#hizuru ova
melishade · 1 year
Well, now only one of Megatron's allies is left without a show. So if you can ask what if Predaking was a Attack on Prime. There would then be a set of three faction leaders, and Hange would go crazy at the sight of him. Sorry for translation errors. English is not my native language
This is a unique case, and this is mainly because of Predaking's overall character and character story in Transformers Prime.
I've discussed this with a few people, but Predaking really did get the short end of the stick in the show. A great parallel to him would be the monster Victor Frankenstein created. He was created for war, and because someone wanted to defy the very nature of god. He was constantly feared, lied to, betrayed, abused, ridiculed, you name it. And this all happens in the span of months after Predaking is born.
Predaking desires one thing: to lead more like him. To be amongst his own kind. To be respected and not be treated like some animal. His serving Megatron and helping him conquer before Megatron decided to double cross him, was no doubt a way of Predaking showing loyalty and gratitude for life and kinship with his own kind. So to hear that all three were apparently killed in RID2015 by Starscream is such bullshit though.
Would Predaking have turned good in the show if given the opportunity? I think he would, but it really just depends on who's showing him respect and treating him like an equal. Also, based on what we've seen with Predaking, he is someone who values honor as well. I just don't think Predaking would be evil for the sake of being evil. There are multiple factors to this. @emperor-kumquat explores this well with the TF Mercy game-story line, which explores the different paths Predaking could take: good, evil, or neutral, post TFP. It's a very interesting concept. Go check it out.
So knowing this, Predaking's place in Attack on Prime would be conflicting overall. He could probably leave with Darksteel and Skylynx to find a place to call home, or maybe he just refuses to be on a world of Autobots and goes alone. Or maybe Darksteel and Skylnyx are the ones killed off, leaving Predaking devastated. If he were to arrive on AOT, I don't think he would side with anyone. He's not going to side with Paradis because Megatron's right there. If anything, Predaking would try to kill Megatron for what he did to the Predacons on Earth. And he still blames Optimus for that too, because the Autobots ultimately did throw that grenade. Predaking would probably go after Optimus next. Would Predaking kill Optimus? Maybe. He's obviously not going to side with Marley because of the literal oppression of the Eldian people that reminds him of the abuse that he's endured.
...he could actually...he could serve as a third party. With Hizuru. Instead of Predaking going to Paradis or Marley, he hides out in Hizuru after sniffing out an energon deposit on their land. The locals spot him in predacon mode, and instead of running away in fear, they begin to worship him. Predaking finds offerings left for him by the energon deposit he's act. Confused by it, and the humans. Sure, the worship is doing wonders for his ego and pride, but he just doesn't get why they're worshiping him.
Besides Hizuru aligned themselves with Eldia in the past, I'd like to think that they kept their culture and traditions, instead of having it trampled and wiped out. And Predaking's form, which is reminiscent of a dragon, has the locals thinking that he's a god of their lands.
This does get wind to Ambassador Kiyomi and a new OC that I alluded to before hand via word of mouth from Kiyomi, Emperor Taisho. He orders Kiyomi to go to Predaking's location with some armed men. When they arrive, Predaking, in his beast mode, sees the weapons and immediately gets angry. He's screeching and acting intimidating, but doesn't attack. That's key here. They are all scared, and Kiyomi trying to figure out why, since Predaking didn't attack the local and let them leaves gifts. She puts two and two together and tells everyone to drop their weapons immediately. They are extremely reluctant given the situation, but Kiyomi is steadfast in her decision. They all do, and Predaking calms down, but is still growling at them.
"Apologies, mighty one." Kiyomi bowed, "We mean no disrespect. My name is Kiyomi Azumabito: head of the Azumabito Clan and ambassador to Hizuru. It is an honor to meet someone as great as yourself."
The dragon had stopped growling at them, but still raised it's head, looking down at them with contempt. Kiyomi raised her head and continued. "Many around the area believe that you are a god of our ancestors, great and powerful. They leave you offerings as a sign of respect."
The dragon tilted its head at that, and Kiyomi noticed the dragon's gaze turning to the small pile of offerings at the mouth of the cave it resided in.
"But...I know that you are not a god," Kiyomi proclaimed. The soldiers snapped their heads at Kiyomi, staring at her in horror. Did...did she just offend a dragon?!
"Ambassador!" one of them warned in anger and fear, but the dragon...didn't seem offended by Kiyomi's proclamation. In fact, it...snorted at the comment before sitting down on the ground, its front claws crossed together.
"I might not know the exact name for your specific species, but I have seen for myself some of those like you on Paradis," Kiyomi explained, "The scales mimic the metal that they are covered in. And so few mighty beings are capable of flight on this world of ours. And the locals say, that you have been hording glowing, blue, rocks, which your kind calls...energon."
The dragon's brow perk up at the word, almost surprised that Kiyomi would know such a phrase.
"You might not be one of the gods Hizuru treasures so greatly, but I know that you are a mighty being from beyond the stars, called a 'Cybertronian'." Kiyomi declared with a smirk, "So, mighty one, would you please care to reveal your actual form so that we may have a proper discussion of the implications of you being on our land bring?"
The dragon...seemed amused at Kiyomi's question, and Kiyomi prepared for the worse, but the dragon...suddenly began to change. Its body twisted and morphed, its elongated body turned into a human like one. Its claws turned into razor sharp hands and feet. Its wings were tucked behind its back. And its face changed into a human-like one, with horns poking out of its head like a crown.
"I could have eliminated you from the face of this world, little human," the dragon spoke with an accent, "But as of this moment, I see no need to. However, I do not appreciate weapons being brought into my domain."
"You are on Hizuru soil," Kiyomi reminded, "If anything, you trespass on our lands and bring us a great deal of trouble."
"I seem to bring a great deal of trouble to everyone around me because everyone fears what they do not understand," the dragon said, "This is quite the most relaxed I have been. I would prefer to be left alone, and I have the resources that I need. Leave now, and consider this conversation done."
"You do not seem to mind the offerings brought to your door." Kiyomi gestured to the small pile.
"I do not know what they are, and I have no need for any of them," the dragon explained, "I only allow it because these locals do not attack me or threaten me."
"Yes, because they believe you are a god of Hizuru legend," Kiyomi explained, "But that is not what the humans outside of are country will see you as. They will see you as a monster, a demon, a beast that must be struck down and stripped of its parts. The very components that make you your biology, is something so enriching and valuable it would bring great power to those who hold it."
"I doubt humans like you are capable of going against my might," the dragon declared.
"Maybe, but what about titans?" Kiyomi challenged.
The dragon was...perplexed at this question. "Titans?"
"Titans are very powerful and monstrous being," Kiyomi explained, "Many of them feast on humans, but only nine of them hold very rare and powerful abilities that could even go up against someone like you. A country called Marley has taken the resources that you feast on, and made these titans even more dangerous than before. They cause harm to millions of us humans around this world, and may very well become a threat to you, once they become aware of your existence."
"Then perhaps I have no need for this planet, and will continue my search for a new haven elsewhere," The dragon declared.
"You could, but I can only imagine how long that you take," Kiyomi sighed in defeat.
"You seem to underestimate my might, human," the dragon snarled.
"Oh, I would never," Kiyomi feigned innocence, "But how long did it take for you to find this world: a world full of substantial resources you could horde all to yourself, and a population that adores the ground that you walk on? And how long would it take for you to find the next one? Before something dreadful happens to you in that vast unknown?"
The dragon seemed to be considering Kiyomi's queries while everyone else grew tense. "A fair argument; however, I am not privy to the ways of humans. And I do not trust your kind, or anyone else for the matter."
Kiyomi noticed the bitter, angered, and pained expression in the dragon's eyes. "Because you yourself have been betrayed by someone you have trusted. Haven't you?"
"...perhaps," the dragon replied, "My past does not concern you."
"Then instead, we can work together towards a brighter future for the both of us. One where you are fed, protected, and worshipped, and one where we grow stronger to protect our motherland together."
The dragon contemplated this offer for a brief moment. "I will...consider."
"Thank you for this audience...," Kiyomi trailed off, "If I may ask, what is your name?"
"I have called myself Predaking," he introduced.
"A king with no subjects," Kiyomi mused, "How odd."
"Do not press your luck, Azumabito," Predaking warned, before transforming back into beast mode and retreating to his cave.
(You will learn more about the Emperor and Hizuru, in the Hizuru OVA coming out on March 19th. And once that is released, I will answer more questions that come into my inbox about this topic.)
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melishade · 1 year
Attack on Prime Hizuru OVA: All quotes of Megatron showing displeasure in the country (AKA Megatron being such a fucking child while escorting Mikasa)
Main Story
“Noblemen. I hate them with every fiber of my being,” Megatron growled as he stopped.  (In reference to Kiyomi’s home)
- “Disgusting,” Megatron commented as he knocked on the gate. He tapped his foot impatiently while Mikasa continue to stare. (In reference to Kiyomi’s home)
The dragonflies flew above the flowers and past her head. Mikasa smiled at the sight while Megatron swatted one that flew near his head to the water.
Mikasa was startled when Kenzo began to growl at Megatron, but the titan was not amused at the situation.
“Kenzo,” the prince scolded.
“Sit,” Megatron ordered the dog in an ominous tone.
Kenzo whined as it lowered its head in submission and backed away before sitting down.
“Well, that was just mean,” the prince remarked as he petted Kenzo to comfort it.
Mikasa didn’t reply to that as she stood next. “So this is a royal party?”
“It’s pretentious,” Megatron rolled his eyes.
“That’s good,” Mikasa said before looking outside, seeing the cherry blossoms in bloom. “The flowers are beautiful.”
“It’s too vibrant,” Megatron proclaimed, “And frail. Apparently, they only last for a week.”
“Black’s a good look for you,” Kenshin complimented.
“I hate it,” Megatron declared.
“It’s similar to sword fighting, but usually a lot safer,” Kenshin explained as he grabbed another wooden sword, “Its purpose is to help train the body and mind.”
“Sounds boring,” Megatron commented as he leaned against the wall.
Mikasa nodded her head in response.
“By the Allspark, this is boring,” Megatron declared.
“If you want, you can try it,” Kenshin offered.
“Absolutely not,” Megatron declared, “I have no reason to lower myself to rather cheap techniques.”
“Sorry,” Kenshin apologized as he walked up to them and adjusted the jacket of the suit that he was wearing.
“We could’ve left an hour ago,” Megatron commented, “You humans and your appearances.”
“How about this?” Kenshin offered.
