#magic soup
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Soup solves everything.
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inkribbon796 · 11 months
Egotober 2023 day 30: In the Bog
Summary: Dark goes with two of her boys to get a lost item, and get more than they bargained for.
A/N: Birthdays for Illinois, Yancy and Magnum. One of which is not appearing in this fic.
Prompt: Witch/Wizard
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Yancy liked getting out of town, stretching his legs.
The Manor was great, the haunted woods were great, but he liked seeing new places. Even if there was a pit in his stomach that he couldn’t identify. But it was fine. He was with Dark and his older brother Illinois. Everything was alright with the world.
Except for the fact that he was in the middle of a bog in the haunted woods. Boating down a swampy river. Yancy was in a black leather jacket, jeans, and a white shirt.
Dark had made a little boat out of pure aura. Magic driving the boat forward in whatever direction Dark wanted. Dark was in her red soul form, aura dancing between her fingers and staining her sharp nails with an inky black aura.
“Is she going to have it?” Illinois asked Dark.
“Yes,” she said. Her aura moved over to center Illinois’s hat, and to smooth down the collar of his shirt. “But that’s not the problem.”
Dark stopped talking and stood up, her aura grabbing an illusion in front of them and prying it open.
Instead of more river was a marshy island with an old cabin that looked like it was more made of sticks and moss than actual wood.
The door opened and a small, old woman came out. She came to stand on the shore of the marshy island. A long wooden walking stick in her hand.
Just as Dark’s boat wedged itself into the bog around the island.
“Foul hag,” she said with all the defiance that Dark hated.
“Wretched crone,” Dark said in kind.
“What do you want?” She asked.
Dark’s ringing became a bit more shrill. “You know what I want. Give me it back, you hag.”
“Beauty before age, you old witch,” she said.
Dark felt the need to smite her with her aura.
Yancy leaned over the side of the boat, giving his best smile. “Hey, pardon my mom, we need those ingredients,” Yancy said.
The bog witch smiled at Yancy. “My, my. What a polite young man. You must have gotten your manners from your other father, because this one, in any version, certainly has none.”
“Come on, it’ll be fine,” Illinois said. “We got this.”
“That hubris will be your downfall,” the witch said.
“You sound like my ex,” Illinois said.
“Give me the box,” Dark said, aura curled around her.
“I will give you the box if you let me divinate your boys’ futures,” the witch told Dark.
“You are not coming a mile near them with your nasty tonics,” Dark said.
“Come on, it’ll be fine,” Illinois said as he got out of the boat and onto the island. His lucky coin in hand. “I won’t let her poison Songbird.”
Yancy climbed out after his adopted brother, making Dark stay close to them.
“One wrong move and you’re dead,” Dark said as her boat disintegrated, its job done for now.
They moved into the surprisingly spacious but still homely. Dark hung around nearby as the witch poured out some bowls of soup.
“Just eat what you want,” the witch said. “No need to feel pressured.”
Illinois tried to eat the entire thing but found himself unable to finish it, leaving some large chunks of potatoes behind. Potatoes that he knew he should enjoy. There was more than a bit of broth still left.
For Yancy’s bowl he’s been able to finish the whole thing except for little stringy root vegetables that he didn’t know what they were. Eventually he would learn that they were yuca. The yuca had deep cuts along the outside that looked like vertical bars.
Yancy was busy picking strands of yuca out of his teeth as the witch came over to him over their bowls.
She hummed over Yancy’s first, poking at the yucca that had seemed to get harder than it should have. “I see things lost, to be returned and then lost again. A trap with a key in your palm but a locked door in  front of you.”
“Youse talking about finding my blue suede shoes?” Yancy couldn’t think of a single other more important thing that he had lost. “I loved making jokes with them.”
“Time will tell,” the witch said.
Then she turned to Illinois’s bowl, looking at the potatoes floating in broth like islands in a sea. “You will find what you lack. True love that comes with a price.”
Illinois’s head canted to the side a bit and he smiled. “What do they look like? Am I allowed to know or is it one of those things where I’ll know it when I see it.
“The options are as many as islands in an ocean, but only one will grant you safe harbor.” The witch spoke as she walked over to a cabinet and pulled out an ornate black and golden box.
She placed it on the table and Dark carefully grabbed it and opened it. Revealing a ballerina in red with short black hair, dancing in place as soft music played.
Dark closed it and moved it into a portal that brought the music box safely to her office in the Manor.
“Thank you for the soup, boys, let's go,” Dark said with gritted teeth.
Dark took Illinois and Yancy through a portal. Illinois and Yancy thanked her as they left.
The witch smiled after them.
Her work, for now, was done.
A/N: I wanted to include Magnum, I tried but he didn’t show up to the film shoot. Maybe next time.
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There are too many people that are cynical and hate the world on this site. Like plz I would like to make you a homemade soup would you like some soup
I will give you warm homemade soup in exchange for your broken soul and then I will fix it for you with my lil sewing kit attached to my belt while you eat the soup.
