#madeline's sibling
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Madeline spaghetti family tree au getting wild when you remember Madeline’s other family members
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champion-of-love · 11 days
eah texting hcs
the charming siblings have a groupchat ofc and dexter is the admin
their gc photo is a blurry picture of their dad midsneeze and they got it from a stock photo website. their dad has tried to sue the photographer's company but lost the suit and it's the trios' favorite photo.
the gc is mostly them sending memes to each other, accusing each other of taking their stuff, or passing messages from their parents to the intended sibling (the charming castle being so massive and all)
their gc names were just their names at first til one day dex got so pissed at daring that he changes his brother's nickname to 'demanding' charming
darling laughed so hard she saw stars and made her twin promise to never change it back
darling's nickname is 'dueling' charming
dexter's nickname is 'dismaying' charming
(he picked it out himself, and daring and darling shared a concerned looked at the other when he did.)
the wonderlandians also have a groupchat. lizzie, maddie and kitty and eventually alistair and bunny
to match all their names, alistair happily changed his nickname to 'allie' and lizzie gave the loudest snort at it
their entire chat is in riddlish and other wonderlandian dialects and theyre happy they get to practice their native tongues even if they're away from home
maddie's messages are sometimes so nonsensical (so wonderlandian) that the kookiness can sometimes short out their mirrorphones
cue to kitty dropping by lizzie and bunny's rooms warning them to not open the groupchat for a while so they don't short out their phones
kitty never warns alistair though, because she thinks it's funny.
alistair just opens that chat with no suspicion and gets flash-banged by maddie's texts and has to spend the rest of the day with no phone, a little hearing loss and dark spots in his vision.
the pink squad also have a groupchat. cupid, briar and hopper, my beloveds.
briar is the admin and the groupchat moves at the speed of light
cupid and briar text rapidfire and send gossip, memes, selfies, screenshots and etc and react as fast to each others' messages as well
hopper wakes up to a massive backread that he has to spend half an hour in the morning catching up or he won't understand what they'll be talking about in lunch
they use that chat to plan events they want to go to and to send photos that they took during the event itself
their gc pic is a group photo of all of them posing pretty cool in front of a mirror during true hearts day (their first party)
they manage to get humphrey to encode some special features into their chat so that:
(a) briar's phone can send a message if she falls asleep alone somewhere to broadcast her location so any one of them can go to her
(b) hopper's phone can also send his location if he becomes a frog and there's no one to turn him back
(c) cupid's phone also sends her location. not because she physically needs help, but because she gets lonely (being further away from home than all of them).
briar and hopper always take this seriously and arrive with hot chocolate, cupcakes and hugs.
anyways this series has been dead for years now but thinking about these kids always gives me the feels and i had to talk about them
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I’ve been reading the EAH books recently and rapple is real and in THE BUILDING FOLKS
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I still haven't finished fothou so no spoilers pls but I'm on episode 3 and with the flashbacks I'm just sat here like
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Still thinking about TFOTHOU - specifically, Verna's line about being a creature of symmetry and how that ties into the overall fate of both Roderick and Madeline Usher. In the moment that Roderick accepts, he never realizes it but he essentially becomes his father (who, in episode one, he says he never wanted to be like, which is why he took in every kid he ever fathered and gave them some inheritance) - because he accepted the deal, knowing Frederick and Tamerlane would bear the consequences of his deal with Verna as part of his bloodline. It's essentially the same as his father, refusing to acknowledge his kids and what that means for their lives. So of course he gets the same ending as Longfellow (being choked to death by an undead woman of the Usher family). That makes Madeline parallel to Eliza. Madeline obviously isn't a religious fanatic like her mother ("don't call the doctors or get medicine, Jesus will heal me") but she does share that single-minded drive - instead for algorithms and finding immortality. Both Eliza and Madeline fail at those things (Eliza dies instead of being magically cured, Madeline never figures out digital immortality before she's killed), and then both come back to do one last thing - kill the head of Fortunato (Longfellow and Roderick, respectively).
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onefernecito · 10 months
As a Nevermore fan and a Poe enthusiast, I'm having a blast watching The Fall of the House of Usher, I highly recommend it.
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frecklesandpoverty · 11 months
just over halfway through The Fall of the House of Usher and all of my favorite Usher's are dead now 💀
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Hey! I was wondering if you could do a web weave for absolutely despising your sibling too? My brother is a monster and the world will be a better place once he's dead. Thank you!
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and what can i tell you my brother, my killer?
Madeline Miller The Song of Achilles / Caleb Carr / Clive Barker The Hellhound Heart / Marco & Sebastiano Ricci Cain smiting Abel with God's Expulsion of Cain from the Garden of Eden / Orazio Riminaldi Cain and Abel / unknown / Natalie Diaz A Brother Named Gethsemane; When My Brother Was an Aztec / Leonard Cohen Famous Blue Raincoat
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Rough OC concepts for @llamawrites and @one-of-moroccos-apprentices
The lost/forgotten siblings of Madeline and Morocco.
