#maybe I should just make her species bleed blue
tatania-blibby1 · 5 months
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Here is that lore I was talking bout in the last post, its vague but if you can figure it out ILL BE SO HAPPY 👏😋
Blibby! has some too, just trying figure out the best way to present it ig
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
Somewhere Only We Know
Summary: Plo Koon has an old book called ‘The Galactic Family; A Collection of Beautiful Faces’ that features numerous species blessed with physicalities. Reader/OC is born of the planet called Celestia which is inhabited by ethereal sight for sore-eyes. While they feature and exalt you as an upper echelon of beauty and grace, you vehemently plot against the author who Plo had once confided in you as someone who seems to have captivated his heart — a bully who had taunted him and riled others to make fun of Kel Dors and Plo as a youngling. You kept your friendship with Plo and though your heart bleeds for him, as it beats only for him, you decide to yet again express your desire to act in spite and avenge your most favorite Kel Dor in the galaxy. Only to be reminded of something else.
Pairing: Plo Koon / OC/Reader (idk how this works — sorry!)
Word Count: 3.6k
Rating: (no smut) Maybe sad-turned-happy vibes? Idk
Notes: - Peaching (headcanon) is a form of encouraged relations by the people and law of Celestia that allows you to be in a consensual 'exchange' with no attachment. Essentially, a gatepass to fuck, be intimate with, be flirty with, be touchy with, or be with someone bound or unbound given that all parties are in agreement and consents. (will get detailed on this if I ever decide to dish out wips from ancient time) - Chrysanthemums are my most favorite flower ♥ A yellow chrysanthemum blossom signifies neglected love or sorrow. A white chrysanthemum is a symbol of loyalty and devoted love. - OC/Reader is a bounty hunter with natborn silver irises and is an unhinged bitch who is overprotective of Plo Koon and will fight everyone for him. (It's me, really. I'm just wildin') - OC/Reader Reference Image https://www.instagram.com/p/CfJ891cJVpG/
Color thingies because I'm deranged to not use them: Orange: Plo Koon Pink: You/OC/Reader Blue: Memory Purple: Me, because I have no self-control to self-insert myself whenever Plo and Kel Dors are mentioned. I'm sorry >:
Perfect divider by @idontgetanysleep with itty, bitty, cutie-patootie Plo Koon face ♥
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“Just say the word, P. It’s on the house.”
You didn’t really need his permission let alone reveal any involvement should you decide to act on ‘it’. You’ve had her as a client before and the transaction wasn’t as pretty as her face — it was vile, filthy, and a cheapshot at an innocent target who happens to share attention from a prospective boyfriend. Yes, a prospective boyfriend who clearly has no intention of breaking off an engagement with the poor, unfortunate soul, you have removed from a certain narrative.
A sickening chronicle in ‘her’ life as if her claim takes precedence over anything factual. Hadn’t you been in such a rut with bounties, you would’ve never taken the job. But you did and it kept food on the table, a nice roof on your head for a short while, and got a beaut of a decent ship to cruise around in. 
It’s never honest work, the killing part; but it's honest enough to be on paper and get you lined up with a few more bounties to get by. A couple of tracking fobs in turn of a good night’s sleep, a proper soak, and a treat to buy essentials and non-essentials. Essentials being food, fuel, repair and maintenance, pieces to fortify the little armor you have on because clearly, you need to flaunt to flex — that, and the fact that Celestians are vain by nature. Considering you age similar to Kel Dors, if you ain’t keeping that pretty face and body on point, you might as well off yourself for being a disgraced child of Celestia.
As for non-essentials that border the essentials category, an assortment of powdered fruit tea from your recent trip to Dorin. 
Plo would chuckle, always that — never to confirm, never to deny, always enigmatic over the idea of vengeance. Though it may be an obvious answer with him being a Master Jedi and a Baran Do Sage, valuing life and shit, you couldn’t help but wonder if it’s because he truly still admires her and the memory of feeling ‘it’ for the first time is so strong that it has indeed withstood the test of time. It was either that or he’s in one of those moods where he’s psycho-bullshitting you to reflect and turn to the light — what an absolute devout to the force Plo Koon is, aka force-dweeb ; i.e whore only to the force.
Awestruck if that was the case but also a very disheartening concept. Then again, who were you talk? Wasn’t it your own volition to always tag along and linger in sparring fields and dojos while father met with the Jedis, handing vital information privy only to the Republic? Wasn’t it in your own accord to walk up to this rust-toned sentient because you had that undying need to pull on his mask and kiss him? Maybe not kiss him yet at time, but you’re quite the unhinged individual who would happily die to quelch the inquisitions in your head and kissing was a Celestian tradition to mark. All’s fair, right?
You just wanted to touch him, his face — eyes that had those black ‘thingies’ that made you wonder what color his irises were while the burgeoning need to unmask the lower chamber of his face grew with each passing second; more so when he started to speak.
Not much has actually changed apart from him — now a towering old man with more grace, reverence, importance, patience, strength, and other things that you’d like to unravel. Dirty as that sounds, who can blame you? 
Have you seen the build on his chest and shoulders? Have you not heard the thunderous rumble of his godly voice that makes you want to drop on your knees and worship that impeccable form of his? — That makes you want to shamelessly surrender to the domineering, magnetic, regal of an enchantment that has imprisoned your heart, mind, and soul to be his devout little bitch? 
Have you not, even for a second, want to burn through the fiery embers of his soul and lose yourself into the intoxicating dream of sifting through the intricacies of his intelligence and wisdom? To drown in answers and queries that would have you begging like a desperate whore to tell you more? More of that three-hundred year-old archive of knowledge that just swims in his head so invitingly like the cold lakes of home on a hot summer day? Have you not, even for a second, thirsted to the enigma that is Plo Koon and his privacy? Have you not sinfully starved for someone’s coc—-
He could read your mind and throw you out; dismiss or reprimand you for being such an obvious simp for him, but he doesn’t — doesn’t always at least. Doesn’t invade your thoughts unless it’s one of those days when you were so rattled from a hunt that you didn’t even know how you ended up at his place; why you, a clean-freak, has yet to wash the blood over skin so smooth you whine over the tiniest of scratches and smudge.
“I can sense the evident thirst “be” at peak today, dearest.”
Did I mention that though he does not invade your thoughts without necessity, he’s also a little shit Kel Dor prick? That he’s the humblest of all humbles but has a side to him that makes you want to strangle him in his sleep and ride his brains back to when he’s an itty, bitty, egg and make omelet for breakfast? 
“Yes, babylove. The thirst ‘be’ insanely high today. I mean, did I ever tell you how kriffin’ hot you look in those Jedi robes? I mean the browns and the beige just screams BDE!!! I could just.. Unf.”
You bit your lip to taunt, whether it was to set the familiar banter at play from a mere satirical retort or a guise because ‘he really do be looking fine in them robes’, it’ll be one of the many unspoken understanding and mystery that the two of you seem to dodge.
“BDE? I’m not certain I’ve heard of that before.”
“Big Dorin Energy.” Came your reply — one as abrupt as you had brought the cup to drink so painstakingly slow in hopes of boring him enough to move on.
Did I also tell you how oppressive Plo Koon’s silent treatment can be? No, well okay. It is.
Not a crease on his brow area, neither a shift from his demeanor came about apart from him attaching a metallic, contractible straw to his mask with a soft click before taking a sip from his cup. 
“Ugh. Fine. It’s Big Dick Energy, okay? Are you happy? You’re such an old man, Plo.” 
You always say this and without fail, it drives you so far up the wall you’d be at the same level as Plo — or taller. And as much as it elicits illicit thoughts, seeing yourself more drawn to finely seasoned men, Plo always gave the same response. The same ‘Indeed I am” that teeters between melancholy, amusement and pride. 
Stars, he’s so kriffin’ cute.
“Very much so, my dear. The quest for knowledge never ceases.”
Cute and a disgustingly adorable dweeb. I love him so much and I’m sure you do too.
After a couple more exchange of pleasantries, you’ve found yourself rambling on about the strife of a recent hunt where you’ve procured a bad sprain that had somewhat permanently altered your balance. How you nearly fell off after a grapple-pull mishap because of a calculated step that failed due to said injury. 
You went on about how it cut the payment since you weren’t able to deliver the target on time. He’d have asked a million questions too that riled you up to the point of completely forgetting your purpose of visit — your constant ‘let it be me’ visit that never seems to progress because of that stupid book tucked under his stupid bed that this stupid bitch gave him some stupid centuries ago. 
“All you have to say is leave her alone, Plo. And I will.” 
You cut the story short and as much as you’d expect him to be surprised that you had caught on, he wasn’t. He knew you would break free from the trance of having someone so keenly interested in your non-Jedi approved activities; namely bounty hunting and escapades — you do this thing where you commit theft for a hot minute and leave payment with a little extra at the most  obvious place they wouldn’t look until they’ve simmered down to notice a note you’ve left. Funny that he doesn’t scold you for this but tells tales of how Dorin will treat this behavior differently. You can tell he loves a bit of mischief as long as you return to the proper action — then again, this petty theft of a mischievous act is punishable by death in Kel Dor standards; so maybe, no?
“Celestians are on page 9.” 
Vanity betrays you by blood and nature. You wanted to smack him for saying that but you also want to smack (smooch) him for saying that. It’s not like you didn’t have a copy of the infamous book, but it’s so badly worn from testing a plethora of melee weapons on it, the numerous holes and soot makes any of the text unreadable and the photos indiscernible. You had copies of it too, memorized the entire book looking for any praise for Kel Dors and found not a single word of mention even. 
The Galactic Family; A Collection of Beautiful Faces — in which enumerates and highlights a selection of upper echelon species that included yours in the most exalted tier. Your kind were the most ethereal species on the planet; silver irises, short fangs that elongate during ‘peaching and mating seasons’, skin deathly pale, smooth, and soft; blood translucent and voices a potent concoction of sweet, sultry, and heavenly with that right dabble of filth.
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[ Art / Comic by @exosorcery ♥ ]
You hated that book. Abhorred it to an unhealthy extent that you were but a push away from writing your own book and raining hell on her specifically, but you know within yourself that Celestians are not allowed to interfere — which is essentially why, though you do not need his permission and can actually act upon it deny involvement with a help of the top bounty hunter in the galaxy who you’d happen to be in the good graces of, it just didn’t seem right. You know in your hearts of hearts that Plo will be very disappointed and quiet about it.
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[ Art / Comic by @exosorcery ♥ ]
“I know. My brother and I are in it. He had said yes before consulting me and it was too late for me to back out when I knew who wrote it. Did you ask because you know I’d never dare "read" that shit?”
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[ Art / Comic by @exosorcery ♥ ]
“I asked because you have something of mine.” 
“Of yours?”
And it was indeed some Jedi mind trick because of the centuries and numerous copies you’ve annihilated "without ever once reading" the contents of that book, there you sat frivolously sifting through pages and scanning the photo of yourself with a crystalized necklace of a white moth.
Your hand instinctively went to your chest, cupping the pendant that had kept your heart steady and your mind clear since the day you decided to hunt that stupid moth that landed on his stupid face while he was meditating.
I walked across an empty land I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
A sense of warmth engulfs you in that moment of recollection; how he had blamed you for scaring the moth away after his master did the same prior. How his little balled up fists were on his side and the creases of his face were so drawn down that you laughed so hard you fell back clutching your stomach. How you saw him ‘frown’ behind his masked face and turned quietly to walk away.
I felt the earth beneath my feet
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[ Art by @veny-many ♥ ]
How in that moment you swore nothing would ever matter more than for his stupid face to never ever crease into that stupid frown. How in that moment, his little ‘Please don’t do that — it really hurts,” made you need nothing or no one else than this beautiful sentient before you who chose to meditate alone because the other shit-pricks were making fun of how he looks.
I came across a fallen tree
You recall how you didn’t even apologize. How you ran up to him and put on that equally stupid face you do with father when you didn’t want him to leave so you could play with him or have him take you to some off-world planet to pick and study flowers to tend to your insatiable need need to adorn your room with so many flower crowns it’s become hazardous in itself. 
And before you could say anything, before you could rip off that stupid page in that stupid book that has your stupid face and that stupid pendant that you’ve worn for centuries as you both kept by each other’s side and comfort, something heavy weighs on the page.
I felt the branches of it looking at me
A chrysanthemum pair — entwined of one yellow and one white; withered, but you know it to be so. You know not only by heart and by the memory of you breaking the knots of your self-made flower crown that adorned your pretty little presence on that fateful day, having to vehemently rummage and pull from the assortment to find the ‘perfect’ one for the stupid frown on his stupid face.
Is this the place we used to love?
You know not only by the nostalgic drop of flowers between your silver irises that pooled at the thought of hurting the stupid-faced sad boy meditating by his lonesome and the young Kel Dor that had his fists balled ready to push or strike — to alleviate himself of any pain and hurt that deeply wounded him that day but chose not to. 
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Your brothers did that — pushed and yelled out of irritation, shoved you a little too hard sometimes but eventually came around. But Plo didn’t — he didn’t yell or push you, didn’t run off or threaten you, didn’t even do anything but ask so politely; asked so kindly as if he would break into as many as the stars above and it frightened you. 
To be young and alone, to be so far from home, to be so far from mother and father and even your siblings; to having to go back inside a place you could hardly call ‘home’. To do nothing but train, clean, meditate, and study; to not be able to play with people of your kind, to not be able to run to father or mother when you’ve tripped and get tight hugs and forehead kisses; to not be able to snuggle up and build forts with silly brothers, steal snacks from the kitchen and tell tales of horrific stories and gossip until you all fall asleep, only to wake up between mother and father.
It frightened you so much that you felt ‘it’. Whatever ‘it’ was, you felt it. You felt ‘it’ radiate from him in such an alarming wave that it had rendered you speechless with hands quivering between two stupid chrysanthemum flowers pulled from your crown of glory. It frightened you that something had made you frantically drop to your knees and fuss about which color, which flower to give him as if the thread of the galaxy’s hold would break if you didn’t do ‘it’ right — whatever ‘it’ was.
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The grip on the pendant tightens and you could feel your jaw clench only before you were made aware of the tears that had betrayed you for quite a while now. The taste of horrid saline that had taken a detour from your cheeks and down to your lips; a grim reminder that you have yet again bore yourself to Plo when you've promised countless times never to do so. 
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?
Jedi kriffing mindtrick. 
And if you have a minute, why don't we go Talk about it somewhere only we know?
Part of you wanted him to look, maybe lean over and brush the tears off your cheeks; to take that stupid mask off for a brief second and kiss you just as how you had hoped for when you first saw him. But you know he couldn’t —for so many goddamn reasons. And it’s okay, it really is. He could press his mask on your cheek though, right? Right? Right, Plo?
“Big dick energy indeed, you prick.”
Your voice broke and so did you face as you shamelessly sobbed onto palms that only did very little to hide everything; the sniffles, the whimpers, the brewing gasps of air as you tried your best to stifle it all at once. But of course you fail massively, it was not even an option to begin with. He carried so much power and reverence that if he had decided to open that hidden script between just the two of you, you’ll crumble so far into the depths of all these repressed dreams and emotions that you'd drag him with you. 
This could be the end of everything
And so it remains just that; a hidden script in the narrative that is you and Plo Koon. The same script that loomed when drinks were shared, stories laughed over, and tears shed over just about anything. The same hidden script that will always thicken the air with the purest form of love — if he would allow ‘it’ to be called just that. 
But even that would remain as enigmatic as Plo Koon — and so it shall be as it always has been; a hidden script that is you and Plo Koon; the narrative that has spanned centuries and will weave more.
He would only turn his back to you, remorsefully. Give you privacy and company at the same time like the stupid conundrum that he is; leave if you want me to cry in peace, you’d think to yourself — but stay so I can.
So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Tears drip past the barrier of your palms and onto the page that kept the withered pair as if it would somehow unearth the once vibrant colors that bridged the paleness of your small hand with his rust-toned talons many centuries ago. That somehow it would caress your bleeding heart with the memory of his stupid smile plastered on his stupid face when he said “It’s okay. There’s more moths here, come on.”
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[ Art by @veny-many ♥ ] {any excuse to use these baby Kel Dors kids}
Sat by the river and it made me complete Oh, simple thing, where have you gone? I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
That somehow these insignificant droplets would relive the careful touch of his clawed hand over your soft, small palm as he dragged you past the bushes he hid behind and into this expanse of a lake full of fireflies and moths and flowers and fishes and him, and his smile, and his touch, and his face, and his warmth, and his presence, and his —.
“Do you understand now?”
Somewhere only we know
Drenched palms erratically ran through evenly drenched cheeks to dry them off. Eyes puffed and nose a shy tone of red as you continued to sniffle and curse inwardly as to why he still hasn’t offered you a box of tissues. But it’s there though, the box of tissues — so very close to your side of the table when it usually is at the center. 
What a babe, right? Inconspicuous babe and his inconspicuous gentlemanly ways.
You took a few pulls and gently dabbed your face. Took another few more pulls and before you could dab them onto the page that held the embodiment of your love, loyalty, friendship, and promise of forever, you heard him cut you before you were even half-way down.
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
You turn to look at him, watching him ease back into a reclined manner — his face still in the direction of the empty space before him; but you know. You know that at the corners of those black ‘thingies’ over his eyes are those beautiful silver irises that matched yours. You know that in the tenderness of his voice would be the same yearning that not a single word would ever be enough to describe. That in the manner of which his shoulder would sag and his head would meet the rest of his couch that ‘it’ is here; that ‘it’ is here with you. That ‘it’ is neither about the book or anything else; that ‘it’ is but here, anywhere, everywhere with you.
That ‘it’ is the fact that you have something of his and he has something of yours. That ‘it’ has always been the same ‘it’ from the day that you broke his tiny, young heart and mended it so swiftly and gently that ‘it’ has stayed with him over centuries as so did ‘it’ with you.
That ‘it’ is indeed what you think it is if you’ve gotten this far. That ‘it’ is indeed ‘home’ — a place that only you and him knows. 
“You’re such a sappy old man, Plo. I’ll see you again soon, okay?” 
You say, closing the book and carefully resting it on the caf table. You grunt and sniffle, groaning as you stretched and tapped your ankles together as if to activate the thrusters and wait for command. By the window, your usual preference of entry, you took a deep breath and ran fingers delicate over your bare crown down to the length of your hair. 
This could be the end of everything
“In the meantime, please allow me to use this as a reason to extract you from your duties, my sweet. Your company is always appreciated.” 
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Plo collects the book almost protectively and sets it on his lap, palming the cover as he finally turns to address your departure. 
So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?
“Kriffin’ dweeb. Just say I love you next time. Easier on the tongue.”
And as you take your flight, you hear him among the blanketed skies, just when you’re far enough and too lazy to turn, you hear him, 
Somewhere only we know
“Only if you say it first.”
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Somewhere only we know
~ Fin.
If you made it this far, thank you and I love you. I hope reading this isn't time wasted. Also, drink some water and remember how valued you are and how nothing will be as magnificent as they are if you weren't here. ♥
~ Duch ♥
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djsherriff-responses · 2 months
I also had the headcanon that the Nymphs are more of the Muse’s creations. They were all created in her image based off her preferences and beauty standards. The Creation of the Glade was meant to be collaborative and a symbol of their “eternal” love.
Polokus proposed that they should mix their powers together to create an entirely new species of their own and when they dreamed together the Teensies were created. Polokus was elated at the way they turned out but the Muse was baffled as to how they looked.
So when she disappeared a despondent Polokus had to pick up the slack and create the rest of the fairies initially trying to replicate her style but his which is how fairies like Ly exists with some of his joyful silly nature bleeding through. Eventually he gave up on that and just went back to his sillier more surreal designs which is why you have the Ludivs and Greenbottles
Ohhh I like that headcanon, especially if the Muse was a typical hour glass babe it'd make total sense for how Betilla and her sisters look in Origins
Personally I'm... not entirely sure on my own version of the muse? Originally I had the idea that there was a total of four muses (matching the number of masks lol) with the Muse of Poets being a butterfly lady (as the Teensies look like ants to me), the Muse of Musicians as a Bird lady, the Muse of Painters as an Octopus Lady and the Muse of Theatrics being a goat guy but I wanna revamp that concept now. I'd keep the muse as a butterfly but everything else I don't like anymore
I'm not even sure if the Muse of Poets would be born before or after the nymphs
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I'll figure it out as I explore my own take on Rayman's lore
Side note, according to the raywiki the Rayman M game showed that the solar system that the Glade exists in has a desert planet alongside a blue planet with a ring around it (similar to Saturn). Considering the Glade has no notable ring in the sky and that it's got more environmental diversity than a desert, it's safe to safe neither planet is the Glade itself. Meaning Rayman's solar system has at least three planets alongside it's two suns and two moons (presumably one of those moons isn't also a planet). Maybe that's where gods such a Leptys is at?
