#maybe it would be easier if i tried to do small things first instead of my first go being something labour intensive and difficult
vivwritesfics · 5 months
hello vivi!
would it be ok if you did a norlestappen or a lando and max poly - I really don't mind what kind just maybe not angst - I would love some fluff though! thank - you so much :)
i call this sleepies
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"Where are they?" Max asked Charles.
They were supposed to meet outside of the McLaren garage so that the three of them could leave together. Max was there first, always the first to want to leave and Charles was there just after him.
But she and Lando were nowhere to be seen.
"Do you think they're still inside?" Charles asked, nodding his head towards the garage.
"They have to be," Max answered, pulling his phone from his pocket. He dialled Lando's number and pressed his phone to his ear.
He didn't know that Lando was asleep. He didn't know that Lando was so deep in sleep that nothing was going to wake him up. He didn't know that she was with him, too, curled up against him as they slept in the two small chair.
When he didn't respond, Max put his phone down. "Nothing," he said, shaking his head.
Charles already had his phone out, already had it pressed to his ear. He looked at Max as he waited for the person on the other end to pick up. But they didn't and he put the phone down. "She didn't pick up, either."
They looked towards the McLaren garage. The den of papaya (instead of den of vipers, get it?). They had no choice but to go inside.
The two non McLaren drivers sucked in a breath and headed inside. They asked all of the McLaren staff if they had seen their loves. The first few they asked shook their heads. They had no idea where to find Lando and their girl.
But then someone had an answer. "I saw them sleeping on the couch," she said and quite literally pointed them in the right direction.
And that was where they found them, sleeping on the couch. Lando was upright and she was on his lap. Her head was against his chest and his head was against her own. Her hand was gripping his shirt, curled into fists.
"Look at them," Charles said, wearing a small smile as he sighed. "They're just..."
"Adorable, I know," Max answered. His arm was around Charles's waist as they looked at the pair. "But his back is gonna kill for the race tomorrow."
"Meaning an easier win for the both of us," Charles reasoned. "But we love them and we don't want him to get a bad back."
"We're definitely not just moving them because we want to cuddle them," Max said with a nod.
"Nope, this is for them."
"Not our selfish reasons."
Max picked her up. He kissed her head and scooped her into his arms. Her head was immediately against his chest and she let out a whine, but she didn't wake up.
Charles tried to pick up Lando. The most important word in that sentence was tried. Because he definitely failed. He almost immediately dropped Lando, waking the poor boy. "Fuck, cha!" He cried.
"Lando!" Charles hissed and held his finger to his lips.
Lando glared at him, but then he looked past him, at the girl sleeping in Lando's arms. She stirred and everybody stilled. But, when she didn't wake up, they let out a collective breath. "Should we get her home?" He whispered as Charles helped him off the floor.
"We were thinking the exact same thing, baby boy."
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puckbunnyera · 6 months
Mean It | Jack Hughes
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pairing: jack hughes x reader genre: slight angst (?), fluff word count: 3.2k warnings: cursing, suggestive jokes/innuendos at the end summary: three years after the kiss that breaks your heart, jack decides it's time for a re-do, and this time he means it.
notes: maybe it's because i'm still getting used to posting things for others to see/read because i've said this, or something similar, about everything i've posted so far, but i'm not 100% sure if i like this or hate it. anyways, here is a jack one that i've based (very) loosely off of a dream i had a few weeks ago.
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I inhale deeply as I open my car door, exhaling once both of my feet are touching the driveway below me. Despite the warmth in the Michigan summer air, the slight breeze that blows by sends a shiver running down my spine as I look up at the beautiful house in front of me. A house that I was once so familiar with. A house that belongs to a family that I consider part of my own. While I've kept in touch with a majority of the family, I haven't stepped foot in this house in years. The summer I turned eighteen was a memorable one, though not in the way I would have liked. The two summers I spent here after were awkward and tense, so eventually, I stopped coming completely. Instead, choosing to avoid the family trips to Michigan every summer with any and every excuse I could come up with. Going to university out of state made it so much easier to make excuses for my absences. Just as my thoughts are beginning to wander, I'm interrupted by the sound of my mother's voice calling out to me.
"Y/N, hurry! We're already late." She calls from where she and my father stand at the top of the porch steps. "And don't forget the wine."
I retrieve the bottle of wine from the backseat, along with my purse, and quickly make my way to meet my parents where they now stand in front of the door. All it takes is two knocks and the door swings open revealing, the one and only, Ellen Hughes.
"Hello!" She greets excitedly, a bright smile on her face as she pulls my mother into a tight hug. "I'm so glad you could make it." She pulls my father into a short one after releasing my mother and then her attention shifts to me.
"Hi, Ellen." I smile shyly and give small wave.
"Hi, Sweet Girl." She steps forward and pulls me into her embrace. "I'm happy you decided to join us this year. We've really missed you." She whispers before stepping back and inviting us into the house.
As we make the short journey to the dining room, I take in what I can of my surroundings. To my surprise, everything still looks the same.
"Do you mind if I stop by the bathroom first?" I ask right before we step into the dining room.
"Of course not," Ellen replies. "Do you remember where it is?" I nod, passing the bottle of wine in my hand to my mother, then turning around to make my way to the bathroom.
• ───────────────────────────── •
"Speak of the devil." I hear my father's voice as I walk into the room, lifting my head to meet his gaze. Despite the nerves that have redeveloped, I disguise them with a playful remark.
"Talking about me?" I scoff, a teasing smile on my face. "That's not very nice, dad."
"All good things, of course." He chuckles.
The facade begins to slip when I finally take notice of my seat, the only empty chair left at the table, right next to Jack Hughes, my childhood best friend turned stranger. As our eyes lock, I'm reminded of the boy I fell in love with when I was fifteen, the same one who broke my heart when I was eighteen. Standing here in front of him now brings the one memory that I have tried so hard to forget rushing to the forefront of my mind.
"Jack, stop!" I squeal through my giggling as he splashes the lake water in my face for the millionth time.
"Take it back!" He shouts through his own laughter.
"Fine!" I yell. "I'm sorry for calling you a brainless idiot."
"And for saying that Quinn is better at hockey than you."
"Now was that so hard?" He chuckles, reaching forward and pulling me into his arms, my back against his chest.
We stand quietly, watching the sun set across the lake as we try to catch our breaths. It had become sort of a tradition of ours to sneak off after dinner some nights and go for a swim in the lake. Tonight was just another one of those nights. As the water ripples around us and the sun lowers further below the horizon, I recount all of the past moments similar to the one now.
"I can't believe summer is already almost over." Jack sighs, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"I know." I agree. "It's gone by way too fast, but hey! Look at the bright side. You'll be starting your first year in the NHL this fall. That's something exciting to look forward to."
"I guess." I feel him shrug. Turning around in his arms, I softly caress his face and force him to look at me.
"What's wrong?"
"It's nothing." He shakes his head, frowning.
"It's not nothing." A frown now forming on my face. "You're upset. Why?"
"I'm nervous." He sighs. "Scared, even. What if I'm not good enough?"
"Don't say that." I stroke his cheeks softly with my thumbs. "You're THE Jack Hughes. You're good at everything." I joke, trying to lighten his mood.
"I'm serious." His frown deepens.
"I am too." It's now my turn to sigh. "If you weren't good enough, you wouldn't have been drafted. It's okay to be nervous and scared. I bet every NHL player, present and past, felt the same way you did when they first entered the league. You just have to go out there and show them what you've got. You'll do great. I know it."
"Thank you." He finally smiles.
"Of course." I return one to him.
"I'm gonna miss this." He pulls my hands off of his face and laces his fingers through mine. "I'm gonna miss you."
"I'm gonna miss you too." I admit. "But we'll always have the summer, right? And maybe when I have breaks from college, I can fly out to Jersey to see you."
"I would like that." He nods.
We grow quiet again, taking in the stillness around us and falling into an impromptu staring contest. Something is the air begins to shift. I suddenly come to the realization that this boy right in front of me, isn't just a friend to me anymore. At least I don't want him to be. And when his lips suddenly crash down onto mine, I'm convinced that he feels the same. The thought, however, is short-lived because he is pulling away faster than he moved in.
"Fuck!" He backs away, removing every form of touch we previously had. "Shit! I didn't mean to do that."
"I-" I pause in an attempt to gather my bearings. "Jack, it's okay."
"No." He shakes his head. "It's not okay."
"You're overreacting."
"J-just forget it happened." He huffs, turning his back to me and heading out of the water. "It was a mistake."
"A mistake?" I scoff, following him back onto land. "If it was such a mistake, why did you do it?"
"I don't know." He shouts, the loudness of his voice taking me back a bit. "Just leave it alone, okay? It didn't mean anything. Just a heat of the moment kinda thing." His words feel like a punch to the gut. An ache forming in my chest.
"Right." I respond sarcastically as tears begin to well in my eyes. Without another word, I grab my towel and start my way back up to the house.
"Y/N" Jack reaches, grabbing my arm gently.
"Don't touch me." I yank my arm out of his grasp and continue walking away.
The sound of a throat clearing interrupts my thoughts and I suddenly remember where I am. With a blush forming on my cheeks, I quickly greet everyone before taking my seat.
"Hi." Jack whispers his greeting, while everyone else is caught up in conversation.
"Hi." I whisper back then quickly divert my attention elsewhere.
Once I settle in, Ellen starts to pass around the food. As dinner officially begins, I silently pray that the tension between me and the man to my left isn't as noticeable as it feels.
"So, Y/N?" Jim starts. "How have you been? We've missed you these past few summers."
"Few?" Quinn butts in, a teasing tone evident in his voice. "It's been like ten."
"It's been, like, two." I roll my eyes with a small smile pulling at my lips.
"That's what I said." He smirks. I ignore him this time and turn my attention back to his father.
"To answer your question, Jim, I've been doing well. And I've missed you guys too. I took a lot of internships during the summer and winter breaks between semesters, so I wasn't able to come visit with my parents."
"We hoped you would fly out with your parents last summer after your mom told us you had graduated that May, but she said you couldn't make it." Ellen speaks.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be here." I apologize, catching the sad undertone of her words. "My mom asked me to join, and I would have, but I had already booked a graduation trip to France with some friends that I graduated with. My flight was set to leave three days before they would leave to come here."
"How was that trip by the way?" Luke asks. "Quinn told me you had gone and showed me some of the pictures you took while you were there."
"It was amazing!" I exclaim. "I definitely want to go back. Hopefully sometime soon. The coastal towns, like Nice and Cassis, were by far my favorite."
A genuine smile forms on my face as I continue to recount different moments of my trip. I had forgotten how much I loved spending time with this amazing family. Regret simmers in the pit of my stomach. As conversation flows easily around the table, now bouncing from topic to topic, I am consciously aware of the glances coming from next to me.
Dinner wraps up nicely and we are soon heading our own ways. My father grabs our luggage from the car before he and my mother make their way upstairs to the only spare bedroom left in the house. I grab my things and head to the furnished basement, which will be my makeshift bedroom for the summer.
• ───────────────────────────── •
The house is silent as I slide the back door open as quietly as possible. I'm making my way down the steps when a male voice startles me.
"Couldn't sleep?" Jack questions from where he sits in a chair to the right of the door, hidden by the shadows of the house.
"You scared me." I reply, my hand resting over where my racing heart resides in my chest.
"Sorry." He apologizes, rising from his seat and coming to stand above me on the top step. "Where are you headed?"
"I was gonna go down to the lake for a swim."
"Oh," He responds awkwardly. "Can I join you?"
I bite my lip nervously, not sure how to answer him. Going into this trip, I planned to avoid him as much as possible, yet here we are. Alone. After a moment, I finally find the courage to respond.
"Sure." I reply shortly, turning to head towards the lake, not checking to see if he is following.
Once I reach the edge of the water, I throw my towel down on a large rock and remove the shirt and shorts I had put on over my swimsuit.
The water is cold upon the first touch, but I embrace the difference in temperature against my warm skin as I wade out farther into the water. When I reach a depth that I can stand comfortably in, I stop and listen to the sounds around me.
I can hear Jack's every move as he steps into the water and makes his way towards me. He stops as he reaches my side, our shoulders inches apart.
"Y/N." He speaks softly, voice almost a whisper.
"I-" He starts. He seems to hesitate before opening his mouth to speak again. "I'm sorry." My heart squeezes in my chest.
"For what?" I pretend to be clueless as to what he means.
"You know what?"
"It doesn't matter anymore." I sigh, realizing that playing dumb won't work. "I'm over it."
"You're not." He argues. "You like to pretend you are but I know you better than that. We were best friends, remember?" His use of the past tense causes another surge of pain to hit me right in my chest. But he's right. We were best friends. That's the only reason why I tried to maintain contact for the first couple of years after that summer. Eventually, things just fell off and we stopped speaking altogether.
"Really, Jack, I'm over it." I turn to face him. "We were stupid kids caught up in a moment of high emotions and vulnerability. It was nothing."
"But it wasn't nothing." His voice seems strained as he utters the words. "I know, back then, I said it didn't mean anything, but I lied. It did mean something. It meant everything."
His confession leaves me stunned. I'm truly at a loss for words.
"W-what?" Confusion laces my words.
"I kissed you because I wanted to. Because I was in love with you."
"Jack," I shake my head, tears welling in my eyes. "You don't mean that."
"Yes, I do." He replies firmly. "And even though we haven't spoken in almost three years, I am still in love with you." Those are the final words it takes to break the dam in my eyes, tears now rolling down my cheeks in steady streams.
"I've been in love with you since I was fifteen, Jack." I confess. "I held back and hid my feelings because I was terrified. I didn't think you felt the same so I kept them to myself in fear that I would mess things up if they got out. That summer, when you kissed me, I felt so happy and relieved because I truly thought you reciprocated them. But when you pulled away and told me that it was a mistake. That it meant nothing to you. It felt like you physically ripped my heart out of my chest."
"I'm sorry." He steps closer, one of his arms wrapping around my waist while his other hand reaches up to caress my cheek. "I'm so fucking sorry."
"I wish things could have been different." I whisper as his thumb softly brushes my tears away.
"Me too." He whispers back.
I sniffle as my tears begin to slow, leaning in to rest my head against his chest and wrapping my arms around his body in a tight embrace. His hand that was on my cheek moves to stroke through my hair. We stand in each other's arms for the first time since that summer. I had almost forgotten what it felt like to be held by him.
"Can we try again?" He asks, pulling me back to look into my eyes. "Use this summer to fix things. I know we can't take everything back or get back the lost time, but I don't want to leave this summer without fixing what I can."
"I would love that." I nod. His soft smile causes me to return one of my own. I stand for a while, just looking at his face. Taking in all the changes and trying to refamiliarize myself with his features. Tension settles in upon us, but it's not the same awkward tension as before. It's different this time.
"Feel free to tell me no if it's too soon," He prefaces, before continuing to speak. "But, can I kiss you? You know, like a redo."
"Only if you mean it."
His response is a searing kiss that leaves me breathless in the best way possible. Our lips mold together so easily as if they were meant only for each other. We kiss for a little longer until the smile that forms on my face forces us to part.
"What?" He pulls away, forehead resting against my own.
"This feels like a cliche moment from those romcoms I used to force you to watch with me." I giggle.
"It kind of does, doesn't it?" He chuckles. "But I don't mind."
"Good," I nod, nudging his nose gently with mine. "Because I don't either."
"We should head back in." He steps out of my arms but intertwines a hand with mine. "It's late."
I agree before we head back to the shore to grab our things. The walk back to the house is quiet but comfortable. Smiles remaining on our faces the whole time. Trying to sneak back into the house without disturbing anyone is almost impossible. Jack's arm wraps around my waist as he attacks my neck and shoulder with playful kisses, causing quiet giggles to leave my mouth. And just when I think we've made it in successfully, the kitchen light turns on and we come face-to-face with Quinn and Luke.
"And where were you two?" Quinn asks, the tone of his voice firm as he stands with his arms folded across his chest.
"Uh, we just went for a swim." Jack replies, dropping his arm from around my waist.
"I'm just fucking with you." He chuckles. "I'm glad to see you both back on better terms."
"Me too." Luke nods with a smile.
"Thanks." I smile at the two.
"But," Quinn's voice grows serious again. "You better keep the PDA to a minimum."
"Or what?" Jack counters.
"Or I'll tell our parents about the time you two snuck out when you were sixteen and crashed the golf cart through the neighbor's fence and destroyed their garden."
"That was them?" Luke questions, shock evident in his voice and on his face. Quinn rolls his eyes at the youngest brother's cluelessness.
"You wouldn't." I glare at him as menacingly as I can muster.
"Try me." He glares back.
"Fine." Jack sighs, grabbing my hand to pull me behind him as he exits the kitchen. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." I speak to them over my shoulder.
"Goodnight." They reply, shutting off the light and heading up the stairs.
Jack walks me down to the basement where he pulls me into his chest once again.
"You know you can come stay with me in my room instead of staying down here on this shitty air mattress."
"Tempting." I smile, rising onto the tips of my toes to place a quick peck on his lips.
"Come on." He pouts. "We used to have sleepovers all the time."
"Yeah, when we were kids." I point out. "We're adults now."
"Exactly." He states, his voice taking on a duh tone. "Which means we are allowed to do whatever we want. If we want to share a bed, we can share a bed. There is nothing wrong with that."
"It won't be weird?" I ask.
"Not unless you make it weird." I hesitate momentarily before finally agreeing.
"Fine." I nod. "But the second your hands travel lower than my waist, I'm kicking you out of the bed and your sleeping on the floor."
"So what I'm hearing is that the boobs are free rein." He smirks.
"Jack!" I gasp, pushing him away.
"What?" He shrugs. I roll my eyes at him as I gather up a pair of clean clothes and head for the stairs.
"Hurry up, Hughes." I speak back to him as I climb the steps. "I'm tired and we both still need to shower. If you're quick enough, I might let you join me."
"Yes ma'am." He replies, a goofy smile on his face as he bounds up the stairs behind me.
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mxtantrights · 5 months
Hi! Can i ask some quick enemies to lovers with Jason Todd? Which is not much "enemies" but two prideful people that won't admit they have feelings for each other and they like... have similar personalities. It can be sfw or nsfw, it's up to you <3
Byee, thanks.
(Maybe reader also being a vigilante too hehe)
a/n: thank you for this amazing request. I was about to have so much fun with this!!! (also kinda left it open so if there is a desire for part two, just leave me a message!! <3)
It doesn't hit either of you like a brick wall or a train like it should. No. Because why would it? Love doesn't hit you over the head in the middle of the night. It happens slowly.
It happens when Oliver asks you to cut home early because you almost missed a step and went over the rooftop of a building. Which you deny but you know it happened because Oliver is never really one to say 'go home'. So you take his orders. Oliver shakes his head as he watches you go. Ever since he told you that some of the team from Gotham was coming to Star City to help a case you've ben off your game.
It happens when Jason doesn't see the trip wire. Dick has about seven seconds to clear the room and drag Jason with him. The two of them get safely away from the loud bomb. Bruce is talking over the comms, asking if everything is alright. Jason grumbles out some sort of response. Dick knows he's not on his A-game because he's part of the crew going to Star City, where you operate.
It happens when you come face to face with Red hood after not seeing him for a few months. The last time you saw him he saved you from a round of gunfire. You couldn't figure out if he saved you because it was the right thing to do or for some other reason.
It happens when the two of you have to guard a safe house for a couple of hours. There is nothing to do. It's mindless boredom. It's endless. It's so boring and Red doesn't make it easier because he doesn't try to converse with you either. You try to make small talk but he seems to talk in grunts or just silence.
It happens when the mission goes wrong. The informant is nipped on someone else's patrol. You and Red are called in to figure out who did it and to track their every move. You spend about eight hours by his side and say about ten words to him.
It happens when you two find the culprit and are faced with a difficult decision. Take justice into your own hands or hand them over to the Oliver and Bruce. Red leaves it up to you.
And for some odd reason, that's when you realize it. At that moment it dawns on you. Like the final crumb of sand falling in a hourglass. You like Red. You like him even if he doesn't speak a word to you, or if you fail and fumble in front of him.
You try your best to keep it to yourself.
But it's hard to do that when he seems, different.
After that night when he left the choice up to you, he seems to be another version of himself. A version you didn't know existed. He greets you, he tries to make small talk, and he gives you compliments and praise.
Oliver and Bruce notice it too. They keep their smiles and shit eating grins to themselves. Honestly the two of them honestly make this a thing amongst themselves. Who can get the ball rolling first?
Bruce asks Jason about it one night after patrol. To which Jason replies with a stern 'no' and nothing else. Oliver asks you when he takes you out for lunch and you also tell him a simple 'no' and move on.
It keeps happening like this. Red does something that makes you think maybe, sort of, possibly. But you don't take that step. And Red goes through the same thing about you. And talks himself out of telling you anything.
One day though, it does come to an end.
You're in an alley in Gotham. You're not on a mission. You're just a civilian in this situation. A civilian who wants to take an alleyway cut instead of walking two blocks. It's safe to say that when you get held up at gun point you regret not walking those two simple blocks.
What goes down, goes down fast. You manage to get the jump on two of the scumbags. But one of them does have a gun. They aim it right at you and the shot should hit you but it doesn't. It doesn't because of someone.
Red hood stands between you and the gun. The bullet flies off his patted amor chest. You watch as all the guys in the alleyway scurry like rats. You're left there, wide eyed and shocked.
Red Hood turns to you and offers you a hand up. You take it, and try to think of something to say. Anything. A thank you. A sorry. Something that should leave your mouth. But all you can think about is how he's saved your life again.
And that's the word you say. 'again'
It catches him off guard. So much so that he takes a step back. You think you might've said the wrong thing. But then again, you think to yourself that he won't really know what you're talking about. You're seeing him as a civilian. He's never seen you as a civilian. He doesn't know who you are.
But he could now.
He could now.
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tonysbed · 2 months
flavours of choice | OP81
Oscar Piastri x Autistic!picky eater!reader
Summary: Oscar supporting you in something no one really has before..
warnings: mention of food, fluff ig
mental health masterlist | main masterlist
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Oscar sat across from her, his eyes gentle and attentive, as they perused the menu. Their usual restaurant buzzed with the sounds of clinking glasses and murmured conversations. She shifted in her seat, trying to focus on the menu, but the familiar anxiety crept up as her eyes scanned the dishes, filled with foods she struggled to eat.
