#makeup routine best tools
mass4ubd · 2 years
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Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful
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boizandgurlzinthehouse · 10 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.
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pairing: coriolanus snow x toxic!fem!reader
summary: someone always throw a spanner in her works, to achieve her biggest dream —being coriolanus’ lover, wife and claiming power. luckily, y/n is not on the loser side when it comes to playing. 
trigger warnings (overall): mastermind!reader, toxic!reader (for real, she’s doing nasty things), reader’s family is a bit fucked up, reader is obsessed with coriolanus snow, lying, swearing, blood, violence, killing people, hunger games stuff, i just love volumnia gaul, reader hates lucy gray and everybody who’s around coriolanus, mental health problems mentioned such as psychotism, domestic violence mentioned, drugs, mention of sexual fantasies.
trigger warnings (in this part): mastermind!reader, toxic!reader (for real, she’s doing nasty things), reader’s family is a bit fucked up, reader is obsessed with coriolanus snow, lying, swearing, domestic violence mentioned, drugs, mention of sexual fantasies, mentions of gaining weight and wearing a corset (patrick bateman vibes), i really hope it doesn't seem like bodyshaming, reader has problems only with her own body.
another day. another chance to win him over. 
y/n could be named for many things: a filthy liar, a nepo-baby, a psychopath or simply a crazy girl, but she was never, ever lazy. waking up, she always had the same routine: getting out from the bed, changing into her underwear she wore the day before, making her hair up into a bun, spreading carbon on her teeth to be white as marble. working out, even if it hurt, because how could she be the best wife ever for coriolanus if she was lazy and out of shape? through workout, she thought about who she is. i am y/n y/l/n, youngest member of the house y/l/n. we are noble, i am noble, and i deserve everything what i have now. i am beautiful, clever and nobody can ever drag me down. the people who hate me are only envious of my life, my body and my mind, but they’re all going to soil. i love the life i have, and i will appreciate every single second of the life i will have when i achieve my goals. i have every tool i can use to win, and i will use them to be the woman i want to be. it’s not far away, and everyday is a chance to be closer to the woman i want to be.
after that, taking a bath, scrubbing her body with a sponge, so her skin would always be silky, using her razor to get rid of the unwanted, ugly hair on her body. smearing vanilla and rose oil onto her skin: vanilla for being gentle, and rose for coriolanus. brushing her teeth, washing down the charcoal, washing teeth with the regular toothpaste. sitting in front of her dressing table, picking her eyebrow, putting cosmetic oils and serums on her cleavage, her neck and her face. while letting it dry, picking out the outfit of the day, calling in her maid, hortense to help her with the corset if she felt that she gained too much weight because of the medicine, or was on her period. y/n hated so-called red days, and waited for the day when she could bear her husband’s children. putting her clothes on, sitting at the dressing table again, her maid helped her if she wanted a special hairstyle. checking her manicure, it was now soft pink, it’ll match with her clothes. making her hair, she did her makeup, curling her eyelashes, putting a little chili on her lips to be so full –it hurt like hell, but how could she be perfect if she didn’t put effort in it?, whilst repeating another list in her mind. this was for coriolanus. 
be kind with him, but never too kind. be kind and modest with everybody else, so they won’t notice it. agree with him in the things that are important, but also speak your mind if he seems doubtful. speak your feelings to convince him, you are important to him. always accept his help, but don’t make redundant situations, don’t look like the damsel in distress. make him feel special, let him be the man he is, make him feel that you support him and his plans, but never make too big promises. don’t look pathetic, don’t show your emotions too much. never talk about him to others, only if they mention him, talk good about him, and talk bad about others if it’s needed. don’t make a scene if something doesn’t work your way, it will sooner or later. take action when it’s the right time. 
applying lipstick as the last step, she was ready to step out from home. y/n knew she had a strict routine, but doing mornings on autopilot let her think about more important things, like her daily plans. first destination was the school where coriolanus was, but first, she needed to get her papers after graduating, after that they’re gonna have lunch together, and then, she’ll look for the letters to see if volumnia gaul accepted her application. probably she will, she knows her entire family, how great they are, and she probably heard about y/n herself too. 
“good morning ms. y/l/n, how are you?” lacy, her sister’s maid asked her as she carried the laundry in a big basket through the hallway on the ground floor. 
“i slept well, lacy, thank you. where is my sister?” 
“your sister, morphia went to arrange the flowers and the cake for her marriage. i am so happy for her, ms. y/l/n!” 
y/n couldn’t decide if lacy was truly happy or just acting. but she wasn’t a threat, so y/n didn’t care. 
“me too, lacy.” 
her father was sitting at the head of the table, reading the tabloids, her mother, lorelei was eating some eggs with meat, some gin in her glass on the side. 
“this pheasant is really good, cyril.” she mentioned, looking up to see her youngest child. “oh, my sweet, y/n! good morning.” 
“good morning, mommy.” she said, giving her a kiss on the cheek, going to her father, she waited until he stopped reading the tabloid and looked at her. her father, cyril y/l/n was really strict, but not as strict as crassus snow. once, after her father made her burn the flowers she tore off from their garden and beat her, her mother stroked her cheek, saying “oh, honey, don’t be sad. your father is a good man, not like crassus snow. i think you should be glad that you don’t have him as your father.” so this way, y/n was happy. or so her mother thought. 
“good morning, father.” she told him too, giving him a kiss on the cheek too. she could do that until she was eighteen, after that, only the greeting was acceptable. y/n saw once, when morphia tried to kiss her father when she passed eighteen, she got slapped across the face. but they were happy, weren’t they? 
“how’s your application with gaul?” he asked as y/n sat down. 
“i handed it in yesterday. probably a letter will wait for me in the afternoon.” 
“why, what will you do today?” 
“cyril, i already told you that! your butler even wrote it down for you!” her mother whined, looking at her daughter. y/n took a slice of bread, reaching for the butter and the knife. 
“don’t mind it, mother. i’m going to the school to get my graduating papers, then have lunch with coriolanus, and then–”
“coriolanus snow? that boy and his family are broke, his father was gullible and got killed by the rebellion. why are you humbling yourself in his presence?” 
control. control your face, your hands. y/n’s fist curled around the knife tighter, grabbing it with real force. 
“i know, but he has great talent. and he’s gonna be the next president of panem.” she replied calmly, looking at him. sometimes she fantasized about stabbing him there, at the head of the table. 
“president of panem? y/n, you are so amusing when you say things like this. but i truly hope your words will become reality someday. crassus wasn’t gullible, everybody was afraid through the first rebellion.” his face softened, just as he spoke to a three year old. 
“yes, honey! your father doesn’t doubt you, he’s just amazed at what you are saying.” her mother added, sipping on her gin, batting her lashes. it wasn’t even ten in the morning, as she was already wasted. after eating the slice of bread, y/n stood up, hiding the knife into her sleeve. 
“i’m going out, but i’m gonna be here for the letter. please don’t open up before me.” she asked, making her father look up. 
“hortense is going to bring it to your room.” 
“thank you, father.” 
“honey, you didn’t even touch the caviar and the honey, please eat some more!” 
kissing her mother’s cheek again, y/n looked at her. she got her eyes, her mother was truly beautiful when she was young, acrimonious lips talked cyril only married lorelei because of her looks. nevertheless, the creed family was also noble, y/n only had to bear festus’ horrible personality twice a year, christmas and the reaping. 
“don’t worry mommy, i’ll be fine.” 
she could work easily with an empty stomach, getting back to her room, preparing her bag. looking at the medicines, she put the bottle under her clothes. she didn’t need these pills that made her useless, slow and lazy anyway, she needed something else… and she knew her horrible cousin, festus got that white, powdery thing. grabbing the butterknife from under her sleeve, she touched it. it was the worst knife ever, blunt and short, like some of the fighters in the games. y/n loved her father, respected him and counted on his words, but questioning her and laughing at her, it was the exception if it came to love and respect. and if her father is doubting her again, she will–
funk! well, who thought that people could stick butter knives into the wall? 
arriving at the school, showing her papers that she was a private student, the secretary gave out her graduation stuff. nodding, the secretary told some things, but her mind was focused on finding festus. going to the main hall, everybody whore red, y/n was the only outstander with her black skirt, soft pink blouse and black blazer. every school uniform was truly awful, the capitol is the wealthiest in all panem, couldn’t they make it a little bit more… pleasant? it’s a shame that every fabric is on their hand, available, and still, they style it horrible. nevermind, festus was there, chatting with that bitch arachne and that fucker pliny harrington. 
“hey, festus, hey, everybody. can we talk for a minute?” she turned to her cousin. festus looked at her, smirked, then looked at the others. 
“of course. sorry, it’s only a minute.” he said to them, walking to one of the corners with y/n. leaning to one of the marble piles, he dug his hands into his pockets. “so, what do you want?”
“why are you asking me so pitiless?” y/n blinked at him. for some people, formality in family could seem heartless, but she was relieved that she didn't need to waste her time if she didn't want to.
“you talk to me only if you need something.” 
“me? don’t be ridiculous, i helped with all your assignments in school, what would your mother say if she heard that?” y/n couldn’t be a big gamer if she didn’t knew the connections in her environment perfectly well. seeing how festus’ face became a little bit rigid, she continued. “anyway, i want from that white dust you gave me last time.”
she couldn’t even carve a wider grin on his face, even if she wanted to.
“so you liked it? it’s better than your stupid pills.” y/n had a poker face, but she wondered how he got to know. “you’re not the only one who knows things in the family.” fucker, you don’t even know everything, yet you still play like you’re the most clever. the funny thing is that it ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble, no. it's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
“i have business somewhere else soon, can i get it or not?”
“it will cost some money, but i am always happy to help my family.” oh, fuck off. y/n reached her hand like she wanted to shake hands with him, and this way, demand and supply met. “if you drink some of it, it’ll be better. you are a crazy bitch y/n, but if snow really will be the president, remember me as one of your biggest supporters.” he smiled. “oh, and volumnia heard some of his great ideas about getting more audience for the games. if you’ll work for her, that ugly power couple thing can be really dangerous.” what ideas? she knew it was a problem that the game wasn't so popular, and he thought that coriolanus wasn’t so interested in that. of course, until now, because big money was at stake, and everybody was prowling around the corner. y/n curled the corner of her lips up under duress, bidding goodbye to festus. she wasn’t gonna take it now, she used it only for emergencies.
now, she could completely focus on coriolanus. where was he? walking to the other long hallway, looking around, he was nowhere despite that they stuck to eleven am yesterday. suddenly, she felt two hands on her shoulder, making her turn. 
“there you are!” there he was. y/n could look at him for an eternity, could he look better under eleven hours? everything about him was perfect, from the way he looked to the point he talked, and y/n almost tasted the sweetness when his mind was forming those clever, great thoughts. and his looks? she knew they could have the most precious children; angel blonde hair, blue eyes, chiseled jawline she could kiss a million times, his body was sculpted by the gods who were looking down on them, and she prayed every night to the deities so they could be each other’s one day. in y/n’s mind, coriolanus wasn’t just a boy or a soon-to-be-man. no, he was the base of everything, he had everything that y/n needed, and y/n was raised truly the best way. nobody else could get in the near of the perfection he formed, and y/n could see the future. the future, where they marry, she is in the longest, most beautiful white dress full with gemstones like rubies, sapphires, diamonds and emeralds, vowing endless loyalty to each other, the whole world is envious of the wealth they have. the future, where he becomes the president of panem, leading the nation with a strong hand and making decisions with a strong mind, while y/n helped to make the games more impressive, more dangerous, more cruel, but first of all, supporting him in everything, even if she has to get her hands dirty. the future, where she was pregnant with his children, naming them ancient names so they could mirror the same noble qualities those deities had, raising them the best way so they could even outgrow them, perfect people. “how was your morning?”
the future they could have. the future they WILL have. 
“hello, corio. mine was pretty good, got my graduating papers. how was your day so far?” 
“it was… good, i guess? this mentoring thing is new for everyone, i spent all night thinking how lucy gray could win.” 
that name, again. keep it cool. 
“i’m sure you will think it out. shall we go and eat lunch?” 
sitting in a gorgeous, golden restaurant, y/n chose a corner for them to sit in. when their food arrived, she waited for him to speak. it seemed like something was itching his mind, and she was one of his best friends, wasn't she? corio looked to the side, then at her, then took a bite from his lunch. let’s break the ice. 
“is everything okay, corio?”
“yes, yes, everything’s fine. is it… on my face?” 
“well, since i…” don’t make it too personal. “...since we know each other so well, i see worry on your face. you can tell me everything.” 
“it’s… it’s gonna be really, really embarrassing for me, but… so, y/n, it’d be my pleasure if… you’d come with me on a date?”
clawing on her thigh, was this reality? was coriolanus really, really asking her out in this glorious place? was she truly worthy of his love? moderating her grin to a smile, she looked at him. he was truly a love-child of an angel and a god, and while y/n was truly a masterpiece herself, it was the biggest honor for her to get into the grace of this guy. now, the idea of the wedding and the best imaginable life wasn’t so far away. did the gods hear her prayers above, and saw the list she created? 
“forget it, y/n, i know i’m not–” coriolanus tried to hush the previous idea with an embarrassed look on his face, but y/n shook her head. obviously, her mind wandered for too long. 
“no, no! of course i’d go on a date with you. with pleasure.” y/n smiled, slowly reaching for his hand that was on the table. they touched each other frequently before, but not like this. she hated a part of herself, the part that could melt under his touch and got dizzy from only his skin. but truly, she could eat it up if she could. 
“oh, okay, well… i just… thought that it’s embarrassing, because you pay for all of this, and–” never let a man’s pride falter. it’s the firewood for the campfire, the pressure for the diamond, the water for the plants. if you feed a man’s ego, he’ll trust and love you. 
“corio, dear, please. i’m not with you because of your money, we can’t do anything about our past and families. and you’re gonna win the plinth-prize, so what are we worrying about?” 
“but–” y/n hushed him gently, playing her finger in front of her lips. 
“i’m sure you will win that prize. why, who else would win it? the daughter of an energy secretary? or a rich, spoiled kid?”
“they are all rich and spoiled.” y/n totally let pass the fact that she was too. but what was the problem with it, really? they couldn’t do anything about it, you can’t decide where you were born. a person can change everything about itself, but not its origin. it always stays with you, clinging onto your ankle, to drag with yourself everywhere. in this life, they got on the winning side of the wheel. and who cares about the next life? 
“but no one’s father is a general, except you. and i know that you didn’t like him, but keep the mindset.” 
“you are so clever, y/n. thank you for always putting my mind into it’s place.”
“i’m just telling the truth. and… how are things with the game? is it hard?” 
“oh, it’s… i still need to figure out some things. but i had some ideas about ways to get people more engaged in the games, like getting them sponsors, or interviewing the tributes so the viewers can get closer to them, pick a favorite, some things like this.” 
“it sounds really interesting, did volumnia hear these things?” as much as she hated festus’ bragging, he also mentioned things that she could use. maybe that’s why everybody got rid of her so fast at a big gathering like the graduation two days ago. she never had ‘juicy tea’ or some things like that, only if she wanted to get something. and when she wanted to get something, the chamber of secrets instantly opened. 
