#makse life
dutybcrne · 4 months
Thinking more abt Star Rail hcs. Kae deffo keeps careful track of his loved ones no matter where in the cosmos he or they happen to go, using various contacts he has amassed over the years. And a tracker or two he’s stuck on them.
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cannibal-nightmares · 5 months
semi-incoherent babbling
terminal velocity. I'm trying to reamin hoepful and keep the arrow in my mind straight, to pretend normalcy, but he mentioned i might be burnt ou t and he is aboslutely correct. i have too much on my plate. I regret to say that my hypothesis on my trip was correct in that i figured it was going to be a throw of the parking brake only for the lurch forward once it was let off again. dgmw im glad I did it and Im glad I went, but it felts like temporarily ejecting a tape i had to inevitably put back in, in terms of attempting to soothe my focus. and i dont mean "too much" as in mild annoyance in my circumstance or of fun things and plans that i can just move around and cancel, I mean "too much" to the point of feeling o nthe edge of defeat w no way out. I'm struggling to reply to people appropriately or at the very least to a capacity I would prefer to would otherwise intend (in timing or pattern or depth or without mask). I have so much of work and personal work, I try to fall to hobbies and art as an escape but evern thinking about personal endeavours makes my ears ring. its not anyone's fault, it's all just become a lot and then some and more. I keep thinking about three things: "ceci n'est pas une fucking drille," Han-Tyumi's "critical density," and the "& Secure" comic strip wehre they're at a traffic light.Thinking about work makse me feel sick, thinking about going out this weekend makes me dizzy, thinking about finishing new art makes my throat uncomfortable, trying to talk to people is like sludge. its not anyones fault; i dontn owe anyone here anything. or anyone really. this life has been feeling more and more like a video game and every day I feel more and more confused as to why I dont just play a different game. and i dont just mean "work vs hobbies"--that would fit the metaphor in that i *could* "just" play something else--but i mean basic functions and further basic circumstance. i have to sleep? xyz? what a disappointing game mechanic when the difficulty setting is already jacked. and before i get pinterest advice, i should clarify: i dont know what relaxing is. i know that sounds dramatic, but i dont. I've discussed it before, but "winding down" doesnt make sense to me. It either is or it isnt;y. So what do i do? I cant tell if I'm genuinely asking or if its rhetorical. maybe i should try picking up skating again but i know how and why that ends every time. thats the only thing i can think of that can brute-force myslf out of my own head. though, thn, begs the question: with what time?
i do hate to whine cause theres nothing anyone can do do about it. but i digress, i do feel i owe him and that ive disappointed him. I know he'd/he'll argue against it, but if I am disapointed in myself, he is autmatically encompassed in that cocophany within my own perspective. idk if that makes sense at all. it just seems that the second i pause to think about anything other than work/duty, i realize how loud my ears have been ringing,. and I still have a long way to go. I question, i suppose, if I will spend my rest--once i finally get it--recovering rather than enjoying. it always ends up this way and, honestly, it doesnt feel like its my fault. and that just makes me enraged with nowehre to go with it.
this must be how altamont felt, hm? im writing this to just say, if i vanish its because i need it. it's because i need it.
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ritinja-draws · 2 years
Did some quick illustrations with Venti and Kaeya. Best drinking buddies who makse their purpose of life to annoy Diluc.
Should I make some Venti and Kaeya friendship headcanons, hm?
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the tags on the post abput plato makse me think u know a lot about ancient greece and im just sayin tht if you wanna say more about ancient greece i can guarantee at least 2 notes on every post about greece
no pressure ofc i just like knowledge and you seem smart
Thank you so much! For reference, I have a bachelor’s in World History, so I know a little bit about plenty of things, especially research, but I don’t think I could really claim expertise in anything. Couple of notes for Ancient/Classical Greece, though, since you did ask:
Yeah, we don’t have a lot of (any? I don’t think) surviving literature from contemporary Spartans about life in Sparta. The stuff we do have is, for example, Herodotus and Thucydides writing history books and including anecdotes and brief descriptions of things that maybe existed. So we maybe know the rough outline of their legal system, but not necessarily how reliable that factoid about the black broth is.
Athens can fucking suck my dick and balls. We DO have records from contemporary Athenians about living in Athens, not just books but plays, which frequently kind of read like when a fanfic author pretty clearly wants to make a point. Anyone wanting to make a point about democracy should examine their feelings about the good ol U.S. of A.’s treatment of its allies, then read up on the Delian League. Additionally, if we’re grading womens’ rights on a curve because this is Greece, Athenian authors specifically described Sparta as a place where women were more liberated.
To Point 1: is this actually true? Who the fuck knows. Again, we have nothing from Sparta, and complete knowledge of the writings from 0 authors - it’s been a couple thousand years, stuff gets lost.
Contemporary source: Brill’s New Jacoby, an online repository where we track and catalogue every time an author mentions another author, and what we can conclude they probably wrote about. Classicists are like librarians, in that they have spent a long time learning the perfect way to do their niche extremely well. I sometimes wish I was at their level, it’s ridiculous.
For general reading: r/askhistorians, one of the best damn things on Reddit. Maybe my favorite, actually - it’s a heavily moderated question-and-answer subreddit, run by actual historians who actually know their shit.
Wow, this really got away from me. Anyway, that’s a quick rundown of most of the useful information I have. I don’t have sources for any of it, this is mostly information I vaguely remember from a 200-level class from a few years ago. Don’t treat it as gospel, but do me a favor and take the Athenians off of their pedestal.
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The Dangers of Masking
Masking, or camouflaging, is a survival instinct. Behavioral selection prompts most people to suppress behaviors that result in negative consequences and repeat behaviors that resulted favorably for themselves i.e The Law of Effect. In Neurotypical individuals, this instinct is not inherently active and people develop vast and unique personalities and interests. In Neurodivergent individuals, such as individuals with Autism, Masking takes on a much more concerning role. Masking one's emotions, personality, or behaviors is typically said to be caused by trauma, toxic, interpersonal relationships, and/or a need for societal acceptance and security. People diagnosed with autism frequently do not enjoy maintaining eye contact, playing or interacting with others, maintaining unpreferred conversations, and experience a varying level of stress as a result of spontaneously changing schedules. In addition, these individuals engage in repetitive and restrictive behaviors including, but not limited to, obsessive interests, repeating words and phrases, complex scripting, and a range of automatic and self-stimulating physical behaviors. While the emergence of Social Media, building communities, and months carved out for Autism Awareness, has been a large step taken towards acknowledgement and accommodation for the Autistic community, many still react inappropriately in situations with neurodivergent individuals when faced with behaviors foreign to their own. These interactions along with varying levels of delayed social skills will cause many to begin acting differently across social settings.
While coined by many parents as helpful, problem solving skills, recent studies have suggested otherwise. One such study done by Hull and others describes masking as a detrimental coping skill. They assert that, “Camouflaging may impact diagnosis, quality of life, and long-term outcomes,” (Hull L et al., 2519-2534 2017). In addition, their research yielded that Maksing follows a formula, or three term contingency, of motivation, masking and compensation, and consequence. Healthline, funded by PubMed Central, expanded on the long term symptoms of masked or camouflaged individuals. They cited a 2016 and 2019 study published by The National Institutes of Health that claimed higher levels of cortisol, anxiety and depression, exhaustion, delayed diagnosis, loss of identity, autistic burnout, and possible suicidal ideation were present manifestations in neurodivergent populations that were actively engaging in suppression methods. 
In my opinion, antecedent or precautionary methods that support the development of skills that expunge the need for maladaptive and self-injurious behaviors is the healthiest and most proactive form of action needed for the community. Moreover, Increased awareness and education for Autism Culture and Stimming behaviors would greatly benefit the communities acclimation into a supporting, greater society including a spectrum of all individuals. 
