#making me cry over anakin like it’s a full time job
xzaddyzanakinx · 7 months
Not That Kind of Guy
Part Three: Stalker!Anakin Skywalker × femme reader series
Warnings: stalking, weirdo behavior, psychotic/delusional behavior, possessive/protective, sexism/misogyny, one-sided relationship, menstruation, sexual content, pervy behavior, male masturbation, murder, serious illness, needles [eventual warning for smut; be sure to pay attention to future warnings in the series]
Info: Anakin loves you SO much that he’s disgusting about it. He’s extra delusional. Anakin doesn’t love drama HE IS the drama. He's still a massive Perv [diary entries from Ani] MDNI 18+
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Diary Entry: June 27th
I came to the diner tonight, I love to see you wait tables. You’re so kind and sweet, even to the assholes and shitheads that don’t deserve to breathe your air. Your beautiful smile, those pretty eyes and how you bat those long lashes, that bell-like giggle you pull for those nasty old men’s jokes.
I know it’s not real, but it’s fun to watch you pretend baby. And just as fun to listen to your annoyed retelling of your night when you get home. Gods I could just listen to you talk for hours. Watching your face change as you speak, the acute movements of your eyebrows and lips that tell me how you really feel.
You’re just like me, more than you know.
I ordered some coffee, sat at the bar one of those red spin-y stools, and listened to your sweet lilt tell lie after lie to your customers.
You’re a busy, busy girl aren’t you princess?
Sorry for the messy writing, it was difficult not to laugh as I wrote these little white lies of yours.
1. Saving up money for a car: true, but doesn’t get you good tips
2. This is your second job and life on your own is just real hard: I’m amazed that this one works as well as it does, really pulling on those old lady heartstrings huh?
3. ‘Sorry guys, I’m just- having a hard day. You understand right?’ *sniffle* the only thing those guys understand is the masculine urge to stop a girl from crying and if shoving a few extra bills under their dirty plate makes your day ‘better’, they’re gonna do it.
I don’t know how you continue to use that one on those poor fools, it’s always the same few guys too. They really think you’re something special huh?
You are of course, very special. But they don’t know you like I do. They don’t know that you’re full of shit. I know for a fact you had a really good day. I was there.
You cheeky little minx.
4. Your mom is out of work and you’re helping her out: your mom is out of work, but you’re definitely not helping her out. She wouldn’t take your money if you offered it. (You wouldn’t offer it over your dead body.)
Can’t blame you for this little lie though, your mom really is a piece of shit. Exploit that bitch all you want, she deserves it. I’ve seen those nasty posts she made about your friend. All that because he’s gay?
Oh no! It’s contagious! It’s the vaccines! Gluten!
Come on lady, it’s 2023.
5. you’re getting married! I fucking wish. But, not yet princess, you won’t need to worry about anything when it’s time for that. Thats what I’m here for, I’ll make sure you get everything you want.
6. ‘It’s on the house honey.’ I was so jealous hearing this one for the first time. You’re just absolutely rotten aren’t you? Refills are free.
You’re perfect for me and you don’t even know it.
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Diary Entry: June 28th
Angelic. Cherubic. God-kin.
A biblical beauty if I’ve ever seen one.
The way your hair creates a halo around your face. Tendrils gracing the soft contours of your cheeks, the twitch of your nose when you shift just alittle too much and a strand tickles it. The subtle pull or purse of your lips that tells me you’re deep in the land of dreaming.
Sleep is one of the most basic human needs. It’s not meant to be as glorified as you make it, but somehow you do.
It’s intimate. They way your breathing slows and your body melts into the soft hands of sleep. It’s an event that I’ve been graciously given the opportunity to witness.
It was so, so, so worth waiting for.
SleepyTime Tea, a cute name and of course perfect for my purposes. You drank a cup almost every night. It’d been on my mind for a while and I figured… it couldn’t hurt to open it up and help you get an even better sleep.
Now that I’ve had the privilege of seeing an angel at rest… well I don’t think I could ever witness anything more breathtaking.
Except for maybe your sweet little pussy.
I checked and double checked the measurements on those sleeping pills I promise. I would never ever hurt you sweetheart. I was so anxious, trying to make sure I got the mixture perfect.
It worked like a dream. Didn’t it?
Damn right it did. Worked well enough that I was able to tuck your hair behind your ear and kiss your forehead before I left.
I also did you a little favor or two as well while I was there. It wasn’t a completely selfish visit.
I replaced an old beat up scrunchie, it was past time for you to retire it in my opinion. Now it’s serving a better purpose: squeezing the base of my cock while I fuck my fist to the sounds of your desperate moans, both of us needy for a never quite satisfying finish. If only I had the courage to open that door.
You need a man sweetheart. You need me. Those toys of yours just don’t hit the spot for you do they? Hurts my heart that it takes you so long… and I know it’s not on purpose. I can tell the difference.
Nothin’ can mimic that sinful feel of flesh on flesh.
I took out your bathroom trash, I know you hate doing that. And maybe I accidentally knocked your toothbrush off the sink.
Sue me.
But I promptly rectified the issue, I just so happened to notice you were out of brush-head refills a few days ago and came prepared. You’re welcome baby.
I also purchased the same brand of brush that you have.
Reduce, reuse, recycle.
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June 29th
You woke up, rolling out of bed at 9:30. An absolutely ridiculous time to be awake on what was meant to be a lazy stay at home day. But alas, you are a good friend, and good friends go through with their plans.
Even if you made those plans a month ago and completely forgot them.
Your cat laced it’s way through your legs while you stood on unsteady feet. You’ve really gotta stop with the caffeine, it’s definitely not normal for someone as young as you to wake up with the shakes. But you’re a creature of habit and an absurd amount of sugar and caffeine were included in those habits.
Staying true to those habits you made your way to the bathroom across the hall, absentmindedly grasping at air for a few seconds before realizing your toothbrush wasn’t where you always left it. With a frustrated groan you looked around and saw that someone… or rather something had knocked it into the floor.
“Boogie!” You turned around and made your way to the living room, interrupting her morning routine by scooping her up and forcing her to face the music.
“How dare you.” You whispered, trying to pull out a stern voice. “I don’t have any new tooth brush heads. What am I supposed to do you little shit?”
You bent down, picked it up and popped the replaceable head off, tossing it into the… empty trash can? When did you take out the trash?
Whatever. Focus. “You better hope I have a spare regular one.” You shot a nasty glare at your cat who sat unbothered on the bathroom counter.
You searched through the cabinet below the sink and through all the drawers and found none. Not even that travel one from last year’s vacation. Finally you opened up the medicine cabinet-mirror combo and was pleasantly surprised but also annoyed, to see that you did actually have a replacement.
“Well shit.” You scoffed, “I should’ve just checked there first.”
Next on the list was a giant tumbler of coffee and a hit of your vape for breakfast. Delicious.
You searched in the catch-all drawer in your kitchen for a hair band, not finding any of the small black ones you settled for a stray scrunchie that lived in this drawer specifically for circumstances like this.
Grabbing the light blue silk scrunchie you went to slide it on your wrist and gather your hair but stopped mid movement. No sharpie mark. You could’ve sworn last time you wore this it had a sharpie mark on it from being trapped in the drawer with a cap-less marker. Weird, but not weird enough to care about.
With your caffeine withdrawal taken care of and your morning duties finished, you slipped on some tennis shoes, grabbed your small backpack and walked to the gym two blocks away. Your wonderful and lovely, much more active friend had invited you to a yoga class to meet ‘someone who isn’t a lazy bastard’.
Which… doesn’t really make any sense considering your last boyfriend liked to lift weights but couldn’t bear to lift a finger to help you.
But you love Luke, and Luke loves to play matchmaker. So you’d suffer through this with a smile. It couldn’t hurt and it might be fun, if all else fails at least you got to hang out with your friend and giggle at him drooling over the ‘guy with this sexy scowl, big broad shoulders, oh my god he’s so soft but like in a buff way it’s insane.’.
“Lukey!” You jogged up to him where he was waiting for you outside the gym.
“You’re late.” He stated sternly despite the little smile curving his lip.
“No I’m not. It’s 10:20.” You scoffed.
“Yes and class starts at 10:30.” He retorted.
“I’m not sure if you know this, but 20 comes before 30.” You said feigning concern as you touched his forearm while walking inside.
“Shut up.” He rolled his eyes, “I mean you’re late to meet this guy I was telling you about!”
He shoved you gently past the various equipment and to a smaller room with mirrors along one wall. He very conspicuously pointed toward a younger guy with… a mullet?
“You’re joking.” You gasped. “Luke I swear to god you’ve gotta be kidding.” You squeaked smacking his arm.
“What?!” He squealed, pulling his arms up to his chest and curling in on himself. “Stop I didn’t invite you to kickboxing! Ow!”
“A dude with a mullet?” You glared at him.
“Wait till he turns around, the mullet will be forgiven I swear.” He said, holding up his hands in an offering of peace.
That peace treaty was immediately ripped to shreds when Luke loudly dropped his metal water bottle on the hard floors, a smile that could beat the devil’s smirk on his face.
The guy whipped his head around, eyebrows raised in concern, soft greenish tinted blue eyes taking a moment to glance over you.
“Everything alright?” He asked, a soft accent lacing his voice as he walked over to you.
Is it strange to say that a man with a mullet is… graceful? Yes, it is.
“Oh yeah, everything is fine.” You answered quickly, not missing the snicker that Luke made when he kicked the water bottle over to you.
You bent down and picked it up, holding it with a grip that would surely snap your officially ex-best friends neck in half.
“Here let me take this for you.” The blonde haired stranger said, reaching out for your backpack and for some reason you let him take it.
He just… exuded a calming energy. No wonder he likes yoga, he’s probably the most zen person you’ve ever met. Everything about him was soft and comforting. His voice, his beard, even his knuckles as they ghosted across your arm when he grabbed your bag.
“Th-thanks?“ You said in a statement that sounded more like a confused inquiry.
You followed him and Luke inside, the blood draining from your formerly flushed cheeks when he unrolled your yoga mat in the front row. What kind of cosmic curse has Luke unleashed? You shot him a look to burn through brick but he just seemed giddy as if you weren’t planning on disposing him in the sewer after this.
“I’m Ben, your instructor. Luke told me you’d be coming today, he mentioned you’ve never taken a class like this before?” He looked over at you, an understanding smile on his face.
“R-right yeah. No, I’ve never taken a yoga class before.” You shook your head and introduced yourself in return, holding out your hand for a hand shake and being utterly shocked at Ben’s reaction.
“I’m a hugger, hope that’s alright darling.” He laughed softly, enveloping you in a warm embrace that could smelt iron. It certainly made you malleable, maybe even alittle bit melty.
The kicker though? A kiss to the side of your mouth.
You blinked at the audacity, did he just-? But as he pulled back you realized it wasn’t a creepy thing… it was a friendly thing. He just greets everyone that way because he’s a genuinely kind person. You knew that to be true because he turned and did the same to Luke, ending his with a firm pat to his shoulder.
A little green monster clawed it’s way through your stomach at the sight, but you drowned it quickly with the use of your knowledge as a sane person. You don’t know this guy. Luke brought you here because of this guy, he’s not after him, he’s after Beefy McBeef in the corner. You don’t know him, you’re purely getting jealous going off the fact that he is pretty and the realization that you’re not special.
You spent the rest of your time thinking peaceful thoughts to chase away the images of Luke’s tiny pea brain being squished betwixt your fingers for this horrible idea of his, while failing many attempts to mimic the variety of poses and stances Ben showed the class.
Even Beefy McBeef was doing better than you, and you could definitely see why Luke had his sights set on him. Masculine, but not in an intimidating way. He’s right, he’s soft but buff.
After class ended Luke insisted on dragging you over to Ben to say goodbye.
“Thanks, I enjoyed the class.” You said awkwardly, forcing a polite smile.
“Oh I’m so glad, I was hoping you would.” Ben said, a bright smile on his face, his eyes crinkling in the corners.
“I’d love for you to come back next week.” He said sincerely, reaching out to give your arm a gentle squeeze that made your mouth dry.
“I’m not super sure that yoga is my thing, but I’ll definitely think about it.” You smiled, surely he’s just being nice. Like he was earlier.
“Well if yoga isn’t your thing, I’m sure we can find something that is, hmm?” He chuckled, ripping a scrap of paper from his class schedule and scribbling his number down.
“O-oh.” You blushed. That was the smoothest pickup line you’d ever heard… you couldn’t even be mad about it. “Thank you, I’ll… text you later?” You said unsure about your own words.
“No rush darling,” he gave you a warm smile that matched the softness of his hand that took yours and pressed his lips to your knuckles.
When he pulled back he’d somehow snuck the slip of paper into the palm of your hand, he left you there buffering. You turned slowly to look at Luke who was standing there with a shit eating grin on his face.
“Your turn.” You said sternly, nodding toward Mr. McBeef.
“No.” Luke said with an air of finality, scooping up his bag and spinning on his heel toward a few of his class friends.
Luke so kindly helped you make a fool of yourself. It’s only fair that you return the favor. You marched over to Beefy with a sweet smile.
“Hey!” You said, introducing yourself to him.
“Hey little lady.” He chuckled, taking your hand for a handshake, his palm dwarfing yours. “Names Han.”
“Han. Suits you.” You added with a small smile.
“So, Han. You know Luke?” You said, nodding in his direction.
“Y-yeah I do,” he answered, rubbing the back of his neck with a nervousness you didn’t expect. “Why?”
“Luke is- he’s alittle shy.” You said in a hushed tone. “He’s been talking about you an awful lot.”
“Me?” Han questioned, a downturned grin creeping up his lips as his eyes darted between you and your friend who’d migrated across the gym.
“Yeah, you.” You laughed, “he’s got a massive crush.” You gave him an accomplished grin.
“H-he does?” He gulped, starting to get red in the cheeks. “He’s hardly ever spoken to me.”
“Like I said, he’s shy.” You reminded him gently. “You should go talk to him.”
“Yeah… I will.” He smiled, standing up and placing a kind hand on your shoulder.
“Go get ‘em Beefy McBeef.” You said in a tone so normal that he almost didn’t notice.
“What did you call me?” He laughed.
“Beefy McBeef.” You shrugged, unable to hide your devious smile. “that’s what Luke calls you.”
“No he doesn’t.” Han laughed, big and hearty, Luke turning his head with a jealous scowl until he realized he was laughing with you and it morphed into a mask of pure panic.
“Oh yes he does.” You said firmly. “Can you do me a favor?” You asked.
“Sure babe.” He laughed, still recovering.
“Introduce yourself to him as Beefy McBeef.” You said with pleading eyes.
“Seriously?” He laughed, almost a giggle if you could consider a guy like him a giggler. “What’d he do to you?”
“Just trust me when I say he deserves it.” You said sincerely.
“Can do.” He shook his head with a snort and made his way over to Luke.
“Hey, Luke.” He said, a slight tease in his tone. “Just wanted to introduce myself.” He stuck out his hand and watched with amusement as Luke struggled to comprehend what was happening.
Good. You thought. He deserves alittle embarrassment after the way he forced you into conversation with Ben.
“Beefy McBeef.” Han said, struggling to contain his laughter as he shook Luke’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you.”
You watched from behind a nearby pillar as Luke turned fire truck red. He frantically searched for you until he spotted you with a massive grin and waggling fingers.
“I’ll kill you.” He threatened but there was no real malice in his voice.
“Sure you will Lukey.” You said with a laugh, running over to the wall where you’d propped up your bag and tossed it over your shoulder. Blowing Luke a kiss as you walked out of the gym.
After returning home you showered and sat down on the couch, resigning yourself to rotting on the couch. You’d done your good deed for the day, two actually:
1. attending a social event
2. helping Lukey talk to Han
You’d also done your one terrible deed for next few months. It’s never intentional that you do something bad, except this time it was. But was it really all that terrible if it got Luke what he wanted? Nope.
Add that to the good deeds list then.
3. embarrassing Lukey while helping him talk to Han
All’s fair in love and war.
Speaking of potential love and possible war, you rummaged through your bag to fish out that phone number, you even dumped out all the contents and searched your clothes as well.
It was no where to be found and you were actually kind of bummed about it. You can’t go ask for his number after all that, that’s just… embarrassing.
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Diary Entry: June 29th
If I knew you didn’t love Lukey, I’d have been scraping him off the sidewalk right about now. That little twerp was trying to set you up with someone else.
I know it’s not his fault. He’s being a good friend, he just wants you to be happy. He doesn’t know about me and that’s okay, it’s all okay.
But god, could he have picked a worse guy? I mean… really?
*Ooh look at me and my beautiful luscious locks.* GAG.
I could tell he was making you uncomfortable so I got rid of that little paper as quickly as possible. I would’ve hated for you to have the reminder of that fucking creep. The way he kissed your hand? What the hell was that?
So, I slipped it out of your bag and stayed around to listen to your sinister revenge plot.
I’ll say it again baby, you’re more like me than you know.
Ps. Beefy McBeef? Please.
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Diary Entry: July 1st
I’m not an unreasonable guy baby. Really I’m not, but you’re on your phone so much. It just really bugs me you know? We don’t spend quality time together like we should.
I want you to dance around and sing. I want you to lay in the living room floor and color. I to watch you suck ass at MarioKart and laugh when you get frustrated and scrunch your nose.
I want to watch you read so I can read aloud to you, with my e-book copy. I want to watch The Witcher with you, I love that show. Shits cool as fuck, sword fights are so awesome I’ll ignore the fact that you only watch it for Geralt.
He’s not real and I am. So fuck it, can’t hurt to fantasize. I’d be one hell of a hypocrite if I said you couldn’t.
Anyway, sorry I’m rambling.
Are you okay? You’re just… quieter. Is it something I’ve done?
I think I’ve figured it out sweet girl, I did some online research and replayed some footage. You’ve not been taking your birth control like you should. Come on baby you gotta remember to take it on time alright? Skipping it and taking it out of routine will mess you all up and we can’t have that.
