#mdzs anon requests
3cosmicfrogs · 6 months
Since the flavour of this headcanon request was unspecified i shall bestow upon you one of my useless ATLA headcanons:
i think Jee survives the siege of the north pole and quietly retires. the reason we dont hear from him in canon anymore is because he's fucking Had It. the sea is an eldritch horror? theres avatars flying around left and right? strange comets? no. he is Not Getting Involved. life at sea used to be much simpler back in his day. his lower back hurts and he's too old for this shit. He cashes in his retirement check and settles down somewhere on the coast with a lovely earth kingdom dilf and never thinks about shouty brat princelings ever again.
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Hello there! Can I request a mdzs headcanon for Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng as parents? Thank you in advance!
A/N: sorry if I responded late!!!! I was busy yesterday doing…things…
ON TO THE SHOW— I mean Hc-!!
Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue, & Jiang Cheng:
Fandom: MDZS
Y/N Gender: uhhhh….ANY but maybe leaning towards female..
TW: fluff…lots of fluff and wholesome shit going on
Lan Xichen:
Short answer?
Wholesome, loving, doting, soft af papa over here
The moment you told him you’re gonna adopt/pregnant with a child
“Y/N’er…you’re with a child…?”
He cried…flat out cried when he found out
You worried as you try to comfort
He merely shrugged it off with a laugh
Expect this man to seriously dote on you if your pregnant
He will cuddle you, sing songs, and etc.
But that can be another hc for now
If you both adopted, expect him to be tender af
I can see him with a twin set of boy and girl
Or reference to as the Dragon and Phoenix
Lan Qiren is silently approving and already setting schedule up
Lan Xichen would not hesitate to teach them EVERYTHING
He would even allowed them to suck on Liebing
Flute dads doot do doot-!
Lan Xichen would always reassure them whenever they have a nightmare
Even keeping his door open to comfort
You both would be sleeping until two totters be rumbling in crying
Lan Xichen would smile and let you sleep
He would literally pick them up and comfort them as he continue to do work
Expect Lan Xichen to always be clingy
He already clingy as a husband but phew!
He would be attached and have literal commission on spiritual device of children safety from Wei Wuxian™︎
He would literally fight any man off with a smile for his daugther
His son, he would be careful on the women but lenient
The daughter will have your beauty or handsomeness
She is very calm and collected
Also, the older one by a minute
The son is more broad shouldered and tough
He is silent towards stranger but opens up to be cheerful and loving like his father
Okay maybe not the silent one—he got it from his ShuShu (Wangji)
Lan Xichen is the type of dad to literally have the whole clan to cheer them on whenever they’re in competitions
If his daugther loves to learn cultivation, he will endorse it
If his son wants to be a herbalist or physician, endorsing it
If both his children wants to be travelers, ENDORSE
Seriously, he will give everything to these bundle of joy
Don’t worry, they will be humble and take after their father demeaner
“A-Die, I grown some broccoli (it’s Chinese broccoli btw and it’s good!)”
“I see baobei.”
Yeah, if his sweet darlings give him a mud pie, he would try it literally no question ask
Definitely doting, definitely sweet, definitely papa material
Oh yeah—!
Secretly will give them sweets and pets
But honestly, Lan xichen will raised them to be better than he was
Nie Mingjue:
If he is able to live long enough, but for this. He will
Nie Mingjue will be shocked and stop
Definitely will need Nie Huasiang to snap him to reality
Definitely will doubt himself and wonder how long he can live to see them grow
Nie Mingjue is a gentle giant, but he is strict
Definitely raised them like he did Nie Huasiang
But only softer and more lenient
“Da’Ge! Why are you so mean to me!!”
“Cause you haven’t been a good ShuShu, how many times must I tell you to pick up your ink and brushes?!”
“A’Jue, be nice to Sang’er.”
“Even Jiejie/Gege agrees!”
“Did I say that I agree? You need to be careful when there’s kids around.”
“…” - Nie Mingjue, Nie Huasiang
Yeah, Huasiang was the “first child” lmao
Nie Mingjue is horribly careful when holding them as infants
Will be tired but still doting
Definitely strict and hopes they don’t have to go through sabers
You and him will have a little boy or girl
But my bets are in the boys until many years later if possible to have a little boy again
The older son will gentle and take after you
The younger son is temperamental but has a baby face you canNOT say no to
The older son will most likely have interest in the arts, but he sticks to saber and military prowess liek his father
Definitely pouts like Nie Mingjue
He will regard Jin Guangyao warily
The younger son will be doted on by EVERYONE
Even Jin Ling and Sizhui will dote on him
I mean— he is young
Nie Mingjue will make sure they’re successful and have intellect
Definitely will send them to Gusu for schooling
Oh yeah, the younger son is a huge romantic like you (lmao—)
Nie Mingjue will definitely sing lullaby’s to them no matter what
Also, he will FIGHT anyone who messes with his child (children-)
Basically a strict yet gentle giant of a pop
He will nurture them while clumsily so
He will learn..eventually with you on tow
Jiang Cheng:
Jiang Cheng will be startled out of his wits
So tell him during lunch
He will be happy internally but crying outside
“I’m not crying….”
