#maybe i’ll be able to put them onto paper at some point tho
autisbianleo · 1 year
oh my god a fellow tmnt girls enjoyer at long last tell me ab ur take on venus and jennika
yesss tmnt girl enjoyers unite
ugh, my Jenny and Vee brainrot is so real I love these girlies and I love my versions of them. ngl half of the genesis of my little sort-of-au was that I wanted them to interact and be Sisters bc we deserve turtle sisters. (since you asked me about my gowrls, I am now obligated to love you forever)
I sort of wound up basing them off more “typical” versions of Raph and Leo (and Jenny’s idw original natch) and building until they became their own thing
Jennika aka Jenny
she’s a Western pond turtle! and she is one bc I saw a picture of one while looking at different turtle species and thought there was a lot of design potential
the oldest turtle and mutated before all the rest. she was Draxum’s very first go at combining turtle and human DNA so she wound up a little “more turtle” than her siblings (i.e. she has claws on her hands and feet, she’s more cold-blooded)
the one and only Big Mama’s assistant and she is. So emotionally repressed, taking on a very “conceal, don’t feel” attitude while under Big Mama’s employment. she’s still just a teenage girl underneath all that, but actually letting herself relax enough to let it out will take time (luckily, she has some Very Teenage siblings to help her out)
she’s the tough, sardonic older sister the turtles never knew they wanted and that Jenny never knew she wanted to be
[spoiler] Mei Pieh aka Venus de Milo
Vee’s a Chinese softshell turtle and the reason I made her one is a whole Thing itself, but I thought Donnie shouldn’t be the only softshell of the six
she was mutated before the boys, but she’s actually the same age as Leo and Donnie (Disaster Triplets hehe). she was Draxum’s “make sure I can replicate my results” turtle
she was raised by…well, that’s a secret for now, but it is someone from Splinter’s past that I saw an opening to do something unique with
she doesn’t have access to Hamato Ninpo, but she is Very Mystic
I’ve had a lot of fun making her Very Different than Jenny, but her and Donnie have also been a fun couple of opposites to explore (namely science vs. magic and their contrasting flavors of autism)
baby girl is autistic and transfem as a nod to my hcs for 2012 Leo, since I took several cues from her for Vee
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sipsteainanxiety · 3 years
say the word (and i’ll be there) || katsuki b.
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x doctor!reader
word count: 6k+
mentions: no pronouns mentioned i think!, umm fluff, and angst, bit of an ambiguous ending lmao, bittersweet maybe?, screaming i am screaming, lowkey all over the place but idc, pro hero au btw
a/n: this one’s for my homies in premed/med. i will say that my (limited) med knowledge comes from watching greys anatomy when i was 12 tho LMAO
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White, you found, was such an unassuming color. 
You saw it everywhere you went, painted onto a variety of different buildings, walls, and pathways. Highlighting specific decorations that needed particular attention beyond the glass windows of stores. Adding a modicum of innocence and freedom to the suits adorned by the pro-heroes you watched patrolling along the cemented streets. You saw it in the halls you walked every day, bright, unassuming white coloring everything you could see. From the tiles of the floor to the fluorescent lights on the ceilings. It was everywhere. 
It was the color of the lab coat you pulled over your significantly darker clothing every day. The color of the paper you scrawled on whenever you were taking care of a patient. It was even the color of the rubber case covering the small sanitizer bottle you kept in your pocket. 
Unassuming white. 
Bustling down the halls, you hummed under your breath as you checked the watch on your wrist. It was nearly time for your shift to end. You just had to check on a few patients before being able to clock out. Your feet ached from standing around all day, but it was a feeling you were accustomed to. 
A nurse wearing dark navy scrubs shuffled a bit ahead of you, about to enter one of the rooms you were heading for. You caught them by the shoulder, startling them slightly, before you told them you would handle the patient within. They gave you a grateful nod, exhaustion clearly lining their face, and you watched them continue to shuffle down the hall and around a corner. Then, you turned to the closed door, opening it and practically waltzing into the room.
“So, Dynamight,” you drawled as you headed straight for the base of the hero’s bed. He was sitting up, legs thrown over the side of the bed as crimson eyes glanced over at you. You ignored him momentarily to pick up the clipboard holding his charts, eyes skimming the information upon it. “Couldn’t stay away, huh? Looks like you took some naaasty blows today.” 
Said hero grunted, watching as you looked up from the clipboard and eyed the white bandages around his arms and head. He was still wearing his hero suit, the black material around his torso a bit scuffed and ripped, but still intact. You hummed. “Doesn’t look like it was too terrible, though. Villain give you a tough time?”
He scoffed and you grinned, putting down the clipboard to round the bed and position yourself directly in front of him. He was slightly shorter than you thanks to the height of the bed, so he had to look up to meet your eyes. “Ain’t nothin’ I couldn’t handle.” 
“I’m sure,” you told him amusedly, hands already reaching out to check the bandages on his arms. They were still clean, tightly wrapped around his bulging forearms. You tapped his hands, turning them over to make sure they weren’t damaged. You hummed a bit as you moved to check his face, delicate hands cupping his chin gently as you turned his head this way and that. There were a few stitches along his cheek. Your eyes moved up to the bandages around his head, and you let go for a moment to reach into your pocket and pull out a small flashlight. 
“Look right here for a moment,” you instructed, pointing to the center of your forehead. He obliged, burning gaze nailing right into you as you shined the small light into his eyes to check his pupils. With every little observation you made on his well being, the tension in your shoulders eased bit by bit until you were gently cradling his face once more in your hands, thumbs tracing his cheeks.
“You really like to worry me, don’t you,” you whispered to him, closing your eyes for a moment before opening them to see him watching you carefully. His hands, by now, had moved to rest on your hips, pulling you just a tad closer. 
“S’part of the job,” he replied just as quietly, thumbs toying with the fabric of your coat. Your eyes roamed around his face, once again making sure he was okay. “‘Sides, I always win.” He said it with such a firm conviction that you felt the corners of your lips quirk up.
“That you do,” you sighed, then pulled away with a glance to the still open door. His hands hesitated before they dropped away as you stepped back and straightened your clothes. “I’m gonna assume your patrol’s been canceled for the rest of the day, right?”
Katsuki clicked his tongue against his teeth, a disgruntled expression sliding across his face. “Shitty hair’s orders,” he grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest in a manner that reminded you of a petulant child. You gave him a smile, thinking about how long Kirishima must’ve had to argue with Katsuki to get him to just relax and take it easy.
“Great!” you said cheerfully, glancing at your watch again. “My shift ends soon, so I can drive us home. Just go ahead and sign yourself out, I’ll meet you outside in a bit.” 
You turned on your heel to make your way to some of the other rooms you had to check on, a grumble from behind you causing a smile to linger on your face. 
The cup of tea you held was warm between your palms, steam wafting up gently from it to curl into the air. You blew slightly on the liquid, then took a tentative sip, sitting at the island counter of your kitchen as you watched the news playing on the television in the living room. Sunlight poked through the curtains on the farthest wall, bathing the room in a warm light that reflected off the screen.
The channel you were on was doing a segment on pro-heroes and you watched with slight interest as some of the past victories of your friends were shown one after the other.
There was bright and beautiful Deku, darting around in a blur of electric green as he saved dozens of people in the way of a collapsing building. His white cape billowed out from behind him with every movement he made, a gentle smile on his face as he told each and every survivor that they would be all right. 
There was warm and sunny Red Riot, Japan’s literal sweetheart, activating his quirk to its fullest potential as he stood in the path of a small child, taking the brutal force of a high-powered laser-beam to the chest. The harsh lines and angles of his face were grit in determination, the laser so high-temperatured that it melted nearly everything around him in a ten-meter radius.
There was cool and collected Shouto, swiftly gliding along an ice-crusted path formed by his quirk as he dodged attacks from a villain with a gigantification quirk. He used his ice to slide the remaining civilians to safety before encasing the villain in a thick layer of ice so quickly and suddenly that the sudden massive rush of cold air against the hot air of summer caused rain clouds to form. 
And then, there was loud and determined Dynamight, his face set in a crazily wicked grin as he blasted his way rapidly through the air. Each boom from his explosions got louder and louder until it started to mess with the audio input of the camera recording him. And then he let out an explosion so big, so intense at a villain that it lit up the sky in shades of tangerine and blood red that lasted for hours.
The difference, you’ve long come to realize, between heroes who battled villains and heroes who battled injury or disease, was stark. It was something you’d come to accept, even before getting your medical license. Where the pro-heroes spent their days fighting people who dared disturb the peace with danger, you spent yours bundled in your little white lab coat, treating injuries and comforting families. 
You weren’t incensed by it, oh no. You’d made your peace with it a long time ago. You were content with staying away from publicity and all of its consequences. And besides, you knew that society has always and would always have a need for doctors, no matter what little recognition you received. 
A door clicked open down the hall leading away from the living room, the soft pads of steps greeting your ears before a familiar figure emerged, bathed in the golden sunlight of dawn. Like this, his face and hair looked so soft, especially with his expression pulled into something that was akin to relaxed. 
“Mornin’,” Katsuki greeted you in a still sleep-crusted voice as he rounded the island to give you a chaste kiss on the cheek. You hummed a greeting, not-so-subtly eyeing the way he was dressed in a form-fitting, white tank top with loose grey sweats. He liked putting his crazily buff arms and shoulders on display for you, knowing you appreciated the view. The bastard.
“We still on for lunch later?” you asked him as you took another sip of your tea, listening to him poke around in the fridge for the overnight oats he’d prepped last night. He plopped down heavily onto the seat next to you, a spoon clutched in his hand.
“Yeah,” he grunted, popping open the lid to his oats before he started to mix it. “Noon, right?”
You nodded, glancing back at the television to watch part of the segment on Pinky and Chargebolt’s most recent villain takedown. The silence that encompassed the two of you was comfortable, the occasional clink of Katsuki’s spoon against his container mixing with the sounds of the narrator on the screen. 
“Hopefully Shitty Hair won’t fuckin’ bother us again,” he grumbled a bit later as he tugged on a light jacket near the door. You chuckled as you handed him his sunglasses and tucked some of his blond hair into the shadows of his hood. 
“Aww, you know he means well,” you told him with a soft smile, letting out another laugh when he just scoffed. Most of Katsuki’s friends still got excited whenever they saw you two spending time together -- even after all the time you both have been a couple. They just liked to tease him a lot, which you certainly understood.
But this, you thought to yourself as you gave him a kiss goodbye before he left for his agency, this was something you could get used to. This domestic feeling between a doctor and a hero, a duo you thought was a bit funny. 
And yet, you mused as you eventually left your shared apartment for your shift, it just made sense.
“Back again so soon, Deku?” you teased the number one pro as you entered his hospital room with a smile. He was still decked out in his hero suit, a couple of tears and rips here and there as he sat on the bed. A sheepish grin slid onto his face, his eyes crinkling as he rubbed a scarred hand against the back of his head. 
“You know how it is,” he told you as you hummed and started prodding at the bandages that covered his arms and face. Midoriya was the type of hero to put himself in harm’s way at any chance he had when it came to saving civilians. It always landed him in the hospital with fresh bruises and scrapes, though he never once was terribly concerned about it.
Heroes, you thought to yourself as you rolled your eyes in good nature. Always so self-sacrificing.
“I know,” you sighed out dramatically, pulling out a roll of bandages from your coat pocket so you could redo a set on his arm that was already stained with blood. You carefully peeled the medical tape away, then started unraveling the white material. “Well at least it gives me an excuse to talk to one of my favorite patients,” you told him with a wink before leaning in closer to whisper conspiratorially into his ear, “but don’t tell Katsuki that. I’d never hear the end of it.”
He blushed a little before stammering out something about keeping his lips sealed and you grinned, pinching his uninjured cheek. It was funny to you how flustered Midoriya got at the simplest of things. The literal Symbol of Peace. Strongest hero in the world.
“All right, you’re all set,” you said a bit later after you were done checking his injuries and rewrapping any cuts he had. You patted him on the shoulder as you stepped away, glancing at your phone to check the time. It was almost time for your lunch date with Katsuki. “You can sign yourself out and go back to saving the country now. I’ve gotta head out for lunch with Katsuki. He always gets all grumpy whenever I’m late.”
“Actually!” Midoriya spoke up as he hopped off of the hospital bed. You glanced at him with an eyebrow raised, silently telling him to continue. “I was thinking about heading over to Kacchan’s agency, too!”
You blinked then squinted your eyes at him in a suspicious manner. “This isn’t about you pestering him to do that long-term mission with you again, is it?” Katsuki had been pushing off talking to Midoriya about it for a few weeks now, seeing that it would force him to be with the Symbol of Peace for weeks -- alone -- and also halfway across the world. You didn’t think it was a good idea to leave Japan without its top two heroes for nearly a month, despite how strong all your other friends were. But also, Midoriya was stubbornly persistent. It was only a matter of time before Katsuki would (reluctantly) agree.
“N-no!” Midoriya stammered out in response, a bead of sweat suddenly appearing on his forehead. When all you did was squint at him even more, he looked away as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Maybe…”
“You know he’s just gonna tell you to fuck off again, right?” you sighed out, gesturing to him to follow you as you walked him to the receptionist’s desk to sign him out. “Personally, I think he would just miss his friends too much.” It was a nice thought to imagine, even though you knew it was something Katsuki would never admit out loud.
“I’ve just got to keep trying!” Midoriya said determinedly once you’d both set off down the street. You’d given him your sunglasses to wear, though it did little in the scheme of him adorning his hero suit. “He’s bound to agree eventually!” You only gave him a shrug at that, knowing it was likely true. You still didn’t know how to feel about being without Katsuki for a few weeks. You’ll survive, but it’ll suck.
One of the perks of working at the hero hospital you were situated in was that it was rather close to the Ground Zero agency in Musutafu. It was a nice walk for whenever you wanted to stretch out your legs. You chatted idly with Midoriya as you both made your way to a familiar five-story building, pushing open its doors to enter into the bustling space.
“Oh, hey guys!” a voice almost instantly greeted, and you turned your head to see Kirishima waving his hand from near the elevators. You called out your own greeting as you and Midoriya walked past the receptionist’s desk to join him. “Looking for Bakugou?”
“Yep,” you replied, glancing at your phone once more to see it was a few minutes past noon. Nice. “I’m having lunch with him and Midoriya here wants to pester him about that mission to the states.” 
“Good luck with that,” Kirishima told Midoriya with a grimace, the elevator doors opening to let all three of you on. You pressed the button for the fifth floor. “Bakubro’s been grumpy all morning with the reports he’s had to redo.” 
“I keep telling him to do them properly,” you rolled your eyes, “he never listens.” 
“He’ll say yes,” Midoriya firmly restates once you all got off the elevator and started to walk toward Katsuki’s office. His door was firmly closed. There were a few other people walking around who greeted you before hurrying off to take care of other hero-related business. “He has to. I’m sure of it.”
“Whatever you say, man.” Kirishima shrugged before pushing open the door to Katsuki’s office, letting out a loud “Yo! Bakubro!” 
You liked Katsuki’s office since the entire left wall was made of reinforced glass, allowing you to see more of the city. It also let in a lot of natural light, which made the space look absolutely gorgeous with all of its mahogany furniture and neat bookshelves. You raised a hand in greeting once you made eye contact with Katsuki, then walked off to the mini fridge he had stashed in the corner of his office. 
“Shitty Hair,” Katsuki grunted in acknowledgement from behind his desk before his eyes landed on Midoriya. He scowled. “Deku. Fuck off.” 
“Told yoooou!” you sang out as you grabbed the two bentos from the fridge and gently kicked the door closed with your heel. You turned just in time to see Midoriya pout at you. You made your way over to Katsuki’s desk, setting them down on an area that wasn’t covered in paper, before you pulled over the chair he had for you and plopped down in it. You were starving, so you wasted no time in opening your bento and prying your chopsticks apart. 
“But Kacchan!” Midoriya protested, walking closer to Katsuki’s desk. “You know it’s a mission that we could get done well together--”
“I said fuck. Off,” Katsuki snarled as he stood up abruptly and glared at his childhood friend. You rolled your eyes before batting away Kirishima’s hand that’d been trying to sneak a piece of teriyaki from your bento. “Ask someone else.”
“Aww, maybe you should give it a chance Bakugou,” Kirishima piped up, successfully managing to nab a piece of chicken from you as you gave him the stink eye. 
“No. Both of you, get out.”
“I said out or I’ll fucking kill you.”
Midoriya sighed and Kirishima walked over to him to give him a clap on the shoulder, muttering something indecipherable to him. Katsuki glared at them until they were out of the door, only to scowl when Midoriya stuck his head back in with a determined expression. “I’m not giving up, Kacchan! Think about it!” Then he was gone, only to be replaced with Kirishima’s head.
“Chief of Police wants those reports in by the end of the day, by the way,” he said and Katsuki grunted in response. Kirishima then grinned widely, his sharp teeth on full display. “Have fun on your lunch date!” he teased, only to duck away as Katsuki threw a pen at him. The redhead laughed loudly, then thankfully shut the door, knowing when to take a hint.
Katsuki let out a sigh, plopping down heavily onto his chair before he rubbed at his temples. You swallowed down the rice in your mouth and patted his shoulder sympathetically. “You know, he’s just gonna keep pestering you until you agree.”
“I fucking know,” he groaned as he grabbed his bento and pried it open. He viciously snapped his chopsticks, then started shoveling rice into his mouth. You hoped he wouldn’t choke. “Damn Deku never knows when to give up.” He scowled deeply, a grain of rice stuck to his cheek. 
You picked it off and wiped your finger on a napkin from your pocket. “And? Have you thought about it?”
“I’ve been thinking about it,” he sighed, running his free hand through his hair as he glared at one of the reports on his desk. You knew anything Midoriya said or did was not without reason. You also knew that Katsuki knew this as well. Besides, he was right; they both did work extremely well together -- which was surprising, given their past and how much they squabbled even as adults.
You hummed. “Well, then you know what you have to do, don’t you?”
Katsuki’s crimson eyes turned to look at you, a frown pulling at his lips. He exhaled, then looked back down at his food with a glare so strong you thought you saw smoke rising from the piece of salmon he was staring at. 
“Yeah,” he grumbled. “I do.”
“So this guy came in,” you said, leaning forward a bit as you relished internally at the eyes glued to your figure, “and he was like ‘I think I’m pregnant’. I took one look at him and the man looked like he was in his third trimester. Naturally, my first reaction was ‘Well, what the fuck?’ because his sex was male, and the nurses who were also looking after him were absolutely stumped.”
“He wasn’t actually pregnant, was he?” Kaminari asked, looking as though he was hanging on desperately to every word that left your mouth. His face was slightly flushed from all the alcohol he had consumed within the last few hours. “That’s impossible, isn’t it?” 
“Well, yes,” you replied, taking a short sip of the drink you had clutched in your hand. “But get this. I ordered an ultrasound for him, and you know what I found?” 
“What?” Kirishima breathed, eyes wide in anticipation. You paused for dramatic effect. 
“Teeth,” you said simply. “And hair.” 
“So he was pregnant!” Kaminari exclaimed, bolting upright so suddenly that some of the sake in his glass spilled over onto his hand. “I knew it.” 
“Don’t be fucking stupid,” Katsuki scoffed. You glanced besides you just in time to see him roll his eyes. He was slumped onto the couch next to you, an arm thrown over the back of it. You could feel his hand playing with the cloth on your shoulder, rubbing the material between his fingers. You let out a small laugh at the pout that appeared on Kaminari’s face. 
“But then, what was it?” Kirishima asked, his expression twisted in a look that made it seem like he was thinking very hard about it. 
“It was just a massive tumor,” you said with a grin, waving your free hand around. “They do that sometimes, you know? This guy was just unlucky enough that he had it right on his abdomen.” You patted your stomach with your hand, watching as Kaminari’s face fell slightly. 
“So he wasn’t pregnant,” he sighed out with a frown, staring down at his drink as though it had betrayed him personally. 
“No,” you laughed slightly when Kaminari flopped over onto the floor, disappointed. “It was very strange though. Even made it to the news.” 
“Man!” Kirishima suddenly exclaimed, clapping his hands together from his position sitting next to Kaminari. “The medical field has some pretty interesting stories!”
“Oh yeah,” you smiled as you leaned back against Katsuki’s chest, “I’ve got loads of stories. They’re probably not as impressive as some of the things you guys have done, though.” You could feel Katsuki’s fingers stop moving as he watched you carefully from the corner of his eye. You tried not to look at him.
“Pssht, hero-ing has its boring parts too,” Kaminari waved his hand as he sat back up sloppily, “Sometimes you just capture the villain and nothing exciting happens. Other times you just sit in your office doing all the piles of paperwork.” He took a sip of his drink. “They don’t exactly advertise that part to the public.” 
“Yeah!” Kirishima nodded his head in agreement. “Lots of background stuff you gotta do. And sometimes nothing happens on patrols.”
“It gets so boorrringggg when nothing happens!” Kaminari whined out, inevitably spilling some of his drink onto the floor. Katsuki glared at him as he attempted to clumsily wipe it with his shirt sleeve. 
“Oh boo-fucking-hoo,” Katsuki  growled, “you knew what you were signing up for. Suck it up.” 
“So mean, Kacchan!” Kaminari sniffled and you figured that was a sign to wrap things up for the night. You helped Kirishima pick up an inebriated Kaminari from the floor and walked them down to his car, waving farewell as they pulled away. When you got back up to your apartment, Katsuki had already cleaned up, so you joined him in your bedroom, where he was laying down, staring up at the ceiling. 
You crawled into bed next to him, propping yourself on your elbow before you poked his cheek. He glanced over at you. “Penny for your thoughts?”
“Just thinkin’ ‘bout leaving tomorrow,” he said quietly, turning on his side so he could properly face you. Your eyes flicked over his visage, memorizing all the tiny details that made up his face as though this was the last time you would ever get to see him. “You gonna be fine on your own?”
“What am I, five?” you joked, laughing a little when Katsuki only frowned at you. A small smile tugged at your lips and you ran a hand through his soft hair before letting your palm rest on his cheek. “I’ll be fine. It’s you I’m more worried about. Sure you won’t miss me too much?” You were teasing him, trying to get him to stop looking so contemplative. He mumbled something under his breath, then sighed, bringing his hand up to rest over yours.
“We’ll finish that fucking mission so fast you won’t even have time to miss me,” he told you instead, and you rolled your eyes when a small smirk formed on his lips. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you told him, leaning closer so you could press a kiss to his forehead. He closed his eyes momentarily, then opened them when you pressed your head against his, your noses rubbing together slightly. You inhaled, then exhaled slowly, ingraining the smell of caramel apples into your brain. 
“Just make sure you come back in one piece,” you whispered against his skin. 
Katsuki’s absence in the following weeks was loud. Almost too loud, at times.
You would sit in the living room of your shared apartment, and notice just how quiet it was without him bustling around in the kitchen or grumbling to himself at a news report. You tried not to let it bother you too much, focusing on work and chatting with the friends who were still in Japan. But they were also busy, since -- as expected -- villain appearances increased with Dynamight and Deku out of the country. It was terrible in the first few days they were gone, but your friends were quite strong, and they’d managed to reel everything back in order pretty fast.
