#maybe they’re outside the library rn
gayleafpool · 1 year
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oopsie (also rip pls click for better quality)
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msmk11 · 8 hours
Everything to Everyone
James Potter x fem!reader
WC: tbh I don’t know, I just raw-dogged this in the app
CW: ANGST, HURT-COMFORT, panic attack, r is very sad and doesn’t take care of herself
Summary: you can’t keep doing this
A/n: Don’t know what this is; might be garbage; but this is just a reflection of my brain and my desperate need for someone like to james to comfort me rn; I need to be someone’s everything 😭
It’s all too much, trying to be everything for everyone all of the time. It consumes you- the need to help others, to serve them in any way possible. To be their shoulder to cry on. The arms to hold them. The voice cheering them on. The hands to build them castles in the sky.
Perhaps it’s founded in your insatiable hunger to be well-liked, loved even.
Maybe it’s rooted in your fear that everyone will leave you, and that maybe maybe, if you try hard enough, they won’t.
Regardless of its cause, your involuntary obligation to others has pushed you to the edge, leaving you broken and exhausted. You want to cry out for help, for someone to notice, but they don’t. It’s not their fault. You know it isn’t. They can’t read your mind for goodness sake. But still, you wish they’d notice. To stop and think about you for a moment.
Today is no different, your list of promises to others longer than the one to yourself. Although it’s a Saturday, your day is jam packed with plans. First, you’ve promised Peter that you’ll make a quick trip with him to Hogsmeade this morning to pick up fire whiskey for the party tonight. After that you’re due for tea with Mary at Madame Pudifoots before you have to rush back to Hogwarts to meet Remus and Lily for a study session in the library. And fuck- at some point you’ll have to stitch up a hole in Marlene’s jersey and braid Sirius’ hair for the game. And the game. You’ve promised James, your lovely boyfriend and captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team, that you’ll be there. He needs his “lucky charm.”
You’re down in the common room at 10 on the nose, sleep still heavy on your eyes despite the time. Peter ambles down the stairs a few minutes later, his big jacket wrapped tightly around him.
The cold air outside is bitter on your nose and burns your cheeks. You bundle your face further into the collar of your coat and wish you would’ve worn a scarf. As you walk, Peter yaps on to you about the girl from his Divination class that he has a crush on. You’re enthusiastic that he has a crush, and that he feels comfortable enough to share it with you, but your heart hangs heavy in your chest regardless. You can’t quite muster up the genuine smile you usually give to everyone, and instead settle for a dim but encouraging one.
After you triple check that Peter can carry all of the fire whiskey back to the castle, you trudge across the way to Madame Pudifoots. Mary is already nestled into a corner when you arrive and she waves brightly at you. While the warmth of the shop and your friend is welcome, the thick perfume in the air and the sweet array of biscuits and cookies makes your head ache and stomach churn. Much like Peter, the brunette does most of the talking, catching you up on gossip around the castle. You give a lot of dramatic gasps, wide eyes, and giggles, but they’re as fake as the flowers on the table before you.
By the time you arrive to the library with what feels like a whole ton of books slung over your shoulder, you think you could drop dead from exhaustion. You find Lily and Remus in a heated discussion about some charms theory and wonder if they’d even notice if you slipped out. Of course, Lily catches your eye in the next second and waves you over. She quickly brings you into the debate, and you give the redhead your two cents. Your opinion, it seems, sets off a whole other conversation. Luckily, this time, you can just tune them out, instead focusing on the words of the book before you. Although now that you’re looking at it, all of the words seem to be swimming together in a blurry mess. And, is that a wet spot on the page? Are you crying? You reach up and, sure enough, another hot tear trails down your face. Panicked, you bend down under the guise of tying your shoe and wipe them away quickly. Remus and Lily can’t see you crack. They can’t.
You know that it’s all really getting to you when Sirius lets out more than one yelp as you do his hair. He complains that you’re going to pull it all out, and perhaps he isn’t wrong. You loosen your grip slightly but wince when you brush over one of the fresh cuts on your hands from sewing up Marlene’s jersey. The bandaid covers the cut, but doesn’t dull the slight throbbing pain in your palm. The pain and Sirius’ whining makes you want to yell at him and tell him to do it himself. But you don’t, and instead stay quiet. When his hair is finished, you peck his forehead in apology and boost his vanity.
“Oi, Black! Trying to steal my girl, are you?”
You nearly start bawling on the spot at the sound of your boyfriend’s voice. Relief and calm wash over you as you feel his strong arms wrap around you. Instinctively, you lean back into his chest and sigh, closing your eyes.
You’re certain that Sirius and James are bantering back and forth some more but you tune them out in favor of enjoying the vibrations of your boyfriend’s voice through his chest. It’s pleasant enough that you think you could fall asleep.
You’re only startled out of your stupor when James’ soft lips press gentle kisses to each of your eyelids. Your eyes flutter open and you smile at him softly.
“Hi angel,” he greets, pecking your lips.
You return the kiss eagerly and James chuckles.
“Ready for the game tonight?”
You’d forgotten about the game momentarily, but now it comes rushing back. The thought of having to do anything else besides just lay in your boyfriend’s arms makes you want to cry. You swallow the lump in your throat, “of course, Jamie. And I’ll have your jersey on like usual.”
He gives you another quick peck, “my lucky charm.”
And then he’s moving away from you, far too fast for your taste, and you nearly whine. He collects his water and broom and turns back to you with a grin.
“See you at the game, love.”
You only whisper out a goodbye before he’s gone.
The game has been going on for far too long and you’re beginning to lose all feeling in your extremities. Like usual, James is playing great. And you’re proud of him, you really are. But you don’t want to be here anymore. You just want to lay in your bed and close off the world, rotting away in a puddle of self-induced misery.
But this fact in itself makes you feel worse than you already do. The guilt of it all- of being fake, insecure, and unsupportive- is eating you alive. Your friends deserve better. James deserves better.
It’s too much, too much, too much. And you feel like you’re suffocating.
So you’re beyond relieved when Gryffindor catches the snitch and you can leave. Though you normally stay to congratulate James, you don’t have it in you to do it. You figure you’ll see him later, so you rush back to the castle, trying to escape the notice of your friends.
While your bed calls to you most, living in a dorm doesn’t promise any privacy. So you go to the only place you know will- the room of requirement.
It accommodates you enough. The room has shifted into a remarkable replica of your bedroom back home. You collapse onto the bed instantly and your head barely hits the pillow before the sobs you’ve choked back all day finally escape you.
It’s like a dam breaking loose, a flood of emotions overcoming you. Sadness smashes into you like waves, guilt grips your throat tightly, choking you, anger heats your face, and self-loathing broils in your stomach. You can’t, can’t, can’t, can’t, can’t.
Why, why, why, why, why?
You’re so tired of giving, giving, giving. Being everything to everyone and nothing to yourself. Your body is a storm of emotions but your heart is the eye of the hurricane- silent and hollow.
You curl in on yourself, grabbing onto your legs tightly, trying to grip any sense of reality you have left. But your body shakes and your hands slip. It does little to ground you and you’re lost in another dimension, another reality. You can’t breathe, nothing feels real, and the world feels like it’s ending.
Nothing, nothing, nothing, everything, everything, everything.
“Angel, you gotta breathe for me.”
A voice breaks through your fog but you can’t focus in on what it’s saying.
“Baby, my love, look at me. You gotta take a breath.”
Through your shaking and tears you barely make out James’ figure. And when your eyes clear a little you see his eyes. It’s the first real thing you sense again, and you grasp onto it desperately. His hazel eyes stare at you, so calmly, and you get lost in them.
“Angel can you take a deep breath?”
You try to breathe but fail, only spluttering out short, shallow breaths.
“Not quite, my love. Here, match my breathing.”
James grabs your hand and puts it on his chest. You feel him breathe in deeply and hear him blow air past his lips.
“Like this.”
Still shaking aggressively, you try to inhale. Your breath is harsh and unstable, but at least longer and deeper. You purse your lips and blow, just like James does.
“That’s my girl. You’re doing it.”
You continue to breathe in and out. Each time, your breath slowly gets better. Stronger.
“Good, good. Can you tell me what happened?”
You try to think about all that’s happened and your breathing picks back up again. Tears prick at your eyes and you shake your head.
“No, no, no. It’s okay, you’re okay. I’m sorry, we won’t talk about it.”
Your body trembles and you nod appreciatively.
“Do you want a hug?”
You’re too weak to move towards him, so James reaches out and draws you into his lap. You bury your face in his chest and grip onto his jersey sleeves tightly. His hands rub soothing circles on your back, soft, slow, and repetitive. He intermittently places kisses to your hair, mumbling words of praise and encouragement in between.
The world starts to come back to you.
The soft sounds of James’ breathing and the whoosh of your shirt material under his hand.
His smell, a mixture of cologne and sweat.
His hot breath on your ear as he whispers to you.
His red jersey smushed against your face.
The remnants of your salty tears on your lips.
“I- I can’t keep doing this,” you mumble out. It’s barely audible, your voice hoarse from your meltdown.
“What’d you say, angel?”
“I can’t keep doing this, Jamie.”
He pulls you away from his chest and looks deeply into your eyes, his own so filled with concern.
“You can’t keep doing what?”
“Being everything to everyone all of the time. I- I can’t. It’s too much. I give and help and say yes when I can’t. But, but I can’t do it anymore.”
“Oh, my love,” James sighs, hugging you impossibly tighter, “you don’t have to, not anymore. You don’t have to be anything to anyone besides yourself. They’ll love you regardless. I promise.”
“But what if they don’t?” You whisper, your voice thick with tears.
“I’ll love you regardless. You’re my light, my love, my life just because you’re you.”
He pauses thoughtfully.
“You don’t need to be everything to everyone when you’re already everything to me. And hopefully soon, you can be everything to yourself.”
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anonymous-dentist · 7 months
Some fun facts about myself, because I’m in the mood for it:
I’m asexual! It all just seems deeply unpleasant to me. I even took a class on sex and sexuality for my first college degree, it was kinda just. Funny lol
I’m bi! I have a preference for men, but sometimes I see a woman and I go awooga awooga heart eyes wolf whistle, yk?
I’m autistic! Big surprise there!
I also have ADHD. Big surprise there.
I ALSO have two separate anxiety disorders. Big surprise there.
I have one college degree, and I’m planning on going to school for a paralegal certification in the fall if all goes according to plan
I graduated at number two in my high school senior class of about 600-something people (I would’ve been number one if I didn’t get that one bad test grade in college algebra lol)
I’ve been writing since I was 6 years old, which is crazy!!
I was first published at 11 in the town newspaper for winning a writing competition. What the fuck
Out of all 50 states, I’ve spent 1+ hours in maybe 30 of them. I’ve personally lived in three, and they’re three of the most mid states in the Union!
I learned to count by coloring in US electoral maps in 2004 (age 4)
I learned to read by reading my dad’s biographies in his library (age 3-4)
I can’t ride a bike, but I CAN skateboard. I have a longboard, but I live on a hill rn so I can’t skate as much as I want to rip
I LOVE CATS. But dogs TERRIFY me, they’re evil!!
I’ve taken the equivalent of three years of French language education, and I’m teaching myself Spanish very very slowly. I want to become bilingual in Spanish so I can communicate with the pretty heavy Hispanic population in my area of the country
I have a signed photo of Richard Nixon in my room that my dad gave me on my first birthday
My favorite tv show is Doctor Who, my favorite video game is Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright, my favorite album is Will Wood’s Normal Album, my favorite book is The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and my favorite movie is the Evil Dead 2
Outside of writing, my hobbies are photography and baking!
My favorite animal is the panda because they’re God’s gift to the planet, God Bless Pandas
I have a southern accent :)
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thestobingirlie · 2 years
i'm loving everyone coming out of the woodwork to get their negative ron@ nce confessions off their chest, so i hope you don't mind mine as well: i think removing steve entirely from both of their perspective's is half the point of the ship, because as much as nancy has desperately needed a friend for years, this is one that wound up being much less about her and much more about her love life
robin and nancy's friction in the library was both because robin is socially awkward and nancy has a short fuse, and also because i think nancy was jealous of robin. they get along better once robin has proved her use to nancy, but also after robin made very clear that she and steve aren't dating. once they got closer, they have smaller background moments that show a more comfortable friendship, but all of their actual conversations are about the case or steve. i DO like stancy, and even i found it out of place and wished their friendship could be more about them (honestly i think stancy would be getting so much less hate rn if the duffers weren't such big fans of the matchmaker trope, but they're freaking obsessed with it)
fandom is always gonna ship two hot people together, especially if there's a tangible but nonthreatening amount of tension to their dynamic, but i think when 90% of their dynamic is about SOMEONE ELSE people start spite shipping, to purposefully re-imagine them when the third character is completely irrelevant
because yeah, the ship really does only work if you completely remove steve's personality and relationship with both robin and nancy. "wlw relationships shouldn't be about men" is true, and i agree with it, and that's how i know ron@ nce is never gonna happen unless it's platonic soulmates steve and robin sharing a girlfriend
good points! and yeah, i actually love that everyone is just venting to me about why they hate r//nance lmao
i do think it sucked that robin and nancy’s friendship became solely about stancy (and i hate the matchmaking trope so much, and it is used continuously throughout st). although, i will say that i think outside of their connections to steve and the upside down, they really don’t have much in common. maybe the duffers realised that, and figured the best way to make them friends is to just make every scene about steve lol
nancy does desperately need a friend, which is why i wish this season had focused more on platonic stancy then romantic. honestly, i don’t have anything against stancy, and if it was written well, i wouldn’t mind it being endgame (though to be fair, i never really care about endgame ships, i can just read fanfic, you know?) i just don’t love that we’re seeing these romantic scenes while jonathan and nancy are still together. but anyway, nancy’s arc hinges on the fact that she needs a platonic relationship, and so does steve’s! both nancy and steve will go through development when they learn they don’t need romantic relationships to be happy.
sorry got off track there, but yeah, i just can’t really buy into r//nance, romantic or otherwise because so much of it is about steve.
don’t get me wrong, i understand why people ship nancy and robin, but to me it just feels more like a crack ship, then a real one. and i love a good ship that has no basis in canon, but when people try and argue that this ship is the only one that makes sense, is when i start not liking it.
and, yeah, exactly like you said, there is no real way to separate r//nance from steve, a lot of characterisation has to be ignored in order for the ship to work. and while wlw ships shouldn’t be about men, i think to try and use that to describe r//nance is nonsensical, and feels like a point they’re making just to make r//nance seem progressive, and anyone that’s against it a horrible person.
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uefb · 2 years
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I posted 158 times in 2022
That's 158 more posts than 2021!
61 posts created (39%)
97 posts reblogged (61%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 158 of my posts in 2022
#newt scamander - 111 posts
#fantastic beasts and where to find them - 60 posts
#autistic newt scamander - 56 posts
#my stuff - 56 posts
#tina goldstein - 49 posts
#newtina - 31 posts
#theseus scamander - 30 posts
#fantastic beasts fanfic - 30 posts
#fic: with its head under one wing - 26 posts
#fantastic beasts - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#also i have so much in my brain abt interwar history rn that no one understands my jokes rn bc they’re referencing events that are 90 year s
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello, Wizarding World fandom -
if this isn’t appropriate for every single war and relationship in your brain, then I don’t know what will be. Currently tearing up about Newt & Tina it’s fine
My knuckles were bruised like violets
Sucker punching walls
Cursed you as I sleep talked
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Spineless in my tomb of silence
Tore your banners down
Took the battle underground
And maybe it was egos swinging
See the full post
25 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
Jacob Kowalski doesn’t need magic to make chaos:
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There is absolutely some reality out there in which Jacob shows up to a friends&family holiday party grinning like a loon, thinking he is THE funniest person in the world as he watches Newt and Bunty unwrap these: 
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Newt blinks.
Bunty snorts a giggle.
Tina takes it upon herself to correct the punctuation while Queenie charms the words a brilliantly glittering gold—
At which the niffler in the depth’s of Newt’s pocket sniffs and leaps: 
It shatters a mug and tips over the menorah, setting the Christmas tree on fire in one chaotic swoop
See the full post
30 notes - Posted December 13, 2022
Newt Scamander and Stimming: One of many possible examples
Not me watching clips of these movies over and over and over again because I’ve never seen someone who moves quite like me (and isn’t a manic pixie dream girl) represented in media.
Sorry, I couldn’t get it to download with captions. You can watch it with captions at this link.
32 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
I will die on the “Theseus & Newt actually love each other dearly they’re just wildly different people” hill. (Or, rather, they are similar people whose “means to the ends” just look very different.)
So have some adorable 8-year-old Newt and 16-year-old Theseus.
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Also this is unedited forgive me the excessively long sentences
39 notes - Posted December 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Headcanon: Why do I feel like this sums up Theseus and Newt’s entire relationship / their entire family all the way back through childhood?
Blue screenshot from unposted chapter of fic x
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Age 6: Newt’s dissection of a horklump is so precise his mum sends off his sketches and notes to the Hogwarts library and theseus doesn’t find out until the next spring when he’s scouring the stacks for a diagram for his Care of Magical Creatures final
Age 8: Newt’s mum puts him in Muggle primary school to help him learn social skills but the kids are boring and awful so Newt starts accidentally magicking himself into the woods outside the school for 2 weeks straight and just walks back to the yard for pick-up in the afternoons. Doesn’t tell anyone until the Ministry shows up at their house to ask his parents if they know their son’s been performing complex underage magic
Age 10: Newt gets bitten by a ridiculous number of doxies while investigating an infestation and his parents only find out when he passes out at the dinner table and Theseus only finds out when he comes home for Easter and asks his brother why his arm looks so lumpy and why he has a children’s ward hospital bracelet
Age 13: Leta bullies Newt into trying out for the Hufflepuff house team in September because they’re down players and he’s absurdly fearless when it comes to flying, and then he’s on the team for a full year, but his family only finds out when the Prophet covers the final matches of the Inter-house Cup in May, and Newt immediately quits after the final game (“it was cutting into my forest time!”), much to his brother’s chagrin
Age 14: Newt gets a school-wide award for an herbology essay on the scientific and magical distinctions between plant and animal characteristics in semi-sentient plants like venomous tentacula and devil’s snare and his family literally doesn’t find out until his expulsion hearing (but his mum still puts the award up on the wall anyway)
Age 16: Relatedly - Newt gets rather dramatically expelled but Theseus only finds out two days later when he runs into Newt in the DMLE corridor on his way to his hearing, because poor communication runs in the family and their father forgot to tell Theseus where he went Tuesday night after that barrage of Hogwarts owls showed up at 10PM
I could go on
why is this so funny to me
53 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mixxoh · 3 years
Pierced Love | Three
Contents/Warnings: Alcohol consumption, cursing, hand/size admiration (kink tbh), sexual tension hehehe
Word Count: 5.8k
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It had been a few weeks since you’d last seen Jean after he dropped you and Sasha off at home that night. Normally, this would be something you’d rejoice in, however, there was one minor issue. He’s your lab partner, for your hardest class that you unfortunately depended on him for. You had gotten used to your classes and got into a good rhythm regarding your class assignments, social life, and personal life. All but BioChem, where you would spend most of its reserved time cooped up in the library for hours on end trying to understand what was going on in that class, no thanks to your absent lab partner who you were supposed to depend on.
Here you are, at the library late on a Friday night with your BioChem textbook laid out in front of you, your notes occupying the majority of the table you sit at, and a raging migraine. You turn your phone upright to check the time, 9:22pm, and you let out an exhausted sigh. You’ve been studying for hours and it doesn’t seem to be helping your understanding. And honestly, you’re pissed. The more you studied, the more mad you got at your absent lab partner because he’s the smart one that you’re supposed to depend on for a good grade in this class. You hadn’t been in contact with him either, having never exchanged phone numbers or socials, so now you have no way of getting his ass down here to study with you.
[Y/N] Where is he
[Sasha] Hi! I’m doing great, thanks for asking. I’m not sure who you’re talking about, but I’m assuming Jean. We’re in his room rn if you wanna join, they’re playing some video game
[Y/N] Tell him to get his ass over here to the library
[Sasha] He says no, but maybe if you ask nicely he will ;). He made sure I sent the winky face
You let out a frustrated groan. He’s so annoying. Grabbing your stuff off the table, you pack your backpack quickly and quite messily in your rush to get to the frat house so you could beat Jean’s ass. Walking out of the library doors in record time, you hop in your car and make the short drive to the frat house just a few minutes away. After parking your car on the curb, you decide to ditch your bag in the car. You enter their unlocked front door and make your way up the stairs to the second floor, mentally gathering your thoughts so you could tell Jean to get his act together and start actually participating in this lab because unfortunately, your grade depends on him. You now stand outside Jean’s bedroom, the sounds of Connie and Jean’s exclamations heard through the walls and door. Turning the doorknob, you push open the door to find Sasha lounging on Jean’s bed scrolling on her phone, with Jean and Connie sitting side-by-side on the floor in front of Jean’s TV, each with their own controller and their eyes fixed on the screen in front of them.