“Jiujiu, why are you crying?”
“Shut up brat!”
“…” - Jin Ling
Prepare the PIER!
Jiang Cheng will want to keep it down on the low, cause of that person
Yeah…that didn’t work…
“I can’t believe my previous DiDi got a bun in the oven~!!”
“WEI. WU. XIAN!!!”
You both will have a quadruplets
Like seriously…
One older boy, and three girls
The brother is a fucking carbon copy of Jiang Cheng to the bone
I’m not even joking-
He will frown and always be pouty
You will chuckle at amusement of seeing them copying each other
There will be dogs, yes.
Jiang Cheng will literally give the whole world to them
Thing is, Jiang is insecure on how he will raise them
In one hand, he don’t wanna be a neglectful ghosting father
On another, he don’t wanna be a angry toxic mom cause of past affairs
Definitely will question everything, but you comfort him throughout it
He will be strict but falls every single time when they cry
Luckily, due to having Jin Ling he be a great dad
Though, same scenario as Huasiang, doting at fuck
Jin Ling will actually babysit them in Lanling so you both can just be with each other
Oh yeah, the girls are all variations
The second oldest is similar to Yanli but has your traits within
The third oldest is completely wild and will not let hesitate to annoy her older brother at times
The youngest is shy and a huge dog person
There is now 8 dogs: Magpie, Magnolia, Diamond the 2nd, princess, flower, Dragon, Tea, and Lotus
Expect Jiang Cheng tirelessly work and take care of four
You will help him out and demand him to sleep
The quadruplet will be innocent (except that the fourth one calls them out all the time)
Basically expect them to be a variation of Jiang Cheng and you
One of them have the same type of men like you do
It’s the fourth one—
Jiang Cheng is hella protective of the girls
The oldest son is also protective
If anyone man ask one of the daughters out, hold Jiang Cheng back before he breaks their leg
Will pout and sulk if they married to another
Jin Ling will be the best cousin, he will also be harsh on the suitors
Sizhui will sigh and teach the 2nd oldest how to do music cultivation
Basically, a protective yet soft dad who wants the best
A/N: I hope they’re to your liking Anon~!! Honestly, I had fun with this one. ^^
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sunnitypes · 11 months
for requests can you draw xue yang or wwx being like >:3c
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went with xy since ive never drawn him before! knife cat meme
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bubbless-s · 3 months
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Doing this for the 2 time bc I didn’t like it the first time
・❥This is basically for what I will write for and for what I will not!
- ,, Fandoms Im in
-★彡 Sally Face
- ★彡 Lookism
-★彡 Demon Slayer
- ★彡 Harry Potter
-★彡 Viral hit
-★彡 Blue Lock
-★彡 Hsr
-★彡 Wuthering Waves
-★彡 Creepypasta
-★彡 Hi3rd
-★彡 Death note
-★彡 Mdzs
-★彡 Naruto
-★彡 Atla
- ★彡Obey Me
-★彡Marble Hornets
-★彡 South Park
And much more that I can’t think of..
✎ Anons claimed: 🐢
♡︎ Requests are open
ʚɞ Thing I will not write for:
-Gross things. (like rape,incest,grooming ect ect)
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cafecliche · 5 months
fic writer meme!
[RISES FROM THE DEPTHS] I'm here!! Thank you so much @uhuraisgay and @englishsub for the tags, and also for reminding me that I've missed Tumblr
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 50 even - which was more than I thought!
2. what's your total ao3 wordcount? 187,448
3. what fandoms do you write for?
My fic-writing impulses come along like cicada seasons, except without any regularity whatsoever: I do a lot of dabbling in a lot of fandoms, I can never really tell if something's going to light my brain on fire. Most of my fic output came from Yuletide for a long while (I loved the grab bag aspect and writing little treats for small fandoms, but then my holidays got busier), and then Yuri on Ice and MDZS were my biggest fandoms by far, especially MDZS. I've written Yuwu recently, and I'd love to write some Trigun, LoZ, or Mysterious Lotus Casebook one of these days.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the only way out
The Guests of Cloud Recesses
And the soft animal is our runner-up at #6!
5. do you respond to comments?
I usually don't unless it's a request or a question, but I read and treasure every one.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I am too tender for Bad Endings for the most part, but my canon-verse Nie Huaisang fic after me comes the flood does not end in a particularly good place for anyone involved. (But even then, we know it gets better for him eventually... albeit at the expense of several bystanders)
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I tend to write pretty gentle, occasionally LIGHTLY bittersweet happy endings (that's the cafecliche guarantee baby) but part of me wants to say 'the only way out' (and probably 'the yunmeng accords' series in general) here. I tend to write fic when I want to play around with the emotions or relationship dynamics that can already be found in canon, so 'the yunmeng accords' is probably as close to a fix-it as I'm going to get.
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not usually! I was part of the Great MDZS Anon Hate Train of 2021, but that was the worst I've ever gotten by several magnitudes - the vast majority of commenters are fabulous.
9. do you write smut?
Not yet! It's not off the table, though.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you have written?