I’ll try my best to remind you.
You know me, I’m always worried.
Just… I’m gonna need to borrow your phone so that I can install some software for you. I’m just alittle concern that you’re hiding something from me princess. I just want to make sure you’re okay.
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Diary Entry: July 2nd
That SleepyTime tea is a lifesaver.
God I just feel so relieved knowing that I can monitor you. I swear it’s not in a weird way, I just needed to make sure you were in a good headspace you know?
Your search history is so funny. I makes me happy to know you’re just as goofy as me. It also makes me happy that you’ve not searched anything concerning.
Your socials are clean. Your camera roll is full of cute pictures of you and your friends, as well as a few of your ex that I swiftly trashed for you. Maybe just a few naughty ones in the hidden album, don’t worry I didn’t stare. I’ll have plenty of time to do that in person.
Your texts are mostly dry. That’s a good thing though, that means you have more time for me. Even better? No dating apps. Good girl. Those are terribly dangerous, they should require a background check for users, you never know what kind of weirdo is on the other side of that screen.
I’m proud of you babydoll. You’re such a good girl, my good girl.
I’ll help you stay a good girl too. Your phone is mirrored to my laptop, so I’ll be able to see everything you see. No room for mix-ups or miscommunications between us this way.
Communication in relationships is so important.
Which is my reasoning behind the new phone software. You understand don’t you doll? I mean, I can only tell so much from your diary. You like to write and that’s amazing, it’s a great outlet and you should keep up with it. You’re the reason I started my own journal. You were so right when you said ‘it sorts my thoughts and soothes my heart’.
I never thought I’d be a journal guy. Look at me. Self care king.
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Diary Entry: July 3rd
I have the most amazing news princess, after careful research and a very thorough deep dive into all of your neighbors, I’ve come up with the perfect solution to our distance issue.
Did you know that the old man across the hall from you is a widow? Poor guy, 10 years without his wife. They were married for 53 years. 53.
That’s the goal baby. That’s the kind of love I have for you.
If Alan Jared Nelson is anything like me, he’s miserable without Gloria Anne. Just like I’d be miserable without you.
He’s sick you know? He’s on a wait list for a liver, has been for 2 years. Isn’t that just the worst kind of hope? It’s cruel really.
Why give the man and his remaining family the hope of a ‘few’ more years, knowing damn well the guy is old enough that he might turn to dust they minute they cut into him. Why put him on the list at all? He’s 92. No one is giving him a liver.
The liver disease he’s diagnosed with is a doozy too, it’s aggressive, painful, and necrotic. He’s in constant pain. He’s got a port for morphine.
Do you know what kind of horrible pain a person has to be in to get a morphine port? Excruciating.
Alan has lived a long and beautiful life. Between the heartache of loosing his love and the debilitating disease he suffers from… it would be a mercy to lay him to rest don’t you think?
He’s a patriot through and through, he was in the army reserves. Now, that’s not my cup of tea but good for you Mr. Nelson.
America’s birthday is a good day for a guy like him to die isn’t it?
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July 4th
Anakin counted the windows over and over, repeating the number in his head as he quietly trekked up the creaking rusted fire escape on Mr. Nelson’s side of the building. Not only was tonight a poetic release of this man’s long and happy existence, it was a very good cover.
Majority of the city was busy watching the fireworks at the celebration in the park, including you. Anakin had ensured you’d left before he even considered walking over to your building. He couldn’t bear the thought of committing a heinous, though arguably merciful, crime in the vicinity of such a pure form of radiance.
As expected the din of booming explosions and crackling sparks masked the noise of the quiet power drill Anakin used to remove bottom piece of the outer frame of the out-dated window. Internally cursing the fact that you lived in such an old building, there’s absolutely no way that these windows are up to code. It might make this task easier, but it made him a nervous wreck to think someone could break into your home in under a minute as long as they brought a drill and a magnet. The process was almost silent, you wouldn’t realize anything was amiss until it was too late.
Once the piece of frame was laid aside Anakin used the heavy duty magnet to coax the loose curved clasp that held the window shut, out of the hoop that it rested in. He sighed, thinking he should definitely complain to the super once he moved in. The ease of breaking and entering wasn’t comforting in the slightest.
Sure it was a wonderful thing for Anakin, there would be absolutely no trace of the break in. The man is old, there would be no autopsy, there are no outdoor cameras on this building or the one next to it. This unit is tucked into a well hidden alleyway and no one saw him walk this way. But his worries were based on thoughts of you and your well-being.
Anakin sprayed Wd-40 along the tracks of the metallic frame and waited a moment before wiping off the excess, hopefully ensuring a silent entry.
The moment of truth arrived, Anakin lifted the window just a hair to test it. Finding it whisper quiet despite its age as he opened it and stepped inside.
The interior of the home was just as you’d expect, family pictures, a fridge covered in cards and handwritten reminders. An obscene amount of carved wooden trinkets and the forever mysterious wooden fruit that seemed to adorn the tables of many an old folks homes. Apples and roosters strewn about the space in the form of paintings, lampshades and oddly detailed itchy blankets.
A gorgeous abalone jewelry dish held a silver pendant, trapped beneath was an intricate lace cover that seemed to be made specifically for the coffee table they rested on. Upon closer inspection Anakin determined that it was tailor made. Gloria Anne Nelson must’ve been a talented craftswomen, the quality of work was amazing.
Alan’s display of his wife’s work, her jewelry dish and her favorite engraved pendant… he’d made an altar for her and probably didn’t even realize it. He’d even placed a tall, thick white candle next to the abalone dish. It left Anakin with a lump in his throat, imagining the horrible loneliness this man must feel.
He stood up from his crouched position and took a breath, smoothing his shirt to iron out his emotions. There would be time for proper mourning and reflection later.
He walked toward the short hall that housed Alan’s bed room and bathroom, but stopped short when something on the wall caught his attention.
A calendar depicting a summertime scene of a lake and a small fishing boat was tacked to the wall above the dock for his home phone, a small note pad and pen resting beside it.
A small smile turning the corner of his lip, the sight bringing a fond memory of his grandmother keeping a set-up very similar to this. Must be a universal old person habit.
He stepped closer to read the writing in the small squares and came to the realization that this calendar was not up to date. This calendar was from 2013, ten years ago.
Anakin knew from his deep dive into the Nelson’s life that Gloria had passed on July 16th, but he didn’t realize that July 4th was the anniversary of Gloria and Alan’s first kiss.
She’d kept up with that anniversary for the entirety of 53 years. Poetic.
He took a look around the kitchenette and living room again. Really and truly looking this time, not just glazing over the bigger items, the things that caught his eye. This time he looked at the in between.
He wished he hadn’t. He wished he hadn’t cared enough to pay attention, it was something he’d never forget, an achievement he’d strive for for the rest of his life.
Alan’s home was a shrine.
A neatly kept time capsule full of warmth and fondness. It oozed from the very walls of the space. Gloria had never stepped foot in this space, but she dominated every inch of it. Her devoted husband had rebuilt his life in her image, even in death he worshipped her just as Anakin worshipped you.
A heavy weight settled in Anakin’s heart, this was the right choice. This confirmed it.
He quietly entered the bedroom, Alan’s C-PAP machine humming with a rhythmic flow of air, in, *scish*, *puftk*, out. It was soothing in a strange way, or maybe it was just a relief from the suffocating silence that compressed Anakin’s lungs when he was absorbing the space past the door.
He kneeled at the edge of the bed, pulling a small tube of lidocaine from his jacket hoodie pocket, along with a pair of gloves that he quickly donned. Wincing at the snap of the latex against his sweating palms, but the man continued his peaceful slumber, unaware that it would be his last.
He lifted the corner of the blanket and grimaced as he placed a small dollop of the cream via his index finger between Alan’s fourth and fifth toes. He didn’t even flinch.
Anakin kept the time on his watch and waited until the ointment did it’s job to numb the tender flesh. Fishing a small needle meant for insulin injections from a ziploc bag in pocket. Drawing a bit of air into barrel before carefully pricking the soft skin, holding his breath as his victim twitched.
When he stilled Anakin gently pushed the plunger and created a pocket of air in a vein that would soon end this poor souls life on earth. He withdrew the needle and stored it and the gloves in the ziploc bag, returning the blanket to its previous position.
He should’ve left then, but morbid curiosity had a tight hand around his wrist. Urging him to stay and wait out this event to its completion. So he tugged up his hood and stood motionless.
No one should be alone in their last moments. The least Anakin could do is provide silent support from the darkened corner. He counted the seconds on his watch until the man’s fingers twitched and his throat visibly tightened as a gurgled ball of air left his lungs. His eyes opened, wide and terrified as his body acted of its on volition.
Wrinkled hands weakly pawing at the C-PAP that was fitted over his head, Anakin watched his chest heave and collapse rapidly, the swell of his ribcage caving in on itself with each labored breath.
He’d heard of the ‘death rattle’ before but had never considered it to be anything other than a wives tale, until now. Alan’s choked coughs and gasping breaths reverberated in his chest and rolled up the stretch of his esophagus, coming out in a groan muffled by his lolled tongue.
He brought his fist to his chest in weak thumps, while his other reached over the side of the bed in the general vicinity of the night stand. It’s incredible what the human brain is capable of during such critical moments of stress. Anakin watch with a fascination that went beyond curiosity, wondering how the hell this guy was aware enough to try to grab the phone laying there.
Alan let his head fall to the side and his fading eyes blurred, but didn’t miss Anakin’s figure. To him, he was just a silhouette of midnight black. For some reason Anakin noticed a bit of the fear leave Alan’s tired eyes, softening as though he was accepting his quickly approaching end.
He stopped struggling, stopped reaching for the phone and instead held out a shaking hand to Anakin as though he wanted him to take it.
What kind of monster would deny a dying man?
He stepped forward on silent feet until he clasped the man’s wrist and felt his weak grip on his. The leathery skin was clammy, sickly to the touch and it made Anakin’s stomach churn.
“Death?” A small creaking attempt at the word eeked out of Alan’s lips.
“Yes sir.” Anakin responded. Was it true? No. But was it a lie? Also no. He was and he wasn’t.
“A-about…” the old man heaved, spittle flying from his mouth. “About damn time.”
Anakin was usually quick on his feet with his quips but this man’s nonchalant attitude, his welcoming of his fate was unexpected.
“Sorry Mr. Nelson.” He chuckled. “I’m a very busy man.”
He laughed. A rare occasion if not the only occasion that someone’s dying breath was a laugh. Anakin’s brow pinched together, wetting his lips with his tongue before chewing the inside of his cheek as he watched the life drain from his eyes.
Once his hand went slack and limp Anakin gently laid it across his chest, checked for a pulse and found none. He patted the old man’s shoulder and turned to exit the room, he didn’t look back and he didn’t take another breath until he set foot on the fire escape and the window was shut. Making quick work of closing the clasp and reassembling the metal frame.
He took a shaky breath and checked his watch. Bewildered by the passing of time. He literally couldn’t comprehend it, pulling out his phone to confirm. The times were indeed matching.
Three minutes and 57 seconds.
He was only inside for three minutes and 57 seconds. He felt like hours of his life had flown by, he felt both aged and more alive than he’d ever been. The only thing he could compare this feeling to was… the feeling he got because of you.
He’d done a good thing.
Alan said so himself, the man was ready, beyond ready to embrace death. Anakin had done him a favor by taking his life returning his soul to his soulmate.
It gave him a warm feeling in his chest. He thought maybe he would feel sick, he almost did, until he didn’t. He decided not to question his contentment, instead pocketing it to tuck away in the recess of his mind that he stored his more unhealthy thoughts and experiences in.
He liked that about himself, his ability to compartmentalize at will. He liked to be neat and tidy, it was only natural that his mind mirror that. He knew that it was just his mind’s creation; his mind didn’t really look like a neat room of filing cabinets.
He had one for childhood memories, one for his favorite happy memories, one for his mother, one for his friends, one for his work life, one for his home life. But the two most important things housed in the confines of his skull were the golden pedestal holding the beautifully crafted, one of a kind ceramic vase he poured his love for you into; and The Pit.
He didn’t like The Pit. His inner self kindly transported the things that belonged there via a lockbox and unceremoniously tossed it over the edge at a safe distance. Even the figment of his imagination in this scenario was too afraid to peer over the edge of the chasm. He’d never heard anything hit the bottom, if he got too close he would fall, and fall, and fall, and fall, and fall for eternity.
Then what would you do? Suffer through a sad existence like poor Mr. Nelson?
No. He can’t let that happen. He won’t let that happen. You’re to precious, too pure, too good to experience anything but radiant joy.
He breathed in relief as he found himself suddenly outside his front door, he’d traveled on autopilot.
He showered and tucked himself into bed, exhausted and drained emotionally. But not too much, not enough that he could neglect his duties. He checked the tracker on his phone, pleaded to see that you were abiding by your unspoken agreed upon curfew. Home before 2:00am. Always.
It was only 12:30. Good job princess.
He waited, following the little blue dot to the larger red one and switched over to the live camera feed and witnessed you chatting happily on your phone as you trotted up the stairs.
He thanked his past self from this morning and grabbed the laptop from his nightstand and patiently waited for the mirror image of your phone updated.
Luke. It was just Luke making sure you got home safe; maybe Luke wasn’t too bad after all. He wasn’t a threat to Anakin in anyway and he was concerned with your well-being. Not as much himself of course but enough that Anakin could throw a smidgen of respect his way, it’s nice to know he already has something in common with your best friend.
He did his routine night-time walk through of your device, seeing that you’d turned on your alarms for the next day already. He smiled fondly, his sleepy girl.
He turned up the sound on your bedroom camera, plugging up his phone and putting the laptop on the night stand. He placed his phone next to his head and listened to your breathing slow and relax.
He loved this. Sleeping with the sound of your soft snores and mumbled sleepy words. It was an intimacy that he craved to manifest into the flesh world.
Soon he would.
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Someone please tell me that if you’ve waitressed/known a waitress who’s done shit like that?? If not I just told on myself for being a big fat liar.
Part Four
@wickedtactics @tsugumiholic @kingdomhate
@burnthecheshirewitch @exquisitcorpse @arzua10
@bby-imasociopath @depressed-kay @aliciaasky
@naty-1001 @mrsmikaelsxn @bunnylovesani
@ausskywalker @angelsadmired
@slut4starwarssmut @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie
@starkiller419 @hearts4mitski4 @lethargic
@allhailbuckybarnes @shadowhuntyi
@mortalheartache @fallinlovewithevil
@sythethecarrot @chaoticantihero @vadersslut
@luvvfromme @anakinsbaee @doblasftcisco
@sweetcheesecakesblog @luvskywxlker
@angelsadmired @kaminokatie @anakin-pilled
@graveyard-stray @styleslytherin @chiaraanatra
@jediavengers @zapernz @lunalitva @salted-snailz
@queenofchaos99 @ellie-luvsfics @dazednstars141
@nico-velvet @rorysbrainrot @hopesworlld
@1mawhOre @lonaah @t8Izw @guiltycherries
Let me know if you wanna be added/removed
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
Anakin vs Darth Maul? | Extra footage
He kicked him into the lightsaber and he missed his hands and didn't do anything and they fought on and the guy lost and Darth maul 1 and it was real and it was at Comic-Con and it's not San Diego or New York and it was in Miami so we have to maintain order here but it is not bja meaning it's not Anakin it was one of his men and he's missing
Thor Freya
I knew you'd find it while I'm trying to place it there and somebody was filming it and they ran like hell and he thought it was our friend here cuz they went about 50 and it might have been Ken nobody else has known to be able to run that fast and he said the figure was not real huge and he said to have a cyst and a cyst and he was saying it's not assisted it could have been a close Jager or iron Man suit and he said I didn't have gear but it sounds like a person running and I didn't hear anything else and so he's mad at Ken so we're worried about him he knows about blasters and we need the technology in case of huge blasters are not built even if they are
This person here is an expert and he is a Jedi and I'm going to deem it and he says you can't call me when but you can call me to your people and I understand what he's saying his people have to say he is and there's a time and place for it probably a Comic-Con so I'm doing a great job he says whatever that thing is and whatever that thing is you have to get them off and we need that motorcycle and I'm not saying you should build it because we are trying and it's just not going anywhere if you build it in Miami everybody's going to try and take it which might tie it up I thought about that and it might work and it's a great idea and VGA doesn't want to do it and it's his place and it is a really hot idea that is a great idea and to use the tube steel because you don't have to bend it and warp it and it takes forever it takes a day to make one frame your system takes about a total of an hour even if you have tons of people cutting they take a while to cut and the new one might take a little bit more but not much and you set the Angles and have jigs and you don't need to use a plate it really works better and for crying out loud this is going to be an awesome bike I've never heard of anything so simple so quick and then the suspension on it's going to rule it really has not been anything that's this effective for a long time you saddles and things you use on buildings and it makes sense buildings have huge amounts of stresses on small members and I started to think about it and I said wow there's a ton of weight on those things and on a motorcycle is not really that much and the talking stuff is usually in line and it's just pushing horizontally against a solid member created when you're jumping and falling and things like that there's a lot of weight but it's only you and your body and most people don't jump like crazy and we did and we've been frames that that frame of the Buell was terrible and he didn't say to build it like that no we're going ahead and we're going to try it it's going to be awesome this this bike looks real cool it's based on his brother Evel Knievel can you believe all the stuff people going to wear and he said I should start making it and they will come and you know it might be why I made that on the door this makes a lot of sense now and I'll say it's not about the rebel flag and you're saying about motorcycles and they said we know about that and they start talking about it and it never stopped I have to do this now it's going to be so much fun to be able to ride when he says I get a trailer and they'll ride it over and he might have BG ride in the ball of death of the circus and we might reopen it and we know where to put it he says at the airport and we said no
Qui Gon
Jesus Christ that blows but he thinks it was me and I was moving this little fat guy running 50 miles an hour no the fact kind of goes away and I look kind of chunky I had stuff on but I guess he could tell and I run a little weird yeah I'm in trouble so bja and now he's not going to help so I get that and my group is in trouble they think they had me do it and we're going to probably end up fighting them to get the ships out so I see that
Ken AKA Frankie lupena
I'm going to get going on the stuff this is awesome
Hera yeah your Comic-Con stuff if our people are going to make you a Jedi I have to be there and be one of the same time glad you asked you're saying stop it taking advice for my uncle is going to ruin us I'm just kidding but geez cover cover everywhere to drink so I'm going to go to college and I know a character you want to be and you say what is that I'm laughing you don't know which one so I'm going to keep looking
You know what character he is and no he can't be that one and it can't be that one and there's a couple more you can't be being is not that great at this time it might be how you get there though after the fact is not too late and it's actually good timing and they will get you money and we do see that they're a bunch of nutcases and by then you should be at least 5 ft 11 and it says bigger than most people and that's true
Thor Freya
It would be bigger than most people at Comic-Con but we do understand here decent sized you probably need the shirt it'll be more fun and you'd be harder than hell hotter and maybe it would still be winter hopefully there's a couple more reasons they might do it people want to see the interaction between different groups there's a lot of heinous stuff going on and we want to see that mostly that we want to see it but other groups want to see how to get at each other most of them are kind of chickenshit to do it and they just sit you here well these people are so we want to get you out to try and do things like that and we want to try and get you out pretty quick meaning the next comic Con is coming up and if you don't have money we know you can't go
0 notes
tennessoui · 3 years
50 but its Obi-Wan tired and stressed going through a messy divorce who mets ray of sunshine Anakin ❤
This is basically the Prologue to the story of how Homeowner Obi-Wan Adopts Two Children and A Husband Without Realizing It
50. Going Through a Divorce (Divorced!Obi-Wan)
Buy a house, they had said. You have a wife. You should have a house, they had said. The market is in your favor right now, they had said. This area is nice. Good for kids if that’s something you’re thinking about. Buy a house.