Krystal Pynch (She/Her) and Nikoca Morocco (They/He) 😋. One is working as an art teacher being ignored by her twin sister while the other one is trapped in time and space left forgotten by their baby brother.
Krystal will take care of Priss as her new good guardian while Morocco (remembering that Nikola exists) will save Nikola somehow...
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landoncrris · 1 year
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this is giving “we’ve all seen the pictures, she looks absolutely beautiful and… he’s there” vibes but OH MY GOD!! they’re both so pretty??
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Devil May Cry
Waiting for the exact moment someone realize madeline spaghetti family photo has someone with white hair and just jump into the fan-logic rabbit hole of that being a Sparda family member leading to a connection to Vergil... like so:
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wow I botched drawing Kyrie ... looking at this this does explains Peppino’s super taunt as a different take on royal guard’s royal release. and Madeline’s Badeline being just doppelganger
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brie-draws · 2 years
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HAPPY CAT DAY!!! Drew all my kitty OCs to celebrate!! [And an intruder-]
Top [L->R]: Madeline, Edgar, Nikolai, Marilyn, Annabelle, Tristan, Jean-Luc, Reina  / Bottom: Cesare, Valerie, Pavel, Babushkat [Anya], Daisuke, Hachi, Chihiro
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libraryleopard · 9 months
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Third book in the Scapegracers trilogy (releases 3/26)
Sideways's magic has been restored & their hoping to get through the rest of senior year with their coven (and perhaps avoid confronting what will come after), but the broader witch community convenes to put Madeline on trial for stealing another witch's magic, Sideways knows they have to get involved
Meanwhile, more witch hunters are also gathering in Sycamore Gorge for a memorial and tensions begin to come to a head
Explores justice, punishment, and redemption–how should Madeline be punished for crimes? And who gets to decide?
The coven must also grapple with their end imminent separation at the end of high school as the four of them try to figure out their future paths in life
At the same time, Sideways navigates a growing romance with one of their coven members
Also some great twists that add stakes/recontextualize things we thought we knew
Fierce & queer & snarky & complex
Nonbinary butch lesbian main character, Chinese American bi love interesting, Black sapphic side character, nonbinary side character, femme lesbian side character
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//here -> https://picrew.me/share?cd=NeB8YomM9C is my modified version :3 now its definitely Madeline Celeste (just ignore that i made her a fox instead of a cat ok i know she's canonically meowmeow kittygirl shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP)
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okay where did you get this picture of my good twin what the heck
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aneshkablack · 2 years
A snowny kiss
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Okey, I know I give it late, but I hope you like it. @madelineorionswan, I was your Secret Santa. I inspired in your one-shoot "A Snowny Kiss". I'm better drawing than writing in English (I do in Spanish language, but I didn't think you like to translate first my fic to understand it), taking the decision to do this image where the love between Charlie and Madeline could feel. I admit it's the first time I draw a kiss, it was a challenge for me, and with the landscape, I remembered when I painted with oleo. I wish you Merry (late) Christmas and a Happy New 2023!
Thanks to @hphmsecretsanta for the opportunity to be part of this event and waiting me a little more.
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madelineorionswan · 4 months
A Royal Queen: The Journey of a young Duchess
Chapter 6:Forgiveness
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Summary: Weeks after starting his research work in South Africa, Jacob was beginning to feel homesick. Luckily for him, Christmas was fast approaching, and he would have the opportunity to go home. Upon returning to his home country, he finds the situation is dire. Not of his country but rather that of his family. With his relationship on the rocks with Madeline and her toxic relationship with their parents, will Jacob be able to sort things out with his family? Will Madeline be able to forgive him for leaving? She certainly doesn't think so.
Warnings: mentions of drinking and alcohol, toxic family behaviour, just a lot of arguing in general, physical fighting and angst.
Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction. All of the characters mentioned in the story, except those from history, are fictional. The relationships between these characters are not based on real-life events. I have the utmost respect for all of the historical figures mentioned in the story, and the story is not intended to be disrespectful in any manner. As I am not an expert in history or politics, any references to these subjects are purely imaginary and not based on reality.
A/N: And the much-awaited toxic family Christmas chapter is back. Looks like more information regarding Jacob's situation with his family was necessary. This chapter was particularly annoying to write, not only because I had bits and pieces in mind and not the whole story but also because placing the situations in a timeline makes it a rather taxing job. But I imagine Christmas family gatherings are awkward enough, so why not add more angst?! (You can guess I'm going crazy. At least, I think I am.)
Hours had passed since Jacob had gotten up from his bed early in the morning and headed to the research station in the bustling city of Johannesburg in South Africa. Days had passed since he had written or contacted any of his family members. Months had passed since he last hugged his sister or shared a coffee with her in the morning. While stubborn Jacob would refuse to show even a single crack, the real Jacob, was starting to miss home.
Jacob had been pondering about his predicament. His chin rested on his chest as he stared at the television set absent-mindedly. His colleagues didn't spare a glance towards him as they were busy watching some sort of interview in the evening news.