I actually don't think I've ever written a crossover! The closest I've ever gotten was when I look over my shoulder, but even that's 'Wangxian in a Conjuring-esque ghosthunters in love situation' and not really a formal Conjuring AU.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I've had plagiarism brought to my attention a couple times, but truly just a handful. I still remember getting a message on FF.net that someone had ripped off a line from my Black Lagoon fic. The SCANDAL of it all.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
MDZS is the first fandom where I've gotten translation requests, which is always so cool! To my knowledge, I've had fics translated into Russian, Spanish, and Ukranian.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but brainstorming fic concepts with my brilliant friends is one of my favorite thing in the world.
14. what's your all time favorite ship?
omg ever? Well Victuuri and Wangxian have been the ones that really lit my brain on fire (if I own the Nendos, it's serious) but let me also throw it back to Fakir and Ahiru in Princess Tutu. That is ROMANCE.
15. what is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I would have really liked to have one more entry to 'the yunmeng accords!' I had a couple of ideas that I really liked, but nothing that caught fire quite enough to dive into it. That said, I am currently working on something short and Yunmeng Shuangjie-related, at the very least...
16. what are your writing strengths?
Emotional through-lines, pacing, and that sweet, sweet catharsis. I'm drawn to particular fandoms when they leave me with an emotion that I need to break down over the course of several thousand words, and I know that shows through in my writing.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Choreography! I'm not a very visual thinker, so sometimes it takes me a while just to figure out how to block the characters in a given scene. I also have a lot of trouble getting into a draft until I figure out the voice, which, when it comes to fanfic, will either come to me extremely easily or not at all.
18. thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
Yeah, absolutely! (But if you don't speak the language, do your research!)
19. first fandom you wrote for?
[rubs my temples] an X-Men crackfic.
20. favorite fic you have written?
Oh my god. WELL. 'grow' and 'the only way out' I think are the best fics I've written, and 'when I look over my shoulder' and 'the soft animal' are also extremely close to my heart. But 'detente' might be the favorite child. It just gushed out of me.
I think a great many of you have been tagged at this point, so sorry for any double-tags, but: @bluecrystalrainingdaggers @tigerjpg @floofyfluff @vinelark and anyone else who'd like to go for it!
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duohensheng · 20 days
If you're still accepting doodle requests, would you consider drawing SongXue (Song Lan x Xue Yang) getting married?
1. thank you anon for submitting one of the most chaotic possible options for my I’ll-draw-any-MDZS-pairing-you-want-for-pride thing. I can only salute your bravery and courage
2. I’m accepting submissions all of June!!
3. i took some creative liberties in pretty much every direction but: here she is. i hope you like it!!! let me know if you want a version without the CQL puppet imagery (and thanks so much for submitting, this was so fun to do 👀)
for pride: SongXue wedding 🏮
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
Hi, I'm new to this fandom and saw about your stand against Jiang Cheng and I'm genuinely curious, could I ask you why do you hate the character so much? I'm genuinely curious.
Hello! Welcome to the MDZS fandom! It’s a really interesting place to be.
I do think you are perhaps misunderstanding my fight, and it’s understandable, there’s a lot of history behind it. But I don’t actually hate Jiang Cheng the book character at all.
He’s a fantastic antagonist, one who has enough happen to him that he’s understandable without justifying his actions. His anger and bitterness make him incredibly active, which can help move the plot along well, and the fact that he is also Wei Wuxian’s personal antagonist makes him very fun and relevant as you need the antagonists that can make a character hurt personally for stories of this type.
As his general character archetype, I think he’s done really well. I quite enjoy him in the context he is supposed to be seen as, the younger person who grew up with the hero who instead of attempting to better himself, tore down those around him in an attempt to put everyone on the same level.
My problem (and my fight) is that the character of Jiang Cheng in Modaozushi is not the Jiang Cheng that is in the fanfics and the art and the meta and discussions.
The Jiang Cheng that you see in fanfics and metas that isn’t under the Not JC Friendly on Ao3 or #canon jiang cheng tag on tumblr is one that is no longer an antagonist or in character, but someone else entirely. Someone who no longer slots into the world of MDZS as if he were actually the person they posit him to be, the events that he is responsible for would have never happened. Quite simply they take the character I enjoy, erase all of his actual traits and then show up to scream at me for writing him wrong, or lying about the book, or not knowing how to read.
Or they are gleefully celebrating classism and homophobia with him. I can’t tell you how many posts I’ve seen that are basically “he’s right to be homophobic because Wangxian are annoying and he should hate them for that”. In a danmei fandom. About the lead couple. I already have dealt with more than enough homophobia in my daily life, why do I have to deal with it in a fandom for a novel in which the leads are a happily married queer couple?
I have been in this fandom for a year and a half. I tag my posts appropriately. When I was requested to not put character hate in the main tag (and novel quotes qualified as character hate), I did as they asked and invented my own tag. Sure it’s a little snarky, but it’s also an easy one to block and allows others like myself who enjoy the character as he is in the book to find my stuff. On ao3, I’ve written a few fics that use him in it as he is in the book and tagged it not for JC fans as they requested.
Do you know what I got?