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artcallednaturalviews · 2 months
World Live janega Show The world in a bill dick Or rather verdict Pull the blocks out Who falls Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure World live Jane go show Mother Nature The turned wild Who prevails Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure She pours her passions Upon all of US and the rest of the World Obviously not watching Due pray & wish Maybe notice will be next year With continued to lower more standards The better will be for! Besides, you’re insured! Maybe part of Pro25 Is to keep you lower! (Should been read as a commodity) Reserves are always low World live Jane go show Mother Nature The turned wild Who prevails Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure El low The low By an x human Similar to the animals Near extinct in species If We (US) only defined ourselves prior Where did Covid coulture that petri go! Last alone drug test Now that other country has cloned you And we (cause I’m talking to sames) never get anywhere You’re And have been cloned No not you they threw that sample but The REST of Us sits in results You saw you We bleed near on another Under the concrete The palo deities Are you, Apache or Navajo ? Not even from this Continent! May have sum blood sequestered for Get ready Physical no nah physicol Realm My life depended on medical assurance Pay hold still don’t sick Paid for nothing Being healthy Diablo unhealthy and steaming with out a name before brought by Jesus lived in a den Never World Wide until White Man I wore multiple blue targets Now I’m Tiger Roaring for a sleep……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. How many the times………………………………………………. ………………added after Shut down Covid The dots not part of my family Just lost in Country Never believing in a World That other Dude, didn’t either The life 2024 years ago was flat We all global NOW Intellect Or Educated They all Leaders Fight against Scalp a Well it was near a closed (He was only twenty) Paid for however! It was Toucan fruit loops or fruity people’s Not the emplace of love Add chocolates Like chalk tasting corporations Empowering indivisible’s with Justice and Awe Under weather Who made out better! A world Wide Jane go show! Pad or plug Can’t somthing else In bleeding! You could haves it Just have it And irredisregard a planted Human In the other State Not have it They never add income brackets to deceased of our days! We could see who is killing who! I heard of how many Violent attacks (A not a one shot an ear) It trivial in violence politics Not for you or me Under 2nd That’s for them We never see! Unless covert and calculations Like don’t be violent or fallow the leaders! Not Honda commercial Or may be I am Don’t pull my buds on apocalypse Sinnister under neath wanting in Not counted as Refugee (If you can make it across a field) Prior to NFL sports Prior to the late unknowingly U S of A That rugby, that a bushel basket suspended That’s like swatting slave over in a plantation We have solo Soon to be Breakin’ Dancing in Olympic That USA made their own The owners did They did a round up World live Jane go show Mother Nature The turned wild Who prevails Under Violent wicked weather Unity Under rods and staffs Erasure Is it to long now making you cough that was added in fees Better there than there And screwing me all up After Thelma and Lois I knew everything Add Requiem, a Blender
You can’t govern ur own bodies
Allow government to make you
Your medical insurance is always a top priority
Why couldn’t you
Be healthy
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aviatrixcadenza · 2 years
For the WIP ask -
Hey Pyro :D
I feel I should go with my two Among Us wips for this one, huh? warning for death n violence in the first one, oops. Im gonna stick this under a read more, it got long.
So my first is an animation, that haunts me as as all my animations do, set as all good animations should be, to ABBA's Gimme Gimme Gimme (a man after midnight)
its so dark.
Theres lowkey a lot of people dying and gore, oh my god, but its mostly off screen, so hey! this is what is affectionately known as my angst Au, and I have currently story boarded about 24 seconds, when its meant to run over the entire length of the song.
Its uh, what I would call the finale of that au? some context, there's two impostors, both with very different reasons for being there, and both with very different reasons for even being imposters. Those two are Pink and Cyan.
Pink, my bastard child, is probably considered the true imposter, but in their defence, they didn't want to be there. Their species, a line of asexually reproducing autonomic plants prone to adaptable mutation, just so happened to have a seed whistling through the vaccum just so happened to pierce the glove of the poor og pink on a spacewalk. in the wake of the 'my glove just got depressurized in vacuum' the seed was missed, and pink (bastard) ate pink (poor bastard) from the inside out, with a unique ability to preserve a certain amount of the og meat's memories, to go along with the inherited memory passed along their family lines.
so pink is pink now, and obviously better than their predecessor bc that guy died and they wont, except theyre on a ship tracking towards a hyperjump, which is really, really bad new for a species that cant survive hyperjumps. also purple, the xenobiologist with a degree in psychology, whom had slowly been befriending them, just straight up asked them if they were an imposter, and they may have panicked and eaten their face, so there's that.
And that kinda kicks off everything.
And then there's Cyan. Cyan is the security officer, and his job is to protect the crew. Cyan is a very decorated, very senior security officer, who should have probably gotten trauma leave, but this is MIRA, because he just came from polus where he was one of only two survivors of a devastating alien viral attack, which cumulated in him having to shoot his not-his-friends-anymore.
Basically, Cyan's crew just got 'The Thing'd, and Cyan....
..well Cyan's been feeling sick lately. Cyan's been bleeding black, lately. Cyan's just came to awareness over the still gurgling body of his junior officer with Cyan's knife in Limes gut, and he's still not sure if he was the one in control, the one who did that or not.
So Cyan's having a fun time.
and thats what ultimately leads into the finale. Of their crew of twelve and one civilian occupant, Lime, Purple, White and Brown are dead, Pink has been revealed to not be pink, Green, Black, Red and Yellow are currently MIA, and Cyan just got ejected by the monster on board. The only crew that Blue, the captain, has been able to find is her second officer, Orange and his very scared child, on her way to the emergency lifepod's after she made a call to scramble the ship, the last broadcast before the internal systems went down. Because the skeld is slowly getting dragged into Polus's gravity, and Blue is very, very scared for her crew.
The Crew in turn, are scattered around the ship, some injured, some fighting to reboot systems to make sure the lifepods can even detach (MIRA incompetency at work again), one no-longer-crew desperately trying to get the engines going so they can commandeer the ship, and one with a gun in hand hunting down the sunovabitch that killed her friends. Red has never handled a gun before, but shes maybe not exactly thinking straight right now.
Because here's the thing. Ghosts are very, very real in my au, and there is a certain lime ghost who does know how, and they've just learned they can affect the physical world still, and whats a little possession with lives on the line?
And here's the last thing. Cyan, poor ejected Cyan floating in the vacuum, the infected imposter fighting against himself to stick to his job to protect and save the crew..
Well, Cyan hasn't had the good manners to die just yet. And Cyan is pissed at Pink.
And that's what kicks off the angst au finale animation :D
Annnnnd then a complete tone change, with a small excerpt from the other, much more comedy Among Us au, aka Define Imposter, aka Lime joins the Idjit Crew (affectionate) aka that Time I Accidentally Wrote a Hallmark Movie in Space, whose current reviews are "I would kill for them and I'm stealing them' from Brass, and 'I hate that I enjoyed it and it was Amogus,' from an anonymous irl, which I feel is pretty good for feedback:
"Captain," Lime stressed, "surely this ship can't be above board - wasn't this particular line of freighters recalled over ten years ago?"
Brown laughed sheepishly, pausing in the hallway, "I mean, technically yes, but ours is pretty refurbished and she’s had some extensive overhaul done to her, so they gave us a pass." 
The lines 'the outer rim’s are short on functioning deep-vacuum capable ships so they run them well past their use-by' and 'no scrapyard mechanic even wants to approach the nest Yellow has going on at the back of the ship' were left unsaid.
"Besides!" Brown chuckled. "She’s a good ship, this old girl. I've been flying her for over the decade, and she's nothing if not reliable." She banged on the wall for emphasis.
Unfortunately that particular poor panel, unable to take anymore in its decades of abuse came loose at browns savagery, falling from the wall with a great clatter, and revealing the Skeld’s innards and some horrifying little charm probably left by Purple, bouncing once then falling flat with a final death rattle.
Both Lime and Brown stared at it, silently, before the captain coughed abruptly into the offending fist. 
"I'm going to go get an engineer to fix that. Good talk, Comm's Officer Lime." Brown nodded stiffly, clapped lime on the shoulder, and broke into a brisk jog down the corridor and around the corner.
Lime felt that small shred of reassurance Brown had just allowed him slip away just as mournfully fast.
Ty for asking! :P
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r0-boat · 2 years
Hmm... What about yandere Tarzan Ingo, or just feral yandere Submas in general. You are the cutest other human They've ever seen. They need you. They want to take you back to their home in the forest and the mountains and keep you away from those weak, pathetic humans of your village who could never care for you like they can... Just a thot :>
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I watched two Disney movies for this and I'm going to watch the series I'm going to fucking put my whole entire Crush on Tarzan and throw it on these two.
Y'all are going to get a mix of head cannons and scenarios for this one.
Yandere Tarzan! Ingo and Emmet
Grab some snacks this is going to be a long read
Cw:smut, yandere, pred/prey
there is a non-con part in it but I will just cut it off so you don't have to look
Your meeting would be slightly different. For one thing Ingo and Emmet would hate humans or prefer their wild families more, but you oh you if they were ever even remotely curious about their own kind they would only ever go to you to explore their Curiosities.
You know how to handle yourself on your excursions but to them you are still but a Starly in a world of hungry Bravery.
Instead of meeting ingo first, you would probably meet Emmet first. When you caught one of his little sister's a blue Zorua while she was yipping in pain from a sprained paw.
Emmet has seen what humans do, nothing but malice filled his heart when he watched you take his sister from him. But you should thank him the things he will do to you will be far better than what his pack will do.
When he prepared his hands and vocal cords to trick you. To lure you away from her before striking, but Emmet stopped when he heard his sister not yelping in pain but yipping and purring. There you were giving his sister berries and rapping her paw and bandages. Sliced medical leaks and Oran Berries around the two of you. As you scribble funny things with a stick onto some kind of weird thing.
He watched you for a while and when you were done you just let her go.
Emmet is not a Zoroark he doesn't hate you even though he wishes he was so he could. He thinks that was the first time humans ever peaked his interest other than the time his mother showed him what species he really was.
He's been thinking about leaving his pack for a while he's not stupid as much as his pack tries to treat him as one of their own he knows what he is but he'll be damned if he goes back to that cursed settlement.
He sees how you're treated you're just like him never going to truly fit in. you look happy but he knows it's all lies. As much as he wanted to he could never survive by himself and the way you took care of his sisters made him swoon, you would be such a good mate.
Ingo has been alone his entire life, so much so that being with other people especially people he doesn't know much about or at all really makes him uncomfortable.
Sneazler maybe solitary but he is not a sneazler. And loneliness very much eats away at him. Sometimes he watches the people who worship his mother not in hopes to join them.... just to feel that companionship, he has his mother yes and his mother will always tell him that but it's not the same.
One morning he stayed a little too far from the mountains of Coronet Heights. That's when he saw it a human covered in scratches running they looked... terrified they keep looking over their shoulder. Was something chasing them? The scratches look deep, they were bleeding and poor thing must have been running for hours.
Exhausted the human collapsed in the snow. You would die without him he had to take you in you are called and weak, and shaking.
He looked through the something that you are carrying it held Lots of berries and leeks. He worked hard making makeshift bandages soaking your ripped cloth in the medical leak juices he would snap and squeeze to wrap around your leg.
Snap and cut the dead Twigs before sawing them down with his trusty bone knife. Your leg was broken, he knew from experience when he was a child trying to climb the tallest mountain just approved his sneasle friends. He can't help but chuckle to himself now what a stupid idea even if a sneasle. Oh his mother yowled at him for hours before teaching him how humans fixed they're broken limbs.
When you woke up and saw him, you looked, terrified, as if you saw the ghostly shadow of a Zoroark. Before calming down when you realized that he fixed your leg. "T-thank you?" Your voice shook, scooting away from Ingo.
You had to stay with him your leg was broken you were weak the scratches an from your captor still healing and you didn't know where you were. This man, his face haunts you, but he was good company. Whatever the fuck was happening you're sure your professor would not only be flabbergasted, but absolutely in awe at your story.
The lack of communication was awkward, you are sending mixed signals to this man who took you in, but you're sure it's nothing. With nothing to do you were curious so you might have run your hands through his hair or touched and felt his cold calloused hands mumbling to yourself about how a human could not only survive in the wild for their entire life, but also be raised by Pokémon.
Oh yeah Professor laventon was going to flip
Ingo is not a Sneazler and being alone for most of his young adult life was doing a lot more than he anticipated, he flinched when you first touched him. Like something in his heart finally calmed, receiving something he had been secretly yearning. He realized he could never ever live on his own forever as much as his cousins and Friends adored him they admit he is a little clingy, and stop seeing him.
When he woke up that morning to see his nest empty and your stick brace off and abandoned on the floor. He did not take it too well the thoughts of going back to an empty echoing cave made him lose it he can't go back to those years again.
You couldn't have gone far the cave he kept you in wasn't his normal cave there was nowhere for you to run and he could easily see you the hills were steep for any human to try to climb but not too steep for him.
And the only way for you to truly go was through the cave system...
He stalked through the cave gently making his way quickly to find you.
Please don't leave him it's unsafe no human can survive the icy blizzard of the Ice lands please come back to him where it's warm and safe....
He quieted his breathing so he could hear you you're allowed footsteps echoing through the cold rock and ice, but there was something else, something snarling and panting, in desperation in hunger and anger
The dark tunnels and the echoing sounds of something stalking you in the Darkness made you grit your teeth you had to keep going. You've been in the wild for weeks, you miss your warm bed and Pokemon, That Beast cracked the catching contraptions and released all of your newly caught Pokemon.
Noncon part
You heard snarling and growling you made the mistake and turning your head to see him your Captor pounce and bring you to the ground. That smile will haunt you for the rest of your life that crazed smile.
Emmet gripped your shoulders as he held you down on the icy floor.
Finally.... he has been tracking you for days... Days.
How dare you escape his den when he was sleeping he's done nothing but love and care for you.
He grabs your chin forcing you to tilt to the side as he rolls you over to check your trapezius... his mating bite is faded... Oh well, he could always give you more and he won't be gentle, considerate your punishment for escaping...
Even his hand over your mouth your screams echoed through the caves. Fuck even your screams in pain were so cute, so intoxicating he couldn't help but grind his crotch against yours as he digs his teeth deeper in your skin. Fuck you are so tantalizing and tempting he could mate with you right here, and make you his for the first time.
Ingo's heart jumped out of his chest when he heard you screaming you weren't too far and when he saw what looked to be a Pokemon over you hurting you, he saw red.
He grabbed your attacker and with all his strength ripped him off of you throwing him to the wall.
He held you to his chest. Well his attacker let a chilling noise a Gowl that could only be from a zoroark's throat.
Ingo hissed gently placing you a side before standing up he didn't have sneazler claws but he did have sharpened bone and makeshift claws just for defense.
But when he saw the attacker's face he immediately dropped his weapons....
The attacker was the same the growl immediately dying from his throat.....
You watched from the sidelines to shaken up to move, as your attacker and you're protector approached one another slowly.
It was like looking in a mirror something felt familiar and he wasn't sure if it was because he seen his reflection or something else.
All these years they wished somebody was like them but not the same humans that they encounter... it was like everything made sense now.
Their hands were the same their faces were the same the ice wall next to them showed the reflection but they were standing right next to each other.
During whatever reunion this was you tried to crawl and sneak away only to catch their attention immediately.
They looked at you then at each other.
Whatever it was they were thinking about, you were not liking....
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multifandomfanficss · 3 years
Doctor x Reader (Platonic!Jack x Reader)
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Prompt: When on an adventure with the Doctor and Jack the reader is attacked by an alien called a Psyfon, a race with psychic abilities who feed off of emotions. The reader gets stuck in their perfect dream realm and the Doctor has to save them before they die in there.
Warnings: Dead family members.
A/N: Pretty much any Doctor can be used, but I mostly thought of 10 and 11 while writing it. The aliens were inspired by the Djinn from Supernatural. I was also inspired by Doctor Who: The Infinite Quest a little bit so if you’re a fan of the main series you should totally check that out. Also please let me know if I made an error in pronouns. I tried to make the reader gender neutral so everyone could relate. 
You had been traveling with the Doctor for a while now and had run into Jack not long after you met him. When you first met Jack, an old friend of the Doctor’s, you didn’t believe him when he said he had known the Doctor for over a century. Judging by his earthly appearance and his age there was no way this could be true, but after watching him die you quickly learned of his immortality. 
You met the Doctor when he saved you from the Cybermen. Sadly he couldn’t save your family from such a terrible fate, but he got you out just in time. Ever since then they had been your biggest fear. Jack and the Doctor had lived for so long they both knew what it was like to lose the people they cared for most...nobody knew better than the Doctor. They helped you get through the pain that came after such a big loss. The Doctor would often hear crying coming from your room during your early nights on the TARDIS when he sat up late in the console room and he would be at your side in seconds to comfort you. He was always there for you no matter what. You wouldn’t have gotten to this point without him. By now the nightmares had gone away, mostly, and the scars had stopped bleeding, but they were still there. They would always be there. This history was a part of you forever, your history, and you were just lucky enough to have the Doctor in it. If you’re being completely honest with yourself you had grown a little bit of a crush on the Doctor. I mean who wouldn’t? He’s the Doctor. You loved him, but you would never tell him. You were happy living with his ignorance. Life was better in the bliss of your friendship. 
It had been just a normal adventure with your two best friends, Jack and the Doctor, but then again nothing was ever really normal with them. You were separated from your boys as your ran down a long dark corridor. Your shoes slapped against the cold, hard pavement as you rounded the corner. When you looked behind you there seemed to be nothing chasing you anymore. You stopped to catch your breath. 
The three of you had been investigating a series of psychic attacks that were leaving people brain dead and full of a strange blue goo. You weren’t sure what kind of alien could do such a thing, but you knew you had to find out. 
“(Y/N)?!” I hear Jack yell in a hushed tone. His voice echos throughout the empty building. You turn to look for him when you start to hear ringing in your ears and a giant pounding in your head. You feel your eyes close as your body hits the ground. 
Jack stood next to (Y/N)’s body with his gun aimed at the monster while the Doctor crouched down to check their pulse. 
“You better hope they’re still alive!” Jack said as he shoved his big gun in the monster’s face. Usually the Doctor would object to pointing guns at people, but he was so worried about (Y/N) he didn’t have time to care about Jack’s manners. 
“What did you do to them?!” The Doctor asks standing up to look at the alien. They were from a species called Psyfons, a group of aliens who feed off the emotions of other people. 
“Don’t worry, they’re only sleeping,” the alien slurred. 
“For now,” they added. Jack hit the alien with the butt of his gun and knocked them out. The Doctor gave him a disapproving look.
“You should be happy. Knocking them out was the least I could do” Jack joked. The Doctor rolled his eyes and dropped down to (Y/N)‘s body again. Jack joined him this time. They were sweating. He placed his hand over their forehead.
“They’re burning up” Jack stated the obvious. 
“Yes, I know I-I I have to do-do this thing-“ The Doctor starts stuttering. 
“Then do it!” Jack cuts him. 
“But I can’t! I swore I’d never do it again! Not since-“ He started to get a little choked up.
“Since what?!” Jack questioned. 
“Not since Donna” The Doctor finished sadly. Jack put a hand on the Doctor’s shoulder. 
“It’s the only way to save them” Jack told him.
“It was the only way to save her too” The Doctor says sadly.
“Maybe it’ll be different this time” Jack suggests.
“We don’t know that” The Doctor says coldly as he puts his hands to (Y/N)’s head and enter’s their mind. 
You wake up laying in the grass in front of your old house. You hear the sound of birds and the sun is just a little too bright for comfort, but it’s home. You take a deep breath of the fresh air. You smile, but you’re confused. You look over to see the Doctor standing in the TARDIS door. Jack is nowhere to be seen. 
“Where’s Jack?” You ask. 
“Oh, popped off to see his friends at Torchwood, I suppose” The Doctor tells you. You nod as you look back to your house. 
“And we’re home because...” You wonder.
“The Psyfon knocked you out. I figured this would be a nice, safe place to rest for a while” He reminds you. 
“And I couldn’t just rest in the TARDIS?” You ask.
“I thought this would be a nice surprise” He says. 
“What year is it?” You ask. You doubt he would be able to bring you to a time period where your family is alive, but it never hurts to ask. 
“2021” He answers.
“So they’re not here” you say sadly.
“Who’s not here?” He asks.
“My family” You say becoming more sad, but more confused by the second. How could he just forget like that? You know he’s lived for a long time, but surely he wouldn’t forget something this important to you. Would he? He gives you a confused look.
“Doctor, my family is d-“ You’re cut off by the sound of a door opening. 
“You didn’t tell us you were coming!” You hear a voice say. You stop dead in your tracks and you go white. It can’t be. 
“Mom?” You say as you turn around to see her. You run to her and engulf her in a giant hug. 
“Woah, what’s that for?” Your mother asks delighted, as you practically knock her down. 
“I just missed you. That’s all” You say as you try to hold back your tears. 
“Where is everybody?” You ask, as it suddenly dawns on you that your family is alive. 
