#man I really need to start reading these before I post them lmao
misfitgirlwrites · 2 days
Lucifer Having A Crush On You/How Would He React?
I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'M NOT--
It's time for my fictional love and life and all I hold dear in my daydreams. Bitches, bros, nonbinary hoes, and genderfluid fucks, I present to you the Big Dick in Charge
I may reference works that I've read and when I do I'll drop their @ and link to their story it is law that you read it if you read mine, I don't make the rules
CW: none, slightly angsty but nothing too intense!
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Alright, doves, this is post-season one. Lucifer now resides in the hotel with everyone and is slowly adjusting to being graced with Alejandro's Alastor's presence every day.
Let's be honest, our baby pays attention but puts in minimal effort. Saying that the days went by in a blur would be an understatement. Even conversations would be forgotten after a few short moments. On to the next task. Full focus on this thing. Once that's done? Well onto the next task! No tasks? Free time to spend with Charlie!
Things would start slow, and to really interact, you'd most likely start to approach him first. Maybe you've spent long enough watching the blond anxiously bounce around the hotel and graciously give himself a bit too much for even the Big Boss of Hell.
A timid approach from you, offering to help with whatever he's currently doing. Maybe you make snacks for everyone in the hotel and hand him his personally :)
And so it begins! A greeting here, a greeting there, slightly awkward conversations that slowly start to feel less forced with the little information you learn about each other along the way.
It's...nice! Refreshing! Lucifer would be more excited than anything and talking to you would become a part of his regular routine without much thought on the matter. You'd occasionally be on his mind just a little more, and he'd start to seek you out himself too.
I know you're already seeking him out. Bitch I'M seeking him out.
Helping with chores around the hotel quickly turns into simply enjoying the other's company.
One day you gift him his very own ceramic duck! You could have paid for it from somewhere or made it yourself.
Either way, he'd fucking LOVE it! Honestly, if you decide to try your hand at making it, he'd love it even more with all the rough edges and little bumps (it was made out of love for my babies who never touched clay in their lives)
In response, please expect many gifts in return. I like to think it's been a while since he's gotten a genuine gift like this
(Bonus headcanon: Charlie will see this and will come to you the next day with a list of things she wants to gift him and you two are unofficially officially the Buy Lucifer Anything Duck-Themed duo)
Lucifer loves how you react when he gifts you your very own rubber duck. Your smile and happiness always seemed contagious to him. It only led to him making/getting you more things.
You will have a rubber duck collection by the end of this, but what can you really say? Each one of them is based on something you mentioned before. A movie character, a book character, a cartoon character, even friends or family members if they were mentioned. The gesture is way too sweet for you to turn down, even if it is the 30th duck you've received.
Now prepare for what I like to call the "get along t-shirt" phase but both parties are willing LMAO.
Lucifer will be by your side as long as you'll accept the company and if you're reading this and we brain the same, that will be all the time.
I love the GenZ!Reader memes and fics. Someone show this man bacon pancakes and if it was already done, SHOW ME.
Between his relationship with Charlie and with you, Lucifer actually feels the need and wants to be a little more present bit by bit. He notices that he is spending less time in his head, but he continues on in fear of fucking it up if he thinks too hard about it.
So instead he'll 100% focus on the little familiarity of happiness, as small as those moments may be sometimes. This is EXACTLY why the thought of him potentially feeling romantic interest again goes right over his head.
Who notices first, you ask? Charlie, of course. You slowly but surely became one of his main topics in conversation, it wasn't hard for her to pick up on it and ask.
Baby boy would straight up deny it at first. Him?? Liking someone else??? LMAO, am I right? Of course, after he does this, he'll have the time to actually pay attention to his actions.
So then he'll notice how excited he is every morning knowing that you'll be the first face he sees. He'll notice how he managed to fit you into any task he had to do. When he'd get lunch for himself and Charlie he'd have the automatic thought of making something for you as well. Even when the day was over, he'd be thinking about spending the next day with you. To be frank, you were constantly on his mind. 
Once he notices it's a big mental "fuck". Nothing about you is wrong of course, it's him, or so he thinks.
Let's start with the elephant in the room, or shall I say the ring on his finger lmao
In Lucifer's mind, he's still married technically. Even thinking about it in a technical term was a new development and it made him feel absolutely horrible. Lilith left, sure, but who knows what happened? Regardless of how he felt, he didn't want to hurt her.
But at the same time what about him? Lucifer hasn't been happy in a long time and he's finally building that again, not just with Charlie, but with you as well. He didn't want to just cut you out, he didn't want to hurt you either.
Plus, did you even like him? How would he even approach you? If he wanted to, even after thinking about everything.
Who was he kidding, of course, he still wanted you!
@liveontelevision *drops to my knees and bows* they worded it extremely well here and if you're reading this but you haven't read this already or you clicked the link then clicked back here, go back and read it. I don't care how long it is. Do the thing then come back.
Welcome back. It was good, wasn't it? I know.
The only awkward period for you two is the week-long contemplation of everything (half him attempting not to do what he always does when stressed but by the time he realizes he already made like 30 ducks--)
He would clearly go out of his way to either try and talk to you or avoid you. Or a cute mixture of both where he makes a scene approaching you, realizes he's not ready yet, then makes a scene so he can disappear *finger guns*
A little crisis here, a few little rubber ducks there, and a looooonnnggg conversation with Charlie and Maggie Vaggie.
Those are the ingredients to a semi-stable Lucifer with enough bravado to talk to you normally again.
He'd apologize for the times he basically pulled a Houdini in your face and he'd explain himself fully, all while also confessing his love for you.
It's choppy, it's fast-paced in some areas, and the poor blond was ready to disappear at any given moment, but that's what made it so real for you.
The weight that's lifted off of him couldn't be described, and neither could the joy that welled in him the moment he saw your beautiful smile and heard nothing but your acceptance and love.
What an emotional roller-coaster, am I right?
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Lucifer Taglist: @alastorssimp @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @heart-of-the-morningstar
Requests are open! If you'd like to be tagged in future Lucifer or Hazbin Hotel content, please let me know! My asks and DMs are open to all!
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s2 episode 14 thoughts
i just finished the episode and stared at the screen for a bit and then burst into laughter because. what the hell did i just watch?
all i could think of while viewing this episode was that video of brittany broski in epcot sipping on a drink, shaking her head in confusion, and saying "heyyy! what are we doing?"
lmao. okay. so let's start from the top. man hold on i'm giggling again due to how baffled i am. okay i need to Get It Together.
(i assume that those who read this blog are already familiar with this episode so i'm not gonna list TWs and i normally don't feel the need to but we get some... interesting flavors here, like child abuse and antisemitism mention. and to be clear, i am not laughing at those- i am laughing about how utterly confused i am, and how i have no answers to anything, and only more questions than before this episode began)
so the episode title is in german and i had no idea what it meant but it was quickly explained. we'll get to that.
we start at a PTA meeting- a parent-teacher association, arguably the scariest of all settings we have yet encountered. and they're arguing about the school musical. someone wants to do jesus christ superstar (banger show) but they think that is inappropriate so i'm like oh, they're just super christian, and hippie jesus must offend them. and they also shoot down the idea of grease for language so this only reinforces my belief.
they start praying, which was in line with my earlier assumptions, but they're praying to satan. which raises the question: why does satan care if the musical grease says "fuck"?
(but this made the idea of JCS being inappropriate very very funny)
they're chanting the german that the episode is titled, which means "his is the hand that wounds" which tracks i suppose
now we're in the woods of new hampshire, with some teenagers, one of which says this girl's mittens are "giving him a gingrich". so i looked that up thinking it was some sort of 90's slang i was not versed in, but the only result was a reddit post trying to figure out what they meant in that exact episode. which did make me feel justified.
so these teens are being creepy, reciting things at a witch's altar and it looks like the boys are gonna try and be weird with the girls. they're doing some reciting and RATS BE UPON YE.
they're making a break for it, when the lead guy's neck is snapped. and we don't see by who.
enter our agents! the policeman is saying that he KNOWS they listen to that devil music, to which mulder quips, "the night chicago died?", so i had to google THAT too, and its a song about al capone. so i'll look into that i suppose.
policeman is like noooo, it's that evil METAL music
they're examining the altar, and scully asks who he was with, and the policeman says uhh we thought he was by himself? she says well, there's two six packs here, which generally suggests company, and also here's a scrap from a book. why didn't your guys notice this? and i thought this was going to be a plot point, how the cops were overlooking basic details, but they just sucked for no reason lmao
i also made a note that her hair looked really good here. a little wavy. the way i wished my hair looked.
mulder's going on about this place having a weird feeling, which i wish he would elaborate upon, but she's saying nooo, it's nothing, until...
toads fall out of the sky and onto their umbrellas.
(also gonna NEED their reactions in gif form at some point because i'm howling)
((and also how did they film that? go to the toad store to pick up some background actors?))
they go to the library to try and trace down who had the book they found the scrap from, and scully's theory is that the toads must have been brought by the tornadoes that were recently in the area. this is a scully approved theory.
they go into the school to try and talk to the surviving boy, who is sitting in science class with a sub, and when they announce they are looking for him the kid tries to jump out the window. but mulder is a track star and grabs his legs before he can fully yeet himself out. and i'm thinking to myself, if the FBI came and grabbed some kid in my science class, i think i would pass out.
our agents pull this kid and the two girls who were there aside for questioning, and the boy says he was just trying to "get some". at the witch's altar. a sick and twisted juvenile.
CUT SCENE to the PTA who say amongst themselves that one of them must have killed the boy, whose name is jerry, but they all deny it. he was killed with his heart and eyes ripped out, which is in line with their practices. so yeah that's suspicious but after that episode of trophy hunting killers, it could be anyone.
but when our agents enter the scene, the PTA say that it must have been the media that brainwashed the kids into satanic killers. and scully is like. if that were the case there would be tens of thousands of murders. and they say "okay so you get the stakes here" which had me howling. "tHe mEdiA iS bRaInWaShInG tHe cHiLdrEn" <- wow this is something i cannot say i have heard in the year of our lord 2024 (/s)
when they walk out of the school, mulder stops to get a drink at a water fountain. which is already funny because that's a grown ass man. when he notices that the water is going down the wrong way for the hemisphere they are in. and i'm laughing because why the HELL does he know which way the water is supposed to go down the drain. like i have never thought of that in my entire life and i guess now i will.
