xbruised-peachx · 1 year
Mäuschen Ch 2.
Chapter two of Mäuschen. Chapter one here. I totally didn’t completely forget to post this here bc I have a million project ideas going through my head (...i’m so sorry 😭)
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Summary: König brings you back to the Kortac base, revealing why you were originally kidnapped as you are brought in for questioning. Word Count: 16,116 Tags: Oral, riding, spanking, interrogation, solitary confinement (for a lil bit), and a bit more angst this time, switch König, size, mask, and language k!nk, rough, but also a bit more fluff too :3c 🔞+ STORY Ch. 1 Ch. 3 Ch. 4
Ao3 linky. Translations at the end of the chapter!
Tag list for updates- @xncasi​ @m99n​ (feel free to reply and i’ll tag you when chapter 3 comes out!)
You slowly felt yourself stir awake, first feeling a cool breeze against your arm, then a large hand gently placed on your shoulder, softly rocking you awake, then slowly opening your eyes and only perceiving the light, then his hushed, accented voice.
“Maus? Hey... wake up, Y/N...” You grumbled a bit, rolling your neck while still keeping your eyes shut, not wanting to wake up. Wherever you were sleeping gave you quite the crick in the neck. It’s only once you tried stretching, letting out a yawn but unable to move your arms at all, were you forced to mentally wake up and remember where you were... and what was happening. As you slowly opened your eyes again, you met his masked face, those blue eyes looking at you with sorrow and pity as he leaned on the doorframe. His fingers were drumming on the lip of the door. He’s nervous again you thought, remembering him... his little mannerisms, little tells. He took his eyes off you a moment to look around, then leaned close. “I’m so sorry... I’m... I’m going to have to be a little rough with you. Keep up this appearance... but I also wanted to let you know your snoring is cute...” He let out a small chuckle as he pulled away, seeing your face slowly flush in reaction.
He let his hand fall naturally from your shoulder to your bicep, gently caressing it before looking into your eyes questioningly. As if he was asking your permission, asking if you were ready to go, all non-verbally. You looked down sadly, then met his eyes. You gave a small, sympathetic smile and nodded. You saw his eyes soften a moment, then he switched his gaze completely forward, taking a deep breath before tightening his grip. He kept his gaze forward, not looking at you as he pulled you out of the car. You stumbled on your feet, hitting the gravel paved ground harshly, reminded of the sore feeling in between your legs. He slammed the door loudly behind you, still not looking at you as he pulled you forward, forcing you to walk... well, limp to the building in front of you.
Surrounded by dense forest, the man-made, one story concrete building would stick out like a sore thumb overhead if the foliage wasn’t so dense. It added an even more ominous presence as it was cast in shadow, even with the overcast sky above. There were no flags, nothing to make it distinguishable at all from a distance. And that was probably on purpose. This emulated a military building, but had no affiliations. The presence of a brute force without anything to actually govern them.
This is where he was taking you. The pit in your stomach grew larger and you looked up to König, just for any form of comfort. His gaze was unfazed, continuing forward even as you instinctively slowed your pace in fear, stumbling on your own feet as he pulled you with ease.
“König...” you called to him in a hushed voice just wanting to get his attention.
He finally snapped his head to you, his stare was intense and startled you. “Don’t...” He spoke through gritted teeth, his voice coming out as a hiss. You shied away from him the best you could. The fear could be seen on your face in reaction, and he clearly felt guilt the instant he realized he snapped at you. His walk slowed and his eyes softened, then he closed them and took a deep breath before meeting your eyes again. “Do not call me by my name. Got it?”
His voice was still low and hushed, but his tone had softened. You nodded sadly, blinking quickly to get away the tears that were just threatening to start. He took another breath and returned to his soldier demeanor. You knew you had to keep what you two had done hidden... but with his whole personality switch... you couldn’t help but feel your heart breaking slightly with him being so cold toward you. You still were blinking fast, trying to keep tears from breaking from your eyes.
He opened the steel door and it slammed behind him loudly. As it slammed, you heard him take another deep breath, squeezing your arm a moment, the tighter grip hurting you slightly as he continued inside. He ducked under the doorways, navigating the hallways with ease. The walls matched the outside, concrete, cold, and an ominous presence. As you turned another corner, there were two men. One was a large man wearing dark, wrap-around sunglasses, bright red headphones that were brought to rest around his neck, and an American-emblemed vest with a hastily cut black tank top underneath, letting his large tattooed arms show themselves as he tapped away on a tablet while he leaned against a wall. He barely acknowledged your arrival. The other, was the opposite of him, covered head to toe in grey camo gear, a black balaclava covering everything except his eyes, the eye-holes themselves being cut to give the appearance of anger. Nothing on his vest or clothes gave any nationality though, unlike König’s Austrian patch or the American flag dead center on the vest of the other man. Though when he spoke, rising from the wall to approach you two, you could recognize that voice.
“Took you long enough,” the annoyed, stern tone coming from this Eastern-European man... You could not tell the country as there were so many, but it had to be from the Russian area. This was the man that was on the other side, and had the worst timing in the universe. As he approached you, you noted he was shorter than the other man, and obviously much shorter than König, but still taller than you. If you had to take a guess, just under 6 foot. After being around König so long, having someone like him look down on you was significantly less threatening. Once he got a decent bit closer, you felt König’s fingers drum on you before giving a tight squeeze, this time not letting up. The stranger’s eyes showed he had a bit of a devilish smile under his mask as he brought his hand up, curling his index finger under your chin and forcing you to make eye contact with him. “I see she is unharmed... though she would look better with tape around her mouth. At least one of my orders was listened to, König.”
When he let go of your head, he did so with a decent bit of force, with his thumb jerking your head down and looking the opposite direction of König. But once you had control again, you looked back up to him, trying to see his reaction to any of this. You could at least feel the tension in his tight grip, and from the little bit you could see from the shadows, his eyebrows were knit in anger, glaring at the stranger as his eyes continued scanning you up and down. “Well, are we going to question her or not?” His voice remained monotone, though almost too much so. Like it was obvious he was hiding something.
The grey-camo clad man finally looked away from you, looking up at the man to your side. He gave your arm another drum as the silence hung for a moment. “I was just seeing how your first kidnapping went.” He continued looking you up and down, walking around you, feeling degraded and judged every moment this went on. It was hard to hide the disgust on your face as you glared at him as well. “Alive... intact... though the bindings could use work...” He slipped one finger in between your wrists and the duct tape with ease. You almost instinctively thrashed your hands up to fight him off, but with König’s tight grip, you were left unable to move. You looked up to him, able to see his eyes more as he glared at the man behind you. Despite the dark lighting, his pupils even showed his fury as they became small specs. “I think she’s ready. König, come with me, we will discuss. Hutch, bring her into the room.”
The man across from you finally looked up from his tablet, getting up from the wall and approached you. As he did, the other stranger pushed you forward by your back, making you stumble and limp slightly as you were forced to break from König’s grip. You looked back to him in fear as he had turned his back on you, not breaking his gaze forward even as he walked down the hallway, the other man seeming to start a conversation.
“Come on, Miss.” His booming voice at least somewhat eased your nerves. At least he treated you with enough respect to call you “Miss.” He opened the door beside you, gently placing his hand on your shoulder and guiding you in. Despite being built like a linebacker, he was being quite careful with you. “Man, you alright? You’re walkin’ kinda funny. Did big man hurt you?”
The door loudly slammed behind you making you jump. “Y-yeah... er, well, yeah as in I’m fine. I just tripped pretty hard, and couldn't catch myself.” You shrugged your shoulders, showing off the bindings. He scoffed and shook his head slightly.
“Damn... well, why don’t you take your weight off it.” He gestured toward the old wooden chair he had scooted out for you. “Gotta ask quite a few questions so the faster we can get this goin’, the easier it’ll be for both of us.” He took the seat that was across from you at the worn wooden table. Directly in the middle of the room, the cold, fluorescent light was making a small hum, which was the only other noise you heard. The room must be soundproofed, meaning nobody could hear you either. Though, there had to be some way to collect audio from this room at least, you’d imagine, since this was some sort of interrogation. “Now, let’s start with the easiest one. Just give a yes or no, do you have any idea why we might be interested in you?”
You racked your brain a moment, thinking of the checkers game... how you asked if this was because of your dad. How he didn’t know himself. You wondered if this Hutch guy actually knew. “N-no... I don’t...” You feigned ignorance, hoping he would give you more info. This interrogation may turn around if you play your cards right.
“Hmm... well, I’m sure you’ve been able to guess, it’s not you we are actually interested in. After all, a random 20-something doesn’t get too involved with people like us unless she is also a part of military contract work herself. And, uh, no offense, you don’t seem to have the build for our line of work.” You snickered but rolled your eyes. He was correct but no need to point it out. “No, but you know very well your dad is not as innocent, yes?”
“Well... saying I know about my dad’s work at all is an overstatement...”
He glanced up from his tablet that he was typing on to look at you, slightly cocking his brow. “...Ex-marine... nearly 20 years of service... admittedly he did leave when you were younger but...”
You looked at him confused. “How do you know so much about him?”
“Ha,” he scoffed again, rolling his eyes in disdain before looking back at you. “He seems like a cautious man... does a decent job hiding things... but decent ain’t good enough for my skills.” He returned to his tablet, typing something again. You tried to look at the screen, but the polarized screen protector hid everything from you.
“Why bring me in then? If you know so much, why ask me when I don’t even know where he works or what he does?”
“Because there are some things we can not data mine... primarily his location. And I think you know more than you’re letting on, little gal.” He stood up as he said his last few words, hands on the table to lean and tower over you. He was decently tall, at least a little over six foot. He had a much more intimidating presence than the other contractor.
“Like I just said... I didn’t even know he was still doing military contract shit until now. How would I know where he is?”
“He didn’t tell you anything? Just left his only daughter home alone, no way to contact him if something went wrong?”
“Yes! He does that a lot. I’m an adult, I can fend for myself just fine.”
“Well... clearly not, as you’ve been captured and brought here. Now-”
Just as you were about to snap at him about not having much of a chance with a giant Austrian kidnapping you, said Austrian opened the door. Standing in the frame ominously, ducking under to have to get in the room. His boots hit the floor with quite the weight, making a loud sound with every step. Part of you wondered if he was trying to intimidate you or trying to intimidate Hutch, who was still standing over you, but had gone to look up at the new guest. “Huh... big man’s gonna help me question her? You barely talk in general brother, you best-”
“I’ve spent several hours with her,” he cut him off, his tone harsh but still slightly monotone. “If there is anyone she might actually answer, it would be me.”
Hutch raised an eyebrow at him before grabbing his tablet, turning his back on you. He started to walk to the corner of the room, gesturing for König to follow him. You just had to sit and watch, much to your annoyance. For what seems like a cold, militaristic group, with so many contractors, it seemed very disorganized. It seemed like König genuinely did not enjoy being around these people, having to hide his true emotions despite others being antagonistic towards him.
