#me five years ago would be in disbelief at things tbh
ss-trashboat · 1 year
Mahogany, lime, ruby and yellow
For the ask game
Mahogany - let's go on a late night drive together and listen to one of your playlists. Lime - i can't tell if you're serious or what but i am avidly waiting your next post. Ruby - you are such a gem, you deserve so much better <3 Yellow - every time i see you on my dash you're always so happy and it's so lovely!
I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR LIME LOL. i promise i am very rarely serious and am here for a good bit ~
colors of the moots ask game ~
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sleepydelights · 7 months
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
12: Relationship status
13: Biggest turn ons
14: Biggest turn offs
15: Favorite movie
16: I’ll love you if
25: My idea of a perfect date
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
34: What I find attractive in women
35: What I find attractive in men
36: Where I would like to live
oop i didn't think it was so many sorry
Wow! Don’t be sorry nonnie I’m happy for the attention and distraction from packing ^.^
7. Yes, but they’re all simple, black, and family related. I’m itching to get a number of new ones though.
8. Haha yes, I want a beetle in the crook of my arm so when I open and close my arm, the elytra open revealing the wings beneath. I want a 747 wingtip to wingtip, elbow to pinky. I have a number of finger tattoos I want; bone outline on the back of one hand. I want my entire left leg to be beautiful vibrant flowers, each representing an important person to me. There are so many more tbh but that’s a start.
12. I am married and poly. I’m not actively seeking, but then that’s never been my style. My wife landed in my lap 10 years ago by luck. I tend to deal in extremes so if I’m honest I never dated much at all. Just pined.
13. Biggest turn ons? It’s hard to rank them because they all have different effects but I guess decisiveness, intention, and calmness.
14. Turnoffs? Gah it’s so situational and I never know when something is going to give me the ick. I think willful ignorance is number one. Like if someone sends a message with my pinned word but the message contains unsolicited sexy roleplay, I’m immediately squicked. Like brother (it’s always men in my experience) you read it but did you -read- it? That’s a lame example but yeah ignorance and boundary pressing behavior.
15. Favorite movie. I get so much shit for this all the time but it’s Armageddon. Bruce Willis was in his peak imho in 97 for The Fifth Element and in 98 for Armageddon. It’s a stellar fucking cast- Steve Buscemi, Liv Tyler, Michael Clarke Duncan,Billy Bob Thornton, and there’s also Ben Affleck and Owen Wilson. Yes. I know. It’s a Michael Bay film but I feel like it gets a pass because it’s pre-Transformers. It’s so bad it’s good again, from hysterically bad dialogue to criminally incorrect representations of vacuum physics, all to the fucking tune of Aerosmith. Fun fact - NASA uses (or used) Armageddon for management trainees, tasking them to spot as many errors as possible and so far 168 have been noted. Let’s not forget the bonus dvd features interviewing Ben Affleck who essentially laughs his way through every plot hole for five minutes. Suspend your disbelief of any of it making logical sense in a real world environment and it’s a fantastic film and I will die on this hill to the tune of I Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing.
16. I’ll love you if you… think of me fondly.
25. My idea of a perfect date? April 25th. It’s not too hot and not too cold. All you need is light jacket. ^.^ But for real? Probably going for tapas and drinks, maybe a show. Then we come back and get comfy because fuck being out too long and we snuggle and talk and let things go where they may.
27. A description of a person I like. She has the most vibrant brown eyes I’ve ever seen. Black as night sometimes but sometimes they are a rich amber or even chocolate with hints of sienna. Her skin is so soft and inviting. Her hands are soft but strong. She’s taller than me which is nice because sometimes I need to feel small. She’s a talented writer and she’s funny and smart but not a know it all. She does know it all though. About everything. She has a thirst for knowledge that rivals no one else I’ve met. Some of it might be useless knowledge but fuck if she doesn’t retain it like she does cables and puns. I like her a lot.
34. What I find attractive in women? The list of what I don’t find attractive in women would be much shorter. I have been obsessed with the female form for as long as I can remember. I was always embarrassed about it but here it’s okay and welcome to openly worship women and I love that for me.
35. What I find attractive in men? I don’t find many men attractive and the ones I do? They don’t have many physical attributes in common. It’s about how they make me feel. I can’t stand a man who yells. I do appreciate some hair and a squishy tummy and big hands though.
36. Where I would like to live? It’s between California and Barcelona right now. California for friends mostly. Barcelona to escape the political fuckery of this hellscape country. I don’t feel like my family is safe here anymore.
Thanks for all the questions! I really need to pack my tech bag and go to bed soon though. My Lyft will be here in 7 hours. 🫣
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mint-yooxgi · 4 years
Gilded Gold - Yandere!Vampire Prince!Jaehyun X Reader
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Yandere AU, Vampire AU, & Prince AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Smut (Someone goes a little feral at the end there)
Pairing: Jaehyun X Reader
Words: 22,845
Warnings: Jaehyun is pretty sadistic and manipulative in this one, as such there is a lot of violence and gore mentioned. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: It’s finally here! Omg, after months (again) of nothing, I'm really happy with the length of this one and how it turned out. Certain scenes are really good in my opinion, so hopefully you enjoy reading them just as much as I enjoyed writing them. I’ve nearly had this idea planned out for almost a year, so I'm happy that I've finally finished writing it all out. Tbh, certain scenes are pretty self indulgent... Anyways, I do really hope you enjoy this one, please do let me know what you think! Feedback is always appreciated!
“Is everything prepped and ready for tomorrow?” He asks, expression stern as he looks towards his adviser. 
“Yes, my Prince,” with a nod from the adviser, a smirk begins to slowly spread itself across Jaehyun’s lips.
“Perfect,” a dark look takes over his features, smirk now fully formed as he thinks over his plan once more.
Tomorrow will change everything, and he can hardly wait. For too long he’s waited, watching in the shadows until this day would come. Until finally, he can have everything that he’s ever wanted. Tomorrow, he’ll finally have you.
From the first moment he saw you all those months ago, he knew he had to have you. The way you so willingly went out of your way to help your neighbours with their little market stand only confirmed to Jaehyun that you’re a kindhearted individual. However, if it weren’t for the way you cussed out an older man for attempting to hit on your younger sister, he would have assumed you to be too soft. That is what intrigued him: that you could look so innocent on the outside, but on the inside, contain a strong, level-head, is what drew him to you.
