#making everyone take off their shoes and throwing them in the trunk
nico-di-genova · 4 months
Researching interiors of a Dodge Charger for completely wholesome reasons. The horrors that have happened here.
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msmk11 · 5 months
Congratulations: You Like James Potter
James Potter x fem!reader
Word count: 4k
CW: Idiots in love, kissing, unbearable fluff
Summary: Clothes are a game changer when it comes to feelings. Who would've thought?
A/n: Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope you are having a lovely week. Currently I am in the midst of finals week, so I am stressing! That's why I pulled this out of my drive instead of writing something new. I hope you enjoy my loves :)
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The cold stone of the dorm seeps through your socks as you pace back and forth across the width of the room. Although you love Hogwarts, winters are never kind inside a large castle with no insulation.
Usually when this happens, you go roast in front of the fire or take a long, hot shower. However, seeing that you have plans to go to the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin game in ten minutes with Lily, Dorcas, Remus, and Peter, those options are out of the question. You go and stand in front of your chest again, looking at the various sweaters and sweatshirts packed for the colder weather. Despite having so many options, none look warm enough, or let’s be honest, cute enough, to wear to the game today. As you stare at your trunk with a sigh, you hear the door to your room open behind you. 
“Are you almost ready to go?” You hear Lily ask.
You turn to her with a glum look on your face, “Not yet. I don’t know what to wear!”
She comes to stand beside you, “Babe, wear one of the many sweatshirts you have sitting in your trunk.”
“But none of them feel right!” You whine. 
“Then take something from one of our trunks,” she suggests.
“I already looked.” You say, collapsing onto my bed. 
“Well you better figure it out in the next five minutes. If not, we’re leaving without you.”
“I know, I know. I promise I’ll make a decision.”
You hear her leave the room as the door thuds behind her. 
As you lay on your soft bed, engulfed by your comforter, you wish you could just wear it outside to the pitch. Dreaming about such a reality where that could actually happen, you realize that although you can’t carry your comforter around, you can think of something that is likely just as comfortable. One of Remus’ sweaters. You throw your shoes on and barrel down the stairs into the common area. You see your friends waiting for you.
“Are you finally ready?” Lily asks again.
“No, but go on without me. I finally figured out what I want to wear but I’ll meet you guys there,” you reply.
“Okay, we’ll save you a seat,” She says.
Once they’re out of the room, you take two steps at a time up to Remus’ room that he shares with Sirius, James, and Peter. You walk to the far right corner where his stuff is and open the trunk. The angels seem to sing from above as you feast your eyes upon the millions of big, wooly sweaters sitting before you. You see a nice brown one, something that will go perfectly with your blue jeans, and pull it on. You are instantly engulfed by the warmness and sigh with relief. You go and stand in front of the full length mirror against the wall. As you check your appearance and smooth out your hair, you see a flash of red out of the corner of your eye. The flash of red turns out to be none other than one of James Potter’s many quidditch jumpers. Slightly curious, you take the sweater off and put on the sweatshirt. You are pleasantly surprised to find that it is somehow even more comfortable than Moony’s sweater. Plus, it’s perfect to wear to the quidditch game. You go to stand in front of the mirror again and are taken aback slightly by how nicely the red pops against your skin. Satisfied with your appearance, and also feeling incredibly cozy, you rush down to the quidditch pitch, a few minutes before the game starts. You find Lily, Dorcas, Remus, and Peter in the crowd. 
“Hey,” you huff, as you sit down next to Remus.
“Hey, see you finally found something to wear,” he replies. 
“Only took her a million years,” Peter teases.
“Yeah, yeah. Fuck off,” you retort, swatting him on the back of the head.
“Hey, I thought you didn’t want to wear any of our stuff?” Lily asks.
“I’m not?” you answer, confused.
“But isn’t that Marlene’s sweatshirt?” 
“No, that’s what I’m wearing” Dorcas says, unzipping her black winter coat to reveal her girlfriend’s hoodie. 
“Then whose is that?” Lily questions. 
Before you can answer, the crowd starts cheering as both teams walk out onto the pitch. Madam Hooch’s voice bellows outward as she asks the captains to shake hands. From the Gryffindor team, James steps forward, and from Slytherin, Lucius Malfoy. The two shake hands then return to their respective teams. They kick off from the ground as the quaffle is thrown into the air and the game begins. Although you’ve seen plenty of quidditch games in your time at Hogwarts, you never cease to be amazed at the agility with which James and Marlene are able to move on their brooms and toss the quaffle between them. Likewise, you are always impressed by Sirius’ strength as a beater and his ability to aim the bludgers at other players perfectly. Within minutes, Gryffindor is winning thirty to ten. The lion’s side of the stadium is screaming as James speeds down the field, heading towards the goal posts yet again. With a quick throw, he tosses the ball through the far left hoop, scoring the team another ten points. We all cheer loudly. He looks to our section and winks, blowing a kiss to his fans. From behind you hear a few sighs and giggles. You turn to see three girls in your year, two from Ravenclaw and one from Hufflepuff, swooning over James’ flirtations. You slightly roll your eyes and huff fondly at James’ fan club. 
Your staring must not have been too discreet because a few moments later, you hear loud whispers from behind.
“And why is she wearing his sweatshirt?”
“They’re not dating are they?”
“They better not, James is mine.”
“Anyways, he could do so much better than her.”
“Yeah, she’s so ugly.”
Confused as to how they know you’re wearing James’ hoodie, you pull on the sleeve, shifting it so you can look at the back. In big, gold letters you see the word “Potter” printed across. 
You simply sigh before getting up and moving down next to Lily on the other end. 
Just as soon as you get settled, Lily turns and says to me, “Wait, turn around. Why are you wearing Potter’s sweatshirt?”
“Merlin, does everyone have a problem with it?” you ask loudly.
Dorcas, Peter, and Remus all look your way in slight surprise. 
“No, sorry. I was just wondering.” Lily answers softly.
Dorcas grabs my hand, “hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah m’fine. It’s just that those three girls,” you point to them, “are bitching about the fact that I’m wearing James’ jersey. Apparently, he’s their man, so how dare I.”
“Just ignore them,” Peter tells me. “They’re just jealous that-”
He suddenly stops, a slightly horrified look on his face.
“Jealous about what?” you implore.
“That they’re not as cool as you!” Remus interjects. 
Curious as to what Peter was going to say, but too tired to bother to ask more you simply scoff, “Right, thanks guys.”
“You know what, the cold be damned, since they’re giving you shit for wearing Potter’s hoodie, I’m gonna show mine off too.” Dorcas announces. She unzips her black jacket and sets it beside her. The bright red hoodie she has on is identical to the one I’m wearing except it says “McKinnon” in big gold letters across the back.
“Me too” Remus proudly declares, pulling off his sweater to reveal another bright red hoodie, with the word “Black” on it. 
“But since you are both dating Sirius and Marlene, won’t it make it seem more likely that I’m dating James?” you ask.
“Is that so bad?” Lily says to me.
You’re about to declare that yes, that is in fact bad, when it dawns on you, “N-no…  I guess not.”
You turn back to the game, slightly in a daze, unaware of the pointed looks shared amongst your friends.
About an hour later, the game is uncomfortably close with the score being Gryffindor: one hundred and Slytherin: ninety. As you watch Marlene dart towards the hoops you hear shouts that the seekers have caught sight of the snitch. It’s a close race as flashes of green and red blur by. We cheer loudly, urging on our team. Within a minute the snitch is caught by Gryffindor. We erupt loudly, celebrating our victory. You watch as the teams land on the ground. More specifically, you watch as James jumps off his broom and runs towards his teammates. You watch the way his black hair shines against the bright sun, how his cheeks are rosy from the cold but also from the rush of winning, how even through his sweater, you can see the definition of his muscles as he lifts the seeker into the air. You begin to realize that maybe the reason you didn’t find it so bad that people thought you were James’ girlfriend was because… 
Merlin. You have feelings for James.
The world seems to go quiet for a moment, and there’s a sort of ringing in your ears, at the realization. 
“Hey! Are you coming?” Lily asks. 
You look up from your spot to see that Remus, Dorcas and Peter have disappeared down into the crowd surrounding the team and that Lily is near the edge of the bleachers, waiting to go join them. 
You shake your head, “Yeah, sorry.”
You get up and follow behind her, feeling a little queasy at the thought of seeing James up close. 
The crowd is wild as people scream congratulations at the team and hug their friends. In the middle you see James, Sirius and Marlene beaming as they eat up the attention. Marlene has her arm around Dorcas’ waist, unafraid to show off the girl she loves. Though Sirius is a loud person, he is a quiet lover and merely grips Remus’ hand beneath his sweatshirt while he talks to others. 
Lily grabs your hand and drags you towards the rest of your friends, “come on, you really are slow today.”
“W-wait Lily, no I,” but before you can resist, you’ve approached the rest of the group. Too afraid to face James first you turn and engulf Sirius in a hug, “nice work today Black! I just love to see Slytherin eat shit.”
Sirius gives you a huge grin, “what can I say, it’s one of my favorite pastimes.”
You then turn to Marlene and squeal, “Marls! You killed it out there. You and James were just so fast, I don’t know how you do it!”
“Natural talent” she brags. 
You laugh and begin to turn away when you bump right into someone’s chest. They grab your shoulders, “woah there, careful.”
You look up to see James towering above you.
“Hey, Potter” you say, your voice softening. 
“Hey, darling. Enjoy the game?” He asks, a small smile on his face.
His smile, it makes your heart melt. And the term of endearment, one he has always used, suddenly makes you flustered. You can feel the heat rushing to your cheeks. You look down at the turf to avoid his noticing and dig your shoe into the ground, “yeah, it was great! You guys did great!”
To your relief, the crowd starts to disperse and the team starts to walk towards the locker rooms. 
“Well, uh, see you in a bit. At the party sometime I suppose.” You tell him, before walking off towards the castle. 
“Yeah, see ya.” He says quietly.
You only make it a few steps before you hear him call your name. Your heart beats a little faster as you turn back towards him, “Is that my sweatshirt?” 
You cringe inwardly as you walk back towards him, “Oh, yeah, sorry. I should’ve asked. I was just cold and nothing in my closet looked appealing. I’ll go put it right back when I get back to the tower.”
“No, don’t. It looks good on you.” He answers. 
You feel butterflies in your stomach, “oh, okay. Thanks. And really, nice job today.”
You turn back around and run to catch up to your friends.
When we get back to the castle you immediately go up to your room and collapse onto your bed. All of these new emotions leave you feeling confused, nervous, and exhausted. You decide that maybe you shouldn’t go to the party and should instead just sleep away your racing thoughts…. Suddenly, you feel two plops down next to you onto your bed. 
“What are you guys doing?” You mumble. 
“We’ll explain when Marlene gets back.” Dorcas responds. 
Not even a few minutes later, the door opens and Marlene comes in, throwing herself on the bed.
“Right, I’m here,” she says, out of breath.
“Did you run here?” Lily asks.
“Of course! We have very important business to attend to.” 
“We told you to be discreet!” Dorcas scolds.
“I just told James it was a fashion emergency!” Marlene protests. 
You lift your head up to look at your three roommates, “what are you lot talking about?” 
They share a look amongst each other and suddenly sit up very seriously. 
Lily pulls you up into a sitting position as well. 
“Shall I start?” Marlene questions. 
The two nod their heads, “Right. Well, congratulations, you have feelings for James Potter!”
Your heart drops, “What? No I don’t. What are you talking about?”
“Ah yes, denial,” Dorcas says smartly.
“We were expecting this,” Lily adds.
“I’m sorry, you were expecting this?” 
“Yes. It’s been very clear to all of us that you have feelings for James. We just didn’t know how long it would take you to realize. It seems today is the day.”
“B-but, how? I’ve never once thought about James as anything besides my friend until now.”
“She admits it!” Marlene cheers.
Dorcas glares at her slightly, “It’s okay, love. Sometimes we can’t see what’s right in front of us. That’s what happened to me with Marlene, remember?”
You think back to how the two used to interact before they were dating. They were always close and very touchy. You often caught Marlene looking longingly after Dorcas and remember Dorcas always being jealous of Marlene’s other girlfriends. 
“But you two were so obvious!” You proclaim.
“So are you and James,” Lily tells me kindly.
“Does that mean he knows?” You nearly shriek. 
Marlene takes your hand lovingly, “No, of course not. James is a lot of things, but observant is not one of them.”
You let out a sigh of relief. But then a wave of panic brushes over you, “What am I supposed to do? I can’t even act normal around him now that I know. I just feel all sweaty and nervous!”
“Just be yourself. He already likes you for you.” Dorcas says warmly. 
“How can you be so sure?”
“Honey, when have you ever known James Potter to be subtle about anything? He’s always trying to do everything to get your attention. You just aren’t always paying attention.” 
You huff and fall back onto your bed, “Merlin, I hate feelings. I wish things could just go back to the way things were.”
Lily grabs your arm and pulls you back up, “well, seeing as things can’t, let’s make the most of it.”
You give her a questioning look.
“The reason Marlene rushed back up here so fast is because we knew you would need all three of us helping you once you realized your feelings.”
“Yeah, no offense, you’re a bit hopeless when it comes to dating.” Marlene says bluntly. 
You smack her arm, “that’s not helpful.”
“Everything will be fine” Dorcas tells you, “now let’s get you dressed for the party. You have a certain Mr. Potter to impress.”
An hour later, the four of you are dressed and ready to go. Your friends have put quite the ensemble together, dressing you in a red, cropped sweater with a pair of dark blue mom jeans that supposedly “make your ass look amazing” (according to Marlene) and gold jewelry. After you told them that James said you looked good in his sweatshirt, they decided that your outfit needed to remind him of it (hence the gold and red). Lily is wearing an adorable green sweater dress with brown boots and her hair is pulled back with a clip. Marlene has on black leather pants and a long sleeve, pink, sheer shirt with only her nipples covered. Dorcas is wearing a blue crop top with an open back, black jeans, and combat boots. 
“Guys, we look hot.” Lily announces. 
“Hell yeah we do,” Marlene agrees.
“I’m sure Mary will love it,” Dorcas teases. 
Lily blushes a bright scarlett, “you really think?”
“Absolutely. You look killer, babe.” You tell her. 
“You too, Mrs. Potter,” she says, winking. 
You roll your eyes at her before taking a deep breath and staring in the mirror one last time, “right, let’s get this over with.”
“Oh yes, let’s get through this terrible party.” Marlene jokes. 
We walk down into the common room where music is blaring and people are spread about talking, laughing, and dancing. As we weave through the crowd of people, Dorcas and Marlene are pulled into a conversation with a Ravenclaw friend from potions class. Lily soon leaves you too, after checking that you are okay, to go and flirt with Mary. 
Trying to calm your nerves, you grab a bottle of firewhiskey and plop yourself down onto one of the red couches pushed out of the way. 
“Did your fashion emergency get solved?”
You jump a mile at the voice coming from behind. You turn to see James leaning over the couch, smirking.
“The what?” You stutter out.
“Marlene said there was a fashion emergency? Was it solved?”
“Oh! Right. Uh, yeah. Lily had simply no idea what to wear to the party. And that’s very important, you see, because she’s trying to impress Mary.”
He leans closer to me, “I think it's working.”
The smell of his cologne wafts to your nose. You can barely breathe as you turn to look to where he’s pointing. 
Despite your anxiousness, you can’t help but smile proudly as you see Lily kissing Mary.
You cough awkwardly, “clothes can be a game changer.” 
He looks at you intensely, “yeah they can.”
You think about his sweatshirt from earlier. How he liked it, how it made you feel all safe and cozy, how it made you realize your feelings for him. 
“You know, speaking of clothes. I need to give you your sweatshirt back, now that I’m done wearing it.”
“I told you you could hang on to it,” he insists. 
“But you’ll want to have it for your future partner.” You say quietly.
“What?” He asks you.
You clear your throat, “oh uh, earlier, when I was wearing your sweatshirt, some girls thought I was your girlfriend, because I guess that’s a thing a boyfriend would do- let them wear his clothes. So, of course, you need to have it so you can give it to your actual partner… when you get one. You know, they seemed pretty interested in you, I’m sure I can point them out if you’re interested. They’re pretty too, so…”
You look up at James to see a pained look on his face. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
His voice sounds strained as he says, “yeah. I’ll just go take that sweatshirt off your hands then.”
A lump forms in your throat as you nod. 
It seems pretty clear to you that James doesn’t like you.
We walk through the crowd and up to your doom. The door shuts behind us and James stays near the doorway as you go to grab his hoodie from the edge of your bed where you put it, neatly folded. You turn to give it to him but his hands remain at his sides. 
“James, your hoodie?”
“Was it really that unbearable for you, for people to think that you’re my girlfriend, that you refuse to hang onto it?”
“James, what?”
“Look, I’m sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t be saying this, but I just can’t help it. I want people to think you’re my girlfriend. Because, I like you. I do. And I’m sorry, I know this ruins things, and I know you don’t feel the same, but I can’t keep hiding it any longer.”
You drop the sweatshirt and walk towards James quickly. 
“You mean it?”
He nods.
Slowly, you reach your hand out and cup his cheek. You stroke your thumb across his jawline, studying every feature of his face from his hazel eyes, to the slight smile lines around his mouth, and the soft pink of his lips. 
“James, I feel the exact same way about you. It took me a bit longer to realize than you, but I do. I really care about you.”
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that” he tells me.
Suddenly, he turns you around and pushes you up against the stone wall, “can I kiss you?”
You nod before he catches your lips between his. He tastes like chapstick and mint gum and it’s simply perfect. 
You tangle your hands in his already tangled black hair as he grips his hands on your waist. 
Eventually, we pull away. 
“Maybe we should go back down to the party. People might be wondering where their star player is.” You tease.  
“I’ll only agree if you put that hoodie back on. I want to show you off.”
Heat rises to your cheeks, “fine, but turn around.”
He turns around while you change out of your sweater back into his sweatshirt. 
“Okay, you’re good to look now.”
He turns around with a huge grin on his face, “my don’t you just look ravishing, darling. I declare you shall never wear anything but my clothes ever again.”
You walk forward and pull him into a hug, “fine by me. I’ve never been more comfortable in my entire life.”
He goes to pull you in for another kiss but you stop him, “later,” you whisper in his ear, winking. 
You giddily turn around and quickly escape the room. He chases after you.
Before we enter the common room, you grab his hand tightly. He squeezes it back. As we walk towards our friends, you feel some people staring at the two of you. When we approach Remus, Sirius, Peter, Lily, Dorcas, and Marlene they are beaming like idiots. 
“Soooooo…. You two, huh?” Sirius smirks suggestively. 
James shoves him slightly, yet still has a goofy grin on his face, “piss off.”
“I’m just glad we don’t have to watch them pine over each other anymore” Peter says, relieved. 
“No, but now we have to watch them be all lovey dovey,” complains Lily. 
“As if we didn’t just see you getting it on with Mary,” you retort. 
“Wait, so are you two… official?” Dorcas enquires.
We look at each other. “I guess we didn’t officially establish that.” You answer. 
“Hold on,” James says to you, letting go of your hand. 
He jumps up onto the table, “excuse me, may I have everyone’s attention.”
The room quiets as they all turn to look at him. 
“Oh no,” you sigh. 
“I have a question to ask a very special someone and I want you all here to witness it!” He turns to you with a huge smile on his face, “darling, sweetheart, apple of my eye, will you go out with me?” 
You feel the eyes of dozens of people on you. You even feel the glare of many girls you know would kill to be you right now. Yet even then, nothing can bother you. Because when looking at James, you see nothing else. 
“Yes! I’ll go out with you James!” You respond, giggling. He jumps off the table and pulls you in for a kiss. The room cheers loudly. 
Safe to say we were the talk of the school for a week. 
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sillymilie · 4 months
Charles Leclerc imagine
In which you and your boyfriend Charles Leclerc decide to go on a little trip, only the two of you, and stay at a hotel
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It wasn't until late June that you and your boyfriend had decided to go on a little trip, just the two of you, away from everyone. You were planning on not coming back for at least two weeks, which would be a lot for you. You weren't as used to travel as Charles, but you knew that it was the right thing to do. So much had been going on with family, friends, work. A break would make you feel better and focus more on what's important.
You heard Charles call your name as you were still packing your stuff.
"(Y/N)! We're gonna be late! Come on mon ange!" (my angel)
"Just give me two more minutes and I'll be there!" You answered, stressing as you started throwing the essentials in your suitcase instead of placing them carefully. After a couple of seconds, you hurried downstairs and saw from outside the window Charles packing his suitcase and bags in the truck of his car. You smiled and joined him.
"Hey, I've got everything." You said as you made his way over to him, holding your suitcase in one hand.
"Are you sure?" Charles asked.
"Yep!" You laughed and kissed him. He kissed you back and grabbed your suitcase from your hand, loading it in the car. He closed the trunk, made his way to the passenger door and opened it so that you could get inside. He went in the driver's seat and headed to the airport.
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"I hope you have a wonderful stay!" The receptionist said with a smile on his face as he handed you 2 card keys that led to your hotel room. Charles took care of the luggage, except that when you wanted to help him with it, he only let you take a bag that had 2 water bottles and small snacks in it. You sighed but also smiled at how cute he was.
"Thank you!" You said as Charles made his final enter in the hotel with the remaining of the luggage in one hand.
The both of you went back up to your room using the elevator. Thankfully, it was empty so you could get all your things in one go. Charles looked at you as the elevator doors closed and he got closer to you. You smiled at him, getting on the tip of your toes as he kissed you and wrapped his arms around your waist, not letting you go. After what seemed like barely a second, the elevator doors opened but Charles was still holding you close to him, his lips planted on yours.
"Charles! We need to get out of the elevator, come on!" You said loudly while laughing. He wasn't listening so you had to escape from his grasp. He sighed as he grabbed the luggage and followed you to the room.
"Oh my Gosh, this looks absolutely gorgeous." You said, mesmerized as you entered the room. Everything was luxurious. There was golden furniture and decorations everywhere, the bathroom was huge, the bed looked very soft and fluffy, and there was even a balcony.
"You like it?" Charles asked as he set the luggage aside and hugged you from behind.
"Are you kidding? This is... perfect." You said in a low voice, still not believing it. You weren't used to luxury at all because of your childhood, but with Charles, you just knew that he'd be the opposite of that. And that's simply what he was.
"I'm glad. I knew you'd like it mon ange." (my angel)
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As the day went on, the sky started to become darker. You and your boyfriend had went to the beach for a nice swim, went shopping, went at a fancy restaurant, went for another swim and took a walk back to the hotel. The second you got back in your room with Charles by your side, you kissed him. He kissed back immediately, not wasting a single second as he picked you up and set you down on the bed. He took your shoes off, then his and joined you. The bed was as comfortable as you thought. It was soft, fluffy and it even smelled amazing.
Charles gave you small kisses on your neck, his fingers trailed over the side of your body. The two of you kept eye contact which you knew he loved. You were his comfort zone and he didn't want you to go away, ever. He got on top of you and rested his head on your chest. It was around 11pm and both of you were tired. As time went on, you felt your boyfriend's breathing get slower and slower. You loved it when he fell asleep in your arms. Before joining him into a deep sleep, you kissed the top of his head multiple times and played with his hair, still a bit damp from the beach.
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Title: On A Beach Somewhere
To: @alicetallula
Pairing: Benny Lafitte/Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Rated: Teen and Up
For Artsy Streamer Gift Exchange (on Ao3/Discord)
Ao3 Link
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“But on a beach somewhere, you know? Can you imagine? You, me, Cas, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously,” Dean recommended.
Dean’s heart races with excitement as he pulls into probably the most expensive hotel they’ve ever been in—a hotel with its own beachfront property.
“Oh, yeah,” Dean says, grinning like a cat who got the cream.
Sam and Gabriel pull up beside them, park, and peer at them through the windows.