“By the Allspark, how does that look more off-putting than the actual cat?” Megatron demanded.
“Oh my god,” Kiyomi rolled her eyes.
“It’s beautiful,” Mikasa commented.
Megatron noticed Mikasa staring and quickly crushed the petal in his fist.
“You didn’t seem to be having fun,” Mikasa retorted as she stood up, “So let’s go have some fun.”
Megatron rolled his eyes as he stood up. “I doubt anything on this wretched continent would constitute as fun.”
Mikasa bowed respectfully while Megatron eyed the daruma doll with slight disgust.
“What’s wrong?” Mikasa asked him as they walked away from the booth.
“Somehow this is more unsettling then that cat you got for one of your comrades,” Megatron explained, “And this thing is suppose to represent good luck?”
Megatron looked over to see Mikasa staring at him with the fox mask on. “You look ridiculous.”
“I can,” Mikasa answered, “You should put yours on. It matches your eyes.”
“I’m not going to put cheap plastic over my face,” Megatron declared.
However, there was one game that involved live fish, and Megatron wanted no part in handling those ‘slimy, disgusting creatures’. Mikasa could agree on that. She wasn’t exactly a fan of touching fish.
He’s such a child; it’s great. I will be doing commentary on the Hizuru OVA, but that’s just going to take a while for me to write up. Also, the deleted scene on how Armin and Eren were coping with Mikasa being gone. It’s gonna be fun.
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melishade · 1 year
Don't worry about the progress you are doing fine. I've been following this fanfic for years and now it is the only one I am keeping track of. I've read this shit for like a hundred times from the start to the finish now and I still enjoy it. You'll get it right. Also 🌻
And I appreciate that a lot. I do. A lot of the people who commonly like and comment on my work like you, @justawannabearchaeologist, @lazymooneye @fandoms-uniteds-blog, @fandomchick80 and more Ao3 commenters like Samuel Y.S. Loe, and Haris. People who made fanart for my work that I put so much time in, like @honey-on-bread. You take time out of your day to just leave a simple like and comment talking about my work, and yeah, some of you guys have been following me for years. It's something I deeply appreciate.
...It's just....I work really hard writing these chapters. I put so much time and so much effort into this crossover that I do enjoy writing. Even if it is a lot of work at times.
The Hizuru OVA took me so long to write, and I had to do so much research in order to create a situation as to what Hizuru would look like during this time period. I had to look up the layout of Japan in 1920s and 1930s. I had to look up the appearance of rulers to make my own OCs to interact with Mikasa. I looked up toys, games, foods, traditions, fighting styles, music, for this specific chapter alone. It sits at 31,301 words, and I'm still adding to it. I'm putting a lot of time and effort into some of the chapters I've written in the past. And when I post it, hoping for some validation, some comments, even a simple 'cool chapter', sometimes I don't get that. I don't get the flood of comments that I used to which is understandable because I don't have that same large audience that I used to have on fanfiction.net. I'm reworking to get the following that I had when I was on that website and that took years to accumulate.
Some of the things that do make me mad though is when people demand stuff out of me. Like "please add this" or "are you going add this character to the story" or "you should really write this" or "I think this would be great" and they'll say it repeatedly even though I've set up ground rules for this. (This is happening more on Ao3, not here anymore. Surprisingly you guys are actually listening to the rules here.) I put so much time and effort trying to craft a story that I like, and some people are demanding that I change a story to their liking even though I've stated repeatedly "I have my story planned out. I have my ending planned out. I'm not changing anything to your whim. I know what I want."
It's dejecting sometimes, and I'm particularly worried that when I do post the Hizuru chapter on March 19th, it's not going to get the recognition and praise that I'm hoping for. And people will just use the opportunity to beg me to write something for them when they are more than capable of doing it themselves. I want to talk about my thought process, my writing process. I want people to see what I see, or come up with a wild theory that I could laugh about, think is good, or even say "damn alright. you get a cookie. good work."
I don't know. Maybe I'm just being childish. I don't like to spoil my work because I want it to be a good experience for those who want to be surprised, and this is the internet. I shouldn't expect more from internet.
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melishade · 1 year
Attack on Prime Hizuru OVA chapter comes out on March 19th. My birthday. I turn 24, and I’m so excited to share. I did so much research in order to create a new environment that I hope you all enjoy. It’s going to be a Mikasa and Megatron driven plotline with three new OCs from yours truly (which were created by complete accident tbh.) I’ve done some revisions and added to it, and as of right now it sits at 32,347 words. Definitely one of my longest chapters yet. I'm still gonna make revisions before I publish though. Anyway I’m so excited and wanted to gush about it without revealing too much of what happens. I hope you guys are excited for Sunday! Actually now that I think about it:
Also, tempting to reveal the names of the three OCs that I accidentally created that are now integral parts of the story, but I feel like it would be better to be introduced to the world of Hizuru going in blind with Mikasa. Helps to be in Mikasa's shoes.
Also, I already name dropped one of the OCs in previous chapters. I had Kiyomi say it, but I don't know if anyone caught it. I've mentioned before I'm intentional with my foreshadowing after all. Lol.
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melishade · 1 year
Attack on Prime Hizuru OVA Commentary Part 1
Main Story
Welcome one and all to the Hizuru OVA Commentary, aka Chapter 57, of Attack on Prime. I said I’d do this, so I’m doing this because I really want to talk about my writing process because I fucking loved writing this chapter. And on top of this, I’m writing while having 150 followers! Hooray! Now let’s do this!
Also spoilers:
So recap, Mikasa made a deal with Kiyomi to go to Hizuru in exchange for getting an extra week for Optimus to contact Cybertron. She’s allowed to go because Megatron decides to be her escort. It’s very tense. The Survey Corps are very adamant about it, but Mikasa is persistent.
“You shouldn’t go,” Eren interrupted her.
“I’m going,” Mikasa told him.
“You shouldn’t,”
“I will,”
“Mikasa the outside world is dangerous and chaotic,” Eren hissed, “Once they find out you’re an Eldian, hell comes to the island and they will kill you.”
“I’ll be safe,” Mikasa insisted, “Megatron won’t let that happen.”
“Megatron is a piece of shit,” Eren retorted.
“Who stopped you from ending your life,” Mikasa reminded.
“I don’t care; it’s not safe,” Eren declared as he put his hands on her shoulders.
“Please don’t go,” Eren pleaded with her, “Stay.”
Mikasa was touched. She genuinely was. Eren doesn’t usually show this kind of concern for her or for Armin. She almost didn’t want to go, but…
“I’m going,” Mikasa declared, “I want to protect the island and I don’t want anyone else to die. I’m sorry.”
I wanted to write a more concerned Eren about this situation because Mikasa is going by herself with Megatron. And because Eren, supposedly, had feelings for Mikasa but just didn’t know how to convey them, based on the manga, I wanted to actually show more of that. Which leads to:
“Hey!” a voice shouted.
Megatron didn’t respond to the voice, not wanting to bother, but he was thrown off-guard when he saw blue lightning appeared. Megatron saw a punch being thrown his way, but the former warlord moved slightly and the fist hit the large wall. Megatron stared in surprise as Eren glared at him in his titan form. Eren growled and opened his mouth, releasing some steam.
“Eren, what are you doing?!” Armin shouted at him.
Megatron didn’t respond to either of them as Armin got on Eren’s shoulder with his 3D gear. The boy was yanking on the titan’s hair, trying to do whatever he could to convince him not to do this. But…Megatron knew the message. Loud and clear.
Eren making a threat to the ex-con who can literally wipe the floor with him ten times over. To show that “hey, he still gives a shit”. And then Megatron warns him about being prepared for a full on battle if he tries something that stupid again. Which is definitely not foreshadowing-
Anyway, next day, Hanji confronts Megatron, which was something that I alluded to in chapter 56. And then she says this:
“Another thing,” Hanji continued, “I know how little our world means to you, and why going to Hizuru will just be another boring human mission. But not for Mikasa. This is a really big deal for her. She’s going into an entirely different world from the one she is used to. She’s going to find out more about herself, her heritage, and her culture. I know you see her as an effective soldier, but at the end of the day, she is still a kid. A lot of them are. You don’t have to be interested in Hizuru. I’m certain you’ve seen wondrous things in your life that would pale in comparison to our world. All I’m asking, is for you to be considerate of Mikasa’s feelings and not to be so callous to her.”
Hanji chuckled a little bit before she patted Megatron’s shoulder. “Who am I kidding? That’s like asking Levi to smile. That would be impossible for you.”
Hanji wants to understand Megatron. It is a driving force for her. And she also knows that Mikasa is the only human that he respects. Advising him to treat her kindly would benefit him long term into his ultimately goal into amends with Optimus. But maybe, just maybe, Megatron will take her words to heart and care about Mikasa’s experience and even feel an kinship with her. 
So Mikasa and Megatron go together, and I capture the essence of Mikasa just being nervous about this whole trip, not really knowing what to expect. Having the two of them ultimately walk through the forest. Which brings Mikasa comfort since she’s grown up away from the city. The forest is different from what it usually is on Paradis, but it’s beautiful. I had to look up different pictures of Japanese landscape to try and capture what it would feel like.
The thought of her childhood, caused her to grip her bandaged wrist to her chest, the one that hid the mark of the clan. Her mother…she passed down this symbol to her, but she knew nothing of what it was. There was no one else like her in the walls besides her own mother, and herself. She knew nothing of where she came from. Not even Eren and Armin could understand what she was feeling. She was...alone. Mikasa truly wished that her mother saw this nation. It really did look beautiful.
There was no way that Mikasa did not feel like an outsider in her own nation a few times. She’s the only Oriental on the island and her and her mother were targeted for it. There had to have been a different sense of loneliness on top of her trauma, compared to Armin and Eren. And to share this experience with someone who was like her would have been nice. It should’ve been nice.
“Welcome to the capital of Hizuru: Kyoto,” Megatron said. I used Japan’s former capitol. It would’ve been weird to use Tokyo.
Now there is a lot that goes on once Megatron and Mikasa slowly integrate into the city. First of all, Mikasa is happy at the fact that there are more people like her, with the added addition of guilt of everyone looking at Megatron cautiously. Again, I looked up pictures of what I thought Hizuru would look like during this time period. This one being one of the inspirations:
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But being in a different nation, by herself, is going to create a culture shock for her. It’s overstimulating for her and it terrifies her. To the point where:
Mikasa felt her arm being yanked backwards as a car passed them by. The driver honked their horn at them in anger as they continued on their way. Mikasa took a deep breath and looked up to see Megatron staring at her with a raised brow.
