#mc vs final boss
makeste · 7 months
So before the next chapter translation/recap drops, I wanted to ask what you think of Bakugo very likely being AFO's final opponent? I didn't really see that coming. The rival is always there, but they usually team up with the MC for the final fight or aren't part of it (Vegeta during all the DBZ saga final villains, Sasuke at the end of Shipuuden). AFO isn't even Bakugo's personal villain, like Dabi is Todoroki's and Himiko is Uraraka's. I'm trying to wrap my head around it so it's more satisfying, but while it's REALLY AWESOME, I'm not feeling the *personal* stakes and ngl I spent half the time wondering if Deku would swoop in. I'm guessing he won't, final battle Shigaraki vs Deku, but yeah.
I think it's an interesting subversion of the usual final boss tropes. it's true that AFO and Bakugou don't have much in the way of personal history. they lack the tragic family ties of Dabi and Shouto, or the frequent homoerotic encounters of Toga and Ochako. Horikoshi clearly went a different route here.
that being said, there are a few things I do like about the setup. first, I really like that Bakugou chose Kid For One to be his final villain (and then inverted things on top of that -- you're not my final boss, I'm your final boss, lol). it's very much in line with his usual stubbornness and singlemindedness. everyone else -- Izuku, Shouto, and Ochako -- were sort of unwillingly dragged into their conflicts by fate. but Bakugou wanted a final boss so much that when life didn't conveniently hand him one, he went out and DEMANDED one. literally DIYed his own. that's the most Bakugou thing ever tbh.
second, I like the recurring theme of AFO creating his own demons. he's so powerful that the only thing that can bring him down is his own hubris. he accidentally created OFA by trying to dominate his baby brother. he tormented the OFA users for centuries only to be mutilated by a royally pissed-off All Might. and he has been snidely dismissive of Bakugou on multiple occasions throughout the manga, which is certainly looking like one hell of a mistake right now. not just because he missed the opportunity to kill him off on earlier occasions, but also because we all know that the more you ignore Kacchan, the more determined he is to prove you wrong.
third, I like that AFO is the one who apparently has personal trauma and not the other way around. even if the extent of his trauma is just, "you look like the guy I really hate!!", lol. it's unexpected and mildly amusing and I enjoy it.
and lastly, while I'm probably not super qualified to weigh in on this (seeing as there's a big chunk of the Deku vs. Tomura/AFO fight which I still haven't read yet, so I don't know how much ground has been covered already), I'm not so sure that this is the actual final battle. as you mentioned, those usually involve the rival teaming up with the MC against a single final villain. and neither Tomura nor Kid For One is giving me genuine final boss vibes tbh. I think AFO, and not Tomura, will be the final "final boss", but I'm guessing it will be a different version of AFO. either the AFO currently taking up residence in Tomura's head, or, potentially, the one possibly hanging out in Deku's.
either way though, that also means the final phase of this battle will likely take place not in the real world, but inside the OFA/AFO Mojo Dojo Casa Realm. and I think it will be Deku, Katsuki (since I'm convinced he also has OFA), and Tomura (plot twist) united against AFO. which I think would make for a much stronger final battle than the current setup. we were promised an ending which would surpass Heroes Rising in epicness, after all. a simple Deku vs. Tomura would hardly cut it, especially with Deku having already pushed himself to his limits and revealed all of his current OFA tricks that we know about. gotta be more to it.
so yeah, those are my thoughts. I'm enjoying the current antics, but I do think they are miniboss antics and not final boss ones. any finale that doesn't involve multiple OFA users teaming up against a single AFO wielder is going to feel a bit like it missed the point. it's literally in the name, lol. we need the "all" versus the "one", or else all that foreshadowing goes to waste. that's my hope at any rate.
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ironunderstands · 26 days
How do you feel about the Penacony final boss?
I love it both gameplay and story wise.
I’m gonna yap about the gameplay because I actually adore HSR’s combat system so yeah. Personally, I think the weakness break = gained shield mechanic is great, as you are a) forced to use Harmony MC who is an amazing breaker and also buffs characters who like breaking which causes b) you bring characters who also like breaking things, which is a really good way to Segway into the new break effect meta we will be seeing, and allows players to get a feel for it before Boothill and Firefly really release.
Also like, the music, the design, the Bible references, Robin? Robin. Witness the will of the weak? Chucking the fucking astral express at Sunday? How Sunday literally and metaphorically attacks us with music? The boss switching faces to look more like Ena’s puppet form at the end? I love it.
