#making a new pinned post. i think i figured out how to schedule things out with this blog irl and work so! peace signs
swanimagines · 2 years
hii i think this is where i make requests i have no idea how but
i was wondering if you could do another kaz x little sister but it’s really angsty
like kaz and y/n did everything together, they went through the barge together and kaz ended up abandoning her and basically leaving her for dead. but years later when he has the crows and stuff kaz and jesper are walking through ketterdam and she’s going around asking people if they know where kaz is. she runs into them and start asking like “do you know kaz reitveld” or something like that and kaz is just really surprised and they end up taking her back to the slat and she stays there for a while and kaz doesn’t tell her they’re related. but she ends up finding out and they getting into a huge fight and she says something like “as far as i’m concerned both my brothers died in that barge” and storms out
FREDDY EVENT, send in requests for any of Freddy Carter's characters (NOT the man himself (= no Freddy Carter (the real person) x readers), only his characters)!! The event means that requests I get for his characters during it's on are my top priority but I might sprinkle in other requests too. The event will be on for an indefinite time, if you're unsure, see if the event post is pinned. If it is, then it's still on. (Other requests are open too, but their schedule is unknown, I'm planning to slowly start filling them too asap though as I feel slightly better)
Warnings: mentions of death
A/N: Hahaa two up in less than 12 hours!
This is more from Kaz's POV so I felt like third person POV would work the best in this. So it's written like "Y/N did this and that" instead of "you did this and that". Also spoilers for Crooked Kingdom, but the ending hasn't happened, nobody has died, nobody has left anywhere etc.
Word count: 2.8k
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There were a lot of things people didn't know about Kaz Brekker, and one of them was a secret he had tried to bury with Jordie and Kaz Rietveld.
Kaz Rietveld had had a little sister, Y/N. When Kaz Brekker's past self drowned, Y/N was left alone in the world. Y/N had kicked herself to the shore as well, and they had tried to survive together, but the person who he had become after the Barge scared her. He was thirsty for revenge, and after figuring out who Jakob Hertzoon actually was, he wanted to join a gang, where Y/N wanted to move to the countryside and give up with paying back to Pekka Rollins. Kaz had called his sister weak, selfish, and naive—and walked away from her, made her lost him into the crowd. She was screaming, crying after him, but Kaz had just continued walking, shutting her cries from his mind. He couldn't have a weak sister with him if he wanted to pursue revenge.
That evening, Kaz regretted what he had done and tried to find Y/N, but she was nowhere to be found. Then it started to look like maybe she'd been robbed, killed and drowned in the Barge too... there were rumors about an unidentified girl being found by the shore. Kaz swallowed the news without a single tear, deciding he shouldn't dwell in them, but he'd have revenge for Y/N and Jordie. That thought fueled his will to push forward, and the next day, he went to Per Haskell and asked if he had the need for another soldier.
Seven years had passed from that moment, and Kaz was an adult now. He had gotten revenge on Pekka Rollins, he was the leader of the Dregs and was known as a legend around the city, a feared legend, but the King of the Barrel nonetheless, sitting on a pile of kruge, knowing nobody would dare cross him unless they were idiots.
He had even gotten friends. He didn't call them his friends, but deep down he knew he cared about them more than he cared about other people. He had even fallen in love with his Wraith, Inej, and Jesper had grown as close to him as Jordie had been. He might not want to admit it, but he needed people in his life. Even if you liked having no ties, things got messy when your heart gave a damn.
Today, Kaz and Jesper were down at the market, every shopkeeper ready to serve Dirtyhands if he needed anything.
Jesper sighed, eyeing the line of homemade food stands. "I didn't eat breakfast this morning, all this food makes me hungry."
"Then get something to go," said Kaz.
"As if I had any money."
Kaz groaned and reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a few coins. He pushed them into his friend's hand. "Go buy some food, for fuck's sake."
Jesper grinned. "It's nice to be appreciated."
Kaz rolled his eyes, waiting for Jesper as he strolled to one of the stalls, picking up hot buns stuffed with fried chicken and slathered in spicy sauce. He came back, munching it away happily and Kaz sighed, continuing to walk forward.
They didn't walk for long before they were stopped by a girl, around the age of what Y/N would have been now - which was what, sixteen? Kaz swallowed at the sight of her, actually she looked just like Y/N would have looked like.
She looked at the two men, fiddling with her fingers for a moment. "Um, excuse me, but do you know anyone called Kaz Rietveld?" she asked, looking between them hopefully.
Kaz's eyes widened slightly, and he felt Jesper giving him a side glance. His heart began beating faster, water splashing at his feet, but he collected himself enough to answer to her. 
"He was part of my gang once. But he's dead now." he replied, careful to keep his voice low.
Y/N's eyes widened. "What? When... what happened?" she asked, and Kaz felt Jesper frowning at him. He ignored the look, focusing on Y/N. He knew he'd never get forgiven if Y/N ever found out about the truth, so it was better to pretend he didn't know her.
"I don't really remember," said Kaz, shrugging. "A few years ago. He went off after someone. The person he wanted revenge on." He saw her shoulders fall in disappointment, and a twinge of guilt twisted inside his gut. 
"Pekka Rollins," she mumbled. "He killed Kaz, then?"
Kaz didn't answer anything, just looked down and gripped his cane tighter. He was afraid that if he let Y/N see his face properly, she'd recognize him, and he'd have to face her anger, his regret, and this wasn't the day to have a heart-to-heart with her.
Y/N nodded, probably taking Kaz's silence as a confirmation. She dropped her gaze, and Kaz knew she was trying to keep tears in, she had probably learned that showing a weakness in Ketterdam was making you a target.
Jesper looked between Kaz and Y/N, and blurted out, "A young girl who's alone like you isn't safe here at the streets."
Kaz frowned as he turned to look at Jesper, and Y/N blinked at him.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"I'm just... it's dangerous to be here alone. It's a wonder you haven't gotten robbed yet, or worse. Maybe we should take you somewhere else—"
Y/N cut him off. "I can handle myself."
"I'm not trying to lure you into some kind of trap," said Jesper. "But you don't know where you're going, what could happen to you. Barrel is full of con men, and since you're clearly distraught about the news you just got of your brother, you could need an escort to get out. See, this is Ka—"
"Dirtyhands," Kaz corrected Jesper with a glare, and he shut up with a confused frown. "I'm called Dirtyhands. Only my gang can call me by my real name."'
Y/N frowned at the words. "Dirtyhands? But... I thought that Dirtyhands is... uh..."
"A feared king of Ketterdam, with claws and sharp teeth?" Jesper supplied. "Yeah, that's him."
Y/N took a step back, suddenly her whole body trembling. Kaz swallowed again, he didn't like seeing his own sister being so afraid of him. Jesper seemed to realise that he said something wrong and shook his head.
"No no, don't be scared. He won't do anything unless you're his enemy."
"Everyone who's not a Dreg is my enemy, Jesper." Kaz grunted, but then sighed. "But I think this... girl won't pose a threat to me." 
The last thing Kaz wanted was for Y/N to be frightened of him.
The sky tore open suddenly, sending a downpour on the market, and all the stalls began closing. Y/N looked between the two of them, worried, and Jesper reached shed off his coat as a gentleman he was, laying it on Y/N's shoulders.
"We have to take her to the Slat, you know?" he told Kaz. "I can't have her standing around in this rain."
Kaz grimaced briefly at the thought of Y/N possibly finding out about who he really was, but he didn't want to leave his sister again either. So he nodded at Jesper and the three of them went to have shelter at the Slat.
The rain had started coming down harder, and they walked quicker, trying to get away before they would be soaked through. They made it to the Slat, people looking over at them, frowning at an unknown girl wrapped in Jesper's coat, snuggled up beside him. It wasn't common to bring non-members to the Slat, let alone someone who nervously looked around and shuffled her feet, making it obvious she didn't belong there. Too naive for a place like this.
Nina approached the three of them, but before she could ask anything, Kaz nodded towards Y/N. "Nina, show this girl a room she can stay in."
"I'm fine, no need to do that," said Y/N, sounding stubborn. "I'm not staying here."
Kaz scoffed. "Yes, you are. You're a young girl, alone in the most dangerous territory in the whole country. I won't let you go out there alone anymore."
Y/N didn't argue anymore after that, probably knowing it's true what Kaz said. Nina frowned at Kaz's words, it was obvious he cared greatly about this unknown girl for some reason, but the look he laid on her made her not question it in front of everyone. She led Y/N upstairs and into a room that had been empty for a couple of months, after a Dreg living there had died in a shooting. Y/N nodded at Nina, and the door closed behind her. Kaz turned his eyes away from them then, slowly starting to make his way to the attic. He felt Nina's eyes on him and knew she wanted to pry and snoop, but she probably heard his heart and knew that now was not the time.
Kaz was unable to work properly that night, so instead he spent it pacing around his room. His leg hurt more than usual, and his head was swirling with memories - mostly about the day he abandoned her. Her cries and pleads echoed in his head.
Come back! Kaz, please, come back! Don't leave me here!
He shook his head, forcing the memory to subside.
What Y/N had done after she couldn't find Kaz? She had probably left the city, but where would she have gone? Had she found a family from the countryside? Was she angry at him? Angry at herself?
He slumped on his armchair after a while, his thoughts continuing to race. What did Y/N think of him? Did she hate him for abandoning her like that? Why would she try to find him if she hated him?
The night went by while he was deep in his thoughts, and finally falling to sleep on his armchair, after staring into the dimming embers of his fireplace. His dreams were restless, full of flashbacks and memories he thought he had forgotten.
So when he woke up at the morning, it felt like a relief. But it also meant that he had to see Y/N again, he had to keep pretending, and he had to find out ways how to keep his real identity as a secret. Y/N hearing someone calling him by name would be the first stop, but surely there were multiple Kazs in Kerch, not just him. She should know that too.
He ran his hand through his hair and took in a deep breath, standing up from his chair and making his way downstairs to have breakfast.
A few weeks had passed, and Y/N was still staying at the Slat. She admitted she liked the place, she hadn't had a proper bed or food in years - she had been living as a maid and resided in a tiny cellar of a merchant she had been working for. Her bed had been some hay and a rag as her pillow, until she had finally made her way out and bought a ride back to Ketterdam in order to find his brother. She told about Kaz, what had happened before they separated. She told about losing his other brother to the Queen's Plague, and that Kaz had begun to turn out as a completely different person who he had been before they had fought their way back to the shore together. Kaz didn't dare ask, but Nina did it for him.
"Are you still angry at him?" Nina asked.
"No," said Y/N. "But I don't understand why he left me."
Kaz frowned at the words, wondering if he should tell her the truth. He knew she wouldn't believe it, and he wasn't sure he could even bring himself to say those words to her.
Nina kept talking though, probably trying to help ease the pain Y/N felt. "Maybe he felt like he had no choice? Maybe he felt like leaving you would protect you from things he was planning to do? He never talked about having a sister, but I sensed something is pressing on him."
Y/N nodded slowly, biting her lip as tears began streaming down her face.
Kaz sighed, shifting uncomfortably. He fully knew what Nina was doing, she was trying to encourage Kaz to come forward to his sister and explain. And while Kaz reluctantly appreciated the gesture, it was clear that his guilt over leaving Y/N was more than enough of a reason to keep his secret.
But fate had other plans for him, and after a few days from that, the truth came out.
Y/N had been sad since the morning, and Kaz knew why - it was the anniversary of Jordie's death. It was a hard day for him too, even though he had learned to mask it. He sat down with Y/N at the table, looking at her thoughtfully stirring the soup with her spoon.
"You're sad today," he said simply, and she gave a nod.
"It's my brother's death anniversary, the one who died from The Queen’s Plague," she replied. "It still feels so fresh on these days..."
Kaz nodded, gripping his cane at the memory. But he couldn't help but smirk as he thought of the panic and grief he put Pekka through when he got his revenge. And the words were out before he could stop them. "Pekka paid dearly for what he did to Jordie and Kaz."
Y/N stopped stirring the soup, and slowly looked up. "Wait… h-how do you know Jordie's name?"
Kaz's eyes widened as he remembered that Y/N had never mentioned Jordie by name. She had always talked about her “brothers”, she hadn’t mentioned Kaz by name either after learning he has died. He could have corrected it by claiming Kaz had mentioned Jordie's name once or twice, but her eyes already started to wander around his face, first time looking at him properly and not just glancing at him sometimes as he rarely talked with her - her own eyes widening after a moment, and she let go of her spoon, it clattering against the bowl. Her mouth dropped open as she looked at him. "You... you're..."
Kaz tensed, quickly standing up and making his way up the stairs, but he heard Y/N quickly following him. When he reached his room, he tried to slam the door shut behind him, but Y/N was quicker, catching the door and pushing it back wide open, marching towards Kaz and giving him a harsh push.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" she yelled.
Kaz grimaced, breathing heavily. He wasn't sure how to answer that question, not without admitting what really happened. So instead, he said the first thing that popped into his head. "You didn't ask."
"That doesn't matter! You owe it to Jordie, to me, after you abandoned me there and basically left me to die because of your own selfish, greed-driven reasons!"
"What did you expect to find?! A loving brother to embrace you, who would take care of you?" Kaz snapped. "Kaz Rietveld is dead, Y/N! You should know that after seeing what I do!"
Y/N huffed and her hands clenched into fists. "But I'm not dead! I needed to have my brother, do you have any idea how scared I was after you left me there?! I was just nine years old, and you left me to be potentially kidnapped by slavers and being sold to a pleasure house, or raped, or murdered, or all of those, because you didn't give a damn about me!" Her eyes began to tear up, but she wiped them angrily. "And all this time, I hoped you would have even tried to look for me, and if you found out where I am, then you'd come to save me from it. And you never came back for me, and when I found you, you still chose to lie! Do you even understand the damage that has been caused by you?! I was ready to forgive..." Her voice died away with a sob.
Kaz's breath hitched at the anger in Y/N's voice, and his knuckles cracked as he squeezed his cane. He spoke through gritted teeth. "I didn't lie. Your brother is dead. He isn't coming back. No matter how much you wail and beg, he's there at the bottom of the Barge with Jordie."
Y/N fell silent on that, and they stared at each other for a long while. Then Y/N sniffled, and raised her chin up. "You know what? You're right. Both of my brothers died in that Barge as far as I'm concerned."
Then, she turned around, slamming the door behind her and Kaz heard her going back to her room, slamming the door there too. Kaz knew she had begun to sob the moment she was alone, probably throwing herself on the bed and crying herself to sleep. Kaz closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in and made his way to his desk.
He had work to do, and even his sister from his past couldn't distract him.
Tags: @scandalous-chaos @brekkers-desigirl @bb-skyrunner @ellora-brekker @animalistic0 @voidranboo // send in an ask to be added, and specify which of Freddy's characters do you want to be tagged on! (This taglist is for Freddy event only, I won't take character taglists for anyone else than Freddy's characters. And note: after the event, Kaz pieces will get the full SaB taglist again, this taglist applies only during this event) ALSO IF YOU WON’T INTERACT BEYOND LIKING, I’LL EVENTUALLY TAKE YOU OFF THE LIST!!
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peterpparkerwrites · 3 years
begin again - part two
a/n: currently on hiatus - look at my pinned post for more info! I have this series and the following ones scheduled to post twice a day - once at 11:00 AM PST and once at 5:00 PM PST. since I will be gone and can’t update links, if you want to find previous parts, just scroll down my page :) warnings: language, death mentions, ptsd/anxiety pairing: college peter parker x reader word count: 3.9k
masterlist ~ requests are closed ~ part three
taglist: @lilbeatlebear @somefuckshit1 @hufflepuffseeker
Peter was shaping up to be a pretty good friend, all things considered.
Yes, he was closed off about himself, and he sometimes he would seem like he was lost in his thoughts and when he snapped back to reality, he was much quieter. He didn't talk about his past that much after you met Ned - he usually only asked about yours, and in the beginning, he didn't ask at all. It took weeks for him to let you in, and for him to start seeming more interested in an actual friendship outside of study sessions.
But there were moments where he would laugh a real, genuine laugh, and joke back and forth with you, or offer you help with whatever you needed without you having to ask - he was proving to be one of your closest friends, actually. He took a while to open up to you, and you knew he would, but you were pretty persistent.
And when he showed up to a study session with a hot chocolate for you and a joke about how it would at least taste better than your usual sugary iced coffee, you knew you had broken his shell a little bit.
One thing you learned quickly about your new friend was that he was smart. Insanely smart - the guy looked at a few bio problems and worked them out before you could even begin critically thinking. He even helped with your math homework, something that you didn't necessarily struggle on like science, but he had ways of solving problems that you had never seen before.
"It'll take less time if you do it this way," Peter showed you once a way of finishing a difficult math equation, making it seem way simpler. You were both sat in the library hunched over his notebook while he taught you some new methods. "Plus this way it's easier to figure out."
"Jesus, dude," you gave him a look, "Do you secretly have a PhD or something?"
He laughed, shaking his head, "Nah, just picked up a few things from a good tutor."
She was a pretty good tutor.
"Peter, you dummy, that's a five," she erased his pencil scratchings, laughing, "I gave you one job."
"I thought it was an S, your handwriting is hard to read!" He protested, making her shake her head.
"Why would I be putting an S in this equation? That makes no sense."
"You make no sense, babe"
"Stop being cute and get back to work," she bit her lip, nudging him with her arm while he laughed. "We need to get you to pass this class that you keep skipping."
"I'm skipping for good reason," he said slyly, slipping a hand over hers and stealing the pencil, "And I know this stuff, I just need to catch up."
"Spider-Man is a good reason, but it shouldn't even be a reason, because you should be able to separate Spider-Man from interfering with school life," she countered, snatching the pencil back. "Now are you gonna let me help you, or are you gonna distract me some more?"
"I was leaning towards the latter, actually."
"Well lean away from it, cause I'm gonna teach you a really cool alternative way to solve this problem that'll totally blow your mind."
"Why did you word that like our teacher when he's trying to be fun and relatable?"
"Leave me alone, Parker, if you want me to help you, you gotta be nice."
"I'll try my best."
"Why is it so cold in here?" you complained after a minute, not even having noticed Peter zone out as you rubbed your hands up and down your arms.
Peter shook his head a little to rid the memory, glancing outside to where it was still pouring rain. Winter had seemed to come early to New York this year and while it wasn't snowing yet, he was sure it would come soon.
"Seems like the librarian didn't get the memo that it's freezing out," Peter joked a little, glancing at the front desk. "I doubt the heater is on."
"I can't even concentrate," you shivered again, frowning at your now empty cup of hot chocolate. It had been piping hot when Peter brought it to you, and maybe because you had your hands wrapped around it so long, you hadn't noticed how cold it really was in there.
"We can move this to my place, if you want," he offered, and again you could hear a bit of hesitance in his voice, but hey - it meant something that he even offered it, right?
"Good idea, I hope you left your heater on," you chuckled, moving to pack your things.
"'Course," he scoffed, shrugging his coat off. "And here, you can uh, wear this if you want. I still have a sweatshirt under."
"Thanks, Peter," you smiled as you took it from him, pretending you didn't see the rosiness in his cheeks. Maybe it was just the cold doing that.
"No problem," he said softly, watching as you slid it on. He tried to ignore the warm feeling in his chest at seeing you wear his clothes. Maybe it was a bad idea to give you that.
It was too familiar.
"Should we go brave the winter?" You asked, feeling much warmer with the coat on, trying not to focus on how much it smelled like him.
He laughed, shaking his head at you, "Yeah, let's go before your toes start falling off."
You had never been to Peter's place before, and if you were honest, you didn't think you would be there for a while. But here you were while he fumbled to find the right key, letting you in the see a fairly clean and simple apartment.
"This is cozy," you commented, raising an eyebrow at the six pack of Budweiser's on the counter. "You drink?"
"Not usually," he scrunched up his nose, "Those are my roommate's. Don't think he's here right now, though."
"That's too bad, I'd love to meet a guy who likes the nastiest drink on the planet," you snickered.
He chuckled with you in agreement, leading you to his room.
You weren't sure what you were expected his room to look like, he was so closed off about his interests and past that the only thing you knew about him was that he enjoyed photography, was smart, and did chemistry as a major.
He had a lot of pictures.
They covered his wall upon entering, so pretty hard to miss. You chose to look at a few of them while he tossed his bag on the bed and took a seat at his desk, letting you look around.
A lot of them were landscape photos - mostly of New York, but you saw some that looked like they could be somewhere in Europe. Along with those photos were some of Spider-Man - you frowned a little at those remembering the hero hadn't been seen in months, almost a year. But they were nice to see - Peter had gotten some really good shots and it was obvious why the Bugle hired him to take photos.
There were many of him when he was obviously younger - a man and woman were with him in most of them. His parents maybe? You saw a lot with his friend Ned, a few with a pretty girl, a couple prom pictures with a bigger group - the same girl and a few other people doing different poses. He had an arm slung over her shoulder in some of them, but you chose to ignore that.
It really wasn't your business to wonder what she might've been to Peter (or what she might still be).
You skimmed a few more, one of him and Tony Stark, which was a little shocking but you decided to ask about that later - he had died a few years ago but you weren't sure how close he might've been to the man, and based on how the picture looked...they were quite close. You don't think you had ever seen him look as happy as he did in those photos.
"You used to wear glasses?" You smirked when you saw another older one, and he just rolled his eyes at your teasing tone.
"Yeah, don't really need them anymore," he shrugged, seeing you still smiling at the old pictures of him with the man and woman you had first noticed.
"Parents?" You asked quietly, almost like you knew there was more backstory than that.
"Aunt and uncle," he said simply, not offering any more information, but you were happy with even that much.
You took that as your cue to leave the pictures alone, moving your gaze to the rest of his room. He had an old camera on his shelf along with some books and another framed photo - this time of two other completely different people. You noticed he looked a lot like the man in the photo and had the same brown eyes as the woman, but chose not to ask again. There were some posters on the wall, one of Star Wars and one for a band you didn't recognize. Other than those few things his room was surprisingly neat for a teenage boy, and mostly plain.
The only thing that really caught your eye were the flowers on his desk.
They were a little out of place, the colors standing out - they were beautiful, a bright pink color and you smiled when you realized they were your favorite type of flower - carnations. He didn't have that many but they sat in a vase at the end of his desk and you had a feeling there was a specific reason they were there.
"Those are pretty," you nodded to the flowers, and he turned a little pale hoping you wouldn't ask why he had them. "Carnations are my favorites."
He blinked, a little surprised. "They are?"
"Yeah, I love them," you touched the petals lightly, smiling, "They're the best to photograph, in my opinion. Are they your favorite too?"
They were her favorites. He only bought them as a reminder.
"Uh, yeah," he rubbed the back of his neck, trying to change the subject. "So, bio?"
"Right," your eyes widened a little as you set your bag down and took your textbook out, flipping through the pages. You chose to sit on his bed, and his eyes found the patches all over your backpack while you skimmed through your book. There was a few movie reference ones, a rainbow, a bike, a camera design - but his eyes focused on the one that was shaped like Spider-Man's mask. His mask.
"You are a fan, huh?" He tapped on the patch, and you smiled a little, chuckling.
"Yeah," you shrugged, "He's a pretty cool dude. Sucks that he's gone."
He snorted at that description, shaking his head. For a minute he debating continuing the topic, wondering if it would be suspicious, but he decided it wouldn't be.
"Do you think he'll come back?" Peter asked, trying to sound nonchalant about it. He didn't plan on coming back, at least...not yet. But he was curious to see what you thought about it.
"I don't know," you sighed, fumbling with the pages of your book a bit. It seemed like you could never sit completely still. "I really hope he does."
"You do?"
"Well, of course," you gave him a look, "He's saved so many lives. He's a hero, you know? I respect him a lot. He's saved people I know before, and...and it just sucks without him. Even the police want him back."
He laughed at that, "Yeah, even them."
Luckily you changed the subject when you found the right page, showing Peter what you'd been struggling on.
You left after a few hours, complaining about the hard class that you had while Peter laughed and shook his head at you.
"Freshman year should be a breeze, don't stress too much with classes," he said with a grin while you just shot him a playful glare.
"Yeah yeah, every class is a breeze for you, Mr. Smarty Pants," you tapped his forehead, making him chuckle. "I'll see you later, Pete, thanks for the tutoring today."
He didn't say anything in protest to the new nickname, making you grin a little giddily as you waved him goodbye and left his place, bag over your shoulder. For a moment he considered peeking out his window to watch you leave safely but decided that was too weird and just sat back down at his desk, pulling out his books to start doing homework.
For a few minutes he managed to get some chemistry work done before deciding to grab food from the kitchen, but before he got up to leave, something caught his eye.
Your photography notebook sat on his bed.
He sighed, knowing you were probably too far away by now for him to chase you down. He grabbed it and put it on his desk, then pulled out his phone to text you and let you know it was there.
Once he did that he dropped his phone on the desk with a sigh, staring at the notebook. It was covered in stickers, mostly meme and vine references. Sticking out of it were random pieces of paper and what he could tell were photographs. And Peter was a curious person by nature, so...
It didn't look like you had anything private in there so would it really hurt to take a peek?
He decided to go for it since it wasn't like a personal journal or anything, and you were a pretty open person - it wasn't like he didn't know a lot about you already. He figured soon enough he would see some of your photos anyway since you were both partnered for the semester and had more projects coming up.
The first few pages were random scribbles - math equations, formulas, a grocery list and to-do list. One was an almost finished application to join the school's newspaper as a photographer, which he remembered you mentioning to him once. Another was about a job fair at the end of the semester, a few coupons for the coffee place on campus, a project outline for a class.
The photographs stuck in there were random - there was one of a dog, which might've been yours, some polaroids of you and other kids, friends back home he assumed. Plenty of flowers, carnations mostly, and some portraits of people. But some of them made him frown - they were of the city, but they were a little blurry in certain places-
His eyes widened when he realized they were attempted photos of Spider-Man. Peter was careful - he needed the job at the Bugle desperately at the time he had it, and if he didn't sell pictures of himself as Spider-Man, the editor in chief probably would have fired him long before since they already had plenty of regular photographers. He couldn't just let anyone start taking pictures of him in case they wanted to try and steal his job.
But you actually managed to get some shots that really weren't bad at all - in fact, they were really good. They might've been a little blurry, but he noticed they all had a sort of aesthetic feel to them - the city was still, the only thing blurred was his red and blue figure swinging through the buildings.
It was obvious how talented you were even just by these.
That had to be what most of the photos were - his semi blurry self swinging by buildings. Some of them featured his webs - you had taken some pics of them that he had left behind on buildings, glinting in the sunlight, hanging off of street lamps and even some of when he had left bad guys strung up and had little notes attached to them that said "from your friendly neighborhood spider-man - you're welcome!" and things like that. Maybe you had taken those pictures when you weren't able to catch any of Spider-Man himself.
There was one of when he webbed words into the side of the Brooklyn Bridge - his heart skipped a beat when he realized which words you had managed to snap a photo of.
"Really, Pete?" she waved her hand at the bridge, where they were both sitting a good distance away from now. He watched her smiling at the words, knowing she wasn't really one for dramatics, but he didn't care. He just liked seeing the look on her face when she read the "I Love You" webbed into the side of the bridge.
"It's romantic, isn't it?" He asked, swinging an arm around her waist while she shook her head and laughed.