"Jacob, you alright, mon ami?" Jacob's head snapped up. Leon, one of his oldest friends and colleague, looked at him suspiciously. Jacob stared at him for a split-second but quickly nodded, albeit distractedly.
Leon was not one to give up, however. He had guessed about what Jacob was mulling over, but he wanted to hear it from him. So the man got up, poured some scotch into two glasses, placed them on Jacob's table and sat on a chair beside him.
"Missing home?" Leon asked with a thick French accent.
Jacob took a long sip of his scotch. He twisted the glass in his hand and sighed, "Would it be pitiful if I said yes?"
"No, it is quite naturel, mon ami," Leon reassured.
"Is it not hypocritical? After all, was I not the one who left them behind?"
"I know. But returning would give you a chance to fix your rappor with them. Besides, what do you plan on doing in this place for Noël?" Leon jokingly added.
"Yes, that is a point," a chuckle slipped from Jacob's lips. He sipped his drink again. Perhaps he would go back home to visit. It seemed quite a tempting idea.
Leon smirked to himself, knowing that he had done his job. He remained seated with him as the two young men continued to chat through the night. By the time Jacob and Leon returned to their shared house (more like a shared mansion if you ask me), the two were so tipsy, they couldn't walk straight.
"I-I tell you, mon ami, tu manques définitivement à ta sœur," Leon slurred with a teasing smile.
"What?" Jacob laughed drunkenly, "Honestly, Leon, you become such a native Frenchman when drunk."
"Ah, I forgot you didn't do well in français," Leon chuckled as he pushed open the door of their house and trudged inside. Jacob followed suit, and the two men collapsed on the couch the second they entered.
"I meant to say that your sister must be missing you a lot," Leon said.
"I guess she does," Jacob mulled over his words.
"Mon ami, stop thinking. You worry way too much! Just ask for forgiveness and you'll be fine," Leon reassured.
"If only it were that simple," Jacob sighed, "unfortunately, once you're out of this house, you are considered an outcast. It's like cutting out a branch from a healthy tree because it doesn't look perfect or produce flowers."
"Ah, that is what the bourgeoisie are like. But you must try, especially if you want to remain on good terms with them," Leon advised as he started to dose off.
Jacob was busy thinking when he suddenly heard loud snoring. He turned around and found Leon asleep, his head lulled against the settee's armrest. He chuckled to himself and resorted to solving his dilemma later as he was also sleepy. Jacob cosied up on his divan and closed his eyes in an attempt to fall asleep.
Though sleep eluded him for the initial couple of minutes... hours, it finally befell on him like a soft blanket being laid on him.
The moment Jacob stepped onto the ship's deck, the sounds of excited screams and camera clicks filled the air. He looked to the shore and found enormous masses of people, mostly reporters, waiting for him. Once the ship docked, people flocked around the dock to catch a closer glimpse of him. Upon Jacob's disembarkation from the boat, reporters swarmed him with microphones and cameras, wanting to know more about the unexpected visit.
Jacob stiffened. It had been a while since he had been hounded by the press like this. Back in South Africa, after a few days, no one was chasing him to get information about the royal family. He was just an average person. So, being back under the spotlight was a bit baffling for him. Nevertheless, he looked at the journalists and spoke his mind.
"Hello to everyone here. I know it has been quite a long while since any of you have seen me back here, and I apologise for my absence. It is a great pleasure to be back and see you all and, most importantly, see my family again. I hope everyone's holiday season goes well. Thank you."
Jacob was escorted by the palace equerry through the crowds and into a car, which sped off to the palace. Jacob felt an odd pit form in his stomach as they approached the castle. Perhaps it was the memories associated with the cold, dark halls or the fact that he was going to face his sister after a long time.
And he had a feeling that the meeting wouldn't go too amicably.
Penny helped Madeline put on her Navy blue Catherine Walker coat while the latter clipped on golden rose earrings. Suddenly, a sharp knock on the door interrupted them. Madeline looked at Penny with confusion before she loudly called, "Come in!" Her equerry opened the door and bowed curtly.
"What is it, David?" Madeline asked.
"My apologies for interrupting you, ma'am, but I was told to inform you that your brother will be arriving at the palace soon," the equerry replied.
"What?!" Madeline asked, dumbfounded. She stared at Penny questioningly, and she looked just as flabbergasted.
"Well, this is certainly unexpected. Do we know for how long he's going to be staying?" Madeline asked her equerry, her expression suddenly becoming weighty.
"Not entirely sure, ma'am, but we believe he plans to stay here until after the holiday season."
"Oh," Madeline's reply was dry and irritated.
David waited for any further instructions for an awkward moment. After a few seconds, he cleared his throat, and Madeline snapped her head towards him. Regaining her thoughts, she nodded curtly, dismissing him.
Madeline and Penny sat in silence for the next few minutes. Madeline's mind was clouded with confusion. She couldn't understand why her brother had returned after he had stated that he wouldn't be back for a while. Although Madeline should have been happy about her brother's return, all she could feel was a mix of confusion and resentment towards him.
