#makes it so much harder for me to process things and move on when you’re so adamant about not talking to me about anything
insanechayne · 6 months
~ ~ ~
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helluvapoison · 4 months
Lend A Helping Hand
Lucifer, Adam, Lute, Vaggie and Husk need help preening
warnings: possible innacurate bird knowledge, heaven headcanons (also probably innacurate) illusions to sexual behavior but it’s not
˚✧₊⁎ Lucifer ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Lilith used help… when she was around. The thought of asking someone else, much less the act itself, scorched him with guilt
• Oh well. Lucifer did it before, Heaven had rules about it, so he can do it again! And of course he did! It doesn’t mean it’s not an excruciatingly long process he puts off as long as he can tolerate
• You walk in on him attempting to strain his arms in ways they certainly shouldn’t bend. “Need some help?”
• “Pfft, who me? No, no, no I—“ He pauses. It’s like the predicament he’s been caught in settles in slowly, his smile dropping and crimson irises widening to rival a puppy’s cuteness. “Yes.” He admits meekly
• Your fingers barely touch his feathers and Lucifer jolts. Like him, his wings are so sensative
• Don’t take it personally when he tries to back out after that, cheeks bright red from embarrassment. He has six wings and can barely tolerate your touch as is. This could take a while, he already feels bad
• After a teaspoon more of convincing and a gallon of reassurance later, Lucifer sits as still as he can (which isn’t very) while you gently break open the pin feathers
• You could tease if you wanted, make a joke to try and settle his nerves but something tells you his wings aren’t the only thing that’s sensitive
• Lucifer appreciates your assistance and tenderness more than words can describe, nothing seems like a big enough gift to reward your hard work
˚✧₊⁎ Adam ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Usually it’s Lute that would help him (and vice versa if he feels like it) but she’s nowhere to be found. He can’t casually ask anyone else. Heaven and its inhabitants can be weird about certain shit, preening is no exception— even though everyone has wings here!
• Walking past Adam’s office, you heard a crash and a lot of swearing. “Sir, are you—?”
“Unless you’re gonna help, fuck right off!” He growls from the ground, still reaching at an awkward angle for his wings
• He’s shocked when you sit on your knees beside him and swat his hand away. “If you make this weird, I will leave.” You warn. He doesn’t dare make even a single comment
• Adam shivers when your fingers glide into his feathers. You wave it off the first time but can’t stop a laugh when it happens again
Face first into the carpet, his loud voice is muffled, “Shut! Up!”
• You take pity on him and don’t drag the process longer than necessary. Awarding yourself a final pet of his oddly soft wings, you stand up, “There. All better?”
• Rising to his feet and giving his wings an experimental stretch, he shrugs nonchalantly, “Thanks. I guess.”
• The next day, you receive a basket from Goody-2-Shoes with various snacks. The card reads, ‘Let me know when I can return the favor. Wings don’t have to be included. ~ A’
˚✧₊⁎ Lute ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• You know she needs help when she’s more irritable than usual. Snapping at everyone, even Adam, and flinching when her wings move in the slightest
• Approaching the subject with her is harder than anyone. As aforementioned it’s unspokenly taboo but that isn’t what stops her. Lute’s deep rooted issues with intimacy and needing help will make her walls thicker than ever
• “This is inappropriate,” Lute whispers.
In the dead of night she’s finally allowed you to assist but keeps fidgeting and surveying the area like someone will catch you two.
“It is not,” You roll your eyes, “Get your mind out of the gutter and be still! I’ll have you’ll feeling better in no time.”
• She seriously, seriously doubts that. Anything she can’t do herself, amongst certain divine exceptions, no one could do for her
• …But she’s letting you help (and your adept fingers are doing a better job) So either she doesn’t fully believe that, or you miraculously raised her expectations
• Lute decides the latter is acceptable– and a compliment, especially since you prove her wrong. Triple checking her wings, she can’t find a flaw or deny how wonderful they feel now.
• “This is adequate.”
You snort, “You could just say thanks?”
“How can I repay you?”
“I just told you.”
• She narrows her eyes, shocked and suspicious that you wouldn’t want anything. Lute, again, decides that your endeavor deserves an equal act of goodwill. Don’t take it for granted when she says, “No. I owe you one. One.”
˚✧₊⁎ Vaggie ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• She genuinely forgets what’s wrong with her when she needs to preen. Even with her wings folded away, the irritable pricking can be felt. She’s itching the back of her neck, hand clawing under the crew of her shirt and dipping between her shoulder blades when you ask when’s the last time she checked for pin feathers
• Vaggie’s always been independent. Up in Heaven she was a bit cocky with the fact she never needed help to reach them. Now, she felt helpless and stupid. Her arms cramped up, her hair kept getting in the way and the itching only progressed
• “Can I–?”
“No.” Her ivory eyes go wide, surprised at the fury of her own voice. Sighing and avoiding your (what she assumed was a) pitiful gaze, she apologizes. “Sorry. I don’t know why I… I used to be able to do this alone.”
Pausing at how defeated Vaggie sounds, you do your best to keep a positive, neutral tone.
“Cut yourself some slack, you haven’t done this in years. And, y’know, you don’t have to do it alone now. Not if you don’t want.”
• Smiling at the offer hanging in the air but not quite accepting, she goes about her managerial duties only to knock on your door afterwards
• Vaggie’s so grateful you can’t see how dark her face becomes as you sort through her wings. They’re not sensitive, they never were– it’s something about your fingers delicately touching her that cracks her resolve. Now she starts to understand why this was seen as an intimate act upstairs
• “Thanks for…” Still blushing, she gestures to her wings before hiding them, “Thanks.”
You try to keep up with her indifference but can’t help the smile spreading across your face.
“No problem.”
• If you think she’s not replaying the moment over and over in her head for days afterwards, you’re wrong. Vaggie’s desperately waiting for the moment to be just as useful to you
˚✧₊⁎ Husk ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• He’s hardly a fan of Angel touching him the way he does so a solid relationship is required to unlock the level of trust needed for this activity
• The first time it happens when you’re in his life, he won’t ask but also doesn’t reject the offer. Just looks extremely hesitant and uncomfortable
• Carefully, you pinch the rough layer and eye Husk from over his shoulder
• He breathes out a laugh, “Gonna take more than that to hurt me, sugar. Go on, I’ll be fine.”
• His wings might be the least sensitive… but that could also be all that alcohol in his system
• Husk hums as you work. After he gives a big, cat-like stretch and thanks you with a tip of his hat
• The simple gesture means more than you know, he’ll never forget it
╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ accidentally on purpose put them from most to least sensitive wings hehehe
big big big BIG thank you to @kottenox for the inspiration and letting me take this idea and run!
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csmtmra · 23 days
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Poe fell first and harder. he would be in love the second he saw you, staring at you from underneath his hair and quickly looking away everytime you made a sudden movement, only to glance back up and start the process all over again. he would watch from afar, taking in your essence as if it was the last time he would see you. he loved you with every being in his person.
Ranpo wouldn’t fall first or harder. he loves you, so much don’t get me wrong, but he is just too childish to love harder. he falls for you with puppy love, while you fall for him with deep, absolute love, that’s also why you fall first. you realize your feelings for him and realize how much you truly adore him as a person. he would fall for you because he loves how you love him, he’d fall for you a little while after realizing you fell for him, it would totally go to his head and make him feel so egotistical, boasting about how loved he is.
Dazai falls harder, you fall first. he would take note on how sweet you always were with him. the way you’d smile while watching him, and how you’d always leave little notes on his desk, pretty scribbled handwriting, leaving precious words on the paper he cherishes so much. he wouldn’t even realize how much you being in his life means to him until he notices you shying away from him. notes slowly starting to disappear, you leaving the room when he would walk in, gaze immediately leaving his handsome face when he’d try to meet your eyes. only realizing after having a long conversation with ranpo that you’ve fallen for him. he’d be ecstatic, finally understanding his own feelings for you and deciding to leave a note of his own on your pristine desk the next morning.
Chuuya fell first and harder. this man is such a romantic, he would be so enamored by you from the beginning. he would be leaving you flowers everyday on your doorstep, and taking time out of his day to swing past your place, all to make sure that you’re okay. he would call you early in the morning to tell you to have a good day and that he’s thinking of you, calling late at night to ask about your day and tell you how amazing he thinks you are. he would stop at nothing to make sure you felt the happiness you deserve, he would lose himself and the worlds peace in the process if he needed to.
Akutagawa wouldn’t fall first but he would definitely fall harder. he has such a soft soul, but he has so many walls around his heart it would take a long time for him to finally be content with loving you to the full extent. it would take so much patience and love for him to feel like he can exist as something other than rashōmon to you, but once he gets there, you would be the most important thing to him. he would love you as if you moved the sun and stars yourself, admiring everything you do with the love you worked so hard to receive from him.