Story wise, it’s an amazing way to end Penacony. Harmony vs the Order, Robin vs Sunday, Everyone vs the Family. The shot where Robin catches Sunday is like engraved into my brain. The fact that he’s the bird who can’t fly and she’s the own who can, so he plummets and she flies to save him. How only when we defeat Sunday, can he be truly free.
“People dream because one day they will wake up “ UGHHHH RAAAAAAAAAA. I can’t express why this line is just so fucking good, but I will try. In your dreams, you experience a warped version of reality. Perhaps it’s what you want to see, perhaps it’s what you don’t want to see, perhaps it’s something else entirely. In this, dreams mirror life. They prepare us to live, they give us experiences we might never have in reality, they show us possibilities we may or may not encounter. However, dreams are fleeting and you will eventually wake up. That’s why people want to dream, because they want to experience reality, every part of it, the good and the bad, even the unimaginable, just without the consequences.
So when you inevitably wake up, and the dreams are no more, the only thing that remains are the memories of those dreams. Those dear memories, which you learn from again and again and again. So you dream, again, and again, and again, because only in reality can you appreciate and learn from the dream, and only in the dream can you truly understand reality. I can’t really phrase why I adore this line, so hopefully you can at least get an idea from this.
I honestly struggle to explain why I love 2.2 (and Penacony as a whole) in general, if I were to try, I’d probably say I just really love power of friendship plots. Call it corny or stupid, you are wrong! Incorrect! People coming together to support one another and achieve a common goal is the best thing ever! I adore how so many different factions with their own goals and philosophies and motives and methods from across the universe of hsr come together to fight for their freedom. To work well, in Harmony. To prove that no matter who or what you are, your life does not and should not be defined by Order.
So yeah, it’s great, hopefully I can phrase why it’s great in the future but for now I hope this satisfies
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Just finished the Jabberwock chapter.... there's so many questions (and possible theories) but rn I just wanted to talk about how Hyde mentioned the ghouls who were worried about MC - for Vagastrom, in jpn he specifically says "a certain someone from Vagastrom" rather than "one or two" and I'm willing to bet it's definitely Sho, since Hyde is the one mentioning it, and soon after he says he wasn't supposed to say that, I can imagine Sho giving him the stink eye to not let anyone know about it lol. Also right after this I got a campus event where Sho almost runs over MC on his bike because she wasn't looking where she was going while watching out for some croc anomalies(?) and he gets mad (worried) telling her what's the point if she's dead and points out where she has to keep an eye out on. I love him Your Honor....
We don't know too much about Hyde yet, but from that last conversation I wonder if having his own younger brother be a ghoul contributed in his empathy towards them ("in the end they're just young boys on the inside") or if he always felt that way. I wonder why exactly he wants humans and anomalies to get along, because while the idea itself might sound nice and peaceful, at the same time it sounds like something a villain with "good intentions" would say too lol. Hyde final boss?
Also rip MC who has to deal with Taiga next chapter lol. After fun times with the Jabberwock kids it's back to treading on thin ice (or glass shards in this case)
Cleaning out all the TDB asks before the new chapter drops at 1 am my time (_ _ )⊹ ࣪ ˖ I am so tired friends
Hyde vs Crowley, who is more likely to be a final boss. My money is on Crowley but Hyde do be looking like Gojo and we all know how my girl felt about the school board.
I swear we must have the same game anon because I literally had just read that school moment before you sent this ask. MC is trying to be aware of zipper crocs, which as a side note: each of the boys cards has a corresponding warding card of the same rarity. The higher rarity warding cards seem to be based off of moments in the story or aspects unique to the character while the SR and R cards are based off anomalous creatures. You get the corresponding SR warding card for your first boy in that joke of a pull they have you do in the tutorial, and the Zipper Croc is Tohma's.
The way Sho speaks to her in that moment (╥﹏╥) the way he's so concerned. Angry even that she's not taking care of herself, because "what good will that excuse be if you die?" I love him so much. And because of that I keep thinking about how guilty he has got to feel about almost letting her die in Book 2. You think he wakes up in the middle of the night to stare at his ceiling because he's thinking about how her mangled body would look staring up at him in judgement if he had just gone along with Leo's plan a little bit more than he did? Do you think that he's eventually going to snap if he keeps hearing Leo talk about MC like she's expendable because the longer he spends time with her the more real she becomes to him? You ever think about Sho looking at her while she's occupied with something else and not paying attention to him and realizing that his time with her has a very real time limit and that she's going to die in a year, however much of which has already passed?