No one ever told Obi-Wan what to do if your wife divorces you and moves out, but the house is legally in your name and the weight of the mortgage is slowly killing you because while you’re a great English professor, you don’t exactly get paid a commission for how many kids decide to take your class after looking at your chili pepper score on Rate My Professor.
Obi-Wan sits in his study with the windows shut and the door closed. It’s the only room in the house that doesn’t feel like something’s glaringly missing. Every other place held at least a few of Satine’s possessions, and if he leaves the shelter of this one final safe haven, he knows himself well enough to know that he’ll prod at all those little absences the way a tongue ghosts over the pit left by a lost tooth.
But this study has always been his, and it still feels like it now. And while the house is, arguably, also still his and has always been, it feels too big now. Too empty.
He is not enough for the house either, it seems.
Obi-Wan snorts at the thought and pours himself a drink. He’s getting maudlin in his old age. Sentimental. What he should be doing is thinking of the logistics going forward, although he knows few. How To Get Divorced was never something they taught in schools, nor something he had thought to be in his future.
How To Pick Up The Pieces of Your Shattered Heart had been a tough lesson to learn a year ago when his wife--ex-wife now--had broached the topic of separation. Separation, as if that wasn’t simply a long-drawn out end. She hadn’t taken that criticism lightly, nor should she have. Their ensuing fight had only ended when she had gasped wetly through her tears and told him, “See? Who are we anymore? I don’t want to fight anymore, Obi.”
To which Obi-Wan had said, of course, “Don’t call me that.” and Satine had left without another word. Given enough time to reflect upon her argument, he did find the logic in it. They’d married young and then changed in ways that couldn’t click together. Obi-Wan would have been fine with continuing to try to force them to work, but Satine had never been one to hate herself in that way.
The papers had come on a rainy day in October. The love had stayed on, unwelcome and bitter and agonizing in turn, well into April. Now it’s autumn again, and Obi-Wan has a house that’s too big for just him and no wife or partner or lover to fill its gaps.
There’s a loud ping of his phone that brings him out of his thoughts. It’s a message from Quinlan, just a link. Obi-Wan almost doesn’t click it, not in the mood for a funny video or in-depth but frightfully out-of-touch opinion on a recent movie. Then Quinlan texts again. I know you like your blondes fiery is all he says, and now Obi-Wan has to know.
He touches the link and it takes him to a posting on a website dedicated to finding roommates. The text loads slowly, probably because there’s a lot of it.
IN NEED OF ROOMMATE ASAP the title screams. Reflexively, Obi-Wan checks the time-stamp, but this was posted only a day ago. His heart warms at the idea of Quinlan checking this website trying to solve Obi-Wan’s problem of the mortgage for him.
Then he keeps reading.
Hi, I’m Anakin, 26, it reads. Working in tech right now--should make any sort of income required. Recently and unexpectedly kicked out of my place. Parent of two toddlers, but they’re angels (separately)! They are past the point of drawing on walls and they are potty-trained. Would be willing to put down a pet deposit but no pets, just the twins. Being evicted in the next five days so desperately need place. Twins’ mom could take twins while I move out and then move in but she can’t have them longer than a couple of weeks because of her job.
Also full disclosure, I have to move out because I “assaulted” my landlord! He was being a creep about my friend and touched her without her consent. I’m not actually a violent person and will not hit you! Just if you call my landlord for a tenant reference, he won’t be nice. He’ll be very, very biased.
Before twins can move in, I will need to run a background check on you as well just to make sure you’re not a creep (creeps DNI)
Let me know if you’re interested!
(Please give me a chance.)
There’s a couple of pictures at the bottom, just after the man’s phone number and email. One depicts a smiling, attractive man, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans with a young child on each hip. The next is a close-up of the kids in fancy clothing, probably to prove that they’re not messy. The girl is scowling at the camera while the boy is crying though, so the overall effect is ruined. Still, Obi-Wan finds iit endearing. The last picture is Anakin’s mugshot, the man in question looking decidedly which makes Obi-Wan snort. He appreciates the level of honesty and loyalty Anakin’s clearly showing.
But this is a lot.
Obi-Wan hasn’t started to look into the option of finding a roommate to lessen the burden of his mortgage payments. And to jump straight to a man with a violent past and his two small children?
His house would be absolute chaos. He and Satine had always kept an orderly space, one that featured long bouts of quietly enjoying the other’s company from opposite ends of the living room, but there would be no quiet with two children and what he’s positive is a very lively man.
But hadn’t he just been thinking that the house was too silent now? Too empty? It would be--
Well. It wouldn’t feel like his and Satine’s house anymore. It would be unrecognizable.
Somehow he’s jotting down the number before he even realizes what he’s doing. And then he’s putting it into his phone. And then it’s ringing.
“Hello?” A distinctly masculine voice says on the other side. Obi-Wan clears his throat, suddenly unsure of what to say.
“Hi, hello yes. I’m calling about the ad you posted online yesterday?”
“What about it?” Anakin asks slowly, sounding suspicious. Obi-Wan has to fight to roll his eyes. If he hadn’t already committed himself to following through on the worst idea he’s had in years, he’d hang up at the other man’s clear distrust. He wants to berate him that this is not how you sell yourself to potential homeowners, but that isn’t his place.
“My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi,” he says instead. “And I fear I may be your only hope.”
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inkformyblood · 4 years
You Speak Of Grace
Commander Cody Week Day 02 Origins [ @commandercodyweek ]
Pairing: Codywan
Summary: Cody is about to meet his new Jedi, but he will make sure his men are as prepared as they can be. Little does he know that Obi-Wan is anything but what he was expecting.
“Once more.” Cody’s voice rang out as the test alarms died away, eliciting a fresh wave of groans from the assembled clones. From behind his helmet, Cody glanced over the group, running through the list in his mind once again. The heavy gloves hid the faint trembling of his hands as his fingers danced over the datapad, drawing up another scenario. “Test Scenario 00726. Oya!”
Distantly, Cody could almost hear Alpha-17’s low rumbling laugh echo forth from his memory at their displays of grumbling compliance. He carefully ignored the brother at the back — Crys, he thought, judging from the bright yellow daubed over his pauldrons and the dark hair growing up through the unnatural yellow dye — who ducked behind a console and emerged after swallowing down the last dregs of his caf.
The consoles rang shrilly as they ran through the necessary checks once more, heads lowered as the other clones focused on their own work. Cody sensed movement just behind him, but didn’t turn, watching the grey painted shape of Helix, their medic, move up behind him in the reflection of a console.
“Permission to speak freely, sir?”
Helix’s voice was soft but no less filled with purpose, expecting to be heard and understood. Cody was the Commander of the Battalion, but Helix was the medic, and that was something entirely different.
Helix tapped the comm on his wrist, shifting to a private channel, and Cody stifled the reflexive twinge of fear that rattled down his spine. Fear was useful, Alpha-17 had barked at the younger clones in the Command Track, echoing the words of the trainers before him, but it was also dangerous. Drawing in a deep breath, letting it flow through him rather than rule his thoughts, Cody switched to the private channel as well.
“You are doing a good job,” Helix murmured, his voice slightly distorted over the comm. “You are already a good commander, and having a Jedi won’t change that.”
Cody didn’t respond, didn’t want to think about what Helix could read in the sudden stillness of his hands or the lines of tension that flickered into life along his shoulders, but merely nodded, his throat tight.
Helix lightly tapped the back of his wrist guard against Cody’s hip in a silent benediction. “I’m going to head down to medical. Over the next few days, I’ll need to check on the troopers and the Jedi to get a baseline.”
“I’ll draw up a rota,” Cody promised, adding yet another item onto his mental checklist. Dimly, he spared a thought for how his brothers in the command track were faring. Their own comms channel had been eerily quiet since they had received their battalion allocations and left in the early hours of the morning with one final message each of “Oya”.
“Appreciate it,” Helix said with an inclination of his head and stepped away. The other medics, Border and Patience, shadowed him like ghosts, barely half a step behind in a haunting unison that would have made the trainers proud.
Cody turned back to the men, tracking their progress as they worked through the machines, feeling a warm glow of pride settle in his chest. This would work. This had to work.
A warning prickled at the base of his skull, and Cody was already turning to face the doorway by the time his mind had drawn the context clues together.
As Helix left, his pace had slowed slightly, and the soft whoosh of the doors closing took longer than it should have. One of the troopers had raised his head, gaze fixed at something over Cody’s shoulder as one of his hands formed the beginning of the symbol for ‘Mother’, a warning of being watched back on Kamino. But the critical clue was the message flashing from the Command Track Chat from Bly that only read ‘oh no my Jedi’s hot.’
“Hello there.”
“Hello, sir,” Cody said, running on instinct as the rest of his mind went blissfully blank. The only information he had been given was a name and a grainy holo picture to recognise his Jedi by. A small thrill ran down his spine at that thought. Possession was still something all the clones were getting used to, and the knowledge that this man was his, was theirs, was more than Cody could have thought possible.
“Jetti on bridge,” Cody barked over his shoulder to the others, feeling the weight of their eyes on his back.
Obi-Wan smiled, the edges of his eyes — so unbelievably blue, like the point where the ocean met the sky — crinkling. “Please, Commander, call me Obi-Wan.”
“Obi-Wan,” Cody repeated with a nod, further committing it to memory. He was grateful for the helmet that was still covering his head as he felt the heat settle in his cheeks. Full armour was cumbersome for now, but it had been better to be safe than sorry.
“From what I understand, you have names as well?” Obi-Wan’s gaze darted around the room; his voice pitched low. “I don’t wish to cause any offence; this situation is very new to me.” He tucked his hands into his sleeves, clasping them in front of him.
“CC-2224 is my designation. But my name is Cody, sir.”
It was as if Cody’s words ripped the oxygen from the room, every trooper freezing in place in perfect military rest. Obi-Wan had to feel the pressure lowering onto his shoulders, but he merely grinned once more.
“Cody. That’s an excellent name and a good choice.” Obi-Wan paused, glancing around the room and meeting the gaze of every trooper who quickly lowered their heads back to their consoles at Cody’s signal.
“I trust I can count on you to keep me right, Cody? I will defer to your expertise.” Obi-Wan’s grin was as warm as sunlight, intoxicating when it was directed at just Cody, and he felt his cheeks burst with heat once more.
“Yessir,” Cody said, snapping back into parade rest out of habit.
“I’m not sure what the Kamioans have told you, but if you’re amenable, full armour outside of active combat isn’t required.” Obi-Wan paused with a heavy sigh, looking far older than he was for a moment before he pushed whatever memory it was away. “This isn’t my first war, but no need to make it harder than it needs to be.”
“So,” Cody swallowed, turning his head slightly to track Boil and Waxer’s whispering, their heads pressed together out of the corner of his eye, “Permission to dismiss the men to store their extras?”
“Permission more than granted, Commander.”
If Cody had thought that his mind went blank before, it was nothing compared to being alone on the bridge with Obi-Wan. In every scenario, every training simulation or exercise, nothing could have prepared him for this moment. Alpha-17 and the others took after Prime almost perfectly, and that applied to his lack of attraction as well, at best able to offer rough support to a heartbroken trooper in basic training.
Obi-Wan began to move around the bridge, glancing over the simulated manoeuvres that had been programmed in with a gleam of interest in his eyes. “If you want, Cody, you can store your belongings as well. We’re going to be working together for a while, and I see no reason to start out with extreme formality.”
Cody’s hands were steady as he reached up to remove his helmet, subtly pressing at the itch that had erupted two hours ago at the nape of his skull as he did so. Obi-Wan’s face softened as he watched him, unable to hide the obvious curiosity in his eyes.
“I can definitely see the resemblance.”
Cody laughed, the noise startled out of him, jaw snapping shut with a click.
“I’m sorry, sir,” he began, but Obi-Wan cut him off with a wave of his hand, his shoulders shaking with barely suppressed laughter.
“Please, don’t apologise, Cody. If there is anyone at fault, then it is me.”
“No, sir.” Cody paused to find the correct words, tapping his fingers against the edge of the datapad as he thought. This wasn’t what he had been expecting, Obi-Wan wasn’t what he had been expecting, but he always had been quick on his feet. “As you said, no reason to start out with extreme formality. No fault here.”
Obi-Wan hummed quietly as he thought, and Cody took a moment to inspect the Jedi he would be serving under. The robes hid much of his frame, but Obi-Wan had moved with confidence, despite the fact that the fabric wouldn’t give much protection or possibly act as a hindrance. Cody made another note on his mental list, needing to confer with the other Commanders once everyone had settled again.
“I think this is going to be an excellent partnership, Cody,” Obi-Wan said at last. “With that in mind, with the full reassurance that you can tell me no at any time for whatever reason, would you like to join me for a cup of tea? I believe there is some final paperwork to go over.”
“Yessir,” Cody answered before the full implication hit him. Obi-Wan would be sharing, even serving most likely, something precious of his, something he had deliberately chosen to bring aboard a battleship, knowing the cargo restrictions. “I’d be honoured.”
“Excellent! Anakin, my padawan—” Obi-Wan paused, and Cody wordlessly fell into pace at his side, a few inches shorter than the other man as he titled his head to continue watching him, “—he never quite got the taste for it, unfortunately.”
“I am looking forward to it, sir.”
Obi-Wan gave him a look, his grin all fond curled edges.
“Obi-Wan,” Cody corrected himself. He felt like a fool to hope, but it was a hope he held onto tightly.
Out of sight, Cody tapped a message into the Command Chat before silencing it, knowing the explosions it would spawn. ‘Mine’s better, vod.’
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swbumblebee · 4 years
Captain Rex shrugged irritably as he failed to dodge the small orange hand that reached up to ruffle his hair.
“Oooh it’s growing.” Commander Tano paused in wonder “it’s all fuzzy” she marveled.
“Snips, don’t pet people without permission” her Master scolded lightly, walking to join the two of them standing in the hanger as ships came and went noisily around them, the 501st and the 212th untangling themselves and going their separate ways after a joint campaign. “Do I have to send you on the inter-speacies sensitivity course again?” General Skywalker teased.
Rex’s commander stuck her tongue out at her Master and dodged a swat on the head.
Rex frowned, touching his own head with his non-bandaged hand.
He was fuzzy.
“No the Commander’s right Sir, I’ll have to ask a brother to shave it for me” he said resigned, gesturing to his right arm in it’s sling.
General Skywalker frowned in concern.
“Well I think it looks fine, but you know I could do it for you” he offered casually.
There was a decidedly awkward pause.
“What?” the General looked between them.
Rex eyed Commander Tano, sure she had reached the same conclusion.
“Er…Master, no offence, but maybe someone who’s a bit more…” she searched for the word “steady” she settled on “should do it.”
General Skywalker looked, in Rex’s opinion, unreasonably offended.
“I’m steady!” he exclaimed “I’ve got a mechno-arm for crying out loud!”
Rex tried to keep the dubious look off his face. Commander Tano didn’t.
“Yeah but Skyguy you have to like, stay still and calm and stuff, or you might take Rex’s ear off” She countered. She had a point, in no Universe was General Skywalker “Still” or “calm”.
Rex’s Commander didn’t give her Master time to argue before continuing.
“You need someone who’s chill under pressure” she explained, before her eyes lit up “Like Master Obi-Wan” she suggested excitedly.
Rex thought it would be a very odd day indeed when High General Kenobi shaved his head for him.
“Well I don’t actually-“ he started, only to stop at the very dark look his General was giving them both.
“Rex” he said firmly, looking deep into his eyes and placing a hand on each of his shoulders “never let Obi-Wan cut your hair” he said, more seriously than Rex had ever seen him.
“Er…OK Sir.” He paused as General Skywalker started nodding. “May I ask…why?”
A look came over the General, deep and haunted.
“It was awful. I was just a child-“
“Oh for the god’s sake Anakin that was fourteen years ago!”
Everyone except General Skywalker and the Commander jumped out of their skin as General Kenobi’s voice suddenly came from just behind him, in a classic Unintentional-Jedi-Sneak-Attack, as the Vode liked to call them.
