#maybe i should have considered that before buying it but i didn't realize just how much playing the fucking stocks minigame
yergink · 1 year
here's the thing. i fully understand that sometimes art is purposefully built to be taxing or amateur or difficult to engage with, and i can appreciate the intent behind those decisions, but at the same time sometimes it's just. it's just that you made a thing bad on purpose and now i don't want to keep looking at it. 
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Hot take maybe but I think Bertie would be FAR more likely to survive the first two months of Dracula than Jeeves would be. Bertie has a healthy sense of self-preservation. Jeeves consistently underestimates how dangerous a situation might get (Steeple Bumpleigh, the club book) because he’s overconfident about his level of control over any given situation. He'd handle Dracula masterfully if they faced off in England, but on Dracula's home turf? Much more doubtful.
I realize this might be a tough sell, so I will explain further (or it's not a tough sell, and I'm going to explain further because I want to). (criteria taken from @canyourfavesurvivecastledracula) Without further ado.
Would Jeeves and Wooster survive Castle Dracula?
Jeeves' survival will depend on how long Dracula finds him more entertaining than irritating. On that basis, I don't think he's long for this world. On the one hand, he has a huge wealth of knowledge about English society and culture that he can recite perfectly from memory. That should buy him at least a little time with noted teaboo Dracula.
On the other hand, he would be absolutely no fun as a vampire plaything. Jeeves cannot be got. Sneaking up on him while he's shaving will yield zero reaction (though that's at least good for his short-term survival--given that, although he DID take the crucifix from the old woman out of politeness, he certainly isn't going to wear it. The rules of fashion don't go out the window just because you're in a spooky castle). Then, although managing the whims of rich jerks is not an insignificant part of a valet's job, Jeeves usually does this by bending his employers to his will. Dracula is not the sort of employer this will work on. It'll just add insult to injury when on top of being impossible to scare, NOW Jeeves is telling Dracula that his favorite cloak is several centuries out of fashion and he's not allowed to wear it anymore.
Jeeves will 100% go exploring in the areas he was told not to go-- though to be fair, he MIGHT actually get away with this, what with his superpower of appearing in rooms without being seen or heard. Said superpower might save him from the brides as well (though this is by no means guaranteed). Since I find it doubtful that Dracula would come to rescue his annoying ass, not being noticed is his best defense.
There are a couple other things working in Jeeves's favor; the question is just whether they'll be enough to save him.
He DOES know shorthand, and could try to send coded letters. He might even have the foresight to squirrel away some extra stationary where Dracula can't find it. But could he get them posted? Would it even do him any good?
He certainly has enough cultural literacy to figure out what his new boss is pretty quickly. If he didn't chuck the crucifix out the carriage window, he might start carrying it around in his pocket.
Psychology of the individual, sure, but the individual in question is a 400-year-old vampire who lives in an isolated castle in a foreign country and is regarded as a terrifying mythological figure in the surrounding villages. Jeeves has never come up against anything this alien before, he's cut off from his normal resources, and opportunities to play people against each other are limited.
He probably has enough upper body strength from all that shrimping and fishing to climb the wall, so he COULD escape if he wanted to, if he survived long enough. It's just, again, that overconfidence, and also Dracula has a vast library full of rare old books that are entirely at his disposal. He's keeping his eyes and ears alert for potential escape strategies, of course, but I don't see him being as desperate to get out as Jonathan was.
There are just a lot of "depends on"s here, and I'm not convinced that luck would shake out in Jeeves's favor, all things considered.
Bertie is so perfect for the job of Castle Dracula Prisoner it's like it was made for him. Think about it. Being held against his will in big manor houses comes more naturally to him than breathing. He's afraid of things that are scary. A lifetime of dealing with Aunt Agatha has made him the world's preeminent expert in "curl[ing] up in a ball in the hope that a meek subservience [will] enable [him] to get off lightly." He will NEVER go exploring in places he's been warned away from if nobody is forcing him to (Rev. Aubrey Upjohn's office notwithstanding. There were biscuits in there). He's both fun to talk to and easy to toy with (and extremely English). A+ prisoner. Dracula adores him.
In my opinion, Bertie is at Castle Dracula either because Aunt Agatha got some wires seriously crossed and thinks he’s going to meet an eligible potential bride (I mean, there are certainly brides there), or because Dracula has something Aunt Dahlia wants him to steal (far less likely, given that one of Dracula’s THINGS is famously not owning anything silver). Either way, he's shown himself entirely willing and able to escape down drainpipes if a sitch gets too scaly.
He DOES take the crucifix, and DOES wear it (which is what will save him during the shaving scene, because you KNOW he's going to jump a foot and cut himself like the dickens). He's read enough supernatural goosefleshers to be genre savvy about terrified old women cryptically pushing crucifixes into one's hands. I also think his sunny disposish endeared him to the villagers, and they were particularly vehement about urging him not to go. He doesn't speak German or Romanian, but he's empathetic enough to recognize Pure Terror. So by the time he actually gets to the castle, his imagination is already running wild and he's plenty aware that he is in imminent danger.
I think the biggest risk to Bertie will be the brides; whether or not he's susceptible to trances, if he thinks they're trying to marry him, it's against the code of the Woosters to turn them down. But that only becomes an issue if he comes face to face with them, which, luckily, I think is unlikely on account of the aforementioned "won't go exploring" (and if he did, Dracula would definitely rescue him).
I'm inclined to say due to his drainpipe-escape habits that he WOULD be able to climb the wall and MAY attempt to sneak into Dracula's room to look for the keys if his desperation grows to outweigh his fear. Whether he does or not, though, he does NOT have the stomach to attempt shovel murder, and therefore won't get magic brain fever, and may very well simply walk out the front doors when the people come to take the boxes away. OR he climbs his way out like Jonathan did. Either way.
When Bertie tells this story at the Drones later, Tuppy will say that no doubt it's been greatly exaggerated and all that probably happened was that he spent a couple months in an oldish house entertaining a weird loner.
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yourelliewillms · 3 months
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the guy from the record
store wasn't a guy?
ellie williams fanfic
━━ chapter 1 wc: 1.9k
read the chapters here !!
you've recently discovered this record shop, the perfect place to find everything of the new kind of music you've just gotten into, rock. your friends wouldn't share this interest with you but maybe the cute guy from the store will.
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━━ he/him pronous are used for ellie sometimes but it's for plot purposes i swear !!
BASED ON THE GUY SHE WAS INTERESTED IN WASN'T A GUY AT ALL !!!! i love that manga so much i needed an ellie version so i did it myself. of course this is going to be shorter and pleeaase go read it i swear you won't regret it <3 i hardly recommend you to listen to the manga's playlist too, i'll add some of the songs to this fanfic. literally all i want is my lesbians to have the recognition they deserve. ALSO green is the characteristic color of that manga so i'll be using it here too, everything will be green bc we love green lesbians.
another warning, english is not my first language so you may find some mistakes.
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it's been a long day at school but at least the week of exams has ended and you've done pretty good. "i deserve a prize" you think to yourself while your feet guide you out of the building. certainly the exams drained you, the only thing you want to do now is take a long nap to catch up on sleep.
walking down the sidewalk, you put on your headphones which have been your best friends for the last few months when you discovered this band nirvana. it is in fact a popular band but in your friend group? no, not at all. your friends prefer other kind of music. pop, kpop, even jazz, but rock? impossible.
so you find yourself unable to share your new music taste with your friends. even if you beg them to give it a chance, they'll refuse it every time. this is definitely the worst, how are you supposed to fully enjoy this work of art only by yourself? they definitely don't understand what good music is, if only they gave it a chance you could-
just when the music from your headphones stopped, you could still hear one of your favorite songs smells like teen spirit coming from a... record store?
your mind is full of questions, since when has been this store here? this is just 5 minutes away from school and you've never noticed it. maybe this is the prize you deserve for having successfully passed all your exams. buying your very first vinyl will surely be the boost of serotonin you need.
you took off your headphones before getting into the store and quickly walked to check all the beautiful vinyls. the excitement could be seen in your eyes, all the vinyls of your favorite bands in one store and you're even considering finding a job, buying everything of this store is not a want but a necessity. this must be heaven.
after what felt like seconds but were actually 20 long minutes, you finally make your choice and find the vinyl that'll have the privilege to be your very first and most appreciated acquisition.
you turn around, walk towards the shop counter and just then realize how rude of you was not to greet the old man at the store. however, you don't care that much, he should understand that you were too excited to even speak and... was it an old man? did you even look at the person who was next to you the last 20 minutes?
"i'll take this" you place the vinyl on the counter before looking up at the person in front of you.
but now, you reassure one more time that you're not on earth anymore. this is definitely heaven, or maybe something greater because the angel in front of you isn't from this planet at all. green eyes, auburn hair drawn back in a messy bun, a scar on one eyebrow, black clothes with a nirvana t-shirt, an arm tattoo and a mask. this is the most gorgeous guy you've seen in your entire life and you were rude to him, you didn't talk to him for this entire time.
"i love this one" he gave you your new purchase in a bag "you have good taste" that raspy voice that'll live in your mind rent free for an eternity, you're sure about that.
meanwhile, your mind has been spinning for the last 30 seconds. a cute guy with a stunning style and majestic music taste, you've seen only his eyes but you can already imagine a life with him where you get married and play your favorite songs in your wedding.
"thanks, you too. bye" and just like that the conversation ended. you're definitely not the most flirtatious person but you didn't ask him anything, maybe it was too soon to ask for his number but not even his name? really? you can already hear your friends scolding you but at least you remember half of his face and that's enough to be delusional the following months until you find another crush.
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8 in the morning and you've been talking for half an hour to your friends about this cute guy from the record store. of course they scolded you for not asking his name but your excitement couldn't be taken away that easily. no other boy from your school has ever made you feel like this, no one called your attention like he did.
"is there any possibility that you see your boy again?" dina, your best friend asked "and maybe ask him out"
"dina!" you frowned as if she had just said the craziest thing you've heard in your life "it's too soon for that. but as soon as i see him again i'll ask him his name" you started kicking your feet "and he'll fall in love with me."
dina and your bursted out laughing and spent the whole morning planning your future life with someone you saw once.
maybe you've been talking too loud or maybe she doesn't like you, but the girl next to you has been glancing at you and dina and she seemed a little too much interested in your conversation.
ellie. you've been classmates for almost a year but you two never spoke. she's like any other girl at school. she wears the same uniform as you, a white shirt and a gray skirt. she also wears these square glasses and she has her headphones on most of the time.
she seems like one of those nerds but one that doesn't participate that much in class. she comes to class, listens to the professors and goes home. you've never seen her talking to any other classmates but she seems comfortable only drawing on her notebook and listening to something on her headphones, it's not that you don't like her, but you haven't had the opportunity to get to know her.
but today she seemed quite distracted and instead of focusing on the class, she was focused on you. she seemed nervous, maybe she wanted to join the conversation and make some friends?
however, the bell rang. you were too busy talking about your new guy to try to figure out why ellie's been looking at you more than usual. you began to pack up your belongings; notebook, pencil case, some other books and, are you forgetting something?
the moment you're getting up from your seat, you can feel ellie's presence approaching you. you stare up at her for a few seconds and before you can say something, her hand reached your ear and put on one of your earbuds.
"you dropped this" your eyebrows furrowed, did she always had those pretty green eyes?
the song that you'd been listening on loop nothing at all was playing on your earbuds loud enough for her to listen to it "that song rocks, doesn't it?" and just like that she walked out the door leaving you completely confused. you're sure you've seen those eyes before, you think that maybe for a split second you stopped looking at ellie as your classmate and maybe... someone else.
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on the other hand, ellie has been walking in silence staring at her feet while her mind is about to explode because the girl who sits next to her, her classmate and one of the most popular girls at school, has met and is interested in a guy who works at the record store. but no guy works there, just ellie.
she got a part time job and she's been working there for a few months but that was the first time she saw you there. you didn't recognize her though, since the style she has at her job is the opposite of the one she has at school.
probably the best option is to tell you the truth, the guy you're interested in isn't a guy and is actually the boring, nerdy girl from school, the girl you'd never talk to because that would only ruin your reputation, or at least that's what ellie thinks.
ellie thought that her job should be boring and only boring, she didn't want to have to deal with something else than that. and now that girl has a crush on her, or she has a crush on the person she thinks ellie is.
fortunately, ellie's job is calm. not many people visit the store so she spends her first hours of work tidying the place, not paying much attention to the store itself.
while cleaning at the back of the store, ellie heard the ring of the little bell on the door warning the presence of a client. she sighed and fixed her clothes before getting into the store again but got surprised when she noticed that the client was actually you.
if it weren't for the music playing at the store, the place would have been in complete silence. no one was on sight when you walked in so the sound coming from the back of the store scared you and you jumped. "you scared me, i didn't know you were here" you giggled nervously.
"have you been looking forward to it that much?" you were starting to stutter when the green eyed spoke in what seemed a flirty way. "no- i mean! the new foo fighters album" she interrupted herself "you were looking forward to it because you wanted to buy it, right?" she tried to hide her shaky voice, did she just accidentally flirt with you?
"i swear it's so good, you can hear it a thousand times and it'll still sound amazing. also, i know you like nirvana too because you bought the vinyl. you'll love it, i totally recommend it."
you were in a dream, did you just exchange more than two words with that guy? and he was showing a lot of interest it seemed unreal. you'd be a fool if you mess this up.
"i really want to buy it but uhm..." your pockets were empty, you spent all your money in that vinyl and being an unemployed student is not helpful to your situation "i'm a bit short of money right now" not to say that you're dry.
"i'm sorry but i-" yet she didn't let you finish your sentence "i bought this one for myself. you can have it and tell me your opinion when you return it."
he couldn't be more charming to you. only 5 minutes talking and you had already fell down on your knees. "thank you. you can give me your number so that i can bring it back." your hand sweating for you've finally made a move on who you thought was the guy from your dreams.
