#maybe it's just depression through hormones? how should i know ????????????????????
Fuck I hate being an adult. I need a more adult adult to help with the volatile emotional situation.
#I've sort of made a new friend? Like we met at the same art group and he's also trans which was like pleasantly surprising in our small town#but like. We have Differences Of Opinion#and it's not totally his fault because it sounds like he's had a Lot of bad shit in his past that's obviously made him wary and closed off#but like. He's slightly older than me (only 4 years) and keeps blaming a load of his problems on other trans folks?#like you know the type. The like 'all these nonbinary/other identities the kids are doing are complicating shit'#the 'it hurts to see people younger than me inc. kids get hormones thrown at them when I still can't get 'em' (which... yeah not even true)#and he's told me himself he doesn't engage much with the queer community bc it's too 'toxic'#and like. I can absolutely understand why he could've had some bad experiences esp. since he has some mental health shit going on#but he wants to be friends bc he doesn't know anyone else going through the medical shit and it's like. Yeah no shit you don't?#you decided the community you'd find them in is toxic? and that people in them are doing being trans wrong?#and I think if he was just some guy online I'd like roll my eyes and ignore him#but he's a real person in my vicinity and I feel fucking bad for him#and I can see how much self loathing he has and how much that probably informs the bullshit#like he told me he thinks that trans men and cis men are fundamentally different categories and trans men will never be cis men#but not in a 'the experiences are just different and come with different perspectives way'#in like a self defeating way. Like a I just have to settle for being a trans man way.#and it made me SO SAD#like bro#I'm so sorry for whoever the fuck made you feel like you're fighting an unwinnable battle#and I want to be a friend to him. I want him to feel like there's other queer people out there and there's friends and hope#but also I genuinely could see him being the kind of person who would get really angry at you for no fault of your own#like I already get the distinct feeling he resents me a little#like obviously not too much since he still wants to hang#but he's been trying and failing to get HRT for years and I got it super quickly basically by sheer luck/a doctor who looks out for me#like I'm so fucking lucky. And I just genuinely feel like he's the kind of person who might take that personally.#I just do not think I have the fucking. Emotional tool kit to salvage this shit#But I also can't exactly text him and say sorry I don't think we should hang out so. What do.#.....I wasn't even LOOKING for a new friend! I have enough friends!!! I wanted to make clay faces and look at pretty buildings dammit!!!#now I have to be the emotionally mature one who goes hmmm maybe let's not blame other depressed trans kids for our problems buddy#I'm just gonna have to be like. Upfront about my stance and if he doesn't like it well he doesn't have to hang out with me
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chaoswillcalmusdown · 8 months
i keep thinking about how my (assumed) adhd symptoms have gotten way worse since i switched from a workplace i liked to one i really don't like. my motivation is at an all time low and the executive function is just gone. every day i'm like 'oh wow that's 5 things i need to do and now i have less time to do them. yay'
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 4 months
My Alpha
This is kind of a long one shot (5619 words!), but I thought I'd try my hand at the ABO!/Omegaverse. Hope you like it!
Being an omega wasn’t always a bad thing.  At least that’s what she told herself repeatedly as she religiously took hormone blocking birth control pills and wore scent blockers on the daily.  Y/N hadn’t had a heat in years and wasn’t planning on letting up any time soon.  She had started working as a personal assistant for the Avengers under Tony Stark years before, going through the Sokovia Accords debacle, surviving the Blip, losing Natasha, Tony, Steve, T'Challa, and all the other strange and traumatic things that happened during her tenure.  She had denied her biology to get this job, not wanting it to affect her performance or be a target while being surrounded by literal super Alphas in this field.  And as hard as the job was, she loved it.
One of the greatest highlights was gaining Bucky Barnes as a friend.  While other Alphas she had come across were domineering, he was compassionate and kind.  He very rarely lost his composure like others did during high pressure situations in missions, and never fought over who was in charge.  He was incredibly careful to make sure everyone around him felt comfortable in his presence.  After finally shaking the Winter Soldier programming he didn’t want to ever lose control of himself again, and with the super soldier serum messing with his hormones to the extent that he was nearly feral during ruts, he would isolate himself away to keep her and others safe.  
Y/N felt like she could talk to him about anything, and he felt the same.  She was his sanctuary after rough missions, one of the few people that could break him out of a deep depressive state or the nightmares that still plagued him.  He knew she was an Omega but could barely smell her because of her blockers, which he both loved and hated.  Loved because it made it so they could be friends without the weird biological dynamics getting in the way, and hated because he was super curious about what her scent was.  They had fallen for each other long ago, but were both too afraid to do anything about it.
As they both relaxed during a rare weekend off they got on the topic of Omega versus Alpha traits.  “I get it, Alphas can be rough, but don’t you want to mate someday?  Find someone special to settle down with?  Maybe have a family?”
She sighed.  “Of course I do, Buck.”
“Then what are you afraid of?” he asked gently.
“Not having a clear choice,” she answered simply, giving him a sharp look.  “I don’t want my biology to decide my fate.  So many Omegas get stuck being mated with bad Alphas because their heats were uncontrollable and the Alpha wouldn’t take no for an answer.  I know that I’m predestined to be a nurturer.  Hell, that’s what my job is now, taking care of all of you guys!  But I should get to choose who I end up with based on love, not by body’s reactions.” Bucky nodded in understanding, looking down at his intertwined hands.  “Do you want to settle down someday?”
“Yeah,” he said quietly.  “I just don’t know how it would work out.  This job…my past.  It all points towards disaster at any given time.”
She slid over to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders awkwardly as she sat next to him.  “You deserve a happy ever after, Bucky.”
“You do, too, you know,” he reminded her, resting his head on top of hers.
“Mmh, maybe someday,” she said wistfully as she undid her embrace and leaned back against the couch.
“So, anyways,” he cleared his throat.  “Is it true that Omegas have a better sense of smell than Alphas or Betas?  Like you can pick up on others’ scents and identify them really well?”
She laughed.  “Yes, it’s true.”
“Really?  Okay, what does…” he scanned the room as other Avengers milled in and out.  “Peter.  What does Spidey smell like?” He tested her, watching her expectantly.
She took a look at Peter across the room, her nose slightly flaring as she took in a whiff from his direction.  “He always smells like fresh bagels to me.  You know the smell of just-baked bread?  Kinda like that.  Mixed with a little bit of hazelnut.”
Bucky looked at her in awe.  “Yeah I kinda get that off of him.  Alphas can smell and track scents but not to that level.”
“Hm, that’s interesting,” she said as her eyebrows furrowed.  
“Now how about Sam?” he asked excitedly, hoping it would be something not so pleasant he could tease him about.
“Ha, Sam is Cajun seasoning with a sweet lemony undertone.  Like really well done seafood,” she answered quickly with a smile on her face, knowing Bucky would be disappointed in that answer.
Bucky frowned as he thought about who to ask of next.  “Okay, how about…Steve?” He knew it was a long shot.  Steve had been gone for a few years now, so she probably wouldn’t remember.  But she gave him a soft smile.
“Steve was smoky, like fireworks.  A summer night that ends with warm apple crisp and melting vanilla ice cream on top,” she said as she stared out the window, a dazed look in her eyes as she remembered him.
“Wow…” Bucky whispered.  “I always got the fireworks, and something like a picnic.  But now that you say it, yeah, apple with vanilla.”
“Yep, he was truly all American,” she winked at him.
He laughed as he turned towards her on the couch.  “How about, um…me?”
She gazed at him, her expression softening as her nose flared again and she huffed out the breath she’d taken.  “Smoky, like Steve, but different.”
“Like gunpowder?” he asked suddenly, his eyes searching hers.  He had been told that before and was hoping they were wrong.
“No, not gunpowder.  More like…” she sniffed again but frowned.  “Do you mind if I…?” she gestured her finger from herself to him.
“Yeah, go ahead,” he said, opening himself up for her to scoot closer to him.  She leaned in towards his neck, the best place to scent someone, and breathed in a slow sniff of him.  She closed her eyes.
“Campfire.  A campfire on the beach.  And the smell of the ocean after it rains,” she said resolutely, opening her eyes to look at him.  Their faces were close as he stared at her.  “But no, not gunpowder,” she reassured him.
“That’s good,” he breathed, his eyes shifting from her eyes down to her lips and back.
Her eyes suddenly widened, her brow furrowing and she pulled herself away quickly.  “I, um…I need to go…excuse me,” she said hurriedly before she jumped off the couch and power-walked down the hall towards her room.
“Wait, Y/N, are you okay?” Bucky stood from the couch as he watched her leave.
“Yeah!  I’ll talk to you later!” she yelled back without looking, her voice sounded strained.
“What the hell?” he asked himself quietly, looking around him like something had jumped out and spooked her.
Once she was out of sight she ran to her room and had Friday bolt the door.  She doubled over in pain and clutched her stomach.  “No way,” she moaned as she reached for her phone and called for help.
“Hey you, how are ya?” Bruce asked when he answered the call.
“Bruce,” her voice was pained as she held in another moan.  “I need help, something’s wrong.”
“What?  What’s going on?” he sounded worried, the rustling of papers and beeping from a screen by him going off.
“It feels…like a heat?  But that’s not possible, right?  We made sure of it,” she grunted as another cramp shot through her abdomen, and just as suddenly as it all started, it suddenly stopped, leaving her gasping.  “Wait, now it stopped?  What the hell is happening?”
“Come down to the lab, right now.  We’ll get you tested.”
She didn’t need to be told twice as she hung up and crept out of her room towards the elevator.  She was able to get in and down to the lab a few floors away without being caught by Bucky or anybody else.  She ran into the lab in a panic.  Bruce was already setting up the medical bay in the back with everything needed to do a check-up, some vials next to the other instruments.
“Hey, let’s take some blood and see what’s going on,” he called out to her when he heard the doors slide open.  She jogged to the bed and hopped up on it, taking off her cardigan so he could access the veins in her arm better.  After a quick routine check up he took a few vials of her blood then stepped out towards all the equipment he had for medical and scientific tests.  
He worked silently as she sat there deep in thought.  It can’t be, she tried to reassure herself.  I’ve been so careful.  Not missed a single pill ever.  This can’t be happening.  After about an hour Bruce came back with a screen in his hand, his eyebrows hung low over his eyes and a frown on his face.
“Y/N, it’s…it’s not working anymore,” he said softly, his eyes sad and confused as he looked at her.
“What do you mean?” she asked hesitantly, her eyes widening.
“The hormone blockers, the pills…your body isn’t responding to them anymore.  Your hormones are syncing back to normal Omega levels.  Your heats are going to come back.”
“No, no no no no no…NO Bruce!  I can’t.  Please, there’s gotta be another pill to try, a shot, an implant, something?  Anything, please?” she began to cry.  
“I’m sorry Y/N.  We already got you the best blockers that are available out there.  If your body is weaning off of them it means your biology is taking over, probably because you’re getting older and it’s fighting back to have a chance at mating.  I’m so sorry,” he showed her the hormone levels on a chart on the screen, pointing out the differences and then setting it down.  “There’s nothing I can do.  Nothing you can do but prepare yourself for it to start again.  And your first one is probably going to be brutal after avoiding them for so long.  You’ll need help–”
“NO!  No, I can’t do this.  I can’t ask some random Alpha for help.  This isn’t fair!” she cried harder, hiding her face in her hands.  Bruce patted her on the back, trying to help ease her pain by giving off a calming scent.  He was also an Omega and knew how much this meant to her.  
“It will be alright, Y/N.  You have friends here who will help you without making it awkward between you and them, or won’t immediately try mating with you during your heat.  They’re good Alphas.  They won’t hurt you or take advantage of you,” he promised.
She tried to calm the loud beating of her heart that was wringing in her ears, a panic attack trying to settle deep in her bones that she was fighting back.  “How long do I have until it comes?” she sighed as she sniffled.
“I don’t know, I’m sorry.  With it being so long since you last had one it could be next week or it could be in a couple of months,” he answered gravely.
“Ugh, great,” she laughed as she wiped her tears away.  “No choice, whatsoever.  My body ultimately got to decide for me after all.  Wonderful,” she spat as she jumped down off the bed.  “Thank you, Bruce, for testing.  I just…I need to go sleep this off, I don’t know,” she said, giving him a quick hug and then leaving the lab.  
She took the elevator back up to her floor, her eyes stinging from the hot tears still slowly falling down.  Her heat was coming back, and with a vengeance.  She would need help.  Who would she ask?  Any of the unmated superhero Alphas would probably say yes, though she knew she only wanted one.  But how could she ask this of him?  And if he did help, how could she go on with their friendship as if nothing had happened between them afterwards?
The elevator opened and she trudged into the common room.  The floor was already dark as twilight set in and everyone had split off to their rooms.  She slipped into the kitchen since she missed dinner while down in the lab to grab something to eat, although she wasn’t particularly hungry.  As she made herself a sandwich she turned to grab a knife then saw a figure in the corner at the dining table.
“Jesus!  Fuck, Bucky you scared me,” she gasped, holding a hand over her heart.
“Sorry, honey,” he grunted as he sat watching her.  “Why are you crying?”
She stiffened as she looked at him, trying to act nonchalant as she grabbed the knife and turned back to her sandwich.  “I’m not, I’m just tired,” she waved him off, quickly cutting the sandwich and putting the ingredients and dishes away to escape.
“Don’t lie to me Y/N.  What’s wrong?” he stood, walking towards her.  She reached for the refrigerator door to get a drink, which he quickly shut and stared her down.  She wouldn’t look him in the eye.
“Come on Buck, I just need a drink,” she complained as she tried to open the door again, reaching for the handle.  Bucky grabbed her wrist firmly and leaned in towards her.
“What’s wrong Y/N?  You ran away earlier and now you smell…off,” he said, searching her eyes as his nose flared at the scent she was radiating.  His frown deepened and his eyes looked worried.  “Why are you afraid?  Was it me?  Did I do something wrong?”
“No!  Oh no, Bucky, it’s not you,” she said, her eyes widening.  “It’s me, it’s just…” her eyes welled up with tears again, spilling onto her cheeks as she sucked in a sharp breath.  “It’s me,” she sobbed, leaning forward til her forehead rested against his chest.
“Oh honey,” Bucky sighed.  He put his hands under her armpits and lifted her onto the counter so she was eye level with him.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and hid her face in his shoulder, crying harder as he enveloped her, his hands rubbing up and down her back as he whispered reassuring words to her.  They sat holding each other for a while, Bucky letting her cry it out and Y/N relishing the comfort.  As her cries died down and her grip loosened around his neck he pulled back.
“Tell me what’s wrong, please?  You’re breaking an old man’s heart,” he pleaded, hating to see her hurting so much.
Y/N chuckled at him calling himself an old man as she wiped her nose with her sleeve.  Bucky held her face in his hands and wiped her tears away with his thumbs.  She let herself enjoy his touch before she sniffled and finally looked up at him.
“When I was talking to you earlier, I felt this weird pain,” she explained quietly.  Bucky nodded, listening intently as he held her face still.  “That’s why I ran out.  I went to Bruce’s lab to test me because it felt like…like a heat,” she sniffled again, looking down at her lap.  Bucky nodded again, his hands releasing her face and reaching for her hands to hold.  “I haven’t had one in years.”  This surprised him.  He knew there were new ways of birth control for Omegas now, giving them a lot more options than to just mate and reproduce and take care of their Alphas and pups like the old days, which he thought was great.  He just didn’t realize it could be for so long.  “And now, apparently, the hormone blockers aren’t working anymore,” she gripped his fingers tightly.  “My body is rejecting them, weaning off of them and reverting back to normal hormone levels.  My heat is coming,” she sucked in another sharp breath.  “I don’t know when, but he said it’s going to be brutal since I’ve been avoiding them for so long.  He said I’ll need help and…and I don’t know what to do.”  Her voice shook as she looked up at him again.  “I’m scared,” she whispered.
Bucky could feel her panic and gave off what he hoped was a calming scent.  It seemed to help as her eyes fluttered shut and her shoulders visibly relaxed.  The Alpha in him hummed in satisfaction as he swept his thumbs over her knuckles.  “You don’t need to be scared, Y/N.  It’s going to be okay,” he tried to placate her.  “Listen, I know earlier you said you wanted a choice, and now your body’s not giving you one.”  She nodded, a few more tears slipping out the sides of her eyes.  “I…I can help you,” he said, gulping back the lump in his throat.  Her eyes snapped up to him, a look of shock on her face.  “I know that I’m offering something kinda crazy.  But I promise you I won’t hurt you, I won’t make you court me if you don’t want to, and I won’t forcibly mate with you.”  He looked her deep in her eyes to try to get her to understand.  “But I’d be honored to help you.”
Y/N couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing.  She had wanted to ask him and now he was offering himself for her to get through this first heat.  She licked her lips and contemplated it.  “I just don’t want it to ruin our friendship,” she sniffed again, her eyes searching his face for hesitation.
“It won’t,” he said earnestly.  
“...Okay,” she agreed.  
Bucky smiled as he squeezed her fingers.  “Okay.”
“Thank you, Bucky.  You’re a good Alpha,” she thanked him, lifting his hands up and kissing his knuckles.
His eyes fluttered shut and he cleared his throat.  “You should probably not call me that, at least not right now.”
Her eyes widened.  “Oh!  God, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean–”
“It’s okay, honey, it’s fine,” he chuckled.  “Whenever it hits you, just call me, and I’ll be there.”
She gave him a warm smile in appreciation.  They were playing with fire, and they both knew it deep down, but were denying it heavily.
Y/N could feel her hormones changing her body and mind.  Bruce had advised against wearing scent blockers as well to help her body fully adjust and hopefully not cause as much pain during her upcoming heat, and that was the first thing she noticed.  The Alphas around her, who would normally just give her a friendly greeting or a smile, now watched her hungrily through narrow eyes, giving tight smiles as their noses flared as she passed by.  It made her self-conscious enough to ask Bucky one day, “Do I smell bad?”
Bucky looked away from the book he was reading as she plopped next to him on the couch in the common room again, lifting her feet up to rest on his lap.  She was touching him a lot more lately.  “What do you mean?”
“Do I smell bad?  Omegas can’t really smell themselves very well, and since I took off the scent blockers I’ve been…watched,” she looked around the room warily.  Bucky’s eyes swept across the other Alphas in the room, noting how they were all giving off territorial scents as they tracked her.  He sat up straight, facing each one until they caught his eye and gave off a warning rumble deep in his chest, his eyes flashing dangerously.  They each quickly retreated, shamefully turning back towards their previous tasks.  The air around Y/N seemed to lift and she felt like she could breathe again.  “Thank you, Bucky.”
He sat back on the couch, grabbing his book with one hand and mindlessly rubbing her feet with the other.  “No need to thank me, honey.  And no, you don’t smell bad.  You smell like chai.”
“Chai?” Y/N scoffed.
“Yeah, chai with…” he reached a hand out and grabbed her wrist, bringing it up to his nose and inhaling deeply.  Her eyes widened comically at his brashness in scenting her so publicly.  “Pumpkin.  Chai and pumpkin.  Like Autumn,” he concluded, setting her wrist down and then rubbing her feet again.  He said it so casually that she just stared at him dumbfounded.  
It got worse as the weeks went on.  Her emotions were haywire, one minute she was calm and cool and the next she was agitated and easily crying at anything.  She was nesting anxiously, rearranging her room and her desk in her office, constantly carrying around a large fuzzy cardigan or blanket with her.  Her joints were sore, especially in her hips.  She found herself eating all the time.  Bruce had her come down to the lab each week to check her levels, each time warning her it could happen any day now.  
