️
In his book 'The Gnostics and Their Remains', Charles King equates the Gnostic Sophia with Venus Anadyomene (Venus Rising from the Sea) which appears on ancient magical gem stones as a naked damsel.
Manly Hall explains that Venus and Isis were names for Lucifer, telling us: "Being visible in the sky at sunset it was called Vesper, and as it rose before the Sun, it was called the Star of the Morning or Lucifer, meaning Light Bearer. Because of this relation to the Sun, the planet was also called Venus, Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, and The Mother of the Gods".(The Secret Teachings of All Ages').
Magdalene is assumed by some to be interchangable with goddesses like Sophia, Isis, and Inanna. In his book 'Mary Magdalene The Illuminator', popular author William Henry tells us: 'Plutarch states that Isis was called Sophia.
She's also called Astarte, the goddess worshipped by Solomon. Each of these goddesses, in turn is the Babylonian goddess Inanna. Schonfield concludes that there is no doubt that the beautiful woman's head of the Templars represents Sophia in her female and Isis aspect -- and she was linked with Mary Magdalene in the Christian interpretation"..
The most famous occultist of the 20th - century Manly Hall, explains in his book 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages' that Isis "metamorphized' into the Virgin Mary.
Some scholars have tied the Virgin Mary to Magdalene. Theologian Cyril of Jerusalem held that the Virgin Mary was one and the same as Magdalene. In their book 'Jesus and
the Lost Goddess', Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy assert that the Virgin Mary and Magdalene in the Gospel accounts represent -- respectively, the higher Sophia and the fallen Sophia - aspects of the same character in the Sophianic myth.
Like Sophia, Magdalene was also associated with Venus. Rachel Geschwind (a professor in the Art History department at Youngstown State University) observes that in the 16th - century, paintings like Rossiglio's 'Conversion of the Magdalene' began to give Venus-like characteristics to Magdalene.
The explicit links between Magdalene and Venus perhaps point to Mary's true identity. When observed From Earth, Venus traces a perfect pentagram across the sky every eight years making a pattern of a rose.
This is known as the "Rose of Venus" or The "Pentagram of Venus". Magdalene is sometimes referred to as "The Rose" and those who diligently followed the Magdalene Mysteries were known as the "Initiates of the Rose Line".
In Southern France, Magdalene was known as Mary-Lucifera, connecting her to Lucifer. Isis and Diana were also known as Lucifera (see the book Magdalene Mysteries', by Seren Bertrand). As Author DeAnna Emerson tells us: "Inanna's name was altered to suit new languages. She was called Ishtar, Isis, Astarte, Diana, Venus, Magdalene -- one goddess with many names"
In his book The Templar Revelation', popular author Clive Prince tells us:
"As Nancy Qualls-Corbett and other recent commentators have pointed out, the depiction of Mary Magdalene in the Gnostic Gospels is that of illuminatrix and illuminator or Mary Lucifer, the Light-bringer -- the bestower of wisdom and enlightenment".
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luciftixs · 4 months
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two goofy goobers
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teecupangel · 2 years
12 sm thought: Was reading the tags of the newest addition to the lucifer/ac and all I can think about now is Altair just staring down Lucifer as he gauges whether or not he's worthy of being Desmond's BFF
The Desmond becomes Lucifer’s BFF post that started this.
Lucifer just getting stared down via a video call from the afterlife by Altaïr would be so funny on so many levels because Altaïr knows Lucifer has no leverage at all.
If he does anything funny, all Altaïr has to do is tell Desmond, and Lucifer will have to suffer through Desmond’s look of complete disappointment. And Altaïr doesn’t fear him at all since he understands how Lucifer’s powers work and he knows Lucifer wouldn’t risk using it on him on the off-chance Desmond finds out.
So Altaïr milks the entire thing. He makes Lucifer squirm just because he can and Lucifer knows that. At the same time, he also knows that Altaïr is serious about this so he starts second-guessing which is an act just to rile him up and which is really Altaïr’s true feelings.
And you just see Ezio and Connor in the background of Altaïr’s screen with Ezio giving Lucifer a thumbs up sometimes.
Lucifer assumes that means he’s doing great.
Ezio is actually giving Altaïr a thumbs up on the parts where Lucifer gets it wrong or where Lucifer tries too hard.
Connor is just sighing and staying out of this entire thing.
Then it turns to chaos when there’s another incoming call and it’s Haytham who looks annoyed at being here. His face gets pushed aside and Edward comes into view and now Lucifer has to deal with two different kinds of a father-figure who has a lot to ask and who may or may not be working together to get the Devil to squirm like a teenager who is just meeting his (platonic) partner’s parents for the first time.
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The devil is on earth and it never made the news?
Hell on Earth; the Devil in Gotham?
While it is not uncommon for supernatural entities to appear in and around Gotham some citizens may be shocked to find that this does not solely involve standard supernatural entities such as Ghosts, Witches, Vampires, and the like (see related articles).
The occurrence of supernatural entities forming on earth has also applied to well known theological beings (see related articles), the Devil’s appearance simply being one of these many instances.
The Devil, or Lucifer Morningstar ( @morningstarscratch ) (see related articles) as he likes to be called, has been living in the United States for well over a decade and has taken up residence in LA on-and-off for around 15 years now.
Mr. Morningstar is the owner of famed LA nightclub, Lux (see related articles), and is considered by many to be a local celebrity. There have been no incidences on record of him causing any sort of public disturbance and, as far as we can tell, seems to be about as troublesome to the general populace of LA as your local librarian or barista.
We sent one of our interns to interview a few of Mr. Morningstar’s partners ( @crimsonknightly @johncon @kyle-the-artistic-one @wheelbarrowofstagefourcancer ) to hear their impressions of Mr. Morningstar, as well as several LA citizens who wished to remain anonymous.
Out of Mr. Morningstar’s partners who were contacted, only Ms. Knightly and Mr. Constantine were able to speak with us, here is what they had to say.