Fyodor wouldn’t fall first or harder. fyodor is a toxic man. he wouldn’t fall at all. he would tolerate you, he may grow to love you, but in his own sense of the word. he loves how you obey him so blindly out of your own love, you are a pawn to him, as is everyone in his life, being with him doesn’t give you a pass. if it came down to it, he would sacrifice you for his ideal world. he would grow used to your presence and affection, rarely would he openly reciprocate the affection. he may every so often give you and ounce of his own twisted love but he would take a whole lot more of yours.
Sigma fell first and harder. he loves you. in every essence of the word. he loves how you love. he loves how you sleep, how you breathe, how you exist. falling for you is as easy as waking up in the morning to him. no matter how much you love him, it will never compare to the absolute devotion this man will give to you. he would stop breathing if you so much as asked him. he would only know his love for you, and that’s all he wants to know.
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pbueckerslover · 1 month
her jersey - p.b. ᯓᡣ𐭩
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pairing(s): paige bueckers x female!reader
warnings: smut, oral (r!recieving), fingering (r!recieving), down bad paige
summary: you wear paige’s jersey to her game to support her.
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you and paige have been dating for about 5 months now. it’s been perfect and everything you could have imagined. your favorite thing to do is go to her games and see her play. today she has a game and you decided you wanted to surprise her a little bit so you bought a jersey with her number on it.
so you wear the jersey to the game and you’re sitting in the stands watching her play. once the game comes to and end you have a huge smile on your face because they just won! you couldn’t be more happy and proud of her, all you wanted to do was run down there and give her the biggest hug and kiss her all over, but you couldn’t. you and paige have decided to keep your relationship a secret. sure people have definitely started to suspect things as they see the two of you together so often but you try not to make it too obvious.
so you make your way back to your hotel room and send paige a text.
you: “hey baby i’m so proud of you!! come up to my room when you can i miss you and have a surprise :)”
you send the message and set up the room for her. you lay out flowers and light some candles. you stay in her jersey and change into some shorts. about 20 minutes later you hear a knock on the door.
you walk over to the door and when you open it you’re greeted with your beautiful girlfriend smiling one of the biggest smiles you’ve ever seen. she’s sweaty and her hairs a mess but somehow she still looks fucking amazing. and god that uniform makes her look even better.
“hi babe.” she says as she looks at you up and down taking in everything. “shit all this for me?” she says as she walks into the room.
“i wanted to surprise you. i’m so happy for you you’ve been doing so good.” i say as i smile at her. she walks closer to me and i shudder as she places her hand on my cheek. “you’re so amazing. i love this and i love you.” she says and places a kiss to my lips. “also my jersey looks fucking amazing on you baby.”
“you think so?” i reply as she’s staring at me like all she can think about is ripping it off.
“god you don’t even know what seeing you in that does to me.” she says and now she has her other hand on my waist. she pulls me closer and our lips finally meet again but this time it’s more intense.
she picks me up and i wrap my legs around her waist. she carries me over to the bed and lays me down. “wanna show you how much you mean to me.” she whispers as she starts to kiss down my neck. i let out a soft moan and start to take off my shirt. she stops for a second, “no leave it on.” she says looking into my eyes.
i do as she says and our lips meet again. she moves her hands inside my shirt. “no bra? god you’re driving me crazy.” i smirk at her words and she rubs her finger on my nipples. she pulls my shirt up enough so she can see my bare chest. soon her fingers are replaced with her mouth and i let out a moan.
suddenly she pulls my shirt back down and starts to kiss up my thighs. “take these off.” she growls and i do just that leaving me in just her jersey and my underwear. “you’re so wet and i haven’t even done anything yet.” she says smirking up at me. she starts to pull down my underwear and before i can even process it her tongue is on my clit.
“fuck p. feels so good!” i yell out as she starts to go faster. she adds a finger as she sucks my clit harder. i moan embarrassingly loud, “you like that baby?” i nod as she continues to go faster. “please i need more.” i say and just like that she adds another finger moving faster and faster.
“doing so good for me ma.” and that’s just enough to send me over the edge. “fuck baby ‘m so close.” as soon as she hears this she adds a third finger and starts sucking my clit harder, “want you to cum all over my tongue.” she says and seconds later i’m releasing all over her tongue just as she requested.
“you did so good.” she says as she moves up next to me and lays down. she turns to face me and places a kiss to my forehead. “i love you so much thank you for doing this for me.” she says with a smile.
“i love you more p. i’d do anything for you.” i say smiling as she pulls me closer to her. our legs intertwine and she places her hands on my lower back. she looks me in the eyes, “need you to wear that jersey more often.” she whispers into my ear.
i giggle at her and nod. “anything for you baby.”
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⇾ be sure to checkout my masterlist if you enjoyed!
⇾ this is my first story and first time writing smut so pls feel free to send suggestions or criticism!! i loved writing this so feel free to send me more requests 🌟🌟
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erwinsvow · 3 months
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teary-eyed, sniffling, wearing a pretty pink dress with flowers and a little bow just where your necklace hangs above your cleavage—that’s how you looked when rafe saw you tonight. he’d only come to the bonfire to sell, but had been convinced by kelce to linger a little longer, claiming more people were coming. in an effort to make more money, he’d agreed, but seeing you on stumbling legs trying to pour yourself another drink from the keg, he was fully persuaded.
“lemme help with that,” he says, taking the crinkled red plastic from your hand and manhandling the keg tap. he gets it to work instantly, it just needed a harder touch, and he hands you the half-filled cup. you look at rafe with big, fluttering eyes wet with tears. he can see where you cried your mascara off—little marks in the corner of your eyes and tear-marked blush still bright and flushed on your cheeks.
“thank you,” you hiccup, taking another big sip and then pulling the cup away. “this is only h-half.” 
“yeah, think you’ve had enough, hm?” fresh tears well up in your eyes and slip down your cheek, while you make a pout he can already feel is making his resolve weaken. “hey, hey, s’going on? you cryin’ like this over beer?” 
he leads you and your almost empty cup to a log by the fire, sitting you down and watching your trembling body while you wipe away your tears, smudging your make-up even more. the strap of your dress slides off your shoulder, and you set down the drink to adjust it, but rafe uses his own fingers to bring it back up, his touch almost electric, making you jerk your body and knock over the cup with your foot. you look down to watch the leftover beer spill onto the sand, dripping away, and look up at rafe so quickly it gives you a head rush—though that might be the result of how he’s looking at you right now. with his hand still on your shoulder, you choke out an apology.
“for spillin’ cheap beer? nothing to cry over, kid.” 
you’re still pouting—he wishes you would stop. with the glow of the fire reflecting on you and the sweet smell of your perfume and your teary eyes, all combined with that pout and your short dress showing way too much skin, he’s thinking all kinds of things he shouldn’t be, like how much he wants you to stop crying and make you feel better himself.
“y’gonna tell me what’s goin’ on?”
“why do you even care?” you say, between sniffles, looking down at your shoes. he moves his hand to your face, lifting your chin to look right at him.
“i asked you a question.” you swallow uncomfortably, the fire seems all too warm and the beer feels like it’s gone straight to your head.
“m-my boyfriend forgot our date.” you think rafe should be a little fazed, now that he knows you have a boyfriend—correction, had. 
“all this cryin’ over a stupid date?” 
“he forgot the last one too. and the one before that. and today’s our anniversary.” 
“oh. did’ya dump his ass?”
“yes,” you admit quietly. 
“good girl,” he says, taking a long sip of his own beer. if you felt flustered before, you can’t even imagine how you look now—your face feels like it’s on fire. “so, what, y’came here to forget about him?”
“he’s here, with his friends. somewhere,” you say, looking around but unsure where he went after you had, as rafe put it, dumped his ass.
“oh, so you wanna make him jealous? is that it?” he says it with a laugh, finishing his drink. in hindsight, it was all the beer that made you so bold—you can’t imagine any other reason.
“are you offering?” rafe laughs, tossing his empty bottle aside. 
“don’t ask for things you can’t handle.” you straighten your back on the log, smoothing out your dress and squeezing your tits together in the process, making sure to give him an eyeful. 
“i can handle it. promise.” he gets up, and you think he’s walking away, done with this conversation and with you until he offers you a hand to get up. 
you watch with big eyes, taking his hand and standing. he runs his hand across your back, making you shiver in his grip, and then lower to your ass, brushing something off before giving you a slap that makes you yelp. he brings you in closer, swinging an arm around your neck and pulling you in, pressing a wet kiss to your temple. you can feel everyone’s eyes on the two of you.
“come on, kid, let’s go.”