You still went to the Ground Zero agency to have lunch with Kirishima or Kaminari sometimes. Occasionally Ashido would be there as well, though it was rare with how busy she was. They told you Katsuki would be back before you knew it, and you appreciated it, you did. You were a patient person anyways. It was only a matter of time.
You still kept in contact with him, of course. Whenever he or you weren’t busy, you’d call or text. It was a bit difficult, though, with the time difference. He couldn’t tell you everything about the mission he was on either, but you knew it likely had something to do with quirk-related drugs, since they’d been popping up everywhere and sending their users to hospitals.
“Deku’s been jumpin’ all over the place meeting with U.S. heroes,” he told you one night when you’d called him to say good night -- though he had just woken up for the day. “The nerd’s never been more excited. It’s disgusting.”
“Aww, let him have this,” you chided him with a small laugh, thinking about how eager Midoriya probably was at getting to meet American heroes. The mission was probably also kind of diplomatic as well. “And how do you feel, huh? About the new people?”
“I can kick all of their asses in my sleep,” he declared and you laughed louder this time, a fond smile stretching across your face. 
“I’m sure you can,” you told him amusedly, and he huffed in a way that told you he was pleased. “Well, make sure you do whatever you gotta do and get back home, all right? Japan needs its best heroes.”
“Yeah,” he went quiet for a bit, “...I miss seeing your shitty face.”
You chuckled, eyes crinkling slightly as you smiled even wider than before. “Yeah, well, I miss your ugly face, too.”
You’d been checking the hospital’s stock of epinephrine when you found out.
A nurse slammed open the door to the cool storage room you were in, navy scrubs askew as they looked at you, their face dripping with sweat and their chest heaving from the effort it took to find you. You immediately dropped the clipboard and pen you were holding, your body on autopilot as you ran to the emergency department of the hospital even before they could finish telling you what had happened. 
“Doc, i-it’s Dynamight. He’s in critical condition in the E.R.--”
You couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe even as you rapidly scrubbed your hands and tugged on your white gloves, bolting through the door into the surgery room housing Katsuki where there was already a swarm of doctors milling about, shouting and yelling above the rapid drone of a heart monitor. 
And white, you thought so brokenly as you finally saw him covered in bandages and sheets, was not an unassuming color when it was tainted in dark burgundy. When it was saturated so deeply with the liquid signifying death. His blood. His. 
“You shouldn’t be here,” one of the other doctors told you when she finally noticed you standing frozen at the door. “You know you can’t treat him like this, it’s not allowed.” 
You knew that. You knew you couldn’t; doctors with any kind of relationship to a patient couldn’t treat them -- not when it was so serious like this. It was different than you doing those simple check-ups you’d been doing before. But you had to be here, you just had to. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him, at the large piece of metal protruding from his torso. Your heart sank, a cold feeling spreading throughout your body. The color was nearly drained from his skin, an oxygen mask attached firmly to his face as his breathing stuttered from time to time. There was no way he would survive something like this. Once that piece of metal was removed, he only had minutes left before he would die. 
He would die. 
You felt cold.
“No, wait,” another doctor spoke up when they saw you. They said your name. “I-I think you might have to use your quirk for this. It’ll give us more tim--”
“He won’t survive something like this even if we had our best surgeons,” a nurse interrupted as she looked at the heart monitor. It was slowing down. “Even if it did give us time, what could we do?”
“Keep trying,” you whispered out, then cleared your throat and spoke up louder, catching the attention of most of the doctors in the room. There was a numb feeling spreading throughout your body, but you ignored it. “We keep trying, and we look for someone who can help.” If there is someone. You tugged the gloves off of your hands and stepped towards Katsuki’s bed, positioning yourself right by his head. 
“I’ll do it,” you said firmly as you smoothed spiky ash-blond hair from his damp forehead. You looked up at the doctors in charge of the surgery. “Remove the metal. We don’t have much time. Japan’s number two hero isn’t gonna die on our watch.” You said that last bit firmly, willing yourself to believe it. 
Seconds seemed like eternities as the surgeons carefully removed the chunk of metal from his torso. You watched, stroking his hair gently, as it left his body. Then you sprung into action, resting your hands against the gaping hole that spanned nearly the entire length of his abdomen. You concentrated, the sounds around you fading away to a low hum as your hands emitted a warm, peach light. 
The wound started to shrink, muscle and skin knitting together rapidly under your gaze as you put all your energy into closing him up. 
It took you two minutes and thirty-five seconds until he looked good as new. A glance at the clock on the wall told you it was midnight.
As soon as your hands left his torso, you collapsed backwards onto the floor, breathing heavily as the doctors around you leapt into action. You looked up at the heart monitor as it stabilized, accepting the assistance of a nurse as they helped you up. Katsuki let out a deep sigh in his sleep, and you wiped sweat from your face as blood bags were hooked up to the crook of his right arm. The color was slowly returning to his face. 
He’s fine, you assured yourself as you accompanied the doctors pushing him to a vacant room. You sat down near his bed, one of your hands clutching desperately onto his own warm one. He’s fine.
You swallowed heavily. 
Everything still felt numb.
Sometimes you wished Katsuki had never gone on that stupid mission with Midoriya. 
It was a completely rational thought, even as you lay in bed, listening to his heartbeat as he slept away. You’d found out from Katsuki one night that he’d gotten impaled trying to save Midoriya from a blow that would’ve pierced through his heart. They’d been attacked as they were traveling back to Japan, and Midoriya just barely had enough time to get Katsuki to the hospital you worked at. To you.
Stupid heroes, you thought to yourself, wiping a hot tear from your eye. Stupid heroes and their stupid self-sacrificing bullshit.
Maybe Midoriya had known you were Katsuki’s only chance to survive, you thought ruefully, tracing circles into the tank top Katsuki was wearing. Maybe you were. But it didn’t feel like it. You glanced at your phone. Midnight.
You sat up in bed just in time to see a dark spot of red form on the white of Katsuki’s tank top. Inevitably stained, once more. Carefully, so as to not wake him, you peeled the shirt back, seeing a small wound start to form on his abdomen. You glanced at his face to see it start to twist in pain as the wound started to get steadily larger and larger, blood threatening to spill onto the white sheets of your bed.
You sighed and placed your hands against it, concentrating once more as that familiar peach light enveloped your hands and his torso. After two minutes and thirty-five seconds the wound disappeared, and you felt more than saw Katsuki’s body relax against the mattress. His breathing continued on, undisturbed. 
It was the same song and dance every night. Directly at midnight.
“You really do like to worry me,” you exhaled in a whisper as you grabbed a wet wipe from the nightstand beside you, wiping the blood from your hands before tossing it in the small trash can near your side of the bed. It was almost full; you would have to empty it soon.
You carefully lay back down, resting your head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat, steadily thumping away. Thump, thump, thump, a reassurance. You closed your eyes.
You often wondered how long this would need to continue; this seemingly never ending cycle of injury and healing. You never wished so strongly for a better quirk than at this moment. A quirk that maybe wasn’t so useless. So temporary. Would you be trapped in this loop for the foreseeable future? You didn’t know. Still, you pressed through it, hoping that one day you wouldn’t have to anymore.
His life was in your hands.
You wished it wasn’t.
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anystalker707 · 3 years
I'm here, love
Pairing: Ray x [fem] Reader Word count: 1 916 Genre: Comfort / Fluff Summary: Reader isn't handling it well when she goes with MCR for a tour for the first time, but Ray is always there for her. TW: Anxiety attack
Requested by anon
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Tour has been going on for some time already, almost a month, but it actually feels like forever. All the agitation can be really immersive, turning the attempts of keeping track of time difficult, even more since we mostly follow a nighttime schedule due to the concerts. We’re almost always heading to a bar or club after the concerts, so it’s basically falling asleep at two in the morning to wake up at noon or something in the best days. Certainly not the best thing.
Today is thankfully one of the break days in which the guys don’t have any concert and we arrived to the next city earlier than usual, what means we’re lazing around for most of the time.
“…because he’s not here, duh!” Ray’s voice becomes audible as he leaves the bus, grinning as looking back at it and shaking his head after Mikey says something, though I’m not able to understand any of it. Only a small smile remains on his face whilst he approaches me, taking a seat on the ground with me. “Hello, love,” he says softly, pressing a kiss to my cheek.
“Hi.” I smile, pecking his lips, and put my phone down.
“What are you doing?” He raises an eyebrow, looking around for a moment like if trying to find what kept my attention until now.
“Nothing, really,” I say softly, leaning my head against his shoulder. “Do you want to go do something? I wanted to, but didn’t want to ask while you were busy with the others.” The thought of interrupting the four’s talk and probably attracting all that attention wasn’t exactly appealing, I’m secretly thankful he finally left the bus.
“Aw, you didn’t have to wait for all this time.” Ray’s eyebrows furrow lightly as he pecks my cheek. “And we could go look for a café or a restaurant, how does that sound? It’s almost lunchtime, after all.”
“Sounds good!” I smile, liking the opportunity of spending some time alone with Ray.
He seems just as happy as standing up and offering me a hand, which I take to help myself standing up. “So, how are you feeling? With the whole tour thing, I mean.” Ray wraps an arm around me when we start walking down the parking lot, concern laying under his apparently normal expression.
I hum, looking away for a moment. “Oh, yeah, I’m alright. I’ll let you know if I need anything, thank you.” I press a kiss to Ray’s cheek, trying to demonstrate my appreciation despite the subject making me tense up a bit.
Ray is more than aware of my problems with anxiety, already having helped me through its ups and downs, and both of us already predicted how the whole tour thing would interfere on it, mainly because it’s my first time tagging alone during one. We already had a hard time before the tour itself – I got too panicked at the whole thing since I barely knew how it would work –, hence he’s been worried and making sure of always checking on me.
Truth is that I’m not as alright as I’ve claimed to be. The tour has already reached my nerves and I can already feel this familiar buzzing under my skin, threatening to intensify, making me lose it yet again. It, however, won’t happen; I’ll not let that happen. Ray won’t even know.
We’re soon walking into a restaurant, the smell of food filling the ambient and, somehow, it feels good and bad at the same time. Not a surprise, since the anxiety usually has me either eating compulsively or not eating at all, so I think my body decided it’ll be better if I stay inside that bus for hours with an empty stomach, right?
We take a seat and place our orders – I balance my choice between something that my body won’t reject and Ray will not complain about, what seems to work.
“Y’know,” Ray breaks the silence between us, “what have you been thinking about watching us live?” He glances at me, expectant. His question doesn’t fail in making me smile since he’s probably referencing how I used to keep bugging him with questions about the tour concerts.
“Awesome, of course!” I grin, letting my eyes fall to my plate as I drag the food around for a bit. “It’s just amazing, I love it, seeing you playing is just…” I shrug, feeling my cheeks heat up whilst Ray breathes a chuckle, but I’m unable to look at him just yet. When I do glance at Ray, he’s grinning. “You know how much I like it.”
“I just wanted to check,” he says smugly – I snort, shaking my head playfully.
“Already regretting bringing me with you, tho?” I raise an eyebrow, finishing to eat and leaning back on the chair.
“Never!” Ray says indignantly, shooting me a look. “I’d have taken you with me before if I knew you wanted it that bad!” He pauses to take a sip of his drink. “Like, I missed you an awful lot and the tours tend to be fun. Though there are a few problems, but…”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed.” I press my lips together and nod as he does the same.
We sit in silence for a moment, only until Ray finishes eating and soon calls the waitress. She grins as coming closer, a block of notes in her hand and a pencil on the other. “Well, you two have ordered for…” she trails off, mumbling under her breath as scribbling a few things down on her paper before grinning and handing Ray the bill; he nods, reaching for his wallet. Meanwhile, the woman looks at me, wide eyes looking at me from up to down with that fake excitement. Okay. What’s wrong? Maybe she’d judging my clothes? Or that I’m with Ray?
I try to ignore the woman, turning to Ray. “Hey, I was thinking we could—”
“Keep the change,” Ray tells the woman as handing her the money, ignoring me. Fuck. “And do you know any convenience store or café nearby?”
The two engage into a conversation and maybe it’s the instability and stress due to the whole tour-anxiety thing or whatever, but I can feel my heart heavy due to it. My plan is to continue there, of course, leave with Ray so we can spend mor time alone with each other, a plan that I give up on as soon as feeling a sting in my chest. I just stand up and leave.
Why did Ray ignore me? What did I do wrong? He got tired or annoyed, perhaps. …Or, yet, I’m just overreacting. Hell, I know Ray wouldn’t do that to be in purpose because he is usually so loving.
A sigh escapes my lips as I glance back and I really want to come back – I would, if I wasn’t so far from there already. It’s the best to just give him some random excuse later.
Holy fuck, but, honestly, everything only went downhill from the moment I decided to tag along.
First of all, I panicked at the sole fact I was going to come with them to the tour then got extremely awkward during a whole week and half, barely talking with anyone asides from Ray – what got Mikey annoyed at some point, what I’m sure of even if everyone denies it. And then we went along with all the minor events, like me being the last one to get back to the bus, almost getting lost in the venue and simply being unable to talk to anyone asides from the band and the staff, among other inconveniences.
Everyone must be more than done with me, to be honest. And there’s still a whole other month before we can go home, I don’t think I’ll be able to go through all of this with the mess I am.
I sigh in relief at seeing the bus and am about to walk inside it when Gerard show ups out of seemingly nothing, looking around, but his attention quickly falls on me. “Oh, (y/n)— Hey, were you crying? Something happened?”
The question makes me freeze, just now noticing the tears threatening to slip from my eyes and consequently making me feel like all of my blood instantly drained to my feet. “I-I—” I stutter, unfortunately simply unable to finish the sentence, and end up just running away from there, going to an isolated spot of the parking lot to calm down. I don’t want anyone seeing me having another attack, make them even more annoyed and attract all that attention.
Air just escapes my grasp, seemingly impossible to continue in my lungs for longer than a few seconds whilst the tears simply do not stop, even if I don’t even want to be crying or anything, fuck off.
I take a seat on the grassed area, under a tree, and bring my hands up to my eyes.
Cleaning my mind is just impossible, I just keep thinking about how everyone is going to be shooting me these stupid concerned looks when I’m back to the bus and how I’m only going to continue being another source of stress to them during the rest of the tour. Ray should’ve just left me home as usual and—
“…(y/n), listen to me, (y/n)! I’m here!” Ray’s voice cuts through my thoughts and I can feel his hand around my wrist, the other one on my back. “Hey, baby, it’s okay. C’mon, breath with me,” he says softly before starting to set a breathing pace I can’t help but to stick to.
Hell, when did Ray even get here?
I’m getting better when my breath hitches in my throat at the thought I’m only annoying him and I can’t help but to let out a weak sob his time. Ray only starts to rub my back. Even if I’m crying, I do feel better than I did earlier, now slowly becoming more aware of my surroundings while all that filled my mind moments ago were these awful thoughts along with all the panic and worry.
“I’m so sorry,” I whisper shakily, bringing my hands down to bury my face in the crook of his neck, trying to synch my breathing with his.
“You don’t need to be sorry, love,” Ray says softly, thumb running along the back of my neck in a weirdly soothing manner. “Don’t be ashamed of it or anything, this whole thing is really stressing. Even us had problems with it at first, so everyone understands how you must be feeling.” His voice helps me calming down, giving me something to hold onto to keep myself in reality asides from his touches.
“Thank you, then,” I reply, my voice still tight.
“It’s okay. I do it because I love you.” Ray pulls away lightly and smiles at me. His hands cup my cheeks, warm against them, whereas he wipes my tears away with his thumbs. “And I want to see you fine, okay?” He presses his lips against mine in a light kiss I’m thankful for. “Let me know about it the next time you feel like this, please.” A quiet sigh comes from him as he furrows his eyebrows at me, worry obvious there. “Are you feeling better now?” I nod. “Really?” he asks and I nod again, pecking his lips like if to prove it. “Okay…-“ he smiles, relieved, “-…how about a coffee now, hm?”
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
Christmas with the Karasuno Boys (HC’s)!!
Part 1: Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, & Ennoshita
Part 2 (Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kinoshita, & Narita) here!!
A/n: Tumblr said my word count was too much so I’m splitting this bad boi up into two parts :p Enjoy!!
A huge romantic during Christmas, 10/10 quality cliche times spent together
You wanna go ice skating? Hell yeah sweetheart, he will make it the most beautifully romantic thing you’ve ever seen
Like straight out of a holiday postcard type beat
Istg the rink he takes you to looks like a more heartwarming version of Rockefeller Center
He’s a big keeper of tradition when it comes to making plans, but doesn’t mind a bit of nonsense fun when everything falls into place
Which is why you love to bring the team along on adventures because they make everything all the more entertaining
At first he’s confused like ??? You don’t have to do that just if they’ve been pestering you about it
But then he realizes you care as much about them as he does (hint: a hell of a lot) and they’re thus invited along for some stuff
Of course y’all also get some quality time together on dates with just you both
Anyways you and Daichi have talked a lot about traveling and how he was really interested in seeing new places
So as his gift you got him a carved map with a roll of red string and thumbtacks, so that he could plan out all the places he wanted to visit
You know how when Kiyoko found the “Fly” banner for Karasuno and all the boys cried?
Like that but with lots more hugging and laughing
“You know you’re gonna have to help with mapping this out, right?”
“Is that an invitation I hear?”
“Oh, that’s a promise”
Please I love him; he is so damn sly and sassy I will die with this headcanon
I swear on everything that Christmas with him is equivalent to a Hallmark movie
It smells like joy and warmth wherever he is, and this season only amplifies it
He is such a cheeseball without even having to try
But it’s in the really endearing and heart-melting way,,, just MMM PERFECT
He’ll take you on a walk through those neighborhoods with those crazy light decorations in the front yard and buy you hot chocolate
If he sees a group of little kids gaping at all the lights, he’ll leave them starry-eyed with stories of magic, reindeer, Santa and so-forth
“You know, I’ve heard that Rudolph’s nose is supposed to be brighter than the world’s most powerful Christmas light”
Good heavens, children absolutely adore this man
Anyways he’ll make it a little game as y’all walk around this beautifully lit neighborhood, both of you with a different assortment of bingo squares printed on paper
First one to bingo chooses a movie to watch after getting back to Suga’s house
Will wrap a big fluffy blanket around you both and pull you into his chest while watching the movie
For his gift, you got a star named after him
It’s because y’all alway go stargazing for dates every month, just to sit out, talk and cuddle
Suga gave you the SOFTEST look after opening your gift and this cute little card you made 🥺
“Lets go try to find my new favorite star”
“Right now? Koushi it’s 11:30 pm”
“Just for ten minutes, and then I’ll get you home”
So y’all spend the rest of Christmas Eve on his roof, sipping warm tea and attempting to locate Star Suga
Cuddle bear alert ‼️‼️
It’s basically hibernation time for him, because he’s not the biggest fan of cold
That’s alright with you though 😌 more coziness for you
Lots of quality moments indoors means more creative dates
A whole day devoted to chill present wrapping? Hell fuckin’ yeah
Nice music, pretty wrapping paper, shiny bows, maybe a little Christmas rom-com playing in the back — the whole shebang
You find out pretty quickly that despite how it sounds, it’s actually quite a satisfying and enjoyable pastime
Practically had to drag him out of your living room to secretly wrap his own gift
As much as he’s the king of timidity and soft™, he can be very playfully stubborn when he’s comfortable, hence why he was such an ass to get out of the room
I have no doubt that Asahi would melt for the most adorable, cheesy shit
So you not only bought him some really reliable headbands for volleyball use, but you also made a little coupon booklet
He can basically cash in paper promises for certain things, like getting to choose the next date idea, picking a movie to watch without any objection, having you make his favorite food, etc.
There’s one that he can exchange for a full out spa day trip, because good heavens he’s a sucker for those
Massage and exfoliation and everything — it makes him feel ✨refreshed✨
He was ecstatic fam, I don’t even know what to say
Like a puppy who just got a bunch of toys and a new backyard to play
Mans cashes in one almost immediately, and at first you’re confused
Like it’s Christmas time bubs, what are we gonna be able to do when most places are closed and it’s the holidays?
Then you read the paper
“Free hug (can be used and renewed <3)”
He uses that one a lot throughout the upcoming days, to the point where he just keeps the paper on him for fun
“You realize you can just ask me silly, you don’t need to keep carrying the coupon around”
“Yeah, but it’s entertaining”
Cute little cheeky bastard
You know the 12 Days of Christmas? The song??
He gets you a small present EVERY DAY for all 12 days
Not to mention he has a big present that he saves for the actual holiday
Y’all are the type of couple to get ice cream in the middle of winter
Nishi loves his cold snacks any time of year, and you’ve thus picked up a similar taste
He will consistently pester you about what kind of present you got him
Gets pouty when you don’t tell him, but in the back of his mind he’s glad because it would ruin the surprise
Anything you get him instantly becomes his most prized gift tho
It could be a literal rock with googly eyes and he’d put it in a protective glass case for preservation
But of course you get him something better than that because he only deserves the best
He’s got this specific assortment of products to maintain his spiky hair and to make sure it’s healthy, but they’re pretty expensive to buy when he runs out
When he tore open your present’s decorative wrapping to discover a huge basket of basically every hair product he ever needed, he got wide-eyed
There was also a booklet of little notes you’d kept throughout the month that listed all the little things you noticed and adored about your precious boyfriend
He nearly CRIED reading them
“Baby, you didn’t have to do all that for me”
“You act like you don’t deserve all of it and more, Nishi”
Refuses to leave your side after that
Holding your hand, hugging you as tight as he can, etc.
He is head over heels idc idc
Another man who is obsessed with the holiday season and everything that comes with it
He is the biggest sap for this shit istg
Will spend hours trying to get you the best present of all time
And he succeeds exceptionally
Mistletoe? He’s got an ABUNDANCE on hand at any time, just to make sure he can get fair share of his kissies 🥰
His signature beanie appears in full force during winter
Sometimes you’ll pull it over his eyes before giving him a peck on the cheek and dashing off in the school halls
“I’ll see you after school, babe!”
Speech = jumbled + incomprehensible
“Uh hUh, you do that~”
He’s: adorable
I just know that he melts for really sweet and thought-out gifts
Like anything you give him he’ll adore, don’t get me wrong, but the ones done with special care and love are just his kryptonite
He brought you into a massive bear hug and spun you around when he opened a photo book of old pictures taken together, complete with lots of cute messages and anecdotes written alongside them
You and Saeko may have also gone in on another present for him without his knowledge
And on Christmas Eve, you dragged a curious Tanaka into his front yard to the sight of a shiny motorbike
It was Saeko’s old one that she’d held onto for a while, and an old schoolmate offered to fix it up nice in time for the holiday at a discount, so y’all decided to divvy up the lowered price and got it done for Ryu
Sweet boy was taken aback, with his hands clapped over his mouth and everything
Saeko patted him on the back as he stood there in shock, giving her baby brother a sweet smile
“All yours, little bro!”