“You’re not usually like this,” Megatron commented as he let go of her arm, “You’re usually far more composed.”
“I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” Mikasa felt tears brimming in her eyes and felt her throat begin to swell, causing her to quickly duck her head from view. This was so much.
“You can’t be serious,” Megatron groaned, “This is what you wanted.”
“I know,” Mikasa muttered.
“What do you want me to do?” Megatron demanded, “Hold your hand like a little child?”
Megatron didn’t get a response, but was surprised when Mikasa slowly moved her hand towards him and held it out. Megatron felt angry and irritated. This could not actually be happening. He was actually angry with the Ackerman. He wanted to chew her out right then and there, but stopped himself.
Mikasa is now in this vulnerable state and she feels like a child. And she feels stupid for wanting to seek comfort, but is so desperate to have it that she’s willing to seek it out through Megatron. And Megatron doesn’t want to do this! He didn’t expect this shit from the most qualified soldier out of the Survey Corps! But~!
“This is a really big deal for her. She’s going into an entirely different world from the one she is used to. She’s going to find out more about herself, her heritage, and her culture. I know you see her as an effective soldier, but at the end of the day, she is still a kid. A lot of them are. You don’t have to be interested in Hizuru. I’m certain you’ve seen wondrous things in your life that would pale in comparison to our world. All I’m asking, is for you to be considerate of Mikasa’s feelings and not to be so callous to her.”
Megatron shut his eyes and kept his anger in check. He…had to think about this from Mikasa’s perspective. This was the very first time she’s been off the island. This is the first time she’s been exposed to another culture. The first time she’s actually seen other humans that look like her. She was overwhelmed, and scared. And she had no one she could actually…trust. Megatron’s mouth formed a thin line. He wasn’t qualified for this. He wasn’t qualified for babysitting, or even emotional support. That wasn’t why he was here. Megatron noticed Mikasa’s hand slowly recoiling back, and he saw the Ackerman trying with all her might to contain her shame and embarrassment at asking for help from someone who would never give it. Megatron took a deep breath. This was only for one week. One measly week; that was all.
Mikasa felt stupid and just felt like crying some more. What was she thinking? Asking Megatron of all beings for help? Someone who's hated humanity? Who was here for selfish reasons? She should've known better. She should just stop acting like a child and suck it up. But something unexpected happened. Megatron reached out and gently took Mikasa’s hand into his own. Mikasa snapped her head to look at him, but Megatron didn't pay attention to her. The ex-con pulled her along and the two walked across the street together. Megatron could feel Mikasa grow rigid in his hand, but decided to pay no mind. He was a little startled when Mikasa drew in closer to him for protection and tightened her grip on his hand. He saw a bench under a tree and pulled her over there. He sat down and pulled Mikasa to sit next to him.
I think this scene is pretty self-explanatory. And hopefully, I captured it well. I definitely had to add to it. I liked writing Mikasa leaning into Megatron because it’s her innate desire to feel comfort and safety because she’s so overwhelmed in an unfamiliar world. So fast forward a little, Megatron takes Mikasa to the market and she tries her first Hizuru dish: Origini:
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It’s simple, but effective. Food is a necessity for humans. But it can also be a comfort or even a simple pleasure. It can bring up certain memories.
Mikasa tried to grab it from the top, but she found the rice rather sticky. Mikasa then grabbed it by the seaweed wrap and picked up the treat. She took a small bite out of the rice and found…it was delicious. Mikasa took larger bites and savored the food, noting how it somehow tasted a little bit sweet yet salty. When she got to the seaweed, she was surprised by how crunchy it was, but it wasn’t unwelcomed. She was a little disappointed by how sudden she finished the first one, and decided to take her time in finishing the second one.
Mikasa is eased into the Hizuru culture through food. It’s something so simple, and it brings her comfort in this moment. As she’s eating, she and Megatron have a rather civil and polite conversation. There’s a reference to who’s ruling Hizuru: distant cousins who were placed on the throne after the Eldian Empire fell. Megatron even shares stuff about Cybertron.
They go to Kiyomi’s home, Mikasa is taken to her temporary room, and Kiyomi and Megatron have a stern conversation about Megatron’s own impulsive, irrational behavior. 
“I never lied about my intentions,” Kiyomi declared, “You know that I am after money, and that is something I’m not going to deny. If this doesn’t go well, all of us suffer. I know that I can count on Mikasa. I’ve heard good things about her on the island and how fast she can adapt to a new situation, but I need to know if I can trust you to do your job and not act out and be aggressive to the most powerful people in the nation. Can I trust you not to act out?”
Again, there is this theme about trust. Because no one trusts Megatron, Megatron doesn’t trust the royal family or Kiyomi, and there is a lot hinging on this plan to work, and it requires gaining just a small amount of trust on both parties. Hanji is putting her trust in Megatron, Mikasa is putting her trust in Megatron. And Megatron is annoyed at this fact! He’s competent! (No he’s not.) But, this is for Optimus, so he complies.
So the outfit Mikasa wears the next day is this:
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Worn by Japanese Actress: Kinuyo Tanaka. 
These are the pictures I took inspiration for the palace: 
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Megatron’s trying to be helpful:
“Ackerman,” Megatron whispered as he leaned by her ear, “When they get here, do not show that you are nervous. They will take it as a sign that you are weak. Be confident.”
“I don’t know if I can,” Mikasa admitted.
“I’ve seen your confidence shine as a soldier,” Megatron told her, “I know that it can shine here.”
Mikasa was surprised by Megatron’s proclamation as the titan straightened himself off. Did…did he really mean that?
And we are introduced to the Royal Family: Emperor Taisho (who was an actual Emperor during 1930s Japan), Empress Katsuko, and Prince Kenshin. Taisho and Katsuko are based on this picture:
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With a few tweeks here and there. And the son is based off of a mix of both of them with some of the medals worn in other pics.
So I always pictured Katsuko as the friendlier royal compared to Kenshin and Taisho, which is why Katsuko has a more happy demeanor when talking to Mikasa and Kiyomi. Taisho is more professional, hiding his emotions behind a smile, which is why Megatron notices such a strained and forced smile when talking to him in the first place. while Kenshin is willing to be interactive but also wait until he gets the bigger picture. But when Kenshin is passionate and adamant about something he will speak his mind. For now, he’ll play the role.
A fun little note: I liked writing how Megatron just flat out threatened the royal family and Taisho just kept a cool demeanor. Also the change in voice was a shock to everyone there.
So Mikasa gets the tour of the castle, her ancestor, and then she is treated to the royal family’s banquet of food. Again, she’s learns more about Hizuru through food. And note that Kenshin hasn’t said a word yet. I did this on purpose. I didn’t want Kenshin to be introduced in such a traditional manner. 
Mikasa talks about her military background because Taisho is genuinely interested in that. He wasn’t expecting to learn about it.
“What are your credentials? What regiment are you apart of?” Taisho asked, interested in Mikasa’s military background.
“I was ranked first among the 104th trainee corps, and after I joined the Survey Corps,” Mikasa explained, “That branch of the military is the most skilled in fighting the titans.”
“This implies that you’ve killed titans,” Taisho assumed.
“I have,” Mikasa confirmed his suspicion.
Katsuko was shocked by Mikasa’s confirmation. There was little hesitation to her answer.
“How many have you killed?” Taisho asked her.
Mikasa thought it over as counted it in her head. The prince stopped eating and stared at Mikasa while Katsuko looked over at her husband.
“Sixteen, I believe,” Mikasa replied.
The prince contained his cough as he choked on the food in his mouth.
“By yourself?” Taisho asked, slightly shaken by the response.
“Yes,” Mikasa replied.
“That is…impressive,” Taisho said with hesitance.
“Mikasa,…do you think that your parents would approve of this?” Katsuko asked her, “The titans are dangerous.”
Mikasa kept her bitterness and sadness in as she put the chopsticks down. “My parents passed away when I was nine.”
I could’ve added a little more, maybe Mikasa trying to remember her mother in that moment. But the fact that Mikasa dropped the fact that she killed sixteen titans (that we know of before season 4) by herself already establishes herself as a threat. And Taisho doesn’t know how to feel about that.
Kenshin; however, isn’t fazed and manages to pull Mikasa and Megatron away to the library. And we see more of Kenshin’s personality. I didn’t want to write the prince or the royal family being assholes and mean. That just seemed overdone. And I don’t think the Hizuru royal family would be that condescending considering what they have to do in order to keep the Hizuru nation alive. They would be more humble. At least, I’d like to believe that. 
Few notes of dialogue:
“Away from the politics,” the prince declared with a smirk, “My parents were about to delve into your personal life, and Aunt Kiyomi made it clear to not do that.”
“’Aunt’?” Megatron questioned.
“She’s not my actual aunt,” the prince explained, “But she has been a major presence in my life, so I just call her that.” (I thought it would be fun to give Kiyomi a more personal connection to the royal family. And this happens a lot with immigrant families. I have a few aunts and uncles who aren’t related to me by blood, but I’ve known them my whole life.)
Mikasa was startled when Tadeo walked up to her, but the Ackerman couldn’t resist as she kneeled down and hesitantly held her hand out. The dog sniffed it briefly before it began to lick her hand. Mikasa began to pet the dog, and she began to feel her stress leave her body. Mikasa was startled when Kenzo began to growl at Megatron, but the titan was not amused at the situation.
“Kenzo,” the prince scolded.
“Sit,” Megatron ordered the dog in an ominous tone.
Kenzo whined as it lowered its head in submission and backed away before sitting down. (Dominance thing. Megatron’s childish that way.)
“Well, that was just mean,” the prince remarked as he petted Kenzo to comfort it.
“So, Lady Mikasa,” the prince began, “Do you have any questions for me?”
“Why do you keep calling me ‘Lady’?” Mikasa asked, “You are the heir to the throne.”
“But the title properly belongs to you,” the prince insisted.
“You don’t seem threatened by Ackerman,” Megatron commented as he picked up a book from the shelf.
“Despite all appearances, I’m not exactly the upright spitting example of the heir to the empire,” the prince proclaimed, “Not to mention that the people don’t necessarily respect our bloodline. We’re not the main bloodline.” (Kenshin’s respect for Mikasa and his desire to have her here is partially reveal through dialogue. Kenshin just doesn’t feel worthy of the title because of past history.)
