#man i want doritos
pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
#man i want doritos#you just gotta suck it up#diary#personal#mn. i like fell asleep for the last... probably 2 hours? idk man#and i feel a bit better by now. but like. i really would prefer to not leave my room today.#like. im just sorta worried shit will get worse again and ill feel like utter and complete shit.#idk. like im not having a breakdown rn. but i just. am worried itll come back at the drop of a hat.#like im fine alone with my noise cancelling headphones in a dark room#but besides that? idfk.#this is sorta why id rather be high or something. cuz now i gotta worry about after affects or other shit.#idk. its been a while since its been this bad and tbh im just really tired. i wanna sleep.#oh! funny fact. i had doritos and fritos stuck in my head during like. the last few hours.#but i was sorta preoccupied so i didnt realize it??? so i was just thinking XD#...i still do. man would it be too much to go get some? i rly wanna#*sigh* i should probably like. go out. and do some work.#but thats been sorta whats been worsening things (plus the heat). so like. im concerned?#idk thats not fully the reason why. but it did not help. idk. i just know my mom will say something like#or maybe not. its like a 50/50. sometimes shes sympathetic others shes not.#idfk. like. im the type that if someone tells me i should be fine i will just. push through anything.#like *yeah* i may be hitting myself but i got the work done like you asked? so whats the problem here?#self harm#idk. thats how i functioned in high school. punish myself to work ig. or to just take out the anguish.#but *apperently* ur not *supposed* to do that either. so that just leaves me curling up in a ball somewhere.#often times my closet? but my closet is full with random crap so i gotta clean it out ugh#im not rly sure what the final straw was fully. i woke up at 5ish. and took off my headphones. and then within like 15 mins i was down.#idk. i think maybe it was my fridge. but i was also super uncomfy for sleep. so who knows rly.#haaah. i still have to do shit today and tomorrow. i dont wanna.#haaaaaaaah wtf how do i figure out what i need to do. ffs.#whats worse is if i talk to my mom or someone to help me figure it out ill probably snap at them
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starays13 · 6 months
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Welcome back, Eclipse.
Just putting a version with no text here
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Honestly I can’t remember the last time I just drew Sun and Moon Show Eclipse outside of any of the AUs.
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What do we think about making Iris fat
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chl3borzoi · 1 month
Glad i ran into a friend of mines wife at the store today, ate supper with them, met their new dogs! May have found myself some work that isnt corporate slaving misery... its 6 am wakeups to haul for the AMISH YEEHAWWWWW
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leowifefang · 1 year
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well now.
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cassyapper · 2 years
i want to draw pregnant jotaro (he is a trans man) but i dont trust people to be normal about it. if i posted it would you guys be normal about it or do i need to gatekeep
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paskariu · 2 years
does flat out forgetting to eat actually count as an eating disorder?
duck duck going just gets me multiple articles contradicting each other and nothing applies to me by more than like 25%.
quick compilation of the results: adhd, depression, dementia, alzheimers  anorexia and stupid bitch disease
all of that either categorised as eating disorder or eating which might develop into a disorder (which i don’t think will happen because this has persisted for my entire life)
like up until i realise i haven’t had a proper meal all day i just don’t notice and once i do eventually (because damn by that point I feel like shit and shaky) i don’t feel like eating. i don’t even care about my weight or anything i just don’t feel like it. oh mortal vessel why the fuck do you require sustainance. i wanna be a plant. just eating passively
but then i don’t always not notice, some days i do, some i don’t though on school/work days i’m generally better about it since the lunch times are stricter
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
One of the people I worked with at the sex shop was a lady in her early forties. She had the most deranged sex stories and to be honest I could never tell how much was real.
I think probably all of it was true? But when someone tells you that a man showed up at her door with a sheet cake he wanted her to sit on so he could eat it off her ass it’s fair to be somewhat skeptical.
Aaaanyway. She hooked up a lot and ended up on a casual date with this guy. She was really stoked to be wearing a button up shirt with snaps, so later when they got to his place she could rip the shirt open like in the movies.
Now, it's worth noting she was a bigger gal, and her cleavage could have suffocated a grown man, it was substantial. There was a lot of boob real estate, okay?
So they get back to his place, and she finally gets to have her moment. She rips her shirt open dramatically, displaying the wealth of her cleavage. At first her dates face was excited and delighted. But as his eyes trailed down he began to slowly frown, which I think we can all agree is not what anyone wants when you've just laid yourself bare in a literal fashion.
She looked down to check herself, and there, nestled like a little baby bird in a nest of boob, was a single dorito.
When she told me this story she admitted, "I knew I had a choice. I could get laid, or I could eat the chip."
She ate the chip.
Her date looked repulsed, but she wanted to take one last crack at riding that man, so she did jazz hands and sang in a silly vaudevillian accent, "🎶You should probably put yer meat in me! You should probably put yer meat in me!🎶"
He drove her home shortly afterward, the coward.
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grilledkatniss · 11 months
What's short for Jeremy? Jer? Sounds like someone who believes in life after love
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the-godparticle · 1 year
i have din brain rot right now and am working on a mandalorian battle jacket and apparently a suggestive din drawing
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emmyrosee · 2 months
I missed Katsuki ☹️☹️🩵
The movie plays on in the background, but you’re feeling more than mischievous, unable to be settled in your desire to wreak havoc on katsuki’s life.
Your eyes wander to your man, who’s fixated on the film, fingers on autopilot as he feeds himself chips of Doritos, stuck in a focused loop that your find remarkably endearing.
Good thing you’re here to mess with that.
You glaze over your man with intent to bother him, set him into giving you attention that you’re desperately craving, only for your gaze to settle on his phone, resting on his thigh.
Your fingers crawl from your thigh onto his, slowly as to try and keep him from noticing.
This, of course, doesn’t work, and Katsuki immediately grabs the bag of chips up and out of your reach, “dude. I’ll fucking kill you.”
“What?” You giggle.
“I fucking asked you if you wanted something from 7/11, and you said no. Leave my snack alone, asshole.”
“Oh…” you begin. Then you smile at him, “I just wanted your phone,” you explain. With that, he looks you up and down, as if trying to find a lie and that you sincerely wanted a bite of his Doritos. When you quirk your brow expectantly, he’s quick to pass you his phone.
“Passcode is Denki’s birthday.”
“Why is it Denki’s birthday?”
“Because if it was my birthday or yours, people would be able to get into it,” he explains. “Use your brain, I know it’s hard for you sometimes.”
“Don’t be mean,” you whine; sure enough, when you type in the digits to Denki’s birthday, his phone clicks unlocked, revealing an alphabetical organization of apps. Behind it, his Lock Screen is a picture of you sleeping on his chest, and you smirk at him, “you taking pictures of me sleeping, freak?”
“It’s when I find you most tolerable.” He chuckles when you send him a swift smack to his chest, deeming it safe enough to open the bag of chips and plop one on his tongue. “What’re you looking for anyways?”
“You’re other bitches,” you hum.
He snickers, “my other bitches are your mood swings. And Kiri.”
“I don’t know- seems like things are getting serious between you and denks.”
“I wouldn’t piss on Denki if he was on fire.”
“You know you love him.”
“I love him because of you,” he grumbles. When you angle your head to press a kiss to his jawline, he grunts happily and pauses his eating, almost as if to not disturb you.
“Thank you for letting me into your phone,” you whisper, and he nods and lets out a soft ‘anytime,’ before tossing an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close, his free hand now feeding himself.
You sink your teeth into your lip as your eyes now wander to the bag resting on his lap, “… can I have a bite?”
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corroded-hellfire · 5 months
I just realized it's them. Eddie, the Reader, and my kids.
It would be funny if they were watching the movie and Eddie teases them that they look like kittens and some say it's actually them as a family.
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I needed to write this. Was very compelled to write about Eliza making everyone watch this movie lol. I hope you like what my crazy brain came up with!
Previously talked about on this ask too 😻
Words: 1.4k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Family movie nights have become rarer as the boys have gotten older, but the tradition hasn’t been altogether lost. Once in a while you can wrangle the boys down for an evening of snacks and family bonding. 
