#maggie x andrew
swiftsdelucaa · 2 years
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d3adlove1 · 3 months
Lovers Rock❤️‍🔥
Summary: The story of how you and Carl came to be with a time jump into Alexandria. It’s late at night and you're at your boyfriend Carls's house and he plays “Lovers Rock” by TV Girl
(I know TV Girl wasn't around the time that the show aired so just like pretend)
TW: Mention of death, blood, kissing, and cuddling, use of pet names?? (just incase)
(Carl Grimes x fem!reader)
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You and Carl were what everyone considered "puppy love" or "best friends to lovers" trope. Before you and he had started to date you two were insanely close ever since the farm when the group was looking for Sophia but instead found you. Well they didn't exactly find you, you had appeared on the farm, alone, scared, and splattered in blood. Your parent's blood to be exact. The same day Carl was shot while trying to pet a dear (which you still scold him for to this day) you were taken in by Maggie coming back on her horse from collecting Lori and warning the others. She cleaned you up and basically took you in as her own even though her dad Hershel was completely against it since she was only in her early twenties but over time you grew on him. When Glenn and Maggie got together he accepted you as if you were his own blood as well since you were nothing but a meek child.
However during your first week on the farm when Carl was on bed rest it didn't stop you from being the curious kid you were, resulting in you asking Maggie to visit the unfamiliar boy non-stop until she finally gave in and asked Lori and Rick if you could see him. They said yes thanks to worrying about their son being lonely. When granted permission you walked into the room slightly nervous but confident that you would easily make friends with the boy. You saw Carl fiddling with the sheriff hat his dad had just given him but when you walked in he immediately stopped and stared at you. It freaked you out a little but you pushed it to the side and sat on the chair beside the bed.
"Hi, my name is y/n y/l/n, what's yours?" you ask trying to spark up a conversation. You could tell he was shy, it was written all over his facial features. "My name is Carl Grimes" he mutters as he fails to keep eye contact. "Well Carl Grimes I like your hat", you add to give him some type of confidence though you really did like the hat. He looked at you again with a smile on his face, "Thanks, my dad gave it to me" he spoke clearer than before. You smiled back at him and spent the rest of that day with him talking about random things you liked and sharing common interests.
Since then you and Carl were a pair nobody could ever seperate even if they tried. To say the least, he and you had gone through thick and thin together, losing Lori and Shane, the governor's attack, thinking Judith was dead, the collectors, terminus, and the church which is where you two had made it official, but now you were in Alexandria. It had taken some adjusting to get used to everyone and the environment but you did it with Carl by your side.
Earlier today while you were on your watch shift at the gate Carl had stopped by to bring you your favorite snack. You sat on top of the gate on the lookout when you heard the ladder being used. Soon enough Carl was sitting by your side with chocolate-covered strawberries in a container. Your face quickly lit up and you snatched the container from his hand. "Um a hi would also be appreciated y/n" he remarks. You playfully roll your eyes at him and give him a tight hug, as you pull away you place a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thank you Carl I appreciate it" You look at him with pure admiration and gratefulness in your eyes. "Of course baby", he places a quick kiss on your forehead as you open the container and start to eat.
"Soo, I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out at my house after you're done with your shift" he questioned with a hopeful expression. "Yeah of course" you reply with a smile. Carl grins at you and looks at your lips for a moment before pressing a kiss onto your lips. "What was that for i'm literally swallowing my food", you respond with a chuckle. "There was chocolate on your lips" he states with a shrug, "I'll see you later though". He places a quick kiss on your cheek as he moves to the ladder. "You're gross!" you call out for him to hear. "I know!"
A few hours had passed and you were at Carls's front door. You knocked and Rick answered the door with Judith in his hands. "Oh hey y/n it's good to see you" his accent strong on his tongue. "Hi Rick it's nice to see you too, and it's especially good to see you Judith", you poked at her stomach causing her to giggle. "Well we were just headed out, Carl's upstairs". "Oh alright well see you guys later" You smiled at them as you walked towards the stairs, hearing the door shut. As you reached Carl's room you heard your favorite song play.
Lovers Rock
You couldn't help but smile as you opened the door to see Carl sitting on his bed with a beautifully picked bouquet of roses in his hand. You closed the door behind you and he stood up from the bed. "Awww this is cute Carl thank you but you didn't need to play my favorite song to give me flowers", you say as you wrap your arms around his neck. "The song isn't for you sweetheart", he says within the crook of your neck. You pull away to look at him with a displeased look on your face, "Then who the fuck is it for?" you ask. "Me", he responds with a low chuckle. You tilt your head at him still slightly confused. Carl's cheeks flush a light pink before he responds, "The song reminds me of you".
You smile up at him before he leans down to give you a tender kiss on the lips as he holds you by your waist.
"She might want a kiss before the end of this song".
Hii again, this is now my second post. I decided to post this oneshot before I post "Running Feelings Part 2" so that will be coming soon. I'm not sure if this oneshot is either too long or too short because I don't really know how to feel about it but I'm posting this anyways!
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inbarfink · 6 months
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halseyftpeyton · 2 years
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this end, wow, i hoped for this for years but i’m still amazed it really happened.
i can’t believe it’s really finished.
i’m so ready to find out what happened during all this time!! what a beautiful finale and a beautiful tribute.
went from joy to screams to tears.
we are the ones who live.
so grateful for this show. thank you for all these years.🤍
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Only 3 more episodes of The Walking Dead left… how are we feeling?
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tvshowscouples · 20 days
If you love Sayid&Shannon (Lost) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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padfootagain · 4 months
Only an Almost (XVI)
Chapter 16: Fare Well
Hi! Here comes a new chapter!
Okay, time to talk…
Sorry for the angst in advance…
I hope you’ll like this chapter! Please, tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader, friends with benefits AU
Warning: No explicit smut or nsfw content, but there are sexual themes and heavy make-out sessions (it’s a friends with benefits AU, I can’t really escape it), so 18+ only!
Summary: Andrew has been in love with you for years, and yet he has never confessed his feelings. But a night out celebrating the engagement of his best friend changes everything. However, you don't seem ready to be with him just yet. You make him an offer that he can't refuse... but will certainly regret.
Word Count : 2496
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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This was a terrible idea.
Andrew hesitated one last time before knocking on your door.
This was a terrible idea. He was going to get his heart broken all over again. What was there to discuss anyway? You had met someone else, someone better than him… end of story.
He buried his hands in the pockets of his jacket while he waited for you to open the door. It was springtime, and yet the evening was particularly cold tonight. A clear sky above his head though, all inky and full of stars.
God, he shouldn’t have come…
Finally, the key turned in the lock, and the next second your door was opening. You welcomed him with a timid but earnest smile.
“Hi! Come in… do you want some tea?”
You didn’t wait for his answer, hurried to close the door behind him as if you were worried he would run away. He barely let out a ‘good evening’ that you were off to the kitchen, busying yourself with tea even if it was late already.
Still, he walked in silence in your kitchen, let you get away with the distraction. He waited in silence, unwilling to be the first to speak.
“Here you go,” you added as you handed him the grey mug he loved best. Two teabags. The same ritual you had performed for him hundreds, if not thousands of times…
“Thank you,” his voice was quiet and blank.
The atmosphere was heavy, suffocating, even. His heart was pounding, and Andrew didn’t have the strength to look at you. He shouldn’t have come. Being rejected once was painful enough, he didn’t need you to do it again…
“Thank you for coming tonight,” you said, hesitation making your voice quiet and small. “Do you want to sit down?” you added as you gestured towards the living room, but Andrew shook his head.
“No, I’d rather stand.”
Slowly, you nodded. You remained both standing there, under the pale light of your kitchen, your back to the sink and his to the counter open on the living room. He was still holding his tea, but he didn’t want to drink it. The heat sipping through the porcelain was a good distraction against his tight throat though.
“You… You want to eat something? I have some biscuits…”
“Y/N… thank you, but… I’d rather get this over with.”
You hummed, pulling on your sleeves until they covered your hands. Andrew noticed that you hadn’t made any tea for yourself.
“Right… We should… talk about what happened.”
“Did you go to the date? With Maggie?”
He finally looked up when you remained silent. You seemed taken aback by his question.
“Yeah… Yes, I did.”
“Did you sleep with her?”
“What? We’re close enough for us to have sex, but I can’t know if you’ve found someone else?”
You shifted your weight from one foot to the other. He was getting annoyed by all this, angry even. Andrew longed for this to be over, for him to go home, get threateningly drunk, maybe smoke a joint or two to make sure he could numb the pain, and forget for a few hours that you existed.
And tomorrow he would get up, and pretend that all was fine, and he would do that again and again until he could think of you without wanting to cry…
“No, we didn’t sleep together.”
“How was the date?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Yes, I do.”
You heaved a sigh.
“I stayed a grand total of fifteen minutes…”
He frowned at that.
“It felt wrong.”
You added nothing to that statement, and Andrew didn’t know what to do with it. Wrong because your date wasn’t nice? Or wrong because you wanted someone else?
“Did you see her again?”
“No… no, and I don’t think I will.”
“Why not?”
You shifted again, clearly uncomfortable.
“Look, Andy… this isn’t why I wanted to see you…”
“Really? Why, then?”
“You… you ran off. When I told you, you simply… ran off. I… I’m sorry. I should have handled this better, I… I know that I didn’t break the news in the best way. I was scared of how you would react.”
He raised an unimpressed eyebrow.
“Did you ever think that I could react well to you dumping my arse?”
“I didn’t dump you…”
“No, because we were not together.”
Andrew clenched his jaw, put down his untouched tea on the counter behind him. He averted his gaze, crossed his arms before his chest.
“I’m sorry, Andy. I should have handled that situation better. You… you’re important to me. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause you pain.”
God, he didn’t know if he ought to cry or laugh at that.
“I know that I should have found a better way to tell you about this. But I… I hope that we can still be friends…”
He looked up again, stared at you with his mouth hanging open.
“No, Y/N. We’re not going to be friends.”
“We’ve slept together. For months, we… Friends?!”
“That was our arrangement…”
“Our arrangement was a terrible idea. And it was… it was never an arrangement for me.”
“But we discussed things…”
“I shouldn’t have accepted.”
Slowly, you nodded.