“yeah, well she came in when we were discussing those things. she said that i need to write it down, and then clemensia interrupted that we’ve always worked and brainstormed together, so we can write that together, too.” 
totaling another pen, dovecote? being a tricky bitch, i wasn’t expecting less from you. 
“i think volumnia should know that the idea was yours. clemensia is your good friend, but why wasn’t she just cheering that you got the gamemaker’s attention?” plant the seed. maybe not with clemensia, she will do it for herself, but anyway. coriolanus needed to know the truth. 
“i will talk with her about this.” he won’t. he’s too kind-hearted for it. “and i’ll write down my ideas. anyway, how’s your application for volumnia gaul? did you hand it in?” y/n nodded at his question, chewing on the potatoes. 
“got handed it in yesterday. i really hope if i go home this afternoon, a letter will be waiting for me.” the smile on his face was worth everything. what could that mouth do if there were only the two of them? because she knew what her mouth could do. 
“i’m sure she’ll hire you. one of your thesis got onto her table, remember? the one you wrote about the possible content of venom in mono– and dicotyledons. and if she’s not, then she’s a dingbat.” y/n remembered that thesis, her brain always burned out from the three-day long insomnia. 
“careful, corio! i hope she doesn’t have ears everywhere.” that woman was the queen on her chess table, it was the side that could never be decided. 
all the way home, she thought about coriolanus. y/n gotta hide the grin she was forming with her lips when she was driving home with the chauffeur of the family. all the effort, all the pain… it was worth it. she almost teared up from the joy, but her mascara was really expensive, even her mother thought that it was too rich for their blood.
“is everything alright, miss y/l/n?” helius, their private driver asked, looking into the rear-view mirror. y/n nodded, exhaling and inhaling. big news like this always messed with her head. nodding, everything was perfect. 
stepping inside the house, she raced up to her room immediately. there was the letter, persephone slept beside it. picking it up, y/n used her nails to tear it up. she never waited for news like this. the sooner she knew, the sooner she could got suit in the new situation. 
dear y/n y/l/n, you got accepted…
throwing it away, she instantly picked up persephone, screaming into her fur. persephone meowed, already used to her owner’s insane habits. anyway, the food was tasty in the house, so why not bear it? 
“you hear this, persephone? the lucky star is shining on us.” she whispered to the cat, stroking her head. she couldn't sit back, not now. not when good things, the reward of the hard work could be felt. not when everything worked for her plans. “mother and father will be so happy. and we are happy too, aren't we?” 
y/n didn't know happiness, only when her heart got fast and drug-like feeling curled in her blood. but now, she got to be a predator. a predator who sat for hours, days to catch its prey. when news were coming in, things always changed. she had to be patient, but she couldn't get lazy, not now. not when strange news was coming up. news that didn’t match with her expectations, nowhere, never. news that bathed her soul with venom. news that raised her little game onto a new level. 
a/n: the prologue got so many notes like my tumblr literally BLEW UP thank you so much girliez 😭 i hope you liked this part, more focus will be on corio i just want to size up reader's mindset
take care of yourself babes, love y'all luisa
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forgodsgoddamnsake · 7 months
Belly Dancer - 1
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Belly Dancer - 1
Harry sat next to Michael on the leather couch with four girls now all around them, Michael was his right hand and his best friend. They are there for each other, in the happinesses and sorrows. They were friends since the day they first met when they only were thirteen years old.
And for that reason, when Michael noticed that Harry was burnt out from all the work he has to go through every day, same routine, same shit, he thought that it would be a good idea for them to see something different. Michael has heard of you through some friends that were like 'wtf did we just watch?' and couldn't shut up about how good you were on that stage. And, knowing Harry, he knew that he would be very pleased to see a different kind of woman.
A woman he will never something like her.
A girl put her around Harry and started mumbling something sexy in his ear, but he ignored her and kept drinking from his glass and huffed.
"Why the long face, H? I told you to leave this fucking attitude out." Michael scoffed, drinking from his cup.
"I am okay, Mike." Harry says.
"No shit? You sure look like it." Michael commented sarcastically.
"What do you want from me now? Want me to put a fucking smile on my face?"
"Yes, please."
"I don't know what I should do with the upcoming deal with the Italians."
"Leave it, H. Not now, we're here to have fun and you look like an ungrateful kid." Michael said, he was sick of Harry and his attitude. He knows that Harry has a lot on his shoulders, but he doesn't seem to know how to let go.
"You know what? Fuck you! I'm out." Harry says angrily and stands up and just like that like it was a cue or something, music blasted through speakers.
Weird music to his ears. He has never heard something like that before, but he didn't care at that moment. Until he head an announcement through the speakers, "The moment you've all been waiting for. Y/N!"
Michael grabbed Harry from his arm and dragged him to the glass wall that showed the stage. Harry took away his arm from his friend and stopped in his tracks.
A woman.
A woman in tanned skin and long hair stood on the stage down there, with golden abaya that showed off her beautiful legs, cleavage, and of course her belly. She had some glitter all over her body. She had a golden anklet. That woman wore a short scarf on her head that only covered a part of her hair.
She swayed her belly up and down in total excitement with such expertise. She used her hair as a tool just like that long cane in her hand that she used to dance with. What really blew him away was when she pulled her back down while standing and held the cane with one hand playing with it all over her body without it touching her.
He has never seen something like that before. He has never loved something so different like that. Her hair made him want to pull on it while fucking her. He wanted to know how she could sway and pop her waist and belly on his dick.
A girl comes next to Harry and whispers, "I could do that, too."
He ignored her and kept his eyes on the girl before him, not leaving his eyes off of her even for a second.
When you were done, you were already used to the hard applause, you returned back to your room at the back. Your assistant got you your mantle and covered you.
You sat on your chair in front of the wide mirror and began cleaning off your makeup after taking off some of the bling you had on your face. Your assistant, Angela, says, "You were amazing today, y/n."
You smile to her and say, "Thank you so much, honey. We need to get ready for our last performance in about another half hour. Can you get me my next suit, please? This abaya is not so comfortable."
"You're gonna wear it now? Isn't it too early?" She asks but does what she's told anyways.
"No, it isn't. I like putting makeup on after wearing my suit, so my makeup doesn't stain my suits." You answer her, drinking water from your bottle.
"Fair enough." Just when she finishes her sentence, you hear a knock on your door.
"Who is it?" She asks before opening the door slightly so whoever outside can't see you.
"Oh yeah of course." You hear her say and opens the door.
Your eyes are still fixed on yourself in the mirror, until you see in it a tall man with beautiful green eyes standing at your door. His eyes also are fixed on you. You turn your head around and look at him, asking in a flat tone, "What?"
"I am Harry. Harry Styles." He says not looking away.
"Okay? I don't do selfies so get out of here." You turn your head again and continue to take off your makeup.
"I'm not here for a selfie. I'm here to tell you that we want an exclusive dance in the VIP lounge." He says, confidently.
"Usually, Sean is the one to tell me that." Sean is the manager of the club, so that doesn't make sense that Harry is the one to tell you that.
"He knows, but I asked him to let me be the one to tell you that." He says like he orders you.
"Well then, no one can say no to work. But, I want Sean to ask me, not some one I don't know." You say, you were really bothered by his smirk that he had all the time he was talking to you so you thought you should be as annoying as he is.
"And what if he doesn't?" He asks with a wider smirk.
You turn your head and raise a brow, "Then no."
"You sure are a tough one." He comments so you stand up and close the door in his face with a bang enough for Angela to jump.
You wear your next suit, not thinking of that bastard anymore until you hear another knock on the door. You huff and tell Angela, "If he is the same fucker tell him to go find someone to fuck him."
But that was Sean, an old man with grey hair and blue eyes. He comes inside and says to you, "Y/N, we want you to skip the second performance to the public and keep it in the VIP lounge for today."
"Sure," You smile at him, "That fucker will be there?"
He giggles and says, "Don't say that as you don't know who he is."
"I don't care, Sean. You shouldn't have let him come in here, we've talked about this. No one is allowed here."
"I know, but we can't say no to him."
"And why is that?"
"Because he's Harry Freaking Styles. He's one of the most powerful men in the whole country so it's not so easy to tell him go fuck yourself without getting a bullet in your head."
"Whatever. I'll be up there in 10 minutes."
You weren't afraid, you are not afraid. You have spent your life afraid of everything and since you took your first step in this country you've swore to god that you'll never let fear in your heart ever again. You knew that Harry was handsome and hot that's for sure, but you weren't going to suck his balls just because he's handsome. If anything, he should be the one sucking yours, if you had any.
You stood right outside the VIP lounge and asked the guy in charge of it to stop the lights until you go in. That was something you asked for every time you were asked to do a private dance in the VIP lounge, you had to surprise them.
You stood in the middle of the room with the lights still off, and raised your arms above your head and raised one side of your waist and then the lights are on again.
The music popped in the lounge, and you see that same smirky face eating you with his eyes. Taking in the new suit you had on, it was silky that showed off your whole back and belly, not so modest. And he loved every inch of it.
He sat there next to another guy with the same expression she got every time someone sees her in one of her suits. You danced like always but with some differences. You made a circle with your waist and interacted with them more than the public, you made your way to the couch they were on and for a second Harry thought you were coming for him, but you took the hands of Michael and made him stand up so he could dance with you.
Michael couldn't dance like you, for sure, but he tried to sway his body and couldn't focus on anything else, especially you leaned your back to his chest. Michael couldn't look to anything else, not even to Harry who was biting his lip from both lust and jealousy.
You kept dancing until the song ended. Michael and the bartender applauded hard enough to show you how much they loved it. Some of the girls out there were so pissed off at you for taking all the attention.
Harry, on the other hand, stood up and asked you, "Why don't you come with me, love?
"Honey, I don't like you." You said.
You made eye contact with Michael and smiled, "I hope to see you soon, cutie."
Then you were out of the lounge.
Harry sat on the couch again, with a smirk on his face.
Just when you were about to step foot out of the club you see that fucker again with the same smirk you want to slap it out of his face. You were in white tank top and a short leather skirt. Angela was right beside with a big bag in her hand you when you stopped to look at that smug.
"If you think you can kidnap me, then you should know that's a bad idea." You spat.
"And why is that, love?"
"Because I'll chop off your goddamn dick." You were violent. That's for sure.
"Oh, that could hurt." He smirked again and took a step forward towards you.
"What do you want from me, Harry Styles?"
"I want a private dance, only for me."
"Give it to him," You ordered Angela who handed him a card. "This is the number you can call if you want a private dance."
He looked at the card and then at you, "I really like you."
"And I don't care."
You said before walking towards your car. You drove away and you could still see him in the mirror not taking his eyes off of your car. What was wrong with him?
"Harry Styles?! Thank god you're still alive, you should apologize you little bitch." Jessica said.
You were at the apartment you shared with Jessica, you make enough money to buy a whole house now, but you didn't want to leave Jessica, she was your first and only friend when you came to America to seize your opportunity. She had your back when you couldn't find a job, until she finally helped you get one.
Her cousin was one of the three people who own the club and the theatre, and she asked her to give you a chance. From that moment you became famous enough for people to come every day to the club to just watch you dance.
So, you wouldn't just leave Jessica just because you make enough money now. And, now that you're sitting at the dining table next to Jessica at 3 PM eating, you thought that you should tell her about that freak you danced for yesterday.
"Who is he anyways?" You asked, stuffing your face with food.
"All I heard from Lola -Her cousin- is that he is not just a business man, he is powerful."
"And that was enough for you to tell me that I'm lucky that I'm still alive?"
"No, but those powerful people are intimidating."
"I'm not afraid."
"Y/N, I know you now, I know that you fear no one and nothing, but you need to chill a bit."
"Why should I? because he could kill me or something?"
"I hope not, but just become more flexible, maybe he was amazed by your dancing and liked you enough to get you in his bed."
"He asked me to go with him, Jess! I don't sleep around, and you know that, I have to have this long face for anyone that thinks for a second they can stuff their faces in my titties." You said and she bursts into laughing at the top of her lungs.
"Okay, I know that, but-" She was interrupted by your phone ringing, it was Sam, the one you hired to take care of any business outside the club.
"Sorry, Jess," You apologized before taking the phone, "Yes, Sam, how're you? What? HOW MUCH!? Okay, today 11 PM, set everything up with Sean, I don't want him to be all grumpy. Bye." And with that you hung up.
"What was that all about?" She asked drinking her juice.
You looked at her wide eyed, "That fucker asked Sam if I could dance at the parties he has tonight and for the upcoming week. He wants me for an entire week to stay at his mansion up the hill in a private part of it."
"Wow, the same fucker we were just talking about?" She asked and you nodded.
You had to go, there was no way out, the money was good. You packed clothes and suits, you were going to stay there for about a week so you could use as many suits as you wanted. Angela was sat right beside you on the passenger seat in your car as you drove to his mansion, Sam had sent you a location. The drive was silent, and you weren't nervous, you'd been doing this for over a year now so you were confident. You drove with one hand until you pulled over right in front of this giant mansion. Angela gasped when she put her eyes on it, but you rolled your eyes and stepped out of the car to get your bags out. Angela followed you without taking her eyes off of the mansion, she helped you with the bags with her mouth open.
"Fuck it, snap out of it, Angela!" You said, walking towards the mansion.
A man in a black suit was standing at the door of the mansion with a smile on his face, you smiled back. When you got closer to him he took the bag from you, "Hello, I'm Jack, I'll be at your service for your whole stay."
"Hello, Jack. I'm Y/N and this is Angela, my assistant."
"I know you Ms.Y/L/N, Mr. Styles told me about you. He was very excited to have you." He said letting you in the mansion.
It was huge, white. Everything was white except from the art hanging on the walls and some cushions. Jack escorted you to the elevator in the mansion and pressed on the higher floor.
"This floor is gonna be yours for your whole stay, it has its own kitchen and bathrooms so you're going to be as comfortable as possible." He said and you couldn't help but smile at Angela who couldn't close her mouth.
The elevator doors open and you step inside to see a wide floor with an open kitchen and two bedrooms with a large living room.
"Here is the kitchen as you see, it has everything you need to make a meal, but if you need anything you can always call me and I'll be at your service." He walked you to the living room, "This is the living room as you see. There's TV, mini-fridge, and everything you might need."
You nodded at him as he walked you to a room and opened the door to a large room, "This is our room?" You asked.
"No, ma'am, this is Angela's room, it's got everything you might need, miss." He told her and she took a step inside with wide smile on her face.
He walked you to another room, opened the door and FUCK. It was huge with a king-sized bed. The room had cream paint and white sheets, a couch and TV.
"Here is your room. You also have a private bathroom besides the one down the hall. Again Ms. Y/L/N, if you ever need anything you can call me. Mr. Styles has strict instructions of us taking care of you two."
You smiled at him thankfully, but couldn't help but ask, "Where is Harry?"
