#man loves Ro more than his wife
thesamoanqueen · 1 year
Jey screaming 'JOE' in the middle of chaos will haunt me forever
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symbioticsimplicity · 6 months
Imagine if you will, Alastor, pettiest man in Hell once again choosing to lean into a relationship he DOES NOT have just to piss off a Morningstar.
But this time its Lilith.
When she shows back up, he is suddenly ALL OVER Lucifer. He might hate Luci but he hates Lilith more so he's going to make it very clear that he's closer ro her beloved than she is right now.
And he DOES pay attention so suddenly Lucifer is confronted by just like. An amount of care he hasn't felt in years. Alastor knows how he takes his coffee, the signs of him being overstimulated, his favorite song, and how he likes to unwind. And he makes sure to pamper him by taking care of all of it before he could ask, even if he would never.
And Lucifer isn't *stupid* he KNOWS there's ulterior motives but its also so nice??? Apparently Alastor can be downright lovely when given a reason to be?? Suddenly he understands why Charlie was so eager to look past his flaws, and accept his disingenuous affection. Man doesn't do SHIT by halves so it *feels* real.
Cue Alastor selling himself Luci and Charlie as one big happy family like its his *job*.
Lilith is none percent pleased by this but if she disciplines him she'll be showing her hand AND hurting her husband and daughter. The bastard put himself in the perfect spot.
Which leaves Lucifer desperately trying not to catch feelings while also trying to reconcile with his estranged wife, questioning if he even really wants to. Charlie just wants her parents to be happy but is also kind of pleased to see Alastor and her Dad getting along? Not that she doesn't want her parents back together, but Alastor is treating her Dad like...really well?
Alastor is having the time if his afterlife. If he'd known how much fun it was to be a homewrecker he would have done this years ago.
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abbyfmc · 24 days
Plot idea #8 (i think)
A yandere husband or boyfriend during his beloved's pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care.
●He will always be watching you. From what you eat, to the people you interact with, if he even let you talk to other people.
●He will always do his best to make you comfortable.
●He would only let you out for medical appointments. He wants to see that both you and your child are okay, regardless of things like gender.
●He would watch your belly grow and being an overprotective yandere, he wouldn't let you make any efforts.
●They say some pregnant women have weird cravings, so if that's the case for you, he'll make sure to fulfill them to keep you happy.
●He will thoroughly inspect ALL gifts you are given, or ALL things you buy.
●His views on abortion… it depends. He would not agree to do it unless: (1) The fetus is in serious trouble; (2) Both the fetus's life and yours are in serious danger; (3) Someone else has abused you.
●Nor will it force you to have an abortion if you don't want to.
●He will make sure you eat and rest well. He will not want you or his children to suffer.
●He will shower you with pampering, but he won't let anyone else do it.
●Not to mention he would gently caress your belly, and talk to your child calmly.
2. Labor:
*Natural birth:
●At this point, you may be about 7, 8, or 9 months pregnant.
●It's quite painful, and he knows it. You knew it too, even though you tried not to think of terrible birth scenarios, and he made sure you were calm as much as possible before "that" day.
●He would be quite careful with the information you seek from the Internet, as well as from acquaintances and family (if he still lets you see them), so his surveillance increases by a thousand.
●When the time comes and you start feeling the classic pain and contractions, he is not going to wait for an ambulance.
●He would also be nervous, not to mention terrified of losing you, the baby, or both in the worst case scenario.
●He'll want to be with you at all times, but there are some hospitals that won't let the man into the delivery room (either by order of the wife or because of hospital policy), so his presence at the birth… depends.
●If he can't get in: He would be very nervous in the waiting room, only being able to hear your screams of pain and cries, at least until he gets to hear that baby's cry.
●Or maybe he'll faint from nervousness.
●If he can get in: He will try to cheer you up, although he will feel helpless at not being able to do anything more than that to take away your pain.
●At the end of it all, when the baby is born, they will be relieved that you are okay, they will come into the room to clean you up, they will bring your child to you, etc.
*Cesarean delivery:
●In this case, the appointment will already have been scheduled. He will be impatient and nervous just like you.
●When you enter the operating room, he will wait patiently in the waiting room, although inside he will be restless and somewhat scared for you.
●When this is all over, he'll be watching over you and the baby in the room, and maybe he'll drop his yandere behavior when he sees a nurse helping you.
●She will take care of you in the hospital, even helping you with the baby so you can get some rest.
●Once the anesthesia wears off, he or she will try to soothe your pain as much as possible.
●Of course he must have been scared, because he really thought he almost lost you.
●But on the other hand, he will be very happy that you are finally not only his, but that you have also given him a child. A sign of love.
●And being a yandere, he'll barely let your parents (or his) visit you and the baby.
●He won't let you do almost anything on your own; he'll help you sit, lie down, stand, eat, walk, carry your child, feed him, etc.
●Even when you sleep he will watch you both.
3. Postpartum:
●He would drive home from the hospital.
●Beforehand, he will have made sure to have EVERYTHING ready to welcome your baby home, especially the room.
●He will help you with your child's care and personal care, as he doesn't want you to lift a single finger.
●If the baby wakes up at night, he would be able to go and calm him down, change his diaper, etc. He would only wake you up to feed him.
●He would avoid any method of stress, from physical exertion to people he considers to be a nuisance to you.
●He would block calls from your work, annoying relatives, etc…; not to mention that he would barely allow visits from his parents (your in-laws) or your parents.
●He would constantly tell you how proud he is that you are his and that you have formed a family together; although he would say it with the classic yandere obsession.
●And of course he would adore his son, since he considers him to be a smaller version of both of you. He will admire the resemblance he has to you, even if it is very slight.
●He will help you with cleaning, cooking and everything in general.
●He would be capable of killing for your well-being and that of the baby. He would even kill as long as both of you are strictly protected.
-The End.
What do you think about it?
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aoaaaoth-if · 1 year
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Adventures of Aphrodite: an Affair of the Heart™
You are Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, the bad bitch every instagram girlie aspires to be, the flawless independent queen who don't need no filters. 
You are the ultimate trophy wife, but who do you truly belong to?
Play as a very attractive lady, because who wants to be ugli in the year of our lord 2023, amiright?
Experience firsthand what it means to be pretty, have your godtier looks be praised, your moisturized skin be acknowledged. Not like any other IF will ever offer you this. 
Customize your character to hell and back, be as detailed and precise as you wish, truly PANTONE® Colour Chart's the limit. Obviously none of it will be mentioned in the game, but what else is new.
Live, laugh, love your best hoe life... or die trying. Gotta shoehorn those skill checks somehow.
Immerse yourself in the world of Ancient Greece that has the historical accuracy of a 5 minute wikipage read, because research is hard.
-----------------THE PLOT:
Idk, who cares about plot it's all about the romance options anyway.
-----------------THE ROS:
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(The image depicts ugliman)
The god of blacksmiths, metalworking, carpente- frankly, who cares. The important bit is that he's your husband. Your pesky husband. And he ain't even hot. How's a girl to hoe in such conditions? 
Well perhaps it's time to reevaluate your life choices and settle for a hardworking trustworthy man instead of chasing bdsm fantasies with shady men like you're the protagonist of a bad erotica book. Pursuing red flags is cute, but you're no longer 18. Learn to make good decisions with this wholesome man who'll treat you right, lord knows some of you need it.
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(The image depicts angriman)
Being married is all nice and well, but is your marriage even real if you don't cheat? And who's a better candidate for a lover than the god of war and courage himself. The pinacle of brutality, the alpha man of your dreams, the undisputed 'TOP G'.
His violent outbursts may be concerning and his crippling jealousy slightly questionable but is that really going to deter you from pursuing this hunk? After all, if those aren't signs of true love then what are?
Put your rose-tinted glasses and 'i can fix him' badge on, it's time to go digging for the mushy center of this bad boi.
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(The image depicts uwuman)
Hooking up with gods is all well and good, but the never ending drama of the Olympus gods gets old fast. Sometimes a palette cleanser is needed, but you won't settle for just any unwashed peasant. Even your magnanimous generosity has limits.
Fortunately for you, one individual stands out among the rest: Adonis.
Commit to this otherwise unremarkable specimen and prove to the world you haven't lost the common touch. Includes obligatory Poly with Persephone, because sharing is caring. 
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The token woman RO, She's a woman, what more do you need to know? 
____________________________ DEMO: TBA (but like, let's be real, it never will.. has following 23092 nodemo blogs taught you nothing?) Pls like, reblog, follow and send asks, every Friday there will be a new RO reveal!
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brightest-stars-if · 4 months
hello! ofc egalitarian fantasy stories are also great but i like that the world you've created treats a male Lux and a female Lux differently. i was wondering how same-sex relationships are looked upon in the story, since i noticed our MC is only betrothed to Lux if they're of the opposite gender. regardless this story seems great and can't wait to read more! 💕
I'm always a sucker for gender-flippable ROs whose characters are tweaked by the flip, so I definitely wanted to include that with Lux! Glad you like it, anon.
As for views on homosexuality in Taras, they aren't necessarily negative, but they also aren't great either. People can be open about it in many cases, but Taras is certainly no bastion of gay rights.
Male same-sex relationships aren’t necessarily viewed through a homophobic lens. Men can love each other but there’s some stigmatization over who the "woman" is for lack of a better term. It’s more misogyny than straight-up homophobia. Despite gay and bi men of status still being expected to marry and father children, the relationships they have with other man are recognized and respected.
Female same-sex relationships are also recognized. There isn't as much vitriol toward a woman in a same-sex relationship compared to a man who is perceived to be the "feminine" one in a male same-sex relationship. On the other hand, they're deemed to be less inherently serious than other relationships. It's not rare for people to think girls will simply "grow out of it" once they reach womanhood. A man who catches his wife with another man might fly into a rage. If he catches his wife with a woman, he might not care at all. Or, if he is displeased, there's a good chance it won't invoke the same level of wrath as a male lover would have. Women are also expected to marry and have children.
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kandisheek · 2 months
Cap-Ironman Rec Week 2024
Time Travel Tuesday: July 23rd
Prompt: Rec all those great fanworks where Tony or Steve (or Tony and Steve) travel to the past or the future or to an alternate past or future and discover unexpected realities and new truths!
I absolutely love this trope! And we are truly blessed in this fandom to have so many fantastic authors tackling it. Here is a very small selection of my favorite time-travel / timey-wimey-shenanigan fics:
-- And Has Time Enough by wanttobeatree
Tony asks if they have met. It's a matter of perspective. (A Time Traveller's Wife AU.)
-- Double Time by Sineala
Cassino, Italy, December 1943. Special Agent Tony Stark, former Marvels adventurer, is sent to investigate a Cosmic Cube found by the Invaders -- and it's the perfect opportunity for him to rekindle his secret romance with Steve Rogers. But when Hydra attempts to steal the Cube, an inadvertent wish for help leads to the appearance of a Tony from the future of another world: Director Stark of SHIELD. This Tony is a man with a lot on his mind. He refuses to tell them anything about the future, but he seems to know much more than he should about Captain America. And something's happened that's clearly killing him inside, but he's not talking. When Director Stark's failed attempt to return home leads to the unexpected appearance of another visitor from his universe, all the lies come undone. Now there are two wars to fight, and the second one could ruin all of them.