General Kenobi was particularly bad for sneaking up on them. Cody always swore he was part cat.
Rex’s General was unperturbed.
“Yeah and I still remember it like it was yesterday. I get flashbacks” the younger Jedi said defensively.  
“I’ll give you something to have flashbacks about if you keep going on about it” his mentor grumbled. “Honestly, you act like I maimed you, and it was sorted in the end wasn’t it? I don’t know what you’re complaining about.”
“I nearly had to stand in front of thousands of people looking like a Tosian Porcupine!”
General Kenobi waved a hand dismissively.
“It wasn’t that bad, it was just a little lop sided perhaps.”
“Lop sided? It was tufty!”
“Now you’re just being-“
Rex wondered if slowly backing away would do the job, it wouldn’t be the first time he’d extracted himself from Kenobi-Skwyalker bickering. He was curious though…
Commander Tano to the rescue. She held up a hand, almost physically cutting them off.
“Masters, what the hells are you talking about?”
“Language” Both men turned and admonished her as one and the teenager rolled her eyes before motioning for someone to continue.  
“Master Shaky Hands here” General Skywalker nodded at his friend and mentor “gave me my first Padawan haircut right before a massive parade on Naboo.” He said smartly. “It did not go well.”
General Kenobi shook his head.
“It was…alright it was maybe a little off.” He acknowledged to a vindicated noise from General Skywalker. He held up his hands in front of him “but in my defense, it had been a very trying few days and we were in a rush.” General Skywalker spluttered whilst his friend continued “I don’t think it was too bad for a first go under the circumstances!” he finished defensively.
General Skywalker looked at him in disbelief.
“Not bad for a first go?! It was awful! I can’t believe you thought it was the perfect time for your first go at hairdressing.”
Commander Tano was smiling.
“It’s a pretty bold move Master Obi-Wan” she commented
General Kenobi sent her a quick mock-glare.
“I don’t remember you being this upset at the time” he pointed out to her Master
“Yeah well, I was new, I was on my best behavior!”
“Ahh yes, that was a fun twenty minutes”
“Hey! I was a delight”
General Kenobi gave him a very incredulous look. Rex was glad when he decided to leave that there. They just didn’t have that kind of time.
Instead the elder Jedi waved dismissively again.
“It was fine, we were all sorted in the end weren’t we?” he asked his former student rhetorically “Lady Sabe did an excellent job, and you looked positively adorable at the parade” he teased.
Commander Tano perked up at the mention of this ‘Lady Sabe’
“Sabe? As in Pad- er…Senator Amidala’s Sabe?” she asked curiously
Both men nodded, General Kenobi was smiling fondly now.
“Yes, she took pity on us and managed to salvage something from the mess I’d made and clean us up a bit” he explained.
“She saved my life” General Skywalker said seriously.
“Oh do be quiet.”
They were interrupted by the chirp of a commlink, and General Kenobi held up his wrist.
“General we’re ready to depart”
Cody’s voice cut through the jovial air.
“Understood Commander, I’m on my way.”
The high General looked at them and sighed.
“Well it looks like we’ll have to continue this another time” he offered. “Captain I hope your arm heals quickly, do make sure you’re careful and don’t over-exert yourself” he instructed hypocritically. Rex smiled all the same, pleased with the sentiment.
“Yes Sir”
The General nodded before turning to the other two.
“And you two, please be careful” he requested in a long-suffering tone. “Eat your vegetables and at least try to avoid death-defying stunts” he instructed.
Padawan Tano nodded happily before giving her Grand-Master a hug
“We’ll try Master Obi-Wan” she said
“No promises” General Skywalker smirked, clasping arms with his friend.
His mentor rolled his eyes.
“Then may the Force be with you”
“Thanks Master, you too. Be safe”
And with that, Rex watched as the three comrades transformed before his eyes from the Galaxy’s most dysfunctional family to Jedi warriors. With deep bows, full of respect all round, Commander Tano and General Skywalker watched their Master walking briskly, away muttering instructions into his commlink.
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24 for anidala?? 😆
hehe I had fun with this one! the prompt is 24. “I will not have this baby in a jail cell!” (from these prompts)
“I hope you have a plan,” Padmé said through her teeth.
“I always have a plan.”
“Yes, but your plans always suck, and Obi-Wan makes the real plan.”
“Hey, I–“
“Oi! Shut up!” a voice growled. It sounded like the same pirate who had thrown them in this cell in the first place. That was a good sign. He wasn’t very intelligent, so if they could just get out of this cell–
“I need my lightsaber,” Anakin grumbled quietly. He craned his neck and closed one eye, trying to get a better vantage of the dark hallway through the bars.
Padmé scoffed. “Your lightsaber. The Chosen One but you’re no good without your lightsaber?” She huffed in annoyance. “I should have brought Obi-Wan…”
“All right, listen, if you make one more comment about Obi-Wan–“
Her head snapped toward him. “You’ll what? Crash my cruiser and get it boarded by pirates?” She smiled sweetly. “Oh wait, you already did that!”
He frowned. “I didn’t crash it. It was a shortcut. I didn’t–“
“Didn’t know there would be pirates on the smuggler’s hyperspace lane?” She nodded with a bitter laugh. “Right. My husband, the genius.”
“My wife, the insufferable–“
Her eyes flashed. “Don’t finish that sentence.”
“If you two don’t shut up, I’ll have to call the boss!!!”
Anakin stood up and poked his head as far through the bars as he could. “Any chance your boss smells better than you?” he asked. “Because I’ve got this headache, see, and–“
The bars rattled as the large pirate slammed his fist against them. Anakin lifted an eyebrow, unfazed.
“I’ll take that as a no.”
He sat back on the ground next to Padmé, letting his back hit the stone wall.
“Well done,” she said.
“I tried.”
“Try harder. I’m tired, I’m hungry, and I swear on all things good and holy, Anakin Skywalker, if you do not get creative in the next five minutes–“
“Don’t you think you’re being just a tad dramatic–“
“I will not have this baby in a jail cell!” she cried. Her voice bounced off the durasteel walls, reverberating up, down, and back up the hall.
The pirate on guard duty practically fell out of his chair. His weapon–a hefty blaster that he clearly didn’t know how to use–clattered to the floor. He didn’t seem to notice.
“You’re…she’s pregnant?”
Padmé tried standing up, but fell right back onto her backside, a result of the top-heavy rationing of her stomach. Another attempt, another fall. When she tried for the third time, Anakin waved his hand as subtly as he could and watched her finally succeed with the aid of the Force.
She smiled widely in spite of herself, clearly proud of what she believed to be a self-victory. Anakin hid his mouth behind his arm.
She sobered almost immediately. “Yes, I’m pregnant,” she practically snarled. Anakin just watched. He didn’t envy the pirate. “That’s why I’m such a bitch. What’s your excuse, sleemo?”
Anakin’s mouth did little to conceal his loud snort at her resort to Huttese. Kriff, she was angry.
The man blinked at Padmé in complete terror. “I didn’t…I didn’t know–“
“Well, now you do,” she snapped. Within a moment, her oversized coat was on the floor in a movement that Obi-Wan would have been proud of. There was no concealing her full stomach now in the light purple dress that clung in all the wrong places for a woman trying not to draw attention to her pregnancy. It was the reason she’d been wearing the overcoat in the first place.
Clearly, she wasn’t worried about the attention part now. She jutted her stomach toward the pirate. He looked like he wanted to cry.
“And unless you wanna add midwife to your job title, you better let me and my idiot husband off of this fucking ship.”
When the pirate immediately punched the release button, Anakin had to physically restrain himself from proposing all over again.
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Beautiful Mischief [Pt. 10]
Bad Batch x Reader • Angst/Fluff/NSFW (yknow the whole deal) • Mechanic [hidden Jedi] ! Reader • Female reader
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Find the answers you’re looking for
Don’t look back
Find them and keep moving forward
Even if the wound digs deeper
“Surround the main research lab and get the Kaminoans to shut down the facility in our favor”
“General, are you sure we should be doing this?” The arc trooper questions Skywalker as he’s been questioning Kenobi since they were assigned to take care of Y/N.
Y/N felt a ringing pain in her head as she started to work faster. Grabbing one of her sabers tossing it to Hunter for use before snapping the other one in half catching confused looks.
“What was that for?!”
“My chip” She frowns taking out a compartment and opening it to reveal a stage plate with a bloodied chip inside. “Answers...Echo I need you to hack into a part of the system”
“Someone’s going to have to keep them back. I can’t—“
“We’ll give them hell” Wrecker states taking post on one side of the door with Hunter replacing Echo’s side as he removes his arm heading toward Y/N watching as Anakin and Kenobi’s sabers fly right past him the second the door opened starting the fire.
Y/N covered Echo as he got to hacking into the system to get any information from her inhibitor chip compared to ones inputted in the clones. Tech put his datapad away taking out his blasters and firing back trying his best to follow what she wanted.
Don’t hurt anybody
As Crosshair set his ruffle up on their station aiming between Echo and Y/N putting his gun on stun taking down their heavies. Y/N turns back frowning when Kenobi tried to fight off Wrecker but the second he ignited his saber, she couldn’t. She couldn’t help herself.
“HUNTER” Y/N yells running toward them, Hunter immediately tossed her saber to as she ran up Wrecker’s back pushing him back and striking down on Kenobi’s saber. “You will not hurt them Obi Wan”
“Orders, are orders...” Kenobi frowns forcing her back forcing her in between him and Anakin. “I will do what I must”
“You will fall, Y/N”
Y/N frowns turning to the batch doing their best to keep their brothers away from stopping Echo and away from interfering Y/N with her fight with the two Jedi.
Someone’s losing
And it’s not going to be them
As Y/N did her best to block both of their swings, keeping up with their fighting patterns. She saw Echo from the corner of her eye hold up the datapad with the information they needed. She retracted her saber surrendering but that didn’t stop Anakin from slicing deep into her back as she used the force to bring the datapad in hand.
All the pain I endured in my lifetime
That should kill me
Y/N drops to her knees feeling the blood drip down her back and before Anakin could finish the job, Kenobi forced him into the wall.
“So...Ben is still in there” She laughs feeling the pain flood in other places. She handed him the datapad as he called off the battalions causing the batch to finally realize what had happened.
“I should’ve...I should’ve done this for you...instead” Kenobi dropped the datapad as he quickly caught Y/N before she fell to the ground. “Palpatine was behind this. The chip...Kaminoans—“
“Were following orders...” Y/N sighs resting against Kenobi.
Anakin groggily got up and before he could interrupt the two. Crosshair held him at gun point as Echo took away his saber with his brothers in blue following their brother and blocking the Jedi from the others.
“We have to get you back to the council...tell them everything”
“You should do that...” She laughs a bit gripping onto his chest plate. “I really think...the second I close my eyes I’m not going to wake up Obi Wan”
“Not on my watch” Hunter reassures hesitantly picking Y/N up in his arms as Kenobi orders his troops one last time to help them get to Coruscant quickly with the help of both battalions’ medics doing their best for Y/N.
Y/N sat up in a sand dune staring at the two suns enjoying the warmth on her cold skin.
“You’re not dying on me”
She turns to Hunter in more casual clothing sitting beside her.
“I’ll try to keep running...”
“Gotta stay strong, doll face” Cross on the opposite side of her appeared also in different attire as his face looked puffy from crying.
This is real
Y/N laid almost lifeless on the gurney strapped into it to avoid jostling on the ride back to Coruscant. Crosshair and Hunter on either side of her as the rest of the batch followed on the Marauder.
“The council is forming, so I can go in and clear this”
“What did Echo find?”
“The inhibitor chip has an order...meant to eradicate the Jedi” Kenobi frowns catching feeared and angered looks from the two. “Since you’re mutations and Echo has been tortured. Your chips malfunctioned and this order wouldn’t occur to its full potential. Barley feeling it or not at all. But your brothers in the armies. Would’ve turned the second Chancellor Palpatine executed it”
“Did you send the data over?”
“Your analyst did the second he received the deeper information from the Kaminoans”
“We could put her in a bacta tank”
“That’s what we are doing the second we get back to Coruscant. We weren’t going to use the ones on Kamino” Kix interrupts them and whatever thought they had about the shorter distance. “Coruscant’s medical center is more in our control than Kamino”
“To a degree” Kenobi walks back into the cockpit seeing the time duration.
“She could react terribly to the bacta. We don’t know how her body will handle it”
Y/N looked around at her surrounding finding herself and Tech in the middle of the forest moon.
“You...are going to put me in a tank?”
“If it saves her. It saves her!” Wrecker exclaims getting in Tech’s face as Tech pushed him away. “We need our girl”
“I know Wrecker, we are going to do our best. Well. The medical staff are.” Echo interrupts them as Y/N steps over to the clones watching them disappear the second she does.
Her mind started flooding
Echo stares at the tank they put Y/N in as he couldn’t stand there and watch her die or live in the bacta tank. He left when it was his rotation to watch her, lucky for him Hunter was already coming in earlier than expected and noticed his upset expression when he came early to the tension building in the room. Thinking something was wrong with Y/N but no it was Echo.
He can’t watch her struggle, deciding to live or die. He just can’t
“Go away Fives. You had orders to kill her”
“Oh. Well. All over the Galaxy says that was going to happen if she didn’t do what she did. So.”
“Are you really trying to be funny?”
“Uhm. Yes. And ultimately failing” Fives sat beside his brother on the bottom bunk in the awkwardly semi empty barracks. Their brothers must be celebrating their chips becoming obsolete. “Hevy never really liked my jokes”
“Cutup and I did. We laughed to most of them and it annoyed the living hell out of Hevy when he was trying to do his job.”
“That was just the beginning. Then I become the stuck up fool following all the rules when really all we did was stare at a screen” Fives laughs catching a small one to escape Echo. “Man. Echo they would’ve been so proud of you. Maybe it didn’t exactly go in a way that didn’t result in injuries but, you and the batch gave us all our freedom back. We no longer have to follow orders like mindless robots. We are our own people”
Echo straightens up looking at Fives and feeling it all just break down. He rested his forehead against Fives’ shoulder letting the tears fall feeling his brother wrap an arm around him.
“She’ll make it. I heard she’s hella strong”
“She better...” Echo frowns. “kaysh ner ka’rta...”
She’s my heart
Y/N woke up in a transparent box slowly sinking to the ground holding her knees close to your chest. She stares blankly at nothing before noticing Tech in the corner propped up against the box working on his datapad.
She uncurls moving herself right beside Tech reaching to touch the box frowning.
“You’re allowed to fall apart Tech”
Tech looks up from his datapad finding Y/N at the bottom of the tank holding herself propped up beside him, in a sense. He made sure nothing wrong happened to the tank in case the slow fall to the bottom was a negative fact, but the more he looked into it and the more her vitals were all positive....
“You’re okay...everything is stable” Tech tells himself feeling the weight on his chest grow as he takes his specs off pinching the bridge of his nose while the tears fell.
I need you
@xxeiraxx @fennign @spp2011 @meli-that-girl
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lynnpaper · 3 years
Hey :) Great work. Could you write something were Ahsoka gets a panic attack and Anakin and/or Obi-Wan help her?
I could! I'm writing this as a part 2 to this fic, but it works as a standalone too. :)
Read it on AO3
They’re sparring.
There is nothing unusual about that.
The temple training grounds are empty, the sun having set hours ago. She’s doing well—maybe the darkness gives her confidence, fuelled by the reassurance that Anakin must work harder to watch her strikes. All she sees is a dark whirl of robes and a blinding blue saber, and the twin blades in her own hands, so familiar they now feel like mere extensions of her arms.
But her opponent is one thing. Her surroundings are another.
So it’s no surprise when her back hits the wall, but she’s not prepared for her throat to close in.
It doesn’t have far to go—the hand around her windpipe does a good job of cutting her air off, but the unexpected terror pulls the very breath from her chest from the moment she feels stone against her skin, and suddenly she’s blind, her head spinning from the impact.
She should be able to push him off. She’s trained for this, her sabers are in her hands, and he’s standing right in front of her, five different openings for her to kick or shove at. It’s almost as if he wants to lose, practically inviting her to beat him away and draw her saber and press it to his neck. She should be pinning him to the ground right now, waiting for that blessed solah.
But she doesn’t, because she can’t.
The grip on her neck turns into a gnarled purple hand, the face of her beloved master into that of a rugged feline, the warmth of plasma blades into burning electro-whips. She’s not a padawan, but a slave; she’s not in the training courtyard, but in a secluded alley; she’s not in the Temple, full of comforting Force signatures, but alone, her voice too small to scream for help, her body too weak to resist the disgusting advances they’re making on her—
The grip on her throat falters. Her sabers fall somewhere beside her as she crumples to the ground.
Anakin goes with her. He pulls her away from the wall before she hits her head against it, but she pushes him off before he can do any more. A desperate sound tears from her throat, and horror floods his mind because he’s heard that before.
Anakin kneels in front of her. Her breaths come too quick, too shallow, and he belatedly wonders if she is dizzy yet. The darkness hides her face, and if it didn’t then he wouldn’t be able to see it anyway, for how she holds her gaze straight below his. Cowering.
Ahsoka scrabbles at the ground, the rough stone scraping her fingertips raw. The physical pain is a welcome reprieve from its counterpart in her mind. Her fingers wander, searching frantically for something to hold on to, something to ground her, some semblance of a handhold before she falls off the cliff.
“Breathe, Ahsoka,” she hears.
She can’t breathe. “I can’t.”
“You can,” Anakin soothes. “I know you can.”
“I can’t,” she gasps. She can’t.
“Hey,” Anakin says softly. It’s unfair that he’s calm. “Breathe with me, Ahsoka.”
Ahsoka sobs, curling in on herself. Her chest hurts and her hands shake and her fingers are numb. There’s a nudge at her chin, cool as the night air, and she lifts her head almost on instinct before the nudge can turn into a push.
She meets his gaze. For once, she wonders how it would feel to not have the night vision of a predator—she wishes she didn’t have to see the sadness in his eyes as clear as day. Her species evolved to hunt, to seek out prey in lightless terrains. Not for this.