I have anon hate for using my tag, the very tag I created in response to their request. On my fics that use him, I have people showing up to cry that he’s out of character and I can’t write. When I did all that I could do to try and enjoy a character as he is in canon and as they continually say is what they want. “You don’t have to like him, just tag your stuff so we don’t have to see it.”
I do stand against his stans. I have blocked many of them and gotten in arguments with many others. You are new to this fandom so you wouldn’t have seen this, but a year ago one of them wrote a fanfic about Lan Wangji murdering Wei Wuxian because they were mad about the very existence of the not for jc fans tag, and tagged it with romance and fluff tags so that fans of wangxian would click on it and read a horrible, deliberately hurtful fic and gleefully celebrated it on Twitter.
Why should I not stand against them? They have bullied so many people out of this fandom for not writing Jiang Cheng in the way they want. That is not okay. This is a massive fandom in places where it is very easy to filter and tag, and they try to bully and chase us out of the whole fandom because we don’t like their made up version of a character, or the fact that they are homophobic and shitty to the leads and to me and my friends and my followers.
Welcome to Modaozushi fandom, new reader. It’s a very volatile place with a long history. This is my section of it. And that is why I tag with canon jiang cheng and do not take any shit from people who have umbrage with that.
Thanks for the ask, I hope you have a really great day and at least consider my words even if you don’t agree with them. I suspect if you do, we will never have a problem with each other.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 6 months
I have a MDZS question and consider you an expert on all things JGY (he did crimes, good for him) so I hope you have some insight into this: I read that NHS found the Sacrifice Ritual in JGY’s Closet of Wonders, but how did JGY get it? Was it in WWX’s Burial Mounds “library,” and if so do you know where WWX found it?
Thanks, I very much enjoy your content!
hey there anon, it's very kind of you to consider me an expert, but i really am not 😬 i've certainly read, reread, and re-reread both the EXR and 7seas translations of the empathy flashback sequence many, many, many times, in addition to the guanyin temple sequence, because those are the parts of the text where jgy's actions are most frequently criticized and taken out of context. for details like the ones you're asking after, i've got to revisit other parts of the book again because my memory is a tea sieve, and i'm also not immune to medium bleed (no one is). so please bear with me, and keep tabs on the notes of this post for any discussion that follows since my pals often chime in with details i've missed.
first point of contention tho: it is never confirmed how novel canon nhs comes by his knowledge/familiarity of the summoning ritual, though wwx does speculate extensively in the guanyin temple denouement that he hears about the ritual from mo xuanyu himself. i don't think he gets his hands on the ritual himself, and i don't think he has access to the jin sect treasure room either. from vol 5 of the 7seas translation:
So yet another person came to [Nie Huaisang's] mind. Mo Xuanyu, who had been banished from Golden Carp Tower.
In the past, Nie Huaisang might have chatted with Mo Xuanyu to glean information from him. From the mouth of the dejected Mo Xuanyu, Nie Huaisang had clearned that he'd read one of Jin Guangyao's fragmented manuscripts of forbidden magic, in which an ancient, evil ritual was recorded. He had then incited Mo Xuanyu to exact revenge for the humiliation he'd suffered at the hands of his own clan members--to use the forbidden art of the sacrificial ritual to seek retribution.
in vol 1 of the 7seas translation, this is what the text tells us about the sacrificial ritual mo xuanyu uses to summon wei wuxian:
The nature of this "sacrificial ritual" was a type of curse. The caster was to harm themselves with a weapon, making cuts on their body and using their own blood to draw the array and write the spells within. They would then sit in the center of the circle and give up their mortal body to evil spirits, using the annihilation of their soul as the price to summon a nefarious, malicious ghost. This was all done in order to request the fulfillment of a wish. Thus, it was the opposite of "possession."
While both were forbidden magics of ill repute, the difference was that the former was much less popular than the latter. After all, few wishes were so strongly desired as to make someone willingly sacrifice everything they had. This was why the technique had been nearly lost after centuries of disuse. The examples recorded in ancient books had only a handful of cases that were backed by reliable evidence, and every single one of them had been for revenge. Every malicious ghost summoned by the ritual had fulfilled the caster's wishes perfectly, in cruel and bloody ways.
i've been thumbing through the rest of the 7seas volumes as well as the EXR translation, but i don't think there's anything more concrete about where the ritual comes from. i think it is entirely possible that the jin sect found copies of something like this ritual in the burial mounds, sure, but i also wouldn't rule out a ritual like this being contained in the treasure room entirely independent of wwx. there's canon precedent for it; case in point, recall the collection of turmoil in the gusu lan's forbidden section of their library.
anyway that's what i've been able to find today, but i'll keep poking around in the books to see if i trip over a passage that neatly answers all of our questions lol.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 9 months
Hi! I have a question about translation.
So, I've been rereading MDZS and during Lotus Pier massacre JFM says this: 阿婴,阿澄……你要多看顾。
(I don't speak Chinese, that's why I'm asking)
I've been reading English and Russian translation simultaneously, and they differ in this part.
