#me and my ridiculous amounts of wips against the world
lightbulb-warning · 8 months
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no way im getting this done by tonight but i can dream ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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cashandprizes · 5 months
Wip Wednesday
First things first - it's still Wednesday in some parts of the world. Second I was tagged by my beloved @autisticempathydaemon who has baited me with a tag game into sharing my nonsense once again.
Well folks. We're back with stripper!Gavin and Lasko, despite the fact that Gavin is BODYING me and WILL NOT whisper his secrets to me. His voice eludes me, but man can I spin this guy around a pole as revenge. The gist is Gavin works as a stripper at an empowered strip club (get your bag and your meal girl) as one of the most popular dancers because he's a demon and the rest of the DAMN crew go out for a fun night.
Also Lasko and FL are dating currently and Lasko/Gavin/FL is endgame, even though the fic is Lasko-centric (for now????)
Honestly these club names have hands too, if you have ideas for stage names or the club's name I am open. Please help me.
Recommended listening is of course, Money by Cardi B, because this is slowly becoming more and more like a song fic.
Anyway, while this is technically not explicit, it's probably nsfw so my usual content warnings apply here. Minors do not interact, canon-typical anxiety for Lasko, warnings for language from Miss Cardio Bascular, they're in a literal strip club
Get a little cash,
“It’s just, you know, very, um, impressive?” Lasko stutters, quickly lifting his drink to his mouth and taking several sips. “The… work they do, you know!” Lasko averts his eyes, looking away from his friend and inadvertently ending up watching the stage again. The dancer flashes his teeth in a cocky smile as he leans against the pole and drops into a squat, drawing his hands up his thighs from his knees to grab his own butt and give it a firm smack. Lasko swallows hard and fidgets with his collar absentmindedly as he intently eyes every pop of the dancer’s ass to the heavy beat pounding through the speakers.
“Damn, look at this guy go!” Freelancer cheers, leaning into Lasko’s space to watch from his shoulder. “Man, his ass is iconic,” Freelancer mutters, resting an arm on Lasko’s shoulder to sip their drink. Lasko feels himself cringe at the vulgar words despite agreeing with them, instinctively looking around for reproachful stares and finding none. 
“That poor thong,” Damien jokes from behind them, “it’s getting eaten alive in there.” Freelancer laughs hard, shaking Lasko as they rest their weight heavily against his side.
Shake it real fast and get a little more,
“‘Poor thong’? That’s probably the best seat in the house for the show Dames,” Huxley adds while the dancer spins inverted on the pole with his legs open in a split. Freelancer makes a noise of agreement from Lasko’s side and snuggles closer. “I wonder what kind of training you gotta do to do all those flips. I bet their strength training is so insane bro.”
Lasko only distantly processes the conversation, occupied with ogling the way the light catches the dips and valleys of muscles in the dancer’s thighs as he rolls his body off the pole to the rhythm. “You say that like your strength training isn’t absolutely absurd, Hux. You can probably bench twice your weight or some ridiculous amount,” Damien retorts, words quick but his tone playful and flirtatious. No doubt behind him Damien is reaching out to squeeze Huxley’s arm just to make him flex, but Lasko can’t tear his eyes from the jiggling and rippling muscles on stage slowly chipping at his sanity.
I got bands in the coupe, 
“Ugh, there those two go,” Freelancer whisper-yells, the eye roll audible in their tone. “Let’s ditch these saps and get closer to the stage, huh?” Before Lasko can attempt to respond, Freelancer is dragging them through the crowd with a firm hand on his wrist, tugging him between densely packed bodies.The busy area around the bar gives way to the open space around the stage where the current dancer is running hands across his chest and throat with obscenely spread legs.
Despite the fact that Freelancer has probably only dragged Lasko closer to the stage to watch him fluster, he can’t help but be grateful for the better view of the vision of sin writhing on the stage. Like this, he doesn’t have to keep moving to try and see the stage around people crowding the bar, leaving him open to focus all his energy on keeping his mouth closed and basically eye-fucking the captivating dancer. The dancer uses the pole to gracefully stand before jumping onto the pole and quickly scaling it as if movement is effortless. He curves his back across the pole and frees one hand to grab one heel, stretching one long leg up and back to display toned, hairless thighs and the skimpy leather underwear that hardly covers anything. 
Lasko recognizes the song coming to a close and finds himself surprised at his own disappointment as the dancer climbs the pole. The final seconds of the song blast through the speakers and the dancer does a series of complicated movements that end in his legs hugging the pole as he bends backward with a deep arch in his spine. Perfectly timed with the last note, the dancer’s eyes sweep up from the people tossing money in front of him, up and across the room until he locks eyes with Lasko and gives a licentious wink. Freelancer looks over with wide eyes when Lasko sags into their side as if a puppet with cut strings, but Lasko is too busy feeling faint to apologize.
Touch me I'll shoot
There’s no mistaking that the dancer made eye contact with him, Lasko thinks, watching as the dancer gracefully slides down the pole and collects the heap of tips at the base of the stage. “Give it up for [insert Gavin’s stripper name idk it yet] once again! Next up to the pole, did someone call for delivery because he’s got an extra large sausage… pizza! Make some noise for your favorite pizza guy, [insert Guy’s stripper name gdi]!” The dancer struts off stage, stuffing bills into his strappy outfit as a new dancer saunters onto the stage from the other side in a costume that looks like a cross between a Hooter’s uniform and a slutty maid costume.
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coffeebanana · 6 months
5, 15, 29 for AO3 wrapped!
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Well, uh...Practice Kissing has wracked up a stupid amount of attention in just a few weeks (thank you @buggachat kajfdsjkfb the power of your reblogs is unmatched). I suppose I could also say all of your flaws and all of my flaws (are laid out one by one), but I was sort of expecting that one to do well because it was a post-s5 finale fic.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
everything i know (brings me back to us)
Say Something 
Probably Not The Best Idea
Plus like, a lot I haven't actually started posting yet. And maybe some others I forgot to list?
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
This question is impossible to answer--how do i pick just ONE?!--but something from Say Something is probably a safe bet...
Drawing in a shaky breath, Adrien kept wandering. A quick glance at Marinette confirmed she was still talking to Alya, and it felt like too much effort to interrupt. Instead he tried to focus more on the physical world around him. He let his fingers brush against damp tree bark when neared the fence. He honed in on how moisture from the grass stuck to the ends of his jeans, seeping slowly through the soles of his shoes. His father would have hated that—both the wet footprints he’d bring home and the way he probably looked ridiculous right now. Unbecoming of an Agreste. The thought made the ghost of a smile curl in Adrien’s mind. Because at least this moment was entirely his own. Even if it only came from his desperate attempts to cling sanity, he could safely say nobody made him squint up at the sun peeking through the trees until his eyes watered and he almost crashed into a bush. Nobody told him to sit down in the middle of the lawn, to weave his fingers through the blades of grass. He did it anyways, feeling a semblance of peace spread through him as the dew soaked through his jeans. It didn’t push all the other things away, didn’t suddenly stop his fears from slipping in and out of the cracks in his facade. But it was something. It pushed his blinding panic to the background. And when Marinette walked over to join him, he no longer felt like pulling away. “The grass is wet,” he warned as she sank down next to him. “I don’t care.” He thought he heard a smile in her words, but he didn’t turn to see it. His eyes were fixed on the fistful of grass he pulled at experimentally. He didn’t want to rip it free, but there was something soothing about tugging it to the breaking point and letting it go free, watching the mound of soil collapse before he moved onto a new patch.
This snippet is very personal to me, I guess. Because it's very much inspired by times I've used outside to ground myself. Feeling trees and grass. An inexplicable need to sit down. Or to walk around aimlessly, because I just don't want to stop. Looking up at the sky as I walk because...it makes me feel childlike? Free? And mostly just...wanting to physically feel things as I wander.
thanks for the ask!! 💜
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we-return-in-waves · 2 years
16, 17, 25? 🤔
sheep! you must know i think of sand user metal every day of my life
16. my guilty pleasure trope is hole time a/b/o because i have seen both absolutely fucking HILARIOUS disastrously appalling bad fic written about it, and also some really really interesting, super complex takes as well. idk if you’ve seen the terrible poll, but oml the amount of stuff you can think about in that AU when you really get into the nitty gritty is ridiculous. in less kinktomato guilty pleasure tropes, i am also extremely a fan girl of secret/suppressed relationship stuff (if half my fics haven’t given that away already, lol) i just like to see the ways people make love happen even when the world is against it. gives me the good things do exist fuzzies
17. i don’t know if there’s a particular trope i’ll never write for, but the one that i’m least interested in writing is probably modern AU. i love reading it! but i just… why would i write characters from this cool universe and then chuck them in my boring one? lmao. (this is all ironic too, because i have a lawyer!gaara & martialartsteacher!lee pwp in the wip list) what i can say i will never write is main pairing character death. i struggle, badly, with the death of characters i’m emotionally attached to, especially when you want happiness for them. i always experienced fanfic as a bit of an escapist hobby, and while engaging with fic as a way to explore emotions is so valid and important and meaningful, i just don’t think i can write that level of angst. the worst you will get from me is the Angst With A Happy Ending tag lol
25. currently in my wips list i have (1) a drabble collection for sailing stones, (2) the family dinner scene post mop epilogue, and (3) a 10+ years later oneshot also set in the mop universe :) so yes. all the time. kghkjglh
i really just want to talk about fanfic pls yall
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waloeders · 3 months
omg i found an old fic i never finished of sleip n kos ahsbdjnsd why didnt i post this 😭 (just a mini wip, minor warning for mentions of fighting n blood, a little bit of jealousy implied - they're training)
"aw, fuck." they groaned, throwing their head back against the solid stone ground. above them, sleipnir chuckled, lowering the rapier he wielded and stepping back.
"your skills with a blade still leave much to be desired, kosmos." he announced, flicking the blade to his side with a flourish, and tilted his head at the sight before him.
ryder lay flat on the ground, coated in a layer of sweat and dust. they wore the same, simplistic valisthean style as always: a white tunic, a black vest and trousers and ankle boots.
"not my fault though, really? i've been doing this swords thing for like a month, man, jeez.." the young man mumbled as he pushed himself back onto his feet, grabbing the sword he'd dropped. he fell into the ready position once again, stretching his neck with a muffled moan, "hardly like we do a whole bunch of sword fighting back home, 'ey?"
the lord commander hummed, mimicking their movements with a smirk.
"surely you must have learned something." he tutted, "your stance is too wide - unless you plan to fall in the first strike."
they rolled their eyes, but adjusted accordingly.
"how come you're helping with this anyway? i mean, gav was perfectly happy to teach me."
"perhaps so." sleipnir raised his sword, "at arms."
in one swift motion, he struck forwards and supressed a grin as ryder barely parried the hit, then the next, and a third before-
the egi caught the hilt of their blade, twisting it away from their grasp and pinned them against the hard-rock walls of the fallen ruin.
ryder panted heavily against his rapier, held up to their neck, as he leaned closer to them.
"that, my beloved, is why. it is hardly fitting for one so close to our liege to fail in such a manner." sleipnir whispered out, barely an inch away from their face, "can gav teach you to avoid my blade?"
they flushed a deep red, grinning widely.
"oh, okay. it's like that." kosmos laughed, "you're jealous, of gav- ha!"
he pulled back, nicking them slightly with his sword, and tutted again. for once, sleipnir was greatful for the amount of time he had spent at his leiges' side, among diplomats, emperors and kings, and the control over his emotions that he'd learned, forcing away the twinge of embarassment at their realisation.
"and you have failed this test of strength, kosmos. were i anyone else, you would be dead."
"were you anyone else, you'd probably kill you for doing that." they joked, hissing lightly as they pressed a hand against the small cut, "hah, i'm bleeding! d'ya know how much blood i've lost since coming here? it's kinda ridiculous actually- you guys live such dangerous lives all the time, ugh."
sleipnir rolled his eyes at their ramblings, but sheathed his sword, gingerly grasping their chin and moving them to inspect the wound closer.