Luke is laid out on the floor as per usual, on his stomach and pounding down Doritos and Mountain Dew like a man starved, not a 14-year-old boy who just had three large helpings of baked ziti not an hour ago. Ryan occupies the La-Z-Boy lounger that is effectively known as Wayne’s chair, it being the older man’s favorite spot in the household. The older Munson brother’s attention is currently half on the movie and half on the girl he likes at school. 
Eliza is sitting cozy on the couch between you and Eddie. At some point during the movie, she’ll end up snuggled against either you or her father, but right now she’s content enough to sit on her own, her pink unicorn blanket spread out over her lap and little legs. 
Eddie is slouched against an arm of the couch but has his arm draped along top, the tips of his fingers just barely able to brush over the back of your neck. So, of course, that’s what he’s been doing since the movie started. You sit hip to hip with your daughter, a bowl of popcorn balanced on your thigh that she and you keep taking kernels from.
As the song Everybody Wants to Be a Cat ends, Eddie smiles to himself. He sees his children in all three of the troublemaking kittens that were just singing and dancing around on screen. 
Ryan notices and raises an eyebrow at his father. “The singing cartoon cats making ya happy, Dad?”
Eddie rolls his eyes and flicks a pretzel in his eldest child’s direction.
“No, smartass. I was just thinking how they remind me of you guys.”
Luke rolls on his side so he can look at his dad over his shoulder.
“Did I grow a tail I wasn’t aware of? I’d like to think you’d keep me updated on that kind of thing, Dad.”
“You’re the little wiseass cat,” Eddie says, gesturing to the screen with his chin. “The orange one that tries to act all tough.”
“Toulouse,” Eliza says, as if her father should’ve known his name and it offends her that he didn’t.
“And he’s the one who’s most like the dad,” you point out with a shrug. It’s no secret that Luke is basically Eddie’s twin.
“He’s not their dad!” Eliza says with a small huff. Her parents are disappointing her with their Disney knowledge tonight. 
“My point still stands,” you say before pressing a kiss to the top of your daughter’s head.
Luke shoves another handful of Doritos in his mouth and goes back to looking at the screen.
“I’m not a ginger,” Luke says, though with his mouth being full it sounded more like, “M’not a jinjuh.”
“Who’s he?” Eliza asks as she points to the black and white cat on the screen.
“I thought you knew all the names,” Eddie says. Eliza rolls her eyes, looking identical to her father as she does it.
“No. Luke is Toulouse so who Berlioz?”
“Oh, okay,” Eddie says now that his daughter has cleared up his confusion. “Definitely Ryan. He’s the quietest one but he can still be mischievous.”
“Silent but deadly,” Ryan says.
“Like his farts,” Luke adds, making Eliza giggle.
“Who me?” Eliza asks, looking up at her father with the same big brown eyes that she inherited from him. 
“Marie, of course,” Eddie says as he musses her curls. That name he knows by now. “You’re the spoiled, pampered, sweet girl of the gang.”
The word “sweet” doesn’t seem to matter to Eliza, only focusing on the first two. Her little round face pinches up in a frown; her brows coming together over her dark eyes and her lips forming into a puckering pout. You try, and almost fail, to contain your laughter as your daughter stares at your husband with the cutest menacing look you’ve ever seen. 
“What?” Eddie asks when she doesn’t look away.
“Not a spoiled kitty,” she says. 
“You asked!” Eddie scrunches up his face and sticks his tongue out at her. She does the same in return, proving that your husband is as mature as a three-year-old. 
Luke finishes the Doritos in his mouth and wipes his cheesy hands off on his White Sox shirt.
“You know, I think our whole family is like theirs,” he muses.
“What?” Ryan asks. By the tone of his voice it sounds like he’s over everyone talking and just wants to watch the movie in silence again.
“Yeah,” Luke says and gestures to the screen in front of him. “Stray, scruffy alley cat gets the pretty, sophisticated girl that’s out of his league?”
As unsubtly as possible, Luke jerks his head back towards you and Eddie on the couch.
“Hey!” you pout. “That’s not true.”
“Pretty much is,” Eddie admits with a laugh. 
You move to scoot closer to your husband, little Eliza getting caught in the middle. The small girl hisses like a cat when she gets squished between her parents.
“Jesus,” Ryan groans as he rubs a hand over his eyes. Any form of overt affection between you and your husband has been annoying the teen boy lately. Eddie finds it amusing and whenever the two of you are alone your husband quietly surmises to you that your son is more annoyed by the fact that he can’t express the same sort of affections to the girl he likes. It makes sense since Ryan has always been one to express his love physically with hugs and such.
Now, Eddie presses a smacking kiss to the side of your head—almost to spite Ryan’s attitude— 
before looking down at your daughter squeezed between the two of you.
“I think you even look like a kitty!” he tells her.
Eliza pushes her way to her feet on the couch with a huff. Watching her trying to stand in the cramped space has you tucking in your lips to avoid laughing. Once up, Eliza shoves at her dad’s shoulder as she’s seen her brothers do to one another many times.
“My little kitty!” Eddie teases, finding her reaction comical. He snatches Eliza and holds her in his lap as he tries to press kisses all over her face. Stubble scratches and rubs against Eliza’s soft skin, making her squeal and wiggle around in Eddie’s grip.
“If we’re all cats, do you think another family will adopt me?” Ryan asks in a sullen adolescent tone.
“No,” Luke answers simply. Thank God he hasn’t become a brooding, moody teenager—yet, anyway.
Eliza manages to slip free from her father’s grip and runs over to jump on Ryan’s lap.
“Save me!” she wails.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got ya,” Ryan says as she snuggles into his lap, tucking her head beneath her eldest brother’s chin.
Eddie takes advantage of the newly empty space between you, and he pulls you flush up against his side. You give Eddie a soft kiss before laying your head on his shoulder.
“Ick,” Eliza complains, looking over at you on the couch.
“Yeah, ick,” Ryan echoes.
“Wasn’t he the one who wanted us to have a baby practically as soon as we got together? Now he thinks it’s gross that I kiss you,” Eddie says softly to you, but not soft enough that Luke didn’t hear.
“Yeah, but now we got what we wanted,” Luke says with a shrug. 
“Maybe now you guys can get fixed,” Ryan says with a smirk. 
Eddie opens his mouth to retort but Eliza holds her arms in the air, an immediate call for silence.
“Shhhh! This good part!”
She snuggles back against her big brother, who sticks his tongue out at his dad.
Casually, Eddie wraps his arm around your back so he can flip his oldest son the bird without Eliza seeing. Ryan just laughs and goes back to watching the movie, curious to see what’s so special about this part. The sixteen-year-old’s laughter brings a smile to your face. You haven’t heard it as often as you’d like to lately.
After Eddie situates his arm around your shoulders, you snuggle up to him and drape Eliza’s unicorn blanket over your lap. The Disney movie is not as enticing to you as your husband is, so you press a kiss just below Eddie’s ear before whispering to him.
“I love our kittens. No matter how ferocious they like to pretend they are.”
Eddie chuckles his agreement.
“The cutest little feral monsters around.”
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readychilledwine · 16 days
✨️ACOTAR Booty Headcanons✨️
💕Peep the thigh headcanons here💕
Warnings - Butts. Fanart of butts. Nakey butts. Bubble butts. Lady butts. Man butts.
Up next? ✨️ Hands ✨️
✨️Body Headcanons Masterlist✨️ Master Masterlist ✨️
Edited to add - short plus size Elain sneak peak
A/N - for @lady-of-tearshed, I hope this meets all your dreams, my love.
A message from Mother - You, my sweet dear reader, are gorgeous as you are. You are real, touchable, and made with imperfections that enhance your beauty and uniqueness. You are a treasure. Do not compare yourself to a single body on this list.
I like to start off strong..
Rhysand has a very bite-able booty.
He is slightly leaner than Azriel and Cassian, but he still has a firm butt.
Rhysand loves to wear tight slacks, just to watch your pretty little brain go blank when you see his ass.
He sleeps naked and it's hard for you not to just.. touch the booty.
To be fair, he loves to keep his hand (and hand print) on your butt, too.
Art by Amai actually just posted Rhysand butt fanart. Enjoy it below
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John Cena has been described as having a military grade ass with an inhuman body.