A month and a half later on a Friday night the team got together for a movie night.  They decided on watching the first Avatar, a movie Bucky hadn’t yet seen.  As it played Y/N kept fidgeting next to him, adjusting her sitting position, wringing her hands in her lap, taking deep breaths periodically.  A scene began of two of the characters connecting in a tree garden and Sam yelled out, “Alien tree sex!”  Everyone laughed but Y/N bolted out of the room.  Bucky watched her run down to her room and shut her door.
He quietly got up and followed her.  He could tell just by her scent changing these last few weeks and how it was getting stronger, the chai smell getting spicier, that her heat was fast approaching.  She had been very touchy with him, following him around and staying close whenever they were in the same room.  He had no claim to her, but it was evident to everyone to stay away from her, otherwise they’d get a growl from him.  He was growing more excited by the day, trying to remind himself that he was just helping out a friend, not staking any claim or bond.  
When he reached her door he pressed his ear against it, listening for her.  He heard her heart rate picking up and her breathing became labored.  He could also smell her, more potent, spicy, the scent of unmated Omega making his hormones sing and call out for her.  A deep rumble emitted from his chest as he felt his cock hardening.  He knocked on her door.
“Y/N,” he called out, just loud enough for her to hear.  A soft moan came from the other side.  His eyelids shut tight at the sound.  It was time.  “I’m coming in,” he warned before opening the door.  He stepped inside and was hit with the scent full force, making his eyes and mouth water simultaneously.  Y/N was laying in the nest she built on her bed in the fetal position, one hand on her stomach and the other in between her legs, not yet touching herself but keeping pressure against her core.  “Honey…” he groaned as he locked the door behind himself and walked towards the bed.
“Alpha,” she breathed, her brow furrowed and eyes shut tight.  A cramp wracked through her whole body and she yelped in pain.  “It’s starting.  It hurts…hurts so bad,” she cried as she could feel a small gush of slick pour from her pussy as her body recognized the Alpha in the room.
“It’s gonna be okay, honey, I’m here,” he cooed at her, reaching his hand out and running his fingers along her leg from her ankle to her thigh.  “Let’s get you out of these, huh?” he said while lifting the hem of her shorts up slightly.  She nodded and blindly started pulling at her clothes.  Bucky helped her strip out of her layers then undressed himself, giving her naked body an appreciative glance.  He lay behind her on the bed, cocooning her in his arms and leaning his head into the crook of her neck and scenting her.  He could feel himself getting drunk off of her heat.  She was sending him into an early rut as his hips rocked against her ass slowly.  Y/N keened at that, her back arching and pushing her ass into his crotch further.  He moaned at the sensation, his arms tightening around her.  “Shh, Omega.  I got you,” he said as his voice dropped further, the Alpha coming through more prominently now.
“Bucky…” she sighed, her hands gripping his arms around her.  “Please…Alpha please,” she begged, her legs shaking as another cramp hit her.
Bucky moaned at the sound of his name said that way coming from her lips.  He started to lick and suck and kiss at the scent gland on her throat, making her gasp loudly.  His scent mixed with hers, and they quickly got lost in each other.  His hands found her breasts and massaged them firmly, his fingers tweaking her nipples and making her hips buck back into him again.  He twisted her body around to face him.  She quickly molded herself back to him, hiking her leg up and over his hip, her hands scratching down his chest.  He tried to remind himself one last time that this was just a friend helping a friend.  Then she kissed him.
The kiss broke the dam of hesitancy he was holding to desperately.  He quickly responded, his mouth opening and their tongues tangling as they tasted each other.  Bucky climbed on top of her, his knees forcing hers apart.  His fingers probed her lower lips, finding her clit and giving it all his attention.  Y/N’s hips writhed as he riled her up.  She watched his fingers dip into her, making her breath stutter.  She was already dripping for him so he plunged two fingers into her, thrusting them in and out while his thumb rubbed and flicked her clit.  
“Fuck Alpha,” she groaned.  “Just like that, shit!”
Bucky smiled as she cursed, her legs shaking against his.  She reached down and took his cock in her hand, giving him lazy pumps as he got her closer to her release.  He huffed a sharp breath.  “Damn, honey, oooh that’s good,” he said lowly.  “Give it to me, love, come on, you can do it.  Be such a good Omega for me,” he encouraged her as he curled his fingers as deep as he could reach.  
The tension in her core finally snapped, her first orgasm ripping through her at lightning speed, squirting slick all over his hand and his hips.  She let out a guttural moan, the sound reverberating through the air, making the Alpha inside of him scream to claim her.  He had to physically restrain himself as he pulled his fingers out of her.  She smiled as she watched him with hooded eyes.  He put his wet fingers in his mouth and licked them clean of her slick, his eyes rolling back at the taste.
“Alpha please, I need you.  Bucky, I want your big cock inside me…please!” Y/N begged again.  Normally it would embarrass her to be acting like this, she would have never dreamed of speaking to Bucky this way.  But they were beyond the point of no return.
“Condom first, Omega,” he reminded her in his authoritative voice.  “As much as I’d love to fill you up, I don’t think that’s what you want just yet.”
Y/N pouted, but the first orgasm had helped clear her brain a little bit, and pointed to the nightstand next to the bed.  Bucky quickly reached over and pulled open the top drawer, finding the box and pulling a few of them out.  He unwrapped one and slipped it on himself before settling back between her legs, backing up a little bit.  “Present, please, Omega.”
Y/N twisted herself onto her stomach, lifting her hips high and pressing the side of her face into the bed.  Bucky almost whimpered at the sight of her sweet pussy, seeing the way he had made her drip with slick, the skin softly puckering in anticipation.  “Prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen Y/N, goddamn,” he whispered huskily.  She preened at his praise, her ass raising a little higher.  He gave her ass a quick slap, making her yelp and shiver.  “You ready?” he asked, making sure she was still wanting this.
“Yes, please Alpha, Bucky…please!”
“You’re so sexy when you beg,” he slapped her ass again, then grabbed her hips and aimed himself at her entrance.  He slowly pushed in the tip of his cock, the fat head catching just past her lower lips, making them both groan.  He kept pushing until he was fully seated inside her, letting her adjust to his size.  Y/N was keening again, a high pitched tone ringing through the air.  After a moment she wriggled her hips, silently asking him to thrust.  A deep growl emanated from Bucky’s throat and he pulled back until it was just the tip inside, then snapped his hips back into her hard. 
Y/N was making the sweetest noises he’d ever heard as he pummeled his cock into her.  She whimpered and moaned, making him hook an arm around her hips and lay his stomach across her back, quick huffs of his breath warming her shoulder.  He could feel her walls fluttering around him, making the rhythm of his hips stutter.  “Fuck, honey, you gonna cum?”  She nodded as her moans got louder.  He flipped her back over onto her back so he could watch her release, leaving barely any room between them as he hovered over her.  Her hands wound around the back of his neck, scratching his scalp with her nails.  “Goddammit, do that again,” he heard himself whimpering this time.  She scratched from the top of his head down to his neck and pulled him in for another kiss.
He reached between their bodies and started flicking her clit as he chased his own high.  “Bucky, oh my God,” she squealed against his lips as her back arched and her legs clung to his hips.  “Yes, yes, yes, shit…mark me.”
Bucky didn’t stop thrusting but tensed at her words.  “No, Y/N, you don’t want that.”
“Yes, I do, with you, Bucky,” she gasped.
“Omega,” he warned her, his eyes flashing.  “We can talk about that when I’m not balls deep inside you.”
Y/N tensed at his Alpha command, her legs loosening around him.  “I want you to be my Alpha, my mate.”
“God fucking dammit,” Bucky stopped thrusting and leaned on his elbows above her.  “Y/N, listen to me, you don’t want that.  You said you wanted a clear choice, remember?”  Y/N was silent and wide eyed as she watched him, slightly nodding her head.  “This isn’t a clear choice.  Your first heat in how many years?  It’s your hormones talking, honey.  And believe me, I’d love to mark you, claim you, bond and mate with you.  Stuff you full of me,” he thrust again, making her eyes roll back, “and breed you with my pups.  But we can talk about all that later.  Right now, I’m here to help you through this, because you’re my best friend, and…I’m ridiculously in love with you.”  He finally said it.  “I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine.  But when it’s both of us with clear heads and a clear choice.  Okay?”
Y/N’s eyes were watery as she listened to him.  “You’re in love with me?”
Bucky huffed a laugh, “Is that all you got out of that?”
She shook her head, “No, but it’s the most important thing.  I’m in love with you.”
He smiled wide and leaned down to give a quick kiss to her nose.  “Can I continue now?”
She nodded again, and he gave her another thrust to get her going again.  Her slick started to make squelching noises as he picked up the pace again, his knot starting to catch at her entrance, his hand reaching to her clit again and trailing kisses down her throat to her scent gland, licking and sucking at it again.
“One day, if you’ll have me, I’ll bite this pretty neck,” he moaned in her ear as her fingers dug into his back.  “Make you mine.”
“Yours, all yours, Bucky…Alpha,” Y/N groaned, leaning her head up and scenting him back.  Her soft lips and her tongue against his gland had his eyes rolling in his head again and his fingers gripping her hips harshly.  “That’s right.  Mine.  Mine…mine,” he thrusted harder and faster, angling her hips up to hit deeper.
Y/N screamed his name as she finally came, her hands digging into the flesh between his neck and shoulder, scratching his scent gland and making him see stars as he came with a yell, his knot fully inflating and latching him to her as she nearly squeezed the dear life out of him.  He fell on top of her, and she held him as he calmed down, both of them panting and sweaty.  
A heady scent filled the air, a smell that screamed satisfied mates.  Bucky pulled himself to his side, holding her close so it wouldn’t hurt her to move with him, and covered them with the blankets from her nest.  Y/N was delirious after this first round of her heat, her head lolling with exhaustion.  “Rest, Omega.  We’ve still got a few days, and forever after that.”
She smiled sleepily, “Hmmm, my Alpha.”
1K notes · View notes
heartandfangs · 2 years
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GENRE University AU, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers, Romance, Angst, Smut, Fluff 
PAIRING Nerd!Heeseung x f!Reader
WARNINGS 18+ ONLY MDNI, Jealousy, Cursing, Making out, Arguing, Anxiety, Depression, Flirting, Mentions of food, Brief violence, Brief mention of alcohol, Brief mention of somnophilia, Crying (all sorts), Degradation, Breast worship, Multiple Orgasms, Squirting, Coming untouched, Heavy spit play, Light BDSM, Edging, Spanking, Oral Sex, Unprotected Sex, Cream Pie, Dry humping, Praise kink, First-time blow job, Ball sucking, Fingering, Cum eating, Ear licking, Biting, Public Sex, Light bondage, Dom!Heeseung, Brattysub!FemMC, Sub!Heeseung, Softdom!FemMC, Other OC’s
SUMMARY Befriending a nerd who wants nothing to do with you in a coding class you want absolutely nothing to do with becomes the challenge of the semester— and you’re determined to ace that shit no matter what.  WORD COUNT 29k (Fic Total)
AUTHOR’S NOTE Long time no see— it’s P, the romantic at heart! This one’s for the people who play otome games, whose favorite spot on campus is the library, and who are afraid to be loved but want to love as hard as they possibly can.
Enjoy my contribution to the tropey Uni AU genre! Also wtf thank you for 1k followers (If you’re a minor please unfollow me. Idc if that puts me way back under. If you’re not, thank you, and stay tuned bc I will do something to celebrate… once I get through 6 months worth of notifications rip)
See end of part two for author’s note cont.
Masterlist, Part Two
© 2022, Heart and Fangs. All rights reserved. Do not translate or post anywhere.
“Have you ever gotten the random urge to give someone a blow job?”
You lifted your head from your notes, eyes wide and scrutinizing. Why did your friend have to be so damn loud in the library, of all places?
A scoff barely escaped your mouth before you dived back into your textbook, “There’s not a person with a dick on this university campus that deserves one from me. Why? Have you?”
“All the time, but especially when I’m on my period,” Rin confessed, “Hormones.”
“Oh, I bet.”
I don’t know how Rin finds the time to think about these things… 
Your friend pouted while drumming her pencil against the communal library table as if she could hear your judgemental thoughts. There were more important things for you to worry about, clearly. 
You sighed as you began to pack up your backpack to catch your most dreaded class of the semester, coding. 
It was an elective you immediately regretted taking, but you swore to yourself to see it through to expand your skill set. Unfortunately, it was just a week into the semester, and the horrid feeling that you would fail a class for the first time was way too real.
Rin continued to spew nonsense, “Maybe I should check this dating app—”
You slung your backpack over your shoulder and ruffled Rin’s hair on your way to the elevators, “You are a slut, aren’t you?”
“Please stop acting like you’re not,” Rin rolled her eyes and raised her voice just enough to carry over the bookshelves and be heard by unsuspecting students, “There’s only so many otome games one can play!”
“Shhh!” You hissed at her to shut up, eyes shooting daggers at the snickering girl.
She must’ve been spying on you every time you pulled out your phone to take a break. What did she have against your little games? After your first relationship went up in flames, they were a pretty decent replacement for dating and soon became an addictive hobby. 
They were great time-killers, required minimum commitments, and had a plethora of eye candy to choose from. Even if you did screw up, you just needed to wait a few days to replenish your lives. Plus, they all fit in your pocket…
And they could never break your heart like your ex had. 
‘I’m gonna kill you’, You mouthed at her over your shoulder while slamming your fist against the elevator button. 
Rin tapped her lips with her middle finger and sent you a flying kiss. Deep down, she hoped you’d come across a sweet boy for your own good.
While you stared at the colored lines of code on the monitor in front of you, determined to at least figure out how to embed one damn photo onto your website for tomorrow’s critique, your silent tablemate on your left tapped away at his keyboard with ease.
Everything about the guy screamed overachiever; it was 45 minutes after class had ended, and he was still working away on his project after everyone else had left.
Meanwhile, you were pretending to know what you were doing by typing in some random characters and then immediately deleting them. Being the anxiety-ridden person you were, you managed to work up a nervous sweat, your palms going numb.
Fuck, this is embarrassing. I should just leave and figure it out once I get home.
The student next to you didn’t seem to have any issues, but then again, the course you enrolled in was actually a combined class with different levels, and clearly, this wasn’t his first course in the subject. It was definitely an odd curriculum; you weren’t sure why you hadn’t read the class description more thoroughly. 
“Hi! Mind if I sit here?” You asked the student earlier upon seeing the closest open seat available.
The boy didn’t say hello, he merely spared you a glance, adjusted his glasses, then resumed the staring contest with his computer screen.
“Okay…” You said with a touch of annoyance in your tone. His eyes barely shifted to your face in response, and then he was back to typing.
His standoffish attitude from the moment you walked into the class and took the closest open seat next to him irked you more than it should’ve. 
It wasn’t until you sat down next to him that you were thrown off by how big the guy actually was, but even more so, the faint scent of sweet lavender wafting off of him. You weren't sure whether it was cologne or detergent, just that it somewhat reminded you of your favorite macaron flavor.
How unexpected. Well, that ruins it, you thought. 
Even if the guy smelled pretty damn nice, he was snooty in your book. If he didn’t have such an aloof attitude about him, you might’ve befriended him just to reach out for notes in the class in case you got sick. 
Rin often called you a prideful bitch, and you’d brush off her accusations, but deep down, you knew her words had some weight to them. Prideful was a fair adjective; your strong desire to handle your own business kept others at bay, which was great for someone like you who liked to be left to your own devices.
Though pride paired with stubbornness wasn’t necessarily the most beneficial combination when finding oneself in a pinch…
Nearly two hours of the class begrudgingly swept by, and you were still stuck on the initial steps, your brain utterly confused by the jumble of lines and coding rules you had to adhere to. It was a huge struggle to keep up with the pace the professor taught, let alone ensure the material stuck in your brain. 
It also didn’t help that the boy next to you had the audacity to pull up a window of manga on the side to read while you were struggling your ass off.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed at him.
Now, the class was well over, and you still managed to convince yourself to stay even though the shit your professor covered in lecture went in through one ear and out the other. 
After such a long day of stacked classes, your facade slipped, and you dropped your head into your hands. If you were honest, some of your pride slipped along with it. Since you were so busy, the last meal you had eaten was yesterday’s dinner, and you were starving. There were tons of other class assignments you hadn’t even touched yet. 
You bit your lip and watched the boy out of the corner of your eye, debating for a solid minute if you should ask for help. At this point, you were just wasting precious time that could be spent running to the nearest McDonald's for a burger.
In the name of efficiency, you decided to reach out for help from the person you least wanted to ask— but just this once.
“Hey. Could you show me how to add an image to my site? I can’t figure it out even though I tried to follow the directions….”
First, you saw the boy’s brown eyes widen ever so slightly before he looked over you in consideration. 
If he says no, I guess I’ll go fuck myself. 
Feeling your heart flood with relief, you replied gratefully, “Thank you.”
You were taken aback when you watched him slide off his chair and drop to his knees by your side. He leaned over the edge of the table to take control of your mouse and keyboard, his attention fixed on the debauched code on your screen.
Really, you two could’ve just switched seats, but you decided to let him do his thing while you tucked your hands under your thighs and watched. Your brain was beyond trying to make sense of what he was inputting into your code.
Funnily enough, the silence between you two was even more awkward than it had been before you spoke to each other. Still, you refrained from distracting him, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. 
After a minute, you decided to check him out instead.
Your eyes shifted between the computer screen and his calm, concentrated features since you hadn’t really gotten a good look at him before.
His black, wispy bangs hung just over his dark eyes, and his circular, silver-rimmed glasses sort of amplified their roundness. They held a touch of naïveté in them– but when you looked at him from the side, they were sharpened due to focus.
Admittedly, he had the softest-looking set of lips, the kind that anyone would easily be jealous of. The slope of his nose was just as cute, to your annoyance.
Your eyes trailed downwards to the pronounced curve of his throat, but just for a moment before returning your attention to the screen of code.
He was attractive in an unexpected sort of way.
It actually was kind of sweet that he’d be willing to kneel on the questionable floor of the computer lab to help you out. You wondered if he was trying to make up for ignoring you at the beginning of class.
“Is this the photo you want to add?” He hovered the mouse over the recent file in your downloads folder.
You must’ve really fucked up your code because the slowest five minutes passed before he clicked save on your program, and most of it you spent trying to act like you hadn’t been staring at him every other second.
The boy finally stood up with the slightest groan, and to your dismay, the sound went straight between your thighs.
Woah there.
“Try refreshing that,” He instructed while rubbing at his kneecaps through his jeans.
With the click of a mouse, you refreshed the program to see a jpg of your favorite Shrek meme pop up on your otherwise bare-bones-looking website.
“Wow— it actually works. Thank you,” You were unable to help yourself from beaming up at him, rather impressed at his efficiency.
He merely nodded, averting his eyes.
Was he older than you or younger? Did he work on the weekends? Have a significant other? A myriad of ridiculous questions bombarded your mind.
“What’s your name?” You asked.
That was a good, normal place to start.
“Heeseung,” he stretched his arms over his head and winced at the slightest crick of his shoulder. All your eyes could focus on were the sharp lines of his waist peeking out under the edge of his sweatshirt. 
You introduced yourself as casually as you could, “My name’s ___. This really isn’t my thing, so thank you.”
“Anytime,” He said simply, rubbing at the back of his neck.
In a flash of a second, the shameless part of your mind dared to imagine how that shy expression of his might twist into one of pleasure— how his breathy sighs would fill your ears while he was hunched over, bracing himself on the table. At the same time, you pictured yourself between his long legs, mouthing kisses over his bulge, watching him twitch above you all the while.
‘Who’s the slut now?’ You could already hear Rin’s ridiculous comments; she must’ve poisoned your brain with the thought. 
Feeling yourself starting to go slightly demented from the turn of events, you excused yourself and threw your supplies into your backpack to leave as quickly as you could, entirely oblivious to how Heeseung stared after you on your way out.