When asked about their relationship, Mr. Constantine (see related articles) stated that, while both he and Mr. Morningstar are quite busy people, Mr. Morningstar always makes time to see him. He oftentimes comes to watch Mr. Constantine’s band, Mucous Membrane (see related articles), perform.
He stated, fondly, that Mr. Constantine is a flirt, and that the man is rather fond of Martinis, sometimes simply holding one while going about his day.
When asked about his opinion on Mr. Morningstar’s moral character he responded that he didn’t feel qualified to answer as he believes morality to be subjective, but overall does not consider Mr. Constantine to be inherently good or evil.
As for Ms. Knightly’s (see related articles) interview, she states that Mr. Morningstar is very sweet, though a bit protective. He checks in with her and the others quite often, sometimes daily.
When asked about his moral character she stated that he was most certainly a good person, stating that he had saved her. We were unable to find out what exactly was meant by that as she then had to rush off before our intern could get the rest of her statement.
All this to say that while yes, the Devil is living on earth, there is no reason for anyone to be alarmed. Mr. Morningstar seems to be a perfectly fine man, and if one insists on being weary of supernatural beings such as he, then this journal would like to stress that there are certainly many more pressing issues to focus on at the moment (see related articles).
Let us know your thoughts on the topic (here)
Gotham Reports is certified in unbiased, reliable, and fair reporting
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ordinariums-a · 1 year
@laomedeiia cont. from here
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"Someone who digs your style .. just not your nightmares." Yeah, no, this still felt .. hard. Lux is no stranger to anxiety, it happens more often than they'd like to admit, but one way of handling that was to just throw themselves into a situation. Then they'd have to deal with it, right? Except right now, they're kicking themselves. Because oooh was this nerve wracking. "I'm uh, your .. I'm Lux. I'm your-- you're my-- sorry- I'm dreaming, right? I didn't even know it was possible to still get anxiety when dreaming. What's up with that?"
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morningbloodystar · 5 months
"Scuse me, but could you tell me who owns this club?"
Why hello there! Welcome to the Lux, darling! You seem to be in luck, considering the one you're looking for is right in front of you.
Lucifer Morningstar, at your service - to a certain extent only, ofcourse.
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spudbestdog · 8 months
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Redesign of Lucifer Morningstar, the first Archangel made by the Presence and Eden.
Lucifer Morningstar is Based on Lucifer from the Holy Bible and Lucifer Morningstar from DC Comics, The Lucifer TV Show and Supernatural.
First appeared in issue #4 of Sandman Vol 2 (April, 1989).
Tell me what you think of him
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acircusfullofdemons · 10 months
changing Lux's last name to "Morningstar". his parent is also now gonna be Merlin (Calypso's older brother) bc a Cyber/Reverie child just does not make sense straight up
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Hunger Games OCs + Ships
Amor x Cinna || Elissa x Finnick
Hollis x Finnick || Lacey x Finnick
Lux x Finnick || Lysa x Gale
Waverly x Finnick x Katniss || Willow x Gale
Tag List: want to be added?
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familiaanteomnia · 2 years
As much he’d started off hating the mere idea of humans- he sure had gotten enamored by them. They created, invented lots of fascinating things and were beautiful in ways most didn’t realize. Not that he would ever give his father credit for any of it. He also wouldn’t take the credit either. That being said it wasn’t all beautiful mortals souls; obviously. Leading to why he was throwing daggers, knives into Lux’s walls and practically filling the air with his air with thick perceivable irritability. "Didn’t think I’d ever say this again so soon but I want them to bleed out from dozens of papercuts; who just shows up after years and somehow got more maddening...” Several more thunks into the wall. “I didn’t need such outlandish bullshit this early in the morning.”
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paprikaries · 8 months
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_ Lux et Tenebrae _ WIP Fanart: Hazbin Hotel (Spindlehorse studio/Vivziepop/Amazon) Characters: Alastor the Radio demon/ Lucifer Morningstar/ Charlie Morningstar I expected this 😂 (ps: sorry for the fast sketch...)
!Update! Hazbin AlterVerse! _ PilotVerse! This time I worked faster and better, in my opinion. 🤔 I'm not sure about the language.. I wanted him to sound a bit strange, but since english isn't my first language, I am a bit worried about the grammar and about the correct terminology.. Well, feel free to correct me! :D Hope you enjoyed this! Should I continue?
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ghostly-penumbra · 11 months
Ectoberhaunt 2023. Day Nine
Ao3 and as a stand-alone
“Would you like a drink, Danny?”
“Just some pop, please.”
Danny’s boss snorted but accepted easily enough, handing Danny a can of cool Pepsi whilst he twirled his whiskey.
“So, do you like your job, Danny?” His boss asked without preambles.
Danny didn’t really need to think about it, he answered honestly, “Yeah, it’s chill. The pay is good and I’ve been kinda nocturnal since I was fourteen so the late hours are no problem for me. The tips are great too, and the patrons are… wild, yes,” his boss huffed a small laugh at Danny’s understatement of the night-club goers, but didn’t interrupt him, “but no one has, like, tried to punch me or something, so I don’t mind.”
“That’s good.” His boss said softly and drank some more of his whiskey. “Look, Danny, contrary to what you may have heard of me, I am not in the habit of conquering other realms and enthralling their rulers, so know that you are not my vassal and I don’t want your Kingdom. I don’t even want my Kingdom! I’ve quit! But! You don’t look like you want to leave.”
“I would very much like to keep my job, if that’s at all possible.”
Lucifer Morningstar, owner of the nightclub Lux and Danny’s current boss (so far, at least), put his tumbler aside and gave his full attention to the young man sitting across from him.
“I don’t want you to leave, either.” The Devil said. “You’re a good employee and even Maze likes you!” He said this like it was either the biggest honour or the biggest abnormality.
Mazikeen was cool, even if a tad violent, so he took the comment both ways.
“But you do know that it’s not a good look for the King of Ghosts to be working for the King of Hell, right? No matter that I’m retired or that you are alive.” He rolled his eyes at the last bit.
