#maybe they'll do an ova..
haru-chi · 1 year
May I manifest this for it to become true <3
the 7th season gonna be the dream exorcist season ~
where we'll have :
Yorishima first anime debut
Hakozaki mansion 2nd story
Hand extended story
Miharu arc story
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kerubimcrepin · 2 months
Wakfu OVA - Book 2, Ush [PART 1]
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Bonta my beloved...
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From these two shots we can see the approximate location of the Crepin-Jurgen residence.
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Atcham is, for some reason, the first one at the door. Maybe he's been walking a polite "I don't know those two" distance away from Kerubim and Joris. Idk.
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[guy who misses liveblogging Dofus and pointing random things out voice] Here Luis says that it took Joris, Kerubim, and Atcham three months to get the Dofus. I wonder what this means.
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Catboy Joris agenda continues to rise.
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Two of the silliest things here are an unopened letter that has a chunk of it torn off (unopened for 3 months, mind you), and the lute with two broken strings.
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...I really want to see that picture on the wall fully. What does it depict. Hi what does it depict. Hello.!
Judging from the legs, I think it might be Atcham in promiscuous clothes. Literally idk though.
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I love you, Luis.
(Random stack of four pillows and a little stool with a bucket and a bowl on it in the corner there. They may or may not have left home midway through cleaning...., or something.)
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They ARE rude, Luis. Kill them! Kill them!
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I think Atcham is the only one who is brave enough to say this out loud because Luis has a history of being scared shitless of him.
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It is no longer the case after 600 years — he lives here, after all, — but he is still the least likely to get beaten by a floorboard in his sleep for running his mouth.
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No comment.
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This — the cookies/whatever, and tea in a kettle, — leads me to believe there's a tiny timeskip between them going to the basement, and them getting the map and the Dofus out, and that during said timeskip they had tea and cookies.
Also, I find it so funny that they have three little chairs, and the only one using a chair is Kerubim... to stand taller. While Atcham is literally just sitting on the table.
Very important lore. Truly.
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This map is., 200 years out of date. And it was created before the Ogrest's Chaos.. When most of the world wasn't, y'know... flooded.
They're so grandpas... This is so fucking funny I can't.
Also, they couldn't find more than one nail to hold it down, so it seems someone (probably Atcham) just pierced it with a dagger. dfhgjsdfg.
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He;s so cute.... i need him to be hit by a car.
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Atcham is so glad to have finished this quest... In my opinion, he turns to Joris to say this, because Joris has been worried the entire way back. However, it doesn't help much.
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You see, I am insane about this entire exchange. I'm crazy. THIS is why I love the OVAs: they allow us a brief, but very important glimpse into Joris, Kerubim and Atcham's life in Wakfu era.
Joris is weighed down by the morally questionable things he does. Even if it is a "good thing", he isn't proud of it. He's scared they'll hate him, and he's scared that it's a step out of his lane.
However, Kerubim is the one who justifies his and Joris's morally questionable actions. He justifies them through an appeal to the authority of the king, and an appeal to the morality of it.
And he does all of it the second he sees Joris hesitate or be uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form.
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He's been doing this for 600 years. This is so unserious.
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He just interrupts and disregards everything Joris says, as if Joris is insane for thinking these things... and in a way, he is right — Adamai and Yugo do forgive Joris, who seems to have been agonizing about them being mad at him...
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I think Joris overthinks things a lot and starts to panic easily, and Kerubim knows that, and knows how to stop him from doing that.
Besides Kerubim demonstrating that here, he also demonstrates that, really, despite role-playing as their dad, Joris doesn't have the highest authority in this household.
Btw, Kerubim is so very good at chilling when things are actually catastrophically bad, that in my opinion his "this is literally so easy. this is going to be okay. papycha will protect you." may or may not be one of the main contributing factors to Joris doing war crimes in Waven, instead of going insane from panic. Family who war crimes together, stays together.
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connan-l · 6 months
Now that Season 7's first trailer is out, it slightly validated some of my theories about which chapters is going to be adapted — so I decided to make a prediction of what Seasons 7 & 8 could looks like (I mean, we still don't have any confirmation for Season 8, but there's no way we don't get it, right?) I'm probably going to be very wrong but it was fun to try and think about!
I'm going to make the assumption that we'll get 13 episode instead of 11 because of something fun I found out: so far there's been 74 episodes of NatsuYuu (OVAs notwithstanding), which means that if we add two seasons of 13 episodes we'll reach the 100 :) So I hope we actually do get 13 episodes this time (I've also seen some people wondering if we'll exceptionnally get a 22 or 26 episodes season because of the 15th/20th years anniversary, which could be fun but I doubt they'll do that sadly).