After getting ready, Madeline and Penny quickly arrived at the palace entrance to receive the duke. Madame Rakepick came a few moments later, with Rowan following closely behind.
"Would you leave the Queen and I alone for a moment?" Madame Rakepick turned to Rowan and Penny, who nodded obediently and left. Madeline sucked in a breath and avoided looking at Madame Rakepick, knowing that a long speech was coming her way.
A brief moment of silence later, she spoke, "It is quite a surprise, Your Majesty."
"It certainly is," Madeline muttered with annoyance. For a second, she feared that Madame Rakepick would continue to talk, but her equerry came and announced the arrival of Jacob, unknowingly saving Madeline from any more awkward conversation.
The air was thick with tension when Jacob entered the palace entrance. His eyes found those of his sister, but the fiery and lively eyes he had once been familiar with seemed to have aged a decade. For Madeline, the once tired and depressed green eyes she had known, looked much more content than she had ever seen. So had he truly been happier without his family's company?
Something stung in Madeline's chest. Whether it was hurt or betrayal, she could not tell. For now, she pushed aside her feelings and forced a polite smile.
Jacob gave a quick bow, and Madeline responded with a brief nod. He then gave her a bouquet of Hyacinth and olive sprigs. Madeline frowned for a second but quickly smiled in thanks at her brother.
"Thank you. It's... rather lovely," She replied dryly.
"Well, it's just a good luck gift, really," Jacob said with a smile.
"For your first interview after the coronation," Jacob scratched the nape of his neck with a nervous smile.
"Oh. So you know about that," remarked Madeline rather forcefully. She hadn't expected him to know about the interview. She had no reason to keep it a secret but chose not to tell him or the rest of the family about it, knowing that later she would be bombarded by them about everything she did "incorrectly" in the interview.
An awkward silence descended in the room. Silence filled the air as both parties stood uncomfortably without uttering a single word. But time was running short, and the interview was to be live cast soon. So rakepick cleared her throat to break the silence. Startled for a second, Madeline looked at her secretary, who indicated to her watch.
"Oh, right! " Madeline looked at Jacob, "We're running short of time now. I must be on my way."
"Oh yes. Of course. Good luck with the interview," Jacob said reluctantly.
"Right," Madeline forced a smile and walked to the car that was waiting for her.
"I trust you'll find your way?" Madeline asked Jacob before getting into the car.
"I will," Jacob forced a tight-lipped smile and made his way towards the staircase as Madeline's car drove down the driveway of the palace and finally onto the main road.
The ride down to the TV channel's studio was brisk and uneventful. For the entirety of the 20 minutes it took, Madeline could only think about how awkward the meeting with her brother was. She looked at the bouquet lying beside her and sighed. Was it a gift of truce, or was he just trying to be polite?
"You know, ma'am, one doesn't always have to keep good bonds with one's family," Madam rakepick suddenly said, breaking the silence in the car.
"I know, but one must keep up with appearances in public," Madeline sighed, "And I would hate to drive a rift between my only sibling."
"That would be unwanted and very unfortunate, ma'am. But after all, he was the one who drove the rift first," Rakepick said.
Madeline pondered about Madam Rakepick's words as the car arrived at the filming studio. Thankfully the entrance was not that crowded with paparazzi but there were still a few photographers. Not wanting to waste any time, Madeline stepped out of the car and went inside, followed closely by Madam Rakepick and her equerry. Once inside, she met with the head of broadcasting of the TV channel. The man bowed and led the young queen to the studio room.
Madeline ascended a short staircase and found the set illuminated by bright yellow lights. A man was seated in an armchair opposite a plush sofa. He was busy reading through a couple documents, possibly the script, while a woman lightly dusted powder across the bridge of his nose. The head of broadcasting cleared his throat loudly to make his and the queen's presence known. The Interviewer's head snapped up and he quickly got up from his seat and bowed, clearly flustered.
"Oh no, it's quite alright. You didn't hear me," Madeline reassured.
"I apologise still, ma'am. You are our most honoured guest today on the show! Please, do sit down," the man appealed. Madeline smiled and nodded, sitting down on the sofa. The interviewer then asked whether she would like anything to drink but Madeline politely declined.
After some final touch-ups by the makeup artists, adjustments to the lighting, and a sound check, the cameras were ready to roll. The camera people gave the interviewer a quick thumbs up, who looked at Madeline for approval. She took a deep breath and smiled, nodding with approval. A moment before the camera started rolling, Madeline cast a nervous glance at Madame Rakepick, who nodded reassuringly, giving her a bit of confidence before the interview began.
"Good Morning Lornesse and welcome to today's interview with a very special guest, our beloved Queen!" The interviewer introduced Madeline to the cameras.
Turning towards Madeline, the interviewer proceeded with the interview, "Good Morning, Your Majesty. I hope you're having a wonderful morning?"
"Well, yes. I am thrilled to be attending my first interview. I'm confident that it will go wonderfully well." Madeline replied curtly.