-- A Shadow Hanging Over Our Fate by CaptainDean13
The Avengers get sent back in time to WWII where they run into the Howling Commandos... complete with Bucky and Steve. Little hard to explain that away, especially when you are trying to keep some major secrets. Secrets like how you ended up in the future and why the hell Bucky is now a scary (reformed) assassin with a metal arm, not to mention that you married your friend's son.
-- The Good or Bad Thing by petreparkour
“It’s the metal suit,” Thor informed Steve, his normally-booming voice tinny over the SHIELD comms. “What did Stark call it—Iron Man?” “But he’s down here,” Steve protested as the Hulk roared in Stark’s face, startling him into waking with a shout. “How could—” “It’s damaged,” Thor reported. “But it looks different. More advanced. And he—ah. He’s carrying you, Captain.” “Please tell me nobody kissed me,” Stark breathed out, and then Stark’s voice suddenly came over the comms, but the man lying next to him hadn’t moved.  “Guys, come on, you’re killing me here. What is it, 2012? God, I hate time travel. First, I'm fighting Thanos. Now, I have to deal with my past self and Thor's bad haircut? Oh my God, Cap, yes I hacked their comms, they’re my comms.” Steve nearly opened his mouth to protest that he hadn’t said anything when he realized that this replica of Tony Stark wasn’t speaking to him.
-- Calls Me Home by steve-capsicle-rogers (adorable_lab_rat)
Tony can't help but notice the far away look on Steve's face. The visible pain and loss. It wasn't right and giving Steve back everything he'd lost was the right choice. The right thing. And honestly Tony didn't do the right thing near enough.
-- A Hundred Times, Once by FestiveFerret, SirSapling
The shrill tone of his SHIELD beeper pulls Steve out of sleep and into battle. He fights robots, he fights Tony's shameless advances, he fights the exhaustion that threatens to take over him, drown him. And then the next morning, he wakes and does it again. Exactly the same. And again. And again. And again.
-- hunters seeking solid ground by laramara
In the wake of the battle with Thanos, Steve feels unmoored in a way he hasn’t since before he ate shawarma with a group of virtual strangers and thought maybe, maybe he could one day find a place here. Steve returns the stones, and has a few unexpected interactions and makes some decisions along the way.
-- The Butterfly Effect by itsallAvengers
While fighting with Loki, Steve Rogers from 2012 hears the two simple words: "Bucky's alive." And the whole universe ripples with the aftershocks.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're A Family Part 15 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings With Some Notes: Dads Steddie and Mama Reader, Stevie gets yelled at by parents during a parent/teacher conference that Y/N overhears (the dad refers to her as a whore and slut a few times through out the story), these three do talk about having another baby which leads Steve to talking about his worry of people in the town, Daisy's dad causes a scene in their house, SMUT (spanking and slight overstimulation), fluff, and angst.
Dylan and Y/N talk about him and Ro not being planned. The men in the Munson-Harrington household all struggle with personal demons that are mentioned through out this story. They have grown though and know no matter what they can handle anything together <3.
Word Count: 5788
“What? Why are you looking at me that way?”
Kierra sighs as she shrugs before leaning back in the booth across from yours. “Y/N, you know I’m always on your side. No matter what. You’re my sister, my best friend, and I love the hell out of you. That being said…”, her eyes look up to meet your slightly annoyed ones. “I think what Steve is feeling is fair.”
You fold your arms as you pout while she continues. 
“Come on. It’s not like he’s ever hid from you that he wanted more kids. You three had always talked about having another baby using his stuff, ya know? And of course, he’s thinking about it now because Aurora’s not technically a baby anymore. Dylan will be starting high school soon. His asshole father and our evil mother are always reminding him that biologically the kids aren’t his.”
“So this will fix that?!”
“And if we go by that logic we technically aren’t married. They remind him of that to. What, maybe, he needs an actual wife now.”
“Well, now you’re being ridiculous.”
“Don’t do that, Kierra. Don’t treat me like I’m mom!”
“That’s not what I’m doing and I know you know that.” You both exhaled as you took a long sip from the drink in your glass. “Y/N, he’s not…commanding…you to give him a kid right now. It sounds like he just wants to have a conversation about it. At least give Steve and Eddie that.”
“I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
She grins as she lightly kicks your leg under the table. “No worries. You know I still love you.”
“Hey, mom. What are you doing here?”, Dylan asked as you walked up to the school. 
“Steve asked Ed to come get you because he has a meeting after school but he already had plans so alas, you get me.” He grins as you hand him your keys. “Go wait in the car and I’ll be right there, okay?”
You smile as you watch him run out the door before heading to Steve’s classroom. 
“…and I’m not going sit here and be lectured by some deviant!”
The sound of someone yelling caused you to pause just outside his door.
“I’m not lecturing you, Mr. Osborne. I’m just trying to convey that your daughter seems to struggle a lot more with the material than others in class. She’s very smart. She just needs some extra help.”
“Oh, and are YOU going to pay for that, Mr. Harrington?! Especially since I know for a fact she doesn’t need any ‘extra help’. Maybe if you would focus on being a better teacher instead of that whore and freak maybe my child would be better educated.”
A chair rolled back as you heard Steve exhale angrily. “I think we’re done here.”
“Um, what about…Daisy’s grade.”, a woman asked.
There was a long pause before he finally answered. “Mrs. Osborne, she’s passing but not enough to get into those AP classes next year. If you and your husband insist on not finding a tutor or something that can help her…there’s not much more that I can do.”
“Maybe it’s time we talk to the principal.”, Mr. Osborne sneered.
“Maybe it is. I can give you his number and we can set up another meeting.”
The man mutters things under his breath as Mrs. Osborne offers a small thank you to Steve. Both parents exit the classroom coming face to face with you. 
“Oh. Hey, Y/N. I…we…didn’t know you were, um, here.” You watch with angry eyes as her husband stalks past you down the hallway and out of sight. “Daisy had fun with Dylan at the dance. He sent me some pictures. They are so cute together!”
You subtly nod before crossing your arms. “Lori, did you know my son helps your daughter with her homework sometimes?” She blinks in your direction before shaking her head. “There are times when she comes over after school and they study together. Of course, they can’t do it all the time; Dylan having baseball and Daisy in gymnastics but… Those times he is able to help her? She gets a higher grade.”
“Steve’s right. She’s a smart kid. It’s just she seems to struggle to retain the information especially when she’s anxious. I wonder why that is.”
“LORI ANNE! Are you coming or not?!”, Mr. Osborne shouts down the hallway. 
You shrug as you lean against the wall behind you. “But what would I know? I’m just the whore married to the freak and deviant.”
As soon as the sound of her heels disappear, Steve casually comes to lean in the doorway. 
“That was good. Maybe you should be a teacher.”
“Naw. That was just my counseling degree you saw at work there. Dealt with a lot of parents like Daisy’s I’m afraid.” You glance in his direction taking note of how exhausted he looks. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m alright. What about you?”
“I’ve been better.” Steve immediately looks you over with concern. It’s one of the many things you love about them both; their concern and protectiveness of you. You imagined it took all his strength to not punch Daisy’s dad in the face for calling you and Eddie names. 
“Is there anything I can do?”
“I was thinking that, maybe, the three of us could talk tonight about…you know.”
He sighed as he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down at the floor. “We don’t have to. I mean, not much point if you can’t even say the word baby.”
“Steve, I’m trying here.”
“Yeah, I understand. It’s really fine, Y/N. Like I tried to tell you before. It’s just something I was thinking about. If you’re not ready it’s fine. We can wait. Look, I still have a couple of things to do before I can leave so…I’ll just see you back at home, alright.”
Before you can answer, he turns away from you and heads for his desk.
“Ok, princess, let’s see what we get here.” Eddie rolls his D & D dice as Aurora sits at the little table Wayne made for her in her size while she picks at the snack on her plate.
“17. Alright.” He leans forward and grabs a note card from the vocabulary set Steve bought to help teach her words. It was the metalhead’s idea to put a spin on it, allowing him to grab a card at random. “What’s this?”
“Good job, my angel.” He rolls again and grabs the corresponding card. 
“Girl.” Ro points to the image and then herself. “Rara girl.”
“Yes ma’am, you are.”
“Beep, beep.”, she mimics absently before taking a bite of her snack. 
“Who’s that?”
She grins as Dylan comes around and ruffles her hair. “Din bra-der.”
“Is Dylan a boy or a girl?”
“Big boy.”
“Way to go, Ro. Mom, I’m going to go upstairs till dinner.”
You nod before coming to sit on the floor beside them and Eddie bends towards you to give you a kiss. 
“Ew, daddy!”
“Hey, ew you, kid.”, he smiles as he gives you another peck. “Are you alright, baby?”
“Daisy’s parents were giving Steve hell when I showed up.”
“Sounds about right. I’ve never liked Nathan. He kind of reminds me of my father.”
“Yeah…I told Steve I thought the three of us should talk about the other night…”
“You mean when you freaked out about the idea of having another kid?” He laughed when you shot him a playful glare. “Honestly, sweetheart, not much point if you can’t even say the word.”
“I swear to God! Are you two on the same frequency or something??”
“Usually.”, he smiles. “I’m always open for a conversation.”
“Hey, weirdo.” You grin at him as he steps outside and sits beside you on the steps of the back porch. “How’s Daisy?”
“She’s…she’s ok. Upset but ok. She said her parents have been fighting all night.”
“I’m sorry, baby. You know she’s welcome over here anytime if she needs an escape.”
“How are you, mom?”
“I’m okay.” He raises his eyebrow at you making you laugh. “What?! I really am.”
“Fine! Ya little pain in the butt.” Your smile slightly fades as you talk to him. “Steve wants to have another kid.”
“And you don’t?”
“I don’t know, weirdo. I mean, we all just got settled into this routine, we see each other a lot more than before. We’d have to move because I’m not going to make either of you share a room with a screaming baby.”
“I wouldn’t mind.”
“I know YOU wouldn’t but I would.” You quickly sneak a glance at your son before looking out into the yard. “How would you feel about another little one running around?”
“I think it would be cool. I was an only child for a while there so I wouldn’t mind more siblings in the house.” His concerned eyes shift over your frame, debating on if he should continue. “Ro and I were accidents, right?”
His question startled you as you turned to fully face your son. “No, Dylan. You and Aurora weren’t planned but you definitely were NOT accidents.”
“Yeah, no, I get that. I just… imagine how different it would be for you and our dads to plan one this time. You get to be excited for once instead of scared.”
“Dylan Marshall Y/L/N—”
“Ah.”, he cuts you off with a cute little smile. “It’s Munson-Harrington now. You have to scold me properly.”
You smirk as you narrow your eyes at him in jest. “Dylan Marshall Munson-Harrington.”
“There you go!”
You both laugh as you pull him into your arms. “Baby, I was ecstatic when I found out I was pregnant with you. Seriously. I fell in love with you the moment I saw your little blob on the ultrasound; you and Aurora.”
“We love you to, mom.”
“Don’t ever let me hear you say that you were an accident. You hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
As you both reentered the house, Eddie was patting Ro’s back as she slept on his shoulder sucking her thumb while Steve stood at the sink washing the dishes from dinner. Dylan bid them a quick good night before heading up to his room.
Sighing, you drunk in the vision of the man in your kitchen. He still looked extremely exhausted but more than anything he seemed sad. Your sister was right, it was fair for him to be feeling what he was feeling and he never once tried to push you on the idea of having more children. When you three found out about Aurora, at first he reacted negatively but he more than made up for it, there for you 24/7 throughout your pregnancy and after she was born. No questions asked. 