(btw this is never explained. we don't know why the water goes the other way here. witchcraft, i guess)
at this point, i'm thinking, this substitute teacher has to be the killer, and she opens up the drawer of her desk to put away the tests the students were taking, and we see a heart and eyeballs. gasp! i paused the screen here to make note of this revelation and the eyeballs on stalks looked sososo funny. and she just COVERS THEM UP with some papers which i can imagine must have been hard to grade after being soaked in blood.
they take a trip to the school therapist and mulder says boy, there are an awful lot of cases of mental health troubles here. and the doctor says, yes, this is high school. which honestly? i remember high school and yeah. that does track. it was a strange time. but mulder is not pleased with this explanation and expects that it's something deeper
scully went online and found what sounds like a report on the case- a boy killed with his eyes and heart removed- and mulder is like omg where did you get this?
well. i did not see this coming.
she then keeps reading and it is deeply antisemitic. actually allow me to do a verbatim report from the notes here:
"she went online and i was like haha she used this newfangled internet :) AND THEN SHE READS AN ARTICLE CALLING A SIMILAR CASE ACTUAL BLOOD LIBEL?? MY JAW HIT THE FLOOR IN RECORD TIME oh she found it in a Nazi newspaper from 1934... oh my gosh y'all i thought this was going in a VERY different direction"
so i thought that maybe this was framing the murder as an act of religious persecution? but it wasn't. they just threw that in there for... reasons?
mulder explaining wiccan lore... yeah that's a man who has studied religions
at this point, we are back in the science classroom, and the substitute teacher is handing out baby pigs. OUGH. i am so glad i never had to do that in school.
this poor girl is about to cut into the pig and she looks like she is going to be sick, which is in all honesty exactly what i would have been doing, but then she starts screaming and seeing things like the pig moving??? and squeaking???
she runs to the office, where the agents are serving looks in a corner, and she's told her dad is gonna come get her, but she runs away and mulder chases her and says "you're remembering!" because he is once again convinced of the reality of repressed memories due to his own personal experience
they're staring at this teenager as she sits crying on a picnic bench spilling her life story and again, the whole dealing with kids thing, who thought this was gonna be part of the fbi? not me!
this girl is crying, saying that her stepdad used to hurt her, and that they would chant and tie her and her sister up.... and well. this next part will also be best delivered from my notes verbatim:
and boy we do not even sort have time to unpack all of that. but it is safe to say that i was thoroughly gagged, and our agents seem only mildly surprised. in retrospect, i think they didn't believe her, which was further proved by a line like "imagine if what she is saying is true", but i, the viewer, believed her pig-induced memories
the girl is hysterical, and scully moves closer to hug her, and hold her while she sobs into her trench coat, and i'm sitting here wondering what is going on (very few answers are delivered btw)
(shoutout to scully to letting a strange teenager cry into her while confessing to all of That)
so the agents go over to the girl's parent's house, the stepdad of whom is in the PTA cult btw, and they ask about the things the daughter told them and i was shocked because. if they really WERE killing babies, telling them they knew about it could perhaps allow the parents to tamper with the evidence sitting in the basement. but the parents are shocked by the whole thing.
scully is asking why the daughter would say all this- and the mom is saying that her and stepdad have been having marriage problems- but i don't think that leads to THESE SORT OF CLAIMS?
at this point, i was deeply confused. i had no idea what to believe or where the narrative was leading me beyond the fact the substitute was evil. i wrote that i was "mentally putting up a board and there is string everywhere and i'm trying to figure out what is going on"
the girl had mentioned a sister who was killed by the stepdad at age 8- and scully says, well did you have any other kids? and the mom says yeah, one who died. and was she 8 when she died? not 8 years, but 8 weeks.
so what is going on here
scully is trying to be pretty careful and tiptoe around the situation, figure out what is real and what isn't, whereas mulder gets alone with stepdad and just asks him "did you do it?" which had me HOWLING. absolutely zero subtlety in this man.
he opens the door to the cellar and it SLAMS shut and stepdad man gets VERY angry and tells them to leave. can you do that? kick the fbi out while they're investigating you? i didn't realize that was an option
okay, so the girl is trying to make up her final, and is back with the substitute making up her pig autopsy because it's a final and of course you don't want to miss a final! the teacher takes her jewelry so it doesn't get dirty which makes sense to me, but then we see her in her office burning it over a candle??? and she's MOANING??? and it seems she's controlling the girl into CUTTING HER ARM??? she's bleeding out on the floor. and i'm still wondering what the hell is going on. but this poor girl is dead.
the agents are at the crime scene and the substitute is being weird af but i guess that's to be expected of someone who just did psychic murder
the PTA committee says the energy is very bad and they need to do a sacrifice to clear the air... so they say they're gonna frame the girl who just died as killing jerry, the og murdered boy, and say that she was jealous he liked another girl. and the stepdad seems pleased with this plot, which only made me further believe that he did the evil things he denied.
so at this point i was thinking, has anyone thought to check the cellar and see if there are in fact babies down there. no? just me? okay
mulder smells incense in the substitute's office, which she says is to cover the smell of pig, but he knows is also used in black mass, and frankly i'm shocked that it didn't set off the fire alarms, because i went to public school and i know how finicky those things are. but the situation is looking sus as hell because the actual teacher she's subbing for has only EVER missed these two days of school and also apparently he's out with... flesh-eating bacteria? that seems a bit odd, don't you think? AND no one can recall hiring this substitute.
there was a very loud and spooky clap of lightning here that felt reminiscent of the halloween specials of shows i used to watch as a kid. and i was wondering if this was perhaps meant as a halloween special of sorts. can anyone confirm.
mulder must have picked up on me telling him to go check the cellar for babies, so he gets a warrant and goes down there, but STEPDAD IS WAITING FOR HIM IN THE DARK! he's monologuing about his religion, and being raised to think that humans are no better than animals...
but then those in the PTA decided they would frame his dead daughter for jerry's murder, he realizes he IS better than an animal! better late than never for such a basic realization to hit, i suppose?
he also says that his beliefs were responsible for her being killed. so i hoped he would elaborate and surprise. he did not.
he admits to including them in ceremonies because the blood of the young is very powerful (???) but he says he never hurt them the way she claimed. and there were definitely no babies. she must have gotten that from the tabloids, and it mixed in with the repressed memories. which doesn't sound like how repressed memories work so i do not trust this guy still.
meanwhile the substitute is doing some witchery, while scully is still in the school! this cannot bode well for her!!!!
mulder is shocked by stepdad's stupidity, and says "did you really think you could call up the devil and ask him to behave?" which is objectively a banger line, even if used quite literally
the witch/substitute is moaning again and she's dialing numbers and mulder's phone rings, and scully's voice says there's something going on in the school, so he handcuffs stepdad to the cellar to get tf out of there, and locks the door behind him, but the cellar door OPENS????
A SNAKE IS COMING NOW???? he is BIG and is he gonna EAT stepdad...?
mulder arrives at the school just as the snake begins to feast, and he has his gun drawn and does his famous "scully?" yell, when he bursts in on her... just chilling in the dark and doing her work LMAO. he's all "why did you call?" and she says "i didn't?"
meanwhile the snake is doing some serious eating and the SUB HAS SNAKE EYES NOW?? HELLO?
they rush back to stepdad's place, where they find the door unlocked, and nothing but human bones on the ground and what looks like a snake track, which scully points out is impossible because it would take HOURS for a snake to eat a human and then weeks to digest...
and he makes some comment about her watching TLC and i'm thinking, well, i feel like knowing how long a snake would take to eat a human is more relevant than knowing which way the water goes down in a sink, so don't try and nerd shame her here.
but they find a snakeskin so they know it's a snake, and they remember there was a snake in the classroom, so it's time to get back there because clearly he has been consumed and there is not much that can be done to undo being eaten
the PTA folks are having a conference, talking about the death of stepdad, and how they need to make a sacrifice, and they say that if mulder knows what the sacrifice is for, it'll make it more meaningful, so ARE THEY GONNA SACRIFICE HIM??????
when mulder and scully return to the classroom, the substitute is moaning on the floor, saying she thinks the PTA folks killed the boy, and i'm like uh-huh, for sure, snake woman
scully opens her drawer and finds the eyeballs which are pretty incriminating... but as they go out to return to the substitute...
the PTA ATTACKS! a bookshelf is thrown on scully, and mulder is beaten by two men. and they are tied up and taken to the gym showers???? here i wrote "what the hell, there are two minutes left in this episode" and i was hoping it would somehow resolve itself so we didn't end up with another two parter and i could go to sleep after this in peace
(which. it did wrap up in those two minutes but i'm confused so there is little of the aforementioned peace i hoped for going on)
so the PTA crew has a dagger and a gun for sacrificial purposes, and they're about to be sacrificed in a high school gym shower, when the substitute uses her witch powers to make the PTA members turn the gun upon THEMSELVES, and frees our agents from their trouble. sort of. because they are still tied up and wet in the shower.
(does anyone know what the hell is happening.)
they stop writhing about and make it back to the classroom, where the substitute has written a note saying it's been nice working with you and then she's gone.
hey!! what ARE we doing here?
so i don't even know where to begin. i feel a lot of questions were raised and not one of them answered. what was up with that girl saying she was forced to give birth? were the parents denying it because it didn't happen or were they covering up the truth? what was with the whole eight year old vs eight weeks old dead sister? did the substitute kill jerry AND the girl, AND the PTA, and then just... leave? was she the dark force they were worshiping taking revenge on their lack of faith? but if that were the case, why would she kill the PTA members who were about to make a sacrifice? why would she kill the two kids and three adults but spare the agents? where did she go? why did she briefly have the eyes of a snake? where did the snake go? how did he eat a whole person that fast?
man. i'm not sure i've ever been so baffled.
was this an attempt to comment on the satanic panic? like, was the show pointing out how silly it was, or validating the fears of people across america?
i'm so deeply confused. can someone tell me if i'm missing something. was there some overarching theme that went over my head. is this setting up a part two where there will be answers. or is that the whole thing.
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ye-olde-sodor · 1 year
Night Talks (CotL Fic PT 3)
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Gordon gazed of into the distance from the castle balcony. His eyes glanced down at the sight of the city of Vicarstown below him. Vicarstown, the largest city on the Island, connecting the Mainland to Sodor itself, looked so small from the palace in the sky.
When 10 had took control of the island, the Diesel works had ascended into the sky, shifting and morphing from the ranshack sheds that the Diesels dared to call home into a grand and wonderous palace that could rival that of Windsor itself.
Gordon turned his back from the view and leaned against the railing of the balcony. He felt the cold autumn wind brush against his face and arms as he turned his attention to the archway. The light of the moon seemed to shimmer around him and the balcony railing. As Gordon look at the grand arch, a small, thin man in a red turtleneck and black overalls had appeared.
Diesel, the appointed magic scholar, had returned from his trip from the bar. Gordon scoffed at him as he approached.
"You're fifteen minutes late, Rudolph. Any later and you would've had to deal with the Patrols."
"Yeah yeah," the diesel mocked. "It's not my fault we had to take the roads."
Gordon became cross at the mention of roads. "You took the roads?! You're a diesel, why didn't you just travel by rail?!"
"Hey, blame Dodge, not me!" the thin man proclaimed. "His engine failed last week, remember?"
Gordon blinked. He had heard of Dodge's engine, but had assumed all had been fixed. He also assumed that Dodge would've just climbed into one of his colleagues cabs and driven home. Then again, after living with them for so long, he knew the diesels tend to make things more complicated than they would've been had they just used their heads. At least they were typically creative in their poor decisions.
He rolled his eyes at the man but decided to drop the subject. "Just...try to get back here on time next time. I'd hate for you to get mixed up with the patrols."
Diesel, surprisingly enough, felt guilty. Gordon was one of the few engines on the railway that had a fondness for Diesel, although he's not exactly sure why.
In a surprising turn of events, Gordon had stayed with the Diesels after his fight with Diesel 10 and had been working for them ever since. He'd gotten along with the other diesels better than anyone would've expected...and he became especially close to 10.
Diesel wasn't the only one who noticed this change in the prideful engine's notion towards diesels. Many suspected that it had to do with what had happened in the fight between the two of them. While he himself wasn't present for it, he knew that the mysterious Gold Dust was involved with it...and he was determined to understand how it worked.
He walked closer to Gordon and pulled a sheet of paper out of his overall pocket and handed it to Gordon.
"If it makes up for it, I've been meaning to give you to this," he explained.
"What is it?" Gordon questioned.
"It's just an experiment proposal for the dust. I'll need a small bag of the dust for it, but it's a reasonable amount."
"So you want me to propose the idea to him." Gordon concluded as he skimmed through the paper. Diesel was right, It was a simple request. Just a small amount of Gold Dust for Diesel to sprinkle onto a live plant to see what would happen. Simple, but if it produces a result, can prove to be very useful.
"You're the only one he talks to anymore," he argued. "Even Splatter and Dodge can't get to him."
"That makes sense," Gordon argued, "He's...changed since the last time you've seen him."
"Really?" Diesel snarked sarcastically.
"More so than usual, you brick." Gordon sneered. "If you knew how much he's changed you'd understand."
"Of course I know how much he's changed," Diesel thought, "I've known him for years and no one knew he would do this. Besides, what do you know about him? How did you suddenly become his number one fan?"
Gordon put the paper in his pocket and turned to Diesel. "Well, I'll see what I can do. I can't guarantee that he'll go through with the idea, but I'm sure he'll have a look at it. I know he's fond of your little tricks and tests."
"Y'know, you sure know a lot about him." Diesel teased. "I've known him for, what, Three years now? I didn't even know he liked my tricks!"
"What are you implying?" Gordon growled.