"hmm. this is nothing." his eyes flicked to theirs; ryder was already staring at him, some emotion swirling behind the blue, "truly, humans of your world must be as weak and wretched as here - perhaps worse."
"it's not all bad." they mumbled, subconsciously wetting their lip as they leaned into his touch, "prognosis, doc?"
he recognised the phrase, something they used frequently when recovering from the events of the reverie - some attempt to make light of their injuries, or the situation at hand, and sleipnir scoffed.
"death, of course. 'twas a mortal blow."
kosmos giggled, "tragic, huh!"
he released them at last, watching keenly as their head dropped, strands of dark hair escaping their ponytail.
without thinking, the egi pushed the strands back, running his hand over their hair to tug on the ends of their ponytail, and ignored the way they seemingly froze at the action.
"and you must tie your hair better. in battle, this will only get in the way."
"r- righto, boss." they chuckled, "how come you get to have such lucious hair out and i don't?"
"simple. because i am a better fighter than you."
"ouch! touché."
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
The money thing (part 2/2) - Daniel Ricciardo
Warnings: SMUT! angst, confrontation... and more SMUT!
This is it, guys! Buuut... I think I'm gonna keep this story going, what do you say? Shall we find out about how shopping with Charlotte goes, and the party, and just how (y/n) handles this new dynamic overall? As always, let me know what you think! Read part 1 here!
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When you got back at home, you were barely inside the apartment and Daniel was already pushing you against the door, kissing you passionately. You go down the corridor half kissing, half walking, Daniel chasing you all the way. You run to his room and then inside the shower, taking off your sweaty clothes on the process. You guys get under the shower and the feeling of the chill water along with Daniel’s kisses on your skin is just too good.
“You’re unbelievable” he says, letting your feet touch the ground again. You wash each other clean after that, running your hands through each other’s body and memorizing every curve, every detail.
“You’re unbelievable” he says, letting your feet touch the ground again. You wash each other clean after that, running your hands through each other’s body and memorizing every curve, every detail.
After a while, you get out of the shower, dry your hair quickly then wrap yourself in a towel. You go to your toiletry bag on the sink and take your toothbrush out, brushing your teeth while Daniel finished showering. Then you take your hair cream and put some on, your hair is really starting to feel the damage with all this boy’s shampoo, you think. Then you take some skin serum and apply some drops on your face, spreading lightly. Man, you missed skincare and it missed you. Last step: body lotion. Daniel gets out of the shower and you know he's watching you.
“Why you’re pampering yourself all up?” He asked coming behind you and kissing your neck.
“I’m doing what I was supposed to do the last two nights…but got distracted” you smirk at him. He lifts his hands in mock defense. Then you open the towel and start spreading the cream on your stomach, then your legs, then your butt. He’s watching you still, so you smile. “You say you like my skin, well it takes a lot of creaming to maintain it”
“I thought that was my job, love” He says in a low voice from behind me, putting his hands on my hips.
“Not like-” you start but decide it’s not even worthy, he knows what you meant. You just swat him on the shoulder and he laughs, going back to the room.
“By the way” he says putting his head back through the door. “You smell amazing, so finish up and get your ass back in the bed so I can properly cream you up”
“Daniel!” Little shit. He laughs even louder.
When you go back inside the room Daniel is sitting on the bed, looking through his phone. You pass him towards the closet and decide to take a look at the clothes you brought with you, to see if there's anything you could wear to this party tomorrow. What do you even wear to a yacht?
You take a few outfits and place them in front of your body, testing them on the mirror, but nothing seemed appropriate.
"You want a shirt baby?" Daniel asks you out of nowhere.
"Hum? Yeah, sure" you answer him, hanging the clothes back in the closet.
"Are you looking for something for tomorrow? Just buy something with Charlotte" he said simply while putting sweat pants on.
"Yeah... I..." you took a deep breath, "It's just..." you tried to say, but nothing seemed to come out. You were scared he was gonna think you're being ridiculous.
"What?" he looked at you.
"Nothing, never mind" you gave up, putting on his shirt with your underwear and going back to his room. He followed you, wearing nothing but his sweat pants.
"I'm just guessing here, but I have a feeling it's a good one" he started, "It's the money thing, isn't it? You don't want to spend money buying an outfit for this party?"
"It's not that I don't want to, Dan. I just can't afford it!" you said raising your voice tone a bit. He just stared at you for a while. "I don't know if you've noticed, I'm not on a million dollars contract but I'm still living like I was!" you sat down on the bed, eyes filling with water. "I just can't do this anymore, sorry. It's killing me and it's so stupid, so petty, but again, it's not! Cause what would the solution be? You paying for everything? Me just becoming a leech? A gold-digger?" he was watching you quietly, but let out a laugh at that last part.
"Don't laugh! I'm serious!" you continued.
"Baby, listen to yourself. What do you want me to do besides laughing?" he smiled sympathetically at you.
"Well, I'm glad you're finding it amusing because I feel sick everytime the subject comes up. The clothes, restaurants, plane tickets... I can't be living like that, and it's not just that. It's also because I know there's only one way this is going"
"You finally understanding this is ridiculous and accepting the credit card I made on your name months ago?" he said sitting by your side.
"Us not being together anymore. We're just from too different worlds, it's not gonna work. You need someone that can keep up with this lifestyle" you said getting up and walking towards the bathroom.
"No, you're not!" he said pulling you back down to his lap by your waist. "Enough with this bullshit" he said kissing your face and wipping your tears away. "Tell me what the real problem is. This is not about money, money is only a tool, a means to something, we can't let it have this much power over us. There's always more where that came from" you just looked at him. He had a much more healthy relationship with money than you, maybe because he had so much to spare. "This is not about money. You're not greedy, I know you. You're just the polar opposite of it. The most generous person I know. Is that it? You're feeling guilty?"
"I think... kind of. It's not fair, how can I have so much, knowing that most people have never even seen that much money. We’ve spent the average person's paycheck on a meal, Dan!" you said.
"(y/n), baby... it's not your responsibility. You can't carry this weight on you. You already do so much for people, you volunteer and donate all the time... you can't deprive yourself because other people don't have the same opportunity, that wouldn't be fair either" he tried to reason with you.
"But what about you?" you asked.
"What about me?"
"I just... listen, I know, rationally I mean... that I don't handle the idea of money very well. If you must know, I couldn't even take money from my parents as a kid. I just can't help but think it wasn't fair to them and it's not fair to you, to spend it with me. It's yours! You worked hard for it! I’m literally leeching on you!"
"So, you agree? The money is mine, so I can do with it what I please?" he said.
"Yes, but-"
"Why can't I spend it with the person I love most in the world? Huh? What is so wrong with it? Even if I was choosing to spend it on you instead of on myself, which I'm not, why couldn't I?"
"I feel like I'm taking advantage of you"
"Baby, we're taking advantage of this life. I was given this unholy amount of money for doing my dream job. Can you see how rare and fucking blessed this is? I mean, I thought so, until I met you. I thought I knew what a good life was until you were in it. This is a good life, with you enjoying this fucking lottery ticket with me" he said pecking your lips and rubbing your back, while you leaned on him. "Is this why you wouldn't come to London with me?" you looked at him and nodded.
"Sorry about that..."
"No, I'm sorry I didn't push more on the subject earlier. This has been going on for long enough now. It's just money, (y/n). Just it. Just a tool for the wonderful life we lead together. You understand?"
"Look at me" he said turning your chin to look at him. "Do you really? Will you let me pay for stuff now? Tell me whenever you have an expense or even better, will you accept the credit card I made for you?"
"I don't think that's necessary"
"Please baby. Let's try it my way? Will you use it from now on?" he asked again pecking your lips. "Say yes. Say yes, or I'll give you a minimal monthly spending goal as well" he smiled and you looked at him like he was crazy.
"I'm not comfortable with it"
"Just try, please? You can start by buying something tomorrow for the party" the look on his face changed and you knew he was about to tease you. "If you'd prefer, we can say you're buying something for me... you wanna be my sugar baby?" he laughed.
"Too soon to joke about it" you said but laughed anyway. "Okay" you said after a while, "I'll use it. But you have to promise me you'll tell me if you change your mind"
"You're scared I'll go in debt?"
"I know you would"
"Good. Because I would. For you. But I know you don't need me to, so if we run out of money we'll just be poor together. Good thing you have experience, huh?" he laughed.
"Asshole!" you swatted him on the chest.
"You know I'm joking. But you get it now, don't you? We're lucky enough we don't have to worry about it, so let's not worry about it. It shouldn't even take a second of our day, it doesn't matter. Us, being together and our happiness is what matters. Okay?"
"Okay. Thank you, for being so understanding. Sorry for being... you know"
"I love you. And I don't expect you to simply go on a shopping spree, although I do expect you to buy those plane tickets soon. But the thing is, I'm here for it, I'm here to solve every little obstacle that gets in our way, no matter what, no matter how silly you're being"
"You're being so mature about this" you smirked at him.
"Well, what can I say? Being the perfect human I am, I understand that other humans are not, I'm just humbled that I can guide you on your path of enlightenment" he laughed and you rolled your eyes. "In all seriousness now, you know why is that, don't you?"
"Why? Because you're just better than everyone else?"
"Well, yes. But also because I have it really clear in my mind what really matters. And that's you. Us. It's all that matters to me. Being good for you" he said looking into your eyes.
"I love you, so much. I don't deser-" he cut you out by kissing you deeply and pulling you closer to him.
You moved so you were straddling him now, your arms around his neck and your hands on his hair. His hands that were on your waist, keeping you closer, started to slip down your body, so he was holding your bum.
"I want you" he said against your lips. You smiled and started to grind down against him. You were only wearing his shirt, which was bunched up around your waist, and your underwear, which wasn't the sexiest piece you owned but you didn't think Dan would care. In fact, he didn't seem to care at all for your underwear, cause he was already slipping his hand under you, pushing the thin layer to the side, and sliding his fingers through your lips.
You moaned at the sensation, still sensitive from your adventures early in the shower. "I... Dan..." you begin to say, but couldn't form a full sentence.
"What is it, baby girl? You want to say something?" he whispered against your ear, sucking your earlobe lightly. Then he pressed his pointer and middle finger against your clit, circling them firmly against you and making you moan louder for him.
"I'm still sensitive from early" you said against his lips, laughing a bit.
"You want me to stop?" he asked looking at you deeply.
"No!" you answered almost too fast, making him chuckle. "Don't stop, please"
"Hum... since you asked so nicely" he said sucking on your jaw, then your neck. You took that opportunity to slip your hand down his torso, feeling his chest and abs, and then reaching for him through his sweat pants. He was rock hard already. This man is insatiable. You smiled at the sound he made when you grabbed him lightly.
"I just want to feel you inside me" you said pulling his pants down and out of the way. He lifted you both from the bed slightly to help you take them off, then you grabbed and lined him with your center, sitting down slowly, letting only the head in first.
“Babe, please,” it’s Daniel’s turn to beg now “I need you" and then you sink down on him, feeling all of his length while he bottoms out inside you. He sucks on your sweet spot, muffling the groan that comes out of his mouth.
"Oh my god Dan" you moan, dropping your head back and giving him even more access to your neck. You pull his hair a bit more, fingers clamped down so tightly you're scared you might pull his hair out. You stay like this, feeling him deep inside you, for a while. He pulls away to look you in the eyes and kiss your lips, massaging your tongue with his. It's so intimate, so truthful, like he said, the only thing that matters in the world.
"I love you" he says looking you deep in the eyes. You nod before replying because you want to make sure he knows you know. That you believe and trust him.
"I love you, so much" you say back.
Then you roll your hips, testing out the angle, and it's almost too much to handle. It feels like hours and seconds at the same time, but you find a rhythm together, a pace you can keep sitting on him, while he only worries about kissing you and keeping you both from falling from the bed.