It seemed to hurt you, that he showed regrets. But how could he not regret this?
He hated you for a moment, looking sad and scared like you didn’t want to lose him. And he hated you even more because he didn’t regret it. Not really. Despite all the pain he was feeling now, despite all the sleepless nights, and how desperate he was, he still didn’t regret it. He would have given anything to spend one last night with you. He would have gone through all this pain over and over again just to kiss you one more time. He would have done it all over again, just to hold you for one tiny minute…
He was bitter as he spoke. He didn’t care whether it would hurt you or not, he was too hurt himself to care about that. He needed to let it out. For once, he needed to do what was best for him, and not for you.
“Do you know what I wanted to tell you that night?”
You shook your head in silence, waiting for him to continue. You had mimicked his posture, were leaning against your sink with your arms crossed.
“I wanted to stop seeing you like this.”
Your mouth fell open in shock.
“I wanted to tell you that I… that I wanted to stop this stupid arrangement of ours. That I… That I wanted more. That I would have waited until you were ready to date again, no matter how long that would be, to be properly with you.”
His bottom lip trembled, your form was blurred with tears, but he held them back. They shone at the corners of his eyes, making the hazel turn green, but he didn’t cry.
“And you slept with me. We had sex. And then you blurted out that you didn’t give two fucks about me, and that you wanted to date someone else… after we just had sex! Do you realise how fucked up that is?!”
It was your turn to hold back your tears, averting your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, but that wasn’t good enough.
“I thought… after everything, I thought you would say yes. I thought you felt… something for me.”
“I… I do care about you, Andy, that’s not the point…”
“Do you? Is that why you thought it was respectful to have sex with me, and wait less than five minutes to reject me?!”
You didn’t say anything. He had raised his voice, although he was trying to keep it down. It made it powerful enough to make him intimidating, but shaky too, showing how vulnerable he was behind the layers of anger.
“Why did you do that? Why the fuck did you do that?!”
“Because… because I knew we had to stop this, and… I just… I know it was selfish, but I wanted to have one last night with you.”
He narrowed his eyes at you. Because it sounded like a good answer, a tempting one. You looked vulnerable, fragile even. As if this was a confession that was revealing too much of you.
But it was just a lie…
“We didn’t have one last night. We only had sex, Y/N.”
You stared at him for a while, but you refused to answer.
“You’ve only stayed once,” he reminded you. “You’ve only stayed once, and after that, it was like… like you didn’t want to remain more than twenty minutes alone with me unless we were having sex.”
“It… it was too hard to stay.”
“Too hard?”
“It was too emotional.”
His eyebrows shot up at that.
“Because having sex with me was not emotional to you? Really?”
“It’s different, and you know it.”
“No, I don’t know.”
“Acting like a couple, with domestic stuff, it’s… it’s different to fucking.”
The way you narrowed your eyes at him, the way you seemed worried now… yeah, Andrew guessed he wasn’t too good at hiding how much your words were hurting.
“Fucking… that’s all there was between us to you? That’s all I was to you?”
“That’s not what I meant...”
“That’s exactly what you meant! Christ! Are you telling me that you were just using me for sex all this time?! Why the fuck would you act like that with me if that was just about fucking, huh?! When we were… Jesus… when you…”
His voice broke, and he blinked tears away, but it wasn’t enough this time, he had to brush them off with the back of his hand.
“This is more complicated than that.”
“What’s complicated?”
“I can’t be with you, Andy. So… it was necessary to keep a certain distance, so we could still save our friendship…”
“Well, we didn’t save shit.”
“God, Andrew, I… I know that I’ve handled telling you about that stupid date badly… terribly even! But us not catching feelings was the plan all along! Don’t blame this on me!”
“So, you were just fucking me, then? All this time? There was nothing more than that?”
“No! No, you answer me now! What the fuck, Y/N?! Are you really saying that I’ve been hallucinating all this time?! Because I thought… I thought you felt something… When we were lying in bed together, when we were…”
“Andy, you don’t understand.”
“No, you’re right! I don’t understand! We’ve slept together for months, several times a week, while spending our days together… we’ve been friends for years, and… and you didn’t feel anything when we were having sex? Nothing at all? Like… How could you feel nothing at all?”
“We agreed…”
“Fuck this agreement!” Andrew roared, and you visibly shook, his deep voice booming through the room. You had never heard him shout so loudly at anyone before. “Fuck your stupid rules! Fuck all this shit! How could you do this to me? How could you have sex with me and feel nothing! It felt…”
His voice broke, a tear rolled down his cheek, disappeared in his beard, caught a tiny speck of light before fading.
“It felt like it wasn’t just about pleasure. Like you were… like you… like I wasn’t just…”
He heaved a sigh, and all of a sudden he didn’t seem so tall, so intimidating. All of sudden, he was vulnerable and fragile and bent under a weight he couldn’t carry.
“God, Y/N… How could you do this to me?”
A pregnant pause stumbled across the space between your two bodies. It seemed an uncrossable chasm, a gap you couldn’t conquer anymore.
“I’m sorry, Andy… but you can’t put the blame only on me. You agreed to this. Everything was clear, we’ve discussed things…”
“But when we had sex…”
“When we had sex, did you not feel anything? Something? Just… something… And what about after that? When we were holding onto each other? That morning when we had breakfast together…?”
You were blinking tears away, your arms tight around your own frame, fleeing him. Your body language was obvious, you were refusing to face the truth, or to admit it, at the very least.
“Why are you asking me this, why is it so important?”
“You truly don’t know the answer to that?”
“I don’t.”
“You fucking idiot...”
“Why would you have agreed to do this if that was not what you wanted? If you didn’t want me?”
“Didn’t want you?! Y/N… this is literally the opposite of what I’m saying!”
“I don’t understand!” you raised your voice too this time, following his lead. “We’ve discussed things! We agreed! You said you wanted me!”
“Of course, I wanted you!”
“Then why are you mad?”
His voice cracked again, he let out a frustrated growl against himself and his bloody feelings that were bubbling all the way to the surface to overcome him and drown him in silence…
There it was, out in the open. He saw you freezing into place, eyes growing round. And he knew he had fucked up, but what was there left to destroy anyway? He couldn’t be just your friend anymore… he was losing you tonight, no matter what.
“I love you,” Andrew finally let out the words he had kept hidden for so long, they tasted sour in his mouth, and yet a weight was lifted from his chest. “I fucking love you. Of course, I love you. How could you not notice? I was always in love with you. And it was never just sex for me. It was always about making love to you. Did you… have you never made love to me? Not once? Was it just fucking? Really?”
You blinked at him. You seemed stunned in stillness, unable to move or do anything but stare at him with round eyes and parted lips. Andrew thought he knew how to understand your silence. He hated you for it. Despite all his love, while he held your blank gaze with his searching one, he hated you.
“Alright. Very well.”
He turned away, and didn’t look back as he crossed your home to the door.
“Don’t call me again, Y/N. I don’t want to hear about you ever again.” And then he was out in the street, in your driveway, into his car, driving, turning off the engines, closing the door of his car, opening his front door and stepping into his home, taking off his shoes and jacket, walking upstairs and into his bathroom and entering the shower with his clothes on. And when the cold water hit his face he finally allowed himself to let out a shout.
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fallingfavourites · 24 days
this will probably be changing a lot, and again feel free to request anything (no smut) but again i make no promise i'll write it so sorry!! I almost always write x fem!reader but sometimes its gender neutral!
i write for all these characters romantic (not clementine from twdg) and plantonic fics ! also always feel free to ask about characters that aren't on this list !
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fandoms/characters I write for <3 (aka i have written for these or have some drafts of these fandoms)
bridgerton (Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Eloise Bridgerton, Francesca Bridgerton, Micheala Stirling)
criminal minds (Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, JJ, Elle Greenaway)
marvel (Matt Murdock, Peter Parker - tom/andrew, Steve Rogers, might also dabble with some x-men characters)
the hunger games (Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair)
the walking dead (Rick Grimes, Glenn Rhee, Maggie Greene-Rhee / Lee Everett, Clementine)
top gun (Jake Seresin, Bradley Bradshaw)
stuff I might write for :3
9-1-1 (Evan Buckley)
daisy jones & the six (Daisy Jones, Billy Dunne)
outer bank (JJ Maybank, Kiara Carrera, Sarah Cameron, Pope Hayward)
the bear (Carmy Berzatto, Mikey Berzatto)
the boys (Hughie Campbell, Billy Butcher, Kimiko Miyashiro)
the last of us (Joel Miller)
twisters (Tyler Owens)
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the-name-is-z · 2 months
SKELETONS | ch. 24
daryl dixon x f!oc
a03 link
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Summary: As the group starts to make a new home of the prison, someone sabotages their plans, leading to unfortunate losses. Warnings/Information: AMC's The Walking Dead OC Insert | 18+ Advised | strangers to lovers; the slowest of slow burns; gore; angst; horror; humour; m/f; canon character death; killing walkers; ethical discussions; murder
Chapter 24 - Where Else
“Okay, let’s get the other car in. We’ll park ‘em at the West entry of the yard.” Rick instructed as they drove the vehicles in from the road. Iris backed the truck up on the side of the gate, careful not to drive over any walker’s they’d left on the ground.
“Good. Our vehicles out there look like a giant ‘vacancy’ sign.” Daryl remarked.
“After that, we need to load up these corpses so we can burn ‘em.” 
“Gonna be a long day.” T-Dog grumbled.
“Where’s Glenn and Maggie? We could use some help.” Carol stated. Iris walked over, rolling her neck. Those prison mattresses were terrible. She’d rather sleep on the ground.
“Up in the guard tower.” Daryl replied.
“Guard tower?” Rick asked, putting his hands on his hips. “They were just up there last night.”
“Glenn! Maggie!” Daryl yelled across the field. Iris could see their silhouettes as the two of them stood up, and Glenn shouldered the door to the balcony open, shirtless, still buttoning up his pants.
“Hey, what’s up, guys?” He called back. Iris whistled loudly, earning a hearty laugh from Rick and T-Dog.
“You coming?” Daryl asked impatiently.
“What?” Glenn asked. The rest of them burst out laughing, grinning to themselves. Carol had to cover her mouth as she smiled.
“You coming?” Daryl asked again, smirking. “C’mon, we could use a hand.”