Stimming, practiced by neurotypical and neurodivergent people, often subconsciously, is the practice of movement, sounds, actions, and repetitive private events (thoughts and feelings observable only to the individual). These behaviors support the affected person(s) by delivering automatic reinforcement or relief. Commonly, this is done to promote a sense of relaxation, enjoyment, and safety. It can manifest as:
Sniffing, Licking
Biting Self, Objects, Others, Chewing 
Hand Flapping 
Nail Biting, Teeth Grinding 
Complex body movements, Rocking, Picking, Blinking, Pacing, Fidgeting
Hair Twirling
Vocalizing (making noises–unintelligible), Whistling, Humming, Repeating words and phrases
Tip Toe Walking
Tapping, Joint Cracking, Snapping Fingers
Autistic culture may include having clothing items or headphones (for noise sensitivities) that include sensory items, jewelry meant for biting or chewing i.e to replace foreign objects, fingers, or body parts in the individuals mouth, toys and tools for fidgeting and stimulatory sensations. Normalizing these objects among the community and not adversely reacting to them when confronted with the presentation of one in social environments is an essential and critical step in the betterment of Autistic health. 
In conclusion, Masking is an alarming threat to the Autism community. The Long term results of engaging in masking behaviors can lead to an increase in mental health issues, self-injury, burn out, fatigue, and, if not already diagnosed, delayed identification. To support future generations' success and well-being, Society should practice mindfulness and educate themselves in Stimming behaviors and Autism Culture. Furthermore, they should practice normalcy and acceptance when in public with Neurodivergent individuals. Patience and Charity demonstrated by all will lay the building stones for a brighter future. 
Ad4pT4ble. “What Is Autism Masking or Camouflaging?” The Autism Service, 7 June 2023, www.theautismservice.co.uk/news/what-is-autism-masking-or-camouflaging/. 
“Autistic People and Masking.” Undefined, www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/professional-practice/autistic-masking. Accessed 29 June 2023. 
Hull L, Petrides KV, Allison C, Smith P, Baron-Cohen S, Lai MC, Mandy W. "Putting on My Best Normal": Social Camouflaging in Adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions. J Autism Dev Disord. 2017 Aug;47(8):2519-2534. doi: 10.1007/s10803-017-3166-5. PMID: 28527095; PMCID: PMC5509825.
Stanborough, Rebecca Joy. “Understanding Autism Masking and Its Consequences.” Healthline, 19 Nov. 2021, www.healthline.com/health/autism/autism-masking#outlook. 
“Taking off the Mask.” UK, uk.jkp.com/collections/autism-women-and-girls-autism-all-ages-pid-807/products/taking-off-the-mask. Accessed 29 June 2023. 
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sarahneedsaplan · 3 years
The Future
A new planner for new goals I won a free planner, a new goal planner, the Recollections Goal Planner from Michaels. I’m actually interested to see how it’ll work for me. I have one from Plum Paper, and it just wasn’t the right fit for me. This one is a little different, so we’ll see! I foresee in 2022, I’ll be ordering a Makselife one. I like their compass format 😀
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
would billy be a cat or dog person
all my faves are dog people on default
first of all, he needs loving and snuggles and kisses in his life. billy with a dog that just jumps all over him and licks his face and wants to be held and loves him so much? makse me emotional
plus hes an active guy i can totally picture him chasing his dog around the yard or going on runs with them or like taking them to beach and playing fetch like... give that boy a dog PRONTO
oh my god billy with his dog in the pool... absolutely breathtaking also i imagine hed be one of those guys who puts like hats and sunglasses on his dog to get a funny picture out of it 
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Can I request class 1-a having a new student and one day the hole class have to make a PowerPoint presentation and the new student makses on of the whole class but it's (for example that's why todoroki makes a good boyfriend and bonus points he is a cold and warm pack ) and then they say there is nothing I could find pozetief on mineta but who wants to date him anyway
I hope that makes sense
I’ll try my best!
Fluff 💖
PowerPoint Presentation On Why You Should Date Them!
All of Class 1-A!
For a school project, you had to make a presentation on something that everyone needed or needed to know. After about a week, it was finally your time to shine. "Hi everyone!" You say as you get your computer set up, everyone smiles and looks up at the projector screen. "Okay so this is the presentation I made and it's called "Why You Should Date The Students of Class 1-A at UA." You say as you point at the title. Everyone's eyes go wide, Aizawa doesn't care since it was his nap time. You heard him lay his head on his desk, so you continued.
The first person to show up was Yuga Aoyama! You started to read off the points, "okay so the first person is Yuga Aoyama!" You say as you point to him in the front, he smiles. "Number one, he has wonderful fashion sense! Like that's who you would want to go to for it, second, he can teach you french! Yes, it'll probably take some time but hey, you'll still learn it! And lastly, he is such a fun person to be around!" You look back at him and he's smiling more now, "thank you dearly (y/n), I knew I was that gorgeous on camera!" He says and you laugh.
You go to the next slide, this time it says Mina Ashido! "Next up is my dear friend, Mina Ashido!" You can hear Mina giggle, you smile and continue. "First, she's always there when you need her! She's goofy and lovable so that is a plus! Second, she is romantic! Like girl, it's amazing!" You exclaim, you can hear Mina and some others laugh. "Lastly, she is the best to go anywhere with! She is so sociable and fun that you'll automatically have a great time! Bonus points for her great style, girl send me some of those tips!" You say as you wink at her, she bursts out laughing.
As you continue onto the next slide, it shows up as Tsuyu Asui! On the slide, you include a cute photo of her and a frog. "Now onto Tsuyu Asui! For one, she's mature and responsible! Tsu is focused on her schoolwork and home life. Second, she is like a mom to everyone! She knows how to look after us and makes us feel at home." You smile, Tsu smiles at you and you can hear her go "ribbit" every now and then. "Lastly, she is loving and caring. Even at your weak point, she can help you and give you all the emotional support you need."
"Next up is Tenya Iida!" You say and you can see him blush slightly. "First reason is that he's incredibly smart! If you ever have a problem or even just need some extra help, he'll be amazing for that! Second, he works hard. He is so determined that he'll want to make sure you can achieve your goals as well. Lastly, he's humble. He'll admit his mistakes and the rare occasions when he is rude, that's boyfriend material, guys!" You say that laughing, his face goes even redder. "Bonus points for the fact that he loves study dates, hint hint!" You say as you wink.
The next slide is pastel pink and filled with bubble gifs. "Next up is Ochaco Uraraka! Number one, she's bubbly and loving! She is so friendly and can make a friend out of anyone! Second, she is always excited and loves to go out! Lastly, she may be a bit of an airhead, no pun intended," You giggled, "but she is such a friendly person and she's so empathic." You look back at the class and Uraraka is smiling widely, "I feel honored to be on the list!" She says, you laugh and continue on.
The next slide has thunderbolts all over it, and in those, it spells out "Denki Kaminari". "Okay, so this one is Denki Kaminari! He is super funny and sweet for starters, so that makes him an awesome person to hang around with! Secondly, he tends to joke around a lot and be playful, so automatically he's goofy!" You exclaim, you hear Denki laughing and saying "how did they know!" You laugh and continue, "lastly, he may be a bit of an airhead but he cares for all of his friends. He is such a sweet guy."
You smile, "next is Eijrou Kirishima!" Kirishima laughs and watches the presentation. "He is manly and a gentleman! He knows how to treat you right that's for sure!" Eijrou smiles, "Second, he is super loyal! I mean look at him, he's funny and can make friends with everyone he meets! Lastly, he's kind-hearted! He's super sweet and he is amazing to be around! I'm glad to call him my friend!" You say with a big smile. "Plus, his quirk can be useful in other activities if you know what I mean!" You say, winking. Everyone starts laughing, "nice one (y/n)!" Kirishima calls out to you.