Season 7:
Episode 1: Chapter 84 (Mini-Nyanko) Episode 2: Chapter 80 (Yorishima intro) Episode 3: Chapter 77 (Hakozaki 2) Episode 4: Chapter 83 (Kitamoto bookstore) Episode 5: Special 17/84.5 (Teen Matonato 2) Episode 6: Chapters 95 & 96 (Isamu arc) Episode 7: Chapter 81 (Flower bed) Episode 8: Chapters 92-94 (Miharu arc) Episode 9: Chapters 92-94 (Miharu arc) Episode 10: Chapter 87 (Nishimura) Episode 11: Special 8/31.5 (Chobi special) Episode 12: Chapters 88 & 89 (Souko arc) Episode 13: Chapters 88 & 89 (Souko arc)
Season 8:
Episode 1: Chapter 71 (Ake & Shiro) Episode 2: Special 14/67.5 (Birds & Reiko) Episode 3: Chapters 106 & 107 (Yorishima arc 2) Episode 4: Chapters 90 & 91 (Tenjou-san/painting arc) Episode 5: Special 19/89.5 (Matoba station) Episode 6: Chapters 85 & 86 (Tanatsutaki inn arc) Episode 7: Chapters 85 & 86 (Tanatsutaki inn arc) Episode 8: Chapter 99 (Origami) Episode 9: Chapter 108 (Chobi) Episode 10: Chapters 100-104 Homura arc Episode 11: Chapters 100-104 Homura arc Episode 12: Chapters 100-104 Homura arc Episode 13: Chapter 105 (Post-Homura)
For Season 7: I know some people wish the season could start with the exorcist chapters, but I think it makes more sense we begin with a ‘normal’ slice-of-life Natsuyuu episode rather than the more heavy stuff. It’s been seven years, after all; they need to reestablish the series’ characters and world properly, and I think chapter 84 with the clay mini-nyanko is th best one for that. I mean, in this chapter we have: Natsume returning a name, mentions of Reiko & the book, cameos of Tanuma and the Fujiwaras (the anime could probably briefly add Kitanishi, Taki & Sasada too), and a bittersweet story about a yokai Natsume befriends — so I think it’s perfect for a new start to a new season. Then it makes sense to follow this up with the exorcist stuffs in episodes 2 & 3. I'm hesitating which one would go first though; if we follow the manga chronologically then it would be the Hakozaki one, but I think they'll likely choose to reintroduce Natori first... I do believe it's important to introduce Yorishima early on too so that they can later adapt the second Yorishima arc in Season 8, to really establishes him as this new important recurrent character. (Though I wonder if 2 exorcist episodes side-by-side would be too much, so maybe they'll adapt Yorishima intro for ep2, then have another slice-of-life episode, then have the Hakozaki chapter.... who knows)
After that I’m no sure on the order, but there must also be the Taki brother arc for a Taki-focused episode, then the Kitamoto & Nishimura chapters. I think it’d makes sense to adapt both of the Kitanishi chapters in season 7 so that then in season 8 they could adapt the Tenjou-san/painting arc in order to make it feel balanced (or they could do the reverse and adapt Tenjou-san arc before in season 7, but I think it's better if it comes after). And then have the flower bed chapter as another slice-of-life episode (which I think is important to have before the Souko arc thematically). Not gonna lie it really frustrates me that they decided to adapt the Tanuma & Misuzu chapters in a movie, because now Tanuma doesn’t have his own arc like Taki has :( At least he still appears more than her in other arcs, but they’re not focused on him so it’s not the same.
So the Chobi special from Volume 8 might seems weird to be in season 7, and admittedly I doubt it'll ever be adapted (maybe in an OAV?? But who knows) - but I thought about it because of Chapter 108 which is also centered on Chobi. Having the Chobi special before Chapter 108 seemed logical to me, though there's more chance we'll get another special like Special 14 or 18. (UNLESS they manage to adapt the Chobi special with Chapter 108 in a single episode... I dunno).
And there's no way they don't adapt the second teen Natori special, which has to be before Miharu arc. I think the Miharu arc will happens either in the middle or towards the end of the season, but I believe having Souko's arc as the final would be pretty emotionally impactful, with ideally 2 episodes. It’s the origin of the Book of Friends after all, so it’s important to really highlight it (though I doubt they'll do that unfortunately, I think they'll likely try to cram everything into a single episode as usual with the 2 chapters arcs -_-).
For Season 8: I think it makes sense to start with slice-of-life chapters with this season too, but admittedly I wasn't really sure which one. The Ake & Shiro or the origami chapters seems the more likely. Then there's still Special 14, which could also make a fun slife-of-life episode.
The Tenjou-san/painting arc and then the Noren inn arc in this season was more fitting than the last in order to balance the focus on Natsume's school friends - and like I said earlier, even though chronologically it happens later in the manga I think they will adapt the second Yorishima arc as well here. I think it’d make sense they decide to adapt the special with Matoba here too (It could be in Season 7 I suppose? But then it would a wayyy too exorcist-focused season).
What I’m the most confident in is that they’ll decide to end Season 8 with the Homura arc, and that it’ll take 3 episodes. This is such a long, important arc, and if they don’t mess it up it would make an amazing final; especially if after that we don’t get another new season until at least a few years.
(Hopefully we won’t have to wait 6 years for Season 9 afterwards… There was 2 years between Season 2 and Season 3, and then 4 years between Season 4 and Season 5, so if Season 8 is released in 2025 then I hope we’ll get Season 9 in like. 2028-2029. please.)