"And that's a confident start by our queen. So let's begin with today's questions, ma'am."
During the interview, Madeline was asked a variety of questions. Some were general small talk questions about her life at the castle and her favourite event. Other questions were focused on personal details from recent events such as the coronation. But soon the questions started to get under Madeline's skin. She tried to keep her calm but eventually, one question irked her.
"So, ma'am, our sources report that the Duke of Esterwill sailed to the country early this morning and drove directly to the palace. That must be surprising as we believe Your Majesty had no prior information about his Royal Highness's arrival?" the interviewer asked.
Madeline's smile fell, but only a little, as she nodded in reply to the question, "Yes, the visit was quite unexpected, especially since my brother is not one to make spontaneous decisions."
"Is he? Well, did Your Majesty and His Royal Highness converse upon meeting?"
"Yes, we did, actually, right before arriving at the studio. It was certainly quite surprising, so I was at a loss for an appropriate topic for discussion. But, thankfully, he did most of the talking and explained that he had been feeling homesick, so he decided to surprise the family." Madeline forced a light chuckle
"That is quite sentimental of His Royal Highness. You must be quite excited to have him here?" The interviewer smiled.
"Absolutely! It is lovely spending the holidays with one's near and dear, and I would have hated this year's festivities without my brother," Madeline said, forcing a smile. She wasn't completely lying, but that didn't mean she was elated to have Jacob back and that too for Christmas.
"So would you say that your relationship is alright?" The interviewer pried.
"I believe so. We did have a few tough moments, but we are alright now," Madeline lied through her teeth.
"Certainly, ma'am. It would be quite unfortunate if the royal siblings had a tough relationship. The family must always stick together in tough times."
"Yes, quite," Madeline forced a tight-lipped smile, "But we should move onto lighter topics."
"Of course, ma'am," The interviewer changed subjects, most likely because he sensed Madeline's reluctance to answer the questions regarding her relationship with Jacob.
The rest of the interview went as usual, although after the discussion about Jacob, Madeline felt a tad deflated. She couldn't precisely pinpoint the feeling, but any topic about Jacob annoyed her. But she kept her calm for the camera and continued to smile and chat politely.
Finally, after an entire morning of shooting, the interview was concluded. Once the camera finished rolling, everyone clapped for the interviewer and Madeline, who blushed lightly at the compliments. She thanked the team, shaking hands with everyone. After exchanging some pleasantries with the group, Madeline and Rakepick quickly left the building and got into the palace car that drove them back to Eallesborough Castle.
That was, unfortunately, just the start of a chaotic week.
Less than three days had passed since Jacob's arrival, and everyone could only talk about him. At breakfast, Madeline's parents treated him like he was their long-lost child, ignoring Madeline's quiet presence as she finished her breakfast and headed back to her office. Even the newspaper had his pictures plastered all over their pages.
While a part of Madeline was glad to have shaken off the weight of constant press attention, another part of her could only feel contempt and covetousness. She was accustomed to not receiving recognition for her efforts from her family, but it irritated her when someone else was praised for doing nothing. It was as if everyone had forgotten that just a couple months ago, he had abandoned his duty for his own interests.
But the days carried on, and within the blink of an eye, Christmas day had arrived.
On the day of Christmas Eve, Madeline paced around her office room impatiently, constantly practising her speech for the Christmas broadcast. She was already dressed in a Garnet tea-length dress and busily read a set of cards while she tapped her heels against the carpet repeatedly. Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door, and her head snapped up. Quickly placing the cards on her table and smoothening her sparkly dress with her hands, she opened the door. She sighed with relief once she found that it was the guest she had expected; Charlie Weasley.
"What's with all the nervousness, your majesty?" Charlie asked teasingly as he entered the room, and Madeline closed the door behind him.
"Well, I'm about to deliver my first-ever Christmas broadcast," Madeline replied with a nervous smile.
"I don't see why I'm needed here for that," Charlie said, confused.
"Well, my speech for the Christmas broadcast... I want it to be personal, an expression of me as a sovereign," Madeline said, wringing her hands nervously.
"That's amazing! Honestly, people would love to get to know you better," Charlie said excitedly, "But I still dont get why I'm involved."
"I'm getting to that bit!" Madeline clamoured, "So I basically wrote down whatever came to my mind, but I don't trust myself so I want your opinion on it."
"Oh," Charlie looked stunned but quickly regained his composure," I-I would be honoured," he said with a smile.
"I thought so too," Madeline winked and gave him the set of cards she was previously reading through.
After looking through the cards for about two minutes, Charlie returned them to Madeline, who looked at him with perplexity.
"You don't have... anything to say?" Madeline frowned with suspicion as Chalie chuckled.
"You said to take a look," Charlie replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
"And?" Madeline quirked her brow as a small smile teased the corner of her lips.
"And you also said that you want the speech to be an expression of you," Charlie pointed out and Madeline nodded.