And here you are, transfixed by something that you should not be so attracted to. Jean’s hands. It was the first time you actually looked at them, really, and you’ve been missing out. They engulf the console controller that he grips and they just look so perfect. You hate it, you love it. Before you could give them any more thought, thankfully, Sasha interrupts your thoughts.
“Y/N!” Sasha grabs everyone’s attention. You hadn’t been standing there long at all, your whole realization of how attractive Jean’s hands are only taking a few short seconds, you hoped. Jean and Connie look up at you in the doorway in surprise, Sasha’s announcement of your arrival grabbing their attention.
“Hey!” Connie sends you a large smile, “You made it, come sit and relax. Take a break from studying.” Connie says as he pats the corner of Jean’s bed next to him.
You turn your attention to Jean and your eyes lock, seeing as his stayed on yours ever since Sasha announced your arrival. Somehow, however, the meeting of your eyes snapped you out of the haze that is Jean’s hands. “No thanks, I’m fine. Jean, can we talk real quick?” You ask him.
He gives you a half-hearted smirk as he turns his attention back to the video game, “I’m busy right now.” Is all he answers as his fingers move across the controller in his hand again.
Your eyes widen slightly at his blatant disregard to your request, his disrespect towards you setting in as you take some time to process what Jean had just said to you. “Okay. Again, Jean, can we talk real quick?” You repeated, your voice more stern this time. You could feel Connie’s and Sasha’s eyes snap to your figure, contrary to your two friends, however, Jean leisurely pauses whatever video game he and Connie were playing as he sighs and leans back on his hands. He ever-so-slowly moves his eyes to meet yours where he maintains your eye contact for a few moments before you lift a single eyebrow, letting him know that you were serious. He sighs one more time before he stands, now walking towards you as you stand in the door frame of the room. He pauses before you before he motions for you to move out into the hallway first. After closing the door behind him, Jean moves to stand in front of you, his arms crossed in front of his chest as he looks at you expectantly. You take a deep breath as you tell him, “Listen, I need you to actually show up to lab and lecture. I’m not sure what’s been keeping you from going these past few weeks but-”
“I didn’t know you cared about me.” He interrupts you.
Your eyes widen slightly at his interruption and accusation, “I don’t.” You reject. You care about your GPA, but decided not to say anything to save his ego because contrary to his belief, you aren’t a bitch.
Jean eyes you skeptically for a moment before he holds his hand out to you.
“Huh?” You question him as your gaze moves from his eyes to his outstretched hand in front of you.
“Your phone.”
You look up at him, skepticism written all over your face.
He rolls his eyes at your expression, before he moves his fingers in the ‘come hither’ motion and he says in a more demanding tone, “Give me your phone.”
You huff out a sigh as you reach into your back pocket and pull out your phone. You place it in his outstretched palm, but as you do this, your fingers brush against his own and you feel your breath hitch at the contact. You quickly clear your throat in an attempt to cover the slight sound, your eyes flicking away from his figure.
He raises his eyebrow at the noise as the corners of his lips quirk up into a smirk. He turns his attention to your phone in his hands, moving his thumbs across the screen before handing it back to you. “Here.” After taking your phone back from him, he then places his hands into the front pockets of his sweatpants.
You eye your phone skeptically for a moment, “Did you fuck with my phone or something?” You question him.
He rolls his eyes and scoffs, “Don’t be so dramatic. I put in my phone number, just send me a text when you have a question and I’ll start showing up to lab, maybe lecture. Probably not.”
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This situation felt all too familiar. Here you are, yet again, as you wait for lab to start alone. You’re sitting at your undesignated-designated lab table as you not only wait for your lab partner, but your friends as well. You honestly didn’t expect anything else from Jean, although he told you he would actually start going to lab you didn’t believe him, and you’re glad you didn’t get your hopes up at that. You are surprised, however, at the absence of your two dear lesbian friends, Ymir and Historia. Despite the pair not showing up to the first day of lab, they did actually show up to the labs following that. Although you were definitely annoyed, you didn’t want this one little thing to ruin your day, so you got over it quickly. As you watch the hands of the clock tick to the beginning of the hour, your chin resting on your hand that sits on top of the table you sit at, your phone lets out a ding! Grabbing your phone from in front of you, you look at the notification.
[Historia] Let’s party!!
[Y/N] ????rn? its like 9am. Also, why aren’t you guys here, im lonely :(
[Ymir] Y/N are you dumb? Ofc not now, we’re going out tonight
[Ymir] And you’re always lonely, nothing new there
[Y/N] Shut up Ymir, who’s party are we going to?
[Historia] A frat, not AOT tho
[Y/N] Mmmmmm, okay yeah im down
[Ymir] Of course youre down, Y/N, you alcoholic
You scowled at Ymir’s comment, you were not an alcoholic. If anything, she was the one that made you like this. As you typed your very disrespectful text back to her, you heard a throat being cleared in front of you. Your head snaps up and your gaze meets Jean’s, your eyes widening in surprise at his presence. His bored eyes leave yours as he looks to your left before he returns his gaze to yours, his head motioning to the spot on your left. Looking to your left, you see your stuff sprawled out across the table and the only other chair at the table. “Oh!” You exclaim and you scramble to move your things to give him space. After doing so, he takes his seat next to you and gets situated. You sit there awkwardly, seeing as this is the first time he’s been to lab before and you didn’t know how to react, shockingly.
“Why are you so awkward.” He questions you, his question sounding more as a statement than anything.
You move your eyes to his frame, meeting his profile instead as his own eyes observe the lab room. “I’m not being awkward.” You answer, a scowl on your face.
Jean lets out a soft chuckle, “Sure. You didn’t expect me to be here, huh?”
“Honestly, no. I thought you were full of shit.”
He rolls his eyes and scoffs at this, “Okay, whatever. Just tell me what we’re doing so I can get out of here.”
Now it's your turn to roll your eyes. You slide him the piece of paper the lab tech gave out with the instructions for today’s lab, “Here.” Is all you say to him.
He takes the piece of paper from you and looks it over briefly, “Oh, easy. We’ll get this done within 15 minutes, tops.” He says breezily, before he grabs the lab equipment and gets to work. You stare at him dumbfoundedly. There’s no way, you think, since it takes you the whole 2 hours of the designated lab time to finish without him there. Yet here Jean is, going through the motions of the lab without a second thought and without any mistakes. As you sit next to him and let him do all of the work, you complete the sheet as you observe his actions. Unfortunately, observing his actions leads to a very familiar situation and yet again, you can’t look away from his hands. One of his hands is holding a flask (or beaker, you’re really not sure), while the other rests on the instruction sheet, his pointer finger skimming the page as his lips mouth the instructions and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. You can’t look away from him, much to your dismay – not really – until he holds one of his hands out to you, his palm facing up. Your gaze moves from his frame to his outstretched hand, before you move your eyes to meet his questionably.
He rolls his eyes, “Did you not hear me? Pass me the tweezers.” His fingers move up in the ‘come hither’ motion.
Your eyes widen as you let out a quiet, “Sorry.” And you quickly hand him the tweezers that rest next to you on the table. Get it together, you give yourself a quick pep talk.
“Also,” he starts, “your phone has been going off nonstop, can you silence it or something? I’m concentrating here.”
“Oh! My bad.” You let out and you grab your phone, checking the many missed notifications.
- [Lesbians + Y/N] -
Missed Notification [Ymir] Damn, my bad Y/N. I didn’t think you would actually get upset at that
Missed Notification [Ymir] Answer me, im apologizing here
Missed Notification [Historia] Give Y/N some space, Ymir, you probably really upset her :(( Text me Y/N if you wanna talk!!
[Y/N] Oh my god, you guys are so annoying. I’m in lab, where you guys should also be, by the way. Chill out
[Historia] Yay! You’re not upset :) Anyway, we’ll text you later with the details for the party tonight. Can't wait!
- [Roomies] -
Missed Notification ‘Sasha’ has added ‘Connie’ to the chat
Missed Notification [Sasha] Y/n! We’re going out tonight and you can't say no :)
Missed Notification [Connie] Sasha, we literally have a group chat already. Why did you add me to this one
Missed Notification [Sasha] I lost it when I blocked you earlier :( but you’re basically one of the girls! Welcome honorary roomie!
Missed Notification [Connie] Cool cool cool cool,,, you couldn’t have just made another group chat? And maybe add Jean too? Why isn’t he in this one
Missed Notification [Sasha] Too much work :/ and Jean isn’t one of the girls
Missed Notification [Connie] And I am??? Plus, it's literally the same amount of work as adding me to this chat
Missed Notification [Sasha] Yknow what, this is why I blocked you earlier
[Y/N] I don’t want to be in a group chat with Jean
[Connie] She’s finally here! Hi Y/N
[Sasha] Connie close your mouth, I can feel the moisture from your drool all the way over here
[Connie] Shut up Sasha
[Y/N] Both of you shut up, i'm in lab
[Sasha] Oh! That’s right! Is Jean there? Say hi for me
[Connie] Y/N just mute your phone
[Y/N] no
[Connie] Who are you saying no to??? And Sasha, just text Jean, you’re literally on your phone
[Sasha] That's too much work :(
[Connie] Im literally going to block you Sasha I swear to god
[Y/N] That frat party, right?
[Sasha] Yeah!!
[Y/N] Okay cool, do you want me to see if Ymir can give you guys a ride?
[Sasha] ;)
[Connie] ;)
“Okay, I finished. Did you finish the sheet?” You suddenly remember that you’re in lab right now. Setting your phone down on the lab table, you check the time, it really did take 15 minutes.
You turn your attention back to Jean, “Yeah, I finished. I’ll go turn it in.” You tell him as you begin to pack your things, thanking the lord that Jean was able to finish the lab quickly and you could both get out of there.
“You going to the party tonight?” You hear Jean ask from behind you.
You quickly spin around to meet his gaze, seeing his stuff already packed up and his backpack sitting on one of his shoulders.
“Yeah,” you answer him cautiously, not realizing that you both were friendly enough to just make conversation. “How about you?” you return the question.
He hums his confirmation, “but I won’t be getting there until after I get off work,” you hum in understanding, even though you really don’t understand, since when did he have a job? “You have my number right?” he asks you.
Your furrow your eyebrows, “Yeah? Why?”
The corners of his lips quirk up slightly, “Text me if you need saving from Eren again, maybe I’ll leave work a little early if you ask nicely.” He throws a wink at you.
You scowl and roll your eyes, “Ugh, shut up. I didn’t need you to ‘save me’ or whatever from Eren, I was having fun until you dragged me away.” At the thought of that night, you feel yourself blush. You were either drunk or tipsy, not sure which one, but you definitely weren’t sober, you can tell yourself that much with the way you were acting toward Jean that night. Ew.
He raises a singular eyebrow at your response, “Sure.” He says before walks past you and leaves the room.
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Ymir’s car was filled to the brim. Not only with all of her junk, but with your friends as well. While Historia had girlfriend privileges and got to sit in the passenger seat, despite being the smallest one, you unfortunately had to sit in between the bickering Connie and Sasha.
“I was saving that last cookie and you know it.” Sasha told Connie angrily, an accusing finger pointing at him.
“I was the one that bought the cookies!” He argued back at her.
“For me!” Sasha all but screamed back.
“Okay, nope. No more.” Ymir warns them from the driver seat. “Both of you better shut up right now before I kick you out of this car and you can find your own way to the party and back home.”
“Sorry.” They both mutter quietly as they turn their attention to their respective windows and you roll your eyes. Apparently the pre-game wasn’t enough to get them loosened up.
“What is wrong with you guys today anyway? You’ve been bickering all day.” You ask the pair of best friends.
“Maybe you guys should just fuck and get it out of your systems.” You hear Historia suggest quietly from the passenger seat. Immediately, everyone��s attention snaps to her and all hell breaks loose.
After the very short moment of silence following Historia’s quiet suggestion, Connie is the first one to break the silence with an astonished and loud, “AYO!”
Following is Sasha’s “EW!”
“You would be lucky to get with this,” Connie motions to himself as he speaks to Sasha, “come on now.”
You couldn’t contain yourself anymore at that and burst out laughing, and you almost choke on yourself as Sasha lets out an audible gag at Connie’s comment.
“I love you, babe, but that was honestly the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you say.” Ymir whispers to Historia, who has gone quiet.
“Oops, it just made sense to me.” She responds.
“We’re here! Thank god, get me out of here please.” Sasha begs, her hand already around the door handle as she attempts to open it. After Ymir parks her car and unlocks the doors, Sasha is quick to open the car door and books it to the frat house, where the party is already alive.
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You are properly drunk. After doing a few rounds of shots, your friends dispersed and went their separate ways. You found yourself sitting on a couch that was pushed to the corner of the living room, some guy chatting next to you but you’re not quite sure what he’s saying, a nice buzzing in your ears distracting you from him as you observe the room. It was past midnight now, the party now at its prime as was your drunkenness. As you observe the room, your eyes land on one figure. You were surprised to see Jean, for some reason, despite him saying he was going to the party just late. He was chatting with Marco across the room and despite your wishes, your drunken eyes were too lazy to leave his frame. He continues to talk to Marco a bit more before his eyes move to suddenly meet yours. Your eyes don’t sway from Jean’s though, despite sober you wanted to do so desperately. He raises an eyebrow at you and a corner of his lips turns upwards. You watch as Jean reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his phone, where he then begins typing something on his phone. You watch him do this, again, your eyes being attached to his fingers as they swipe and type against the screen before you feel your phone buzz in your lap.
[Jean] Need me to rescue you from him too?
Immediately you scowl, your head snapping up and your eyes meeting him. He raises both of his eyebrows at you, encouraging you to answer him. You roll your eyes instead and turn to the random guy sitting next to you. He was cute, granted, but you were not interested in him whatsoever. His eyes lit up as they met yours, but before he could say anything, you hear a voice that you wish was not there.
“You,” he gestures to the guy next to you, “move.” Jean all but demands the random guy.
“Hey, c’mon Jean. We’re having a nice conversation here.” The guy reasons with him. You definitely weren’t having a nice conversation with him, but nod your head anyway just in spite of Jean.
Jean watches you nod your head and a dry chuckle leaves his lips, “Don’t care, move.”
The guy rolls his eyes but stands anyway, and moves to the other side of the room as Jean occupies the now empty seat.
Your eyebrows shoot up at this, “Hey! What the fuck, dude.”
“Chill, you were basically asking me to come over here and help you out.” He says to you as he gets comfortable on the couch, his arms crossed across his chest as he pushes his thighs out slightly and moves his hips up to slide down the couch, his knee touching yours slightly.
You feel yourself beginning to blush at the miniscule contact, and you move your head in the opposite direction so he doesn’t see. Why do you always get like this? You scoff at his accusation anyway, “No, I was not.”
“Please, I could tell. Don’t worry though, you don't have to thank me.” You could hear a smug smirk with his words.
Your face turns red with anger now and you snap your eyes to meet his own, which were already sitting lazily on your frame. “I did not ask you for any of this, let’s get that straight. Also, stop acting like you know everything about me, you know nothing about me, and what you do think about me, is wrong. So get off your high horse and chill it with your ego, I genuinely can’t fathom how you’re so cocky. Why can’t you just leave me alone? I was fine before knowing you, thriving, even. I don’t want to be your friend, and I don’t like you. I don’t need you for anything, despite what you might’ve made up in your head, and I only interact with you because you’re my lab partner. So please, just save us the trouble and don’t try to force a friendship between us because we both know it’s not gonna happen. We can be civil when we’re with our friends, but let me make it clear, I do not want to be your friend.” The words tumble out of your lips, your breathing having picked up with anger and annoyance. Your fiery gaze stays on his as you see surprise and something alike to hurt pass through his eyes, but he quickly covers it with anger of his own. You’re drunk, you want to tell him, but you’re not sure if that answers the question of whether you’re telling the truth or not. But before you decide if you should answer that questions or not, you push yourself up from the couch, smoothing your skirt down as you walk away in search of something other than Jean. As you walk in the direction of the kitchen, you realize that you’re more sober than you thought, maybe you did mean what you said to him.
“Y/N!” You hear a voice call out to you. Turning your attention to the side, you see Eren making his way toward you. Thank god. You force a smile and greet him with a hug.
“Hey, Eren, how are you? It’s been a while.”
The feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, distracting you from whatever Eren is spilling out of his mouth. You can feel Jean's hard gaze set on you, his obvious staring making your body feel like it’s on fire as the weight on your feet shifts with discomfort. You know your argument with Jean had pissed him off immensely, you’re tipsy, not stupid. Jean's piercing glare from the corner of the room was enough to worry that maybe you overstepped a bit, maybe. Turning your gaze behind you, you find Jean sitting on the couch in the corner of the room, his body facing yours with his jaw clenched and gaze hard in anger. He was leaning back with his arms sitting lazily on the back of the couch behind him and his legs spread wide, his manspreading actually kinda hot but you would never admit that out loud. You bring your eyes up to meet his, Jean's eyes already set on yours. It seems it’s his turn to observe you now, Jean slowly dragging his hard, intense gaze from your eyes downward, his eyes stopping on certain parts of your frame every so often, making those areas warm up. He painstakingly brings his gaze up to meet yours, now locking his eyes with you. His eyes were hard and expression unreadable, but you felt your cheeks heat up at the tension. The tension was too much for you, your body on fire and buzzing with an odd anticipation.
"Y/N, you good?" Eren asks from his place in front of you, the conversation you had barely started dying off with your distracted state.
Bringing your attention back to Eren, you give him a swift nod and tight smile, "Yeah! Of course! Don't worry about me, what were you saying again? Sorry." You rush out.
He squints uncertainly at you, your frantic state worrying him slightly. "Right, well, the rest of us were thinking of going to that bar in town if you wann-"
Your upper arm was grabbed from behind you suddenly, the vice grip forcing you to let out a gasp. Being dragged backwards, you turn your attention to whoever the fuck decided to grab you like this, your anger through the roof in your almost drunken state. Your eyes meet the back of Jean's head and your blood boils impossibly more. "What the fuck?" You shout at him but his dragging continues. Jean drags you through the crowded living room, the looks you receive as you pass people should make you embarrassed, but you pay no attention to it, the situation you find yourself in distracts you enough. Jean continues to drag you into the somewhat secluded hallway. You struggle against his grip, your mind foggy from the alcohol, confusion, and anticipation of what could happen, the tension you felt with him from his seat on the couch giving you a glimmer of something, you just weren’t sure what that something was. You weren’t sure what to expect or what you even wanted but your curiosity about his motives was peaked. However, you wouldn't be yourself without a little fight. Your attempt to rip your arm out of his grip failed, your arm not even moving a centimeter in his firm grasp. Jean's hand wraps around your arm grew tighter at your actions, your attitude testing his already thin patience. Suddenly, Jean brings you both into a room off to the side of the hallway. You were suddenly blinded by darkness, the dim lights from the party now missing. Too soon to even process what was going on, Jean had closed the door behind you and pushed you against it. You let out a quiet gasp as you felt the wooden door hit your back, the air in your lungs rushing out. In the blink of an eye, you find Jean towering over you. You could feel Jean's large hand on your upper arm and see his hand set on the door beside your head from your peripheral, your faces just a few inches apart and caging you to him and the door. Your eyes meet despite the dark room and your eyes widen with a mix of curiosity and anticipation, while Jean's remain cold and unreadable. You stare at each other for a minute longer, you both deciding to remain silent despite the questions occupying their minds.
"What are you doing?" You whisper out, not daring to move a muscle as you gauge his reaction to your question. His expression remains unreadable as he remains silent.
You continue to stare at one another in silence until he finally speaks, “You said your peace, let me say mine.” You gulp. In all honesty, you felt 100% safe, despite the circumstances you find yourself in. Not one thought of Jean being violent towards you crosses your mind as you continue to stare into his eyes. Your tipsy mind, however, gets distracted as you shift your gaze to the hand that rests next to your head, your eyes observing how large his hand is and his long fingers and the veins that pop out of his skin.
Jean watches you as you observe his hand and he puts finally two and two together. No way, he thinks to himself. Jean is smart and he knows it, which is why he’s surprised he didn’t figure this out earlier, especially with all of the signs you have shamelessly thrown at him the past few days. He feels himself grow confident, you affect him more than he’d like to let on. And now he’s distracted, he was going to give you a piece of his mind, but with this new revelation he’s made, his mind decides to take a different direction.
"Isn't this what you wanted?" He asks you, his voice quiet and low, the timber of his voice shooting through you and down your spine.
The little air in your lungs leaves you once again in a small gasp, his question making your body run cold. "What do you mean?" You ask him quietly, just above a whisper, as your eyes move to meet his.
He continues to stare back at you, his gaze never leaving yours for a second. Movement distracts you as you feel the hand grasping your arm move ever so slowly to your waist, his large hand now encompassing your side. You shift your gaze to observe the new position, your eyes soaking in the sight of his large hand stretching around your side, your breath picking up slightly at the sight. Jean dips his head low to run his nose along the exposed side of your jaw and you don’t dare move your head, shocked by the situation you find yourself in. Your breathing becomes shallow, your close proximity getting the better of you as the tension between you both thickens. He runs his nose upward against your jaw until his mouth reaches the shell of your ear, his lips ghosting over your ear as he whispers, "Do you think about my hands a lot, Y/N?"