You're sure you'll be feeling sore tomorrow. Actually, you already are. Your legs, tired from the running and all the sex you've been having lately, start to give out and you lose your strength. Luckily, Daniel seems to catch that before you have to say anything, so he brings his hands to your hips and starts to help you move up and down on him.
You sit up slightly, moaning at the different angle he hitting now and he groans, feeling you clench around him. "(y/n)" he moans your name, "baby, I'm go-" he moans, feeling you clench again.
"Me too" you reply.
"Where do want me to? Huh? I'm gonna cum for you baby" you kiss him, feeling your pussy spasm around him, making it even harder for him to keep a steady rhythm.
"Inside me. I need you to come inside me, please, please baby" and there's no time to think, to ask if you're sure. You feel his whole body tensing and his thrusts get sloppier. Then, when you feel the hot liquid spur inside you, he grabs a handful of your ass with one hand and slips his other in between the two of you, flicking your clit rapidly and precisely.
That's all it takes for you to lose it completely, your walls fluttering around him as your body trembles at the intensity of the pleasure.
You both ride your orgasms together, you rolling your hips slower and slower, and him holding you tighter and closer until you stop completely. The only sound being your heavy breathings.
After a while, you pull away to find him already staring at you.
"You are the most beautiful thing I ever laid eyes on" he says to you and you feel the warmth of his words.
"I'm yours. Forever" you say simply and kiss him lightly on the lips.
"I feel like I have so much to lose. It honestly scares the living shit out of me"
"I know what you mean. I feel the exact same, I promise. I don't know how I got so lucky to find you" you say.
"And I, you. But we're just being dumb, right? I guess it's good we know that, but also... that we're not going anywhere, right?" he asks and you can sense there's some insecurity behind his line.
"Right. We're only getting stronger" you say and kiss him again. "I love you, Daniel"
"I love you, so much" he says touching your foreheads. "Let me get something to clean you up, then we can cuddle the rest of the night"
"You're the only guy I know that likes cuddling this much" you smile getting up from him. He hisses a bit at the sensation but gets up right after you.
"You don't have to worry about other guys' preferences" he says rolling his eyes. Yep. If your thing is low self-esteem and money-related issues, his is definitely jealousy and overall insecurity.
"I don't, silly" you peck him in the lips. He seems to relax a bit and when he comes back from the bathroom his phone lights up, he goes to check on it after passing you the towel.
"Charles just texted Charlottes contact. I'll forward it to you, okay?"
"Yep" you answered and it was your phone's turn to light up. "Can I confess something?" you asked him, adjusting your clothes.
"I'm really excited to hang out with her tomorrow. I kind of miss girl company during the GPs and even when I'm here in Monaco and you're busy" he smiled and put a shirt on.
"Look at you, making friends! How cute"
"Shut up" you playfully pushed him, while you guys climbed into bed. You texted her 'hello' and Daniel's address before locking your phone and adjusting in his arms. There's still a lot to figure out and you weren't sure you'd be able to handle the money thing any better. You hoped so, after all, you didn't know how much more Daniel can be understanding. But you could think about all that another time. Right now life was good in the arms of the man you loved and loved you back. You felt safe.
Tag list (this is so fancy! I've never done a tag list before haha): @scotlynaurora @your-favourite-blonde @unicornfairytail @c-d-9
@isntmadrid @lharrietg @sassybatflowerpaper
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Jily Awards 2021 Nominations 🥺❤️
@theresthesnitch @theesteemedladydebourgh @mppmaraudergirl & @joyseuphoria thank you so much for including me in the tag game! 🥰🥰🥰Your idea was to make an easy access list of fics and the nominations they got, and turn it into a tag game!
I can’t get over the amount of wonderful fics nominated and how much work this must have been for @jilyawards to arrange, honestly stunning level of dedication to the fandom, you should get a bloody prize tbh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Also can’t get over being nominated for favourite author (frankly ridiculous, is that you bestie?) and favourite reviewer (okay I do read a lot but I haven’t been able to keep up!!?)
A Little Risk
Nominated for:
Favourite Lily characterisation, favourite James characterisation, favourite AU & favourite Multichapter
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1938, falling in love on the eve of World War II. The Duke of Grimmauld and his butler are murdered, and Private Investigator Lily Evans and Detective Inspector Remus Lupin and are brought in to investigate. But what secrets are the duke’s eldest son, Sirius Black, and his best friend, Dr James Potter, hiding? A fascist-bashing, murder mystery AU. (WIP, 9 chapters)
The Prank - Boys Don’t Cry
Nominated for:
Favourite angst, favourite James characterisation
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“You’ve got me. I’m your brother now,” James said, quietly, confidently.
Sirius clenched his jaw. He would not cry, Merlin, damn it.
“You’re not my brother, Potter,” he said.
Derisively, dismissively, coldly.
He watched a flicker of hurt cross James’ face, replaced by something else. He watched as his friend picked up an apple and bit into it, placing a hand behind his head, crossing his long legs.
“I know that,” James said. “But you’re mine.” (5/5 chapters)
Nominated for:
Favourite angst
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“Hold still for a minute!”
James is lying on his back, hands behind his head, the warm afternoon sunshine on his closed eyelids, a stupid grin on his face. He half opens an eye and blinks up at her.
“Evans, what are you doing?” his voice heavy with Summer stupor.
“Oxeye daisy,” she replies.
Her hands thread through his hair, small fingers nimbly moving, wordless magic twisting the stem into place. (One shot)
The Great Quidditch Bake Off
Nominated for:
Favourite Fluff
“The Sacred Twenty-Eight is a British all-round nonsense. Look, the important thing is that Umbridge is a bigoted, fascist tosser, and she’s going to try to discriminate against the bakers who aren’t- “ Sirius said.
The judges were heading over to Lily’s table. Fucking bloody fucking…
“Excuse me! Minnie! Professor! Oi! Over here!” James walked right in front of the camera, waving his arms in the air.
Umbridge looked at him in shock, as McGonagall hurried over, a severe look on her already stern face.
“Potter, stop whipping up stress like it’s egg whites!” McGonagall glared at him over her specs. “What on earth- “ (2/4 chapters)
Tight Quidditch Uniforms & Other Distressing Things
Nominated for:
Favourite Humor
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James Potter was now staring at his attractive friend, holding onto Evans’ waist, Evans who looked bloody gorgeous in her beautiful muggle dress, like a vision... wait, what? And Sirius still wearing his tight Quidditch gear, which for some bloody stupid, godforsaken reason he seemed to have charmed to fit him too tightly, look at his bloody arse that was fucking ridiculous, and WHAT DO YOU MEAN “THEN THE PASSION FLARES”!?!?! (2/2 chapters)
Wedding Nerves
Nominated for:
Favourite fluff
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“Get a room,” Peter grumbled as they all headed to the kitchen, James still with his arms around her, now swatting Peter with a tea towel.
“We are, a villa actually, flying to Florence in two days’ time,” he said.
“Thank Godric for a bit of peace,” Sirius said.
“Oh, are you joining them so?” Remus asked.
“Fuck off, Moony.”
Or - Lily Evans is getting married tomorrow and the marauders spend some time with her... (one shot)
So tagging @pottinglilies @chdarling @scriibble-fics @the-dream-team @figg-anon @hogwartslivy @zephyrcove @adenei @mabeltothknows @firefeufuego2 @startanewdream @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world @maraudersftw @constancezin @blvnk-art and anyone else who wants to pick it up, post your fics/Art and then tag someone else!
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magicwithineleteo · 3 years
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because they would support it too.
because they are against oppression, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.
because elena knows how it feels to have her home being ripped away from her.
because you don’t have to be a muslim/arab to support palestine.
because there are many jews around the world who condemn the israeli government.
because it’s not anti semitic to be anti zionist.
because they need freedom.
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free.
so you might have a few questions, and i will be answering them here :)
how long did it take you?
- i made it in a span of 5 days. according to procreate, i spent 5 hours on it.
is this the wip you sent in the elena of avalor fandom discord server?
- yep! i had just done elena's dress then and i was really proud of it :)
did you draw the background?
- no i just used a picture i saved and lowered the opacity
now i know those weren't the questions you had in mind, so here are the REAL questions and my answers:
how did you get this idea?
- i had been watching one of rashida tlaib's speeches on the situation and i thought of this concept and immediately became obsessed with it.
why did you make it?
- because they deserve freedom from the oppression they have been facing since 1948. innocent civilians should not die everyday, families should not have to worry about dying in different rooms. couples should not have to worry about one of them dying before their wedding. children should not be used to the sounds of bombs. children do not deserve to have their parents taken from them. parents don't deserve their children being taken from them. no one deserves any of what they are facing. that is why i made it. and it is infuriating when people dismiss the palestinian struggles and/or normalize the violence in the middle east. it is not fair to them. include muslims and palestinians in your activism please.
is it antisemitic to be antizionist?
- no, it's not. i have a post where i reposted things about that. here it is ! there are unfortunately many people who have used the free palestine movement to throw out their antisemitism. let me assure you that the true community does not support anti semitism. we have been very careful to not be anti semitic, as we are NOT targetting all jews for this oppression. i do sincerely apologize on behalf of the ridiculous people who are anti semitic, however i can confidently say that i have not been anti semitic.
there are jews who support palestine's freedom?
- yes! yes there are! this instagram account, @/jewishvoiceforpeace is full of support for palestinians and have many examples of jews who support it, like this lovely woman . that is why i included rebecca in this drawing, because it's okay to be jewish and be antizionist. there are also palestinian jews (and christians) facing this same persecution all because they are palestinian.
was this post targetted at anyone?
- no. i made this because i had the idea and i wanted to share it w the world. i know it may cause some trouble, but i made this accepting that. i am not going to change my beliefs for anyone and no amount of convincing could change my mind.
what about israel's side?
- what ABOUT israel's side? they are the oppressors in this situation. no one ever considered the oppressors' sides in any previous genocides. so why are we starting to ask that now? when it's been clear who has been the oppressor and who isn't? the innocent civilians, the young kids who throw stones at the idf. they're the oppressors??? compared to the army, with many guns and weapons? tanks and bombs vs kites and flags…yeah, okay. not to mention how they constantly throw out people from their homes, families who have lived there for generations, aggressively remove children from their classrooms, as well as bomb hospitals and media stations, all under the guise of the incomparable threat of “hamas.” history has seen this before, namely the Holocaust; it is foolish and honestly reprehensible to ignore it when it is happening right in the open.
this is not a matter of politics, rather a matter of human rights and social justice.
i don't know what else to add, but i just wanted to say thank you if you made it this far. i appreciate it a lot. if you want to help out palestine, you can check out my pinned post as it has resources on there to help. i haven't updated it since may so some of the donation links may have already closed.
if you want to learn more about the situation, you can visit this website as it teaches the history very well and easily :)
thank you for reading, and i hope you are able to feel inner peace :)
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free.
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Story with diabetic OC
I’m actually terrified to post this, so if it stays up for more than 48 hours that will be an achievement but here is my WIP. I got incredibly frustrated by the lack of accurate diabetes representation in fiction, and coupled with my current Criminal Minds obsession, this came into existence. Thanks @diabets for helping me with proofreading. If anyone has title ideas please LMK. Chapter 1 below the cut
Part 2:
Chapter I
Theo walked through the atrium and jogged up a flight of stairs, down a corridor, left, right and then knocked on a door. She walked through without waiting for an answer and proceeded to dump a pile of files on a desk before collapsing into a chair causing it to spin. A man sitting at the next-door desk chuckled under his breath at Theo’s dramatics causing her to turn and face him. 