Even though the room was silent, you were struggling to hear them. You had to just watch, trying to make out what Hutch was saying by reading his lips... but you always struggled with that. And obviously you couldn’t at all with König. With the darkness of the room, too, you could not make out his expression either, his mask casting him in even more darkness. The way he crossed his arms, his fingers drumming on his bicep, from the way his muscle was flexed showed his tension and annoyance. But also, the way you saw his muscle push against his sleeve, making it fit tighter, made you shift in your seat. You wanted those arms around you again... those hands gripping you again. With nothing else to do while the two discussed, it was easy to get lost in your own thoughts, both memories and fantasies. It also helped distract you from the current situation in general.
But just like their fellow contractor, they had awful timing and came back right before you got almost a little too lost in your own thoughts. Hutch took a seat slowly, keeping his eye on you but keeping his tablet up. He had scooted another chair next to him, but König walked right past it. You tried getting a glimpse at his face again, but the shadows still loomed, unable to read his expression as he walked to the side of the table, eyes trained on you. He dragged his gloved hand across it as he slowly approached your side. He was staring directly down at you... not saying a word. These harsh florencents... they hurt your eyes as you tried to look back at him, but only able to see the ghostly silhouette of him. His head tilted to the side, really making you feel like a small prey to him again... but you also thought of the first time he did it... scolding you for being impatient, his hands on your thighs. You glanced over to his hand still resting on the table, and you subtly squirmed in your seat again, trying to calm yourself in this serious situation.
He leaned barely closer to you, looming over you, allowing you to more easily hear as he laughed slightly through his nose. Clearly your squirming wasn’t subtle enough. You just hoped these bright lights and harsh shadows hid the blush that was creeping up your cheeks. “So... when your father was in the marines, when you were a child... Do you recall anything about then?”
“Not really,” you struggled to think of your childhood, when your dad was around. “He didn’t exactly tell 7-year-old me all about his work when he came home.”
He snickered, shaking his head lightly as he looked over to Hutch, who was just tapping away on his tablet, glancing over at you two on occasion. “Obviously... I wasn’t thinking that... I was thinking more so when he got back... did he have any friends over? Or perhaps you were there when he bumped into an old mate while you were at the supermarket?”
You paused, really having to think to yourself if that did happen. You were sure it must have at some point but just... going back that far. It was difficult to think of anything like that, especially since any market or shopping visits didn’t particularly stick out to you as any sort of memory. Any of Dad’s friends... Did he have any?
You started to recall a little something; going over to a different house just to visit. For once your mom didn’t come, she had to run some errands, so it was just you and your dad. A rather large farmhouse type of place, surrounded by the fallen leaves and pine cones. You mostly hung out with a girl that was just around your age, maybe around one or two years your senior. Playing some games on her PS2, then scaring you with your first experience with the scary maze game. You weren’t even safe when she wanted to bring you outside, and the chickens started following you a little too close. You still swear it was chasing you but also you were probably overreacting. Even then, it was just you and the other person's daughter. You didn’t really talk to your dad that much until it was time to go. You tried to recall if there was any quiet period... where you would’ve just tried to listen to the background noise, eavesdrop on those little conversations you could hear subtly.
You were just barely recalling and you realized you haven’t even talked for a bit. You looked up at König and opened your mouth to start saying what you knew, but hesitated after thinking for a moment. Y-you really were about to just give out the info of your father like that... You wanted to trust König, but the others here... How the fuck were you supposed to trust any of them with this info. You shut your mouth, looking down and away from both of them. It was then you heard the slight rustling of clothes in front of you, making you turn your head to see him again, this time crouched in front of you, meeting you eye to eye. You could finally see them... see his expression change as he went from focusing intently on you to softening as soon as you met again. “It’s okay... What are you thinking of?”
You looked off to the side, bouncing your leg nervously, then meeting him again with a serious expression. “...You guys aren’t going to hurt my dad, right?” Sure, maybe he wasn’t the best dad, but you can’t begin to imagine the guilt of your father being hurt because of you crossing him, giving out the wrong info you shouldn’t have. Even the thought of it made you feel a pit in the bottom of your stomach and a lump swell in your throat you had to swallow to show your determination to these two... to all of the people in this horrific facility.
“We won’t,” Hutch finally piped in, looking up from his tablet. You wondered if he found it weird how close you two were, but you had a feeling he didn’t give a shit. “I’ll let you in on a little something... Your dad isn’t the primary target, whatsoever. Just think of him more as a... step to something bigger. We don’t think he’s a big player though, just  that he has some damn good connections...”
You look back over to König, who was giving you a sympathetic side glance as he continued to face Hutch. “Don’t worry, Lieb-” He quickly caught himself, letting out a very raspy cough to cover up the last word he just about said, thwacking his chest with his fist to sell the bit a bit more. You struggled to not burst out in laughter at him. He was so cute... trying not to slip up... but failing in not calling you Liebling. The way your heart fluttered again, god, you wanted to bottle up this feeling and never let go. “Excuse me, eheheh... Don’t worry, we will make sure your father is unharmed as long as we get the information we want.”
You paused... still questioning yourself if you should. “Can I trust you?”
His eyes widened, surprised you were questioning him in that way. You wanted to ask both to keep up the appearance you two were putting on, and also so you would actually know if you could. You could almost see his heart drop when he looked at you stunned, wondering why you didn’t trust him. “O-of course. I haven’t harmed you other than you know... obtaining you.”
“Well you didn’t catch her when she tripped while she was bound,” Hutch stated, interrupting you two. “Now she’s walking all fucked up because of you.”
Now it was getting really hard not to laugh. You even saw König turn his head away from his fellow contractor, hiding his embarrassed expression from him. You wondered if his face was all red under that mask. He finally took a breath and cleared his throat after a few moments. “R-right... that is my bad but my point still stands. We won’t hurt him, you can trust us... you can trust me.”
His tone... he had completely dropped that serious soldier monotone. He was being genuine and caring to you openly. You still heard his fingers drum on the table and while for the most part he was looking in your eyes, his nerves were making him look away on occasion. You wanted so badly more than ever to lift up that mask and calm him yourself, throwing yourself into his arms. You hesitated but took a deep breath, closing your eyes as you spoke, “The best I have is one time my dad took me to what I think was one of his friend’s places. As far as I know, Dad didn’t have any friends outside of the military so... but I mostly hung out with his daughter. The only time I talked to him was when it was time to go.”
Immediately, Hutch started typing on his tablet, frantically taking some notes. König’s fingers drummed a bit faster, but his eyes were focused, listening intently to every word you said. “Did they happen to have an accent? Either your dad’s friend or his daughter, it doesn’t matter. Or were they just American like you?”
It clicked immediately in your head. “Y-yeah actually! She had a much more faint British accent, but from the bits I heard, his accent was much stronger.”
“Bits you heard? You did hear some conversation between them? D-do you recall any of it?”
You looked off to the side, trying to remember anything. Hutch’s furious typing was a bit distracting but still you tried to gather your thoughts and memories. “...I think I remember him mentioning some ‘Bravo Six’ or something... it kind of stuck out to me because it sounded like something from a movie but... that’s all I can remember, is just the mention.”
König’s eyes widened as he looked over to Hutch, who was way ahead of him and writing all this down. “So he does have a connection to Price...” he said under his breath, thinking aloud. He brought his index finger to face, thinking hard again. You almost thought you saw the outline of his mouth as he started tapping the knuckle lightly against it. He caught your gaze again, but didn’t let his finger come off his mouth. “You guys moved states a lot due to his work, ja? What state were you in when this occurred?”
“I... I think Massachusetts? It wasn’t that far from here in the north east, I know that.”
He nodded, still tapping his finger as he thought. “I don’t think an older man like him would want to go too far... Mass... could be the best guess.”
“What area did y’all live?” Hutch looked up from his tablet to you. “Boston, Springfield, even further west?”
“We were outside of Boston. He never wanted to actually move into the city.”
Hutch nodded and leaned into his radio on his left side. “Possible location, Boston, Massachusetts. May just be a hunch but it’s all we got.”
Your stomach dropped again, feeling the guilt swell over you as it became very real that you possibly just gave out your father’s location. What was he doing in the first place getting involved with the military again? Especially getting involved in something that made him just one step to “something bigger.”
König stood up, his eyes showing sorrow before he was cast in shadow again and he looked over to Hutch, who himself was getting up and starting to speak to you, “Well... I think that’s the best we’re gonna get outta you. It has been quite the day for you, huh? We’ll let you rest, maybe discuss more tomorrow.”
You stood up as the two of them turned to walk away and out of the room, quickly trying to catch up to their longer strides. “W-wait? Tomorrow? I...” The way your brain was running a million miles per hour made it hard to talk, hard to gather your thoughts and spit out a coherent question to them. “I-I’m staying here? Where will I sleep? I’m just staying in this weird questioning room?!”
Hutch scoffed and snickered at you, but König remained silent. You were so anxious you weren’t even looking at him. “Of course you’re staying here. Ain’t no way we would just let you off, go blab about what happened to you. No, no, no... whoever delivers your food will also bring a blanket and a pillow. You’ll live.”
He turned his back on you again and you were left stunned. You looked up to König, trying to get some support from him as you pleaded non-verbally to him. You saw his expression filled with pity as he forced himself to look away from you. “C-can one of you at least get this duct tape off before you leave? I-I won’t be able to eat or even set up the blanket and pillow if I can’t move my arms.”
Hutch glanced over to König, who was just looking straight down at the floor. He raised his eyebrow then shook his head. “...Fine. You’re right. Consider yourself lucky lil’ gal. König, you got your knife right? Do you mind...”
“J-ja...” His voice. He was struggling with the soldier's demeanor again. Once he turned to face you, you turned your back on him, hearing that familiar metallic sound of his knife being pulled out. He gently held your wrist and bent over to reach them better, but also allowing him to bring himself right next to your ear. “Stay strong, mein Liebling... I will be back, I promise. Just be patient.”
Your heart pounded in your chest again. It had been hours since he last talked to you so sweetly, and lord, you missed it in that time. He swiftly cut through the tape and shuffled away just as quickly, leading the way with Hutch behind as they left the only exit. You noted the lock on the door, both sides needing a key to be locked and unlocked. You wondered if they gave König a key or if he was going to get himself in more trouble by stealing one.
But with that, you heard the distinctive click of the door locking. With that, you were left alone. With that, all you could hear was the hum of the light as you were surrounded by the stone, cold room; nothing to do, nothing to see. Completely deprived of any stimulus. You couldn’t even tell the concept of time, there were no windows. The only thing you had was your memory of the hazy sky when you were last outside. If you had to guess, that was just about an hour ago. But now you just had your own perception to guess how much time had passed. And with nothing to do... you felt that would be unreliable. You struggled to even think of anything to pass the time.