"no," no? he rejected you just like that, he didn't even a think a second to answer your question "it's just... i can't use my phone at work."
laying on the counter in front of you was a black ink pen which you quickly grabbed and started writing your phone number on his wrist next to his tattoo.
ellie looked at you stunned, she was glad she was wearing a mask because her cheeks had turned crimson. she noticed your hand shaking and that was the moment she realized the trouble she'd gotten into.
"i thought that if i wrote it on a paper, you'd lose it." the music playing in the background just made the atmosphere between you two dreamlike. you waved and smiled at him as you left the store hoping your burning cheeks would go unnoticed. not only did you have someone to share your interests with but also it was someone who you were crushing on really hard.
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the first person on the taglist will be my editor/manager/first person who read this @ohnopoteito thank uuu 💋💋
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strnsvt · 2 months
hi lovely, I see that your reqs is open & i have decided to be brave and request for some cheol fluff (this cheol brainrot is real & it's killing me 🥲) take your time tho!!!! hehe have a good day 🤍
choi seungcheol — aisles of reconciliation.
the last time cheol fought with you was long back. just like every couple, it happens, as it sometimes does, nothing surprising, nothing unhealthy.
he got a little pouty this time, his expression softening with realization that he had messed up. he knew he needed to give you space and time to cool off.
leaving the apartment, he wandered the quiet streets alone, hoping the night air might clear his mind. but as the minutes ticked by, the solitude only deepened his restlessness.
he pulled out his phone and dialed soonyoung's number, hoping his friend could provide some distraction. "soonyoung," seungcheol greeted as the call connected, "are you busy?"
"not really," soonyoung replied casually, "what's up, man?"
"nothing it's just-"
"it's not 'nothing'. you're calling me at this hour. what's wrong?"
"...i messed up," seungcheol admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. "fought with y/n again."
"ah, man," soonyoung sympathized, "you know how it is. what happened?"
seungcheol sighed, recounting the argument briefly.
"give it some time," soonyoung advised sagely, "we'll catch up soon, okay?"
"yeah," seungcheol nodded, hanging up the phone. he pocketed it and continued his walk, hoping to find a way to make things right with you.
soonyoung met him shortly after, the two friends greeting each other with a brief hug.
they walked together to the nearby cvs, chatting about lighter topics to distract seungcheol from his worries. once inside the store, they wandered the aisles, picking up a few items and talking through the situation more.
"hyung..." soonyoung snaps cheol to consciousness, noticing that cheol had been subconsciously staring at a particular aisle.
"take it along with snacks and drinks. if not by apology or food, there's gotta be a third way to woo her. so buy it," soonyoung suggests.
your initial response after seeing cheol back home was to hug him—which you didn't. holding yourself back, balling your hands into fists as you stare at each other for a few seconds.
he sees you reaching up to grab onto the bag he was holding, watching with adoration as he sees you grab onto your favourite snack and placing the bag on the counter.
taking his shoes off before entering, cheol takes a moment to look at you. you were wearing cosy and comfy clothes. meaning you're heading to bed.
"babe, we gotta have dinner first,"
cheol's words were ignored as you reached out for another pack of snack from the bag.
the precious snack from your hand was shortly snatched, as you watched cheol with horror and confusion.
it was his time to ignore you when you kept telling him not to order food. his phone snatched right after he dialed three digits. it was his turn to get annoyed as well, grabbing onto your wrist tightly and pulling you closer.
his mind diving into the gutter deeper if possible. just a little closer and he'd have the kiss he yearned. and you waited for it too—cause maybe you yearned to give him the affection that he craved for so long.
but instead, he simply snatches his phone back, keeping in mind to not cross the boundaries. but he's a bit selfish too. still holding onto your wrist and keeping you closer. until distraction in the form of the pack of condoms fall from the bag.
you're not looking at him, he's doesn't really have more courage to keep staring at you. but he already assumed what you might be thinking. he assumed you were thinking of his audacity...
you shove him away as you head to the bedroom while cheol reminds himself that he's still gotta order food. and he lets out the most heart-wrenching sigh any living creature has ever made.
choel sees you eating the chips while being in the bed. considering if he should nag at you or make a lame joke about getting ants in the bed. he decides to shut up instead. thinking that yeah, that's probably the better thing to do.
you're already lying on your side when cheol plops on the bed beside you. putting an arm around your waist as he pulls you in closer, he apologizes.
you let out a deep breath, him feeling you resisting the urge to push his hand away.
he makes you turn to face him. his voice seeming much bold and stricter only for him to go dead silent when you do so.
eyes shamlessly falling onto your lips. and oh how he wanted to have those make-out sessions.
he takes your hand in his instead. kissing on the cold knuckles as says sorry again. placing more kisses on your fingertips while repeatedly apologizing.
and the soft features you had on while looking at him soon turned into annoyed once. yet again. as you scold him. pointing all the mistakes he made. which he only agrees with, repeating that he knows. he knows.
"i know. and im sorry. can i kiss you now?"
and you give in. telling him yes but man the time wasn't on his side. and the doorbell with the awaiting delicious meal never sounded more frustrating.
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mikachacha · 5 months
masc reader x fem bada where team bebe vlogs for their fans and the fans notice reader always in the vlog but it’s like subtle appearances but they can see the closeness reader has with bebe and bada 😚 then reader is accidentally revealed as bada’s gf maybe on swf when she visits
My Girl (Fem! Bada Lee x Masc! Reader)
Synopsis: Fans are becoming more and more curious about you and how you're connected to team Bebe, especially to the one and only Bada Lee.
Warnings: I don't think there are any????
A/N: After 3000 years of inactivity, I decided to be productive 🥹🥹🫶🫶
From vlogs, to quick instagram live and to dance practices, you were always there with team Bebe. People are becoming curious as to who you are, why you're so close to the team, especially with Bada.
"Y/N-unnie! Say hi!" Kyma calls out to you as you enter the studio, bringing them food. You looked at her and the camera she was holding, you realized the girls are doing a mini vlog.
"Hi~!" you waved at the camera and gave them their food. You volunteered to buy them food since they were busy practicing for something and you figured you'd let them relax, especially Bada. You're in a secret relationship with her but you're keeping it as low profile as possible since you didn't want to put unnecessary pressure on Bada considering her career is taking off. You're doing fine on your own, you have a thriving career but far from the spotlight so no one really knows you that much except a few people.
"Wahhh Y/N-unnie is really a boyfriend material if she was a guy.." you heard Cheche say and you could only shake her head in amusement.
"Too bad, I don't have a dingdong." you shot back and the girls laughed. You looked at Bada and nudged her, giving her a bottle of her favorite drink.
"How's my favorite girl doing?" you whisper to her, smiling when you see her cheek turning red from your words.
"I'm nervous, jagiya.. What if we're not ready for the competition? I don't want the girls to be discouraged if we end up failing.." you could see Bada's worries and you gently stroked her hair. When you noticed the camera wasn't pointed near you and Bada's spot, you kissed the top of her head and pulled her in for a hug.
"You'll do great, yeah? I'm sure you and the girls will crush the competition. You're born for this, jagiya. And I'll be there with you every step of the way. You don't have to face this alone, you got me and the team." you reassured her and gave her a quick kiss before both of you interacted with the girls and wreaked chaos in their little vlog.
Schedules have been hectic but you kept your promise to Bada. You were there with them all throughout the competition since you wanted to support your girlfriend and her team after all. You really didn't think anything of it but Bada's and Team Bebe's growing fanbase are growing really curious about you. It was all fun and games until people started flooding your socials, the comments on team Bebe's vlogs and quick instagram live are also flooded with questions as to who you are as well.
"Should we tell them?" Bada asked one time as you both sat together while they were taking a break from filming. You looked at her and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
"You know that I don't mind, right? I'm just worried about you.. I don't want to put unnecessary pressure on you as you're already going through a lot." Bada just smiles and rests her head on your shoulder.
"I want to. I want to tell everyone that I have the best girlfriend.." She says and you chuckle, wrapping your arm around her waist.
"Best girlfriend because I let you steal all my clothes to look cool on the show?" You joked and she laughed before sitting up, grabbing her phone and snapping some pictures together. She even kissed your cheek on one pic before she posted them on her Instagram account, tagging your account as well. She captioned it simply with 'My Girl 🩵🩵'. It was simple yet it answered most people's questions regarding your identity and why you're so close with the team and to Bada.
Some people didn't like the announcement but some also loved the relationship you have with Bada. Some fans are even saying that they wanted a girlfriend like you. Hot, supportive and caring.
"I love you, and thank you for being here for me and the girls." Bada says and you just held her in your arms.
"I love you too. I'll always be here to support and care for you no matter what happens. Win or lose." You smile and kiss her forehead. Unbeknownst to you, the sweet interaction was caught on camera and has been posted online. People have divided opinions regarding your relationship with Bada but you could hardly care. As long as you love each other, then that's all that matters.
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fishsticksloser · 11 months
Crush Pt 2
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Donnie x gn!reader
Warnings: angst (once again just Donnie's feelings), comfort, fluff, human!reader inferred, swearing, NO TCEST
A/N: The requested part 2. I have so many Donnie requests right now, trying to space them out... I'm gonna go watch the FNAF movie today!!!
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Donnie sits in his lab, fingers strumming against the desk. He stares at the pile of parts you'd managed to find for him. The newest one made his head spin, it could only be found in the Hidden City, this meant you went down to find it for him. You probably had to go to a bunch of places to get one in such good condition.
But you couldn't possibly have a crush on him. His brothers were imagining it.
Leo pointed out that you started wearing purple. Which of course Donnie noticed, but he tried to say that maybe you just liked it. Raph followed up with saying that you hardly ever wore purple before now.
"Its a sign" So Mikey and Leo said.
Donnie wasn't buying it.
Mikey pointed out that you were wearing lighter purples which are associated with with light-hearted, romantic feelings. He also brought attention to the fact that Donnie also started wearing lighter purples. Which Donnie quickly turned attention away from.
⋆。 ゚。☁︎👾。 ゚。⋆
"Why won't you even consider that they might actually have a crush on you?" Leo asks as he lounges in Donnie's lab while he works.
"It's simply out of the question." Donnie answers, as it that was a good enough answer. He looked at his twin for a moment, seeing the look on Leo's face. "I have hardly any redeeming qualities. The ones I do... Probably shouldn't be considered."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Leo sits up and frowns at Donnie. He rolls his chair over to Donnie, ready to give him a talking to. "You realize that you're actually likeable, right? We just joke around about each other."
"Sure, sure." Donnie rolls his eyes and turns back to his work. Unfortunately, Leo managed to keep him from turning, making Donnie face him. Donnie huffs and glares at Leo. "Just like the time you made sure I was taken by bats so I 'didn't ruin another mission'? Or reprogramming Shelldon to prove that my inventions suck?"
"Okay, that last one I admit was a bit far..." Leo sighs, looking at his twin with pleading eyes. "But you're my best friend, my twin. I wouldn't be sitting silently in your lab if I didn't like you, you know how hard it is for me to sit still and be quiet." Donnie smiles a little at Leo's last statement, letting out a weak snort, which makes Leo continue more passionately. "You're the opposite of me. In almost every way, but that's what makes us work. Sure I'm charismatic and insanely attractive... But you're mysterious, stoic, and fucking genius."
"And those are redeeming qualities?" Donnie asks, genuinely wanting to know. Did those things pull you to be attracted to him? Were those qualities really attractive?
"Absolutely!" Leo says, shaking Donnie a little. But then Leo stops to think for a second. "Well... They might think you hate them now."
"What?" Donnie replies, eyes wide. "Why? Did I do something?" He's panicking now. He had to fix this. He had to finally admit that you might maybe have a crush on him.
"You have been pretty... Guarded lately. You've been kind of blunt and mean to them, we've-"
Donnie stands up and rushes out of the lab quickly to resolve the issue. He quickly went to your place, not even knocking. He slipped in through the window, seeing you cooking dinner.
"You think I hate you?" Donnie asks softly, making you jump.
"I should really put a lock on the window..." You laugh anxiously. Donnie frowns at you for avoiding his question. "I didn't think it was out of the question."
"I'm sorry, that was never my intention." He murmurs, moving closer to you. You stare at him, a little shocked. He's apologizing? And sounds sincere? "I've been... Fighting my emotions. I guess I didn't realize I was taking it out on you."
"I don't understand..." You reply, brows furrowed as you look up at him. The look in his eyes is much different, softer than they had been recently.
"My brothers say you have a crush on me?" Donnie asks like he's wanting reassurance, wanting confirmation that these rumors where in fact true. You nod, even more confused. "I've been... Fighting with believing that... And with understanding how I feel about you."
You stare at him still, finally the pieces click. "Oh..." You whisper in realization, adverting your gaze for a moment to collect yourself. "So that's what Leo's text meant..." Donnie cocked his head a little before you showed the text.
Mayday! Donnie is about to explode emotionally!
Donnie rolls his eyes at his brother's text, but then looks at you. "So... What does this mean for us?" He questions quietly.
"I would like to... Figure this out with you, if that's something you'd be interested in."
"Sounds intriguing... I'm in."
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scaracake · 2 months
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'take me home' in which the crusaders take care of you while you're sick! note: completely self-indulgent. fluffy sick comfort ,slight crack ,ooc chara(?) dunno ,reader is jotaro's sister (jotaro is referred to as older but wrote w the idea of them being twins (at least 18)/similar in age... minimal phys desc. so reader can also be seen as adopted LOL) ,heavy polnareff x reader coded ,clingy!sick reader LOL ,reader is short (lol) ,some japanese terms used (written in eng) ,french terms of endearment ,light cursing... i think thats everything lol.. :X i also realized a lil too late iggy isnt in here but i promise u he's in another draft for something else i started i could never forget him!!!!