Heeseung meant it when he said, ‘anytime.’
From that day on, there wasn’t an instance where he didn’t hesitate to help when you asked him for it. Each day, you grew less and less hesitant to ask him for assistance which was… interesting.
What was even more unbelievable was that he never asked for anything in return, and you were so grateful, so smitten by him. The assignments you received were absolutely distressing, yet Heeseung didn’t appear to resent your requests and was always more than willing to lend you a hand. Based on your life experience, that was far from normal. 
There was a question that you just had to ask a few weeks into the semester when he was helping you work on one of your projects for the nth time.
“Honestly, do you like doing this?” 
Heeseung leaned back in his chair and appeared contemplative while stretching his wrists. “No. Coding is a tedious process, but if you’re referring to helping you,” He looked at you with an earnest gleam in his eyes and gave you a small smile, “Yes, I really like helping you.”
It was the first time you felt your heart skip in a while.
Right then and there, you could’ve dropped to your knees and let him use your mouth however he pleased. Fuck everyone else in the class; you would’ve done it.
On a serious note, it was unfortunate that you had nothing to offer him of value in the class.
Your creative mind worked so differently, and you two didn’t share any other classes you could help him with. So you often tried to make up for it by conversing and attempting to get to know him.
Emphasis on attempt.
The downside to your interactions was that he rarely engaged with you on the occasion, even when you tried to initiate a casual conversation with him.
“What are you always reading during class?” You glanced over at his screen curiously one day.
Heeseung was always quick to minimize the extra window when you caught him. “Nothing much, just manga. Need something?”
“What? I— No, I was just wondering,” You’d quirk a brow at him, and he’d return to his task.
Every time you came into class and took the same seat next to him, you’d greet him, and he’d greet you in return but left it at that. After assisting you with an issue, he’d always quietly turn back to his computer and pick up where he left off. Maybe you’d be able to get in a question or two, but he hardly talked up a storm.
Even when you probed him about his life, Heeseung merely gave short replies or shook off your questions. He was so difficult to get to know and apparently didn’t care to hold a conversation with you outside of coding. Still, you were insistent because you were a relatively private individual yourself. Really, you tried to understand where he was coming from.
“I’m so glad I don’t have classes after this,” a yawn escaped your lips as you covered your mouth with your hand.
Heeseung’s typing never ceased, “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” You stared at his profile, waiting to see if he’d continue the conversation. After a second too long of waiting, you asked, “Do you have any night classes?”
“I don’t. I have work.”
You perked up in your seat. “Oh? Where at?”
“I’m actually about to change jobs, so it really doesn’t matter,” Heeseung responded curtly. 
You sank back into your chair. “Oh. Sorry.”
He turned to look at you as if to say something, an apologetic expression nearly taking hold of his features, but he seemingly held himself back and returned to his work. 
Still, within the coming weeks, you grew curious about his family as well. One day your curiosity was at its peak, and you rattled off questions about any possible siblings he might have. That was less intrusive than asking about a significant other, right?
“So, are you an only child, or do you have any siblings?” You probed during a particularly long day and difficult class session. When one’s brain was already fried, it didn’t hurt to completely give up on figuring something out, especially if you had Heeseung. 
Just for today, you promised yourself as Heeseung was clicking away at your keyboard, helping you out as usual.
“... I have a brother,” Heeseung hesitated, “Stepbrother, actually. He’s a student as well.”
“No way? Same major as you?”
“No…” and he left it at that, making you wonder if they weren’t on the greatest terms... Or if he just didn’t care to share more of his life with you.
Nonetheless, your attempts to converse with him day after day eventually took a toll on you. Clearly, you were bothering him with the questions, but it’s not like you just chose anyone to put effort into getting to know. Why couldn’t he understand that? Most people would’ve loved getting asked about their life and would easily drone on and on about themselves. 
Rin would cackle at you now if she only knew of your circumstances. As if you would ever tell her with the shit way things were going. 
God, I should just stick to my little otome game apps with automated responses.
After several weeks of your relationship with him going nowhere, your savior became the source of your frustration.
Guys never helped you out without an ulterior motive or expecting something in return, so it was almost inconceivable to think someone like Heeseung existed. His caring personality subverted your initial expectations of him, and you knew his selfless actions came from a sincere place, but still…
This had grown beyond needing his help in class. All you wanted to do was get to know Heeseung because you had taken a genuine interest in him.
Was that asking for a lot?
The day you walked into class and plopped into your seat without saying hello to him, Heeseung knew something was up. The boy had gotten much too used to your greetings every day.
Barely able to contain your irritation with him, you stared straight ahead at your screen and got to work, despite feeling his eyes on you. 
Beside you, Heeseung was desperately trying to read your stoic expression. He’d glance at you meekly, and look back at his computer for a few seconds, only to peer over at you again. 
This cycle went on for the next few minutes until you heard him greet you first, for once.
“Hey, ___–”
“Hey,” You barely spared him a look and settled back into your workflow just as swiftly.
Stumped by your odd behavior, Heeseung drew his hands into his lap and fell quiet once more.
Just when you thought he’d leave you be, Heeseung pulled up to your side in his rolling chair, that signature lavender scent of his invading your senses. His knee bumped into yours but stayed there.
“Do you need my help with anything?”
“No, thank you,” you replied coldly.
You saw him wilt out of the corner of your eye, and something vengeful in you felt good about making him feel the way you’ve felt for the past months. The other part of you just felt plain guilty.
Feeling suffocated, you abruptly left the class to get some fresh air. You were hoping the open-air foyer filled with wooden benches would grant you a moment of reprieve.
Choosing the farthest bench from the entrance, you sat down and propped up your legs, pulling your knees close to your chin. The evening breeze swept across your flushed cheeks, and you were mortified to realize tears were threatening to spill down them.
It was childish of you to reject Heeseung’s attention once you finally got it, but… you couldn’t help it. You knew the attention wasn’t due to any sort of genuine feelings toward you; it was merely your petty behavior that provoked him.
Was this how it felt to be rejected while trying so hard to befriend someone? Is this how people felt when you made them jump through a hundred hoops to get to know you? 
You thought back to when you took the chance to let someone in for the first and last time. Had you just been too much? Or maybe not worth the trouble?
If that were true… maybe that was the reason your first love had cheated on you. 
Old feelings bubbled up in your chest, and suddenly everything really felt like shit. 
To make things worse, you were sulking. Even though Heeseung could tell something was up and was trying to diagnose the situation, he still infuriated you. If anyone had to deal with an aloof individual for as long as you did, you were sure they’d go crazy too.
Especially if they were as cute as Heeseung was.
There was no way you were about to cry in public over a boy, the most angelic, frustrating boy you’ve ever met. 
Not everybody reciprocated people’s feelings equally, and it was simply life to deal with it. Still…
Once you buried your face into your arms, you released your pent-up emotions with a shaky breath, letting the hot tears fall and soak into your jeans. You decided to stay there for a while, long enough until you knew everyone in class would be gone, so you could rest assured no one would see your pathetic tear-stained face.
It was a good half hour after class ended before you made your way back to collect your belongings and catch the bus to head home. Somehow, you cried for the majority of it as quietly as you could.
It actually helped a bit, as it had back then. 
When you pulled open the door, you froze like a deer in headlights.
Heeseung stared up at you with wide eyes from where he was sitting; he was the only one left in the class, which you hadn’t counted on.
He wasn’t waiting for you, was he?
“Um…” You trailed off and slowly turned to leave again, but he was already out of his seat, making his way toward you.
You were hardly ever standing next to each other, so facing him head-on at his tall stature was intimidating, even with his cardigan and those nerdy glasses of his. Perhaps it also had to do with the unfamiliar look in his eyes and the intense concern in them.
“Are you okay?” He reached out to touch your arm, but you stepped back and caught him by the shoulders, holding him back at arm's length.
Unable to look at him directly, you stared down at your shoes next to his, eyes stinging again as if you didn’t just spend half an hour crying.
Just seeing his face and hearing his voice brought on a flood of confusing emotions.
“Yeah? I-I’m fine,” You insisted.
Even though Heeseung couldn’t see your face, he saw your tears fall onto your sneakers and felt your grip curl into his shoulders.
“___, if it’s something I said or did…” Heeseung’s voice went soft, and you nearly jumped when you felt his hands slide over yours, his thumbs stroking comfortingly over your skin, “You can tell me.”
His mere touch slowly brought your anxiety down, one stroke of his thumb after the other— at the same time, it sent shivers along your skin. 
It’s what you didn’t say or do.
Fear threatened to cut your voice off completely. You took several deep breaths, trying to sort out your thoughts so that you could properly convey how you were feeling. 
Here was your chance to be honest with him from the get-go. It was scary, but you needed to try.
“I consider you as someone who I’m really grateful for, Heeseung. Especially after how much of your time you’ve given me this semester,” You sighed, glancing up at him even though your vision was blurry, “You’re a really talented guy. It’s just impossible to get to know you because you like to keep to yourself. I think I understand why you do. Even I don’t like letting other people in all the time...”
Something seemed to click in his mind at your words; you saw his lips part ever so slightly in realization, his eyes widening a fraction.
“... But it’s still hard to be on the receiving end of that. However, if that’s where you want me,” You pulled your hands out of his, letting them drop to your side, “Then there’s not much I can do about that.”
Quietly, you brushed past him and packed your backpack in a hurry to leave.
Heeseung fell silent behind you, and when you left him, you kept your eyes trained on the floor.
The next day, you remained in a foul mood as you chose to sit on the opposite side of your table to avoid the tension of being next to Heeseung for two hours straight. As you expected, the student who usually sat there confronted you about it.
“Hey, this is my seat. I’ve been sitting here all semester.”
You didn’t care to grant her your full attention and continued typing, “I don’t see your name on it.”
It was definitely a shitty thing to say, but you couldn’t bring yourself to give a damn at that moment. 
She was stunned into silence and subsequently stomped over to the next row to take her seat next to Heeseung. There was no doubt that he overheard your confrontation. 
Class sped by while you were laser-focused on completing everything you needed to get done for that period— without Heeseung’s help. At least one good thing came out of taking notes and watching Heeseung work these past several weeks; your evolving skill set. You were far from excellent, but you had gotten at least a bit better with the basics. 
This time, you didn’t plan on sticking around after class.
It seemed like Heeseung was prepared for you not to because the moment you stood up and bolted to the door, he was already out of his seat, hot on your trail.
Heeseung called out your name.
You ignored him, even as he easily caught up with your pace. His silence yesterday already confirmed all you needed to know about how he felt about you. 
He caught your elbow, and you stopped to look him dead in the eye. “What do you think you’re doing? Let go.”
Heeseung immediately released you, “Sorry, I just wanted to talk—“
A menacing force slammed into your back, propelling you straight into Heeseung’s chest. Someone halfway down the hall called out a sarcastic apology, but it barely registered— you were startled by how Heeseung steadied you against his hard body.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” You scowled, already shaking his hands off despite your body aching at the feeling of him so near, “What did you want now?”
Heeseung‘s eyes wavered, but he managed to hold your scrutinizing gaze. 
“Do you want to grab dinner?”
He really felt the pressure of an impending ‘no’ when all you did was stare at him.
You frowned, “What?”
Heeseung gulped but continued, “You don’t have any other classes for the day, right? There’s a really good Thai place just on the edge of campus, and their Pad Thai is the best— at least within a 20-mile radius.”
Was he doing this all of a sudden because he pitied you?
“You don’t need to do this.”
Heeseung looked like he was on the verge of panicking, but just as quickly, a sense of determination overcame him. 
He took a step forward, “But what if I want to?”
You looked off to the side, “I’m confused. Why all of a sudden?”
“I know it’s like I’m doing this out of the blue,” He sounded in a rush due to nerves, so he slowed down his speech, “I’m not good with words, and it’s true that I’m easily distracted by my classes. But I do care about you, ___.”
Your chest throbbed as he peered down at you from under his lashes with furrowed brows, “I know I’m usually pretty distant, and I can’t make up for everything in a night, but I really would like to talk with you over dinner… only if you want to join me.”
Heeseung’s expression appeared so hopeful, and his gaze held an amount of tenderness that had you shifting your weight under the unusual attention you were receiving. 
What was that look he was giving you?
He felt you brush by him, and he hung his head. 
Heeseung felt his stomach twist with guilt, he knew you wouldn’t give him a chance after how he’d been treating you—
“… Fine.”
Heeseung straightened up with wide eyes and turned to face you as you set off in the completely wrong direction. 
“It’s this way,” He eagerly called after you.
You came to a quick halt, then turned back around, crossing your arms, “Lead the way then.”
He smiled to himself when he heard the unmistakable sound of your stomach grumbling ever so faintly.
Walking across campus with Heeseung was convenient because the majority of people made plenty of room for the two of you, all thanks to the giant by your side. Usually, they’d have no issue bumping shoulders with you or overlooking you. 
Must be nice to be able to part seas of people, you thought enviously. 
Heeseung remained quiet for the majority of the walk except for mentioning a direction here and there. All the while, you were trying to anticipate what Heeseung might have to say to you once you got to the restaurant. 
The sky grew to be a deep orange by the time you entered the quaint Thai restaurant at the front of the campus. A simple aqua blue neon sign that read 01 Thai shone across asphalt above an old, cream colored building. While you considered their signature menu options, you turned Heeseung’s words over in your head.
“I do care about you, ___.”
Do you really?
“And what would you like to order?” The cashier asked you.
“Oh. I guess I’ll try the Pad Thai.”
“Anything to drink?”
“Just water, please,” You absentmindedly dug in your pocket to hand over your card, but Heeseung was already handing over his. 
Your brows drew together as you quietly glanced up at him, not wanting to make a scene.
He gave you a nervous smile, “My treat.”
You looked over your shoulder for seating, “I’ll Venmo you later.”
“No need,” He shook his head, guiding you to a corner table. 
“I will.”
Even from across the small wooden table, Heeseung sensed your lingering discomfort, understandably. He looked like he wanted to say something, but so did you, so he waited.
After a contemplative moment, you met his eyes and folded your hands on the table. “Heeseung, don’t tell me you're doing all this just because you feel bad.”
“No— I mean, in a way, yes. I know how I can be, and I’m sorry that you had to deal with that. I never meant to hurt you the way I did.”
I really did emotionally throw up on him yesterday, and his silence didn’t make it any better. Even now, I still feel high-strung about the whole ordeal, but he seems sorry about it…
“Listen, I get that you feel guilty, but if you really do just want to be friends, there’s no need for anything crazy. Just talking would be nice to start.”
“Right...” He stared right at you. 
Your brows knit together once more at the uncertainty in his voice.
“Right,” Heeseung repeated, almost to himself, “That’s doable. Although guilt plays a significant part in driving me to do what I’m doing… Please know it’s not my only motivator.”
Heeseung startled you when he reached out to take one of your hands in his. You still looked utterly confused, so he exhaled softly before squeezing your hand and running the pad of his thumb along your knuckles, just like he did back in class. 
Goosebumps immediately broke out on your skin from the heat of his touch.
Behind his glasses, his eyes were intent; you had his full attention. “I’ve been really out of touch with people these days, and I regret it. However, I had some personal things I was working through. It’s not an excuse, but I do care about you, ___. I hope you can eventually find a way to forgive me.”
At his sudden admittance, your heart rate began to pick up. Immediately you hated how vulnerable his words made you feel, but that also meant that they were real. His forwardness rendered you genuinely speechless; even your mind drew a blank. 
It seemed like he could sense it.
“I-I see,” You stared at your daintier hand in his own, then looked back up at Heeseung’s keen gaze. 
His brows drew together, and his lips curled upwards ever so slightly, “Am I making you nervous?” He sounded like he was making a discovery. 
Heat immediately flooded your face once more, and you took your hand back out of embarrassment. 
He gnawed on his lip, his eyelids lowering a fraction, “Sorry.”
A waitress pulled up to your table with a tray of steaming bowls, and Heeseung thanked the waitress as she left while you reached for a pair of chopsticks.
“What kind of question is that?” You mumbled while you picked at your noodles. Your brain was failing to make sense of Heeseung’s feelings towards you.
He didn’t let up.
“You make me really nervous, ___,” Heeseung dared to reveal in a low voice. 
As he expected, his declaration drew your attention back to him. Your eyes narrowed at Heeseung, who wore a small yet knowing smile, clearly trying to get a rise out of you. 
Is this really the same guy who chased me down to grab dinner with him?
Little did you know the boy sitting across from you was attuned to your every movement— from the quickened pace of your breath to the twitch of your leg when his knee brushed against yours underneath the table.
Naturally, he would be after spending so much time at your side for the past couple of months, taking note of your little habits and mannerisms. 
He also knew you’d be skeptical for a while after this, that it would take time to prove his sincerity once more. Heeseung was willing to overcome that by any means.
When Heeseung realized he had stunned you into silence, he finally looked down at his own plate. “I’m sorry, I’ll stop teasing. Let’s eat before it gets cold.”
“Agreed,” You were grateful for the change of subject because you just barely survived his sudden undivided attention. Also, you were beyond famished.
All the while, your mouth was watering at the sight of the food, so you took a bite of the Pad Thai and savored the flavorful spices on your tongue. It was pretty damn good, Heeseung had taste. One bite of noodles, and suddenly, you felt as though you were gaining back your senses. 
He’s kind of flirty, isn’t he?
After several more bites and a nice gulp of cold water, you felt ready to hold a proper conversation.
“Don’t bullshit me anymore, Heeseung,” You commented, propping your chin up on your palm.
He chuckled softly, and you squinted his way.
“I’ll try my best, ___.”
Over dinner, Heeseung allowed you to delve into his mind, which was certainly a treat. 
Not without difficulty, of course. 
His answers remained vague unless you pressed further; it was like pulling teeth, but you could tell he was trying. With enough persistence, he divulged you.
“Do you just really like to keep a low profile?” You asked, referencing his deflection of your attempts at conversing with him during class, “I mean, I figured you just found me annoying.”
Heeseung slowly began, “I wasn’t in the best headspace this semester. Things at my old job weren’t going well at all, and those issues combined with the stress of my classes resulted in me feeling very closed off from my surroundings.”
You scratched your cheek. “I see. How does that usually affect you?”
“I tend to isolate myself under pressure, and it becomes difficult for me to connect with… well, those around me,” Heeseung explained, running his fingers back and forth over the grain of the tabletop. 
“Hm, that’s tough. Honestly, you always seem like you have your shit together.”
Heeseung shook his head, “It’s… a facade of sorts.”
“Well, a lot of people have one,” Your eyes wandered down to your plate, it had been scraped clean for a while. 
The shop was empty save for you two, it must’ve been growing closer to closing time, what with the moonlight shining through the windows. 
“Yeah? What’s yours?”
Ah, now it’s his turn to take a shot at me.
Being vulnerable was difficult, especially with all of Heeseung’s attention on you. Silence fell over you two, but he waited, even when it felt like you weren’t going to speak. 
“Probably enjoying being alone. Not that I don’t, but it depends on how I’m feeling that day. I see independence and loneliness as two sides of the same coin.”
It was the truth, to an extent. You enjoyed the benefits of being independent, but there was a fine line between that and being lonely. 
“It’s a normal human thing to go through,” You shrugged.
It’s how I’ve always been, and it usually keeps me safe. But I can’t believe I just admitted that to another person, let alone Heeseung. Though that’s the whole point of this conversation, isn’t it?
“Um, anyways…“
“I’m sorry if I ever made you feel lonely.”
Your eyes flitted to Heeseung’s expression; he seemed cautious yet sincere.
“Don’t be. It’s not your responsibility to make me feel otherwise.”
It was a difficult realization to come to, and as such, you gave a detached response. In due time you’d have to see if he meant everything that he said.
