#mc is the queen of making bad decisions okay
pianocat939 · 1 month
Okay, I'll just type out some background information for my planet idea before the actual indugence.
So as a I explained before, the people of the planets + Sun control their respective planet and keep the solar system in balance as much as possible.
Now, there is an unofficial rivalry between the rock planets and gaseous planets. The rock planets want to introduce civilization into other planets to construct more events for their history. (It's literally Earth and Mars being like yes and then poor Mercury and Venus are dragged along).
The gaseous planets don't want this at all. They want to keep the calm, stable world they have already.
Meanwhile, the Sun doesn't care as long as they're the center of the universe.
Okay, now onto more individual background information:
She hates everyone except Venus kind of type. Mostly because the other planets make fun of her size a lot. Venus is the only one she looks up to, and views kind of like an older sibling.
Thoughts on MC (Saturn): She thinks they're more tolerable than the others. But admits their prominent rings are really eye-catching. Finds it annoying when Venus is all pick me girl to them though.
Her thoughts and votes aren't noticed as much as the other planets when they make interplanet decisions. She's sad that they don't notice her individuality.
True beauty queen and is very nice. But I won't lie, she likes to flirt with other planets a lot, even intergalactic ones. But if you ever need emotional support, she's there.
Thoughts on MC: Head over heels for them. Constantly flirting, and always trying to look her best in hopes they'll bat an eye for her. Will be a pick me sometimes because of them.
She doesn't agree with the whole civilization campaign that Earth and Mars have going on but prefers to avoid conflict. But also doesn't want to be targeted by humans...
Kind of the cause of all problems for the solar system except maybe the Sun. They can be a narcissist at times but not as bad as the Sun. Earth is constantly sending out exploration journeys which the planets don't like.
Thoughts on MC: Thinks they're a fascinating planet that needs to be learned more about. They will constantly ask questions about MC, eating up any detail about their planet.
They've been conducting secret plans with Mars...
Pretty smug and confident. Thinks he's the most attractive colour out of all the planets, but unlike Venus, doesn't flirt. Instead, he's more power-hungry. Which is why he's joined in Earth's campaign in hopes he can conquer Saturn especially.
Thoughts on MC: Although Saturn may be much bigger than him, Mars thinks they would be perfect partners. He may be small, but he can pick them up easily for sure. (Size isn't extremely important, but between the two groups there is a difference). Wouldn't you want a warmer planet snuggled into your side?
Althought genuinely thinks Earth as a friend, he hopes to leave them as soon as he gets to have Saturn by his side.
He's literally not that different in age from the other gaseous planets but puts himself in the role as the protector. He is the biggest one and is the most powerful of the planets other than maybe Earth's sneaky little humans.
Thoughts on MC: Finds himself liking the fact they're not that much smaller than him, but still finds them cute. If you thought he's all wholesome, you're wrong. He gets extremely possessive of them and will try to protect them from the rock planets.
Finds Neptune and Uranus annoying sometimes but kinda likes the weird family role they have built as gaseous planets.
Saturn (MC):
(Now I'm just putting this down so MC can have some defined traits. So sorry if this isn't how you act! [and to be fair, I don't act like this either]).
The mom/big sibling of the gaseous planets. They try to be positive for the other 3 considering the rivalry going on. But they don't agree with the campaign at all. They enjoy the peaceful environment they have.
Despite everybody loving their rings, can get a little self-conscious from how much they stand out.
Neptune's twin brother. Think of him as like an annoying middle schooler or that one cousin you absolutely want to murder. He loves annoying every planet, but especially Jupiter. Is self-conscious on his weirdness occasionally.
Thoughts on MC: Absolutely indulges in the fact MC is willing to dote on him. He will puposely mismanage his planet or get hurt in hopes they'll coddle him. Especially in front of his sister.
He works very hard trying to figure out Earth's and Mars' plans.
The calm one of the twins. She's quiet most of the time but will passionately throw up an argument if she thinks Earth is doing some shady shit. But mostly keeps her points to the gaseous planets. She loves talking to her fellow gaseous members.
Thoughts on MC: Thinks of them as a perfect rolemodel. She has rings too (all gaseous planets do) and wants them to be as prominent as Saturn's. She likes to talk about what they did that day or what they love to do.
Has a one-sided rivalry with Venus. Wants to become the most beautiful planet so that Saturn will see her as someone to look at.
He is the irresponsible father who will go on vacations randomly. He will only talk with the planets if he has to prove he's better than them or wants to flirt with Saturn.
Thoughts on MC: Finds them small and cute. Thinks their rings match with his burning flames. Wishes they would stop being so fixiated on keeping peace though. What better peace is there than to chill with him?
Finds Earth to be the most annoying little brat and kind of wants to burn humanity alive.
I don't want to reveal any info of my thoughts on their yan personalities yet, but this is for some ideas on how their personalities are like.
Just so there's no confusion: MC is genderneutral for audience purposes, but Earth is in fact nonbinary. (I kind of thought that becuase they have humans living with them, they aren't contorted to one gender).
I haven't really figured out the lore yet for moons, but for now I'll say they're kind of the assistants of the planets.
If you have any thoughts or ideas, you can send way, but until then, I will keep planning my idea for yan planets. (I do gobble up ideas though I admit)
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mageofseven · 1 year
I’m sure you’re sick of these types of requests atp, but after learning you’re also a poly dialuci fan I can’t not request a surprise birth story for them together/combined 😭🙌
Omg I swear y'all either have the worst case of baby fever or just love baby drama 😂
But no worries! Honestly, these are one of my favorite posts to write because I too love this kind of drama hehe~
Okay, these two men had zero clue MC could be pregnant.
This triad more or less was in agreement that babies were not something they needed at this time.
I mean, the triad only just hit their 1st year anniversary
Which, coincidentally enough, was the night MC conceived.
Neither of the three knew this because they always used protection with MC, almost to a religious degree.
All it took was one overzealous redhead on script duty with bad handwriting to mess it all up though 😅
Reminder that they use runes on MC as a form of birth control and the men take turns on being the scripter
The first time they could have discovered the pregnancy was when her morning sickness hit her hard.
Problem? It also hit her around the time MC accidentally ate some demon food that wasn't human safe 😅
It was a food MC had never seen before and since she has been in the Devildom for so long and was so used to eating weird food, it had never accord to her to be cautious.
Oh boy was Lucifer upset.
He chastised his girlfriend, but was still the one to hold her hair back as she puked.
Dia just laughed it off, somewhat anxious.
I mean, the food she ate wasn't going to harm her, but it commonly made humans have intense nausea and make them puke for weeks as their body tried to rid itself of the foreign toxin.
Lucifer wanted her to see to a see a doctor, but MC refused.
She loved her boyfriends, but they were so protective that it was exhausting; Lucifer especially so since his protectiveness was also paired with his stubbornness.
Some days it felt like Lucifer would make her see a doctor for a freaking paper cut if she'd let him.
Though also worried about his Queen, the redhead accepted her decision and persuaded Lucifer to do the same.
However, he did remind her that she could change her mind at any time.
She didn't though and honestly, MC will regret that decision every time she thinks back on it.
With the end of her nausea came cravings and a big appetite. The three just assumed that after weeks of not being able to eat much that her body was catching up for lost time.
As her belly grew, MC grew more and more self conscious as well.
She had less 'intimate time' with her boyfriends and would hide her belly under baggy shirts.
Honestly, the woman started getting really depressed about her rapidly changing figure.
The two men were worried about the weight gain too, but only because it upset their girlfriend so greatly.
This was a period of a comforting for this triad. The two men put aside work more and more to comfort their depressed human.
The two men showered her in gifts, took her on more dates outside the house since she became more homebound during this period, and spent so much time trying to cuddle the sadness out of her.
This went on for months till finally, it all came to a conclusion.
MC was having really bad cramps one day. Both men had a meeting they needed to attend, but the pride demon's intuition was raising red flags.
Despite the woman's protests, Lucifer was able to convince their boyfriend to stay home and the two stayed by her side.
Like always, Lucifer wanted to call a doctor immediately. Also like always, MC outright refused...for awhile at least.
Eventually, the pain got so severe that she was gripping one or both men, begging through tears for a doctor, which her boyfriends quickly obliged.
That's when they learned that not only was MC pregnant, but she was actively in labor.
The panic and shock was obvious from Lucifer; I mean, how did this happen?? It made absolutely no sense to this man considering how careful they have been.
Dia, on the other hand, was ecstatic.
I mean yes, the three of them had originally agreed that babies weren't on the agenda for the time being, but the prince mostly just agreed because both of his partners weren't ready for parenthood and he himself was okay with waiting.
The two men got into a small squabble over the prince's reaction, but was interrupted by their girlfriend's scream of pain.
To Lucifer's dismay, Dia sent the doctor away as per MC's request. She didn't want some stranger in the room while she was naked and in the worst pain of her life.
As a compromise though, the doctor was kept on standby else where in case the human needed him.
Each man planted themselves on different sides of MC and held her hands.
Both men gave MC encouragement and comfort, but Dia excelled at it. He was constantly whispering in her ear, peppering well-appreciated kisses on her face, and rubbing her taut belly.
Lucifer did the same, but given that he was the more anxious one, was constantly checking her progress and making sure she was keeping hydrated because obviously hours of screaming and pain can make any person easily dehydrated.
Day turned to night by the time the baby was born; the triad had never been more relieved to hear cries echo through a room before.
However...there was something a bit off about this baby.
When Lucifer brought their new daughter into MC's arms, the human noticed a strange mixture features.
This baby had Diavolo's skin tone, down the same golden markings on her arms as are found on the prince when in his demon form. However, she also had Lucifer's black hair. Her eyes matched her mother's and she had two little golden nubs on her head that will grow into horns in the future.
How...how did this child look like both her boyfriends? Even Lucifer was perplexed.
Luckily, Diavolo had the answer to this.
Some demons experience what is referred to a chimera conception; basically, if a demon has multiple partners within the window of time for conception, the baby can take genetics from more than one father.
In truth, the prince never thought it could occur in a human till now.
Still, the man was excited! His Queen just had a baby. He was a dad now--
Lucifer pulled his boyfriend out into the hallway, telling him that he needs to cool it down.
The pride demon didn't like bringing the mood down for the happy man, but it really needed to be said.
He reminded the prince that before this baby was essentially forced on MC by the universe, she didn't actually want a child; not yet anyway.
Neither man knew quite yet what their girlfriend wanted to do with this baby, whether she wanted to raise it or send it away.
To get excited now was premature and could unintentionally guilt the human into keeping a child she might not want.
This talk deflated the prince and his boyfriend hated that he had to do it.
The pride demon tugged his boyfriend into his arms.
"I'm sorry. I know this is difficult, but we need to keep MC in mind; she's already been through a lot as it is."
Dia nuzzled his face into the other demon neck.
"No, you're right. I...I just got carried away." He pulled back to meet Luce's eyes. "I'll keep myself under control."
"I know you want to be a father. Maybe you will be able to be one; maybe we will with this child. If MC can't handle this now though, we could always have another when she is ready."
Dia leaned in and kissed his boyfriend.
"I know...thank you, my Light."
The two men returned to the room, opening the door just to find MC crying as she stared down at her daughter.
The two men picked up the pace and joined the human at her bedside.
Dia knelt down next to her and wiped a tear from her face with his thumb.
"Don't hate me..." She said softly.
His eyes widen.
"What do you mean, my Queen?"
The woman shook her head and looked away from the prince.
Lucifer sat next to her on the bed and kissed her head.
"Love...just talk to us." He cajoled. "It will be alright, I assure you."
"I-I just...I don't know what to do; I'm so scared."
"Oh my Queen..." Dia joined his partners on the bed and pulled MC in to a hug, careful of the child resting within her arms. "It's okay; it's okay to be scared."
"But what if I can't handle it? What if I don't want..."
Her gaze fell to her daughter and the guilt choked her.
Dia's heart cracked. Lucifer was right.
He leaned into kiss her head.
"If you do not want this child...I will find a safe home for them."
MC's eyes widened as she turned to him.
"But...but you want her...I know you want to be a dad."
Dia lowered his head.
"I love our child...but I love you more." He insisted. "Will not pressure you to keep a child you aren't ready for; especially after the trauma you just went through."
MC shook her head, thick tears spilling down her cheeks.
"I don't know what I want...I'm so confused."
"It's fine; you can be confused." Lucifer told her. "You don't need to decide now."
In accidental unison, both men leaned in and each kissed a side of her head.
Diavolo nodded.
"That's right." He agreed. "Just know we are here for you and will continue to love you no matter your choice."
It took a few days for MC to recover from it all. Originally, her emotions were running hard after the birth and it made an already overwhelming situations worse for her.
As she recovered from it all, the woman started to get so very attached to her daughter.
Before she even told her boyfriends that she wanted to keep her, the men could just sense it from how she looked at her.
The three decided to name their daughter Eris.
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thirdwifeofriversong · 4 months
okay i need to rant incoherently about HOFAS (and the sjm fandom)
so if you don’t care or haven’t finished the book, feel free to ignore this
(to make a couple of things abundantly clear though, the general discourse in this fandom frustrates me to no end, no hate to anyone obviously, but i get real real tired of the ship wars - i literally don’t care - and of people not using critical reading skills… all/most of these characters are morally grey and flawed and imperfect and it literally does nothing to debate who’s good/bad based on one reading of a morally grey character. they’re grey. even the ones you like. even the ones you hate. that’s the point. also this is mainly aimed at the acotar fandom.)
anyway, some thoughts on HOFAS
i absolutely loved lidia’s characterization. one of the best parts of the book. we love a complex female character. we love a complex double agent who does horrible things and has to live with that. we love female characters who aren’t sidelined just because they have kids
speaking of
i have Feelings about the characterization of lidia as a mother and am still trying to figure out what those are exactly.
but my feelings certainly align with her absolutely demolishing ruhn with that line about her tragic female backstory. what an absolute QUEEN.
i’m not quite sure how to feel about the ruhn/lidia relationship. i love their dynamic, and i support her in her decision to choose ruhn because she did choose him
but also he was pretty sketchy/a little bitch to her at times. was pretty shocked when he shot her in the leg (it seemed out of character). not unforgivable, that’s for her to decide and him to atone for (reminder to the fandom in general) but yeah… interesting… and questionable
okay moving on from them
i do love an ensemble cast. it’s very enjoyable.
the firstlight being gone is a really interesting world building device
you could definitely see the extra emphasis this book on motherhood, through lidia and ember — interesting to see authors evolve and grow with their own lives influencing their themes
honestly, enjoyed the subplots a good bit
ITHAN AND THARION ARE SUPER HOMOEROTIC! i had hope for a little bit that we would finally see a queer relationship unfold. but no. one of them just got married off and now is attached? like bro this werewolf literally almost got himself killed and then murdered someone very important to him to rescue you from enslavement. but that’s totally platonic.
AGH I’m really REALLY frustrated with the lack of queer rep in the MCs in sjm books. like fine, i don’t care that much, at least you have some rep, but it really shows the limitations of comp het storytelling
was very much a guilty pleasure but the crossovers were a very fun touch
ALSO. getting very tired of the “males are all the same across the universe. such alphaholes haha.” BRO THATS NOT HOW PEOPLE WORK AND ALSO DEFINITELY NOT HOW GENDER WORKS. my little queer brain cells are dying here.
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twst-lovecraft · 2 years
If it’s okay, can I request headcanons for how Malleus would react to his s/o telling him that they feel they aren’t good enough for him because they’re not a noble?
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twst characters x reader || hurt -  comfort || romantic relationship [🌻]
TW: mention of politics issues (Briar Valley), mention hint of self doubts (MC/reader), slight angst (if you squint enough), Chapter 6 spoilers, OOC. 
Summary: You had confess to Malleus about your doubts for not being a noble, because of that you feel like you’re not good enough for him.
Character(s): Malleus Draconia 
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Malleus Draconia:  
Honestly, Malleus would be really shock at this confession because he really hasn’t thought about how you would felt about his status yet. In fact, if you’re talking about Malleus, he did not even care a little bit about social status when you two had started to dating. All he cares is that you’re perfect for him, that before you were his s/o, you were one of his first friend that he had made during the time in Night Raven Collage, you care for him do you? You love and adore him, giving him attention he never receive from other people that surrounds him.  
And no one would really dare to even comment on the fact that Malleus is dating a person without a noble status in the first place. The fact they’re scared of him and for him to announce that you’re his love one is automatically a cue to everyone who wants to bad mouthing you that if they mess with you then they would mess with him and his family in total. 
That’s why he instantly thought that someone or some groups had made a stupid decision to mess with you and made you doubting your relationship with him. Malleus would ask you some questions to know if there’s someone made you felt that way. 
If there is a person who made you felt that way about your relationship with him then he would guess that it might be some nobleman in the Briar Valley in disguise or his Grandmother had heard about the situation and might send someone to messages her words to you about her point of view about the relationship. 
If this is only your personal feeling and doubts have haunted you in the first place then Malleus would do his best to assure you that you do not have to worry about status because if you wanted to stay with him and be his queen then he would do everything in his power, gathering people in the court to support his decisions to make way for you to join the noble society. Even go to the greater length to gather politics power against anyone who oppose to this decision of his.
But for now, both him and you are just students so there’s not much that he could do for you. What he learns from Lilia’s teaching is that to enjoy what you have in your hand in the present to the fullest and he’s going to treat you with love and care until the end of time. And even if he had been separate from you, Malleus would always treasure his memories with you. 
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dandylorian · 1 year
oh boy oh boy ok ty bud <3 <3 <3
📄What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
The one I think of when I think of my WIPs is from Haikyuu!!, which is a VOLLEYBALL ANIME I had no business falling in love with but certainly did (*looks at my 94 published fics*). Sports animes are big on drawing blatant narrative foils. The mc Hinata and his rival/bestie/boyfriend Kageyama are light and dark, gregarious and awkward, intuition and skill, but both share one brain cell and have literally said to each other, "As long as you're with me, you're the greatest." ANYWAY....
The funky thing about going on the fic journey with a sports anime is eventually you'll arrive at an AU that's just character themes and nothing else? This WIP is peak achy/sad, where H is summer/growth and K is winter/death, and they are eternal, but have very little time they can spend with one another bc they are opposites at their core. K must carry sleeping chestnut seed!Hinata in a pouch against his heart as he blankets the world in snow, and has to plant him in a sacred grove and move on in the hopes that the seed will grow and warmth will come again. It's a very pandemic winter trying-to-preserve-hope-in-the-dark-months vibe.
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
Dorian was lucky that only his lyre was broken – and not his hand – from a close call just moments before. His armor and travel gear clung to him in a sweaty film as he raced after Opal, Dariax, and Orym, with Fearne right on his heels.
“Remember that time I said breaking into a scary-evil-awful-glowing tower was probably a bad idea?” he yelped, narrowly dodging a sconce that ripped at his sleeve like a clawed beast as they advanced down the steadily contracting hallway. He yanked Fearne after him, the both of them escaping for the moment with shallow scrapes. Orym glanced over his shoulder at them, and the red-orange of flames reflecting in his wide eyes proved the trigger downstairs was far from exhausted.
Dorian didn’t have more time to stare, because the stone floor erupted under them in a tremendous wave, like it was made of storm-roughened waters, or billowing fabric, instead of solid rock. 
“Since when do we make smart decisions,” Orym grunted, darting up the side of the wall for a breathless moment to dodge flying shrapnel.
“That Orroyen lady said, ‘the wizard has answers,’” Opal hissed, sliding down the hall on her heeled boots as the walls warped and squeezed threateningly. 
“She didn’t mention if he had hospitality!” Dariax said in that way he had, which – despite everything – had the lot of them wheezing with disbelieving laughter as they sprinted deeper along the twisting corridors. 
Dorian loved these idiots. He felt awful, completely flattened and horrible and dirty and exhausted, but life was nothing if not exciting with them, every single sweaty day.
“Queen bitch, you plan on helping us anytime soon?!” screamed Opal, glaring upward.
Whatever the response was, all the rest of them could hear was the creeping sound of crawling insects, and then the hallway straightened out in a snap, revealing a tall, narrow, turquoise door that had seemed eons away just moments before.
“Check for traps, Dari – okay.” Orym reached out, but Dorian caught him by the armor and pulled him back, nearly slamming him into his and Fearne’s legs where they were plastered against the wall. 
Dariax narrowly avoided the dart that ejected from a hole in the wall, when he finally unlocked the door.
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pidayforpi · 2 years
7, 12, 20 for writer ask game :)
(@shychick-52 VERY SORRY for the long wait ahhhh)
(And THANK YOU SO MUCH for the ask! I am always happy to see people interested in my cringy works! It means so much to me! :3)
(Thank you for your patience! Hopefully this answer could make up for the long wait...!)
7. How would you describe your writing style?