“What crawled under your skin Wilson?” He asked 
“I’m back from the field and you know what that means” she said, dropping her head to the desk
“Paperwork” the two agents said in unison, although Theo’s was distorted by her arms
Penzias laughed at Theo as he pulled a short stack of files from his desk drawer, “Why is your pile so tiny?” Theo whined 
“I do paperwork as I go, you know on the flight back or whatever? You should try it sometime”
Theo rolled her eyes at her friend, “but paperwork is the worst”, she pulled pile after pile of files from her drawers and up off the floor under her desk. Penzias’ jaw dropped watching his friend almost disappear under the pile of work she had to do. “That’s going to take more than one day to catch up on Theo” he warned her,
“That’s what I have this for!” Theo exclaimed happily pulling out a coffee the size of her head, “a triple shot cappuccino” she took a sip before suddenly swearing under her breath and pulling a small device out of her pocket, pressing a few buttons she relaxed back in her chair and swigged from her coffee. 
“Theodora Wilson, you’d think after however many decades this has been you’d remember with your unholy coffee addiction”
Theo just rolled her eyes at Daniel and slammed open her first file sighing dramatically and clicking her pen repeatedly as she read. The information in the file brought back memories of her case and she lost herself in the details. She filled out the forms for weapon use, use of force, and other accountability checks with one hand while turning the pages with her other. She and Daniel worked in silence the only sounds, the turn of a page, scratch of a pen or sip of coffee as the hours ticked by. 
The comfortable silence was interrupted by a beeping from Theo’s hip. She pulled the device out again, checked the screen and put it away, going back to to work. The quiet rhythm had been broken though and Daniel stretched loudly. His pile had dwindled to one, and although Theo had powered through a significant number of files she still had two large piles on her desk. “I’m gonna go grab some lunch, want anything?” Daniel asked
“Nah, I’ve got a sandwich somewhere” Theo responded looking up from her work. “Thanks though” 
The door swung shut with a click behind Daniel and the space was once again quiet, thanks to the empty bullpen in which their desks were situated. Their unit had been given a few days of leave after a particularly difficult case but their Unit Chief had told Theo to get her paperwork done or she’d be grounded from field work. This was a recurring theme throughout Theo’s career but her work in and off the field (minus her paperwork) was stellar and even her paperwork eventually got done to an appropriate standard. She was mildly irritated that she was in the mostly-empty office on a weekend but with the high-intensity work with long and irregular hours it wasn’t like she had anywhere else to be. At least in the office she was being productive. She looked back down at the case open in front of her. The photos were gory but after five years in the job she’d achieved the necessary levels of desensitisation, enough that she could cope but she had enough empathy to feel the importance of what she did. She picked up her pen and began to write as the door opened “you’re back from lunch quickly” she remarked, assuming Daniel had returned. Instead, it was the voice of her boss, Unit Chief Lucas Secman that sounded throughout the empty office. “How’s that paperwork coming along Wilson?” He asked. The grin was audible in his voice, he knew just how much she hated it and although Theo was often a source of exasperation, they had a good relationship. Some might even call them friends although neither of them would ever admit to it. “How do you think?” Theo retorted, rolling her eyes and turning her chair to meet her boss face to face. He returned the gesture as he surveyed the piles of folders and paper on her desk, “how long have you been putting this off again?” he asked, slightly astonished at the sheer amount in front of him. “You should know sir, you’re the reason I’m here” she responded lifting her coffee cup, she tilted it to see if there was any left. “How many of those have you had today?” Secman asked, “based on your handwriting I’d say too many”. Theo thought for a second “We talking shots or coffees?” 
“Wrong answer” Secman responded, he turned to face the door as Daniel walked through “Penzias, your new mission is to prevent Wilson from drinking any more coffee, one more shot of espresso and her handwriting will be even more illegible than it already is” 
“Yes sir” Daniel responded, grinning at Theo as she groaned, her head thudding on her desk. 
“You two are the worst” 
“Sorry for keeping you alive Wilson” Daniel grinned at her, suddenly checking his watch “speaking of your absolute lack of self-preservation, when did you last eat?” Theo groaned again, only lifting her head when the rustle of a paper bag sounded. “I grabbed you lunch, its pasta from that place down the road you love” 
“Marry me” Theo said, opening the bag and smelling the warm food. A cough sounded from behind her, Secman was slightly flushed, “marriage proposals after paperwork is done Wilson, I’ll be in my office if you need anything” 
“Yes sir” the two agents said in unison watching their boss’ back until the door to his office closed. Theo pulled the cutlery out of the lunch bag, quickly eyeballing her food and typing the carb count for the lunch into her insulin pump before beginning eating with a moan. “You’re an angel Daniel”, Daniel just chuckled under his breath, sitting in his own chair and opening the final case file. Theo switched her pen for a fork and twirled the spaghetti getting lost in her work yet again. 
When she finally finished, hours after Daniel left, it was well and truly night outside the windows of the office and the only light came from her desk light, and through the blinds of Secman’s office facing into the bullpen. She stood up, wincing as her muscles stretched and joints cracked after hours hunched over her desk. She picked up the first pile of now-completed cases and walked over to Secman’s door, loosening up further with each step. She knocked quietly, waiting for permission from the Head Agent before entering. After the signal had been given she cracked open the door, “I have a gift for you” she announced walking in and dumping the pile in front of her boss. “The first of many” she threw over her shoulder walking back to her desk and grabbing another stack. Soon the pile on Secman’s desk was too tall and precarious so she began stacking them on the floor instead. After six such trips back and forth, a significant portion of Secman’s floor was now hidden underneath piles of papers and folders, her boss sat in his desk chair, full body laughs shook his body as he marvelled at the mess she had made. Theo’s eyes met his and suddenly she too was giggling, sitting on the carpet as the two of them laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. Wiping his eyes, Secman remarked “this is the last time I let you go this long without doing your paperwork Wilson” 
“If you say so sir” Theo responded, lying back on the floor, “what time is it?” Secman checked his watch, “just after nine”. Theo made a noise of disgust, 
“I should eat something”
“Want to go grab something for dinner? That new diner opened just down the block” 
“Sure, why not? I’m always down to try something new”
The two of them stood up and stretched, Secman grabbed his jacket of the back of his chair, slipping his phone into the pocket. He held the door open for Theo, before locking it as they walked over to her desk. She quickly tidied up her desk, swiping her pens into a drawer, the takeout container from lunch and coffee cups into the trash. She shrugged her jacket on and picked her backpack up from under her desk, “let’s go” she turned to Secman, shoving her hands in her pockets. He let Theo through the door first and then followed, the door automatically locked behind them. The high security of the building was necessary after an attempted break in of multiple intelligence agencies worldwide almost a decade ago. The two agents walked out of the building and into the cold night air, the noise and lights of the city wrapped around Theo like a blanket. This time, Secman led the way down the road. True to his word, only a few minutes walk away he held open the door to a well lit diner with a few people inside. They were greeted at the door by a girl who showed them to a booth. Both agents sat on the same side of the booth, their backs against the wall and facing the door. Secman handed her a menu from where the waitress had placed them on the table and the two of them proceeded to read them, Theo was scanning the room, a hold over from years in the field and she knew that Secman was doing the same. Once she was sure that the room was safe, but keeping one eye on the door, she took the time to actually check out the meal options. The food was typical diner fare but she was in the mood for some salt and grease tonight after the long day she’d had. The room held a few other people, a couple sat in a booth diagonally across from Theo and Secman. Judging by their mannerisms and the food, it was a first date. Theo noted the neat meal the woman had ordered while the man was eating wings with his fingers, it was highly unlikely the date would result in a second. Closer to the door there was a college student, Theo suspected a late-night deadline, paying attention to the multiple empty coffee mugs and the knee bouncing that betrayed the student’s stress. All of the diner’s occupants were similarly non-threatening and Theo relaxed as the waitress approached. 
“What can I get started for you guys tonight?” She asked them. Secman ordered nachos and Theo, a chicken burger with mozzarella sticks. The Head Agent glared at her when she tried to order coffee so she switched it out for a diet soda, emphasis on the diet. Once their orders were placed and the waitress had left the table, the two settled into easy conversation. Topics ranged from Theo’s current reading material, to Secman (call me Lucas, we’re not at work)’s cat, to who in the unit would be most likely to start a cult. Their food arrived relatively quickly and both agents continued to talk for over an hour after their meals were complete. As they left, Theo made sure to ask the waitress to give compliments to the chef, the simple diner food had been done incredibly well. The night air was cool and Theo wrapped her jacket tighter around her. They walked back to the office and parted with a slightly awkward handshake as Secman drove off in his government issued SUV. Theo on the other hand walked over to her pride and joy, a black 1962 Chevy Corvette. The car had been parked under a street light in the lot and Theo unlocked it. She revved the engine, smiling to herself before she drove off into the night. 
Fifteen-or-so minutes later Theo’s car pulled up to a small house in a quiet street. The lights in the house were on as she cut the engine and the front door swung open as she walked up the front steps. A tall man greeted Theo with a kiss and the two of them walked into the house together. 
“How was work honey?” Chris, Theo’s husband of five years, asked
“You know how paper work days are” she responded, “sorry I’m home late, Lucas asked me to go grab dinner at a new diner” 
“It’s all good, I saw your text. Fork and I had takeout” Chris responded, gesturing to the cat sitting on the kitchen counter next to a couple of empty Chinese takeout containers. 
“Awww” Theo cooed, walking over and lifting the rather grumpy cat into her arms, Chris chuckled at his indignant meow. “How is Lucas?” 
“Eh, Secman is Secman, same old. Penzias bought me lunch though” 
“That was nice of him, we should have him around for dinner again sometime” Chris told her, moving to clean up some of the mess
“We really should, I think he’s got a new girl, Kylie or something?” Theo said, stroking Fork. 
Chris grinned at that, Penzias had a reputation for having a new girl every other month, not out of anything malicious, he just didn’t have longterm relationships. “How was your day?” 
“It was pretty quiet, I got some gardening and lesson prep done”. Chris was a botany professor at the local community college. He adored his job and Theo loved hearing his rants about various interest plant facts he would discover through his research, or about the weird emails his students sent him (there were lots of those). “How are those new waterlilies doing?” Theo asked her husband, smiling softly as he proceeded to update her on the progress his various plants. 
She woke on Monday to the smell of coffee and Chris climbing back into bed, two steaming mugs in his hands, “Good morning sweetheart” he said handing her a mug and settling back against the pillows. “Thanks sweet pea”, she sat up and began to sip at the coffee, scrolling through the news for the morning. “What time do you have to be in the office today?” Chris asked. “Secman wants us to be in by nine” Theo informed him “he got tired of Daniel showing up forty-five minutes late with coffee”. Chris grinned at the image,
“I don’t have a class until ten so I can drop you at work if you like?”
Theo kissed her husband on the cheek, thanking him as she rolled out of bed to shower. Once she was showered and dressed in a pair of black slacks and a cropped woollen blazer, she joined Chris in the kitchen for breakfast. He slid a plate of waffles in her direction, “there’s fifty grams in that, I used the new sugar-free syrup you picked up the other day”, Theo gave herself her insulin and then dug into her food. 
The ride into her office was quiet except for the couple’s shared playlist playing quietly in the background. The SUV pulled into the parking lot of the J. Edgar Hoover Building, “I’ll text you when I finish? If it’s going to be late I’ll get a lift with Penzias” 
“Sounds good, if Daniel does bring you home, send me a text and I’ll make enough dinner for the three of us”
“He’ll love that” Theo laughed “I don’t think he’s eaten anything except takeout since the last time he came for dinner” 
“Have a good day sweetheart” Chris kissed her forehead as she climbed out of the car
“You too honey” 
The door shut and Chris watched his wife head through the sliding doors into the atrium.
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skinsharpenedteeth · 3 years
WIP Wednesday!
Okay, doing something a little different. I’m going to share a little bit from the three big WIPs I’m working on right now. Also, this Friday/Saturday is the next chapter update for AWT for keep your eyes trained!
There’s Only One Bed and Oh, Can We Explore the Area Between Tortured Lust and ‘Sup, Bro?’ With Our Dicks?
