#may 2021 astrology
punkpandapatrixk · 7 months
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🍀Lady Luck on Your Side ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
There is no economic system that’s perfectly perfect. Whatever system you’re in, what’s wise to do is make the best out of all streams of possibilities viable within that system. Transcend above the stupidity and strike your Lucky 3 (Jupiter’s number LOL)🍄
In Astrology, the Lady Luck is represented by Mother Jupiter—the planet of expansion and good luck. The thing about luck, Love, is that you can’t plan around it. You can only prepare yourself and your resources the best you can and then gamble it all away. Gamble your fucking Life away at big endeavours that you know your Soul intends for you. Have faith in your divine abilities, bitch~🐞
If you fail, you learn!🐌
You are a Luck Magnet for as long as you believe in yourself. Be confident in that the essence of your beingness is enough for manifesting all you’re meant to see manifest in your lifetime🍀
Jupiter Sign: the psychology with which you philosophise shit
Jupiter House placement: areas of Life most blessed by the grace of Jupiter’s expansion
Planets in 9th House: indicate a need to expand beyond a simpleton mindset!!
‘The secret is not to chase the butterflies but to take care of your garden so they’ll come to you.’ – an old proverb
SONG: Baby Face by Sakamoto Maaya
MOVIE: Cruella (2021)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 3]
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Pile 1 – Patiently Revealing All Your Glorious Petals
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lucky money (insights into lucky career opportunities) – Knight of Pentacles Rx
I’ve got to say your opportunities are the most unique here, and very likely quite challenging in that you must have patience. Lady Luck says that the path most suited to your lucky money involves your being a ghost. Hustling in secret, hiding your plans and spiritual truths from everybody else and treading very carefully on the way towards your goal. This could take many years! For many of you, this could be the loneliest path because nobody around you seems to understand your visions, or the intuitive nudges you know your Higher Self is directing you towards🛴
You were put in environments where most people don’t understand you (or they simply don’t share your visions) because your Higher Self intended for you to exercise navigating adversaries. This was part of your Soul’s scenario, you know. Stormy seas make the best sailors, kind of scenario. In that sense, you’ve been met with many uncomfortable situations, even dangerous and painful encounters and goodbyes to advance your evolution. Fear not, for you have not lost but gained valuable perspectives what will ensure good karma returning to you when you’re older🎆
For the majority of you reading this, your Jupiter will begin to really shine a light on your real lucky career path after you’ve graduated your first Saturn Return. Typically, by the time you’re between 29 and 33, things will get that much clearer and you’ll regain your motivation (if you’ve lost it at some point) and feel really glad you’ve made it thus far. The future accessible to you will begin to feel astonishingly clear and you will be excited but still need to work on that patience LMAO
lucky daily (ways to increase luck every day) – Page of Wands
Having said all of that, many of you reading this may feel quite frustrated at the idea that you’re only gonna get your successes at a later age. Especially if you’ve survived your first Saturn Return and you’re only beginning, you may have felt quite like a loser in comparison to these 20-somethings already achieving so much in Life… But, who’s to say all of that is gonna last? Sometimes, people gain a lot at a young age only to have all of that swept away by the time motherfucking Saturn returns to get them LOL Well, that, too, is part of their spiritual evolution, so~🙏🏻
Remember that you’re not in a competition with anybody or even Destiny itself. To increase your luck daily, Jupiter is saying: enjoy every single day you get to make progress on your true ideal career. Whatever it is that you’re doing right now, and if you aren’t yet where you envision yourself to be, you can still enjoy every single step you manage to take on a daily basis to get you closer to where you want to be. You’re learning and gaining momentum, aren’t you? All these little steps matter in the grander scheme of your Higher Self’s orchestration to bring to your doorstep all that you deserve📦
Of all the piles, I have a strong feeling your manifestation is the most guarded by the Higher Realms. You’re meant to go through hoops and learn to prepare yourself very well so that you could build a strong foundation that is sure to have longevity. The thing you’re meant to do, to have, to express, to create and build, unlike many, many others who need to learn through gain and loss of the very things that matter to them, is going to be yours forever once you establish it. The whole idea of unlocking achievements in accordance to age is pure scam. You are safe and perfectly on time🎯
lucky strike (big blessings you’re destined to obtain) – Knight of Wands Rx
Let me let you in on a secret. Mental clarity/health is absolutely paramount to your success story. Plenty of young people get crowned with massive successes without having a strong foundation of morality or empathy, and least of all, spirituality. For example… How many times have we heard tragical Hollywood stories where young celebs/influencers became the IT girls/boys very early on only to crumble and get shattered by the time they’re in their late 20s or early 30s? (Saturn freaking Return!) All because they’re so out of touch with reality🤷🏻‍♀️
Not saying they’re terrible seeds per se, but perhaps it was their environment/upbringing what didn’t allow them to bloom beautifully the way you are with your emotional and spiritual maturity. Whatever career choice you have in mind, know that when you’re finally established there, you’re going to be so based, so grounded in reality that everybody is going to have immense respect for you for the things you say and contribute to your cause📢
Your lucky break may indeed require a slow, careful planning, all behind the scenes, too. You are meant to develop in the fog and mists, away from the beady eyes of those who might seek to trample over everything you’re building. Nobody would ever guess what your next lucky chapter would look like! But you do. You do so well because you’re working on it every day, diligently and resiliently. Maybe you don’t know yet, but Lady Luck is visiting a lot sooner than logically expected hahah And when she carries you through those winds of change…🥂
mother Jupiter on your side (message from Jupiter) – Red Astronomer (Johannes Kepler)
merging with your Higher Self (the weight of destiny) – Priestess of Clarity
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Pile 2 – Resiliently Growing in the Mud
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lucky money (insights into lucky career opportunities) – 2 of Cups Rx
Harmony is definitely integral to your spiritual sanity. You’re not the type of person who can thrive in a dog-eat-dog industry. When people are ugly to each other at the workplace, it fucks most of your brain’s functions up. This coldass capitalistic system doesn’t suit you; and if you can’t seem to catch up, it’s not because you’re a failure, but because you’re wired towards a more high-vibrational existence. An existence where people’s interactions are generally pleasant and—in some instances—beautiful💞
There must be some significant Libra/7th House or Pisces/12th House placements in your birth chart that are pulling you towards creating harmony in your work environment. Being surrounded by ease and beauty is of paramount importance to your optimal functioning. If you’ve ever experienced some kind of a professional heartbreak from betrayal/cruelty by co-workers or bosses, that environment ain’t where you belong, and it is perfectly safe for you to eject yourself from that hellhole. There are better things more suited to your Style🌈
Lady Luck says you may be more suited to working alone until you establish yourself enough to make collaborations with others who are quite similar to you in terms of their general politeness and delightful visions for the world. Wow that’s a longass sentence. For example, a vibe I’m getting is a small business owner selling whatever beautiful and creative things you can produce on your own. Even if not selling, you could have, for example, a YT channel showcasing your real-time painting or any other interests/talents you may have and get money from rolling ads🎞
lucky daily (ways to increase luck every day) – 6 of Cups
If you’ve ever had frustrating, or even painful, experiences in the corporate world—whatever the setting may be—that whole ordeal was truly teaching you the importance of working with just a small circle of trustworthy individuals to move forward with. Integrity is crucial in your daily choices. Sharing ideas and stories with kindred spirits is the way to go in your case. That you never betray your own purity, that you don’t give in to selling your Soul to the Devil, that you never let yourself kowtow to the System…
All of these brave decisions are what’s going to be favoured by the Lady Luck. In different scenarios this endeavour may take some time, but don’t fret, because for most people, accessing the Power of Jupiter does take some maturing. It does take some experiencing, some intel-gathering, some philosophising over many, many things that are eating away at your sanity. The moment you become clear about those wrong things is the moment you regain control over your daily choices🍭
You may want to look at what your 6th House sign and placement entail for your healthy habit-building~ You’re a bit of a Faery Soul, an Elven Soul, or maybe a Mermaid Soul; you’re gentle and more sensitive than most Humans. Maintaining harmony and balance in your everyday Life is key to increasing your Luck daily. You’re spiritual and creative, and so, if you allow yourself to indulge in soulful activities as part of your money-making endeavours, Lady Luck is going to gladly visit you every day~🌬
lucky strike (big blessings you’re destined to obtain) – 5 of Wands Rx
It isn’t to say that you’re meant to only live a secluded, hermit lifestyle. As mentioned earlier, you could benefit from working alone when you’re just starting on your passion project. You’re more suited to working solo and figuring things out yourself as you build a livelihood that’s generally pleasant every day~🌌
When you’ve raised your vibrations enough and be super charming and confident because you���re making money by living authentically, you’re going to become a magnet for amazing, one-of-a-kind, kindred spirits who are just as unconventional as yourself. You’re going to be glad because your connections and relationships are going to be exciting without stupid dramas. This in itself could lead to amazing collaborations with those who share similar visions as yourself🌉
You are definitely amongst those convention breakers who will show others that operating on nothing but the spirit of competition in the professional world is dumb as fuck. People thrive when they collab with those of similar tastes and minds. When all’s said and done, you’re meant to have a Life of ease and a lot of cheer with unique individuals living high-vibrationally interesting lives, carving your own alternative existence~💠
mother Jupiter on your side (message from Jupiter) – Green Astronomer (Nicolaus Copernicus)
merging with your Higher Self (the weight of destiny) – Priestess of Inspiration
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Pile 3 – It’s Like You’re Growing Money on Trees, My Goodness!