'why me?'
you crack your eyes open to the sun peeking through the inn's room window. you immediately notice your throat feeling sore, sniffling nose uncomfortably stuffy, and fatigue enveloping your entire body.
why was it so hot?
you kick off the covers, finding your strength to roll over in an attempt to get out a bed, only pausing when you feel a looming headache clouding your senses.
you sit on the edge of the bed, holding your head in your hands for a few minutes in an attempt to seize the pain, even if only slightly. when nothing seems to change, you get up, stumbling a bit from sudden dizziness before deciding to get yourself ready for the day.
should i go wake jotaro to let him know i'm not feeling well?
the thought leaves you quickly, all too aware of the time crunch you all were on, and you weren't about to slow down the journey in favor of you getting better. who knows how long that might take?
so, despite the way you have to hold onto the bedframe to keep your balance as you change, the way your skin feels like its bursting into flames, wincing in pain every time you swallow and the way your head is throbbing in the worst way possible: you persevere.
does the inn sell medicine anywhere? maybe i can buy some before anyone sees me, and then meet up with them in the dining room later. i'm usually one of the last ones, so it shouldn't be too strange...
with this plan in mind, you check yourself one last time in the mirror before stumbling out of your room, shutting the door with a click.
"ah, bonjour, mademoiselle! what a coincidence we're up at the same time, huh?"
polnareff felt so lucky.
were the gods smiling down at him today? had he done something incredibly noteworthy? it didn't look like any of the others were around yet, either.
polnareff getting to spend the morning alone with you????
on the other hand....
you freeze.
'of all times-!'
considering your soft spot for the sweet french man (despite never admitting it, convinced it was one-sided), you hardly wished for him to see you in your current state.
however, you weren't about to turn him away (anyway, its not like you two got much one-on-one time on this hectic journey), and so you decide to face him before mustering up a small smile and a wave.
with or without realizing it, polnareff is absolutely beaming at you, eyes practically filled with hearts and his cheeks flushing a light pink, just from a little greeting? you didn't even speak!
he thinks you look so beautiful, like always, and he's thanking the heavens above for being the first one to see you like this today.
he quickly regains his senses before closing the short distance, standing before you.
his smile is dazzling, and he looks as attractive as always today... you hope your appearance looks presentable enough in this state.
"i was just about to make my way to the dining room, i'm starving! care to accompany me, mon mignon?"
you feel your heart race, as it usually does when he casually calls you by names like that. you still aren't sure why he does, but the crusaders always shoot you a knowing look: when you ask, they don't say anything.
realistically, you could probably say no, sneak away to search for that medicine, and then make your way back to find polnareff in the dining room, munching away at whatever suit his cravings before joining him.
on the other hand, polnareff was strangely attentive to you (something that the other crusaders pointed out more times than not, and that polnareff never once denied but rather avoided the accusation), leaving the possibility of him insisting to accompany you wherever you wished to go, no matter how hungry he might be.
indeed, he'd follow you to the ends of the earth if that was your wish, but you didn't need to know that yet.
so, you're left with simply giving him a small nod, following him sluggishly to the elevator as you allow him to talk your ear off about anything that comes to mind as you try to think of another moment to slip away to attain some medicine.
since it was still early, the elevator was occupied by only you two. polnareff filled the silence as he continued recalling the last enemy stand fight, and how they were "no match" for his chariot.
polnareff was so animated in his storytelling. he hoped he might impress you with recalling how strong his stand was and, by extension, him.
though, he did think you seemed a little quieter than usual today, but chalked it up to you simply still being tired.
you nodded along as he spoke, smiling at his dramatics when the elevator shook slightly. it didn't help your dizzy state, easily losing your balance and falling right into the man in front of you.
without any struggle, he caught you with ease.
"woah! mon ange, are you alright? i didn't expect you to stumble into me like that!" polnareff was holding you so securely yet gently, one hand on your upper left arm just below your shoulders, the other gently against your waist, looking down at you to quickly scan your face.
he couldn't help but take in the details of your face at this proximity, noticing the dazed look in your droopy-looking eyes, your shallow breaths, your flushed face, and was your skin warmer than usual?
your eyes shift up to meet his, bashful at the proximity before giving a curt nod. "sorry.." you mutter, shifting your gaze away from his dazzling eyes, unable to handle the intense eye contact for much longer.
"chérie, are you-"
polnareff is interrupted by the elevator doors as they open for you both.
he quickly releases you, muttering a short apology in his native tongue before stepping out first, turning back to make sure you're following close behind.
still feeling the dizziness, you stumble out after him, subconsciously gripping onto his shirt to keep your balance.
'he's so warm...'
you miss the way the silver-haired man's face practically bursts into flames, red hue matching that of his earrings.
"sorry.. i'm still a little dizzy.... don't leave me behind, you walk too fast.."
. . .
'how can someone be this cute?!?!??!'
aside from the fact that polnareff's heart feels like its about to burst, he can't help but notice the fact that 1) he wasn't walking any faster than he normally did, it was actually you that seemed to be walking slower, and 2) he couldn't tell from the brief responses you gave before, but now, he was sure your voice sounded different than usual.
(additionally, he thought, there was no way in hell he'd ever leave you behind anywhere, accident or not. was that really something you were worried about?)
somehow, he slips the hand that was gripping his top into his own, giving it a firm squeeze before offering a triumphant look back to you.
"i-in that case, don't you think this is better, mon ange? th-this way, there's no way you'll be separated from me on the way to the dining room, right?"
you hum, satisfied. his hand is so warm.
he turns towards the direction of the dining room, hiding his red face, hoping his hand doesn't start to sweat as he begins to guide you.
"w-well then, let's go get some food!"
no sooner than later, you both arrived to the dining room, finding a table for six to wait at until the rest of the crusaders came down to join you.
"hmmm, it looks like the others aren't down yet. ah, let me get that for you, mon cœur."
polnareff releases your hand in favor of pulling out your chair for you, pushing it in once you're comfortable before taking the seat to your left.
he orders waters for you both to start before you have his full attention.
even the short trip from the room a couple of stories up to the dining room felt tiring, and you took this moment to momentarily shut your eyes and rest in your seat.
polnareff notices your head hanging slightly, as if it's too heavy for you to hold up yourself.
"here, y-you can rest on me," he practically whispers.
he scoots his chair closer to yours, reaching out a hand behind your head, hesitating for a moment in case you decide to pull away before gently leaning you onto his shoulder.
"are you feeling alright today, mon mignon?"
his voice comes out much softer than his usual loud tone that you almost think you only imagined his concern.
you crack open your eyes to meet his, polnareff's face holding pure concern for you.
"mhm," you nod with a hum.
polnareff gives you a hard look, obviously unconvinced. you quickly grow shy under his stare, gaze shifting to your lap.
"you know, you're a pretty bad liar, m'amour~"
despite his words, he says this fondly, resting his chin in his hand, his gaze never leaving you.
you don't answer, fidgeting with your hands.
"let's see.."
he begins reaching the back of his hand out towards your forehead in an attempt to check your temperature when a voice interrupts the moment.
"goodmorning polnareff, y/n-san."
polnareff recoils his hand as kakyoin makes his way to join you two at the table.
damn.. he thought you two would have some more time together.
you look up, smiling at kakyoin, sparing a small wave before closing your eyes once again.
kakyoin takes the seat to your right, raising an eyebrow at your arrangement before shooting a smirk towards the now-blushing french man.
"oh? polnareff... didn't expect you to be so bold."
"a-ah! kakyoin," his gaze shoots around the room, quickly thinking up an excuse at kakyoin's knowing stare. "doesn't the mademoiselle seem out of it today?"
despite the bluntness of polnareff's words, upon closer inspection, kakyoin concludes that you do seem to be less energetic than usual, as you're visibly very fatigued.
"is y/n-chan not just tired? it is quite early for them, isn't it?"
polnareff is quick to refute, having taken a closer look at you himself.
"goodmorning you three, you're up early!"
joseph's voice rings out to you three, avdol and jotaro in tow behind him.
kakyoin gestures at you with his eyes before shifting them to the group and back, silently telling polnareff to do something before jotaro or joseph see.
polnareff is quick to gently move your head from his shoulder to the back of your chair, seemingly before anyone else sees.
avdol and jotaro greet you three before they take their seats while joseph comes up behind your chair, beaming down at you before beginning to pat your head.
you wince at the unexpected contact before realizing who it was, quickly sinking into the familiar feeling.
"goodmorning my beautiful granddaughter! did you sleep well? you're up early today, aren't you?"
without opening your eyes, you greet him back with a short "morning, jii-san," still feeling dazed.
"did you order anything yet? you can get anything you like, however much you like, you know?"
his favoritism is really showing.... was the shared thought between the crusaders at joseph's usual cooing.
"sit down already, old man," jotaro scolds, arms folded across his chest.
joseph huffs out a breath before he retracts his hand, making his way to the last seat between kakyoin and jotaro.
polnareff opens his mouth to speak only to be interrupted once more by a waitress coming by to take everyone's orders.
maybe it's best to bring it up later.. i'll just keep an eye on her for now polnareff thought to himself.
once she leaves, everyone engages in small talk, occasionally asking you something or trying to bring you into the conversation.
as much as you usually enjoy chatting with everyone, you're much too distracted. your skin is hot to the touch, yet the dining room is somehow so cold, you keep taking sips of your water in hopes of it soothing your throat, and your head is throbbing, entire body almost begging you to just get back into bed.
because of this, your answers come out short, or you seem to space out of the conversations.
this isn't something that the crusaders don't take notice to, but most chalk it up to you still being sleepy, and simply decide to leave you be.
'she doesn't seem to be looking any better...' polnareff frowns at your state, fighting an internal battle trying to decide if he should inquire about your health here and now, or if he was simply overthinking it.
as you're resting, you unconsciously shiver, something your brother jotaro doesn't fail to notice amongst the chatter and laughter at the table.
he mutters his signature "good grief" before standing up to toss his jacket over you before promptly returning to his seat.
you jump at the sudden weight, looking straight across the table at your brother right as he retakes his seat.
you mouth a quick "thank you, nii-chan" readjusting the oversized jacket comfortably, only now realizing how you were shivering.
jotaro only clicks his tongue in return.
despite this, he keeps his attention on you, having sensed something being off with you from the moment he saw you.
(not to mention polnareff's inability to keep his eyes off of you for ten seconds at a time. even if that was the usual case with him, something was different about it this time, like he was concerned about something. as your big brother, he decided to watch you for the time being).
polnareff watched the exchange, wishing he had a jacket that he could wrap around you. he would've loved to wrap his arms around you instead, but no way was he about to do that in front of everyone, much less in front of joseph and jotaro, lest he be restrained by hermit purple and pummeled half to death by star platinum.
. . .
yeah, absolutely not.
just as he shudders at the thought the meals arrive.
"ah, that looks good! bon appetit~"
you nod, picking up your utensils, hoping that having something in your system will improve your state in some way.
"y/n-chan, are you not feeling hungry today?"
avdol's inquiry catches the crusader's attention, everyone's eyes shifting to your half-full plate.
you take a peek at everyone else's plates, either empty or almost there, before shaking your head, reaching for your water cup to down the rest of it.
you couldn't bring yourself to eat much more than a couple of bites, only trying for more as to not worry everyone (though, you usually loved to eat to your heart's content, so even seeing you only eat so much has them concerned, something you didn't consider. who knew they were so attentive towards you?)
you pull jotaro's jacket tighter around you. all you want is to lie down in the thick comforter of the inn bed once more, go back to sleep, and hope that that's the remedy for your annoying sickness.
speaking of, even after eating, you don't feel any better. your headache is still ongoing, dizziness lingering so much so that the room is lightly spinning, your throat hurts no matter how much water you've had, and despite your brother's jacket, you still feel so damn cold!
unbeknownst to you, jotaro and polnareff give you a concerned look, noting how cold you seem to be despite being wrapped in such a large jacket. were you breaking out in a cold sweat?
joseph stares at your unfinished plate for a few lingering moments, humming in thought before speaking up.
"well, if everyone's finished, let's get going shall we?"
as everyone begins to get up from their seats, polnareff is quick to get your chair for you again, holding a hand out for you to take.
"allow me, mademoiselle~"
you crack a smile at his antics, standing up before the lingering dizziness takes over completely. the noise around you begins to merge until it fades to nothing at all, and the next thing you know, you're flush against something warm, your consciousness slowly slipping away.
"woah! y-y/n? Y/N! hey, she passed out!!!!"
even through his panic, polnareff acts quickly, catching your now limp body, cradling you securely against his chest.
at polnareff's cries, the rest of the crusaders quickly shift their attention to you two, everyone quickly growing alarmed at your sudden unconscious state.
"damn! you really were... you idiot..." mutters jotaro as he quickly makes his way over.
"OH MY GOD-! is she okay??? what happened?? was it something she ate? why didn't she say anything?!??"
no one can keep up with joseph's questions as he checks over you for himself, frustrated and panicked at the same time.
polnareff shifts you in his hold, bringing the back of his hand up to your forehead.
"damn, she's burning up! she really is sick..."
"what should we do, joestar-san? is there anyway i can help?" kakyoin is quick to offer his services in whatever way he can.
"jotaro, kakyoin, go find some place to get medicine for her. avdol, polnareff, take her back to one of the rooms, there's still time until we have to check out. i'll try to get ahold of one of the doctor's to ensure it's nothing serious."
"right. let's go, kakyoin," jotaro gestured to said man, walking off in the direction of the pharmacy.
"we'll be back soon!" kakyoin called, following right beside him.
"come on polnareff, we should get her into bed as soon as possible so she may rest."
"take care of her... she's my precious granddaughter!"
even though joseph meant this in a serious way, it still somehow managed to come out in a sulking manner.
"we promise we will, joestar-san," avdol assured. "let's go, polnareff!"
"i swear i will," polnareff nodded, serious expression on his face before he made his way to the elevator with avdol.
polnareff kept hold of you close to his chest, heart pounding in anticipation for the elevator to arrive at the correct floor.