English: "A-Ying, A-Cheng... you must look after him." (ExR ch. 58)
Russian: "A-Ying, A-Cheng... take care of each other." (Ru: А-Ин, А-Чэн… позаботьтесь друг о друге. (in case you want to translate for yourself))
After that, WWX says that he promised YZY and JFM to take care of JC, but you can make that conclusion from either of those translations. So, my question: Which one is the correct translation?
God morning, anon!
So, I understand how the russian version chose what it did in thinking Jiang Fengmian told both of them to protect each other based on rough or shaky translation knowledge. The second half is a run on sentence!
As in "A Ying... A-Cheng, you must watch over [him] more closely [now]."
The sentence uses informal in person speech. We usually don't need to worry about grammar constantly when we speak to each other only right? This is not a piece just for the audience for extra context, it's for emotional weight between two characters.
你 nǐ you informal usage (as Jiang Fengmian is the elder and already knows Wei Wuxian well)
要 yào important; vital; to want; to ask for
yāo to demand; to request; to coerce
多 duō in excess, many, a lot, numerous, often
看顾 kàn gù watch over
Interestingly, if you plug in this line into any old MTR... it shows something like this, (with respective usage of yabla, google various other MTRs out there)
A Ying, A Cheng... you have to take more care of it.
A Ying, a Cheng... you must take care of.
Ah Ying, Ah Cheng...you should take more care of them.
A ying, a cheng... You have to take care of it.
Notice the pattern here of it inserting a subject of some sort that was not there before? It tries to word it in a way that grammatically and robotically makes some sense to English etc.
So, at least in terms of technicality and correct translation method, ExR is correct.
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ilgaksu · 8 months
So, after about two years of them being closed, I’m opening discounted charity commissions to support Palestine!  I don't really take these anymore due to health and just being way too busy, so this is your shot, etc. To commission me, please send me evidence of donating to a charity supporting Palestine. Please read below for further details
Commission Slots: 
I'm going to take 3-5 slots 
Each slot will be at a discounted* rate of 15 USD each.
Each slot includes 1k words. 
1k words means, whatever you want, the word count will be 1k total, or as close to it rounded down as is possible, it won't be rounded up
You may ask for a mini accompanying playlist at no extra cost
If all slots are taken and there is still interest, I’ll waitlist and contact people if I am able. This might not be possible, obviously, but just saying.
Turnaround time is around 4 - 5 weeks. I need to prioritize previously committed charity commissions/projects and their deadlines
*For reference, my usual commission rate is 20 USD per 1k.
Fandoms I'm best equipped to write in right now are:
Mysterious Lotus Casebook, DMBJ**, MDZS/CQL, TGCF, TFC/AFTG
Voltron, Haikyuu!!, The Raven Cycle, Six of Crows
basically sans Harry Potter if you see it on my AO3 I will consider it.
What I will NOT write 
non-con, underage, medical situations, pregnancy,
**if you are commissioning for DMBJ, I'm not comfortable writing Xiao Hua as cis, considering my body of work. 
If you aren't sure about your idea, let me know, and please have a second option in mind as I reserve the right to veto it.
Payment Details
Message me BEFORE you make a donation to check availability
Once I have approved your commission request, please send me evidence (as in a screenshot or receipt) of your donation to an organisation helping in Palestine as payment. 
I am happy for you to choose and discuss your choice with me, but some examples of the kind of organisation I mean are the Red Crescent or Red Cross, Islamic Relief UK, etc.
I DO NOT want the money donated to me via Ko-Fi or anything like that, so please do not do that. 
Please feel free to reblog, and if you're interested, message me on here.
(Also: I have anon switched off, and I am not in the mood to discuss the validity or not of collective punishment in the face of international law, so if you disagree with what I'm choosing to put aid efforts towards in my free time, cross the road and keep walking. We are simply never going to agree.)
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jasontoddiefor · 2 years
For your writing prompt, I am begging for some more of that beautiful gender mdzs fic of yours. Or even just mdzs, I beg
No need to start begging, anon, I’m glad for any and all mdzs prompts!
Prompt context: trans woman WWX nopes out of canon and NHS does his scheme on his own.
Lan Jingyi’s had a rough couple months. Sure, admittedly, Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling had it worse as they’d both gained a dead uncle – in the former’s case of a very nice corpse and in the latter’s as a very stabbed to death Jin Guangyao – but it’s been rough for Lan Jingyi too, okay?
Now he had to share Lan Sizhui with Jin Ling because they were somehow cousins of a sort in a way nobody was allowed to ask the Real Adults about, which was also kind of insulting. Lan Jingyi did not nearly die in the Burial Mounds to be left uninformed about the Yiling Patriarch’s scandalous affairs that gained Lan Jingyi a standing invitation to Lotus Pier now.
Well, he wasn’t invited, but Lan Sizhui was and if he was visiting Sect Leader Jiang then Jin Ling was also bound to be there and Lan Jingyi wasn’t going to be left out.
On the bright side, they did a lot more night hunting together, which most definitely was a bonus. One of those night hunts saw them victorious over a group of vicious guai whose defeat just had to be celebrated in an inn. It was in that establishment that they met Lady Mo. She was plain sort of pretty but her playing was wonderful enough that Jin Ling boasted of the Yunmeng songs entertaining them for the night. So of course Jingyi had to request something from Gusu and somehow that led to Lan Sizhui of all people inviting her to Gusu.