“Your father went to go pick up your brother and sister from school” She informs you. The Doctor comes up behind you and takes your hand. He squeezes it, giving you a big smile. He is an impossible man, but you never knew he could do something like this for you. 
“Why don’t you two come in? It’s almost time for tea” Your mother invites you in. You gladly accept, of course. You watch your mother go into the kitchen as you pull the Doctor aside into the living room and hug him tightly. 
“Thank you” You tell him. That’s when you start to let go of a few tears. 
“I figured it was time to go home” He says happily. The hug lingers a little longer than usual. He just holds you. Then he places a quick kiss to your cheek, just missing your lips. Your face goes red. This is completely out of character for your relationship with the Doctor. Sure you had always wanted to be something more, but he didn’t need to know that. You didn’t want your relationship with him to change. You figure it’s best to just dance around the subject. You pull away and clear your throat. 
“So, um...how did you do it?” You ask.
“Do what?” He asks looking lovingly into your eyes. 
“Bring my family back?” You ask with a slight chuckle.
“I didn’t” He says simply. That’s when your head begins to ring again. 
“Let me in, (Y/N). That’s it.” You hear the Doctor’s voice, but his lips aren’t moving. Suddenly there is a light and the Doctor shifts uncomfortably. He cracks his neck and stretches out his arms. 
“Good thing there was a body here for me to jump into or else that could have been disastrous” He comments. You give him a confused look. 
“Oh, yes! I’m sorry (Y/N), but none of this is real” He says plainly. 
“What?” You ask. This all certainly looks and feels real. The sound of a kettle whistle comes from the kitchen. The Doctor sniffs the air. 
“Is that tea?” He asks. 
“Tea’s ready!” Your mom calls from the kitchen. 
“Doctor, you need to tell me what’s going on right now” You demand. He looks into the kitchen and makes a face.
“The Psyfon. It put you in a dream state so it could feed off your energy and emotions. You’re dying in the real world. Turning to goo” He held out the last word as he made a face of disgust and interest. He gave you a sad look as he started to put the pieces together, of where you were and who you were with. You started to feel your legs give out from underneath you. The Doctor guided you to a chair. 
“I want to stay” You say numbly. 
“(Y/N), none of this is real” He starts.
“I don’t care. I want to stay” You repeat. 
“You’ll die in here” He begins. 
“Time works differently in dreams. I could easily spend my whole life here-“ You try to rationalize it.
“You’ll never see me again” The Doctor tries. 
“There’s a version of you here-“ You try, but are cut off again. He crouches down to your level and takes hold of your hands. 
“(Y/N), none of this is real. It will never be real. Your pain balances out your beauty. There wouldn’t be one without the other and that’s what makes you human and you are SO human. This is all in your head. You will be alone in here forever. Please just come home with me. There are people there who will miss you. Come back with me, back to the TARDIS, please!” He results to begging as a last ditch effort. 
“How can I go back when everything is so perfect here? I’m perfect here. I’m not a mess. I can just be me” You start to cry. 
“You’re always perfect to me and that little bit of mess makes you human. It doesn’t lessen your beauty or your creativity or your kindness. It just adds to who you are as a person” He says, wiping away a tear.
“Please. Come home with me” He begs. You nod in response as he gives your hands a squeeze. He gives you a sad smile. You stand together and you hear the doorbell ring. 
“That must be your father. He forgot his keys again” Your mother laughs as she walks to the door. The door opens and the Doctor pushes himself in front of your as three Cybermen crash through the door. 
“DELETE” One yells, as it kills your mother. 
“NO” You scream, as the Doctor tries to keep you from running towards her.
“She isn’t real! Come on!” He yells over the sound of pounding Cybermen feet as he pulls you out the back way to the garden.
“Where’s the TARDIS?” He asks. 
“It’s on the other side of the house!” You say as you pull him around the building. You lay your eyes on the beautiful blue box as the Doctor shoves his key inside. 
“YOU WILL BE UPGRADED” The Cybermen shout. Once unlocked, you push your way through the doors to find a hollow Police Box. 
“Why is this happening?!” You cry. The Doctor places his hands on your shoulders. 
“The dream is turning into a nightmare to try to keep you here. (Y/N), come on. You have to think. What’s keeping you here?” He asks.
“My family is dead!” You cry.
“Yes, something else” He tries to think. You look at his thinking face. His beautiful thinking face and it strikes you. 
“I’m in love with you” You blurt out.
“What?!” He looks back at you with a confused look. 
“The version of you here. I think he felt the same way” You give him an embarrassed look. He lets go of a big breath. 
“Well...” He starts as he tilts his head. 
“I suppose if admitting the way I feel gets us out of here then the real me doesn’t feel very different” He finishes quickly. 
“Wait, what?!” You respond. He gives you his classic Doctor smile before the Cybermen fade. Everything fades. The world goes black. 
You wake up crying with a pounding headache in your bed in the TARDIS. The Doctor rushes in just like old times. 
“It’s okay. I’m here” The Doctor tells you as he sits on your bed and wraps his arms around you. 
“I just had the most insane dream” You start to tell him. 
“Well...” His voice fades. 
“Doctor, was that real?” You ask him. He pulls back to look at you. 
“In a sense, yes” He goes on to explain the effects the Psyfon had on you and how he went into your mind to save you. He explains how you were unconscious when you came out of the dream state and that he brought you back to your room on the TARDIS to rest.
“Where’s Jack?” You ask.
“He’s bringing the Psyfon to the Shadow Proclamation for me where they will be tried for their psychological attacks. They won’t hurt anyone anymore” He promises. After you’ve calmed down somewhat he gets up to leave the room. 
“You should get some rest” He says opening the door. 
“Wait! Doctor, do you think maybe you could stay with me? Just until I fall asleep?” You ask. 
“Of course” He responds as he awkwardly climbs into your bed and wraps his arms around you. You almost forget about your confessions until he kisses you on the cheek. 
“Goodnight, (Y/N)” He says sweetly.
“Goodnight, Doctor” You say as you drift off to sleep to the sound of his dual heartbeats. 
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hunterofthemist · 3 years
Strength of the Meek
Carrying a paper bag Dave walks into the cafeteria. He looks around the room and sees Kotzal waving him over. He walks over to him and sits down with Kotzal at a noticeably empty table.
"Hey Dave, how are you?" Kotzal asks with a grin. "You dont have to rub it in, I had no idea you were a natural," Dave grumbles.
"It's just that when you showed me the rules I realized how similar they were to a game I used to play on Geon. Thrum If I remember correctly." Kotzal and dave talk for some time, the topic changes quickly from poker to physical ability.
"How strong are humans anyway? I've seen your movies but you said they aren't a good representation of human strength." Kotzal asks intrigued.
"Were strong enough. Enough to take down something bigger than us, at least with some planning that is." Dave answers. "I mean back when humans still dwelled in caves we took down wooly mammoths, which were beasts around three times the size of a human."
"Oh, I didn't know that. It's pretty impressive to hear." Kotzal says more than intrigued at this point.
"What about when a human has to do something impossible, just to keep the ones they care about alive. What do you do then?" He asks, his face getting a bit more solemn.
"We push on, do whatever it takes, even if it means we tear ourselves apart doing so," Dave says with a look of sincerity. He then breaks the look and smiles warmly. "What's got you asking a question like that?"
Kotzal laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head. "I dont know, I just heard stories over the Ether."
The conversation ends as the buzzer goes off on everyone's watch. "Shit thought we had more time for lunch break. That blows." Dave sighs.
Dave and Kotzal start walking down a hallway towards their respective stations. Halfway towards Dave's station, the alarm sounds, as well as an explosion in a nearby hallway.
"What was that!" Kotzal panics, immediately hiding behind dave and shaking. Dave reacts accordingly, not to the explosion but to Kotzal hiding behind him. "Woah dude, you good?"
"Oh sorry, my species is a prey species on my home planet. We get jumpy when stuff like this happens."
Dave chuckles at the thought, "you know if you did this around the others im pretty sure they wouldn't be able to see you." His attention focuses back on the sound. " We should go check out what happened, we're engineers after all."
Kotzal steps out from behind dave nervously and agrees. They walk down the hallway towards the commotion. Smoke billows out of the walls, embers pour out of the holes as well.
A hulking beast pulls its way out of the hole, it had to be around 8 and a half feet tall. Just as dave gets a look at it, several more come out of the walls. Kotzal grabs dave and pulls him around the corner, away from the beasts.
"Get down! Those are Tarvok pirates. We need to go, we do Not want to pick a fight with those." Kotzal is freaking out, likely having a panic attack. He tries to pull Dave with him. Dave doesn't budge, instead, he stares at the wall and puts his hand on it. "I cant."
Kotzal gets more anxious and frenzied, pulling harder on Dave. "No We have to go, David dont do this." In response, Dave grins and puts his head on the cold metal wall. "I said I cant, This station is my baby. I've fixed her more than anyone else. I can't leave her."
Dave turns to Kotzal and continues. "Not to mention the number of people these guys could hurt. You know how far the nearest guard post is, and how understaffed it is. If I turn tail and run countless people will die. But If I distract them, buy us some time. Maybe I can save a few lives."
"But you'll die! You'll get killed, I can't have you do that. I can't lose you, You're the only one who even respects me, let alone is nice to me." He says as tears start to form in his four eyes.
Daves grin breaks and he pulls Kotzal into a hug, Kotzal's small stature causing him to look like a small child not wanting their parent to leave. "That's not happening. I ain't gonna die." Dave thinks for a moment and goes on. "How about you help me, I dont buy this scared child Schtick. There's something there, something strong. I can see that."
Dave breaks the hug and pulls a knife from his belt, and hands it over to him. Kotzal stares at the blade for a second and takes the knife and nods in agreement. "Use your speed and stature to your advantage. there's a lot of smoke, try to use that."
Dave and total talk for a minute discussing plans and strategies after they're done he grabs a pipe on the wall and rips it off, but not before speaking to the station itself. "Sorry about this."
Walking around the corner Dave bangs the pipe on the wall, getting the army of Tarvok's attention. "Hey you brutes, eyes on me." He says, resting the pipe on his shoulder.
One of the Tarvok's starts walking over to Dave with a look of hunger and anger. Dave grins, this being a part of his plan, and stomps on a jagged and sharp piece of metal, launching it into the air. To which Kotzal leaves cover from behind Dave and grabs the piece of metal and throws it into the eye of the Tarvok.
"See, I told you no one would be able to see you back there." Dave jokes. He takes a step forward and inspects the now corpse of the Tarvok. "Oh damn, straight into the eye." Kotzal meekly responds to the compliment. "Thanks, it was heavier than Im used to so I didn't think it hit where I wanted to."
"You're a good shot, keep it up." Dave compliments. For a split second, Dave swore he could see Kotzal's cheeks turn blue.
Dave starts walking forward towards the rest of the army, beckoning them to come to fight him. One soldier takes a step forward to fight. The hulking beast throws a punch towards Dave but he sides steps it and slams his weapon into a pipe next to the Tarvok.
The soldier notices this and started to laugh but a second later the pipe bursts and hot steam starts to burn the soldier and causing it to fall to the floor.
The next one rushes Dave and throws a punch at him, he absorbs the blow into his shoulder and uses the force to spin himself around and slam the pipe into the soldier's skull.
At the display of force, the rest of the Tarvok's take a step back from the carnage. "Hey Kotzal, I think I fucked my shoulder up. It's your turn. " Dave says quietly so the brutes in front of them won't hear. "Yeah, let's do it." He responds, trying to hide the fear in his voice.
Dave starts to run towards the group of Tarvok's with Kotzal following. Before he gets too close he ducks down and arches his back and Kotzal jumps off his back and launches himself toward the enemy.
With one hand he throws a sharp piece of metal in the neck of one of the soldiers and with the other he stabs another with the knife Dave gave him.
The last one is in front of them, he's bigger than the rest. Probably the leader. "Let me handle this one," Dave says as he blocks Kotzal from moving forward with the pipe.
Looking at the pipe in his hand, Dave realizes that the pipe is way too damaged to continue to be useful. He takes a step forward and throws the thing as hard as he can. The pipe flies through the air and when it's about to hit, the leader catches it.
As soon as he threw the pipe Dave started running towards the beast but only noticed that he caught the pipe when he was too close to do anything. The Leader propels his knee into Daves's gut, the spike on it spearing into dave.
"Oh fuck!" He screams as the spike goes through him. He falls back and tries to stop the bleeding. Another scream is heard, not of pain but rage. "You Fucker!" It's Kotzal, with the look of pure rage in his eyes.
"I'll kill you!" He screams as he starts running towards him. As he reaches him he jumps at the leader to get a clear shot at him. In retaliation, the Tarvok grabs him by the neck and holds him in the air. Kotzal doesn't seem to notice, the anger blinding him. He starts slashing wildly at the beast in front of him, a good majority hitting their targets.
Kotzal gets a good stab into the arm of the beast holding him, causing him to be dropped.
While on the ground he stabs the blade into the back of the knee of the Tarvok leader making him fall to his knees, lining him up for a stab to the side of his head, killing him.
He keeps stabbing the now dead Tarvok, more out of rage than him being unsure he's dead. After a few dozen stabs he stops and takes a second to breathe and remembers Dave. He turns around and sprints towards Dave.
He starts trying to help him staunch the bleeding and stabilize him. "No, no-no-no. Dont do this, you cant." He starts tearing up trying to help him.
"It's okay, you did well. Didn't expect the fucker to catch the pipe. I think this is it" Dave says as he rests on the wall, trying to do whatever he can to stop the bleeding.
"Dont say that! You'll be fine, I know what im doing. I can help you." Kotzal says frantically.
Dave looks at him and puts his bloodied hand on his shoulder. "You can't save me, an injury like this is impossible to fix up."
"Shut up!" Kotzals shouts as he slaps dave. "We aren't in the medical dark ages, You know how strong modern medicine is." a grin forms on Daves face as he shrugs. "Whatever you say," he says as his vision fades to black and passes out.
Daves eyes open and the bright light blinds him, "hey your awake." a familiar voice says. His eyes adjust to the light and he sees that Kotzal is sitting on the chair next to his bed.
Dave groans in pain as he tries to sit up. Kotzal puts a hand on his shoulder and stops him. "Dumbass, you can adjust the bed." He laughs, handing him the switch.
"How long was I out?" He asks as he raises the head of his bed. "About two days. You had us worried for a little while." Kotzal responds with a smile.
"You can't kill me that easily, its gonna take a lot more than that, I still have work to do here." He smiles back.
"Oh yeah, like what?" Kotzal asks. "The engines been making a thunking noise for the past week, I still figure out what the hell the problem is." They both start laughing for a minute and after they stop a silence is formed between them, which is promptly broken ten seconds later by dave. "Hey after they discharge me, do you wanna go to the bar and get a few drinks? I'll buy."
"Sure thing, I'd love to."
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
SandB Series
Alpha Werewolf!Taehyung x Mate!Reader
Chapter 12.
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Smut, Angst
Warnings: Feelings of Inadequacy, Use of Oc's Powers, Dirty Talk, Begging, Praise, Lactation Kink, Sexual Acts Involving Jeongguk, Jimin, Yoongi, Use of The Term: Bitch, Pregnancy Kink, Milk Drinking,  Cunnilingus, Knotting, (Minor) Jungkook Handjob, Cream Pie
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Being in Summit is eye opening on levels you never thought you would begin to grasp.
It's not just discovering you have powers, it's seeing how these two species you once considered mythological act around each other.
Even how they act within their own groups.
You've come to understand recently, or feel more accurately, that the Fae do not actually like the werewolves. In fact, there's a film of hatred that pours from their territory into the wolves.
It's shocking in all honesty, how do they keep up the charade? How do they keep the wolves from not knowing their fervent hatred?
It astounds you almost everyday.
What you've also come to realize is how different packs are than the one you're in.
Yes, even though you're a human, you've been told very rigorously by the servants that you are indeed still a part of the pack.
With your mate being pack Alpha, it seems that you're also held to a higher standard than all the other wolves in this group.
You can feel constant judgement from other female werewolves when you pass them in the streets or when they just pass by you on a whim.
Sylai, a female Omega you've been spending time with almost as much as Namjoon has been, seems to know all the hot gossip at the drop of a hat. However, she is timid and skittish at times whenever your best friend Alpha is around.
The pretty Omega is always quick to tell you why you're an outcast here and although you shouldn't be upset about it -- you almost always are.
You've come to terms with the fact that werewolves don't normally find their mates in humans, you've heard it from Taehyung's lips on more than one occasion, but you didn't think it would disgust others as much as it does.
When you've had the chance to view other packs, they seem to operate on levels of hierarchy you've never seen before.
The Alphas are always on top, the Betas a close second and the Omegas, most times, are treated like play things. Which is why you can understand that Sylai makes herself so small around Joon.
When you've been able to see other Alphas mates, they're very accommodating and docile. They're almost always pregnant which you understand and they bow to their Alphas every wish.
Sometimes you recall your past fights with Taehyung and lump forms in your throat. You can remember how he wished that you would just listen sometimes or not make comments and it truly makes you wonder… what if you aren't right for him?
You feel strong, thick muscled arms curling around your waist as you stare at the other packs down below your bedroom balcony.
"Hi, beautiful," your mate whispers, spreading his hand over your small belly.
"Hi," you breathe, letting your eyes flutter shut.
He's been away a lot recently, most because of the High Council asking his opinions of what to do with the rabid werewolves still at large -- including his parents.
"I missed you, baby girl." he coos, drifting his lips slowly over your mate mark.
You hum in agreement, running the tips of your fingers over his arms.
He peeks over your shoulder to look down at the random pack near the forest's edge.
He watches the Alpha snarl and snap his teeth at a Beta when he gets to close to his mate. Your fiance chuckles, burying his face in your hair.
"What's funny?" you inquire softly.
"Betas don't know how to behave sometimes," he replies, lifting the hem of your shirt to caress your growing belly.
Sometimes you feel completely out of your element and this feeling has been growing ever since you found out you're one of the Fae.
Maybe it's because you feel like you don't even know yourself anymore. You don't know who you are or who you should be.
The soothing scent of pine and musk breeches your senses once more and you allow yourself to be calmed by your mate at this very moment.
"Sylai has been spending a lot of time with Joon." you comment to him.
He hums in agreement, wanting to ignore his Alpha duties for just one minute of the day. If he accepts this fact, then his wolf will have to welcome someone new into the pack and he would just rather have these moments alone with you.
"I've seen it." he murmurs, pulling you closer to his body.
"Are you going to let her join your pack?" you ask, turning around to him.
You really like Sylai and you would really appreciate more female company around.
"Probably, Joon deserves to be happy." he answers, not wanting to dive head first into the matter.
"I mean, she's really sweet. I think she would be good for your pack."
The words 'your pack' don't sit right with your mate for a second. And he voices it openly as he pulls you over to the bed. "Why do you keep saying that? You keep saying 'your pack'? It's our pack. You're my mate, you're in this pack too." he inquires with a raised eyebrow, sitting down on the bed.
He pats his lap, leaning back on his elbows and like always you straddle him immediately.
"Well, I'm not a wolf. I'm a Fae or… just human so…"
He can smell your timidness, he can hear your heart hammering with worry and his wolf suddenly feels protective.
"What's wrong, baby?" he whispers, dragging his thumb over your lower lip.
You shake your head slightly, running your fingers over his tight black t-shirt that seems to hug each and every sinewed muscle on his chest and stomach.
"Hey now," he breathes, flipping you over so you're laying down beneath him.
You don't make eye contact with him, you don't so much as look above his stomach as he lays down beside you.
"Y/N?" he murmurs, kissing your temple.
It's stuffy in the room, you've come to realize or it just feels that way with his prodding questions.
"Y/N?" his voice is more forceful and you're just embarrassed to speak.
Werewolves aren't known for their patience. They need to know what's wrong, why this is happening and how to immediately fix it or there's very little in the world that will calm them down until the problem is solved.
The growl Taehyung emits throughout the room is a warning to you. It's a warning for you to speak up.
But you've seen Alphas immediately give in to their mates when they bare their necks. So you do so as well.
Taehyung's heart clenches in the recesses of his chest and he can almost scoff at your meekness. "Don't do that," he breathes, nuzzling your neck with his nose.
"Where's my spit fire mate today? What's wrong, baby?" he gasps, burying his face into neck.
"I'm sorry," you bleat.
"Sorry? Sorry for what? You're perfect, baby."
Your fiance can quite literally feel his heart panging with worry. He can hear some of your thoughts like you're screaming in the quiet room.
"No, baby, no." he hisses, turning your face to look at him.
When your eyes don't meet his, he can only swallow thickly.
"I love you, baby girl." he promises, drifting his lips over your jawbone.
"I love you too." you mumble, looking down at your engagement ring.
"If-If you wanted to get another mate… maybe a wolf… I would understand."
The sharp breath Tae takes between his teeth, makes you shudder beside him. "Don't you dare, ever, suggest something like that. You're my soulmate, do you understand? You're my woman. My mate. I don't want anyone else, I could never be with anyone else."