You ever think about an MC who maybe jokes off offhandedly about helping him out now since she won't always be around and him loosing it just a bit because he doesn't want to even think about that even a little. Because I have been oh have I been
I wasn't expecting to like Hyde as much as I do. Don't get me wrong he seems extremely irresponsible, but he clearly loves his brother and his students, which makes him at least ok in my book. If I had to guess I would say Sho being a ghoul probably does have something to do with him being more understanding of the ghouls and their predicament. He has a unique insight into it that the other professors don't, but it could also be that he wants anomalies and humans to get along because through his own research he's seen how important anomalous creatures like the Kraken are to the world and he wants people to have a more respectful attitude towards that. I can't see him doing anything to harm Sho, so if the school ends up being the bad guy I think he'll be our ally.
Well not physically harm anyway... Oooooooh "a certain someone from Vagastrom" that was so fucking Sho. And Hyde so said that to be cheeky about it because he thinks it's cute that his little brother has got a little crush ¬‿¬ no it's ok Shohei, big brother won't tell! He pinky swears! Hyde would be such an annoyingly supportive wing man for his little brother if he'd just let him, if Sho has any classes he shares with the MC he so ends up assigned to a group with her on "accident" more than once. It makes a degree of sense too, I think Alan probably would trust that everything is all right and if it's note he will hear about it, if not from the school than from Tohma. Leo probably thought the whole thing was MC's fault anyway but Sho? He had to be so worried about MC and feel so trapped. It's not like he was going to get permission from Alan to go looking for her, and with Leo being Leo it's not like he really had anyone to turn to about his worries but Hyde, who was definitely supposed to be sworn to secrecy.
I am actually more worried about Romeo and Ritsu at this point than Taiga. Like don't get me wrong, that boy ain't right but I can handle someone being a bit homicidal.
Ritsu is easily the cuntiest out of the freshmen about MC at the intro ceremony and Romeo is willing to take MC in for the bounty dead or alive. I feel like this whole book is a bit of a trip, MC about to be kidnapped by a mob boss fr
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yurashinra · 9 months
♡Master vs Apprentice♡
Yura(MC)♀️ x Solomon
(Magic ver.)
"I am this game's TRUE final boss." (Solomon)
真のラスボス、魔術師ソロモンが現れた! (L46-14)
*Art&animation ©rohmaniyaya1
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pieandshootingstars · 4 months
Hi y‘all!
I have a problem.
I have always loved writing and reading and ever since I was a child, I have been coming up with stories and written them down; being creative never seemed like a problem to me.
Up until 2 years ago: My two final years of school started and I was really stressed and burned out during those two years... I‘m not sure if that‘s why, but even now, half a year after my graduation, I still can‘t come up with any new ideas :((
I missed writing so much since I didn‘t really do that during those two years, but all I can think of are rough ideas for characters, what kind of tropes and vibes I would like to have, and so on - which is, of course, not a lot, since the actual plot idea stays missing.
I would love to write again; it doesn’t have to become a bestseller one day… but I‘d love to create my own world and characters yk? Even if it‘s just for myself.
So I was thinking:
Maybe I could roughly write down the tropes/vibes I‘d like to have in my story (it might be very vague, sorry in advance😅) AND some fandoms I like so that maybe their vibes can be included a little, or they could be mixed/used as inspiration or something, and maybe you guys can help me come up with something? 😅
Maybe I can beat my writersblock that way.
Thank you all in advance 🫶🏻
📺 • Fandoms I like:
• Pirates of the Caribbean!
• The dark Crystal - Age of Resistance
• The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings
• Six of Crows
• Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss
• Gravity Falls
• Tomorrow (Kdrama)
• Arcane
📝 • Tropes, Genres etc. that I like:
- found 👏🏻 family 👏🏻 trope 👏🏻 !!
* Grumpy x Sunshine (both platonic and romantic is cool)
• No enemies to lovers 🥲😅
• NO love triangles
• Forbidden Love is nice, however I don‘t necessarily need romance at all in the book, or would rather have it be a sub-plot tbh
• Rich vs poor
• Lost Memories
• Redemption Arc/Morally Grey villains
• Fantasy genre!
Edit: morally grey/villain female mc could be cool, or one that turns/starts evil but then redeems herself or something
- cool and unique magical powers for the mc and maybe her friends if they will have any; no mary sue mc
Ik this ended up being very vague, I’m so sorry, but the writersblock really be blocking y’all 🥲 idk what’s up with that lately but I hope this isn‘t completely hopeless; maybe at least the fandoms will help to come up with an idea or a prompt or something.
Thank you guys in advance again !
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best-underrated-anime · 8 months
Best Underrated Anime Group C Round 1: #C8 vs #C1
#C8: Government employee and his white cat boss
Chen Shi, a young man from the countryside, journeys to the capital in search of his missing older brother, whose existence he only knew about upon his mother’s death. He knows neither name nor face of his brother, and after finally arriving at the capital, he runs out of money as well. One thing led to another, and he finds himself employed at Dali Court, where he works for Vice Minister Li Bing, a large white cat.