You freeze even more, if that were even possible, your eyes locked onto his hand on your waist as he gives it an experimental squeeze. You shiver, being completely blindsided by his question. "Excuse me?" You ask Jean with a single breathy chuckle. Your guard was now up, not expecting him to ask you something like that so straight forward.
He smirks against your ear, loving the way your body was responding to him. The adrenaline that was running through his veins was rushing through him and his nerves were at an all-time high. His mind was muddy however, both from the alcohol and from you standing before him. Jean's heart was beating all too fast, his body buzzing from the situation he put the both of you in. "I'm not dumb, Y/N, I see how you look at my hands." He says lowly in your ear.
You try to control your breathing, it having picked up at Jean’s confession of his observations from the time that you both have been spending together lately. You don’t dare to move a muscle either, your body frozen in a mixture of fear and embarrassment at being caught with your dirty secret of your weird fixation of Jean’s large hands.
You slowly fix your eyes to look into his own and meet his gaze for a few short minutes when he brings his face in front of yours from its original spot next to your ear. “I hate you.” You whisper. Your heart was pounding both from adrenaline and embarrassment.
Jean was quick to react to this, however, his movements were so slow. His hand that was resting next to your head moves ever-so-slowly, his fingers tracing the shell of your ear before it drags down across the line of your jaw before his thumb and forefinger grips your jaw, bringing your face closer to his and keeping it in place. “Say that again for me.”
You gasp at this, the sudden noise making Jean break his eye contact with you to move his gaze to your lips. He wonders how soft they are. He waits patiently for you to say it again, because he needs you to say it again so he can ground himself and not lose his sanity.
“I-” You were interrupted by the door opening. Jean quickly releases your waist and chin and tucks his hands into his pockets as he puts space between the two of you. You can feel yourself finally let out a relaxed breath for what felt like the first time in forever as your head snaps to the intruder. Your body feels cold without Jean’s close proximity.
“Y/N, there you are. Are you okay?” Eren says from his place at the doorway as he observes your flustered state. His eyes moving to eye Jean accusingly, “What did you do?”
“Dude, I didn’t do shi-”
“I’m fine, Eren, don’t worry.” You assure him as you let out a breathless chuckle. “Are you guys still going to that bar in town? I’ll join.” You rush out as you make your way to Eren, he steps aside so you can slip past him and out of the room.
Jean and Eren eye each other for a moment longer before Eren turns to follow you.
Jean lets out a shaky breath and runs his hand through his hair, fuck.
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nat-seal-well · 3 years
WIP Wednesday!
I was tagged by @dominimoonbeam, who is an amazing writer 💙💙
The placeholder title for this rn is “Huxley tattoo fic ;)” btw. It’s inspired by a conversation with @taelonsamada! This is for you, friend :)
Tagging... whoever wants to share something. Y’all know how anxious I feel about tagging people in these things ;-;
Freelancer takes a step closer. They say, almost reverently, “You have a tattoo.”
Oh. Huxley blinks. That. “Yeah, I mean—I have one. You didn’t know?”
“Obviously not!” Freelancer looks almost offended. “You don’t exactly go walking around shirtless.”
Which is not true. Huxley does, at any given opportunity. It’s just… most opportunities don’t happen outside of his place. Or when he’s with other people. He doesn’t want to run the risk of making anyone uncomfortable.
Shoulda closed the door, he thinks. The last thing he wants is Freelancer feeling uncomfortable here. He likes it when they’re in his home; they made themself a part of it right off the bat.
Freelancer doesn’t seem to notice him lost in his head. They cross the small space between them, and place one hand on his bicep. The other tugs on the hem of his shirt. “Can I see? I didn’t get a good look at it.”
Maybe he doesn’t have to worry about their discomfort after all.
“I—I mean, yeah, man. Sure.” He fumbles his way back out of the tank. For some reason, he’s trying not to blush. It’s a strange feeling.
They go around to his back once his chest is exposed. The hand on his arm trails across his skin in a way that sets him on fire, but Huxley doesn’t let them see a reaction because he knows it wasn’t intentional. It lingers just below his shoulder, as high as they can reach.
“Yggdrasil,” Freelancer says, mostly to themself, once they’re finally able to really look over all the finer details. “From… from the stories. I didn’t know you know them.”
The World Tree. The one from the Norse myths, the great ash that stretches between all Nine Realms. Huxley wouldn’t consider himself much of an expert on most things, including the myths, but he’d picked up an old book once in the library when he was trying to study and was bored. Yggdrasil was the thing that stuck with him the most when he left. It’s all about the life cycle, eternal transformation, and strength.
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Two locked lessons :( hopefully telling where the fuck Mammon & Luke have been
Lucifer’s immediately suspicious of them, asking who they are and whose in charge of them. MC points at their obviously non-angelic clothes and says they’re angels while Satan says Simeon’s their guardian (weren’t Simeon & Lucifer really close back then? Wouldn’t he have told Lucifer if he got new angels?). He says it’s good luck then that he ran into a seraph’s assistants as he dumbs a load of books on them and says ‘I’m a seraph assist me’ or rather ‘carry these books to the library for me’ – Satan gets ready to protest but Lucifer cut him off saying that assuming they really are angels they’d know who he was (really didn’t like that ‘assuming you really are angels bit’) meaning his orders are not optional so get to work. Satan silently glares at him. Lucifer complains about how this is not even his job but Raphael’s who’s been picking on Lucifer to get back for how much shit his brother’s cause (I’ve so many HCs about Raphael and Michael. Raphael I always see as stoic and stiff who gets into those aggressively polite, passive-aggressive, thin lipped smile, voices hissed out and cutting, arguments with Lucifer about his brothers and punishing them adequately. Considering Michael is supposed to be somewhat childish personality wise and Raphael is serious I also see them having a relationship very similar to Diavolo and Lucifers’, With Raphael being Michael’s weary but fond handler). Satan says if his brothers are acting out then maybe Lucifer’s just bad at supervising them, MC sighs and sympathises with the tone of someone who has lived through the exact same experience which Lucifer immediately picks up and comments on. Beel’s been sneaking food, Belphie keeps escaping to the human world and even though they’re relatively minor things their frequency makes them add up and Raphael won’t stop being snide and sarcastic about it. Satan cuts off Lucifer’s ranting about how terrible Raphael is (given that outside of his brothers Simeon’s the only one Lucifer seems close with in the Celestial Realm and knowing Lucifer he’d never unload his troubles on to his brothers in fear of being seen as not being in control, and Beel mentioned Lucifer usually stuck to staying inside the Celestial Palace it makes sense that he desperately needs someone to rant to) saying that Lucifer complains too much and if he’s so happy here maybe he should just leave the celestial realm and head to – but he’s cut off by Lucifer saying “for an angel you really seem ready to start shit huh” and I’m pretty sure he knows :) Satan just silently glares back. Lucifer tries to tell them what the organising system in the library is but Satan cuts him off saying he can see what it is by just looking and then he diverts his attention to psychoanalysing Lucifer, asking if Lucifer’s pushing them around cause Raphael pushes him around. Lucifer ignores the last part saying no matter how much sully seems like he wants to tear Lucifer’s head off he’s skilful and knows his way around books, when Satan only glares back he asks if Satan likes books to which he replies that every book in this library is precious. Lucifer laments about how none of his brothers like books despite how much he tries to get them into reading and that there’s no one he knows who he can talk to about them since Michael “overcomplicates things and twists them into something they’re not” (do you think Michael has started his Lucifer shrine at this point or does that happen after the fall?) and Raphael “who’s snide and generally unpleasant” (God if they do introduce the angels I desperately want them to be dicks. Like give me one person who’s an asshole that’s not hiding a secret soft side, I want someone who looks at MC sneers and then continues to never fall in love with them) though there is Simeon who’s the most normal of them. He says his life would be easier if he had someone like Sully for a brother (poor Satan’s probably going through a crisis rn). Lucifer says that Satan can look around and pick any book he wants and even points him towards a section meant only for seraph. Satan hesitantly picks up one and asks for permission and Lucifer notes he’s a fan of art. After they’re done Lucifer calls Satan close to look at a particularly interesting book with a blank cover. There’s a flash of bright white light and chains burst from inside the book and wrap around Satan who gets immediately pissed off, demanding what’s happening (earning their trust just to flip on them like that!? Specially satan!? The years of progress that just undid!?) Does he already know Satan is a demon? I mean they’re both pretty suspicious either way but I’m pretty sure he won’t take them to the other higher ups considering how he spoke about them and I’m 100% sure if this was pre-Diavolo angel!Lucifer he would have killed Satan on the spot without bothering to trap him.
Satan yells at Lucifer to do something (I don’t know if it’s sweet or sad that no matter how much Satan pretends to hate Lucifer in the end he absolutely believes Lucifer would never do anything to hurt him and would help him if he was in trouble even when Satan’s usual logic should tell him that Lucifer intentionally gave him the book). Lucifer says it makes sense that Satan got caught and when MC tries to help him Satan tells them to stay back cause he doesn’t want them to get caught either. Lucifer says the book is alive and catches evil beings and the harder you struggle the tighter the chains get (don’t you think Evil has two meanings in the OM! World? The brothers and the demons in general are referred to as evil a lot but when it comes down to it they’re all good people – heavily flawed with pretty loose morals – but more or less good people certainly not bad enough to be called evil. Evil tm seems to be what all demons naturally are but that it seems to have nothing to do with the puppy kicking, baby eating, mass murder you’d usually associate with the term. So yeah two different meanings. I think technically inanimate objects like the book would react to the natural Evil tm in the brothers and actual people like the angels will associate that natural Evil tm with the normal evil we all know and thus believe all demons are puppy kicking, baby eating, mass murderers). Lucifer said he would have known if Simeon got two angels (BOOM!) and that he knew from the beginning they weren’t angels (just look at their freaky ass non-white coloured clothes!). Satan says Lucifer playing dirty is something that has never changed. Lucifer says he has no fucking clue what Satan’s talking about and then looks at MC and says “wtf are you anyway” when MC answers he says that Michael’s being interested in a human sorcerer recently but guesses that’s not MC, he says they’re obviously not a demon or angel but doesn’t seem to believe the human thing fully too because he again asks and emphasises, “Interesting…What are you, exactly…” (This is the second time OM!’s implied MC’s not fully human, demon or angel with the first being in a devilgram. In my first ever HC list I said I see MC as a hybrid of the three while still being mostly human – because when Lilith died she was no longer an angel but she wasn’t fully a demon either and that particular magic unique to only her travelled with her when she reincarnated and then travelled unnoticed through her descendants and was magnified after MC made pacts with the 7 brothers and started sharing their powers). Satan latches on to that, stating MC’s not a demon so Lucifer should only be interested in him but that piques Lucifer’s interest more and he moves closer to MC because why would a demon protect someone else. MC tells Lucifer to let Satan go (and it’s said in a way where it’s implied it’s an order not an option and MC’s a little insane right?) Satan says there’s no point trying to get Lucifer to listen before he transforms into his demon form saying Lucifer never listens, to which Lucifer is silent (Y’all really need to talk after all this is over), before he says there’s no need for Satan to lose his temper and that Lucifer would let them go which obviously shocks Satan. Lucifer releases Satan who asks what Lucifer’s new plot is. Lucifer’s like “wow you have zero trust in me” and Satan’s like “bitch, I have negative trust in you”. Lucifer says there’s no plots and Satan says he’s lying. Lucifer says that the old him would have drop kicked a demon on site and wouldn’t have released them just so they could talk. And what does Lucifer want to talk about? His new demon boo <3 ugh sorry “acquaintance”. He says he never would have imagined he’d have a demon as an acquaintance but here we are. Lucifer says he’s strange, that he doesn’t act like a demon and that the more they talk the less he understands him but that he likes talking to him and there’s a certain feeling he gets from talking to Diavolo similar to the one he gets when talking to Satan (familiarity? Belonging? Kinship? Affection?) and I can’t believe we went from Lucifer complaining about his co-workers to him asking advice about what sounds like his first crush. Lucifer says he also wants to know more about Satan and that he only used the book to make sure he actually was a demon and he asks Satan to forgive him, Satan is silent and contemplative. Lucifer says he’s answered Satan’s questions and isn’t there something that Satan should say to him, more specifically, “thank you for releasing me”. Satan mumbles under his breath “holy shit I can’t believe you made me believe you were nice! You’re as nasty as ever” but still flushes red and says thanks. Lucifer’s pleased by it and says that for his good manners he won’t report anything to Michael but in return they have to follow him again.
Lucifer leads them back to a rooftop? where the brothers are. Mammon says Lucifer’s late and that Beel ate the food they’d left aside for him, while Belphie complains about how after Lucifer told all of them not to be late he was. Lucifer smiles and tells Belphie to not get mad about it in exchange for Lucifer ignoring that Belphie slept on the job. Belphie says that’s playing dirty. Asmo & Levi say that considering all the work Lucifer has these days they shouldn’t be mad at him, they then ask why Satan left and that they were worried about him & MC. Belphie asks since when were they friends with Lucifer, A red faced Satan says they’re not. Beel happily points out that Satan’s face is progressively turning more red and Satan says that all the eggs Beel ate contained reddite and it was fucking up his eyesight and this exactly the sort of BS I’d say to my brother to get him off my back the om! Team writes sibling relationships so well???? Beel questions about reddite and Satan just goes balls deep with the lie, creating a new disorder, explaining how it works and what the permanent effects are to which Beel immediately starts panicking until Belphie says Satan’s just being a lil’ shit. Simeon congratulates MC on their therapy skills but MC says it’s Lucifer who did everything. Simeon says Lucifer shouldn’t get all the credit (because yeah honestly sometimes just having someone to sit with you and hold your hand even if you don’t talk goes a long way when you’re having a bad time). Mammon asks Lucifer why he called them all here. Lucifer uses magic and suddenly the sky daylit sky outside is replaced by the stars and moon and night sky. Lucifer says Michael made Raphael remodel the room (so they’re in the observatory?) to show the human sky as well and Lucifer wanted to check it out before Michael had the chance. All the brothers are in awe. MC asks if Michael will be pissed that Lucifer checked out what is clearly his room first and Lucifer says he doesn’t give a flying fuck about it. Belphie’s thrilled and asks if anyone knows any stories about the constellations, Satan says he knows about every single one. Asmo asks him to tell them and he starts pointing out stars first the three stars forming the triangle of Betelgeuse, then Cator and Pollux – gemini - who are incredibly close and are like peas in a pod which the twins instantly claim as their own, and then orion. Simeon is happy that Satan looks so happy.
Mc is later woken up by Satan, with the others already asleep around the room, he says the stupid faces they make when they sleep hasn’t changed over the years. MC notes that Simeon and Lucifer are missing and asks about it. He says he has no idea and that they must have gone off together, he then asks them to keep quiet about what they saw here when they got back home. MC’s not on board with that and says there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Satan blushes says he’s not but that the brothers will tease him but in the end he’s happy they came here. He thanks MC and they say they’re just happy seeing him being so happy and he calls them mean for teasing him, the twins start moving around in bed and end up in weird positions – Satan fondly complains about that never changing and how they wouldn’t survive without him and goes to straighten them out. MC goes to find Lucifer and Simeon. They then eavesdrop on them talking in the forest. Lucifer says that Simeon looks really good as a human and Simeon says coming from Lucifer that’s a grand compliment. He then says he knows that none of this is real but that he’s truly happy he got to see Lucifer like this one more time. Lucifer asks what he’s talking about considering Simeon sees him so much every day that Lucifer figures Simeon would be sick of him and that nothing is going to change. “This is who we are. And who we’ll be forever” (and this whole thing is so fucking bittersweet and I forget that Simeon lost all his closest friends in the Celestial Realm in one fell sweep and then went through whatever unknown events got him demoted). Simeon looks sad for just a moment before he smiles and says, “Forever, huh…That’s such a wonderful word, but so very fragile.” (actual tears rn). Simeon says he knows Lucifer’s met Diavolo by now and that he’s felt lingering doubt crawl into his heart so when Lucifer says forever even he himself is not sure if he means it (this also explains one of the reasons why Simeon isn’t Diavolo’s biggest fan because while leaving was definitely the brothers’ decision he probably unconsciously or lowkey resents Diavolo for putting the thought into Lucifer’s head and showing him that leaving was an available option) Lucifer stutters and doesn’t know what to say to that. (Okay so ik that some of y’all see the “brothers no more” chat name and see Lucifer and Simeon brothers but I’ve always considered that to mean “brothers in arms”? Not actual siblings? One, because Lucifer would never have left one of his siblings behind, no matter how much they kicked and screamed and refused to leave he would have dragged them down to the Devildom with him. Two, Lucifer treats Simeon as an equal something he doesn’t do to his brothers. With his brothers he’s overprotective and condescending, controlling and overbearing. He’s basically helicopter-parenting and you can clearly see that he doesn’t treat them as equals unlike the way he treats Simeon. Third there’s a clear distance between Simeon and the brothers. I mean they’re all really close but the brothers don’t treat Simeon the same way they treat each other or even the way they treat Lucifer – there always seems to be an underlying layer of respect. I mean sure they respect Lucifer and each other (hard as it may be to see) but they can also call Lucifer and each other ‘dickheads’ to the face something I don’t see them doing with Simeon. The brothers’ relationship with Simeon, I see in the same way I’d treat the composed sweet close friend of a sibling who is much much much older than me. So yeah I see Simeon as being Lucifer’s childhood friend, where they grew up in each other’s pockets, went to war together and fought alongside each other and ended up working in the same place in similar positions).
MC wakes up to someone shaking them and calling their name (you can choose it to be either Luke or Mammon. Because I’m a sim: ) Mammon gives a short relieved laugh when they wake up, asking them what they’re doing sleeping in the middle of the forest and how no matter how much he shook them they didn’t wake up and how he was worried. Satan says they’re back in the real world and Mammon asks them wtf they’re talking about saying he doesn’t remember anything, MC asks where they were and says they were worried. Neither Luke nor Mammon remember anything and didn’t even remember disappearing, saying they walked in the HoL and the next minute they were back to standing in the forest. Mammon and Luke have a brief argument about how they might have actually been in danger and the word chihuahua is thrown and protested to until Mammon remembers and asks what the other two are doing here and MC explains how and why they came here. Luke says okay “but when you say you tripped balls and had a shared hallucination what exactly do you mean…” Satan shuts that down quickly. Luke asks what even happened. Simeon hands him a pamphlet where the whole section about the HoL is gone, in its place is a passage about rumours of fairies who lure people and tease and torment them. Satan says it’s a miracle they made it out alive. Simeon says it’s because of the hawthorn berry powder Satan is covered in because fairies are very fond of hawthorn berries and as a thank you to Satan for bringing it to them they showed him something he’d always wanted to experience. This line makes Mammon & Luke even more curious and Satan threatens Simeon not to say a word but he forgot MC’s a shithead so they begin, “So we found ourselves in the Celestial Realm –“ before Satan cuts them off, telling them to shut up and threatening them with him going to Lucifer and telling him a whole list of bad things Mammon did whether they’re true or not and azkcjbscjwzx I can’t believe Satan just called MC a simp like that right to their face in front of everyone what the fuuuuuuck!????? Mammon oblivious loveable idiot that he is doesn’t understand why he’s being threatened. Simeon reminds them of why they even came out here and MC remembers the fairies/fairy rings, Mammon laments not been able to get their treasure and Luke calls him evil for wanting to steal it. Mammon says treasure or fairy rings it’s still the same but Luke vehemently protests against that. Mammon does note that despite running into fairies there doesn’t seem to be any fairy rings around and Simeon says they may have to give up for now, Satan agrees saying after all the emotional upheaval he’s exhausted. Both Luke and Mammon are really disappointed. (So about the vision/hallucination/reality they saw it reminded me of that thing Dumbledore said in the last Harry Potter book when they were in Kings Cross station. Something about how just because it’s a dream doesn’t mean it’s not real.)