“Anything look good?” Oscar asked, his tone casual yet caring.
She forced a smile, nodding slightly. “Yeah, just trying to decide,” she replied, her voice betraying none of the turmoil inside.
Oscar noticed the slight hesitation in her movements, the way she lingered on the familiar options. It was their third date, and he had started to piece together the patterns. She always ordered the same few dishes, always hesitated when trying something new.
He didn't say anything then, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. Instead, he chose a dish he knew she liked, hoping to ease her mind. They enjoyed their meal, the conversation flowing effortlessly as always. Yet, Oscar couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more she wasn’t sharing.
A few weeks later, as they strolled through the park, Oscar gently broached the subject. “You know, you can always tell me if there’s something bothering you,” he said, his voice soft.
She looked up at him, her heart pounding. “What do you mean?” she asked, though she had an inkling of what he was referring to.
“About food. I’ve noticed you’re very particular,” he said, careful to keep his tone non-judgmental. “And that’s okay. I just want you to know that you can be honest with me.”
Her shoulders relaxed a fraction. “It’s just… I’ve struggled with the texture and sensory aspects of food my entire life,” she admitted. “People have always made fun of me for being a picky eater, so I’ve tried to hide it.”
Oscar nodded, his expression understanding. “Thank you for telling me. I’m sorry people have treated you that way. It must be hard.”
“It is,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. “I’m trying, but it’s really difficult.”
“Maybe I can help?” he suggested. “What if we talked to a nutritionist? They might have some strategies to make things easier for you.”
She hesitated, the idea both daunting and appealing. “You really think that could help?”
“I do,” Oscar said firmly. “And I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
With Oscar’s support, she scheduled an appointment with a nutritionist. The first few sessions were overwhelming. The nutritionist introduced her to new foods in a controlled environment, encouraging her to try small bites and note her reactions.
The exposures were challenging. Some textures made her skin crawl, and certain tastes were unbearable. Each time, she pushed herself, but the experience often left her in tears by the time she got home.
Oscar was always there, ready to hold her and listen. “It’s okay to cry,” he would say, his arms wrapped around her. “You’re doing amazing. This is really hard, and you’re so brave for facing it.”
She found some new foods she could tolerate, small victories that felt monumental. But she remained mostly picky, her sensory sensitivities still a significant barrier.
One evening, after a particularly tough session, she collapsed into Oscar’s embrace, tears streaming down her face. “I feel like I’m never going to get better,” she sobbed.
Oscar gently wiped her tears away. “You’ve already made so much progress,” he said softly. “It doesn’t matter how much or how little you change. What matters is that you’re trying, and that’s incredible.”
His unwavering support gave her the strength to keep going. She learned to navigate her challenges with more confidence, knowing she had someone who loved and accepted her unconditionally.
Years later, as they sat together at a family gathering, Oscar watched with pride as she navigated the buffet. She selected a few new items along with her safe choices, her demeanor calm and composed. She had come a long way, and while she was still a picky eater, she was no longer ashamed of it.
Oscar took her hand, squeezing it gently. She looked up at him, her eyes shining with gratitude.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“For what?” he asked, smiling.
“For believing in me,” she said simply.
Oscar kissed her forehead. “Always,” he promised.
And he meant it.
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A/n: I think there are 2 more Oscar x reader ideas to write? Or three? I’m not even sure anymore. Remember, send your requests my wayyyy
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
AH I've been waiting for requests to be open! i love love loveeee your writing!! I've been in dire need (if you feel like writing it lol) of reader comforting jamie after the locker room scene w his dad at wembley.. like maybe instead of roy hugging him the reader swoops in? you do you! thanks!! <3
Listened to 17 Pushing 24 by Sabrina Sterling while writing this. Highly recommend ✌️🥲
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i know what i’m doing
Sometimes Jamie wonders if you two are attracted to each other due to your compelling need to take care of everything. 
It certainly was difficult at first, both of you with residual issues due to your upbringing. His as the only son of a single mother, yours as the oldest daughter of a large family. 
Those types of child-caretakers aren’t always compatible. Jamie’s much more lighthearted about the way he tries to control everything, and you’re more serious.
You’d think it would be easier, both of you taking care of each other, except for the small fact that neither of you were capable of accepting help from the other. 
It came to a head one evening when Jamie came home to you crying in the laundry room, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the tasks you had yet to complete before going to bed. 
“Love, I can help you,” Jamie had said.
“No! It’s my laundry and my responsibility and you already have enough to do without me burdening you even more,” you replied before dissolving into more tears. 
So yeah, it was a whole thing. It involved therapy and everything.
But you’re moving past it. You’re both getting to a point where each of you can receive the same love that you’re giving, however strange it may feel. Jamie even let you stay home from work to take care of him when he was sick a couple weeks ago, something that was pretty much unheard of up to this point.
You’re channeling the need to control things in healthy ways, like having all of AFC Richmond over to Jamie’s giant house for potluck-style family dinners. Or hosting non-video game nights, where FIFA is strictly banned as a form of entertainment. Or themed outings where everyone had to dress as something that shared the first letter of their name and then go see a movie at the local theater. 
Stuff like that. 
You’re the brains, Jamie is the execution. You can see Isaac side-eyeing him a couple times, making mental notes about temporary captains in the event that he can’t play a match. 
Jamie’s gone from Richmond’s resident prick to Richmond’s resident morale-booster.
He comes home one evening with brighter eyes than normal.
“Babe,” he calls before he’s even in the door, “Coach said I can go back to being a prick again.”
“Ted said that?” you ask from your spot on the couch. You’re laying down length-wise with your legs dangling off the end.
“Fuck no,” Jamie replies, “Roy.”
“Oh,” you say as Jamie plops his bags down. You sit up a little so he can have a spot on the couch. He pats his lap so you lay back down, head on his thigh.
“Roy said that Ted fucked me up, so ‘when it’s appropriate’” (he uses air quotes) “I can be a prick to the other team.”
“That’s nice, babe,” you say, “but how do you know when to do that?”
Jamie shrugs. “Coach said he’d give me a signal. Don’t know what it is, though.”
You say, “hm,” then lapse into comfortable silence, Jamie’s hand running through your hair.
The prick signal worked so much better than you could have thought. It’s the best. You see Jamie go from playing defensively to being completely offensive, screwing with the other team’s heads. You scream and clap as he scores, while Keeley practically throttles you with joy.
Now it’s late after the game, and the lads are all over at Jamie’s. They’re absolutely exhausted, but buzzing with energy. It isn’t until about 1am that they disperse to the various guest bedrooms and pass out on top of each other. You catch a glimpse of Dani cuddling Jan Maas who’s asleep in a starfish position as Colin sneaks in to draw on their faces with sharpie. 
“Don’t tell anyone it was me,” he whispers. You zip your lips and head to the master bedroom and pretty much fall onto the right side of the bed.
Jamie comes in shortly after, saying something about Isaac telling a bedtime story. He burrows under the covers and you quietly shriek because he’s placed his ice-cold hands on your ribcage.
“How are you so cold?” you whisper.
Jamie shrugs sleepily. “Dunno,” he whispers back. “Got ice in my veins, I guess.”
You smile. “You’re tired, aren’t you babe?”
Jamie shakes his head and stifles a yawn. “Nah, ain’t tired. Thinkin’ about our match against Man City.”
He says it casually. Too casually.
You see, both you and Jamie have this thing where the more nonchalantly you say something, the more important it is.
You prop yourself up a bit so you can face him and scratch his head. He sighs and leans in.
“You nervous?” you ask.
Jamie shakes his head. “Not to see the team. Lookin’ forward to seeing Pep. It’s just…” he trails off.
You whisper, “Yeah. I know. Whatever happens, I’m here. Don’t forget that. I’m here no matter what.”
Jamie says, “hm,” and then he’s asleep.
You’re running. 
You’re running faster than any of the boys on the pitch had run the entire match, and you’re pushing past people in a way that Keeley would later describe as “absolutely fucking feral.”
It happened like this:
The game was over. Richmond lost to Man City.
You were on your way to see Jamie and the rest of the team.
You were, maybe, three floors away? when Rebecca got a text from Ted, showed it to you, and before you knew it you were flying down to the guest locker room to find Jamie.
Of course his dick father would show up to make this day worse. Of course he would.
You’re ducking under security and pushing your way to the locker room in a flurry of motion, then immediately stop.
It’s silent, absolutely silent. 
And so still.
No one moves a muscle as your eyes land on Jamie, clinging to Roy like he’s a lifeline. Roy. Roy Kent, self-proclaimed Jamie-hater and staunch advocate against physical touch.
Jamie’s eyes are squeezed shut, but they flutter open at the sound of your tentative footsteps. He lets go of Roy for a moment, but only so that you can grab him in the next.
“Right,” says Roy, “Everybody get the fuck out!”
There are no complaints as the lads hurriedly grab their bags and exit the locker room.
Roy nods in your direction before leaving, and Beard mouths, “take your time.” You’re not sure where Ted’s gone off to.
Jamie feels like he’s going to collapse if he stands any longer, crushing you in the strongest grip you’ve ever felt.
“Oi,” you say gently, “let’s sit down, yeah? You don’t have to let go.”
So now you’re on the bench in Jamie’s lap, scratching his head in the way he likes, waiting for him to break the silence.
“Fucking stupid,” he says, voice muffled.
You ask, “What?” because surely that can’t be what he just said.
“I said it’s fucking stupid,” Jamie says, refusing to meet your eyes. “I’m a fucking adult. Don’t need to be crying about stupid shit, especially not in front of the lads.”
“Oh, right,” you say before you can stop yourself, “because crying after your dick father tried to swing at you when you set boundaries for the first time ever is a completely unreasonable response.”
Jamie is still in your arms and you cringe. Curse your stupid, logical tongue.
Jamie finally says, “Didn’t think about it like that.” He sighs. “It’s just fuckin’ embarrassing, innit? Him showing up here like that. Didn’t need the lads seeing that.”
You kiss his forehead. 
“The only person it’s embarrassing for is him. Not you. You’re absolutely fine, Jaim. If anything, the boys are going to look at you better for finally understanding the shit you had to grow up with.”
Jamie nods, but you’re not sure if he believes you.
“Jamie,” you say firmly, “It’s not your fault. You handled it the best way it could have been handled. You did a great job.”
Those words seem to do something to Jamie, and his face takes on an expression you’ve never seen before
He asks, “You think so?” in such a forlorn manner than you have the sudden urge to find James Tartt and kick him in the balls with steel-toed shoes. You briefly wonder if Roy and Beard would like to join you.
“Yes,” you reply forcefully, “Yes Jamie. You did a wonderful job in a shitty situation and I’m very, very proud of you.”
Jamie doesn’t reply, just holds you tighter if that’s even possible. He takes a deep shuddering breath, but it’s the first real one he’s taken this entire time. 
“I told you I’m here no matter what,” you say. “Just like all the times you’ve been here for me. Now I’m here for you.”
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coupleoffanfics · 1 year
I might write about this one day. Maybe. Probably.
Random things about y/n with the batfam
Based on First Post
Bruce Wayne
Bruce never knew how to deal with y/n’s emotional outbursts even before they drifted apart. Out of everyone y/n was hands down the most emotional out of all the kids. Like what he is supposed to do when she’s crying about stray cats that don’t have a home. Or those times when she’d tear up over failing a test.
Just gives her a pat on the back and tries saying that it's not the end of the world. Not really helping as it invalidates her emotions. She makes a mental note to not go to Bruce after getting the same “reassuring words” from him every time.
Nearly spat out his coffee when she called him Pa for the first time. It was only after a couple of months of living there. Seeing the shocked reaction, she quickly tried to take it back until he reassured her with a small smile.
“You won’t be my dad, but you can be my pa. So when I have kids you can be called peepaw.”
Bruce isn’t sure when y/n stopped calling him Pa, but he remembers how he felt hearing her call him Sir or Bruce. How unnatural it sounded. It was too formal, but what hurt the most was how she said it without a second thought. Acting like it was the norm.
What happened to him being Pa?
What does he have to do to get his Pa status back?
Hopefully he doesn’t learn that y/n gave that title to someone else.
Dick Grayson
Kinda regrets not getting to know y/n before he and the whole family start going off into the deep end. It's not like they never interact or anything. Dick had trained her when she was working toward becoming Batgirl, but it was Bruce who mainly trained her.
Dick wasn’t nearly as close to her as Tim or even Jason. He didn’t have the time when juggling the Teen Titans, establishing himself as Nightwing, and being a Wayne. It was a stressful time of his life.
But he has much more free time now. Meaning he has much more time to make up for not being a big brother for y/n.
Slightly jealous that everyone except for him and Damian know or at least knew y/n. Some more than others.
So to gain an edge he read her diary. Only once he swears and it wasn’t like he went searching for it or anything. Didn’t know she had one. It was just sitting there in a box under her bed. Anyone could have found it really.
Reading the neat handwriting and discovering the personality of y/n was interesting. Kinda expected something along the lines of teen angst constering how aloof she comes off when around the family. Instead he found words of an insecure yet optimistic girl.
Dick uses his newly acquired intel to make it easier for y/n to talk to him. Brings up media that she likes to bond over the “same” interests they have. Uses her insecurities against her.
If she gets mad at him for trying to plant the idea that her best friend was a bad person, he’ll act like she’s overrating. Say that she was yelling even if she wasn’t. When asking if there was any validity to his bullshit, he’ll bring up one of her insecurity.
“You’ve always been slow when it comes to everything, but good thing your favorite brother is always there for you.”
“Yeah, good thing I’ll always have Tim.”
“Yeah, wait-”
Jason Todd
They were somewhat close before he died as they trained and sparred with each other. He wished he was able to see her put on her suit for the first time as he knows how hard she worked for it. Could practically hear her squealing when she looked in the mirror.
Unlike the others, Jason avoided y/n on purpose. He felt ashamed for beating and having snapped her arm when he was trying to kill everyone. She wasn’t even fighting back. If it wasn’t for Bruce and Tim, y/n would have ended up in a casket.
When hearing that she quit being Batgirl, he was kind of surprised. He remembers the younger y/n trying so hard to meet Bruce’s expectations. Despite failing more than he could count, she always got back to work. Always trying to improve. Never being satisfied with herself.
Wanted to know what made her quit, but decided against it. It wasn’t his place to ask and he doubted that she’d tell him. It wasn’t like she told anyone though.
Was kinda glad that y/n quit. Jason always felt queasy when seeing or even thinking of her getting hurt since it reminds him of when he was so close to taking her life. And he always felt that she wasn’t made for this kind of work.
She was too soft to fight the Killer Croc or face Scarecrow. Even though Jason always felt that way, he’d never say it aloud. He couldn’t bring himself to dampen that twinkle in her eyes.
“I saw how hard you hit the punching bag, why are you holding back now?”
“I don’t know…I don’t want to hurt you or anything.”
“y/n, you're supposed to come at me with everything you got.”
“But I don’t like hurting you or anyone.”
Tim Drake
Tim and y/n were close even though it was a bit awkward at first. They geeked out about the latest games and shows. Staying up late enjoying whatever type entertainment with junk food much to the dismay of Bruce and Alfred.
y/n admired his intelligence and how patient he was when explaining something to her. Whether it was homework or something else entirely, he was the one she felt most comfortable asking for help from.
She was low-key jealous of how quickly Tim was able to gain the title of Robin while it took her years of training to become Batgirl. But the jealousy would later be admiration for a time.
Tim always felt privileged when y/n showed her artwork to him. She never likes showing it to anyone and hates when someone tries to look at what she was drawing. So when she asks for his attention and flips her notebook/tablet around he can't help smiling.
Even when they were on good terms, he wasn't sure how to approach her when going through a low. She either needed to be alone, talk, or push. The thing is Tim doesn't know how to appropriately react. He just doesn't want to make anything worse, so he ends up having her sit outside to absorb the sun rays. Since he noticed how that had brightened her low mood.
When y/n quit being Batgirl he gave her some space before asking about it. Surprisingly he didn't get much of an answer. She was usually so open about everything, especially with him.
Realizing that they were getting nowhere with this he backed off. Assuming that she'd tell him when she was ready.
Overtime they began hanging out less and less. He hadn't realized how far they drifted apart until one night. Just making a quick run to the kitchen for some coffee. It was pretty late and he didn't think any else was or would be awake.
Yet there was y/n sitting at the kitchen island writing on a paper with notes scattered around her. Homework. When Tim made his presence known with a simple hi, he noticed how…tense she got. Like she got caught stealing from the forbidden cookie jar.
When asking what she was working on, she gave short answers. He'd expected a monologue of how frustrating learning this new material is. Then asking if she needed help, he saw her jaw slightly clench. It looked like she was going to say more, but only declined with a no.
It was odd, but he didn't think too much of it at the time. He had…He didn't want to admit it, but he had more important things to deal with. If he knew of things that were going to happen, he would've done so much differently.
"— Really? I think this is my worst one yet."
"I don't know what you're talking about, it looks great. I couldn't ever draw something that good."
"Just because you can't draw doesn't make my drawing better. Wait, you were just shitting on me for comparing myself to others."
"Yeah, but that's different."
Damian Wayne/Al Ghul
Never liked y/n from the start. Before she even opened her mouth, just that smile looked so wrong. Damian couldn't put his finger on it, but didn't like it. It seemed so fake because it was.
There wasn't anything that made him feel like he needed to respect her like the others. Sure, she was Batgirl but only for a few years.
She never helped them with anything. She's never there to help in the first place. In his opinion she wasn't anything more than dead weight.
When insulted there was never an insult thrown back. He can tell when he struck a nerve when her lips move to the right and her eyes slightly harden. Maybe her nose will flare up if he hit hard enough.
Then she just responds with a hum before ignoring him or leaving the room. If she didn't respect herself enough to defend herself then why should he even bother with her.
When the family slowly/is yandere he'll reevaluate his view of y/n. Still thinks she's weak and cannot do anything, but less hateful. Which is a good thing until he's trying to have her attention whenever they're in the same room.
Or when he's digging through all her artwork while Dick is giggling to himself when reading her diary. Finding out their interest in the arts, he's forcing her to paint. Doesn't care if she doesn't like it, they're painting together.
"Why can't you carry your weight around the house? All you do is sit in your room."
"I don't even know why you're still here, Father should have kicked you out after you stopped being useful."
"I know you can hear me. You just don't know how to respond because it's true."
Dear Diary,
Today my family tried to talk to me.
It was weird.
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casterousaudrey · 1 year
Healing Touch
Word Count: 2k
Pairing: Astarion/Cleric!Tav!reader
Theme: tooth rotting fluff, some religious themes due to reader being a cleric.
Note: I think I made the reader and Astarion too obsessed with each other.. but in a good way!! Also this was inspired by the time I gave offerings in the stromshore tabernacle and I just see the 'Astarion disapproves', what the flip man! Sorry to those who were waiting for this, It took a while because of my busy sched!
"I’m never going to accept any kind of healing that doesn't end with a kiss after"
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Fighting with Astarion never escalated far. It was usually just small jabs at each other or teasing gone too far but then there are times like these when neither one of you would back down it just kept making the fight more heated.
"I bring you once. One time to the stormshore tabernacle, and you can't even hold your tongue when I'm trying to commune with my God!"
"I just thought that you weren't the type to bow down to anyone, my dear."
"I'm a cleric, Astarion! Yes, I'm a devoted worshiper to my God and they give me strength! Apparently, strength I need to deal with you!" 
Astarion sneers and crosses his arms at you. Worshipping another being doesn't exactly sit well with him, he feels that it controls you and makes you too dependent on them. It was probably due to how Cazador treated him but in his mind, any being asking for worship was self-admiring.
"You have your own strength, darling. So pardon me if I don't think you need some God for that."
"It's not that I don't trust my skills, Astarion. I worship my God because I choose to. Was it too much of me to ask my lover to respect that holy place? If not for the Gods then at least for me!"
At this point, you were screaming your lungs out not caring that the others in camp were glancing at the commotion. This wasn't the first Astarion had expressed his distaste for your faith, it never escalated this far because you tried to understand his situation with Cazador and all. But the constant disapproving stare and look of disgust, whenever you would pray to your God or gather some offerings to bring to the stormshore Tabernacle slowly, got to you.
After all the times you saved him from life-threatening wounds, you thought that maybe he'd warm up to your faith- but he remained unshaken. 
"I'm going to take a walk... It's better if you don't follow me for now....., dearest" Your heart jumps a little at the nickname but then anger eventually pops your lovesick bubble. Astarion gets up and leaves camp, his definition of laying off steam was to walk through the woods and terrorize whatever animal crosses his path. You were about to say something about how you were the one who was supposed to storm off but instead, you held your tongue and went back to your tent making sure to close the opening. 
You loved Astarion- and there is no doubt in your heart that he loves you too, but you didn't want to have to choose between faith and love because you believed that they are the main pillars that keep your spirit strong.
As Astarion was walking through the woods he reminisced about the argument you both had, he couldn't understand why anyone would worship a being without being sure that they'd get a reward in return. The only thing close to God he had in his life was Cazador- oh and how much he wanted to rip his face apart.
Astarion ponders all of this unaware he is dangerously close to enemy territory and suddenly senses another presence- maybe four around the trees. "If you're going to spy on me all day at least make it less obvious" Just then two goblins jump down from the tree, their weapons craving for blood. 
"Hells, there must be quite a bounty on my head" Astarion smiles as he brings his weapons out. He strikes at the first goblin. "You fiends are making this stress reliever way easier for me. I can do this all day!" Astarion did occasionally love the thrill of the hunt, especially when he gets something in return. A thought comes across his mind that he feels rather... alone in this fight, although he could handle this on his own he couldn't help but crave your helping hand and your smile that shines when he saves you from danger. 
Unfortunately, Astarion didn't realize how distracted he was until one of the goblins blew a horn, a signal for backup.
 "Well, shit.."
Astarion killed the first two goblins but he sees backup quickly replacing them. The grip on his dagger tightened, this was supposed to be a nice relaxing walk to calm down or even hunt for other creatures. He guesses that trouble always did find a way to follow him. 