On the other hand, Li Bing is of royal blood who was imprisoned because of his family’s treason and now has to work in the government to atone for the crime. As for why he is in cat form? That’s for you to find out.
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#C1: Friendship over nostalgia for the past, and moving forward
The main girl works at a diner and misses being able to run. Main guy is the boss at the diner and misses writing.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#C8: White Cat Legend 2020 (Dali si Rizhi)
Season 1 is light and hilarious, featuring the adventures of Chen Shi and his colleagues at Dali Court. The show has a very colorful cast, and whether they’re on the side of the protagonists or against them, you will find loving them all the same.
And that leads me to another thing I like about this show—nothing is black and white. There are no characters who are “evil” just for the sake of it. Even the most hateful villain has his story. And it’s never clear whose side the characters are on. Enemies may become friends, and friends may become enemies.
Season 2 is more on political intrigue, and it presents us the conflict from two perspectives—from the commoner Chen Shi and from the noble Li Bing—showing us how the same problem can mean differently to people of different classes.
The animation is also top-notch, and the OST is amazing. But the fight scenes are definitely my favorite! They’re so smooth and dynamic, and I keep rewatching them. It’s based on a web comic with a very simple style, but the donghua (Chinese anime) really went far and beyond that.
There’s comedy, drama, action, mystery, hot guys, and cats (both actual and demonic)—so what’s not to love?
Trigger Warnings: Animal Cruelty or Death, Cannibalism, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore
I’m not sure if it counts as cannibalism, but there’s a cat demon who appears in human form, and he eats humans (it’s not shown explicitly, though). Oh, he also eats animals raw (again, not explicitly)—that’s why there’s an animal cruelty/death tag. The violence isn’t really graphic, but there’s blood and sword fighting, especially in season 2
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#C1: After the Rain (Koi wa Ameagari no You ni)
It feels like a lot of folks didn’t give this a fair chance because they thought it would be an age gap romance, when it really is more about friendship between the MCs. Don’t be turned off by the opening. It’s cute, but all from MG’s POV. The art is pretty, and Aimer’s “Ref: rain” is one of my favourite songs now, besides it being a beautiful ending theme. Depending on how old you are, you might relate more with one MC over the other.
Trigger Warnings: One-sided age gap. Depending your views, MC's friendship with her boss could be uncomfortable
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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Round 1 - Side B
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Michael is the BEST CHARACTER in the ENTIRE SERIES. I'm not just talking favorite characters here, he's the final moral authority in the series. He is the Big Good. When the nonreligious MC has a problem of morality, Michael is the one he and the entire narrative turn to. He is tempted. He has struggled. And he's trusted by archangels and is a paladin in a real-world setting and he and his wife are deeply in love and have eight kids and. He makes me happy, okay.
Michael is a Knight of the Cross, working closely with Father Forthill and Saint Mary of the Angels. His power literally comes from how strong his faith is. The man's Catholicism basically gives him superpowers.
He's an Italian Mafia boss. And he's Catholic. Need I say more?
He's the fucking Godfather.
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7grandmel · 3 months
Todays rip: 10/03/2024
Character Select BGM (KFAD2 Mode)
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SiIva Direct Presents
Ripped by deogenerate, New Guy Visuals by Harmony Friends, deogenerate, dante
Requested by delilahs-pumpkin-patch! (@delilahs-pumpkin-patch)
Today's rip was requested for coverage on the blog due to one very simple reason. Because for all the coverage I've done on the King for Another Day Tournament in Season 4 Episode 1 with rips like Thank You, Everybody!, Unhealed and NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2), there's one part of the project that I've effectively ignored entirely up until now. Indeed, though the excitement of the tournament itself, and its post-contest celebrations in Season 4 Episode 2, are both remembered very fondly, there's a period surrounding the tournament that's yet to be covered. We've covered this story's middle, its end, and its epilogue - now, its time to discuss its beginnings.
I've said before that Season 4 Episode 1 is kind of defined wholly by the tournament event itself, but given that it only took up around 2 months of actual channel time that may come off as a bit strange. That's because, much like the video game series that most directly inspired it, the King for Another Day Tournament did an incredible job in maintaining hype up until its release though reveals and trailers. These being the reveals of, of course, the new contestants - with a roster size doubled from Season 3's King for a Day Tournament, it left 16 characters to be revealed piecemeal in the buildup to the event. Channel creator Chaze the Chat described that he wanted Season 4 to be the most unpredictable and surprising Season yet, and we of course saw that outside of KFAD in rips like Sex - Steve Harvey and the entirety of Chain of Memories II Day - but the way the character reveals were done also played part in this element of surprise! The rip of today, Character Select BGM (KFAD2 Mode), is one of many other rips that contain a secret character reveal trailer within - hidden in the sea of normal channel uploads, these secret character reveals would be shown only to those who truly kept an eye out on every rip the channel uploaded.