Steve had been the same with Dylan all those years ago. Anything your son needed he offered a helping hand where he could and genuinely enjoyed being there for you both. 
He probably wasn’t even going to present you with that “Baby #3” note until you yourself brought up being ready to have another baby. Steve just wanted to be prepared when the time came up. Yet you reacted out of panic, like he was saying it’s either this or nothing. You immediately shut him down and out instead of just talking to him about how he felt.
He deserved more than that; they both did. 
Eddie watched as you crossed the living room and headed towards the other man’s side. He turned off the water, reaching for a dishtowel to dry his hands before finally turning to look at you. Steve exhaled heavily and you abruptly wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing your face into his chest. His strong hands held you tighter to his as he rested his cheek on the top of your head.
“I heard Nathan Osborne gave you the third degree today.” Eddie grinned in Steve’s direction from his place on the floor as he strummed his guitar absently. 
“I wouldn’t say ‘third degree’ but he was definitely an asshole.” Steve, who was doing crunches, fully sat up to wrap his arms around his knees. “Said I need to focus more on teaching than being a deviant with my whore and my freak.”
“Wow. Rude. I don’t belong to you. I’m my own freak.” Eddie jokingly sized him up making the other man laugh.
You grinned to yourself in the bathroom as you listened to them talk. You loved hearing them speak to each other when they thought you weren’t listening. It had gradually gotten flirtier as the years passed as they got more comfortable with crossing that friend boundary and entering lovers. Sometimes you wondered if at some point they would have gotten there on their own if they hadn’t met you. You imagined so with that energy they had always had between them. 
“How hard was it for you not to punch him?”
“Pfft, God. You have no idea.” Steve tipped back down onto the carpet and continued his set. “Y/N verbally gave them something to think about though.”
“Ooo, baby! You badass. Comin’ out swinging with that sassy attitude.”
Turning off the bathroom light, you smiled as you came to sit on the floor beside them. 
“Just Lori. Nathan pushed past me before I could say anything. Dylan says they’ve been fighting all night so, I don’t know, maybe she finally told him something.”
“I hate that for Daisy. She can always come over if she needs to.”, Eddie smiled as he reached to move your hair to the side. “What are you thinking about, babe?”
“Dylan asked me if he and his sister were accidents.” Steve sat up again as the metalhead fully moved his guitar to the side. “I’ve genuinely never thought about it before…that neither of the kids were planned. I don’t know how that translates to me basically having a panic attack at the thought of having another but…”, you laugh as they flash you a smile. “Steve, I’m sorry.”
“I mean, no reason to be sorry, honey. I meant what I said. If you aren’t ready, we can wait. It’s not a big deal.”
“It is to me because I know our parents put you through hell because Dylan and Ro aren’t biologically yours—”
“Hey now. No. We aren’t going down that road. Those two kids out there are OURS, mine and Eddie’s. I don’t give a fuck that they aren’t ‘pure Harrington’s’ or whatever bullshit my dad wants to spout around town. I don’t want you to agree to have another baby just because you feel like you owe me something. I’m not going to lie, Y/N, I’m really fucking tired of having this conversation.”
“No, Munson. I mean we adopted Dylan, both kids have our names. What more do I need to do to prove to you that I see them as my children to? IS it me? 
“I have never once doubted that you love those kids. I just feel like it hurts you to be reminded.”
“Yeah…but not in the way you think. It hurts me that there are people out there who are going to tell them the same thing and it will hurt them. It hurts me that ignorant people like our parents and the Osbornes will never be able to understand that I would die to protect those kids. If I could shield them from all this bullshit, I would. Those are the kind of things I worry about when THAT particular topic of conversation comes up.”
“How about this?”, Eddie interjects. “How about we start slow? One stressful situation at a time. Maybe we can start looking into bigger houses and see if we can even afford that. If we can’t there’s no point in even having the baby talk.”
“How big are we talkin’?”
“Well, Harrington, your parent’s house has like a billion bedrooms. How much do they pay?”
“First off, calm down, it’s 5 bedrooms. Second, they bought that house in like the 80s. Houses were a lot cheaper back then.”
“They also live on an expensive side of town.”, you add before softly smiling to yourself. “I always wanted to build my own house.”
“Like…with your two hands or?”
“No, you goof.”, you giggle as you lightly reach out to kick Eddie with your foot. “Like design it and have it built. When we were growing up, my dad used to say that was something he wanted but his idea was more extravagant. ‘We’ll have the bowling alley here and the theater there.’” You glance towards Steve as he grins at your comment before crawling over to climb into his lap. 
“What about this one?”, you asked Steve as you both sat at the kitchen table looking up houses online. Dylan and Daisy were across from you two working on an assignment for another class. 
Eddie was feeding Ro as she sat on the countertop, kicking her legs with a big smile on her face. 
“I like it. This is only four bedrooms though. I thought you wanted another so Ed can have a man cave for his guitars.”
“Oh, sure. Blame me like you won’t be keeping things in there as well.”
“That’s fair.”, you giggle. “I like it because it’s kind of out near the countryside of Hawkins. Away from people… Plus we would be a little closer to Wayne.”
“And further away from your mom and my dad?”, Steve whispers as his fingers caress your arm as you nod. 
“This area still isn’t far from the school or Ed’s shop—”
Pounding on the front door startled everyone causing both men to immediately shift into protective mode. Steve headed towards the sound, sighing aggressively as he peered through the peephole. 
“Kids, upstairs now. You to baby. Don’t argue with me.”, he warned as your mouth opened to protest. Dylan and Daisy head up the stairs as you take Ro from Eddie and follow them. 
“Mr. Osborne, how can I help you?”
“Where is my daughter?! I don’t want her in this house anymore.”
“She’s studying with Dylan. Your wife dropped her off a few hours ago—”
“I don’t care! She’s MY daughter to and I don’t her exposed to you people.” The man barged passed Steve to search the house shouting her name.
You wrapped your arms around Daisy as she stood there staring out into the hallway towards the stairs and began to cry. 
“It’s ok, sweetheart. They won’t let anything bad happen. I promise.”
“Ah, hello Nathan.”, Eddie sarcastically greets him from his spot at the bottom of the staircase. The man tries to push past him but the metalhead successfully blocks his path with his arm. “See, I’m not the teacher and you’re in my house where my kids are so I have absolutely no problem knocking you out if you try that again.”
“I want my daughter NOW.”
“Mr. Osborne, I need you to calm down. I’m not going to let her leave with you if you continue behaving this way.”
“You’re not going to LET her, Mr. Harrington.”, he laughs. 
“That’s correct especially if she doesn’t feel safe leaving with you.”
“Daisy is safer with me than with you freaks. I don’t give a fuck what my wife says…the last thing I need is my daughter thinking being a whore is ok.”
Eddie took long strides forward but Steve quickly came between them as he glared at the other man. 
“You’ve barged into my house uninvited smelling like alcohol and insulted my wife. I’m asking you nicely one more time to leave or else I will call Hopper.”
“Daisy, honey, wait…”
The girl stepped out of the room and forward so her dad could see her, you quickly following to grab her arm. 
“Daisy! Get down here right now! We are going home.”
“Daisy, if you don’t feel safe you can stay here till we get a hold of your mom.”
“It’s ok, Mr. Harrington. I’ll be ok.”
You watch with sad eyes as his shoulders deflate. They glare at each other as she grabs her things and heads towards the front door. 
“You keep that boy away from my kid or else—”
“Or else what?” Steve stepped forward till he was hovering just above the other man’s face. “Finish that sentence, Nathan. Please. Threaten my son so I can finally knock you on your ass.”
Mr. Osborne scoffed before abruptly turning and grabbing his daughter before heading out the door. As both men turned to glance up the stairs, they find you sitting on the top step with your arm around Dylan as you both gaze back with sympathy. Aurora is sitting between her brother’s legs one step below him as she plays with her fingers.
This is their family. Eddie and Steve both grew up with a Nathan Osborne in their house. He was a good reminder of where they had come from and how far they had come. Both men started out alone until they found each other. It was just the two of them for so long till they found you and Dylan before Ro came along. 
“You ok, kid?”, Steve asked.
“Yeah… I just hate she has to go back home to that. Are you guys okay?”
“Well, won’t make it on my top 10 Saturday evenings but…” Eddie grinned as you three laugh. 
“Grrrr.”, Ro growls as she points to the door.
“Excuse me, who are you trying scare, honey?!”
Aurora crawls down slowly on her butt before reaching up so Steve can lift her in his arms. “Boy…grrrrr. Gashhhhhh. Gashhhhhh.”
Dylan cackles at his sister’s sound effects. “She’s making Darth Vader noises.” He mimics her sounds more clearly and she claps at his understanding. “She’s essentially saying Daisy’s dad is mean.”
“Look at you. Kid is the baby translator.”, the man smiles as she giggles and bonks her head against his. 
“Let’s do it.”
After putting the kids to bed, you climbed onto Steve’s lap on the couch interrupting the show he and Eddie were watching.
“What’s happening now?”
“Let’s try for another baby.”
The metalhead turns off the tv as they both turn to look at you. “Sweetheart, if you aren’t ready—”
“No, no. I mean, after looking at houses and us going over things…seeing how you two are…” Your fingers come up to caress the man’s cheek. “I watched you two defend us…not just us but Daisy to. It just reminded me that no matter what happens we’re safe with you. We’re in this together. We can make it all work.” Steve pressed his forehead to your own. “I’m sorry for panicking and snapping at you before.”
“No reason to, honey. I get it. We’ll just take it one day at a time, okay? It’s going to take a couple of weeks for the birth control to stop working right? We can use that time to look at some of the houses we found. After today…I like the idea of being out in the country.”
“I wouldn’t mind being closer to Wayne.”, Eddie admits. “So, what a minute. If we’re doing this the fun way…that means I can’t cum inside of you for a while?”
You giggle as you lean into Steve’s neck. “Yup. Sorry, baby.”
He flashes you a wicked grin as he promptly stands up and reaches down to throw you over his shoulder. “Well, I better fill you up as much as I can beforehand. Come on, Steven.”
The other man didn’t need to be told; he was already following you both up the stairs. You smile as he tosses you onto the bed and promptly climbs on top of you, clinging his lips to your neck. As quickly as he could, Eddie tore off his clothes and yanked down your pants, bringing your panties with them. 
“What’s your rush?”, you laugh at him as he lifts you further up the mattress and positions himself between your legs.
“I’m just dying to feel you, princess.” His body leans over yours as he rubs the tip of his length through your folds making you moan. “Can I? Can I feel my cock inside of you, baby?”
“You know you don’t have to ask.”
Eddie smiles as his lips gently press against yours. “I know. I just like hearing you say it.”
Your fingers run through his hair before taking hold of his shoulders. “Yes, Eddie. I want to feel you inside of me.”
The man bit his bottom lip as his head hung and he pushed himself into your entrance. You searched for Steve, finding him off to the side, already naked, and stroking his cock to the sight before him. After motioning for him to come closer, he crawled onto the bed beside your head, and reached down to lift off your shirt. 
As soon as you were free of its confinement, you reached for him, making him groan when you guided his cock into your awaiting mouth.  
Eddie pushed up on his knees, lifting your legs further around his waist as he thrust into you. With half-lidded eyes, he watched as Steve’s own beautiful orbs fluttered closed as his jaw went slack. His palm tenderly caressed your cheek before sliding down to your bouncing tits as he kneaded and played with your nipples. 