The goblins fall one by one but not after Astarion gets injured by their bows, axes, and maces. As the last goblin loses, Astarion clutches his side. He was hurt and it's been so long since he's felt hurt in combat, his mind jumps again to your hands that always healed him at an instant or your ability to heal the entire team within seconds. God, he really missed you- he didn't even feel angry anymore, he just wanted to be in your arms as you kiss every part of his injuries after you healed it. 
Just then he hears a footstep, and he groans in annoyance, more of this and he'd actually collapse- either from his injuries or his need to hold you again, he isn't sure. 
"Look if you're looking for gold, you're out of luck..."
"Oh Gods.. what happened?"
He quickly glances to his side where the figure had approached from where he was sitting. Astarion half expected it to be you, The thought of you running after him made him smile but then it quickly disappeared when he realized the fact that the female human in front of him may be a cleric but it wasn't his beloved cleric.
"We should get you back to the church! They'll help heal your wounds!"
"As kind as your offer is, I'm afraid I have to decline. I can't these injuries for myse-" Just as Astarion tries to stand up, he feels pain in his side. He now just felt annoyed that he was displaying this kind of weakness to some stranger.
"Nonsense! I'll help bring you there!" The cleric smiles as she wraps Astarions arm across her shoulder. Astarion couldn't protest as much because of his condition but he'd be damned if he'll let himself get healed by some cleric.
The sun was about to set and Astarion still hadn't come back to camp. You were getting worried, you weren't even mad at him anymore you just wanted him safe and back in your arms. You really did fall hard for this man. 
"Hey soldier... are you okay?" Karlach has seen you pacing back and forth all over camp, fiddling your weapon nervously, and even stress-eating your favorite sweets. 
"Yeah, sorry if I'm being all jittery today it's just.."
"Astarion, yeah I know how much you care about each other. I'm sure he'll come back safe!"
"Thank you, Karlach. You're the best" 
You softly smile at her as she waves and walks back to her tent. Just then you hear Gale laughing walking towards you, he just came back from town to fetch new ingredients for tonight's meal. He always loved cooking for the group.
"Ok you won't believe what happened"
"Spit it out, Gale. What's gotten into you?"
"Ok, so I was walking around the city and I stopped by the church. Guess who I saw there sneering at every cleric on-site..."
"Astarion! Gods, if you saw the furrowed brows of the clerics trying to help him you'd laugh too"
"He's hurt?!"
"Not badly, I came to tell you about it. Figured the only cleric he'd let touch him was you"
You started to flush but quickly remembered that your partner was hurt. "Oh Gods, I need to go there Gale before he loses his mind. We'll be back for dinner!" You grabbed a few of your belongings, as well as some healing ingredients, and sprinted out. You wave quickly at the others before reaching the path to the church.
You have no idea why you were nervous to see Astarion, you see each other every day and sometimes even every night. You were scared if you got there and he was still mad at you. You push those thoughts away because all you wanted was to see and help him (maybe to also give him a little smooch but you won't tell him that).
As you open the door you hear the clatter of equipment being thrown to the ground, You greet the other people you know at church as you hear another glass breaking. You already know who would be acting hysterical in a church so you followed the sound and opened the door to reveal your one and only lover sitting up on a bed and a cleric who had been trying to help him.
"Oh sorry ma'am but this section is strictly forbidden to outsiders"
"It's ok I'm a cleric, and he's my husband"
"Oh well... if that's the case I can hand his case to you!"
The female cleric quickly picked up her equipment and left the room, she seemed a little too eager to finally leave. You turn to face Astarion whose eyes are already on you, his lips curled to a smile- at least you know he isn't mad.
"Husband? You could at least take me out for dinner first, darling"
"Oh hush, that was one of the only peaceful to get her to leave us alone"
The other beds in the room were surprisingly empty, leaving the both of you alone. You walked towards his bed as you set your bag on the side table. You place yourself in between his legs as you softly caress his face with your hands.
"How's my favorite vampire doing"
"Better now that you're here.... look darling, I just wanted to apologize for my actions earlier. It was completely uncalled for. The closest thing to a God I knew was Cazador... you saw firsthand how much I hate the beast.. but I also understand that it wasn't like that for you, I can live with you being faithful to a God and it also makes you kind, sometimes too kind"
"Too kind, eh? Maybe I should just leave your injuries unattended then"
"I would appreciate it if you won't"
You laugh softly at him as you place a kiss on his lips and at his lashes. You've always loved his eyes and how easily you could get lost in them. Astarions hands were on your waist as you lifted his shirt to finally tend to his wounds.
"I'm also sorry for screaming at you. Wasn't very kind of me to do... but also you were an ass"
"What an apology, my dear"
"Only the best for you"
Still in his hold, you grab a few medicines in your bag and quickly healed him with your magic. In no time Astarion was all healed, all that was left was to clean his bloodied clothing. You loved times like this- intimate and calm, You thank your God for the power to help him because he does get into trouble quite often.
"And there, you're all set. We can go back to camp now if you want"
"It still hurts right here, love" 
You glanced at where his fingers were pointing only for it to be pointed at his lips. "Want me to kiss it better?"
"I wouldn't want nothing more, my sweet"
You chuckle as you kiss him on his lips. Even before you got together he always had this flirtatious attitude, you could argue that it only became more frequent when you got together. Always the charmer.
"Now let's go home before the others get worried" He released his hold on your hips as he stood up and stretched a bit. "Anything you say, darling"
"Why didn't you want to get healed by the other clerics?"
"Oh well they aren't as attractive, strong, smart, and quick-witted as you.... besides"
Astarion turns to you holding both of your hands in his as you look him in the eye. 
"You're my one and only cleric. I’m never going to accept any kind of healing that doesn't end with a kiss after"
"You could ask Shadowheart next time"
"Ughh don't even get me started, I was trying to be romantic..."
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Taglist: @severusminerva, @sarahskywalker-amadala, @ghostinvenus, @veethewriter. Hope you guys enjoyed this!! xoxo
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lost-in-fandoms · 21 days
Hello hello helloooo!
I'm sick, tired, done with working so many hours but I wanted to say I MISS YOU and I miss reading your fics because they're often the highlight of my days. I think about your AUs a lot while I'm working (my way of trying not to stress myself) ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Also, I hope Daniel and Max are cuddling together after a lot of kisses and a lot of slices of pizza and a lot of laughter, the two of them in bed tangled together while they talk about nothing and everything ❤️
SENDING YOU THE BIGGEST HUG EVER 🥰❤️ You're amazing ❤️❤️❤️
you are so sweet and kind and i love you so much!!!! 💕you are always so kind about my writing and I hope work gets easier so you can come back because i miss you too!!!
the way i had just opened and closed a blank post because I wanted to write but couldn't find the words when you sent this!!! And suddenly i wanted to write again!!
This is soft but maybe not quite as filled with laughter and food as you would have liked. I still hope you like it 💕
Max closes the door of the motorhome behind him with a sigh, rubbing his eyes and taking off his cap, abandoning it on the small couch and heading straight for the shower.
He is tired. The race wasn't that physically demanding, nothing out of the ordinary, despite being fairly warm, but he is mentally exhausted. He's tired of feeling like he's having to fight the car at every corner, tired of not being heard, tired of having to drag the team over the finish line week in and week out. It's not fair and it's not how it used to be, and now that he's seen how good things can be, it's harder to handle this newfound struggle.
He's roughly drying his hair with a towel when he hears the door opening and closing again, something heavy dropping on the floor, then steps coming towards the bathroom.
"Hey," Daniel says, smiling softly at him. He's already showered, either in his own motorhome or before the team debrief, and Max takes a moment to be irrationally sad about it. He knows it's silly, since he is out of the shower already, but any missed opportunity to be under the spray together has to be mourned a little.
"Hey," Max replies, closing his eyes as Daniel cups his cheek with one hand, dragging him into a kiss.
He doesn't open them again when Daniel takes the towel from him, doing a much gentler job of drying his hair, feeling himself finally starting to relax, shoulders dropping.
"You did well out there," Daniel murmurs, putting down the towel and tangling his fingers in his damp hair, letting Max lean forward until his forehead hits his shoulders.
Max huffs, shaking his head slightly. He doesn't disagree, not really, he knows he has driven to the best of his abilities, but it was not enough. It's never enough these days, no matter how hard he tries. It feels shitty to complain about it when Daniel has been fucked over again, though.
"You did too," he says instead, moving his head to be able to drag his lips on the exposed skin at the base of Daniel's neck into what barely would count as a kiss. "Very good on the tires."
He feels more than hears Daniel's chuckle, his arms wrapping around Max's still naked waist to drag him closer in a proper hug. It feels like the first real moment of respite in the whole day.
"Have you eaten yet?" Daniel asks after a while, loosening his hold but not letting Max go completely. Max stays where he is, not quite ready to move away, humming.
"Had what Rupert prepared, but I still have some electrolytes to go."
This time Daniel does pull back, meeting Max's eyes with a slight frown, but Max stops him before he can say something. He doesn't want to have this conversation again, not now.
"He's keeping my weight under the limit. It's fine."
He watches as Daniel's mouth twists, thinks about the pizzas Daniel has been eating this weekend while he's been on a strict chicken and broccoli diet, the resentment he feels about it a guilty stone in his stomach, but Daniel doesn't push it.
Max hopes it's because Daniel doesn't want to have the same argument again either, and not because Max looks as miserable as he feels.
Daniel's expression softens again, and he leans forward to press a kiss on Max's cheek. Embarrassingly, Max feels his throat close up, tears threatening to choke him.
He's not going to cry, he's not, but he is so tired.
Something must show on his face because Daniel tugs him closer again, a hand wrapped around the back of his neck and the other on the base of his spine, letting Max lean against him again.
"Drink and then bed?"
It's early still, barely 9 pm, and Max feels guilty about having Daniel take care of him like this, but he still finds himself nodding,
Later, when they're both under the covers, he drags Daniel over him, using him as his personal weighted blanket. They can't sleep like this, Daniel gets too restless and Max gets too hot, but it's comforting to bury his nose in Daniel's hair, Daniel's hand tracing patters along his side.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Daniel asks gently, his cheek moving against Max's chest.
Max hesitates. He knows that Daniel would accept either answer. He would be content with a no and he would listen to all of Max's complaints if he said yes, would agree with him that the team has been fucking up over and over, would probably tell Max he has every right to be upset.
But Max doesn't want to put all of that on Daniel, after what was already a shitty race. They can debrief and be angry together tomorrow, when they're both less sensitive about it all, after a good night of sleep.
"No, not yet," he answers, pressing a kiss against Daniel's head. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Daniel shakes his head, his answer more expected than Max's. Daniel almost never wants to talk about his own race right away, even when Max spends hours ranting about his, hands flying in the air.
"Want to watch something?" Daniel offers instead.
Daniel ends up picking some funny movie he's seen several times and Max never before, mouthing some of the lines against Max's shoulder as they sit on the bed together, both of them shaking with giggles.
At some point, Max's head ends up against Daniel's chest, his eyes heavy, as he struggles more and more to keep up with the plot. He knows Daniel usually would wake him up, hates when Max falls asleep during movies, but this time Daniel just cards his fingers through Max's hair, keeping him close.
"I'm proud of you," he whispers, words melting down Max's spine like warm water, loosening his muscles.
"You too," he manages to mumble back, barely audible, letting himself melt even further.
It's not perfect, can't be perfect when they're both struggling so hard with their cars, when they can't spend as much time together as they would like, when sometimes all Max wants is to drag the both of them away from it all. But it's close enough to perfect, falling asleep in Daniel's arms.
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ellitx · 9 months
elli...!! i dont know if someone has already done this so feel free to ignore but... what if...
venti is a sex worker and he was hired by y/n. usually his customers would be more experienced, and would lean more on doing rougher stuff, so he was surprised when he met y/n in her house, being inexperienced and kind of shy, asking for just a kiss. her reason being, she never had a boyfriend before and her peers are teasing her for being a virgin and not getting her first kiss yet... so she hired venti for.. experience and practice¿ >/////< then of course things will escalate from there since venti gets attracted to her, so he'll seduce her into giving in to him... hehe... then maybe after that they'll meet more and get to know each other better o/////o
word count: 2.3k
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It was unexpected.
Really. What are the chances that the sex worker you hired would be someone you know? Especially if it’s a close friend of yours. Sure, Venti throws dirty jokes here and there for fun, but to discover this was his actual job?
You’re not one to judge but it was really unexpected. Never in your life would you ever possibly think he would be your practice partner in experiencing sexual intercourse when you’re a beginner yourself. And you can’t really blame the company when practically Venti was assigned to fulfill your commission.
You sat at the edge of your bed idly, hands over your knees clenched into a fist as you tried your best to quiet your heavy anxious breaths. You really hope you’re not breathing too loudly lest it’ll make more things awkward with him.
You could feel he was gazing at you occasionally but averted when you caught him. How long has it been since you’ve invited him to your room? 5 minutes? Or more than that? Honestly, you don’t know when all your head was fussing about was how to handle this awkward tension.
It’s not like Venti hadn’t been here. He only visited once and that’s it. You pretty much bond outdoors more than indoors. Ah, if only you could talk to him casually like an afternoon Tuesday and it’ll be an easy breeze.
But that’s easier said than done.
You shifted, fiddling with your hands, trying to find the right words for a starting conversation. But Venti was quick to start before you could even open your lips.
“Hey, we don’t need to do it if you don’t want to alright? We prioritize your comfort over the actual thing.”
Oh no.
This doesn’t sound good at all. Does he want to stop it because he doesn’t want to disappoint you or himself?
Your voice came out so nervously.
“I-I don’t mind at all, please don’t stop it because I also feel nervous. If anything…”
You paused, trying to pick up your nerve again. “If anything we should try our best to get through this!”
You really made things more awkward than ever, huh?
‘Try our best to get through’? Really? Was that the best you could think of?
Archons, you just want to hide yourself, drown in the abyss of the sea, and never show your face to him ever again.
Your frenzied thoughts were interrupted by a small laughter. Venti was laughing but it was obvious he was holding back from bursting out out of courtesy.
“Haha! That’s so like you! I still can’t believe you’d be so interested in this kind of thing, [Name].”
Well, in the end, he did burst out into a hearty laugh after all. And he wasn’t holding back his tears either. Your face warmed up, the embarrassment becoming a shame, and the shame turned to a playful anger. You huffed, cheeks puffed out with your lips pursed.
“Yae keeps on teasing me how I’m still a virgin...” You mumbled under your breath.
Maybe you should be thanking him instead? Even though you’re mad at him for teasing you at least it eased the awkwardness, somewhat.
He gave you a soft look as he replied, “Are you sure you’re alright with this? With me being your partner?”
You quieted down as you gazed at him. His eyes were soft and comforting, as there was also a dash of reassurance. With Venti, someone who you know very well, being your partner to experience within the world of lust, it’s a safe choice.
You could even ask him questions if you have any concerns which makes contact much easier. You didn’t hesitate anymore as you smiled reassuringly at him.
A simple nod from you was enough to confirm and wash away his doubts and worries.
“Alright. Can you close your eyes?” He requested.
You nodded and waited patiently for his instruction. His finger traced along your brow, making you giggle lightly. His gentle touch left warmth running down your spine. No more than a later, something soft and warm made contact upon your cheeks.
You opened your eyes to see what was it that brushed onto you but Venti’s hand softly covered them, making your vision return to its dark state.
“Sorry, I wasn’t being clear.” His voice was now soft and breathy and you shivered from how his breath was fanning your cheeks. “You can open them once I tell you so. In the meantime, keep them close for me, okay?”
You gave a shy nod as you bit your lower lip. Not knowing what was happening made you so anxious, but with how gentle and caring he holds you against him felt so safe and reassuring.
It seems he understood your situation. So you decided to relax a little, closing your eyes and slowly exhaling while he moved his arms around you.
Soon after, he began to nuzzle at your ear, gently caressing the flesh of your neck with the tips of his fingers. The warmth from his hands slowly traveled towards your body, raising your body temperature up.
Then his fingers stopped over to your lips. He traced them slowly and lightly, caressing them as if memorizing every contour of your lips. A few moments passed by before his fingers touched your lower lip and you let out a gasp of pleasure. Then, the pad of his thumb slowly grazed your bottom lip, causing you to suckle on them unconsciously.
You heard a soft groan and your heart raced, your stomach tightening and your core beginning to become warm. You heard him faintly curse under his breath, and the creaking of the bed signified he was searching for a comfortable position.
Because a second later, one hand was on your hips holding you close to him while the other was parting your lips.
“Can I…?” He asked.
It was obvious what he was asking, and your heart beat faster and faster from his short yet heart-throbbing question. It was racing through the roof, chasing the highs of your adrenaline.
You nodded again. The urge to open your eyes was strong but you resisted, scolding yourself to follow Venti’s words.
It felt so sensual, the feel of his rough fingers pressed against your skin, almost tickling it. And that caused another gasp to come from you, however, something slightly warm and soft was pressing onto your pink lips.
Venti moved his head forward, softly kissing your lips, nibbling and sucking the soft flesh of your mouth. You were unsure on what to do and how to reciprocate the kiss. Should you lean? Tilt your head? Or open your lips a bit? You decided the latter option is the safest one.
Slowly parting them, you moaned when he gently bit on your lower lip. You clutched onto his shirt, your brows digging deeply into your temple as you calmed the heat running through you. The kiss felt so good that you almost forgot what you were supposed to be doing. When Venti broke the kiss you whined and you heard him chuckling. Even with your eyes closed, you can sense he had that teasing smile painting on his face.
"Venti?" You called when he didn't make any sounds or movements. The said male hummed then the bed shifted. Were you supposed to open your eyes now? But Venti hadn't given you any signals yet. You opted to keep them close and it was good that you did because your face was beet red as you fiddled with your fingers.
"Can we continue the kiss, please?" You asked in a small voice. Venti chuckled at your shy plea.
"Of course."
It didn't take any longer for him to return his lips to yours. You hummed lightly, relaxing against him. He hugged your waist, carefully holding you close. With his hand cupping your cheeks, you wonder if your shyness was being dissolved because of his comforting presence. 
The kisses were short and sweet and Venti would break away for a second and then return to you immediately. Perhaps so you can breathe effectively, but you paid no mind to it because you'd chase after him every time he parts.
This time it lasted longer. You were beginning to adjust to such intimacy that your breathing began to accelerate along with the increasing warmth and tingly sensation in your stomach. The flush in your cheeks deepened when you felt something prodding at your mouth's entrance. 
You fell onto your bed with a soft landing and Venti planted one hand beside your head while still cupping your cheek. He licked your lips, asking for permission, and when you granted him he wasted no time to taste you deeper into the sweet nectar. He tilted his head, kissing you again and again and again but with passion.
Softly moaning against him, you returned his kisses. You clutched, gripped, and held onto his shoulder as you fought back against the orgasmic pleasure. This has been going on for a while and yet, he hadn’t given up yet. You enjoyed each kiss and bite from his tongue and teeth, not stopping until he earned another moan from you.
He kissed you deeper, this time pushing his tongue into you and you gasped. Your legs squirmed, reaching out for something until they locked onto his hips. Venti grunted, one hand moving over to cover your eyes while the other kept your hips against the mattress as he lightly bucked his hips to yours.
Oh god…
For your first kiss, this man feels so good… You whimpered beneath him. A low sound escaped your lips. He chuckled. He doesn’t mind at all, does he?
“Cute,” He murmured, brushing some hair off your face and tilting his head up to look at you with lustful eyes. You blushed again and averted your gaze down. His lips curled upwards. It must be something about you that made you so sweet, like sugar and honey mixed together.
You shook your head and looked back at him. “I-I’m sorry… I’ve never been with anyone… So this isn’t… I don’t—“
As you were rumbling, you were cut off by the same pair of lips that had you instantly melting. You gasped as he took your lips with his, aggressively making you gasp again and causing more goosebumps to pop up on your body.
With one hand wrapped around the nape of your neck, the other still holding your face to his, you heard him whisper. “I told you to close your eyes, didn’t I? Just relax and enjoy, [Name].”
The warmth in his voice caused you to nod, relaxing and feeling his hands glide from your face to your shoulder blades.
His fingers spread over your skin and then glided lower, gliding across your lower back and dipping under the hem of your shirt.
And he kissed you again, deep and soft. The tip of his tongue flicked against the roof of your mouth, sending shivers down your spine.
You whimpered louder, unable to suppress the shy excitement bubbling within you. Your hips begin to squirm again, craving more friction and movement.
His tongue continues to dance between your lips, making you shudder against him. Slowly, he lets go of your lips, kissing down your chin and neck. His lips met the spot where your jawline meets your collarbone and you felt his hot breath on your skin. He nuzzled against you, quietly admiring how pink you were just from a long kiss. You turned your head, keeping his hair from tickling your skin.
A moment passed before his lips started to lick and suck at the area, sending another wave of bliss rushing throughout your entire body. God, is this what making out feels like?
Your entirety was burning hot, your nerves receiving one shock to another, and you felt so wet between your legs. All of these, all of what Venti is doing to you is making you feel an immeasurable pleasure of bliss.
You don’t know what you were doing except to moan and whimper his name out from your pretty mouth.
“Hmm… Venti…”
The said man grunted, his teeth grazing your flesh before biting and sucking your skin. You muffled your screams with your hands. With the darkness and bites combining with each other, it’s difficult to grasp what Venti will do next.
Because by the time you were thinking of it, his lips traveled to your neck and returned to kissing you. After giving you a good long and deep kiss he parted, a small string of saliva following after him.
He gulped his heavy breaths and permitted you to open your eyes. Your whole face was red and sweaty, your lips once coated with balm were now gone and replaced with the dripping of saliva, and your clothes were slightly disarray.
But you’re not complaining.
“You can open your eyes,”
As you obliged his words, Venti was gazing at you deeply. His green optics swirled with a great amount of lust. He hovered over you, his hands slipping beneath your shirt to caress your soft and warm skin so he could remember all areas of your body from his palm alone. 
Through your hazy vision, you can faintly make out some of your tinted balms were all over his lips. It'd be nice to paint his face with your lipstick...
But maybe on another day.