Writing style, eh? Um...I would say...angsty XD

Really, (mostly) everything I touch turns into angst I'm like Killer Queen but angst XD. Either it starts as angst, or it becomes angst half-way through. I don't know how it happens _(:3 」∠)_ The only thing I can do to prevent angst is to set my story as straightly fluff from the beginning and force myself to stick to fluff only (like my Gyro Lemon Tart story) (though failure may still occur)

But seriously, "character study" would be a better word to describe my writing style. It is just that angst and character study usually come in pair.

Angst provides me with an opportunity at character study (which I LOVE, even though it can be quite challenging sometimes _(:3 」∠)_), because we only show our vulnerabilities when we are at our weakest. Especially for "bad guys", whose "facade" (i.e. The cartoonish, silly, "evil" persona you see in the official TV show) can only be torn down when they are the most vulnerable (e.g. Flinty).

I especially love to do character studies for baddies, and this is probably because all of my interests are children's cartoons. For a children's show, it is understandably difficult to make up a realistic but complicated motive for bad guys. Because that would be, well, too complicated to understand. It may also make the tone of the show too dark/unfunny, slow down the momentum of storytelling/use up too much time, or distract the attention away from the main characters.

Therefore, I have noticed that most cartoon villains have big, outlandish motives like "be rich/famous/powerful" or "beat the MC", but with a disproportionate or illogical backing (e.g. "just want to"/ "jealous of MC"/"revenge for some stupid conflict". Or straight up don't explain their motives).

I totally understand why shows tend to do this, and I respect that decision. But I too love to help fill this logical gap, while being as canonical as possible. Kind of like piecing together existing evidence (canons) and making logical assumptions where appropriate (headcanons).

For example: For Flinty, I take canonical evidence from segments of the show talking about him (e.g. "The Ballad of Duke Baloney"), and then use the evidence to try to explain why Flinty hates Scrooge so much, inserting my own headcanons to fill any logical gaps (so-called "plotholes") whenever necessary (e.g. Why does Scrooge underpaying Flinty affect Flinty so much? Solely because of jealousy? Are there other underlying reasons?)

Okay back to writing style don't derail
I looked back at my past angsty stories, and I found that I have quite an emphasis on "descriptions of thoughts and emotions". A character's thoughts and emotions are important in character study, because these don't lie and are direct illustrations of the character's feelings. Description of emotions, combined with narration of events (i.e. how the character feels in an event + what the event actually is), in turn shape the psychology of the character (i.e. why the character behaves in such a way).

Of course, character studies aren't exclusive to bad guys. I also do character studies for characters I love and/or side characters, like Fethry, Gladstone and Ari. Usually these characters are quite underdeveloped (i.e. not enough source materials of them in an already (relatively but understandably) deficient cartoon environment especially Ari reeee), and so I'll work with what I have to give my beloved a story of their own. It may be hard to make up a whole "lore-friendly" backstory for these obscure characters, but this is also the fun and creative part.

like me grasping that 15 seconds of clinton coot taking about him meeting ari and then expanding to infinity ∞


12. Do you feel pressured to write some days?
...yes \(//∇//)\

Especially on "free days" (e.g. Summer holidays).

I aim to write (almost) daily, usually after dinner/before bed. I can..."sometimes" keep this routine. Sometimes I will miss a day or two (due to busy/tiring schedule such as weekends, or just don't feel like it), and sometimes I will miss a whole period (due to unexpected/expected life events like sickness/school/vacation, or...not getting inspired at all).
(Though I do officially let myself pause for a while after finishing each story)

I get especially pressured on "free days" because these are the times I can abide to this schedule the most. There may be days like a family outing or a vacation, that I will feel too tired to write for the day(s), but at least I am still relatively free.

And I have quite some ideas I have yet to put into words, so these days are the best for me to do so. (actually the time is now, because I will be starting school soon... _(:3 」∠)_)


But don't worry! I am usually alright with working at my own pace :3 Only when there are additional stressors (i.e. when I am already not in a good mood) will this feeling intensify. like last summer but we don't talk about that


20. Do you prefer to edit as you go, or once the piece is finished?

This is a bit tricky...The answer is actually both XD

Okay. There are several occasions when I will edit my piece (from regular to arbitrary):

→ After finishing a piece and before publishing. I will definitely check my writing several times, ranging from plot consistency, better vocabulary and grammatical mistakes. I usually check ≥3 times because I don't have confidence in myself _(:3 」∠)_. Most mistakes are grammatical ones I blame the fact that English is not my first language _(:3 」∠)_, and I always try to fix as much as possible before publishing.

→ Returning to a WIP after a long time. This is a "consistency check". Because my WIP can stay a WIP for...a year, I do take a look at what I have written to make sure what I am going to write will match the same writing style. Things I check for include potentially cringy stuff I have written in the past, vocabulary consistency and grammatical mistakes. Usually this is what I do on the first day I return to a WIP.

→ After writing a section for a day...or whenever I feel insecure _(:3 」∠)_. Um...nothing to elaborate on this one...