“Yeah, we’ll be right down.” Glenn replied. Iris shook her head, turning around as they walked back to the gate.
“Hey, Rick.” T-Dog called, stopping them in their tracks. Smiles faded as they turned, seeing Axel and Oscar walking across the courtyard toward the field. Rick started storming toward them, Daryl and Iris following quickly.
“That’s close enough.” Rick hissed as they stopped about six feet away. “We had an agreement.”
“Please, mister. We know that.” Axel replied quietly. Glenn and Maggie came out from the guard tower behind them. “We made a deal. But you gotta understand… we can’t live in that place another minute, you follow me? All the bodies— people we knew. Blood, brains everywhere. There’s ghosts.”
“Why don’t you move the bodies out?” Daryl asked.
“You should be burning them.” T-Dog stated.
“We tried. We did.”
“The fence is down on the far side of the prison.” Oscar explained. “Every time we drag a body out, those things just line up. We’ve been just dropping a body and running back inside.”
“Look, we had nothing to do with Tomas and Andrew. Nothing. You trying to prove a point, you proved it, bro.” Axel assured. “We’ll do whatever it takes to be part of your group, just please, please… don’t make us live in that place.”
“Our deal is not negotiable.” Rick said sternly. Iris pursed her lips. “You either live in your cell block or you leave.”
“I told you this was a waste of time.” Oscar muttered. “They ain’t no different than the pricks who shot up our boys. You know how many friends corpses we had to drag out this week? Just threw ‘em out, like. These were good guys. Good guys who had our backs against the really bad dudes in the joint, like Tomas and Andrew. Now we’ve all made mistakes to get in here, chief. And I’m not gonna pretend to be a saint, but believe me. We’ve paid our due— enough that we would rather hit that road than go back into that shit-hole.”
Rick turned to get one glance from Daryl, who shook his head. They decided to lock Axel and Oscar up in between the front gates. Axel muttered small complaints, but they were safe at least. T-Dog argued for them to join in.
“Are you serious? You want them living in a cell next to you?” Rick asked. “They’ll just be waiting for a chance to grab our weapons. You wanna go back to sleeping with one eye open?”
“I never stopped.” T-Dog replied. “Bring them into the fold. If we send them off packing, we might as well execute them ourselves.”
“I don’t know. Axel seems a little unstable.” Glenn pointed out.
“More-so than the rest of us? He already said, he was in for drugs, which we don’t have, and Oscar broke in to some place. They’re not killers.” Iris argued.
“After all we’ve been through?” Carol asked. “We fought so hard for all of this, what if they decide to take it?”
“It’s two against eleven.” Iris replied. “And I still cuddle my knives like teddy bears.”
“It’s just been us for so long.” Maggie murmured. “They’re strangers, I don’t— It feels weird all of a sudden to have these other people around.”
“You brought us in.” T-Dog pointed out.
“Yeah, but you turned up with a shot boy in your arms. Didn’t give us a choice.” Maggie replied.
“They can’t even kill walkers.” Glenn replied.
“They did. Sort of.” Iris chuckled.
“They’re convicts, bottom line.” Carol frowned.
“Those two might actually have less blood on their hands than we do.” T-Dog countered.
“I get guys like this. Hell, I grew up with them.” Daryl said. “They’re degenerates, but they ain’t psychos. I could have been in there with them just as easy as I’m out here with you guys.”
“So you’re with me?” T-Dog asked.
“Hell, no. Let them take their chances out on the road, just like we did.”
“What I’m saying, Daryl—“
“When I was a rookie, I arrested this kid.” Rick started. Iris bit down on her tongue, looking out at the forest. “Nineteen years old, wanted for stabbing his girlfriend. The kid blubbered like a baby during the interrogation, during the trial— suckered the jury. He was acquitted due to insufficient evidence and then two weeks later, shot another girl. We’ve been through too much. Our deal with them stands.”
Rick and Daryl turned back to go speak with Axel and Oscar. T-Dog looked frustrated, but he was definitely outvoted. Plus, Rick had a point. They didn’t know them. Axel was a coward, but sometimes cowards did the most damage in situations like the ones they found themselves in all the time. Iris had often considered herself lucky she never wound up in prison as a youth. A few overnighters in a holding cell, but never anything crazy. But she knew people like the boy Rick described. And unfortunately, he was right. They’d lost so much already, the stakes were high.
They spent the rest of the afternoon piling the bodies up all together. They were sweaty and tired, but it was done.
“Move the cars to the upper yard. Point ‘em facing out. They’ll be out of the way but ready to go if we ever need to bail.” Rick explained, tossing the gate keys to Glenn. “We’ll give the prisoners a week’s worth of supplies for the road.”
“They might not last a week.” T-Dog replied spitefully.
“It’s their choice.” Rick replied.
“Did they really have one?”
Iris left them to talk it out as she followed Daryl to the gates. Maggie got into the SUV while Daryl got onto his bike, ready to pull up to the courtyard.
“Twin cylinder, is that a Triumph?” Axel asked Daryl, observing the bike.
“Don’t even look at it.” Daryl grumbled.
“Didn’t want it bored out?” Axel asked. Daryl ignored him, starting the bike. “Sounds like it could use a tune up. I’m pretty handy with a wrench. Heads are leaking. I know my bikes!” Iris chuckled as Daryl pulled away, leaving Axel to himself.
“Man, will you just stop? Have some balls.” Oscar scoffed.
“Just sayin’.” Axel muttered as Glenn closed the gate behind them.
A few hours later, Iris passed Axel a box of supplies as Daryl, Rick and Glenn went through the fence to scope out the hole Oscar had mentioned.
“I’ll cut you loose as soon as they get back.” Iris said quietly, clicking the lock shut.
“Thank you, ma’am.” Axel replied. Iris cringed.
“Don’t call me ma’am, it makes me feel old.” She replied. Axel chuckled lightly. “Sit tight.” She sat down on the gravel in the dog run, watching the hole in the fence as the others climbed through, weaving the wire back through the links.
“So what’d you do before this?” Axel asked. Oscar muttered for him to keep his mouth shut.
“I was a mechanic. Mostly bikes, cars.” She replied quietly. “Hence the matching outfits.” Axel nodded. “You?”
“Gambling man.” He said, putting the box down. “Never had much in the way of a career. Though Oscar here was an electrical engineer.”
“Yeah, well…” Oscar grumbled.
“You think you could maybe put in a good word for us with your man? I know we—“
“We tried. If you can prove yourselves, maybe he’ll let you stay.” Iris murmured, frowning as she watched them walk the perimeter.
“How are we supposed to do that?” Oscar asked. Iris didn’t answer, instead turning back toward the prison. She smiled as she spotted Hershel taking a stroll with Beth, Lori and Carl in the courtyard. 
“Alright, Hershel!” Glenn called. Iris’ smile fell when she spotted the walkers come out of the courtyard behind them.
“Walkers!” She yelled, scrambling to her feet. Rick, Glenn and Daryl were running to the hole in the fence. Iris scrambled to unlock the gate in the dog run, sprinting past Axel and Oscar toward the other gate.
“Walkers, look out!” Carl called. Lori, Carl, Maggie and T-Dog started shooting, but that didn’t stop the swarm from growing. Hershel hobbled out of the way on his crutches, but he was slow. Beth screeched in fear from beside them as they moved around away from them. Iris threw the gate open, sprinting across the field and unsheathing her knives. She didn’t bother opening the gate to the yard, climbing over the fence and hopping down. She pulled her gun and started firing, bore walkers coming as fast as they shot them down.
“That gate is open!” T-Dog yelled, gesturing to further inside the courtyard where they had locked off all the walkers before. Iris grimaced. Maggie herded Lori and Carl inside, Carol and Iris backing up T-Dog as he ran for the gate. He shoved a few out of the way, pulling it shut.
“T!” Iris yelled, running over, but it was too late, and the walker was too close. He screamed as it’s teeth sunk into his shoulder, ripping out flesh with reckless abandon. Iris put a bullet in it’s brain as Carol screamed.
“Here!” She called, shoving open a door on the other side of the catwalk. She pulled T-Dog inside and slammed the door behind them. Iris was somewhat surrounded and she grimaced, making a break for the chain link cage Beth and Hershel had locked themselves in. They watched as she climbed the fence, perching on top of it while the walkers pooled around them. She unloaded her clip but there were still more.
Daryl, Rick and Glenn finally made it to the courtyard, pulling the gate open and unloading their own guns into the walkers surrounding them. Glenn used his machete to cut through to the gate while Daryl unleashed his crossbow on the walker’s surrounding Iris, Beth and Hershel.
“What the hell happened?” Rick yelled.
“The gate was open!” Iris replied, jumping down from the roof of the doorway after they’d removed the walkers surrounding her. “Lori, Carl and Maggie went through to the cell block. T-Dog and Carol went through there, but T got bit!”
“Anyone else?”
“Stay put!” Rick yelled to Beth and Hershel while they continued clearing the courtyard.
“You alright?” Daryl asked. Iris nodded. She was fine, albeit shaky and nervous. 
“Those chains didn’t break on their own.” Glenn said after slicing the top of a walker’s head off. “Someone took an axe or cutters to ‘em.” Rick turned around, staring daggers through Axel and Oscar, who stood warily at the edge of the gate. “You think they did it?”
“Who else?” Rick growled. Iris nearly jumped out of her skin as a loud alarm blared out across the compound.
“What’s that?” Glenn asked, alarmed.
“Oh, you gotta be kidding me!” Daryl yelled, exasperated. The noise was drawing walkers in from everywhere, and they started to gather along the outer fences. 
“Kill it!” Rick yelled. They pulled out their guns, aiming for the loudspeakers. He wheeled around, pointing his gun in Oscar’s face. “How the hell can this be happening?”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, it has to be the backup generators.” He insisted, putting his hands up.
“How do you turn those on?”
“There’s three that’s connected to a diesel tank, okay?” Oscar explained frantically. “Each one controls a certain part of the prison. The hacks shut them all off when the prison was overrun.”
“Can someone open the main gates electronically, with full power?” Rick asked.
“I only worked in there a few days. I guess it might be possible.” Oscar shrugged.
“Okay, come with us!” Rick yelled, grabbing him by the shirt and hauling him along. They burst through into the cell block, but there was no one there. A few walkers, but that was it. “Lori! Carl!”