Back in the train station Mammon and Luke are still sulking and MC says at least they had fun together, mammon agrees minus the part at the end that turned into a scene from a horror movie. Satan asks Simeon why he’s smirking, Simeon says he’s remembering how adorable Satan had looked while he was teaching his brothers the constellations for the first time and how he wished real Lucifer was there to see it. Satan demands that none of this goes back to Lucifer. Simeon laughs evilly and MC says Lucifer would be so happy if he knew and Satan – red-faced – says that’s exactly why he doesn’t want Lucifer to know and sighs about how satan still can’t admit to how much he loves Lucifer. Simeon says that it’s a special opportunity considering this particular group don’t get to travel together that often but Mammon still sulks until he’s back on the train and fawning over how good the food is. Luke calls mammon a simpleton for how easily his moods flip-flop (hey???? I take offense to that) and mammon snaps back at him, Luke says since Mammon’s always talking about him like he’s a dog he doesn’t get to complain and Simeon laughs about how close they seem, Satan’s confused by Simeon’s definition of close and MC says you tend to fight more with people you’re closer to (which yeah it’s true for me at least. I’d always argue with someone I’m close to vs someone I just know and they’re never serious arguments either just stupid shit that you can trade friendly-rude barbs over). Luke says he’d never be close with a demon like Mammon and Mammon says for such a small kid Luke’s got a big mouth, Luke bites back and they continue. Simeon tells MC if they thought they could get rest on the train back they’re greatly mistaken cause Simeon was only able to book 4 rooms so two of them will have to share and that immediately stops Luke & Mammon’s argument. MC feels all of their eyes boring into them before they all start volunteering to share a room with MC. Luke suggests they draw straws or play rock-paper-scissors to decide, Mammon suggests cards but Satan says that he can see in Mammon’s eyes that he plans on cheating and an argument breaks out making the others on the train turn to stare at them and this time MC genuinely seems to consider jumping off a moving train instead they command the demons to stay. Simeon says that never stops being funny and Luke says it actually looks painful and ik MC only uses it when things are getting out of hand and they aren’t listening to reason and are causing a scene that can lead to a (usually) public brawl but the command to stay still feels icky to me.
In the corridor MC finds a silent sad looking Simeon and asks him what’s wrong. Simeon tries to deflect it, gets oddly scatter brained about where he put down his tea, says that even though rock-paper-scissors was a fair was to decide he’s disappointed but the look on Mammon & Luke’s faces when they found out they would be sharing was worth it. MC picking up on how all over the place he seems asks if something is bothering him. He says not really but sort of? He says Satan wasn’t the only one impacted by the whole Celestial Realm fever dream and that seeing the brothers as angels again brought back happy memories until he remembered that they aren’t there anymore and that the Celestial Realm is different now which made him depressed. MC hugs them and Simeon says they’re warm and smell comforting before he thanks them he then blushes and says he would like to kiss them and MC gets the chance to either tell him to go ahead or to gently say “No, Simeon…” he understands that there’s someone else and that whoever that is he’s very lucky. He then gives them the star of patience and tells them they’re gonna be an amazing sorcerer. Simeon says he wished he could’ve had MC as a guardian angel and MC goes “wait…do angels even have guardian angels!?” and Simeon says …no. He then wishes them goodnight.
On the way to bed MC hears voices from the roof and goes to check it out only to find the other 3. The three of them are arguing about constellations. Mammon points out Scorpius correctly and calls Orphiuchus next to it the scorpion bearer, Luke says it’s the goat bearer, Mammon says “what even is the difference between scorpions and goats, Satan says they’re both wrong and MC says it’s the serpent bearer. They pull MC down beside them and Luke says Satan was telling them about the seven sisters and asks if they know what it’s called. MC gets to answer. Mammon asks if there’s a seven brother’s constellation and Luke says there is one in the Celestial Realm, with everyone knowing about the legend behind the constellation being about the brothers’ fall. Mammon asks what they’re like and Luke says they’re seven bright stars with three others watching over them. Luke says he doesn’t know what the three stars are supposed to represent and Mammon suggests it might be Michael, Luke says that’d be weird cause Michael only has two eyes so what’s the third one, Mammon suggests it could be like Michael’s nostril or something and I’m in genuine tears over this, my chest hurts from how much I laughed, Luke says that’s stupid and MC who is actually just as stupid as Mammon but who is also much better at hiding it suggest two eyes and a mouth, Luke goes “…heeeeh?” finally realising one of his role models is a dumbass before he starts protesting asking why the two of them are so fixated on it being two eyes, Satan suggests that they might represent demons, angels and humans and luke says that feels right (personally I think they’re Michael, Raphael and Simeon) Mammon suggests the human star would be MC and Satan agrees. (okay so I think the seven brothers stars are completely BS. Why? Because Michael and the angels had no idea Satan existed. Hell even Lucifer didn’t know until Satan was born after they fell. Michael would have had no relationship with Satan, hell they’ve never even met, for him to be sentimental and it makes no sense that a place Satan has never really been to would have a star for him. They would have a star for Lilith though. That makes sense. But the story of Lilith’s death and probably even her existence seems to be very securely hidden away considering even Luke who’s so close with Michael doesn’t seem to know why the brothers fell. The angels wouldn’t have named stars after the brothers immediately after their fall and it would have taken time for them all to heal, reach a place of forgiveness and start to grieve and miss what they’d lost. So I bet by this time, the news that there was a seventh brother had come up and the angels in the know jumped at the chance to use him as a cover story for the seventh star rather than admit a girl was killed over falling in love and then using her powers to heal a human. So yeah. The seven brothers stars feel like utter BS. Seven siblings on the other hand…). Mammon tells Luke to hurry up and get on with it and Luke gives MC the star of generosity. Luke thanks them for everything, saying that though they didn’t find a fairy ring he had fun and made good memories, he then thanks them for always being there for them all.
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ackerfics · 3 years
Hiiii is it okay to request something? I just really love your fics 🥺 I saw that you did song fics, so I was thinking Still Into You by Paramore mixed with Thinking of You by Katy Perry since I legit couldn’t get those out of my head. Also I’m having Mikasa brainrot rn, so maybe a fic about exes getting back together? Where reader is like already in a new relationship with Historia, but they still love Mikasa, and the pining is mutual. Thank you so much 🥺
we sang along to the start of forever  — mikasa ackerman
— mikasa ackerman x female reader (modern au)
— warnings: angst but it transitioned into fluff in the end so we’re fine :)))
— summary: you still love each other and like puzzle pieces, the two of you thought about trying out the relationship thing again.
— word count: 4.8k
— author’s notes: i’m so sorry this took so long, we have so many backlogs  but i thought that writing would be a great thing to unwind so here it is !! i also made the reader a girl because as soon i started writing, mikasa with a girlfriend just keeps popping in my brain and i can’t help it sjjkjksjs and thank you so much for requesting !!
reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
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< you said move on, where do i go
“Hey, there you are.”
A melodic whisper got you out of your daze from looking at your laptop screen. Exams are around the corner and your professors thought that it was the perfect time to dump more work for you. Tomorrow, you have a deadline coming up for a 2k-word essay about a topic that you could care less about, it wasn’t even under your major. Yet here you are, in one of the study areas of your university, trying to squeeze your brain just so you could reach the word count without caring for the outcome of your essay. But it seems like the gods graced your prayers because a small figure with golden blonde hair appeared in front of you, her blue eyes shining under the lights of the study area.
You started dating Historia Reiss not too long ago, it was probably ranging for three months at most. It was quite rocky at first, with you being out of a long-term relationship and Historia balancing out her time between extracurriculars and academics. The long-term relationship that got you all wound up was with a close friend back in high school and it sucked because you were such a good pair together — maybe fate wasn’t by your side that time. The two of you were immature and young but your time together was golden, having known each other way before asking one another out. You promised each other you’d move on and clearly, you did, your eyes finding your current girlfriend sitting in the neighboring study desk, taking out her stationery and color-coordinated notes.
Historia was a sweet person, always patient and caring when it comes to you. You met during a lecture that you two happened to share. She forgot her Apple pencil and luckily, you still had yours in your bag, lending the gadget to the blonde since you already have your laptop perched in front of you. With small smiles, the two of you gradually became friends, sitting next to each other during that lecture. Those small moments grew and later became study meet-ups in cafés or hanging out in one of the university’s libraries. The best thing that connected you two was your personalities, it matched so well that people sometimes thought you knew each other way longer before college. When you noticed Historia showing some signs that she likes you more than a friend, you couldn’t quite believe it at first. It was Historia being so understanding of you that made you say yes to her dates.
And now, here you are.
“Yup, you found me,” you told her, stretching your arms above your head before smiling at your girlfriend.
“Is that essay for Mr. Smith’s class?” Historia asked, leaning over to your side to get a glimpse of your screen. She patted your shoulder at the number of words you wrote. “Wow, you already got past the 1k mark. That’s amazing! Don’t forget to take breaks, though.”
“Of course, Tori,” you smiled. “You, too. I know your exams start four days from now. How is that holding up?”
Historia opened her readings, sighing at the thought of the dreaded season of the student body. “I don’t know if I can answer anything that well. I mean, we’ve been having study dates every day but I get so nervous just thinking about the exams. I know I’m going to be prepared but my anxiety said ‘no’.” She buried her hands through her hair, eyes softening when your face started showing how worried you are for her. “I’ll just think that this will be over a week from now.” Historia reached a hand out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear. “Hey, why don’t we go to that restaurant just outside of uni for dinner?”
You took her hand in yours, squeezing it affectionately. “I think that’s perfect.”
The two of you proceeded to work on your separate tasks until you both agreed that it’s time for a good dinner. Historia helped you tidy your things up, occasionally smiling softly at you when you yawn. You bid goodbye to some of the students in the study area you know and the two of you went out of the room with joined hands. It was a nice walk around the university, the golden glow of the Sun bathing everything in orange, and making you relax despite the many backlogs still on your to-do list. That was until you saw a familiar figure going out of one of the many buildings of the Business Department. The blonde beside you even recognized the young woman hiding her face behind her scarf, blue eyes darting to you with a worried air.
It also happened that Mikasa Ackerman looked up from adjusting her scarf, her stormy gray eyes meeting with yours by chance.
Her eyes slightly widened at the sight of you, her gaze then dropping to your hands still joined with Historia’s before pursing her lips. Looking up to tangle your eyes again, she rose her hand in a little wave. You reciprocated the gesture weakly, never leaving your stare off her retreating form. You noticed that her shoulders became tense after that little encounter, fists enclosing the straps of her backpack and steps hurrying to get to her apartment that was just a walking distance from the university.
You felt a light squeeze coming from the girl beside you, knocking you out of your reverie.
“Let’s go?” Historia asked, eyes knowingly roaming your face.
“Mm-hmm,” you only hummed, following your girlfriend out of the campus.
You thought there wasn’t anything left but why were you still stuck in a limbo that you couldn’t get out of when you stared into those gray hues haunting your dreams?
< recount the night that i first met your mother
Mikasa had her life figured out. 
Everything was perfect. She has the most amazing people she can call her friends. She has the most supportive parents (and brother, but he can be a little shit sometimes but that’s beside the point). She has the perfect grades that can maintain her standing in the university, earning her great credits from various professors on the campus. She has scored a good apartment with her best friend, Sasha, all equipped with the best rooms and views that she can pay for a reasonable price. She is still a member of the university’s track and field long-distance running team, a regular and a manager at the same time. She also had the most beautiful girl as her lover and confidante, someone she could be herself with (not that her closest friends and brother didn’t see her real personality but being with her lover was a different kind of bliss compared to hanging out with her friends).
Well, had a girlfriend.
Ever since meeting you again earlier that night, suddenly Mikasa’s schedule for the night seems to blur.
It was her turn to cook for dinner but she couldn’t do anything properly. First, she managed to burn her sauteed vegetables, something that she had never done before knowing that this is her favorite go-to dish. Second, she boiled the pasta too long and now they’re too soggy. She nearly threw the pot down the sink but she didn’t want their neighbors to call the cops to their place, she just didn’t want to have a repeat of the first time that happened. (The first time their neighbors called the cops because of them was all Sasha’s fault, it appeared to the brown-haired girl that Mikasa’s cooking is one of the best in the world that she screamed bloody murder in the middle of the night.) Now, the gray-eyed girl had no choice but to start from scratch with the pasta, it was a good thing it was only the pasta though. 
The front door of their apartment opened with a bang while Mikasa tried to concentrate this time. Without looking up, she can see a brown-headed blur dashing towards the kitchen. “Stop right there, Sasha,” she said while stirring the alfredo sauce in the pan. “If you reach for the chicken one more time, I’m going to skin you alive. I don’t have the energy to hold your hungry ass back right now.”
Sasha backed away at the look of her roommate who was ready to commit violence if she steps out of line. “Whoa, who pissed at your day?”
Mikasa blinked, realizing that she might have been unreasonable with her remark. Of course, she wasn’t the only tired one in their apartment right now. Sasha was also struggling with academics and extracurriculars, not to mention, her love life is perfectly stable despite being in a relationship for a year. Not that Mikasa felt slightly jealous but she did everything she could to save their relationship but it still ended on a consensual note. The black-haired girl relaxed her tense posture, sighing deeply to expel the negativity accumulating her mind at the moment (Sasha called them dark forces after Mikasa told her about it, it took everything not to leave the room when the words came out of her friend’s mouth). Turning back on her sauce, Mikasa stated, “I’m sorry, I’m just stressed. You know, with the exams coming up and my track team entering this meet at the end of the month for official records. It’s just,” she sighed, “too much right now.”
“Aw, Mikasa,” Sasha empathized, going around the countertop to wrap her arms around Mikasa. She placed her head against her friend’s, petting the latter’s hair until they became a mess on her head. “I know just the thing to make us feel better. Let’s watch some of those anime movies that Armin recommended while eating dinner. Or anything that you want to watch if you don’t feel like watching anime right now.”
Mikasa smiled a little, resting her head on top of Sasha’s and relishing the comfort her friend gave her. “Thanks, I appreciate it, Sash.”
The moment she shared with Sasha reminded her of when you two were in high school. At that time, Mikasa was one of the star athletes that belonged to the track team. After the rigorous training their coach gave them, Mikasa’s knee started to hurt. This was dismissed by the head coach, saying that this wasn’t serious at all. You witnessed it when she ran more laps than what was written in her training regime to the point that her knee gave out. It was a good thing that her knee only acquired a sprain and a good rest from physical activities for some time will heal it gradually. Mikasa never had anything against it because getting some time off from her club meant that she could spend her free time with you. It was spent staying on her family’s couch, watching movies to pass the time while making small talk about her friends. The reminiscing continued until Sasha helped her prepare the living room for their movie night. She just couldn’t help but associate every little thing with you. You were a great part of her life since middle school.
She missed everything about you.
While the movie played out, her mind went to a time when it was time to introduce Mikasa as your girlfriend to your mother.
It was in the first months of being first-years in university. There was an issued academic break set by the faculties, taking the time to invite Mikasa to your home. You were so excited that that’s all you can talk about while the gray-eyed girl drove you two to your hometown. That was the only thing enjoyable in the entire trip. Everything went into shit when you blurted out that Mikasa has been more than a friend to you ever since high school. The look on your mother’s face was enough for the two of you to tell that this shouldn’t go on as planned.
“So, you’re telling me that Mikasa has been in our home, doing God knows what to you since high school?” Your mother flatly questioned.
The coldness of her tone made you stiffen in your seat. You can see Mikasa from the corner of your eyes trying to calm herself down by rubbing your hand under the table. It couldn’t be helped that your father, the only understanding person in the family, was absent because of his job. This is why your father chose to live separately from your mom, seeing as she was the kind of authoritative parent and wife, always hovering around each of her family members to keep them in line. You now understand why your father left her because God forbid, it was tempting to cut off ties with the person who gave birth to you as she threw degrading words at Mikasa left and right. You furrowed your eyebrows, tightening your hold on your girlfriend’s hand, which was trembling on your lap. The first time you saw her this shaken was when her knee got injured during her track training. Her skin was so pale like that time that you wanted to pull her out of the house and stay at a nearby hotel to get away from your mother’s wrath.
“Mom, please,” you pleaded, tears prickling your eyes.
“No, [Name], don’t you say another word,” she pointedly snapped at you. “I feel like I have become a failure of a mother. I don’t understand why you have a woman as your lover. It’s just not right. I support it but not if it’s with my daughter.”
You abruptly stood up with half-lidded eyes that never strayed from your mother’s similar shaded ones. Your hand still gripped Mikasa’s, your thumb stroking the back of it in a soothing circle that contrasted the indifferent gaze you gave your mother. When you were a child, you understood her sentiments because you’re her only child, the only person left in her life. But when she started badmouthing the little things observed from other people, you started questioning her parenting. You were told that people who love others of the same sex were sinning the word of a divine being but if that’s the case, you’d gladly be condemned to the pits of Hell if it meant protecting Mikasa from your mother’s harsh words. “We’re leaving.”
“What—?” It was Mikasa.
“Come on, Mika. Let’s find some restaurant downtown. This place is becoming stuffy and I don’t want you to suffocate any further.”
“Hey, Mikasa? Are you alright?”
Mikasa jumped, looking around at their apartment’s living room as if she was confused as to why she was there. She slightly shook her head before turning to the concerned brown irises of her roommate. Trying for a convincing smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, Mikasa forced a laugh as she mindlessly twirled the pasta on her plate with a wistful air surrounding her. “Yeah, I think I’m alright. Just saw my ex earlier when I got out of my last lecture for the day. I feel like that’s the reason why I don’t feel like myself today.”
The movie was then forgotten when Sasha positioned her body so that she could give Mikasa her undivided attention. With a serious expression that the gray-eyed young woman didn’t see in a long time, Sasha asked, “That gorgeous beauty?”
A nod was all Mikasa could answer. Gorgeous was an understatement when it comes to imagining you. You’re practically the most beautiful girl Mikasa saw in her lifetime. 
“Damn, it’s been what? Half a year since you guys broke up?”
A nod from Mikasa. She wrapped her arms around her knees, pushing them further into her chest, feeling so small at the moment. “It would have been fine if she’s alone but…”
Sasha’s mouth parted with realization; eyes wide as she stared at her roommate. “Oh,” she breathed. 
Scooting closer to the gray-eyed girl, Sasha wrapped an arm around her shoulder to let the former lean against her side. She always viewed the two of you to be endgame, seeing as you were dating since you were in high school. It sucks that no matter how much the two of you proved that you belong to one another, it just ends inevitably. Sasha even liked you when Mikasa introduced you to her new roommate when you were first-years. You were shining in the brown-eyed girl’s eyes; smile so bright that she couldn’t help but think you’re pretty, hair perfectly mussed by the wind during the ride to the apartment, casual clothing fitting you in the most pleasing way possible, and personality that one could describe as amazing. You even gave her some of your food when the three of you ate out together. (Mikasa always scolded you for giving away your food when you’re barely even eating regularly.) And when you guys broke up, Sasha saw how Mikasa ended up at the lowest point of her life, locking up inside her room and only going out when Sasha’s asleep. It was only recently that Mikasa slowly became herself again.
Now, Mikasa became that closed-off version of herself after the break-up, and Sasha instantly pulled her in for a hug.
The television kept playing the movie they chose to watch, Mikasa’s silent sobs blending with the movie’s dialogue and seeping through the night.
< she kissed my lips, i taste your mouth
You nearly pulled away when you tasted lemon instead of strawberry.
You nearly looked away when you saw azure instead of metallic gray after the kiss.
You felt so bad for thinking of midnight tresses instead of spun gold every time you lay in bed after hours of studying. Guilt bloomed in your whole torso like a giant wad of roses prickling your insides with their thorns, images of Mikasa plaguing your mind a week after you saw her again after six months. And every time you close your eyes to let sleep pull you in their embrace, arms so secure would wrap around your middle in your dreams, the smell of a rose-scented soap enveloping you in a warm cocoon. It was so contrasting to the minty scent you tried so hard to get used to in those three months you were together with Historia. You promised yourself you’d never date someone else after Mikasa but you tried because she told you to find someone who will treat you better than her. As much as you pleaded with your rationality to not follow her advice, Historia was a breath of fresh air.
It was a rainy night the time you and Mikasa broke up. Funny how you always love the rain and yet the one moment tormenting your daydreams occurred in a thunderstorm.
“Mikasa, what are you talking about?”
Your favorite-colored irises couldn’t meet your stare. “I said you deserve to be with someone who can make you glow with happiness.”
“Where is this coming from?”
She only shook her head, short black hair moving along with the movement. “I feel like I’m not giving enough in this relationship. I noticed how happier you look when you hang out with your friends from your department but when you’re with me, you’re mellowed down and so drained that I’m starting to feel like I’ve done something wrong.” Mikasa buried her hands in her hair, elbows placed on her knees, making herself feel smaller in front of you. You stood up from your bed to kneel in front of her, covering her cheeks tenderly with the palms of your hands. Yet she continued, “My mind is telling me these thoughts that I denied a long time ago since we started university.”
“What thoughts, Mika?”
“That our spark had died down for good.”
You searched her face for any sign of a joke but you could only stare at her downturned eyes.
“That I think we should break up for you to be happier with other people.”
“No,” you murmured, tears starting to blur your vision. “Mikasa.”
“I love you so much to see you unhappy with me.”
“I’m never unhappy when I’m with you. Where did you get that idea?”
Mikasa smiled despite her wobbly lips, gingerly placing her lips on your forehead. “I love you, [Name], I hope you’ll find someone bright enough to let you shine even more.”