Ya, Saeko fucking loves you 😌 and so does Tanaka
Overall very lovely, would cry to be loved by the Tanaka siblings
After spending past Decembers with his fellow second year classmates (namely, the very enthusiastic Noya and Tanaka), he’s grown to know quite a bit about the different holiday events that go on around town
Still, Ennoshita is a pretty simplistic guy and is content with simply spending time with you
So when you recommended going to pick a Christmas tree out for your place together, he’s totally down
As long as he gets to help decorate too ☺️
Y’all end up picking a beauty of a tree ngl
And a super stronk friend — fit for the most heavy duty of ornaments
It takes some damn work to get that bad boi inside and upright after driving back to your house
But like hell did that stop you
Now that it was all set up, sturdy, and given plenty of water, decorations were brought into the equation that same night
No rest until it’s all set up and looking mighty beautiful
Okay maybe some coffee breaks in between, but other than that the grind don’t stop ✋😤
Ennoshita is an expert at making Christmas trees look absolutely immaculate
Idk if it’s because he’s had to deal with cleaning up disorder for a while now?
Looking at you, ya second year loons
He just has the touch, fam
He’ll of course let you have input on which light colors, what type of ornaments, and so on
But honestly it’s really fun seeing him fully concentrated on making your tree the best it can be
He lets you on his shoulders to put on the tree topper 🥺
For his gift, Ennoshita really loves books, so you decided to get him 12 different (hardcover!!) stories — one for each month in a year
Along with a small sticky-note blurb on the covers of each to explain why you chose it, and to give similar title recommendations if he ends up enjoying
He was so surprised with how thoughtful and extensive it was
Loved it so much that he immediately started to read the first one, with you sat in his lap
“Chikara, you realize you’re meant to start this one in January?”
“Shh, I’m getting a head start”
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fallowdoe · 4 years
All roads lead to Hell
MC gets kidnapped and has to make their way through Hell to reunite with everyone.
GN!reader x everyone (can be treated as platonic/romantic)
Trigger warnings for this chapter: none
I apologise for the quality of writing however this is a translated version of my fic.
If anyone is interested in that I was listening to Casey tells the truth, the whole Split soundtrack is my big inspiration for this story. I’d advise onto playing it in the background while reading.
Chapter 1 - Prolouge  ⇒
A few candles lit up the room. The gentle light was adding to its already mysterious aura. Solomon’s dorm was filled with all kind of grimoires and spellbooks. The floor was covered with tons of torn-out pages and patterns drawn on a yellowish paper.
Trying out one spell after another MC seemed to grow more and more annoyed. The upcoming exam was one of the most important ones and Solomon’s constant teasing wasn’t the most helpful.
"Focus or you won’t get anything done, MC." The sorcerer stated while leaning against a wall. He wasn’t even trying to hide the amusement in his voice.
"I am focused" They mumbled irritated. It was their ninth try of casting this, so-called easy, spell. A marble laying on the table seemed to look at them pitifully. It was a one bastard piece of glass. Even more irritated MC moved their hand above it once again. 
"Neque ultra intuebitur eum" they mumbled. The space around them seemed to start drawing energy towards their hand. A quiet electric buzz filled their ears and they could feel their cheeks heat up. But just as they were about to direct the energy towards the toy it would suddenly unload. The marble remained untouched, and MC could bet that if it was possible it’d poke its tongue at them. Or maybe even raise a very specific finger up. "Neque ultra intuebitur eum!"
"No! It’s impossible! It’s impossible and that’s it! You gave me a broken marble." They grunted and dramatically sat on a chair pouting. 
Solomon snickered at them and approached the table. He muttered the words of the spell and the marble was gone immediately. 
"Cheater. I bet it was enchanted or something." 
"Maybe." He smirked. "Try again."
MC groaned under their breath but stood up again. The sorcerer walked up to them and placed his hand on their arm giving them a reassuring look. "That’s gonna be seriously lame if you fail again tho.” 
They replied with a huff and tried to refocus. Closing their eyes, MC began collecting energy again. It was a weird feeling. Suddenly they’d notice that the whole room was in fact like a river full of it. Their task was to change its current toward themself. This spell didn’t require a lot of effort, only a bit of thought. Stronger spells could even sweep someone off with an uncontrolled current.
 They’d never admit it but sorcerer’s touch was rather helpful. It made them feel grounded. Goosebumps rose on their hand. They cast the spell again. 
"Lame." He chuckled.
"Huh?!” Their eyes shot open searching for the marble but the table was empty. They laughed and playfully punched his chest, making him laugh. "Asshole.”
Content, MC threw themself on the bed as a mark of their victory, Solomon was quick to follow. 
"You realize that this was shit compared to regular magic?” watching them struggle was incredibly amusing to him, apparently. 
"Like I don’t know" They frowned. He smiled in response and laid back next to them. 
The silence of the room, moving flames of the candles and its overall aura was really comforting.
"You should be able to pass the exam tho" he mentioned. 
"It’s a lot, you know? Everything." MC wondered. 
"I know." 
"I just can’t wrap my mind around it.” They began playing with their hair. 
"You could do much more without a hassle.” He stated like it was something obvious and leaned on his elbows while looking at them with a smirk.
"Wow, thanks for being an asshole.” They muttered, the hair they were playing with fell on their face. 
"A supportive asshole.” 
"I’m not sure if I could do more.” They spoke trying to blow the curl off. Hesitation making its way in their voice. "It’s still too new and…” 
"Yeah… Convincing someone that hell is real is one thing but throwing them inside is something else.” They followed gentle shadows of the flames on the ceiling with their eyes.
"Why? You’d prefer a flaming river and little red devils instead of your seven demon boyfriends?” 
Both of them laughed at the image of the brothers' with spiked tails and tridents. 
"No, I don’t think I would.”
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 Empty walls of RAD were enhancing every sound, making every single word echo for a few seconds before disappearing.
 "MC, ya comin’ or what?" Mammon was standing at the end of the hallway talking with Beel. 
"Just a second!" they screamed while taking stuff out of their locker and putting it in a bag. They were planning on returning to the House of Lamentation as soon as the school day was over to prepare for an exam. But their Devildom History textbook was nowhere to be seen. "Ugh, I left a textbook in the classroom. Wait for me, I’ll go get it!" 
"Just hurry up! I’m not explainin’ to Lucifer why we’re late again!" 
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The palace garden was full of exotic flowers, nothing like what they’d seen before. The number of colours and shapes worked wonders, some of the plants were gently glowing and lighting up the eternal night. Some had spots and some seemed to move on their own. MC could swear that they could even hear glassy sounds of a few.
"No matter how many times I see those flowers they always amaze me.” Diavolo was lazily examining the garden grounds. "Some of them only grow here. I’m doing what I can to keep them from going extinct. The species come from all of the three realms. That’s why you can spot some familiar ones.” He explained. ”I’m hoping to replant them one day on its original grounds.” 
"Thanks to magic?” MC was sipping on some tea. 
"Thanks to a good gardener, actually.” Barbatos smiled.
"Oh.” Both men laughed at their confusion. 
The quiet evenings in Lord Diavolo’s castle were a nice change from their usual ones. Their small chats quickly turned into a regular thing, always accompanied by a nice tea made by Barbatos.
"Magic definitely helps as well.” 
The wind was shyly blowing between the palace columns. Moth-alike creatures were roaming the garden, their wings glooming in the soft darkness. 
"I don’t think I can get used to it. The magic.” 
"Maybe, it’s a good thing. Living in constant awe of something." The Demon Lord smiled and gave them a soothing look. 
They quietly hummed in response.
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 Lucky for them, the classroom was open. They entered not bothering to turn the lights on. The lost textbook was waiting for them on their desk. A dark and empty classroom felt really heavy, MC grabbed the book and just as they were about to return to the hallway they noticed an envelope that must have been hidden underneath it. 
"What? " They muttered. An elegant paper and a wax stamp made it look important. If not for their name written on the back they’d probably leave it alone in fear of getting hexed or pranked. Instead, curiosity made them break the stamp. 
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 "Geez, what is taking ‘em so long?" Mammon huffed. They were gone for only a few minutes but making HIM wait was quite an offence.
"Maybe we should go and check on them" Beel mumbled from between his sandwich bites. 
"Hm, to get lost on your way for a textbook. Dumb human." Mammon stated annoyed. He was energetically tapping his foot.
"Come on, they probably locked themself in the classroom or something."
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   As soon as MC fished the sheet of paper from inside the letter, they started shivering. Cold air began circling them, their vision fading. All the sounds of the world around them suddenly gone. Sudden exhaustion taking over them, an empty void. It was a calm, soothing sensation. Like falling asleep…
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  "It’s empty” Beel stated exiting another classroom. 
"Ow, come on! They gotta be somewhere ‘ere!" anxiety was slowly making its way in Mammon’s voice. 
"Try this one – he pointed at the door on the other side of the hallway." 
"If they’re not in the…" a powerful charge of energy went off when he tried to reach for the doorknob leaving both demons in shock for a second. 
"MC!" Mammon bailed inside an empty classroom. 
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Loud voices filling the House of Lamentation kept the atmosphere tense.
"So they forgot a textbook…" Lucifer tried to keep calm, but his furrowed brows showed how tense he actually was. "…and went to get it…"
"…alone." He shot his brother a disapproving look. 
A guilty nod. 
"So, you went after them and discovered a sudden burst of energy in the classroom." The whole situation was more than inconvenient. It was a tragedy to be specific. An exchange student disappearing on the grounds of the academy. The exact one who couldn’t protect themself from any magic. The foreign trace of a powerful spell didn’t make the situation any better. The eldest took a quick glance across the room.
"We found this." Beel pointed at their textbook laying on the table. 
"Are you sure that they just didn’t go somewhere?" Satan uttered.     
"I’m tellin’ ya how it went! They’re just gone like that!”
"They sure can’t be far, right?" Asmo’s question was left unanswered. 
A motion of loud voices filled the room, everyone discussing what might have happened.
Lord Diavolo approached the table with a stern look on his face. If it was true that something happened to MC while they were at RAD then he was the one at fault for not keeping the academy grounds safe for them. He took the book and examined it. Devildom history. It had MC’s name written on the first page. Nothing appeared to be wrong with it. Just a regular textbook. "It’s just a textbook if anything had to do with their disappearance it couldn’t be it. Is Solomon on his way here?" 
"Yes, I called him a while ago he should be here anytime." Lucifer confirmed. 
It wasn’t even about the project anymore, MC was missing and it filled all of them with an unpleasant feeling of guilt.
"Can’t Barbatos use his powers and find them?”
The butler sadly shook his head.
What previously was a state of anxiety, now was slowly shifting into a panic whit every passing hour. As long as they were alone in Devildom, they definitely weren’t safe. 
"Something happened to MC?!" Luke’s voice caught their attention. 
Both angels and Solomon were standing in the entrance to the dining room, looking rather startled. 
"We don’t know yet." Diavolo stated calmly. 
They joined everyone by the table and Solomon took the textbook. He gave Diavolo a specific look and the demon lord nodded in response. He started studying it. 
"Are they safe?! Why aren’t you worried?!" the young angel kept questioning. 
"I’m sure that MC’s okay." Simeon’s white lies weren’t exactly suited for an angel. 
"Of course, everyone is worried." Belphegor stated irritated. "That’s why we called you!" 
Solomon tried to quiet out the rambling and kept examining the book, but just like Diavolo confirmed, there wasn’t anything extraordinary about it. That was unless he opened it and a single sheet of paper fell out.
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karukos · 4 years
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Alternatively check this story out at: Ao3
When you were part of an elite school like the UA, summer holidays could always last longer. The summer camp and everything around it left you with only very little time for yourself to relax and meet back up with your family. With the prospect of the dorms coming their way, it would mean even more time away from home…
So Izuku was going to use as much time as possible to be with his mom. As soon as he would move into the dorms he would naturally see her less and less, only able to occasionally visit her and help out the tiny, daily struggles that came with life, where he felt like it was his duty as a son to assist when needed. And if it was take out the trash here and there...
Or rather in this case it was more so running errands at the supermarket, while he avoided being in the way when his mom was cleaning the apartment. After that, they would have all the time in the world for some much needed mother son bonding.
Walking back home, Izuku looked down at the small shopping list Mom had given him, going through it again mentally to make sure that he had bought everything. Carrying the paper bag in his arms, he felt for the apples at the bottom while reading over the bullet point on the list.
Seemed like he got everything, tho. Satisfied, he crammed the piece of paper of paper into his pocket, turning the corner into the street of their apartment complex. He was still somewhat lost in thought, letting his mind wander, barely paying attention to his surroundings. After all, he knew them well enough to walk through them blind if he had to.
That single scream pulled him back to reality. Just when he stood by the gates of his house, he suddenly felt a weight push into him, arms wrapping around his waist and blond hair brush against his chest. Warmth and softness embraced him.
It all came so out of the blue that it took him a moment to collect himself. Almost automatically, his free hand wandered down to the shoulder of the person that had so enthusiastically hugged him. It was just a moment; this strange moment of rightness persisted before he looked down to the girl that was so rubbing her cheek into his chest.
“Awww, are you just as happy to see me, as I am to see you?” she cooed at him, a cute face smiling up at him. However, for Izuku it was more terrifying than endearing. The yellow cat-like eyes and the wide fanged grin she put up; not to forget the two messy buns she had tied her pale blond hair into; he recognized it all from the summer camp. She was the villain that attacked Tsuyu and Ochako!
Naturally, his first reaction from there was trying to back away from her. A cold poke against the small of his back stopped that immediately, something pointy, something sharp… A chill ran up his spine, making him physically shudder. 
“What do you want?” he asked quietly, knowing that he could severely hurt if he tried to push her away. All he needed to do was stay calm, like he did back then at the mall. Who knew how valuable this piece of experience had become…
“Let’s just stay like this for a little while, Izuuuu~” the girl whispered quietly, as she just continued to push herself against him, rubbing her cheeks against everything she could manage. “All I want is a little bit of you…” A small giggle. “Maybe a bite too~” 
A small glint came up in her eyes. Slowly, she started to lift her hands up to his shoulders, the knife in one of her hands now pressed directly against his neck, blade gently touching his skin. It was not enough to break it, but the feeling was enough to make him think twice about moving away… or moving in general.
Frozen in place, completely stiff she leaned up against him, tip-toeing to reach further up, her mouth opened, with her fangs bared while coming closer and closer to his neck, their eye contact remaining completely unbroken. Bit by bit, he could feel her breath tickle his skin and the grip on his shoulder getting tighter. He was prepared to feel a sting or just some sort of pain… any second now. Either the blade or her teeth breaking this thin barrier. Regardless he readied himself for some kind of pain, slowly closing his eyes while he could feel his body tensed up by itself in cold anticipation.
The tension between them immediately evaporated. The surprise call made both of them turn their heads to look at the woman with dumbfounded expressions on their faces. It seemed to be the same moment as Inko realized that it was not just Izuku there on the street, but somebody else clinging to him very tightly. A girl too, out of all things!
With two shocked teenagers both staring at her like deer in the headlights, Izuku saw his mother raising a hand to her mouth, as if to stifle a laugh, before calling out again: “Sorry!” Adding a moment later “Come inside, you two!” 
The blonde’s face lit up immediately. Izuku on the other hand just couldn’t help but shake his head so lightly, trying to suggest to his mom that things were not as they seemed to her. But that hint was not landing. Inko waved them to come inside, stepping away from the window.
“Come on, Izu! Don’t wanna keep your mom waiting!” Toga’s wide smile reappeared as she quickly hugged his free arm, dragging him along and clearly determined to get to the apartment as quickly as possible. Izuku hardly could slow her down at all.
It was all about slowing them down, giving him more time to think. Maybe there was a way out of this without upsetting this villain and putting his mom in danger. But that seemed less and less likely as he felt her grip on his arm get tighter and tighter. The knife pressed hard against his side to pull him along more, making sure that he would not just dig his heels into the ground and stop walking.
That was at least until they stood right before the door of the apartment and they finally stopped right there. A moment passed before he noted softly that the keys were in his pocket by moving his arm a little. She got the idea, instead moving to his back, still leaving her weapon pressed right into his sides so he would not run… not that he would do that right now.
Keys in his hand, he stopped for a moment, looking over his shoulder. Taking a deep breath, he put the key into the slot and waited.
“I want to make a deal…” he started carefully, earning him a curious “Oh~?” from the villain. “If you put the knife away and promise to not threaten my mom…” so far so good, but … “Then I’ll.. I’ll… uuuhm.” Honestly, he had no clue what he could offer at this point. He hardly knew her, didn’t even know her name, but she seemed to know him and was out for something.
“Then I’ll…” - “...then you will act like I am your girlfriend”She finished the sentence for him, the same wide grin appearing on her face, an expression that felt so surprisingly genuine instead of threatening that Izuku’s cheeks immediately started to burn bright red.
After a stunned second, he just agreed with a nod, watching the girl visibly and demonstratively put her knife away while Izuku turned the key, putting his hand on the door knob, just when he remembered something important:
“What is your name?” She just smiled at him for a moment before pushing herself against him one more time, hugging his arm tight while whispering into his ear: “My name is Himiko Toga.”
Again he just silently nodded while he pushed down the knob, letting himself and Toga into his home. Inside Inko Midoriya was frantically running around, making sure that the absolutely spotless apartment was really absolutely and completely clean. Like a positively agitated cleaning whirlwind of green and pink.
It was only when Izuku announced himself to her that Inko stopped her energetic preparations for the arrival of the girl she had seen her son be with. The excitement was so thinly contained that she was basically vibrating in place while trying to keep up a collected and polite facade.The only thing that kept the woman from an euphoric outburst was that she did not want to embarass Izuku right there in front of his new crush.
“Uhm … Mom, m-may I introduce to you… th-this is Himiko Toga… Sh-she is…” his voice was shaky while he was introducing her, fumbling the starts of some words as he felt the iron knot in his stomach get tighter and tighter. He was unsure if he should introduce her to his mother as what the blonde was posing as. The knot felt like it was going to explode any moment. There was certainly a pause in his speech, a bit of hesitation that anybody could notice.
“Nice to meet you, Mrs Midoriya!” Toga interrupted him swiftly, sooner than he realized. From the side of his vision Izuku looked at her, trying to decipher what she was thinking, hoping that his hesitation did not mean the end of their deal. She, however, just smiled at his mother, a warm smile that beared none of the craze that he had seen just a few minutes ago.
“Nice to meet you too, Himiko,” Inko responded with a wide smile on her own, side-eyeing her boy as she took a moment to look between the pair. At least it seemed like Inko could imagine them together very well.
“I’m sorry, I am currently a little unprepared for a visitor, but I am sure we got some shortcakes somewhere in the house. Would you like some tea or do you prefer coffee instead?” She gave her best impression of a well put together and polite housewive. After all, she knew this could positively reflect back onto Izuku, impress his girlfriend for him a little.
The boy in question was worrying about different things entirely while he was moving around the house to put the shopping bag down and help his mother a little by setting the table. As if that was going to restore normalcy to the situation, but he couldn’t help but keep and eye out for Toga as she moved around the apartment, looking at photos and having a small chat with his mom.
Slowly, he tore himself away from the image of this villain fitting in so normally within his normal life. Well, as normal as he could imagine the first girlfriend could fit into the household. It almost made him feel bad for judging her. Right now, she seemed innocent enough, even like she was enjoying herself, acting like a normal person.
Before he knew it the table was set and they all could comfortably sit down. Izuku mindfully sat down right next  to Toga, the two of them sharing a quick look for a moment. Seemed like she seemed quite happy to be here, clearly having a good time as she scooted her chair even closer to his, while he tried to wordless communicate his discomfort at her closeness to her. Still, she ran her hand over his arm while he felt a cold shiver run up his spine, every hair on his body standing straight. 
But before he knew, a normal conversation had started, with the main participants being his mom and Toga while he just inserted himself here and there. It just left him wondering even more about the situation. Sure, she was a villain. She had attacked two of his friends and was partially responsible for the attacks of the rest and the kidnapping of Kacchan. But here she sat with him, revelling in small talk and the pleasant, insignificant topics. So which one was it? Normal Girl or Villain?
While he had been thinking he put his hands onto the table, out of the blue a second hand laying on top of his. Toga smiled comfortable as she pushed her fingers between his, holding his hand gently. The small he had felt when she brushed over his arm was nothing in comparison to the sudden electrifying spike he felt shooting up his spine.
He was sitting there stiffly, feeling there was a current running through his hand that was making him want to twitch his hand but feeling like he was unable to. For some reason, he also felt his body starting to heat up out of nowhere. As subtle as possible he tried to shift his weight in his chair, but it felt like each tiny sound was like an explosion, each move and earthquake and every breath like a hurricane. Not to forget that he felt like his cheeks were glowing like stage lights by now. Sure, he knew she was making him nervous but with her hand in his right in front of his mom that feeling was amplified to heights that he had no idea how to handle right about now.
Toga’s cheek were a little red too, slightly blushed from what he could tell but unlike him she was had a wide smile on her face, living in gleeful joy, looking clearly self satisfied with the advancements so far. Look a tad bit more mischievous she squeezed his hand a little, giving him a cheeky glance when she noticed him squirming. She had him in her or at least Izuku felt like it, inwardly wincing at his own mental pun.
Time passed on, slowly sometimes when there was a little silence while Izuku struggled to keep the conversation going, before retreating back into being simply observant, seeing his “girlfriend” enjoy herself between having talks about sweets and cakes or about him with his mother (sometimes that alone was embarrassing enough really; baby stories hardly ever were the source of much pride) and teasing him directly by coming a lot closer to him, something that made him flinch a little by itself. However, between all that he could only smile a little when he watched his Mom’s face light up and hear her giggle here and there. A few more conflicted feelings started to well up in his chest but right now he had to swallow all of that.
“Thank you for your hospitality, but I think I need to get going” Himiko said after a while, putting her empty teacup down. They surely had spent over two hours by this point so it was certainly not too short for such a surprise visit. Politely she got up, helping Izuku with carrying the empty dishes to the sink, clearly aiming to be as pleasant and exemplary as possible for Mom before they assembled back together in the hall.
“So I will be get going now. It was a pleasure to meet you, Momdoriya,” Toga made a small before Inko, respectfully sinking her head.
“The pleasure was totally on my side, Himiko! Where do you need to go? I am sure Izuku can bring you there safely.” Inko offered up, the smirk on her face showing clearly that she was liking the nickname that she had been given.
“Just down to the train station. Really, it’s not that far,” she answered reassuringly.
“Oh don’t worry about it. I am sure Izuku would love to bring you there.” said the green haired mother, while the person in question started to feel like he was being wound up even tighter. He hardly could argue against it right in front of his mom without making it seem weird.
He took a short breath as he turned towards the blonde. “Come, I am bringing you there, so you don’t get lost.” He tried to put on his softest voice, even going so far as offering his hand to her, this time willingly.
It was a sort moment he saw surprise on her face before it turned into the biggest and widest smile he had seen on her so far, her cheeks now positively pink. Gently she slipped her hand into his, while he could feel at the back of his hand how his mother was beaming at him, probably with tears in her eyes as it was usual in these “corner stone” moments.