→ I will usually NOT edit my published stories. Once it is published, I won't touch it, whether it is the public version or my own draft. Even if it is fatally cringy or full of cringy grammatical errors, it stays that way.
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freelyenvolving · 5 months
This gif right here is very reminiscent of the Megan/Nicki Minaj fiasco. First things first, I think we've all can get it out of the way that both of them have done some shady ish. Both of them are not in the right. More than likely, this is some comeuppance towards Nicki and how she has reacted to certain female MC's more specifically Lil Kim and Remy Ma. It damn near took her 2 weeks to a month to respond to Remy ma. If I remember correctly she was online going at other celebrities. One is specific was Trey Songz which I believe all of us know he is a bad man however that is beyond the point. Remy ma came at you. The hell are you going at other celebrities step your cookies up before they crumble b****. "Megan used her". Okay...and she used Megan. Let's not act like her stardom was all the way up there. It had cracked a lot due to Remy Ma's 'Shether' diss and not mention she needed more help to get a hit plus be viewed to the public as a girl's girl. "She entrusted Megan". If my memory serves me correctly this woman got her whole alias due to the work of Lil Kim and others before her. She even went to collab with Foxy Brown which is Lil Kim's arch nemesis. C'mon now get off of it. And not to sound ageist because we know ageism is a bad thing. However I would love to highlight how a lot of "older folks" love ageism for when it best benefits them. Nothing wrong with having a high self-esteem or higher standard for yourself but what she had was straight up elitism of which I hate with a passion. You the head right? You the queen, right? Okay then act like it. For her to try to embody the archetype of Jay-Z with being a businesswoman( Capricorn Mars/SN).... you going out bad. In regards about Megan saying she need to go to the clinic. On some dark, esoteric, shadow work type shit....was she wrong? Granted you telling this to a 24-year-old Megan(@the time) i.e. the party girl... Now I know I had more couth at 24 but whatever. Nicki is a millionaire. She could have had went to the sperm bank got a good sperm donor and did her thing, if she wanted a child so badly. We are living in a day and age where that nuclear family is not what it's played up to be. If anything this seems pretty karmic to her own family scenario, but what do I know. To those that have ever took a criminology or certain sort of criminal justice class, you probably have heard of something called the rape gene. Even though it has not been proven there is more than enough examples out here to show that there's some accuracy to that theory. Now Nicki got a baby with a registered sex offender I mean 🙌🏽. What's done is done the baby is here hopefully this could just be a warning towards any other woman in her maiden/mother phase to not make that type of decision cuz the risk is way too high. It's easier to say that you are for other women but unless you can make sure that the fruit that's coming out of your womb is not going to be a danger to other women and children, I really don't want to hear that shit. Now that's some women's unity for your ass. Flashback does anybody remember her VMA speech? Cuz I do remember a certain part where she talked about Whitney Houston and mental health. That Sagittarius Sun/Virgo Moon had a point there. She needs to take her own advice and start tending to hers instead of being on this maniac episode. This is not to be disrespectful to the mental health community because I do believe she's just doing this just to be hateful but I'm using it as a point of reference. To those of us that have had people that suffer from mental health in our family we know typically for when it is they just acting up versus when it really is their mental health is declining. Nevertheless this has been very entertaining as an outsider looking in.
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locria-writes · 4 years
Hmm, the „cheating“ Lothar asks makes me wonder, how would HE react if the MC cheated on him? 🤔 Perhaps not with Val because that just can‘t end well, but with some random nobles or perhaps even some servants? Would it help if she claims that she only ever loves Lothar and all those flings are purely physical? Does he even think he has a right to be upset (poor boi totally has :( he deserves all the good things after all he‘s been through ;n;) what‘s with his constant guilt and self-loathing?
g o d  some of you guys really come through with more drama than i could ever dream up (❁▿❁*)
so uh, this might be maybe kinda sorta planned and maybe kinda sorta with val god help me
lothar doesn’t believe he has the right to feel upset about the bad things that happen to him, but clearly, that doesn’t stop him lol. and what’s with all his issues? blame his adoptive father (◡‿◡✿)
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thenovelartist · 3 years
And there was only One Bed - Tears of Themis Headcanons
Premise: There’s only one room left in the hotel, meaning the guys have to be roomies with MC for a night.
Err… his cheeks are red now.
He’s having to check with MC if she’s okay with it. Not that they had much of a choice.
They take the room, only to discover one bed.
And forget his crush on her; that’s the least of his problems.
He knows she shifts in her sleep.
“You take half and I take half?” MC offers. “Like when we were kids?”
He sighs, lamenting his fate. “I’m so gonna end up on the floor.”
When it comes to who showers first: rock, paper, scissors.
He’s the least phased of all the guys by the whole “share one bathroom” situation. They grew up together. They sometimes used to have quick conversations through the bathroom door, normally just a question or two about what they wanted for dinner or if their phone went off and it was their parents.
Which happened this time. “There was a vending machine down stairs. You want anything? And if you mention that diet, I’m getting you two of your favorite candy bars.”
“Just one and only one.”
“You got it.”
(@gavin-plz-call-me once called them the “King and Queen of No Boundaries” and I will never forget it.)
Eventually, Luke makes sure MC’s settled in for bed while he’s planning to stay up a little and figure out tomorrow’s game plan.
Until she literally drags him to bed.
He can’t protest against her.
Contrary to what he thought, he did not end up on the floor.
But it was kinda hard to sleep when the girl of his dreams decided his chest was her new snuggle pillow halfway through the night.
He’ll cave and roll with it. Be selfish just for tonight and hold her there.
Come morning, she apologizes for disrupting him, he dismisses it. And both their cheeks are red.
But it doesn’t phase them. Give it half an hour, they’re back to normal.
(Bonus: “So, kid. Let me get this straight,” Aaron Yishmir started. “You spent the night with her, and you’re still not gonna tell her anything?”
“It wasn’t like that!”
“You’re hopeless.)
Well… this is a predicament.
However, they come to some awkward agreement that if it’s the only place to sleep for the night, they’ll take it and figure it out as they go.
However, things only go from bad to worse when they learn there’s only one bed.
There were very few times since becoming an adult that Vyn ever found himself at a loss. And this was one of those times.
“Um… are you comfortable splitting?”
His glasses almost fell off his face at MCs suggestion.
Before he can even think about suggesting to take the chair, MC is putting up a blanket wall. “Like this?”
Er… aha…
Oh geez, this woman…
He caves to that deep, ugly part of him that’s begging “yes” and agrees.
Then comes the new revelation there’s only one bathroom, which rose the question of who was going to shower when.
He just lets her take the first shower while his mind is still storming.
During that time, he realizes this may be the only time he has the privacy to actually record his voice diary.
It’s a total disaster. He’s in mental turmoil and can barely think straight.
But MC is acting normal, meaning he’s got to try to act normal.
Normally, he takes his showers in the morning, but he takes it at night this time just so he can have another moment of privacy to get his thoughts in order.
This is just a practical arrangement. This is just a practical arrangement. This is just a practical arrangement…
Bedtime rolls around, and poor, unsuspecting Vyn believes they are each going to stay on their respective sides of the bed.
However, Author has a headcanon these two both sleep like dead logs.
Morning rolls around, and they’re still both asleep, only they��re totally entangled.
MC wakes up first, laying on top of Vyn.
And when she freaks, flailing and falling off the bed in the process, that’s when Vyn wakes, too.
It was… an interesting morning to say the least.
They come to the agreement to never speak on it again.
(Until a few years down the line after they’re together and can look back on that day with amusement.)
When the person at the front desk said there was only one room left, Artem about had a heart attack.
He cannot possibly share a room with MC. That’s super improper.
Will call around to any other hotel in the area, but no avail.
MC will literally have to drag this poor man up to the room.
“It will be fine, Artem.”
Except, it wasn’t. There was one bed.
Cue almost heart attack number 2.
He almost left to go sleep in the car. MC had to restrain him.
“We can share right? Like, if we—”
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Not even if we put a blanket—”
“No. I’ll sleep in the chair.”
There was no convincing him to sleep anywhere else.
And MC tried.
Eventually, she had to surrender. “Fine. Then do you want the first shower?”
Oh… there was only one bathroom… that they’d be sharing…
Cue almost heart attack number 3.
Will legitimately leave the room while she’s showering. He just feels too awkward and like he’s invading her privacy.
Then bed time rolls around and he’s unable to sleep, so he works on his laptop for the time being.
Ends up pulling an all-nighter, which MC anticipated.
She set an alarm for early in the morning so she could then force him to bed for a few hours.
While he insisted he was fine, he was too tired to protest as she pushed him down into bed. “Sleep, will you. I know you didn’t sleep all night.”
Thought he’d have trouble, but he was so wound up all night over everything that had happened that he’s passed out in fifteen minutes.
And stayed out cold for a few hours.
When they left, MC made sure to thank him for being such a gentleman. She thought it was the least she could do for his troubles.
That, and she quite liked the way his ears and neck turned red.
(Bonus: He hopes Celestine never finds out what happened on that business trip.
But when she finds out curtesy of MC, she will never let him live it down.)
The moment he finds out there’s only one room, he actually gets super flustered.
And as he does, instantly goes in to deflective Playboy Flirt mode.
“Get your head out of the gutter, you little—”
MC shut that down, real quick.
Most he could do then is just say “It can’t be that bad, right? What’s the worst that could happen?”
Well, apparently only be one bed.
Flustered Marius = Playboy Persona
“That’s it,” MC says. “You take the bed.”
“What? Don’t you wanna share?”
But really, he wants to find some way to get her to take the bed because he really will feel awful otherwise.
Then comes the single bathroom realization.
“You wanna shower together?”
“Marius, I swear I will kick you out of this room and take the keycard from you.”
“Oh, my feisty Miss Attorney.”
“Miss Attorney will sue you for sexual harassment.”
He gets to shower first, and then ends up giving her some excuse for leaving the room entirely.
He loves teasing her, but this might be the most he’s ever pushed his luck. And he actually doesn’t want her to hate him, so he’ll give her this space at least.
As for the bed situation…
MC tries to sleep on the couch, but he can’t stand it, so he decides to push his luck and simply carry her to bed.
“I won’t pull anything, I swear.”
“The only reason I’m agreeing is because I know I’ll sleep better here than the couch.”
“I’ll shut up.”
Regrets his decision halfway through the night when Mr. Light Sleeper realizes Ms. Dead Log moves in her sleep.
She was snuggled up against his back, and his heart was going doki doki too hard to even think about going back to sleep.
Eventually, he rolls over and snuggles her, not just because he wants to, but he hopes it will keep her still through the night.
Unfortunately, she was not happy in the morning.
“Can’t we talk about this?”
She kept her face turned away from him the rest of the day, but he knew it was red with blush. “Shut up.”
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Okay, sorry in advance for my language, but why THE FUCK did they give Alya the Fox miraculous back? Hell, why did they give back ANY of their miraculous back to the same people? Why not simply CHANGE THEIR MIRACULOUS, so that, oh I dunno, ShadowMoth won’t know their identity?!?
This is the case for each hero, but in particular for Alya, given how important she now is as MariBug’s sole confident. Why not give her the Bee, which would work wonderfully with her personality and how she needs to grow? Why not any of the LITERALLY FOURTEEN OTHER MIRACULOUS still inside the box? WHY, writers, WHY???
(It is already bad enough that Alya gets to be REWARDED for her mistakes, especially when Marinette is constantly punished for every one’s mistakes, not just her own, and is never allowed a break, much less a reward.)
Also, speaking of Alya, why didn’t she just combine the Fox and the Horse, instead of letting Kaalki use their power despite knowing full well just how dangerous the kwamis’ powers are when used without a holder? ShadowMoth already knows about the Horse miraculous and the existence of the miracle box. So once more, WHY?!?
We all know why though. It is because that would mean needing new models. And we all know that they would rather drown in their own ego than create new models. Yes, I am glaring at you, Reflekta
Damn I hate what this show has become post S1
I am just... So done with this show. Thank goodness for LukaNette, canon your blog, MC. You are this fanbase’s savoir, dear Lukanette queen
I hate that the answer for all of this is just, “because new models.” It’s doubly infuriating when you think about the fact that we’ve complained constantly about the girls being given these bodysuits, yet they don’t even take advantage of that to give the girls other miraculouses. I would’ve even happily accepted the girls in bodysuits if it meant that the trade-off was them getting other miraculouses/variety, since they can just “spray paint” the model differently and add a few small details (ears, tail, et cetera) to make it look vaguely different, and that actually makes sense from a money standpoint.
Like, man, I try to give this show slack when it comes to it being a 3D show versus 2D but they make it so damn hard when their inability to do things that a 2D show would do easily affects the writing. No single person can honestly try and tell me that the decisions they’ve been making (especially in Season 4) are because it feels “realistic” for the characters/story.
Yeaaaah, no. It’s just for saving cash and setting Marinette up to fail.
Thank you very much for the compliments, by the way! I always find myself blushing a bit and smiling like an idiot when I hear people call me the Lukanette queen~
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axwalker · 3 years
Creep 2: I don’t care if it hurts
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Pairing: Drake Walker x MC  (Lexie O’Brien) Book TRR
Synopsis: Drake and Lexie are star-crossed lovers. Her father hates him and forces Lexie to stop any contact with Drake. Lost and heartbroken, he “bullies” her for two years until he discovers the truth of Lexie’s behavior.
A/N 1 This came up to me after I got an ask from @nestledonthaveone​ to write a fic based on the song CREEP.
I used to hear this song when I was a teenager, so when I read this ask, I immediately wanted to write something angsty but situated in high school.
A/N 2: Because they’re younger than usual, I decided to change my  FC. 
Words: 4,110 
WARNINGS: Parental abuse, domestic violence, toxic love.