The metalhead aggressively reached for the back of the boy’s neck, tugging his lips to his own. As they kissed, Eddie’s pace slowed as he pumped into you hard and deep.
“Oh…oh my God. F-fuck.”, you mewled.
Steve moaned loudly, his kisses becoming sloppy as he held the other man’s face tightly against his own. You repositioned your head so you could suck on his balls while you stroked him with your hand. 
“Fuck me!” Eddie rapidly covered his mouth but he shook his head, pushing it away as he leaned his forehead against his husband’s. “Fuck, that feels so fucking good.”, he whispers.
Steve licks the tips of his fingers and brings them down to your clit, rubbing in fast circles as Eddie tries to match his pace. You try keeping any part of your mouth on him that you can but you struggle as you hurtle towards your climax.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Y-yes, Eddie, baby, please.”
His head collapsed lazily against Steve’s shoulder as he rolled his hips into yours, your body shaking as you came, him following after as your pussy clenches around him. 
As you try to come down from your high, you notice them exchange a glance with a knowing smile and before you can say anything, the metalhead’s arms are wrapping around you, and flipping you over till you’re on top of him.
“Whatcha doin’?”, you giggle as he smiles, wiping some of the sweat that had accumulated on your face.
“I did say I wanted to fill you up as much as I could beforehand.”
His eyebrows coyly raise in your direction. “What? You don’t think you can make me cum again?”
“I didn’t say that.” Eddie pushed up on his hands and you looked behind you when you felt a hand touch your body. Steve winked as he pushed you forward slightly making you grin when your nose grazed the mans underneath you. “I just… don’t want to hurt you. I know how sensitive you both are after you cum.”
To prove your point, you gently lift your hips, gliding your pussy along his cock and his eyes close as he hisses at the stimulation. After licking his lips, he craned his neck, bringing his lips to yours.  
“I don’t mind a little pain.” With his knees placed on either of the Eddie’s legs, Steve gripped one of your shoulders while using his other to guide himself into your ass. “If anyone can make me cum more than once this quickly, it’d be you sweetheart.”
Your arms cling to his neck as you begin bouncing and pushing back between them. The man behind you meets each of your moves with a thrust of his own and you promptly see stars. 
“Steve…just-just like that. You both always—fuck—always feel…” You struggle to finish your sentence, words leaving your brain as you gaze down at Eddie’s face. 
His eyes are squeezed shut as he murmurs through gritted teeth. Steve sees it to as he reaches over you caress the man’s lip with his thumb. As you lean forward to hear him better, his arms move causing him to fall flat on the mattress as he grips your hips. You and the other boy adjust more on your knees making you groan as both men push deeper into you. 
“Ed? Are you okay, babe?” He nods as he grumbles something you can’t hear. “I-I can’t hear you, sweethea—oh!” Eddie startles you as his palm comes down hard on your ass.
“Hard-er.”, he growls but not in an aggressive way. His tone is rough but it’s dripping with a need you’ve never heard from him before. That mixed with him spanking you had your cunt constricting around him tighter and he moaned at the feeling.
You did as he commanded, grinding your hips as hard as you could against the two of them, bending down to balance on your own arms for more leverage. The man underneath you spanked you again except this time you felt Steve’s cock twitch inside you as he grunted. 
“D-do it again. I think—mmm—I think Stevie likes watching you spank me.”
Without saying a word, he did again and the other boy tugged at your bicep, pulling you flat against his chest. You yelped as Eddie’s thumb flicked against your nub and you were grateful when Steve covered your mouth as you whimpered loudly behind his palm. 
You couldn’t hold back anymore as you came causing the metalhead to release a strained fuck as you spasmed around his cock. They both chased their highs, Steve coming first as his face pressed into your shoulder and grunted as he came inside you. 
Eddie followed soon after, filling your pussy for the second time. The man behind you carefully pulled out but as you tried to do the same the other boy clung to your hips. 
“Baby, I…I love the enthusiasm but…you can’t go again.”, you panted as you grinned. “Not right now.”
A small smirk painted his lips as his eyes remained closed. “I’m…kind of embarrassed to say but…I need you to wait a minute, princess.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. I’ve just never tried that before. Usually, we take a break if we go a few rounds. I, uh, it hurts a little.”
“I told you.”, you sing. 
“Are you ok? It’s okay if we sit for a minute, right?”
“Of course. Did you enjoy it?”
“Did I enjoy making love to you till I can barely move after? Yes, sweetheart, I’d say I did.”, he laughs. 
“Did you like what he did?”
Eddie exasperatedly giggled harder as he placed his hand over his heart. “Jesus Steven. You were so fucking quiet I forgot you were here.”
“Yeah, that joke never gets old.”
“Hey, I’m a dad. I’m allowed to make jokes like that now.”
“Did I like what?”, you ask.
“Him spanking you. I don’t think we’ve ever done that before.”
“Hm, handcuffs and spanking. We’re becoming regular BDSM heathens.”, Eddie jokes as Steve rolls his eyes. 
“Can she answer a question, please?”, he teased.
“I don’t know. Baby, give it a try.”
When you lightly hit his chest, he captures your hand with his own and holds it to him. 
“I did. I think you liked it more though.”, you softly smile as you use your other hand to caress his chin. 
“I like anything you two do together.”, his head dips slightly as he fidgets with his fingers. Your smiles grows, realizing that’s most likely why Aurora does it. “Not just sexually either. At the school, I was watching you two dance and I just got this sense of pride, you know? You’re both funny, sexy, sarcastic, strong… like what are you doing with me?”, he chuckles under his breath. 
“May I move now?” Eddie nods, gripping your hips as your both hiss and wince at the feeling. You crawl towards Steve and without hesitation he pulls you into his arms. “This is the second time this weekend someone I love has said something that just blows my mind. What are we doing with you? Baby… what would we do without you? Ow!” You both look down to see the metalhead cleaning between your legs. “Excuse you. Can I finish being all romantic and junk?”
“I’m not stopping you.”, he chuckles. “Plus, it’s a good distraction for me so I don’t smack him on the back of the head. ‘What are you doing with me’ he asks.” Eddie shakes his head as he tosses the rag towards the hamper in the corner of the room.
“You can’t talk cause you’re the same way! I know sometimes you wonder.”
“Not with you two. Not anymore.”, he smiles as he jumps back into bed. “I DO sit back at times and wonder what these kids are doing calling ME dad.”
“Ok, we need to have a family discussion because the men in the house are saying things…”
“Oh, calm down.”, Steve grins. “You worry and think about things you shouldn’t be either. We literally just had an argument about it yesterday!”
“I’m a mom. I just want everyone to be happy.”
Eddie reaches behind him and turns off the lamp before wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his face into your shoulder. “I’ve never been happier. I love you both and those kids. I can’t wait to meet this new one whenever he comes.”
“He? I’m not even pregnant yet and we’re already taking guesses.”, you giggle. 
Steve’s arm slings over you both as his other slides above your heads. Your palm reaches behind him, lightly rubbing his back like you know he likes. 
“I think we’re going to have a boy to.”
Your eyes start to become heavy as you feel the blanket fall over your skin. “Hmm… you’ll have to think of name.”
A laugh escapes his throat at the thought. “I came up with Aurora. I think Eddie should come up with the baby’s name.” The metalhead’s steady breathing told you both he was already knocked out. “Honey?”
Steve places a tender kiss on your forehead as he feels your fingers behind him gradually stop moving. 
“I’ve never been happier either.”
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @alienthingstwo
@steddieloverrr @manda-panda-monium
@decadentwombatmiracle @katie-tibo @marsupiooo
@local-stoner-bitch @steamystrangerfics @lunatictardis
@adaydreamaway08 @hazydespair @actuallyspencerreid
@waylandmorgernsternherondal-blog @kik51199 @strngrlytn
@idkidknemore @damon-loves-pie @k-k0129
@micheledawn1975 @eddie86baby
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri
@sashaphantomhive @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes
@munsonzzgf @munsonmoonshine86
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romanreignseater · 1 year
Press Play Pt. 2
Roman Reigns x Black Female! OC (Xena)
Rating: 18+
Warning: No warning really, just sad times 😔.
“Being the girlfriend to a famous divorced father of 5 wasn’t your plan at 26 years old. You trusted him with your life, so you agreed to film a little something, but now you regret ever meeting him when your whole life is exposed.”
A/N: Last part on next Sunday and it’s gonna be something special. I hope you all enjoy this part and I may or may not have given another cliffhanger.
GIF: @jeysuso
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It’s been a week since the video leak and since you last saw Roman. And let’s just say the media has YET to let up.
“Roman Reigns, Rated R?! Take A Sneak Peak Into The Spicy Life Of The Hot and Heavy Heavyweight.”
“Roman Reigns Purposely Post His Sex Tape In Spite Of Ex-Wife’s New Beau?!”
“Roman’s Slut, Gold Digging Girlfriend EXPOSED For The Clout Chaser She Is.”
“Roman Reigns Losing Fans?! Did He Release His Tape In Order To Suffice His Absence On SmackDown?!”
Yeah it was a lot…
But, nonetheless you had a huge support system around you and they made you feel better.
The video wasn’t that bad as no one saw anything other than the curve of your ass. But you shouting how much of a little cock slut you were. That one part stretched across social media and your Instagram comments was filled with “I’m a little slut” and “Fuck me harder daddy.”
The day of the incident swirled in your head back and forth. The tears in Roman’s eyes was unlike anything you’ve seen before. His deep and uncontrollable breaths broke your heart.
As much as you loved him, he hurt you bad. Nearly 300 missed calls in only a week. 440 text notifications and 50 attempted FaceTime calls. Through your Ring Doorbell, you could see his many attempts to reach you in person.
You were hiding out at your best friend’s house knowing he would try to see you, but you’d have to go home soon since your best friend was going to see her family.
“You’re gonna have to go eventually sis.” You sat on her couch, wig barely on, nails chipped, tissues all around you, and a tub of ice cream as your new best friend. “Do I have to?!” You put on your best puppy dog eyes.
“Sweetie that’s not gonna work on me. I’m gonna see my family and I don’t want to come back to police tape surrounding my front yard.”
Rolling your eyes you sat up and began to clean up. “Look sis, I want to be better. You’ve always been tough and I know you’ve gotten over this. The real problem is, you’re missing Ro.” The mention of his name made you tense.
“Can we not Taylor?!”
“Xena… we have to. I know you miss him, but he didn’t mean to.” “HE HURT ME TAY.” The tears began to form in your eyes at the thought of your fall out.
Hands on hips, Taylor wasn’t feeling your reaction.
“That man has made you the happiest I’ve ever seen. It’s been THREE YEARS, you can’t just ditch out on him for something you don’t even talk about anymore. Every night it’s, ‘why did he hurt me?!’ ‘I thought he loved me.’ ‘He was supposed to be the one, we talked about marriage and kids’, and you just want to throw that away over a mistake. If I recall you agreed to a sex tape, and of course you didn’t want it out there, but it is and the best thing you could is hear him out.”
You sat down, absorbing everything Taylor just said and she was right.
Roman made a mistake, a really, stupid mistake. But, you knew his heart and knew he didn’t mean what he did. You weren’t the only suffering in this situation. His kids were suffering, his family, his business, and he himself was suffering.
“You know what you need to do Xe.”
“I do.”