They quickly went out of the door together, still hand in hand as they walked down the streets. Things were quiet between them while Izuku side-eyed Himiko again and again, in part because he didn’t want to have a knife pushed against his side. However, it was also because there were many things he did not understand about all this. She had threatened him, almost bit him and yet she just walked in on his home and acted normal, hear the insignificances of his life and revelled in the small talk. And she seemed content with that. Did she learn something that would further her goals? After all, she was part of the League of Villains. He hardly could imagine her going out there and risking interacting with a hero, well hero-in-training, for nothing. What did she gain? What did she learn? Maybe it was a ploy to learn about the details of his quirk? Did anything they talked about allude to its nature? Crap, maybe he should have paid more attention to the conversation when sitting right next to a villain.
“Wow, you really muttering a lot there,” she pulled him out of his thoughts as she covered her mouth with one hand while snickering. Honestly, like that it felt almost embarrassing. Still, he really needed to get these questions of his chest. Slowing down a his step a little he made her do the same.
“So what was this whole play about?,” He pressed out with tension shaking in his voice. For the moment he was very explicitly aware that their finger were still entwined. He didn’t want to risk seeming hostile by pulling away now. “What did you try to gain from that?” 
It took Toga a little bit to adjust to the new walking speed, having to fall back to match him once again as she looked at him with big, curious eyes. 
“It sounded like fun…,” She started, grinning a little. “...normally if I like somebody they don’t let me that close. I always sneak up on them. Just to hug them, maybe get a little nibble… but that was the first time I was into somebody’s home so I thought it would be cool to find out what that’s like. Just be a little normal and that kind of stuff.”
When she finished with her explanation there was a dreamy expression on her face as if she just remembered something utterly fascinating about the world. For some reason, melancholy filled Izuku’s heart, while they were coming closer to the train station, mulling over that answer until they arrived at the station. 
Unsure, if he should let go of her hand or if he should keep her there and get the police on the side. Or should he at least say something to her. Stopping at the gate Toga Toga quickly took his other hand into hers, looking him straight in the eyes. He could see sparkles lighting up in the gold, beaming up at him from her eyes first from her smile second.
“So I had a really good day today. Let’s repeat that again at some point,” she said cheerfully before she went onto the tips of her toes, her face coming closer and closer to his quickly, while she closed her eyes gently. Her lips gently pressed against the corner of his mouth, leaving him stunned for a before his head jerked backwards on the realization that he had just gotten a kiss. 
That was the opening Toga was waiting for. Just as quickly as she went for the kiss she went down to his exposed neck, pressing her mouth against the nape of his neck and bit down. For a moment, it was just a shock, then he felt the light as her teeth pushed into his skin, just for a fraction of a second.
It was over fasted than Izuku could comprehend, first the kiss, then the bite, but she had pulled away, giggling maniacally. 
“Sorry, Izu, I just couldn’t resist.” She said with the laugh still in her voice before she waved him goodbye and ran into the crowd of the train station, effectively making her disappear into the crowd.
Izuku just stood there, holding the place where he felt her teeth, feeling his skin pulse. But really, the spot that felt weird was the side of his mouth. There was a lot of things going in his mind, all of it revolving around this villain, this girl, around Himiko Toga. He stood there for a little while, frozen like a statue before he made his way home, probably having to come up with  a few stories to not worry his mom… and a lot of questions he had to ask All Might later on.
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spacebrick3 · 6 years
The Malformation AU: Part 10
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 |
This is the final chapter, but that’s not to say there’s not more lying ahead - not when the Malformation and @writerofwriting are around…
Chapter 10 (Talya):
Anechoi collapses to the floor. For just a moment, there is silence, nobody in the hangar daring to move. With a slow hiss, the last remnants of the magic crisscrossing the room, fade out, corrupted and Designer alike - and with the failure of the magic, the spell is broken.
Talya drops to the ground next to her, abandoning the now-useless tech. “Anechoi, Anechoi, please, come on, come on…” She doesn’t - she scared, because she doesn’t know what she’s just done. No one has researched the effects of suddenly and violently removing corrupted magic from somebody, much less doing so by stabbing a Designed blade through said person. If she’s hurt…If I was the one who hurt her…
She is hurt. That much is obvious. Eris - the entity - hadn’t cared for what she was dragging Anechoi through, and so burns of both magic and frost mottle her skin. Cuts from the dust storm line her face, and she can’t know what mental trauma being taken over by Eris will leave. But she’s alive, breathing shallowly and with a pulse. At least she’s alive. 
Did I do that, though? Would she be okay if I hadn’t…? She doesn’t know. That’s the worst part. She wants to blame it on Eris, but…can she? This hadn’t happened until she’d activated her Design, not before. Cause and effect said that she was the reason Anechoi was sprawled unconscious on the ground.
With a sigh, she buries her face in her hands. She’s drained. And even now, when the whole thing is supposed to be over, it feels like things have only managed to get worse. Anechoi’s hurt, and badly, and she doesn’t know what to do. She was just trying to help, to try and protect her or stop the thing inside her head from hurting her. Congratulations! I did! Because I was the one who hurt her! Great fucking job there, she tells herself acidly.
Syrus comes over, looking worried. “Is - is she going to be alright? You - she isn’t-“
A shrug is all she can muster. “Maybe? She’s alive, but…”
“Yeah, no…” He looks around anxiously. “Hey, this might sound strange, but do you - does she have any of the explosives left? I need to borrow one.”
Anechoi is still carrying most of them - evidently, most of the explosive work at Aquamarine was contributed by Eris. She undoes the clip on one and hands it to him. “What do you need them for?”
Tossing it between his hands - she winces, because that is absolutely not the way to handle sensitive mining explosives - he takes a second to answer. “I tried to get Kellstrand to keep them away, but even she’s not that powerful. In around…oh, maybe seven minutes, every news station on Mars is gonna be here.”
“That’s what you’re caring about now?” she asks incredulously, almost laughing. It’s the kind of the laugh that is just on the other side of crying, the same release of emotion. “The fucking news!? Your sister could be dying and all you care about is-“
“You two are criminals. I don’t know how wanted or whatever you are,” he says, picking up bits of shattered LIMES off the floor, “but certainly Anechoi is the one seen killing Aquamarine. My guess is you don’t want her to get packed off to jail forever. I mean, maybe they’ll put you in the same prison, but I doubt it. So we need a cover story.”
It’s hard for her to care. “Sure…?”
“Exactly. Now if I just…” He strides to the ripped-open door at the edge of the hangar, looking on on the field of strewn metal that used to be her Designer sigil. “Perfect. It’s the switch on here that arms it, right?” Without waiting for an answer, he flicks it, then throws the blinking globe, along with the scraps of LIMES, out towards the surface. Hitting the ground with a dull thunk, it bounces once before detonating and leaving a charred crater in the sand, lined with bits of metal.
“What the hell was that for?”
“Rogue android, course,” he answers.
She blinks. “What?”
Something blinks on his tablet, and he hurries back over. “Shit! They’re already here. Come on, get back into Diamond and I’ll get the flyer around when I have the chance.” Together, they manage to pick Anechoi up, but Talya can’t really carry her on her own. 
“Hey!” It’s the red-haired girl, who’s picking herself up from where Eris threw her. A trickle of blood runs down her forehead, but she doesn’t seem to notice. “I - ow - I can help. I think. Ow.” She winces, stumbling over and lifting Anechoi’s other arm over her shoulder. “She’s not still evil, is she? ‘Cause then we probably shouldn’t be this close.”
“She…shouldn’t be-“
“Oh.” She sounds almost disappointed. “I’m Mira, by the way. You going back to being a criminal or whatever?”
“What? I don’t know what you mean.”
“You’re not one of the register Designers like Kayode, are you, and there’s not that many. Everybody knows who they are, so if you’re not them you’ve gotta be one of the black marketeers? Which one, though - you Devre, or are you Lewis?”
There’s not much point in hiding it from her. They manage to limp into the corridor just off to the side, leaning against the wide doorframe. “Lewis.”
“Oh, I’ve heard good things. Also that you rip off your customers. Is that true?”
She manages a small smile. “Only the ones I don’t like.”
Syrus’ voice echoes throughout the hangar. “No, I didn’t get that much of a good look at it. Think it must have been some sort of rogue Designer AI, the way it was throwing magic around. What? Once we got some shots off on it, actual solid hits, we must have broken some sort of catch in it. Wandered off into the sand and exploded. You can look, but I don’t think you’ll find much, just some broken circuits and bits of metal. Wish I could help more.”
“No, course not,” he continues, in response to another question. “No, I’ve gotta thank all the people here at Diamond who helped, the dock engineers especially and the people who managed to keep everybody safe with the evacuation. Don’t thank me, really.”
“Come on,” Mira says, pulling them forwards. “We should keep going. I don’t know how much longer I can stay with you, ‘cause - ow-“ She misses the next step, barely staying upright- “that. I think I should see a doctor. You think I should see a doctor?”
Talya is barely paying attention. “What? Yeah, probably.”
The lights of Diamond are harsh, all brilliant white overhead. She doesn’t know where they’re going - probably to another of the hangars, for Syrus to get to them, but which one? They’re just angling towards the central area, because that will connect to all the points. “They’ll never be able to take the company from him now, you know,” Mira says.
“From Syrus?”
“It’s been news, you know. I read it, but nobody seems to care. The Almas-Daviau family doesn’t like him, and so they’re trying to get rid of him as the heir to the company. But now that he’s, you know, ‘saved’ Diamond, people are gonna care, so they can’t throw him out.” The door in front of them slides open, revealing the vast, circular hall that marks the innermost point of the city. “Hey. I’m - I’m gonna go to the doctor, now, cause - cause my head really hurts.”
This part of Diamond is modeled like the train stations of Earth, benches and tables scattered throughout. Mira lets Anechoi slide off her shoulders and onto the nearest bench, head lolling over the top. She turns to go, then stops. “We should…we…” She trails off, then shakes her head, grabbing a slip of paper from the nearest kiosk and scribbling something on it. “Here.” And then she’s gone, disappearing into the maze of halls that run through the city.
Of course. Talya rubs her eyes, almost unable to comprehend what she’s seeing. Of course this day would end with her getting a girl’s number. Of course. That was just the most fitting end to the whole scenario - it started with an impossible thing happening, and it was going to end with one too. “There is no way this could get stranger,” she tells Anechoi, sitting next to her.
The problem with saying things like that is that the universe has a tendency to prove them wrong. 
There’s a tap on her shoulder. She jumps to her feet, already flicking on the spare LIMES she took from Mira. A startled cry and the four people there are backing away, holding up their hands defensively. “We’re the good guys here! Don’t shoot us!” one of them shouts, and she lowers the weapon a fraction. 
“Okay, great, thanks for not shooting us,” the one in front says. She’s tall, with black hair that’s a little shorter than ‘long’, and seems to be the leader of the group. Behind her are two boys, one with hair dyed a stark white and the other even taller than her, plus the girl who’d shouted first, short with braided brown hair. “Are you okay?” she continues, glancing at Anechoi. “You look hurt, and your…friend?”
“Who are you?” Talya demands. “The city was evacuated! Nobody’s supposed to be here! So what are you doing here?”
“No - we’re here about a problem! We’re trying to help!” the same brown-haired girl says. “There’s a…entity of chaos that’s supposed to be here, gets inside people’s heads?” 
She hesitates. “You haven’t seen anything like that, have you?”
If you’re wondering who those four are, check no further than the Guardians project from which the Malformation is taken. Looks like they’re here to help, if they can...
Tag list (if you want to be added or removed, just let me know!):
@lady-redshield-writes, @no-url-ideas-tho, @ratracechronicler, @ken-kenwrites, @ravenpuffwriter, @cirianne, @lonelylibrary @maxbeewriting, @endlesshourglass, @thebloodstainedquill,  @anip-ocs, @dreamwishing, @incandescent-creativity, @fatal-blow, @danafaithwriting, @wri-tten
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never-ending-wip · 6 years
Chapter 1
Another one of my works in progresses is realistic fiction (I think idk). I decided to post the first part of it                                                                                        Warnings: Swearing, child abuse, kidnapping, underage prostitution (doesn’t go into details), sexual comments
I tried my hardest to stay in this house. I really did. Everything was great. The dad cooked every day. He even packed me lunch. The mom didn't seem to like me a lot. She would really just ignore me which is fine. But there I was in the backseat of my social worker's car heading to god knows were.
“You were doing so well Val. They were even talking about adoption. You just had to go and ruin it.” Mr. Davidson looked at me from the front seat. They had mentioned adoption but I didn't think they were serious. No one wants to adopt a 16-year-old. Especially one that they called a “violent animal” after one fight. The mom even slapped me.
“I didn't even start the fight, that bitc-”
“Valentina,” Mr. Davidson warned. “The other girl almost had to go to the hospital. Just be lucky her parents didn't press charges.” No, they didn't instead, they got me expelled. She was faking half the injuries anyway. I only go to hit her twice.
I stayed quiet this time. I have to learn to stay quiet in front of Mr. Davidson. He could ruin my life in a second. My silence only lasted 10 minutes tho.
“Have you heard anything from Alex?” I tried to act casually. Like I didn’t really want to know, but really I would do anything to see my brother again.
“Not in over a year Valentina. Do you really believe he's coming back for you? He's 26. If he was going to get custody of you he would have done it by now.” I wanted to shout at him. To tell him he was wrong. But instead, my hands clenched harder around my trash bag. My nails made a small tear. There was no way Alex abandoned me. He was probably just in trouble again. That's what happened last time he disappeared for this long.
“Fine can you at least tell me where we are going?”
“A small town called Kibly. The family’s nice and the best I could do with the time I had.” I nodded. I'm not sure what I expected, this was a last minute emergency placement. They were never good. “If you get kicked out again I won't hesitate to put you in a group home. Do you understand?” I nodded once again.
An hour later Mr. Davidson parked the car. The house was small with only one story. One of the windows was boarded up with wood. The whole front yard was overgrown and had random chairs and broken shit was just thrown around. No, I couldn't do this again. Mr. Davidson was getting out of the car but I didn't move.
“Can I try my chances at a group home?” I asked only half joking. I'd rather go to a group home that another one of these houses. At least there I knew the rules and that they’ll have to feed me.
“Valentina, get out of the car,” he practically growled. I listened, clenching my bag to my chest. We walked to the front door and Mr. Davidson rang the doorbell. A few seconds later the door flung open revealing a lady probably in her mid-30s. She had blonde hair, but her brown roots were showing. Her skin looked orange from a fake tan. She was wearing a crop top, short shorts, and a choker. she also looked slightly high.
“Hello, Bella. This is Valentina. She’ll start school tomorrow and is already set up..” Mr. Davidson kept on talking but I blocked it out. At one point Mr. Davidson left and I was in the rundown house. The inside was just as bad as the outside. The entrance led to a living room, which had a beaten up couch, beer bottles all over the floor and trash on the coffee table. There was a nice enough looking TV but then I realized it was cracked and probably stolen. There might have been a computer on a desk in the corner but I couldn't see it with all the papers and trash.
“Listen, kid, your rooms the last door to the right.” Bella pointed to a short hallway that had four doors. “If I were you I would stay in there at all times. And don't disturb my husband, Henry. He should be in his way home from work with some of his poker buddies, and he doesn't like his games being interrupted.” I shrugged. I already knew the drill in homes like these, Listen to rules and don't show emotion. If you show any sign of resistance or wine in any way, well you might leave with a few bruises.
I went into the bedroom. If you can call it that. it might have once been a really small office space or a large closet. A twin size air mattress with a pillow and blanket threw onto it sat in a corner. That took up the majority of the room, only leaving a foot of space between the bed and the wall it wasn't touching. There was a window but it was one of the windows boarded up with wood. Great. I threw my trash bag onto the bed and sat down next to it. The air mattress sunk under me. My watch told me it was six. If I planned on going to school tomorrow I’ll need new school supplies. My old foster family didn't let me take any of the things they bought for me. I pulled on an old red hoodie from my bag and dug through to my emergency cash. I only had $30. I took ten even though that meant I wouldn't be able to get everything I need.
I shoved the money in my pocket and left the ‘room’. As I walked down the hall I heard laughter. Shit, the husband must be home. I poked my head to see if there was a way out. There where four men in the living room. I'd have to walk right past them to leave the house. I was about to slowly back up and see if the window in the bathroom opens, but I was already spotted.
”Hey Harry, whos the kid?” one of the men asked. I stepped out of the hall knowing that there was no point in turning back.
“That must be the foster kid. Bella’s friends a social worker. We get a lot of cash from her. Girl what's your name,” A guys, who I can assume is Bella's husband Harry, barked. He was swaying slightly in his seat and holding a half-empty beer bottle.
“Valentina,” I answered. I didn't make any eye contact but I tried to stand up tall and just walk past them. My back was turned to them when a voice stopped me.
“Where do you think you're going?” Henry asked when I started to move to the door.
“Look at that ass,” Another guy slurred after whistling. The others chuckled. I immediately turned to face them. I shoved my hands in my sweatshirt pocket and gripped the ten dollars. At least the sweater I was wearing was baggy and not revealing like the t-shirt under it. I tried to just turn around and leave again but someone grabbed my arm. It was Harry.
“I asked you a question bitch,” He growled right in my face. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“I have to get school supplies,” I explained.
“We can give you some money,” one of the guys suggested.
“Oh yes all you have to do is entertain us a little,” another said. Harry seemed to like this idea since he smirked and pushed me into the center of the living room.
I left the house an hour later with five ones stuffed in my bra. I moved it to my pocket.
By some miracle, I found a Walmart after about a half an hour of wandering. The sun was already starting to set as I entered the store. I grabbed a basket and went straight to the school supplies. It was the end of the year so there wasn’t a lot of school stuff.
My basket had a small $7 backpack, 2 notebooks, and a folder. I had a pack of pencils in my sweater pocket. They were expensive okay. After tax, I should have a dollar left. It’s enough to maybe buy chips at school tomorrow. That might be all I eat if I don't have free or maybe reduced lunch.
The sun was probably setting outside and there was no way I could find a way back to the house.
Luckily I had a plan. My eyes searched the aisle until they caught a girl about My age a few feet away. She was gorgeous. I could only see half of her face but her skin was a beautiful dark brown and her hair was up in a bun. She could see that she is proudly wearing a rainbow bracelet. That means she’s either an “I love unicorns and rainbows” girl or gay. Judging by her flannel shirt and serious demeanor It's safe to assume the latter. Perfect. It's so much easier to flirt with a girl than with a guy.
I slipped off my sweater and wrapped it around my waste. I was wearing a tank top since it was hot earlier. It was wearing a crop top since it was hot earlier. That will come in handy now.
I walked over to where she was standing and picked up a pack of led pencils that were way above my price range. As I went to place them back I ‘Accidentally’ dropped my entire basket. The little stuff I had scattered across the aisle.
“Shoot,” I muttered, deciding not to swear so I can keep an ‘innocent damsel in distress’ look. Apparently, it worked because when I kneeled the girl did as well. She helped me gather everything and put it in the basket. “Thank you so much!” I tried to make the gratitude not sound forced. I’ve been told that I'm a scary good liar. I could feel her eyes on me, looking me up and down. I usually would feel grossed out, but I didn't with her.
“It’s no problem. I don’t think I've seen you around, and I usually know all the pretty girls in town,” she smirked and her eyes found their way back to mine. Wow, she really wasn’t holding back, and her voice was beautiful. My cheeks turned a slightly pink and broke eyes contact, instead looked at her lips while slightly biting on mine. All of this was, of course, part of the act. I never act this embarrassed when someone's actually flirting with me, well at least I never show it.  
“Oh I just moved here,” I said quickly making eye contact and smiling.
“Are you going to Kibly High? If so I’d love to be the one to show you around.” she winked and moved closer to me. Wow, I know that I’m good looking but this girl is making things so easy. I didn't know what school I was going to but these towns small so there's no way it has more than one public high school.  
“Yeah, I am. I’m a little nervous. I’ve never been the new kid before.” I've told this lie a million times. Always looking shy and sweet each time.
“Don't worry everyone is really nice,” she said inching closer. There was a small awkward silence. Shit, I had to think of something to say.
“If they are anything like you then that’s not hard to believe,” I said looking down at my feet with another fake blush.
“Well I can't promise that they are as nice as me.” she winked. I giggled. “I'm Mia by the way.”
“I’m Valentina, but you can call me Val,” I inched closer as well. I didn't tell her a fake name just in case we did end up going to the same school. There was less than a foot between us and Mia was looking down at me. I hadn’t realized how tall she was. I didn't look her in the eye instead, I stared at her lips while I nibbled on my own.
“Well, Val how about we get out of Walmart and go somewhere a little more... interesting.” Her voice was low. Our heads were so close and I thought she was about to kiss me, but instead of going to my lips her mouth was next to my ear. “I would love to be the first to show you around town.”
“Sur sure let's just um let's go and pay,” I didn't even have to fake the stutter. Why did I have to pick a hot one? It's going to be so much harder when she finds out half the stuff I said a lie. Mia backed away smiling at me.
“Of course,” Mia chirped as she grabbed my hand. “Do you have everything?”
Our lips were connected as soon as we were in the car. We didn't even bother with pretending we were planning to drive. Both of us were in the backseat where the windows were tinted. Mia’s knees were on either side of my leg’s while we kiss. It was one of the best make-out sessions I've ever had.
It didn't last long. After a moment the doors on either side of us swung open. I was ripped away from Mia. something cold was placed against my temple and a hand was over my mouth. I looked at Mia and saw a masked man holding her tight with a gun to her skull and a cloth to her mouth. Her eyes were getting droopy. The same thing was probably happening to me just without the cloth.
“We are going to take you to the van. Any resistance and I’ll shoot. Understand?” I nodded, my eyes getting watery. The man with Mia just picked her up since she was passed out but the man holding me practically dragged me to a van right behind the car. It was the stereotypical black windowless van. Great, I’m going to die. He shoved me in the back and got in himself. Once inside the car jerked forward. Mia was placed on the ground while my arms were forced behind my back. What felt like plastic was wrapped around them. I was then forced to sit next to Mia’s body. I could see her breathing so at least I knew she was alive.
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idioticimagination · 6 years
The Only Prize That Matters | The 100 | Bellamy x Reader
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Pairing: Bellamy x Reader Rating: Fluffy? (There’s a few cuss words tho & like a small angsty part) Fandom: The 100 Word Count: 3,773 Requested By:@bellamyblakemorley Summary: 
It’s the finals! Bell and his team are tied for first! As Bell plays, Y/N can’t help but reminisce on how far they’ve come as couple. Little does Y/N know, Bell has much more up his sleeve than skill. 
(A/N: Sorry to any baseball fans who are reading this! I tried my best to understand how the game works, but I’m not much of a baseball fan myself. So please don’t get offended if something I wrote was wrong; I did my best, and I hope you enjoy!😊 )
I sat in my seat as I watched Bell and his team chat amongst themselves. Octavia had gone to get some food and drinks. Something about getting it while it was still fresh. I could see Bellamy’s curls bouncing around as he talked to Murphy. Lincoln stood beside them while Monty and Jasper messed around close by. Kane, one of their coaches, kept an eye on the rival team. As he surveyed the area he caught sight of me and waved. I let out a small giggle as I waved back. I sat close by to the field, so it was fairly easy for them to see me. 