“Yeah. That’s, I’ll get an earful for that.” It would be from the Observants, though, and he really didn’t care for their opinion, so it would just be a minor annoyance.
“And whether you stay at Lux or not, the pantheons have certainly taken notice.” Mister Morningstar rolled his eyes again and looked at Danny with pity, which, yeah, inter-pantheon relations was not something the Ghost Zone wanted or that Danny was interested in engaging with.
“Ah, yes, the rammies.” He made a face at that. He really didn’t want any god (lowercase g, all of them) snooping in his realm to see what his relationship with the Devil was.
But if shit was going to hit the fan anyway, why not keep his well-paid job?
“It’s not a problem for me,” the Devil kept saying, “I’m happily retired! For you, on the other hand, they’ll see you as my vassal if you don’t really get anything out of this, –no, a weekly salary with legal benefits means nothing to these beings.” He said before Danny could interrupt. “If there was something I could just give you as a boon–” He stopped and a large smile slowly spread on his face. “That’s it! I am a genius!” He stood up and began pacing back and forth whilst Danny just clutched his can of pop.
“Uh, what is it?” Asked Danny, sipping his pepsi.
“I will give you Hell!” Ignoring his employee choking on his drink, the Devil carried on. “We can say you are my apprentice, or you can be my actual apprentice if you want me to teach you the ropes, and I will give you the Key of Hell and you can add it to the Ghost Zone! No one will be stupid enough to give you any trouble for it, and I will finally get my annoying family off my back.”
“But they’ll be on mine!” Danny protested once he stopped choking. “I don’t want to have Hell! I didn’t even want to be King of the Ghost Zone, I was just the dumbass that defeated the old one! I- I just wanna get through college, afford my half-life, and become an astronaut…” He put his head in one hand, the other one holding the can against his forehead.
Why this? Why couldn’t he be fired for sleeping on the bar, like a normal person?
“Oh, please, Danny, you’re a young King, hardworking too; you must want more than that.” Mister Morningstar looked him in the eye not obstructed by pop and spoke slowly, with intent, “Tell me, Danny, what do you desire?”
“To protect everyone I care about, anyone that needs it, to help them.”
“Mm, kind of basic and boring but-”
“And to reach the stars, to sail through them in the infinite night.” Danny blinked hard and shook himself off. “That’s not cool, sir.”
“Dual Obsession?” The Devil said, easily ignoring Danny’s complaint. “Not very common; befitting for a King. So what you want to do is help. You can do it being King of Hell!”
“That doesn’t sound likely.” Danny’s response only made his boss’s smirk return, and then the Devil really began his sales pitch.
How, if Danny became the new King of Hell, he could totally help redeem the souls of the damned, and since he was already King of the Ghost Zone, he could take the damned souls of the innocent there if Heaven refused to open the Gates for them, wankers that they were.
“What do you mean innocent souls in Hell?”
That only made the Devil lean in cheerily, “Oh?” He asked. “Haven’t you heard?”
Sold souls, of course. From people who sold their soul to delay their loved one’s death, to wronged firstborns whose parents wanted power no matter the cost. All of them, in Hell.
“That’s not fair.” Danny said with clenched fists.
“Well, it’s not like I have a neutral realm where runaway, wronged souls could take refuge in.” Mister Morningstar said, knowing he had the young adult hooked.
“I-” Danny tried to speak, but felt his core thrumming writhing him. He wanted to help. “I will… consult it, first, it’s- it’s too much.”
His boss nodded sagely, and once again looked him in the eye. “I will extend your insurance to your family and include dental.”
Danny would still consult it with Clockwork and his friends, but he knew he was sold.
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janiehellion · 2 months
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Fallen From Grace
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Caught between a loveless marriage and a past you can't forget, you return to LA, the City of Angels. As old flames rekindle, you're faced with the consequences of your choices. Would you still make a decision that could destroy everything you've built over the years to experience the emotions you've longed for? “For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.” (Romans 7:19)
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: SMUT / HURT / FLUFF / ANGST
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 5.277
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With your hands deep in the pockets of your jacket, your face buried in a thin scarf, and the warmth of your breath that was soaking into it, it was making you shiver, and your thoughts were thrown back to the ritual of smoking a cigarette. The need to smoke bit into you; thinking of lighting one was still addictive and punishing at the same time. It had been years since you quit smoking, right before you got married to your husband, because he had always hated the smell. Still, your husband was behind you and always had your back regarding your decision to turn your life around, and he became a shoulder to lean on in the change from a reckless young adult into a now responsible and mature woman.
But lately, this routine that you once liked so much seemed to turn into a cage with no way out. The fights with your husband had become more frequent, and his constant work stress added more to the high tension between the two of you. You both were too tired to talk openly to each other anymore and with the same empathy that used to exist. Last night was pretty much no different. A silent dinner, a few short words exchanged between the two of you, and some annoyed glances at each other, until he then got up and went to his laptop in the living room, while you went to the bedroom to read one of your books.
It was days like this, where you felt overwhelmed by your life, that your mind began to wander back to him, to Lucifer Morningstar. You had left Los Angeles almost ten years ago to chase your dreams, leaving him and everything else behind after you came to the realization that it felt more like a simple friendship to you, which had scared you more than it should have. Although you had kept in touch by texting each other every now and then, you hadn't talked to or seen each other in years.
The sun was now setting as you got into your car, and you knew that the decision to visit the City of Angels once again came from some deep, restless part inside of you, and you convinced yourself it wouldn't be a mistake before sliding off your wedding ring and letting it fall into one of your pockets.
Suddenly, a message from your husband appeared on your phone. Apparently, he won’t be home for dinner tonight. He was staying out late with a colleague. Relief washed over you as you replied with an excuse about having decided that you were going out with your best friends anyway before you set the car in motion and headed towards Los Angeles.
