#maybe not all the time but he breaks out The Heels on special occasions
pareidoliaparadise · 9 months
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Work it Barbie let’s go Barbie!
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mayearies · 1 year
sfw alphabet with miles g. genre: fluffy hcs
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—‘A’ IS FOR AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?) pretty affectionate with his s/o even if he can be awkward sometimes, takes some time getting close to someone again. if you’re in public, he would mainly hold your hand. maybe sneak in a hug or kiss once in a while if he’s feelin’ handsy. when recieving affection, he’s always open towards it. even if it makes him a little embarassed at moments (mainly in public).
—‘B’ IS FOR BESTFRIEND (what are they like as a bestie?) once he get comfy with you, he the type to play with you but also have serious talks to. he would like to stay close to you and hang out with you a lot. he’s also really good at rps (rock paper scissors) and shadow boxing, you gettin’ bodied fo sho ‼️
—‘C’ IS FOR CUDDLES (what is their cuddling schedule?) he likes contact with you, preferably skin to skin so expect his hands up your back or your stomach. he can be both a big spoon or a little spoon, he just wants to hold you (he will be a little spoon most times which you will tease him about). one cuddle sesh a day is required for him to function.
“baby? where’s my hugs n’ kisses? you aint mad at me, right?”
—‘D’ IS FOR DOMESTIC (settling down? how will they be helping out around?) he would wait to get a fiancée, let alone a wife. but of course he would want to settle down with you. he loves you. a pretty decent home cook, nothing special. he would watch his ma make pasteles so it’s one of the dishes he can perfect. he tolerates cleaning. doesnt like it but doesn’t fully hate it.
—‘E’ IS FOR ENDING (how does breaking up go?) would absolutely try to avoid arguments all he can. depends on the reason why you two are splitting, but he will spill his feelings about the relationship out to you. in his head. he doesn’t enjoy speaking his thoughts very much and just feels it’ll escalate shit. though, he would wish you well.
—‘F’ IS FOR FIANCÉE (how committed are they to you?) puts his commitment to you over anything else. though he claims he is not in a rush to marry you and that it could wait, but at the same time he be talkin’ about baby names and what a dream it would be to marry someone like you.
—‘G’ IS FOR GENTLE (how gentle are they?) he’s gentle on most occasions. his rbf and cold aura can be misleading. the craves your touch and your kisses. however, he can be a little on the rough side. for example, his mental state. it isn’t the best with his dad being dead and being the prowler, but you make it more bearable with just your presence. he can also be on the rougher side by squeezing places he knows only belong to him (neck, thighs, waist, etc.)
—‘H’ IS FOR HUGS (how does their hugging schedule work?) he dont mind them. he just dont like the long ones. makes him uncomfortable in some way. he doesn’t do them that often, but when he does they’re really memorable and soft.
—‘I’ IS FOR I LOVE YOU (how quick do they say i love you?) waits a little long before pulling the big ‘l word’. i wouldnt describe him as head over heels for you, but he’s in love.
—‘J’ IS FOR JEALOUSY (what are they like when they’re jealous?) oh boy, can this man get jealous. like, hella jealous. if someone so much as stare too long at you, he’ll glare at them while bringing you closer towards him. touching you? a line nobody can cross. that shit is a death wish. his mami, not yours.
—‘K’ IS FOR KISSES (how does their kiss schedule work?) hold me back i finna go wild on this one. though you’re probably his first relationship like ever, he didnt know how to kiss at first. as time went on though, his kisses got really passionate and filled with longing. everytime he kisses you, he misses you just a little bit less cause he knows you’re here. you’re here to stay. you’re his. he would kiss you anywhere. your least favorite part? kissed. your favorite part? consider it done, bae. he likes cheek kisses a lot. he doesn’t know why, though. he also really likes looking at your eyes when he’s done kissing you, he likes eye contact in general. if you are avoiding it or simply looking away from him, he’ll snap his fingers in your face and hold your chin as you turn towards him.
“ma. look at me. i won’t ask twice.”
—‘L’ IS FOR LITTLE ONES (how are they around kids?) not a fan of kids, they’re too noisy. he’s really awkward with them because he internally just thinks they’re little brats, but he also knows they’re stupid. his kid though? he will adore them so fucking much you might have to separate him.
—‘M’ IS FOR MORNINGS (how do your morning routines go?) he wakes up whenever you wake up. your morning routine is basically his, only that he adds a few more steps to it. those ‘few more steps’ being holding you for a solid five or so minutes before you carry on with your early rising.
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—‘N’ IS FOR NIGHTS (how does your night routine go?) much like the mornings, his night routine is similar to yours. except, sometimes you dont even finish the whole thing because he wants your time and attention to himself before he drifts off to sleep.
—‘O’ IS FOR OPEN (when will they become more personal?) probably on the third or fourth date. the first two he would want to know more about you. but, he would drop little things he was interested in too.
—‘P’ IS FOR PATIENCE (how patient are they?) he doesn’t get upset that easily, with you atleast. don’t push him too far with your smart mouth, though. that’s what can really piss him off sometimes.
“the fuck you think you talkin’ to? tone down that attitude fo’ me.”
—‘Q’ IS FOR QUIZZES (how much would they remember about you?) he would remember the things that intrugied him about you, but he wouldnt remember every single thing. that’s how he knew what to buy you if he wanted to surprise you.
—‘R’ IS FOR REMEMBER (whats their favorite moment?) he loves them all equally, frankly if he had to choose he couldn’t.
—‘S’ IS FOR SECURITY (how protective are they?) pretty fuckin’ protective of you. and you love it. sometimes, he would stalk you just to see how you were doing or if you were okay. he just doesn’t want to lose someone again, he hopes you understand.
—‘T’ IS FOR TRY (how much effort do they put into your relationship?) he tries to make an effort into planning dates but those plans often get spoiled by his alter. he will always make it up to you, though. no matter what.
—‘U’ IS FOR UGLY (whats one of their flaws?) lying. he doesnt like to lie to you, but it keeps you safe. it got to the point where he would lie about little things on accident, like taking out the trash.
—‘V’ IS FOR VANITY (how insecure are they about their looks?) not a lot. if you think he looks good, then he looks good. sometimes he wonders how he even managed to pull someone like you.
“whatever, amor. if you think i look good, then i look good. whatever you say goes.”
—‘W’ IS FOR WHOLE (would they feel incomplete without you?) yes. nothing more.
—‘X’ IS FOR XTRA (random hc about them?) he behaves like a cat sometimes without even knowing it.
—‘Y’ IS FOR YUCK (whats something they dont like in a partner?) he probably doesnt like loud noises. yes, he does ride a motorcycle but he probably wears earplugs to help with the noise.
—‘Z’ IS FOR ZZZ (what are their sleeping habits?) he’s naturally a light sleeper, so anything faint could wake him up. something he does when you sleep with him is that he would hold you so close and tight that you once had a dream you fell and broke your back. and a actually felt that pain in real life. yikes. another habit he has is playing with your hair subconciously and muttering things about you in his sleep. you both have woken up to it multiple times.
© mayeluvsu 1610 version
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neoraso · 10 months
survive the night | ksw
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summary: you've had a crush on sunwoo for years, but what happens when he blurs the lines of your friendship? content: ftl, slightest angst but it's over in 4 seconds, happy ending, female reader. nonidol!sunwoo nonidol! reader wc: 5.3k an: this took me a bit to finish and it’s my first full length, i hope you enjoy!! let’s talk about it too~ do not repost or rework/copy any of my posts here or on other sites
The wind bit your cheeks as you hurried your steps towards the apartment complex ahead of you. It was nearing 9 p.m. but Sunwoo had called you an hour earlier asking if you could come through for some drinks and games with a few of the guys. In that very short time you had retouched your makeup and gone through four outfits before deciding on a hoodie and sweatpants Sunwoo had given to you because they were “too small” for him. Maybe it was poor taste to wear his old clothes to his house but honestly, they were comfortable and- you might have been completely head over heels for your friend, no big deal.
Lost in thought, you were almost surprised when you looked up and realized you had already reached the sleek, silver door and raised your hand to knock. Sunwoo had given you the passcode months ago when he was too busy gaming to get up and let you in, but you hadn’t used it since because it felt like you were overstepping some kind of boundary. Of course, that never stopped him from breaking and entering your home on various occasions, always scaring the hell out of you but you could never stay mad at him long.
Before long, Younghoon opened the door for you with a bright smile.
“Oh hey, we thought you were the food delivery”
“No,” you replied, matching his smile. “Sorry to be a disappointment. Who all ended up coming? Sunwoo said he invited everyone.”
“Chanhee and Changmin are home, Juyeon and Jacob and Kevin came. No one is really drinking yet. Maybe they’re waiting for you.” He said with a laugh.
You left your shoes at the door and walked down the hall with Younghoon trailing behind you into a very raucous living room. Everyone was so wrapped up in their own conversations and you were such a familiar face, your presence almost went unnoticed. Of course, Sunwoo was the first face you saw (well actually the first back-of-a-head), but before you could greet him you tripped on Kevin’s outstretched foot.
“Oops, sorry Y/N, is the food here?”
“No Kev, that was me at the door.” You said with a playful roll of your eyes.
At the sound of your voice, Sunwoo perked up and walked over to you with his arms wide open.
“Oh look everyone, it’s my mini me!!”
The sudden attention on you made your cheeks burn and it only got worse when Sunwoo’s taller, lithe frame wrapped around yours. You lagged a bit but snapped to and gently patted his back. He pulled away but stopped when his face was near your ear.
“Are you wearing perfume? It smells nice. Come sit with me, we’re gonna play a game soon.”
Suddenly feeling faint, you were glad to follow him to the couch and sit down. This was going to be a long night.
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Later into the night after your bellies were full of food and too much alcohol, you thought you might have entered into some hellish realm. Sunwoo had been glued to you all night, keeping his arm on the couch behind you and hitting your shoulder or your leg when he laughed a little too hard. To make things exponentially worse, he kept leaning down to whisper side comments to you, his hot breath hitting your cheek a detriment to your sanity. While physical affection between you and any of your friends wasn’t uncommon, something seemed different tonight that you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
The only natural course of action was to keep drinking.
After another hour you were definitely more than tipsy thanks to two rounds of ‘Never Have I Ever’ and an even a special game of ‘Truth or Truth’ (thank you Kevin!). There was some respite when Changmin asked you to get him some water from the kitchen. You enjoyed being with your friends of course but Sunwoo’s proximity tonight was becoming unbearable. You knew he didn’t mean anything by it other than friendly affection, and yet, you could help fantasizing about a day where he made an actual move on you.
The cup of water you were filling spilled over your hand just as Changmin and Chanhee called your name-sounding a bit more like geese than tipsy boys. Taking a deep breath, you decided you couldn’t hide in the kitchen forever. You dragged your feet back to the living room and carefully handed Changmin his water.
“Did I look extra thirsty or something? Why the hell is it so full?”
“Be grateful.” You grumbled.
He ignored your attitude and sipped it anyways.
You plopped onto the couch and instantly an unnaturally warm pair of arms were around you.
It was Sunwoo, hugging you for no good reason that you could come up with. He squeezed you once then pulled away and grinned at you, making your face heat up more than the KGBs he had provided for the occasion. It was almost enraging that no one seemed to notice that you were about to become undone, this was practically abuse. Finding your voice, and sounding more coherent than you felt, you asked him,
 “What was that for??”
“You were just so cute! I couldn’t help it.” He let go of you, putting his arm back behind you leaving your mind in shambles.
He couldn’t help it?  What the hell was that supposed to mean? He had bragged earlier that his alcohol tolerance had gone up, but that seemed to be a lie because why else would he have been so careless?
You spent the next couple of hours trying not to fall asleep which was relatively easy considering how loud the boys still were at such a time of night. Eventually Sunwoo took note of your state and patted your leg.
“Are you tired?”
You nodded and rubbed your eyes. “Yeah, I better start walking home.”
Horrified was the only way to describe the look on his face. “Walk home?! It’s way too late and I can’t come with you, too cold. Just go sleep in my room I’ll come soon, I doubt the guys will stay much longer.”
You debated this. It would not be the first time you had spent the night together, but usually he slept on the floor or the couch. Now he was implying joining you and that was just ridiculous.
“Oh, it’s ok, I don’t have any of my products with me…”
Chanhee, who had apparently been eavesdropping, chimed in from the floor with his eyes closed. “You can borrow my makeup remover and skincare.”
Sunwoo beamed at this. “See? You already have a toothbrush here, just go lay down please, you look pitiful.”
You hesitated. This would most likely create 1000 more problems for you and your feelings for Sunwoo. The worst part of it was, you couldn’t tell where he was coming from. Was he being a kind friend or did he have some sort of hidden agenda? You knew him well enough to know he wasn’t a player, so it didn’t make sense for him to be doing anything unkind to you, and yet…Whatever. It was too late to care anymore.
After bidding everyone a good night (with many whines in return), you stumbled down the hall to the bathroom to get ready for bed. You examined your drunken reflection, sighing as you swiped away your smudged mascara. What did you get yourself into?
After cleansing and moisturizing, you found your way to Sunwoo’s room. There was practically only room for a bed- a small one at that- and you found yourself wondering if you even wanted him to sleep with you or not. While it would be everything you imagined before sleeping pretty much every night, it would haunt you forever if he meant nothing by it.
You were tired, but as you laid there in his bed with his scent permeating everything, anticipating him coming in to do… whatever it was he planned to do, you found yourself tossing and turning. Honestly, you wanted to cry. Maybe it was the alcohol, but you were suddenly overwhelmed by your emotions and anxiety that had built up over the night. Going home wasn’t an option, so you sighed, accepting your fate and tried to sleep.
After what seemed like ten hours, Sunwoo finally cracked open the door, probably thinking you were asleep. He shuffled his way to his dresser and you peeked your eyes open then tried to avert them away from him taking his hoodie off. Before he turned around, you quickly shut your eyes and turned over. You heard him sigh behind you and felt the bed slowly dip with his weight. He adjusted the blanket over you and dragged his hand across your side before bringing his arm back to his chest. The distance between you (or lack thereof) was killing you. Regardless, you tried to control your breathing so as not to give away that you were still very much awake. The spot he had touched felt as though he had electrocuted you. It was heartache.
After a bit, you heard his breath even out and could tell he was asleep. You gathered the courage to turn around and face him.
You’d always thought he looked a little goofy when he slept, mouth slightly open, bangs messy. But tonight, you felt the weight of your heart.
His hair’s grown out you thought absentmindedly, reaching up to move a strand out of his eyes. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed and his full lips were pursed against the pillow. Before you could help it, tears sprang to your eyes. There was not much longer you could go without confessing, or distancing yourself. This was just too much to bear. However, the thought of confessing brought on another wave of anxiety thinking about your friendship ending if he didn’t feel the same.