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lucky money (insights into lucky career opportunities) – Page of Pentacles Rx
It’s clear you’ve done some heavy shadow work, maybe it’s only begun quite recently; but for some, this may have been ongoing for quite a number of years. Whatever the case may be, and however old you may be, there’s this feeling that you’re starting over. You’re just beginning to live again. This time around, you’re living on your own terms; you’re feeling, ‘This is who I should’ve always been!’ And you feel incredibly glad, for the most part😶
It’s perfectly normal to feel sad sometimes, after all, a lot of shit you’ve faced. For quite some time, you totally bought the hustle culture—the thing about it was that you were ludicrously hard on yourself. I sense a majority of you reading this are Millennials? Or perhaps older Gen Zs. Anyway, your expectations on yourself were hurting you so much. After some shadow work, you realised da problem wasn’t you; it was the System. You were scammed big time🤬
Thus you quit a whole industry and began cultivating your own Art. This is the spiritual pile for sure. I sense many of you reading this resonate with being a Lightworker, Starseed, or a Mystic even. You could be doing tarot readings yourself; running a blog channelling cosmic messages from higher beings; some could have a YT channel dedicated to New Age spirituality or esoteric occult knowledge; and some could even be a detective or in the investigative field. WHOA. If you’re not already doing these thing, Spirit Guides are saying you would be very blessed by the Lady Luck if you thrust yourself into these types of work😘
lucky daily (ways to increase luck every day) – 5 of Pentacles Rx
Whoa… do I need to give you any advice or anything? Bitch, you cracked the code! You’re practically a master manifestor at this point in your Life. I sense some of you reading this may not resonate just yet but you’ve literally transcended far above the need for money. Right now, if you allow yourself to calm down, you’ll realise you could just sit down every day and money grows on your trees~🌳
You’ve quite become an embodiment of your Higher Self, and that Oversoul of yours knows you’re unlimited. There is no more lack in your subconscious, let’s just put it that way. Now your conscious, your logical brain, just needs to adjust to this new paradigm (if not already) and you will be effortlessly attracting the means to afford all that you need to move forward. With 5 of Pentacles in reverse—namely a trauma card—Spirit Guides are saying you’re in a healing phase right now🧸
If—IF—certain days you feel tired, fatigued, drowsy for an entire day, and just unmotivated to work even on something you’re passionate about, please know this is your body still recuperating from the adrenal stress caused by long years of having to hustle or simply having a hustle mindset. You’re not doing anything wrong and you’re not failing, OK? Your intelligent body is just telling you it’s safe to slow down now. It’s perfectly good to sleep aaallll day and just feed and clean yourself for 5 consecutive days if that’s really all you can do to maintain mental and spiritual balance. That spiritual balance is what’s going to effortlessly manifest all the abundance you’re so deserving, so don’t be afraid of ‘missing’ some work days~🛌
lucky strike (big blessings you’re destined to obtain) – 4 of Cups
There is a sense of stability that you’re going to manifest pretty soon in your Life (if not already LOL). In some regards, this stability could even feel rather boring, uneventful, just because you were quite used to having a lot of chaos in your previous chapter of Life. But this stability will serve as a big ‘rehab period’ for you to truly shift your paradigm. And then, once you manage to get all your ducks in a row in your new paradigm…🦆
Pretty soon you’re gonna see everything in your Life move quite fast. If by any chance you’ve resonated with this: ‘I feel like everything has changed so much, yet nothing seems to have changed at all…’ please know this is actually yourself slowing things down so you don’t manifest another set of stressful unfolding of events! This was preordained by your Higher Self! Hahah…
The reason for this is that at this point in your spiritual evolution, you’ve become really particular about high-quality manifestations you’re willing to entertain within the construct of your own Reality. So much so that you simply won’t entertain the manifestation of good opportunities if it’s going to be stressful. NO STRESS is a big part of your magick. This concept literally goes beyond just material things; pretty soon you’ll see that you’re only manifesting high-quality experiences, environments, encounters, and even Love🦢
mother Jupiter on your side (message from Jupiter) – Gold Alchemist (Roger Bacon)
merging with your Higher Self (the weight of destiny) – Priestess of Intuition
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the-moon-devi · 1 year
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warning! These are my observations and unpopular opinions!!
🦋 Mars in gemini how yall like starting multiple projects at once and then stopping because it's boring? This placement may also give a lil bit of ADHD.
🦋 Sun in 12th housers are VERYY VERYYY VERYYY private & mysterious. These people have such a dreamy aura and appearance to them!
🦋 I really haven't seen many people talk about Lilith in the solar return chart but babyyyyy..... watch out for her if she falls into your 1st house cuz omgggg. Lilith will take you for a loop when it comes to how others view you. Constant unwanted commentary on your appearance. Impacts how you feel about yourself definitely could have an effect on your mental health.
Oh yeah and if Lilith falls into ur 1st, channel that dark goddess energy because this is a great time for transformation when it comes to your beauty and how others & yourself view u. People can also definitely obess over you.
🦋 Not only are Mars in 3rd rude but they are also the punctuation police! 🚨 🙁🙄
Aqaurius are very smart but we knew this. This one for my Aqau Moons: (luh yall)
🦋 Yes I'm an Aqaurius moon & yes I have unpopular opinions/ I'm a wierdo. And yes idgaf what you think about my unpopular opinions because in the end...... I'm always right..... 🤷🏽‍♀️
(As I proceed to state an unpopular opinion.....😁)
This may be an unpopular opinion but I speak from own experiences/ intuition when I do astrology so let me know if some of yall resonate with this;
So we know how Venus is exalted in pisces and can show like unconditional love, spiritual love and they tend to be very creative.
I feel like 7th house lord in 12th house / Neptune in 7th house can replicate this. This placement gets a bad rep yes you do attract a lot of narcissistic people and you daydream about your partners and put them on a pedestal. BLAH BLAH BLAHHHH....😫🙄
But whether your spiritual or not this could ultimately lead you to be in a highly spiritual connection with someone and neptune/12th house are like prophecies, future predictions you know......
So when you have this placement if your having dreams or you keep getting signs about a certain person I feel this can lead you to the right person. You just have to really listen and be intuitive to make the right decisions.
This can also make the native to be very creative and imaginative. I could go on and on about this placement but it's truly beautiful and to me resembles venus in pisces. Juno In 12th may also give this.
Is it just me......or do aries men be kinda very mean? I'm a aries and ik i can be mean but it's only when I feel very passionate about something & i dont like to potray that energy to others outwardly but aries men can kinda be very mean at any time ....🥺😣 I luh my aries tho....yall men just be a Lil mean.
Venus in scorpio may get hurt in love alot or have alot of sexual partners. obsessive partners as well
I feel like 1st house lord in 7th can represent beauty as well since 7th house is libra ruled by venus ♀ . This can give the native balanced features
~ These natives also tend to attract a lot partners to them. It could be a case where you don't want a relationship but they just come to you
I watch a video on YouTube from Novi Brown's channel this girl said it's best to get things done during your Saturn sign szn because saturn restricts things & it's hard for you to see & understand lessons. I believe it to be trueeee!!
Ex: my saturn is in cancer
(This may be a little biased since I'm a cancer rising but it worked for me)
In 2020 in cancer szn I Started losing weight and working out/ dieting. (This changed my life)
In 2021 in cancer szn I started looking for a job because I was sick of being home all the time (Isolation my saturn is in the 12th)🙄
In 2022 in cancer szn that same Job I got in 2021 I was promoted to be a manager. These gave me new experiences and helped me get ahead in a way. It was my first job and I was promoted in under a year!
🦋 4th house placements and their privacy
🦋 Saturn ruled signs can be very tone deaf 😭😫
Alright thats all! Thank u 4 reading & ik it was short just wanted to get this out of the drafts! I hope you guys enjoyed! catch ya later lovelies! Til' next time!
𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 xx🤎💋
~𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵
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𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒖𝒕!
𝓓𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓮'𝓛𝓾𝔁𝔁𝓮 (masterlist)
©𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵
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astroeleanor · 10 months
🎉˚✧ ゚2024 Begins with Mercury RX!˚✧🎉
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2024 begins with Mercury Retrograde! We haven’t had a Retrograde-free New Year’s since 2021. This highlights some setbacks we experienced in terms of achieving our New Year’s resolutions. The most affected signs this year will be Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces.
The beginning of 2022, 2023, and 2024 is characterized by introspection and re-evaluation. Instead of charging headfirst into the New Year, the Retrograde energy has prompted us to take our time and ease into it. On the surface, this may seem to hinder our progress and the usual pace of our intentions for the New Year. In reality, this is an opportunity for contemplation, reassessment, and for redefining our action plan for the year ahead.
2022 started with Venus RX in Capricorn, making relationship (Venus) issues & responsibilities (Capricorn) the main obstacle in achieving our goals. The key takeaway of this transit was to find a harmonious balance between our emotional needs and our professional obligations. The most affected signs were CAPRICORN, Libra, Cancer, and Aries.
2023 started with Mercury RX in Capricorn, highlighting pessimistic (Capricorn) thinking patterns (Mercury) as the main obstacle in manifesting our desires. Mercury RX highlighted how our ideas might have been weighed down by our limiting beliefs, hindering our ability to envision strategies to achieve our goals. The most affected signs were CAPRICORN, Libra, Cancer, and Aries.