“This is what I mean by not being an example as a prince,” he explained, “We’ve been talking all this time, and I haven’t even introduced myself. My name is Kenshin.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Kenshin,” Mikasa smiled. (And now we’re introduced to Kenshin by name.)
(Mikasa forgetting the scarf. Megatron returning it.)
“I came to check on you,” Megatron answered, “And to give you this.”
Megatron showed Mikasa her scarf and handed it over to her. “You left it at the Fox’s house. I’m surprised. You never part with it.”
“Thank you,” Mikasa told him as she took the scarf from him.
It’s a simple exchange, but this shows Megatron’s ability to be observant. Since Megatron is aware of Mikasa’s feelings for Eren and how close she holds that scarf so he puts two and two together.
(Ceremony: Day 3)
“Do you remember you fake name?” Kiyomi asked.
“Yui Ishikawa,” Mikasa answered. (Which is Mikasa’s Japanese VA)
Mikasa saw a waiter bring some green tea to her and she took one of the small cups. She drank out of it and found it quite nice. Surprisingly, it wasn’t as bitter compared to the tea within the walls. She continued drinking it as she looked around for Megatron. She was hoping to see at least one familiar face in this large sea of unfamiliar ones. Mikasa was finally able to find him, and was surprised to see the titan on the far end of the ball room, wearing a traditional black kimono with his arms crossed. Mikasa excused herself from the conversation and made her way over to him.
“Um…,” Mikasa trailed off.
“Shut up,” Megatron hissed.
“This is formal wear. I would stand out in the holoform’s default clothing,” Megatron insisted. (Megatron’s really trying his best here. It’s great.)
“Seems the prince is busy,” Megatron commented as he looked over at him. Kenshin appeared to be talking with some over nobleman, but when they closed their eyes and began laughing, Kenshin made a face that clearly showed his disdain. He really needed to determine the prince’s intentions. (Again, we see more of how Kenshin reacts to the life he’s been living and how he doesn’t like it.)
Megatron didn’t reply to that as the waiter came by to offer some food on a dish. Megatron declined it while Mikasa took a sakura mochi. She took a small bite and was delighted by how sweet it was. It tasted so nice. Megatron took note of Mikasa’s delighted expression and…was a little relieved. He thought that she would be nervous the entire time, but she’s finding comfort in the small things.
(Two things. One: I found out that Mikasa’s favorite food is strawberries, but there aren’t any strawberries on the island, so this is technically the first time she’s introduced to it in the form of mochi. Second: Mikasa’s reaction to being happy brings Megatron relief because...she’s happy. This wasn’t falling apart and he was doing his job.)
“Do you play the guitar?” Mikasa asked him.
“No, the shamisen,” Kenshin answered.
“Shamisen?” Mikasa questioned. 
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The song Kenshin plays in honor of the festival is this:
And I liked gaging the reactions of all the key players including Megatron. 
The song itself made her feel like she was on air, or in a beautiful garden. It was light, melodic, soft. Somehow, the music matched the environment outside. It matched the beauty of the flowers and the beginning of spring. Mikasa looked over to see Katsuko’s expression of pride, while Taisho was still rather neutral. Mikasa looked over at Kiyomi and noted how the woman seemed to be reminiscing. Meanwhile, Kenshin was completely focused as he continued playing. With both his eyes and ears, he anticipated the notes that he needed to play. His fingers moved with utmost precision, and he seemed to actually be lost in the music.
Mikasa looked back to Megatron, and was surprised by his expression. His arms were crossed, but his face didn’t show any malice, or apathy. He actually seemed…slightly invested, almost as if he liked what he was hearing. 
Megatron being around humans is part of his character development. Learning about their culture, music, all that stuff. I also referenced in a short story that music was something more for the upper class citizens of Cybertron, so Megatron would have more appreciation for the material compared to the others.
“I was bored out of my mind,” Kenshin whispered to her.
Kiyomi snickered. “Don’t say that around your father. Go take a break. I’ll stall for you.”
Kenshin thanked her before turning and grabbing Mikasa’s hand.
“Let’s go,” he smiled.
“To where?” Mikasa asked as Kenshin pulled her away from the crowd.
“The garden,” Kenshin answered.
Megatron quickly followed the two, but caught something out of the corner of his eye. It was Taisho, looking at the two of them with disdain. Megatron didn’t say anything about it as he exited the ballroom.
Kiyomi is the fun aunt that sneaks Kenshin shit. Also wanted to convey Taisho’s disdain about Kenshin being friendly with Mikasa.
I also wanted to expand on Mikasa’s capabilities and talents, and learning about her Japanese VA, I realized that she could sing, and in turn, so could Mikasa. She has a song on the AOT season 1 album:
So I had Mikasa sing:
Mikasa thought about a song sung by some military men and lower class citizens of the wall, and began to play it out in her mind.
“Chairs so close and room so small,” Mikasa began, “You and I talk all the night long."
Mikasa remembered reading the book about the outside world with Eren and Armin in the night, hiding away under a blanket with an oil lamp next to them.
"Meager this space but serves us so well. We comrades have stories to tell."
The 104th all sat together, talking about how brutal training was with the 3D gear that day.
"And it's always like that in the evening time. We drink and we sing when our fighting is done."
The Survey Corps watched with interest as Optimus explained some of his war stories in a rather animated manner for someone so reserved.
"And it's always so we live under the burnt clouds. Ease our burden, long is the night. Just as no stars can be seen. We are stars and we'll beam on our town. We must all gather as one. Sing with hope and the fear will be gone.”
So ist est immer. The song of the underground during ‘A Choice with No Regrets’. Levi’s backstory of how he got into the Survey Corps. It also seemed like a good military song to sing. But I think this is a part of herself that Mikasa hasn’t really shared with anyone. Maybe because she doesn’t have anything happy to sing about.
“I wouldn’t mind staying here, just a little bit longer,” Mikasa admitted as she admired the cherry blossoms.
Kenshin nodded his head as he looked up at the blooming tree. The prince looked over at the titan, and noticed…his hand was out, and…that he was observing a lone petal that fell into his hand. Kenshin thought that it was odd. The titan seemed repulsed by anything human-related, but he decided not to ask about it.
I thought about writing Megatron’s reaction to Mikasa singing, but I figured it would be better to let Mikasa sing so we could make her a little more interesting. This was Mikasa’s moment. But Megatron was intrigued, despite his denial of it. And just like Megatron is trying to figure out Kenshin, Kenshin is also trying to understand Megatron and what he wants. This moment is also an indication of Megatron not being so repulsed by all of humanity. Megatron almost seemed intrigued. Almost admiring what was happening.
(Looks like I’m splitting this into two parts. Maybe three. This chapter was super long for me to write and I still have a lot to talk about.)
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melishade · 1 year
Number 4 of Questions for Fic Writers?
This ask game
As of right now, everything that’s I’ve written in the lantern scene for the Hizuru OVA. I go into detail a lot about it in the Hizuru Commentary.
But especially the scene leading up to Megatron telling Mikasa about reincarnation and him actually explaining it. Cause when I initially wrote this chapter, it was not as detailed as what you are seeing now. I didn’t go in depth with Megatron’s full emotions regarding the situation. I didn’t have Megatron remember Hanji’s words. Him explaining the reincarnation process was really just a paragraph. I didn’t have the detail of him guiding the lantern along.
I’m really proud of it and just the Hizuru chapter in general because I put so much time and effort into developing two characters that I really enjoy and believe could be more than what they actually are. So looking at what I have now, I couldn’t help but think it was perfect.
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melishade · 1 year
This ask game btw
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Sometimes music will distract me from actually writing because I'll be listening to the words more and accidentally write the lyrics of certain songs. Other times, oh it is a booster to write with in the background because I can just picture the scene laid out before me.
I've been listening to this while revising and adding to the Hizuru OVA (which now sits at 32,889 words. And I'm not adding any more. I think I'm done revising it):
When I first started writing the Hizuru OVA about two years ago, I remembered listening to this one a lot:
Samuel Kim Music has phenomenal soundtrack covers of everything and I adore him for it.
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melishade · 1 year
Attack on Prime Hizuru OVA Commentary Part 3
Main Story    
Part 2
Alright, we are on Part 3 of the Hizuru OVA, basically focused more on Mikasa and Megatron bonding once more and sharing a very personal moment that drives both of their characters.
Also spoilers
So recap: Mikasa and Megatron have an extremely heavy conversation about power, birthrights and leading a normal life. And this is still affecting Megatron even after Wheeljack and Arcee have arrived. Actually, their arrival has just added to the turmoil of the situation. Mikasa notices this shift in demeanor when Megatron returns the next day. And when Megatron leaves a traditional performance and Mikasa follows, it’s tense.
She searched through the corridors and found Megatron leaving the building entirely. Mikasa followed him outside and quickly ran towards him. She grabbed his arm, causing Megatron to immediately swat her hand away.
“I said I’m fine!” Megatron shouted as he turned to glare at her. Megatron saw the fear on Mikasa’s face and rubbed the bridge of the holoform’s nose in irritation.
“I’m just irritated with the human culture,” Megatron lied. 
Megatron lies because he doesn’t want to share what he’s feeling, but he also doesn’t want Mikasa to be scared of him. He doesn’t like how it makes him feel. Mikasa does just a tad bit more prodding and-
Megatron grimaced and gritted his teeth. The Autobots, this stupid island, this running around, all of it frustrated him! This wasn't about something some pathetic human would have said, right? But without power, the island dies. Without power, the Autobots take him. Without power, he can't do...anything.
“Fine! It is!" Megatron spat out, "I can’t understand why you would sacrifice all of this power for a normal life! It’s foolish and idiotic! Power is the only thing that provides any real solution!”
“…you’ve never lived a normal life,” Mikasa concluded, “Have you?”
Mikasa could see that Megatron was taken aback by her statement. She could see the uncertainty on his face as he was trying to think it over. He looked so...distraught. Afraid even. It reminded her of the day Armin backed him in a corner during the coup. Mikasa looked back at the shrine before turning her attention to Megatron.  What she was about to do was a risk…but…Megatron had already done so much. It was time she tried to return the favor. Megatron was stunned when Mikasa grabbed his hand and managed to pull him away from the temple.
Because Megatron was already stressed out by the fact that the Autobots are now on the AOT world, so he knows for a fact he's going to get executed somehow someway. He knows that he needs to find a way to at least stay long enough to make things right with Optimus and ultimately stay alive until then. He needs the power to do that. On top of the fact that Mikasa is literally saving that she would throw her title and power away for a chance at that normal life. Power is how you get what you want. At least that's how it's always worked for Megatron to get victory and stay alive. He's frustrated at everything because of that. 