"It's so cliche, but you're right, it is," she smiled, leaning into his embrace. "People will be making rumors for weeks about who the lucky person is that has Spider-Man's heart."
"Let 'em talk," he pressed a kiss to the side of her head, "They'll never find out who. I'll keep you safe, always."
"I know you will."
The universe works in mysterious ways - he remembers his uncle saying that a lot. Was it a coincidence that he thought of those words often now when remembering how he lost the love of his life just hours after telling the world (or at least, New York) that Spider-Man loved someone?
Maybe it was stupid, but how was he meant to know that that simple gesture that should have been harmless ended up costing him the best thing in his life? He assumed there would be some stupid articles in the papers spreading rumors about Spider-Man secretly dating like, Black Widow (hey, they didn't know how old he actually was), or some other superhero.
Instead all the papers were reporting on the sudden disappearance of their local hero, and wondering what could have possibly caused it.
"You know I don't like swinging," she whined while he just chuckled, pulling her along to a secluded alleyway. "It makes my hair all whack and my eyes watery!"
"Yeah but it'll be so much faster to get home, babe," he promised, holding her hands in his and giving her a cheeky grin, "Plus I know you like seeing me in the suit."
"Shut up," she mumbled, pulling his hands toward her and making him stumble against her, "You're pretty cute for someone who's so annoying."
"It's a talent," he smirked a little, leaning forward and brushing his lips against hers. "But you love it."
"Sure," she laughed and kissed him, only pulling away when they both heard a loud bang from down the alley. "What was that?"
Peter tensed, feeling goosebumps on his arms and the hair on the back of his neck rising. "Get behind that car."
"What? Peter-"
He didn't let her finish, pulling her a little forcefully behind the nearest car. She stuttered out more questions but he ignored her while he shrugged off his pants and jacket, revealing the suit under his clothes. There was another even louder bang and she jumped while he slid on the mask.
"Stay here," he said firmly, seeing the hesitance in her eyes. "Don't come out until you see me."
"Please be careful," she whispered, pressing a kiss to his masked cheek. He stared at her for a second before nodding and getting up, heading for the sound down the alley.
It was easy - three, maybe four guys were mugging a lady at the other end of the alley. He focused on the two guys that he noticed had guns out and tugged them out of their hands before fighting. The lady ran off and it was a bit distracting fighting more than one guy at once, but Peter was practiced by then.
In almost no time he had them strung up to the wall, guns webbed up far away and they were all knocked out. He let out a sigh as he turned and saw his girlfriend standing near the end of the alley.
"I told you not to leave the car!" He huffed, going and hugging her close to try and relax. He hated that she was right there when he was fighting bad guys, even if they were just muggers - it could had been much worse.
His senses still felt all over the place as she hugged him back tightly, even though the three guys were webbed up and weren't waking up anytime soon. There were only three, right?
"You were here and they're all strung up, I figured it was done," she said shakily, pulling back.
"We should leave, now," he mumbled, still feeling on edge. She nodded but looked back at the darker parts of the alley, squinting a little and frowning.
"Are you sure you got all of-"
All he heard was a gunshot.
His phone buzzed loudly with a text and Peter scrambled to grab it with shaky fingers, grateful for the distraction. He had almost forgotten that he had texted you about the notebook in the first place.
shoot I didn't realize I left it, can I just walk back now and grab it? it has some pictures I need for the paper application and they're due tomorrow :)
He didn't want you to see him like this - sweat was forming on his forehead and he was sure his cheeks were bright red, his hands shaking and his breathing labored. This was the first time in a few weeks that particular memory hit him this hard, but he managed to send a text back.
how far are you? maybe i can bring it by later if you're already back on campus, i'm coming back for my late class anyway.
Anything to get you to not come back to his place right now. He sat on the floor by his bed, leaning his back against the side of it and bringing his knees to his chest. With a few deep breaths he shut his eyes, running his hands through his hair while you sent a text back.
sure, thanks peter! you're a real one!
He smiled a little at the emoji you sent with that, feeling his heartbeat slow down and his hands not shake as much. Something as stupid as one of your silly texts managed to calm him down easier than any other method he tried had.
With some reluctance he stood up, gathering the photos and putting them back in your notebook, but his eyes caught one more.
He picked up the photo, one that made his chest ache again. It was of the mural he had come across weeks ago, the one of his mask with the words "come back" written across it. You had taken it during sunset, which made the colors pop really nicely - it was definitely one of the best he had seen in this pile.
You had a sticky note stuck to that photo, stuck right underneath the painted words that said "come back".
will he?
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Claire...may I request a lil' writing? I'm thinking of Javi maybe post Columbia and he builds up a routine. He goes to the same coffee shop every morning on his way to work and of course picks up the same order. You're a barista at the coffee shop and eventually, you can pin down his arrival to the minute so one day, you make his drink for the exact moment when he gets there, with your number written on the cup cause screw it, he's damn hot. What would happen? <3
Oh Maia, this was FUN to write for you!!! I hope you enjoy it! :D
Exciting update!!! GIF and media genius @nicolethered made an amazing video for me to go with this fic!! Go give her big love!!
Second exciting update! I was challenged by @quica-quica-quica to play the POV game for this piece (where someone Asks you to rewrite a piece from a different character's POV). So now there is a companion piece to this from Javier's POV, called: "Coffee Shop Girl". Enjoy!
For Now
Word count: 3900+
Rating: explicit, 18+ only
Outline: Javier Peña x “You” (Austin coffee shop barista; cis/het female reader; “blank canvas”/no physical description/no name/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: slow-burn; oral sex/F receiving; vaginal fingering; protected P/V sex; cigarette smoking
Ten days. It took ten days between the first arrival of the handsome stranger and you ending up in his bed. A new personal record for you, given how reserved you normally were. But it was nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you were careful. It was the 90s now after all, there was zero reason to have to keep your knees closed until marriage, as long as you used condoms and got tested regularly.
You liked the coffee shop well enough, situated on the southern end of downtown near the warehouses and a few clubs. It drew a full spectrum of Austinites: college kids closing out their club nights with breakfast tacos and pastries before going home to crash; early morning construction workers, employees from the big post office around the corner; and the usual boring lawyers and office staff who started streaming in around 7:30 every weekday morning. You could do the job well enough, even considering the odd hours: waking up early enough to open the doors at 5:30, serve the slow trickle of early morning customers with patience and ease until a co-worker joined at 7:00 for the morning rush. And the barista and food service parts of the job were physically but not mentally demanding. It was a job, and certainly less hassle than your bartending gig some weekends. At least here you only had to throw drunks out once a month.
And then one Tuesday in early June, at 7:47 a.m., he appeared. Tall, neatly groomed mustache, dark eyes, a sheaf of bangs swept to the side over his forehead. His navy blue blazer and tie said ‘accountant’ or maybe ‘state employee’ and his sideburns were just a little out of date. You pegged him at about 40, probably one of those men who visited the same barber their whole lives, not bothering to keep up with fashion trends as long as they looked neat and clean. When he reached to take his to-go cup of black coffee from you, you noticed that his ring finger was bare, and you liked that his fingernails were clean and trimmed. He offered you a nod in thanks, and you smiled at him a little more warmly than you had with your other customers so far. He held the door on his way out, pausing just a moment to let two women enter… and then he was gone, out into the bright sunlight and foot traffic and morning rush. You hoped you would see him again.
On Wednesday he came back again, a repeat of Tuesday except with a different tie, deep red today instead of navy. Black coffee to go, leather portfolio tucked under one arm, clean hands, eyes as dark as the coffee you handed him. This time rewarding you with a gruff and gravelly, “Thanks,” instead of just a nod. You relished the accidental brush of his fingers on yours as you handed the cup over, another flash of him imprinted on you, along with yesterday’s vision of him going golden as he stepped out into the morning sun. This time you watched him through the big glass window until he was out of sight, admiring his strong nose in profile, the curve of it perched over that mustache. Two extra seconds of handsomeness poured into your morning before you had to turn back to rinsing mugs and making change. You hoped that he’d come again on Thursday, making it three visits, a genuine pattern instead of a fluke.
On Thursday he reappeared, same time as the previous two days, waiting patiently in line behind two wake-and-bake potheads who were taking their sweet time staring up at the food menu. Today he was dark gray instead of navy, wearing a charcoal blazer and a sharp black tie. You waved him over with a smile, letting it melt all the way up to your eyes instead of flashing the tight, brief, closed-mouth thing you used on most customers.
“Black coffee, right?” You watched his face, taking in the dark eyes, the hair, the brief smile that made a surprise dimple appear in his cheek.
He nodded, “That’s right. Thank you.” He slid a rumpled bill across the counter. “Keep the change.”
You bit your lip as you turned away, preening at his thanks and seven whole words as if they were genuine praise. His voice was deep and rich, landing with a rumble in your own chest, like the remnants of thudding bass from a passing car. You poured the coffee and secured the lid, brain scrambling desperately for something clever to say. To make him come back, to talk to you more.
You turned and handed him the cup, and as he reached for it you again let your hand be in just the right spot to feel the brush of his fingers. Your eyes locked on one another, and for the briefest moment you forgot to let go of the cup. You wanted to swim in those brown eyes forever, get lost and let him drown you whole. He paused, and you thought you saw the briefest twitch of his mustache, a pinprick in his calm exterior before you drew your hand back. He inclined his head, a single nod, and then he turned to leave and your attention was swept back to the register and the next customers.
Friday he arrived “on time” and you met his eyes as soon as he opened the door. Today he was warm earth tones, a dark red shirt under a brown tweed blazer and no tie, a nod to casual Friday. You turned and prepared his coffee, tightening the lid and then holding it up to him across the room, smiling and tossing your chin up in a friendly greeting. He walked up and slid a few bills over the counter to you.
“Thanks.” He winked at you and something in your pelvis fluttered. “See you next week.”
You watched him go, stepping out again into a halo of golden sun, pulling a pair of aviator sunglasses from his pocket and putting them on before striding away. You suddenly felt lost, facing the many hours between now and Monday.
Your weekend passed in a blur of extra bartending shifts and catching up on sleep. You were forever napping at odd hours, trying to reconcile the slightly staggered rhythms of early morning coffee shop hours and late-night bartending. It wasn’t the hardest you’d ever worked or the worst schedule, but it wasn’t fun. At least, it hadn’t been fun until now. Now you had something to look forward to.
Monday morning you opened the shop and kept an eye on the clock. At 7:46 you poured black coffee into a to-go cup. Thirty seconds later, he appeared on the other side of the plate glass window, the navy suit and tie again, blowing out a long stream of cigarette smoke before dropping the butt and giving it a quick twist under his foot. He took off his amber-lensed aviators and tucked them into the pocket of his blazer, then pulled out his wallet. At 7:47 on the dot, he opened the door, met your eyes, and saw you holding up his coffee. And there went that smile again, the dimple, the wink.
You smiled as he approached the counter. “You psychic or something? Or am I just that predictable?”
“Both, maybe.” You grinned and wiggled your eyebrows.
He opened his wallet and passed a bill across the counter, larger than what was strictly necessary for a to-go coffee and a reasonable tip. “Great service, keep the change.”
You thanked him, giving him the full-watt smile and wishing him a good day as you opened and closed the register, putting the change into the tip jar. Thankfully there was no one else in line right now, so you could give his handsome figure your full attention as he left, watching how the navy blazer hugged his shoulders.
He went out the door, turned right like he always did, and then he turned his head and his eyes met yours through the glass. You should have felt embarrassed that he caught you staring, but you didn’t. Mostly because you realized that he had stopped to look back, too, which meant you weren’t the only one hoping for more. He nodded and lifted his cup in a gesture of thanks. Then he was gone.
Tuesday was the same, only with the charcoal blazer and the dark red tie this time. The wink, the flutter in your gut, the over-tipping. The glance across the counter as his fingers brushed yours around the cup. The aviators slung on as soon as he stepped out the door.
Wednesday, again, the navy suit and tie, another brush of the fingers, a smaller tip but a bigger smile, gracing you with that dimple again. Another gravelly, “Thank you,” that sounded warmer than he had to date. The handsome profile and a quick meeting of the eyes through the glass as he left again.
Thursday was the same, only better. You used a permanent marker to write something on his paper cup before you poured it precisely at 7:46 a.m., watching, waiting. He did not disappoint. At 7:47, precisely on time, you caught a glimpse of his profile as he came into view through the plate glass window. Charcoal again. He turned and saw you inside, then opened the door, holding it again for a woman exiting. You pointed at his to-go cup on the counter and smiled.
“You trying to get rid of me? In and out so quickly?” He smiled and twitched an eyebrow at you.
You smiled back, “Depends on how long you were planning to stay. We close at 1:00 a.m. after open mic tonight. After that you gotta go somewhere else.”
The handsome man chuckled and pursed his lips. “And what time do you get off, after the morning shift?”
“Depends on who’s asking.” You winked and immediately regretted it, it felt too bold, it wasn’t your normal mode.
He met your eyes and said simply, “I am.”
You felt your face split into a wide smile. “I finish at 1:00, after the lunch rush.”
He nodded. “Good to know. I’m Javier, by the way.” He stuck his hand out and shook yours. You gave him your name and a warm shake of the hand.
He fished a few bills out of his wallet. “Can I maybe stop by after your shift, take you to lunch sometime?”
“You can do me one better than that.” You rotated the paper cup so that the writing was facing him. “My phone number’s on the cup.”
His eyebrows popped up, and then he gave you an appraising glance, like he was impressed. You saw his tongue shift up under his lip to suck a tooth and you suddenly wanted nothing more than to see how that tongue felt on you. You flushed hot, tingling with desire.
He arched an eyebrow at you. “You do that for all your customers?”
“Just the best tippers.” You winked at him and laughed.
He stuck his hand out once more and you gave him yours. He lifted it and kissed the back of your hand, mustache sweeping ever so briefly over your knuckles before he gently released it.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” his voice was low and something in it went straight to your groin, making your pelvic muscles clench. You watched him pick up the cup and go, smiling at you with that dimple through the glass as he left. You stood for just a moment, hoping, hoping, hoping. Maybe he would call you after work?
At 1:00 you finished your shift and handed the register off to Mike. You were just untying your apron and hanging it up when you saw a familiar profile sweep into view outside the window. Javier. Your stomach flipped over and a million little butterflies flew out.
He ducked inside the door and searched the shop for a moment, smiling when he saw you coming out from behind the counter with your bag slung over your shoulder.
“Hey,” you stood for a moment and hesitated, suddenly shy.
Javier slipped his sunglasses off and tucked them into his pocket. “Hey, I’m glad I caught you. Are you busy, or can I take you to lunch today?”
“No, I’m not busy. I’d love to go.” You smiled. “There’s a sandwich place around the corner, and a park we can go sit in.”
He smiled, wider than you’d seen him do so far. “That’s perfect.”
He let you lead, walking him across the street and around the corner to the sub shop. You made small-talk on the way there, finding out that he was from Laredo but new to Austin, a former DEA agent consulting for the state. You picked up your food and walked a block over to the small city park, where you told him about your roommates, your cat, your wish to go back to school and finish your degree. By the end of lunch you were both smiling, feeling that spark, the little magnetic pull that had started over his coffee orders. At 2:00 Javier said he had to get back to his office.
“... but I’d really like to see you again. Can I take you to dinner? Tonight if that’s okay, since you’re working tomorrow night.” He stood close to you, looking warmly into your eyes.
“Yeah, that would be great.” You felt that flutter again, that twitch of interest from looking into his warm brown eyes, seeing the way they crinkled when he smiled. You were so busy looking at his eyes that you didn’t see him reach his hand out, sweeping it around to circle your shoulders and pull you in for a kiss. You kissed him back, as urgently as was proper for the time of day and the public setting. When he pulled away to walk back up the few blocks to his office, you stood there dazed. Wow.
You went home and napped, then showered and changed into datewear. Javier picked you up at 7:30, and you were relieved that the little spark was still there. You had half-worried that it would wear off in the few hours between your lunch date and now, or that it was a localized feeling limited to a small radius around the coffee shop. But dinner was fun and warm, and by the end of dessert and coffee you didn’t want to leave him yet. You decided that you would be bolder than you normally were.
“Listen, my roommates are home, but do you want to go back to your place?”
Javier looked surprised for only a moment and then smiled, “Yes, let’s go.”
You kissed all the way back to the car, ran your hands lightly over the back of Javier’s neck as he drove, kissed all the way from the car to his apartment door, and tumbled inside together, feeling for buttons and zippers and helping each other out of your clothes. His erection felt warm and solid against your hip, and when he finally got naked you were nearly moaning at the expanse of his broad shoulders and golden skin. He was beautiful.
Javier walked you backwards to the bedroom and paused only to pull a wrapped condom out of a drawer and turn on the bedside lamp to chase away the dark. You lay back and watched him as he tossed the foil packet onto the quilt next to you and then knelt beside your legs. He looked at you as he ran his hands up and down your naked thighs. Then he butterflied your legs slowly apart and ran one warm hand up to your pussy, teasing you with his fingers, dipping them in and out between your labia and running them up to tickle your clit.
“Can I eat you out?” He asked almost shyly.
You nodded, a breathy “Yeah,” issuing from your lips. Javier dove down and licked into you with a rush. You gasped and threw your head back, clawing your fingers down into the blankets. Javier worked you open on three fingers and used the tip of his stiffened tongue to flick your clit rapidly from side to side while his fingers slipped slowly in and out. You moaned and fought the urge to close your legs while he curled and stroked inside of you, finding the spots you could never quite reach yourself. Within a few minutes you were cresting the wave of release.
“Oh God, I’m gonna come! Keep- keep going,” you gasped, “Just like that!” Javier kept his pace steady, working you along as you huffed and breathed faster. He curled his fingers just right and you sped off the edge into oblivion, gulping and grunting and making noises that were almost embarrassing, that didn’t sound like you, but you felt too good to even care. Javier stopped licking and slowed his fingers as you clenched around him, using the broad flat of his tongue to swipe a long, comforting stripe up the outside of your labia. When you were finished coming, he pulled his fingers out slowly and sat up on his haunches, smiling like a prizewinner.
He wiped one broad, flat hand down his mouth and chin, and then crawled up the bed to lay next to you, stroking you from hip to breast with his thick fingers. “Was that okay, cariño?”
You groaned out a chuckle, “Oh yeah, that was good.” You rolled onto your side to face him, and drew him in for a deep kiss. You loved the mix of how he smelled and tasted, your own salty musk blending with his spicy cologne and the smoky phantoms of cigarettes past and his after-dinner coffee. As you kissed, his hand came up to stroke a trail of goosebumps on your shoulder, and you reached yours down to stroke his cock to attention. The heft of him was thick and warm in your hand, and within seconds he was hard and throbbing. You ran the pad of your thumb up the bottom of his head and over his slit gently, and you giggled as he shuddered and reached down to pull your hand away.
“You keep going like that and I’m not going to last long.” His thick fingers wrapped around yours, and he pulled your hand up to place a long kiss to the inside of your wrist, blowing warm air out through his nose, the feel of it on your skin sending a thrill up your spine. He reached for the condom and opened it, rolling it down his proud length. He put his hand down and stroked your thigh before hooking one hand behind your knee to pull your leg up and over his hip. He held himself so that his tip was buried just at your entrance, then he thrust up and into you in one swift motion. You inhaled sharply and hooked your leg tighter around him, letting him set the pace. He nudged your jaw, nosing up into the crook of your neck and kissing you from ear to chin and back again.
His hot words sent chills down your neck and your nipples stiffened into sensitive buds. “Baby, you feel so fucking good, so hot and wet. Fuck, you’re amazing.”
You kissed him and shushed him, then you pressed an open palm to his chest, “Wait. Roll over. I wanna get on top.”
Javier grinned in the dim light of his bedroom, then he wrapped his big hand around your lower back and pulled you over with him. You shifted and settled into place, and the feeling of being speared on him, of his cock hitting deep inside, of his coarse curls rubbing against your clit was almost to the point of overstimulation. You whined and fell face down into the crook of his neck, smelling his warm spiced fragrance and going limp at the ‘too much’ of it all. He planted his feet flat on the bed and kept his arms wrapped around you, thrusting up, up, up into you over and over. He made the most delicious noises, sounds that might have been words or not, but which conveyed all of his pleasure in little grunts and groans.
You decided you wanted to watch his face, so you sat back up and braced yourself on your knees, rolling your hips in rhythm with his and helping him chase his high.
“God, you look so fucking good on my cock, cariño. So beautiful.” He started to turn glossy with sweat, tiny golden beads reflecting the single lamp beside the bed and making him look surreal. You followed a drip of sweat as it appeared on his neck and then ran down to pool in the hollow at the base of his throat. You tipped forward once more to lick at it, to taste the salt and the smoke of him and nip one tiny bite into his neck before moving up to lick and nibble at his earlobe.
Javier suddenly tensed his legs, giving one big thrust and then hissing out a “Fffff-” between his lips as he came. He thrust again and then stilled, relaxing back into the bed, but keeping you close against him. You let him hold you, your breaths slowing together until you were back, calm again, heartbeats back to center. He released you and held the base of the condom as you lifted off and rolled onto your back. He went to the bathroom, and you heard him run water before he returned with a wrung-out washcloth. He offered it to you, and you declined with a weak wave. He turned and tossed it into the bathroom sink and then motioned for you to scoot off the bed so he could turn the covers down.
He picked up a packet of cigarettes and a lighter, gesturing at you with a raised eyebrow. You put a hand up, “Not a whole one, but I’ll take a drag off yours if that’s ok.”
“Sure thing.” He lit one and passed it to you, and you took a deep drag before handing it back.
“Thanks.” You blew the smoke out in a blue stream.
He crawled into bed and patted the mattress next to him. “Stay,” he looked at you with a smile. “If you want to.” He parked the cigarette back between his plush lips.
You smiled warmly and crawled in next to him. “Okay, just for a little while.” You checked the digital clock beside the bed. “I gotta go home and change, and then get to the coffee shop at 5:00. Can you set the alarm for 4:00?”
He nodded and picked up the clock, pressed a few buttons and slid a switch into place. Then he raised his arm and settled it around your shoulders, and turned off the lamp. You watched the cherry of his cigarette glow and then turn faint, bobbing in the dark as he moved to flick ash into the ashtray on the nightstand.
He murmured low, into the quiet room, “You know, I’m only here for the summer. The consulting job ends in August.” He paused to take the final pull of his cigarette, then stubbed it out in the ashtray. “After that, I gotta go back to D.C.”
You yawned and nodded. “No problem. We can have fun this summer. I’ll take you to Barton Springs and Mount Bonnell, give you the real Austin tour. We can just have fun for now.”
He kissed your forehead, moving down your nose to land soft kisses on your lips. “Okay, summer girl. I’m all yours… for now.”
Just-here-for-the-moment’s masterlist
The only tag list I have: @quica-quica-quica @anaaaispunk @justanotherblonde23 @gracie7209 @nicolethered @honestly-shite @driedgreentomatoes @dihra-vesa @1800-fight-me @the-queen-of-fools @juletheghoul @kesskirata @honeymandos @silverwolf319 @mourningbirds1 @greeneyedblondie44 @spacedilf @maxwell–lord @anxiousandboujee @cevvie @sherala007 @writeforfandoms @libellule2001 @deadhumourist @mandoalorian @javierpinme
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wandas-sunshine · 4 years
Slow And Steady (Kinktober Day 14)
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Kinktober Schedule
Prompt: Sensory Deprivation
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,206
Warnings: SMUT 18+, Oral (female receiving), fingering, blindfolds, light bondage, minor overstimulation
A/N: Really give a whole new meaning to ‘you didn’t see that coming’ huh? Shoutout to @dragonofthenorth0726 for giving me the confidence to post this piece
Pietro didn’t like seeing you overworked, overstressed, and unhappy. That’s where his idea stemmed from, he was insistent on caring for you and helping you calm down. When you’d called after work, he had said he was planning an experiment. Your boyfriend was the adventurous type, and while you trusted him with your life, his surprises were a little worrisome at times.
“What are we doing?” You asked. As soon as you’d walked through the door, he’d pulled you along straight to your room. He sat you gently at the edge of the bed, and you looked up at him with a confused expression clouding your face.
“You said you’ve been stressed. I want to help.” He shrugged, and the entirely sincere look in his eye made you smile. This was the man you’d fallen so unbelievably, helplessly in love with.
“Thank you.” You murmured, still smiling to yourself. “What do you have in mind?”
For a moment, Pietro seemed to grow nervous, but your hand moved up to catch his.
“I thought maybe we could try something new.” He answered vaguely. You motioned for him to go on.
“Well I just figured…I could give you a massage. You like when I do that, don’t you?” You nodded eagerly. “Then after that we can talk more. I can keep making you feel good.”
“Sounds like heaven,” You agreed. Pietro always pampered you so willingly. You were eternally grateful.
“Here, take off your clothes.” He suggested, rather than ordering it. You obliged either way, tugging your shirt off and wiggling your pants down your legs, leaving them in a pile with your shoes and socks. “Go ahead and lay down on your stomach.”
 You flashed him another appreciative smile as you settled on your tummy. Once you’d stopped wiggling into a comfortable position, Pietro settled himself at your side.
“Now just relax and let me take care of you.” He hummed, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek. You happily followed his instructions, closing your eyes and just focusing on his touch.
His hands worked almost expertly over your shoulders, massaging the knots and tension out of the muscles and moving down to do the same on your back. You weren’t sure how long the massage went on, but you were pretty sure you knew what it felt like to be butter in a hot pan.
You released a contented sigh, eyes still shut. Pietro brushed a lock of hair from your face and traced his fingertips over your jaw.
“There’s something else I want to try.” He spoke for the first time in a while. You hummed for him to go on. “Wanda told me about a place she went. There was a sensory deprivation tank.”
You quirked an eyebrow and propped yourself up to look at him. You were curious where exactly he was going with this. You knew about the tanks, floating was supposed to be wonderful, but it was expensive and you’d never been able to squeeze the time out of your schedule.
“It’s supposed to be really relaxing. It got me thinking. There’s another way to use sensory deprivation,” His fingers trailed up your leg. “Maybe that would have a similar effect. Do you trust me?”
You couldn’t deny the wary look, but you trusted him more than anyone else in the world. You nodded.
“Get comfy. And take your bra off.” Once again, it wasn’t an order, but you followed it like one. He stood up, and you unclasped your bra, slipping it off and rolling onto your back. You stared at the ceiling while your boyfriend rifled through the closet. When he finally came back, he brought with him a host of items you didn’t even know you had.
“Here, lemme…” He gently guided your arms over your head. He was careful with the cloth tie as he fastened your wrists to the headboard. “Is this okay?”
You nodded, a nervous sort of excitement pulsing through you. You hadn’t tried much like this, never going so far as to actually get tied up. It had only come up once or twice, but you’d always been enthusiastic about trying new things.
Pietro was careful in his movements, paranoid about hurting you or upsetting you. You obediently held your head up while he slipped a blindfold over your eyes. You had to reassure him over and over again that you were okay, not that his worries were anything new.
“Pietro, I trust you. You won’t hurt me. If I say stop you will.” You insisted. He was still for a long moment, then his lips met yours.
The kiss was a bit clumsy at first with you mildly disoriented from the blindfold and restraints, but it was sweet, and you knew better than anything how to follow his lead. You tested the ties on your wrists, making sure you couldn’t break free.