"Next is Koji Koda! For one, he can teach you sign language! It may not seem like a lot, but it can be really useful to know! Second, he's kind-hearted as well! He's super sweet, he's shy but that doesn't stop him from being kind and a good friend. Lastly, he loves animals! Everyone loves an animal person, he's great with them and it's such a cute sight to see as well!" You pause before going on, you spot Koji, he's smiling and clapping. You smile and continue onto the next slide.
"Next up is Rikkido Sato! For starters, he loves to bake! And that's an amazing trait because imagine all of the desserts you can eat! Next is that he is sweet! Just like his desserts, he's super sweet and kind! Lastly, he's a very positive person! He has a good attitude about everything and it's adorable!" You smile, and Rikkido smiles at you.
A picture of Mezo Shoji and him with his friends, you included, shows up on the slide. "Next is Mezo Shoji! One, he's super protective of his friends! It shows how much he cares and loves his friends. Two, he is kind and can make friends with everyone. Thirdly, he is selfless. Which means he's willing to risk his life for any of his friends." Shoji smiles, "thank you (y/n)."
"Next is Kyoka Jiro! She is usually very social, except for when Denki bothers her." You laugh and Kyoka laughs as well, and nods "that's true honestly." You continue on, "second, she has great taste in music! She has a mixture of different bands she listens to, and then she'll even try some new ones for you! Thirdly, she can play different instruments! I find that amazing and she can even teach you how to play them!"
"Now we have Hanta Sero, he's very sociable and friendly! He is also quite funny and I have to say, he might be the funniest out of everyone in here!" Sero starts laughing, "you got that right!" You laugh and go on, "lastly, he's brave! He'll make sure to keep you safe and he's willing to step in for you."
"Now we have Fumikage Tokyami, he is protective of his friends! He will step in and make sure they're okay. Second, he has self-control. This may not seem like a big thing, he knows his limits and he can stay patient. Third and finally, he is very brave! Yes, he's shy but he's brave." Tokyami nods and watches the presentation.
A picture of Katy Perry's "Hot and Cold" shows up on the next slide, everyone giggles, and chuckles. "If you didn't guess from that, it's Shoto Todoroki! He is very calm and collected, he stays calm during stressful situations. He tends to care very much for his friends and values them very deeply, and lastly, he tends to put them first. He's grown a lot from when he first started, he's becoming more sociable!" You say, Shoto slightly smiles and nods. "Plus he makes a great heating pad and an ice pack if you need it!" You say laughing, others join in.
"Next we have our favorite invisible girl, Toru Hagakure! For one, she's super bubbly and overall a very positive person! Second, she likes to collect plushies and other cute things, so that means you'll have a shopping buddy! You have to invite me at some point girl!" You say, she laughs, "for sure (y/n)!" You look back up at the screen, "then finally, she can easily make friends and super sociable! She's such a sweet person!"
You laugh and change the slide, "now the one and only, angry pomeranian, Katsuki Bakugou!" Katsuki frowns, "hey dumbass that's not funny!" You laugh and continue, "yes he is very hot-headed, but he is protective over his friends. Second, he is very determined to do good, he'll push you just because he wants to see you achieve your goals. Lastly, he may have pride but he does have his sweet moments. I've only gotten to experience them every now and then but he truly is a good friend, angry or not." You say with a smile, everyone starts going "aww" and Katsuki's face goes beet red. "I- Thanks dumbass." He says quietly.
"Now onto our favorite broccoli boy, Izuku Midoriya!" You exclaim, "first off, he's super sweet! Like just look at him!" You say pointing to Izuku, he blushes and smiles. "Second, if there's anything you want to know about heroes, that's the man to go to! And lastly, he cares for his friends so much. He loves them and will do anything for them, he honestly just wants the best for them." Izuku smiles, "plus if you ever want some cute dates, that's who you go to!" You exclaim.
You frown as you move onto the next slide, "okay so Mr. Grape Pervert, or known as Minoru Mineta. " You clear your throat with the *ahem* sound, "there's nothing good about him so next!" Minoru frowns as everyone laughs.
You smile, "and our last slide is about Momo Yaoyorozu! She is a natural leader, so definitely determined and focused! She encourages you and helps you out, she wants you to be the best you can be! And finally, she is a really great person. She's an amazing friend and always wants the best for you!" Momo smiles, "thank you (y/n)!" You smile and close your computer. "This was my presentation on why you should date the students of class 1-A. I really hope you did enjoy it! I meant it, you all, besides Mineta, are wonderful people. I'm so glad to have you as friends." You say, smiling.
I hope you enjoyed it! This took FOREVER!
I hope you have a great day!
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shegairowmyamo · 3 years
What i've gathered from the happy tree friends real time fandub
So there's this three part series on youtube called “happy tree friends real time fandub” and I wanted to write down my favorite parts from it.
The peta in this universe aims to protect machines.
Lumpy's great grandfather is Michael Afton, sometimes when Lumpy is stressed he quotes his great grandpa's fathers lines when he needed his son the most.
The frequency of Nutty's voice could shatter your ear drums.
Sniffles whole character arc is just him wanting to suck cock.
The reason why Lifty chose the life of crime was to try and get rid of his lung cancer while supporting his family, Shifty is just there for the ride.
Lumpy used to work for the navy.
“give me the rice”
The residents of this universe have come to terms that they will die and sometimes don't react to being hurt, stabbed, killed e.c.t.
The cursed statue is an among us sex toy.
The ant wife is Marge Simpson.
When Flippy flips he gets extremely horny.
Cuddles will scream at you to buy his bikes.
Pop's biggest bruh moment was giving birth to his son.
Cub hates white people.
Pop “let it rip” with his son attached to the beyblade.
Sniffles makse inventions specifically to “get some bitches”.
Sniffles diagnosed Nutty with erectile dysfunction and cum withdrawal.
Flaky made a gum review, and died.
Flaky was gonna beat Tricky from fnf in a fight with a metal bat.
Nutty made a car review, and died.
“oh no hentai”
Nutty is an average British resident.
Giggles busted a nut after finding out someone simped for her.
Mime retired from being a mime and can talk now.
The “These balls in your mouth” joke is common and everybody hates it, so the creator of the joke got deleted.
“Angry German Ranting”
Cuddles and Giggles ascended to heaven but were brought back.
Cro-Marmot is in constant pain.
Handy, Mime, Flippy, Petunia, Lumpy, Giggles, Lifty and Shifty all play Fortnight.
Lumpy is phone guy and frequently makes phone calls with the same opening.
Mr, Pickles is another British resident.
Sniffles at one point shoved two dildos up his ass, he personally wouldn't recommend it.
“Happy Tree Friends - Ś̶̨͖̰̍͆́p̸̦̝͉͎͝ą̵̡̨͔̥̖̑̍͊r̴̹͈̘̯̮̝̅́̆ë̶̯̋̿͝ ̸̹̺͕̫͇̋͗̆̿M̴̤̣͙͂̂̑́è̸̲”
Lumpy is the imposter from among us.
Disco Bear's only source of confidence is his cheeto puff hair.
His wig, snatched.
Disco Bear prompts dollar shave club now.
“what you know about rolling down to the deep end”
Nutty listens to money machine.
Russell is a living Foxy reference.
Russell thinks that sex is cringe.
The creator of “These balls in your mouth” was un deleted by unpopular demand.
Sniffles made anti cum to inflate his peanes.