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taegimood · 5 months
(edit: this was literally just supposed to be a quick casual thought idk how it got SO LONG help me wtf 😭)
thinking abt you and bestfriend!gyu making a bet on who would last the longest for no nut november, which was supposed to just be a silly stupid thing, except the two of you are competitive as hell with each other and can’t help but attempt sabotage whenever possible.
it starts with beomgyu doing little things to try and rile you up, getting to the point of blatantly and obviously trying to turn you on, which of course for you means war.
it’s just several weeks of building tension and sexual frustration, becoming increasingly harder to even be around each other, and the line begins to blur when neither of you can really tell if you’re doing these things “to win the bet” anymore.
when beomgyu has his big hand placed a little too dangerously over your upper thigh while sitting next to you, or when he’s snaking an arm around your waist to lean in and say something “because it’s too loud in here” as his bulge presses against your tummy.. or when he purposefully walks past you after a shower wearing nothing but a low-hanging towel with water dripping down his body — well, it’s just for the bet, right? then why is he itching to do so much more?
when you sit square on his lap to “show him a video” and make sure that you’re shifting right over his hardening cock, or when you’re leaning forward on the kitchen counter while he’s stuttering over his story as he sees your breasts pushed together down your shirt; when your face hovers so close to his that if you were to speak, your lips would touch, only for you to pull away as if nothing happened — well, it’s just for the bet, of course… isn’t it? then why can’t you bear not touching him right now?
with the horny tension and confused feelings comes snappy attitudes, and by the third week you’re challenging each other in a different way, petty arguments that lead to glaring at each other with looks that say well? are you gonna make a move or not? and thus your dumb, playful bet has evolved into something else entirely.
it all comes to a peak when jealousy gets involved; yeonjun invites you guys to a party that you leave for separately, hoping to blow off some steam, and yet the pettiness clearly doesn’t stop there as things are taken to a new level when — like a couple of teenagers — you attempt to make each other jealous (although you’d both refuse to admit it). you grinding on one of yeonjun’s friends and beomgyu kissing down the neck of some girl does nothing but escalate everything that had been building up over the last three weeks, and when beomgyu arrives back at your shared apartment shortly after you had left early in an aggravated rush — (he had followed after you, of course, after seeing how upset you were..) — the argument that you expected to have ends up morphing into something different.
there’s blame that gets thrown around, there’s excuses under the pretense of the bet, there’s an attempt from both sides to push down the feelings that were inevitably bubbling over the surface…
and then he kisses you.
you’re frozen in place for a moment. time stops before crashing back into motion all at once, and then your arms are gripping his shoulders and pulling him in, your tongues colliding as he backs you into the kitchen counter, groaning desperately into your mouth as he tugs your body impossibly closer against his. you don’t remember how you got to his bedroom, or when either of your clothes met the floor, but when he enters you it’s like every single feeling and hormone in your body boils over at once into a cascading flood.
he’s fucking into you so deep, so fast, his pace unrelenting as you moan shamelessly and filthily into his pillows. the bed is shaking and his headboard is knocking against the wall but he doesn’t stop as his hips slap firmly against your ass over and over — the lewdest words spilling endlessly from his lips in the process.
you’re fucking mine, you understand? only i can fuck you like this. only i can fuck you as good as you deserve.
you have no fucking idea how long i’ve wanted this.. been such a little tease everywhere we go.. making me want you more and more every day, FUCK, i’ve wanted you so bad. wanted this pretty pussy wrapped all around my cock, every second of the fucking day.. as if you have no idea what you do to me.
you just love to tease me, huh? love to get me hard and then leave me there as if i wouldn’t do anything about it? you’ve been such a brat, should i even let you cum?
….fuck, baby, squeeze me like that and i won’t even last. fuck it, fuck, gonna make you cum so hard that all you can remember is my name. gonna make you squirt all over my fucking cock.
you like that? huh? like it when i throw you around? wanna be a good baby and squirt for me?
beomgyu has always been a talker, his engine never seeming to run out of fuel; but the way he rambles total filth right now as he fucks you mercilessly has you hoping that he never ever learns to shut up. you’ve already came twice by the third position he’s flipped you into, and you’re so completely fucked out by his cock and his hands and his words that you don’t even process the moment when the final band of pressure snaps and you’re squirting all over his cock and abs, soaking his sheets, relishing in the guttural moan and the fuck yes, that’s it, fuck, baby, fuck- that he lets out as he fucks you harder into his own climax and fills you deep with his hot spurts of cum. you don’t even have the mind space right now to hope that your neighbors aren’t home as you keen wantonly at the sensation of the most powerful orgasm that you’ve ever had; and from your best friend, of all people.
your chest is heaving and your legs are complete jelly as beomgyu carefully lowers them from his shoulders, straightening you out and slowly sliding out of you with a wince. you can barely feel your body. you’re on some sort of cloud 9 as he stares down at you, incredulous, panting heavily, hands resting on your thighs as he remains sitting between them, speechless. rivulets of your release are dripping down his abdomen and you don’t even have it in you to feel embarrassed as you meet his eyes.
“holy fuck.”
his voice is raspy, breathless. “i didn’t know you could do that.”
“i didn’t know i could do that.” you echo, in even more disbelief than he is.
it’s silent for a few moments as you catch your breaths before beomgyu speaks again. “that was… literally the best sex i’ve ever had.”
he pauses, as if searching for the words, unsure of what your reaction may be. “and i think… no, i.. i know.. that it’s because it was with you.” his nose scrunches up in a cringe at his own sentiment, hesitant gaze lowering to avoid yours, and you know there’s more he wants to say even though he’s not saying it.
“gyu, if i had the strength right now, i’d already be kissing the fuck out of you,” you mumble, and his face lights up as he meets your eyes again. a cocky grin graces his face in seconds and you have half a mind to roll your eyes as the uncertainty is gone and your familiar gyu is back when he asks, “oh yeah? should i come down there then?”
a lengthy conversation ensues as he cuddles you against his body, hands running up and down your skin as you discuss everything, establishing proper feelings and apologies — and when that’s done and you’re both cleaned up and moved from his room to yours (“i’ll wash my sheets in the morning” “ew, gyu”) he’s peppering your neck in kisses and pulling you in again as your sore muscles are eased by his steady hands.
(“you’re seriously so hot.. i know i told you to, but i can’t believe you actually squirted. like.. that was so fucking hot.” this boy cannot get it out of his head.)
exhaustion eventually catches up with the both of you, and after mindless pillow talk and finally putting out the lights, you’re almost asleep when you hear a sigh from beside you.
“i guess we both lost no nut november, then, huh? :/“
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foxcantswim · 7 months
Hi there! Saw that you may be open to doing requests so I wanted to send one in if you’re not too busy 👋🏼
How about Vanessa’s reaction to hearing f!Reader screaming in the other room, but it ends up just her being scared of a big bug? (Totally not based on recent experiences I’ve had myself 😅)
FNAF Movie / / Vanessa x F!Reader [Terrifying Creatures]
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(gif by me)
Vanessa comes to rescue you from something much more terrifying than the animatronics. Contents: FLUFF, Established Relationship Warnings: Van+Mike+YN+Animatronics being idiots WC: 1,486 (Had a lot of fun writing this request. Thank you for the idea @heartof-flies !)
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"Seriously guys?" Vanessa sighed in annoyance.
Bonnie and Chica were currently standing nearby, looking down at the mess they had caused. Chica had tripped over Bonnie's guitar and knocked over a table, snapping the legs off in the process. There were a couple of drinks on the table which Vanessa and you had been enjoying too, now they were smashed on the floor. Foxy almost looked smug as he watched on from afar.
She had only gotten here around thirty minutes ago and she already wanted to leave. If it wasn't for you, she would already have. But when you gave her those puppy dog eyes and asked her to help you clean up the mess, she couldn't exactly say no.
You had taken Freddy away so he could help you carry back some cleaning supplies, leaving Vanessa with the other three idiots.
"Come on, help me move this out the way," she beckoned for them to come closer to the table, "You too, Foxy."
He opened his mouth in shock.
"I know you didn't do it, but I still would appreciate the help."
After a few minutes of convincing, he agreed and helped Vanessa, Bonnie and Chica pick up the heavy table and move it to the side of the room. Foxy attempted to kicked some glass away, trying his best to hide it.
"Don't," Vanessa scolded him, "We need to clean up properly. You know how Y/N and Mike are, they'll trip and fall over the smallest thing." She went to grab a broom from the nearby closet, Bonnie following her in the process.
He held up his hand, Vanessa cocked her head before placing the broom in is hand - balancing it as best she could.
Of course it fell to the floor.
"Thanks for the offer, bud. But you don't exactly have a good grip," Vanessa smiled as she picked the broom back up and went back over to the mess.
Upon arriving, she noticed that Chica was pointing at Foxy with her eyes narrowed.