Anakin takes her hand, squeezes it tight. “Feel that?” he asks softly, calmly. It is hard to hide his own fear, hard to shape the words into what he wants them to be.
Ahsoka nods.
“Focus on my touch, alright?”
Please don’t touch me, she’d said.
“Okay,” Ahsoka rasps. Is that her voice? Force.
How she wishes he would wrap his arms tight around her. How she wishes he would hold her, the way he always does when she breaks. She would resist at first, but calm down soon after, because the warmth of Anakin’s arms could never be mistaken for the claustrophobic grip of that Zyge—
“Breathe, Ahsoka,” Anakin says again. It’s an order. But he doesn’t know—can he hold her? Will she shove him away? The mission on Zygerria ruined tactile comfort forever, and without it he doesn't know what to do.
Perhaps the darkness is a blessing. If Ahsoka saw Anakin’s distress in response to her panic, it would only make matters worse.
She tries again, for there is only one road out of this, and it is littered with broken glass.
The first true drag of air burns her throat, her chest aching as she takes a shuddering breath. She lets it out in a shuddering exhale, and starts again. Then reaches blindly in front of her, finding familiar cloth beneath her fingers.
Anakin embraces her tentatively. Tentatively, in case she recoils. Tentatively, in case she decides this is too much. Anakin Skywalker is not tentative—Anakin Skywalker rushes into things, instinct overriding rationality. His saber thinks before he does.
But he can make an exception. For her.
“You’re okay,” Anakin says softly, and if he can shape the words into something tangible and physical, then maybe the promise will hold. “You’re gonna be okay.”
Ahsoka’s breath hitches, and she shudders in his arms. Her chest is tight. Oxygen does not come easy.
This is her lifeline—this is what she holds on to when the current grows too strong. This is her determination, the friction that keeps her on her feet when the water lashes at her thighs and the rocks beat at her ankles.
Five things you see. A collar, a cage, a whip—
“I’m sorry,” she tries, in a voice which is not hers. There is nothing else to say.
“Don’t be,” he answers instantly. There is nothing else to reply.
Four things you hear. His voice, his voice, his voice, his voice—
She can say, with some degree of certainty, that she will not sleep tonight.
So Ahsoka searches for the old list in her mind, a growing collection of ways to stay awake, how to look alive, how to stave off exhaustion. Unfiltered, honest advice, scoured from conversations not intended for her to hear, passed between older padawans and knights. Hushed whispers in the barracks, the solemn voices of brothers trickling in like sand. Quiet fights between her master and his, which ultimately only served as eavesdropping practice for her.
“What happened there?” Anakin asks, a hand rubbing circles into her back.
Ahsoka takes another shaky breath. She’s good at learning things, but learning how to breathe again is far beyond her capabilities now. “When you held me—” She pulls back, unconsciously touching her neck with freshly scraped-raw fingertips, the phantom ache lingering like dirt on her skin.
Anakin takes her hand, guiding it away from her throat. He replaces it with his own, brushing over invisible bruises and a racing pulse; carefully tilts her chin up, his eyes tracing the smooth line of her neck, as if any marks will show at all in the muted light of the moon.
He is so gentle. Ahsoka cannot believe these are the same hands that knocked her against a wall, and held a lightsaber to her throat, and battered bruises into her shoulders before she learned how to dodge them. The same hands that untangled the beads hanging behind her lekku, and pulled her back to her feet every time she fell, and held her when nights were too long to sleep through alone.
Ahsoka places her hands over Anakin’s. The worn leather is smooth under her palms. “Felt like him,” she says hoarsely. A name waits behind her lips, bitter on her tongue. She so badly wants to spit it out, but she doesn’t have the energy left.
“Did I hurt you?” Anakin asks. He cares so much—it terrifies her.
Not in that way, no.
“No,” she whispers.
Anakin frowns. “Are you sure?”
It’s difficult to find the right words at the moment. Anakin waits for them to find him instead, lest he say something wrong. Anakin is very good at that—saying something wrong.
“Let me try again,” Ahsoka whispers.
Anakin shakes his head. “Ahsoka—”
“I can do it. I won’t panic this time.” Some things are not worth crying over. But it’s an empty promise. Who is she to assume?
“No,” Anakin says firmly. “No more. We’re going home.”
It is impossible to fight him on this, so Ahsoka nods, pressing her face harder into his robes. Her weapons are somewhere behind her, waiting to be retrieved before she goes. The thought of searching around in the dark is vastly unappealing.
Yet his arms don’t loosen around her. She could argue that this is home, but—
“You ready?” Anakin asks. He almost hopes for her to say no, for it will give him a reason to stay longer, to hold her precious youth in his hands before it spills like water into desert sand. He wonders how much she has left—if he can afford to spill any more.
Ahsoka wipes at her face, her hand coming away wet. “Yes.”
Anakin takes her hand and pulls her to her feet, another moment to add to the hundreds before. He calls her sabers to his hands before she can, the quiet thump of metal hitting firm leather echoing quietly off the walls of the courtyard.
Ahsoka can only watch, a grey blankness filling the space of her mind previously occupied with some familiar form of devastating fear. She thinks, absentmindedly, that the hilts are so much smaller in his hands. It’s such a mindless, trivial realisation—hysteria offers to bubble up her throat, but she presses it down with her dread, lest Anakin think she is insane.
He must already think she is insane, for believing it will be any better if she tries again.
Ahsoka closes her eyes, still reeling from panic. Her arms hang slack by her sides. Anakin presses the weapons to her palms, shoto in her left and saber in her right.
The metal is cold. He closes her fingers over them, his gloves soft against her knuckles.
“I’m sorry,” Anakin says.
They stand there for a moment. Ahsoka breathes, relishing in the very fact that she can.
Someday the war will end. She knows it will end—it must end. And when it does, she and Anakin will scour the galaxy for slavers, and they’ll free every slave they can find. If she can spare one more padawan from what she’s seen, and if she can spare one more master from what Anakin now second guesses—then it all will have been worth it.
“I’m sorry, Ahsoka,” Anakin says again.
“You couldn’t have known,” she replies, for it is the answer he wants and needs to hear, and she, here and now, must convince herself that it is also the truth.
Helplessness is not an emotion to be treated lightly, yet it is an emotion easy to forget. Anakin realises this as he searches her face for a flicker which would betray her, an excuse to keep her close for one more night, and finds nothing.
“Are you alright?” Ahsoka asks with a little frown, ignoring the fact that she had been the one hyperventilating on the ground mere minutes ago.
“I—” Anakin clears his throat before his voice can break on him, rearranging his features into a less expressive mask. “Yeah. I am. Why are you asking me?” He nearly laughs in disbelief. “Are you?”
“I think I am.” A nonchalant tilt of her head, moonlight reflecting off the white stripes on her lekku. “You can decide.”
You’re not, Anakin thinks, but he doesn’t say a word. What good will it bring?
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newswcanonprompts · 4 years
Urban magic SW AU
(again, direct quotes)
(also, poster’s note: how would the clones tie into this AU? very interesting. also, i want art for this, that’d be so badass i feel like. unfortunately I can’t draw for shit so... idk i’ll just dream about it. sorry, anyways, BACK TO THIS)
I just read ‘domestic’ as ‘demonic’ and thought this was a very different conversation.
Anakin is a demon obi-wan summoned after fostering a kid because he can't cook.
Imagine being so bad at cooking your first instinct is to summon a demon to do it for you rather than like, buy a cookbook.
“Okay you summoned me what do you want me to do”                         
“Oh my god please cook, I am taking care of a child who needs protein and is allergic to soy and I haven’t cooked or eaten meat in two decades please help me”
“You know I'm a flexitarian who gets my protein from soy and bugs, right?”
“Oh my god i'm doomed!”
Vader, dark, looming shadow, eyes like molten gold:  “wHy dId yOU SUmmON mE?”                                                                                                    
Obi-Wan, cursing: “Oh fuck, I, uh, was trying for minor deity of ah, home keeping. uhm. Is your name Anakin? I just need somebody who can cook for my kid.”
Insert Vader's form shifting.                                                                    
Anakin: “Oh gosh finally somebody who doesn't want blood!”
Obi-Wan: “Do you just have split personalities or something?”
Anakin: “Do you want my life story or do you want me to cook for you?”
Obi-Wan: "Can you multitask?"
A family can be a local demonology professor and alchemist, a witch in the making and technically a prince of hell with a backstory that needs unlocking.
Can this also be a “pretending to be married” au cause I need someone to show up and be like “Obi-Wan who is this nice man?
"This is definitely not a demon uhhhhh. This is, thIS IS MY HUSBAND!!!!!” 
anakin: o.O
And Vader would always tease him about it, but sticks around anyway because he doesn’t want to go back to his demon master.
If this is an AU where summoning demons is normal, Obi-Wan would be more embarrassed about his reason for summoning, so he pretends the demon is his husband to hide the fact that he summoned for cooking help.
Maybe his dad Qui-Gon is a professional chef and puts a lot of pressure on him to be a good cook?
Obi-Wan: “ Look, my mentor and I already argue over the fact that I chose to abandon divination for alchemy, I do not need him learning of my abysmal cooking!”
Anakin being a wonderful "wife" and just a great person. Then Obi-Wan gets threatened. Tells Obi-Wan to go somewhere and Vader just slaughters the threat.
I'm absolutely imagining the kid Obi-Wan’s taking care of is baby Luke, maybe he was taken from Vader as a baby and Obi-Wan found him? THAT'S gonna introduce some tension between him and Vader!
Anakin, staring at Luke: “Where did you find him?” 
Obi-Wan: “On the street somewhere? Why?”
Anakin, preparing to go fight Sidious: “I need to kill a demon.”
WAIT, DOES THIS MAKE BABY LUKE HALF DEMON? How about half-angel instead?
No wonder he needs so much protein! Luke's diet has been all over the place in the past 4 months.
I think it's hilarious if Luke is half demon but stays the ray of sunshine we all know and love. Like yeah you go Luke, break those stereotypes!
Wait, where Padme is this?
Padmé hmm.... how about Vaderkin's previous summoner? And then Sidious Happened™️.
She is the person who summoned Vaderkin for similar reasons to Obi-Wan, then they fell in love, and had Luke (and Leia)
and Sidious happened, but Vaderkin didn't now, and.......
Sidious happened first and turned Anakin who was some,,, idk weird local deity/spirit into Vader and when he escaped:
he met Padmé, a talented magician who tried to fix it and make him Anakin again, which,,,, didn't really work.
It only cut his tie to Sidious so he's not holding the leash anymore.
Other side effects are the creation of Luke & Leia.
Which are basically the residue magic given form, hence them both being half and half.
And Vaderkin sort of disappeared in the whole mess so Padmé, injured but alive, grabbed the kids and ran, later hid Luke with Obi-Wan, Leia with Bail & Breha while now attempting to take down Sidious.
And Padmé thinks anakin actually died in the process.So we can have the whole family AND badass Padmé!
And then Obi-Wan just finds baby!Luke and takes care of him and summons Anakin without  knowing that Anakin is Luke's father...
Which would make Padmé checking in on Obi-Wan and Luke a lot more hilarious if Anakin just opens the door.
(Oh boy when Padmé finds out about Obi-Wan's fake marriage to Anakin that's gonna be some CONFUSION!)
Okay okay okay, so Palpatine is the dean of the college Obi-Wan teaches at and has been refusing to give him tenure or a promotion or any good class for like five years.
I really want Anakin to be like a deity until Sidious dragged him down to hell. So Obi-Wan summons Anakin under his original deity name because he wants to cook and is surprised to get a demon.
Obi-Wan: “So you're anakin... and vader?”
Vaderkin: “Yeah”
Obi-Wan, holding a crying toddler and not giving any fucks anymore: “You know what this checks out.”
Anakin was probably some form of God, because Chosen One you know?
I mean this ties in nicely with the origin of his name so like. Make him a God of fate, make him a creation of the universe itself.
Stardust runs in his veins, galaxies are born in his eyes, and all of that.
He was corrupted once Palpatine dug his claws and spilled golden ichor, tainting it the red of mortality, darkening to the unholy black blood of the underworld.
Oh yes!!!! So, the backstory:
He was stolen from his mother by Sidious, made a half-demon, then left and married Padmé, they had Luke and Leia.
Sidious trapped Anakin again and made him a full demon this time through the burning and lots of pain, he thinks he killed Padmé, but she is looking for him and trying to get him back but can't raise the twins
because she's trying to find their father and make him human again,
and he tried to kill  Padmé against his will, but she still believes in him.
Jedi are people who use the magic that create the demons and the gods to do good or something.
I mean Obi-Wan's still running around as a mortal.
Someone needs to wrangle these supernatural idiots and he's unfortunately the best person for the job.
If this is urban fantasy then Jedi could be the term for people that use magic
How about we tie this to the Fallen Angel Anakin, and have Anakin who was once a god, but was dragged down by Sidious
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
idk if you do like song request sorta things, but could you do a fic based on the song "night bus" by gabrielle alpin? especially the "suddenly i know that i'm on my way home to you for the last time" part--maybe an angsty sort of thing where the reader and anakin's relationship gets discovered and she gets sent away or smth? idk i couldn't stop thinking ab it last night and i have no motivation to write it myself and i love your writing so maybe?? tysm!
Oh sis this was so much fun to write. Even though it is sad... idk i liked getting in the feels. Anyway I hope it meets your expectations. If it didn’t, well, pls write it yourself and tag me! I’d love to see what your vision was ❤️🤗
Read it on ao3
WC: 1.8k
Night Bus - Anakin x gn Reader angst
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You swore this would never be you. You promised yourself it would last. If two people love each other, there should be no reason you couldn’t be together.
That’s childish thinking, you tugged your jacket tighter around you. Your boots dragged through the grey sludge of the sidewalk, remnants from a lazy downpour of wet snow a few hours before. Your mind whirled and stomach churned as the streetlights began blinking on one by one, the markets closing up for the night. 
It should have been a peaceful thing, but you felt sick. With each step closer to your destination, you felt as though a current was dragging you back, the darkness closing in around you. You knew as soon as you reached him, it would be for the last time. Your fairytale would come to an end, and as you walked through the bitter streets of Coruscant on your way to the Jedi temple, you prepared yourself to say goodbye to your prince charming. 
“It’s selfish, what you’re doing,” Master Windu had hissed at you. You were still reeling from his admittance that he knew about your and Anakin’s relationship. You had been so careful to keep it a secret, you had no idea how he found out. 
“Obi-Wan told you,” your lips felt like rubber.
“He did not,” Mace leveled his gaze at you. “He knows, I’m sure of it. But he respects Anakin too much to give him away like that. A flaw on his part, which will be dealt with later.”
Your head was swimming. What did this mean for you? For Anakin? For the both of you together? Obviously you knew what was next, but your mind couldn’t wrap around it, couldn’t accept it.
“You need to let him go,” Mace declared, not a hint of mercy detected. 
“I can’t.”
“Then he needs to let you go.”
“He won’t.”
“Then you will be the fall of the Jedi!” His sudden outburst made you flinch. Your heart beat fast, blood swishing in your ears. His body was still as a statue, but his eyes were wide and his chest was heaving with an anger that was barely under control. Master Windu was of the more… pessimistic Jedi, but you had never really seen him lose control so completely. Now, you could see he was overwhelmingly stressed. No, not stressed-- panicked. 
“He needs me,” you replied shakily, unwilling to stand down. Anakin had made it clear over and over again that if you just said the word, he would leave the Order for you. The only reason he was still here was because you wouldn’t let him abandon his purpose for you. Windu may think you would be the downfall of the Jedi, but you were the reason it hadn’t completely fallen yet.
“You’re a poison to him.”
It looked like neither of you would be backing down. Windu saw this, and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. When he opened them, he strolled to his seat, and then motioned for you to take the one beside him.
“Let me explain myself,” his voice was much calmer now, but the hard look in his eyes remained. “Anakin is important. Not just to the Jedi, but to the balance of life itself.”
“He never asked for any of that.”
“But he still is,” Windu argued. “There’s no changing that fact. He is powerful. He has potential. And he’s unstable. He was before he met you, and he is now-- even more so.”
“Because of me?”
“Because of how he feels about you.”
You clenched your fists and glared at Windu. “How could being in love ever be a bad thing?”
“Love is an attachment. When one is attached to something, it can be taken away. When it is taken away, it breeds anger and hate and resentment, a path to the dar--”
“Oh, spare me the lecture,” you spit. “I know of your Jedi laws and morals. Now tell me why our love is so forbidden if all it’s bringing him is happiness and peace?”
“For now. It’s happiness and peace for now, because it’s new. I should have stepped in sooner, should have stopped it before it was too late. But with the start of the war, I lost sight of it, got too distracted…” Windu shook his head. “If you end it now, he’ll be able to move on. The damage won’t be permanent.”
“I don’t understand,” your chest stung. 
“He loves you. Any Jedi can sense that. And you love him, too.” You couldn’t meet Windu’s gaze. “If something happens to you, and you are taken away from him, or-- Force forbid-- you die, it will break him. He will be consumed by anger and hatred and he will fall to the dark side. His emotions are strong, far too strong to be handled easily. If Anakin goes to the darkside, the Jedi will be no match for the Sith. We will perish, and the war will be lost, and so will any semblance of peace that exists in this life.”
Mace’s tone softened as he saw the tears build up in your eyes. “This path is inevitable, and it needs to be prevented. The only way we can be sure is to remove you from his life. It was a mistake letting you two get so close, and the Council takes full responsibility. But now, you must let him go.”
“How certain are you,” you forced the words from your aching throat. “How certain are you of this future?”
“Yoda had a vision.”
Your breath left you like a balloon deflating. You were glad you were sitting now, because you didn’t think your legs could handle the weight as you felt your world crumble around you. Anakin’s smiling face flashed through your mind, and a tear trailed down your face.