“You guys still have that baecation booked and I’m pretty sure you can’t cancel.”
Your eyes jumped out of its socket in realization. You and Roman planned a little trip to Bora Bora to spend more time together.
And now… you had to come face to face with him.
Roman’s POV
I’ve called and called and called, but to no avail. Even though the clips that circulated are no longer visible, nothing can ever be erased from the internet.
My ex-wife’s barking finally stopped. My kids last four kids are pretty young, and don’t understand. My oldest daughter definitely knew what was going on. Luckily, she didn’t disown me as her father, but she definitely was disappointed. I didn’t teach her to do that, so I shouldn’t have done that.
But, the only thing on my mind was Xena.
Her smile, her eyes, her hair, her stunning body, the way she laughed, the way she hugged me, the way she kissed me, the way she looked at me , and just the overall way she loved me.
I never felt so loved by someone in my life.
I stared at the diamond ring resting on my bedside table. I came up with the idea to plan a getaway to Bora Bora, which Xena thought was just to spend more time together. But, in reality it was plan to propose.
I’ve been with this… well I guess was in a relationship with this woman for three years. My parents loved her, my kids, and even my ex-wife had a relationship with her. Lying in bed alone at night was something I haven’t felt in a long time.
The tears began to well just at the mere thought of her gorgeous smile and beautiful chemistry between us. I began to sob, missing her badly.
The trip still fluttering in my mind, as we had to leave tonight and I was afraid I’d be leaving by myself. As my tears began to dry, I heard my phone ding. Strengthening my self back up, I pick up my phone and my mouth dropped.
“La’u Tausala 🤩😈.”
I quickly open up my phone wondering what she had to say after ignoring me for so long.
“Don’t forget about the trip, you’re supposed to pick me up at 6 tonight.”
My heart couldn’t stop beating. I could tell she wasn’t really mad at me, cause she’d totally would block me.
“Of course, I’ll be there at 6. Also, I’m really sorry angel. It was never my intent to release that tape, it was private and I invaded your privacy. I hope you could have it in your heart to understand how remorseful I am. I love you baby with every fiber in my being, and I can’t see myself without you. I’ll see you tonight ❤️.”
Xena’s POV
It was 5:54 and I was currently wrestling my luggage, trying to get it to close.
It was a trip to Bora Bora, so of course I wasn’t bailing. But, I really didn’t want to see Roman right now. Yet, Taylor was right, I missed him badly and I was totally over the comments and headlines.
The hurt in my heart still yearned and longed. Then, the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and looked out the window. Roman’s black Escalade stood tall in my driveway. I took a deep breath and opened the door.
There he was…
Tall, dark, and handsome.
His tan and lean body clad in an all black sweatsuit, all black Jordan’s enclosing his feet.
His hair kept well in a tight ponytail. Not a strand out of place.
You draw from your thoughts and spoke up.
“Hey, umm I’m still trying to get my suitcase to close so I’ll out in a second.”
“I can help out if you want.”
I contemplated whether or not I should let him in, but I just couldn’t.
“No, I-I got it. Just wait in the car for me please.” He smiled lightly and headed back to the car. I close the door and held my back against it.
“I don’t even know what’s gonna happen on this trip and honestly I don’t wanna know.”
What’s gonna happen on the baecation?! Find out next week on the final part to “Press Play”
MY TAG SQUAD: @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @nayys-world @mzv11 @babybatlover @vogueyonce @harmshake @harlem11680 @seeingstarks @thewarlordsworld @alyyaanna @southerngirl41 @christinabae @pitlissa22 @thealliasylum @fame-ass-ers @iluvthebloodline
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midnightsun-if · 2 months
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Since some of you have been curious about the ROs parents, I thought I’d just make a comprehensive list for you all! It’ll also help me in having something to easily reference back to when it’s needed.
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Arthur Kingston — Father
Personality: Holds a great love for the outdoors — fishing, gardening, bird watching, etc — there isn’t anything like being surrounded by the crisp air of nature. A steadfast presence, never wavering or faltering, Arthur stands by his family through any storm; always willing to be a rock, always willing to shoulder their burdens if it meant they’d smile just a bit brighter.
Appearance: Standing at around 6’6”, Arthur has a lumberjack physique — strong but still looking huggable. Medium brown skin causes the gold within his honey brown eyes to stand out, complementing the dark black of his curly hair; that he typically cuts short, only ever allowing it to grow out during the winter months.
Ursula Kingston — Mother
Personality: Stricter than her husband, Ursula expects order and discipline within her house, but, despite that, she’s extremely loving and never feels more at peace than when her cubs are with her. Even if she’s hard to read at times, and her barking orders can be quite intimidating, there’s nothing she wouldn’t do for her family. The absolute epitome of a mama bear.
Appearance: With a taller stature, around 6’3”, Ursula has a stout physique. Medium brown skin complements the sharp brown of her gaze, allowing for her dark brown curls, that she typically has styled to just beneath her chin, to stand out elegantly. She’s a woman that exudes strength and serenity in equal measures.
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Alaric Voltaire — Father
Personality: Alaric is a steadfast man that doesn’t take failure lightly. To some he can seem cruel — even to his own family — but he’s deeply committed to the vampiric race; ensuring its continued survival well into the future. He’s cunning, ambitious, perceptive, and, above all, intelligent enough to use the aforementioned traits of himself like weapons.
Appearance: He’s an imposingly tall man, standing at around 6’9”, with a muscular physique. Chilling sea green eyes, that are reminiscent of an endless winter, offsets the almost boyish onyx curls that frame his face, the longest of which falls to just over his shoulders; bringing focus to the dips of his cheeks and sharpness of his jaw. He has a fair complexion.
Yvonne Voltaire — Step Mother — ⟡
Personality: Yvonne, despite what some may expect, is a gently soft-spoken woman that offsets the chill her husband constantly brings. However, don’t let her sweet smiles and docile disposition fool you — there’s a reason she caught Alaric’s eyes enough for him to marry her. She’s a woman that would do anything to get what she wants or to protect her family.
Appearance: Dwarfed by her husband by a foot, as she stands only at 5’9”, Yvonne makes up for it by the general aura of her presence upon entering a room. Golden white hair falls to the middle of her back in waves, bringing out the honeyed undertone to her porcelain complexion, and complementing the ocean blue of her gaze. She has a slender build with a light musculature.
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Lucian Aurelia — Father
Personality: He’s the kind of man to be in the middle of court with his child proudly situated on his thigh. Family, to him, has always meant the most — it’s fortunate that his wife has a propensity for dealing with the nobles and dignitaries. Soft-hearted and soft spoken, it’s of no surprise that many liken him to a teddy bear.
Appearance: Standing at a modest 5’6”, King Lucian has never let what he lacks vertically influence him the slightest. Thick honey-blonde locks of hair fall across his a beige-toned forehead, always being met with a flippant comb-through by his fingers, which brings out the warm gold within his gaze; crimson rarely ever making an appearance. From days of throwing his children into the air, or practicing with his guard, or running through the halls of the palace in a game of tag, King Lucian has developed a rather buff physique.
Elena Aurelia — Mother
Personality: She puts her responsibilities to the Eclipse Throne above all — even if it means she’s absent at times — but Elena has never wavered in shielding her children from any harm; even if her husband is the one they typically go to. Having a quick wit, paired with a silver tongue, and an attention to detail, Elena has done much for the supernatural world as a whole.
Appearance: Queen Elena stands at around 6’4”, her tall stature complementing her lithe physique. Raven black hair, that seems iridescent underneath the sun, falls down to her hips in a beautiful cascade; bringing out the pink hue of her full lips. Golden tanned skin causes the crimson within her dual-colored gaze to stand out, but the soft aureate quality acts as a gentle backdrop.
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Dante Grant — Father
Personality: An apex predator, if there was ever one. Dante Grant enjoys the thrill of the hunt, the anticipation that thrums through his being, bloodlust coursing through his veins. He’s sadistic, only rarely showing mercy, but even then you’d probably wish you were dead, and revels in the fear he instills in others. It’s an intoxicating drug that he’ll forever chase the high of.
Appearance: An intimidating man standing at 6’8”, with an olive complexion. Black hair is styled neatly, with the sides cropped short and the top a bit longer, sometimes causing the strands to fall across his forehead. He has dark brown, nearly black, eyes that are as cold as obsidian. Dante has numerous tattoos: both his arms have sleeves, across his chest, and on the left side of his neck. He has a muscular physique.
Lucinda Grant — Mother — ⟡
Personality: Many who meet Lucinda Grant liken her to a viper with one key difference; a viper doesn’t smile before it strikes. Getting people to do her bidding isn’t a challenge — her powers of persuasion making it easy for people to listen; never realizing they’re being played. She’s said to not have a gentle bone in her body, but it’s an unspoken rule to never mess with her pups.
Appearance: Lucinda stands at 6’2”, having a lean physique that belies the strength her lupine form possesses. Dark brown hair, that has soft curls strewn throughout, falls to her shoulder blades, always elegantly styled and maintained. Her golden-olive toned complexion brings out the sapphire blue of her gaze, filled with a cunning intelligence.
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Deimos Wilde — Father
Personality: Emotionally unavailable (read: awkward) is one way to put him. He doesn’t truly know how to convey the thoughts within his head into words, which is why they typically translate into actions; even said action is only a pat on the shoulder. Extremely loyal, willing to lay down his life for the pack, he’s tough and won’t ever back down from a fight.
Appearance: Deimos stands at around 6’0”, with an athletic physique. Golden brown skin — marked with a few tattoos — brings out the sharp black of his gaze, the left one being a stony gray — a scar running through the brow to the top of his cheek — after a fight gone wrong. Ebony black hair is cropped short; another scar running from the base of his skull, a little behind his right ear, to the top of his shoulder. He takes great pride in the scars dotted across his body as they showcase his willingness to sacrifice for his pack.
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Lyraea Noire — Mother
Personality: One never truly know what’s going on within her mind; a master at carefully choosing her words to never fully commit, or implicate, herself, but still offering some substance to keep someone interested. Flirtatious and seductive, common qualities among succubi and incubi, Lyraea seems to exemplify it — a goddess among them… One that many have tried, and failed, to tie down. Her only true commitment being to that of being a mother.
Appearance: With an hourglass figure, Lyraea complements her stature with the heels that typically adorn her feet; bringing her height of 5’11” to upwards of 6’3”. Shimmering purple eyes, that are reminiscent of an amethyst, bring out the gold within her silvery-blonde hair, allowing for her golden tanned complexion to stand out even more; her skin marked by three tattoos.
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Nathaniel Presley — Father — ⟡
Personality: An inquisitive nature is the first thing anyone would take note when it comes to Nathaniel Presley — an undeniable thirst to learn more, to find out the hidden wonders of the world — it’s that exact that he’s passed off to his child. He adores the world and all the wonders it brings — from a mighty waterfall, to a delicate butterfly, and a rolling storm — with an almost childlike sense of awe.
Appearance: Not standing much taller than his wife at about 5’5”. Light brown hair typically falls haphazardly across his forehead, as he typically forgets to style it, which complements the tanned complexion of his skin. Gentle hazel eyes taking in the world from behind thin-rimmed glasses. He has a slender physique.
Althea Presley — Mother
Personality: Home cooked meals and big family gatherings are the crux of who Althea is; extremely family oriented, she’d break her back if it meant getting everything prepared for everyone to enjoy. With a gentle, yet firm, touch, she doesn’t play around when it comes to academics and hobbies, but she’d always support her children in their endeavors — no matter what.