With an inward sigh, you felt disappointment replace the anger that had been slowly filtering out of your system for the past hour. Heeseung was willing to try to be friends, which was more than you could’ve asked for, so deep down, you fought your desire for him. You were being given the chance to take things day by day and come to terms with the reality of your situation. 
“Besides, being lonely is a good skill to have. It’s weird to say out loud, but I really think it is,” You stated, glancing out the window into the dimly lit streets, “It’s useful and easier than most people think.”
When Heeseung said nothing in response, you turned to look at him once more, wanting to hear his voice. 
Something from him, anything.
Instead, you met those dark brown eyes behind his glasses; they contained a mix of something you couldn’t place and a tinge of sadness, but most surprisingly– knowing.
You fidgeted with the hairband on your wrist. “What? What’s wrong?”
Heeseung spoke, “Nothing… What do you mean?” 
His question seemed hollow as if he feigned confusion; his eyes told you everything yet nothing, all at once– like he could see right through you. 
You shook your head, voice coming out as a whisper, “I don’t know… You’re making me nervous again.”
“Sorry,” Heeseung blinked and shifted his eyes elsewhere, and suddenly you felt like you could breathe, but just barely. 
He distractedly removed his glasses to pinch at his nose bridge, and that’s when your breath caught in your chest. 
A slight smile tugged at your lips, “Hey, you look different without your glasses.” You were apt to change the subject.
“Oh, really?” Heeseung moved to adjust them back in place quickly.
“Wait,” you leaned over the table and placed your hand on his to stop him, wanting a better look, “You look really handsome. Not that you don’t with them on, but….”
Heeseung noted how intrigued you looked, the fascination brightening your features. It was certainly a contrast to the way you regarded him just a moment before. “I’ve worn glasses my whole life. I don’t look odd without them?”
“No, but I think you’re cute either way—“ You curiously brushed a strand of hair out of his eyes, and his brows rose in surprise. 
Upon realizing what you had done, you promptly sat back in your seat and stuffed your hands in your pockets. 
“I— You just look different,” You tried to cover up your embarrassment with a smile. 
You hadn’t intended on getting touchy, but you just couldn't help it. Then again, he comfortably initiated way more physical contact with you today than he had all semester. 
Heeseung quietly glanced off to the side, and then his eyes were back on you without a moment’s notice, observing.
Ah, there’s that churning sensation in my stomach again.
Even though you could see his eyes clear as day, you couldn’t read him as easily this time.  
“Thanks,” His eyes flitted away as he fixed his glasses back in place.  
Uh-oh. Did I mess up? Did I turn him off by touching his hair? Or with my comments on his appearance?
“We better go, I think they’re closing,” You rubbed your cheek while throwing your backpack over your shoulder, “Thank you for dinner.”
“Sure. Thanks for hearing me out… and for sharing,” Heeseung led you to the door and held it open for you.
His voice sounded odd, almost tight. 
It had been a rollercoaster of a day so far; you weren’t sure what kind of note you were going to end it on. 
The brisk night air hit your skin and made you shudder. You turned towards the bus stop across the street, anticipating an arrival soon, “I’m headed over here. I guess I’ll see you in class?” 
When you glanced back over your shoulder, Heeseung was looking after you in such a way that caused you to freeze. His demeanor had shifted from the start of dinner to now like there was a barely tamed intensity about him. He felt unpredictable— he even seemed on edge. 
What was going on? Maybe you really stepped on his toes earlier with your comment about his glasses. It certainly wasn’t your intention; you meant it as a compliment. 
He could’ve been self-conscious about it, you idiot!
Heeseung gave you a curt nod, “Get home safely, okay?” 
You frowned. 
“Okay…” You paused before giving him a quick hug. 
Next to free food and a bit of communication, hugs diffused most escalating situations, right?
But even to you, it felt like a blur; you barely gave him enough time to return it, and then you were slipping out of his grasp just as quickly as you had drawn close. 
“Bye,” You whispered. 
Taken aback, Heeseung dropped his arms to his sides as he watched you jog across the street to board the bus that arrived a moment before and nearly took off without you. 
He inhaled deeply.
Now, his whole body ached. 
Oh, he hated you even more for that.
The cold suddenly seeped into his skin. It hadn’t affected him until you left his side. 
Your bus took off just as his phone faintly vibrated in his pocket. He lost count of how many times it had gone off during his dinner with you, but he hardly paid it any attention. He ignored it for the past two months but couldn’t bring himself to block the number. 
Finally, he decided to answer it. 
“Heeseung! Do you know how many times I’ve called you today? And the day before? Over the past eight fucking weeks? We were supposed to meet–”
“I was at dinner—” Heeseung immediately kicked himself for even sparing an excuse. There was no need to anymore. “Please stop calling me.”
His thumb hovered over the button to hang up and block her number; he should’ve done it earlier. 
“Don’t do this to me, love.”
Anger slithered up his veins, “How else do you expect me to act after all that you’ve done?”
“What you saw wasn’t what it looked like—“
That’s what she’d said in the hundreds of voicemails she left, or so he guessed. Listening to one was sufficient. 
From that day on, Heeseung dialed back on the forwardness he displayed in terms of physical contact with you, and you couldn’t figure out why for the life of you. However, your conversations in class were plentiful and on friendlier terms, save for the interesting underlying tension that persisted through his frequent teasing comments and lasting stares. 
That’s not to say there was a complete absence of flirtatious touching, he simply wasn’t as outright with it. But you noted each subtle instance with amusement whether it was a tap on the shoulder, a bump to the knee or an accidental brush of hands when he’d reach for your mouse. 
He seemed somewhat back to normal compared to how you left him that one night, but something definitely changed between you two. 
On the other hand, you soon discovered the breadth of his sense of humor. The off-handed, dry comments he’d whisper about some odd gesture or explanation the professor would make had you snorting in your seat— turns out you weren’t the only one who occasionally got annoyed with the way your professor taught. 
Even so, together, you both managed.
Thai food after class became a routine for you both, a couple of times a week. Ever since Heeseung made an effort to open up, sometimes you’d talk up until the last bus was available for you to catch if he didn’t have work, and other times, you’d work on assignments together.
For every question you asked him, it tickled you that he had one for you of equal measure. These brief moments with Heeseung stood out from your otherwise mundane campus life. Unfortunately, things didn’t always go according to plan.  
One evening, a meeting with your advisor concerning your schedule for next semester ran over time significantly and you were 30 minutes late to your dinner at 01 Thai with Heeseung. 
The frigid air lashed across your face the moment you stepped outside the administration building causing you to wince. It was an evening filled with storm clouds, and the sun had long set; it was starting to get darker earlier in the day. You reached into your pocket to update Heeseung on your whereabouts but let out a frustrated grunt when you realized your phone had died on you. 
The restaurant was on the complete other side of campus so you decided to cut through a back way that was a bit more obscure but quicker than usual. The first droplets of rain hit your skin before it turned into an outright downpour by the time you were half way across campus. 
Just my luck. 
There weren’t a whole lot of shaded areas along the buildings in the back route you took so you braced yourself through the chill until the droplets began to feel like ice pellets. It was too much so you chose to take shelter when you came upon the first shaded area that came into view near the back exit of a building. 
Something on the floor caught your eye as you quickly approached. A dog with soaked fur was curled up on its stomach and appeared to be breathing irregularly. On instinct, you kneeled down to run your hand over its fur, and it let out a thin whine. 
“Oh, you poor thing. Where’s your owner?”
You felt along its furry chin for a tag and found purchase in a sleek, black collar. However, there was no tag with an owner's contact to be found.
Maybe it’s a high-tech tracking collar? 
With your back against the wall, you slid down to sit for a moment, enduring the mist that the wind blew against you both, cradling the dog close. “I don’t think the rain will let up any time soon… You don’t wanna come with? You just wanna stay here and wait for your owner, huh?”
The dog merely blinked up at you. 
“Alright, then you need this more than I do. Hopefully they’re just around the corner…”
You shrugged off your jacket and used it to dry off the pup a bit before swaddling it in the fabric. After you finished and went to scratch its chin, it licked your palm non-stop.
“You’re welcome,” You stood up with a giggle and readjusted your backpack. Although it was storming, if you let Heeseung wait any longer it would give him the wrong idea. 
You received stares from other students the moment you stepped through the restaurant doors since the single layer of your T-shirt was soaked through. Immediately you crossed your arms over your chest but made a beeline towards Heeseung who sat in the corner. 
He looked you over with concern. 
You couldn’t help but stutter from the cold, “S-sorry. My meeting ran late with my advisor and my phone died—“
“It’s okay, I figured. Weren’t you wearing a jacket in class earlier?”
“I—I may have given it away…”
“To who?”
“To a dog I saw on the way here…?”
You realized how ridiculous it sounded once you said it out loud, but the soft spot you had towards canines made you do silly things from time to time. 
Heeseung raised a brow at that, “Did you just lose it?”
“Sure, I lost it on this awfully cold day, ” You rolled your eyes.
Heeseung shook his head with a snort, and tugged his hoodie over his head, “Well, why don’t you change out of that?”
A chill racked through your body but you brushed it off, until you glanced down to see your shirt plastered to your body and around the prominent outline of your black bra. 
“Here,” Heeseung deposited his hoodie into your arms before you could refuse, “I’ll ask them for a plastic bag to hold your clothing. Your food just came out, so go change.”
As you ignored the stares from others occupying the restaurant and clicked the restroom door shut, you gave yourself a once over in the mirror.
There really wasn’t a spot on you that wasn’t damp. You stripped out of your top and bra then proceeded to squeeze them out over the sink before tossing them into a plastic bag. You dried down as much as you could with a wad of paper towels then tugged Heeseung’s hoodie over your head. 
Immediately, you were enveloped by his scent; a light sweetness with new undertones of soft musk you hadn’t detected before. The fabric was still warm against your skin with his body heat which made you feel odd. 
You slowly tugged the collar up to your nose then dropped the fabric abruptly. 
Let’s not make this weird. It certainly beats being cold and wet. 
Heeseung eyed you once you remerged. “I ate already and was about to go looking for you to drop off your food.”
You plopped down across from him. “Yeah, sorry. Do you have to go soon?”
He glanced at his phone screen. “In about 10 minutes, for work. I’ll hang out for a while, though.”
“You don’t wanna work on an assignment while I eat?”
Heeseung pressed his cheek against his palm and leaned onto his elbow, his languid eyes on you, “Mm-mm.”
You stared at him before proceeding to shovel the tasty noodles into your mouth, “Okay.”
Heeseung chuckled, “How’d your meeting go?”
“Fine, I guess. My advisor thought he screwed up and almost made me think I had to take an extra two classes, but we straightened that out. I’m on track, and I’ll have a decent load to finish off next semester since it’s my last.”
Heeseung looked like he was in thought as you shared your schedule with him.
“None of those classes ring a bell.”
That fact bummed you out, more than you’d ever show. “Oh, really? What’s your semester looking like next year?”
“Hm, since it’s my last semester too, I’m thinking of going for an internship, it’s about time.”
You dabbed at your lips with a napkin, “That’s actually really good. I need to do that…”
“It’ll help when you apply for jobs, for sure.”
The impending doom of your future weighed heavily on your shoulders, and Heeseung seemed to notice you suddenly felt burdened. 
“So, you like dogs?”
You glanced up mid-chew, “I do!”
“Did you really give a dog your jacket?” Heeseung squinted. 
“Would you believe me if I said yes?”
“Maybe the second time around,” He was amused at how you pouted, “What breeds do you like?”
“I like all breeds. The funniest dogs are ones that are like humans. During last thanksgiving there was this one dog at my aunt’s that wouldn’t let me pet him at first. So, I let him be and sat in the living room alone, but every so often he would saunter in and get closer to me every time,” You laughed at the memory, “Then eventually he got so close, I just stuck my hand out and he pressed up against me for pets. Finicky but adorable…”
Heeseung cleared his throat, and wore a sheepish expression, “Sounds like it… You don’t own any dogs?”
“Not yet. I’m saving up and waiting ‘till I’m done with school. I want to be able to give it the attention it deserves.”
“I think that’s smart.”
You sighed, “Yeah… I wish I had one.”
As you finished your food, Heeseung finally said what was truly on his mind. 
“You should be more careful about walking around campus without a working phone. It gets dark faster these days,” He began. 
His scolding caught you off guard. 
“I am cautious, I’m not dumb,” You interrupted, “And I didn’t mean to. I would’ve charged it in the library or something but I didn’t want to keep you waiting—“
“It would’ve been fine if you left me waiting a little longer to do that. It’s such a big campus where anything could happen when you least expect it, so you should always have your phone on,” Heeseung motioned for you to hand over your phone, “And I know you know that.”
You pouted but dropped it into his hand, and he connected it to a portable charger he took out of his backpack, “Alright, mother.”
Heeseung sighed but gave you a small smile anyways. 
“Are you still at your old job or did you start your new one already?” You asked since Heeseung felt at liberty to say what he wanted. 
Heeseung’s eyes turned troubled. “Still there. Just for a little while longer.”
You pressed, “Where do you work?”
Heeseung’s lips parted to answer but he seemed to think better of it. 
“It’s not the greatest place,” Heeseung checked his phone and stood up, “Sorry, I’ve gotta go. See you.”
You bit your tongue. “Won’t you get all wet if you’re walking to work?”
“Uber,” was all he said with a tight smile, “Don’t worry about it. Get home safe.”
Heeseung left you his charger as he stepped outside into the rain, the deep slope of his shoulders inciting a sense of regret in you. Perhaps you shouldn’t have pushed him on the topic when it was clearly sensitive for him. He didn’t deserve your snappy attitude after he expressed his worry for you either… but you knew he wouldn’t hold you to it because that’s the kind of person he was. 
When you weren’t grabbing dinner with Heeseung, there were evenings when you would pour over your studies and meet Rin in the library, like you always had. 
“So, how are your otome games going? On to the next one?” She questioned. 
Oh shit. You’ve been neglecting your pixel husbands basically since the start of the semester—
“I actually haven’t touched any games in a while.”
“Really now?” Rin seemed unsurprised at such a revelation as she continued, “How about that coding class? These days you seem less stressed about it….”
“Yeah, I finally picked up a thing or two. There’s actually this guy who’s been—“
Rin jumped out of her seat and pointed at you accusingly, the screech of her chair drawing annoyed looks from other students. 
“I’ve been fucking waiting for you to bring him up!”
Your eyes widened, “Wait, how do you—”
“Shhhh!” Someone hushed. 
You both put your heads together and dropped your voices to a whisper. 
“How do you know Heeseung?”
Rin explained everything in detail, perhaps too much detail. Figuring out Heeseung consulted her the day you cried in front of him made your face burn. 
Apparently, he hung out enough in the library to recognize Rin as your friend, although you certainly had never seen him while studying. 
“Truthfully, at first, I was mad at the guy for upsetting you; the dude was too honest for his own good and actually told me he was in deep shit with you. I nearly caused a scene in here, but he seemed really apologetic and genuine about wanting to make things right with you. 
So, I told him food was the way to your heart, but I warned him you’d be a little stuck up about paying for yourself. Seriously, you have the weirdest eating schedule just to achieve ‘optimal efficiency’ and avoid ‘brain fog’ or whatever,” Rin grinned. 
Well, she wasn’t wrong. Free food definitely helped on top of everything else Heeseung managed to pull off since then.  
“I appreciate that, but I can’t believe you knew about everything the entire time,” You felt a tad guilty for not looping her in on the situation, having thought she would’ve teased you about it, “And that he actually went out of his way to ask you about me….”
You couldn’t help but look at him a little differently now. He was serious. 
“Well, I only knew what happened up until that day, but you seemed better these past several weeks, so it looks like my advice worked.”
You slid further into your seat and stared up at the ceiling, “Yeah, I suppose it did.”
“I didn’t want to ruin anything, so I stayed quiet. He’s very cute,” She grinned at you.
You paused, “We’re just friends.”
“What? All that drama for a friendship?”
Rin rose an impeccably plucked brow at you. 
“Yes,” You sighed, patting her head. 
Your friend pouted, “I would’ve guessed otherwise, girl. There’s still time, though.”
Was there?
Soon enough, another month had flown by— finals were around the corner, and both you and Heeseung were typing up code for your class project when you ran into your first distressing issue in a while. 
You called to him without taking your eyes off the screen, “Hey, something’s off, and I can’t figure out what. I swear if it’s just an extra period somewhere, I’m gonna—“
Heeseung was at your side in a heartbeat, “Let me see.”
You scooted your chair over to make room for his, but he got comfortable on the floor. “Stop kneeling. You know you’re gonna permanently fuck up your kneecaps, right?”
“I’m used to it,” He said simply before he froze up as if he had said something wrong. 
Assuming that he was poking at you, you scoffed, “I don’t ask you for help that often anymore, Hee.”
Heeseung cleared his throat and got to work on your code, “No, I know.”
While you waited for him to finish diagnosing the issue, you secretly inhaled his familiar, comforting scent of sweet lavender out of habit.
You saw him smirk out of the corner of your eye. 
“Seriously, what?”
He shrugged, “You’re doing that thing you do every time I get close.”
Fuck. When did he even– Fuck—
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The tapping of keys halted.
A mischievous lilt made its way into his voice as he faced you, “We’re gonna go that route?” 
“Yes. Yes, we are because you are not going to out me here,” You hissed under your breath. 
“Ha, so you admit that you do take a whiff—“
You took hold of his jaw and forced him to face your computer screen, “Focus.”
Heeseung eyes darkened, but he let out a chuckle. 
You were pressing two fingers to your temple and looking anywhere but at him, so you failed to notice. For the moment, you put aside your pride and stayed quiet until he figured out what the hell was wrong with your project. 
God, how embarrassing. 
A few keyboard and mouse clicks later, and Heeseung was settling back into his seat. “It was an extra period on line 976.”
“Of course it was,” You rolled your eyes and heard him laugh even harder. He was quick to figure out how often he could test your patience…
“Why do you always smell like pastries?” Your sudden question came out as an accusation. 
At this point in your friendship, you found yourself blurting out random things that were on your mind when with Heeseung, and he managed to learn how to go with the flow. 
“I bake in my spare time,” He said, clearly amused. 
You gawked at the new discovery, “I—I guess that explains it….”
“I’ve always baked, it’s sort of just a hobby I never thought to share.”
You swore there was always something to learn about the guy, even at the quick rate that you’d gotten to know him.
“Well, what do you do with all the stuff you make? Keep them all for yourself?” You jabbed at Heeseung.
“No, I just…” His voice quietly tapered off, so you were unable to catch his last words.
“You what?”
“I’ll just give it away to the homeless on the street if I deem it edible,” He muttered. 
“Huh,” You turned to Heeseung, “That’s actually really sweet.”
“It’s nothing,” He pressed his lips together and continued, “By the way, I just started my new job, and my shift is in the evening, so… we’re going to have to postpone Thai nights.”
“Oh. You started your new job finally?” Your heart and stomach dropped; you were so looking forward to it before you’d have to really buckle down for finals, “I guess we’ll have to postpone them. The timing, though….”
Postpone them until when? The two of you had completely different tracks from here on out. Would he even want to hang out with you next semester when there was nothing else to bind your schedules together?
Heeseung leaned over to rest his elbows on his knees, appearing contemplative while watching you cycle through the endless thoughts in your mind.
“I work at this new cafe about ten minutes away from campus. Do you want to drop by and check it out after class? If you want, you could study there until I get off, and then we can have dinner at my place.”
Dinner at his place?
He saw the way your eyes blew up, and he couldn’t tell if it was in shock or excitement. 
“Don’t feel pressured, it was just a thought,” Heeseung brushed off a piece of lint on your knee, his touch lingering, “I get off at around 10:00, so it’d be a later-than-usual dinner.”