2024 starts with Mercury RX in Sagittarius, meaning we will need to readjust our vision (Sagittarius) & make our expectations realistic to achieve our goals. It will be crucial to recalibrate our expectations and avoid biting off more than we can chew. This dynamic will come into play due to the energy of Sagittarius — which is associated with exploration, optimism, and expansive thinking — being channeled through the introspective energy of Mercury Retrograde.
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Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Your curiosity & engagement mean the world to me. I hope you not only found it enjoyable but also enriching for your astrological knowledge. Your support & interest inspire me to continue sharing insights & information with you. I appreciate you immensely. • 🕸️ JOIN MY PATREON for exquisite & in-depth astrology content. You’ll also receive a free mini reading upon joining. :) • 🗡️ BOOK A READING with me to navigate your life with more clarity & awareness.
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amourdivine · 1 year
🫧 ˚ ୨ A M O U R D I V I N E ୧ ‧
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›    tipping. available at [email protected] via paypal. ›    personal readings. closed indefinitely. ›    established in. december 2021. ›    updated as of. february 2024.
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disclaimer. Tarot is a divination tool, it's not a substitute for medical and professional advice, nor is it meant to be taken as such. I don’t take responsibility for any choices made by you or others regarding my readings. Be mindful ♡
☁️ ˚ ୨ the reader ୧ ༉ ‧
Hello, you may call me Amour! I'm twenty eight years old and I go by she/they. I've been reading tarot since 2021, though I'll always feel like a perpetual newbie. I'm an eternal optimist, I love mermaids, faeries and angels. Within my style of reading, I like to incorporate my own kind of magic with kindness and respect for other people. The blunt, "no bullshit" type of readings are not my style and I believe they do more harm than good. You'll also find I don't resonate with the concept of twin flames, new age practices (manifestation, LoA, etc) and binary concepts of "masculine vs. feminine" energies solely. My readings are meant to be inclusive of all gender identities and sexualities, but you are more than welcome to correct me if there's a slip up. I love feedback and I'm always eager to know how my readings may (or may not) have resonated with others. Enjoy your stay! ♡
☁️ ˚ ୨ frequently asked ୧ ༉ ‧
do you offer exchange readings? how can i get one?
Yes, but they're closed for the time being. I'm still working on a proper page with guidelines and examples of my exchange readings so my page is more organized.
where do you get your images and graphics?
Unsplash or Pinterest. I make my graphics with Photoshop and occasionally, Photopea. However, none of the images used are mine unless stated otherwise!
[astrology related questions]
Please keep in mind I am not answering these at the moment. Since astro is not my forte and I prefer divination in the form of tarot decks, oracle decks and shufflemancy, my answers will not be accurate.
☁️ ˚ ୨ find me... ༉ ‧
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amourdivine. 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
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unholycrows · 4 months
⁺‧₊˚ ཐི 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔 𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖙 ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
hello!! my name is crow, welcome to my blog!
𓆩 ⋆ 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖒𝖊 ⋆ 𓆪
✦ i'm queer, transmasc/agender + autistic
⋆⁺₊✧ t: 7/19/2019 ✧ top surgery: 6/6/2022 ✧₊⁺⋆
✦ i use he/him, they/them, and it/its pronouns 
✦ i'm 23yrs old
✦ i'm otherkin/nonhuman
✦ i am happily taken by my angel ₊˚ʚ♡ɞ˚₊ (9/2/2021)
𓆩 ⋆ 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 𝖎𝖓𝖋𝖔 ⋆ 𓆪
this blog is primarily for alterhuman/kin things!
✦ related interests + personal things might be posted about as well!
✦ asks and dm’s are open, as long as you don’t fall under DNI criteria !! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
⋆⁺₊✧ you can ask for my discord too! i would love to make some friends !!
⋆⁺₊✧ in online conversation, please note i am very new to using tone tags! please be patient with me °ʚ(*´꒳`*)ɞ° (thank you!)
𓆩 ⋆ 𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 ⋆ 𓆪
updated as needed, posts will be tagged individually!
✦ religious themes
⋆⁺₊✧ tag: “★; homesick for heaven”
✦ violent themes, gore
⋆⁺₊✧ tag: “★; divine violence”
✦ drugs/smoking
⋆⁺₊✧ tag: “★; higher than heaven”
𓆩 ⋆ 𝖉𝖓𝖎 ⋆ 𓆪
✦ general DNI criteria (anti-LGBTQ+, TERF, MAP, etc!)
✦ anti-kin/alterhuman
✦ under 16 
𓆩 ⋆ 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖈𝖚𝖙 ⋆ 𓆪
✦ about my nonhuman id
✦ related interests
✦ other tags
─── · 。゚⟡ 🌑 ⟡ ˚。 · ───
𓆩 ⋆ 𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖍𝖚𝖒𝖆𝖓 𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖞 ⋆ 𓆪
✦ my nonhuman identity stems from coping mechanisms and spiritual reasons
⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
main kintype:
angel/fallen angel/demon kin
✦ my identity as angel, fallen angel, + demon kin are all intertwined to me, but i identify most with fallen angel !
✦ i also identify with the term divinekin !
𓆩 ⋆ 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖘 ⋆ 𓆪
✦ tag: “✧; astra’s memories”
⋆⁺₊✧ used for past life (astra’s) memories
✦ tag: “✮; angelic ramblings”
⋆⁺₊✧ used for current life memories/experiences
𓆩 ⋆ 𝖗𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘 ⋆ 𓆪
i am very likely to post about these !
✦ tarot reading
⋆⁺₊✧ i may open tarot readings in the future, if i do i will make a separate post about it !!
✦ astrology
✦ psychology
⋆⁺₊✧ this is my college major!
✦ creating art
⋆⁺₊✧ i work with a few mediums! pen + ink and woodburning are my favorites 
if you made it this far, thank you for reading!
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libra-stellium · 4 months
Saturn conjunct Ascendant
As a 14 degree Pisces rising this was March 12, 2024 to May 8, 2024.
"Bitch wtf is going on????" - me the entire 57 days and it's coming back around in early 2025
Notes from Saturn in Transit - Erin Sullivan
Saturn over the ascendant can be experienced as an extremely dramatic shift from "who you used to be" to "who you will be" but with a rather traumatic period of uncertainty while the no longer useful persona is sloughed off
It’s been a weird timeeeeeee like there’s some things i'm like so excited about that are a “new me” and then there’s some other stuff I’m like 💀💀💀 about and I’m gonna pretend like nothing is happening for a while longer bc this feels like too much change at once 🥲 maybe in 2025 lol my mind has been going nonstop!
The thresholding that is experienced during this time can be a shock to someone who has strongly identified with or has been identified with a particular and definite image
lol I literally introduced myself as an astrologer to someone the other day bc they mentioned astro and me being an attorney never came up and it honestly felt nice 😩 yeah my entire schooling revolved around becoming an attorney but like it doesn’t "feel" like I succeeded at it lmfao and I’m honestly not putting a lot of effort into making it feel like success either so 🙃
Understanding this necessary loss of personal identification greatly reduces stress and allows a more conscious transition into the new self image. The struggle is all about coming to terms with unconscious material in the conscious mind and vice versa
I think so much is happening in my unconscious mind bc I usually remember most of my dreams in complete detail and the last two weeks at least I know I’ve had very longgg detailed dreams but when I wake up I can’t remember it in the part of my brain that can say it into words lol I feel like I’m missing out on messages!
Saturn brings to the ascendant all the manifest experiences and control issues that have dominated the last 14 year extraverted cycle during which the individual learned how to be present and accountable in the conscious world or accomplishments, deeds, and collective goals
"I'm giving myself goals because I don't know what to do with myself if I'm not accomplishing anything." - Me in 2021 a year after getting my law degree lol I feel like it encompasses this whole thing! During this transit I wrote a list of personal goals and they're not outward things like graduation they're more like be consistent with skin care lol the other day I told my aunt I just relaxed and I didn't do anything and she was like if you're so boring why don't you go on a walk and i was like??? I didn't say that?? lol made me not want to say anything else!!
Symbolic of a descent into oneself
When I first read this I was like oooh seems zen 🧘🏾‍♀️ IT WAS NOT ZEN IVE BEEN IN THE TRENCHES!! It feels like too much pressure to know and be like "this is who I am" i just want to be a pisces rising whose personality changes whenever
Notes from Planets in Transit - Robert Hand
You will try to eliminate everything in your life that is not necessary to fulfilling responsibilities
I didn’t do many things just for fun during this time everything had a purpose. I did finish reading two books unfinished from last year and it was in an attempt to spend less time watching videos which worked!
You will become more complex and simpler at the same time
Idkkkk I’m not sure I understand what this even means
You are finishing up tasks going into a 5-8 year period of relatively quiet preparation for a new beginning
I feel like I’ll see this more in 2025 bc right now I don’t really have anything started that needed to be finished lol
You may have less freedom of movement than usual because of the pressure of circumstances and the need to get things done
A week into this I made happy hour plans and I was going to leave work extra early bc I had nothing to do and I got an assignment literally 2 hours before I was going to go! I did finish in 2 hours and went to HH but it was stressful lol
You may have to exert more effort at work in order to get the job done
For real the last month I actually had so much more work at work than usual I was working a full 8 hour day sometimes 😭 usually I have like maybe 8 hours of work a week!