"I mean, you can blatantly tell me that my personality is boring and I should go with the 5 speeches drafted by the secretary and staff. You don't need beat around the bush and BESIDES, they will be ready to run the cameras in like 15 minutes and I need to rehearse-" Madeline stopped her rant mid-way when she noticed Charlie trying to hide his laughter but failing miserably.
"You know, you should learn not to be so pessimistic," Charlie shook his head with a chuckle, "There's nothing called a bad personality."
"I would disagree," Madeline protested with a laugh.
"Anyways, my point is, this speech is YOURS above everything else. It doesn't need any checking because then it would turn into someone else's speech and not true to you," Charlie said with a smile.
"So," Charlie pushed the cards into her hands and held them in his, "go show the people who you truly are! You don't need anyone to change your words because they are yours." Madeline smiled at Charlie's words, getting lost in his eyes for a few seconds.
The moment was quiet and sweet when suddenly they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Madeline jolted awake from her daydream and pulled her hands away from Charlie's as his hands fell limp against his side. Yet a smile persisted on his face.
"Go show them who you really are, Your Majesty," Charlie cheered, as Madeline laughed.
"Always unconventional to the end, professor," Madeline teased, making Charlie feign annoyance. Madeline chuckled and briskly walked towards the office room, with Charlie following her closely.
Upon opening the door, Madeline was momentarily blinded by the bright studio lights. Once her pupils adjusted, she saw a room bustling with camera people setting up the room. Unfortunately, Rowan AND Rakepick were both there and... so was Jacob? Madeline hadn't expected him to be there and suddenly the pressure felt too real.
First, it was Rakepick and now her one brother?! Great. Absolutely great. When would anxiety let her go ?! Madeline sighed and turned to Charlie, who once again looked confused.
"Unfortunately, you'll have to leave. My brother and Secretary are there, and if they found out about me getting help from a tutor-"
"It would be scandalous?" Charlie finished, and Madeline nodded.
"I thought Ms Khanna was your secretary?" Charlie asked.
"She is, But not my primary one. My primary one... well I plan to keep it a secret since I dont really trust her that much and I get the feeling she doesn't like me that much too," Madeline said.
Charlie's face held disappointment, "It's alright, I'll watch your broadcast when I reach back home," He shrugged his shoulder with a sad smile.
"Thank you for understanding," Madeline clasped her hands nervously. Charlie nodded, his characteristic smile gracing his face again. He bid her goodbye and turned to leave.
Just as Madeline was about to enter the room he called her name. "One last time, believe in yourself Madie," Madeline smiled and nodded as he waved at her before being escorted by Madeline's equerry.
Once inside the room, Madeline blushed heavily at the thought of her nickname. No one had really called her Madie, but even then it felt... different when Charlie uttered it. However, she quickly gained her composure when Rowan gave her a teasing look.
"Your Majesty, how was the consult?" Rowan smiled.
"That's what we're calling it? A consult?" Madeline giggled.
"It was a consult technically," Rowan said matter-of-factly, "Unless you would say otherwise?" Madeline shook her head in mock disappointment. Both the girls chuckled when they were approached by Madame Rakepick who had a not so amused look on her face.
"If I may have a moment with Your Majesty before the cameras start rolling?" She asked, to which Madeline nodded curtly. After Madeline gave her the cards containing the speech, Rowan reluctantly left the two women alone.
"What is it that needed discussion?" Madeline asked, lightly pursing her lips.
"Your Brother has requested, rather demanded, that he be present at the recording of the speech," Madam Rakepick stated in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Yes, I saw him in the room," Madeline replied tonelessly.
"Ma'am you must be very careful with your speech-"
"Are you suggesting that I will not be able to deliver my speech properly in his presence, just because of our history?" Madeline clenched her jaw.
"No ma'am not at all," Madam Rakepick spoke, "I was just merely suggesting that your Majesty should keep steady with her speech. It is an expression of what is truly you. And one would want it to not go out of hand, especially due to prior history."
"Thank you for looking out for me, Madam Rakepick. But I've gotten expert opinion on my speech so I'm sure it will be alright," Madeline smiled curtly which Rakepick mirrored.
Thankfully the camera crew saved her from any more awkward moments as they asked her to take her seat. Madeline nodded and sat down on a plush chair, fixing her hair and dress before the cameras started to roll. When they started, the head cameraman showed a thumbs up.
Madeline took a shaky breath and smiled at the camera as she proceeded with her speech.
"Good day and Happy Christmas to all," She paused with a smile. Her eyes fleeted across the room to meet those of her brother. His eyes gave no emotion away as she continued.
"Today marks a special day for me as I continue a tradition started by my grandfather almost 20 years ago. I hope to make him proud, just as I hope this message brings a smile to everyone's face. I will be honest, I am quite nervous at the prospect of this being my first live televised speech," Madeline chuckled, "But hopefully everyone can look past the errors I might make."
"The Christmas season has always been a memorable time for families, and the weeks leading up to the big day are filled with a flurry of emotions. I have often heard my friends talk about how their parents would send them out to run errands and deliver Christmas cards for a special dinner at their place. While my own family never made me run out for errands, we too had our own Christmas celebrations."