“I’m gonna put headphones on you, okay?” Pietro stroked your cheek and waited for you to nod. Then he nestled a pair of noise cancelling headphones over your ears, muting out the world around you.
It was nice, almost like flying, like floating. You were buzzing with the anticipation of it all. It took every ounce of your self control not to squirm. You felt the bed dip and shift as Pietro moved around you. You tried to keep your focus steady, but it was hard to focus on where he was when you were so busy taking in the scent of him. Your heart picked up in your chest, and your stomach flipped excitedly.
His hands found their way to your breasts, fingers just ghosting over your skin. You inhaled sharply. Just the slightest touch was like a wildfire, a type of feeling you’d never experienced before.
His hands cupped you more firmly, kneading your breasts and pinching your nipples between his fingertips. You whined, curling into his touch. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea.
His touch was slow and fleeting. He pulled his hands away and watched the way you struggled to press back into them. After what felt like an eon, he pinched and tweaked your nipples again. He swirled circles around them with his fingertips and teased them. You whined, arching into his touch. He worked you up only to pull his touch away again. You whined, but you didn’t hear his chuckle.
His mouth latched onto your nipple next, sucking and nibbling while his hands traced down your sides slow and steady. He switched to your other pebbled peak, sucking and nipping there until he was satisfied. Then his mouth traveled elsewhere.
He left slow, sloppy kisses over your chest, pausing to leave a hickey at your collarbone. Then he was on the move again. His lips danced over the slope of your breasts, then down your stomach.
He paused when he reached your naval, kissing around it when his fingers traced patterns against your hips that made you giggle.. He reveled in the sounds you made, soft and sweet as you wiggled underneath his weight. He teased his mouth just a touch lower before sitting up again.
When his touch came back, it started lower. His hands smoothed up your legs, starting at your ankles and pausing at your knees. Then back down. The second time he ran the course, his lips followed, leaving kisses against your skin.
Ever so gently he nudged your legs open wider to continue on even higher. His kisses trailed up your thigh, nipping and sucking another mark there before continuing. With every touch of his lips, he left a reminder of just how adored and worshipped you were by him.His lips ventured dangerously close to where you needed him most, but just when you were sure you’d get the sweet satisfaction of his tongue against your pussy, he switched to the other leg and once more started his teasing.
When you were squirming and whiney, Pietro finally gave in. He tugged your panties down, exposing your aching wetness to the air. His lips latched onto your clit, sucking lighty and swirling his tongue around it. His hands pressed your thighs open even further. He pulled away from your clit, tongue guiding lower and dipping into your core. He hummed at the heavenly taste of your longing for him and him alone.
Your hips bucked against his mouth as your hands fought to free themselves from their ties. He pinned them back down with his forearm and returned to feasting on your pussy. He licked a long stripe through your folds before pressing two of his fingers steadily into you. The moan that passed your lips egged him on. His mouth found the bundle of nerves again while his digits curled and twisted inside of you.
Every inch of you felt like it was tingling, your sensitivity dialed up to eleven. Every drag of his fingers inside of you, every steadily unpredictable swipe of his tongue against your clit had you careening towards the edge. One last firm flick of his tongue, and you tipped right into your orgasm.
You came hard, freefalling into the pleasure. You moaned loud and unashamed, your hips rolling and your walls clutching at his fingers for dear life. He gently coaxed you back down, slowing his fingers’ pace before pulling them out of you completely. The aftershocks of the orgasm were accompanied by his hands running up your thighs, over your sides, and back down again until you stilled beneath him.
Once you’d properly returned to earth, he slipped off the bed and stripped his own clothes off. He plucked a condom from the drawer by the bed, and rolled it onto his considerable length. Once that was said and done, he rejoined you on the bed.
You were growing impatient, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside you. Your walls were clenching around nothing, and your wetness had coated the insides of your thighs. Each second felt like a decade until the head of his cock swiped through your folds. You whimpered, squirming as he did it again. Once, twice, three times, and you lost your control.
A guttural groan left you, and you rolled your hips up into him helplessly. Your wrists twisted so you could clutch at the cloth holding them in place.
“Pietro, please. Want your cock so bad,” You cried out, pressing into him once more. He moaned, always weak for your begging, and the sound of your name on his lips.
He slipped slowly into you, filling you inch by inch and watching your needy hole swallow him  so perfectly. Once he’d bottomed out, he stayed put deep inside of you. His thumb strummed your clit, and you arched towards him.
Just as you began to think you’d combust, he rocked his hips, pulling out and pushing back into you. It was a brutally slow pace, and no matter how good it felt you needed more. And Pietro never failed you. The rhythm built slowly, but ever spreading up. It was an incredible warmth spreading through you. Every bit of your energy was focused on feeling.
Feeling his skin rubbing and sticking against yours in a way that should have been unpleasant. Feeling his cock splitting you open and brushing right against that perfect spot inside of you. Feeling his thumb rubbing perfect figure eights on your clit. Feeling yourself cum again.
Your back arched from the bed so hard that Pietro was worried you’d hurt yourself. You nearly sobbed at the overwhelming pleasure. Pietro dipped his head to kiss your jaw, still fucking you through it.
As you caught your breath from it, Pietro started to pull out, but you shook your head and hooked a leg over his hips.
“Use me to finish,” You pleaded desperately. That wasn’t something he would ever say no to.
He pulled your leg higher and began his thrusts again, his hips slapping into yours and his head still resting against your shoulder. You were oversensitive, but it only drove you towards another orgasm.
All it took was your walls spasming around his aching member for him to spill into the condom, his teeth digging lightly into your shoulder as he gave a few more thrusts, working through his own orgasm. He pressed his lips to yours, kissing you nice and slow.
Finally, after the both of you had caught your breath and shared a handful more kisses, he pulled out of you. He disposed of the condom before setting your hands free. He worked the blindfold off and tossed it aside along with the headphones. Then he curled up.
He settled against you, arms tucked tight around your waist and holding you close to his chest. He pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek.
“Did it work?” He asked, his playful smirk curling onto his lips. “Are you relaxed?”
You hummed your affirmation, still not opening your eyes to look at him. You were exhausted in the best way possible.
“Very. I’ve gotta try that on you sometime.” You giggled a little. “But for now, I want a bath. Then naptime?”
“Then naptime.”
He grinned. Anything you could do to help his baby relax.
Tag List: @dragonofthenorth0726​ // @vozit​ // @realgaytrash​ // @nikkiofasgard​ // @i-love-books-so-fricking-much​ // @creamofweep​ // @underratedmisfit​ // @buckmesidewaysandcallmesteve​ // @littlegasps​ // @hi-my-name-is-riley​ // @call-me-baby-gir1​ // @mikariell95​
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
@megumitodoroki: “headcannons (maybe a drabble if you want??) for yan tamaki and yan kirishima with a pregnant darling? ( i saw the hawks and bakugo one, i really liked!!!)” 
characters: yandere kirishima ejirou, tamaki amajiki x fem! reader
request status: OPENED / all fandoms I write for are pinned to the top of my page as well as my rules! feel free to request as you’d like! just please be respectful of my rules and if you have any questions, personally message me!
kirishima ejirou: 
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oooh, fuck, really? you got pregnant with HIS baby? fuck. i mean, kirishima is a great husband, for the MOST part. his issue 99.9999% of the time is that he’s too fucking clingy and it shows. even if he isn’t laying it on thick, everyone can see the way he is around you. 
lets say you weren’t home when he found out. you went through the five stages of grief when you found out. the stick was in your hand as you stared at the wall in panic. you were in no mindset to be carrying a child and you knew there would be consequences the longer you waited to tell him. 
at first, you planned to end it all and just put you and the fetus out of misery but then you realized.....kiri locked all the knifes, sharp objects, and anything you could think of hurting yourself with away. you knew regardless of what you were thinking, you were going to have his kid whether you wanted too or not. 
when kiri came home, you were still in the same position in the bathroom and holding onto the stick in your hand. when he realized what it was, he let out a high pitched scream. you’re pregnant !! like this wasn’t something he was expecting to happen just yet but here you were !! pregnant with his kid. 
the first thing he did was make an appointment for you. he needed to know how far along you were and when your projected birth date was. the doctor hadn’t been able to pinpoint what the sex was yet but he didn’t care !! his child was going to be the next red riot !! he was going to make sure of it !! 
months into the pregnancy, he started to fix up the nursery. while you were still miserable in the fact that you were pregnant, you knew you got nothing out of loathing from the news and tried to look at the silver linings in all of it. maybe kiri would lay off the rules and give you some freedom. he was already acting different. 
when you were in pain, he would be at your call. when he was at work, he made sure someone was there with you. what if something went wrong? he couldn’t trust you on your own. when your mood swings were bad, he would listen to you for once and keep his distance when you asked. when you were starving, he would get whatever it is you wanted. 
the nursery was red riot themed. little linings of red everywhere with black incorporated along with it. he had small figures of himself in the crib and on small shelfs around the room. kiri made sure to put pics of the two of you in the room so the kid could see the love you both had for each other. he even went out of his way to make mini outfits of his hero uniform that fit every time he assumed the kid would have a growth spurt. 
lets say you end up finding out that you were having not only a boy, they were going to be twin boys, kiri fucking fainted. he doubled everything in the nursery and even built an extra room for the second baby. kiri was ecstatic to say the least. he never thought he’d get twins !! you on the other hand went through another phase of grief knowing that you were carrying twins and that meant that kiri was going to be home more than you wanted him to be. 
when you finally go into labor, kiri dropped everything he was doing and fucking SPEED RAN to the hospital. when he got there, you were already under epidural and trying to calm yourself down. the pain was unbearable, even with the epidural. he could see the pain on your face and wanted to cry right along with you. you were even holding onto him, hoping that he did something right for once and tried to calm you down. 
when you finally gave birth, kiri bawled like a child. they were both out within a few minutes and while you held one baby, kiri held the other. they had his black hair and your skin tone. he had never seen three beautiful people in his life and here you were, his wife and kids. his life was complete. 
tamaki amajiki: 
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okay cool, tamaki is not horrible yandere so you’re relatively safe for the most part. the thing with tamaki that makes it unbearable to live with is that you can’t do shit. he’s terrified of you even breathing the wrong way tbh. he won’t let you leave the house bc he’s afraid something will happen to you. 
the day you found out you were pregnant with his baby, it was bittersweet. you were excited bc although he had abducted and was holding you hostage in his home, tamaki as a person was not a horrible person. he wasn’t mirio and he def wasn’t nejire. you had been feeling sick for a while and every morning you woke up you ran to the bathroom vomiting your guts out. 
you refused to tell tamaki bc you knew he would go into full panic if you did. you just had told mirio in secret to bring you a test and drop it off. when he did, you quickly ran to the bathroom and took the test. you were clawing the counter in a bout of anxiety and as soon as the clear blue test rang up positive, you felt dizzy in the head and fell on top of mirio who had offered to stay. 
he quickly fanned you as he basically screamed to tamaki to get his ass home. tamaki had dropped everything he was doing and ran to his house. he had no idea why mirio was there and bc the emergency was abt you, he booked it even faster. when he finally got there, you were chugging back a hydroflask full of water and murmured to him the news. 
tamaki basically passed out three different times hearing the news. it took mirio, a call to nejire, and yourself to get him out of it. when he finally stopped fainting and realized what you had said, he gave you a long hug, murmuring that finally it happened. he had been wanting kids for so long, as weird as it sounds. he was nervous wreck almost all the time but he wanted to continue his family line with you and hopefully they ended up with your personality. 
he scheduled your first doctor appointment a few weeks later and at that appointment, the two of you had found out the exact date and gender. you were having a baby girl !! tamaki was dumbfounded. he was expecting a boy but he wasn’t complaining. he was getting a mini you !! another to love and take care of. that meant that no hero course for his baby girl. nope !! business or support course at the very least. 
her nursery consisted of small sun eater figures and outfits. every now and again, he would had lemillion and nejire-chan themed things. your daughter would have mini outfits of all three of them and would have plushies of the three of them in the crib. hell, even the crib set was the big three themed. he and mirio had painted a mural for her and added photos of all four of you to make sure that even if his daughter didn’t have anyone to be her friend, the four of you would always be there. 
he didn’t take your change in moods well. frankly, he was terrified of you. there would be days where you would unleash your anger like never before and other days, you’d be sobbing to him. the food you did make though was AMAZING. it was a weird combination that always turned out amazing at the end. 
fat gum and kirishima were surprised but excited to hear the news. they bought her a bunch of red riot and fat gum themed clothes as well and fat gum would even bring you food when he was in the area. you were so important to tamaki and he knew that so he had to make sure that you were also important to him too. tamaki upon telling mirio and nejire that you were pregnant told them they were the god parents so they were almost just as protective over you like tamaki was. 
the day you gave birth, tamaki was home with you. you were just laying in bed when your water broke and he drove you to the hospital like he was in fast and furious. you were taken back by his actions but he practically screamed at the nurses as soon as you arrived to help you. he made sure to scream to them to give you epidural the minute you asked and if any of them even slipped up once, tamaki would have blood on his hands a few days later, making sure he took care of those useless nurses and doctors. tamaki in this setting was not one to mess with, that’s to say the least. 
when you finally gave birth, he cried a bit but not as much as you expected. the time he did cry was when he held his daughter and looked at the two of you. his life was perfect. you had a healthy daughter and you were relatively okay yourself post-birth. the only other time he cried was when he made the three-way call to mirio, fat gum, and nejire to tell them you had finally given birth and all of you were okay. 
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merakiui · 4 years
Ok concept Time
(If you think this is too much don’t post this I understand!)
Cw drugging, implied non con, loss of virginity, SCARAMOCHE BEING A JERK
You are one of the Liyue Qixing who oversees all the banks in Liyue. Now that Rex Lapis had stopped minting the coins a new pile of responsibility had fallsed on to your shoulders. What’s frustrating is that the rest of the Qixing doesn’t want to help and you think that is because Ningguang told them not to. You and her butthead enough on passing of laws. (You want a free market while she wants more governmental regulation)
After recieving another “proposal” from Ningguang you are infuriated. To think she has the audacity to order you around? Absurd. When you seek to take a break from work in a little tea shop you found an adorable young man trying to stike up a conversation.
You know he is a Fatui from the emblem on his clothing, but you do not make it that big of a deal. The northland bank abides the rules of Liyue and brings gold to the market. Of course you agree with Ningguang that they should be treated with caution, but you never viewed them as enemies.
Well, you had to admit that it’s good to let your pent up anger out. Everyone in Liyue seems to worship Ningguang as if she is their archon now, hard to find someone who would criticize her these days.
You are careful to not spill too much, just minor things, but then your mind begins to spin and blur, you did not brought your attendants with you.
That look of horror on your face in the morning was worth countless mora to Scaramouche. Carassing your cheeks gently, he whispered his conditions of keeping this under wraps.
Marry him, so the people of Liyue would not know one of their respectable Qixing had lost her virginity to a Fatui Harbinger.
He doesn’t need to tell you what he did. You’re smart enough to figure that out.
To have one who has so much authority over others now to him makes his ego implode in geometric ratio.
(I love Ningguang I just need an opening hhhhhh)
-wonderful anon
But whoaaa that is such a great concept! 10/10! The absolute power trip the Harbingers would get out of taking your virginity. Like,, waaahhh! Scaramouche is definitely at the top of the list for ‘jerk who lives for the virginity-claiming power trip.’ And the forced marriage too?! AAAHH WOWOWOW SCARA WOULD SO DO THAT! Please do not hesitate to bless us with more of your galaxy ideas!!!! 
Okay, ahem. Let me add my thoughts onto this amazing concept.
cw: nsfw, implied non-con, mentions of forced marriage, yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, implied drug usage
You can’t believe you fell for his false charm. More importantly, you can’t believe you didn’t bring your attendants with you. How could you act so foolishly? Even though you had taken care to divulge only minor details about yourself, such as your name and your preferred flavor of tea, it didn’t mean anything to him. He was content to listen and watch while you talked and sipped at your tea, quietly plotting all sorts of maddening things.
It’s very odd when you wake up in a plush bed with him at your side. All sorts of emotions and feelings crash into your just-barely awake self. You’re confused and worried, fearing for your own safety because you just can’t remember what happened the night prior. Your memory only goes back to the tea shop and Scaramouche with his opulent attire and charming grin. And yet now all forms of clothing have been shed and you’re so exposed. It’s more frightening than it is embarrassing, and when he smirks at your horrified expression it all crashes down on you at once.
The reason you’re so groggy and sore: drugs and sex. Of course. That has to be the only explanation for why you feel so miserable, both inside and out. And you’re absolutely speechless as he lays out the conditions, all confidence and pride, as if he didn’t just take something precious from you. Something that you were hoping to give to an actual lover and not some meddling Fatui scumbag.
“Marry you?” You repeat it without meaning to, but it still stuns you all the same. “You can’t be serious.”
“You heard me once, did you not?” His face is incredibly close to yours and you feel the uncanny need to hide under the covers. You surmise that even the most devout of prayers to Rex Lapis won’t be heard over the terrifying pound of your heart. “You shall be engaged to me and we’ll see to it that this little...secret of ours is kept under wraps. Surely that’s fair?”
“Hardly! You...” Your hands come up to cover your face and you’re caught between the urge to suffocate him in the linens or to cry rivers of tears. “You drugged me! And you... My—“
“Was it that special?” 
It was, you want to say, but you refuse to admit it. If you broke down in front of him, it would negate the strength you’re so desperately trying to uphold.
“No... But you can’t just drug someone and then have your way with them! And you can’t force them into marriage either. That’s the definition of insane.”
You feel sick and violated, pinned to a cork board like a deceased butterfly under his serious stare. And then he laughs. His lips turn upward in a sick smile and this man laughs. You’re not amused when you lower your hands to fix him with a glower, hoping he can read through your narrowed eyes and take the hint.
“Well, I did just that,” he finally says after he’s regained his composure, thin fingers grasping your chin. Your skin prickles at his deceitfully soft touch. “I suppose that, by your standards, I would be insane. Is that true?”
You’re too scared to agree and you have no idea what to do now. 
WOW OKAY SO!!! This is such a good concept. I just had to write a small snippet to contribute! I also had an idea concerning Ningguang! Even though the two of you disagree and don’t often get along because of your beliefs, she doesn’t think you’re a bad person. So she’s somewhat concerned when she learns that you don’t return to work after your break, and she becomes alarmed when all of your attendants claim to have no idea as to where you could’ve gone. She might not be your best friend, but you’re still one of the Liyue Qixing. Ningguang can’t just ignore it when someone with such an important role suddenly disappears.
Unfortunately, she has no idea where to start looking and the case of your disappearance is most likely handed off to someone who doesn’t exactly care that much. Either way, you’re still stuck with Scaramouche, who will make sure to limit your freedom, and as time ticks away so does your hope of escaping him. You can already hear the nightmarish chime of a forced wedding ceremony.
As for a beginning to this lovely scenario, perhaps the reader is frustrated because of all of the extra work being piled onto their schedule, and so it begins with them angrily heading out for some much-needed air, as you mentioned in the start of your concept. They decide to relax at a tea shop and that’s where they meet Scarymoose Scaramouche. >:) Perhaps he had some of his underlings stalk them and report back to him with the information, which is how he seems to know of your movements and where to find you. 
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I said I had another chapter ready. so It's time to post that.
tagging @helleborusangel because they like my writing and @hermitcraftheadcanons since they and their community made the au.
now... with that out of the way, let's recap evo... wait shoot i mean hermitcraft.
“Pixlriffs! Turn on the tv!” Came a voice that followed a door being slammed open.
Pixlriffs turned around in confusion to see Zloy having barged in, panting with his goggles askew. “Zloy? What’s going on?”
“Just turn on the recap channel! Hurry!”
Even more confused, Pixl slowly turned to his tv and turned it on, switching to the channel that showed their recap show. “I thought you didn’t like watching our own shows. It’s not even a regular recap, it’s just going to be a clip show from the livestream. Why are you so-” But he cut himself off. Showing on screen was a countdown to the season eight day one recap. “What? But it hasn’t started. We haven’t recorded anything.”
“I know! I was with a friend and they turned it on and said they didn’t think it had started yet. When I saw the countdown, I ran all the way over here.”
“Do you think they just had a scheduling mistake? We might need to call the broadcasters and have them fix things up.” Pixl suggested, and Zloy shrugged.
“Let’s just make sure that’s the case and see which episode they’re actually showing. For all we know they mixed things up and this is just the season seven, day one.”
“I hope that’s the case.”
The two recapers watched the timer go down. Elsewhere, people were also turned into the episode. Some were pleasantly surprised by the supposed new episode. Others were confused thinking the schedule was wrong. Those who knew the hermits were confused, not having heard the new season was starting yet.
Then finally, the timer reached zero, and a familiar jingle started. And then a voice that was definitely not Pixlriffs spoke the phrase “This week, on Hermitcraft.”
“Wait, what am I doing in the nether? I just joined the world.”
Zloy and Pixl looked at each other at something they had never heard Keralis say. This was a new episode, but one they hadn’t made.
“A new adventure starts in season eight, new places and mobs to explore and see. And also Grumbot and Jrumbot are Hermits now. Welcome to the Hermitcraft recap! The show where no one is where they should be. My name is Toon Noah.”
“I’m Mysterious Goofball, and our writer is Pin Valentine. Today, we’re looking at everyone’s first day on the new season of Hermitcraft.”
The first person, Noah, spoke up again. “In this season, the hermits managed to update all the way to the second half of the caves and cliffs update even though that isn’t possible.” He explained what was going on in this season. “Everyone is scattered across the map and even in other dimensions. Monsters are tough, regen is off, and using chat is out of the question, so surviving is going to be tough.”
“At the very least, they can still respawn, so certain people have chances to escape. Escape what that is? Well, let’s look at what the Hermits have been up to.” Goofball said, sounding so nonchalant about what they were about to talk about.
“Starting with Xisuma, who’s started out in the deep dark. The admin’s helmet has been disabled other than necessary functions. His visor also gives him a little bit of light, so he’s not completely blind. Plus the fact that sculks are bioluminescent. But the warden is too, which has been able to find him a number of times.”
“Also in the caves in Jevin,-” Goofball spoke up again. “-who’s found himself in some lush caves. He’s got glowberries for light and food and the axolotls are pretty friendly. Plus, with enough searching, he was able to find a bit of wood for simple tools.”
“Speaking of wood. Some of the hermits have found themselves in the jungle.” Noah quickly commented before some audio from one of the hermits played along with its clip.
“Helloooo? Anyone around? Impulse? Tango? Hey is that Grian? Nope, just a parrot. Ugh, and here I am without any seeds.”
Goofball spoke up again when the audio finished. “Both Zedaph and Tango are in the same jungle, but the size of the biome as well as the amount of foliage means they haven’t found each other yet. Tango at the very least has started mining, and Zedaph managed to find a jungle temple and has already started on using the redstone from there for a melon farm.”
“How do you even make a farm out of that?”
“It’s Zedaph, what do you expect?”
“Well, as for the last of team ZIT, Impulse had found himself in the middle of a sea temple.” Noah spoke, as the video showed Impulse dealing with being underwater in such a place. “Between drowning and guardians, he hasn’t gotten that far away from his spawn.”
“In other aquatic news-” Goofball said, another clip from the hermits playing.
“If I never see coral again, it’ll be too- wait, is that False? False!”
“-Stress and False are also nearby to each other, both spawning in coral reefs. False was the first to escape, needing to just swim out of her spawn.”
“On the other hand, Stress was completely encased in coral and had to slowly chip herself out of the colorful prison. But by the evening, Stress was able to get to the surface and join False and an island, chopping down trees. They even started a wheat farm. But here’s hoping they don’t have to deal with drowned.”
“While she isn’t a drowned,” Goofball continued from Noah’s comment. “Zombie Cleo started out in a village. Normally, that would be pretty good, but being a zombie…”
“Leave me alone! I’m not going ta kill any villagers! I’m a zombie but I’m not that kind of zombie!”
“She’s been having an issue with the resident iron golem. With a bit of luck, she managed to hole herself up in a house which the golem isn’t going to destroy, but the villagers aren’t the happiest about it.”
Then Noah took over speaking. “From villagers to illagers, Mumbo Jumbo found himself alone in a woodland mansion, making himself the furthest hermit in the overworld.”
“Come on. Almost. Almost!” The video showed Mumbo running before he was killed by a vindicator. “Oh come on!”
After that, Noah continued. “He’s tried and failed many times to try and get out of the mansion, but eventually just started breaking the walls for tools.”
“The illagers aren’t really happy about it, but not like he’ll be going far, so I don’t think he’ll easily lose those tools.”
“Well at least he’s got supplies.” The video transitioned to a mountain top with three figures standing at the peak. “Grian, as well as new hermits Grum and Jrum are currently stuck on the top of a mountain, surrounded by powder snow. It’s pretty lucky that the three of them stuck together.”
“I’m not so sure of that.” Goofball spoke up, sounding a bit frustrated or annoyed. “While Grian tried to fly down for supplies to little success, other than fall damage, he hasn’t managed to die, using some sort of magic.”
“But it looks like the fall damage came in handy for Doc, who’s further down the mountain. He’s having a bit of trouble surrounded by goats, plenty of them being the screaming variety.”
Goofball spoke again, no longer sounding as annoyed. “Yeah, but while hanging out with them, he heard a different kind of scream and did something pretty smart.”
“Wait, what was- is someone close by? It sounded like someone just- wait! The death messages!” He pulled out his communicator and read the messages. “Grian died to fall damage! Grian’s up there!”
“I guess he is the scientist of the group.” Noah spoke, the grin he had on his face audible in his voice. “It makes sense he would be the one to figure things out. But even then, he still can’t easily get down the mountain himself with all the goats messing him up. My guess is he’s really regretting being the goat father last season.”
“Doc isn’t the only one getting familiar with the new wildlife though. Hypno has found himself in a large flower forest that has plenty of mooblooms. He hasn’t been able to kill any of them yet, and there’s only flowers and no grass for him to get seeds from, so while the place seems like it should be easy to survive in, it’s really the opposite.”
“The best idea he’s had so far is following some bees to find their nest and hopefully a tree attached to it. If only he knew he was actually really close to spawn, being the closest to it.”
Goofball took control of the conversation again “Well, that’s not entirely true as three hermits managed to appear at spawn, those three being Joe Hills, VintageBeef, and Etho.” And the three hermits were shown in what looked much more normal than everything else that had been shown so far. “The three of them pretty quickly figured out something was wrong and started to make spawn a safe place, also gathering supplies so they can eventually find the other hermits.”
“Except Etho got a bit ahead of himself.” Noah cut in. “He had a bad run in with some mobs and ended up dying, finding out his respawn is a bit different than others. But at the very least, he managed to find Ren.”
“Ren spawned on a cliff of a ravine. There’s no water at the bottom, and all the blocks in reach are stone, so it’s not the easiest to escape from. Still, with little else to do, Ren started slowly chipping away at the stone to escape the ravine, only to fall when Etho surprised him by suddenly respawning there.”
“Okay, I got through two more pieces of stone. At this rate, I can probably get to dirt before the sun is setting so- Etho- ooooooh!”
“At the very least Ren is respawning just fine,” Noah explained “So the two of them were able to help Ren escape the ravine, so he’s the third person to escape his spawn area.”