Appearance: Having a stature of only 5’0”, Althea truly brings life to the phrase “tiny but mighty”. Golden brown hair falls to just over shoulders, bringing out the golden undertone to her beige complexion, and complementing the underlying gray within her cobalt blue gaze. She has a petite physique.
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⟡ — Symbolizes the RO prefers them over the other; if it’s not included then they don’t have a favorite (or don’t prefer one over the other).
Important Note: Caden has been excluded as they don’t have any (living) parents — and referencing their family in general is spoilers. Blake’s other parent is a mystery in general and Sloane’s family is complicated in general (the only one I can truly reference being their father).
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cactusspatz · 1 year
July recs
It might be the very last day of the month, but that means I'm not late! Five Sandman recs under the cut, and one each for Batman, Murderbot, and Biggles.
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What Manner Of Creature by @ro-moray (Dream/Hob)
Hob's had a number of theories about his strange friend over the years. They are all, of course, completely incorrect.
Great through-the-years look at Hob and Dream, with humor and understanding.
to dream you was remembering by @cuubism (Dream/Hob)
Hob understands now both why Dream created this nightmare, as well as why doing so was an unconscious rather than conscious act, and the thought hurts more than the nightmare itself. After all, Hob has had four hundred years to grapple with his own loss. He's not sure that, even after so much time, Dream has grappled with his.
Short scene with Hob and Dream and a baby nightmare, but it packs a hell of an emotional punch.
The Dread and Fear of Kings by @maybemalapert (gen)
"I'm afraid I'm not much into charcoal sketches," Hob said, taking in the crude rendition of himself and his Stranger that he'd last seen in the hands of Johanna Constantine. "Now, oil paintings on the other hand--" "Mr. Gadlen," the man interrupted. "I have gone to great lengths to find you and to confirm that it was indeed you who met with Dream of the Endless in 1889 and every century prior. Let me assure you, I do not make a habit of kidnapping people on a whim."
Deliciously whumpy fishbowl rescue with Burgess being a real bastard (what else). Happy ending, but mind the tags.
Yours for the Taking by @signiorbenedickofpadua (Calliope/Dream/Hob)
When Hob spots a sad woman in white through a window of a famous author's house, he gets a bad feeling. Further investigation reveals that she's in need of rescue, but what Hob isn't prepared for is the fact that the woman he sets out to save turns out to be a literal Greek goddess, the ex-wife of the Stranger he keeps waiting for, and a rather lovely person to boot.
SUCH a good and satisfying read, with a skillful build to the three-way romance.
more sky comes and more days by Chrome/@catalists (Calliope/Dream/Hob)
In the aftermath of her imprisonment, Calliope is determined to learn to trust humans again, so she finds a roommate and settles in the mortal world. Meanwhile, her former husband has been on another quest that ended in grief, and he seeks her out for solace. What could possibly go wrong? or, “Hey, Zed,” Hob answered. “Something the matter?” “Yes,” she said. “Calliope’s ex showed up and he’s fucking terrifying.”
Really enjoyed this way of them all colliding - funny and bittersweet at turns - and the resolution.
Birdwatch11 by @smilebackwards (Batman, gen)
Tim hadn’t actually meant to start a popular Batwatch blog. He hadn’t meant to start a blog at all honestly but by the time he turned eleven he’d accumulated hundreds of pictures of Batman and Robin on his Nikon DSLR and it had just seemed inefficient to go through the trouble of printing them and storing them in a box under his bed when BlogSphere had a perfectly adequate platform.
Short, funny, sweet story about someone trying to claim credit for Tim's pre-Robin photo habit, and his A+++ response.
in recognition by isilee (Murderbot, gen)
Volescu's first communication from SecUnit, once it had pieced together its brain again and settled into Preservation a little more, appeared in his feed inbox right as he took a sip of his morning coffee.
*dies laughing* In which Murderbot recognizes Volescu for having the sense to retire. Cute look at the friendship of the whole survey group.
Biggles in Sarawak by @philomytha (Biggles/von Stalhein)
Biggles is asked to help the CIA transport a Soviet spy they've captured in a remote jungle location. The trouble is, the spy is Erich von Stalhein. And that's only the first problem.
Excellent adventure jam-packed with tropes from hurt/comfort to teaming-up-with-your-nemesis to sex pollen (with said nemesis, of course).
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radiokathryn-if · 10 months
Double NSFW asks: What are the ROs preferences in bed? And what are their kinks?
100% not safe for work, minors dni
Eva──A softer form of being in charge, Eva doesn't need more than words to be dominant. She's not a fan of being particularly physical or physically dominant but she does like setting pace and the... order of events. She's not opposed to getting a bit rough and getting 'manhandled' but just know... she's always got an upper hand in the end!
Nate──Nate is... in a word, rough. He likes going hard and he likes going fast. He's not submissive but he's not exactly dominant either. He's going to do what he wants, when he wants and he's not really up for constructive criticism. That's not to say he won't stop if you say no──he's an ass not an assaulter.
Mica──Pretty laid back when it comes to sex, they don't have a particular preference and are down try try literally anything once! What they like during sex is more of the smaller things not the circumstance in which sex occurs. A bit of a switch if they had to put a name on it but they have no problems with arousal in any... direction.
Detective Han──Inexperience doesn't equal submission but man, Detective Han really enjoys you taking the lead in these endeavours. They're not completely submissive though, they're not one to let go of control 100%!
José──Probably the most 'vanilla' of the ROs (along with Jackson). They're not really into roles during sex, they prefer the sensual nature of intimacy and would prefer the... casualness that comes from just having sex. Now, that doesn't mean that having sex with José is straight forward or 'boring'! They just don't feel the need to set expectations or the like. They're much like Mica in that sense, having a silly time doesn't mean the mood is shot─not for José!
Ji Han──Probably the Most Dominant of the ROs, especially if he's in the right mood for it. More of a service dom than a hard dom but he can be cruel. The biggest fan of overstimulation one ever did see. He's not into hurting you, slaps across the face or hard smacks anywhere will never happen but... light, meaningful taps to your sensitive parts after you've cum at least twice to see your body twitch or the imprint of his hand lightening the skin on your things or ass after being held tightly for a long time inexplicably turn him on. Ji Han doesn't mind you taking the reigns for a little bit, if anything he finds it amusing to see you try to take control of him, he's a patient man──he can wait till you run out of steam, beg for him to take control again... And he will. And your little act if defiance might have let him reset enough to go for at least another five rounds! (stamina beast!!)
Fauve──More dominant than not but she's not A Dominant... she's not a hard dom. She likes being the one in control over how things happen but she's not a brat tamer and she doesn't have rules. She's a confident flirt and instigator and she will tell you if she likes what's happening. Fauve happens to love being on top, she's by no means a 'pillow princess' however, that doesn't mean she's doing all the work! Her favourite... activity is encouraging you to work for your release while she's taking a pause above you... However, she's also a bit of a switch with someone way more dominant (Ji Han wink wink) and can be a total brat and push back to the limits.
Jackson──Not the most sexual of the ROs and has been going through a bit of a sexual lull because of his almost-ex-wife. He prefers when things flow organically, no one person having a 'upper hand' or particular sway over the happenings and activities. That's not to say he doesn't enjoy sex, and he has several ways of 'spicing' things you without the need for Dom/sub dynamics!
???──The Switch of all Switches. 100% submissive but also 100% dominant, can and will switch in the middle of a session if they so choose to──usually gently coaxed into a more submissive role and pushed into a more dominant role. They are the one who's inexperience doesn't translate to submission──seeing as they prefer having at least some control.
Nate──Katoptronophilia aka mirror sex, he usually keeps a hold on your jaw to keep you looking at what he's doing to you but he's also extremely vain and loves looking at what he's doing too. Public sex, which is linked to a humiliation kink and is quite hypocritical, he likes the thrill of being in public, he likes the possibility of humiliating you but you're not to breathe a word of your exploits. Graphoerotica aka writing words on someone's body, corruption kink, pretty self explanatory
Eva──does she have a mommy kink? hmmm maybe it's more of a ma'am/miss kink. Let her take care of you... Let her tell you how to take care of her. Food play, mainly aphrodisiacs and sweet food over phallic shaped food for insertion. Voyeurism (watching) which might seem... counterintuitive because if her dislike of cheating but watching people you love love each other is much much different. Does it count as a foot fetish if she wants to see you at her feet?
Mica──Odaxelagnia aka biting (both receiving and giving), somnophilia aka sexual acts while asleep, oral leading in to sixty nining, dirty talk, lazy sex, sexting, marking aka hickies, they really love seeing their efforts on your skin.
Detective Han──Clothed sex, , queening/face sitting (recieving), sit on their face please─let them feel the weight of your body on their chest─your thighs around their head... please, mutual masterbation, ...handcuffs (recieving).
José──Melolagnia aka the sexual reaction to music, soundwave vibrations or the actual music─not just lyrics and not just a sex playlist, phone sex or audio leading in to voice kink, and sensual dirty talk, praise kink (receiving).
Ji Han──*ahem* knife play, overstimulation, dacryphilia, mind break, almost choking (the hand and the weight, not the loss of air or the squeezing), giving praise but also really loves hearing praise, shibari (giving), orgasm control (giving), may or may not acquire a breeding kink down the line... also, really in to anal, analingus and cunnilingus!
Fauve──temperature play, ice cubes a wax one after the other... she likes taking the ice more and likes applying the wax more, threesome/orgy/group sex leading to toys, double penetration and voyeurism, she wants to watch and help someone (Ji Han) fuck you wether that be her hands or her toys...
Jackson──cock warming, scent kink, intercrural/interfemoral sex aka thigh kink, shower sex... watching porn together.
???──Quirofilia aka hand kink, impact play (recieving and giving), voyeurism and exhibitionism, ...free use (with consent and in private), amaurophilia aka blindfold sex, breast/nipple worship (both giving and recieving), they get off on both degradation and praise, especially if they're being interjected at the same time!
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vendetta-if · 2 years
hello! i wanted to tell you that this game is one of my most favorite pieces of writing i’ve read. it’s probably weird that i always cry when i read it and it’s always the same scenes, the way you wrote viktor and really fleshed him out is very good. i say that because he’s my favorite character in the whole thing, it’s strange but it’s the first time i loved a character wholeheartedly. first time i read this i cried so much when he passed, it’s just so so sad. i loved how he always picked MC, he was always there. it’s kinda hard for me to read this when it’s updated bc i just stay sad for a few days but i still really really love this game. i hope this isn’t weird, i just really really appreciate him and you for writing him. so thank you <3
Aww ☺️ Thank you so much for the kind words and yes, I also love writing Viktor a lot 😭 I’m glad that I can still write him in the side stories, but I also have something in mind regarding him in the future 😉 Not in this main story of course, but I’ll probably share more once I’m more confident and sure about it.
And don’t worry, I also cried when writing the funeral scene 😔 I rarely cry, but writing that scene just got to me, somehow. Also, you’re right, Viktor will always choose and prioritize MC; MC is his everything. That’s why I think the AU where MC died instead of him is a more heartbreaking and angsty one and it is definitely a crueler fate for him than death.
I’ve said this before, I think, somewhere, but MC right now still have their future ahead of them, especially after they’ve finally found their closure, they’ll be able to settle down and make a family with their chosen RO(s).