You waltzed around the room slowly, watching as you picked up each foot and felt each step slightly reverberate in your body. Looking up at the corners of the room, finally having a chance to inspect the room more thoroughly, you didn’t see any cameras or sound recording devices. This surprised you a bit, but it made you think of Hutch tapping on his tablet, taking notes but he must have been taking an audio log, just in case there was something he missed. Maybe with just how disorganized this group was, they weren’t able to get cameras. You tried to recall if there were any while you were coming in, but recalling anything while you were being rushed through halls was hard. You were so focused on well... the situation in general you weren’t too worried about your surroundings.
Maybe the seeming incompetence of this group made you feel slightly more safe and secure. They didn’t even install anything to watch you in your room, you could do whatever... if there was anything to do. You walk over to the table you were interrogated at, sitting backwards in the chair and letting your chin rest on the rounded back of it. You ran your fingers over the little bars in between feeling the little curves it had while you looked forward, looking at the conveniently long mirror in front of you. Could they make the one way more obvious? You still got up and wanted to confirm your suspicions, cupping your hands while looking through, seeing very dimly the hallway behind, but blinds were also in the way, just barely closed. You couldn’t see anyone around, so you weren’t even being monitored manually. You suppose, you weren’t exactly a giant threat. They just wanted information, and they got it. Now you were of no use.
You walked away, trying to get your mind off the rather dark thought of your usefulness to this organization. That’s all you were stuck with though now, your thoughts. So getting your mind off a certain path was both a blessing and a curse, as now you had to try and think of something else to do, to think of. While walking back to your seat you spotted something dimly gleaming on the stone floor, where König was standing while he interviewed you. You crouched down, investigating what it was, a small oval on a beaded chain. Gently picked up the necklace, seeing it had split in the middle, like it could be snapped in half. You didn’t want to break it so you held it delicately in your hand as you read over it. There were 4 boxes, all numbered, and in the top center was the only thing on that first line, a big DEU. On the next line, 160997, K, 61127. You felt some more lettering on the back, so you flipped it over to read. A, Rh-, T8213, then the next few boxes were blank. Looking at all this information, this had to be his dog tag... it wasn’t like any other you’ve seen, all you’ve seen were American ones. But from the DEU, did that stand for Deutschland? His arm patch said he was from Austria though... at least you were sure if you remembered your flags right. The German flag was too recognizable though so... maybe he just went to volunteer for the German army for whatever reason. Maybe you’d ask him about it when he came back by... which you hoped would be soon.
You did some stretches to pass the time, and even tried to keep yourself active by doing steps on the chair that was available. You did about 150 before it felt like you were about to faint from over exertion. The granola bar from earlier only held you over for a bit, and now it was really starting to get to. Maybe it wasn’t your brightest idea, but what else were you supposed to do? Most times if you got this bored, you would just sleep it off but you didn’t even have that option right now. It was then the door opened, and you snapped your head over, hoping to see your König, but instead seeing a much smaller woman, a large comforter and pillow in her arms with a plate delicately balanced on top. She was still taller than you, but still was much shorter than any of the men you have seen so far. Her face though, her expression was pure contempt at you, seeming annoyed at this delivery as she unceremoniously dropped it all on the ground. The plate threatened to fall so you rushed over to catch it before it tumbled onto the dirty ground. “Bon appétit...” She slammed the door, and it clicked shut with the lock.
You looked at the plate that was now in your hands, taking it over to try and enjoy your only food. A baked potato, at least you hoped it was cooked as it wasn’t split open at all, and a single roll. You were thankful the carbs would fill you up at least but... man this wasn’t the most appetizing meal. Almost made you feel blessed by your father’s military meals he’d make, at least he’d throw in protein for you. Holding the potato you quickly had to put it down, clearly they had baked it and perhaps a little too much as your fingers now burned. Instead you took small bites of the roll, savoring your only meal and hoping it would make it last longer in your stomach.
Testing the potato’s temperature with the back of your hand, it was still far too hot to eat, so you went over to the blanket and pillow you were given, going to set up your bed. Going to the corner farthest from the door, you flipped out the comforter. It was nice and thick but... you only had the one. There were no other blankets, and this one was not long enough to fold over. You had to choose, sleep on the ground and at least have something on top to warm you or have it under you to cushion you from the concrete. This felt so cruel... so demeaning. You just unrolled it on the ground, wanting to decide later if anything. Feeling tears well up again, you wanted to get your mind off it so you went back to your dinner. Even eating a potato without utensils, just grabbing and taking a bite... you were being treated as subhuman. You had done nothing wrong, you answered all their questions, didn’t fight König when you were kidnapped... yet still. A tear finally ran down your cheek. You dropped the potato on your plate and just held your head in your hands, trying to get your composure. You didn’t want to break this early but... what else could you do? You’ve complied to them but still... your only hope was König but he wasn’t here. You weren’t even sure if he truly was going to make it, you wanted to hold out the hope but deep down you were terrified about having it broken. You had only known him for a few hours... you fucked him after a couple hours... but your heart still pounded as you thought of him. It was coming up in your mind that this was all irrational, that you shouldn’t be so hopeful toward him. But what else did you have? Your dad was gone, he had no clue anything had even happened. No neighbors even knew what happened. No one knows where you are or that you're even gone... except him... the one person who took you away but has shown more care than your family. Was it wrong to hold out hope for him? Was it wrong to cry about the hypothetical of him breaking it?
You looked down at the half eaten potato now on the plate, vision slightly blurred from teary eyes. You were hungry but had no appetite. As you thought about him, worried about a possible betrayal, the pit in your stomach growing and making the food in front of you seem very unappealing. Forcing yourself to take one bite, you dropped it and struggled, also forcing yourself to chew. You couldn’t take it anymore, you had to get your mind off this in some way. Your thoughts were spiraling already, taking you down a dark rabbit hole you did not want to be down this quickly in isolation. You quickly walked over to your “bed,” laying on top of the comforter and just bunching yourself up as much as you could, trying your best to insulate yourself by gathering the extra bits of the blanket around you. You closed your eyes, trying to ignore the discomfort and swelling anxious thoughts in your mind. Just taking a deep breath and trying to let go...
As you woke up, you really regretted it. Taking that nap in the car before combined with your sadness fueled sleep, lingering tears crusting and making it hard for your eyes to open. You didn’t even know if you were asleep for a couple hours or actually slept a full night. Your skin felt cold, feeling your skin still have goosebumps and slightly shivering. Now you really had no clue what time it was... but you didn’t really care.
You got up, bringing the comforter around you to try and gain some warmth back, trying to ignore the bits of dust and little pebbles that fell on you. Looking over to the table, the fluorescent light shined on the now cold potato. Your stomach rumbled, and though still you were anxious over König... your basic human needs were taking over. You walked over slowly, picking up the spud and taking small, gingerly bites of the vegetable.  It was as cold as the room, not a single bit of warmth was felt as it crumbled in your mouth. It was disgusting. Maybe you had been asleep for quite a few hours...
Getting to the final few bites, you were fully spaced out. You were grateful for that, at least your mind wasn’t going dark places. Instead just focusing on the bland, cold starch as your only hope for nutrients. So once you heard the click of the door, you were startled, looking back to see who was intruding... who else but his giant shadow. He gently closed the door behind him, but you were already sprinting to him. All the doubt in your mind was gone, proven wrong by him standing in front of you. He barely even turned to you before you jumped up, wrapping your arms around his neck and throwing yourself on him, fighting tears as you cried out his name while hugging him. He stumbled a few steps back, able to hold your weight easily but still stunned by the jump. His arms were held out at his sides, shocked by your reaction and unsure what to even do with his arms. But slowly he closed his eyes, wrapping his arms back around you and resting his head on top of yours.
“...Y-you... you don’t hate me?” His voice came out choked, his grip on you tightening as he talked into your hair. You let out a small chuckle, pulling your head back and looking up at him.
“Of course I don’t...” You knew your fighting of tears was a losing battle as your voice shook slightly. “Y-you actually came... you came back for me...”
“I... of course... I wouldn’t ever leave you... not now, not ever.” The way his eyes stared at you, so intense and serious, meaning everything he said but also so soft and sympathetic. As you stared back at him, you started laughing at yourself... laughing at how irrational and worried you were. You wondered if this was just a dream so you slowly and carefully let yourself down. He caught the hint and, though there was confusion on his face, he leaned over to help you down. Once you were back on your feet, you brought your hands up, caressing the sides of his head and watching as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath through his nose and enjoying the moment. You smiled seeing this and slowly brought your hands to the bottom of his mask, lifting it up just as slowly but closing your eyes and bringing your mouth close to his as soon as you could. He helped close the gap, kissing you passionately and wrapping his arms around you to hold you close. You place your arms back around his neck, lightly gripping at the back of it, never wanting to let go of him. He slightly moved his lips in the kiss, and you mirrored it back, making it feel more like a passionate dance.
It took a few moments but he finally pulled away, looking lovingly into your eyes before glancing back around the room, meeting the table that was behind you. “You didn’t finish your dinner, Liebling?” You looked behind as well, seeing the remnant of the cold potato still on the plate.
“All they gave me was that and a roll... I did eat the roll but when I got to eating the potato my... my mind started wandering... started worrying.” You couldn’t look at him as you admitted it but you could just feel his ice stare on you, looking at you with complete sympathy.
He trailed his arm away from you and reached into one of his cargo pants pockets. You could hear a distinctive wrapper sound and turned to look at him, following as his hand pulled out a little blue-wrapped snack. Instantly you recognized it, the brand name treat. “Here... I don’t like American sweets too much anyway. It’s, uh... it’s too artificial?”
“Well, I’m sure a Pop-Tart is quite a step down from the genuine strudels you’ve had in your life.” You grinned and he started laughing.
“Ah, well, calling them strudels feels a bit like an insult but... at least you know strudels are Austrian.” Your grin turned into a bit of a sheepish smile as you glanced away from him. You could see him raise an eyebrow at you from the corner of your vision as he leaned to make you look at him again. “...You didn’t know they were Austrian, did you?”
“...It’s always a toss up between German and Austrian for me.” He laughed and shook his head light-heartedly at you. You took the Pop-Tart from his hand, opening up and taking a bite. You savored the desert, so much better than the cold potato you were forced to have before. “Oh! Speaking of which, König...” You smiled and walked over to the table, pulling out the chair that Hutch originally pulled over for him to grab the dog tag he left behind, holding it up for him carefully so as to not break the seam. “You’re Austrian, yeah? But it says DEU at the top here.”
His eyes widened as he looked at it, quickly grabbing it but holding it gently in his hands as he read it over. “I didn’t even realize I dropped this... Thank you for keeping it safe,” he said with his voice soft but genuine gratitude as he locked eyes with you. You blushed and looked away from him. You leaned and sat on the table, continuing to eat. He didn’t take his eyes off you, instead putting both his arms on either side of you, leaning over you and making the fluorescent light above you create a harsh shadow, making your eyes naturally shift up to look back at him. The way he looked down at you made a spark shoot down your spine, and you crossed your legs in hopes to calm yourself down.
