#mason's genders
g4yforethan · 10 months
super shy
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pairing: chad meeks-martin x male!reader
summary: reader catches chad in the act and stays to help
warnings: cursing, top!chad, bottom!reader
a/n: ok this might seem a lil weird but i thought of this randomly in bed and had to start writing! my mind thoo. also they are 18 in this story not tryna do some underage shit that's nasty af.
you were tired and sweaty after gym class and decided to take a quick wash in the locker room. most of the guys in your class had already finished and went home since it was the last class of the day. you also liked it that way since you were a little shy around the guys as well. as the room seemed to get less quiet, you made your way into the showers. you heard the water running so you figured someone had left it on. you took off your clothes and stepped into the shower room. there, you saw him.it was chad. he was pleasuring himself. he moaned as he stroked his long cock with his hands. you were turned on by this as you have had a crush on him the entire school year and it seemed like the universe was working in your favor.
he paused at what he was doing and looked at you. your face was red and you were flustered. "i'm sorry i just got in here right now. i can leave." you said as you started to put your clothes back on. "no no stay here y/n. it's just the two of us. you wanna help me?" your eyes locked with his as he had a devious expression on his face. you walked over to where he was and began stroking his cock. his moans were loud and echoed throughout the room. "fuck. can you suck it?" you nodded your head and went down on your knees and shoved his dick inside your mouth. chad started to grab your hair to make you swallow every inch of his cock. you gagged on it and pulled out as he wanted more of you. “god i wanna fuck you so bad.” he says as he eyes you up and down and grabs ahold of your ass. “then fuck me right now.” you gave him a devious look and he was turned on by this.
he turned you around and smacked your ass before getting on his knees and opening your hole. he stated licking your hole and left hickies on your ass as you moaned out his name. he continued doing this until he couldn’t wait no more and made you get on all fours. there, he teased your hole with his dick and slowly went in at a soft and slow pace. you moaned as his huge cock dug deeper into you and the pulsing sensation of his dick drew you closer to him. “fuck baby you fuck me so well.” you moaned out as he smacked your ass and grabbed ahold of your waist. “yeah just like that baby boy. take this dick.”
he started going at a faster pace and soon enough began wrecking your hole as each stroke became stronger and faster. “ah fuck baby. i’m gonna cum.” “cum inside of me baby.” he came inside of you and filled your hole with his white thick fluid. afterwards, the two of you laid down to catch air. “wow so you’ve been in this class this whole year?” chad asked you. “ha yeah i just stand in the back during tag football. i’m pretty shy.” he came closer to you. “a pretty boy like you shouldn’t be shy at all.” he gave you another kiss on the lips and walked up and left the shower room. before you left, you saw him leave as he winked at you and motioned with his hands to call him. you were going to that night.
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eldritch-ace · 3 months
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Hannibal sapphics be upon yee 🧡🤍💖
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gravyhoney · 9 months
Being non-binary is exhausting guys.
On one hand, having to justify my existence to cis people who think that they/them pronouns can only be used for multiple people, and also having to explain to trans people that I’d prefer getting he/himed by accident than she/her, but not in the closeted transmasc just hasn’t realized it yet way, because I HATE he/him as much if not more than she/her but because I present, look, and sound feminine so most people default to she/her but if someone uses he/him, that means I looked androgynous enough that they were confused on my pronouns. No matter how I present or look, nobody will EVER default they/them for me at first glance. And god that makes me sad.
Also just. The amount of people that want to label me as transmasc. I’m NOT transmasc. I could fully medically transition, and I would never be transmasc, because I’m not transitioning to be/look/sound more masculine, that is NOT one of my descriptors. If you call me transmasc I’m legally allowed to kill you.
Just being trans-neutral in general.
There’s an exhausting amount of people, including trans people, that think the only ways to be trans are transmasc and transfem. So I’m also constantly justifying my existence to trans people aswell, and it’s like. FUCK. You, out of EVERYONE should understand. And yet you insist. I cannot be trans because I don’t experience gender or dysphoria the same as you.
Anyways. I’m tired. I love being nonbinary but fuuuccckkkk this sucks.
This post is about trans-neutral individuals and people who don’t fit the gender binary, if you derail I’m going to kill you with a brick.
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a-998h · 16 days
Return to Gravity Falls
@angelqueen27 & @eisheth
Contains: Implied Platonic yandere
"Wake, Starlight," a familiar voice tells me.