Since then, he’s been sneaking out of the castle at least five times a week to find you, and once he did, he couldn’t stop himself from simply observing you. He became another shadow in the night, and you were none the wiser as to the monster lurking just outside of your window.
The day he learnt that you had no potential suitors, he swears he had never been happier in all his long years of living. It took him a bit of persuading, but he eventually convinced his mother to let himself actively pursue you. She was a bit wary at first, having never met you, nor even having heard of you before. The fact that you’re a mere human, and a commoner, no less, concerned her greatly. However, he made sure to take care of everything before your arrival. After all, you’re his responsibility now, and he’ll make sure to take care of you in any and every way that he can. 
Soon, the whole kingdom will know that you are meant to be his, the Crown Prince’s very own betrothed. The announcement might turn some heads, considering everyone is aware of the vampire society, and how the creatures of the night reign over them, but he’s counting on the support from those whom support interspecies relationships. It will be a huge step in a positive direction for his family to bring a common human into their inner circle. Not that you would have a choice, whether you know it or not.
That night, he barely gets any rest, too excited for what is to come tomorrow. He has it all planned out, the outfit he’s going to wear, how he’s going to make a grand entrance when meeting you for the first time, as well as the first thing he’s going to say to you once he sees you. 
His eyes flash red. Fuck, he finally gets to see you in person with you actually aware of his presence this time. Oh, how he can hardly wait to see your reaction when you gaze upon him for the first time. A smirk slowly tugs at his lips as he envisions the scene in his head, your awestruck face, the wonder shining in your eyes, and the way you’ll bite your lip as you take him in with the realization that he’s all yours.
Tomorrow cannot come fast enough.
That next morning you are awoken by the sound of your mother answering the front door. Muffled voices reach your ears as you bury yourself deeper into the warmth of your comforter. The sound of your door creaking has your eyes flinging open as your mother storms into your room.
“Get up! There’s a royal advisor at our front door asking for you, personally,” she tears your blankets off of you before moving over to your dresser to pull out some of your nicest clothes. “Apparently he has a message from the Prince. For you.”
“For me?” Your head is reeling at the thought of a royal advisor visiting you with a personal message from the Prince himself. What would the Prince want with you? You have no idea.
“Yes, you,” your mother tuts at your confused look as you clamber out of bed. “Now hurry up and get dressed. Don’t keep him waiting.”
Without another word, your mother leaves your room, heading back downstairs so as not to keep the advisor alone for too long. She would have made your sister keep him company, but she had to go to work this morning.
Squinting at your now closed door, you shift your gaze over to the outfit she has so meticulously picked out for you to wear. The clothes are quite literally the nicest ones you own, and your frown deepens. What message could possibly warrant you wearing your nicest clothes?
Yawning, you rub at the sleep still in your eyes. Screw formalities, it’s just a message, it can’t be that serious. Forgoing the outfit, you quickly head to the bathroom to freshen up and at least make yourself look presentable. No matter what this message turns out to be, you’re going to hop right back into bed afterwards anyways, so you see no point in getting dressed.
Making your way downstairs, you hear soft chatter coming from the front room, and as soon as you enter you can feel your mother’s scrutinizing gaze on you for not changing. You briefly make eye contact with her before turning your attention to the unfamiliar man standing across from her. You can already tell from his proper stature and from the royal emblem hanging proudly on the left side of his uniform that he’s the advisor.
“Ah, good, you must be Miss (Y/n), it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he bows to you. “My name is Minho, and I come bearing a message from Prince Jaehyun himself.”
You bow back respectfully, nodding for him to continue as your mother smiles almost nervously from the side of the room.
“You are to be moved to the castle immediately,” he says as your eyes go wide. “You are to be betrothed to Prince Jaehyun effective immediately.”
“Excuse me?” Your jaw has dropped, disbelief clear on your face.
“You are to be moved-“
“No, no, I heard you,” you cut him off, “I meant, what the actual fuck?”
“(Y/n)!” Your mother scolds.
“What? You’re telling me that this completely unprompted visit is to tell me I am to become the prince’s fiancée without any say in the matter?” You ask, incredulously.
“I apologize, I should have been clearer,” Minho clears his throat. “You do get a choice, as it is the Prince’s intention to court you first. However, in doing so, it requires you to come stay at the palace for the time being.”
“I-“ your mouth gapes like a fish out of water, “do I have a choice in this?”
“Of course!” Minho immediately responds. “I understand this is very sudden, and probably very confusing, but the Prince promised to explain everything once you have arrived to the palace for the day. We really shouldn’t keep him waiting too long.”
“I-“ you’re about to object once more when your mother cuts you off.
“Go with him, sweetie,” you frown at the look she’s giving you. You don’t think you’ve ever heard her voice sound so tense, completely different to how she looked when she first entered your room not ten minutes ago. “He told me you would have to leave immediately, so I’ll send a few bags with your stuff later this week.”
“But mom-“
“No buts,” she smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and the Prince chose you, no less. Please be on your best behaviour.”
“Great, then it’s settled!” Minho smiles, beginning to exit the room in order to walk towards the front door. He places a hand at the small of your back and guides you along with him, with you too stunned to say much else. “Thank you for your hospitality,” he bows to your mother once at the door, “we’ll be in touch.”
With those words, he is leading you out of the front and to the car that awaits at the end of the driveway. By now, a few of your neighbours have stepped outside their homes to view what is going on, and you can see them whispering to themselves as you are ushered into the back seat. You only wish you got to say goodbye to your sister before you had to leave.
“Guess leaving is so urgent that I can’t change out of my pyjamas, huh?” You joke, a hint of seriousness to your tone as you cross your arms. 
Minho soon slides into the front seat beside the driver whom has been waiting in the car this whole time.
“I’m afraid not, Miss,” he replies, pulling out his phone. “We’re on a tight schedule today.”
You sigh, leaning your head on your hand as you look out of the window. You see more neighbours watching the car go down the road as you drive off, and you begin to wonder how you even got into this mess. Though you will admit, a part of you is intrigued. To catch the eye of the Prince, the Vampire Prince, no less, is causing your heart to race. 