"Oh nothing! Nothing at all!" Diesel said as he threw his arms up in defense. "It's just that, well...You two seem awfully close for-"
"We're friends." Gordon interrupted, his face turning red. "Nothing more, nothing less. You're just telling whoppers again."
"For Makers sake Gordon, you two have matching tattoos!"
"Friends can have matching tattoos!" Gordon protested as steam rose from his mouth.
"And send each other love poems?"
"Friends can absolutely send-HEY."
Diesel smiled at the reaction. Little did Gordon know that he had stumbled on a poem on Gordon's desk earlier that day. He had no ill intent with the information, he merely wanted to hear it from the blue engine himself. Both for confirmation and for the fun of it.
"It's fine, really." Diesel insisted, "I just wanna know the story. How did you two, of all engines, hook up?"
Gordon, knowing he'd been caught, let out a long sigh. "It happened around...three years ago. When he first showed up here."
"That long?!"
"It didn't happen right away, you fool!" Gordon clarified. "He was the one who started to feel something for me when I was teaching him the express route. I didn't start having those feelings until after he sent me one of his poems."
"How Chessy." Diesel snarked sarcastically.
"Oh it gets better," Gordon remarked. "It was a rough draft. According to him it was awful, but his driver mixed up the rough draft with the finished poem."
Diesel cocked his head, "Sooooo what happened when you read it?"
"I was swooned." he admitted with a deadpan look, "Completely taken out of my element."
Diesel burst into laughter as Gordon went on, ignoring the man altogether as he was lost in recollection.
"He had his driver pin the note to the side of the shed wall where I was sleeping for the night. When my driver found it in the morning, he read it out loud to us."
Diesel tried to compose himself as Gordon when on.
"I didn't even know we could feel intimacy towards each other until then, and even after the poem I was still skeptical about the feeling. A few weeks later the two of us met to talk about it, and we decided to just keep things the same."
"Neither of us knew what romance was. 10 believed that we could feel it, I didn't. We didn't even know if what we were feeling is love to begin with. It could be something else entirely for all we know."
The emotions of machines were never fully understood by anyone, not even the machines themselves. Many believed that they could feel certain emotions, others didn't. Gordon was one of these machines. Him and the majority of the engines on the island believed that love was foreign to engines, even after the evidence from Toby and Henrietta. Until 10 came along, he was convinced that romantic attraction was impossible for engines to feel, and even went as far as to shame those who did back in his youth. Now that he was older (and wiser), he's been expressing doubts about the beliefs that were drilled into him at Doncaster.
Diesel, now incredibly intrigued and eager to help, wanted to quiz the engine. "Can you describe it. The feeling I mean, can you tell me what it feels like?"
"It's...difficult to explain it, but I could try to."
Diesel nodded and decided that questions could help him out. "When my driver fell in love, he said that he could feel happy when he thought of her. What does it feel like when you think of him?"
Gordon took a moment to think about it and responded back. "I feel...warm. Like my fire was recently lit during the winter. It's cozy, and it feels good."
"What about when you two are close together or when you spend time with him? Do you get the same feeling?"
"Yes, I do." Gordon explained. "It's the same feeling, but it's stronger. Warmer even...What do you make of it?"
"Driver says love is like a fever," explained Diesel, "But it's a good fever. It means you found the person who you want to stay with for the rest of your life. The two of you are supposed to be happy together, your supposed to make each other happy, y'know?"
"When you put it like that, it makes sense. But it feels so much more complicated than that, words just can't do it justice."
"It sounds a lot like love to me," Diesel spoke. "but I can't speak for the two of you. You gotta figure that out yourselves."
"True, but some advice from an expert would be appreciated...I don't think either of us know what we're doing."
Diesel shrugged his shoulders. "I may not know much about love but...well I wish for the best for you two. If anyone it can make it work, it's 10. He's tough, but he's a softie. He'd never hurt someone that he loves."
Gordon smiled at the man. He was about to thank his friend before he was seized by a sudden coughing fit. He began to cough violently as thick black smoke had begun to bellow out of his mouth, the smell of diesel fuel filling the air around him.
He knelt down to the ground as he gripped his chest. Diesel reacted quickly and placed his hands on his shoulders as he tried to soothe him. The smoke stung his eyes, but he held on to his friend, waiting for the eventual end to the coughing fit.
The two of them had grown accustomed to the fits, as they had started after his fight with 10 on the platform at Knapford. They typically started around midnight and in the early morning hours, and only lasted for a few moments.
Diesel would never suggest it to Gordon's face, but he suspects that the Gold Dust that 10 used in the fight had been the cause of the fits...and Gordon's transformations.
Eventually, as the black clouds faded, Gordon released the grip on his chest and looked at the palm of his hand. His already long nails had formed into a set of claws, with small quills jutting out from his arm. He cursed as he rubbed his wrist and, with the help of Diesel, got up from the ground.
“It would appear…that my stay here is overdue. Very overdue." he spoke weakly. “Derick and Spamcan must be waiting for me at the gates…I should be off."
"Wait, are you alright? Do you need someone to cover for you?"
"I'm fine," he spoke softly. "If anything, it's quite ironic. I lecture you for being late and yet here I am stalling. We can chat in the morning when we get back, if you'd like."
Diesel smiled as he helped Gordon to his feet, careful not to poke himself with the quills. "Deal, but take it easy. I don't want to be the guy to tell 10 that his boyfriend got hurt on the job."
"Oh hush you." he teased. "There'll be Hell to pay for everyone if that were to happen to me."
Gordon waved farewell to Diesel and walked into the fortress. As he entered the castle, a feeling of excitement and unease rushed into his body in anticipation of the patrol. Like all of the other changes to his body, he had become used to the sudden changes in appearance and behavior by now...but it didn't make what would happen next any more normal.
He hated it, but there was nothing that anyone could do to stop it. Not until they understood his situation, and in order to understand it, he had to let it happen. Not that he had much of a choice.
A small pain in his chest had formed again, and his heart began to race...and he sprinted towards the gates, praying that no one would see what would about to happen to him next.
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walpu · 4 months
hey, hey, I don't know how many times I've read your post "pre-relationship" especially aventurine part (omg i love how you write abt him 😭). I wonder how it will be once they are in a relationship and the kissing part please :3 thank u and have a nice day!
Hope you'll enjoy this post too💛💛💛
being in a relationship with Aventurine
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characters - Aventurine notes - gn!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort (do I even write something other that hurt/comfort for him lmao), no beta
can be seen as a part 2 of this post but it can stan on it's own as well
It would take quite some time for Aventurine to move from the pre-relationship stage with you. Will dance around the subject, throwing hints and flirty remarks but as for making an actual move? Oof.
Would cling to your side and shamelessly say something like "aww, can't get enough of me? people may think we're dating <З unless that's what you want them to think haha"
Pathetic. /affectionally.
But seriously, he really wants to be sure that you like him before making a move. That you like him, not his money, not the idea of him. At least that's what he tells himself. And while this is part of the reason, the actual thing is that he's simply... confused. He's already more vulnerable around you than he ever was around anyone else. And dating means being even more vulnerable.
While he yearns for this genuine connection he's also a scared of it. Tim Kreider wrote the line "If we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known" about him actually.
It would take some time for him to get used to being in relationship. In the previous post I've mentioned that he, most likely, had some short flings in the past. I seriously doubt that he ever had any serious relationship before you though. It's so new to him. At first it would seem like nothing has changed between the two of you at all. Surprisingly, it looks like he even became a bit more distant.
Aventurine doesn't want to attract any unwanted attention to your relationship since it will only endanger you. Plus he doesn't want to overwhelm you. Plus he doesn't want to overwhelm himself. Plus he is scared shitless.
He can't help but feel that he looses everything he holds dear. After all, it's been like that for all of his life. And he simply can't loose you.
Mini spoiler for his leaked character story, but there is a moment there when he looks at the aventurine stone Diamond gave him and he realizes that despite the fact that he worked so hard for it, now that he has it, it holds no real value since it doesn't fill the emptiness inside of him. Logically, he knows that this won't happen with you. He loves you too much. But there's this subconscious fear inside of him that he's just so messed up inside that he simply would not be able to love you like you deserve.
Be patient with him, this mans doesn't know what he's doing. Don't give up on him and he'll crawl to your side, holding onto you for dear life.
Once he will calm down a bit, he'll make it up for all those times when you were the one reaching out to him. Texts you, calls you, arranges spontaneous dates.
In the beginning of relationship would spoil you with expensive gifts. He knows what it's like to have nothing so he doesn't want you to ever feel this way. And the best way to prevent it? To make sure that you will have anything and everything. Maybe it's a subconscious way to bribe you. Maybe. Not like he realizes it himself.
Once he'll feel more stable and more confident, his gift giving tendencies will get less overwhelming. He still like giving you gifts but now he picks and chooses. His sugar darling deserves only the best, after all.
Acts all clingy, playful and unserious but actually listens to your every word and is ready to fulfil your every need.
Is actually very caring. Shows his care by pestering you and easing you tho.
If you feel down, will sit stay by your side. May randomly start tickling you, if you're ticklish. If not, will find another way to touch you in a playful and somewhat annoying way. After you cheer up a bit, Aven will put his chin on your shoulder and hugs your waist, softly asking what happen and why is his dearest darling seems sad.
As for kisses. Aven will loooove covering your face with butterfly kisses. And not only your face. Will randomly grab your hand and kiss your knuckles and fingertips. If you've made a mistake of exposing your shoulder then be ready for it to be kissed endlessly.
Adores kissing those parts of your body that are usually covered with clothes. It feels fore intimate for him.
And if you have freckles or/and beauty marks. Oh well. Will trace them with his fingertips, connecting them with some invisible lines and sometimes gasp playfully, saying that he found his constellation. Just a silly little guy being a silly little guy.
So touch-starved it's unreal.
Has very mixed feeling about his tattoo being kissed. Would feel... weirs if you would kiss it during your casual cuddling session. He exposes it for the world to see, yes. But still, when it attracts attention of someone who knows the meaning behind it... Makes him a bit tense, it catches him off-guard. However, if you kiss it after a lovemaking session or when he shares some painful memories with you, he will feel reassured.
Will slowly start crawling out of his shell when he's with you. Before he only shared some brief memories of his past with you, now he'll start slowly opening up about other, much more painful stuff.
It still happens randomly and out of the blue. He remembers something, he tenses up. But now, instead of repressing this feelings, he shares them with you.
Don't push him too talk, he'll slowly open up on his own.
Loves waking up next to you. Especially if you're still asleep. Seeing the sun shining on your face fills him with love and tenderness. Only with you by his side he feels truly safe.
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meet-the-coffee · 5 months
Tf2 McDonalds Headcanons: Coffee edition...
So, somebody posted a template thingy and I replied to that post. Here's my full thing with my own template made lmao,,
Link to inspiriational and original post here
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So, my headcanons are like this:
I view Heavy as a pretty serious guy so I think he can go a little further up with Medic, yet not all the way still. He can once in a while "oke oke. Heavy could go for burger. Let's eat burger." And then chuckle. But he's very much born and raised with responsibility with his mom and sisters. He's responsible and nurturing. That is his nature behind that solid mountain of a man. (Read: official comics) This man starts ordering and he doesn't stop ordering /hj,, no but fr I think like, he, alone, orders for 3 people to eat for himself. The rest stares in horror and/or awe.
Medic is peak "ve havf food at home. Quiet down nowv, QUIEEET."
Engie should be middle between "we have food at home" and the chanting. I think he's the mom of the group a lot of the times (cooks and bakes for the team in my hc) but I think he would very much also like to bring the "kids" to mcdonalds sometimes because why not!! So mid right it is. Probably orders some burger and a coffee. Sometimes a water or sooometimes some soda.
Demoman is a drunk. Drunks love fat food. Him and Soldier are dumbasses and I view them as being quite child-like like this. Demo and Soldier are absolutely chanting for burgers. But also, I think Demo is just a sliiight bit more responsible (he's mama's boy!!) Demo orders a wholeass meal ok. Something with lots of meat and bacon and cheese. Drink? Bro drinks beer. He tries to order a beer. He does not get a beer. He shrugs and chugs the beer in his hand.