Opening my eyes, I'm met with the all too familiar set of bright blue eyes. My older brother, Mason, who has the stage name Dipper. I sit up in bed, yawning and rubbing my eyes of all sleepiness. Smelling pancakes, I figured my older sister, Mabel, was making her special strawberry chocolate chip pancakes. Those two were part of a magic act called, the Mystery Twins. We'd been traveling across the country for weeks and I was always excited to explore where we ended up this time.
"Morning big bro," I tell him.
I know he has a new bolo tie, but he has a million so I wouldn't now what every single one he owns looks like. He gives me a head pat and tells me to get dressed as he leaves the room and closes the door.
I throw on a blue shirt and black shorts, paired with my sneakers. I spend extra time brushing my hair, knowing Mabel would do it herself if she didn't think it was good enough. After brushing my teeth, I join my siblings at the table. Mabel, who's normally blank blue headband had a teal gem decoration on it, handed me a plate with a smily face pancake and apple slices.
"Morning little Starlight," she calls me.
I smile despite my annoyance. I have a name, Reader, but my siblings have never used it. It was always, Starlight this and Starlight that for as long as I can remember. I wanted to let go of the dumb nicknames, but last time I tried I started feeling guilty. Dipper and Mabel would say that they only wanted to have a bond with me, so I let them keep calling me that name. When their magic act took off, the dragged me along with them.
I look down at the smiling pancake, I loved that stupid whipped cream smile when I like 6, but Mabel keeps putting it on my pancakes. I don't really mind, it's whipped cream after all. I finish the pancake, and go to leave the table, but without even looking up from his plate, Dipper says.
"Eat all your apple slices, you need to be healthy,"
That pancake was huge, and I was feeling full. Trying to argue that point was useless as Dipper said that I could only be full if I finished those stupid apple slices. It bothers me that they can't see that I'm not a little kid anymore, plus I'm only three years younger than them. Giving in, I eat the apple slices and let Mabel take my plate and silverware. Looking out the window, I recognize some familiar scenery.
"We're back home?" I ask my siblings. They nod and smile.
We were away from home for so long, my heart might burst from the excitement of returning. Before I can leave the table to explore my hometown, Mabel stops me.
"We have something for you, Starlight," Mabel says as Dipper walks over.
With a dramatic flurrish, Dipper pulls out a white box with a blue ribbon bow on it. Opening it reveals a sliver bracelet, a dark teal stone embedded in the center surrounded by my star sign.
"Where and when did you get this?" I ask.
They both chuckle and Mabel tells me it was bought after one of their New England shows. I take their word, and put it on. It fits perfectly and looks beautiful. I hug them both before we heard our Great Uncle/ Manager Stan say Dipper and Mabel have to do a rehearsal for a show happening in about two weeks time. I get two kisses on the cheek as the pair leave. Once that car is outta view, I run out the house's front door.
Nostalgia hits like a freight train as I wander the streets of the town I knew and loved. Greasy's dinner was where it always stood, with Speedy Susan being a one woman crew. Gravity Falls may look like a hick town in middle of nowhere Oregon, which is true, but I see it as a wonderful place full of woods to explore. As I walk around, I feel something solid run into me as I fall backwards.
"I'm so, so, so, so sorry!" A high pitched voice says.
Looking as I stand, I see a girl with a color hippie like outfit, and a white haired boy in a sweatshirt, it's summer. The girl keeps apologizing and I let her know I'm ok. She sticks out her hand.
"Nice to meet you, My name is Pacifica Southeast, but please call me Pacifica," she tells me.
I tell her my name. She smiles and pushes the nervous sweatshirt boy closer. He looks like he really doesn't want to talk to anyone, not because he's better, but it's mor elike, he'll go the way of the narwhal if he even things of talking to strangers. He slowly sticks out his hand for a handshake. I return the handshake and tell him my name.
"M-My name is Gideon Pines," he tells me.
I nod and apologize for being in their way. Pacifica says her and he brother had plans to explore the nearby woods, then asked what I was doing. I explain my exporting and Pacifica says we should do it together. Normally, Dipper and Mabel would pull me away, Dipper making me wash my hand because he thinks that I'll get "poor people germs" and Mabel would say I need to spend more time with family. But, they aren't here.
"Sure, sounds fun" I tell my new best friends.
The three of us enjoy our wilderness expedition, spotting animals and plants of varying kinds. It was nice to have friends, Dipper and Mabel just scare them off, saying I only need my big brother and sister. I catch my reflection in a small creek, I have dirt stains on my hands, face, and shirt with messy hair. It's been so long since I've looked like this, ever since Dipper and Mabel had become the Mystery Twins, they would always keep me under their ever present eyes.