"We don't know that, unfortunately, but I'm sure he's gonna be here at 12 AM. He may need to speak to you about the themes of the parties he's throwing here." He said letting go of your bags.
You nodded at him.
"I should go now, here is this little thing I can't remember the name of, you press a button and you can speak to me directly." He pointed at this thing on the wall that looked like the thermostats.
You nodded again and thanked him before he left. You couldn't help but notice that your room has a balcony, you love balconies. Wherever you were, you could leave everything and stay in the balcony looking at everything around you.
When you entered the balcony, you could see a wide, long green grass, it almost looked like a park, except from the large pool that was in the middle.
You sighed.
You don't know why, but everything was too much for you, life was too much.
You felt alone even if there were a hundred people around you, and when you were alone, you felt empty. Maybe it's because you swore that no one can take any place in your heart again. No one can get this luxury of breaking your heart. You had to stand on your jelly feet and throw everything out of your life.
You remembered that day you ran away from your past and came here, like it was yesterday. But, it wasn't yesterday, and you must stay on your feet standing tall.
You heard a ringing sound coming from your room, it was this thing on the wall, you pressed on it and you heard the voice of Jack, "Ms. Y/L/N, would you like me to make you a meal? You must be starving."
"Jack, please call me y/n, I'm not used to Ms. whatever, and yes please, I'm sure Angela is starving. Thanks."
Everything was fine, you stayed in your room watching tv and gossiping with Jessica about Harry's mansion. That was until you hear ringing and Jack's voice said, "Y/N, Mr. Styles is waiting for you by the pool."
You stood up, get dressed in one of your huge sweatshirts and short black shorts, you pull your hair up in a messy bun. You step outside of your room, and find Angela eating popcorn on the couch in the living room.
"If you keep eating those, you're gonna pop like them." You smirked at her and she stuck her tongue out to you.
You were in the elevator and making your way towards the pool, it was kind of a long walk until you could see his tall figure in a black suit standing in front of the pool drinking wine. There were tables and chairs but he was standing focusing on the water.
You stood there for a moment before making your way to one of the chairs by a table and sit, putting your leg over the other.
"Look who it is, Mr. Gatsby!" You smirked.
He turned around and smiled at you, his eyes could revive people from death. He had a glass of wine in his hand just like you suspected.
“Mr. Gatsby? Why did you call me that?” He asked as he took a seat on one of the chairs on the same table.
“Mr. Gatsby was handsome, he had a rare smile, just like you.” You said with no smile.
“I take that as a complement, should I?”
“I don’t care, honey, I’m spelling facts. I like telling people what I’m thinking about them. Honesty is the key as you say here.” You bite on your bottom lip.
“I appreciate that this is the thing on your mind, not something else.”
“Well, yesterday I thought you were a dick head, well, I still think so, but I appreciate what you did.”
“What exactly?”
“That you didn’t cross the line even more, and called Sam instead of getting my number and call me.”
“And how could I get your number, love?” He smirked; he loved how smart you sounded.
“Oh, come on! We’re adults here, we both know that you could get my number, easily.”
“I like you even more now.”
That was true, he loved smart women, and you were smart and challenging.
“Let’s get back to business, you booked me for a week. Jack told me that you wanted to discuss the themes of your parties. Here I am.”
He hums and put his glass on the table, “Do you want to drink something?” He asked you as he looked at his smart watch.
“Tea with milk, please, no sugar.” You answered without expression.
He smiled and then got more comfortable in his chair as one of his servants came with everything on like he was standing at the back of your head.
You thanked the servant and took off your leg from the other out of respect, that was how you were raised, and Harry noticed it.
“Okay, love, we have five parties, each of them may include different people, each of them has a different theme, in each of them I want you to perform two times.” He said as he poured more wine in his glass. “Your tea is getting cold.”
“I don’t like my hot drinks hot enough to burn my tongue.” You smiled at him politely, “I need to know each theme so I can choose the right suit. Also, can I choose my own songs? I can’t dance to some rap or whatever the fuck you people listen to.”
He laughed, he thought you were funny, “Of course, darling, I’ll tell you everything you need to know and you can choose your own songs.”
He looked down and saw that you have an anklet on, different from the one you wore at the club, he fucked you in his head with the anklet on enough times already.
“Can I ask you a question?” He asked, he was surprised actually that he was being polite, maybe because he saw that you were so polite that he couldn’t be a dick head anymore with you.
“Of course.”
“Where are you from?”
You smiled to yourself; you hear that question too many times.
“I am not from here, I immigrated to the USA two years ago. It doesn’t matter where I’m from, I want to forget all about it.” You stopped smiling and looked him in the eyes, those green eyes, “Now, can I ask you for a favor?”
“Yeah, anything you want, beauty.” He answered.
“Could you taste my tea to see if it’s not so hot so I could drink it?”
He smiled at you, he didn’t know what to think of you, you were a lot of things all at once. He saw you being so violent to him, so polite to the servants, potty tongue, yet so cute that you can’t take a hot drink. He was curious.
He did what you asked him to, it was now cold enough for you to drink, he saw that you sipped from the same place he sipped from. You were beautiful before him, your hair is shiny, your eyes are wide enough for him to see that color of them, your skin seemed so soft, your smell stuck up his nose. You dragged him to you, not even realizing it.
He coughed, trying to shake away the tension building in his pants, “You’ll get to know each theme the day before the party. If you want to get new suits you could only reach to Jack and he’ll do whatever you want.”
“Thanks, but no thanks, if those are your rules then so be it. I have my own designer to take care of that. I need to go inside to sleep before tomorrow, Harry. Could you, please, tell me what is the theme of tomorrow’s party?” You rolled your eyes.
“Black. Only black is allowed.” He kind of ordered.
“Okay then.” You drank the last bit of your tea and stood up, you walked your way to the mansion, but only a few steps until you stopped and looked around and said, “I don’t get disgusted easily. Good night, Gatsby.”
You smiled and left.
Harry sat in his bed with a girl sleeping next to him right after he gave her a good fuck thinking of you. Gatsby. Your face while smiling stuck in his head enough to take in every little detail, beauty, and flaw. He has never seen anyone so intimidating, yet so polite.
He felt like he wanted to fuck you, yes. But he felt something more. Curiosity.
He stood up in his boxers, looking at the ceiling, you were right on the floor above him, he wondered what you were doing.
Next morning you called Jack and asked him if there was a gym nearby, he told you that there was one on the second floor, so you got in your tight leggings and sports bra that hugged your breasts perfectly, having big ones made life harder for you.
You pulled your hair in a bun and brought your water bottle with you and went down to the second floor and explored until you found a room full of gym equipment.
You did some stretching first, and then you heard the door open as you were about to do some squats in front of the huge mirror. You saw Harry getting in, wearing black shorts and totally bare chest.
“Good morning, love.” He said and took a look at you.
“Good morning.” You responded before minding your own business.
You didn’t look at him much, you stopped yourself from doing that, you completely knew that these kinds of men are the ones that get girls throwing themselves at all the time. And that was not something you intended to be, you knew that you were special, and no man could ever make you fall at his feet no matter how hot he was.
“How many languages do you speak, y/n?” He asked out of no where and you didn’t bother look at him, but you could see him warming up.
“That is a random question. I speak English, Arabic, and Italian.” You answered with a blank face and held some weights before going on with your squats again.
“Wow, that is incredible!” he said looking at you, he never let his eyes away anyways. He noticed that you didn’t look at him not even for once, that kind of bothered him.
You didn’t answer to that, and he felt like you hated his guts and he had no idea why. He got closer to you and stood behind you, “You’re doing that wrong baby.”
He put his hands on the weights you carried and that’s when you stood again and turned around with the weights still in your hands, you felt like you could hit him with them.
“Let’s set things straight, Harry. I know you like me; I don’t like you. You bother me, I’ve been doing this since I was fifteen and I don’t need an English boy to tell me how to do things. I don’t like men who always get what they want, because I don’t get what I want. Does that make me a weird, envious bitch? Maybe yes. But I don’t care. Stay out of my way, I’m not looking for a fuck.” You said and lift the weights to his chest and he automatically held them.
With that, you left the gym room and he stood there with an open mouth.
“Harry, what is this fucking sudden obsession over a dancer?” Michael asked while sitting in the chair by Harry’s desk.
“It’s not an obsession, Mike. That girl makes my head boil!” He shouted lighting a cigarette.
“Why’s that? She’s just not into you, she told you clearly that she’s not looking forward to getting fucked by you, that’s all. Can’t you really accept that?”
“It’s not that, Mike. FUCK!” He threw the cigarette in the ashtray and stood up, “She wouldn’t even look at me, like I’m a fucking rat or something. Does she really think I am that bad person?”
“Maybe it’s because you gave her the feeling that she was some fuck toy.”
“She is not! I really want to get to know her, she sounds so fucking smart, Mike. Apart from her being incredibly sexy, she sounds like she knows everything about me which she doesn’t. I just want her to talk to me, even look at me.”
“Are you having a crush on her?”
“Isn’t that obvious, you little fuck?”
“Already? It’s only been three days.” Michael said and Harry glared at him.
“Alright, you should have a conversation with her, get to know her, you know what? You should ask her for dinner.” Michael suggested and Harry thought about it.
You were getting ready for the party, and you had a surprise for the host. You didn’t hate him, but he was just like what you said, a man that got whatever he wanted, and you hated men that had everything. It makes you feel like an object around them.
You heard a knock on your door and Angela went to open it enough for you to not be seen.
“Can I speak with y/n?”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Styles. She’s getting ready, you could speak from over here.” Angela apologized truthfully.
“Y/N, are you ready? I want you down there in fifteen minutes, please.” He added that please just to sound nicer.
“She says okay. Excuse me, Mr. Styles, I’m sorry.” Angela said closing the door in his face softly.
‘Why the fuck is she avoiding me?’ He thought to himself.
He went down again by the pool to greet his guests who all wore black, he has set a small stage by the pool so you could feel as special as you wanted.
People were talking and giggling, talking money, talking shit Harry couldn’t care less about. His black suit suffocated him, he hated suits, but he had to wear them.
Your words kept ringing in his head,
“I don’t like men who always get what they want, because I don’t get what I want. I don’t like men who always get what they want, because I don’t get what I want.”
He had this urge to talk to you, to let you know that he no longer wanted anything to do with you if you didn’t want. He wanted to just speak to you.
From afar he saw Jack that nodded at him as a cue that you were ready to enter.
Harry cleared his throat when saw you entering in your black mantle and heading to the small stage. He spoke loudly as the music stopped so everyone could hear, “Thank you everyone for coming. I’d like to introduce to you my surprise,” He pointed at you and you smiled at them. “This is the amazing dance y/n, who is super talented and super annoying. I can guarantee that you’re going to watch something you’ll never forget.”
And with that everyone applauded before the music you chose started. Again, weird songs to the people here.
You gave them your back and just at the right time you dropped your mantle. Harry’s eyes widened as he looked at you in a red suit that barely covered you, you had a small waist accessory on, a golden anklet.
You started your performance which was different from what Harry saw before. Just in the middle of the song you made your way down to the audience and shook your hips and hit one of men with them, he laughed and automatically started dancing with you. You made your way to Harry whose eyebrows were furrowed at you, you enjoyed how bothered he looked that you didn’t keep to the theme of the party.
But he couldn’t stay mad as you gave him your back and danced your way back to him almost touching his chest, not stopping your belly from swaying or your hips from popping for a second. That was when you pulled your hair and threw it on his shoulder, he almost smelled it. Then, you pulled your back down on his chest, he got a very nice view of your breasts, which you shook while looking in his eyes from your position.
You took his hand and put it on your waist as you started swaying that part of your waist so his hand could go wherever your waist was going. He smirked and put his mouth right above your ear, “You’re giving me mixed signals, love.”
“I am a lioness, Gatsby, might get used to it.”
You pulled away from him and started dancing again with other people.
Lioness? What the fuck does that mean?
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row-of-ribbons · 3 months
DREAM GIRL INTRO 2/5 How To Get Started: high maintenance routine (PT 2)
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hello ladies,
Hey there! Thanks for sticking around for intro 2, part 2 of my high-maintenance routine. If you missed the previous post, it's on my page for you to catch up on. I've got more routines to share, so let's dive in and make it worthwhile! And remember, you don't have to do everything take some and leave some ☺️(I am not a medical professional, so please consult a doctor for proper advice, I'll place a ''*'' for the ones to look out for)
wash bedding: pillows, pillowcases, sheets, and blankets; stuffed animals too (If possible, I recommend washing them with lavender-scented detergent for a calming effect.)
everything shower: Shaving, scrubbing, masks— the works. You know how it is, ladies. (btw baby oil is the best shaving oil and it's cheap too! another alternative is coconut oil)
clean makeup/hair tools: It's important to establish a regular cleaning routine to keep your skin clear and prevent hair loss.
clean water bottle(s): Girls, it's great that you're staying hydrated, but don't forget to clean your water bottles. Many people overlook this and end up drinking mold, which can make you sick over time. (TIP: bleach makes mold stronger so sanitizing your water bottles with white vinegar is better and safe and no it won't taste like vinegar)
refresh space: it's nice to do a deep clean on your space/s so really be intentional (I like to write a to-do list the night before of what I need to get done in detail so I don't forget in the morning)
*24-hour gut reset*: Giving your body a 24-hour break from food can have numerous benefits, such as regulating blood sugar, metabolizing stored fat, and reducing the risk of heart disease.
*chemical peel*: I began using a chemical peel last month and have aGlready started to see results. I do not get professional treatments; instead, I use The Ordinary peeling solution. (follow the instructions to a T if you use it)
Mani/Pedi: Getting your nails done is an important part of a high-maintenance routine; it enhances your femininity. ( You don't have to use color if you don't want to; you can keep them clean and filed. )
brows: pluck uneven hairs to make sure everything is neat and polished.
*clay mask*: I use a clay mask with Aztec healing clay and apple cider vinegar(w/ the mother) to detox and clarify my hair.
I hope my routines have inspired you, bringing you one step closer to your dream girl.
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drewsbuzzcut · 1 year
Y/n Barzal’s Night Out Glam | Vogue Beauty Secrets
mat barzal x model!fem!reader
a visceral in doses fic (the vogue series)
warnings: alludes to sex, mentions being naked, and I think that’s all
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You step out of your large shower cavern, water still dripping from your body, and you find Mat sitting patiently on a bench you have in your large ensuite. The sound of the shower door closing has his head snapping up in your direction. He watches as you towel off and slip on your robe, mouth watering at the sight of you.
Before you can walk to the counter, he reaches out to pull you in between his legs. His hands rest peacefully on your hips. You smile at the puppy eyes he’s giving you, carding your hands through his hair to get a sigh out of him. He slowly makes his way to the ties of your robe, fiddling with the material.
“No funny business, mister,” you tut, tapping your finger on his lips.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” his last word comes out in a moan as you pull on the small strands of hair at the nape of his neck.
“I need to film the video for Vogue and you’re trouble,” you whisper.