“Well, that’s not entirely true.” Goofball started to correct. “Before Etho helped Ren and even before Stress escaped her coral prison, Cub actually escaped the mesa mineshaft he spawned in. It was a little tricky with the cave spiders spawning, but he lucked out with the loot of a chest and was able to get a crafting table and pickaxe out of it.” Cub had found some iron, torches, a few seeds, some bread, and then used the wood of the mineshaft to get him on his feet in terms of survival. “With a few respawns, he took out the spiders and their spawner. He’s able to move around freely, but not wanting to respawn again, his hearts are a bit low, so he’s staying near the mineshaft for shelter.”
“Then, sort of nearby the mesa of course, is the desert, where the last two overworld hermits are.” Noah said, and there was the slightest ruffle of papers, like he was checking a script. “Both XB and Iskall are stuck in the same large desert, trying to find some source of food, water and wood. So far, the best they’ve found are the sticks from dead bushes. Out of the two, XB is doing a bit better since he’s found a cave for some sort of shelter, but Iskall’s much worse off,the sand messing with his one eye.”
“Between the heat, the sand, and my eye, I can’t even tell what’s real anymore. That cactus could be a tree or a town or- nope! It’s actually a creeper!”
And then Noah continued with a transition. “Getting even hotter now, let’s look at the nether. There’s only two hermits there right now, with different struggles to deal with.”
“Keralis is the first and lucked out a bit, landing himself in a warped forest right near a basalt delta, meaning he’s got up to stone tools. Plus, since nether gold ore can be mined with wood tools or better, he’s also got some gold boots to help with any piglins.”
“On the other hand, Welsknight is in a much worse situation. He spawned in a crimson forest and is having plenty of trouble with the hoglins.” And that was emphasized by a clip of Wels being killed by one of the mobs. “He hasn’t gotten too much wood before dying, but at the very least, he secured his spawn just enough he has some room to breathe. And hey, if he makes it out of there, he’s got a fortress nearby. But now to end this off, let’s head to the end.”
“TinfoilChef, or TFC is on the main end island, spawning on an obsidian platform just a few blocks from the edge of the island.” Goofball spoke. “It’s close enough for him to jump, but he still takes fall damage and has to deal with the ender dragon after that.”
“Not to mention the endermen too, which Scar is also having trouble with. He’s stuck on a smallish end island out in the further reaches of the end. There’s an end city nearby, but he doesn’t really have the means to get there. At the very least he’s got food from the chorus plants, but that won’t help too terribly much.”
“And lastly, there’s BdoubleO, who we’ve- who’s been lucky to not die so far being in a special situation.” Though they hadn’t been saying much, both Pixlriffs and Zloy noticed the slight slip up Goofball gave. “He’s currently looping in the end void, teleporting up to the top when he finally gets too low. There’s nothing in sight for him to know that though, so he thinks he’s just falling deeper and deeper. But hopefully he’ll figure it out eventually.”
“Well, that’s everyone, so that pretty much does it for this episode of Ev- Hermitcraft Recap. I was Toon Noah-”
“And I was Mysterious Goofball and our writer was Pin Valentine. If you’d like to see original content made by us, you can find us if you already know where to look.”
“Don’t forget to give this show a good rating and tune in next week for the next episode of Hermitcraft Recap. Thank you all so much for watching and good-Bye~!”
Finally, the screen turned black, signalling the end of the episode. The whole time, Pixl and Zloy had just sat there in shock, watching the episode and not saying anything. The thought of their show being taken over by some new people was scary enough, but the situations the Hermits were now in was so much worse.
Zloy was the first to move, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He had felt it going off during the episode, but had been too stunned to do anything. Apparently, he had missed multiple calls and texts about what had happened with the episode, who had been put in charge, what was with the hermits, and more related to the whole situation.
“We need to see someone about this.” Pixlriffs said, in a similar situation with looking at his phone. “Make sure people know we have no connection to this and hopefully also see if the studio knows who recorded this. I would also like to say that this is all fake, but…”
“Yeah, that footage looked way too real. I think the Hermits are actually in a lot of trouble right now.”
“Then let’s do something about it.”
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domesticblisss · 3 years
Nice to Meet You
Jay White x Female Reader Requested Prompt: “Hello! Thank you for opening requests. How about one with Jay White where he’s in New Japan and reader is in WWE and they end up following each other on ig or something and after awhile of messages and such they finally meet and get together? You can change things up if you want I just love the idea of 2 people from separate companies getting together lol ❤️ ” Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1306 Warnings: Nothing, fluff as fuck with a tiny little bit of angst and some between the lines pinning and a little cursing. Summary: Mutual friends aren't enough for you to meet, but the internet is. A/N: Sorry it took me so long to post it, work has been crazy, then writer's block hit and when the inspirations finally got back to me, I had the shittiest week ever so I couldn't bring myself to write it. I hope it's at least a little bit good, and that my dear requester and you all like it. 💕
He always heard about her and she always heard about him. Only good things.
Shelley always gushed about how their styles were similar, Sabin went off countless times on how they should wrestle as a duo, and against each other, and Candice kept mentioning how they would look cute together.
But the friends in common weren't enough to make them meet each other and their hectic schedule never coincided. Soon, Jay shipped off to Japan full time and she finally got her NXT contract signed.
Jay was the one to take the first step. It was on a late saturday night, one of his few days off, when he finally decided to watch her debut match against Asuka after seeing it trending across social media and different news outlets.
She lost the match, but she gave the NXT Women’s Champion a run for her money. Hard kicks after hard kicks, asuka locks being countered several times, and the most incredibly performed top rope DDT he had ever seen. It was the hardest hitting women’s match he had seen in a while and he was amused with her talent, so amused he had to let the world know.
“@thisisfuryWWE nxt debut match was the best one I’ve seen in a long time. Can’t wait to see more of you 😉”
The message made her smile, the recognition from someone she always thought so highly of warming her heart.
“@JayWhiteNZ thank you! this means a lot coming from the #switchblade 🔪❤️”
With that came the mutual following on social media, then the likes, the casual comments turned into dm’s, turned into phone number exchanges, and soon, they didn’t know a life without each other.
Every day a “good morning” text would be sent by whoever woke up first and “sleep well” texts closed off the night. The time zone was messy, but they always found a way to talk to each other, losing count of how many nights were poorly slept and the amount of coffee they drank on the morning after.
Little “this made me think of you” messages were sent whenever a dog picture or a meme came their way, friends' dinner/lunch dates through FaceTime became a thing and every Instagram post got commented with an inside joke. Friends and fans started to notice the change in their relationship and soon their mentions were bombarded with speculating questions.
“Are you guys together?”
“When are the two of you getting married?”
“@thisisfuryWWE and @JayWhiteNZ get a fucking room already”
“I would if she was near me 🙄”
She was the one who took the second step. After a lot of talk with Candice, she finally realised her true feelings towards the kiwi. It wasn’t easy accepting them at first, she took longer to respond to his messages, the “good morning” texts were no more, and her answers were always short, until the fateful day where she completely stopped answering him.
→ I don’t know if I did something wrong, and I am so sorry if I did, but please talk to me.
She knew that ghosting him was wrong and that she needed to tell him the truth, even if her anxiety got the best of her.
The clock on her phone announced that it was 12:45pm, meaning it was almost 2 in the morning for him and that he probably had just gotten back from the monday tapings, tired and wanting to sleep. “Fuck it, he texted me. It’s now or never.”
He picked up on the third ring, his long, dyed black hair wet, sticking to his forehead, the droplets of water running down his chest.
“Hey! Sorry it took me a while to pick it up, I was just taking a shower. How are you?” He panted like he had just ran a marathon to pick up the phone. “I missed you.”
She had never seen him so vulnerable, the small tone of his voice shot a tinge of pain to her heart. “Can we talk? I need to talk to you.”
“Sure, just let me put some pants on.” Jay laughed.
He sat the phone down on the nightstand and she kept staring at the cream ceiling of his hotel room, thinking about everything and nothing at the same time.
“Is everything okay, I was worried about you.” Noises of shuffling fabric were noticeable in the background, paired with a string of curses after what she was pretty sure was him bumping his pinky on some furniture.
“Everything is fine. Is your toe still alive?”
“Yeah, yeah…”
She looked at him, really looked at him. The dark hair dryer, messy and no longer sticking to his forehead, probably the work of him aggressively running the towel over it. His fair skin pink after a hot shower, blue eyes shy, almost anxiety ridden with anticipation of what could happen next. She let out a modest smile, running the words she had thought about telling him countless times in her head.
“What is it, honey?”
“Jay, I- I need to tell you something. I don’t know how to say it but just let me finish first or I’ll die.”
He only nodded.
“I like you. Really, really like you. That’s why I’ve been off these past few days, I’ve been trying to understand my feelings and I ended up scaring myself because I’ve never felt this way for anyone.” she stopped for a few seconds, hands running over face and hair, taking a moment to breath. “Jay, I– fuck, I appreciate our friendship so, so much and I don’t want to ruin it, but I get it if this makes you uncomfortable and if you want to cut ties.”
Jay kept quiet, staring at her through the small screen, smile getting bigger and until it turned into full, hearty laughter.
“Jay, this is not funny. I’m not–“
“This is why you vanished? God, can’t you see I fucking love you too, you idiot?!”
Silence engulfed the pair again as they looked at each other, not believing what had finally happened. They exchanged smiles and lingering stares before continuing the conversation.
“I’m crazy about you, honey.”
“And how are we going to do this, Jay?”
“I am constantly going back home, you can come over when you have some free time. We will figure it out, baby.”
Three weeks of messages and video calls, three weeks of “I love yous” and “can’t wait to see you”, three of the longest weeks of their lives until they finally meet each other.
Jay opens instagram, her story bubble being the first one to show up. He clicks on it and is met with a picture of her in a red envelope dress and white converse, the same one he was wearing, and a caption that said “today is going to be a great day! ❤️🔪”.
🔥 reaction and a “see you in forty, love” reply sent, her phone vibrated in her purse just a few meters away from him. Little did he know she was waiting for him in the landing room, holding a small poster with “Mr. White” written and little switchblades drawn all over it.
She grew anxious as everyone but Jay left the plane, checking the time and if she was on the right gate constantly.
Five minutes passed, five minutes that felt like hours, and Jay finally came out, with sunglasses covering his eyes and his denim jacket in hand. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her, a smile growing on his face as she ran to him. He engulfed her in a tight hug, kissing her lips in small pecks that grew into one big slow kiss.
They touched foreheads after, smiling and laughing, not believing they were finally in each other’s arms.
“Hey, stranger.”
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tendous-fingertape · 4 years
hihi!! could you do dream, sap and george hcs with a venezuelan/latinx s/o thats a little homesick?? i saw your recs open and i RAN!! thanm you sm!!
Of course...it might be a little bad since I’m not 100% sure on how to do this. I hope you like it though!!
Request and matchups are open! Rules in pinned post
Doesn’t understand too much since he lives close to his family
Suggest calling your family everyday
When you explain to him that it’s not JUST the people, it’s the place he kinda doesn’t know what to do
Suggest a trip!
He think it would be fun for him, to go to a foreign place, and for you!
Does little traditions with you that you did at home
Tries to find out cultural things he could buy you to hopefully have enough of ‘home’ at your house with him
No matter what you say, every year he WILL bring you back home
He hopes that will stop you from being homesick with a scheduled visit every year!
Just like dream, he doesn’t understand at first because he lives with his mom
Probably says something stupid
Like’then go?’
Not everyone has YouTube money 🙄✋🏻
If it’s not the money and a government issue
He tries SO HARD to bring home to you
Tries cooking food that you used to eat
Key word:tries
If you like to cook, show him
Plays your favorite music, if you have a dance with the song he’ll be more than happy to learn it
Tries so hard oh so hard
If it is a money issue, he probably(like dream) will bring you there!
He’s probably more excited than you tbh
Knows how you feel, but to a certain extent
He’s moved a few states over,but he can drive home
You can’t
Tries as figures out why you miss home
Is it the food?
He’ll try and make it
He’s figuring out away you guys can see each other again
Just the scenery?
Tries to find a way to get you there
Unlike Dream and George, I don’t think he’d bring you there
He had school to worry about
He might send YOU there
By yourself
But that’s really no fun
If it ever makes you so upset to a point of sadness he will cuddle you
Tries to make you laugh
He will find your favorite movie that you had as a kid and watch it with you
His way of thinking is ‘if I give them a new memory with old memories that means no sadness’
Depends on the person, it could or couldn’t work
He tries so hard to make you feel like you have a home with him
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yoonia · 4 years
[Teaser] Blurred Lines
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➬ Title | Blurred Lines
➬ Pairings | Kim Seokjin x reader
➬ Genre | Smut, Sexual Tension!au, Teacher!Jin, Teacher!reader, Tattooed Biker!Jin
➬ Summary | A new place to live, a new job, a new beginning. Six months have passed and everything has been going well for you in starting over. The warm welcome from your students and peers have quickly made you feel at home, yet you still long to have one calm day where you wouldn’t have to walk into the school with a heavy weight on your shoulders and the air thick with tension. Blame it on him—the strict English teacher who keeps giving you cold shoulders no matter how many times you try to play nice. One night out with your girls and a drunken dare ultimately lead you to uncover what he’s been trying to hide. People do say that the quiet ones always keep the biggest secret.
↳ Ratings | +18 / M for Mature
↳ Warning | Slow burn, mutual pinning, mention of alcohol consumption, hard dom!Jin, bondage, big cock!seokjin, dirty talk, mild degradation, cum play, creampie, tattoos and dick piercing, idk I might add more as I write this
↳ Estimated word count | 10k-15k words
↳ Estimated posting date | Dec 2nd, 2020 Dec 4th/5th, 2020
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↳ Excerpt
“I’m not so sure about this,” you complain as your two friends barge in through the front entrance of the bar. Though you know that you are losing the fight when they keep pulling you along with them and you have no other choice but to give in when the drinks you had taken so far slowly begin to sink in their claws in you.
Holli wraps her arm around yours so she can drag you with her. “Oh, come on. Our goal tonight is to try on as many bars as we could get and none that we’ve been into looks like this one.”  
Of course, they haven’t, since none of the bars you went to had looked anything like a bikers’s bar. And even under the state of tipsiness, you can still recognise this place as the one that you would usually avoid whenever you walk past down this road.
Both of your girls seem like an expert as they wave through the crowd, heading straight to the seating area to find yourselves an available booth.
The bar is nearly packed wherever you look. Only a few empty seats seem to be available, even with many of the patrons standing up, either crowding the pool table, lining up at the bar counter, or gathering in groups on the dance floor. Except that nobody appears to be dancing.
God knows how Holli can manage to snatch a seat at all through all of this, but she does it with ease. Taking one last look around as you take your seat, you are glad to have gotten a few drinks in from the previous bars. You would have never been brave enough to step foot into this place if you had been sober when you came in. Wherever you look, you see big, burly men drinking beer and laughing. Their muscles stretching out from beneath their tops—some wearing tight black T-shirts, some wearing white sleeveless muscle tops, either one had made their bulging muscles look like they are about to burst out of them—their ink work peeking out from either their sleeves or their necklines, and they are all wearing matching leather vests with silver studs on the shoulders, with a logo resembling a girl sitting spread-legged on top of a motorcycle and the name “Howlers” embedded at the back of said vests. You can even see that some of the men are sporting matching tattoos on their skin, though not all of them have them on the same spots—some on their necks, their upper arms, or at the back of their hand that is holding a glass of beer.
There are a few girls hanging out with them, some are simply sitting or standing close, while others are practically clinging on their men’s muscled arm. They are all wearing matching leather vests as well, suggesting that they are either members of their motorcycle club or they are here as their lovers, though the vests look much smaller in size and are a bit tight around the chest.
Waitresses with crop tops and tight plaid miniskirts walk around the room with trays that are never empty. They are always filled with glasses of beer that are filled to the brim, almost spilling as they weave their way through the crowd. The girls would occasionally stop on the tables they are tending to in between trips, chatting along with the patrons as if they are all old friends. And even through your drunken haze, you are pleased to find that none of the men are acting like sleazy bastards that might be disrespectful around these working ladies.
Damn, even those strong drinks Holli gave you still couldn’t get you out of your proverbial teachers’ shoes, it seems?
You look up just as one of the waitresses comes to your table, all warm smile and polite greetings. The lack of judgement in her eyes as she looks between the three of you sort of eases you down a little, and the apprehension you have been feeling upon entering the foreign place slowly fades away.
“Welcome to Anchor Roadhouse, what can I get for you ladies?”
Jennie leans forward over the table to make the order. “Cold beer for three, please. Oh, and with double shots of tequila on the side for each?”
The waitress nods. “You got it. Be right back.”
“We’re going a bit over the top, aren’t we?” you ask the girls as the waitress turns to make her way towards the bar to retrieve your orders, and Jennie only shrugs.
“This place looks like way more fun than the ones we’ve been before,” she says, looking around as she admires the sight she is seeing at all corners. You would have never thought that your best friend would have a liking to tattooed, burly men, but you are finding out all the new things about your friends tonight.
“It sure is. So might as well have fun,” Holli agrees with her, before turning to glance at your way. “But most importantly, we still have someone between us who has yet to do the dare.”
Ah, yes. The dare. You refrain from rolling your eyes as you are reminded of it. You have hoped that choosing to be the last one to do it would be able to safe your ass from actually doing it, thinking that your girls would have been too drunk to notice that you are skipping it by then.
You look around again, perusing the field and making plans, when you suddenly feel the heat of someone’s piercing gaze burning on your back, only to see that nobody is actually paying attention to any of you. But the quick scan around the room has you feeling quite intimidated all the same. Just how on earth are you supposed to get one of these burly bikers to buy you a drink?
You look at all the girls around you and consciously begin to compare yourself to them. Unlike these girls who are confident enough to flaunt their skin while wearing leathers and tight tops, you feel like everyone could look your way and figure out instantly that you are no more than a mousy high school teacher. Not even the mini black dress that you are wearing—no matter how tight and revealing it is—and the killer heels could hide it from the world.
The waitress returns just as you are about to give a closer look at the bar, to find your way in on finding a lone biker to talk to, and you are surprised to see her carrying not just three glasses of beer as requested, but a whole pitcher of it.
Everyone at the table looks at one another in confusion, yet the waitress simply sets down the pitcher and the clean glasses around the table, along with the tequila shots, and sets them all up as if there is nothing wrong with the order.
“Um—I’m sorry—” you try to cut in, “We didn’t order the whole pitcher.”
The waitress keeps her smile on her face when she raises her eyebrows. “Oh, don’t worry, Doll. It’s in the house. The owner wants to welcome you girls properly.”
You look at your friends again before asking, “The owner?”
The waitress cocks her hips once she is done setting up the drinks and tilts her head towards the bar. “Yeah, see the sweetheart standing right behind the counter over there? He’s watching over you girls to make sure you’re having a good time.”
You turn back to look at the bar as the waitress walks over to the next table right after Holli thanks her almost too excitedly. As if the night hasn’t gone any weirder yet, the crowd slowly parts way to give you the full good look at the bar counter.
And that is when you see him.
Standing behind the counter the way the waitress had described him is a familiar face. The same face that has your spine rigid and your muscles growing tense whenever you step foot into the school in the morning, knowing that your schedules will allow you to cross path with each other. He is now looking at you almost the same way he does it at school, the same way his gaze is locked on every move you make to have you feeling terribly self-conscious in everything you do when you are around him. Like every single move may end up as a mistake.
And now he is there, looking at you closely, though you are surprised to find him doing so without any judgemental look in his eyes when he finds you. He had discarded the ivory-rimmed glasses he normally wears, and instead of wearing his usual long sleeves dress shirt, he is wearing a black tight sleeveless top that puts his perfectly toned arms and shoulders on display, showing off the ink work that marks the length of his arms and all the way up to his neck, presenting you all the drawings and scribbles of words that you have never seen on him before. His fancy velvet coat has been replaced with a leather biker vest which looks exactly the same as to what everyone here is wearing.
You can barely get over the shock of not seeing the usual scowl that he normally wears at school, when his smile slowly grows upon noticing that you are looking straight at him, making your jaw drops even further.
This must be a dream, you wonder to yourself.
Because there is no way you are seeing Kim Seokjin—the strict English teacher that everyone is afraid of—standing behind that bar as if this is his own home.
But there is no mistaking the smouldering gaze he is giving you now, the same one that has been quite intimidating that you always avoid seeing him in the break room at school. Except that his gaze no longer causes fear inside you when you return the look in his eyes.
And he just bought you a whole pitcher of cold beer.
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— © 2020 Yoonia, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind is not allowed. translations are not allowed.
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softomi · 4 years
The Other
based on the song: urs by NIKI
lyric prompt:  fuck this charade, enough is enough. 
pairing: atsumu x reader
genre: angst
warning: sexual themes, cheating
You didn’t think this would amount to anything. The first time his lips were on your neck, leaving marks of territory, tongue dragging on your skin; it was euphoric. The first night he didn’t stay over, he left you pretty on the bed sheets, fingers buckling his belt back on; he didn’t even say goodbye. You didn’t mind, after all, it was just one night.
The next time he saw you, he snuck you into the boy’s locker room. He stripped you, pushed your back against the wall with your lips beautifully calling his name. Your nails dug deep into his shoulders as he nibbled on you, the sound of the running shower painted you both wet.
The more you two met, the longer he stayed after. His midnight texts had you staying up late; accommodating for his sleep schedule as if you didn’t have to get up at six in the morning for work. If you were good to him, he’d let you fall asleep as early as three in the morning. That’s just how Atsumu was.
For a year, he laid you out pretty for him. He explored every inch of your body; he drew out all the sounds he could get from you, and he gave you the best highs of your life. He experimented with you, restraints on your wrist, food on your chest, testing just how long you could be beautiful for him. The first time he went down on you, he wasn’t much of a talker; but as months passed, he didn’t hold back the roughness and the aftercare brought words of affirmation.
“I think I love you.” You think one night as his head is buried between your legs.
But just as you think you’re about to break through to his cold, ice of a heart, he pushes you aside; leaves you lying on the bed as he suddenly starts to change.
“You’re not staying?” You pull the blankets to cover your exposed chest, lately he had taken a liking to staying in your bed.
Atsumu grins, fingers tilting your chin to look up to him, “Not tonight sweetheart. Got places to be.”
That’s how he started leaving most nights. Got places to be. You didn’t figure out that the places was his girlfriend’s place until you saw him for the first time in daylight. You could barely recognize him without dim lighting. His arm slung on her shoulder, he’s chitchatting with her friends; kissing her temple, eyes staring at you as if he’s trying to embarrass you. You storm out of the place, face reddening, out of anger you send him a text; he’s instructed to never come near you again.
Yet that night, he has you pinned under him. Shamelessly, you’re begging him for more. Your thoughts are filled with the way he looked at her, the way he kissed her, the way he had the audacity to act all innocent and lovey-dovey. You push him back on the bed, his hands fall to your waist as you climb atop of him. He’s digging his head into the pillow, you’re making sure he’s whispering your name; not hers.
It was truly disgusting, the way he introduced you to her.
“She’s kind of like my personal trainer.” Atsumu’s grinning but his eyes are sly, “She’s absolutely amazing babe, how else do you think I’ve improved so much.”
“It’s so nice to meet you.” She extends a hand out to you. She was incredibly sweet.
Unlike you, “It’s great to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you from Atsumu. He just goes on and on.”
She’s too sweet, a blush on her face as she hits Atsumu on the chest, “I hope he says good things.”
“Only the best.” Atsumu plays with a strand of her hair, “She’s been keeping me late to work on that new move I was telling you about.”
“Oh!” She’s perking up, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I thought he was just messing around at night.”
You let out a laugh, she was just unbearably sweet, “Well, I try to keep him on a tight leash.”
“Well, maybe one day I could join you two.” She suggests, Atsumu coughs when the water goes down the wrong pipe.
You’re smiling, “I prefer my athletes to work in an environment without distraction.” Her smile falls into a frown, “He’s already distracted wishing to be with you all the time.” Her eyes light up in delight.
You were absolutely just as low as Atsumu, but perhaps you were even lower.
Come over.
You’re texting him purposely on the night of his one year anniversary, seeing his face pressed against hers in a sappy love post. The irritating red heart balloons floating behind them as he kisses her. You wanted to prove something, that he still preferred your bed over hers.
It wasn’t long he was outside your door, it wasn’t long that your hands were gripping your bedsheets, the glimmer of the promise ring on his finger reflects in the moonlight. You’re grinning, bringing him down to play with your lips as your hand slowly removes the ring; it’s tossed somewhere on your floor. He’d later lie to his girlfriend that it fell down a sink drain.
It was pathetic, sitting on your couch with a bottle of wine in front of you. He was visiting you less and less, and you became more desperate for him. The romance movie on the television makes you cry, it makes tears fall from your eyes that he once called so lovely. You wondered just how loss you got into him.
He wasn’t even putting effort into his texts anymore. You shut the lights off, you turn the brightness of the television screen down, and you mute the sound. Your fingers hug the bottle of wine tighter, your tears flow when you hear the knock of the door. The more he knocked, the worse you felt.
“Hey.” Atsumu calls from the other side.
The worse thing? The code of your door was no longer the same.
Fuck this charade, enough is enough
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karimjohnson · 4 years
Falling: What If I’m Someone You Won’t Talk About?
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Hey guys! Here’s another one for you all! It’s sad just like the last one! I hope you all like it as much as Cherry. This one is a bit long too lol. Thank you all for reading and sharing my stories. It really makes me feel good to know that you all are enjoying my stories! Please feel free to message me any ideas that you may have or something that you want to see me write! I will write any idea you come up with. I love to include you all into my writing. So don’t be shy! Like I said before, this Fine Line Series is on the top of my list to finish. But ideas are always welcome here. As soon as I finish this series, I will upload some other imagines for you all to read. I will add them to the master list once this is done. Much Love- K
Summary: You and Harry have been broken up for a couple of months. You have an interview for an upcoming movie you are starring in. You are going on the Late Late Show with James Corden. He asks you questions related to the movie but then he brings up some questions about you and Harry. You haven’t really talked about Harry to the public before, even when you two were still together. So you get really nervous to talk about his post break-up. But James surprises you with Harry’s new music video and song that an anonymous fan requested to play for you. As you watch the video, you notice someone in the crowd but you can’t quite place who it is. But James has an even bigger surprise for you after the show. 
Pairing: Harry x Reader
Rated: PG
Being in the lime-light is difficult when it comes to relationships. Your schedule becomes extremely busy and even if you aren’t working, you are still working. Paparazzi are everywhere you go. It becomes difficult to hide your personal life. It ruins the intimacy for you and your partner sometimes. You feel responsible for protecting your loved ones when it comes to the public eye. It’s hard to keep up with relationships when everyone in the tabloids tries to tear you down. Fans are amazing. They are the reason you keep following your dreams. But other fandoms can tear down your confidence when it comes to their idol. But hey, that’s the price of fame. Not everyone will love you and not everyone will be rooting for you.
For me though, being a young actress and dating a mega superstar was so hard. I was super close with Harry before we dated. Our friendship started around the end of One Direction and through his making of his first solo album. We were best friends and I supported him through the end of One Direction. He was super nervous about releasing his first solo album. I told him that it will be worth it and everyone will still love him the same no matter the outcome. It became one of the top albums that year. He was so happy and I couldn’t deny how proud of him I was.  