The laughter dies down as the sun starts to sink below the trees, casting the town and forest in a comfortable orange glow. Pacifica hands me a folded piece of paper, urging me to open it. When I do, I'm greeted with an address, but it's not one I know.
"It's for a place called the Mystery Shack, it's where me and Gideon live so you can hang out whenever you want!" She cheerfully tells me.
Stuffing the paper back in my pocket, I have memories of Dipper and Mabel insulting the Mystery Shack and telling I have no reason to go to "that dirty tourist trap". Now, I have friends and a reason to visit, I start making my way to home, trying to hide the evidence of my wilderness fun. Opening the door, I'm greeted with the stern looks of Dipper and Mabel.
"Do you have any idea how worried we were?" Mabel asks in a somewhat emotional manner.
I try my best to answer, but it doesn't help. Dipper scolds me as Mabel is setting up a make shift spy in our living room, going on and on about how I was "darted by hooligans". Dipper does nothing to calm her, only fueling the fire. Dipper calmly tells me that I shouldn't be around strangers as they could hurt me. Honestly, I think the most dangerous thing in this town are the woodpeckers. Dipper takes the paper as Mabel scolds me.
Well, despite being grounded, I'm still happy that we're back in Gravity Falls. Nostalgia softened the blow of grounding. Looks like I'll have to rob Dipper's room for that address. I wonder what it would be like to have real friends, not overprotective siblings.
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ingravinoveritas · 3 months
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Happy Nonbinary Awareness Week to this gorgeous gender chaotic creature...
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katiemay-025 · 4 months
Cabin in the Woods
Summary: After the rebellion you decide to move to District 7 to be with Johanna and help her through her hydrophobia.
wc: 1.7k
warnings: y/n/n = your nickname, mdni, mentions of hydrophobia, swearing, brief nudity, blood. a/n: getting tired of searching tumblr for Johanna Mason fics and not finding any new ones so I wrote one myself.
The train pulled into the station and when the doors open, you’re greeted by the fresh smell of pine and the thick misty clouds. It had been a months since Katniss shot Coin and the victor’s were whisked away back to their district. You were from District 10, and used to live and breathe on the farm where you raised the cattle and horses. After months without a caretaker, some of them hopped the fence but most of them died.
There wasn’t much to rebuild in District 10 so you decided a change of scenery would be nice. More than anything, you wanted to see Johanna in District 7. You wanted to see how she was doing considering she refused any more help from the doctors. So here you were standing at the District 7 platform with a small pack of clothes on your back.
Finnick gave you her address and directions to her house since he’d been there for the victory tour as the mentor for the 72nd Hunger Games. When you had won during the 66th year, Johanna hadn’t had a house yet in Victor’s Village.
Making your way through the town was easy, most people far and wide had gone to The Capitol to see Snow’s execution, they were all still trickling back. The almost ghost town didn’t bother you, but a ghost house did. At first you weren’t sure if you had the right house but then you saw the horse figurine half carved from its stake and the many other figurines. As far as you knew none of the other victors had their talent as woodcarvings.
This was definitely Johanna’s house but it was as barren as when you had came home to your house. Musty and a layer of dust caking everything. Unsure of where she could have gone, you went back to the town where a few people were moving the logs around to help with the rebuilding. Someone must know where she went so you asked around. “Hey have you seen Johanna Mason? She’s a few inches taller than me, with brown spikey hair and brown eyes. She also permanently glares at everything.”
“Oh yeah the victor, she comes into town twice a week for food supplies.”
“She’s not at her house?”
“No she’s out west past the tree farms doing god knows what.”
“Okay thank you.”
All you had to go off of was Johanna was past the tree farms. The farms looked bad, the ground was uneven, the trees were uprooted and some of them had a chunk of the trunk blasted out, District 7 must’ve rebelled here, mirroring District 10 and the main work places.
At the end of the grid of trees, there was a trail between the bushes, at the start you found tracks that led further into the forest. It took another 30 minutes before you heard wooden logs tapping against each other.
Johanna was 10 feet in the air hanging with her legs wrapped around the tree and using the back end of her axe to hammer in the final frame log for her… whatever she’s building.
“So this is where Johanna goes after the war.” You say grabbing her attention.
“You know damn well why, I fucking hate that mansion.” she said swinging down to the roof of the cabin she built below the platform. “How did you find me?”
“Oh you know, I asked for directions and the guy sent me this way to follow angry gremlin tracks.”