"I'm not a wolf," you explain, turning to face him.
"So?! What does that have to do with anything?" he scoffs, narrowing his eyes at you.
"Well, most other wolves are disappointed that I'm a human. I'm not-"
"Who fucking cares about those newborn pups?! Who cares what the fuck they think?! They aren't in my pack and they aren't my mate!" he curses, sitting up and carding his fingers through his silver mullet.
You can see his chest vibrating with growls and snarls. You know you're pushing him to the edge but you just can't help it -- your insecurities are trumping everything right now.
"Are you embarrassed of me? Embarrassed of our children? Our pups?" Taehyung inquires, looking at you with hardened blue eyes.
"No," you reply, turning your body away from him.
"Then what is going on in that head of yours? You feel inadequate? Because wolves look at you differently?"
You stay silent, squeezing your eyes closed.
"Answer me, Y/N." he urges, running his hands over your back.
"They...They just look at me like I'm a disease or something. Like I'm not worthy of being with you. And… I don't want to be a burden to you or your pack."
He scoffs loudly, hooking his arm around your body and pressing his chest flat to your back.
"I don't care about others. You're not a disease. You're not a burden. You're mine. You're my beautiful, precious, headstrong mate who is just as much a part of my pack as Guk or Jin." he breathes.
When your silence bleeds throughout the room, he doesn't think he can stomach it for another second.
His canines drop out of instinct and he clamps his teeth softly down on your mate mark. If you were a wolf, you would be arching back into him needily already but it grounds him to know that things aren't so easy.
Yeah, you're stubborn and reflexive but you're his. And he loves that so much that if the Earth was crumbling he wouldn't care as long as you're in his arms.
Taehyung lifts the hem of your shirt, cupping your small belly. "I don't need anyone else but you, Y/N. You're a fierce woman and I count myself lucky to know you and to have you as mine."
"I'm sorry… I was just embarrassed… I don't want to burden anyone." you hiccup, looking down at his hand.
"Never, baby. You're never a burden." he promises, pulling the straps of your tank top down.
From your belly to your clothed core, his hand digs beneath the band of your leggings.
"Why would I want a meek little wolf when I can have a fierce fairy in my bed." Tae quips, turning you flat on your back.
Your breath hitches and you gasp gently when his fingers part your lower lips.
"T-Tae," you whimper, allowing him to position you as he sees fit.
As he climbs above you, his eyes roam over your body as if you're prey and you can't help the excitement that begins to bleed from your pores.
"Do a little magic for me, babe," he quips, kissing down your neck.
Snapping your fingers, you relish in the deep growl he gives when you both are stark naked.
"Pretty girl," he drolls, palming both of your breasts in hand.
When your nipples begin to bead milk, he can almost surely feel his knot twitching to expand already.
"I love you." his voice is a purr that echoes throughout your limbs.
"I love you too."
The kiss he captures you in is passionate and heated. You can feel the sharp points of his teeth raking over your bottom lip until your aching with need at your center.
"Flip over for me, my wolf wants to show you how loved you are." he coos, suckling at your nipple.
Flipping over onto your front, you perch your ass in the air for him and the complete sense of dominating ripples through your mate.
His eyes harden over, pupil dilating as he stares at the puckered mate mark that scars your skin.
"My bitch is so pretty full of my pups," the Alpha growls, knocking his forehead against your temple.
His movements are fluid and firm, spreading your legs to situate himself between them.
The head of his cock glides through your now sodden folds and you quiver with anticipation.
"Alpha, please," you beg, lowering your forehead to the pillow.
His sharpened nails dance over your spinal column, purring at how submissive you sound beneath him.
"What is it my pretty mate? You're aching? You need Alpha's big cock in you? Want me to split you open so well you don't even remember your own name?" he prods, rutting his cock to your core.
"Yes! I need it!" you preen.
His hands grip onto your hips, massaging the flesh within his large, warm grip.
"Well, if that's what you need," he hums, entering you in one intrusive motion.
Your mouth drops open into a silent scream, your hands fumbling to grip the sheets until your knuckles turn white.
This sex is primal and mind shattering -- and everything you need.
Taehyung can hear your thoughts screaming once more and he's pleased with what he hears this time.
Nuzzling your neck, he lets your cunt accept the intrusion of his large cock. He takes to caressing your three month pregnant bump to distract you.
"That's it, baby. You look so gorgeous stuffed with my cock inside your pregnant pussy." he mumbles against your ear.
You can feel his muscles contorting and hardening against your back.
"I would never love someone like I love you. I would never wish to be buried in someone like this, baby girl. Let them talk all the shit they want, because you're the one that gets this hard cock at night." he growls, rolling his hips for you to feel every inch of his cock within you.
Your mouth waters and a sharp moan emits from you at the feeling.
"No one takes my knot but you. And no one would ever take it so well."
Taehyung lets his prideful thoughts bleed past his lips because he knows you need to hear them. He knows you need the assurance. And he may be Alpha, but he's a slave to your love first and foremost.
When he pulls his length almost all the way out, your body sings with hot pleasure -- it's every thick vein and ribbed muscle along his cock that gets your mind numb.
"Only my beautiful mate," he thrusts back in to prove his point, "gets fucked stupid by my cock."
Your back arches, his name falls from your lips like a prayer and you don't even have the strength to lift your head up and look back at him.
He creates a dazing, relentless pace, fucking you just hard enough to keep you babbling but not hard enough to get your orgasm to approach.
He's proving a point. He's making you his again and again with every thrust.
His canines sharpen longer and they clench down on your mate mark just hard enough for you to feel a sting sing through you.
"Hey, Tae-" the door is thrust open and you can barely focus on who's just intruded but your mate just chuckles against you.
"Come in and sit." he orders, pushing your hair away from your mate mark.
His fingers glide over your distending skin, kissing down your back with soft, open mouth pecks.
"My mate thinks she's not enough for our pack." he announces and fuzzily you can hear murmurs of shock.
"She thinks she's not worthy of my knot and my pups," he growls, fucking into you harder.
"Tae!" you whine, pushing your hips back to meet every thrust.
"But she's a pretty bitch that still bends to my will," he coos, focusing on how much of your arousal has coated his long, thick length, "Yoongi, come."
He pulls you up by your shoulders, pressing you up against his chest with a snarl.
Yoongi sits before you, not knowing where to look but licking his lips hungrily.
"You want him to suckle? You want our pack to need you, bitch? Is that it? You want your scent all over all of them? To show these filthy mutts who live in this city that you're a queen amongst mongrels?" he inquires, kissing the shell of your ear.
You don't know what's driving you, you don't know if it's the insanely arousing thought of being above everyone else or it's the thought of being on top of this pack. But the sharp 'yes' you moan out has Yoongi growling with anticipation.
"Feed," he orders the Beta.
You gasp loudly at the foreign feeling of Yoongi's lips against your puffy nipple. You adore how his eyes screw shut at the taste of you. His hands grip onto your sides and you're lost for words when he ruts his clothed hard cock against your thigh.
"See, my beautiful mate, you're above all here." Taehyung coos, pressing his hand to the apex of your thighs and rubbing smooth circles to your swollen clit.
"Jimin." Taehyung calls and you hear the earnest whimper of your best friend.
"No, I don't think I should… I'm-" Jimin breathes nervously.
"Well fuck, if you won't I will," Jungkook groans, pushing Jimin out of the way.
Your head lolls back to your mate's shoulder and your vision becomes blurry with the attention your body is being given.
Taehyung knows that his wolf is sharing you for the sake of proving a point but he can't help the way his cock twitches within you as he watches Yoongi hump your leg like a dog in heat.
Jeongguk's lips on you are familiar and suddenly you can smell the forest from that fateful day when your fiance shared you with the youngest pack member.
"You gonna cum? Hmm, beautiful? I can feel your pregnant cunt trying to milk my cock," your mate growls in your ear.
The small whimpers of the wolves suckling from your breasts, sends you over the edge and Yoongi is quick to press his hands against your rib cage to keep you from falling.
"That's a good little bitch," Taehyung gasps, fucking you with a fierceness to cum inside you.
"You want it, baby? You want my cum?" he goads, kissing over your mate mark.
"Yes, please," you cry out, carding your fingers through both Yoongi and Jungkook's hair.
Jimin lets out a sharp whine, feeling conflicted on what to do. But, this probably will never happen again in his lifetime and even though you're his best friend… he's not missing this. "Fuck it," he curses, jumping onto the bed.
He eyes you wearily for a second, avoiding your stomach which he knows is solely the Alpha's property and heads straight for your swollen, over-stimulated clit.
Your mate on instinct cups your growing stomach, growling as his best friend makes his dissent.
Your body shivers like a leaf when Jimin's plush lips kiss at your bundle of nerves.
"Oh God!" you cry out, gripping onto the boy's hair harder.
Yoongi curses against your breast, pulling off your nipple to catch his breath as his shorts become sticky and slack against his golden skin.
"Fuck, baby girl. I'm cumming," Taehyung murmurs breathlessly.
The swiftness of Jimin's tongue knocks the wind out of you and you spiral into another orgasm with ears filled with white noise and eyes seeing stars.
"Shit! Y/N!" your mate growls, pulling you back roughly to his cock until you’re squirting your arousal onto his thighs.
Jungkook whimpers needily, guiding your hand to his swollen cock.
"Pup," Taehyung warns him, stilling your hips as his thrusts become erratic.
He takes a sharp breath between his teeth, cursing loudly when he begins to cum inside you.
His lips tremble against your mate mark when his knot begins to inflate and you can only whimper at the stretch.
"Good girl taking my cock so well," your fiance coos, pressing his index finger beneath your chin and turning your head to kiss him.
"Noona, please. God!" Jungkook whines, nuzzling his face to your breast.
Taehyung can only give a breathy laugh against your lips. "See how needed you are? Guk is going to explode if you don't help him."
Jimin pulls away from your core with innocent eyes and he kisses your forehead gently.
"I'm gonna go check on Baek and Chan." he murmurs, hopping off the bed.
Your mate's eyes follow him as he leaves the room and he doesn't appreciate the bloom of pheromones that bleed from the Omega. Almost as if he's caught feelings for you.
You haven't noticed with your attention on the youngest.
He suckles eagerly from your breast, whimpering and whining as he fucks up into your hand.
"Gonna cum, noona. Oh shit," he whines, burying his face into the valley of your breasts.
You hum sweetly, combing your fingers through his long black locks.
The warmth that explodes onto your hand is a knowing sign of the youngest's release and he cries out softly against your skin.
"Clean her up," Tae warns him and he's quick to do the Alpha's command.
You can feel your tiredness beginning to exhaust you and your mate knows it right away. "She's sleepy, let me lay her down," he whispers, laying on his side with you.
The tug of his knot has you wincing slightly but he makes up for it with his sweet kisses to the back of your neck.
"One time thing," he tells them.
Yoongi pulls at his cum covered shorts with a grimace. "Good enough for me."
Taehyung's large hand caresses over your head and he can't help but think of the scent that was drifting off Jimin in waves.
"I love you," you mumble, closing your eyes.
"I love you too baby girl. You and our pups," he replies, drifting his hand over your belly.
He knows your asleep when his breathing gets shallow and his knot finally deflates after a while.
Taehyung turns onto his back, perching his hands beneath his head as he closes his eyes. His ears perk up and he takes a sharp breath through his nose when he hears Jimin mumble across the mansion.
"I-I don't know. I just felt so-"
"Don't let Taehyung catch you talking like this! She isn't ours," Yoongi hisses to the younger Omega.
"I almost had her before Taehyung y'know, is it so wrong of me to still want her?! You all wanted her at that moment!" Jimin scoffs.
"Jimin, what we did was to help a member of our pack feel safe. You are becoming obsessed with her." Jungkook accuses.
Taehyung's eyes spring open, a deep low growl emitting through his chest. He can feel his canines and nails sharpening themselves. Gripping his shorts, he jumps out of bed with one thing on his mind -- vicious anger.
He can hear the maids and servants whispering nervously as he stalks through the wolframite hallways.
Your mate isn't in the headspace to calm anyone down at the moment, he can't possibly think of others when his wolf is yearning to tear out his best friend's jugular.
Slamming the doors to the dining room open, his eyes scan his pack before finding him.
"Oh shit," Jin mumbles, cupping his mouth.
"GET OUTSIDE!" Taehyung barks to the Omega.
The whole pack avoids eye contact even Jimin.
Taehyung is fast -- so fast that Seokjin's hair blows in the breeze he creates.
The pack Alpha grips the Omega by the neck, hurdling him over the wooden bench he's currently sitting on and dragging him towards the large glass doors that lead out to the backyard.
"Taehyung!" Jimin whines but he's quick to shut up at the feral snap of Taehyung's teeth.
"Someone go wake up Y/N! This is so bad!" Jin yelps, rushing after both of the wolves.
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SandB Taglist-  @jvcqneliue, @gooplibrary, @imaforeigner, @wickizer, @mychemical-friendship, @justmewondering-recs, @stories1907, @stressedinmedschool247, @taeslittletiger, @claireelise19, @neobanguniverse​, @kb-bangtanenthusiast​, @almosthappysublime, @thedarkwinterrose​
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jasontoddiefor · 3 years
I wondered about aquatic species who are not capable of fulfilling land-dwelling Jedi tasks, but it’s actually just an excuse to write Mermaid Anakin.
Ahsoka knows that not everyone is meant to be a Jedi Knight. A few of her crèchemates even disliked sword fighting or diplomacy. They weren’t bad at it, they all took their studies seriously, they just weren’t interested in it, not the way Ahsoka was.
She knew she was meant for the battlefields of the galaxy, soaring through the skies above and guiding leaders of planets through their decisions. She’d seen it in her dreams and visions, drawn it on flimsi ever since she could hold a pencil.
Ahsoka Tano, Jedi Knight.
Never before had the future been so certain for her and never had it seemed so impossible. Ahsoka was getting older, and while she didn’t want to be jealous and resentful of the Initiates younger than her being picked as Padawans when she wasn’t, she couldn’t help it.
“It’s not fair,” Ahsoka complained and kicked the fruit from the tree as hard she could, watching as it flew into the pond and sunk below the surface.
Frustrated, she sat down on the grass. The Room of a Thousand Fountains wasn’t deserted this late into the evening, but the little alcove she’d found while exploring was empty enough. From experience, Ahsoka knew that the multiple ponds surrounding her were connected through underground tunnels. She’d gone through this part of the Temple only recently when deciding to take a class on aquatic life in the galaxy. The course had been in the middle of the night in one of the bigger pools, but they’d gone playing here during the break.
Ahsoka tugged at the grass, ripping it free. There had to be something she could do to make a Knight pay attention to her! Just when Ahsoka was trying to think of what essay or kata display might attract someone, something solid connected with the back of her head.
“Hey!” She jumped up, rubbing the back of her head. Down in the grass laid the apple she’d kicked away just minutes before. It was round and wet and had a large bite mark, all sharp edges. Whatever or whoever had bitten it must have canines like her.
Not wanting to waste another minute, Ahsoka grabbed the apple and threw it back into the water. She watched as it disappeared into the dark, then began to count. Not even thirty seconds later, the apple was thrown at her again from yet another direction.
Was this a group of younglings playing a trick on her? Stretching her senses, Ahsoka couldn’t make out a larger group. It barely felt like one person was there. Their presence felt just as muddy as the waters below, was likely attuned to it. Frowning, she tossed the apple and was nearly hit by it again moments later. With each time, Ahsoka became more skilled at evading the apple and eventually predicting where it was coming from.
“Got you!” she yelled when just after throwing, she turned around and saw a hand reaching out of the water, holding the apple. Instead of throwing it, the person disappeared again.
“Oh, not this time!” Throwing all rational thought of the wind, Ahsoka rushed through the edge of the pond and jumped right in. It took a second for her eyes to adjust to the changed light. Above was the slight green of the pond, illuminated by the lanterns, below was the dark and two glowing eyes.
Ahsoka lost her focus and let more air escape than she’d wanted to. Before she could swim to the surface to take another breath and potentially use the person she’d just tracked down, the water moved away from her head, leaving her an air bubble in which she could breathe.
“Uh, thank you,” Ahsoka said, still staring down at the person.
Slowly they swam up, and it was only then that Ahsoka saw how massive their body was. Their tail, darker than Coruscant’s night sky, reached further down than Ahsoka could make out even with her sharper eyes. The only reasons he could make out its end at all were the slight golden flickers at the very bottom, where the light had to reflect on golden scales.
The person didn’t say a word until they were face to face with Ahsoka, bright blue eyes scrutinizing her.
“Isn’t it dinner time?” the person – Padawan going by their braid – asked. Their braid was pretty, had pearls and shells instead of the common wooden beads. “My Master left earlier to grab some and I’m pretty sure you should eat too.”
“I’m not hungry,” Ahsoka said.
The Padawan didn’t look very impressed by her reply. “Right, Snips. And that’s not your stomach.”
Ahsoka was going to protest when her body betrayed her and grumbled in hunger. Victoriously, the Padawan grinned, showing off sharp teeth. Trust a fellow carnivore to point out when it was mealtime.
“I don’t want to eat right now. And my name’s Ahsoka, not Snips, you fishface.”
The look the Padawan shot her wasn’t very impressed. “It’s Anakin,” the Padawan supplied. “Or Padawan Skywalker if you want to be formal. And I was getting my food when your apple landed in my dinner.”
Now Ahsoka was starting to feel a little guilty. A single Jedi’s struggle was never supposed to bring another pain. “Sorry,” she apologized. “I was just… not having a good day. I didn’t mean to ruin your dinner.”
“No harm done,” Anakin replied. “If you want, you can have dinner with my Master and me. He should be back now.”
And then Anakin promptly disappeared in the depths again before returning to Ahsoka’s side with a box of fishes. “C’mon.”
Together, they swam to the surface. When they broke through, Ahsoka found herself staring at another Jedi, one she definitely recognized on sight.
Obi-Wan Kenobi.
There was no one in the Temple who didn’t know him. He’d lost his Master in a duel with the Sith and then defeated the Sith in turn, was Knighted and immediately took a Padawan, whom they’d rescued—
Ahsoka glanced back at Anakin, who was pulling himself up onto the soft grass. She hadn’t recognized his name because, well, Ahsoka focused on impressive Knights not… Huh. She actually had no idea what Padawan Skywalker specialized in. She knew of him because he was renowned for being strong in the Force and because he’d been rescued from the Hutts when he was much older than other Initiates, and there weren’t too many interspecies Master-Padawan teams.
“And who is this?” Kenobi suddenly addressed her.
“That’s Ahsoka,” Anakin introduced her. “She’s not having a good day, so she’s gonna eat dinner with us.”
“And by us, you mean I ought to share?” Obi-Wan asked amused but handed Ahsoka a plate and a bit of his meal anyway. “It’s nice to meet you, Initiate Tano.”
“It’s nice to meet you too,” Ahsoka returned, smiling.
Anakin and his Master talked about nothing in particular, but they still made an effort to include her. Slowly, Ahsoka felt all tension bleed from her shoulders until she was laughing along with Obi-Wan’s jokes and let Anakin drag her back into the water so they could pull his Master right in.
Maybe she needn’t worry about becoming a Padawan at all.
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gh0stfacesho3 · 4 years
Ohhh what if What about a non con with wolf Dabi x bunny reader where she ventures out side of the flower field and gets lost but her nativity get the better of her and let’s dabi take her virginity with him saying if he just puts the tip in she’ll still be a virgin but he shoves himself in and cream pies her and ends up mating with her
Yeeep, sure can do. This gives me some Beastars vibes ngl but here ya go!
Snow White Flames
Pairing: Wolf!Dabi x (F)Bunny Reader
Warnings: +18, creampies, rough sex
Word Count: +1.1K
You smiled to your parents before you skipped off to the flower field, having your backpack jump up and down on your back with your skips. You saw the forest that laid behind the flower field and you couldn’t help but want to know what was in it. 
“Mom always said dangerous things happen in the forest but I’m strong enough to handle myself...I think.” You told yourself as you walked closer to the forest. 
Once you got right at the edge of the flower field, you could feel the energy of the forest. It felt so dark and cold yet so inviting, making your nose twitch. You shook the feeling and just kept walking, playing with your long floppy ear, feeling the softness in your hand. You hadn’t realized it but you were a few yards(meters) deep into the dark green forest. Your ears perked up when you heard small rustles of branches. Carnivores mainly inhabited the forest because it was easier getting live meet than trying to go vegan or get food from the black market which was always too pricey. You always thought they might live in houses but they didn’t because the forest was just hunting grounds. You looked around before you heard another rustle. 
“Who’s there?” You called out while your nose twitch in fear. You walked backwards until you were met with a hard surface making you turn around quickly to see its just a tree. You chuckle before you press your back against the bark and sink down to the ground. 