“You didn’t answer my question,” you said, tilting your head while putting your arms behind yourself, pushing yourself up slightly to meet his looming stance. You heard his breath hitch slightly in the silence, and you smirked knowing you weren’t the only one being worked up.
“Hmm? S-sorry I forgot what you had asked...” His voice was hushed but also husky as his fingers drummed beside you. You just barely saw it under the shadows but his blue eyes became slightly lidded as he looked your body up and down.
You giggled and blushed again at him. “Why your dog tag says DEU? I haven’t seen either an Austrian or German tag until now but DEU makes me think you’re German...”
“Ohh, right, right... Well... no. I just lived in Germany for a bit when I was young and well... when I was 17 I volunteered. It was only when I was 22, I went back to Austria but... I still keep this as my souvenir. ...Despite them being bastards and just using me as a human battering ram.” He laughed at himself, shaking his head at the memory of his past.
You gave him an empathetic look as you took another bite. He just kept watching you, making the warmth in your cheeks grow more. “Well... I haven’t done much obviously, I don’t have much to do. But what have you done?”
“Huh?” He seemed a bit surprised you had asked about him, about how his day was. His drumming increased slightly and he looked off into the distance, trying to remember. “Well, I did what I usually do, even before I met you; immediately went to my room after completing my mission, I tried reading a book, watching some garbage reality TV show. I thought it’d get my mind off things since it’s so mindless in itself but... God, even when I went to get my dinner, I thought about walking by here... seeing you but I knew they’d get suspicious if they saw me come by here again...”
“So nobody saw you get in here?”
“Not after I snapped the camera that was facing this door the other way... I think I might have broke a few wires in the process but that's fine... Should have put it a little higher, was too easy to grab.” He jokingly tutted and you laughed.
“Besides cameras, nobody was up either?”
“No, no, it’s about 2 AM. Everyone else is asleep. Anybody on watch duty is on the outside. We should be fine... should...”
“...You don’t seem too confident in that...”
“I rarely am. With that giant one way next to us... I’m sure you’ve noticed it. There’s no reason for anyone to go down this hallway but...”
You heard his drumming increase as he looked away. Gently you lifted your hand and guided his face to look back at you, but his eyes for once didn’t look back at you. You looked up at him with much empathy, “We can move my ‘bed’ to right under the window and hang out there if you like... will at least hide us a bit if someone does come by...”
He looked back at you finally, and you could see the corners of his eyes turn up as he smiled, nodding slowly and pushing himself back to fully stand up. He looked around the room, his smile dropping as he looked confused. “Where is your sleeping bag?”
You scoffed. “Oh, you think they were generous enough to give me a full sleeping bag?” You got up, grabbing the discarded comforter that hung on the back of your seat and walking over to the corner that still had your pillow. He followed after, looking at you in disbelief as you gestured at the pillow, wanting him to pick it up since your arms were full.
“Of course they didn’t... der Trottelviech...” He shook his head while picking up the pillow, following you to the corner. He gently tossed it down at the head of the comforter you rolled out. He looked down at you and gestured for you to take it first. You shook your head lightly and gestured back at him for him to lay down. He looked at you confused, but took your offer and slowly, carefully lowered himself to the ground. He lifted up the pillow so he could more comfortably lounge. And even though he wasn’t lying at full extension, his ankles and feet went well past the end of the blanket. You tried to hide your laugh and smile from him, but it’s clear he saw it as he raised his eyebrow at you again. “Do you see what I meant now? At least when you lay on this, you can fit your whole body comfortably.”
You took a breath, wiping the light-hearted smile from your face and replacing it with a more confident one as you continued with your plan. You crouched down carefully before bringing one of your legs over him to straddle his lap. His eyes widened as he watched you slowly lean over, sliding your hands down his shoulders to rest near the ends of his clavicles, resting your head on his chest while looking up at him. You were thankful but not surprised he wasn’t wearing all his gear, instead just wearing that athletic shirt that tightly hugged every bulky muscle he had, those cargo pants that you felt were starting to strain already just from you putting your weight on him, and his mask, no helmet on top, just his mask to hide his face. “Mmm... yes but if I were to lay down first, I wouldn’t be able to do this. Besides, I’m sure you have that problem with any bed you're on.”
He let out a big sigh, letting you rise and fall with his chest as he brought one of his hands to the dip of your waist, lightly caressing it. He watched his own hand as he did, or perhaps he was just admiring your body again. “Y-yeah... I’ll just say I’ve also struggled with back problems most of my life,” he let out a light chuckle as he met your eyes, and you could see him hold his smile as he looked down at your fellow smiling face.
He brought his other hand up to brush some hair out of your face, holding your face gently and looking down at you so lovingly as he admired you. You closed your eyes, taking in the feeling of his calloused and rough hands against your soft skin, loving every feeling of it. When you opened your eyes again, he slowly brought his hand to the base of his mask, starting to lift it, his eyes were half lidded as he looked at you. You took his hint, bringing yourself closer to him as he pulled it up to the middle of his nose. Just before you could close the gap, he took another deep breath and said something softly under his breath, “Komm zu mir, meine Mäuschen...” Hearing him say his pet name for you for the first time in a while drove your frenzy even wilder as you instantly closed the gap, keeping your mouth open slightly to make the kiss deep and passionate, taking a very deep breath through your nose. He moaned softly, a bit surprised by your intense passion but enjoying it nonetheless, gripping on your back harder and moving his other hand around to your upper back, pulling you close while gripping on your shoulder. He continued kissing you fervorously, opening his mouth and tentatively flicking his tongue to yours, then pulling away right as you let out a gasp and were about to return it. “God... I’ve been waiting for this all day... waiting to feel you again and confirm this wasn’t some wild dream...”
You gave him a quick, loving kiss between his sentences, but he didn’t mind the interruption. “I have too... the rest of this day has felt like a nightmare but you... treating me so well, making me feel so good... it almost doesn’t even feel real.”
He let out a soft laugh, softly caressing your side, slightly dipping to feel the curve of your hip. “Just the fact that such a beautiful woman actually still wants me after all that... God, it shouldn’t be real... I-I don’t deserve you, Y/N.”
You pulled away, looking at him with much sympathy after he said that, lightly tracing down his chest. “Don’t deserve? No... that makes it sound like I just threw myself in your lap once you kidnapped me. You treated me nicely despite everything; made me laugh, kept me warm, fed me, entertained me, made sure I was as safe as I could be. Not deserving it implies you did nothing to earn this... but you most certainly have, König.”
He looked at you stunned. For a moment, he was left unable to respond as he just looked at you, drumming his fingers on your hip. He quickly pulled his mask up and pulled you close for another feverish kiss, taking a deep breath as your lips came together, lifting slightly to breathe out and catch his breath. “Fuck, you are perfect...” When he met your lips again, he went back to where he left off, letting his tongue flick against yours as the kiss deepened. You let one of your hands continue caressing his pecs, running up and down while the other raised to the back of his head, pulling him as close as you could. The two of you never broke the kiss, instead humming, gasping, and lightly moaning into each other. Both of you had the same thought, you never wanted this to end. His hand kept running up and down the curve of your hip, sometimes letting his finger grip slightly, earning a wanting moan from you. He decided to be a bit more daring, moving his hand slowly up and around your ass, gripping hard and then pulling your hips down harshly to meet his hips and hardening bulge. Your lips broke as you were forced down his longer torso, making your moan much more audible as well as his heavy breaths. “C-can you grind on me? B-... Please, please, please, please... I want to feel you again, Mäuschen...”
Your smile turned a bit more cocky as you heard him start being desperate for more, sounding just as desperate as you felt internally. You slowly slid your hands down his chest, looking at him as he watched you the whole time with heavy lids. Once you got close to both your hips, you lifted yourself up, helping his hands that fell limp as he watched you, guiding them to hold your hips as you slowly rolled your hips against his, instantly feeling his cock twitch underneath his pants as he groaned. “O-oh my god~...” He instantly latched his hands on you, gripping your hips and slightly helping you along as you continued, bucking his hard-on into you as you did. He threw his head back with a moan before looking back down at you. “Fuuuck... S-Scheiße... that’s so fucking sexy~... God-”
You cut him off as you circled yourself on him slowly, starting to moan but sounding like he bit his own lip. You smiled again, flushing, feeling like you had such power over such a giant man. You leaned back over, pushing up his mask slightly and, while just barely able to reach it while you were against him, kissing his jawline and slowly making your way down his neck until you reached the top of his shirt. You let your hand trace down to reach the little zipper at the front of his shirt, pulling it down so you could reach his collar bone. His breath hitched and he yelped a little as you gave it a small nibble. “H-hey! Liebling... w-we can’t take off our clothes. Not tonight at least, in case we... well, I have to quickly leave here...”
You did a playful groan to express your disappointment as you lifted off his skin. “Hmmph... you worry so much... Let me help you relaaax~...”
He let out another groan as you slowly rolled your hips to the elongation of your last word. His eyes looked down at you heavy lidded as you coyly looked up at him from his chest. You could tell though he was smiling but gritting his teeth as he said, “Oh you certainly do, baby... but you drive me a whole different type of insane...” He rolled his hips up into yours harshly, making you feel his hard on get even bigger and letting out your own moan. He growled slightly, tightening his grip on your hips and holding them down. “Thank god this room is soundproof... I can make you moan as loud as I want... Hear those fucking beautiful moans and gasps and pants... Scheiße, wie bist du so perfekt?”
You laughed a little in your moan as you leaned up to his ear. “I think I can say the same... you’re a little vocal yourself... and I love it, especially when you speak German...” You leaned yourself back up to be sitting on his lap as you let your hips grind again. This time he followed you, propping himself up and looming over you as sat in his lap, leaning over to your ear.
“Yeah?... Ja, gefällt dir das? Wenn du nicht weißt was ich sage?” With each question, he tilted his head. He chuckled darkly as he heard you breathe heavily while looking up at him, bucking his hips up into yours while holding your hips down, making you cry out again. Even with clothes still on, you were still getting so riled up over this. You could feel it, afraid you were going to soak through your only pants at this rate. “Du magst es, meinen großen Schwanz an deiner Muschi zu spüren? ...God, that fucking tight, wet Muschi...”
As you caught your breath, you dragged your hands down his shoulders to his chest, giving him a slight push. “L-lay back...” you said under your breath. He looked at you confused but followed your order.
“D-did I do something wrong?” he asked hushed, worry apparent in his voice.
“Quite the opposite...” You lifted his mask up and kissed his neck again, slowly kissing down till you reached his collar. You kept trailing though, lifting your hips from his so you could keep going lower, darting your eyes from admiring his body to his eyes looking at you full of lust. Once you reached his belt you looked up at him, patting your hands on his thighs. “Can you spread open a bit? I just need to sit between them.” He nodded, doing so slowly as to allow your straddling legs to intertwine in. Once you were in between, you scooted a little lower, bringing your hands up to undo his belt. Your eyes darted, looking at his belt and then watching him. It was hard to take your eyes off him as he looked down at you with those gorgeous blue eyes... such want and need in them. Watching his chest rise and fall as his breathing got heavier in anticipation.