"did she tell you she wasn't feeling well, polnareff?" avdol broke the silence.
polnareff looked up, a guilty expression on his face. "she didn't.. but she did seem off today. i guessed she maybe wasn't feeling well at the table, but i didn't say anything..." he trailed off, regretful.
"perhaps she did not want us to worry, though, her actions were in vain, considering how everyone is scattered like rats now," avdol offered a smile to polnareff.
"so don't beat yourself up over it. i doubt she wanted to look weak, especially in front of you."
polnareff's face tinted pink, eyebrows raising in surprise. "hey, what do you mea-"
"come now, let's get her to the room, shall we?"
avdol steps out first, polnareff following close after, sparing a look at you in his arms.
'please be okay, y/n....'
"..doesn't seem to be serious.... weather change...."
"what a relief......"
"joestar-san, we found medicine!"
"hey, dont wake her-!"
"good grief..."
you stirred from your slumber, cracking your eyes open to see polnareff's worried expression focused on you.
he stood from where he was sat beside the bed, expression immediately brightening.
"hey, she's awake!"
you sit up slightly in your spot, taking a look around the room to see the rest of the crusaders seated around the bed you're resting in.
"ahhh, goodmorning again! it really was too early of a morning for you, hm?" joseph jokes, reaching a hand out to pat your head once more.
jotaro adjusted his hat, giving you a pointed look.
"geez, you're such a troublemaker, you know that? why didn't you just say something... dumbass."
"jotaro! be nice to your sister!"
"i'm sorry for worrying you all-" a short coughing fit interrupts your words, causing polnareff to gently pat your back to help you until it stops.
"i didn't want to hold us back, and i thought it wasn't that serious. i'm really sorry..."
the apology comes out as almost a whisper considering your sore throat, but it's enough to melt everyone's hearts as they're quick to forgive you.
"good grief..." jotaro mutters.
"don't listen to him, he was the most worried, you know?" joseph teases, continuing his patting.
"says you, old man. you're the one that was barking out demands at everyone, pestering the doctor just trying to do their job."
joseph retracts his hand in favor of pointing it at jotaro.
"why you-!"
you laugh at their bickering before kakyoin intervenes, attention completely on you.
"y/n-chan, it's such a relief you're alright. here, we have some medicine for you. it's supposed to work quite quick, and since you've already eaten something, i recommend you take it right away!"
you nod, thanking him sincerely.
you just begin to realize that you're no longer in jotaro's jacket (as he's wearing it once again), but that you're still incredibly warm before avdol quickly pipes up.
"are you warm enough? i had magician's red warm the blankets for you since you were shivering so much in your sleep."
you nod, thanking him too, before shifting your attention back to polnareff, who had retaken his seat: the one closest to you.
"you really worried me, you know? of course, it's a knight's job to protect the princess, but i didn't expect you to collapse into my arms like that! give a guy a warning next time, will you??"
despite his teasing, his eyes are darting around, and you can see what you think is a hint of a blush covering his cheeks- you're sure your own face is flushed by his words.
you're not sure if it's because of his heartfelt words, his bashful expression, or your sick-dazen state (maybe all of the above) but you reach out your arms to hug his left arm that's closest to you.
"Y-Y/N- wha- that's-"
"'m sorry, jean.... didn't mean to scare you so much..." you mutter, practically nuzzling into his arm, disregarding the others in the room.
his heart feels like its running a hundred miles a minute, and he doesn't think he'll ever get over how his name sounds spoken from your lips (even with your cracked voice).
as much as he loves you clinging to him like this, he can't help but fear for his life when jotaro and joseph are in the same room with him.
"h-he-hey! you must reaaaally be out of it. ka-kakyoin give her- hey, quit laughing! gi-give her the medicine, will you??!"
kakyoin stifles his laughter, quickly handing him a small plastic cup with the orange liquid at the correct measurement.
"here, i've already filled it up for you, y/n-chan. you just have to take it now."
your nose wrinkles at the smell alone, quickly tucking your head back into polnareff's arm and away from the medicine in kakyoin's outstretched hand.
"jeez, you're such a child," jotaro rolls his eyes at your reluctance. "i'll make you drink it if i have to."
joseph takes the cup with a proud "watch this, this always worked on my holly!" before holding it out to you.
"y/n~ if you drink this for jii-san, i'll buy you anything you like, okay?"
you turn back, give the medicine in his hand one single glance before shaking your head, hugging polnareff's arm closer to your chest.
joseph's triumphant smile quickly drops.
"that sure worked like a charm," jotaro jokes.
"hey polnareff, why don't you try offering it to her?"
avdol suggests this with a playful smile on his face, almost as if he knew that it would work, but simply framed the tactic as a suggestion.
polnareff, still flustered, only nods, taking the medicine cup from a (pouting) joseph before lightly shaking his left arm to get your attention.
"come mon ange, i know this medicine doesn't ever taste good, but it's the only way to help you get better," he whispers.
you give a slow nod, and he's confident that he's got you.
"oui oui, that's it. i'll even..." he takes a side glance to the rest of the crusaders, eyes all locked on you two.
"i'll even help you. ready?"
you pick up your head, raising your lips to the small cup. polnareff tilts the liquid into your anticipating mouth, and you squeeze your eyes shut once the flavor hits your tongue.
in no time at all, the cup is empty, and you're reaching for a cup of water that was left at your bedside (something that polnareff left for you when you woke up, ready to ensure you'd be hydrated) which polnareff gets for you, trickling the water into your mouth slowly to ensure nothing would spill.
when you gestured you had enough, polnareff retracted the cup, swiping a thumb over your lips to dry them before placing the cup back on the bedside table.
". . ."
the crusaders almost felt like they had intruded on something that they shouldn't have.
the first one to say something was joseph, who was gawking at the entire exchange.
polnareff jumped at joseph's cry.
"joestar-san, quiet down, she may still have a headache!" kakyoin gently scolds.
"calm down, old man," jotaro states plainly. "she took the medicine, right?"
avdol couldn't hold in his laughter, sending a wink towards polnareff, who quickly looked down at you, seemingly unbothered by your grandfather's antics.
you watch the chaos unfold, grateful to have everyone by your side like this.
"how long are we staying here?" you piped up, causing the commotion to momentarily seize.
joseph checked his watch before speaking up.
"hmm, we still have a couple of hours until we need to check out. take that time to rest up all that you can. by the time we leave, you'll have to take more medicine. if you're still too weak, one of us will have to carry you, alright?"
you nodded, "ok, jii-san."
"oooh that's it. now, you just be a good girl and rest up for the time being, ok?"
you nod again before looking back to polnareff.
"you're going to stay here, right?"
polnareff has always been weak to your charms, but something about you asking him to stay with that wide-eyed dazed look, your cute flushed face, your pursed pink lips-
it makes him almost completely fall at your mercy.
"of c-"
"hmm? will you, polnareff? are you sure you don't have anything more important to do? i'm completely capable of-"
"oh shut it, old man. she wants him to stay, he'll stay. i'll drag you out of here myself if i have to."
"JOTARO! you can't be serious!!! you're really okay with this???!"
"it doesn't matter to me," he trails off.
"but jotaro-!"
you're still looking up at polnareff expectantly, and he can't bare the thought of saying no to you.
"o-of course i'll stay. if that's what you want..." he replies bashfully.
he looks back to see both joseph and jotaro giving him a hard look.
did he say something wrong?!??!
"no funny business, yeah? she's sick-"
"what do you take me for?!??!"
"just make sure she's okay... let us know of any changes," jotaro says, giving polnareff a stern look. "that's my sister, ya know? wouldn't want anything unfortunate happening to the brat."
"of course, i'll let you know right away!" polnareff says a little louder than intended, hoping to earn both men's trust.
why do you have to have such scary relatives, mon coeur?!?!?
joseph lets out one last grunt before he steps out of the room, jotaro following after him.
"we'll be taking our leave to. i'll come back to check on her later, but if you need anything, i'll get it for you."
"kakyoin! you're the best, i appreciate it, really!"
kakyoin smiles before stepping out, back to his and jotaro's shared room.
avdol smiles knowingly at polnareff before speaking up.
"i almost thought i was watching a romance movie, with the way you fed her there."
he chuckles, standing up and making his way out of the room.
"if she's cold again, let me know, and i'll bring out magician's red again. though, she seems... quite cozy for now, so i'm not too sure that will be necessary," he winks.
"see you lovebirds later," he waves before closing the door.
polnareff let's out a sigh, looking down at you, already having dozed off, still clutching onto his arm.
'what am i going to do with you, mon trésor?'
later, when it's finally time to check out, you're lightly shaken awake to get your next dose of medicine before polnareff offers you a ride on his back, gently settling you before you rest once more. because of this, you miss the way he's blushing hard, all too aware of your soft, warm body so close to his, and you miss the looks that your brother and joseph shoot at him, ensuring that he's holding you securely. the crusaders talk about their next stop while polnareff is lost in his thoughts.
he decides that, once you're feeling better, he ought to be honest with you and confess his feelings properly. for now, he'll continue to do everything that he can to help you feel better, and to keep you extra safe until then.
a/n: omg i actually wrote something lol.... wanted to write something w polnareff for awhile n i was sick recently so in that state i wrote this up LOL.... feel like i don't see a surplus off jjba x reader on here ,so i also wanted to write something myself hehe... hopefully it came out well? i was originally just gonna do short hc's but then this happened.... editing this drove me insane LOL. tbh im only on pt4 of jojos ,but still hoping to write more in the future :P my only concern is the french petnames.... i searched up a list for ideas but from my memory, i remember the mon/ma but the list i found only had "mon" for some pet names n both options for the other ,so that's why there's both. otherwise, i hope it came out well n if anyone reads it ,thanks lol~
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lif3lessb0dy · 2 months
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₊˚⊹ ೀ rafayel
╰┈➤ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ headcanon; rafayel bumped into you in the city, your first meeting with him
cw; swearing at the end, sweet but sassy Rafayel, fight with wanderer, you got a free coffee because you're a hero lmao
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mc is your childhood friend, you both decided to become Hunters and went through all of it together
you met rafayel first, by accident he ran into you while you were carrying cups of coffee for you and your partner from work
„yea, sure” you smiled, no one knew better than you how it feels to be clumsy.
„oh, sorry!” he widened his eyes, he almost looked as he tried to hide from something „Can... Can I buy it back for you?” he leaned down to pick up the paper cups from the ground.
the man glanced behind you and quickly hid behind a street lamp, which, unfortunately, didn't cover him at all. you chuckled a little
„are you hiding from someone?”
„those people” he pointed at some journalists. „I'll go to this cafe and buy you coffee, sorry about that but you need to be more careful too”
you were kinda speechless and he smiled as he saw your reaction. you both walked in the cafe
„i didn't even know your name, I'm (y/n)” you reached out your hand
„right” he nodded and squeezed your hand gently. „I'm Rafayel, you're a Hunter, right?”
you ordered new coffees that Rafayel was supposed to buy back for you, but to be honest you felt kinda nervous about the fact that he wanted to do this. I mean, he's just a random guy, he could just yell at you that this was your fault but he didn't. well, maybe he teased you that you could be more careful but it wasn't in mean way.
„yup, I am. wait, you're the painter?” you realized that you know this name. „My friend just went to find you and ask you about some paint” I laughed because of this whole situation „but it looks like I found you first”
Rafayel was surprised, he just ran away from curious journalists. he let out a sigh.
„what's the matter? are you a fan of my works?” again he teased you with a sly smile
„you do a good job but that's not about it, we need to know more about some pigment...” basically you told him this whole story while waiting for coffee.
after that he started to give you some information, you were just about to leave cafe when someone screamed with panic. you knew something was off. wanderers.
„fuck, looks like today we won't have coffee” you said as you placed cups back on the table and ran outside.
rafayel was after you, you didn't even notice him until Wanderer attacked someone behind your back. you quickly blocked its stroke as you appeared in front of raf.
well, he was impressed
to be honest you didn't need to protect him from this attack because he knew it was coming and was prepared
but that was sweet of you
nah, he didn't think that, nope
as soon as you defeated wanderer with Rafayel's help you came back for your coffies (The barista said that for your merit you get it for free today)
„maybe you want to be my bodyguard cuz I need to go for my new pigments because of the problem with that one and I'm a fragile artist... look! my hand! after today I couldn't hold a brush” he theatrically put his hand to his forehead almost as if this hand was about to fall off. „and it's a very dangerous journey, you should agree to this as a kind of payment for bumping into me earlier and me spilling your coffees. and after you would help me with this I can give you whole information about this coral shit, deal?”
„what? It was because of your carelessness that you bumped into me!” you said but you knew that this wasn't 100% true, you were not careful enough too. but you won't admit that now. you kinda hadn't a choice, you needed to know more about this paint and if you needed to be his bodyguard to do this, well, you just needed to agree. You sighed.
„I think I know your answer” he smiled and simply turned around, walking a few steps away before speaking again: „see ya later, consider this (y/n)”
you really didn't know what happened. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?
you grabbed coffee and headed straight to the place you were supposed to meet with your workmate. you weren't really paying attention to his words, in your mind you still had this unexpected meeting with Rafayel and how much he made you curious about him
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lilhealthybean · 3 months
“The truth is, I came to this place every single day and ordered the only cake I dislike because I’m into you.”
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Tags: nanami :))
Notes: jjk angst as always
“You should stop doing this, it’s scary,” Hana said. “Just tell him you like him.”
You frowned and shook your head. She sighed and continued cleaning the tables.
Did you really scare her? You knew Hana said it to tease you, considering you've been working together in that bakery for years. Maybe she was right.
Maybe you should stop preparing his order and wait for him to appear at the door, like an impatient puppy waiting for their owner.
You gazed at the clock. It was already 12:00. He must have appeared within this minute.
"Good morning," Nanami said as he entered the room, causing your heart to skip a beat.
“Hi Nanami-san! How is your work going?“ you asked him.
Nanami simply smiled at you.