Better yet, all these trailers were hidden at the very end of rips - and just like Chaze the Chat had warned, there was no telling what to expect from these rips even if they contained character reveals (shoutouts to Stronger than Mr Krab for being actually deranged). It was the hunt for the character reveals that made me click on rips like Character Select BGM (KFAD2 Mode) to begin with back in the day, as I have little to no connection to rhythm games like REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA, and yet it absolutely paid off in just how solid of a rip this is. This is a no-nonsense quality rip across the board, a high-octane melody swap medley with an energetic and fun sound derived from the source track. Creatively yet seamlessly, it begins by including themes relating to the Christmas Comeback Crisis such as The Noble Haltmann and Wood Man's theme, before pivoting to focus on music broadly categorizable as ones more known within Japan's online remix communities - including music featured in other rhythm games, but also music such as that made by Yosuke Yasui. In effect, Character Select BGM (KFAD2 Mode) was just about the perfect rip to reveal Rhythm Masters in, as a perfect blend of SiIva's own set of jokes and the potential kinds of rips the contestant itself could offer.
Excitement for KFAD was in the air for most of 2019, and it was through rips just like this that said excitement was maintained. And even though I myself lacked the connection needed to rhythm games to really have their reveal and place in the tournament hit home, experiencing that reveal in the way the channel did kept me excited all the same.
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ramonag-if · 11 months
First of all I'm sorry if this question was very rude and i'm sorry if i insult you (i didn't mean to) and sorry if my question make you uncomfortable too.
1. I was read what you said about high combat or warriors MC, i feel like MC will alway become bloodthirsty warriors no matter what (i know violence shouldn't happen no matter what but it just feel weird to me) so i wonder it that possible to play as Noble warriors MC who have high moral code, alway protect other people and not kill if not necessary or they will alway become bloodthirsty warriors? Also Can MC become foot soldiers in game?
2. Will duel between two leaders or two warriors in battlefield going to happen? If it happen can MC duel with enemy too?
3. What do you mean you bad at writing fight scenes? Your fight scenes was Awesome! I really like rescue prisoner scene. But i think high combat MC you can add MC to have faster senses than other MC (not like high politics MC who can know what going on or high leadership MC who can make fast decisions to lead the other i feel like high combat MC going to have fast reaction when something happen) and maybe they was the first one who can notice when something or someone be suspicious. (Sorry if you know it already)
4. What did RO feel about MC who have sweet tooth? If MC eat sweets they going to become happy MC for day.
Sorry if i being rude to you and thank you from answer my question.
No need to apologise 😊
There's actually no path that forces a player to become a bloodthirsty warrior. If you want to avoid violence apart from self-defence, you will always have a choice to avoid it. So rest assured, you can complete the game without killing a single soul.
It's a lot more complicated than Irus vs Virion. There will be a lot of variation in the final chapters based on what you choose to do. You can choose to stick with certain characters; if you do that, you might miss out on the final 'boss fight'. But yes, there will be an option to take down Virion depending on specific variables and choices.
Thank you for these suggestions! I will definitely be returning when I start edits to adjust and add more to the combat scenes. I still hate combat so much and writing them gives me anxiety 😂 My ideal version of combat is through manipulation and poisoning, so I'm very much a non-confrontational IF gamer.
The ROs don't care much for what the MC eats, as long as they're happy. Irus and Elora would buy the MC sweets. Oren would probably make the MC something sweet and Anu would just rifle through the MC's belongings for something sweet 😂
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kalorphic · 2 years
Reese vs an MC who easy to tease and a little too perceptive for their own good. Also yes, I have a fascination with my ROs smiles, they’re pretty okay?
Warnings: very brief non-con touch (of hand) which is apologised for, pet names (it’s Reese), hints of using humour/flirting as a coping method.
You’re holding Reese’s hand.
Why are you holding Reese’s hand?
You squeak and yank your hand away, “I’m so sorry.”
Reese blinks at you as though coming out of a daze. It doesn’t take long for the flirtatious smile to return, however.
“If you want to hold hands, sweet thing, then you only need to ask.”
“No. I– I don’t,” you stutter. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
${rthey} laugh, bright and joyful. It seems genuine, but if you’ve learnt anything about Reese in the short time that you’ve known them, it’s that there’s a lot more going on in ${rtheir} head than ${rthey} let on.