Anyway, just for fun I tried to imagine what a Season 9 could look like too:
Season 9:
Episode 1: Chapters 109 & 110 (Kaka arc) Episode 2: Chapters 117 & 118 (Occult salon arc) Episode 3: Chapter 112 (Taki Matoba tea party) Episode 4: Chapters 113-116 (Younger Cousin arc) Episode 5: Chapters 113-116 (Younger Cousin arc) Episode 6: Chapters 113-116 (Younger Cousin arc) Episode 7: Chapter 111 (Tanatsukitanishi beach) Episode 8: Chapter 120 (Hakozaki 3) Episode 9: Chapters 121-126 (Portrait of a Girl arc) Episode 10: Chapters 121-126 (Portrait of a Girl arc) Episode 11: Chapters 121-126 (Portrait of a Girl arc) Episode 12: Chapters 121-126 (Portrait of a Girl arc) Episode 13: Chapters 127 (Homura cats returns)
This would make for a super plot-heavy season, but well all the recent arcs ARE very plot-focused lol. I initially thought that maybe the Portrait of a Girl arc could make it more to a potential Season 10 while the younger cousin arc could the final for Season 9, but ending the season on such a personal, Natori-focused arc like that would be a bit... strange. So! If we have Portrait of a Girl as a final, I think it makes sense for the occult salon arc to be at the very start of the season to introduce Shinobu and Clara (I vaguely thought it would be fun if they introduced them in Season 8, but the idea of a whole season where we start with the looming threat of Matoba's mysterious sister only to have her identity revealed at the very end is really cool too). I think the beach chapter too could be nice after the Natori arc as a sort of break before we got back into the heavy plot stuff with the 3rd Hakozaki chapter. I gave Portrait of a Girl 4 episodes here because I think it's what it wolud need to be properly adapted (it IS the longest arc to date after all, with 6 chapters!) but because of that I had to scrap the Hinoe chapter (which could then be adapted into Season 10). However I think it's more likely they adapt it into a three-episodes arc sadly (same thing with the Younger Cousin arc, they'll probably cram it into 2 episodes rather than three...)
And here it is haha. Can't wait to see how completely false my predictions will be lol.
Following this, the still unadapted chapters would include: Chapter 119 (Hinoe/Natsume crossdressing), Chapter 128 (current arc) that would fit into Season 10, then Special 18 (Nyanko meets little boy), Special 20 (movie special), Special 21 (little traveling yokai), Special 22 (Ribbon Nyanko & Mana Kitamoto), all of which could either fit in Season 10 or in an OAV.
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jadeazora · 1 year
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Unpopular opinion, I'm completely cool with Horizons doing it's own thing and not incorporating the storyline of Scarlet and Violet. I'm already pretty interested in how they'll play out Liko's story and the mystery of the Terapagos in the pendant. Plus, with how JN basically did a speedrun of the SwSh plot with Rose, I'd be worried about how they would handle the Team Star stuff or Arven's storyline.
That said, I hope we get an OVA series more along the lines of Origins to compensate (but perhaps a bit longer than just four episodes. Maybe, like 10 episodes)? Full-length episodes tho, not 5-10 minutes like the other OVAs.
The OVAs tend to look better and have nicer animation than the weekly series anyway, so I feel that could be an added bonus. 😉
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Discotek's Tales of Symphonia The Animation Blu-Ray is Rather...
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So in preparation for next month's Colloyd Week, I rewatched the Tales of Symphonia OVAs to catalogue ideas/references. As it happens, it's been well over a decade since I last saw it, and what better way to celebrate my original OTP by finally fishing out that Discotek Blu-Ray I've had lying around?
And folks, now that the two worlds've been reunited and my original OTP's riding off into the sunset, I gotta ask...
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Holy cow, did they have any budget on this thing or what?!
No, seriously, what happened here? The translated script's all well and good, but, come on: the absent omakes? The garish yellow subtitles? The untranslated credits? The mistranslated names?! Really, I'm convinced they had some half-complete style guide because while "Raine", "Genis", and Colette's angel symptoms are left intact, we're left to juggle the following silliness:
"Barraclough Temple" (Balacruf Mausoleum)
"Rewin" (Luin)
"Ascard" (Asgard)
"Haimah" (Hima)
"Techbirds" (Rheairds)
"Gaorakia Forest" (Gaoracchia Forest)
"Artesta" (Altessa)
"Cybac" (Sybak)
"Taiga" ("Tiga")
"Trent Forest" (Torent Forest)
Now, us eagle-eyed Tales of Symphonia fans might pick up how a couple of these are indeed the original Japanese names (for instance, I can buy Ascard slipping through since it's on the opening map), but while localization discrepancies across multimedia are hardly anything new (VIZ Media's Dragon Ball/One Piece manga releases being prime examples), some of these display a shocking lack of professionalism -- you hear Sheena pronouncing "Kuchinawa" plain as day and "Techbirds" is the Tales of Phantasia name for the Rheairds! How did these happen?!