“Maggie must have taken them further in.” Iris said, out of breath as she kicked her mattress that had been knocked askew.
“We just took down five of them in there.” Daryl called, running in from the other room.
“Four in here, but no sign of anyone.” Iris replied.
“They must have been pushed back into the prison.” Glenn breathed. 
“Somebody is playing games!” Rick yelled in frustration. “We’ll split up and look for the others. Whoever gets to the generator first, shut them down!” They split up, Iris following Daryl, Rick and Oscar as they jogged through the corridors.
Oscar led them to the generators and they burst through the door, narrowly escaping a few hungry, snapping jaws. 
“Daryl, get the door!” Rick yelled. Daryl and Oscar threw themselves against the door, holding it shut as the walkers pointed against it. Rick ran for the generator. “How do you shut these down?!”
“Go, I got it.” Iris traded places with Oscar, and though he was much larger than her, some help was better than none. She and Daryl pressed themselves against the door, boots skidding against the ground. Iris heard her heard pounding in her ears before the scream. Andrew yelled as he popped out from the corner, slamming his baseball bat into the electrical panel, aiming for Rick. They wrestled, Rick attempting to disarm him as they slammed into various panels. Daryl let out a cry of effort as they strained against the door. Iris slid to the ground, scrambling up against it with a grunt.
“We gotta let go.” He grunted. Iris nodded and they moved in tandem away from the door, grabbing their weapons. They killed the first few that were slamming against the door before Daryl shoved it closed once again. Oscar tossed one of the metal panels at Andrew, shoving him off of Rick before picking up Rick’s gun.
“Shoot him! We can take back this prison!” Andrew pleaded as they both stood on shaky legs. Rick held out his hand. Oscar panted. “What are you waiting for? It’s our house! Shoot him!” Oscar pulled the trigger, and Andrew’s body hit the ground. He handed the gun back to Rick and Iris keeled over, hands on her thighs as she panted. Rick shut the generator down, the alarms stopping, finally. 
They made their way down the hallways, searching for the others. There was a scuffle somewhere down, but when they rounded the corner, they found Glenn and Axel. They all moved together down the hallways, finding two walkers standing over a body. Rick shot them both, but Iris held a hand to her mouth in shock.
“T…” She whispered. He was flayed open, barely a corpse as his innards littered the ground. They all paused for a moment and Daryl belt down to lift Carol’s scarf from the floor. She was nowhere to be seen, but they had no idea. They followed the halls all the way through to the door T-Dog and Carol had escaped through, Hershel and Beth waiting on the stairs.
“Hershel!” Glenn called.
“You didn’t find them?” He asked.
“We thought maybe they came back out here.” They both shook their heads.
“What about T? Carol?” 
“They didn’t make it.” Daryl replied.
“That doesn’t mean the others didn’t. We’re going back.” Rick said lowly. “Daryl and Glenn, you come with—“ Rick stopped as the sound of an infant crying carried over the courtyard. They all turned to see Maggie stumble down the stairs, a small bundle of Carl’s coat in her blood-soaked arms. Carl followed blankly, his face dark and his eyes empty. His own hands were covered in blood and Iris held in a gasp.
Rick dropped his axe as he faced Maggie, shaking his head. She was crying, clutching the baby close. Rick shook his head again, his lip quivering. He blinked, staggering back and forth as he walked closer.
“Where— where is she? Where is she?” He asked. When Maggie didn’t answer, he made for the door.
“No, Rick no!” She cried, pulling him back. Rick sobbed, clutching his hands to his face as he stared up at the prison. Carl stood next to him, motionless.
“Oh, no. No!” Rick cried. Glenn walker over, pulling Maggie to his chest as she cried, resting her head on his shoulder. Iris sheathed her knives, running a hand through her hair as tears lined her eyes. 
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swiftsdelucaa · 1 year
I love your blog and your writing sm!!! ❤️
I wanted ask you if you could write an imagine for Andrew DeLuca where the reader gets injured badly during the fire in the hospital and he doesn't know right away because no one tells him? No pressure ofc, thanks :)
❛ 𝑨𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒅 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Andrew DeLuca x reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: Tyy sm anon!! 💜💜 Loved writing it, hope you'll like it too!! :)
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The fire, the smoke, the fear, the anxiety, those were the only things you could remember, the only things that surrounded your mind and your body. Right now around you there were just people, many people you knew, that probably were worried for you. Breath was difficult in that moment, and mostly of your body parts hurt due of the burns. Someone put an oxygen mask on your face, as they kept talking about things you couldn't understand very well because of your current state. You knew you weren't okay, everything has been crazy, you just tried to do the best and help Stephanie.
"S-Steph..." you immediately remembered about her and took off the mask to talk.
"She is okay Y/n, now we're doing the best for you" Jackson reassured you. "But you mustn't make efforts" he added. You barely could nod, the weakness that had taken over your body got the better on you.
"Should we call Andrew?" Maggie asked. "I mean, he has no idea of what it's happening"
"Okay, but we don't even know where he could be" Meredith replied. Yeah, he was with the other doctors, helping all those people who has been in trouble because of that situation. You wanted him with you, you couldn't hide that you were a little scared, but you didn't want to worry him too much. You knew him, you knew how much he got involved in everything, especially if it was you. But anyway you didn't have enough strength to respond, the pain and flanking were strong.
"Yeah, he need to know, but I don't think this is the best moment..." Jackson said. "There are many people here, and I think we should tell him when everything will get better" they nodded to his affermation, then they focused again on you.
"Stephanie asked of Y/n, how is she?" Jo entered in your room, looking at you and hoping to hear a positive answer.
"We're dealing with it, she'll be okay" Jackson replied reassuring her.
Right when you were a little calmer, breath has become more difficult than before, you started caughing but then it became difficult too. The pain decreased, the weakness seemed like tiredness, so you closed your eyes, not feeling anything anymore.
"She's inhaled too much smoke, her lungs are damaged, she's in cardiac arrest!" Maggie exclaimed starting the compressions. "Wilson, we need a crash cart" Jo ran right away to find one, but there were so many people, and everything was no longer in its own place.
Andrew was talking to Richard about the fact to organize the situation. He glanced over at the girl, she seemed quite agitated. Apparently she found what she was looking for, but she has to try to walk on through all those people.
"Damn please, we're trying to save Y/n's life!" she screamed as she walked towards your room.
"What?" Andrew expression changed suddently. She approached her despite webber trying to stop him. "W-what have you said?" Jo turned to his as soon as she heard his voice. She wanted to explain, but she didn't have time to waste, so she kept running towards your room.
They took the defibrillators and released a charge, hoping to recover the pulse again. Andrew arrived right in that moment, after he followed Jo. He just looked at you, he couldn't explain the way how he felt in that moment.
"Y/n!" everyone turned to him when they heard him. His voice was a mix of feelings, he was so worried, broken and maybe angry too.
"DeLuca, we... are doing everything possible..." Meredith tried to calm him, but he was so confused and needed explanations, so he approached to you.
"What is-" he looked to your monitor, the line was still flat. "Y/n..."
"Andrew... please, you should go..." Jo pulled him away from where you were layed, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"We have the pulse!" Maggie sighed happily as everyone was glad too. Andrew was still quite shocked, but indeep he was relieved too.
"She is strong, she'll be fine, okay?" Jo said reassuring him. He couldn't say anything, he was still scared, for a moment he thought to lose you. Jo walked him out, finding a place for him to sit and be quiet. She then came back to the other doctors to help them.
Now he had to deal with the wait. It's not easy not know how the person you love and you care the most is. Maybe she was in surgery, or they were focused on her burns or maybe there was another complication. All of this killed him for a long time, he just wished to to see you good, to hear your voice talking with him or feel your presence safe with him. Andrew knew what would you do to help people, it was a big thing that united you, being doctors was what actually you wanted. And for him was very difficult not being there to do everything possible to help you. But he needed to stay strong.
He had no idea of how long he waited for some good news, but when she saw Jo he suddently got up.
"H-how is she? Can I see her?" he asked with the clear fear and hope in his voice.
Jo smiled to him "She's good, and yes, she asked to see you" the relief he felt at that moment was indescribable.
"My God, Y/n" he sighed smiling and couldn't wait to see you. Jo accompanied him to your room, where Jackson, Maggie and Meredith were still with you.
"Y/n!" you turned towards the entrance when you heard Andrew's voice, and you couldn't help to smiling as soon as you saw him. He reciprocated, he was so glad to see you okay.
"We took care of her burns and the rest of the damage, we did our best" Jackson said.
"Yeah, the convalescence will be long, but she will recover" Maggie added smiling.
"She is strong" Meredith looked at you.
"She is" Andrew added as you both looked at each other.
They checked you a last time and them went out of your room, letting a moment for you and Andrew. He approached to you, sitting next to you in your bed.
"You scared me to death, sometimes you just look more stubborn than me" he said smiling as you chuckled.
"That's why you love me" you replied. He looked at you in the eyes, stroking softly your hair. "I was so afraid tho..." you said taking his hand.
"I was very afraid too, but are fine now, and that's the only thing that matter" he said reassuring you. He held your hand and then he approached to your face to kiss you on the lips, lovingly and softly.
"I love you" he whispered.
"I love you too" you replied as your foreheads still touched.
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kenmjiro · 1 year
Secrets after class
¡Teacher!Rick Grimes(Aus) x ¡student! fem reader
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inspiration: Secrets after class by comino inc.
Summary: you find your teacher sleeping peacefully in his office. While you wait you stumble upon a manuscript. A manuscript where the writing style seems awfully familiar...
TWS: Dramas, age gap, provocation,suspense, Romantinc comedy, Schoollife, Taboo, HighSchool
love is one of those thing that people can't really control.
One day you meet someone and the next you are hit with the realization that you are in love with them.
Being in love is a wonderful thing;however,what do you do if you fall in love with someone who is off limits to you?
I'm a book loving Junior in High School.
my love for books led me to join the Literature Club. The club is of course the best thing ever! It's full of exciting adventure,dreams,books,smiles! It just lacks one thing ...members. Yeah, sadly there are only two members in the club. My teacher and myself. But this year, I will changer that!
Have l mentioned that l'm head over heels in love with my teacher?