Fliqpy likes to emotionally degrade his victims.
Lumpy read Logan Paul's apology letter and never forgave him, until like 3 seconds.
Giggles got springtrapped.
Lumpy used to work at Freddys as a night guard.
Lumpy smokes weed.
Giggles is an E-Girl.
“Shipping myself to Dwane Johnsen at 3:00 Am”.
Lumpy walked in on a fivesome, until Petunia died.
Cub got killed for saying the “These balls in your mouth” joke unironically.
Flaky is the only smart character.
Everybody screams in fear when Nutty's on screen.
Splendid has super lazer piss.
Counter to popular belief, Giggles is the one that wants feat pics.
Lumpy sometimes changes his accent depending on his job.
The cake is alive :)
Disco Bear is Nikocado avocado but backwards.
Cuddle's got a feat collection.
Fliqpy is the imposter in real life.
therapist Lumpy is sick of Flippy's shit.
Fliqpy made Nutty swallow.
“this is the third time”
Flippy has a hypnosis kink.
When Flippy looks in the mirror he sees Freddy Fasbear.
“That's for bead time and beed time only evil Flippy”
“aw shit”
Lumpy went fucking inzane.
Toothy had plastic surgery to look more like an emoji.
Toothy didn't choose Hot wheels, Hot wheels chose Toothy.
Toothy speaks in printer, whatever that means.
Thanos collected the infinity stones and killed Fliqpy.
“ding ding mutherfucker ding ding”
Lumpy gets a new job every day.
“A dick sucking emergency?”
Nutty has a f̷͔̩͐a̴͙͆ṟ̶̛̗͎̂̕t̴̩̓̂ ̴͓̓͗c̴̼̟̜̎o̷̤͖͂m̸͉̔͠p̴̭͈̀̉ḯ̶̧͎̅̕ͅl̶̦̾̈́͒ȧ̸̰͓̘t̴̫̀̆́i̵̤͂̓o̵̱̕͜͜n̷̛͓̼̓͜, his words not mine.
Nobody knows how to open doors so they just throw axes at it.
And apparently they also don't know how to close them either.
Nutty became a model citizen, until he became a twitch streamer and then resumed to being a crack addict again 24/7.
“It's like, its like Minecraft”
After having his balls demolished it was clear that Lifty would never have children.
Sniffles went to a dick sucking university.
“NO my seman”
The Mole wants to kill tricky but is having trouble finding him and instead kills other people.
Lumpy used to shove pinecones up his ass.
“i'm going to suck your dick whoo, give me them titties”
Sniffles got stepped on by a rocket.
Flaky has made severe and continuous laps in her judgement.
Nutty had a dream of suking on a candy cane, vigorously.
Binging with Lumpy… I HATE MY LIFE
Splendid can't handle the battle pass.
“ironic catchphrase hear”
Shifty wants to fuck a christmas tree.
“the true hunt has begun”
“why won't you pee in my mouth”
Disco Bears final words “oh shit it's a can”
Lumpy got drilled up his ass.
“The dick driller”
“Like these balls? they jiggle”
Cuddles has a Deviantart.
The butterfly of shame.
“i want him to do that to my ass”
Sniffles Pogd.
"̵̘̤͐̚Ả̴̛̛̛͈͙̯͎̠̈́̆̀M̷̰͎̹̳̰̪̖̆̈̀͑̉͌ͅO̴̹͌̈́͌̌̑N̸̨̜̖̫̫̜̻̤̲̓͗̕̚G̸̨̙͗̊͛͘ ̴̨̪̌̊U̸͊́ͅS̴̻͓̝̠̣̞͔̯͉̀̾͑"̶̡̥̅
Sniffles used spider seman to create anti scp 999.
Nutty was so h̷͍͈̭̩͙̾̊̎̇y̵̥̣̍͗̃̈́ͅp̶͇͚͓̯̅̌̋ẽ̵̺̬̥̒̈́͒̈́ḑ̷̊̈́͑̇̕ that he stopped existing for 7 seconds.
Flippy has a Minecraft diary.
The two most dreaded characters show up together, Sniffles and Nutty.
But then they die.
“choke me daddy”
Lumpy is a pyro main.
Gnome jokes.
“i thought that was my ass”
Cuddles is evil and is behind the whole series.
here's the links
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deadly-symphony · 4 years
Losing my religion
Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Y/N) Warnings: Self-Doubts, Alcohol, & just fluff 
Writers note: Hey (: It’s my first Fanfic, so please don’t be so harsh on me. What i also need to mention: English is not my native language. So, excuse any mistakes :3
_____________________       ( <3 )       ___________________________
You wake up with a headache so bad it made you wish you would not even exist at this exact moment. But here you are, in bed ,still dressed in your party-outfit from last night. It takes a moment for you  to realize why you got so ridiculously drunk. Your eyes are filling with tears and anger starts to build up in your stomach. Is it anger ? Or just disappointment ? You swallow all your feelings, shoving yourself out of the bed and heading in the bathroom. Slipping your dress careless from your body where it hits the floor. Turning on the shower you take a quick look into the mirror, seeing  the mess you are. A little sigh escapes your lips and you enter the shower. The hot water feels good and you start to relax a bit. Your mind wanders back to last nights party and in a wave of panic you turn the little radio on which is hanging in the corner of the shower. Some pop music starts playing and you trying to concentrate on it . Trying to ignore the memories from last night. But the next song brings them all back. The slow movements of the luffer against your skin makse you shiver while you humm the lyrics you know all too well
Oh life, is bigger
It's bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
There are you standing , tears in your eyes, under the shower, lip quivering. Your mind now fully back at the party. Where you stood most of your time in the corner, drink in hand and watching him. After the 2 weeks you spend on a mission with him your feelings just grew bigger and bigger. Your love for him was overhelming and it scared the hell out of you. You watched him. Watched the girl talking to him, laughing. God, how you loved his laugh. How his eyes wrinkeld and his nose scrunched up. How he stroke a lose strain of hair behind his ear again ....as his eyes suddenly landed on you. The girl putting a hand on his upper arm, trying to keep the conversation going. You sipped on your drink, trying to avoid his gaze. You sipped again on your drink, realising the glass is now empty. You walked to the bar, ordering another drink. A stonger one this time. You wouldn't survive this party any other way, with him and this girl enjoing each other a bit too much for your taste.
Every whisper, of every waking hour
I'm choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt, lost and blinded fool
That was when a hand landed on your hips. A little squeez made you shiver as you turned around and took a step back. There it was, that perfect smile you adored so much. Bucky Barnes.
"Also running empty, huh?", you gestured to the two empty glasses he held in his human hand. "Yeah, i mean... Doesn't have any effect on me anyway.", he answered. Noticing the slight annoyance in your tone. You shrugged:" As long as it's keeping your new friend entertained. What’s the matter? " You gave him a bitter smile leaving him standing there, waiting for his new drinks.”Doll...?”, he questioned. But you just breathed a “Have fun with you girl”, knowing exactly he had heard you with his super hearing.  He looked after you, wanted to say more... but couldn't when a guy stopped you in your tracks and started talking to you. He swallowed hard at your reaction and your sudden change of behaviour towards him.