But for Viktor, MC is their future and in the AU where MC died… It really leaves him a hollow shell of the man he once was and he would stop at nothing to avenge MC and even once he succeed and he’s still somehow alive… It’s impossible for him to heal mentally and emotionally. All he has ever wanted is to be there for MC in every stage and important events in their life, and maybe, he would also get to be a grandfather.
I recently rediscover “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce in my playlists and I found out that he wrote the song for his son when he first heard that his wife was pregnant. The lyrics are about spending time with loved ones and how it feels like there's never enough time. And now, I can’t help but picture it being one of Viktor’s favorite songs and he often sing along to it for little MC… and now I’m sad 😭 I gotta include this somehow in the story later on.
If I could save time in a bottle The first thing that I'd like to do Is to save every day till eternity passes away Just to spend them with you
If I could make days last forever If words could make wishes come true I'd save every day like a treasure and then Again, I would spend them with you
But there never seems to be enough time To do the things you want to do, once you find them I've looked around enough to know That you're the one I want to go through time with
If I had a box just for wishes And dreams that had never come true The box would be empty, except for the memory of how They were answered by you
But there never seems to be enough time To do the things you want to do, once you find them I've looked around enough to know That you're the one I want to go through the time with
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diamondcrownacademy · 11 months
DCA Info Part 51: Briar’s Family and Confidants 🌹
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Art colored by @au-ni-ro
For more information on Briar, click here!
Briar's Family
Roland Stephan Auroria (ローランド・ステファン・オーロリア, Rōrando Sutefan Ōroria)
Twisted from: King Stefan from Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Briar's Father. The fairy king of the Slumbering Willows who loved a human woman. After losing his lover when she gave birth to Briar, he kept her at the palace but due to the pressures of tradition as well as the guilt of leaving the one he loved to die alone, he let his fear overcome him leading him to ignore Briar so as not to lose the respect and praise of the nobles. He does provide her with servants and tutors and even allows her to roam outside, at least up to the limitations placed on a royal. But other than that he hasn't contributed to anything nor tried to defend her when the nobles gossip about her.
Eletha Lilith Auroria (エレサ・リリス・オーロリア, Eresa Ririsu Ōroria)
Briar's stepmother. The king's second wife. She is very strict on keeping traditional beliefs and makes sure to keep Briar away from the prince. Constantly reminding the king about the importance of keeping to the same group and upholding the tradition of pure bloods belong with other purebloods while half-bloods belong with other half-bloods. She doesn't outright bully her; she just blatantly ignores her like the other pure blood fairies do.
Aurus Gladio Auroria (オーラス・グラディオ・オーロリア, Ōrasu Guradio Ōroria)
Twisted from: Aurora's Royal Persona
Briar's younger stepbrother. The prince and heir to the throne due to being a pure blood fairy. He follows in his mother's guidance and ignores Briar, though he wonders why his father bothered to keep her in the palace at all. He never got to know Briar and sometimes catches a glimpse of her wandering the palace gardens.
Amare Casia (アマレ・カシア, Amare Kashia)
Briar's Late Mother and Roland's first lover. She was a commoner and a human with merely just a flower shop to her name, she met the fairy king who was wounded in her garden after he was careless and was thrown off his horse. She brought him into her house to help him recover, he fell for her the moment his eyes met hers. Even after he recovered he continued to visit her until it was one night they spend together that led to her pregnancy. He was petrified at what the council might say so he asked her to keep quiet which she reluctantly agreed to. She passed away after giving birth to Briar and she was left to be taken care of by an old woman who now lived in the old flower shop. It was when the king returned he finds out what happens, out of guilt he takes Briar to his castle. Briar's looks resemble her mother so much that the king can't help but remember the woman he left to suffer all alone.
Confidants: The Foxtwill Family
Yolanda Foxtwill (ヨランダ・フォックスウィル, Yoranda Fokkusuu~iru)
A fox beastwoman who married a half fairy. The seamstress of the Tailor Shop that her family runs. She saw Briar all soaked in the rain when the carriage that was supposed to take her back to the palace, didn't arrive. She caught a cold standing outside and Yolanda offered to keep her in the house until she feels better. When the royal guards knocked on their door, they were shocked when she realized that the child in her house was a princess. Briar reassures them that they are safe from any supposed punishment. And from then on, Yolanda welcomes Briar to live with them when the palace gets unbearable to her. Outright thinks she is better suited to be queen instead of the narrow-minded royals.
Ash Foxtwill (アッシュ・フォックスウィル, Asshu Fokkusuu~iru)
Yolanda's husband who delivers the clothes and fabrics made by his wife. He is a buff man who is half fairy that married a fox beast woman. He loves his wife and he treats Briar like his own daughter. A big softie who comforts Briar and was the only father figure who gave her the encouragement she needed to hear. He also makes corsages that are cute and popular among the other villagers.
Oliver Foxtwill (オリバー・フォックスウィル, Oribā Fokkusuu~iru)
The eldest son who take care of silkworms that make the cloth. He is a skilled weaver and has a soft spot for silkworms, even if the girls run away from him whenever he tries to show them to seem cool. He even joked sneaking a live silkworm into the King's pants to teach him a lesson, Briar hopes he's joking.
Olivia Foxtwill (オリビア・フォックスウィル, Oribia Fokkusuu~iru)
The youngest daughter who admires Briar because she is an actual princess. She loves to play dress up and shows Briar all the dresses she will wear when she marries a kind hearted prince.
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findingnemosworld · 1 year
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬 - 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬
( 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 "𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬" 𝐛𝐲 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭? 𝐎𝐫, 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬. 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐱. )
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬, 𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭, 𝐬𝐨 𝐢'𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐢 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 :)
[ 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 ]
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They say that wherever there is good, the bad lurks behind.
Y/N had never had it easy, and while that may seem trivial to some given that everyone knew who she was due to her father's massive name in the business world; she'd struggled to gain acceptance in the public eye - merely being reduced to a 'nepo kid' despite her massive success as a musical artist, it seemed to take a backseat whenever people dug deep into her life, paying more attention to her love life rather than her music.
You see, Y/N has had many lovers which some took as a sign of her being some sort of Casanova - from long term relationship to short flings, it seemed as if whomever she was with, she'd bound to be the next hot topic and when she met Andreas, she realized exactly why people were intrigued by her love life, Andreas was a professional football player and being such meant that he was equally well known as she is - they'd eventually cross paths and a love story blossoms.
Or what looked like a love story.
Andreas was possessive, far too possessive that it seemed to seep through the façade she had in public, people would notice hints and clues of her less than stellar situation, and after months of silently suffering; she'd finally rid herself of him and released the album Agrio which was a clear and direct message towards him.
Y/N had then decided to vanish from the public eye to go on a self love and rediscovery journey, her place of choosing you may ask, she'd chosen Paris - as one of her close friends happened to live there, Kylian Mbappe; the pair had maintained a close friendship for several years thanks to running in the same circles, and through Kylian she'd met the man of her dreams.
Sergio Ramos.
The six foot tall, inked Spaniard was a combination of gentle yet assertive, initially she'd wanted to resist him as her heart was still healing yet it was his presence and support which helped push her through the path of healing, eventually leading to the best kind of love she can hope.
Three years and two babies later, she'd been more than happy that it lead to her composing an album by the title of Amante - an ode to the man that saved her from herself, and yet in the midst of the happy bubble she lived in, there was always that inkling feeling that something was bound to happen, something that would pull her away from the cloud she was floating in.
" Amor, are you ready? I - " Sergio's words die down the minute his eyes land on his wife, donning a beautiful emerald green dress that hugged her curves in ways which definitely tugged on his heart and had shoot blood straight down. " Oh Dios Mío " he murmurs.
Y/N turns around with a shy smile, her hair cascading her soft features which were highlighted by the makeup that adorned her face. " Is it bad? " she wonders.
" Bad? " Sergio echoes before shaking his head, " My beautiful wife is everything but bad " he adds before a naughty smirk appears, " she's very bad in bed when she doesn't listen but right now ... let's just say, I'm reconsidering going to this stupid event before the match "
" Sese " Y/N whines, " when did we get a night for ourselves since Marco and Romano's birth hm? I wanna feel less like a mother and more like a girl, out with her man "
Sergio chuckles, wrapping both of his arms around her waist to tug her closer. " The way I see it, you're still that girl " he nods, " my wild girl who just so happens to be the best mother in the entire world, and the most talented singer "
" My baby " Y/N cradles his face to plant a soft peck, " Te quiero "
" Yo también te quiero mi vida " Sergio smiles.
The event was lavish just as Y/N expected, however with her little knowledge over football; she stuck to standing next to Sergio as he chatted away with players from his team as well as players from opposing teams, Y/N would pitch in every now and then if a question was directed to her but overall had remained silent for the most part with a sense of dread washing over her, unsure why, it wasn't until she looked up that she realized exactly why she felt it.
There, a few feet away, stood Andreas with a beautiful model hanging on his arm,
She shouldn't feel like this, especially now given the fact that she's married with children yet the effects of the trauma he subjected on her still remained, she gently untangles herself from Sergio who was deeply engrossed in a conversation with Kylian to notice, she wanted to get some fresh air and was unsure where she should go; on an impulse, she makes a beeline to the women's bathroom and along the way her shoulder collides with the one person she didn't want to see.
" Y/N " Andreas smiles smugly, " Fancy seeing you here "
Y/N responds with a tight lipped smile, " Andreas "
" Now darling " Andreas chuckles, " Are you still angry with me? "
" The better wording would be that I fucking hate you, but you already know that " Y/N responds with the same smile. " Excuse me "
She was stopped when Andreas placed a hand over her elbow, " Can we talk? "
Y/N looks at his hand and violently rips her arm away, " Don't you dare touch me? "
" When did you become such a bitch? " Andreas asks, " I'm guessing it's because of that sleazy husband of yours "
Y/N had endured a lot in her life yet what she will never endure, is any one insulting Sergio, " That sleazy person is the best man in the entire world, he'd managed to do in two months what you couldn't do in five years which is to actually be man "
Before Andreas could bite back, he feels a hand on his shoulder which caused him to whip his head, ready to growl only to shrink as he realized who he came face to face with.
Sergio gives him a smile, " Andreas, right? "
" Y- Yeah " Andreas responds, completely different from the way he spoke to Y/N.
" I heard wonderful things about you " Sergio smiles.
Andreas furrows his brows. " Huh? "
" Yeah " Sergio laughs, " Apparently you like to abuse your power over men, emotionally drain them, hurt them with your words all so you can say I'm a big and powerful footballer " he hisses, " wish I can say the same about your interesting football abilities " he smirks, " or lack there of "
" I ... " Andreas began.