A few hours later, you saw the familiar evening lights of what you once called home. You aimed for the LUX, the spot that Lucifer owned. Soon enough, your eyes scanned the room, looking for the one person you hoped to see as you exchanged a few words with familiar faces, but your mind was solely focused on Lucifer.
And there he was. The presence of him hit you hard—the lights, the music... It was overwhelming, and you quickly made your way to the bar, where you sat down. The face beside you? Familiar. She hadn't changed a bit, still looking fierce and gorgeous.
Maze immediately looked at you, recognizing you quickly. "There's no way... is it? Is it really you?"
"Hello, Maze," you said, nodding in her direction and smiling at her.
"It’s been a while! Ten years?"
"Close enough."
She whistled. "Lucifer’s going to freak out when he sees you; you know that, right?"
You smiled again, taking a sip of the drink that she handed you. "Where is he now?"
"I don't know. Probably around somewhere and probably smoking."
Your heart raced as you tried to control your excitement and nervousness. You sipped your drink further, trying your hardest to distract yourself. Then the door opened, and you felt that familiar presence. The smell of cigarettes and cologne hit you, making you grip your glass tighter.
"Now, look who’s graced us with his divine presence," Maze announced almost sarcastically.
You turned around, and there he was—Lucifer Morningstar. His eyes met yours with shock before he tried to hide it like usual. He wore his trademark suit, the one that always made him look like he owned the world.
"What in the world are you doing here?"
"Hello, Lucifer. Have you lost your manners in the last decade?"
"I just didn’t expect you."
"You didn’t have to. I just stopped by."
Lucifer only grunted and sat down next to you for a moment, his eyes never leaving yours. He took a whiskey Maze handed him and sipped it, his silence speaking volumes.
"I just needed to get away, you know," you started, but trailed off, knowing he would see right through you.
"Finish your drink. I don’t want to talk here."
You nodded, finishing your drink quickly. Lucifer was tapping the counter impatiently, and Maze gave you a knowing look as you left. "Good luck, babe," she mouthed, winking at you.
You followed Lucifer into the elevator and then to the parking lot. Right now, his attitude annoyed you, since he used to be so different with you back then, and as soon as you were outside, he stopped and turned around to you.
"Where's your car? I will hold the door open for you."
"What? Excuse me, please? What did you just say?"
He only smirked slightly instead of answering you as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. So you approached him slowly, placing a hand on his arm and feeling his muscles through his suit.
"I just thought you might want to see me again," you said softly, looking down to the ground.
"Do you think I’m not happy to see you?"
"The way you’re reacting right now, wanting me to get into my car and leave? No, not exactly."
"I just didn’t expect to see you again in LA. You simply surprised me."
You continued holding his arm, squeezing it a bit. "I simply missed you. Is it that wrong?"
"Your fault," he mumbled, finally lighting a cigarette. He took a drag and offered it to you. "Want one?"
"No, I quit years ago, don't you remember?"
He raised an eyebrow. "And do you still always do what your boyfriend wants? Do you follow his rules? Do you obey him?"
"Don’t be an asshole, Lucifer. It’s just complicated, okay?"
He handed you the cigarette anyway, and with a sigh, you took a drag. He leaned against your car, looking out over the city. The lights of Los Angeles twinkled like a thousand little stars.
"You’ve changed," he said after a minute, watching you from the corner of his eyes.
"I never changed. I grew only up."
"No, you’ve changed."
"I’m still me, just... older."
You stood in silence. Lucifer had always been a man of few words around you, but he said so much merely by being there.
"Why didn’t he come with you?" he suddenly asked, breaking the silence.
"He’s busy, working on a case."
"How did you end up with a lawyer, I wonder?"
"If you knew him, you’d understand. He’s dedicated, passionate, even."
"He took you away."
"I know. And that wasn’t my intention."
"Aren’t you here to find yourself again?" Lucifer asked, looking at you for a moment.
"Then why? Tell me."
"I'm here because of you, Lucifer. I needed to talk. To feel at home again."
"You can't just show up out of nowhere and expect everything to be the same as it was before."
"I did it without thinking."
"You, who plans everything down to the last detail, doing something spontaneous?"
"I just wanted to see my best friend again."
But Lucifer was right, and you knew it. It was strange to be back in Los Angeles without having really thought about it or thought of any consequences. But the feeling you had in your soul blurred every logical thought.
He suddenly grabbed your hand and walked you toward his car.
"What are you doing? Where are we going?" You asked, but didn't fight him.
"It's a surprise. Just wait and see."
"A surprise? What's the plan?"
"Be quiet and sit tight." Lucifer grinned as he started the car.
After the silent ride in the car, you reached the outskirts of a familiar area, where he soon led you through a wrought-iron gate to a small, charming house with a great view of a lake. The very first things that caught your eye were a marble kitchenette and a leather sofa facing a TV that was mounted on the wall, but most especially so, the floor-to-ceiling window leading out to a terrace and the lake that looked nearly as big as the house itself.
"Is this a new place of yours?" you asked him.
"Yes, indeed, it is," Lucifer confirmed with pride. "But that is not the actual surprise. Follow me." He guided you out onto the terrace. "It's a little dark already, but can you recognize the view? Do you remember it?"
You furrowed your brow, following his gaze, and gasped as you finally realized and remembered. "Is this the place that I think it is?"
"Yes, the very spot where we spent that beautiful evening," Lucifer confirmed. "I simply thought you might appreciate the nostalgia and that I bought this place in the end."
"But how did you manage to rebuild all this?" you asked, quite overwhelmed.
"Hard work and a bit of devilish charm," he teased, turning to face you and smirking at your reaction.
You remembered that night clearly—with just Lucifer and yourself—when you were talking about your dreams and your future under the starry sky.
"This is incredible! I'm so happy for you, Lucifer," you admitted, though tears were forming in your eyes.
"You're happy for me because I bought this place?" Lucifer's eyes softened, searching for yours while he asked. "Then why do I think there's more to it than that? More than simple happiness?"