"What did you do this time?"
Then Chica pointed to the floor.
Foxy had clearly kicked around the glass even more, most likely in a fit of anger. He had spread it around to the back of some of the arcade machines.
"You're lucky you have a hook for a hand, otherwise I'd be making you get on your hands and knees to clean this up," she rolled her eyes, "You really just like making my job harder, don't you?"
If an animatronic could smirk, Vanessa was sure that's what Foxy would be doing right about now.
After a few minutes of sweeping, still far from done of course, her mind drifted to you and Freddy.
"What is taking them so long?" she wondered out loud, the animatronics looked between each other clearly curious.
As if on cue, that's when she heard you. A loud ear piercing shriek echoing throughout the pizzeria.
Vanessa wasted no time in throwing the broom to the floor, her hand reached to her belt and gripped the emergency taser hard. She made her way to the storage room at a rapid pace. Bonnie tried to follow out of curiosity, but unfortunately he slipped on the broom... Chica and Foxy were left to now clean up even more as Bonnie fell right into another table.
Vanessa slammed the door open, taser pointed up in the air in preparation.
What she wasn't expecting to see was you standing on a chair in the middle of the room.
"Y/N?" she said, lowering the taser ever so slightly.
"Vanessa! Help!" you exclaimed, terror in your voice.
The blonde looked around the room and that's when she also saw Freddy, he was standing in the corner with a sheet over his head.
"I... What is even going on in here?"
"Careful!" you warned, pointing down towards the floor, "It went under that shelf!"
"'It' being what?"
"The most horrific thing I've ever seen!" you covered your eyes.
Vanessa pocketed the taser, raising an eyebrow in confusion. She kneeled on the floor to peek under the shelf.
"I'm not seeing anything, hon."
"Freddy!" you called, "It escaped! Run whilst you can!"
Freddy wasted no time in removing the sheet from his head, he dropped it to the ground before moving past Vanessa to leave the storage room.
"I didn't think you would actually leave me here, you coward!" you exclaimed as you watched him leave.
"Okay, seriously, Y/N. I'm aware you get scared by the smallest thing. But him?" she nodded back towards the door, "What's he scared of?"
That's when you saw it, "Ah! There!"
Vanessa couldn't believe her eyes. The most horrific and terrifying and scary looking... bug? It crawled out from a different set of shelves, causing Vanessa to step back and simply look at it.
"This thing?" she pointed towards the bug.
"THIS thing?" she put more emphasis on it, "THIS BUG?"
Vanessa simply grabbed a nearby cup from the shelf, she bent down and placed it over the bug and then stood back up straight. She simply looked at you in silence. You looked at her in returned silence.
Clearing your throat, you hopped down from the chair, smoothing down your clothes, "Wow... that was... so scary huh?" a nervous laugh escaped you.
"You are so lucky I love you, Y/N," she couldn't stop herself from smiling, "Don't worry. Your knight in shining armour is here to save you."
You folded your arms and pouted.
Vanessa's smile widened as she stepped closer, "Don't be mad. It's cute," she teased, her arms coming up to pull you into a hug, "I'm sure that bug was very scary."
You tried to stay mad, but Vanessa always managed to pull you out of it. The blonde placed a soft kiss against your cheek, causing your face to heat up.
"Come on, Y/N," she continued to place even more kisses, "Can't stay mad at me forever."
Finally, a smile crept up on to your own face, "Nessy..." you groaned, "Stop!" you tried to push her away.
Vanessa finally captured your lips with hers, you finally unfolded your arms to wrap them around her instead.
A smug smile was on Vanessa's face when she pulled away, "I'll be here to save you from all the scary bugs."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes.
The pair of you finally managed to find the mops and other cleaning supplies, getting ready to clean up whatever extra mess the animatronics have caused whilst you two were gone.
As long as there weren't any bugs around, you were sure you would be fine.
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(BONUS/Alternate Scene)
That's when you saw it, "Ah! There!"
Vanessa couldn't believe her eyes. The most horrific and terrifying and scary looking... bug? BUG?!
"MOVE!" Vanessa exclaimed, hopping up onto the chair.
"H-Hey!" you said, trying not to fall off the chair as you clung to Vanessa's arms, "Nessy!"
"That is the biggest bug I've ever seen!"
You gulped, "What do we do? We can't stay here forever!"
"I don't know! Look for something to hit it with!"
"I can't reach the shelves from here!"
The two of you remained on that chair for the rest of the night... And the rest of the following day...
Eventually, the sound of echoing footsteps filled both yours and Vanessa's ears.
"What the hell happened in here, Freddy? Why is there so much glass?!" you heard a voice, "Don't look at me like that... I want this mess cleaned up now."
The door to the storage room opened, and there stood Mike. He froze upon seeing both you and Vanessa standing on a chair.
"Heyyyy, Mike..." you started.
"Am I interrupting something?" he said, extremely confused.
Vanessa smiled, "Nope. Nothing at all."
"Then whyyy are you on the chair?"
"Erm..." you gulped.
The blonde then suddenly gasped, "Mike! Behind you!"
Mike turned around and saw nothing at first, his eyes slowly drifted downwards. His heartrate picked up before he turned and sprinted towards you and Vanessa, "MOVE!" he shouted, jumping onto the already crowded chair.
"Mike!" you exclaimed, now having to hold on to both Vanessa and him in order not to fall, "You were supposed to be our last hope!"
"Someone else can deal with that!" he shook his head.
Vanessa almost slipped, "Find your own chair, you idiot!"
Lets just say, the three of them spent a long time bickering on that chair. Their only salvation was when Chica came in and fell over the sheet Freddy had dropped earlier, accidentally landing on top of the bug... Not without knocking over a lot of shelves in the process though.
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Taglist: @marvelwomen-simp
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marxo-fm · 10 months
Sessions; ii
—highly suggest you read part one first. ✯ playlist for sessions is out now!
Summary: König admits his obsession that he has with you to the point where it’s unbearable, as the two of you make up for the time missing in your office.
Warnings: Mentions of adult themes and language, some plot with smut, smut smut smut—did I forget to say..smut? innocent!reader, virgin!reader, Obsessed!König, mutual masturbation (I lowk surprised myself with this omg) König teaches the reader some things, praising, size kink.
Words: 2.2K
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A/N: CREDITS TO @/xbruised_peachx ON TWITTER!!! CHECK HER WORK OUT it’s seriously amazing. This fic is so filthy like I seriously can’t believe I wrote this, but can you blame me? SMH. There will be a part three after this so bare with me, and I’m sure part three would be the final part. Maybe soon after I’ll write a Ghost fic, (wink wink) Btw I created a playlist for this fic and it’s on my masterlist! And let me know if you want to be on my taglist for part three!!! Okay, bye bye now peeps, thanks for reading! :)
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You consumed all of König like a drug he just can’t let go of, you were his addiction, the only person that keeps his mind at ease from the world; and he’s sure he’ll never be sober. Because he’s nothing without you.
“What?” You pant, looking at him through your heavy eyelids. His sea colored eyes gazed your upon your flushed body once more, swearing under his breath that he may not be able to contain himself once he’s inside. Inside your mind and body. When he said he wasn’t done—and that he’s just getting started—had you feeling unknown emotions. You’re anticipating what he’s going to do with you, and you shift on his thigh that is soaked with your juices from actions before.
You can’t help but blush, feeling rather shy underneath his strong gaze. The tension almost unbearable, the sexual tension. He is eager to touch you, to taste you, and to fucking feel you under his touch.
You clouded his mind, making it harder for him to form sane thoughts.
“I said, we’re not done, Schatz.” He chuckled, his mood shifted from before. Seeming more possessive and more hungry. Starving. “What are you going to do?” You question, and that right there—made König glare at you. Burning holes through your eyes. Nothing but hunger behind those eyes, almost the same as a hungry predator finally having their prey in sight.
In that situation, König is the predator, and you’re the prey.
He kept you there, on his thigh, until he spoke. What he said next absolutely shocked you to the extreme, “no no, I’m not going to do anything—liebe. I’m just going to watch, watch as you please yourself for me. Can you do that?” He smirks under his mask, from what you can tell, his eyes lightened up in admiration. Seeing how you fell apart little by little, and it’s all because of him.
You stammer, unable to form words correctly as his statement. Your stomach flipped and heat took over your body once more. “I..oh,” you whispered, goosebumps form all across your skin. “Lie down, Prinzessin.” You paused for a minute before finally processing König’s order. You obeyed, and that only turned him on more than he already was. If that was possible.
You made it so fucking easy for him.
“Look at me, mein Schatz, don’t be nervous.” He assured, “you have no fucking idea what you do to me.” König admits, shifting his entire body towards you on the couch. You almost want to hide from his eyes, those eyes that tell so much yet so little.