You’ve seen a few photos of the Prince before in passing, and he does look very handsome, so a part of you is curious to see if that’s actually true. Another part of you feels excitement at the thought of being sought after by the prince himself. Maybe that’s why you’re not putting up more of a fuss at this matter. A sigh escapes your lips at the thought, and you begin to wonder what exactly is in store for you once you arrive at the castle.
About forty-five minutes later, you arrive at the palace. Your breath is quite literally stolen away as you gaze upon the fortress in awe, taking in the arches and crevices in the architecture, along with its massive size.
“If you think the outside is grand, just wait until you see the inside,” Minho chuckles, noting your gaze of wonderment.
His words manage to pull you out of your admiration of the palace and back to the steps in front of you which lead up to the front doors. Shaking your head slightly, you clear your thoughts. You’re sure you’ll have plenty of time to admire and explore the castle once you get settled inside.
“So, uh…“ you trail off, following Minho up the steps, not knowing what to ask first.
“I’ll be leading you to your personal chambers while you’re going to be staying here, then some servants will be coming to prepare you for lunch with the Prince,” Minho explains, and you nod along absentmindedly, still too distracted by the grand stonework of the building, of which is much more intricate on the inside. “I’m sure His Royal Highness would gladly take you on a tour of the premisses, given how intrigued you seem to be by the grounds already.”
At this you can feel your face heat up in slight embarrassment, “sorry.”
“No, no, don’t apologize, Miss,” Minho smiles at you assuringly. “It’s quite nice to see someone admiring the architecture once more.”
“What do you mean?” You tilt your head slightly in curiosity.
“Oh, it’s just been quite a while since we’ve had a new guest who’s admired the detailing as you are,” he says.
“Must not get many new guests then,” you mutter, but he still manages to hear you.
“No, not really,” he sighs, eyes soon going wide as he’s come to realize what he’s just said, clearing his throat in the next moment. “I mean, I’ve said enough already.”
You simply hum in response as he leads you through some side corridors and up another set of stairs. You can feel your legs burning at the amount of flights you’ve climbed, not used to the amount of steps yet. Once you reach the tops of the stairs, you find yourself resting your hands on your knees in order to catch you breath.
“One second,” you hold up a finger, indicating to Minho to stop and let you catch your breath.
“Alright, but we really mustn’t delay, Miss,” he says, worry flashing briefly in his eyes, but it passes so quickly that you do not see it.
After a few moments, you right yourself, taking a deep breath before nodding at him to continue. He nearly breathes a sigh of relief as he continues to lead you down the hallway you’re now in, checking his watch on the way and noticing he’ll make it just in time. It’s important for everything to go according to schedule today, or so the Prince has reminded him countless times, along with the other staff. Everything has to be perfect.
Leading you to a set of doors near the end of the hallway, Minho pushes them both open to reveal a large room full of everything you could possibly think of. You’re pretty sure this room is the size of your entire main floor of your house, complete with a four post king sized bed, privacy screen which looks like it leads to another part of the room, along with various shelves, desks, and cabinets spread throughout. To say you are awestruck would be an understatement.
You take your time wandering around the room, opening one of the side doors to find an adjacent bathroom built for the gods. A large tub rests on one side, along with a set of double sinks, a large mirror that takes up the entire wall, along with a huge shower which you believe also works as a sauna. You are hardly able to believe what you’re seeing, this is all so unbelievable. To think, your lifestyle quite literally has changed in the blink of an eye. 
Now, if only you could see what rests behind the privacy screen. You’ve avoided opening the doors so far due to the fact that you’re unsure what’s waiting for you on the other side. In the back of your mind, you hope it’s not another room. More particularly, that it’s not the Prince’s room.
The whole time that you spend exploring your new room, Jaehyun stands just off to the side beside the privacy screen where you cannot see him. A smirk is ever present on his face. He could smell your scent getting closer with every step you took down the hallway, only serving to make his dead heart race in his chest. He cannot help how his mouth salivates at the thought of you now only being one room away, nothing more than a thin set of doors standing between your bodies. He can hardly wait to meet you.
After a few more moments of you taking in your new room, you turn to look at Minho, “so, uh, am I allowed to see what’s behind those privacy doors,” you motion to them with your head, “or is that part off-limits?”
Your attempt at a joke earns a small chuckle from him, “actually, I believe the Prince should be joining us soon.”
“Is that the Prince’s room?” Your eyes widen as your suspicion is all but confirmed. You know you’re expected to become close with him, but you aren’t expecting to be literally sharing a room.
“Oh, no!” Minho is quick to answer, to which you breathe a small sigh of relief. “I believe His Highness went to inspect the second portion of your room earlier, before your arrival, in order to make sure everything is up to his standards.”
“Ah, I see,” you nod in understanding. “Glad to know he’s taking such precautions for me.”
Of course! He wants nothing but the best for you, after all. It’s what you deserve. Jaehyun’s smirk only grows, and he takes your words as his cue to finally make his presence known, and finally enter the room.
Ever so slowly, you notice a shadow forming behind the semi-transparent screen. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, racing at the prospect of finally being able to meet the Prince in person. Little do you know, that this is not the first time that the Prince will be seeing you.
Just like a scene from a movie, the doors part, Prince Jaehyun stepping through the threshold. His gaze lingers on the ground briefly before finally looking upwards to lock gazes with you. Your breath hitches, and you can feel your heart skipping a beat, all of which does not go unheard by Jaehyun, only serving to make him more smug during this time. Besides, the smirk resting on his features only adds to his charming good looks as he takes a confident step forwards, slowly making his way over to you.
The whole time, your eyes never leave his. Again, to say you’re stunned would be an understatement. You don’t think you’ve ever seen a finer looking specimen in your entire life, and from the looks of things, he can read your expression like an open book. 
For a brief moment, your gaze rakes over his entire body, and you have to stop yourself from inhaling sharply once more. He’s wearing the finest embroidered suit that you’ve ever seen in your life, the sharp gold thread contrasting with the black fabric. You know the suit must have cost a fortune, just from the design alone, not to mention the materials. The detailing of the floral design, combined with the surrounding leaves is stunning, but what catches your attention the most is the fact that he’s not wearing a shirt beneath the suit jacket. You can see the smooth skin of his chest on display, only serving to make you lick your lips in admiration, anticipation lingering in your chest. For what, you aren’t quite sure, but fuck, you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t think he was extremely attractive.