THIS IS NOT YOUR USUAL MARSHMALLOW DRAKE. He was abandoned as a boy, he’s tortured and he doesn’t know how to express his love. His behavior is not excusable.
This is a dark love story. If you’re not comfortable with it, PLEASE do not read it.  
As this is darker than usual; I’m only tagging the people who commented in the previous chapter. If you want to get on or off the list for this fic, please do not hesitate to ask!! 
Even if she never looks at me or speaks to me again, she’s mine. Even if I’ve been a horrible jerk to her for two years and she pales every time I pull into the parking lot on my motorcycle, she is mine. Just seeing her with him enrages me, so I walk straight toward my usual seat, directly behind Lexie, and slam my textbook down onto the desk.
Startled, Rys looks up at me, “Hey, Walker. What’s up?” 
It’s not the first time he tries to make a move on Lexie. Last time –two years ago, we almost killed each other. Pretty boy might be an entitled ass, but he knows how to fight. Maybe he thinks Lexie is game again after all this time. He couldn’t be more wrong. 
 “Don’t you have a class this period?” I ask him. Liam cocks his left eyebrow, adjusting the straps of his backpack. 
“I fail to see why that concerns you, Creep.”  
My smile is murderous. “Get the fuck out of here before I break your face, pretty boy.”
I think he has a death wish because he looks at Lexie when he talks, “See you after class, Alexis, when your watchdog will be busy mowing my lawn.” Finally, he just shakes his head and gets out of the classroom. I resume my daily routine. Staring at the back of Lexie’s head, tracing the curve of her perfect neck, my cock getting hard over her perfect cherry scent. 
“So that’s what you like,” I say, leaning forward to speak an inch from her ears. “You like them with blond hair and pink polo shirts. Prospects for Cambridge or shit. A huge trust fund. Don’t you? A brat like you needs someone who can spoil her. I bet you’d introduce him to daddy, wouldn’t you?” 
She doesn’t respond. She never does. Her eyes stay stubbornly on the front of the class where the teacher has started writing today’s lesson on the board—my hands fist in desperation. I’m dying for her to talk to me. To look at me. Anything. “Too bad, Lexie. I’ll scare every single one of those fucking entitled boys off. You’re going to sit alone in your house on prom night, crying into your designer sheets like a baby. And I’m going to enjoy it.” 
The only sign that she hears me at all is the quickening rise and fall of her shoulders. Even that tiny display that I’ve upset her is agonizing, floods me with self-loathing, but I can never stop. She ripped out my fucking heart, and I can’t deal with the consequences of that alone. I can’t let her go. I’ll never let her go. This toxic feeling is the only thing left between us. My hands shake with the urge to take her in my arms, to stop the trembling I caused. To protect her from everything. Even myself. I’d love to move my fingers up into the silky, brown hair that reaches the middle of her graceful neck. I don’t have a lot of money; most of the cash I earn as a handyman goes to food and fixing my dad’s cabin, but I’d give every last cent for her to turn and lock those soft brown eyes on me, just one last time. Sometimes when I jerk off, all it takes is fantasizing about Lexie looking at me, giving me one of those shy smiles, and I lose it. One stroke. Maybe two. Done. I can’t breathe without having her close. And I can’t breathe with her close. It’s a strange condition, this obsession, but she’s an addiction that I just can’t give up. 
How could I? She’s intelligent, strong, and so damned gorgeous. Once upon a time, I thought she had a good heart too. But that was before she broke my pathetic heart only because I’m poor. I’ve been hurting since then, and I need her to hurt too. To know what it feels.
“Do you actually think that dumb rich boy would be a good choice for your first time, Lexie?” I grip my desk so tight it nearly breaks down, just thinking about her being kissed –touched by someone else. “At least that’s one thing us poor motherfuckers have going for us. We know how to fuck. If you went out with Rys for a while, you’d eventually give in and come slumming it one night, wouldn’t you? Knock on my rundown cabin door, begging me to fuck you as we both know you’d like.”
A pretty blush is starting to climb her neck. I have to take a deep breath to keep from kiss her pink cheeks. But I think if I got to touch her skin, my wall of bullshit would crumble. I’ve only fucked one girl. Since seeing Lexie for the first time freshman year, there’s been no one but her. I want no one else. She owns my cock as sure as she owns my heart. How easily she’s forgotten about both leaving me in agony. 
“Stop,” she breathes. I freeze. Did she just speak to me? It’s the first time in two years that she’s even remotely acknowledged my existence. 
“Lexie,” I managed to say. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. That’s all it took. One pleading word out of her mouth, and I’m done. 
“Just stop,” she says again, turning her head slightly. “Please.” 
I fall back in my chair, my heart thundering on my chest. If we weren’t in the middle of class, if I didn’t feel like a monster, I would pull her into my arms right now. I’d hug her until she stopped struggling, then beg her to hit me, bruise me, make me pay for every shitty thing I’ve ever said to her. But before long, the class is over, and she’s leaving the classroom to get out of here. To put distance between us as quickly as possible—and I have no choice but to watch her because I feel physically ill. Still, I manage to get out into the student-packed hallway, my plan to apologize for being crude and a jerk and torturing her for so long. 
My head is telling me not to apologize, though. It’s telling me she deserved it for being such a snob, for breaking me, for valuing money and status like everyone else. My damned heart is telling an entirely different story. It’s insisting there is an explanation for her behavior. Am I going to apologize or not? The decision is taken out of my hands when Lexie opens her locker, and the little gift I left before class falls down. It’s a picture I cut out from our last yearbook. In the photo is a gorgeous smiling Lexie above the caption Most Likely to Succeed. Except I’ve crossed out the caption and added my own. Most Likely to Be a Trophy Wife. Watching her read it, I almost get sick right there in the hallway. Usually, she’s perfectly composed, not betraying a trace of emotion where I’m concerned—a real Ice queen. I’ve always thought she honestly didn’t care. Today, though… she’s not pulling it off. Something is not okay with her, and I don’t like it. She has to bite down on her bottom lip to stop it from quivering as she puts the photo back into her locker, out of sight, her bright eyes finding me briefly, massacring me where I stand. Betraying with one single look how much she has been affected by my actions. Christ. She hasn’t been indifferent at all.
Before I can react, before I can call her name, she’s gone, vanished into the crowd of wild students excited to be leaving for the day. And I know what I have to do. I have to see her. To apologize. To get an explanation for everything. Tonight. I’ll return to her house for the first time in two years.
I’ve known this was coming all day. Sitting on the couch in my living room, trying to make myself as small as possible, I watch my father pace. He rants, gesticulating noisily. This isn’t new, my father’s rage threatening me. But it’s going to be worse than usual. Business has declined for him and it’s put his temper on a trigger. Dad’s new wife, Nancy, hates to be on a budget, and she’s been spending his money like crazy all over Paris --where she’s now. When dad gets home from the office, he’s rarely in anything but a horrible mood. A tornado eating up everything in its path. Completely terrifying. At least dad’s temper makes me forget what Drake told me today, the ugly words he said to me, the boiling anger in his eyes when he looks at me. 
“Are you even listening?” The slap across the face comes as a shock because I’d momentarily disappeared into my thoughts, but the sting quickly brings me back to reality. 
“Yes, sir,” I say, my ears ringing. “I’m listening.” 
“This C on your algebra test is going to drag your whole average down.” He’s waving the test in my face. “What a disappointment you are, Alexis. Your teacher shared my disgust.” I nod solemnly, but I’m listening for the rain outside. “I guess you’re your daughter’s mother after all. A poor Mexican girl who could barely count.” It’s not true. My mom learned English and Greek by herself, and she was a great Spanish teacher in Portavira, but my father would rather die than acknowledge how smart she was. 
“Don’t talk like that about her,” I retort.
My father snorts. “I beg your pardon?” He takes a step towards me, and I can see the threat in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry.” I hate to be such a coward, but I know what he can do to me.” I’ll do extra credit. Something to bring my grade back up to an A.” I wet my lips. “Even if I can’t manage to raise the grade, it’s not going to show up on the college transcripts I sent off with my applications.” That’s the reason I let my focus slip a little in algebra. The finish line is in sight for everyone, and we’re just waiting to find out where we’ll be accepted for college. It’s a wonder I’ve been able to maintain my focus this long in any class, considering Walker sits behind me in every period, brooding making me feel … something. At the reminder of him, I want to close my eyes and dream about him. I replay that night in my garden when he kissed me two years ago, so tenderly and passionately, when he spoke to me so sweetly and honestly before he became the second villain in my story. Someone I dread, as much as I crave the sight of him.  
At least that’s one thing us poor motherfuckers have going for us. We know how to fuck. If you went out with that punk for a while, you’d eventually give in and come slumming it one night, wouldn’t you? Knock on my trailer door, begging me to ride you right. 
Should I be ashamed of the way my body reacted to those words? I grew uncomfortably damp in the hard plastic chair, the center of my body clenching, seeming to beat like a heart. His breath on my neck made me shiver, head to toe. Even the way he scared off Liam Rys did something to me. Aroused me. Deeply. It got so bad that I broke the rules and asked him to stop. I can still hear him saying my name in that tortured way after. That shocked, uneven sound. Lexie. And whether I’m ashamed of myself for it or not, I know I’ll think of it when I touch myself tonight. His voice, his hands, his eyes obsess me. 
“College?” My father snorts, tearing the test in half. “You’re not going to college.” 
This grabs my attention. A horrible feeling is making me cold. “I’m…what? What do you mean? I applied to nine different schools. I have a four-point five GPA.” 
For the first time, I notice his red face is about more than just rage. There’s…humiliation. I’ve never seen him display that emotion. 
“None of the American colleges that accepted you offered scholarships.” 
“I’ve been accepted?” I gasp, sitting forward, heart pounding in my chest. “Where? I didn’t see the letters—” 
“All the mail in this house goes through me, Alexis. I read them. And you failed to get academic scholarships. You failed. Not that I’m surprised.”
 I don’t point out that his refusal to let me participate in any extracurricular activities is more than likely to blame for that. I’m too worried about what he’s saying, what this means. The blood is draining from my head, making the room spin around me. 
“Okay, I’m sorry about that. I’m sorry. But…we have money. We can pay tuition, can’t we? Or colleges in Cordonia are almost for free. I can go to any of them; I don’t have to go to NYU.” I have to get out of here. I have to get out of here. This is my way out. College is the escape route. I counted on going back to New York, but I can stay here and go to college in Cordonia City. 
“Listen to you, so quick to spend my hard-earned money—spoiled brat. And of course, you can’t go to college in Cordonia. What for? To end up being a schoolteacher like your mom? A housewife as Nancy?” He laughs bitterly. “No, you’ll stay here, and I’ll help you find someone suitable to marry.” 
I shake my head. “There’s financial aid, then. Loans or I can get a job and go to college in Portavira…” 
“You want to leave, just like her, don’t you? You’re all the same.”
 I don’t even flinch when he yanks me to my feet, shoving me into the wall. In fact, for the first time, I took him right into his eyes. And I can see the violence burning on them has nothing to do with me. It never had anything to do with how I behave, my choices, how hard I worked in school. How welcome I made Nancy feel or cooked a roast. It’s about him and his self-loathing. It’s his sickness. Not mine. I can also see that he was never going to send me to college. Because he wouldn’t be able to control me from a distance or stop me from sharing what I’ve been subjected to since my mother died. Not like he does now. He wasn’t physically abusive all the time. Especially not when his new wife is around. But she traveled often, and then he’d push me. Shove me. Slapped me several times. I’ll graduate at the top of my class for nothing. He knew I would all along. 
That’s when I realize I’m free. I don’t have money, but college is free in Cordonia. I can work, save a little and go to college in one or two years. I’ll be a writer; it’ll just take more time than I thought. “Go to hell,” I whisper. 
He steps back, giving me the momentary satisfaction of his shock. “What did you say?”
Liberated, I scream it this time. “Go to hell!” From the moment I sat down to have this conversation, I knew tonight would be worse than usual, but I’ve just bought myself a ticket to hell. Usually, I can retreat to the untouchable place inside of me as he unleashes his rage, but not tonight. He doesn’t stop at one or two slaps. He punches and kicks, and I’m present for every punch and kick. Every yelled insult. Finally, I start to get scared. I’m crawling across the carpet on my hands and knees, searching for a weapon I can use in my defense when I glance out the window and see Drake staring back at me, his face a mask of horror.
 What I’m seeing just isn’t possible. It can’t be real. My head won’t accept it. Not until her terror-filled eyes meet mine through the window and the truth pounds on my chest, leaves no doubt that this is real life. Lexie’s father is beating her. Her mouth is bloody, one of her eyes beginning to swell, arms and legs visibly weakened. I can barely fucking process it before my body is springing into action, desperate to protect her. To put a stop to the worst thing I have ever seen. What the fuck. Scorching hot rage takes over. I kick in the front door and throw myself between Lexie and her father. His fist is raised, but it pauses when he sees me, his momentary confusion giving me the time I need to knock him out cold. It only takes one right uppercut from someone his own size, and he goes down, his blank, glassy eyes staring at nothing, mouth opened. It’s not satisfying enough.
Nothing will ever be satisfying enough. I want to kill him, destroy him, but my Lexie is struggling for breath behind me, and she’s all I can think about. Turning, I approach her, my heart threatening to jump off my chest. As gently as I can, I catalog all of the cuts and purpling skin. No. No. Who could do this to her? Who could lay a finger on her in anything but reverence? Get her out of here. Calling her name, I reach down to pick her up, but she flinches and hurries back, bringing her body up against the wall. 
“Don’t touch me!” Those words filled with fear rip the soul clean out of my body. My hands drop limply to my sides and two years come rushing back, hitting me in the chest like a hammer. Every word, every action. Everything I did to make her life harder when this is what she’s been dealing with at home? Fuck me. 
“Lexie…” My voice is as kind as I can. I feel broken. “I’m sorry. I came here to apologize. For everything.” 
She puffs a humorless laugh, testing her cut lip with the tip of her tongue. “Bet you weren’t expecting to see this.” 
“If I knew this was happening, I would have been here a long time ago. I would have stopped it. I swear Lex.” 