  What you didn't know, Bucky was watching you too the whole evening, since you entered the party in your totally forbidden dress, that hugged your curves so perfectly and showed what a dream of a women you were. And of course he noticed the eyes of almost every man in the room landing on you, starring. Especially this one guy who was now talking to you. And you seemed to enjoy his sweet talking. Of course, you deserved attention. Since he first saw you, when Nat brought you into the Team, he was lost in you. He always enjoyed your company. Never got tired of your presence. Only wanting more. Lately the two of you were sent on more and more missions together. Tony thought of you two as a very good team, without any problems, just quick and trouble-free missions with detailed reports. Steve and Nat on the other hand knew exactly what was going on. Steve noticed Buckys smile everytime he saw you. He heard his heartbeat change when you talked to him and how he looked at you with hidden adoration. So did Nat. She noticed how you always fixed your hair, before entering a room you knew bucky was in. How you walked with that extra swing in your hips when he was around. And how you always tried to act "normal" and "decent" when he watched you. Your best friends knew all along that the two of you had it bad for each other. But Bucky and you... You never thought he would like you in this way. So did he, thinking you could never like a broken man like him. When you were just so beautiful and smart.
Consider this, the hint of the century
Consider this the slip
That brought me to my knees, failed
So, sipping on your drink, you talked to that guy. Steeling a glance at Bucky, who was now hugging this girl you hated without even knowing her. They were swinging to the music , drinks in their hands and she was pressing more and more into his body. Oh god, his perfect body. Your mind wandered and wandered , while the guy, who's name was already deleted from your brain. kept talking to you. You nodded and hummed as a response now and then. But you weren't even listening. You just wanted to have fun. Just wanted to enjoy yourself for a while without the perfect Super-Soldier on your mind. You tried desperately to like the stranger in front of you. Maybe he wasn't so boring. But what was his name again? As you nodded again, without even listening to what he was saying and just blankly staring at him you suddenly feel a pair of hands on your hips and a pair of lips is meeting yours. Shit!... He asked if he could kiss you... and you idiot just agreed. Bucky watched all of it. Every laugh escaping your lips, every sweet smile, every sip from your drink, every shy lookt torwards the guy in front of you. If only he had knew all of it was fake and all you had in mind at this exact time was only him. Just Bucky. Just your lovely James Buchanan Barnes. He watched as he kissed you. He shoved the girl in his arms away from him, excusing himself. He coulnd't handle the sight of you. You and another men. He left the party, wanting to retreat to his room as fast as he could. Your eyes instead were squeezed shut. You were shocked. You didn't even wanted this. The alcohol got the best of you and anyway , your mind was just a mess because of all your locked up feelings. As he broke the kiss, smiling at you, you didn't even dare to look in Buckys direction. You just wiggled yourself free from the guys grip and excused yourself. You swallowed the rest of your half-full glass all by one and escaped from the party as fast and unnoticed as possible.
 You stumbled to the elevators, holding yourself steady on the blank wall next to you, hissing, when the elevator door just closed right in front of your nose. Hastily you pushed the button. Trying to keep standing on your own two feet while your legs just felt like jelly.
The Door opened with a Bing and you fell into the elevator with a squeel, just losing your balance while walking in, where to strong arms catched you. Wide eyed you looked up, staring directly in a pair of ocean blue eyes. "You... you okay , Doll?", he asked , voice a bit scratchy. Looking away from him, trying to hold yourself up, you answer after a little pause:" I'm fine. Thanks ...." He let go of you,noticing your cold tone, even though everything he wanted was to hold you even closer. You just stood there, pressing the button to your floor, then staring at your feet. He took a quick look at you. Admiring you. Wishing you were his. He stole another glance. Watching you and how your dress just hugged your body and your boobs and your butt were looking so damn good. You were the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. The Bing of the elevator snapped him out of his dreaming state. You stumbled out of the elevator, almost losing balance again, Bucky reaching for your arm to safe you from another fall to the hard ground.. He held you for a moment before speaking." Let me get you to your room at least, ok? We don't have to talk... don't worry.", hinting at the silence back there in the elevator. You just nodded. Avoiding to look at him. "Ok then. Let's go , Doll.", he said barely audible. His hand still holding you, keeping you from falling, he walked you to your room. You opened the door, walking in. You turned around, when you still felt his hand holding your arm. You looked up at him. "Thank you, Buck.", you said in a shaky tone. His brows furrowed. "Doll?" "Hmm?" It took him a moment, you could see in his face that he wanted to say something. Then he said softly, stroking your arm:" I'm glad your safe back in your room. Good night, Dollface." He let his hand slip down your arm, holding your hand for a Moment, before he left. You closed  the door, leaning against it with your back and standing there for a moment. His soft voice still in your ear. His worried eyes still burning up your skin. Then you pushed yourself away from the door,taking wobbly steps forward before falling into your bed.
That's me in the corner
That's me in the spot-light
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
A litte sob escapes your lips as you start  rincing your hair out. You trying your best not to cry again but you fail. You lean against the cold shower-tiles and break completely down. Your going to feel better after a good cry, you told yourself. But you're not so sure of it when you're honest to yourself. You rub your face, trying to focus again. You turn the water off and walk out of the shower. Putting a towel on your head and your fluffy bathrob on your body. Deciding to get dressed and then get some breakfast you leave the bathroom when you hear a knock on your door.
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try
Without a care of what you are just wearing you open the door, seing Bucky in front of you. He looks at you, gaze wandering down your body, his cheeks turn a bit pink & he turns a bit away. "Oh, sorry ... i didn't meant to bother you, Doll." "N.... no. No, you do not bother me at all.", you say, voice all raspy and shore from all the crying and the alcohol. You notice the cup of coffee in his hand and you smile softly:" That for me ?" Even though you're smiling at him, he's noticing your tired look and your blood stained, puffy eyes. "Mhm, for you. Good morning, Doll.", he gives you a shy smile, handing you the hot cup. Shifting from one foot to antoher:" You ... mh... you okay? I mean... last night, you got really drunk &... i was worried to be honest when you fell into the elevator." Taking a sip of the fresh brewed coffee, your eyes meet his. And there is it again... The worry in this eyes. His furrowed brows and he's standing there like a lost puppy. "Uhm... i'm good. Thank you, Buck. I mean... for the coffee... and... yeah, taking care of the waste that i was last night. I'm sorry. Didn't mean to bother anyone. It was just.... it was not my day, you know?", you say, eyes watering again, but you try to hide it. But he notices. He always does. He even notices the slight change in your voice. From raspy to broken and hurt. "Hey ....", he takes your hand, looking at you with a soft smile. "You know, you can always talk to me, mh?" "Mhm...." , you humm in response. He squeezes your hand. 
" Not so convincing ...", he grumbles. Your eyes meet the floor again as a silent tear rolls down your cheek. You just can't hide it anymore. He's so sweet... You were so angry last night, so mean to him, because he danced with a girl. You're not in the position to be mean at him... He's just so nice to you. He never did anything wrong, he's always the first to help. And well, he don't even know you like him, so, what do you think? He can do whatever he wants ...and with who he wants. You blink a few times, but you don't even get the chance to look at him. He just shoves himself into your room, hugs you as thight as possible, just holding you and stroking your back. "Don't cry, Dollface. You're too pretty to be this sad!" , he smiles into your hair. Your hands wrap around his waist, trying to not spill any of your coffee on him or the floor.  You just hold onto him as his strong arms are holding you. After a few moments he pulls a bit away. Taking the cup out of your hands, placing it on the small shelf next to your door. He looks at you, still holding you close to him and you blush. Face red as a tomato ,realising you just wearing your wardrobe and nothing else. He cups your face with one hand, forcing you to look at him. He gives you a shy smile as his thumb strokes your cheeck, wiping away a single tear. You feel your heart race. Afraid it might explode out of your chest in the next few seconds. He can feel it too. He hears how fast your heart beats and how his is doing exactly the same. "Doll...", he speaks, bringing you closer to him. You feel his strong muscles ripple against you. "I'm going to kiss you now.", he states. Your eyes, wide as cherry pies, your lips parted but you can't say anything as he brings his face closer and then his lips meet yours. His soft lipes moving against yours and you just melt into his touch, kissing him back within a second. He smiles into the kiss, teasing your lips with his tongue and you let him in. Your tongue dancing with his and you feel butterflies exploding in your stomach. He breaks the kiss, watching you all flustered, cheeks red and lips swollen and glossy. He helds you close, kissing your nose. "You're prefect. I hope you know that.", he whispers. You smile shy at him and hug him tight. "What is that all about ?", you ask in a low hum. He chuckles:" Dummie... isn't that obvious?", squeezing your hips. You smile:" I'm not a dummie... dummie.", you shoot back , eyes meeting his sparkling blues. "Well... You wanna go on a dummiedate with me? Just you and me... two dummies.", he grins and his cheeks are now the same color as yours. You can just nod and throw your arms around his neck, pulling him down for another kiss. You start walking backwards, still kissing him and he follows. The back of your legs meeting the bed and you just pull him with you, falling into the bed, Bucky on top of you. You giggle into the kiss and he chuckles, stroking your cheek and looking at you. "I love you.... you know? I do for quite a while....", he finally confesses. You just stare up from underneath him, tears rolling down from your eyes. "I .... Oh Bucky .... If i knew your confession would come after i drank too much, i would've gotten drunk much, much earlier ", you sob and laugh at the same time. He chuckles and presses his lips to yours again. "So, that was a yes for the date, right ?" "Totally", you stroke his hair behind his ear, smiling at him: "Dummiedate."