His chest swells with pride. He knew you would react like this, only confirming to him that you also find him as attractive as he finds you. Well, considering all the peasants you had to endure back in your hometown, he’s not surprised. As if any of them ever stood a chance with you. Well, not if he had anything to say about it.
So far, everything is going exactly how he has planned it to, and he couldn’t be more happier in this moment. Minho was on time and everything, though Jaehyun worried at one point that you were running behind schedule. He cannot let that happen, everything needs to run like clockwork in order for things to be perfect.
The one thing that he wishes more than anything that he could do right now would be to take you into his arms, but he knows that would be overstepping boundaries at the moment. The last thing he wants to do is scare you off on the first day. After all, since you’re going to be spending eternity together, he doesn’t want to push you away now.
You don’t mean to stare as you have been, but you cannot help it. With wide eyes and slightly parted lips, you continue to stand there, almost dumbfounded by the current events. By now, you are most certainly regretting not listening to your mother to change into your nicest clothes. Meeting the Prince while still in your pyjamas is making you feel a bit self-conscious. How embarrassing, to meet him while you’re still in your sleep clothes.
On the other hand, Jaehyun thinks that it’s so endearing that you’re still dressed in your pyjamas. Were you that excited to meet him that you couldn’t even wait to leave, meaning you forwent changing? How adorable.
“Miss (Y/n), may I formally introduce you to Prince-“
“Jung Jaehyun,” he cuts Minho off, taking your hand into his own in order to bring it to his lips and kiss the back of it tenderly. Oh, how soft your skin feels against his own. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Introducing yourself, your voice is a bit airy, still breathless due to everything that you’ve encountered so far. You’re especially impressed with the way he’s held himself, “the pleasure is all mine, Your Highness.”
“Please,” he smiles, running his thumb over the skin on the back of your hand before releasing his hold on you and returning his hands to his sides, “call me Jaehyun.”
You smile back politely, thoughts running through your head a mile a minute. All the while, your nerves begin to grow, and you begin to ponder why exactly it was you that he chose. You don’t necessarily think you’re anything special, but Jaehyun would beg to differ.
“Um, I was told that we were going to be dining soon?” You ask, shifting slightly from foot to foot as you attempt to break the small silence that has settled over the three of you. You figure Minho is probably avoiding saying anything right now out of respect for you and the Prince.
“Ah, yes,” Jaehyun nods once in confirmation. “That is, if you’re willing to join me for lunch. Of course, I’ll let you change first, unless you’d prefer to stay in those.”
At the motion of his head towards your choice in outfit, you can feel your cheeks heating up once more in embarrassment.
“Oh, uh…” you avoid his gaze for the first time today, and he can’t help but be reminded of how cute you are as you add quietly, “I don’t have anything else to wear.”
He simply quirks a brow in response, “has Minho not shown you your wardrobe yet?”
“No, I-“ you smile sheepishly, “I didn’t get a chance to pack any of my own clothes before I left. I mean, I didn’t even have a chance to change.”
He chuckles this time in response, “come with me, Princess.”
You cannot deny the way your heart positively flutters when he calls you that. A fact which only makes him smile subtly. You haven’t even known him for more than fifteen minutes and he already sets your heart racing. A fact which only serves to stroke his ego even further. This is going even better than anything he could have ever planned.
Leading you over to a side door that resides in the second half of your room, of which you notice is a lavish seating area complete with a chaise, he opens it. A grandiose closet is revealed to you, filled with the most lavish pieces of clothing you’ve ever seen in your entire life. Dresses, shirts, skirts, you name it, line the shelves. Rows upon rows of accessories cause your eyes to widen even further than they already have. You cannot help the surprised gasp that escapes your lips as you take it all in.
“Is this-“ you blink, attempting to wrap your head around everything as you try to get the words out, “is this-“
“It’s all for you, Princess,” Jaehyun smiles at your wide eyed expression.
“I-“ you turn to him, “I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he assures you.
“Honestly, I’m torn,” you bite your lip nervously.
He simply quirks a brow at you to continue, despite the fact a frown wants to pull onto his features.
“I’m torn between ‘I can’t accept this’, and ‘thank you so much’,” you admit, and you hear him chuckle once more. Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Minho tense.
“Always so humble,” he hums. “Don’t worry about it, it’s a gift.”
“I-“ you take a deep breath, “thank you.”
He smiles, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants, “just promise me that you’ll use it.”
You notice how he motions to the closet with his head, and you immediately nod, “of course.”
“Good,” he nods once. “Well, I’ll let you get ready. Maria and Greta should be arriving soon to prepare you for lunch.”
As soon as he finishes speaking, a soft knock sounds at your bedroom door, signifying the arrival of the two aforementioned women. He could hear them walking down the hallway and figured now would be as good a time as ever to take his leave, even if it will be momentarily.
“I’ll see you soon, Princess,” with those words, he walks out of your room. 
The two women whom have been patiently waiting in the hallway to come in now step inside as Minho steps out of the room following Jaehyun. You notice that they look somewhat nervous, approaching you carefully as if you’re someone to be cautious of. You send them a reassuring smile, introducing yourself shortly after.
“It’s nice to finally meet the woman the Prince has been talking non-stop about,” Maria admits, seeming to relax more now that you’ve talked to the two of them.
“Maria,” Greta hisses while elbowing her partner. Your brow furrows, it seems as if they’re not allowed to talk about that in front of you.
“He’s talked about me?” You question as they move you into the closet to pick out an outfit for the day.
“Oh yes,” Maria nods. “He’s been very… excited for you to come visit the palace.”
“I won’t warn you again,” Greta narrows her eyes at Maria disapprovingly.
“Am I not allowed to ask about it then?” You frown.
“Oh, you can ask any and all the questions you’d like,” Greta answers, pulling a simple gown down from the racks. “We’re just not supposed to talk about certain things.”
“Like the Prince?”
“Listen dearie,” Greta sighs. “If you knew what’s best for you, you’d run, and run far.”
Her words only serve to confuse you even more, especially at the nervous expression Maria now wears on her face.
“Is there something I should know?” You ask as they help you into the dress.
“Don’t listen to Greta, dear,” Maria pats your arm gently once the dress is secure. “The Prince is a wonderful gentleman, and from the looks of things, he’s completely smitten with you.”