Moving right along! New year, new style!
“That's all for today, class. Be careful on your way homer everyone!” hearing my home room teacher's dismissal, l shot up from my desk.
“I have a meeting with the Literature Club today so l got to got” l thought as ready to leave, they give mee a slight touch on the shoulder
“Whoa, maggie, what's up?” lt's my childhood friend Maggie Greene. We've been in the same classes since Kindergarten.
l have few friends, but she is one who truly gets me and is also a total bookworm. She is like the sister l never had. “Lemme guess, club meeting?”
“Yup! Today, l'm going to get permission to recruit new members!”
“Oh, that's right, you gotta have permission now because of that one incident, huh?”
Scrunching up my face, l nodded bitterly. “Yeah, unfortunately.”
*Sigh* “That teacher is unexpectedly tough, given his sweet appearance.”
“lt just didn't end well last time... However!Today is the day that l will get permission!” Speak decisively.
“ohhhh...well...l guess, you cant't come then.” Maggie shoulders drop.
“Huh? Come where?” l frowned.
“They cancelled basketball practice because they are using the gym for something else. So l wanted us to go to the bookstore with glen.” Glen is another classmate and childhood friend. the three of us are often together.
Glen and Maggie are couple.
They often worry that l'll be left by myself so they invite me along to wherever they go. But l am fine not joining them since l always feel like the third wheel.
“Nah, l'm good. You go ahead.”
“Wait, why? l need you go to with. You chose a great book for me last time. l want you to choose another one for me! so you really can't” Maggie dipped her head and stared up at me with big puppy eyes.
“That doesn't work on me anymore, nice try though.” Maggie puppy eyes turned into a full on pout.
“l ready promissed my teacher that l'd show at the meet today. l can't just ditch las minute.”“Besides, l want to get permission to recruit new members as soon as possible.” l thought as l bit my lower lip and looked at maggie back.
l don't know how long it is going to take to convince the teacher to get that magic ticket. So, it's a no from me dawg. But have fun with Glen”
“You know... l had hoped to hear about Andrew Lincoln's work from you today...”
“Staaaph! You know Andrew lincoln is my favorite author!”
“Ok,ok. But next time will you go with?” Maggie looked serious waiting for an affirmative answer.
“Yes! l promise.”
“Alright! l'm gonna hold you to that!”
“l won't let you down! For now, l have to go convince this teacher!
“Haha,good luck!”
With a last wave at maggie, l took off for the language department where my teacher was expecting me.
*knock knock*
“Huh? What's going on?” l stand with my hand still in the air after knocking the door. “l thought l told the teacher that l was coming today” l knocked on the office door again, but there still was no response.
“whats should l do?.... should l go inside” The teacher has never been late before. l wonder if something happened to him.
“Well, if anything, if he's not there, l can check the teacher's lounge. if the door is unlocked l can just wait in here.” l carefully opened the door
“Hello? mr. grimes?” The room was fairly dark, so l turned on the lights. That's when l saw a person slouched in chair at the back of the room
lt is my language teacher, Rick Grimes. He is also an advisor and a member of the Literature Club to which l belong. “Um... teacher rick?”
“ls he sleeping? During school hours?” Looks like he's asleep. “Wow, he looks completely out of it” Seeing his sleeping face, only one thought occurs to me: this is a side of him l never get to see.
“His skin is so fair and his eyelashes so long, He looks so peaceful. He's always calm and smiling. No wonder he's so popular with the ladies.”
But it's not just his looks that makes him popular. He is also an amazing teacher and cares for his students. lt's amusing though, before class starts, you always see all the girls batting their eyelashes at him. Heh
l really shouldn't be talking though...
.... Because l like him too.
l might even go so far as to say it was love at first sight.
l remember the day when l first requested to join the Literature Club. l looked up and saw his sweet smile. His first words were, “Thank you for coming, l'm happy you are here.”
“...Of course my teache does not know about my crush.” Since l'm a student, l need to make sure l keep these felings in check. “l don't want to cause any problems.”
l sat down in a chair across from a sleeping Rick. “He's sleeping so soundly, it doesn't look like he's going to wake up any time soon.”
“Hm... what should l do?”... “Since he's sleeping so well, l guess l'll let him be and just hang out a while.” “ln the meantime, l can think of how to persuade mr. grimes and how to recruit new members!”
“Actually lemma write the ideas down.” As l'm reaching for my bag, something catches my eye. A stack of papers is randomly placed on my teacher's desk.
lt seemed to be a manuscript of some sort that belonged to my teacher, given that the handwriting was similar. “ls this novel professor wrote... l didn't know he whote novels”
“l want to take a peek, but l really shouldn't read it without permission...But...just a teensy tiny peek shouldn't hurt, right? Just a page or two? l glance over at rick. He is still sleeping soundly.
“...Dear literary gods, please don't strike me down for being unable to contain my curiosity. Teach, forgive me, l just must know!” As l prayed for forgiveness from every deity, l picked up the manuscript.
The shorts story written from a male perspective was about 4000- characters long and spanned about 10 sheets. l of course read the entire thing in one go. “Did he write this”
Suddenly, l saw a movement in the comer of my eye.
The manuscript was lifted out of my hand. when l looked up, l saw that Rick had woken up at some point.
“Y/n, well, what's going on here? Do you always go around reading other people's private work... Perhaps l shouldn't have left it out in the open, but that's besides the point. ”
“l'm sorry. That was really rude of me.” As l apologized l was still staring at the manuscript that my teache was holding. “Not to impose even more, but can l,um, ask you about that? Did you write that?
“I did...-
“Sr. rick! lt' s phenomenal!!
Excited l stepped up to mi teacher “The world is so enveloping and you can feel the anguish and pain of the protagonist! It's written absolutely beautiful way” “the writing style resembles my favorite author, Andrew Lincoln, in every way!
Andrew Lincoln is a romance novelist who is very popular among the younger generation. He mainly writes young adult romance novels from a male perspective. Many of his works are very emotional and sad.
“On, that's right, you are a fan of Lincoln” l excitedly clapped my hands in front of me and rapidly nodded my head.
“Yes!!! A thousand times yes! l absolutely love that author! His work is incredible and has me in tears every time! l also love the fact that everything surrounding him is so mysterious. There is nothing about author himself anywhere. All we know is that he writes beautiful novels.”
“l see...” Whenever Lincoln is mentioned, Rick doesn't show much enthusiasm.
“Sr. rick, do you not care for this author? Whenever he is mentioned you seem very uninterested.”
“Ah, l'm sorry. l didn't mean to give off that impression.” Rick put the manuscript away in his desk drawer and turned to look at me. “ By the way, wasn't there something you wanted to discuss”
“Oh! Right! Right! l came to get permission!
“ls it for recruiting new members?”
“Yes!!!” nod frantically.
Rick sighed and nodded. “We discussed this before, but l will remind you that l will only accept motivated and interested students. l do not want the Literature club to become a ''Resume filler'' or hangout for unsavory people.”
“l know, l know, that's why l'm here to talk about that”sighed and nodded
“lt's not going to be easy to convince me.”
“But if we don't recruit more members the club will go extinct.”
“l understand this, but it is still better than having students not take it seriously.”
“Well, if you say so...
The teacher's words reminded me of the incident that happened previously.
Soon it was only teacher and myself.
The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop
“l just want to have a few more members and be able to advertise for the club”
“Y/N, l think just the two of us are perfectly fine. We don't need a lot of members to make the club interesting. Don't you think so?”
“lt's not that...”
In fact l love having Rick all to myself.
We haves so much fun every meeting that l look forward to them. But l wanted new members as much as l wanted to spend time alone with rick.
Because... “l really want other people to talk to about the books l read. l want someone who love Andrew Lincoln's work as much as l do and is enthusiastic about discussing it!”
Reading is something you do on your own, but discussion about a book is something that requires other people. l enjoyed talking to my peers about the books l read.
Of course l can talk to Rick but it's different. with him, we can discuss everything BUT Andrew Lincoln's work. And that is something l really, really want to discuss with others.
Since rick isn't interested in Lincoln's work, there is no point talking to him about it. “So l really want new members!”
“l see. l didn't realize how much you wanted to have more students in the club.” Rick sat deep in thought looking at me.
“l think l almost have him. Just a little more persuasion...” l was ready to fire off another reason as to why we need new members when..
Ding! Ding!
“ Rick Grimes, you have a phone call, please come to the staff office.” Rick was called over the school intercom, which effectively ended our conversation.
“alright. l understand why you wish to have new members. Let us think of ways to recruit members who are enthusiastic. l need to take this phone call. l will be right back.” With a smile, Rick took off.
“Great! looks like l got through to him, but damn that interruption!” “It's a step in the right direction though! Well, while he is taking his phone call,l'll just wait there for him to get back.” While waiting, l decide to take a look around the room.
A large bookshelf stood against the wall. lt was overfilled with books. There were so many in fact, that they were stacked in front of other books in little towers.“ The departament buys so many books that they are running out of room to store them”
Looking around a bit more it occurs to me that rick is not very tidy“ perhaps professor is just too busy to take the time and straighten up”
Since we use this as a club meeting room, l also tidy up every so often, but since it is the teacher's office, l can't straighten up and throw out stuff as much as l want. “Well, l guess for now l can get rind of this... Why is there a big cardboard box blocking the entrance anyway? lsn't some this some sort of fire code violation?”
l try to pick up the box, which is full of envelopes and documents. lt is much heavier than l had expected. “Good grief, what is in this thing?” l manage to lift the box into the air, but as soon as l did several envelopes that were on top crashed to the floor. “Ah crap“
One envelope wasn't properly sealed and the contents spilled all over the floor. “Crap,crap,crap!! What if this is some super duper important doc and l just got all the pages mixed up! I'm like so dead!”
“Huh? What is this” l took a closer look at the scattered documents. The handwriting seemed familiar. There was no doubt that these documents were written by Rick. “Oh! rick, did you actually write a full length novel?!”
l had just read a short story earlier that was written by my teache. l absolutely loved it. Needless to say l was dying to read this!
“Ugh.. but the JUST scolded me for reading his papers without permission. l would feel violated if someone did this to me so l'm going to go ahead and put this back. Alright, in you go buddy!” As l was sliding the manuscript into the envelope the author's name sprung out at me.