“It could be better... Can you give me the same thing as always?” You nodded happily and pretended you were doing it, when in reality, you had done it five minutes before his arrival.
After a few more minutes of pretending, you carefully closed the box, tied it with a small yet cute ribbon, and offered it to him.
"You didn't have to prepare it so nicely. I'll eat it on my way to work," Nanami said in a monotonous voice.
It took you a while to realize that this was his way of taking care of you, and it wasn't a critique.
“Don’t lie, Nanamin. You hate cheesecake so much,” you turned towards the source of the voice, almost choking when you found the owner to be as attractive as the voice.
Where are all these cute guys coming from?
Nanami just adjusted his glasses, embarrassed.
“Why would Nanami buy cheesecake if he dislikes it?” you asked with a curious expression and feeling guilty for recommending him that dessert the first time he appeared at the bakery.
The white-haired guy approached both of you and leaned in closer.
“Maybe because he finds something else attractive,” he answered with a smirk, lowering his sunglasses to focus his gaze on you. “Or maybe someone else.”
Nanami sighed and gestured to the new guy.
“Gojo, that's enough," the blonde guy declared. "Get out.
The man named Gojo complied and left the area. Now it was just the two of you and him; with Hana eavesdropping while pretending to tidy up.
“The truth is, I came to this place every single day and ordered the only cake I dislike because I’m into you.” You were on the verge of fainting when you heard his confession.
Was life really smiling at you? Impossible.
Yet since that day, you began hanging out and having dates with Nanami, it doesn't seem so impossible.
Everything was going well; after a month, he asked you to be his girlfriend. After six months, both moved into a comfortable and humble apartment. Two years later, he proposed marriage to you.
As the lovebirds you were, the moment you agreed to his proposal, the preparations for the wedding started.
However, not everything was smooth. Your relationship was in danger the moment he revealed his real job. At first, you thought he was joking.
After he lent you some magic glasses, you realized he was more serious than ever. Entering into the sorcery world wasn’t easy for you, nor was it for your relationship. How could you cope with the feeling of him leaving every morning without knowing he could get hurt?
It was agonizing to wait for him every single day, but he had a strict routine, so he always arrived in time for dinner.
“I'm leaving the sorcery life. I applied for a job at a company and they accepted me," you dropped the pen, surprised by the bomb he just dropped. "The pay is going to be less, but this change will improve our quality of life.
Your vision started to get blurred.
Does that mean you no longer have to wait for him on those lonely nights? You won’t have to fake that morning smile anymore, pretending not to worry about him all day? Could you finally move to another place and read books together until you grow older?
“I thought you were going to get happier. I can still work as a sorcerer if that's what you want,” Nanami said as he noticed tears falling. You shook your head violently.
“It's just... I didn't expect that type of news, not a month before our wedding. I thought the good news were over for me in this year. There has been too much luck," you admitted, covering your face as a method to hide your tears. "I am happy, I really am."
“Don't hide yourself. You are gorgeous even when you cried.
He kissed you on the head, patting you softly, and smiling. Nanami only wanted the best for you, even if he preferred to work as a sorcerer, he knew you weren’t having it. Thus, the change of job.
“Although... they won't let me quit until next month. Sorry, but I will still be a sorcerer until November 1st.
“It's okay, just one more week. I can handle it.”
Little did you know that within that week you would lose him in the Shibuya incident. Your whole life fell apart, how couldn’t it?
You somehow expected it, noticing how he didn't show up for dinner on Halloween, and how you waited for him until sunrise with no sign of his arrival.
However, you were still delusional that he would appear the next morning. When the bell rang, you ran towards the door only to find one of Nanami’s companions holding a big envelope containing some papers and keys.
It took you just seconds to realize what those keys were. They were your wedding gift.
Not only did Nanami give up the career he loves to buy a house for both of you to spend your lives together, but he bought them in Malaysia, one of your favorite places.
That is why you find yourself at the beach, calmly sitting in front of your house, reading one of the many books he bought for you, with a piece of cheesecake waiting for him on the small table.
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thepenguinwriter · 3 months
I was wondering if you're okay writing an Angel Dust. M!Reader. More specifically Drag Angel Dust. I haven't seen anyone make these before so this is an original idea. A one-shot if perfect, but you can do whatever you want. You can do this as smut or fluff, it doesn't matter! Have a great rest of your day!!
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`` 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥? ```
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╰┈➤✮ 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠!𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐃𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐱 𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
╰┈➤✮ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 - 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐟𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐟𝐮𝐥, 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝.
╰┈➤✮ 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 - 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠!𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥, 𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐕𝐚𝐥
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You were sprawled out on the couch of your shared hotel room with your boyfriend, Angel Dust. You scrolled trough your phone mindlessly, listening to the spider demon rambling on about makeup. You weren't exactly knowledgeable in fashion, that was usually left up to your darling, so it all sounded like gibberish.
"..and this new primer I got, ugh, I love it! But seriously, I need to buy some new brushes soon, 'cuz.. hey, are you even listenin'?"
You turned your gaze to see your boyfriend staring at you with a questioning, and perhaps offended look in his eyes. You sighed and sat up straighter. "I am, but honestly, babe, I don't have a clue what you're talking about."
Angel rolled his eyes, adding a few finishing touches to his makeup look before standing up and walking over to his comically large closet. "What outfit do ya think I should go for?"
"I dunno." You shrugged, going back to scrolling trough Sinstagram.
"Gee, ya could atleast be a little helpful," The spider said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He went on to dig trough his wardrobe.
Finally deciding to actually help, you put your phone away and leaned against the arm of the couch. "Don't you usually make an outfit for each show?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, but Val didn't tell me 'bout this shit 'til it was too late," Angel replied, scrunching up his face in anger at his mention of his boss.
You lent a sympathetic look to your partner. "Just pick something pink and shiny, that usually works."
"Doll, how many pink and shiny outfits do ya think I have?"
"Way too many?"
The spider demon nodded and turned back to his closet with a sigh.
You pondered on the couch, a silence filling the hotel room. The only sound was Angel rummaging trough his clothes, and your finger tapping onto the material the couch was made of.
Eventually, you came to a conclusion.
"..go for something hot and sexy. Everyone likes that. Like.. black and pink. Revealing. That stuff."
Your boyfriend seemed to consider the option. Then, as if in realization, he turned back to you.
"...You just wanna see me in that outfit because ya think it's hot, huh?"
You grinned. "Maybe."
Angel smiled and pulled out the exact outfit you described, making your eyes light up. "Alright handsome, ya get what you want."
"Yes!" You jumped up from the couch, going over to kiss him. "You're the sweetest, baby."
"Don't mention it, hot stuff." He smiled, kissing you back. "You'll get to have me all to yourself after the show."
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A/N: Angel!! I always love writing for him. I hope the oneshot was worth the wait :,D thank you for your request!!
Divider by: @rookthornesartistry
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clone-whore-99 · 11 months
Perfect Stranger
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Hunter x f! Reader
18+ minors gtfo
Warnings: SMUTTY MCSMUTTERSON! unsafe consumption of alcohol, one night stand, morning sex, 69ing, oral (both receiving), overstimulation, fingering, doing the deed with strangers, not beta or proof read. LMK if I missed any (✿◡‿◡)
Summary: Waking up next to stranger leads to a series of pleasurable events.
Authors note: Turns out Hunter is my comfort character and nothing gets me back into writing like the death of a loved one. Those were things I wish I didn't have to learn like this, but at least my pain can be your gain ❤
Also please like, reblog and maybe even comment if you enjoy this, it really means a lot to me 🥺👉👈
If you want to, you can also help me by buying me a coffee ❤
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The galaxy. Vast. Big. Dangerous.
But not at this moment. At this moment, you were safe and secure.
Which was odd, considering you were a single woman living alone, and yet there was an arm draped around your waist and a heart beating beneath your head.
The last rotation was a complete blur to you, only a few flashes of memories appearing before you, then disappearing just as quickly.
Slowly you opened your eyes and once the focus had set in, you were met with a sight to behold. Rock hard abs, as if they had been sculpted in marble just for you to see. And from them was this trail of short trimmed hair, urging your gaze to follow it lower. Only to be cut off by a pair of tights, holding on for dear life, low on the strangers’ hips.
That’s when you realized the shirt you were wearing must've been the strangers as well. It was matching in color and seemingly in texture too. It didn’t feel like anything had happened the night before, but maybe you had just been too drunk to realize. Though if that had been the case, you probably wouldn’t feel so safe in his arms. But you did.
Curiosity finally getting the best of you, you slowly - careful as to not wake the stranger - managed to turn your whole body around, so you were now facing him. 
You were still for a moment, waiting to see if you had disturbed his slumber. But his low snoring and calm heartbeat continued, proving success in your quest. 
His other hand was prepped behind his head, the shy morning sun barely peeking through the window, highlighting his features in an almost perfectly picturesque way.
His arms were muscular and led towards these broad, strong shoulders that looked like they were made to hold the weight of worlds on them. Just like his abs, his jaw looked like it had been hand sculpted and around it hung this beautiful, dark curly hair, held back by a bandana. 
Weird, you thought, sleeping with a bandana on. Though it seemed like sleep had probably taken him by surprise.
The bandana had a skull painted on it and right underneath that skull, was half of the man's face tattooed.
Delicately, you let a finger trace the tattoo, starting from the bandana down. The tattoo avoided his eyebrow, but covered his eyelid which could not have been a pleasant feeling. It avoided his nose and a big part of his cheek, much like a skull in itself. 
Your finger followed it all the way to where it met, at the edge of his lip in the shape of teeth. His lips curled into a smirk underneath your soft pad. He was awake. 
This didn’t stop you though, as you continued your tracing towards the middle of his lips, which then perked up into a kiss.
You let your hand fall back down to rest on his chest. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
The man let out a huff, though his smirk persisted. “It was bound to happen,” he replied nonchalantly, his voice deep and raspy, sending a thrill straight towards your core.
The strangers’ eyelids were twitching, as if debating whether or not they should face the day or stay in the comfortable darkness. 
“Did we…”
“No.” His answer was blunt, not even allowing you to finish the thought. “I’m not really into drunk people.” He then added with a devilish smirk.
“Then how come you’re here?” The words escaped your mouth before you had even thought them through.
His eyes opened just enough for him to see you, dark and caring. “Guess you really achieved your objective, huh. You went to the bar last night, put down a bunch of credits, claiming you wanted to forget. Never specified what though.” His hand began stroking your back, sensual in nature but with a hint of trying to map out your body with just his touch. “By the time it closed, you were a wreck. I helped you home, get clean and put you to bed. I was about to leave when you began whimpering and turning onto your back, so I decided to stay the night to make sure you’d make it through. Guess I fell asleep along the way, though.”
Heat rose in your body, fuzziness tickling your insides and forcing your lips into a smile. It was easy for him to lie to you, but his words rung truth within you. You meekly - yet sincerely - thanked him and silence fell over the two of you again.
His hand continued its disguised mapping of your body, while your finger began tracing the tattooed ribs on his chest.
Somehow the tracing turned into kissing, at first just one, but when there was no protest, several more. And when the tattoo ended, the kissing continued onto his abs, then hips and down the trail of hair, all the way to the band of the tights, which was now restraining a bulge.
The stranger wasn’t exactly innocent either, as you reached further down, so did his hand. From your back to your hips, down your thigh and up again, until it could grab a handful of ass.
You glanced back at him, wordlessly asking for permission to continue. 
He responded by grabbing your hips and pulling you over him, so you had a knee on each side of his head.
As you freed his cock from its restraints, he pulled your panties to the side to get a better view. He mumbled something under his breath, you couldn’t hear what but it sounded like admiration. 
You were also guilty in taking a moment to admire the sight before you. His cock stood tall, average in height though far from the same could be said about the girth. Your mouth began salivating, your walls clenching around nothing, which the stranger evidently noticed with a chuckle. The thought of having him inside you was almost enough to drive you crazy.
Like a starved person, you licked all the way from the base to the head, before engulfing your mouth around his cock.
The stranger hissed at the sensation, straining his hips not to thrust up into you. His approach was far less aggressive and more like he was studying your sex and seemingly relishing the scent of your arousal, though you could be mistaken.
After what felt like an eternity of him just staring at your most private parts, fingers every now and then ghosting over where you wanted the most contact, his tongue finally pressed onto your sensitive bud.
At first it was just small, careful licks. Then his lips closed around your clit and began to switch between licking and sucking. You moaned into his cock and he returned the favor, the sound vibrating through your body.  
You couldn’t even close your hand fully around the base of his cock, though you did your best while pumping up into your mouth. You kept switching between licking, sucking and slurping on the now messy mixture of precum and spit.
Once confident enough, you let go of his base to fondle the balls instead. Relaxing your throat, you took in all of him, hollowed your cheeks and swallowed.
The strangers head back with a groan, abandoning your sex in the process. “Kriff, I - ah - won’t lassssth,” he muttered barely apprehensible. His hands grabbed onto your thighs for dear life.
You didn’t care that he had stopped on his end. The pleads, moanings and groans were more than enough to satisfy you. You continued, feeling his balls tightening in your hands with each little movement you made.
It didn’t take long before hot, creamy ribbons shot down your throat, as you swallowed around his cock. The stranger had probably thought that was the end of it, but you were feeling mischievous and continued sucking, overstimulating the poor guy. 
His hands were now holding you in a bruising grip, his moans sporadic and desperate. But when he let out a weak “w-wait!” you stopped and glanced back at him.
In less than a second, your world was turned upside down - literally. You knew the man was strong - I mean, just look at him - but you had never imagined that he could so easily just grab you, pick you up and spin you around, so that now you were lying in his place and he was on top of you.
It had all happened so quickly, you barely realized it before he was taking off your panties completely. 
“Oh, and by the way Y/N” He said with a smug look while patting the inside of your thigh. “The name you’re gonna be moaning is Hunter.”
That was a challenge and a promise.