 He had been with you since high school, had stuck by you in all your hard times as well as the good ones, consoled you after breakups; you were intertwined. You had always heard men and women can’t be friends and thought you two were the sole exception. That was, until your freshman year of college.
You remembered that time not too fondly. Keeping up with classes and assignments was stressful, but you had Sunwoo who thankfully got accepted to your same university. He was busy on the school’s soccer team but had always made time for you, bringing you coffee on your study dates, cheering you up on your rough days, it meant everything to you. Around winter break, while you two studied for finals (which usually meant him watching YouTube while you studied alone), he confessed he had a crush on a girl in one of his classes and asked you for advice on how to ask for her number. You both had had crushes in high school and it never bothered you when he would talk to other girls, but this time had been different. What had changed in you?
 You thought it would be a small fling but they ended up dating for a year. It was agonizing watching him put his everything into someone else. She never liked you, complaining you and Sunwoo were too close. He tried to keep in touch with you but you saw much less of him than you had in the four years of knowing him.
Eventually she cheated on him. You remembered the dark circles under his eyes when he had knocked on your door the day they broke up. He didn’t say anything, just hugged you and sobbed into your shoulder. In all the time you had known him he had never cried in front of you, it infuriated you to think he had given his heart to someone so careless and vile. You never forgot the way he looked at you when he retold his last conversation with his ex.
“She told me it didn’t matter that she cheated, because my heart was with someone else the whole time. I think she meant you.”
You knew it wasn’t his intention to blame you, but you carried the guilt for months. Not guilty of her parting words and their implication, but guilt in the satisfaction you had for being so important to him. So much so that you were a threat to other women interested in him. It was a sick “If I can’t have him, no one can” mentality and you knew it wasn’t fair to him so for the next few years you resigned yourself to the loyal best friend role.
When you tried to branch out and pursue other guys, Sunwoo was always supportive. When things didn’t work out with other prospects- often because you wouldn’t cut off Sunwoo when they asked- he always ruffled your hair and sighed.
“At least we have each other, right?”
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you rolled to stare at the ceiling.
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You didn’t remember falling asleep but you woke up abruptly and in an odd position.
Then you realized you were being held tightly against Sunwoo. Somehow in the night he had moved his arm under your pillow and had his other arm tucked against your waist, his forehead pressed against the back of your neck.
What the absolute hell?
This was too far for you, still it felt so nice- and natural, as if you were meant to fit together like this forever. This was everything you had dreamed of for years (albeit under different circumstances). Clearly, he did this in his sleep, so you decided to get up before he woke up too and got embarrassed.
You carefully lifted his arm off you and crawled to the end of the bed. He looked so adorable like this, you almost wanted to take a picture before realizing you never wanted to remember this day again.
Tiptoeing your way down the hall, you hoped everyone was still asleep like Kevin who was snoring on the couch. Just as you were about to walk past Chanhee’s room, he opened the door, making you jump
“You scared me Chanhee!” you sharply whispered. “You scared ME. Why are you up so early?”
You checked the time on your phone: 8:12 a.m.
“I’m starting to get a headache. I need some hangover soup. And coffee. ASAP.” You groggily replied, voice still hoarse from just waking up.
“I thought we could order it and eat together? Why are you in such a rush?” He questioned you. “Um, I have some errands to run. Sorry, I’ll text you!” To be fair, you did have errands and the first one was to get away from this house.
“Did something happen?” Chanhee was always good at reading you, but now it was starting to feel like an interrogation.
“Nope!” you lied, “I’ll text you!”
Before he could say anything else, you brushed past him and quickly put your shoes on, feeling like you couldn’t get out of there fast enough.
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The following days were not fun to say the least. The afternoon after you left, Sunwoo and Chanhee texted you multiple times throughout the day to ask if you were alright (Chanhee was a bit excessive). You insisted to them that you were just busy – which was true, you were busy avoiding Sunwoo, rotting in bed, suffering from mental anguish, etc. etc.
The next day, Sunwoo asked if you wanted to go to lunch with him and Hyunjae. While any other day you would’ve gone without hesitation, just the thought of Sunwoo was torturous, and so you politely declined with another excuse. Maybe it would’ve been better if he stopped trying, and you might’ve wished for it. But you knew that if he did, you would be the first person to cry themselves to death. It was a pretty wretched situation that you had put yourself in. This could easily be resolved if you just talked to him, but the idea was simply too terrifying. You had never been good at expressing your emotions out of fear of causing conflict, but this was different.
You realized you were in love with him. There was no going back and you were terrified.
After a week you were invited out with the group- and you decided you’d had enough crying and worrying. Sunwoo’s texts had dwindled to radio silence once he got sick of your dry replies. You didn’t know how you could show your face, but either way you just had to suck it up, meet your friends and put your feelings aside for Sunwoo’s sake.
This was easier said than done as you contemplated cancelling at least six times in the hour it took you to get ready. It was just barbecue and drinks, it was supposed to be fun. Maybe it would be but you didn’t know what to expect from Sunwoo. Would he be mad? Or act like nothing was wrong when it clearly was?  You supposed there was only one way to find out.
When you got to the restaurant you spotted Chanhee first with an empty seat beside him.
“Is anyone sitting here?” You asked timidly.
“Oh hi, no I saved the seat for you.”
Something about his tone seemed off and made the sinking feeling in your gut feel ten times heavier. You looked around the table, greeting everyone and it didn’t take long for you to notice the absence in the group.
“Is Sunwoo in the bathroom or something?” you whispered to Chanhee.
“No, I don’t think he’s coming, he thinks you hate him.” His response was rather curt and made you feel like the walls were closing in around you.
“Oh…” was all you could muster.
“Do you? Hate him I mean. It seemed like whatever happened when you stayed the night completely made you stay away from him- and all of us.”
Awesome. So not only had you burnt the bridge between you and the only man you’ve ever loved, but you had also pushed away all of your closest friends too.
Hyunjae abruptly interrupted your thoughts.  “Where’s Sunwoo? I thought he’d be anywhere you would be.” He looked at you so innocently, which relieved you. At least no one else knew something was up.
“Oh I … I’m not sure… I-“
“Hey what did I miss?” the familiar voice startled you at first, then sent an instinctual calmness through you.
You turned and looked at Sunwoo, trying to express your pain, your guilt. He didn’t even glance at you.
It stung and it took everything in you not to get up and walk out. But you stayed in your seat so you didn’t make a scene.
You spent the evening in silence, only speaking when spoken to and, to your dismay, Sunwoo seemed to be doing the same. After a while, you finally made eye contact for a split second and felt your eyes prick with tears. Excusing yourself to the bathroom, you could barely make it there without breaking down. This was not the time or the place to be having a meltdown. Seeing him in front of you brought all the feelings you had tried to repress to the surface and it was too much.
After calming down a bit and erasing your tear tracks as best as you could, you returned to the table. Leaning down, you whispered in Chanhee’s ear that you weren’t feeling well and were going home. Younghoon had lost rock paper scissors and was paying, so there was no reason you couldn’t leave.
You hurried out of the building and paused outside, breathing in the crisp air. Hailing a taxi, you finally let everything spill over, probably making the driver extremely uncomfortable but you couldn’t really be bothered to care.
What were you going to do?
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You reached home exhausted beyond belief. At least you’d gotten a meal, you thought dejectedly. Unfortunately, there was no plan for what you’d do when you got home. Any more crying seemed like a one-way ticket to Drowningville, but your mind still ran rampant. You could call one of your girlfriends, Mia knew about your crush and had consoled you through the last couple of years. But just as you picked up your phone, someone knocked on your door.
This was unusual. But then, it could be someone from your building management.
You weren’t stupid, you stood on the balls of your feet to look through the peephole and the sight in front of you made your breath catch.
It was him.
He reached up to knock again so you quickly unlocked and opened the door without thinking any further.
Both of you were breathing heavily, your eyes rimmed red and his stare intense.
He spoke first.
“Can I come in?”
You opened the door wordlessly, not really by choice, you were completely caught off guard.
Feeling the tears pooling again, you cursed yourself for being so weak and looked down at your feet. Suddenly, he cupped your cheeks in his hands, forcing you to look at him.
“What is wrong? What did I do? Everything was fine and then it wasn’t. I want my Y/N back.”
His whole expression was pleading and you felt so selfish for running away from your problems again.
“Do you want the whole truth, or the nice version?” You knew he wouldn’t, but you hoped he’d choose the latter option so you could white lie your way out of this situation. He let go of your face to tug your hair lightly and rested his hands on your shoulders.
“What do you think?”
“Ok fine.” You huffed. “I got freaked out the other night when I slept in your room. It just felt… like we were crossing lines and I know I’m being dramatic because it was just cuddling but it’s different for me. I shouldn’t have run away and I feel really bad about blowing off the rest of the guys, but you especially. You know you’re my closest …friend and I didn’t want to lose you but I didn’t know what to do because like I said-“
You suddenly stopped because he dropped his hands from your shoulders and looked away. Honestly, he looked pissed.
Nice, you thought I’ve ruined everything and I haven’t even told him I liked him yet. How much worse could this night get?
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to confuse you.” “I know, we’re friends”
“We’re friends… but when you say it’s different for you, what exactly do you mean?”
Now you were starting to sweat, noticing the way he held back a smile. Was he going to make you spell it out like some kind of sadist?
“I mean…It means more to me than just that kind of skinship. Especially when I…”
“When you what?” Now he was smirking and it was starting to anger you.
“We’ll leave it for tonight. As long as I know you’re not mad at me.”
“I’m not mad at you I just-“
He pulled you into his arms, his hoodie had faint remnants of his cologne and you wrapped your arms around his waist as he rested his chin on top of your head. His chest rose with a deep inhale and then just as quickly as he grabbed you, he let you go. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed him clenching his fist, he turned to you with a lopsided smile.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” “What if I was busy?”
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Y/N.”
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Waking up feeling more rested than you had in a while, your mind wandered to last night. After Sunwoo’s unceremonious appearance (and exit), you had showered in a daze and immediately knocked out into a dreamless sleep.
Now all you had to fear was his threat of seeing you today.
There was no warning or even a text to let you know when this man was ever deciding on showing up. It was only 10 a.m., Sunwoo usually got up after 11 so it could be any time really. Thankfully, you had some time off work for the holidays, so you relished in your leisurely time putting your face and clothes on. You went about your day as normal: eating, watching YouTube, online shopping. All lame distractions from what you were anticipating. It wasn’t until 5:30 when he texted you.
.sunwoo🦝 : if you’re not already ready - get to it, I’ll be over in 30
So pushy, you could only laugh to yourself. It was odd, you thought, how the trauma of the last week was erased by a simple conversation and a hug from Sunwoo. You supposed it had always been like this, pain followed by a soothing only he could provide. He was your confidant, your rock, your safety. Whatever happened tonight was ok with you as long as you could keep him in your life.
Soon enough you heard your door open from your bedroom so you went to greet him. He met you with a rather awkward smile and hands politely behind his back which threw you off- you had never been uncomfortable around each other. Your smile quickly dropped,
“What’s wrong?” you prodded.
“Nothing!” he tried to assuage you with a laugh that sounded a little shaky.
You narrowed your eyes before looking back at his arms hiding something behind his back.
“What are you holding? You’re starting to freak me out…” You might have to forward your medical bill to him the way he constantly had your blood pressure rising. You needed him to get on with whatever he made you wait all day for.
“Well, it’s… well.” He stopped talking and brought his hands forward holding out a bouquet of sunflowers, chamomile and dahlias. You stood there for a couple seconds not understanding what was going on. “These are for you. As an apology for upsetting you, and, well I had something to say…” He trailed off, “Are you just going to stand there like a statue all night? Don’t you have a vase or something to put these in? I don’t want them to die, you know I can’t take care of plants.”
Reaching forward, your fingers brushed his as you took the flowers and felt like you were buzzing. The sweet gesture completely left you dazed, still convinced something was up.
“These are… for me?” you asked a bit dumbly. Before he could reply, you turned to walk to the kitchen.
“Yes, I thought it would be- well I didn’t want to show up empty handed.” His eyes followed your figure to you opening a cabinet to grab a vase that was just out of your reach. Quickly making his way over to you, he stood behind you to grasp it from the shelf. Your breath caught and your heart thumped a little too loudly when you felt his hand lightly rest on your waist as he took the vase and set it on the counter. Thankfully, he moved out of the way for you to fill it with water and put in the flowers trying to regain control of your breathing. The arrangement brightened up the space and reminded you of him- bright and sweet and lovely. You couldn’t imagine him going into a flower shop and picking these out, much less picking them out for you. The thought was a little funny but not funny enough…
Bringing you out of your reverie he softly made his way to you again and leaned against the counter. “You’re so silent I don’t like it.”
“Sorry I just don’t understand…” “I know,” he cut you off, “I just – I don’t know what I was thinking the other night. I’d blame it on the alcohol but really I was just being selfish. Things changed for me a while ago but I didn’t know to approach you. I always loved you but at some point, I started to realize just how much you mean to me. You’ve always taken care of me, cheered me on, been there for me. And then…when you went ghost on me, I panicked, I knew then I couldn’t live without you. I needed you to be mine, not as a best friend but as something more- I mean I feel so much more for you. I hoped you felt the same but I just couldn’t tell with the way you ran away from me. But then last night I felt like I was pressuring you to confess so I wanted to say it first. I like you, please give me a chance to take care of you. I want to be with you as long as you’ll let me.”
Throughout his monologue, you could barely hear him over your blood pumping in your ears and you felt a bit faint. This was everything you’ve wanted for over four years and it was finally coming true- you couldn’t believe this was real life. Your mind kept replaying him saying I’ve always loved you…
“Can you please say something.” He looked a little stern, but moved his hand gently to cup your cheek, stroking the skin there.
“Sunwoo…” He dropped his hand, looking at you with pleading eyes like he was anticipating your rejection. Grabbing his hand, you continued, “You must know how I feel, I’ve wanted you for so long. Please don’t tell me this is a joke.”
“I would never joke about this, you know I treasure your heart. I’ve always protected you. Even when you dated all those losers-“
“You dated losers too.”
“I know that. I couldn’t figure out why I was never satisfied, but I would always compare them to you and I chose our friendship every time.”
You could feel his sincerity and grabbed the fabric of his shirt at his thin waist.
“So… you really want to be with me?”
“More than anything.” He grabbed your face in his hands, just to look at you. It was so tender you wanted to cry. Again. Maybe there was something wrong with your tear ducts… Softly, he spoke up again.