Cassian also has an inhuman body, so it makes sense that my guy has a military grade ass.
Cassian has butt muscles in places you didn't even know you could have butt muscles.
It is intimidating. Very intimidating.
But you LOVE watching this man walk. Especially when he's walking to the bathroom to grab towels for aftercare.
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Azriel's ass surprised you in the best way.
Azriel is lean compared to Cassian, so his bubble butt shocked you.
Much firm. Still jiggle.
You were ready for this jelly.
Azriel gets super shy when you tell him how good his butt looks, but he's like that one friend who secretly loves it and makes sure to wear the same pants/skirt/shorts the next time they see you so you are in love with their deliciousness again.
Sometimes, you just sneak up on Azriel and accidentally squeeze. In front of his family. But don't worry. He squeezes yours back.
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I'm disappointed I can't find this gif when I need it.
We can all hate on Tamlin as much as we want, but SJM herself says the man is muscular.
I imagine Tamlin was worried about his arms and chest being thicker than his legs, so he started hitting legs and glutes hard.
Then, the next thing he knows, he has a damn shelf.
He hates when you touch his butt though. He'd prefer you touch him other places.
But you bet your ass he is touching yours
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I stand by Lucien having Chris Hemsworth's body type.
Lucien had the perfect, truly bite-able ass.
You constantly have your hand in his back pocket.
You constantly are giving it a little smack so it jiggles.
You always walk behind him.
Lucien loves the way you worship his body. He's insecure about his scars, so you loving every inch of him helps.
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Daddy 🫠🫠
Eris has the captain America Dorito proportions build, and I hope all of you know *exactly* what I am talking about.
I imagine Eris as slim muscular, and when I decided to do these, I needed him to have Chris Evans's ass
I mean look at it
Imagine that ass in Eris's finely tailored clothing.
Imagine that ass getting off a horse.
You're touching him. Constantly. And he loves it.
He loves that you seem to think he's some sort of God.
And he really loves it when you touch his butt because you begged him to treat you as his equal, meaning that ass of yours is in his hands quickly.
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You know when a guys thighs are so thick they become one with his dump truck? Helion.
He actually requires a CDL for his ass.
You can't really tell until he's naked and turns around due to the thickness of his thighs, but this male has ass for days.
And his ass is FIRM. There is not an ounce of fat on him.
He considers his ass a trophy of sorts, so touching it is only for those privileged to.
Luckily you have that privilege.
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Oh, look.. I included the Archeron sisters
Don't accuse me of doing our girl dirty, but I picture Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit when I think of Feyre's body.
The reason you can't accuse me of doing her dirty is because the things I'd do if Halle Berry told me to do them are extreme.
I picture Feyre as very lean, very cut, and she had the cutest baby bubble butt.
She's definitely the friend who thinks she has no booty until you help her find the right outfit for the booty.
She also blushes whenever you touch it.
She wishes it was bigger sometimes, but a few spanks in, and she's telling you she's perfect as she is.
I wish I could find a better picture of this 🫠
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Nesta I also picture as tight and lean.
For some reason when I read her, I picture Adriana Lima, but with blonde hair.
Maybe it's because I think Nesta has sultry vibes?
Nesta tries to keep herself small. It's ingrained deeply into her head because of her mother and grandmother that she has to be small.
She's also constantly training, so it keeps her tight.
She may not have the biggest ass, but that thing is the best apple you've bit
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If you don't know by now, you're about to: elain at minimum is slim thick.
I personally see truly happy glowing elain as mid to plus size, and I'm hoping for mid to plus size elain once this stupid shipwar is over.
Right now, though, elain is slimthick.
She's still recovering from her spicy sadness days, and her recovery has her doing squats in the garden
Ass. For. Days.
It's why she actually doesn't wear pants. She tried once and every almost had a collective mass failure heart attack.
So now, her booty is reserved for you and you alone.
You love it when she wears cheeky things in the bedroom.
I imagine elain is super into impact play because she loves the way you compliment her recoil.
I think she's secretly proud of her booty. She just doesn't want anyone else to know. So sssshhhh.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
the monster trio (but make it highschool!au);
basically, what if these mf weren't illiterate?? highschool!au headcanons for the monster trio!!
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- the class comedian (and doesn't know it) - like this man is out here just going about his day, doing stupid shit. he doesn't know why the class is laughing when the teacher asks him what he's doing and he says "eating. want some?" through a mouthful of doritos and a shit-eating grin - everyday, atleast once, he gets sent to the principle (the principle is garp lmao) and garp sends luffy back to the teacher because even he doesn't wanna deal with this precious himbo
- he runs track (and he is actually so good at it) - he's that one kid that has adhd and the whole school knows but he doesnt "adhd? what's that?" "you, luffy, that's you" - his homework? never complete; his handwriting? so shit it feels like ants crawling on paper; his uniform? something has to be missing always whether it's a button on his shirt, tie, belt, something. - one time he pulled up with one sock missing and when asked, he shrugged and said "sometimes things happen" - why did he say it like that??? - somehow, despite it all, he manages to pass (nami tutored him forcefully and made him pay her later) - best friends with the martial artist!zoro and cooking prodigy!sanji - nobody knows how these three are friends??? but they are ig - also, i headcannon him as the guy who is like 4 feet and after one summer comes back stretched out (hehe, pun intended) - always so kind to others even if he doesn't know them, always willing to help freshmen out and run errands for you if you need help - nobody knew he is related to his older brothers (ace, sabo) "how are you their brother??" "idk? how am i??" - just the bestest boy ever, golden retriever energy all day every day no matter what universe it is
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- you take one look at this mf and you think, ah here is the classic delinquent, stick-up-his-ass martial artist and you couldnt be more wrong - he is never dressed right but that's cause he doesn't know how to tie a tie and listen if he had the willpower to find the right socks at 7 in the morning, he will - he is just an incompetent fool, trust me 😭😭 - gets late on the regular cause he always takes the wrong turn - the one "jock" who isn't anything like a stereotypical jock? like he hangs out with soon-to-be valedictorian nami, idiot luffy, theatre kid!ussop and cook!sanji - nobody can understand how this friend group was formed??? - actually gets asked out a decent amount of times and always says "nah, im good" and walks away to his friends - people are starting to suspect if he's dating luffy from how hard their bromance is going "zolo!!! gooDMORNING!!" luffy yells as he launches onto zoro in the middle of the hallway at 8:03 am on a random tuesday zoro casually drops his backpack to catch luffy "morning" zoro replies as if it's casual behaviour - the amount of trophies the school has in his name is insane (nation level martial artist, roronoa zoro) - he is actually decent at school, he is just average and he's fine by it he doesn't give all that much of a shit in the academic sphere - casually pulls up to the parents-teacher meet with thE FUCKING WORLD REKNOWNED MARTIAL ARTIST, DRACULE MIHAWK??? "i see he passed in all his exams. how wonderful, zoro. let's leave now." "aight" - he doesn't even think twice when asked if he knows mihawk, he's just like "yeah that's my dad what about him?" - a certified dumbass in every universe
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- listen to me this mf went to masterchef junior and fucking won and people only know this cause the school hyped him up and not because he wanted people to know "omg sanji did you actually win-" "no that was my twin brother sanjo, please leave me alone" - actually prim and properly dressed, shows up at time everyday and gives in all of his assignments and submissions well before the due date (he is partially responsible for keeping zoro and luffy on track) - he was the one making cupcakes when nami was organizing a fundraiser for a nearby orphanage, he was the one who baked cookies cause sabo wanted to hand them out on his last day of school, he was the one who baked cakes for his classmate's surprise birthday party - rumor has it if you get on good terms with sanji, a mysterious box of homemade chocolate will be there in your locker the next day - despite all the hype he has, mf still gets no girls - like luffy, he is insanely kind to those who need help - has gotten almost suspended once for beating up a senior year kid for bullying a freshmen (luffy and zoro just stood by and laughed as that kid got his ass handed to him) - he is the son of THE FUCKING OWNER OF BARATIE, A FIVE STAR MICHELLIN RESTAURANT THAT IS FREQUENTED BY CELEBRITIES ALL THE TIME "omg omg sanji is it true that the rock visited your restaurant last night?!" "yeah, his daughter wanted to eat my tiramisu, she's really sweet" - so chill always (but simultaneously losing his shit) - the kinda person you'd love hanging out with - as i said, in any universe, he is still single (feed him the rizz rizz fruit pls)
a/n: tried something new tell me do you like it or love it?