Johanna rolled her eyes. “I have an axe in my hand right now.”
“You’re not a threat to me Mason. I can spit on you and you’d go into shock.”
“Shut the fuck up.” She scoffed. It was mean yes, using her fears against her but Johanna needs the reality check and from experience, she takes you more seriously when you don’t coddle her.
“No. You can’t sweep it under the rug Johanna. Not this time, I won’t let you. It starts just like this, not showering, avoiding the rain. Soon it’ll turn to you not staying hydrated and I’m not letting you die.”
“So what? You’re going to stay here until I get better?”
“If that’s what it takes.” You felt it first, the cold drop of water on your hand. “Let’s go inside, you can give me a tour.” You offer your hand towards Johanna and she pushes it out of the way as she walks around the cabin to the front door. You see the hair on her neck stand followed by heavy breathing. Without a second thought, she sprinted towards the door tripping on the steps of her porch and ramming into the door.
You winced watching her in pain so you moved to help her. As soon as you touched her shoulder she knocked it away again. “I’m fine!” She shouted. You could hear the pitter patter as the rain hit the leaves above you. You felt more drops on your head and looked up to feel them on your face. You loved the rain and if Johanna wasn’t going to accept your help, you’d at least enjoy it.
You reached your arm towards the sky smiling at the cool misty air. You hopped from the porch and ran circles around the tree spinning through the forest like a fairy. In the floor, you collected the pine needles and threw them into the air with a giggle, but you quickly turned your head to Johanna who sat with her back towards the door and her knees pressed to her chest.
The rain wasn’t getting to her because of the overhang but you saw the glistening under her eyes. Blood ran down her nose as well and watching her was like that 17 year old girl who cried through her reaping and her interview. Only this time it was real. You quickly stopped your dance and walked over to her, ignoring the squelching in your shoes. You crouched down out of arms reach from her. You wanted to hold her but you knew it would send her into a deeper madness because of your wet clothes.
“Are you okay?”
“It’s not fair! It’s not fair that you get to go out and dance in the rain and I can’t.” She whined. “District 7 is a rain forest, it rains majority of the days here and I can’t even step off my porch.”
“You’re right it’s not fair, but like I said, I’ll be here and I’ll help you every step of the way. One day we’ll be able to dance together in the rain.”
“It’s stupid. I know you’re fine but I-“
You waited for her to continue but her voice died out. “It’s not stupid Johanna. It’s completely understandable.” You reached your hand out to catch the rain and held it out towards Johanna. “Baby steps. If you wanna poke the water, go ahead. If not I’ll just sit here.”
This was a tactic to get the horses to trust you with a brush, holding the item in your hand and letting them feel the bristles of the brush for themselves before you grooming their hair. Johanna crawled to sit next to you. You heard her sniffling and saw her fingers shake when she brought it up. You never moved letting her dip her finger in the pool of your palms. “I can do this. It can’t hurt me.” She said to herself before plunging her finger in the water.
Johanna looked up at you like a child looking for approval and you returned a beaming smile. Your cheekbones rose high to turn your eyes into crescent moons. In all honesty you were proud she at least retained some things the doctor in District 13 taught her, like positive self motivation.
It seemed to click for Johanna that she actually touched water from the first time since The Block. “It’s a start. I’m proud of you.” You said.
Johanna let out a sigh she didn’t know she was holding as she looked into your eyes. If you weren’t here, she’d have hid under her bed until who knows when, but in your presence, it was like a protection. Through everything you had gone through, you were still the same caring and patient y/n she knew.
“I’m going to change before I start catching a cold.” You stood up stripping off your jacket. The cold water seeping down your back and you left it next to the door.
“If I see any water inside I’m strangling you.”
You shook your head as you stripped off the rest of your clothes turning to an all too smug Johanna. “Happy?”
“Very.” She said checking you up and down. “It’s like your horses and the apples you give them when they do a good job. I touch water and you get naked as a reward.
You laugh at her comparison. You couldn’t even be mad at her, after all, you did treat her like a horse a couple minutes ago. If this was going to help her then you wouldn’t mind.
“Okay. I can do that only in private though. I am not getting naked at the market, when you run your hand through the produce sprinklers.”
“That’s better for me then. I get you to myself.” She opened the door and let you go in. As you stepped into her cabin in the woods, you felt a hand squeeze the skin on your butt and snapped your head towards her, her name on the tip of your tongue. Johanna threw her head back laughing at your reaction before walking past you and bumping her hip with yours. "Make yourself some tea, I've got tea bags and pine needles. Collect your own water though. I'll get you some towels and clothes to dry off."