“Can I kiss you? I’ve wanted to for so long.” All you could do was slowly nod and he stepped towards you, leaning down to kiss your forehead, then your temple, your cheek and finally pressed his lips against yours. You moved your hands to his shoulders, sliding them up to grab the hair at his nape, pressing him tighter against you. He kissed you twice more then moved to kiss your cheek again, squishing your face to purse your lips and kiss you again. You felt like you could black out as he ran his lips across your jawline, kissing just under your ear as he whispered an apology, finally pulling away.
Breathless, you replied “No need to apologize.” You moved your hands back to his shoulders, and tried not to look at his mouth, glossy from your lip balm and plump from his affections. As he ran his tongue over his lips and slightly smirked you thought,
He will be the death of me.
“Well…” trying to disperse the intense energy in the air you turned to look at the flowers again. “These are really pretty, thank you.”
“Well the lady at the shop helped a lot. Honestly I wanted to get you more gifts but I thought if you rejected me I would have to jump out of your window to escape the humiliation.”
Sighing, you faced him again.
“Honestly Sunwoo, how could you think I would ever reject you??”
“I don’t know!! Damn, I don’t know why it took me so long to admit my feelings. I always hated your boyfriends-“
“All two of them.” You reminded him with an eye roll.
“Ok well still. I hated all two of them.” “How do you think I felt watching you dote on other girls? Being so affectionate, writing songs for them…”
“You were always my inspiration. It was easier to write about someone I had a deeper connection with and that was always you.” “Well now I’m angry.” You pulled away and crossed your arms.
A look of panic washed over his face. “Angry with me already? We can’t start like this. Y/N, even though I didn’t see it quickly enough, we have so much time ahead of us.”
Looking at love itself, you pulled him in for another kiss.
You could never stay mad at him long.
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sl-vega · 17 days
0.1; retired theater kids-(y/n's squad)
project: love liason! - a scaramouche smau
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hopelessly in love with childe (has been since freshman year) you are on fairly good terms with him, (even if half of your interactions play out in your head rather than reality)
(ridiculously) hopeful romantic
you were the one who started your friend group after you met everyone else in a drama camp during eighth grade (hence the name retired theater kids)
the "responsible" friend (even though the general consensus is that lynette and navia are the actual responsible ones)
your best friend and scara's academic "rival". having been forced to have tons of classes together in the past two years, mona and him have been pretty cut throat when it comes to them competing with each other
mona finds him insufferable, and has vented to you about him on numerous occasions, even though you've never even met the guy
super into astrology and zodiacs
she's well known around campus for having scary accurate predictions
"that wasn't on your 2024 bingo card? well it was on MINE."
president of the drama club at your school, and is often put in charge of directing all of the drama club's shows
she used to be a semi-popular child actress that frequently appeared in famous kids shows, but she took a break recently to focus more on her directing career
was essentially a guarantee for any lead in school productions when she was younger
absolute drama queen
navia frequently keeps her up to date with all the latest gossip so she's a real treat to talk to
lynette's older twin brother, and a part time magician for kids birthday parties
one of the girls
also a member of the drama club
both an actor and member of the stage crew as he helps with special effects for productions as well
wants to continue working in the film industry after high school
bounces around as a freelance worker instead of being tied down to a specific gig despite having many offers from several places
says that if he waits the salary offers will get higher
lyney's younger twin sister and part time magic assistant
her brother often jokes that she ditched him, but she just preferred to explore her own interests outside of lyney's career
member of both the drama club and science club
unlike lyney she only helps with behind the scenes work
most notably special effects, but she's more interested in the scientific aspect of making it work
DEFINITION of an fbi friend
knows everything about everyone, does loyalty tests on people's boyfriend's sometimes if they pay her
picks up crazy amounts of info, and has a shit ton of connections to tons of people and places
doesn't disclose how she finds out all of this
the type of friend that can find someone only by their first initial
give her a single piece of info and BOOM
she has their full legal name, all their social media accounts, the location of the grocery store they frequent, and their parent's Facebook pages
currently in a situation ship with chlorinde
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additional notes:
profiles are out!
not much I wanna say but yeah :D
i'll try my best to do frequent updates
if you wanna be tagged just send me an ask/comment!
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𝜗𝜚 SYNOPSIS: you're head over heels in love with childe, and scaramouche is (begrudingly) smitten with his "rival" mona. and, by sheer divine coincidence, you both happen to be the best friends of each other's objects of affection, so you strike a deal with each other. if scaramouche helps you ask out childe, you'll set him up with mona. so with the annual spring formal right around the corner, the two of you vow to be each other's wingmans so you can end your junior year on a high note (and maybe even kick off your senior year with a new relationship!). between, scheming, planning, and researching, you and scaramouche find yourselves developing a new relationship via helping each other out. now the real question is whether this friendship will remain as a pure platonic bond, or blossom into something more?
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🎀 - taglist!;
@agaygothicmushroom, @035814, @freyao7, @sketcheeee, @tsukimara, @shyentsmissingink, @justpeachyteastea, @aries-afk, @lxkeeeee, @sakiimeo, @sugxryratz, @shutingstar, @lalaloveallmydays, @bellflower1257, @haruumei, @kichiyosh1, @littlemisssatanist, @dee-zbignuts, @candyescapism, @crimxeorcremeexistspeacefully
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rafeandonlyrafe · 8 months
girliest girly girl
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words: 800
warnings: trans!reader (mtf), brief transphobia (hate comment), gender dysphoria, established relationship, soft!rafe, social media au briefly at the end featuring my shitty photoshop (face claim: hunter schafer)
“what's that look on your face for princess?” rafe tsks, instantly recognizing that something isn't right, ready to beat the shit out of anyone who could have caused you feeling down.
“it's nothing.” you shake your head, curls flopping as you do, having just done your hair, hoping it would help.
“lie.” rafe calls out, always one to see through your bullshit, never able to hide your feelings around him.
“fine.” you sigh as rafe takes a seat on the couch next to you, his hand coming to rub over your knee, exposed by your shorts.
“i just… i got a mean comment on my instagram post. calling me a dude. it's made me feel really dysphoric.” you admit softly. you don't talk to rafe a lot about being trans, mainly because it doesn't affect your relationship a lot. you transitioned fully before even meeting rafe, and had such a nonchalant response to you telling him you weren't sure he understood at first.
“ah, shit baby.” rafe sighs, struggling with the internal battle of making you feel good versus finding who left the comment and breaking their thumbs for typing out something so vile they knew would hurt you. ultimately, the pout on your face makes him put his anger away. “what can i do to help pretty girl?
“i don't know.” you admit with a sigh. “just kinda wanna… wanna do something to distract myself i guess.”
“i see you did your hair.” rafe comments. you usually keep your hair straight, only curling it on special occasions because it takes forever with how thick and long your hair is.
“and your makeup is beautiful.” makeup you did do every day, finding it helped with your gender dysphoria and was the final step to making you feel like you.
“thanks rafey.” you smile gently, already starting to feel better just from being in his presence.
“why don't we go shopping and out to eat?” he offers. 
“i would really like that.” you admit. getting out of the house will probably help as well, not giving you the opportunity to sit and scroll on your phone, negative feelings just building up inside of you.
you finish getting ready to go, putting on a pair of heels that you don’t usually go for, especially since you would be doing a lot of walking since you’re going to be shopping, but they always made you feel good.
“my beautiful girlfriend.” rafe smiles, making sure to use a lot of gender affirming words whenever you get feeling like this.
“thank you baby.” you feel your face blush as he laces your fingers together, walking you towards the car. he helps you up into the truck with it being so tall and your heels making you wobbly.
“where to first? sephora?” rafe questions, and you realize that he must be able to see through everything to how bad you were feeling if he’s willingly offering to take you to sephora.
“yeah and then i thought maybe we could go to lulu? they released a new color of my favorite skirt and i really wanna get it.”
“anything for you darling.” rafe says, reaching over to squeeze your thigh.
“i hate to bring it back up, but how are you feeling now?” rafe asks as you lay back on the bed, tired from the long day of shopping.
“totally fine now. i swear i walk into zara and feel like the girliest girly girl.” you giggle. 
“look at you in all pink, of course you’re a girly girl.” rafe rolls his eyes, changing his shirt into a more comfortable tee before crawling into bed next to you.
“oh shush.” you swat at his chest before he pulls you into him, tangling your legs together. 
rafe smiles at having you pressed against him, taking your hand in his as he plays with the rings stacked on your fingers. “look at your nails baby, even they are pink and sparkly.” he chuckles. “you should get blue for me next time.” “i can get a little letter r charm too.” you mumble, burrowing your face into rafes chest, knowing your nail girl is so talented and able to pull off any look you ask.
“holy shit, they do that?” rafes eyebrows raise, thinking he’s going to make incorporating his letter or name in all of your nails a rule from now on.
“mhm. i could get gems, pearls, anything.” you shrug, scratching your nails over the back of his hand.
“i learn so much being with you.” rafe says honestly.
“i learn so much being with you too, just most of it is about golf or sports.” you scrunch your nose up.
“golf is a sport!” rafe immediately argues, making you roll your eyes. “we are not doing this again!”
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taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @emma77645 @wearemadeofstardust0
156 notes · View notes
Part 1 |
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Summary: A fan makes an offer your can’t refuse.
(based on suggestion he’s been overworking himself for weeks if not months. He knows he needs a break but his work is too important. Maybe what he needs is someone to take care of him so he can focus more on work. from @thezombieprostitute)
Characters: Bucky Barnes
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Your stomach writhes like worms in the dirt. You sit in the back of the uber, uneager to be at your destination. The driver asks if it’s a special occasion and you just sort of mutter. You look down at yourself; you’re sure dressed for something special.
It’s plain enough. A classic little black dress. Thick straps and a simple silhouette. Still, it’s tighter than you’re used to. You dressed it up with a slender silver chain that holds a heart charm and a velvet clutch. Your usual cotton and wool pale in comparison.
You watch on the GPS as the car moves closer and closer to the endpoint. You take out your phone and check the messages. You can barely read any of it as your hands jitter.
You’re being stupid. This is dangerous and stupid. You can’t meet a stranger. Even if he did pay you to do so. Even if you really need the money. You should just send it back.
‘Reservation for Barnes. The hostess will seat you.’
He sent that about an hour ago. His anticipation has only been met by your silent dread and dulcet agreement. It’s one thing to post photos online, faceless at that, but to meet a man like this. This is more than just posing and primping for a camera.
You thank the driver as he pulls up to the restaurant. You get out reluctantly and linger along the curb, tipping the uber as an excuse to take your time. You look up at the dusky facade and gulp. The cursive moniker assures you of your displacement. 
You take a breath and cross the broad sidewalk. You dodge out of the way of another couple entering the restaurant. You don’t follow them as you hover outside. There were at least a few decades between the pair; what is this place?
You hug your wrap tight and teeter on your heels as you try to see through the tinted windows. You need to scare yourself out of this. You get one look at this guy and you’re gone. You’re running the other direction. Only then will it really be real. Only then will you get a bit of sense in you. 
“Just in time, doll,” a deep voice crawls up your spine and you gasp as you twist around to face the speaker. 
Your ankle bends dangerously as your heel catches in the pavement. You bat your lashes up at the stranger; it’s him. He’s even more handsome in person. It almost takes your breath away.
“Uh, hi,” you murmur. Your escape is foiled. Your second doubts are crushed in that instant. You don’t have the courage to walk away. If he’d never seen you, you could've easily scurried back to your hole and deleted everything. “Mr. Barnes?”
He laughs. His smile is deadly. He puts his hand on your arm, bold but casual.
“Bucky,” he offers, “come on,” he checks the watch on his other wrist, “we’re late.”
He nudges you towards the door, bringing his hand down to hover along your lower back. You walk forward numbly. You don’t know what else to do but go with it.
He opens the door and ushers you ahead of him. The hostess greets him as ‘Mr. Barnes’ and is prompt to lead you through the dim lounge. A round booth awaits you near the back of the restaurant.
The hostess takes your wrap and you place your clutch on the seat as you settle onto the curved cushion. Bucky sits and orders a bottle of Shiraz. You fight to keep your shoulders up, trying to wilt in the luxury of the place. You’re an assistant librarian, what are you doing here?
He slides to the back of the booth, reaching over to wrap his hand lightly around your wrist. He tugs until you reticently shimmy closer. You keep your eyes on the table, fumbling with the wrapped silverware.
“Nervous,” he says. You nod and still the cutlery. “Me too.”
You’re surprised by his confession. He must do this all the time. He’s rich and handsome and oh, how stupid you really are. Of course you’re just another in the long line. 
You look up at him, flinching as you find him watching you. You wonder if your lipstick is patchy or if you smeared your eye liner again. You bring your hands back into your lap and wring them.
You notice the gray patch among the short stubble along his jaw, a few more strands of silver laced around his temples. His hair is smoothed back but the longer strands threaten to fall forward. He lifts his arm coolly and rests it on the seat behind you. He smells amazing.
“I…” you begin. “I think I made a mistake.”
He tilts his head, his eyes narrowing slightly but otherwise, he does not react.
“How do you know? You haven’t even made the mistake yet,” his hand drifts down to tickle your shoulder, “one glass of wine. How about that? You have one glass before we order, then you can decide.”
“I… I’m not what you think I am,” you utter.
“Doll, you’re exactly what I want,” he winks just before he turns away, another dashing smile sent to the waitress as she arrives with the wine.
One drink. You can do that.
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 3 months
I Spy
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word count: 1.6k
Notes: Hey Rhys… can you do me a favor and just work on Orange Blossoms WHICH IS DUE TODAY RIGHT NOW can you just do that for me thanks buddy
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You roll over in bed, sighing as you scroll through your notifications to see if anything interesting happened overnight. You lay there for a bit watching a few TikToks before climbing out of bed 
After washing up and getting your breakfast started you head for the front door with a little skip in your step, you crack open the door and peek out, no one needs to see you unnecessarily in your Hello Kitty pajamas 
A single red rose lays on your doormat and you smile widely, picking it up and smelling the sweet flower. You turn on your heel, adding it to the ever-growing collection. Every time you’re about to throw the older rose out a new one is on your doorstep with the same note 
“Not nearly as beautiful as you are” 
You can tell they’re from someone’s own garden too and that makes it just a little more special, especially since you think it’s from your cute neighbor, Elliot, down the street. He’d had wonderfully large rose bushes since you’d moved there, it wouldn’t be noticeable should a fresh one be cut every week or so. 
Either way, it’s super romantic 
This had been going on for a few months, maybe around four or so, and had started a few days after you’d moved in. You’d hinted to Elliot before that you’d like his roses and he was very proud of them and had even sent you home with a little bouquet as he taught you how he cared for them and pruned them. 
You didn’t really know many other people in the neighborhood, one was a banker maybe? a firefighter to your right and a nice older couple a few doors down who you’d had breakfast with on more than one occasion. You head back into the kitchen and carefully set aside the dying rose to dry with the others and put this one in the vase with new water. 