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anzulvr · 7 months
Hello how are you doing today. May I request a E class x reader who runs a gossip page on their class and even the teacher and just likes to start chaos. And know one suspect it them (🤫)
End class x Reader w a Gossip page // small karma-reader moment but can be seen as platonic too.
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This account has to be private because the main campus are ruthless, so you do that and follow only class 3E.
Then when everyone starts talking about it Korosensei feels left out and desperately wants to be follow-accepted by the account, he made an Instagram just for it.
His username would be something like @user73637287363828 cause he doesn’t know how to work the app. (Irina teaches him after a while)
They all reply to your posts in the stupidest ways, half of the time they’re beefing in the replies.
@Maehara_Hiroto: My ass looks flat in that angle
@410Ryoma: (reply to Maehara_Hiroto) it looks like that irl wdym?
@Maehara_Hiroto: fuck you.
Your posts vary from:
“Rio has a crush on someone in class 🤫”
to “Korosensei caught following Kayano and Nagisa home.”
“[Name] can’t stop watching Josh Hutcherson edits.”
You reply on your main account to again lower suspicion
@[your user] Neither can the rest of the world.
@n9kamura.rio: (reply to you) same honestly
@user73637287363828 (aka Koro): [Name] please focus on your class work, this morning you mistakenly wrote his name on your math work, this Josh Hutcherson man can wait.
@[your user] No he can’t.
@akabane_karma: (reply to you) but I can? I’ve been on delivered for 2 hours start typing.
At first they think it has to be a stalker, they go full seek mode
You won’t admit it because you cannot let Terasaka know you’re the one who posted the picture of him petting a stray cat.
Eventually they give up the stalker theory and start suspecting eachother.
“Alright who posted the picture of me getting my arm stuck in the vending machine??” Maehara is actually the biggest victim because he’s always doing stupid shit.
“Now that I think about it… Isogai you were the last person with me!”
“You know my phone was dead right? I told you- ‘hey I have to charge my phone’ and I turn around to see your hand jammed in the machine over a bag of Doritos.”
“…it was hot fries actually.”
You come clean at the end of the year but they got attached to the account and force you to continue :)
422 notes · View notes
fawnandshadows · 1 month
Guilty as Sin?
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For @elriel-month and the "New Beginnings" prompt
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 7.4k
“Have you met your new neighbor yet?” Cassian’s staticky voice crackled in Azriel’s ear, his phone held in place by his shoulder and ear as he furiously searched his apartment for his keys. 
“Not yet, just saw the back of her head once when she was closing her door.” Azriel said as he toppled the couch cushions and ran his fingers through the deep crevice on the side. “Where the fuck are my keys?” He muttered, his fingers trailing over long forgotten crumbs that had slid down the side of the cushion. “Were you eating Doritos last time you were here?”
“Uh,” Cassian’s voice caught in his throat. “What happens if I say yes?”
Azriel rolled his eyes and said, “Nothing other than supergluing a trash bag to you as a bib next time you’re over.” 
“Wasn’t me, man. Must’ve been Rhysie.” Cassian brushed him off. 
Azriel barely mustered a “hmmmm” in acknowledgment as he lowered himself to the ground to check underneath the couch, hoping to see the metallic glint of his keys and only seeing dust bunnies. 
“Anyway,” Cassian said in his ear, cutting out for a second before coming back in full volume. Since he had perpetual shitty service, Cassian felt the need to make up for it with shouting. “Your hot new neighbor, do you think you could give her my phone number? She was definitely making eyes at me last time I was there.” 
“Was she?” Azriel asked, barely paying attention as he hunted for his keys. He pushed himself off of the floor, his gaze scanning the open space. Where the hell had he put them? He came home dead tired from a shift last night and he remembered fumbling with them out in the hall — there had been a crash from his neighbors apartment that had distracted him, his head already pounding from the drinks he had with Cassian, and he remembered the sound of his keys hitting the ground — did he leave his keys in the hall?
“Are you listening to me?” Cassian asked, his voice sounding far away as Azriel headed towards his door, his duffle bag already there and waiting for him. 
“Of course,” Azriel said, opening the door and spotting his keys in a lump on the floor. “You want me to set you up with my hot neighbor.” He bent down, his fingers looping around his keys as he heard a high-pitched “Oh!” from across the hall. 
Azriel’s entire body stilled as he turned his head and saw the most beautiful wide brown eyes and flushed pink cheeks. 
He blinked at her. No wonder Cassian wanted him to give her his number. Fat-fucking-chance. 
“Hellloo?” Cassian asked in his ear like he was trying to wave his head in front of Azriel’s face. 
Azriel just hung up on him. 
“Sorry about that,” Azriel said, coming to his full height and shoving his phone in the back pocket of his jeans. “I – My friend – He saw you the other day and, um, he has a crush.” 
Those brown eyes blinked at him and kicking himself seemed like too kind a punishment. 
 He was two seconds away from blurting out “I can’t blame him” just to end the agony of silence, but his new neighbor must have had a merciful soul because she beat him to it. 
“I just wanted to introduce myself,” She said in the sweetest voice Azriel had ever heard and it wasn’t until then that he noticed she was holding out a pie. “Since I’ve been making so much racket I wanted to apologize.” 
“Don’t apologize,” Azriel said, his hand surprisingly steady as he reached for her peace-offering. “I’m not home enough to be bothered by it.” 
“Oh.” She said, looking down at her feet, her golden brown hair sweeping down around her. 
“I just mean that there’s nothing to apologize for,” Azriel rushed out, her eyes peering up at him and his heart started fucking racing. “I work down at the local fire station, so I’m used to chaos.” 
She bit her lip, her eyes dropping down to his muscled arms for a moment as she asked, “You’re a firefighter?” 
“Yeah,” Azriel said, sticking out his hand. “I’m Azriel.” 
“Elain,” She replied with a soft smile and placed her small hand in his. “It’s nice to meet you,” Azriel never wanted to let go. Her eyes flicked to the duffle bag on the floor behind him. “I don’t want to keep you.” She started to pull her hand away. 
“No worries,” Azriel said quickly. “I was just going to meet up with some friends at the gym. Do you want to come in?” Azriel nodded to his apartment behind him. “I make espresso that goes great with pie.”
Elain took her hand back. 
“Thank you for the offer,” Elain said with a small smile, taking a step back and reaching for the door knob to her apartment. Azriel felt his body screaming in response as she moved farther away from him. His eyes taking in the purple sundress she was wearing. “But my boyfriend is coming over soon.” 
Azriel’s body steeled at the words. Boyfriend?
“Boyfriend?” Azriel asked out loud and Elain nodded her head. 
“He’s coming over to see my new place.” 
“He didn’t help you with the move?” Azriel already hated him. For probably more reasons that he didn’t want to think about, but what loser didn’t help his girlfriend with a move? Did she move in all by herself? Now that he thought about it, other than a few people from a moving company he didn’t see anyone else moving her in.
She shook her head. 
“He was busy.” Elain said simply and Azriel hoped he kept his glower off of his face. 
“Well, if you need any help you can always knock on my door.” Azriel offered, forcing a smile and he was delighted when she gave him one in return.    
“Thank you,” Elain said, opening her door, and almost shutting it before she poked her head out. “And I love espresso.” 
Azriel stood in the hallway, staring at her door and holding the pie and wondering what the hell just happened. 
— — — — — 
“No, no, no,  you don’t understand, he was really pretty.” Elain said to her sister over the phone as she rushed around her apartment. 
“How pretty?” Feyre asked, her voice crackling from the poor cell service in Elain’s new building. 
“I-forgot-about-Graysen-pretty.” Elain said, adjusting the bouquet of spring flowers on her coffee table. Residual guilt gnawing at her bones. Her boyfriend of two years. She forgot about her boyfriend of two years because of a pretty face. And muscles. 
Something clattered on over the phone and Elain knew that her sister dropped a paint brush. 