Her expression can only be described as stunned. Maybe even a little pissed. “You are not my savior, Drake. You are my enemy. You’ve been for two years, and I want nothing else from you now.”
 “I am not your enemy.” Those words barely make it out of me, my chest hurts so fucking bad. “Don’t say that.” 
Unsteadily, she uses the wall to try and stand. I try to help her, but she recoils, and it’s a dagger straight into the center of my throat. Nothing less than I deserve, though, isn’t it? Her distrust of me is entirely my fault. I’ve made her hate me. There has to be some way to fix what I’ve done. Please God, let there be away. But right now, my main concern is her physical safety. Knowing she’s been in danger all along is unbearable. I only decided to come here tonight a few hours ago. What if I didn’t? What if I arrived an hour later? The possibilities are going to haunt me for the rest of my life. From the floor, her father groans, shifting slightly. 
“We need to get you out of here,” I say, anxious to get her free of this place. “Now, Lexie. I need to get you somewhere safe.” 
She’s standing now. Leaning against the wall and cradling one arm to her stomach, regarding me warily. “How do I know I’m safe with you?” It’s so much worse that her question is honest. Not meant to hurt me. She honestly doesn’t know if I pose a threat. It guts me where I stand. 
“You are the safest with me,” I say thickly, cursing myself. Wanting to erase the last two years so badly, my hands shake. “Please believe me. I’d die before hurting you. I’d never, Lexie. I’d never do something like that.” 
Her father rolls over onto his back and slurs a few words before losing consciousness again. Still, the sound of the older man’s voice seems to scare Lexie, “I…maybe you can just give me a ride to…a motel maybe?” She pushes off the wall, her step uneven as she walks toward the stairs. “I need some things from my room.” 
It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her we don’t have time, but I’m just grateful she’s trusting me enough to leave with me, so I don’t argue. I just wait until she’s halfway up the stairs, then tie her father’s hands behind his back with my belt in case he wakes up before we leave. I have no problem knocking him out a second time, but Lexie has seen enough violence for one night. Cautiously, I walk up the stairs toward the light coming from a room halfway down the hall. This place is a far cry from my home. It’s elegant and clean, and tasteful, but it lacks any warmth whatsoever. It’s cold, like a museum. Turning the corner into Lexie’s room, it’s time to hate myself all over again. There is nothing on the walls, none of the expensive furnishings. Just four white walls, a bed, and a dresser that doubles as a desk. Several textbooks. She looks back at me over her shoulder as if judging my reaction, and I keep my features impassive, though I’m dying on the inside. 
“What can I do?” I ask. 
“How long do we have?” 
“As long as you need.” It’s physically painful not to pull her into my arms when I’m standing this close, and she’s hurt. Sad. Yet full of more inner strength than I’ve ever witnessed in another human being. I’m lucky just to be in her presence. I fucked up royally. And if she allows me back in, I’ll never do it again. It’s probably, definitely, too much to hope for. Being allowed back in. She doesn’t even look sure about having me in her room. Let alone her heart. I was trying to protect my own heart, but I lost it instead. 
 “Um…” She closes her eyes to focus, a familiar trait I’ve seen in class countless times. “There is a black bag in the hallway closet. Can you just stuff anything into it from the bathroom that looks useful?” 
Ask me to bring you a unicorn. I’ll find a way to do it. “Sure.” We work in silence, Lexie taking things out of drawers and adding them to the bag, which I’ve left open on the floor. I add toiletries from the bathroom, and once it’s zipped, I wait, watching her hesitate in the doorway. 
“Lexie?” Conflicted chocolate eyes meet mine. 
“I can’t just leave, can I?” 
“You’re not safe here, baby,” I say softly, trying to keep the residual rage at bay because it’s the last thing she needs. Not to mention she’s had her fill with negativity from me. No more. “How long…how long?” 
She shrugs, the saddest expression in her eyes. “My mom died five years ago. Ever since then, it’s gotten worse and worse. Although I never had a chance to talk to anyone about what happened behind closed doors, you know? I don’t think a person can evolve into a monster. It’s inside him.”
 “I don’t know,” I say. “I became one, didn’t I?” 
That gives her pause, forms a line between her delicate brows. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” 
She starts to walk past me, stops, standing close enough to fill my nose with cherry. “He told me if I ever spoke to you ever again, he would hurt me. Ruin you, have you evicted. Make sure you never got hired again. I didn’t mean to…hurt you. Or hurt your feelings, if that’s what happened.” 
That revelation destroys me, sets me on fire. “Jesus, Lexie. You were protecting me? And I…I tortured you for it?” I twist the neck of my T-shirt, trying to calm down, but it doesn’t work. I’ll never be calm again “I’m so fucking sorry.” 
She glances at the doorway, then back at me, eyes closed again in that way that says she’s thinking. “All I want from you now is a ride out of here, okay? And on Monday morning, you’ll stop.” She opens her shining eyes again. “No more bullying, Drake. If you’re really sorry, you’ll do that for me.” 
Fuck. I couldn’t say one more single shitty thing to her if my life depended on it. Put me at gunpoint, and I’d rather get shot at than torture this girl for one more second. But I’m highly, painfully aware that with an end to the bullying comes an end to the possessiveness. No more scaring off guys who show interest in her. No more getting close enough in class to count the hairs on her head, to smell her sweet fragrance. And to tell the truth, I’m pretty fucking worried I don’t know how to give those things up completely. I don’t think I can physically do it. This addiction with Lexie isn’t something I can cut off. A leg would be easier to sever. But my hesitation is causing her eyes to worry. If I don’t agree to, essentially, let her go… she’s not going anywhere with me. And that means her safety won’t be guaranteed. I need it to be. More than anything. 
“No more bullying,” I say, finally. A moment later, I follow her out of the room and down the stairs, trying desperately to count the hairs on her head before I no longer have the chance.
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Comte’s One More Wedding Event (full release)that should have just came out in Japanese Version. Could you translate it or summarize it, please? Thank you for your time.
I can't believe you want to give me this kind of power, but if you insist 😂💛
That being said, because my translation skills are rough at best, I'll be summarizing and selecting specific parts to discuss if I feel a need to quote directly.
If you don't want spoilers for Comte ES, run!
So this particular event begins with MC bringing Comte a letter as he thanks her. One glance at the return address tells him that it's a pureblood gathering invitation, and upon opening it he's right. He shrugs it off and says he'll reply to it later, setting it aside.
MC, perceptive as ever, asks if he's declining the invitation. Comte explains the nature of the party and how only purebloods are allowed to end. Furthermore, the gathering takes place on their first wedding anniversary--and he would much prefer to spend the day with her.
Comte: “MC, any gorgeous evening party–no matter how beautiful–means nothing to me without my wife at my side. The place I belong is with you.”
MC: “Er…”
His gold eyes are steady and unwavering as he looks at me, and my heart skips a beat.
Comte: “Anywho I have no intention of attending this party, as it also overlaps with the date of our anniversary. Our first wedding anniversary is an important day, and I want to spend it with my beloved wife.”
Comte smiles winningly, all while staring straight at me.
MC, however, finds herself conflicted. Given how little she knows about purebloods, she wishes she could attend the party to better understand him and the community he's a part of. She admits this, to Comte's great surprise, but feels bad about it because she doesn't mean to ask something impossible of him. (One of the requirements of the party is that you have to be a pureblood vampire to be invited. ON WEDNESDAYS WE WEAR PINK) Comte clarifies that--because she's his wife--she's welcome to attend alongside him. He offers to take her with him if that's what she wants.
MC: “Are you really sure it’s okay for me to go, though?”
Comte: “Certainly. But I would never force you if you were uncomfortable, of course.”
MC: “No, I don’t hate the idea!”
Comte: “But I’d understand if being surrounded by purebloods would be rather nerve-wracking for you…And so many of them have a superiority complex a mile wide; they’re a prideful bunch. While it may not be all of us, there are enough that it might be stifling for you to be around them.”
Comte: “In light of all that, are you certain you still wish to go?”
[I know he’s just doing his best to prepare me for what I might face at a party like this--he doesn’t want me going in with the wrong idea. It’s very likely he had intended to decline the invitation to spare me the discomfort, and the burden of making a choice that would affect/limit him too. The concern in his features makes me melt.]
The part I love most about this scene is that this is just the beginning of so many attempts on his part to prepare her realistically, but also support her decision. As much as he wants to go with her he's never going to put her in the position of deciding for the both of them. He knows there's a great deal of pressure to face among such a forbidding/traditional society, and if she needs more time to prepare for that--he wants to give her the space to get used to something so unfamiliar. In truth, I don't see him ever asking her to go if she didn't want to--even if it stung to have that part of him rejected...
MC considers for a moment, but she's resolved to understand him and his people better. She explains as much, and Comte brightens at the confession.
MC: “I’m sorry if it’s a bit much to ask of you, but thank you…!”
Comte: “I should be the one thanking you, now I look forward to the gathering.”
MC: “You’re…looking forward to it?”
When I tilt my head quizzically, le Comte draws me close with a faint smile on his lips.
Comte: “I’m excited to introduce you as my wife.” (SCREAMS AND CRIES)
This gets INSANELY cute because he gathers her close to him and she just gets very bashful about it. She apologizes--saying she knows she should be more used to it given they've already been married a year now, but his response is so sweet: “Why apologize? I’ve always thought my wife is the cutest.”
They both think back to their wedding ceremony at the mention of how long they've been together, and MC's eyes find the flower pins she gifted him on top of his hourglass (which fking one he has like 300).
Some background for anyone unaware: when Comte and MC got married, MC gifted him these flower pins--they were flowers that were preserved (in metal I think? idk exactly how it works they just look metallic in his outfit art). She explains that they're an attempt to symbolize her love for him, in that she intends to remain unchanging in her feelings forever. I find it's also an apt metaphor for MC herself; it's not unlike her agreement to become a vampire to stay with him.
MC: “You’ve been taking good care of the flowers I gave you.”
Right next to the hourglass lie the preserved flowers I gave him. They gleam in the light with ease, clearly polished and looked after–not a speck of dust on them.
Comte: “With those you swore your love to me. Isn’t it only natural that I’d take good care of them?” (LISTEN COMTE YOU AND I BOTH KNOW THE REALITY OF THE MALE SPECIES QUIT PLAYIN)
After that scene there's a timeskip to the night of the party--and after everyone celebrates their anniversary in the mansion all day--they hop in a carriage. MC is a little lost in thought, preparing herself for what's to come. When he asks if she's nervous she fully admits to it, but with a caveat. She's nervous because she doesn't know what to expect and she's concerned about committing a social faux pas, but she's not afraid or anxious.
Before I came to this time I had absolutely no concept of what an elaborate dinner party looked like–and besides which, this time it’s going to be a room full of purebloods. I’m nervous, sure, because I’ve never done this before--but it’s not quite anxiety or fear.
MC: “As long as you’re beside me, I’m invincible–anytime, anywhere.”
I can navigate anything: unfamiliar social circles, even an entirely new era of time. Because Comte is always so steady and reliable, always there for me, my anxiety ebbs and I can shine–be the very best I can be.
Comte: “MC…”
Comte looks absolutely moved by what I have to say, directing a gentle, tender look at me.
Comte reiterates his previous warning, that they might be weirdos and/or rude because they're stuck in their ways. He knows their discriminatory nature is wrong, but he believes in her ability to overcome those things--and fully intends to support her. He also lets her know what to expect in terms of the schedule: mostly mingling, and dancing is reserved for the very end of the party only.
Gatsby hour begins and MC marvels at the enormous venue sparsely populated by people dressed to the nines (I can only imagine how Comte dressed her up for this event in light of that LMFAO). Comte tells her he's going to get some drinks, and MC agrees to wait for him. In a classic lowkey queen move, she retreats against a nearby wall to take in her surroundings. She feels a certain intensity to be surrounded by people who look so young and beautiful, and yet carry the experience of lifetimes within them. She also notes the slightest permeating scent of blood in the air, assuming most of the people in attendance are drinking Rouge in their wine glasses.
When Comte returns to her, he offers her a glass of red wine, and she takes it with a smile.
So these two ladies approach le Comte yelling about how long it's been since they've seen him, and about the rumors that he got married. Without missing a beat he confirms it's true, and introduces MC to them as his wife. MC offers a greeting and a curtsy, but the women openly spurn her because she's not a vampire lmao. ("Who put you on the planet" energy, essentially). I still can't tell if they were acting like insane mother-in-laws on Comte's behalf, or out of jealousy--or weirdly both.
All casual dismissal, the women sashay away from us, dresses swishing.
[It seems like I really won’t be accepted as Comte’s life partner so long as I remain human…]
Comte: “…I’m sorry. I’m afraid that is the usual attitude of pureblood vampires. Not all of us are like that, but they still made you feel uncomfortable ;;;;”
MC: “That’s not something to apologize for. I’m happy to attend such a lovely party as your wife.”
I don’t want to ruin the occasion for him, so I beam at him.
Comte: “MC…” His lips descend close to my ear, pressing the lightest kiss against it.
Comte: “Thank you, MC…I’m happy, too.”
While Comte is full of uwus and love for his wife, she notes he stops there--likely because it's a public venue. (And I'd wager respectability politics, given a lot of old school people tend to say horrible things at the slightest sign of PDA lol. It would give them all the more reason to be nasty to MC.) MC notes that no matter how small the gesture or how often he extends his affection, it always sets her heart racing (what a damn mood) and they both gear up to greet everyone else. They're both like ganbatte!!! at each other and it's really cute, haha.
[No matter how many times he does things like this, I’m always caught off guard. I imagine we’ll be this way forever…]
Comte: “Here we go, the party’s only just begun. Let’s get to it and enjoy ourselves. No need to hesitate, it’s our wedding anniversary after all–this is a time for you to smile.”
MC: “Haha, thank you very much! Then I’ll definitely enjoy it to the fullest!”
We continue to greet and chat with other purebloods, the night goes on while I sample some of their food–