Over the course of the next week traveling home, Lan Jingyi discovered a few things about Lady Mo. Namely that she didn’t have a lunatic as a brother, so any similarities to Mo Xuanyu were just coincidence, but she did have a hothead as a younger brother. He was apparently in charge of the family business back home somewhere in Yunmeng and doing very well. She’d nearly started crying at that so Lan Sizhui had quickly distracted her with stories of their past night hunts.
Lan Jingyi also learned that Lady Mo was also not really that much of a proper Lady, for all that the address delighted her.
She traveled on her own, which was scandalous enough, and also didn’t mind sleeping rough. Her explanation for the latter was that busking didn’t earn her that much money, but Lan Jingyi thought it was her frankly speaking terrifying competence with talismans.
“You didn’t tell us you were a cultivator!” Lan Jingyi accused, pointing at the remains of the corpse she’d blasted away.
Lady Mo snorted, another one of her not very ladylike gestures. “Was I supposed to?”
“If you can do that, yeah!”
She laughed, bright and loud, and firmly cemented her position as the weirdest woman Lan Jingyi had ever met. Lady Mo was just odd, and that unapologetically so, which kind of was its own charm. She said whatever she wanted and forgot all senses of propriety unless they suited her or she derived some kind of joy in dressing up in their inn of the night, face painted artfully, and playing a steadily growing supply of Gusu songs they were funneling her on their journey.
And somehow, despite knowing all her oddities — including the strange way she seemed out of the loop on what exactly was going on in the sects — Lan Jingyi was incredibly unprepared for their arrival at the Cloud Recesses.
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wangxianficfinder · 7 months
Hello! I have a general question for the mods and for other folks who regularly rec here. Do you guys have some kind of personal tagging system (maybe in ao3 bookmarks or something?) that helps you remember what happens in what fic? I very often find myself thinking I can help answer a request but then I just can't find the fic I was thinking of. So how does everyone else keep track of them all? Thanks everyone!
I usually go off memory/frantically searching keywords the most, but I do have basic tags like Time Travel, Cloud Recess era, Modern AU, Single Parent LWJ/WWX, Oneshot...etc... I especially add them if i think it would fit in a certain comp.
I've noticed a lot of people write summaries/quotes in the notes section of their bookmark that helps remind them what happened in the fic, maybe that may help you?
- Mod C
I'm pretty much the same haha
I honestly don't have the energy for tagging, couple fics I tagged with 'made me cry' and couple more as 'favorite' 😂
~Mod L
Anon said: For prev anon - I have a collection (favorite_wangxian_fics) which has a few fics I’ve done a lot of bookmark tagging for if they’d be interested in an example
balleyboley said: Idk how helpful this is, but I don't use tags at all! Instead, I add bookmark notes describing the detail that stood out most to me, or the scene I most often remember out of context or go hunting for. Notes like, "this is that trans wwx fic with that fingers in mouth scene you like" or "the one with the lotr inspired ending"
Anon said: For keeping track of fics I mostly use my personal archive of downloaded fic. They're ideally sorted into folders and subfolders by fandom > pairing > tropes > subtropes (like... mdzs > wangxian > modern au > getting together ) and I put descriptive keywords in the filename along with the author & fic title. ideally. I made it sound organized but half of my fic archive is actually uncategorized chaos lol.
I used to use delicious back in the day & then switched to pinboard (it's great) but actually combining the archive and organization locally wound up working better for me.
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dual-domination · 7 months
Twenty questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @forerussake Thank you very much! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
43 works public works, 4 anon works (because of harassment), total 47 works
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
388,480 words 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, only Guardian and DMBJ (Detective L and GYADL count as Weilan Derivatives, so… still Guardian somehow skjsjsk)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Closer to my heart, back to our home - MDZS/Nieyao (139) Stars aligned in a perfect sky - Guardian X DMBJ/Zhaoxie/Pingsang and later Weilanxie (77) Completely Yours - MDZS/Nieyao (69) Shoot my heart - Guardian/Weilan (52) - Terrible, my first Guardian fic, written for a tumblr request, one day I’ll edit that fic bc I love the concept, but it’s not a good work at all >&lt; Maybe you just don't understand the brain of an ancient alien - Guardian X DMBJ/Weilanxie (52) 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I can take a while to do so, but I’ll always reply to comments, even if some get lost and I have to dig on my inbox to find out after months Ç_Ç (I’m sorry, I’m just messed when it comes to long comments and/or the ones that make me cry). I also love when authors reply to my comments on their fics.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Let me think for a moment, because I’m all ‘happy endings’ here. Probably Wrong side of Hell, a Zhaoxie Cop/Mob AU, because even when it’s tagged as happy/hopeful ending, it’s a momentary happiness, but the future prospects are against them
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
With the ending already posted? No idea But in general, I think it’s Maybe he's just an ancient alien who likes cute socks because everything here is just silly, domestic, sweet and warm. Like the panda print socks. Probably this fic will remain as the ending of this series because I’m not very enthusiastic when it comes to writing in Guardian Drama-verse 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Oh yeah. A LOT. Nowadays it happens once in a while, but when I started posting my first Zhaoxie fic, Stars aligned in a perfect sky , I got so much hate on my askbox and even dms from people that I used to see as friends. Mostly were anon on my askbox, really WTF things, people were truly upset that I was shipping Zhao Yunlan with someone else that was not Shen Wei. When things started changing and this fic showed a hint of what could be (or not) an OT3 fic (so, Shen Wei!), I got even more hate and a lot of bigotry about polyamory! It was an insane moment. If someone wants to know the outcome, this fic has almost 300k (yet only around 100k posted) and IT IS OT3 - also set my career as crossover + OT3 writer kjskjskjsj. My askbox is still open to anon and will always be. You can send hate or love, you choose. Hate will NEVER be responded, though. I delete all hate I receive.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