       “You’re going to smell like an old man all night with this stuff,” Michael commented before rubbing it between his hands to warm it up slightly and then starting to spread it on the leg furthest from him. Michael let his fingers start slowly pressing into the muscle under his hands, sliding up and slightly under the leg of Alex’s boxers. He drew back and pressed forward again, using slightly more pressure, and when Alex let out a contented hum, he knew he’d found the right amount. Michael slowly and methodically worked his way up and down the back of Alex’s legs. He tried not to concentrate on the sounds Alex made or the feeling of his muscles under his hands, but it was tough. He was ready to stop and end his torture for the night when Alex grabbed his wrist to stop him from capping the tub of Biofreeze. Michael looked at him with a raised eyebrow.       “Will you do my right hip for me?” Alex asked, hand falling away from Michael’s wrist. Michael held his gaze for a moment before nodding.       “How do you want me to…?” Michael asked, voice trailing off as Alex worked his underwear down until the band rested right under the curve of his ass cheeks. Alex was either the most obtuse person in the world or the cruelest and Michael wasn’t sure which as he stared at his naked ass in front of him.       “Michael?” Alex’s voice pulled him out of his trance. He blushed a little and scooped out a little more of the astringent-smelling gel. He pressed his hands against the side of Alex’s hip in a spreading, circular motion. Immediately, Alex was pressing his face against the pillow under his chin and moaning softly. Michael stared at his hands hard, trying to block out any other input but what he felt under his fingertips, but Alex’s moans broke through every time and by the end of his ministrations, he was half hard and hoping Alex couldn’t tell. Quickly, he capped the jar of Biofreeze and scrambled off the mattress to go wash his hands. When he turned back, Alex had pulled his underwear back up, but he was still laying on his stomach.       “Thank you,” Alex said simply as he watched Michael dry his hands on the towel he’d used earlier from the shower. Michael looked over his shoulder at him and smiled genuinely.       “No problem. Want some water?” Michael asked carefully. Alex shut his eyes and shook his head.       “Just the cover once you get back in bed,” Alex responded through a yawn. Michael tried not to be charmed, but Alex was already getting that adorably sleepy look he got when he was already halfway out. It was unguarded and made Michael’s chest hurt with how soft it made him look. Alex felt Michael crawl into bed a moment later and then draw the covers up over him. Once he was safely hidden, Alex turned onto his side facing away from Michael and reached down to adjust himself. The hip thing had been a bit much, but Michael’s hands had felt so good on him…. And if he was honest with himself, since letting the idea of having sex with Michael had entered his mind, all their interactions seemed to take on an entirely different tone. The stretches? How had he done that with Michael every night for over a week and not gotten a boner? How had he not been waking up from wet dreams every night? Michael had given him a massage before and actually straddled his ass, why were they not already balls deep in each other?       Their friendship had been hard won and this trip wasn’t supposed to change anything between them. Alex laid in bed with his eyes closed and stared into the dark of the hotel room, aware of every shift and breath of the person sharing the covers with him. He didn’t know how he fell asleep that night, but eventually he did. If he hadn’t been so absorbed in his own thoughts, Alex might’ve noticed that it took just as long for Michael to achieve sleep as well.
Undisclosed Desires
    Alex woke up feeling like he almost had a hangover. He was laying in a cold, porcelain bathtub with his knees bent up and his hands crossed over his chest. There was a rolled up towel under his neck in lieu of a pillow. He’d spent the last three days sleeping like this since it was the only relatively light tight room in Forrest’s apartment across town. He groaned loudly as he pushed himself to sit up and stretched. He had to go back to the house tonight. He needed to convince Forrest that by leaving the apartment he wasn’t leaving him. He probably should text Michael back and let him know he wasn’t dead… Or he could just wait until tomorrow to do what he dreaded today. 
    Forrest opened the bathroom door and flipped on dim vanity lighting above the sink.He climbed out of the bathtub and slipped on his shirt and jeans that he’d left folded on the toilet lid. Forrest looked at him from where he leaned his shoulder against the door frame with an appraising look on his face. 
    “Hello lover,” Forrest cooed, looking self-satisfied and a little lascivious. Alex internally groaned again. His dick was sore. His ass was sore. He’d had sex more in the last three days than he’d had in a long time and all of it was initiated by Forrest as some sort of validation for their relationship. Alex could not have sex again all night tonight. He smiled anyway, also not wanting to fight again.
    “Hey baby,” he replied, stepping close and nuzzling his nose against Forrest’s. Forrest kissed him and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, pushing up onto his toes to press more into the kiss. Alex kissed him for a few minutes until he felt his arms relaxing and his hands starting to travel south on his body. 
    “Mm, I need to go back to the house tonight,” Alex told him as soon as he could end the kiss. He grabbed Forrest’s hands and knit their fingers together, pressing their palms close. Forrest looked up at him with a pout and Alex kissed his nose affectionately. “I need to change clothes and check in with Kyle about the carriage house. Tomorrow we’re doing a parlor party. Come over, hang out, sleep over, whatever you want.”
    “Whatever I want?” Forrest asked, looking up at him with a sultry, mischievous smile. 
    “Within reason….” Alex amended, but he grinned at Forrest before kissing him quickly and then playfully swooping down to gnaw playfully at his neck with blunt teeth. Forrest shrieked but didn’t push him away. His hands tightened in Alex’s and only relaxed when Alex kissed the spot he’d sipped from the other night. He had no idea how Forrest had any energy left after the blood draining and sex. He’d seen other humans in bed for days after a single feeding. 
    “Maybe I’ll drop by, you know, just to see who’s there,” Forrest said overly casually. Alex clenched his jaw behind his smile. 
    “Sounds good,” he replied, before giving Forrest’s hands a quick squeeze and side-stepping around him to go grab his boots from the living room. He picked up his things as he went, a sock here, his phone there, and pocketed everything he couldn’t put back on. Once he was as put together as he was going to get, he started toward the front door. 
A Working Title
   “Did you make me something tasty?” he asked, leaning over to eye the quesadillas laid out on plates. 
    “Cheesesteak quesadillas. They go great with Guinness,” Michael commented, nodding his head over at the sweating six pack on the counter. Alex wrinkled his nose a little when he spotted them and Michael laughed easily at him. “Don’t tell me you’re a hop head?”
    “No, just… It always takes me about half a beer to remember that Guinness isn’t terrible. I prefer something just a few shades lighter,” Alex replied. He went ahead and grabbed two beers and transported them and himself over to the dining table. With a quick motion, he popped both the bottle caps off on the side of the table and set them between Michael and his seats. Michael brought over the food and set it down in front of them along with a bowl of strawberries. Alex raised an eyebrow at him in question at the strawberries. Michael’s cheeks pinked a little as he sat down. 
    “They’ll just go bad in the fridge. Might as well eat them,” Michael replied after clearing his throat. Alex tried to suppress a smile and failed spectacularly at Michael’s cheesiness and lack of subtlety. 
    “Did you buy chocolate dip too?” Alex asked, picking up a piece of his quesadilla and watching Michael’s reaction as he bit into it. Michael pointedly did not look up at him and if anything his cheeks went pinker. Alex put down his piece and scooted his chair over to where he could reach Michael to kiss one of his cheeks. “You’re seriously the cheesiest, most ridiculously romantic person I think I’ve ever met and it’s one of my favorite things about you so don’t you dare think about ever stopping, okay?”
    Michael turned his head to look at him, cocky smile back in place. He kissed Alex’s lips lightly. 
    “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he replied, lasting a full three seconds before his close lipped grin turned into a full fledged, teeth showing smile. Alex scoffed, but kissed him again quickly before moving his chair back so he could eat.
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mamabearcat · 3 years
Inuyasha WIP ask: Saving Grace
Thanks @sassybratt9791
Saving Grace is the modern AU I’m writing - I’ve already released some snippets.
Kagome is a freelance reporter. She loves her work, but is looking for a really good story to make a name for herself.
Inuyasha is the entrepreneur behind HanYo! - a website that connects hanyou around the world. It features listings for job openings, available housing, goods for sale, services for hire, relationship seeking, emotional support and online counselling and general topics of discussion, like recommendations for hanyou friendly workplaces and restaurants. It started small, but rapidly became a worldwide phenomenom.
He’s a media recluse (there’s a reason for it) and doesn’t give interviews
Kagome is offered a chance to try and get a story about him - it will be a substantial pay for her, and also a chance to get noticed by larger publications, so she takes a chance to travel and try to get an interview.
While she’s in his hometown tracking down leads, she steps in to stop a mugging, and gets shot.
It turns out that the woman she rescued is Izayoi, Inuyasha’s beloved mother. She insists that Kagome recuperate at their home.
Inuyasha is at first a little shy around her, but is gradually becoming to like Kagome. And Kagome likes him.
And then she’s got to decide. Should she write a story that will make her career, but probably break Inu’s trust and ruin any chance they have at a relationship?
I think I’ve posted this particular snippet before, but anyway, have it again!
A small sound of distress had her turning.
There was a woman standing near the ATM she’d just vacated, around her height but older judging from the long thick plait of dark grey hair threaded with silver running down her back. Her eyes were wide and frightened as she pushed numbers on the machine, her fingers shaking. The man behind her was standing close, much too close, and then Kagome noticed a glint of reflected light from the overhead streetlight above coming from something held in the man’s hand.
He pushed it forward, nudging the woman in the lower back with it as he snarled at her to hurry up. A hand gun. The woman choked back a sound like a sob, and Kagome was instantly swamped by a feeling of rage.
She didn’t even stop to think. Didn’t think of the consequences. All she could see was a small woman old enough to be her own mother who was terrified, with no one to help her. She wasn’t about to stand by and watch someone get robbed at gun point.
She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and took a photo, focusing in on the man’s face, then yelled as loudly as she could.
“Hey! I’ve already called the police! Drop the gun and leave her alone!”
The man’s eyes whipped to hers, and then there was a flash and a loud noise. She was knocked off balance, like someone had just punched her in the shoulder. The older woman screamed, and then there was a rush of hot liquid running down her back and her arm, splattering onto the concrete below. Red liquid, so bright against the dirty grey pavement. It was still dripping, coating her fingers, making them slip against each other.
Sweat popped out on Kagome’s forehead, and she swallowed, trying to make sense of things as she swayed dizzily, and then her shoulder was burning with pain. She collapsed onto her knees, watching in a daze as the man tossed the gun into a nearby bin and sprinted away down the street.
The older woman was racing towards her, dropping her handbag and tugging off her hoodie as she ran. She dropped to her knees beside her and gasped out a breathless apology as she tied it tightly around Kagome’s shoulder, making her grunt in pain.
She listened as the woman talked on the phone to someone. Was she calling the police?  Kagome blinked slowly.  Everything was a little fuzzy and her mouth felt dry. There had been a gun, but it seemed ridiculous that she’d been shot. That couldn’t be right. Besides, there was something she needed to say, something important. Her fingers that weren’t currently covered in blood clenched around her phone, and she remembered.
“I took a photo of him”, she gasped, tugging on the woman’s sleeve as she finished the call, pushing her phone into the woman’s hand. “The man. I took a photo. It’s on my phone.”
“Shush sweetheart, don’t try to talk.” the woman said soothingly, putting the phone in her lap. “What’s your name?”
“Kagome. I’m Kagome.”
“It’s going to be okay Kagome. The ambulance is on it’s way. Everything will be fine.”
“I’m sorry he frightened you. Are you okay?” Kagome panted.
The woman nodded, turning her attention to Kagome’s injured shoulder.The searing pain in her shoulder seemed odd, separate, like it didn’t really belong to her. She blinked, trying to make sense of things. Black spots appeared in the corner of her eyes and she tried to blink them away, but they kept coming. The amount of the warm wetness running down her arm was disconcerting, and she knew it wasn’t a good thing for some reason.
What had happened again? There had been a man. And an older lady who was frightened. The woman in front of her was pushing her hands on either side of her shoulder, really hard. That seemed an odd sort of thing to do.  It hurt. 