We stayed close together when he went on tour that year for the album. I tried my best to go out to his shows. It was a little difficult with me being in a few shows. Eventually, when he took his time off after touring, we reconnected and started dating in 2018. It became difficult to keep our relationship private. Everyone was watching us to see what would happen between us. Fans were blowing up online about us. Supporting us and others were jealous. It just comes with the business. I was trying to stay confident for Harry and our relationship. But it became difficult when the tabloids started saying they spotted Harry with other girls here and there. I’m not one to read into those things. Especially when I trusted Harry. I never once doubted his loyalty to me.
    But as the tabloids went on, it became difficult for me to hang on to what we had. Then I got offered a job for a big movie that was coming out. Harry began to dabble into his second solo album. Our schedules became harder to see each other with our separate projects. Then one night, I got a call from a mutual friend of ours. They told me that they went out to a bar and saw Harry there. He was hammered and apparently was flirting with some other girl there. I was heartbroken at the news. I was panicking around my home trying to figure out why he would do such a thing. I tried calling him a few times and texting him, but I got no response out of him that night. I got zero sleep. Thankfully, I didn’t have work the next day.
    When I woke up the next day, that’s when the pictures and videos were uploaded online of Harry’s scandal. I read the tabloids for once and watched the videos. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was so broken. My heart was aching as I laid in bed all day. I cried and ignored everyone who tried to check on me… Even Harry. Later that night, I decided to check my phone. I read all of Harry’s messages. He was upset and apologizing left and right for what he had done. I told him that I couldn’t forgive him and that it hurt too much for me to keep this relationship going. I had to protect myself for once. I loved Harry whole-heartedly and I loved everything about him. We had so much fun together and laughed so hard at our horrible jokes. But it was like all of that was gone now.
I didn’t recognize him anymore. I trusted him with the most fragile parts of me. It felt like none of that mattered now. We broke up and the tabloids kept reeling in on why we broke up. Paparazzi followed us both everywhere and asked horrible questions about why we weren’t together anymore. I decided to focus on myself and my career and I suppose Harry did the same. He ended up releasing his second album this October. I listened to a few songs and watched the music videos even though my heart hurt and yearned for him. I was still going to support him. He was someone I always looked up to in my career.
Now, after a few months my movie was about to come out. I was busy with meetings and interviews with my cast mates. That’s what I always did when I went through a break-up. I just throw myself into my work and focused on my career when shit hits the fan. Tonight, I was going to be on James Corden to talk about the movie I was starring in. I was super excited because James was always someone that could make me laugh. He was always so sweet and kind to me. I was in my dressing room watching the show. I was in a shiny, navy blue dress that stopped at my thighs and some black heels. My hair was pinned back to show off the sliver hoops in my ears. My make-up was natural, but it still made my eyes pop. I was playing with my bracelets nervously waiting for my que to head towards the stage.
    They were on a commercial break when I heard a knock on the door. The stage manager peaked their head in and smiled, “Places Ms. Y/L/N.” I smiled up at them and took a deep breath. I stood from the couch and followed them to the stage. There were a few crew members adjusting my mic for me. I smiled and thanked them looking over to the stage manager. They started to count down to signal that they were live again. “My next guest is incredibly talented and a truly wonderful young woman. She is starring in the new thriller movie called ‘The Chase’. Please welcome, Y/N Y/L/N everybody,” James spoke and the curtains pulled back for me to walk out on stage. I smiled bright and big walking out while the crowd cheered for me. I giggled and waved as I made my way over to James who was standing up beside his desk to pull me into a warm hug.
    I open my arms wide and wrapped them around him. “Oh, it’s so good to see you,” I said as I pulled away and took seat on the couch next to his desk. “It’s always a pleasure to have you here,” James spoke with a huge contagious smile. I blushed looking down feeling my nerves calming slightly. “So, you have been busy,” James spoke up breaking my nerves from taking over. “Yeah, I’ve been very busy,” I nodded looking at him gleaming with joy. “You are in this movie and I couldn’t be more excited to see it. I have been waiting for this moment! You have starred on many T.V. shows on and off. How does it feel going into the movie business,” James asked while leaning forward on his desk. I giggled and nodded along with him in excitement. “It’s definitely different for me,” I blushed looking at my bracelets.
    “I haven’t been around such a huge set before and it was so incredible to see how this story unraveled on set. It was interesting to see how everything comes to life with a movie script. Obviously with T.V. show sets, they aren’t as big as you would think. You don’t always get to do cool adventurous things like a movie. So, it was really amazing to be out of my element and learn new things about myself along with filming,” I smiled big to James and the audience who were in awe of my explanation. “Oh, of course. It’s completely different and so amazing with the story telling. So, tell us a little about the movie and who your character is in the film,” James said taking a sip of his water.
    I smiled and looked to the audience, “Well this movie is a huge thriller. There is a lot of action in the film. ‘The Chase’ is about a girl named Claire Bennett which is my character in the film. She finds out that her family is being held captive by these group of investors that meet with her dad early on in the film. She basically fights to save her family and it begins a huge chase/countdown to save her family.” The crowd ‘oo’ed and ‘aw’ed at my description of the movie without giving too much away. “That just sounds incredible,” James smiled big and looked to his cards. “I heard that you did all of your own stunts in this movie. Is that true,” he asked shocked and very interested in this rumor.
    I laughed and nodded slowly, “Yeah, that is actually true. I wanted to try something new for once. I met with the director and told him that this is my first big movie. I want to give it my all and I want to make him proud of my role. He was super cool about that and very happy to hear that I would be willing to learn something so difficult. We ended up finding the perfect stunt trainer for me and I started working with her. I’m so grateful for her and I’m definitely proud of myself for trying something so out of my comfort zone. I personally think it will make the film that much more great to see someone so devoted to their character.” James was stunned and started clapping. He stood up out of his chair and the crowd began to cheer with him.
    I laughed and waved everyone off. “That is just brilliant. I love your devotion in fully taking something on like that. We actually have the never-before seen trailer right here. I’m so happy you chose our show to release this trailer. Here it is,” James says pointing to the camera men to switch it over to the trailer. The lights dimmed for the audience to watch on a big screen. I smiled and looked at the screen with so much passion. It was incredible to see this came to life. I peered around everyone’s faces to see their reactions. Everyone seemed to be on the edge of their seats and that was the best reaction to hope for. I giggled as it came to an end and the lights came back up. James’s mouth hung open in amazement and looked to me. “That was incredible. We are going to take a short break and we will be right back to ask some more questions with Y/N,” James smiled to the camera and we went to break.
    As we took a break, I reached for my water and took a sip. “I just want to tell you how proud I am of how far you have come Y/N,” James spoke as we sat there waiting for us to go live again. I smiled and felt tears stinging my eyes. “Thank you, James. That means the world to me really,” I smiled and reached his hand holding it tight. He smiled and squeezed my hand, “Any time love.” I giggled and the management gave us the signal we were going live again. I smiled and leaned back on the couch holding my water. They counted down from three and pointed to James. “Welcome back to the Late Late Show. I’m here with Y/N Y/L/N and we are going to ask some more questions to get to know her a little better. We just discussed her new movie coming out and showed the trailer for the movie. Let’s get a little more in depth with who she is,” James smiled and the crowd cheered agreeing to his suggestion.
    I felt myself growing nervous again and smiled to everyone. “So, what do you like to do outside of work Y/N,” James asks with a smile. “Well, I love to read a good book or write in a journal. I love to spend time with my friends and family when I get free time as well. I try to keep myself grounded,” I giggle as he nods. “Now, have you been dating since your break-up from the mega popstar and one of my great friends Harry Styles,” he asked raising an eyebrow. I felt my heart slowly sink to my stomach at the sound of Harry’s name. I bit my bottom lip and looked down. I know the crowd is on the edge of their seats waiting for this answer. “Not recently no. I have been quite busy with interviews with my cast mates and promoting the movie,” I smiled a small smile trying to ignore this feeling of being sick.
“Now, I know that it is a touchy subject talking about him. But you and him haven’t spoken publicly since the break-up about each other. Why is that,” he asked leaning back a little. I could see the nerves in his face. I looked off to my management and back to him. My hands started sweating as I set my cup down on the table in front of me. “Well, Harry and I started out as great friends. I think that our friendship and relationship was something so personal to us. I know that I haven’t spoken about it because I believe we are both healing from what we went through. I believe that neither of us have anything bad to say about one another. It’s just a little touchy for us and being in a relationship in the public eye is difficult you know,” I say looking down breathlessly. My heart was all the way to my stomach now.
I swallow hard as I gathered myself and looked to James with a little smile. “I can understand that, yeah. Have you listened to his new album Fine Line at all,” James asked trying to give me a reassuring smile. “I have heard a couple of songs here and there. It has been hard for me to sit down and listen to it with my schedule, but I still support him whole-heartedly. He is super talented and I will always be one of his biggest fans. I plan on listening to it all the way through very soon though,” I nod to him and casually wipe my palms along my dress. “Well, today he released a music video for his song called ‘Falling’. It sounds like something you may want to hear. Do you mind if we play the video,” James asked leaning forward and looking out to the crowd. The crowd roared and pleaded with me to say yes.
I can’t lie I was slightly curious as to what the song is about. I was also curious to see what the video looked like. I bit my lip again and looked to my management. They shrugged with a small smile telling me it was my call. I looked to James again and nodded, “Sure, I am a bit curious.” James smiled humbly and nodded to the camera men to play the video. As the song starts, Harry is sitting on a floor with water pouring in around him. He is leaned against a wall soaking wet breathing deeply. It pans to his hand on the piano and then a full body shoot of him laying along the piano bench.
I felt my heart pick up speed as I listened to the lyrics and felt tears at the brim of my eyes. That’s when he starts singing the chorus and the pain in his eyes isn’t hard to miss as he looks into the camera. “What am I now? What am I now? What if I'm someone I don't want around? I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm fallin' What if I'm down? What if I'm out? What if I'm someone you won't talk about? I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm fallin'.” My throat felt dry and like it was closing up now. I felt like I couldn’t breathe just watching this video. He was in pain and he was beautiful all in one. The water begins to rise in the video and can’t stop my eyes from letting the tears fall as the memories start to replay in my mind…
         *** It was a rainy night in L.A. Harry had come over and we were watching some random rom-com that he chose while I made the popcorn. We were curled up on the couch wrapped up in each other in a blanket along the couch. He was running his fingers through my hair as I watched the movie happily. He leaned down and started kissing my jawline and then down to my neck causing me to giggle at the feeling of his lips. He started to chuckle softly and ran his hand up my side. I felt myself stiffen at his touch afraid that he will start to tickle me. That’s when he stopped, looking me dead in the eyes. I couldn’t help but get lost in the jade green eyes of his. They always captivated me.
         He then started to tickle me causing my whole body to jolt and squirm. Our laughter filled the air not caring about the movie anymore. I was squealing and trying to tell him to stop but he wouldn’t. He was determined to leave me breathless. Finally, after tickling me enough he slowed his fingers down. He started rubbing my sides gently to let me catch my breath. I looked up at him and smiling while panting. “What was that for,” I asked looking up at him with a playful smile. “I just love to hear you laugh,” he smiled big down at me and leaned down kissing my lips.***
*** I then began to picture him getting ready backstage in his dressing room at one of his concerts. I was drinking some tequila on the rocks watching him change. I was taking in all his features and how his tattoos shaded his toned body perfectly. I was so in love with this man. I could look at him for hours on end. I blushed when he turned to look at me. “What is it babe,” he asked looking at me raising his eyebrows. I looked down shaking my head and giggling, “Oh nothing.” I waved him off and he just smirked strutting towards me. “You know, it’s not polite to stare princess,” he had walked around the couch I was sitting on and leaning behind me. I could feel his hot breath against my ear as he spoke the words.
I squeezed my thighs together at the sound of his voice as he brushed my hair back. He attached his lips to my neck and I felt myself fall back against the back of the couch. I was in a trance at the feeling of his lips and hot breath against my skin. “Mm, I can’t wait get you alone after the show princess,” he smiled across my skin and I moaned softly looking to him. He pulled his lips from my neck and to my lips. I smiled into the kiss and pulled back slightly, “If only I can wait that long.” He chuckled and his stylist waved at us. “Hey lovebirds, I hate to break up the love-fest, but we need to get you dressed Harry,” she smiled at the sight of us and we both blushed this time. “Later, I promise,” he whispered to me and I nodded trying to hold it all in.***
*** I remembered the time we were at Harry’s place cooking dinner together. He had turned on some music and we both sang loudly with one another. We were laughing and dancing around the kitchen. He then pulled me into his arms and spun us around the kitchen. I giggled and held onto him as he dipped me down. I looked up at him with a lopsided grin. He chuckled and pulled me back up leaning our foreheads together. “You know I love you right,” he smiled down at me. I nodded slightly and placed my hands on his cheeks, “And I love you Harry.” He grinned and kissed my whole face causing us to break out in a fit of giggles.
*** The day the tabloids flooded online with the proof of Harry cheating on me was the hardest. I was unable to move in bed. I felt like I was glued down to the mattress. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that he touched someone else the way he touched me. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that he kissed someone the way he would kiss me. The fact that he had the nerve to take her back to his hotel crushed every ounce of me. He decided to be intimate with someone other than me. It hurt me because he had touched me in ways no other guy has. He taught me incredible things about how to make my body feel the way he made it feel. He took me to euphoria in our intimate moments. How could he throw that all out the window for some random girl?
My mind raced with so many questions that I honestly wasn’t sure I wanted the answers to. Was it worth? Was she good? Was she better than me? Did she make him feel the way I did? Was he faking it this whole time with me? Did he really love like he said he did? Why did he have to do it like this? Was he bored of me? Was he tired of me? Was he mad about our schedules? Was he just lonely and decided on someone random? Did he ask her to meet him there? Was this all just planned out to hurt me? Why me? Did he still love me even though he made his bed? How could this be the end? Who was he now? Do I even recognize him anymore?
There was a day we met up after our break-up to try and discuss things that popped into my head. We went to the Beachwood Café and sat there both unsure of what to say. “I-I didn’t mean for this to happen…,” he said softly. I felt my heart crack and I was unable to look at him. Who was this person sitting in front of me? “It was a mistake Y/N. I was drunk and I don’t know what had gotten into me. I was stupid,” he whispered trying to hold back his tears. I sniffled and tried my best not to cry. “Harry… I don’t think I can trust you… not now. You made the choice to leave with her and take her back to your hotel,” I felt a single tear begin to fall down my cheek. “Y/N… don’t say that please… I love you and I don’t want to lose you… not like this,” he was full blown crying now. “I’m sorry Harry… I just can’t right now,” I sniffled as my heart chipped away at the crack in his voice.
“Please don’t go…,” he sobbed quietly and I couldn’t bring myself to look him in his eyes. I took a shaky breath and looked down at my hands that were gripping the bottom of my hoodie. “I’m sorry Harry… I loved you and I cared a great deal about you…but I need to be alone right now… I don’t know what to say to you… I don’t even recognize you right now…,” I whispered as tears just spilled out from my eyes. Harry sobbed as I finally stood from our table. I slid my sunglass down so no one bothered me on my way out. If that was even possible at this time with our break-up still fresh in the public eye.
As I turned to leave, I felt his hand reach from mine. That was the breaking point for me. His touch. I didn’t want to be touched by him after his mistake. It made me feel disgusted with myself. It made the questions grow louder in my head and I clenched my hand into a fist before he had the chance to interlace our fingers. My heart finally shattered as his hand wrapped around my wrist and the words left his mouth. “Who would I be without you? What if I’m someone I don’t want around Y/N,” his voice was shaky and it cracked again. “I have to go…,” I whispered looking down to my feet. I gently pulled my wrist out of his grasp and headed out of the door making a beeline to my car. ***
-End of Flashbacks-
         As I pull myself out of my head, I look back up to the screen as the water rises around Harry as the bridge of the song cuts in. “And I get the feeling that you'll never need me again,” he sang and there was the shatter in my heart once again. I needed Harry. I will always need Harry. This song was about us. It was about his mistake and how he was hurting due to his own actions. He admitted it in his lyrics. I was trying to hold back my sobs as James looked over to me and handed me his handkerchief. I thanked him softly and started to wipe my tears away. Harry was now completely under the water. He was drowning. The music went silent and he was just sitting at the piano in pain. I looked out into the crowd to see how everyone else was doing with the song and video to distract myself from falling more apart than ever.
         I was watching some reactions. Some people were wiping their faces and sniffling. Others were mesmerized by Harry’s lyrics or just him in general. I bit my bottom lip to keep it from quivering still scanning the audience. I noticed a familiar figure sitting with a hand over his mouth and his hood was up. It looked like he was wearing sunglasses because the screen was reflecting off the lenses. I turned back to the screen at the sound of Harry’s voice.
         I felt the pieces of my heart crumbling in my chest as I watched him on the big screen. How could he still be so handsome even though he was broken in this video? He was floating gracefully underneath the water as his shirt floated around him. I wanted to just reach in the water and pull him out. As the video ended, the lights came back up and looked down still wiping my face. “Well, that was… heartbreaking,” James says softly and looks to the audience. I knew everyone’s eyes were on me now. I was just trying to gather my thoughts and make the tears come to a halt so I could speak up. “Are you alright love,” James asks holding out his hand for me. I nodded slightly and giggle to reassure everyone. “Yes, I’m alright. Just wasn’t expecting it to be as deep as it was,” I smiled up at him taking his hand. “I understand. I think we all can understand that. I just felt you needed to hear that song in particular from the album,” he smiled sweetly at me as I nodded at his thoughtfulness.
         “I appreciate that. It was an amazing song,” I say softly as he rubbed the back of my hand. “I just want you to know that this was an idea sent to me anonymously to surprise you in a way,” James looked out to the crowd and I followed his gaze to the crowd. I noticed the man that I saw before the video ended. He in fact, had his hood up and sunglasses on. I still couldn’t tell who it was underneath, but I felt like I knew them. I turned my attention back to James with a small smile. “Well, whoever it was I really appreciate it. It was kind of them,” I nodded. “We will be right back after this short break. Don’t go anywhere,” James said to the cameras. They cut to the commercial and I stood hugging James tightly.
         As we pulled away, James held my shoulders keeping me in place. “Listen, I hope I didn’t cross any lines with tonight. I really am proud of you and everything that you are becoming in this industry,” James spoke softly to me. I nodded and smiled, “No you didn’t cross any lines. I think it was about time I talked about Harry and I for once. It has been a couple months post break-up. I will say I was surprised with his song and video.” James laughed lightly and nodded. “I was too when I got the request to play it for everyone and especially you. Would you mind staying until after the show? I have a special surprise for you,” James smiled a hopeful smile. “Sure, thank you. I will be in my dressing room until then,” I giggled and hugged him once more.
         As I waited in my dressing room, I watched the rest of the show. James played a game with the audience before the show came to an end. I waited patiently with my management that praised me for doing so well with the interview, even if I did cry. They told me how I handled everything well when it came to Harry. I didn’t give too much away and that made me feel a little better. I was a little anxious while waiting on James to come back to the dressing room to give me my surprise. I felt like even my management knew something about it when I asked what they thought it might be. They didn’t really say much when I asked. I just shrugged it off as I played with my bracelets.
         There was a knock on the door and I stood pulling myself out of my thought about Harry’s song. I opened the door and there stood James with a warm smile. “Y/N, would you mind following me out to the stage,” he asked holding out his arm for me to take. I tilted my head at first confused. No one was here now, so why did we need to go back out to the stage area? “Sure,” I smiled and put my arm in his as he led us back towards the stage. We talked about the rest of the show here and there on the way. I was feeling even more nervous as we approached the curtains. “I will let you walk out there for your surprise. I have a few things to finish up in my dressing room with my management. Is that okay,” he asked stopping us and I pulled my arm away.
         “Yeah, I should be fine with that,” I said feeling very confused now. “Okay great,” he smiled and turned to walk away. I stood there for a minute trying to figure out why he wasn’t coming out to the stage with me. I shook my head slightly and slowly opened the curtain. I walked out and there stood the guy in the hoodie. He had his back towards me and was shuffling his feet around. I bit my bottom lip nervously trying to figure out why he was here. “Hey, is this my surprise? Are you the one that requested James to play the video during the show,” I asked nervously as I slowly made my way to the random guy. I saw him straighten his shoulders and stop his movements.
         I stopped a few feet behind him still curious as to why he was dressed this way. He slowly turned with his head down, “Um, yeah that was… that was me.” His voice shocked me slightly because he sounded just like… “Harry?” I asked the guy as his hands reached for his sunglasses pulling them off. He let his hood fall and finally looked up at me. My heart started to pick up speed at the sight of him. His eyes were still a little bloodshot… like he had been crying? “Yeah… I know that this is a bit sad of me to do. But I wanted to show you that I miss you and that I’m truly sorry for hurting you. Writing my second album was really tough when I lost you. So, I wrote about us. I wrote that song about our break-up and I knew that I had to make a video to show the world and you, how I was truly feeling after my mistake…,” Harry spoke looking down while playing with his sunglasses nervously.
         “I know that this is a bit much and it was probably hard on you. I saw how you reacted to the video. You were crying and I didn’t want to upset you more. I’m just really sorry. I’m stupid for ever letting you down. I was stupid for doing something unforgiving. I was stupid to let myself slip into someone you couldn’t trust anymore. It was all my fault and I take full responsibility for everything,” he sniffled and I could see the tears filling his eyes again. I didn’t realize that I was crying now too. He looked like he was going to break into a million pieces. He looked like he could crumble if I touched him. I slowly walked up to him and stopped in front of him. He looked up to me with his bottom lip quivering now unsure what to do with his self.
         “I told you that day… I didn’t know who I would be without you. I had to realized that I didn’t want to be that person who hurt the only good thing in his life. Sure… I love my fans and my music. I love my family and my friends, but most importantly… I love you. I was surprised that you even talked about me. I just miss having you around. And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get back to where we used to be. To show you that I will never do that to you again. To build your trust back up,” he whispered looking down into my eyes. I placed my hand against his cheek and softly rubbed it with my thumb wiping his tears away. “I love you Harry,” I whispered and his whole face crumbled into a sob as he leaned his forehead to mine.
         He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into him and squeezing me tightly. I shushed him as he tried to steady his breathing. I wanted to just hold him together, but he was slowly crumbling into me. “God… I missed you so much… I missed your voice…,” he said as he buried his face into my neck. I ran my fingers through his tousled curls trying my best to keep him together. “I missed you too. And your voice,” I said softly, smiling to myself. He pulled back a little after calming his-self down again. He looked down into my eyes and then to my lips. I leaned up in his embrace and brought my lips to his. Our lips connected and there was that familiar spark again.
         After all this time, the flame and the spark never disappeared. After all this time, he was still the only person who could make me feel this way. He deepened the kiss by picking me up slightly off the ground and I felt him smile against my lips. He placed me gently back down and pulled back leaning his forehead to mine again. “So, can we start over? One step at a time,” he asked rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs. I looked at him and we heard someone from behind us. “Oh, please say yes,” James said and we both turned to see the crew and management watching us with tearful and hopeful eyes. We both started blushing and laughing at the sight of our friends waiting for my answer. I turned back to look at Harry, “Yes, one step at a time.” He smiled and pulled my lips back to his as he spun me around happily.
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wooyunhwa · 4 years
kingdom of welcome addiction | four
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view pinned post for masterlist / links to the rest of the parts!
Genre: smut (with plot), this part is just suggestive, mostly plot
Pairing: demon!san x fem!reader / ???yunho x fem!reader 
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: a bit of blood drinking, not much else in this part tbh
Synopsis: A new boy from your class steals your attention, but something about it seems too good to be true. 
A/N: The plot thickens! I know most of you are here for the smut but this chapter is very important for later parts! Thank you for reading and comments are super appreciated as always! <3
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The familiar alleyway. Why did you come back here? It went on endlessly, you couldn’t see the street from either side. You were running, but you weren’t sure why. Was someone chasing you?
A glimmer of crimson caught your eye from the shadow, a familiar flash of fangs sparkling in the thinly veiled moonlight. A bloodthirsty snarl painted his face. The demon from before? He stepped into the light, and his piercings glimmered in the flickering glow of the rusty street light. You swiveled to run, but the brick wall stopped your path. That wasn’t there before... 
You turned to meet his eyes, hungry with bloodlust, like a lion stalking its prey. He had you cornered. His proverbial lamb.
He lurched forward, his speed unmatched, pinning you up against the wall with a disturbing thud. You gasped as the wind knocked from your body. You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out, not even your breaths. His hands viced around your neck. Why was he doing this? Why? Tears poured from your eyes as he squeezed mercilessly. You couldn’t understand why. You thought he was supposed to protect you.
You heard him speak, but his words didn’t make any sense. His voice was a venomous hiss, poison dripping from his fangs as he trained his eyes over you, to the hands squeezing the life out of you. Why was he hurting you? What did you do wrong?  
Your body went cold as you writhed, unable to run, unable to scream, unable to breathe. Piercing black eyes watched you as you sobbed helplessly, searching for any remnant of life left in your lungs, clawing at his hands, silently begging him to stop. 
And then black.
The next thing you saw was the dizzyingly bright white of your ceiling. The sheets were drenched under you from sweat, blankets thrown everywhere from tossing and turning in your bed. 
Your hand came to your neck, tracing the faint scars from San’s teeth, remembering the grip of his hands around your neck. He could have killed you, back then, if he hadn’t snapped out of it. You would be dead. 
You were falling for him. But somewhere inside of you, somewhere deep in your subconscious, he terrified you.
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Your next semester had been, so far, incredibly overwhelming—and it was still only the first day. You weren’t used to such a hectic schedule, usually opting to take most of your courses online, but your schedule this time was booked entirely on campus. 
Your last class of the day: Advanced Human Religion. Fitting, for your current entanglement with a particular demon. Admittedly, that was the reason you took the class. Maybe it’d give you a better picture of what you were dealing with. But probably not. 
You just wanted the day to be over—time felt endless in the constant drawl of class after class, boring lecture after boring lecture. 
Until you saw him.
Time seemed to stop as he rounded the corner through the doorway, like a slow-motion movie scene. 
He wasn’t your usual type, you were usually exclusively drawn to the “tall, dark and handsome” trope. He ticked only two of those boxes. One, he was incredibly tall. He towered over you, and most of the people in the classroom, a perfectly proportioned giant. Lean, limber, and absolutely stunning. Two, he was unbelievably handsome. 
But dark? He was exactly the opposite. He was a glowing ray of light, you imagined if this was a cartoon there would be golden glitter sparkling around him as he walked. His cotton-candy blue hair was styled neatly on his head, tousled gently in a way that looked purposeful. He was effortlessly gorgeous, almost ethereal. 
Part of you wanted him to take the empty seat next to you, so badly. The other part wanted him as far away as possible—not only because the butterflies fluttering in your stomach were making you too nervous to breathe, but because he was so pure he could probably detect the sin permeating from your aura. You didn’t deserve to even be in the room with someone so sparkly and bright. You’d been fucking a bloodthirsty demon, after all. And you had the scars to prove it.
He was walking in your direction. Fuck. What do you do? Look at him, look away? Look at your phone? His eyes trained on the seat next to you. As he walked behind you, your heart stopped completely, breath frozen in your chest. Why were you so nervous? Why?
He took a gentle seat next to you as you fumbled uselessly on your phone, trying to pretend you didn’t even notice him. 