Your superiors may give you even more responsibility than you would choose to have
Facts! The last few days I’ve been essentially training this girl at work and the last day of this transit I finished lol seemed fitting
Do not start out on a completely new project because in a few years you may find that you do not have the material or psychological resources to complete it
This makes me feel like it should be about something big 😂 I have not started any projects lol I did apply to a few jobs but none of them even responded to reject me so that was also unintentionally not started
Good relationships will not suffer but bad ones will break up completely
I feel like Saturn in aqua in my 12H took care of most of the bad relationships already lol so this was fine
You are withdrawing from everything in your life that is in the way of your development during the next few years
Yeah I’ve been more annoyed than usual at people around me who are making the choice to struggle just bc they don’t want to try something new 😩 it’s been making me feel like I can’t be as close to them like it’s contagious 😂
Avoid building a wall between yourself and others because they are important to you now that you are excluding those who do not belong
Yes I’ve been making it a point to actually say yes to events lol but it's hard to keep in contact with people for some reason! I forget to or think that less time has passed and then I check messages and it's been weeks!
This is a productive time
I did get a lot done! I cooked a lot of meals, I washed all my bedding that’s been sitting there since end of last year, I cleaned my fish tank, I cleaned the mildew off my bathroom walls, I put a lot of my clothes away, my recycling pile is way down, I built a storage shelf thing for under my desk, I sewed a skirt, I read and wrote a lot
Follow through on the tasks that need to be done and get your life in shape for the next phase of preparation
I’ve been intentional about this! I made a list of things I want to get out of my saturn return in my 1H and one of those things is clear skin so I’ve been consistent with the routine like actually tracking it on the calendar! Losing weight was another on that list and the last two months I was just focusing on food like getting back into cooking and the last almost 3 weeks I’ve been tracking all my food and even using a food scale. On the last day of this transit I signed up for the gym!
Overall I would give this transit 6/10 😂 the mental anguish was toooo much Omggg I hope it’s easier in 2025 and after that I’m glad I don’t have to deal with this for another 30 years
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 year
Welcome to the Shadow of the Eclipse
October 4-31, 2023
Some introductory notes
The “shadow of the eclipse” is a time period lasting from 10 days before the first eclipse, to three days after the final eclipse. It is recommended not to start anything new, or schedule anything important, during these days - as usual I refer everyone to the 1981 wedding of Lady Diana Spencer to the Prince of Wales, as an example.
Of course we live in a place/time which scoffs at letting astrology help with the timing of events - therefore don’t lose hope if something falls unavoidably within the eclipse shadow. Just be prepared.
I wanted to take a more thorough approach to delineation, this time. I hope it’s helpful.
South Node Solar Eclipse
A solar eclipse happens when the New Moon lies close (in the Zodiac) to either the North Lunar Node, or to the South one. It occurred to me to do a little research on whether which Node is involved, makes any difference - and yes, it does.
Astrologers call the South Node “the dragon’s tail” - Steven Forrest calls the South Node, “the dragon’s butt” - because here we are “pooping out” what we don’t need and can’t use. (One person’s poop, however, is another person’s fertilizer.)
Eclipses conjunct the South Lunar Node, like the October 14 one, have an outflowing (outpooping?) of energy. They tend to feature external events which we have to “rise up to.”
If you’d like to note how these have affected you in the past (always a good idea to check “what happened last time”), here is a list of the previous South Node solar eclipses in this century:
December 14, 2001, 22°56’ Sagittarius
December 4, 2002, 11°58’ Sagittarius
November 23, 2003, 1°14’ Sagittarius
October 14, 2004, 21°06’ Libra
October 3, 2005, 10°19’ Libra
September 22, 2006, 29°20’ Virgo
September 11, 2007, 18°25’ Virgo
August 1, 2008, 9°32’ Leo
July 22, 2009, 29°27’ Cancer
July 11, 2010, 19°24’ Cancer
June 1, 2011, 11°02’ Gemini
July 1, 2011, 9°12’ Cancer
May 20, 2012, 0°21’ Gemini
May 10, 2013, 19°31’ Taurus
April 29, 2014, 8°52’ Taurus
March 20, 2015, 29°27’ Pisces
March 9, 2016, 18°56’ Pisces
February 26, 2017, 8°12’ Pisces
February 15, 2018, 27°08’ Aquarius
January 6, 2019, 15°25’ Capricorn
December 26, 2019, 4°07’ Capricorn
December 14, 2020, 23°08’ Sagittarius
December 4, 2021, 12°22’ Sagittarius
October 25, 2022, 2°00’ Scorpio
October 14, 2023, 21°08’ Libra
Going down that list was a very uncomfortable trip down memory lane for me. When those South Node eclipses affected me, it was generally a harbinger of some difficult “external event” which I had little to no control over - which is not the same thing as saying “it wasn’t my fault.” I brought some of it on myself due to bad decisions. Some karma chickens coming home to roost, in other words. Not all of them were dire, though. One in particular gave me something of a respite from what had been happening in my life - it was conjunct my natal 12th House cusp.
Saros Series “7 South”
This eclipse is part of Saros Series “7 South.” Bernadette Brady writes,
The individual experiencing this series will find that huge obstacles will suddenly and easily clear or, on the negative side, a pending potential crisis will suddenly manifest and move through his or her life very rapidly. Either way the individual will feel that everything is moving at great speed. (The Eagle and the Lark)
Previous Saros “7 South” eclipses in Ms M’s lifetime:
September 11, 1969, 18°53’ Virgo
September 23, 1987, 29°34’ Virgo
October 3, 2005, 10°19’ Libra
Not quite as depressing for me personally.
Whatever Shall We Do?
1) Determine which of your natal houses this eclipse falls in.
2) Determine whether the eclipse makes an aspect to anything in your chart. Use a 1° orb. In my case, the conjunctions, squares, sesquiquads (135°), inconjuncts, and oppositions made the most obvious impacts.
3) If there is a close aspect to a planet, check to see which house(s) that planet rules. One South Node eclipse was conjunct the ruler of my natal 4th House, and I moved three months later.
4) Avoid strenuously negative thoughts. If you put a lot of energy into anticipating that something is going to be horrible and painful and disastrous, well, guess what - that’s exactly what’s going to happen. If you catch yourself falling into a panic, try to refocus the energy into “the best possible outcome.”
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shopwitchvamp · 2 years
Ok, so who all wants to see some ancient designs?? Thought this might be fun since there's so many new people around lately, and even the not-so-new people may not know about these! Here's the first 3 skaters I ever made, back when I was still Syppah's Cute Creations mainly doing amigurumi crochet:
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Creepy Eyes is a true OG that's been around since about July 2015! It isn't very popular on skaters or joggers since I stopped doing cons, but it's still going strong as midis and maxis. I've also used the pattern on eyeglass cloths, face masks, scrunchies, tights, zipper bags, and more. I don't think I'll ever fully retire it, haha. The other two up there are Rainbow Narwhals and Cute Eyes (original light pink version below, got the hot pink version above as a misprint afterwards).
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The next ones I got that no longer exist were Rainbow Candy, Double Rainbow Candy, and Happy Bees:
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tiny prehistoric pics because i can only find them in my old old etsy's sales history, haha As you can see, besides Creepy Eyes the vibes were incredibly different. I wanted to make clothing that could go alongside my ˜”*°•.★·.·´¯`·.·★𝓀𝒶𝓌𝒶𝒾𝒾 𝒶𝓂𝒾𝑔𝓊𝓇𝓊𝓂𝒾 𝓅𝓁𝓊𝓈𝒽𝒾𝑒𝓈★·.·´¯`·.·★.•°*”˜ even though my personal style and fashion interests were/are much more goth. That leaked through again with the Guro Guts skirt next.
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The first ever Guro Guts skirt was made just in time for Halloween 2015 In 2016, plushies were still my main focus and for a number of health reasons I was essentially dead that whole year. I don't think I added any new skirts at all..
The next big addition to my skirts was in April 2017 with this set:
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Demon Summoning and Vampire Night have survived until this day. Good Medicine on the top left was only made in this colorway for a short time before I switched to a purple & pink version that I also kawaii'd up. Vaporwave and Angel Summoning are both pretty much defunct as of 2021.
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2017 Blue/Red Good Medicine, 2018(2019?) Purple/Pink Good Medicine. Both are discontinued
In late 2017, I separated out my clothing shop from my crochet shop and started going all-in on a more goth leaning aesthetic. Witch Vamp (originally "Witch Vampire") was truly born. A lot of designs from that time are ones you'll still recognize today
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The only other one that's pretty much gone these days is Rainbow Galaxy. I used to have it in skaters and joggers, but it's another one that wasn't as popular online as it was at cons. They're also like A Lot especially for my generally goth-ish shop
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Rainbow Galaxy Skater (designed in 2017), Rainbow Galaxy Joggers (2018 or 2019.. unsure, haha) I last ran preorders with Rainbow Galaxy in 2021, but I don't think I got many orders. I've just let them fizzle out since then. But the skirt semi-lives on in the glorious mistake that is the Bomb Pop Skater
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Originally I had 3 of these because a few Rainbow Galaxy Skaters got printed without any yellow. But like, what a good mistake! Since then I've ordered them this way on purpose. EDIT: Another discontinued skirt was the Black Widow's Web. Idk even when I made it first. 2018? But it died in 2021.