In English, usually no. In my 1st language, I used to, eventually, within long works, with plot. But once I fully stopped writing in my 1st language, I found it hard to write very descriptive sex scenes - also doesn’t help how confused I get having to explain where their legs and hands are and what the hell they’re doing with their tongues. But I managed it twice, one is in a posted work (2Luo) Love is a heart’s choice, and the other is in an upcoming chapter of a WIP (not the current series, yet I wish kjskjsjs)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Oh man, I’m a crossover writer. I LIVE for my crossovers and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to go back writing a non-crossover fic. (Also love reading crossovers, hello Fixa!) But craziest one? Guess it was a drabble for Fixa (and I loved that), DMBJ x LOTR, it’s not on ao3, but it’s here on tumblr… somewhere. It’s Wu Xie + a Palantír.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A whole fic? No idea. But concepts, ideas, dialogues, yes. Multiple times. 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
It counts the fics I translated myself/wrote bilingual? If not, then no, unless that yes and I don’t know about sjkkjsjs
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Of course! Since the beginning of my life as a ficwriter (I started writing originals long before writing fics). I’m used to working with Vince @victorian-pirate more often, with Arjun @sagittariusdarkarrow when he wants to play specific characters in my fics, but in other fandoms I used to co-write even more than nowadays. With Tazzy, I have a 2Luo series, but we still don’t have a fic we fully wrote together, each part of the series is written by one or the other. I’m always open to talk about co-writing.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Only one ship? Look, I live in fandoms for 3 decades, but not always for shipping (Tolkien, for example), but there are a few ships that will always be appealing to me. I’m going for Weilanxie here, because I didn’t expect this OT3 to be so powerful to me and hold so deep meanings in my life (both fandom and real life).
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
It’s mine and Vince’s beloved fic, Seawater is tears shed in the shores (not posted). I don’t doubt we can finish, I doubt we will, because we’d have to rewrite a lot to have the results we want, and that WIP is HUGE, which makes us lazy… Now, about my MDZS wips, it’s not a doubt, I’m sure I’ll never finish because I have no interest in doing so. I wrote for fun and practice, but that fandom never got my heart the way DMBJ and Guardian did.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, long plots, worldbuilding. And The Shower - any idea I struggle with, I just need to take a shower to have it clear and perfect on my mind, so guess that counts.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sex scenes and fighting scenes - too many movements, too confused touching and hitting and doing this and that, but I still can manage a pretty decent fighting scene when needed. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If it’s a language I speak, yep. If I don’t, but can make sure that it’s not only grammatically correct, but also culturally correct, also yep. Otherwise, I’d be committing a crime against what I love the most 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
HAHA GOOD QUESTION, I HAVE NO IDEA. I started writing fics when I was around 13 (25 years ago), about any and every media I loved, like movies, books, bands - no computer, me and my friends used to write on paper and everyone in the classroom would greedily read and wait for another chapter/story (I’m introvert, but never shy about my writing). But that I clearly remember because it was the 1st fandom I POSTED for, because we already could access the internet once in a while from other people’s computers at that time, was Saint Seiya. 
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I don’t even know how many fics I’ve written in my life. But maybe Forgotten Songs of Arda, (this fic starts at and with the beginning of The Silmarillion and goes until long post-LOTR. It’s a rewritten story, from the pov of an OC and Mairon/Sauron). It was written around 15 years ago, so I don’t quite remember enough, and despite being in my 1st language, Vince (who doesn’t speak my 1st language) translated that to read (that was one of the things that built our friendship). The few parts still alive are with him, I lost most of my old fics last year, when my previous laptop completely scattered on the floor. In EN, for sure Stars aligned in a perfect sky (main and side-stories)
tagging @tazzy-ace @jaimebluesq @lacommunarde @omaenanimonoda and I don't remember who else I didn't see already tagged in this Ç_Ç
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scripted-downfall · 3 months
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Hi! Sorry for the delay; things ended up getting even more hectic than anticipated!
At the same time, y'all are really putting me through it; I got two 🌩 requests (for something funny and cracky) when I'd thought for sure this would be the last thing I was asked for given my usual fic genre/writing reputation! Since they were both anon, I'm just going to answer them together in the same ask, and you each get two for the price of one (ask)! (I really had to wrack my brains for this; sorry if they're not stunning 👍)
The first, from my MDZS/Untamed fic: there's not much to share here but I will include a snippet of conversation I feel is at least somewhat amusing. (Note: it's from Jiang Cheng's POV, but the conversation is between my beloveds: Wei WuXian and Nie HuaiSang.)