You turned away from him, blinking back tears. "Forget about it. I'm sorry; I didn't want to ruin your surprise."
Lucifer closed the distance between you quickly; his face was serious but still calm and composed. "Will you tell me why you really left back then? I don't really believe that your boyfriend could hold that much power to rip you away from everything that was so loved by you."
"You know exactly why I left," you finally said, looking at him again.
"Sure... Of course, I do. Because I always do." Lucifer answered with disappointment in his voice.
You nodded slowly, biting down on your lower lip, unsure how to proceed. "I think that I probably should go home," you whispered, the guilt creeping in, just wanting to drive back home to your apartment and forget about everything.
But Lucifer clenched his fists. "Perhaps you should, yes," he agreed reluctantly, taking a step closer to you. "But not before this," he mumbled, closing the distance between your lips.
Lucifer crashed his lips onto yours, pushing you back against the patio door. There was no denying at this point—this was so much more than just a friendly reunion. It was bringing back to life a love where the flame had never actually gone out.
He broke away slightly as he led you back into the house, his hands removing your jacket, and soon enough Lucifer loomed over you inside his bedroom, his eyes searching yours for permission and reassurance. You nodded, and he kissed you again—deeply and almost desperately.
His hands were touching your body as his lips nuzzled kisses down your neck, and you could feel your body arch into him, begging for more, which was enough for the two of you to quickly get rid of each other's clothes.
"I can't wait any longer," Lucifer confessed, his eyes locked with yours.
You met his gaze, your heart racing as you nodded, and he smiled, slowly guiding you onto the bed. His touch was almost soft as he positioned you beneath him.
For a moment, Lucifer looked at you, mumbling, "You are more beautiful than ever."
You blushed, goosebumps creeping onto your skin as his fingertips brushed along your collarbone and slowly down your arm until he kissed the inside of your wrist delicately.
"You're exquisite," he said softly before his lips traveled up your arm again, across your shoulder, and onto the curve of your neck.
He kissed your forehead, then your cheek, before his lips finally kissed your own. His mouth moved slowly against yours, listening to each sigh that came out of your mouth. You reached for his arms, bringing his hands to your tits, where his fingers gently squeezed them, his thumbs lightly stroking your sensitive nipples and feeling them harden.
Once done, Lucifer's hands went down to your waist, pulling you up to straddle him. He slowly lowered you down onto his cock and pushed himself into you. His eyes didn't leave yours as he moved in very slowly, filling you up completely.
"You feel incredible," he groaned, his hands holding your hips tightly. "I've wanted this for so long."
You began moving, your body slowly going up and down as you leaned forward just a little bit with your hands on his shoulders for balance as you were riding him, and Lucifer's hands slid up your back until he pulled you close, burying his face in your neck.
"You're so perfect," he murmured. "Every part of you is."
You shivered at his words and moaned softly as his hands now moved down to your stomach from your breasts, then back to your thighs, and though the moments were stretching on, Lucifer's thrusts were still gentle instead of fast and rough.
"You're simply amazing," he whispered in your ear. "I want to make you feel everything."
His words only heightened your lust, and you rode him even more eagerly until both of you were breathless, wanting more.
But Lucifer's eyes stayed on your face. "I wish this would last forever," he whispered.
You moaned again and closed your eyes, your body quickening in time with his upward thrusts as you both felt your approaching orgasm.
His thrusts grew urgent, his hands gripping you a little bit harder to guide you through the final moments before you came, and Lucifer's body shuddered against yours.
As soon as your orgasms began to subside, Lucifer's thrusts did likewise. He embraced you tightly, stroking your back, and kissed your forehead softly. "I have missed you more than you know."
You clung to him, your racing heart only now starting to slow down. "I've missed you too," you whispered, your voice shaking, before tensing up as a certain thought inside your head started to form itself, your eyes narrowing.
"Protection! I... I didn't think of—" You started, but your words seemed to be stuck in your throat. "I'm sorry, Lucifer. I should have been more careful!"
"Don't worry about it right now, my dear. Focus only on us. and this moment," he simply answered without any care, but you ignored his words, and just then your eyes fell on something that lay on the ground beside your clothes; his eyes followed in the same direction—your wedding ring, which you had left carelessly in one of your pockets. His eyes went from that ring to you, and only then did he realize what was actually on your mind.
"Wait, wait, wait," he whispered quietly, furrowing his brow as he pushed you off, got up, and picked up the ring slowly from the floor. "You... you're married to him? What? You're actually still with him? Are you kidding me?"
Your face went pale, and you couldn't deny the truth, nor was there any reason to try to lie to him. "Yes, I am, but—"
"But what!" He cut you off. "Is this some kind of devil's bargain? Did you come here to light up an old flame, all the while you're still wearing another man's ring? Is this some kind of sick joke to you?"
"No, no! Listen, Lucifer! Listen to me! I didn't come here to hurt you," you tried to explain, your voice breaking. "I came because I missed you and—"
"Missed me?" He laughed out loud and shook his head. "You come back into my life, get me all worked up, and then this? Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I must be quite the fool for thinking that you actually came back for me after ten years. How foolish I am, indeed."
"Listen! You don't understand! Just calm down and listen to me, please!" you pleaded, your face now red with tears that started to roll down your cheeks. "I never meant for this to happen! You know that! It just happened!"
"Never meant for it to happen?" Lucifer scoffed, anger suddenly giving way to a mocking laugh. "Oh, please, my dear. You do think this is some kind of joke, don't you? Did you come back just to test my patience?"
He turned away from you—his hurt was obvious as he threw your wedding ring across his bedroom. "How very amusing," he said bitterly. "A married woman who seeks out the Devil."
You reached out to him, your voice desperate, but he didn't let you touch him anymore. "Please, Lucifer, don't be like this. I never wanted to hurt you, I promise!"
He turned toward you again. "Don't be like this, you say? What did you expect? Should I just take this as some cruel joke of, what, fate? You think I should simply forgive and forget just because you come at me with a few tears and your excuses?