“All right, gentlemen, let’s unload. I’ll get the room keys,” Dean advised as he walks towards the hotel.
Benny chuckles from the backseat and Cas watches Dean while exiting from the passenger side.
Two doors slam, and Sam and Gabriel get out of their car and stand, waiting.
A few minutes later, Dean rejoins them, flapping two sets of room keys at them. He hands Sam and Gabe theirs—“at the end of the row near the stairwell”—and Cas and Benny theirs, “which is near the elevators. Made sure to get three keys for ours.” They grab their luggage and bags, then head to their rooms.
Benny closes the trunk, finally grabbing his room key from Dean. “Thanks, Cher.”
“Very thoughtful, Dean,” Castiel compliments as he grabs his too.
About twenty minutes later, everyone makes it with their things into their assigned rooms. Sam and Dean text back and forth deciding what to do.
“Ok, we are ordering pizza delivery, and Sam and Gabe are gonna join us here to eat,” advises Dean, sitting at the kitchenette table, having missed Castiel and Benny making out in the bedroom.
“Oh, well,” Dean hastily texts Sam asking if they can delay an hour. Sam readily agrees.
Dean returns to the bedroom, correcting himself, “Make that in an hour.”
The two separate and look at Dean, both their eyes are dilated. Castiel’s cheeks are rosy, and both their lips are swollen from kissing.
“Don’t stop on my account, gentlemen. I am all for a show.” Dean palms his growing erection under his jeans.
“If you’re wanting a show, Beloved,” states Castiel. He pulls Benny back to his lips by his grip on the vampire’s neck. Benny quickly pushes Castiel’s jackets off his arms, and then Castiel, in turn, unbuttons Benny’s light-blue shirt, pushing it off the man’s shoulders. Benny may seem thick but he was all muscle, not overly so. His torso is nicely defined while his abdomen is relatively flat with a bit of pudge that Castiel secretly loves on the vampire. Castiel runs his fingertips down the middle of Benny’s chest and abdomen, then runs his fingertips along his waistband.
Dean begins to strip—taking off both shirts at once—and toes his shoes and socks off. He pulls his belt through the loops, enjoying the show his partners are putting on.
Benny begins unbuttoning Castiel’s shirt and the angel helps, removing it and throwing it on the floor.
Benny chuckles at his haste. “What’s wrong, Angel, impatient?”
Castiel huffs at him, rolling his eyes before smirking.
Dean has always enjoyed Castiel’s body—broad shoulders, well-built with muscled arms and matching pecs. Castiel’s abdomen hints at the muscles underneath that are revealed when he is much more active, especially with those thighs.
Dean whines at the thought, dragging the vampire and angel’s attention back to him.
“Oh, Dean. You’re welcome to join.” Benny pats next to him.
Dean grins and wiggles his eyebrows as he walks over to the king-size bed.
🍍🦀🧽⭐️🦑 ONE HOUR LATER…🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕
Dean lay on the bed on his stomach, typing on his cell. “Order is in. Should be here in less than an hour.”
He texts Sam, relaying the information, and offers for them to join them once the pizza arrives. Sam agrees, leaving everyone in their own room.
Sam sighs, heavily, puts his phone on the nightstand, and flops back on the bed.
“Now, where was I?” Gabriel asks, teasingly.
Sam looks into Gabe’s golden eye with a smile. “Oh, I think I know.” He motions for Gabe to come up to him.
Over the blanket, Gabriel slowly crawls up his human’s tall, lithe form planting kisses along revealed skint.
Sam groans and slams his hand down on the nightstand a few times, searching for his phone. He wraps his fingers around it and unlocks the screen. “Pizza is here.”
“Mmmkay,” says Gabe from the bathroom.
Dean grabs plates and opens the three pizza boxes up revealing the meat lover’s, pure veggie, and pepperoni. Dean grabs a few slices of the meat lover’s and sits on the bed, flipping channels, finding something to watch. Castiel and Benny are cleaning up and making sure Benny gets fed… in the shower.
“Ha ha! Die Hard. Yes!” Dean punches the air and grabs a slice, taking a large bite.
Castiel and Benny join a few minutes later, dressed, and Castiel grabs a slice of each pizza while Benny gets everyone beers from the fridge.
“Thanks, man,” Dean thanks and plants a peck on the vampire’s cheek before he sits down.
Sam munches on his veggie pizza as Gabriel changes his slices into dessert pizzas.
“Gabe,” warns Sam.
Gabriel grunts and snaps, changing them back. He pouts and picks up the pepperoni slice then bites. He hums in surprise at how tasty it is.
Dean sloppily bites into his pieces, absorbed in the movie. Sam watches Dean watching the TV with a small smile. Gabriel sits between Sam’s legs trying to understand the entertainment value of the violent movie. Benny is cuddled up to Castiel’s side as Castiel’s thigh steadily touches Dean’s, despite Dean leaning forward in his enthrallment.
“Look, look, look.” Dean points at the screen as his favorite quote is about to be said.
Dean says in unison with John McClane, “Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherfucker.” He laughs, then takes a swig of his beer.
Gabriel and Sam exchange a smile and look, then return to watching the TV.
As the credits rolled, Sam closes the veggie pizza and picks it up. “I’ll take this with me.”
“Good idea,” agrees Castiel.
Sam nods and heads out the room door, followed by Gabriel who winks before closing the door.
Dean stretches and yawns.
Benny wraps his arms around Dean’s waist and nuzzles into the back of his neck with a hum.
“Dude, beach, sun, ocean.”
Benny grins into Dean’s skin and kisses him. “Ok, Cher.”
Dean turns around in Benny’s arms, taking his face into his hands before pressing his lips against Benny’s. The vampire tilts his head and deepens the kiss with an appreciative hum before pulling away. “Love you, Dean.”
“Love you too, man.”
After breakfast and two cups of coffee for Dean, the five head to the nearby beach. Dean had bought everyone matching Hawaiian shirts and themed swim trunks before the trip. Somehow, he got everyone’s sizing correct. He loves it and demands a group selfie in front of Baby with everyone before they step on the sand with their cooler of goodies.
As Benny, Cas, and Dean lay out on their towels, they discover there is a cute little food hut a few hundred feet away, and when lunch rolls around, Sam and Gabe take everyone’s orders. It takes about half an hour before they return with the food and drinks. The seafood meals are delicious and hit the spot.
The tide comes in, so Dean finally gets into the water as he body surfs the waves. Benny and Castiel start splashing each other and when they get tired of it, they gang up on Dean who nearly drowns from being bombarded with ocean water before he can escape on land. Sam busts out laughing at their antics and makes sure Gabriel sees,
Gabe thinks it is so funny, that he thinks of joining them. Sam declines, “Oh no. I’d like to breathe air for a little bit longer than drown by splashing, Honey.”
Gabriel purses his lips, furrows his brows, and crosses his arms. Sam grins and shakes his head. “No,” he states firmly.
“Fi-i-ine,” breathes the Archangel. He gets up and goes to join the vampire and his little brother in the water as Dean goes to lay on his towel in the sun to dry off. Sam hands him an ice-cold water bottle from their cooler.
The Winchester brothers watch their partners play in the ocean.
“This is the best, Sammy.”
“It was a great idea, Dean.”
“Just needs some drinks with little umbrellas and we’re set,” contemplates Dean.
Sam smirks. “I’ll be right back.”
Dean lays back and waits in the shade of their beach umbrella.
A few minutes later, Sam returns with a mai tai and a piña colada, both with little luau-themed umbrellas just inside the large plastic cups. “Which one?” He asks Dean.
Dean sits up, eyes wide, and takes a moment to decide. He grabs the mai tai and sips on it, humming his approval.
Sam smiles and sits back down next to his brother on his own towel. “This is the best, Jerk.”
Dean grins. “Yep. Yes, it is, Bitch.”
They both chuckle and sip their drinks.
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Phantom of Gotham 15
Chapter 14
When the five of them met back in the kitchen, they were all wearing swim trunks with t-shirts and towels around their shoulders or under their arm. Danny took the chance to look around the manor as they made their way to the pool. The place was huge, and he couldn’t help but think Sam would have loved it. His core ached at the reminder, but he was soon pulled into the group’s teasing with ease.
“I can’t believe neither of you knew there was a pool here,”Tim was saying. 
“It’s not like you knew it existed either Timberly,”Jason scoffed. Dick made some guestures Danny assumed meant he agreed with Jason. Tim rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, but you guys were here a lot longer than anyone else,”Tim pointed out.
“You are all just ashamed that the person who discovered it was the last one to move into the manor,”Damian sniffed. 
“Yeah right,”Jason protested and attempted to put Damian into a headlock, but the kid swiftly darted to the side to avoid him. 
“Hey look, we’re here!” Dick chimed in before things could get more violent. The five of them, minus Damian, crowded around the door to get a good look. “Huh, guess we do have a pool.”
“Duh,”Tim muttered, and Danny nudged him, masking the fact that he took Tim’s new coffee cup and phased it into the wall while everyone was looking at the pool.
“Alright! I think there’s some floaties in the locker room,”Dick said, throwing the door open. The other four trailed after him like ducklings, taking in the frankly ginormous pool and small hot tub in the corner. Near the windows were a few sets of tables and lawn chairs, which Jason quickly commandeered, sitting down with a book Danny didn’t realize he had before. 
 After helping Dick take out some ridiculous floaties, a giant duck, a unicorn, a dinosaur, a donut, and a flamingo, they brought out some pool toys consisting of rubber balls and some frisbees. They spent ten minutes blowing up the floaties, Dick making it into a competition so the first one who blew up the floatie got to choose which one they wanted first. Damian won, much to Tim’s displeasure. Danny was pretty sure it was only because the others, including himself, were too busy distracting each other or purposefully letting air out of each others floaties. 
“Don’t leave your shoes around,”Dick reminded them, and they went to the locker to put their shoes and shirts into cubbies before coming out and jumping into the pool. Or in Tim;s case, pushed into the pool by Dick. He’d complain if he hadn’t seen Dick also push Damian in after him. 
“Betrayal!” Damian was sputtering, when Tim noticed someone missing. 
“Jason, aren’t you coming?” Dick called, but Jason waved him off, not taking his attention off his book. 
“Where’s Danny?” Tim called, and the other two in the pool glanced around before shrugging. Tim bit his lip, wondering if he was okay. Did Danny not know how to swim? He suddenly felt bad for not asking what his friend wanted to do. Maybe Danny was afraid of water, or he had some aversion to water because he’s a halfa. Tim shook his head before he started catastrophizing and started moving to the side of the pool. 
“I’ll get him,”Jason called, sitting up and making his way to the locker room. 
“You sure?” Tim asked, nervous. He felt like a bad friend staying in the pool while his friend was having trouble. 
“Yeah, just give him a minute,”Jason waved them off, before disappearing into the locker room. 
“Danny? You in here?” Jason called. He took a few steps in after no response, only to see Danny sitting on a bench, clenching the bottom of his shirt nervously. Frowning, Jason came over and sat next to him. “You alright kiddo?” “...Yeah,”Danny murmured, still tense. “I just.. Have a lot of.. Scars.”
Ah. Jason could understand that. He himself still had an autopsy scar from when he’d died. Sure, the lazarus pits healed most of his wounds and scars, but the Y was so deep it still left a pretty mark on him even now. It’s why he was sitting on the side reading. He figured the scar would bring down the mood, and he knew Dick would want to talk about feelings afterwards. Jason wanted to avoid that, because f Dick wanted to talk about feelings, then Bruce wasn’t far behind. 
“Listen, I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think,”Jason offered. “We’re all pretty used to scars around here. Hell, mines worse than anything you got, I promise.”
“Is that why you’re not swimming either?” Danny asked, glancing at Jason’s own maroon shirt. 
“Yeah, you caught me. But I promise those guys out there will be fine with your scars,”Jason said. “Mine are just… kinda gruesome and bring back some bad memories.”
“Your scars can’t be that bad,”Danny sighed. “I… I don’t like looking at them. My scars, I mean. I don’t think anyone does.”
“Kid, none of us are gonna judge you on your scars,”Jason comforted, trying to not feel like a hypocrite. 
“But they judge you for yours?” Danny raised an eyebrow. Point taken, Jason supposed. 
“No, they..”Jason sighed. Maybe this kid just needed some self esteem. Whatever, he could deal with Dick’s feelings for one day for this. Then he clapped his hands together. “Alright, if I go out there without my shirt you have to too, alright?” 
“I don’t know, you don’t really want to see this,”Danny gestured to his shirt. Jason snorted.
“Trust me, nothing you got is worse than mine,”Jason smirked.
“Wanna bet?” Danny retorted, but Jason could see the stiffness in his shoulders, and the way he gripped the hem of his shirt. 
“I’ll take that bet,”Jason said, and without fanfare, he shrugged his shirt off. There was a pause in the room, and Jason turned to see Danny with wide eyes. Jason wasn’t sure the kid was even breathing as he stared at the Y on Jason’s chest. 
“See?’ Jason laughed without humor. “Told you…” Jason trailed off when Danny threw his shirt off to reveal a matching, if not worse autopsy scar on Danny’s own chest. 
“You-” Jason started. How had this kid- why, Jason wondered. He wished that he’d asked more questions about halfas when they’d met with Phantom. Looking closer, Jason could track what looked like faint lichtenberg scars spreading out from Danny’s heart, across his shoulders, but barely reaching his neck. 
“Guess we both win that bet,”Danny joked quietly. Jason swallowed, throat suddenly dry. “Were you… awake? When it uh..” Danny mumbled, still looking at Jason’s scar, and that snapped Jason out of his thoughts. 
“No, I…”Jason responded, only to realize why he’d asked the question. “You were-?” Jason cut himself off. Whoever did this to the kid was definitely going to die, Jason promised. No kid deserved to be vivisected, even if they were a meta. “Who?” He asked, a bit more harshly than he wanted.
“My uh..”Danny started, looking down at his feet and fidgeting with his shirt. “It’s kinda why I ran away to Gotham,”Danny shrugged. “I-it’s fine now, I’m fine.” He reassured, despite it doing the opposite to Jason. It was then that Jason remembered that the kids parents were ghost hunters, and that the kid had run away from home not even a year ago. 
Which meant the kid’s scars were new. Or newer than Jasons, for sure. He took a breath, then stood up, offering a hand to Danny. Reluctantly, Danny took his hand and was pulled to his feet. 
“Listen, you can put your shirt back on if you want, but I’ll go with you either way,”Jason offered. Danny glanced between their scars for a moment, then apparently steeled his nerves. 
“Sure, let’s go,”Danny said determinedly, but Jason could see the tension in his shoulders and the waver in his voice. Damn, this kid is brave, Jason thought. 
“There they are!” Dick cheered when not only Danny but Jason came out of the locker room with their swim trunks on. Tim squinted, doing a double take when he realized-
Letting out a shout, Jason suddenly leaped into a cannon ball into the pool, splashing everyone in the face before they could say anything. Tim sputtered, only to be hit by another, seemingly colder wave when Danny jumped in behind him. Resurfacing, Jason had pulled Danny and Damian into a splash war that had them all smiling. 
Tim shared a look with Dick, and he saw Dick’s expression of concern and abject horror on his face. Dick seemed to want to talk to Jason, but before the man could get close, Jason splashed him in the face. Message received, Tim thought. As unsettling as it was, he figured Jason was a good fit to take the lead on this one. Bringing up their scars wouldn’t be very cool if Danny’s still self-conscious about it. Tim made a note to ask Phantom more about halfas before he was promptly sprayed in the face by Danny. Tim spluttered, looking to the playful smirk on Danny’s face that was obviously hiding nervousness and grinned, splashing back. 
That was how the afternoon was spent, with Jason or Danny splashing anyone who seemed like they were about to bring up the scars until they all got the message to not mention it. Much to Tim’s amusement, Damian and Dick were splashed the most out of them all. Tim was happy to say he got to splash Damian a few times in warning too, even if it resulted in mild bruising. 
Overall, They had a blast. Each of them had their own giant floatie, and raced along the pool a bunch of times until it developed into more of a pirate boat situation, with each other trying to pull the others into the water. A few of them ended up popped, so they’d switched to pool volleyball and frisbee before Alfred came in to call them for a late lunch. 
Getting out of the pool, Tim refrained from mentioning the scars, but he could tell Dick and Damian were just moments away from bringing it up. Dick just had a look reminiscent of a kicked puppy, and Damian was scowling every time he caught sight of Danny’s autopsy scar. While Danny and Tim were chatting, he caught sight of Dick and Jason talking in the corner before he turned back to Danny. 
Danny seemed… happy. Or as happy as he’d been so far. Tim could see he was grateful for the distraction. It had been a while since he’d seen Danny truly relaxed when he wasn’t sleeping in class. It was nice. He hoped they’d be able to keep Danny safe from the GIW so he’d stay like this. 
Tim assumed Dick had taken Damian aside to explain somethings, because during lunch Damian didn’t even change expressions when glancing towards Danny’s now covered chest. On Danny’s part, he just seemed grateful no one was bringing it up. 
After lunch, however, Dick and Jason left for ‘work’ purposes, leaving Tim, Danny and Damian to hole up in the game room for a mario kart tournament. Though, not long after they’d started, Danny’d fallen asleep on the couch, resting his head softly on Tim’s shoulder. 
It took Tim by surprise for a moment, but he found it didn’t bother him. Damian on the other hand, was frowning at the two of them from his chair. “What?” Tim whispered. 
“Are you aware of how Danny acquired his.. Scar?” Damian asked quietly. Tim glanced down to Danny, still finding him breathing softly. 
“I can guess,”Tim nodded. “What did Dick say?”
Damian pursed his lips, looking to Danny before saying,”His parents. They had attempted to vivisect him before he managed to escape to Gotham.” Damian scowled, and Tim’s heart dropped. He was sure his parents had something to do with it but.. Vivisection was cruel. 
“We will not allow any such experiments to happen further,”Damian stated, staring down Tim as if he didn’t want the same thing. 
“Yeah,”Tim whispered. “He’s gonna be okay, Dami.”
Damian scoffed. “Of course he will. He’s with us now.” 
Tim fought back a smile at the statement. He was not that successful given the way Damian scowled and then got up to leave the room. He was on his way out when a sudden soft rumbling filled the room. Damian froze, turning back to Tim with narrowed eyes. 
“I was unaware that Alfred the cat was in here,”Damian stated, eyes darting to likely hiding places, and Tim fought a laugh. 
“Uh,”Tim started, suddenly afraid to move. “It’s not Alfred.”
Damian’s eyes narrowed further. “What do you mean?” 
“I mean uh, Danny’s sort of.. Purring?” Tim whispered exasperatedly. He exchanged bewildered glances with Damian where he was sitting, trying to stay still despite the weight on his shoulder that vibrated like a cat. “I didn’t know he could do that. Phantom didn’t say he purred,”Tim said. He looked over to Damian, who looked like he was fighting back a smile. 
Having a great idea, Tim took out his phone with the hand not connected to the shoulder Danny was laying on and pulled up the sibling group chat with Dick, Jason and Damian. Damian had sat back into his chair, staring at where Danny was purring in his sleep while Tim pressed record. 
He resisted the urge to coo as Danny purred loud enough to be picked up on the camera, and Tim dutifully sent it to the group chat to watch the chaos unfold. 
AcroBat: Oh my god is he purring??
DeadorAlive: Did we know he could do that? 
AcroBat: That is the cutest thing ever! He’s like a cat ;u;
Dameown: He started purring when he fell asleep on Timothy. 
DeadorAlive: I wonder if Phantom purrs
AcroBat: Do all ghosts purr??
Timtam: Assuming halfas purr, I’m pretty sure most or all ghosts purr as well. Phantom mentioned a core, and from what I can tell that’s probably where the noise is coming from. 
AcroBat: Have you tried petting him?!
Timtam: No??
DeadorAlive: He is a human boy Dickhead
Dameown: Petting him may make him feel more relaxed. If he is purring he must be comfortable around you. 
Timtam: I am not petting Danny
AcroBat: You’re in the game room? I’ll pet him
Timtam: You better not
Dameown: If you wake him I will kill you
Tim sighed, already done with his siblings. Part of him was curious though, but he didn’t want to risk waking Danny up. He’d already been having a hard time sleeping from what they’d observed. Tim figured he must be tired after the emotional talk with Jason and the mess of games they played in the pool. He had to admit, it had been fun, and sitting with Danny was… nice. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had this much positive contact with someone. 
Not even an hour later Tim found himself lulled to sleep by the pleasant rumbling. And if Damian happened to cover them with blankets, well, no one needed to know. 
Chapter 16
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anothersoulless · 8 months
Seven Minutes in Hell {Breakup! Eustass Kid X Reader}
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You have been treated badly one too many times. It's time to leave your Boyfriend behind
Shit hasn't been well, this song slaps and let's get this shit show started!
Ofc kinda angsty(not really though?, but on god Reader deserves freedom (Dw, my pookie will get another actual One shot soon lmao, hopefully as tasteful as the song but lbfr i'll probabky flump it again)
Anywho, let's get it started
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Admittedly, your relationship with Kid was everything but healthy. He was loud and didn't really care about if you had to stand up in the morning, police called to your place more than once for loud screaming and arguments. There were his guy friends, his crew, that were obviously higher on his priority list than you — far higher. The amount of times he nearly went to jail for them, you'd thought Kid would have learned his lesson, but alas he never did. And you? Well, you seemed to only be there for one thing — stress relief. If that meant fucking you and screaming at you, something even throwing random stuff at you he found in the house, well, that was for him to decide on the whim.
If at least the sex was good, but even that was all about him. It was like the world revolved around him and only him and everyone had to do what he wanted. Well, too bad for him, you had enough. Years of misery finally snapping to a close, you decided he wasn't worth your time anymore. You were done with being treated like an old-timey housewife of the Middle Ages. You had packed your things while he was out with his friends again, ready to leave. There was no way in hell however you would want to miss his face when you confronted him, oh how you imagined he'd look. Would he be upset, would he scream at you again, only proving your point?
You put your last bag in your best friend's trunk, she had been kind enough to lend you a hand in her endeavor. If it went how she wanted to, you probably wouldn't even have started this relationship, but now she just sat ready to drive, the box of glitter she brought still sitting on the back seat as she gave you a last encouraging nod to take it. You didn't and went back inside, letting her know it could get late — she waited, of course. And you went back inside.
Kid was expecting food on the stove when he came back home, he didn't even notice your shoes missing on the shoe rack out front when he unlocked the apartment, but he did notice one thing — all that decor he had absolutely despised missing. He even smiled triumphantly before he realised the missing smell of fresh food. Kicking off his boots haphazardly, he stopped into the kitchen and saw you on your phone, sitting on a chair at the table. "Yo, what's with food?" "I won't make you food anymore."
There was a silence, a calm before the storm. You put your phone in your back pocket before he could fly off the handle, just in time. "What the fuck?! You're not even gonna make me food now, what are you even worth?!" You let him have his little temper tantrum, before you sighed. "We're done, Kid. I'm worth far more than you, and by all means... I really hope you never get another partner in your life, my god" He seethed, his face contorting in anger, but he didn't say anything, couldn't say anything, words missing on his tongue and voice dying in his throat. "Oh, and uh, I'm moving out. Like today." You shrugged.
All the tension in him seemed to snap at once, as he lunged forwards, grabbing you by your throat and pushing you against the wall. His metal fingers pressing down hard, actually restricting your airway. "You fucking bitch have the audacity to come in here, live here for years, be absolutely useless to me, then up and leave? No, no, you don't get to do that!" "Well, I was good enough to make you food. And to get you off, apparently. Also, you hurt me in any way, I won't hesitate to call the police, I only need to press one button right now." He huffed, he really seemed like a bull trapped in a ring with gladiators, just that this was no real fight. "Don't fucking pretend like you didn't like this shit, wasn't that part of the reason you even came here in the first place?"