What a day, from being on a train to getting naked in the middle of the forest. No matter what though, you were glad that the day was ending in the presence of Johanna Mason. After putting on her clothes, because you stupidly left your pack in the rain, the two of you cuddled under a blanket and enjoyed the warmth of the crackling fire.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Warnings: swearing, major mentions of death and violence, spoilers, death of children, mental illness, mentions of previous torture. 
a/n: with the hunger games resurgance, I want to continue writing for these characters. I absolutely loved this series so much, it was an innate part of my teenage years. 
🌿ESTP 🍁Slytherin 📜Chaotic Neutral 🔮Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon, Aries Rising  
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:    
Dance Me To The End Of Love by The Civil Wars (they featured on the song with Taylor Swift in the first movie)
・You were never reaped, and never knew the personal/immediate experience of having to kill someone. However, your oldest brother was in the Hunger Games, a few years after Johanna. So, you knew the pain of losing a loved one. 
・Helping each other transition into a world where the Hunger Games no longer exists
・In a world where the Capitol doesn’t rule with an iron fist 
・After the events of Coin’s death, Katniss and Peeta go to district 12 to live out their days in peace
・Johanna still plagued by the torture and trauma she endured, didn’t know what to do. 
・No family, no friends, so she hid herself in the apartment that Commander Paylor gave to her (all living victors were given an apartment. But the catch was that they had to go through therapy)
・Johanna refused to go to the appointments. She was adamant that it was stupid, it wouldn’t help. 
・And she drowned in her own sadness 
・It took her 3 months to begrudgingly go to an appointment
・It was a group therapy session. Katniss and Peeta weren’t there as they lived in District 12 and didn’t live off of Paylor’s generosity
・It was a small group, and when Johanna looked around at the other victors, she saw herself. Hurt. Broken...the feeling of something that was taken and they could never get it back
・You were apart of the healers. Not a therapist, but a protegee underneath Ms Everdeen - yes, Katniss’ mother
・She shined in the Capitol; given the best treatment for everything she suffered 
・And you were lucky enough to be her assistant. 
・Learning the art of healing wasn’t easy
・But the opportunity was too good to let pass by 
・Ms Everdeen was a quiet woman, but when she taught, there was a light that began to shine. With each comment, lesson, tutorial and experience - she began to glow and glow. 
・But you soon learnt that bringing up either of her daughters was... bad. Her light dimmed whenever their names were mentioned; even talking about the plants was difficult for her. 
・She loved Prim, her youngest who looked like her. Who never judged her, only had love in her heart for everyone. Katniss was so distant, it felt like a death
・Johanna felt safe with Ms Everdeen. It was an interesting dynamic. She somewhat... stepped into a maternal role for the young victor. A role that Johanna desperately wanted filled but would never admit
・That’s how you met Johanna; in all her hardened exterior. Someone unloved but not unlovable. 
・Your relationship started off very clumsily; she saw you as another therapist - therefore an enemy. 
・You didn’t take much of a liking to her either 
・It was a conscious effort to be curteous 
・And Ms Everdeen pushed you toward Johanna
・Call it a mother’s intuition 
・And that intuition spurred a tight friendship. Johanna eased into your company (not without a fight) 
・You showed her moments into your world and in response, she displayed glimpses into her own
・And then you formed a tight bond. Best friends. Always doing things together, eating, spending all your free time with her
・You even inspired her to go to the therapy appointments 
・And although there were a few hiccups along the way, Johanna started to heal
・From then on she wanted to know what this new world had to offer
・ You both explored what the new Panem was, how Paylor had changed the old ways into something new. A united nation, where everyone reaped the benefits of food, shelter and safety. 
・There were no games after the rebellion. Paylor made sure of that:
   “We didn’t let people sacrifice their lives for a world where we go on sacrificing. We are one now. Panem will never be the same.” 
・Now with a new sense of freedom, you saw a change in Johanna. You knew what it was - hope
・This newfound hope made Johanna realise that ... she could do whatever she wanted. There wasn’t a reason why she couldn’t. She had survived. 
・The very next hour, she had walked right up to you and kissed you fiercely 
・It wasn’t the best place to snog; right in front of Ms Everdeen, but when you pulled apart you glimpsed over at her and saw her smile 
・Being with Johanna is like the like winter. Having a fire to keep yourself warm is cosy but when it gets out of hand - it will leave you with nothing but ashes. 