On that note, I see Soldier as a sliiight bit more possible to go HELL YEA BURGERS, drive the fking bus in via drive-through and go "FIVE CHEESEBURGERS AND A COKE. A REEAAL AMERICAN COKE... YEAHAH." And then eat all of the burgers for himself. He's not rude he's just oblivious lmao,, not many braincells scrambling around in there.
Scout and Pyro are absolutely screaming for mcDonk. Pyro wants happy meal. He fucking loves the toys. He collects them, even. Keeps him occupied in the car lmao... he always orders a milkshake. Maybe strawberry flavour.
Scout orders a 20-box of chicken nuggets (like me!!) Or the big McShare-box with different stuff like chili cheese tops, nuggets and chicken clubs, (also like me. We both audhd as hell ok) and always a coke and/or a milkshake. (Sometimes he wants both!!)
Spy doesn't give a fuck, he gets a coffee. He just needs a coffee to be able to withstand the drive home with the bunch of toddlers in the backseat. Only chance they get to order something is if Scout bounces in (after experience from first or second time) to go "AAAND AY UHHHHHH--". Spy scoffs in annoyance and tells him to sit down and shut up. Scout does neither. He wants chicken nuggets. But first few times, Spy really just sighs at the chanting, throws his finished cig out of the crack in the window, and exits the highway for mcdonalds. And then he just goes "one black coffee please." And they go "anything else?" And he just goes "Mercí, that'll be all." And start driving for the next window before they even tell him to (more to do so before anyone interrupts and protests).
Sniper is below middle on the left line - between . On occasion he's like "fk sake." And goes for a coffee and probably elbows Scout in his possessions before he can do what he does to Spy. And then after paying and driving off with his coffee, he just coldly goes "Like I said. We have food at home." Like Spy, he just needs a coffee to survive the drive home. And not get an impulse to drive straight off the road into the cliffside.
[Bows bows]
Thankuthanku, that'll be all !!
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libraryofgage · 6 days
The Wish Job (One)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four | Five Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One | Two1 0th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One | Two Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two | Three Leverage Crew One (you're here!)
This fic was line jumped! If you'd like to learn more about line jumping (getting to see your favorite fics updated sooner) you can read this post
I had a lot of thoughts for this AU, actually, so I'm really glad it got line jumped so I was forced to put them down into words lol
Steve becomes one of Nana's foster kids, but he spends a majority of this series with the Leverage crew working a job (as the name of this series suggests), and they fill similarly parental role.
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;P
After his father's arrest, everything is a blur. Steve can remember flashes, sure, but nothing concrete. Nothing more than two FBI agents in the door of his classroom, the cold steel of interrogation room chairs, an agent's ponytail with split ends, a kind smile but clammy hand on his elbow, the broken A/C of the car when he finally left the FBI office, and the slippery feel of the garbage bag he's given to pack 14 years of a life he'll never see again.
Nothing comes back into focus until he's faced with an older black woman, standing outside a two-story house. The man with a kind smile but clammy hands introduces her, but Steve doesn't actually hear the name.
"You can call me Nana," the woman says, looking at the man like she doesn't know why he's still there when his work is obviously done.
"Well, uh, Steve, feel free to call if you need anything. We'll keep in touch," the man says, nodding before half-running down the walk way.
"Never liked him," Nana says, clicking her tongue. "Too damn squirrely for my tastes. Now, Steve, come inside and we'll go over some ground rules."
Steve follows her mechanically, gripping his trash bag tightly and wondering far too late why he wasn't allowed to pack his own suitcases. The house is a cacophony of noises: feet running across wood floors, a TV blaring from the living room, shouts coming from every direction, a microwave beeping while the oven timer rings, a crash from the next room over that makes Steve wince.
Nana stands in the doorway, takes a deep breath, and then shouts at the top of her lungs, "Y'all had better stop all this racket right the fuck now before I cancel pizza night!"
The house goes silent, and Steve feels his shoulders tense even more. He hates the silence. Silence means anger, and anger means punishment. He clenches his jaw, trying to keep himself small as Nana nods and leads the way into a dining room.
A girl appears in the room shortly after, carrying a mug and a soda. She places the mug in front of Nana and the soda in front of an empty seat, gesturing for Steve to sit. "Welcome. I can take your bag, if you want," she offers, looking at the trash bag with bright eyes.
"Don't make trouble, Breanna," Nana says, dismissing her easily.
Steve watches her leave before sitting. He licks his lips, opens the soda as quietly as he can manage, and waits for Nana to take a sip from her mug before saying, "Thank you for taking me in, ma'am."
"I said to call me Nana, none of that ma'am business unless you're in trouble, and you're not in trouble," she says, waving her hand dismissively. "Now, the rules. No complaining about sharing a room. No TV remote access after seven because that's when my shows start. We all eat dinner together on Wednesday night. You go to school every day unless you're sick, and you tell me when you're feeling sick. You got all that?"
"Yes, m....Nana."
"Good. Now, I know you're used to a fancier living than this, but I expect you to adjust without too much complaint. You still get your own bed, and whatever you brought is yours to keep, but money is tight. We save where we can, and I expect you to help with that. Turn off lights, use less water, unplug things when you're not using them."
Steve nods again, inexplicably feeling a little better as Nana speaks. She's not treating him like a spoiled brat, but she's not coddling him, either. She gets another boy (an older one named Hardison) to give him a tour of the house. He shows Steve the mezzuzahs on each door and the Kaaba directional marker in each room---"We're a multi-denominational household, kid, Nana will get whatever you need if she doesn't have it already," Hardison says, grinning widely at him---and makes sure he knows which spots are good for hiding when he needs a few minutes.
He ends the tour at Steve's new room. It has two bunk-beds, three of the bunks with rumpled sheets and one bottom bunk devoid of sheets altogether. Hardison gives Steve blue sheets, welcomes him, and then leaves Steve to unpack by himself.
It's new, it's unfamiliar, it's terrifying. Steve hopes, despite himself, that it's not a temporary stop.
"I don't care! He can't stay!"
"We're already in London, Hardison. We can hardly send him back on a plane by himself."
"Isn't that how he got here in the first place? He's 17, not seven."
Steve moves his gaze from Hardison to Sophie to Eliot, feeling like he's watching a tennis match. He's sandwiched between Nate and Parker, a hand on his shoulder holding him back from trying to defend himself. Not that he's upset about it. Keeping everyone from turning their frustration on him sounds like a great idea.
"Yeah, and how did he get here?" Parker asks, dashing Steve's hopes right as they're forming.
He shifts uncomfortably as everyone looks at him, ducking his head and staring at the floor. A small part of him is frustrated, angrily protesting the familiar move when its usual target has long been absent.
"Hey, give him some room," Hardison says, moving forward to push Nate and Parker back a few steps. He stands at an angle to Steve, leaving him plenty of room to move away if he wants. "Nobody's angry, kid. Well, I'm a little mad, but only because you could be putting yourself in danger. So, how'd you catch up to us?"
Steve wonders for a brief moment about whose wrath he'd rather endure. In the end, he decides Breanna is scarier than Hardison, so he lies. "Nana and I overheard you on the phone with Parker at Hannukah dinner, and then Nana said she gets worried about you sometimes," he says, meeting Hardison's eyes before glancing away. He makes himself small again, but it's on purpose this time, broadcasting shame as he adds, "I still have, um, access to my savings account...from my....from them. Enough for a plane ticket and cab ride, at least."
"Aww, Nana worries about us," Parker says, smiling brightly as she nudges Eliot with her elbow. "That's sweet."
"If it weren't a lie," Sophie says, her lips pursed and her eyebrows raised slightly as she walks closer to Steve. She taps his shoulder, his temple, and his hand. "Lowered head but not as low as before. Shoulders drawn in but tense to hold them there. Fingers twitching just slightly. Impressive, I will admit, but I'm a professional, darling."
Steve sighs and lifts his head, his shoulders relaxing some as he frowns. "You didn't have to call me out on it," he mumbles.
"Breanna got you here, didn't she? Ain't no way you'd lie to protect anyone else."
"She could ruin me, Hardison."
"I can ruin you, too, did you forget about that?"
Steve considers him for a moment before shrugging.
"Well," Nate says, clapping his hands together and pulling everyone's attention to him. "Steve is here now, we might as well use him. Sophie, give him an Italian accent and some suede shoes."
"I can already speak Italian," Steve says, "and I have my own suede shoes to match a Cesare Attolini suit." He feels something like guilt twinge in his stomach when Hardison glances at him. Steve's mother may have forfeited custody of him, but she still sends gifts every now and then. Steve usually sells them, slips the cash into drawers and wallets and couch cushions so they can be discovered by Nana and his foster siblings.
The suit and shoes, though? Steve couldn't bring himself to sell them. If there was one thing he missed about life before Nana's foster home, it was the clothes. It was the way his clothes made him feel like a better version of himself, a version everyone would admire and approve of. So, yeah, he'd kept the clothes and shoes his mother sent him two months ago, and he'd packed them for this trip just because.
He'd glad they seem to be coming in handy.
After processing his words, Nate blinks, a smile growing on his face like he's discovered a treasure he won't be letting go of any time soon.
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kisses4lao · 1 year
Jamil Jamil, hes our man! (🍋Jamil x gn!reader🍋)
Okay so this is a belated birthday gift for my beloved boyfriend <<333
I mainly based the things reader says and does over things he'd personally do but I did want to post this on here so he could read it anytime
♧CW: reader is referred to with they/them but is fem bodied, smut and comfort, probably ooc jamil bc we love it when he's soft, first time sex, reader is dealing with a lot of shit fuck and jamil Is so sweet such husband, unsafe sex, its premarital too, jamil has big pp energy so he absolutely has a big pp here, he doesn't know how to use it tho pls help this man, bath sex and cockwarming near the end btw, smut smut smut oh so smutty we love him!!!!!! Also jamil cums inside?? Idk I might do that ig we'll see LMAO, oh also pet names, oh so many pet names bc me and my boyfriend use them on eachother all the time
♤NOT PROOFREAD yall ever proofread a smut??? Its embarrassing. Im not doing that.
♧ it had been one hell of a week.
Everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. Grim was sick beyond belief, no amount of tuna could help him stomach anything. You TRIED to buy more paper towels and better probiotics for him from Sam's shop, but you couldn't afford them because Crowley wasn't paying you enough.
Speaking of Crowley, he had to cut back on your paychecks because the school was putting out too much money for the overblots.
Ace and Deuce were over at ramshackle to help get things fixed up, but the ghosts decided that wasn't a good idea. They started throwing everything around, and one of them hit deuce in the head with a spare candlestick on accident. He wasn't okay, to say the least.
Not only that, but in Crewels class, you weren't paired up with your beloved boyfriend, Jamil! Crewel decided to pair you up with Sebek, and his loud yelling made you lose focus and fuck up the potion, earning a really bad scold from both Sebek, AND Crewel.
But luckily, it was Friday. After school. And you wanted some comfort. And what better way to get that from Jamil himself? Going to the mirror chamber, you get teleported to Scarabia.
Knocking on the door, you're greeted with the ball of sunshine of NRC, the Scarabia housewarden himself. "Hey you! I've been hoping you'd swing by, Jamil seems a little down, think you can cheer him up?" Seems like he's in the same position. No worries, you guys are always help eachother through bad times. Having kalim escort you throughout the halls, you're infront of his door, Jamils door.
Knocking on the door, Kalim yells out to him, "hey Jamil! Your s/o is here! They wanna hang out with you!" He leans on the door, ear pressed against it as you do the same. You can hear jamil yawn from the other side, seems as though he just woke up.
"Come in." He says. Kalim bids his farewell as you open the door to see your beloved. "Ah, my love, I've been hoping you'd come by." He said with a smile as he stood up from his desk. "Jamil! I'm so glad you're here, I heard from Kalim that you were upset.. are you okay?" "I'm more worried about you, dear. You've had quite the week. I've been worrying about you, thats all."