He moves closer, his rough hands are placed on both of your knees and you yearned for him to search your entire body. “Every second of my day, everyday, you haunt my mind. I finally have you, I finally fucking have you, Mein Liebe .” Your breath caught in your throat, you want to speak—you really do—but he admitted how much he thinks of you, right in front of you. I’m going crazy too. You thought, what he confessed last session was really true, and now you’re just as crazy.
He wants to fill the void, the void that kept you two apart for almost months. Now, König will make up for the precious time missing.
“König, I don’t know what to say.” You confess, holding yourself steady with your arms behind yourself. In all honesty, you really didn’t know what to say. It was difficult to form any thoughts at the moment. “I don’t need you to say anything.” He said lowly, his rough hands rubs circles on your knees. His touch drove you insane, (he’s only touching you—yet you feel like you’re going to pass out.)
“Soft.” He states, spreading your legs wider and you gasped at his actions. Your skirt rode up, revealing little to his imagination. Your soft skin under his rough touch was enough to kill a man on the spot. Most certainly a six foot ten man.
“We’re going to take it slow,” he began, his German accent thick. “And then slowly, I’ll have you unravel in my hands.” You want to tell him that you have already fallen apart underneath him, and suddenly, he’s hovering over you.
He’s big. His huge torso blocked your view of the ceiling and you gulp. He leans down to your ear and you shiver, “let me be the therapist for tonight, liebe, let me be the one that eases your mind.” He offered, and you quickly accept it.
Though his words had your heart racing to the end, beating against your ribcage, felt as though your heart completely stopped. You let him take full control of you, you allowed it and you don’t regret it one bit.
He backs away, and the emptiness of his heated body left yours, leaving you feeling cold. Just come back and touch me yourself.
He watches you, not saying a word as you both held intense eye contact. His sea blue eyes soon trained on your panties, and in response, you clasp your thighs together. Everything in König’s eyes changed, his eyes are now possessed with anger. “Open.” He demanded in a voice so different from before.
König’s entire demeanor changed, “I..I’m sorry.” You stammered, his mood doesn’t change after your apology and now—you wish you’d never done what you did. You think of something, something that’ll get his mood to change.
You figured it out, you honestly surprised yourself for what you’re about to do. Slowly, you take your fingers and trail them up to your thighs. Your fingers go under the hem of your black underwear. He cursed under his breath, and that tells you that you succeeded. But you’re confused as to what to do next, you know you’re supposed to touch yourself, and that made you feel hundreds of feelings.
But you didn’t want to do anything yet, you patiently wait on him to say something. To speak.
“Remove them, Liebe.” The word Liebe, you wonder what it means. You look at him for a few seconds, then you proceed. Obediently taking your panties off and your hands shake while doing so, you’re immensely nervous and too flustered to comprehend anything. He helps slide them off your legs and then throws them on the ground. Too consumed with the way you presented yourself in front of him, it felt like his soul ascended.
He wanted to fuck you right then and there, the sight of your pretty pussy soaked with legs open wide, all for him. All for König.
Holy fuck. He murmured to himself. He can’t help his painfully aching cock bulging against his pants, and he’s holding back every attempt to stuff you full. König’s using every muscle and strength he has in his body to withstand his desires. “So pretty, and it’s all mine. All of it.” He growled, your hand covered your slick cunt and he let’s you do it.
“Mein Schatz, touch yourself for me, think you can do that? Hm?” You nod, vigorously. Quickly, you touch your sweet spot and slowly rub yourself. Your touch had you throwing your head back, but König didn’t want you to look away. “No, face me. Look at me.” He demanded, not allowing you to hide yourself.
He gives you another minute, trying his best to not thrust his fingers in your throbbing pussy. He really tried. “Doing so good,” he praised. You shove a finger inside and you let out small whines. Those whines that König wanted to turn into screams. You screaming his name would be burned into his memory till the day he passes.
Your finger wasn’t enough, and embarrassingly, you didn’t really know how to please yourself other than just rub slow circles. He saw your face twist in frustration, your fingers trembling before him and unable to fully insert your small fingers in. You whine, needing him more than ever.
“Want me to teach you? Liebe?” You nod, mind going dizzy at the thought of him touching you.
Now how can he decline when you asked politely? He couldn’t.
He brought his thumb to your clit, and sparks run through your entire veins. He fulfilled your wish, rubbing circles on your clit with his rough thumb and he found amusement the way his simple touch had you gasping for air. You instinctively buckled your hips and moved back and forth, desperate to have him move his thumb move faster. “No, be patient, Schatz.” He demanded sternly, whines and whimpers left your mouth from his torturous speed.
“Please, I need..you.” It’s you saying it instead of König, and he couldn’t deny that it made him crave you more. His thumb suddenly quickens its pace, then, he stops. You whimpered at the sudden action, “why’d you stop?” You huffed in frustration, wanting more and more and more.
He doesn’t answer your question, instead, he shoves his calloused middle finger inside your throbbing cunt with no warning. The size difference of just his finger, had you breathless. You’re not sure if you could go on, thinking to yourself how he’d fit inside you when his middle finger is already stuffing you full.
You felt like you were drowning, all water was filling your lungs and you were no longer breathing. It’s what this felt like. The burning pleasure that was also painful had you gripping onto König’s wrist. No—it wasn’t because you wanted him to stop—that’s not it, he was going painfully slow. Taking his time with you. The time that was wasted between the two of you.
He suddenly curls his middle finger and goes incredibly faster. The sounds of his finger and your slick filled the silence of the office, and you felt shame. Still, you didn’t care, you wanted more. Whimpers, whines and König’s name leaving your mouth echoed in the room, and he swore he could die on the spot.
That was enough to drive a man to insane levels.
“Fuck, du bist so süß!” He groaned in German, and you can’t deny it, him speaking German made you burn with arousal. “W-what does that mean?” You ask, as if he’s your German instructor. “You sound so sweet, liebe.” He expressed, taking his thumb and rubbing circles on you sweet spot while his other hand thrusts faster.
Not only did you learn something in German, you learned what it finally felt like to truly feel alive. You’ve never felt more alive than this moment.
His finger continues to pump in and out of you, faster. His fingers coated knuckles deep with your slick, and he chuckled at the sight, earning a moan from you. König brushed over your g-spot continuously, something you were never able to do with your own fingers.
He’s a big man. So big it’s almost inhumanly impossible. Like he was crafted by the Greek Gods themselves.
“I wish you could see how beautiful you look.” Mentioned König, you couldn’t help but blush more at his praise. It only makes you closer to your finish line, so close.
“König,” you sighed, “I am so close..” his eyes diverts its focus to your flushed face, letting out a deep groan. “Yeah? How close, Schatz?” He teased, you furrow your brows in frustration. He inserts another finger out of nowhere and your breath is caught in your throat, “oh!” You shout. Electric shocks run throughout the entirety of your body.
“Tell me now, how close?” He huffed, though you couldn’t process what came out of his mouth, since you’re lost deep inside of heaven. Your eyes roll back and your mouth gaped open, gripping your skirt that’s at your hips with both of your hands.
Your vision turns black and you see nothing but stars, and König’s eyes trained at your arousal. You thought you lost hearing, since all you could hear was a loud ring in both of your ears. Your orgasm hitting you like a hammer to a nail. “Oh darling, no need to say a word, you were closer than I thought.” He quipped, taking his fingers out painfully slow.
The cold air made you wince, feeling the emptiness of his warmth when he took his fingers out of you. König left you stunned, taking his fingers into his mouth and finally tasting you.
As if tasting your mouth wasn’t enough, he tasted your arousal and your stomach flipped. The sight of him tasting you was something you’d see in a daydream, but that turned real. He licks his fingers clean, then looks at you hungrily. Leaving him addicted to your taste, and he wanted more.
“Divine.” He groaned, leaning into your body and dipping his head into your neck. Lifting his mask up and proceeding to kiss your neck, licking stripes of your skin. It was all so much for you, too much. It felt was like your soul ascended to the heavens, and it was König who made you feel like that. You feel so hazy, so lost in your emotions and feelings. It felt ecstatic, the heat between your legs became hotter when König kisses you.
Allowing you to taste yourself inside his mouth, almost unbelievable.
The kiss this time was tender and soft, but it quickly switched to the kiss from before. You wrap your hands around the nape of his neck, leaning him impossibly closer, and your legs wrapped tightly around his waist. Allowing him deeper inside your soul.
“This will be a night you will never forget, Liebling, I will make you beg to have more, mein Schatz, my treasure. Mine.”
NOTE: Omg it’s finally out after just writing on it for a few days, I felt so motivated just finish this part. Which means there’ll be a third part, concluding the end of this series! I genuinely want to thank those for reading, means so much to me! :) Be sure to check the masterlist!