“But he hardly even knows me,” you mumble as they start to work on your hair.
“He knows you better than you think,” Greta’s voice is barely above a whisper. In fact, it’s so faint, you don’t catch all of what she says.
“Pardon me?” You catch her gaze in the mirror they have you sitting in front of now.
“All the more reason for you to get to know him better,” she corrects herself with a smile, though it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
Maria manages to change the subject shortly after by asking you questions about yourself, and her telling you small stories about her life. The two of you are able to connect well quickly, and you know that if she continues to look after you while you’re here, you will have a friend in her. Greta, on the other hand, you’re not so sure about.
Not only does she continuously look at you with worry in her eyes, she scolds Maria any time she thinks Maria has overstepped any sort of boundary. The amount of times Maria has begun to tell you about the Prince, only for her to be cut off by Greta soon after is astounding. Hopefully you can get some answers from the Prince himself. After all, you are going to lunch together.
“There, all finished,” Maria smiles warmly at you as she helps you stand up.
“Thank you,” you smile back, smoothing out the front of your gown subconsciously.
“Come now,” Greta says, checking her watch, “or else we’ll be late.”
“Oh dear, we wouldn’t want that,” Maria suddenly looks worried. “We’ll lead you to the dining room. His Highness should already be waiting.”
“I guess I shouldn’t keep him waiting, then,” you joke as you three move to exit the room.
You fail to notice the brief glance the two of them share as Greta says, “no, you really shouldn’t.”
Without another word, you all make your way down the hallway, them leading you to where Jaehyun has instructed them to meet him. As he hears you approaching, a small smile tugs at his lips. He can’t wait to start his forever with you, and today is day one.
“Ready for lunch?” He asks, turning around just as you walk up to him.
You nod, humming your eagerness. You can’t wait to see what they decide to serve to eat, you are in a palace after all. Besides, the company is wonderful so far, and you really want to get to know him better.
Lunch with Jaehyun passes by far too quickly for either of your likings, and before you know it, you’re both finished. To say that you enjoy your time with him would be an understatement. Not only was the food delicious, but you also got to do what you wanted and get to know him better. One thing you know for sure, is that he has a beautiful smile, of which you hope to see more of. Plus, he’s got the cutest dimples you’ve ever seen.
After lunch, he gives you a tour of the castle, and once again, your breath is stolen from your lungs. The whole time you spend admiring the architecture, Jaehyun spends admiring you. His dead heart races in his chest every time he looks over to see that awestruck expression on your face. You’re so beautiful, and the fact that you’re admiring everything he shows you so far, along with how grateful you’ve been towards him, assures him that he’s made the best choice in choosing you as his fiancée.
Every so often, his hand will brush against your own as he walks with you through the castle. You cannot help the rush you feel each time he does this, his touch both innocent and teasing at the same time. Each brush only makes a subtle smirk pull at his own lips, knowing he already has such an effect on you.
All too soon, the afternoon comes to an end and he’s leading you back to your room for the evening. He’s told you that you’ll more than likely be meeting his mother tomorrow, so you should get as much rest as you can, considering how hectic the day has been for you.
“If you ever need me, I’m just down the hallway to your left,” he tells you, of which you find yourself nodding in response. “If an emergency ever arises, come and get me. No matter the time.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you say, lips twitching upwards in a half smile. “Thanks.”
“Of course,” he returns your smile. “I’ll always be here for you.”
By now, the two of you have stopped just outside of your bedroom door. You stare deeply into his eyes, and you can see the sincerity reflected in them. Your lips part slightly as you take a small step backwards as he continues to stare intensely at you, almost as if he’s in a daze.
Before you know it, he’s blinking as if to clear his head while clearing his throat, “well, I’ve got a few things to attend to before dinner. I’ll have someone bring you something to eat for then. In the meantime, feel free to do whatever you’d like, just let Maria know where you’ll be.”
“Sounds good,” you smile once more.
“See you later, Princess,” he grins, grabbing your hand in order to place a gentle kiss onto the back of it, successfully making your face warm. Without another word, he takes his leave. 
Watching his figure disappear down the hallway, you let out a blissful sigh. Lunch was enjoyable, and you can’t wait to see what else he has in store for you. Not only that, but you can’t wait to further explore the castle and find your favourite spots. Hopefully you can find a little nook to read some of the books from the massive library that caught your eye while you explored with Jaehyun.
Entering your room, you bite your lip. The only thing you’re particularly nervous about would be meeting his mother. Based off of what he’s told you about her so far, she can be very picky about mannerisms, and it can be difficult for anyone new to impress her. Maybe that’s what Minho meant by no one new has come to the palace for a long time. You just hope you can make a good impression, or at least good enough for her to at least tolerate you. After all, if you’re to marry her son, having her like you would be a huge success.
“You okay there?” Maria’s voice manages to pull you out of your own thoughts.
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” you reply absentmindedly, walking further into the room as the door falls shut. Your brow furrows slightly as you notice Greta isn’t with her this time. “Where’s Greta?”
Maria stiffens ever so slightly, “she has this afternoon and evening off.”
“Ah, makes sense,” you nod, moving to sit on your bed.
“Is there anything I can get for you, Miss?” She asks politely.
“Not at the moment, thank you,” you shoot her a grateful smile. “I think I might just nap, I am a bit sleepy.”
“Alright, well, I’ll help you change,” 
“No need, I can do it myself,”
“No, please, I insist,” she’s already begun to move around your room and grabs a fresh set of clothes for you to change into. “After all, it’s what I’m here for.”
“Well, okay,” you sigh softly, allowing Maria to help you change.
Once done, the two of you just sit together in your room talking about anything and everything. She tells you that her family has always served the Jung’s for as long as she can remember, but she doesn’t mind it here. Apparently, the job pays really well, and they get ample time off.
Before you know it, there is a knock on your door and another servant is there holding a tray for you piled high with plates containing your evening meal. You thank them and move to take the tray from their hands, but they insist on putting it down for you. They set everything up for you on the table in your room before bowing respectively and leaving you to your own with Maria still patiently standing off to the side.
Sitting back down, your eyes rake over the food now resting in front of you. This is one of your favourite meals, but Jaehyun couldn’t possibly know that. Could he?
“The Prince made special preparations for you before you came,” Maria says, noticing your stare.