“Are you the lady?” Kagome slurred.
The woman’s worried eyes flicked from her Kagome’s shoulder to meet her eyes. There was blood on her sleeves. She seemed upset.
“Don’t try to talk dear. I’m sure the ambulance will be here any moment.”
“But are you her? The lady. Is she okay?”“She’s just fine sweetheart. You were very brave.”
“Was I? That’s good. She reminded me of my Mama.” The woman made a small sound that sounded like a swallowed sob.
“I’m sure if your Mama were here, she’d be very proud of you Kagome”, she said, her voice a little wobbly. “I’ll call her and let her know how brave you were, as soon as you’re safe in hospital, okay?”
“That’s good.”
Kagome blinked again. Her brain felt syrupy, and her body felt cold. She could hear a siren. Then there were bright lights and more voices. Someone made her lie back and lifted her, and she grunted in pain as her shoulder moved. They asked her name.
“I’m Kagome. Kagome Higurashi. Is the lady okay?”And then it was blessedly dark. 
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roccinan · 3 years
I'm risking sounding terribly egoistical by sending a public ask about my own url here but I'm doing it!!!!! I need the super graphic-details
Your ego is my ego, dearest nharidy. There's a reason the doc is named after you hahaha
[ 👉 My Wips ]
OK so the Absolvisti sequel's been sitting in my head since well, the week after I published it lmao. But I never got around to writing because I wasn't sure if it was being too self-indulgent (I'm feeling more confident about it now that I know you'll be pleased by it!). Also because I was having trouble deciding on a pov: should I continue with the Tatiana 1st person pov as always? Change it up to Martin 3rd person? or surprise: 1st person Don Juan?? Should it be a new chapter or new fic? (def. open to suggestions here!) Also I think it'd be Iconic to publish a story in the Dies Irae universe with our new cat profile pics.
Graphic detail time :D Prepare for a SUPER LONG answer LMAO. Most of the things I mentioned here and here will make their way in, with maybe a bonus ns/fw chapter from Martin or Andres' pov. The main story is SFW however, and there's like a hilariously high amount of hurt!Andres, who doesn't have demons to rely on anymore but still carries all the permanent damage the demons left on him:
It takes place some months after Absolvisti so Andres is doing better, but not fully well yet. He's not actively dying anymore but he does faint a lot and isn't exactly making a full recovery. Because I wanted to make things harder for Martin. Because he's not a young man anymore, the wounds were super extensive, and this is the result of years of accumulated damage + a form of "withdrawal" (the shadows/demons that used to feed on him were also the things that kept him alive so it's one big cycle that his body isn't leaving that easily).
This means every time Martin plans something nice for him like seeing a play or going out for a nightly walk, Andres can't go through the whole thing without feeling unwell. (Martin: "I over-exerted the love of my life. I am so SELFISH. what does Andres see in me??" Andres: "I disappointed the love of my life. I am the WEAKEST. what does Martin see in me??" Tatiana: feed me, bitches)
They manage to sit through one play though (not sure if I want this at the beginning or end of the fic LMAO). It's the one Bogota wrote, The Necromancer's Lament, a "biopic" about Andres' life. And it's every bit as terrible as Martin expected. Bad special effects, bad acting especially from Martin's actor, Andres' actor has a beard, and Tatiana looks like this:
Tumblr media
Andres thinks it's the best play ever. Martin hates it and demands a refund. Tatiana hates it too but Don Juan's like, "mi amor, you are still beautiful to me, even as a deformed puppet."
Martin's 120-page complaints aside, Bogota runs the theatre troupe with his partner, Nairobi/Agata, and they're both going to start teaching performing arts at Santa Catalina because the last drama professor died lmao
Meanwhile, Santa Catalina has a new bad girl student, Tokyo/Silene! Sergio took her in as a charity case after some dark and mysterious events in her life. But Tokyo being Tokyo can't stay away from trouble, and she becomes obsessed with finding the demons that Andres expelled. Some bizarre possessions start happening again and the school's sponsors force Raquel to keep it under wraps. (Raquel: maybe if you increased funding, we wouldn't have so many problems!!)
In the meantime, Martin gets that letter from a long lost relative asking to meet him. Not sure about the order of this either. Anyway, Martin was planning to ignore the relative, but Andres insists he go. Either Tatiana or Don Juan accompany him. Martin learns that he's the sole heir of his dead parents across the sea (the will: “we forgive you for being a heretic, a freak of nature, and the alchemist of Palermo. also no hard feelings for leaving you to die as a baby xoxoxo”). There's one (1) condition though: he has to end his partnership with the necromancer. Martin: NO THANKS.
So while Martin's dealing with this unexpected drama, Sergio decides to call in Andres' expertise TM again because it's also a good excuse to talk to his brother. Martin is Very wary about this and rejects him. But Andres insists that it'll be fine. Plus, maybe he wants to turn a new leaf and help Santa Catalina for nothing in return this time. Not everyone gets a second chance at life and he doesn't want to be a bad person anymore uwu (Tatiana: "Andres was a pretentious piece of shit, surprising no one." Martin: "Nobody deserves Andres, not even me, and I'm like, the most amazing person in the world.")
Andres comes to do the exorcism with the random priest the school hired. And they discover there aren't any demons- it's just some ghost fucking around (maybe I'll make it the spirit of Gandia or Alicia since they haven't shown up yet lol). Anyway, it doesn't go very well but Andres gets rid of the creature or whatever. Not before it punctures a hole in his side though. Then Martin loses it, just full-on screams at Sergio for almost getting Andres killed again, makes a lot of threats against the school, etc. etc.
Raquel, being more useful, plugs up the wound. But the priest accidentally provokes Martin more by asking Raquel if he should mop up Andres' blood with holy water or something. What if the necromancer's blood is cursed?? And now it's all over the floor, so disgusting :/
Martin, already in a very bad mood, beats the priest up.
They go home. Martin's in a really sour mood and he just doesn't understand why Andres isn't mad at Sergio. Martin: "It's really emotionally damaging to me if you don't give a fuck about yourself." Andres makes him even angrier by bringing up the Berrote family will and having the audacity to suggest Martin leave him for money. He makes a huge case about how he literally has nothing to offer Martin except a body that barely works and a terrible reputation. Martin: "I lost a fucking eye for you??"
They fight and Martin storms away, and also kidnaps Don Juan, his honorary new soulmate who would never betray him like Andres.
A while after this, the Spanish Inquisition local clergy arrests Andres for "questioning." Because the shenanigans at Santa Catalina are still going on and that one priest suspects him of being behind everything just because. Raquel's the one who bails him out. She may not like Sergio's brother, but the way everyone else treats him is ridiculous.
Andres limps home, hoping Martin's still away. Surprise! Martin felt guilty and came back. And it's pretty obvious that Andres has just been tortured. Martin: "Say no more. I'm going to kill some people."
Andres gets Martin to not do anything stupid by dropping the thing with the will. He admits he was wrong for saying those things to Martin and he selfishly, genuinely wants to stay with Martin forever. Martin: "I'm still going to kill your brother. You may appease me with a kiss."
Does it end here? No! Because the shit at Santa Catalina is still happening. Andres and Martin solve it for good though. But it's all very dramatic. I'm vaguest about this part, but maybe Nairobi's injured saving Tokyo, and this gives Tokyo the wakeup call to move on from whatever baggage that got her into this mess in the first place. Then Andres' solution for saving Nairobi is to ask Martin to work that alchemist magic and transfer her wounds onto himself (at this point, we're just going overboard with the Andres whump but asdfasdf why stop??). Raquel: Sergio, tell your brother to stop dying. That's a bad example for the kids.
It takes a lot of convincing, but Martin relents in the end, only because he trusts Andres. At this point, Andres has been through so much that he physically cannot take any more damage. Like, he just can't lmao. So the whole process puts Andres into a coma or something. But we don't need him anymore because now we can revel in Martin's angst!
Martin spends the rest of his time crying and angsting and guilt-tripping Sergio, and just being very loud in general. He also writes back to his family and tells them to fuck off.
Once we indulge in enough of Martin's pain, Andres finally wakes up. Still very bad off but he's alive and not showing signs of dying any time soon. So that's good enough for Martin. They have a nice heart-to-heart, and idk, maybe Raquel comes to see them because Sergio's too embarrassed to. Until Andres insists, because he loves hermanito unconditionally uwu. Martin: "watch your back, Sergio. I might murder you in your sleep (:"
Then at the very end (I have no idea how long this story is LOL), there's some kind of family photoshoot between Raquel, Sergio, and Paula. Everyone's raving over this new invention called the "camera." Andres is admiring it from a distance until Raquel's like, "get over here. what part of FAMILY photoshoot do you not understand!?"
Andres is shocked pikachu face because good will towards him for once?? he's being included in something?? people want him around?? what is happening??
Martin's happy for him though. Then he's admiring from a distance until Raquel's like, "I said FAMILY photoshoot. Get over here, Martin!"
Tatiana didn't want to be a part of it, but Paula saw her favorite talking cat and like, grabbed her lmao. Don Juan photobombs it because he can't be excluded from an activity with Tatiana, especially when his former rival Andres is in the photo too. (His current rival is Casanova, an unworthy white cat vying for Tatiana's affections)
Sergio proposes to Raquel. The end! Yes, the kitty love triangle is also a central theme of this story LMAO Hope that satisfies you, nharidy! And I welcome any and all suggestions!
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ohbae-me · 4 years
Well Deserved - Mammon x MC
!!! Spoilers for Mammon's Picnic Devilgram Card!!!
This card is one of my favourites in the game, and I couldn't resist writing more on it. I have so many Mammon wips it's ridiculous.
MC laid cocooned in her bed, mindlessly scrolling through her devilgram feed when Karasu notified her that it had picked up a chat for her to read. She loved when this happened! She was getting a nice amount of insider knowledge on all the brothers, and she couldn’t help feel a bit smug at the thought of having something over them. Not that she would ever use any of it against them per se, but they had a massive physical and magical advantage over her, so it made her feel better to have some semblance of power here.
When she saw it was a conversation between Satan and Asmodeus she was intrigued. Even more so when she realized they were talking about her and Mammon’s picnic date they had just returned from. 
Satan: But personally, I’m happy that it’s just Mammon and not someone else who’s going on this picnic with Ari. If you were the one going instead of Mammon, I’d put a curse on you here and now.
Asmo: Satan, that’s terrible! Would you please not talk about me like I’m some sort of animal in heat?
Satan: I’d say that exactly what you are, actually.
Asmo: Well, why don’t we go ahead and put a teeny-tiny cure on him, just to be safe. Like, make it so that it ends up raining or something.
Aha! So Mammon’s hunch was spot on. Right down to the brothers who had done it no less. Despite everything that had gone wrong on their human world escapade, MC had thoroughly enjoyed herself. She felt a twinge of annoyance at the younger brother's antics though. She hated how they always picked on Mammon the most. Maybe there was a way she could throw it back in their faces, just a little bit.
As luck would have it, the next morning at breakfast had provided her the perfect opportunity. 
When she arrived in the dining hall only Satan, Asmodeus and Beelzebub were seated. Presumably, the others had not made it out of bed yet and Lucifer had already been and gone. 
"Good morning, MC! You're looking cute as ever today~" Asmodeus cooed at her as she took her seat beside him at the table. "How was your date yesterday? You promised to tell me everything!"
"It was wonderful!" MC smiled brightly, smug to see the thinly veiled shock from Satan and the not-at-all-veiled disappointment from Asmodeus.
"You mean you actually had a nice date with Mammon? Stupid Mammon?" Asmo said in disbelief. 
"Asmo is right, with Mammon there I would have expected things to go poorly." Satan added, a look of ever-present annoyance etched his features. MC figured he assumed their little curse didn't work. 
"Well, we did have some bad luck, but that's what made it all so perfect!" MC gushed. "It ended up raining, and unfortunately I was wearing a white shirt. Whole thing went completely see through! But Mammon was lovely and leant me his jacket. We found shelter and cuddled up together to keep warm until the rain died down. It was all very sweet!"