Putting his temple against yours, his breathy voice gave you shivers. “Continue or stop?” He asked.
You too were panting, so occupied by those delicious kisses he fed you that you eventually forgot to answer him.
“Yes or no? If you don’t answer I’ll take that as a no, [Name].” He kissed your jaw, his palm so dangerously close to your breasts that he was already fiddling with the underband of your bra.
Without hesitation, you replied, “Continue, please.”
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melverie · 10 months
"The one who reduced me to what I am now is you"
So @impish-ivy asked me to look at the English and Japanese versions of Solomon's and Nightbringer's conversation in 10-A, and there are two things in particular that I'd like to highlight a little (if you want to compare the two versions yourself, I've included the Japanese version, my translation of it and the English version of their entire conversation below the cut)
The first one is about this:
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The Japanese version actually more closely translates to "The one who reduced me to what I am now is you" (aka the title). It's a small difference, but it adds a lot more malice to Solomon's words + it also slightly reframes that agreement of theirs that Solomon was talking about to imo
I still wish NB would focus more on its namesake so we could figure out what the relationship between Sol and NB is and what exactly happened between them but oh well.. We still have 6 lessons to go for this season, so maybe we'll get lucky and they at least drop a few hints for us
Anyway as for the second one:
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"If you had chosen this, it would have been easy". The "this" is what I want to focus on real quick
Given that right before their conversation, Solomon was asked to choose between demons and angels (tho he ultimalety ended up chosing humanity), so it would make sense to assume that that's what Nightbringer is referring to. But since the meaning of "this" was never specified, it could also mean that the actual purpose of the test might have been to see if Solomon would be willing to abandon humanity instead
Considering that Solomon has now repeadetely asked MC to side with humanity, and how there's also been some emphasize on how demons and angels do not see humans as equals, it's definitely possible, at least
Anyway, translations below the cut for anyone that wants to read through them!
This is how I've structured it:
日本語バージョン (Japanese version) [my translation (I tried to stick as close to the original meaning as possible)] English version
......困った人だ [...you're a difficult person] ...You always have to be difficult.
いや、面倒な人だ、あなたは [No, a troublesome person is what you are] Or perhaps difficult isn't the right word. Troublesome is what you are.
もしくは、その両方ですね [Or both] Actually, I suppose both are true.
こちらを選んでしまえば、楽なのに [If you had chosen this, it would have been easy] If you'd only chosen our side, it would've made things so much easier.
あはは。ご期待に添えなくて悪いね [Ahaha. I'm sorry for not meeting your expectations] Ahaha. Sorry to disappoint you!
俺がそうしないことは、君も知ってるだろう? [You knew I wouldn't do that, no?] But you must know I wouldn't do that, right?
どうして今さら俺を試すようなことをするんだ? [Why are you testing me now?] So why are you testing me? Shouldn't we be past that point?
俺の信念が揺らいでるようにでも見えた? [Did it seem like my believes were wavering?] Did you think I might be questioning my convictions?
揺らいでいる、とは思っていません [I don't think it's wavering] Not at the moment, no.
ですがー [But...] However...
あの方......。 可愛い弟子のあの方が巻き込まれても [That person... Even if that cute apprentice should get involved...] What if your adorable apprentice were to get caught up in all of this?
あなたが揺らぐことはないのでしょうか [...would you never waver?] Perhaps then you might reconsider your convictions?
それは脅しかい? 悪魔みたいなことを言うんだな [Is that a threat? You sound like a demon...] Is that a threat? You know, you sound just like a demon...
でも大丈夫。MCも俺と同じ気持ちだからね [But it's alright. MC feels the same way as me, after all] Still, it doesn't change anything. Because MC feels the same way I do.
あの方の本当に望むことを、自分なら 理解していると?過信しすぎでは? [Do you think you can understand what that person really wants? Are you overconfident?] You think you know what it is your apprentice truly wants? That you can see inside the heart of another? That doesn't strike you as overconfident?
そうでもないよ [Not really] Not at all.
その傲慢なほどの自信は いったいどこから満ちてくるのか...... [Where on earth is that arrogant self-confidence coming from...] You have confidence to the point of arrogance. Where exactly does it come from, I wonder...
あなたこそ、悪魔のような振る舞いを しているのでは? [Aren't you the one acting like a demon?] Have you considered that you're behaving quite a bit like a demon yourself?
悪魔のような振る舞いかあ。 でも考えてみたら、仕方ないことじゃないか? [I'm acting like a demon? But if you try thinking about it, isn't it inevitable?] You think I'm behaving like a demon... Well, if you think about it, that's to be expected, right?
だってさ [Because] I mean...
今の俺を減らしたのは、君なんだから [The one who reduced me to what I am now is you] You're the one who made me who I am today, after all.
そうだろう? 「ナイトブリンガー」 [Right? "Nightbringer"] Isn't that right, Nightbringer...?
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I really like your Nefero. How about a story where he helps femReader with her look. Like, one day, I'm talking fashion disaster. Reader is going through it and to make things worse it's picture day! And Reader and Nefero planned also do it couples photos! When Nefero gets a call from his girlfriend that in desperation, he comes to recuse with a army of help from his home's staff
Thank you for your time.
Thanks for the request (^v^)
This sounds AMAZING!!
Love our fashion couple,this is gonna be good.
Male! Nefara x fem!reader
Prompt- reader has a bad makeup & outfit  morningd and needs immediate help from her boyfriend and it's senior picture day with also couples pictures in the next few hours! We have code fashion emergency
Using [Name] as substitute for (y/n)
Fluff/ comfort/kisses
Nickname for the reader- my jewel or my queen
(Readers Nickname for nefero in here with I'll probably use from now on for any fics with him hehe)
(H/c) Hair color
(H/t) Hair type
(There's not that much fanart so I'm using what I find so it may repeat sometimes.)
*Art not ime found it on pinterest*
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It's 6:30 am senior picture day and a ghoul is stressing more than ever before.
We see [Name] in her lush (f/c) bedroom, she is seen frantically rushing back and forth to the mirror and the closet, she holds up different skirts and crop tops in a rush.
"What to wear what to wear"
She tried one look "ugh no" and another "disgusting" and one more out of a hundred she had tried on "this is unmatchable and not what I need for our photo shoot"
She wears shorts and a crop tank top to help her see easier what would work but as she picks up and throws clothes all around it's quickly becoming stuffy in the room.
She curses under her breath and instantly thinks "maybe if I do my makeup first I can pick my picture Day outfit more easier" rushing to her vanity , picking up the essentials she quickly makes a base for her eyeshadow, she looks through her drawer picks up the eyeshadow pallets she recently got from her boyfriend as a in his words "a pallet with reds and greens that show my two favorite thing,  money and you since you are my scarlet fire that burns within me"
She smiled as she applied the vibrant and rusty colors on her eyelids. Moments later she looks at herself and frowns
It all looks wrong. The way it looked so smeared like a toddler was the one to help her, the shimmers were all over the place, the blend was outrageously horrid and why did she start with red instead of green to be easier to show up!
"Ughh what is going on with me!" She screeched throwing the makeup brush strongly to the ground, [Name] grabs the makeup remover and reusable rag and dunks a ton of it, she sneers at her reflection. Then vigorously wiped her face in anger.
Stopping for a second looking at herself again she noticed her long (h/c) (h/t) was not as good now as when she started this horror show.
Tears start to sting and drip down from her cheek down to the vanity  "w-why now *sob* i- I can't be this bad at doing something so easy...it's second nature to be good at this *snif* *hiccup*"
She looks at the clothes discarded on the floor and walks to them, "i need to call Nefie *sniff* i-i need him" she thought of how they were supposed to be doing a couples photo shoot and she wouldn't disappoint him it was special for him and her
Going through the piles of clothes she finds her phone in the small plush seat she had in front of the mirror that got forgotten at the start of her panic.
She drops to her knees onto the soft lavish rug she got as a gift from him as she makes the call.
                           RING RING-
it takes only two ring for her loving boyfriend to pick up the phone "my jewel good morni-" he stops as he heard her sniffling "WHO HURT YOU" he demands making her slightly laugh be it breathy between sniffles "N-no one Nefie I'm *sigh**snif* I'm having a terrible time getting ready and- can you come I need you here" her voice was soft yet rigged, tired & honestly done with today even if it hadn't started "I'll be there in five" he states before hanging up
5 minutes exactly [Name] hears the familiar sound of Nefero's limo and another one?
And as fast as she question there where rapid footsteps going up from the stairs and straight to her room "SLAM" the door opens to reveal Nefero dressed as handsome and beautiful as he is with dark green velvet bell bottoms with a matching suit, a dress shirt opens to reveal his chest, adorn with layered golden dainty necklaces with one that had a crimson red diamond to represent his darling.
"My queen" he said with extreme tenderness Nefero gets on his knees and embraces her in his strong gentle arms, caressing her back as she cries new tears not of frustration as she did only moments ago but of happiness that he was here to comfort her and help, truly touching to her ghoulish soul
She hugs him tight her grip strong it seems to dumb but this is just good
"Take deep breaths with me jewel" and she did in and out, holding him and vice versa after a few minutes she lifted he head up and looked at his purple eyes, smiling "thank you for being here" [Name] leaned forward and kissed him,  broke the kiss "whatever the cost I'll gamble my way yo see you" he proclaimed "now let's help you up" taking her by one hand and another on her back he pulled her up from the ground.
Nefero looked at her up and down "now let's see what we can do, you up for being my model this morning?" Grinning [Name] replied "always... especially now haha"
Nefero claps his hands and comes in a group of professional fashion artist, makeup artists.
"Now let's get this going for you my queen" he took her hand and lead her to her vanity that was immediately cleaned out except for foundation, pallets and other things, Nefero sat her down went straight to the makeup artist told him the theme, the artist came in front of [Name] and got straight to work.
He did greens & golds with red shimmers and eyeliner that could kill and lashes that fitted on top of the ones you had.
Nefero was seated next to you as the fashion artists worked and got his approval for dresses, skirts, tops all while having one hand on his lap and the other on your thigh,squeezing  just right, every once in a while when he found something he definitely approved of being a specific dress or looking at the progress on your gorgeous face but mostly looking at your lips.
"I'm loving this my jewel~" he held a hand to his mouth practically foaming, looking at her made his mad and week at the knees, the overbearing feelings to just worship her as many did when he was alive was a thrilling feeling he liked, to be on his knees for only her~
"Thank you Nefie~ I like anything you put or take off me" She lowered her tone leaning towards his face as the makeup artist was looking for something to the far side of the long vanity
Nefero blushed, his eyes filled with desire. He took a long breath, his chest heaving, hands itchy to touch.
"Alright just the setting spray and we are done" they came back and sprits her face.
"Good now for my favorite part♡" Nefero jumped up from the chair took [Name]'s hand and to the front of the tall mirror, there were three stylists holding different clothes that she hadn't seen before which means Nefero had for sure got for her before the original mess.
They were lined up with one holding short and long dresses, the second holding short skirts and long shirts, the third holding tops cropped and not.
Nefero went up to the first one and said "my jewel this one if most definitely for today" he held up a red velvet short dress with a backless heart and a green velvet bow that tied around her waist, he signed for everyone to leave.
" i thought the green would be a good reminder that you are my crimson fire and I will always be the fool who marchers toward it holding it for warmth" he held her face delicately, [Name] smiled " and I'll for the rest of my being subside my radiant flames to keep you within my embers"
They embrace each other with a kiss soft and warm just the way they liked
  ~~~~                                                     ~~~~
At the room for the pictures it was empty after everyone had gone, the happy couple liked that it was just them.
And as they held eachother close & intimate, smiling calmy just enough it reach their eyes you could see a glint in them both since they only looked at eachother.
Nickname for nefero is Nefie
I'll fix some grammar that passed me later but here it is!
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thatgoblin · 10 months
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Summary: You thought you were taking a vacation to a ranch that would teach you how to ride horses and have a fun family trip. Instead, you were duped by your parents into being basically sold to a pair of Alphas.
Warnings: It's not as nefarious as it seems. Mostly. No sex or graphic anything. YET. Some abandonment by parents of arranged marriage without consent style shenanigans.
My parents and I had been planning a family vacation for nearly a month with them asking me for help in picking a place to stay. Searching through a few brochures they gave me, I saw this horse ranch and thought it would be fun learning how to ride with my parents. I had just turned 26 and while my parents were getting older, I was taking more and more charge of our own ranch full of cattle. I was hoping that we could talk about maybe getting horses to help with the cattle and enjoy ourselves with down time we had never had before. Usually we’d just walk around or take an ATV, but with horses it would be so much easier in getting around. The whole drive I was excited and talked about what was going to happen on the trip, all the while my parents nodded and encouraged my interest, but they were oddly quiet on the nearly five hour trip.
Once there, we were welcome with a small note asking us to pick one of the spare rooms and make ourselves comfortable. My dad helped me with my bags first, taking my bigger bag to the room, while my mom went to look around the outside of the house. As I began to unpack, at my dad’s suggestion, I gave them a bit of time to bring their items in and pick a room before I heard a car pull away. Confused, I walked outside to see their trail of dirt from the car as they left, already hidden by the clouds of dust. I was frozen in panic, trying to rationalize what had just happened. Maybe Dad was going to go park somewhere or that they had forgotten something or really anything other than my parents leaving me behind.
They wouldn’t desert me. There was no reason to. We were on a family vacation and were just talking and enjoying ourselves. As my chest tightened, my head became fuzzy as my eyes refused to leave the trail of dust that was slowly settling to leave behind faint tire tracks. This had to be an accident. It had to be. Pulling out my phone, my hands shook as I pressed the call button.
They didn’t answer, letting it go straight to voicemail. I tried again and again and again till the phone said the mailbox was full. Swallowing hard, I went back to the porch to sit and wait to see if they would call back or come back. On a table on the front porch there was an envelope addressed to me. Picking it up, I hurriedly ripped it open in hopes to have clarification that this was all a joke or they were surprising me.
As I read over my Mom’s careful handwriting, I sat while resisting the urge to cry and scream and curse.
‘I know this is going to be hard, but we want what’s best for you. We love you so much and want you to be happy and thriving in your life. You can’t do that from home, living with us.
You’re an adult and should be finding your pack and mates. Again, we love you and have loved having you stay with us to help on the farm for so long, but it’s time you moved on. The last thing we want is for you to be a lone Omega on a farm when we pass.
Since you couldn’t or wouldn’t find suitable Alphas, people started to talk and make it hard on us to do business and have our lives, even going as far as offering to play matchmaker. It wouldn’t end well that way, we all know that, so your father and I found two for you. We’ve talked to them for the past few months now and they have proved themselves to be good people. They can provide for you and take care of you easily.
The Alphas are nice men, we made sure they understood that you were the stubborn type and may take some time to warm up to them, that helped with this decision. If we hadn’t done things this way you wouldn’t have given them a chance. It’s time to make a new life. No one back home could interest you and we thought you’d grow out of it.
These two Alphas will make you happy, we just know it. It’s not the ideal way to do things, but we had to do this for you. We’ll send the rest of your things in the next few weeks. You may be angry with us right now, but please understand that we want what’s best for you. We love you.
Mom and Dad’
Not having a mate at my age was odd, but it wasn’t so unheard of that I was an anomaly. Usually an Omega found a mate or mates at about 18 or so that were in their age range between 3-4 years on average, they’d move out, and then start their own family. I was 26 and even though there had been a few interested Betas and Alphas, I hadn’t wanted to be with them. I wasn’t really interested in finding a mate, considering I was from a small town and most of the available partners were not someone I wanted to be with. My life plan was to just live with my parents to take over the cattle farm we had after they retired, MAYBE find a mate, and they knew this. They just didn’t tell me they didn’t like it. Mom had left all the paperwork from the website that she found the Alphas on as well, showing me who they were and what they were listing.
The two strangers that I had just moved in with unwittingly were two Alphas that had contacted my parents over a website made for courting Omegas. It was usually done with the Omega’s permission though. When my parents reached out looking for Alphas willing to court an ‘extremely stubborn Omega,’ the two men saw the profile then began to message my parents.
Their profile from the website was also printed out. I recognized it as part of the brochure they had me look at to pick the ‘vacation.’ They had me pick my new pack without me realizing it, all based on the damn house. The information had their price for the dowry, their names, their ages, occupation, basically everything that prospective Omega parents would want to know.
Seeing the price made it sink in more. My parents had sold me to two strangers because they couldn’t bear the thought of the town knowing they had an Omega child who refused to be mated. After years of dealing with backwoods bullshit growing up, the two people I thought were on my side had lied to me.
What drove the knife in my back deeper was when they left, the two Alphas weren’t even there. I was dumped in a strange place, alone, and with no reliable phone connection. I wanted to go back inside to scream and cry, throw things and wreck the entire house to show them they fucked up in saying yes to my parents.
I didn’t though. The sudden energy brought on by my anxiety and grief was squashed when despite trying to call at least 20 times and sendings twice as many text messages, my parents didn’t pick up and didn’t turn around, let alone even try to call back or text me. Instead, I sat on the front steps to try to get some semblance of control over myself. I wasn’t going to cry, even as tears made my vision hazy and stung my eyes, I refused to. Taking a few deep breaths, I stood up to wander to the stables to see if there were indeed horses or if that had been a lie as well.
The barn where the stables were wasn’t that big, one side having equipment and hay while the other had a few empty stalls between the two horses there, a buckskin and a palomino. Both were eager for the pets that I was ready and willing to give. Since there was no one else to console me in my time of need, they would have to do. Neither seemed to mind though, enjoying the company and the soft touches as I stroked their face and finger combed their manes to give small braids.
“I hope the guys here aren’t bags of dicks,” I sighed, as I pressed my face to the buckskin’s neck. “This isn’t the ideal situation for me and I’m sure you two don’t really care so long as you get attention, but at least you don’t mind the attention coming from me.” The palomino huffed before shaking his head at me, moving away to eat hay in his stall while the buckskin just grunted and pressed against the door to expose his neck to me. “Such a good boy,” I cooed, stroking his neck.
I had a dog back home named Shelby, an Australian Setter, that I adored and loved more than anything. My parents adored her just as much, which meant she probably wouldn’t be joining me. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to her properly, just some tummy rubs and kisses while promising to be home soon before heading out that morning. Swallowing a sob at the thought of my dog not understanding why I was just gone, I didn’t hear anyone come into the barn behind me.
“You know, Ollie doesn't like new people usually.”
Startled, I jumped at the voice, spinning around to see a tall, bearded Alpha with bright blue eyes. He looked at me with a bemused smile as I moved behind Ollie’s head to create a barrier of sorts. This was a stranger and I had been deceived already by my parents. There was no way I was trusting the Alphas there. I stood there tense as he walked over, hands in his front pockets of his jeans with an easy stride.
“You must be our Omega,” he said in a deep, gruff voice that had a British accent, stepping forward to hold out a hand. It wasn’t the stereotypical accent from movies or the ‘cockney’ of Dick Van Dyke either. Which left where he was from originally in the dark. “I’m John Price. Apologies that we weren’t here to meet you and your parents. My mate and I were on our way back from town with supplies for the cattle.” I flicked my eyes between his hand and his face, narrowing them, but not taking the hand. “Okay, seems we are getting off to a bit of a rough start.”
“A bit,” I said, my tone sour.
“I know that you’re probably not used to the idea of two Alphas, as well, we’re a bit older and it’s an odd pairing, but your parents think it’s a good match and so do we,” he said, moving to stand on the other side of Ollie. “We were told you were happy about the arrangement, excited even.”
“That’s what they told you?” I asked with a scoff. Shaking my head, I sighed to keep my voice from catching and betraying how truly devastated I was. “My parents didn’t tell me a thing about you or the other Alpha. I was told we were going on vacation. So, color me surprised when I’m putting my baggage in a room and suddenly my parents are driving off like the devil himself is chasing them,” I said.
“Fuckin’ hell,” John said with a sigh. “I’m so sorry about that. Every time we spoke with your parents over the phone or email, your parents said you were happy and that you were the one that picked us out of other offers.” I rolled my eyes at him, anxiously petting the horse, keeping my hands busy. “This isn’t ideal, I understand that, but-”
“Just save it. You’re not going to convince me this is for the best or that it’ll turn out like some romance movie or novel. It won’t. I’m here against my will and even if I got back home, my parents would bring me right back because you paid for me. I know that it’s perfectly legal and that I have no choice but to be here. So, let me make this perfectly clear,” I hissed. “I want nothing to do with you or your mate, so let’s just keep to ourselves, okay?”
“You live here now, so it’s going to be hard to do that,” he said, leaning against
Ollie’s stall.
“It’s actually really easy. Don’t talk to me unless you have to, don’t look at me unless you have to, don’t even acknowledge me being here unless you absolutely have to,” I said, the immediate area starting to stink from my distress. The Alphas would want to come closer and comfort me when they got a whiff. That was the last thing I wanted. But in the enclosed area a sour, tangy scent was quickly filling the area.
“Love,” John said with a sigh. “As much as I know that’s what you want, we can’t do that. You can’t go home, you have nowhere else to go, and as much as you hate it, you were a part of a deal made by your pack and we took you in. Legally and biologically we can’t ignore you and pretend you’re not here. You’re in our care now, whether or not you like it, especially for when your next heat hits.”
I couldn’t help the choked laugh that bubbled out of me that spooked Ollie a bit.
“What?” He asked, frowning.
“Oh shit, they really didn’t tell you?” I said. “I’m not surprised. After this whole date, I’m wondering if they told you anything that was true. I don’t get heats. I never have. As far as the doctors can tell, I’m sterile. So no heat driven Omega or suppressants to worry about.”
“Shite,” he huffed under his breath. It was the one thing I could do to put a twist in their obvious plans of knocking up an Omega and having pups. No one wanted a sterile Omega, especially Alphas who had arranged mates and paid for them. “It doesn’t matter,” he said after a few moments, breaking my one wish that they’d return me. “You’re still here, whether or not you like it.”
“Oh fuck off,” I growled, moving to walk past him.
“Hold on,” John said, reaching out and grabbing my arm to stop me. On instinct I turned on him with a growl, snapping my teeth at him. He was a stranger that had obvious intentions that I had no plans to allow to happen.