He had picked up a cigarette from the package lying on the side table of the bed and grabbed a lighter. "Here's a solution for you," he said, lighting the cigarette. "Why don't you go back home to your husband? I'm sure he's just waiting for you to come crawling back into his arms, so you can do what he wants some more."
You winced at the mockery and sarcastic tone in his voice. "Lucifer, please don't—"
"Don't what?" he interrupted you again. "What is it, huh? Don't you want me to remind you of the mistake you've just made? Don't make you face the reality of your actions? Of our... situation?"
He took another drag from the cigarette. "How amusing," he said bitterly. "I've spent most of my time in Hell, and with you, I finally got a taste of Heaven again, only to have it taken away from me in an instant..."
He flicked the cigarette into an ashtray, letting it go out by itself as it continued to burn down. "I'm supposed to be the Devil," he said, his lips now showing a rather sad and hurt smile. "But right now, I feel like I am the biggest fool in all of creation there ever was..."
The silence fell between you, and there, in his eyes, was only hurt, pain, and pure anger.
"I'm so sorry for everything, Lucifer. I never wanted to hurt you, really! Just believe me! Please!" You pleaded and begged.
He sat down at the edge of the bed, his anger now replaced by sadness, especially given the look on his face. "So, now what?" he asked. "What do you think happens to us after all this?"
"I don't know," you said, your voice trembling as you took a deep breath. "I wish things could be different, but they aren't. Believe me, I know this was wrong. I was wrong."
Lucifer took a deep breath as well to try to relax himself and calm down. "Well, wishing won't do anything, nor will prayers," he said, getting to his feet. "And if you want me to be completely honest, then I think you should leave."
You realized you were feeling regret—this was the end of what could have been all along, what could've been all those years ago. "I'm so sorry, Lucifer," you said again, through the tears that were now streaming down your face. "I wish there was a way..."
He smiled at you sadly and shrugged, handing you your clothes. "Here's to the past," he said bitterly. "May it stay there."
You took them from him, brushing your fingers across his while doing so, and began dressing quickly. "Goodbye, Lucifer," you said softly, your voice cracking again.
"Goodbye," he replied as his eyes watched you walk towards the door and into the living room. The taxi was called quickly, and you turned to go out of the front door, but you stopped for a second, turning around to the bedroom door again that he was about to close. "Go on and don't keep the taxi driver waiting."
After he closed the door, you quickly grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled a note, tears falling onto the paper and smudging the ink. You left it on the coffee table and stormed out, slamming the door shut behind you. The street was already dark, with only a few lights on each side of the road, and you quickened your pace to the main road. After a few minutes, you could finally see the approaching lights of a taxi.
The taxi driver soon enough returned you to your car, which was still parked in the LUX. Once inside your car, you glanced at the time, which was approaching midnight, and then you noticed the three messages from your husband and some missed calls from him that you quickly opened nervously.
9:42 PM: "Where are you? I'm back, and you're not here."
10:39 PM: "When are you coming back? Why don’t you answer? I’m worried."
11:16 PM: "I called your friends, but they said you weren't even with them tonight. What's going on? Please call me!"
Tears silently rolled down your face again as guilt consumed you. How had things gone so wrong? Your life had been perfect—or so you thought all the time. You’d spent the last ten years forgetting about your feelings for Lucifer, pushing them aside, and now, in one evening, you’d destroyed everything.
With trembling fingers, you tried calling your husband, but there was no answer. The worst part of this whole mess wasn’t just that you’d probably destroyed your life, but how little you’d considered the consequences of your actions with Lucifer in the first place. If karma were real, you thought, you’d crash while driving back home. But two hours later, you found yourself standing in the parking lot of your apartment again.
Entering it quietly and closing the door behind you, you saw your husband asleep on the big couch in your living room, his mobile phone still next to him. With one hand, you covered your mouth to stifle a sob, not wanting to wake him up, and you paused, uncertain of what to do, then slowly removed your jacket, throwing it over a chair, and decided to lay down beside him.
You couldn't help but remember how you both had always been a great team, at least at the start of your relationship back then, facing the darkest moments and hours together and supporting each other through thick and thin. He’d always been there for you; maybe he's been too distant at times, but he's been there nonetheless.
And now your endless thoughts about your mistake kept you awake until exhaustion finally took over. Later, when you woke up, your husband was gone. You hoped it had all been a bad nightmare, but the note on the table proved otherwise:
"When I get back from work, you tell me what the hell happened! And don’t even try to call me today! We'll sit down and talk in person."
You stared at the note, rereading it several times before crumpling it and throwing it on the floor in frustration. You grabbed your coat and left, not even bothering to look in the mirror. At the pharmacy, you were quick, buying what you needed before heading back home. Once sitting down on the couch, staring at the morning-after pill on the table, you knew you should take it right away, but something inside you held you back.
Your eyes kept wandering around, seeking distraction, but just as you were about to scream, the doorbell rang, making you jump. You tried to calm yourself before opening the door, but it wasn’t your husband who you thought might have left his keys behind. Standing there was Lucifer, who decided to step inside your apartment without even waiting for an invitation.
"What in the world are you doing here?" you asked, staring at him while closing the front door.
Lucifer pulled a crumpled note from his pocket—the note you had left for him. "Why do I have to read such nonsense?"
He held up the note before reading it out loud.
"Lucifer, the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I wish I could."
"Lucifer," you began, but he cut you off.
"Well, isn’t this poetic? The Book of Jeremiah—17:9 to be exact!" His voice sounded neutral, but you could see the fire in his eyes. "I guess the Devil isn’t the only one who’s capable of deceit, isn't he? How charming that you choose to repent now, but I’m afraid it won’t absolve you of the choices you made, my dear... I do admire your attempt at biblical drama! Quite charming, isn't it?"
Your hands were now sweaty, and your heart pounded so fast that you thought it was going to explode. "Lucifer, please..." You managed to whisper, but he shook his head.