"I'm glad you had a good time." Beel smiled happily at MC, seemingly unaware of how grumpy his older brothers had become beside him. "I'm impressed. He even made those bento boxes for you. They were really tasty!"
"Even though we forgot them, he bought us pizza when we got back to town," MC told them as she started loading up another plate of food. "He even remembered my favourite pizza joint. We are going out again next weekend." 
Satan scoffed, and Asmo whined. "MCCCC~~ why don't you let me take you out instead? I'll show you a much better time than that idiot ever could. We'd be the most beautiful couple in the Devildom~" Asmo snaked his arms around her waist as he nuzzled into her shoulder. 
"Sorry, Asmo. It's already set up." MC said as she pecked his cheek. "Anyway, I'm going to take some food up for Mammon so we won't be late for class again. See you guys!" She put on her biggest smile as she picked up both plates and made her way out of the dining hall. 
MC had never in her life been the type to gush and exaggerate things like that, but it felt so damn good to rub it in their faces. It was only fair. Mammon deserved much more credit than they ever gave him. The distant yell of Asmodeus's 'what have I done?! I can't believe we actually helped that moron!' put a little extra pep in her step as she made her way down the hall. 
Mammon's face changed from grumpy bed head to the biggest smile she'd ever seen when he saw her standing there, two plates of breakfast in hand. 
"Hey hey! Now that's my favourite human! Ya really know what you're doing, huh?" MC smiled at him warmly as he took the plate from her and ushered her into the room, watching him as he chatted happily. 
Yeah, she was definitely going to lay on the love real thick for this demon going forward. 
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shachaai · 3 years
I don't know... Could you do a post with some of your favorite Fanfictions? (your Hetalia Fanfictions ❤️ I really like to read your work) thank you 😘
This is a bit all over the place and there is a lot of (fem!)England-centric fic, because apparently I’m a messy one-trick pony. =w=;;;
Gods AU
First and foremost I want to say some of my favourite hetalia writing has been done for the Gods AU that is/was a shared baby between Hoof, Eden and myself (with a few pieces by some very kind babysitters over the years as well). It’s a heavily engport-centric AU, where Portugal (Lusus) is the God of the Underworld and England (Albion) his somewhat volatile spouse. It’s an ensemble cast and most of the characters are deities of some kind, and is heavy on pretty scenery, stupid families, and tragic love. Also there’s a bunch of fluff and ancient historical/mythological-style smut - in both writing and art. (The art, obviously, is Very Not Mine.)
No Quarter: A bet tumbles the four of them into bed. (They would've done it even without the bet.)
Historical, Fluff and Smut, Nationverse but if both the regular cast and nyos existed in the same universe
Chapters 1/4, 2,739 words
Ok, this one is a WIP, but the single chapter that there is so far can actually standalone, and contains four idiots being both Incredibly Sexy and Incredibly Stupid. I really like how I handled their dynamics here, and the ebb and flow of control between them.
       Small But Golden:  France and England watch a meteor shower together.
France/England - though it can be read as either friendship or romance (or both)
Oneshot, 1,285 words
Honestly, this one just made the list because it’s got one of my favourite stupid endings to a fruk fic I’ve written. These two old farts will bicker about anything, and they’re both so smug whenever they feel like they’re ‘winning’ - it makes it even more fun to write about them cocking up.
      For A Muse of Fire: I’m cheating, because this is my F!England Nationverse collection, but all of its works are very dear to me one way or another. Particular favourites for me though are:
Sweet Dear Tempting Mischiefs: Whitehall, England. May, 1672. Two young people, Nations, so in  love they're ridiculous. And, fancy clothes be damned, romantically  having sex up against a tree.
Oneshot, 13,851 words
This is my fic where there is a lot of pretty clothing and flirting, and f!England and Portugal are very, very soft and smitten with each other. And also they go horse-riding and then fuck up against a tree.
One of my tags on AO3 for this fic is ‘there’s a war on in the background and you wouldn’t be able to tell’, and that’s about everything you need to know about this fic after the pretty clothes, outdoor sex, and fluff.
Queen of the Golden River:  Hong Kong, Peking, Calcutta, Suez, Paris and London. 1859-1861. It shouldn’t be so difficult to throw a grand Christmas party for everyone, should it, not if you are the glorious empire that rules the world?
Chapter 1 features F!England and France (implied fruk) with a young Hong Kong, in Hong Kong, discussing the Opium Wars and China
Chapter 2 features F!England and Scotland with a young Australia and New Zealand, in Victoria (Australia)
Chapters 2/?, 9,591 words
Another WIP, but I think both of the chapters that already exist stand well as individual timestamp pieces, and I think they’re worth a read for the historical dynamics at the time.
A stupid amount of research went into just these two chapters, and I think they’re great if you like imperialistic conniving, awful romances and seriously dysfunctional families.
      Fruits of Immortality: France, England, and apples through the ages.
France/England, also featuring young America and Sealand
Oneshot, 2,800 words
This is just a series of snapshots of England and France through the eons around the theme of ‘apples’ - originally written as a gift for suddenlyapples. XD;;; It’s very soft and sweet, and features young England and France bickering about a dragon that eats shoes. (One of my favourite arguments that I’ve written for those two.)
A Star Is Moving Somewhere: Elaine has unexpected leave for the holidays. Julia didn’t expect Elaine to offer to spend it with her.
F!England/F!Prussia, F!Germany, Germany’s dogs (F!England/France and America mentioned)
A human AU featuring: Christmas nonsense but if the background is a futuristic space opera? (F!England is the captain of a spaceship.) Open relationships (the fruk in this are engaged to be married as a power alliance, but F!England is dating/sleeping with F!Prussia, and France is sleeping with America. Everyone knows and consents to this).
Oneshot, 4,195 words
Sob, I just think this is a really good piece of my own writing? Plus the ~sexy moment~ descends into funny chaos, and I personally love wrecking a potential sex scene like that.
     The Little Fox and its sequel Kitsune-mochi
A supernatural AU based upon a switch of canon Halloween costumes between Japan and England.
Vampire!Kiku adapts to suddenly becoming a vampire, and befriends baby kitsune!Arthur.
I don’t have a wordcount for these because I’ve not crossposted them to AO3 (yet) but they’re both just short pieces of fluff.
      Nothing Can Hurt You Here: a spaport oneshot I wrote as a gift for Trevo and Lunie for their Game of Thrones AU. Lunie has since wiped her stuff, I think, but Trevo’s tag for the AU still exists.
Oneshot, no word count available
IDEK, I just like how I wrote about the scenery and their wordplay. Hedonists.
      Wealh: The sharp thegn Coenwulf has just wed an uncanny wife, everyone agrees, a strange, competent but difficult woman. How vexing it is then, to be the foolish slave that loves her.
A human AU set in 7th century Anglo-Saxon England
F!England/F!France with incidental F!England/Netherlands, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Monaco and a few others
Oneshot, 31,006 words according to my notes on this (but I haven’t counted again since then)
Head’s up, this one was written for an event where I was assigned to write a tragedy and it deals with some serious topics such as slavery, but it’s seventh century femslash, I’m still so proud of it? I wanna add more to this story before it ever makes it to AO3, but it’s very far down my priorities, and I am intensely proud of everything there is for it already. (Also I think the NedEng parts are hot. /SHRUG)
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porcupine-girl · 4 years
Untamed Fic Rec List
Look, most of these are reasonably popular fics already, so if you’ve been in this fandom for a couple months you’ve likely read them. Which is not how I normally do rec lists, but I’m new enough to Untamed that I’m still reading through all the fics by authors I know from other fandoms plus ones that have been personally recced to me, so I haven’t made it into the deep dive of underappreciated fics that I normally like to rec.
It doesn’t help that one of these recs is 445K, so for like two weeks straight it was basically all I was reading.
BUT if, like me, you are rather new to this fandom and its fics, here are some good ones:
The Same Moon Shines Series by sami
This is the 445K behemoth, made up of 23 works, and is technically made up of three interrelated series. The first fic, which establishes the whole universe/multiverse, is 139K on its own. Basically, decades into the canon future, WWX invents time travel.
He goes back to being born, but is reborn with all his memories intact. And he fixes, like, fucking everything and it’s so, so fucking satisfying. Everything’s not perfect though - for example, he like lowkey (highkey?) traumatizes LXC by showing him his previous life via empathy and that has some consequences eventually. Featuring ace poly JC/LXC/WQ triad.
Then in a cracky subseries, appropriately called “ridiculous future bullshit”, we assume that the main six from this universe (WWX, LWJ, JC, WQ, LXC, JYL, & Lan Sizhui) all achieve immortality and find out what they’re up to in the modern day, where they’re revered in the Five Nations (this does a great job of staying in the canon world instead of ours) but of course white Western assholes do things like try and make a disney movie called Hanguang-Jun and the Yiling Patriarch where they marry LWJ off to a girl.
And then in a third subseries, which so far has only one WIP fic, we go back to the canon universe, find out that JC and LWJ were stuck there watching WWX disappear in his time machine array (so WWX actually split off into another universe, he didn’t rewind his own), and so they get into the array having no idea what it will do but wanting to chase down the asshole they love. And so a third universe is born, where they are both born with their memories but WWX is not. I absolutely love seeing how different their priorities are from WWX’s in terms of what they want to change in their new life.
(Also: This is technically a MDZS fic that usually goes with novel canon over show canon if there’s a discrepancy, so if like me you haven’t read the whole novel you might need to look up some plot points now and then.)
The Vermillion Ribbon by @unforth
AU where Wei WuXian was taken in by Wen Qing and Wen Ning’s parents instead of the Jiangs. LWJ (who is the POV character) is a super DUPER dick to him at first, like even moreso than in canon, but the speed with which he regrets his choices is breathtaking and extremely satisfying.
LWJ is a VERY unreliable narrator. He has absolutely no idea what is going on with himself or anyone else at any point in time. Eventually he at least becomes self-aware of this fact, and can at least go wait am I missing something? I think I’m missing several somethings but fuck if I know what. Wei WuXian not understanding this about him leads to some miscommunication, because WWX doesn’t get that LWJ needs absolutely everything spelled out to him in single-syllable words with crayon drawings and y’know, WWX isn’t going to be straightforward anytime he can pretend he’s TOTALLY FINE :D :D :D instead.
LWJ’s friendship with NHS is magical, and NHS in general gets 810% more opportunity to scheme and plot pre-time-of-NMJ’s-canonical-death than in canon and is honestly living his best life. It’s also valuable for LWJ to have a scheming friend because, aside from realizing he misjudged WWX, this is how he starts to figure out that he’s a dumbass who has no idea what is going on ever. But he can count on NHS to always be ten steps ahead, so it’s okay.
(ETA: I’m sorry, I made unforth feel like maybe LWJ was too dense, and no, he’s very much not stupid in general. Like, honestly the fact that he becomes so self-aware of the things he’s bad at, and does things like trust NHS to always understand the stuff he’s missing, makes him come off as very intelligent. It’s just in the specific realm of understanding anything that people say or do that isn’t 100% honest and straightforward that he is just entirely hopeless in a rather relatable way, and like I said, WWX’s go-to is hiding any and all pain so that is a bad combo.)
The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou
This diverges from canon when WWX is on his way to Jin Ling’s one month celebration, but doesn’t bring Wen Ning along. So when Jin Zixun attacks it goes very poorly for him, poorly enough that Jin Zixuan thinks he’s dead and it’s reported back at Carp Tower as such. Sending LWJ into a dissociative state. He manages to break through to reality just long enough to find out that Jin Zixuan took WWX’s body back to the burial mounds and left it with Wen Qing, and to get on his sword and go directly there. Thankfully, it turns out that WWX is not dead, but only just barely so.