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Next casualties, between 2020-2022 I discontinued a few more joggers due to slow sales:
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Astrology Joggers, Creepy Eyes Joggers, Dark Galaxy Joggers (actually the 2nd version. V1 was a bit too.... phallic with the goo drips lmao) So after that, I think the main casualties have been *item types* rather than designs. I've dropped a lot of things (lanyards, zipper bags, wallets, all-over-print tshirts, tights, pvc charm keychains, and soon enamel pins) because they were great for cons, but don't really sell online. Or because they became obsolete (skirts w/out pockets).
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It's been a long journey! And if you go all the way back to my crocheting days, I've been at this whole "self-employed" thing since the day I turned 18 in 2008 and was able to open up an Etsy shop (had other jobs too back then tho, like I was a pharmacy tech for 2 1/2 years). Hope you all enjoy seeing these designs from the old days and learning more Witch Vamp lore!!!
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astrologycharts242 · 7 months
NEW SERIES: Can Jupiter or Venus placements show how someone meets his or her spouse? (My research study)
Can venus placements show where a guy will meet his spouse?
This is a new series that I wanted to try because when I would read people's charts I would always find out how they meet their spouse by at least 90 percent of the time.
In the beginning I was bad at this stuff but now I'm pretty good. I learned fast in 2021 that finding out how someone meets their spouse cannot be reliant on a jupiter a venus placement so as of today I don't even use it. Yet I am still successful with the results.
You gotta think also using that method is bad because someone may end up becoming a homosexual. Then they marry someone of the same sex. Which at least 95 percent of astrologers will miss. I come across lots of videos of people saying jupiter and venus can show how someone meets his or her spouse. I want to do a research study and I think it's great content.
Let's start with Will Smith and his chart is a perfect example as to why the tropical and sidereal charts do not even show the same thing especially when it comes to meeting a spouse.
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First Let's look at his sidereal chart instantaneously once I see the 7th lord or ruler in the 4th house. I know tons of ways how he met his spouse. One way is in his home, vehicles, residence or the state he was born in. Surprisingly he met both of his wives in the country he was born but it's still not a definite answer.
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Today.com had the information and you can see he met his first spouse through his friend actually. Yes he went to meet Jada through the introduction of friends but instead he met his first wife. Which is funny right because he was gonna meet Jada the same exact way he met his first wife?
Ok in 1994 he legitimately met Jada and in his sidereal chart venus is in the 6th house of jobs. He met Jada at his job called the fresh prince of bel Air as proven in this article by peoples magazine.
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Here's the catch though venus in his tropical chart is not in the 6th house.
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In fact nothing really shows will Smith meeting his spouse in the ways he actually met them. The closest placement in his tropical chart you can say is his 7th lord being in the 4th house.He met Jada in a home environment but was it actually really his home? If you get what I'm saying. Unless he actually lived on the set, which is pretty common for actors to do. Yes wherever you stay even temporarily for a residence falls under the 4th house. It could even be for a week
This means his tropical chart is useless in determining how he met any of his wives. Unless he actually really lived on set. I guess with venus being in the 5th house and the 5th house having to do with stage play, performing arts, entertainment and I guess acting in this case. Yet it's still not definite answer like if you paid me money just to say that you wouldn't even believe what I'm saying.
Unless the venus aspect on to the 11th house is why he met them through his friends. See this is too sporadic, erratic and not concrete enough for me to tell a person that had sent me money this type stuff. Which is why I would rarely use a venus placement to do this.
If I look at his moon chart there is a similar placement in their that shows meeting his spouse in a home like setting.
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A part from that. The 7th lord is in his 11th house so you can see how he met his wife through his friends in the moon chart.In his moon chart venus is in the 1st house and obviously he met Jada in person. If you think about it the moon chart shows better ways of how he met both of his wives. Let's focus on the sidereal chart and the venus placement it's in his 6th house of jobs so I guess the venus placement worked in this case.
Had will went to an astrologer who only reads tropical before he met his first wife. To find out how he would actually meet his first wife. Then he would've gotten it wrong. Let's say I was alive at that time then I would've gotten it correct because I don't even like using tropical nowadays to find out how someone meets their spouse. For reasons exactly like this.
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rainytypology · 1 year
ATEEZ San MBTI Analysis
- ISFP -
An in-depth analysis of an idol's MBTI type. Based on my opinion and observations, may change later. Not an expert.
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ISFP (Fi - Se - Ni - Te)
Dom: Fi (Introverted Feeling)
A judging function that uses one's own values and belief to compare and make choices
San is incredibly Fi valued - he has a strong belief of being genuine and wants others to do the same. Fi focuses on authenticity and realness - being a highly moralistic function, it would not feel right for an Fi user to put up a front or particular image just to suit other's tastes/expecations.
His very Fi answers from Singles 2021 interview:
How I look at people
I definitely look at people based on their morality. No matter how nice of a suit they show off, It's hard for me to like them if they are rude to others. There may be achievements that can be achieved by working hard in a short period of time, but because morality cannot be made overnight, I think much more effort is needed.
Impact on the fans:
...Our fans may have received a lot of influence from us, but I hope they can all form their own values nonetheless. As much as possible, I tend to refrain from saying things that are likely to be judged as good or bad because I am worried that fans might get the wrong idea due to what I say.
Aux: Se (Extroverted Sensing)
A perceiving function that uses our 5 senses to process the external world.
San is in tune with his environment, always paying attention to others and events in the moment.
“For San, it’s movies and dramas [that inspire his performances], he takes those characters on,” explains Wooyoung. San, widely lauded for having an explosive stage presence, makes his creative choices the day of". Very Se of him to make decisions without prior planning. I've also noticed Se dom/aux type performers often have "explosive stage presence" as they're usually focused on the image and presentation of their performance.
“If there’s something I think of that I want to do that day, I share it with everyone to see if it will be okay. Then we create that image together and I simply express myself.” - i-D Magazine interview
Tert: Ni (Introverted Intuition)
A perceiving function that uses one's own personal insights and ideas.
San always had a dream of becoming a singer since he was young. Having Fi - Ni, he chose his heart and pursued his dreams. Passion drives Fi and Ni towards their visions.
Inf: Te (Extroverted Thinking)
A judging function that uses established facts and systems to make objective, working decisions.
San uses his Te to plan and pursue his goals. He always gives it his all in his career, constantly improving in his singing and performance. He loves what he does and takes the effort and steps to achieve his goals.
Why he's not an INFP:
Although both types are Fi dominant, their aux and tertiary functions are different. INFP has Ne-Si (Extroverted Intuition - Introverted Sensing), while ISFP uses Se-Ni. From what I've observed, San doesn't really seem to use Ne.
INFPs: IU, SF9 Hwiyoung, DAY6 Wonpil
Other analysis:
Enneagram | Birth chart
Kpop typology list
Side blogs:
Kpop astrology @rainy-astrology
Kpop fanarts @rainy-artworks
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benisasoftboi · 1 year
I recently purchased the Teletubbies' official Pride tank top, and it is the funniest thing I own. I do think it's a pretty naked example of rainbow capitalism - the slogan 'Big Hugs Big Love' is neither obviously Pride themed, nor even obviously Teletubbies themed, almost as though it was deliberately designed to not be easily associated with their brand if seen by homophobes in public - so I do feel that I may have contributed to something bad here, but it delights me so much to tell people what, exactly, it is that I am wearing. It's just so bizarre that this brand even has Pride merch.
Although, of course, the Teletubbies do have a long history of being associated with gay people. There have been little incidents, like the Talking Po doll that sounds like its calling you a slur, but the most famous is of course the accusations of Tinky Winky's homosexuality during the late 90s. Tinky Winky is purple, and carries a purse, and has a triangle antenna, which were all seen as signs of the gay agenda by conservative pundits. This was of course denied because it was the 90s, and it was a children's show, and also all of the Teletubbies were meant to be little babies themselves. However, in the modern day, the story is very different - Teletubbies has clearly become more comfortable associating itself with LGBT people, and also the Teletubbies are now canonically grown-ups. We know this because in 2021, the official Teletubbies Twitter account took a break from astrology posts to let us know that the Teletubbies are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, including pictures of the vaccine cards. Setting aside the strangeness of their second vaccine dates being two weeks in the future from time of posting, and also written American-style despite the Teletubbies being British, these cards importantly provided us with the Teletubbies birthday - February 2, 2003. This is, admittedly, also very strange, as 2003 was after the show's original run ended, but it does indicate the Teletubbies are legally adults, and thus, speculating about their sexualities is now on the table.
The Twitter account has never outright stated that Tinky Winky is gay, but they've heavily implied it (for example, saying he was 'Born This Way' in a tweet at Lady Gaga - one of many unsolicited tweets they've made at various pop stars - or a screenshot of his AOL status mentioning how fabulous he is). They also once suggested that Po and Laa Laa are dating, which, if true, would make Dipsy the only straight one. This makes sense to me, as Dipsy's always had issues with toxic masculinity. I had the Teletubbies CD-ROM game as a kid, and in the rolling game (where you had the Teletubbies roll down a hill and bump into various objects to trigger cut scenes), if Dipsy rolled into the pink skirt, he would act disgusted by it and run away. None of the others objected in this way, and would simply wear the skirt and do a little dance - including Tinky Winky. Going by Twitter now, though, Dipsy seems like a really firm ally to his friends, so I think he may have left that issue in 2006, and all the better for it, I say.