✯ Taglist! - @liyanahelena @sleepy-time-dreamy @yourmomsmilfmistress @backgroundgirl887 @cumikering @aly0be
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starkeysmoon · 1 year
paring: neteyam sully x gender netural omatikaya! reader
summary: you and neteyam take a stroll in the forest and don’t seem to notice how fast time goes by
warnings: kissing and just pure fluff!
word count: 0.6K! (drabble)
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as usual, you and neteyam were strolling around the forest, exploring. It was getting late, almost eclipse time, but the two of you didn’t pay any mind. you were too preoccupied with each other to notice that the sky was beginning to darken.
“i can’t believe you're going to be my t’sahik one day,” he said, wiping away a fake tear.
“bad taste on my end, if i do say so myself” you teased and he rolled his eyes.
“shut up!” he laughed, frowning when you dodged his kiss.
“woah chill you’re my best friend,” you exclaimed, his eyes widening at your words and his mouth dropping at your antics, making you laugh even harder.
“I’m kidding! I love you,” you said with a smile, planting a soft kiss on his cheeks.
“i love you too, (name),” he beamed, his cheeks flushed with light hues of pink.
“i like how after all this time, you still blush at the smallest things,” you admit.
“how could i not? when i have you as my mate,” he said, caressing your cheek with his fingers as heat rose towards your face at his words. now you were the one blushing.
“ah, it seems the tables have turned, my love.” he teased, noticing the blush that crept onto your cheeks.
“shush” you murmured, causing him to chuckle at your words.
the loud screech of the direhorse snapped the two of you out of your little world, and back to your surroundings, you looked around to find out that night had fallen across the sky. it was now eclipse, which was your curfew. which meant your parents were going to skin the both of you.
“our parents are going to skin us!” you exclaimed, panic filling your voice.
“they can wait,” he said without hesitation.
you felt your jaw slightly drop at his words.
“is this the neteyam sully i know and love? or has something possessed him?” you joked, tilting your head to the side and gently slapping his left arm.
“very funny (name), ” he says and playfully rolls his eyes at your words.
you let out a sigh as you took in your glowing surroundings before wrapping your arms around neteyam, taking in his warmth, and burying your face into the crook of his neck. “eclipse is always so breathtaking, isn’t it?”
“you’re breathtaking,” he whispered, and you looked up at him.
“you know you mean so much to me right?” he began and you nodded, “you’re my everything, teyam” a smile plastered on your face and your heart beating at a rapid pace, thumping loud and uncontrollably, that even your ears twitch at the sounds of your heartbeat. without hesitation you crave your neck up, connecting your lips to his and he melts right against you. surrendering everything to you.
his eyes flutter shut and his arms wrap around your waist tighter, so that there’s no space left between the two of you. you place your hands around his neck, tilting your head to one side, and deepen the kiss in the process. your wandering hands move to his hair, stroking it ever so gently and carefully that he swears he falls in love with you all over again.
the two of you smile into the kiss, before bursting into a fit of giggles and laughter. his forehead pressed against yours, both your eyes still closed, and the two of you breathing heavily.
everything in that moment was perfect.
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ctrlchar · 4 months
hey! would u do cockwwrming with jake? 😅😁
cockwarming jake
a/n: i was just thinking about writing something like this
goes absolutely feral when you cock warm him in nothing but a skirt
same goes for one of his shirts,he loves how it covers most your body leaving out just what he wanted to see
he loves to toy with your nipples through your shirt,he’ll reach his hands up from behind you and he’ll pinch them between his fingers
100% will slap your thigh if you move without permission
you felt a light slap on your outer thigh,soon after you hear the man behind you say “what did i tell you about the moving?” before grabbing your hips and making sure you stay in place on his cock. after he doesn’t get a answer he delivers yet another slap this one harder making you moan softly “i know my baby hasn’t gone all dumb on my cock already?” he says in response you not answering him
sometimes he can be more intimate about it though.
he’ll let you talk about your day and anything interesting that happened while you rest on his cock
anytime he plays games on his computer he’ll make you sit on his cock or if you have a oral fixation he’ll let you warm him with your mouth
he loves cockwarming so much,he thinks it can be intimate but it could also be more sexual
it doesn’t always lead to sex but a lot of the times it does,he’ll start kissing all up in your neck getting you riled up before he begins to fuck into you
you could feel your boyfriend kissing the side of your neck until he began to gently suck on it leaving you with purple marks littered on your neck. he’d whisper the dirtiest things into your ear trying to get a reaction out of you until he can’t take it anymore and decided to put your back on the bed and begin fucking in and out of you,rubbing your puffy clit in the process
sometimes if he just wants to push your buttons he’ll play around with your clit knowing you won’t be able to move on his cock to get the satisfaction you crave so bad
if he’s really pent up he’ll cum just from you being around him and will damn near cum again once he sees his cum dripping out of you and back onto him
sometimes he’ll do it as aftercare. if you just wanna be with him and be intimate with him then he will gladly let you sit on him while he tells you how good you were for him
even though he can be a bit rough if you’re being good then he’ll whisper in your ear about how good you’re doing by not moving
“there’s my good girl,staying all still for me”
“i knew you could be still for me baby”
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linghxr · 4 months
Advice I would give my past self about studying Chinese
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Recently I've been reflecting on my Chinese learning journey and how far I've come. If I could go back in time, these are 10 things I would tell my past self. A few are specific to Chinese, but most can apply to any language
It will get so much easier to learn new characters. I remember feeling overwhelmed because learning new characters was a painful process. Now when I encounter a new character, I can remember it with relative ease—it’s just a new combination of familiar components.
Don't feel bad about having uneven development in different skills. My listening and reading are significantly stronger than my speaking and writing. It’s super common and nothing to be ashamed of.
The best way to get over being too embarrassed to speak is to experience some embarrassment and realize it’s not a big deal. I used to be so afraid of making mistakes that I would avoid speaking in class. It was only by being forced to speak that I got over it. I'm much better for it!
It’s impossible to learn everything, and time is limited. You have to prioritize. You probably don’t need to know how to say “pawnshop” in Chinese, and trying to jam your head full of 100 words you saw once won’t work. They won’t stick.
It will actually be harder to read pinyin than to read characters at some point. When I helped a friend with a script for her Chinese class, I really struggled because she had written it entirely in pinyin. I had to write out the characters to read without stumbling! I know characters are daunting for beginners, but trust me, you will get used to them.
If you haven’t practiced or learned something, of course you won’t be good at it. I remember feeling so frustrated trying to navigate Chinese websites for the first time. In retrospect, obviously, I was going to struggle with something completely new to me!
If something isn’t sticking, move on. Why waste time on a word that’s not clicking when you could be learning five new ones? It will only result in unnecessary frustration. So unless you need to know it for your class or a proficiency test, drop it and move on.
Don’t beat yourself up when you have trouble understanding music, literature, different accents, etc. These can be challenging even in your native language. Of course you’re going to struggle more in a new language.
It's worth it to pay attention to things like stroke order and tones from the start so you don't form bad habits. Don’t stress about get it perfect, but it’s easier to do it right the first time than to have to correct your bad habits in the future.
Instead of feeling overwhelmed by all that you don’t know, learn how to express yourself with what you do know. It’s truly its own skill that requires practice. After all, in life you can’t always stop and pull out a dictionary.
I started learning Chinese a really long time ago, but I became more serious about it in 2018, so 5 1/2 years ago. I'm very proud of how far I've come, but I still have a long way to go! I look forward to revisiting this post in another couple of years 😊
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mysaintkitten · 3 months
Here’s a shitty little blurb involving Chris … and some guns … 🤭
WARNINGS: SMUT (18+ MDNI), cockwarming, gunplay (my love)
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It started with half an hour, then and hour, and then an hour and a half. The more time went on, the more desperate you became. With Chris’ cock sitting still inside you, it’s like you could feel every familiar ridge and vein, but without the intoxicating friction that came along with it.
You promised him you’d be good, and you really wanted to be, but it was becoming harder and harder to sit still. Eventually your hips ended up shifting around on their own, and your core began to clench around him involuntarily.
“Baby,” Chris groaned, not taking his eyes off the barrel of his new and loaded gun. “We made a deal, didn’t we?”
You dip your head into his neck out of frustration, huffing softly in the process. You loved, yet also hated, Chris’ attentiveness. Nothing got by him. Ever. Even in situations like this, where all you want is for Chris to fuck you.
He knows how badly you want it, and that’s exactly why he teases you with it.
“It’s just … I feel so full ‘n I just …” you defend pathetically, it’s hard to form a compelling argument when the only thing that’s racing through your head is ‘cock’.
“Too bad, darling.” Chris replies while feigning pity, turning the safety off his gun before finishing his thought, “a deals a deal.”
