#maybe i’m overthinking
masturshake · 1 year
Idk something aboot The Armorer doesn’t feel right…Bo-Katan has failed to unite the Mandalorians a few times and seeing the Mythosaur shouldn’t automatically change all the past failure. Idk maybe I’m just crazy. Also dude Din still has the Darksaber and kinda nothing is being said aboot it among the group? Homie is practically their version of King Arthur at the moment and nothing…something just feels off and Din’s too much of an idiot to see it I bet.
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spocksbrainworms · 1 year
I know a lot of people have pointed out how shitty it is that we didn’t learn Captain Batel’s first name until way late despite her literally being one of the first characters on screen in SNW. But I haven’t seen anyone really explain why other than “female character not given name :( #feminism”
imo it’s because up until she became a romantic interest she wasn’t really a character beyond being an extension of Starfleet. Every time she shows up she is there to demonstrate Pike’s aversion to the red tape,regulations, and obligations of Starfleet and what it demands of its people. You could argue that her willingness to do her job prosecuting Una despite her relationship to Captain pike shows her professionalism but at the end of the day that’s not what a professional would do.
A professional would step down and say they were too connected to the case to continue. This is a regular thing that happens in our legal system so the idea that Starfleet wouldn’t have rules outlining something like this is ridiculous. She’s not there as a professional, she is specifically there to make it harder for Chris and to increase the tension to the detriment of her own character.
And she only starts getting developed in any noticeable way other than her dedication to her job when she becomes more important to one of the male leads.
Does she work for the advocate general’s office? If so then why is she captaining the Cayuga? What is her role and why should we care? Why is she able to just bounce around anywhere she’s needed? Is it because she’s incredibly specialized so they need someone of her rank for this mission specifically? Is that why she couldn’t step down when prosecuting her romantic interests best friend? No. Because she isn’t developed. She’s only there as a vessel of Pike’s narrative so she only shows up to create drama for him.
Even when she says “if you can’t fix it take me out” we’re not emotionally invested in her possible death until Pike says “I’m not giving up on her” because her own death isn’t about her. It’s about what it means for him.
Not to mention that after she says that line, Pike sees her walk off then immediately undercuts her word. As Chapel’s boss, Pike has put Chapel in the position of “do I follow her word or his” and we’re supposed to be touched he cares so much when really he’s just put her wishes not to hurt anyone under his own selfish need to keep her safe. He takes away her agency and in a way, her bodily autonomy. She doesn’t say that because she wants to die but because she’d rather die than hurt others and, whether Pike realizes that or not, could be her dying wish. And he undercuts her immediately and does it when she is presumably out of earshot.
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kinnybeets · 1 year
Nobody talks about the parallels between circus baby and Glamrock Freddy like it’s not fucking crazy how similar they are
Both can use their fingers for birthday parties baby can blow up balloons because of an air hose attached to her fingers and Glamrock Freddy can light up candles and make creme brulee with his finger that is a lighter
Both can dispense things from their stomachs for baby it’s ice cream for Glamrock Freddy it’s for birthday cakes and piñatas
Both carry around a child in their stomach
Both guide the main character unlike their friends, who are actively attacking
Eye color change
Both act innocent but there’s some shit going on they are not telling you
Gets out of their location after the destruction of their friends
It’s just really specific things-
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yui-kuromori · 2 years
There’s one episode in season 1 of AiB that I feel like I haven’t given the attention it deserved in my past analysis: Episode 4, the one that contains the game “Distance”.
Now, here’s one thing that I feel is really important when discussing this episode. The game “Distance” is a complete different thing in the manga. It’s arguably the most different episode when considering its manga counterpart. In the original story, this game is a “side story” meaning that no one from the main cast was a part of it. In other words, Arisu and Usagi never played this game.
Meaning that the entire narrative and subtext from episode 4 is basically show written, taking very few key points from the original source material.
Now, here’s what I think is really beautifully done here.
In the original, when Usagi meets Arisu, she, like in the show, asks him if he “wants to live.” Unlike in the show, Manga Arisu begins to angrily cry before yelling out that yes, he does want to live. Usagi, moved by his resolve and seeing in him herself after her father’s loss, agrees to his wish to keep going and nurses him back to health. Soon after they are taken in by the beach.
This show vs. manga deviation shifts some very core aspects of both Arisu and Usagi’s characters. More plainly by essentially shifting Usagi from a passive force to an active one. In the show, it’s her own decision to drag Arisu from the rain, her decision to drag him to a game. Essentially, her resolve is what inspires him. She saves him, and not the other way around.
Now, the second part of the episode, the game in itself is a beautifully written mini arc to basically get Arisu back on his feet after the 7 of hearts. As much as Usagi may have gotten him to this point, but ultimately, Arisu need to be the one to truly make the decision to keep on living.
So we get to the game venue, and we meet the other players. One interesting thing here is that those players directly mirror Arisu and his original friends, a protective fighter, an emotional, loyal thinker and a vulnerable, injured player, who needs his team’s help to keep on going.
As the game progresses and the other players start to die, Arisu basically sees from a third person perspective his own friends die again. He keeps pushing. Eventually Yamane, the sole survivor of the group, laments the loss of his friends, unsure how to keep going without them.
Arisu then encourages him “survive, and tell your wife and child all about them”, Usagi giving him a meaningful look as he says so. This is Arisu telling himself to keep going, fully taking the position of someone willing to survive. It’s also noteworthy that the color correction in this scene is extremely yellow, a color that in Alice in Borderland, can be associated with grief. The undertone is clear: Arisu is still grieving, his friends’s death still hurt him, but even still he’s choosing to keep going.