You smiled as you pulled his boxers down, watching it spring up as he groaned, feeling it finally not be compressed and seeing your lustful expression looking at it. You wrapped your hand around it gently, finally able to admire it since you couldn’t last time. If you had to guess based on your hand, it had to be over 9 inches. He was leaking a lot of precum, especially as your breath ghosted over it as you looked around it. You slowly brought your hand up, running your thumb along the base of his head as you looked up at him. “...I’m not going to be able to fit this all in my mouth.”
He chuckled, “T-that’s fine... I’m certainly not going to complain.” You smiled, bringing your hand slowly down and hearing his breath hitch as you did, your smile getting wider. Keeping your eyes on him, you slowly licked up the vein starting from where your thumb was until you reached the underside of the head. His head slowly fell back as he moaned, his hands balling up into fist on the comforter. As you slowly continued licking up, you lifted one of your hands to meet his, holding it and then guiding it. He slowly brought his head back to look at you, lust filled eyes and catching his breath. He watched as you brought his hand to your head, placing it to the side of your cheek. He caught the hint, gently holding your face and brushing your hair out of the way as you continued, letting your tongue swirl around his head one... two... three times. Your lips curled into a smile as you looked up at him, his heavy lidded expression turning to a squint. Clearly already a bit tired of you teasing him for his first time. You kept smiling as you started to lay a couple gentle kisses on it, watching as his expression turned more loving, then to being filled with pleasure as you took him into your mouth. You pulled up slightly, licking your lips to help out as you really needed to make sure your teeth were covered. It was admittedly hard with how wide you had to open your mouth, but he didn’t seem to notice as he moaned. Slowly his grip tightened on your hair, just barely but he quickly rescinded it. “S-sorry... I didn-”
You came up, letting out a little giggle as you nuzzled into his hand. “It’s okay, König. You can grab my hair... pull it... I’ll let you know if you get too rough.” His eyes softened and he nodded hesitantly, gently combing through your hair as you slowly brought yourself back down. You looked up at him as you did, watching the pleasure wash over him and feeling yourself get that pang of pleasure as well, especially as he started lightly gripping your hair. He didn’t force your pace, instead just seeming to be reacting to the pleasure he was feeling as you started to slowly move up and down, letting your tongue just barely move side to side as you came up. You could only take a third of it down before you felt yourself struggling to breathe, almost starting to gag. So you started moving your hand as well to help out. You lifted up again, catching your breath before sensually licking your own right hand, wrapping your tongue around the digits while looking at him. You put your hand back around him and let your breath ghost over his rock hard dick before taking him back in.
He moaned and groaned out again, his grip on your hair being less gentle as he brought his other hand up, gripping his mask where the top of his hair would be. “Scheeeeiiiiiße~... Wie bist du überhaupt gottverdammt real?” He started panting, his breathing getting even heavier when you looked up at him through your lashes. He shifted, sitting up as you looked at him confused, his grip just barely getting tighter again on you. “H-how far can you go on me, Maus?” he asked under a hushed breath, loosening his grip as he started finger-combing your hair again. You barely curled your lips into a smile as you went as low as you could, taking a deep breath through your nose and humming once you got a third of the way down. He immediately yelped once the vibrations hit him, instinctively tightening his grip. “O-Oh~! O-Okay... ghh... okay... heilige Scheiße... O-one more thing for me, Mäuschen. C-can you lift your ass up a bit?”
You looked up at him a bit confused, pulling off him so you could talk. “L-like this?” You tentatively arched your back, keeping your knees on the ground parallel to your hips as you rose them.
He tilted his head, giving a thoughtful hum as he looked at you. “A little... can you just uh... oh, what’s the term for it? Knie raus, Füße zusammen... Butterfly your legs?” You got what he was saying and slowly brought your knees out from under your hips as far as you could. “Mmm~... yeah, like that... just like that... You’re still comfortable right?” You nodded, looking up at him as you slowly moved your mouth to hover back over his head. He was so hard, so turned on, you could see how bright pink his tip went even in the darkness of the room. As your warm breaths went over him again, he tightened his grip on your head, but gently pulled you down to meet his head. You smiled, placing another gentle peck on it before taking him in, giggling softly as you got past his head. He gasped, and you could tell he bit his lip again as it was abruptly cut off. You went at a slightly faster pace than you did before, and he kept his grip tight on you. You thought he might be guiding you more but he didn’t, seeming content with your pace. You were a little disappointed, hoping he would be a little more rough but... considering you weren’t gagging on his cock, could you really complain that much?
He did surprise you though as he brought his right hand up from gripping the sheet to going over your hip to the mound of your ass, giving a tight squeeze as he growled lightly. You gasped and moaned against his dick, feeling it pulse slightly as he groaned. “That’s it... moan on my fucking big cock, Mäuschen~...” His fingers drummed a bit as you were still reeling a bit from the surprise and pleasure of it all. You looked up at him, full of lust as he gently caressed you. “God, and when you look up at me with those beautiful eyes... Gott, ich will alles von dir...” Both of his grips tightened, making you moan wantonly again but starting your pace up slowly again. He let out his own moan, letting his hand on your head guide you up and down at the pace he wanted, which was only a bit faster, but still manageable. His other hand though... the grip slowly loosened, dragging and softly caressing as he went to the waistband of your pants. He carefully slid his hand under, under your panties as well, dipping through to softly touch his finger on your entrance. He groaned right as you moaned, instinctively arching your back more to reach his touch. “Jesus... h-heilge... you are so fucking wet~! Fuck, and I thought I had got you wet before... This wet... just from sucking my dick... from anticipation? Fuck, you feel like you’re about to soak through to your pants... heheh... I can tell these panties are already ruined.”
You quickly pulled yourself off, leaning up slightly so you could fully look at him, fully beg for him. “Take them off... please.”
You gritted your teeth, face fully flushed as you sat up, pulling yourself up to be right up in his face. His eyes went wide in shock at the sudden movement, his hand down your panties freezing in place. “Take off my pants and panties and finger fuck me while I suck you off, König. Please, please, please, please... I want us both to be fucking lost in ecstasy, so pleeeease...” You grinded your wet cunt into his waiting hand as he looked at you stunned.
You were worried perhaps you had taken it too far or perhaps just threw him off too much as he paused for a good few seconds. But then he looked at you, absolute lust taking over both in his expression and his voice. “...Can you say it in German?”
You paused, thinking for a second. “...B-bitte, König~.”
“No,” he said, his voice flat. Again, you worried you fucked up, but then he leaned over to your ear, getting so close you could feel the warmth of his breath through the mask hit the shell of your ear. “Fick. Mich.”
You could take an educated guess at what that meant, so once he pulled back and met your eyes again, you said it with the same passion and conviction you would as if you were saying it in English, “Fick mich~...”
He groaned, closing his eyes as he took in the words you said. He brought his hand out, letting it rest on your waistband teasingly as he slowly opened his eyes to meet yours again. “...Again.”
You were breathing heavily in anticipation, feeling his other hand come up to hold the other side of your pants. You gritted your teeth in frustration, but couldn’t help but turn it into a smile as you begged for him in his native language. “Fick mich.”
He growled as he quickly shucked down your pants and panties in one swoop, reaching your knees that were still on the floor. You picked up your legs, helping kick them off and to the bottom of the comforter. With his hand free, they resumed their position, his right harshly grabbing your ass while the other went to your head, not gently gripping the side this time. Instead, going to the back and grabbing a fist full of hair as he pulled you as close as he could to his face. “Fucking again~...”
You gasped, loving the display of dominance and crying out in a moan, “Fick mich, bitte König~!!!”
He growled then transitioned to a moan as he pushed you down slowly, letting your legs readjust to your old position. “Oh my gooood~ Steig auf meinen verdammten Schwanz, jetzt...” You had no clue what he said now but took the hint and brought him fervorously back into your mouth, letting your tongue drag down as you went down as low as you could go. You think in your lust addled state, you went even deeper than you did before, just barely reaching halfway down before having to pull up.
He slipped his hand down from your ass to your waiting entrance, teasing you by circling around it three times. He chuckled as you glared up at him, getting you back for when you teased him, but giving in and letting it slip in. You moaned and hummed against his twitching dick as it slid in with ease, earning another moan from him. “So wet... look at you taking me so easily, I bet I could even...” He had only slipped in one digit, but with how wet you were... As he pulled out his middle finger, he teased your wet entrance with his middle and ring finger, before slowly, very slowly pushing in. You felt the stretching, but this time was not nearly as painful as the first time, instead being able to fully enjoy the pleasure, having to pull yourself up so you could fully moan. Your hot heavy breaths hitting the tip of his dick again made him instinctively buck his hips, but he relaxed his hand on your head so he wouldn’t force you down when you weren’t ready. “Look at that... you can take two of my fingers... and you’re taking them so fucking well... god, yesss~”
You caught your breath, looking up at him through your lashes as you hovered right above his cock as he slowly started pumping in and out. You lowered yourself down quickly, muting your moans as you took him in, making him moan himself as your louder moan caused more vibration against him, grabbing a fist full of your hair as more euphoria took him over. You hollowed out your cheeks, looking back up at him as let out one of the louder moans you’ve heard from him, his grip on your hair getting tighter as his fingers stopped pumping, reeling in the pleasure. Once he finally locked eyes with you, coming down from his momentary high, he growled, immediately picking up the pace of his fingers, like he was rewarding you for making you feel so good by immediately returning the favor. You gripped hard onto his thighs, bunching up the fabric of his pants as you tried to keep up pace. It was hard though as you were slowly getting lost in your own pleasure. You hollowed out your cheeks again as you pulled up and off, with a cute little pop sound as you came off. “S-spank me...”
He was still whirling from you sucking him off that when he heard you, he quickly snapped his head down in confusion. “W-wait... what?”
You smirked as you gritted your teeth in frustration, while frustrated at him you also were still having fun. “Spank. Me.”
He looked at you, tilting his head as he slowly pulled his fingers out, letting them drag before he cupped your ass again, gently caressing before giving a barely decent slap. You groaned, lifting yourself fully up to look up and plead for him again. “I know you can go harder than that, baby... I know you want to...”
You heard his breath hitch and him swallow back some spit nervously as he softly caressed it again, starting to drum his still wet and sticky fingers. “I... I don’t want to hurt you, Liebling.”
“Oh, König... I said I’d let you know if you were too rough. You won’t hurt me. If you do, I’ll let you know, I promise.” His gaze broke from you as he looked away, clearly a bit torn about this. You leaned up more, gently grasping his mask and lifting it so you could make your lips meet. He instantly loosened up, like he always did when you two kissed, holding you tightly as he took you all in. You slowly pulled back, meeting his eyes again as his nerves calmed. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to, either.” 