Your eyes wouldn’t listen. You glanced over at him, and he met your eyes warmly. He flashed you the most heavenly smile you’d ever seen, his eyes forming into soft crescents. He looked like the embodiment of sunshine. “Hi, I’m Yunho.” 
You felt yourself shrinking as the heat rose in your cheeks, unable to keep calm as you tried not to stare too obviously at him. “I-I’m Y/N,” you stuttered, shifting in your chair as you tried to stay upright. 
Other than his ray-of-sunlight aura, he smelled incredible. Like warm, freshly baked bread wafting in the air on a summer day. He smelled like a nostalgia, like a distant memory you’d forgotten, but desperately wanted to remember. 
You didn’t have a chance to make too much conversation with him, as your lecture was about to start any second. You had a hard time focusing for the rest of the class—it seemed like both the longest and shortest hour of your entire life. The tightness in your chest was overwhelming, heart beating ruthlessly fast in your chest. You weren’t sure if he could tell from beside you how much you were struggling to focus, but if he even saw half of the nervousness you felt, he’d probably think you were crazy. 
The minute your professor dismissed the class, you practically sprang up out of your seat, too anxious to face him again, but his voice immediately stopped you, deep and smooth, from your side. “See you tomorrow.” 
A blush rose to your cheeks. You didn’t even consider that you’d have to go through this again. How were you going to handle these feelings every day? You smiled kindly, concealing your nerves the best you could. “Right, see you tomorrow. It was nice meeting you.”
You beelined your way out the door, practically gasping for air as you made it out of the classroom. 
You made your way to the bus stop, putting in your headphones, searching desperately for a song to calm your nerves. Your head was filled with images of him, ethereal and glowing. The first time your mind wasn’t filled with thoughts of San in a while. You didn’t exactly know what it was, but something about Yunho drew you in, had you completely flustered like you’d never experienced. Dare you say, even with San. What was it?
A shadow obstructed your vision for a moment, drawing your gaze up. And farther up. Yunho. He smiled warmly above you, his figure illuminated by light washing up behind him. You tugged out your earbud frantically as he opened his mouth to speak.
“You take the 5 too?” he asked, gesturing to your bus stop. “What a coincidence, huh?” 
You thought you’d gotten off easy today. You had no idea what to say, mind fumbling for words as his smile pulled you farther and farther into nervousness. Butterflies enveloped your stomach, creeping up into your chest. You were surprised when you managed to reply semi-coherently. “Long time no see,” you jested lightly, eliciting a cute chuckle from him. “Yeah, I take the 5. I could take the 11, but the 5 comes more often.” God, what were you saying? “Anyway, I meant to ask… are you new here?”
“Yeah, I just transferred here this semester,” he explained. Makes sense why you hadn’t seen him before. You heard the screeching of the bus’ wheels coming to a halt by your side, but you were entirely focused on him. He was so tall you nearly had to tip your head ninety degrees to meet his gaze with him standing in front of you, unlike when he was sitting next to you in class. “I don’t know many people yet.”
You boarded the bus with him, and he took a seat next to you. His heavenly smell was overwhelming, you wanted to bury your head in his fuzzy sweater and never let go. It was a weird thought, but you couldn’t help but think he would give really good hugs. Like a fluffy cloud in the shape of a human. You chatted lightly, mostly about the classes you were taking, your professors. It went all too fast, and when he got off at his stop, you almost wanted to follow him. But that would be really creepy. Despite trying to avoid him before, now that you were talking, you didn’t want to stop. 
You didn’t summon San that night. 
You wondered if he was watching you flirt with Yunho on the bus. He told you he’d stop watching you when you expressed your displeasure at him being so intrusive, but you wouldn’t call anything about San trustworthy. You almost wondered if he could read your thoughts sometimes. Would he be mad that you had such an undeniable crush on another guy? It’s not like you and San were dating, but you definitely had a relationship of some sort, however unusual it was. You recalled the bitterness in San’s voice when he mentioned you getting the handsome man’s number from the bar. You couldn’t imagine how he’d feel about you crushing on your new classmate. 
The highlight of your day quickly grew from summoning San to getting to talk to Yunho for a few moments before and after class and on the bus. You had undeniable chemistry with Yunho, and he was like a walking shot of pure serotonin, a bright ray of happiness in your otherwise dull days. 
You still summoned San at night every so often. He hadn’t mentioned anything about Yunho at all, not even a fleeting sarcastic comment. Maybe, just maybe, he was finally following through with his promise of not spying on you. 
The nights with San were nice, but you stayed away from anything explicitly sexual for a while. Your contracts became purely professional—well, as professional as an unprofessional demon boy cleaning your bathroom for you in exchange for your virgin blood could get.  It felt entirely wrong to lust after him so desperately while your mind was filled with thoughts of your new crush. You almost felt dirty when San was around, like a cheater, though you didn’t know who exactly you were cheating on. You and Yunho were mere acquaintances still, and yet being in the presence of your demon felt wrong. Sinful—and not in the good way. 
You rejected San’s flirting, shying from his soft kisses, ducking away when he pinned you like prey against your wall, pulling away from him when his hands explored your waist a little too closely. You craved him entirely, but it felt so wrong. You did, however, let him feed from you still—his lust for your blood was still insatiable, and you felt cruel not even letting him get a taste—but your newest condition was that he couldn’t use your neck. 
You couldn’t help but cry out when his fangs sunk into your skin, pain mixing with pleasure as San’s fangs pierced just above your hip bone. The scars were starting to compound, and with each bite, they seemed to heal less and less cleany. You definitely started to look like a vampire’s chew toy in a way you couldn’t just explain away anymore. 
His tongue against your skin had you squirming—the neck felt intimate, but your hips were even more so. You imagined his tongue dancing across your skin, his hand sneaking down below the waistband of your pants, his fangs pulling your panties off with his teeth. The fantasy dissolved in your mind when he pulled up from your skin, pushing the hem of your shirt back down while he swiped his other hand over his fangs, smearing the blood with a satisfied moan.
He kept his hand on your waist as he came up, finger tracing your chin, hungry for you after a long night of contracted housework. You could tell he wanted you, more than just your blood, he wanted you. He was begging for you with his eyes, lustful and intense. You wanted him too. You wanted your lips against his, pressed up against yours passionately, the feeling of his cold metal lip ring scraping your bottom lip. You wanted his hands all over you, you wanted to hear his sweet praises in your ear. 
But you also couldn’t get the image Yunho out of your head. The things you wanted him to do to you, even more so. The guilt wouldn’t let you go.
You shied away from San, breaking eye contact. “San—I—I’m tired. I just want to sleep.”
He sighed, clicking his tongue against his teeth in annoyance. Your constant rejections of him were probably suspicious, but you didn’t know how to tell him about Yunho. 
“Fine. But you know, something’s off with you.” He narrowed his eyes, his scrutinizing crimson gaze making you incredibly self-conscious. Like you were under investigation. 
“I’m just overloaded with school right now.” Were you really lying to him? That was a dangerous game.
“Are you lying to me? That pretty little face doesn’t hide very much, you know.” Fuck. “Whatever. I’m not obligated to stay here. Our contract is up anyway.”
“San, wait—” 
But he was gone. 
The empty space on your bed where he just was stung just as much as the still-fresh bite mark on your hip. You lifted your hand to meet your cheek, wet with saltwater. Why were you crying?
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“Who knew a class about religion was going to have such a crazy workload?” 
You shoved your notebooks into your school back as you packed up at the end of class. The only class you looked forward to in the day also happened to be the hardest one—your professor turned out to be especially harsh with his tests, and assigned so much work you could hardly keep up. 
“Right? I thought this was going to be an easy one. Maybe I should have been tipped off by the ‘Advanced’ part of the class description,” you responded with a smile, eliciting one of his intoxicating laughs. You couldn’t help but smile when he smiled.
“Maybe we could study together?”
Your heart stopped in your chest, and you paused for a moment to weigh his proposal. It wasn’t a difficult decision. “That would be nice,” you said with a flirtatious smile. You hadn’t had a chance to hang out with him outside of the setting of school yet. Although it was just an invitation to study, it almost felt like he was asking you on a date. “I know a cafe we could go to. It’s open pretty late. We could go tonight if you wanted,” you added. 
A night free of demon drama would be nice for once. The guilt when you looked at San was practically eating you alive. You couldn’t lie to him anymore, but you also couldn’t face him enough to tell him the truth. You would jump on any reason to avoid having to have that conversation one more day.
“I’m not doing anything now, actually. We could go right now?”
You nodded with a soft smile. “Sounds great.”
The time flew way too fast as you studied at the cafe with him. You’d gone relatively early, but you somehow managed to still be there when they started ushering the customers out at closing. You were studying, but it also felt like a date of sorts. You were being particularly flirty, and if you weren’t imagining things, he was too. He bought you a coffee, held the chair out for you as you sat down, even brushed up against you a few times while you sat next to each other.
“Is it just me or did that feel like it went by way too fast?” Yunho asked with a laugh, holding open the door for you as you stepped outside.
You were met immediately with the cold night air, coughing you to shiver a bit from the chill of the wind against your skin. Yunho’s arm came down suddenly to wrap around your shoulders, his thick fuzzy sweater warming you in the cold, though he had to lower himself down a bit to get a proper angle on your shoulders. You melted into his touch immediately, heat rising in your face. It felt… right. You never wanted to leave this moment. 
“Would you like to come back to my apartment?” you asked hesitantly, not wanting to seem too forward. “To finish studying, I mean. We still have a bit left to go over.” 
Studying. Funny. That’s definitely not what you wanted to do with him right now. 
He squeezed his arm around you tighter. “I’d love to.”
You settled down at your apartment with him. You hadn’t had a guy in your apartment other than San in months. Actually, come to think of it, you hadn’t had anyone in your apartment other than San in that time. At least it was already sparkling clean, thanks to your demon maid. 
You settled on your loveseat couch—it was all you had room for in your small apartment. Yunho nestled up next to you, scooting up next to you until his hips were touching yours. You did your best to focus on the work in front of you, but you couldn’t help but feel distracted by what his touch was doing to you. It was so minimal it was almost non-existent, but even the faintest brush of him against you had you blushing and flustered. 
Yunho glanced over at you. “So, for this question, I think we need to—”  
But you couldn’t let him finish. You were leaning into him before you even had a chance to ask yourself what you were doing. Your lips met his softly. He tasted like sunshine, like heaven itself. He rocked back against you, hands lacing in your hair, moaning against your lips. You pushed back into him, savoring every taste of him. Your arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders, his hands moving to—
“Sorry to interrupt your fun.”
You nearly jumped a foot in the air at the sudden voice, echoing loudly off the walls.
San. He was standing in front of the kitchen, leaning against the counter top. His eyes glared darkly in your direction. 
“San, holy fuck. What are you doing?” you hissed, eyes flitting over to Yunho. He couldn’t just appear like that, he was going to get himself in massive trouble. 
He ignored you entirely, his eyes almost black as he drew his gaze over to your guest. “Yunho. Surprised to see you here. What business do you have with my human, exactly?
Did he just call him by his name? How did San—
“San. Always a displeasure,” Yunho responded at your side. 
What the fuck was going on here? You watched in shock as their eyes met, both seemingly as displeased as the other to see each other. 
“I’m sorry, explain to me what’s going on?” you asked with wide eyes, voice rising as your confusion compounded. 
San took a few threatening steps forward, like an animal protecting its territory. “Your little lover boy right here… is a former colleague of mine. Care to tell her, Yunho? Or are you just gonna lead her on, hmm?”
Yunho glanced at you, his big eyes filled with what looked like regret, then back at San vengefully. Anger didn’t look right on him. “You don’t have to do this, San.” 
San flashed his fangs in a sinister snarl. “If you don’t tell her, I will.” 
Yunho glanced at you for a moment, then back at San, hesitating. “San, really, you don’t have to do this,” he pleaded again, eyes wide as he glanced back at you. He shuffled closer to you, putting a hand on your leg protectively.  
“I warned you,” he growled. “So you’re going around kissing humans now, hmm? Is there some sort of new angel code I missed somewhere?”
I’m sorry, did he say angel? 
“You really aren’t the same San I remember,” Yunho said through his teeth, ruffling his free hand through his cotton-candy hair in annoyance. The other gripped tighter on your leg. “What did you think you’d accomplish by coming here, anyway?”
“I’m trying to find out what business you have with Y/N. She’s not even your assignment. You thought you’d just have a little fun with her, huh? Didn’t know you were the type to play with your humans.”
Yunho sighed. “I’ve been reassigned.”
“So she is your assignment now, is that it?”
“Yes.” Yunho dropped his gaze from San’s for a moment, locking it with yours for a moment. “You’ll have to forgive me,” he whispered softly.
Ugh. Why did every guy you fell for have to be not human? You knew a boy like Yunho was too good to be true, anyway. You were sensing a pattern. 
“You go around kissing all your assignments then?”
A blush rose to Yunho’s cheeks, staining them a gorgeous shade of rose. Even now, he glowed ethereally, fittingly angelic for an angel. Guess that explained why he was always sparkling. And why he smelled like the actual embodiment of heaven. “Not usually, no. I got caught up in the moment. It was unprofessional.” San rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue against his teeth mockingly, but Yunho continued. “I’ve been assigned to protect her.”
“From what?” San asked, relaxing his hostile stance back a bit. 
Yunho glanced at you, then back at San, uneasiness coming through in his gaze. 
“From you.”
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thatsamericano · 3 years
True Colors Shining Through
Pairing/Characters: America/Romano. Smaller appearances from Germany, Veneziano, Canada, England, France, and Japan.
Ratings/Warnings: Teen, for mild cursing. Brief moment of possible homophobia from an unnamed nation, but it’s up to interpretation.
Word Count: 1647
Summary: America surprises everyone when he shows up to the world meeting in a rainbow colored business suit, including his boyfriend Romano.
A/N: Written for @hetalia-writers-monthly, for the June concrete prompt “rainbow.” Inspired by this post from @bitchapalooza. Title taken from the Cyndi Lauper song “True Colors.”
Germany was grumbling to himself as he arranged a stack of papers in preparation for the world meeting. “It would be nice if people could respect everyone else’s busy schedule and actually show up to the meeting on time.”
“Ve, don’t stress out so much, Ludo,” Feliciano said. “Almost everyone is here, except for America and whoever is supposed to be sitting next to him.”
Romano paused in the middle of his boredom-induced doodling long enough to roll his eyes at his little brother. “It’s Canada. America’s brother.”
“Right, Canada! I wonder why they haven’t showed up yet.”
Savino shrugged as if he didn’t care. “Beats me.” But he was wondering why Alfred hadn’t shown up yet. When they spoke on the phone last night, Alfred had been quite enthusiastic about some “surprise” he had planned for the meeting. He was also thrilled that he’d get to spend some time with Savino after the meeting, because the distance between them usually limited how much time they could spend together in person. Of course, Alfred being Alfred, he had expressed his excitement in the sappiest way possible and left Romano a blushing mess by the time the phone call ended.
America and Romano had only been together a few weeks, and they hadn’t gone public with their relationship yet because it was so new. They were still figuring things out about themselves and each other. Fredo knew he’d probably have to “come out” at some point, but unlike Savino, he didn’t have a label for his sexuality that made sense to him. All he knew was that he was happy with Romano and that anyone who gave him or his boyfriend crap for it would deserve some creative insults (if they were human) or a punch in the face (if they were a nation and therefore able to withstand Alfred’s punches without dying). Savino agreed strongly with Alfred on the latter point, and he didn’t mind waiting a bit until Alfred felt more comfortable telling people about them. For now, it was nice to have their relationship be just between them, without having to face the scrutiny or opinions of any other nations.
Romano idly continued doodling until the door to the conference room opened. He glanced up as Canada ducked his head into the doorway. “Sorry we’re late, eh?”
“It’s alright. Please take your seat,” Germany replied.
Canada turned his head to whisper to someone behind him, and then he walked into the room, followed closely by his brother. Romano’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped when he saw what Alfred had worn to the meeting.
It was only a business suit in the most technical sense of the term. The jacket, the trousers, and the tie were all striped with the colors of the rainbow. Or more specifically, the colors of the rainbow pride flag. Alfred’s ridiculously loud outfit contrasted with the darker and more muted suits everyone else was wearing. The only part of America’s outfit that was normal was his white shirt, his normal briefcase, his glasses, and his black patent leather shoes.
A stunned silence fell over the room, and it was only broken by a few hushed, baffled whispers. Alfred glanced over at Savino to flash him a quick smile before he sat down, but he didn’t explain himself to anyone. Apparently, he didn’t feel the need to, just like Savino didn’t feel the need to respond to his little brother poking him in the arm and asking him what was going on. Not that he would’ve been able to tell Feli what the fuck was going on, because he was just as confused as everyone else.
England, who was sitting on America’s right, was the first person to speak. “Alfred, what the bloody hell are you wearing?!”
America laughed and pulled some papers out of his briefcase. “It’s a business suit, dude. I’m pretty sure they have those in England.”
“I think what Angleterre was trying to say is that your outfit today is a bit more… how you say, flamboyant than your usual attire,” France pointed out as diplomatically as he could. “Especially for a world meeting.”
“It’s Pride Month. Being flamboyant is kind of the point, isn’t it?”
France blinked in disbelief, and the whispering from before increased into a steady, background hum. Romano heard someone from across the room scoffing and asking why America had to “show off” instead of wearing a pin like anyone else would have, and Romano turned to glare spitefully in their general direction. Sure, wearing a rainbow business suit to a world meeting was over the top in a way only Alfred would be, but America had every right to “show off.” Savino wouldn’t let anyone talk about his boyfriend like that.
Japan cleared his throat. “Alfred-san, forgive me if this is an intrusive question, but are you trying to tell us that you’re gay?”
“Don’t worry bro, it’s fine. And to answer your question, yeah. I’m not sure of my exact label, but I am into guys, or at least one guy in particular.” A broad grin stole over his face, and then Alfred looked directly at Savino and winked at him.
Savino’s face instantly turned scarlet, because Alfred’s wink and his grin made him flustered beyond all reason, damn it. America’s blatant statement, along with Romano’s reaction, naturally prompted even more gossip. The loud cry of “ha, I knew it!” from Lithuania was not particularly surprising, and neither were Spain’s or Feli’s comments on how much Savino was blushing, but they were embarrassing. Of course, true to form, Fredo verbally declared that Savino’s blushing was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen, which was flattering, but the kind of compliment he was much more accustomed to hearing in private, not in front of literally the entire world. Romano’s face was so warm that he probably could have fried an egg on it.
Savino glared weakly at his boyfriend. “You’re only making it worse, asshole.”
“I’m only being honest, babe,” Alfred said plainly, like it was no big deal. “Everyone here can see how cute and handsome you are.”
Savino couldn’t help it. With Alfred saying sappy things like that and looking at him like he hung the moon, he cracked a smile. Alfred grinned back at him. They continued staring into each other’s eyes as Germany stood up from his chair and attempted to get the meeting back under control.
“Unless anyone has any further surprise announcements, I’m going to begin my presentation.”
America quit staring at him for about half a second to acknowledge what Germany had said. “I think we’re good, dude.”
Once Germany started talking, Romano did his best to pay attention. He took a few notes, idly sketched in his notebook, and glanced up to roll his eyes fondly whenever he felt America gazing at him like the obvious dork he was.
Eventually, it was time for the scheduled lunch break. As Romano was packing up his things, he overheard Poland telling Hungary that he was totally going to wear a pink sequined dress to the next world meeting, because America shouldn’t be the only one getting to wear whatever they wanted. Hungary laughed and said he had a point.
Alfred started to come around the other side of the table, and Feli nudged his shoulder and smirked. “I’ll have lunch with Germany today. That way you and your ragazzo can have some alone time.”
Savino could only stammer out a couple syllables before his little brother was rushing off to catch up with Germany. As Feli was latching onto the macho potato’s arm, Alfred slipped into the space beside him. “Hey, Vinny.”
“Hey, caro.” He glanced up and down Alfred’s body, then smirked as he looked up into his eyes. “Interesting outfit.”
Alfred blushed and smiled, shyer than he would have in front of anyone else. “You like it? I stumbled across it online when I was looking for something else, and it called out to me, like the stuff Billy Mays used to sell in infomercials. I had to buy it.”
Savino snorted. “It is very… you. I wouldn’t have expected to see it at a world meeting, though.”
Alfred fidgeted with the hem of his jacket sleeve and glanced away with a worried look on his face. “It was okay that I told everyone about us today, right? Before we went in, Mattie said I probably should’ve consulted with you beforehand, but I’ve just been so happy and proud to be with you, and I didn’t want to have to hide it anymore. I didn’t even think to—”
Savino gently took hold of his hand, which stopped his boyfriend’s nervous babbling. “It’s okay. I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to come out today. And knowing you, I figured that loud, public declarations would be part of the deal sooner or later.”
Alfred chuckled and laced their fingers together. His smile was equal parts relieved and adoring. “Okay, cool. Glad I didn’t mess that up too badly. Are you free for lunch?”
Savino huffed out a laugh. “Feli just ditched me for the potato bastard so I could have ‘alone time’ with you.”
Alfred giggled. “That’s really nice of him. I feel like I owe your brother a million dollars.”
They continued chatting back and forth, and Romano wasn’t sure if it was Alfred’s gleeful, lovestruck tone, his sweet words, or the fact that they were holding hands, but he felt warm and content as they went into the elevator and as they left the building and walked down the sidewalk together. He held Alfred’s hand until they took a table at the restaurant, because he was just as proud to be in this relationship as Alfred was, even if he was more inclined to show it with body language than rainbow colored business suits.
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Burning Up [1/4]
Summary: When she applied to be the secretary for managing partner Rosé McCorkell, Denali hadn't expected to end up working for the biggest pain in her ass, nor did she expect anything beyond a professional relationship.
Word Count: 4,365
Note: Originally titled "Work Wives".
Prefer reading it on AO3?
Denali stood in front of the familiar panelled wooden door, a brown leather folio clutched to her chest and a fresh cup of coffee in her right hand. She was dressed in a cream sleeveless blouse and a black pencil skirt finished off with nude heels. She stared hard at the frosted glass with a name embossed in gold lettering across it.
Rosé McCorkell, one of the three managing partners in S. Child, a top law firm in New York City. She was also a major pain in Denali’s ass for all of the six months that she had been here as her secretary.
Steeling herself for her usual morning meeting with her, Denali took a deep breath, knocked on the door and waited. Seconds later, she heard the usual clicking of stiletto heels on hardwood floor before the door opened to reveal the woman that was her boss.
As much as she was a pain in the ass, Rosé McCorkell was undoubtedly a stunning woman. Standing tall in her black heels, she wore her auburn hair in perfect curls, dressed in a form fitting navy power suit with the blouse unbuttoned just low enough that Denali could see the deep curve of her cleavage. Catching herself before she stared for too long, she snapped her gaze back up to Rosé’s face and plastered on a smile, hoping that the other woman hadn’t noticed her staring.
“Good morning, Miss McCorkell, I’m here to go over your schedule for the day.”
Rosé stared back at Denali for a moment, causing the younger woman to squirm a little under her gaze, before deep red lips stretched into her trademark smirk.
The same smirk that drove Denali absolutely crazy for reasons she didn’t want to think too deeply into.
“Of course you are, come in.”
7 months ago.
Denali sat outside the interview room, waiting for her turn to go in. She was surrounded by other young candidates, each of them looking well groomed, neat and manicured. Most of them were in blazers, suits, the whole shebang and here Denali was dressed in a simple white blouse and black dress pants, her blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail with black pumps on her feet.
She hadn’t really thought too much about it when she had come across the ad and applied for the position. She just needed a job after graduating from college, but now she wasn’t too sure on whether she had made a mistake applying to be the secretary of a managing partner at S. Child. Denali had thought it would be an easy job. After all, a secretary just needed to be organised and have a good head on their shoulders, right? She hadn’t thought it would be a challenge, but looking around her now, with so many tense faces and how the place screamed money, she felt like she was out of her depth.
Maybe it wasn’t too late to duck out…
“Miss Denali Foxx.”
Denali cursed under her breath for not noticing that the previous interviewee had already left the room. She stood and walked to the door, feeling the eyes of the other candidates eyeing her outfit in disdain. Bracing herself, she knocked on the door and waited for a second before entering, coming face to face with three women seated behind a lacquered wooden conference table. Denali took note of each one as she sat in the lone chair before them.
From the website she had briefly scrolled through, she could recognise the three managing partners - Jan Sport was on the left, followed by Lagoona Bloo in the middle and Rosé McCorkell, the managing partner that she was applying to be the secretary of, on the right. From what she had gathered, all three of them were charismatic, intelligent and ruthless in their own rights when in the courtroom.
Lagoona opened a manila folder, cleared her throat and smiled warmly at the blonde in front of her. “Good afternoon Miss Foxx, thank you for taking the time to come down for this interview.” Denali smiled back at her, feeling a little more at ease at how friendly Lagoona seemed.
“Good afternoon, and thank you for having me.”
Lagoona nodded and introduced the three of them, then began the interview by asking her questions, with Jan interjecting a few herself. Denali had managed to answer most of them confidently, only ever stumbling once. All the while Rosé, the one who would decide whether she would be hired or not, had remained silent, simply choosing to flip through the thin file that held Denali’s details, barely even sparing her a glance.
After about ten minutes of back and forth, Lagoona asked her final question, then turned to look at Rosé.
“I think that’s about it from us. Do you have any questions for her, Rosé?”
Denali gulped, trying not to let her nerves get the best of her as the other woman finally looked up at her, folding her hands and resting her chin on them. After a few excruciating seconds, Rosé leaned back in her seat, eyes still trained on the blonde woman before finally speaking.
“Yes, why should I hire you out of everyone out there? From what I’ve read in your file, you seem to be the most inexperienced out of all the candidates. Were you hoping to somehow find a sugar daddy here? I mean you clearly have the looks for it.”
There was pin drop silence at her question. Lagoona had her face buried in her hands and Jan was struggling between wanting to laugh and wanting to strangle Rosé. Denali however sat stone still as Rosé stared down at her, her expression bored as she waited for the blonde to reply.
Denali’s mind was blank for a second before rage filled her veins.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
Resisting the urge to slap the woman in front of her, Denali reigned it in and instead plastered on the sweetest smile she could muster.
“Well as inexperienced as I am, I can guarantee that if you hire me, you wouldn’t be hiring a cookie cutter suck up that wouldn’t be able to look past designer labels or waste their time trying to be someone they’re not. I can also guarantee that you wouldn’t be hiring a pushover who would go crying to their mother when the job gets tough, and knows that their worth is much more than just a few flimsy pieces of paper that won’t tell you the things that really matter.”
Denali stood, smoothing the wrinkles in her skirt before looking Rosé in the eye.
“And the statement about me wanting a sugar daddy? I’d rather a sugar mommy than a sugar daddy, though from what I see, there aren’t any worth my time here anyways.”
Figuring that the interview was a lost cause, Denali nodded her thanks to a stunned Lagoona and laughing Jan, completely ignoring Rosé, and turned on her heel to leave when she was stopped by two words.
“You’re hired.”
Present day.
Grinding her teeth as she glared at the desk in front of her, Denali had to tell herself to calm down as the source of her irritation smirked in her direction. If there was one thing that Denali could not stand, it was Rosé’s way of constantly pushing her buttons. Oh, there was no denying that the woman was good at her job, but the way she seemed to ooze confidence and acted as if she owned the damn place? God, that just made Denali’s blood boil.