Madeline chuckled at the memory of her grandfather at their family Christmas Bake-off. How her parents were annoyed about doing the jobs of "Peasants" while she would giggle with her grandfather at their contorted faces. "And while it is saddening that my grandfather is not here amongst us, I must say, he is most likely enjoying his extended holiday up there," everyone in the room chuckled at the remark.
"Loss is a universal experience, but it can feel especially difficult during the holiday season. But it's important to remember that you're never alone. Even I am dealing with loss, trying to adjust my life without someone who had a huge impact on it. But Christmas is the season one remembers the happy memories of the past, not the tragic ones, which in turn helps a person accept their present" Madeline let out a short breath before continuing, "I hope this Christmas goes well for all and 1981 brings people, joy, happiness and acceptance. With adoration for my juniors and respect for the seniors, "I conclude my speech". Thank you all."
The instant the cameras stopped rolling, everyone applauded Madeline for her speech. Even Madame Rakepick, who was never one for emotional speeches, lauded her. Madeline smiled and thanked everyone. She stood up, shook hands with the broadcasting team, and glanced at her brother for a brief moment before collecting her purse and walking out of the room, followed by Madame Rakepick.
"She was amazing!" Rowan commented, smiling as she got busy telling everyone to clear up the room.
"She truly was," Rowan was startled for a second before she found Jacob standing beside one of the many cupboards in the room.
"Your Royal Highness," Rowan curtsied albeit nervously, "I think she would appreciate your compliment."
"But I can't compliment her if she doesn't give me a moment's notice." Jacob lamented, secretly hoping Rowan could show her a way.
Thankfully, Rowan was sometimes the only one with a functioning brain, so she understood that both needed to talk and sort out their problems. It would at least give madeline a moment's peace. "I suggest you talk to her at tonight's Christmas ball."
Jacob mused momentarily, "Wouldn't it be more difficult then, with all of our relatives prying?"
"Yes, but an explanation and confession can help with stress on such occasions," Rowan stated before walking off to help the crew, leaving Jacob busy with his thoughts.
Back in her office, Madeline having gotten a fresh boost of ego, had taken it upon herself to complete signing all the documents before evening.
"Your majesty, If I can have a moment?" Rakepick entered the room without waiting for Madeline's reply. Madeline looked up expectantly.
"Your Majesty's speech today was quite extraordinary, might I suggest we run a newspaper article on its making?" Rakepick suggested.
"If you think it will do well in public, then yes," Madeline replied.
"Then I'll have that done right away," Rakepike nodded curtly.
"Oh and do make sure to credit yourselves, after all, I needed and will continue to need a lot of your help," Madeline added before going back to her work.
"Absolutely, your Majesty," Rakepick added rather lowly before returning to her office.
"Do I HAVE to change into another outfit AGAIN?" Madeline sighed exasperatedly. Penny clicked her tongue and shook her head in an attempt to hide her smile.
"I thought you wanted to look your best?" Penny teased with a chuckle.
"Yes, but I didn't think it entailed changing outfits so many times," Madeline sighed with a smile.
"Well, now you know that dressing for the part does not come with ease," Penny said. She got busy rifling through the clothes hung on the rack in Madeline's dressing room.
Madeline poured herself a glass of whiskey from the bottle always kept in her room while Penny helped her find the perfect outfit. "Y'know, when I said daring and confident," Madeline interrupted, "I didn't exactly mean something too extravagant."
"I know," Penny spoke briefly and returned to sorting through expensive gowns. After a few minutes of silence, she gasped and pulled out a red silk off-shoulder gown.
"Now THIS is gorgeous," Penny said, "Let's help you in this then." Madeline eagerly nodded in agreement and quickly changed into the ruby-coloured gown. She then examined her outfit in the mirror. Her lips stretched to form a smile as she smoothed out the creases on the dress.
"Ready to show those relatives who's the boss?" Penny said while clipping on pearl and diamond earrings on Madeline's ears. Madeline smiled and thanked Penny. The latter continued to help Madeline get dressed, applying a red lipstick and a heavy tiara which Madeline couldn't stop complaining about.
"There, you look perfect!" Penny almost squealed when she saw the finished look on Madeline. For the final touch, Penny clipped on a Four-strand pearl choker and quite literally forced her into 4-inch black and silver Chanel heels. After a while of grumbling, Madeline was forced out of her room by Penny and before she knew it, her equerry had escorted her to the Ballroom.
As the large maple wood doors swung open, Madeline entered the room to find every one engaged in lively conversations. The dazzling glass and diamond chandelier bathed the room in a warm golden glow, while guests enjoyed flutes of champagne. However, Madeline couldn't help but feel the weight of everyone's attention on her, as she overheard bits and pieces of conversations - all of which seemed to be about her. The air felt thick and stuffy, making it difficult for Madeline to breathe.