“What the hell? Andrew Lincoln? l slid the manuscript back out of the envelope and quickly flipped through the pages. The handwriting was all the same. “No way...” A million thoughts went through my head all at once.
Nobody knows anything about Lincoln's private life or where he is based out of. why is one of this manuscripts here?. There has to be logical explanation. “ Is my teache--
“What are you doing y/n”
l was so shocked at reading my favorite author's name that l didn't hear the door open behind me. When l turned around l saw Rick stantiong at the door with a faint smile on this face.
l felt like a hundred flashing neon arrows were pointing at me blinking “GUITY!”“GUILTY”.
How the hell was l going to explain myself out of this one? Rick stepped in front of me, l made a desperate attempt as l turned to face my teache.
“Uh... h-hi! Um... you see, what had happened was. l was trying to clean and the box tumbled and spilled the manuscript everywhere... l'm sorry. l tried to collect it all...”
“And then?” Rick looked at me in a serene but threatening way.
“What did you see?” My teache closed the door and stepped in front of me.
“See? what did l see?” l stepped back instinctively as Rick comer closer.
“y/n, please be honest, what did you see?
“Well... the manuscript... the name... Er.. well... could.. you.. maybe be the novelist Andrew Lincoln?”
“......” The silence felt endless and l quickly regretted blurting out that assumption.
A thought occurred to me..l have been fawning over Andrew Lincoln to my teache for how long now? l practically confessed my love for him in front of my teache. l spilled everything from how much l love Lincoln's work, how much it makes me cry, how my heart absolutely longs for him.
lt is stuff would absolutely never ever tell the actual author himself “But... l mean that'd be ridiculous, right? Him being Andrew Lincoln... At least l really hope it's not him... l would be mortifiel and could neve show my face at his school again.”
l swallowed thickly and meekly looked up at Rick who was staring intensely at me. my teacher's demeanor had completely changed.
“Hmmm....” Rick let out a small sigh which made my bangs ruffle.
as l loocked at my teacher through my bangs, it occured to me that he was acting completely different front usual. “What if was Andrew Lincoln? What would you do then?”
Rick tone changed. He no longer presented himself like my teacher. lt was more of a predator having trapped its prey.“l...l don't know if l would... believe that.”
“Ah.. Well you see... l am Andrew Lincoln”
“No... way...” He stared at me.
“Why would l lie to you, you're holding the proof right in your hand.” l glanced at the manuscript in my hand.
l'm so aghast that my hand involuntarily loosens around the manuscript. Rick grabs my hand. “Don't drop that. lt still needs to be delivered to the publisher today.” l nod like l'm on autopilot. “Well then, y/n”
Rick steps closer towards me. l instinctively step back, but my back hits upon a solid surface. l forgot the bookshelf was right behind me.
my teacher takes another step towards me. “What's happening?”
l glance at the door and make a movement towards it. Suddenly Rick arm is in my line of sight. He has trapped me between himself and the bookshelf. “Not so fast, y/n. So... the teacher you admire and novelist you worship are the same persona... what are you going to do now?
l look up at my teacher who has an imperious smile on his face
My day started so ordinary.....
what have l gotten myselft into?!?
part 2???
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she-karev · 4 months
Playing Cupid (Japril Season 16 Imagine)
Previous Part Here
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of Two
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Jackson Avery x April Kepner
Canon Episode: Season 16 Episode 20
AN: I decided to shift the focus to Japril because I strongly believe they missed an opportunity to bring April in after Jackson was shot. Amber in this story represents all of us Japril shippers and she is basically gonna be Cyrano to this couple that deserved better writing. The next chapter will be posted tonight so be prepared.
Summary: April is surprised to find Amber at Jackson’s apartment and learns what happened to him. They talk about their relationship problems where April reveals her impending divorce to Amber.
Words: 2541
Amber holds the door open still looking at April Kepner in mute shock who looks at her in visible shock with her mouth wide open. In a stroller between them is Harriet who looks at Amber with a smile happy to see her. Amber snaps out of it and remembers her place.
“April I didn’t expect to see you here…in Jackson’s apartment.” Amber suddenly remembers something, “Wait is it Jackson’s weekend already?”
April blinks before answering, “Um I took some night shifts at the clinic Jackson and I switched the dates, I am sorry I am trying not to be judgmental but what are you doing here in one of my daughters’ homes?”
“No, no it is not like that.” Amber tells her with a straight face practicing this speech she did with Maggie and Andrew when they questioned the nature of her and Jackson’s relationship, “Andrew broke up with me and kicked me out.” April’s face morphs to sympathy, “I needed a place to stay and his is roomier than my brothers. It’s just a friend helping a friend I swear. I thought he told you this.”
“He didn’t. I’ve been busy with clinic and I guess he wanted to figure out the best way to tell me.”
Amber chuckles lightly, “Well it’s an interesting way to find out I guess.”
April looks behind her, “Where is Jackson?”
Amber’s slight grin falls at that question, “They didn’t call you to tell you?”
April suddenly gets worried, “Tell me what? Is Jackson, okay?” Amber realizes she is still holding the door open and talking to her out in the hall. She steps aside and April quickly enters the living room with Harriet in the stroller while she sits in the armchair. Amber takes a seat across from her on the couch.
“Um…there was a shooting today.” April’s face falls at that word shooting and she looks down in silent shock not registering what Amber says next, “He was working with Warren at the PRT but he is fine. A drug addict tried to rob them at point blank and shot Jackson in the leg. The patient died and so did the shooter but everybody else made it out safe. They applied a tourniquet so there was no major blood loss, bullet went through so they just had to debride in the trauma room. The bone isn’t too damaged but Link thinks he should do PT just in case-”
“PT?” April looks up confused just now latching on to the one word that doesn’t make sense. Her mind was paralyzed by shock and growing grief that she didn’t pay attention to what Amber said, “What are you talking about?”
“Ortho doesn’t think it’s too bad.” Amber says on an exasperated edge, “Haven’t you been listening? It’s a bullet through the calf they had to debride in the trauma room but he should be okay after a few weeks.”
April gasps clutching her stomach like it was gonna drop, “He’s-He’s alive?”
Amber quickly nods, “Yes he is, weren’t you listening?”
April exhales in a relieved manner and looks close to tears, “I-I just…when you said shooting, I thought…I thought I lost him like we lost Reed and Charles. Reed and Charles were-”
“No, I know Jackson told me about them and how you two were there during the hospital shooting.” Amber sighs with regret, “I’m sorry I should’ve tread more carefully and lead with he’s okay. I didn’t realize it would bring all of that back for you. Are you okay?”
April swallows and nods, “I am, I am now that I know he’s okay. How did this happen?”
Amber groans at that reminder, “It was a junkie with a gun, she stopped the PRT for drugs and I guess she shot Jackson to make a point. She’s dead so we can’t get our revenge.”
“Well, I believe she’s earning a well-deserved punishment from the red guy downstairs so I’m good.” April gets Harriet out of her stroller and puts her in the play mat with her toys before coming back to talk to Amber, “How long is he gonna be at the hospital?”
“Assuming everything goes well, he should be out with a cast by the end of the weekend. Jesus, I swear with this and Dr. Webber the whole world is going upside down.”
“I saw the video.” April nods in understanding, “How are you holding up?”
Amber chuckles darkly sipping her drink, “Is that a rhetorical question? Because with the bipolar ex, squatting at a penthouse, my teacher possibly having dementia and my brother figure in the hospital with a bullet wound I’m gonna need more whiskey.”
April looks at her in sadness knowing her pain, “I’m sorry. You said that DeLuca is bipolar? Are you sure about that?”
Amber swallows the lump in her throat, “Yeah, I have been on this ride before and I know how it looks even with a manic and not a psychotic. I never knew what it was to be in a relationship with someone with mental health issues but for the last two months I now understand that you don’t matter to them. Their problems become your own because they feel the need to take it out on you because your close targets. It gets frustrating to the point where you just want to get out and leave them to suffer from their own delusions.” Amber sighs with April giving her a sympathetic nod, “I think I understand why my father left my mother.”
“Hey come on.” April starts with a motherly tone, “Just because you fell in love with someone with mental health issues doesn’t make you your dad and it doesn’t make him your mom it just…it makes it a rough patch you can either work through or not.”
“I’m not sure there’s anything left to work through.”
“Listen I’ve seen mental illness with soldiers in Afghanistan. They take on a whole new personality, it’s like somebody else took over. It’s the same thing that’s happening with Andrew only instead of war its genetics causing this.”
Amber sips her whiskey, “I know I’ve repeated that mantra with my mom and brother. I know he didn’t ask for this like I didn’t but he is ignoring it and making it worse. I know you think that’s selfish and I’m projecting my family problems on him.”
April shakes her head, “No that’s not what I think. Neither of you are being selfish here, you’re just tired of repeating this pain. As for Andrew the illness doesn’t make him inherently selfish, what makes him selfish is refusing to do anything before it’s too late.” Amber nods as her eyes begin to glisten. April looks at her in sympathy, “Are you really sure it’s over? There’s nothing to mend at this point?”
“No I made it more than clear he lost the right to beg for forgiveness when he showed up to help Webber instead of trying to fix himself and us.” Amber starts to tear up, “I thought I found the one. He was it for me. He was sweet and kind and handsome and he could handle my crap. He knew what it was like to grow up with a parent who neglected their mental health. I thought I hit the jackpot. Instead, I was so worried I would get my mother’s illness I never for one second considered he could get his father’s. And now he has and he refuses to do anything about and I feel…I feel like I’m broken and there’s nothing I can do to fix it.”
April pulls out a travel tissue packet and hands it to Amber who takes it and wipes her tears, “Thanks I know this isn’t how you envisioned your night going, taking care of a heartbroken resident sleeping in your ex’s guest room.”
“Well, it’s definitely more interesting than what I had in mind.” Amber chuckles while April grins.
“God I am such a mess, not even a hot paramedic asking me out can cheer me up.” April raises an eyebrow, “Wren Jones, I gave her a cast with my number after she asked me out.”
“I’ve met her, she brings patients to my clinic, she’s pretty.”