He walks over to his closet and pulls out a stick of incense. Lighting it up and putting it in a holder, he begins to walk over to you. "How are you doing? Are you okay?" He asks as he takes your hands and leads you to sit on his bed, sitting next to you after. You start to twiddle your thumbs, something he picked up that you did when you were nervous.
"I'm just.. I'm so tired... mentally, physically, everything hurts.." you say as you begin to shed tears. Jamil lightly cups your face with one hand and takes your hands in his empty one. He leaves Featherlite kisses on you cheeks as your tears start to spill, he places a soft kiss on your lips before speaking. "Honey, I know this is hard, okay? But im here whenever you need me. I'll always be here, no matter what. You're such an amazing person, everything about you entices me. You're so beautiful, and smart- and I just can't stand seeing you upset. You're so amazing, you don't deserve to feel like this, but im here for you. Always."
Looking into his eyes show nothing but love. He slowly leans in to kiss your lips. Its soft, and sweet. Perfect for him, his lips are so soft against yours. After a few seconds, he pulls away, letting a string of saliva connect the two of you as he places his forehead against yours. "I love you, never forget that." He says, placing another soft kiss on your lips.
"I love you too." You say, deepening the kiss. You begin to nibble on his lower lip, asking for permission and when he gives you it, you slip your tongue in. His mouth is sweet, warm, comforting. You just couldn't help but want more.
You can tell he was getting excited. He usually does when the two of you make out, but he doesn't say anything most of the time. He just excuses himself and takes care of it, coming back like nothing happened. But, what if you just, took it further this time? I mean, Jamil was such an amazing boyfriend, who else would you want to take your first? You knew he was a virgin too, though you have talked about sex in the past with him you couldn't help but notice how shy he'd get when you got too close.
Taking the initiative, you place your palm on his growing bulge, just to earn a surprised grunt from Jamil, followed with him pulling away from the kiss and halting your movements by holding your wrist. "(Y/n).. what are you doing? I mean, I know what you're doing, but are you sure nows a good time? I mean, like, I want to do this, I do, but, you're upset.. you're vulnerable.. I dont want to take advantage of that. I want you to be in the right mindset for this.. thats all." He looks at you with genuine concern in his eyes, but deep down you can see a hint of lost aswell.
"Jamil.. please, I need you. I've wanted this for so long and I just need a stress reliever.. please, you're the only one who can make me feel better.." tears start to form in your eyes out of sexual frustration. Cant someone just want to be dicked down by their boyfriend in peace? Apparently not in this economy.
Jamil takes a second to think, hand still cupping your face as he avoids looking you in the eye. Looking back at you, he begins to speak. "I just don't want you to think im taking advantage of your vulnerability. So, tell me you want this, and I'll give you everything I have. Promise." He says as he places a soft kiss on your forehead.
"I want this, I want you Jamil." You say with a nod. A smile shows on his face as he stands up and walks to his bathroom. Coming back after a few moments, he has some things in his hands. "I have condoms and stuff, but if you want to we can do it raw and have you take plan b in the morning? Whatever you want dear, im fine with whatever." Taking a minute to scan everything over, you answer. "Raw. Raw is better. Cum inside me too. Please." Blunt. Jamil got so red from you saying that, he starts tripping over his words, which puts a smile on your face.
"Are you sure? Like, SERIOUSLY, are you sure?? I'm just, I-I'm flattered, really, but we don't have to do this, im okay with wearing condoms, or not doing anything at all!" Jamil says as he avoids looking you in the eyes again. Instead of answering with words, you just answer by kissing him, interlocking your fingers with his, giving them a tight yet gentle squeeze. He seems to take the hint and goes back to the bathroom with everything in hand, putting it away.
He comes back looking as red as a tomato as he walks to the bed and sits next to you. Turning to you, you're able to finally be able to catch his lips into a sweet kiss again. This one getting heated quickly with your tongues dancing in a matter of seconds. You begin to take his jacket off as he slowly unbuttons your dress shirt, leaving enough open so he can begin touching your exposed skin. Slipping of his shirt, you begin to touch his chest, reveling in how toned his stomach is.
He begins to slip off your panties with one hand while the other touches the plush of your thighs. Taking the undergarments off and throwing them somewhere in the room, the takes his middle and ring finger and begins to grab slick while unintentionally brushing up against your clit, earning a loud, unexpected moan from you. He begins to push his fingers into your entrance while kissing you, swallowing and hushing your moans.
As he begins to pump his two fingers in and out of you, he takes his thumb and begins to stimulate your clit, which makes you scream his name whilst breaking your kiss. "Shhh honey, I know you like it, but we must be quiet, we don't want anyone intruding, do we?" He says with a tease in his voice as he begins sucking hickeys on your neck in private places. You still have school after all, he wouldn't want you to get in trouble.
With all of the stimulation, you can quite quickly. How couldn't you? Jamil had two fingers inside you, scissoring and curling while his thumb was rubbing circles on you clit. Coming down from your high, you take steady breaths as Jamil begins to unbuckle his belt, taking his pants and boxers off in one go.
Placing one hand on your hip as his other aligns his long, stiff member with your entrance, he looks into your eyes with nothing bit pure love. "If you ever feel uncomfortable, or want to switch positions, or stop or anything during this, just bite my ear okay? And im not saying nibble, im saying full on bite. I dont give a shit if you draw blood i just want you to be comfortable and happy, okay?" Nodding your head in anticipation, he kisses you as he slowly sinks his member into you.
It hurts. The pain is indescribable, but it quickly morphs into pleasure as he sinks in more. Jamil begins to groan, softly saying under his breath how tight you are, how you're taking him so well, how beautiful you look. Spoonfeeding you praise after praise as he reaches you deepest ends of you.
Finally bottoming out, he hugs your waist, kissing your neck softly. "Tell me when I can move, love." Waiting a minute or two to be adjusted to his size, you speak up. "You can move now." And with that, he begins to thrust in and out of you. Choked moans fill the room from you both as he tries to find a steady pace.
Jamil begins to lean down to your ear, praising how good you feel, telling you how amazing you are and telling you how lucky he is to have you. As he begins to thrust harder and deeper, he begins to kiss you. Its more teeth and tongue than anything, you're both acting like starved beasts who haven't eaten in days.
As Jamil experimentally pulls out and slams his cock back into you, the both of you groan loudly, realizing that he hit your g-spot. As he continues to go in and out of you at a rapid, yet somehow soft pace, you begin to feel his cock twitch inside of you.
Leaning to your ear, he praises you more. "My love, you're making me feel so good. I know you already said I could, but will you please give me permission to cum inside you? You make me feel so amazing, I need you so bad." He says as you moan his name again, not caring who'll hear anymore. Nodding as permission, he releases he load into you, making a few deep thrusts so you cum aswell.
Laying together to catch your breaths, Jamil slowly pulls out, watching as your body twitches from being empty. Going into his bathroom again, he grabs two waters and some sweets for you. "Eat up. You lost a lot of energy just now. I'll go and run a bath for us."
Once you're finished with your snacks and water, Jamil carries you bridal style to the bathroom. Placing you in the bath first, he climbs in after you. He then snakes his arms around your waist and pulls you into his lap. As he begins to wash you up, shampooing your hair and putting bodywash on you, your hands find their way back to his semi hardened member. Jamil practically chokes on his moan as you begin to stroke him, running your finger up and down his shaft.
He looks at you with confusion, earning a small chuckle from you. "One more round? Please?" You say, looking up at him with pleading eyes. He let's out a sigh, picking you up by the waist and slowly sinking you down on his now hardened cock. Getting into a position where your face is buried in his chest, you're content with not moving and just staying as is.
As he begins to wash you more, barely moving his hips as his one hand grips your waist, he starts to kiss more marks into your neck again. "My love, you've sparked something in me. Now im not sure if I can stop after 'one more round'," he practically growls in your ear. This may have been one long week, but this was going to be an even longer night.
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rottindecay · 10 months
Hobie Brown Headcannons!
just some silly stuff ! >__<
warnings: i believe none.
[this is my first time ever posting smth like this..hopefully it’s good enough.]
*Reblogs, notes n comments r much appreciated >O<!*
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Starting off strong- this man definitely craves physical touch. Like have you SEEN him with the anarch-kids?
He cant live with out ur touch like seriously, it would drive this man insane.
You love your personal space? He loves yours too.
Especially out in public. This guy will have a finger around one of your belt loops/belt, holding onto your bag or hand, even has his arm snaked around your waist or shoulder. He needs your touch!!
he loves to cuddle. More of a big spoon kinda guy because he finds it funny how his body just completely takes over yours, ykwim? (If ur shorter than him ofc)
but won’t mind being little spoon fr. Loves to have his head laying on your chest as you guys sleep in each others arms.
Speaking of sleeping- he’s a really heavy sleeper.
when he sleeps he’s sprawled all over the bed so good luck trying to wake him up to give you room.
When you do try to move him, he dosent move or make room for you LMAO
he just groans before pulling you into his embrace and resting his chin on your head fast asleep with his arm around your waist.
He’s an ass lover.
Wearing shorts around the house? He’s telling you you look good in them. Bending over to pick something up? He’s playfully slapping ur ass and snickering as he does so.
Like- if your on youre phone or reading a book or whatever and your laying on your stomach, he’s gunna come over and lay his head on ur ass like a pillow and take a nap or do smth on his phone.
Same with thighs fr
When you guys are out walking around or doing something and you have back pockets, expect his hand in your pocket.
Because he could keep you close and get to feel your ass. Win win in his book!
He loves ur ass!!!!!!
He adores little trinkets.
He has them all over his house
Like the first time you walked into his house, you just saw a lot of bowls laying around in places like in his room, kitchen, living room ext with just small little knickknacks he found or bought (stole)
Loves to receive and gift them to people hes close with.
He’s like a crow honestly.
90% of the time when you guys are hugging, he would go limp out of nowhere and now here you are trying to hold up a 6’5 180 lbs guy as he’s chuckling his ass off.
Puts his arm on your shoulder or head like an armrest.
Never calls u by ur first name. always has some nickname for you like “darling” (since he’s a Brit n all) or a nickname that connects to an embarrassing moment of urs LMFAO
He’s stupidly smart but dosent put effort in it ykwim?
Same goes for cleaning like yeah he could clean it, but why would he? He knows where everything is so it’s fine.
Also loves to hug u from behind and burry his face into your neck.
Also neck kissed Are his favorite thing like cmon now.
Honestly dosent care What pronoun you use. You could call him ball/ballself and he would look over at you without batting an eye to that.
Knows how to sing, just dosent do it. But if u ask nicely he would as he strums his guitar professionally!
He snores and drools everytime he sleeps.
Also luvs to do and wash ur hair for u.
Hobie has ADHD idc argue with the wall.
If ur ever doing chores around the house he’s 100% always going to help you with whatever your doing even if it’s something as simple as sweeping the floors. He dosent want you to think your juggling to many responsibilities.
Typa guy to know a guy. He knows a lot of people.
All his fingers are decorated with rings. Once you guys start to actually get serious he would give you one of his favorite rings since he dosent believe in marriage.
It’s nothing too big though, it’s just a simple silver band that’s obviously been shown some love throughout the years.
Dosent really label your guys relationship. Why would he need to box you in like that? It’s stupid. He knows he can trust you and you can trust him so there’s no need to be calling each other “boyfriend” and “girlfriend”
Makes playlists for you and burns them into CD’s
We all know he’s alr stupidly smart, yeah? Well he was the kinda kid to always be sleeping in class, not do any work and fail it even though he was the smartest mf there.
Also hated to do homework so he didn’t do it. Who was gunna stop him? NOBODY.
Also sucks at spelling tbh
Like he dosent care abt it. “Apple” is now “aple.”
Loves to DIY stuff like clothes, pins, patches, jewelry n much more!
He’s punk so he obviously listens to punk music, but he also listens to more than that. He hates consistency !!
I think he would be a really good cook he just won’t put effort in exploring that part of him LMAO
he obviously has really good sense of style. I think a lot of people forget he was FORMALLY A RUNWAY MODEL. HELLOOOO???