Also, I couldn't find a place to mention this, but Noo Noo uses they/them pronouns.
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saturniandevil · 11 months
November 2023 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's November Forecast, hosted by Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock. Recap of last month is extensive and has been moved to the end of the post.
We're going into this month right off the back of a lunar eclipse, which astrologically sets the tone for November.
October 28th Lunar eclipse:
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The Moon at 05Taurus opposes Jupiter at 05Scorpio, while Mercury (10♏) is conjunct Mars (11♏), opposing Jupiter (11♉). This is the last of a series of eclipses on the Taurus/Scorpio axis over the past 2 years. Thus this signals the culmination of a series of events and end of a chapter in people's lives. Austin describes it as an epilogue--one last thing that modifies what came after it--as the nodes have already moved on to Aries/Libra. Chris brings up how Taurus lunar eclipses have coincided with high-profile cryptocurrency crashes (Lunacoin in 2021, FTX last year), and Austin points out the FTX CEO's upcoming trial and sentencing. Taurus signifies both currency and food; the spike in cost of basic necessities worldwide is part of this story. Eclipses are the end of one era and the beginning of another: "the king is dead, long live the new king!" This has played out literally with UK monarchs in the 20th century. The Scorpio-Taurus eclipses have also occurred with increased labor actions. We'd like to think Jupiter's presence on this eclipse is an ameliorating factor, but the December 2019 eclipse "ruined" Jupiter's chances of helping us (Austin's words), so don't count on it.
Mars opposite Jupiter is tension between war and peace, both in our personal lives and world events generally. Even when these planets work together, Jupiter enables Mars's combativeness. Formicus writes in that in martial pursuits, Mars aspecting Jupiter indicates full legal and social support for aggression.
November 4th - Saturn stations Direct in Pisces This will intensify Saturn's significations in Pisces. Saturn entered Pisces earlier this year with nautical disasters, and with Mars in a water sign as well Austin advises us to keep our eyes on the seas. Saturn in Pisces also connotes poisons in the water and sources of water drying up. If there is water, it's not of the right type or amount for sustaining life. In nativities, this station signals the final Saturn return for those born under Saturn in late degrees of Aquarius (Chris suggests an orb of 3°).
Just before Saturn stations, Venus opposes Neptune on the 3rd; soon after Mercury opposes Uranus, with Venus trining Pluto on the 6th. Venus may want to bring us peace, but Neptune's tendency to dissolve boundaries bodes ill for human beings. Mercury-Uranus keywords include disrupted communication and jarring messages. This all happens after Jupiter in Taurus opposes the Sun in Scorpio on the 2nd, shining a light on a lack of basic necessities.
November 8th - Venus enters Libra The Moon enters Libra soon after Venus, activating the ingress and bringing us a good day in the bad week. Domicile Venus will have the strength to help balance us. After Mars's trampled through the Scales, she can help us balance and cool off, especially with the South Node copresent. She sextiles Mercury around the 15th as well, easing communication and bringing harmony to previously polarized talks.
November 10th - Mercury enters Sagittarius Though he initially confronts Saturn, Mercury approaches a sextile to Venus, definitively ending his copresence with Mars. Though Mercury is in detriment, he's optimistic, especially in the first decan of Sagittarius, which he rules. Mercury runs into a barrier wall with Saturn, his optimism immediately quashed, but after changing direction is able to bring some small victories. While the greater structure must be endured, we can do a few things to make the situation better.
November 11th - Mars opposite Uranus The Sun opposes Uranus around the same time, with the Moon following soon after.
November 13th - New Moon in Scorpio
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Usually we expect relief with the first New Moon after an eclipse, but with a Sun-Moon-Mars conjunction opposite Uranus, things are gonna be intense. Mars-Uranus is an especially explosive contact, and an opposition is the most tense aspect. Calls for freedom are intense and combative. However, once the faster planets pass this Uranus opposition, we'll have seen the last unexpected stick of dynamite. The upcoming Mars-Sun conjunction is far from calm, but it is expected.
November 18th - Sun conjunct Mars in Scorpio (cazimi) This happens opposite Uranus, trine Neptune, and sextile Pluto. As with other planets, this is a renewal of Mars's 2-year cycle, resetting the paradigm for Mars matters. Mars has his domicile in Scorpio, bringing intense tenacity, even if we may not want it. Distressingly, Chris has found this aspect to historically coincide with shootings and bombings. Austin has identified engineering developments, water-based natural disasters, and setting a new direction/paradigm in ongoing conflicts (though not new wars starting).
Mars cazimis in Scorpio don't happen that often; this is the first one in 32 years (the preceding was 32 years before the most recent, and the next one out was ~60 years before its successor). Hot-headedness, special forces (especially in Scorpio), and ambition or daring are some keywords. To quote a song by Sun-Mars conjunction native Nelly, "it's getting hot in here, so"...put on your blast-proof gear. Other Sun-Mars natives include Jonas Salk, inventor of the polio vaccine, politician Robert F. Kennedy, and controversial investigative journalist Nancy Grace. This is a very powerful reset with Mars in domicile, and in a fixed sign. It has the most staying power and determination.
November 22nd/23rd - Sun enters Sagittarius
November 23rd/24th - Mars enters Sagittarius Soon after he squares Saturn. He's also under the beams of the Sun (invisible) from the cazimi well into December, and takes longer than any other planet to emerge from beneath the rays. Thus the meanings of Mars's journey through the underworld won't be apparent all at once.
November 25th - Mars square Saturn Something that normally happens quickly hits a wall and has to slow down suddenly--this aspect aligned with COVID lockdowns and the discoveries of new variants. The theme of this month: there will be some initial attempts to speed ahead, but we'll run into insurmountable obstacles we have to accept. Mars square Saturn is still fully operative when we encounter our next lunation of the month.
November 27th - Full Moon in Gemini
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Still close to the Sun, Mars (02♐) opposes the Moon (04♊), forming a T-square with Saturn (00♓). Additionally, the Moon's ruler Mercury (24♐) squares Neptune (24♓) exactly, bringing muddled communication or even outright deception. Thus Mercury, the Moon's ruler, is not much help to her. Neptune doesn't bring hostility and bad news to Mercury like Mars did, but makes it difficult to see clearly. Think of a goldfish's (purportedly) short memory. Full Moon in Gemini wants to go fast, but Mercury-Neptune confuses the direction. Overall this is a rather difficult lunation.
November 30th - Auspicious election for the month (not pictured)
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Around 1-2AM local time, with the Ascendant around 6° of Libra, giving you Venus in the first house in a night chart (a very potent place for her). Note that the South Node is conjunct Venus (though Spica nearby affirms our aspirations). The Moon is domicile in Cancer in the 10th house, separating from a sextile to Jupiter (07♉) and applying to a square with Venus (24♎). This gives us two very strong rulers in the first and tenth houses, good for aesthetic situations and public image. With Saturn in the 6th house, it's not recommended for matters involving people you employ or matters of illness. This election takes advantage of our domicile benefic Venus, and is at the end of the month to give as much distance as we can from the difficult Mars & outer planet configurations.
October Recap: There were 4 major earthquakes in Afghanistan, 2 of which coincided with the Mars-Pluto square on Oct. 7th, and the next two on the 11th and 15th clustered around the solar eclipse in Libra; the WHO estimates 100,000 people need humanitarian aid.
In the US, a shop that offered Tarot readings in Pennsylvania was threatened by police, citing anti-fortune-telling laws. There are quite a few similar laws still on the books across the country that are rarely enforced...until they are. 20 years ago, metaphysical bookshops were being raided by police, with their lawyers citing freedom of speech and religion to exonerate them. As Saturn approaches Neptune in Pisces and Neptune prepares to exit the sign, we can expect a backlash against astrology. No rising tide lasts forever; what's it going to look like when this tide breaks? Austin advises viewers to be careful how they represent the craft and not to take for granted that we can talk openly about it right now. Chris urges astrology organizations to prepare for litigation and pushback from skeptics and religious crowds alike.
The Pluto, Mars, and South Node activity last month heralded difficulty or conflict, which we've seen most prominently with the warfare in Palestine and Israel. Eclipses feature heavily in this history. The timing of recent major events has aligned strongly with the Mars & Pluto movements: Mars squared Pluto exactly on the 7th-9th, Pluto stationed on the 10th, Mars entered Scorpio on the 12th, and there was a solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th. (A/N: After this episode was recorded, the second (lunar) eclipse occurred today, October 28th, with the blackout and ground invasion in Gaza). Our hosts had stayed metaphorical last month in predicting asymmetric conflicts or excessive strength with Mars-Pluto last month, and in Indian astrology Mars-Ketu (SN) conjunctions indicate one who acts as if possessed by rage, which is how even supporters have characterized Netanyahu's actions.
Going into more detail on this:
The chart of Israel's founding has 25 Libra rising, the degree Mars was transiting on the 7th when Hamas launched their surprise attack; Mars was also square the Midheaven, while Pluto was directly on the IC and thus opposing the MC, all of which was activated by the Moon's transit on Oct. 7th--the Moon triggers that which is waiting to happen. Venus was also at 28Leo, the degree at which she stationed this summer, conjunct Israel's Mars. Eclipses like the pair in October have always coincided with defining new borders for Israel, which was founded shortly after a Taurus solar eclipse (same as today's, Oct. 28th). Israeli PM Netanyahu was born under a total solar eclipse in Libra as well. If we take December 10, 1987 as the founding date for Hamas, whose military arm led the October 7th attack, it was founded under a Pluto-Mars conjunction in Scorpio and a Saturn-Uranus conjunction (orb 1°) in Sagittarius.