“Chris …” you mewl and clench around him again, nipping gently at his neck playfully. He groans and sighs, allowing the kisses and bites for a few seconds.
He pulled your head out of the nook of his neck and gripped your cheeks, forcing you to look him in the eyes, “you promised me that you’d be good, that you’d sit on my cock and stay quiet until i finished examining the guns, didn’t you baby?”
You nod as best you can while he holds your face.
“And yet you couldn’t even do that for me, too much of a desperate fucking slut.” He spat back at you, making you frown and whine. You didn’t want to disappoint him, but what can he expect? He can’t fill you up so nicely and still expect you to be obedient.
As you slowly move your hips around, you’re stopped in your tracks when you feel the cold barrel of his gun be placed beneath your chin, Chris’ finger sitting patiently on the trigger. You swallowed nervously as your body froze on top of him.
“Aw, not so brave now, huh?” He chuckles at you, “you get so tight when you’re scared.”
You’re afraid to move, deeply worried that the slightest shift may set off the gun. That is, until, you feel Chris’ other hand soothingly pet your thigh, before patting it encouragingly.
“Well, come on. Don’t keep daddy waiting.”
Hesitantly, you begin to roll your hips, riding Chris at a steady pace, all the while his gun is pressing against you. He dips his head back and hums approvingly, clearly enjoying the show that’s being put on for him.
“That’s it. Ride me, girl. And don’t you dare fucking stop.”
I’ve been in the mood to write lately but I have no idea what. I think I’ll go through my requests again, see if anything sticks out hehe. In the meantime, have a little blurb!
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ahegato · 12 days
[NSFW] Obey Me - fem!MC first time with Asmodeus
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TW: nsfw, first time sex, loss of virginity, swearing Characters: assmodeus Writer: ahegato
Context:  The MC would probably be pretty nervous since it’s the first time and stuff like that. Idk I lost my virginity when I was like 17 and now I’m really old, so I barely remember it. I just recall worrying about the pain while also knowing it was common, that’s about it lol
You/your pronouns, so basically gender neutral, bUT MC will have female bits.
lucifer (cumming soon) | mammon | leviathan | satan | asmodeus (ur here) | beelzebub (cumming soon) | belphegor (cumming soon) | diavolo (cumming soon) | barbatos (cumming soon) | simeon (cumming soon) | solomon
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the wisest one of the bunch on the topic, to no one’s surprise
he’s the literal avatar of lust, and he’s probably taken a bunch of virginities before
assy boy knows what to do to make things easier for you
he doesn’t want things to feel forced or pressured, so he tries to keep it lighthearted by being sweet and goofy
makes sure you’re completely relaxed through the process
if he notices that you’re getting anxious, he’ll pause and snuggle with you for a bit
and if you feel bad for pausing, he’ll be right there and reassure you that it’s okay
if you were to change your mind about doing it today, he would have no issues with it
he’s not together with you for the sex, he’s with you because he genuinely loves you, and he’s determined to prove it to you
again, he may be the avatar of lust, but he’s also the avatar of intimacy, of any kind
if you want to please him, he’ll give you instructions and be encouraging, reassuring you that you don’t have to be good right away and that he appreciates you just trying
“Relax, sweetie.” Asmodeus whispers as he slowly inserts himself inside of you. He lets out a moan once he’s all the way in, and he reaches a hand down to stroke your cheek. He continues to coo loving words to you, reassuring you that the pain is gonna go away soon, and that it’s going to feel so good after that - and he’s right.
Just like he said, the pain begins to fade when you’ve adjusted to his size. Once you give him the go ahead, he moves out of you, leaving you feeling surprisingly empty, to then slowly go back in, earning a small moan from you.
“You feel so good...” he moans through a sigh, changing the angle of his thrust, hitting you at the sweetest spot. 
He’ll do whatever you say. Wanna go faster? Sure thing. Want it harder? Absolutely! He trusts that you’ll tell him if anything feels off, as he’s always made sure that you feel like you can be open to him, so he has no issues getting a little rougher if that’s what you want. Not to mention again, but he’s the avatar of lust. He can tell if you’re genuinely enjoying it or not, and he has no doubts that you definitely are. The way you’re pulling him towards you with your legs wrapped around his waist, and how you’re hugging his dick even tighter than before.
When he feels himself getting close he slows down, much to your disappointment, and he chuckles at the displeased look on your face.
“Come here, I would like to try something.” 
Once you agree, he’ll pull you closer before laying the both of you down on your sides, his legs in between yours. He enters you again, snakes his arms around your back, before beginning to roughly thrust into you, the new position getting him even deeper and driving you absolutely nuts.
He lets out a short moan every time he pushes into you, the sound of your skin slapping against each other driving him wild, and he’s instinctively hugging you tighter.
“I...I’m about to cum...” he whimpers, slowing down a little to give you time to react.
It’s completely up to you where he finishes, whether it be inside you or on you. Afterwards you’ll probably be rather tired, so he’ll help you get cleaned up, and then he’ll snuggle with you in bed until you both fall asleep.
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✦ written 04/2024, posted 22/05/2024 ✦ ahegato ✦
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silvermarley · 1 year
Could you do a Tanijro x Reader where the reader smells like someone else instead of him and he has to make her smell like him again (a lot like another one you made)
I’ll give it my best :)) it may or may not be veeeery close to the other one but I’m gonna attempt to make a difference ^^
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Foreign Scent
Aged Up!Tanjiro x Reader
Warnings: hardly any plot, marking, jealousy, a bit rough, unprotected sex
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Tanjiro typically doesn’t have to worry about you being around another man. He knows you’re loyal and won’t do anything.
But as soon as he got home from a long day and noticed there was another man’s scent on you, he couldn’t control himself.
He picked you up and brought you to your shared room without a word.
“Tan, what’s going o-“ you say as you landed on the bed.
He interrupted you with a passionate kiss that never fails to leave you breathless.
After a few minutes, he pulls away. “My scent.. is gone.” he murmured.
Your confusion makes him continue. “There’s an unfamiliar scent on you. Seems like I need to make sure you smell like me for a while, hm?”
“Baby-“ you attempt to say something, but he interrupted you once again, taking off your shirt and kissing you.
He isn’t typically this needy, this harsh.
His hands grab at your now exposed skin, hastily getting rid of your bra in the process.
Tanjiro only breaks away from you to mark your skin with hickeys and love bites.
You wanted to tell him the truth, but something about him being this way was making heat rise in you rapidly.
His hands moves to play with your nipples, continuing his actions. He leaves marks down your breasts, and down your stomach.
In one movement, he takes off everything else, leaving you bare to his hungry eyes.
Even in a situation like this, he won’t do anything until he preps you. His nimble fingers rub your clit, just as he marks up your thighs as well.
You moan, completely in a daze at his eagerness.
After a little bit, his fingers leave you for a second, causing you to whine. But, it wasn’t long before his mouth latches onto it and two fingers enter you.
Your back arches into him in pleasure, as he was working wonders on your body.
Your hands go to his hair, tugging on it, trying to get even a small grip of reality.
It wasn’t long before you were cumming on his tongue and fingers.
You gasp as he laps up your juices, body convulsing at the overstimulation.
He moves up, quickly discarding his clothing. You bit your lip seeing his hard cock hit his stomach.
“You ready darling?” He asks while lining himself up.
You nod, almost enthusiastically.
He is slow to insert himself in your warm walls. But, once you gave him the okay, his thrusts got harder and faster.
Your mind becomes clouded with the lustful ecstasy. He was hitting all the right spots to make you moan louder each time.
The only thing he could think was “mine..mine..”.
He was desperate to make you smell like him again. So much so, that he couldn’t stop himself from going at what seemed like an impossible pace.
He could smell his scent mixing with yours, making him dizzy. It was too good.
Your moans only brought him closer to the edge, with you right with him.
His thrusts got sloppier and less calculated as he was about to cum.
“Fuck- C-Cumming!” You whine.
“Cum with me.. please..” He groaned.
As if right on time, you cum, making him cum as well.
He stayed in you for a bit, letting the both of you catch your breath. He pulled out of you and layed beside you, holding your face in his hands.
“I’m sorry if this was too much.. I just didn’t know how to control myself when you didn’t smell like me, but of a unknown person.” He admitted.
You let out a little chuckle. “I was going to tell you that I saw my cousin earlier- but well..”
His eyes widen as he puts his hands over his face in embarrassment.
“Oh..” is all he could muster.
You took his hands away and kissed his lips. “It’s alright though.. I liked you being jealous.” You smirked a bit.
He laughed, a bit nervously, before asking if you wanted to bathe with him.
Why would you pass that up?
Taglist: @im-togas-knife
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aikatoru · 5 months
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Buddha x AFAB reader
Content: Fluff, mutual pining, romance, kissing, clueless reader.