So if he sees shitty quality clothes, hes gunna point it out to you and suggest something else.
When being taken out on dates he dosent really do anything fancy, not his style yk?
But he does take you out on the most amazing places only a few know.
Shows you the coolest pubs hidden in alleyways, site seeing, walking around London in his dimension and just little fun activities.
(maybe even steal from big corporations too.)
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genericpuff · 2 months
On your post about rather having 100 mature readers than having a large group of immature readers for your comic, in the tags you mentioned the "hanza situation". If you don't mind me asking, what's that?
So there's been talk about Hanza , the creator of The Guy Upstairs on Webtoon, supposedly wanting to drop the comic altogether due to how their fanbase ships the main characters (one of which is a serial killer) and just due to the fact they've fallen out of love with their own comic over the course of publishing it on Webtoons. The comic isn't confirmed cancelled yet, it's just what they apparently want to do and are gonna be running it by WT for approval.
Which like, yeah, I don't blame them if that's true and if they've "fallen out of love" with their work, that shit can and does happen all the time especially when your work winds up exploding to a degree that you become 'detached' from it. And I don't blame them for being ick at the fandom for their comic shipping their main characters, apparently that started when it was being pirated on another site and miscategorized as a romance when it's a horror / thriller comic but that's just what I've heard from others who do read the comic.
The actual vibe on the whole situation is unclear, they posted like last week about how the two characters were siblings which I THOUGHT was an April Fool's joke because it was legit posted on April 1st. But now apparently they actually ARE siblings? So they deadass just spoiled their comic before it was over? Though apparently this was for the purpose of trying to get their fandom to knock it off, but it's just led to people getting even more pissed because they see that as Hanza 'baiting' them into reading a dark romance comic which... it never was.
IDK man I'm getting such mixed signals off the whole thing esp because we haven't seen these DM's/emails/etc. which like... okay obviously Hanza doesn't need to share anything they're not comfortable with but there's tinfoil hat theories about them using it as a cover for just not wanting to do the comic anymore. But I don't really subscribe fully to that theory because... why? I'm just not sure which thread of logic to follow here lmao
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I honestly have no fucking clue what's going on with this situation anymore because it seems to get more complicated by the day LOL I don't read The Guy Upstairs so I have zero stake in it but let's just say this - I've been on Webtoons since 2016 and am more than aware of how the WT fandom tends to behave on a regular basis, and that's just an audience that I personally don't want, regardless of how positive or negative other people's experiences are. There are people in the WT fandom who are sane and normal, yes, but I'd like to think those people are also fully capable of finding comics outside of WT if they so choose. The general demographic of WT who don't travel outside of it as I've experienced it over the years is just not one I want to tailor to so I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if Hanza was experiencing this and just wanting it to stop. Someone mentioned to me the other day that Webtoons is like the webcomic version of BookTok and ngl I couldn't agree more 💀😆
But yeah, that's about all of my knowledge on the Hanza situation lol
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bellascool · 1 year
Hi ! I love your imagine ! 💓 Can you make a Gavi x reader. Where the reader being criticised by gavi’s fangirls about her physic and that Gavi can find many better girls than her so she stars crying and overthinking about her relationship with him and she thinks to leave but Gavi will arrive and ask her why she cries. Thank you if you’ll do it
Hii, thanks for requesting bae (and thanks for the love <33) 💕
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request on my profile
posted : 18/02/23 (European date)
Being compared and critics are killing you slowly
You grabbed your phone and put it on the dressing table to start a live.
You pressed the live button and made sure there was no filter since you didn't like it.
"Hi everyone, today I'm showing you my makeup routine!" you happily said while putting on your makeup headband
"You look gross without makeup."
"Thanks God she's not going to stay like this. Hopefully makeup will hide your ugliness."
You acted like you didn't read these comments, keeping your smile while you felt a small knot forming in your throat.
"A lot of you guys asked for my routine so here I am!" You started applying cream on your face
"The secret for a smooth skin is hydratation! Make sure to use some cream before doing your makeup and after taking it off."
"Absolutely no one asked but ok sure"
"Your own advice doesn't work on yourself. Your skin is horrible just like your big belly lmao"
You kept on laughing to the other nice comments but you couldn't ignore what they said.
"Are you and Gavi still together?" you read out lout while blending your concealer
"Of course we are! I never loved someone like him and- oh my, I'm so embarrassing" you cut yourself laughing at how easily you could talk about your love for your boyfriend
"Someone tell her to shut the fuck up"
"He could do better tbh. There are a lot of girls way prettier than her who could kill for him"
Your smile faded a little as you started overthinking about that one comment.
It wasn't even a lie. There's so many girls with perfect body, perfect smile, who doesn't need makeup to look like the future miss universe and yet, he still chose you.
You weren't that special, yes you were pretty but compared to all these girls.
Aww man, why can't I be perfect like them too?
"Are you okay? Why did you suddenly stop smiling and talking ?"
"Oh I'm sorry, my ADHD isn't helping me stay focused" you tried to hide your pain with some humor while you just wanted to disappear right now
"And then I add some mascara, I personally use the maybelline lash sensational sky high mascara, best mascara ever!" you said in a fake happy tone
"You look so fake. Gavi is probably dating you to use you for the medias or something."
"I don't understand, Adriana Falco is so much prettier than you. I hope Gavi dumps you for her."
That was it, you had enough, you felt tears forming and didn't wanted to cry in front of everyone like that.
"I'm sorry I gotta go, see ya" you quickly mumbled before ending the live as the tears and pain you held finally left your body
You started to cry harder and harder, remembering all the comments.
It wasn't the first time that people compared you and told you that you didn't deserved a guy like Pablo but you always let it slide and now all the accumulation was bursting out with your tears.
You took your head between your hands as your breath quickened at how hard you were crying, making your shoulders bounce while your whole body was shaking.
Well you knew that you wasn't attractive enough for a handsome boy like Pablo so you tried to hide it with humor.
Maybe you really don't deserve him, I mean, he's pretty, nice, famous, rich, funny, caring while you were quite the opposite.
You didn't even hear the door open and the boy throwing his bag as he rushed to hug you.
"Oh my God, y/n what's wrong?" he was standing next to you who was sitting which means you had your head against his abs, his arms around your shoulders hugging you tightly "I was gone for a hour and you were fine before I left, what happened?" he asked confused
You tried to speak but all you could get out of your mouth were sobs.
Pablo kissed your head as he softly stroked your back to comfort you, understanding that you couldn't speak.
"It doesn't even matter, come here" he gently picked you up bride style and made you lay on your mellow bed, putting the blanker on top of your body
"Wait a second"
He then disappear from the room, leaving you and your thoughts alone, you felt a little better thanks to him but not enough to stop crying.
He came back 2 mins later with a tray full of snacks and his grey sweater that you loved which he did too and never let you steal it from him.
He put the tray on the nightstand next to the bed and came next to you, giving you a small kiss on your wet cheek before handing you the piece of cloth you always wanted.
"Put it on, linda" you did as he asked, you immediately stopped crying as if you were a kid who would stop if you gave him a lollipop
Pablo noticed it too which made him chuckle before going under the blanket, pulling you against his warm body with his arm around your back so you're laying on top of him now.
You wrapped your arms around his torso while he put on your favorite movie.
He looked down at you, putting his hand on your right cheek, softly caressing it before he gave you a little kiss on your lips.
"Better?" he whispered as if he talked too loudly he would hurt you, you hummed in response and watched the start of the movie
"I love you, thanks for taking care of me" you
mumbled against his chest
"I will always take care of my favorite person" he softly smiled, followed by you, loving the nickname he gave you
"Pablo can I ask you something?" you broke the cute moment as you lifted your head to look at him in the eyes
"What is it hermosa?"
"Would you.. I mean do you really think that I'm pretty? Please be honest." you looked away, embarrassed as he was confused
"You're the prettiest girl on earth, of course you are" he said as if it was obvious
"But my body-"
"Your body is perfect the way it is" he cut you off
"There are girls that are prettier with a better body than mine though" you mumbled
He cupped your cheeks with his hands, forcing you to look at him. He had a serious face.
"Y/n I don't care about other girls, I only care about you and I know that you're the prettiest, nicest, most caring person and I have so many words to describe how perfect you are so stop comparing yourself to other girls. And if people try to convince you otherwise then they're jealous because they can't have what you got." he said in a calm yet serious voice
You felt a tear running down your cheek but this time, it was a happy tear.
He wiped it off with his thumb and connected your lips together in a soft and passionate kiss.
The kiss was delicate and you couldn't help but smile against his lips, happy to have him.
When you pulled out, you rested your head against his shoulder as his hands wrapped against your waist, pulling you even closer then you already were, a smile on his face, glad to have you as his girlfriend.
Funny how his words could impact you so much in a positive way.
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hopefull-mindset · 5 months
I've started reading The Great Gatsby (I've fallen into the reading classical literature trap 😔. I really need to finish Crime and Punishment.)
Anyhow I think it's really interesting how Asagiri chose to characterize many of the people in BSD. Especially after learning that irl Fitzgerald was more of a cynical person (at least towards the end of his life) than his animated counterpart. And it made me think of all the other characters of the show and how their characterized.
What was Asagiri's purpose as he came together with these characters? Why'd he have some characters act as their irl counterparts while others act more like the characters they wrote or people in their lives?
These aren't really questions that I wanted the answers to they were moreso just thoughts that I had. I'd love to have a peek into this man's mind and how it works
I think a lot of us have fallen into that trap LMAO. This is my favorite topic though. I could talk about this forever because Kafka Asagiri is an interesting person who has integrated a lot of literature into this one series. I don't know what goes on in this man’s mind and I know these aren't literal questions, but I am interested in sharing what I know!
As you've pointed out, some characters do act more like the people in these works written by them than the actual people. BSD isn't purely just taking these authors, their relationships, and then implementing them just like that. it also takes these authors’ literary personas, their impact socially, and their works to make them into who they are. Asagiri is doing this because it makes it more interesting, but also imagine writing about this authors where most of them lived depressing lives with qualities that don’t make uh, the type of story you want to tell.
I’m impressed with how creative he is.
I’m trying to limit myself on how much I should talk about this, but I fear that I’ll leave out important bits about how Asagiri incorporates these people into the work. I’m also just jittering and excited. Like I almost forgot to bring up the fact the reason BSD has a war narrative is because it takes Japanese authors from Meiji to Shōwa era, so about the time Western influence kicked in, forcing them to modernize and keep up with the rest of the world during what is a fairly short time for huge development like this, to post-war Japan where, you know, the Occupation of Japan is happening and they have to intake the traumatic repercussions of everything before that.
This can make The Great War functionally WW2, but obviously not a one to one match. I’m not a historian or anything, but this should come to mind for anyone who’s in the know about some Japanese history. Now that I’m bringing it up though, Mori’s attitude during the flashback with Yosano is put into context because he pretty much says himself that he needs his country to realize that they keep up with the rest of the world and that the battlefield is changing, and real life Japan did not care about how they did that.
With N, Chuuya, and Stormbringer too. I’m almost hesitant to bring this up because it’s so serious, but yes, Japan did do lethal human experimentation for that same purpose to keep up with the rest of the world and prove themselves.
Ahh, I went off track. Sorry, we were talking about how Asagiri writes characters, right? There is a lot of crossover between the real authors and their writing, so it’s sorta hard to tell with people like Dazai where the work influence ends and the the real person begins.
For me currently in my classic lit research period, I’m almost upset at myself for barley reading anything by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa because he’s my favorite character. I’ve just been so caught up doing my Oda Sakunosuke essay that I don’t have too much time for other authors. I’ve also picked up “The Similitude of Blossoms: A Critical Biography of Izumi Kyōka” recently (and A New Hamlet by Osamu Dazai, but that’s not important).
Ah, how much should I talk about.… hmm… how about Chuuya as an example of Literary Voice vs Real Person…. Lucy Montgomery and Edgar Allen Poe for Social Impact (for Japan specifically)…. and then.. Oh whatever, I’ll figure it out. One day I’ll talk about Kyouka, but not now. I’d feel ill prepared.