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Look, I get it: licensing anime's expensive and sometimes things fall through -- these releases were mighty pricy over in Japan and if excising the bonuses meant an affordable $40 set, so be it -- but sheesh, if you're gonna treat us to a barebones release, at least show some care and consistency in the actual main course. This is a fan's-first work, after all -- us Tales of Symphonia faithful have been through the wringer with those dreadful remasters alone, and we'll take whatever respite we can get.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off for a retreat into the Trent Forest. Full of Trents, I imagine. Maybe they'll help me write my fic
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(The actual OVA itself? Again, a fan's-first product -- I can't say it's especially welcoming to newcomers with how a 40+ hour game's divided into 11 half-hour episode, but hey, could be way worse. The animation and overall look's gorgeous, Almateria's a hauntingly beautiful opening, the cast chemistry is genuinely endearing, the drama and messaging land as well as ever (I felt emotions on that last episode), and that sickingly-sweet Colloyd goodness drowns you in mushy, soppy fluff -- like being cuddled by ten Noishes at once. Mmm.)
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kawarikisaki · 1 year
I have been thinking about queer-platonic CoAi so much
Especially in a no cure scenario!
They are so committed to each other and they don't think they can open up all the way to anyone else. They casually discuss getting married because they don't know if they can date anyone. If they ever do they'll still be in a committed relationship with each other and the new addition(s) would have to be okay with it. The rest of the Detective Boys think they're in love and dating or maybe mutually pining but the truth is more complicated. Every soft touch they share is to say "I'm here. You're not alone."
Love all kinds of different flavors of CoAi. I just love the two of them together and it doesn't have to be romantic. Love them bickering like an old married couple. Love them being begrudgingly forced together due to circumstances. Love them just being.... them.
They get each other in a way that no one else really can anymore (Mary doesn't count, she's different). They're both young people who've been forced into this danger that they never wanted, and forced to either abandon their prior life or put it on hold indefinitely. Especially in a no cure scenario they would just have to lean on each other as the world starts to move on without them.
Because it wouldn't be like Shinichi's nightmare in OVA 9. They aren't growing.
And as time marches on the consequences of that would just get steeper and steeper...
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anormaladn · 4 months
I know no one asked but I'm gonna answer the question where tf is Ogrest in the middle of my otomirgas
Short answer is I Don't Know What To Do With Him
Long answer is
Otomaï and Tamirga's relationship mostly built up in between the Great Flood and the ovas so he wasn't there back then. Think I'm set on them officially becoming an item pretty much right after Ogrest comes back.
This is where idk what to do with him because I'm not super convinced by the "everything is Fine, Ogrest is a kid again and gets to make as if nothing happened lalala" that's in the show, like, Ogrest lived what, over 100 years minimum? Of pain and resentment and god-like power? That's... you can't come back from that anew. (at least that's not super satisfying a story to me I guess) Even if we know from the Ogrest manga that it's the dofus that made him monstruous... He still killed a lot of people and nearly destroyed the world, that's gotta weight on him and how people see him
Sooo idk. I think in my version Ogrest is still big and monstruous, if less than when he had the 6 dofus. No one really knows how to deal with him. He doesn't fit in Otomaï's house, so they build him one nearby. In a calm place. With a big orchard so that he can eat enough. There are guards, always. Otomaï comes by every day. The whole deal of reconnecting and mending all the hurt is long, complicated and painful sometimes, but he's determined.
Tamirga is 100% out of his depth but. He loves his boyfriend a lot and tries to help out.
THEN in s4 Dathura comes back huhhhh yeah. She still seems to like Ogrest, they'll probably reconnect. If she keeps a high role in the Sadida Kingdom (as she was protecting the Tree of Life) maybe it'll help him not wall himself in
Also hhhh dunno where to put it in there but I'm under the impression that Otomaï's island was destroyed during the Great Flood, since it's not there in the Wakfu mmorpg? I could be wrong. The fact that he presents himself as Amalia's occasional messenger makes me think he lives in the Sadida Kingdom now (and that he has a special relationship with the royal family? maybe? which would explain how both he and Ogrest didn't get locked up/punished after the whole... [gestures]) Any goddamn way that's what I'm going with
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egashira · 1 year
my personal prediction for cherry magic anime: assuming it will be only 12, at most 13, episodes as all (normal) romance anime are nowadays i think each episode can cover around half a volume so the finale could be about adachi losing his magic (volume 6)
because cm is a short form manga, especially the earlier chapters are all over the place so it's hard to tell how the pacing will be?
for example, the first chapter is just 18 pages long but it could stand as an entire episode. though when the chapters are this short episodes tend to cover 2-3 chapters.