“No!” I shouted, spooking the horses as I pulled from John’s grasp before he could close his hand completely. “Do not touch me,” I growled, the angry animal in me that was cornered came out. Danger was everywhere and I was not about to be snuck up on or taken without a fight.
“Easy there,” John said, holding his hands up to pacify me. Not that I wouldn’t expect him to try and grab me again. I’d spent my entire life dealing with Alphas who didn’t think Omegas would fight back, so I knew to not let my guard down. “I won’t touch you. All I ask is that you don’t run off suddenly. We’re miles from the nearest neighbor and you don’t want to get lost out here.”
He was right. I had no clue where I was or how to get home. We were damn near in another state compared to my home and I was not about to shoot myself in the foot to spite the Alphas.
“Let’s head back inside and you can meet Simon. We’ll give you your space, promise,” John said. A moment of hesitation passed before I let him take the lead back to the house.
The house itself was a two story cabin style with a green tin roof. Perfect for a pack starting out. It was close to the horse barn with a thick mix of pine and oak trees to one side and the other a wide open range of tall grass and rocks and rolling hills. We were truly in the middle of nowhere.
Stepping inside, John let me go in as he shut the door behind us. “Have a seat,” he said as he pointed to a kitchen table worn with years of use before going to the bottom of the stairs. “Simon! I brought our new friend inside!” He called up the stairs.
Getting a better look at him, John was rough looking. Short, sandy brown hair with mutton chops and mustache that was trimmed neatly and close to his jaw while there were soft wrinkles around his bright, sky blue eyes. His hands were large and calloused from work as his body as a whole looked like he knew how to use it as a tool more than others. He would fit right in with most farmers and ranchers that I knew at least.
When Simon came down, I quickly realized how odd the arrangement was getting. While John had a decent tan with hints of rosiness in his cheeks from working in the sun, Simon looked like the adult version of the emo kid in high school. He was wearing all black, shirt, jeans, boots, as well as skeleton decorated work gloves and a skull balaclava with black eyeliner smeared around his eyes. His eyes were dark and looked darker with the black around them. These men had to be in their late thirties to early forties, over a decade older than me. They should have had a pack by then, their own Betas and Omegas with pups. Why were they looking so late in their lives? I found myself curious, but I pushed it away. I wasn’t there because I was sympathetic, I was there by force.
“This is Simon Riley,” John said, motioning to the man standing next to him.
“Pleasure,” Simon said, his voice similar to John’s with gruffness and accent as he held out his gloved hand like John had. “Your parents told us a lot about you.”
“So I heard,” I said evenly, ignoring the hand as I sat back in my chair with my arms crossed over my chest.
“Simon. . . They’re not happy about being here,” John said with a small sigh, as Simon dropped his hand.
“What?” Simon asked, confusion in his voice as he looked from me to John.
“Their parents didn’t tell them anything about us or moving here. They didn’t even tell us the whole story,” John said as he took a seat, scratching at his jaw before looking at me. “They said that you were coming here willingly and that you just had not had a heat in a while,” John said, looking at me. “That you had fallen ill a few months ago and that delayed your cycle for a bit, but should be fine in a month or two.”
“So it seems we all are disappointed about this,” I said, earning a stern look from John. “Where’s my room or do I not get one because you two planned out a whole deal of me staying in your bed?”
“It’s upstairs and to the right. We wanted you to have your own space,” Simon said gently. At least they weren’t too pushy, demanding I be obedient and fulfill my Omega ‘duties’ right then.
“I’d like to go lay down if that’s okay with you,” I said, standing up without waiting for their answer. “It’s already been a long, shitty day.” It had taken my parents and I over 8 hours to drive to this ranch, having left at 4 AM. I was tired, pissed, hungry, and just needed to be alone.
“When’s the last time you ate?” John asked before I got too far.
“I don’t know, probably this morning,” I said, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. Had it been that morning? I wasn’t sure. The whole drive to the middle of nowhere and abandonment was messing with my brain a bit. It was getting late in the afternoon, almost 5PM. While I should have had something to eat with my stomach getting upset at the need to have something in nearly 9 hours, I didn’t want to on principle alone. I could be in control of at least one thing and that was food. “I’m not hungry and I’d rather just lay down.”
“You should eat something before laying down,” Simon added.
“I’m not hungry,” I said, doubling down on my stance.
“Alright,” John said as he stood. “Go ahead. If you get hungry, help yourself to whatever you’d like in the kitchen. We’re going to finish up chores then start dinner in a couple of hours.”
I nodded, taking the stairs back to the room I had originally picked as mine. While it wasn’t too big, I had originally assumed that my parents would take the big bedroom, it suddenly felt much, much smaller. The room I had demanded was not as big as I had thought it was, after all spending time in a room during a vacation is usually just to sleep and rest, not to live in.
Flopping onto the bed, I stared at the ceiling as I listened for the two Alphas to leave the house. It was only then that I let my walls down. Why had my parents felt they had to abandon me to two strangers to make sure I was taken care of? I could look after myself. I wanted to look after myself.
Hell, most of the time on the farm I was doing the work, whether it was with the cattle or the bills or taking care of the house. My parents were older than my peers’ parents were when I was in school, so to be taking care of things that most others my age had no clue about wasn’t odd. Was a headstrong Omega that odd and embarrassing that they thought I would be better off nearly a state away in a place I’d never been before? Was I a disappointment? I’d worked my ass off, earning respect for doing the same work that Alphas and Betas were doing with a pack.
But I’d always be ‘Just an Omega’ to everyone. No matter what I could do, no matter how hard I tried to prove myself, I’d just be a thing to trade for in a pack.
Tears pricked my eyes as I curled up into a ball as tight as I could, quietly crying myself to sleep.
For the next few days, I did my best to avoid the men, keeping to the house while they worked outside. The time inside wasn’t spent being lazy either. I cleaned and cooked and pitched in, but I made myself scarce around them when they came in. They would spend evenings in the livingroom after a shower and dinner watching TV, but always offered their company to me. Whether it was just them sitting there or eating, they offered.
I felt like I had to refuse on principle alone, to take out my anger and frustration on them. It wasn’t entirely their fault, but they were still a part of it. My parents still refused to answer my calls and texts, making my attitude worse than the first day I had arrived. I still did my chores, but stopped speaking to them before refusing to be in the room with them all together. They had given me space, but after a week of this, things came to a head.
John and Simon had come in for lunch as they usually did. I was hurrying to put the cooking dishes in the sink so I could leave, but Simon stood in my way of the stairs. His arms were crossed over his chest as he gave me a stern look.
“Sit,” he said firmly, pointing to the kitchen table. I tried to challenge him, growling as he kept his position in front of me, but when he growled back, something much deeper and stronger than mine, my body folded after a few moments. I sat back down with a huff, glaring hard. He followed, taking a seat next to John across the table from me, taking the lead in this ‘intervention.’ “I know that this isn’t an ideal situation, but we should make the best of it. We’ve given you some space and haven’t pushed for you to do more than the chores, but you can’t keep ignoring us. It’s not healthy and I doubt you’re ha-”
“I don’t care. I don’t want to be here. I can’t go home, I can’t leave, so this is what you get,” I said, holding back a growl.
“You will wait until I am done talking,” Simon snapped. It was shocking to hear one of them raise their voice, but then again I was being a bitchy asshole. I wanted to argue, to yell and scream, throw things, but his stare held me in place in silence. “Now, we are going to make the best of this situation. You have your room and we have ours. We are not going to make you do anything that you don’t want to do, but you have to be around us more. That means you are to come outside into the fields or at least out onto the porch while we’re in the garden, not inside by yourself. Understand?”
I gave a curt nod, not willing to say anything because I knew I would argue. They seemed to understand that as well, not pushing for a verbal answer.
“We are a pack now,” John said. “That means spending time together, helping one another, trusting each other. I know that you probably hate us, but we’re not going to leave you. You’re our Omega and we’re your Alphas. Bonded or not. Got it?”
Again, I nodded. My brain wanted to keep pushing back against them, yell, scream, making them miserable till they finally had enough and kick me out. At least then I could be free. As free as a jobless, homeless, packless Omega could be. Yet, I didn’t. It was stupid to do that and the Alphas weren’t being horrible. They were talking to me, accepting my need for space, and not forcing me to ‘perform’ for them. It wasn’t as bad as it could be and I was losing steam in continually pushing them away.
“Good,” John said. “Now, we have chores to do, so we’re going to show you around the rest of the homestead. You were on a cattle ranch before this?”
“Yeah,” I said, my tone drastically different than before. No longer was it biting or snide, now it was more even and calm.
“Well, we have a couple hundred head of cattle out in the pasture grazing that we need to check on. Have you ever ridden a horse?” He asked. Oh shit.
“Uh, no. I usually went out in a truck to check on ‘em cause that’s all we had,” I said, looking at him a bit worried.
“Alright, you’ll ride with Simon then,” John said before both men stood up. It took me a moment to realize I was supposed to follow and while I didn’t want to listen to anything they told me to do, one look from them had me swallowing my words. I walked behind Simon and John out to the stable where I watched as they got their horses ready to ride. Horses were not something I was familiar with aside from petting here and there, so I stood back to see how things were done. It was part of the reason why I wanted to go to this ‘vacation ranch.’ I wanted to learn how to handle horses, but I had almost no experience with them.
Both men were already dressed for going out on horseback in jeans, tall boots, and long sleeved shirts. With Montana fall settling in, they had grabbed wool lined jackets to slip on as well before heading to the barn. I just had on a pair of hiking boots, jeans, and a thin, long sleeved shirt. The trip was supposed to be short in the warmer weather so packing anything heavy didn’t seem necessary, let alone need anything jacket or coat wise.
“Did you bring a coat or jacket with you?” Simon asked, looking me over.
“No, I didn't think to bring it,” I said, standing to the side with my hands in my jeans’ pockets. He nodded as he handed the reins to the palomino, Charlie, over to me. Wide eyed, I held onto the leather straps as Simon went back into the barn. “I. . . Uh, what do I do?” I asked, looking at John who was just grinning.
“Hold onto ‘em,” he said with a chuckle as he led his horse back over to us.
“Okay,” I nodded, still unsure. While I was used to being around large animals that could hurt me if they really wanted, I was never in control of them like this and inside a pick up or outside a fence or head shute most of the time.
“Charlie’s a pretty relaxed guy, he doesn’t startle that easy,” John said, patting the horse’s forehead. “You’ve never been around horses much, have you?” I shook my head.
“Most time I’ve spent around them is when I go to the state fair and look at the livestock show,” I said, keeping a keen eye on Charlie.
“Here,” Simon said, coming back out. “It’s old, but it’ll be better than what you have on.” He handed me a similar denim jacket with wool lining, taking back the reins.
“Thanks,” I said, sliding it on. It was big, but with the wind picking up and no trees to break the wind when we were out in the pasture, it’d be better than nothing. “So. . . How do I get on?”
“I’ll get on first, then John’ll help you get up,” Simon said. He stepped into the stirrups to easily swing his body up and over into the saddle. Intimidation didn’t seem the right word to use for the image before me, seeing this large man on a large animal. Terror felt more apt. Having never been on a horse ever, I was hesitant, unsure where I’d go or how I would get up there. While both Alphas were tall and could easily pull themselves up into the saddle, I was barely tall enough to look over the back of Charlie without a saddle on.
“Here,” John said, wrapping his reins around a pole before moving over to me. “Hands here and here, then put your foot in the stirrup.” He placed my hands on either end of the saddle before helping my foot into the stirrup. “On count of three, jump and pull,” he said. “One, two, three!” John’s hands went to my hips and helped hoist me up as I pulled and jumped as I was told. There was no time to feel awkward about having the man hold my hips or how close we were because if I didn’t do as I was told, I was going to go flying over the other side. I swung my leg over and found myself pressed flat against Simon’s back, his arm reaching behind him to keep me from going past the saddle and onto the otherside.
“Where do I hold on?” I asked, suddenly very nervous when I saw how far up we were, not to mention that I was pressed right up against the Alpha when I’d never been closer than a quick hug from anything on two legs.
“Here,” Simon said as his gloved hands took my arms to pull them around his middle to latch together in front of his belly. “You’ll have to hold on tight because it can get bouncy.”
“Wait, what?” I asked as John moved away to quickly get in his saddle. Simon clicked his tongue, squeezing with his thighs to spur Charlie on. I yelped as we moved forward, tightening my grip on the Alpha.
“Alright, let’s move out,” John said with a chuckle. As much as I wanted to look and see where we were going, I was too scared to look. I buried my face in Simon’s back as we picked up speed, and indeed it did get quite bouncy.
“Ease up, Pet,” Simon said with a grunt. “I won’t be able to breathe if you keep squeezing me like a tube of toothpaste.”
“Sorry,” I squeaked. Chancing a look, we hadn’t even gone that far. Just a handful of yards to the gate where John was letting us into the pasture.
“You’re good, just don’t let go,” Simon said, reaching down to pat my leg. As quickly as I was to hate the two Alphas, try to challenge them and fight them, they were turning me around on the whole situation. Not completely, but enough to be civil. Once we were in the pasture, we didn’t stay trotting for long. Instead we began a gallop that had me burying my face into Simon’s back again while we flew across the fields towards their cattle.
Honestly, it was probably the most scared I’d been in a long time. The fear began to fade though as I opened my eyes and watched as the world whipped past us. I began to hear Simon laughing and realized John was too. This was exciting for them, thrilling really. It was second nature for them to go that fast as if they were flying low over the ground. I could feel that joy catching on with me, but the fear of falling was still in the forefront of my mind. With that speed, we reached the cattle in no time.
Calving season was over and most of the calves were big enough that they were weaned. Which meant less worry about predators and that come spring they’ll be big enough to sell. With the horses at a walk, I eased up my grip on Simon to actually look around. I was more familiar with this part of the job; counting cattle and checking for disease or lameness while they came up for treats or pets. The ranch back home only had about 50 head of cattle while John and Simon’s ranch had four times that almost. As we moved through the cattle, I relaxed more and didn’t even realize I was leaning against Simon with my cheek to his back and my arms loose around his middle in more of a hug than death grip.
This was something I could do without even having to think about it. Which actually made me feel, dare I say, more at home.
“Are you doing okay back there, Pet?” Simon asked as he began to slowly herd the cattle towards another part of the pasture. They had grazed enough in the section they were left in, so they were being moved to a new part to let that section regrow as well as move them closer to the house.
“Yeah,” I said with a hum, rubbing my cheek against him without thinking of it. The warmth of his body against mine was becoming more and more familiar as we worked with the cattle. It took a bit of time as we didn’t rush, but when we finished we didn’t run off at a gallop. Instead it was a slower, meandering walk that I didn’t mind one bit. Simon would reach back here and there to give my leg or thigh a reassuring pat while John would get close to lean over to kiss Simon or rub my back.
I was surprised given that most of the time Alphas didn’t mate together. They were in packs together, but that was usually because there was a Beta and an Omega or several Betas. These two seemed to be odd ones out.
Like me.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be in a pack with them. It would take more than just one horse ride to mate with them though. I couldn’t have pups and didn’t plan on even being mated. Friends though, I could probably do that.
Back at the house, Simon dismounted first before helping me off the back of Charlie.
“Fuck, Pet, your hair is a bit wild,” he chuckled as John took the saddle off Ollie.
“Oh shush,” I said, trying to finger comb my hair. I should have put it back with something, but that was too little too late. I winced, feeling the knots already there from being whipped around and pulled during the gallop. With a huff, I pulled it back as much as I could to at least get it out of the way. “I’ll comb it out later with some conditioner,” I said as the two men took care of the horses. Staying out with them, I watched as they brushed and watered the large animals, taking time to give them extra treats and soft spoken words of love.
“Come on. There’s some wood that needs to be chopped before it gets too dark,” John said, shrugging off his coat. “We’re trying to get enough done before winter so when the snow falls we won’t have to rely on the electric heater as much. That thing sucks up power and is a pain to pay for.” I nodded, taking the coat I had off as well, letting Simon have it to hang up again, before following them to the side of the house. There was already a large wood pile started and logs set up for splitting, so John took the lead with the ax as Simon and I helped with picking up the slit wood or putting the logs in place for the other to strike before the men switched places.
I wasn’t naive. I knew what men looked like, even Alpha men. The internet was a wonderful place to find things to broaden your horizon, but it was very different when the real thing was in front of you. At first I was shocked at how easy John split the logs in just one stroke each time, but then he took off his shirt. This handsome, strong, built like a goddamn brick house of an Alpha was just going to town like it was no one’s business as his skin started to shine with sweat. He was better than the internet too. I had always seen clean shaven Alphas as well, no hair except for on their head. John had HAIR. Up his arms, across his chest, down his belly and a sprinkle across his back. No one could have prepared me for how it would affect me to see this Alpha with a belly and hair.
It was getting to the point that Simon had to nudge me a few times to get me to pay attention, always having a husky, soft chuckle each time.
When Simon switched places, I wasn’t any better off. How the hell had these two Alphas stayed together and alone for so long? If they were in my hometown, they would have trails of Betas and Omegas after them. While John was built and a little shorter, Simon was tall and covered in tattoos. His biceps were the size of my head, I’m pretty sure at least. He did have hair as well, but it was a light smattering and shimmered in the light. John noticed my staring at the other Alpha as well, giving me a wink when he asked me a question about ‘the scenery.’ I choked out something that I thought was sarcastic as the men chuckled. Had I been missing out on this the whole time I stayed cooped up inside? Damn it.
After the chores were completed, we all went back inside for dinner and to clean up for the night. I made quick work of leftovers to serve while the other two took turns in the bathroom washing up.
The only downfall for the house was that there was one bathroom with a shower and a bathtub. There were two with toilets,one upstairs and one downstairs, but we had to take turns with showers. Letting John go before me, I went about with my usual habits of cleaning up the kitchen and washing dishes. It was a habit now, one I didn’t mind. Long days of work weren’t that unusual for me either, but these two were almost completely self-sufficient with their own garden, cattle, horses, and solar panels. Their work was twice as much as mine had been.
However, I could appreciate the effort put in to take care of everything and welcomed it. That meant no more sitting around and sulking. I would be too busy working to have time to continue my pity party.
When night had fallen completely, Simon and John were on the sofa freshly showered and watching TV while I cleaned myself up. Funnily, Simon kept covered all day, but at night he would relax in a tee and sweatpants. It was the first time I had seen him without a sweatshirt on or gloves, aside from splitting wood earlier that day. I guess it wasn’t just me that was getting more comfortable with a new living situation.
My hair had only gotten even more tangled as the day had gone on after I forced it into a bird's nest, refusing to come out even with a glob of conditioner on it. Giving up on it in the running water, I finished washing myself before stepping out. Dried and dressed, I carried a comb and leave-in conditioner with me to the living room to sit on the floor next to the loveseat they were on to work on my hair slowly and carefully.
Neither of them said anything at first, as it was our first real evening spent together. Maybe they were worried that I’d turn feral and bite them or we’d argue again. The TV filled the silence, making it less awkward than if it was just me grumbling softly under my breath as I painstakingly took my time with my hair.
“Are you still trying to get those knots out?” John said with a snort. I nodded with a huff as I kept working at the ends to slowly move the comb through it. Very slowly. “Come here,” he said, waving me over. I looked up, but listened to him. He spread his legs to let me sit on the floor in front of him with my back to the couch. Handing over the comb and conditioner, he took over while I watched TV.
Packs regularly groomed one another, so it wasn’t out of the norm to do it. I just wasn’t used to it. I had always been the one to take care of myself and my parents that it was second nature to fight against offered help. Then again my parents were Betas. They didn’t really know how to handle a willful Omega who was determined to do things themself. They would get frustrated with me or give up halfway through whatever we were doing.
Sitting there and letting John detangle my hair felt so simple and yet it meant so much more. No one had taken the time with me to help. Teachers, friends, even my parents never took the time to make sure I was okay or to see if I needed help. If they did happen to make an effort to ask, they didn’t mean it. There was no action behind their words. But these two Alphas. . .
John was gentle, never pulling or yanking my hair. He cared about not hurting me, showing me through his actions with simple gestures like combing my hair. As the night went on, Simon shifted to lay on the sofa next to John. My hair had already halfway dried with no more tangles, but I had stayed put between John’s legs in my place on the floor. I noticed Simon’s foot was next to me, hanging off the couch with the other in John’s lap.
Without thinking, I took it in my hands to begin to massage it. He hadn’t asked or indicated that he wanted me to do that, but I took the initiative. No one said anything, but I could feel their eyes on me as my hands worked deftly over the pads of his toes and foot. I kept watching the TV, not saying a word. It was a way for me to say ‘I’m okay with you,’ without having to actually say it. Because words are hard sometimes.
As the credits rolled for the crime drama we had been watching, I yawned and popped my neck. It was nearly 10 PM and I was usually in bed by 9 PM. Simon’s foot had moved to my lap, after the massage I had idly rubbed his leg while watching TV.
“Alright, I think it’s time to hit the hay,” John said. I patted Simon’s leg one last time before letting him move so I could. All of us stretched and felt joints pop before Simon checked the doors as John got the lights. I was already up the stairs and in my room when they walked by. I was ready to sleep alone again, to pass out from all the work we had done that day, but I paused. It wasn’t necessary for me to sleep alone anymore.
The Alphas had made it clear they weren’t going to hurt me, they weren’t going to force anything on me, and had helped me feel comfortable with them by respecting my boundaries. The small blow up at lunch wasn’t them forcing me to be with them, it was concern and worry for me, wanting me to actually be happy even if nothing came of us. Toying with my long sleeves of my oversized sleep shirt, I sat on my bed as I tried to decide what to do. I had been alone all week, but really, I’d been alone for most of my life.
It hadn’t occurred to me till I was forced to see it. But, I realized I didn’t want to be alone. To have a farm and work it by myself with just a dog for company wasn’t what I wanted after all. Maybe things would be better if I had met these two naturally and not through a scheme by my parents, but the maybes and what ifs didn’t matter anymore. What did matter was right then and there, where the Alphas were.