You don't even know how much time passed and how and when and why. But you and Bucky just cuddled the whole day in your bed and he was even sweeter than you could ever imagine.
That's me in the corner
That's me in the spot-light
Losing my religion
________________     ( <3 )     _________________
Thank you for reading (: I hope you liked it and i'd love to get some feedback on that. Maybe i start to write more stuff.
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Drink Takes the Man / Danny Torrance Imagine
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Request: Can I request a Danny Torrance x Reader where reader has the shining and goes with Danny back to the overlook and ends up being the one chased by Danny when he is possessed and has to try to get through to him please 🥰 Thanks so much love! 
Of course love, this honestly hit me right in the feels
Comments are much appreciated!
The wind was howling. That’s all he could remember now. The day his dad died, the wind was howling.
The snow outside the Overlook was picking up against the maze in drifts, blinding the night with ice white dust. You ran, ran away from the stairs, from the monsters. You tried to get that image out of your head, your footsteps matching the ones he left in the snow, in the darkness, all those years ago.
Trees, posts, statues loomed in your vision outside the large bay windows, then vanished, swallowed in white.
The floor was tiled with fine beige marble, which made every step of your heel echo off the empty chambers. A chandelier loomed over your head as you stumbled past, knocking against the edge of a sofa that filled your lungs with dust.
‘Are you ready to take your medicine, Y/n?’
You clamp your hands over your ears, letting your shine reach out a little to try and locate your Danny. He was still in the great hall. That was good. There was still time.
But not much.
You tried to remember your way in this labyrinth, the corridors seeming to twist and turn and change direction every time you turned their corners. It was as if it was laughing at you, the hotel. Every bronze fire extinguisher, every peeled piece of wallpaper, every off white room you passed. The little toy train set that still lay abandoned on the floor, a thick layer of grime over its charcoal wheels.
Until you reached it. Room 237. You left the door shaking as you ran in, not looking back as the walls began to thud with the rhythm of the axe’s handle. It's wooden handle was rough through bad manufacturing. It gave off a horrible woody metal smell, a lingering of copper on the edge of it’s blade, but boy, if it didn’t feel good in Jack Danny Torrance’s hand.
‘You can’t run from me!’
Nature had come back to reclaim what was hers, spreading her spiny fingers on the wall. Here grew life, on the edge of this mountain. Moss on the dampness of this fine wallpaper. Seeds had drifted down from the world above them, and there were patches of water on the carpet, some a little deeper then others and the gutter had been clogged with human blood and rain. This now empty hotel was a ruin, but it was still haunting in so many other ways. Nothing had changed, it was just under different management.
You wouldn’t allow it to be your Danny.
The putrid green and purple circular carpet of Room 237 is maksed only by the stale mint green of the bathroom that beckons you forward. You walk past the lavender armchair, past the bed, your hand stopping inches away from the doorknob.
You couldn’t take your eyes away from the pointed finger the water was racing away from.
All you could see was an inhuman figure sitting there. Her head was cocked slightly to the right and her back was crooked, with red, thick zig zags crawling across her eyes like worms. Her eyes clamped onto you, never looking away. It just sat still, watching silently. Not that it could speak, for her mouth was torn, creating an unnatural smile that smeared across her face. Small black stitches stapled the mouth attempting to keep it shut, however blood continued pouring out through the tangled veins.
It feels like someone’s whispering in your mind, poking around.
You slam the door shut, not hearing another one open. You didn’t hear a door open and shut, its creaking noise bringing a chill to your spine you didn’t feel. It sounded like some dying animal, crying out its pain and sorrow with its last breath.  
Gasping, you spin around, reaching out just in time to stop an axe head from landing in the midst of your skull.
Danny stands in front of you, his face twisted in absolute pain as his hands shake within yours. His face came into focus like an object looked at through a telescope, but this blur was close, very close. At first his whisper was like the soft blow of the wind in the trees, then as the ghost became more clear, more sharply focused, the whisper became an eerily familiar voice.
‘Are you ready for your medicine?’
‘Danny, listen to me. This is not you. You are not your father.’
‘I told you. I told you, the man takes a drink, but the drink also takes the man. This was always how it was supposed to be.’
‘But that’s not true, is it? You’re just a mask. A false face.’
Danny is in so much pain his complexion is ashen. His skin has sunken in tone to something so lifeless it scares you just to look at him, but his eyes. There’s something still swirling in those blue eyes of his. Hope.
His left eye twitches as you dig further into his thumb.
‘You’re Dan Torrance. You’re like me, you shine. You used to live here, sure, but that’s not all you are. You and Wendy, your mum, moved away to Florida, remember? You never wanted to see the snow again. She would let me travel to see you, and we’d sit by the pier, and you would tell me about the scary lady in the bathtub while I just held your hand, because you were so scared. You were so young, and it wasn’t fair. But you’re not scared anymore. You’re smart. And you, false face, have been stupid. You haven’t been paying attention, and now...now I think you should run, before the boilers don’t give you a chance.’
The hands that once reassured you started to shake in your grasp as the axe dropped down by your toes, but you clutched at his weary fingers anyway, letting the warmth and softness of your own hands let him know you were there, that you were alright and that you didn't leave him alone at the end. In a voice usually reserved for children, you told him the tale you had always used to distract him when you were younger. As the story unfolded his breathing would stop for a time and then start again, gasping, and as his tears rained down his hand grew cold. His fires had been extinguished.
‘You were supposed to run.’
‘I’m not going anywhere without you.’
Please support me on Kofi! 
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animalinvestigator · 4 years
thats my lifes advice to everyone. A dash of soy sauce makse instant ramen 20x better.
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usopp-writes · 5 years
Wrong number
He sat on his couch, staring at the glass of sleeping pills. For hours he’d been sitting there, staring at it. Not that he knew how much time had passed, he wasn’t aware of anything around him. It was just him, the pills and his thoughts. The decision he was trying to make, wasn’t an easy one and you would think that once the thought had crossed and he took the glass with him to the couch, alongside a glass of water, the decision was made, but it wasn’t.
Why did the thought even crossed his mind? Well, first of all, he was lonely, misunderstood and bullied. Ever since his teenage year, people had bullied him, looked down at him or even looked at him with disgust. He’d thought becoming an adult would have helped, but it hadn’t. Adults was even worse, no one wanting to have anything to do with him. Besides that, his designs and art was a failure.