・You moved in together, a three bedroom apartment that wasn’t too far from Ms Everdeen’s place. You both felt too guilty leaving her.
・Once there was a time that you invited Peeta and Katniss to come and stay, but Peeta wrote back that Katniss wasn’t ready. 
・As a partner, Johanna is hot-headed but also playful and teasing
・She loves ruffling your feathers (never too much though, she never wants to push you away)
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔  
Complete And Utter Badass, Rather Monstrous (Johanna) x Their Ray Of Light Who Has Them Wrapped Around Their Finger (You)
Confident & Flirty (Johanna) x Has Never Been Flirted With Before, Thinks They're Just Being Nice (You)
Snarky Power Couple That Can, And Probably Will, Destroy You
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆  
You Make Me Want To Be A Better Person
𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝑷𝒆𝒕 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖
At first it was your last name. She would say it with such coldness, and unkindness. A forced tone that she used. On the outside she hated you, and yet on the inside... she had a burning passion for you. Through the progression of your relationship, you could tell how she felt about you with how she said your last name. 
𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆
Acts of Service and Quality Time. 
Johanna hates all that sappy lovey-dovey talk, and she’s still healing with the aspect of physical touch. So the way she shows her affection is through doing things for you and spending time with you. And then she starts to do those little signs of affection; kisses on the cheek, moving hair out of your face, wiping any food from your mouth etc. PDA is pretty much a no no. But when someone tries ANYTHING with you, then she will kiss you so hard, showing that you’re hers. She’s very protective ... well possessive, over you. 
𝑵𝑺𝑭𝑾 🔞minors dni!
・The first few times you had sex with Johanna, it was angry sex. The kind where you barely kiss each other, and the headboard is banging, and it doesn’t last too long. Then afterwards it’s not spoken about
・It was difficult, in all honesty. Because you felt used
・But Johanna was trying to hide a part of herself. A deeper part that she’s hidden behind a wall of imenetrable steel. A wall only she can knock down. 
・So it took time - 
・But in that time, you expressed your discomfort at the lack of a deeper connection
・And your relationship was put on hold for a bit until Johanna could open up to you. 
・Your relationship progression made sex more and more softer, intimate, slower. 
・She wasn’t so rough
・And you realised she would barely kiss you during sex. But now, with her walls down, she couldn’t stop kissing you 
・Johanna’s lips were warm, but still with an edge of savagery. Nips here and there, she loves leaving marks, bruises, and hickies.
・She likes leaving them where other’s can see - 
・Johanna needs people to know that you’re taken
・A big thing with her is foreplay. She loves making you whine, beg for more. 
・Sex toys? Yes. Vibrators, strap ons, dildos, anal beads etc. She would own the lot (and you guys keep everything in your ‘sex’ drawer)
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nian-7 · 8 months
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Hypnosis Mic x gn!reader
✧February 11th - For you, My love (valentines day gifts for you)
✧valentines event, (all divisions + chuohku)
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Something sweet and simple, probably a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers that they picked out for you specifically. They're not a big fan of Valentines Day but, to bring a smile to your face, they'll do anything. It might not be much but, they did put a lot of thought into which flowers to put in the bouquet or what kind of chocolates you'd like best.
-Jiro, Samatoki, Kuko, Hitoya, Otome, Ichijiku
They enjoy Valentines Day and get you something really cute! They get you flowers, some chocolate, and possible a little plushie they found! They likely slip some sort of gift card to your favorite cafe in as well. You mean a lot to them so might as well go all out right? They're also the type to make you those little paper 'coupons' that say stuff like "free one hour cuddle session" and put it in.
-Ichiro, Hifumi, Sasara, Jyushi, Nemu
He thinks Valentines Day is stupid and boring. He does not want to see all these lovey-dovey couples everywhere and it's honestly so annoying! That is until he realizes he has you. He still thinks the whole holiday is stupid but, he does buy you some chocolate and say Happy Valentines Day, just to make you smile. He might not like the day but he sure does love your smile.
-Saburo, Ramuda
Makes you something homemade that took them a lot of thought and time. They wanted the day to be special for you rather than simply giving what felt like no thought by buying simple flowers or chocolates. Their homemade creation could be chocolates they made themselves or it could be something they learned how to make just for you to enjoy. It might not be perfect but they're glad that you're happy with it.
-Rio, Gentaro, Dice, Doppo, Rosho
Very simple and honestly it doesn't seem like much thought was put it but, there was. He probably went to many shops just to find what he was looking for. It had to be the exact thing or else he wasn't buying it. He will eventually find what it is he's been searching for and present it to you. Hopefully you're happy with it because although it's a simple gift, he picked it out with you in mind the whole time.