Reaching over, I turned my own light off as I pulled my shirt collar over my mouth, something I had done as a child when scared or nervous to ask for something. Stepping out into the hall, the bathroom was in front of me and the Alphas’ room directly to my right. The lights were all off in the house except for in their bedroom where a single side lamp was on, showing a king sized bed that John and Simon shared. With a small hesitation, my feet took me to their door where I shyly knocked on the door frame, getting their attention.
“Everything alright, Love?” John asked, sitting on his side of the bed as he plugged in his phone to charge. Love. . . It sounded nice, something people called each other when they were familiar with each other. A nickname of affection. In that second of him calling me that, I felt relief rush through me. It didn’t make sense, why was I relieved when they hadn’t said yes or no yet? Still, it solidified me asking for them.
“Can. . . Can I sleep with you guys?” I asked, shirt still over half my face as I pulled at the collar nervously. I felt so small and far away, like a child checking to see if their parents were awake as they were scared from a nightmare.
“Of course,” Simon said, his face uncovered to show his blond hair and scars. Seeing him like that, open and accepting, allowing me to be let in as I did the same to him and John, was perfect. He pulled back the covers and moved to let me have a space to get into bed, but I still hesitated. It was new and different and I was scared enough that I wanted to cry. But I wanted to run to them to hide. They didn’t move though, letting me take my time as I damn near tip-toed over to Simon’s side to crawl into the middle of the bed. Once I was settled, they both pulled the covers back for themselves before John turned off the lamp.
In the dark, I could feel them being careful to give me space as I was curled in on myself. I took a moment to calm myself before I turned on my side to face John. Reaching behind me, I grabbed Simon’s arm to tug on him to get him closer, wanting less space between us before reaching forward to do the same to John. Sandwiched between them my heart was racing, but the longer we laid there, the more their calming scents washed over me. I pulled my shirt from my face, nuzzling into the back of John’s neck as Simon did the same to me.
It was peaceful and fulfilling. Something I had not felt before with someone else, let alone two Alphas that were practically strangers.
I was still angry with my parents, so very angry, but not with John and Simon. No, I wasn’t angry with them or bitter. I was, dare I say, happy?
Taglist: @birdstoprey @sebbytheraccoon @pricescigar @alwaysshallow @sae1kie @sleepydang @lexi-zsy09 @ghostlywhiskey @ghosts-cyphera @poohkie90 @neothewitch @shadofireshinobi @shadowlali
Series Masterlist
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leggerefiore · 4 months
cw: loneliness, post ingo disappearance Emmet, comfort, Silver Fox Emmet
pairing: Emmet/Reader
Busy… Everyone felt so busy.
Busy schedules, no spare time, endless things to do…
You hated to complain. You hated to say a word. You bit your tongue. It was easier that way – Better than way. Everything always felt so fragile and ready to burst. Like the moment you vocalised your feels, a bubble would burst and leave you to true isolation. A social attack that would make someone finally officially drop you instead of slowly and subtly doing so.
Or, maybe, it was just you. A bitter form of jealousy that haunted your mind. Someone having what you did not. A friend with more friends and no time for you. It was childish. You swallowed your feelings. Bring an adult meant burying such thoughts and feelings to keep a status quo. A peaceful existence. Painful things would have to go ignored and unaddressed lest you unravel the whole fragile tie and undo everything. This was a foolish endeavour that lead you to feeling less like a person and more like an annoyance. A barrier of sorts. Maybe they all kept you around out of pity. You hated the self-doubt and loathing that would continue to plague you.
It was on a late-night train ride to head back to your apartment that you found someone like yourself. Another lonely soul who fought back the urge to ask for any attention. Someone who lurked within the obscurity of just being acknowledged yet scarcely sought out. An employee, you could tell, a senior one at that. He was definitely aged. A black hat sat heavy on his head, mismatched with the rest of his white uniform. Eyes has heavy bags under them and his lips were frozen in a neutral expression. His words were quick and impolite with most of those he spoke with. You did not know why you listened at first. Nothing about him would have otherwise piqued your interest. Something did, however.
When your gazes met, you felt strangely small. He basically ordered you to move the bag from the seat beside you, but almost phrased it like a question. His intention was clearly not to be rude, somehow. You nodded, but before he could go off, you called out to him. A quiet request to know who he was. The darkness of the subway tunnel shined with a monetary brightness. A Subway Boss… Emmet… It was unfamiliar, yet you clung onto it, repeating the name and title carefully. A small smile broke out across his face after you did so. You returned the expression back to him.
You did not think that you would ever see him again.
Yet, you did.
At a café, you spied the familiar man sitting alone with a black cup of coffee steaming across from him. An emptied plate of what may have previously been a dessert sat in front of him. You wondered if his conversation partner had slipped away for a few moments, but they never returned if they had. The coffee remained completely undisturbed. Why? You could only ponder the answer to that question. The man's gaze drifted to you as you sat nearby in your single seat table. He gave a polite smile again. A tip was left on the table as he got up to leave. The coffee left to cool down and be forgotten and not drunk.
The barista scoffed at the sight, but before she complained, an older employee shook her head to scoop up the drink. “… I know it seems a waste,” she explained, “But… But he said he's waiting on someone. They never show up. I doubt he likes wasting money on a drink like that. It seems awfully cruel to keep standing him up, doesn't it? You'd think he'd just give up.” The barista seemed less upset after hearing that, more empathetic. Your gaze stared out of the window into the busy Nimbasa streets.
Who was he waiting on? You agreed with the older woman's thoughts. Why did he keep trying?
You tried to pretend that you had not faced your own many similar situations. Desperation was the answer. Desperation for anyone.
The first time you properly spoke was when he encountered you. A friend had promised to meet you at the amusement park in Nimbasa yet they never showed. You sat on the bench, staring out in the crowd with empty eyes. Again. It happened again. They insisted they had tried to tell you earlier, but… You lowered your head. The laughs and happy conversations around you felt mocking. Was this some kind of cruel punishment for an action that you could not recall committing? Tears burned your eyes.
Yet, they did not have a chance to fall.
“Are you okay?” a voice called out. You assumed it was not to you. Then, someone sat beside you. You nearly jumped back. It was him, albeit in casual clothing. His eerie eyes stared into your own. “I am sorry,” he apologised, “I did not want to startle you.” The question was repeated. You felt lost. There was no way that you could dump that on a complete stranger. A hand came to rest on your shoulder. A genuine smile was on his face. “Ah! You rode the night train,” he realised, “I hope I did not come across as mean. My job is verrrry stressful, and I have to do it alone. My mood gets low towards the end of a shift.”
You nodded. He went silent. You wondered what this was.
Suddenly, you were not alone.
Not at all.
Emmet became an odd fixture in your life. He was a bad conversationalist, but he seemed to simply just enjoy being in your presence. Words were not needed – you both found peace in having consistent company. He was someone you easily scheduled things to do with whenever he was free. You felt that he was working hard to make even more time for you. It was nice. No more wishy-washy replies and schedules. There was someone you could rely on. Even if he was a bit older.
Your closeness with him slowly began to blossom into something more. Polite touches shifted into affectionate gestures until an outright declaration of feelings were made. A simple “we should date” from Emmet started a new page in your life. The desolate state that you had lingered in before was almost wholly gone. Moving in with him made everything even better. Sure, he might have sometimes had to work late, but he always tried to make it home if he could or send a message to let you know if he could not. You did not think that you had felt such contentment in a while.
You had even opened up about your situation, which had made Emmet huff. He chided you for not standing up for yourself and demanded that you spoke to your friends openly about the issue. Many felt mortified that they had done such a thing to you, apologising for how they had acted, but a few had behaved in a less than understanding manner. Needless to say, you did find who truly cared and who did not. Yet, you found yourself wondering about Emmet. Why had he been so lonely? He never seemed too eager to tall about his past. You barely knew much other than his hometown and that he had a brother.
It had not been until you encountered a certain model that you had been learnt more. Emmet was a twin… And that twin had suddenly gone missing. It all had been as messy affair. She claimed that she worried that Emmet may not ever recover from it, yet that he had seemed happier lately. Many thanks were lavished onto you for helping that. You had gently confronted Emmet about that later. He was mortified by your words. His bright smile fell into a fixed frown. There was a distance in his gaze. He shook his head and took off his black cap.
“My older brother was my other half,” he said simply, “We were two pieces of a whole. I am not whole without him. Yep.” The hat was clenched in his hands. You saw tears brimming in his eyes. Your arms came around him tightly as he began to cry. He shook pitifully, almost like a small child. You understood what Elesa had meant now. He almost did not seem like himself. His sobs were quiet, almost unnoticeable. “I miss him…” he mumbled, “I have done everything that I can to search for him! Oh, darling, what could have happened to him!?”
He hugged you tightly to himself, burying his face into your shoulder. You wished that you had an answer to his question. Your mind flashed back to how he and comforted you when you nearly began to cry. Your hand rubbed his back. His name left your lips a few times. Emmet only cried more. “... You are too nice,” his words startled you, “You should not waste your time on me. I am verrry old and gross.” You fought back the laugh that almost left you. Old and gross? You could not agree. Your thoughts were vocalised. He flinched.
“… Why?” he asked simply, “… Is it because I help get rid of your loneliness?” Was it? Maybe at first… But now, well, it was much more. His age was irrelevant, and so was his mental state. You pecked a kiss on his temple. Your love was proclaimed proudly. Emmet froze. “Oh, darling,” he mumbled again, “Darling… You could have anyone.” You wanted him. He closed his eyes. “… I… I love you, too,” he spoke truthfully as he stood up straight. His gaze met yours. He leaned down to nuzzle his nose against yours before giving you a kiss on your lips.
“Let's keep helping each other's loneliness,” a weak smile came across his lips, “… Ingo would have liked you. Yep, Ingo would be verrrry jealous that I have you all too myself.” He squeezed you tighter to himself.
Ingo… You hoped to meet him one day.
You were definitely going to scold him for leaving Emmet in such a state first, though.
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softdoctorreid · 2 years
happiness looks good on you | reid x reader
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summary: after a sabbatical away with you, the team points out that spencer has put on a little “happy weight”... but he’s not too happy to hear that. you try to change his mind. gender-neutral!reader • nsfw/18+, smut, oral sex (male receiving), insecurity/body image
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It wasn’t like he spent that much time thinking about his appearance to begin with. But then he’d met you, after a particularly rough patch in his life, and he just couldn’t be concerned with such trivialities when keeping his mind on you was so much better. There were dates to plan and facts about you to memorize, new ways to learn to kiss you or to make you laugh or to evoke... other sounds from you. It was like the universe had sent you to him after Millburn, his one mercy after the hardest year. The way you loved him though more than made up for it.
When Spencer was away on cases, it was hard to clear his head of you to focus on the case ahead. He didn’t pay much mind to anything else. Or at least, he hadn’t until the team was gathered in the conference room, ready to go over the information about their latest victim.
It was his first case back after his teaching sabbatical, and they were milling about, waiting for Emily and Tara to get back from the crime scene, making small talk. He took a seat at the edge of the conference table, next to where JJ and Rossi stood, but as he did so the lone button of his blazer gave way, falling open. Spencer frowned, immediately attempting to redo the button, but it just didn’t want to fit.
Rossi chuckled. “I take it that relationship of yours is going well.”
Spencer looked up, eyebrows furrowed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know.” He gestured to the open blazer. “The happy weight.”
“...Happy weight?”
JJ nodded. “They say people in happy relationships are more likely to gain weight. Like you have,” she added, poking at his tummy. On instinct he sucked in, feeling suddenly self-conscious about it. “Hey, it’s a good thing! It means you have someone you feel comfortable with.”
Comfortable was the furthest thing from how he felt. Spencer desperately wished he could button the blazer to hide behind its fabric. Instead he crossed his arms over his middle, hunching his shoulders to shrink into himself. Before anyone else could comment, the door of the room swung open and with Emily and Tara arriving, they immediately got to work tossing ideas around to start their profile. There was a job to do, so he tried to push his discomfort to the back of his mind. It was easy to do when he had plenty else to work on, but the quiet moments alone with his thoughts were markedly different.
That night he stared at himself in the mirror of the hotel room. Spencer wasn’t usually one to analyze his physique, but now he was seeing all the small changes he hadn’t noticed before. The way his pants fight a little tighter around his thighs and his ass, how the buttons of his shirt strained to stay closed over his stomach. His clothes had been feeling a bit tight recently, but he had just assumed his building’s laundry machines were acting up again and they shrank in the wash. Flicking open his belt, he hated the way he could immediately breathe a little easier. He shrugged out of his shirt next and stood there in just his boxers, frowning at his belly – and there was no denying the fact that he had a belly now. How had he missed this? And how had he gotten to this point in the first place?
He pinched at his waistline as though that would be enough to change his reflection. Then he turned and rifled through his go-bag for pajamas, yanking them on with a huff and flopping down onto the hotel bed. If there was one thing Spencer Reid hated, it was change, and this was one he hadn’t been counting on. His mind wandered back to what JJ and Rossi said. Apparently weight gain was a side effect of a happy relationship. That was something he had, much to his surprise. Truthfully, the happiest relationship he’d ever been in. Maybe the happiest he’d ever been, period.
So maybe he had let himself give in a little bit, especially with this sabbatical. It was just easy with you. Easy to let himself relax on your couch for a movie night or sprawled out for a lazy weekend in bed. Easy to take you out to dinner just so he could treat you to something nice; or to accept an invitation to a meal at your place knowing you’d whip up something absolutely delicious to make him wonder how he’d subsisted on cheap take-out and microwave meals all this time. Maybe that was part of the problem - he was eating better than he ever had before, and when everything was so good he couldn’t help but want more. It was easy too not to worry with you. For once he didn’t have to scrutinize every aspect of his being, afraid he might not measure up. You made it quite clear how into him you were, and with your mouth on his or your hands roaming his skin, Spencer had stopped thinking about his own body when it was so much nicer to focus on yours instead.
He groaned, flipping over to press his face into the pillow. What if he lost you because he’d stopped paying attention to himself? That was a thought he just couldn’t stomach. But if he didn’t look the same as he had when you met him, would you still want him? Lying alone in the bed that felt so lonely without you, he vowed to make sure that didn’t happen. Whatever it took to be worthy of you, he would do. He’d go on a diet, he’d buy new clothes, he’d start working out (oh god, working out) with Morgan or Luke. He’d do it for you.
So with the start of a new day, he forced himself to stick to it. Abstained from the team donut run, begrudgingly ate a salad at lunch, drank his coffee without sugar. Of course, he could barely stand coffee without sugar, and quickly turned to tea, which left him still feeling a little sleepy. All the while he reminded himself that he was doing it for you, so you wouldn’t be embarrassed by his figure. So he could still be good enough for you.
They closed the case two days later, and with the unsub in custody, he could finally put all his attention on you - and on his to get in shape for you. He woke up at home the next day feeling a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. On the one hand, he was desperate to see you after being away for several days, and on the other he was worried what you’d think when you saw him. Of course, you must have noticed already, especially if the team had. But hopefully it wasn’t too late for him to prove he could go back to the way he was.
It was only seconds after he’d knocked that you threw open your apartment door and flung yourself into his arms, hugging him tight. “Welcome back! Oh my god, I missed you so much!” You led him inside, happily babbling as you laced your fingers through his. “I really got used to having you home all the time when you were teaching, but I didn’t think it would be this hard to have you back in the field again.”
“I know what you mean,” he said, pulling you back into a hug so he could kiss your forehead. It put him at ease that you were apparently still glad to see him. Maybe not all hope was lost. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
“Well now you’ve got me all to yourself. And I’ve got you. Oh! That reminds me, I got you something!” With a smile you hurried over to the kitchen counter and produced a white box, holding it out to him. “Tara mentioned you seemed a little tired and under the weather while you guys were out there, so I thought you might need a little pick-me-up.”
Oh, you were too good to him. You watched with eager eyes as he tentatively opened the lid of the box - and his heart sank. There were half a dozen donuts, layered with thick chocolate frosting and rainbow sprinkles. The disappointment must have been clear on his face because your smile immediately dropped.
“Did I do something wrong?” you asked. “These – these are your favorite.” A trace of doubt crept into your tone, as though you were second-guessing everything you knew about him, and he wanted to kick himself for souring your sweet mood.
“No, no you didn’t do anything wrong! It’s just…” He trailed off, and you set the box back onto the counter, waiting for him to continue. “Well, I’ve just – I, uh, I’m trying to stick to a diet.”
“A diet? What?”
Embarrassed, he wrapped his arms around his waist to cover for how insecure he felt bringing it up to you. “I know I’ve put on weight recently and people have noticed and well, I don’t want you to think I’m letting myself go or something. I can lose the weight, I promise.”
“Wait, did something happen? What do you mean people are noticing?”
“The team said something about… I don’t know, about how our relationship must be working out because I was, you know, getting fat.” He shrugged, not wanting to meet your gaze. “I mean, they didn’t use those words but…”
You tilted your head, thinking it over. “Oh, you mean happy weight?”
Spencer nodded.
You laughed, expression softening at the look of hurt he gave you. “Aw, babe, I’m sorry. But I don’t think they were trying to be mean. I think they’ve just noticed the same thing I have - that you look healthy finally.”
“I don’t know how getting a gut translates into health,” he grumbled.
“Because that little belly of yours means that for the first time in a long time, you’re not in danger. Spencer, you’ve had a hard year. Actually, you’ve had a lot of hard years, all in a row. I mean, when you’re not getting shot at, you’ve been caring for your mom, trying to keep your friends safe, and saving lives. And then you went to prison for something you didn’t do. I mean, between all that and the fact that you pretty much lived on coffee and microwave meals, I’m not surprised you’ve gained a little weight. Because your body can actually rest, now.”
“But it’s not how I’m supposed to look.”
“You don’t have to be anything. This happy weight, it’s a good thing. You were under so much stress. And now you’re safe. You’re allowed to be soft. To take it easy.”
“If I take it easy you might not want me anymore!”
“You’re worried I won’t want you?”
He sighed. “I mean, yeah. I know I’m not – I’m not conventionally attractive. And I’m weird and I work too much. So I don’t want you to have any more reasons to get sick of me. I want to make you happy. Instead I just feel like a mess,” he said, gesturing to the way his dress shirt clung tight to his body and his tummy poked over the top of his pants.
But you stepped closer, reaching for the collar of his shirt. Before he could process it, you were undoing the top few buttons. “You’re not a mess. You’re hot,” you purred, leaning in to kiss him.
“Please,” he said, pulling away, the shame heavy in his throat. “You don’t have to try to make me feel better.”
“Spence.” You took his hands in yours, gazing up at him. “I want you to know something. I’m happy. I’m really, really happy. The last few months have been some of the best of my whole life. And it’s because of you. You make me happy. I don’t care whether you wear suits or sweatpants, or if you forget to shave, or if you have a little belly. Or even if you have a big belly! I love you. The fact that you’re devilishly handsome is just icing on the cake,” you giggled, tapping the tip of his nose with your finger. “Are you happy?”
“Of course!” he blurted. “I’ve never been happier!” It was true, he realized. Until now, he’d never had a doubt about it. You made him unbelievably happy. The way your eyes searched for his in a crowded room. The way you said his name like he was something special. How you always seemed to know how to make him smile. Where he used to spend his days hoping for an excuse to stay at the office, he now couldn’t seem to get home fast enough just to see you.
“Good,” you said. Your fingers trailed down the skin of his chest, catching the fabric of his shirt at the next button. “Happiness looks good on you, Spence.” You looked up through your lashes at him with such adoration and at that moment his self-loathing wasn’t enough to keep his hands off of you. He crashed his lips to yours, hands coming up to cup your face as he kissed you with everything he had. You hummed against his mouth, the two of you stumbling your way to the bedroom in a mess of frantic kisses and quick attempts to discard clothing.
When you finally got him out of his shirt, you smiled. “See? You look good. So good for me, babe. All of you is so good. Let me show you.” You pressed a kiss to his collarbone, then moving lower to his sternum. Dropping down to your knees before him you kissed just below his navel, hands grabbing the waistband of his pants before pulling them down along with his boxers.
His cock sprang free, twitching at the sight of you licking your lips. You ran your fingertips over his length before leaning in and kissing the tip. Spencer groaned, leaning back against the bed for something to keep him steady. “You don’t - you don’t have to…”
“Shh. I want to.” And with that you took him into your mouth, tongue swirling over his sensitive skin. Your own whimper of delight vibrated through him, and he gripped the duvet tighter at the sight of you bobbing up and down on his cock. It was too pretty, your face flushed, cheeks hollowed to take in more of him. He fought to keep his eyes open, watching you, but when you licked at the base of his shaft while stroking gently over his balls, it was overwhelming. His eyes fluttered shut, mouth falling open in a moan as he reached down to caress your cheek. You flattened your tongue against the length of him, took more of him into your mouth, and he could hardly stand it much longer.
“Open your eyes,” you murmured against his hip. “I want you to see how much I want you.”
With all the strength he had, he forced himself to look at you, your face shining with sweat, eyes bright as you smiled around his cock. The sweet sounds from your mouth so wonderfully filthy as you gripped his ass and held him against you to bring him closer and closer and –
And then he was coming in your mouth with a whine and you were stroking his spent dick as you swallowed, tongue coming out to swipe over your mouth and fuck, you were so beautiful. Making him feel so loved. All he could do was stare at you in a blissed out daze, letting you push him onto the bed and sitting next to him as you both caught your breath.
“See?” you panted. “Don’t you know how much I love you?”
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have doubted you.” Because you’d never given him reason to. It was just his own insecurity talking, his fear that he wasn’t enough. But you were everything to him, all of the love he’d ever dreamed of and then some. “I would lose the weight you know, if you wanted me to. I love you. I’d do anything to make you happy.”
“I already told you. I am happy.” You wrapped your arms around him. “And I really don’t mind. I love your tummy,” you said, giving it a pat. Then, resting your head on it, added, “It makes you so nice to cuddle with.”
Spencer laughed as he stroked your hair.
“I’m serious! It’s so good to hug, too.” Turning your head, you nipped at his skin before swiping over it with your tongue and pressing your lips to the spot. “And bite and kiss.” Your touch melted away all his doubts. Maybe he could finally let himself breathe easy, trust that he was safe, that this love was secure enough no mere physical change would dissolve it.
“I can think of other things that are good to bite and kiss,” he said, his mood lifting a little higher as a spark of mischief glinted in his eyes.