“Oh my God.” Feyre said, stunned.
“I know!” Elain cried, repositioning the silverware for the tenth time. 
“Can you send me a picture?” Feyre asked. 
“Well, I don’t have one, but just imagine the most good looking man you can think of and then like double that. And imagine him as a firefighter.” Elain said and rushed across the apartment to stir her bolognese sauce. 
One interaction with Azriel and she was buzzing around her apartment not knowing what to do.
“I need to throw you a housewarming party just to see him.” Feyre said, laughing over the phone. 
“This isn’t funny!” Elain pouted, stirring her sauce. “I almost went in for espresso.” 
“You hate espresso.” Feyre said, and even though Elain couldn’t see her she knew her sister was smiling. 
“I know.” Elain replied with a sinking feeling and stifled a sigh. 
She couldn’t be friends with Azriel. He was too pretty. And by all accounts he was nice. She got the sense that he actually would help her if she needed it. That he wasn’t just saying that to be polite. 
For some reason she wanted to stomp her foot like a child. She had to practically beg Graysen to see her new place. 
“What are you going to do?” Feyre asked. 
“Nothing.” Elain said abruptly. 
“Elain,” Feyre said gently. “You called me just to talk about how pretty your neighbor is.” There was so much unspoken in Feyre’s voice that Elain felt the weight of it on her shoulders. 
“It doesn’t matter,” Elain said, forcing away the rush of emotions. “I’m with Graysen.” 
There was a moment of silence over the phone. 
“It’s not a crime that you find another man attractive, Elain.” Feyre said and Elain felt herself nodding along. 
“I know.” 
A knock sounded from the door. 
“I have to go, Graysen is here. I’ll talk to you later.” 
“Ok-love-you-bye!” Feyre rushed out before Elain hung up. 
— — — — — 
“I can’t believe you followed me home.” Azriel said, fishing around in his duffle bag to pull out his keys. 
The thump of Cassian bouncing a basketball beat steadily behind his back as Azriel unlocked his door. 
“I didn’t follow you home,” Cassian said and Azriel shot him a bland look over his shoulder. “We’re hanging out, it’s what friends do.” 
“And your being here has nothing to do with Elain?” Azriel asked, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at Cassian who had begun to spin the basketball on his index finger. 
“Of course not, I—”
The ball slipped from Cassian’s finger and flew across the hall, smashing against Elain’s door. How the ball managed to move perpendicularly through the air, Azriel never knew.
Half of Azriel wanted to rush into his apartment and slam the door to leave Cassian to his own humiliation, but the sound of a male voice behind Elain’s door made Azriel stay in place. 
Two seconds later they watched as the door swung open to reveal someone Azriel could only assume was The Boyfriend standing there with Elain peering out at them behind his shoulder. 
The Boyfriend…did not look happy as he took in Azriel and Cassian standing in the hallway. 
“Hi Azriel,” Elain said with a polite smile as she curiously looked at him. The eyes of The Boyfriend snapped to her and narrowed. “Is this yours?” She went to reach for the stray basketball, but The Boyfriend’s hands shot out and grabbed it first. 
“You should be more careful next time.” He said, holding the ball out to Azriel, his eyes weary and smile plastic as he sized Azriel up. 
“My bad,” Cassian said with a charming grin as he took the ball that Graysen was holding out after it became obvious that Azriel wasn’t going to. “Azriel has better control over his balls than I do,”  Cassian took a step back and slapped Azriel on the back, but when no one laughed he stuck his hand out toward Elain. “Cassian. Nice to meet you.” 
“Elain.” She replied kindly, her eyes flickering to Azriel as she accepted Cassian’s outstretched hand.
“I was on the phone with him this morning.” Azriel said and nodded towards Cassian, his lips twitching as Elain’s eyes widened. 
Everyone noticed the way her cheeks flushed and the way Cassian smiled hungrily. 
Elain sheepishly drew her hand back as she asked, “Are you a firefighter as well?” Her eyes dipped to his t-shirt which boasted the numbers of the local fire station. 
“You know it,” Cassian’s grin widened. “Someone’s got to rescue all those kitties trapped in trees.” 
Elain laughed at that, but The Boyfriend bristled. 
“We should get back to lunch.” The Boyfriend said with false cheer. 
“Of course,” Elain said, blinking. “It was nice to see you both.” She nodded at Azriel and Cassian. 
“I’m having some friends over next week,” Azriel rushed out as Elain was turning away. Her wide brown eyes curious as she looked at him over her shoulder. “Saturday. You should stop by.” 
“I’d love to —”
“We have plans.” The Boyfriend cut her off, and Azriel couldn’t stop himself from glaring at him. 
Elain’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she said, “But I asked if you wanted to get brunch and you mentioned a business lunch?” 
Azriel’s jaw hurt as he ground his teeth together. 
“We can head over once that’s wrapped up.” The Boyfriend said, his smile not budging from his lips. 
“Elain can come whenever she wants.” Azriel said, his voice not exactly dark, but full of meaning. Enough meaning that Elain’s cheeks turned ripened pink and The Boyfriend outright glared at him. 
Azriel didn’t back down from his stare, keeping his face completely neutral even though he knew Cassian was wearing a shit-eating grin next to him. 
“That’s very kind of you,” Elain muttered, tugging on her boyfriend's arm. “I’ll see you later?” She asked hesitantly, and Azriel nodded in confirmation. 
“It was nice meeting you!” Cassian called out as Elain was closing the door, but they managed to see the small smile on her lips before they were shut out. 
Azriel and Cassian stood in the hallway, Azriel looking at the door intensely while Cassian’s eyes flitted between the door and his friend. 
“Fuck that guy, right?” Cassian said. 
“Yeah,” Azriel nodded. “Fuck that guy.”
— — — — — — 
“And you haven’t seen him, right?” Graysen asked over the phone, his voice suspicious and casual in a way that made Elain roll her eyes. 
“Not even in passing.” Elain said, flipping over her pancakes. For some reason she was craving something sweet as soon as she woke up — she didn’t even bother changing out of Graysen’s old Wharton’s shirt and her boy shorts she slept in.  
“Good.” Graysen said, his relief evident over the phone. 
“I don’t know why you hate him so much.” Elain muttered, moving her pancakes off of the heat and getting ready to add more batter to the hot pan. 
“He was coming onto you right there in the hallway, right in front of me, and you weren’t exactly telling him to back off.” Graysen said irritably. 
“You’re exaggerating.” Elain said, but the creeping, gnawing feeling of guilt wormed its way underneath her skin. She might be able to lie to Graysen, but she couldn’t lie to herself. And the fact that she could lie to Graysen sent alarm bells blaring in her mind. 
“Yeah, well, don’t go over there on Saturday without me.” Graysen said in a way that made Elain bristle. 
“You don’t even know what time your lunch will be over,” Elain said, her voice hitting an unbecoming whine. “And I’m free all day, so why wouldn’t I go over?” 
“Because he wants to fuck you, Elain.” 
“He does not!” Elain roared over the phone, her cheeks burning as she angrily flipped her pancakes. “And besides, there will be lots of people over there so it’s not like we’ll be alone. And after years of dating I’ve given you zero reasons not to trust me.” 
Graysen sighed into her ear. 
“I’m sorry,” He apologized and Elain felt slightly mollified. “I just don’t like that he lives across from you.” 
“You have nothing to worry about.” Elain said in resignation, but she wondered if she had the willpower to push Azriel away if he made a move on her. 
“I know.” Graysen said, but Elain could tell he didn’t quite believe the words. 
She opened her mouth to speak, but a knock sounded from the door. 
“I should go,” Elain said, taking the pancakes off a little too soon so they wouldn’t burn. “My breakfast is ready.” She didn’t tell Graysen about the knock, having a sneaking suspicion it was Azriel on the opposite side of the door. 
“Enjoy, baby.” 
“Thanks.” Elain said, hanging up before her guilt could consume her. 
She rushed across the hardwood floor, completely forgetting the fact that she was in her underwear, and opened the door a crack to see Azriel on the opposite side of the door. 
“Hi.” Elain said breathlessly, taking in his wet hair and clean scent and gray sweatpants. His white t-shirt clung to his torso in a way Elain shouldn’t have noticed. 