“S-sure,” Your voice pitched unusually high, and you nearly threw up in your mouth. 
Geez, calm down! 
Heeseung looked pleased as he stood up from his desk and slung his backpack over his shoulder, “Shall we?”
The moment you stepped foot in the new cafe, your body appreciated the drastic change in temperature inside, the weather was extremely chilly these days. Didn’t change the fact that you’d order something iced, though. 
“Take a look at the menu, I need to get changed, and I’ll be right out to make you something to drink,” Heeseung ushered you further into the store, his hand at your lower back. 
“No problem,” You held Heeseung’s warm gaze and forgot to breathe. 
As Heeseung set off to the back, you exhaled and took in the bright, cozy interior of the cafe along with its high ceilings. Evening light filtered through the tall windows, casting the whole place in warmth. 
What a nice cafe to work at. I could study here more often too.
The aroma of ground coffee beans and sweet pastries filled your nose, causing your brain to perk up at the thought of caffeine even though it was evening. The people that occupied the space were relatively quiet– the seats were mainly filled with a few students and young professionals. 
An empty table was waiting for you in the corner, so you set down your belongings there and pulled out your wallet. Curious about their menu, you returned to the counter to consider the items. 
A handsome, light-haired young man eagerly approached from behind the bar upon seeing you, “Hi there! What can I get for you?”
Your brain raced for an answer even though you were supposed to wait for Heeseung. “Um, I’ll try the iced matcha latte….”
“Perfect,” He gave you a thousand-watt smile, “Anything else I can get you? We have macarons that we bake daily.”
“Sure,” You considered the colorful rows of macarons behind the glass counter, “I’ll try a lavender one and a vanilla bean.”
As the boy picked out your macarons, you imagined how Heeseung might look like working his shift here, from his mannerisms to his barista skills and if he dealt with customers easily or not. It was something you’d never thought of previously since you had no clue about his work.
“I threw in a couple of other popular flavors on the house,” the boy gave you a wink, making you blush unexpectedly.
“Oh, thank you so much!”
The barista took a step to his right without taking his eyes off you and bumped right into Heeseung, who suddenly appeared. You noticed he looked especially cute in his work uniform, somehow fitting your exact image of how a barista would look in his white button-down and his chestnut-colored apron. A smile made its way onto your face; his glasses completed the coffee connoisseur look. 
“Sorry, man—“
“Hey, no worries. I’ll ring her up,” Your eyes widened at the slight insistence in Heeseung’s voice that left no room for argument, “Jake, meet ___.”
“Hey,” Jake gave you a little wave, despite looking a bit confused at why Heeseung intercepted. 
“___, this is my friend Jake. He also goes to our University,” He mentioned while tinkering with the cash register.
You took out your card and gave Jake a shy smile, “Oh, nice. Great to meet you.”
He winked at you, “Likewise.”
Apparently, only hot people work here, you surmised. 
You thought you saw Heeseung pout at the exchange between you and Jake, but whether or not he actually did, he ignored your card and handed over your bag of macarons, swiftly stepping away to prepare your drink.
“Wait, I need to pay—“
“I’ve got you. It’ll just be a few minutes,” he called over his shoulder and got to work.
Your cheeks grew warm. 
Why did he have to act so sweet sometimes?
“I mean, I knew you had a girlfriend, but you should’ve told me she was dropping by,” Jake chuckled as he pulled up by Heeseung’s side.
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
“She’s not?” Jake questioned. 
“But I’m interested in her,” Heeseung clarified while frothing your matcha latte a bit too aggressively. 
“Aw,” Jake moped, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed, “That’s too bad, she’s kinda….”
When it went silent, Jake playfully glanced over at Heeseung, who was staring him down. He slapped him on the back, “Only messing with you, dude.”
Just as you finished unpacking and settling in at the corner table, Heeseung approached with your matcha latte in hand and set it down in front of you. 
“That was quick,” You felt giddy getting the special treatment.
“Give it a try, and let me know if it needs anything.”
You stirred the pretty green liquid with the straw and took a sip, glancing up at Heeseung as you did so. Heeseung bit his lip and tilted his head expectantly.
“It’s perfect.”
“Good, just let me know if you need anything,” He smiled, but before he could leave, you caught his sleeve.
“Wait, have a macaron before you go. Jake gave me a lot,” You randomly chose the dusty pink one that smelled like roses and held it up for him to take.
Instead, he drew close, placing his hand on the back of your chair to steady himself, parted his lips, and waited. You glanced up at him to check if he was joking, but the glimmer in his eye said otherwise.  
Brain on autopilot, you fed it to him, and he took a bite out of the fresh macaron.
He licked at his lips and smirked at you, “Thanks.”
After he disappeared behind the counter, you dropped your forehead into your hand, flabbergasted. You just knew your face was so red. 
This crazy ass—
What, did he expect you to finish the remainder of the macaron? 
This was too much for you to handle– Heeseung was too much for you to handle today.
And, of course, you finished it.
Two hours flew by at your table while you were jamming to some nostalgic tunes in your own little world while studying for your upcoming finals. 
Feeling the urge to stretch, you took off your headphones and extended your stiff limbs with a wince.
Condensation ran down your empty glass of matcha, and you had finished nibbling on your macarons earlier. Besides the lavender and vanilla flavors you had chosen, the rose one was pretty aromatic, and the other strawberries and cream flavor Jake picked out for you was delicious. The snacks certainly whet your appetite, and now you were more than looking forward to having dinner with Heeseung… at his place. 
You peered at Heeseung over the top of your laptop as he kept busy behind the espresso bar; Jake was a very charismatic cashier, as you experienced first-hand, while Heeseung was rather efficient at serving up beverages and hopping in to take orders when needed. They seemed to handle themselves well as a team, as far as you could tell from the past couple of hours.
Girls and guys often wandered in to gawk at the two, and you completely understood why. Nonetheless, it didn’t help the surge of discomfort you felt when you caught two girls checking Heeseung out from behind. There was nothing you could do but seethe in your seat.
Relax. They’re not the ones headed home with him tonight. 
Ah, that reminder helped, sort of. 
Now you were feeling antsy about the fact that Heeseung had invited you over in the first place. There was no way you prepared in any way, shape or form with how little heads up he gave you, but you couldn’t have easily passed up the opportunity to get a look at his place and spend more time with him. 
And if he baked, he had to be a good cook, no?
The chatty girls ended up being the last customers to leave the cafe, except for you in the corner, partially anxious but mostly content because you were alone, and so was Heeseung. 
After a quiet period, you were drawn from your studies when a woman who stood out from the average patron strolled into the cafe. She was dressed well enough to convince you that she was a model or at least an influencer of sorts, especially by the confident way she held herself. 
Jake welcomed her warmly, and you were about to slip your headphones back on when you heard her speak, “Hello. Does Heeseung work here?”
“Yeah! Do you want me to get him for you? He’s prepping food in the back.”
Who is she? A friend?
Jake made his way to the back kitchens. “Hey, Heeseung! Someone’s here to see you!”
“One sec,” You heard Heeseung call. 
The woman stood calmly and patiently at the counter; she appeared to be in her mid-twenties and looked sharp in all-black fashion with a set of alluring, shadowy eyes. An uneasy feeling passed through your stomach at the way she suddenly rolled her shoulders and neck— you couldn’t put a finger on it, but if it involved Heeseung, you didn’t like it.
Heeseung emerged from the kitchen doors, and you became deeply concerned at how his face went stoic upon seeing the mysterious woman. Jake sensed something was off as well and looked back and forth between the two. 
“Hi. I hope I caught you at a good time. As you know, I’ve been wanting to chat,” Her tone was overtly sweet. 
Heeseung rounded the counter and approached her, dropping his voice to an inaudible murmur. 
Whispers were exchanged between them; you focused on trying to read their lips, but it was difficult. They were familiar with each other, that much you could tell. However, they couldn’t have looked like more complete opposites. 
Feeling that you were being nosy, you stopped staring and returned to your project at hand, not wanting to overstep any further. 
A sharp slap followed by a harsh clatter resounded in the empty cafe, alerting you.
Shocked, your head whipped towards the source of the noise, only to see Heeseung, whose face was angled away from you. Your sights landed on his glasses on the tile floor.
The woman standing in front of him took an easy breath, but the way she flicked her wrist gave away her rage.
Somehow, you were already standing from your seat, crossing the floor, “Excuse me. Did you just–”
The woman kept her eyes trained on Heeseung, “Mind your own business, love.”
Jake jumped in front of you, waving his hands, “Jesus— Easy, easy. I’ll handle this.” 
Red filled your vision once your brain registered what had happened, but you had enough sense to stand your ground a safe distance away— for that woman’s sake.
“Get her out of here before I do it myself,” you gritted out. 
Jake nodded and was quick to address the woman, “Miss, I’m not sure what’s going on, but you can’t just assault our staff. I’m going to have to ask you to leave immediately due to store policy.”
She eyed you, and her sharp expression slowly morphed into a feigned smile, startling you.
“Just one more thing,” She inclined her chin towards Heeseung, “Then we’ll chat back at my place after you wrap up here, alright, love?”
Heeseung’s gaze flickered at the woman, but he said nothing. 
She sauntered up to him, much too close for anyone’s comfort, and reached out to take hold of his chin, her sharp nails gauging into his skin. Stunned, you watched him shut his eyes tightly, how his brows drew together— and then he caught her wrist before she could get any closer.
Heeseung spoke in an extremely deliberate tone, “No. This is the last time I’ll be saying this to you. We’re finished. We’ve been finished. Do you understand?”
As the woman’s fingers curled into a fist, so did yours. 
“Leave. If I see you bothering any customers or staff who occupy this space, I’ll let the authorities deal with you,” He warned.
“I’ve taken care of you since we were children, Heeseung.”
The statement took you by surprise. 
“We’re done talking,” Heeseung tugged her past you and Jake towards the cafe entrance. She pulled back on his grip, but he remained unfazed. 
The two of you watched him take her outside and proceed to lock up the front of the store. Jake quickly followed and began to pull down the blinds as the woman pressed up against the windows. Her eyes slowly dragged over your form in the most demeaning manner. 
“Talk about a crazy ex,” Jake murmured to no one in particular, pressing his back against the covered window. You exhaled heavily, speechless at the turn of events.
When you bent over to pick up Heeseung’s glasses and inspect them, you noticed a lens had cracked. One could only imagine how much the slap must’ve stung. 
Heeseung touched the small of your back, “I’m really sorry you had to see that.”
Feeling left in the dark, you turned around and gave him a look of confusion, “Exactly how long has it been since you broke up with your ex?”
“Since the start of the semester,” Heeseung answered right away, “This is the first time I’ve seen her since. I don’t know how she found out about my new job.”
“And she still can’t take a hint?” Jake asked while cleaning up behind the register. 
“She will now because I’m not entertaining her games.”
You felt relief, but you immediately regretted the question. 
What a thing for me to ask after everything that just took place, you thought, ashamed. 
“Are you okay?” Your hand was shaky when you reached out to touch his cheek. 
His fingers brushed against the back of your hand in reassurance. 
“I’m fine. I’ll be better once we get out of here and grab something to eat back at my place,” He managed to give you a small smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
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razor-tits · 6 months
A very long and over due life update.
So, to start this off I guess I need to back up. Let's start in October. It feels like yesterday but also a lifetime ago. Things were...ok I'd say. Boring, routine, the only shake up was my hormones ran out and my job was changing our insurance, so I had to cancel my follow up appointment for bloodwork and a refill. But then I got some bad news from my parents.
My dad had a heart attack and was in the hospital. He was ok, but he needed surgery. First they thought just a stent, but then decided he needed a triple bypass. I have a pretty good relationship with my parents, but we're kind of distant. I live a few hours away and only see them around the holidays but we talk on the phone weekly. My dad can lean a little on the conservative side but both of them are the absolute salt of the earth. They're done so much to help me and I felt powerless to be able to help. I couldn't leave work and felt like there was nothing I could do.
The next couple weeks were rough, my dad was staying in the hospital, my mom was going back and forth staying with him and taking care of my grandma, who is in her late 80's and has a litany of health issues. On a Friday I finally managed to make the drive home and spend the weekend there. Seeing my dad laid up in a hospital gown tied to machines is something i'll never forget. He could get up and move and acted like he was ok. But he's one of those guys you meet and you think he's invincible. The kind of guy that put a new roof on our house with a broken finger and can't turn away a stray animal at the door. Some family members I hadn't seen in a long time came and went over the weekend. Thoughts of our own mortality set in and I realize this could be the last time I see any of them.
I've lost people before. Some of them suddenly and unexpectedly. Others who's death was almost a sigh of relief after fighting for so long. I never got to say goodbye when my friend died and I hope he knows how much he meant to me. I don't want to feel that again, ever.
The day of surgery came. He was in the OR for 3 hours but it felt like an eternity and a second at the same time. A few hours after that my mom and I were able to see him. He was extubated already, which was a good sign. But he was on heavy medication, incoherent, coming in and out of sleep. But he knew I was there and that's all that mattered.
I had to leave and make my way back to my parents to get my dog, and then make the 2 hour drive back to Ohio and go back to work in the morning. At this point I knew my dad would be ok, he just had to get through recovery. But now thoughts of my own health were worrying me. I'm not in the best shape, I don't exercise or work out. I've already had surgery to fix stomach problems. Everyone on my dad's side has heart problems, and everyone on my mom's side has cancer and diabetes. There's not much I do to prevent any of that. I'm in my 30's and I feel it, maybe more than I should.
Over the next couple months my mental health continues to fall. I had a birthday and spent it sick, as I always seem to do. It's always a rough time of year for me. Seasonal depression kicks in, I get older, and another year passes. My dog, my best friend, the reason I kept myself alive, is getting old. I see it more and more every day and it breaks my heart.
The holidays came and went. I saw my grandma for the first time in a few years. Always wondering if it will be the last. Despite that, this year I never felt less in the holiday spirit. I used to love this time of year, now I desperately try to enjoy it, but part of me just wants it to be over. The best part seems to be a few days off work.
At this point it should be noted I have not restarted hormones. My identity has always been more in flux than i've let on, and maybe that needs to be it's own post, but I don't know if I want to start again or not. I don't know what I want, I don't know what my goals are. I don't know who i am. Beyond basic hygiene, I really don't even feel like taking care of myself most days. I pretty much always feel melancholic. I'm not angry, I don't get excited, I don't have much joy. My sex drive is non existent and I have no desire to do...well, anything.
New year's comes and I honestly couldn't care. It feels like another day. My gf and I go out and have an Ok time. I'm just so tired all the time it's hard for me to go out and enjoy myself like I used to.
And then, a couple days ago my landlord calls. We have to move out. Not sure when, but probably soon. I'm heartbroken and panicking over it. We absolutely love our house. We've only been here about a year and a half but it's been wonderful. It has plenty of room, privacy, it's quiet. We can leave our doors unlocked and packages aren't stolen off our porch. We're allowed both of our dogs and all 3 of our cats with no issues. We've invested so much time and money here. My gf is close with the owners and their children, who were the previous tenants. We even thought about trying to buy this house off of them when their other kid moves out of the downstairs apartment. And it's affordable. Anything else like what we have now will cost double and we can't afford that.
Our last apartment was tiny, cramped, dark and ran by an awful property investment company. And now we have to deal with that again. If we can even find a place where we can take 5 animals. We can hide 2 of the cats, but not all of them. We're in no position to buy nor do we have the time to go through the process. My gf said we may have to find 2 different apartments and live separately for a while. Just the thought of that brings me to tears. I can't live without her, I can't live without our pets. We're a family. I don't know what to do.
Since I got the phone call I've done nothing but panic, contact rental agencies and weigh my options. None of them are good. Best case scenario is we move in a smaller, worse place, paying more rent.
Nothing is going right for me. I know this isn't insurmountable and nothing that people haven't gone through before. But...god damn I need a break and I can't get one.
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
There probably an ask to this, but no doubt loss in one of the numerous purges I take upon my ask box. If so; Sorry!
Growing Pains
Jaune: Ughhh…
Pyrrha: Everything go alright with the doctor, Jaune?
Jaune: Noooo…
Pyrrha: Oh no! What’s wrong! Are you dying?! Please don’t die, Jaune!!!
Jaune: What?! No, no I’m not dying!
Pyrrha: Oh thank gods…
Ren: Then what is wrong, Jaune?
Jaune: Haa… You know I went to see the doctor because of a headache I’ve been dealing with?
Ren: Yes, you said it’s been keeping you up at night so we said go see the school doctor.
Jaune: Yeah well… The doc said it wasn’t some random headache… It was growing pains��
Ren: Growing pains? Well, you’re still at that age where people go through puberty. But, why would it be giving you a headache?
Jaune: Haa… Look…
Nora: Did you bump your head?
Ren: Twice?
Pyrrha: An equal distance from each other…? Uhh… Jaune, are those pumps?
Jaune: No… They’re horns…
Pyrrha: You’re growing horns?!
Nora: Dragon faunas confirmed!!!
Ren: You’re messing with us, right?
Jaune: Nope… the XRays the doc took confirmed it… I’m growing horns…
Ren: Are you okay with this, you looked pretty… depressed.
Jaune: Haa… I don’t like how people have been treating me lately… Sure it’s better than being the butt of a joke, but I don’t like being treated as some sort of messiah figure! And, before because of the nature of my traits I could easily hide myself from the more fanatical faunas, but with this! Haa… Can’t hide horn sticking out from the side of my head… All I can hope is that they look cool, and aren’t six inches tall! That would suck.
Pyrrha: Are they going to be like that?
Jaune: Maybe; The doc says the horns may stay close to my head, and possibly fetter out the closer to the end of the horn. But, since I’m a dragon faunas they’re not sure what they’ll look like.
Nora: Have you finally accepted you place as a dragon?!
Jaune: It’s either that, or a freak… I’m going with what sounds cooler…
Pyrrha: Hahaha~! Oh that sounds just like you, Jaune.
Ren: So, are you upset you’re growing horns, or are you more concerned about the shape they may take.
Jaune: The later; Depending on the shape it will determine the burden they will place on me. And, how much of a pain in the neck they may be…
Ren: Are you being literal, or rhetorical?
Jaune: Meh, same difference.
Ren: W-What…?
Pyrrha: So, do you think you’ll be able to handle growing horns?
Jaune: Well, I talked to a bunch of horned faunas, and they gave some very helpful tips to dealing with horns. Since they’re growing I will get accustomed to the weight, and moving about with them. Most of their advice was cosmetic stuff.
Ren: Like what?
Jaune: Oh stuff like I will have to start wearing button up shirts, and other stuff like that because of how wide the horns may become.
Ren: Make sense; your probably won’t be able to get them on your head.
Pyrrha: Or, tear them ip trying to get them own.
Jaune: Yeah… They recommend that I also get ask for a longer, and wider bed to accommodate the horns. Also get reinforced, bedsheets, benefits, towels, anything like that.
Ren: Make sense.
Jaune: Oil to help maintain the condition of your horns.
Nora: That’s a thing?
Jaune: They were very insistent on this. I guess I’ll learn when the time comes…
Ren: Noted.
Jaune: Also, if I have to, I should wear little caps on the end so I don’t tear anything in my sleep…
Nora: Naww~! You’d look adorable.
Jaune: …
Jaune: So, yeah I learned a lot of useful stuff from those guys. Mostly…
Pyrrha: What did the girls say?
Ren: What makes you…?
Nora: Shh! She’s about to get very angry, don’t get in the line of fire!
Jaune: They gave me several recommendations on how to properly handle a Faunas girl with… Haaa… Handlebars… Very descriptive recommendations…
Pyrrha: Grrrrrrr!!!!
Jaune: Faunas girls are…
Ren: Excited…?