You finish that up quickly and go to stand at the stove, watching through the large window to the right. You’re about to turn back when you notice movement in the window across from yours. You look up and your neighbor is standing there doing something in his own little bubble. Your cheeks flush and you look down quickly, maybe you should learn to close those shades, your mother was always telling you to. You look back up again and let out a breath, he’s not there… thank god that would have been-
You flinch as he reappears in his window, staring right at you. He smiles sweetly though, giving you an awkward wave and miming that he’d accidentally dropped his spatula, you giggle and wave back before turning back to focusing on your breakfast. Maybe you’d invite him over sometime. 
You finish up with breakfast and go running back to your bedroom, admittedly you took a little longer eating than you should have, but getting dressed quickly enough should buy you some time…
“Wait no- shit-“ You open your walk-in closet, it’s not too big but a good enough size. You’d completely forgotten to steam the skirt you needed for today. You knew you should have done it Saturday night but you were too busy binging Murder She Wrote. Maybe you were lucky enough to have done it Sunday and you just forgot. 
You go to turn on the steamer and rush to grab your skirt, but there it is. Perfectly pressed and ready to go. You squeal and grab it from the silk hanger 
“Oh thank god me!!!” You spin around excitedly before running back out to finish changing. 
You’re struggling on your heel as you leave your house and get into your car, you take a little deep breath and turn the key, nothing like breaking the speed limit to get you to work on time. 
Nothing happens. 
“Of all the days to have car trouble” you grumble as you try to get it started again, but you just keep listening to the engine flooding over and over. Eventually, you quit and let your head fall against the headrest. You squeeze your eyes shut and hold your forehead. Maybe the older couple wouldn’t mind giving you a ride to work?… that meeting for today was really-
You’re startled by a knock at the window, you open your door and a man bends down to the height of your window 
“Hi, I’m Eddie. I live next door?” He points to his house and offers you his hand “We saw each other this morning?”
He’s even more gorgeous in person. 
“Y/N… you’re the firefighter right?” You shake his hand and his cheeks flush a little 
“Yup, that’s me… I noticed you were having a little car trouble. I can check it out when I get home if you’d like, but for now, I’m offering a ride? My shift doesn’t start for another hour or two… I would gladly take you anywhere you needed to go” 
“Would you really?? Oh, that sounds great!” You get out of your car, take your purse and lunch bag, and locking it up 
“I have no idea what’s going on with it, I just had it serviced a couple weeks ago and everything seemed fine…”
“Eh cars just do what they want” he holds his hand out, offering to take your bags and you smile
“I’ve got it! It’s just to your driveway” you chuckle, but he eases both your purse and your lunch bag from you
“Oh, my mom would kill me if I didn’t take your bags like a gentleman. You stop in front of the large truck and he opens the door for you before taking your hand and helping you in. He hands you your bags and shuts the door for you too 
“Damn, he is a gentleman” you mumble as he comes around and gets in the driver's seat. He messes around on his phone for a second before he starts driving
“You think you’ll need a ride home? I’d hate for you to have to take an Uber or something…” 
“I can’t ask you for a ride home too Eddie! Besides, I think we get off at different times”
“Actually today’s your lucky day” he chuckles “Well sort of, I’ve got a doctor's appointment this afternoon, so it’s a half day for me. I can definitely come to pick you up after work”
“Really? I feel like I’m already asking so much of you” You chuckle awkwardly and he looks over at you, a kind smile on his face
“Oh, this is no trouble at all! In fact, I was also going to offer to look at your car for you while you were at work… I know a thing or two maybe I can save you some money”
“You’d do that? But we hardly know each other! In fact, this is the most we’ve ever talked” 
“I’m a firefighter Y/N, it’s in my nature to want to help people. Just bonus points that it’s someone as pretty as you” 
Y-you really don’t have to do that” Your cheeks flush deeply as you search through your purse for your keys and hand them over to him 
“Hey let’s just say it’s a neighbor helping a neighbor out you know? I can ask Mr. Darcy to help me too, that old man definitely knows his cars” 
“Yeah, he does… well only if it’s not an inconvenience for you two, I would really appreciate it. Thank you”
“Ahh don’t thank me yet” he chuckles “I don’t know if I can fix it. Here-“ he unlocks his phone and hands it to you
“Give me your number so I can know when to pick you up” 
“I feel like that’s what you were really after” You wriggle your eyebrows and he smirks and winks at you 
“Maybe it was…” 
You make small talk for the rest of the way, getting to know each other a little. He hasn’t been at the firehouse long but he loves them like family. He learns a few things about you, just little things really, your favorite color, your favorite food, hilariously where you keep your spare key and he jokes about his too that he also keeps in the planter next to his front door as well and that you both definitely need to change that immediately 
As you pull up to the front of your work, Eddie gets out and opens your door for you 
“Hey so, my Captain, Bobby? He’s having a cookout at his place this weekend and… I know it’s kinda sudden and it’s not like a date or anything! But would you maybe wanna come? I swear the food is gonna be amazing”
You light up at the invitation, good food? Better company… really really attractive company? Sign you up 
“I’d love to! We can get to know each other better and I can meet your friends! And seriously again thank you for the ride and offering to look at my car. I’ll see you after I get off?”
“I’ll be here! Have a nice day”
You’re a little starstruck after he kisses your hand goodbye and gets back in his truck to leave, you blush lightly as he waves and drives off. You wave until he makes the turn out of the parking lot to go back to look at your car presumably 
You get inside and set your stuff down at your desk, you’ve arrived in time, safe and sound for your meeting. You’re just putting your lunch bag in the fridge when you stop for a moment, staring out the break room window 
How did he know where you worked? 
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fandomaya · 1 year
lunch hour moments
Pairing: Tetsurō Kuroo x fem!reader
CW: FLUFF!!! Food as a love language, established relationship, reader has hair long enough to use a scrunchie, reader can cook here, reader wears a dress, Kuroo is a lovable boyfriend (duh!), tad bit suggestive, reader is a university student, NOT PROOFREAD, unreliable writing
WC: 2.5K+ (I don't know how this happened)
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If you had the slightest common sense then you should know that you shouldn’t hold the lunch bag too tightly because on close inspection it does seem your nails are about to break into the skin of your palms. But the remnant anxious thoughts at the back of your head are making you feel otherwise.
This also makes you wish the elevator was a little slow today. It's not because you are going to meet someone whom you don't like. On the contrary, it's someone that you really like. Well, it's actually your boyfriend, Tetsurō Kuroo. Well, recalling the name of your boyfriend always makes you realize the weight of his influence and presence in his workplace. Very few people can channel their passion for something in a stable direction, and well he has had his share of criticisms and obstacles. But he is still climbing the ladders of his professional journey in JVA.
One of the hardest things in the world is to not like Tetsurō, and sometimes you still cannot believe that you are dating a wonderful man like him. It's been less than a year since you have been an official couple, but it feels like a lifetime of knowing each other, given how you two just click like two magnets.
But leaving all that aside, there's a slightly anxious feeling bubbling in your chest because today happens to be the first time you are entering his workplace and also the first time you made a bento for him, and also the first time you are thinking of having lunch with him. A day of many firsts. But it's normal, right? You are the girlfriend you can definitely meet him at his work during lunch and can also make him a nutritious meal after all it's not like you make something inedible. He's still thriving after eating whatever you make.
Okay, maybe you can cook, but the anxious feelings are more so because you are 15 minutes early, and you don't know how you will be received if he knows you came. You try to think positively and at that time the elevator pings to make you aware that you have reached the destination floor. In a second, you focus on your look in the reflective doors, and you hope your floral dress with puffed sleeves, paired with kitten heels, isn’t too unsuitable. Well, you know Tetsurō likes the way you dress up, so that should calm you down a little.
Walking out of the elevator, you walk straight toward the secretary’s desk. Just by her side are the opaque doors that lead to your boyfriend’s workspace. Reaching her desk, she looks up and smiles at you, which you return with relief.
“Hello y/n. It has been so long since we last met in the company dinner. It is nice seeing you here. What’s the special occasion?”
“Um nothing much, I just thought of having lunch with Tetsurō since my classes got cancelled in the last moment so…”
“That’s really wonderful of you y/n. I am sure Mr. Kuroo would appreciate your efforts. But…” She peers into her desktop to check the agenda for today, making your face drop slightly, “... he is in a meeting right now. He will return soon since lunch hour is nearby. So you need to wait a little. You can take a seat at the couch, okay?”
Thanking her, you take a seat on the couch placed opposite her desk. Keeping the lunch bag beside you, you slide down your tote bag and start to distract yourself by scrolling on your phone so that these few minutes do not feel like hours. After some mindless scrolling, you check the time to be 10 minutes past the lunch hour started. Just when you were thinking that Tetsurō must have gone to eat lunch, and maybe it was all futile to come all the way and surprise him, then the elevator opens and Tetsurō walks out of it, carrying a folder with him.
Your eyes meet his, and he is visibly surprised for a fraction of a second that turns into the warmest of smiles, the genuineness of it all that makes you fall in love with him a little more.
“Darling, what are you doing here, and when did you come? Did I keep you waiting for a long time?”
Getting up and smoothening the creases of your dress, getting your tote bag, and picking up the lunch bag you wave it at him slightly, “Just thought of making some lunch and eating with you. Did I bother you much?”, you replied with an innocently teasing voice.
Kuroo simply chuckles and guides you to his work chamber by smoothly placing his hand on your lower back. These little gestures of Kuroo make you feel belonged in Kuroo’s life, and there is something so comforting when he mindlessly rubs little faint circles on your clothed skin with his fingers.
You observe his space is pretty grand and that gives you an idea of how much of a high position Kuroo holds in the JVA. Being the leading executive of the sports promotion division is worth applauding. Your gaze is fixed on the huge windows of this high rise that gives a picturesque view behind your boyfriend’s work throne.
He keeps the folder on the table, takes off his navy blue jacket, and walks across to hang it on the coat hanger. You love to see the way his slate gray shirt fits him so well that the muscles moving underneath the fabric are mesmerizing in their own accord, and his rolling up the sleeves up to his forearms is just a cherry on top. He swiftly moves back to his desk, sits down, and starts clearing the desk as much as he can. Like always, you are in a trance to see such little everyday actions of your boyfriend.
You take a seat across from him, take off your tote bag, and place the packed lunch on the desk. You start unpacking it while Kuroo is watching you now, the way your hands made lunch for him and the same hands are now unpacking it, to share a meal with him. Today definitely has to be one of the best working days in his life.
When you are done, you look at Kuroo leaning on his fist and being so intensely focused on his feline gaze on you that it almost makes you a bit nervous in case you messed up anything.
“Anything wrong Tetsu?”
“No, I was just wondering that you are a little too far away from me”
That made you chuckle because Tetsu did tend to think too seriously about some really casual stuff.
“I am in the same room as you Tetsu, how much closer do you want me?”
“They didn’t call me scheming captain for no reason. How about you come over and sit here?”, he swivels his chair a little and pats his thighs, inviting you on his lap, your personal throne.
“We are in your office! What if someone walks in?” you said with an obvious embarrassment that creeps up your neck. You know how straightforward your boyfriend is at times with the way he shows you love, including the different ways he teases you, which is by the way purely for him to watch your endearing reactions.
“Listen babe, no one will walk in before getting the permission from me, so you don’t worry your little head, alright?”
Begrudgingly, you push your chair backward to get up, shift the open boxes towards his side, then plop on his lap, crossing your arms and not looking at him.
Tetsurō just wraps his arms around your waist, to pull you closer and nuzzle his nose between the juncture of your neck and shoulder. You smell so sweet, so hypnotic, that it melts away all the knots in his overworked nerves.
“Aren’t we going to eat?”, you slightly turn around and tilt your head a bit, and Kuroo swears time stops when he looks into your mesmerizing eyes.
“Why don’t you feed me yourself, y/n ?” he says while perching his head on your shoulders
“What if someone walks in? That will be so embarrassing for you”
“What is embarrassing? My sweet girlfriend feeding me food made by her? Please y/n this is a pleasure, I would rather show off and feed off their awe and jealousy”
“Gosh, you are so evil, Tetsu!”
“Come on! I am just a man with the prettiest girl on my lap. I cannot help myself but feel a little giddy.”
You were just rolling your eyes, given how Kuroo sometimes really tries to flatter you with all the buttering. Separating the set of disposable chopsticks, you start picking up the food and feeding it to the man-child of a boyfriend. He savors the morsels contentedly, thinking of how considerate you are to prepare his favorite fish delicacy for lunch.
In between the bites, both of you take, there is a mundane conversation of how boring his meetings were, how your class got canceled suddenly, how a cute cat was napping on the pavement whose picture you took that brightened up Tetsurō’s mood at a boring meeting with the sponsors and even after the meal was over, you were still sitting on his lap, exchanging simple words with him almost quietly so that only you two can hear them as if such peaceful moments should be only unique between you and your lover.
In a moment of true quietness, you caress his hands, tracing the veins that outline his wrists and forearms. You don’t know what comes over you when you just take off the scrunchie on your hair. Kuroo is ever observant to see your little actions, the way the hair is set free, that frames your soft face, and the strands ever so gently land on the nape of your neck. You take the scrunchie and slide it across his wrist. You love how it looks on him, makes you feel he is yours.
Furthermore, you smile to yourself, while rubbing your fingers over the scrunchie wrapped around his wrist and say, “I have seen some guys wearing the scrunchies of their girlfriends on campus. I thought it was cute, so I thought of trying it on you.” You pick up his hand to gently rub your cheeks on his palm. Kuroo just looks at you fondly at how these little things make you happy and makes him appreciate these little moments too.
Shaking your head and thinking how stupid it all is, you proceed to take off the scrunchie from his wrist. That’s when he retreats his hand, and whispers in your ear, “why are you taking it off? Don’t you like it on me?” Getting all flustered, you just shake your head and quietly mumble, “I loved the way it was on your wrist, but you are in your office, and it doesn’t look professional I guess…”
Kuroo listens to you intently, which makes him rub those same comforting circles on your back, with his other hand, the one that has the scrunchie on, he gently shifts your face towards him, tilts it a bit to make you look at him. He is so gentle with the way he looks at you, the way he caresses you, the way he rubs his knuckles on the apples of your cheek and gives you the reassurance on how you don’t need to think about professional stuff because that’s his job. He also reassures you that being your boyfriend, you have all the right to be openly affectionate in your own ways and not need to overthink so much.
You are not unfamiliar with such reassurances, but sometimes you are intimidated by how powerfully determined Kuroo is in this relationship. You are grateful to have a serious boyfriend who is perfect in ways more than a person could imagine, but it takes time to impression these ideals on yourself. Likewise, you just end up shifting your focus from his caresses to laying your head on his shoulder, while he holds you.