At some point MC separates from Comte to use the restroom. When she exits to rejoin the crowd, she hears the voices of those two women that openly rejected her earlier. They basically talk about how Comte and MC will never last or have a meaningful relationship, and that Comte is wasting his time not breeding more master race pureblood babies for the community's future. (Not remotely surprised Leonardo does not like them at this juncture lmao)
While MC was well aware she'd face some level of disdain, she admits that it still hurts to hear--and doesn't want Comte to see her upset. So she walks out to a nearby balcony to look at the stars and cool off before returning to his side.
Comte: “MC.”
MC: “Eh…? Comte, when did you get here?”
Comte: “You hadn’t returned for a while, so I went looking for you.”
MC: “Ah, I’m sorry to worry you. The stars were so lovely I couldn’t help but linger a bit to enjoy the sight of them.”
When I try to hide my gloomy feelings, he stares at me.
Comte: “You seem upset all of a sudden. Did something happen? Did someone…say something to you, by any chance?”
MC: “Ah, I can’t hide from you it seems. I guess I am a little upset.”
Comte: “…”
Comte: “MC, do you regret marrying me?”
MC: “!”
MC: “That’s not the case at all. No matter what finds us in the future, I’ll never regret having married you. I’m glad I met you, Abel–that will never change…”
When I tell him my heartfelt feelings, he gently wraps his arms around me.
Comte: “…Me too, MC.” The voice that murmurs at my ear is filled with such ardor that my heart melts.
Comte: “It might have been too much to ask of you to come here. But no matter how difficult the truth may be, it’s an undeniable fact that I’m a pureblood.”
Comte: “I was so happy that you wanted to know more about me–to know me better–that I was spoiled by your words. And yet, as a result of that indulgence, I hurt you…”
MC: “…No. That’s not it. Abel, I’m not familiar with vampires. But this last year, I was with a pureblood who’s kinder than anyone else I know.”
I have no innate fear or dislike of purebloods–because the person I love more than anyone else in the world is a pureblood vampire.
MC: “That’s why I’m not afraid, or dreading any of this.” It might seem outlandish, but his presence was like magic; it was enough to give me the strength to have courage and find kindness for the people around me.
MC: “No matter who stands in my way in the future, I will do my best to be recognized as your partner someday. Didn't I tell you before? I'm invincible anytime, anywhere, as long as you're there with me!”
Upon hearing her resolve to stay with him, he feels the need to renew his vow to her too--telling her that he'll always love her as well, and that his feelings have only grown since then. One important bit to note in his confession is that he fully admits he had a hard time coming to term with what he was, he's only a little more accepting of being a pureblood because her existence redefines what an eternity means to him. He explains that, while no end of time used to be an upsetting and hollow concept to him, the fact that his long life will be spent cultivating his love for her gives him the strength to face his reality.
They kiss and MC acknowledges that life--no matter how long--always has its ups and downs. Sometimes there will be rough times, like when those Mean Girls women were actively nasty and unfair to her. And sometimes there will be joyous times, like how Comte just repeated his vow to her so sweetly. But more than anything, it's important to live in the present moment as fully as possible, and she deepens her kiss with Comte accordingly.
After what I assume to be an excellent make out, they return to the venue and rejoin the group of vampires. Now then, because it's Comte and Comte refuses to take any shit he reveals his ace in the hand. Premeditated and all cunning expectation, the show begins:
After reaffirming our feelings for the other, we return to the hall. When we wandered around to greet people today, there were also vampires who were kind to me. For those that remain perturbed by my presence, they continue to sneer at me as though I were an eyesore.
[I don’t care. Comte’s by my side…]
Comte: “…That’s right, MC. There was one thing I forgot to mention.”
MC: “Huh?”
Comte: “A short while ago, you said something about doing your best to earn their approval. I wouldn’t even worry about it, you’re perfect just as you are. Everyone here just doesn’t have the slightest inkling as to your charms yet. For those with the ability to see, feel free to show them as many times as you like.”
MC: “Comte…”
At that very moment, a waltz begins to flow into the hall.
Comte: “Oh, is it time to dance already? MC, shall we?” (Oh Is It TiMe To DaNcE aLrEaDy, damn clown)
MC: “Yes.”
In time with the melody, we begin to waltz together. When I'd first arrived to this era, the steps and the dance itself were unfamiliar to me. Now when I dance with Comte it’s nearly effortless–natural as breathing.
[Comte has taken me to so many evening parties at this point. Thanks to his impeccable leading any uncertainty in my step is elegantly disguised.]
Comte: “MC.”
As we danced, he called my name--crooned it softly.
Comte: “…Have you noticed? Everyone is watching us.”
At the sound of this new information, I look around.
[Oh, it’s true–everyone really is looking at us…]
And it’s not like before, tinged with displeasure and contempt. It’s like they can’t look away from us now, dazzled and intrigued.
MC: “Makes sense–you’ve always been a very graceful dancer, Comte, it’s impossible not to find it captivating.”
Comte: “No. Without you as my partner, I can’t enjoy it nearly as much as I do now.”
He grins as he says so, the sentiment reflected in his buoyant step. Beautiful, noble…and above all, lively. Even though I’m always by his side, I remain endlessly captivated by that smile and movement.
Comte: “We are more in tune with each other than every other pair here, don’t you think?”
MC: “Haha, that’s right!”
I think le Comte is lovely no matter who he’s dancing with, but I’m sure I’m the one who gets along with him best–I think so, because his golden eyes reflect no one else but me.
[No matter what anyone says…I won’t give up this position to anyone else.]
When the song is over, and the dance is finished, the hall is filled with the raucous sound of applause and cheering. All these people are looking at us and their eyes are shining.
[I wonder…if maybe our feelings for each other were transmitted more clearly after that dance? The mere thought of it makes me feel ticklish and delighted.]
After their lovely display, the Mean Girls ladies approach MC to apologize as everybody is leaving for the night. MC accepts their apologies and says she wants to find a way to get along with them moving forward, though they're still pretty reluctant (probably only apologized to save face).
Differences in lifestyle and family tradition...I think there are many reasons why they can’t accept me. I don’t think it’s easy to understand the breadth of the gap between us; I’m sure I’ll need more time to be able to bridge those differences.
[I don’t know the way of life or struggle of the pureblood people yet. But…I want to understand.]
Even if we are endlessly different, I don’t want to give up on finding some sort of compromise. Next to me, le Comte smiles silently. For the foreseeable future--as long as it may take--I want to prove that I can make this person happy.
I deadass can't stop laughing at the fact of Comte standing next to MC all :)))))) (y'all he is emitting BOSS M U S I C)
After that, Comte and MC also head into their carriage and head home:
Comte: “MC, thank you.”
Le Comte remarks on the way home in the carriage.
MC: “…? I haven’t done anything worth thanks.”
Comte: “For today, for coming with me. And--up until now and from now on--for being by my side. I wanted to thank you again.”
He leans over from where he sits next to me and entwines our fingers together.
MC: “…Abel?”
Comte: “…Today is not just the day of the party, but our wedding anniversary too, right? From here on out, it’s time for only us two to be together.”
This is essentially where the premium story ends, and then it moves into the epilogue. I'll give some tidbits from the epilogue, just because it was so endlessly gratifying. Other than them having the smash of the century, it's mostly Comte going overstimulation feral service top. But there are so many really romantic moments during the shameless fking ;-;
The more he kisses me, the more my need for him spirals out of control. As if to entice him I twist my tongue with his deeper and deeper.
Comte: “MC…”
He exhales my name on a single heated syllable, and I can tell by the way he’s looking at me precisely what it is he wants.
Comte: “MC, what do you want to do…? I want to make you happy tonight. Do you want me to be kind? Or take you with reckless abandon?”
MC: “Abel…please do as you like. That’s what would make me happiest. :>”
Comte: “…I see. So you want to be made a mess of, is what you mean.”
MC: “Mn, aah–”
When his hands trace my sides seductively, my sensitive body reacts on it’s own.
Comte: “…You’re really cute, MC. Tonight, I’ll remind you the joy of being mine again.”
Comte: “Always so sensitive. Just the slightest touch, and you cry out with such a sweet voice…”
MC: “Well, it is your fault…”
[Because if Abel touches me like that…He spoils me and leaves me in an endless sea of pleasure, building up to that crest–fading–and building up again…because he loves me so dearly.]
Comte: “My fault, is it?…I like the sound of that.”
With a bewitching smile, he makes short work of his tie and button down. Even the most casual gestures like this are done with such grace that it becomes sensual. I’m drawn to the sight of him revealing more and more of his skin, thinking he’s far too much of a tease.
Comte: “…If you look at me with such desirous, greedy eyes, I’m going to lose control myself, MC.”
MC: “I…all I do is take from you…” I’m embarrassed because I’m so inexperienced that all I do is drown in the pleasure he gives me.
Comte: “…If you really think so, then you’re too unaware.”
MC: “Mn–ah, hah…”
Comte: “I’m the one who can’t stop wanting you…MC.”
When he leans over to murmur in my ear, his voice is suffused with desire–breathing shallow. From the gap between his lips, I can see the fangs which have never broken my skin…
MC: “Abel…do you want to bite me?”
If the answer is yes, then I’d be delighted. A vampire’s hunger for blood is often tied to romantic feeling. If he wants to suck my blood, then that’s all the more evidence that he loves me.
Comte: “That’s right. I want to sink my fangs into your soft skin…To taste your blood, to know your body and soul--I want to make every part of you mine.”
MC: “Mn…”
He drops a kiss to my throat, tickled by his tongue as he licks there–as if to taste me.
Comte: “But…”
Only I am reflected in his eyes.
Comte: “The only thing I want more than biting you is to take good care of you. I don’t want to impulsively take anything from you.”
MC: “Abel…”
Comte: “Someday…I will make you into a vampire. But, right now, I want you to stay exactly as you are.”
The heat of him coupled by that serious look...my heart is swept away.
Comte: “So…can you bear with my hesitation for just a little while longer?”
MC: “Yes…forever. I’ll always be yours.” I replied, wrapping my arms around his back. He squinted, as if he were staring at something dazzling.
Comte: “I’m always hesitating, but…MC. I will absolutely never let you go. I swear my love to you forever, my dear wife.”
The last part of the epilogue is confusing because I'm not sure if it's intended to be an actual dream or Comte just messing with her, but here goes:
[Morning already…?]
At the sensation of sunlight, I open my eyes.
MC: “Eh!?”
Comte: “Are you up, MC? The defenseless face you make when you’re asleep is adorable, but when you open your eyes and look at me that’s also lovely.”
He was lying in bed, unlike last night, wearing the same outfit he had on for our wedding.
[Ah, I’m most likely dreaming.] When I realize it, I get a ticklish feeling in my chest and can’t help the smile that finds my face.
MC: “Haha…”
Comte: “MC? What’s wrong?”
MC: “No, I was just thinking you really will always be by my side. I’m glad to see you in my dreams like this…I’m happy.”
Comte: “…Haha, that’s right. I’m happy too. But…it’s not always a dream right?”
MC: “Er…”
His voice easily makes my heart flutter, like sweet sake.
Comte: “Would you like to see if it’s a dream? …Once again, with your body.”
My heart thunders under his sultry gaze, covetous gold eyes beckoning me closer. (COME HITHER FUCK)
MC: “Yes, Abel. As many times as you like…take me.”
I know dream-like, impossibly happy days will continue as long as I stay by his side–
There is so much going on here that I don't even know how to encompass all my feelings other than to say MARRIED COUPLE G O A L S. AAAAAAAAA I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE'S SUCH A DOTING HUSBAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUT A RING ON ME S I R
I really love the endless reciprocity coming from MC, lmao. She very openly wants to respond to his efforts, wants to make him happy too, is just as desirous in their coupling. I also love how much personality and spunk she has??? I was fucking d y i n g when she was like:
MC: "Aren't the stars so nice." Comte: "Adorable that you'd try to out-fake the king faker. What really happened." MC: "Damn it."
It's been a long time since I've gotten this much serotonin from a story m a nnnnnn
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saintobio · 3 years
hello !! this was such a good chapter 😩 i have no regrets reading it first thing in the morning HAHAHAHA
i just wanted to say that it’s so funny how like,, the stuff gojo’s been complaining about the way he’s being treated this chapter,,,, is exactly the same way he’s been treating yn the entire time,,,,,, but he’s not ready for that conversation🤡📸
AND THE BORA BORA THING !!!! miss girl that whole interaction had me missing toji so bad i reread every scene in the givenchy store just to be called mrs zenin again 🤓
thank u for this long, beautiful chapter ai! and please get some rest :( i was reading through your asks the other day, and now i just wanted to let u know that i (and i’m sure others too) don’t mind waiting for you if you ever decide to take a break for the sake of your health ok :( please take care of urself!!
@tobeeeoh said
Heyyyy thanks for the new update of SN!! AMAZINGGGG CHAPTER AS ALWAYS HNGGGHH😭 istg sera always comes in at the worst time ASSDHSHAKAL
the one when y/n deleted her photo from gojo's phone left a crack on ma heart. GOJO WOULDNT BE ABLE TO SEE HER PHOTO IF SHE LEAVES AND HE DESERVES IT😤😤
okay now i read your schedule and AGAIN!! pls find time to rest and take care of yourself hun❤️
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@brokennerdalert said
Where to begin with Satoru? I cant even with him! I mean he's getting better(kinda? Bitch doesn't know what he wants. He needs to make up his mind) I have to say it but I lowkey hope something happens and MC ends up with Toji. And Satoru will come groveling back and MC being the QUEEN she is, is gonna be like 'ew. no bitch, be gone' And then he dies alone. The End
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@atsumusoup said
Gojo got some mad mommy issues 😮‍💨 but ig I understand 🙄 very much looking forward to that Bora Bora trip for some dramarama tho 😗
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@miyarins said
we really said girl boss this chapter <3
but your power to make me feel such emotions is immaculate. i love u
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@lcveaesop said
GAAAAA i'll make this quick ik there's gonna be alot soon in your inbox but i just wanted to say i really really REALLY LOVED THIS CHAPTER FOR A LOT OF REASONS!
We got to see more of gojo's pov, y/n's conflicting feelings as to how to treat him (WE'RE CONTEMPLATING SELF-RESPECTIVE DECISIONS Y'ALL) sera can suck ass, and oh my gof sowiaja the childhood scene😭😭 (im a sucker for childhood aus and this hit the spot) lots of thoughts for your series, i truly didn't mind thw wait! good job but pls don't pressure yourself to write more!
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@burguhndy said
the funniest part was that i started reading this fic on google chrome whenever id search random jjk fics to read but i got so intrigued that i downloaded tumblr and made an account to keep up like 😭😭 i feel 13 again