"It was, at the start" You smiled. "You just kind of… Put me through hell, not gonna lie. Like, you've gotten so bad in bed, it's actively hell. Like I'm just there, and honestly, no. Not even a thank you, no — just no." His hands clenched into fists, and for a second you thought you had crossed the line, as he raised his hand, before he turned, smashing the table with his prosthetic. "Get out you fucking whore! Get out, or I swear I'll rip your fucking throat out!" You didn't need to get asked twice, running to your friends' car, who looked at you worriedly, but you smiled as you hoped into the passenger seat. "Drive, Drive!" And without a word, she started the car as you began laughing. Finally, you were free again.
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dirtybitfic · 3 months
White mustang
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Storyline- In which Chris takes a solo, month long trip to Baraboo Wisconsin where he takes notice of a girl who stands out from everyone else in the small town . He cant help but seek her out and unlock the mystery of her .( PS THIS STORY ENDED UP BEING LONG AS ABSOLUTE FUCK my b)
(Based off of White mustang by Lana del rey)
Chris pov-
I've been so caught up in content for the past 3 months that I decided to take a trip completely by myself to take a mental health break. I did a little research on smaller towns on the east coast that I felt would be safe to go. I landed on Baraboo Wisconsin , I don't really know why it just looked kind of cool so I though why not.
I just got off my flight sending Matt and nick a text letting them know I got here safe and i'm heading to get my rental car now. Its not common that any of us would take a trip alone but I just really felt it was the right decision to not have them with me , being a triplet means being very co-dependent on each other but we've slowly started trying to be more independent and not do everything together and its been nice actually.
I pick up my car and drive to the airbnb I rented( were gonna pretend he has his license ) , its pretty close to devils lake national park so its slightly on outside of town in more of a rural area. Im getting a bit nervous as I get further into the backroads area feeling a bit scared I'm actually gonna be here alone for as long as i'm staying.
I finally reach the house and pull into the driveway hopping out and grabbing my bags from the trunk then heading to put the code in and finally sit down and rest.
The house is pretty cool Matt would have really liked it if he were here. I go upstairs to the master bedroom and throw my bag down kicking of my shoes , shirt and pants and hopping on the bed deciding to take a nap since i'm tired from the flight and have nothing else to do since I got in kinda late .
*times skip 4 hours*
I just woke up grabbing my phone to check the time, it's 8pm here which means its 5pm in cali.
I get and incoming face time from matt and answer it immediately happy to see his face.
" hey man how is it so far?" he asks as he takes a sip of water.
" Good I fell asleep right when I got here so I haven't got out at all but I probably will in a bit to get food" I answer.
" Well i'm glad you're okay ! I'm proud of you for doing this Chris I know its a bit weird not having us there but I think it'll be good for all of us to takes some time for ourselves" he says and I nod in agreement.
"I am happy I decided to go through with it . I just hope it'll be as nice and chill as I want it to be" I say as I set my phone down and fix my hair from getting in my eyes.
" Well I just wanted to check in and make sure you are good but text if you need me " he says as he throws a hoodie on and grabs his keys.
" I will love you bro" I say as I smile at him.
" Love you too " he says then hangs up.
I lay back on the bed contemplating of I want to go out and get food or just door dash something . Deciding I don't have the energy to get up and get dressed I chose to door dash .
I order a burger from some place in town and chill watching til tons until it gets here.
2o minuets later i'm eating my pizza on the back porch deciding some fresh air would do be good after being on a plane half the day and then taking a nap. The air bib has a hot tub which is the biggest reason I chose to stay here , after I ate I decided to turn it on and let it heat up to about 90 degrees since its only like 70 degrees tonight with a little breeze.
I got inside throwing on some trunks and grabbing a Pepsi from the fridge , the owner had stalked the fridge with drinks since they said their daughter watches our videos and wanted to make sure I had plenty of Pepsi for the month which is hilarious but also very sweet.
I climb into the hot water turning the lights to blue and laying back looking up at the clear night sky. The stars are pretty visible here which is a nice change from L.A.
I decide to turn on some music and chill out here for a while. After about 30 minutes i'm rushing inside and locking the door because I heard rustling in the woods and got scared. I may be a grown man but hearing noises in the dark woods when you're all alone would scare anyone.
I decide I might as well shower, watch a show and go to sleep. Maybe even find somethings to do Tommorrow .
Most of the shit in town didn't look that interesting to me so I decided on pewit's nest , I think taking a little hike and chillin in a waterfall could be a good reset ... I just hope there isn't a shit tone of people around.
I just woke up , its about 12 so I get up and throw on a fit and grab my phone AirPods and keys and head out the door putting in directions to pewit's nest. It's like a 30 minute drive which isn't too bad. I set my playlist on shuffle and start the drive. I rented a convertible , even though it was expensive its worth it . I like backgrounds they are chill and always have better views .
Im going down a long windy road when I see another car further ahead in the opposite lane , I can tell from here its a nice car maybe even vintage.
The closer I get the more a feeling creeps over my body making me feel confused but intrigued . Im close enough now to see long blue hair blowing freely in the wind and a slim arm hanging off the door of a white 1965 mustang moving like it's going over a waves in an ocean . I smile as the air seems to get lighter and my stomach girls when I catch a glimpse of her face that has a smile plastered on it that is so bright and sweet it could send a grown man into cardiac arrest .
We make eye contact as we pass each other and the feeling that washes over is something i've never felt before . I can hear the song she has playing that blasts through her speakers , a classical song one I recognize but I cant remember why .
I look away as I redirect the car to drive straight again and shake my head . I don't know what that feeling was but it felt ... good .
After a little while I reach the parking area and see no other cars making me smile, hopefully ill be alone in the piece and quiet.
I put the top back up and turn off the car and hop out and go to the directory to see with path I need to take to end up at the waterfall . The path is about a two mile hike , its says it's an easy path so that's good. I put my AirPods in and decide on a playlist Matt had made a while ago of just chill slow music .
I start walking looking around taking a breathe of the fresh air feeling calmness fall over me . I love the east coast so much more than the west coast , it just feels more calm and nice compared to the busy city life we live in L.A. As I walk I see movement out of the corner of my eye making me look over seeing its a family of deer . I pull out my phone and take a picture sending it to Matt and Nick . I don't see many deer in the west coast but every time I do I have to take a picture , they are my favorite animal.
After an easy 20 more minutes I reach the fall , taking out my AirPods I look around just checking out the area making sure i'm alone , I am . I take my shoes off then my shirt and set my phone , keys and AirPods onto of them and walk to the edge and dip my foot in . I forget how cold waterfall water really is but I decide to just say fuck it and get in . The warm sun helps make it a little more bearable .
As I float around I hear my phone ringing so I swim back over to check who it is . It's nick so I dry my hands on my shirt and answer it.
"Hey... wow where are you it's so pretty?" he says as he notices the scene in the background. " It's called Pewits nest " I answer as I flip the camera and show him the whole fall and the surrounding area. " Wow well i'm glad you're getting out and having fun " he says making me flip the camera and smile. " Yeah me too its pretty nice out here really peaceful " I say as I look around smiling. " So you're doing okay ?" he asks I nod " Yeah i'm good I definitely needed this I miss you guys though" I say looking at him he smiles softly " I miss you too but your metal health is more important than being here dealing with with meetings and shit " nick says and I nod " Yeah I know ill get used to being without you guys soon it's just bit weird right now" I say sighing . " I know but hey you know we"re just a call away and maybe you'll get some Inspo for new fresh love designs " he say smiling rubbing his hands together making me chuckle . " Yeah I guess you're right ... anything interesting going on with you?" I ask feeling comforted with the fact I"m talking to him even if he"s not really here with me it feels like he is." Uhhh not really I think me and Matt are gonna go for dinner with Jake and Tara then probably chill the rest of the night" he says making me smile. " We'll have fun and tell them I said hey, ima let you go though I know you probably got some shit to do" I say smiling at him . " Okay well be safe and maybe go around town tonight see what's around I love you" " Yeah love you too " I say and hang up.
I look at the time seeing its around 3:30 meaning i've been here for about 2 and a half hours so I decide to get out and use my shirt to dry off and put my shoes back on and start walking back down the path to my car.
I get back to my car and unlock it throwing a towel I had brought but forgot to grab out and put it on the seat so I didn't get it wet . I put the top back down and head back to the airbnb .
I reach the point in the windy road where I passed that girl earlier and smile to myself at the memory . It .. I mean she has been on my mind ever since we passed I know nothing about her yet she's all I can think about my whole drive home.
I get back and head into the house grabbing a drink from the fridge and heading upstairs to take a shower. The bathroom is pretty big if you ask me and I love the shower honestly I could probably stand in it and think for hours. I throw shoes and pants off and walk in turning on the rain shower letting the water fully cascade down my body. I take my time just standing under the hot water relaxing . I start thinking about the girl from earlier . I literally cant get her off my mind something about the feeling I got when we made eye contact scares me but also intrigues me , its like my body knew something I didn't but now I want to find out what it could be that has be so drawn to her.
I hop out of the shower and decide I should go into town to grab some groceries and some dinner . One thing I hate is eating alone but I have no other choice.
I start up the car and head towards town . I find a groceries store called woodmans deciding it look like the biggest one and thread have the biggest selection of shit .
I park and head in keeping my head down feeling a bit nervous being out alone. I shop as quick as possible then find a place to get dinner. I find an Italian restaurant and decide to order take out online for pickup . I head over and park close by deciding to walk around a bit till I get a text that the foods ready. I walk down the streets passing by people smiling and they smile back which is one thing I love about west coast people they are way more pleasant than west coast people .
I spot a small looking path through some trees that has a couple benches along it and decide to sit under the tree and watch the sunset while I wait. I watch as the sky changes colors , its honestly one of the best sunsets i've seen in a while. I hear soft laughter making me turn my head in the direction it came from. I see a guy walking with a girl and they are looking at something on their phone laughing and making fun of what I can hear a girl, they are both dressed in boring ass basic outfits making me roll my eyes at how boring they look.
They stop a few feet away to watch another video i'm guessing and I can fully hear what they are saying now
" oh my god Vienna is so fucking weird" the girl says before laughing , she has such a bitchy little laugh .
" She tries so hard to be different and yet she wanders why no guys wanna touch her" the guys says smirking making the girl laugh .
" Ahh what a cute little music video " she sighs with a sniper putting her phone in her pocket . I cant help but roll my eyes shaking my head at their behavior and words .
" OH MY GOD C-CHRIS STURNIOLO" I hear a shriek making me jump in surprise . " oh my god is it really you ?" the girl ask running up to me . I contemplate on saying no and going on with my night but... she knows damn well its me so I nod . " Yeah hi nice to meet you" I say standing up . She squeals in excitement . " Can I get a picture " she asks and I slowly shake my head . " No i'm sorry i'm trying to stay out of sight while i'm here I don't really want everyone knowing where I am..." I say acting as sorry as best I can. " Oh I get it i'm sorry to bother you have a good night" the girl says waving and running off I wave back then my phone rings telling me my foods ready for pickup so I Jog back to the area I parked and run into the restaurant grabbing my food and heading to my car .
I look across the street as I unlock my door spotting blue hair and ,my heart immediately jumps as I watch her walk down the street , her hair softly blowing with the breeze with headphones on her face naturally resting slightly angry which makes her even more attractive. I cant help but stare , she has an energy that radiates off of her but I just don't know what it is quite yet.
I see the dick head couple from earlier quickly approaching her the girl whispering to the guy as she laugh once the get to mystery girl the girl grabs her arm making me furrow my eyebrows and watch intensely at the scene unfolding in front of me.
The girl holds a tight grip as she gets in blue hairs face smiling but the words that come out of her mouth look unpleasant . Blue hair slides her headphones down and keeps them around her neck as she listens to the girl talking to her but her face looks unbothered .
The guy starts laughing as he smirks watching his girlfriend disrespect blue hair, I feel an urge to go over and break it up but the lat thing I need is to get roped into random peoples drama. She lets go of blue hairs arm laughing but I didn't expect what happened next.
Blue hair shoves her hand into the others chest pushing her harshly into the brick wall next to them . I walk to my trunk to try and hear what's happening more clearly.
Its a bit quiet but I can hear clear enough
" Grow the fuck up Clara I don't care if you like me or not i'm not going to tell you again to leave me the fuck alone" blue hair spits the words into her face. The other girl looks slightly... scared which I find funny cause two seconds ago she looked like she was nothing but proud of herself for whatever she said. " Vienna I- just let me go " she whine prying blue hair well Vienna's hand off her chest and clinging to her boyfriend . " God Vienna if you weren't such a stuck up cunt maybe somebody would have wanted yours by now" the guy says . Vienna and even his girlfriends mouth drop open at his words . "James your dating Clara ...kinda weird how every single insult you can think of *she steps closer to him* ... always end up with sexual comments about me" she says smirking . His girlfriend gasps and raises a hand to slap Vienna. " You might want to lower that hand Clara she scolds glancing at the girl who slowly lowers her hand and James ... stop thinking about who has or hasn't wanted me because trust me... Lucas had no problem having some time with me" she says then slides her head phones back on flicking them both off and walking away.
I stand in shock for a couple seconds dumfounded by what I just witnessed , maybe I'm just so used to living in a city where everybody is just minding their own business . Smaller towns definitely seem to have more entertaining people . I smile as I turn back around and get in my car setting my food on the seat next to me and driving off back to the house.
I'm actually glad I decided to go to town and get food because now not only do I know blue hairs real name but I also have caught a good glimpse of her personality and it only adds fuel to the fire inside my brain. I've never seen someone so calm and collected when being patronized like she was and her comebacks to the insults were nothing but perfect. I wanted to burst out laughing when she clocked the fuck out of the guy for bringing up her sex life given I had heard him speak about it when they were talking shit when I was sitting on the bench waiting .
I admire the way she made the girl scared and nervous when she spoke back to her , most people would have just stood there and took the insults and not stick up for themselves but she sure as fuck did.
I pull into the driveway hopping out and rushing in to sit down and eat my food. The pasta is good as fuck not gonna lie , I'm absolutely banging it down when my phone rings, I pause the movie I was watching and answer it to see Nick and Matt pop up on my screen.
" Hey guys what's up?" I ask as I take a sip of my Pepsi.
" Nothing we just wanted to chest in and make sure you're doing good " Matt says and I smile and nod. " Yeah i'm good I went into town to get dinner ... and lets just say i've never been so entertained by drama, than I was 30 minutes ago" I say laughing after. " Yo what the fuck I wanna know what happened" nick says showing how intrigued he is by what I witnessed.
" Okay well when I was going to that waterfall I was at when you called yesterday I passed a girl who had blue hair and a really nice vintage mustang and something about her intrigued me .... tonight I saw the same girl low-key get bullied by some basic bitch and blue hair girl absolutely chewed her and her boyfriend up and spit them out in the span of 5 minutes" I say smiling replaying the moment in my head . " Damn small towns do have shit going on huh" nick says laughing making me and matt laugh too. " Yeah shit was very entertaining to say the least " I say back . " So this blue haired girl ... do you have a little crush Chris" Matt says teasing me making me shake my head and flick him off . " No she just looks like cool person bro " I say trying to convince him and myself i'm not that into her." Whatever you sayyy" he says making me shake my head. " Well ima go take a late night walk and clear my head I love you guys" I say. " yeah love you to, be safe" Matt says before hanging up the call.
I grab my headphones and throw on my shoes and head out of the door. Its nice weather but it feels like it might rain and honestly I wouldn't mind getting caught in the rain on my walk.
Im walking down the neighborhood path when I see a path leading into the woods that has a sign saying it leads to a sand beach on the lake , I decide to take it and maybe sit by the water for a bit .
I feel a bit creeped out as I walk through the almost pitch black path so I bring out my phone and turn on the flash so I can kinda see where i'm going. I take out my earphones so I can hear the area around me just incase something or someone is out here. The further I walk I feel like I can hear water ripple and kind of splash letting me know i'm getting closer to my destination.
I meet the end of the path where the sand starts and step out taking a deep breathe. Its quiet and calm out here and the moon is shining down on the water letting me see the area surrounding me. I sit down on a stump and look up taking in the dark cloudy sky above me . It's calming to be out here all alone being able to just sit and think about anything and everything .
I get lost in my thought until I snap out of it when I hear a loud splash off to the left . I try and focus in on the area but its too dark from where i'm sitting to really get a good look .Out of curiosity I get up and get closer to where I heard the sound come from breathing heavily since i'm a bit scared it could be like a fucking bear or something , then id really be fucked.
As I slowly get closer I hear a small laugh , it sounds like a girl but im not quite sure all I know is hearing a girl giggle in the dark late t night is creepy as fuck. I look at spot a figure gliding in the water I squint to try and make out if its a person or animal . When the figure stands in the water the moon light shines over them letting me see it is in fact a girl , not just any girl though. I see a tinge of blue sheen in the hair thats being hit by the moon light and my breathe hitches.
It's her. My stomach does that stupid fucking feeling again as I watch the way she's gliding through the water. She goes under and comes back up wiping her face and hair back . She looks so calm and peaceful , I feel like a creep just watching her but I cant look away or move . She kind of stops all of her movements taking a deep breath and looking around she spots me and jumps with a scream . I flinch immediately turning around starting to speed walk back to the path I got here on.
I hear water splashing and my heart starts to speed up , she's gonna catch up and yell at me is all I can think as I walk as quickly as possible . "WAIT HEY WAIT " I hear her scream and I stop shoulders slumping down waiting for her to come up and give me a piece of her mind.
I turn around to see her walking up to me ... smiling , maybe she's not mad after all . " Are you here alone?" she asks as she gets closer and I can see her gorgeous face . I just nod to scared to actually say anything. " Have I seen you before you look really familiar?" she asks me studying my face. " I- um maybe I don't kn-" she cuts me off. " Wait I know I passed you on the road ... you drive that black convertible right?" she asks smiling and stepping closer. " Y-yeah you drive the vintage mustang right?" I ask and she smiles and nods . " It's a really cool car" I say making her smile wider. " Thank you it was my dads dream car so when he... passed I got it in memory of him" she says as her smile falters a bit . " Oh i'm so sorry " I say as she looks back up at me shaking her head. " It's okay its not your fault" she says with a quiet laugh. "I know I just I feel bad" I say smiling sympathetically. " Please don't feel sorry for me the last thing I want is pity" she says shaking her head. " Sorry " I say trying to make it less awkward. " Its fine ... so are you new I have seen you until this week" she asks smiling at me and walking back onto the sandy part so I take that as she wants me to follow her. " Uhhm yeah I guess i'm taking a vacation here for about a month " I answer . " Why here?" she asks laughing.
" Well I wanted to get out of big city life for a while so I just kinda looked up smaller places to go and I ended up here" I answer with a shrug. " Well I guess that makes sense ... i've never been to a big city but i've always water to move out of here and live the city life" she rambles making me smile . She sits down and I sit next to her. " Honestly I like living in a city for the most part it just gets ... a lot sometimes you know" I say and look over at her. " Yeah i... I down really fit in here ... I mean I never really have " She says looking off into the water. " I don't understand why I mean you're nice , drive a cool ass car , and ... your pretty" I say and she looks at me smiling weekly. " Thank you thats really sweet but I don't think anyone here would agree with you" she says as she sighs . " well they are just boring ass people then I mean from what I can tell you seem really cool ... if I lived here I think you'd be the only person i'd wanna be friends with " I say and she smiles widely. " Thanks you seem pretty cool too" She says making me smile. " You know I didn't get your name" I say and she laughs . " It's Vienna" she says . " Thats a pretty name i'm Chris " I say smiling back at her . " Thank you so where are you from?" she asks me " Im from Boston but I live in LA with my brothers" I say and she nods . " How many brothers do you have ?" she asks . Ive noticed that I don't think she has a clue who I am and i'm actually really happy about it. " I have 3 , one older and i'm 1 of three triplets. " I answer she gasps " Ahh thats so fucking cool I always wished I had a twin growing up so id have a best friend with me all the time" she says smiling I cant help but chuckle " Yeah its pretty cool . So i'm guessing you don't have any siblings ?" I asks judging from her response . " I did but not anymore " she says looking upset again . " oh " I say having a good feeling it's the same outcome of her dad situation. " Yeah I had a sister but um she passed my freshman year of college " she says and I can almost see the tears staring in her eyes. " Im sorry Vienna I shouldn't have brought it up" I say feeling bad knowing she not only lost her dad but also her sister, I couldn't imagine going through that . " No No it's okay i'm sorry for trauma dumping on you I met you like 5 minutes ago" She says laughing and sniffling as a small tear falls down her face. " No its okay I don't mind ... I like hearing you talk" I say making her smile. She hums and leans her head on my shoulder looking at the scene infant of us. Ive never felt this comfortable with someone I barely know before but right now I feel good, happy and calm . I look down at her smiling at her small gesture . " Is- is this okay i'm sorry if -" " Its absolutely okay I don't mind" I say and she looks up at me smiling then looking back out .
" It's really peaceful out here" I say and she nods. " Yeah I love it out here ... not a lot of people come out here thats why I come down here to think " she says and I nod " I can see why " I say . " This might be an invasive question to ask but what do you do ... I mean if you're staying here for a month you must make good money" she says laughing . " Well I umm I make YouTube videos with my brothers " I say . " ahhh okay makes sense . Is it fun do you like it?" she asks me and I think for the best answer " I love it but sometimes it can be stressful ... it takes a big toll on my mental health sometimes though" I answer honestly. " Im guessing thats why you came here to take a break from it all" she adds on and I nod " Yeah I mean this is the first trip i've ever taken without my brothers but it was very much needed" I answer. " Well good for you for taking time that you need ... I bet the fans aren't too happy about it though" she jokes but I sigh making her mover her head and face me . " That was a big sigh " she says and I nod " Yeah its just ... sometimes the fans take shit too far and that's one of the biggest things that really east to me" I say looking at her . " Well I can only guess they are all crazy little girls ... I mean look at you no wonder they go a little crazy" she says giggling . " what's that supposed to mean?" I ask laughing " Chris come on ... you know you're attractive I mean id be obsessed to if I were them" she smiles and I shake my head smiling . " Thank you " I say laughing . She laugh too " You're welcome " she nods . Silence falls between us for a couple seconds before I speak . " I gotta ask you ... what's up with the blond girl and her boyfriend I kinda saw they gang up on you in town " I ask but regret it when her eyebrows furrow . " You saw that " she asks kind of confused . " Yeah I ... I should have said that earlier I just ..." " Im not mad just a bit embarrassed" she says and I nod . " They were kind of my bullies all throughout middle and high school ... they fucked off for a while when I went away for college but after my sister passed I became really depressed and failed all my classes and came back here to take care of our house so " " Now that your back they decided to keep being assholes " I say understanding the situation. "Yeah pretty much I honestly don't know why they act like they do but I just got tired off it that night and snapped ... I usually just kept my head down and let them say whatever but i'm tired of the shit . I just wish they would grow the fuck up were grown ass adults and I seem to be the only one who knows how to act like one" she groans making me laugh. " Immature assholes " I joke and she laughs . " Yeah honestly I thought when we all turned 20 they'd just move on but now i'm 22 and they still act like children its embarrassing honestly " she laughs making me smile. " I think they are jealous to be honest " I say and she smiles . " They have nothing to be jealous about I have no family or friends" " That is where your wrong you do have a friend" I say and she looks at me " And who might that be?" she asks smiling " Me obviously " I smile and she smiles back . " Ive never been so conformable with someone this quickly " she says in a sweet but serious tone " Me neither " I say smiling . She scoots closer and I put out my arm so she can scoot into my side . " Thank you chris " she says as she nuzzles into my side making me smile . " For what?" I ask not knowing what I did " For being a decent person . For talking to me and listening to me even though you barely know me " she says and I smile . " Of course , i'm glad we met you're ... an amazing girl ... I don't usually get close to girls mostly because of the fans and my own kind of shit but you .... it just feels right " " I completely agree it just feels easy being around you " she says back making me smile .