If you’ve ever read a poem by Chuuya Nakahara, taken in the emotion and deep feeling, and then found any fun facts about his interactions with other authors, there’s a huge contrast between those two modes that can be jarring. Im sure you can tell how that carries over to BSD. I’m impressed by how Asagiri is able to balance both the brash attitude of Chuuya and the inner literary voice that voices the emotion and care he has in him.
Edgar Allen Poe is slightly more obvious than Lucy’s influence (or maybe it’s Lucy’s, ah it depends), but both pop out at you when it’s pointed out. He was one of the first American authors to be introduced to Japan and fairly popular, but mainly we would point to Edogawa Ranpo as the most blatantly influenced by him and who his name is quite literally attached to. While Lucy Montgomery isn’t attached to anyone in particular, Anne of The Green Gables was wildly distributed in Japan when there were few english children books and became a hit.
There’s a television series too if you search for it. Any redhead, pigtail-braided girl you see in some Japanese media is because of her! It’s probably why these two have the most presence in the story currently compared to other members of the Guild and work with the Agency at times.
There are times when Asagiri will use influences outside of the author’s own catalog to create them, some literary like Albert Camus’s The Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus (in writing characters like Dazai or Fyodor, I could make a post about that), and some just of his own anime/manga interests in other series like Jojo, Cowboy Bebop, Black Lagoon, etc. if you’re familiar.
I’d feel bad if I don’t at least show one example of this so, how about an Odasaku example with The Long Goodbye by Reymond Chandler? I was going to avoid talking about him until the essay, but I can’t help myself. Many have pointed out these parallels before, but Asagiri did point it to be his favorite book last year in an interview.
If you’ve noticed that the presentation for Dark Era in the anime comes off like a Noir film just like how Untold Origins came off like a black and white samurai film, good job! The Long Goodbye is a Noir novel about a detective named Phillip Marlowe who is unable to let go of a case involving a friend that was accused of murdering his own wife, but supposedly commits suicide and confesses to it before Marlowe is able to leave custody. By the end of the book, he uncovers the real perpetuator (a past lover of Terry Lennox’s before he was ever called by that name) and finds out where Lennox really is by poking into the story of where the message he got was sent.
He comes in with a new look and identity, and he asks if it’s too early for a gimlet. They say their last few words to each other, Marlowe flipping back and forth from acknowledging him as Terry Lennox and as a person he never knew, and then Marlowe tells him that “he’s not here anymore”. Marlowe had already told him goodbye when it was sad and lonely, so Lennox does the same here. That ends that mutual, long goodbye and he never sees Lennox again.
The immediate response I’ve see about this is how it parallels the relationship between Dazai and Odasaku. In The Day I Picked Up Dazai, just like how Marlowe brings him to his home to clean him up and meet up at the same bar for the next few months of their friendship, Odasaku also does so with Dazai and drinks a Gimlet for reasons he doesn’t know. In reality, Gimlets are a representation of the friendship between Marlowe and Lennox as it’s Lennox’s favorite drink. It makes it a little painful when Marlowe ignores him when he ask to go get a gimlet at that same bar they always went.
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BEAST is more hyper specific about it by having Dazai ask the same question that Lennox asks when he gets smoked out and Odasaku asking for a gimlet with no bitters, which is specifically how Lennox takes it. Odasaku does not drink the gimlet at all though, showing that there is not friendship to start or accept or say goodbye to, as Lennox does ask Marlowe to drink a Gimlet to say goodbye to him in the letter. Just like TDIPUD is like their beginning, BEAST is their ending without ending because BEAST Dazai is not the same person he was friends with.
Odasaku fulfills being a detective and Dazai is the tragic friend with a past he doesn’t say anything about. Great. Now what I think people are missing when they entirely focus on Odasaku and Dazai when they talk about Lennox and Marlowe is that Lennox is narratively also Andre Gide.
If we were to split Lennox into three people just like his three identities, this is what it would look like:
The Friend: You help him out and don’t judge for his faults, in turn you go out to a bar with each other. It’s uneasy, but it’s worth a lot to the both of you. Eventually you have to part ways in death. (Dazai & Terry Lennox)
The Unknown: Is he someone you know? He acts like it, but he looks nothing like what you’ve encounter before. Maybe in some world you were, but that’s not now and it’s too late for this goodbye to be playing out. You let it happened though and you never see him again when he walks out that door. (BEAST Dazai & “Señor Maioranos”)
The Soldier: The past is right around the corner and its come to bite you in the ass. White hair and war memories haunting him with a scar as a reminder, he’s a reflection of you but maybe not. Who knows? (Andre Gide & “Paul Marston.”)
The initials “P.M.” of both his past name and Phillip Marlowe’s is meant to clue in how Eileen (the past lover) is connected to Lennox by her thinking of Marlowe as her past lover as she attempts to seduce him in some trance. What I’m trying to note here though is that you can take this as Lennox being another reflection of himself. It’s easy to do that reading for both Dazai and Gide as they’re both his foils and are purposely similar, but Gide aligns more with this past identity than Dazai does and retains his white hair.
Uhhh, wasn't planning to make a mini-analysis in the middle of my talking but okay. I'm leaving it off there. I went blank a lot while writing because I didn’t know what I wanted to comment on. There's too much to say about this large cast. I have way more literary fun facts and ideas to say, but nah.
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kanmom51 · 11 months
JK live 18 July 2023
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
So folks, I guess we can add this one to the long list of JM leaves, JK goes live, right?
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What can you say about JK and this live?
A little sick.
And yet looking really happy.
Did someone say afterglow again?
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This up there is from taili_jp's IG story yesterday btw.
JK being JK. Weird and quirky.
I ask you: how can this be the same man we see on stage?
The way he starts off the live with the hat on.
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Why's that?
Was he trying to show us he has that hat he was seen in on their way to their Silver day dinner, was he?
I'm going with that explanation, given, as per usual, there were those claiming it's not them.
The hat comes off 1:30 minutes into the live, and most of the live is done without it on.
So yeah, I guess the hat was on for a purpose.
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As mentioned in my post yesterday, JK showed up to the live in a Mihara Yasuhiro shirt. Seems to be a brand both him and JM are liking lately. JK wore another shirt from same brand and their shoes for his radio interview earlier that day, and also wore the brand for his Spotify clips, and JM wore same brand shirt for his flight back to Seoul (oh, and wore same shoes that JK did yesterday in one of his pre-Face dance clips) and several times before that too (google it, you'll see). So, either ambassadorship on the way or just a brand liked in their household. I'm going with the latter. I'd even go so far as to say that the this is JM's doing. We all know what JK's fave brand is.
A little sum up of our timeline before we start.
So yeah, JK says he really turned on Weverse live but he's really tired (told you so, lol).
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Are we surprised JK didn't get much sleep last night? Really? I'd say the answer to that is
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A-ha. Yep. As expected...
He starts with "whasup?" and "good to see you guys"...
He is trying, bless his heart.
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Omg, and then he goes off with "woof woof woof woof", he's absolutely hilarious. But there's a background story to this, lol. He was literally barked at by the crowd at the GMA recording and later on he repeated it during the Stationhead broadcast. But god, he's so funny.
He also tries to read the comments in English. Like
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Poor snively JK.
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The fact that this man is going through his promotions while sick, performing while sick, spending the weekend holidaying with his partner while sick, hat off to him I say.
Lol, he likes the nasally sound to his voice.
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Talking about holidaying with his partner...
Can't help but wonder if we'll hear or see JM in the next few days and just how sore his throat or runny his nose will be, lol.
What do you think? Will JM go live anytime soon?
BBC Radio 1 live lounge schedule for next week:
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One of these I'm willing to bet will be JK. And I dare JM to show up live after and hype his bf up.
Guess we'll wait and see.
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He says he knew the reaction would be good.
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Just in case we couldn't tell he was sick and tired (not as in sick and tired of us, lol)...
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Seriously, that man needed to sleep. He just couldn't stop yawning.
But I guess habits are hard to shake. You know, JM leaves JK goes live. He just couldn't help himself, lol.
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I guess that was off the table given it was only around 1pm KST, lmao.
I thought I was going to rofl when he tells us how he washed up after dinner and he is feeling real refreshed looking like this:
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I guess our ideas of refreshed are kind of different, lol.
Nah, but the man was so damn tired. He could barely keep his eyes open. At one point it really did look like he's going to fall asleep, again, during a live, lol.
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Someone in the comments asks if there is anything fun, and he answers there is nothing fun in the room.
Well, now that JM's gone that is.
He did this:
Even if this wasn't done on purpose, as in not mimicking JM during his playlist video, it sure is a cute coincidence.
But now, what if it was?
The way he makes that sound and the way he puts down the bottle on the table, not placing it quietly, makes you think: "was he maybe, just maybe, re-enacting that part of JM's playlist video?" It wouldn't be that far fetched. The man knows JM's content off by heart. Food for thought.
JK performed Seven for us.
He's an actual menace that man, lol.
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He's so overjoyed by the fact that he's singing 'fucking', lol. He is now officially an adult. Not only does he have an explicit version to his song, but he literally sang "fucking" live on Weverse.
Can you imagine JM's reaction?
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And this part here:
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Followed by changing back to "loving you right"... was he telling us/ someone else (specifically the person that shows so very boldly on his hand right there) something?
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OMG, and those eye exercises he was doing. He is so adorable and quirky and genuine and we are blessed that he feels that he can share himself with us.
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As usual JK's sweet and thankful goodbyes to us.
Thanks to Army he is having very happy days.
Literally. With Army, because of Army (take your pick which army we are discussing here...)
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It wasn't a long live. Just over 17 minutes. But once again we get to see JK, real JK. He's so real, so accessible I think is the way to put it. There is just something about him, how he talks to us, what he shares with us, how comfortable he feels to do these things with his fans, let us in the way he does. He isn't afraid to show us he's just like us, he's human and flawed and happy or sad and just let us in to see him as he is. He has this special connection with these people that are utter strangers to him, but at the same time he feels this deep love towards them.
Precious is the word I feel describes him.
He is precious.
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arson4kids · 7 months
♡ Ellie hc's ♡
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WARNINGS - SFW + NSFW. I'll keep the NSFW at the bottom just in case <3
WC - about 770
a/n - I don't really post shit like this on tumblr so sorry in advance lmao. Not 100% proof read so please excuse any typos.
♡ She's 100% the type to run up the stairs after turning the light off. She's convinced there's gonna be something down there. She'd look at you all like "Holy shit did you see that??" ♡ Unhealthy attachment to dinosaurs. She's bored? She's reading about dinosaurs. She has a final project due? She's making it about dinosaurs. Needs something to talk about? She's gonna start off a conversation with "Did you know that one dinosaur.." ♡ Super cuddly with you. She claims she can't sleep unless she has an arm around you or her head on your chest. ♡ Speaking of sleeping, she sleeps in ungodly sleeping positions. Like, these positions weren't known to man until she somehow discovered it. She's sleeping at an 90° angle with one leg over you and somehow she's fine in the morning?? ♡ Longest fucking playlist. This girl has 500+ songs in one playlist. While she denies it, she can sing half of them effortlessly because she's memorized the lyrics. "Can you sing this one??" "What? No, that's fucking weird." (of course she can.) ♡ Cat person. She likes dogs and all, but they're...too much for her. Cats match her energy. She can be drawing and playing guitar without having to worry about her pet tearing up her room. ♡ She spends hours learning songs on the guitar just because you brought up liking a song in passing to her. "The guitar in this song is so catchy. I can't get it out of my head." She'd just hum like she didn't really care, when in reality, she was already planning out where to find the tabs online and how long it'd take her to learn it. She'd surprise you with it weeks later and when you'd ask where she learnt it she'd just shrug. ♡ She sleeps in the most random places. If she's tired, she's gonna crash wherever she can. The couch. Your room. The hayloft in the barn. You name it, she's probably slept there at least once.