“Is something the matter, Nali?”
Denali clenched her fist at the sound of Rosé's nick name for her. It was as if the older woman knew that it riled her up whenever she called her that. Looking up at Rosé, Denali bit back an insult and instead forced herself to smile at her. “No, Miss McCorkell, nothing’s the matter at all. Everything is perfectly fine.”
Staring down at the defiant younger woman for a moment from across her desk, Rosé winked at her. “If you say so, baby.”
Denali gripped the pen in her hand tightly. She breathed through her nose, mentally counting down the seconds till their meeting was over and done with as she wrote down every point that Rosé had said. Quickly going over her notes one last time, she looked back up at Rosé. “Is there anything else, Miss McCorkell?”
Denali blinked.
“My name. I’ve told you to call me that from the beginning.” Denali rolled her eyes internally as she shuffled the loose sheets of paper into a neater pile. “And as I’ve said before, I’m much more comfortable calling you Miss McCorkell.” She heard Rosé’s low chuckle and the sound of fabric shifting. Denali looked up and immediately dropped her pen.
Rosé was suddenly much closer to her than before, leaning against the solid oak desk between them, an almost predatory look in her eye as she watched the younger girl seated in front of her.
“I wonder why.”
“So have you and Miss McCorkell fucked yet?”
Denali glared at Kandy as she walked back to her desk. She threw her pen at the girl and missed as it clattered to the floor, leaving the other girl cackling. “No bitch, and that’s never going to happen. What the fuck even makes you think that?” Kandy sat on the edge of Denali’s desk, a shit eating grin on her face. “Besides the fact that every time you leave her office, your face is always so flustered-“
“Because she always pisses me off-“
“-it’s also the way she stares at your ass, like she can’t wait to get her hands on it.” Denali rolled her eyes and retrieved her pen from the floor. “No, she doesn’t. I’ve never seen her look at my ass before.” And Denali was pretty sure that she would have noticed that, seeing as she’d been Rosé’s secretary for a while now. Plopping herself in her office chair, she opened her folio and started to go through her notes, pulling out a stack of colourful post-it’s from her drawer to help with her organisation. Not to be ignored, Kandy carried on as if the other girl wasn’t trying to ignore her.
“Girl, you don’t exactly have eyes on the back of your head, do you? Trust me, she wants to tap that.”
Denali resisted the urge to strangle the Latina sitting on her desk. Sure, there was always some tension in the room when they were together, but that was more from the fact that Rosé loved riling her up. It had been that way since day one, and sometimes Denali questioned her decision to have accepted the job offer, but the money and benefits were too good to pass up for a fresh grad. She shook her head as she replied dismissively.
“Even if she does, I’m not interested.”
Kandy looked at her in disbelief, one brow cocked. “Are you sure? She’s got a great pair of tits.” Well, she couldn’t argue with that. Denali had noticed Rosé’s ample breasts seeing as the managing partner loved to wear outfits that featured them in a daring, yet tasteful, fashion. If she had met Rosé in a bar, she would definitely have approached her.
Of course, she wasn’t going to tell Kandy that.
“Look, no matter how great her tits are, it’ll never make up for the mouth that she has on her.”
Kandy tutted, picking at her nails. “I’m pretty sure her mouth would be preoccupied when the two of you-“
“I’m just saying.”
Denali sighed, rubbing her forehead. God, this conversation was giving her a headache and digging at thoughts she had been trying to avoid herself.
“Listen Kandy, if there is one thing that I would never ever do, it is to sleep with my boss-“
“I don’t care if she’s staring at my ass, I don’t care what she thinks of it-“
“Me fucking Rosé McCorkell is never going to happen.”
“Well, as enlightening as this conversation is, it might be a little inappropriate to discuss my preferences in the office, don’t you think?”
She froze at the familiar voice behind her as Kandy quietly excused herself.
“Cat got your tongue, Miss Foxx?”
Fucking shit.
Denali slowly stood and turned to look at her boss, who had an amused expression on her face and a file in hand.
“I believe that you left this document behind in my office.”
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Denali moved to retrieve the file from Rosé, trying her best to regain her composure.
“Right, yes- Let me photocopy this for you right away, Miss McCorkell.”
Rosé smirked and leaned in, her lips almost brushing against Denali’s ear.
“Strictly off the record, I do think you have a very nice ass.”
Face flushing a bright red and rendered speechless for a moment as Rosé pulled away, Denali stammered out an excuse before speeding off to the copy room, leaving behind a chuckling Rosé in her wake.
Denali was waiting alone for the lift at the end of the day, tapping her foot on the floor as she watched the numbers on the screen climb higher and higher.
It had been a long day, and she was still trying to recover from the embarrassing situation that had happened in the morning. She had spent the whole day actively avoiding her boss, something that wasn’t too difficult to do since she had a long list of tasks from her. Every time she had to drop something off at the older woman’s office, she made it a point to do so when she knew she was out for a meeting or when she was engaged in a call so that Rosé wouldn’t be able to say a word to her.
If she had the opportunity, Denali knew that the managing partner would say something to further humiliate or incite her.
Also, the statement that Rosé had made about her ass was still fresh and in the forefront of her mind, and something Denali had completely not expected. She knew that the two of them butted heads all the time, and that Rosé loved to challenge her secretary and pass along little comments and nicknames just to get a rise out of her. She had suspected that was the main reason that Rosé had hired her, because she was someone who fought back, but that comment about her ass? That had blindsided her.
She didn’t want to admit it, but everything Rosé did and said had an effect on her, and had been for some time now, but that was something that was entirely inappropriate.
Denali shifted her weight, watching the numbers get closer to the floor she was on when she heard the faint clicking of stilettos behind her and shut her eyes, praying to whoever was listening that the person approaching wasn’t who she thought it was, or that the elevator would arrive just before she did. Thankfully, the latter happened as the lift doors opened and Denali quickly stepped into the empty cab, immediately pressing the close button while pointedly making sure not to look up. She let out the breath that she had been unknowingly holding in as the doors slid closed, but her relief was short lived when the doors slid opened again, revealing the very same woman that she had been hoping not to see.
Nodding in greeting, she stepped to the side to give Rosé space, and also to put as much space as possible between the two of them. Rosé nodded back, and stood next to Denali, facing the doors as they closed and the lift slowly descended.
“So where has my little secretary been hiding the whole day?”
Denali’s hand twitched at her side. “I’ve been at my desk the entire day, Miss McCorkell, completing the tasks that you assigned me to do.”
“Is that so? So the little mouse that was scurrying in and out of my office wasn’t you?”
Swallowing a retort, Denali replied with as steady a voice as she could. “I don’t know what you mean, Miss McCorkell.”
Rosé turned her head, an eyebrow raised as she looked down at the squirming girl. Before she could say anything, the lift dinged and a group of people entered, forcing the two of them to take a step back. Denali breathed through her nose, then noticed how close Rosé was to her now in the confined space, so close she could smell the expensive Chanel No. 5 perfume that she loved to wear. Her heart was racing, and she wasn’t quite sure why. Maybe it was the fact that Rosé was now standing close to her, or the fact that her words were replaying over and over in her mind.
Denali stilled when she felt a finger touching the back of hand. She looked down to see a perfectly manicured finger lazily tracing her knuckles before looking up at the owner of the hand, and felt all the air in her lungs escape.
Rosé was staring down at her, eyes a molten hazel and lips curved into that same infuriating smirk that drove Denali insane. She felt the other woman’s fingers slowly slip to the palm of her hand, the light touch causing heat to pool in Denali’s middle and her breath to shorten, and all the while Rosé never took her eyes off her. The younger girl swallowed and bit her lip, noting how the older woman’s heated gaze fell to her throat and then her lips, her palm tingling as Rosé continued to trace patterns on the sensitive skin of her palm.
Seconds later, their little bubble was broken when the lift dinged and people started to shuffle out. Rosé withdrew her hand, and made to leave too, but not before whispering in Denali’s ear.
“Never say never.”
Winking at the frozen girl, Rosé exited the lift, her hips swaying with each step as she left the building.
Denali was fucked.
The dynamics of their relationship had changed since that day. Rosé didn’t try as hard as before to get a rise out of Denali anymore. Before it seemed like she was aiming to piss her secretary off, but now it was the opposite. It was as if she was repeatedly trying to fluster her, dropping little teasing comments, purposely brushing their fingers together when passing Denali things, constantly staring intently at her with a knowing smirk on her face. It was slowly driving Denali insane.
She could handle it when Rosé was trying to piss her off, but this? This was completely different and she didn’t know how to handle this kind of attention from her. Denali always found herself blushing to her roots and stammering in response to these new interactions, which seemed to further amuse and encourage the redhead. With each interaction, Denali also found herself questioning everything.
Why was Rosé acting the way that she did?
Was she bored and simply wanted to find something to entertain her?
Was she just toying around with Denali and her emotions?
Sighing as she filled the cup of tea for Rosé’s potential new client, she shook the thoughts out of her head and walked back to the meeting room where he was waiting. Pasting on a polite smile, she pushed the glass door open and set the cup of tea on the table before a greasy looking man that looked as if he was in his late forties.
“Here’s your tea, Mister Tate.” The man smiled back at Denali, taking the cup of tea and sipping from it, all the while giving Denali a once over, much to her discomfort. Putting the cup down, he made a face. “Oh dear, there’s no sugar in this at all, is there?”
Denali blinked. He hadn’t mentioned any sugar earlier, and she had assumed that he wouldn’t need any. “My apologies, Mister Tate, let me get a fresh cup for you.” Reaching over to take back the cup, she was stopped when he grabbed onto her wrist, a sly smile on his face. “There’s no need to bother, it’s fine. After all, I have a sweet, pretty girl like you to entertain me while we wait for Miss McCorkell to arrive.”
Not another one of these men again. Forcing herself not to drop her smile, Denali replied in a tight voice. “Thank you for the compliment, Mr Tate.” She tried to politely tug her hand back to disengage his grip on her wrist, but before she knew it, he was on his feet, an arm slung over her shoulders.
“Mister Tate? No need for formalities, just call me Jim. After all, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around more often now.” Her stomach rolled at the pointed look he had in his eye, the widening smile on his face making him look even greasier. She knew his type and the implications behind his words, and had to force herself to hold in her disgust. As much as she wanted to knee him in the balls, she couldn’t do that here in the office, especially since he was a potential client of Rosé’s.
Swallowing the bile that was rising in her throat, Denali struggled to maintain being civil as she attempted to step out of his grip.
“Mister Tate, if you would kindly please let go of me, I-”
“Come now, Miss Foxx was it? Where’s your sense of hospitality? You forgot the sugar for my tea, but you look like you’ll make up for it-“
“What is going on here?”
The blonde felt a sheer sense of relief flood her when she saw the managing partner standing in the doorway of the meeting room, though the furious look in her eye was something unexpected.
Denali had never seen her this angry before.
The man however seemed completely oblivious to the rising anger of the other woman, and instead smiled at her. “Miss McCorkell! I was just getting acquainted with your lovely secretary here.”
Rosé glared at the man. “Mister Tate, I believe that my secretary doesn’t like your arm around her, and unless you’d like to lose that arm, I suggest that you take it off her.” Looking surprised, the man listened and took his arm off Denali, and she moved away, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire. Her eyes darted between the two as he stammered. “Miss McCorkell, we’re all adults here. I’m just having a bit of fun. Isn’t that why you keep her around? She sure is a stunner-”
Big mistake.
Rosé took a threatening step towards him, fists clenched and eyes glinting with unbridled rage at what he was implying.
“Get out.”
He gaped. “I- I beg your pardon?”
Rosé sneered, looking down at the now pale and shaking man.
“You heard me, you daft man, get out! I don’t need scum like you in my office, and I certainly don’t need your money. Now get out before I call security!”
Gaping like a fish out of water and scrambling to leave, the greasy man grabbed his bag and hurriedly left the office without looking back as Rosé kept her eyes pinned on his retreating back before turning back to face to her secretary. Denali gulped, and instinctively made to apologise, but was stopped when the older woman moved towards her and gently took her by the shoulders, examining her. “Denali, are you alright?” She asked, sliding her hands down and stopping to hold her wrists, rubbing soothing circles into her skin.
Denali hadn’t noticed, but she was shaking, and Rosé’s motions were slowly calming her down. Taking a shaky breath, Denali smiled weakly at her. “I’m fine, Miss McCorkell. Thank you for stepping in when you did.”
Rosé nodded. “Of course, how could I not? But are you sure you’re alright? Do you want to take the rest of the afternoon off?” Denali laughed drily, waving off the offer. “It’s alright, I’m fine now. It’s nothing that I’m not used to.” Rosé’s thumbs stopped moving and she frowned at Denali.
“What do you mean?” Denali blinked. Maybe she shouldn’t have said that.
“I mean I’ve had my fair share of creeps before-“ She explained with a fake laugh, trying to lighten the mood when she saw Rosé’s face darkening.
That wasn’t good.
“You mean here? In my office?”
“Well, er-“ Rosé stepped closer into Denali’s space, raising a hand to cup her face as she stared into the younger’s eyes, voice low as she demanded. “The truth please.” Denali swallowed, feeling the slightly murderous intent that the other woman was exuding, which contradicted the gentle hold that she had on Denali. Hesitantly, Denali nodded.
Rosé clenched her jaw, taking a second to process what Denali had confirmed, before stepping back and letting go of her secretary. Denali could see that her hands were clenched into fists that Rosé quickly stuffed into the pockets of her suit when she noticed Denali looking at them, as if wanting to hide how she was trying to not lose her temper.
“I want their names.”
Denali frowned, confused. “Wha- Why?”
“So I can tear up their contracts. Anyone who touches you is not worth my time.” Denali’s eyes widened. This sounded like a rash decision, and she didn’t want to cost Rosé or the company money. Breaking contracts meant loss of income, which wasn’t worth it. Not when it was just a simple matter of harassment that she should be able to handle herself. “But Miss McCorkell, it’s not worth it, I can-“
Rosé shot Denali a sharp look at that, cutting her off. “No buts. I want their names on my desk by the end of the day.” Denali swallowed and nodded stiffly as Rosé held her gaze, eyes hardened before softening as she sighed. The managing partner turned to leave, but stopped at the doorway to give her one last meaningful look.
“Denali, don’t ever think that you’re not worth it.”
And she left, leaving behind a wide eyed and blushing Denali staring after her.
I have been hung up on the idea of writing a fic with a flirty boss Rosé and feisty secretary Denali. The sexual tension just writes itself.
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. (:
xoxo Vera
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cognitivefunk · 4 years
So I wanted to try my hand at writing something a little darker than usual, exploring some more themes since I’m a fan of yandere and guro. PLEASE pay close attention to the warnings. I probably kept things relatively tame all things considered, but it is not a soft fluffy fic. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! 
Title: Eyes in the Dark
Rating: Explicit, R18+, 18+ not safe for kids
POV: second person AMAB reader, yandere refers to reader as ‘boy’ several times but it’s more of a demeaning thing as reader is 18+
Pairing: Reader/OC Yandere named Adrian
Warnings: NONCON, needles, drugs, kidnapping, torture, stitches, description of wounds, pins and trauma, ball gag, abusive, BL, mild choking, yandere, obsessiveness, unhealthy dynamic, smut, anal penetration, blood, crying, sense of helplessness
Word Count: 9,210
Living in a small village near the forest, you lived a quiet life living off the land. You had your garden, a well for water, and you trapped animals for both fur and sustenance. You could have lived in the city, but in all honesty, it felt right to be so close to nature. After all, you were a solitary creature, preferring the sound of nature over the bustling chaos of city life. 
You were quick on your feet, used to running the floor of the forest, collecting wood and food on your excursions. Some of the beasts of the land were violent predators, but you had managed to evade any real harm to date. That is, until tonight.
You had left a little earlier in the morning than your usual schedule. It was a little before 3 a.m. but you wanted to travel down to the ravine later in the day to go fishing and you needed to divide your time carefully if you wanted to get everything done. You slung your knapsack over your shoulder and set out to the forest, yawning to yourself.
Unbeknownst to you, a strange man had been watching you. You sometimes felt eyes on you, but over time you learned to brush off the feeling. As long as it didn’t approach you, you couldn’t be bothered to investigate further. There were a lot of creatures that lived in this forest so you figured it was just another one of the beasts of the land.
Setting your bag down on a tree stump, you walk forward to check on one of your traps, only to step on a piece of rope. Your reaction time was off as the rope tightened around you ankle, hoisting you up in the air. You felt the blood rush to your head, and you flailed your arms around, trying to grab onto a nearby branch. If you could get the dagger out of your waistband, you would be able to cut yourself loose.
As you reached for your tool, you didn’t hear the man approach you. He moved with unnerving silence. You felt a sudden throbbing in your head and shouted out in pain, the world swirling around in your vision before going dark. The last thing you remember seeing was the smile of an unknown man, teeth unusually sharp.  
"Ah, good morning my little flower, it's about time you got up," said the man. He knelt down in front of you, tilting your chin up to meet his gaze by lifting your face with his fingers on your chin. "We're going to have a lot of fun together~"
He had a wild look in his eyes; you couldn’t see his pupils, masked by the darkness of his eyes. It was as though his entire iris was a dark hole, pulling you in. Your eyes dart around the room, trying to get a bearing of where you were. Your arms were tied behind you, holding you firmly to a metal support beam. You assumed you were in a basement of some sort. The concrete floor felt damp and cold.
You open your mouth to speak, but the sadist cuts you off. "Stop it! Stop it please!" he cries out again, gripping your cheeks in his hands as he laughs. The sound was chilling, filled with a type of excitement you couldn’t quite place, but you knew it wasn’t good news for your situation.
You shudder, your entire body shaking. There was a tension in the air that made you feel uneasy. "Who are you? Where am I?" you ask, shaking your head from side to side, the man’s hand falling away from your chin.
“Where am I? What do you want from me!?” he mocked you, using a falsetto voice, pretending to cry. It was a twisted display and you found yourself frowning at him. A dark chuckle filled the room as the man shakes his head again, rearing his arm back. You felt his palm make contact with your cheek with a great force, pulling you instantly into reality. You jerk away from the slap, your face radiating with pain as warmth spreads across your cheek.
You tremble, wringing your wrists back and forth, the rope tying them together chaffing the skin. You wonder how long you had been out for. Judging by the soreness of your shoulders, it was at least an hour.
The man brought his face closer to yours, and you could feel your noses brush against one another. His gaze was intense, searching for something in your eyes. He paused, grinning once again. You felt unnerved by his erratic behavior.
"What do you want from me? Money? I'm not much of a ransom," you quip, your voice taking on a defensive edge as the man eyes you. You examined your captor's face. He was undoubtedly handsome, but with an edge of madness to him. He had brown slicked back hair, messy but kept. His eyes held a cruelty to them, and you sank back against the metal pole behind you.
You furrowed your brows in confusion at his confession; the hair on the back of your neck was standing on end. Suddenly, you felt very foolish for ignoring all those times out in the forest you didn’t listen to your gut.
Adrian snarled, slamming his fist into your chest hard. You gasp, wheezing as the breath is knocked out of you. You wheeze, the air pushed from your lungs, replaced by a bruising sting that blossomed across your chest. Your head hung forward as he pulled his fist back, averting your eyes to the ground as you struggled to regain your breath.
He seemed to be thinking, and you felt his nose brush up against yours again. “Money? Oh no my little flower, I don’t want your things. I want you.” He let out a shuddering breath; reaching the hand he was going to hit you with to stroke the side of your face gently. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this…”
The man pulled back just enough to poke his finger against your chest, as if to mock the fact that you were able to defend yourself. You squirmed against his touch, but you had nowhere to retreat to. You pushed your legs against the floor, arching as far back into the metal post as you could. “Who are you!? What do you want?” you pried, trying to get a grasp of your current situation. You felt like a record on repeat, but honestly the panic setting into your mind was scrambling your thoughts.
"I want you to scream," he says simply, as if this was all there was to life.
"What?" you ask. Your heart was racing and you felt another tremor work its way through you.
Adrian pauses, "I want you to scream for me... like a little bitch." He paused, taking the time to pet the hair on the side of your head soothingly. “I want to hear all the sounds you can make. All the pretty little expressions you can give me…”
The words you were thinking of saying next died in your throat before they could even be uttered. This man was crazy. He was going to hurt you, and you had no escape. You shivered, nervously chewing on your lower lip.
"After all this time…now that you’re finally here in my grasp, I want to hurt you, and humiliate you.” He continued petting your hair, tucking a lock of it behind your ear, revealing more of your face to him. “And you’ll be so good for me, won’t you? If not... well, I won't mince words. I will kill you."
You swallow thickly at his threat, taking him at his word. He went through all the trouble to capture you and tie you up in his basement, you were sure he would kill you without a second thought if you did something he didn't like. You would just have to get through this, you told yourself, trying to mentally prepare yourself for what happened next.
He nestled his nose into your hair, breathing deeply and letting out a low groan. “Aaah, my little flower, I want to bury myself in you so bad. Do you think you can take it?” Your mouth felt dry and you tried to swallow again, shakily replying, “I don’t….”
“Shh,” he placed a finger over your lips, stroking his finger along your mouth and tracing the line of your upper lip, smiling as you halted your protest. “That’s a good boy…”
A high pitched whimper emitted in the back of your throat as his threat became...sexual. You were scared; your heart was racing like it was going to jump out of your chest. He couldn’t be serious. Your eyes flickered back to his, and you could see desire pooling in his dark gaze. He was serious.
“Surely you want it too? You’re not a virgin are you?” he spoke low, clearly hoping for the latter to be true. You looked down at the ground, not wanting to meet his eye as you spoke. "No, I’m not," you admitted. Time had passed since then, but you had lain with a man before in your life. You weren't sure you liked the idea of it being with a complete stranger, however, let alone one who was holding you captive in his basement.
He clicked his tongue against his teeth, displeased at this revelation but he seemed to accept the fact. “No matter, once I take you for myself you won’t be able to think about anyone else,” as he spoke, a grin split open on his face and he leaned back in to nuzzle against your soft hair. “That’s right…I’ll take you over, and over again. You’ll be begging me before long…”
He seemed to be talking more to himself than to you. You could feel your face turn red at his sickly perverted ramble, "I don't want this…” you managed to murmur out. You could feel the blush blooming across your face and down your neck as he said those filthy words. It felt wrong. This was wrong. But your body betrayed the rational side of you, and you knew that it was only a matter of time before you would be fully erect.
A bemused chuckle reached your ears as the man pulled away from your hair, towering over you. "You don't have a choice," he spoke low, his voice husky with lust. “I’ve waited too long.”
This was it. He was going to hurt you. Or you were going to be fucked against your will. You screeched internally, realizing it was probably going to be a mixture of the two and you desperately wished you could wring your wrists out of the ropes.
As he stroked the side of your cheek, his hand felt colder than before. You shivered, your mind screaming at you to pull away from his touch, but if you played along he might not hurt you as bad. He could feel you trembling beneath his touch.
“Shhh, it’s ok, don’t be scared. I promise, you’ll enjoy this too. I’ll make sure of that,” he croons gently at you. It was a cruel mockery of kindness. His voice was rehearsed, but the gentleness didn’t reach his eyes.
"I don't...know you," you say quietly, tears starting to prick at the corners of your eyes as you look anywhere but his eyes. You couldn’t trust his saccharine voice, sweet as poison, and just as deadly. His eyes narrowed dangerously at your objection. He flicked his wrist, snapping your head back as his grip on your face tightened.
Your head was still sore from where he knocked you out earlier and you cried as your head smacked against the post. His lips twisted into a smirk and he let out a short bark of laughter, “Well then, how about we get to know each other a little.”
Your breath catches in your throat at the tone in his voice. You needed to soothe over the situation, quickly. "No! Ah, wait. That's not what I mean!" you smile nervously at the man, hoping to appease him. You flounder for your words and you swear you could see enjoyment in that infuriating smirk of his.
You try to scream but all that comes out is a pathetic snivel as your voice cracks under the emotion coursing through you. You were fighting against yourself not to cry. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. The feeling of fear crawled across your body, wrapping you in its embrace.
“Please…I want to go home,” your voice sounds defeated as it leaves you.
He stares at you coldly before speaking once more, “Don’t you want to please me?”
“Tell me then, what do you mean, my flower…” his pet name for you left you uncomfortable, but you weren’t exactly in a place where you could tell him off about it.
"I'll...play along...with you," you say, choosing your words carefully. You searched his face, watching for any change in his reaction. There was definitely enjoyment on his face as he heard you give into the situation.
What you were about to do was not going to be easy on you. It was paramount that you played into his little game. He seemed the type to peel off your skin slowly with his bare hands, and it made your stomach churn. You would need to give a good performance.
"So…what do you want me to do?" you ask, trying to sound coy. You were shifting your shoulders, the ropes around your wrists was cutting in, but you continued slowly twisting your hands back and forth, hoping to loosen the binds.
Adrian smiles, amusement clear in his eyes. "Oh? What’s this now, finally admitting your attraction to me? I’ll admit, I was anticipating it would take you longer to realize your feelings," he rambles on, a laugh escaping his lips.
"What do you mean?" you ask, your heart rate picking up pace again. You shifted awkwardly against the metal post, still unable to move from your spot. He stood up, walking over to the counter on the back wall of the basement to pick something up. You strained to see what he was holding, only to shrink back against the post as you noticed he was walking back toward you with a knife.
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath.
You were terrified of this man.
“Hmmm, I’ll tell you what,” he says, trailing off as his foot touches yours, nudging it a little with the tip of his shoe.
"You’ll be a good little pet for me, hm? I'll make sure you feel nice and special," as he speaks, his voice takes on a darker edge. He kicks your foot to the side, opening your legs as he kneels between your knees. He grins as he takes the knife and cuts away at your pants, leaving your bottom half bare to the cold air of the basement. You were frozen in place, just trying to focus on your breathing as he continued to rip your clothing away from you.
You keep telling yourself to stay calm. He'll realize he's gone too far, stop everything. But he just keeps going, grinning as he rips your underwear away from you as well.
You try to hide yourself from him by pulling your knees closer together, but he grabbed at your legs, pushing them apart. You were completely at his mercy, half aroused from the fear of the situation. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" he says, voice filled with glee as he licks his lips. “See? I knew you were special…”
You see red. You want nothing more than to reach up, grab that disgusting man by the throat and squeeze until his eyes bulge from his head. You feel pathetic in how utterly helpless you were. If he hadn’t gotten the upper hand on you out in the woods, you would have had a chance to fight back. You wanted more than anything to be able to fight back.
You didn't dare do anything reckless when he had the knife so close to your most sensitive area. He trailed the cold tip of the knife up your thigh, pressing in just enough to leave a light trail of blood. It didn't hurt at first, as the knife kissed your skin, but as the blood came bubbling slowly to the surface you felt the sting of the cut.
He took his time working his way up your legs, taking his time with each cut. By the time he reached your groin, you held your breath in your throat, nervously flicking your eyes back and forth from the knife to his face and back again.
As he pressed the knife shallowly above your groin you moan out involuntarily, catching his attention. His eyes lock onto yours and a flush seems to creep over his cheeks, and he licks his lips slowly, clearly pleased.
“My my, so sensitive,” he breathed, fanning his face dramatically. He seemed to be a rather theatrical man. His voice dipped low again, taking on a sultry tone. “Look at you, getting hard from me cutting you. Tell me, were you always such a filthy pervert or are you just like this for me?”