So he wondered if the world even wanted or needed him. He had no friends, no family and no lover. There was no one who would miss him, so why was he even living? He had of course tried to make friends, tried to make a name for himself, but now he had hit rock bottom. Depression and insomina was his only companions.
Suddenly his phone rang and he jolted. He’d forgotten the sound it made, as mostly it was only salesmen/saleswomen calling him and it’d been a while since they last called him. Reculantly he took his phone. He didn’t know the number, but he picked up anyway. It could be that someone wanted to buy his art. “This is ...”
“Why the fuck did it take you so long to pick up? I bet you’re deep into your new book, right? I thought you siad you were finished and that’s why you wanted to have lunch with me now. You’re running late, Marco.”
He had barely managed to introduce himself, as the man on the other end started to ramble. Blinking he waited to get a word in, wondering who this man was and who this Marco was. An author? Grantly, he didn’t have much time to read and it’d been years since he read a book. Articles in magazines and news articles, yes, but no books.
“... I’m sorry, you got the wrong number, Mr.” His deep voice spoke indifferently, as the other man stopped his rambling. Silence followed and he was convinced the other had dropped the phone.
“Oh...” Came the reply. “Sorry. It was rude of me to not listen to you when you picked up. I hope you can forgive me.” It was spoken slight sheepish and for some reason it brought a smile to his lips.
“It’s okay. Just don’t speak like that to your friend. There could be a perfect good reason for him to be late.” He was about to ask the other man a good day and lunch, hoping his friend would show up soon, but was then cut off again.
“Yeah you’re right. Oh I’m Thatch by the way and I love to meet new people. Would you mind talking to me while I wait? I’m sure Marco is on his way and if not, well I get to know you a little and for me that’s a win too.”
Now that was unexpected. He was speechless for a few seconds, not knowing what to think or say. Never had he met someone that didn’t hang up after calling the wrong number. Who would simply keep small talking and getting to know the stranger you accidentially called?
“Hello? You there?”
The silence had dragged out a little too long it seemed. “Yeah I’m here. Sorry, I was just surprised that you want to talk to me. I thought you wanted to call your friend. I’m Izo.”
“Nice to meet you, Izo. Yeah I should call Marco, but now I got an opportunity to make a new friend and I’m taking it. Unless you’re busy, of course.”
Izo smiled, gazing at the pills. “No I’m not busy. Just home and doing nothing.” He felt a little better, though he was hesitant about this man wanting to befriend him. Sure, Izo felt a little desperate, he didn’t really want to do what he’d been thinking about doing and this call could be a sign to him to not give up.
“Doing nothing from time to time is good. Charging up your batteries. At least when you’re an introvert. As an extrovert myself, I charge my batteries with being around others. An ambivient, have it easier, as they probably charge their batteries both ways.” A chuckle was heard and Izo liked it.
He found himself talking to this stranger with ease and it made him feel better. It wans’t that long of a conversation, as his friend Marco came after a few minutes, but for Izo, those few minutes changed his life. Not only did he cast the pills out afterwards, he also tidyed up himself, as Thatch had convinced him to meet him later that day.
Years later, Izo thought back about the call that changed his life. Thatch had literally saved his life and saved his soul. Izo wasn’t lonely any longer, he had friends, no he had a family. Thatch had really been this amazing guy he was on the phone, an extrovert with a golden heart. Through him he met Marco - an uncomming auhor - and Whitebeard - Edward Newgate, the man who had worked with charity all his life. 
A smile of pure happiness played on Izo’s red lips. They had accepted him just as he was. A man who liked to wear make-up and fenimine clothes. As Ace - one of his new friends - had said: ‘Why wear something you feel uncomfortable in? You do you and who are we to judge what makes you happy and comfortable?’
“I love it when you smile, Izo.” Thatch sat next to him with a cup of tea for them both.
“All thanks to you calling the wrong number. You brought back my smile and showed me life again. I can’t thank you enough.” Izo smiled, taking a sip of the tea.
Thatch laughed heartily. “Oh you’ve thanked me enough. Your smile and happiness is a blessing every day and makse me feel good. Besides the love you give.” He looked at the ring on his finger. Izo smiled and turned his head, giving Thatch a soft kiss.
“I love you.”
“And I love you.”
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sexyglances · 5 years
I may have a cold, dead heart, but I was pretty non-plussed by all the apologies in ep 14 of Her Private Life.
Seonjoo’s husband did the same exact freaking thing that upset her in the first place and he went behind her back to create a situation he thinks she wants. Instead, he should have approached her directly and contritely with no excuses and gave her the option to agree with or disagree with his plan. And then when she gave the tiniest bit of warmth to him, he pulled her into a hug that she broke out of and clarified that she wasn’t forgiving him yet, but just giving him a second chance. But this guy? He doesn’t care, he just pulled her back into an even tighter hug. Because whether it’s professional or personal, it seems like he justifies his actions by sunconsciously creating situations where he feels like he’s winning something to feed his own ego. Ugh.
Eungi isn’t much better, basically telling Doekmi that while his feelings changed for her, now that he’s alienated her he just wants to feel close to her, even if it’s a familial relationship. At first he straight apologizes for maksing her feel uncomfortable. Which would have been great if he’d stopped there. But then he allows for like 3 seconds of processing for Doekmi and immediately asks her if she can accept him back as a friend. Like, idk dude, how about you give her a minute to process? Though I will say this is the best he’s acted thus far, even if it was still not great, which shows what a shitty character he is.
I won’t go into too much detail with Ryan’s bio mom’s apology since there’s a lot to unpack. But i will say that most of it seemed to be about her and her own pain. Some of that is probably necessitated by the fact that the narrative has to include some exposition as a way of storytelling about the past. Be that as it may, they never showed her asking one question about his life. And she insisted on calling him by his Korean name, negating the fact that he’s lived a full, successful life as Ryan Gold. Even when she said that she only asks to be able to observe him from afar, it puts her in the position of pity, effectively making Ryan the “bad guy” if he were to refuse even that. I understand she felt severe pain and trauma because of their separation, but as the parent and the catalyst of this whole situation, she needs to take a step back and let him be in the driver’s seat of his own healing and forgiveness.
All of these apologies felt self-centered and self-serving. An apology, by its very definition, should be about the other person. And I know that there were lines about the asker just wanting the forgiver to smile, but the way they approached and worded the apologies clearly showed that their focus was still about creating a situation where the forgivers’ happiness would make the apologizers feel happy when they should have been about the forgivers’ happiness, full stop, no other baggage included.
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compneuropapers · 5 years
Interesting Papers for Week 39, 2019
Pupil-Linked Arousal Responds to Unconscious Surprisal. Alamia, A., VanRullen, R., Pasqualotto, E., Mouraux, A., & Zenon, A. (2019). Journal of Neuroscience, 39(27), 5369–5376.
How the Brain Transitions from Conscious to Subliminal Perception. Arese Lucini, F., Del Ferraro, G., Sigman, M., & Makse, H. A. (2019). Neuroscience, 411, 280–290.
A Flexible Model of Working Memory. Bouchacourt, F., & Buschman, T. J. (2019). Neuron, 103(1), 147-160.e8.
The Foveal Visual Representation of the Primate Superior Colliculus. Chen, C.-Y., Hoffmann, K.-P., Distler, C., & Hafed, Z. M. (2019). Current Biology, 29(13), 2109-2119.e7.
Spaced Learning Enhances Episodic Memory by Increasing Neural Pattern Similarity Across Repetitions. Feng, K., Zhao, X., Liu, J., Cai, Y., Ye, Z., Chen, C., & Xue, G. (2019). Journal of Neuroscience, 39(27), 5351–5360.