Mat doesn’t respond, he just pulls on the ties of your robe, revealing your naked body. You smirk at the way he ogles at you. Even after carrying his 3 babies, you’re still the prettiest woman he’s ever known. He presses kisses along your stomach, nipping at the supple flesh of your boobs. He glides his nails along your side, creating goosebumps in their wake, and you have to grip his shoulders to stop yourself from falling to the ground.
You scratch the stubble on his jaw, the result of not shaving for a few days, and angle his head back so you can kiss his waiting lips. You can feel your body sinking into his touch, so much that you straddle his lap, wanting to be closer to him.
“I thought you said no funny business,” Mat says, quickly silencing your rebuttal by letting his tongue dance with yours.
Immediately pulling away, resulting in him letting out a disgruntled groan, you get up from his lap and tie your robe again.
“You’re right! I need to film this video, and you need to get the kids and yourself ready. I love you. Tonight, you can have me all you want,” you say to him.
“Yes ma’am,” he kisses the back of your neck before exiting the ensuite.
You pull out all your skincare products, plus makeup, hair tools, and perfume. You tousle your wet hair, giving it life instead of just looking flat. Two deep breaths and you turn on the camera, setting a 5 second timer before it starts recording.
“Hello lovelies. Y/n Barzal here, and I’m going to show my routine for a date night!” You talk to the camera.
“So, usually for date nights I keep my makeup simple. I use less eye makeup and focus more on my lips. However, tonight my husband and I are attending a YSL event and we’re turning it into our own little date, so my makeup will be a little more than simple.”
You grab two hair clips to pin your hair back, and go into your skincare routine.
“First, skincare. I already washed my face in the shower, so we’ll move right into my next step which is eye serum. Technically the next step would be a toner, but I don’t use one. Ever since having kids, my skin isn’t the same as it used to be when I was younger, so I feel like a toner doesn’t work well for me. I also should be using an eye cream as I’m getting older, but I just don’t feel like I need it at the moment. The eye serum does what I need it to do, which is to lighten my dark eyes. It’s the Mudmasky: vitamin-infused serum,” you say while applying the serum under your eyes.
“Next I use vaseline. I use it for my dry spots, and you might wonder why I don’t use a face oil, but vaseline just works best for me. It always has. For the most part my skin has always been fairly good. I do breakout every now and then, but it’s mostly hormonal,” you explain, reaching for your next product when you hear the ensuite door open.
“Mommy,” Nolan whispers, knowing that you are busy.
“Hi, my love. Is everything okay?”
He makes his way to you, arms lifting up so you can carry him. He’s already 4 but he’ll always be your little baby.
“Miss you,” he whispers into your neck.
“My baby, want to stay with me?” You ask, rubbing his back and smiling when he nods his head.
“Sorry for the little interruption, guys. My little man missed me. I hope you all don’t mind a guest. The next step is moisturizer! I use Saturday Skin’s carrot moisturizer,” you show the product and expertly open it and apply it while also holding Nolan.
“This is a sport. Younger me would have a panic attack at the thought of multitasking. 4 years of being a mother has trained me so well,” you laugh.
“Baby?” Mat calls for your attention.
“Is Nolan awake?”
“Hmm…” you look at Nolan who still has his face hiding in your neck and pretend you can’t feel his eyelashes fluttering against your skin every time he blinks. “I don’t think so. Why don’t I wake him up?” You say out loud, beginning to tickle his sides. He starts squirming and squealing.
“Daddy! Help!” He reaches out for Mat.
Mat brings him in his arms, once again shirtless in a Vogue video. Your heart flutters at the sight of Nolan holding on tightly to his daddy, he presses a kiss to his cheek the moment he’s in his hold.
“You were cuddling with mama, little man? I wish I could cuddle with her, too,” Mat says and you playfully roll your eyes.
“Hi, Vogue!” Mat greets the camera.
“My man loves being shirtless for the camera, apparently. It’s his inner model,” you tease him, reaching your arms out for him just like Nolan did.
“Not funny when you have your hands all-“ he gets cut off by you throwing your arms around him, letting his face rest in your neck.
The camera gets a perfect shot of his hand caressing your back before falling to your ass to squeeze it.
“Give mommy kisses before we leave,” Mat instructs Nolan. Nolan just looks at you with so much love, hands holding your cheeks so he can press a small kiss to your lips.
When they leave you turn back to the camera with a content smile on your face.
“I love being a mother and a wife!” You squeal.
“Okay! Next step: face massage with my jade roller. I love this step because it’s so soothing for me. I learned about this through a makeup artist I was working with a few years ago.”
You continue to go on with the rest of your skincare, styling your hair in a quick updo. You change out of your robe, about to start your makeup when Mat comes in again. This time with Sloane and Angel in his arms.
“Sloane is hungry and I got to get the boys dressed. I tried to lay her in the crib, but she isn’t having it,” Mat says.
“Is my girl hungry? My precious baby! Mama will feed you. It’s okay, hotshot, I got her. I love you,” you respond, squeezing Sloane in your arms and squeezing Angel’s cheek.
“I love you.”
“Sorry again. When you’re a mom, family always comes first! That being said, it’s time for makeup!
I’m not using any foundation or concealer only because my skin is in a good state, and I don’t want it to suffocate. I will start with applying gel to my eyebrows; the NYX brow glue is my go to,” you say to the camera as it gets another view of you getting ready with only one hand available. You expertly carry her in one arm while that hand flexes oddly to hold her bottle to her mouth.
“I’m going to curl my lashes off camera because I just can't do it through the viewfinder,” you announce, stepping away.
Since you’re away from the camera, you take the time to finish feeding Sloane, knowing that the big pause will be edited out of the video.
You smile when you hear both your boys, their loud footsteps that you can hear Mat chastising them about.
“Don’t be so loud, mama is busy,” Mat tells them.
“It’s fine! I’m taking a little break,” you assure him.
Their little bodies crash into your legs, but they’re so little it’s like getting hit with a pillow.
“Look,” Nolan says, pointing at his spiderman shirt that Angel is also wearing.
“Oh my goodness. You’re matching with AJ. I love you guys so much. You look so cute, mister,” you say, kissing his cheeks.
“Mama!” AJ yells to get your attention.
“I know, bubs. I love you, too. Come give mommy kisses.”
He waddles over, giving you the messiest kiss, but you can’t complain.
“Bev is here,” Mat lets you know.
Beverly, your best friend, is going to watch your kids for you, so you can have the rare night out with Mat.
Once you make sure everything is packed in their backpacks and give them so many kisses, you resume back in your spot in front of the camera.
You feel Mat’s hands sneak around your waist, stopping you from turning the camera on.
“Don’t start yet,” he says.
“I want a kiss, one that shouldn’t be on camera,” he whispers in your ear, sending chills down your spine. His lips press on your neck, nipping the sensitive skin. His hands start to fondle your boobs over your sweatshirt.
“Baby, we can’t do this. Not right now,” you mutter, turning around to press your lips to his.
“You’re killing me,” he groans.
“Your incoming beard is killing me. It’s so sexy on you.”
“I’m about to shave it right now.”
You pout up at him.
“Can I at least shave it for you?”
“Of course, pretty girl,” you blush furiously, still feeling like that girl with a high school crush.
You sit on the counter and he stands between your legs, handing you the shaver before he puts on the shaving cream. You’re so careful with your movements, not wanting to cut his pretty face. Every now and then you’ll catch each other's eyes, and he’ll let his hands fiddle with the band of your small boxer shorts.
“All done, baby,” you help clean and dry his face, tossing your arms around his neck so you can brush your lips on the freshly shaven skin.
“Thank you. Can I join you for the video?”
“Of course!”
He pulls you into his arms, your back against his-still shirtless-chest, and his head leaning on your shoulder when you return to the front of the camera.
“I’m back! Back to the scheduled program, we have mascara. I will be using the Too Faced: Better Than Sex Foreplay mascara primer and mascara. Oh, and we have a special guest! My husband, Mathew Barzal,” you speak, turning your head to connect your lips in a sweet kiss.
“Off camera, Y/n shaved my face and she’s an expert,” Mat tells the camera.
“I am an expert; I have years of experience,” you smirk.
As you’re applying your mascara you can feel his eyes on you, so you turn to see him looking at you with infatuation.
“I can watch you put makeup on, take your makeup off anytime. You’re just so mesmerizing,” he declares. Your heart flips at his remark.
“Stop, you’re making me blush! Guys, Mat is trying to make me flustered,” you say with a laugh when he starts lightly tickling you.
“Instead of eyeshadow, I’m using eyeliner and smudging it out to give a bit of a smokey eye look,” you explain and show how you do it.
“Next up is blush! I will be using Rare Beauty’s liquid blush in shade bliss.”
“I like this color,” he compliments.
“Thank you, barzy.”
“After the blush, it’s time for lipstick, the best part!”
“It’s not the best part. Once the lipstick goes on I can’t kiss her,” Mat says to the camera and you playfully glare at him.
“That’s so not true. You know that I still kiss you even after I put lipstick on,” you retort.
“Anyways, I use a NYX lip liner in espresso, and since we’re going to a YSL event I will use their candy glaze in shade 14. It’s one of my favorite lip combos.”
“I love the candy glaze. Her lips are so glossy for so long. This isn’t an ad by the way.”
You giggle at Mat’s little speech.
“See! Isn't it so pretty?” You exclaim!
Mat rests his arm over your shoulders, and you decide to give him a lipstick kiss that you apparently deprive him of. He doesn’t even see it coming, you grab his jaw and pull his face closer to yours to slot your lips with his. You can literally feel him melt into you.
“Ahem… it’s kiss proof, so even better,” you say out of breath, and Mat is just awestruck.
“I want to show you guys my outfit because I actually love it so much. Oh! This is the necklace I’m wearing tonight,” you grab the camera and show the silver heart pendant that you’ll be wearing.
“Let’s go to my closet so I can show you the dress! Hey, hotshot, you coming?” You ask Mat who’s still dazed. He snaps out of it, hurriedly catching up to you.
“Here’s a little look at my closet, maybe one day I can film a tour for you all.”
You set the camera on one of the counters in your closet, and show off your dress for the night.
“It’s simple but still has a little flair to it! I will be wearing some YSL sunglasses and heels and will top it off with their Black Opium perfume. If you can, you guys need to buy that scent, it’s amazing.”
“It does smell really good- especially on Y/n,” Mat agrees, once again making you blush.
“Thank you all for watching! I hope you find something helpful in this video. Now, I got to go, there’s a tie that needs to be tied on Mat’s neck, and a fun date night waiting for us. I love you all, bye!”
You click the camera off, turning around to throw yourself in Mat’s arms.
“I’m cold,” you whine, mouth pressed onto his jaw.
His hands gravitate to the backs of your thighs, lifting you up so you can wrap your legs around his waist.
“Let me warm you up,” he says softly, lips already kissing your neck.
“We cannot be late tonight,” you warn him, already feeling your resolve crumbling.
“We can be fashionably late,” his lips wrap around your earlobe. You moan out and your hips start to move, your heat desperate for friction.
“We really shouldn’t,” you mutter.
“Want me to stop?”
“Hell no,” you say surely, lips colliding with his and your tongue ready to tangle with his.
a/n: The second installment of the vogue series. I hope you all enjoy!!!
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icequeenbae · 2 years
Shot Through the Heart (m) | BBH
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Related works: Snapshot (m) [pt.1], Giving Love a Shot (m) [pt.3]
Pairing: photographer!Baekhyun x idol!Reader ft. soloidol!Kai
Photographer AU, PWP, angst(ish?), smut
Warnings: explicit content, unprotected sex, rough sex (incl. oral), angry sex(?), dirty talk, creampie
Word Count: ~4.5k
Summary: You and Baekhyun cross paths at work again. Problem is, your steamy photoshoots almost always lead to you having sex. Would the dynamic change if there’s another person in the room?
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s note: Hello my sweethearts!! I apologize for taking way too long to post this... Since last summer I wasn't nearly as active as before, and I wasn't sure why. But now that Baekhyunie is finally back from the military I suddenly feel slightly more energized. Maybe I'll post a bit more often from now on? 🙃 Unless my lovely @baekshoney kills me for making her beta read my crazy stories haha In any case, I hope you used your chance to refresh Snapshot in your memory, because this will be a continuation of the story of our idol!Reader and fuckb- ahem, photographer!Baek~
As always, my asks are open and I do my best to respond to all of your comments (in reblogs as well), so don't be shy to share any thoughts and impressions ❤️
Tags:  @exo-writers-net  @bbh-net  @superm-net
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The makeup crew was floating around you, pampering, and pampering, and pampering. You weren’t confident that there was even the slightest chance for your skin to survive this. It wasn’t unusual – photo shoots required just as much preparation as premiere events, the close-ups being rather demanding. Still, the more powdered your face became, the heavier you sighed, imagining the skincare routine you’d need to complete afterwards.
The best you could get from your make-up artists was help with removing the layers of whatever they used so generously on your face. The rest was up to you, and, fortunately, you care enough to go through with all of the gazillion steps of the process. Cleansing your pores, soothing your skin with toners and masks, applying serums and essences, using revitalizing creams… This took you forever, and any time you decided to skip a few steps, you ended up with acne, awfully dry or blotchy skin, or even more horrendous allergic reactions.
Tonight was going to be pretty long with all of the efforts that went into your behind-the-scenes glow-up.
‘Erase that frown, your makeup will get wrinkles, honey.’
Your frown only deepened as you heard his voice.
The women carrying the inquisition tools for your poor face almost squealed as he stepped closer. Baekhyun and his stupid charms. Even the makeup artists (in their late thirties to mid forties) were on the verge of fainting out of earthly existence whenever he walked by. You could swear he gave them a semi-interested onceover and a slight smile as soon as he stepped closer.
Although you really wanted to say something dirty just to take a swing at him, you stayed collected.
‘Is Kai ready?’ You asked with a scowl. ‘I want this over with. It’s been a long day.’
The day in question was indeed long. This photoshoot began in the morning, and you kept changing outfits and settings. Today's concept was ‘honeymoon’, so you and your partner – the biggest male solo act in your company – did your best to portray a young couple having the time of their lives. And this was supposed to be the final setting. The newlyweds’ bedroom.
After the huge sensation that your pool photoshoot became, your management decided that having you do more sexy and borderline scandalous concepts wasn’t a bad idea. Easy to monetize, anyway. So here you were, waiting to get half-undressed and possibly groped by none other than your sunbae.
Kai debuted only a year before you, and was instantly famous. His dancing skill was incredibly flamboyant, so it wasn’t surprising how quick he was to capture the audiences’ hearts. He was also a well-known heartthrob in the business, although most of the stuff in the media was made up to hype him up. This was a perfect opportunity to promote both of your albums, especially riding the wave from your previous sexy shoot.
‘Did I hear you call out for me, my love?’ Your partner for the day walked into the room bearing all of the grace in the world.
The swoons renewed, and you barely managed to prevent your eyes from rolling backwards.
‘Stop calling me that already.’
‘How can I? We should stay in character to convey the newlywed passion accurately.’
‘If you keep talking like the company staff in the meetings, I’m gonna barf.’