Changing pace, he pulls back to hit you across the face with the flat of the knife, relishing your delicious reaction.
You cry out pitifully as the knife grazes your cheek from the impact of the blow. A fine line of blood drips down your chin, pooling along your jawline. You frown, your lower lip quivering as curse out, “Fuck…”
His eyes light up, “Aah, you’re so dirty. I knew you’d be perfect~” He was overcome with a giddy, twisted glee as he stood up, excitedly shuffling off to the other side of the basement.
You relax against the post, slumping your head against it to rest as you watched him retreat. You groaned quietly, still working at the ropes around your wrists, trying to get them to loosen. The rope was burning against your skin, and you knew without needing to see them that they were raw and red.
He turned around, pausing his ministrations for a while, just staring at you. He quietly turned away, shuffling bottles and a large toolbox around. The silence was all the encouragement you needed, and you started working feverishly at the knots, exhaustion taking over as your fingers finally work through the knots.
He seemed to be in thought; he paced around the basement, and you were worried he could see what you were up to. You take your chances regardless, freeing your hands from the rope and finally bringing them to your chest, your arms stiff from being held in the same position for hours.
You risk another glance at your captor, who is still pacing. You notice he has something in his hands that you hadn’t seen a moment ago. He was holding a long metal baton with spikes adorning the sides all the way to its pointed tip. You barely had time to register it before you were suddenly greeted with a sharp pain in both of your feet.
He had swung it against the bottom of your bare feet, making you cry out in agony, toes curling inward which only served to aggravate your weeping injury further. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Did that hurt?" he cooed, his voice mockingly sweet as he reeled back, slamming the baton against the heels of your feet this time. You saw white flashes in your vision as the pain exploded in your feet, leaving you incapable of running.
You screamed out, reaching instinctively to hold your legs, choking on a sob as the pain seared up your calves. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice you untying your ropes?" he breathed, dropping the bloodied weapon on the floor behind him with a metallic clink. He knelt between your knees once again, cupping your face in his hands. "You better not be trying to escape, my little flower,” he breathed against your cheek.
“What a naughty little thing, you just can’t help it can you?” he nods to himself, talking more at you than to you. "It’s alright, shh, it’s ok. It’s my fault, I haven’t broken you in yet, it’s ok…" He slipped his arms under yours and laid your arms around his shoulders, holding you tightly against his chest as he rocked you back and forth.
Tears welled in your eyes, and you were unable to stop them from streaming down your cheeks as he rocked you back and forth as though consoling a small child. He continued shushing you, petting your hair soothingly. "Naughty pets get punishment, but that's ok. You're learning...you're still learning," he mused, his voice taking on a sinister tone as he pulled back to wipe at your tears with his thumbs.
"I'll make sure you have so much fun here, you'll forget all your...trivial thoughts of wanting to run away,” he wiped away your tears, smearing some of the blood that was left behind from the earlier cut on your face.
‘Stop touching me with those horrible hands,' you thought to yourself, clenching your teeth together and breathing shakily. You could feel the blood tickling the bottoms of your soles, but the skin and muscle felt so raw you didn't find enjoyment in the sensation. You didn't have time to dwell on it long before he was pulling you to your feet, forcing you to stand.
You cried out loudly, desperately trying to shift the weight off of your feet as he led you over to a cart filled with instruments of torture. He half drug your body to a table, and when you weren’t able to take a further step forward, he fastened his hands under your arms to lift you onto the table. It made you feel like you weighed nothing to him.
You were forced into an awkward sitting position, your arms stretched out in front of you as he chained them to the metal handles at the end.
"Now, you won't be getting out of these as easily," he said cheerfully, patting the metal rings he fastened around your wrists, admiring his handiwork. The clasps were fastened to the ceiling, held together with long chains. You could swing your arms a little, but the range of motion was restricted. Your wrists were still raw with the rope burn from before, the cool metal biting against your flesh.
While you were adjusting to your new position, he turned around to grab a few more of his toys. In one hand was a shorter chain, and in the other was a ball gag. He gave you another cheery smile, holding them up proudly.
Your eyes widen as you notice the ball gag in his hands and he gives you a friendly smile, "Shhh, don’t be scared." He pressed the gag against your lips, holding the back of your head, the chain still wrapped in his other hand. "Open up for me, hm?" He tugged on a fistful of your hair, causing you to gasp. He used the opportunity to press the gag into your mouth, carefully fastening it around your head. "That's better," he mused, wrapping the shorter chain around your throat like a makeshift collar and leash.
You could barely move as he wrapped the chain around your neck, his hand on the other side of your head holding the chain tight against his body. He smiled fondly at you, giving it an experimental tug just to listen to your panicked whine. “Aah, beautiful…” he murmured.
You choked on a sob, blinking away several tears that had begun to form again. You didn't want to be congested with your mouth in such an awkward position, forced open to accommodate the ball. You were thankful for the holes in the sides, likely to assist in breathing, but you knew that before long you would end up drooling and it was demeaning.
He let the chain go for now, letting it dangle around your chest. You had been completely stripped by the blade of his knife earlier, and you felt extremely vulnerable in your current position. You could only watch as he mulled over which of his 'toys' to use first.
Adrian rubbed your shoulder, "Good, very good. You’re doing so well," he turned to pick up two needles, one long and one much shorter. “I know you’re scared little one.” You couldn’t help but whine in the back of your throat again. What was he going to inject you with?
"But that's ok~ I'll make sure you feel really good," he chuckled to himself approaching the table once again. He set the shorter needle down momentarily, inspecting the red tinted liquid in the longer syringe, giving the tip of the needle a little flick as he pushed some of the liquid through, checking for air. "Perfect," he pulls out a small alcohol wipe, ripping the package open with his teeth and running the cool pad over your shoulder. "Take a deep breath for me, ok?" he coos, pressing the needle into your arm, slowly injecting the foreign liquid into you.
You slowly nod, taking in a shaky breath. Once finished, he dabs the little puncture would left behind again with the wipe, moving to the other side of the table with the smaller needle in hand. He repeats the process of wiping down a small patch on your neck before pressing carefully into the crook of your neck. It pinched going in but soon your head felt muddy as the pain in your feet and limbs subsided.
You let out a soft moan, somewhat out of surprise, as the pain was wicked away. He had injected you with a pain reliever, which you were immediately grateful for. But the other injection was also starting to take effect… You felt your skin felt flushed from head to toe. Your breath was increasing in frequency and it felt like the medicine was seeping into every pore.
"Isn’t that better?" he spoke, smiling at you. That damned, incessant smile. He began slowly kissing his way up your stomach, pausing at your chest to swirl his tongue around your now aching nipples.
A lascivious moan escapes your throat, muffled by the gag in your mouth. It startles you, and you feel a pool of heat gathering in your lower half. Your vision is hazy, and your thoughts are jumbled. It feels like your head is underwater. Another moan bubbles in your throat as Adrian bites harshly on a pert nipple, causing you to arch into him.
"Does that feel good?" he asks sweetly, twisting the sensitive nub.
You shiver, nodding your head weakly, earning another chuckle from the man. He plays with the chain dangling from your neck, giving it a little tug just to jolt you.
"Isn't it better when you just play along?" He smiles, giving another gentle tug on the chain. You can’t seem to answer him, your body was aching sweetly, and you swayed a little on the table, the chains rattling at your movement.
He shifts his weight off the table momentarily to put the emptied syringes back into his toolbox. He would worry about cleaning them later. For now, he was going to have fun with his new pet.
"Tell me, have you ever tasted your own blood?"
Your eyes widen in terror as your mind scrambles to come up with an answer. You go to respond, momentarily forgetting the gag in your mouth. You make a muffled sound before shaking your from side to side, eyeing him suspiciously. He hums to himself, picking a small, decorative knife from the toolbox, inspecting it for sharpness before turning to face you completely. "Oh that's a shame," his voice has a mocking sense of pity in it as he approaches you with a glint in his eye. "Let's change that shall we?"
A distressed whimper hangs in the back of your throat and you tug at the chains around your wrist. You still your movements when you notice the frown curving on his lips. His eyes were narrow as he pressed the knife up against your collarbone, letting the blade kiss your skin lightly, a thin trail of blood dripping down in a single line down your chest. He admired it for a moment before flipping it in his hand and driving the blade down into your thigh.  
A startled yelp escapes your lips as you tears rapidly fall down your cheeks. You press your tongue hard against the gag to prevent yourself from screaming, trying to bite against the slippery surface. The pain was dulled from the earlier injection, but you were still able to feel the subdued ache that it left behind. He twisted the knife harshly to the side, opening a gash in your soft thigh and you wince, crying out as you avert your eyes away from the damage.
Unfortunately for you, the aphrodisiac in your system was tricking your mind into reacting to the pain by sending jolts of pleasure through your system. It made you want to feel sick, sending a violent shudder up your spine.
He begins to trace a finger along your oozing wound, painting his finger a deep shade of crimson. He hums to himself again, grin widening as a ghastly idea inspires him into action. He grabs a straight pin from the table, leaning in to press it into your throbbing flesh.
He stood back for a moment, eyes trailing over the pin in your wound and he smiled thoughtfully, standing back to grab several more pins, effectively adorning them across your wound to hold it open. "Beautiful," he breathed, admiring the weeping, mutilated flesh. You breathed harshly, the sensations nearly overwhelming your senses. You didn't want to look at it; it made your stomach drop.
He leans over the table in front of you, lifting your chin up with a rough hand.
Adrian then presses his index finger directly into the gaping wound, coating his finger in your warm, sticky blood. Your face twists in agony as he penetrates your thigh. You could see him shiver, and a twisted smile graced his handsome features. You wished the circumstances were different, then you might truly be able to appreciate the man's face. But right now your emotions felt mixed, and your pulse pounded in your temples. You just wanted him to stop.
He twirls his finger in the air, drawing out the moment before he brings it down to one of the holes in the ball gag, letting it drip inside. You were frozen, fixated on his hand as your own blood dripped down, onto your tongue. You had no choice but to taste the metallic, copper tang that coated your tongue. It made you dizzy, but you moaned out reflexively.
"Savor," he whispers quietly, watching your reaction carefully. You can tell he's enjoying this.
You let your eyes flutter shut, focusing on the strange taste in your mouth. There was a vague sweetness to it that you assumed was the result of whatever he injected you with. You swayed a little, your body feeling slow as another wave of warmth spread across you.
You were about to lose consciousness. He knew it.
"Aah, I can hardly take it. You’re so beautiful,” he gushed, admiring your body as you struggled against your consciousness.  “I'm going to enjoy this."
He traced a hand under your chin almost lovingly, reaching back to his toolbox. "As much as I love seeing you so...helpless...I can't have you falling asleep before the main event."
You kept your eyes closed, embracing the warmth of his hand as he caressed you. You leaned into him, and made a small noise of disappointment when he withdrew his touch. It wasn't until you felt another needle injecting into your skin that you blearily opened your eyes. A jolt of electricity coursed through your body, rousing your senses and you were suddenly wracked with shivers.
Your veins felt cold, but your skin burned hotter. He stood over you, studying you, watching as your body started to react to the pain that was surely throbbing from your torn up thigh. He took in a sharp breath, palming himself through his pants at the sight of you. A disheveled mess.
“Aaahn, I made a miscalculation in the sedative but I made it all better,” he shuddered, working himself up. You could see his impressive erection straining against his pants as he palmed himself.
"Let's start again," he finally said. You heard the buckle of his pants come undone, and for the life of you, you wished the sound of it hadn't turned you on. You felt disgusting. You whined, twisting your hips as you continued to arch and writhe in place.
You cried out, arching with nowhere to go. Your arms pulled against the chains that held you in place and you writhed in your seat on the table. The pain started to mix into a complicated sensation, causing you to pant out harshly, the ball gag impeding your ability to really do much else.
He stood over you, watching.
"Do you have any idea how arousing it is to watch you fight against it?" his voice was thick with desire, and it made your stomach clench. You locked eyes with his, unable to stop your body from trembling at the sight of him. You could only watch as he disrobed, exposing his muscular body to you.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment,” he exhaled slowly, swooning. You shook your head, unable to speak through the gag. He crawled forward, hands running along the top of your thighs.
"Give in," he spoke low, his left hand ghosting over the trauma he inflicted on your thigh. You couldn’t help but react to his touch. He let his hands trail higher, touching everywhere but your now fully erect cock. A bead of precum dripped from the tip of your penis, which strained against your abdomen painfully.
He leaned forward and lapped it up with his tongue, his eye contact intense as he pressed his tongue flat against the tip, and you saw stars. You moaned loudly, every fiber of your being lighting up. He didn't give you much relief, however, moving instead to lick across your stomach, all the way up to your chest where he teased your nipples. A sharp pain shot through you, and you whined into your gag, moving your hips in tiny little circles.
You shook, rutting your hips frantically as he bit into your nipple once again, causing your hips to jerk forward. You desperately wanted more, the danger of the situation currently being outweighed by your near violent arousal.
He traced his fingers along your thigh once more, but stopped. You whined into the gag, desperate for him to continue.
"You poor thing, do you want to touch yourself?" he asked, his eyes flickering over you.
Your eyes trailed to the chains that held your wrists in place and you looked back to him cautiously at first but soon you found yourself nodding enthusiastically, offering eager, yet muffled begs behind your ball gag for him to release your arms.
He didn't move to release you, instead moving one of his hands to your chest, pushing on your shoulders as he moved you up the table, angling your body to an almost perfect position.
"Mmph!" you cried out.
Your arms were placed in a rather precarious position, straining against your shoulders as the binds forced your hands forward. He had pulled your lower half down so you were no longer sitting upright, but rather, leaned against the top half of the table. Your legs were pushed to the sides, causing your mangled feet to dangle off either edge of the table.
“Perhaps another time… I’d love to watch you pleasure yourself to the thought of me,” he chuckled, positioning your body to suit his needs. You were stretched out, open, ready for him to do whatever he wanted with you.
He trailed his hand up your chest to press into your neck, holding down for a few pauses before letting go, watching you struggle for breath. Laughing quietly to himself, he yanked the chain around your neck, tightening the hold he had on you.
Groaning, you gasp for breath as he releases his hold on your neck only to let out a startled, yet muffled shout when he yanked the chain, pulling you off the table by roughly an inch before dropping you back onto it. Due to your constant attempts at communication, you can feel the saliva collecting in your mouth, noticing it had already started to drool down your chin.
Adrian released the chain and you coughed and sputtered, trying to catch your breath.
"Mphmm," you try to reason with him, steadying your quickened breaths. The man reaches over to the cart next to his toolbox, and picks up a bottle off the cart. You watch as he squirts the thick, gooey substance out onto his fingers. "I like it to feel good for me too," he states matter-of-factly. "Blood doesn't make the best lubricant." His words were cryptic, as though he had a lot of experience in that field.
Pulling your legs away, he nestles in front of you, spreading them slightly as he kneels down. You keen loudly, rutting your hips against the air, digging your back against the table. He pressed a hand against your hip, pressing you back down. "Don’t worry; I'm going to give you something that's going to make you feel really good."
And with that, he presses the first lubed finger against your puckered hole. The lubricant is cold, but it feels nice against your feverish skin. You moan out, long and drawn out as he dips the finger in to the knuckle, slowly fingering it inside of you.
He's stretching you, and in this moment you had never felt anything so intense. The aphrodisiac and adrenaline coursing through your body left you a whimpering jittery mess.
He adds a second finger, scissoring them to allow for easier access as he stretches you open.
You can't help but rut against his fingers, and it seems to please him greatly. "You're being such a good little pet right now, that's right. Fuck yourself on my fingers," he encourages you, watching as you hopelessly try to get off on his fingers, twisting and stretching inside you. He lifted his hand off of your hip, allowing you to have more movement.
You raise your hips as he continues to scissor his fingers, having just added a third to the mix, trying to get as much pleasure out of the feeling as you can.
You mewl a high pitched whine as he curves his fingers, striking that spot inside of you that makes you see stars. You practically thrash against his hand, trying to replicate the sensation erratically.
"Yes, that's it," he whispers, "I'm going to make you feel so good. You want that don't you? You want me to make you come hard and fast, don't you?" his words picked up with excitement, and he laughed manically, watching you chase your pleasure on his fingers.
"MMPH!" you cry out with fervor, rocking back and forth against his digits, your legs still dangling over the edge of the table. Your arms strained aggressively against the chains but you didn't care. You couldn't care. You couldn't think about anything else other than the pleasure that was building in your core. That is, until he withdrew his hand.
The sudden absence of it makes you moan in opposition, broken into sudden sobs at the sudden feeling of abrupt emptiness.
"Shh, shh, it's ok. I'll fill you up, don't you worry," he consoles you with his deep, low voice. You lull your head to the side, another shiver trailing its way to the base of your spine as he licks his lips slowly, lining himself up against your opening.
He pushes himself forward, sliding into you in one hard thrust. He's so... big. So much bigger than any other person you've fit inside yourself.
The loudest moan yet erupted from your throat, and you drooled down the sides and holes of your gag. You were thankful he took the time to stretch you out, knowing that he would have split you open if he tried to thrust in like that unprepared. You found yourself weeping, overwhelmed with emotion as he pulled back and began thrusting in earnest.
"Ah... fuck, yes..." he pants, and with one hand he roughly grabs your hair, holding you in place as he thrusts into you.
The dull pain from the rough grip he had on your hair only fueled the fire in your gut. The pain medicine had dissipated almost entirely, but you were in such a high state of arousal that you didn't mind. The only thing you cared about was chasing your release, your body felt like you were treading through fire and water at the same time. Your cock ached against your belly; pushed up against you at the angle Adrian was fucking you into the table.
His thrusts became faster. More erratic. You could make out the grunts of effort as he needed to put all his strength into each thrust. He growls, long and low.
Your eyes crossed at the sound of his growl. It was so primal, and awakened a very submissive urge in you. You mewled and arched your back, slightly, still being held in place by the hand on your hair. You just wanted to increase the friction on your weeping, neglected cock.
You made a pitiful noise in the back of your throat as you breathed heavily. He growled again, “Come for me, you can do it. Come on nothing but my cock, I can see it written all over your face.” He picked up his pace, ramming into you with ruthless abandon.
“You’re my filthy little cumslut aren’t you? Aah, that’s right, come on my cock for me,” he continued to encourage you with dirty talk. You arched off the table, straining firmly against the chains around your wrists. He gripped at your hips, digging his nails firmly into your skin as he angled his thrusts against your prostate, earning a loud howl from you. With each thrust he hit that sweet spot and you felt the build of your orgasm pool deep within you. It wasn't long before you were sobbing again, your orgasm sweeping over you with white hot emotion.
Your body shook as he continued to grip you tightly. You felt the warm splash of your cum hit your stomach, painting you in your own seed. He growled, his eyes completely clouding over at the sight, and with one last, powerful thrust he came into you.
Tears stained your face, your hair was tousled from his rough grip, you were an absolute trainwreck but you were beyond feeling self-conscious about it. You felt his seed empty inside of you, filling you with a warm sensation. You moaned quietly, rolling your hips against his cock as he held the base of his shaft, milking every last drop of his cum inside your hole.
The pair of you panted, both of you staring at each other as you came down from your high.
You had nearly lost your voice; it came out as a hoarse, broken sound as you tried to say something against the ball gag in your mouth. You were covered in your own saliva, cum, tears, and blood. Adrian looked at you reverently, clearly admiring the state he had put you in.
He slowly pulled out of you, a soft groan escaping your lips. You panted, feeling a sense of exhilaration as his cum gushed out. It was still warm as it tickled down your skin, an altogether pleasant sensation.
"You like that? Hm?”
You shivered weakly, slumping against the table the best you could with the binds still holding your arms forward. It had taken a lot out of you.
"You’re so perfect…" he whispered quietly to himself, reaching toward you to release the ball gag, and a flood of air rushed into your mouth. You coughed, hacking up a wad of saliva and blood, but felt so much better for it.
You flushed, embarrassed that you had made a mess. Worried it might set him off again. You watched for any sign of contempt but didn't notice any outright.
He wiped his hand down your face and neck, gently cleaning you off, before releasing you from the chains holding you in place. You fell to the ground with a thud, a weak cry murmuring in your throat as your face pressed against the cool concrete.
You groan on the floor, attempting to use your raspy voice, "Please..help..." you manage to whisper out, reaching for the man.
He smiles, a bright, toothy grin that makes you shiver, "I'm sorry about that. Wasn't watching where I was pulling, won't you forgive me?" he asks in an almost playful tone, leaning down to pick you up. He glanced at the mess on the table and seemed to mull something over, but he decided to set you back down on the dirtied table at least temporarily.
You struggle to stay upright, your body suddenly very exhausted, either from the intensity of your previous session or from the adrenaline that had been injected into your body previously. Your limbs felt like lead and your body was crying out in pain. The pins in your thigh had pressed in further when you fell and your leg was oozing blood.
He stepped back, a cruel grin spreading across his face, "Please forgive me," he said again.
You give him a pathetic look, all the fight having been sapped out of your maimed body. "Ok..." you say quietly, rubbing at your thigh to try to ease some of the pain.
You chew on your lower lip, an anxious habit, as you worked up the courage to ask him to do something for you. "Could...could you please take out these pins, sir?" your voice was raw, but audible.
He tilted his head, "The ones in your leg?" he asked in mock surprise.
"Yes...my leg...I..."
He grasped your thigh in his hand, tightening his grip as he played with one of the pins, wiggling it back and forth with his eyes fixated on your reaction. You let out a small moan, your body still sending mixed signals from your previous arousal. His eyes flicked up to meet with yours and he raised an eyebrow, "This one?" he asked, feigning ignorance.
"Please..." you whimpered.
"Well, I suppose I could get that closed up for you. Wouldn't want you to bleed out on me now would I?" he flashed another grin, and walked over to the counter, fetching what appeared to be a first aid kit before returning to his previous position.
He opened it and bent down to you, "We're going to have to do this the old fashioned way then. Hold still."
You opened your mouth to question him but were immediately cut off with a yelp as he began to pry the needles out of your leg. He counted them, and then counted them again just to be sure before taking out a small bottle of antiseptic and pouring it directly onto the wound. You let out a piercing scream, nearly losing the rest of your voice in the process.
His hands were warm as they pressed on your leg, trying to clean the wound as effectively as he could. "It'll be fine, I promise," he whispered in your ear as he cleaned the wounds, "Just relax."
He hummed to himself as he pulled out a suture kit. Pouring some of the antiseptic out onto his hands, he rubs them together before gathering his tools. He threaded the hook carefully, pulling an edge of the wound and angling the hooked needle at a 90 degree angle before piercing the skin deeply, careful not to pull up as he threaded it through to the other side, tying the edges together to hold the middle of your wound closed. You whimpered quietly as he worked, not able to look down as the needle and medical thread were threaded through your flesh.
There was a slight pain as the stitches were tied off, and you snuck a quick peak, only to look down to see blood dripping down your shin, staining your knee down to your ankle red. Another whimper escaped your lips and you buried your face in your hands, rubbing your face gently as you tried to distract yourself from the stitches the man was giving you.
"Thank you," you said quietly, not moving the hands from in front of your eyes. You could not watch it any longer.
"You're most welcome," though you couldn't see it, his smile deepened into a something more genuine as he continued his work.
When it seemed he was finished with the sutures on your leg, you cracked a finger open to look down, amazed that the stitches looked so...professional.
You looked up at him again, and found him staring intently down at his work. He looked back up at you, a little surprise on his face as he saw your hands had finally moved from covering up your pretty face.
He trailed his hands down your calves, lifting your legs up to examine the trauma he had inflicted to the bottoms of your feet earlier. "Hmmm, looks like you won't be running off any time soon. How about I run us a nice hot bath and we can wrap these up, hm?" He released your leg, letting it dangle back off the side of the table before standing up. You nodded nervously, watching him as he moved through the dimly lit room to the corner of the room.
You could hear clanking noises as he seemed to be putting things into a sink. Your suspicions were confirmed when you heard the tap water running, the sound was almost soothing in how normal it was. Once satisfied, he returned to scoop you up in his arms, leading you toward the stairs that led to the main part of his house. You held on tightly, afraid he might drop you at any minute.
He sat you on a metal rack in the bathroom, as hot water trickled down from a faucet into a bathtub.
You watched intently as he added soap and some sort of scented pebbles into the water, intrigued when they dissolved into the hot water. While the water ran, he made sure to get some towels and gauze ready, laying out a fresh bathmat next to the tub before finally shutting the water back off.
"Let's get you into that bath now, my little flower," he crooned.
He eased you into the bathwater, climbing in right behind you, letting you lay against his chest as he bathed every inch of you. He tickled the backs of your ears, relishing when you tried to move away from his touch.
He obviously wasn't annoyed at you for this outburst though, and instead decided to startle you by biting your shoulder.
"OW!" you yelled, jumping in the water.
It sloshed around you, the water having turned a light pink shade from the blood. You heard a chuckle behind you before you felt his flattened tongue pressed against his little bite, soothing over the wound. You found yourself leaning into him once again.
"Do you like being scared? That's how you get my attention, little one. You need to work harder next time." His words held a cryptic tone once again. You couldn’t figure him out. His personality seemed all over the place and it left you on edge.
"Why me?" you ask, shifting a little as he reaches down, 'cleaning' you out by pressing his fingers back into your hole to coax out the rest of his cum. You let out a sling of delightful noises as he wriggled his finger in and out of your sensitive entrance.
He bit your shoulder once again, harder this time, and you yelped. He slowed his ministrations down to little nibbles, and by the time he was finished you had calmed down again.
"Mmm, as much as I would love to go a second round, I think we need to get you cleaned up," he sighed, opening the drain to the tub, startling you with the loud noise as the water flowed down the drain, he stood up, turning the water to the shower head on, detaching it so that he could finish washing the two of you.
Once you were both clean, he dried you off first, rubbing baby oil into your skin and scalp until your hair was slicked back.
It was strange, that he was almost...pampering you after what he did to you down in his basement. It made your stomach do a little flip as he treated you so gently. He took the time to wrap your feet in gauze, only occasionally squeezing a little too tight just to see your face twist in pain.
Once your preparations were done, he picked you up from the table and set you on your feet again.
You winced, immediately leaning forward to fall into his arms. You couldn't bear the weight on your feet, even with them wrapped in bandages. The pain was simply too intense. There was no way you were going to able to run like this. He smirked, leaving you to flounder for a few more moments before scooping you up into his arms.
You settled into his rhythm, as he walked from the kitchen and down the stairs, holding you tightly as you buried your head into his shoulder.
You were led to a bedroom, where he laid you out onto a lavish bed, all the while never averting his gaze from you. He watched as your eyes fluttered, feeling the comfortable bed behind you as you sank against the cushion. "Comfortable?" he asked.
"Mm," you answered, the exhaustion weighing down on you.  He leans forward, placing a kiss against your temple, playing with your slicked back hair.
"Get some rest. I have a few...tasks for you in the morning, once you've had time to rest. But right now, it's time to sleep."
You would worry about what the future held in the morning, for now, sleep was encompassing you in a welcoming darkness. You could hardly hear the next few sentences out of his mouth, his voice fading in and out, "...and if you try to crawl away I'll just break your kneecaps." He stroked the side of your face tenderly, watching as you finally fell asleep. "Sweet dreams."
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