but then there's also the .1/.2/etc. chapters that are usually switching povs or flashbacks which i am curious to see how they'll be incorporated into the anime
and there's also the tsugemina scenes which 9 times out of 10 are shoved last minute in the end of the volume so they'll also need to somehow fit those in
i dont know if they'll go the drama route with some loose scene changes (again, short form manga doesn't adapt as smoothly as let's say a 40 page shoujo)
also episode 11 ALWAYS has to have some kind of conflict which depending on the pacing would either be adachi confessing about his magic or the news of adachi's tranfer to nagasaki . or if they start the drama from episode 10 it can be the nagasaki transfer and ep11 can end with kurosawa in the rain- im getting ahead of myself
my ideal pace would be
episode 1: prologue + staying over
episode 2: dining out + tsuge intro + king's game
episode 3: king's game (cont) + onsen trip
episode 4: kurosawa sister + sickfic
episode 5: takoparty + confession
episode 6: confession reply
episode 7: failed first date + first date redemption
episode 8: company event
episode 9: magic confession, kiss
episode 10: nagasaki transfer, fight
episode 11: nagasaki visit, adachi letter, episode ending with kurosawa going to nagasaki
episode 12: magic begone, some anime original ending maybe if theyre sure theres no s2 they could timeskip. but honestly they already know cm fans eat up anything so they should definitely do a second season. or at least another movie. i would take an ova even.
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shslivalice · 1 year
"#well every final fantasy is canon to it#up to pre-16 since i dont wanna re-write stuff#but like... the ff5 ova? canon#all the bravest? canon#world of final fantasy? you'll understand alexander more if you know it"
That is awesome! (Not that I'm a sucker for anything that mashes the whole series together or anything.) Tell me more?
Ficverse/Espersong Saga. Began as my silly 'Sunderedswap' for Ascians, since I wanted to make a slightly different Eorzea. And Minfilia as WoL. Just a simple FF14 re-write.
Note: One of the sunderedswaps is a VA joke, the other is a pun. (Nabriales - who was Balthier back when Ivalice existed. Mitron? Well. I am amused at the pun Mitronbryda and it is so funny.)
(I also wanted to put some sundered souls in Scions, because Emets' soul being inside Thancred is funny, and then Sundered Lahabrea getting so pissed off and trying to possess him to wake him up.)
(Mitron also has been doing stupid stuff, like. Splitting soul in half so half can be with the sundered Loghrif and the other half can do Rejoining Stuff. Nabriales, meanwhile, is just getting freaked out by the fact several former FF12 souls have been reborn and maybe they'll figure him out?)
And then I sprinkled in Dissidia mostly, but then added more. Alexander, for example, being this high and mighty deity? Mixing that with 14 Lore has been so fun! Alexander meddling with time and trying to reconstruct worlds after Dissidia Shinryu devours them. And then claimed an avatar and well, they call it enthrallment because what else could it be? And then Ardyn is sleeping with Solus (it's not romantic, they just both miss their partners.)
And then me sliding in some of my other AUs and making them work in this Big Universe. It's just. My Passion Project and has so many funny facts.
I did begin writing and publishing it before 6.0, so some things have been re-worked - but some haven't. Damnit I chose a role for the Heart of Sabik, I'm keeping mine. But the Endsinger, for example, gave me the chance to be like 'okay shinryu hasnt eaten this world yet because got distracted'.
Also a link to the collection.
But like lmao you know how good I am at thinking of how FF things can go together. I helped you, after all!
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ofdemonsandangels · 1 year
What's the best adaptation of Berserk? Looking at the content, not the visuals. It's been a while since I watched the 2016 film adaptation and I could be wrong, but isn't this the most accurate film adaptation of the arc? Yes, there is a changed third episode, but the script for this episode was written by Miura. I've heard many times people complain not only about the visuals, but also about the story. They say he's boring, but isn't that because Berserk himself became a little… boring after the Golden Age? Many people praise the plot of the 1997 anime, although it is essentially fan fiction and not an accurate adaptation. They usually say that the 1997 anime comes first, the movies come second, and the 2016 anime comes third. I think it's exactly the opposite (anime 2016-movies-anime 1997) because isn't the 2016 film adaptation the most accurate adaptation of some Berserk arc? Why is the 2016 anime so bad apart from the visuals? I'm interested to hear your opinion <3
Thanks for the ask anon! It's been a while since I've gotten some asks in my inbox so I'm very happy to answer this.
Truth be told, I'm not really a fan of any of the adaptations. I don't like how the word 'masterpiece' is thrown around when it comes to praising the series, but when talking about its adaptations, I've referred to it as an "unadaptable masterpiece" more than once. I don't think that any of the Berserk adaptations have truly and decently adapted the girth that is the Golden Age, and by extension, the Conviction arc.
With the 1997 anime, it's the most accurate in regards to its adaptation to the Golden Age but I find the pacing to be extremely slow at times. With that being said, I applaud it for adapting all of the important Griffith scenes (such as the Genon flashback and the Tombstone of Flames) because those are some of my favorite parts of the Golden Age and it's unfortunately the only adaptation to contain those scenes. The soundtrack is great, the 90's nostalgia is there, and it was a good first crack at such a heavy arc. Decent, but not good.