‘That doesn’t sound sexy. Not at all.’ Kai scrunched up his nose before winking at you. ‘But, in sickness and in health, right?’
‘Alright, lovebirds. Finish up your makeup and let’s do this. The sunrise will be over soon and I want to catch you in natural lighting.’
‘Mine is done,’ Kai quipped, climbing on the bed next to you.
‘I certainly hope that mine is too.’
‘We’re almost finished, Y/N-ssi. Just making sure your skin doesn’t look oily in the pictures,’ one of the staff members provided.
You gave her a pointed look before someone seized your face and tilted your head backwards to examine it closely.
‘Looks matte enough to me. Let’s clear the room.’ Baekhyun murmured before repeating louder for the rest of the team.
‘How cute,’ Kai chuckled in your ear while the photographer busied himself with the equipment.
Sighing, you avoided his teasing gaze.
Kai was also a friend. And one of the very few people who knew that you had something going on with Baekhyun. Prior to this shoot, you had asked him to be discreet about it, especially since the whole topic of your relationship with the blond was sensitive. You didn’t want him (or the staff!) to get the wrong idea. So, your sunbae’s occasional ‘meaningful’ looks seriously made you tick.
‘Alright, let’s begin.’ Baekhyun finally closed the door and turned around, eyeing you with precision. ‘Stand in front of the bed, so that she could look up at you. A bit to the left.’
He took a couple of shots, mumbling something in affirmation. You glanced in his direction while he was checking something in his camera.
‘Look at him, not me,’ Baekhyun pressed playfully, and Kai snatched it away from him.
‘Right, look at me only, wifey!’
His fingers touched your face to get your attention, and you heard a few clicks.
The three of you were quick to fall into step, and soon enough you’d moved on to posing on the bed. Play fighting, hugging each other, almost kissing – all with strict instructions from your photographer. This was… exhibitionistic in a way.
Only half an hour into the process, Kai was already shirtless. Baekhyun also ditched the usual hoodie, and you glanced at the plain tee he was wearing underneath. It hugged his chest tightly and made you crave touching it. But you weren’t about to act on this impulse.
‘Show more skin. Ride her dress up a bit and put your palm on her hip. Yes. And keep looking at her like this.’
You nodded to Kai as he gave you a chance to refuse and held onto his shoulders while watching him proceed. The pads of his fingers were cool, so it naturally roused goosebumps all over your thigh. Blinking at the reaction of your skin, you looked away, bashful. But in that, you turned to the other man.
Baekhyun stared at Kai’s hand for a second or two longer than necessary, and then got back to finding the best spot to capture it. The click of the shutter brought you back to reality, and you realized your eyes were on him the entire time.
‘Lie down,’ the photographer commanded, voice laced with gruffness. ‘Kai, stay up on your elbow.’
The whole thing was more uncomfortable than sexy, if anyone asked you. Posing or acting that way wasn’t at all intimate. For all of the people present it was simply their job, and you were enormously thankful that there were only the three of you. Having more spectators would’ve made this so much direr.
Nevertheless, the biggest hardship on your account was your and Baekhyun’s eyes accidentally crossing paths. The way he looked at you gave you chills. His eyes were hollow, dimmed by the scenes he was conjuring up in his mind, no doubt. The shameless desire he had for you made your own pulse pick up. Damn him and his effect on you.
The tension forming between you was almost palpable, and you were getting a bit nervous.
Kai asked something in a hushed voice, and you nodded. As soon as you did, a touch to your inner thigh made you jolt.
‘Sorry. I assumed your nod meant it’s okay,’ he eyed you half-curiously and half-apologetically.
You cleared your throat.
‘Uh- yeah. I’m just- ticklish.’
Baekhyun huffed, and you kept yourself from glaring at him. Yes, you lied. You weren’t ticklish there, you were sensitive. As a person, who used every opportunity to shove his face between your thighs, he knew that very well.
‘No need to actually get under her skirt.’ He stressed, looking at Kai.
‘Jealous much?’ The model murmured back mockingly, and Baekhyun frowned.
‘Why would I be?’
‘Ask your boner.’
As soon as the words left Kai’s mouth, both you and Baekhyun looked at his crotch. It was obvious that something was stirring up, even though he wasn’t visibly tenting. Otherwise, the blond wouldn’t have reacted to the provocation so easily.
Gulping, you tore your eyes from his pants to turn to your ‘husband’ for today. He grinned charmingly at you, caressing your cheek.
‘I hope you’re getting this, Baekhyun-ah,’ he nudged, again, messing with him. ‘Wifey here is living her best moments.’
Addressing Baekhyun so very informally while he was two years older than him was a challenge.
‘As if you know what you’re doing,’ the photographer shot back, tilting his head to the side.
You furrowed your eyebrows, not quite grasping where this childish rivalry came from.
‘And you think you’d do better if you were in my place?’
Kai’s hand stroked the curve of your waist before resting on your hip again.
‘I know I’d do better,’ Baekhyun sneered coldly. ‘I do better whenever I am.’
As he said that, your vision went dark for a split second. You literally thought he was crazy. He had no idea that Kai knew about your… whatever this was between you. And being so explicit about it made you question his motives once again.
What was this even? Marking his territory? You’d been around long enough to understand that this wasn’t his ordinary behavior, and you in no way agreed to being his territory.
‘How about I touch you some more, love?’ Kai teased, leaning in provocatively.
‘How about you do not?’ Baekhyun interrupted.
As you look up at the photographer, you notice the tick in his jaw. He seemed properly frustrated at this point. You realized you’d never seen him this annoyed. He looked… hot, even. Very similar to what he looked like when he was on top of you, excruciatingly close to coming.
The thought made you gulp.
‘Why not? I say we make this concept a reality. Someone’s eager anyways,’ Kai smirked, raising a sassy eyebrow.
Baekhyun returned his gaze, chin defiant.
‘I don’t share.’
You couldn’t explain why, but hearing this curt phrase had you biting down on your lip for a second, to contain a moan from the sudden pulse through your core. This was probably nothing, just men being… well, men. But you decided to wait and see where this would lead you.
‘Alright then. Let’s give the lady of hearts the choice! Whom would you like to leave this room, peaches? I call her peaches, because, I mean, you’ve probably seen that gorgeous ass of hers…’
Kai trailed off, almost making you chuckle. He’d never actually called you that before.
But you’d accepted the fuse and lit it.
Taking a couple seconds to exchange gazes with Kai, you then slowly turned to face Baekhyun. And then you motioned towards the door with your eyes.
His lower lip twitched in a way you couldn’t miss.
‘I see. Guess we’ll be carrying on without you,’ the model singsonged.
Baekhyun’s expression hardened. You knew you were in trouble as soon as he carefully put his camera down and ran his fingers through his blond hair.
‘Get out.’
You knew you were in trouble.
‘She just said-’
‘She’ll change her mind in no time,’ Baekhyun ripped the door open. ‘Out.’
Kai fell silent at the authoritative tone the photographer now acquired. He turned to you and you nodded slightly, agreeing to submit yourself to whatever awaited. You watched him get off the bed and walk out of the room reluctantly before the door was shut and locked behind him.
Baekhyun turned around, and you were met with the darkest expression you’d ever seen on his handsome face. You felt your skin prickle with goosebumps, and your tongue instinctively ran over your lips.
Furiously aroused. That he was.
The photographer walked towards you silently before grabbing you by the hair and dragging you off the bed and onto the floor. Before you knew it, his pants were down, and his dick was deep in your throat. Not that you weren’t ready for that.
‘Fucking slut.’ His voice was low and merciless.
Baekhyun went at it, rough and fast, keeping you on your knees while fucking your face. You looked straight at him despite your eyes watering, and there was no doubt that your makeup was instantly ruined. But you didn’t really protest, letting him use your mouth to ease his frustration.
This was new. Exciting.
You whimpered, and he panted as the pleasurable vibration in your throat made his pelvis stutter. So, you did it again. On purpose, this time. Baekhyun grunted, tugging you away.
‘Enjoying yourself too much, I believe,’ he smirked at you, breaths ragged, and slapped your face with his fully hard cock.
Giving him a sharp look for going as far as to destroying the rest of your makeup, you shifted in your spot.
‘No. You don’t get to give me attitude after acting like a whore.’
He wasn’t gentle when he got you up on the bed again, on all fours. Slapped your ass in the process as well.
‘Is this where you wanted his hand to go?’ He traced your inner thigh before slipping under your panties and smearing your arousal around your entrance. ‘Dripping, aren’t you, little slut?’
He slammed two fingers inside and you yelped. You weren’t ready for such an unceremonious intrusion. Still, without giving you a second to recover, he began fingering you. Because he knew that if you didn’t lean forward, that was because it felt really damn good. His long fingers were quick and harsh, and the pace made you start sobbing in seconds.
It was divine.
But Baekhyun got impatient soon enough and flipped you over on your back. You felt his palms on your thighs as he pulled up your dress and removed your littered panties.
This wasn’t something you did often, and maybe you should’ve been offended by his ways of handling you… On the other hand, you felt so naughty that you were ready to beg him to fuck you.
Fortunately, there was no need to do so. He wasted no more than two seconds getting on top of you before beginning to pound you into the mattress. The sex was fast and angry, and you were surprised that it didn’t hurt. Or maybe you simply couldn’t feel the pain, because of how enthralled you were by this man.
The photographer’s blond hair looked messy, and you got a handful just to spite him. Smirking breathlessly, he threw one of your legs over his shoulder to stretch you out, and went even harder. It was clear that your pussy was nothing but a wet slippery mess that Baekhyun tore through like a feral animal. You whined, arching your back to get the best of his thrusts, while the pleasure in your center was building and spreading like a forest fire. The sensation was subtle in the beginning, yet progressed rapidly to intense throbbing.
His fingers rubbed your swollen lips, almost making you drool, and his hips kept up the brutal pace. The blond’s eyes stared deep into yours, and you simply couldn’t hold his gaze.
‘B-Baekhyun, I’m gonna c-’ Your breath hitched as the wave of your pleasure subsided to start building back up right away. ‘Oh-h my god-’
It usually wasn’t this intense. Once your release was there, it was there. This time… It came and went, and you were dying for him to push you over the edge.
‘Want me to leave the room now?’ Baekhyun gritted vindictively, enjoying your helplessness underneath him.
‘Please-’ Your eyes kept rolling backwards with every abrupt press of Baekhyun’s lips to the blotchy skin of your neck until you couldn’t take it anymore, muttering like a mad woman. ‘I’m coming, I’m coming, oh fuck, I’m… Baek- mph-’
His palm was swift to find your mouth and cover it, sealing your moans just in time.
Shaking violently, you didn’t even notice the moment he let your leg slide off his shoulder to press closer to your vulva with each movement. The rubbing of the sensitive skin, the wetness and squelching, the uncontrollable shaking… You hiccupped, enduring all that while he continued fucking into you until he finished as well.
Your eyes fluttered shut as soon as the last spurt of his cum filled your insides. There was no pulling out this time, and it was exactly how you needed it. You’d never had angry wild sex like this, and finishing it any other way would’ve been a disgrace.
He didn’t pull out for a minute, and you just blinked away the water in your eyes. You weren’t really crying; it was a natural reaction to the intensity of the act.
In fact, your mind was so entirely blank and smoothed out that when Baekhyun suddenly looked you in the eye, it startled you.
‘Date me.’ He repeated his long-standing offer, forcefully this time.
As you opened your mouth to refuse again, you ended up immobilized by both his weight and determined gaze.
‘Why not?’ He pressed, guessing the intended answer.
‘I don’t want to.’
‘Bullshit. Why not, Y/N?’
He slipped out, and you flinched, sitting up as well. The aftershocks of your pleasure still had you on edge, and you had to clear your throat before announcing what your thoughts on the subject were.
‘I don’t want a boyfriend who can’t keep it in his pants.’
Baekhyun clicked his tongue.
‘Interesting. I haven’t had sex once since our last shoot, what, 3 months ago? And you’re telling me I can’t keep my penis in check?’
You rolled your eyes, unappreciative of his ‘heroic’ abstinence duration. He didn’t let it slide.
‘Hey, you may think it’s nothing. But- I’ve never gone longer than a couple of weeks without it. And I haven’t masturbated this much since I first hit puberty,’ he sighed and tongued his cheek, contemplating his next words. ‘I just can’t stop thinking about you, Y/N. And I don’t want anyone else.’
Looking down, you avoided his eyes. His reputation preceded him, and you knew exactly what he was famous for in some circles.
‘Yeah, I did screw around. A lot. But it’s because I chose to. This…’ he motioned between you, ‘is different.’
You scoffed at his words.
‘Spoken like a true fuckboy.’
‘So, you’re gonna hold it against me? What am I guilty of, being young and healthy, being a man? Or never having met anyone I wanted to start something serious with?’
Pursing your lips, you allowed him to continue.
‘I cared about none of those girls, Y/N, and I never told them otherwise. I wasn’t looking for a relationship, only to satisfy my needs. You have no idea how frustrated even a few days of no sex make me. I don’t know, I just have a high sex drive, maybe.’
‘Yeah, I’ve noticed.’ You muttered.
‘I’m serious.’
‘I hear you, Baekhyun,’ you raised your arms, asking him to chill. ‘But I can’t say it doesn’t scare me away. You’re not exactly what they call boyfriend material.’
He exhaled sharply, visibly irritated by your attitude.
‘That’s not fair. I am not going to deny that since the moment I saw you for the first time, all I could think of was getting you naked and underneath me. And maybe for a second, I believed that it was going to solve everything. But it didn’t work,’ he hesitated before clarifying. ‘I never lost my interest in you.’
You scoffed again, this time in offense.
‘So, you just wanted to fuck me to get it out of your system?’
‘Fucking you wasn’t my goal, initially. I- Remember how we met?’
Of course, you remembered. It happened last year at a huge annual gala held by one of the top entertainment broadcasting companies. You ran into each other at the afterparty, conversed, had a good time and genuinely enjoyed each other’s company. At the end of the evening, he insisted on giving you his number…
All in all, it went great, and you even intended to hit him up. Until the next day, when one of your members told you to stay away from him. She said he was trouble and shared that she’d heard plenty of relays of his Casanova adventures on the grapevine. How he liked to mingle with all the pretty young models he conducted photoshoots with, and how managers didn’t let rookies out of their sight whenever they had to work with him. You remembered very well how your high hopes for him had crumbled that day.
‘Yeah, at the gala.’ You answer matter-of-factly. ‘We ran into each other.’
‘The afterparty,’ he nodded. ‘But do not think for a second that we’ve met by accident.’
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
‘I don’t follow.’
‘Y/N…’ He shifted on the bed next to you. ‘I ‘bumped’ into you on purpose. I liked you. And I liked you even more by the end of that night, which seemed mutual. But you never called.’
Swallowing, you looked away.
‘I- Heard things. About you. And I didn’t want to be another notch in your belt for people to talk about.’
‘Yet the next time we saw each other, after your group photoshoot… I didn’t come to your dressing room to fuck you, you know? I wanted to ask you out. Discreetly.’
You sneered.