His attack was relentless. If you had thought his careful exploring earlier was due to inexperience, you’d be sorely mistaken. He started with a couple of broad strokes of his tongue, from your entrance to your clit, before diving into you. His tongue was exploring your insides, slurping in all you gave him. Meanwhile he was expertly using his nose to tease your clit, building your orgasm in no time.
You were helpless in his hands. Your body squirmed under the sudden attack, but his grip was holding the most important part still. Your moans grew louder and more desperate, though you kept stopping yourself right before saying his name - you weren’t going to lose the challenge that easily.
Your fingers slid through his luxurious locks, gripping anything they could get a hold of in an attempt to ground yourself. It didn’t work.
Your back arched into the bed, as the coil in your stomach snapped and waves of pleasure washed over you. A string of incoherent words escaped your lips and if the stranger - Hunter - hadn’t held you in place, you would probably have ascended to the stars.
He ate up everything you gave and then some. Your whole body was shaking as it came down from the orgasm, but he wasn’t relenting. No, he wanted revenge from you overstimulating him, he wanted you to moan his name and he was going to get it.
Hunter moved the attention back to your clit, sucking and licking the now oversensitive bud. He prodded one finger inside you, quickly adding another when he realized there was space. They seemed to be searching your insides, until he found that hard to reach spot inside you.
“Hunter!” You gasped, back instantly arching into the bed once more. You felt the smirk on his lips, as his gaze raised to meet yours. It was hungry, mischievous and victorious.
While remaining eye contact, he added a third finger, filling and stretching you more than you thought possible. All the while, his tongue continued its expert work.
You held eye contact for as long as possible, but had to give up, as each thrust and stroke of his fingers coerced a second orgasm to come forth.
“Hu-Hunter,” You moaned, by now having completely given up all control of the situation. “I can’t.” 
This seemed to finally stop the oral attack on your sex, though the fingers continued their hard work. “You can, Y/N. I know you can. Do it, for me, cum for me.” His voice was deep and raspy, encouraging yet commanding. How could you ever deny him his wish?
Hunter returned to his work on your clit, the small break from the stimulation and then having it instantly revived was what finally sent you over the edge.
His name was on your lips like a chant, your vision blurring as tears pricked your eyes, your walls squeezing around his fingers while the rest of you was spasming from the orgasm. His free hand was making sure you weren’t hurting yourself or him in the process, but had given up on keeping you in place. He had won and was now letting you ride out the high.
When you finally returned to this plane of existence, Hunter was sitting up, caressing your thigh and looking at you with such admiration. His hair was hanging loose around his face, making you realize you pulled off the bandana during the act. Half of his face and upper chest was glistening in your juices.
He was beautiful.
“Think you can handle one more round?” He asked, once you had managed to catch your breath again. His eyes quickly darted downwards before returning to you, urging you to follow their destination. 
And right there was his weeping cock, standing at attention and ready for action. 
You looked back up at him, quirking up an eyebrow as you challenged: “Do you?”
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Dividers by: @djarrex and unknown
Taglist: @zoeykallus @rain-on-kamino @ashotofspotchka @chxpsi @maulsrightleg @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @wildmoonflower @nunanuggets @lokigirlszendaya @wholesuhmsstuff @pb-jellybeans @dangracoon
(LMK if you want to be added to the tag list (✿◡‿◡))
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modelbus · 8 months
I've been in the worst writing slump... so I've defaulted to Kaz Brekker (oops). This didn't get as far as I wanted it to, but it's about 2k words!
Be warned: This contains death (murder), kidnapping, violence, skin trading, mentioned sex work, human trafficking (called "the skin trade" in here), weaponry, and I think that's it!
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Gn!Reader
Tricked Target
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Time is as good as the kruge in your pockets in the Barrel. You know this well, considering you have little of both; money and time. Or perhaps you have too much time. It simply depends on how one sees it, you suppose.
Someone might take you pouring over papers on a desk as a waste of time. See the mahogany wood, stained dark, and curl their lips as the sheer money it must've taken to buy.
Someone else might realize this isn't your office, isn't your desk, and keep their mouth shut.
Tonight, that happens to be an unfortunate man named Zade Oren. Tied in his leather chair, black ropes expertly woven, a gag stuffed in his mouth, and both Achilles slashed for good measure, he learned his lesson.
Don't piss you off.
And although he isn't technically keeping his mouth shut of his own free will, it still technically counts. You give him the slightest of glances, just enough to monitor the tears dripping down his face from wide eyes, before returning to the papers you're rifling through.
"This would be easier if you had just cooperated." You muse aloud, flicking through a ledger before abandoning it. "But you guys never do."
He makes a pathetic sort of whimpering that makes you grin.
You aren't a bad person. After all, you only enjoy the blood on your hands when it's from the right person. The type of person you have at your mercy right now, for example. If anything, you're as close to good as it gets in the barrel. A type of vigilante, rather than one of the profit-seeking groups.
Dime Lions, Black Tips, Razorgulls, The Liddies, Harley's Pointers. Now those are some bad organizations. You're still on the fence about The Dregs; you've seen them do as much good as they have bad. Mostly due to the smaller organization within them. Or maybe the Crows aren't part of the Dregs anymore; you don't care. They're not of interest to you.
"Ah. Here we go." You hum, finding a record of a transaction. Zade gives a feeble cry. Useless, these men who beg for their lives. As if you'll ever give them back.
The transaction seems harmless enough. Four pearls for a sum of money. A sum far too large to be worth even some really fucking nice pearls. And, most importantly, names of the buyer and seller. Your eyes ghost over Zade's name as the buyer, focusing on the seller's name instead.
Then, you crumple up the paper and stuffs it in your pocket.
Pearls. What a stupid code name. The sellers determine it, and they're never very creative with code names. Always something valuable, never something believable.
All it takes is one person (you, in this case) to see what it really means.
"I should be going, I think." You finally say, straightening. "Don't worry, don't worry. No more people need to get hurt anymore."
Zade slumps in relief, and you let a wicked grin stretch over your face.
"Oh, no, you've misunderstood. No people will be harmed by me tonight. But you're not really a person, are you?" Your head tilts, watching the panic wash over his features.
Like a cat toying with a mouse, you are. It's just so amusing though, to witness the fear. To let them experience what they've instilled in so many others. That despair? It's precious.
Your knife is sinking into his chest before he can protest any more. Pushing past the hard bone, sinking into his heart with a sick squelch. By the time you pull it out, he's already dead.
"Fool." You sigh, leaving him there and striding over to the window. Let his guards find him later, you don't care.
And when you hoist yourself out the window, scaling onto the roof, the office is almost as you found it. Only his dead body and a note to proclaim the kill as justified.
It reads the same as always: Hurt a kid and I'll hurt you next.
The Avenger is the name people like to call you. Or the rumors of you. Most of Ketterdam has the wrong ideas about you, but you aren't fixing to correct them. False assumptions only make your job far easier.
Honestly, you'd rather be called a protector. But avenger works just as fine. It gets the point across.
A shiver runs up your spine when you're standing on the rooftop, but a cursory glance around shows nobody. You didn't expect it to, but still. The feeling of eyes following you has only gotten stronger recently, but seeing as nobody has attempted to kill you yet you assume it's fine.
Some people are just too curious for their own good and like being spies. As long as they aren't fucking up your plans, you really don't care. Honestly. The feeling of eyes is perfectly fine with you.
"You could say hi. I don't bite." You murmur into the still air, but to no avail.
The feeling doesn't leave as you head back to your home, a dingy apartment near a lot of the gambling dens. It's rented from a landlord who couldn't give less of a shit—she's never met the guy—which was perfect for you. And the place was cheap, which was a big bonus. Not that you were hurting for money, because you had no problems about stealing from those you killed, but you preferred to use it for better things.
Like buying new knives.
Dropping back down to the alleys, your feet hit the cobbles without a single sound. Subtlety was an art form, one everyone had to perfect in the barrel. Unless they were rich enough to get away without it, but you were not. Sadly.
There's footsteps behind her, and you turn to glare at the stranger. Give them a silent warning to mind their own fucking business.
Luck is not on your side today though, because they lunge at you with outstretched hands and a knife. You dodge, slamming your body into a wall to avoid the attack, hands scrambling for your own daggers.
The attacker is big, an ugly snarl stretched out across his mug, a beard covering half his face. Professional, if you had to guess, and definitely after you. Oh, joy.
This time, you don't give him the opening he wants. You dart forward, metal gleaming, knowing that the only way to walk away is to remove the obstacle in your path. In other words: kill him.
You both scramble, your knife digging into his forearm due to a nicely executed move on his part, but you abandon it in his arm to stab at him with another. A hand on your arm, metal meeting metal, it's a raw fight. Evenly matched.
But you must be off, must be mentally occupied, because you don't hear the footsteps behind you until it's too late. It's not until something slams into your head, sending you staggering with black spots, do you realize someone else is here.
"And that's meant to be the Avenger?" The person behind you scoffs.
"They put up a pretty good fight before you came in." Burly guy answers, stepping toward you.
His shoes are the last thing you see before your eyes roll back.
There's a hood over your head.
When you blinks your eyes open, you're met with complete and utter darkness. Although you want to panic—desperately—you don't. You can feel the ropes tying you to some type of chair, your wrists pulled together behind the back of it and your ankles tied to the legs of the chair.
Panicking now wouldn't do anything for you, so you just sit in silence.
But you're frustrated. So frustrated that you let your guard drop, that you've gotten yourself into this situation. You refuse to be another Mar, refuses to be the second Avenger that befalls the fate they tried to prevent.
"Makes sense now why he's wanting 'em." Someone is saying, and you try to subtly tilt your head to listen in. "He's always collecting 'em dangerous skinny ones."
"Putting together his own little menagerie." A second voice joins in, laughing.
The words have you tensing, against all instincts. Are they selling you to the menagerie?
Everyone knows what the menagerie is. Girls, tricked into sex work—and sometimes men—and people all too willing to take advantage of them. One of the things you worked against, and, subsequently, one of your worst nightmares.
"Serves this one right. Sardonic, isn't it?"
"You mean ironic?"
"What the difference?"
Oh, saints. You haven't just been kidnapped, but you've been kidnapped by idiots.
"Both of you stop. He'll be here soon." And that's a third voice. Only two people grabbed you, and you're willing to bet this third is the boss.
You don't recognize the voice, but you haven't exactly heard the voices of many people that are high in the chain in the Barrel. Not unless it's them begging for life, and you never hear from them again after.
But now you know for certain that they won't be sending you to the actual menagerie at least. The double confirmation is nice, even if the unknown is a whole other worry.
A door opens somewhere, and there's an abrupt rush of footsteps.
"You're early!" Probably boss guy shouts way too loudly. "The Avenger is all ready for you, but still knocked out."
"How long ago did you grab them?" Oh, that's a new voice. Faintly familiar, although you can't tell from where.
It's been a long time since you've felt so helpless. Like things were out of your carefully measured control. Not since you came home to an empty apartment, a person missing from it.
"A few hours." Probably boss answers. You don't need your eyes to know he's leering at you.
"...and how hard did you hit? Saints."
"They're alive, ain't they? Pay up."
"How much did we agree on again?" A cool voice asks, and your head jerks up. You know that voice, you've stalked the owner of that voice.
Kaz Brekker.
"Oh, look at that. It lives." Probably boss laughs cruelly, and you attempt a glare at him through the hood. "And you know how much we agreed on. Hand it over, Brekker."
And there's your confirmation. Your didn't just imagine it; Kaz Brekker is buying you. Why? You've never interfered with his dealings. In fact, after confirming he isn't into the skin deal, you actively stayed out of his business. You definitely didn't need more enemies than you already have.
The sound of Kruge being exchanged, followed by gleeful exclamations, makes you grit your teeth. If Brekker wants a shot at you, he'll have to do a lot more than pay some money.
"Get out." Brekker says after a moment, cutting the guys who kidnapped you off.
"This is our-"
"Get. Out."
Nobody makes him repeat it a third time, as is evidenced by the sound of footsteps fading away.
He's bossy, but he has the power to be. The cool indifference in his tone, the brilliant business plays he's made. Scrappy, like you, but far more powerful. There's a raw hunger in him you don't have; that nobody but him has.
It's scary as hell.
"Untie them."
There's movement around you, and then the hood is yanked off. You squint, blinking a few times, before focusing on the irritatingly put-together man in front of you. Although looking roughly the same age as you, the Barrel makes anyone be adults far too fast.
Brekker stares down at you, gloved hands clasped onto his cane. Behind him, a Suli girl hovers. Inej, his wraith. A spy, as far as anyone knows. Not an assassin. So that means whoever is working on untying you is Jesper.
"You're in quite the situation." He notes dully, but there's a wicked gleam in his eyes.
It only makes you glare harder. "Thanks, I'm aware."
The rope around your wrists falls away and you bring your hands to your lap, but don't move to untie your ankles. There's a sharpshooter behind you and a girl with knives in front of you; You aren't completely stupid. And that's not to mention the damage you know Brekker can do too.
"I have a deal for you." Brekker says after a moment, taking a step forward. He switches his crow-headed cane to his left hand, holding out his right for a handshake.
You don't take it. "What's the deal?"
"I don't think you're in a position to be asking questions."
"What's. The. Deal?"
"Perhaps I didn't make it clear. Take the deal right now, or we'll dump your body in the harbor to drown."
Well. That's not a lot of options. Everyone knows to negotiate all terms of a deal before accepting, but what choice do you have? He's brilliant for this move, and you hate him for it. Saving your life, buying you, just to force you into a deal to live.
Before you can talk yourself out of it, reason why this is such a horrible idea, you're shaking his hand. 
"Screw you." You spit out, life-saving be damned. Your grip tightens, just to spite him. Although his lips tug down, he doesn't pull away.
His reply is passive.
"Welcome to the crows."
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silent-stories · 2 years
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Pairing: Eddie Munson × F!Reader
Summary: One night, after leaving a party you didn't really like, you go into the woods to clear your mind. You didn't expect to meet someone there.