“This is my favourite dish,” you comment.
“I take it everything is to your liking, then?” She smiles.
“Of course, but I still don’t understand how he knows this is my favourite dish,” you say.
“If I’m not mistaken, I believe he was informed by your mother,”
“He’s talked with my mom?” Your eyes widen slightly in surprise.
“Oh, I mean, Minho was told by your mother, who in turn told Prince Jaehyun when he got back to the palace today,” Maria is quick to correct herself.
“Ah, I see,” you turn back to the food spread out in front of you. “Oh my! Where are my manners? Would you like anything?”
Maria almost looks caught off guard by your offer of sharing your food with her, “oh, no, thank you! I couldn’t.”
“Nonsense,” you shake your head, pushing one of the many side dishes over to her. “I don’t like eating alone, anyways.”
“Are you sure?” Her voice is hesitant, gnawing her bottom lip in worry.
“Of course,” you confirm. “I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.”
“Thank you, Miss,” she graciously accepts the dish, grabbing a set of utensils to join you in eating.
You simply smile at her in response, happy to be sharing your favourite meal with someone else. Her presence brings you comfort in this still unfamiliar place, of which you know will take some getting used to, despite the tour you took today. After all, you are alone, and far from home.
Meanwhile, Jaehyun paces in his study. He sent Minho to gather Greta for him just before you came to meet him downstairs for lunch that day. He overheard what she told you, and to say he was not impressed would be an understatement. Is she trying to make him look bad in front of you? No matter, he’ll dispose of the problem soon enough.
“Minho, I still don’t understand what’s going on-“ Greta’s voice gets caught in her throat once she is escorted inside the study to see Jaehyun now leaning against his desk with his arms crossed.
“Your Highness,” she bows respectively. “How may I be of service to you?”
“I have a favour to ask of you, Greta,” the way he says her name sends a shiver of fear running down her spine: full of venom and malice.
“Y-yes, sir, what is it?” Her blood is rushing through her. She’s heard of the Prince’s famous glare but never having been on the receiving end, there’s nothing that could have prepared her for the look of bloodlust in his eyes that came about so suddenly.
“I want you to run, Greta,” he pushes himself off the edge the desk, staring directly into her eyes, “and run far.”
A gasp escapes her lips. He heard.
“Well?” He hums, tauntingly, amusement shining in his eyes as he stares at her now trembling form. “What are you waiting for? That’s an order.”
With a shaky nod from her, she’s bustling out of the room and down the hallway. He can still hear the sound of her racing heart even after she makes it to the floor below him.
The malicious grin never leaves his lips as he begins to make his way out of his study. Currently, he is a predator stalking their prey. This’ll be fun, he hasn’t had to chase his prey in a while, and he cannot wait to tear into her throat. How dare she even suggest that you run from him. He would never hurt you. 
Anyone else, on the other hand? Fair game.
“Are you really sure this is necessary, my Prince?” Minho nervously watches Jaehyun as he passes through the doorway into the hall.
“Of course,” Jaehyun smiles, but it only serves to unnerve Minho as Jaehyun’s eyes flash red in the next moment. “She nearly lost me what is mine.”
In the blink of an eye, Jaehyun is gone from his sight, and Minho can only breathe a sigh of relief that he’s left unharmed this evening. Once Jaehyun sets his mind to something, there is no changing it. No one can stop him when he’s on a warpath, and Minho is just glad that he isn’t on the receiving end of one of the Prince’s violent episodes.
It takes Jaehyun mere seconds to catch up with Greta, who has been able to make it into the grand foyer before the main doors. He slams her against the wall, hearing a few of her bones fracture due to the impact. Her whimpers and pleas for her own life fall on deaf ears, even as more servants shuffle passed. They all know not to get involved, lest they want to suffer the same fate as Greta. Too many have learned that the hard way.
The last thing she sees is Jaehyun’s malicious smirk, fangs on full display as he tears into her throat. Once he’s sure she’s dead, he tosses her body aside, letting the blood spill over the floor. He spits the chunk of her neck he has in his mouth onto her body, a look of pure disgust on his face as he glares down at her corpse.
“Somebody clean this mess up,” he snarls out as he turns his back to her body. The others are frozen in fear, but his growl manages to have a few snapping immediately to their senses and rushing over to Greta’s dead body. “Now!”
He doesn’t stick around to see if they remove her or not, opting to head straight to his room for the evening. He wants to see you again, but he knows that it might be too soon. Besides, with his emotions heightened at the moment, he would potentially be putting you in danger. At least he’ll still be able to smell your scent, and hear whatever it is that you’re doing. That’s enough for him, for now.
A smile tugs at his lips as he faintly hears you conversing with Maria about something that happened to you during your childhood. He knew placing Maria with you as your personal assistant would be a good idea. Greta was his mother’s choice, and he had a feeling she was going to be nothing but a nuisance for him. Nothing is going to get in his way of winning your heart. Nothing. Everything has to go according to plan.
The following morning, he does a brief check of the front foyer to make sure everything has been cleaned properly, and that nothing remains of the events of that previous evening. The last thing he wants is for you to see something like that. Seeing that it’s been cleared of any evidence, he smiles, making his way back upstairs to finally greet you for the day.
To be quite honest, he is a little nervous himself for you to meet his mother. She didn’t exactly approve of him essentially stalking you, what he just calls taking a keen interest in making sure you’re doing alright. If Greta was any indication of how his mother will act, he knows she’ll probably devise a plan to take you away from him, or worse, make you afraid of him. After all, she knows exactly how her son can be.
Knocking gently on your door, he can hear your soft footfalls as you walk closer to him. He can’t wait to see you, and when you open the door to reveal yourself he most certainly is not disappointed with what he sees. How you look more beautiful every time he sees you is a mystery to him. One thing he knows for sure though, is that you’ve enchanted him since the moment he first laid eyes on you.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he smiles, noticing how you react positively to his words.
“Good morning,” you greet back politely, a small smile gracing your own features.
“Did you sleep well?” He asks, noticing Maria has already remade your bed.
“Quite,” you nod, smile only widening as you look at him. “Did you?”
“I did indeed,” he hums in response, though he would have slept better if you were in his arms. “Are you ready for today?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” you let out a nervous chuckle as you step into the hallway, closing the door gently behind you.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be with you the whole time,” he assures you, extending his arm out for you to loop yours with his. “Let’s get going.”