ALSO ALSO hope youre doing well! You are a great writer and i hope you are getting rest. Please dont listen to those mean ass anons, they obviously don’t understand that you’re a real person with real shit to do in life. Anyways bye <3
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@dumplingzumispam said
as someone who's been in mc in a gojo sera relationship (minus the marriage and getting together before gojo sera),, it kind of hurts when people call her dumb or they say why can't she leave lmfao😭 like i wish it were that easy tbh,, especially when they're consistently hot and cold but choose to prioritize the side once they come back in the picture
they build you up and make you think you're the only one in their eyes just to bring it down with some genuine act of love towards the side.. it's like a constant battle between mind over heart where yk u should leave but u want to stay in hopes that things will get better
also,, take ur time with the updates :) prioritize ur health whether it is physical or mental🖤 u should come first before writing,, we care about u and ur wellbeing 😚 it's okay if we gotta wait a long time bc regardless of how long it takes u to post,, ur works are true masterpieces
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HELLO BESTIES <333 thanks sm for reading the last chapter and i am sosoo glad that u guys liked it !! i loved reading these reactions and feedback :’) and i will def need to rest moreeee hhhhhh
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twinkle-320 · 3 years
Look What You Made Me Do
Book:  The Royal Romance 3 (somewhat AU) 
Pairing:  Drake Walker x MC, Liam x MC
Summary:  The unexpected happens while everyone is in Las Vegas for Riley and Liam’s stag and doe party.
Rating: Teen
Warnings:  mild language, hints to sexual activity
Word count:  2062
A/N: I wrote this little one-shot after seeing an AU Prompt list that sparked the idea.  I don’t know if this is something that’s been done before...I don’t recall reading anything like it but then again, my memory is horrible so I’m sorry if this has been done.
Tags: @ladyangel70 @gkittylove99 @lovingchoices14 (if you only want to be tagged in my series posts, please let me know) @choicesficwriterscreations​
Woken by a wave of nausea, Riley rolled onto her back with a groan, stretching the aches and pains from her body.  As the throbbing in her head got stronger, her eyes fluttered open and she was thankful that the curtains had been drawn tight.  One too many of Maxwell’s glittery cocktails the night before, in addition to the whiskeys she consumed at the after-party made her feel like death and there was no way she could tolerate the sun.
Feeling the familiar weight and warmth of her fiancé beside her, Riley sighed softly to herself.  Even with the wedding only a few days away, it still felt surreal and she still wasn’t quite used to sharing the bed.  “You’ll have to get used to it,” she told herself.  In a few days time, she’d have everything she never wanted…a powerful husband, a country to rule, and the weight and expectations of a crown on her head.
As she grappled with her reality in her foggy mind, images of Drake ran through her mind unbidden. Their first real moments of connection in Lythikos.  Finally admitting their feelings after he’d saved her from Tariq.  Forbidden kisses in the Beaumont study and in the courtyard before the Coronation.  It was the night of the Coronation that she had realized she was falling in love with him. Despite that love, she had been prepared to say yes to Liam’s proposal out of fondness for him and obligation to those that said she needed to become Queen.  Everything changed in the blink of an eye though when the scandal broke.
When she returned to court, obligation was no longer enough of a motivation.  She had returned with no intention of pursuing Liam; her only goal was to clear her name.  In the weeks that followed she fell even more for Drake and Liam kept drawing her into his orbit wanting to maintain a secret relationship causing even more confused emotions.
On their final stop of the engagement tour in New York they finally located Tariq and Riley’s name was cleared.  Despite their agreement to talk about them when her name was cleared, Drake had left New York ahead of the rest of the court, leaving only a note saying that they couldn’t be together and that she and Liam deserved each other.  On their final night in the city, Liam took her back to the Statue of Liberty, got down on one knee, and proposed.  Riley had tears in her eyes but they weren’t the tears of joy that Liam assumed them to be.  With her mind screaming “No,” Riley nodded and said “Yes, Liam…I will marry you.”
From there, everything became a whirlwind.  Attacks at the palace and orchards, a Unity Tour, an attempted coup at Lythikos.  Through it all she smiled at Liam’s side as they grew closer, but she still wasn’t in love.  Each day though she made herself promise to find happiness in her upcoming marriage. Even though the threat to their country had yet to be eliminated, Maxwell surprised them with a stag and doe party in Las Vegas.
While they partied the night before, Riley told herself with each drink that she was just celebrating her wedding.  Sitting at the bar with her chin in her palm, drinking her whiskey, and watching Kiara throw herself at Drake, she feigned a smile when Liam joined her.
“Has this evening been everything you hoped for, love?” she recalled him asking.  Afraid her voice would betray her, Riley simply nodded.  “Is there anything else I can do for you to make it perfect, my future queen?”  All she could recall from there was being touched by how loving and kind he was, everything else was a blur.
Standing slowly from the bed, Riley grabbed a blanket to wrap around her naked body and made her way to the mini-bar for some water and ibuprofen.  Groans filled the room and she heard the rustling of blankets coming from behind her.  Grabbing an extra bottle of water she returned to the bed, leaning against the headboard with her legs stretched out in front of her and holding out the extra bottle.
“Thought you could use some water. I know I can, my head is pounding.”
Suddenly the bed covers flew off. “Nevin?”
Riley turned, over come with panic, looking where she had expected to find Liam and instead found Drake staring back at her in shock.
“Drake?  What are you…?  How? Did we…?”
A quick glance to where the covers had been thrown off told Riley that Drake was as naked as she was.  “Oh my god,” she gasped, noticing the condom that had been opened but laid unused on the nightstand beside Drake.  Things must have gotten hot and heavy before they could put it on because the tingle in her body alone was enough to tell her what they had done.
Drake ran his hands through his hair, still not making any move to cover himself up.  “Holy shit!  What did we do?”
“From the looks of it I’d say…”
“Don’t!  Don’t say it.”  Drake stood from the bed and began to gather his clothes that were strewn all about the room.
Despite herself, Riley couldn’t help but admire his body.  “Well this is a nice view,” she said with a nervous laugh.
“Do you really think this is the time for jokes, Nevin.”
“Sorry,” Riley shrugged.  “Just trying to cut the tension.”
“Not even Olivia’s sharpest blade could cut this tension.  I can’t believe this…how did I let this happen?”
“Drake, calm down, you’re freaking out.”
“Uh-huh,” Drake said buttoning his jeans, “join me, won’t you?”
“No…I won’t.  We’ve both wanted this for a long time now.  It was bound to happen.”
“Not this way…not when neither of us even remember it and not when you’re marrying my best friend in three days.”
“I’m only marrying him because you want me to.”
“Don’t say that, Nevin.”
“Why?  It’s true,” she said, watching him pull a t-shirt over his head, “it should be…”
Riley stopped, a breath caught in her throat watching Drake tug his t-shirt down his waist.  “Ummm…Drake?” she stammered, nodding to the t-shirt.  “Where did you get that?
Drake looked down at what he had assumed was his standard plain white t-shirt and saw the word “Mr.” in bold black letter screen printed on the front.  “I don’t…I don’t know.”  
When he turned in search of his normal shirt, Riley gasped again.  “Oh.my.god.”  Across the back of the t-shirt were the words “Just Married – Cupid’s Wedding Chapel, Las Vegas.”
Drake ripped the shirt off again holding it to see the back.  “No, this can’t be true,” he stammered.
Riley rose from the bed and scooped up her own clothes.  Sifting through them quickly, she found what her gut knew would be there, a shirt matching Drake’s with the word “Mrs.” emblazoned on the front in black script lettering.  “Drake…” she said, holding it up for him to see.
“Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit…” Drake began chanting, pacing nervously around the room.  It didn’t matter that it was 9AM, Drake needed whiskey, stat.  Pouring a finger for each of them with shaky hands, he carried Riley’s glass over to where she stood silently staring out the window, clutching her t-shirt.
“No, thank you,” she shook her head when he tried to hand it to her.  “Isn’t that what got us here in the first place?”
Drake nodded solemnly.  “Look what you made me do,” he whispered to the glass in his hand, not caring if it was crazy to be talking to the booze.
“How much do you remember?” Riley asked.
“Some…not a lot,” Drake replied.
“Tell me.”
“Uh, let’s see.  We were in the hotel bar for a few hours.  You were keeping your distance from almost everyone. If it, ahh…weren’t for how beautiful you looked, someone might have mistaken you for me sitting there alone brooding over whiskey.”
“You weren’t alone though, Kiara was with you,” Riley said with the jealousy apparent in her voice.
Drake rolled his eyes.  “I ignore Kiara, even when she’s right next to me.”
“Oh please, Drake.  She’s a beautiful woman who clearly wants you.”
“I told you before, Nevin. You’re the only girl for me.”
Riley finally turned to meet Drake’s gaze.  “Then why have you been pushing me into this marriage to Liam.  We never even talked after Tariq’s statement like we said we would. You disappeared and left a note.”
“There was nothing to talk about, Nevin.  I’ve told you all along, I can’t give you the life you deserve.  Only Liam can do that.  That’s why no matter how hard it is to watch, I want you to marry him.”
Riley angerly turned from the window, walking over to the table and slamming down the glass of whiskey she still held.  “Well what about what I want?  You make this unilateral decision and just expect me to be okay with it.”
“Damn it, Riley,” Drake yelled, “at least some part of you must have been okay with it because you said ‘Yes’.”
“What the hell was I supposed to do?” she shouted back.  “You left! I wanted to talk about us and then talk to Liam together, but you left!  I was going to talk to him on my own that night…tell him everything even though you clearly didn’t want to be with me.  I felt like he at least deserved to know, but before I could, he was down on one knee. God, Drake,” she exclaimed throwing her arms in the air, “when he asked, I thought of you and it made my heart ache so bad and I cried.  I’m sure Liam thought they were tears of joy, but they weren’t, they were for you.  But he looked so hopeful, and I…I just couldn’t hurt him.  Not like that.  I do care about him, he’s one of my best friends.  I wanted to say no, but I didn’t want him to feel the same heartbreak I felt when I got your note.”
“I did want to be with you, Nevin.  I do want to be with you, but I can’t.  My best friend loves you and can give you the world.”
“I don’t need the world, Drake,” Riley yelled.  “I just need love…and not the kind of love I can live with…I want the kind of love I can’t live without.”  Riley crossed the room to where he stood and placed her hands on his cheeks.  “That’s you, Drake…you’re the love I can’t live without.”
Drake shook his head and reached up taking her hands from his face.  “No, Nevin.  You may not feel that for Liam now, but you will in time.  I’ve seen you getting closer throughout the tour, Nevin.  If you let yourself fall, you can have that kind of love with him.”
Hot angry tears rolled down Riley’s cheeks.  “No…no. I believe that kind of love is a once in the lifetime thing, Drake.  And I know you love me like that too, Drake.  I know you do.”
Drake nodded and wiped a tear from her cheek.  “I do. And that’s why I can step aside for your happiness.”
“Why are you so thick skulled? Look at me?  Do I look happy?  A crown and a kingdom won’t give me the happiness you think I deserve; only you can do that.  But instead you want me to marry a man I don’t love while I have to see you and long for you every day.”
“I won’t put you through that, Nevin.  I’ll leave after the wedding.  Without me in Cordonia, you can move on.”
“No, don’t say that…I can’t…I can’t lose you, Drake,” Riley said as her body shook with sobs.
“I’m sorry, Riley.  But it’s for the best.  You need to stop thinking about me, about us…the wedding is in three days.”
Riley’s breath hitched and she looked down at the t-shirt still clutched in her hand.  “I can’t have a wedding if I’m already married,” she said softly.
Drake looked at her with wide eyes.  “What? What are you saying, Nevin?”
“I’m saying I want to stay married, Drake.  I’m already married to the love of my life, I can’t…I won’t marry someone else. There isn’t going to be a wedding.”
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heauxplesslydevoted · 4 years
And They Were Roommates (Bryce Lahela x MC)
Summary: A surprise leads to a major shift in Bryce and Casey’s relationship
A/N: Eeeek, this is my first time ever writing a Bryce x MC fic! The day you guys see me writing something not Ethan centric is the day you should play the lotto because it’s more rare than a unicorn sighting.
Anywho....please enjoy!
Tags: @drakewalker04 @canknot @lapisreviewsstuff @senseofduties @maurine07 @badchoicesposts @ermidc @sundaescreamcheese @danijimenezv @starrystarrytrouble @the-pale-goddess @gogotomago95 @have-aheart @aworldoffandoms @zaffrenotes @anotherbeingsworld @to-fangirl-or-not-to-fangirl @nazariolahela @the-unconquered-queen @writinghereandthere @omgjasminesimone @parkerattano @silent-storms-posts
“Okay, are we going out to lunch?” Casey asks, twisting her fingers into her skirt. From the passenger seat of Bryce’s car, the bustling streets of Boston fly past her. A tendril of her curly hair whips around in the wind, settling on her lip as it sticks to her tacky lip gloss. Bryce is a freaking speed demon and drives too fast for her liking.
But she does like looking at him when he’s behind the wheel. His grip on the wheel is relaxed, much like his posture, slouched low in the seat, right hand drumming against the gear shift. While it’s still winter, the sun is shining brightly, making the highlights in his hair and the light dusting of freckles adorning his nose stand out. Her boyfriend—even thinking that word makes her giddy—makes a pretty sight to behold.
“No, that’s not the plan. But we can go get food once we’re done,” Bryce answers..
“Ice skating?” Casey guesses. She watches as he shakes his head. “But ice skating sounds so fun.”
“We can go ice skating some other time, Case.”
“We’re going to the movies?”
Bryce chuckles. She’s been trying to guess all morning what he has planned for the day, and despite getting every single guess wrong, Casey comes up with another one at the drop of a hat. The persistence is admirable. “You’ll find out soon enough. Stop being so nosy.”
Casey pouts, feigning hurt. “I resent that! I prefer to be called naturally inquisitive. It makes me sound smart.”
“You’re nosy,” Bryce deadpans. “But don’t fret, we’ll be there in like, 5 minutes tops.”
He’s been excited from the moment he told her to get dressed, and Casey can see that his leg is bouncing up and down underneath the steering wheel. Whatever he has planned, he’s really excited about it, so Casey decided to keep quiet and enjoy the rest of the ride.
They enjoy the rest of the short ride, Casey scrolling through Bryce’s different Spotify playlists until she settles on the perfect song, but he’s pulling in and parking his car before she can even hit play.
An apartment complex was not what she was expecting to see. It’s a very nice apartment complex, located a few blocks away from Boston University. Casey can see the college students milling around, some adults walking their dogs, a few older more established couples, some with kids, some without going in and out of the building.