Warnings: Jason being handsy, swearing, mention of drugs
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Your best friend dragged you to a party you didn't even want to go to. You didn't know how she managed to convince you, she told you that party was organized by her boyfriend, who was on the school basketball team and so was considered "popular" and "cool" and you couldn't miss it.
She had begged you for days, and finally you gave up and said yes.
She said you'd have fun but you weren't having fun at all.
Your friend had disappeared into one of the upstairs bedrooms with her boyfriend about half an hour before and left you alone, sitting on a couch in the corner of the room drinking from a bottle of beer while the others they danced and laughed.
You didn’t like most of the people at that party, the jocks making fun of the freshmen were an example.
You knew Dustin, your neighbor, since his mom had asked you if you could make sure he didn't burn down their house while she wasn't there. Since that day you had become kind of friends. You drove him to school in the morning when it was too cold to ride his bike and you helped him with his homework if he needed it.
You had also fought monsters from another dimension, but that was another story.
If he ever needed anything he knew he could knock on your door and you would be there for him, you loved that kid so much but you would never admit it to him.
You felt responsible for him as if he were your little brother and because of this you didn't like the comments he and his friends received at school from most of the people at that party.
In conclusion, you never should have gone.
Fuck your friend who abandoned you, fuck her jerk boyfriend and fuck all the jocks and cheerledears.
"Hey, Y/N!" You looked up to see Jason walking towards you. You would have preferred to be alone.
He dropped onto the couch next to you. "How's it going?"
You placed the half-empty beer bottle on the coffee table in front of you. "What do you want, Jason?"
"Talking to a hot girl at a party. Can't I?" he asked with a grin.
"If you're looking for "hot" girls, the cheerledears are right over there." You answered poiting to the kitchen.
"But I don't want them." Jason said reaching out a hand and resting it on your leg. "I want you."
You quickly pulled his hand away from you. "Jason, go away."
He laughed. "Come on, Y/N. Don't you want to have some fun?"
When he brought his hand to your leg again you jumped up. "You know what? This party sucks, just like you. I gotta go now."
You grabbed the leather jacket you had left on a chair and you headed for the exit as Jason followed you and stopped you grabbing your arm, making you turn around.
"C'mon, I just wanted to have some fun, don't be a bitch, okay? Don't go, we sure are better than your looser friends who-"
You felt the "crack" his nose made when it made contact with your fist.
Jason let go of your arm, bringing a hand to his face, taking a few steps back.
When blood started coming out of his nose you should have felt guilty, maybe, but a proud smile spread across your face.
No, you weren't a psycho, you were just sick.
You left the house just as some of the guests realized what had just happened and walked over to Jason.
You closed the door behind you and inhaled the cool night air. You decided that before you went home you needed some time alone with your thoughts, and you knew the perfect place.
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Eddie reached the bench in the woods next to the school for the deal he had that night. A man in his 40s had come to the door of his trailer the day before asking if they could see each other the next night. He mentioned that he was having a hard time and things like that but he didn't seem too convinced to buy. Eddie went there anyway, just to be sure.
But when he arrived, the person sitting on the bench wasn't the man who said he needed drugs. It was a girl hugging herself in a leather jacket. It was Y/N.
Suddenly you looked up at him.
"Jesus Christ" You swore "you scared the shit out of me."
"Yeah, I usually have this effect on people. I'm sorry." Eddie said holding up his hands as if to show he didn't mean to hurt you.
"Oh no, I didn't mean- I'm sorry." You shook your head "I meant I wasn't expecting anyone in the woods in the middle of the night and when I heard the leaves crunching I almost shit my pants" You laughed.
Eddie was relieved that you didn't seem to be afraid of him and that you were joking. He knew you, but you two had never spoken, you only shared biology class but Dustin talked about you all the time. He said you were cool, but not like the ones considered cool in school, you were nothing like them. You were funny, kind, and always helped him and his friends when they needed something. He said Eddie would have liked you, you'd also read Lord of the Rings and other books like that.
"I thought it was Jason or someone else from the party for a second." You added as Eddie approached.
"Party?" He asked.
"Yeah" You explained "they convinced me to go to their stupid party but things didn't go as expected, I suppose."
Eddie raised his eyebrows with a questioning expression, he didn't want to ask for details so as not to invade your privacy but it seemed that for some weird reason you wanted to talk to him.
"I think I broke his nose." You patted the bench to let him know he could sit next to you. "I think I broke Jason Carver's nose."
You raised a hand to show him you red knuckles.
"Holy shit, you didn't!"
"I did." You nodded with conviction. "He called my friends 'loosers' and tried to touch me, twice."
Eddie barely registered the insult your friends – who were probably his too – received when he heard Jason touched you.
"You okay?" He asked. It came out spontaneously. He was worried about someone he'd never met before but who he seemed to already know well.
"After seeing the river of blood coming out of his nose?" You laughed. "Never been better."
Eddie found himself smiling too. "I'm Eddie, by the way."
You burst out laughing and he found himself asking if you were making fun of him, if it was all a joke. It wouldn't be the first time.
"I know who you are, Eddie." You said "we're in the same biology class."
"Right." he said, relieved. He liked how his name sounded when you said it.
"Besides, I think the whole school knows the name of the boy who walks on the cafeteria's tables making speeches." You added.
"Well, if they do, they don't seem to use it very often." Someone had called him "Munson" , for many he was just "freak" or "trailer trash".
"They should, I like your name." You said and you sounded sincere.
"Henderson was right about you."
"Dustin talks about me?"
"All the time." he said.
"I hope he only says nice things."
"He does." He answered simply.
"He often talks about you too." You said, surprising him. He didn't think he did, not to you at least.
"And what does he say?" he asked as he played with the silver rings on his fingers. He usually did it when he was nervous but it had become a habit because now, sitting next to you, in the silence of the night, in the middle of the woods, he finally felt calm, without worries. As if all the shit he'd been through in his life was a distant memory. He felt safe.
"That you are not how others think you are. That you are not a freak and you are a good person." Eddie took that as the best of compliments. "And that of course, you're not part of a satanic cult or some shit like that."
"And what do you think?" He asked.
"I think he's right about you too."
Eddie nodded, cursing himself for never having the courage to talk to you before. You weren't judging him, you were nice and you were damn beautiful.
"Why did you come here in the middle of the night anyway?" You asked after a few moments.
"I had-I had to meet a client." He said, hoping that it didn't bother you. "But apparently he changed his mind."
You shrugged. "Good for him, I guess." Eddie let out a sigh of relief.
You stayed to talks a little longer, he told you he was in a band and had been playing guitar since he was a kid and you told him about the time you were tortured by Russians with Robin and Steve.
"There's no way!"
"I tell you yes, they used knives and other stuff. I still have the scars."
You rolled up the sleeve of your jacket and goosebumps formed on your skin as you showed the scar on your arm.
Eddie resisted the urge to reach out and caress it with his fingertips.
Your adventures had probably been more eventful than his but you didn't stop listening to him even for a second and Eddie felt as if, for the first time in his life, someone was really interested in what he was saying, in what he liked.
It was one of the few moments in his life when he didn't feel like a waste of space.
"Corroded Coffin is such a cool name for a band though."
"I think you are the first person to say that."
"Impossible! What's "Metallica" compared to "Corroded Coffin"? Absolutely nothing."
Eddie laughed even though he knew you were making fun of him, just a bit. He found himself thinking that he would happily spend all night talking to you, even if it meant spending all Sunday sleeping.
"What time is it?" you asked at one point, glancing at Eddie's watch.
"Almost 2 am."
"Mh. Maybe I should go home." You laughed jumping off the bench. Your curfew had probably been broken several hours before already but you didn't seem to care much.
"I can- I mean, I can walk you-" he stammered, suddenly unable to form a meaningful sentence "if you want, I mean. It's just that it's late and I thought maybe- but it's okay if you don't want others to think that -"
"Eddie." You stopped his ramble "yes, I'd like it if you'd walk me home."
Eddie nodded making the mental note that you didn't care if anyone saw you with him and you headed out of the woods.
You walked up to your house alternating moments of talking with moments of silence.
"Here we are. That's my house." You said stopping to walk.
"Well, it has been an honor to accompany you on this long journey, princess. I hope our paths will cross again one day." He announced with a solemn tone, making a sort of bow, and you burst out laughing. "And thank you for the good you have done for the community."
You raised an eyebrow.
"The punch to Jason." He clarified.
"Oh, right." You laughed again and Eddie found himself thinking it was one of the most beautiful sounds he'd ever heard. "It was a pleasure."
"See you at school, Eddie." You waved at him before entering your house.
Eddie watched the door close behind you and the lights come on in the house.
"You're late." A harsh female voice said, probably your mother.
"I know. I met someone." He heard you reply and couldn't help but smile.
God, he wasn't falling for you, was he? Dustin would have killed him.
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Sjsksk omg I love your writing so bad and I'm so happy so I can request as much then😭 if so can I maybe get rich)wealthy reader that like buys the characters anything they want or look at spoiling them with everything until the charactersstarted thinking of blind folding there eyes so they don't buy the whole store maybe scaramouhe/wanderer,kazuha,xiao,cyno and tighnari
Ahhhh thank you!! Absolutely!! Thank you for your request!
Genshin Men Headcanons:
~You spoiling them~
(Includes: Tighnari, Kazuha, Wanderer, Xiao, Cyno, and Scaramouche!)
You watched Tighnari carefully, a playful smile on your face as you noticed every single thing he had touched or mentioned in the shop, taking a mental note to buy him every single one. You couldn't help it, he was so sweet and cute, he took care of everyone, especially you. He deserved to be spoiled, even if he didn't think so.
"Why is your bag so full? We haven't even even made it half way through the shop yet..." Tighnari asked, his eyes trained on you and your now almost overflowing bag of items, all of which were actually for him. "Just saw alot of stuff that looked useful...you can't blame me, you seemed to have seen a few things you wanted too..." You said sneakily, doing your very best to act normal and not give yourself away.
He saw right through you, crossing his arms as he responded to your madness, "How many times to I have to tell you, you don't have to buy me things. I don't really need any of them and it's better to save your funds to use on yourself." You chuckled, walking up to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek, "I have more fun when my mora is spent on you and I like knowing you have everything you want."
He rolled his eyes, looking at your bag again before shaking his head and turning back around to continue shopping, "Next time you're not allowed to come with me unless your wallet is left at home or you're blindfolded."
You lifted your bag, groaning slightly at how heavy it now seemed, it was so full it looked like it could blow up at any given moment and you couldn't help but worry that the straps might actually break on you. I'm reality none of it was for you, it was all for your boyfriend, the man you consider to be the most goregous, most perfect person in the world. The one who should be bought everything he could ever wish for like a prince.
"Oh my...do you need assistance? That looks really heavy, let me carry it for you." Kazuha smiled slightly as he walked over to you, taking the bag from you before you could protest and peeking into it, his face turning a light shade of pink when he realized all of them where things he had mentioned. "...did you get all of these for me? You don't have too...I appreciate them and the thought but surely you should spend the mora on items for you instead."
You shook your head, a smile finding its way on your face as you looked away, feeling slightly mischievous. "I did get them for you, I can't help it, I love spoiling you and I have the mora. It makes me so happy getting you things, treating you like royalty because you deserve it all. Plus as long as I get a poem or two in return...I'll be even happier."
His blush deepened as he sighed, he leaned in close to you, placing a gentle kiss on your lips, "I'll tell you as many poems as you would like, after all you're a inspiration to me, a never ending trove of ideas and wonderful feelings. The fact you enjoy listening so much is a gift and I cherish it." He lifted the bag onto his shoulder, softly grabbing your hand and leading you to the door, making sure to leave before you could by anything else for him.
(I use the nickname Scara here <3)
Wanderers eyes widened slightly as you lifted your bag onto counter for the cashier to calculate the price for you, having troubles due to how large and heavy it was. "What exactly did you buy? The entire store? Honestly...do you have any self control?" He said, poking fun at the amount of things you had decided to buy and watching the cashier's face in amusement.
You giggled happily, not saying a word as the nice checker started to empty your bag, each and every item being one Scara had touched or mentioned. Sure he didn't always have the best additude, but you loved him all the same and spoiling him, especially without him knowing you were doing so was so much fun.
"...all of those are...oh my...how many times have I told you not to buy me stuff? When will you get it through your thick skull that I don't need mortal possessions?" He sounded annoyed, though just from the small smirk he had, you could tell he secretly enjoyed being spoiled. "You're just to pretty, I have to buy you everything you could want." You joked, watching in satisfaction as his face turned a light shade of pink.
"I'm never shopping with you again."
Xiaos piercing yellow eyes staring at you in disbelief, as if he couldn't wrap his head around the fact you had so many bags already...and how he hadn't noticed sooner that you had gotten so many items. "Do you need help?" He asked, reaching out to grab a bag from you and lighten the load on you, but you quickly backed away shaking your head in response, to which he raised a curious eyebrow to.
"I got it, don't worry!" You said in a attempt to draw away any suspicions, after all...everything you had bought was actually for him and you knew full well he wasn't going to easily accept everything. Before he could say another word you grabbed his hand leading him to the next stall, "All of these beads are beautiful...Xiao you should let me make you another necklace to go with yours. Seen anything you like?" You asked with a big smile, hoping he would say exactly what he wanted like he had a few other times.
He stepped away from you, crossing his arms and sighing in defeat, "I understand now...you've tricked me into saying what I wanted so you could buy it all for me. I don't...have any use for mortal things...your mora should go to things you like." You bit your lip, so much for him not knowing, you silently thought to yourself before quietly saying, "I like you. Isn't that reason enough to buy you things? And! I got things I think you will find useful...even some snacks."
He shook his head, walking towards you and leaning closer so he could take a couple of your bags, your hands feeling so light after carrying the heavy items so long. "Next time we go shopping I'll invite Zhongli, he'll make sure any mora spent will not be on me alone." His voice sounded slightly threatening and you couldn't help but giggle.