“I think I should leave now…” you say while rubbing mindless patterns on his linen shirt.
“Yeah, I will leave with you as well”
Your head shoots up instantly while grabbing his shoulders, “Wait, really? Don’t you have work to do? Or wait, I think you are thinking of just dropping me to the train station, right? I am so sorry for misunderstanding…”
Kuroo clicks his tongue in faux disappointment, “Kitten, it has been a really hectic week, plus it’s Friday! So I think as the head of my department, I can grant myself an early break this once, don’t you think so?”
“This looks more like abuse of power to me…” you teasingly remarked while raising an eyebrow at him.
“Ah, anyway, I think I can twist a few commands in my favor so that I can spend a relaxing weekend with my girlfriend”
That makes a different kind of warmth bloom in your chest because doing nothing with Kuroo is way better than doing something all alone. Well, the smile that crawls up your face reflects him, and you caress his face for a while, before planting a quick kiss on the corner of his lips.
Hopping off his lap, you start packing up the empty boxes, and wrapping them in the lunch bag, while he gets some documents in his bag and unplugs his phone from the charger on the desk. You fix your hair a bit on the reflective windows, and focussing a bit, you like the light from the afternoon sun, that is soft today just like the moments shared between you and your lover.
The said lover, comes behind you, to wrap his arms around your shoulder, “come on, let’s leave. I bet the view in our bedroom is way better”, he whispered. Lightly slapping his arms, you scoff at his suggestive remarks. He simply smirks and places a kiss on your hairline. Slinging your respective bags on the opposite shoulders, so that you can hold his outstretched hand, the same hand that has your scrunchie on. You love the little gesture of him having his blazer on his arms, that is, he chose not to wear it to flaunt your scrunchie on his wrist.
Tetsurō loves how his hand fits perfectly in your hands. He loves this subtle sense of possession that he is yours, just like you are his. Holding your hands is akin to holding onto everything that keeps him together. Yes, everyone is looking at both of you holding hands and swinging the interlocked fingers slightly as if you two were teenage sweethearts. Well, maybe not teenage, but Tetsurō definitely knows you two are sweethearts for sure. Maybe a little too quick to admit openly, but Tetsurō subconsciously feels you are his soulmate too. Well, he can delve into that later. But right now, his focus is on the connected hands, your scrunchie on his wrist, the way sunlight makes your skin glow and the breeze plays with your hair, and lastly, most importantly, the way your happiness is overflowing, which makes you look at him with those mirroring happy eyes that crinkle at the corners.
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A/N: If you reached this far, then phew, congratulations on managing to read this headache-inducing self-indulgent piece. Kuroo is always my #1, but it is surprising how I never wrote anything for him on this blog. Anyway, thank you for reading! Feedbacks and reblogs are much appreciated :) <3
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dawn-moths · 1 year
can you do #5 with your cause to start a vendetta undertaker (preferably if like the reader has done something she maybe shouldn’t have and the sound of his steps part of it is kind of like foreboding)? thanks :)
oh my gosh yes! i really like the twist on the prompt too!
prompt: recognising the sound of their steps
character: undertaker (kuroshitsuji // cause to start a vendetta)
words: 1800+
content warning: 18+ content, minors dni! daddy kink, reader is called “princess, sweetheart, good girl, doll, brat”, allusion to punishment (non-consensual spanking with a belt).
The moment you hear the key turn in the front door, you go running, bolting down the long hallways, nearly slipping a few times as your socked feet struggle to grip the polished, checkerboard marble when you take a turn too fast.
You know he’ll see it first thing when he walks in— the shimmering, shattered shards of black and gold porcelain that belonged to what used to be Undertaker’s favorite teacup and saucer, now reduced to sharp debris scattered across the floor.
And you hadn’t meant to break it, honestly, you really hadn’t.
You’d been walking back to the kitchen to wash it and put it right back in its rightful place in the highest cabinet without him knowing you’d so much as looked at it, let alone actually drank from it.
But you’d been trying to catch the end of an exciting scene playing on tv from the movie you’d been watching, eyes and thoughts elsewhere as your clumsy feet shuffled backward, trying to carry you out of the room to complete your task before you lost track of time and he caught you red handed.
That’s when your heel had caught on the folded edge on one of the rugs, sending you stumbling back and barely catching yourself on the arm of the couch before tumbling backward.
Your blood ran cold the moment you heard the shattering, eyes going wide and your next breath catching in a horrified gasp halfway up your throat. It didn’t matter how terrifyingly slow you turned your head to look over your shoulder at the cause of the bone chilling sound. You already knew the damage was done.
But it wasn’t the fact that you’d broken a teacup that would upset Undertaker on a level severe enough you felt the need to hide. This wasn’t your first absentminded mishap and it certainly wouldn’t be your last.
It was the fact that he’d specifically told you never to use that teacup in the first place and you’d blatantly disobeyed him.
“They’re all so pretty!” you’d exclaimed with awe when he’d first shown you his extensive collection of teacups and mugs and one of a kind blown glass drinkwear that were displayed behind the windowed cabinets above the kitchen sink.
They were custom art pieces that came from all over the world, he’d told you, elaborating on some specific origins of a few you seemed most drawn to.
Your usual favorite was a glossy black and white teacup sculpted with red lycoris flowers, the saucer it was paired with painted over with thin gold streaks to look like it was covered in the most delicate lace.
“You can use any of them you like,” Undertaker had told you, watching your face light up even more, knowing you were already making a mental list of what order you’d drink from them in and with what kind of tea. But then he added, as if suddenly remembering something important, “There’s just one I need you to promise me never to use, alright?”
That’s when he’d brought your attention to the teacup that was now little more than shards, that first memory of seeing it beautifully displayed on the top shelf still crystal clear amidst all the regret and guilt flooding your mind.
“A very special friend gave this to me a long time ago,” he explained as you gazed up at the tempting, off-limits cup. “I only use it on very special occasions, and it would make me very angry if anything ever happened to it. Understand, princess?”
Back then, you’d nodded and sworn never to touch it just like a good girl should, and truly, you would’ve kept that promise if not for the fact that, just that morning, you’d felt like Undertaker had broken a promise he’d made to you.
“But you said we were going out today!” you’d whined, stomping your foot down and clenching your fists, clearly having woken up in a bratty mood. “You said we’d spend the day together! You promised!”
Undertaker had let out an irritated sigh, clearly not having time for your tantrum as he skillfully tied his tie with quick, fluid motions and shrugged on his sleek obsidian coat, replying with a rather curt, “I know, sweetheart. But Daddy has some urgent business to attend to and I’m afraid it can’t wait.” He’d glanced at you over his shoulder, your fit turned to abundant disappointment as you sank back onto the edge of the bed and wore a pout.
“I promise to make it up to you, alright?” he’d said, his voice sounding a little sweeter that time, hoping to coax you at least halfway back to a good mood. “Just be a good girl while I’m away and I’ll have a special surprise for you by the time I get home.”
Against his hopes that that would at least put a tiny grin back on your face and feeling extra defiant, you just crossed your arms and continued to sulk, not even saying goodbye to him as he headed out the bedroom door, calling back to you as he took those long, even strides down the hallway towards the main staircase that he loved you and would be back soon.
So what else were you to do, left to your own devices, than to seek petty revenge by breaking one of his rules?
Only, he had never been meant to find out.
You’d intended to make up for your behavior that morning by putting on a big smile and throwing your arms around him by the time he returned home later that afternoon, amending the fact you hadn’t told him you loved him back and accepting the gift he was bringing home for you graciously.
But now, as the shiny little shopping bag that carried Undertaker’s apology present for abandoning you today hung limply from the tips of his pale fingers, he stood before the carnage of his prized teacup— one of its kind, crafted by a friend long passed— and felt his blood seethe with red hot rage, his brilliant chartreuse eyes wide under the deep scowl of sparse, silvery brows while his jaw worked with the harsh grinding of his back teeth.
The moment you heard his low, stern voice echo out, summoning you by name, you flinched from your hiding place, knowing you were in so much trouble.
And he hadn’t screamed your name, had merely just stated it loud enough for his voice to carry it to wherever you thought you could escape him. That’s how you knew he was truly, utterly pissed.
His rage was a quiet, sure thing, knowing it didn’t have to make a show with cracking shrieks or the heavy stomping of feet up the stairs.
Just like hunting an enemy, Undertaker was hunting you, giving you no indication of how close he was until the last minute, until it would be far too late for you to run any further or seek out a better hiding place.
You pushed yourself to the back of the guest room wardrobe, all of the big fur coats that were being stored there for the summer suffocating you as you clasped a trembling hand over your mouth, squeezing your eyes shut and trying not to breathe, as if he would be able to hear you from your fear alone.
“Sweetheart…!” you heard him call out, closer this time, lurking on the second floor where you both knew it was only a matter of time until he found you. “Come out now and your punishment will be less severe…”
It wasn’t a bargain. It was just a fact. If you weren’t so paralyzed with terror, you might’ve just given in and listened. But you didn’t want to face what was waiting for you, so you remained huddled in the back of the wardrobe behind the curtains of fox and chinchilla and mink.
“Last chance—!” he barked, starting to lose his patience. He was even closer. You felt tears well in your eyes when you heard the guest room door creak open, the flick of a light switch. Only a matter of time now.
“I’m not going to say it again…” His voice was quieter now, the slow, even tapping of his familiar footsteps crawling towards the closet where you curled in on yourself.
He knew he had you. You knew he had you. It was down to seconds now, each step drenching you in a new wave of terror.
Then he sighed and said, “I really wish you would’ve made this easier on both of us, doll,” before swinging the wardrobe doors open and reaching inside, his big, strong hands finding you between the bulky furs and gripping hard as you yelped and scrambled to push yourself further back into the furniture, as if there was anywhere left to go.
Once he had you, he yanked you out and, ignoring your kicking and screaming and frantic sputtering of apologies, tossed you down on the plush guest bed, pinning you on your stomach with his hips as he slowly, almost sinisterly, undid his belt, the silver buckle clacking against itself in warning of what you were about to be put through.
“Please, Daddy! Please—!” you begged, crying harder and feeling your entire body tense under his hold as he hiked your skirt up, shivering when he ran a cold, slender palm over the swell of your ass. “It was an accident! I swear!”
“An accident, huh?” He muttered mockingly, killing you with the anticipation. “I find that hard to believe, given that you would’ve had to have gone out of your way to even reach that cup. So tell me…” His lips were right beside your ear now, his weight bearing down on you as he leaned in close to rhetorically ask, “did a ghost drink tea out of that cup and then smash it? Or are you lying to Daddy, hm?”
All you could manage were more garbled babbles of, “‘M sorry, Daddy! So, so sorry! Please—!”
The snap of the leather belt in his hands made you wince and gasp, shutting you up for the time being. “Don’t worry…” Undertaker cooed condescendingly, pinning you down with a little more pressure. “I’ll forgive you. But only after you’ve made up for being such a disobedient little brat.”
And he would even still let you have the gift he’d brought home for you after all was said and done too, but first, retribution had to be paid in full.
And how ironic, Undertaker thought as he prepared to issue the first lash…
What he’d brought you home had been a teacup you’d pointed out to him just a few weeks ago, its watercolor stroke design that of vibrant purples and greens and blues.
Just like the bruises you’d soon be covered in.
He smirked to himself, gently rubbing the blossoming welts on your tender skin once he’d decided you’d made up for your defiance.
Life imitates art.
send me a number from this prompt list + one of the characters i write for and i’ll write a short lil something for you 💕
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emerald-chaos · 2 years
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I terrorized my friends with this and they inspired me to go ahead and post it. It’s the first thing I’ve written in a while—please be kind 🥺👉🏼👈🏼. Thank you to my loves in the group chat and to, as always, my muse @animehearteyes 🤍
Pairing: Joel Miller x reader
Word count: ~900 words
Warnings: ANGST (sorry about that…), alcohol mention, brief and minute spoiler for the game and episode 2 of the show
“I ain’t doin’ this with you right now.” He gruffs, his teeth clenched so tightly together you’re surprised one hasn’t snapped out of his mouth.
His tone matched his hands—cold, calloused.
“So when are we gonna to do it then, Joel? Tomorrow? The day after?” Your voice got louder with each syllable you spoke.
“Or is it gonna be when I’ve been bit and I’m waitin’ to rot away into one of them fuckers, like you did to Tess?”
One of your hands wildly gestured outward toward the window. You regretted the words as soon as they left your lips but there was no going back. As much as they stung—you meant them.
This hurt had been building for years. Between moments of tangled limbs and sunshine threatening to burst out of your goddamn mouth—there was this. It’s a damn miracle this fight didn’t happen ages ago.
Joel’s head snapped toward you, nostrils flaring with each ragged breath he took. Over the years you've seen your fair share of pain—of suffering. But you’ve never seen anything quite like that look on Joel’s face.
“Don’t speak,” He started, his voice dangerously low and chilling to the core, “on something you ain’t got the slightest clue about.”
“I get it, Joel.” The hand that had been outstretched toward the window now at your side—the heaviness in your body becoming almost too much to bear.
“You’re broken. You’re fucked up. That doesn’t make you special around here, in case you haven’t noticed. And it sure as hell doesn’t give you the right to continue to hurt people because you can’t patch up that wound in your chest.”
Unmoving—Joel stood before you, chest rising and falling in time with the beat of your erratic heart. Joel never really was a man of many words—but then again, he didn’t need to be. His face always said it all.
The lines decorating his skin make him look older than he is—more worse for wear than you’ve seen him in a long time. The beard that decorates his jaw ragged—patchy in some places, the ones you always loved to kiss. On a rare occasion, you see those lines tell a different story—one of love, of laughter—but it feels like you haven’t seen them for some time now.
“You’re never gonna let me in—and you know what? I can live with that.”
For a fleeting moment you think that maybe—just maybe—you see his face fall. As though the idea of letting you walk through that door hurts more than abandoning his pride.
“But what I won’t do, Joel, what I can’t do? Is continue to let you use me when I can’t get a single fuckin’ ounce of you in return.”
There’s a small waver in your voice, a moment when it cracks and your entire body feels as though it’s on the precipice of break down.
“God.” A noise leaves your chest that you don’t quite recognize before turning on your heels and crossing the room away from him.
Your hand cupped your mouth as your eyes squeezed so tightly together that flashes of color spread across the darkness of your vision. The voice in the back of your head screams, “do not do this, do not let him see you cry.”
The silence inside the room is deafening—the drip of the leaky faucet and the squeak of the loose floorboard magnified tenfold in the quiet of the moment.
“I can’t be…who you need me to be.” The voice was low—causing a small jolt within your body as the words crept inside your mind like vines and wrapped themselves around every single part of you.