“Yes, let’s,” you hum back, taking his arm as you begin to walk down the hallway. “Any advice for me before we meet you mother?”
“Just be your usual charming self, and I’m sure you’ll be fine,” he squeezes your arm slightly, causing you to look over to already see him smiling at you.
You say nothing but choose to nod in understanding. You just hope your usual charming self doesn’t do or say anything that might embarrass you.
The two of you make idle chat as you make your way to the throne room to meet his mother. He manages to make you laugh, loosening your tense shoulders slightly as you relax the more he’s able to distract you. The whole time, he observes you fondly, glad to know that he can ease your nerves slightly, even if you’ve only officially known each other for a day. If only he could help you to relax in any and every other way he knows how.
All too soon, you’ve arrived just outside the doors to the throne room. Minho already stands waiting outside the grand set of double doors for the two of you, announcing your arrival to the queen as the doors part for you to walk through. 
Your heart races in your chest, nerves momentarily returning as you’re faced with the task at hand. This is one of the most important moments in your mind, for if his mother doesn’t approve of you, you do not know what will happen. That being said, you want to make sure to make the best impression you can on his mother, no matter what happens.
Walking into the room, you see his mother already sitting on her throne, watching the two of you as you approach where she is seated. Her gaze is scrutinizing, though it seems as if she’s watching he son more closely than she’s watching you. A fact which confuses you slightly since you would have assumed she would be more interested in how you hold yourself around her son rather than how her son holds himself around you. However this may be, you’re only grateful for the momentary relief you feel as you finally stop just before her throne.
“Mother, I’d like to formally introduce you to the woman whom I’d like to become my betrothed,” Jaehyun introduces you, telling her your name shortly after.
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Majesty,” you say, bowing politely in introduction to the queen.
“Please, Your Majesty sounds so formal,” the queen waves her hand slightly in the air as if dismissing the remark before leaning forwards slightly in her throne, “call me Cathy.”
“Huh,” you muse, “like mother, like son.”
“Oh?” Cathy’s amusement is clear on her face as she looks from Jaehyun over to you.
“Yes,” you confirm. “It seems not liking titles runs in the family. Jaehyun’s also told me to call him by his name instead of his title.”
“Has he now?” Cathy leans back, eyeing her son suspiciously. That’s very unlike her son, as he only ever allows people to call him by his title, no matter who they may be. You must be important to him then, a fact which only causes her worry for you to grow. None of her son’s other playthings ever got to address him by his first name. “And has he been treating you alright so far?”
Jaehyun’s eyes narrow ever so subtly at his mother, for he knows what game she’s playing. Like hell she’ll catch him slipping up.
“He’s been nothing but a gentleman since I’ve arrived,” you respond, and if your words don’t fill his chest with pride, nothing else will. He can hardly wait for you to see what else he has in store for you.
“I see,” she hums, placing her hands gracefully in her lap.
“I’d also just like to thank you very much for your hospitality, and for letting me stay at the palace during this time,” you bow deeply once more. “Thank you.”
“Of course, sweetie,” she smiles. “Anything for the one my little Jaehyunnie has been so obsessed with lately.”
“Mother,” Jaehyun’s reaction is a warning to her, but to you it just sounds like a boy being embarrassed by his mom.
You giggle, and normally he would think it’s the sweetest sound, if not for the circumstances. “So I’ve heard.”
“Ah, I see,” Cathy grins. “He’s already told you all about how he-“
“Are you quite content, mother?” Jaehyun interrupts, eyes flashing his warning towards Cathy who only appears to be amused at his antics.
“Oh, indeed,” she smiles back, though you fail to register the malice hidden behind her lips. “I was only hoping to be joined by Miss (Y/n) here for some morning beverages. I’d love to get to know her better, if she’s alright with that, of course.”
Before Jaehyun can even respond, you’re already speaking, “I’d love that.”
“Excellent!” His mother stands, descending the stairs and coming to stand before you. Having her this close really makes you realize the amount of power and regality she possesses. She extends her hand out for you to take. “If you’d be so kind as to join me.”
“Of course! Thank you,” you take her hand, allowing her to lead you out of the throne room as your arm slips out of Jaehyun’s grasp. With one final glance back, you see Jaehyun already staring after you, an unreadable expression on his face.
Turning back around, you notice Cathy leading you towards the gardens. Once outside, you see a nice table already set up facing the fountain, some of the finest cups and plates already set on top. Letting go of your hand, she motions for you to sit with her, a servant already pouring what looks like a steaming cup of tea for each of you.
“Thank you,” you repeat your words from earlier once you’re seated, graciously accepting the cup that is handed to you.
“I’m so glad you could join me this morning for a little girl talk,” she smiles, tilting her own cup in your direction in a mock ‘cheers’ gesture, of which you mirror.
“It’s nice to be invited,” you reply, taking a sip of your drink.
“I want you to know that you can come to me for anything, dear,” she says, looking you directly in your eyes and you’re momentarily stunned by how sincere she looks. “Absolutely anything.”
“Oh my,” you blink a few times in surprise, “that’s awfully kind of you. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Good,” her gaze lessens in intensity, allowing for your shoulders to relax slightly, not that you had even been aware of tensing them. “I know how my son can be, so your safety and happiness is my number one priority.”
“Thank you,” is all you can say, and you’re starting to feel like a broken record, but you truly are grateful for her words. Though, you don’t quite know exactly what she means by her most recent ones. Jaehyun, to you, seems like a really nice, caring guy, so the knowing look she sends you when she says that only serves to confuse you. Besides, she seems a lot nicer than what Jaehyun had made her out to be, of which you find a bit strange. Perhaps she’s just putting up a nice front for your sake at the moment. Either way, you’ll make sure not to do anything that would warrant her to dislike you.
“So, tell me about yourself,” Cathy sips her tea, leaning back in her seat to get comfortable as she watches you.
The rest of the morning is spent with the queen, getting a feel for each other and learning all about the other. She listens intently to everything you have to say and she looks genuinely so intrigued by you. The more time you spend with her, the more you seem to relax around her. She’s nothing like how Jaehyun described, which only makes you believe that that’s his familial side talking. Perhaps they’re not as close as the media makes them out to be.