Bell saw me, no longer paying attention to the conversation at hand, and a smile crept onto his face as he nodded his head at me. I pursed my lips before I smiled at him. I could tell he wanted to say something. He seemed nervous. I couldn’t blame him. It was the finals. 
“Hey,” O said as she sat down beside me, “Am I late? Did i miss anything” I shook my head as she handed me the drinks and huge foam finger. “Alright! I got my hotdog, the nachos, and your cotton candy!” She stole a piece from my cotton candy before handing it to me. “Woooh!” O kept screaming and cheering as the game began. Bellamy winked at me as he ran to his side of the field. 
It’s been so long since Bell and I started dating. We’ve been together for about 5 years now. Well actually...six today. I can still remember when I first met him. 
“Wait! Wait! Please!” I yelled as the elevator was about to shut. A hand stuck out stopping the door from closing. I rushed into the elevator with all my papers in hand. “Thank you,” I said to the man. He chuckled at me. I looked up at him as I sorted through my papers. I let out a shaky breath. “I’ve got a very important job interview, a-and, power went out in my apartment , I-just,” I kept fidgeting as I spoke to him. I hit the button to go to the top floor.
“You don’t have to explain anything to me. I understand. I was like that when the big bosses came to watch me play,” he said. I gave him a weird look, not understanding what he was talking about. The elevator started to rumble before the lights shut off. We came to a stop. The lights flickered back on as I bit my lip anxiously. The man tried pushing some of the buttons, but the elevator wouldn’t move. He tried pressing the button to make the doors open, but they wouldn’t budge. A voice came over us from the speaker explaining that there was a power outage, and it had caused the elevators to malfunction. It said maintenance was already working on the problem, and we should be out shortly. 
I let out a frustrated huff as I went to sit in the corner. I placed my papers beside me before I rubbed at my temples. I moved all of my hair out of my face as the man came to sit next to me. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to throw a fit. I just really needed this job.” I pouted as I leaned my head against the wall, hugging my knees to my chest. 
He shook his head at me before offering his hand out to me. “I’m Bellamy,” he said. I shook his hand as I introduced myself to him. “I’m really sorry about that job, but I promise it’ll get better.” I let out a scoff. 
“Yeah right. I’m drowning in debt, I’m about $300 short on rent, which by the way is due two days from now. If I’m late on payment again I’ll be evicted. I already got my power cut off. And now,” I sighed before continuing, “Now my only shot at keeping my life together just got thrown out the window because this stupid elevator decided it wanted to take a nap.” Tears collected in my eyes, but of all things I needed right now it was not to cry in front of a complete, good looking stranger. I wiped at my face before facing Bellamy. “Thanks for trying to cheer me up though.” Bellamy’s lips formed into a tight line.
“So...what’s your interview for?” I sighed as I pushed my hair out of my face. 
“Well....I‘ve just been doing a few small jobs here and there. You know, the usual. Waitress, cashier. If I could land this job, I’d actually be able to have a stable source of income instead of juggling four minimum-waged jobs a week, praying I’ll have enough to pay for a decent meal.” He stared at me as I explained my situation. “But...umm..enough about me! What are you here for?”
His eyes widened at the change of topic. He blinked a few times before he cleared his throat. “Oh..Um..I’m here for an advertisement thing,” my head tilted as I gave him a confused look. “Yeah y’know something about the workout gear, and stuff.” I nodded my head. He didn’t seem like much of a talker. “I’m sorry about the interview. If there’s anything I can do to help-” I didn’t mean to cut him off, but a small laugh escaped my lips. He paused to gaze at me as a small smile appeared on his face. 
“Sorry,” I grinned at him, “That’s awfully kind of you, but really-it’s nothing. I’ll find something else if this doesn’t work out.” He gave me a sympathetic look. “Really! It’s nothing! I’ll be fine,” I insisted. 
“But you said you might get evicted,” I opened my mouth to explain, but he beat me to it, “Where will you stay? Do you have anywhere to go?” I was about to answer only to realize...I didn’t. I shook my head as a shaky laugh left my lips.
“I’ll figure it out. It’s nothing. Just don’t worry about me,” I smiled. His lips formed into a tight line. 
“If you need any help-” he took a deep breath as he thought about what he was going to do, “just call me.” He handed me a piece of paper with his number on it. 
“That’s very kind of you, but-” 
“And even if you don’t need my help...maybe we can go get some dinner some time.” My breath hitched in my throat. A blush tinted my cheeks as I felt them warm up at the suggestion. A grin was painted on my face. I bit my lip to hide my excitement as I nodded at him. The doors opened up revealing that we had gotten to the top floor. 
“That’s my stop,” I said as I got up from the floor. I gathered my things before I faced Bell. “I enjoyed talking with you,” I paused, watching as he just stared at me, “I look forward to that dinner.” He grinned before winking at me as the doors closed behind me.
I walked up to the front desk. “You’re late,” the woman said.
I ended up getting the job regardless of my horrible timing. Over the years I had been promoted multiple times allowing me to stay financially stable. But a great job wasn’t the only great thing that came out of that day. I met the man that I’ve been in love with for the past few years. 
Bellamy had slid against the dirt. The team was behind by a few points, but Bell was able to score some bringing them to a tie. The crowd cheered his name as Bell ran back to his coach. The flustered smile and tint of red on his cheeks reminded me of our first date together. 
“You seem nervous,” I said with a small laugh. He let a small chuckle out as he took a sip of his wine. He reserved a private room in a fancy five-star restaurant for us to dine in. “I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything,” I said quite worried, “Are you sure you can afford all of this?” He had said that he wanted to pay for everything when he first picked me up. I tried to insist on halving the bill, or at least leaving the tip, but Bell was dead set on paying for everything. “I really don’t mind helping out with the-”
“Don’t worry about it! I promise that I can afford all of this,” he laughed. I was still a little unsure, but I just accepted the kind gesture. “So..I know I said this when you first called, but congrats on your new job.” 
I grinned. “Thank you! I’m really excited! Hopefully I’ll have enough to move into a nicer place soon,” I said. Bell smiled as he stared at me. I blushed under his gaze.
“I’m sorry. I just-You look beautiful,” he said after clearing his throat. My blush darkened, and I giggled at how cute he was being. A red tint overcame his freckled cheeks as he looked down at his hands. 
The rest of the night went amazing. It ended with our first kiss and was followed by a few more dates before he asked me to be his girlfriend. Maybe two years later, he asked me to move in with him.
“Help,” I complained as I struggled with one of the bigger boxes. Bell rushed over to me, lifting it from my arms with ease. I let out a huff as he laughed. He set the box down on the dining table of our new house. Our house. That sounded nice. “That was the last one,” I informed him.
Bell dropped himself onto the couch and held his arms out for me. I walked over to him, taking his hands into mine as he pulled me to him. I landed on his chest, his arms wrapping around me. “I’m tired,” he complained, “and hungry.” I laughed. We didn’t really have anything to eat. We were suppose to go grocery shopping this morning, but...umm...Bell had gotten a bit too happy at the sight of me in his shirt.
“I already ordered pizza. It should be here in about ten minutes.” Bell tilted his head to look at me. “I knew you’d get hungry,” I pointed out. 
He laughed as his wrap around me got tighter. “I love you.” He kissed the top of my head, and we laid there until the pizza came.
The crowd was booing as the umpire called out a debatable point. Murphy had clearly slid into third base before the fielder had even thrown the ball back! Bell was obviously upset as he stood behind Kane as he argued with the umpire. 
“Go Bell!” O and I screamed in unison. Bell looked up at us as a small smile came to his face. Kane put Bell on the field once again as the crowd cheered him on.  Thank god he was smiling; I hated to see him upset. 
“Bellamy!” I yelled down the hall as I chased after him. “Bell!” He slammed the door to our bedroom, but I quickly pushed it open only to slam it shut myself. “Talk to me!” 
“Who was he?” I gave Bell a confused look.
“Who was who?” I screamed.
“The guy! The one you met up with! You know, it’s completely normal to fall out of love with someone, Y/N! But don’t just drag me along and use me for my money or fame or both! Don’t just lead me on, let me love you, and then go and cheat on me!” Was he being serious? He’s yelling his fucking lungs off because of this? A fictional story that the tabloids had published this morning! ‘THE END OF THE BASEBALL POWER COUPLE!” “EVERY BASEBALL FAN’S FAV POWER COUPLE COMING TO AN END?” “CHEATING ON BELLAMY BLAKE?” It was stupid! And fake! Bullshit! ‘The guy’ that Bell was talking about was my new assistant who I had lunch with yesterday. 
“He’s nobody! He’s my assistant!” Bell refused to look at me. He grabbed one of his luggages and started packing. I rushed over to him and slammed the luggage shut, placing my hands on top of it to keep him from opening it. “Really? You’re leaving?” I was angry-furious! He wasn’t even willing to talk with me about this? He thought he could just walk in, ignore me, and pack his bags! He didn’t even want to at least hear my side of the story. He just kept folding his clothes as I watched him. He refused to make any eye contact with me. “Bellamy! Talk to me! Please!” I screamed. He just kept gathering his things. “OH! And he’s my cousin and gay!” Bell froze.
“He’s my cousin! Fresh out of college, can barely afford to have food on his plate, and he needed a job! Just like I did when we first met! So his mom, my aunt, asked me to give him something! Anything to help him out! So i gave him a job as my assistant! Oh- and he likes dudes,” I screamed. Bell just stared at me with tears in his eyes. I was crying, heaving, and I finally took my hands off the luggage I had been pounding. “Leave.” Bell tried to walk towards me, reach out for me, but I only took a step back. “Fucking hell, Bell! You weren’t even going to talk to me! You were just going to leave me! You didn’t even try to hear my side of the story! You trusted complete strangers over me, your fucking girlfriend! You were just going to pack your bags and leave! What if I wasn’t here to stop you?!”  The tears wouldn’t stop falling, and my throat was coarse and stung from all the shouting I had been doing. 
I walked away from him, shutting the door behind me. I quickened my pace at the sound of the bedroom door re-opening followed by his rushed footsteps. I wiped at my face as I grabbed my purse, phone, and keys. “Babe wait-” 
“Don’t,” I stated calmly. “Don’t you dare fucking call me that after what you did!” Bell was crying at this point, and I couldn’t stand to see him like that, but I had to face him. “You were just going to leave me. It didn’t matter that I was crying, begging, pleading for you to listen to me. You just kept packing,” I sobbed as I stood there, my knuckles whitening from my tight grip on my keys. “So if you want me out of your life so badly, since you were so eager to go and be on your own, then I’ll leave.” I shut the door behind me and ran to my car. The night seemed so silent compared to the chaos within the house. I slammed my car door and backed out of the driveway. I could hear Bell calling after me, but I ignored him, just like he did to me. As I drove off, I could see Bellamy in the mirror. He chased after me only to inevitably give up, and go back inside the house. 
That was one of our biggest fights. I clasped my hands together as I watched the game, nervous. They were tied, and it was Bell’s turn to play. “Come on, Bell. You can do this,” Bell hit the ball straight on and quickly made it to first base. The crowd cheered as our team got ahead. Bell had a huge grin on his face as he looked up at the score board. The crowd cheered his name again. “Go Bell!” I screamed. He looked at me as he threw me a kiss. I let out a laugh as he made the shape of a heart with his hands. He looked so relieved. “I love you!” I yelled.
“I love you too!” He said. 
It was around 5 a.m. I think. I assume it was 5 a.m. My phone died a while ago from the constant calls and texts from Bell. The lights were still on, so Bell was still awake. I turned my car off and slowly made my way to the door. I had been exhausted just a while ago, but the thought of having to face Bell after that fight kept me wide awake. I opened the door, at first trying to keep quiet until I saw Bell siting on the couch. His head was in his hands as he leaned forward. He turned to look at me, his eyes were red, and puffy. They were glossed over with his tears. He kept sniffling as he stood up to face me. 
“I’m sorry,” I said through my own sniffles, “I know that it was just a stupid misunderstanding, and I completely understand why you were so upset, and I had no reason to just walk out on you like that, but i just-” I was cut off by Bell wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest. He cried into my hair, and I sobbed into the crook of his neck. I could feel his hand playing with my hair as held on to me. “I’m so sorry,” I said. He shook his head. 
“I’m sorry.” He rested his chin on top of my head as he held me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he took a deep breath before leaning down to kiss me. The kiss was warm and soft, and I could feel all his guilt within it. “You were right. I should have listened to you.” He led me to the couch. I snuggled up against him as we held onto each other. “I don’t know what I would have done without you. I’m so sorry,” He cried. I wrapped my arms around him tighter as he did the same. He traced patterns on my waist as he whispered sweet nothing into my ear. We eventually fell asleep in each others’ arms, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 
It was the ninth inning. Bellamy was up to bat again. “Let’s go Bellamy!” O screamed beside me. Bell had gotten the team ahead. Hopefully once the scores are rallied up they’ll be revealed as the true winners, but right now all the pressure was on Bell. If he could get just a few extra points the team would have the win for sure. “Bel-la-my! Bel-la-my!” O got the crowd cheering his name as Bell got ready. He tightened his grip on the bat and adjusted his footing. I bit my lip, a nervous habit I had developed since childhood. 
The pitcher threw the ball, and it seemed as if everything moved in slow motion. You could hear the bat crash against the ball as the ball flew through the air. Home run. It was a home run! The crowd stood to their feet as we cheered Bell on. Bell made his lap around the field as the fans screamed for him. O was jumping up and down as she yelled. Bell had a huge grin on his face. He was running across the field as his teammates chased him down. They tackled him to the ground as they celebrated the victory. O and I kept jumping up and down as we clapped like seals in celebration. We laughed before hugging each other.
O grabbed my hand and led me down from the bleachers and onto the field to see the team. They were all gathered in the center of the field for the entire audience to see. I hugged all the players, coaches, staff, and crew congratulating them all on their hard work. I finally made my way to Bell who was just watching me. He held something, but his hand was positioned in a way so that I couldn’t see it. It was probably just a ball or something. People congratulated him on the homerun and the win. He made his way to me and took my hands in his. 
“I love you.” He said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He placed his hands on my waist as we swayed back and forth. “I love your smile, your laugh. I love that glint in your eyes whenever you come up with a new idea. Or how you look at the things and the people that you love. I love how warm I feel whenever I’m in your arms. I love the way your lips seem to fit perfectly against mine. As if we’re two pieces of a puzzle meant to be. I love how you talk, how your voice seems to ease my mind when I’m in my darkest times. You’re like a goddess to me.” He said as the red tint on his cheeks got darker and darker. “And I love that you love me, all of me. The good and the not so good. That no matter what, I know I can always return to you, and you’ll accept me for who I am and what I’ve become with endless love.” He let out a shaky nervous laugh. The game was over. He had won. What else could he be so nervous about? 
“I have no idea what I would do without you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He pulled away from me as I gave him a confused look. He knelt down onto one knee, and he revealed the velvet box in his hand, opening it up to display a beautiful ring. “Will you marry me?” I had tears in my eyes as my hands cupped my mouth. I nodded as I repeatedly said yes. He stood up and I immediately wrapped my arms around him. He kissed me as his arms encased me in his warmth. 
I could hear the team behind start cheering, yelling, and shouting as they jumped up and down. It seemed like we stood there wrapped in each others’ arms for hours, but in reality, moments later the team had surrounded us. They congratulated both Bell and I as I showed off my new, favorite ring. Bell kept me close to his side as he talked with his teammates while O and I gushed over the ring. 
The trophy was handed to the team, who passed it over to Bell to hold. They all cheered as the crowd was screaming. “Congrats,” I laughed. “It’s a nice trophy.” 
“Maybe,” Bell shrugged, “but you’re the only prize that matters to me.” 
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bubble-tea-bunny · 7 years
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if the sky could dream 
[mike wheeler x reader]
author’s note: been wanting to write this but just didn’t know how to go about it, kinda happy w/ how it turned out tho. i love writing the boys so much, they’re the perfect practice for writing a conversation involving multiple people 
word count: 1,671
It’s not exactly like he can control the way his heart practically stops the moment he hears your laughter floating down into the basement.
It’s jarring, but not unpleasantly so. The battle at hand is pushed to the side as Mike looks away from the map on the table and towards the stairs leading up to the first floor. The door is open and he can hear two people’s voices, but the only one he’s focusing on is yours. He’s stopped paying attention to the campaign, but the others only notice when it’s his turn to roll.
“Uh, hello? Earth to Mike?” Lucas waves his hand in front of Mike’s face in an effort to grab his attention.
“Huh?” Mike blinks and looks over at Lucas, whose expression is unamused. “What?”
“This isn’t the time to get distracted! In case you’ve forgotten, we’ve lost to Caligari two times already and now is our chance to beat him!”
“Oh. Yeah. Sorry,” Mike mumbles, returning his attention to the map. Atop the piece of paper rests three small figures, one for each party member: him, Will, and Lucas. Dustin sits across the table with a screen to hide all of his information as dungeon master, and he’s narrating the newest portion of their campaign—their third (and hopefully final) fight against Caligari, a minotaur that fights with a giant ax. Each battle with this boss has nearly resulted in a game over, but they’d pulled through, and Will commented that this was a sign that they were destined to stop Caligari, no matter how long it took.
“Give him a break,” Dustin remarks with a smile, breaking character for a moment. Just several seconds ago he’d spoken with urgency, describing the intense scene to the party members and the immense power of Caligari and how they might actually meet their end here if they don’t watch themselves carefully. “Don’t tell me you wouldn’t act the same way if your crush was nearby.”
“I don’t have a crush,” Mike rushes out, but he doesn’t meet Dustin’s eyes. This isn’t the first time he’s had to say that.
Will laughs. “Sure. So why’s your face red?”
“It’s just… warm in here.”
The others respond with something to the effect of “Oh yeah of course" but it’s clear they don’t believe him. And Mike isn’t surprised. It hadn’t been a very good reason. At this point, he doesn’t know why he’s trying to pretend he doesn’t have a crush. They’d figured it out almost right away and no amount of excuses could get them to think otherwise because they see how Mike reacts when he so much as hears you and that’s not the kind of shit you can hide. No, sir. Breaking his immersion in the midst of a very important Dungeons and Dragons boss battle is quite the feat, especially if it’s one as high stakes as this. Mike supposes, then, that he’s doing it to save face. What face there is left to save anyway. The teasing has been unrelenting since they realized how hopelessly infatuated he was with Nancy’s best friend.
“Are you gonna go say hi?” Lucas questions, small smirk on his face. Dustin and Will are stifling giggles to no avail.
Mike takes a deep breath, willing the heat in his cheeks to go away as he looks down at his character sheet. “No. It’s my turn to roll isn’t it?” He holds his hand out and Lucas gives him the various-sided dice.
Luckily that remains the extend of their teasing for the rest of the evening they hang out. The campaign keeps them distracted, and Mike can no longer hear you; you must’ve gone upstairs to Nancy’s room. The party ends up defeating Caligari once and for all, an accomplishment resulting in loud cheers that surely reached the main part of the house. By the time they call it quits for the night, they’ve since arrived in a new town with more people to interact with and more quests to embark on. Mike walks the other three to the front door.
“I can’t believe we finally got him,” Lucas remarks. There’s a ghost of a smile on his face as he thinks back to the moment.
“If it weren’t for that high roll you got, we would’ve died for sure this time,” Will says.
“Okay, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting you to defeat him,” Dustin pipes up. “I purposely made him really, really difficult.”
“We noticed.” Mike deadpans, but then he laughs. “But now he’s gone and that’s all that matters.”
Lucas, Will, and Dustin left their bikes on the front lawn and Mike stands on the driveway as they grab them. Before the three of them take off, Dustin turns back to Mike. “Say hi to [Name] for me.”
Mike groans. “Shut up.”
Dustin’s laugh seems to echo in the night as they start maneuvering their bikes down the driveway and onto the street.
“See you tomorrow, Mike!” Will yells. Lucas throws up a hand to wave, and Mike returns the gesture. As he starts his walk back inside, he exhales, and his breath materializes in front of him. The nights are getting chillier and chillier. The snowfall will be here before they know it.
Mike closes the door and turns around just in time to see you come down the staircase. He’s frozen right where he is. It’s like his body’s forgotten how to work.
“Oh, hey, Mike!” you greet, a bright smile on your face. You get to the bottom but don’t move, hand resting on the bannister. “I didn’t see you when I got here.”
“I was in the basement with my friends,” Mike explains, trying to put on a relaxed smile (it probably looks more like a cringe).
You hum and nod. “That’s right. Playing that game of yours. What was it called again?”
“Dungeons and Dragons.”
“I always thought that name was so cool.” The smile is still on your face. Mike’s confident you can tell how nervous he is and he wonders if you know about his crush. Well, you have to by now. He’s not exactly good at hiding it, and even if he might not see you much in the daytime, since you’re at Hawkins High School, you’re always at the house sleeping over. Given the time and the fact you’re still here, that’s the case again tonight. “Anyway, I was just down here to grab a glass of water. Your sister and I have been gossiping and all that talking’s made my throat dry.” You laugh quietly as you head into the kitchen.
Mike trails in after you. “This whole time? There’s that much to talk about?”
It’s silent for a second as you gulp down some water. “Oh yeah. High school is…” you trail off, trying to find the right word, but shrug when you can’t find it. “It’s something. But it’s definitely not as exciting as slaying dragons.” You grin at Mike before refilling your glass.
“There are all sorts of monsters to kill in the game actually,” Mike explains.
“Really?” You’re genuinely curious. It shows in your eyes. As the two of you slowly ascend the staircase, Mike is rattling off information about the role-play game. Just the most basic stuff that could be explained quickly. Even when you two get to the second floor, you remain standing in the hallway. He mentions that he and his friends defeated Caligari tonight, and so if you’d heard shouting, that was why. You laugh and tell him you do remember hearing cheering from Nancy’s room.
“Well, should you ever come across an evil dragon, kill it for me, okay?” You smile.
Mike smiles back, one much more comfortable than the one earlier when you caught him by surprise after he’d said goodbye to the others. It’s strange. He always feels so nervous at the prospect of talking to you, and whenever he thinks about it, his hands get clammy and his heart starts to race. But then he does talk to you and it’s so easy. You’re incredibly nice, clearly wanting him to be able to talk to you like you’re any other person. You want him to be relaxed around you (since you’re at the Wheeler house all the time it seems). But you’re not just “any other person,” not to Mike anyway. And maybe you knew that. Maybe you didn’t. He just knows that out of all the people Nancy could’ve been best friends with, he’s glad it was you. “Okay.”
It happens so quickly that Mike thinks maybe he’s imagined it, but the residual warmth of your lips on his cheek is all too real. His eyes are wide as he looks at you and your smile that has only grown. “For good luck,” you explain offhandedly, as if it’s no big deal, but there’s mischief dancing across your face, and Mike blushes heavily.
“Yeah… For good luck.” He smiles sheepishly, nodding when you tell him you’re heading back to Nancy’s room now, as she’s probably wondering where you’ve been this whole time. When you open the door to his sister’s room, he hears her speak up—“How long does it take to get a glass of water?”—and then your laughter before the door closes behind you, and he’s alone in the hallway.