" What time is it " she asks me and I grab my phone to look . " Shit it's almost 5 am " I say laughing . " We've been talking for 4 hours " she asks shocked and looking at me " Yeah I guess so " I say smiling . " It felt like we've only been here for an hour at most " " Times flys when your having fun " I joke making her laugh . " I should probably head home " she sighs making me look at her .
I know I just met her but I really want to keep talking with her I really don't wan this to end I shoot the shot " You could always ... come back to mine I mean its a big house and i'm all alone I wouldn't mind the company " I say smiling " Really? " she asks smiling I nod " Okay Yeah lets do it" she says getting up .
We walk next to each other in comfortable silence I glance over at her and smile. She looks like she's deep in thought so I just stay silent.
Vienna pov-
I swear to god I have never seen someone so attractive in my life I mean Jesus fucking christ and could I have embarrassed myself even more. He caught me swimming around at night all alone like a freak I mean thats so embarrassing and then I go and fucking TRAUMA DUMP on him after like 15 minutes Jesus. I've never really been that talkative of a person , not because I don't want to be but because no ones ever really given me a chance. Ive lived here my entire life except half a year when I went to Colorado state , I loved It there and I did have a couple fiends but after my sister died and I moved I didn't hear from them . I feel like i'm just and unlovable person sometimes I mean everyone I get close to leaves me . Sadly I already know thats gonna be the case with Chris since he will only be here for a month , I am scared to get too close but he's just... so nice and he made me feel more seen in the span of 4 hours than I have my entire life . So here I am on my way back to his house and yeah I'm nervous but if I were to have said no id be missing out on having someone to talk to and laugh with and just a guy who makes me feel happy when I haven't in a while , even if it is just for this month I won't let this chance at a good relationship pass.
Chris's pov-
We reach the road and I look down at her and she looks up and smiles , god her smile is adorable . " come on it this way" I say leading her to the right back to my house. She follows and walks by my side and I don't know why but I put my arm around her shoulder and pull her into me . I feel so comfortable around her, again its a weird feeling , but i'm happy and content so why would I freak out about it . we get up the slight hill and walk up the driveway to the door . I put in the code and let her go in first.
" mm its so cozy in here" she says and I agree " I know right I like it here its very quiet too " " It is but that could be scary when you're alone" " Oh trust me it is" I say and she laughs. " Are you hungry thirsty anything?" I ask her as I make my way to the kitchen to grab something to drink . " Kind thirsty actually yeah" she says and I nod . "I got water, lemonade , Pepsi , Dr Pepper any of those sound good?" I ask and she thinks for a second . " Dr.pepper please , thank you" she says and I smile handing one to her " no problem" .
" Sooo what should we do ?" she asks smiling at me as she sits on the kitchen island. "Mmm I don't know we could watch a movie or uhh we could chill in the hotter for a bit " I say and she smiles " I wouldn't mind chillin in the hot tub" she says smiling . " Alright let me change into some shorts real quick then ill get it started up" I say as I jog up the stairs.
Vienna pov-
I step outside onto the porch walking to the railing looking out into the darkness , I find the dark calming while most people find it scary I find it to be the opposite. I've always been someone who likes the night more than the day . I love the way the moon has different fazes and how the stars shine but also because I feel most myself at night , my mom had a nickname for me as a baby "Me pequeña luna" my little moon , She used to tell me I liked sleeping all day and staying up at night which is why she called me her little moon . She passed away when I was about 11 years old it was hard but I got through it . When I was a teenager my older sister played the mother roll a lot telling me all about what I needed to know from how my body would change to sex to other things a mom would say to protect her child , I loved my sister like no one else but I think life took a toll on her and thats why she left me here alone . I don't hate her for it in some ways I understand why she did it but I wish I had been able to help or stop her from making the decision to end it all but I was too late by the time I realized she was struggling she was already gone . My dad passed of natural causes maybe a broken heart or age but at least he passed peacefully .
All these things are the reason why I live my life the way I do , I take adventures and I live how I want . I've never been one to follow trends or go with the flow of others around me , in this small town people like to say i'm the "weird girl " or " The freak" because I don't look and dress like everyone else or I don't speak or act the way they "expect" the young woman here too but fuck em i'm happy and thats all that matters.
My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the sliding door open and I turn to see Chris , fuck he really is perfect. I try not to drool as I look over his lean body and his cut v line .
"Hey I brought down a speaker so we can listen to music while we're out here" he says and I snap my eyes up to his face and smile . "Sounds good to me" I answer and he smiles. I watch as he walks to the hot tub turning it on and setting the heat and lights to how he wants them to be. He looks at me smiling and motioning me to come over . I walk over to him smiling . " Ladies first " he says as he gives me a hand getting into the tub making me laugh a bit.
He climbs in after me sitting pretty close making me smile to myself , I just met him and i'm already so into him , Maybe because I don't get much male attention or affection on a normal bases and i'm touch deprived as fuck but he's just so sweet .
" Here you can queue up whatever sings you want " he says handing me his phone and turning on the speaker " you sure I don't know if you'll like my music taste " " Im sure I will" he says and I shake my head "Okayyy" I say as I queue up a couple songs
~ Claire de lune- claude debussy, Jacob and the stone- Emile mosseri, Champagne coast- blood orange, In the air tonight- Phil collins, ALIEN FLAME- shometyle, Holier- crosses, sex on fire- kings of lion and when i'm small- phantogram.
The first song starts to play and I nervously wait for him to say something
he smiles " Im not a classical guy but its a nice song" he says and I smile and laugh " Yeah I didn't think you'd be into classical but this is one of my favorite songs so" he smiles and leans his head back looking up at the sky.
" The stars are bright tonight " he says and I look up to setting into my spot " They really are " I say smiling tracing the Lyra constellation . "You see the stars in a line and kind of coming together into a misshapen square?" I ask him as I point to the area i'm looking at . "Ummm oh yeah I see it " he says and I smile . " Thats the Lyra constellation " I say smiling " oh wow I didn't know that I mean to be fair the only one I really know is the Big Dipper" he says laughing I giggle " Yeah thats the one most people know ... my mom taught me about astrology when I was young and I got really into it when she got sick and wed talk about it when she was in the hospital" I explain to him as he nods along , he's a very attentive listener . " Mmm a way to stay close to her ?" he asks smiling " Yeah it kept us connected , she loved to talk about the stars and after she passed I just kept up with it because every time I look at the stars I feel like she's with me " I say smiling as I try and keep myself from tearing up. " Thats really sweet " she says as he looks at me with an adoring look that makes me smile .
"So you and your family are you close ?" I ask him wanting to stop babying on about myself . " Yeah were really close I love my family more than anything , i'm closest with my triplet brother for obvious reasons but my mom is the sweetest woman I love her to death and my dad is great he's really funny and my older brother is cool as fuck , he doesn't have the same dad as me , Matt and Nick but its never really felt like he isn't a full sibling he's been there all our lives you know what I mean" he speaks so sweetly of his family I almost want to cry . " I completely get it ,your family sounds lovely " " They are great I think my mom would absolutely love you and you would definitely get along with nick " he says making me smile that he's even thinking about how specific family members would like me . " So being a triplet is obviously special , are you all pretty alike or are you complete opposites?" I ask obviously intrigued since i've never seen or met twins let alone triplets. " Honestly were all different in our own ways , nick is gay which is one thing that makes him different from me and Matt but he's probably the most out going one of all of us he always been the one to just do his own thing , me and Matt though we're pretty similar we played all the same sports growing up and always had the same friends , like the same music except Matt has some music he likes that I down like as much he's also the most calm and quiet one he likes to just keep to himself most of the time , he's pretty much always been that way " he answers my question perfectly as I listen giving him my full attention . " Thats great though you know you all have things that make you individuals " I say smiling . "Yeah it's great for us all to have our own interests, I mean when we were kids we did everything together so now that were older its nice to be our own selves and do things separately " he explains and I nod . " What about you and your sister were you pretty similar?" he asks and I try to keep my smile " Yeah I guess I mean she was 5 years older than me so you know we had our differences just because of the age gap but I learned a lot from her , I got my music taste from all the countless drives we'd take together , she loved to go on late night walks and swims in the lake ... thats actually why I was there tonight her birthday was yesterday and I wanted to do something to remember her and why not do something we loved to do together . She loved saving memories too she loved photography and taking videos which is now something I love since she taught me when we were younger , I was always the louder more outgoing one and she was the calm and quiet type and I think thats why we got along so well " " What do you like to do you know like hobbys and stuff?" he asks me and I think about it for a second " Well I play guitar and keyboard and I sing sometimes , i'm more creative and artsy I guess I also love to tech and paint I just picked up trying to do tattoos , its pretty hard not gonna lie but its fun to see what I can design and create " I say and he smiles really big " Thats actually really cool I actually have a clothing brand of my own .... maybe you could tech some new ideas for me " he says and I smile " Really?" I ask smiling "Yeah i've been reading to create some more design for a new drop maybe you can help me with that while i'm here " I nod and smile widely " I'd love too , so what's the band called ?" I ask ." fresh love " he answers " Ohh I like that " I say and he smiles " Thank you Matt helped me name it but I like to take the credit most of the time" he says and I laugh .
" Im kind of getting hot out here wanna go back inside and dry off . I can give you some clothes to change into " he says and I nod " Yeah sounds good ... do you mind if take a quick shower I have lake water all in my hair ?" I ask and he smiles " Yeah of course " he says and I thank him as we head inside . " The bathroom is up the stairs and its the first door to the left ... i'll bring you some clothes once you're out . I would bring them in while you shower but I'd fully see you with the way the shower is built " she says laughing . " Okay no problem ,thank you " I say as I make my way up the stairs . I walk into the large bathroom and head to the shower , I spend a hot minute trying to figure out how to turn on the shower but fail horribly . So embarrassingly I call out to Chris for help "HEY CHRIS UMM HOW THE FUCK DO YOU TURN THE SHOWER ON" I ask . I hear foot steps approach and the door open " Sorry I forgot its kind of hard to turn on " he says smiling as he walks over and turns it on for me " ahh thats how you do it " I say laughing . " Just push it back in to turn it off and if you want it hotter or colder tap it left for hot and right for cold " he explain showing me " Great thank you " " No problem and I set a towel on the sink for you " " Thank you" " Yep no problem " he says as he walks out shutting the door behind him .
I take off my wet bikini and step under the water it was a little to cold for me so I turn it hotter but I tapped it a couple too many time making it so hot it stung and I yelped . "YOU OKAY? " I hear "hris yell from outside the door "YEAH JUST TURNED IT A BUT TOO HOT SORRY " "YOU'RE GOOD JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE YOU DIDN'T FALL OR SOMETHING " "NOPE ALL GOOD THANK YOU FOR CHECKING THOUGH " " NO PROBLEM"
I use some of the soap lathering my body in it smelling fully like a man . I get lost in my thought as the water rains down on me
Chris's pov-
I cant help but like her after the deep conversations we've had tonight , she listens so well it's like you could be in a room full of people but if your talking she'd make you feel like you're the most important one there . She is so sweet and she's been through so much I mean her mom , dad and sister have all died , I cant imagine going through all of that and still being and happy and sweet as she is . She's the most beautiful girl i've ever met inside and out and don't get me wrong there are plenty of beautiful girls in LA but none of them have the personality to match it . She is just authentic in herself and I can tell she doesn't care what others think of her and I love that about her .
I may have just met her but I feel like i've known her my whole life . I wish I had known her my whole life to be honest . I know its crazy that after meeting a girl I invited her back with me to stay the night but I feel safe with her . She had no idea who I was or that I was a YouTube or a triplet which adds to the many reasons I felt safe enough to invite her back with me .
I have no intention of making moves on her tonight I simply just like her company and why would I choose to be all alone when I can have her here with me . Now don't get me wrong gif she were to want to do something I wouldn't turn it down but i'm choosing to keep it respectful and friendly until she shows sign of wanting more .
Viennas pov-
I like Chris a lot I mean he's sweet , attractive , has a good relationship with his family he has goals and hobbys and he's been respectful the entire time we've been together , Most guys would have tried something sexual already but he's not most guys I can tell he's different . Im not saying I wouldn't do anything with him because trust me ... I would without a doubt but until he shows signs of wanting that i'm going to keep my cool .
I turn the water off and step out walking to the counter and wrapping myself in the towel and open the door looking around for any signs of him but see or hear nothing " CHRIS ..." " IN HERE , DOOR ALL THE WAY DOWN THE WALL " he calls out and I make my way towards where his voice came from . I open the door to see him laying on the bed shirtless and in grey sweatpants , I could drop dead right now from how hot he looks . He looks up at me as his eyes trail down my body making me nervous " shit sorry let me grab you those clothes I got distracted testing my bothers " he says getting up and walking to the closet " Oh you're good " I say . He walks back out handing me a sweatshirt and some boxers " Thank you " I say as I stand there awkwardly waiting for him to turn around or something so I can change . " Oh sorry i'll turn around " he says as he covers his eyes and turns around . I get changed and use the towel to get my hair a little dry " Okay you can turn around " I tell him and he does smiling down at me and he looks me up and down " That sweatshirt looks good on you " he smirks at me and I giggle "Thank you not gonna lie though I struggled to get these boxers over my ass " I say and he laughs " Well is that supposed to be a bad thing? " he asks making me roll my eyes playfully " Oh shut up " " I mean hey i'm just saying " he says putting his hands up making me laugh and smack his chest .
" SO you wanna watch a movie or are you tired ?" he asks as he goes to sit on the bed . " Mmm i'm not to tired so i'm down to watch a movie I say as I go to sit on the other side of the bed and he turns the tv on going to Netflix and starts screeching through movies .
" Oooh lets watch that one " I say as the clicker lands on insidious . "you like horror movies?" he asks as he looks at me and I nod " Love em " I answer smiling widely . " Fine you're lucky I like you " he says making me laugh " What you don't like horror movies ?" I ask smiling " Not really they creep me out but ill watch it for you" he says smiling and looking over at me and I return the smile.
We start the movie and I can hear his heavy breathing making me smile at how cute it is that he's scared . The movie gets to a part where there's a jump scare and he jumps so hard the bed moves and I laugh hysterically . " Oh shut the fuck up it's not that funny " he groans but starts laughing not being able to stay serious . " It was actually very funny " I say and I look at him . "Come closer " he says as he holds up his arm for me to scooch in right next to him . I lay my head on his warm chest , he lays one arm behind my head and onto my shoulder as his other one wraps to my waist pulling me closer . I feel so comfortable in his arms maybe even... safe which is a feeling I haven't had in a very long time. He lays his head on mine making me smile and snuggle in as close as possible as I drape an arm over his chest .
After a couple more jump scares Chris told me to turn the movie off saying and I quote " Im not scared or anything the movie just sucks" ending with an scoff as he looked away when the demon in the movie popped up so I turned it off as I giggled at how scared he obviously was . " So what should we watch instead then ... maybe my little pony" I say with a small laugh making him roll his eyes " Oh shut up just put something not scary on I don't care " he says smiling so I choose divergent instead one of my favorite movies .
We both enjoy the movie having small side conversations during it talking about how we both would want to be dauntless if the movie was real life or how cool the tattoo machines in the movie were . It's nice to share thoughts with someone and find common interests we have I haven't had that in a long time . Chris is like a breathe of fresh air after the past couple of years i've had ... I keep trying to forget the fact he's only here for a little while and I shouldn't get attached but it seems i've already failed at that.
Chris's pov-
I cant help but look down at Vienna as she watches the movie with the biggest smile . She is so effortlessly beautiful , i've just now understood what people mean when they say looks aren't everything . She is absolutely gorgeous but her personality is even more beautiful . Ive never met someone who i've just clicked with so quickly i'm still in shock at how much this friendship ... I mean whatever this relationship is has grown in only a couple hours . She's snuggles in so close to me and I find it adorable she looks so innocent and peaceful right now and I cant help but smile as I admire her. She has freckles all over her cheeks which i'm only now noticing , they make her even more beautiful.
The movie just ended and she looks at me smiling and I smile back. "So you tired or ...?" she asks as she maintains eye contact . " Not really no ... I am kinda hungry though" I say and she nods . " Yeah me to ... late night snack time?" she asks smiling and sitting up . " Yep " I say as I get up and walk to the door her following behind . We make it into the kitchen and I grab some chips for us and a water and one for her too. " Let's chill on the couch " I say as I start walking to the living room . " Its so pretty outside at night here" she says as she looks out of the large windows . " It really is dark as fuck though" I say and she nods " I know it gets so dark with all the woods around its kind of creepy but I love it" she says making me shake my head and chuckle " Its even more beautiful here in winter ugh it snows so much which honestly kind of sucks when I need to go places but its so pretty watching the snow fall and cover the trees " she says smiling and closing her eyes as if she's picturing it in her head " I love snow ... it snows a good amount in Massachusetts and it gets pretty fucking cold " I say and she looks at me smiling " I bet the snowball fights were crazy with you and your brothers " she says making me smile and nod " Oh yeah we went crazy as kids always out sledding or just running around in the snow " I say as I picture the memories playing out in my mind. " mmmm me and my sister would ride our horses through the trails on the land my house is on its was cold but it was so beautiful " she says smiling . " You have horses ?" I ask as I shove chips into my mouth " We used too yeah . We had a small little barn and had about 5 , my dad bought them when we were young . We would all ride together and we used to do little group trails rides for people but when he passed it was too much upkeep and money so I had to sell them " she says looking sad " Damn i'm sorry that sounds fun though " I say and she smiles and takes a sip of her water " It was ... some of my best memories were from rides as a kid ... one time oh my god * she laughs * so one time I think I was maybe 12 me and my dad were riding through the big field that led to the trails and a whole family of deer came out of nowhere running and my horse flipped out and took off oh god I don't think i've ever heard onto something so hard in my life . I was screaming which made the situation worse but seeing my dad chase after me was the funniest thing ever " she says as she laughs at the story making me laugh with her .
we sit and talk about funny memories from when we were kids for almost two hours . We finished the bag of chips and decided we should definitely get to sleep .
I lay down on my side of the bed getting comfortable " Hey is i'm kind of a hot sleeper so ... is it okay if I take off the sweats?" she asks seeming a bit nervous. " Of course get as comfortable as you need " I say smiling . " Okay I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable " she says smiling " Trust me you could strip naked right now and I would be everything but uncomfortable " I say laughing but instantly regret letting that slip out of my mouth " Well then ... good to know " she says laughing and I shake my head " I don't know why I said that" I say running my hands down my face " Its fine i'm not upset by it " she answers with a giggle . She slowly slides the sweat shirt I gave her off and I know I should look away but I cant ... my mouth drops when I remember she had nothing on underneath it . " Oh shit I forgot I had nothing on under it " she says as her face gets red and she turns away from me . " Vienna -" I start but she interrupts " No no thats so awkward i'm sorry I genuinely thought for some reason I had something on underneath" She rushes out as I see her arms move over her bare chest to cover it . " Vienna you don't have to apologize " I say as I stand up and walk to stand behind her as I lower my head to her ear " And you definitely do not need to hide from me " I whisper as my hands move to her arms sliding them off of her beautiful body. I don't know where this confidence has come from but i'm just letting it happen and she doesn't protest so thats a good sign .
She leans back into my chest with a sigh as my hands move from her arms to her stomach slowly inching my way back up to her chest . She whimpers quietly making me smile . " Chris I ... I haven't done things with a guy in a very long time " she says quietly as she turns to face me looking down at the ground . I move my hand to cup her face and make her look at me and she does " Its okay we don't have to " I say smiling at her and she smiles back shaking her head " No I want to I just ... I just don't want you to be disappointed with my ... inexperience I guess I don't know " she whispers biting her lip nervously making me smirk . " I won't be disappointed we'll work it out as we go okay " I say before I lean down and place a kiss on her head .
Viennas pov -
I nod as I look up at Chris nervously waiting for what is about to happen . Ive had sex before not with many but when I was with my ex boyfriends sex was definitely a main factor in the relationship. I don't know what Chris is into but i'm intrigued to find out .
He grabs me by the throat pulling me into him settling his lips on mine in a sloppy kiss. He squeezes my throat making me gasp and moan into the kiss making him smirk . He turns us and backs me up until I fall onto the bad .
He pulls his shirt over his head as I pull myself up and rest on my elbows watching him in awe. He comes back down kissing me then slowly moving down my neck. My breathing picks up when he kisses a spot that makes my pussy pulse and a whimper to escape my mouth. " Yeah that feel good" he whispers in a gravely voice making me clench my thighs around his waist and nod. " Use your words " he orders and I moan as he bites the spot on my neck. " Y-yes it feels good" I whine as I move my hands to his head running my fingers through his hair. He kisses down the valley of my breasts then taking one of my nipples in his mouth making me whine and arch into him . He pulls it through his teeth making a pain spread through my chest but it feels good at the same time making me whimper and squirm . He moves further down slowly sliding my bottoms off . He kisses my inner thighs making me whine " Chris p-please" " Please what tell me what you want " he whispers in a raspy voice and my face heats up out of embarrassment. " I need you please Chris .... stop teasing" I whine and he dives into my pussy making me gasp. Ive never had head that actually felt good or even felt like anything at all but this OH FUCK this was good. " Chris oh my g-god" I gasp and whine as I grip onto his hair tightly making him groan into me. He sucks ,licks and bites in all the perfect spots to have my legs trembling and my orgasm rushing in faster than i'd expected . " F-fuck c-chris im gonna cum" I moan as my legs tremble harder and my back arches . " uh uh not until you beg me for it " he says grabbing onto my shaking thighs holding them open with a harsh grip . " W-what?" I squeak out of shock but also pain of trying to hold my orgasm back . " You heard me Vienna. Now let me hear how pretty you sound begging " he grits out before going back in sucking even harder making me cry out " Fuck fuck Chris please please can I cum " I whimper out as the pain starts to become too much and I don't think I can hold it anymore . " Louder" he orders and I feel tears start to stream down my face " PLEASE PLEASE UHH PLEASE CAN I CUM" I scream out as I gasping and my grip gets even tighter on his hair . " Yeah you can cum" he says and I immediately fall over the edge . My entire body feels like it ignites into flames as I shake and twitch . " Good girl thats it " chris says as he uses his thumb to help me through my orgasm . I collapses back onto the bad and my hands slide out of his hear as I catch my breathe . " Did so good for me" he says as he positions himself over me . I look up at him and wait for what he's going to do next.
His hand slides over my cheek wiping away the tears . He slowly slides his boxers down and I watch as his dick pops out . Fuck there is no way thats fitting in me I think as I slowly panic . " Chris your... huge I don't think it'll fit" I say as I look back into his eyes with a worried look on my face . " Ill make it fucking fit " he rasps as he lines his tip with my entrance . I take in a breathe as he slowly slides the tip in and I groan from the stretch . " F-fuck your so tight" he groans as he slowly slides into me more . I try and breathe through the pain but Jesus Christ he's he stretching me out so much I feel like I could tear in half . " ahh chris I cant " I whimper as I place my hand on his chest trying to push him away. " Yes you can, I know you can " he says as he snaps his hips forcing his entire length into me . I scream as the pain only got worse now that he's all the way in . He slowly starts thrusting in and out and I breathe harshly as the pain slowly but surely fades away and i'm overtaken by full pleasure.