More generally, many nations founded soon after WWII with Saturn in Leo (malefic in a sign of ruling or sovereignty) have had major disputes over where the border lines have been drawn. 2025 brings a Uranus return for both Israel and the US, close allies.
Chris was also looking at the astrology of different peace attempts, and found that while the Oslo accords were discussed under Saturn in Aquarius, the Peace Prize for it was given out during Saturn in Pisces, (where Saturn is now) with rx Venus conjunct Jupiter & the North Node (a nodal opposition to Israel's founding chart). However, Rabin (Israel's PM who signed the accords) was assassinated during an eclipse the following year. Eclipses occur in the same sign every 19 years, and in 2004 Israel began invading and settling northern Gaza. With the advent of smartphones and Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions moving from earth to air signs (200-year cycle), there may be some small hope that the fighting won't be as prolonged and ugly as it has been in the past. Unfortunately, November's astrology does not bode well for peace.
More on the Moon triggering configurations into action: aside from Oct. 7th, when her opposition to Pluto/square to Mars triggered that configuration with the initial Hamas attack, during the hospital bombing on the 28th she squared Saturn from 28Scorpio. More positively, on the 20th Hamas released two hostages when the Moon (♑) approached a grand trine with Venus (11-12♍) and Jupiter (12♉), and Israel let in 20 aid trucks on the 21st when this aspect went exact. Positive aspects in the midst of difficult configurations indicate a glimmer of hope.
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houseofbrat · 2 months
Hi, who do you think will be next american president? also, do you think people will accept the results?
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The answer to your first question might depend on your definition of "next."
Are you assuming that Joe Biden makes it to 20 January 2025 as president? I don't. I think it's highly likely he gets 25th Amendment-ed this fall.
However, based on the 2021 Inauguration chart for the Biden administration--which lasts from Biden's inauguration until the next new president or next inauguration four years later--it does not appear that Kamala will succeed him as president. This is why I suspect Kamala is going to get a new job in a different branch of government.
Could Kamala's new job be controversial? Probably. Would some people be upset about it? Probably. But it also looks like she won't be doing the oath of office at noon on 20 January 2025 because the person who does will die in office.
As for the election results, I think most people won't have a problem. Trump may scream & whine about losing, but I think this election will be decided by a bigger margin than either the 2016 or 2020 elections. Just a guess, but I think that's the likely result. Also, I expect the Republicans to take the Senate, which will give them full control of Congress. There will be less motivation for the craziness that happened after the 2020 elections.
Also, astrologically, you don't have something like Mercury retrograde happening around the election. Mercury goes retrograde in late November, which is weeks after the election, and Mars goes retrograde in early December, which is almost a month later.
I think there are a lot of professional astrologers flying blind at this point because they're not looking at the right people and details. Trump's chart isn't super strong and is actually weaker than it was in 2020, so definitely not a repeat of what happened the last time around.
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sun-in-retrograde · 4 months
Pluto Eris Square
I woke up from an awful dream in June of two thousand sixteen In a far right fake news fucked up universe And though we sang the Mountain Goats loud enough to bruise our throats Every year that followed still got worse and worse
-Grace Petrie “Fixer Upper”
So 2016 was a weird year, wasn’t it? Brexit, Harambe, Trump, clown attacks, The Orlando Shooting, Syria. Things got weird, and then, in 2017 they got weirder. I think it’s fair to say 2020 was the weirdest of years and things are still pretty weird now, to the extent that normality starts to feel, in itself, weird.
I would never want to blame everything on one astrological aspect, but it has to be noted, the 2016-2025 Pluto-Eris square maps really well onto this period.
Within 1 degree
16 February 2019 - 28 June 2018
27 December 2019 - 13 March 2020
24 April 2020 - 23 July 2020
8 November 2020 - 9 Jan 2021
9 July 2021 - 24 November 2021
Within 3 degrees
31 Jan 2018 - 2 June 2018
2018 15 december - 2019 August 9
22 October 2019 - 24 January 2022
23 June 2022 - 10 December 2022
Within 7 degrees
8 Jan 2016 - 15 May 2016
23 November 2016 - 10 March 2024
10 May 2024 - 11 January 2025
19 July 2025 - 26 July 2025
This year, for the first time in years, the Eris Pluto Square let up a little bit. We’re heading back into it now as Pluto retrogrades back towards Capricorn. But for the first time in a while this particular energy has cleared, leaving us to see what normality looks like without this square active.
What is Pluto-Eris Energy?
People often talk about Pluto and Eris as the Higher Octaves of Mars, but this is inaccurate. It’s useful to say because our society is obsessed with the idea of higher, transcendental truths and astrologers who study new astrological objects are going to want to associate their findings with higher truths because that’s good capitalism. But it would be more accurate to say that Pluto is a lower octave of Mars and Eris is a lower octave still. 
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Mars covers all the planets in the zodiac in just 2.1 years. Its time in any one sign is measured in months. Pluto takes 244 years and its time in any one sign is measured in about a generation. Eris has a 557 year cycle and because its orbit is extremely elliptical it’s in Aries from 1922 to 2044 - 122 years, or 21.9% of this entire cycle. 
What this means is that in terms of octaves Pluto and Eris are much lower and slower than Mars. This seems to give them an element of depth. If Mars is attraction, Pluto is obsession. If Mars is violence, Pluto is trauma. If Mars is energised, Pluto triggers the survival drive. I’d argue Eris goes deeper still. It is cutting so deep that what you get to are the things that can’t be removed. 
When Eris and Pluto meet you have irreconcilable differences, major conflicts, things that are foundational to society coming into conflict. This is especially true this cycle. 
This Eris - Pluto cycle began with the conjunction on 17 December 1756 at 18°36 of Sagittarius. Despite this they had their waxing square, waxing trine, opposition, waning trine and waning square while Pluto was in Aries and that’s where Eris will be for their waning sextile. Eris is in 6 signs during this Eris-Pluto cycle but all but two of the key aspects happened with Eris in Aries so has an active, martial energy to it.
If you’re following this, and agree with me that Eris is fundamental planet alongside Pluto, you will be unsurprised to hear the last Pluto-Eris square was 1936-1949 and was at its strongest during World War Two.
What this means for us now
2024 is the last hurrah for the current Eris-Pluto Square. It’s not as strong as it’s been in the past but it’s still an underlying important energy of our time. In 2024 over half the world’s population is having an election and in the UK, USA and India the far-right are leading the conversation. We have ideological conflicts, a moral imperative to engage in anti-fascist work and deep fears for how this period will impact the survival of all of us, but especially the most vulnerable people. 
We know this energy. If you’ve been fighting in this time, you probably have the methods to fight ready to go when the next inevitable crisis comes up. But there’s a bigger problem coming up and that’s normality. What happens when the current square ends and the fight for marginalised people stops being such a fiery spectacle? For years the fight against global fascism has been massive, dramatic, and very visible. What happens when there is no crisis and we’re stuck with the new normal that’s emerged from all this? 
Sadly, it seems unlikely that the end of the Eris-Pluto square will be the end of extreme violence, fascism, and war. What I would expect is these conflicts becoming more a matter of attrition and normalisation - the banality of evil. The genocides continue, but they no longer shock us. 
The promise offered by the astrology of Eris and Pluto is that we come out of the Eris-Pluto Square into a quintile, where the skills and experience we’ve gained harden into a playbook of methods to keep fighting. We have experience and we have knowledge and we keep going.
In natal astrology
The oldest people with an Eris-Pluto square in their birth charts are now eight. That’s still young but this is a generation that’s going to come up and start looking into astrology before you know it. Mars-Pluto squares in a birth chart are often indication of pretty bad trauma. Eris-Pluto Squares in charts will mean an early childhood defined by traumatic experiences. Just the nature of being raised by parents experiencing the pandemic ensures that. The astrology indicates that this generation could replicate some of that trauma throughout their life and astrologers will be seeing that for years to come. 
As most astrologers don’t use Eris, I would argue they’ll be cutting themselves off from a key diagnostic criteria that would really help explain the lives of the 2016-2025 generation. But whatever. There are usually more than one tell for a traumatic experience in a chart. The underlying, fundamental, Eris-level truth of this square that all of us have to face is a generation who will need care and time and understanding beyond what we might expect looking at their lives now. We can do that, that’s what we need to offer younger generations. 
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cosmicchats · 11 months
Lunar Partial Eclipse in Taurus 
On Saturday, October 28th @ 1:24 AM there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This will be the last eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio axis till 2031!! We are finishing up a cycle that began in November 2021. Think about where you were, what you were doing, and how did you feel during that first set of eclipses? 
This eclipse will be happening @ 5° of Taurus. Check your chart for where Taurus sits to give you insight to the area this eclipse will be impacting you. Unlike the Annular Solar Eclipse we had on Oct 14, this Lunar Partial will be a Full Moon, so the same Full Moon energies are on a larger magnitude. Endings. What are you letting go? What lessons have you learned in the past two years that you can incorporate to help you grow? 