‘Right. Your platonic means didn’t last, as far as I recall.’
‘You’re the one who was at the door wearing nothing but a robe! Also, you dragged me inside.’
‘I didn’t want anyone to see you! You know gossip travels fast.’ You argued.
That wasn’t a lie, you had many eyes on you at the time. Even now being caught together like this could’ve been problematic. You pulled him into your dressing room without thinking. But as soon as you were left alone… Something came over you. It was impossible to bring to mind who made the first move then, but just a few moments later you were already kissing.
That photoshoot started your little ‘tradition’ of having sex after each one.
‘I was too infatuated with you to stop. And you kicked me out so fast afterwards,’ he continued ranting. ‘I know it’s my fault that I didn’t- But it’s not fair for you to judge me. I liked you for a long time, and you always kept me at an arm’s length. You only ever allow me to get close when we fuck.’
‘That’s not- Uh- Maybe it is true. And I told you why.’
‘Come on, Y/N,’ he ruffled his blond hair up in frustration. ‘I admit that I’m no church oppa. Still, that doesn’t mean that I can’t be a good boyfriend.’
‘Up until you don’t see me for longer than a couple weeks. And that’s bound to happen sooner or later.’
He let out a frustrated huff, getting off the bed, pulling his pants up and beginning to pace the room.
‘You’re driving me crazy. Why are you pushing me away? Do you prefer it the way it is now?’
Looking away from him, you gave a soft answer.
‘Then what? Do you even know how many half-nude photoshoots I had in the span of these 3 months? I didn’t even care. At all. The girls seemed disappointed, but I didn’t care. Because none of them were you.’
‘Maybe you just want me because I keep saying ‘no’ to you.’ You sounded unsure, because you were.
Things were popping into your head now, stuff you’d heard on the idol radio in the past few weeks. Like your members gossiping about the main dancer of another group, who was salty about getting turned down by a photographer on a recent occasion. They discussed in great detail what she’d said, and you remembered a couple facts.
The girl was angry, because they’d had sex before and she knew he didn’t do the same person twice. Her pride was hurt since she was sure she could be the one he overlooked his principle for, and he did not. Another thing (you remembered it since your maknae became flaming red when this was brought up) was that… she couldn’t get him to go down on her even the first time. She was pissed, because, apparently, the guy didn’t like oral. Which, in your mind, was certainly proof that it was a different photographer. Baekhyun was the oral sex guy. He loved putting his mouth to good use, and he (like any man) welcomed a casual blowie, so that couldn’t have been him. Unless?
‘What’s your stance on oral sex? Giving?’
Baekhyun stopped pacing and looked at you in surprise.
‘Just answer the damn question.’ You huffed impatiently, letting your feet down to get off the bed as well.
The slow trickle of his seed caused you to cross your legs.
‘I love it. I could do it all day with you. Why?’
‘And with others?’ You clarified, withholding your disappointment.
‘I’ve never done it with others.’ The earnest tone of his voice stunned you.
Reading the look of disbelief on your face, he shrugged.
‘I told you. Fucking was to blow off some steam and nothing more. With you… it’s not.’
He came closer and took your face in his palms.
‘I’ve always been serious about you, Y/N. And I need you to give me the benefit of the doubt.’
‘You’re asking for a lot.’ You closed your eyes as he pressed his forehead to yours.
‘I know. But I promise I’ll do my best to- not fuck this up. It’s new to me. So- don’t get mad at me, just guide me and tell me what you need. I’m a quick study,’ he took a breath, and you realized you needed one as well. ‘If you want me to shower you with flowers or send you sugary ‘good morning’ messages, just say the word. I don’t know how to be a good boyfriend, but I want to be one for you.’
You looked him in the eye, evaluating his sincerity. And he seemed so overwhelmingly genuine that you couldn’t find it in yourself to push him away this time.
He blinked.
‘Yes. We can… try.’
Baekhyun’s eyes became wide, and he suddenly grabbed you and swirled you around.
‘Sh- no, put me back down!’ You whisper yelled at your… boyfriend?
This was crazy. Your train completely went off the rails.
‘Nicely played!’ The voice behind the door exclaimed.
You both froze, then Baekhyun put you back down, frowning.
That was without a doubt… Kai’s voice.
‘Is he… still here?’ The blond asked out loud.
‘Of course! I couldn’t chill out forever without attracting suspicion. And did you really expect me to not come back to eavesdrop? I’m going back, but Y/N’s manager might be coming up any moment now.’ The voice became more distant by the end of the sentence.
Both of you looked back at the messed up (and cum-stained) bed and the state of your own clothing and makeup.
You swore in unison.
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A/N: Done with part 2, what about part 3? 🤪 Alright, let's get a breather first. Don't be shy to drop an ask and reblog to give your author here some gratification for the nights of no sleep 😊
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
I love your blog it always inspire me to work more on my feminine energy and my appearance 😢
I am kinda not that good looking and I think I’m also a little intimidating or maybe I’m a little serious. And it seems that this appears on my face.. it’s really hard on me because nobody from where I live approach me or even want me as their friend.. “males”.
Although I’m tall, my body is beautiful and I have a long black hair.. I know my face isn’t pretty, and that makes me depressed and down most of the time although I don’t show it and I fake my confidence. I’m really so tired of this and I’m not financially free yet to do any plastic surgeries. What do you advice me to do!!
Thank you so much
Hi love! Thank you for your kind words and support. I'm so glad to hear my blog is a valuable resource to you!
Plastic surgery, Botox, and fillers are not always (rarely, honestly) the answer to facilitating your "glow up." In my opinion, the safer, more subtle, and more natural the treatment, the better. Some things you can do to enhance your natural features to suit your beauty preferences include:
Curate a gold metal-worthy skincare routine
Get your brows professionally shaped (and/or lamented) and tinted
Practice face yoga
Use a face sculpting tool (like a microcurrent facial device or a gua sha – depending on your needs/goals)
Incorporate strawberries into your weekly diet for whiter teeth
Manipulate your face shape with makeup (contouring and highlighting your nose/cheekbones/chin, be mindful of your blush/eyeliner/mascara application, use natural lip plumping agents/cosmetic products)
Ensure you're consuming a healthy diet and getting all your essential nutrients (nothing replicates a healthy glow from within)
P.S.: Male attention is not a worthwhile currency to strive for. Put effort into looking your best for YOU. Sure, it's nice when other people notice your external beauty, but most "male" attention or even "friendship" has deeper motivations than flattery or friendship. Something to keep in mind :)
Hope this helps xx
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patriapplepie · 1 year
Best-Kept Makeup Secrets for a Flawless Look
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Makeup has the incredible power to enhance our features and boost our confidence. While makeup trends constantly evolve, some timeless secrets can help you achieve a flawless look regardless of the era. In this blog, we'll reveal some of the best-kept makeup secrets that can elevate your makeup game to the next level.
Primer is Your Canvas: Before applying any makeup, start with a quality primer. Primer not only helps makeup last longer but also creates a smooth, even surface for flawless application. Choose a primer that suits your skin type and concerns, whether it's pore-minimizing, hydrating, or color-correcting.
Less is More: When it comes to foundation, less is often more. Use a foundation that matches your skin tone and apply it sparingly. Build coverage gradually, focusing on areas that need it most, and blend well for a natural finish.
Invest in Quality Brushes and Tools: High-quality makeup brushes and tools are essential for achieving professional-looking results. They allow for precise application, blending, and contouring. Invest in a good set of brushes and regularly clean them to keep your makeup looking flawless.
Master the Art of Blending: Blending is the key to seamless makeup. Whether it's eyeshadow, blush, or foundation, take your time to blend thoroughly. Use a light hand and circular motions to avoid harsh lines and achieve a soft, diffused look.
Eyes: The Window to Your Soul: Eye makeup can transform your entire look. To make your eyes pop, use neutral shades for everyday looks and experiment with bolder colors for special occasions. Don't forget to curl your lashes and apply mascara for a wide-eyed effect.
Lip Prep is Essential: For luscious lips, exfoliate and moisturize them regularly. Use a lip liner to define your lips and prevent feathering, then choose lip colors that complement your skin tone and outfit. Consider using a lip primer to make your lipstick last longer.
Set Your Makeup: To make your makeup last all day, set it with a setting spray or translucent powder. This step locks in your look and reduces shine. Carry a compact powder for touch-ups throughout the day.
Experiment and Have Fun: Makeup is an art, and there are no strict rules. Don't be afraid to experiment with different looks and techniques. Play with colors, textures, and styles until you find what makes you feel your best.
Skincare is Makeup Prep: Healthy, well-hydrated skin provides the best canvas for makeup. Prioritize skincare to address any concerns like dryness, acne, or fine lines. A good skincare routine can reduce the need for heavy makeup.
Remove Makeup Properly: At the end of the day, removing makeup is just as important as applying it. Use a gentle makeup remover or cleansing oil to dissolve makeup, followed by a cleanser to thoroughly cleanse your skin. Never sleep with makeup on, as it can clog pores and lead to breakouts.
Makeup can be a powerful tool for self-expression and confidence. These makeup secrets, from primer to removal, can help you achieve a flawless look that enhances your natural beauty. Remember, makeup is not about masking flaws but celebrating your unique features. So, embrace the art of makeup and have fun experimenting with different looks!
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neathdarkwcters · 1 month
academic weapon 🗡 day 0
holding myself accountable for sawc by using this day to list some of my tools & planned routines & establishing my emoji code so posts can be quick & easy!
i'll be using my wyze watch to track my sleep as closely as possible and recording it in the app how we feel. i expect to be awake about 6am every morning, so i'd like to be in bed by 9pm.
☀️ wake up by 6am -> make my bed -> have a breakfast (doesn't matter what) ☁️ make sure i have a lunch -> an hour of fitness 🌙 academic reading -> dinner -> fun reading / video game / documentary hour -> tea time at 8 -> pack for the next day -> skincare -> bed by 9 i'm using finch to track some of these habits, namely tea time and fitness. homework can be done at any time between afternoon and evening, especially with my really boring office job. weekends are my cleaning days so as long as homework and chores are done that's a win on routine for me.
deep focus🍅
in addition to an hour of focus deep study, i'm going to also be aiming for is a half hour of mindfulness. sometimes in yoga - sometimes not. i'm going to allow myself body doubling for the study focus as well with my best friend.. samsung modes & routines yet again helping with this one, i'm on do not disturb in class and social apps are blocked if i'm at work. i'm going to make a study mode as well where i can only get emergency messages. i'll also be making note of what study methods i'm using - whether note rewriting or active revision. i have to learn what works best because i've kinddddd of only ever done note rewriting!
daily fitness is already a thing for me but i'm also going to be making sure i'm hitting my calorie goals as i'm a chronic "forgot to eat" person 🥲 i'm using myfitnesspal to track this. also going to be making sure i go to doctor's appointments! using my default calendar and notion reminders. i'm also going to make a point of wearing makeup as much as possible because i have SO MUCH and i want it GONE but not thrown out, you know? having some fun with colours and looking at my face for a couple minutes every morning might do me some good, anyways. also taking my vitamins <3
fanfiction doesn't count for this, though i do want to read all the stuff in my ao3 saves, haha. aiming for at least an hour of fun reading or two of fun listening for audio books. tracking this on finch & using libby/hoopla to find my audio books. tracking my reads & how much i like them on notion.
reflections are going to be in my personal journal, and of course i'll be using the challenge template for a quick daily post.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
The importance of the signs you have in the houses part 3🌌🌊
🛁The sign in 6th house shows how you deal with routine, everyday life. How do you take care of yourself and what is your routine like. Your duties & health.
🦋For example gemini in 6th house -You no doubt have a busy daily life and your wellbeing benefits from this variety. You can be dexterous with gadgetry and curious to know how things work. Your every day is different and you don't like to have just one routine, in fact it is very difficult to keep a routine. The job that would suit them best is definitely the one where they would be their own boss. Libra in 6th house- your day can include many people you love. Diplomacy can be a useful tool in the workplace, helping you to create the harmonious environment you need. Being connected with others and interacting with them is what they’re doing every day, so their personal life is usually brought into the mundane. Your routine can contain a lot of makeup and things.
🌆The Sign in 9th house shows your beliefs, the meaning of life (and where you find it), optimism, travels, wisdom. How you can teach others and what they can learn from you.
For example: Scoprio in 9th house -you might engage deeply with philosophical questions or with further training or study, not content until you have uncovered the last word on the matter in hand. You are true fighter for religion and philosophy, so you don't hesitate to engage in debates on these themes. You are also curious about mysteries. You have a deep view of religion (what you believe in). You are very passionate about travel and experience it with depth of emotion. You can get emotionally attached to places. Leo in 9th house-You prefer to travel in style and your motivation might be to stimulate personal growth. Taking a risk beyond familiar territory strengthens your sense of identity. You are passionate about travel and like to travel to the most popular places. You get along quickly alone and in a crowd. You don't have so much attachment to places, but you usually have energy and inspiration. You like going somewhere or doing something that inspires you.
🪐The sign in 10th house shows your career, hard work, public identity. The relationship you have with your parents and more in the foreground is the relationship with your father and grandfather. Your status and ambitions. So it plays to the notion of growing up, achieving through work, and taking our place in the world.
For example: Sagittarius in 10th house -Many times people see you as an optimistic and positive person. A person who can be a storyteller. The world is a place where you can achieve exponentially, limited only by your own vision. There might be an international or educational dimension to your work. They believe in progress and think it's essential for life, which is supposed to be simple. Scorpio in 10th house- people may see you as a mystical person, mysterious and intense. They're motivated to keep going, no matter what's going on in the professional field for them. You might choose work requiring passion and commitment. Scorpio natives are powerful and determined to become someone. Obsessed to have their dreams made a reality.
💘Sign in 12th house represents the subconscious and your spiritual path. Freedom from worry about the ups and downs oflife. Spiritual and psychic experiences. This house is everything that happens in the background. It also represents an escape from everyday life and emotions. How do you deal with your subconscious and how do you find it. Sign in this house is considered the "unseen realm," and governs all things that exist without physical forms, like dreams, secrets, and emotions. It also represents our psyche and how good our intuition is.
🎸Aries in 12th house -Involvement in charitable works can evoke the fighting spirit in you and you might lead the crusade, bringing initiative and focused energy to it. You can be very passionate about the things you do and you can also have a good attitude towards spirituality. But you can have a hard time finding yourself. Because you want to discover parts of yourself but you are practically unaware of them. You can feel it here even if people don't notice your energy or what you do. Capricorn in 12th house- You can bring structure and purpose to the imaginal world, perhaps through work in an artistic field. Equally you might distrust whatever you cannot see or prove. While you could have unconscious fears that can sometimes limit you, you possess inner discipline and love working from the shadows. They can possess a strong intuition that’s helping them develop psychic abilities when it comes to both personal and professional ambitions.
❄️I made 3 parts for all the houses and if you are interested I can make one of these parts in more detail ❄️
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buradeeznuts · 1 year
Im curious, do you have any headcanons about kirby and susie’s relationship after planet robobot? I feel like they could potentially have an interesting dynamic but i dont have any specific thoughts myself
Although they certainly didn’t get off to the best start, I’d like to think Kirby and Susie are friends in the present.