"Fuck your s-so deep" I whine as he starts thrusting harder and faster . His tip hits my g-spot with every thrust and I can help the moans , whines and screams he pulling out of me right now . " CHRIS OH MY -F-FUCK " I scream as I feel myself squirt around him making him groan " Fuck thats so hot" he groans as he starts pounding into me so hard I cant even think anymore. " Taking me so well . My good fucking girl " he groans as he places a hand around my neck making me moan loudly . He pulls out of me and flips me over so i'm laying flat on my stomach . He easily slides back into me from how soaked I am for him . The new angles he hits in this position have me seeing stars . He's fucked me dumb already, I can barley think let alone speak right now. The only thing I can do is whimper and let out raspy loud moans and he hits so deep in me my legs are trembling and I feel another orgasm coming in quickly . " You gonna cum for me again I can feel you clenching around me" he groans into my ear . I nod and cry out as I orgasm for the third time . Im shaking beneath him as I gasp and whine from how overstimulated i'm becoming .
" C-cant take it " I gasp out as I try and get away from him but he flips me over quickly and puts my legs on his shoulders then starts pounding into me deeper and harder than before making me scream . " Doing so good such a good little slut f'me" he groans as his rhythm starts to falter and get sloppy . Im whining and twitching as he hits deep making me feel like i'm going to squirt again . " F-fuck i'm gonna s-squirt" I gasp to as I feel the pressure building . " Go ahead baby give it to me" he groans and I feel my juices squirt out of me all over him and the bed below me . " Fuuck gonna let me fill you up?" he asks and I look at him nodding . " Fucking god " he groans as his hips falter and his cum fills my pussy making me moan . " so fucking good for me " he whispers and he drops my shaking legs from his shoulder and pulls out flopping down next to me . We're both breathing hard as we lay still . " That was the best sex i've ever had" he says as he pulls me into him . I nod and agree as I still try to fully catch my breathe.
"Lets go get cleaned up them go to bed" he says as he helps me get up . We shower off all the sweat and juices then get back in bed .
" Im so glad I met you" he says as he runs his fingers through my hair . I smile and look up at him " Me too ... I haven't felt this good in a long time " I say and he smiles at me " God I don't know how i'm going to leave at the end of the month " he groans as he holds me tighter. " Let's not worry about that right now ... let's just spend all the time we can together " I say as I softly rub his chest.
Through the course of the time we had before he left we went on cute picnics , swam in the lake , took late night drives to listen to music , face-timed his brothers who i've groan to love over this short amount of time , took walks around town , captured all the stupid but fun things we did , had movie nights , late night hot tub sessions , lots and loooots of amazing sex . Over all meeting Chris has been the best thing thats happened to me in a long time . It hurts to think about the fact he's leaving Tommorrow . Ive tried so hard to try and ignore the fact he'd have to leave me at some point I just wish it wasn't so soon.
We just got to the airport and he's getting his bags out of my trunk. I watch him as I feel the tears start to well in my eyes , i've tried my best to keep my emotions at bay but it just really hit me he's leaving and I don't know when i'll see him again. He look at me with a sad smile as he sees the tears that are spilling down my cheeks . " Come here " he says and I immediately hit him like my life depends on it . He smokes my hair as he soothes me with sweet words " trust me I don't want to leave but I have too " he says and I can hear him choke up a bit . " I- im just gonna miss you so much ... your my favorite person " I cry into his chest as he rubs my back and holds me tight " I know baby I know . Im gonna miss you so much but were gonna call and text and FaceTime any chance we get " he whispers and I nod " I know I just ugh i'm gonna miss having you with me " I sigh as I look up at him and sniffle " I know i'm gonna miss having you in my bed every night and seeing your face every morning but ill be back soon " he says sweetly as he cups my face " You promise?" I ask in a high pitched voice . " I promise and hey matt said he'd love to come here during fall which isn't to far away so you'll get to meet him and nick" he says smiling excitedly " Id love nothing more" I say as I smile .
I watch as he walks away to tsa and I jog back to my car as the tears stream down my face . I don't know how i'm going to function alone again now that I finally got taste of being happy and with someone every day for an entire month .
*cut to fall *
Chris matt and nick just landed and i'm waiting for them by the door excited to finally see Chris again . The second I see them round the corner my heart drops to my stomach , I want run and jump on his but I know he'd hate it so I stand and wait impatiently .
He drops his bags and wraps me in a tight hug lifting me off my feet making me giggle . " I missed you so much" he says making me smile " I missed you more" I says smiling holding his gaze until I break it to give matt and nick hugs . " Im so happy you guys came " I say excited as I lead them to my car.
I told them they could just stay at my house since its pretty fucking big and i'm the only one who lives in it . There is not point in them waisting money on a place to stay .
" So we were thinking of doing a little hike and maybe logging a bit does that sound good to you?" nick asks me as we all eat breakfast "Yeah of course i'm down for whatever" I reply smiling at him then leaning my head on Chris's shoulder .
Its been great having them here for a 2 weeks we all get along so well . Me and Chris have spent every night in bed talking and planning our future . We all spent halloween together , we dressed up and took pictures then watched all our favorite halloween movies .
They flew me down to Boston for Christmas and I met Chris's parents , they are the sweetest people ever. His mom Mary Lou made me feel so loved which is something I miss . The feeling of motherly love is something I've craved for a very long time and now meeting Chris and his family i've felt nothing but unconditional love from all of them .
*4 years later*
Chris proposed to me 2 years ago and i've never been so happy . Our wedding was everything i've dreamed of . I moved to la with him since it made the most sense for me to move instead of him . I still have my family home in Wisconsin which is now what we like to call our vacation home .
We've starting to try for kids and we've never been so happy .
I thank god even day that he brought Chris into my life all those years ago . Honestly i'm not sure id be here if it wasn't for him coming in and completely sweeping me off my feet .
I Cant wait for what the future holds and I dread the day when well no longer be on this earth together but until that day ... I'll cherish the man that saved me .
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y4wnjunz · 2 years
Tumblr media
c.by x reader
short story based on the song complicated by avril lavigne
you and beomgyu have been best friends since diapers, when you both started college you noticed beomgyu straying away from you, for a new found popularity group. beomgyu thinks that you both can still be friends, until he realizes how far he strayed away from you.
fluff, angst, college au
warnings: cursing, depression, loss of a best friend, lmk if there’s anymore!
tumblr is based on the system of reblogs, show my work some love!
Chill out, what ya yellin' for?
Lay back, it's all been done before
And if, you could only let it be, you will see
you and beomgyu are skating around the city’s skatepark, enjoying the night air, listening to beomgyu rant about how much he deserved the recognition in college. he wants all the friends, go to parties, and get laid every weekend, but being a nobody in high school allows him to be somebody that’s not in that crowd or seen as such. you frown at the boy as he places his board into the trunk of his car and sits down in the driver’s seat. you look down at your beat up shoes, the holy jeans and black zip up jacket that beomgyu had gifted you a couple christmases ago.
“is my love not good enough?” you whisper to yourself.
I like you the way you are
When we're driving in your car
And you're talking to me one on one, but you become
you walk into the campus entrance alone after watching beomgyu put on his fratboy attire and run out the door to hop into yeonjun’s car with three girls and soobin. you frown at the scene in front of you, but quickly shrug it off as you grab your board and skate to school. now you might be thinking ‘why aren’t you stopping him?’ well, easy, i want him to get a taste of what it’s like and if i truly mean so little to him then so be it, who am i to stop him?
you spot beomgyu in the crowd, laughing at some joke one of the girls wrapped around his arm was whispering to him. he looks up at you with wide eyes and stiffens.
Somebody else
'Round everyone else
You're watching your back
Like you can't relax
You try to be cool
You look like a fool to me
Tell me
you roll your eyes at him and walk to your first class, which you have with the three frat boys, beomgyu, yeonjun, and soobin. sitting in the middle of the lecture hall with your headphones in and beating along the tempo on your desk, you see them walk in with the crowd and the professor following shortly after. the boys sit a few rows behind you, laughing and throwing paper at each other. the professor has given up to stop their stupidity. you shake your leg when you hear one of the boys accidentally hit your head and snicker.
“guys. stop, don’t bother her.” beomgyu says. the other two laugh at him and nudge him.
“why do you care for the loser?” yeonjun laughs and soobin covers his mouth.
“i don’t, i just know she has anger issues. i grew up with her.” beomgyu says rolling his eyes.
you stiffen at his words, and grab your things and quietly make your way out the back door of the lecture hall. beomgyu takes notice of your absence and guilt washes over him. the other two wouldn’t stop laughing at beomgyu’s words. as you walk down the hall you look at your phone, when your mom sends you a picture of you and beomgyu when you were just in diapers. a tear trickles down your cheek and before you could notice your phone has splotches of tears on the screen, making the device freeze up. a body sits next to you and holds you.
“y/n i didn’t mean that. i just didn’t want them to make fun of me even more.” beomgyu says with his arm around you.
“beomgyu, it’s fine. you’ve wanted this since our senior year of high school.” you say standing up, leaving the boy behind as you make your way to your house.
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else
Gets me frustrated
Life's like this, you
And you fall, and you crawl, and you break
And you take what you get, and you turn it into
Honesty and promise me I'm never gonna find you faking
No, no, no
the next day, you stay home revising notes that a classmate sent you from all the classes you missed yesterday.
“i can’t believe i allowed a stupid ass boy to come between me and my fucking major,” you say when you accidentally hit the wrong key for your notes. groaning you slam your hands on your desk and stand up. the door bell rings with urgency, debating on whether or not to ignore it, you go with the latter because it could be something important. opening the door you see beomgyu with his shaggy hair over his eyes, with his stupid frat boy clothes on and a duffle bag.
“what do you want beomgyu?” you roll your eyes when you see the boy open and close his mouth clearly not expecting you to just not let him in.
“i- uhh, i just wanted to talk to you about yesterday,” he says adjusting the bag on his shoulders and scratching his neck. you open the door a little wider allowing him to come in.
You come over unannounced
Dressed up like you're somethin' else
Where you are and where it's at you see
You're making me
Laugh out when you strike your pose
Take off all your preppy clothes
You know you're not fooling anyone
When you become
he poses in your mirror with his ripped american eagle jeans hugging his butt. you laugh at him and his ego.
“what? don’t they make my ass look delicious? you know you want some,” he sticks his butt in your face. you grimace and slap him away. he changes into his skater boy attire and jumps on your bed.
“say lets remanence on old times and go to the skatepark!” beomgyu gets says ecstatically, you shrug your shoulders and agree.
“i suppose we could, just know if i hear you shitting on my name again i’ll have your head. like you said, i have anger issues.” you say taking your shirt off and throwing it on beomgyu’s head.
at the skatepark, you ride around like usual and talk about how stupid popularity is and that your friendship should’ve came first. you goof off and laugh as he attempted certain tricks and most definitely failed them.
you smile at him going into the bowl of the park, and doing tricks with other guys.
Somebody else.
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a/n i hope you liked it, this isn’t proof read and i’ll more than likely go through this later on when i get off work! enjoy my friends, show me some love and tell me what you’d like me to write for :)
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kvhasproblems · 1 year
Bite the Hand - Van/Fem!reader
Chapter 2
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Chapter 1, chapter 3, masterlist
Summary: R tries to sort through` her complex thoughts and hangs out with Lottie.
Warnings: reader has like serious comphet and eternalized homophobia for the first bit of this, reader also has religious trauma and shity parents (who even has good parents in this show lmao), regular yellowjackets violence, this is also gonna be like the slowest of slow burns
A/n: This chapter ended up being way shorter than planned but its better this way. Also chapter 3 might take a hot minute to come out because I move out on Saturday… but I’m hoping to get a one shot out sometime this week.
Word Count: 1900
I enter the change room sweaty and exhausted. I head to my locker when I see Van, who is violently shoving her stuff in her bag. I walk up to her.
“Hey, can we talk-“ I start before pushes past me zipping her bag as she leaves the changing room without a word.
“Ooooo what did you do?” Mari singsonged while she strutted over to her locker.
“Leave it, Mari,” Lottie answered for me. “Whatever happened is none of our business.”
“Actually I think it is our business, I mean we are a team and if this is going to affect how we play-“ Jackie said clearly wanting the drama more than anything.
“It’s not going to affect how we play because Y/n is going to figure her shit out!” Tai slammed her locker shut and left not without giving me a dirty look.
Great now she is mad too. Everyone stared slightly shocked by Taissa’s outburst. Before turning to make small talk to the person next to them. I started to quickly pack up my stuff, I just wanted to go home and cry, how did today end up such a mess? Shauna stopped me on the way out the door.
“Van’s never one to stay mad for long, I'm sure if you talk to her you can work it out.” She gave me a small smile.
“Thanks, Shauna.” I returned her smile before heading out the door and walking to the parking lot. My head is spinning, between Tai’s outburst and Shauna’s words of encouragement I feel more confused than ever. I know I messed up but I have no idea how to even go about fixing this. After a few minutes, Lottie joined me unlocking her car.
“Sorry for taking so long.” She apologized while throwing our bags in the trunk.
“No worries,” I mumbled getting into the passenger seat of the car. As Lottie drove I watched the buildings and scenery zip away as we passed as my thoughts continued to spiral.
“So, not to pry but if you wanna talk I’m here.” Lottie broke the silence between us before turning the radio down a bit.
“I’m not even sure what to say Lot, I just know I messed up. I kept saying all the wrong things but the worst part is my parents would be proud of me. If they ever found out that-“ I couldn’t even bring myself to say it. I pause for a second before restarting. “l need to apologize or at least just try to explain myself better but she won’t even speak to me.”
“I’m sure she’s just cooling down, When she’s ready to talk she’ll come to you, just be ready to listen when she does.”
I hummed in response. A comfortable silence fell between us. I fidget with my hands as I go back to looking out the window. I keep telling myself that Lottie is right, plus she always has good intuition with these things.
Lottie dropped me off saying that we could still make cookies later if I was feeling up to it before driving away. I walked in the door and started taking my shoes off. Loud barks sounded through the house as Charlie ran up to me.
“Who’s the cutest boy ever!” I coo at him as he said hello. Charlie had been a gift to me from my Uncle when I was 13. I’ll never forget my Uncle bursting through the front door yelling Happy Birthday with a tiny little ball of golden fur in his arms. Despite my parents not even calling that day it was one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had and though my Uncle has never said it out loud, I can tell he’s always been worried that my parents aren’t home, so I think Charlie was a way for him to always make sure I wasn’t lonely or bored.
My summers with my Uncle and cousins are always my favourite time of the whole year. Getting to go fishing and helping my cousins on the farm just feeling free.
I took off my shoes and went to my bedroom. I was in desperate need of a shower after today's practice. After, as much as I didn’t want to, I had calc test to study for. I pushed play on my cassette player before sitting and pulling out my notebook.
I physically paused when I realized what was playing. It was the mix Van had brought me the last time she was over. I took in a shaky breath trying to get a grip. I opened my textbook and started my homework regardless of the fact that I was completely distracted.
“Fuck”. I pushed my chair away from my desk and stood up. I swear if I look at one more math problem my head's gonna explode. I look at the clock on my nightstand.
Two hours since Lottie dropped me off.
“Yeah, that’s definitely enough math for today.” I sighed packing up my stuff before grabbing my telephone off the nightstand and dialling Lottie.
It rang for a moment before she answered.
“Hey Lottie, should I come over for dinner?”
“Sure, I’ll let Ms. Abby know.”
The Mathew’s maid/hired help Ms. Abby is a very sweet woman and you can see how grateful she is every time I come over, though she would never say I think she worries about Lottie being on her own. My parents fired our permanent maid when I turned 16 stating that I no longer needed a babysitter. Though we still have people come and tend to the yard and house I hate how lonely it gets.
“Thanks, Lot, see you soon,” I say. Lottie says her goodbye before we hang up. I start to get ready packing a small bag with a few things and changing into some jean shorts.
I get to Lotties fairly quickly. We eat dinner and make cookies even if they look horribly misshapen.
We sit on the massive couch in Lottie's basement dimly lit by the TV, wrapped in excessive amounts of blanket. The cookies besides their odd shape are delicious. I grabbed a random tape to put on and it happened to be Jumangi. It had come out in theatres last year and we (Jackie) decided we needed to do some more out-of-practice bonding and Jumangi was the only movie playing with a low enough rating so Laura Lee could come with us. I remember it like it was yesterday giggling and plotting with Van to sneak Laura Lee into a rated R movie even though her parents would never let us hear the end of it. Jackie didn’t let us go through with it but it still made me smile thinking about it.
About halfway through Lottie broke the silence.
“Y/n… would your parents even be around enough to find out if you and Van were…” She let herself trail off. I’ve never truly told Lottie about…me, but she figured it out. She probably knew before I did. At a sleepover last year after Becky’s Halloween party she rolled to face me and whispered into the dark bedroom that she’s my best friend and she’ll always love and support me. I didn’t know what to say then, and I still have trouble even admitting it out loud now.
“I-“ The words seemed to catch in my throat. It’s not like I haven’t thought about it before. Running around in secret with Van. “I’m just scared Lot,” I whisper the confession over the TV. “God... I wish I wasn’t so scared of them, I mean you’re right they wouldn’t even be around enough to know, so why do they get to control me.” I grumble. Me and Lottie have talked about them many times. Our shity parents with their shity rules and expectations that they don’t even bother to stick around and enforce.
“They can only control you if you let them.” Lottie points out.
“You’re one to talk.”
She grabs the pillow and whacks me on the side of the head before erupting into a fit of giggles.
“Oh, it’s SOOOO on!” I laugh grabbing the pillow behind my head.
I drove back from Lottie’s rather late for a school night. ‘Black Hole Sun’ plays quietly as the streetlights zip by. The last time I heard this song in the car was during the ride home from Becky’s party.
I hum as the coolness seeps into my cheek as I rest it on the backseat window. The streetlights pass zip past us like shooting stars. My bones seem to vibrate with the cords of the song. I close my eyes taking a moment to relish in the drunk ride home. Swaying side to side to the chorus of ‘Black Hole Sun’. I feel her weight as she scooches closer practically laying on my side.
“Y/nnnn.” Van pokes my cheek with a drunk whisper. I crack one of my eyes open to see her smiling up at me.
“Vannn.” I singsong back.
“Whatcha looking at.”
“The lights… they are so pretty,” I mumble looking back out at them. They seem to be moving faster like they are spinning around the car.
“The prettiest.” I look to see Van looking directly at me completely ignoring the lights and suddenly it's the funniest thing that's ever happened to me. I’m starting to think I maybe shouldn’t shared that joint with Nat. I sit up and Van slides up with me. The car is really spinning now like some twisted carnival ride. I grab onto Van to try to stabilize myself. I accidentally grabbed her thigh.
“Woah!” She laughs. “Buy a girl dinner first.” It’s only then she sees the look on my face. “Uhhh, Tai!” She calls up to Tai who’s dding and has had to deal with us all night.
“What?” She answers turning down the music.
“I think you gotta pull over” Van warns.
“I think I’m gonna be sick,” I say way louder than I mean to.
As Tai quickly pulls the car over Lottie wakes up in the passenger seat.
“What’s goin'-“ I don’t hear the rest of what she says as I whip open my door and run down behind the car.
The memory bounces around my head. God I had been so embarrassed that Van had to hold my hair back. It makes sense that Lot tried to talk to me when we got back that night. Me and Van had been inseparable the whole party. I pull into the garage of my house as I continue to reminisce. I think of all the parties, the ones me and Lot snuck into in our Junior year where me and Van were always a little too close. All the times we snuck away to a quiet room and shared stolen kisses. All the times she cast her eyes down and pretended not to be hurt when I told her that we were just friends. The way her eyes would follow me around the room as I pretended not to notice or stare back when she wasn’t looking. I think about the way she looked today. Her face set and strong but her eyes so full of sadness and longing. It made me sick to my stomach. I tried to push the memory away. I need sleep.
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juji-han · 2 years
Summer Lovin'
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→ Seungkwan x reader
→ 5.1k words
→ language, mature (17+) theme
→ Seungkwan spends the summer at Vernon’s countryside house, where he meets you. One small town, one house, one love.
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Seungkwan packed his things. In ten minutes, he would be on his way to his best friend's vacation house. It was far, the drive would at least be five hours, and he could feel his legs already cramping up. 
He packed his favorite shirt, shoes, and pants, he wanted to look his best. Maybe he’d meet someone special, everyone knew Seungkwan had been single for too long. He would catch a break from his family, his distant blood asking him, ‘have you got a girlfriend yet?’ followed by an unseen eye roll and a head shake. 
Checking the time, Seungkwan eyes widened, grabbing anything he could out of his drawers and closet, and throwing them in the two suitcases he had open. 
Adding the final things he could, Seungkwan zipped his suitcases shut, accepting the fact that he was going to be missing a few things, maybe even essentials. 
On the road, tires rolling fast against the pavement, came Vernon. He honked his horn twice, arm hanging out the black car’s window. 
Seungkwan’s front door swung open, heavy breaths from trying to safely bring down two of the heaviest things he’s ever lifted, “A little help?”
Vernon, who at first just stared at the brown-haired boy, now gave a tight-lipped smile, swinging his car door open. Making his way around the car, he grabbed one of Seungkwan's suitcases, using his leg to move it over to his trunk.
“What’s in here, man?” Vernon used all his strength, lifting the heavy material into the trunk, Seungkwan following the same. 
Seungkwan arranged his things, before shutting the back and moving to the front of the car along with his friend. 
“Yeah, let’s go.” Seungkwan dragged his words out, monotone, feeling too tired to be giddy. 
Vernon sped off, the five-hour clock starting to tick down. Soon, he’d be in a completely different area, surrounded by people he doesn’t know.
Seungkwan was asleep when they arrived at Vernon’s house. He had missed the scenery that Vernon enjoyed every summer he came there, he had also luckily missed some of Vernon’s swerving.
With a shake to his shoulder, Seungkwan stirred, eyes opening slowly. Night had fallen, and the air was cool, accompanied by crickets chirping loudly and the sound of coyotes yipping and howling.
He got out of the car, taking his things, and following Vernon into the house.
The two stayed silent, Seungkwan sleepily moving up the stairs, ignoring the room with the lights on, lugging his things into his temporary stay, and flopping on the bed. Tomorrow would be a new day and Seungkwan would explore tomorrow but for now, he needed sleep.
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The sun shined past the white curtains, Seungkwan’s room coming to life, compared to yesterday’s darkness. He stirred, the inside of his eyelids red. He raised his arms, stretching and letting out a small whine, his body releasing all of yesterday’s emotions; shaking release. 
He laid still, arms above his head, looking at the beams of light and the dust floating around. 
Creaks were heard outside his door, and quiet footsteps led down the hall to the stairs. Each stair creaked, making the newcomer’s arm hairs stand up. 
Seungkwan sat up slowly, the comforter gathering around at his waist. Getting out of bed slowly, Seungkwan stretched once again, rocking lightly on the balls of his feet. 
The old door squeaked as Seungkwan opened it. It was old, the entire house. The doors were painted a dark blue, slightly chipped from age. The floors were wooden planks and not the cheap kind. Real wood, the varnish stripped and bare.
To the left of Seungkwan’s room was another door. It was closed, showing off a, “Do Not Disturb” sign written in black and white. Across from his was an open door. Seungkwan peered in slightly, revealing Vernon sleeping on his back, mouth opened slightly, still sound asleep. He twitched, hands curling into a fist, as if ready to fight.
Seungkwan smiled, before going downstairs, taking in the small dining area. The kitchen sported green tiles, clean and looking brand new compared to the rest of the house. 
Beside the window, was a small round wooden table, with three chairs along with it. 
That’s when Seungkwan noticed you, a beautiful nondisturbed energy. You held a book in your hands, focused and unmoving, even when the sound of Vernon’s chair scraped against the tiles. Words couldn’t leave Seungkwan's mouth, so he didn’t bother. He acted as if you weren’t there, turning to Vernon.
“Good morning, I didn’t even hear you come down the stairs,” Seungkwan commented. Vernon let out a chuckle, fixing his bedhead. 