“You know, you should pay more attention to your surroundings.” A deep voice said from behind the tree. You quickly crawled away from the tree before looking back to see a very large wolf. You were petrified with fear as you stared at him. You were so scared you didn’t blink until you felt tears fall down your face. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not hungry for food.” He squatted down in front of you, offering you a hand. You looked at his sharp nails in fear before looking up into his blue eyes. He smiled softly, which only made you flinch when you saw his teeth. 
“Wow, bunnies sure are jumpy.” He chuckled as he sat in front of you, waiting for you to get up. “Its a shame you got that cute sundress dirty-..hey you’re hurt.” The nameless man pointed to your knee, making you look down to see it was actually bleeding. You looked up to see him rip a part of his white shirt off. He started to wrap your wound before he looked up at you to see your expression change. You could smell his pheromones which is very rare when its different species, but it made something in you snap. 
“You-...thank you.” You mumbled as you looked at your knee. “I’m y/n.” You introduced yourself with a small blush.
“No problem. I’m Dabi.” He smiled, before standing up and dusting himself off. You stood up before walking back over to the tree to grab your backpack. Once you stood back up after bending over, you felt Dabi’s body pressed against yours. 
“You look so delicious in this sundress.” The wolf growled as he hunched down to your level. Your body shook with fear at the statement, scared he might actually eat you.
“I want to ravage you, and I’m not talking about eating so stop trembling.” Dabi grabbed your hips and spun you around so you were pinned between him and the tree. You were fully intoxicated by his sex pheromones and you couldn’t help but feel the same even though you knew it was wrong. You were so out of touch with what you were feeling because your nose twitched in fear while your ears stood at attention due to your arousal. 
“I can smell your pheromones, so why don’t you stop trembling and let me fuck you?” Dabi asked as his tail wagged with eagerness. 
“I’ve never...I havent ever...you know.” You mumbled as your eyes looked everywhere but his. You felt so small compared to this wolf. You were only five feet tall while Dabi was around six and a half to maybe even seven feet tall. 
“Use your words cotton tail.” He smirked as you eyed his body up because while he was scary, he was very attractive. 
“I’ve never done it.” You mumbled as he gripped your hips tighter, making you yelp.
“And why is that a problem?” Dabi asked with a smirk before he kissed down your neck. 
“ah-! Uhm because, its tradition to lose it to your lover.” You whimper softly as he kissed and nibbled on your neck. You gasped once you felt his large hands slip under your dress and then get swept up. 
“If I only use the tip, you’ll still be a virgin.” The blue eyed boy lied as he held you above his hips, pushing his hard member against your clothed sex.
“O-okay...” You blushed brightly as your ears drooped to cover your eyes. You moaned softly when you felt Dabi rub your sensitive nerves with his thumb before he pulled your white lace panties to the side. He pulled his cock out, gently teasing your entrance while you grabbed onto his shoulders. He pushed in the tip, making you cry out and tightly grab his hair. 
“i-it hurts Dabi.” You cried but started moaning when he circled his thumb on your clit to help with the pain. He moved his tip in and out before he completely shoved himself in you making you cry out again as he began a brutal pace. 
“Y-you sai-mhmm- just the...” You moaned into his ear while you stroke his soft fur that covered his tail but that only made him move faster. 
“Fuck bunny, keep doing that.” He snarled but this time, you weren’t scared. He pushed your back to the tree as he enclosed your body with his arms as his hands held onto the tree. Dabi’s nails clawed into the tree while he rammed into you, and he knew you were close because of the way you clenched around him. 
“Cum. Cum on my dick, bunny.” He commanded which sent you hurling into your orgasm, making you shake against him but he never stopped his pace.
“Da-Dabi I can’t...” You cried out from the stimulation and then you felt his load fill you up, making you moan softly as you came again. He kept his cock inside you while his hips jutted inside you. He pulled out and moved your underwear back in place before he set you down but you collapsed next to his legs. 
“Ugh, you bunnies are so fragile.” Dabi huffed while he fixed his clothes before he sat next to you and pulled you against his chest. He watched him cum seep out of you and down the back of your thigh and he couldn’t help but groan.
“Meet me again?” You asked making Dabi’s tail wag.
“Yeah sure.” Dabi tried to sound like he wasn’t excited but he was overjoyed at the fact he’d be able to fill you up again. 
Hey, i hope you enjoyed it :) This is the first time I write a fanfiction in less than three hours lmao But let me know how you liked it. 
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
Sonally Celebration Week! Year Three, Day Six: Rescue
Sonally Celebration Week, Year Three, Day Six: Rescue
Day six, and admittedly the toughest piece to write since well, action scenes require more finesse than a domestic/slice of life story. The journey continues, and since my main focus mostly centers on Sonic and Sally’s post Robotnik/Eggman war peace time lives, I like to flex different events when the prompts give way to good inspiration. When one has to do with rescuing, well, let’s just say, if you’re dumb enough to harm someone’s children, woe comes to you in waves.
Day Six: Rescue.
It was supposed to have been a nice, pleasant day. Go to Spagonia with your big bro and his wife, enjoy flying in a fancy transport ship. While Sonic and Sally do the diplomatic thing, Sonia and Manic would watch J.C. and Kathy as they got to enjoy the city. See the sights, enjoy some ice cream and crepes from the city vendors, and just have a good old time! However, it wasn’t to last, the day was ruined when the sound of their ‘secret tail’ security guards crying out after being, well truthfully Sonia didn’t get to hear what exactly happened to their bodyguards (she hoped they were alive). All she heard was some muffled noise; some people screaming, and suddenly a van rolled up, and people in masks and jumpsuits grabbed and knocked them all out.
After coming too, she woke up to a bag over her head, only to have it torn off, and bright lights flashing in her face. A camera was aimed at them as some jerkoff using a voice-modulating helmet to obscure his identity was making some long list of demands and basically laid out they were collateral if those demands were not met. She tried to make everything out, but she was still groggy from waking up from whatever they used to knock her out. Manic was no better when she asked him if he gleaned anything she missed, sadly he was as groggy as she had been. She knew better than to ask the kids, clearly the six-year-olds were ‘terrified’ and wanted nothing more than to go home and jump into their parents arms.
Hell, the sixteen year old herself wanted to hug her parents just as badly. After that song and dance with the camera, all four were dragged to this cell of sorts, and left there with a guard detail. Whatever they wanted, they seemed to be serious, or at least wanted to come off that way. Her keen eye noticed some of their guards seemed unsettled. Like they were not keen they had kidnapped children. Maybe she, or Manic could use that? A little of the ol’ duo-charm to-.
“Auntie Sonia?” The small, childish voice snapped the older hedgehog out of her thoughts. Instantly her head snapped to the small child resting in her lap.
Forcing a calm smile, Sonia gently petted Kathleen’s soft auburn hair, which had blue tips at the end. Many thought it was dyed, but it was merely something that seemed to happen to both children, who inherited their Mother’s auburn tresses. Yet at the tips, bits of blue would form over time. No doubt the stubbornness of her big brother’s genes at work. Just hand to mingle with Sally’s.
“What’s up kiddo?” She asked her niece as she continued to stroke her head, and did her best to seem calm and collected. She and Manic were the adults here, they needed to be strong for these precious babies.
Green eyes look up, then over to the cell door, then back to Sonia’s own. “I wanna go home.” A simple request, but what child wouldn’t want to go home with this kind of situation abound? “Why do these guys wanna be mean to Mommy and Daddy?”
Another voice spoke up, the disdain high and snark on full. “Cuz they’re- and I quote.” Manic Hedgehog interjected, keeping his voice calm, and then upping the volume as he aimed his words at their guard. “A BUNCHA COWARDS WHO RESORT TO KIDNAPPING KIDS!!” He shouted with full malice at their captors, which made both children recoil, and his sister wince.
“Manic!” Hissed Sonia as she reached out and yanked at his ear. “Stop it! You’re just making it harder for J.C. and Kathy!” She growled at her brother, her eyes going to the door to their cell and sure enough their masked guard had turned to regard them. Thankfully he just turned away and went back to guarding.
“Well these bozos need to know what kind of d*ckless, wussies they are!” Retorted Manic, the green-dyed-furred hedgehog with a growl in his voice. Usually Manic was chill, and easy-going with a touch of mischief. He was running red right now, his niece, nephew and sister being put in danger can do that to someone. “Plus they’re f*cking idiots!”
“Manic, language!” Sonia chastised further as she covered his mouth with a hand. “Not that I disagree with you, but is antagonizing our captors the wisest idea?!”
Removing her hand from his mouth, Manic let out a dismissive snort. Yet his gaze softened some as he saw the kids were looking antsy again. “Maybe not, but seriously what kind of idiots kidnaps the Prince and Princess of a Kingdom? I mean, you want a war? Plus think of their parents, heroes of the war against the Big Robo and Big Eggy! I mean that’s a recipe for doom more than my Taco Tuesday Blowout Cookout.” The food wasn’t the issue, so much as the aftermath, but worth it in Manic’s eyes.
A small rumbling was heard and J.C. blushed as eyes rested on him. “...I’m hungry, and Uncle Manic makes great tacos.” He managed a smile, despite clearly still being scared.”
“Heheh, once we get out I’ll make us all some.” Manic promised as he lovingly scratched the back of his nephew’s ears. He did the same for Kathleen, not wanting her to feel left out. “Also, sorry about the yelling and language, I’m just pis-er-pointedly angry at the bad guys.”
“We’re ‘not’ the bad guys.” Their guard finally spoke, snorting loudly. The way he seemed to clutch his weapon and his covered tail (they seemed intent to make it hard to guess their species) twitch and move, hinted at his anger at such an accusation.
Despite having just chastised Manic for antagonizing their captors; Sonia found herself unable to not engage them. “Not from where we’re standing. Uncouth as my brother put it, he called it right. Nobody who kidnaps children are the good guys.”
“We’re not going to harm you, we’re just sending a message.” His steadfast tone, carried a firmness of whatever convictions he carried about their unknown ‘cause’.
“What sort of message? We’re kidnapping your kids, so we invite you to come kick our butts? Seriously, what else do you expect?” Sonia inquired, keeping her tone polite, hoping perhaps this guard might spill some kernel of information they could use. Then a thought occurred to her. “What happened to the bodyguards watching us? I heard them cry out, did you capture them too or did you kill them?”
“We shot them, but we didn’t shoot to kill.” The guard callously responded. “They should live.”
“Do you know that for a fact? Even a crippling gunshot can lead to death if they bleed out before they get help or the injury causes the right amount of trauma. I heard multiple muffled sounds… If they got shot multiple times that increases the chances they didn’t make it.” The magenta-dyed hedgehog stated with cold, medical fact. “They also had families, so nice job dipwad, you possibly widowed and orphaned two families.” It was petty, but seeing his body language shift and just slightly shake before firming back up gave Sonia a sense of satisfaction. “You could have used stun-blasters.”
The guard hissed back his reply, but she could tell he was trying to justify his words to himself. “You can’t silence stun-blasters.”
Rolling his eyes, Manic decided to chime in. “So you bozos prioritized not making noise, over making your little power grab as bloodless as possible.”
“If they die, our leaders will make it right, all of this has a purpose! It’s to make things better-!”
It wasn’t Sonia or Manic that cut the man off, but J.C.’s small but clearly angry voice. “So making Mr. Hunigan and Mrs. Fletcher dead is alright when you say so?” The boy’s fists clenched tightly. “They were nice people, and we know their kids, they’re our friends… you took their Dad n’ Mom from them you-you, j-jerk!”
“Gee, even the six year old can see it clear as day.” Sonia icily sneered at their captor, scooting closer she slid both her arms around her family and kept them close.
“Mommy, sh-she and Daddy are gonna find us.” Kathleen managed to speak up, wiping her eyes, like her brother managed the most fearsome glare she could. “They’ll find us and kick your butts! They’re heroes, they always save the day!”
Turning, the guard’s helmet, visor and cloth covering their mouth obscured whatever Mobian species they were. “Your parents are part of the problem! If not for the Acorn Kingdom’s meddling along with the other outsider nations, we wouldn’t need to do this!”
“Only meanies justify their actions by blaming others!” Humphed the young princess as she turned her head away, as if to utterly disregard her captor. Oh Sonia and Manic’s heart swelled.
“I gotta agree with Kathy here, sounds like blame-gaming here-.” Manic mused, only to be cut off by their clearly irate captor.
“If they hadn’t meddled with the trade tariffs making exporting goods harder, not to mention their invasive meddling with our affiliate cities-!”
A lightbulb went off in Sonia’s head. “Wait, wait, time out!” She put her hands together in the referee gesture to hopefully get a word in. “You guys are blaming them for the trade issues and the Acorn Kingdom’s presence in your sister cities? Um, dude, hoo boy, you are probably being played by whoever your leaders are.”
“Bite your tongue-!” “Okay you know what, screw that, and kids I’m sorry but-.” After giving her niece and nephew an apologetic look, she quickly sent her captor a fiery glare. “First off, F*CK you! Second, the Kingdom sent delegations to those cities BY REQUEST! The mayors asked for aid in looking into some oddities with exports from Spagonia going in and out because they realized something was hinky with the weird laws and micro-managing coming out of Spagonia’s Trade & Commerce Ministry. Any of your Minister’s calling the investigations meddling or preludes to occupation are trying to play the dodge game moron! Second of all, the tariff problem? I shouldn’t say this, but I love talking shop with my sis-in-law, and boy a lot of the issues stem from how they were set up, like someone ‘wanted’ the tariffs to cause issues and sow discord. It’s a big political set-up but my big-brained Sis likes big-brained chess and she’s onto some corruption from within Spagonia’s Trade & Commerce Ministry.”
She watched as the guard looked uneasy, and his compatriot to the far way seemed to be listening in as well and had lowered his weapon some. “That, that can’t be possible.”
Footsteps could be heard as another similarly dressed guard walked into view of the first one. “Ignore them comrade, they’re trying to unnerve you.” “What if it’s true our leaders are lying to us? Given who some of them are-.” “Shut your mouth before you give anything away!” The other, more burly guard hissed as he raised a gloved hand, poised to smack his comrade if he didn’t do as he said. With his associate cowed, he turned to the cell and pointed his weapon. “Shut your mouths or I might just have to shut it for you.”
Manic moved in front of his sister, nephew and niece, arms out. “Touch them buddy, and you and I are gonna tussle!”
“Uncle Manny don’t!” “D-don’t get hurt!” “Manny…” Sonia held the children close, but tried to soothe her brother. “Don’t, they’re clearly too deluded to listen.”
“You will see it is you who is delusional!” The burly captor spoke, with a zeal of a true-believer. “Once it’s clear your Queen and your treacherous nation are outed as the villains they are, things will become bet-.”
Suddenly the entire room rumbled, and the sound of muffled shouts, and fighting could be heard in the other room. All their captors turned toward the metal door just out of view of Sonia, Manic and the children. Suddenly the door flies off its hinges, slamming into the far guard who cried out in pain and terror as they are taken out. A familiar ‘rev up’ sound is heard and then a blue blur slams into the burly captor sending him flying. As the sounds of fists fly, another far off captor raises their weapon, only for the sound of jets to get clouder and a familiar southern drawl is heard shouting. “TAKE A NAP YA’ CREEP!” A blaster bolt is heard firing off screen. Soon a blue energy blast hits the captor, causing them to drop their weapon as the stun-bolt freezes their whole body. As another guard attempts to fight, the flying Rabbot zooms him and body-tackles the would-be-attacker, a loud, thick ‘crunch’ of metal hitting flesh is heard. Clearly a one-hit-KO.
The original guard readies their weapon, trying to pick a target, clearly panicking. “Ho-hold or I’ll shoot!”
Their weapon is cleaved in two, falling from their hands, and in the next half-second, the tip of the weapon responsible is held at their throat. This man finds himself looking into the very, angry blue eyes of the Queen of the Acorn Kingdom herself, Sally Acorn. Wielding an ornate sword with the crest of her family on the hilt, and ornate lines etched into the blade. For a second the guard swore the weapon’s blade glowed for a moment, but whatever the case, it was clear the Sword of Acorns (reforged and imbued with Sally’s residue Super energy) was capable of cutting quite nicely.
Her voice was ever commanding, calm and serene, yet deadly and potent. She was clearly angry, but using said anger as a laser-focused weapon instead of being consumed by it. For now.
“You will let my babies and my younger siblings out of that cell. Now, no questions. If you so much as dare do anything but I ask, you will regret it. Do not force me to spill blood before my children, because you WILL live to regret it.” She vowed.
“N’ she ain’t the only one you need ta’ worry about.” Uttered Bunnie Rabbot, as she got up from pummeling her foe into unconsciousness. She flexed both of her cybernetic arms which transformed into blaster mode on the right, and nasty energy axe on the left. “You further threaten my God-Children or Manny and Sonia’s well-being. I might just forget I’m a Southern Lady.” While plain and frank, there was a menace in her eyes mirroring Sally’s, and the hum of her weapons furthered showed she was not playing games.
A small ‘boom’ and a flash of blue from across the room, and the guard found Sonic the Hedgehog on the other side of him, arms crossed, and foot tapping rapidly. “Door, open, my kids and siblings safely in arms, now!’ He didn’t bother making threats, he didn’t need to.
The guard simply let out a pathetic sound, wet himself and passed out onto the floor.
Without a word, Sonic dug at their belt, found the key and quickly as he could unlocked the cell door, and threw it open. All anger, and intimidation left his face (as well as Sally and Bunnie who put away their weapons) as the look of a worried parent and brother overcame all else. “Are you four okay?! Did they hurt you any-?!” “DADDY, MOMMY!!” Instantly Kathleen, and J.C. dashed into the arms of their Father, with their Mother soon joining in the hug, checking them over.
“Oh my babies!” Sally clutched her family tightly, kissing the children all over their faces and tops of their heads, as she checked them for injuries. “It’s okay now, Daddy and Mommy are here, oh God I’m so sorry this happened, that we weren’t there to stop you from being taken.” She babbled, as the kept-in-check emotions burst from the dam she erected to focus on the rescue.
“We’re sorry, we’re sorry…” Sonic murmured, his heart still racing even with all his joy held firmly in his arms. Lifting his gaze, tear-stained he looked to his siblings worriedly. “How’re you two holding up? They didn’t hurt any of you did they?”
“Nah, they just… dragged us around at most.” Manic shrugged, but was clearly relieved this whole thing was over. As he stood he found his legs shaking, and leaned against his equally leg-shakey sister. “All that said, glad you guys found us so soon.” Moving closer, Bunnie shifted her arms, what was metal now, began to flash with energy and seemingly disassemble back to flesh and blood. The wonders of bio-nanite tech. Once her arms were organic again she pulled the two hedgehog siblings into a hug. “Sorry we didn’t get here sooner sugah, but we had to basically strong-arm some of the Spagonia government to give us the okay to act. Though once Sally n’ Sonic scared these bozos' supposed leaders into talkin’ they squealed like- well sumthin I can’t say within earshot of kiddos.”
Sonia let herself chuckle, relief and a sense of security flooding her being as she leaned into the hug. “So, lemme guess, the Trade Minister and his flunkies were the culprits?”
“Yeah, I mean we were gonna confront em’ with the evidence Nicole uncovered, but you all bein’ taken kinda forced our hands.” Bunnie further explained as she scratched the back of their ears soothingly. “U-Uncle Manny and Auntie Sonia, looked after us, we’re okay…” J.C. managed to speak once his throat wasn’t sore from crying (this time from happiness).
“Hmm-hmm, they’re the best as always!” Kathleen agreed, sniffling and wiping her eyes as she remained cocooned by her parents and brother.
Smiling, Sonic reached over and managed to give each of his younger siblings an affectionate arm-punch. “Somehow I knew they’d have it under control.” Well more hoped, but he didn’t want to devalue his sibling’s efforts. No if anything he wanted them to ride the pride of keeping themselves and the kids safe.
“Lucky for us, as Sonia called it, these guys were morons. Dangerous ones, but morons.” The green-furred hedgehog blew out a breath, and then he recalled something. “Um, ah, how’re Agent Fletcher and Hunigan?”
“Alive.” Sally replied, still nuzzling her children, still unwilling to let them go. Her own heartbeat was finally starting to calm down and the adrenaline high was crashing. “They were hurt badly, but both are tenacious and they got help just in time. They might have to retire from active duty early but we’ll be sure they’ll be looked after, their families too.”
“Oh thank goodness!” The two teens, and the younger children exclaimed, as joy at the news eased their hearts from the dread they felt prior.
Footsteps could be heard approaching, but the boot clomps’ were familiar. So no one tensed or got ready for another fight. Especially once Captain of the Royal Guard, Antoine D’Coolette emerged, wiping his sword blade clean with a cloth before sheathing it into its scabbard. “My Queen, ze fools have been disarmed, and rounded up. As you requested, we managed to take them all alive, if injured.” After a beat, he contemplated making a joke about some being ‘literally’ disarmed, but with the children there, he decided against it. “How are ze young ones?” He asked, decorum giving way to concerned God-Father, and as a fellow parent.