“You can’t?”
You turned toward him—eyes red rimmed and wet as you met his gaze.
“Or you won’t?”
There it was—the pang of guilt and pain that he’d been holding back this whole time, the emotions you’d been trying so damn hard to pull from him for so long. However—before Joel could speak, there was a loud pounding at your door.
Glancing toward the door, you sniffled before walking into the kitchen—rubbing your face and clearing your throat in order to pull yourself together. The last thing you needed was for somebody around here to occupy themselves in your business.
You weren’t able to see anything from where you leaned against the countertops, but you could hear that it was Tommy.
“Where the hell you been, man? You ready to go yet? I’ve been waitin’ out here in the damn cold for you for hours.”
Your eyes closed tightly once again—praying deep down inside yourself that he hadn’t heard any of your fight. Tommy was sweet, but he didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut to save his life.
Joel sighed.
“Sorry, Tommy. I-I just…” His voice trailed off.
Your heart squeezed forcefully inside your chest as you knew he was looking back toward the kitchen—looking for you.
“Uh—is everythin’ okay?” Tommy’s voice changed quickly, probably sensing the palpable tension as soon as the door opened.
The beat of silence before Joel’s answer didn’t feel nearly long enough.
“Yeah, it’s fine. Let’s go.”
Next thing you know, the front door closes and the footsteps retreat until you can’t hear the crunching of the snow beneath the boots anymore.
It should feel good—right? Stickin’ up for yourself. Finally bringing light to this issue you’ve been dancing around with for years.
So…why doesn’t it?
Why, instead, do you feel like you’re in a room full of clickers—holdin’ your breath and prayin’ to whoever the hell that’ll listen that nobody hears you move.
You swallow harshly, all the moisture seemingly disappearing from your mouth by the passing second. Rummaging through the cabinet for a moment produces an old bottle of bourbon—you always hated the taste, but you kept it around because you knew Joel liked it.
Making your way to the bedroom, you kicked off your shoes as you went. A thud, followed by the groan of the springs inside of the mattress welcomed you in like a warm hug.
Whatever you were feeling—you decided—would be dealt with tomorrow. Hell, maybe even the day after that. You were good at putting up with shit for way too long—right?
Tonight it was just gonna be you, this bed, and a whiskey lullaby.
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bubblegumlefty · 2 years
Idk why, but as I was watching Matt Hardy VS Hook, this idea suddenly ran through my mind. If Jeff were to ever return to AEW someday, he should be allowed to do a complete 180 heel turn. Like imagine for a second; we can have it play out like the way Matt turned on Jeff back in the late 2000s (during the royal rumble) have Jeff make a return on either Dynamite or a payperview and let the audience think everything's all cheery and heartwarming reunions, only to have him completely blindside everyone by attacking Matt. Reason why? Jealousy, but not for the reasons you think. It's not really because of stardom or fame, but more so the fact that his older brother was actually able to successfully keep his livelyhood together despite his constant injuries in the ring. Meanwhile, with the injuries and legal problems he's faced over the past year (to the point where he's suffered a legit concussion for crying out loud!) Jeff grows increasingly hostile from everything that's happened to him and finally puts his foot down, making the decision to stop catering to the fans and stop being the risky charasmatic enigma he's been known for years. He's done being, quote on quote, "everyone's favorite rag doll." He stops using the Swanton Bomb, as he feels that the fans don't really deserve to see it anymore, thinking they only seem to really still watch him just for the crazy stunts he pulls, while not seeming to care if it causes him legit back breaking pain from performing it every single week. He does tease it from time to time, only to spite the fans by not performing the finisher. He creates a safer moveset for himself, maybe changes up his look (TNA 2010-2011 anyone?), and overall becomes more cynical and hostile to almost everybody, fans and co-workers alike. If nobody's going to take his chronic injuries seriously, then why should he continue catering to their demands each and every week? Thus, he only works part-time and only shows up on special occasions. (This way, it can kinda prevent him from causing any more accidental harm to himself in the future and give him an easier time in the ring overall.)
So basically, what we have will be a heel Jeff VS a babyface Matt, who desperately wants his little brother changed back to the smiling, kind-hearted man he's always known him for. Now you have the feud set up. 😁
Like, seriously, if we weren't able to get Jeff VS Punk, then this here is the next best thing...
I could actually make a legit story out of this... 🤔
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zoeology31 · 1 year
An Analysis of Jhoan Durán's 2023 Shoe Game
This exercise began as me browsing through official Twins photos of Duran, mainly to find clear images of his entrance show and some cool action shots. He's a truly unique and jaw-dropping pitcher, and also 6'5"/259 with massive shoulders and legs which is a bit of a step on me vibe tbh, which makes him very fun to watch.
Anyway, he wears a lot of different cleats! Let's break them down!
(Images from the Twins photography team on gettyimages)
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It seems like players use more generic/less customized equipment during spring training, as seen here with Duran's plain black cleats and glove. Based on the videos from Julio Rodriguez's youtube channel, players can design custom equipment and receive it in time for the regular season.
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3/30/23: For Duran's first outing of the regular season, we see the first and only appearance of the silver cleats. They seem intended to match the gray pinstripe uniform, but he never wears them in a game again and I'm not sure why. This is also the sole 2023 appearance for the black glove with the red laces and little DR flag, Duran's go-to 2022 glove, before he switches to his new all-red glove. Maybe his other equipment hadn't come in yet?
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4/7/23: The home opener debuts the flamethrower cleats, with a red and yellow flame design on white, and a red heel with Duran's #59 in gold. He typically pairs these with the home white uniform. These don't seem to have any further Duran-specific customization beyond that he, y'know, throws heat.
Seen on: 4/7, 4/12, 4/25, 4/29, 5/24, 6/2, 6/21, 7/23*, 8/4, 8/15
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(Detail on the flamethrower cleats)
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4/8/23: Worn with the Twin Cities cream uniform (*and later the home navy), the Durantula cleats are perhaps Duran's most distinctive. They feature a red-black gradient with gold accent stripes, his personal JD logo in red on the outer ankle, his #59 in red on the heel, and black spider designs. The tongue of the shoe also has "The Durantula" written on it in red.
Seen on: 4/8, 4/23, 4/30, 5/10, 5/27, 6/14, 6/17*, 7/7, 7/22*, 8/18*, 9/12*
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(Detail on the Durantula cleats)
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4/11/23: Duran debuts the bicolor cleats with the home navy uniform, but afterwards uses them with the away uniforms, both navy and pinstripe. The left cleat is all-red and the right is all-navy, with his #59 in opposite color on the heel, matching the Twins colors as well as the DR flag. The right cleat has a decal reading "Dios" (God) on the toe, while the left has a grayscale decal of what appears to be Duran himself.
Seen on: 4/11*, 4/14, 4/18, 5/4, 5/5, 5/15, 5/20, 5/29, 6/7, 6/9, 6/23, 6/25, 7/1, 7/2, 7/14, 7/15, 7/16, 7/19, 7/28, 8/1, 8/3, 8/10, 8/13
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(Detail on the bicolor cleats)
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4/27/23: Duran only wears the DR flag cleats once, the day before he took a day's absence to fill out unspecified immigration paperwork. They are reversed from the bicolor cleats, with the inside being red on the right and navy on the left. A red and blue spotted pattern on white wraps around the heel, with Duran's #59 centered in white. The outside features a Dominican Republic flag, with "habichuela" (beans) and "carne [y] arroz" (meat and rice) written in the white crossbars. Finally the toe is white with "The Durantula" written in a navy-red gradient.
These seem to be special occasion cleats, celebrating Duran's heritage in the DR. I'm unsure what the occasion was for, or if it had to do with the immigration paperwork or not. Regardless, I wish him well in that process, US immigration law is a bitch and a half.
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(Detail on the DR flag cleats)
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7/23/23: Duran wears the flamethrower cleats with the Twin Cities uniform for the first and only time. This is a killer look tbh.
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8/18/23: Duran pairs the Durantula cleats with the home white uniform for the first time. This marks the end of circulation for Duran's original three cleats, though he breaks out this combo again on 9/12 against the Rays for some reason.
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8/20/23: A new cleat debuts for the first time since April, the Durantula 2.0. These are all-cream with "Durantula" written on the outside, in navy on the left cleat and red on the right. Duran's #59 is outlined in the same colors on each heel. These replace the Durantula cleats as Duran's main pairing with the Twin Cities cream uniforms.
Seen on: 8/20, 8/27, 8/30, ALWC game 1, ALDS game 4
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(Detail on the Durantula 2.0 cleats)
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8/23/23: The second cleat debut in as many appearances, the pinstripe cleats replace the bicolor cleats as Duran's away choice. They feature thick red pinstripes on a gray background, and a chunky navy heel with his #59 in white. Unfortunately, their debut is a walkoff loss to the Brewers on that nasty 100+ heat index day.
Seen on: 8/23, 9/1, 9/2, 9/16, 9/20, 9/30, ALDS game 2
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8/26/23: And rounding out the new set are the northwoods cleats, replacing the flamethrower cleats as Duran's home whites combo. Following the more minimalist trend of this collection, they are mainly white with a red heel and his #59 in white, the outside featuring a brown bear catching a fish against gray pine tree silhouettes.
Seen on: 8/26, 9/8, 9/22, 9/27, ALWC game 2
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(Detail on the northwoods cleats)
And that's everything! 63 appearances, eight different cleats. I have done absolutely no research on other players, so I don't know if Duran is unique/uncommon in customizing his cleats so highly or even having specific pairs for specific uniforms. It's pretty cool though, and gives some glimpses into his personality and style both on and off the field.
Anyway here's a picture of Duran after closing out the Wild Card clincher :) I love this man, bless the arms and keep them healthy
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0 notes
404writes · 2 years
Drunken - (Carl Grimes)
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Masterlist !! Get added to the taglist !!
Summary: Attending a welcome party for some new-comers in Alexandria, you find yourself a bit more intoxicated than you expected to be. Spencer attempts to make a move on drunken you, but a certain sheriff's son isn't having any of that.
Word Count: 2.3k
Pairing: Carl Grimes / Female!Reader
Warnings: Attempted non-con. Potential second hand embarrassment (or whatever you class drunken confessions as), protective Carl. just a bit of crushing tbh.
Deanna loved to throw parties. Every time the community was due celebration, no matter how small the occasion was, she would host everyone at her place the same night.
Generally, these gatherings served as a break, a time which no one had to worry about surviving. You'd all dress up in your best clothes, do your hair all pretty, and maybe even put on a bit of make-up.
There were always drinks, but you only sometimes drank. After a certain incident a few years back at the CDC, you loosely vowed to never drink again, you wanted to avoid the embarrassment of another hangover for the rest of your life.
You had drunk since, but never overdone it.
Deanna was hosting another gathering tonight, and it was going to be a big one.
Recently Alexandria had gained a handful of new faces, none of which you had come to know personally. The most you knew about these arrivals was that they'd lost one of their group recently, days before Rick had brought them in.
There hadn't been new people in the community for a long time, hence why tonight would be a special celebration. There would be extra cake, wine, and music. In itself that was more than enough reason to attend.
You always found it a bit awkward to attend these parties. You were only eighteen, and the age gap between you and your friends in a setting like that was more than noticeable. Although you fit in fine normally, you didn't exactly fit in with them at parties, and nowadays there weren't many kids your age to hang around with either.
You had Carl, but he wasn't one for parties and rarely attended. However, you wish he did, these gatherings would be a lot more enjoyable with someone like him involved.
You hadn't been the closest lately, but you'd take what you could get.
Tonight you wanted to have fun, and as long as you weren't timidly stood in the corner of Deanna's living room the whole night you could probably be successful in that goal.
You never really "dressed up" for anything. You had no aversion to it, but dressing up did feel a bit weird, and you have always been a bit more of a tomboy. Tonight however, you had found a dress you were actually looking forward to wearing.
The piece of fabric was wine red, with a low v-shaped neckline. It had slim straps and barely covered half-way to your knees. Wearing it you still felt odd. Your shoulder-length hair left your upper half feeling quite bare, to which you added the necklace you always wore; a simple black chain, bearing two gold rings attached, their origins significant to you.
For shoes you had borrowed a pair of basic black heels from Michonne, something simple was all you needed.
You gave yourself a one-over in the mirror, brushing a piece of hair behind your ears, and spraying yourself with a vanilla-scented perfume just one more time.
It was quiet to begin, the further down the sun set, the more people poured into the house. You found yourself engaging in small talk with some of your friends, asking Glenn how Maggie was doing at Hilltop with Hershel, catching up with Rosita and Eugene, overall having a good time.
Drinks were being passed around, and before you knew it Glenn had passed one into your hand. It would have been rude to decline, so you drank.
In truth you'd never been that opposed to it, you just knew you weren't the best drunk. Besides, even if you drank tonight, another opportunity wouldn't arise for months, it couldn't become a problem.
Your attention was fairly spread out until one family made their appearance. Him. Carl walked in sporting a brown suit, black tie with a white shirt, and converse. He looked handsome at his worst.
You were still sober enough in thought that when you caught yourself looking him up and down, you were able to stop immediately and scold yourself for it.
You and Carl were complicated. The two of you could be described as best friends, but that only being because there was no one else to befriend apart from each other.
Don't get it wrong, both of you had a lot of love for one another, and could rely on the counterpart in a life or death situation, and you were willingly friends despite the conditions.
However things sometimes seemed odd in a different sense.
You hadn't ignored the recent distance he'd taken from you, or the protectiveness he'd display toward you still. A few times you thought you'd seen him gazing at you from the corner of your eye, but he was probably just looking out for you.
The thought had crossed your mind on a few occasions, that maybe he acted this way because he felt something more for you. You put it down to you being stupid, wanting him to feel that way.
But you never really did, at least not as far as you would admit.
You concluded that Carl seemed happy enough to stick with his family for now, so you decided not to bother him. Maybe it was best if you too, gave him some distance, even if it were just for tonight.
You stuck with the group you had previously been with for another hour or so, continuing to drink and engage in light conversation.
Around this point, the day was fully sunken into a pitch-black night. It was at this time when the gathering turned into a party. Eugene had set up an iPod to play music through speakers, and the drunken adults would all let loose and begin having fun.
As the couples danced and everyone grew more than just slightly drunk, you decided it wasn't your scene.
You yourself had well surpassed tipsiness, and were finding the noise level to be overstimulating.
You began to make your way outside, slithering past all the people you had previously been mingling with.
You felt a cold breeze on your face and body as you stepped out the front door, instantly sending a shiver down your spine. Every minute that went by you felt yourself falling deeper into your drunken state.
For now you could still conduct yourself in such a manner that was almost acceptable, but it was a complete act. Realistically, inside your head you couldn't process the simplest of thoughts.