"We'll see about that."
You smirked slightly, your basket filled with every TCG card you knew Cyno didn't have and maybe some he did. You knew how much he loved the game, how often he played it and helping him pursue something he liked so much felt important, not to mention it gave you the chance to spoil him a little. You kept your eyes peeled for anything else he'd like, grabbing a joke book even though he didn't need it and a dark purple scarf for when it got cold out.
You were just about to turn the corner to the next section, when suddenly someone wrapped their arms around you, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. "Cyno did you find everything you wanted?" You asked smiling at him sweetly, you already knew by now that he would attempt to pay for his own items, even yours if you weren't careful.
"I thought so, until I saw into your basket, why do you have so many Genius Invokation TCG cards? Has the card mania finally caught up to you? If so your first duel shall be against me, may justice weigh upon your soul...I show no mercy!" He sounded so dramatic towards the end, making you laugh, possibly more than his normal jokes do. "I'm sorry to say it...but I have not joined in on the card mania, these are for you and I got you some other items too. Don't even try paying either." You turned around to face him, watching as his face blushed a slight pink.
"I appreciate the thought but you don't need to buy me things, I'd much rather you spend the mora on yourself. After all you deserve mora then I do." You rolled your eyes at his words, his joke only making you want to buy him the cards more, he truly was funny...even if no one else thought so. "I prefer to spend a bit mora on you than myself, sure you might not need it all but you'll have it in case you ever do and don't even. You deserve the entire world."
"I'm going to place you under arrest if you say that one mora time."
You looked down at your large amount of items, you could barely lift the bags anymore and you weren't actually sure how any of the stalls could have anything left at this point. Technically the mora was going to a good cause, all of it being paid to small shops and some being donated...as for the items you got in return....they were all for your...slightly rude boyfriend.
It wasn't your fault that he looked so adorable all blushed and in shock from the amount of things you got for him! Not to mention, even if he said he never used any of it...he actually did more often then not. Everything you bought for him was something he had looked at, touched or said he had wanted at some point so you knew he'd actually like it all too...however carrying the heavy bags was starting to prove difficult.
Your attention left your collection of bags and instead fixated on the short blue haired male not far from you, who was currently looking at what appeared to be some type of soap. You took mental note to check on it later, before calling out to him, "Scaramouche can you help me...I can't carry all of these. Pleeaaaase?" He turned to look at you, groaning in annoyance as he walked in your direction.
"If you didn't want to carry it all...you shouldn't have bought it all." He said, staring down at your bags as if they were the bane of his existence. "What did you even get?" You smiled mischievously at his question making him give you a curious look, one that you had grown to adore. You lifted up the first bag to show him, having some minor troubles since it was seconds away from blowing up and spilling his gifts everywhere. "Just a few things..."
His eyes widened as he took in the view, knowing instantly what you had done and barely knowing how to respond to being bought so many things. His face heating up a bright pink as he took a step away from the bag, almost like it had bitten him. "You...bought all of this for me...again? You have a spending problem and I don't need all of this stuff. Can't you return some of it?"
"Nope! None of it can be returned because half of the proceeds have already been donated and I don't have a spending problem...I just like seeing you blush." You winked at him and he simply rolled his eyes, though you could have sworn his blush deepened ever so slightly.
"Next time you do this, I'm leaving you and your spending problem here...or blindfolding you."
✿Hope you have a nice day!✿
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staytinyville · 1 year
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ATEEZ ot8 X Reader
Cowboy AU / Wild West
Series Masterlist
Warnings: None
A/N Double update for the day because I didn't get to it yesterday. Chapter 8 will be posted later today (for me). I didn't get to writing a chapter and it bothers me when I don't have one ready on time. I like to have a few chapters written for just in case.
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It was rather quick that your parents seemed to have hired the boys. They didn’t really question much of where they came from or why they were looking for work in your establishment. The only person they did question was you. 
Why didn’t you say anything? How did you meet them? How long have you known them? Do they have someone waiting for them at home? That was from your mother. 
You worked with Soenghwa for the most part. Yeosang was too busy in the backroom going over inventory and the money the hotel makes during the day. He also kept tabs of the guests list and their payments. Seonghwa worked at the bar in the saloon, occasionally making food the guests ordered. However with it being Friday, the bar was packed with people laughing and de-stressing from the week. 
“Thank you, (Y/N).” Seonghwa’s fingers grazed your hand as you handed him some empty glasses that needed to be washed. 
“You're welcome, Seonghwa.” You smiled. “Table three wants more whiskey.”
“Coming right up.” His dazzling grin made you blush, if only for the fact that he was a good looking man. He would make any woman flustered. 
“You've been such a great help, boy!” Your father patted him on the back. “Weekends are usually packed with travelers or the townsfolk who claim we have the best drinks. You're really making us stand out!”
“You got yourself one hell of a looker!” A man at the bar praised Seonghwa. “All the women would be lining up to take a glimpse at your new hire, (F/N)!”
“Thank you.” Seonghwa bashfully told him. 
The room went quiet for just a moment, some of the patrons had stopped talking to look towards the entrance of the bar. Yunho and Jongho both walked in, casually making their way over to the seats open at the bar. 
“Officers.” The man who was complimenting Seonghwa greeted, tipping his glass. 
The two men greeted the other back, moving to look over the available drinks. It was the first time they had ever gone down to the bar to sit and have a drink. You would assume it was because it was Seonghwa’s first day working there. Maybe they felt a bit more at ease with someone they knew. 
“Say, do you guys know how long you're going to be here?” The man continued. “All the people are wondering why officers from the big city are snooping in our area.”
You paused your washing of cups, but quickly went back so as to not seem like you were eavesdropping. However, looking around the bar it seemed you weren’t the only one who was interested in the conversation. 
Jongho and Yunho took a moment to look at each other before moving to take the glasses that Seonghwa had put in front of them. You realized that they didn’t even vocalize their preference of alcohol but no one else did. Seonghwa probably didn’t even realize he had given them something to drink subconsciously. 
“There have been sightings of outlaws nearby.” You took a glance at Seonghwa. “We've been sent to investigate.”
Yunho answered the man. “With that being said, should you come across any wanted man. Please be sure to tell us. We have orders from the higher ups to catch them ourselves.” He turned to the rest of the bar, calling out to those who were watching him. 
“What if we want the reward!?” Someone slurred from the crowd. 
“You can have a try but just know you will be considered a criminal as well for obstructing the law.” Jongho shrugged, looking over the area.
No one dared to make another statement after that. However there was a lot of talk about the outlaws. People would whisper about how they needed to buy more ammunition for their weapons just in case these outlaws were to come into town. How they needed to keep their wives and daughters from going out so late in the night to prevent something terrible. 
As the night progressed, the bar slowly grew to be less packed. However you would conclude that it was rather late at night when the bar dwindled down to cleaning up. The men were sure worried about their wives and daughters but they didn’t seem to mind if they left drunk at 3 in the morning. You would work around the two men who had passed out on their tables, knowing that your father would be the one to deal with them in the end. 
Yeosang had come in earlier in the night to tell Seonghwa that he was leaving. You wanted to question where it was they were staying but you knew better. Curiosity kills the cat, you know the saying. In your case, you knew it would most definitely kill you. 
The only people left in the bar, aside from the two men passed out drunk, were Seonghwa, Jongho, Yunho and you. Your father had gone to take the empty bottles out back, leaving you alone with the three men. 
“You keep staring at the piano.” You told Seonghwa as you placed the last of the glasses where they went. “Do you play?”
“Not since I was a teen. It's been a while.” The man told you.
You moved things to the side, looking over at Seonghwa for a moment. “Could you play something?” You asked him, giving him a small smile. “I'd like to hear.”
You heard a snort come from Yunho and when you glanced at the two officers, you could see the large grins they were sporting. They looked at Seonghwa expectantly, just the tad bit tipsy from nursing their drinks for so long. 
“Sure.” Seonghwa moved around the bar, making his way to the upright piano.
You and the boys moved to stand behind the man, watching as he seemed to look over the keys for a moment before touching the instrument. You had been so used to listening to your grandfather play such uptempo songs that it felt like something had been lifted off your shoulders the moment Seonghwa started playing. 
It was some classical song, one that didn’t fit the theme of the bar. It soothed others to sleep and brought a light headed feeling. It made you smile, taking a seat to listen more carefully to the man playing. You felt the song wasn’t long enough when Seonghwa played the last of the notes. 
“It's been a while since I've heard you play.” Yunho told his friend.
“It's been a while since we've heard any kind of music.” Jongho explained, taking the last sip of the beer he was holding. 
“Wish the others were here.” Seonghwa smiled sadly.
It had been a while since you had seen the others all together, but it seemed to you like they were starting to let their guards down. At least, enough to relax and enjoy where they are. Yunho and Jongho didn’t seem to be as stiff as when they came in. The example of them coming down to the bar for the first time came to mind. While Yeosang and Seonghwa were already the calm two of the group, they too looked like they weren’t struggling as much as when you met them a week ago. 
“Do you all enjoy music?” You asked, scooting in closer to the piano.
“It’s what brought us together.” Soenghwa answered. “Captain was the one who started everything.”
“We weren’t always a group of criminals.” Seonghwa sighed, fingers drifting over the keys.
Your eyes drifted over the three, watching as Yunho and Jongho seemed to be laughing to themselves, the alcohol getting to them. Well to Yunho because it seemed as though Jongho had a great handle on himself. If you didn’t know about their occupation you would assume they were like all the other men your age who came and went through the hotel. 
They looked like they were stress free as though they weren’t going around causing trouble for a lot of people. You didn’t know their stories, but hearing from Seonghwa that they weren’t who everyone claimed to be, you wanted to know all about them. 
“I couldn’t imagine.” You calmly told him.
“Us not being criminals?” Yunho called out.
“Being criminals. None of you look like you want to be.” You confessed.
 “Because we aren’t. Not when we help the less fortunate.” Jongho crossed his arms, leaning back in the chair.
Your mind began to wander around his words. You remembered the story about the robbery that took place in the town over with Harthorne. Everyone knew he wasn’t the kindest of people and was really stingy with his money. He hoarded it, not daring to spend more than he needed to. Everyone knew he was a spoiled man who didn’t lift a finger to help those who needed it. 
You figured it was them who had taken the money from Harthorne. The men at the bar didn’t tell you more about what the gang did with the money but if they claim to not be criminals you wouldn’t be off put to know where it must have gone. There was a story about a man who knew how to use a bow and arrow. He would take from the rich and give to the poor. You wondered if they had read it as well.
“You take from the rich-”
“And give to the poor.” Seonghwa ended.
“That changes things, doesn’t it?” You grinned.
“You scared?” Seonghwa teased.
He gave you a grin, which made you flush again. Yunho had leaned closer to you while Jongho waited for you to speak. There was a time when you would glare back at men who made you so flustered. You would often retort with something stupid that would cause them offense for how unladylike you spoke. However you weren’t there to make them like you. They weren’t people you needed to impress.
“Of the Park Seonghwa?” You chuckled. “Not anymore. Not after that beautiful display you just put on.”
“You should hear Yeosang play the violin. He is a master.” Seonghwa praised his friend.
They cared deeply for each other, that much was noticeable. Maybe looking at them from afar they did look like hoodlums who would shiv you because you looked at them wrong. Or in most of their cases would seduce you into their beds and leave you the next day. 
But within themselves they held each other in high regards. You saw it in the way they spoke about their captain. How they cared about each other when two of them were injured. You knew they were all they had, with being in a gang. Not many people would open their arms for them. They were a family. And it brought a smile to your face to know they weren’t the criminals people claimed they were. 
You smiled brightly. “I’ll hold him to that.”
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Series Masterlist
@thefrog3223 , @iarayara , @0rangemilk , @explorewithd , @loveforred , @bangtanxberm , @a1i33a ,
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pureshoney · 6 months
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"i don't see the point in buying a rock, ains. plenty of other stupid shit i could spend my money on," and he did so often. it just came with the territory of having a ridiculous amount of money that wouldn't be deemed necessary under any circumstance. but he worked hard for what he had, even if it came stained with blood. ainsley didn't know what he actually did, not yet, at least. he's content with letting her believe that he's just some low-tier drug dealer. still, he figures that soon enough, he'd have to come up with more excuses because he had far too much money to simply be the guy that stands on the corner waiting for shady-looking cars to pull up and ask for some coke. "good, but make sure they're pretty. i don't want any grandma panties in my car," teases as he gently gives her exposed thigh a squeeze. "i do wanna see you model for me, baby. that sounds fuckin' perfect to me …" already could imagine it. sat on a seat in the middle of her living room, and his girl walked and danced around him in those skimpy outfits she used to wear when she performed on the ice. maybe they should stop talking about it because the more they do so, the higher the urge is for him to turn around and return just so he could see her in those dresses. however, he won't. abel needed to behave tonight; they were going to go on this date and act like civilized humans for at least an hour. an hour because he wasn't actually sure he'd be able to keep his hands off his girl's body for much longer. "the point is i know how to speed, that's different from those fuckin' jackasses that know they can't push over fifty and do it anyways because they wanna be cool," points out in his defense. "i feel like giving a massage is kind of easy, besides … if you touch my shoulders and you can't automatically feel the knot? i think you might have bigger problems to get sorted out," he's teasing her, of course, but regardless, it'd be nice to relax, even if it were for a few minutes. homme just shakes his head as she continues to laugh at the thought of him in those skimpy leotards figure skaters wear; sure, he'd go figure skating with her, but he'd never fold and wear one of those outfits. abel considered them reserved for her and only her. "i mean, you'd look fuckin' sexy, but you'd definitely be getting a lot of stares," but they'd bow their heads once they realized how she'd walked in with. "i agree, that's why i save those kinds of restaurants for rare occasions," once they're at their booth, abel allows her to take a seat first, but he makes sure that he's the one that has the view of the door before sitting across from her.
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