He looked off to the side, this time in thought as he mulled it over, still drumming his fingers on you. “...Y-you won’t be mad if I do, right? You’ll just... tell me?” You nodded. He hesitantly brought his hand up before bringing it down slightly harsher, letting out his own groan as you hummed pleasantly, jolting at the sharp sensation. “H-how was that?”
You smiled devilishly at him as you brought your face close to his again, the mask still not having fallen between you two, so you could feel his hot breaths as he looked down at you. “Harder...”
He quirked an eyebrow but obliged, bringing his hand up before crashing it down again, this time with a more audible slap, making you gasp out. He quickly caught your mouth, kissing you again quickly before pulling back. “A-are you okay?” Your smile remained as you giggled, giving a quick kiss back.
“A little harder... just a little.”
He let out his own chuckle as he softly soothed where he hit by rubbing it. “Gott, du bist so heiß...” He brought his hand up quickly and brought it down just as fast, making the pain sting but feel so good, especially as he held his grip tightly on you before gently caressing it. You cried out in pleasure, muffling yourself as you brought your lips together again, holding him against yours as you let your tongue intertwine with his.
When you lifted again, you let the mask fall between again as you looked up at him needily. “L-lay back again...”
He chuckled, doing as you said but raised his eyebrow. “What are you planning now?” You just smiled, bringing yourself up and out from between his legs to back where you were at the start; straddling his hips, with his hand going to the sides of your hips as you hovered right above his lap, where now his exposed dick was. You joined his laughing, grabbing his hand and making it hold the bottom of his shaft up, him gasping as he held his own dick.
“You gotta make sure you are aimed up right, silly.”
“Heheheh... sorry, still kind of new at this...”
“It’s okay...” You slowly brought yourself down, letting your entrance just barely graze his tip, biting your lip as you felt him so hard, feeling your wet cunt needily want his precum leaking cock. “Y-you’ll get the hang of it, big boy...” You started lowering yourself down, crying out as you got the head in, gripping your hands tightly on his abdomen, bunching up his shirt in the process. His grip on your hip got tighter as you kept lowering yourself, letting out his own powerful moan. As tears started pricking at the corners of your eyes while you kept going lower, he quickly sat up, his grip getting much tighter and starting to pull you up slightly.
“H-hey... stop. Don’t rush, baby... don’t hurt yourself over me, Y/N.” He looked down at you dead serious, his pupils still blown out in pleasure but clearly able to overcome it, even with your tight pussy enveloping him. He carefully lifted his hand up from his dick to gently hold the other side of your hip. You let him take control, panting as he lifted you up slowly. “Nggh~... L-like this... Go down... t-then uuup... fuuuuck~” You reached just above his head, not coming off him yet as he held you there a moment. He just leaned back, looking at you, your body as you took him in, admiring it all. “Gott, meine wunderschöne Mäuschen... sooo klein und süß...... okay...” He took a deep breath closing his eyes, then moving you down his shaft again, opening them to watch you slide down as you moaned. You didn’t feel any pain, just pure pleasure as he hit every inch of your walls, slowly. “Ghhh~... t-then we go back down... god, yes~... L-lower than we did before...”
He looked down at you in amazement as you took more of his inches. You giggled, letting out a little moan as you caught your breath. “Look at you... it’s like you’re a professional.”
He chuckled as well, getting close to your face as he looked into your eyes, deeply and passionately. “Heheh... what can I say? I have a good teacher...”
You just paused, staring back at him with just as much love, letting your hands roam up to reach up and around his neck and head, gently caressing the back of his head while the other reached back to pull up his mask. He caught where you were going and leaned in further, locking with your lips as soon as he could. Your grip immediately tightened, bringing yourself up his cock slowly as he said, but also allowing yourself to get closer to him as you kissed him fervorously. Though not like before with the fervor of lust, but with pure passion. Despite how rough his cock was against you, you remained soft with the kiss. Despite you both moaning as you slowly made your way back down, his back bent to make sure he never broke from your lips. Moving your lips gently with his, occasionally licking at his lip and tongue when he would let it out to meet yours. Sometimes he would even lightly nibble at your bottom lip, giggling as he felt you smile in response. You got lower and lower, before you even knew it, you had actually bottomed out on him, only taking three attempts to take it all. The kiss broke, you both heavily breathed and lightly moaned, looking at each other for a moment as you both got used to the sensation. He leaned back slightly, looking at your body taking him in, growling as he saw it. “Gghhh~... Du nimmst meinen Schwanz so gut... als wärst du für mich gemacht~...”
You kept on holding onto his neck for balance as you slowly pulled yourself up, arching your back slightly as you did to give him a new sensation before you came back down. You didn’t bottom out on him, instead pulling back up again so you could ride him. You both moaned wantonly, his hands going back to grip at your hips and thighs as he leaned back, taking in more the image of you taking so much pleasure from him. It broke your grip from him, but you didn’t mind, as seeing him look up at you with such lust and longing... you felt another rush of pleasure shoot up your spine and made you feel even more wet on his dick. Continuing on, you were able to glide up and down with ease more, circling your hips like you knew he liked when you grinded on him, your grin growing as he moaned loudly and threw his head back. He bucked his hip up into you, grabbing hard on your body as he lost control for a moment. Once he came back and opened his eyes, he saw you moaning as you bounced up and down at an increasing pace. He was struggling to keep his composure as his moans turned to more animalistic growls, grabbing your hips and starting to thrust himself in time with you. Your thighs burned as you had to move up and down, but the pure pleasure you felt overwhelmed it. Right as you were about to slow from exhaustion, his powerful strength took over and helped you out, grabbing both sides of your hips and moving you up and down with his thrusts. “Ja, gefällt dir das? Du magst es so grob gefickt zu werden?”
You started chuckling between your gasps and moans. Once you caught your breath a bit more, you leaned yourself down, resting your head down on his chest but keeping your hips raised so you could still keep his cock deep inside you as his thrusting never stopped. You grinned widely at him, “Hehehe, you have to teach me more German, babe. I wanna understand you and I want to talk dirty to you, too.”
He groaned more as he looked down at you, liking the new position quite a bit. “J-yeah... I-I can... later... Scheiße, baby, Ich selbst kann kaum Englisch sprechen...”
He kept this thrusting going, his grip having to do less work as you could move again with more ease as you used different muscles in your legs. And at this new angle, he easily hit even deeper inside you. You gripped hard onto his chest, crying out more and more. “Oh, fuck~...  Maaauus~, I think at this angle I can...” He pulled himself out slightly, keeping his head inside as his hands tilted your hips a little bit back, before thrusting back in fast and hard, hitting your g-spot harshly and making you scream in pure ecstasy. “F-Fuck~!!! Scheiße, enge, enge, enge... so verdammt enge...”
Your head fell on his chest fully as you lost yourself, unable to fuck him back even as he continued his assault on your most sensitive spot. Clearly, he had no problem with that as he kept going, your pussy clenching around him as you already felt your climax come close and closer. He chuckled darkly, bringing one of his hands around from your hip to dip under and gently rub your clit, not wanting to fully overstimulate you... though clearly you still were as you were almost clawing through his shirt.
“Mhmmhmmhmm, are you getting close, mein Schatz? I can feel it, baby...” He leaned down as far as he could, though he could only bend his torso and neck so far with your current position. “Come on, meine Mäuschen. Fucking cum for me... Komm für mich, biiiitte... Ich möchte den Himmel wieder spüren...”
His pace on your clit increased, but he never went faster with his thrust, just letting them hit you hard and deep. But with it hitting the right spot, you could feel it. Everytime he hit it, you felt your climax teeter over the edge, and with every circle, it threatened to blow over. With one final thrust, you gripped hard and just let it wash over you, vision going white as your back arched, letting out a loud moan. Your hips twitched and it felt like every inch of you was on fire. You didn’t think it was possible... but you think you came harder than you did before.
Once you caught your breath, you came down from your orgasm, feeling his tight grip on your hips as some lingering spasms lasted but were quickly calmed by his strength. As you came down, you noticed too that he had completely froze, his breathing labored and methodic. You looked up at him in confusion, and noted that you definitely didn’t feel his cum inside you yourself. “...Y-you okay?”
“...I can’t move... s-so tight... I’m about to cum... but I can’t... not inside you... not again...” His voice was so labored and on edge, you took such pity on him but knew what he was saying. Obviously he couldn’t cum inside you, but also he couldn’t finish anywhere on you. There was no way for you two to clean up. You paused, thinking because you really wanted to have him cum as well but...
“Hold on... I have an idea... just, uh... hold your breath for a second and... hold it in as much as you can.” Slowly and very carefully, you pulled yourself up and off his head, and he sucked a harsh breath through his teeth, closing his eyes as he gripped onto the comforter. You lifted yourself from your straddle, sitting on your knees off to the side of him. “Okay... now stand up.” He took a deep breath before doing as you said, leaving his hands off to his sides, scared to touch any part of himself. You gave him a sympathetic smile as you looked up at him, scooting yourself between his legs so you were fully kneeling in front of him. To let him know your intentions, you opened your mouth, your tongue just barely ghosting under his tip and then grabbed his hand, guiding it to his cock.
He moaned just from looking at you, knowing exactly what you were thinking now. “Fuuuck~... Ich könnte bei diesem Anblick abspritzen...” He took a few deep breaths before starting to pump his cock slowly, tapping his tip on your waiting tongue. It made him gasp as he increased his pace. You smiled, bringing your tongue back in for a moment so you could gently kiss his tip, then opened up for him again. He started heavily breathing, his pace quickly picking up and roughly grabbing the back of your head, not fully forcing his cock in your mouth though, just bring it close to so not a single drop was wasted as he fully unloaded on your tongue, a slew of curses coming out as his hips bucked. Admittedly, you weren’t the most keen on swallowing but you had no choice... and he actually didn’t taste too bad. You waited for his bucking hips to stop before you brought your tongue back in, making sure he was looking at you as you made a show of your swallow. He chuckled lowly, gently placing his index finger on your chin to make you look up at him. “Let me see that tongue.” You giggled and did as he said, your tongue just about touching his thumb that was holding your chin. “Mmmhm... good girl... Das ist mein kleiner Schatz...”
You carefully started to stand back up, but he quickly grabbed your hand that wasn’t on the ground supporting you to help you up. You stumbled on your feet as did, crashing into his lower chest but he quickly wrapped his burly arms around you to make sure you didn’t tumble back. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath and then letting out a content hum as you relaxed fully into him, your hands resting on his shoulder and chest. He rested his head on the top of yours, the both of you enjoying your post sex quiet moment. His head adjusted and moved, placing a few gentle kisses on your head before leaning down lifting his mask up. It was just the nonverbal cue for you two now, you both knew what it meant, and you obliged, bringing your lips close and kissing him with great passion. Your hand slipped under his mask, curling your fingers in his hair and gently combing through the short bits you could. He broke the kiss, looking deeply in your eyes but then sighing... not a happy content sigh as his eyes darted to the side and his fingers drummed on the small of your back.