Seungkwan’s eyes flickered to you, taking notice of your face. You looked perfect, the sun shining on you, like a spotlight. Your eyes moved slightly, reading line after line of your book. You were a sight, more than eye candy to Seungkwan. He wanted to know you. 
Moving his eyes back to Vernon’s, they met eyes, “What do you guys wanna eat?”
Seungkwan’s eyes moved between you and Vernon, curious as to what your response would be.
You shrugged, the first reaction since Seungkwan sat down, snapping your book shut and looking up into Seungkwan’s eyes before quickly moving back down at the table, “Let’s go to that one place.”
“One down the street?” Vernon asked, rubbing his face and biting his lip.
You nodded, muttering a confirmation, before pushing your hair back, “Let’s get ready and we’ll ride our bikes there. Your friend can use my old one.”
You stood up, chair scraping against the ground, showing your sleeping attire. You wore a sheer white tank top, the cloth clinging to your skin, paired with red and black pajama shorts, tied at the drawstring. Turning around to go up the stairs, Seungkwan couldn’t help but notice the way your shorts moved up, revealing a sight he didn’t want to take his eyes off of.
When you had reached your room, out of earshot, in the corner of his eye, he saw Vernon turn towards him. 
In a hushed voice, Vernon’s lip turned up, “Her name is Y/N.” 
He rested his face on his fist, and he continued, “Pretty right? She's hard to get though. Too focused on other things.”
“Like what?”
“Not sure, but whatever it is, it must be a hell of a thing to make her so unavailable.”
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By the time Seungkwan was finished getting ready, both Vernon and you were outside digging in the shed for bikes. 
The air was dry, with no wind to cool anyone down. Sweat beads were starting to form on Seungkwan’d forehead, making him fan himself, walking to the shed. 
Seungkwan’s eyes naturally moved towards you, your sweat making your skin dewy. You wiped the sweat off your forehead, a heavy sigh leaving your lips.
You grabbed a bike, wheeling it towards Seungkwan, “All yours.”
Seungkwan grabbed the bike, an anxious feeling dancing at his fingertips. Adjusting the seat of the bike, he hopped on, waiting for you and Vernon.
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The place you suggested was a small coffee house. It was secluded and quiet and only the noise of a radio behind the bar was heard. The three of you sat, waiting for someone to take your orders.
Vernon’s head rested on his palm, the other hand tapping away at the metal table. His eyes moved between you and Seungkwan, then around the coffee house, taking in the beauty everywhere. 
“This is a nice place,” Seungkwan spoke up. 
You and Vernon nodded at the same time and the same pace. With a small smirk, Seungkwan thought, They’re the same.
The atmosphere returned to silence, a waitress walking over to you three. 
As the morning went by, a good breakfast and minimal conversation were shared between you three. The return back home was quiet, Vernon and Seungkwan heading inside to get away from the heat, and you going off somewhere.
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Seungkwan sat at the kitchen table, enjoying the night breeze from the open window. He heard the sound of crickets, a sense of nostalgia washing over him. 
He ran his fingers through his hair, the sound of a bike rattle coming closer to he sat. He hadn’t seen you all day, he wondered where you had gone, what you did, if you had fun. 
Your leg swung over the bike, kicking the brake down into the dirt. 
The door swung open, Seungkwan’s eyes following you as you ran up the stairs, the sound of a door closing. He heard the distant sound of water running; the bathroom.
Seungkwan stood up slowly, going upstairs himself. The bathroom’s light shone through the cracks, but the newcomer paid it little mind, going into his room. 
He shut his door softly, sitting at the edge of his bed. He laid back, adjusting himself so that his entire body was on the bed. 
Tomorrow, he would be here, in a countryside middle-of-nowhere house. He would be here with you… and Vernon, of course.
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“Here.” You stood on your toes, reaching for the top shelve of the cabinet. “We stack things like Jenga in here.”
Prior to you reaching for a bottle of syrup, Seungkwan and Vernon made a short trip to a convenience store. Seungkwan insisted on making pancakes for everyone, generous for the room and place to stay. 
Seungkwan had gotten everything he needed, making homemade pancakes. There was a plan, make pancakes and impress you. Short and sweet, except when you came downstairs, dressed in the same white see-through tank top. 
Seungkwan almost burned the pancake on the stove, too distracted by your attire. You wore nothing underneath, leaving Seungkwan’s eyes to wonder. 
You were captivating to Seungkwan. You were like a siren, calling for Seungkwan, his heart, and his mind, only to be forgotten. 
“Making pancakes?” You spoke to Seungkwan. He slightly jumped and snapped out of his thoughts, nodding. “You’re gonna need syrup. You’re not vegan or anything right?”
Seungwan shook his head, muttering, “No.”
That’s when you reached for a bottle of syrup, Seungkwan’s eyes falling down to your revealed stomach. He knew he shouldn’t look, but he couldn’t help it. You were just so… you.
“Do you need help?” Seungkwan asked. Honestly, he wasn’t asking to be kind, he was asking because if you stayed around for another minute, breakfast would be burnt.
“Yeah.” You strained. Retracting your arm, you moved to the side letting Seungkwan move into your previous position. 
You stood behind Seungkwan, facing his back. You watched as Seungkwan’s muscles flexed as he reached for the syrup. 
Seungkwan reached for the bottle, grabbing it, and placing it on the counter. He turned around, giving you a tight-lipped smile, cheeks burning red.
“Thanks.” You returned the smile. “By the way, what’s your name?”
He couldn’t believe you didn’t know his name. It had only been two days but had you really not been around enough to introduce yourself?
“Seungkwan. Boo Seungkwan.” He introduced himself, smiling wide. It soon fell as he heard your giggle.
“Okay, James Bond.” You teased. 
Seungkwan could feel his ears burning. Were you really teasing him right now? Why?
“Well, Seungkwan, I gotta run. Nice to meet you.” 
“Oh, but I was gonna make something for... us.” Seungkwan’s body turned, watching you leave him alone in the kitchen. 
His eyes followed you up the stairs, only to come back down to Vernon.
“What are you making?” Vernon questioned, lips pouting and eyes scanning the ingredients on the table. 
“You’ll see.” Snapping out his thoughts of you, Seungkwan smiled wide. “That means get out the kitchen so I can perform my magic.”
Vernon scoffed, raising his arms and leaving. 
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Midnight had rolled around when you came back. The boys were lounged on the couch, empty cans and bottles on the floor. Ears perked when you opened the front door, both of the young men looking over their shoulders. 
You walked towards the boys, hands resting on the hard sofa back. 
Vernon, who held five playing cards in his hand and a lollipop stick hanging off his lips, was the first to speak, “Where have you been?”
“Out and about, y’know. What are you guys still doing up?” Your hands shifted to Vernon’s hair, pressing your hands together, making a mohawk.
“Playing the very fun game of Go Fish,” Vernon swatted your hands away, fixing his hair. “Could be funner if you joined.”
“Funner isn’t a word, but I’ll make your wildest fantasies come true and play with you I guess.” You smirked.
You walked around the couch, sitting in between the boys. Seungkwan’s cheeks burned, face hot just by you sitting next to him. 
“Deal me in, please. I can’t wait to beat you guys.” You said smugly. The night continued, the three of you playing poker, early hours rolling over your heads. 
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Seungkwan didn’t talk to you again until a week later when Vernon dragged you two outside at night, saying, “The lake is meant to swim in. Let’s go!”
Vernon floated on the surface, arms spread out to his side. His figure was hidden like a shadow, slivers of his abs shown by the moonlight’s reflection on the water. 
Seungkwan sat next to you, palming the sand, creating little towers of sand.  
You sat next to him, legs crossed and face buried in a book. You didn’t sport swimwear like the boys and as much as the boys would love to see you in a bikini, they were also glad. The saving of your skin was something Seungkwan especially would be secretly indebted for.
The sound of water splashing made you look up, and Seungkwan who was staring, snapped his head forward. 
“This is boring, I’m gonna go shower and go to sleep, maybe we can do this another time when you guys aren’t scared,” Vernon complained, water dripping down from his hair and shorts. 
Seungkwan turned towards you again. 
“Should we apologize? I feel bad.”
You looked straight ahead, not completing his gaze, “Nah, Vernon gets a little bummed out sometimes. The lack of completion of his social moments is... unencouraging.”
Seungkwan nodded slowly, turning his head towards your attention. 
After a few moments of silence, the sound of the lake hitting the shore and crickets chirping overwhelmed your ears.
Closing your book, you glanced at Seungkwan before standing up. 
No words were exchanged as you stripped your clothes off, catching Seungkwan’s eyes. He followed your every movement. First, the buttons of your shirt, revealing a white lace bra that hugged your rib cage a bit too tight. Next, the zipper of your jean shorts. You were left in your underwear, a stranger sitting behind you.
“Are you coming in?” Turning around, you extended a hand toward Seungkwan. 
He grabbed your hand, standing up, and following you into the water.
You two waded through the water, slowly starting to swim, still, no words being said.
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“So, do you like her? Or not?”
“I don’t know! I mean, yes I do, but how can I when we haven’t talked longer than a few minutes?” Seungkwan put covered his face. Groaning, he sat down on Vernon’s desk chair. 
“So? Make conversation with her!” Vernon said. 
The whispers of the boys came to a halt, a door creaking making them hush.
Whispering, Vernon scooted to the edge of his bed, leaning closer to Seungkwan, “I’ll go to the store, you make conversation with her, woo her. You’ve only got a month and a half left to get the girl~”
Nodding, Seungkwan took a deep breath in. Vernon left the room, leaving the door wide open. 
In the hallway, you and Vernon exchanged eye contact. Peaking your head into Vernon’s room, you saw Seungkwan sitting with his eyes closed, taking deep breaths in and out.
Stepping in, you quietly sat on the bed, staring at the boy in front of you. Purposefully, you hovered over the bed before forcefully sitting down, making the bed creak. 
Seungkwan’s eyes snapped open, immediately connecting with yours.
“Oh, shit- I didn't know you were in here!” Seungkwan exclaimed. He covered his mouth with his hand, cheeks bright pink.
You smirked, crossing your arms under your chest. The green tank top you wore partly exposed you, and the movement you had made your chest slightly push together.
Seungkwan’s eyes flickered down, before going back up to your lips. 
“Come outside, I have something to show you.” Getting up, you left the room, not waiting for the brown-haired boy. Following behind, you led Seungkwan to a field. The air blew your guys’ hair every which way. 
Sitting down, you tugged lightly on Seungkwan’s shorts. He sat down next to you, “Vernon... he told me something.” 
Seungkwan’s head turned towards you swiftly, his mouth agape. 
“What did he say?”
You shook your head, lips curling into a smile, “It’s a secret.”
Seungkwan felt his ears get warm. Looking down, and bringing his knees to his chest, he felt the urge to yell at you. Why didn’t you acknowledge him? Or didn’t you? You spoke to him like he spoke to his cousins, you spoke to him like he didn’t understand what you were doing.
Feeling the heat on your shoulders and the sun shining in your eyes, you squinted and looked at Seungkwan. 
“How do you know Vernon?” 
“Uh, school. Yeah, we were always in the same classes and we just got... close.” he fidgeted with the edge of his shorts, pulling grass out of the ground. He took notice of the wind and how it blew each blade of grass away, then towards, then away from him again. His hair was going to be messy later for sure, but the thought left as quickly as it came. “You?”
“He’s a family friend.” You tucked your hair behind your ear, before untucking it, self-consciousness seeping into the brightest parts of your brain.
Seungkwan didn’t respond. The conversation died, you both sitting still, hair moving in and out of your faces by the untamed wind.
“Seungkwan.” You called for the boy next to you. He turned towards you, face emotionless.
You leaned in, looking at Seungkwan’s face for discomfort. 
Closing the gap between you two, you pressed your lips against his. You grabbed the nape of Seungkwan’s neck, pulling him closer to you.
You parted from Seungkwan, “Is this okay?”
Seungkwan didn’t respond, kissing you again but harder. He flipped you both over, sitting between your legs.
Kissing you deeply, you felt Seungkwan slide his hands under your shirt. He wanted more. Seungkwan wanted every part of you and he only hoped it was the same for you. 
Seungkwan guided his kisses down your neck, leaving you speechless. 
The day continued on, loud sounds staying hidden by even louder; leaves, grass, birds, and the moaning of you and Seungkwan. 
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You stood at the doorway of Seungkwan’s room. 
“Bye-bye.” You said, smiling wide. Seungkwan smiled back, before kissing you and wrapping an arm around your waist. He pulled you against his body, only letting go when you gave him two light taps on his shoulder.
He pecked your lips once again, “Bye.”
You stepped back, letting him close the door, before turning around and heading to Vernon’s room.
Looking in, you saw his facial expression as he sat at his desk. You moved to his bed, flopping down with your limbs spread out and eyes shut tight.
Vernon, who was fixated on scribbling something, looked behind him, at you. He got up and shook your thigh, “What’s wrong?”
He pushed your arm out of the way to lay next to you, arms crossed behind his head.
“I had sex with Seungkwan this morning,” You spoke quietly. You knew the walls were thin and you knew if Seungkwan heard, he’d be mortified. “It was good but... he’s just here for the summer, no?”
You turned your head to the side, looking at Vernon. Your eyebrows were furrowed in frustration, lips pursed, but Vernon didn’t look back.
“He is. A month and a half, then, back to college,” He said. “Was it worth it? I mean, did... did you mean to do it? Or was it a in-the-moment head-rush thingy?”
“I don’t know! I really don’t know, Vernon,” You cried out. Feeling a shift in emotion, you felt too serious. You raised your hand to your head, mimicking a theatrical fainting woman’s pose. “A shame, maybe I shouldn’t fall in love then?”
Vernon giggled, not moving an inch. You chuckled, before sitting up and straddling him.
“Vernon, what do I do? I think I like him but then, then I get scared. What the hell am I supposed to do?” You didn’t look into Vernon’s eyes, embarrassed that your eyes slightly watered.
Vernon rested his hands on your waist, tapping a rhythm, “You never let yourself have anything. Maybe liking him is a good thing?”
“Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t,” You said. You leaned down and pecked Vernon on his lips. “Thanks, Vernon. I’m gonna go out, wanna come?”
Vernon shook his head, caressing your hair. You got off his lap and left his room, quietly shutting his door to not make much noise.
You slowly walked down the stairs, trying to avoid each creaky spot that you’ve grown to know over the years. 
You had to get out and think. 
You grabbed your bike, riding to a place you found when you were nine.
It was not well taken care of, the library. It was always empty, the books dusty but free. You had made the place your own hide-out. When you were a kid you had always imagined the library was a project for other kids who couldn’t afford books, but then became long forgotten. 
You hopped off your bike, tossing it to the side, and running inside. 
You had really made the place your own, with multiple candles inside and an orange couch with cushions slightly flat. 
You lit the numerous candles, the flickering of the flame making you relax a bit. You grabbed a book from one of the shelves; The Little Prince.
Opening the book to your bookmark, you read off a line aloud, “You're beautiful, but you’re empty. No one could die for you.”
Closing the book again, you laid on the couch. 
As the candles flickered, the wax melted and dripped, and your eyes shut. A thought crossed your mind before entering a deep sleep.
You’re so empty.
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The summer days were winding down and Seungkwan was more eager to spend time with you. 
It was early morning, and the three of you sat in the living room. Your head was rested on Seungkwan's lap. He played with the end of your hair, twirling and untwisting stands around his fingers. 
Vernon sat on the floor, head leaned back onto your thigh, "Can we do something... please?" 
Lifting your head up, you looked at Vernon, whose lips were tugged down into a frown.
"I'm bored!" He whined further.
"Let's go to the river." You suggested. 
Seungkwan's eyes followed you as you stood up and helped Vernon stand.
"Right now?"
"Right now."
You walked outside, leaving the boys to follow behind you.
You grabbed Seungkwan’s bike, walking alongside it, and giving it to him, "Ride me to the river." You spoke low, a small smile on your face.
He nodded, eyes shimmering with wonder, admiration, and care in the light. He mounted the bike, letting you get on, before letting Vernon take the lead.
"Down to the river, we go." Vernon smiled wide, sunglasses that were hanging on his shirt now on his face.
It didn't take you three long to get to the river, the scenery of trees and sunlight poking through the leaves distracting you all. Once you three had arrived, you felt relief and healing.
Tossing your bikes off to the side, you took in the sounds and view. The sound of the water rushing, the current was manageable but quick. The trees slightly covered the sun, dispersing the sunbeams that came through. 
Standing at the edge of the bank, you took your shoes off, rolled your socks off, and tucked them into your shoes. 
Sneaking up behind you was Vernon, who pushed you, inducing a scream as you fell into the cold water. 
"You ass!" You moved your wet hair out of your face, moving towards Vernon and attempting to grab his ankles so you could pull him in the water.
As you and Vernon splashed each other, Seungkwan laughed, taking his shoes and socks off and rolling up his pants.
"Come on, Seungkwan, the water's warm." You yelled out. Vernon turned around to glance at the still completely dry boy.
"Come on, come on, come on." Vernon eagerly spoke, waving his hand. While Vernon was turned around you stood up and out of the water, pulling the both of you back in.
Seungkwan covered his mouth, laughing before walking to the edge of the river, seeing Vernon come above the water with the widest smile he's seen since Seungkwan arrived.
Seungkwan ran away from the edge before yelling out, "I'm gonna jump in, move!"
Hearing Seungkwan yell, you and Vernon swam off to the side, watching as Seungkwan ran and balled himself up midair. 
The cannonball splashed and created waves, pushing you back slightly.
Splashing each other, the day went by, the three of you getting out of the water, and hanging out on the grass.
The sun started to set and the temperature started to drop. The three of you sat close together, knees pulled close to your guys' chests.
"So, Seungkwan," You leaned your head on Seungkwan's shoulder. "What are you gonna do when you go back to college?"
"Mmm, study? I'm working towards my bachelor's. Musicology." He gave you a kiss on the forehead before leaning his head on yours.
Vernon absentmindedly nodded, before resting his head on the bony edge of your shoulder. 
"This was fun. Next summer, we gotta do this again." 
"Yeah," Seungkwan replied briefly. Lightly nudging you off his shoulder, he stood up. "Let's. Let's go home."
Helping you stand, Seungkwan pulled you close, before placing a soft kiss against your lips. 
Vernon made a gagging sound before walking off, "Let's go, lovebirds."
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It was when you three arrived home, that Seungkwan invited you to his room.
You sat on his bed, watching as Seungkwan closed the door softly, doing the same to the loud clicking lock.
Seungkwan moved in front of you, before kneeling down, with hands resting on your knees.
His hands moved slowly towards the hem of your shirt, before lifting it and peeling it off your body. 
Leaning closer, Seungkwan's hands wrapped around your body, unhooking your bra and gently pulling the cloth off, the lace rubbing against your arms. He started low, kissing a path from the space above your shorts to your neck. 
You sat pretty, fingers raking through his brown curls, pulling him closer to your skin. 
Finally, you grabbed his face, pulling him in for a harsh kiss.
"Seungkwan." You gasped.
He didn't respond, moving kisses back down to your jaw; further, sucking dark marks onto your neck.  
Standing up, Seungkwan leaned over you, pushing you onto the bed. His hands squeezed your hips, before moving to the buttons, unzipping your shorts.
"You're beautiful." Seungkwan looked up at you, chin resting on your stomach. His hands squeezed again, eliciting a moan. 
He smirked before pulling your shorts off, feeling the matching lace of your underwear. 
You pulled him closer, another kiss, "I like you."
A smile tugged at Seungkwan's lips, the muscles in his face contorting to joy. When he first arrived, you were cold. This distant person who rather spend the days out somewhere, coming home late at night. He couldn't believed he was here now, hearing the words he so desperately craved ever since he started feeling them himself.
"I like you too."
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It was the morning of Seungkwan’s departure. Both you and Vernon loaded Seungkwan’s things into his car, taking turns lugging things down the stairs.
“Come on, Seungkwan, what the hell is in here?” You used your entire body weight, pulling the suitcase to the edge of the steps. “Would this break if I threw it down the stairs?”
“Do not!” Seungkwan stuck his head in past the front door, yelling at you. You groaned, before yelling for Vernon to take the luggage down. 
When Seungkwan first arrived, Vernon picked him up alone, the two starting a five-hour car ride to a vacation home.
This time, you would tag along. You would sit in the backseat, sticking around for the journey. 
“I’m gonna grab the last suitcase,” Vernon said, walking off. 
You leaned against his car, next to Seungkwan. You grabbed his hand, tightly grasping it.
“How will we keep in contact?” You asked. 
“My dorm has a phone number. I’ll run inside and give it to you when you guys desert me.” Seungkwan joked. You scoffed before watching Vernon peek from behind the door. 
“Last one. Let’s go! Asses in the car!” Vernon yelled out. Listening like diligent children, both you and Seungkwan got inside the car.
Like two months prior, the five-hour clock started winding down.
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Seungkwan stepped out of the black car. It was another summer with Vernon. The same old house, with creaky steps, in an unfamiliar town, with unfamiliar people.
“Hey, stop bringing so much shit here, we sell things here y’know,” Vernon complained. 
Rolling his eyes, he ignored the younger friend. Assisting Vernon with his own things, they walked inside the house.
“Home sweet vacation home.” Seungkwan joked. Vernon sneered, before flopping on the couch. 
Looking around, Seungkwan noticed the emptiness of the house. It was quiet, dust collecting around the place.
Seungkwan suddenly felt pressure around him. Your arms were wrapped tightly around Seungkwan’s waist. 
Turning around, Seungkwan grabbed your face, mushing your cheeks together. He leaned down, giving you a kiss. 
“I missed you so much, my love.” 
“Nuh-uh. I missed you more.” You smiled wide, eyes sparkling. 
Pecking your lips again, Seungkwan laughed, before waddling to the staircase with you still clinging tightly to his waist. 
“Let’s go upstairs,” Seungkwan suggested.
Unwrapping your arms from around his waist, you grabbed his hand and ran up the stairs. 
Running into his room, you laid down on his bed, limbs spread out and taking up space.
“Comfortable in my bed?” Seungkwan teased.
“Super.” You replied, before pulling him on top of you. 
“I think I love you.” You kissed his cheek. 
“I think I love you too.” 
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mctakahashi · 2 years
The dagger squad in Disney world plus Ice
Maverick: would be planning everything, he wants to hit every park twice. They are there for 8 days and have time for everything. He made sure everyone was at the airport on time as in 3 hour early and made sure everyone had snacks and water. He’s also constantly trying to make sure everyone is there, so he makes them were the classic Disney T-shirts with everyone’s callsign on them. He also is the one who decides to get a car for the trip to throw stuff like jackets, shoes, sunglasses, swim suits and other stuff in the trunk of the vehicle. He also is the dad so all his Daggers tend to ask him for food to which he says no to most the time. Even though he’s has everyones stuff, he’s there for himself so he will drink like so and will yell at his daggers also like so.
Ice: Man is not helping Mav one bit. Like at all. He’s the one with a beer in hand as they walk around magic kingdom with no bag and just sunglasses on watching Maverick struggle with all the merch everyone is buying. He’s just there to laugh. He is also the one that is willing to sit out of the ride and look around and book reservations for lunch or dinner at one of the restaurants. He’s also the one when the Daggers ask HIM for food he says sure and tells them to charge it to their Disney bands which is linked secretly to Mavs account.
There are sweet moments where Ice and Mav will watch the fire works or the shows together while the daggers go have fun cause they would care less about the fireworks. (The daggers just wanna get in line and not wait for 50 minutes and the best time for that is fireworks time) Ice also towards the end of the day would help Mav seeing as he’s tired and looks dead. Also Mav and Ice don’t have call signs on their shirts they have mom and dad lol
Phoenix: alright. Only girl. She’s a boss. She doesn’t think like rooster so she denies his “do you need a map” and will follow where she wants to go. She is always being picked on by the boys when ever a princess walks by like “phoenix that’s totally you. A cute princess” she most of the time rolls her eyes but definitely goes up to the princess and takes pictures with them, why? Cuz she’s a bad ass. She’s also the one that love the fast rides. Like rock n roller coaster, or tower of terror, even the Guardians of the Galaxy ride that pulls a few G’s in each turn. She’s also one for collecting those pins. Her and Bob will go up to cast members to trade the pins. She also loves the any water ride.