♡-> NSFW HC's <-♡ ♡ She loves your tits. She's always staring at them. Whenever you guys are out, she finds a way to sneak in a glance at them. ♡ She wants to be a dom, but sometimes she gets nervous and chokes. What if she's doing it wrong? What if she's hurting you? You have to give her a pep talk before she does anything. ♡ Loves eating you out. She does it like her life depends on it. She loves it so much to the point where she's begging you just to get a taste. ♡ Likes to take her time with you. Slow is the only way to go in her mind. If you protest or whine, she leaves and tells you to figure it out by yourself. "Ellie, that's not fucking fair. You can't just leave." "You've got two hands of your own. Figure it out." ♡ She's always smacking your ass. Out in public? She's finding a way to smack your ass at some point. And this isn't just a friendly thing either. This is the full goddamn wind up. ♡ She has a strap and it's 100% pink. I don't make the rules, sorry. ♡ If you've bent down to reach something, she's behind you holding your hips and fake fucking you. This girl has no shame. ♡ If she's mad at you, she's mocking your moans. She doesn't care how much it may upset or embarrass you. ♡ She loves to prove you wrong. "It won't fit." "Don't worry baby, I'll make it fit." ♡ She doesn't care where you two are. She'll fuck you in the back of her car if she has to. ♡ She won't admit it, but she loves the way you ride her strap. It makes her weak as hell watching you. ♡ Speaking of, as much as she loves it when you ride her, she never knows where to put her hands. On your ass? On your hips? Maybe your tits? Because of this she ends up awkwardly leaving them at her sides or clasping them in front of her like it's some sort of important meeting. ♡ AMAZING aftercare. This girl doesn't let you move a muscle. She's cleaning you up, getting you dressed, spooning you, anything to make you feel better and help you relax. "Are you tired? I can tuck ya in if you want." "I think six feet under is on if you want to watch some of it while you fall asleep." "Are you hungry? I'm an amazing chef y'know." "I've got popsicles in the fridge if you want one."
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dnpbeats · 1 month
emma i need to confess something any theory about dnp fucking other people pisses me off
anon i'm gonna put about twenty disclaimers on this bc i'm not trying to start discourse but i must say i agree 😭😭 TO BE CLEAR at the end of the day we don't know the ins and outs of d&p's relationship, and we never will. as dan said in BIG ppl want to know who he's fucking when he's fucking them and how long he's fucking them but that is not our business to know!! so i acknowledge that my thoughts on this are my thoughts and they come from a place of personal bias and projection! so if u disagree that’s okay!! okay anyway:
yeah lmao i get that i honestly don't think that they are in an open relationship for a variety of reasons. like logistically speaking it'd be difficult (espc before they were out) and we at least know phil doesn't like one night stands, so it's not like they're perusing grindr every day looking for someone to hook up with. but also like all the swinging jokes are what make me be like yeah they aren't doing that bc if they were i don't think they'd joke about it sm bc i think it would hit too close to home 💀😭 also, i think people read too much into some of dan's comments during WAD. like i get it, yes he likes making horny jokes, but i dont think it's that deep. like even if he wasn't with phil/was in an open relationship, he wasnt being serious when he said cute mutuals slide into my DMs yk 😭 he's always made jokes about being thirsty it's nothing new. also he himself said that all his thirst posting were jokes*! and other reasons too like how jealous dan gets 💀💀
but i also think people have only one interpretation of what he says sometimes, for example him saying things like this: "This is my hot boy autumn right now and I am very much enjoying, for the first time in my life, being free and out and in the world, being able to actually talk about things, being honest, being able to go out and have fun." which, if you want to interpret that as dan saying he's getting dicked down every night of tour, that's your prerogative! but i do not think that "being free and out in the world" has to be about sex, like there are so many layers to that! i just take it to mean like being able to live authentically and exist as a gay man in public yk?
ive said this a couple times in tags on other posts, but i think that sometimes (not all the time!!) the reason why ppl come up with open relation theories is because it's already a given that d&p are together. like in 2015 you could theorize "are they gay are they in a relationship" because it wasn't explicitly stated by them. but now that they're explicitly gay, and anyone reading between the lines can see that they're together, you can't really "speculate" on phan. so, the next progression is to speculate on the exact nature of their relationship: is it open, are they in a qpr, etc. so anyway yeah that's my two cents 😭 if someone thinks they're in an open relationship that's fine pls don't come for me 😭😭
*I CANT FIND THE SOURCE FOR THIS but i know he said it bc i've referenced it before, when i eventually find it i'll put the link 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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johnnys-breastmilk · 18 days
just curious though what johnnys punishments include?🤔 NEED to know ‘cause i know that man spanks like no other and denies us orgasms on the regular🫣possibly puts some form of chastity belt on, likely made by hitchhiker or nancy…why does a bone chastity belt sound so fashion forward😭
but i would put that man’s needs before mine always…AND HE DEFINITELY IS INTO CHOKING-🎀
the way I got this ask from you twice,, I'M SORRY!! I'm a reblog addict but my posting has gone downnnn😅
Anywho--punishment headcanons!
I'm going to start with general acts then move on to objects.
His hands. His hands could honest be something entirely on their own because they're so multi-faceted. Spanking, choking, general roughness. All of them vary on intensity based on how much he thinks we deserve it. Part of me thinks that they would be done on the regular for fun, so the choking would leave bruises and be genuinely painful for the recipient. Same for spanking, he just goes harder, not letting himself hold back as much as he normally would. He would also not hesitate to hone in on general slapping on the face and body. Anywhere he can leave a mark.
Asking to masturbate in front of him while he's fully clothed and you're in nothing, seems like a good punishment for him.
Dare I say the silent treatment from him could be hot? His cold stare, the burning feeling you'd get from never knowing what he could do if left alone in a room with you. From dangerous to somewhat pleasurable, it's unpredictable. Just passing him during the day and wondering if he'll pin you against the nearest wall. The only thing you can read is what he exudes. To top it all off, he only speaks when he's going to say something rude or demeaning until he's no longer upset at you. Until then, it's all grunts and heaving breathing during sex, grunts for commands in his shack.
Now for objects! (Under the cut cause the bone chastity belt got a little graphic!)
Okay, so as you said, the homemade chastity belt would be the first punishment. Johnny having a significant other that isn't into biting or marking? Well, this is the next best option! Now, it depends on how brutal you want it to be. Nubbins and Nancy seem to have a common theme of barbed wire being their main use of damage in their traps, with Nubbin's using bone's collected for some extra tagging on his victim's feet. So, the "belt" part of it could be bones strung together with barbed wire, or the part that loops around the waist/hips could simply be barbed wire. One is very stiff with little snags on the skin and the other is more flexible, but will leave scars and requires the person to be very careful about their movements. This is sounding like a saw trap! The component blocking someone from having sex varies depending on what they're packing of course. For someone with a dick, I'm picturing some kind of small animal ribcage that's chipped to size and strung to the other bones. For someone with a pussy, I'd think that some long flat bone-shaped piece could go there. Maybe the piece of an antler? This sounds really illogical but I'm like 3d printing the image in my head lmao. The main point is that it's uncomfortable for the wearer and prevents sex, and any iteration of a bone chastity belt, less or more extreme than this, would work.
Obviously, I'd be remissed if I didn't mention his belt too! Him using that to achieve harder spanking against your ass, using it for choking when his hands are occupied holding your hips, tying your hands or legs together.
Kind of a weird one to add, but I headcanon that Nancy has vibrators since they've been around for a long time and she hasn't had a husband to satisfy her in ages... So, Johnny occasionally busts them out since I know he wouldn't know where to get them to use on you.
Lastly, his beer bottles! This ties into the whole silent treatment thing with Johnny, where he deprives you of his dick and instead makes you pleasure yourself with a freshly finished off glass bottle. Still slick around the rim with his saliva, so it's not too bad, but it's not him.
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ivyial · 3 months
Reading one of your answers, I noticed that you wrote “Leon has a crush” and while I was playing the game, I also had such thoughts because a man cannot behave like that if he does not feel something. Can you please explain how you were convinced of this?
hi there!! i'm so very late to this ask i'm sorry :,)
so i'm gonna try and retrace the steps of how i realised that (from a year or so ago lolol). one thing you have to know about me before we begin is that i cannot recognise flirting for SHIT LMAOAOAO like genuinely. it is BAD. i am seriously socially impaired in that department.
when i played re4r last year, i had not played the og re4 (i still haven't, as a matter of fact). so i went into it relatively blind, with no opinion about leon/ashley (it did not seem like a big enough ship that people were ever giving their opinions on it, apart from the 'overtime' part in the og). i knew a bit about ashley, and how annoying a big chunk of the fandom found her in the og, and that was about it.
ashley flirting with leon in the game was somewhat obvious. the "i think you'd look pretty dashing" line was a big giveaway, although other than that, she doesn't actually make any big move on leon (sure, she offers him to become part of her security detail at the end, but yeah).
the dining hall scene happened - leon telling ashley "i'm not used to having such good company"???? that definitely made go 💡!!!
also, if you go back to chapter 9, after ashley's playable section, she finds leon again in the cage, and he says to her "can you make it down? i can catch you". i didn't find his words odd, but i found his tone extremely specific. if you go back and listen, it doesn't exactly sound like a matter-of-fact offer. it sounds like an incentive, but i wasn't so sure whether it was more for ashley's benefit or his own. he just sounds so bashful saying it and he's smiling. maybe that's just me, but i definitely found his tone suggestive in that scene. at the time i just shrugged it off as me misunderstanding tone (as it happens sometimes).
i originally was not predisposed to seeing them as a couple, since i'd never really seen the possibility of it being evoked in the modern RE fandom. i was more of a cleon girlie at the time too (i still am, but not as much nowadays). so i finished the game for the first time thinking "aw, leon and ashley had such a great dynamic, he's very supportive of her and kind, they're a great (platonic) fit". but then, you know, there was still the flirting initiated by ashley, the flirting (?) initiated by leon, and that unusual tone that he had in chapter 9.
so i didn't really see the bigger picture until i read the leshley/eagleone posts written by @sapphire-weapon (if you haven't checked her blog out yet, you have to, not just for her leon/ashley posts, but even for her general meta analyses which are absolutely brilliant). and then, i started putting it together, noticing the instances of leon flirting with ashley, some of which i'd missed, the structure of the story, etc.
and from there, well. you realise how well leon and ashley work together, even in a platonic setting, and you add their occasional flirting, as well as the DINING HALL SCENE??? which to me is a massive giveaway and is one of the things that convinced me the most apart from their literal interactions. room with red wallpaper, a statue of two snakes that could either be fighting or, well, fucking lmao (i also don't need to explain the phallic symbol there), the queen/king paintings, and the fact that this is one of the few rooms in this game where they are not interrupted by any enemies. it's a very private setting + "well, yeah, but i'm not used to having such good company".
leon's crush is also demonstrated through the way ashley pulls out a softer side of him.
you can see in chapter 13 (when he calls out for her from the other side of the cell - if you listen closely, it sounds like nick apostolides is reverting back to re2 leon's voice for that line).
there is also quite a bit of (sometimes unnecessary) physical contact between the two, which is almost always initiated by leon (it might even always be him). see: the way he holds on to her just a bit too long after catching her when she jumps out of the church window + the way they look at each other (chapter 5), right after escaping the ganados and joining luis in the villa (chapter 5), comforting ashley in the castle (chapter 9), and most importantly, checking on her after opening the cell and letting his fingers trail along her arms etc. (chapter 13) and (not physical contact but intended) the way he manages to break saddler's hold to reach for ashley when saddler touches her head on the altar (chapter 15). and i mean, he carries her bridal style multiple times (either catches her when she jumps or carries her like that on the way to the lab) (that in itself is also for the sake of practicality, but it adds to it).
taken separately, these events would probably not mean anything, but when you look at it all together, you realise that leon's feelings for ashley run deeper than just professionalism. i don't think he has to act like that - or at least, not if capcom just wanted them to be PURELY PLATONIC PURELY SIBLING CODED as one part of the fandom shouts all day long
this is a very long answer but yeah!! i hope this answers your question. btw, feel free to send me more leon/ashley asks!! i'd love to answer them :3
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