 And Mikasa realizes that the only reason Megatron would be defending such a position about gaining power, was because he himself has never had a normal life. That had to be the only reason that he's so insistent on defending that position. And Megatron reaction to that bold assumption only confirms what she needs to know. Because she recognized that expression when Armin figured out why Megatron was staying on this world in the first place: for Optimus. So Mikasa decides to show him. Show him what a normal day would be like. In order to repay Megatron for protecting her this whole time, and to show why she wants that life so badly. She wants to get Megatron to understand why normality is important.
And Megatron...agrees to let Mikasa show him what that normal life is like, albeit reluctantly. They go to a cherry blossom garden and sit by a tree and just learn more about each other. Mikasa’s figuring out the fact that Megatron isn’t disgusted by the cherry blossoms and is even admiring it. So much so that she:
Mikasa watched Megatron stare at the flower, and she believed that she recognized an expression on his face that she might not have seen before: admiration. Mikasa grew bold and took the flower from his hand before tucking it behind his ear. Megatron looked at Mikasa with utter confusion and disbelief before touching the flower.
“What the hell, Ackerman?” Megatron managed to say.
“You can take it out if you want,” Mikasa told him.
Mikasa could see that Megatron was ready to tear it out. She expected him to, but he stopped himself. Mikasa was surprised to see that he lowered his hand, leaving the flower tucked on his ear.
“This feels ridiculous,” Megatron declared. (Tries to deny it, but simply doesn’t want to tear it out to hurt Mikasa’s feelings. Also, it’s a strangely nice gesture he doesn’t know how to respond.)
“It’s not so bad,” Mikasa proclaimed as she tucked a flower behind her own ear. (Does this in order to make Megatron feel just a little more comfortable.)
And then the fight is discussed:
“Were you going to kill me then?” Mikasa asked him.
“No,” Megatron answered, but there was some hesitation in that response, “I…got carried away.”
“Carried away?” Mikasa questioned.
“Fighting in the gladiatorial arena was one of the few instances where I felt alive,” Megatron explained, “Once of the few instances where I was able to recognize my worth. That rush of power and the thrill of fighting for my own life. It was there where I was able to decide my fate. Fighting a strong opponent amplified that.” 
(This is the first time in a while that Megatron has really shared anything about his personal life. In Transformers Exodus, Megatron prided himself with being a gladiator and creating a name for himself. There’s even a quote that Megatron says about even in death, the gladiators have value. Being a gladiator was a place where Megatron proved his worth and found his calling. On top of that, violence is ingrained in Megatron’s nature. Going for the kill is always important to him.)
“I’m not that strong compared to you,” Mikasa retorted. 
Megatron was quiet for a moment. “There was one other Cybertronian that was able to come close to defeating me, besides Optimus.”
Mikasa was surprised by his proclamation. “Who?”
“My most trusted lieutenant and my third in command during the war,” Megatron answered, “He was one of few words, and later made a vow of silence during the war. I met him in the arena, and it was a fight to the death. He managed to wound me pretty badly but I was the victor in the end. I chose to spare him. To see someone like him die would have been a waste. Because of that action, we became allies.” 
(How Megatron and Soundwave became allies has always been speculation. I don’t think we ever got a definitive answer but this is what I thought happen. Or at least what I’d gathered what happened.)
Megatron looked at Mikasa. “I expect you not to tell anyone this, but if the prince didn’t intervene, you might’ve had a chance at defeating me.”
“R-really?” Mikasa asked in surprise.
“You’re strong, but you lack a proper technique and training,” Megatron declared, “With time, you could become a very powerful warrior.” (The fact that Megatron is telling Mikasa this at all is because Megatron does truly respect Mikasa as a warrior and as an ally. He cares. Plain and simple.)
“Th-thank you,” Mikasa stuttered in surprise as she rested her hands on her knees.
And then they go into the town to play some games. I have a scene where it cuts to Kiyomi and Taisho, but we’ll discuss Taisho a little later.
So Mikasa and Megatron are having fun and playing games together. Mikasa plays a lottery game and I really liked writing this:
“Just pull a string,” Megatron told her.
Mikasa didn’t listen as she was still trying to guess the string. Megatron rolled his eyes and reached for one of the strings himself, but Mikasa quickly swatted his hand away.
“You cannot be serious,” Megatron proclaimed.
“Sh,” Mikasa spoke as she finally picked a string. 
Because Mikasa feels comfortable enough to have a normal interaction with Megatron without any consequences. Also, when they get their masks:
Megatron looked over to see Mikasa staring at him with the fox mask on. “You look ridiculous.”
“It goes well with the kimono,” Mikasa commented, her voice slightly muffled by the mask.
“Can you see through that?” Megatron asked.
“I can,” Mikasa answered, “You should put yours on. It matches your eyes.”
“I’m not going to put cheap plastic over my face,” Megatron declared.
“It doesn’t hurt to try,” Mikasa insisted.
“If I put it on, will it stop your insistence?” Megatron demanded.
Mikasa nodded her head, causing Megatron to sigh and place the mask over his face. He looked down at Mikasa, and could’ve sworn that he heard stifled laughter.
“Now we look ridiculous together,” Mikasa declared.
I just thought it was fun. But when Megatron thinks it’s better to go back to the castle, Mikasa still says no and even risks punishment for it.
“You’re not usually someone who is a troublemaker,” Megatron said, “Why bother now on an important mission?”
“I…,” Mikasa trailed off.
“’I’ what?” Megatron pressed, “Tell me or I take you back to the palace.”
“I wanted to give you a normal day,” Mikasa answered.
“A normal day,” Megatron repeated with a raised brow, “This is the middle of a festival. This is hardly a normal day.”
“Maybe,” Mikasa agreed, “But…it’s just a normal day. No military work, and no war. It’s full of fun and joy. We’re playing games and winning prizes, talking and enjoying what’s around us. It’s so simple and mundane.”
Mikasa looked up at him and smiled. “I wanted to show you exactly why I want this life so badly.”
So we to take a break from Megatron and Mikasa to talk to Taisho and Katsuko to get a better understanding of their dynamic, their characters, and what’s essentially important to them. Again, I just didn’t want to make the Hizuru complete assholes, especially since they’ve most likely had to struggle to keep their wealth. They would have to be a little more humble. I should really write a full backstory on them because I have the pieces. I just need to put pen to paper. But Taisho does sneak into the town in disguise to find Mikasa and Megatron and show them a good spot on the river to experience the lantern ceremony. 
“It’s begun,” Taisho declared as he pointed to the palace. Mikasa and Megatron saw a lone lantern floating high in the air away from the palace. Mikasa stared in awe as a large wave of lit lanterns flew high into the air, while some of the water lanterns floated along the river. Taisho passed the matches to Mikasa, causing Mikasa to hesitantly take it from his hands. Mikasa lit the match before lighting her own lantern. Mikasa noticed the lantern by Megatron and offered the matches to him. The ex-con stared at the matches before sighing in irritation and taking it from her.
“Never speak of this day,” Megatron told Mikasa as he lit his lantern.
Mikasa smiled at him before releasing her lantern into the air. Taisho released his after her while Megatron stared at his. He didn’t say a word as he finally released the lantern. The people on the bridges and boats released their lanterns. Mikasa watched as lanterns filled her vision. Some of the lanterns floated directly above her head, while others glided across the water. Mikasa saw the reflection of the lanterns in the water, and it made her feel like she was floating in a sea of stars. Mikasa touched one of the water lanterns before pushing it further down the stream. Mikasa turned and rested her hands on the other side of the boat. She watched as the lanterns continued to be blown by the wind, moving further into the mainland. Taisho was surprised by Mikasa’s reaction to the lanterns. She stared at them with awe and wonder, almost laughing with joy at the sight. Her expression was like a little child. He turned his attention to Megatron, who was staring at the lanterns in the sky with a sense of...nostalgia in his eyes.
Mikasa looked up at the lanterns floating above her and reached out towards it, but it was out of her reach. Mikasa felt overwhelmed at the sight before her, but also…happy. When…when was the last time she felt like this? When was the last time she felt like a child, staring at the world with curiosity and wonder?
This is a moment where Taisho is getting a better understanding of who Mikasa and Megatron are as people through simple glimpses. I wanted to have Mikasa act like a teen for once, instead of a hardened soldier. I wanted Megatron to, for just a moment, let his guard down just a little. Also, I wanted to try and create and ethereal feeling and I hope I did. But then:
Megatron heard a soft sniffle and turned to see Mikasa crying, covering her mouth to prevent any sound from coming out. Megatron glanced back at Taisho and quickly blocked his view to Mikasa’s moment of weakness. (Megatron does this because of his respect for Mikasa as a warrior.)
“What’s wrong?” Megatron whispered to her.
“I’m trying to remember my mom,” Mikasa hiccupped, “What she would look like when seeing this, but all I can remember is her corpse. I can’t remember what my mom looked like. It’s been so long.”
Mikasa quietly whimpered while Megatron didn’t know what to do in this situation. Taisho could hear Mikasa’s soft cries, and tried to peer over.
“…do you know where her spark might have gone?” Megatron finally asked, before correcting himself, "Her soul...I mean."
“I don’t know,” Mikasa answered, “I knew the wall religion was a sham, but…if there’s no sure existence of a god or another life, does that mean that my mom is gone forever? And my father? Dr. Jaeger? Carla? Everyone I love? Does it all mean nothing in the end?”
We don’t really see Mikasa’s religious beliefs. I don't think Mikasa would have believed in anything in particular, but that she would like the idea of heaven and seeing her loved ones again. So the idea of there not being an afterlife scares her. Because it means that her most prominent memories of her loved ones are times when they were taken away from her. She doesn't want to remember something so cruel like that. It hurts too much. It causes her pain.
Meanwhile Megatron:
Megatron saw Mikasa wiping away her tears and...didn't like it. He didn't like seeing Mikasa this distressed. And her words...reminded him of that day in the mines. But what could he say? This wasn't his specialty at all: to comfort and to care. He didn't have the spark to say something and completely screw it up.
Wait...spark. Megatron slowly raised his hand to his chest, where his damaged and broken spark resided. It was due to his own hubris that his spark was damaged. He may never be reborn again, but still...Cybertronians knew where they would go once they passed. It might not be the same for humans, but even so...
Wait, what was he thinking? Talking about something as sensitive as that! The very creation and rebirth of all Cybertronians to a human! The idea was so preposterous it!...Megatron train of thought stopped when more tears spilled from Mikasa's eyes. And that guilt slowly crept back in.