You raised your eyebrows. “Is that right?”
“Come here. Let me do something to make you happy. Happier,” he corrected with a smirk.
It was a weekend devoted to nothing but happiness, in basking of the wonderful contentment of the person who made him feel so safe and wanted. Holding you in his arms, letting himself eat the donuts you’d gotten him without feeling guilty, and giving in to the whims that took over.
It was a glee that carried over even as he walked into the office on Monday morning. “What’s got you smiling like that?” Luke teased.
“Y/N,” he said, unable to suppress his grin. Why bother hiding what he wanted everyone to know? He was in love and it was good and he didn’t care how cheesy it sounded.
Rossi smiled. “See! My intuition was right!” He clapped a hand on Spencer’s shoulder. “It’s good to see you happy, kid.”
And as he sat down, he didn’t mind so much that his belt still felt a little tight or that the last button of his cardigan didn’t quite want to close. He was changing, but that was okay, because his life had changed - and changed for the better. And that was a very good thing.
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Distance makes the heart grow fonder (Alyssa Naeher x Reader)
It's been a long month and a bit but things are finally settling down and I'm back! Posting might not be as frequent for a while though I'll try my best to get my motivation back.
I started this like a week after the world cup started, but it's finally finished. Hope you enjoy :)
Words: 4.1K
Two years ago, I made the hardest decision of my life. I left the person I was madly in love with, the person I thought I would marry. Leaving Alyssa was the hardest thing I had ever done, but at the time, I needed to be home.
After my mum had died, my family needed me and I needed them. Even though with Alyssa I was the happiest I'd ever been and she was the most supportive, loving partner. It wasn't enough. We knew we wouldn't survive distance that large so we ended it before the possibility of maintaining friendship was ruined. Even two years later, she was still constantly on my mind, no matter how much I tried to forget about our relationship, it never worked. We still kept in contact occasionally so I guess that didn't help. I could never fully let her go though. 
Missing Alyssa may have been the motivation behind packing up and moving to Auckland for the duration on the world cup. When I lived in Chicago, I trained and worked as a physio, but when I moved back, I never had the motivation to do the things needed to work as one in New Zealand. So instead I just went into security. Maybe it wasn't what I wanted to do, but it was easier at the time. 
I hadn't noticed anyone in the hallway with me, but a voice calling my name stopped me in my tracks. That voice is one I would always instantly recoganise no matter how much time had gone by. 
"Alyssa." We just stood staring at each other for a few seconds before I broke out of the trance. The women I was still madly in love with, was actually standing in front of me for the first time in years. "Do I get a hug Lys or are you just going to stand there?"
Alyssa's arms wrapped around me tightly as she spun me around, I giggled, burying my face in her neck. She refused to let me go when I tried to pull away. I didn't fight it though. After two years without her, being back in her arms was the best feeling in the world. "What are you doing here?"
"Working. I got a security gig for the duration of the world cup."
"Well I'm glad you're here. I've missed you."
"Me too Lys."
A clearing of the throat behind us, made me aware of the fact that we weren't alone. Once Alyssa had pulled away, I was bombarded by hugs from the girls that were on the team when I worked with them. "Alright, alright, I missed you too but please let me go now."
We spent a few minutes catching up, but I had to go before I got in trouble for being late. "I have to go."
"Me too. Come by my hotel later? It would be good to catch up properly." 
"I'll be there. Send me the address."
Later that evening, I was waiting anxiously outside Alyssa's door. Hanging out with Alyssa was a sure way to be hurt again. I had every intention of keeping things friendly, that didn't mean the feelings I had for her had gone away or I wasn't already wishing we could be together again. Two years later, she was still the person who had my heart. Getting to spend time with her made the pain worth it in the end. 
Alyssa opened the door, a small smile appearing as she hugged me quickly, "Thank you for coming Y/n/n."
"Like I would miss spending time with you."
We spent the next hour or so getting caught up on what's been happening in each others lives. Just getting to sit and talk with Alyssa again was amazing. After the initial awkwardness, it was surprisingly comfortable, almost like old times. We used to spend hours sitting or cooking together, while talking about random things. In almost 5 years together, we never ran out of things to talk about.
Alyssa was lying on her back, but when she turned on her side to face me, my heart felt like it skipped a beat. She was looking at me the same way she used to, with so much love and adoration. I quickly looked away before the urge to kiss her got to much. "I thought you were in Wellington with your family?"
"I am, but when I found out you would be in Auckland, I thought I would try my luck and temporarily relocate." I blushed, suddenly embarrassed at the confession. Moving to a different city for over a month in hopes of seeing your ex-girlfriend who you were still in love with, but couldn't have, was a bit ridiculous when you actually thought about it. 
Alyssa tried to hide her smile as she linked her pinky with mine. I didn't even think about pulling away. "You did that for me?"
"Maybe. I kinda missed you."
"I'm really glad you did Y/n/n. I missed you. Even if you weren't here I was hoping to see you anyway."
The first and second night went okay, I ended up back in my hotel despite wanting nothing more than to stay. We were trying to maintain some boundaries knowing that we would be apart again soon. On the third night though, that plan failed. Over the course of the movie, I ended up cuddled with Alyssa. Cuddling with Alyssa felt so natural, I barely noticed it was happening until she pulled me closer, kissing my forehead as I started falling asleep. Everything about it was a bad idea, but I gave into my desire and ended up staying. Before I knew it, I hadn't slept in my own bed for almost a week. 
Once again, I woke up in Alyssa's bed. Well, I hadn't actually slept much so I was more just lying there as she slept soundly, arms wrapped tightly around me with our legs intertwined. It had hit me last night that Alyssa would be leaving in a few weeks if not sooner, that we were moving past our attempted boundaries and into relationship territory again. It was going to hurt all over again if we let it continue. 
When Alyssa started stirring, I let myself enjoy her for a few seconds before reluctantly pulling away. Alyssa pouted, letting out a sound of protest while trying to pull me back in. "Lys, we can't keep doing this. It's just going to hurt in the end when you leave."
Alyssa took a few seconds to reply which was expected since she just woke up, but it didn't stop me getting nervous. I still wanted to see her, I just knew it was going to hurt. "I know. The rational side of me is saying to stop, but I would rather enjoy this time with you and deal with the pain. God I wish I never had to leave, even after all this time, I'm still into you."
I felt tears sting my eyes, trying to escape as I turned away to not let her see me cry. We had an almost perfect relationship, sure we fought occasionally, but we understood, trusted, loved and cared for each other unconditionally. We fit together perfectly. Alyssa showed me her soft side, something that she didn't do easily. We were constantly talking about our life together, hell I was a week away from proposing, but I had ruined that when I left. "I'm sorry I ruined us Lys."
Alyssa turned me around, the most sincere yet serious look on her face, "Don't ever apologise for that Y/n. You did what you had to for yourself and your family. It wouldn't have been fair for me to ask you to stay knowing why you had to go. It sucked beyond belief, but I understood then and still do. Please don't blame yourself because I never will."
My brain was telling me no, but my heart won as I lent forward, connecting my lips with Alyssa's. All the feelings, love, butterflies and tingles came back full force. Everything I had felt for her 2 years ago came back just as strong if not stronger. I guess it's true what they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Alyssa cupped my cheek softly, pulling me so I was practically on top of her. Hands slipped under my shirt, my skin feeling like it was burning at the touch. Yet again, I reluctantly placed my hand on her chest, pushing her away.
"You have practice, I have work."
"I wasn't doing anything."
"Bull shit Naeher. I haven't forgotten your tricks."
Whatever boundaries we had set, had completely gone out the window after our kiss a few days ago. I hadn't slept in my bed again and there had been a fair few make out sessions. Tonight I had come back to her room after work to find her dressed up in slacks, a button up and a leather jacket. I was confused until Alyssa directed my attention to the clothes laid out on her bed. "Get dressed, I want to take you out tonight."
"Is that any way to talk to a lady Miss Naeher?" 
"My sweet, beautiful Y/n, if you could please change and accompany me on a totally platonic, non-romantic evening?"
I held back my laugh as nervousness started growing on Alyssa's face. It was subtle unless you knew Alyssa like I did. Alyssa could be sweet and caring, anyone who knew her could tell you that, but there was a soft, gentle, loving side to Alyssa that only the people she was in love with got to see. I just happened to be lucky enough to still be that person. "I would love to accompany you on a totally platonic, non-romantic evening."
Alyssa had taken me to a little beach to watch the sunset. It was one of my favourite things from when we were together.  Whenever we got the chance we would go watch the sunset. Whether it was the beach, park or just our backyard, it didn't matter. It was our time away from the world, our way to keep connection with each other even during our busiest times. 
I sat between Alyssa's legs, cuddled as far back into her as possible with a blanket wrapped around us. Maybe winter wasn't the best time to be watching the sunset on the beach, but between the warmth of Alyssa and the blanket, I wasn't feeling the cold yet. 
Alyssa kissed my cheek, breaking the silence with a whisper, "You know I forgot how much more beautiful your are in person than in photos, which is saying something because you look incredible in photos."
I giggled, pecking her lips before settling back to my original position, "I forgot how soft you actually are."
"You know it's only ever been for you."
"It's one of the things I love most about you. I know it's kinda ridiculous, but honestly, I've never felt more special then when I was with you Lys. You made me feel like I was the most important person in your life. I could do anything with you by myside." 
"You are special Y/n. You are one of the most special and important people in my life. No matter what happens or where you are, that'll never change."
There was no response coming to mind that would properly portray what I was feeling, so I just cuddled further into her. The words swirling around my head. I knew this would destroy me, having her back then losing her again, but I was so in love with her, that it didn't matter because even if it was just for a few weeks, I got to be with her again. Alyssa kissed my temple, fingers lacing with mine. "Are you okay Y/n/n?"
"I am. Just enjoying the moment. Even though I don't have the words to describe what I'm feeling, just know you mean the world to me."
We sat cuddled on the beach long after the sun had set, talking about anything we could think of. The temperature had definitely dropped, my fingers and toes becoming colder the longer we sat there. Alyssa's nose sent shivers through me as she nuzzled it against my neck. I felt the vibrations of her chuckle despite her trying to hide it. "Are you cold darling?"
"Your nose is freezing, but I am getting quite cold now."
Alyssa laced her fingers with mine, wrapping her arms around me tighter, "Me too. I had dinner reservations for us, but I think we've missed them now. How does pizza sound?"
"Pizza sounds amazing. Can we go for a spa afterwards? I think the hotel one is still open."
There was no one else around so I settled myself in Alyssa's lap, head resting against her shoulder as I enjoyed the warmth after hours in the cold. Her fingers traced patterns along my back as I played with the string of her bikini. Everything tonight had taken me back to when I was happiest in life. It took me back to the countless nights spent cuddled with Alyssa, whether it was watching the sunset at the beach, watching tv or reading. They were some of my favourite moments in life. They were intimate and safe, the moments where I felt most at peace and loved. Of course I knew I missed Alyssa, but tonight made me realise just how much I missed those moments. It also reminded me that I only had it back for a limited time. 
Thoughts of moving back started swirling around my mind, but they were joined of thoughts of leaving my family and having to start over again. Honestly, it scared me. What if I decided to do it, then Alyssa didn't want me back? What if we got back together and we didn't work as a couple anymore? I know what we were doing and how we were acting. We're in this weird space of together, but not. 
Alyssa kissed my temple, arms tightening around me, "You've been more quiet than usual since we got back, everything okay?"
"Yeah. Don't worry, I'm just tired."
"I don't believe you, but I won't push it. Just know if you want to talk about it, I'm here."
I kissed Alyssa's shoulder before cuddling back against her, "I know. It's nothing serious though so please don't worry. Thank you Lys."
It was one of those days where there was too much going on in my head. Mostly about the situation with Alyssa, but also the thought of moving back. I had pretty much resigned myself to being hurt when Alyssa left. However, I also felt stuck. My plan was always to go back to the states at some point, I felt like I couldn't leave though. My family was here and after mum dying we had become so much closer. It felt wrong to just leave them again. 
"Hey Y/n. You okay?" Julie asked, steadying me as I almost walked into her. 
"Shit, sorry. I don't know."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"It's okay, I know you're busy."
Julie looked at me like I had just said the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard. Then she wrapped her arm around me and guided me to sit down, "Never too busy to talk. What's going on?"
I groaned, hiding my face in my hands, "Have you ever done something you know will destroy you, that you know you should stop, but you can't. You can't because you are so in love with that person that the pain is worth it because you get the little bit of extra time with them."
"Yeah. I've never loved anyone as much as I love her. Even after all this time, the feelings I have for her never went away. I miss her like crazy. Hell, I'm thinking about packing up my life again for her. I know I should stop this, not for me, but for her. To stop her from feeling more pain then she needs to. I just can't do it. I don't know what to do."
"Maybe that is the best thing to do, maybe it would save some heartbreak. Though, something tells me that even if you tried, Alyssa wouldn't let you without a fight. During tournaments, she usually does everything to stay focused and in game mode. Sleep overs would never have been an option, but you come along and you're sleeping in her bed every night. Alyssa is obviously happier and seems more free than we've seen her in a long time. She's more focused because of it. Alyssa loves you, you love her, but you need to decide if the pains worth it in the end, that's not a decision we can make for you."
"Yeah I know. Thank you for listening. Can you not tell Alyssa about this conversation?"
"Of course. If moving is something you want to do, what's stopping you?"
I sighed before letting out everything I was thinking about the situation. It felt good to finally be able to talk to someone that was impartial in the situation. That I could just be completely honest with and not have them be upset or get their hopes up. Julie just listened as I talked, offering comforting arm squeezes every now and then. "I know it's scary and you'll miss your family, but you need to do what is best for you. If that means moving back to Chicago then they'll understand. They supported you the first time didn't they?"
"I guess so. Thanks Julie, everything just feels like a mess at the moment, guess I have a lot to think about."
It had been days of non-stop thinking. Just when I thought I had decided on what to do, the what ifs started. What if Alyssa was it for me and I wouldn't ever find anyone else? What if my family hated me? What if something happened again and I had to move back? They were just some of the many thoughts that ran constantly through my mind, sending me back to square one every time. Alyssa could tell something was going on, but thankfully wasn't pushing me to talk about it. I didn't want to talk to her before I had things sorted and end up hurting her even more. 
Alyssa had left early this morning, leaving me completely stuck in thought until my phone ringing brought me back. I was planning on ignoring it, but it was my dad so I sucked it up. We went through the normal stuff, how are you? What are you doing etc until he finally called me out.
Are you okay? You sound off.
I sighed, deciding it was finally time to talk to someone in my family about it. You remember Alyssa?
Your ex?
Yeah, well she happens to be here for the world cup and I've been sleeping in her bed pretty much since the world cup started.
Oh right. So what's the problem?
I'm still madly in love with her dad
Okay, so get back with her. If your sleeping in her bed then she obviously feels the same. 
It's not that simple. We live in two different countries, thousands of kms apart.
You could always go back. 
I can't.
Why not? If you love her as much as you claim then make the move Y/n.
But you guys are here, I can't leave you again.
You've done it before. You always said you would make the move back once the time was right and if you ask me the time is right. We're okay. Do you really think your mother is happy that you're not where you want to be just because of her? She was always so proud of you for taking the chance and doing something you really wanted to do. We'll miss you, but please don't hold back for us. You deserve to be where you want to be, doing what you worked so hard for and be with the person you love. You loved being a physio, you worked so hard to get there, please don't let that go to waste.
I'm scared dad
I know, but you've never let that stop you before so why start now? Being scared isn't a bad thing, just don't let it stop you from doing things you want to do. At least think about it okay?
I will. I have to go. Love you.
Love you too Y/n
There was a time where I never imagined my life without Alyssa, but it had happened and it was the worst 2 years of my life. With the encouragement from both Julie and my dad, my decision was a little bit easier. Now that I had Alyssa back, I never wanted to let go of her again, even if that meant moving away from my family for a second time. The last thing to do before solidifying the decision was to see if Alyssa was even interested in me moving back. Honestly, that's what I was most nervous about.
We had just gotten back after a game and Alyssa was on the verge of sleep as we cuddled up in bed. Maybe it wasn't the best time to bring it up, but I couldn't wait. The nerves were building too much, almost too much to handle. 
"You played great today Lys."
"Thank you. I'm so ready for our day off tomorrow though."
I kissed Alyssa softly before sitting up, successfully getting her attention. "I know you probably just want to go to sleep, but can I talk to you about something?"
Alyssa sat up next to me, concern starting to show on her face, "Anything."
My fingers laced with hers, bracing myself for whatever her response may be. "I love you Alyssa, I've never stopped and I don't know if I ever will."
"I love you too Y/n, but-"
"I know, I know what you're going to say, but please just listen to me. Back then I didn't have a choice, I needed to be with my family so we could heal together. It's still hurts, but we're living life again. Now I need to live life for me. There's not a day that went by where you weren't on my mind. Where I didn't wish things could go back to the way they were and I could be back with you. I finally got you back Lys and I don't want to lose us again. I want to try again, I want to try us again."
Alyssa looked as if she was processing. I knew it was a lot, but every second that past I was getting closer to freaking out. After what felt like forever, Alyssa squeezed my hand, "What are you saying?"
"If you think maybe you might want to be with me again then I'm ready to move back to Chicago."
"Are you sure? I love you Y/n, but I don't want you to feel like you have to or do something you're not ready for."
"I'll miss my family, but they'll be okay without me. I have the ability to come back and visit more then I did before. I'm serious Lys. This isn't something I just decided on a whim. I've been thinking about this since before the world cup even started, but my dad told me to go. He made me realise I was holding back because I was scared."
Lips collided with mine, the kiss quickly turning salty and tears fell down Alyssa's cheeks, "I love you, I love you, I love you."
I giggled, "So is that a yes?"
"Yes. I would love to try again."
"I need a couple of months to sort stuff out. You know job, housing, visas."
"You can move in with me again, one less thing to worry about and maybe you could get your old job back. I think one of our PTs is leaving after the world cup."
"I was hoping you would say that. I would love to live with you. And I'll get in contact with my old boss, see what he says. Can I just say, no one would ever believe your reaction to this. The stoic Alyssa Naeher could never be so soft."
"Shut up," Alyssa muttered pushing me away slightly only to pull me back next to her again. She turned, letting our a quite sigh as I wrapped my arms around her. It wasn't an everyday occurrence, normally I was the little spoon, but sometimes Alyssa preferred to be held especially when she was tired. I was never going to say no to it though. "So considering I'm going to move back in with you, will you be my girlfriend Lys? Again."
"Hmm I suppose so."
"Good because this would be awkward otherwise. I have one more question before you go to sleep. Do you think you might be able to stick around after the world cup? Even if it's just for a few days, I would like you to meet my family in person."
Alyssa cuddled further against my side, eyes already starting to drift closed, "That could be possible. I would love to meet your family, I'll talk to coach."
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letters-from-dekarios · 5 months
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fighting fate
summary: you had some choice words for your friend who set you up on a not-so-blind date. but, because it went well, you decide to meet with him again. it’s not long before the spark reignites like when you first met, and you can’t help but fall for him.
or: you go on a second date with gale
word count: 5.5k
tags: *this is a sequel to ‘a blind date with a wizard’, you do not have to read it before this one :)* gale x implied f!reader/afab!reader, astarion and shart are terrible wingmen, elf!reader, fluff, some small angst, mildly medium burn, alcohol usage, wyll is also there and also your ex, omg karlach is also there
author’s note: this is my little disclaimer that i personally love wyll! i’m just using him as a plot point since there’s not many other main chara options that haven’t been mentioned already (that i would use in his place). its for the plot guys i swear i’m a wyll lover too
Okay, maybe you couldn’t be mad at Astarion and Shadowheart. Yes, they betrayed your trust by setting you up on a faux blind date with their wizard friend who already knew your entire life story. And yes, they did not take accountability for their lies and instead kept asking if you enjoyed yourself. But, their little plan worked, and you were scheduling a second date with the man they set you up with.
“I am still pissed at you both. Especially you, Astarion,” You glared at your friend as he flipped through outfits in your closet. Shadowheart was busy doing your makeup, turning your face back towards her.
“Look, you can’t stay angry forever. You needed someone to get your mind off of Wyll. I just did what I do best,” he replied, holding up one rather… skimpy outfit that you turned your nose up at.
“Lying? You could’ve at least told me a little about him so I didn’t feel so mortified! You told him all about Wyll and when I tried to vaguely mention that I had a bad breakup, he already knew all about it!” You huffed, and Shadowheart grabbed your chin to steady your face. She gave you a cautionary look as she got underway applying your eyeliner, her hand steady and precise. She had cast duplicity to do both sides at the same time, which made the process much easier.
“Sweetheart, if you knew half the things about him you’d refuse to meet with him. I kept you in the dark so you can see for yourself who he is,” Astarion held up another outfit, one a bit more casual but still would be pretty on you. You nodded in approval and Shadowheart nearly had an aneurysm.
“If you don’t stop moving your damn head I’m going to let you leave here looking like a sibriex,” Shadowheart warned you again, and you took heed of her notice this time.
With your makeup done and your outfit fresh, all you had to do was wait for Gale to arrive. The two of you had been back and forth for weeks now, mostly updating each other on current things you were up to. A few days prior, with your schedules finally open, he had sent word of when he’d like to take you out and you responded as soon as you could. Now, you waited for the date to commence.
“You can at least thank us for our assistance in getting you out of the house. Had I not convinced you to go on that blind date, you’d still be crying over Ravengard’s oldest disappointment,” Astarion remarked, and you snorted at the insult of a name.
You sighed after, messing with the ends of your hair. “You can’t blame me for being annoyed. You wouldn’t like it if I set you up with someone and told them you were a vampire before you could,” you raised an eyebrow at him knowingly. He couldn’t deny that you were correct on that front, but he wasn’t about to say that to you.
“Just be grateful he didn’t tell Gale about your little misadventures as a—“ Shadowheart began, and you quickly clamped your hand over her mouth, shushing her.
“Don’t mention that! It’ll bring bad luck to my date tonight,” you frowned, and both of your companions busted out in laughter.
You continued chatting until a soft knock sounded on the door, and you screamed internally. After getting up from the couch, you made your way to the door. You took a breath, eased your mind, and then opened it up for him.