“Wei-xiong, Wei-xiong, what have you done to yourself?” A hand lifted into the air and waved aimlessly. “Aiya, Nie-xiong, not you too!” “And here I am, minding my own business in Qinghe-” Wei WuXian snorted at that. “As if you ever mind your own business.” His only answer was the fan snapping closed and being pointed at him as Nie HuaiSang kept talking anyway. “When I hear that my old friend, genius though he is-” A splutter rose up at that, but it had too many consonants to be a word and too many letters to not be one. “-Has been brought to the brink of death-” An eye roll. “It wasn’t death,” Wei WuXian tried, since he apparently hadn’t learned to shut his mouth any better than he had as a teenager. “-and in the middle of a night hunt! What was I supposed to do but come visit?” “We both know you didn’t need a night hunt going not at all badly-” The fan slides open again. “Disastrously.” “Slightly awry.” “Violently amiss.” “A little bit wrong!”
And since I don't have much else funny/cracky to share from a WIP, I shall share something funny about a WIP, which is that I'm currently writing a fic that was initially not mine --- it was a thing instigated by a runaway conversation about angsty Starkid moments and also food metaphors that was eventually given the name "pasta." This fic was supposed to be a drabble, but ended up being 3k words that so possessed me that I decided to write on the subject as well. I am 4k words in and there hasn't been any food whatsoever, much less any pasta. I'm starting to think this fic is cursed. Or blessed? Whichever. Anyway! Keep an eye out for that in the coming days/weeks!
Thank you both again, and sorry about the wait!
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whetstonefires · 1 year
hey I was the one who asked about ao3 I'm sorry if the question came off as odd, I love your takes on mdzs and was wondering if you ever wrote any fics because you have really great diction on your posts and I thought 'This person could make really great fics' so I thought id ask, that's all
it's fine! lmao it just really looked like i was potentially getting set up for some weird anon hate game.
thank you! and the answer is i do have an AO3--i used to link it here a lot--but it's only got two mdzs fics on it. despite my having struggled to focus on any fandom besides mdzs for like two years.
because what happened when i got stuck in this fandom like a suction cup directly to the brain is, i wound up reading a lot more smut than i usually tolerate, because of the nature of the novel and how their relationships with sex are meaningfully integrated with their characterization and development as people and relative to one another. so a lot of the smut in this fandom has substance in a way i care about.
and my writing always reflects my reading material in a 'ooh i could do that like this' kinda way, so i started generating my own fic concepts with a sex element that i wanted to explore.
and then i got really invested in this new form and its tricks and affordances, so the only fics in this fandom i've actually been finishing are E-rated, because i'm inspired by the learning process.
(also because it turns out this shit is so easy to write, like you can cheap out on so many structural and narrative elements if you put sex in there, i'm so mad about this still. cheap!!!)
and having finished them i want to share, you know?
so i got a different ao3 for that, since mostly i like and write gen stuff, and i didn't wish to subject my existing subscribers to my learning to porn. i'm not sharing it here though, sorry, because everyone i've shared it with (upon request) has been weird about it.
the fic isn't even particularly outre! i'm remixing stuff that's done a lot in the fandom, according to my own artistic sensibilities! i do not know what the Weird is and what private conclusions are being made about me as a person on the basis of my very ace sex pollen remixes and shit. but it makes me anxious so i will Not be doing it anymore.
anyway as a reward or something for the guts to come back with your name out and take another shot and for the compliments <3, which of these not-sexy mdzs fic concepts do you vote i thwack into a postable form over the next month or so, and put on my main?
post-canon wwx gets amnesia back to the yiling laozu in burial mounds era and his current life explained very badly by lan jingyi, and concludes the lan have coerced him into a very creepy situation
funny wangxian modern au incorporating the height thing i was talking about earlier this week, where the main plot is ripped off from an autobiographical anecdote the singer told at a concert i went to and i was like, this would make a great one of those modern aus people keep writing. oh no now i want to.
time travel fixit outside pov, where wwx and wen ning get physically catapulted back from the qiongqi pass to before the war, and go and intervene just before lotus pier can be destroyed, wearing a mask and spooky cloak so no one will know the yiling laozu is wei wuxian (and a weimao so no one notices the ghost general is wen ning but let's be real that was less likely to happen for several reasons)
thing where the misunderstandings go off in a different direction early on, and wwx thinks lan wangji and mo xuanyu were actually an item and his impersonation has been tragically successful. very funny dramatic irony concept that is in execution going to be like 70% angst. some of it very funny angst though. (this one is the least developed because it doesn't really suggest its own plot.)
find what already exists at Kieron_ODuibhir lmao.
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phenomenalgirl9 · 11 months
To the mdzs anon Ily, you were my first request. Have a cookie 🍪.
Next in queue to write is (Jungkook's) Lost you Part 2. 'Love you so bad'
Also a dad! Yunho (ateez) fic is cooking.
Lets see.
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