It hurts just thinking about that but something pinched it even more when you stared at Historia in front of you, Facetiming someone on her phone. You two were celebrating the end of your exams in a café, treats covering the expanse of your table. It was a breather from all the stressful weeks draining your energy and now you feel refreshed. The book you recently bought was snug in your hands, eyes skimming over the words as Historia animatedly talked to her friend, Ymir. Hearing her laugh at something the freckled girl said, you couldn’t help but look up from a paragraph you were engrossed in. Historia looks so happy, cheeks flushed and giggles so clear that she couldn’t even contain them with her small hand. She never looked like this with you and as much as you anticipated the pain brought by the sight, it didn’t come.
Now, you understood what Mikasa felt, only this time you had to let Historia go because she already belonged to someone else.
Historia just said goodbye to her friend and you knew you had to hold on to this chance.
“Hey, Historia, I have a question.”
She sipped her iced tea. “Shoot.”
“You like Ymir, don’t you?”
The silence and flustered reaction that followed was all it took for you to smile.
< no more mistakes ‘cause in your eyes i'd like to stay
Getting out of a four-hour lecture was bliss to Mikasa. She stretched her arms over her head, letting out a deep breath of relief at the thought of spending her weekend without any backlogs. Finally, she can relax without feeling guilty. After all that hell her department professors gave her, she deserved this break.
Mikasa walked down the hallways with a slight spring in her steps, feeling her phone vibrate with a text message in her bag. Stopping by a little bit at the side of the hallway, Mikasa opened the outer compartment of her bag and turned on her phone. A smile instantly overtook her confused expression.
hey, wanna watch a movie tonite?
eren suggested we could unwind after the exams
figured you needed it
you can stay the night here too !!
Her fingers typed out a reply almost giddily.
Let me just text Sasha that I won’t be sleeping in the apartment tonight.
Another message from Armin appeared.
yey !! see you later, Mikasa
At this point, her smile couldn’t be erased on her face.
See you later, Armin.
Then, another message from Armin popped out that made Mikasa laugh a little.
this is eren
mikasa, can u bring dinner PLS
armin and i are too lazy to cook 
plus, you love us 🥺🥺🥺
The gray-eyed girl rolled her eyes, typing out a ‘fine’ before closing her phone. Her brother was sometimes too hard to handle but he can be sweet as well and saying that he needs dinner is just a way for him to say that he misses Mikasa’s cooking. When she looked up, a very familiar blonde and one of Mikasa’s classmates in a general subject came into view in one of the gazebos. Confusion was an understatement while she continued staring at Historia and Ymir laughing as if they were the only ones in the world. It was only a few weeks ago that she saw the blonde girl holding hands with you after a whole day of lectures. Maybe it was because she was staring too long at the couple that Ymir turned in her direction. As the freckled girl recognized the black-haired, stoic girl in one of their general classes, Ymir rose a hand in the air as a greeting. It also didn’t help that Historia looked at where Ymir was waving, with Mikasa tensing at the attention. She hastily waved back before turning in the direction of her car in the parking lot.
Several theories flickered through Mikasa’s head as she pulled out of the parking lot, the department store in their part of the city as her destination. Her mind was still a questioning mess the whole time she roamed the vegetable aisle until she bumped into another shopping cart, the clang of the metal breaking her trance.
“I’m sorry,” she told the person holding the other cart without looking up from her groceries.
“It’s fine.”
Mikasa quickly lifted her head at your voice. She probably looked like an idiot gawking at you in the middle of an aisle. You were dressed in an aquamarine shirt tucked in a pair of black slacks; your hair slung over one of your shoulders but for her, you looked so pretty. She concluded that you also got back from one of your lectures since your bag was placed inside the shopping cart, leaning beside a carton of strawberry milk. At the sight of the beverage, Mikasa’s chest pounded with her loud heartbeat, all the memories of you saying you like the taste of strawberries because of her entering her mind. Even after a full minute of you staring at each other, Mikasa couldn’t bear to look away. You’re so beautiful and she misses you so much.
“I miss you, too, Mikasa,” you murmured with flushed cheeks. “And you look good as usual.”
Mikasa’s face burned with embarrassment, reaching her ears, as she realized that she said her thoughts out loud. She was acting like she was in high school when she came to terms with her feelings for you. “U-Uhm, how are y-you?” Fucking hell, what is she stuttering for? It’s not like she got a below-passing score on one of her majors.
You softly smiled, tucking a stray lock of her behind your ear. “I’m doing fine. I was just thinking of making some homemade dinner tonight.” 
Mikasa nodded, recalling that you got a single apartment. “Me, too, but Eren asked me to make dinner for our movie night with Armin.”
At the mention of the two men, your face brightened. “How are they?”
The gray-eyed young woman reciprocated your smile. “Armin is still reeling Eren from doing anything stupid. You know how that dingbat is.” Your laugh made her day better. She faintly noticed that the two of you started walking side by side, pushing your carts to who knows what section of the department store. “The last time I saw them was before the exam week and we were studying so we didn’t do any catching up. Speaking of exams, how are yours?”
You hummed. “I think I got a passing grade on Parasitology and Microbiology. Those were the only subjects keeping me up for how many nights in a row.” You chuckled at your caffeinated state the previous weeks. “But the others were all papers so I guess I’m fine as of now.”
“Don’t tell me you got yourself palpitations from all the coffee.”
“You know me so well, Mika,” you laughed. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to order coffee every time I go out this time. I don’t want a repeat of that night when I studied for Para. It was worse because I don’t have a roommate. How is Sasha doing, by the way? Still a ball of sunshine, I hope.” You spotted a cereal box you wanted to try so you mindlessly reached out for it but it was on the top shelf. Mikasa noticed your struggles, stopping behind you after chuckling to herself at how adorable you looked to reach the cereal box. You visibly tensed when you felt her front brush against your back, the box of cereal greeting your vision with Mikasa’s hand brushing on yours. “Thank you,” you whispered.
“You’re welcome,” she answered, patting your head before taking her cart and pushing it in the direction of the dairy section. “Yeah, Sasha is still as rowdy as the day you last visited. I threatened her again when she tried eating what I was plating for dinner. It was not a lovely night.” Mikasa paused, looking behind her when you’re not following close. She slightly panicked when she saw you looking down and gripping on the handle of the shopping cart. “[Name]? Are you okay?”
“Mikasa, I’m still into you.” You faced her with a smile. “Will you let me love you with all my heart again?”
Mikasa was speechless, her throat clogging up with overflowing emotions. She let out a delighted light, looking at you with eyes full of love.
“Yes. Will you let me in your heart again, [Name]?”
“Always, Mika.”
Their song of forever played once again and it felt so right that they wondered why they stopped it in the first place.
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theamberwriter · 5 years
OKAY SO OMEGAVERSE- can I please have Todoroki, Bakugou and whatever other characters you wanna write for when their omegas nest gets destroyed by something (maybe a friend, a parent, whoever) and they’re really sad about it? I just need some protective alphas rn. (Thank youuu)
Pairings - Alpha!Todorki x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Bakugo x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Kirishima x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Yaoyorozu x Omega!Reader, Apha!Ashido x Omega! Reader
Word Count - 9722
A/N - Wow, this took waayyy longer than I thought it would to write. But it’s also kinda long, lol Anyway, I really hope you like it! I had lots of fun writing it! Also, I’m going to apologize now to Denki lovers for the last one!
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Todoroki was a force to be reckoned with, especially where it came to his mate. 
Nobody got to fuck with them.Much less his own father.
Endeavor had made it painfully obvious he didn't like his son's chosen mate.
Especially since they were a seat higher in hero ranking than Shoto.
He couldn't believe his own son had been outranked by an omega.
Shoto didn't mind, in fact, he was very proud of you.
He may not have known you in school, but your mother had embarrassingly boasted a laundry list of your accomplishments when you introduced him.
She also gave him a very detailed rundown of every single step of your hero training. Starting from a young age.
You could've died of embarrassment.
Shoto listened intently, taking in every single detail.
He firmly decided that you deserved your seat, maybe even a higher seat than that, and he made sure you felt proud of your ranking too.
Since your position pissed off Endeavor, Shoto always found a way to wedge it into conversation with him.
Anything to make the old crackpot flame.
It made family gatherings rather awkward and difficult.
Usually the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
As hard as Fuyumi tried to make things chill and normal, Natsuo and Shoto made sure Endeavor knew they liked you more than him.
So to say that your relationship with your future father-in-law was nonexistent was an overstatement.
Endeavor couldn’t stand being in the same room as you. Shoto refused to allow you to be in the room with him, especially alone.
The two of you were basically strangers connected through a mutual.
Honestly, it was stressful.
He was going to be at family gatherings, he would be at your wedding the following year, he'd be grandfather to any pups you raised - no matter what, he was always going to be there.
You couldn’t escape him. So you might as well make peace, right?
You had a bad feeling, but you couldn't keep walking on eggshells.
You made sure Shoto didn’t know what you were up to. And waited until you had a day off and Shoto was at work.
You already knew he’d disapprove of the olive branch you were trying to extend.
You and Shoto lived in a lovely house on the outside of the city where his agency was.
Shoto wanted it built as an early wedding present. You'd only been there for about six months.
It had large, beautiful gardens, a good amount of land, and a pond. It was your own personal wonderland.
Having this little spec of gloom in your personal paradise wasn't ideal. But you had to put a truce on this.
It was noon on the dot when a knock came to your door. 
You were still not mentally prepared to handle this on your own. 
You smiled as best you could and opened the door. “Enji.”
“[Name],” he said in disdain.
 You bit the inside of your cheek. “Thank you for coming. Come in, the tea just finished.”
He glared at you for a long moment but then walked into the grand foyer.
Enji glanced around blankly. You couldn’t tell if he liked the house, or if he hated it because it was yours.
“Shoto designed everything,” you noted. He nodded at that. “Uh, the dining room is this way.”
You led him through the library and down a hall.
You opened the door, allowing him in first. He entered without so much as a glance at you.
“Take a seat.” You gestured to the two chairs where your lunch and fresh tea was laid out. 
Endeavor sat stiffly in one, and you in other.
“The cooks Shoto found make the best food I’ve tasted,” you noted awkwardly. 
Shoto had hired some staff to help since you two were so busy.
“For you, I’m sure,” he grunted but picked up his utensils anyway. “Thanks.”
You two ate in tense silence for a minute. Your heart pounded in your chest, it nearly made you gag with nerves.
You should’ve waited for Shoto.
You cleared your throat and took a sip of tea.
“I’ll be frank, Enji…” you started. “I asked you here to extend an olive branch.”
“An olive branch. Really?” Enji seemed more annoyed than ever.
“When Shoto and I get married, we’ll be family. - I’m not saying you have to like me. Or that we have to talk to each other. All I’m saying is that I want to make a truce. So we can be...civil?”
He grunted. “Does Shoto know you’re doing this?”
You shook your head. “He’d probably disapprove. But I thought I’d try. So if it doesn’t work out, he’d still come around. You know how he can be. He’d be even more furious with you, and probably wouldn’t go any family functions for a while.”
“You seem to know my Shoto well enough,” Enji noted.
You shrugged, laughing uncomfortably. “We’ve been dating for five years, engaged for almost two. So I’m hoping I do.”
After another few moments of silence, he asked, “May I use your facilities?”
You nodded and gestured. “Through that door, make the left, follow it down the hall, and it’ll be on your right.”
You cursed under your breath when the door finally shut. It was a relief being out from under those eyes. Away from his alpha stench. It was burning your nose, and making your eyes water.
You didn’t think anything of it until fifteen minutes had passed.
Had he gotten lost? Definitely not, right?
You left the dining room, going down the hall to find the bathroom door open and the room empty.
You followed the hall down and around and finally back to the foyer.
That’s where you smelled it. The undeniable scent of smoke.
You followed it up the stairs and down one wide hall and then another. 
Your heart felt like it snapped in half as you watched smoke pour from the door with a sign (lovingly made by Momo) that read Nest Sweet Nest.
You launched yourself into the doorway. Sure enough, Endeavor was slowly lighting item after item on fire.
“What the -” you started, walking into the room with a sleeve over your face.
“I will never make peace with you,” he snapped. “Extending a branch without so much as consulting Shoto. How degrading and insulting to your alpha. And being outranked by an omega of all people. It’s disgraceful. Shoto deserves that spot you occupy. As well as an omega stronger than you.”
You felt something in you snap. And then you were consumed by overwhelming energy. 
Your quirk had activated, and you hadn’t done it consciously.
The energy surge lifted you up, engulfing you in the form of a bear that barely fit in the room. Luckily the energy could be phased through objects if you wanted. 
The translucent white-blue bear roared and growled at Endeavor.
“Get. Out!” you snapped from where you controlled the bear from within.
Endeavor shot fire at you. But the bear stopped it from entering your energy form.
You took the bear’s massive paw and swatted at Enji, pinning him under it.
Your bear leaned down, shifting into the form of a lion. It snapped and snarled at his face. 
Endeavor showed no fear. Though you could smell it through the lion’s nose.
You picked him up in the mouth of the lion. Putting just enough pressure to pin and threaten him. But not enough to crush.
The lion and you squeezed through the door, swept down the halls, and back to the front door.
Your butler stood, waiting with the entry open. “I’ve instructed the others to put the fire out.”
You nodded at him, then squeezed out to the front path. The lion grew even larger, dwarfing the house.
“Consider this war, Endeavor,” you snapped, voice echoing through the lion. “All branches have been burned. And I will be telling Shoto.”
The lion tossed him out into the middle of the front lawn.
You watched as he hit and rolled across the grass. When he stopped, he pushed himself up and glared at you. Then he lit up and readied himself.
As soon as he launched into the air, he was caught in a flow of ice. 
Only one person could do that.
Walking up the drive was no other than Shoto, home early. 
You’d semi-lost your mind to the beast. A struggle you’d been having since your quirk emerged. Only rage made you lose your mind now.
The lion roared at Shoto, stalking up to him. But he showed no fear. You couldn’t even smell it on him.
He placed a hand on the lion’s snout, staring at it as blankly as ever. The lion sank into a laying position. 
Shoto climbed up on it and forced his way into the energy field. Like you’d showed him, just in case.
He was pulled to the center, where you were. Immediately, he took you in his arms, cradling you against his chest.
You struggled at first. But calmed down at his cinnamon scent.
He rubbed your back and kissed your hair, pumping out comfort pheromones.
You felt the energy draining and you wrapped your arms around him in turn. With a sigh, the two of you settled to the ground.
“Shoto,” you yawned, your quirk completely deactivated. “You’re home early.”
“Got a call about a fire,” he grunted. “I can see why now.”
Shoto released his father, who hadn’t bothered melting the ice on his own. The two just stared at each other, then Endeavor left without a word.
“What happened? What was this all about?” Shoto asked as he hauled you off the ground. 
You were worn out. Rage energy was much harder to control. It was much more draining than how it was when you did hero work. At least you had control then.
You explained the situation to Shoto. He was not happy, to say the least.
“What were you thinking? You should’ve waited -” he started to scold.
You couldn’t help the tears that flowed. “That’s not even the worst part. - Come see.”
Tiredly, you pulled Shoto up to the charred room that once held your nest. 
Fond tokens of love and memories were burnt to ash. The blankets and clothes and pillows you’d hoarded were all gone now. Nothing was left of what was except the charred Nest Sweet Nest sign on the door.
“He...he burned everything,” you wheezed, wiping furiously at the tears on your cheeks.
“That bastard,” Shoto cursed under his breath. 
He held you closely, glaring into the blackened room. He wasn’t going to let his father get away with this. But, for now, you were his priority.
He got you changed into clean clothes, then took you down to the entertainment room. 
Shoto put on your favourite movie, had tea brought down along with snacks, and cradled you in his arms until you zonked out.
He’d never seen you like that. He had to admit, it was terrifying.
Honestly, he never thought he’d have to use the emergency maneuver you’d taught him. You were so good with your control.
Of course, Endeavor would be the one to break it. Natsuo and Fuyumi were going to hear about this. 
However, revenge was for another time. 
Right now, his omega was the most important thing.
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God, you were just too cute and you didn't even fucking know it.
Katsuki smiled to himself as he cast one last look at you in your nest before going off to work. 
He'd bought you a body pillow cover of himself as Ground Zero as a joke. But here you were, curled up with your face stuffed in it and a leg thrown over. Drooling like a kid.
He'd scented the entire thing for you. There was no getting rid of that smell for a while.
He never thought he'd find this with anyone. He was so caught up in work, romance was the last thing on his mind.
But one chance encounter changed everything. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
With that, he left for work. Unaware of what would soon transpire.
All of Katsuki’s friends loved you. In fact, there were times they preferred you over him.
But not all of your friends loved Katsuki.
The shallower ones of the bunch were jealous you’d nabbed a hero. But they were all concerned about your safety. Not just from villains, but from Katsuki himself. 
They found him too brash, too rowdy, too aggressive. And they were worried that would turn on you. 
Not that they’d ever tell you as much. But you could tell they weren’t fond of him.
They’d never seen the side of him you had. Or even the sides of him that his friends got to see.
He was usually busy when you hung out with your friends.
Even when he was home, he didn’t like to get in the way of your friend time. Which was becoming fewer and farther between. No matter how much you wanted him to hang out with you all. 
They weren’t exactly begging for him to come along either.
Your friends had seen him in the media. Seen the way he acted in battle, the way he talked to the press and yelled at the paps. How he bullied even fellow heroes.
They didn’t trust him as far as they could throw him. 
It was the weekend and you were having them over for the day while Katsuki was out on patrol.
You had everything ready by the time they arrived for lunch.
There wasn’t really much to do. Katsuki kept the house tidy, while you did laundry and dishes. You took turns giving the dog a bath, and that was that.
Your dog, an Amstaff named Pooki - a name she came with, much to Katsuki’s chagrin (he did try to change it, but she wouldn’t respond to anything else) - barked when a knock came at the door.
Behind it, stood your main little group of six. They all seemed on edge, except your best friend of the group - Haruto.
He grinned and hugged you immediately.
“I’m so glad you all could make it! - Did you all find it okay? I know we’re a little out of the way,” you said and moved so they could enter.
“Uh, yeah. We found it fine,” Akari, Haruto’s sister, said.
Haruto was already baby-talking the dog. 
“Is he -” started Sota, a friend you’d made in middle school. Your other friend, Mei, nudged him.
You shook your head. “No - my boom boy won’t be back until this afternoon. He’s out patrolling.”
Misato, the most serious and mom like of the group, came and put a hand on your shoulder. “It’s good to see you haven’t lost your spunk.”
“What’re you -?” you started, then shook your head. “Nevermind. C’mon, I have a game loaded for us to play. I promise you’ll love it.”
You led them to the living room. It was a decent size with two chairs, a four-person couch, and a loveseat. Katsuki had a gaming station set up around the electric fireplace.
Your friend Yuto pushed his way to the front of the group. “No way is that -”
You nodded, knowing exactly what he was talking about. He wouldn’t shut up about it in the group chat.
“But that hasn’t even come out yet -”
“Katsuki got it for me,” you laughed. Tension in the room spiked. “It was a thank you from the company. He saved their building from being destroyed, you know. This game never would’ve been released, if it weren’t for him.”
“Remind me to thank fireball later,” Yuto noted half-heartedly. He perched in one of the chairs, grabbing a controller. The others followed.
You were squished in between Haruto and Akari. Pooki took up residency on your lap. You were going to have to put this dog on a diet.
“Help yourselves to the snacks. Made them fresh just before you got here,” you noted.
It didn’t take long for them to dive in.
The day was going nice for the first few hours. What you didn’t expect was another knock at the door. 
Pooki shot off your lap, racing to it. You were surprised to find Katsuki’s friends.
“Mina, Eijiro, Hanta, Denki - what’re you guys doing here?” you asked, letting them in.
“Here to see you, of course.” Eijiro hugged you tightly. The others followed.
“Besides, Katsuki said he wanted to chill today, anyway! Just so happens that we all had early patrols,” Mina explained.
“Katsuki won’t be home until later -” you started, moving with them as they made their way to the living room.
“We like hanging out with you, ya know?” Denki said, rolling his eyes.
“Who’s this?” Haruto said, looking over the back of the couch as you all entered.
You glanced between the two groups. “Uh....well, this is awkward….Guys, these are Katsuki’s friends. Eijiro Kirishma, Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido, and Denki Kaminari. - Everyone, these are my friends. Haruto and Akari Ito, Yuto Watanabe, Misato Yamamoto, Mei Nakamura, and Sota Sato.”
Katsuki’s group said their hellos. But your friends all stared in tense silence until Misato spoke up. “Hello, it’s very nice to meet you all.”
Pooki nearly knocked Denki over jumping on him.
“Sorry, she’s gotten fat since you saw her last,” you laughed.
“Still cute as ever though, aren’t you girl?” Denki replied, baby-talking to her.
Eijiro’s eyes moved to the screen. “What’re you all playing?”
“Remember that gaming company that Katsuki saved the building?” you asked.
Denki’s eyes lit up. “Really?! That one!”
You grinned. “Mhm. Someone can take my spot. - I’ll go get chairs.”
“Don’t worry,” Eijiro chuckled, patting Pooki. “We can get them ourselves. That’s the manly thing to do.”
With that, the four of them left. You laughed under your breath, rolling your eyes after them.
“How long are they staying?” Sota asked snidely.