“You didn’t mean to,” Reese’s laughter has died down into a cheeky grin. “Besides, I didn’t mind it. At all.”
“Still.” You ignore ${rtheir} attempt to deflect. “Even if it wasn’t intentional, I touched you without your permission or without at least knowing that you’re comfortable with unannounced touch.” You rub your arm as you give ${rthem} a small smile. “So, yeah, I’m sorry.”
If you hadn’t been watching Reese closely for ${rtheir} reaction, you probably wouldn’t have noticed how ${rtheir} face freezes briefly at your words.
Oh crap. You start to panic, and prepare to spew apologies at ${rthem} for whatever you said that upset ${rthem}, when Reese’s smile completely takes the wind out of your sails.
It’s a fragile-looking thing, but it’s gentle and it’s real.
${rthey} have a dimple…it suits ${rthem}.
Reese’s eyes have gone soft and, however cliché it sounds, it really seems as though ${rthey} are finally seeing you for you rather than just as ${kname}’s handler.
“You’re too kind for the world of espionage, ${mcname},” you nearly jump at the sound of your name from ${rtheir} lips as so far you’d only been called by nicknames or pet names. “And far, far too kind to be spending time with someone like me.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s for me to decide.”
“If I want to spend time with you, Agent Eleven, then I damn well will.”
You aren’t sure where the sudden spike of confidence has come from, but it dies a pitiful death pretty quickly when you realise that you’ve just yelled at your boss about spending time with ${rthem}.
“Well then.” You wince at ${rtheir} tone. “You had best prepare yourself, Handler ${mccodename}, because I’m taking that as permission to stick to your side like a limpet from now on.”
“W–wait what?”
You stare at ${rthem} in shock, feeling yourself grow warm {although it wouldn’t show on your darker skin tone, it was still embarrassing | and it probably showed which only made you blush harder}.
“I’m just kidding.”
Reese grins as you shoot ${rthem} a half-hearted glare.
“Hopefully, we’ll get to partner up on some missions though.” ${rthey} throw over ${rtheir} shoulder as ${rthey} bounce off towards the door, any signs of ${rtheir} earlier vulnerability gone.
You huff and decide to put this strange conversation behind you for the sake of your sanity, however, Reese apparently has other plans, as before ${rthey} leave, ${rthey} hesitate.
“Thank you.”
And then Reese is gone.
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frauleinandry · 2 months
given that people have been talking persona 6 ever since the bucket leak*, i thought i'd drop my wishlist/theories!
*for those not in the know, midori said the theme will be green
theories, aka my Overarching Plot Predictions
the plot will either be focused on social isolation, digital relationships and things like that, or alternatively, will focus on man vs nature, e.g. urbanisation/nature reclaiming the city
why do i think this is the case? well, green. green is futaba, green is plants. more importantly though, covid. the whole reason the road trip idea got scratched for persona 6 is because of the tokyo earthquake - real life very much affects the writing of these games. and guess when this game started development? 2019. the conceptualisation of this game would have happened during the height of two things - lockdowns, and to a lesser extent, those shitty pictures of grass growing in airports and what have you
sadly, it's looking like persona 6 is gonna be another high school game, and what are three big issues facing teenagers today? 1: socialisation issues caused by... you guessed it, covid. 2: the increasingly hellscape nature of the internet. 3: climate change. yeah
seriously, even if it's subtle, there's no way in hell covid hasn't influenced the story. no way in heeeeeeeeell
wishlist. there is no evidence for any of these, but god, i want them!!