-Jyuto, Jakurai, Rei
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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ziilenthiill · 1 year
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11:58; sinister.
warning this DREAM incldues: degradation. implied dubcon/noncon if you squint. hair pulling. biting.
jeff tightly holds on to your hair, forcing your head back. he let's out a low, cruel chuckle as you bounce up and down on his cock. your body is covered with cuts and bruises, but a sick, sinister part of you love it. you love how mean he was; you love how he takes what he wants.
"aww, are you enjoyin' this, slut?" he mocks, tightening his grip on your hair, "you're fuckin' sick." his breath is hot against your ear and there's a certain rasp in his voice that makez you whimper. jeff chuckles again and pulls you in for a rough kiss.
he moves his hands down to your hips, gripping them harshly. jeff's fingers dig into your skin, pulling a high-pitched whine from you. "such a—fuck—whore." he grunted, thrusting his hips upward in sync with the bounce of your hips. "just all f'me, yeah? my pre-pretty whore.."
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cantheykillmacbeth · 10 months
could heather mason from silent hill defeat macbeth?
Yes, Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3 could kill Macbeth!
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She was created as a reincarnation of Alessa Gillespie/Cheryl Mason after her death, and it is shown that while some of Alessa's memories have surfaced with Heather, she still considers the two of them to be separate people, meaning she applies for the Unconventional Birth Clause! She also, of course, applies for the Gender Clause, though not the Birth Parent Clause, as her creation was enacted by Alessa/Cheryl, a woman.
Also of note is that Heather does directly quote Macbeth in the game, with the following line: Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player / That struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. That doesn't really have anything to do with the verdict, but I know that someone would have brought it up if I didn't.
Thank you for your submission!
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iwasateenagenosferatu · 6 months
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POV: You're a trans girl raised on Survival Horror games.
Ashley Meyers - My new Sim and ps2 era final girl. Featuring The Dysphoria Demon, The Chaser and the first level boss, The Gate Keeper
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bisexualbuckleyy · 9 months
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this was too excellent to put in a meme post it had to be by itself
teen wolf memes
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i did a little twins gender swap for funzies. its really fun to me how little i think would change about how they dress lol. Also yes i got lazy with dippers arms i did her sketch last night and wasnt planning on doing anything with it originally lol.
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skeletood · 1 year
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rootsofdread · 1 year
Another one →⁠_⁠→
This time full platonic, Killer!reader had a younger sibling and they remind them of said sibling and sometimes reader catches themselves treating them as such
Quentin, Cheryl, Amanda and Sadako, also reader doesn't have to be killer if you don't want to i don't mind:D
i may have leaned too much into the sibling angle with this lol i hope that's okay!! i was just excited to write this cause i see sadako, heather, and amanda very familial-ly myself <33
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Quentin Smith:
Quentin has no idea what to think of you, honestly. He's wary of every killer, so it's nothing personal. He's just…Nervous. And he's not entirely sure why you're so friendly and affectionate towards him. You won't hear him complain, but he's suspicious.
He loosens up decently quickly, though, realizing you're not out to hurt him. He feels more comfortable, even safe around you, especially when you hug him. You won’t tell him, but he figures it’s because you lost someone like him. Even if you’re intimidating to him, he won’t be the one to take away the little scrap of happiness you’ve been able to find in the fog. Besides, it’s not exactly the worst thing in the world to have the favor of a killer.
He likes discussing dreams with you. Dreams are much stranger and feel more real in the fog, it’s a phenomenon that interests him and he loves discussing it with his friends. But he especially loves the comfort when he’s had a nightmare, it’s been a very long time since he’s had someone to turn to when he’s had a nightmare. Now he has you.
You give him a confidence boost like nothing else. He’s never been very confident, or brave, but you instill courage in him just by standing by his side. Knowing you’ll be there for him after a trial gives him the will to push through it when he needs it.
He’s usually the first to initiate affection, like hugs, high-fives, fistbumps. He��s a very affectionate kid and loves showing you he loves you and loves having you as an older sibling, a protector and a safe haven.
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Cheryl Mason:
Cheryl is more trusting of you, her young naivety kicking in when you show her the slightest bit of friendliness. This may be the one situation where it isn’t a bad thing, though, because she honestly loves having a tough older sibling-figure like you. She’s always wanted a sibling.