“Thankfully unhurt Sugah-Twan.” His wife replied, flashing a smile his way. “Where’s Tangle n’ Whisper?”
“Helping out Tails to ensure we didn’t miss anyone and secure the location.” Informed Antoine as he walked over, making sure all were fine, if to soothe his own fretful nature. They also will wish to zee’ that our rescuee’s are le’fine.”
Sniffing away the last of her tears, Kathleen looked up at her Mother. “Uncle Tails came too? I thought he was testing his new plane in the South Seas?”
“Once he heard the news, he jetted over as fast as he could and offered to help.” replied Sonic with a wide smirk of pride and relief for his ‘not-so-little’ bro. “Family sticks together, and well you guys are as much family as his own. Which by the way, I’m sure Tails will wanna set up a face-chat so Mina can see you’re all fine.”
“She is very fond of her biggest fans.” Chuckled Sally, who internally still found it ‘very’ weird, that Tails and Mina Mongoose hooked up. Their age gap wasn’t too bad, and clearly whatever happened to bring about their dating didn’t occur until Tais was eighteen/nineteen-ish. Then again he clearly had a thing for older women, at least his choices after Fiona Fox were an improved taste. As long as Mina was good to Tails, that was all she cared about, and they did seem like a good couple. Still weird but that was on her.
“Can we leave now?” J.C. asked softly looking up at both his parents hopefully.
“You got it son, we’ll juice n’ jam out of here and get you guys some food and tucked in for the night.”
“Can we have a sleepover in the hotel suite? Like all of us with blankets on the floor and pillows nests?” Asked Kathleen with big, hopefully eyes. A look her brother mirrored and nodded to her suggestion.
“Yeah, can we have a sleepover?!” Manic echoed, doing his best impersonation of the look.
“I don’t see why not, if everyone else is on board.” “Wouldn’t be hard for us all to fit in, big ol’ space, and like you could ask us to stay away after today.” Bunnie voiced her opinion with a warm smile at the children. Giving them assurance she was on board.
“Like the saying goes, the more the merrier.” Antoine stated to voice his blessing. “Plus I’m sure Bunnie and my own angels would love the idea as they too were worried about you four. As was your Nanny Miss Cream.” The coyote gently ruffled the hair of the two youngsters, his mind drifting to his children two years their senior. Yes, if they had been through this, he’d gladly acquiesce any whimsy they wanted within reason, and a sleepover to help soothe their nerves? A piece of cake.
Kathleen’s face fell as childish concern flooded her mind. “Oh no, that’s right, we were supposed to meet Jacque, Belle and Miss Cream after lunch…” “Hey they know we didn’t stand 'em’ up by choice.” Manic interjected as he flashed a smile and reached over to ruffle his niece’s cheek tufts.
“Let’s blow this pop stand, I want a hot bath, lots of bubbles and all the cheese cake…” Sonia muttered, feeling her own adrenaline rush and the weight of the whole ordeal finally sapping her energy.
“I hear that, let’s go home everyone.
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spectral-musette · 4 years
A scene set during the year Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan spent protecting Satine Kryze: a morning that the padawan and the young duchess spend alone together does not go quite as planned.
(warning for unpleasant parasitic space-bugs)
~2000 words
         Satine found a seat on a boulder on the grassy hilltop.
           Obi-Wan was fairly far along through his lightsaber practice, bright blue blade humming as he moved as though defending against an invisible opponent. The morning was cool, overcast, but he’d still stripped off his tunics and boots, his bare feet occasionally visible through the tall grass. It was a while before he noticed her, focused as he was on his saber play. He paused, disengaging the glowing blade and walking towards her, chest heaving as he caught his breath.
           “Did you want me?” he asked.
           She felt her cheeks flush and her pulse quicken. Did she want him, oh ancestors forgive, did she want him?
           But his expression was all innocence, even as a glittering bead of sweat rolled through the fine dark hair over his heart and along its narrow path down his lean belly. She’d seen him in this state of undress before, but fleetingly, changing tunics in close quarters. This extended view was allowing fascinating insight for her as a student of medicine. And art. She swallowed hard.
           “I came to tell you that Qui-Gon left, walked down to the village to barter for supplies,” she replied, surprised by how smooth and tranquil her voice sounded. “He said to tell you there’s a storm coming in.”
           He nodded, still breathing fast, and bent to retrieve his boots, belt, and neatly folded pile of clothing, shifting the rock he’d placed on top of them to keep the wind from taking them.
           “You don’t have to stop. I don’t think the rain will start for a little while yet.”
           “I’m not really accustomed to having an audience,” he demurred, tucking the folded tunics under one arm and draping his boots and stockings over the other as he started down the hill. She stood to follow, brushing off the back of the long cardigan she’d pulled on over her sleeveless tunic.
           “That can’t be true. Qui-Gon said, at home in your Temple, many Jedi gather to watch others at saber practice.” She caught up with his long stride in a few quick steps.
           “That’s… different,” he countered.
           “Because I’m an outsider? I didn’t mean to intrude.”
           Unless he meant the lustful taint she brought to spectatorship, but surely he’d experienced that before as well - his fellow young Jedi couldn’t be wholly immune to the effects of his beauty and grace, especially if he made a habit of practicing without his tunics.
           “You didn’t do anything wrong,” he hastened to assure her. “It’s just different.” He favored her with a self-deprecating smile, a dimple appearing in his smooth cheek. “It’s embarrassing to admit, but I’m tempted to show off a bit when you’re watching.”
           She bit her lip to fight back a grin. “And you don’t show off for your friends at home?”
           “Sometimes,” he conceded. “But they know I’m doing it.”
           “And you think I didn’t?”
           “Well, you definitely do now.”
           “What if I said I didn’t mind that you want to show off for me?”
           “Well, it’s complicated,” he replied, thoughtful. “I don’t want you to think that I’m overly impressed with myself.”
           “I don’t think that. Even if you do swagger,” she teased.
           “I’m walking the only way I know how,” he defended against the familiar accusation.
           “Please. I’m a Mandalorian. I know a swagger when I see one.”
           “Will you be happier when it’s a limp? Because I think I just stepped on a thorn.” He paused, lifting his left foot gingerly.
           “You could’ve gotten dressed!”
           He shook his head. “Not until I wash up.”
           “Or put your boots on at least.”
           “Hindsight,” he sighed, dropping his clothes and boots on the grass and taking hold of his foot to examine it.
           “Is it a thorn?”
           He nodded, braid dangling over his bare chest as he attended to his injury. “I think so. But I can’t get a hold of it.”
           “Let me.”
           “It’s fine, you don’t have to…”
           “Oh just sit down, will you?”
           He obeyed, folding up his legs in a meditative posture that gave her a good view of his grass-stained foot. There was indeed a thorn right in the arch, so small that it was no wonder his close-trimmed nails couldn’t grip it. She pulled it free, a droplet of blood welling up from the tiny wound.
           “Blast,” he breathed. “My foot’s gone numb. I don’t think it’s actually a tho-“
           It shuddered between Satine’s fingers, jerking free and burying itself in her palm.
           She swore softly in Mando’a, reaching to pull it out again, but Obi-Wan stilled her hand with his. “Leave it for now, and get back to camp quickly. I’ll be right behind you.”
           Something in his tone kept her from arguing. She did as he ordered, glancing back over her shoulder to watch him limping along after her.
           Back in the shelter of the unassuming cabin built from old shipping crates that served as the Republic safe house, he stumbled in to retrieve the med kid and set it on counter of the kitchen unit, pulling out a bottle of antiseptic.
           “What is it?”
           “Bore-tick. They’re an invasive species, I had no idea they had a foothold here. They’re generally just a nuisance, but they can swarm if they smell enough blood.”
           “Charming,” she replied with a shudder. “So what are you doing?” she prompted as he opened the bottle.
           “They don’t release the toxin that makes you feel numb until they pull out. I’m hoping the antiseptic will kill it while it’s in there and deactivate the toxin.”
           “Well it should be a short lived effect, anyway. Some species use them as a local anesthetic in traditional medicine.”
           He poured a splash of cold antiseptic into her palm, and she held the liquid, watching a tiny bubble form over the tick.
           Obi-Wan took a delicate pair of forceps from the kit, doused the ends in antiseptic, and tugged the long insect out of the wound on her hand.
           “Ouch!” she complained at the antiseptic sting.
           “So not numb, then?”
           “I wish.” She dropped the extra antiseptic into the sink and shook her hand dry.
           “You didn’t pick up any more when you were kneeling in the grass, did you?” he asked.
           She looked down, brushing at the knees of her trousers. “I don’t see any. You?”
           “I have an inkling,” he said with a pained expression.
           “Do you want me to check?” she asked, starting to step behind him.
           “Not really.” He turned, putting his back against the wall.
           She put her hand on her hip. “I’m a trained medic. I’ve pulled jetpack shrapnel out of more backsides than you can even imagine. Some of them were even as pretty as yours.”
           “Satine,” he complained.
           “I will be impeccably professional, I promise. Now, turn around.”
           She caught a quick glimpse of his flushed face before he faced the wall.
           “You’re in luck,” she told him, catching the twitching insect between the forceps and tugging it out of the fabric of the seat of his trousers. “You might’ve felt a pinch, but it didn’t make it through the layers.”
           “I don’t see any on your back or your arms, either.” She examined him quickly, trying to ignore the appeal of his defined musculature, as she’d promised.
           “I don’t think they move very fast.”
           “Small blessings.”
           He took the forceps from her and returned to the counter, pouring the antiseptic over the tick.
           It seemed his hand was a little unsteady as the liquid continued to slosh out of the bottle. She put her hand on his, guiding the bottle back to the counter.
           “Not to be negative,” she said, “but your foot is looking… wrong.” It was swelling, purpling and blotchy.
           “Yes, well,” he replied, voice a bit strained, “reactions can vary.”
           Satine helped him over to one of the bunks before he lost his balance, then lunged for the pile of clothing he’d dropped by the door, looking for his commlink.
           “Qui-Gon,” she called into it.
           “Satine?” His voice sounded mildly surprised. “What’s wrong?”
           “Obi-Wan had a bore-tick in his foot. It’s turning purple and he’s …”
           “Get him in the fresher,” Qui-Gon ordered briskly. “Warm water, not too hot. The toxin will drop his body temperature, so you need to keep him warm. And keep him awake. I’ll be there as soon as I can with the antitoxin. Did you…”
           “In my hand, but I’m not having a reaction yet.”
           “Get in with him too, just in case.”
           “Will he be all right?”
           “I expect so, but do as I say.”
           Satine dropped the commlink and hurried to tug Obi-Wan unsteadily back to his feet.
           “Funny,” he mused, “Qui-Gon is usually telling me to take cold showers, lately.”
           “This isn’t the time for jokes.”
           “Who’s joking?”
           The water in the fresher warmed up quickly, and Satine stuffed Obi-Wan into the stall and climbed in after.  His knees started to buckle, but Satine propped him in the corner, draping one of his arms over her shoulder. She’d thought about taking off her cardigan before stepping into the water stream, but, upon further reflection, maybe it was for the best that at least one of them was wearing clothes.
           This was not exactly how she’d imagined sharing a fresher with him.
           She banished that thought quickly, directing the flow of water from the nozzle towards him. It might’ve been her imagination, but his skin did seem cool under her hands.
           “Fantastic job I’m doing of protecting you.”
           “Do you hear me complaining?” she inquired, nudging her forehead against his chest. His heartbeat felt strong, at least.
           “Satine.” He rested his chin on the top of her head. “I’m sorry.”
           “You’re ridiculous. This isn’t your fault.”
           “Nor is it exactly how I planned our morning together,” he confided, chagrined.
           “Let me just ask,” she said, shifting to look up into his unfocused eyes. “Bore-ticks cause partial paralysis, lethargy, hypothermia, and swarm when they smell blood, but you classify them as a nuisance? What would you call dangerous?”
           “Venom-mites,” he replied, with just a hint of a dimple. “How’s your hand?” he asked, changing the subject.
           She shifted to a one-armed hold around his middle so she could get a look at it. “Bleeding a little. Feels like it has a hole in it.”
           “No swelling or discoloration?”
           “No. Do you think it used up all its toxin on you?”
           “Possibly. Or the antiseptic worked. Or your industrious ancestors cultivated immunity to the toxins of a wide variety of venomous creatures and included that in your childhood inoculations.”
           “That doesn’t sound unlikely. I’m rarely grateful for the questionable hobbies of my forebears, but I’ll make an exception this time.”
           “As will I.” He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
           “What did you plan?” she asked, tightening both arms around his chest again.
           “Hm?” He screwed his eyes more tightly closed.
           “For our morning together. Come on, Qui-Gon said you shouldn’t sleep. If you do, you’ll probably slip and I’ll drop you.”
           “Is that a threat?”
           “A prediction. Tell me what you planned,” she insisted.
           “I was going to invite you for a walk on the shore and ask if you liked Noorian epic poetry.”
           “I’m not familiar with any Noorian epic poetry. Do you think I’ll like it?”
           “I hope you will.”
           “Recite some.”
           “What makes you think I have anything memorized?”
           She raised her eyebrows. “Go on. Maybe it’ll keep you awake.”
           He took a deep breath, and she was temporarily transfixed by the rivulet of water tracing along his collarbone and down his chest.
           “For Thou art my lady
           And I swear all myself to thee:
           My arm to defend
           My hands to lift thee up
           My feet to carry me at thy bidding
           My ears to hear thy commands
           My eyes to watch over and adore thee
           My voice to counsel, comfort, and sing thy praise.
           My honor is thine by right
           And my soul for thy asking…”
           His voice faded to a murmur as he rested his cheek against her wet hair.
           “Does she ask?” she whispered.
           “Not at first.”
           “Don’t tell me. Tomorrow we’ll go to the shore, and you can read it to me.”
           “I think I’ll leave my boots on, though.”
           She smiled, looking up at him. He was a little pale beneath his faint spray of freckles, droplets of water from the nozzle spray glistening in his short hair. He smiled back, and he was so beautiful that it took her a moment to catch her breath.  “Me too.”
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cafeinthemoon · 4 years
To Where the Water Take Me - Chapter I
Title:  To Where the Water Take Me
Genre: Fanfiction | Fantasy!AU
Pairing: Tobirama Senju x Yua (Ofc)
Rating: Teen | up
Word count: 2298
Chapter (s): 1/?
Warnings: mentions to injuries
Symbols: ⭕ | ➕ | 💛 | ▶▶
Read this story on my AO3
Summary: Yua lives on a small town by the coast where stories about the people of the sea and their altercations with humans were common. One morning, during her usual walking by the beach, she spots something lying ahead, right where the sand and the water meet. She approaches it believing it is an animal, just to be proven wrong: that was the body of a male from the people of the sea.
N. A.: This is the Fantasy!AU I mentioned here before! I don’t know when I will finish it or how much chapters it will have, but I want it to be short and simple. I’m also posting it here to “clean” my draft list, so please don’t expect constant updates on this story XD
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Chapter 1 - Morning Walk
“A thousand miles out to the sea bed
Found a place to rest my head”
(Florence and the Machine, Never Let Me Go)
Spring was on its second week in that land and the days of Winter winds and violent storms coming from the sea were over. It was easy to become used to the warm sunlight and the calm waves on the coast that came after them every year, and that was the reason why Yua started to rethink her decision of leaving the house to take her usual walk that particular morning: she reached the sand and haven’t walked more than a few meters when a cold breeze reached her, making her ask herself if she should have brought a coat. Maybe yes, but now that she was already there with her feet buried in sand and her hair soaked in salt air, she was not going back home; she came to take her morning walk, and she was not leaving without doing it.
However, the sea had experience with tenacious people, and that time it was determined to test her persistence. Little by little, the warm sun disappeared behind a thick layer of gray clouds slowly pushed by the wind, which was sending more and more shivers down her body at each step. Soon, the amount of sand carried by it started to interfere in her sight, and it was hard to see what was ahead. Yua felt the irritation growing inside her: what happened to the weather that day?
She was now convinced that going back home was the wisest thing to do in such conditions. Accepting her defeat with a sigh, she tied her hair to not have it on her eyes while walking with the wind on her back and crossed her arms around herself, preparing to leave.
It was when she saw it.
Not so far from her spot, there was a dark, large stain upon the white sand, right where the land met the waves. Yua narrowed her eyes, trying to understand what she was seeing. Was it a piece of a wrecked ship? Or a living creature? Maybe the waters became so agitated with that terrible wind that they threw it there, giving it no chance to go back.
She took a few steps towards it and confirmed that it was a creature. Was it a dolphin? A seal? Well, if it was an animal, it must be too heavy for her to take it back to the water all by herself. She could seek for help in the city. But were they going to help her? She couldn’t be sure.
Whatever the case, the creature wasn’t moving, which increased the possibility of it being hurt. Standing there would only lead it to death, if it hasn’t happened already, so the girl walked toward it with determination, if not to do something for it, at least to try and understand what happened.
As she approached it, she start to think that the animal was too big to be a dolphin, and to slim to be a seal. What was it, then? She would have to look closer to find out. Now the curiosity has overcome her plans of leaving the beach, and she found herself almost running to reach the being.
And then her path ended up in an abrupt way: she was just a few steps apart from the creature and held her breath when she looked closer at it.
It wasn’t an animal as she first supposed. It was a person. Not a human, though – a person from the people of the sea.
For the appearance of their upper bodies carried a reasonable resemblance with the human figure, it was safe to say that the creature was a male. He was lying on his belly, his arms stretched up his head; in his hand he held tight some black stripes that showed to be a species of seaweed that she never saw before – he must have found it in the depths of the ocean.
His skin was pale even when compared to the white sand upon which he was lying, but all over his arms and ribs he had reddish marks spreading on a stern pattern; at first, Yua thought they were scratches, but a careful examination revealed that they were natural marks. Not that it would be a big problem for him if they were real injuries, for his muscles and general aspect implied an amount of resistance that would surpass the human limits: it wasn’t hard to imagine that he had enough strength to kill Yua in seconds even if he didn’t use everything he got against her. This detail served as warning for her in her next actions.
If the creature’s skin seemed pale to her, his hair was indeed white; it was short, disposed in shaggy, thick strands. On his head he was wearing some sort of silver ornament that covered his forehead and part of his cheeks, but the sharp points on its upper side created a resemblance with the forehead protector of the human shinobi from distant lands. Was he a warrior among his people?
She wasn’t sure if it was an illusion, but both his skin and hair seemed to reflect a subtle, bluish shade when touched by the light. Perhaps it was the influence of the aquatic aspects of his anatomy: over the outer side of his arms, starting on his elbows and reaching his fists, as well as on his lower back, grew a layer of scales that shone with a soft shade of blue that got darker as they extended in flexible fins. Of an even darker tone of blue was his tail, spreading for at least three meters among the waves: it started right at what would be his waist if he was human, but in this case the transition between the pale skin and the scales was less subtle, as to let no doubts about his non human nature.
For she was born in that city, Yua heard about the people of the sea since she was a child, from the stories her mother told her to the talking all around the city, when fishermen and travelers would complain about accidents and shipwrecks caused by those wild sea-men. However, she never expected to find one of them by herself. She was scared, that was true, but her fascination overcame her fears, and she bent down beside the seaman and stretched her hand to touch him.
She touched his right shoulder at first with her fingertips, ready to move away if he woke and attack her. It was warm – he was alive, then. And that part of the stories that claimed that their skin was as cold as the deep ocean was a lie. He showed no reaction to her touch, so she put her palm over his skin.
This time he started to move.
He clenched his fists and leaned on them using all his strength. In a second, he was able to look ahead, and that was what he did once he opened his eyes. Yua got stunned when he did: his pupils were not but two tiny black dots surrounded by globes as red as human blood, and the narrow shape of his eyes seeming to be painted with black ink, as well the red marks he had upon his cheeks and chin which were of the same pattern as the others on his body, deepened her impression of being in front of a predator.
They soon spotted the girl staring at him and widened, if with anger or fear, she didn’t have the time to find out. It was easy to suppose that he hid fangs behind his mouth while he kept it shut, so when he hissed and showed them, Yua was not surprised, but the sudden movement he made to throw himself toward her made her jump and fall on her back, containing a scream.
However, instead of a growl or any other sound of attack, she heard a moan that seem to be caused by pain. When she sat and looked again, she noticed that the sand underneath his spot was soaked in a fluid of a deep blue tone that was close to black; she then saw him trying to cover a dark stain upon his chest, from which dripped the same fluid. She didn’t need to know much about seamen to understand that it was blood.
Forgetting about what just happened, she leaned toward him.
- Let me help you!
The man stopped at these words and stared at her. The suffering was visible on his face, on which side there was blood falling, probably from a hidden injury. However, his silence was so long that she started to wonder if he could understand the human speech.
She tried again, more cautious.
- Do you understand what I say? – she pointed the injury – You’re hurt. You need help. Let me take care of this for you.