It is a complete internal battle for him in this moment. Because over the past week, he's grown fonder of Mikasa. And to see her so distraught is making him feel FEELINGS! HE HATES IT! And prior to this, it's this internal battle of pride and guilt when trying to comfort Mikasa. Does he let her cry? Why should he help her? She's been kind to you this whole time. And the fact that he's debating on giving her something in relation to Cybertronian culture is baffling him because that's not something that a human should be hearing about. He shouldn't be giving that knowledge to such a weak species. But Mikasa has proven her worth and her strength in battle. She has his respect, so to see her like this and not do anything about it is an insult to a comrade in arms! So what ultimately has Megatron tell Mikasa about reincarnation?
“All I’m asking, is for you to be considerate of Mikasa’s feelings and not to be so callous to her.”
Hanji’s words. Hanji’s influence in the beginning of the week, advising Megatron to be considerate of Mikasa and her feelings, is what ultimately influences his decision to tell her about:
Megatron spared a quick glance at Taisho before turning back to Mikasa. He removed his hand from his chest and slouched forward a little, arms resting on his legs. What was he doing? “Your mother...she could’ve been reincarnated.”
Mikasa looked up at Megatron in confusion, tears still staining her cheeks. “Reincarnated?”
“On Cybertron, when one of us dies, it is said that our sparks return to where we were first created: the Well of the Allsparks,” Megatron explained, his gaze wandering to the lanterns floating in the water, “The Well resides within the core of our planet, along with our creator, Primus. The spark remerges from the Well and is reborn as another Cybertronian."
Megatron saw a water lantern knock against the boat, ultimately getting stuck and being unable to move further down the stream. "They do not remember their previous life. They do not remember their glory or their sins. They don't remember good and evil. The ledger of their previous life is wiped completely clean."
Mikasa watched as Megatron dipped the holoform fingers in the river and gently push the lantern around the boat. The lantern was free, and drifted further down the river to join the others. "And they are given a chance to start anew.”
Mikasa watched the lantern integrate with the masses before staring down at her bandaged wrist, the one that held the crest her mother gave her, and told her to treasure. “Do you think that reincarnation would be possible for humans? That my mom got a chance at a new life of peace?”
Megatron turned his gaze back to her. "I wouldn't know,...but you humans tend to surprise me.”
Mikasa gave Megatron a small, tired smile, content with the hope of that knowledge. “Thank you.”
Megatron let out a grunt in reply, turning back to the lanterns. He felt...stupid, giving up that kind of information, and part of him was certain it provided no comfort. Mikasa looked back up at the lanterns and just felt exhausted. She was running around all day. It was late, and she had spent her remaining energy in crying. She...she wanted to sleep. Maybe just for a little while, maybe in this moment it would be fine. She rested her head on Megatron’s shoulder and closed her eyes. Megatron nearly jolted at the pressure on his shoulder and looked down at Mikasa in surprise. What the hell was she doing?! Megatron raised his hand to grab her shoulder, wanting to remove her. However, he paused when he saw that peaceful and relaxed expression on her face. He reconsidered, and ultimately lowered his arm and let her stay there. He looked back up at the lanterns, and an old, long-forgotten memory played in his mind. He remembered sitting atop the Iacon Hall of Records with Orion Pax. The archivist wanted to show him his favorite spot and begged him to stay. He complied and he was amazed at the abundance of stars in the sky. It was much more prominent compared to the dark and cloudy skies in Kaon. It also showed him how vast the universe really was.
A few notes:
-The idea of Megatron talking about reincarnation around the spring festival was an analogy I didn't realize I did until I started reviewing the chapter. Because spring is a time of renewal and rebirth, and Cybertronians follow reincarnation. A chance to start a new.
-Also, Megatron pushing the lantern along, kind of like someone guiding a lost soul to the multitude of others. 
 -The description I have Megatron give to Mikasa is ultimately damning for him, because despite his sins, if he hadn't fucking up his spark with dark energon, he still would've had the opportunity at reincarnation. 
 -And after the explanation, and Mikasa's completely exhausted from crying her heart out, she at a point where maybe, just maybe, I can put my trust in Megatron for just a brief moment. If he would allow it. She hoped that their interactions were enough for Mikasa to be able to rest beside him. Instead of staying awake after that, she was putting her complete trust in Megatron to keep her safe and let her rest. And Megatron wants to react with violence, but to see her peaceful face causes him to reconsider. Because he didn't think what he said worked, and he was also feeling vulnerable in that moment and was just trying not to show it. And to see her let her guard down around him of all people! He owed her this much, and she deserved so much better. 
-And for a brief moment in the quiet, Megatron is reminded of an old memory of when her first saw the stars with Orion.
And Taisho reminds everyone that, yeah he’s in the story. And the two have this conversation discussing Mikasa and the implication of putting her on the throne. But instead of Megatron speaking less about her.
“Know this,” Megatron began, “I despise humanity with every fiber of my being. Mikasa, knowing this, was willing to reach out her hand to me and show me what it was like to have a normal day, which is something I have not had for over four million years. She’s willing to understand this country and because of her roots, understands what it is like for others to suffer. But she would still help them regardless. She has good qualities of leadership.”
"But you've seen what the outside world is like," Taisho proclaimed, “You know what lies out there, waiting for those who do not fit the mold. Despite her situation and altruism, the world will not see her that way."
“Then make them,” Megatron told him, “She would not throw you or your family out, especially if you have a use. You could help her rule; create a strong alliance between Eldia and Hizuru.”
He praises her. Mikasa has Megatron’s complete respect at this point in the story. And Taisho is wiser than he seems. He’s not acting entirely out of selfishness. He’s acting because he cares about the survival of his nation, his wife, and his son.
“Even if we were to somehow establish a good relationship, and there would be some sort of compromise, what would you do about the power of the titans?” Taisho asked him, “The Colossal Titans within the wall, the new experiments being conducted within Marley, the Founding Titan itself, what do you say to that? If Eldia became a formidable power once again, they might decide to conquer the world once more. Maybe not now, but sometime in the future. Then what? Does Eldia rule for another 2,000 years, subjugating the rest of the world into suffering?”
“You’re putting this on the power of the titans,” Megatron noted, “Not the Eldian people.”
“Humans in general will always be corrupted by power, no matter how good their intentions are,” Taisho declared, “As long as the power of the titans exist, the only options would be to get rid of the power of the titans, or a mass execution of Eldians. Either way, nothing would change. Over time, the next power would take its place, and humanity would continue this cycle of war and hatred. The idea of eternal peace, like so many believe will happen if the Eldians are gone, is a peace that does not exist.”
Again, totally not foreshadowing LOL. And then Mikasa, who’s on Megatron’s back at this point accidentally says Megatron’s name as the three are making their way back to the castle, which Taisho hears. And Megatron says something simple in the moment and the quiet after Mikasa muttered a sleepy ‘thank you.’
He put Mikasa down on the bed and put the blanket over her body. He placed the mask, the cherry blossom, and the daruma doll on the table next to the bed, knowing he would have no need for them. Megatron stared at Mikasa for a brief moment before sighing.
“…you’re welcome, Mikasa,” Megatron finally spoke. He stood up and shut the door to her room before deactivating the holoform.
He says ‘your welcome’. He says a small and simple kind gesture. He even leaves a note saying ‘thank you for the normal day’. Megatron values Mikasa, and holds that simple fleeting moment close to his spark. He’ll reflect on Hizuru in later chapters.
Final scene is Mikasa saying goodbye, and apologizing for her behavior, but Megatron’s words and Mikasa’s actions are enough to have Taisho show compassion and grant Optimus an extra two weeks to contact Cybertron instead of a single week as agreed upon. The last lines are from Taisho POV.
“I have to think realistically, not ideally,” Taisho reminded, “We all want things to go a certain way, but the world is full of different people with their own beliefs. It feels like the only thing that we can do is make an uneasy compromise.”
“Maybe this time it will change,” Kenshin suggested.
“…We’ll see,” Taisho spoke, “We’ll see what happens.”
Wherever this path led to, he did hope that it led to peace during their lifetime. The profit didn’t matter too much to him. Not like it mattered to Kiyomi, but it was something that he had to rely on. In regards to Mikasa, she was a good person, and she wasn’t some sort of devil. She just wanted a normal life. He couldn’t picture Kenshin in her situation. He didn’t want to. Maybe he could help find this girl some peace.
She deserved it most of all.
A line of hope for the future, despite how cruel the world was.
(And that’s all my commentary. Sorry it’s so long, but I really wanted to get my thoughts out. I hope you enjoyed.)
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melishade · 1 year
Attack on Prime chapter 57: Hizuru OVA
Summary: Mikasa learns about herself and her heritage when she goes to the land of Hizuru.
Welp, it’s March 19th somewhere, so it is my birthday and I’m 24. Even though it’s not midnight yet where I’m at, but I’m tired.
Please leave a comment on the chapter. Let me know your thoughts, because it is my birthday and I worked really hard on this, so it would be a great present! Okay, thank you!
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melishade · 3 months
How's Elita-a doing in her timelines now that she's been caught? Taisho isn't a snitch, and he might be able to convince his aunt to jeep it a secret, if he even tells her, but he's still got a cybertronian pointing a gun at him for trying to put a dent on her.
Part 7: Elita in Hizuru
(Taisho is the father. Kenshin is the son.) Kenshin:...I knew it!
Elita starts charging her blaster.
Kenshin frantically: Wait, wait stop!
The guards almost come in at that moment but Kenshin keeps them outside with a lie. It also helps that Elita did transform back into her alt mode when they showed up. When Kenshin manages to get them to go away, Elita does transform back into her bipedal mode, but doesn't pull out her blaster. But she is acting quite hostile, and Kenshin doesn't know whether or not to be excited or terrified. Because "Oh my god, there's a titan in the house!" and "Oh no, there's a titan in the house!"
And Elita sees the usually rather composed and observant Prince pacing around in a panic. But Elita demands the Prince to let her go. Kenshin says that he can't do that because they had just bought her car model. The public is going to be suspicious if it's suddenly gone! Elita retorts that she needs to return to the island because her allies are there!
Elita: Listen Prince. I need to get back to the island so Optimus can stop panicking about my location.
Kenshin:…sucks in a breath
Elita: I am prone to using violence against humans.
Kenshin: I'm questioning if I fear you or my parents more.