“You have until sunrise to leave Coruscant,” Mace’s tone was back to authoritative, formal and commanding, leaving no room for argument. “You can never return. Not as long as Anakin is here. You may never come in contact with him ever again.”
“And who’s going to stop me if I do? Who’s going to stop him?”
“If you have any respect for every innocent living being in this galaxy, you will do what needs to be done. Now go. You have a job to do.”
You swore you could hear your heart drop and shatter to the ground in a million tiny pieces as you stood from that chair and walked out of the council room. You spent the day mulling over your conversation, crying, pacing, and pulling at your hair. You tried to think of anything you could do to be with Anakin-- pretend to leave him and be even more secretive, get a different identity so you could stay on Coruscant, run away together. You knew he would if you asked.
But deep down, you knew Windu was right. The Jedi needed Anakin, and you were his weakness. If Anakin left, or fell to the dark side because of you, it would be the end of the galaxy. Just because it wasn’t a possibility now, doesn’t mean it wasn’t one in the future. Yoda had a vision, after all, and the fear in Windu’s eyes told you it was serious. 
Now here you were, walking to Anakin’s place to spend one last night with him before you had to leave him. Forever. Your body ached from the cold, the grief, and from packing your belongings all afternoon. You could barely form words as you booked a ship off the planet for early next morning. Then, you had numbly pulled on your jacket and boots, and began your trek to Anakin one last time. 
Cars whizzed overhead, the honking distant in your hollow ears. You were shaking, but not from the cold, as you caught sight of the Jedi temple ahead. The entrance was only a few feet away. You just had to walk through the door, sneak down the hallway, and you’d be there. He’d open the door, offer you a blinding smile, pull you inside, and warm you up with a drink and a kiss. You would put something on the holonet like you always did, just for background noise, and lay down on the bed and just be together. Talk, or kiss, or hold each other. Feel his laugh vibrate through your body because he was pressed so close to you, watch his curls bounce as he shook his head, listen to the soft sounds of him sleeping. The moonlight always made him look like some sort of space prince as it glistened off his cheekbones, painting him in a pale blue. You would trace your fingertips along his face, and he would pretend to still be asleep as he smiled and kissed your fingertips. So happy, so at peace, so in love--
You stopped in your tracks.
I can’t do this.
The pain was building up again. You thought your heart had already shattered, but the ghost of it kept cracking. Something awful was breaking in your chest with each breath, each second, each step toward your goodbye. There was no way you could face him and be okay tonight. The tears were already making an appearance.
“You need to let him go,” Windu’s voice battled your sorrow. “You will be the fall of the Jedi.”
The breath you took was like swallowing razor blades as the cold air filled your lungs. Steadying yourself on the wall of the temple, you pushed your way past the entrance and entered the main hall. The familiar smell worsened your nausea, and you kept your hood up and head down as you walked the familiar path down the hall, taking the elevator up, and then crossing the last hallway before you found his door.
You schooled your features and shoved down the swirling tempest threatening to spill out of you. Once your hands stopped trembling, you brought a fist up and knocked on the door.
Anakin opened the door. He was smiling brilliantly, blue eyes sparkling in the light. The image of his face falling, eyes clouding over in confusion and hurt as he searched for you the next morning and found you gone flashed through your mind. You knew he would never stop searching for you. This is not what he would have wanted. But Mace was right-- he would heal, in time, and he could live the life he was supposed to live; as a Jedi, a General, and the Chosen One. 
“Anakin,” you forced yourself to smile. “Hi.”
His smile turned from charming to soft, hands immediately moving to pull you into his room for the last time. “You’re freezing, my love. Let’s get you warmed up, I already made you something to drink.”
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nctacommittee · 2 years
Leia and Padmé (AU)
As partial as Leia was to Alderaan, Naboo reminded her so much of it. Full of the beauty of the galaxy. Like Alderaan, Naboo was peaceful, a far cry from all the war she had seen. She didn’t regret it for a single second. She did what she had to do. The Rebellion needed her help and then later the Resistance. Despite the success over the Empire all those years ago, it didn’t stop her from putting her guard down. There would always be evil to fight but the rise of the first order was something she couldn’t help but blame on herself. As hard as Leia fought to not turn out like her father, her family was inevitably cursed by the dark side. First, her father and then her son, which resulted in it feeling like deja vu all over again, only this time, it hit much more close to home. Watching her son fall to the darkside was one of the most difficult experiences of her life. At least with Anakin, it wasn’t something she was part of, which she knew she had her mother and Obi Wan to thank for that. Whenever she’ d struggle trying to understand why her mother would give her up, she’d think about that. At first it didn’t make sense to her because it made her wonder if her mother didn’t want her, which she knew it resulted in giving her sweet adoptive parents a hard time. She’d run away to Naboo once she was old enough to understand, begging to let her stay with her and questioning why she couldn’t. However,  it wasn’t like her mother wasn’t part of her life. She still came to visit her too sometimes. Bail and Breha made sure of that. It was her favorite part of the week whenever she got to visit her mother.
When the war broke out, those visits got less and less until eventually they stopped all together. It wasn’t by choice, it was necessity. It was then Leia had learned to survive on her own so when the Rebellion needed her help, she had a feeling it was going to be the last time she’d ever see her Bail and Breha, who she had started to also consider her parents,  for awhile but she still never anticipated what would come next. When Alderaan got destroyed, it was as if a piece of her heart went down with it. She’d never forgive her father for what he did. It was a senseless killing of an unarmed, peaceful planet. It was an indication of just the kind of evil the Rebellion was facing. No one was safe. The future of the galaxy felt like it rested in her hands. 
She wanted her mother to stay safe and the safest place for her was Naboo. Despite the status of the galaxy, Naboo managed to also remain peaceful. The only way she was going to keep it that way was to keep her distance so it wouldn’t draw attention to the Empire nor the first order. She couldn’t pick a better place for her mother if she tried. Her mother was the most beautiful woman she’d ever known. Kind, gentle, loving, all things good and similar qualities to her adoptive parents. Leia would never be able to thank her enough for the childhood she was able to grant her, despite everything. No matter how angry she was at first, she knew her mother loved her, she could never question that. Padmé never let her doubt that. Her loving nature reminded her so much of Luke, who never gave up on anyone and always saw the good. It had been way too many years since Leia was able to see Padmé so with the Resistance victory, after congratulating her troops for a job well done, she hopped the first starship she was able to find and headed to see her mother on Naboo. 
She had almost forgotten how beautiful it was but she felt the calmness through the force the instant she stepped onto the platform. It was a welcomed feeling, one she hadn’t felt in too many years. She closed her eyes and took in a few breaths, enjoying the atmosphere and letting the force guide her to her mother. She smiled when she saw her, quickly making her way over to the balcony above the water, “Mom? It’s me, Leia.” She stated gently, not hesitating to wrap her into a hug, “It’s been too long, but you have no idea how happy I am to see you. I’ve missed you so much.” She whispered against her ear, hugging her even closer.
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@bajanbacca​ (Padmé)​
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officialgomezaddams · 3 years
I honestly dk what this is but its set in AOTC kinda want to turn this into a little series $wag also shout out to my fellow nihilists this is for you bb
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Palpatine had always kept watchful over her but never loomed. It would have been too obvious. When he met Anakin, it was like a breath of fresh air, a realization that this little boy was destined to restore the balance in the force and his daughter, Y/n, would be the one to defeat him. He had begun the idea of his daughter once he joined the Darkside, already knowing that the possibility to be overthrown was something he couldn’t let happen. The dark energy, the power, was simply too much to let go of. The moment he saw the nine-year-old boy, the lord was happy to know that the power would stay on the dark side. 
Dooku trained Y/n as a padawan, and when he left the order, he took Y/n with him, kidnapping her into the night. When she asked why they were leaving the temple as he dragged her into a ship, he simply replied, “Sometimes when politicians can’t do their job, we must do something ourselves.” Over the years together, he would open up more, telling Y/n about the death of Qui-Gon and every step that drove him to leave. 
“The Jedi rely on selflessness. To strip one’s ability to have connection and emotion. They lose themselves in conformity. We need to take control of the life we’re given. Emotion, passion, drive. Those are how we will be victorious. Corrupt politicians pull the Jedi around like kites on strings. You can not try and save a house that its lousy foundation has torn down. Tear it down and build a new one.” 
It was her job to ensure just that, a new foundation set within the heart of the Darkside. Relentless training to mentally and physically defeat the chosen one. Palpatine would often tell her that her destiny was a part of the Sith Two, that the strongest one of the two would survive, and it was to be her. Darth Sidious found comfort that his creation would take over the Darkside once she had killed him and the Count. The most decisive Jedi ruling on the side of the night. 
She didn’t quite understand it, but to stay on the Darkside made the most sense to her. It wasn’t about power. It was the lifestyle. Why be selfless if there was no personal gain? Why spend a life living for something else? Shouldn’t one live their life for themselves? Everyone, she determined, had to want something. As long as she did what she wanted, it was enough. It had to be. Because without drive and her idea of what was truly right and wrong, how would she get anything done? 
She rationed that it all didn’t matter. She would never know who was right because, in her mind, the concept of being right varied too much. The Jedi thought they were right, the sith thought they were right, the politicians who voted against their people’s needs thought they were right. She had to suffer through Palpatine’s long lectures about how awful the senate was and now terrible the Jedi Order is. But who was to say he was right? That was only his opinion. Who was to say the Jedi were right because a frog that was almost nine hundred years old said so? 
“I’m just…” Anakin went on, pulling a piece of grass out of the ground. “I mean, I don’t know. Padmè is beautiful and wonderful. She’s everything that could make someone perfect: marriage, it’s so permanent. I know I’m supposed to be excited, which I am, of course. But what if we were not supposed to be together.” 
His speech made her frown. “Sometimes, it’s better just to dive in and see where you land.” She offered. The dreams with Anakin were a peaceful escape to a Jedi’s life. Neither knew why their dreams brought them together or what they even meant. Neither of them bothered, living the same training life on opposite sides. A sweet dream was the perfect reward. “And who are you going to be with then, me?” She teased back. 
The setting of the dreams was in the meadows of Naboo. The pastel-colored flowers stood dim in the moonlight from the starry night above. Anakin laid with his head in her lap as they talked about their personal lives, never going in too deep about what their destinies were. Anakin no longer had the pressure of being the chosen one, and Y/n never had to admit she would kill the chosen one. 
“I wish,” Anakin admitted, now looking up at her. “I want so bad to meet you Y/n, not just in my dreams but in real life. If I could have you by my side, all of this would be less confusing. I’ve fallen in love with you, a woman in my dreams. Why can’t you be in my reality?”
“Don’t say that,” She whispered. Whenever Anakin talked about his little girl-thing, Y/n wasn’t even one hundred percent sure what their relationship was, and she always felt a slight nic in her heart. Y/n knew that she was in love with Anakin, but to hear about another woman making him the happiest he’s been in the majority of the years that she knew him, that it wasn’t her, the one sneaking in kisses with him in the shadows. It brought out an ugly feeling of jealousy and possessiveness to Y/n that she didn’t know she had. 
“I promise, one day, I’ll be with you in all the ways you want.” She spoke with a smile. She would often daydream about what life would be like to meet him real-time. They would run up to each other and crush each other in a hug. She imagined it all.
“Tell me about it,” Anakin edged on, closing his eyes as if it was going to play out in his head.
“Well, I want to go somewhere like D’Qar, somewhere quiet where I won’t have to worry about neighbors or anyone I don’t want finding me. Or us, because you’re coming with me no matter what your soon-to-be wife says,” You teased, making him laugh. “Maybe- Sometimes in my dreams, there’s no Padmè, it’s just us, and every so often there are kids, but it’s just us. Tucked away where we can be together, and nothing can bother us or stop us from being together.”
The silence that sat in between them began to scare Y/n, “Is that a future you would want with me?”
His eyes met hers, a peaceful moment in the chaos of their lives. He reached up to tuck a strand of hair that fell in front of her face, behind her ear. “If I were able to, I would.”
“And why can’t you? Why can’t you have the things you want, Anakin? Is it wrong to be happy?” 
Waking up from the dreams was always the most challenging part, the reality of it not being a reality. Y/n woke up already in a bad mood, mentally kicking herself for pushing too far in. Of course, he wouldn’t want to. He’s getting married to someone else. You’re too late. It had always been Y/n’s plan to end up with Anakin in some way or another. From the first dream to now, she decided to leave the Sith once she had killed the chosen one. Somedays, she would pace around, impatiently waiting for whoever held the title to cross her path so she could just finish the job and take the next ship to wherever Anakin was. 
She tore the necklace he had given her off her neck, clutching the carven japor snippet in her hand with a grip so hard she could have cracked it if it wasn’t made out of stone. She was squeezing her eyes shut, trying not to cry. Anakin had given Y/n the good luck charm when they were at the age of thirteen. Y/n was upset that once everything was over that he may not want to be with her, the reputation of her choices would drive him away. 
“Well, you can’t be that bad,” He commented, pulling out the carved stone from his pocket and shyly handing it to her. “I made this for you,” Anakin explained as she put it around her neck, “So that when good things happen, you can think of me. It’ll be my way of keeping you safe, and in return, one day, you will come to me safely.”
She opened her eyes and stared at the carvings, remembering how Anakin said he made it just for her, so she better not lose it. Y/n wanted to break it, throw it away, and never see Anakin again. She wanted more than just the dreams. She wanted the sunsets and the early morning and the rainy days - all of it. Maybe they were wrong, they weren’t supposed to meet, and it was just a nice dream. 
She couldn’t do that. She at least owes him a simple greeting, and then she can get rid of him. Putting the necklace back on and wiping her face to make sure she wasn’t crying, Y/n walked out of the room, ready for whatever the sith wanted her to do. 
“Just be patient,” Her master told her as they waited outside the still open ship. Geonosis was overrun with battle, the sith fighting tooth and bone to claim the planet as its capital, the major droid foundries, and its Mandalorians. Nothing could be more perfect for the sith. The two force signatures caught Y/n’s attention. Looking up at Dooku, she told him, “Well, let’s make it quick then.” 
“The chosen one will be here,” he whispered back. “I’ll leave that one to you.”
“You’re gonna pay for all the Jedi you killed, Dooku,” A familiar voice said as you both turned around in unison. “Y/N?” A pit dropped in her stomach. It was him, Anakin. Anakin’s blue saber was pointed at the ground, more focused on her than the older man. 
The necklace he gave her burned her through her robes. Anakin was finally there in front of her. This Anakin was different from her dreams. He stood with more pride and confidence. He was also the chosen one. “I-I didn’t expect to meet you like this,” She told him, knowing full well once on the ship, she would be interrogated about her knowledge of the boy. 
“Why are you with him?” The venom in his voice almost made her feel guilty about being who she was. “Are you-? Don’t tell me Y/n-” He couldn’t find the words to express his confusion and disappointment, “You’re a Sith. How can you be with them? You lied to me! Can’t you see what they’re doing to you? Can’t you see what they’ve done!”
“The Jedi know no facts,” She spoke, looking over at the Count, waiting for his head nod and sign of approval to ignite her orange saber. The whole weapon was made for destruction, a perfect saber to kill the chosen one. Its orange glow was representing strength. The curved hilt that matched hers of her masters was perfect for duels and close fights. “Only assumptions.”
It hurt her to have him looking at her in disgust. As if she was suddenly less than him because of her beliefs. “Anakin, you need to calm down,” She warned him as he charged towards her, only for Dooku to step in front of her, raising his hand to send bolds of electricity into the boy’s body and fling him into a rock wall. “Don’t keep me waiting,” Her master spoke before walking up the platform of the ship. 
Y/n only had seconds to understand that not only her master had abandoned her, Anakin was also lying limp in a pile of rocks, and the other Jedi was making his way towards her. She pointed her saber straight ahead at him, taking careful steps around him, trying to think about how this all would end. Was this it? When is supposed to kill the chosen one who happened to be the boy Y/n had fallen in love with over the past ten years? She knew that once she killed Anakin, she would have to kill the two sith above her, starting the two over with her as a master. 
“I heard the little green guy talks highly of you, Kenobi. What a pity it will be when I kill his two strongest men.”
Obi-wan shook his head, “You’re not Dooku’s apprentice. You’re just an assassin to him. Y/n why would he elect a child to be his successor?” He spoke as if he could read her mind, his blue eyes pleading with her. 
“You don’t know anything!” Y/n yelled, making the first strike. His saber skills were advanced, but quickly she was able to disarm him and left two marks on him, one on his arm and one on his thigh. She walked up to him, the two staring at each other. Was she about to kill this man? She had never killed a human before. Taking down droids and other creatures were casual to her. Humans? This man was edging her on with his eyes, both understanding that she wasn’t able to drive her saber into his neck. She couldn’t just kill a man who had done nothing to her. That would be wrong, right? But if it was so bad, why was she encouraged to do it? 
Before she could thoroughly choose, Anakin came at full force again. This time his master had tossed him his saber, making the fight two against one. “Why won’t you join our site, the right side?” Anakin asked, swiftly dodging her but failing to make any advancements to disarming her. 
“I don’t believe in any right sides.” She told him, knocking the green lightsaber out of his hand, evening out the fight. “I believe in one thing. Power of human will.” 
She walked into the ship quietly, ignoring the little green Jedi behind her. She didn’t care about the older man, Yoda or Count Dooku. She walked past the sith and made her way right to the pilot’s seat before sitting down. 
Dooku followed her, giving her space as she sat down. Crossing his arms like a disappointed parent, he asked, “Well?”
“I cut his arm off,” Y/n spoke, taking out the necklace and looking at the charm in her hand. She left right after, watching him lay unconscious against his master, missing apart of his right arm. She had hurt him, and for a moment, when she was looking at the injured pair, the padawan’s master had the same look on his face as before. An eyebrow raised as if to say, Do it, kill us. I doubt you’ll do it. 
“I’m disappointed in you.” He said. Y/n could have done it. She would have just pictured them as droids and slice the two in half. It would have been quick and painless. She could have plaid her life out, kill the chosen one, rule the sith, and live her life. Why didn’t you? She kept thinking as she admired the gift. 