With a Lunar eclipse this means the Sun is opposite the Moon. Sun in Scorpio is opp Moon in Taurus @ 5°. How are you balancing what you say/need on the surface level with what your subconscious think about or may obsess with? For example, are you searching for material possessions (Taurus) because you obsess over (Scorpio) lacking or not having security/stability? This also happening at 5° (Leo degree), which may bring up feelings and conversations about your father/male or an authority figure in your life. Check in with you heart, literally. Think heart health. Do you need to go to the doctor? Are you worried about your health?
This eclipse is happening in the 3H in this forecast, so what communication/conversation (3H=gemini) will you be having? The Sun (self) will be in the 9H, so your mindset and outlook (philosophy) may change six months from now. Depending on where this eclipse sits, you may be thinking about going back to school (higher education). Some of you maybe moving or doing some long distance travel (9H=sagittarius). Others may be beginning their spiritual journey (9H=Jupiter). Again, this will also depend on where this eclipse sits in your chart. The chart for this transit is a snapshot.
People in the spotlight, celebrities, monarchies, and politicians may fall from grace. Full Moons are still about illuminating, and although the moon is moving into Earth’s shadow, it is highlighting what is behind the surface. Highlighting, what is hiding literally in the shadows. Especially with this eclipse happening in 5°, more news may come out heads of countries. Someone may die and it may bring suppressed information to light.
On this day, we also have Neptune in Pisces @ 25° semi-square to Jupiter in Taurus @ 11°. How can you turn your dreams into reality? What actions do you need to set into motion? Semi-squares are about internal frustration or conflict. What is stirring inside you that you need to change? The Neptune in Pisces @ 25° is signaling a new beginning, new step being taken (25°=Aries=Cardinal degree). The expansive Jupiter in Taurus at 11° is letting us know you may be taking an unorthodox way of achieving your dreams. Neptune and Jupiter co-rule Pisces, which is in the 2H for this transits chart. Cash flow (income) may change following this transits. Maybe you are purging material possessions, and letting go of old habits, to reprioritize what you truly desire. This might be a highly emotional time.
Mercury @ 10° and Mars @ 11° will form a conjunction in Scorpio. This eclipse will be an ideal time to journal and think about whatever is on your mind. Are you thinking about work? Relationships? Family? Your career? Health? You are more attuned to your thoughts, try not to engage in obsessive thinking  during this time though. With Mars sitting in the sign that it rules, Scorpio (traditional astrology) you may feel a little more energized, and fiery. Be mindful of your words as you and others may be more argumentative during this transit. However, this is a great time if you are researching a topic, this conjunction in Scorpio may help you have more depth in the topic. Channel any buildup energy into action. 
This conjunction will make an opposite to Jupiter in Taurus @ 11°. Mars in Scorpio making an exact opposition. What do you ultimately want? Think of Taurus as the surface level appearance/ideas whereas Scorpio is the feelings below the surface. Ex. Valuing (Taurus) relationship security because fear (underneath feeling=Scorpio) of abandonment. When there is an opposition in a transit, we will be dealing with the duality of the two energies (Taurus & Scorpio). How can we cooperate? Or do we need break away? Maybe your relationship isn’t giving you the security you need. You can either take action to get their security or walk away. I see anything with Mars as dealing with action. If you are wanting more, you may be inclined to take risk to achieve it. However, be deliberate, don’t lose sight of the bigger picture. Understand when to fight or flight. Pick your battles during this transit. Since we are dealing with Jupiter, new opportunities may be offered to you. Do not overextend yourself. Again, balance the energies. 
Neptune in Pisces @ 25° will form a sesquiquadrate with Mercury in Scorpio @ 10° you may be confused because of external friction happening around you. A shift in your perception/thinking (Mercury) may be challenged and changed. You may be put in a position to assert yourself, make your presence known. Do it. This is an opportunity for personal growth. 
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"Narcissism was surprisingly the strongest predictor, and intelligence showed a negative relationship with belief in astrology."
Abstract Belief in astrology is on the rise, although the reasons behind this are unclear. We tested whether individual personality traits could predict such epistemically unfounded beliefs. Data was collected for 264 participants through an anonymous online survey shared on social media. The survey consisted of four instruments: Belief in Astrology (BAI), the Big Five personality traits (IPIP-30), narcissism (SD3) and intelligence (ICAR16-R3D). Data analysis was done with multiple linear regression. Narcissism was surprisingly the strongest predictor, and intelligence showed a negative relationship with belief in astrology. Overall, our novel results suggest that something as innocent as astrology could both attract and possibly reinforce individual differences.
1. Introduction
Astrology is increasing in popularity (Pew Research Center, 2018), despite the lack of scientific support (Allum, 2011). It is not clear why this ancient practice of studying positions and movements of celestial bodies, with the conviction that they influence human behaviour, is going through a revival. However, previous literature suggests that when societies or individuals are under stress or threat, people are more likely to turn to astrology and other epistemically unfounded beliefs (Grech, 2017; Keinan, 1994). Previous research further shows a relationship between personal life crises and belief in astrology (Lillqvist & Lindeman, 1998). Currently we are surrounded by stressors such as climate change and, recently, the Covid-19 pandemic, which makes the topic pertinent. Though embracing astrology might seem innocent, it is nonetheless possible that it facilitates uncritical thinking and favours biases. Further, belief in astrology correlates with belief in multiple other pseudosciences as well as with belief in conspiracy theories (Bensley et al., 2020) which indicates that it might not be all that harmless.
The present study set out to explore individual differences regarding belief in astrology. Although there is no consensus concerning what makes some people more susceptible to pseudoscientific beliefs than others, commonly mentioned factors are personality traits and cognitive biases (Bensley et al., 2020; Bouvet & Bonnefon, 2015; Pennycook et al., 2015).
1.1. Big Five, narcissism, intelligence
The most accepted theory regarding individual differences is the five factors of personality traits (also known as Big Five); openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (Costa & McCrae, 1992). Openness is usually positively associated with belief in the paranormal (Chauvin & Mullet, 2021), as well as apophenia (Blain et al., 2020). Conscientiousness may be the personality trait with the least connection to pseudoscientific beliefs, and weak negative correlations have been reported (Chauvin & Mullet, 2021). Extraversion too has been shown to be related to belief in the paranormal (Thalbourne & Haraldsson, 1980), whereas agreeableness in earlier studies has correlated both positively (Čavojová et al., 2020) and negatively (Swami et al., 2009) with belief in conspiracy theories. At last, neuroticism has been found to correlate positively with paranormal beliefs (Thalbourne & Haraldsson, 1980).
Though the dimensions of the Big Five are valuable when studying individual differences, there are additional so-called dark traits (cf. Kajonius et al., 2015). One dark trait in particular seems relevant in relation to belief in astrology, namely narcissism, due to the self-focused perspective that may be at the core of both phenomena.
In addition to personality traits, intelligence is commonly used in studies of individual differences. Particularly openness has proved to correlate with intelligence measures (DeYoung et al., 2014). In general, intelligence is thought to be negatively related to the acceptance of pseudoscience and paranormal beliefs (Musch & Ehrenberg, 2002), as well as with apophenia (Blain et al., 2020).
1.2. Present study
The present study aimed to investigate whether personality traits and intelligence can predict belief in astrology. To the best of our knowledge, no earlier studies have been conducted on narcissism and intelligence regarding belief in astrology.
4. Discussion
The present study aim was to investigate how individual differences relate to belief in astrology. The main result showed that the higher the narcissism, perhaps surprisingly, the higher the belief in astrology. The positive association is possibly due to the self-centred worldview uniting them, though this must be examined in further research. Furthermore, cultural aspects of millennials may emphasize the uniqueness of individuals which might lead to a more egocentric view of the world, and thus relate to narcissistic traits. Further, since astrological predictions and horoscopes tend to be positively framed, this reinforces grandiose feelings and thus might appeal even more to narcissists. Note that narcissistic traits correlated with the belief that astrology is supported by science (Table 1), which leads to a speculation that narcissists may generally be more fact resistant.
Other interesting findings was that the higher the level of intelligence, the lower the belief in astrology (see Musch & Ehrenberg, 2002), as well as that agreeable people tend to report believing in astrology more. Seeing how most personality predictors were small in magnitude, this leaves room for many other variables influencing belief in astrology. Speculatively, additional predictors could be cohort-effects, educational levels, occupations, and others.
4.1. Limitations
As with most survey designs, social desirability bias, common method bias, and the use of self-report may be an issue. Another limitation was that we had no control over who participated in the study, thus introducing a potential selection bias. In the same vein, we do not know how much participants know about astrology. Also, since the vast majority were younger women recruited through social media the sample is not generalisable to a broader population. Another possible concern in the present study is the use of short versions of the scales, especially Openness which showed a low internal consistency and did not show expected effects in the regression model. One indication of this is that openness and intelligence did not correlate significantly in the present study (see Table 1). Lastly, most of the reported effects were acknowledgeable small (Gignac & Szodorai, 2016), which leaves room for both type I-errors as well as for the influence of other variables, outside individual differences.
5. Conclusion
Our aim with the present study was to contribute to an increased understanding of individual differences and unfounded epistemic beliefs, such as belief in astrology. The results showed interestingly that narcissism was the strongest predictor of belief in astrology: Even the stars think I am superior.
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