“...I don’t want to leave.” His voice was so small, so broken. You looked up at him with much concern as he struggled to look at you. “I’ll probably get some new assignment tomorrow... and I won’t see you. I won’t be here to protect you from all these... fucking Fetzenschädel while they interrogate you about this bullshit!” You noticed his hand had gone from drumming to fully shaking on you as he spoke more and more. He groaned out in frustration and let go of you, covering his face in his hands as he continued to groan, walking away. You followed after him, keeping your pace slow so you could just let him express his frustration. Though you wanted to hug him and keep him calm... you knew deep down he did have to let this out. He let out another big sigh, dragging his hands down his mask before looking down at the floor. He let out a slight chuckle, then pulled his boxers up and zipped up his fly, redoing his belt as well. You realized you, as well, didn’t have your bottoms back on either, surprised you didn’t feel the cold air hitting your exposed sex earlier. You quickly walked over to your “bed,” sitting on the ground and putting them back on. He heard your quick footsteps and it brought him back to reality, looking over at you, and letting out another soft chuckle. “Ich mache mir solche Sorgen um ein Mädchen, das ich gerade getroffen habe... but...”
He slowly walked over to you, right as you got your pants past your hips. You looked up at him and smiled warmly as you saw him extend his hand out to you again. You took it, and then he guided you over back to the table. You slid your hand down and in between his fingers so you could interlock with him, and he quickly returned it by looking back at you, a smile in his eyes as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze. Once you got to the table, he stood in front of the corner of it while your back was to it. He patted it with his free hand, and you quickly hopped up, holding onto his shoulder for balance. He smiled again, stepping back a bit but still holding your hand, as his eyes looked you up and down. “...I just wanted to see you in the light again, Mäuschen.” He let out a little giggle as you turned away, flushing and smiling as you did. He sighed, taking a step closer and looming over you again. “...You really are so beautiful, meine Maus. ...God, I really don’t want to leave, I just want to fucking stay here and keep you safe an-”
You cut him off quickly as you felt his hand start to tremble against yours again. “Hey, K��nig... don’t think like that, you're getting yourself worked up...” You looked at him with concern but made sure you also looked as confident as possible so you could show how serious you are. “I know it’s hard and... your very real desire to care and protect me... It’s so sweet and I love it. But there is only so much you can do. Especially right now. I know you want me safe with you, and I do too, but... we can’t fight the situation we are in right now. I’ll be fine. You said you didn’t want me to hurt myself for you... König, don't put yourself in danger just to protect me... Okay?” You leaned up and gently kissed the side of his mask while he was staring at you softly and lovingly. He let out a small chuckle, shaking his head while looking at you.
“I’m still not convinced this isn’t a dream...” He removed his hand from yours and placed it right by your side, leaning on the table to lean over you more. He raised his other hand, softly cupping your face as you nuzzled into his touch. You giggled softly.
“Mmm... I guess we’ll just have to wait and see when we wake up, hmm?”
He laughed again, slightly glancing away from you, looking up as he shook his head again. “Gott, wenn das ein Traum ist, weck mich nicht auf.” He looked back at you, slowly bringing his face closer. Once he got right nearby, he hooked his thumb under his mask and pulled it up, immediately closing the gap between you two as you had your last, loving kiss. You softly ran your hands down his shoulders to his pecs then back up again, loving the feeling of his muscles.
He reluctantly pulled away, standing up straight. He pulled up his sleeve, checking his watch and sighing sadly. You leaned over, checking as well... 3:45 am... Fucking hell. He looked behind you still keeping his eyes on the table, pointing to something. You turned your back to look. “You better finish that soon or hide it under your pillow. Heheh... they’ll know it was from me.”
You giggled, watching him as he slowly walked around the table. “Hmm... I think I’ll save it for later. I got some protein in me, I should be good for a bit.” You looked up at him with a big grin as he let out a big laugh, shaking his head. You knew he was blushing under his mask.
“Eat the Pop-Tart, Liebling... I don’t think my uh... ‘protein’ will hold you over ‘til morning.” Reluctantly, he turned his back walking to the door and slowly, carefully pulling it open so as to not make as much noise. He turned back as he went through, giving a cute little wave bye as he slowly shut the door, watching as you returned it, with a big loving smile plastered on your face.
You picked up the Pop-Tart, walking around the room as you finished the first half of it that you had left from before. You really were full as once you looked at the second one in the package, you knew you would not be able to eat a single bite from it. You decided to combine his two suggestions, very carefully wrapping it so it would not touch the floor and walked to your bed, placing it in the farthest corner of your pillow as you laid down. As soon as you hit the comforter, you felt it... the lingering warmth from him. Even the subtle smell of gunpowder lingered and you somehow found it comforting. Easily snuggling up in it all, you found yourself quickly returning to sleep from the exhaustion of your little rendezvous.
Translations! Trottelviech- (literally) Idiot creature (taken from a reddit thread on Austrian insults people have heard) Komm zu mir, meine Mäuschen- Come to me, my Mäuschen. Scheiße, wie bist du so perfekt?- Fuck, how are you so perfect? Ja, gefällt dir das? Wenn du nicht weißt was ich sage?- Yeah, you like that? When you don't know what I'm saying? Du magst es, meinen großen Schwanz an deiner Muschi zu spüren?- You like feeling my big cock on your pussy? Muschi- Pussy Scheeeeiiiiiße~... Wie bist du überhaupt gottverdammt real?- Fuuuuuck~... How are you even goddamn real? Knie raus, Füße zusammen...- Knees out, feet together... Gott, ich will alles von dir...- God, I want all of you... Fick mich- Fuck me Steig auf meinen verdammten Schwanz, jetzt...- Get on my fucking cock, now... Gott, du bist so heiß...- God, you are so hot... Gott, meine wunderschöne Mäuschen... sooo klein und süß...- God, my gorgeous Mäuschen... sooo small and cute... Du nimmst meinen Schwanz so gut... als wärst du für mich gemacht~...- You take my cock so well... like you were made for me~... Ja, gefällt dir das? Du magst es so grob gefickt zu werden?- Yeah, you like that? You like being fucked so roughly? Scheiße, baby, Ich selbst kann kaum Englisch sprechen...- Shit, baby, I can barely speak English myself... Scheiße, enge, enge, enge... so verdammt enge...- Shit, tight, tight, tight... so damn tight... Mein Schatz- (literally) My treasure (another pet name like darling/sweetheart) Komm für mich, biiiitte... Ich möchte den Himmel wieder spüren...- Cum for me, pleeeaase... I want to feel heaven again... Ich könnte bei diesem Anblick abspritzen...- I could cum at the sight of this... Das ist mein kleiner Schatz...- That's my little Schatz... Fetzenschädel- (literally) Tattered skull (another Austrian insult saying "idiot" in a very creative way lmao) Ich mache mir solche Sorgen um ein Mädchen, das ich gerade getroffen habe...- I'm so worried about a girl that I just met... Gott, wenn das ein Traum ist, weck mich nicht auf.- God, if this is a dream, don't wake me up.
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Whoever reads this, I hope something beautiful happens to you soon.
I hope you know that you are loved and that God thinks good things about you all the time, even when you think you've messed up so bad, there is NOTHING that changes God's love for you. You are loved every second of your life and your existence. God KNOWS you, He has no reason to think anything bad about you. He knows you better than your own judgements against yourself. He has no judgement against you, you are His beloved son, His beloved daughter, He will love you forever and forever and even longer than that.
I wish you peace and love and so much gentleness and kindness and mercy. 💚 Amen.
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acewithapaintbrush · 1 year
Please wish my cat a happy 15th birthday!!!
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She may be considered a senior citizen but she is still baby
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saltsig · 14 days
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Trucy sticker design for the con ♡
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jdotsodomite · 8 months
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sagt was ihr wollt. er ist das OG mäuschen
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dummerjan · 6 months
ฅ^._.^ฅ The second kitty cat! How do I manage to be the slightest bit intimidating though?! I promise I am nothing but a silly eejit.
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uselessmicrowave · 5 months
🐹 hehehehe <3
whattt nuh uhh
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ronniemity · 9 months
ich nasche parmesan mit trauben und trinke flirtea zitrone zero
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werspinna · 10 months
The baker stirs awake, eyes slowly opening. He feels someone in his arms, head turning to his guest. His eyes widened seeing the alchemist, a blush forming on his face. He replays the night in his head as a hand covers his red face. NOt helped by the look on Wolf's face as a bashful chuckle escapes his lips. "Am I blushing? I'm blushing aren't I?"
Back in he convent the morning was never quiet- there were the hasty noise of steps on the corridor from the nun running into the chapel for the morningprayer, there were the busy clattering of pots and dishes from the kitchen when the breakfast was prepared, there were the loud noises of the children who- beside the fact that everyone in the convent was orderd to be silent- were herded like a flock of chattering geese to the refectory for a quick breakfast so they could go to their first lessons as soon as the nuns had finsihed their prayers. Here however the morning was almost quiet, there was Chris breathing changing its quiet tact when he stirred awake and the distant echo of vehicles on the streets that were as tiered as their drivers, yet at this hour of the morining were the light was still grey, almost white, it was so strangely quiet that it had woken Wolf who was so used to the loudness of the convent in the morning that she was suddenly alarmed and alerted, up. Chris reaction and words made her laugh in all good humor and the young woman propped herself up on one elbow. The pale light falling into the room drew soft shadows on the amused smile on her face. Still laughing she took the man bigger hand in her scarred ones, pulled it gently from his face and kissed his knuckles, humming so lightly her breath stroked soft like a veil over his skin: "...Wol mich der stunde, daz ich ihn erkande, diu mir den lîp und den muot hât betwungen. Sît deich die sinne sô gar an ihn wande, der er mich hât mit eein güete verdrungen. Daz ich gescheiden von ihn niht enkan, daz hât ihn schœne und ihn güete gemachet, und ihn rôter munt, der sô lieplîchen lachet." The young woman grey eyes flicked up to Chris, squinting in a smile that was only a little wolfish, only a little impish, only a little sly as she chirped as innocently as she was definitive not: "As the bard sung so nicely- no need to be afraid of blushing red when this is when people are the most beautiful. I for one -" She breathed another kiss on the mans knuckles, this time however looking directly at him and with a knowing smile curling around the scarred corner of her mouth. Gently, softly, tenderly she lead his hand to herself, to her neck, to her bare shoulder, down to one of her breasts: "-am so very nicely bewitched by that pretty colour on your face, not gonna lie, not lying at all. You sure are the most beautiful when you are blushing."