Evidence accumulation is biased by motivation: A computational account. Gesiarz, F., Cahill, D., & Sharot, T. (2019). PLOS Computational Biology, 15(6), e1007089.
Target Interneuron Preference in Thalamocortical Pathways Determines the Temporal Structure of Cortical Responses. Hay, Y. A., Naudé, J., Faure, P., & Lambolez, B. (2019). Cerebral Cortex, 29(7), 2815–2831.
Striatal Low-Threshold Spiking Interneurons Regulate Goal-Directed Learning. Holly, E. N., Davatolhagh, M. F., Choi, K., Alabi, O. O., Vargas Cifuentes, L., & Fuccillo, M. V. (2019). Neuron, 103(1), 92-101.e6.
Dopamine D2 receptors regulate the action potential threshold by modulating T‐type calcium channels in stellate cells of the medial entorhinal cortex. Jin, X., Chen, Q., Song, Y., Zheng, J., Xiao, K., Shao, S., … Huang, Z. (2019). Journal of Physiology, 597(13), JP277976.
Front-end Weber-Fechner gain control enhances the fidelity of combinatorial odor coding. Kadakia, N., & Emonet, T. (2019).e Life, 8, e45293.
Hippocampal theta phases organize the reactivation of large-scale electrophysiological representations during goal-directed navigation. Kunz, L., Wang, L., Lachner-Piza, D., Zhang, H., Brandt, A., Dümpelmann, M., … Axmacher, N. (2019). Science Advances, 5(7), eaav8192.
Intracellular calcium stores mediate metaplasticity at hippocampal dendritic spines. Mahajan, G., & Nadkarni, S. (2019). Journal of Physiology, 597(13), JP277726.
Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Tracks Multiple Environmental Variables during Search. Mehta, P. S., Tu, J. C., LoConte, G. A., Pesce, M. C., & Hayden, B. Y. (2019). Journal of Neuroscience, 39(27), 5336–5350.
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Excitation-Inhibition Dynamics Regulate Activity Transmission Through the Perirhinal–Entorhinal Network. Willems, J. G. P., Wadman, W. J., & Cappaert, N. L. M. (2019). Neuroscience, 411, 222–236.
Insulin Modulates Excitatory Synaptic Transmission and Synaptic Plasticity in the Mouse Hippocampus. Zhao, F., Siu, J. J., Huang, W., Askwith, C., & Cao, L. (2019). Neuroscience, 411, 237–254.
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johnny-boy-17 · 6 years
WTF Darling in the Franxx was actually good, like WTF (again)?
So as most of you know, I have been posting non-stop about a recent anime called Darling in the Franxx.
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And let me tell ya, it started out rough. I mean, I think this image speaks for itself.
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But as I let it play on, it actually had a plan, and became good after about 5 or 6 episodes. and then it got REALLY GOOD. Example being episode 13 (The Beast and the Prince). You could play that episode on mute, without subtitles, anything that would help you understand what their saying, and you’d still follow it. That’s the mark of good storytelling.
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However, it still had flaws, mainly not knowing pacing very well, and the choices the writes made sometimes were pretty dumb... like really? Aliens? You’re just gonna jump the shark like that?
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So yeah, it had problems, for sure, I will never denny that, but when it get’s stuff right, IT GETS IT RIGHT.
Prime example, the character of Zero Two.
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She had a way of keeping her grey-area morality out in the open, stating her mind at any time, and you could never really tell if what she was up to was good or bad. She was a perfect wild-card chaotic neutral.
On the other side of that, there was Hiro.
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Hiro was another one of the show’s biggest surprises. He started off so bland and uninteresting as the MC. You could have told me that was Kirito from SAO and I probably would have believed you. But no, he actually pulls off some believable stunts, makes decisions any human would make, he’s level headed about most things, he’s a surprisingly endearing MC. And he doesn’t just do it all by himself, he relies on others like Zero Two for assistance and support.
And that brings me into the segment I am most excited about, which I will most certainly do an entire post about soon, Zero Two and Hiro’s relationship..... GOOD CHRIST IT WAS AMAZING!!
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Any time these two shared the screen, my eyes were always on them. They had absolute GOD-LIKE chemistry with each other. And it only made sense they be the focus of the show. Look, before DitF, for me there was Star vs the Forces of Evil. And that has Starco. I shipped that like mad crazy, and then THESE TWO CAME IN AND FUCKING WRECKED ME. THEY ARE THAT PERFECT. Like I said, I’ll make an entire post about that later, but for now, review the show.
And the rest of the crew was cool too. They made decisions and went back and forth on those things and emotions like actual human beings. I think a prime example of this is Ichigo.
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She’s constantly trying to put business before pleasure, and constantly fighting those pesky little things called emotions for the majority of the show. She just wants to be a good leader, but nobody told her life was gonna be this way. (clap clap clap clap clap) Plus, I mean, we all remember that shit-show we put on after ep. 14, in which she get’s Zero Two kicked out of the squad so she can try and win Hiro over, and how we... acted out of line with what we did. I guess the creators saw this as an opportunity to try and bring closure to a character, and let the corners fill in through the rest of the show.
Plus, Mitsuru and Kokoro, ask anyone who watched, and they’ll tell you they were great. Mitsuru started out as this cold-hearted summabitch in the beginning, while Kokoro sorta just bottled up how she felt. Then they decide to partner up w/ one another, and then they fix a lot of things w/ each other and become each other’s moral-support centers (kinda like Zero Two and Hiro). 
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Now, they did go through some memory-wipe angst, and we all thought they would get their memories back soon, but the coolest part of the show is that THEY DIDN’T NEED ‘EM. God, that is refreshing to see. And it kept the threat of Papa/Virm/the... *sigh* Aliens as a threat, but still gave the fans what they wanted. 
Final example of the crew being cool, Ikuno. If you remember from the beginning, it’s not exactly a welcoming sight for tumblr when the mechs are controled through BoyGirl anal sex (god that is so stupid). So when you here’s theres a lesbin thrown in there, you are more than welcome to sweat bullets.
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But I dunno if this is the straight guy in me, but I think they handled her really well. She makse a confession to Ichigo, and you think this’ll go poorly. But Ichigo takes it pretty well, hugs her, and leaves a “maybe I might” in the air, all while being supportive about it. So, that was neat.
All in all, this series had NO FUCKING RIGHT to be anywhere near as good as it was, but it did it. Yes there were things I wished they would fix, and I did roll my eyes a couple of times or scratch my head. But for what I got as opposed to what I thought I was going to get, this is far from a train wreck... at least in my opinion. In fact, it actually reminds me a lot of Eureka Seven, with the main two leads piloting a giant robot and falling in love was the center of the story (plus plot holes).
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But here’s the thing: Eureka Seven could get away with it’s flaws, as it was part of the theme in that show, “learning to love, despite it’s flaws.” Darling in the Franxx’s theme is more about how “communication will save all.” A good theme to have, it just couldn’t save itself from...
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...bride-zilla Zero Two (that was kinda ridiculous).
That’s sorta my thoughts: when it was stupid it was pretty fuckin’ stupid. But when it was good, it was really fuckin’ good.
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So I am glad I saw it, and I encourage others to go see it as well. The animations good, the characters are good, their dynamics are good, the sound is good. It really is dependent on how you can stomach the first few episodes. If nothing else, just watch the 13th episode, as that is the best one, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
With all it’s flaws and good moments, I’m gonna give Darling in the Franxx a 8.2/10. It’s shortcomings are noticble, and certainly turn-offs, but for the love of god, it hits home when it get’s it right. The good outweighs the bad, for me at least, so just watch it. You can thank me later.
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