"I suppose that’s the true nature of humans, isn’t it? Always seeking redemption when it suits them." His voice relaxed slightly, but the intensity behind it remained, and only then did he grab something from his pocket again. It was your wedding ring. "I’m not a priest, my dear. You know exactly who I am, and I won’t be so easily fooled by your attempts at repentance. I'd say that you owe me more than that."
You had barely started to open your mouth when the sound of keys at the door made you turn around in shock. You looked over just in time to see your husband standing there, his face full of anger and surprise at the same time.
"What the hell is that man doing here?" he asked, staring at you.
"Listen! It's not what you think," you started, but your voice cracked, unable to find the right words to even explain yourself.
Meanwhile, Lucifer gave him an almost bored look and crossed his arms over his chest. "Ah, the husband has finally arrived! How very delightful," he said. "I'm Lucifer, and you must've forgotten about me, I see!"
Your husband glared at him. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting to be welcomed with open arms by the man of the hour. But then again, I've never been one to shy away from a bit of chaos."
You took a deep breath, trying to get a grip on the situation. "Listen, we need to talk..."
But your husband's eyes were still on Lucifer, looking him up and down. "About what? How obviously you have been cheating on me?"
You winced at the accusation, but Lucifer merely laughed. "Cheating? Now, that's a rather strong word. I prefer to think of it as rekindling old flames."
Your husband's hands clenched into fists, and he let out a scoff. "You! You have no right to be here. Leave. Now."
Lucifer's eyes narrowed, and for a slight moment, he revealed what really lay beneath. "How quaint! I assure you, I'm only a catalyst. Or, let's just say, the devil's advocate, if you will."
Your husband took a step back, his face turning pale for a second. "What the fuck are you trying to pull here, huh?"
Lucifer stepped closer to him, his smile turning into a grin as he pointed to the pill on the table in the living room, which he had noticed all along. "That little token of affection over there might reveal more with its symbolism than you may realize."
The eyes of your husband went to the pill on the table and then back to Lucifer. "What... what do you mean? What the hell are you even talking about?"
Lucifer's smile widened as he leaned forward. "Why don't you take a guess? Or maybe you would prefer to leave it to your imagination?"
"My imagination? You're obviously fucking my wife, and now you are standing here like you have some right to her? As if you own her?"
Lucifer let out a dramatic sigh. "Well, I suppose you could say I am more of an old flame to your dear wife. But let's not get down to the boring details."
Suddenly, your husband stepped forward, his anger overflowing. "Get out of my house. Now!"
"Oh, such a fiery temper. Are you sure you're not harboring a bit of Hellfire yourself?" Lucifer said sarcastically and threw his hands dramatically in the air.
The eyes of your husband widened again, and he took a step back as soon as he could while he looked into his eyes. "I'm warning you. Just leave..."
Lucifer's eyes changed, his stare reaching deep into your husband's soul. "And I assure you that I'm not someone that you want to provoke."
He took a step closer, and your husband's confidence broke down as he looked him in the eyes. "You know what? I'm done with this. I'm leaving! Don't you dare touch me, whatever the hell you are!"
Lucifer's eyes followed him, and he smirked proudly. "As you wish."
The apartment was almost completely silent as the door slammed shut behind your husband, and you stood there, paralyzed, the realization of that moment and what had just happened finally setting in, but Lucifer snapped you out of it as he looked at the morning-after pill on the table once again.
"My dear, really? Do you think that this pill is going to undo what's done now?" Lucifer started. "Do you actually believe that some sort of pill will stop something divine, like... Oh, I don't know, my touch, as an example? I'm afraid it doesn't work that way, darling."
You looked at him with shame, lust, and regret in your eyes. "What now?" You asked him, whispering silently.
"What happens now will be entirely your choice," he said, moving closer to you and stretching out his hand to touch your cheek. "You see, I very much adore you, and I have for quite a while."
His hands were soft but strong, and a shiver ran down your spine. "You can either act like nothing happened, or maybe you can accept it and see where it takes you," he said, his eyes locked on yours. "You've got a choice to make."
He stepped closer, his lips touching your ear as he spoke. "You could try to forget about the night we just had, but you and I both know better. The seed has been sown, and the question is, at this point, whether you'll let it grow."
Lucifer took a few steps back and pushed the front door open, just enough to fit through. "Whatever you choose, I will be here, waiting. And trust me," he said with a smirk, "I have all the time in the world."
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Last Updated: 2023-12-25
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Lucifer Morningstar stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✑ Invidia│Prt. II│Prt. III│Prt. IV by everlastingdreams • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "Maze sends you on a date with another guy to help you forget about your feelings for Lucifer. Lucifer soon starts to act stranger than usual."
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✑ A Date with the Devil by ayanna-wild • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Lucifer was nothing if not stubborn. Despite your continuous rejections to his attempts to ask you on a date, he persisted. Your resolve was beginning to wear away, and his proposal was looking more and more tempting."
✑ A Deal with the Devil by bewareofthecrazyperson • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "You're working at LUX. When your car appears to be wrecked you have no choice but to go back to LUX. Fortunately Lucifer is around and offers you to spend the night at his place."
✑ A Devil's Wrath by everlastingdreams • 16+ • 〔F᜶C〕 • 🚫 •
Summary: "[When Lucifer meets you, he] is fascinated by [your kindness]. [After spending] some time together at Lux, ... the evening takes an ugly turn [when] some guy starts bothering [you]."
✑ A Night to Remember by ayanna-wild • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "It'd started as the ramblings of a near drunken conversation. You hadn't expected anything to come of it, but he insisted, promising you a night of fun. You agreed, [expecting a nice dinner between friends], but when the night ended and he asked again, you couldn't help but agree..."
✑ Acceptance by ayanna-wild • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♡ •
Summary: "You should have believed him; he'd [been] honest from the start... [it] just seemed [too] unbelievable... then you saw... his 'other' face... Now... Lucifer's waiting... for you to decide if you still want him in your life... [However,] there seemed to be a misunderstanding..."