Then they find a motorcycle, a very underrated moment for Arisu’s character. It’s easy to imagine, that after failing to save his team’s life in the 7 of hearts, he would be insecure about his greatest attribute, his intelligence. Here, against all odds he’s using knowledge only he has to save a life they all thought was lost: Takuma. Once again displaying the courage that drew in Usagi during the 5 of spades, he chooses to risk his life to go back to the bus. “I will never survive because someone died for me”, again, with the yellow color correction in the scene, his grief is dictating his choice here, pushing on his bravery.
In the end, that bravery is rewarded with a GAME CLEAR for both him and Usagi. In the manga, it’s revealed that the “lesson” of this game is that your team mates should never be left behind. This is the moment, I think, that really defines Arisu’s way of playing games. To him, there always will be a way around the rules where people survive, this game only proves that to him, and in my opinion what allows him to later on beat the 10 of hearts.
Now, the game ends in a somber note. Takuma choosing to walk away from Arisu and Usagi with the empty promises that they may meet again. I feel like he shows what may have happened to arisu, if Usagi hadn’t found him. Wandering alone in the borderlands with little will to live.
The episode ends with Arisu dead set in finding the beach, honoring Karube’s last wish. He bikes away with Usagi, the entire scene tinted in light blue, Arisu’s color. He found himself once again, and now, literally carrying Usagi’s weight in the bike (a clever way to show the two way of their relationship, since she did carry him on for the first halve of the episode), he pushes on to the next stage in the games.
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trashfangirlsworld · 1 year
Honestly the fact that the tree is underground is sus to me… like, it’s not a evident surprise, and I’m pretty sure wilbur had already left when tallulah first found the flower field, so he wouldn’t know to look there either
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deltarose · 6 months
Someone who loves me, hard.
Someone who puts in effort.
Someone who’s consistent.
Someone who is kind.
Someone who shows they love me.
Someone who actually cares.
Someone who listens.
Someone who values me.
Someone who pays attention.
I deserve the love that I’ve desperately put out, hoping that if I just love and keep loving. They’ll realize and love me back.
There’s many paths I could go. I don’t know which I want to take. I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to struggle. But I can’t keep fighting for someone who clearly doesn’t want to love me.
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spritebug · 2 years
While I’m talking about Malachi and Levin,
I don’t know if I’m overthinking, but Hear me out:
Levin, who’s aphs first adopted son, looks like Garroth, the oldest Ro’Meave brother.
Malachi, Aphs adopted son who was a ghost (dead) and was brought back to life as a normal human and acts very responsible, looks like vylad and Laurence, who is a shadow knight meaning he died and all- and he’s the youngest but arguably more mature(?) Ro’Meave.
And Alina, Aphs youngest?, slightly looks like zane? Who’s the middle child yes but he’s also the one brother who looks the most like his mother, which Alina is also the one out of her siblings that looks the most like her mother.
You could also argue that Aphmau, has a slight resemblance to Zianna, because of being in a place of power and Ziannas parenting style, but I think I might be stretching it to far.
I cant make any links to Lilith garnett, apart from of course her quite literally being named after Garroth.
I don’t know what ANY of this means but I thought it was a cool connection.
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jaimeski · 2 years
ai art slash neg…
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I hate that i can’t go more than 1h1/2-2h without him
He’s my everything and i actually feel like I’m dead if I’m not talking to him and it is NOT fun (and if not dead, empty and nonexistent) (he’s my anchor to this realm frfr)
On the other hand though it’s good bc it means i love him intensely and will never be the one who’ll break up 😎 (bc I’d kill myself without him) (/hj) (unless…)
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diyasgarden · 1 day
i think one of my friends really hates me all of a sudden…fml
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So a while back I was making car noises and watching my nephew while his mom (my sister) showered and she got out and said she had wondered where the car that was speeding was going in such a hurry. I JUST now over a month later realized that she mistook my mouth noises for a car. I was convincing enough to fool her and she lives right off a well traveled road. Close enough she hears cars regularly so that means that was a compliment right?? My dumbass was to busy trying to make sure she felt comfortable showering and those noises made the small one giggle.
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stillawakestillsad · 3 months
I wish having body paint was normal for every day, like I just spent hours on this glittery cyber sigilism artwork up my leg, and I kinds wish I could just, go out in shorts and show it off without it being weird.
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mickraine · 6 months
okay, well… the book I’m currently reading just handled one of its main topics incredibly well, and in a very specific way. However, these very specific circumstances are a main part of *my book* that I’ve been working on for the past few years, so now I’m stressed.
I fully understand (and agree that topics should be) examined from different angles by different voices in literature. But now I have a nagging little voice in my head going “aren’t you copying ___?” Even though I’ve been working on this novel for literal years and it’s heavily inspired by my own experiences. And I’m nervous other people will think I’m a rip-off too even though these books are very different in other ways. Fml.
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kinnybeets · 1 year
Why do Glamrock Freddy’s voice lines in the afton ending feel like they could be used in ruin if he does help like
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This sounds like ruin, like if I forgot about this voice line and someone played him saying this I would be mad because I would’ve thought they just spoiled ruin, I would’ve thought he had major character development due to having to wake up in the dilapidated mall and that really affecting him and having to come to terms with the fact his identity is not clear anymore but either way he wants to protect
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fr0ntierjust1ce · 1 year
Ok so like. I am slowly becoming more and more convinced i. Got covid again because I starting getting symptoms right after my govt. teacher got it and now i think I might’ve accidentally given it to a couple of my classmates and since I never tested I can’t know for sure but also like. The guilt is there
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