Nevertheless, she shook off her nervousness and smiled when the Herald announced her name to the crowd. She was going to fake it till she made it!
After dismissing the herald, she reluctantly joined the crowd's conversations but eventually had to greet her grandmother, the dowager queen, and her parents.
"Darling, you look quite... ravishing," Her mother commented with a smirk, eyeing her dress.
"I think you should consider your choice of adjectives, mama," Madeline forced a smile, as her mother's face turned from impressed to a not-so-impressed look.
"Look who has a sharp tongue now," Her father smirked.
"As if yours is father," Madeline smirked, "Excuse me I have to greet the other guests," her words left her family speechless as she went to greet the other guests.
"The night comprised a series of amusing and insulting jokes, but overall, it was quite dull. Petty remarks had never been Madeline's style, but it was the only way to shut up her relatives who thought her to be incompetent to rule the country. Now, having retired from such conversations, she chose to sit on a chair and enjoy the string quartet's performance while sipping on some whiskey.
Jacob, who had been busy avoiding relatives who had been hounding him, found himself free. Luckily he found Madeline sitting alone as well and quickly made a beeline for her. He approached her from behind and tapped her shoulder to get her attention. Madeline turned and smiled but then quickly turned back to face the String Quartet.
"Can I join you, sister?" Jacob asked carefully.
"If you want," Madeline answered bluntly. Jacob nodded and sat down beside her silently.
The air became thick with tension as both siblings sat together, feeling a range of emotions that remained unspoken. Madeline tried to focus on the music, but each passing minute only irritated her more. Meanwhile, Jacob sat by her side, nervously fidgeting with his fingers.
Finally, Madeline broke the silence. "If you have something to say, then get on with it," she snapped.
Jacob sighed and said, "This isn't the best place to reveal everything,"
Madeline scoffed, "That's what you say every time we have to have an important conversation."
Jacob groaned and rubbed his face exasperatedly, "Ugh Pip you've got to understand! This wasn't my choice!"
That was the last straw.
Everyone stared silently at the pair. It was pin-drop silent when Jacob, too, stood up.
"Oh yeah?! So you'd much rather have me suffer than get the chance to dream?" Jacob said, although still keeping his voice low.
"And you expect me to let you live your life while I suffer?!" Madeline fumed, her eyes turning glossy with tears she refused to shed.
Jacob remained silent as he had no answer. It was then that he also noticed that everyone was staring at them. Madeline too looked around and found everyone's eyes glued to her brother and herself. Madeline cleared her throat and glanced across the room.
"I think we should take this conversation elsewhere," Jacob whispered. Madeline nodded and turned to everyone else.
"We will be back shortly, everyone. There are certain matters needing our immediate attention," Madeline said, and the two siblings briskly walked out, ensuing the hushed whispers between the guests.
The first room that Madeline and Jacob found was a store room. But they didn't care, they just needed to sort out EVERYTHING. Madeline slammed the door shut once they were inside.
"So? Where do we begin?" Sarcasm was laced in Madeline's voice.
"How about we just lay everything on the table," Jacob sat down on a dusty chair, letting out a sigh.
"Okay then," Madeline dusted a chair opposite to that of Jacob's and sat down, "Let's start with how you dropped that bombshell about your work."
"God! You're still not over that?" Jacob groaned, rubbing his hands all over his face.
"Of course, you wouldn't want to explain," Madeline scoffed, under her breath.
"Fine! You want the truth?!," Jacob, fuming, stood from his chair, "I didn't WANT to tell anyone about this because I knew I would never be allowed to do it! That's why I told you at the last minute. All my life I've been asked to do EVERYTHING for the crown. EVERYTHING. For once, I wanted to think for myself but you just HAD to create a scene about how much it compromises your life when the truth is you've had a MUCH better life than me. You were free to enjoy EVERYTHING life had to offer just because you were the youngest, whereas I suffered the wrath of our parents and the burden of the crown."
Madeline clenched her jaw, trying to hold back her tears. Was she really that spoiled, that she hadn't even spared a thought for her brother's freedom? The reality check was like a hard slap on her face.
And the worst part? She couldn't fight it.
Jacob sighed and sat down again. Silence veiled the two individuals like a thick but invisible fog. Both had so much to say, yet were afraid to speak up. Jacob's outburst had already spilt too much fire. Madeline bit the insides of her cheeks, afraid to start another argument.
Finally, she broke the silence, "I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"Yeah," Jacob sighed, "But we both had no choice."
"Right," a ghost of a smile appeared on Madeline's face.
Silence fell once again. But not as discomfiting as before. There was a certain peaceful element to it. Gentle notes of music floated in the air from the ballroom. Madeline found herself tapping the tips of her shoes to the beat of the melody.
"Should we go back?" Madeline lifted her eyes from her lap to look at Jacob. She smiled and shook her head.
"Let's just stay here and finish the conversation?" Jacob smiled gently and nodded, relaxing back into the chair.
Siblings may become rivalling factions, but a truce can eventually be reached over a glass of whiskey and a late-night conversation.
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