" No .. no, I clearly saw what my happened " Sergio said, " You were disturbing My Wife and if there's one thing I don't tolerate, is when people to try hurt her so If I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open and pray I am not in the starting eleven for tomorrow's match because while I would love nothing more than to beat you senseless for being a misogynistic piece of human garbage, I know better than to embarrass my wife who's the most prettiest girl here, so .. " he grins then gently grabs Y/N to stand next to him, " See you on the pitch amigo "
The couple turn around, with Sergio tightening his embrace on Y/N and whispering, " Next time you want to go somewhere, I'm coming with you ok "
" Ok " Y/N nods before looking at him. " I love you "
" I love you too baby " Sergio smiles.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Hi, Ro😌❤️I love the new hospital drabble😌❤️
And I also had a good laugh reading that Ari had a hard time trying to explain why he called her his wife in the hospital🤣🤣
Though... it couldn't be the only time that Ari sneaked behind her back and called her wife, no?👀👀👀 like he can be all possessive and claiming when he needs to be😩🤭
Warnings for some spice. I mean, whoops again, gang 🥵😩 I have no one to blame but myself. OH NO. THIS SUCKER IS GETTING THE MATURE LABEL. WC 1.2k
3 x Ari Faked It + the 1st x It Was Real, a terribly titled Bedrock and Blueprints drabble
The hospital was a pretty special circumstance because the nurses weren't going to let him see you if he didn't lie, however, Ari becomes a bit notorious for not correcting anyone who calls you 'Mrs. Levinson.'
Your friends at the bar ask him how 'the misses' is doing when you're not around, and that very small thing usually brings a smile to his face. For a while, Ari thinks to himself that it's just the equivalent of saying 'your girl,' and he just moves on with the conversation.
A reservation for a nice dinner he takes you to on your birthday is under his name, and the woman leads you to the table with a simple "right this way, Mister and Misses Levinson."
Since it's just the hostess walking you from point A to point B thirty feet away, Ari hardly thinks it's worth the time to explain that you two aren't married...and you don't mention that either.
That gets him thinking. Would you take his name?
The idea rattles around in his brain, popping up randomly in between bits of chatting, but he never says anything out loud.
Of course, Ari's in love with you and you're in love with Ari. He loves you and you love him, and he knows that. But you don't...discuss future things with him much because you're trying not to scare the chronic nomad off. It took enough nudging (and then straight-up fighting) to get him to move into a house he was already building for you for fuck's sake.
And yes, Ari is still the type of man who would panic and run to the bar with José and Dimitri if you started talking about wedding things like guest lists and themes and flowers. He's not there, and he doesn't enjoy that even if it's you. He simply isn't that man.
The idea though...
That idea of saying you are his wife is different. That's not a possession in the physical sense. He's never wanted much in the way of 'stuff,' and he didn't put much effort into keeping his family around once he joined the military. Marrying you would not be a big deal to him in terms of ownership.
Nope. What strikes Ari deep in his gut is that you'd claim him as your family, you might want him bound to you in that way, and you might be his permanent home.
Something about that makes Ari feral, and on the way home from your dinner, the instant he pulls his keys out of the ignition, Ari slides across the leather seat and pins you to the door with a hot and heavy kiss.
When you finally convince him it'll be more comfortable to exit the vehicle, he doesn't let you get far, hoisting you up against the side of the truck until your arms stretch over the lip of the flatbed. That shiny little skirt you wear gets pushed up to your waist, and Ari fucks you right there in the dark driveway.
Happy birthday to you indeed.
Um, so then there's the time Ari will never, ever speak of to anyone other than you ever.
Maybe a month or two after you find out you're pregnant, Ari's boss's boss has a big party at a large corporate space the company just completed. The Big Boss's wife thinks you and Ari are married, and again, because it's an unnecessary conversation to have with someone you may never see after that night, you two nod and smile and move on.
There's so much drinking at the party which, of course, you can't partake in. It's not that you aren't having fun and meeting interesting people, but...
Let's put it this way: you are extremely horny during those months after the morning all-day sickness subsides, and Ari is not drinking in solidarity with you. What the hell else are you gonna do but find a random small room to pull your panties down just far enough for him to sink into you from behind? Is he supposed to stop himself from using one hand to support your faint baby bump? Is he gonna not use the other to furiously work your clit? Is he supposed to deny you two orgasms while he gets to watch you pinch at your bigger breasts from over your shoulder?
He's not a monster, so, yeah, he does all those things. He hasn't gotten the chance to figure out how to propose for real, but it works as a really intense turn-on for you, apparently, to hear him praise you as 'Mrs. Levinson' even just once when he whispers for you to be quiet. He does not actually care if you stay quiet, for the record. He kinda just wants the excuse to say it. If he's not mistaken, that made you come pretty fucking hard. Noted.
All in all, he is very courteous of the space, makes sure none of his cum drips out of you before replacing your panties, wipes himself with his handkerchief then pockets it so there's no trash (or evidence), and other than your hands braced on the wall at some point, nothing was touched. Also, Ari thought it was maybe the hottest sex of his life.
He is not, however, going to tell anyone that.
Out of necessity, you two don't spend much money on your wedding. It's a small (we are talking intimately small) Jewish ceremony followed by a huge backyard party with friends. It seemed more important to purchase Ari his coveted grill instead of investing too much in the pomp of a wedding. (Additionally, you couldn't really spend on even a small wedding until after getting a car fit to transport a baby, so Ari sold his beloved truck--to José, thank goodness--and you bought a bigger vehicle with a backseat. You are reluctantly driving now, but it's mainly in case of emergencies. The ultimate plan is for Ari to buy the truck back from José since his friend is also saving for a nicer car himself. It's all very tidy.)
The grill though! Ari's ecstatic. Now he can cook all sorts of stuff for you and little Rachel, your daughter, named after Ari's mother. Rachel, of course, can't eat anything from the grill yet, but that just gives Ari time to master his skills.
If the ceremony had been bigger, you two would have had the yichud--a bit of time together alone before leaving with your guests--but Rachel wakes up from a completely dead sleep in José's arms to demand attention...and you've got to get home to start cooking.
So it turns out that Ari doesn't have any chance to really converse much with you until Rachel is busy being passed around the guests outside and the food is all served. Dimitri is entertaining everyone by leading in lawn games. Ari takes his moment to steal you away to the bedroom.
He's not emotional he's extremely emotional, but he makes sure the first time he ever calls you Mrs. Levinson for real is while tenderly making love on your wedding day.
Well, the first time on your wedding day because there are a few more times after your guests leave and Rachel is put to bed. Just saying.
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Ya know, I have never written any 3+1 or 5+1 fics... Huh. Didn't realize that until now.
Still have zero chill and posted anyway. So sue me, I like reading people's reactions as soon as possible...
Hope you enjoyed this bit of spice, and thank you for reading!
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tomtenadia · 2 years
Drunken Cuddles
My stupid assignment is finally out of the way. It sucks but I don’t care. I am finally free to write some more Rowaelin.  This is an answered prompt:
Prompt: Clingy Rowan please, cuddles and all the good stuff
It’s pure fluff with a very needy Buzzard.
Aelin loved having an evening all to herself. She loved her husband dearly but on occasion, it was nice to be able to have total control of the TV to watch silly rom-coms without Rowan commenting on them or even just order take out, stuff her face until she was full and finish the night with a slice of chocolate cake without guilt trips on how her diet was verging on terrifying. Rowan was an healthy eater and not a fan of sweets. He was her weirdo and at the altar she had promised to love him for better and for worse and embrace all his weird quirks. That evening the boys had gone out. Lorcan was a professional hockey player and had finally scored the contact of a lifetime. He and Rowan were the only married ones, the rest of the gang was still single so when they asked Aelin and Elide to join them, the two women had agreed to let their men enjoy their night out like the good old times. Both wives had reiterated the necessity to leave the business of flirting with girls to their single friends. Aelin trusted Connall and Vaughan but Fenrys had a hard time dealing with the concept of monogamy. The movie had reached an interesting moment, she was all tucked under a blanket and polishing off a gigantic slice of chocolate hazelnut cake she had bought from Emrys that morning, when someone knocked at the door.
Aelin sighed. It was eleven o’clock at night, who wanted to suffer her wrath?
With a burst of anger she flung the door open and in front of her stood Lorcan, holding up a Rowan who was clearly wasted.
“Sorry,” apologised the tall man “The party got a bit wilder than I expected. Blame Fenrys.” “Believe me, I will.”
Lorcan moved a step in the house and Rowan shifted and groaned. In that instant his green eyes focused on Aelin and a stupid grin appeared on his face “Lor, look, there is a pretty girl in front of us.”
Aelin almost burst out laughing, but restrained herself. “I took all the others home already, you guys live nearby and now I can go home.”
“Lor, can I talk to the pretty lady?”
The man groaned “Do you want me to help you carry him in bed? He is kinda of a dead weight.”
“Lor, I am a firefighter, I carry people out of building on fire. I will be fine.”
Lorcan passed the man to his wife “Now you behave.”
“I am going with the pretty lady?” His green eyes had lit up in happiness and Aelin had a rush of tenderness.
With practice she pulled Rowan to her “go to Elide, and thanks for looking after him.”
Lorcan nodded and disappeared away and Aelin started dragging Rowan inside “Come on, Ro you need a good sleep and then tomorrow you can think about the fact that you are not nineteen anymore and can’t hold your alcohol like you used to.”
“You hair is so pretty. Can I touch it?” He shifted in his arms and Aelin almost lost her grip. They finally made it to the bedroom and dumped her husband and went to gran his t-shirt and shirts that he used to sleep.
She pulled him up to a seated position and he flopped against her. Damn stripping him to change would be a nightmare.
“I love your smell…” she felt his arms sneak around her neck “Can you be my girlfriend?”
Aelin laughed hard and pulled his face in front of her “I am your wife.”
His eyes widened in surprise “Are you sure?” He slurred.
Aelin pulled him again closer to her and grabbed their left hands and showed him the matching silver bands “See?”
In that instant his arms folder around her waist “Mine. The pretty lady is mine.”
“Ro, come on, let’s get you in more comfy clothes and get you to bed.”
“No,” he added stubbornly and tightened his hold on her “You are not leaving.”
Aelin sighed. It had been so long since he had been so badly wasted that she had forgotten that Rowan turned super clingy and needy.
“Ro, just to change your clothes, I am not leaving.”
He threw again his arms around her “I am scared. The Little Folk will get me if you I leave you.”
She gave him a kiss on the cheek “now you are protected.”
The satisfied goofy grin he gave was the most beautiful sight she ever saw.
“Fine,” he tried to pull off his shirt but in his inebriated state, his motor skills suffered a bit so Aelin had to help him. Then it was the time for his jeans and he blushed savagely when she told him he did not use underwear under his shorts “Come on, Ro, I have seen you naked a million times.”
He was still unsure so she tried another tactic “Ro, strip down and we can cuddle naked in bed.”
His face lit up and stripped naked as quickly as a drunken man could.
“Good, now go in bed. I will be back.”
She made a move towards the kitchen when all of a sudden she felt the weight of her husband on her back. Rowan was hanging from her like a backpack. 
“Ro, I am just getting some water for you and some pills.”
He shook his head with decision “I don’t want to be alone in bed. You promised cuddles.”
She sighed heavily and turned to her naked husband “Fine, let’s go, you big baby.”
Back in bed Aelin stripped down and climbed under the blankets “Happy now?”
“Yes,” he snuggled closer “you are so warm and soft.”
“Now, do you want to be the big or little spoon?”
He gave a goofy smile “Little, I want you to hold me.”
She climbed over him and then took position behind her husband. Her arms folded around his body and she heard him sigh happily “Happy now?”
He scooted closer until her chest pressed against his back “You are the best wife.”
She kissed his back, inhaling his scent “I love you too, Ro.”
“I am a lucky man.” He added with a sleepy voice.
A few minutes later his breathing steadied and Rowan finally fell asleep.
Aelin squeezed him and buried her face in his back “I will never let you go, Ro.”
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @whimsicallyreading @elentiyawhitethorn @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn @backtobl4ck @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee
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