Amber wipes another tear, “She’s freaking gorgeous but I can’t April. I’m too screwed up to date and I want it to be because I like her and I do but…a part of me thinks about the look on Andrew’s face when he see’s me with someone after he dumped me and the satisfaction it will give me to beat him. But Wren deserves more than to be a weapon in my relationship war. And I don’t know if I can give her what she really deserves. I don’t know if I can jump back in the game so soon after what I’ve been through.
April squeezes Amber’s knee in comfort, “There’s nothing wrong with taking some time for yourself and regrouping and healing. It would be wrong for you to jump into another relationship so soon after your breakup because that will just make things worse for you. Maybe this is a sign for you to get your priorities in order and connect with yourself.”
Amber nods, “Yeah I know I need to step back from the dating game indefinitely…it still sucks though.”
April grins, “Look for what it’s worth I completely understand where you are at right now.”
“No, you don’t.” Amber sniffles, “I know your divorce from Jackson was messy but you found your true love after him.” April frowns as Amber continues, “Your one is perfect, he’s cute, he’s in the business of saving lives, he worships the ground you walk on, he doesn’t make you feel like crap. I mean you pretty much hit the jackpot after your divorce while I-”
“We split up.” Amber freezes and looks up in shock registering April’s fallen face. April sighs and takes a moment before explaining, “We kept trying to tell ourselves that our whole winding road was God's plan to bring us back together. But he was still so angry and so hurt. I mean, I left him at the altar, and then his wife died. You know, you don't just stop feeling hurt 'cause it's a better story if God brought us together in our pain.” Amber looks at April feeling sympathetic, “He denied it for so long. You know, he tried so hard not to hate me. I think loving me, making us a full circle was the story he was writing. I mean, I guess it was the story we were both writing. I mean, I was trying to get past my guilt. He was…He was trying to forgive God for the loss of Karin…but y-you know, ultimately, we learned that…” April bitterly chuckles, “Life just isn't always so tidy. And God's plan isn't always so easy to understand. He's always been so good with Harriet, and I adore Ruby, but we both started working longer hours, just avoiding coming home. And then, his sister got sick. She lives in Philadelphia. So, he and Ruby went to Philadelphia to be with her, and…now she's better, uh, but they're still in Philadelphia. And…they are not coming back.” Amber looks down in guilt over her previous assumption, “So yeah, I get how it feels to be broken beyond fixing. I am about to be divorced for a second time and a single mother again and according to the bible and my family I am a sinner in the eyes of the lord. I am doing about as great as you I think.”
Amber holds out her expensive whiskey, “Here you need this more than anyone I’ve ever met and that’s a lot of people.”
April chuckles, “Thanks but I’m working tonight. Speaking of which I gotta get to the clinic.” April stands up grabbing her purse and Amber stands up to lead her out, “Are you good to take of her tonight?”
“Don’t worry it’s not my first time with her it’s just double the diapers without Jackson around. If it’s okay with you I can take her in to see him tonight before she sleeps, maybe a visit from his little girl will be good for him.”
“Yeah of course, he needs a good end to a day of being shot.” April chuckles darkly, “I swear it’s day like these I could kill him for being so brave and so stupid.”
“You and me both sister and thanks for the talk I think I needed some girl to girl talk with someone who get’s where I’m coming from.” Amber smiles at April gratefully.
“Of course, and if you want, I can help you unleash your rage the right way.” Amber raises an eyebrow, “Gun range, shooting a paper target is very cathartic trust me.”
Amber chuckles, “I’ll think about it. Hey, does Jackson know about you and Matthew? I mean he never mentioned it.”
“No, he doesn’t I’ve been busy and so is he. Plus, he thought it was crazy what I was doing he didn’t say it but I could see it and I’m really not in the mood for an ‘I told you so’ my family already got their share after I told them.” April sighs, “Amber, I would really appreciate it if you didn’t tell him before I did. This is still new, it just happened and I want to figure out how to tell him myself. Can you please keep this between us and Harriet who I already swore to secrecy? Please?”
Amber looks at the pleading face on April and despite wanting to tell Jackson knowing his lingering feelings for April decides to keep a promise after April helped her with her emotional turmoil, “Yes I can keep this between us. I mean it’s not like it’s gonna change his life in any way.” Amber grins to sell it knowing it would be the opposite for Jackson.
April grins, “Okay thank you so much I already fed Harriet so your good there, you just take her to see daddy, read her to bed and she should be out like a light.” April goes to the play mat with a wide smile for Harriet, “Okay ladybug mommy has to go but your gonna see daddy and then you get to have a sleepover with auntie Amber is that fun?”
“Yay!” April laughs at Harriet’s joy as does Amber who can’t believe intern year that little girl hated her and now, she’s the designated aunt.
“Yay! That’s right I love you so much ladybug I’ll see you soon.” April gives Harriet a lot of kisses before walking to the door with Amber leading her out, “Okay call me if you need anything seriously.”
“Don’t worry I will, have a good shift.” April nods and leaves. Amber closes the door before making a raspberry sound and lifting Harriet in her arms so she can get her ready to see her dad. Amber sighs as she carries Harriet down the hall to her room, “Harriet it’s days like this I wonder what my life has come to being thrust into other people’s problems.” Amber closes the door in Harriet’s room.
Next Part Here
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tvshowscouples · 2 months
If you love Sayid&Shannon (Lost) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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ask-elland-n-will · 11 months
🎃Halloween HL rp 2023 🎃
🕯️ Description of the Halloween Ballroom
👻 Costumes and participants:
Hellendil (Egyptian pharaoh) [x, x]
Allegra (didn't specify) [x]
Felix (goat mask) [x, x]
Will (vampire)
Elland (phoenix costume made by his brother)
Wren and Imelda (Mrs and Mrs Adams) [x]
Sebastian (unsure) [x, x]
Theodora (Scarecrow) [x]
Richard (The King of Hearts) [x]
Ominis (mouse) [x, x, x, x, x]
Duncan (puffskein) [x]
Montrose (Dorothy) [x]
Andrew Larson (pirate?) [x]
Gwen (Norwegian forest cat) [x]
Pascal (raven) [x]
Cora (fwooper) [x]
Magnolia and Cecelia (matching pjs) [x]
Marge (a student but wanted to be a squid at first) [x]
Nurse Blainey (nurse) [x]
Alsius (unsure what to wear) [x]
Tessa (has a few options, is choosing) [x]
Demetrius (mystical beast/demon with a huge wooden mask?) [x]
Amelia (not attending but plays chess) [x, x]
🍬 Misc:
Andrews make sure their hair look great [x]
Theodora dances with Clawdia [x]
Cora stays at the Gryffindor Halloween party [x]
Theodora and Demetrius, The Gryffindor is hiding under the table because a girl wants to dance with him and Meech can't [x].
Montrose gets turned into a white cat [x]. Somebody places a pink bow on his head [x]. Meech tries to catch Andrew because he thinks that it's Egg — Wren's cat [x]
Gwen and Theodora wearing Halloween sweaters [x]
Theo goes into the Haunted House Room [x]
Montrose shows up at the party in a... different costume [x]
Duncan dances with a girl [x], comes up to mouse Ominis with a mouse trap [x]
Magnolia said Happy Halloween to Richard [x] and Gwen went to trick or treat him [x]
Ominis has a costume-related conversation with his mouse [x, x, x, x]
Felix brought sweets to his fellow Raveclaws: Montrose [x], Hellendil [x], Wren [x], Larson [x], Magnolia [x], Alsius [x]
Gwen and Fred get tangled after Fred drinks the Halloween potion, Pascal helps [x, x]
Hogwarts Student Association officially invites the nurse to participate in the event even if it is originally for students of 6-7 years [x]
Amelia bumped into Ominis on her way to play chess with Felix in RoR [x, x, x]
Will checks on Magnolia, Maggie spends Halloween with Cecelia at the Hufflepuff's dorms [x]
Somebody flirting with Larson for Halloween Ball [x]
Gwen and Pascal the day after Halloween. Richard joins [x]
Elland asks Allegra for a dance
Allegra convinces Will to ask Elland for a dance
Will and Monty at the Ball
Gryffindor with fluffy hair asked Anne to get her the Halloween potion in exchange for a favor [x]
🦇 William's corner:
Will thinks he's picked a good costume because of Monty and biting
Gwen plays a prank on Will (pickles on his bed) and Will ends up donating the pickles to earn more money for the Halloween decorations [x]. She sends him Halloween cookies as an apology [x]
Will getting pumpkins for the Halloween Ball decorations from Demetrius [x, x]
Will buying sweets for Halloween as a representative of HSA (Hogwarts' Student Association) [x]
Will checks on Montrose to make sure he attends the Halloween Ball [x]
Will about Marge's costume [x]. Will brings Halloween potion to Marge after the party [x].
Haunted House with Hellendil, Theodora [x]. Turn: me.
Will's bites: Nosy + Seb, Allegra, Hellendil, Felix, Wren, Theodora, Montrose
💀 THIS POST IS TO BE UPDATED because I need to hunt down everyone's asks and rp (feel free to send me links if you wish something to be added!) I'll be saving not only my characters doing things but others as well as long as it's within HL rp world. A lot of work was put into this, thank you to everyone who participated/es!
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my forever fixations (changes will be added.)
sitcoms (b99, modern family, bbt, himym, the office, friends, HOUSE MD)
benedict cucumberpatch and martin freeman (sherlock bbc, lord of the rings, the hobbit etc.)
ghosts&vampires&blood&sadists&gore&darkacademia&haunted places (frankenstein, jekyll and hyde)
english schoolgirls in the not creepy way (wild child, enid blyton boarding school books)
harry potter
neil gaiman (coraline)
true crime
granada holmes
star trek and star wars in no particular order
taylor swift and old washed up rock bands
pheobe effing bridgers
GRACIE ABRAMS est. 2020 (and the 2021 london show which i attended- my first concert 🥹)
kill her, freak out - samia
therese dreaming and maya hawke
raft of medusa
nerf guns
spy kids
peppa pig and ben and holly and gaston and nanny plum
emma chamberlain's fashion choices
the grisly origins of fairy tales
101 dalmations' original cruella deville.
horrid henry, captain underpants and phineas and ferb
evermore and folklore
lore by aaron manke
crime podcasts
the history of mad hatters
interesting things to research about
indian royalty history
Elizabeth Báthory (the blood countess)
agatha christie and miss marple
puzzle solving but i'm terrible at it (i’m awesome, i’m trying to be humble)
a deepening disgust at mortal fascination with each other.