You knew. You definitely knew. And Mike knows he will never hear the end of it from the others. As he enters his room, he absentmindedly brings a hand up to his cheek, to the spot where you’d kissed him. Dustin did mention an abandoned castle on the outskirts of the town the party had arrived at in-game. Maybe there would be a dragon in there guarding a princess they needed to go save.
(When they reconvene a couple of nights later to resume the campaign, this turns out to be the case. And because Dustin is, well, Dustin, the princess bears a striking resemblance to you.)
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castlehead · 6 years
beauty seems to be really funny most of the time and i like dat.
this idea that sends pop definitions of beauty running for the hills makes for some
quality distance, if only one step back.
what if i had any idea who i was but could see into everybody else
phone home cheeky cosmic touch m8 gonna think this is too easy
yeah but not let’s feel this way without before examining ourselves
for anything fake about it first parting from the idea that there wasnt anyway
and then parting cuz that knows so much
that part of me knows so much abt what do you call it extreme fear of maudlin
i run naked thru the grass singing abt yesteryear
                        ...There’s a move in social situations I like to call, “around the sun” whereby you wait for the game to end to play music, or wait patiently for one plan of another to say its peace so you can say yours. I like to take it to a more extreme level and say, turn down the fuckin tv, I want to listen to a thing I find beautiful.
SONG ONE : like the earth
1. Sit back and dream of clouded metaphors Reveal the schemes that we devised Back in the day, when ur hands were small And the WORLD splayed out colorfully Before our eyes
Take ur thronging bussloads of the living dead Take all the lifetimes of a million busy heads Ur sly intellectuals that laugh in the dome The only place, the only place is in the peaceful tones Of singing birds perched on ascending wires, like notes
2. Caught u up past three, sitting on the porch I woke up from a dream that I immediately forgot That seems to happen a lot, especially if previously I torched a dutch and passed the fuck out But from the ether of my dreams I heard, from the scope of reality I heard you shout
3. The sun and the moon both live in a box And the box is a square made out of lead And the square lies motionless in ur head Like a body on the rocks
Watch the hour tuck away into an evening A day nestled in afternoon light From the beginning In ur mind that made all minds the same The twilight creeping across ur paper brain And I can only burn and burn and burn
And I can turn round like the EARTH And I can be a sphere like the EARTH And I can stitch up the nations With fear, like the EARTH
                        ...people who call it a false flag just don’t wanna think it’s their own who bomb, if it can’t be a towelhead.
SONG TEW : the rainbow
The sinister rainbow blinks over the clover And the dawn is a monster in my brain I'll take a picture before this song is over And I’ll fix u in a wheel to keep me sane
Don’t break out the gin for the old lady creepers Smoke until the blur makes ur head float around I live in hades, burn my tongue on the heater When I lick this heaven ill taste yur sound
What Im saying isnt deep What Im stealing isnt cheap But I know that if i play it loud and long That this song in my head will instead Form a beat
Like a stranger in the rain Slowly driving me insane There's a fork in the road And I dont know whether Or when, all this shit will come together In the end
2. I got a stupid friend who lives in a pause He takes life from the tiger’s jaws, and prays
That life begins again, after it is over And the rainbow shines like a dream, in a daze
Ill take u thru the eye of the needle Ill breathe a testament to ur false gods Ill tell the truth, and contaminate the evil And zap u like a lightning rod
3. Dont you know that the rainbow is the world? Dont you know that the news is already told? Im gettin too old to be unfurled Im seein the rainbow in my mind Im waking up for the daily grind Im singing useless things for useful people The rainbow is not evil, its kind Dont u know that the color kings rattle like a marble In a tin can? And the rainbow eats the darkness like a mother Without a son? Dont u know that u can never be a man? And the rainbow drags across the empty land And the rainbow drags across the empty land
(chorus) (chorus)
                        ...the only division is classical and romantic. all else is contributory to these two. postmodern, modern, no. romantic. it all follows the romantic objective. one is ruled by the time at which it occurred, and the other is ruled by the mechanism of breaking from any present time.
SONG THREE : an ending that promises to begin again
1. A legend sleeps in yur head somewhere You take yur trembling hands And grope for mine, like a bum for spare Change... You cant explain
This strange perdition that engulfs Yur position in the sane... And the trouble of the pulse That leads a broken synapse Up into my eccentric brain... Theres a clot in my neck And the ruins of time Keep me from being able to find A comfortable spot to rest
Im stuck in erasure--a constant exposure To the elements still provides me with eyes To see bad karma writhing in my spleen And I wonder if ill dream While the whole WORLD is awake Will I be the manufactured figure, Will I be fake?
Or will I take these petty abstractions And roll them up into a ball And put them in my pocket Just to feel the reason stall In my throat... Is life a puzzle, or a joke?
2. The life you led one sunny afternoon Is the life you never led again... I can appreciate the reasons For why you did not blend Like a chameleon in the room But cant discern the seasons Of the moon
Yur whispers prosper, loud Like a passionate apostle And the lords are proud of ur Painting on the wall... That skritter of an evening gone Is enough to scatter colors When the sky finally falls, And the lords are like the brothers Of what lorded over them... Take these idols and shatter them... The racket in my brain is loud And does not end And does not end And does not end, even when the jig is up Cuz ive gotten fucked by time: Its an ending that promises To begin again
                        ...Nobody starts an Apollonian, and only those are Dionysian who have the capacity for restraint needed to confer the Apollonian chariot, tho some die without a revision of the vision etc. some die restraintless
SONG FOUR : chauncey ames and the case of jenny preston
1. Chauncey loved the flowers Chauncey loved the trees Chauncey smelled the wind And knew that he was free
Chauncey took a cab home Chauncey felt the air flow Thru the window He paid the driver extra Just for keeping him From being alone... Back, once again To the place that he had left Long ago
In fact, it had been years and years and years Since the man had seen walls Not fortified in concrete... In fact, it had been years and years and years Since this man had put to rest That lying cheat
Chauncey was a killer That was his disease Got off on manslaughter: Fingerprints on a pair keys Got him twelve years For offing someone's daughter Even tho she was eighty three Cuz no matter how old u are Everyone Is a daughter or son To someone
2. Now he's out, but he has his fears... Maybe people will not like him For his past It is unclear Even after all the facts Had been presented... Whether Jenny Preston Was murdered, or just had a bad fall Onto a bed of broken glass They found her in the hall At the head of the stairs, flat on her wrinkled ass
Chauncey was a man of few words But in the end he was unheard His eyes were petrified In delirium His arms shook As he held the gun He took aim On the good book Instead of his brains just to prove a point His neck is craned His eyes like coins That shine their milky matter On the barrel of a luger
                        ...doubt any of y'all would live up to the wit/confidence/sardonicism y'all judiciously sculpt for hours on the book of face.
SONG FYVE: my summer home
1. This is food for thought Write it down in chalk: The chimney puffs From the fire in the fireplace And erupts in a black plume And with luck The old man Balances a spoon On his nose He sits inside a room As the room grows Smoking from a pipe While its raining outside And the light Is waning, slowly waning, outside
My fingers and my toes Are numb to the bone And I will have my wish To swim with all the fish In the sea of my mind In time ill find A little spot in the country Somewhere peaceful and secluded Ill save up all my money And hope im not deluded And hope that I can find a place Thats nice, a lush spot For a good price
(Chorus) Do you feel that I feel you? Do you feel that you feel me? The time is right to live again To let the atoms wiggle In our spherical galaxy That seems to have no real end But the one that we assume Is reality, and soon We'll eat up all the doom
2. Concentrate upon a single understanding Dont let the sisters on the throne Rage in the dome And find out that this trip Needs more planning to exist
The sky is silver and the universe is green Ill show you things in this world That you have never seen Things that have been waiting So long to be unfurled Things for boys and things for girls Without an explanation Ill bring the nation together And hold it by a tether Show you things for boys And things for girls
                        ...for example i would never be able to muster the cognitive stones to say all of this, in order, amongst the company of people, even friends
SONG SIX : notion
#1 im in the middle of this phrase Stuck between the lines Bless these simple chains I'll see what I can find In my simple mind To lead to some way out The drip, drip drip of water From the trippy rusty spout Keeps me awake I'll explain that to ur daughter The world is fake The world is miles away:
Chorus: Put a notion on the river And see it travel downsteam Suspended on liquid creature dreams I sweated thru the fever And, between the middle of this phrase Passed all my days in solitude And grew weaker, as the days Passed on in solitude
You can call me daft You can say im frozen In technicolor time That im stranded on an island In the middle of the ocean But I dont have the spine To wiggle thru the shaft And give you back This simple notion
#2 I gots a paper boat Lofting on the water It travels down ur purple throat And dissolves in the water
I set a fire just to see if it could think And I questioned the venom Just to see if it could blink Nonsense on the edge Of the bullshit day Chillin on the ledge, you shape the clay And drive the screws on down And drive the screws on down
I thought of you, thought of you And I felt like a clown
#3 I crawl out, I crawl out I crawl out of bed I walk down the hall To turn the notion into thread And whisper rumors to the dead Sometimes I try to talk And my voice drops Sometimes the vague paralysis Defies analysis And you are left sitting on a chair In a yellow room That is a technicolor tomb Without a door, confined and spare, I crawl, I crawl I crawl out of bed And walk down the hall And fall and fall and fall Into the creation of sound Until I hit the ground And everything is mother night And the imperfections in yur eye Spangle in the strange notion of the twilight
(chorus) (chorus)
                         ...the broad concept of subjectivity has as much to do with a detailed exegesis of one tenet of it as death itself with the specific way we die
SONG SEVEN : collected and connected
You're a sharp one You're a dumb one You got nobody But the people in yur head
And everybody is connected But you aint connected to them Yur a ghost, on the interim While the fringes die out You live them out To the last splinter Until it is winter And the trees are all white with snow And the blue wind blows
Yu spend twenty minutes Feeling for the lightswitch In a room made out of figments That you shovel into a ditch And bury, along with all yur Dangerous ambitions And as you drive away, you feel The religion Of yur memories corrupt u And yu reel
CHORUS. Cuz everyones connected Everyones collected Into the same intangible organism That lives life in the schism Of ur teeth I watch ur lips move And cannot hear u speak I pick up on the clues and watch the pressure leak Until all of it is used And nothing much is left To be abused
Everyones connected by a string That trembles across the space Of every living thing The fractions of my face illuminate in the light I shake when i sing I am a yellow kite Mangled in a tree Forgotten by the breeze I am a thing, wafting in the breeze But I have begun again, my friend, Just by following the string Follow, follow the string
#2 Two days ago the WORLD was made of angles I opened my eyes to the lost ways And came upon a shallow swale The brush and branches tangled And the rays of the sun, barely Coming thru the jail Of the scary fray
Dont you think that yur fellow men Would like to lend a hand? And dont you think That this desert you have crossed Only gets u more lost Until u arrive at the brink Of the sahara, and find A single, solitary house Where a mumbling old man Is confined
i always dress nice when i have no place to go. otherwise i look like a sweaty coked up hobo. its my chic, paranoid hobo chic. my comportment u say? quirky to the acquaintance, somewhat sad to the friend, an endearing mix of both with a dash of worry to the best friend, and an embarrassment to the significant other. im usually the life of the party bc i bring drugs so people are forced to tolerate my horror of a personality.
rejection is a rare and beautiful flower my time is spent tending it my life wants it to be a gift i water the flower it sits next to my bed it is next to a lamp littered under the lamp are dead ladybugs ladybugs are all over my house but if i am not meant i am not meant and i cast my line of poetry here trying to figure out if it was meant to be there wonder exactly why what is innumerable can be rare and think of lots of things
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emperor-lover · 7 years
Hey I love your scenarios. Can I please request a guanlin college au? Thank you!!
Thank you for loving my writing!! ❤❤ Sorry this took so long, i’m in the midst of all my final assignments and midterms at uni right now, but here you go!! It’s a bit more friendship with a hint of potential future relationship so maybe i’ll do a part 2 sometime later on if you’d like? Enjoy! 
Kuanlin college!AU (that kinda wasnt a college au, idk i got a bit sidetracked by basketball lmao)  ALSO HAPPY BDAY KUANLIN BBY HOPE UR SWEET SIXTEENTH IS LOVELY LIKE U KIDDO
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he’s well known around campus as THE international student 
like a guy who appeared from a manga/manhwa, he has godly features and proportions
just a very perfect looking human
He’s also the guy that still seems to be having a growth spurt because you swear he’s taller than he was a month ago
Has a keen interest in languages, so he’s doing a double degree in Korean and English
People’s first impression of him are always that he’s this really cool guy
He has this signature outfit of a bomber jacket and ripped jeans
and sunglasses
Everyone’s eyes are always drawn to him immediately
“he looks like a celebrity!”
as soon as he took off his sunglasses and sat down, he gave everyone this cute gummy smile and introduced himself 
Despite his fashionable attire, he’s rather introverted and sticks to the same group of friends
The first time you met was in class at the start of your first year
you were running late because you had gotten lost because there had been a mistake in the timetable
you had made it in the correct building but it was seriously like a maze
and there was like 2 minutes left until the lecture would start but you were still so lost
1 minute to go and you were about to give up
when Kuanlin strolls past you leisurely
He’s about to turn the corner when he glances back at you
you glanced over at the sound of his voice
“…if you’re looking for the lecture room for korean, it’s over this way…”
You thanked him in relief and followed him around 2 more corners before making it to a seat just in time for the lecture begin
After the lecture was over you spotted him leaving and you had rushed over to him
“Hey, thank you so much for showing me where this room was, you’re a life saver!”
He had looked away and you saw a slight pink flush light up his cheeks
“Happy to help.”
Your resolution when you were beginning college was to make lots of new friends so you decided, hey why not start now
“I’m Y/N by the way, it’s nice to meet you!”
As you introduced yourself, the two of you walked in step with each other
Turns out you do almost all the same papers as he does
The two of you end up just having this sort of silent seating plan
Like it randomly started one day and since then the two of you have always sat next to each other
Round mid semester exam time, the two of you would study together in the library
You’d take turns buying each other coffees
Kuanlin has remembered your coffee order in one go, much to your surprise
He gives off a very innocent vibe despite his mature appearance
He also tends to be very focused, and will always keep his emotions in check
Unlike you, because during exam time, u were streeeeesssed out
A complete contrast to Kuanlin’s very calm soul
The only times he breaks free from the calm is when he finds something funny
Like he’ll break out into this cute breathy laughter that’s super adorable
Because he’s an international student, he struggled to settle in at first at college
but after joining a few clubs and being introduced and meeting lots of nice people, Kuanlin really thrives in the college life
There is this really prestigious basketball team at your college - “Wanna One” and every semester they participate in a tournament against other college teams
Wanna One’s biggest rival is a team called “Mnet” (lol mnet, what a punny bball team name)
It’s such an intense competition as the winning club gets a huge benefit
like helping funding for national and overseas tournaments, helping paying off college tuition fees, getting more exposure to professional basketball scouters etc 
It’s tough though because Mnet is a team that tends to play dirty and will try to dramatise anything so the other team will get fouled (can y’all tell im having way too much fun with this)
A few of your friends, and friends of friends are in Wanna One
So you went to the tournament to cheer them on
You noticed from the crowd that there’s a new but familiar face in the team
The arrival of the new maknae, the hidden ace, Lai Kuanlin
No one outside of W1, as well as yourself had ever seen him play basketball before
so everyone’s a bit worried because the stakes on the game are so high
but those worries were all put to rest as soon as Kuanlin stepped on the court
The star shooter of the match, he didn’t miss a single hoop and ended up being the player who raked in the most points helping W1 claim victory
After the game, you, Wanna One and all their friends went to a karaoke place to celebrate
You were sandwiched between Daehwi and Jisung who were singing their hearts out to some girl group songs
Everyone’s laughing and having a good time
But then you noticed Kuanlin surrounded by all these girls/new found admirers
And although he looked slightly flattered by the situation he also looked very uncomfortable due to the sudden attention on him
You weren’t too sure if you should intervene or not, and just as you decided you were going to say something, Jisung shoved the microphone into your face forcing you to sing with them
After many more songs, you decided this would be a good time to go outside to get some fresh air and a break from all the ruckus
“Y/N? what are you doing out here?”
Kuanlin was sitting on a bench outside the karaoke place
“I thought I’d take a break from the noise, it was getting stuffy in there…what about you, you’re the star of the night, you should be in there celebrating with the others!”
“Same as you, the craziness was getting to me”
You gave a light pat on the back, “Things wont be that normal for you anymore, you’re practically a celebrity!”
Kuanlin had just hmm-ed in response, getting lost in his thoughts again
After that day, you didn’t see Kuanlin as often anymore, which surprised you
it was weird and out of character of him to not have him showing up to classes
and there was always one empty seat next to you, which made your heart ache a bit?
you felt sad that you hadn’t been able to see him at all recently, and he had been extremely slow in replying to any of your messages
Turns out this applied to all your friends in W1 too
You found out eventually that they were preparing for the big national tournament in the coming month, so they were too exhausted to go to class
Videos were popping up on snapchat and facebook of them practising late into the night/morning
sometimes only getting 1 hour of sleep every night, maybe less
you were so shocked, your friends were being overworked like crazy by their coaches, but they just kept smiling and saying that they’re happy
Your birthday comes round, and you decided that you were just going to have a small gathering because all your friends were busy
You sat in the dorm corridor with a small group of your close friends
As you blew out the candles to your cake, you couldn’t help feel upset that none of the boys had been able to make it, or even respond to your invitation
You knew that they’re incredibly busy, so you’re annoyed at yourself for blaming them
You forced a smile onto your face and thanked your friends who had showed up, and after digging into the cake, you all retreated back into your rooms
The clock on your desk ticks away, and as it hits 11.59pm, you sigh
For some reason you had wished that at least Kuanlin could’ve turned up for your birthday
You had stopped denying that you missed him dearly
you missed his voice and his laugh
and his friendship
you also missed that warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach whenever he smiled at you
A few tears roll down your cheek and you wipe them away angrily
Why are you getting so worked up over a boy? 
A boy who is just a friend
Just a friend who bought you multiple coffees
and took notes for you in class that week when you were sick
and accompanied you on late night walks to McDonalds
A sharp knock on your door echoes through your room
Looking at the clock, it’s 3am, and you realise you fell asleep
who tf would be knocking at 3am tho
It’s saturday night, so you’re scared it’s some drunk person causing a scene so you stay in your room
Another knock, but this time a voice rings clearly with it
“Y/N? Are you awake?”
You go over to the door, and after a bit of hesitation you open it
Kuanlin is standing there, holding a present and looking apologetic
“Surprise! Happy Birthday Y/N!”
“You’re three hours late.” you turn your back on him and return to your room with him following behind
“Oh cmon, dont be like that, haven’t you missed me?? Me and the guys are sorry that we couldn’t make it earlier…”
“Y/N? did you hear me?”
He turned on the light and looked at your face clearly
“oh…Y/N, are you crying??”
You shake your head angrily but there’s no denying the tears running down your face
Kuanlin is so concerned, and pulls you into a hug
“Hey, hey, hey it’s alright, what’s made you so upset?”
You hug him back, clinging to him, your anger evaporating at the close proximity
instead your heart is now pounding at an insane speed and you can feel the cheeks starting to heat up
“I just…I’ve just really missed you, you idiot”
you try to disengage yourself from the hug and hide your face but Kuanlin just wipes away your tears gently with his thumbs before pulling you closer and patting your hair
“I missed you too Y/N, a lot.”
He pulls away slightly and hands you the present
“The basketball season is drawing to a close, so we get to go on a break for a few weeks, I just thought I’d come let you know in person and give you this at the same time.”
His face is tinged with pink and he scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment.
After unwrapping it you see it’s a beautifully and intricately designed necklace
You marvel over it as it sits delicately in the palm of your hand
He’s still nervously looking at you trying to assess your reaction
“UH…if you don’t like it, there’s an exchange card in the gift box, so if you don’t want it you can change it to something nicer at the shop just in case you -”
“Kuanlin, it’s beautiful, i really love it”
this boy had spent hours at that shop trying to find that freaking necklace
and every single member of W1 had seen it and reassured him that you’d like it
but he was still nervous af the poor kid
He took a deep breath to try calm himself down as he took the necklace from your hand and signalled for you to turn round
you did and he gently pushed your hair to the side
his fingertips brushed your neck as he put the necklace on you and you couldn’t help but shiver
Suddenly his arms wrapped round your waist and you were enveloped by his warm body
“Y/N…Happy belated Birthday.”
After Kuanlin left that night, you lay in bed replaying the scene over and over in your head
Something about your relationship with him was different now, but in a good way
Playing with the necklace still hanging round your neck, you smiled to yourself
Who knows how things will go from here, but right now all you can think about is the next time you’ll see Kuanlin and how much you liked being in his embrace
huhuhu i always struggle to end my AUs and they turn out extra mushy, im sorry! I’m going to try really hard to do at least one update a week, but because my final exams are coming up real quick I can’t promise anything! Remember, if you’ve sent in a request, I will put them up on my masterlist as soon as I’ve seen them, so you can check if I’ve received them/if i’m working on them there! Once again, thanks for reading!! xo
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soaimagines · 7 years
Drunk Dialling
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 Imagine your away on business and Chibs calls you because Juice is having an anxiety attack and wants you & 
Imagine being away on business and Chibs calls you to come home cause Juice is drunk and only wants you.
I combined these two requests cause they were so similar, I hope y’all don't mind x also sorry these ones took me so long 
Also I am having total mind blanks when it comes to naming these so I apologise for the shitty titles lol
Text in bold is text messages x
‘I miss you babe. 😔’ You smiled at the message on your screen and quickly typed back. ‘I miss you more, Juan Carlos x’ Maybe it was attachment issues, maybe you were both ridiculously needy or maybe you were just two kids in love. Either way, neither of you were coping well with the sudden distance between you. Ever since you had met Juice seven months ago you had been practically inseperable. It had started with countless nights spent in each others arms and eventually grown into a solid relationship. He had been warned by his brothers not to rush into anything, especially asking you to be his old lady. But when the boys had seen you two together they knew they had nothing to worry about. You were perfect for each other. You were his old lady and he was crazy about you. So crazy, in fact, that the second you had gotten into the cab to head for your business trip he was already sending you messages. But it was only for two more days. Two down, two to go. And you would be home. Juice hadn't been very pleased when you had arrived home from the office and told him about your business trip. Four days in the city. That was all. You could do it. ‘Impossible. Come home baby x’ You slid into the hotel bed and pulled the covers up around your neck as you typed back a message. ‘I wish, Juicy. Not long to go tho babe. I love you’ You curled your body into a ball and pulled the covers over your head. The hotel was nice, the company had really gone all out. But it wasn't home, and seeing the pristine room with the decorative cushions and generic paintings on the walls, and the sounds of the bustling nightlife below was a constant reminder that you weren't in Charming. It had been a big day, your boss had managed to cram eight meetings in and you were drained. You came out of your blanket cocoon only to grab the remote and turn on the television mounted on the wall. But you didn't watch the images flickering on the tv, you buried your head back under the sheets. You fell asleep to the muffled sounds of traffic and a soap opera, oblivious to the text messages from Juice blowing up your phone.