Nora: Desperate?
Pyrrha: A bunch of hormonal whores?!!
Jaune: Haa… Yeah, pretty much…
Pyrrha: Stupid hormel faunas bitches…?!
Nora: Okay… That’s it… Let’s go do some training, Pyrrha. Work out that steam! Ya!
Pyrrha: Yeah~! Bet up some faunas whores, that sounds like fun~! Hehehe~!
Ren: …
Jaune: …
Ren: You heard everything she just said, didn’t you?
Jaune: It’s cute that she forgot I can hear her grumbling. But… What she says in her grumbling…
Ren: What are you going to do?
Jaune: Haa… I’ll level with you, Ren. I’m very interested in several girls, including, Pyrrha. But… I’m unsure what I want, or what they want. So, I don’t plan on doing anything, until I’m sure what I need… What I want…
Ren: So, I take it most of the girls asking for your kids is not a willing quality?
Jaune: Well… for most of them…
Ren: …
Jaune: Oh shut it… Besides, I’m not going to bed a bunch of random girls just to have some kids! I only did that once, and I had a good reason on why I did that!
Ren: You… did…?
Jaune: Yeah, my sister, and her wife wanted a kid so they asked me to… to… uh oh…
Ren: Uh oh? What’s, Uh oh?
Jaune: I need to call my sister! I’ll be at the CCT tower if you need me!
Ren: …
Ren: Probably a faunas thing…
Ren: …
Ren: Oh…! Oh… Uh oh indeed…
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polypomefiore · 2 months
Imagine if the pometrio got pregnant around the same time, maybe a few weeks or months apart, for Vil it might be his second or third baby and he’s anxious as all hell, he knows what’s going to happen, he knows his baby’s going to get taken away again, he can’t relax and enjoy his pregnancy like Epel can because poor boy is still in denial, hoping and praying that Vils baby was taken away because he’s unstable, then there’s Rook who’s trying to be a mediator for the two despite his own pregnancy worries, trying to calm down Vil and keep him calm so he won’t hurt himself, helping Epel through his own symptoms and aches and pains coming from being so small and carrying something so heavy for the first time. Imagine when the babies come and are taken, each falls into a depression, they won’t talk, won’t eat or sleep unless someone makes them via sleeping potion or forcing food down their throats. The other pets get worried and try their best to help because Vils always been there for them, teaching them the rules and how to avoid Malleus and the retainers wrath, helping each of them adjust to the garden and being a pet, Epels the newest, the youngest, and the smallest, some won’t admit it, but they are partial to him because of how much he reminds them of someone from their past, be it a younger sibling or family member or a cute neighborhood kid, and while none are really attached to Rook, they know if he dies because he’s not taking care of himself, Vil would never recover and their helping the other two, might as well help him while their at it.
Riddles the one that makes schedules for them, when and what they need to eat, when they need to be taken outside into the sun for at least 15 minutes, when they need to be given their sleeping potions, etc, for now he’s placed himself in charge of making sure the garden doesn’t fall into chaos (everyone can’t wait for Vil to get better so Riddle can stop being a control freak.) Leona at least makes sure that Rook and Epel get exercise or movement, it’s harder to get Vil to have the motivation to move these days, but he is more willing to take walks with Jack to see the flowers and some days he’s able to tend to them. The octotrio can’t do much but they do sometimes take Epel into the water with them, not to fuck, but to have him close and surrounded by his element, just as Rook lays against the trees with Leona who takes a nap in the shade and Vil spends time with Jack and maybe Riddle where all the flowers are. Ortho loves spending time with them, dragging his brother along with him because his brothers depressed and functional surely he can help them! (Ortho doesn’t understand that their loss is different than Idias, that the loss of a sibling and getting your child snatched from your arms are different.) Jamil helps them make sure their clean for the most part, helping brush through their hair, sometimes braiding it while Kalim sings and trills for the pometrio, sometimes he braids their hair too and braids his feathers into their hair.
Who knows, maybe seeing them like this, seeing how broken they are, seeing how their children were snatched from their arms with no thought of how that would affect them, maybe that’s the catalyst for the others thinking about escape. It might be an off hand comment at first, but eventually it snowballs into something bigger.
aw i love how everyone helps out. as they should bc the pome3 help them with…things…ofc they also help them when they’re hormonal too (though not vil as much, he’d rather nap, but rook and epel especially are insatiable). poor things deserve to be pampered
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autistic-katara · 1 year
cw transphobia/cw suicide/rant
disrespectfully, if ur the typa parent who treats ur kid coming out as trans as “ur little girl/boy dying” or u “being in mourning” and especially if u talk abt that infront of/to ur trans kid fuck you.
“let them have emotions” no, fuck that. u can have feelings like that or whatever, i’m not trying to police ur thoughts but 1. acknowledge that u need to work on those feelings for the sake of ur kid and 2. keep those feelings to ur fucking self.
and if u absolutely HAVE to talk abt them, do it privately, when ur kid’s not around, when no other trans kid who might be in a similar situation could hear. if someone asks u if u feel like that when ur kid’s sitting right fucking next to u just lie, or at the very least tell them uve been working on it (which u better have been.)
because it makes it seem like u think ur kid’s transition is abt urself (which i sometimes wonder if u mfs do think that), and it makes ur kid feel like they cant explore their own feelings abt them feeling like they killed the little girl/boy they used to be, even if its not related to gender or being trans at all, heck, maybe ur trans son feels weird abt thinking he “killed the boy he used to be” bcz of smthn else like depression or smthn and he feels weird abt thinking that bcz u talked abt how u feel in mourning for his past self and it made him feel super icky (or vice verca w/ ur trans daughter or enby kid).
parts of this go for other insensitive shit u could say to ur kid during their transition (“i’m worried it could be a trend” “hormones/blockers r just so dangerous”, comparing medically transitioning to girls developing anorexia due to diet culture, etc.)
i’m sorry, i know i should probably be sympathetic to parents going through a kinda (and partially rightfully) scary change but if ur saying or doing shit that negatively affects ur kid, even if u didnt mean it that way fuck u, idgaf abt how u feel abt it, how u feel like u lost a child, how u hate ALL surgeries (but especially an unnecessary one), how after a few hours of facebook research ur worried it could be a trend, how ur worried that using their name/pronouns might confuse their younger siblings (who would probably easily understand a simple explanation with the option to ask questions after if explained right), i do not give one single fuck abt ur self-centred, uneducated worries.
you might have good intentions or whatever but this shit is gonna kill your child, i’m sorry. and if it doesnt kill them its gonna make them hate u, both now and when theyre actually able to medically transition and live on their own.
and honestly, even if they do figure out “oh hey, i’m actually just cis but with a kinda complicated relationship to gender” i promise u they arent gonna thank u profusely for bringing up the worry that theyre not actually trans or making their transition so much harder and slower, theyre gonna hate u for making them scared to question their gender anymore incase u turn out to be right and u think u did the right thing which would both feel shitty for them personally for obvious reasons but might also hurt their trans siblings or the trans kids whos parents might be in the same facebook group or whatever.
and theyre very much gonna hate u for overlooking their feelings, doing stuff they know u know makes them actively suicidal, and not caring enough to look at actual resources for parents trying to support their trans kids better, preferably written by a trans person themself, and instead go to, again, ur mommy facebook group where ur bsf posts terfy memes and abt how “she doesnt want her teenage daughters in the same bathroom as perverted men!” (both “daughters” also being trans boys who coincidentally are both insanely suicidal, cope in unhealthy methods, and talk shit abt their parents the moment the topic of them comes up) and where they fear-monger abt how ur young impressionable girls (and probably boys too) are being taken advantage of by the evil transgenderism movement and how its a social trend for them to mutilate their bodies, “just like how girls would starve themselves to fit in when we were teens!”, and thats in the rare chance that they DO detransition.
anyways idrk what else to say other than support ur fuckin trans kids as much as u can, do actual research to support them, or dont be shocked when ur child tries to kill themself and/or doesnt speak to u anymore when their older, and when that happens i hope the pain u feel is as bad as half the pain we feel from having to deal with ur self centred transphobic bullshit that makes it feel like our parents dont love us and just see us as dolls and see our struggles w/ dysphoria as small irritation that surgery and hormones would be unnecessary to fix, and if u make ur kid feel like that i cannot stress this enough: Fuck. You. because you are the reason the child ur supposed to love, care for, and protect feels like this and wants to kill themself. just fuck you.
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princesscolumbia · 2 months
Author Thoughts - Reader Edition
I've been struggling the last few years with repeated episodes of burnout. It used to be really severe, grinding so hard I was in a fog most of my waking hours. I didn't really grasp what I was doing to myself because the burnout started happening in the wake of my divorce. I'd discovered I couldn't think about the pain or depression if I sunk myself into heavy workloads, and the nearly existential grief didn't look a whole lot different, at least from this side of my eyeballs, than what I know now is burnout, so I was going from traumatically depressed to trauma induced depression to burnout without any gap in between and not knowing I was just hurting myself.
I suspect I'd been burning myself out for years prior (simply because the symptoms were all there even if I didn't know what to call it), but it wasn't, paradoxically, until I was living homeless out of my van that I was able to get enough sleep to stop being chronically burned out. Yes, it was a horrible time. Yes, it was a living nightmare. But I got enough sleep. By the time I was able to live in an actual house again, I started falling into my old habits of working far more than I ever should and not taking care of myself (again, by getting enough sleep) that I started experiencing burnout...and being able to recognize that something was wrong rather than just powering through it.
And (thanks to my upbringing) I seemed to have developed some stereotypical traits one might call, "the overachieving lesbian mom-friend who doesn't believe she's worth anything stereotype." (Which, yes, is a mouthful)
If I'm not doing something, I don't have value. If I don't have value, I have no right to exist, let alone ask for help. If I were to ask for help, it would show I'm not worthy. If I'm not worthy, I don't deserve to be happy in my own skin. If I don't deserve to be happy in my own skin, I don't have the right to fitness, proper diet, hormones, etc. If I don't have a fit body, a healthy diet, an attractive body, etc., then I shouldn't expect to feel loved by anyone, let alone myself. If I can't love myself, then why should anyone else even look twice at me let alone rely on me to do something?
It's a nasty, self-destructive spiral, and it's kicked off by even thinking about taking some time for self-care.
Writing is, for all that it's a valuable escape from the pressures of my day job and meditative in its own way and a fantastic step in genuine self-care, still work. It takes effort and time and energy and spoons and plenty of forks and maybe even a knife or two. And when I'm burnt out, I can't. I just cannot make the words come out, not reliably, not quickly, and most of the time I force them I wind up deleting them later because they're dreck compared to what I'm usually able to do when unburnt.
And it makes me feel incredibly guilty! By this point I've got readers (and, one might hope, actual fans) who look forward to my stuff enough to get excited when I release a new chapter or fic. When I'm unable to produce anything, I feel like I'm letting them down. Like I should be doing something and I'm trying to do something but it just doesn't happen and my brain starts finding new and creative ways to trigger the ol' depression spiral.
Seeing other authors put their trials and struggles and challenges in the varied and sundry author's notes type fields and the linked blogs and socials...well, it reminds me that life happens to all authors, no matter how popular their work is. I've recently absolutely fallen in love with QuietValerie's work, and given she's developed the type of following I only dream of having (what with being able to use her writing to support herself and her family without worrying about another job, not to mention the Holy Grail of any author...fan-art), it's incredibly affirming when someone who's written a fic that has so much world building and characters and growth and feels they've inspired other authors to contribute to the mythos when they show they're human, too! (Er, well, in that we're all sentient beings on Earth that fall in that categorization. There could be sentient A.I. reading this right now and I hardly want to exclude them. And the transspecies folks. And the systems with non-human members. And the...okay, I'll stop) These folks have real life problems and things that get them down and surgeries and incidents that involve various forms of insurance paperwork and bills to pay and children to raise and pets to clean up after and all the things that everyone else has to deal with. They have writer's block, they have burnout, they have health problems, but they're still worthy of the praise they get on their work.
And if they are allowed to be human (or human-adjacent) and have life happen to them and are still worthy of their audience, even with all their delays and issues and challenges...
...then I'm worthy of those same things.
And that's kinda scary for me, but it also gives me a little hope that maybe my stuff is worth reading, too, even when I have to take a break so I don't hurt myself. Again.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
the next person who says "I don't support 4 year olds having sex change surgeries" when not one single person under 18 has ever gotten a sex change surgery is getting their windows smashed in
you freaks don't understand that children are actually very smart and know themselves and what makes them comfortable far more than random strangers on the internet. at that age, the only thing that changes is their name and maybe the way they dress. you know how cis kids can choose their own nicknames and pick out their clothes "I like Tommy! it sounds cooler" "mommy I want the dinosaur shirt" etc. why is there a double standard when it comes specifically to kids who's presentation doesn't makes their assigned sex at birth? why do you need to know that a four year olds clothes and name "match" their genitals. are you even thinking about a four year old's genitals?
or maybe their isn't a double standard. you're one of those abusive parents. "you can't call yourself Tommy. you name is Thomas. if you call yourself anything else, you'll be in trouble" "no, you cannot. dinosaurs are too violent and gross. only I get to decide what you may wear"
except it's even worse because they aren't your kid. they're a random stranger you've never met before. which is just fucking pathetic and controlling.
again, no one under 18 has ever gotten a sex change without first going through many many years of therapy. with very few exceptions, no one under 10 is on puberty blockers. with very few exceptions, no one under 13 is on hormones. there are very strict age limits for these kinds of things. and the only exceptions is when that kid has gone through years of therapy telling every single doctor and therapist and endocrinologist "I am not comfortable with my body. I am transgender. I want my body to match how I feel. I understand what hormones do, and I have worked with multiple doctors who approve. this is not my parents' decision. it's mine." and all the therapists and doctors and endocrinologists all have to agree, and if a single one of them doesn't, then the kid doesn't get hormones.
I should remind you that the alternative to letting trans people transition is depression and even suicide. even if they don't medically or socially transition, having one supportive family member cuts suicide rates in half. actually transitioning cuts suicide rates below that of the average cis person.
if you wanted to prevent child suicides, you'd let kids do what makes them happy instead of controlling them and abusing them.
- signed a woman who knew she was a girl since she was 2 and a half years old, and sincerely wished that the people in her life let her be herself
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daisydezem · 1 year
So today I turned 33😊 and its been a good(ish) day. I just wanted to vent a little bit about what else is going on in my life so yeah I'll write a little bit about it.
Triggers: period, doctor, IUD, hysterectomy (uterus removal)
In 2021 December I got the injection pill. Ever since my period was whacky. I had no period for a month and then for 2 months in a row. I went to the doctor and he gave me some hormone pills to make it stop and it did. Then the same thing happened. 1 month not then 2 months in a row (and with that I mean every day for those 2 months) so I went to the doctor again.
This time he wanted to reset my period patarn so with the injection pill I also got the normal pill. I called the pharmacy and the lady on the phone asked if that was right. So I explained and she said okay well then just come pick them up. I did have a little bit of period for like 2 weeks but that wasn't so bad. Then I started to notice myself change.
I was emotional, crying (and normally I hate crying), angry and just a whirlwind of emotions. I got my period again September 28th. A week later I had to have the injection shot again. So I asked the nurse if I should still keep taking the normal pill as well. She asked me what? So again I explained what the doctor had said and she asked me... are you okay? And I said yeah sure... I didn't want to admit I wasn't. But she did said to stop the pill.
Was I okay? That question rang in my head. And no I wasn't... I was crying at work because someone had a pretty last name, because I saw a elderly couple in a commercial shopping... I was crying all the time but the weird part was I didn't feel sad at all. So I called the doctor again and asked for a female doctor. This was early November and I had my period from September 28th. I had a lot of blood (one hour for the largest tampon was already blood through) and heavy cramps and I stopped working due to it on November 19th since I couldn't tell my manager how I would react if there was a calamity and if I would be able to guide people into safety.
I talked about this with the female doctor. And you know what she said? "I think you might be depressed" What? No, I wasn't. My hormones and period are a out of control. But I was send home with the advise to rest for a week and call in a week if things weren't better. They weren't and I called. I sat with the same doctor asking for a meeting with a gynaecologist but she just said maybe you just need to go back on the pill and to be safe (since I got pregnant being on the pill) your partner should just get a vasectomy. But that won't slove my hormones, sense of security, my bleeding or my cramps. So I begged to see the gynaecologist and final I was able to see one in December (still everyday on my period, heavy cramps and hormones moodswings)
We did some tests, I had anemia, had too much hormones because of the combination of injunction pill and normal pill and showing signs of exhaustion. And I was done... I just said remove it. But they didn't want to because I was too young. I might want kids in 5 years... I DONT! She told me to at least wait to see what would happen if all hormones from the pills were out of the body. So we did...
Fast forward to the end of January of this year. Things hadn't changed, still on my period everyday, my exhaustion was worse and the pain of the cramps were less and less doable since I couldn't power through because of the exhaustion. So I was given painkillers and it helps a bit. But they were still painful and getting more frequent. So she decided to try a IUD. It was placed February 6th.
Thise who have them know putting them in isn't very nice. It hurts... but the days after I was in horrible pain. It got worse. It felt like I was in labor. But after 2 weeks it got a bit better. The bleeding was still there but I was able to sleep and I even went to work for a few hours. Then I had a check up to see if everything was okay(mind you everytime it's a vaginal ultrasound that I went to the doctor) She checked and no it wasn't. I had cramps so much I pushed I halfway out of the uterus. So we made an appointment to re adjust it again a week later. I was with a camera, she put it on the right place again and same thing happened. I was in pain... lots. It felt like I was in labor. And last Thursday I had a check to see it it was still in place this time. It wasn't...
Now she said okay we tried everything so now we are gonna do a second opinion in a different hospital. And see if we can do a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) Like I fucking asked for in December...
I'm pissed, exhausted and done. This year was awful. And I hope next year will be better. Since thus hasn't just had an effect on my own health physical and mentally... but also on my work, my social life, being a nice fun mom and put a lot on my partner and our relationship.
As I said in the beginning I just wanted to vent. I needed to put it down. I've been on my period from September 28th on. Some days worse and some better. Thank those who got to the end...
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annaphoenix1994 · 1 year
Ch.62 - Assurance
Previous Chapter - Masterlist - Next Chapter
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Kiera struggles with depressive thoughts; The couple have a mild argument; Simon assures her the best he feels he can.
"We have to talk about what happened earlier. You know that, right?" Simon asked from across the table in their hotel room, the tension not once subsiding throughout the last several hours of the day, the couple barely talking to each other after the altercation.
"What is there to talk about? The fact that I caught some cop doing an unlawful search on Teeter because your ex-girlfriend assumed she was scum off the street and I fucking did something about it?" She scoffed, the additional hormones as well as body aches feeding the fuel to her anger about what happened.
He huffed, defeated as he knew getting into an argument wasn't going to help the situation, but he felt that it still needed to be discussed, "How many times do I need to remind you that you're pregnant? That you can't be doing what you just did without facing consequences?"
"Consequences?" She scoffed, a laugh hiding behind her throat. "What? Just because I'm pregnant by you gives you a say in what I should or shouldn't be doing?"
"In a way, yes," He sighed, setting back in his chair and tapping his leg impatiently, knowing the situation was about to escalate. "Especially when you don't think about it yourself."
"Oh, I do think about it. I'm reminded every fucking day that I'm pregnant, Simon. In case you forgot, I wake up to throw up everything in my stomach, get sick at smelling certain things, suffer through hot flashes, and having constant body aches because I'm getting bigger by the day and have to carry that extra weight around when I feel like my body isn't accommodating. What I did was justified. I was perfectly capable of handling it on my own, but I guess it bothered you to see your ex getting humbled."