Kirby, contrary to her initial belief, understands her speech perfectly - certainly a deeply awkward revelation for the poor secretary. Having earned her respect for besting her in combat and her gratitude for stopping Star Dream, Susie treats him like a peer and not an inferior - a Person! A Whole Person! Just Like Her! Wow! He even likes ice cream, taking gadgets apart and playing around with technology; these aliens, she muses, perhaps they’re just like us, really. Or at least this one is.
And Kirby shows her care and kindness in turn, having a tendency to forgive most fairly easily when they show a willingness to do better. She kind of has to learn some things the hard way, though; namely that “you’re not like all those other Popstar folk - you’re a credit to your planet’s people, Pinky.” is Not Really A Compliment, he stresses, a bit beleaguered.
Susie is stranded on this alien backwater planet and lives in one of the sparse remaining mechanized remnants in Patched Plains, in a steel-and-glass ‘cottage’. It’s not the IDEAL arrangement, but she’s comfortably slipping into a pleasant routine and making it feel like a proper home — aqua-and-pink chrome everything, plushies, makeup, a treadmill, a coffee maker, an ice cream machine, plenty of tools and games and gadgets. Plus, it’s a whole lot better than… the last time this happened.
Kirby brings her small gifts and makes sure she’s eating and hydrating right and not overworking herself too much. Her palate isn’t really used to many of the foods on Planet Popstar, being quite rich and highly seasoned, but a sweet tooth like hers does appreciate its desserts. Sometimes Kirby gets to sample whatever flavours she’s been cooking up in her liquid nitrogen ice cream maker (lately, it’s freeze-dried, caramelized volcano banana gelato).
Overall, Kirby’s happy she’s recovering and trying (TRYING) to do better for herself, and Susie’s happy to have a friendly presence in an unfamiliar place. go white girl! go look at my main bitch go! look at my white girl go! go white girl. she’s a little offbeat, but she’s doing it!
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earthyaries · 4 months
(@cursedbyastro) here from my main blog lol
hi! i saw your style readings were avaliable and i really need help curating my own unique style. I love the ones that you have already done so I wanted to get one so. Love your work.
I am a lightskinned African-American female who is willing to dye her hair but I want to grow it out, with 3b/3c type hair and a hourglass figure who is 5'4 in height. I'm comfortable with both masculine and feminine clothing. again thank you
@divinerin came back for an updated style reading & I’m so in love w it 🩶 Tysm for booking w me again , I hope u love this one even more than the last !
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1H - Leo ASC + Leo moon & Jupiter: Gold, (imitation) ivory, + metals. Big, long hair. Highlighted skin; glossy lips. Feminine but not “girly”. Try to obtain both oversized unisex items as well as more femme, figure-flattering pieces to show off ur curves. Muted greens & off-whites. Simple , natural makeup looks for everyday; add a bolder eye or lip when ur wanting to do a lil extra. Wear lashes &/ or eyeliner to make your eyes POP. Classic sundresses & shoulder bags.
2H - Virgo/Libra: The 2H is all about self esteem, so incorporating the 2H into the way we style ourselves will give us more self confidence. You'll feel your best while sticking to an uncomplicated beauty & maintenance regime (ex. monthly mani pedis, a simple but effective skincare routine, hair trims when needed, etc.) as well as when mixing feminine & masculine styles. Virgo appreciates attention to detail + simplicity; for this reason u should try to wear mostly solid colors & monochromatic looks. If that seems too unvaried for you, use texture to make ur outfits more visually interesting! Libra is the masculine sign of Venus, which focuses on beauty, but also in equality. Wearing both feminine & masculine silhouettes + styles, especially if paired together tastefully, will be most flattering on you.
Sun in Capricorn (5H): The sun rules over self expression; we can use our sun signs as a tool for fashion, & doing so will bring forth more confidence, as well as make us feel more in tune w our charts. Your sun is in Capricorn in the 5H; you are greatly concerned w your self expression & the way u present urself in the world. Wear ur sun sign’s colors (cool browns + shades of black & gray) for a boost of self-confidence; in the house of Leo, this also applies to GOLD. Your daily wear should be influenced by + work well w your lifestyle - & once you find what feels the most true to you, stick to it; Capricorn gets better over time.
Venus in Scorpio (4H): Venus rules over personal aesthetics & all things "beauty". Your Venus is in Scorpio, which means you are drawn to the erotic; however, Scorpio ruling things "hidden", you may prefer to cover up at times- especially having Venus in your 4H, the house of comfort. Opt for suggestive & sensual styles, rather than risqué ones. Dark tones + metal accents. Heeled boots & booties. Romantic yet mysterious. N*pple or back dimple piercings 👀
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illiterate-goblins · 4 months
Tips for my transfemme siblings <3
I've been transitioning for the past 4 years and in that time I've picked up a lot of tips and tricks that I didn't see many other people talking about. So, let me pass along a little bit of the wisdom that's helped me pass to the rest of you all. This is going to be a long post, so brace yourself :)
DISCLAIMER: These are things that I have found personal success with. All people are different, and not all advice is going to be perfect for everyone. Also important to note, this advice is coming from a white person who is ABSOLUTELY not makeup expert. I have specifically made notes below where my advice and recommendations may not be the best / most accurate for people of color. With that said, much of the advice should still be applicable to most people - POC or not.
A lot of the transfemme makeup tutorials I found early on were based in drag. I didn't like the sheer amount of products that were being pushed as *necessary* and had heavy looking final results. Over the past few years I've found a more minimal (and affordable) routine that gives passing results. My daily makeup routine only consists of four products: Concealer, Translucent setting power, blush, and eyeliner. Let's go through each of those.
TOOLS - You're going to want to get a set of brushes. You can find affordable sets online or in stores. I got a set of E.L.F. brushes and they've held up excellently the past 4 years. - Don't buy beauty blenders. Beauty blenders aren't going to be the best tool for us because of our skin texture. Skin that grows facial hair is more textures than skin that doesn't. Applying makeup to textured skin with a beauty blender won't look as good for as long. - The rest of the supplies I use will be listed in their respective sections. You really don't need a ton of tools or supplies, especially as a beginner. Stone rollers, face masks, serums, scrubs.... They're nice extras if you can afford them, but they're not essentials
CONCEALER - I use R.E.M. Beauty Sweetener concealer ($24). It comes in a small pot and will require a brush for application. This concealer comes in a wide array of colors (60, to be specific), provides high coverage, and doesn't look cake-y. - Cream concealer has worked better for me compared to liquid concealers. You get more control on the amount you're using and it should last you a good few months. REMEMBER, a little goes a long way! You don't need to lay it on super heavy. - I apply this just over the areas where I have facial hair shadow. Stipple the concealer on freshly shaven skin and blend those edges out until there's no visible edge. - Using a brush is crucial for trans femmes, especially when going over facial hair shadow. As I said above, the skin that grows facial hair is rougher and more textured, using a brush to stipple on the makeup will get it into the pores. - The concealer I've recommended is great because it can be built up in multiple layers if needed. R.E.M. Beauty is also cruelty free and vegan, if those factors are important to you.
SETTING POWER - I use a L'oreal Hydra Perfecte loose setting powder. Unfortunately, this product has been discontinued. - A great affordable / drug store option is E.L.F.'s High Definition Powder. It's only $6, comes in a sheer option for light skin tones and "soft luminescence" for some darker skin tones. - I don't know what kinds of setting powders will work best on dark skin tones. Light setting powders like this can (I think) leave an ashy finish on darker skins. - I prefer using loose powder, but that's mostly because just what I have experience with. They tend to have a more sheer and transparent finish compared to pressed powders. - Tap out a small amount into the lid of your powder and press it into your skin lightly instead of spreading it across your face. - You will want to use a setting powder on top of every layer of liquid or cream makeup. This will set the makeup and prevent it from smudging as easily and mixing with another liquid / cream product. (if you're applying a second layer of concealer, like I mentioned above, powder in between layers). - Setting powder, in addition to keeping makeup from mixing and spreading, gives the skin a matte finish. This will help hide the textured portions of your skin. - If you want a dewy finish you can add a setting spray at the very end. This will give your skin a little bit of shine without drawing attention to your textured sections.
BLUSH - I use Revolution Beauty Blusher Reloaded ($6). This one pan has lasted me four years and has approximately ten years left. (Seriously, I use this almost every day and the pan hardly looks used). - Blush is a very important step because it brings color and warmth back to your face. - There are two main methods I use when I apply blush: Dramatic and Classic - Dramatic: Place blush from cheek to cheer and across the nose. - Classic: Place blush on the apples of you cheeks (the part that rises up when you smile) - If you apply the blush too heavily just go over it with your bare powder brush. This will reduce the color and blend the edges. - I've found that you can get away with a heavier blush if you're going with the dramatic method (hence the name). Classic blush looks best when it's applied fairly subtly. However, it's still possible to go too heavy with the dramatic style.
EYELINER - The ONLY eyeliner I use is the NYX Epic Ink Liner ($10). - There are three main kinds of eyeliner: Pencils, Pots, and Liquids. - Pencils: Like the name suggests, they're basically really really soft pencils. These are great if you want to blend out and get a smokey look, but aren't great for crisp bold lines. - Pots: This style of eyeliner comes in a pot and requires a specific brush to apply. If you buy a set of brushes, you should be set. This kind of eyeliner is more versatile, able to be blended into a smokey eyeliner AND able to give crisp lines. However, I've found that it's got a steeper learning curve. - Liquid: This style is the best way to get clean lines and sharp wings. Liquid liners usually come in a bottle with a nail polish looking brush, which definitely also have a learning curve. But, that's where my favorite eyeliner comes in! - The Epic Ink Liner is essentially a brush pen. With a pencil form factor and an always sharp brush tip, you will get easy to control lines with just a little bit of practice. - This is my everyday method of applying eyeliner: 1) Start in the outer corner of your eye and extend the angle your lower lid makes. (You can make this wing as big as you'd like, but I would suggest beginners start with a relatively smaller wing (1cm or shorter). Repeat on the other eye. 2) Place the tip of the brush at the peak of that line and draw over in a straight line until you hit your lashes. Close your eyes slightly so the crease of your eye doesn't effect this line. Repeat on the other eye. 3) Move to the inner corner of your eye and apply an even line along the rest of the eyelid. Take a moment to soften the transition between this line and the straight line from the previous step. Repeat with the other eye. 4) Fill in any empty spaces - By doing each step on both eyes before moving on to the next step will help your eyeliner to look more symmetrical. Plus, if the angles aren't matching, it's much easier to remove one line rather than an entirely finish eye. - One additional step you can add is extending the line in the inner corner of your eye just a little bit. Follow the curve you made and don't go down too far. - NOTE: This is my method for non hooded eyes. Because hooded eyes are an entirely different shape, I don't know the best method to add eyeliner.
HIGHLIGHTER - I use Colorpop Super Shock Cheek highlighter ($9). As the name suggests, this is a SUPER highlighter. - I don't wear highlighter every day. It's a fun addition, but I don't find it necessary for days I'm just running errands or going grocery shopping. I reserve it for concerts, dates, or any other event where I want to look extra cute. - The main places to add highlighter are the top edge of your cheek bones, the inner corner of your eyes, the outer edge right below your eyebrows, and down the bridge of your nose and onto the tip. - Since this isn't going on any skin that grows facial hair, you don't need to use a brush. I use my ring finger to apply the highlighter, wipe off the excess, then gently blend the edges with my ring finger again - Blending your highlighter doesn't need to be taken that seriously. Just softening the edges is enough 99% of the time. If you think you applied the highlighter too heavily you can take your powder brush and hit those spots and little. Just like with the blush, this should tone down the pop a bit
FOUNDATION - I don't use foundation anymore. I prefer a minimal face of makeup, letting the natural variations in color and imperfections show. However, wanting a smooth and consistent color all over your face is perfectly valid, too <3 - If you are going to use foundation, you will want to apply concealer first. The concealer is going to do the heavy lifting for hiding your facial hair shadow. - When choosing a concealer to put underneath foundation, many people will say to pick a color that's a shade lighter than your skin. That advice is aimed towards people who primarily conceal their under eye bags, and the lighter color helps the eyes look more awake. If you're getting just one concealer, pick the closest match to your skin tone. - I highly recommend choosing a powder foundation. Powder products, as I said before, give the face a matte finish that hides the textured skin better. Unfortunately, powder foundations are less common and typically more expensive ($30+) - If you already have liquid foundation and don't want to waste it, apply it like you did with the concealer: take a small amount and dab it into the skin with a brush. - The order I would apply this makeup in is: Concealer -> Setting Powder -> Powder Foundation // Concealer -> Setting Powder -> Liquid / Cream Foundation -> Setting Powder. Not everyone agrees on which should come first, concealer or foundation, but I found that concealer first looked better, especially with powder foundations.
COLOR CORRECTOR - You might notice that no matter how high coverage your concealer or foundation are, there's still some noticeable discoloration over your facial hair shadow. This is down to color theory: your shadow is producing a different undertone than non shadowed skin. To cancel that out you need to cover it with its complementary color. There are generally 3 different tones that shadow comes in. - Brown tones: typically found in light to medium tan skin tones. This is covered by pink and salmon tones. The deeper your skin tone, the darker you'll want to go. - Blue/green tones: Typically found in olive skin tones. This is covered by peach and orange tones. Again, the deeper your skin tone, the darker you'll want to go. - Blue/grey tones: Typically found on dark skin tones. This is covered by orange tones. Medium dark skin will want a lighter orange, darker tones will want a more true orange. - DO NOT APPLY COLOR CORRECTOR HEAVILY!!! The heavier you apply the color corrector the more concealer / foundation you'll have to apply to cover it up. You only need the smallest amount to counteract the undertones that will show through your concealer / foundation. - Color corrector is also used to hide other skin tone variations like under eye bags or acne. Under eye bags are usually blue, so use a peachy CC on them. Acne is canceled out by green. - I have seen so many tutorials that recommend using lipstick as your color corrector. Don't do this. Lipstick is generally going to be more oily and prone to melting / smudging. Specially formulated color correctors will stay put much better.