It gets complicated for me with the ova trilogy because I do think they're good when it comes to portraying Guts and Griffith's relationship as a heart-wrenching, avoidable tragedy. The iconic "Do I need a reason?" line? The way that Guts and Griffith's eyes just absolutely soften when they see each other from across the ballroom? I fold every time. Which is why I get so angry when I remember that SO MUCH had been cut. These movies were the introduction to Berserk for a whole lot of people and more often than not, the only adaptation of Berserk they'll ever watch. So many uninformed and brain cell melting takes and opinions come out of this and it makes me so upset because so much of what was cut is incredibly important to understanding Griffith. But the important Griffith scenes aside, Charlotte's presence was cut down significantly too. Granted it would've been super uncomfortable and downright disturbing to watch her father assault her, but the lodestone scene was a very nice moment between her and Casca. And it would've at least given her character a lot more depth. Also speaking of Casca, why the fuck is she whitewashed??? Don't give me that shit about "the lighting" either. She's clearly lighter, appearing much more tan than brown. I've already voiced my criticisms about Casca's character before but her being whitewashed in the most popular and well known adaption doesn't sit right with me.
And lastly, the 2016 anime. Frankly, I don't like it at all. I find the animation to be way too off-putting for me to even make it through a single episode, and just like the ova trilogy, a lot has been cut. It left out the Lost Children arc for God's sake! That's my second favorite arc in the entire series. Although maybe it's good that Jill and Rosine weren't subjected to an adaptation unworthy of them. The 2016 anime feels like a very hasty summary of the Conviction arc instead of an actual adaptation, which is a shame because Conviction is an arc that's detrimental to how everyone's post-Eclipse arcs are established. You asked if it's the most accurate adaptation of a Berserk arc, but it's not. Far from it. It's the least accurate by a long shot. If you're going into it after watching the 1997 anime and the ova trilogy, you're going to be extremely confused.
Overall, my ranking of the three adaptations goes like this: the ova trilogy, the 1997 anime, and then the 2016 anime. This isn't to say that anyone's preference for one adaptation is valid. We all love this dark and crazy world created by Miura afterall.
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thelumpyabyss · 2 years
i just passed out on the couch for an hour and half out of emotional exhaustion but oh my god tiger & bunny can't be over i refuse to believe it. spoilers under the cut
-THEY NEVER GOT THEIR DRINKS!! are they really going to leave the "guess we have to toast with our IVs" the closest taibani gets to going out for drinks....that's criminal
-i guess i was expecting kotetsu would lose his powers but it was so abrupt and he seemed so...not ok with it, but resigned? i thought we would've gotten more of an emotional response from him. we sure got one from bunny lol
-i was really surprised they put a limitation on bunny's powers, too, and he's not even going to stop being a hero because of it?? having your leg kill you every time you use your powers seems really serious and i can't see that being as sustainable as kotetsu's declining powers were. also is it wrong of me to not want bunny to be a hero without kotetsu lol. WHO'S GOING TO BE HIS BUDDY?? he can't have another buddy!!!
-the ED was so romantic and for what????
-listen i'm a veteran fujo and i knew there was no possible chance for a taibani kiss but it really seemed like they were setting us up for one? what with the raging NEXT lesbian and ruby mentioning her two dads...idk i thought for sure they were hinting at something. but queer rep is always good, in any case. i wish they had at least hugged though...
-lunatic really went through it after not much action from him in the first part!! HIS POOR MOTHER omg. idk if he's really dead but like. he probably is. he deserved better. it was cool seeing him fight with the heroes.
-they didn't wrap up anything with ouroboros!! it bugs me that no one mentioned the ouroboros tattoo on brahe's hand. you'd think bunny would've been all over that shit. i want to know what their true motives are if they really do run the world
-bunny having a flashback to maverick when it was hinted that mattia might've betrayed him. i wish there'd been more about that
-i did NOT expect them to bust out the real life l.l. auden! it cracked me up that he was just like "oh hello do you need help oh of course i'll kill some villains for you"
-one of the things i was most afraid of happening was gregory using his power on kotetsu but what i didn't realize i should've been afraid of was KOTETSU RAMPAGING AGAINST BUNNY...that hurt me. at least it didn't last long
-when the mayor was making his stupid decision to segregate NEXTs i wish he had made some comment about how maverick basically used to tell him what to do in situations like this. it always bugged me how they never mentioned the man again except for brief flashbacks
-AGNES NOT WANTING TO HEAR KOTETSU SAY HE WON'T BE A HERO ANYMORE!!!! i knew she had a soft spot for him
-rock bison having a crush on agnes....i really thought his present was for origami esbibgierubwrhw that whole plot point was so funny
-i'm glad black and thomas actually became proper partners. they were so good together! I'M SO HAPPY THEY FOUND RUBY!! she's so cute and it was nice to see thomas happy
-BUNNY USING KOTETSU'S SUIT???? and using it really well?? and kotetsu saying "it felt like tiger and bunny!" IOEFIREHEUIHIH the fact that they know each other so well that bunny was able to use kotetsu's suit as if it was an extension of having kotetsu there fighting with him......THEY REALLY ARE THE BEST TEAM EVER. THEY'LL ALWAYS BE PARTNERS (because they're married)
-kotetsu finally got to carry bunny.....
-KING OF BUDDY HEROES ToT I CRIED FOR SO LONG!! i hope there's a season 3 or a movie or an OVA or SOMETHING because there are a lot of loose ends they didn't tie up, but at the same time there was a huge sense of finality? idk. maybe they'll announce something at the last live watch party. i'm really really hoping. this can't be the end. i don't want to say goodbye to the best team ever.