So LWJ stays there, because now that he spent some amount of time (he isn’t really sure if it was like five minutes or two hours, because dissociation) thinking WWX was dead he now knows that he should never, ever be anywhere but with WWX.
Honestly, it almost feels like a spoiler to say WWX doesn’t die, but there’s no major character death warning while there IS one for graphic violence so it’s not a chose not to warn either, so that’s technically not a spoiler. But things are touch-and-go for him for a very, very long time. And the romance is a slow burn with pining galore. And you get to see LWJ teaching A-Yuan to play the guqin, so like imagine being WWX and you wake up from almost dying to see that going on in your cave.
Velle: to will, to wish by @aerlalaith
This one is actually canon-compliant, and as it’s both quite a bit shorter and more straightforward, plot-wise, than the others, my writeup will be short but that doesn’t mean I loved it any less. Basically, it’s the process of LWJ deciding to adopt A-Yuan in the aftermath of WWX’s death. It starts just after he’s been beaten for turning against the other cultivators, and at first it’s mostly his grief and both physical and emotional pain. A-Yuan starts slipping in to visit him. and LWJ isn’t sure if he’s really okay with that at first.
Of course he becomes very okay with it, but the Lan elders and Lan Qiren and all aren’t just going to be like “ok sure you can barely walk you should def adopt a four-year-old of unclear origins who may or may not have something to do with your demonic dead boyfriend and the evil people he helped, that’s cool,” so it’s not that simple.
There’s a followup fic where, years later, LWJ chooses the courtesy name Sizhui and Xichen gives him shit for it.
save a sword, ride a socialist by sysrae / @fozmeadows
Continuing on my grand tour of Untamed fics by my fave writers from other fandoms, I get to enjoy having overlapped with foz on a third straight fandom which is just fabulous. I totally thought I wasn’t gonna read AUs and then this asshole comes along and writes AUs, which is not playing fair.
I especially love this because it’s modern day but much like ridiculous future bullshit it’s modern day in (more or less) a canonish world, not our world. So like, they fly on swords, but not long distances because it’s easier to take a train or drive rather than use up all that spiritual energy.
Lan Qiren and Jin Guangshan miss the old ways, though, and they think the best ancient tradition to bring back is arranged marriage! Because that will go over well with today’s youth. They try to make LWJ marry Mianmian but he’s like “um I’m gay” and LQ throws a hissy fit about that so Jin Zixuan (who is LWJ’s bestie and is fucking hilarious) hatches a plot for LWJ to cause LQ to stroke out by bringing WWX to Lan Xichen’s birthday party as his fake date.
But when LWJ and WWX meet up to talk this over, LWJ is instantly fucked because WWX has a small child with him and it turns out that this small child is the orphan he adopted. He doesn’t notice he’s fucked until a few days later, though, when WWX comes over for “kissing practice” and they fuck and he calls Jin Zixuan all “I think I caught a feel, what do?” and JZX is like idk, you’re a moron, don’t ask me to clean up your moron messes. And the next day LWJ buys a car seat.
Lan Wangji heard about Jack 110% Zimmermann and said “challenge accepted,” is what I’m saying here. And now I’ve written as much about this 33k fic as I did about the 445k, so I’ll shut up before I just recount the entire plot.
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leahazel · 3 years
More about my morally-grey heroines and their messed-up relationships
I wanted to elaborate on this post I wrote about D&F and BFS, but it turns out that adding readmore links to reblogs is a PITA, and I just now that this is gonna turn into a fucking novelette. 
So here we go.
Time to go into some detail about this!
Let’s define our terms:
“Decline and Fall” is my 120K+ series of loosely chronological, interconnected short fics, set in a tiny fandom for a visual novel that’s been in alpha development since 2015. For the record, the word count disincludes unfinished drafts, and stories that I’m holding back because they’re based on canon spoilers.
“Blood from Stone“ is my 100K unfinished Skyrim WIP, which began as a response to a kink meme prompt, and is not so much a rarepair as a non-existent one.
Both of these stories centrally feature young female protagonists and their sexual relationship with a much older man. Both heroines are... “grey” to say the least.
Let’s compare our fandoms, shall we?
Skyrim is a juggernaut fandom for a super-popular RPG which is part of a 30-yo franchise. The setting is moderately dark and casually sprinkled with murder cults, cannibalism, secret police death squads, and the prison industrial complex. The player character can be a thief and a murderer and everyone just learns to be okay with it because the only alternative is a fiery apocalypse. They also rob graves for the lulz.
Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem is a pinkie-toe-sized fandom for a hybrid RPG and dating sim where attractive young people flirt and date for the purpose of brokering world peace. The setting is one where you can actually broker world peace effectively. The player character can perpetrate a fair amount of proxy violence, but maintaining a good reputation dishonestly is legitimately difficult.
Now, let’s compare our heroines:
Corinne is a 24-year-old bounty hunter who became a folk hero, a soldier, and a cult assassin. She’s living alone and working for a living since she was 18. She’s never been in love, but she’s had multiple sexual and romantic relationships in the past. I deliberately wrote her as being very sexually confident and self-assured. She also has combat training, magical training, her special Dragonborn powers, and an incalculable amount of social clout. By every metric, she’s a powerful character. Though she can talk her way out of a tight spot (all my favorite characters can), she can also fight her way out.
Verity is (at the beginning of D&F) not yet 18 years old. She’s a princess from a very conservative kingdom who was raised to become a barter bride in a diplomatic marriage. The values that were passed to her were duty, tradition, and absolute obedience. Her primary skills are social, charisma, eloquence, and persuasion. Then she was dropped into the deep water of a diplomatic summit and had the weight of future history put on her shoulders, without ever having been taught how to make her own decisions or live with her regret.
To sum up, we have one hyper-competent, confident, and independent badass, universally recognized as powerful and dangerous, and then we have someone who’s basically a deconstruction of a traditional fantasy princess.
Okay, what about the more specific setting within the game world?
BFS is set in Markarth, arguably the most corrupt city in Skyrim, and the site of a localized war, on top of the 2-3 other wars that Skyrim has going on. The city is controlled by the cartel-like Silver-Blood family, and their enemies are swiftly and brutally eliminated. The rule of law is a joke. When the player character arrives at Markarth, they witness a chain or murders and are drawn into a conspiracy that sees them sentenced to life in prison for a crime they didn’t commit. The ruling elite suppress the native underclass by a variety of inventive methods. The roads into the city are controlled by the remnants of a violent but failed uprising, and this uprising is actually the origin story of Skyrim’s entire civil war storyline.
D&F is set in Revaire, explicitly the most violently war-torn of the seven kingdoms. Once the epicenter of a conquering empire, it was a country full of arts and culture, until a bloody coup slaughtered the entire royal line and instituted a new and more brutal regime. The new regime is on shaky grounds and foresighted people predict its imminent fall to rebel forces. So much, so canon. In D&F, I made a point of developing the new royals and their small coterie of supporters, as well as illustrating their constant struggle to conceal how widely reviled they are by the populace, and most of the former nobility. Their apathy to the plight of the common people is underscored in contrast to Verity’s compassion, which is ridiculed as a sentimental feminine affectation.
I’m attracted to certain themes, as you might have noticed.
Now, we get to talk about love interests.
Thongvor Silver-Blood is rather anemically characterized in Skyrim’s canon, so much of the information that I include in BFS is inferred. From his limited number of dialogues in the game, we know that he’s politically ambitious, a Stormcloak supporter, easily angered, and that he has one legitimate friend in the city. Like most Skyrim characters of his age bracket, he served in the Great War. He’s defined by his relationship to his generational cohort. In BFS, he’s def8ined in contrast to his brother. Thonar is comfortable being thought of as a villain. Thongvor still needs to believe that he’s the good guy. And I’m gonna get more into that in later chapters, too.
As a love interest, he’s initially in awe of Corinne, and always genuinely adoring, but more than a little jealous and possessive. BFS is not a story about love redeeming bad men (don’t get me started), but Thongvor shows different sides of his personality to different people, and the side that Corinne gets to see is much nicer than what most people do.
Hyperion Asper is a character of my own devising, whose existence in 7KPP canon is purely implied. We know his children, Jarrod and Gisette, and we knew that he organized a coup to seize the throne. I posit him as a tyrant and unrepentant child-killer (not directly stated in D&F, at least not yet). He’s ruthless and manipulative and his sole purpose is maintaining a sense of personal power. I structured him as the bad example that Jarrod tries -- and fails -- to live up to.
As a love interest... look, he’s a man who’s cheating on his wife with his son’s wife. He seduces Verity and manipulates her, and takes a special delight in pushing her buttons. All his compliments to her are mean-spirited and back-handed. He’s also jealous and possessive... which is especially pathetic, since he’s jealous of his own son, whom Verity doesn’t even like. His rage is a constant implied undercurrent in the narrative.
And the relationship dynamics themselves?
Corinne kisses Thongvor, proposes marriage to him, and then sleeps with him before riding off into mortal danger. She’s fond and affectionate, but she shies away from intense emotions, whether negative or positive. Since they spend most of their time apart, their marriage has been defined by Thongvor yearning like a sailor’s wife, while Corinne ran around doing violence and crime. They only just had their first fight. It will change when they get to spend some more significant time together... but on the whole, their marriage is fairly happy, and the emotional dynamic favors Corinne -- so far. It’s not a pure gender reversal, but that element is definitely dominant.
Hyperion starts seducing Verity on their very first meeting, and relies on a combination of magnetic attraction and Verity’s inexperience in life to keep her coming back, against her better judgment. Their relationship is mutually defined by a combination of attraction and resentment of that attraction. The danger of the situation is an essential element, to the point where it’s hard to imagine their affair would survive without it. It’s a puzzle and a battle, a source of fascination but not of comfort. There’s lust involved, and curiosity, but not a shred of love or even like. The closest thing to genuine affection is when Verity briefly imagines that there could be a version of Hyperion she actually liked, cobbled from his various, hidden good qualities. Any trappings of a genuine relationship are deliberately discordant.
I have tried, more than once, to imagine an alternate universe in which these two could be happy. It can’t be done. they are a study in dysfunction.
So where’s the similarity, with all these differences outlined?
Corinne’s choice to marry into the Silver-Blood family makes her complicit in their rule of the Reach, corrupt and reactionary as it is. Her reluctance to accept being called by their name reflects a reluctance to confront unpleasant truths that’s fundamental to her character. Choosing to be one of them affects and will continue to affect how other people see her, mostly negatively, and mostly without her being aware of it. Being Thongvor’s wife has gained her enemies. The fact that she doesn’t share his more reactionary views is something that they’ve both chosen to elegantly ignore, but the rest of the world won’t be so generous.
Verity’s choice to marry into the Revaire royal family makes her complicit in their violence against the forces rebelling against them, albeit in a more subtle way. Her personal dislike of Jarrod and the fact that their marriage was purely political will not absolve her in anyone’s eyes. Neither will her compassionate and charitable character, which can only be seen as a fig leaf to the Revaire royals’ general brutality. She has lost at least one good friend -- who will never see her the same way, since she chose to throw her lot in with his enemies. She will go down in history as an Asper wife -- but if she’s lucky, not just as that.
Both Corinne and Verity choose to accept some of the violence of the system that they live under, in order to serve their own lofty, long-term goals. Both of them are more image-driven than they care to admit, and though they are genuinely caring and compassionate, they will readily sacrifice compassion in service on their goals. They are queens (or queen-like figures), one-degree-of-separation members of the ruling class, implicated but not directly in control.
And their relationships serve to highlight what they are willing to accept, even though it goes against their conscience.
Is there a conclusion to be drawn here?
Sort of. I want to write about power, compromise and complicity. For whatever reason, it turns out that yw/om relationships are... a really good vehicle for exploring that. I can’t really explain why that is, just yet. I just... have had these thoughts floating, unstructured, in my head for months on end. I needed to get them out on paper, and give them some semblance of order.
I don’t even know why anyone but me would read this, as long and meandering as it is. But having it accessible might be of use to me.
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