“Hey,” Azriel said in a low voice, his face touched with kindness. “I was wondering if I could borrow some sugar?” He held out an empty measuring up. 
“Oh,” Elain said in surprise. “Of course, come in.” She opened the door wider and stepped aside. 
As soon as Azriel clocked what she was wearing his eyes darkened and he visibly swallowed. 
“Sorry to interrupt.” Azriel said, his voice slightly scratchy.
Elain shook her head, her golden curls moving with her head, and said, “You’re not interrupting. I’m just making some breakfast…I always make too much…do you want some?” She nodded to the plate of towering pancakes. 
“If you don’t mind.” Azriel said, a small smile winding on his lips. 
“Of course not,” Elain said, gliding back to the kitchen in a rush. “Please have a seat.” She motioned towards the table without looking at it. 
She piled four pancakes on top of each other with little pads of butter between them and drizzled a generous amount of maple syrup on top before placing it in front of Azriel. 
“Coffee?” She asked and as soon as Azriel nodded his head, she filled up a mug and got out the half-and-half and set it down on the table.
“Did I forget anything?” Elain asked, looking around. “Oh! Do you like blueberries?” She was about to take off again when Azriel’s warm hand clasped around her wrist. 
“Elain,” He said gently and Elain felt herself melt. His hazel eyes were amused and kind as they captured her attention. “I don’t mind, but you might want to put some pants on.” His eyes flickered down to her legs before he forcefully pulled them away. 
“Oh,” Her eyes widened. “Oh! I’m so sorry! Excuse me!” Elain scampered off to grab the first article of clothing she could find - her well loved plaid pajama shorts. “Please just ignore the last three minutes!” 
Her cheeks were pink as she made her way back into the common area, but even though she should be dying of humiliation since she was walking around pantless in front of someone she’d talked to for a collective ten minutes — she had a feeling this story would be re-told with charm rather than embarrassment. 
“You’re not eating,” She stated when she returned to the table, her brows coming together. “Is something wrong?” 
“I’m just waiting for you.” Azriel said with an easy grin. 
Her heart stopped as if it understood his words and didn’t quite believe it. 
He was waiting for her. How many times had she made a meal for Graysen and he just started without her? 
“I’m sorry,” Elain muttered, averting her eyes. “I didn’t mean to keep you waiting.” She quickly gathered her own pancakes and coffee and sat next to Azriel — well adjacent to Azriel since she sat at the head of the table and Azriel was directly to her right. 
“Don’t apologize,” Azriel said, leaning forward to place a warm hand on her bare knee. “I’m just trying to be polite.” 
Her eyes locked on his brown hand on her pale thigh. Little scars scattered the length of his skin to create something beautiful, but she was taken by the mere size of his hand and the way it emitted warmth. 
“Sorry.” Azriel quickly took his hand back as if she burned him. “I know they can freak people out.” His cheeks were red as he cut into the fluffy pancakes with his fork, little puffs of steam floated through the air as he took a bite. “Delicious pancakes, thank you.” Azriel said as he dug back into his breakfast. 
“No,” Elain said belatedly and Azriel looked at her in confusion. “I was thinking about how large your hands are,” She held up her own hand, palm facing him and wiggling her fingers. “My sisters always made fun of how small my hands are. See?” 
Azriel blinked at her. 
“Your hands are perfect.” Azriel declared and Elain blushed. 
“Well, so are yours, but that doesn’t mean mine aren’t freakishly small.” 
Azriel snorted at her. 
“They’re not freakishly small, they’re just…small.” Azriel said, smiling and Elain rolled her eyes in affection. 
“Let me see yours.” She motioned for him to lift his hand up and he slowly, almost sheepishly, exposed his scarred and calloused palm to her. Elain laid her palm directly against his, indulging in the feel of his hand. The warmth. The strength. She tried to not think about his hands gripping her hips, or his fingers writing on her body. She really tried not to think about that. 
“Hmmm.” Elain hummed as she took in the size difference of their hands. Her fingers barely touching his and his palm noticeably larger than hers. “I can’t tell if my hand is freakishly small or if yours is freakishly big.” She half-heartedly joked. 
“I don’t know, I think they fit pretty perfectly together.” Azriel said almost thickly, and Elain tore her gaze away from their hands to see him intensely staring at her. 
“Me too,” Elain said, slowly — begrudgingly — taking her hand back and using it to pick up her fork to stop herself from reaching for him again. “I can reach the bottom of the Pringles can and you can open any jar. We’re a match made in heaven.” 
Azriel slowly smiled at her. 
“I’d have to agree.” He turned back to his breakfast, smiling into his next bite. 
Conversation flowed easily after that. They talked about how Elain worked with a local florist and would love to open up her own shop one day and how she’d also worked on her social media brand online, which explained her odd working hours. Azriel talked about how he had known Cassian since they were children and that she’d meet their other friend Rhysand on Saturday — and he even mentioned the fact that Rhysand convinced his family to take Azriel and Cassian in at a young age and how the three of them were closer than brothers. Elain mentioned her two sisters, whom she loved more than life itself, so Azriel extended them an invitation to his gathering on Saturday which caused Elain’s world to instantly brighten. 
“Thank you again,” Elain said as they stood by her door hours later, her hands clasped behind her back as she peered up at Azriel. “I’m sure my sisters are going to be thrilled. We never get to do anything together anymore.” 
Azriel’s dark brows pulled together. 
“Why’s that?” He asked. 
“Graysen doesn’t really like them,” Elain explained and Azriel couldn’t stop the scowl on his face. “Anyway,” Elain pushed on before he could comment. “Thanks again for stopping by.” 
Azriel raised a brow at her and said, “I ate most of your breakfast and you’re thanking me?” It’s true. Azriel went back for seconds. And thirds. But Elain smiled as she watched him enjoy her food. 
“You saved me from leftovers. I have bad habits when it comes to breakfast food. I love it too much.” 
“Yeah,” Azriel said, leaning in conspiratorially, “I’m like that with baked goods.” 
Elain grinned widely at him. 
“Those are my specialty…I’ll have to bring something on Saturday.” She bit her lip to try and stifle her smile. 
“I can’t wait.” Azriel said, grinning. 
They stood there grinning at each other, neither one of them moving to open the door. Both of them ignoring the still-empty measuring cup that Azriel had brought over. 
“I meant what I said the other day,” Azriel said, tilting his head at her. “You can come over to my place any time.” 
“I am curious to see what it looks like.” Elain admitted. 
“You can come over now. I —” An alarm bursted through the air, coming from the phone tucked inside of his back pocket. Azriel sighed, his body deflating. “My shift starts in 40 minutes.” 
Elain couldn’t stop the wave of disappointment that swam through her. 
“Some other time than.” She mumbled. 
“Some other time,” Azriel agreed and pressed his lips into her soft, plump cheek before he could stop himself. “I’ll see you later, Elain.” He said, his breath tickling her overly-sensitive skin. 
“Bye.” Elain said breathlessly, watching him leave with wide eyes. 
She swayed for a moment in place before she fell against the door. 
— — — — 
“Are you sure about this?” Feyre asked, using her nail to clean up her lipstick in the mirror. 
Elain’s entire bathroom was covered in beauty products as she and her sisters got ready to go over to Azriel’s place. Even though it was casual and there was no need for them to spend so much time on hair and make up…but the Archeron sisters liked to look good, and they liked getting ready together. Some of Elain’s most favorite memories involved them getting ready together, whether it was for prom or just to go shopping. It was when they felt the most like sisters. 
“Of course.” Elain said, careful not to look at Feyre or Nesta because they could easily see right through her. 
“Twenty bucks says Elain gets laid by the hot fireman by the end of the week.” Nesta said slyly, carefully coating her eyelashes in mascara. The black striking against her blue eyes. It took everything in Elain not to hip check her. 
“Stop it!” Elain cried, but fighting a smile as she did it. 
“How many times have you done it in your head?” Feyre asked with a cat-like grin as she fluffed her golden brown hair. 
Elain pursed her lips together, not willing to give either of them the satisfaction of knowing that Elain had pictured her and Azriel together in vivid, graphic detail. She simply ignored them and reached for her favorite perfume. 