Looking at the charm, the future she talked about seemed too far away, especially now. The end with the boy she loved, Anakin, who also was the boy she was supposed to kill. But for right now, she thought to herself. She wouldn’t kill him, at least not yet, until she knew for sure that her fantasies with Anakin were just wild dreams. It was her own life. Why couldn’t she have the things she wanted? 
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tennessoui · 3 years
hi all of your aus are amazing! pls what happens with divorced!obiwan and the twins?
hey!! sorry this took so long i had to think of an appropriate cliffhanger
this is a continuation of this ficlet and this ficlet, where divorced!obi-wan accidentally acquires a partner and a set of twins.
The twins are not, and probably have never been described by anyone except their father, angels. They take to Obi-Wan as well as Obi-Wan takes to them, which is to say that all three of them watch each other suspiciously until one day Luke launches himself off the top of the fridge--how the fuck did he manage to get up there--and Obi-Wan drops his morning toast in a frantic bid to catch him.
After that, Leia and Luke apparently decide he is Another Anakin Who Is Just Around A Lot Less But Is Better At Reading Bedtime Stories and deign to treat him as such.
Obi-Wan decides that he’s going to have a heart attack by the age of fifty. Do all children see a childproof house as a challenge?
It somehow takes both a longer and shorter time to win over Anakin’s favor, mostly because Obi-Wan isn’t sure what the man’s thinking at any given moment. He seems to blow hot and cold depending on how he woke up or how the work day goes. Some days, Obi-Wan comes home from campus and Anakin and the twins have waited to eat until he’s there. Sometimes they’ve eaten and there’s a meal under foil on the stove just for Obi-Wan.
(“I don’t know how you do it,” Obi-Wan tells him one night after the children are put to bed. “I mean, work from home with your job, mind the children, and cook?”
“They made me head of the R&D department a few months ago,” Anakin admits, taking a sip of his second glass of wine. “So I’m doing a lot more checking through other people’s work instead of making my own. It just means I can do that and make something edible--no, really, you just can’t cook, Obi-Wan, I’m not the best either.”
“Do you miss getting to make something other than food?” Obi-Wan asks eventually, giving himself enough time to recover from the sound of the other’s giggles.
Anakin shrugs languidly. “It’s better salary, and I’m the youngest ever in the company to have the position. Means I’ll pay off my student loans quicker, same with my mom’s hospital bills. Doesn’t matter what I want.”
Obi-Wan’s chest hurts and he wants to lean across the gap between their chairs and place his hand on Anakin’s arm, but they don’t know each other like that. It’s only been a month and a half since they moved in. Still. “It always matters what you want,” he insists. “And I think you’re amazing.”
Anakin blushes bright scarlet and takes a huge gulp of wine, and Obi-Wan wonders if this is a throwing-yourself-off-the-fridge break through.)
(It’s not because the next day, Anakin doesn’t say a single word to him, which bothers him more than he’d like to admit.)
(“Am I in the wrong for wanting to get along with my housemate?” Obi-Wan asks Quinlan despairingly during their office hours that he should be using to grade papers. Instead all he can think about is Anakin Skywalker and the goddamn cold shoulder he’s been getting from the man for the past three days.
“Yeah,” Quin says absentmindedly, marking something with a red pen before looking up at Obi-Wan’s outraged intake of breath. “I mean, no. I mean, sorry, Obi, what are we even talking about now? Is it still your hot new roommate with the two kids? Because that’s what we were talking about an hour and a half ago.”
Obi-Wan crosses his arms and leans back in his chair. “I’m just not sure I appreciate--”
“And you said he’s not been hanging around in the living room when you get home? But he’s still leaving you meals in the kitchen? And you’re upset about the free food?”
Obi-Wan is upset at the lack of Anakin’s presence, but he thinks that’s probably not the right thing to say here.
“Maybe he’s just tired?” Quinlan puts down his pen and rests his chin on one of his hands as he looks at Obi-Wan. “From the kids and the job and putting up with your moody ass. C’mon, Obi, what’s really getting you worked up?”
Obi-Wan purses his lips and stares at the desk in front of him, but he had come to Quinlan for help. He should at least be honest about what’s eating at him, even though he knows how silly it will sound when given a voice. “...Satine always waited up for me,” he mutters. “Until she didn’t.”
Quinlan’s quiet for a worryingly large amount of seconds, before he reaches out to pat Obi-Wan gently on the arm. “Oh, Obi,” he says pityingly. “Repeat after me. You cannot make your new roommate your rebound from your thirty year marriage.”
Obi-Wan scoffs. That’s not the problem at all. “That’s not the problem at all,” he says, not defensively in the slightest. “I think I’m just worried about the children not having enough structure in their lives.”
“Right,” Quinlan says, not quite managing to hide the skepticism in his voice. “Then you should talk to him. For the sake of the children.”
Obi-Wan will absolutely not be doing that, but it’s a nice thought.)
The real turning point in Anakin and Obi-Wan’s relationship happens five months after the Skywalkers move in.
Anakin and Obi-Wan are in the living room. Anakin is trying to braid Leia’s hair while Obi-Wan tries to pretend he isn’t watching. From the kitchen, there’s a very, very loud crash and the sound of something shattering.
Both adults leap up from their seats immediately and run to the other room.
Luke is standing in the epi-center of disaster, little face scrunched up like he doesn’t know whether or not to cry. At the sight of his dad and Obi-Wan, he starts to wail, moving forward and reaching for Anakin.
Obi-Wan, who is wearing shoes inside the house (a point of contention between himself and Anakin), grabs Luke roughly and picks him up by the armpits before he can cut his feet on the glass. He hands him over to Anakin to soothe, stepping further into the kitchen to find the dustpan he keeps in one of the pantries.
It’s very obvious what broke, though Obi-Wan can’t for the life of him understand how Luke got ahold of Satine’s heavy cake stand. He can definitely understand how Luke dropped it, as the thing was ridiculously heavy.
It had been one of the only things left in the house that had been Satine’s. She’d left it, and Obi-Wan had been too bitter or petty to point it out to her. Yes, it had been her mother’s. No, keeping it had not made him feel any better. But it’s not like Satine ever baked anything anyway.
Good for Luke, actually, for doing what Obi-Wan never could bring himself to do.
He grabs the broom and dustpan and marches back to the pieces of shattered glass. Anakin has placed Luke on the counter, ostensibly to check to make sure his feet are fine if the boy would ever let go of his father’s neck. Leia is peering around at the mess on the floor.
When Obi-Wan comes back and starts sweeping everything away, she darts forward to pick up a rather sizeable chunk.
“Don’t touch that,” Obi-Wan says sharply, much harsher than he intended. Leia drops it instantly and scurries back to her father, eyes wide and sort of watery. Oh, fuck.
“Hey,” Anakin snaps immediately. “She’s just trying to help and Luke didn’t mean to break--whatever that is.”
Obi-Wan holds up his hand to cut Anakin off. “I’m not mad,” he promises all three of the Skywalkers. And he’s not even lying. He’s really not mad, hasn’t even thought to be mad at this last piece of proof of his relationship with Satine shattering on his kitchen floor. “I just don’t want either of you to cut yourself. Glass like this can be very dangerous and none of you are wearing shoes.”
“Promise?” Luke asks, untucking his red face from Anakin’s neck so he can peer up at Obi-Wan.
“I’m sorry I was a bit rough,” Obi-Wan apologizes, coming over and bending down a bit so he’s on the same level as Luke. “I was just worried about you. Promise.”
Luke sniffles but lets go of Anakin to throw himself at Obi-Wan, apologizing all the way.
“Hush,” Obi-Wan says as Leia scrambles up his leg, vying for his attention. With his hands full of children that aren’t his, he raises his head to look at Anakin who’s watching them with a very strange expression on his face. He tilts his head toward the broom and then down to the kids in his arms. “Come along,” he tells them both. “Leia, I’ll finish your braids if you’d like.”
“Braid my hair too!” Luke demands with a pull on Obi-Wan’s shirt.
Luke’s hair is floppy but awfully short. “I’m sure we can figure something out,” Obi-Wan says generously, leaving the kitchen.
“I suppose I’ll just clean this up then?” Anakin calls sarcastically behind them.
“Thank you, darling,” Obi-Wan responds.
There’s the sound of something else breaking, but it’s not Obi-Wan’s problem at the moment.
(A year later, Anakin mentions something over morning coffee about looking for a new apartment, now that he’s got everything straightened out. “We’ll get out of your hair,” he says, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I’ll look today since it’s my day off.”
Obi-Wan doesn’t want to examine why that idea makes something curl tightly in his stomach, making him feel vaguely nauseous, but it does. On his way out of the house, he unplugs the router, and then after a second of thought, takes it with him just in case.)
(Quinlan laughs his head off when Obi-Wan sheepishly puts the router down on the desk in front of him. “It’s a bad market right now,” Obi-Wan says defensively. “I’m just looking out for him.”
“Obi, I mean this in the best way possible, but there are at least four professors in the psych department that would probably love to do a case study on you.”)
(Two years after the Skywalkers move in, Obi-Wan is running late for a meeting with the head of his department. The man is stepping down, finally retiring, and Obi-Wan thinks that perhaps he’ll be tapped as the new head. It would mean dropping some of his classes, but it would be worth it.
“I made you a breakfast wrap,” Anakin greets him at the door, holding out a paper bag. “It’s got that salsa you like in it.”
The salsa Obi-Wan likes is the mild version of what Anakin and the kids eat, but Anakin treats it as if it’s from another planet entirely.
“Good luck!” he says with a sweet smile, also passing Obi-Wan a travel mug of what’s hopefully fully caffeinated tea. Obviously Obi-Wan needs it. He got perhaps two full hours of sleep last night, tossing and turning and thinking about this meeting and now he’s running late and his tie is crooked and none of his favorite sweater vests were clean.
“Thank you, dear one,” Obi-Wan mumbles, mind somewhere else. If traffic isn’t too bad, he could still be on time.
“Text me how it goes!” Anakin chirps, following Obi-Wan out the door to stand on the front porch with his arms crossed in an attempt to fight off the early winter chill.
“Yes, of course,” Obi-Wan replies, turning around to brush an absent-minded kiss to Anakin’s lips before hurrying to his car. It’s a twenty minute commute. If he gets his preferred parking spot and runs to the department building, he won’t be late at all.
Is that too much to hope for?
He starts the car and pulls out of the driveway, looking back in the rearview mirror to see Anakin standing frozen on the porch. That’s strange, usually the other man can’t stand being out in the cold.
Obi-Wan gets to the first stop-sign out of the neighborhood before he realizes what he’s done. It’s lucky that he’s already slowing down, because he slams on the brakes. Did he--
Did he kiss Anakin? Did he really kiss Anakin as if he does it all the time? As if they were in a relationship?
Oh shit.
Frantically, he pulls out his cellphone from his bag and checks to see if he has any new messages. He doesn’t.
Oh. Shit.
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coffeecakefanfics · 4 years
The 1,001 Clichés of A Teenage Romance (Peter Parker x Fem!Reader)
Studying with Ned was nothing new to Peter, but actually stopping by ‘Kay’s Coffee and bakery’ for coffee was.  The coffee shop sat two buildings down from his apartment and Aunt May would stop in before work every morning.  With her day off she asked Peter and Ned to run and get her a coffee and whatever they’d like.  
It was a typical coffee shop, the walls were painted a muted cream and the tables were a beautiful sturdy oak.  There were pictures of New York plastered on the wall along with a big picture of the “Kay” family.  Behind the counter was a menue board along with a black board with the desserts of the day scribbled in pink and yellow chalk.  
“Good morning, welcome to Kay’s Coffee and Bakery where every cup is brewed fresh and every baked good is homemade how can I help yo- Oh hey I know you two from school,”  The girl stood behind the counter.  She had a smile on her face.  She wore a plain black long sleeve with a small Kay’s logo on the left breast.  The half apron she wore was black and the name tag was pinned to the top ‘Y/N’
“We have Calc, bio, and english together and im pretty sure we share a lunch break too,” she beamed.
“Oh yeah you’re in drama and on the volleyball team right?” Ned kind of lit up.
“Yup, and i’m in knowledge bowl, student council, and they’re trying to get me to join prom planning,” she kind of laughed. Peter recognized her alright, she was the top hitter on the volleyball team, he remembers watching her last season with MJ. 
“You stay busy then?” Peter piped up this time.
“Well I mean between school, clubs, and work i’m surprised I have time for anything else,” She took a deep breath at that. “So, what can I get you guys?”
“I need an,” Peter looked at the text May had sent him, “Iced French Vanilla with Extra Extra Cream and white chocolate syrup and a coffee cake muffin” he finished and peeked up at the girl who was already brewing the drink. 
“So you’re the famous nephew huh?” she teased as she poured the creamer into the cup. Peters face went flush and he started to stutter
“I-well I uh”
“It’s fine, I think it’s sweet.  She tells me how good you take care of her and the trouble you get in to.  It’s honestly one of my favorite parts of my morning.  Everyone else is suuuch a drag,” She laughed and slid the drink and muffin across the counter. “Anything else?”
“We don’t really drink coffee,” Peter turned to Ned. “do you want anything?”
“Yeah can I have a hot chocolate?”  He asked.
“Of course, plain or with extras, extras are free of charge except espresso shots”
“However you like it is fine”
“alright that’ll be $8.27 thank you,” she took the cash, gave them change and went to making the drink. 
“May We’re back” Peter called into the apartment.  May came almost running from the couch to grab her coffee. 
“You are a life saver,” she kissed the top of his head.
“Come oonn” he gently pushed her back.
“Where’s Ned?”
“He had to go home, something about a new episode of a show, I don’t know” He flopped onto the chair cockeyed to the couch.
“She’s cute right?” May smirked and set her drink down.
“I mean yeah, She’s pretty, but she’s also popular,” he shrugged. 
“Peter, baby, she has a job and a full ride to MIT, not to mention she likes a lot of the same dorky stuff you do,” she shifted and looked at him. “You haven’t been on a date in years Pete, why not go now?” she poked.
“She probably already has someone, I mean she is popular, remember?”
“I think you should go for it, get out of the house,” The conversation ended there. Peter laid in bed that night thinking about how he’d spot her in class or in the halls.  She was pretty, but she was also busy, he didn’t want to mess with her schedule. 
Lunch rooms are the devil, they’re clique filled and loud, but the only time he can actually talk to his friends. 
“Come on you KNOW that padme just lost the will to live,” How the topic started none of them new all they new was Peter and Ned were going at it again and MJ wanted out. “Dude she just gave up, her husband joined the darkside, face the facts”
“Actually, Palpatine took her life force for Anakin, Padme was a strong woman who fought for what was right, she wouldn’t just leave her babies alone,” Y/n jumped in and sat next to MJ. Ned and Peter looked at each other and back at the girl.
“What i’m popular not uncultured,” she laughed. “Okay MJ I need some serious help with knowledge bowl studying”
“Y/n, I love you, I do, but I’m busy this week, I have a ton of homework because Mr. Braun decided to be a dick, I’m sorry,” MJ spoke remorsefully.
“My meet is monday, it’s going to decide who goes to state, is there no way you can help,” Y/n pleaded with her friend.
“I’m sorry, I am, but I can’t fail this class”
“You’re right I’m sorry, if you need help studying or doing homework i’ll help you” She smiled and went to stand. 
“Peter can help,” Ned blurted
“I can?” Peter turned his head sharply.
“He can, he has a stark internship until 6 but after that he’s free,” Ned motioned with his eyes from Peter to the Girl.  
“I-uh-I, yeah I can help,” he stuttered and flushed.
“Peter you really don’t have to,” she gave him a sympathetic look.
“Yeah no, it’s uh, no problem,” he smiled awkwardly.
“You just saved my life, I owe you.  I’ll meet you at the coffee shop and we can go to my place after okay?” she beamed.  Peter liked her smile, it was bright. 
“Of course” he grinned. 
“Y/N, Game plan!” One of the other girls called.
“Sorry, I have to go but tonight at 6,” she lit up as she grabbed her tray and jogged over to her friends.
“What the fuck?” peter turned to Ned.
“I saw how you looked at her at the coffee shop, and you haven’t been on a date in years. it’s my job as a wing man to help you get dates,” Ned shrugged and took a bite of the sandwich in front of him. Peter sighed and pulled his phone out.
P:Hey May, I’m helping a friend study I won’t be home till late
M:You’re not patrolling are you?
P:No, I’m seriously helping a friend study
M:Stay safe, I sent you $10 for dinner <3
The streets were dim when Peter walked up to the shop.  She stood locking the door.
“Hey” He called.
“Peter Hi,” she grinned and waved. 
“So um, y-your place?” he tugged at his straps. 
“Yeah, I live in those apartments right there,” she nodded at the building two doors down.
“Wait, what? so do I, how come I never see you?” he turns to her. 
“I usually take the fire escape home, I hate walking through the lobby, and I can sneak in without having to talk to my family,” she laughed. “Not that they’re bad people, I just get over worked and don’t want to take it out on them” they walked into the lobby and got in the elevator.
“Don’t worry about them being home, I live with my dad and he’s on a business trip,” she unlocked the door and let Peter walk in.  It was cleanly decorated with neutral greys, whites and blacks. 
“This is nice,” he lets his eyes wander the apartment.
“Yeah, it’s how my mom liked it,” she smiled sadly.  Peter remembers it happening, it was one of the attacks on New York, The avengers couldn’t get everyone out in time, 3 people had died that day.
“I’m sorry for your loss”
“I’m not, she’s why I do what I do” The girl smiles and kicks her shoes off, “my room is back here, it’s way cooler than this,” she laughs and drags him to her room.  Warm LED lights illuminate the room.  Peter spins and looks at all the posters and figurines scattered around the room.  The walls are decorated with posters of various animes and shows. He turns to the tv stand and sees shelves full of games. 