Kenshin just asks Elita to cooperate for right now and he'll figure out a solution. She just has to trust him. Elita doesn't want to, considering the behavior that she's seen among the humans, not to mention she's heard talks late at night of Taisho returning from rather suspicious dealings.
Kenshin: Damn it, father!
But Elita, begrudgingly, complies for now. Kenshin does quietly leave the are and return to his room. But the next morning, he has to tell Kiyomi. She's the one currently dealing with the island. Kiyomi thinks about using her as a bargaining chip against Optimus to get more energon as part of the deal, but Kenshin immediately shuts that down.
Kenshin: Auntie, last night she tried to kill me and said that she would be willing to harm humans. I don't think we're going to get very far, even if we have the resources to restrain her.
Kiyomi: Oh come on, there must be something-!
Kenshin: No! She is terrifying!
Kiyomi: Huffs in disappointment.
The two do need to come up with a plan to find a replacement for Elita's model so that Elita can go back to the island. During this time, Kenshin does try his best to get to know her better. He does ask her questions, but she refuses to answers saying that she's not interested in someone keeping her prisoner here. Kenshin argues that he's trying to find a way to get her out. He wants to improve relationships with the island, so helping her would no doubt do that.
Elita: So you can get a higher cut of the energon and become richer.
Kenshin: That's what my father and my aunt want. And I do see a benefit in trading resources and bolstering our defense. I just think it's better to make allies instead of enemies. It's beneficial long term.
Elita finds the prince intriguing. Definitely different from what she expected. But Kenshin does find a way to get her to come out of her shell: knowledge. He reads knowledge of Hizuru's lands to her, which entices her more because being on an island for 20+ years gets boring.
However, that doesn't stop Elita's cover from getting blown because-! Taisho does bring Mikasa and Megatron down to the garage as part of the tour of the palace with Kiyomi, Kenshin, and Katsuko during the Hizuru OVA. And Megatron sees Elita's alt mode, and he's been tasked with looking for her, and he just stares, and the biggest shit eating grin appears on his face before he covers his mouth to stop the belt of cackles ready to spill. He ends up collapsing to the floor onto his knees stifling his laughter. Taisho is wondering why Megatron has seemingly broken his calm and cool mask, and why Mikasa is staring in surprise. But the Elita roars to life in alt mode, revving her engines and scaring everyone else, except for Megatron, who is still laughing.
Elita: You were supposed to be looking for me, you fragger!
Megatron, still stifling his laughter: I was looking for you!
Elita: You took you sweet aft time! I should kill you right now!
Kenshin: Hey, let's build peace! Let's build peace!
Taisho: What is going on?!
Katsuko realizes: Darling...I...think you bought a titan?
Dead silence before Megatron fully starts cackling.
Elita is going to kill this fragging CON! Mikasa is the one that has to calm Elita down and explain why she and Megatron are even here in the first place. (Her being royalty, trying to build allies, all that stuff). However the Hizuru plan has definitely been thrown off course. And Taisho demands a full explanation from his son this instant! Both Kiyomi and Kenshin have to explain what they found and their plan to swipe Elita with an identical model without him finding out. Taisho is understandably furious. He will speak with Elita directly.
Meanwhile Optimus is still panicking over where his conjunx is! And then Megatron comes back with a shit eating grin.
Megatron: I have some fantastic news.
Levi: That’s fucking ominous
(After Megatron explains everything)
Hanji: Why the fuck didn’t you get her out?!
Megatron still grinning: She said it was important reconnaissance.
Hanji: Oh my god, we both know that’s bullshit.
Levi: You know she’s gonna wreck your shit when she eventually gets out.
Megatron:…I’ll take my chances.
Hanji: Wow!
Taisho and Elita immediately start talking, Elita is still in alt mode, and Taisho does try to blackmail her into staying, but Elita isn't stupid. She straight up tells him that she's been gaining intel on him as well. And she knows how to leak information to the public that can smear someone's good name. But it shouldn't be too hard since she knows the royal family is hated with the exception of Katsuko. Taisho reminds her that she's a titan, and that she's already hated. Elita shoots back about the public questioning the Hizuru family harboring a titan when they were hated for aligning with the Eldian Empire in the first place.
Taisho: ...You're good.
Elita: I've had eons of experience.
Elita still demands to be let go and returned to the island, but Taisho reminds her that he still can't let go of this opportunity. Not to mention there will be questions about the recent car he bought disappearing. Elita...comes up with a compromise. She's certain that Taisho has enemies, and they have plans and plots to try and eliminate him or his son and wife. She's also aware that Hizuru wants a higher percentage of the energon that's found. If Taisho lets her go back to the island whenever she desires and gives her information on what governments from different countries are saying and planning for the Eldians, she will ask Optimus to increase the percentage of energon given from 35% to 40% and she will inform Taisho of any coups and protect his family. No one would suspect her after all.
Taisho is interested in the deal; however, this is unprecedented, and will have to come to the island with Kiyomi to work out the kinks of this deal. Elita is more than willing to compromise for that. After all, Mikasa is of high value now. Other than that hiccup, Mikasa and Megatron's trip to Hizuru doesn't have any other issues. Although, Elita doesn't have a holoform, so she can't join Megatron and Mikasa on their escapades. Megatron and Mikasa still have their moments in Hizuru, especially the moments under the floating lanterns.
So when they go back to Paradis, the royal family does end up going with Mikasa and Kiyomi. But when they reach the island, Elita finally transforms into her bipedal mode, and jumps into the water, startling Katsuko and Taisho. Elita ends up walking onto the shore of the island, covered in seaweed. The Restorationist see her and are understandably terrified. They didn't know about her until right now. Optimus is ecstatic to see her but keeps his professional cool. However Elita-!
Elita ripping the seaweed off of her body: Where is he?
Survey Corps immediately points to Megatron
Arcee: Is that...fragging Elita-1?!
Wheeljack: I just gotta say I’m a huge fan!
Elita sprints and tackles Megatron
Wheeljack: I’m a really huge fan.
A huge brawl. Megatron definitely puts in more effort to stay alive. He puts in too much effort he might actually injure her and he knows Optimus doesn't want that. He still respects Elita for being a capable warrior; he just wants to live. Elita does come out worse for wear but alive, while Megatron is in the Family Guy death pose. Wheeljack cheered Elita on while Arcee recorded the whole thing. Levi watched while sipping wine with a big smile.
Hanji:…was it worth it?
Megatron beaten and bloody on the ground:…yes
Hanji: You're impossible.
Arcee and Wheeljack do have to ask her questions.
Arcee: As much as it’s an honor to meet you, we need to know if who you are is who you say you are?
Elita: Makeshift?
Arcee: Among other things.
Elita: So the fact that Optimus is choosing to spare Megatron’s life and is letting him hang around humans while knowing his war crimes isn’t an indicator that it’s Optimus?
Wheeljack:…she brings up a good point
Elita: And I want him dead for stabbing me?
Also, Elita brings up the fact of just asking him about the Matrix, which makes Arcee feel super dumb. Great introduction for the royal family though!
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melishade · 1 year
Attack on Prime Hizuru OVA Incorrect Quote (To celebrate 150 followers)
Main Story  
Mikasa crying on the boat during the lighting of the lanterns.
Megatron, awkwardly: Uh...don’t...cry.
Mikasa, sobbing: I’m such an idiot!
Megatron, patting her back: No. No...there, there.
Mikasa: I miss my mom!
Megatron: By the Allspark, this is deeper than I want to go.
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melishade · 7 months
Marleyan military be gangsta until Megatronus rolls up & fries most of their army. On that note, imagine how the Hizuru Arc plays out. Liege sneaks over there before anyone else & begins messing around like the gremlin Pre-Tom-Hiddleston Loki-expy he is. Optimus is this close to snapping at his siblings over their constant arguing.
Previous Episode of the Primes' Timeline
Again, Megatronus would actively not want to get involved with any of this. If you read the Covenant of Primus, Megatronus goes on a journey of self-exile and acceptance over his role in the Primes and the death of Solus by his hand. He does not want to be involved in combat or war because he refuses to fall in a place of violence again. He would make a huge show of force in front of the other Primes, wanting to stay out of any and all conflicts.
He might've insulted Eren's titan form and told Onyx "Freaks of nature are Quintus' department! Not yours!"
Onyx and Quintus: Hey!
Eren: You definitely act like Megatron.
Megatronus: Watch your tone boy or-!
Alchemist: Remember what Vector said!
Megatron calls him a coward for it, but Megatronus ends up insulting the younger 'Con. Calling him a coward and selfish for his actions. How dare this fool take his name and drag it through the dirt?! Megatronus proclaims that the greatest show of bravery is having power and choosing not to use it for death and destruction. All Megatron ever did was use his power for subjugation! Megatronus says that Megatron will never be worthy of anything except the grave he dug to be in Unicron's embrace. And the Fallen Prime hopes Megatron suffers for all eternity for his mistakes.
Megatronus storms off and everyone makes a mental note to leave the Prime alone. Some of the people feel bad for Megatronus. He was clearly dragged into a situation he didn't want to be apart of.
Meanwhile Levi to Megatron:
Tumblr media
Megatron was definitely visibly shaken. And Levi considers Megatronus his favorite Prime as of this moment. But Megatronus would only get involved if the Rumbling gets activated.
Although, it would be funny if Liege Maximo decided to break into Hizuru before the Hizuru OVA just to screw with the royal family, but then Kenshin can't help but say 'Aren't you the Norse Trickster god?'
Liege Maximo is found hours later conversing with Kenshin about how he's talked about outside of Cybertron history. He's excited and the other Primes know he's not going to shut. up.
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melishade · 1 year
Attack on Prime: Updating chapters
Main Story
I was thinking about uploading AOP on a monthly basis every single time I finish a chapter. Because I have like 13 chapters left to write for the main story, excluding two OVAs. And I have two microsoft documents worth of completed chapters that I need to go revise and the one that I'm working on right now. P512 Epidemiology, which is the next set of chapters is 111,143 words total. PM529, which is immediately after is 126,112. PM597, which I'm currently working on is 54,012 total as of this moment. I just don't want to keep all of my chapters on a single document because it would be such a large file that I would lose it.
But I think it would work. Every time I'd finish a chapter, I upload the one I have on the reserve. I just don't want to dump all of it in one go because I don't want to be like Netflix. It should work.
But what to expect for the two finished documents of this story.
-Pieck will play a much bigger role in the story.
-The Hizuru OVA is not the last time we will see the royal family. They are part of the story now. (Again, I should do a background on them, but I don’t know if anyone would be interested in that. I already did Kenshin.)