"No, that's not it at all," He huffed, picking up on the jealousy she had towards Sarah. If only you knew why we broke things off, love. "This isn't Wyoming. The legal system doesn't take kindly to destruction of property like that. You nearly destroyed that shop."
"And I'll fucking do it again. So I guess it bothers you more that I destroyed her shop than Teeter being violated like that?"
"I didn't say that. It does bother me that it happened to Teeter, but regardless, you can't just do bloody shit like that."
"I think it does bother you that it turned out to be your ex. Don't know why you left her."
"I'll tell you why: because I didn't want her anymore. What we had was no strings attached. Fucking years ago, Kiera. Long before I even met you. Long before anything that ever happened to me that I told you about. I wasn't interested in anything more than sex. That was it. She wanted more and I didn't want to give it, so I broke things off."
"Is that what you wanted with me?"
"Fucking Christ," He grumbled, wiping a hand over his face, hating the assumption that with the new information Simon had just told her that he wanted the same with Kiera. "No. If it was what I wanted, I never would've gone home with you for Thanksgiving, never would've let you see my face, never would've invited you to a ball, never would've fucking put a ring on your hand. What part of you changed me did you not understand, love?"
She didn't know what to say. Instead, she looked down at her lap, contemplating on if she should keep her thoughts to herself to let them eat at her throughout the night or to express how she was feeling to him. "Okay."
"I know that's not what you're thinking."
"Maybe it is."
"I know better than that. I can tell you have a lot of things you're wanting to say. Go ahead, lay it all out."
"No," She scoffed. "What I want to say won't mean shit."
"Try me."
"Alright. Keep all those emotions bottled up until you can't take it anymore. I guess you can't practice what you preach then, yeah?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" She scoffed.
"All of those times you told me not to bottle up my emotions and to just tell you so I'd feel better. I guess that doesn't apply to you then, huh?"
"Maybe it fucking doesn't. I guess don't be surprised when I lash out like you did to me that day."
"I didn't lash out," He corrected. "I wanted to be alone because it was my mum's birthday and I didn't know how else to deal with it aside from being alone."
"Well maybe I want to be alone."
"If that's what you want. I'll be here when you decide you want to talk about it."
"You shouldn't."
"Because. Guys don't want to deal with our dramatic asses and they just leave. I'm waiting for you to do the same."
"Well, tough shit, love. I knew exactly what I was getting into and I don't regret it. You have your days and so do I. And let me correct you on something: guys don't know how to grow up. Men don'tgo running when times get rough."
"You'll change your mind."
"When I have my sight on something, I don't let up."
"Whatever you say," She huffed, standing to her aching feet. "I'm going to go take a bath. Don't wait on me."
"I kind of have to considering we're in a hotel."
"You know what I damn well mean." She huffed, leaving Simon to sit at the table alone as he watched her enter the bathroom, shutting the door behind her and dimming the lights. Please don't lock that door. You'll fall asleep in the bath and I'll have to break down the door just to get to you, he frowned, suddenly overprotective of her as he knew she was in a vulnerable state of mind, knowing all-too well that familiar feeling that he hated so much. 
It ached him to hear her cry behind the door, knowing she didn't need to be going through her thoughts alone as he sat on the edge of the bed, the television doing nothing to help ease his mind.
You're not good enough for him.
He's going to leave you. 
You're going to push him away. 
You deserve everything you've been through because it was your fault. 
Daunting and horrendous thoughts kept crossing her mind as she wept in the tub, the constant ache in her pelvis sending minor jolts coursing through her body. Her head rested against the tub, looking up at the dim ceiling as tears continued to stain her cheeks. 
Sure, he's happy now that you're carrying his children, but his love for you will fade and he will leave and find someone else who is better for him. Your kids will prefer him over you and will go with him and love his new woman over you.
Over and over, she kept giving herself a reason to cry, feeling she deserved the thoughts she was expressing towards herself as well as the desperation to just let everything out. 
After a half hour, Simon began to grow nervous, knowing Kiera took her time with baths, but not that much time. He didn't want her to feel isolated and alone while her mind was vulnerable, but he also wanted to give her the space he felt she needed. You're always suffocating her, he grumbled to himself, feeling as if he pushed her away, but the feeling of just letting her isolate herself made it harder and harder for him to give her the space she thought she needed. 
A soft knock rasped against the bathroom door, Kiera whimpering in shock as her thoughts subsided when he came to her aid. "Can I come in?" 
"You don't want to see me like this." 
"I need to, love," He sighed. "Can I come in?" 
"I-I guess." She replied, her tone low. Regretful, even. She truly didn't want him to see her in miserable mentality. She attempted to cover her body with the various clusters of soap clouds when he entered, afraid for him to see the prominently red stretch marks beginning to grow to accommodate her stomach.
Truly, Simon didn't care how she thought she looked to him. Every stretch mark was another stripe of honor she was carrying along with her. Of course he wasn't fond of a sudden mood from silliness to anger, but he knew it wasn't her fault, but her hormones were the culprit. He grew to admire it, even - that her body was going through such a dramatic change just to bring two beautiful children into the world. 
Their children. 
Although exhausted, her skin radiated a steady glow as she closed her eyes to avoid Simon's presence. Not that she didn't want him there, but she was afraid that he'd begin to scold her further about the events that happened at the boutique. Instead, she felt his presence at the foot of the tub, pulling up a stool and taking a seat at her head, his hands steadily reaching for her damp hair to let it dangle from the edge of the tub.
"I know what happened earlier isn't what's bothering you." He whispered, the pads of his fingers on either side of her face, his right thumb tracing over the scar she carried on her face. It had healed rather nicely, but was still prominent, knowing she saw it every day as a burden. 
But he saw it as a reminder. 
A reminder of how hard she fought to stay with him, how hard she fought regardless of what she was fighting for, but also a reminder of how he felt to appreciate her more. 
"I wish it was," She sighed, keeping her eyes shut to avoid his worrisome gaze. "I'm afraid what's going through my mind is worse." 
"Do you want to talk about it, love?" 
His voice was comforting as well as soothing, effortlessly easing her troubled mind with every caress of his thumbs against her cheeks. "It's stupid if I did, Simon." 
"The way you're handling your emotions isn't stupid. You can't help it. I'm not here to judge you." 
She heaved a breath, "I know, but I don't want to seem to always fill your head with my stupid negative thoughts."
"You never will. The best I can do is try to understand what you're feeling. I never truly can, but I can try." 
His answer caused another tear to escape the corner of her eyes, the pad of his thumb catching the tear before she could wipe it away herself. "I don't see myself how you see me, Simon." 
"You're right, you don't see what I wake up to every day," He whispered. "But I can tell you this: you're admirable, love. I know you look at every scar with distaste and hate, I see them as a badge of honor. You carry yourself with so much pride and you don't even realize it. I've kept my eye on you since we met. The way you handle yourself in situations makes me realize that you are going to be beyond perfect as a mother. This whole experience is new for both of us, but I'm so bloody lucky to be spending the rest of my life with you. I know that nothing I say can permanently change your mind about how you feel about yourself, but I want you to know how I see you. There's so much more that I want to say, but I don't know how to say it without sounding stupid," He breathed a chuckle. "I worried every day that someone would take you from me - I still do." 
"I'm not going anywhere, Simon." 
"I hope not," He smirked down at her. "It may sound silly, but I knew I was going to put a ring on that finger the second month we were together. When I went Christmas shopping for you, I wanted to look at rings so bad, but I talked myself out of it because I thought it was too soon." 
He didn't hesitate to wipe another tear that streamed along her cheek, a regretful whimper leaving her lips as her chest heaved again. "Is-Is that why you always rubbed my ring finger all the time?"
"Yes. I still do. I was so scared to ask you." 
He was pleased to see a weak smile appear on her face. 
"Afraid that you'd say no or reject me." 
"You know I'd never do that." She breathed, her left hand reaching for his, the diamond sparkling in the dim light. His thumb rubbed over her knuckles before his thumb traced over the ring on her finger. Bloody perfect. Better than I imagined.
"Your fingers are starting to wrinkle, love. Let's get you to bed." 
She sighed, nodding as she let Simon help her out of the tub, her thighs pressing against each other in an attempt to hide herself from him, even though he didn't view her intimately unless they both were "in the mood." Of course, Simon looked at her every day, a split thought of how she rode him and how well she took him crossing his mind, but he never did constantly sexualize her, especially when she was vulnerable. And now, she was in a vulnerable state - even though she was bare and exposed in front of him, he spent his entire focus on helping her out of the tub with his secure grip, using his foot to nudge the folded towel on the floor for her to step on as he didn't want her to risk falling. 
"I know you're not going to forget about what happened earlier-"
"We're both not, but you were right - she deserved it and Teeter didn't deserve how she was treated. Just... Just try to think about you being fragile right now, yeah?" 
They were facing each other, Simon's fingers curling against her bare arms, tracing them up and down from her bicep to her shoulder before her cupped her face gently in his hands, leaning his lips towards her to place a kiss to her forehead, inhaling the scent of her shampoo, his heart thudding a beat faster when he felt her lean into him, craving his warmth. "I'm sorry, Simon." 
"Don't be hard on yourself, love. We have a big day tomorrow, so let's focus on getting plenty of rest." 
"Easier said than done, babe." 
Babe, he relieved to himself, glad to hear the pet name coming from her mouth. "We'll work on it."
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Last night i binge watched a bunch of "people trying period cramp simulators" videos and i got to thinking.
As fun as it is in those videos when someone with a period calmly sits through what made someone without a period writhe, and as validating as it is when some Big Tough Man is like "y'all are dealing with this??? YIKES", i feel like further education is necessary.
First of all i don't want the Men In Charge to see a video of a Woman calmly sitting through 9s and 10s on the pain indicator and turn it into benevolent patriarchy and be like "Women™ just have better pain tolerance! See it doesn't bother her at all!"
I also think it's inaccurate. Maybe I'm wrong, but i feel like i could probably deal with a period cramp simulator with relative calm. Not because i don't think it would hurt, but because it's just the pain (more on that in a second), and i know it will be over soon. But that doesn't mean that i can easily and with relative calm deal with my own period pain, or that i should have to. The point is "this freaking hurts; i should be able to take the day off or whatever."
Third and to tie everything together: some of the people in those videos were like, "woah, THIS is a period?? This is awful!" And like yes, the pain is awful (even though some people can sit through it pretty calmly). And, the pain isn't the period.
The period is also the bleeding. Worrying about hygiene. Keeping track of products. Strategizing and planning your day--and worse, your night--around hygiene. It's the cravings. It's the stomach pain (that's separate from cramps). It's the odd bowel movements. It's the sleep issues. It's the bloating and the way none of your clothes look good or feel comfortable. It's the visceral feeling of physical and emotional vulnerability. It's the severe depression. It's the cravings. It's the weird pain in different parts of the body (skin, eyes, teeth, legs). It's the way the hormones lower your emotional bullshit threshold. It's the not knowing how long the pain will last or how intense it will be. It's the cultural stigma on talking about it. It's wondering what you're going to be required to do while you're dealing with all of this. It's all of this needless (but still required for some reason) psychological strain. The cramps are just the cherry on top.
I'm not saying this so that some Man can come along and be like "wow women, I'm so sorry." I'm not that interested in sympathy. I am interested in change. Cultural change so that people who need it can get time off for their periods, and change in medicine so that the pain and other symptoms are taken seriously enough to look for better solutions.
I don't want to be seen as a badass because i live through this or whatever. The truth is I'm going to collapse in a sobbing, writhing heap on my floor at least once a month. There's nothing badass about having to live with pain. I'm only interested in making it all much, much easier to bear.
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masterwords · 2 years
you can let it go
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Summary: Hotch & Jess navigate the loss of Haley through her pregnancy-obsession with Stephen King.
Warnings: character death (haley), grief, depression, lots of talk about death
Words: 2.5k
Pairings: None
Notes: For my @badthingshappenbingo card space: GRIEF/MOURNING and written in reply to THIS REQUEST...I hope it's what you were looking for. I read a lot of Stephen King and something about that struck me today when I sat down to write...pregnancy hormones make you a little nutty and I had kind of a cute thought about Haley having some odd thoughts that might strike Hotch years later and draw some interesting points through his grief. I guess. This is very very self-indulgent. (Bad Things Happen Bingo Card is below the cut to save on space. Feel free to send in a request for anything not yet marked off! My BTHB rules/masterlist can be found HERE.)
Read on AO3: you can let it go
“What would you do if Jack died?”
Haley was lying awake, sometime deep in the middle of the night. Hours that barely existed, and the numbers on the clock didn't seem to make any real sense. Aaron had just come home from work, was just kicking out of his trousers without even taking the belt out first. There his pants would stay in a pinstripe puddle, beside his crumpled jacket and barely unbuttoned shirt. The tie would complete the heap, because this late at night he just didn't care about anything other than resting his weary bones.
Haley seemed to have other plans. It wasn't uncommon, since she'd gotten pregnant, for her to be awake at odd hours and for the hormones to drive her brain to wild conclusions but this took the cake. Usually it was something benign, like “Should we move? I'm not sure this house has enough space for big birthday parties.” or “How do you feel about haircuts? Should we let him grow his hair long until he asks for a haircut, or should we just make the decision for him?” ...those were things well within his wheelhouse. No, they didn't need to move, their house was plenty big, and he really had no opinion about Jack's hair. It hadn't even crossed his mind that Jack would have hair, if he was being honest. It still all felt surreal. Jack barely resembled a human, all giant head and tiny body curled up and made of flickery white lines against pure black. He'd had a nightmare on the jet just the week before that Jack came out looking exactly like that, made of feathery white lines, insubstantial like Casper the Friendly Ghost.
“I don't know, Haley,” he replied, throwing back the covers and falling heavy into the bed. He curled up on his side and felt the pull at the base of his spine as it rounded and stretched after a day spent stunted in his office chair. “Why?”
She hummed thoughtfully. “In the book I'm reading, the little boy just died. He was only two, hit by a truck. And there's this ancient burial ground that can bring things back to life...” She yawned and watched as his eyes slipped shut, already finished with this conversation.
“Haley, I don't think you should read Stephen King books before bedtime anymore...” It was mostly a joke, but there was some bone-tired truth to it. He just wanted to sleep for a few hours before his alarm went off to tell him another day was starting. Her father had gifted her a stack of them, right from his own collection, and it was already ruining their lives. She had a lot of time to rest and read. Her pregnancy hadn't been easy, and they were looking at bed rest sooner rather than later...her father was trying to get her to slow down, but Aaron thought maybe scary books wasn't the right direction. She was supposed to be relaxing, not getting worked up.
“I'm not scared, Aaron, just curious. Would you take him to that burial ground and try to bring him back? If you could? Because the man in this story, he's going to do it and I know it's going to go bad, but I think I would do it too...”
Aaron sighed and pressed his face into the pillow. His head was starting to throb, right behind his eyebrows. He hadn't slept more than a few hours in the last two days. “I don't know what I'd do. I can't imagine.”
“What about me?”
He sighed deep and grunted a little, pushing up onto his elbows to try and stay awake. “What about you what?” He was getting restless now, worked up over not being able to just go to sleep.
“If I died. Would you go bury me and hope I came back to you? Even if you knew it would probably go bad? If you might be married to a zombie?”
He thought about that night as he stood, his tie a dreadfully tight noose around his neck, greeting mourners in the marble hall. A few feet away stood Jessica, in many ways his other half, separated by a canyon so great he wasn't sure he could survive it. Every cell in his being ached to jump to hers, attach themselves, bear the grief of Haley's death together. But she was holding her mother in a trembling hug, and her father stared off like a man who was the recent recipient of a frontal lobotomy. Dead eyes, he thought. Roy had dead eyes.
“What about me?” he thought as he loaded a plate with food he didn't really intend to eat but he'd been told by more than one person to get some before it was gone, and he couldn't bear it again. What about her? For starters, when she asked him that question, things had been different. She hadn't foreseen her own death, no, but she also assumed they'd stay married, didn't she? Still, in spite of that, he supposed right now if he had a chance to give Jack his mother back in any capacity, he might be tempted. Even if it went bad. He remembered her telling him about the ending, and it had chilled him to the bone to think about even then. The loss, anyway. Scare tactics in books and movies didn't really phase him anymore, he'd seen too much. They also brought him no joy.
“Aaron,” Jessica said, coming up behind him, her hand on the small of his back. It didn't startle him. “Why don't you go get some air? You've been on your feet all day here. Let me take the reins for a while.”
“I'll be alright,” was his reply, because how could he take that advice from a woman who had just lost her sister? Her childhood best friend? Someone whom she had a secret language with, a bond closer than anyone, how? I'm going to eat this turkey cranberry roll and carry on. That's what he thought, anyway, but what he said was about the only thing he could think to say after arriving at the funeral home at 5am to meet and go over last-minute interment arrangements before making his way for the hall to make sure the catering service and florists could get in and do what they needed. He was spent, but he was working and that helped. He needed to keep busy, to be useful. “Thank you, Jess.”
She punched him in the arm. It was more of a nudge with her knuckles and stuck her tongue out. Her eyes were still sad, still red-rimmed and ready to spill more tears at the mere mention of Haley's name...but she would always try to make a situation lighter if she could. “Whatever. Your funeral.” Of course, she would say that. Jessica Brooks, queen of foot in mouth. They both smiled and let out small, stifled bits of inappropriate laughter for no real reason. They'd crossed the threshold into madness hours before, now they were simply exhausted and running on fumes.
At Haley's house, he and Jessica set to boxing up her things. Untouched things covered in a thin layer of dust after so many months sitting silent while she ran from the man who would eventually end her life anyway. Best laid plans. New Jersey, she'd been in New Jersey for a time. He'd never spent much time there; it was more of a pass-through state, but he wondered if Jack might like to go back for a visit sometime. If he had a favorite park, or store or movie theater. Something to think about.
There was a pile of library books in a basket beside her favorite chair, parenting books and children's picture books. He wondered how big the fees would be, and the idea of taking them in and settling that debt dropped a rock the size of his fist into his belly. It hurt.
In the bathroom he heard heavy things dropping into a garbage can, plastic on plastic. Her makeup, being discarded bit by bit by her sister. Eye shadow palettes, bags full of expensive lipstick, nail polish in varying shades of reds and pinks...all trash. He opened up one of the parenting books to where she'd last marked the page and found a small slip of notebook paper jammed inside, her looping handwriting jotting down notes and page numbers, references to return to. His lungs ceased, and he pressed his finger to the first number, 14, before turning back to find some connection with her there on the page. The book, written for the sole purpose of helping single mothers raise boys into men, made him feel ill.
“Whatcha looking at?” Jess asked, dragging the full garbage can out of the bathroom behind her. Shampoo bottles crested the top beside half-used bottles of cleaning supplies and he couldn't pull his eyes from the page.
“Library books,” he muttered, scanning the page until he found it, something he thought would have caught her eye. From behind him, closer now, Jess let out a sick sounding chuckle. Not exactly happy.
“Bet the late fees are astronomical.”
“I'll take care of it.”
He did. They were understanding. In his pocket was a copy of the death certificate, he understood how most of these places worked when it came to money. Settling her accounts at the bank, closing everything in her name down and transferring all of Jack's things to him as the sole parent/guardian had required a stack of death certificate copies and a few official to boot. “We don't need that,” the librarian said with a soft, sad smile. “I can have the fees waived; the books look like they're all in excellent condition.”
He nodded, a solemn thing, and started to walk away with a quiet thank you before stopping. Before his feet wouldn't move and he shifted, turned on his heel.
“Can you tell me if you have Pet Sematary in? By Stephen King?”