The loud ringing of your phone woke you up and you groaned, your eyes squinting shut as the bright light of the screen in the dark room nearly blinded you. Incoming call from Juice. “You better have a good reason for waking me up, Ortiz.” “Baaaaabyyyyy!!!” You raised an eyebrow and stifled a yawn as you rolled over. The alarm clock on the bedside table read 3.47am. “Are you drunk Juicy?” You grumbled into the phone. “Nope!” “Really?” “I mean I might have had a couple of drinks. Two. Maybe three.” You rolled your eyes but a grin came on your face. You could never stay mad at Juice for long and drunk Juice was always adorable, “Is that why you calling me at 3.47 in the morning?” “I missed you.” He slurred. “I miss you too, Juice.” “Come home.” You laughed and rolled on to your back and stared at the ceiling and the patterns dancing across it from the tv you had failed to turn off. “I’ll be home tomorrow night babe.” “Okay.” Juice said loudly. “Okay?” “I’ll come to you baby I’ll be there soon.” “Juice.” “Please babygirl, I need you.” You sighed and chewed your lip. “I know baby.” You could practically hear him pouting through the phone and it took another half hour before you finally convinced him to get some rest. Eventually he said goodnight and you hung up the phone. It was 4.15am now and you knew you wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, so you threw the covers back and headed for the shower. One more sleep, and you could go back to Charming.
“And so, going off the data we gathered it seems that bringing more business back to Charming could benefit not only us, but the entire state of California.” Your boss nodded approvingly at your words before taking over and addressing the rest of the people in the meeting. You shuffled the papers in front of you when you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket. You ignored it, knowing without checking that it would be Juice. He had already called you twice this morning and you had been forced to put your phone on vibrate so that his calls wouldn't disturb any more meetings. The phone went through to voicemail and you cleared your throat, trying to focus on the words your boss was saying. The vibrating began again and you took a deep breath. Juan fucking Carlos. But a quick glance down to the screen proved you wrong. Chibs’ name appeared at the top of the screen and worry instantly filled your heart. Your boss had finished talking when you stood. “I’m sorry, Ive got to take this.” Your boss nodded and you excused yourself, shooting down your pencil skirt as you left the office. As soon as the door was closed behind you you lifted the phone to your ear. “Chibs? Whats wrong? Is Juice okay? Whats happened? Is he-“ “Calm down, lass.” You took a deep breath. “Is he okay?” “Aye, physically he's fine, love.” You could sense the ‘but’ in his tone of voice. “He needs you back here, (y/n). I’m sorry to call ye like this but you've gotta come home. We cant take anymore of this.” You leant against the wall, a sense of relief rushing through you. So he wasn't hurt. But you knew Juice suffered from severe anxiety attacks and by the way Chibs was speaking you knew things must be bad. “I cant come home yet, Chibby.” “Look, sweetheart. He’s rearranged everything in the clubhouse and I’m worried if he doesn't stop whistling soon Jackie boy might send him unprotected into Mayan territory.” You smirked into the phone. Whistling was a habit anxious Juice had picked up a while back and even though you loved him dearly, his whistling drove you mad. “Keep him safe a little while longer? I’ll leave soon.” “Aye. Hurry, love. I don't think Happys too impressed with his whistling either.” You laughed and thanked the Scot before hanging up the phone. You had just slid it into your pocket when your boss walked out of the office. “Everything okay?” “Not really.” You put your years of drama lessons in high school to work, and within seconds you had fake tears running down your cheeks. “Its my dog, umm..Tiggy. He's sick.”  It wasn't really a lie. Your boss wrapped an arm around your shoulders and squeezed you comfortingly. “I need to get her to the vet.” “Of course, (y/n). Take all the time you need.” “Thank you.” “I hope Tiggy gets better soon.” “Me too.” You wiped the tears away with the back of your hand and turned away, heading for your hotel room. “Me too.” You repeated, smirking to yourself.
The cab pulled up in front of your house and the driver turned to you. You could tell by the expression on his face that he was questioning why a woman dressed all in a business suit would be stopping at a house that was blasting 90’s rap music, but he accepted your payment and helped you get your bags out of the boot. It was mid afternoon and the sun was still beaming down on you as you hauled your bags to the front door. The music was so loud that Juice didn't hear the front door open and you ditched your bags in the living room before kicking off your high heels. You pulled your hair out of the slick bun you had been wearing all day and treaded across the carpet. Following the strong smell of bleach that was drifting through the house you made your way to the bathroom. Juice was shirtless, wearing sweatpants and yellow rubber gloves. The bathroom was spotless and sparkling, and you wondered how many times in the last three days had he cleaned this room. He was scrubbing the tiles in the shower, his back turned and you smiled to yourself as you studied his back muscles tensing as he worked. A bucket of water sat in the centre of the room and you crept inane dipped your hands in the hot water. “What the fuck?” Juice practically yelled as he felt drips of water being flicked onto his bare skin. He turned and when he saw you he nearly kicked the bucket across the room. “Babe!” He wrapped his arms tightly around you, pulling you tight against his body and burying your face in his chest. “Cant. Breathe!” “Sorry.” He smiled at you sheepishly and released his grip on you. “You missed a spot.” You said, pointing to a spot on the wall behind him. “Where?” There was panic in his voice and he turned to the wall with wide eyes. You instantly felt guilty but you tore your shirt from your body, exposing your bra. He turned back to you, his brows furrowed but when he saw your half naked body he licked his lips. “I missed you.” “I missed you, baby.” He whispered, his hands grabbing hold of your hips. “Why don't you show me how much, Juicy?” You reached on your tiptoes and pulled his lips to yours. Juice leant forward, reaching down and lifted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. He growled and you squealed as he arrived you to the bedroom and threw you onto the bed.
“Please don't leave me again.” You looked up at him, from your spot in the nook of his arm while the two of you were curled up together, naked in the sheets. “i won’t, baby.” He kissed the top of your head and traced patterns on your shoulder with his fingers. “Im not.. good on my own.” You sat up and took hold of his face, forcing him to look at you. “Juan Carlos Ortiz, you ,listen to me. I am here. I will always be here.” “But what if your boss wants to take you on another trip? Or you get sick of me? Or-“ You pressed your lips against his, silencing him. You left them there till you felt him relax and you pulled away. “I’m not going anywhere. And if my boss wants to go away I’ll just tell him that our dog is sick and I cant leave him.” “We don't have a dog.” You smiled. “Not yet.”
@i-want-to-be-watered-by-roger @daniehelene27 @hellsmurf96 @thejulietfarciertlove @blustar02 @homicidalteenagedream @sons-of-anarchy-fan @trinasoftballgirl 
If you want to be added to the tag list for any or all Sons please let me know.x
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Non linear story telling - Session 5
So this blog is going to be different from the others (mostly for me that is) because of CONVID-19 the lesson is coming via virtual teaching - which ironic as its a virtual course - so how have I coped? developed my knowledge? what did I learn? well keep reading and I will take you through as I ask myself the same questions.
working by myself in the comfort of my pyjamas sounds nice but the problem is i’m very easily distracted, and live in a loud house hold with no room to be by myself so personally its not an ideal location for my learning and I tried to deal with it by doing it in my room by myself which doesn't help much but its the best I can do, I also learn by explanation... in a visual way, reading is not my forte (even tho there is a voice over, I found myself drifting off or not focusing entirely which is my problem not the lecturers).  I also found that in a class i’m more motivated by other people working to, Floyd Allport in 1920: ‘The social Facilitation effect’ he found that people worked better in teams (even if not on the same project) than people working individually. “the mere presence of other people engaged in the same task as us can boost our motivation.”. So to summarise I can definitely  tell that learning in a class surrounded by others and having ability to ask the lecturer a question straight up other than over emails. In future (fingers crossed) I will not take that for advantage.
Listening to the slides talking about non linear films Pulp Fiction I mentioned, this sparks a personal evaluation as I studied pulp fiction in the past for my level film course so I have quite a bit of knowledge on the film. 
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The way Quintin explored the non-linear structure is very fascinating almost episodic and circular (he seems to dabble in a few) I like how he opens the story and ends it the same... in the diner with the bonnie and Clyde homage couple.
One mention in the slides, when Vincent actual dies (Spoiler i’m sorry) half way through the film in butch’s storyline. Which creates irony for the ending scene, when Vincent is asked what he will do in future... we knows he dies so it creates a different vibe for the audience but also allows to understand that we can't get to attached to the characters as in their dangerous job, they can die at any time. I like the way Tarantino played with narrative in this. it intrigues me and is very different to the norm linear structure we're all familiar with. 
From the slides I read this line about Interactive storytelling written by Carolyn Miller  “Interactivity is a conversation between the user and the content...People who participate in interactive entertainments are given two gifts that are never offered to audiences of passive entertainments: choice and control. They get to chose what to see and do within an interactive work, and the decisions they make have an impact upon the story” I really agree with this especially allowing the audience to feel like they have control. personally I enjoy that aspect and it widens my experience giving me something non interactive stories can't, which is making me feel like I'm apart of creating the game and that my choices matter.
paper based interactivity is interesting although personally I don't think ill be as invested in this type of interactive storytelling type as I find it hard to read a book as it is, with the added complexity of multiple story I don't think ill be able to follow. on the other hand interactive reading is made simper with visuals without losing the ‘reading’ element of it. which Is where I introduce to you “Episode”. episode is a interactive story telling mobile app which allows the reader to chose their own storyline and characters look ( what I mean by this is in some episodes the reader can personalise their characters looks which I feel adds a lot to how the reader views the story - A lovely added touch if you ask me!- 
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Episode is great in the way you can play/ read and create episodes from the comfort of their home to the top of a pyramid (providing they get a great internet service that it). 
For a task of creating our own interactive story, I find this a good way to challenge the two softwares, originally i was supposed to make a story on twine but to be honest I tried to work it and I hated it instantly... no hate to twine but its very much not my forte, compared to episode its just text and is quite boring/ Dull I feel I am limiting myself. (as you can tell Episode is quite colourful and cartoon like which I lean more towards (and the fact you can create the characters and animate them more). So I asked my lecturer and he confirmed I will be making my story on episode... now before you moan saying ‘i’m not challenging myself’ I am ok, I really only made one episode story and that was via mobile, I’m now doing it on PC which looks like a bunch of coding. 
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And to sell you Episode even more...YOU CAN GET PAID TO DO IT!! here is the link again for you to rush over and begin your story haha ..... yes they pay you based off your user reads (how many people read your stories) which is great and can encourage more story to one made. 
I made a ‘rough’ Episode and I found it quite fun, its nice to see something you achieve
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The way you create episodes on PC is much different to the app... harder. 
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its formed in the way like a play script or code. but it is unforgiving with spelling errors, one error and the whole script errors- not allowing you to view it-. very annoying when you in the flow of writing and you want to preview it and you get shot with tons of these red errors.
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Especially when you have no idea where they are or how to correct.(watch all my blogs from now on have perfect grammar and spelling haha. I found my self googling what's the problem was or deleting it a redoing it. other than that when you get the hang of it and learn all your errors... its fun. I could easily make a whole story and get lost in writing. but then again that's what I do... I get lost in my writing and I love it. perhaps it'll be nice to explore that and be able to have a purpose to write again, even if it is for a ‘game’. Another annoying mention is that I wanted to link the story I made but you can't punish it until you have 3 episodes for it...ugh. maybe I'll finish this random story and publish it for you to be amazed #NextJK. like I said ill like to explore this further... perhaps my idea for my media rich projects who knows (eyes_waggle_motion)... oh gosh too much episode writing. I actually screen recorded the episode I created and put it in the google folder...Enjoy!
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Playing Black mirror’s Bandersnatch I found the experience fun and interesting, one thing I found happened with other people swell as my self is that after I had my personalised story, I went back to fix what i ‘did wrong’ (essentially I played all the story lines through making a hour and something film into almost 4 hours... wow that shows how much free time I had) and I guess that's something people get wrong with interactive films/games. they feel although they can change or correct something...go back and change it which ultimately ruins the experience (when I say they i’m mostly referring to myself). When I killed a character I didn't really feel that emotion of grief I should have as I know I can go back and keep them alive, kind of takes away the personal touch. 
I liked how it was all based around the book Bandersnatch (which I just researched isn't an actual book... which again resinates to Transmedia in the way they created the book for the film, they are widening the world of the film- more about Transmedia in blog 6-
I wanted to see how else interactive games were made, and I remember form a long time ago I watched interactive games/video via Youtube. So I looked into it and found this video.
which Is very clever in making an interactive story via multi video links and has a good message.. helping the viewer understand debt. - just to say I got it all right and ended up paying my debt :) - although a criticism I would add was that they forced the debt onto you at the beginning, what ever you picked they made you buy the drone which kind of takes the personal touch away but other than that it was a good awarenesses video. Perhaps in future I would like to explore interactive videos ill do it this way (Youtube is a massive content sharing website so it'll most likely get the most interaction via youtube).
I then watched Aloe Blacc’s “love is the answer” on Eko, ‘They allow the user to interact with multiple narratives within a single film.’ Firstly I really liked this episode, it's based on a recording of a music video for Aloe’s song ‘love is the answer’.  it was interesting to see the different directions and roles people undertake at the same time: Aloe the artist himself, Nick the floor manager, Leo (i think) is one of the back up dancers swell as Hannah. Almost portraying what happens beyond the screen, what people do to create such things - like a community as-well as the artist-. 
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interesting way of a music video, more of an interactive type, noting I just realised; referencing back to my previous point that people will watch the multi storylines over, and over again. its actually quite benefiting in this case... the song will get stuck in your head leading the viewer most likely download the song on Spotify and listening to it over, and over again... not talking from experience. this is also a type of Transmedia as its not just on Mtv’s music channel or the radio/ youtube, it reaches out to another audience (the interactive audience). just to let you know I followed Hannahs story first as I was curious to wards her role was (I thought she was a model of some sort)
one of the things I like which this ‘music video’ has is when you go onto Aloe’s storyline the music is much louder, to suggest it's prominently his story, he's the focus..it is his voice after all and you are closer to him. making it more immersive again - giving you a choice to hear it at that volume- .
what I didn't like about it? personally I did find it a little boring. its not like there's not much happening action wise, perhaps if there was more interactivity it would intrigued me more? maybe if you chose the location of the set or colour of lights... the little things. 
I liked this session... it was nice to dive back into episode and writing, something which I casted away for a while. made me feel inspired and that's a nice feeling. 
0 notes
ecotone99 · 5 years
[TH] The Shards of Our Souls
Note from publisher: Yes, I am fully aware of the similarities between my story and AMC's "The Walking Dead". I can assure you that my story is a story and a work of its own, and while I was inspired by The Walking Dead to write this story, it has no relation to the show or its content, whatsoever. Yes, this story is long, but if you enjoy reading (even if you don't), I am certain you will find yourself hooked to it. I hope you enjoy!
Extra: I wasn't able to fit the entire story in one post, so I will have two separate posts for this story.
The year was 2003, disease rates had dramatically increased, causing a wide range of death in people across the country. Many angry yet worried citizens started rioting against governments, to force action into more research in medicine and cure. This had gone on for several months until the government finally stepped up and pushed doctors and scientists to work nonstop until they could find anything that would slow the disease rates down. It took almost a year until researches finally found a scarce and unusual element, that kills every infectious pathogen at a rapid pace. It was tested on sick animals and other organisms and had proved its effectiveness. Unfortunately, the medicine only tested positive on blood types AB, B, and O, and tested negative on blood types A. But without delay, the medication was approved and distributed to every sick patient with the correct blood type. In fact, this medicine was so effective, it was distributed worldwide to as many ill patients as possible. Everyone had been cured within a day after the medication was taken. It was the most significant achievement in medical history. But, unfortunately, the researches were never able to identify that after a period of time, the medicine not only kills pathogens, it completely mutilates the human body on the inside; except for the brain. What came after, would change the world forever.
November 26th, 2004. One week before the outbreak. Brett Brax is a current police officer, who lives in Orlando, Florida, with his nine-year-old son Jett Brax. “What a great week it has been, don't you think, Dad?” Jett asked. “It has been, indeed. I still can’t comprehend how quickly everyone was healed. But I am mainly just glad that neither of us became sick.” “If we were sick, we would have no way of being cured since we both have blood type A.” Jett added. “That is why I am so relieved.” His dad replied. “Maybe now, this world can live in peace, without the worry of disease.” “That's a whole unit of science that can be removed from the books! That means less homework!” Jett said, happily. Brett chuckled. “Maybe so, but don't forget about that math of yours, buddy.” Jett rolled his eyes with a smile. “Goodnight, Jett.” “Goodnight, Dad, I’m looking forward to a better world.” “Me, too, bud, me, too.” Brett kissed his son goodnight, turned out the lights, and closed the door.
December 2nd, 2004. One day before the outbreak. Brett was up quick when he heard the horrible truth. A broadcast announced that every cured patient who took the medicine had died, mutilated on the inside. The vast population of the world had significantly dropped by almost sixty-five percent. The remainder of people on Earth only had blood types A, while everyone else was dead, never to return. Every convenient operation to the public was shut down and was said to not re-open. “Holy hell.” Brett whispered to himself. “Dad, this can’t be true.” Brett looked at his son's disheartened face. “I just got off the phone with Logan. Our friends are dead, Dad, they’re all dead!” Jett said in tears. Brett was speechless. He didn't know what to say to his son. There were no words. Brett pushed it away and thought to himself for a minute. “Jett, I need to go to the police station.” “No, Dad, please, I want to stay with you.” “Jett, stay here, I will be back, I need to see if anybody is there.” “I’ll… I’ll go with you.” Jett desperately replied. “No, I need to go alone.” Jett gave in. “Okay, but please hurry back, Dad. You know I hate being alone.” Brett laid a hand on his son's shoulder. “I’ll be back soon, I promise.” Brett started his car and drove down the deserted streets. As he arrived at the station, Brett noticed that the front door was barricaded. A note on the front door read: “How can we be a help anymore? Over half of the world is dead. What else could possibly go wrong?” Brett knew that most of his fellow police officers had gotten sick. He called one of the officers, who is also his brother, Charlie, to discuss the whole thing. “Charlie, you there, brother?” “Yeah, I’m here. What a damn mess this is. Where are you?” “I’m at the station. What’s the reason for barricading?” Charlie sighed. “After all of this happened, people began going crazy. So many families have been lost, Brett, leaving, whoever's left, alone and hopeless. They started demanding for something to be done about the people who created the medicine, like arresting them or some other kind of punishment. But is there a point to that? I don’t see what we can do about it. Imprison the people that tried to help stop the disease? Take away the few people that are left on this Earth? It just seems so unreasonable.” “Yeah, I hear you.” Brett replied. “So, what now?” “I mean, at this point, I know it’s a terrible thing to say, but we’ve just gotta move on, I mean, what else can we do? Life will continue to move forward. The clock will continue ticking.” Charlie replied. “I guess you’re right, I don’t see any other way around it, this is just our life, now.” “Yeah, unfortunately, it is.” They paused, both trying to, somehow, comprehend their conversation. “How’s Jett?” Charlie asked, to break the silence. “Not well, man. Poor kids’ lost his friends. I’m really all he has, right now. I don’t know how to explain this to him, I mean, he is only nine years old, how can he possibly process any of this?” “Yeah, look, man, this is definitely going be hard on him for a while, so you’re going to need to be there for him as much as possible. But, you know, the way he hits those target papers on weapon training, I can see he is a tough and strong kid. He’ll pull through on this, I know it.” Charlie concluded. “You’re right, he is a strong kid, and he will get through this. And I will always be there for him.” I know you will, Brett, you’re a great father.” I’ll see you soon, man.” Brett hung up with a sharp pain of sorrow in his chest. On his way home, Brett could see the faces of what used to be his happy neighbors, as they lay weeping and crying over their lost loved ones. Brett’s heart sank as he witnessed this. What a terrible time this had been for everyone. Brett returned home, still in shock of everything that happened since he opened his eyes in the morning. After putting his distressed boy to bed, he went to bed himself, his mind racing. Can this be a dream? Brett thought to himself. A nightmare? Is it real? Brett then felt a single tear rolling down his face just as he drifted off into a new world.
December 3rd, 2004. The day of the outbreak. The sound of the national emergency alarm frightened Brett off of his bed and onto his feet. Then, there was an automatic voice system, which had been reporting through all devices. “This is a national emergency. Multiple reports have indicated countless amounts of reanimation of the dead. These reports included dangerous actions and aggressive behavior that has been taken by the reanimated corpses of the recent death tragedy that happened on December 2nd, 2004. These actions are said to be murderous against humans. At this time, all military personnel has been requested to take a course of action on this case. All citizens of the world are required to stay inside their homes and are advised to barricade all entrances to their home’s. Keep radios on for further instruction after this case has been resolved. Conserve food and water supply, as the time to resolve this case, is unknown. All cities and districts have been qualified for military use and weapon fire. Do not go outside for any reason. Do not allow any human-like figure to enter your home…” Brett did not listen to the rest. He did not need to, to understand that they were in danger. The alarm continued to sound. “Dad, what’s going on?” “Jett, go back to your room and shut the door. Do not ask questions, just do as your told.” Jett nodded and did as he was told. Brett immediately went around and locked every entrance to his house and gathered enough wood to barricade them as well. After he did this, he attempted to call Charlie again, but there was no answer since all phone services had been disconnected. He tried again with the landline but still had the same issue. Brett continued on and grabbed a handgun and a shotgun he kept as a defense. He then put up a tablet screen of the security cameras he had on the outside perimeter of his house. But when he looked, he could make out, what seemed to be, a few figures that resembled people, but the way they walked was unlively, and the way they looked, blood all over their faces, ripped clothes, and those sick, menacing, bloodshot eyes that spoke of pure danger. Brett couldn’t believe his own. These were the people that died from the medicine, the people that the rest of the world lost, the ones they thought they would never see again. And here they were, dead, but alive, away from whom they used to be, just roaming the streets, looking for flesh. Brett did not hear gunfire or military action on the outside. But, all of a sudden, he could hear the screams of his neighbor. Brett quickly ripped down a plank of wood and looked out his window. He saw the zombie-like creatures ripping his neighbor apart, as he screamed in pain. Brett's first reaction was to jump out and help him, so he began ripping down the rest of the barricade on his window. But he paused. He knew he couldn’t risk allowing a possible entrance for those creatures into his home, and put Jett’s life in danger. Brett could only watch as his poor neighbor was eaten by those dead people, while he screamed in pain and agony. Brett turned away. “Jett, pack as much as you can, we can’t stay here.” “Dad, please tell me what is going on.” “Jett, something is happening that you would never understand if I explained.” “I could try.” Jett replied. Brett looked at his son. “Please, Dad.” “Okay.” Brett said. “The people that we thought were killed from that medicine are alive, but they aren’t themselves. They are dangerous, and they want to hurt us. Something brought them back to life, but not to their old human life. It makes them sick in the head. So we need to stay away from them. That’s all I can explain to you.” Jett’s response was unnatural. “Okay.” He said. Brett pulled out his handgun. “Here, Jett, take this and hold on to it, just in case.” Jett took the gun. “Dad, where are we going to go?” “I don’t know, right now, we just can’t be here.” Brett replied. Then, Brett heard his communication radio ring. “This is officer Charlie Brax, does anybody read me? Over.” Brett ran over to the radio. “Charlie, it’s me, where are you?” Charlie was talking through static. “I’m at th- stati-, I’m being surroun- by the...” “Charlie, come again, your cutting out.” There was only static and more static. “Charlie? Charlie!” Brett yelled. Then, the signal was lost. “Dammit!” Brett yelled. “Dad.” Jett said from behind. Brett turned to his son. “They’re coming.”