Word Count: 1041 words
Dividers are by: @/saradika
He was Buddha and you were just you. He’d never noticed you, at least that was what you thought.
(This is a repost from my old blog @/fuyuaika)
This is extremely selfship coded!!🙈🙈🙈
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You hated his carefree attitude, you hated his confidence, You hated that a mere human like him could become a God.
You hated his smirks, you hated his obsession with candy and you especially hated it when he talked to the pretty Valkyrie girl instead of you…
…so maybe you don’t actually hate the guy.
The worse part was…he didn’t know you exist, you were just a third tier level God and he was one of the first tier. You were pretty much just a bystander during the whole Gods vs Humans ordeal, I mean you had tried to speak up and say your piece but with the majority of the Gods screaming bloody murder at the humans, you were pretty much drowned out. The best you could do was just stay out of the way and not get involved with the destruction of humanity.
Due to your subpar looks and powers you knew you’d hardly stand out much less get the attention of The Buddha. He was way out of your league and so attractive. A man like that was way out of your reach and you knew that you wouldn’t get a chance with him, the most you did get was a few stolen looks and maybe one eye contact with a quick breakaway. You’ve never even spoken to the man before, always just admiring from a far.
So imagine your surprise when you were just walking around the back stage of the arena and you heard your name being called by his voice, “Y/N, You’re Y/N right?”
Still trying to process that he had spoken to you, you stuttered a response, “Y-yes.”
He smirked at you with a lollipop in his mouth, “A little birdie told me that you have a crush on me.”
Your cheeks turn red and you might as well just melt to the floor right there, “W-what?! Who told you that?!”
He smirked even harder, “No one, I just had a good feeling and you just confirmed it.”
You gawked at the man and couldn’t take more of the embarrassment, “Please excuse me”
He laughed, “Woah woah wait wait! I didn’t come to embarrass you, I just needed to know that you felt the same way”
“T-the sa-same way??” You were beyond flustered and red, so red. Did he just admitted to liking you back? But it couldn’t be, why would he like you back? While your mind was trying to wrap itself around the fact, you asked, “But why would you…feel the same way?”
Buddha’s smirk slipped off his face and he looked at you with genuine disbelief, “You’re joking right?”
“No I’m not, I mean I’m just a third tier level God with hardly anyone who knows my name and well, you’re The Buddha.”
“Y/N you may be a third tier level God but trust me when I say that, every male God at one point here had a thing for you.”
“Wait, you can’t be serious…nobody knows I exist. Everyone hardly talks to me except for the formal greetings.”
He laughed, “Y/N, they greeted you formally because that’s the only way they know how to talk to you. You’re so pretty that it literally hurts, all the male Gods made a pact that no one would ever make a move on you, to be fair. Even Zeus tried to go against the pact but you turn him down, it was his biggest embarrassment…Poseidon and Hades won’t ever live it down…”
“Woah woah…I turned down Zeus?? When?? He never even asked me out.”
“He doesn’t talk about it and he’d kill anyone for mentioning it but I think he asked you once if you’d accompany him to an Olympus God gathering?”
You vaguely recall a couple hundred years ago when Zeus had mysteriously appeared by your side and offered you to join in on a feast the Olympus Gods had hosted, but you thought it was out of politeness, after all you were not a Greek God.
“That was asking me out? I thought he was just being polite.”
“Damn you’re clueless. I even heard that one time Shiva tried to get you into his chambers so he could make you one of his wives. But you yet again turn him down. That’s why everybody calls you the Ice cold Goddess and they swore that nobody could win your affection.”
“Wait? What?! Shiva?! Wife?!” You were gawking so hard.
“Careful you’d capture flies with your mouth open like that, if there were any here.”
“No! No way! You’re lying, I mean look at me!” You flail your arms around.
“Y/N, Hades tried kidnapping you once but then Zeus forbade all the Gods from approaching you and so Hades didn’t go through with it.”
You were shocked, “What but, I don’t even look as pretty as Aphrodite, my hair’s not blonde and my boobs aren’t that big.”
“You’re right, you don’t look as pretty as her… you’re much more beautiful. There’s so much more to beauty then being blonde and having big boobs. And I don’t know what it is about you and I’m pretty sure all the other Gods wonder this too but you have a sense of regality and purity towards you. You’re kind and you’re sweet and innocent and that is something that is very hard to find. And I came here because the girl I like, likes me back and I’m here to ask you…to be mine,” He spoke with a confidence that could bury your soul, leaning in towards you.
You moved back, “But what about Zeus? And doesn’t this goes again your whole philosophy about not succumbing to worldly desires?”
“I just found out that the prettiest girl in all of Heaven and Earth likes me back, you think I care about any of that? No one in the Heavens and the Earth can tell me what to do, not Zeus and not even me.”
“But what would our Society think? You know you’re supposed to be a role model for enlightenment…”
He raised your chin so that you’d meet his gaze, “To hell with society.” And he kissed you.
And that was how Buddha made you his. Imagine the uproar it caused all the other Gods.
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normal-internet-user · 10 months
Hi there! i read your percy one and it was sooo so good, i was wondering if you could do “I didn’t know where else to go” with a percy x reader. and it could be like some sort of an enemies or rivals to lovers, i’m also a huge angst girlie and idk why.
thx so much hope you’re doing so well and have the best day!!🥰🥰❤️❤️💙💙
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I'm a total angst girlie too, make me an emotional mess please and thank you-
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Summary: Percy Jackson shows up at your front door bruised and battered, god this boy was going to scare you to death..
Warnings: Angst; mentions of injury (not very descriptive); Hurt/comfort; No mentioned godly parents for reader.
Requested: Yea
GN Reader!
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The last thing you ever expected to see at your door was your very own son of Posiden on the verge of unconciousness.
"Percy?! What the hell happened?" You let out a low grunt when he practcally collapses into your arms.
"I didn't know where else to go." He whispers, shuddering.
You huffed, hauling him into your apartment. Luckily your parent was at work, so you didn't have to worry about explaining anything.
You moved him to the couch as gently as you could, finally taking in the full stretch of his injuries.
"Oh for the love of Zeus, Jackson." You mutter, your heart racing, "Just- sit still. I think I have some ambrosia squares in my room."
"'Kay..." Percy mumbles, his hand pressed tightly to his side while his face was twisted into a grimace.
You rushed to your bedroom, digging around in your bags and drawers until you found the little tupperware container that held your emergency ambrosia.
You then moved to the apartments small bathroom and grabbed as many medical supplies as you could carry.
With your arms full, you ran back to the couch, nearly tripping over the rug in your hurry. You haphazardly drop the bandages and other stuff onto the coffee table, handing Percy afew of the ambrosia squares.
You decided to speed up the process by getting Percy a glass of water, but with the state he was in, he'd still need patched up.
"Were you followed by anything?" You asks quietly, lifting his shirt to clean one of the larger cuts the ambrosia couldn't deal with.
"No, I wouldn't have showed up here if I was." Percy says, setting the now empty glass on the table, "Thanks. For helping me."
"Well I'm not just gonna let you bleed out on my foorstep." You grumble, wrapping his chest, "You're an idiot. Ya know that? What were you thinking? You know what, nevermind. You weren't thinking."
"Aw, are you worried?" Percy asks, seemingly amused at how upset you were.
"Of course I'm worried!" You snap, glaring up at him, watching the amusement fade away. God he was so insufferable. Stupid Percy Jackson and his dumb pretty face.
"You could have died, Percy." You say angrily, pushing alittle harder than you mean to on one of his bruises, "But everythings just so funny! Haha I'm Percy Jackson and I don't care if I get eaten by a friggin' monster! Everything's just dandy!" you rant through gritted teeth, stomping over to the trash can to toss out the bloodied cloth you'd used to clean his wounds.
Percy stares at you for a second, before guiltily looking down at his shoes, "Sorry..." He mutters, "I uh.. didn't mean to freak you out."
"Well mission failed, Percy." You say, before taking a deep breath and sitting next to him on your couch, "I just... dammit- your really important to me, okay? If something happened to you-" You cut off your own sentence, crossing your arms.
"You scared the shit outta me.." You whisper, wiping away the building tears with the sleeve of your sweater.
Percy sits silently for a second, then he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer so your pressed flush against his chest.
"I'm sorry." He whispers, his head tucked away in your shoulder, "I'll... be more careful.. just please don't cry..."
You sniffle, wrapping your arms tightly around him, careful not to irritate any bruises that still remain after the ambrosia. You press your face into his hair, the few tears that escape your eyes getting caught in his black curls.
The two of you sit there like that for gods know how long, just seeking the familiar comfort of each others touch...
This one took me a minute, but I think it turned out well. Lyn Lapid is the best writing partner ever, her music helps me focus SO MUCH-
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