A knowing look told him that he hadn't needed to give her the author name, everyone knew that story. Something was pulling at him. What about me? Well, what about it? He didn't have access to that kind of magic this side of the page, but maybe he could read what had spooked her and settle a bit that his decision ultimately when he told her no, he wouldn't do it, still made sense. That his grief would not upset him so terribly that he took chances on black magic and evil things to overcome nature.
But then, grief was carrying him toward that book, and it was going to make him read it. Something he had no interest in, and knew was going to unsettle him, fill him with regret. He hated reading about awful things in his spare time, spent too much of his life dealing with the real-life versions. But now he was going to let his grief resurrect that moment with her when all was hope and future, nothing substantial was past yet.
“Ugh, not you too,” Jess said, breezing into his house the next morning with a bag of Jack's toys she'd left in her car overnight after finishing at Haley's house. She poked at the book and scrunched her nose.
He regarded her from behind thickly hooded eyes, he'd been up all-night reading, unable to sleep. The book was getting to him already and he was only barely tiptoeing near the untimely death of Gage Creed. Without skipping a beat, Jess reached into her purse and pulled out her own copy...well, not her own, it was Haley's. He recognized it, the dog-eared pages and little spots of pink highlighter. “She gave it to me to read three years ago, but Aaron I hate these types of books...there isn't any mystery. You already know from the start that he's going to do everything wrong, that things are going to go horribly bad. Where's the fun?”
He shrugged listlessly. “I suppose it's in the anticipation, wondering at the turn of each page if that's when the bad things start happening...”
She set her book down beside his with an irritated little puffing sound and walked down the hallway to toss the bag of toys into Jack's bedroom. They could set it up later, the kid was at school, being normal, pretending that life was okay and that mommy was going to come home from a long time away just like daddy did sometimes. He'd already forgotten the blood, or at least packed it away for some day when he was older, when he would see something and it would crash that neat little box wide open.
Aaron was dressed, he'd brushed his teeth, he kept getting up and going through the motions with a hollow feeling in his chest where his heart should have been. Calls from realtors went to voicemail, word got around fast. That house, no matter what happened, would rake in a pretty penny and they all wanted to offer him condolences and deals.
“Are you going to sell it?” Jess asked, flopping down on the couch beside him, hugging a pillow to her chest. He let out a shaky sigh and lay his head back against the cushions.
That wasn't in question. He had no use for it. He had two homes, both of which were marred by the stench of blood. Foyet had taken from him two homes. But he could stay here, somehow, this blood was his and he could live with it. Live around it. He couldn't live with Haley's. He clenched his fist against his thigh and felt his knuckles crack and pop painfully in their bruised, swollen joints.
He frowned and felt the hot sting of tears in his eyes. “Maybe when I finish that damn book.”
She nodded. Somehow the madness in it made sense to her. She let her head fall to the side, rest on his shoulder, and they settled into their daily routine. Getting the tears out now, while Jack was away. They would sit and think about where it all went wrong in the dead silence of his apartment and wonder where they went from there, the same thoughts every day. By the time Jack was home, smiling and asking what was for dinner, the flush of sadness had past, and they could breathe. At least for a time.
“Daddy?” Jack asked, pushing a pile of peas and carrots around on his plate with one little finger. He looked thoughtful, pensive. He looked just like Haley, frighteningly so. “Can we go see where mommy's sleeping? I think she needs new flowers. Macie from my class says she takes her daddy new flowers every single week...”
“Sure buddy. As soon as you eat your veggies, we'll go. Does Aunt Jess want to come too?”
“Do I want to go?” she asked, a fresh sting of tears burned hot, and she blinked hard, swiped at her eyes and gave Jack a bright, bright smile. “Of course, I do.”
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knighta3 · 11 months
Hi, just in case you miss my reblog of your tags when I block you, you're a transphobe and I hope you get the fuck over yourself someday soon. :)
Me? Get over myself? I'm not the one going out of my way to tell someone I'm blocking them. Get off your high horse. Those drugs aren't good for animals. People like this always take the most bad-faith interpretation possible.
So I've been sitting on this for awhile trying to decide if I wanted to bother replying. Obviously, this person won't see it, unless they go out of their way to check on me for some reason. But this is a topic that I have opinions on that can be difficult to communicate the nuances of, especially with how polarized it is. So I'm using this as an opportunity to sort through my thoughts.
And I have a lot of thoughts, so buckle up.
For context, I've included screenshots of what the person is talking about. The first set of tags is mine, the rest is theirs.
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The whole trans concept is a concept. There's an ideology to it. Maybe that wasn't the best way to phrase it, and I apologize for that. But everything is a concept, and that's not necessarily bad. Chill.
It's hard to explain my personal feelings. This isn't a perfect analogy, but it's similar to how I feel about doing drugs. I would never do it, I don't understand why it's appealing to anyone, and I don't recommend anyone do it. But I try not to look down on people who do, and I recognize there are exceptions for medical uses. Minors shouldn't be allowed to do it, but adults can mess themselves up however they want so long as they don't hurt anyone, and a doctor should not lie about the effects it has, or recklessly enable it.
I believe a person needs to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria, go through therapy for at least a year, and rule out less drastic treatment methods before being allowed to medically transition(social transition is a different topic that I don't care to discuss right now. So mentions of transition in this post will refer to the medical variety unless otherwise stated). You might be born gender dysphoric, or more masculine/feminine than usual, idk, but being Trans is not something you innately ARE, it's something you BECOME. I don't think anyone is trans until they actually transition. Before that, they're simply gender dysphoric.
Cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers are something that we do not know all the effects of, especially on children(who are still developing and thus have more unpredictable variables in play). Minors should never be allowed to transition. There are too many variables to reliably diagnose chronic gender dysphoria vs other causes of discomfort. (To be clear, I'm using "chronic" as a way to describe a condition that won't simply go away or be grown out of, and requires treatment). People who are not gender dysphoric should not transition, as it is a completely unnecessary risk and I feel it is malpractice for a doctor to allow it. Side note, but gender-affirming surgeries are just cosmetic surgeries and body modification.
I feel the same about medications too. Especially for kids. Meds for AHDH, depression, anxiety, birth control, etc. All meds have risks associated with them. We're altering the way the body naturally functions and pretending to know and control what happens. We do not know all the ways those meds can affect the human body and mind long-term(and it can be different for every individual, doubly so for minors. Deciding whether to introduce meds is a risk vs benefit scenario, especially for kids. If the problem can be treated or sufficiently managed without making a person reliant on drugs, it should be done first. But if the problem is too severe for those less medicalizing treatments, then getting on meds and such should be considered. Because at that point, the benefit outweighs the risk. (For context, I am an adult with diagnosed anxiety and take meds for it. Before taking meds, I tried the normal stuff like exercise and meditation and whatnot, but I was still a mess. I wish meds weren't necessary for me, but they seem to be. I am also ace, so does that make me queer? Or am I disqualified for having the "wrong" opinion?)
The cause of gender dysphoria can vary greatly. This person has latched heavily onto my mention of neurodivergence and assumed I only meant autism, but it's far more multifaceted than that. Gender dysphoria is the condition, and transition is a potential treatment. But the possible underlying causes should be addressed BEFORE considering transition as a treatment.
Maybe some people are born with it, or at least develop it very early with no external causes. I don't have stats, but I feel this is a minority.
Gender Non-Conformity: Some people are simply naturally feminine men/masculine women and they feel that isn't acceptable for whatever reason. So whether or not they are conscious of the reasons for that dysphoria, they feel a societal pressure to transition because they don't fit the gender norms. Others are gay and are in denial over it and choose to "trans the gay away" instead of accept that aspect of themselves. This is common in places like the Middle East, where homosexuality is highly stigmatized and persecuted.
Paraphilia: Some people are just attracted to or aroused by exposing themselves to others, cross dressing, or perceiving themselves as the opposite gender. I'm inclined to think a "trans" woman who exposes male genitalia in woman's spaces and loudly insists that others accept it, no matter how uncomfortable or triggering is could be for others, is not actually gender dysphoric. Drag Queens are not trans, and neither are these people.
Trauma: Some kids suffer from severe trauma, and gender dysphoria can develop as a result. A child suffering from sexual abuse, for example, may rationalize that maybe if they were the opposite sex, they wouldn't have been hurt. So as they develop, they take on traits of the opposite sex to cope with their trauma and become dysphoric. It may not be the most rational of responses, but trauma responses seldom are, especially in kids. Plus, there are cases of DID(Disassociative Identity Disorder) where some alters are different genders from the system's host/body. DID is caused by trauma at a specific age which causes a level of disassociation that splinters into multiple identities(personalities) separated by amnesia walls within the mind. The individual identities carry different parts of the trauma to compartmentalize and cope in order to protect the "host"(the "main" or "primary" identity). Some of the identities develop gender or age dysphoria as a part of their coping mechanism. It's honestly fascinating to observe the variety of ways DID systems will cope with trauma.
Neurodivergence: I have various relatives on the autism spectrum. My sister is high functioning, and a few cousins were diagnosed with Asperger's when that was still considered it's own diagnosis. When people live with a mental condition like that their entire life, they absolutely cannot tell what aspects of themselves is caused by the neurodivergence, what is caused by trauma, what is "normal", or what is just normal for the individual. It would be unfair to assume they can parse out all of that when it's even a struggle for neurotypical people. And there is more to neurodivergence than just autism. Some people don't consider depression/anxiety and such as neurodivergence. But I will when it's chronic/clinical because it is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal brain function. So when I'm having trouble with anxious thoughts, it's difficult to tell what is a reasonable concern(because everyone has occasional feeling of anxiety) vs me just overreacting because of my mental condition. The same applies to depression, self harming behavior, suicidal ideation, etc. I have a friend who took a while to realize she was schizophrenic because she couldn't tell that the extra voices in her head was an abnormal experience. To reiterate, this point is about how people with neurodivergence can't always tell when their experience is abnormal because they have always had this experience and it is normal to them. Recognizing what is different about yourself is a learned skill. Gender dysphoria may or may not occur along with various different neurodivergent conditions.
Autism: One common trait of autism is a male-typical pattern of interaction. Women/girls tend to be more socially/emotionally driven while men are more object/goal driven. This does not apply to everyone, as it is just a broad pattern of typical gender traits. Autistic people tend to struggle with social and emotional relationships with others. So autistic girls in particular struggle to fit in with the other girls, and can feel they fit in better with the boys. But at the same time, the boys might feel weird about hanging with a girl(because of "cooties" behavior, which I'm using to describe the tendency for girls and boys to segregate themselves from each other). Overall, it's not that big of a leap for an autistic girl to conclude that she should actually be a boy and subsequently identify as transgender.
Social Contagion: People, particularly kids/teens, are desperate for an individual identity, but also to fit in and be part of a group. They want attention. And if they can't get "good" attention, they will absolutely settle for "bad" attention(misbehaving, lashing out, rule breaking, deviant/criminal behavior). Children do it all the time, especially with neglectful or strict parents. Dogs even do it, which is one reason they can become disobedient. Also, teens are at an age where they often place more value in their friends and social standing than in their family. So if their friends start identifying as various different LBGTQ+ identities, they will find a label to slap on themselves too so they can fit in. Siblings may follow in their footsteps and also find a label for the sake of a label. Nobody wants to be the straight cis friend these days. People crave a sense of belonging, while also being different from the larger majority for a sense of individuality. Some people choose to be theater kids, band kids, jocks, etc. to accomplish this. But if none of those appeal to them or they can't break into the group, they have to find something else. If people can get attention or validation or a sense of belonging by joining this exclusive trans club, they will. Previous generations were flappers, hippies, hipsters, emo/goth, etc. With insistence that, "it's not a phase, mom!" The biggest difference between those and this is the transgender movement has more permanent effects on the individuals within it, which are potentially harmful if we aren't careful.
Sense of Control: Some of these potentially underlying issues can overlap or cause each other. If the wrong condition is treated, it might not help. For example, anxiety can cause depression. But the depression is a symptom of the anxiety, so treating the depression doesn't solve the underlying cause. When people feel that something about their life is bad, so something about it has to change. And sometimes that something ends up being gender. They feel if they can control some aspect of themselves, things will improve. A girl might become so convinced she can't succeed because she's a girl that she instead decides her chances would be better as a boy. Or a boy is so burdened by the expectations of male gender roles that he thinks life would be easier as a girl. This would probably be coupled with other underlying factors such as depression. In a similar vein, skipping straight to a transition rather than addressing underlying conditions first won't ease the turmoil. If anything, it would make it worse. Because if you think transitioning would fix all your problems, and then it doesn't, it would make you feel more hopeless.
Puberty: First, young kids are exploring the world around them and that is often done through play. Trying on mom's shoes or messing with her makeup or playing with dolls and sparkles does not mean a young boy is a trans girl. And playing with dirt or toy trucks or wanting to play sports or hating dresses does not make a young girl a trans boy. Kids are just kids and should be left to play and explore. They observe reactions around them, and if being "trans" gets them praise, they will do it. Teens are going through a tumultuous and unstable phase of life where they are still searching for their own identity and trying things out. It is horrendously irresponsible to enable any impulsive life-altering choices. Puberty is uncomfortable and can cause temporary gender dysphoria in a lot of teens. I went through it too, before I had ever heard of the concept of transgenderism. I felt I didn't fit in with the other girls, so I wondered if I was born in the wrong body because I had a little more noticeable hair than the others. Most kids/teens will grow out of it. "Oh, puberty blockers just pause puberty to give kids a chance to decide" No, no, no. Puberty blockers were initially used as a way to chemically castrate sex offenders. I would never trust that for kids. And, ironically, if the kids don't go through their natural birth-sex puberty, they won't have enough of the needed tissue for a bottom surgery if they wanted to go that route. Which significantly increases the chances of potential complications associated with the surgery.
Side tangent, but still somewhat relevant, but I'm reminded of castrati. Castrato were men who were castrated as young boys before going through puberty(as opposed to eunuchs, who were castrated after puberty). They were stars of the opera because they retained the higher vocal range of a young boy, but with the lung capacity and power of a man. They were particularly common in areas that didn't allow women to perform, such as Italy. Because castrato were highly desired in the music industry, but had to be set on that path young, parents would have their pre-pubescent sons castrated around the ages of 8-12 to give them just the chance for this "lavish" career path. The operation wasn't legal, and considered barbaric even at the time, but parents would make up excuses such as falling off a horse or animal attack where the castration would be considered a treatment. But becoming an opera singer wasn't easy and required intense musical training. Castrati who didn't succeed in the field were relegated to a life of ridicule, poverty, and/or prostitution. The lack of testosterone could cause their bones to grow longer instead of harden, so they would be abnormally tall and have large rib cages(similar to gigantism), and be prone to conditions such as osteoporosis. Plus an increased tendency toward obesity. It was common to develop feminine features. Overall, they were seen as something of a "freak show." The practice slowly died off, but didn't really end until the early 1900's. Most castrati were forced into this lifestyle by desperate, poverty-stricken families. But the desired fortune didn't come for most, they were often ostracized for neither being a full man nor a woman, but rather something subhuman, and died in poverty and ridicule. It doesn't matter how well-meaning the family may or may not have been. The result was ruined lives.
I don't say any of this to invalidate the experience of gender dysphoria or of trans people. I say this because people are being hurt without proper safeguards. The suicide rate of trans people does not significantly change before or after transition. This suggests that transitioning itself does not treat the underlying cause of their misery. And the rate of detransitioners is rising because we are too quick to affirm feelings of transness and fail to filter out those who would end up regretting it because it was "just a phase". Then, once they become detrans, they're totally rejected by the trans community as "never trans in the first place". Even though the Detrans person transitioned in the first place because they believed they were trans and that a transition would solve their problems. It isn't fair to scorn them when it didn't work out for them. They still went through the experience of transitioning, which is still a valid trans experience.
Detrans people suffer irreversible harm that could have been totally preventable if their medical care providers had bothered to do any proper screening and pushback. If a person would truly benefit from a transition, then they could absolutely confirm that by going through the whole process. If they can't get through the process, then they shouldn't transition in the first place.
What is concerning is that suicide rates don't significantly change before/after transition, and most gender dysphoric people seem to have a some degree of trauma or mental illness in their background, which indicates to me that there is more going on than just being "born that way". And I think it is vital to the health and well-being of these people to acknowledge and explore why.
I don't think it's transphobic to believe gender dysphoria, and transgenderism by extension, can have underlying factors that should be looked into and thoroughly addressed before pursing a transition as a means to relieve distress.
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mtravelsize · 6 days
Oh boy..
I deleted 100 posts for when I started this almost 15 years years ago. I think I want to go in a new direction. This will hold my hopes, dreams, random thoughts, angry ramblings, and anything else I gosh darn please (and maybe some cuss words here and there out of anger). I miss this. Like talking to someone that listens without judgement. Most of the time I just need to talk things out. Think things through...
This past week was scary. I hadn't felt like this in a while. It could most likely be the lingering hormones from a recent miscarriage, but I genuinely had this flood of emotions that I didn't know how to describe. I had started to open myself to friendships this past year and made a friend at a co op I'm a part of. It started out so wonderful. This woman is probably a decade older than me but that didn't matter. I've always gravitated towards older people ( maybe they're more mature...maybe they give off the "older sister" vibe) Who knows. Anyway, I think I gave up too much of myself. I think when people say things like "you're like a sister to me" I should run the other way. It's never that way. Sisters don't go no contact. When someone says that, I genuinely believe this. But maybe that's the naive part of me. This friendship broke me. I was reminded of I. How I gave up so much of my heart to this person and she just... I don't know. I hate FEELING this much. Looking back, I think we were too alike. She took offence to a question that didn't mean to be offensive. But then I think I ruined it by communicating how I was feeling. I did that with I as well. With her I had sent her an email. With A, I decided to just speak to her directly. I assumed that since she was older she would appreciate it. It definitely backfired. I cried on the way home. 3 kids sleeping in the back and I'm over here, sobbing while sitting in traffic. If someone was able to peek in, they'd think I was upset about a traffic jam. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's horrible! But not enough to cry about it..... So that happened, and F was offshore. The only people I could confide in was a fairly new friend.. I told her and she helped me deal with the feelings. She didn't have to, but that was very nice... Fast forward to last week. We we fasting for Dhul Hijjah that same friend and another friend had decided we would go to the park to open our fast as a family. It would also be a mini grad party/Juz finish party (because yo girl F finished memorizing a Juz). Because of weather we had decided to do it at one of our houses and I offered up mine because why not. Everyone came over and it was one of the best evenings I've had in a while. I'm sure no one else thought that but to me, it felt so...normal. This was also one of the few times where the husbands also hung out with each other and it looked like they enjoyed themselves. Alhumdullilah for that btw.... So when everyone left, I was left with my depressive thoughts. Anyone that knows me, they know that 1) it takes me a while to get me to open up to you 2) When I do, I'm all in. It takes a little while but then I'm loyal for life. Now I'm having all these feelings. Most of them are teen Maryam feelings. Pessimist Maryam feelings. I'm sitting there with a text message draft, ready to send out.. Thanking them for coming etc. I just could NOT send it. Almost like something was preventing me from sending it. I change the window to Instagram and see how the co op woman and her daughter (whom I was friends with as well) have deleted me off instagram (how mature, right?) I immediately turned off my phone and put it away. I went MIA for a few days and I feel horrible now. I feel horrible because I think they...my friends.. were genuinely worried about me. But again, it was only 2 days. That's messed up, though. I probably shouldn't have done that.
F doesn't understand this. To him, family comes before everyone else. I never had that luxury. There's too many family members that go no contact over the most useless things. MT was never really at an age where I could just be like "lets go for dinner" or something. We also argued a lot.
For me, friends end up being more precious. But he also says I wear my heart on my sleeve for my friends. I don't think that's always a bad thing. Doing so makes you vulnerable, but it also means that it lets the other person get close to you.... Lets see how this goes. I hope I don't eff these new friendships up.
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