"Ah, Miss Y/L/N, you're looking fine tonight." You looked up from the ground almost stupidly to see the one and only Spencer Monroe.
He was a complete dick, but admittedly he was quite attractive.
"Spencer, the flattery's nice, but I'm not into you," you replied, knowing exactly what he was after tonight.
"Well I don't think it would hurt to pretend just for one night, don't you? You know how hard it is to pull the ladies around here." He certainly had a charm, but it was easy to see through, even in the state you were in.
You looked him up and down, noticing the black shirt he wore, which only half the buttons were done up on. His appearance was definitely alluring, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to give in.
Throughout the exchange he had grown closer to you, and you could now even smell the cologne he had on, it smelt quite appealing.
"Well, I guess-" Your sentence was stopped short, by an abrupt voice.
"Come on Y/N, let's go home." You looked up to see the sheriff's son, whom you thought didn't want to be associated with you anymore, gesturing his hand out to you, words brief but not strict.
"She's staying here, she wants to come home with me," Spencer grew annoyed at the cockblock Carl was playing as.
After that you lost track of the words spewing out of both of their mouths. You knew they were arguing, and that it was loud, although not louder than the noise inside.
Next thing you knew, Carl had your hand and you were both walking in a direction away from Spencer. You glanced up from the ground to see the irritation on Carl's face, annoyance suited him.
A pang of guilt washed over you, as you realised you were the reason he'd gotten so worked up.
"You know I wasn't actually going to do anything, with him," you were self-aware enough to feel your words slurring.
"Even if you weren't. Do you even know what he would've done to you?" Carl's voice was shallow, filled with concern.
"It's just Spencer, we all know he's a dick." Your response barely related to the previous statement. By now you'd become a drunken mess.
As you continued walking, you suddenly became conscious of the fact that you were wearing heels, which caused you to trip over almost immediately.
At this point Carl still had a firm enough grip on your hand to catch you mid-fall.
You were only stuck in an awkward position for a second, before you were both stood back up, catching your breath.
You stared at the boy, he really cared for you, which in this exact moment you found bewildering and attractive.
"What?" He'd noticed your gaze planted upon him.
"You're just really attractive." The words slipped out easier than you'd like to admit.
Carl gave you a slightly disappointed smile before replying, "Tell me that again when you're sober."
Before you could reply, he spoke again. "Oh shit you must be freezing," you hadn't even noticed the shivering which was progressively getting worse, coursing through your body.
However a short second later, you found it hard to distinguish those shivers from the newly arrived butterflies running down your shoulders, on the spots he touched whilst sliding his brown suit jacket over you.
You were both quiet for the rest of the walk to Carl's house, your fingers didn't even briefly brisk across each other again, as if they forgot how tight they had been held as one before.
Carl wasn't silent out of anger or embarrassment, but confusion. You had unknowingly spoken a truth that you couldn't even admit to yourself in the most sober of moments.
He was terrified to open his mouth once more in case he said something that made you realise what you had said, or even worse that you didn't mean it.
But of course, you couldn't sense the change in mood.
Once Carl had successfully gotten you into the Grimes' house, safe from your own embarrassment and stupidity, he took you up to his room so you could sleep it all off.
You were already trying to climb into his bed once he realised that you were still in that stupid dress, the one which stopped him from talking to you all night, because he was scared of becoming flustered by how beautiful he thought you looked.
"How about you change into something else before going to sleep?" He thought it'd be for your best, even if you were too drunk to notice the uncomfortable fabric on your skin anyways.
Carl turned around to grab you some clothes of his to sleep in, just a pair of shorts and a singlet. After handing them to you, you immediately began to undress.
He was a bit too late to turn back around. He hadn't seen much, but it was enough to fluster him just like he'd been scared about. Luckily for him there was no way you would notice.
"Carl you know you don't have to be like that, I don't have cooties or anything." The chuckle you gave after that made the boy sigh.
"Just, get into bed, you need sleep." He also just needed time to think, but he wouldn't tell you that.
"Alright alright," you got into bed, laying down and making yourself comfortable.
Had of given it another 30 seconds, and you would have been asleep, but you weren't done accidentally causing havoc.
"Carl, I think that we would make a great couple. Like have you ever thought about it? Apart from the fact that you're Rick Grimes' son, every chick here wants to be with you. And then there's me, need I say anymore?"
Carl couldn't muster up any kind of response, he could deal with it at some other time
"We can talk about it in the morning, I think it's a good idea, plus I really like you." If not stopped, you probably would have kept going anyways.
"Goodnight Y/N." Carl walked out of the room, letting out another sigh, bigger than last time.
Of course, you woke up with zero recollection of the night before, and after waiting over a week for you to "talk about it in the morning," Carl had to convince himself what happened was real.
But you, you were just confused why he was looking at you funny.
A/N: Ahhhhh, hihihi again, I really hope the ending was okay, looking back at it, it seemed like a bit of a cop out, but we roll. Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed it, I really enjoyed writing this idea out. If you did enjoy it, I hope you consider checking out my masterlist and leaving me a like! tysm for reading my fic!
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
i couldn’t find where it says if your requests are open so if they aren’t feel free to delete this!!! if they are open could your write a fluffy roommate x george piece?! i’m such sucker for a friends to lovers fic!!!
no dont even because I am thisfuckingclose to making a friends to lover def series set in the time where George moves in. but that's besides the point rn. Thank you so much for this amazing request! I had a great time writing it <3
{And They Were Roommates} Georgenotfound x Roommate!Reader
pronouns: not mentioned
word count: 2889
trigger warnings: swearing
a/n: yes I know this is a basic ass title but deal w it
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regular masterlist
anon list
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You were preparing a light snack of a mix of your favorite fruits. It was late-morning and your roommate, George, had spent all night streaming with his friends. This wasn't a rare occasion, it was often that you would get most of the day to yourself. You were never upset, no, you knew how much George loves his friends and how much joy playing and talking with them gives him. Besides, it worked out for the better. You get the house to yourself for the day, you two see each other for a couple hours near supper, then he gets the house for himself at night.
You two had the perfect dynamic. You both valued your free time but at the same time, didn't want to be alone. You were so lucky to have found each other on that subway. If you two wouldn't have been talking at the same time to your best friends about finding a roommate, it is a guarantee that you would have never met.
You enjoyed your free time, just like George enjoyed his. As a streamer, he didn't want to be interrupted. However, he never had to worry about that because you were always sleeping; it was just perfect. He only talked about you on stream when his friends accidentally mentioned you. His chat loved hearing about you, but they never met you. They would at most get to hear George read texts from you if he was being too loud or needed to shut off a light.
Just like with his friends, when he talked to chat, he would praise how chill of a roommate you were. He told stories about him getting done streaming at one in the morning and you getting up for a late night snack, and how sometimes you two would talk for hours.
George had always thought that your favorite thing about him being your roommate was the freedom you got-how at sometimes it didn't feel that he was there. But he was more than wrong.
The thing you loved most about George being your roommate, was when you got your couple hours a day with him. Some days were just plain impossible to see each other because if he wasn't streaming or recording a video, he was editing a video or coming up with new ideas. It was rare that he ever took a break. He assured you not to worry because it didn't feel like a job to him, but it still made you wonder when he was going to burn out.
However, there were times where George would get caught up, or his friends were busy with other things to plan or play with him. Those were secretly your favorite days. You knew how much it saddened George to spend all day not hearing from them, but you both knew the mental toll it took on people to talk to the same people 24/7; another reason why you were perfect roommates.
Neither of you could ever get bored with the other. You would see each other almost daily, but not for too long-well not as long as you liked. You wished that he could all be yours, the only one who got his attention, but the fact that you didn't have many moments with each other throughout the day, made the ones that you did that much more special.
When it came down to it, you were head over heels in love with George, and it was hard to explain why. You couldn't pinpoint exactly where it started. Maybe it was the day you met him. Those beautiful eyes staring back at you with astonishment that you were both in the same situation and somehow the universe made you meet… it was a sign on its own. It’s hard not to mention how handsome George is. He is everybody's heart throb, but you might take the number one spot on simp chart.
He probably didn't notice the small things that you did for him-like dropping off a water before going to bed, or making sure that he has his curtains shut when he sleeps, or cleaning up after him when he was too excited about some block game to remember to put the dishes away. All you did was for him. He might have just saw it as you being a good roommate and nothing more, but it was so much more for you.
There was no doubt in your mind that you had fallen in love with George. How classic of you, falling in love with your roommate. The books couldn't have written it better. Two people young in age, both single, living with another in a utopia. Today; however, your utopia had become perfect.
Mixing up the fruit by spinning it around the dish with your fork, you noticed a shadow casted upon the wall in front of you. You turned back to see a just awakened George in his classic black tee and gray sweatpants.
You looked at the oven time, "Wow, George! You're up before noon! That has to be a record!"
"Ha ha, very funny y/n," He yawned, walking over to the cabinet beside you and grabbing a bowl for himself.
You picked up the bowl and brought it to the table a few feet away. "What time did you go to bed?"
He shrugged, opening the fridge and grabbing some milk for his cereal, "Pretty early actually. I think around eleven."
"Eleven!" You exclaimed. "That really is a record! You got to bed before the day ended!"
You looked over and saw him roll his eyes, "Dream and Sapnap are recording an irl video tomorrow and had to get up early for it. They're driving further away in case they get recognized, that way people can't put together where they live. They went to bed earlier and I had nothing to do, so I went to bed too. Figured I had to get rest for the big day."
You were taken back, George never mentioned any plans for the day and never put anything on your shared calendar, "Big day?”
He sat down across the table from you, shoving the large spoon in his mouth and taking a moment to chew, nodding as he did, “I’m taking the day off. I wanna...” He trailed off and looked behind you at the window, avoiding eye contact.
He seemed to gain some confidence and made eye contact with you for the first time this morning. You tried not to be taken back, but it was difficult not to, but you didn't want to miss what he said.
“I just wanna spend some time with you today,” He admitted shyly. “Like the whole day, not just half the day. And I don’t wanna necessarily go anywhere or spend actual money, I just wanna stay in and have a chill day with you. Unless you want to go out which is perfectly fine! Or if you already had plans-”
You cut him off, smiling widely, “I would love to catch up with you, George. Staying in sounds fantastic.”
“That’s great!” He replied, going back to eating his cereal.
You were done eating before George. You brought your bowl, stained with different diluted colors from the fruit, to the sink and started soapy water for them to soak. You continued to talk to George about the video that Dream and Sapnap were recording. You didn't really understand much of it as George focused on the technical aspect of it and the aesthetic that they were going for, but you nodded your head and pretended like you were keeping up with him.
George is a hard man to keep up with. His day is always filled and he is the center of attention in his friend group. Every day he has a new story to tell you, or maybe a new idea to run by you. But despite being busy, he was so caring. Maybe he didn't think that you noticed, but you did notice that he made sure that he would talk to you. Even if it was a quick conversation in the hallway, he made sure it happened. 
You stopped the water and threw your dish into soak, along with some others from the last two days. George is a slow eater, so you were done with most of the dishes by the time he handed his over to you. 
“Do you need some help?” He asked.
You chuckled, “Like I have ever seen you touch a dish in your life.”
“That’s not fair!” He argued back. “You always have them done and you made it your thing so I never had the chance. Now move over and let me help you!”
George placed his hand upon your waist, sending exciting shivers up your spine as he got you to move over. You wished that his hand would never leave your side, but to your disappointment he took it back and started grabbing dishes in the rinse sink, “So now what?”
You bursted out laughing, “What do you mean ‘now what’? Do you seriously not know how to do dishes?”
He gestured toward the cup, “Well I don’t know! You were the one who put it in the sink when it's already clean!”
You hung your head low and shook it in disapproval, “You need to spray the suds off of it, George.”
He grabbed the hose and twisted it around, “What? With this?” As he finished his sentence, he turned the head towards you and pushed down on the lever, causing water to squirt out and drench the upper half of your body. George failed to recognize his actions and continued to spray you as he ‘tried’ to figure out how it worked. 
“George!” You screamed, shielding your eyes from the flow. “Stop spraying me!”
George stopped and broke down laughing. The hose fell into the sink and his arms hugged his belly which was in pain from laughing so much. You; however, were not as assumed. You knew damn well that George was playing dumb with the dishes to be able to prank you, and you were not having it. This was not the ‘quality time’ you expected with him. 
“You fucker!” You yelled at him, lightly pushing his shoulder back. “You knew exactly what you were doing!”
“Did you really think me, a twenty-five-year-old man, did not know how his own sink worked?” He asked between laughs. You stared back at him in anger, refusing to answer his question. He pouted, “Come on, y/n! That was funny! Look at how mad you are!”
“I am not mad,” You replied. “I am soaked.”
George, still laughing, jogged over to the couch and grabbed his gray sweatshirt that he had dumped there the night before. He came back and held it out to you, “I’m sorry for having a little fun. You can take my sweatshirt if you’d like.”
“Your sweatshirt?” You repeated.
He looked down at the fabric in his hands and nodded, “Yea...? Can I not offer you some dry clothes when I got yours wet?”
“Your sweatshirt? You want me to wear your sweatshirt?” 
“Well when you put it that way...”
You both blushed at the realization of what he was truly asking you to do. This was your first time ever being offered any clothing of his, let alone his sweatshirt. You tried to hide your smile by turning around and swiftly exchanging the wet shirt stuck to your body to his self-scented sweatshirt, but the second you pulled the fabric over your head, you were done for. You were no longer just blushing, your whole face was heated and you were scared to imagine how red you looked. 
You turned around to face him again and adjusted the bottom hem, pulling it down over your waist. You looked back at George; he was also a smiling mess. To add to the mix, you pulled the already large sleeves over your hands and flipped the hood over your head, “Good?”
“G-Great!” He stuttered out, still in shock about how good you looked better than he ever imagined. 
“So um...” You attempted to break the awkwardness. “Wanna play some games on the Switch?”
The rest of the day you two spent playing games, ordering food, and watching weird YouTube videos-the type of videos you would only get at three am. The interaction earlier has set the tone for the day. You two went back and forth teasing each other about both of your poor attempts at flirting; however, neither of you flat out came out and said it was flirting. Both of you still had the idea stuck in your heads that you two were perfect roommates and nothing more. From an outsider’s point of view, it was clear that you two had something more. 
You started out playing Mario Kart at complete opposite ends of the couch, but by the time the you two moved onto videos, you were knee to knee with one another. George had placed his arm on the top of the couch. From the front view, it looked as if he had his arm around you, but yet he never dared to actually touch you. 