You shrugged. “Until Katsuki gets home, I suppose. Trust me, you’ll like them -”
“I doubt that,” Haruto said, slumping back into his seat. 
You settled awkwardly back between Haruto and Akari, your legs crossed under you.
That’s when the others came back with chairs. Well, at least Hanta and Denki anyway.
“I’m just gonna sit on the floor,” Mina said with a shrug. She came and sat in front of you, leaning her back against the couch. 
Eijiro sat on the floor across from you, leaning against the coffee table to pick at the snacks.
“Here, Denki,” you called, tossing him your controller. “I know you’ve been dying to play it. Just - don’t zap another controller, please? I thought Katsuki was going to kill you last time.”
“Awesome!” he cheered. “[Name], you’re the best!”
They started the game back up. It was Denki, Yuto, Mei, Sota, and Haruto playing.
“So,” Misato started, clearing her throat. “You all have been here before?”
“Oh yeah,” Eijrio laughed. Pooki begged him for a cracker. “We helped them move in. Pook here was just a pup then.”
“And you come even when - Bakugo - isn’t here?” Haruto asked grouchily.
“We come here all the time when they’re home alone,” Mina noted, scrolling through her phone. “We love hanging out with [Name].”
“Katsuki thinks I need protecting,” you chuckled. “So he sends in the heroes.”
“You do!” Hanta interjected.
You rolled your eyes. “From what?”
“From -”
“Pooki’s too cute to be handled alone, it’s dangerous!” Eijiro interrupted. He was wrestling with her now.
“You’re going to break something.”
Eijiro grinned. “Nah, besides -”
Pooki chomped down on his arm. A few of your friends gasped.
“Pooki!” Akari scolded. “Let him go -”
“It’s fine, she does this all the time. She thinks I’m a chew toy, see -” Eijiro hardened up his arm and moved to show the one in Pooki’s mouth. “She can’t hurt me.”
“Wait - you’re Red Riot. Aren’t you?”Akari realized. 
Eijiro laughed. “You caught me! Guess my secret is out.”
“None of you are exactly hiding,” you stated, rolling your eyes. “Besides, I told you guys Katsuki was friends with heros.”
“All of you are?” Mei asked, glancing around. 
“Chargebolt,” Denki announced, throwing a thumbs up and grinning.
“Pinky!” Mina laughed and held up a picture of her in costume.
“Cellophane,” Hanta said, beaming.
“Are any of you heros?” Eijrio asked.
You shook your head and smiled. “No. - We were put in the ‘Useless Quirk’ club.”
“I dunno, your quirk’s pretty cool. I’m surprised you didn’t work for the police,” Mina said. 
You shrugged. “Wasn’t really into law enforcement. I’m happy running a shop.”
“[Name]’s right, though. None of us could ever make it as heros,” Haruto said. He seemed a little warmer to them now. “I can turn small objects into cubes, Akari can change her skin into whatever material she touches. Misato can make a flower sprout wherever she touches. But only one flower at a time. Yuto can change the color of his eyes, nails, hair, and teeth at will. While Mei can turn anything she touches red. And Sota, well -”
“Just say it,” Sota snapped. “I don’t have a quirk.”
It was tense and silent a moment. You wanted to hide. This was not going well. 
Didn’t Katsuki tell them that your friends were coming over today?
Misato interrupted the quiet. “[Name], where are the facilities?”
“Uh - oh.” You were snapped out of your stupor. “That way and down the hall on the left.”
You couldn’t wait for Katsuki to come home.
Everybody rotated controllers. Each leaving on occasion to get water or use the bathroom.
Pooki followed everybody in and out of the room.
Everything seemed fine until Pooki started barking in the living room doorway.
You got up to see what was wrong, supposing it was just a delivery man you hadn’t heard ring the doorbell.
Instead, you followed her to the upstairs hallway. She stood with her nose pushed against the door to your nesting room.
“What’s wrong with you, silly girl?” you laughed. “If I show you there’s nothing wrong will you take a nap?”
You were not expecting the sight when you walked in. Torn blankets, charged clothes, broken pictures and knickknacks. Everything was ruined. Nothing in the room had gone untouched, except one pristine Ground Zero body pillow. 
Pooki growled at your feet.
You stared. Your chest becoming a hollow cavity. So much had happened in this room. And all the fond memories held in the items were all ruined. You couldn’t stop the sob in your throat. Pooki rubbed against your leg.
You wiped at your tears. You didn’t even notice someone special had crept into the house.
“There’s my omega,” Katsuki’s voice said. 
You flinched, eyeing him at the top of the stairs.
He halted in his pace when he saw your wet face. “What’s wrong? Who’s ass am I kicking?”
He came and wrapped you in his arms. You gestured to your room. As soon as he laid eyes on it, his scent became threatening, murderous.
“Yo man, you okay?” that was Eijiro, the only one brave enough to face Katsuki in this state. He was coming up the stairs. 
Katsuki glared him down. “You and those idiots better not have done this.”
“Done wha -” Eijiro stopped short, staring in the room. “What happened? We’ve been downstairs all day.”
“You better not be lying -”
You stopped Katsuki. “It’s okay - alpha - I, I got this. Do you mind, Eijiro?”
Eijiro nodded. “Do what you got to.”
“Look me in the eyes.” 
Eijiro did as he was instructed, and you activated your quirk. Your irises swirled with the whites of your eyes. Hypnotizing him.
“Tell me, Eijiro,” you started. “What was the purpose of your visit today? Was it to do this?”
“No,” he said robotically. “We came today because Katsuki invited us. He was worried your friends were up to something, so he sent us to watch over you. I had no part in what happened to your nest.”
You nodded and blinked, releasing him. 
Eijiro blinked too, rubbing his temple. “I forgot how weird that felt. You haven’t done that since I told you Katsuki was going to ask you out. - But see. We were just here to watch out for you. Nothing more. We’re your friends [Name]. And it’s totally uncool to do this to a friend’s nest.”
Your heart sank. That meant only one thing then.
“I can go -” Katsuki started.
You shook your head. “They’re my….friends….I’ll do it.”
You took Katsuki’s hand and went to the living room. His sent still smelled like death walking.
“Everything okay?” Misato asked. “Hello, Bakugo.”
You nodded, then went to sit back between Akari and Haruto. Katsuki grunted, leaning on the doorframe with Eijiro beside him.
You waited a moment, then flinched and rubbed your eye.
“Ow - I think I have something in my eye. Can you look for me Haru?” you asked, and turned to him.
He twisted to face you. “Sure.”
You caught his eye and he realized what you were going to do. You activated your quirk before he could turn away.
“I really hate to do this. But - tell me, Haruto,” you sighed. “What was the purpose of your visit today? Was it you all who destroyed my nest?”
Mina gasped. “Wait, what?”
“Shit,” you heard Akari mutter under her breath.
Katsuki’s friends were tense, ready to tackle the first person to move and break your connection.
“We came today to see you. But also to wait for Katsuki to get home. We were going to destroy your nest, but frame him for it. That way you two would argue and break up. When his friends came, we decided to make it look like they did it. Then you’d break up with him because of his awful friends. I couldn’t bring myself to destroy anything, though. So I told Pooki to get you.”
“Wait, you ratted on us?!” Sota yelled.
“Why would you do that?” you asked, tears beginning to flood your vision.
“Because,” Haruto continued. “We wanted you back. We don’t see much of you. And Bakugo is too violent for you. He’s going to hurt you - like he does to the paparazzi and all those villains.”
You sobbed and hid your face in your hands, breaking the connection.
“We were just doing what was best for you -” Misato started.
“What would you know about what’s best for my omega?” Katsuki snapped, the thick scent of burnt caramel nearly suffocating. “Do you think hurting them like this was the best way to tell [Name] your concerns? Wouldn’t it have been better to sit them down, like normal people?! Also - you all are a bunch of fucking dunces if you think I’d ever hurt them!”
“Katsuki may have a temper, but you didn’t know him before he met [Name],” Eijiro said. 
“But -” Haruto started.
“It’s true,” Denki countered. “He was totally different.”
“We didn’t even meet y’all before today, and we’re here a lot,” Mina noted. Katsuki uttered, too much under his breath. “So you obviously haven’t even made the effort to hang out with them both. And see for yourself how he is.”
“I think it’s time for you fuckers to leave,” Bakugo growled.
“We were only trying to help!” Mei shrieked.
“You were trying to solve a problem that didn’t exist!” you cried. “Just - leave. Please.”
“[Name]....” Haruto pleaded.
“Haru just - just go,” you sighed, watching as tears dripped onto the couch.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered and then got up. 
Once they were gone, Katsuki changed into lounge clothes and sat next to you on the couch. 
Mina and Eijiro moved from the floor to a regular seat. Hanta and Denki put the kitchen chairs back and went to occupy the empty spaces.
You curled up into his protective grasped, watching as they played the new game.
Your heart, though sad with your nest being ruined, felt full knowing that you’d always have Katsuki and his friends on your side.
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Your mother hated the fact that you were an omega. She thought, with your parentage, you should have been an alpha.
Imagine her disgust and disappointment when you showed as an omega. The only in blood family to be. 
Her rage grew when you met a hero named Red Riot once you joined an agency. An alpha with a musk like strawberry cream. He was just as sweet as he smelled.
Your mother had hoped you'd grow to be an alpha. Your scent changing, and your behavior.
Or even that you would take on alpha characteristics, even while biologically being an omega.
But you were still the same at twenty as you were at twelve when puberty hit and you emerged as an omega.
You may have been more adult in appearance and a little more patient. But you were just the same in many other aspects.
You'd taken to Red Riot right away. Although you tried not to be the clingy omega everyone else typed you as.
You didn't think he was into you. Even as he'd pat your head, and stand just close enough to rub a little scent on you.
 He was Red Riot, after all. His face was all over the news, even as a first year in high school!
And you were...well, you.
Little did you know that he was just as taken.
But it wasn't just with your scent. You were gorgeous to him. And you were so kind with a smile that melted him. You'd made him so nervous the first time that he could only blurt out random facts. You found it endearing.
But none of this mattered to your family, especially your mother. 
Some forgave your nature due to picking up a top hero. At least you were bonded to someone with status.
Your mother, however, had been furious when she met him. Hero or not, there was simply no way your family could be the type to be owned by someone.
It didn't matter how many times you explained that Eijiro didn't own you. She pitched fits, started arguments. Banned him from the house. She even started to lock you out!
Eijiro tried to apologize, and break it off with you. For your own good. But an explanation on the matter made him understand that nothing he did was going to help.
Not to mention, you were already so in love with him and he with you that he was quick to move you in with him.
His roommate, Ground Zero aka Katsuki Bakugo, didn't mind. As long as you "cleaned your shit up and didn't fucking bother him". 
Getting your stuff was a different story.
You had to break into the house while everyone was away.
Luckily, the neighbors liked you and didn't call the cops.
Katsuki, Eijiro, and a few of your collective friends had you all moved out in a matter of hours.
The rest was history.
You knew your mother had been trying to find you for months. But you'd changed your number and gotten a new phone. Your hair was different now, and Eijiro bought you clothes you actually liked. 
You were everything you wanted to be. Everything your mother hated.
But Eijiro loved you more every day. Watching you grow and become the person you were meant to be. 
You were helping him grow too. And Katsuki, not like he'd ever admit it. But he did like you. And didn't mind having you as a roommate.
The trouble came a day in late autumn, both the alphas of the house were out. You were home alone, taking a week off for the impending nesting that was coming. 
Katsuki was at work, and Eijiro had taken the day off to be with you. He'd run to get some groceries and supplies to keep in your nest.
With you smelling like heat, he was afraid you'd get harassed if you when on your own.
You'd been meticulously fiddling with your nest all day. Trying to get it just right, and make it big enough for two.
You'd thought nothing of it when there was a knock on the door. You'd ordered food for when the guys got back.
But, instead of a delivery person, there stood your mother. Her face unreadable.
You tried to slam the door in her face but she stuck her shoe in. She shoved the door back open, and invited herself in. Pushing you back into the apartment.
"I finally found you. You gave us all quite the scare there." Her voice dripped with the same venom you'd heard villains shout at you with. "What the hell are you wearing? And look what you did to your lovely hair!"
"Get. Out." you growled. "You are not welcome in my home."
"Home?" she laughed. "Smells like a brothel in here. You little whore. I can smell more than just your…hero...here. Look what that little red rat has turned you into -"
"That's his roommate! He already lived here when I moved in! It's not like that!"
She started to open all the doors. "Right. That's what you say now, at least. You are just a needy little omega. Just a bitch in heat. And, sooner or later, you're going to want any alpha you can knot you. Maybe even a few of them at the same time - This your nest?"
Your mother shoved open the door to room that homed your nest. The scent of Eijiro flooding out. He'd gone a little overboard with the scenting.
"It looks warm...cozy... it'd be a shame if someone ruined it all."
You stood in the doorway glaring her down. "Don't you fucking -"
"Then come back home," she snapped, narrowing her eyes at you. "Drop that sickeningly sweet alpha. And move. Back. Home. We can teach you how to be an alpha. How to let people not push you around. Look - you let me walk straight into your apartment. And you haven't laid a finger on me!"
"That's because I know you. I use my quirk and you go to the press about your abusive hero child. You'll blacken my name."
"Would I ever -"
"Yes! You would! I remember when you didn't like uncle's second wife! You smudged her name, destroyed her reputation so much she went into hiding! - I'm not going to let you do that to me."
"So you're moving back, good. Pac -"
You took a step towards her. "I'm not moving back either!"
"Fine!" your mother shouted. "Be the pathetic, useless omega you are!"
Your mother had an air quirk, she could make tornados. She kicked one up in the small room, sending objects flying. You ducked as a poster Eijiro bought you flew towards you in its metal frame.
It landed and broke somewhere in the living room.
You dove, hiding behind the couch. More things came flying. You heard clanking and shattering. You covered your ears and pinched your eyes closed tightly, a sob welling up in your chest.
You didn't hear the front door open. You didn't see them come in. You didn't notice as it went quiet. 
Then a hand was on your arm. You screamed, the waves sending the person flying across the room. 
"Hey," the person coughed. "Hey, [Name], it's okay! I-I-It's me!"
You opened your eyes, spying Eijiro standing up from the kitchen floor.
"Eiji!" you yelled, launching yourself into his arms. That's when the big tears began to flow and the sobs started. "Sh-She - and I - omega - useless - nest -"
"Hey, easy, I'm here now," Eijiro cooed. He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tightly. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I should've been here. It wasn't supposed to take that long. Wasn't very manly to leave you alone for so long. But I got mobbed by fans at the store. Katsuki came home early and called me, he's dealing with her...I've got you."
Eijiro rubbed on you, scenting you with the comfort pheromones pumping out of him. 
"You fucking bitch!" Katsuki roared. "I'll fucking kill you. - Doesn't matter if they aren't my mate. - You trashed my fucking house!"
You chuckled into Eijiro's chest. The pheromones finally starting to work.
"Get moving!" Katsuki yelled. You watched as he shoved her out the room towards the front door. He had your mother in power dampening cuffs. "I'll take her to the police. You're going away for vandalism and destruction of property. You crazy bitch!"
"This is your fault [Name]! I'll ruin you all. You'll never be 'heroes' again -" your mother shrieked.
Katsuki shoved her. "Yeah, yeah, we've heard it all before. - Move!"
When they were out the door Eijiro chuckled, "And I would've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids."
You chuckled, relaxing into Eijiro's embrace. But the damp, sad scent coming from you was undeniable.
"We'll fix it -"
You pulled away. "But she ruined everything. Come look."
You took his hand, guiding him to your nesting room. The tears came again as you looked around.
The pillows had stuffing bursting from them. The blankets were nothing more than shredded fabric and batting. Trinkets he bought you were broken and embedded in the walls. Picture frames were cracked, the glass shattered. Clothes were just tatters now.
You weren't getting that security deposit back.
"Everything is gone," you wheezed. 
Eijiro wrapped his arms around you, tucking your head under his chin. He held you tightly.
"I should've been here to stop this, I'm so sorry. - We'll fix it, I promise. We'll make it better."
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Momo was the kind of alpha every omega wanted. She was kind, patient, and overly nurturing.
Momo went a little crazy when it came to your nesting. She had an entire fucking treehouse built, and had dozens of the lushest blankets and pillows imported.
She was a spoiler.
Your happiness and comfort was her number one priority. Even if you begged her to stop spending so much on you. 
But Creati's love knew no bounds. Neither did her spending habits.
So it pained her when, after a lovely day together, she had to sit you down in your nest and break a bit of bad news.
"[Name] you know I love you, right?" Momo asked. You were curled up under her chin. Nose against the rose-scented gland in her neck.
You hummed, squeezing her tightly. She gently pushed you away. "Mocchan, what's wrong?"
She smoothed a hand through your hair. "I'm having some old classmates over for some really important hero business tomorrow."
"Oh," you muttered. "You don't want me around."
"It's not that I don't want you around!" she panicked. "It's just really important and top secret, and you...can't know what's going on. Not yet. And unless it's super important, we can't have any interruptions."
You nodded, a little sad. But you understood. It was crucial hero stuff. "Okay, Momo, I won't bother you guys. I'll stay in my nesting tree."
She smiled, wrapping you back up again. Momo was going to make sure she gave you extra love tonight. To make up for the following day.
The next morning, it was starting to get cloudy when Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki showed up at Momo's door. 
You two had just finished brunch, so you went to hide in your nest. You had everything you needed to keep occupied in there.
Momo took the group to the dining room and shut all the doors. Then drew the curtains. If they were so sure their agencies were bugged, she didn't understand why they were having this meeting at her house.
Then again, it didn't really matter. Todoroki was a close friend, but it was more than that. The four of them went through hell together in high school. They'd go through hell together now.
They locked down, ready to plan for whatever was coming.
Momo made sure she sent food out to you. Cause she knew you'd forget to eat. While she had the house make tea and snacks for her and the guys.
They sat for hours, mauling over all the information they had.
The sky outside got darker and darker.
Before you knew it, it was thundering and lightening. The rain was sheeting down. The winds howled frighteningly outside.
It was dark out when you fell asleep. You didn't know what time.
Your tree rumbling and groaning woke you up sometime later though. Trinkets vibrated off the walls, crashing to the ground. 
You panicked, wanting it to stop. You didn’t know what was happening.
Then there was a huge CA-RACK and you along with everything in the room flew towards one wall. 
Before you knew it, you were covered by pieces of wood, glass shards, and ripped pillows. You could see the grass under you.
You groaned crawling out from the debris into the rain. Something sharp caught your calf and cut you all the way down. You hissed.
You stumbled into the open. The treehouse was in shambles. The tree split in half. And your darling nest and building were scattered all over the yard.
Nothing was salvageable. You would've cried if you weren't pumped full of adrenaline.
"Does this qualify as important?" you wondered aloud. But the stinging in your leg gave you the answer. You didn't want to look down at the cut. Too afraid of what you'd find.
You trailed blood, rain, and mud through the marble halls as you found the dining room. 
You could hear them inside, but couldn't understand what they were saying.
Your heart was pounding. You felt bad interrupting.
"Are you alright? - The mistress will want to know about this. I do believe that needs stitches," said the butler outside the door. His eyes were wide, staring at the gash on your leg.
You nodded, swallowing thickly. Then pushed open the door to pop your head in.
"Uh, Mocchan…" you muttered weakly.
Todoroki turned to you. His mouth settled into a hard line. His forehead creased in worry.
You smiled at him weakly and waved.
Two pairs of eyes watched you from the other side of the table. You didn't really know them, but you knew who they were.
You waved at them too.
Her back was to you. "[Name], I told you -"
Momo stopped as she turned to you. Her eyes grew wide at the blood trickling down your face.
Momo pulled you into the room. You whimpered at the sick pain shooting through your leg. She moved the papers around and sat you on the table.
"Are you okay? - Well obviously not. - Why do you look like this, [Name]? What happened?! I thought you were in the treehouse -"
You were caught off guard by a sob in your throat. "It's all gone."
"Gone?! What do you mean it's gone?!" Momo began to make gauze, a towel, and wipes for your leg. You hissed as she sopped up some blood then wiped the cut down. But she kept fumbling as she tried to wrap it. 
She couldn't take her eyes off the puddle of blood that had dripped on the floor.
"I - I don't know. The tree just...broke? And everything just…" You made an explosion noise. "It's all gone…"
The adrenaline pumping through Momo made her shakey. The gauze was just not wrapping.
"Dude, I think you should go to the hospital!" Kirishima said.
"Can I?" Todoroki asked.
He gestured to your leg, then glanced between the two of you. You both nodded. He put your foot on his stomach and began to wrap the cut up tightly.
Momo held your hand, not wanting to be away from you.
"Sorry I'm muddy," you muttered.
Todoroki shook his head. "It's fine, I wash. But you really should get to the er."
"But your meeting -"
"Screw the meeting," snapped the blonde behind you. "The three of us can stay here. Ponytail, get your omega to a doctor."