“A-ha!” Nesta exclaimed, sticking the mascara wand out at her sister. “That’s sex perfume!” 
“It is not!” Elain laughed as she sprayed her neck. And hair. And wrists. “I just felt like this one today.” She brushed off the fact that it was her most seductive scent. 
“Mmhmm,” Feyre sounded, not hiding her smile. “And then explain the sundress?” 
“And the fuck-me-heels?” Nesta added on. 
Her sisters smiled knowingly, almost smugly, at her. 
Elain opened her mouth and closed it again, feeling oddly like a fish. 
“I just want to look nice, is that a crime? And these are hardly fuck-me-heels.” Elain said and looked down at the shoes in question. “They’re wedges, so they’re casual.” 
“Your nails are painted red,” Nesta said with a devious grin. “And they have straps, so you know your hot fireman will think about undoing them.” 
“Please.” Elain tried to scoff and push the thought out of the room. 
“She has a point,” Feyre said, nudging Elain gently with her elbow. “But it’s nice to see you all dressed up.” 
“And you’re due to a good fucking,” Nesta said, finally capping the mascara. Elain started to protest but her sister continued. “Are there going to be other hot firemen at this thing?” 
“Probably.” Elain said with a smile. 
The sisters made their way towards the door, all of them looking beautiful in their own right. Elain wore a flower-yellow sundress which she thought made her look tan and emphasized her brown eyes. Feyre was beautiful in her denim skirt and loose cream sweater. And Nesta was stunning in tight black jeans and sleek black top. Even though they goofed on Elain for her “fuck-me-heels” she chouldn’t help but notice Feyre and Nesta also wore heels. She smiled fondly as she shut the door behind them and went over to knock on Azriel’s door. 
They waited all of three seconds before the door swung open and they were greeted by an exceedingly beautiful man. One that wasn’t Azriel. Or even Cassian. 
His violet eyes looked at her knowingly before breezing past her and locking onto her sister. His grin grew as keen interest sharpened in his eyes. A crisp, white button down — which seemed it was perfectly tailored to his body — was tucked into jeans, and Elain was certain his outfit cost a small fortune. 
“Hi,” Elain said, forcing herself to speak up. “I’m Elain — I live across the hall. Azriel invited us over.” 
At the mention of her name, Violet Eyes snapped his attention back onto her. 
“I’ve heard so much about you,” He said in an amused voice and stuck his hand out to her. “I’m Rhysand. Azriel will be pleased that you’re here,” Rhysand leaned in close, and Elain could feel Feyre leaning forwards as well, wanting to be included, while Nesta just stood back and observed. “You know he threw this entire party for you.” 
“Hey, don’t fuck with her,” Azriel's familiar voice floated through the air, and Rhysand’s grin had a wicked quality as he moved out of the way to let Azriel in. “And it’s not a party.” 
Rhysand rolled his eyes. 
Elain felt breathless as Azriel’s hazel eyes trailed up and down her body, his eyes catching on the part of her leg that touched the hem of her sundress. 
“Hi.” Elain said softly as her eyes connected with Azriel’s. 
A slow grin unfurled on Azriel’s lips. 
“Hi.” Azriel replied, his eyes heady and smoldering. 
Nesta gave a not-so-subtle clearing of her throat. 
“These are my sisters,” Elain rushed out, her cheeks flaming. “Nesta,” Elain nodded her head. “And Feyre.” 
“Come in,” Azriel said, sticking his hand out to Nesta and Feyre. “Nice to meet you both.”  
They all found themselves crammed into the entry of Azriel’s apartment, with Elain pressed against Azriel’s side. She could feel his muscles through the thin cotton of her dress and his hand naturally settled on her hip. 
“Do you guys want a drink?” Azriel asked, his mouth close to her ear. “We’ve got beer, wine, and something Cassian made called ‘jungle juice’ which Rhys and I haven’t been brave enough to try.”
Nesta let out an amused scoff. 
“Is this a frat party?” Nesta asked, a hair too mockingly, but after certain looks from Feyre and Elain, Nesta shrugged and said, “I like frat parties. It’s the only place we can do body shots in public.” 
Rhysand and Azriel both chuckled at that and shared a look. 
“Come inside.” Azriel said, gently pushing Elain by the small of her back. 
It thrilled her to be touched by him and the fact that it felt so natural and comfortable almost squashed the hair of guilt she felt worming inside of her. 
Azriel wasted no time getting her alone — she barely counted the number of people that filled his living room before he got her into the kitchen which was overflowing with coolers and snack foods. 
“We’re grilling burgers and hot dogs later, but I have some chicken if you’d prefer that — there’s not enough for everyone, but I can grill it just for you. Or Mor brought some pasta salad and I think there’s humus out there if you don’t eat meat. You do —” 
“I’ve never heard Azriel talk this much in my life.” Cassian’s familiar voice came from behind Azriel’s irritated form. 
Cassian joined them and slapped Azriel on the back. 
“Elain, you’re looking stunning as ever.” Cassian said with a smile. Elain could tell that whatever interest he may have had in her fizzled out (thankfully) and he only flirted with her to get a reaction out of Azriel. 
“Thanks Cassian.” 
“Can we help you?” Azriel asked him irritably, and Elain was entirely too affected by the fact that he wanted to have her completely alone. 
“Just getting Nesta some of my famous punch.” Cassian said, entirely too flippantly. Elain had only known him for a short amount of time, but “flip” and “Cassian” didn’t mesh together. 
Azriel grinned at that, his annoyance bleeding away. 
“Trying to get her drunk already?” Azriel teased and Cassian cheeks turned pink. 
“Dude,” Cassian started, looking at Azriel with wide eyes as he grabbed a red plastic cup. “She actually dared me to do a shot off of her —” Azriel kicked him and nodded his head towards Elain. Cassian shot her a pained look. “Sorry Lainy.” 
Elain waved him off and said, “My selective hearing is one of my best qualities.” 
Cassian grinned at her, but Azriel took a step closer to her and leaned against the counter and Elain felt herself being pulled into his side by some magnetic force. Cassian kept talking, but Elain wasn’t entirely sure what about because she kept imagining Azriel putting his arm over her shoulder — and was her mind playing tricks on her, or was he gripping the counter to stop from reaching for her. If he did put his arm around her shoulder, then would he pull her in close? Would he massage the back of her neck or place his fingers in her hair? He was so close that Elain could smell his aftershave and Elain fought herself from taking a long, deep inhale. 
Suddenly, Elain was hit by the weight of her crush. 
She felt like she was back in high school with the giddy butterflies swarming her stomach. 
“So what does she like?” Cassian’s voice finally broke through, or maybe it was the fact that Azriel kindly nudged her with his elbow. 
“Huh?” Elain asked, a bit dazed from where her thoughts were taking her. 
Cassian grinned at her, as if knowing exactly what she was thinking. 
“Nesta,” Cassian confirmed, not commenting on how spacey Elain was being. “What does she like?” 
Elain thought for a second, tossing and turning ideas over in her mind. 
“Her bark is worse than her bite,” Elain said softly. “And she can be a bit prickly if someone gets too close, but she really just wants someone to like her for who she is. Someone that doesn't back down. And someone who makes her laugh.” 
Cassian nodded, a drink in each hand, and Elain knew he was taking what she said to heart. 
“Thanks,” Cassian said with a kind smile — which quickly turned more devious. “I’ll get of your hair before Azriel kills me like I know he wants to. He was so cute, planning this thing all week and getting pissy when we called it a ‘party’ and —” 
“Alright,” Azriel said, pushing off of the counter and steering Cassian out of the kitchen with by his shoulders “Time to fuck off.” 
Cassian threw his head back in a laugh, his curls flying, but he didn’t put up a fight as Azriel forced him out of the room. 
When they were alone again Azriel finally turned around to face her and Elain couldn’t stop the smile that bloomed on her lips. 
“I have a question,” Elain said as Azriel made his way back to her, his strong arms crossed over his chest. “Did you really do this for me?” Elain asked, her voice slightly too breathy. 
Azriel moved in closer. 
His nose just a hair's breadth away from her. 