This was the exact moment when the dimensional-traveling-watch that Wolf had put on the dresser beside Chris bed started to beep and blink like an angry firefly and for a second, just a second there was a irritated scowl crumbling Wolfs poxscarred face into a annoyed grimace. Then the second ended, the mask found its way back to her face, and a amused little laughed escaped the young womans mouth as she fell back on her back in the bed, stretching her arms up as if she was a sleepy cat in the sunlight. She reached up, stroking a finger over the mans cheek gently: "Ah, the Multiverse wants me back, it seems. No nice pause for me, no, never a nice pause for me, not at all. It is not the nice way, not at all, not nice really, but would it be okay if you eat your breakfast without me, Muuske?" [ @bewitchingbaker ]
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lassifaer · 1 year
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JL as a literal mouse here:) trivia in tags
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konigsblog · 1 month
Somnophilia with König (🌽 link)
König is a man with needs. He can't go without your sweet, loveable cunt for longer than a day otherwise he's left sexually frustrated and pent up. Your adorable pussy is a coping mechanism for his frustrations and trauma, an outlet for his pleasure, anger, and sadness.
You looked tempting while asleep in bed. König admired the relaxed and calm expression on your face, what he was about to disturb due to his own selfishness. He unfastened his belt slowly, rubbing the your glistening cunt in small circles. You were a fool to fall asleep naked in bed knowing how horny he becomes at the sight of you. it seems that you haven't learnt from your mistake, Engel. He couldn't help himself, he just hopes that you'll understand his desires.
Each thrust feels heavenly. König is left in a state of delirium and confusion as he ruts into your drooling pussy. His fingers grip your hair tightly and angle your face so that he can watch out for discomfort, towering above your bent over figure while carefully watching your facial expressions. He grits his teeth at the tightness of your pulsing walls, cursing himself for being so cruel. “I’m so sorry, Mäuschen. You know I can’t help myself, I’m a pervert” Guilt washes over König who lowers his head in shame as he ploughs his swollen cock into your folds selfishly, too depraved to stop himself.
You're tighter when you're sleeping, it's something he's noticed. You're unaware of how often this happens, how repetitive it is for König. He can't seem to pull out as he continues, growing addicted to the gummy feeling of your insides and the warm slick coat left dripping for his aching dick.
“You’re so adorable, little mouse. Your body knows that it belongs to me, even when you’re asleep.”
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cntloup · 3 months
18+ MDNI Being König's maid
he's gone on deployments most of the time so he needs someone for house-keeping
you keep everything to his liking, every nook and cranny of the house washed, dusted and shiny for your master or as he insists you call him 'König' or just 'Kö'
and when he returns, he's too exhausted to do anything, but also too pent up with aggression and adrenaline
he needs to blow off some steam and that's when you come to his aid, his Mäuschen, greeting him with your lovely smile... and your legs spread wide open for him
you lie on the edge of the bed in your maid outfit and pull up your skirt to reveal your pretty pussy with no panties on, already soaked and ready for him, begging for him
and he removes his gloves to touch you, feel you after so long... yes he will fuck you with his gloved fingers if you ask nicely but this is not the time for that... now he needs to feel you
and he brings his hand to your heat, sliding it over your wet cunt and licking your arousal off his fingers as his throbbing cock becomes more and more desperate
and he takes out his weeping shaft impatiently, but he maintains some self control so as not to pound into you right then and there
his veiny dick slides over your soaking wet folds and he lets out a shaky sigh at the slight touch of your warm soft cunt on his desperate cock
he keeps sliding between your folds, but never fully entering you as you moan and beg him to fuck you already
but no, he needs to savor the sweet sensation, he can pound into you mercilessly later, you have all the time in the world
"Please..." you whine pathetically, "Patience, Mäuschen." he murmurs as he keeps rubbing his cock on your desperate cunt
and finally, when he decides to slide in, he pushes the tip painfully, teasingly slow as you whine and beg for more
and he gives you more... and more as he keeps shoving his fat cock inside your tight hole and you squeal out from the delicious wide stretch although there's the familiar slight sting at first since it's been so long
and he keeps pressing until his hips meet your ass and he growls, throwing his head back in sheer pleasure of finally feeling the heavenly sensation of your warm soft walls enfolding him
and he can't go slow anymore... deciding to firmly grasp the back of your thighs to spread them wider and he starts greedily ramming his thick cock inside your little slick cunt
your eager pulsating walls feel every vein, bump and ridge of his cock as he keeps viciously driving it in and out of you, reaching deep inside and hitting every single sweet spot
his hand reaches forward to toy with your puffy twitching clit, stimulating you even further as if you weren't a whimpering mess already
he groans and pants heavily like a raging animal in heat as he vigorously slams into your swollen abused cunt, "meins... alles meins" he grunts out
your loud rasped-out moans turn into high-pitched hiccups with each brutal thrust as your high approaches
and the rushing cascade of your orgasm courses through you as you cry out his name, streams of your juices squirting all over him and the bed
he grunts deeply as your quivering walls tighten around him and he babbles incoherently in german as he gets closer and closer, but you make out some words, "nur… für… mich." he punctuates each word with a harsh slam of his hips onto yours
"what?!" you ask hazily, looking at him through lidded eyes as you hear him mumble something about breeding you and making you a 'mutter'
and he spills his seed deep inside your greedy womb while a low groan leaves his throat
he flops down on you while panting and you hold him in your arms, but he quickly gathers himself to pick you up and carry you to the bathroom
he washes you surprisingly gently, completely in contrast of his harsh fucking
and he kisses every bruise on your body, but you notice the faint smug grin on his face
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jdotsodomite · 7 months
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besties do u know him. the OG meowmeow
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faith369 · 6 months
sugardaddy!könig who flies you to him, just because he can.
warnings: nsfw (a tiny bit a the end)
Like this man can't stand being without you, so when he is sent on deployment for longer periods of time, he sends you a message telling you he booked you a first class flight, only if it's safe, of course. If you tell him you have work, he just calls your boss, and don't worry, of course he won't let you stay on base you're his precious sugar baby after all, so he books you a hotel near where he is staying. Of course, it is a 5-star one with a spa and a high-end restaurant. König is making sure his pretty mäuschen is taken care of in the best way possible. And don't be worried about getting lonely. The whole reason you are there is so he can come and visit you, and as soon as he is in your hotel suite, you better believe he's fucking you into the silk sheets of the queen size bed.
-Requests are open<333 (so don't be shy)
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scarletevening · 9 months
𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐞 [ 𝐊Ö𝐍𝐈𝐆 ]
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𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟒 | 𝘀𝗶𝘇𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 |
cw: suggestive, foul language, strangers, one-sided sexual tension, perverted thoughts and behavior [ perverted! könig ], no real communication/conversation, reader is described with smaller proportions which are greatly dramatisized, gn!reader.
note: size difference is the attraction to a drastic difference within two peoples proportions.
𝐂𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐄 was a satisfying relaxant, albeit a stimulant.
könig was fully aware of that fact, however, each mission was always followed by a late evening cappuccino. his seat was always in the corner, a less intimidating balaclava gracing his face in place of his usual sniper hood.
he was a people watcher, eyes on every figure that walked through the door, focusing and refocusing at each ring of the polite door bell.
until you.
the moment his eyes met the curve of your hips as they swayed slowly, lazy legs dragging you to the register, he had no other thoughts on his mind, only focused on you. your body was visibly exhausted, from whatever job you were working, and he adored that tired smile that fell on your lips as you greeted the cashier.
he felt almost jealous, watching the trembling trainee cashier slowly take your two-item order, even though he had just met- well, seen you. he watched as you turned in his direction, stalking over to the bar stools beside the windows, tossing your bag to your feet as you take out your earbuds. he watched you at the stool, a little over a meter a away, your feet mindlessly kicking back and forth as you scrolled on your phone. he watched as you remembered your cup of water, drawing pictures on the precipitation on the outside.
his hand grasped his glass in a quick moment, mind becoming hazy his finger wrapped around, easily overlapping as he held the glass cup, in comparison to your hand that just barely wrapped half way around the glass. god, your fingers must be so fucking small,
"can you even make yourself cum?"
the question bloomed in his mind and he gladly let it linger. he let each thought come without restriction, without filter. your cute little hips, plush, fleshy bum sat so pretty and cute on the stool, the stool that he never goes to sit at because he could barely rest half of hip on it,
"how big would my hand look on your ass?"
könig chewed on the already scarred flesh of his inner cheek, his large arm flexing as they crossed across his broad chest. he was grateful he didn't wear a belt today, especially with how vicious his sudden hard-on was getting. he watched as you picked at your cuticles, seemingly having nothing else to do, your little hands rubbing against each other to warm up. when your feet rested on the bar between the legs of the stool, the fabric of his baclava followed the perverted smirk the grew on his lips,
"i could wrap my hand around your ankles so fucking easily,"
his hand tightened around his glass of water, his cappuccino sat cold beside him. each little movement of your tiny body made his jeans tighten even more. the fat of his thighs rested as the spread apart from another, the large muscles underneath breaking the fabric, making the motors of his mind race even more,
"fuck, how pretty you would look riding my thigh, mäuschen,"
that thought alone made him sigh, imagining your cute little hips grinding down on his thigh, adorable hands grabbing at his biceps, not even able to get a good grip because they were too fucking small. how his large hands would dwarf your gorgeous figure as he caressed you all over, making you mewl and moan his name in shy pleasure. he, although this is the first time he's had these thoughts, was absolutely obsessed with how tiny you were in comparison to him, how he could swallow you with his shadow, how your neck would hurt if you looked up at him for too long, how he could fuck you while standing up.
the devils eyes burned as your head snapped to the pick up area. maybe those thoughts would never be pronounced by his thick accent, but as he listened to the nervous trainee repeat your name, there was certainly something else to be whispered that night.
with my fave again ❤︎❤︎❤︎
literally was kicking my feet and giggling while i wrote this.
1. little mouse
༒︎ 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫; 2023 ༒︎
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monsterbunny69 · 8 months
Random König headcanons some nsfw
-his favorite color is blue
-his favorite body part of his are his eyes
-(NSFW) BIG penis
-contrary to popular belief: he’s a switch.
-he loves kisses
-jump on him and wrap your legs around him
-has a small thing for a little knife and blood play
-(NSFW) he fucks with his sniper hood on sometimes
-pop his pimples
-he loves taking baths and showers with you
-Halloween is his favorite holiday
-he tries to fluster you on purpose
-(NSFW) semi public sex
-he loves your body regardless of your size
-he wants to visit Austria with you
-kiss him
-he’s so touch starved just give him the affection he deserves
-he calls you mäuschen (little mouse)
-he’s been interrogated, tortured, shot, and stabbed, and still hasn’t given up answers, but all you need to do to get him to surrender to you is to hug him, or kiss him, or make him feel loved.
-he’s done coke before
-he’s intimidating and anti social towards most people besides you
-the hands of his that have murdered 100+ are only gentle with you
-(NSFW) have him try a vibrator
-wants to do couples costumes
-do his make up
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