female and male mcs. bonus points if they're twins and the non-selected one becomes a party member/social link
same-sex relationships. nuff said
romantic relationships between characters who aren't the mc. jundori is good, and i'd enjoy more of that - possibly have it so they only happen if the mc hasn't romanced one of them by a certain date, but have it
i'd loooooove an adult cast/university setting, but midori's already bunked that, so a mixed-age cast is my next wish
no mascot character in the vein of morgana/teddie
i don't mind the idea of a traitor/twist villain, but i don't want them to follow the ikutsuki archetype yet again. persona 4, 5, and strikers all have major villains based on him, and like... that's enough, atlus. make the dojima archetype the traitor instead or something, i dunno
no god unless they're heavily foreshadowed throughout the entire game like persona 3, or alternative, they're the warm-up boss opposed to the actual final one
in terms of gameplay, give me at least 8 elements, keep theurgy/fuuka's nav skills (though nerf theurgy slightly), and i think a combination of random and non-random dungeons ala persona 5 works best. also, don't make it so the higher difficulty is just More Stats - improve the enemy ai, and do something like persona 5 merciless with increased super effective damage or something
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atlaslovesedm · 11 months
so last night i dreamt i was playing/watching gameplay of the final boss of an undertale fangame
the player character’s name was flo. they looked a lot like pent from supermental except without the hat and with dirty blonde hair (they were also wearing ink sans’ outfit for some reason). and the final boss was fake flo, sort of the same case with fake peppino being an eldritch horror clone of the mc. (i’m pretty sure the game included that FLO VS FLO splash screen too lmao)
the gameplay involved pretty much every SOUL mode (besides the switch one), plus the cyan SOUL being able to dash (sorta like in JSAB)
there was this super big finale moment (in the same vein as that “survive this and i’ll show you my special attack” thing sans had) that expanded the bullet box to be the entire game window (which is so cool more undertale fangames should do something like that) and your SOUL was like REALLY small during that part and it lasted a while
i didn’t see the end of the fight but here are two more things i remembered about the dream:
- the music sounded vaguely like cosmic growl by DJVI
- a bunch of MLP characters appeared for some reason (not even just the mane 6, i’m pretty sure trixie and a bunch of other guys were there too)
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yurashinra · 9 months
♡Master vs Apprentice♡
Yura(MC)♀️ x Solomon
(Idle ver.)
"I am this game's TRUE final boss." (Solomon)
真のラスボス、魔術師ソロモンが現れた! (L46-14)
Art&animation ©rohmaniyaya1
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nebulaleaf · 5 months
I’m surprised u thought the dlc sucked ass— can u elaborate on why? It def has its flaws but I thought it was pretty fun so I’m interested to hear what you think
its 32 dollars and my total playtime was 3:59:00. my brother in christ that is INSANE. HALF OF THAT WAS CREDITS AND POST CREDITS SCENES ESSENTIALLY
listen the new characters were fun. thw new ost bopped. but this was a cardboard sandwich of content. i chuckled a few times but the mc picks vs. the new character npcs just... DO NOT MESH! ITS BORING! AKECHI HAS NOTHING TO SAY ON ANYTHING (except bickering with joker at times) AND KASUMI IS JUST... YIPEE WE'LL HELP! and OH NO. I ALSO MISS MY SISTER :((( SO WE'LL HELP! there is no sustinence here i genuinely feel bad for akechi fans and kasumi fans. imagine being starving and they serve you a single pea. like yes thank you that is food but also; 32 DOLLARS TO FIGHT A REHASH OF THE FINAL BOSS I ALREADY JUST FOUGHT, BUT WORSE. now. okay mechanically the boss was fun. i enjoyed it nothing to write home about but its no okumura and thats good. the music was super lacklustre and lame. AND MY GOD. I WAS SOOOO EXCITED TO SEE HER GOD DESIGN AND ITS JUST. SALMAEL BUT WORSE. AND I KNOW SHES SUPPOSED TO BE HIS FOLLOWER BUT UM. LMAO? THIS IS *EXTRA PAID CONTENT* YOU JUST REMOVED THE CLOTHING LAYER OF SALMAEL'S MODEL AND STUCK A BIRD ONTO IT. it just feels lazy this dlc is lazy. theres enjoyment to be had about it for sure; but after how good p5t was im just sitting there like. this should be free its a ripoff
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Best Underrated Anime Group C Round 4: After the Rain vs Katana Maidens: Toji no Miko
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#C1: After the Rain (Koi wa Ameagari no You ni)
Friendship over nostalgia for the past, and moving forward
#C4: Katana Maidens: Toji no Miko
Lesbians with swords
Details and poll under the cut!
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#C1: After the Rain (Koi wa Ameagari no You ni)
Akira Tachibana, a reserved high school student and former track runner, has not been able to race the same as she used to since she experienced a severe foot injury. And although she is regarded as attractive by her classmates, she is not interested in the boys around school.
While working part-time at the Garden Cafe, Akira begins to develop feelings for the manager—a 45-year-old man named Masami Kondou—despite the large age gap. Kondou shows genuine concern and kindness toward the customers of his restaurant, which, while viewed by others as soft or weak, draws Akira to him. Spending time together at the restaurant, they grow closer, which only strengthens her feelings. Weighed down by these uncertain emotions, Akira finally resolves to confess, but what will be the result?
Alternatively: The main girl works at a diner and misses being able to run. Main guy is the boss at the diner and misses writing.
It feels like a lot of folks didn’t give this a fair chance because they thought it would be an age gap romance, when it really is more about friendship between the MCs. Don’t be turned off by the opening. It’s cute, but all from MG’s POV. The art is pretty, and Aimer’s “Ref: rain” is one of my favourite songs now, besides it being a beautiful ending theme. Depending on how old you are, you might relate more with one MC over the other.