She doesn’t really pick up on the fact that you’re a little weird about “adopting” her in place of your real younger sibling. She just thinks you need help breaking out of your shell, so she’ll randomly give you hugs or squeeze your arm to let you know it’s okay. Even though she has the wrong impression, she is helping you in the way that you need.
For this reason, she appreciates your guidance. She’s easily trusting and can get herself into some trouble because of it, but now she has you to help her out of that and steer her away from it. She values your opinion and insight, and when she’s alone, she’ll often think to herself “what would they do?”
She gets overwhelmed easily by her emotions and is prone to meltdowns. During these moments, she appreciates kind gestures from you like a hug, a hand hold, a pat on the back and calming words. You always help her out when she gets like this and she could never thank you enough.
Most of all, she loves having someone to help her navigate the darkness of the fog. There’s so much of it here, and she’s a sensitive girl. She’s needed someone to rely on and she’s finally found that in you.
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Amanda Young / The Pig:
Amanda is a little resistant to your affection at first. She feels a little like you're babying her, and she doesn't need that. If you go to ruffle her hair or pull her into a hug, she'll wiggle away and snort at you. She's not used to affection really, much less the familial variety.
It takes her a while to warm up to you. Her family was disappointed in her, she doesn't want to disappoint you too. She starts looking up to you and admiring you, particularly for your prowess in trials. She doesn't realize it, but you are like an older sibling to her.
Due to this, she kind of over-performs in trials seeking your approval. She tries too hard and ends up losing a few, coming sniffling to you. She feels shame, but when you pull her into your arms and tell her you're proud of her anyways, just for trying…She feels better.
When she's a bit more comfortable with you, she'll invite you to her workshop at the Gideon packing plant. She knows you like building things like she does, and she's confident enough in her skills she knows you won't be disappointed in her work.
She will try to imitate you on occasion, with outfits and moves and such. She always wants you to be proud of her, and she figures the best way to do that is to be more like you. She'll grow out of this eventually when she comes to realize you're always proud of her.
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Sadako Yamamura / The Onryō:
Sadako absolutely loves having someone like an elder sibling to her, especially one that may share her grief and rage. She's felt closer to the killers in the fog than she ever really felt to anyone else, and now she has someone like her who seems to share the same sort of familial bond.
She'll act very childish around you, more her age. She'll follow you around like a lost duckling and will hide behind your legs when someone approaches. She'll pull on your sleeve and bring you over to a mess of papers and crayons on the floor, showing you she's drawn a bunch of pictures of you and her together.
She enjoys pranking you occasionally, mostly by crawling out of her TVs. She'll lead you to a dark place and suddenly disappear…Just as you start to worry about her, the TV suddenly flicks on and she jumps out to grab your legs. These are the few moments you'll hear a real laugh from her.
She loves letting you braid, brush, or play with her hair. She doesn't take care of her hair herself really, and she loves having someone who doesn't mind doing it for her. She loves seeing how you style it, even if it's just simple little braids.
She knows you had someone like her that you lost. And she knows it may be hard to be around her, sometimes, because of that. But she appreciates that you push through it for her, to be with her and watch out for her. She knows she can't replace who you lost, but she's lost people too, and you both fill that void in each other's hearts.
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spencer0o7 · 7 months
I Love You
Johanna Mason x Reader
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summary: after Johanna finally gets freed from the capitol after the 75th games, you visit her in the hospital.
warnings: mentions of wounds and bruises and ig a brief mention of Jo being hurt in the capitol
word count: 229
a/n: I’m very much back in my hunger games phase after reading the books for the first time lol enjoy 🫶🏽
You sit inside the hospital room in front of Johanna. She’s wounded and incredibly thin. Her hair’s been shaved. You reach forward to her unconscious body and softly rub her cheek. What have they done to you? You wonder. She stirs slightly in her slumber.
Her hand sits limply at her side. You take it in yours trying to feel the warmth you’ve always felt from her. You slowly bring your lips to her hand and give it a kiss.
Her face is littered with small cuts and bruises. Her face that you admire so much. The face that you go to when you feel it’s all too much. The face that makes it feel like it’s all worth it. The face that you love.
You rest her hand that’s intertwined with yours carefully under your chin.
“I love you Johanna.”
It’s the first time either of you have said it out loud. You know you’ve both felt it for a long time though. Her chest rises softly under her hospital gown. She might not have heard your confession of love but you don’t care. Your love for each other has been clear the whole time.
As the time goes by you stay with her. Your eyes start fluttering shut overcome by sleep. You stay there the whole night right by Johanna’s side.
Just as you will be forever.
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