He had set the videos to ‘autoplay’ that way he never had to get up. The videos got weirder and weirder the more it played. You felt yourself dozing off when ‘deep carpet cleaning’ was playing. You felt your head dip down, and next thing you knew, you were dreaming about being George’s arms for real. It was nice to dream of being in his bed with him, your leg lazily swung around his waist and his hand in your hair. It was all too good to be true.
You were woken up by screaming, coming from the television. You opened your eyes and saw that George had put on some ‘making a house from scratch in Legos’ series and from the looks of it, the creator had been using the wrong parts and has to now restart. You started to sit up, but something didn't feel right-the couch was too far sinked down for just you. 
You propped yourself up to see George underneath you, peacefully watching the screen with one hand holding the remote, his other supporting his head. He had one leg hanging off with the other somewhere underneath you. You tried to scramble away, but George had entangled your legs with his, “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you! I-I-I must’ve thought you were some pillow!” 
You detangled your legs and started to stand up, but George brought his hand down and placed it on your back, encouraging you to lay back down, “It’s okay, y/n. I don’t mind. Go back to bed, you seem comfortable.”
He is being way too sly, he had to have taken advice from Dream while I was asleep.
“No, George, it’s okay. I can go and sleep in my own bed if you’re gonna be up for a while,” You offered, but refused to move off of him any further and getting any closer.
He shook his head and brought his eyes off the screen and laid them upon you, “Well, if you wanna go you can but...I really wanted you to stay.”
You nodded, “Oh, yeah sure. I can stay up for a while and watch a few more shows.” You started to shift your body so that you could sit down next to George, but he stopped you before you could get fully off of him.
“No!” He exclaimed, reaching a hand out to you. “No-I mean, I’m comfortable too and...I liked having you...well...just-it was nice.”
You didn't have much to say because your face told him all he needed to know. Even half awake your eyes lit up in joy and your face glowed in happiness. You took his hand and let him pull you back down into his chest. This time he played some Netflix show and kicked his leg up to the couch. You laid between his legs with one of your legs bent over him, just like in your dream. He had one of his arms across your back, caressing it, while the other played with strands of your hair. You smiled to yourself, melting in his touch. You rubbed your cheek into his neck, as a way of thanking him for treating you so well. He responded by dipping his head down slowly and carefully pressing a gentle, sweet kiss to your temple. You sighed in satisfaction. This moment for you reinforced your love for him. All the time you spend waiting for him to be ready was well worth it, even if it was just for this one night. But it was going to be a lot more than one night. 
“You better get used to this, Love,” George whispered into your ear. “Now that I have you, you ain’t ever leaving...unless you really want to- I mean- I’m not gonna hold you hostage or anything or...let me restart. I mean, I’m never letting you go until you want to be let go of.”
“Shut up, George,” You joked with him. “Watch these people sell houses and give me more kisses, I like them a lot.”
You felt him smile, “Of course, my Love.”
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taglist: @just-that-bi-girl @anarchyanon @nightmarefox15
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kalims · 3 years
Thank you so much to answering my ask! I absolutely love it! And Paimon breaking their cover for food is adorable.
So, another Ask taking place in the modern universe... hmm...
How about some of the guys thinking that Traveler!Mother is hot? Like Kaeya, Kazuha, Diluc, and Thoma?
And basically her children's plus Zhongli's reaction to these young men being head over heels?
✉ ⋮ I'm definitely making this into a college au..... :) an additional note if I may, zhongli shall be a professor! (it's the power of milf that's attracting these dudes istg) also I can't think of anything else to put so I just put the bros.
fluff, pining. age gap, dni if ur uncomfortable with that. diluc and kaeya aren't love interests since we're already with zhongli so it's good now I think.
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the classic person who everyone likes, it doesn't matter who. by that I mean absolutely everyone, the students of a neighboring school who attended in a competition? yes, they like him too.
he's literally everywhere, one second a teacher could be asking for assistance. HE'S the one volunteering after the words spill from their mouth with an elegant raise of his arm and a charming grin forming on his face.
he also seems to know just about everyone so it's only natural that he's intrigued by the mysterious lady who shows up in class one day. wearing a sheepish expression while you grip a box wrapped in a soft cloth in your right hand as you pipe up from the door to the professor quietly to call over the oh so popular twins.
everyone is staring at you, and so is he. with his big brain he's already connected the dots. If he hadn't already then he's probably strutting his way to the twins desk, asking who that totally hot lady was.
both of them glance at him with a deadpan before lumine answers him with a raise of her brow. "my mom." she replied, clearly not intent to converse with him any longer. "our mom." aether corrected, lumine rolled her eyes at him.
with your beauty, surely you aren't too far off his age?
aether is getting real suspicious, because how the hell did kaeya manage to partner up with either him or lumine in projects for the 5th time..? it's the teachers gladly giving him the power to, that's what. maybe it's because he has everyone wrapped around his little finger.
the day wasn't near it's peak yet, usually. lumine would be begging for the gods to just magically make it nighttime so that she can 'relax' but now she's just begging them to make this day slower.
gosh... why did you have to come home early out of all days....
well, atleast you gave her a text with a message. stating how you're apparently being sent off early since there was a special occasion.
reluctantly, she slid the key into the hole and twisted it with a 'click!' while gripping the knob of the door and glaring at kaeya with an annoyed side eye.
he only regarded her with a cool face and another one of his smirks that she wanted to wipe out of his face. "aren't you gonna let me in? you wouldn't leave me out here freezing, would you?"
she huffed. "oh? I thought that a 'little cold' won't bother you, kaeya." maybe if she kept talking, she could delay him from coming into her home longer, or maybe she had some kind of secret power so that she can warp reality to make his existence literally erase.
but it seems like he already knew her intentions.
"hm, when I say cold I didn't mean this." he chuckled, she could tell that he was referring to her constantly trying to bully him or something.
"listen up you little-- tsk, just... don't do anything weird to her, if you do I'll drag you to your grave."
he raised his hands in surrender as she finally unlocked the door.
as a precaution, lumine had forcefully made aether skip a lecture. to which he tried to shake her off at first, that is until he brought up kaeya being interested in you. now aether wasn't even trying to struggle at all.
she silently thanks you for being quite an airhead, even though the fact that he was flirting probably occurs to you hours later. now how could lumine know about that? let's say you run over to her with a shocked face.
'see you later, miss. I do hope I'll get to see your lovely face.'
the words ran over your mind for exactly two hours, while reaching over to scrub over a plate. your thoughts wandered. what did that young man mean exactly? you definitely did not agree to such...
gosh, now peace and quiet was just a small daydream.
now, 'I'll get to see your lovely face?'
see your lovely face?
your lovely face??
lovely face???
was he possibly implying that--?
"lumine, dear? what did that boy mean by my lovely face? I know I'm lovely and all but.." you paused. "did he really have to phrase it like that?"
lumine froze and turned to switch her gaze from her cellular phone to your face. "what? what do you mean?"
"kaeya was it? he said I had a lovely face. I'm not that much of an idiot but was he implying that he's interested in me because that's kinda horrifying... :("
she blinked.
???? what now...
zhongli was way better than kaeya anyways. 😒
diluc is the one loner that everybody finds hot. no one literally dares to approach him because it looks like he'd just ignore them. people find his backround a BIG bonus, rich + hot? hoo boy, that's one package deal right there.
he's the one that funds a majority of the events so most people tend to try hard to not make him displeased. apparently he was apart of the council but mysteriously left abruptly without addressing the public as to his reasons why.
this bitch was so confused man, poor diluc.
literally 2 AM in the morning, kaeya sends him a pic of a woman? I mean, he admits he finds her quite attractive but really...?
1 attachment.
it's 2 am. go bother someone else.
that was meant for someone else sry lol 👍
kaeya was definitely left on read, ANYHOW.
he texts like he's dead inside, some mistake it for passive aggressive so he doesn't have much freinds, not real ones atleast, good thing he knows how to spot fake ones. most of the people that approach him only see him for his status.
it's surprisingly guys that approach him, girls usually chicken out and think that he's annoyed so he gets confessions via texts or even old school hand written letters.
diluc will most likely meet you through a fundraising event for charity held especially by mondstadt, funded by him of course. it's nothing special really, though it's a little toned down classically since it'll literally be a frat party if he didn't add that to his terms. sighs, teenagers.
aether needed to be present so why not drag his twin sister and you to suffer? paimon's left alone in the hands of a trusted babysitter since her attending it would go wrong in so many ways.
the former told you before hand. you were so happy because you could donate some cash or even old stuff! so you did what a normal mom would do. intercept your child's way and join them. 😇
they first initially didn't care that much if you went along but they doubted the guards would let you but then they remembered they'd be accompanying you and it'd a fund raiser for damned sake. lumine and her 7 year old mindset....
"hi! you must be diluc right? I knew your dad."
you laughed lightly. his face however, contorted into one of suprise. he was taken aback by your bluntness. straight to the point just how he liked it.
"my dad?"
you nodded. "yep! we were good freinds back then. he was a year above me in high school."
huh? he briefly gave you a scan from head to toe. inwardly cursing if someone thought he was checking you out. can you blame him though? he could've mistaken you for the twins third sibling or something.
to think you were a year younger than his father......
a small part of him felt disappointed, the age gap wasn't that prominent but he wasn't as bold as kaeya to try and court someone older than him.
"master diluc. it's time for your speech."
adeline, bad timing..
diluc nodded and flashed you a quick, polite smile. "oh, yes. I'll be right over."
he turned to you and held out his hand. "it was nice meeting you, uh." he cleared his throat. you smiled.
"it's [y/n], goodluck with the speech."
to his surprise. you gave him a quick hug before walking away.
unfortunately leaving him with a mind ranting. "she's older than you" over and over again.
pining with unrequited love won't be too bad. he hopes.
dude what's with ragvindr dudes and you? seriously. first crepus then kaeya and now diluc??
for the past weeks he's been acting weird. fidgety and always spacing out in the middle of a lecture and sometimes in a one sided conversation.
he's so sad when he sees you kissing zhongli's cheek as a greeting when he stumbles in his homeroom for a question but brushes it off since you deserve to be happy and if it isn't him then it's fine. 😢😭
lumine somehow found out about his little crush and not so obvious attraction to you by pure coincidence. she just happened to be the one accompanying you for the monthly grocery, unexpectedly running into diluc by chance.
she isn't dumb. why is the usual stoic diluc reduced to a man who keeps clearing his throat every one minute with flushed cheeks???
the next hour, he received a single threatening text from lumine. genuine or not, we'll never know
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writerlyhabits · 3 years
Listen, you wrote the Bucky 🐱 headcanons, I think we need to see it the other way around—reader returning returning the favor. 👀
I should be doing no less than eight other things right now, like working on my project due in two days, or literally any other request I have in my inbox… but I have no self-control and the Neighbors chapter is kicking my ass, so 🤷‍♀️ (🐱hc’s here)
Absolutely filthy under the cut, I’m not sorry
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Let’s set the scene. Bucky planned the most romantic date night you’ve had in a while
I’m talking roses, a cute ass picnic he prepped himself, laid out on a blanket at your favorite park until the sun started setting. The man carries you up the stairs when your heels start to get uncomfortable, despite you trying to tell him you’re fine, you’re almost home. There’s candlelight and a glass of your drink of choice, he’s stashed away a tray of chocolate-covered fruits just for this occasion…
He’s gone the full nine yards, all because he just adores you so much
But maybe also because he’s still so fucking nervous for what’s coming at the end of the night
After you were so patient with him last time, teaching him how to eat you out just right… he may or may not have gotten a bit carried away. And there were still some things that were left unattended.
Sitting with him on the small couch in your living room, his arm over your shoulder as you sat tucked into his side, chocolates and drinks long since finished, lips chasing after each other in an intense passion … you could tell. With nothing left to distract him from the main event, his body was tense with anticipation.
That just wouldn’t do.
“Bucky baby” you cooed, breaking the kiss to look at him, his blue eyes almost hidden by the size of his pupils
“You gotta relax honey, this is supposed to feel good” you try laughing a little, running your hands over his chest to get him to ease up a little “And I think I know just the thing if you’re okay with it”
He arcs his brow at you, intrigued. After what happened last time, he’ll do just about anything you want
You slowly remove yourself from him, sliding down until you’re sitting on the floor in front of him, muscular thighs spread wide for you to fit between.
“Whatcha doin down there baby girl?” You wondered if he’d be just as new at this then he was the other night… but the look on his face was far from lost.
“You put together such a nice evening for us,” you started, running your hands up his thighs until they reached the top of his jeans. “I want to return the favor”
“You don’t have to, doll” But the tone of his voice was almost begging, please don’t stop
Your fingers toy with the button and zipper, slow and easy enough for him to stop you if he wanted
“Let me take care of you Buck”
When he’s finally springing free, you have to take a second to mentally prepare yourself for what you signed up for
He’s not even fully hard and his size is impressive
One hand at the base, slowly stroking him, you stabilize yourself by resting your hand on his leg.
When you start planting kisses along the length of him, he runs his fingers through your hair, gently combing through it as he watches you intently
You make eye contact with him when you reach the tip, darting your tongue out to pay very special attention to that spot
He’s gone slack under your hands, you barely touched him and his body is already so relaxed and ready for you
Oppositely, his cock is rock hard, almost throbbing with anticipation
When you finally wrap your lips around him and sink down, his eyes roll and he throws his head back
And he makes the most delicious sounds
You’re almost enjoying it as much as he is, watching Bucky unravel under your ministrations
When he was going down on you, he was silent, not wanting to take his mouth off of your pussy for an instant
But now that the roles are reversed he can’t stop talking
Strings of curses as he’s riddled with pleasure, endless praise and adoration about how pretty you are, how good you feel, some promises of what’s coming next sprinkled on top
He’s holding your hair out of the way for you, yet with no tension to stop or control you, just enough to let you keep going as you please without any interference
And then his body tenses up again
“I-I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna last sweets”
Ever the gentlemen he asks where you want it, where you’re okay with him finishing
If you want it on your face or your tits, he will happily oblige, he’ll even offer to take the reins for you so you can just sit back on your heels and take it. But he won’t say no to you continuing to jerk him off
And if you want him in your mouth, he’ll probably combust right then and there, sitting as still as he can so you can take it the way you’re most comfortable
Either way, he’ll lose his goddamn mind
And when he’s spent, cock soft and mind empty, he just wants to hold you
You go to get a soft rag to clean up, and as soon as your within arms reach he’s moving to do it for you, deaf to your protests
With all due respect, it’s his turn to take care of his girl now
Bucky pulls you down into his lap and kisses you long and hard, unfazed by the taste of himself, he just needs you as close as possible
But when he’s at full attention again, ready for another round… he’s taking you to the bedroom to go all the way
Taglist: @deceiverofgodss @janebby @lam-ila
Bucky Barnes: @toothhurtyam @keepingitlokiii @ragnaroqk @iambeeee
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