-Wheeljack and Arcee get more integrated in how Paradis operates.
-There will be a Cybertron OVA, so you as the audience know what the hell’s been going on since Optimus became one with the Allspark. (It’s over 33,000 words)
-Megatron gets put through the fucking ringer.
-There’s going to be another double agent.
-And you’ll be learning more about Mikasa’s little ‘incident’ in the Megatron v Mikasa fight that happened in Hizuru.
Besides that, I’m also planning on doing an Autobot Anthology where there are more slice of life moments between Wheeljack, Arcee, and the Survey Corps. I just think it’d be fun. You can ask questions in the inbox, but I implore you to PLEASE FOLLOW THE GROUND RULES! I’ve also reblogged some ask games so you can take a look at those and ask them.
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melishade · 1 year
A question popped into my head after your Hizuru OVA. Namely, how would Predaking react to Mikasa if Kenshin, wanting to show her Hizuru, led her to Predaking's cave. I can already see Megs in the holoform going off the "daddy danger alert" and Predaking's surprise when he smells Megatron.
May I also ask when more or less are you planning to upload a good chapter?
Previous Episode of the Deity Timeline
Kenshin would not make that kind of blunder so easily.
Kiyomi does explain to the royal family about what's going on and that Predaking is actually a Cybertronian: the same species as Optimus and the Flying Titan (they don't know Megatron's name and this is set before the Hizuru OVA). Taisho makes the decision to see this being for himself, and Kenshin has to beg to go with him because it's a dragon from beyond the stars. Taisho...ultimately relents against his better judgement. If they somehow manage to have Predaking work with them, they need to get familiar. The father and son go with Kiyomi after a few days, and Kiyomi manages to request Predaking's presence, while being as respectful as possible. Taisho is very terrified at the sight of Predaking crawling out of the cave and does his best to not show it, but Kenshin is looking on with awe and admiration. And Predaking notices both of their reactions, specifically Kenshin's.
Kiyomi explains who the two of them are and both Taisho and Kenshin bow out of manners and respect. Predaking doesn't necessarily care, but Kiyomi does ask if there is a chance that they can work together. She explains further about the situation, and Paradis, and the minute she brings up Optimus, Predaking firstly says Optimus is supposed to be dead, and secondly, he's not working with Optimus. Optimus may show attributes of honor and valor, but he is part of the reason that he has been alone for some time. Kiyomi tries to plead with him, but Predaking is adamant about it. He won't agree with this. Taisho retorts that they need to combine their forces in order to protect Hizuru and thrive in the future. Predaking reminds them that he could just leave. He has no reason to stay on a world of humans. What could they offer him?
"Respect, praise, admiration," Kenshin declared.
All three turned their attention over to the prince, who sat by the offerings left by the mouth of the cave and looked at each one.
"Food of the best quality, trinkets and charms, personal possessions of great value." Kenshin picked up a charm that read 'prosperity', "All of this was given to you because the locals believe that you are a god who will protect them and keep them safe. They offer their worship to you because they fear and look at you with awe. If you were to stay to help protect Hizuru, you would be lauded and admired for all time. You'd be scene as a god."
Kenshin stood up, holding the charm in his hand. "I think it would be amazing to be able to work together towards a better future for all of us."
Predaking...thinks about this, and comes to a decision. He'll offer his services, but he doesn't want to be lied to and he doesn't want to be in close proximity to Optimus. He also won't be their lap dog, trying to every single tedious task they put in front of him, and they agree to this and leave the beast alone.
Kenshin; however, makes an effort to connect with Predaking and learn more about him, and overtime, Predaking finds this endearing. Kenshin opens up about the fact that the throne isn't supposed to be his and how he feels like a fraud for it, while Predaking laments about not belonging anywhere and being only lead for war. They bond. It's great.
Kenshin does bring up the fact that Mikasa will be here 'with the Flying Titan' soon, but decides it's probably best for them to not meet just yet, since Predaking wants to be left alone. But Predaking here's a familiar engine in the sky. He looks down from below and swears he sees Megatron's alt mode. When the Hizuru trip is over, and Taisho returns to speak with Predaking. He demands to know the name of the Flying Titan. Taisho, realizing that if he lies he will die, so Taisho tells Predaking that the Flying Titan was called Megatron, and Predaking immediately goes to hunt Megatron down. Predaking finds him as he's making his way towards Marley and tackles him into the ground.
(That's all I have for now. As to when I'll be updating again...I'm not to sure. Let me try to finish 'Heal' and then we'll talk.)
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melishade · 1 year
Is it possible to ask for number 11 "They shouldn't treat you like that." Between Mikasa and Papa Megs, when Mikasa heard what Arcee, Wheeljack and the rest of the corps in general thought of him.
This ask game
Ehhhh...Doesn't really work here.
Despite Mikasa and Megatron bonding in Hizuru OVA, Megatron's character progression still isn't complete, and Mikasa is completely aware that Megatron has done war crimes. It would be extremely hypocritical of her to try to defend him.
I'll just do Eren and Optimus when it comes to the Marleyans insulting Optimus specifically.
When Eren was in human form, none of the Marleyans were the wiser about who he was. Eren believed that it was because his titan form was so monstrous compared to his human form. Eren couldn't speak in titan form. He could only communicate through grunts and hand gestures. They couldn't really identify him.
However, they were able to identify Optimus. Optimus' holoform outfit was the same color scheme as his titan form. Optimus was able to speak in his actual form as well, and it was the same. So of course, the Marleyans were able to identify him.
That didn't make any of this okay. Eren clenched his fists in anger whenever he saw the Marleyans glaring at Optimus. He could hear their hushed whispers of them calling him a devil, a monster. Some of them were bolder. They called him a metal husk, a freak that defied the natural order of nature just because he was metal. They didn't even think that he had thoughts and feelings of his own. They would mock him every time he followed a request or command from Hanji, saying that he had no will of his own! How dare they! Optimus was the freest being he ever knew. He was the kindest! The most patient! The most understanding! And they treated him like he was nothing!
But what felt like the worst part about it, was that Optimus didn't care. Or ignored it! He couldn't understand! Why would Optimus just brush this aside?! It wasn't fair!
"You shouldn't let this go!" Eren told him at one point as the two were heading back to the Walls in Optimus' alt mode.
"I do not understand." Optimus was perplexed by Eren's sudden proclamation.
"How do you not know about the way that the Marleyans have been treating you?!" Eren demanded, "They're calling you a 'demon' and a 'lifeless husk'! They think you don't have free will of your own! And they-!"
"Eren, what the Marleyans think of me does not concern me, and it should not concern you either," Optimus calmly stated.
"Well it should!" Eren declared, "You shouldn't let them demean you like that!"
"Eren, I have been around for a long time. Being a Prime and the leader of a faction during the war, I have had my own fair share of insults thrown my way. From both Autobots and Decepticons," Optimus explained.
Eren was surprised at that. "But...you-,"
"I have had people insult the way that I speak and how I lead. I had have my own subordinates get frustrated with me about my own actions during the war," Optimus continued, "Because of my position on Cybertron, I have had people who have respected me, and who have despised me. The words of a few humans who have been brainwashed and choose to remain in ignorance means nothing to me."
Eren crossed his arms. "It still isn't fair."
"I am aware," Optimus said to him, "But change is something that take time and work. We should award them an opportunity to see life on Paradis and help them understand that we are not devils."
"And what if they don't want to change?" Eren asked him.
"Then we will act accordingly with the laws of Paradis," Optimus answered him with ease, "For now, just have patience."
Eren grumbled at that. "Fine."
"...I do appreciate your concern for my well-being," Optimus added.
Eren raised his head to the radio. "You do?"
"You are being responsive because you mean well, and I understand that," Optimus explained, "I can handle myself just fine, but even so, thank you for trying to consider how I might feel in this situation."
"Of course," Eren said, "You mean a lot to me."
Optimus felt comfort at that fact, and the two continued making their way to the Walls in silence.
(Not really angst, but it's nice. It's fluff, kind of. I like it. Again, you are more than welcome to ask me from that list up top.)
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melishade · 1 year
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
For the ask game? Hi
Hello kurama!
This ask game btw
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
-Get a notebook and start writing. And write anything in it. Write notes, certain scenes, draw in it, do anything to it. Your notebook is your prize and safe haven to help you keep track of your notes and what you want to plan for your stories. You have your ideas, your inspiration in that book. If you can't get a physical notebook, write it on your phone. I used to write in notebooks a lot and you guys have seen them. I've been writing in notebooks since...6th grade actually. It helps a lot.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Ooo. That's hard. Hanji is a personal bias because it's me projecting onto her in every possible way. TFP Optimus is fun because I finally get him to emote and be emotional. He gets to have connections with the people he's trying to protect that we don't see in the TFP show.
TFP Megatron is the hardest, but is my favorite one to write, especially since Predacons Rising left him in a weird place. It definitely wasn't a redemption, and it shouldn't be treated as such. As someone who is so ingrained in violence and destruction, it's going to be hard to break away from that. I have to write Megatron in a place of resistance, of selfishness, because change doesn't happen over night. Breaking from your coping mechanisms don't happen overnight. It takes time and it takes work. The easiest way of accomplishing this for me is writing this from the perspective of someone who absolutely despises Megatron because that is the only way his development is going to work. He's a murderer, a tyrant, a monster. How do I make a monster feel remorse? How do I make him learn and grow? How do I make him grow a conscious and make him change in a way that feels natural?
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
Months...and I mean months.
Back when I started Attack on Prime, word count for the first chapter clocked in at 4 to 5k words. Didn't take me long to write. Later chapters between 6 to 8k words. The OVAs have been the exception in breaking that word count. But now? I'm writing 10K words at minimum for chapters. The Hizuru OVA sits at 32,347 word and that took months to write because of the amount of research I had to do on 1920-1930s Japan. This was before I republished Attack on Prime on Ao3. I'm trying to write the remaining chapters I have on a monthly basis but I am currently experiencing writer's block on 'Heal' and it's frustrating. Because I had an outline but because of the way I wrote other scenes I gotta rework and take shit out. It's a whole thing.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Romance is not something I'm particularly savvy to. Like kissing, flirting, sex scenes? Nah, can't do it. I'm more particular to cuddling and snuggling and acts of intimate affection. I'll write certain scenes of romance, like the Next of Me OVA had very particular scenes pertaining to Historia and Ymir's relationship, even them getting married. But like a full romance novel? Can't do it.
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