I have a mushroom hat btw
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justaz · 2 months
au where merlin doesn’t know balinor is his father and he and arthur are chilling in his cave and balinor mentions hunith and merlin Locks In as he subtly questions the random man and boom arthur and merlin are aware that the last dragonlord is his father.
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lightbulb-warning · 2 months
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saydesole · 6 months
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raplinenthusiasts · 5 months
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💐 @cordiallyfuturedwight
{© namuspromised}
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itsdefinitely · 1 year
this would happen to simon petrikov i think
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kagekitsuneoflight · 2 years
It’s kinda funny that Jason is, in every sense of the word, the most normal Robin. Unironically, there wasn’t anything uniquely special about him before he was Robin. He was a street kid. His dad was a goon (which makes sense for Gotham. It’s a goon breeding ground) and his adoptive mom was a girl who fell in love with the bad boy, got disowned by her upper middle class parents and adopted her boyfriend’s infant son. Even his biological mother isn’t anything special! She was just a doctor who ended up becoming corrupt.
Jason Todd was no circus kid who could do an impossible signature trick. He wasn’t being scouted by some evil hidden organization.
He wasn’t the rich boy genius who lived next door.
He’s not the son of a supervillain (as lame as cluemaster is, he still *counts*).
He’s not the secret son of Bruce Wayne.
And he’s not a metahuman, nor did he led a whole organization of teens to fight when Batman couldn’t.
He’s the most regular boy to ever enter become a hero in Gotham. He wanted to do good things for the sake of doing good. He grew up poor with regular parents, where bad things happened to them. The kinds of things that could happen to *any* person living in Gotham.
There is nothing about him, pre-Robin and as Robin, that makes him Not Like Regular Kids.
His dad was a goon (who, depending on the run, was either killed by Two-Face OR. Just sent to prison and killed in prison! Which makes his backstory even PLAINER-) and his mother was a drug addict with cancer. Jason ends up homeless, and almost steals the bat mobile tires. The only thing that makes him stand out from any other tragedy befallen kid in Gotham is the fact he was bold enough to do that, get Batman’s attention, and continue to be bold enough to go against a crime lord (who was apparently his grandmother, the most interesting person in his family, but since she’s almost never brought up, she’s likely no more significant than a one-issue villain in the crime lord power hierarchy). Batman realized that Jason wasn’t going to really stop, and honestly he kinda grew on him, so he decided to adopt Jason, and eventually allow him to become Robin.
There just isn’t anything amazingly special about his backstory. The few moments where something could have been done to make it more interesting (like his biological mother) but ended up taking the most boring option. You can’t do much of anything now to enhance his past without upsetting much more well established canon, and not without making people wonder “well if his grandmother was such a big name in crime, why hasn’t she been brought up before?”
Jason Todd was a wonderful Robin (providing that he actually has a writer who likes him). He has a golden heart, he’s the voice of reason. He’s everything that a Robin needs to be for Batman. But compared to everyone else, he was nothing special. In a way, his lack of Not Like Regular Kids makes him stand out in a much more subtle way.
As if someone asked the question “Do I need to be someone special to be Robin?” And the answer was “You don’t need to be someone special, you just need to be brave, like Jason Todd was.”
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skaldish · 1 year
I think people tend to forget that magic largely works through mundane means.
If I were to cast a financial wealth spell, the money would come through whatever channel has the best money potential: It could be a gift from a relative, a bonus paycheck, or just finding some extra cash I stashed away at some point and forgot about.
The money doesn’t just pop into existence, because doing magic doesn’t produce magical results. It produces results.
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soup--champ · 6 months
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day 2 prompt: fae/kiss
for @smallchaoscryptid’s spiderbit week
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mewguca · 11 months
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"There once was an Ugly Scavenger. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end."
uhhh dont question the mechanics behind this one too much
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felicitea-va · 2 years
this is my peak nothing else i make will ever be as great as this
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moldyselene · 5 months
I need them injected directly into my veins
Your wish is my command🫵🔥🔥 Take a silly comic it was funnier in my head
(More info in cutoff)
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KID was presented as a male at first with the first KID was a man yknow and she was pretending to be him so Kaito disguises herself with wigs and a bigger size suit to hide her physique
“Why don’t she just bind her chest” she is not jumping from buildings and going on heists in a binder sorry😭🤚
After a while she started to put more feminine touches to her kid suit, take the outfit post for reference , wearing ribbons then changing the pants and boots as well, adding her own touch into the KID outfit. (She does wear the og suit too sometimes for fun and to throw people off too) so the gender of Kaitou KID remains a mystery in that world lmao
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doomed-era · 3 months
yeah maybe i am obsessed with botw/totk link in regards to his (lack of) bodily autonomy. anyway do you think that if he got old and there was a crisis they'd use the anti-aging rune on him cause i think they would
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alchemisoul · 2 years
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"What an astonishing thing a book is. It’s a flat object made from a tree with flexible parts on which are imprinted lots of funny dark squiggles. But one glance at it and you’re inside the mind of another person, maybe somebody dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you.
Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the shackles of time. A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic.”
- Carl Sagan, excerpt from the 11th epsidode of Cosmos ("The Persistence of Memory")
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