Lockwood and Co.
The sisters grimm
Land of stories
middle grade horror and fantasy books
my instagram threads account
tumblr shitposts
tumblr in general
pjo (ex induced)
scarlet and ivy
young adult dark fantasy without romance (check point 46)
my goodreads account
ada lovelace
franz kafka, virginia woolf.
my spotify playlists (ethel cain i love u)
joan of arc
rosalind franklin
ted ed videos
witch hunts in scotland and salem.
zoroastrian burials
sherlock and watson
my pinterest
amrita shergill
old disney shows
cricket and india's victory in WC in '83
jhansi ki rani
my childhood tv shows
my yt history
video essays
shane and ryan (watcher or buzzfeed unsolved)
chronically online
jude bellingham
Carlos sainz
a dreaded feeling of separation.
Elsa Schiaparelli
the kelly
aux en provence
my artemis fowl phase
harry potter
ryan reynolds and john krasinski
adam sandler movies and similar genres of shitty comedy
cobra kai and the karate kid
spiderman variants
bucky and the falcon
charlize theron
vintage watches
conde nast traveller
benedict cucumberpatch
kristy thompson from the bsc
anne with an e
mr brightside
the sixties, thirties and twentys
maggie smith (downtown abbey and loewe campaigns)
jane birkin
youtube fan edits
stranger things
the irregulars and haunting of hill house
gossip girl (fallacies and legacies)
meryl streep (mammia mia and the devil wears prada)
julie andrews (the sound of music, the princess diaries)
vintage movies
youtube short films and billy joel
the prisoner of azkaban
fred and george weasley and kili and fili
gandalf > dumbledore
margaret - ldr and jack antanoff
alicia and janet (the enid blyton cinematic universe)
sharon tate
my halloween blog 'gore'
arch digest house tours
new york because i'm just a girl
Star Trek
the matrix
kill bill, fight club, dr. evil, ocean’s 11
The KJO cinematic universe
Nepo babies
Tim Burton
The Addams Family
Mathematics x 2
Conspiracy theories
Ethical research
female serial killers
elizabeth bathory
my spotify playlists
billy joel - piano man
youtube edits
peppa pig & ben and holly
horrid henry
lost childhood animated tv shows
enid blyton boarding school books
british sitcoms (outnumbered)
house md
characters most like me list on charactour/ openpyschometrics.
the 2 IT zoya akhtar movies
special certain bollywood
teams in red - man united, Ferrari and RCB.
Formula 1, Tennis, Football & Cricket
Batman&Alfred (Christopher Nolan version duh!)
Dark Knight’s aesthetic
old marvel and DC movies
Superhero Comics
Richard Feynman
Haunted castles
Halloween and Halloween costumes (the only right answer is switching between batman and darth Vader or my Pinterest board)
LEGO (lotr, Harry Potter, marvel and DC lego)
Batman, iron man, and dr strange
ford v ferrari
shang chi
fight club and kill bill
Zack and Cody and phineas and ferb captain underpants
Karate kid and kung fu panda
karen from outnumbered
philomena cunk
Mercedes, Sebastian Vettel being a nerd and super awesome with pit overtakes, Brocedes + 2019 rookies and Maxiel
2012 grid
2023 george russel t pose
twitch quartet
Good food and masterchef australia
black swan
Cool nepo babies (case in point romy mars (director of the tiktok vodka pasta video & Gracie frikking abrams ily)
F2 and f3
Horror movies
SHITTY COMEDYYY movie genre I.e. the hangover, grown ups, etc.
How to train your dragon (i had a dragon dinosaur phase so this is justified)
Lego ninjago
michelle mouton
derry girls
being an absolute effing genius
saltburn aesthetic
Horror movies
Old marvel but deadpool revival
Breakfast at tiffany’s
Old movies (arsenic and old lace, wizard of oz)
Preminger and old Barbie movies
Old Disney movies (101 dalmations)
Merida and brave and Elsa and frozen
the one dance scene from the sleeping beauty
Movies with julie andrews and audrey hepburn and meryl streep
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 2 months
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The Anderson Family Tree (x)​
( Aurora, Faye, and Lilibeth all exist within separate universes, notes will be made at the specific points that canons differ)
shoutout to @the-witching-ash for helping me develop this entire clusterfuck of a family
Tag List: want to be added?
Althea Anderson ( Maggie Smith ):
Matriarch of the Anderson family
Divorced her husband in her 60s, came out as a lesbian, her lifelong best friend moved into her house
Would do anything for her grandchildren no questions asked
in Lilibeth & Faye's verses, she lives in a mansion in Ohio, in SOWK she lives in the South of France and has a second home in Paris
her contact with Devon's children was severely limited until they got older and could maintain contact with her behind their father's back
Edgar Anderson ( Robert Redford ):
Truly the worst
Homophobic, racist, misogynistic, borderline christian fundamentalist
He just sucks so much like you don't even know I hate him so much
Disowned Mallory when she came out
Former Dalton boy
I hate him so much that's all there is to say I hate him
Catherine Arnoult ( Julie Andrews ):
Althea Anderson's best friend ( they're gal pals, your honour )
Her family are french aristocrats
moves in with Althea after she and Edgar divorce
As classy as they come but also has the greatest insults in the world, all of the Andersons want to be her when they're older
Devon Anderson ( Robert Downey Jr ):
Also the worst
Just like his father, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, shitty ass father
Republican politician (senator of Ohio)
Former Dalton boy
Foes not talk to his children except when it benefits his image
Pam Anderson ( Lea Salonga ):
Stay at home mom minus the mom part
Loves her son & step son, and daughter in Faye's verse, in SOWK she raised Aurora as her own despite not being her mom
But lets Devon push her around and call the shots
Virtually no relationship with her kids since Blaine & Aurora came out (not homophobic but Devon says no talking to them so she doesn't)
Not outright abusive like Devon but does nothing to stop him
Eleanor Anderson ( Angelina Jolie ):
Realized that Devon was a piece of shit and got out of there
Not close with her son but they do maintain contact and she always asks about his younger sibling/siblings
The best parent in that branch of the family
She wasn't ready to be a mom but Devon pressured her to marry and have kids
She left him when she found out he was having an affair with Pam
Mallory Anderson ( Sandra Bullock ):
TBD if she's exclusive to Lilibeth's verse or not I can't decide
Lesbian icon
The best of the Andersons by far
Came out as a lesbian the day of her UCLA graduation (after her father had paid for all of it)
Was disowned by her father and brother but stayed close with her mother
Lives in LA
in Lili's verse, she moves back to Ohio to help take care of her mom and the house when Althea moves into a retirement facility
She's just so cool also she yells at Schue a lot
Very close with her nephews (and nieces if she exists in Faye or Aurora's verses), Cooper comes over for family dinner once a week until moving back to Ohio
Could be a lawyer, tbd
Gloria Santos-Anderson ( Nicole Scherzinger ):
Also the coolest
Bisexual icon, 80s & 90s pop star
Now works either in music production or management, is known for always putting artists above profit
Very supportive of her daughter's music & vlogging career
Technically Lili's manager but in a "you have the natural talent for this I'm going to make sure no one fucks with you" way not insane stage mom way – she and Mallory never pushed Lili into doing this but wholeheartedly support her when she does
Cooper Anderson ( Matt Bomer ):
What a man tbh
Bisexual polyamorous disaster
Dalton alumni, was roommates (biblically) with his best friend Roman Kline
Now in a relationship with Roman & Ash Astor
Actor, mostly in indie projects and commercials but looking for his big break
Loves his younger sibling(s) but has not always been the best at showing it
Learned too much emotional absence from his father, he's working on it
The reason theatre kids have a bad rep
Blaine Anderson ( Darren Criss ):
How do I begin to explain Blaine Anderson?
Truly don't know what to say, we all know him
The real reason theatre kids have a bad rep
Disaster gay trying to pose as distinguished gay
Means well but also sometimes an idiot
Faye Anderson ( Vanessa Hudgens ):
Top student at Crawford Country
Lead soloist of her glee club
Was a boarding student at Crawford Country despite having a family house in Ohio because that would involve her parents having to actually come to Ohio
Really truly does not want to go to McKinley but her parents decide that if Blaine is so insistent on it then the twins can just live at home and both go to McKinley – she's very bitter
Her favourite instrument is the piano
She was almost kicked out of home when she came out, the only reason that she wasn't is because Devon was up for reelection and it would have looked bad
Aurora Anderson ( Kaylee Bryant ):
The girl the myth the legend
Everyone's favourite bi (except Kurt and Rachel)
Only girl at Dalton, Devon pulled a lot of strings to make it happen – not for her benefit but because Andersons go to Dalton
Her best friend is Nick Duvall and they dated briefly before he realized he was gay and they agreed that it felt like dating a sibling
Nearly died on her fourteenth birthday when she and Blaine were victims of a hate crime after their freshman year Sadie Hawkins dance, has severe PTSD as well as mental and physical disabilities & a collection of mental illnesses
Nine months younger than Blaine and should be a grade below but as far as the world knows, she's his twin – the only people who know the truth are the Warbler Inner Circle + Cooper, Roman, and Ash
Dalton fight club champion
Musical theatre nerd and also just a nerd in general
Her favourite movie is Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame
Everyone's baby sister
Lilibeth Anderson ( Olivia Rodrigo ):
Grew up in LA with her moms, moves to Ohio at the start of eighth grade (glee s2) not happy about it but she does love getting to see her grandmothers & Blaine
Very close with Cooper since Mallory insists on him coming to family dinners
Youtube vlogger & singer which was turning into a full blown career but it stalled big time when she moved to Ohio
Her grandmothers lived in the same home as Jean and she had become close with Jean before she died
Sue is a fan of her because of this, no one gets away with fucking with her at McKinley because of it
She starts as a freshman at McKinley in season 3 – Rachel can't stand her
Dates Ryder and it's very very bad for her, eventually she dumps him when he goes on his transphobic spiral towards Unique
Didn't plan on becoming a Cheerio but is dragged into it by Sue and is surprised to love it
Cooper is the one who helps her figure out how to revive her vlog & music career in Ohio
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