You pouted. "But Momo -"
Momo wrapped you immediately in her arms as Todoroki stepped away. She squeezed you tightly, her face pressing her face into your neck. "No, you're going. They're right. That looks bad. And we need to get your head looked. You could have a concussion."
"I'm sorry I got blood on the floor."
Momo laughed sadly. "Stop that. It's fine."
You wiped at the tears on her face as she pulled away. But it didn't help when you were wet from the rain.
Momo began wiping at your face too. She tried to absorb the blood trickling down your forehead.
"Let's get you a hospital."
Momo hauled you up on her back and piggybacked you out to the waiting car, although you offered to walk. 
She was tense and silent for the whole ride. Gripping your hand as though you might slip away from her.
You arrived and were quickly put up in a room.
When the doctor came in he checked you over, confirming the need for stitches on your leg. 
They simply cleaned up the cut on your forehead and used a bit of liquid stitch to keep it from bleeding again.
After your leg was stitched up, you were taken to be scanned and examined. 
"You're lucky," the doctor said, looking over your results. "No internal bleeding or injuries. No broken bones. No concussion. Just some strained muscles. You can go home tonight. Make sure you keep your leg clean, the stitches can come out in four to six weeks. I’ll caution you against strenuous activity in the meantime, you don’t want to tear those. We’ll send you with some pain medication, you can take it as instructed."
You weren't surprised at the verdict of nothing being broken. That was your quirk after all - indestructible bones. 
They were made of light but durable material with complex structures that made them very hard to break.
That didn't do much for your skin or organs though.
You and Momo thanked the doctor. The relief was visible on your alpha’s face.
She piggybacked you to the car again.
"You can sleep with my tonight, if you want to,” Momo said once you two were settled. She put an arm around you to tug you into a side hug. “I'm sorry you went through that alone. That must've been scary."
"We couldn't know that would happen," you whispered, hugging her back.
She kissed the top of your head. “We can rebuild, make everything better -”
“I’d rather have a room in the manor to make my nest. If that’s okay?”
You couldn’t see it, but Momo was crying again. “Of course. I want to keep you close.”
When you arrived back at the manor, you waited briefly on a couch outside of the dining room. Momo was catching up with what the guys had come up with.
They wished you well before leaving.
“Let’s go get you cleaned up.” Momo guided you to her bathroom and ran a bath in the large clawfoot tub.
You undressed and climbed in, then Momo did the same. You leaned back against her, her chin on your shoulder. 
The warm water untensed all your knotted muscles.
Momo held you closely. “I promise, I’ll never leave you alone again.”
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Mina loved Denki to death, he was one of her best friends. But he just did not treat his poor omega right.
Mina thought she could do it better.
She'd wanted to court you long before Denki did. She was just too nervous. 
What if you didn't want a female alpha?
Honestly, she seared with jealousy when you came into work freshly scented like him.
You were happy. So that made her happy.
But your rose colored glasses didn't last long. Mina saw through your facade immediately.
You didn't smile as brightly whenever Chargebolt came in.
You didn't happily call him "alpha" as you'd done before.
In fact, you nearly hid every time you saw him.
And it didn't take long before Mina saw why - Denki seemed to think omega was equal to pack mule who bends to every whim.
He made you carry his stuff, then would pat your head and baby talk you.
He was always having you get stuff. And brag about how good you were. But complain that you were whinier than he'd expected.
Mina hadn't heard you complain about his actions once!
She didn't think it was her place to tell you to break up with him. But all the hints she tried to slip Denki about how he was treating you went in one ear and out the other.
She wasn't the only one to see it either. But she was the only one who bothered to help.
It pained her to watch you. To see you struggling to keep a smile on.
"I don't think it works like that," you told her when Mina finally told you to cut it off. "I don't think omegas can break it off with alphas."
"You are a strong, independent omega, [Name]," Mina scolded. "You need to stand up for yourself. You can do whatever you want. You're still your own person."
Honestly, you hadn't really even wanted Denki as your alpha. But no one else had shown an interest in you. Especially not Mina. Not in your mind, anyway.
Mina had been the one you wanted to court you. But Denki came along first. And he was kind of pushy.
So you accepted. It didn't take you long to regret it.
Nothing about it felt right. You felt like a maid, not a mate. You were pretty sure that wasn't what an alpha was supposed to make you feel like.
Denki couldn't even relax you. He didn't seem like he wanted to help you with your issues at all. 
In fact, he made it all worse.
Denki had even invited himself and his friends to your apartment. Only giving you a day's notice.
He wasn't going to help with food or cleaning. He laughed and said that you could figure it out.
You were at your wits end.
You were Starlight, one of the top heroes in your agency. Not a doormat.
Still, you scrambled to clean. Mina came over to help. You tried to get food and snacks together. You updated your gaming system. Pulled out any movies and board games you could find.
Your house was visitor friendly by the time the weekend rolled around.
You'd never actually met three people who came. But you knew of them. Each being heroes that were in class with Mina and Denki during high school. 
You'd also run into them when you were out with Denki. But he didn't have the courtesy to introduce you.
They introduced themselves as Bakugo, Kirishima, and Sero.
"Are you sure you're cool with this?" Kirishima asked, lingering in the doorway. Denki was already being loud with the other two.
"Would you shut up? We just got here," Bakugo snapped.
You shrugged. "I guess I have to be. Right?"
Kirishima's face twisted up into something between disapproving and pitying.
He hesitated before going into the living room. You saw him speak briefly with Mina. Their eyes flicking to you every now and then.
"I didn't know you had all these, Denk," Sero noted, flipping through your game library.
Denki shrugged coolly. "Yeah, you know -"
"Don't let him fool you," Mina interrupted. "Those are [Name]'s. Denki doesn't even have the newest generation console."
"Yeah, Denki's is an old brick," you joked.
"Baabbbee," he whined.
The guys chuckled, and you caught Denki's face flush red.
"Whatever, it's not that impressive," he huffed and stalked off to the kitchen.
You watched quietly after.
"You guys can play whatever you want," you offered. "I don't get to very often. So don't worry about copying over any saves. - Denki did that on the one game I did play…"
You trailed off awkwardly, earning you weird looks. 
"I'll get snacks." 
Mina trailed after you when there was a crash. 
Denki was standing in the middle of the kitchen, staring at the plate of food he dropped.
"Uh, sorry. You mind cleaning that up? Thanks. Oh and don't forget to bring out some sodas for everyone. Love you!" Then he ran to join Sero and Bakugo in the living room.
"I'll help you," Mina said, and you pointed her to the broom closet.
"That was super unmanly," Kirishima noted, grabbing some paper towels. "Does he always do this?"
"Uh, n -" you stuttered.
"All. The. Time," Mina groaned quietly.
You sighed, taking a few paper towels. "Mina, don't -"
"But you don't deserve to be treated this way!" She aggressively swept across the kitchen.
"Mina's got a point, dude. He's my friend, but it's super uncool of him -"
"The hell happened here?" Bakugo grunted. 
"Denki." You three said in unison.
Bakugo rolled his eyes. "You got anything to drink?"
"I was going to - I can -" you started, beginning to stand. You hissed as a piece of plate cut your palm.
"I can get it myself, just tell me where it's at. I'm a grownass adult."
Mina stood carefully. "I'll get you a band-aid. Bathroom cabinet, right?"
You nodded at her, then pointed to the fridge. "Whatever I have is in there. Sorry it's not much. I wasn't sure what you all liked and Denki refused to go to the store with me -"
"He's kind of a crappy alpha, isn't he?" Sero asked joining the party in your small kitchen. "Don't worry. He's watching a tutorial on how to play the game."
"You know, if you're not happy with him, you can dump his dumb ass," Bakugo noted. He tossed Sero a soda can. "Just because he's an alpha doesn't mean that he gets to decide everything."
Kirishima stood and dumped the paper towels of food you'd both collected in the trash can, before washing his hands. "Yeah, it's your relationship too."
He then grabbed the broom and began sweeping.
"He's our friend but he's being an idiot, we're on your side." Sero gave you a grin and a thumbs up.
"Uh, thanks, guys," you muttered.
"I finally found you a bandage," Mina announced. "Let me see your hand."
You stood and put your hand in hers, palm up. The touch put you at ease.
"It doesn't look too bad. Let's clean you up."
You let her lead you to the sink and wash your hand. Then she dried it and put antiseptic ointment on it before sticking the band-aid over it.
Your whole body filled with heat as she kissed the back of your hand. Then she grinned at you.
The guys could feel and smell the shift as soon as Mina started taking care of you. 
It was unvocalized but unanimous - you needed to dump Denki for Mina.
Once the kitchen was clean again, everyone crowded the living room. 
"Hey, babe, it's kind of chilly. You got any blankets?" Denki asked.
You shook your head. "No."
"But I'm coollldd," Denki groaned.
"I haven't washed blankets in a while."
He groaned, but conceded as you sat close to him. 
After a bit, your body heat didn't seem to be effective enough for him.
Denki got up and disappeared. You didn't think anything of it.
No until he came out into the living room a few minutes later with a pile of pillows and blankets. Special ones. 
Your heart stopped. "D-Denki...where did you get those?"
"These? Oh - the second bedroom. So much for not having any clean -"
You bolted to the spare room. You couldn't believe your eyes. You sank to the ground. He'd ruined the carefully crafted nest you'd been building for years.
"Hey, [Name], are you okay?" Mina asked softly behind you.
"My nest," you uttered. Tears welled up, threatening to spill. 
Mina put a hand on your shoulder. Getting immediately what you meant.
"Hey, babe, can you -" Denki started.
You shot him a glare. He stopped in his tracks.
"What's wrong with you?" he asked incredulously.
"You ruined their nest, idiot!" Mina snapped. A glare beaming from her dark eyes. "What the fuck is your problem, Denki?! You have like...the most perfect omega, and this is how you treat them?!"
Your heart leapt, heat rushing into your face at the words.
"What're you talking about? [Name] is happy to -"
"No," you sobbed. "I'm not. I'm not your maid. I'm supposed to be your mate. But…"
"You treat [Name] like garbage!" Mina kneeled to wrap an arm around your shoulders. 
"But you're my omega -" he started, a little desperation in his voice.
"No!" you yelled. "Not...not anymore. We're done. Just - get out!"
"But -"
"Out!" Your eyes flashed a deadly shade of blue-white.
You leaned into Mina. She sighed, and held you tightly. She was pumping out comfort pheromones.
You eased right away. Nothing like this had happened with Denki.
"Fine. C'mon guys, let go -" he started.
"Not them," you sniffled. "Just you. They can stay if they want."
Denki held a smug face until he realized no one was going with him. "Oh come on guys!"
"Sorry, dude," Sero said awkwardly.
Kirishima shrugged. "But you did kind of treat them like dirt."
"You're a dumbass," Bakugo snapped, not even looking up from the game. "You fried your brain one too many times."
Denki looked like he wanted to say something snarky.
"Denki, dude. You fucked up," Mina said over her shoulder. "Just...leave. You already ruined [Name]'s nest."
"Fine!" he pouted and slammed the front door as he left.
"Can I see your phone, please?" Mina asked softly. You handed it to her, just in time to have Denki call. He was too predictable. She rejected the call and blocked his number. 
“I guess I can always rebuild it,” you muttered. “I need to wash everything. It reeks like him.”
Mina nodded. “I’ll help.”
You and Mina spent the day washing all the sheets and shirts and blankets that had been in your nest.
You were more content around her than you’d been in a while. You hadn’t realized that she didn’t mind you being glued to her side.
Even when she made sure to stay late into the night so you could finish your nest. 
You didn’t even question letting her in, it felt like the most natural decision in the world.
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optimistpax · 3 years
How would you recommend breaching the transformers fandom? I’ve only watched tfp and the two new Netflix series.
Sincerely, a wandering Star Wars fan who’s left their home
Ayy! I hope you’re having fun so far! I’ve only recently gotten into transformers myself ^^
I think it really depends on what you’re interested in! (and how much time you have on your hands) Transformers is big enough and has been going on long enough that there’s a whole lot of different kinds of content that’s interesting to different folks! 
If You Liked Transformers Prime... If you enjoyed Transformers Prime, they have two other TV shows that are set in the same universe as well as 3 novels and a couple comics. The first season of each of the TV shows (robots in disguise and rescue bots/rescue bots academy) can be found on netflix, but a fair warning they’re aimed at a younger audience and so are quite a bit lighter in tone than tfp. So if you go in expecting the same kind of show you will be disappointed. But if you’ve enjoyed lighter episodic cartoons in the past (such as the og teen titans, young justice, or spider-man (I only watched superhero cartoons, avatar, and anime as a kid so that’s all i have for reference lmao sorry)) I’d recommend checking them out! I personally had fun watching RID and I’m working my way through Rescue Bots rn and it’s really cute :) 
I haven’t read the comics, but I have read the first two novels and while they are by no definition good I had an extremely good time reading them and live texting @autothotsrollout. So if you’re looking for a bad book to read and make fun of and want to support your local library, check them out!
Other TV Shows There are a couple other popular TV shows and I have by no means seen all of them but I’ll talk about the ones I have seen! 
Transformers Animated: It’s the same art director as teen titans and hits a lot of the same storytelling beats so imo it’s really similar! (The whole series is available for free on Tubi!) It’s pretty popular in the fandom as far as I can tell because I think a lot of people grew up with it as their first introduction to transformers(?) I think I personally like some of the other shows better, but it’s definitely still worth checking out!
Cyberverse: The other show I’ve watched (am watching?) outside the tfp universe! (The first season is also available on netflix) It starts off kind of rough, but if you’re into worldbuilding, space adventures, and appreciate shows with good art and music I definitely think it’s worth it! It takes some directions the others don’t (as far as I know) in later seasons so that’s been really fun!
2005 IDW Comics As someone who loves comics maybe a little too much, I may be biased when I say the comics are very very good. There are also very very many. I’ve read the first season of more than meets the eye, and the first installments of both the wreckers and autocracy(?) trilogies. I personally would recommend starting with The Death of Optimus Prime (can be found in more than meets the eye volume 1) and then reading More Than Meets the Eye if you’re looking for a place to jump in! Unfortunately my library only has season one and does not have robots in disguise (mtmte’s sister comic series) but I have heard it’s a good idea to read the two series in tandem. You could also probably start with Autocracy if that’s what you can get your hands on first!
anyways the idw comics are great if you’re looking for transformers content that has room to cover heavier topics and more mature storylines. I can’t speak for the series I haven’t read, but mtmte  also has a great sense of timing/humor and includes heists and space adventures, which is all I ever want in a comic tbh
ahaha whoops I didn’t mean to write an entire novel there. I hope this is helpful and that you have fun with whatever transformers media you decide to check out next!
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angelicichor · 4 years
Heyo I was wondering if you can write something fluffy with da bramsy boi. Maybe an idea could be movie night or reading together while it’s raining outside? I just need something cute rn because we had a loss in the fam and I need some comfort 😞. It doesn’t have to be long and U don’t have to if you don’t want to. I hope you have a good day♡ -🌈💖🙃
Ofcourse! I’m so sorry for you, sweetheart. 😞 And I’m sorry for answering this so late, I was busy unfortunately QvQ
Quiet (Brahms Heelshire x Reader)
It was calm in the old manor, quiet, despite the raging thunders outside, this place was your oasis. You’ve watched, seated at a windowsill, as the trees in the garden swung wildly. There was a quiet prayer in your head for the family of birds that you knew nested itself in one of the attic windows. You made a mental note to check on them once everything’s calmed over, their singing was precious to both you and your beloved. “Brahms?”
You knew Brahms was nearby, he always was, even in his quiet or angry moments, he wouldn’t stray too much, because your presence brought him comfort. A small creak alerted you as to just how close he really was, pretty much emerging from the shadows, with a small head tilt, waiting for you to tell him what exactly you wanted.  “You know, you really need to find yourself a different hobby than watching me...” you hummed, motioning him to get closer to you and as he did, your hands reached out towards his neck to bring him low enough, so that you could kiss the porcelain lips covering his real ones. No matter what, the mask always stayed. He wasn’t ready to let go of it yet. “I have hobbies... But they’re more fun with you around.” he replied and you were proud of the fact that his childish voice didn’t shine through this time around. Using it was a habit that was really hard to kill, especially with someone as stubborn as Brahmsy. “Do you want to do something together, then?” You asked and he nodded softly, before carefully picking you up, giving you a chance to tie your arms around his neck. 
He brought you down to the library, setting you onto one of the bigger chairs, then leaving to pick out a book, poetry, as far as you could tell from the placement. It was usually that or one of the novels and you were pretty sure he’s read them all, but nevertheless he loved to have you read them for him instead. And so he gave you the book - “Songs of a Songbird” by W.S. Gilbert - then promptly picked you up to place you right back on his knees, with his masked face nestled at your shoulder.  “We’ve read this one last week, Brahms, don’t you want to try something else?” you’ve sighed, opening the book and letting one of your hands run through his hair, scratching him lightly.  “No, this one’s fine.” he hummed back and you could feel his body relax. “Alright, but if you fall asleep I’m leaving.”  You could hear the light snicker coming from him and soon after his arms tightened around you as if saying ‘As if I’d let you.’. You’d probably blush if not for the fact that you’ve been used to this by now, so instead with a tiny huff you focused your eyes on the words and began to read.
It didn’t take long before you heard the first few little snores, but with Brahm’s arms of a bear, there was very little you could do in the terms of leaving, so instead you’ve put the book down and cuddled up to his chest, falling asleep to the sound of the rain outside and Brahms’s heart beat right in your ear.
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justkpopjokes · 4 years
Found You || OnlineRival!Felix
AU: online gamer friends + college + rivals to lovers
Anon: know it's a common au cliché but I've been craving some college au's of felix, maybe enemies to lovers ?? but enemies in a playful, competitive sense of course. I'll leave this vague so that you have more creative freedom, idc if you write in para. style or bullet point, I'll eat up anything you write skskj
A/N: I HAVE RETURNED!! Hope you enjoy this anon~ still can’t believe you’ve been following me since 2017 oml
If anyone else has lowkey specific requests for skz I’ll take them!! It can be any type/medium(?) of writing lol I just don’t want to write elaborate plots rn
You’ve been playing this video game recently
(I’ve been playing Valorant lol so I’m basing this off of that)
you’ve been playing solo for a bit
One afternoon, you match with a nice team that’s doing well
it’s a good game; you’re pretty evenly matched
you end up the last player standing, win a round for your team, & they applaud you for it!
But then—ohoho and then—
—you hear the deepest freakin Australian accent on voice chat
saying “ayy nice!!”
you say a polite thank you back to him
meanwhile the other people on your team are like
“holy crap bro your voice is low af!”
you get to hear this boy speak for longer lol
His username is #1Aboji or BrownieBoi915 or smth idk so you call him Brownie
and y’all get to talking lol
you send him a friend request on a whim because he seems nice
he accepts, sends you a party invite, and you play a few games together!!
Over the course of a couple months, you play together every time you’re online at the same time
(which is often bc ur timezones happen to be the same hehe)
It’s funny because although you’re friendly with each other, you’re competitive af LMAO
most of your games are spent competing for who can get more kills and who can be MVP of the team/entire match
it’s friendly competition but competition nonetheless
eventually he asks for your Tumblr/Twitter/whatever so y’all can chat a bit more :D
his @ can still be @/BrownieBoi915 lol
Brownie’s fun and you share some interests!!
your music tastes are similar too, so he sends you song recommendations, then you yell about them
You’ve been chatting a lot and reply to each others’ posts/tweets often, especially when you’re just posting about weird sh!t happening in your life
But one day… you post about something that happened at your college
something like “icb this ajlsdhf there’s this girl in one of my classes and she just sCALED THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING SO SHE WOULDN’T BE LATE TO CLASS”
less than a minute later you get a text:
and then
So, naturally, you text him back
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Then Brownie gets you to agree to another silly competition:
see who could identify the other first on campus!!
the 1 rule is that you have to find each other in-person
(there is a 2nd rule that you can’t ask exactly where the other person is, but that’s pretty obvious lol)
But because of the main rule, occasionally you’ll get a vague text like
Brownie: “Hey are you wearing a red flannel right now”
You: “No I’m not even outside lmao”
Brownie: “Dammit I thought I felt the vibes”
It’s a nice lil challenge because the only thing you know about Brownie is that he identifies as a guy and has an Australian accent
(but that may be unimportant depending on where you live lmao)
meanwhile the only things he knows about you are random details, your voice, and that you have a class with Vanessa lol
And it’s FUN!!
but you both start to get suuuuper competitive
mostly because of the 1 rule
there have literally been times you’ve probably found Brownie when you hear an Australian accent in the distance
however he always leaves before you can get to him, so it doESN’T COUNT GDI
Brownie tho lmao—he’s always putting on his detective hat and trying to track you down on campus
whenever he’s chilling after class he asks for where you are generally
he’ll ask you “Hey wyd”
You: “Studying”
Brownie: “In the library?”