Now her curiosity is piqued. Is Bryce dragging her along to some surgeon friend’s apartment? Is this his idea of a Saturday adventure? Granted, he never promised her an adventure, just a surprise, and while she likes most of his surgical cohort, she’d rather be doing something else. Nonetheless, Casey doesn’t say anything, letting Bryce intertwine their fingers and lead her through the building.
They ride up the elevator in silence until they reach the 4th floor. It isn’t until Bryce reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key do the alarms go off on her brain. “Bryce? Did you–”
“I got a new apartment!” Bryce exclaims, cutting her off. “Surprise!”
Once the door is open, he’s pulling her in, his excitement palpable. Casey looks around the place. It’s unfurnished, the hardwood floors beneath them bright and freshly waxed. And even though she hasn’t looked around, she can already tell it’s much larger than his current 1 bedroom.
“Oh...wow,” is all that manages to come out of her mouth.
“I know! It’s in Keiki’s school district, thank god. And it’s a brand new unit, all stainless steel appliances, marble and quartz countertops, which are apparently huge deals when you’re apartment hunting. In-unit washer and dryer, walk-in closets, there’s a gym and a pool downstairs, a game room–”
Casey watches him as his animatedly rattles off all of the features in the apartment. His face is flush, pink with excitement, his words are breathless and tumbling out of his mouth all at once. She takes a step forward, cupping his face between both hands. “Bryce, I think you should stop and breathe.”
The command makes him flush hard, now from embarrassment. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. You can continue now.”
“That was pretty much it. The main draw is that it’s a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment, so I don’t have to sleep on the couch anymore. Now Keiki and I will each have our own space. Do you think she’ll like it?”
“Will the 15 year old girl like having her own room, and not having to share a bathroom with her older brother?” Casey nods. “Absolutely. Keiki is a lucky duck.” She takes a few steps further into the apartment, silently appraising it. It’s beautiful from what she can see, and she hasn’t even seen the bedrooms. “Question: how are you affording this place? You’re a surgical resident, living in Boston is expensive, and I’m pretty sure Sallie Mae is eating most of your paychecks.”
Bryce looks down at his feet, shuffling them back and forth much to Casey’s dismay. He’s going to scuff the floors doing that. “I uh...I talked to my parents.”
“A little over a month ago, before I enrolled Keiki in school. I called my parents and gave them quite the earful about not contacting Keiki once since she’s been in Boston, and I kinda let them have it. Turns out I’ve been holding in a lot of pent up...stuff regarding my parents.”
Casey’s eyes soften at his confession. They hardly ever have conversations about his parents, and when they do, it’s never good. “You want to talk about it?”
Bryce shakes his head, memories of that conversation trying to bubble to the surface. His mother tried her hand at making awkward small talk as if they hadn’t gone years without talking, while his father said nothing at all. He bites the inside of his cheek, willing the bad memory to go away. Negative thoughts of his parents don’t need to invade this space.  “Nah, it’s not important.”
Resisting the urge to call bullshit, Casey simply nods. “Agree to disagree, Bry. But we’ll table it for now and just continue your story.”
He’s grateful that she’s willing to listen, but not pushy enough to force him to talk, leaving the ball in his court. “Long story short, I told them that Keiki is welcome to stay with me in Boston and I wouldn’t make it public news that they all but abandoned their daughter and drag social services into things, if they allowed me to be her legal caregiver.”
“Yup. So I can be in charge of her education and medical decisions while she’s out here. It’s less permanent than me filing her guardianship, and my parents still legally have rights, but it makes things easier. And because of that, my parents are giving me a pretty generous monthly allowance for all of her expenses. Housing, food, school supplies, the works.”
“So child support?”
“Pretty much, yes. I didn’t ask for it, but the Lahelas like to throw money at their problems. Some of that money goes towards the rent here, the rest I put in a savings account for Keiki. I’ll gift her the money when she starts college, so she’ll have a bit of a nest egg, and won’t be dependent on ramen noodles and the McDermot’s dollar menu like I was.”
Bryce shoves his hands into his pockets and looks at Casey, trying to gauge her reaction. “I know I dumped a lot on you, and you probably think I’m insane for taking all of this on but–”
Casey wraps her arms around his waist and cuts him off with a quick kiss. “If I could look at you with literal heart eyes right now, I would.”
“Really.” She leans forward, resting her head against the solid expanse of his chest. The faint scent of his laundry detergent and his cologne invade her senses, and she relishes in it. He smells like comfort, if there was ever such a thing. “I can’t believe you accomplished all of this in such a short period of time.”
“Well my lease was up, and I was trying to get Keiki situated in school, and it all sort of fell into place at the right time.”
“Stop trying to downplay it,” Casey orders. “You are strong, and brave, and you take initiative in any situation. I don’t know too many 27 year olds that would spring into action and volunteer to raise their teenage sisters, all while being a resident and trying to juggle their own personal life.”
The way she says it, the awe and idolatry in her voice makes his stomach flip. Bryce considers himself to be a pretty self-assured guy. He has a healthy level of self esteem, but something about Casey praising him always causes him to short circuit, without fail. “You make it sound so much cooler than it really is.”
“It is cool,” Carey argues. “You’re doing a noble thing, so let me give you compliments you deserve.”
He doesn’t meet her eyes immediately, the bashfulness still holding him tight. Eventually, Bryce looks up at her, her expression open and earnest. “You make me sound so much better than I really am.”
Casey grabs hold of his sweater and tugs him closer, forcing him to crane forward and be at her eye level. “Mhmm, it’s a hidden talent of mine. I happen to be an excellent salesperson.”
Bryce smirks, their lips barely brushing against each other, and mumbles “You’re such a dork,” before capturing her in a kiss. Casey responds instantly, matching his eagerness and fervor. It doesn’t take long for things to get more heated, his tongue slipping into her mouth, hands going to grip her waist.
She breaks to kiss to inhale sharply. “You’ve lived here for 5 minutes and you’re already trying to defile the place.”
“Can’t help it. You make me feel like a horny teenager again, baby.”
“Well stop it.”
Bryce rolls his eyes. “You’re no fun.”
“Come on loverboy, show me around. Give me the grand tour.”
They wander around the apartment at a leisurely pace, Casey pointing out all of the different things Bryce could buy to furnish the place—“What do you mean you’ve never gone to Home Goods?”—and admonishing his idea to shop on Craigslist. He’s an adult, not a college freshman, and his home should reflect that.
“You want to know what the best part is?” Bryce asks, leading Casey back to their starting point, the living room.
“Keiki’s bedroom is on the other side of the apartment, separated by a pretty sizable living room.”
He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, and she shoves at his chest, laughing. “And? Are you trying to say something?”
“Yeah, that one of us—you—can be pretty loud at times.”
Her cheeks heat up and she blushes furiously. “Well I’ll make sure to keep it quiet on the nights that I sleep over.”
“What if you didn’t just spend the night over here?”
He instantly regrets the way he phrased that sentence because it sounds like he just told her he doesn’t want her in his apartment. Casey frowns. “What do you mean?”
“Sorry! That sounded weird.” He flushes, stumbling over his words. Something about Casey Valentine makes him very nervous. “That’s not what I meant, I promise.”
Bryce grabs both of Casey’s hands, holding them close to his chest. “Move in with me.”
Her eyes widen at the suggestion. He wants to do what? “What?”
“I spent all of last year tiptoeing around our relationship, trying to keep things light and breezy when I really didn’t want that. And it took you being in that...horrible accent for me to finally reveal the full extent of my feelings for you. Now that we’re together and official, I don’t want to waste any more time.”
“I would like to go to sleep with you every night, your ice cold feet pressed against my legs, and your curly hair tickling my nose because you’ve invaded my side of the bed. And I want to wake up to you every morning, because even though you think you look crazy in the morning, I think you’re absolutely beautiful. I want us to cook together every day, or just you because you’re a much better cook than I am.” Casey giggles at his jokes, which only spur him on further. “Besides Keiki, you’re the most important person I have, and I want you here with me, permanently.”
When Casey doesn’t say anything immediately, Bryce understands. He just dropped a bomb—a few bombs actually—right at her feet, she needs time to process. But the silence stretches until it grows into something long and uncomfortable, and a thin sheen of sweat forms at Bryce’s hairline. Did he just shoot himself in the foot? Did he seriously overestimate her feelings for him, and the nature of their relationship?
Before he can open his mouth to renege on the invitation, Casey speaks. “We’re going to have to talk to your landlord, or the property manager, because a new lease needs to be drawn up.”
“I mean, I assume it’s just you and Keiki listed on the lease, and I don’t want to just be a permanent guest staying in your apartment. I want it to be our apartment, so I need to be on the lease agreement,” Casey explains. “And I know you said your parents cover most of the rent on this place, but I want to contribute, so I guess I’ll be in charge of the–”
She doesn’t get to finish talking because Bryce is on her in an instant, his mouth crashing into hers in a fiery kiss. His fingers dig into her hips, walking her backwards until her back bumps into the kitchen island. In a quick show of strength, Bryce lifts her onto the island, and Casey has to break the kiss to hiss. 
“Shit, that’s cold!”
“Sorry baby.” He’s not the least bit sorry, flashing her his signature smirk. “I’ll warm you up.”
“And you say I’m the dorky one,” Casey teases, laughing as Bryce kisses her between each word.
“You are,” he insists, kissing down her neck. She squirms away from him as his lips find a particularly sensitive spot, but he holds her in place. “We bring that out in each other.”
He kisses her a few more times, some softer than others, some so deep, she feels dizzy when he pulls away.
“We’re really going to do this?” Casey asks rhetorically. “This whole living together thing?”
“We are. I asked, and you said yes, so you’re stuck with me, little lady.” 
There’s a smile on his face, so huge, Casey really thinks he might blind her with his pearly white teeth. She hasn’t seen him this relaxed, this unabashedly happy in a while. She can’t help but to smile back.
“You have to let me have creative control on furniture and decorations though.”
“This apartment is going to look like a furniture store magazine spread.”
Casey nods. “It’ll smell like the inside of a Bath & Body Works store in here, too.”
“You’re going to go crazy on the candles, aren’t you?”
“Oh absolutely. They also have cute wall plug-ins.”
Bryce laughs. “I don’t care. You and Keiki can do whatever you want to the place.”
“Mhmm, now you’re talking my language, Lahela.”
They talk excitedly, basking in the fun that this new journey is going to bring their relationship. They don’t know how much time has passed when the conversation finally dwindles down.
“Hey, Bryce?”
“Can you let me down from here?” Casey asks, gesturing to the countertop. Bryce has her caged in, arms on either side of her. “Despite your best efforts to warm me up with a make-out session, this thing is freezing cold.”
“No one told you to wear a mini skirt like this in winter, you naughty school girl.”
“I resent that! This skirt is very cute, and it would’ve looked even cuter had you taken me ice skating.”
Bryce rolls his eyes. He’s gonna have to take this girl to the ice skating rink, and soon. He trails his hands up and down her legs, taking in all the goosebumps that have popped up on her smooth skin.
“You want to know where this skirt would look even better?”
Gripping the backs of her thighs, Bryce lifts Casey off of the countertop and into his arms. “The floor of our new bedroom.” 
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wayhavener · 4 years
The Wayhaven Chronicles is a game of Chess?
Hey guys, I have been thinking a lot about the nickname of the MC’s dad. Rook is the tower in chess and I was thinking what if the characters in Wayhaven all had corresponding chess pieces they symbolize. 
Adam/Ava: The Knight or the Horse piece. There are many reasons why Adam/Ava would be the knight. One reason is they are the first line of defense in case the enemy breaks through the castle walls (They are the combat specialist and team leader-- the first on guard). The second reason is looking at A’s past, a knight seems pretty fitting.
Nat/Nate: The Castle or Rook. This piece works together with the knight to defend against attacks. N is like this piece because the castle is seen as a defensive force which is reflected in N’s fighting style. The castle also has a way of keeping everyone and everything together. This may also explain why N is such a protective person towards the MC and the rest of the team. 
Felix/Farah: The Bishop. This seems like an odd choice but there are a few reasons behind it. In other languages, the bishop has many different translations. In Danish and Swedish, the piece is translated as “the messenger or “runner”. Which corresponds to Felix’s role on the team, I think his official title is “infiltration expert”. This is due to his ability to quickly apprehend a target due to his incredible speed and dexterity. This fits really well with the “runner” title and the fact the piece itself can travel great distances on the board. Another interesting translation is in French the bishop is called “the jester” which I think fits Felix a little too well. 
Morgan/Mason: The Pawn. Okay the pawn may sound bad but the reality is the pawn is very powerful piece, and if used correctly it can devastate enemy forces. M is like this piece for a number of reasons. One, the pawn is the first to attack enemy lines which we have seen many times in Book One. M, regardless of the route, was the first one to rush up against Murphy after the MC is found. The pawn is also able to play dirty in a sense because pawns can be promoted to another piece when they reach the other end of the board. We also do not know M’s full potential or real identity due to his forgotten memories (an unpromoted pawn can become many things)
Rebecca: The Queen. This piece is seen as the most powerful offensive piece in the game. Which is reflected in Rebecca’s status as handler of the team. She makes the end decisions for the team and has the power of the agency at her disposal. Also, she makes it her highest priority to protect the MC, or the King in this case. I mean she is a legit queen too which adds to the argument lol. 
MC: The King. This is the most vulnerable piece in the game but in a way the strongest. While the King cannot do much on their own, the entire game relies on them. If the MC or the King is taken or dies then the game is over. Much like the story, while the MC is the piece that is most in danger it is also what the game relies on to keep going. The other pieces seek to protect the King or in this case, the MC. 
I found it really weird that there are six different pieces in chess and there are six people in Unit Bravo....
Let me know what you guys think!
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