“Hey,” you beamed at him, trying to contain your excitement. He bowed in acknowledgement and pulled out a small bouquet from behind his back.
“Good evening, my lady,” he smiled at you, extending the flowers in greeting.
You felt your face become hot while a small giggle left you. You took them from him and briefly smelled the assortment. “They’re lovely, thank you,” you replied, inviting him inside for a beat so you could set the flowers down.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite wizard of Waterdeep!” Astarion swung his legs over his chair, standing and heading towards him. He slumped his arm over Gale’s shoulders, patting his back. “Isn’t he just amazing, Y/N? Such a gentleman— is that bluestars I smell?” Astarion whacked him on the back once more, stepping around to you as he observed the flowers. Bluestars was a rather expensive perfume in Faerùn, costing over two hundred gold pieces for just a small bottle. You had never smelled it before, but you were sure you would later.
“Leave him be, Astarion,” you gave him a look, voice low to avoid Gale hearing you.
“Ah, I pay no mind to Astarion anyway,” Gale watched you as you placed the flowers neatly in a vase and filled it with water. “If I did, I sincerely doubt I’d be here at the moment,” he chuckled, and you beamed at the reply.
“You’re such a pain, Gale. You know that?” Astarion whined, before slipping back over to the couch.
“I’m sure he’s plenty aware,” Shadowheart called over her shoulder, focused on a book she had brought out.
“Thank you, Shadowheart, for your helpful insight on the matter,” Gale retorted, raising a hand to you once you were done with the bouquet. “Shall we?”
You took his hand, your face flushing again as he led you out the door. “We shall,” you answered, smiling sweetly at him.
“Bring her home before one!” Astarion called out as you both left.
“Oh, that may be difficult!” Gale retorted, allowing you to close the door behind you both as you departed.
“What, you plan on stealing me away for the whole evening?” You raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously, laughing as you interlocked your arms and he began to walk with you.
“Perhaps.. if you’d let me,” he nudged you gently, before leading you off to a small restaurant in the heart of the city.
“Hmm… it’ll depend on how this night goes,” you flirted, patting his arm tenderly. Soon enough, you were being seated inside the little restaurant, and looking over the menu. Everything looked… expensive. You didn't want to hurt the man’s coin pouch, assuming he was paying for it, but there weren't exactly any reasonable options, either.
“What are you getting?” You questioned, and he pointed to some mildly pricey menu item. That was your hint at expenses, and you picked a dish that sounded promising but wasn’t going to put you in debt if you ended up paying for yourself.
The date was filled with idle conversation, the two of you discussing parts of your home life here and there, commenting happily on the food you ate, and just sharing the good parts of yourselves. It was going great, extraordinary even.
Until he showed up.
Wyll Ravengard. You didn't even feel the eyes burning into the back of your head until you heard someone pleading with him to stop, attempting to keep him back. You flicked your attention over to the commotion, eyes going wide as you saw him. You wished you hadn’t made eye contact, that you’d minded your business, but you hadn’t. And now you had to deal with it.
You wanted to shrink down into yourself. Disappear into nothing- hide under the table like a small child. With the way things ended, how could you face him? He was a gentleman for your whole relationship— until he wasn’t. You couldn’t stand to see the face that spoke to you in such a way that night. No matter what influence he was under, what he did that night you broke up… you couldn’t forgive him.
You recalled the many nights after that fight, how depressed you had become. He tried several times to get your attention and apologize to you, but you were so wrapped up in yourself that it was hard to pay attention to anything. Some nights he was kindly about it, others he was swearing like a damned sailor who couldn't take no for an answer. You weren't sure who he had become, and no matter how hard he tried he was unable to reverse the past.
“Y/N!” He shouted your name, and you put your head in your hands. Maybe if you didn't see him, he would disappear.
“Wyll, please, not here-“ his friend Karlach, you recognized her as, tried to hold him back. But with his thrashing and flailing, he managed to worm his way free of her grasp.
“Impero te!” Gale moved to his feet quickly, and Wyll froze in place. You recognized the words as a command spell. It appeared Gale chose that over a holding spell, perhaps so he could speak with Wyll first. You knew it would wear off soon, so you placed your coin on the table and got up.
“Don’t you dare leave, Y/N!” Wyll exclaimed, and Gale turned to check up on you.
“I’m okay,” you reassured him, smiling faintly as you grabbed your things. “I’m just going to go outside for a minute.”
He nodded and waited for you to leave before his attention was on Wyll again.
You weren’t sure what happened after that, but only a little while later and both men were being tossed out by two guards you’d seen in the restaurant earlier. Gale’s face was down, his hand held up to his nose, and in the candle-lit street, you could faintly make out blood on his knuckles.
“You bastard!” Wyll ran to, presumably, take another swing, but Karlach grabbed him in time before he could.
“Gale-“ you rushed to his side, now that Karlach had a tight hold on Wyll, and checked him for any other injuries.
“I’m alright, I’m alright,” he soothed, despite the blood dripping down his face. You reached into the small bag you had brought and took out a cloth, gently wiping at his face.
“Does this jackass speak for you now, Y/N?” You heard Wyll snarl, followed by Karlach’s aggressive warnings for him to calm down.
“Mates, I’m really sorry for his behavior. I don’t know what’s gotten into him. Can I pay you back for the dinner?” Karlach surrendered, nodding down to a small coin pouch at her hip.
“It’s not your fault, you don’t need to pay for his stupidity,” you answered, moving Gale to sit down on a nearby bench. “Tilt your head back..” you instructed, a delicate motherly tone to your voice, and he did so, holding the cloth tight against his nose.
As you spun to face Wyll, you saw he was bloodied just the same. You had to hand it to Gale, he was more than just a gentleman. You sighed, composed yourself, and put on your bravest ‘what the fuck are you doing’ face.
“What do you want, Wyll?” You coldly asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You know what I want,” he huffed, still struggling in Karlach’s grasp.
“Actually, as a matter of fact, I don’t! It might surprise you, but I haven’t known what you wanted from me since the night we broke up. What could you possibly need from me after everything that transpired?” Your eyebrows furrowed together, irate with him. Thinking about that night hurt your mind and your heart, you’d much rather continue with your date like nothing happened. But, of course, the universe was always against you.
“Y/N-“ Wyll calmed slightly, his likely drunken stupor fading as he regained his senses seeing you like this. For a moment, he looked like how you remembered him. For a moment, he was yours again.
That quickly dissipated as he continued to speak, reaching towards you, begging, “I want you- I miss you. I should’ve never let this go, I should’ve never let that bastard get his hands on you. You’re mine, right? Like we used to say?”
You took a step back at his words, feeling sick to your stomach. After all this time, he still had that false hope he could get you back? That you still belonged to him? And what was worse, he called Gale a bastard. Again.
“I’ll have you know that bastard back there, is twice the man you ever were. I suggest you rethink your ownership because, to my knowledge, I belong to myself. I was finally- finally!- feeling free from your grasp and here you go, trying to steal my peace from me.” you clasped your hands together, groaning out in frustration before running a hand down your face. “I was done with you a long time ago, Wyll. Please, for the love of all of Faerún, let. Me. Go. Drop this faux apology and the pathetic act and move on with your life. That was embarrassing!” You sighed, running a hand down your face. The arguing in public was only adding to your humiliation, though many passersby just assumed you all were drunk.
“No, Wyll!” You cut him off, waving a hand dramatically to silence him. “I was so happy to be finally moving on from you and rebuilding myself after you left me in pieces and you had to come here and ruin it! You had to smash me to bits all over again! I just want to be happy, and you can’t even let me have that?” You could feel tears welling in your eyes, but you pushed them down like all your other worries. “Please, go home. Go away. I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t want to see you anymore, I want to go home. Without you.” It seemed that those final words got to him, and he realized his defeat.
As much as you had loved him in the past, he was no longer who you loved now. It was beyond you to change him to become the man he used to be, and you cried for the day he would find the love he would become that for. You wished he could do that for you but you knew it wasn’t right. It wasn’t even worth it anymore. Besides, you had to get Gale home and cleaned up anyway. What good would worrying about Wyll do for you?
“You’re sure you don’t want any coin, mate? I feel awful about all of this,” Karlach offered again, and you waved her off.
“Get him home safe, that’s all I ask,” you replied, and they were off. You watched as Wyll’s sad, defeated eyes stayed locked with yours until they were far enough away, and your heart broke all over again.
Gale knew when not to meddle in things that didn’t concern him, so he left that talking up to you. It was not his place to speak to Wyll for you, but his charming act of heroism in punching the shit out of Wyll was plenty for you.
You took another breath, unclenched the fists you had unknowingly created, and returned to Gale’s side.
“How are you doing?” You asked him, kneeling in front of him as he laughed softly.
“As good as a man with a broken nose can be. You don’t happen to have any healing potions on you, do you?” He replied, smiling at you.
“Not here, but I have some at home,” You offered, and he shook his head no to that.
“I’d rather not return to Astarion’s commentary on my little.. quandary here,”
You pondered for a moment, and then a metaphorical lightbulb appeared over your head. “Vis medicatrix,” you chanted, placing your hand on his arm to heal the wound. Blue light emitted from your palms and eyes for a moment and then faded. Why you hadn’t thought of that prior, you had no idea.
“There. How do you feel now?” You repeated, and Gale lowered the cloth from his nose. He breathed in and out a few times, and then nodded in satisfaction.
“You’re quite good at that,” he chuckled, trying to wipe off as much blood from his face as he could. His knuckles were covered in Wyll’s blood, you noted, and you were oddly surprised Gale didn’t have more marks on him from whatever took place inside.
“What even-“
“Perhaps later.”
You pursed your lips in understanding, standing straight as you waited for him. Where would you head off to now? He looked a mess, and you could hardly stand to be around everyone who had just witnessed what occurred. What would people say? They undoubtedly recognized Ravengard’s son, so what would the rumors tell about you? Those were worries for a later time.
“There’s a travel sigil nearby if you’d like to head to my home in Waterdeep with me,” Gale offered, and you interlocked your arms again when he stood up.
“I’d like that,” you agreed, letting him guide you home.
After a bit of walking and some magical travel, you were inside Gale’s rather lavish tower in Waterdedl. The walls were practically lined from floor to ceiling with books, showing his studious nature. The smell of thousand-year-old tomes and scrolls filled your lungs, mixed with the neverending hint of brandy and vanilla. He took good care of his belongings, despite his continued apologies over what he considered a mess. Though, the only clutter you saw was that of a well-studied scholar. It was impressive just how many books he had, and you wondered if he really had read all of them.
“I believe I have a bottle of Ithbank somewhere around here, let me get myself cleaned up first,” Gale offered, and you had half the nerve to speak up.
“Let me help you,” you proposed, and he smiled at you. That cheeky, knowing smile, akin to one Astarion would give you when you’d talk of something scandalous he was already doing. He nodded his head in the direction of his washroom and you followed along behind him, allowing him to sit on a small stool as you wet a rag.
“Well, go on,” you urged, tilting his face up by the chin as you stood between his legs. Gently, you began washing the blood off of his face. “What happened?”
“After you stepped outside, Wyll began saying some rather choice words,” Gale recounted, the night's events playing over in his mind, eyes ever trained on you. “He wouldn’t cooperate with leaving. He took the first swing, I assure you. It’s not like me to throw first, or even second. I usually counteract with magic but, albeit adrenaline was forefront in my mind, a more physical response felt qualified.”
You chuckled at him, shaking your head as you took his hands and cleaned them off, too. “I’m not a damsel in distress, you know. I just didn’t want to deal with him.” You informed him, wanting to make perfectly clear your reason for aversion.
“Oh, I’m fully aware. But I like to play the white knight now and then, if you’d indulge me,” he grinned, turning his hand in yours and taking it gently. He kissed the top of your palm in thanks for your help.
You giggled at him, splashing his face gently with water, to which he gasped, reached over towards the sink, and splashed you back. You both burst into laughter as you started a miniature water fight, flicking water droplets at one another. You, though, wouldn’t give up this nonsensical fight so easily, and splashed a small cup in his face. His expression turned sour and you darted out of the washroom, Gale quick on your tail, and began dashing around bookshelves to avoid him. The initial droplets soon became minor castings of ‘create water’, both of you careful not to damage the papers surrounding you.
“This honestly seems unfair!” He called over to you as you shimmied behind a small space between two bookshelves. Abruptly, he went quiet and you began to peek around some books to see where he was.
He didn’t even say a word as he wrung out his cloth over your head, your hair becoming completely wet.
“Gale!” You screeched, turning around to his shit-eating grin. You whipped out your cloth while grabbing his collar, suddenly pulled his shirt slightly off his body, and wrung out all the remaining water from yours down his chest. Then, you flattened his shirt against his chest, allowing it to become soaked in its own right.
He jumped slightly at the coolness and glared down at you, albeit playfully. He quickly pulled you against him by the waist, effectively getting your clothes damp, too.
“You know, this is one of my favorite shirts. It’s not supposed to get wet like this so the fibers don’t fray,” Gale hummed, staring down at you with a suggestive look in his eye.
“Oh? How ever will I repay you for ruining it?” You asked, batting your eyelashes at him with faux innocence.
He thought about it for a moment, pondered just a beat too long, and tugged you close against his hips. He leaned down towards you, letting his nose brush against your own.
“A simple apology should suffice,” he smiled softly, looking down into your eyes.
“Well,” you lowered your voice, your eyes flicked from his to his lips, and back up again. “I’m so sorry, Mister Dekarios..” your hands made their way to his chest, and you planted them flat against him. “I should dry this off for you too, shouldn’t I?” You pouted, pulling out the wide, cutesy eyes for him.
He took in a breath, placing one hand on top of yours while the other rested on your lower back. “While I love that offer..” he started, brushing his lips against yours, “Let’s take things slow, yes?” He asked, and your breath hitched. Good gods. You couldn’t believe how goddamn gorgeous he was up close. You wanted nothing more than to spend the whole night with him, whatever that would entail.
“Yes.” He didn’t even need to ask, but he started to anyway. Almost instantly, his lips were against your own, the hand on your back gently pulling you closer to him as if there was any distance keeping you apart. Your eyes fluttered closed, indulging yourself entirely the moment.
You replied instantly to him, grabbing at his shirt as you leaned up towards him. One of your hands released the fabric and slid up his shoulder, then into his hair, tugging gently.
He hummed happily in response to the pull, grabbing tighter at your waist. After another beat, he drew back and rubbed his nose against yours.
“Gale…” Your eyes slowly opened again, ever so slightly still shut, looking up at him with an unknown kind of intensity and love.
“I know…” he whispered, pressing a small kiss to your lips again, before he trailed down your neck with them, his hands solid against your back and keeping you steady.
You let out a soft, satisfied little groan, running your hands through his hair. He pulled back again after another brief indulgement of his thoughts and looked down at you. He was so perfect, you almost felt bad for making him deal with you and all your imperfections.
“Can I stay the night with you?” You asked, and then panicked as you realized he might get the wrong idea. “Not- like- we don’t have to do anything! I just… want to be here… with you…” your voice went quieter by the minute, and he chuckled at your shyness in asking.
Tilting your head up by the chin, he calmed your nerves. “Of course, you can,” he leaned down to you, pressing another small kiss to your lips.
He slowly pulled away from you, his hands ghosting on your waist before he stepped back, coaching you to follow him with his all-knowing smirk, bringing you to his kitchen. As you followed, he pulled out the aforementioned bottle of Ithbank and two glasses. You hopped up onto one of the counters, watching him pour into each.
“So, I have to know,” he began, handing you the wine, “if you’d be willing to share,” he took a sip from his glass, stepping between your legs this time, “what exactly happened with Wyll? Because that kind of a reaction from someone doesn’t suggest that the breakup was just messy, it suggests that it was, well, horrid to say the least.”
You took the wine glass from him, wrapped your legs around his waist, and sighed loudly. “I’d like to know about you and your ex first,” you replied, taking a sip slowly, “I don’t know much about you and right now the scales are quite imbalanced,” you finished, setting your glass down beside you. You leaned forward, draping your arms over his shoulders, and began to mess with his hair.
“Ah, Mystra…” he chuckled, though it wasn’t as enthusiastic as it usually was. He pursed his lips together, frowned slightly, and then began to speak.
“As you may know, Mystra is the Goddess of Magic, the Mother of the Weave, if you will. And I, myself, am a rather proclaimed wizard,” he started, bringing your arms down from his shoulders as he stepped back. He began to manipulate the weave around you both, a soft purple light shimmering and sparkling between and around you. “From a young age, I was using the Weave. I had much of it mastered by the time I was just ten years old. One of Mystra’s former chosen, Elminster, took it upon himself to train me in her absence, as she was not alive at that point.”
You saw the face of a man, conjured by Gale, who you could only assume was the Elminster he spoke of.
“When Mystra came back, she had lost a part of herself in her former death. Thus, she was weak. But, she could still sense my fascination and usage of the Weave. Soon enough, she began appearing to me. Only briefly, mind you, she was still far too injured to show herself entirely, but she still did.” This time, you saw the face of a rather beautiful woman, whom he alluded to as Mystra. How had he given up a Goddess? Well, you’d find out.
“At that time, she picked me to become one of her Chosen. Recognizing my skill for harnessing the Weave, and understanding my desire and devotion to her, it was an obvious choice. She started mentoring me, showing me parts of the Weave I had not yet discovered,” he continued, using visualizations of the encounters to help guide the storyline. “Eventually, we became friends. And then, even closer than that. Lovers. I desired to become great for her- intertwine our souls together, prove just how much I loved her. Remind you, she was dead for a long time,” he paused, making sure you were following him.
“When she came back, she had to regain the parts of the Weave that she had lost. I, knowing this, happened across a tome that told of a portion of the Weave that Mystra had not yet been reacquainted with. Lost to time, the elements, and Mystra’s long respite, this part of the Weave had gone uncollected by her and was still separate. It was imbued with Netherese magic from the folly of one of her chosen from many centuries prior, that in of itself is a story for another time. I sought to retrieve it and return it to her as an act of love- or, perhaps, egotism. I shall never know the true intent of my heart in those days, but, rest assured, I am no longer the same,” he smiled warily at you, hoping he was not losing you in everything. Both in the storybook tale he was telling, and romantically.
“The act of mine failed, rather horrendously so. What mortal man takes a piece of the weave for himself? A selfish one, indeed. Cursed with this portion, it was bestowed upon me. There are many details that I’m leaving for the sake of not boring you, but in a gist that is what happened. And now, this Netherese magic rests within me, seeking out parts of the weave to regain what it too had previously lost. Without magical artifacts, death very well could be the consequence. So, safe to say, I am no longer on my Goddess’ good side,” he paused, debating on what else to say. “It’s an arcane hunger, that’s what my Tressym, Tara, and I have figured out. I must consume those artifacts regularly to ease the hunger and calm the orb, otherwise I’ll… well, let’s just say it won’t exactly be very pretty.” He laughed slightly again, that sad, disheartened chuckle, and you felt terrible for him.
Mystra had essentially cursed the man she claimed to love, and you found that unfair. Why wouldn’t she just reabsorb the magic? Why put him under duress when all he wanted to do was prove his devotion? You would never say it aloud, but you despised the Gods and their unusual cruelty at times.
“I… don’t know what to say. That’s awful, Gale.” You realized that the details he had provided to you on your initial date were rather vague. Now that he explained it in more depth, your situation with Wyll felt minuscule in comparison. What’s a lover's quarrel in the shadow of a devoted, lovesick chosen being cursed with a gift he intended for his Goddess?
“Do not pity me, Y/N. It’s the consequence of a foolish man seeking more than he could attain. Had I not been blinded by my insatiable need to grow stronger and unlock arcane secrets that were not mine to know, I would not be here. Mystra had told me to be content, and I just couldn’t listen. But had I, I would not be with you. If going back in time meant that I would lose out on what I have now, I would suffer it all over a thousand times more,” he smiled at you, the magic fading as he returned and stood in front of you again.
“You’d suffer through losing your Goddess’ favor for me?” You asked, and he nodded. The look in his eye… was one of complete seriousness. While soft, you could see the determination behind his gaze. He did not intend to fault you like he faulted his Goddess. He wanted to savor this, savor you. You weren’t sure whether to be scared, or honored. What else was he willing to risk for you?
“I’d disown even the angriest of Gods if it resulted in our union being inseparable,” he placed his hand under your chin, tilting your head up towards him. “I have only known you for a short period of my life, and yet I’d live a thousand more years with you if I could.”
You felt your eyes water, the sentiment touching your heart. You looked towards the ground, before throwing your arms around him and pulling him in for a hug. You wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, and he pulled you close against him.
“Thank you, for everything,” you told him, burying your face into his chest. He held you just like that for a moment, allowing his head to rest on top of yours. When you finally pulled away, looking up at him with the sweetest doe eyes, he couldn’t help but lean down and kiss you again.
“You’re adorable,” he laughed softly, kissing you again and again. Your giggles broke the kisses and you whacked him gently on the chest to get him to stop.
“Are you alright? I know that was quite a lot to take in,” he asked, and you admired his sensitivity to your headspace.
“I’m alright. I’m still stuck on the fact you eat magical items, though,” you joked, and he rolled his eyes at you.
“Alright, alright. Enough about me. It’s your turn,” he wrapped the conversation back around to you and Wyll, and it pained you for a second to think about it.
And then you looked at him, enjoying his glass of wine with you, and you couldn’t help but feel connected enough to talk about it.
Until you heard the birds chirping happily outside, the two of you labored over the blow-up with Wyll. It was a weight off your shoulders, bantering with him about all the shitty things that happened that night. Like two drunken schoolgirls talking shit about a mutual ex-friend, you both couldn’t help it.
You weren’t sure how long you slept, just that you were comfortable, warm, and safe. Safe within the tight hold of Gale’s arms, under the silk sheets that lined his bed.
You had this inkling feeling that all was right in the world. The universe, for once, was back on your side. Back on his side. It was like mending a pot with the age-old art of kintsugi- melding two broken pieces together with gold-dusted glue. Was it perfect? By no means. But it was together. It was whole.
You were whole again.
At least, until you got abducted by Mindflayers.
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