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melishade · 2 years
Don't worry about the progress you are doing fine. I've been following this fanfic for years and now it is the only one I am keeping track of. I've read this shit for like a hundred times from the start to the finish now and I still enjoy it. You'll get it right. Also 🌻
And I appreciate that a lot. I do. A lot of the people who commonly like and comment on my work like you, @justawannabearchaeologist, @lazymooneye @fandoms-uniteds-blog, @fandomchick80 and more Ao3 commenters like Samuel Y.S. Loe, and Haris. People who made fanart for my work that I put so much time in, like @honey-on-bread. You take time out of your day to just leave a simple like and comment talking about my work, and yeah, some of you guys have been following me for years. It's something I deeply appreciate.
...It's just....I work really hard writing these chapters. I put so much time and so much effort into this crossover that I do enjoy writing. Even if it is a lot of work at times.
The Hizuru OVA took me so long to write, and I had to do so much research in order to create a situation as to what Hizuru would look like during this time period. I had to look up the layout of Japan in 1920s and 1930s. I had to look up the appearance of rulers to make my own OCs to interact with Mikasa. I looked up toys, games, foods, traditions, fighting styles, music, for this specific chapter alone. It sits at 31,301 words, and I'm still adding to it. I'm putting a lot of time and effort into some of the chapters I've written in the past. And when I post it, hoping for some validation, some comments, even a simple 'cool chapter', sometimes I don't get that. I don't get the flood of comments that I used to which is understandable because I don't have that same large audience that I used to have on fanfiction.net. I'm reworking to get the following that I had when I was on that website and that took years to accumulate.
Some of the things that do make me mad though is when people demand stuff out of me. Like "please add this" or "are you going add this character to the story" or "you should really write this" or "I think this would be great" and they'll say it repeatedly even though I've set up ground rules for this. (This is happening more on Ao3, not here anymore. Surprisingly you guys are actually listening to the rules here.) I put so much time and effort trying to craft a story that I like, and some people are demanding that I change a story to their liking even though I've stated repeatedly "I have my story planned out. I have my ending planned out. I'm not changing anything to your whim. I know what I want."
It's dejecting sometimes, and I'm particularly worried that when I do post the Hizuru chapter on March 19th, it's not going to get the recognition and praise that I'm hoping for. And people will just use the opportunity to beg me to write something for them when they are more than capable of doing it themselves. I want to talk about my thought process, my writing process. I want people to see what I see, or come up with a wild theory that I could laugh about, think is good, or even say "damn alright. you get a cookie. good work."
I don't know. Maybe I'm just being childish. I don't like to spoil my work because I want it to be a good experience for those who want to be surprised, and this is the internet. I shouldn't expect more from internet.
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daz4i · 1 year
what really confuses me about the anime cutting stuff out, is the anime is almost caught up with the manga now! that is never a good thing! that’s what leads to things like what happened with the fullmetal alchemist and tokyo ghoul and soul eater animes, to name a few off the top of my head. they’re either going to have to diverge from manga canon completely, or go on a major hiatus until they’ve got enough for another season, or adapt something else, since straightforward filler doesn’t seem like an option
i agree!!!!!! D:
i do think they'll adapt stormbringer soon. my guess is a 5 episodes ova sort of thing maybe (for reasons i am too lazy to explain rn but i probably mentioned before). or maybe they'll do like a 55 minutes movie or animated version of beast, who knows! it's actually a good thing that bsd has a lot of side content that can fill up hiatus time 🫡
either way they def need to put a pause on the main story for a few years to let the manga fill up, maybe finish the doa arc. idm a long hiatus if it means the future products will be better, yknow :? and bsd's anime already had a very big gap between seasons before so i def think it can survive that!
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licdu · 1 year
Domestic Girlfriend
English: Before I started watching, I heard a lot of bad things about this anime. And maybe it's just me, but I actually liked it quite a bit. Anyway, we have the main character - Natsu. Natsu is in love with his teacher. The first time we see Natsu, he's in some club, where he meets a girl who stands out because she doesn't like those kinds of things. They realize they have some similarities and they go to her place (the girl's name is Rui) and try having sex for the first time because they're bored with their lives. Yes, there is a lot of depression in this anime. After that, they part ways and think they'll never see each other again. The mother of the teacher Natsu likes is getting married to Natsu's father. Also, Rui and the teacher - Hina, are sisters. So now they are Natsu's half-sisters. While they live in his house, there are a lot of "temptations" for Natsu because he likes Hina, but he had sex with Rui. Hina decides to live on her own. We meet more supporting characters. There are problems when Hina and Rui find out what Natsu had with both of them. There are really sad and ecchi scenes, so if you plan to watch this, watch it when there's no one else at home. At the end of the anime, Natsu's school goes to a festival where, for the first time, Natsu and Hina have a sexual encounter. However, the school finds out about it, and there are big problems. How they found out - well, Natsu and Hina were the only ones not present when the others took a group photo, and in the background of the photo, they could be seen through the balcony of a building, and it was clear what they were doing. Hina decides to move to another city, which causes Natsu to fall into depression, but he decides to do something with his life. That's where the anime ends, honestly, I would love to have a sequel, but I know very well that there won't be one. I mean, the manga is finished, but I really don't feel like reading it because it's quite long. The opening from this anime is actually my favorite opening in general, it's just amazing in every aspect. And yes, I gave it a two on MAL (MyAnimeList), but that's for safety reasons. Otherwise, I would give it a seven.