✑ Baby Caution by ayanna-wild • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "You... expected him to go somewhat overboard with your first pregnancy… maybe a little fussing over your well-being. You did not, however, expect the amount of worrying and coddling the devil had for you now."
✑ Broken Wings by ayanna-wild • 〔A᜶C〕 •
Summary: "It was a simple matter of loving the wrong man, but you couldn't control your heart. How was it fair for you to be punished? But life was cruel that way."
✑ Can't Fight the Feeling by kittenwritesstuff • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: "[When you], Chloe's [cousin, catch Lucifer's eye], he falls for [you instantly], but isn't sure whether [you'd] have him."
✑ Darling Effort by bubblyani • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: Provoked by jealousy, you are determined to show Lucifer that you can be just as exciting in bed as anyone else.
✑ Detective Morningstar by matth1w • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "You're pregnant... great, right? Wrong. You know how much [Lucifer] doesn't like children. So being a responsible adult, you… lie and avoid him. Lucifer does some detective work and finds out, because of course he would."
✑ Devil Devil by lovingrosewho • 〔A〕 • ♡ •
Summary: "Lucifer needs to confess and show his true self before dating you."
✑ Devil's Party by lovingrosewho • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "You're best friends with Lucifer, who happens to be the devil, you two go to a Lux's party together where you notice one of your exes."
✑ Dutiful Wife by bubblyani • 18+ • 〔F᜶E〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Forensic Science Sisters by writingtoforgetreality • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Ella and you were the forensic scientists of the L.A.P.D. One person in the precinct made your work rather hard. Lucifer Morningstar. You wish you had not caught a crush but you could not help yourself. Besides, you knew he only had eyes for Chloe. At least that was what you thought."
✑ Good Night by silence-burns • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Imagine [waking up while] Lucifer [is] carrying you to bed after you fall asleep on his couch."
✑ He's the Devil, You know by ayanna-wild • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You were fond of your new life, loved the people you'd met and the man who stole your heart. Unfortunately an old and dear friend rolls into town, and he doesn't exactly approve of your relationship with the devilish club owner."
✑ Let Me Show You How It's Done by bewareofthecrazyperson • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: "You're complaining to your friend Lucifer about how your sex life. He shows you exactly how it is done."
✑ Little Things by ayanna-wild • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You hadn't noticed them at first, they were to subtle. But one day you'd begun to notice it, they became obvious and you found yourself noticing everything little thing you hadn't before."
✑ Lost│Prt. II by s-writing-s • 〔A᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Lucifer worries the people closest to him when he shows up looking like a mess. Only Amenadiel knows why and shocks everyone with the answer."
✑ Lunch Break by bubblyani • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: You drop by the penthouse during your lunch break only to find Lucifer in the shower; needless to say, things get steamy.
✑ Now and for Eternity by artzee-bee • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ • 🚫 •
Summary: When a stalker tries to come between you and Lucifer, the devil makes it clear that nothing will come between you two.
✑ Rest for the Wicked by think-blot • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "Lucifer doesn't like that your job comes before him. He fixes the nonexistent problem but, now, everyone is questioning him as to why. Including you."
✑ Something Sweet by think-blot • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "...No one thinks twice about [Lucifer's constant flirting with you] because, well, it's just Lucifer being Lucifer. [However,] when a case takes all your attention away from him, people start to question why he's so desperate to get it back."
✑ Thundering Hearts by everlastingdreams • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "[You're] Lucifer's personal stylist, [with] whom he [constantly] tries to flirt [unfortunately for him, You're immune to his charms. Or [so you think]?"
✑ Wedding Bells by ayanna-wild • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "[You'd planned this day for months]. It was like a dream, but the butterflies in your stomach, the way your leg bounced with unending anxiety and excitement reminded you that it was all real..."
✑ Wrong Move by silence-burns • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "You got to look for a murderer in an abandoned church with Lucifer, but things get out of control."
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✑ A Crush by silence-burns • 〔F〕 •
✑ Alone Time by ayanna-wild • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Aunt, the by mortallyscrumptiousmilkshake • 〔F〕 •
✑ Can't Help Falling in Love with You by lucifer-scenario • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Caught by fafulous • 16+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Day Like This by banditthewriter • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Devil's Punishment, the by eiressofinspirationwrites • 〔F〕 •
✑ Devil's Wings by lovingrosewho • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Early Morning Wake Up Call by geeks-universe • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Every Step by banditthewriter • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Grooming by lucifer-scenario • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Home by specialagentlokitty • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Jealousy by mortallyscrumptiousmilkshake • 〔F᜶A〕 •
✑ Meet the Family by ayanna-wild • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Miracle by stanathanxoox • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Morning Tickles by geeks-universe • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Pray for the Fallen by bubblyani • 〔F᜶C〕 •
✑ Rockabye by ayanna-wild • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Unexpected by ayanna-wild • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Worth More by specialagentlokitty • 〔F〕 •
✑ Wounds and Worry by mortallyscrumptiousmilkshake • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
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✑ Babysitting Trixie w/ Lucifer… by silence-burns • 〔F〕 • 𑁍 •
✑ Dating Lucifer Morningstar… by writingbyshiloh • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Going undercover w/ Lucifer… by silence-burns • 〔E᜶F〕 •
✑ Lucifer Falling for You… by dragon-kazansky • 〔F〕 •
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See Also: Navigation || Lucifer Morningstar Master Index
Authors: @artzee-bee || @ayanna-wild || @banditthewriter || @bewareofthecrazyperson || @bubblyani || @dragon-kazansky || @eiressofinspirationwrites || @everlastingdreams || @fafulous || @geeks-universe || @kittenwritesstuff || @lovingrosewho || @lucifer-scenario || @matth1w || @mortallyscrumptiousmilkshake || @silence-burns || @specialagentlokitty || @stanathanxoox || @s-writing-s || @think-blot || @writingbyshiloh || @writingtoforgetreality ||
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