You: “…Yes”
then he starts to narrow down where you could be based on less-specific questions
Of course, that’s not the only thing you text him about
you’ve grown pretty close to Brownie
the competition has helped with that!!
and ofc you still play that game together lol
Honestly, you really want to meet him
he’s just super charming + considerate
Also he mentioned he likes baking
you suggested “we should bake together!!”
Brownie: “Gotta find me first ;)))”
so,,, yeah you daydream about baking with Brownie
you really want to know his name
I mean, c’mon, you’ve gotten his phone number at this point, but you still can’t find him??
it’s starting to get frustrating
to the point where he can hear the frustration through your texts
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That small piece of information motivates you for the rest of the week
you give Felix your name in return, but he insists that neither of you should ask around for each other
(you can’t ask your friends if they know someone named Felix
but if you hear someone say “Felix” while you’re out and about, that works)
you’re still unable to find him for some time, but knowing Felix’s name makes you feel closer to him
You can’t video call Felix but you normally call him at least once a week
after knowing him for at least half a year, you get this warm feeling in your chest every time his name pops up on the top of your phone
One of your phone calls sounds something like this:
Felix: “Hey, y/n?”
You: “Yes?”
Felix: “Do you want to go out for lunch? I mean, once we find each other.”
You: “As in a date?”
Felix: “Yeah—I mean, if that’s okay!”
You: “Yes please!! So can you find me already istg 🙄”
Felix is itching to meet you too
…so he sends you a selfie
with a filter though! that way you don’t see his entire face
you send him 1 in return (also with a filter)
Felix immediately says “aww ur cute uwu”
and your heart m e l t s
you’d think, hey maybe that’ll help me find him
SPOILERS it doesn’t really help lmao
Your close friends really want to help lmao because they’ve been hearing about this “Brownie” boy you like
however, you & Felix are adamant of winning this competition because the person who wins doesn’t need to pay for your 1st lunch date lol
It’s the last Friday afternoon before you have a week-long holiday, when you’re hanging out in front of one of your friend’s classes to pick them up
you’re standing outside the building chatting with one of your other friends when your phone starts ringing in your pocket
other friend is like “ooOOOH is it brownie boy??”
You: “Oh yeah rip he’s probably calling because I missed some of his texts, give me a moment."
You’re about to pick up when the call drops
so you’re like ?? bruh what and are about to unlock your phone to see what Felix’s texts are about
That’s when you feel a tap on your shoulder
and a low Australian voice behind you says your name
your head whips around to find this cute face with freckles and a giant smile on his face
“Heh, I found you~”
Dude doesn’t hesitate to hug you, pick you up, then spin you around
your friend is watching with a goofy smile but he doesn’t care
after he finally puts you down, you cup his face with both your hands
“The filters always hide your freckles… they’re like stars, Lix”
instead of a lunch date, Felix takes you out for dinner :DD
even though you lost he insists on paying :’))
your friends don’t even care that you’re ditching them ajlkfdhs they literally push you away to go eat with Felix lmao
and you return home with that warm feeling in ur heart still there
needless to say, he will arrange another date so he can bring you some homemade brownies
he is the brownie boy after all!!
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onlyplatonicirl · 4 years
Birfday Gorl UwU
“A little to the left.”
“Like this?”
“A bit more.”
“Uh… here?”
“Slime does that look even a little bit symmetrical to you?”
“You’re literally impossible right now,” said Slime, tacking the banner in place regardless of Lorel’s immediate shrieking complaint. “Since when have you become so nit-picky about decoration placement and stuff? Your room looks like an atomic bomb went off in it.”
“Well good thing it’s not my room!” Lorel replied, clapping her hands together in agitation. She rocked on her heals at a very brisk pace, her eyes darting around the room. “Listen, at least just TRY to set this up right?? Also maybe stand on a chair instead of Andrew’s shoulders because if you fall it will not only kill you but them too.”
Andrew blinked at Lorel like she was stupid, their hands on Slime’s legs as the redhead wobbled to tack everything to the wooden banister, tongue sticking out in concentration. Slime exclaimed triumphantly once they successfully had it in place, throwing their hands back in glee. Unfortunately, that also offset their center of gravity.
Lorel turned her back as both of them shrieked and collapsed to the floor, already tuning out their incessant squabbling. The decorations were all set, for the most part. Light blue balloons were floating around the room, with the tablecloth, streamers, banners and confetti to match. The confetti was assumed to be blue, but they didn’t know for sure because it was compressed into cardboard cones, and planned to pop out when the guest of honor arrived. Various other creators scurried to and fro, adding to the ever-growing gift pile, setting up the potluck and adding a multitude of dishes, as well as making small talk amongst themselves before the event started. Lorel recognized the majority of them, and waved to a few of them as she made her way into the main kitchen, ducking under a tray carried by Nobody, with tons of little confectionaries.
But before she could get there, she ran into-
“Chai! How’s everything going?”
Chai laughed in return, giving Lorel a hug. “It’s going great. I’m so excited.”
“SAME,” Lorel said, accompanied with a slouch. “I’ve ben planning this for so long, especially these things.”
She stuck a thumb behind her, motioning to the massive yellow feathered wings that started at her shoulder blades and draped all the way to the floor, the gradient becoming lighter towards the end feathers. Chai raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I was going to comment on that,” she began. “Those don’t look like your usual, uh… pointy wings.”
“That’s because they aren’t,” Lorel said, running a hand through her hair to clear her eyes. “It took me two full months of studying anatomy and transmogrification with every book on the subject in the entirety of the Council’s Library to get these to form. The number of times I attempted to summon these properly only to result in an explosion of feathers is unreal. Synthia and the others got really tired coming back to find our quarters covered in yellow fluff.”
“Well I like them, they’re soft. But, why exactly???”
Lorel smiled softly. “I don’t know, I just thought it would be kind of sweet because… She always gives the fluffiest and softest hugs. I thought it would be nice if I was able to return the favor for once, to show her how great her trademarked “Floofy Hugs” are. Give her a taste of her own wonderful medicine, haha!”
Chai laughed. “Well, I’D like a floofy hug from you.”
“Once I even figure out how to get these things to fold and move properly? Sure. You can get floofy hugs too,” Lorel replied, smiling. “But we all know that I’m not as good at it.”
“HEY WHY ARE THOSE WINGS SO DISPROPORTIONATELY LARGE?” Someone across the room screamed. Without missing a beat, Lorel whipped around, almost smacking Chai in the face with the limbs she did not quite have the hang of yet.
Chai was busy trying not to laugh herself into combustion, a hand over her mouth. Lorel looked at her, exasperated. “Excuse me for one moment. I need to go check up on the cake. If I stand still for long enough Lo starts trying to play paper-wad basketball with my halos.”
She and Chai gave each other a quick hug, before parting ways with “I love you!!!”’s on both sides.
Peeping her head in through the kitchen doorway, Lorel narrowly avoided a massive jawbreaker being flung across the room. Ly had been in charge of the cake, and it seemed to be going well. The ponkey girl was having a blast, a tube of icing in each hand, and letting out her more wild artistic side. Her tail curled happily in the air as she drew gravity defying shapes around the cake out of vanilla frosting. Lorel smiled and left. At least that was taken care of. But there was still a lot of other things to do. There were two many bodies in too small of a room. It was chaos, and she had signed up to oversee it all.
Lorel sighed. Why did she ever agree to running anything? The only mature thing about her was her physical age. Time to be the adult, I guess.
Climbing up a few steps to gain a slight leverage and trying not to trip over her new way-too-large wings, she clapped her hands to quell the silence. She soon had the attention of the room.
A single, large breath in.
“Lyn and Lynn, take watch outside for her. Blossom, make sure everyone’s got a party hat, and help Shadow and Template with the paintings if they need any. Lucky and Achro keep the streets secure, we don’t want any blockheads ruining our big day. Dey, Launch, Template, Poggers, Lily, both Alexes, Rawlyx and Zen are on exterior decoration duty. I want every corner of the roof tied with decorations. Ly’s finishing the cake, and she’ll need a handful of people to aid her in setting everything up. Smartie can attend to that, as well as Diamond. Slime and Andrew, I know I’m asking the impossible, but your job is to not be stupid for like - at least 2 minutes. AT LEAST. Everyone else find a good hiding spot and no shoving or pushing or summoning ancient celestial daggers or transforming into a five headed demons. Or you’re getting kicked out of the party. Scrub, be my monitor, would you? And Otter’s job is to keep being absolutely adorable and precious. Are we all clear?”
The whole building cheered, and Lorel finally sighed. Right next to her was Otter, who she promptly scooped up in her arms and kissed on the forehead with a very loud “mwah” to follow. Otter happily closed their eyes – a pseudo-smile.
Everyone quickly bustled about, and Lorel set Otter back on the floor once again. Creators of every shape and size scrambled about, trying to find places to hide, and all the lights were shut off when the two Lyn(n)s gave the cue
“She’s coming she’s coming!”
The house went completely silent, save for the sound of footsteps approaching the door.
The handle turned-
And all the light’s clicked on. Everyone jumped up from behind the couch, and light blue confetti flew everywhere as everyone screamed in unison.
Mainly Featuring:
@andrewture @156lemongummies @greetings-and-yeetings @chais-chaos-corner @puuuddiing @lookyeekiti
This fic takes place in @creatorverse
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michellesbohh · 4 years
Michelle Jones is soFT, okay?
Hello fine citizens. 
I’m over here like “work on your WIPs” and my brain says, “You mean start a completely unrelated oneshot?”and I say “Well no, but I do like where this is going so let’s finish this now instead.” 
My brain? “Abandon all structure and write a head canon? Got it.”
I don’t know why this is my take, but I just feel like MJ is (at least at first) fully annoyed with herself and how much she loves Peter Parker’s stupid dumb face. 
Not that she tries to hide it (she doesn’t) but it’s like a slight sense of resigned submission. 
Peter is as sweet and accommodating as he ever was and sometimes when he just looks at her (how dare) she just...can’t
With his dumb boy eyes practically sparkling at her across the lab in chemistry, MJ is finished.
And it’s worse because Peter knows about this now.
In the beginning he’d thought dating MJ would be just like being friends with MJ but 
Oh boy
He was so wrong. 
Being friends with MJ made his heart feel like it was trying to jump out of his chest just to get to her
So she would see him for real and maybe let him in?
But he could never tell exactly what she was feeling and really he still can’t. 
He would never claim to know everything about someone like MJ
Now that they’re dating though, Peter sees the little tells that only a boyfriend could. 
He knows what face she makes when he’s done something impossibly good and she struck by it. 
He’s intimately familiar with what Michelle looks like when she wants to kiss him but can’t 
MJ for her part has given up trying to pretend that she’s not completely on her ass for this boy all the time but that doesn’t mean she’s going to take this lying down!
Coming to the realization that she was attracted to Peter Parker was indeed a shock
She reeled over it for several days initially at just the idea of being someone that got to kiss him and that he wanted to kiss back like WHAT
Once they actually crossed that line, MJ began to notice just how attracted to Peter she really was. And not even only in that way. She just wants to be close to him like...often. 
And okay, she’s seen his abs so it’s definitely 100% also in that way but we’re being soft rn
And she kind of hates it even if she doesn’t do anything to deny it. 
She’ll be standing at her locker and Peter will sometimes meet her there in the morning before homeroom
On some days his hands will slide around her hips and she’ll debate whether the risk of getting a detention is enough of a deterrent if it means she can also maybe just make out with Peter Parker right now now now.
She’s gotten 3 detentions so far. 
But sometimes he’ll just pop up next to her grinning and holding out a cup of tea that he picked up for her and she can actually feel her heart squeezing
She gets that familiar strained look on her face and graciously, Peter is not smug
But he’s not not smug, you know? 
They’ll make small talk about little things and big things until she’s done packing her books
Once she’s ready Peter hands her the tea, stepping just a little further into her personal space to kiss her cheek quickly and tell her he’ll see her at lunch
It’s the hand he presses at the small of her back as he leaves her that does her in
The touch is fleeting and gentle and it’s honestly completely innocent in motivation on Peter’s part but she thinks that might be why it gets to her
As soon as he’s gone, she fits a glare on anyone in the hall who’d been watching and dared to let her catch them.
One time, Flash even looked her in the eyes after. Her reputation simply will not survive this.
Peter sits next to her at lunch and holds her hand under the table too
She fights the urge to lay her head against his and snuggle against him like they do on movie nights because fuck she is so soft for him but she has some dignity
MJ does not feel bad however when she finds him outside the cafeteria though and drags him off to the library for the free period they share
They hole up in one of the study rooms and it’s #over when Peter hands her a pink highlighter as she’s fruitlessly looking through her own bag for one
(”I always pack an extra because you always forget yours”)
Fuck him, honestly.
She pulls Peter up by the hand and leads them away from the window in the door for some semblance of privacy
Peter looks like all his christmases have come at once when she leans up against him, trapping him to the wall.
“I-” she huffs unable to find the words to describe the warm fluffy feeling inside her. She figures pressing him into a slow kiss gets the point across pretty well
She pulls away when his hands start to grip at her hips.
MJ nuzzles into his neck, kissing there absentmindedly. Soft little pecks distract her as she allows the feeling of being in his arms to settle her. 
“God, I fucking hate you,” she groans in a whisper as Peter pulls her even closer dropping kisses to her hairline, her forehead, and against her brow
If anyone had overheard, the poorly suppressed grin on Peter’s face would be confusing, but he gets it. 
He gets her and how getting close to people and needing people and being okay with wanting to be treated delicately. To want be cared for. To allow herself to be cared for is hard for MJ
 But she wants it from him. Wants to be that for him. 
And Peter thinks that means he’s luckiest. 
As she pulls back to catch his eye, still shy in the big heavy feelings part of being with Peter, she basks in the smile Peter’s giving her.
His hands come up to tangle into her curls, eyes never wavering and she decides that she might be okay with being an actual ball of floof. 
For Peter, anyways. 
Only for Peter.  
She tells him as much and he laughs and kisses her again, “That’s okay you can totally be just be my floof.”
And when they’re making out on the Parker couch later than afternoon, MJ pretends not to notice that he’s changed her contact in his phone to “Michelle ‘MF’ Jones” with 2 cloud emojis.
He’s so corny, and she kisses him a little longer, a little needier than before after she sees it but doesn’t comment. 
She thinks he knows why anyways.
He definitely does. 
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chalk-alchemist · 4 years
only a friend thing
we pushing my own feelings into writing again
but this is not angst for once so don't worry!! imma say it now- feelings suck. I hate them and want em gone. anyway! we love Alfonse in this house and we love lif but hes in the works rn so its okay so we gotta give our mobile marth some love!
anyway I doubt it needs to be said but spoilers for book iii. does anyone pay attention to the plot? idk but be warned.
tbh I might ban myself from writing for Alfonse ever again because what the fuck did I do
Being the summoner of Askr was no easy task. With magic not really existing in your world, summoning was draining. Anna said when she summoned you she tapped into her own magic force to use Breidablik which confused you at first.
“Anna, don’t you wield an axe?” You sprawled out on the couch, draping your legs across the lap of the Askran prince seated on the other end. The blue haired male didn’t mind and lifted his book to continue to read.
The red head hummed in response. Sharena snuck up behind her, wrapping her arms around Anna’s shoulders. “We all have magic abilities! Alfonse and I have more magic potential because we’re the royal siblings of Askr!”
Anna nodded. “So I have magic essence inside of me, but can’t use it.”
You started aimlessly kicking your legs up, thinking to yourself. Alfonse held left arm down on your legs to try and keep you still. “Y/n please, hold still.”
You only huffed and turned your head to stare at the two females. “So then.. How can I summon? Magic is.. Well it’s considered fiction in my world.”
Anna stayed silent for a second, lost in thought. You were right. The orbs couldn’t just give you magical powers, could they? Sharena took the opportunity to speak up. “You’ve just tapped into someone’s magic ability! That or you’ve just come accustomed to living here in Askr!”
You hummed, leaning over the edge of the couch again. Tapped into someone’s magic ability huh? Interesting. You didn’t think much on it, asking Alfonse to pass you some books. Some you could read some you couldn’t. It wasn’t your fault. You were just too busy to continue your lessons on the language of Askr with the royal siblings. They were as well- Sharena, being the disaster lesbian she is, decided her time with her girlfriend was of utmost important so she left the lessons between you and Alfonse. Nobody minded, especially Alfonse himself. 
He was happy for his sister and Eir. Sharena’s cheerful personality seemed to light up the quiet and reserved girl. He could hear Sharena’s loud voice accompanied by soft giggles anytime he did anything. Specifically when he ventured into the gardens, for they were there in each other’s embrace. Anna would always comment on them and Eir would turn bright red, holding Sharena’s hand tighter. Once, you and Alfonse were curled up in a corner of the library reading books on tactics when the trio of girls came in. Eir and Sharena were glancing away, both with bright red faces. Anna had mentioned something about Sharena saying “That’s my sister!”.
Which led you to your current predicament.
With your lessons to learn Askran temporarily on hold, you didn't have much need to seek out the prince. As the Prince of Askr, he had his own duties to tend to. You two held tactics meetings together, had study sessions on other worlds together, and would summon together. But there was no room for anything else. 
That itself was both good and bad. Upon summoning Grima, you had realized that maybe you had some sort of feelings for the prince. It wasn’t when he defended you from the Fell Dragon, but when you two were talking about them. He had given you one of his real smiles as you two laid on the floor of the summoning platform and you had come to the realization that you were royally fucked. So the slight separation was good to calm your nerves, but bad because you couldn’t help but miss his company.
You also had plenty of time to think about what Anna said in that time apart.
You knew the only children of Gustav and Henriette were Alfonse and Sharena. And since Anna was well, one of the Annas, there’s no way she could be apart of the Askran royal family. Meaning she would have to marry in. And in order for Sharena to be called sister...
Oh how royally fucked you were indeed.
It’s as if Anna knew your feelings so the next time you and Alfonse were stretched out on a couch in the library together, she marched in and sat on the chair across from the couch you two were on. 
“Alfonse have you seen my sister?”
The blue haired male didn’t bother looking at her as he handed you another book on Askr. “Which sister? Or are they cousins? There’s a lot of you, Commander.”
She rolled her eyes as you handed him back the book. “Alfie I can’t read this.”
He took the book, switching it out for another one as Anna spoke up. “No Alfie. I mean Sharena.”
You tensed up slightly, sending a narrow gaze at Anna. She winked, leaning forwards in her chair.
“With her girlfriend. They’re inseparable. And stop calling her your sister you aren’t related to her.” The prince rolled his eyes while handing you another book.
“Mother isn’t adopting you.”
It was as if one of Tharja’s curses had been lifted off of you. You felt a cool, relieving sensation while you watched Anna groan and walk out of the library. 
After that, things went back to normal. Mostly. Alfonse and you spent more time in the library together on your couch on the back. Sometimes you’d fall asleep on his chest, leaving him stuck for hours. Not that he minded.
It... Somewhat became a regular activity between you two. Especially when the Order started fighting Hel. In those nine days in which he was cursed, you two could often be found in the other’s arms in some corner. 
It was a friendly thing, you told yourself. It’s only because I’m his only friend outside of Anna and Sharena.
It’s just a friend thing. Right?
In the middle of the night you would often find him slipping into your room with the same excuse of “Sharena moves around too much.”. You never denied him, only scooting over to give him some room. Why would you deny him? He’s your best friend and not to mention he was going to die in less than a week. Until he didn’t. Despite the strained relationship with his father, he still struggled greatly with the loss. So once more, you found yourself comforting him in the dead of night. But it was okay because it’s just a friend thing, right?
After the conflict with Hel was over there wasn’t a need for you to visit him in the night. You missed it, so you settled for naps on him in the library. Nobody commented on it openly, as you did hear Eir and Sharena say something about you two. But it was not your concern on what it was. You two were just friends, and it was just a friend thing.
You sat on the hard stone of the summoning platform, deep in thought. You didn’t hear the footsteps approaching you or the question being asked. It was only until arms had been wrapped around you and a chin had rested upon your shoulder. You didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.
“Hey Alfie.”
The man in question snorted. “Yes, Y/n?”
“What, do you not like that nickname? Should’ve said so months ago.” You rolled your eyes, leaning against his chest.
The two of you sat in silence, thinking about who knows what. The silence wasn’t awkward just comforting. You and Alfonse were a pair not meant to be kept apart. Nothing could change the air between you. When Sharena forced him into his spring costume, you were the only one who manage to keep your eyes level with his. (He didn’t need to know that wasn’t true)
“Y/n.” Alfonse straightened his posture, pulling slightly away. “Grima and I were talking the other day...”
You pulled back, turning around to face him. “Grima?”
It was odd. The topic of Grima was once again here on the summoning platform. You had spaced out before blinking and turning your attention back to Alfonse.
Hold on.
When was he so close?
His hand brushed against your cheek ever so slightly. You glanced up at him, slightly concerned. “Alfonse?”
He responded with a smile. “Were you listening?”
You shook your head, preparing to speak as his lips pressed against yours. As quick as they were there, they had left and he was looking away. “I said, it’s more than just a friend thing.”
You had no response, only curling up at his side once more.
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