“Told you I’m cultured,” she teases and sits on the bed. Peter sits next to her.  She pulls out her laptop and plugs a flash drive into it. 
“So this will give you questions and the answer, I get a point if I get it right,” she smiles and spins the screen to him. “thanks for doing this, by the way,” she adjusts and holds a decorative pillow to her chest.
They had been at this for nearly two hours she was growing frustrated and uneasy.
“Who wrote A farewell to Arms?”
“Hemmingway” she looed pleadingly
“Yes,” he beamed and went to click next.
“I can’t anymore, I’m done,” she flopped back on the bed. “This sucks” she yells muffled by her pillow.
“Then why keep doing it?” he closes the laptop. She sits up and pushes her hair out of her face. 
“That is a topic for a different level of friendship,” she smirks and looks him over.  She had had a crush on him forever, and by forever she means since last year.  She admired how his eyes kind of drifted around the room. 
“Do you need to go home yet?” she asked. His eyes jumped back to her and locked. 
“No, I live two floors down so it’ll only take a minute to get home”
“Do you want to play a game or watch a movie?” she asked, getting up and grabbing the controller. His face kind of flushed. “A-a movie is fine”
“What? scared I’ll kicked your ass or something?” she smirked.
“No way I just don’t want to make you cry when I beat you,” he joked cockily with her.
“Oh you’re on Parker, Injustice 2?” she looked back at him and he nodded.
“Black Canary is way to OP this is bullshit,” Peter throws his hands up. Y/N laid laughing at him.  His phone cut the laughter short.
“it’s May sorry,” he picked up the phone. “Peter it’s 10 pm where are you?!” she called into the line.
“there’s no way it’s-” he looked at his watch. “Oh shit, May I’m sorry i’m coming down now,” he hung up.
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize how late it is,” he scrambled to grab his stuff. 
“Fire escape is faster than the lobby, there’s a window to the hallway if you go to the right” she grabbed his phone and bag for him. 
“i had fun,” he smiled at her.
“I did too, especially since I kicked your ass at injustice,” she smirked.
“I’ll see you at school monday?” he asked.
“Um, I’m free saturday if you want to come over, we can play games or watch a movie or something? I’ll get us pizza or-” she trailed off.
“I’d love to,” he blushed.
“It’s a date,” she smiled and opened her window. Peter stepped out onto the landing. 
“Hey peter?” she called and he turned to her.  She leaned out and kissed his cheek. “A little something for the road,” she held something wrapped in white paper to him. He shut the door to his apartment. 
“There you are, I was worried sick,” May scolded.
“I was upstairs with a friend, I’m sorry we lost track of time.  He set the paper on the counter and opened it.  A fresh coffee cake was sitting in a small box with a note
‘For May and Peter’ 
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purrvaire · 3 years
hehehehe for the character thingy: obi-wan, anakin eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cody
HI MY BELOVED YOU KNOW ME SO WELL (I'll answer for obi and cody bc I got another ask for anakin, the dramatic bitch <3)
• favourite thing about them
obi-wan: i could gush over this man for the whole day (AND YOU KNOW IT) but ill just quote doctor who and say "all that pain and misery and loneliness and it just made him kind" bc that's SO obi-wan and it's the reason my heart is close to burst anytime I think about this character jesus I'm such a sap I can't help it
also he's the sassiest motherfucker I've ever met 🤍
cody: he has the patience of a saint and he keeps his boyfriend general alive - a full time job he should get a raise - how can I not love him
• least favorite thing about them
obi-wan: tbh it's more about a fanon interpretation of him being like the type of person who wallows in self-pity and... the point is... that obi-wan is actually not that kind if person lol he probably does feel guilty about half of the things that happened in the galaxy but being a cry baby is not him
cody: not. enough. screen. time. I'm mad.
• favorite line
obi-wan: "I LIKE YOUR NEW LEGS THEY MAKE YOU LOOK TALLER" I SWEAR TO GOD WHO SAYS SHIT LIKE THAT PLEASE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I can't help but think about this line everyday
cody: sometimes in war it's hard to be the one who survives (* starts wailing *)
• brOTP
obi-wan: more than a brotp do you know what what we stan in this houseld THEE SUPERIOR FRENEMY OF THEM ALL VENTRESS (brotp probably vos)
cody: 💗💗💗💗💗💗 REX 💗💗💗💗💗💗
obi-wan: 💗💗💗💗💗 obikin 💗💗💗💗💗💗 i do generally approve most of obi-wan related ships even if im not super invested in them but OBIKIN!!!! SOULMATES!!!!!!! FRIENDS TO LOVERS TO ENEMIES SUPREMACY!!!!! I would die for them.
cody: codywan duh but I have to say that I'm not the biggest fan
• nOTP
obi-wan: qui-gon. no. this is a big no from me. go away. maul and obi are not really my thing?? and I'm also not very big on obitine, my heart broke for obi but in the end... i don't really care lol
cody: meh anything involving other clones ig???
• random headcanon
obi-wan: he doesn't hug very much but I bet his hugs are the nicest hugs I'm sorry I wanted to come up with something better but I'm going through something
cody: can and will drink you under the table i just know it
• unpopular opinion
obi-wan: ig what i said up above + I don't really care about any Korkie related discourse
cody: nothing in particular i think?
• songs I associate with them
obi-wan: soldier, poet, king by The Oh Hellos and Light by Sleeping at Last ❤
cody: probably warriors the league of legends version
• favorite picture of them:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
💗💗 two beautiful men 💗💗
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Okay woohoo some fic recs incoming!!!! These will probably be all over the place, but I’ve just got to scream about them for a second!!! PS gonna try to do these more frequently because this is fun!!!
Click below the cut if you dare!
Declarations by Nny11
Summary: A series exploring Obi-Wan and Ahsoka's relationship as Grandmaster and Grandpadawan.
Okay, so this is one of the first fics I can genuinely remember reading with a heavy emphasis on the relationship between Obi-Wan and Ahsoka where I was like 'hey oh my god I love them?’ It was a monumental moment for me because now I am so obscenely ride or die for them and I truly do think back to this fic often with utter fondness. 
A moment I loved: 
“From a certain point of view,” he finally conceded, motioning her to start again. “At least I know you’ve learned something from me!”
“Well I couldn’t learn the secrets of your hair routine!”
the flood comes rushing in by @kenobilovebot
Summary: "I have done this for you. I have put you first." Or, Anakin finds out.
A little bit of sith!Obi-Wan? As a treat? Hm, well...all right!!!!! I don’t want to say too much here because I would really prefer you read it than read any more of my mindless babbling but–it’s good.
A moment I loved: 
He can hardly think around the smothering darkness that has so wholly encompassed his master, so effectively destroying the light that has always been. He’s always been able to reach for it at the worst of times. Now he can’t feel it at all.
a time to say goodbye by Sokaless
Summary: Ezra isn't the only one facing the temptation of change in the World Between Worlds. Just minutes after facing Vader, Ahsoka falls through a portal seventeen years into the past and must relive her final encounter with Anakin and Obi-Wan without drastically altering the future. But Anakin Skywalker taught her many things. How to push her luck was one of them.
This is a short and sweet time-travel fic that finds Ahsoka back in that moment in the hangar with Anakin right before they unknowingly have their last goodbye. She knows more now than she did before and struggles not to say it all. But the theme of learning from loss is really special and powerful and I feel this sad sort of closure when I finish (I say that actively because I have...read this fic several several times). Painful, poignant–all the best things.
A moment I loved:
One last thing she learned from Anakin- teaching a lesson often requires holding your student to higher standards than you hold yourself. 
With the knowledge that she’s holding him to a standard she herself might never reach, Ahsoka tells Ezra, “I’m asking you to let go.”
good morning, sun by @katierosefun​
Summary: “You look miserable.” Ahsoka dropped her hand, spun around. Obi-Wan stood behind her, one arm carrying a cloak and the other half-extended to Ahsoka. [or: After she leaves the Order, Ahsoka has one last encounter with Obi-Wan.]
Let’s see how many of Caroline’s fics I can get away with posting before someone reports me. This one-shot is full of all the good post-wrong jedi stuff. Soka and Obi have a conversation at Dex’s that hurts a lot but also feels real and I will never not respect Caroline for understanding the nuances of the disaster trios intricate and intimate relationships with each other and how they shift and mold around different circumstances. This feels so authentically them that it hurts.
A moment I loved: 
What came out instead was a small, half-choked sound.
When Obi-Wan opened his arms, Ahsoka fell right into them. “It hurts,” Ahsoka said, her voice cracking. “A lot.”
“I know,” Obi-Wan replied thickly. “We’ll take care of it.”
You Haunt All My What-Ifs by @kckenobi
Summary: But then she saw the way Obi-Wan’s lip was quivering, and his eyes were shining, and she realized— He hadn’t called because he needed to tell her. He’d called because he needed her. “Obi-Wan,” she breathed. “Oh, Obi-Wan…” And she wanted to reach out, to hold him. To be his refuge, his shelter, his home. Instead she just watched as he shook his head, palmed at his eyes, apologized. She reached out. Touched the hologram. It flickered. — [Satine and Obi-Wan—then, now, and every echo of what if between them.]
One of the first fics that got me on my Obitine grind!! Just the right mix of angst and angst to create the perfect recipe of absolute sorrow. These characters feel so real I could reach out and hug them–and oh, how I want to after this incredible little fic.
A moment I loved:
And then suddenly she was thinking of every little what if—the other paths they could’ve taken, the millions of ways they could’ve ended up here. She imagined a future where he’d stayed. She saw white weddings, crying infants, painting nursery rhymes on a pale bedroom wall. She saw herself rolling over in the middle of the night, bumping shoulders, feeling his warm breath on her face. She saw family dinners, rushed breakfasts as they hurried the kids off to school. She saw laughter. She saw a lifetime. And at the end, she saw herself old and gray, holding his hand, his eyes the last thing she’d ever see.They had arrived at the end now. But she was not old and gray.
Dying Words by @cloudyskywars
Summary: Anakin is trapped beneath a collapsed building, and has one final conversation with Obi-Wan.
One of my favourite febuwhump contributions from within the mountain of wonderful fics that the second month of the year created!! Some good ol classic Obi & Ani pain. Hint of a deathfic...but mostly just the moments leading up to it. And they...hurt. Also!!! Melanie took the care to make Anakin’s final words be about Obi-Wan, which is very special to me for the reason she includes in her author’s note.
A moment I loved:
“And,” he said, “if you ever see Ahsoka again, tell her she was the best padawan I could have asked for.” His breaths were coming in rapid pants, now, and the room was spinning out of focus. “Obi-Wan?” he asked, voice barely audible. “Yes, Padawan mine?” he responded, his own voice shaky as well. “Thank you for being my Master,” Anakin said.
i’m only me when i’m with you idiots by @renegadeontherunn
Summary: who let Obi-Wan pick the holo? and where's the remote? they might need a bigger blanket. 
[or, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan have leave on Coruscant and holo night is the perfect excuse to all squeeze onto a couch together, bicker, and be, well, a family]
Fluff, fluff, fluff! Yes, please! My dear Fiona does a wonderful job wrapping these three up in a blanket and plopping them in front of a holo for a night of witty banter and so-cute-I-could-melt platonic cuddles. I love these three, I love this fic!
A moment I loved: 
“You met a civilized Padawan? Couldn’t have been ours.”
get home by @curse-of-men
Summary: After a mission goes wrong and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker goes missing, it is up to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano to bring him home.
[or: a Grandmaster and a Grandpadawan go on a road trip to rescue chaos personified]
What? Me? Rec’ing another Obi-Wan and Ahsoka centric fic? HUH? Hehe, I love that Lou says this is the missing Obi & Soka arc in their author’s note because um, did they look into my heart and know that’s what I most desire? Anyway, this three-parter is incredible from start to finish and I demand you all go read it immediately. :-)
A moment I loved:
Making their way to the cockpit, Ahsoka tilts her head into Obi-Wan’s general direction and says: “You know, Master, Anakin would probably think things so far have gone excellently.” Obi-Wan returns her look and sighs.
“Now you surely must get why I am so worried about this.” Ahsoka grins and gestures back and forth in the empty space between them with one hand.
“For what it’s worth, I think we make a good enough team.”
we stand here, together by @nightdotlight​
Summary: Master Depa Billaba and Padawan Caleb Dume.
Windu worries for them, out in the wider galaxy. Waging war, while he and Anakin sit here, waiting.
But he trained Billaba, and Billaba is training Dume. Anakin once took lessons from her, when he himself was a Padawan, and he knows she is skilled enough by far, to ensure that both she and her student make it back to Coruscant safely.
It’s ironic, that when cut off from the Force he can understand other people better than he has in years.
ZOWEE!!!! This fic made me ugly cry on my conference period at school!! Ha! Another fic that culminates in, er...death. But!!!! The lead-up! Ooh, baby! The writing style of this one is also very fresh and unique which I appreciate as someone who essentially reads the same thing eight million ways (by choice, mind you!!!! and loves it every time!!!!). This is just an absolute gem of a fic. Queue: your best crying playlist.
A moment I loved: 
Depa, her Padawan braid hanging from her shoulder, hugs him around his middle and drags him to the training salles. The whole way, her laughter follows them– warm, like summer rain. Like the smallest, most ephemeral moments of happiness.
Her smile feels like a sunset on his back, and Mace smiles back even as they spar, as green and purple clash over and over again in a dance unique to teacher and student.
He does not need to reach out to know the galaxy is at peace. When they take a break from their own spar, Mace feels a light tap on his presence in the Force; when he turns, Ahsoka Tano stands there in training robes, her own Master a few paces behind– and beside him, Obi-Wan Kenobi, face lighter than it has been in years.
Her Padawan beads hang from her headdress; when she smiles at the banter behind her, turning to retort, they catch the light, and the half-formed impression of those beads torn asunder and held in gloved hand is dissipated by the glare.
Only Hope by @tessiete
Summary: The infamous "Year on the Run".In the wake of her father's death, Satine is assigned two Jedi to escort her safely back to Mandalore, but in the chaotic aftermath of a civil war, there is more at stake than one person's survival. Together, they work to unite Mandalore, overcome ancient grudges, and bring peace to a world ravaged by bloodshed.
Man, oh man, do I love a good year on the run fic! And man oh man am I loving the heck out of this one. It’s in progress so go ahead give it a bookmark and a subscription while you’re at it!!!! But the banter! The sass! The (I assume soon to come) pining! The Qui-Gon third wheeling! READ IT! Cannot recommend highly enough.
A moment I loved: 
“...and you’re bound to be hungry.”
“I assure you, I’m not.”
“Well, Obi-Wan is,” Jinn asserts. His back is to his apprentice and so he cannot see the mutinous glance which darts his way. “And as you’ve seen, he’s trouble when he isn’t fed. You have five minutes.”
Goes to Ground by jerseydevious
Summary: Obi-Wan has a question for Anakin following his experiences on Zygerria.
Silly Jedi boys trying and failing to communicate, gosh dang it!!! They get there, eventually, though. :’) Some post Zygerria angst and some tough discussions. HERE. FOR. IT. 
A moment I loved: 
“You are a bad influence, padawan mine,” Obi-Wan said. He gave Anakin that smile, the one that made Anakin feel like he shared a secret with his Master, something only for them.
In Sacrifice, Peace by @ilonga
Summary: “Shh. . .” Anakin says, gathering the younglings around him, reminding Obi-wan of all those whispered arguments where he had insisted to Anakin that yes, he was good with children, he’d be just fine teaching Ahsoka. He can almost feel the terror rising off Anakin from the hologram; Anakin doesn’t know what’s happening either. But he isn’t letting the younglings feel it. “You need to listen to me very carefully, okay? This--” his voice breaks, “--this is going to be scary. But you have to be calm, and strong. Just like Master Yoda taught you.” [Or, the ROTS au where Obi-wan finds a very different type of pain while looking through the Temple's recordings of Order 66.]
PAIN AWAITS YOU HERE! But that is exactly why you should click, kudos, comment, bookmark, and let this fic live in your head rent free like it’s living in mine. Truly couldn’t get it out of there if I wanted to! AND I DO NOT! Yet another deathfic and angst with The Team (TM). Read it, peeps.
A moment I loved: 
“And then?”Obi-wan closes his eyes, pretends he can’t feel the weight of the body in his arms, pretends it’s really Anakin he’s talking to and not some worrying coping mechanism. “And then we fight.” he says.
to hold by @katierosefun
Summary: “What—” Ahsoka looked up and, where she had expected to find a mumbling drunk, she found instead—
“Master Kenobi?” Ahsoka asked, stunned. She straightened, already swinging her backpack around herself again.
“Ahsoka,” Obi-Wan managed. He was breathing hard, just barely bent over because he was supporting, Ahsoka realized dumbly, Anakin.
Anakin, whose head was lolling against Obi-Wan’s shoulder. Whose face was two shades too pale and eyes fluttering and lips parted in a soundless groan that brought Ahsoka right back to battlefields and med bays and other places that she hadn’t been in a long, long while. [or: after leaving the Order, Ahsoka runs into some familiar faces.]
Caroline at it again with the post-wrong-jedi disaster trio angst comin’ in hot! Some platonic bed-sharing, some confused Anakin, some conflicted Ahsoka, some pained Obi-Wan. Well–strike that. They’re all in pain. But what do we expect, honestly? What do we want, honestly? Pain. We want pain.
A moment I loved: 
“Only another dream,” Obi-Wan said. He looked at Ahsoka, his face just barely shadowed. “Seems that it’s passed.”
Ahsoka’s stomach twisted. She looked at the hand she was holding. It was strange—she couldn’t remember if she had ever actually held onto Anakin’s hand this tightly before, but now she could feel the familiar callouses, make out just the faintest of old scars. Ahsoka squeezed it once.
Not near as many as I planned to do or have saved and ready to rec, but...this already got, er...quite lengthy. So! Same time, next week! I’ll have some more! (Well, probably not same time and maybe not even next week...but soon.) 
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