“Elain, I’ve lived here for four years and never had more than four other people here at a time, but now I’ve called every friend of a friend I could think of just as a cover so no one would think twice about me inviting the beautiful girl next door into my place. I even have a fucking beyond burger on deck just incase you don’t eat meat. Cassian had to talk me out of buying flowers for tonight but…” Elain couldn’t breathe. Azriel took a step away from her and opened the fridge and Elain saw a beautiful bouquet of tulips. “But Rhysand said to just give them to you tomorrow.” 
“You got me tulips?” Elain asked, the air in the room turned hot and humid and thick.
“You said they were your favorite.” Azriel said, looking slightly confused. 
“And you remembered.” Elain felt her face crumbling. 
Graysen always got her roses. She was always grateful because it was a nice gesture, but she told herself that it was nice enough to get flowers and she shouldn’t be so picky…but it had taken Azriel an entire week to get her a bouquet of her favorite flowers. It wasn’t asking for too much to want something, and in all of two seconds Elain realized just how little she had been settling for. 
“I just thought you’d like them.” Azriel shrugged and brushed a stray wavy lock out of his face. 
“I love them. I —” She was about to say that she was going to break up with Graysen. Because she was going to at the first chance she got. She was tired of settling for the merest hint of attention and every scrap of affection that he bothered to throw at her. And it was so incredibly important to her that Azriel know that she’s going to end her relationship. 
Invisible ice slid down her back as she looked behind Azriel to see Graysen standing in the doorway, his eyes bouncing back between Elain and Azriel. An accusatory look in his eyes, one that wasn’t unfounded, but was thankfully left unspoken. 
Azriel simply nodded to Graysen and closed the refrigerator door. 
“Hey,” Graysen said to Azriel and walked over to Elain, interlocking his fingers with hers. “Thanks for inviting us.” 
Azriel leaned against the closed refrigerator door and crossed his arms. 
Elain wondered if this was something to cry about. 
— — — — 
She had no idea how she made it through the party, but she did. A broken heart heavy in her chest as she smiled her way through polite conversation — she felt awful watching Graysen chat and talk and be friendly knowing she was going to end what was between them. Every time he locked eyes with her he looked a bit confused and he asked if she wanted to leave about three times, but she kept saying no, not wanting to cause any type of suspicion. 
They didn’t leave until almost midnight, and even then there were still people loafing around, but she had completely lost track of Feyre and Nesta. Azriel was backed into a corner by some blonde and Elain avoided the way he was desperately trying to seek her eyes as she left. 
As soon as Elain closed the door to her apartment she watched as Graysen flopped onto her couch and kicked his feet onto the coffee table. 
“Thank fuck that’s over.” Graysen groaned, letting his head fall back onto the couch. 
“Graysen.” Elain said, unable to keep the crack out of her voice. 
His body tensed as he opened his eyes, and Elain knew that he knew. 
He sat up and placed his feet firmly on the ground and clasped his hands together between his knees. 
“Did you fuck him?” Graysen asked, a quiet anger in his voice. 
“No,” Elain said emphatically, walking over to him. “Of course not?” 
“But you thought about it?” Graysen asked, his voice tight like a spring wound too far. 
“I —” Elain couldn’t bring herself to lie about it, she just stood there with her hands limply at her sides. 
“Fuck.” Graysen exclaimed, launching the vase of flowers on the table across the room with the flat of his hand. 
Elain couldn’t help the shriek that escaped her — out of surprise more than anything else. 
“I knew from the way he fucking looked at you, and the way you looked at him…I haven’t seen that look in your eyes since…well, since you looked at me for the first time.” Graysen sounded hurt and defeated and angry and Elain felt about two inches tall. 
A heavy thumping came from her door followed quickly by Azriel’s voice calling out for her name. 
“Great,” Graysen said, standing and gripping his hair. “Fucking great we can’t even break up without him being here.” 
Graysen took a step towards the door, but Elain held out a hand to stop him and rushed towards the door in case he made a charge for it. 
Elain cracked open the door to see a worried and concerned Azriel. 
“Are you ok?” Azriel asked, his eyes looking her over from top to bottom to make sure she wasn’t harmed. “I heard you scream.” 
“I’m fine,” Elain assured him and forced a smile. “Just, um, surprised. But I’m ok. I promise.” 
Azriel’s intense hazel eyes looked behind her, zeroing in on Graysen, and Elain watched as a dark cloud descended on his face. 
“We’ll talk tomorrow?” Azriel asked and Elain nodded, quickly shutting the door. 
Elain turned around and rested her back against the door. 
“At least you’ll be in good hands.” Graysen said bitterly, walking towards the door. 
“Grayen,” Elain pleaded, staring up at him. “Don’t end it like this.” 
He smiled cruelly at her and said, “You’re the one that ended it.” 
He didn’t push her out of the way necessarily, but he definitely pushed past her. 
For some reason, Elain followed him into the hall, it seemed like the polite thing to do. Like she was sad to see him go — and she was sad. She wasn’t sure if she was sad Graysen was leaving or sad that she spent so much of her life with him and now he was going to be nothing more than a memory. 
“Oh great, you’re here,” Graysen said, almost laughing in absurdity. “Of course you’re still here.” 
Azriel’s eyes didn’t move from Graysen, carefully tracking his every move. 
“You didn’t have to stay.” Elain said, melting a bit at the gesture. 
“I wanted to.” Azriel said, his face and voice utterly neutral, making it clear that he didn't want to escalate anything. 
Elain watched the muscle popping in Graysen’s jaw, and he took one step at Azriel before turning and storming down the hall. 
“She’s not worth it.” Graysen muttered before turning the corner. 
Elain and Azriel stood in a heavy silence, broken only by two drunken party goers leaving Azriel’s apartment and he nodded goodbye to them as they stumbled down the hallway. 
“We broke up,” Elain blurted out as soon as they were alone again. “I broke up with him,” Azriel nodded, his eyes wide as he processed what Elain said. More drunken revelry was happening in Azriel’s apartment and before they could be interrupted again Elain motioned to her apartment. “Want to come in?”
Azriel nodded and followed her inside. His eyes immediately took in the broken glass, water, and limp flowers on the floor. 
“The scream?” Azriel asked with a raised eyebrow and Elain nodded shyly. 
“I was surprised.” Elain said, about to spring into action to clean up the mess, but Azriel was already kneeling down and picking up the shards of glass. 
“Don’t cut yourself,” Elain rushed around getting the dustpan and trashcan before kneeling next to him. “You don’t have to do this, Azriel.” 
She swept up some of the glittering pieces of glass and Azriel dumped a handful of them in the trash can. 
“I want to help you, Elain,” Azriel said meaningfully, and Elain felt two hot, salty tears slide down her face. “In any way I can.”
“Thank you,” Elain said, clearing her throat and clearing it again because somehow it became harder to breathe. “Thanks.” 
“You don’t have to thank me, Elain.” Azriel said softly, picking up the last few large pieces of glass. After a quiet pause he softly asked, “What happened?” 
Elain couldn’t look him in the eyes as she wondered how to answer him. 
“You,” She said as she swept a sad-looking rose into the dustpan. “Your tulips. I just — I realized how much our relationship was over, you know? How empty it actually was. I just couldn’t pretend anymore.” 
Elain swept up the last of the damage before finally looking Azriel in the eye. 
“You remembered I liked tulips,” Elain said with a shrug. “He never did.” 
“He’s a fucking idiot.” Azriel said gruffly. 
Elain shrugged and was about to say something in response — she wasn’t sure what, but somebody hollered for Azriel out in the hall. 
“Are you ok?” Azriel asked, standing. Outstretching a hand to Elain to help her stand. 
“I’ll be fine.” Elain said, forcing a smile. A smile that melted into a very real one before Azriel placed a kiss on the back of her hand. 
Azriel’s name was called again and he begrudgingly left her apartment. 
Elain took a shower and tried not to think too much about what the hell happened, and listened to music that both helped her wallow in her sadness and made her feel a little less alone and eventually she managed to fall asleep. Before she slipped into her dreams she remembered the plate of cookies she made especially for Azriel, wanting to hold off until the party was over to give them to him. 
When she woke up the next morning, it was to Azriel knocking at her door holding a bouquet of tulips and a little shot of espresso. 
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