Trigger Warnings: One-sided age gap. Depending on your views, MC’s friendship with her boss could be uncomfortable
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#C4: Katana Maidens: Toji no Miko
Throughout history, an elite group of shrine maidens known as "Toji" have saved the world from "Aratama," strange and malevolent beings bent on destroying humanity. In modern times, these warriors have been assigned to a special police squad to exterminate Aratama. The government has also set up five elite schools across the country to provide young girls the necessary sword fighting skills to eradicate these monsters and eventually join their fellow Toji in protecting the world.
A student of one of those five schools, Kanami Etou is chosen to represent Minoseki Academy in a sword fighting tournament, where she meets the mysterious Hiyori Juujou. Although Kanami and Hiyori rise to the top of the tournament, their battle takes an unexpected turn, throwing the world of the Toji into chaos. Likely that the Toji are facing betrayal from within, the two are forced to flee the tournament, clashing with former comrades on the way.
The depth of this show was seriously mindblowing to me. For much of the series it was just a fun romp, with some pretty interesting twists and turns along the way. But as these characters develop, as the plot gets moving, it all comes together in the end. I have not seen a more concentrated concoction of doomed tragic yuri in my life.
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Self-Harm
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form with your revisions, and I’ll consider adapting those changes.
New: Starting round 5, screenshots will be included in the poll post. You can submit screenshots through the form linked above, or through here, via ask or dm.
Guidelines in submitting screenshots:
No NSFW or spoilery images.
Pick some good images please. Don’t send any blurry or pixelated ones.
You may send up to 9 screenshots, but not all may be used.
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icharchivist · 6 months
Okay, so maybe I'm insane, but you could argue the different ending images from Rising tell a story
You can play standard Arcade mode, which is seven rounds you have to beat consecutively. Six random opponent + Beelzebub as the final boss. But these new images are unlocked (apparently) by beating six random opponents with a special finisher, then facing Avatar Belial as your boss and then Lucilius. That's the "true" ending. You could even argue it's alluded to because the coloring of the Versus artworks looks a bit washed out, while the coloring on the new art is super crisp
My point is made especially by the WMTSB gang's pictures, but you could argue that in the old ending, Percy is reading by himself but his true ending is looking pretty while going on a horseback ride. Presumably with someone, likely the MC. The world is saved now, time to enjoy it with his precious person
Or Lancelot was having a lunch date with Vane, but his true ending is him training while the other Dragon Knights look on. He's preparing himself for new challenges, now that he's overcome Lucilius.
I haven't seen all of them yet, obviously
Anyway, the most important ones for my theory
Beelzebub's old art had him posing while Lucilius was in the background, his back turned. The unattainable specter of the rival he's trying to overcome is still haunting Beelzebub. Meanwhile, in the new ending that is achieved by beating Lucilius, Bubs is having a relaxing bath in wine. He's overcome his rival and is now able to move on.
Belial, in the old one, was taking a bath and being sexy. Basically killing time like he had for 2000 years, waiting for Lucilius to return to him. Now that Lucilius is back and Belial has passed his performance review, he
1) either asked him out on a date finally and got predictably stood up
2) or realized Lucilius isn't all that and is finally ready to move in with someone else and that's who he's on that date with
That depends on how delusional you are or which you'd prefer for him, ig
Avatar Belial is much the same, lounging around and enjoying his power in the old one, eating an apple, something symbolic of Lucilius and his connection to him, as Lucilius loves apples and it plays into the whole forbidden fruit of knowledge and all that. Meanwhile, Avatar Belial is still very much flexing in the new one, surrounded by what looks like six skulls. The six random opponents he faced, as Avatar Belial's victory screen has him murder his opponent. Now he's either waiting for new orders from Lucilius, more blood and skulls to add to his collection, or he killed him too and is getting ready to destroy the world by himself
Anyway, that's my theory
Either way, they're all genuinely nice artworks showing the characters being themselves and having a good time
Oooh that makes a lot of sense actually
i do think the idea that the first ending showcase where they are when they achieved some big feat but didn't finish it yet VS the last ending being how they decide to rest AFTEr beating Lucilius is probably the assumption yeah, which does lead to a lot of theories on why they decide to relax one way or another, obviously
but i think you're nailing it in term of Bubs and Belial. Both of them wanted and waited for Lucilius, so their behaviors went from yearning from him to actually enjoying themselves now that Lucilius is there.
it's a pretty good reading imo and i have nothing to add! it's so nice!!!
i love those arts so much
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