“Jett, this way, out the back door!” Brett began ripping off the wood he used to barricade the door. He could hear the moaning of the zombies as they scratched on the outside walls and windows. There were so many of them, far too many to count. Jett grabbed his bag, as Brett ripped off the last piece of wood. Brett pulled out his shotgun, as Jett pulled out his handgun. “Be ready to shoot these things if you must.” Brett demanded. Jett nodded. Jett had never shot anything, besides a target, in his life. Brett opened the door and they moved into their backyard, both holding their guns’ in a fire position. The fence was blocking the zombies from entering the backyard. “The only way out is through the gate, but it sounds like it’s blocked by them.” Jett said. “You’re right, we are going to have to clear it by shooting our way through. Then we will make a run for the car.” Brett had to come up with a plan. “Jett, I’ll need you to pull the gate open, and I’ll start shooting. Then you will get behind me and you will shoot as many as you can. You stay as close to me as you can, do you understand?” “Yes, but are we going to have enough ammo for this, Dad?” “Let’s hope so.” Brett replied. “Ready?” “Ready.” Jett grabbed the handle and pulled the gate open. Brett opened fire on the crowd. He shot each one right through the head, to end their lives for the second time. Jett, right behind him, shooting them the same way. It was the scariest moment of both of their lives. They fought and fought, and even after their path was clear, Brett continued firing at the ones on his street. He felt that he needed to avenge his neighbor for what they did to him. “Dad, come on, now!” Brett turned around, and they both ran to their car. They threw their weapons inside, Brett started the engine, and they sped off. Both of them were a bloody mess from shooting the zombies. “Dad, where are we going?” “We’re going to the police station, Charlie is trapped in there.” “I don’t think we have much ammo left, Dad.” There is an emergency hatchet in the back of the car. Give it to me.” Jett gave him the hatchet. “They seem to die faster if you get them in the head.” Jett said. “Then, always aim for the head.” Brett replied. He hated saying those kinds of words to his son, but he didn’t know how else to say it. Brett drove fast while going around the zombies that roamed the streets. Another car went by, being driven by a woman, maybe in her thirties. Brett ignored the worried glance she gave him and continued to drive. They drove down the side-lane of the freeway, full of empty cars, with a view of downtown Orlando. They could see multiple army helicopters hovering over the city, opening fire on the ground. “How many bullets do you have in your handgun, Jett?” Jett checked the magazine. “Only six.” He answered. “Take the shotgun, it has more.” “I’m not really familiar with that thing, but I’ll do my best.” “It’s the same thing, it just has a bit of a kick, so hold it steady.” Brett said. They arrived at the station. The place was surrounded by the zombies. “Charlie is in there, we’ve got to get him out.” Brett said. “All right, Jett, I need you to use what’s left in your pistol and shoot them in the head. When you run out of ammo, switch to the shotgun and do the same. You can stay in the car and shoot from the window. I will go and bash them in the head with the hatchet. We need to do this quickly before too many of them come for us. What’s left of them we will draw away from the station using the car and hopefully, Charlie can get out.” “Okay, will do, Dad.” “On go.” Brett said. “Three.” Jett aimed his gun. “Two.” Brett gripped the hatchet. “One.” They were ready. “Go!” Jett took his first shot and had a direct hit. The rest turned around and began to make their way toward Jett and Brett. Jett fired, again and again, hitting every shot. Brett raised that hatchet and planted it into the heads of the zombies. Fire, plant, repeat. Jett used the shotgun to hit them two at a time, while Brett swung the hatchet back and forth splitting their heads, and drawing blood all over himself. Fire, plant, repeat. This went on for five minutes until Jett said: “I’m out of ammo!” Brett kept going, though, faster and stronger for every hit, kicking back the ones that got too close, and punching them as hard as he could. Just as Brett and his son were almost overrun, a machine gun opened fire on the crowd of zombies, bringing them all to the floor, one after the other. Brett got to the ground and covered his head as Jett took cover inside the car. When it stopped, Brett got up and saw Charlie holding a heavy machine gun. “Brett? Is that you?” Brett was sweating and breathing heavily. “Charlie, are you all right?” “I’m fine, what the hell were you doing, Brett?” “Trying to save your ass.” Brett responded. Brett’s hands were on his knees as he spoke. “Thank you, I’m glad you came for me.” Charlie responded. “Charlie, what are you doing here?” Brett asked in a low voice. “I came here to grab weapons. Before I even knew what these things did, or even looked like, they had already gotten to me. They were banging on the door and walls, making these horrible sounds. I thought about shooting my way out, but there was just too many of them. So that’s when I rang out.” Brett looked at Charlie and nodded. “Where’s Jett?” Charlie asked. “I’m over here.” Jett answered, walking out of the car, shotgun still in hand. Charlie looked over to face him. “You all right, buddy?” Charlie asked. “I am.” Jett replied. “It’s your first time using that shotgun, huh?” “Yeah, it is.” Brett answered for Jett. “But for his first time, he did a damn pretty good job.” “Well, Jett, you might have to plan on using that thing more than just here.” Charlie said. “I’ll do what I have to do to make sure everything is all right.” Jett said. Charlie smiled and Brett nodded. “All right.” Charlie said. “What’s the plan?”
Charlie guarded the front door to the station, while Brett and Jett went to grab as many weapons as possible. After they had split up, Jett went into the dark room that had the target papers. He slowly walked and looked at all of the targets that were there and came upon his own target paper that had many holes right in the center. His name would forever be signed on it to honor his great shooting. Jett smiled. “You are a fine shot, Jett.” Brett said walking in. “Thanks, Dad. You are, too. After we take care of this mess, I hope to become an officer, someday, just like you.” Brett smiled and put a hand on his son's shoulder. “We will get through this, I don’t know how long it will take, but we will find a way to thrive. We will do whatever it takes.” “I know we will, Dad.” Brett patted his son on the back. “Come on, I got all we need to last us a while.” Brett said walking out. “Dad?” Jett said quietly. “Are we ever going to go home?” Brett stopped, looked back at his son and then looked at the ground. That was a question that he didn’t have the answer to. “I don’t know, Jett. We just… can’t right now.” Jett nodded. They walked out to the front entrance and saw Charlie a bloody mess. Brett and Jett looked at him with concerned faces. “Yeah a few of them came over, but I took care of them.” Charlie remarked. At least a dozen more of the zombies lay in front of them as Charlie held a bloody hatchet in his hand. “We need to start looking for other people, anyone who still has a mind.” Charlie said. “We haven’t seen very many people around, just a lady in a car.” Jett replied. “Come on, let’s get in the car and start searching for others who might still be out there.” Brett said. The group loaded the weapons and their things into the car, and they were off. “There is some military action going on in the city, a couple of tanks and helicopters.” Charlie said. “I know, we saw some helicopters hovering over downtown Orlando, on the way over here.” Brett replied. “Maybe we should head down there, maybe they can help us.” Jett said. “Maybe.” Brett replied. “But maybe we can help them, given our supply of weapons.” “You really think they will let two police officers and a child help them?” Charlie asked. “At this point, I don’t think they have much of a choice.” Brett answered. “They will need all of the help they can get.” Brett drove back down the deserted streets and drove toward downtown. As they were making their way down the side-lane on the abandoned car-crowded freeway, a few zombies had been walking around empty-minded and looking for human flesh. “Do you think any of these people got out?” Charlie asked. “I hope so.” Brett said. “Dad, stop!” Brett slammed the breaks. “What? What is it?” Brett asked. “Look.” Jett pointed to the other side of the freeway, where a lady was sitting against her car. She hugged her knees, and had her head down, crying, and also held a bloody knife in her hand. “That’s the same lady we saw before.” Jett said. “Yeah, I know it is.” Brett said as he parked the car and opened his door. Everyone got out of the car, each holding their weapons, as Brett walked over to the lady while Charlie and Jett stayed and guarded. “Miss?” Brett asked. “Miss, are you okay?” She didn’t respond, just kept crying. “My name is Brett Brax, I’m a police officer. I know we drove past you before, and, I’m sorry I didn’t stop for you, I just... I had to get to my brother.” Once again no response. Brett kneeled down next to her. “Can you tell me your name?” The lady took a deep breath. “It’s Avery.” She said, head still down. Brett nodded. “Okay, Avery. We are on our way to downtown Orlando, to get help. Come with us, we have food and weapons.” “No.” She said harshly. “I need to find my daughter.” Brett looked back at Charlie and Charlie nodded. “Then, we will help you look for her. How old is she?” “She’s only ten, she can’t be out here, alone.” “Where was she last?” Brett asked. “It was yesterday. I simply left her home alone for a bit, while I was out running errands.” “So, what happened?” Brett asked. Avery looked up at Brett, revealing her face for the first time. “If I had known that I wouldn’t have been able to get home for twelve hours, I would never have left.” She responded. Brett looked down. “The military was loading people who weren’t infected into trucks.” Avery paused. Her eyes filled with tears. “They executed people who were infected, right in front of everyone. People who seemed perfectly coherent. People who wanted to live. People who wanted to protect their families. And, like their lives were nothing, they were all shot in the head.” Brett covered his eyes, feeling the sorrow that invaded the earth. “I avoided being seen, so they wouldn’t try to take me.” I hid in a house nearby and waited until they cleared out. After some time had passed, I began hearing gurgling sounds from inside the house. I clutched a knife I found in my hand, and slowly went to where the sound was coming from. What I saw horrified me. A man was lying on his bed, blood flowed from his mouth all onto his clothes. His eyes were bloodshot red, and his face was discolored. He was dying. In his hand, he was holding a framed photo of his family. I desperately wanted to save him. But I knew I couldn’t.” Avery stopped. Brett looked at her knife. “I did what I had to do.” “I’m sorry you had to go through that, Avery.” Brett said quietly. Avery took a deep breath. “I finally drove down to my house this morning to find my daughter, which is when you and I crossed paths, and when I got there, the back door was open, and the house was empty.” “She couldn’t have gone far, maybe she’s close by.” Brett concluded. “I’ve looked everywhere in this area, and was going to go further until my car ran out of gas.” Avery said. “Do you have any friends or relatives that are around?” Brett asked. “The only person I have is my daughter, and now she’s gone.” “Don’t say that, she still could be around. Come on, we can help you look for her.” “Brett, we have to go, now!” Charlie yelled from behind. Brett turned around and saw many zombies closing in from either side. Brett grabbed Avery’s hand and they ran for the car, as Charlie and Jett shot at the zombies. They all gathered into the car, drove past downtown, and went back to the neighborhood. Nightfall had begun to set.
“We have to split up.” Avery said. “It’s the only way to find her faster.” “It’s too dark to split up right now.” Charlie responded. “We will have to wait till morning before we can do that.” “No!” Avery shouted. “She can’t be alone for another night, she just can’t.” “We’ll figure something out, Avery.” Brett said in a calming voice. “Does your daughter know how to defend herself, at all?” “I’ve only shown her how to get away from strangers, not how to get away from ravenous human eaters.” Avery shuttered at her own words. “Where do you think she could possibly go?” Charlie asked. “A friends house? A school, maybe?” “There is a park nearby, but it’s a long walk from my house, I don’t think she would be there.” “It can’t hurt to check, so that’s where we’re going.” Brett replied. They made their way to the park, Avery being desperate. “Okay, everyone, grab a flashlight and stay alert. All of our guns’ have silencers to avoid attracting attention from these things, so always keep your gun ready to shoot, if any get too close.” Brett said. “Avery, do you know how to shoot?” “Yeah, give me a gun.” She said impatiently. Brett handed her a pistol. “All right, since we don’t have a choice anymore, we will have to split up here.” Brett said. “Charlie, you take Jett, and I’ll go with Avery. If anyone needs help, you shout as loud as you can, and we will come to you. Everyone got it?” The rest of the group nodded, and they went off. The park had been pretty large for its size, including a playground, basketball courts, a field, and the whole place was surrounded by trees. “What does she look like?” Brett asked Avery. Avery smiled shortly. “She has blonde hair, like me, a light skin tone, and she is about five foot five in height.” “What’s her name?” Brett asked. “Elizabeth. But I call her Lizzy.” Brett nodded. As they were searching, crackling sounds came from behind them. They both turned around, with their flashlights in hand, and saw five zombies heading for them. Brett took aim, but there Avery was, shooting them all head, hitting every shot she took, dropping them all to the ground. Brett was stunned, as Avery walked passed Brett and turned around to face him. “What? Did you not believe me?” Avery asked. Just then, they heard Charlie yell Brett’s name from far across the field, with a slight echo. Brett and Avery took off running to Charlie and Jett’s direction. When they got there, Charlie pointed upwards. “I think there’s someone up in the tree, possibly a child. I tried to talk to whoever it is, but they’re not responding.” “Lizzy?” Avery said. “Are you up there?” “Mom?” Avery broke down into tears of joy. “Lizzy, oh, thank God, I’m here, come down!” “I can’t, Mom, I’m scared.” Lizzy responded in fear. “Brett, can you please get her down?” Avery asked frantically. “Okay.” Brett said. He began climbing the tree, but as he stepped on the branches, they broke, causing him to fall back down. “I’m too heavy to climb the branches.” Brett concluded. “Lizzy, you have to climb back down yourself.” Avery said. “No, please, I can’t. I don’t want to run anymore.” Lizzy said in tears. “Lizzy, you have to do this for Mommy, please, I know you can do it. You’ll be safe with me...” She paused. “With us.” “Mom, I can’t.” “Hey, Lizzy?” Jett suddenly said in a calm voice. Lizzy looked into Jett’s eyes. “You can do this. I know that you are brave, and I promise you that everything will be okay.” Lizzy then stopped crying. “All you have to do is climb down the same way you went up. If you’re scared, think about balloons. That always helps me when I’m scared.” Brett nodded at his son. Lizzy then began climbing down. All she did was think about balloons, just as Jett said, which did, in fact, help her calm down. Just as she was made towards the bottom, the branch she was on snapped. Lizzy let out a quick scream as she fell safely into Brett’s arms. “Are you okay?” Brett asked. “Yeah.” Lizzy said with a smile. Avery ran to Lizzy with open arms, hugging her tightly in tears, as Lizzy did the same. “Oh, my God, I’m so sorry, Lizzy, I will never let you out of my sight again, I promise you. Oh my, God, I’m sorry.” “I’m sorry for leaving the house, Mom, I was just scared.” “No, Lizzy, you did the right thing. You are such a strong and brave girl, and I’m proud of you. They hugged for a few more moments. Lizzy then ran to Jett and hugged him tightly. “Thank you for helping me face my fears. Now, I will always think about balloons when I’m scared.” Jett hugged her back. “You’re welcome, Lizzy.” Brett, Charlie, and Avery smiled. “My name is Jett, by the way.” “Nice to meet you, Jett. You already know who I am.” After that, the group began walking away from the park. It had been time to start a new life, in a new world.
submitted by /u/Matty-BR [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/321kfl9
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alexisdesignsstuff · 6 years
Designing a Greeting Card Kiosk
By Alexis Kim
I am designing and prototyping a greeting card kiosk. It will be a vending machine that sells cards and stickers to high school students. I researched purchasing general purchasing behaviors and then tested my concept to refine the
Huge selection of greeting cards.
Birthday section is biggest.
Cards are very unique and artful.
Lots of different styles of design.
Humor/joke designs, minimalistic, physical decorations, art heavy, vintage, graphic design, animals, shiny etc.
Feels more marketed towards female purchasers.
Empty. No customers inside at 10:30 am.
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Older Lady in her 60’s. Walgreens, 9/19/18: “It’s so difficult to find a good card. Usually buy from Nordstrom. It’s more expensive but better selection and designs. Buying card for a friend who is having a 60 something birthday. Like Papyrus much more. It’s more beautiful and has lots of beautiful cards. Every one of them is beautiful but each one is $10 - $7. $4.99 is an ok price. I’ve been looking here for half an hour. I have problems with knees that’s why I’m here at Walgreens (easier to get to). Ideally a perfect shopping experience, every card is beautiful. A less nice looking card is ok for someone I don’t really know. Less wording inside is better. Going to look at Papyrus now.”
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Middle aged man with British accent. Target, 9/19/18: “I bought these [2 humor cards] because I have a warped sense of humor. It’s for my 17 year old son’s birthday. I spent less than 10 minutes looking for them. I’ll give the first one to him 1st thing in the morning. It’ll be the first thing he see’s and he’ll laugh all day about it. And the second golf card is to accompany his gift; I got him a voucher for golf lessons. It’s a spur of the moment thing, and I buy cards for close family only. It’s typical male humor. I’m happy with it.”
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Young professional Female, late 30’s. Target, 9/19/18: Observations: She’s scanning and browsing. Take a step back to see. Look at messages in the Thank You section. Scan first. Message is important.“Giving this to thank a close friend who has been really supportive. I’m going through a big career change and its to thank her for believing in me. My eye goes to the bit above the fold. I’m attracted to fonts, bright colors. I like a mix of modern and unique. I like puns sometimes. I don’t like preachy, cliche, or old, traditional looking cards that my grandma would give. Would rather write my own sentiments. If there’s a lot of words I’ll just glaze over it and lose interest. Sometimes I find something very thoughtful and written in a way I wouldn’t have thought of and appreciate those.  Trader Joe’s has really killer 99 cent cards that I’ll buy a bunch of in advance. I’ll pay $3.99 for an nonembelished card. Something fancy like with rhinestones $4.99. Those kinds of cards are for someone really special and if I gave it to them in person. If mailing, I’ll pick something really flat. Looking here at Target because I’m picking up something for lunch. It’s convenient. Papyrus normally has good stuff. Paper Source has unique/off beaten path and random ones. I’ll buy a months worth of cards at Trader Joe’s and line them up for the month. My friends are so grateful to get real mail these days. It’s so worth it to make them feel so good for just $1.50. Minted - it’s an online order stationary store. Funny and unique. I like to buy cards in advance and hold onto it for months. For example, if I find a good romance one for my boyfriend, I’ll give it to him later. These days I’m also attracted to funny cards if I want to have fun or want to give someone a laugh."
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Q1: What do you think is going on here? (to learn if your concept is clear)
Q2: What questions do you have? (find out where it's not clear)
Q3: What would you change and why? (find out how they would improve it.)
Q4: Who do you think would use this? (if they would, they will tell you so. If not, listen and learn.)
Q5: Any ideas to add? (capture their ideas; you do not need to use these ideas, but you must listen to them.)
Gina K.17, texting her while she’s in yearbook class; 9/24/18
“So basically someone can buy these stickers or whatever is gonna be on there for cheap b/c like most students don’t keep a lot of money on them or just don’t have a lot in general. These stickers can be for like things to make things look better (in the storyboard) but in general for funnies. I think things like stickers can be used for many things. B/c right now a lot of people like to put stickers on their water bottles. The origami one is unclear. The secret message I like but I’m not sure if people would get the point?? Or like use it b/c I feel like there are a lot more ways now to do secret messages or something. idk we just like use our phones lol. I think it’s a great idea but I’m not sure if a lot of people would use it. And as for the storyboard… Not many people write letters now. I think if you do something handwritten it might be more of a girl thing nowadays??? Thinking about it I do think boys would use it but it does appeal more to girls in terms of most of the things you could use with these products. I think for the way you’re using the stickers in the storyboard you might wanna replace them with girls? Maybe not thank you cards but I can see birthday cards for those who forgot about someone’s birthday. I don’t know about boys but we girls typically just give them their gift and are like happy birthday! And sometimes watch them open their gift. I do find it a pain when it comes to getting bday cards b/c I have to go out to get them lol. And i try to make them but sometimes I just don’t have time. Depends but yea [we give presents] at lunch or b4 school. Lunch is more probable tho. My friends and I still give birthday cards, and I have some but they are just really kiddy lol. Like for someone in elementary school. So if it’s someone I’m not close to I don’t feel comfortable giving it to them lol. We have birthdays almost every 3 months or so. I think the product is ok. The storyboard you might wanna change them to girls and make it like a card instead but you can still incorporate stickers. If you wanna keep them as boys it would be like oh crap I forgot it’s so and so bday and get them like a card with stickers (like its the gift) and give it to the friend. I think it’s good to have the part where it shows that you can buy the product for a cheap price. It’s common for someone not knowing someone’s birthday until the day of. B/c most people don’t tell others what their birthday is unless they ask. The forgetting and the convenience of it is good b/c we are at school 5 days a week and at least like 6 hours lol. I think girls would use this mostly.
Valentyn T.32, phone call; 9/24/18
"The storyboard is trying to describe how using a sticker can increase value of letter. What’s the relationship between Shawn and Fred? It’s kind of weird. Feels girly. It’s feels fine if it's two girls who are friends. It’s also weird if a boy was writing to a letter to a girl. When I was student girls like stickers; boys don’t like stickers. Maybe you should make stickers have more value to differentiate them. Like some stickers can be really rare like pokemon. Or make some of them tattoo stickers. Target seems pretty limited to school kids."
Stacey T.31, texting her while she’s at work; 9/24/18
“Probably the one thing that sticks out it is the ‘I’m so poor’ comment. It has god in it, and it also is making a social commentary that spending only $5 is cause for someone to say with despair ‘God I’m so poor.’ I might be the wrong person to ask for feedback on Something like this because I’ve also been poor, though not as poor as there are people in the world, and hearing something like that riles me up. But everything else is lovely. Pretty straightfoward (what’s going on). Though it’s hard to tell where everything is happening. If you didn’t tell me at the start that this machine is in a high school… Maybe it’s a San Francisco thing, but growing up, I wouldn’t be able to bring cupcakes to a friend. I took the bus to school, and I didn’t have a way of getting to a grocery store or cupcake store bakery whatever. I wouldn’t connect with this experience unless I grew up in a city with those amenities. Nor did I even have $5 to spend, maybe in the summer when I had a job. But I think all of what I just said is coming from the far that it’s disjointed, the comic strip/storyboard. I liked the big hug in the end. [Who would use this?] Kids collecting stickers and fighting over who has the most coolest ones; Kids with money; Kids wanting to hack the machine so they can get them out for free; Maybe teachers. Beware of the angry parents who might not like things being sold to their kids in a school setting."
I changed the persona to a female as all of my test subjects remarked that the cards and stickers would more likely be bought be females. I made sure to include in the Persona details about the student’s busy life and inability to get around independently. I also changed the storyboard to reflect the last minute and convenient nature of the purchase. 
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