He kept staring at her for a few seconds before relaxing his position as sign of permission for her to approach. She came to bend closer to him and without touching the injury, started to examine it. It was an ugly thing he got there: a deep cut on his right side, apparently made with some sharp, metallic instrument like a big knife or a spear, that spread from his scapula to the center of his chest, almost reaching his left ribs. What was she going to do?
The first thing was to clean that blood as much as she could. She had nothing to do that but an apron she used to put upon her dresses to walk in case she found a shell she wanted to keep; she took it off and soaked it in the water to clean the bruise, and then folded it, using it to contain the bleeding.
- Please, hold it tight – she made the gesture of holding the fabric against the injury and touched his hand to tell him to imitate her.
He did it with his empty hand and, when she started to look around, trying to decide what to do next, he offered her the seaweed he was holding. She raised her eyes to him and he nodded; she immediately understood and took it from his hand.
The seaweed, when pressed and rubbed between the palms, formed a thick, creamy substance that glued to the skin with little effort and didn’t melt with the mere contact with water; it wasn’t so easy to spread, so the girl would need to be careful if she wanted that quantity to be enough for a large cut like that. When the salve was ready, she removed the apron from the cut and started to press the seaweed upon it.
It was indeed a strong medicine: as soon as it touched the bruise, he hissed, probably because it burned the sensitive skin. Yua stopped at it, but got back to her task when he seem to feel better.
She slowed her pace and softened the pressure she was applying, but it didn’t seem to help with the burning sensation because he kept hissing during the whole process.
- I’m sorry – she whispered, trying to calm him down as she worked – It will be over soon, I promise... It’s almost finished… Just a little bit…
As the treatment advanced, the seaman seemed to get used to the unpleasing sensation caused by the medicine: the hisses were less frequent now, and the tension on his muscles diminished. Maybe it was the medicine in action, or the certainty that Yua was not going to harm him – because whatever have happened to him moments before that encounter, he had his reasons to be on guard and afraid.
And after some minutes, everything was finally over. The seaman was visibly relieved; the burn must have stopped at that point. Yua washed her hands on the water, but kept what remained from the seaweed on her lap.
She observed him with more attention, not ignoring the blood on his face.
- Is this the only injury you got? – she questioned him and indicated the water plant – There’s still some seaweed we could use in this case.
At these words, he had a strange reaction. His looked away, as if trying to hide the blood and find a way to escape the conversation. But what could be so embarrassing that he didn’t want to tell her? Was it the fact that he just got help from a human being? Or didn’t he understand her language and didn’t know how to explain it? She tried to question him to find out, but he seemed to become nervous, and she was afraid to push him too far: having a potentially dangerous creature close to you and irritating him was not the best idea one could have.
The girl stretched her hand toward him, but closed it and moved it back to her lap. If he was a human, she could touch his shoulder or his hand to assure him about her good intentions, but in the present case she couldn’t be sure of how he was going to react to her gesture. The best way to proceed was, after all, continuing to speak.
- Listen… I don’t know if can understand what I’m saying, but I just want to help you, right? So, if you have a problem, you can show me, and I will do my best. You don’t need to be afraid.
And for the second time, she held back a scream: for the first time, the seaman spoke.
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cloudbattrolls · 3 years
Rivali Tescin || Present Night || Message Log Left on Etuuya Vannyn’s Phone During Their Recovery
— insightfulProvision [IP] has begun trolling twitteringTailor [TT] —
Vannyn. I realized something.
…yes, that’s your cue to make an obnoxious remark.
Why aren’t you answering me? You’re always on.
Fine. Come back to a bunch of messages for all I care. I need to talk to you.
I…was speaking to a troll, an ancient troll, and I realized why the caverns put us together. Why they gave me Uunive. Why they sent me for drone deliveries, made me go to the ball with Siluri, made me endure endless shame after shame and then, when I left.
Only Daudre cared.
Only she noticed.
Only her.
No one else even contacted me.
You blackmailing me was more than I got from any of them.
Did you know?
Did you know even then how little they cared?
…I thought you were just being cruel.
But you knew, didn’t you?
I know you wanted to use me. You didn’t do it out of any inherent goodness, you admit you have none.
But at least you did something.
At least you acknowledged I fucking existed.
…this is absurd, isn’t it. I’m shouting at a monster about things you’ll probably laugh at me for.
You know what? I don’t care if you laugh. You’re far more pathetic.
So why do so many people care about you? You! You’re an idiot. You know what, fine! I am jealous, you were right! Are you happy now?
How does a disgusting fake like you fool so many trolls into liking you? How? Do they believe you wouldn’t just eat them if they happened to bleed in front of you?
…but this is what the matrons wanted, isn’t it. They wanted me to hate you instead of them. They wanted me to resent Uunive and Siluri. Easy targets. They were never going to reward me. Karina wasn’t either. I was just a disposable ordinary jade, nothing compared to her precious pet monster or even stupid Kokora.
Why did you leave, Vannyn? Was it just because of Karina and Firebird? Where did you go?
Why do I always come back to you? I hate you. You’re creepy. You’re not even my species.
…I guess it’s like I told Karina. At least you have an excuse for being terrible. It doesn’t make you less annoying but it’s understandable.
What excuse did they have? That I wasn’t a woman? That’s not good enough. That was never good enough. What was it? Did I betray my precious ancestor’s legacy? Was I not good enough at my job?
…did they ever know that blue wasn’t the only one I spared?
I could never. If they were more then grubs, I could never…I could kill the lusus, recall the carpenter drones, leave them exposed, but I could never…I told myself I did. That they were as good as dead. Most of those mutants probably did die.
Did that make the world any better? Did I spare them any suffering? That’s what they told me, you know. Is that what they told you? That it’s really a kindness to kill mutants, so they don’t live malformed and in pain?
I wanted to believe there was someone beneath me. Someone who fit even less than I did.
Is that how you felt too?
Ugh. I hate possibly understanding your horrid mind.
Is that why you reached out to me so I could meet Channi? Is that why you keep trying, even though you have all those people who actually like you?
Do you genuinely mean to make up for how you acted in your own way?
Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t like you even if so. What with the jokes about eating me.
But…maybe that idiot fuchsia had a point. You probably would have done it when you no longer needed me if you really wanted to.
So I guess it’s just your dismal sense of humor.
I wish I could just ignore you entirely. But it’s not much of an option, no matter how tempting it is at times.
I want to not want to talk to you. It’s beneath me.
…I can hear you laughing as I type that. I guess I deserve it. Rather it should be beneath me but obviously it’s not, because here I am.
What, did something happen to you? It really is odd how you’re still not responding. Are you properly dead this time? Should I celebrate?
No, because you owe me a response, blast you.
Get your act together and get back to me. It’s the least you can do.
— insightfulProvision [IP] has stopped trolling twitteringTailor [TT] —
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Ectober Day3: Bond - I Seem Like Two But I Am One
Danny decided to tell his folks about being Phantom. Now they have to figure out what to do about that and what, exactly, being a halfa means.
“So, um yeah”, Danny shuffles awkwardly while Maddie and Jack blink at him. Rubbing his neck and looking around, “so, um, do you want to see? The whole transforming...thing?”.
Maddie and Jack exchange a glance. Of course, they wanted to see, but they also didn’t want their boy to be a ghost. Halfway or not.
Maddie nods and holds her hand up lightly, “could I check your pulse first though? And...after?”.
Danny nods holding his wrist out to her and Maddie grips it gently. Really noticing and paying attention to just how cold her sons skin is for the first time. Sure she had noticed he was cold to the touch, both of them had, but it was disregarded easily. Not everyone ran at the exactly same temperature and she had believed him to be strangely ectocontaminated. So it hadn’t seemed that strange.
Smiling at picking up the pulse, it was slow, too slow, but it was there all the same. Danny rubs his neck as Jack checks for himself, “yeah I know it’s kind of...slow. But it’s fine, I don’t really notice”, shrugging, “and it kind of helps with the whole ‘not bleeding out from major injuries’ thing”.
Danny looks at his toes when both of them cringe. They knew full well Phantom got hurt a lot and knowing that was their son, well that wasn’t pleasant. Or at least that was their sons' ghosts, somehow fused with his somehow still alive -partly alive?- body.
Danny clears his throat, “um anyway...”, trailing off as a ring of bright slightly blue light shoots out of his stomach and travels across his body. The two watching as he floats up off the stool slightly and rubs his neck, white glowing hair floating around, “the...floating, is kind of automatic. Really have to force myself to not”.
Maddie nods, it made perfect sense, ghosts were naturally in a state of gravity nullification. But her Danny shouldn’t be having to deal with that.
Jack checks over Danny’s pulse again before handing his sons wrist back over to his wife. Firmly glad it’s still there and unchanged. Of course he had hovered his fingers over Danny’s glowing ecto-field, feeling the chill and tingle of it. And rubbed the texture of his jumpsuit, so much like their own. It was easy to see now how it was just the inversion of the suit Jack had lovingly crafted for Danny not too long ago. The same one that went missing only months ago, and now he knew why. It has fused to Danny’s ghost...or ghost half?
Watching Danny as a whole again as he bobs slightly in the air, toxic green eyes leaving faint light tracers. Jack can tell his postures changed, it’s more confident, more bold, more aggressive. It made sense, ghosts were things untethered to human insecurities and were very strong in their ways. But it also made it clear that Phantom, while his son's ghost and part of him, wasn’t exactly him. It was him but different, ghostly, “I’m not sure how we never noticed before”.
Danny shrugs, taking his arm back. Clearly resisting putting his hands behind his head and smiling, as he speaks, “well I was hiding it and it should really be impossible. So makes sense you wouldn’t guess”.
Maddie nods, also noting the subtle behavior change, “true”, shifting in her seat slightly and making a point to sound gentle, “would you be okay with us taking samples? See how it is possible? That it’s really safe”.
Danny smiles, “yeah okay, I trust you guys. Obviously”.
Maddie and Jack exchange a glance, Jack tilting his head as he speaks, “then why wait so long to tell us?”. The unspoken question of ‘maybe we could have fixed it’ being rather obvious to everyone.
Danny frowns slightly, “nerves mostly. Didn’t want to get in trouble, didn’t know how you’d react to the whole part ghost thing. Since you pretty aggressively hate ghosts. But after a while, it became more that I didn’t want to be an experiment. And then you started hunting me, which no hard feelings about, was even rather fun sometimes”, crossing his legs and resting his elbow on his legs, chin in his palm, “but I got reminded how important you both are to me recently”.
Maddie smiles at that, “you mean the world to us too sweetie”, choosing to ignore the whole ‘hunting her own kid and him finding it ‘fun’’ thing, and walking to get a testing kit.
Jack tilts his head as he pulls out a needle and blood vials, eyeballing his sons jumpsuit covered arm and wondering how the get through that. Not exactly liking the idea of just using a bigger needle. Even if ghosts can’t feel pain, he’s pretty sure his son can. Whether that means their hypothesis about ghost pain is wrong or the effect of his ghost still being bound to a human body, remains to be seen.
Danny chuckles before unzipping his jumpsuit and pulling it off his arms, leaving the top half of the suit to float lazily around his waist.
Jack gapes and shakes his head, “you can take it off?”.
Danny nods while Jack takes in the very human skin colour, even if it’s glowing, and the sporadic white chest hairs. Other ghosts not having something matching normal human skin tones, possibly an effect of the human body? Jack hands Maddie the needle and Danny gives her his arm. Jack speaking as she draws the blo-ectoplasm. Which is incredibly weird to see coming from who he knows is his, not dead, son, “are you sure you’re okay with us taking samples from you? And does it feel different, the ectoplasm?”.
Danny shrugs and waves his other hand around loosely, “it’s thicker sure, kinda bubbles, but I’m used to it. Never really felt strange at all honestly. And dad, it’s fine. I totally get wanting to check things out”.
Maddie takes a few more samples and looks at them, looking back at Danny and wondering if human samples would match ghost ones, “would you mind changing back? Giving samples from that...half, of you?”.
Danny shrugs loosely but uncrosses his legs and chances back with the same bright ring of light. Speaking as he stops floating, “I mean sure. It would make sense for it to be, um, not exactly the same”.
Both parents glance at each other, noticing the smaller voice and more curled up pose. Danny, human Danny, was undeniably more timid and awkward. While Maddie looks back to Danny and gets back to work. Ruffling his hair quickly as he shifts in the seat.
Jack nods, “had to say for sure of course!”. Making Danny rub his neck and nod.
Danny heads up to bed with a small smile after they finish up. It’s obvious to the parents that he was nervous and even scared of telling them. Of how they would react. Which is way neither one broached the topic of if ‘Phantom and Danny were really the same person’ or if ‘he wanted to be fixed’ or why he ‘protected the town’ or what Phantom’s obsession was. Something telling both of them that such questions wouldn’t sit well with him and that what was best for their son was flat-out acceptance.  
But how could anyone accept their kid being partly dead? Being part another, highly dangerous and violent, species? Getting thrown around and injured constantly? Being, what they’re sure is, two separate beings in the same body but so closely related that they can’t view themselves as actually being separate beings. Because, clearly, Phantom and Danny weren’t the same. Phantom was boisterous, cocky, aggressive -but not threateningly so-, and a showman. Danny was shy, withdrawn, skittish, and, blended into the background by nature and completely willingly. One had ectoplasm, one had blood. One glowed and floated, one was bound to Earths gravitational pull. One had powers, one had organs. But both had the same slow pulse, the same weak heartbeat. It left them both wondering just how much divide there was between the two. If, maybe, the connections were few enough to separate them. Or plentiful enough to merge them properly back fully alive and one. Sure technically that would just be the ghost, Phantom, ceasing to exist and going dormant inside Danny. But, based off the scars they’d seen, the increased paranoia, the lying; Danny would be better off without his ghost or fully alive again. Whichever was more accurate and regardless of how.
Walking down into the lab to really get to work, to see what they can find or figure out. Maddie speaking softly, “do you think this can be fixed?”.
Jack smiles at her reassuringly, “of course! And I’m sure Danny-boy would like to have his normal life back!”, Jack frowns slightly before looking up the stairs with a large smile, “course he’s our boy regardless”. Which Maddie nods at.
They loved their boy, regardless of any strangeness. Fixing this would only be good for him, even if he likely did enjoy the powers. Who wouldn’t? But they can’t exactly tell him their intentions. Phantom wouldn’t exactly like that. But honestly, if the two could, had to be, split then, well, Phantom was still their sons ghost. He was still family. He’d still be welcome even if not being attached to Danny’s body anymore made him more ghostly.
Jack can’t help but smile over how that would kind of be like have two sons instead of one! Which is cool, even if one’s a ghost and that’s not cool.
Because even if they both undeniably do and could love their boy, all parts of him, him being ghostly was still incredibly unsettling and just wrong.
Everything inside Maddie screamed to correct it, partly because a child shouldn’t die to any degree before their parents, partly because ghosts were not good creatures. The idea of her boy having that darkness to him, having ghosts natural unpleasant instincts to struggle against, hurt. Sure his human part? Alive part? made that struggle easier, likely hampering Phantom’s ghostly nature. But if it could be corrected, the burden lifted, then it should be. Of course being separate, Phantom would have to learn to wrangle it in without Danny but maybe being together so long already gave him the skills he’d need. Or maybe being fused at all made him naturally resistant and more human. But by that same logic, that would also mean Danny, human Danny, was irrevocably and irreversibly a little bit ghostly. Would have a little bit of ghost nature. But even if he didn’t get it imprinted on him, being so close to a ghost would make it rub off on him anyway. And that’s okay, strange, but okay.
Maddie sits down and starts prepping slides and tubes, “he’ll always be family no matter what we find. They both will be”.
Jack smiles as a machine whirls to life, “Phantom will get cookies and fudge, not ectoblasts, from his parents from here on out!”. Making Maddie laugh, even if it reminded her that Phantom actively got shot at and didn’t mind it much. While Danny surely didn’t want to get shot, just look at how skittish and avoidant he was of their guns?!? Maybe human Danny just had more of a sense of self-preservation, survival instincts? Well of course he did! He was the alive one! Which leaves her wondering if Danny was more vulnerable human or ghost. Maybe they both made each other stronger. Obviously Danny gave Phantom a way around anti-ghost things. Phantom gave him powers in return. Well, if he could actually use them anyway. She’ll have to remember to ask if Danny can use the powers regardless of form.
Maddie pulls one vial of blood and one of ectoplasm out of the centrifuge and blinks at them. The ectoplasm had a layer of red blood cells and white blood cells at the bottom. The blood had a layer of deep green ectoplasm and foaming pale ectoplasm on top. Muttering at them, “so clearly he has both regardless. The blood and ectoplasm isn’t actually separate, one’s just more dominate depending on form”.
Jack looks over seconds before both vials start reacting violently. The ectoplasm in the blood sample corroding the blood and the blood in the ectoplasm sample vibrating violently before exploding; destroying the vial. Jack snatching the still intact vial and scrapping the ectoplasm out of it, the sample stabilising. While Maddie grabs another ectoplasm vial and sticks it in the centrifuge, scrapping out the ectoplasm into a separate vial as soon as it’s done spinning. The blood left in the vial still exploding, but the ectoplasm is safe and seems stable in another vial.
The pair stare down at the mess of blood. ectoplasm, and glass on the floor. Looking up to each other after a bit. Maddie clears her throat, “so the blood and ectoplasm can’t be separated without reacting violently. But if we could make sure to get out all of Phantom’s ectoplasm from Danny he’d be fine. And all of Danny’s blood from Phantom, he’d be fine”.
Jack nods before looking back to the samples, paling slightly seeing more violently reacting ectoplasm had formed on the top of the blood sample. Rushing to scrape it off while speaking, “it looks like his blood produces ectoplasm all on its own”.
Maddie stares, “you don’t think, that being fused with Phantom is all that stopped him from dying? That without him Danny’s body would just stop functioning after a while?”.
Jack nods somewhat weakly before both turn their heads to the ectoplasm sample as it begins foaming and overflowing from the vial. Jack whispering, “Danny’s blood stabilises Phantom’s ectoplasm”, before looking to Maddie, “they’ll both die without each other”.
Maddie sits down a bit numbly, running a hand through her hair, “well, let’s see what else we can find. See if there’s some way around...that”.
Moving to the microscope only shows more of the same. Both samples having more of one over the other and both interacting easily. But if blood separated from ectoplasm or ectoplasm separated from blood, they would seemingly fall out of sync and react violently. Complete destruction of nuclei and cell walls. Dissolving both samples into gooey unviable messes. Removing the ectoplasm from the blood sample after separation quick enough seemed to keep it from getting destroyed but the blood kept making more and more.
Maddie sighs and leans back, letting the sample turn to a mess, “he’d have to constantly be getting decontaminated. Daily at least. And this, it might hurt him”. Maddie looks to Jack when he doesn’t respond.
Meanwhile, Jack has gotten an idea and mixed in another sample of weaker sentient ectoplasm in with Phantom’s ectoplasm sample; after removing the volatile blood. Watching as Phantom’s ectoplasm devours the foreign ectoplasm and seems to take what it needs from it. Successfully stabilising.
Jack turns to Maddie and lifts up the totally normal-seeming slide of ectoplasm, pointing at Maddie’s ruined blood slide, “try adding a compatible blood sample. Seemed to work for Phantom’s ectoplasm”.
Maddie looks at the slide and shakes her head, “no. The problems aren’t the same, it won’t work. Danny’s blood’s perfectly stable, Phantom’s ectoplasm isn’t, wasn’t. Danny’s blood just needs to not produce ectoplasm”.
Both look up as the DNA sequencer finishes with a beep. Maddie grabbing it due to being closer only to gape down at the four papers. One for Phantom’s separated ectoplasm, one for Danny’s separated blood, one for Phantom’s normal mixture, and one for Danny’s normal mixture.
Unlike with the vials both normal mixtures come out exactly the same. Identical mash ups of ghostly DNA and human DNA. So heavily so that to try and separate it would just destroy everything. Both papers for the separated mixtures showing only half strands of DNA, which would be simply unmaintainable.
Handing them to Jack as she sets up some of Phantom’s separated blood with Jack’s ectoplasm fusion idea applied, to run through the machine.
Jack looks at Maddie as she sits back down before both stare back down at the paper showing Danny’s separated blood samples half formed DNA. Maddie speaking quietly, “even if we could keep his ectoplasm levels down, nothing can survive long with DNA this badly damaged”. Jack just nods as he puts the papers on the table.
While Maddie stares at the DNA sequencer, Jack goes about seeing if the ectoplasm and blood could be fused in a way that would remove the ectoplasm. Nothing works until he accidentally gives one sample a massive electrical shock and knocks over a beaker of raw ectoplasm into it at the same time.
Maddie muttering, “careful honey”, as Jack stands up. Jack stands and waits for a while, the DNA sequencer beeping during that time. Turning his head to her as she grapes the paper.
Maddie whispers down at the paper, “that’s not fair”, and shows it to Jack. The paper showing stable ghost DNA. Jack nods, “so Phantom can be stabilised...but not Danny”.