Favorite Character: Tachibana, Rui Serbian: Pre nego što sam počeo da gledam, čuo sam baš mnogo loših stvari o ovom animeu. I možda sam to samo ja, ali meni se ovo dosta svidelo. Uglavnom, imamo glavnog lika - Nacua. Nacu je zaljubljen u svoju profesorku. Prvi put vidimo Nacua u nekom klubu valjda, gde susreće devojku koja se izdvojila, jer ne voli takve stvari. Shvataju da su pomalo slični, te odlaze kod te devojke kući (devojka se zove Rui), i probaju seks po prvi put, jer im je dosadno u životu. Da, u ovom animeu ima dosta depresije. Posle toga su se razišli, i mislili su da se nikad više neće videti. Majka od profesorke u koja se sviđa Nacuu se udaje za Nacuovog oca. Takođe, Rui profesorka - Hina su sestre. Tako da su one sad polu sestre Nacuu. Dok žive u njegovoj kući, ima dosta "iskušenja" za Nacua, jer mu se ova sviđa, a sa ovom je imao seks. Hina odlučuje da ode da živi samostalno. Upoznajemo još sporednih likova. Bude problema kad Hina i Rui saznaju šta je Nacu imao sa obadve. Ima baš, baš tužnih, ali i eči scena, tako da, ako planirate da gledate ovo, gledajte kad nema nikog kod kuće. Na kraju animea, Nacuova škola ide na festival, gde po prvi put, Nacu i Hina stupaju u seksualni odnos. Međutim, škola saznaje za to, i dolazi do velikih problema. Kako su saznali - pa, Nacu i Hina jedini nisu bili tu kad su se ostali fotografisali, a na fotografiji su se mogli videti kroz balkon zgrade u pozadini, i to je moglo biti jasno šta rade. Hina odlučuje da se preseli u drugi grad, zbog čega Nacu pada u depresiju, ali odlučuje da učini nešto od sebe. Tu se negde anime i završava, iskreno, voleo bih da bude nastavka, ali vrlo dobro znam da neće. Mislim, manga je gotova, ali me jako mrzi da čitam, jer je dosta dugačka. Opening iz ovog animea mi je zapravo omiljeni opening generalno, prosto je predobar u svakom aspektu. I jeste da sam dao dvojku na MAL-u, ali to je zbog bezbednosnih razloga. Inače bih dao sedmicu. Omiljeni Lik: Tačibana, Rui
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makoandharu · 2 years
Do you think they'll make an ova? Some people were saying there were hints of a season 4 but if anything i think kyoani might do a free! Series with aki and a girl group. Maybe even another movie of their childhood based on the books? Idk i think they said something was coming for the 10th anniversary but It might be a seiyuu event.
I hope not i can't take anymore of people who don't know what they're doing having creative control over my favourite characters like just leave them alone i can fill in the gaps myself i know them better
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carmenized-onions · 4 months
1. It genuinly took me a few chapters to realize chip and mikey were platonic. Buuuut I do like them as both. Like Chip and Carm feels more pure (?) in a way when everything with Mikey was platonic (cause like Chip wasn’t romantic with his bro first) but i also love the idea of Chippy and mikey being cute and romantic - sue me. honestly maybe it’s both!! maybe they were really close friends who sometimes acted a bit closer than what someone who’s platonic would. maybe some light flirting and touches that lingered a bit too long. it’s anyone’s guess!!
2. bro wanting to ruin it on purpose before he can ruin it on accident is yeah…. i’ll lock myself in a room
3. oh yes it’s very clear chips ‘n’ dip only thinks they’re at fault with what happened to mikey. your writing conveys it perfectly i promise!!
9. Yeah that thing about bisexual femmes,,, accurate
10. please as a fellow yapper i absolutely believe people can speak many sentences in one go, or monolouge. my biggest enemy when writing academic papers is trying to shorten my sentences cause when i write my first draft i fully truck what looks like three sentences into one oops
Beep bop boop beep I have a rule of clearing out my inbox before I post a new chapter so yee haw!!! After this chapter's dropping hehehehehe
We will get into it story wise, because I did definitely tow a line a little bit, but yes, I agree. I wouldn't say pure but more like-- As a sibling, if a girl that dated my brother then wanted to date me? Hey. No. Hey man? No thanks. Cooties.
Marchippy is so funny, they'll definitely have actual moments in the future, lmao.
And YES TO THE YAP!! Big fuckin fan of commas ova here. I just be sayin shit. Also a huge Dash person, yknow the -- i do all the time? I do them in essays too, i'm constantly interrupting myself, i'm CRAZY!!!
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