Bob: Bob is anything but quiet and does accept Roosters map idea and takes one. He’s the one normally guiding Phoenix cause she isn’t the best and so he tells her like “over here is tomorrow land,” “hey look pandora is along that side go to the left.” He is also the one that everyday he has a new Mickey headband. I mean every day. One day it’s the little mermaid and the next he has wall-e on his Mickey ears. He’s also the one that makes breakfast at the condo each morning for them. (Not too Disney related but he does) no one has the soul to say they can get breakfast at the resort so they just accept his pancakes and get on with the day. He’s definitely the reason why Mav is walking around with heavy bags. He makes sure to throw in sunscreen (mav makes sure it’s on everyone) he has hats in mavs bag, he has his two different sunglasses, he has the ponchos in his bag incase one day it rains, he makes mav pack pain killers incase anyone has a headache, he also secretly sneaks in any feminine care for Phoenix cuz that’s what a back seat rider does, he has Phoenixs back!
Payback and Fanboy: These two stick the fuck together. They are always going up to the pair cast members like Mickey and Minnie, Chip and Dale, Sully and Mike, the stormtroopers, just to get sick photos with them. They tend to pair up a lot and drag Coyote along with them too just to pick on him. They are also the ones that will kind of loose the group. Tend to just wonder off. Mostly after food and to try all the churros. They have to try them all. All of them. They are also the dingos who tell everyone to make faces when they get pictures taken during the ride. Or act normal. Or act dead. Lol. They will also be overly nice to the princesses and will get down on one knee and be cheesy. They will also be the ones that will be in the finding Nemo ride and in the aquarium part just staring at the fish talking about how “I’ve definitely swam with that one” and “no Tf you haven’t” these are also the two that are dead asleep on the car ride back to the resort.
Coyote: this man tends to help mav for the first part of the day till mav shoos him away and will then go to Hangman and just chill by his side. He’s just sort of there for the experience. He’s also the one that sings the songs that’s on the speakers as you walk through. He really goes at each song. He’s also the one who has the idea to play the phone Charades. He sucks at guessing but is very well at describing the word. It always makes the 50 minute line waits go faster. He’s also the one that makes everyone stop so he can get a coffee at the Disney Starbucks. He’s also the one that looks at the Disney jewelry. He tends to like it. The bird show. This man the two times he’s in Animal kingdom through the whole trip, he is at the bird show 4 times trying to be part of the show when the cast members asks who wants to join. Sense he’s an adult. They don’t choose him. Ever. He’s been sour ever sense.
Hangman: this man. Always. I mean always. Has the good smelling popcorn in his hands. I mean always. He’s also throwing it at Bob or Rooster. He gets yelled at by ice to knock it off. He’s also the one to take sexy photos of himself in line and make the line go slower cuz of that. He’s also tends to sleep in and maybe joins the group later in the day with Rooster. (If Jake sleeps in Bradley can’t just leave him alone at the resort) he’s also the one that after every day at the park will make everyone get back up to join him at the pool to relax. Mav and Ice tend to like it and get drunk. Hangman will also hit on women in line. “You’re wayyyy to cute to be waitin in line like you are…” or “come on ladies first.” And will let two girls ahead on the group. He also always has a soda in hand. He’s just a soda kind of guy. Everyone also smoochies off of it though. Trying to steal it instead of buying their own. He will only say yes to coyote. He HAS to get the bucket hats at the stores too, he’s a collector. He also goes to the Disney Springs to go on a shopping spree.
Rooster: He’s having a great time though he wished his parents were here. He’s been when he was little with his family. He’s always offering maps to everyone cause he want to hit everything. Even the lame kids tea cup ride. He always crosses out where they’ve been and looks for those cute hidden mickeys. He’s also the one to stay out with ice and mav to watch the fireworks. He’s crying cuz he misses his dad…. Then he’s not. Hangman tends to drag him with him to tower of Terror to try and get pictures without them screaming. Even though Hangman and Rooster stick together they still argue. “This ways faster Bag man.” “No. It’s this way look at your map!” Turns out they aren’t even at that park and they are both wrong. Rooster will tend to also carry a bag for his jacket cause it gets cold later in the day and Rooster hates it. He also will get photos of everything! I mean if the group, the rides, even just some of himself having fun. He also enjoys taking photos with phoenix with the princess. He also enjoys all the star wars walkthrough area before getting on the ride. Same with the avatar rides. He likes looking at the decor and how everything is made. He hates the haunted mansion and tower of terror. Hangman knows this. He knows it well.
The group loves to go to the random character shows and just love watching them. The group also takes professional pictures at every park and will make sure they take at least 3 different poses. They also go to Blizzard a beach one afternoon cuz it’s way to hot. They end up getting kick out because Hangman and Rooster are getting a bit into competing.
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shivunin · 2 years
Hii! 💛 for the wholesome oc ask meme: 3, 11 and 18 for Arianwen because I like her vibes like, a lot. Bonus: 4 for an OC of your choice ✨
Thanks!! I like her vibes, too. She's my murder elf c:
(Here's the ask meme link in case)
3: What is something they really like about themselves and what is something you really like about them?
You know, Arianwen has a deep love of her own body. It's strong, it moves the way she wants it to, she finds herself physically attractive, and she likes to learn new knife tricks. With everything going on, she knows her limits and she always knows that she can count on herself (even if that's the only thing she can count on).
I love so much about her that it's hard to pick one thing. She is so self-confident (to...probably a bad extent) and she is really trying hard to stay hinged when the urge to just kill everyone who pisses her off is just lurking right beneath the surface. Of all my OCs, ironically Arianwen is the one who finds it easiest to just get shit done. With no self-doubt in her way and very little introspection, she's really uniquely suited to the role of Warden. She will slash, slaughter, and snark her way through any obstacle.
11:What is an item of clothing/an accessory that completes them/makes them feel safe?
Hmm I'm gonna do one pre- and post -romance.
At the beginning of her travels, she really clung to her mother's shoes. In a sense, having them with her made it like her mom was still seeing Ferelden with her. Her mother taught her everything she knew and the two of them spent a lot of time throwing knives at targets in their hovel and practicing lockpicking at the general store (with the proprietor's permission---the alienage elves take care of their own as much as possible), so she really missed her mom a lot more than anything else from her old life. Every night, she'd spent more time cleaning and repairing them than she would fixing up her armor or sharpening her blades.
Later, after her very strange courtship with Zevran (I like to imagine them like two birds dancing around each other and flashing their pretty feathers for attention) his earring became very precious to her. She didn't have pierced ears before, so she very loudly asked Shale if she was willing to pierce them until Wynne overheard and offered to "do it the right way." After that, Arianwen would run her fingers over it before making a difficult decision. When he was away after they ended the Blight, the earring was a way to feel connected to him while he was gone.
(She still has her mother's boots tucked away safe in a trunk in Amaranthine, of course, and woe to anyone who disturbs them.)
18: What is their favourite hobby? Would they share it with someone they love?
It might not seem like a hobby, but she actually really enjoys fletching arrows. There's something about cutting the feathers just right, making sure they're placed just so, and knowing that if she has to take out the bow that every piece of her gear is made with care. She would never deign to buy regular arrows and only buys the specialty ones because they're in a hurry. She also likes to pick up exceptionally pretty ones they find on the road, and a good gift for her (I pretend the companions also give the Warden gifts) would be special or rare feathers.
She would (and has!) shared it with her loved ones. Fletching was actually one of the first things she and Alistair finally bonded over because it was one of those things the Chantry mothers made misbehaving little boys do as punishment(she despised him at first and then sort of adopted him as a brother; when he became king she very lovingly assassinated everyone who threatened him, much to his chagrin). Sometimes, noises get to her; when that happens, she stuffs a bundle of feathers into Zevran's hands and they retreat to her tent to work in silence for a while.
(here's Arianwen, since I don't think I ever posted her picrew back when I posted all the other ones:)
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4 (Salshira): What is the thing they like the most about their friends and what is the thing their friends like the most about them? (I'm slapping a read more under this one because this ran a bit long)
Cassandra: She loves that Cassandra has a purity of purpose and faith. Salshira wears a lot of faces, so the idea of just being who she is is a little frightening. She admires that Cassandra is always completely Cassandra.
Dorian: She and Dorian have very similar senses of humor, but drastically different approaches to magic. This is interesting to her because she also favors fire, so she likes swapping strategies and methods with him on long walks.
Vivienne: Salshira and Vivienne are sort of two sides of a coin; both of them are hiding who they really are, but Vivienne wears a mask of composure and Salshira one of charisma and a sort of happy-go-lucky charm. They both know that some of it is an act, acknowledge the necessity of the act, and get on swimmingly. So in short, what Salshira likes most about Vivienne is that she gets the benefit and cost of having to put on a face for other people. Also, Vivienne makes a great cup of tea.
Bull: Spending time with Bull is just easy and she doesn't really have to perform for him. Both of them find other people interesting and humorous, so when they're out they play a lot of games that are essentially just people-watching with more steps. (In another world, she and Bull and Josie are having a great time being a throuple---but that's a whole other story)
Varric: She admires his ability to look at a mass of events and turn it into a narrative with a theme, moral, and end. Especially in the midst of the mess they're living through, she thinks this is a really admirable skill.
Josie: She admires Josephine's skill at maneuvering people into doing what she wants and walking away more or less unscathed. Again, she and Josie are both really good at reading people, but Josie has such a kind and good heart that Salshira can't help but love spending time around her even if they spend all of it talking about serious Inquisition business. Every time she walks away from a meeting with Josie, she can't help but feel refreshed.
In general, her friends appreciate that Salshira is a great listener. Honestly, she would rather talk about anything but herself, so she genuinely likes asking other people about how they are, what they're doing, and so on. But she has a talent for only offering a solution or help when her friends actually want it, and giving them a shoulder to cry on if they need to vent instead.
Salshira also has a kind of mental list of what each of them likes, so after a hard day they're likely to find an extra favorite treat left on their dinner plate, or that their armor has already been cleaned and put away. For example, after the assassination attempt by the House of Repose, she arranged for a whole set of Antivan treats and very fine calligraphy tools to be delivered to Josie's office so she'd have a reason to be excited to be in her own space again.
Thank you so much for asking and for writing all those questions! <3
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ceatt · 1 year
9 Safety Checks to be Made Before You Plan a Long Drive
A road trip is a great way to explore the country and spend time with family or friends. But before you hit the open road, it's essential to ensure your car is in good working condition. After all, you want to avoid running into any surprises while you're kilometers from home. Some tyre care tips can ensure a safe and smooth journey. Use this checklist to make sure your car is ready for a long drive.
Tyre Pressure
Checking your tyres should be one of your first tyre care tips before any road trip. Make sure they are correctly inflated and have enough tread depth. Under-inflated tyres can lead to increased fuel consumption and tyre wear. Over-inflated tyres can cause a loss of control while driving. Uneven tread depth can cause problems down the road, so it's best to get new tyres if yours are getting close to their lifespan. Ensure everything looks good by checking pressure levels first; this will help prevent tyre punctures from happening all too often when traveling across the country. You should also check your spare tyre and make sure it is properly inflated and in good condition. The correct tyre pressure will depend on the weight of your car and the type of terrain you are traveling on. Refer your car manufacturer's handbook or the internet for the correct pressure.
Regular Tyre Care
The most important thing to remember about your tyres is that they need regular care and attention. They can't speak for themselves. So, it would be best to take time out every day (or week) for tyre care inspections before driving long distances. Tyre maintenance is an important safety check before you embark on a long drive.
Spare Tyre
If you're driving on rough terrain, carry a spare tyre. Also, take a repair kit in case of a tyre puncture. A tubeless tyre is also a good option, as you can repair it without removing the wheel from the vehicle.
Spare Key
A spare key can be a lifesaver if you lose your car key. However, you want to keep the spare key in a different place than your regular key. It's a good idea to let someone else hold on to the spare key so that you can get into your car if you ever lose your regular key.
Second Driver
If you are planning a long road trip to a place like Ladakh, it is crucial to have a second driver in case something happens to the primary driver. You don’t want your passengers stranded in the middle of nowhere if something happens to the driver. This is especially important if it is a long or challenging drive.
Windshield Wipers 
You'll be using your windshield wipers a lot while driving. Check them before you leave to ensure they are in good condition and replace them if necessary. Keep an extra set of windshield wipers in the trunk.  
It's always a good idea to check your oil level before taking any road trip. However, it's significant for a long drive. Low oil levels can cause severe engine damage, so top off your oil if it's running low. You should also check for any leaks and get them fixed before you hit the road.
It is imperative to check your seatbelts before you plan a long drive. If you are not wearing your seat belt, not only are you putting yourself at risk, but you are also risking the lives of everyone else in the car. It is important to buckle up every time you get in a car, no matter where you are sitting.
Old Newspapers
If you're looking for a way to clean your windows quickly and easily, try using some old newspapers. The ink on the paper will help cut through the dirt and grime, and the paper itself is soft enough not to scratch the glass. Plus, if you have any muddy shoes, you can use the newspapers as carpets to keep your floors clean.
These are just a few safety checks you should make before going on a long drive. By taking the time to do these tyre care tips, you can rest assured that your car is ready for anything the open road throws. Happy travels!
It is imperative to buy a new set of tyres before you plan a long drive. When tyre shopping, it is vital to consider the vehicle you are driving, the terrain you will be travelling on, and your budget. CEAT tyres are an excellent option for quality, affordable tyres. Once you have chosen the right tyres, visit your nearest CEAT Shoppe to get them fitted. Our experts will provide tyre fitment at home as well. We take care of everything for you, from selecting the right car tyres to ensuring they are properly inflated and road ready.
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veryrealimagination · 2 years
A Little Out of the Ordinary
Day No: 1
Prompt: Unconventional Restraints
Fandom: Murdoch Mysteries
Medium: Fic
Trigger Warning: none
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George and Henry were the first ones on the scene, possible homicide in a warehouse. The place wasn't even touched by constables, which was a touch concerning. Henry had his phone up and searching for answers. "Constables are on route, a couple of traffic accidents are blocking them," he reported, putting his phone back, "About half an hour?" Thinking it over for about forty seconds, George decided that they could still secure the crime scene and search around before everyone else got there. It wouldn't be any different than the last few times they've gotten to the scene earlier than the constables. The kit was in the trunk, so George grabbed it while Henry went to the door and started checking.
The team had a few more issues after remembering their past lives and finding out that some of their worst also did and started targeting them. They weren’t sure if their crime scenes would be traps or recreated memories.
Fuck James Gillies. Llewellyn's still affected after we dug him up.
Henry nodded. The entrance was safe, at least. Workers had been sent home for the day. Even the management wasn't around. That should have been a warning sign, but the two kept going through. The site was easy enough to tell. The blood had dried into a dark shield around the body, limbs twisted unnaturally. If it's Emily today, she's going to have fun. George knew she liked the unusual ones, as her previous teacher Doctor Ogden, in their original life, had been. They didn't dare get closer. Shoe protectors they would need.
George had the camera out, taking a variety of pictures. "I'm not seeing any sign of a wallet," he said.
"Not even an outline?"
"None. Nothing to indicate a cell phone, either."
Henry looked over at the victim. "Doesn't seem like the type to not have one," he said. George nodded in agreement. "You think he works here?"
Scanning him over, George pulled out a few details. Not too many calluses on the hand. Maybe ones related to writing. Glasses, strong ones. Desk outfit, not mechanics. "Office worker, maybe," he said, "But he wouldn't have to lock his things up, so they should have been on him."
Yeah, he would. Henry started looking around. There wasn't a trail leading to the body, and no footprints leading back. However he was killed, the person *possibly* responsible didn't get contaminated. Tilting his head up, he saw a catwalk roughly around the area. If the victim was thrown, it could have come from one of them. "I think he was dropped from there," he pointed out.
George swung the camera around and took a few shots of where he was pointing. "I think the drop wouldn't be enough to produce that much blood," he said, "But we can tell Murdoch. He probably has some sort of study squirreled away."
"Or we can find him a pig and have you throw it. Do you think they were wearing a wedding dress at the time?"
The man turned to his partner, who had a grin on his face. "You know what, it's your turn to wear the wedding dress. We'll ask Ruth if we can borrow hers," he threw back.
Henry shook his head. "Oh, no, Ruthie loves that dress. She plans on passing it down to Jordan."
"How does she know if Jordan will be able to wear that dress?"
"I don't-" His answer was cut off as something smacked across the back of his head. Groaning, he dropped to the floor while someone did the same to George. The shout of pain was almost enough to get him moving, before someone started wrapping something around his legs. Confused, he looked down to see someone in all black holding a tube of something. Another in black helped to move him around so they could continue to wrap him. His arms were forced to the side and he finally saw that it was a warehouse version of cling wrap that he always had issues with when they cleaned up leftovers.
George was experiencing the same thing, the two that were wrapping him up making sure it was tight enough so he couldn't wiggle toward any pockets. The camera was picked up and the SD card was ejected and pocketed. They hadn't been there long enough to even collect anything, but the kit was searched all the same.
No one spoke a word. A body bag was produced and the four humans, because George thought one might have been a woman but their clothing stopped any sort of identification, placed the victim in the bag. Ignoring the detectives on the floor, they walked out carrying the bag.
"I don't think that was supposed to happen," Henry said, wincing at his own voice.
"No shit," George muttered, doing the same. "You're not seeing double, are you?"
Checking himself, nothing seemed to be slightly off. "No. You?"
"No, thank God."
The two tried shuffling around. Henry tried to get over to George, except he would have gone through the blood, and even if it was drying, it wasn't dry enough to touch. George was trying to get to the kit. He remembered a few sharp items in there that could cut through the plastic. Except his hands were also trapped under the plastic. "George, I have a bad theory."
"What if this was a set up?"
That, that was actually a very, very bad theory. And one that made a lot of sense. No one here to meet them, even though someone would have had to call in a dead body. It did seem somewhat staged, with the body not having any footprints around it and the only way for it to have happened would be it being thrown over a catwalk. If that was even correct. The constables that normally secure the scenes unable to get to the location before them. For a good half hour if not more.
Before George knew it, he was panicking a bit. Not exactly comfortable with plastic wrapped tightly around one's chest. "Henry?"
"Don't talk about any more theories until we're out of this."
He nodded, "Good point." His breathing was getting a bit strained as well.
George wished he had a clock somewhere around. Being wrapped in plastic was uncomfortable, and he was never claustrophobic before, but this was tightening around him. Knowing how much longer they would have to wait for backup to come and cut them out. Not to mention the paperwork over a group of individuals that dressed in black, including covering their face. *Murdoch's gonna 'love' this one. Who the hell sets up a crime just to come back for the body and knock out the detectives investigating?*
*Someone that did it to target the detectives.*
That sounded a lot like James Gillies, and he was glad that he hadn't seen Jackson as a fellow officer yet, or Worseley. Or that Llewellyn hadn't joined up. He would not want to be in the room if he ever did that and Doctor Ogden was in the room.
But targeting the detectives? Why did they target Henry and himself? They had joined Murdoch on hundreds of cases, but they normally targeted him. ~~See Gillies, Fellows.~~ They also targeted Doctor Ogden, or former officer Brackenreid. The first, well, the second time someone targeted Llewellyn, they ended up with a scalpel in their back.
"George, are you thinking?" Henry asked.
"Yes. Why?"
"Please, stop, I can hear your breathing getting worse. And I want to hear someone talking other than myself."
He turned to look at the other man. "Really, Henry?"
The two immediately twisted as a new noise came in. They stayed quiet, until a familiar, but unwelcome, face appeared. "Gentlemen," the man said, two possible agents coming in from around.
"Meyers," George said, sighing when the plastic was cut from his body. "You're here before our constables."
He hummed, allowing the two men to stand up. "Have either of you two seen Murdoch or Doctor Ogden?"
Henry was the one to answer. "Not since yesterday. He and Doctor Ogden usually arrive after the scene is secured," he said.
"Which it wasn't yet because your constables are in the middle of two traffic accidents on the way here."
George and Henry both looked at the agent. "What's going on, Agent Meyers?" George questioned.
"An issue with National Security," he merely stated, and motioned for the other two to follow him on the way out.
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eddie-sweetheart · 2 years
Dream Blunt Rotation
Eddie Munson sells weed. Occasionally, he consumes it too - and, when he does, he makes sure to find the best blunt rotation companions that Hawkins can offer.
Or, your boyfriend Eddie is hiding at Hopper’s cabin and you find him getting high with Jonathan and Argyle.
Tropes: Eddie x female reader, smoking weed, Eddie being high.
Warnings: Drug use (duh), swearing, fluffiness. Minors DNI!
Word count: 4.2 k
Author’s notes: This was surprisingly hard to write - I had the concept very clear in my mind, so it all came down to figuring out how to write the interactions, reactions and personalities of the characters and I was afraid to fuck it up lol but here it is! Hope you like it!!
🌹 Masterlist 🌹
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August, 1986. Indiana is scorched by one of the most intense heatwaves of the decade. People are spending most of the time locked inside their houses, half-dressed in front of electric fans set on full speed, or soaking their sweaty bodies in large suburban pools, whose water is never fresh or clean enough, but it really doesn’t matter. Anything is better than enduring the unusual heat that’s been plaguing the whole state for weeks now. 
And that’s good news. With everyone finding refuge from the hot weather either inside or near any body of water they can find, all the streets are mostly empty, except for the occasional car driving towards the nearest ice seller in the neighborhood - and the same is true for the small town of Hawkins. Sure, no one’s really been casually going out and about since spring break and the strange earthquake that has ripped the ground open, but the heatwave has managed to discourage anyone who hasn’t left or moved somewhere else from venturing outside and risking a bad case of insolation. 
With the streets empty and deserted, you and Nancy Wheeler can easily take the road that leads to the woods without being seen or recognized. Keeping Nancy’s Station Wagon windows rolled down doesn’t help much - whatever slow, summer breeze is blowing outside, it doesn’t cool down the inside of the car, which feels like a burning oven. However, with the AC broken and no mechanic left in Hawkins to fix it, feeling the air blow it’s an illusion of freshness worth keeping.
The car finally slows down as you reach the beginning of the path leading into the trees, the roaring engine falling silent after some mechanical sputtering. You and Nancy get out and around the vehicle, shiny rivulets of sweat running down the sides of your reddened cheeks as you lift the trunk cover. 
Two big, brown paper bags are crumpled up in the small space. They feel heavy as you both lift them up, holding them close to your chests so that they won’t break under the weight of their content.
“Got it, Nance?” You ask your friend as she slams the trunk closed with one hand, balancing the bag in her other arm.
“Sure, thanks” Nancy smiles, throwing one last look at the empty road behind you to make sure no one’s seeing you. “Shall we go?”
You nod happily, and you both head into the woods. The first fallen leaves that are scattered on the earthy ground crunch under your shoes as you walk along the path, the hot sun rays filtering through the branches of the trees above you. It’s cooler here, in the shade of the forest, but the weight of the bags and the long walk makes you sweat anyways - as soon as you’ll reach Hopper’s cabin, you think, you’re going to get rid of the button-down shirt you’ve so stupidly worn over your top. 
You and Nancy keep walking for another ten minutes or so, exchanging only a few, almost-whispered words in order not to attract any eventual passer-by’s attention and to stay alert to your surroundings, each crack or movement making your head snap around. 