MISC. OTHER PRODUCTS - Primers - A primer can be a good addition to your routine, but they're not strictly necessary for everyone. Primers can be used to give your full face of makeup a better initial layer to stick to, and there are some designed to fill in your pores (something you may want if your shadowed areas are more textured than you'd like after after concealer (and foundation if you use it). I'd say skip it on your first trip to the makeup aisle, but pick it up later on if you'd like. - Eye shadow - Eye shadow can be really fun! It adds extra color to your face and can really accentuate your eye color. It can be a fun addition to tie in with accent colors in your outfit. I just personally don't like the time and effort needed to get good looking eye shadow most days. And, because I don't do it much, I'm not that great with it. Luckily, it is absolutely not needed for an every day look. - Lipstick - I'm an anxious lip biter, so lipsticks don't always last very long on me. I do, however, LOVE one specific lipstick: Maybelline's Super Stay Matte Liquid Lipstick ($11). Once this bad boy dries you're going to have that color on all day. I like the look of matte lipsticks, but if you want a glossy finish you can add a lip gloss once it dries. This liquid lipstick is pretty east to apply, just try to keep a steady hand and work your way to the outer edges of your lips. Letting it air dry will take a little longer, but ends up looking better removing the excess with a napkin (no paper bits will get stuck to your lips). Just be prepared to scrub this off your lips at the end of the day. -NOTE: I don't like recommending people buy from Maybelline since they aren't cruelty free. This is the only product of theirs that I haven't been able to find a suitable alternative that works even a fraction as well. Luckily, one tube of lipstick lasts a long time, and since it stays on so well you won't have to be reapplying multiple times a day -Contour - Contour can be your friend, or it can be your worst enemy. This is one of the more difficult products to apply if you're going for a natural look. Most times that I've personally tried contouring it ends up way too dark. Subtlety is your best friend with contour. I would also suggest sticking to a powder contour pallet to start, liquid contours are much tougher.
SKIN CARE -Okay I am the WORST person to talk about skin care, I neglect doing it so often. With that said... - Don't buy in to beauty youtubers and their 12 step skincare routines. They're super expensive, have so many overlapping products, and I have never met a single person who has the time or commitment to stick to that intense of a routine daily. - Bare minimum: Get makeup remover wipes and take your makeup off every night. Since we are specifically trying to fill our pores we NEED to make sure we take the makeup off. Clogged pores lead to acne outbreaks and ingrown hairs. Eye makeup, if left on, can lead to developing styes, which are painful, annoying, and can grow into a serious issue if not dealt with. Cheap walmart branded wipes will do the job, but they aren't the best. I really like Neutrogena's makeup remover wipes ($5). - If you do develop a stye you'll want to give it a hot compress once or twice a day. Soak a towel or wash cloth, wring it mostly out, pop it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds, and apply to the affected eye. This is opening that pore and letting it breathe. After a few days - a week it should be fixed. DO NOT TRY TO POP A STYE!!!! Styes are clogged pored that have developed an infection, if the puss from the infection gets out it can cause more styes. - If you want a better routine than just makeup wipes, here's my 3 step process (that I don't do nearly as often as I should): Simple Foaming Cleanser (now discontinued :( ) to remove your makeup -> CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser ($15) to clean your face once the makeup is off -> Simple Replenishing Rich Moisturizer ($7) to keep the skin hydrated and soft. There is a bit of overlap here, and if you're on a tight budget I would just go for the CeraVe cleanser. - If you're a lazy bitch like I am, just use makeup wipes at the end of the day and keep your face wash in the shower and do that whenever you shower.
Shaving -If you want the closest possible shave or all day smoothness, you won't find a better answer than a 5 blade razor (or a straight razor but those have a steeper learning curve). DON'T DRY SHAVE WITH THIS KIND OF RAZOR!!! You've got to have something lubricating the skin or else you're going to end up with razor burn and irritated skin. Putting makeup on top of razor burn hurts and isn't good for the healing process - I don't like the time and hassle that a standard razor requires, so I shave every day with the Philips One Blade (~$40). This gives an incredibly smooth shave that lasts almost all day (at least with the rate my facial hair grows). The head replacements are a bit on the pricey side (a 3 pack is usually on sale for ~$30), but one head will last you around 3 months. The face will wear down and show an image when it's time to replace it, but I find you can typically get a good shave out of it for a while after. - They make a variant of the razor with a stronger motor that's designed for body hair, but I've have great results with the standard one. If you have thicker / coarser body hair the upgraded motor model might be the one you want to go for (it should work perfectly fine on facial hair, too). - They have also recently released special heads for "intimate" areas but that's another thing I think you can probably pass on. I just snap on the #1 guard and shave my pubic area down. It's not a perfectly smooth shave (and I don't recommend using the bare razor head on your pubic region unless you're EXTREMELY careful and/or don't mind the occasional small cut), but I find that it's more than good enough for me. That length actually bypasses the itchy phase of your pubes growing back in after a day or two (for me, at least)). And... I think that's everything! Those are all the makeup and beauty related products and processes that I can think of. Again, I'd like to reiterate that this is all stuff that has worked for me specifically, and it's information I ended up learning the hard way. I spent several months walking around with orange tinted skin so you don't have to. If you have any questions about anything please feel free to ask in the replies or you can DM me. And, if you have any extra tips that I didn't mention, or if you have tips for darker skin tones / hooded eyes / other non-white features, please add them! Our POC siblings deserve love and support too!
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ns1989520 · 1 month
The Best-Kept Celebrity Beauty Secrets for Ageless Skin
When it comes to flawless, ageless skin, celebrities often seem to have the magic touch. Their glowing complexions and youthful looks make many of us wonder what their secret is. The truth is, while genetics play a role, many celebrities rely on certain beauty practices to keep their skin looking youthful and radiant. In this article, we’ll unveil some of the best-kept celebrity beauty secrets for ageless skin, and you’ll see that with the right approach, you too can achieve a glowing complexion.
1. Consistent Skincare Routine
One of the most common celebrity beauty secrets is maintaining a consistent skincare routine. Celebrities know that taking care of their skin daily is key to keeping it in top shape. This routine typically includes cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and applying sunscreen.
Cleansing: It’s crucial to cleanse the skin every morning and night to remove dirt, oil, and makeup. This helps prevent clogged pores and breakouts.
Toning: Toning helps balance the skin’s pH levels and preps it for the next steps in the routine.
Moisturizing: Moisturizing keeps the skin hydrated and prevents it from becoming dry and flaky.
Sunscreen: Sunscreen is non-negotiable. Many celebrities credit their youthful skin to daily sunscreen use, which protects against harmful UV rays that cause premature aging.
2. Hydration Is Key
Celebrities often emphasize the importance of staying hydrated, both inside and out. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day keeps the skin plump and radiant. Many stars also use hydrating face masks or serums with ingredients like hyaluronic acid to lock in moisture and give their skin a dewy glow.
3. Facial Massages
Facial massages are another celebrity beauty secret that helps keep the skin looking youthful. Massaging the face stimulates blood circulation, which can enhance the skin's natural glow. It also helps to relax facial muscles, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Celebrities like Meghan Markle have shared their love for facial massages, often using tools like jade rollers or gua sha stones. These tools help to depuff the face, lift the skin, and improve lymphatic drainage, resulting in a more sculpted and youthful appearance.
4. Using Natural Oils
Many celebrities swear by natural oils to keep their skin smooth and hydrated. Oils like coconut, rosehip, and argan oil are popular choices. These oils are packed with essential fatty acids and antioxidants that nourish the skin and help maintain its elasticity.
For example, Miranda Kerr is a fan of rosehip oil, which is known for its anti-aging properties. This oil is rich in vitamins A and C, which help to brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of scars and fine lines.
5. Exfoliation
Regular exfoliation is another key to achieving ageless skin. Celebrities often use gentle exfoliants to remove dead skin cells and reveal fresh, glowing skin. Exfoliating also helps to improve the effectiveness of other skincare products by allowing them to penetrate deeper into the skin.
Celebrities like Jennifer Aniston have mentioned using gentle exfoliants, such as those with lactic acid or fruit enzymes, to keep their skin smooth and radiant without causing irritation.
6. Healthy Diet
A healthy diet plays a significant role in maintaining youthful skin. Many celebrities follow a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. These foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help to protect the skin from damage and promote a healthy complexion.
For example, leafy greens like spinach and kale are full of vitamins C and E, which are essential for skin health. Berries, nuts, and fatty fish like salmon are also great for keeping the skin looking youthful and radiant.
7. Adequate Sleep
Getting enough sleep is crucial for maintaining ageless skin, and many celebrities make it a priority. During sleep, the skin repairs itself, and new cells are formed. Lack of sleep can lead to dull, tired-looking skin and the appearance of dark circles and puffiness.
Celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow emphasize the importance of getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night to keep the skin looking fresh and rejuvenated.
8. Professional Treatments
While many celebrities rely on at-home skincare routines, they also turn to professional treatments to maintain their ageless beauty. Treatments like facials, chemical peels, and laser therapy can help to improve the texture and tone of the skin, reduce fine lines, and address any specific concerns.
For instance, many celebrities opt for regular facials that include microdermabrasion or oxygen therapy to keep their skin smooth and glowing. These treatments help to exfoliate the skin, boost collagen production, and improve overall skin health.
9. Stress Management
Stress can take a toll on the skin, leading to breakouts, dullness, and premature aging. Many celebrities practice stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to keep their minds and bodies in balance. By managing stress, they can maintain clear, glowing skin and prevent the signs of aging.
10. Positive Mindset
Finally, a positive mindset is an underrated but powerful beauty secret. Celebrities often talk about the importance of self-love and confidence in their beauty routines. When you feel good about yourself, it shows in your skin. Smiling, staying positive, and embracing your natural beauty are all part of the secret to ageless skin.
Achieving ageless skin doesn’t require a miracle; it’s all about adopting the right habits and sticking to them. By following these celebrity beauty secrets, you can maintain a youthful, glowing complexion for years to come. Remember, consistency is key, and taking care of your skin from the inside out will lead to lasting results.
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georgiapeach30513 · 10 months
Omg, dear Jen, I saw that someone asked about make up tips, can you give us more make up tips please?
For example, how to prevent your concealer from looking brittle in the dark circles area,how to make eyeshadow last longer,how to make the highlighter stay in place, the best tip to make lips look juicy and not so matte, and more please 🥺💘
MAKEUP!!! I love me some makeup and teaching.
Brittle looking concealer. It almost sounds as if you’re not using a concealer that works for you. Elizabeth Arden Flawless Finish Skincaring Concealer is amazing. Their biggest flaw is the color selection. Don’t get me started. Pat McGrath Labs has a great concealer as well. Don’t overdo the concealer. Adding too much could make it dry wonky. After you put the concealer on, let it sit on your skin and get a bit thicker, it’ll cover better. The best tools for concealer is a damp beauty sponge or just your fingers. Also, MAC Fix+ is one of my favorite makeup products, I use it throughout my routine.
Eyeshadow lasting longer. Do you use an eyeshadow primer? My favorite is the MAC 24 Hour Eye Base, but the Milani one is actually really good as well. If you have a lot of veining in your eyes, you may like the MAC Paint Pots instead.
Highlighter stay in place. So I do two different things with my highlighter, depending on what I’m in the mood for. When I want a more naturally glowy look I start off with one of the Hourglass Ambient Light Powders, any of them are great, but Luminous Light is a favorite of mine. I put that on the apples of my cheeks, cheeks, and even above my brows. I’ll put it on my nose and above my cupids bow. Then spray your face with MAC Fix+ and add a more beaming highlighter. MAC Silver Dusk is something I LOVE! That product randomly gets “discontinued” and they bring it back, but one pot will last forever! Another thing that I do is I will put a cream highlighter base. I’m very pissed off at MAC for discontinuing the cream color bases, and Becca for going out of business 😤 but any cream will work. And then you put your favorite powder on top. Now if you really need to glow (keep in mind this works before for a look that keeps your hair out of your face because it stays tacky) but the Makeup by Mario Master Secret Glow Highlighter. It’s just a creamy product, and you can do a glossy eye look or just put it on your cheek bones. No shimmer, just a glow.
Juicy lips. I always start a lip of the day with the MAC lip primer, y’all I’m an OG MAC artist, so yes I use a lot of MAC. But start with that and a lip liner. MAC are my favorite, but Makeup by Mario, Pat McGrath, and Scott Barnes makes amazing pencils. Line your lips, and I always fill in the the outside of your lips a bit, and take your finger and blend it into your lips. For juicy lips you can’t get any better than the Dior lip oils OR MAC LipGlass. Why MAC discontinued their DazzleGlasses, I’ll never understand. But LipGlass is fantastic! Oyster Girl and C Thru are two of my favorites. Afterwards I ALWAYS finish with MAC Stone lip liner to over line a bit and create shadow on your lips. It makes you look even more poutier.
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silverjetsystm · 2 months
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⤷ bold those that apply to your muse. italicise for sometimes.
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𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓 : desire for connection, pursuit of pleasure, emotional intelligence, obsessive, lovesick, one-night stand, seductive encounter, flirtatious conversation, erotic party, seductive attire [if you like a man in a suit?], revealing clothing, passionate gaze, provocative makeup, sensual expressions, suggestive gestures, flirtatious smiles, lingerie, love letters, perfumes [well. cologne], provocative behaviour, love poems, erotic art
𝐆𝐋𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐘: indulgence in experiences, savouring moments, 'hospitality', 'generosity', hedonism, culinary expertise, wine tasting, excessive snacking, overloaded plates, excessive portions, bloated stomachs, messy eating, greasy fingers, full tables, indulgent spreads, overflowing cups, satisfied expressions, wine bottles, can't get enough, fast food wrappers
𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐘: motivation, competitive spirit, strategic planning, observational skills, bitter, rivalry contest, envious gossip, resentment-filled argument, social media jealousy, furrowed brows, clenched jaws, side-eye looks, pursed lips, tense posture, whispering behind backs, crossed arms, gossip magazines, keeping up with the Joneses, the grass is always greener, feeling inadequate
𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃: resourcefulness, entrepreneurial spirit, negotiation, materialistic, aggressive investment, lavish spending spree, resource hoarding, get-rich-quick scheme, auction bidding war, property acquisition, piles of money, overflowing wallets, luxury items, locked safes, penny-pinching, rare collectibles, selfishness, unwillingness to share
𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐇: calmness, stress management, nonchalance, relaxation techniques, lethargic, apathetic, inactive, lazy weekend, binge-watching marathon, neglected chores, skipped workout, long nap, lounging on the couch, missed deadline, unkempt appearance, messy hair, pyjamas, blankets, slippers, procrastination station, self-care routines
𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄: confidence, self-assurance, self-respect, dignity, public speaking, self-promotion, arrogant, conceited, egotistical, self-important, vain, boastful speech, puffed chest, raised chin, smug smiles, spotlight, tooting your own horn, showing off, refusing to admit mistakes, feeling entitled, personal branding, leadership development
𝐖𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐇: assertiveness, decisiveness, strength, intensity, boundary setting, courage, indignant, heated argument, road rage incident, physical altercation, angry outburst, clenched fists, glaring eyes, tense muscles, raised voices, reddened faces, aggressive gestures, stormy demeanour, intense frowns, destructive actions, broken objects, punching bag, out for blood, fists, simmering anger
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tagged by @revenantinflames
More on why Grant's money is important and meaningful beyond "he's rich. rich makes the plot easier. MK gets nice tools" here.
He's also the one with the best business acumen. Marc has to get outside help if Grant isn't fronting.
Grant's wrath is icy cold.
"The next costumed idiot [MK] sends here will bring a message: that there's a price on your head. You know the kind of people in the Myrmidon, Zodiac. People like you. How much do you think I'd have to offer? Ten thousand? Five? I'll bet Deadzone would do you for less than four figures" (MK 2021 #25, MacKay).
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