Maddie whispers again, “that’s just not fair”.
Jack shrugs somewhat defeatedly, “it makes sense though. Ectoplasm is more adaptable. Ghost bodies are less complicated. But...”, Jack sets up another vial with a sample of Danny’s blood separated from its ectoplasm and gives it a massive electrical shock while dumping raw ectoplasm on it.
Maddie raises an eyebrow at him, seriously wondering what exactly he’s doing, while he just points at the microscope. Maddie moves over to it and gasps down at the totally normal sample of human blood, not a speck of ectoplasm. So the ectoplasm could just be destroyed out of the blood, but that...that would certainly destroy Phantom.
Maddie looks over the Jack, who’s gapping. Looking down at the vial he’d electrocuted and seeing ectoplasm, not blood. Jack shakes himself and sets up a slide, giving it over to Maddie while he sits. So Danny, while fused with Phantom, could be made normal again. But separated he seemingly just dies? Why? Is it just because ectoplasm is inherently corrosive to blood but bloods not to ectoplasm? Making the ectoplasm more dominate by default? Or was something else going on?
Maddie looks down at the sample, it was pure regular ghost ectoplasm. Likely Phantom’s. Meaning Danny would fully become Phantom if they tried this on him after separating him from Phantom. Lifting her head up and looking to Jack, “then Phantom’s ectoplasm must be protecting his blood during that electrical shock. But if Phantom’s separated from Danny then his ectoplasm that’s still in Danny is unstable. Too unstable to protect the blood”.
Jack laughs a bit hollowly, “so Phantom’s, if stable, ectoplasm will sacrifice itself to save Danny. That tracks honestly”. Maddie can’t help but laugh as well. Down to the veins Phantom was protective and self-sacrificial. He was good, god he was good. Somehow he managed to go against his nature and become undeniably good, how had they ever seen him as anything else?
Maddie huffs as she calms down, looking over all the samples, “so either Danny could be made a regular human again but destroying Phantom as a result. Or Phantom can be made a stable regular ghost but Danny would slowly die as a result”.
Jack nods before snapping his fingers. Grabbing some samples of the stabilised fully ghost Phantom ectoplasm and making another vial of Danny’s blood with the ectoplasm scraped out. Waiting for it to produce more ectoplasm and then adding in Phantom’s stable full ghost ectoplasm. Watching as it instantly obliterates the unstable ectoplasm. Leaving the sample steaming green but completely red. Waiting as it takes five times as long to produce more unstable ectoplasm and repeating what he did earlier, getting the same result.
Maddie rushes over and takes a sample of the red blood steaming green and sets it up for the DNA sequencer. Both waiting on the results nervously with Jack occasionally adding more Phantom full ghost ectoplasm to Danny’s blood sample, keeping it stable.
Maddie gapes and hands the paper to Jack with slightly shaking hands. Danny’s DNA was completely normal human DNA.
Jack nods and looks at the sample, “so if Phantom functionally and frequently gave him ectoplasm donations he’d be okay”.
“So Danny’d be reliant on Phantom just to keep living”, frowning, “that’s still not fair”. Frowning more as technically Danny currently was already reliant on Phantom to keep living. But at least right now it was mutual. They needed each other explicitly. With this, with just Danny being the reliant one, it would be so easy for Phantom to take advantage of that. Sure Phantom was good, clearly, but he wouldn’t have a human to help him fight his nature and he was still a ghost. Phantom could never truly be trusted, especially separated from Danny.
Jack looks back over to the electrocuted blood sample, Danny wouldn’t want Phantom destroyed. Not a chance. He was clearly okay with how he was, clearly liked Phantom. Whether Phantom was a separate being or just Danny. Because that boldness, Phantom’s boldness, it really could just be Danny couldn’t it? Danny feeling more bold and sure of himself because of how people looked up to Phantom, because of being stronger, because of having powers. But if that was the case then separating them, would just be separating Danny in two. That would be...incredibly cruel. Unless he wants that, which Jack’s pretty sure Danny doesn’t want. He would have asked if he did right? Danny had pretty much ignored the idea of them ‘fixing him’.
Looking at Maddie, “I think we should just leave them, him, as is. Leave it alone”.
Maddie looks at him with a frown, “and just leave him like this? Just accept that he’s partly dead? Partly a ghost? Partly alive? Partly human? It’s one thing a ghost getting hurt the way they clearly do, but Danny’s human. The human part”.
Jack sighs, it was weird and yeah he didn’t like how much his son clearly got hurt. How he was putting himself in danger. Regardless of what one, ‘cause really Phantom’s his son all the same, is the one that wants to engage in the fights. Wants to protect people. Sighing again, and pointing at the samples, “maybe, maybe viewing them as separate creatures is wrong. Danny-boy said hybrid, not fusion”.
Maddie screws up her face, he acted different in these forms. What other reason could there possibly be for that, “they have different behaviors, sure they’re similar. Of course, they are, Phantom’s Danny’s ghost. They should be similar. And Danny’s fourteen Jack, how could he know exactly what he is? And couldn’t he just be convincing himself that him and Phantom are one and the same?”.
Jack shrugs, “but by being Danny’s ghost he is technically Danny anyway. And if I had powers, could fight ectoplasmic horrors with nothing but my bare fists with ease, if I was basically adored by nearly an entire town; I’d be more cocky too. Those are all a bunch of major ego boosters Mads”.
Maddie nods, it did make sense. Just having weapons on her made her feel more in control and stronger. Being Phantom potentially gave that to Danny to an extreme. So maybe they were the same. Looking over to the two identical DNA samples, from Danny’s blood and Phantom’s -or Danny’s- ectoplasm. They were identical in every way. Running her fingers over the two papers, this, they had to be the same. It was science, and science didn’t lie. Even if you didn’t like it, and yes, she didn’t like it.
Putting the papers on the table, “so hybrid. One being. One mind. One body. One set of desires. Not a fusion. Not two of anything”, Maddie shakes her head, she needed further proof, “but Phantom’s affected by anti-ghost stuff, we’ve seen Danny walk through shields and wear the deflector fine. And we haven’t seen Danny use Phantom’s powers. If they’re the same then Danny should be able to use them and Phantom able to be unaffected by anti-ghost stuff”.
Jack shakes his head, thinking of how Danny’s forms seemed to change whether he had more ectoplasm or more blood, “he’s got more ectoplasm while ghost, that logically should make him more susceptible to anti-ghost stuff. And Mads, Danny is affected by our stuff. The detectors? And maybe, maybe he avoids our weapons because they hurt him regardless not because he’s skittish of them. As for the powers, maybe we really should just ask him to show us if he can?”.
“I was going to ask him too anyway. If he can. And of course, Danny sets off detectors, he has Phantom’s ectoplasm in him regardless. Overshadowed humans will set off those same detectors”.
Jack looks up at the ceiling, the best they could do was speculate. They needed more answers from Danny, “we should talk to him then. He’s clearly okay telling us. Heck! He’s probably holding back on information to avoid freaking us out. I would be!”.
Maddie nods as she gets up, it made sense that he would be avoidant of acting ghostly or doing ghost things. He had said he was worried, afraid even, of how they’d react to the ghost stuff. Looking at Jack and nodding again, “so that we’re clear. Danny is our son, Phantom is our son. Regardless of whether they’re the same person or not and regardless of if they’re ghost, human, hybrid, fused or anything else. Now or in the future”.
Jack nods strongly, “absolutely. We don’t want to lose either one and we will accept both of them or all of him. Whatever’s more accurate”.
Maddie smiles as she walks up the stairs, heads to Danny’s room and knocks on the door, “you up sweetie?”.
“Yeah, I’m guessing you guys want to talk more now?”.
Maddie laughs lightly, he literally had been giving them some time to adjust and think, “yeah and we tested somethings we’d like to talk to you about”.
Danny sticks his head out the door and stares at her for a beat before shuffling nervously, “um, I’m not sure if I like that or not. Weren’t you just checking my aliveness?”.
“You’re pulse proves you’re alive already sweetie, at least alive enough. We’re more curious how your DNA is and difference between your... forms”.
Danny nods and rubs his neck as he walks out, “that makes sense, I guess. And I can tell you’re still kind of iffy on the forms thing. It’s weird, yeah, but all me”.
Maddie smiles softly as they head down into the lab, she was pretty well sure he felt that way already but she was going to maintain her doubts currently, “that is something we’ve been debating. How connected you are and if Phantom’s really you”.
Jack can tell Danny’s nervous as soon as he looks at him. Having heard what his wife said, “regardless we love all of you, or both of you, which ever’s closer”.
Danny blinks and looks between the two of them before smiling slightly, “thanks. I uh, that means a lot”, shifting on his feet some before walking to a chair and sitting down, “so you guys would be okay with me even if I was all Phantom? Fully ghost?”.
Both of them nod readily. Jack smiling, “you’re our son. Danny or Phantom. Danny and Phantom. Or even if Phantom is just a”, chuckling, “superhero name you have yourself”.
That seems to be enough to get Danny to laugh and relax a little, smirking slightly, “Phantom is a pun. It sounds like Fenton and Phantom is another world for ghost”.
Maddie tilts her head, “so you created the name? What about Phantom’s symbol?”.
Danny snorts and blushes slightly, “Sam designed that”.
Now Maddie’s incredibly confused. If that wasn’t just naturally part of Phantom’s form and neither aspect or part or half of Danny made it then how? “How'd Sam’s Doodle wind up on your chest permanently? Part of Phantom’s body?”.
“Oh yeah, that was a really weird day. I wound up fully human again and got amnesia because of some reality-altering, so she stuck a fabric cut-out of the design on my chest before I re-half-died”.
Jack and Maddie gape at him. Both stunned stupid that he had already became fully human again, destroyed Phantom, but intentionally made himself like this again. That was one massive ‘I want to be and am happy this way’ sign if there ever was one. Dying, even partly, had to be horribly painful.
Jack’s the one to ask, “so you had the option to be normal, full human, again but choose not to?”.
Danny nods, “well yeah, I’m happy like this. I don’t want to change it, I, um, really really do not”.
Both parents can see Danny’s slightly freaked out now, both believing that he was genuinely that bothered by being ‘fixed’ but Maddie’s wondering if that’s Phantom’s influence.
Danny obviously can tell she’s wondering about that as he speaks up again, “and yeah that was entirely mine, as in full human Danny’s, decision. The amnesia, I literally forgot about being Phantom, the powers, all of it. Which yeah, I uh, was really confused about all the scaring that morning. Oh actually, everyone forgot about Phantom existing at all. But well, Sam remembered and she had a scrapbook and told me stories. The decision was easy once I knew she was telling the truth”.
Jack nods and smiles, “well that settles that then”.
Danny blinks and squints at them, “you guys were...trying to test if I could be fixed? Were you?”.
They both nod, feeling a little sheepish about it now that they actually had to confirm that was what they were doing and knowing that Danny explicitly wouldn’t and didn’t want that. Jack clears his throat, “separated really. So that Phantom would be fine too. We didn’t and don’t want to hurt the human or the ghost. But well...”.
Maddie looks at the ground before pointing at all the exploded samples and generalised mess. Jack, meanwhile, is noting that Danny actually looks more freaked out not less.
Danny squirms in his seat and leans away from his parents, looking down at the ground, “I, um, splitting me. That would be, um, really really bad. I could have told you that”.
Maddie nods, “yeah neither split sample was stable, basically self-destructed-”.
Danny cuts her off, jerking his head up and squinting at her, “wait...what? You, um, sure about that? There wasn’t, say, someweirdcombiningfullyghostmewithanotherghostthatstabilisedfullghostme?”.The last bit coming out in a rush and starling Maddie and Jack. That was way too specific to be a generalised guess.
Jack and Maddie look at each other before nodding at Danny. While Danny blinks, “wait. So full split human me would have died too?”, now Danny just looks incredibly confused and the parents know they’re missing something here.
Jack nods, “yeah. It would have been gradual because the DNA was all messed up. But! We figured out that split human you could survive so long as split ghost you gave ectoplasm donations”.
Maddie nods at Jack and looks to Danny, “so it is possible. For both of you to survive. Just full...human, Danny would be reliant on Phantom”.
They barely hear him mutter, “that fruitloop is an idiot”, before shaking his head and looking at them, “theoretically that would work. But, uh, not I practice. You see, um, I’ve been split before. Twice actually”.
Both of them breathe out, “what?!?”.
Danny nods and looks around, “the uh, first time wasn’t exactly done right. Your dream catcher thingy did it”, blinking and snorting, “actually it’s happened three times. Twice by the dream catcher. It’s just the um, first time only lasted a couple of seconds. Gave me a mild concussion and split my consciousness between the bodies. So I was aware of what both were doing, scared the hell out of me. Even if it was only five seconds or so. The second my personality split”, Danny cringes, “human Danny was lazy, kind of mean, and somehow had a mullet. Ghost Danny basically acted like Superman and decided wearing a bedsheet was a good idea. It was bad. It sort of, um, devolved? into both Danny’s being halfas but with different powers. Only one could fly, only one could shot ecto-blasts. Not fun”.
Thankfully all three end up snickering or laughing by the end, it was rather ridiculous sounding.
Maddie smiles, “I’m guessing the only reason your...two bodies were stable was because it wasn’t done right as you said? So they both still had stable ectoplasm and blood”.
While Jack laughs a little, “we definitely don’t want to split your personality! Seems that thing sure caused you a lot of hassle!”.
Danny nods with a smile before dropping it and looking away from them. Rubbing at his neck, “it did and yeah mom. But the other, or the third, time was successful. Full separation into a full human and full ghost. But, um, that incident is why I’d rather just be destroyed entirely than split, like, ever. It’s, um, also why I decided to tell you guys about being Phantom. It, uh, well, it happened yesterday”.
Jack and Maddie were a little too startled by the whole ‘I’d rather not exist at all than be split’ thing to interrupt him.
Maddie breathes out, “what...what happened?”, not able to think of any other words.
Danny shivers and flinches a little, deeply worrying both parents, before he speaks, “honestly, I’d rather not talk about it. But, um, I should. Need to really. But it’s well, complicated. There’s time travel and alternate realities involved”, Danny shifts a bit, “so the C.A.T. right? I didn’t really get to study so I sort of, well, intended to cheat. I didn’t, obviously, but just intent was enough. It resulted in you guys, Jazz. Sam, Tucker and Mr. Lancer all dying and me getting adopted by crazy fruitloop idiot who decided splitting me would be a good idea”.
Maddie waves her hands so Danny pauses, everyone looking a little ill, “what do you mean we died?”.
Danny clears his throat, “I time-traveled to undo it. But it happened, the only reason I survived the explosion that happened was because of being a halfa”, shifting, “but anyway. Got split. Ghost half got combined with another ghost, and, um, went utterly insane. Murdered the human half and, uh, went on to destroyallofhumanitymostghostsandwouldhaveeventuallydestroyedeverythingandone”, looking at the floor after breathing for a bit, Maddie and Jack a bit in shock, as Danny continues, “splitting me, it will basically cause the end of the world”, shifting again and looking up at them, “but, uh, I fought evil older me, trapped him in a thermos, and a friend reversed time because”, making quotation marks with his fingers, “you’ve given everyone else in your life a second chance. Why not you?”. Danny shrugs and he looks around, pretty well rambling at this point, “their name’s ClockWork, they’re great. Really great. Sort of like ghostly adopted me, legally responsible for me, all that stuff. They’re really old and like puns. The only good thing to come out of yesterday. Well, and deciding to finally tell you guys. So, um, uh, please don’t die...or try to split me. Just, like, forget that’s even possible, please?”.
Danny shrinks down in his seat as they both stare at him.
Both of them find it completely insane that their boy could every be that dangerous or hurt anyone, none the less the entire world. But it’s clear from his behavior that he’s telling the truth. Wondering if this is just something Danny could be or if this was because of Phantom’s ghostly influence. Or if Phantom wasn’t as good as they thought and it was just human Danny’s influence that made him good. Jack blinking and realising that yeah, combining two ghosts probably wouldn’t be good for either ghost. Neither having really thought much on the potential negative mental effects of being split.
After a while Danny speaks up again, breaking them out of their thoughts, “um could you say something before my brain leaks out my ears or something?”.
Jack clears his throat, “we won’t try to split you. But Danny-boy, are you er sure all of that would happen? If you got split?”.
While Maddie whispers, “that must have been traumatising”.
Danny nods slightly, looking at Maddie, “it was”, looking at Jack, “good and no, but, um, I’m not testing that out. Ever. There’s no reason to split me or force me full human again. I don’t want that”.
Both parents look to each other and nod before giving Danny a strong nod. Everyone’s feeling a bit better.
Maddie scrunches her eyebrows, “um sweetie? Why did no one stop you? Why did you have to do it? Hunters? Other ghosts? Why couldn’t they?”.
Danny rubs his neck awkwardly, “too strong. I’m, well, a lot stronger than you think. The, um, destruction thing, took ten years. And that was with evil me being as affected by anti-ghost stuff as much as a regular ghost”.
Jack nods, Danny being stronger than expected was actually expected. Of course, he wouldn’t go all out against ghosts or hunters. He’s not actually trying to hurt them, just subdue them or get them to leave him alone. Deciding to satisfy other curiosities and make this conversation less depressing because he kind of felt like he was drowning right now, “so anti-ghost stuff does affect you less?”.
Danny jerks and blinks, clearly caught off guard. But nods, “anti-ghost stuff affects me regardless of form, just well, less than it should for a normal ghost and even less when I’m, you know, human”.
Jack nods and smiles, so he was avoiding their tech for a reason, “well I’m sorry if our stuff ever hurt you”.
Danny shrugs and looks around awkwardly, “I don’t mind. But, uh, thanks”.
Maddie blinks, realising that it wasn’t just Phantom that didn’t mind the injuries. Making her look to Jack, maybe he really was right, Danny too. Hybrid not a fusion of two. Blurting out, “and Phantom’s powers? Can you use them regardless?”.
“It’s a slightly harder but yeah. I use them accidentally a lot”, Danny blushes at that and looks away from them as he holds up his arm and turns it invisible.
Maddie and Jack share a look and nod. Maddie speaking again, “then you really must be one and the same”.
Danny blinks, “well yeah. Always have been”.
Jack smiles and pats Danny on the shoulder, “you just act and hold yourself different when you’re Phantom. That’s because of the power boost and hero work, isn’t it?”.
Danny nods, “yeah pretty much. And Phantom doesn’t have to hide the powers, the strength, the ghostly knowledge. Phantom just interacts with civilians in passing. Fenton has to hide everything and deal with people all the time. As Phantom I’ve just got a job to do, make sure I use my ‘civilians voice’ when talking to people, and avoid hunters. As Fenton I have to be paranoid about everything. How I dress, otherwise the muscles and scars might be questioned. What language I speak, reigning in my strength, covering up accidental power use, making sure I look fully human, and yeah. That and I have to intentionally act different otherwise people might realise it’s me”, shrugging, “it’s, uh, a lot harder to intentionally make myself act different while fighting than while at school or eating supper”.
Maddie frowns sadly a little, “so Phantom’s more accurate to who you are?”.
Danny nods and rubs his neck, “sorta? The civilians' voice is an act, the rest, not so much. I’ve gotten a little used to playing the weakling shy kid as Fenton, so it’s uh, hard to turn off sometimes”.
Maddie nods, both parents thinking back to how Danny used to be before the accident and how he really had been rather outgoing, loud, an endless jokester. Phantom was much more dramatic, more of a showman, but that could be read as just having more confidence and a bit of ghosts nature for dramatics. Meanwhile, he had never really been the shy kid, reserved and close off sometimes sure, but not shy.
Jack nods with a smile, “well you don’t have to keep it up around us! It’ll be a little weird you doing ghostly things but we’ll get used to it!”.
Maddie nods before ruffling his hair, “we don’t want you pretending. We’ll learn to accept it”.
Danny nods, “that's good enough. I mean, obviously I’d like acceptance. But well, trying is fine and it’ll be kind of, uh, weird? using my abilities around you. But, um, please actually ask me things. I know myself well, more or less”.
The two nod, clearly their boy had been through more than they actually knew. Both feeling pretty well sure that Phantom really was Danny, not some potentially malicious ghost of himself that he was just fused to. It was also insanely clear that breaking the bond of his two sides, his halfs, would be bad. And even if it was safe, Danny clearly didn’t want that and not because of any ghostly influence on him.
Jack blinks, remembering something Danny said earlier, “wait, you were adopted by a ghost?”, blinking again and going wide-eyed, “wait, there’s a ghost that can CONTROL TIME?!?”.
Danny snorts and laughs, “heh, yeah there sure is and they sure did. Humans know them as Father Time, and well....”.
The three spend the rest of the afternoon talking about the enigmatic time ghost and all the tales they had told Danny last night, tales of past kings, of art causing mass panic, of people building sexy Satan statues to piss off the church; some of the strange things they had watched over the eons retold in grand fashion to a young hero, who just needed to forget their trauma for a night.
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