Once you get off the beaten trail, tall, wild weeds start caressing the skin of your naked legs, the occasional spiky branch grazing the hem of your tennis skirt. Luckily, no harm comes to you (except one little scratch on your left thigh) by the time you finally catch a glimpse of the small wooden cabin through the thick trunks. 
“About time” Nancy groans as you make your way up the short set of rotting stairs - the only part of the building that you and your friends still haven’t fixed despite your efforts to make the place livable once again. “I’m literally melting here”. 
She waits patiently behind you as you fumble with the door handle. Once you manage to get a hold of it without letting anything spill from the bag, you fling the wooden door open - and a gust of a strong, herbal scent hits your nostrils as soon as you step foot into the room.
Hopper’s Cabin has undergone a lot of changes in the past few years. From a barely livable shed mostly used to store boxes full of old, random things, to a small, two-room home where Eleven spent most of her time watching tv and eating Eggos, to an abandoned building with a few holes in the ceiling after the mind flayer attack, it transformed and adapted to what you and your friends needed, without ever losing its main function: being a safe space.
And it was exactly the safety of it that made Hopper’s cabin the most reasonable choice when it came to deciding where to hide Eddie Munson.
Resident metalhead and guitarist, super senior, soft drugs dealer, Dungeon Master, alleged murderer and most wanted man in Hawkins, Eddie sure had a lot on his plate after the whole Vecna thing, whose unexpected and terrifying events (cue Chrissy’s murder, the satanic panic frenzy, the double trip to the Upside-Down, the earthquake) still haunt you and your friends to this day. Thankfully, now that Jim Hopper is back from the dead and working with the authorities, the chances of Eddie being able to prove his innocence in the matter of the Spring Break killings have drastically improved - but you all agreed that in this case an angry, unknowing mob could be more dangerous than a special forces squad that has been informed about what’s really going on beneath Hawkins’ surface.
This means that Eddie has spent the last few months surrounded by the same four wooden walls, which yes, is totally boring and “fucking exhausting”, as he usually says - but it also means that for a while he doesn’t have to worry about the plethora of labels that have been stuck to him. Except for one, which luckily happens to be his favorite: your boyfriend.
You and Eddie love each other to bits. It started long before Vecna, in the Hawkins High corridors and noisy cafeteria, in the woods behind the school and on long walks at sunset in the suburbs. It was a love that bloomed naturally and intensely, a love that was blind to prejudice and the cruel social conventions that ruled the microcosm that is high school - a love that the latest events have only made stronger and more resilient. Sure, you have your differences and arguments like any other healthy couple, but yours is a special bond that inevitably makes butterflies flutter in your stomach every time you’re about to see him - just as it’s happening right now.
You’ve been meeting Eddie at the cabin every day since he moved there, sometimes with one or two of your friends to help you with the groceries refill - this week, it was Nancy who offered to come. These daily visits have turned out to be a great excuse to have some alone quality time together, in spite of it being a forced stay; your company and weed are the only things keeping Eddie sane right now, as he likes to remind you almost all the time, and judging by the strong smell and faint layer of smoke that are pervading the living room as you and Nancy step inside, today is a lucky day, as he’s getting them both.
However, you soon realize that the company might actually be already covered.
“Eddie, we’re here!” You call out as Nancy closes the door behind you, but your eyes widen in surprise once you notice that, indeed, he’s not alone. 
“Yoooo y/n, ‘sup?” Argyle replies with a wide, red-eyed smile from the old, tattered sofa, where he’s sprawled next to a definitely stoned Eddie.
Eddie turns his head around and once his gaze meets yours, a loved-up grin slowly creeps up on his lips. If his pupils were dilated before you entered his vision, now they have turned to two dark pools the size of coat buttons.
“Sweetheart” he says, throwing one arm over the backrest of the sofa, his metal rings catching the sunlight that’s peering through the curtains as he moves his hand towards you, “c’mere. I missed you”.
Even if Argyle’s presence definitely took you by surprise, you can’t help doing a double take at Eddie, a faint blush arising on your cheeks as you catch a glimpse of him from behind the sofa. The fan that’s moving back and forth in the corner of the room doesn’t help much with the high temperatures of late summer, which are making Eddie’s skin glisten with a faint layer of perspiration, somehow defining the muscles of his arms and torso exposed by his favorite Metallica t-shirt - whose sleeves have been replaced by two giant holes cut by Eddie himself, just as he did with the short sweatpants he’s wearing. 
His hair is slightly damp, probably from a recent shower, and it tickles your cheek lightly as you lean down to him to plant a soft kiss on his open lips, briefly tasting and smelling the weed - which brings your focus back on Argyle, your mind trying to do the math: if today is Tuesday, wasn’t he supposed to take the flight back to California with-
“Jonathan?” Nancy echoes you as soon as she notices her own boyfriend emerging from the kitchen on your right, barely balancing a small plate filled with chips and a bowl of eerily brownish guacamole.
“Nance!” He exclaims, almost losing his balance as he stumbles towards her and clumsily places a soft kiss on her cheek over the grocery bag she’s still holding. “Surprise! I’m still here!”
You and Nancy exchange a stunned, speechless look before she snaps back to reality and starts throwing a million questions at Jonathan, who has now taken his place back on the sofa, next to Argyle.
“Why aren’t you at the airport?” Nancy interrogates him as she places the paper bag on the kitchen counter before standing in front of the three of them, hands on her hips as she blocks the sight of whatever TV program they were watching. “You’re going to be late, and you’re going to miss the flight, and then what will Joyce-“
“Dude” Argyle warmly interrupts her, palms up as he keeps smiling at her, “you can totally chill. My man here is not catching any planes aaaany time soon”.
You place your own bag on the kitchen counter and get rid of the sweaty button-down on top of your t-shirt in silence as you and Nancy try to make sense of what Argyle has just said - while you also wonder why he’s just referred to Nancy as “dude”. 
“Nance” Jonathan intervenes, throwing a mouthful of chips and guacamole in his mouth, “we’re staying. My mom doesn’t want to leave Hopper, and El and Will hate the school in Lenora, plus there’s the whole earthquake thing… so, yeah, we’re staying”. 
Nancy looks bewildered for a second, then her expression finally relaxes and warms up. “Really?”
“Really” Eddie, Argyle and Jonathan exclaim in unison as rivulets of thick smoke curl up in the air from a huge joint sitting in the ashtray on the coffee table.
“I, uh- that’s great” Nancy says with an unexpectedly timid smile, taking a few steps towards Jonathan and leaning down to carefully kiss him back on the cheek, trying to avoid all the chip crumbles that are scattered on his lips. “I was kind of hoping for it”.
“And guess what, Wheeler” Eddie adds, slapping his palms on his naked thighs and interrupting the fond gaze between Jonathan and Nancy, “our friend Argyle here is staying, too” he declares, placing one hand on Argyle’s shoulder, an unhinged grin plastered on his lips as he shakes the long-haired guy back and forth. 
“Sure I am” Argyle confirms, nodding just a few too many times as he grabs the joint from the ashtray and takes a long drag, “My mission is to convince my boss to open a Surfer Boy Pizza here in Hawkins”.
“Good luck with that” Nancy replies, heading back towards the kitchen to help you put away the groceries; by now you’ve both realized that it’d be useless to ask the others to collaborate.
“What’s the difference between this Surfer Boy Pizza and normal pizza?” Eddie asks, gesturing wildly with one hand while he grabs the blunt Argyle is offering him with the other.
“Dude, are you kidding?” Jonathan replies, passing his weird-looking snacks over to Argyle, “you’ve never had a Surfer Boy Pizza?”
“Never been to California, man” Eddie states, his voice a little hoarse as he puffs out some smoke. 
“They have it in Nevada too, my dude. You’re welcome to any state, just say your old friend Argyle sent you - I’m sure there must be a discount or shit. And be ready to taste the most amazing pineapple pizza you’ve ever had in your life” Argyle explains, “and if you want it at home, we deliver it hot to your door”. 
Eddie nods enchanted, his curly and now almost completely dry hair bobbing up and down as he passes the joint over to Jonathan. 
“And the vans, man” Jonathan adds with a dream-like tone, “the vans are incredible. They are so big inside, and run faster than you think. And the surfboard on top? You can see it coming from a mile away”.
Back in the kitchen, you and Nancy exchange a startled look.
“Guys” you exclaim, unintentionally slamming the cupboard closed with a bang, “how exactly did you get here?”
Three heads spin around and three pairs of reddened eyes look at you two with wonder. 
“We drove” Argyle replies, his wide smile still glued to his lips. 
“We walked” Jonathan says at the same time, throwing a confused look at his friend. 
“Multitasking. Shit, that’s crazy” Eddie absentmindedly exclaims, crossing his hands behind his head and leaning back on the couch, his shirt slightly riding up and exposing his happy trail. 
You take your eyes off of him (not without some degree of difficulty) and you address the other two with a worried look, mirrored by Nancy. 
“Guys” you slowly begin, making sure that they understand your every word, “did you drive here with the pizza van? Because if you did and someone saw you, we might be compromised”. 
Eddie almost jumps up from his seat then, going from a relaxed resting moment to hissing a million “shit shit shit” as he frantically looks back and forth between Jonathan and Argyle - but Argyle himself interrupts him immediately. 
“Chill, dude” he explains, adjusting his baseball cap backward, “we obviously thought of that, so I came up with a great idea”
Jonathan nods enthusiastically, a single drop of sweat glistening on his forehead - whether it’s from the tension or the summer heat, you will never know. “Great idea, yes. Genius, really” he chips in, apologetically smiling at Nancy. 
“We drove the van into the woods” Argyle explains, now directing his grin at you, “then left it among the trees, veeeery well hidden, and we walked the rest of the way”. 
Silence fills the cabin once again as you quizzically look at the stoned trio. Eddie slumps back into the sofa with a relieved sigh, accepting the blunt Jonathan is handing back to him and taking another long drag, while Argyle is still smiling at an undefined spot somewhere between you and Nancy. 
“You better hope it worked” Nancy finally states, pointing a finger at the boys before turning around and going back to the groceries, shaking her head in amusement and surrender. 
“Jesus” you sigh, grabbing the last items from your bag and putting them in the old fridge, “those three together are a real menace”. 
“You bet” Nancy replies, “but there’s not much we can do except keep them as they are. And minimize the damage, of course” she concludes with a smile, neatly folding the two paper bags and putting them away in a drawer. 
“Got to agree here” you reply, pushing yourself up to sit on the counter after grabbing a round carton box you’ve left out on the table and two big spoons. “Ice cream?”
Nancy flashes a big smile at you, taking one of the spoons you’re offering and leaning against the counter beside you. “Yes, please” she exclaims as you open up the box. You both start eating, occasionally eavesdropping on the conversation that’s being held a few feet away. 
“I’ve just had an idea” Eddie exclaims, dropping the half-smoked blunt in the ashtray and sitting up straight as if he’s about to make a whole speech. “If you leave the pizza van here in the woods, we could be… neighbors” he tells Argyle, who slowly nods in appreciation.
“Yeah, dude, that’d be so cool” Argyle replies in awe, “we could renovate the whole thing, put on some fairy lights…”.
You and Nancy hold back your giggle at the thought of Argyle setting up twinkling lights in his pizza van. 
“And we could put the old sofa we have in our garage out in the front” Jonathan adds, stealing the last chips from the bowl still sitting in Argyle’s lap.
“Shit, that’s perfect” Eddie exclaims, his mischievous smirk back on his lips as he looks at the other two with a gaze full of complicity, “we could spend the nights out in the woods, with a fire and shit. Smoke, maybe, and play D&D”.
“When did you become such an outdoor person?” You call out at Eddie with a smirk after a spoonful of ice cream. 
Eddie slaps one hand on his chest, right over his heart, looking at you with a wounded grimace from the couch. “You wound me, princess” he exclaims with a pout, “you know I miss the fresh air”. 
“Fair point, sweetheart” you concede, and his smile immediately comes back to light up his face at the nickname you used. 
“What’s D&D?” Argyle asks, and you, Nancy and Jonathan immediately roll your eyes. 
“Heeere we go” you mutter, going back to your ice cream, but you can’t help a smile from creeping up on your lips as you catch a glimpse of Eddie’s passionate and excited gaze at the mention of his favorite game. 
“It’s like, the best game ever, man” Eddie states before solemnly clearing his voice. “Dungeons and Dragons. A game for brave adventurers, for those with unbounded imagination, a world of fantasy and magic that will turn you into a heroical knight, or a cunning thief, or an evil wizard”.
Argyle stares at him in awe, his eyes dreamily following each movement of Eddie’s hands. Even Jonathan has stopped eating, his mouth agape and his attention completely grabbed by Eddie’s theatrical recounting of the game’s rules. 
“Shit, dude” Argyle eventually exclaims, elbowing Jonathan in the side once Eddie’s finished explaining how a campaign works with a satisfied final declaration of D&D’s many qualities, “you’ve never told me about this stuff. It’s sick as fuck, dude”. 
“That’s because I don’t play” Jonathan simply replies, “but Will and Mike do”. 
Argyle shakes his head in disbelief before addressing Eddie again. “Dude, we have to play” he eagerly proposes, “when the van is set. It’s perfect, man, and we could set the mood with some of my special Purple Palm Tree Delight. Shit, that would be so incredibly cool.”
“I’m in, man” Eddie agrees, offering his hand and grabbing Argyle’s in a tight shake. “We need to start thinking about the campaign”. 
“You could go for aliens this time” Nancy jokingly suggests as she places her spoon in the sink, “change it up a bit”. 
“Woooah” Argyle laughs in surprise, “aliens? We can do that?”
Eddie solemnly nods. “Sure as hell. We can do whatever we like. We can have aliens, or dragons, or ghosts even. Maybe” he continues, standing up and starting to pace around the room, making you almost see the little gears in his brain running and working, “we could have a village that needs to be saved from monsters coming from the sky. Nobody knows what they are, or why they are there, and maybe there’s a princess hidden in a tower that knows the secret to fight them” he explains, and slowly his gaze moves in your direction as he continues the story he’s creating.  
“A princess whose hair catches all the sunlight and the moonshine, whose eyes are the color of the forest, whose voice is heard singing every day at sunset, and whose heart is made of all things sweet and golden”. 
He utters and mumbles all those words with his reddened, watery eyes locked on yours, and once he stops talking everyone is looking at you as well. You blush lightly and try to casually look away as you climb down the counter and wash the ice cream stickiness off of your hands in the sink. 
“Dude” Argyle says, his brows furrowed as he moves his gaze back and forth between you and Eddie, “did you just describe your girlfriend?”
Eddie’s face suddenly turns purple, and as you try to hold back a chuckle - the result of a mix of amusement and slight embarrassment - he starts stammering with no sense whatsoever. 
“No!” he exclaims, but he bites the word back as soon as it’s out. “No, I mean, yes, but uh, not really - like, shit, yeah she might be a little similar to y/n but uuuuh… god, okay!” He finally admits, surrendering to Nancy’s unimpressed stare, “okay, yes, y/n is my muse. I admit it. She’s beautiful, and inspiring, and I love her very fucking much.” He admits, and his unease slowly turns into… pride? 
“I mean” Eddie adds, moving slowly across the room towards you, wavering a bit as he walks, “have you guys seen her?”
You blush timidly as he leans against the counter beside you, slipping an arm around your shoulders. “I mean, for this little one right here” Eddie states, his loved-up, big eyes staring down at you, “I could plan a thousand campaigns and write a million stories”.
In spite of the summer heat that’s pervading the cabin, you shiver at the touch of Eddie’s skin on yours. Feeling his body beside you never fails to make your own feel a certain kind of way, and you try your best to hide it behind a casual expression - without much success, however, as you can't help but stare back at Eddie and get lost in his eyes, the strong scent of weed now close, intoxicating and… exciting. 
“Okay, guys” Jonathan awkwardly intervenes with a cough as he, not without difficulty, stands up from the couch, “I think it’s best if we go now”. 
“Yeah, uh, right” Argyle echoes him, getting up as well and making his way towards the door while mumbling his goodbyes. 
“Not so fast” Nancy interjects, quickly putting herself between them and the door. “Keys, please. I’m driving you two home”.
Argyle looks at her, confusion clouding his face. “But isn’t the van home? Like, next door?”
You chuckle out loud this time, and even if Nancy is trying to stay as serious as she can, you can spot the same laughter behind the curve of her lips. 
“Not yet, dude, sorry” she replies, extending her hand and flexing it twice, motioning to Jonathan to hand her the keys to the pizza van. 
After a few tries, as he first hands her his headphones and then a battered lighter, she finally gets a hold of them and turns towards you for one last time. 
“Behave, you two” she half-jokingly states as she points a menacing finger at you, but the flicker in her eyes and her soft smile easily chase away whatever seriousness is left in her for today. “I’ll see you tomorrow, y/n?”
“Sure. Thanks for helping me with the groceries, Nance” you reply with a single nod and a grin, leaning just a little more into Eddie’s side. 
With a final goodbye, your friends leave the cabin, Argyle throwing one last wink in your direction as he closes the door behind him - and now, you’re left alone with Eddie. Finally, you might even say. 
“Sooo” he begins, cornering you as he turns to face you, his arms at your sides with his hands flat on the warm surface of the counter, “we should behave, huh?” He asks you with a smirk, his long hair tickling your neck as he leans down to kiss your exposed collarbone. 
“Yeah, I think so” you reply, your voice already strained as his lips move up to meet yours in another sweet, sloppy kiss.
“I guess that Wheeler won’t mind us not wasting the good stuff then, right?” He then continues, almost in a low whisper as he nods to the now smaller joint that’s been left in the ashtray. 
“I think that’s quite responsible, yes” you nod in agreement, matching his mischievous smile as he scoops you up with a swift motion and brings you to the couch, ready to spend the rest of the day with his dream blunt rotation - you. 
Hope you enjoyed this one shot :) Feedback is always welcome!
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takecareluv · 2 years
laguna beach || vinnie hacker x reader
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since she was a little girl, y/n adored everything about the beach. the everlasting sound of waves crashing upon the shore, washing up all sorts of unique shells, rocks, and critters. the slight breeze the water provided, keeping her cool on even the hottest days of summer. and the saltiness that remained in the air, letting her know she had finally arrived at her favorite place. 
she didn’t even mind the sand, which most people often complained was the worst part of the beach due to its tendency to end up absolutely everywhere: in shoes, bathing suits, cars, even on food. but y/n didn’t care, to her that was the remnants of a day well spent. 
sadly when she moved to sunny calfornia at the young age of eighteen, she didn’t take advantage of it as much as she had hoped. although y/n had access to a coast full of beaches 365 days out of the year, life got busy as it always does, and soon enough it had been six whole months since the girl had last set foot on the warm sand she loved so much. 
that is, until this weekend. 
sat in the passenger seat of the decked out yellow car, the windows down, hair flowing freely in the wind, with sunscreen, bathing suits and all other essentials packed in the trunk, y/n was on her way to laguna beach alongside her boyfriend and closest friends for a spring break vacation, although none of them were in college. 
it had recently become a rarity for her friend group to have a time when each of their hectic schedules lined up so they could hang out for more than just a couple hours. with that being said, y/n couldn’t be more thrilled for this mini vacation. no meetings, no work, and no obligations other than to relax and spend time with her dearest friends.  
following a short trip down the winding roads off the california coast, the group finally arrived at the charming home they would be staying at the next couple of nights that included a beautiful view of the ocean.     
not wanting to waste a single second more, y/n hopped out of the car as soon as vinnie put it in park and sprinted towards the airbnb, wanting to get on the beach as soon as she possibly could. 
vinnie chasing shortly behind her, yelled, “what’s the rush, baby? we got all weekend!” 
“i know, i’m just so excited to be back. it’s been too long, i missed it.” 
“we’ll c’mon then. let’s go get our bathing suits on and we’ll spend the rest of the day out here.” 
y/n was so excited by his words. running towards him, she was quick to jump on his back, almost knocking him off his feet as he was attempting to carry both of their bags, demanding a piggyback ride the rest of the way to the house. 
after finding the bedroom the couple would be sharing for the weekend, vinnie placed their bags, along with his girlfriend, on the ground as y/n rummaged through her neatly packed suitcase in search of a particular bathing suit. once she spotted the dainty floral printed bikini, she slipped it on knowing it was a personal favorite of her boyfriend’s, throwing on one of vinnie’s old t shirts over top. 
even getting ready for the beach might have been one of y/n’s favorite things. no need to do hair and makeup, or even find something cute to wear, all you needed was a swim suit, some sunscreen and you were set for the day. couldn’t get any easier than that. 
as soon as vinnie was finished putting on his swim trunks, the pair walked down the stairs to meet the rest of their friends clad in similar apparel. 
before heading out, y/n grabbed several bottles of water, all the makings for sandwiches, along with a few snacks for everyone, stuffing them into her already full beach bag so no one had to worry about coming back to the house at all during the day. 
once the group agreed on the perfect spot to settle at that had not too many people nearby but was still close to the water, everyone dropped their bags, laid out their towels, and stripped into nothing but their bathing suits. 
vinnie immidetely wanted to go in the water, begging his girlfriend to join him while all she wanted to do was tan for a little bit and dive in to her newest read. however, vinnie being as persistent as he was, would not take no for an answer and eventually picked y/n up into his arms, making a run for it towards the ocean. 
“vinnie, no. don’t you dare! put me down!” y/n screamed, trying to wiggle her way out of his arms.
but of course vinnie ignored her pleas as he continued straight into the water, y/n bracing herself for the cold water to hit her body as he threw her in. 
“i hate you,” she exclaimed as she came back up to the surface, brushing through her now wet hair with her fingers, trying to get it out of her face. 
“you could never,” vinnie simply responded, swimming closer to where y/n remained to hold her up as she wrapped her arms and legs around his body, kissing the boy. 
now that she was already in and soaking wet, y/n decided to stay in the water with her demanding boyfriend for a little longer, forcing him to play mermaids with her as they chased each other around like children.
eventually, she became cold, wanting to take a break from the ocean to continue her original plans of tanning and reading. getting out to water, the couple walked hand-in-hand back to their friends, where they shared a towel and chowed down on y/n’s homemade sandwiches. 
“this is the best sandwich i’ve ever eaten. no one makes them better than you, baby.” vinnie complimented his girlfriend on her apparently exquisite sandwich making skills.
“thank you, vin, but it’s just peanut butter and jelly. a literal child could make it,” she laughed.
the group stayed out there for a couple hours longer, going back and forth between the ocean and sand, appreciating the lovely weather. 
vinnie and y/n not did not leave each other’s sides the entire day. whether it was in the ocean, splashing each other with water. or back on the shore, laying close on their shared towel, heat radiating off their bodies as y/n read her book aloud so they both could enjoy it.
ultimately, they all decided to head back to the house when it started to get cooler out at around four o’clock to shower and get ready for dinner. 
y/n and vinnie jumping into the shower together because as vinnie liked to say, it saved water. they both washed off any remaining sand that was stuck to their skin and took turns washing each other’s hair and body. 
after exiting the shower, y/n changed into the new sundress she recently purchased for the trip, while vinnie wore a white button down with navy pants to match. 
“you look absolutely beautiful, sweetheart.”
“you don’t look so bad yourself,” she smiled back at him, kissing his cheek before grabbing his hand and heading back downstairs to wait for everyone else to be ready. 
once everyone was all set to go, they walked down the street to a little, family-owned restaurant y/n had read about online that apparently served the best meals in the area.  
savoring the crazy amount of food and drinks ordered by the group, they spent the rest of the night laughing and telling stories as the sun went down. 
a wonderful way to end the perfect beach day, y/n thought. she couldn’t wait to do it all over again tomorrow. 
a.n. i started this a few weeks ago when vinnie & his friends went on that trip to laguna. i kinda rushed the ending bc i just wanted it out of my drafts lol so hopefully it isn’t too awful. i really just wanted to write something, i've missed it. 
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