By the time lunch rolls around, you find yourself eating alongside the Queen in the dining room, Jaehyun nowhere to be seen. Noticing your curious gaze, she mentions that he has some diplomatic council meeting to attend to, but he’ll probably be joining you for dinner that evening. You simply nod in response, continuing on with your conversation with the Queen.
Another hour passes with you spending time with Cathy, and the both of you enjoy this so much that you plan to make your little girl talk a weekly thing. You end up leaving with a smile on your face, as if a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders as you head back to your room. Honestly, you cannot wait for next week to be able to spend more time with the Queen, as she’s nothing at all like you were expecting. It’ll be nice to have another person that you can consider a friend while you’re staying here.
Making it back to your room, you’re greeted by Maria who seems to have been patiently waiting for your return. She asks you how your day has been so far, and you tell her honestly that you had a lovely morning with the Queen. 
“I’m a little surprised though,” you admit.
“Why’s that?” She asks, brow furrowing in slight concern.
“Jaehyun told me that she was a hard woman to please,”
“Really?” Her voice comes out in mild disbelief. From what she knows of the Queen, she’s a lovely person through and through. The Prince on the other hand… though she would never tell you that. Not that she could without risk of losing her life and everything she holds dear.
“Still, I’m glad we made such a connection today,” you smile. “That’s good, right? Getting his mom to like me is a step in a positive direction.”
“Of course, Miss,” Maria returns your smile, though it seems a bit forced. She has to be extra careful around you now with how she acts and what she says, after all, by now, every servant in the castle has heard of what happened to Greta last night.
“By the way, how’s Greta doing? I haven’t seen her since yesterday,” you wonder aloud, almost missing the way Maria’s shoulders seem to tense at the inquiry.
“Oh, uh, about that,” Maria says, eyes shifting nervously around the room. She’s just grateful she’s facing away from you at the moment. “Greta took a vacation to go visit her family, so she won’t be back for a while.”
“Ah, I see,” you hum. “That’s nice, hopefully she has a lovely time with her family.”
If only you knew what kind of condition she was in when her body was sent back to her family. Maybe then you would have heeded her warnings.
“Yeah,” Maria replies, somewhat breathless. “Hopefully.”
The next few weeks pass by in a blur for you, each day bringing about a new adventure with Jaehyun. So far, he makes you very happy, and you’re beginning to settle into things at the castle. You especially look forward to the weekly girl talk dates with Cathy, of which she’s asked you to start calling her ‘mom’. Each time she does, you smile shyly and your heart warms, though when you told Jaehyun, he seemed quite shocked.
You’ve also discovered that some of the servants are humans and others are vampires, which was a bit of a surprise to you since you thought all of the servants were humans. At least most of the one’s you’ve encountered so far are. They’ve all been super nice to you, except for the odd one that either looks at you with pity or worry in their eyes. A few even go so far as to attempt to warn you against something, but Jaehyun always appears before they can finish whatever it is that they have to tell you. Whenever this happens, you can never understand the fear that seems to take hold of their body, eyes pleadingly looking towards Jaehyun. Oddly enough, you usually never encounter them again, only hearing brief mention of their names from passing servants.
Of course Jaehyun won’t tell you the amount of teeth he’s pulled, eyes he’s gouged out, or even tongues he’s cut off because of this. No, never. He always has to be the perfect prince in your eyes, keeping you blind to everything that might scare you away from him.
What really sets him off one day is when the two of you had just come back from riding your horses through the grounds. The stable hand, Shotaro, had given you a hand helping you off of your horse. Instead of Jaehyun being the one to help you, he was forced to watch as another male held your hand delicately and smiled at you softly.
Having had a few previous interactions with the vampiric stable hand, you thought nothing of this. A simple friendly gesture to you was near treason in Jaehyun’s eyes. Only he should be able to touch you like that. How else is he supposed to charm you and show you how much of a gentleman he can be towards you? How he can provide for you, even in the most basic of ways?
Luckily, Maria was waiting to lead you back to the castle in order for your weekly girl talk with the Queen. Using this opportunity as you’re walking away, Jaehyun rounds on Shotaro, already seeing the vampire visibly stiffen at the deathly gaze that is sent his way. In the blink of an eye, Jaehyun is in front of him, grasping the same hand Shotaro used to help you down from the horse.
“Scream, and I will end you,” Jaehyun seethes, not giving a second thought as he crushes Shotaro’s hand in his grip, hearing the bones snapping beneath the pressure. The tears he sees threatening to fall from this pest’s eyes only serve to widen the sadistic smile on Jaehyun’s face. “If you ever touch what’s mine again, your hand won’t be the only part of you I shatter. Do I make myself clear?”
“Y-yes, my Prince,” Shotaro stutters out, fear pouring off of him from every angle.
“Now, you better go get that hand of yours fixed up,” Jaehyun tilts his head slightly, a malicious gleam in his eyes. “We wouldn’t want any bones to set and start healing in the wrong place, now would we?”
“N-no, my Prince,” he shakes his head, clutching his broken hand to his chest as soon as Jaehyun releases his grip.
“Good,” Jaehyun hums, a dark expression taking over his features. “Now, get out of my sight.”
Immediately, Shotaro flees the scene, fearing the Prince might inflict more of his wrath upon him. How you haven’t noticed Jaehyun’s eccentric behaviour yet is a mystery. Then again, he purposely keeps you blind to everything bad about his personality, only willing to show you the good parts. Those good parts which are only reserved for you.
Meanwhile, you have just been softly conversing with Maria as she walks with you back up to the castle from the stables. It’s then that you realize that you’ve been walking alone with her for the past two minutes, causing your brow to furrow slightly.
“Where’s Jaehyun?” You verbalize your thoughts, and just as you’re about to turn around to look for him, you feel his comforting hand on the small of your back.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, I had to check up on something back at the stables,” his smile is dazzling and you can’t help but nod your head in understanding as you smile back at him.
Naturally, your arm slides around his, the two of you walking comfortably back into the castle with Maria at your heels. Soon enough, the two of you enter the throne room, a large smile breaking out onto your features as you greet the Queen. A smile which Jaehyun wants only for himself.
“Are you finally going to join us today, Jaehyunnie?” Cathy asks, standing from her seat and making her way towards the two of you.
“Oh, I’d love that,” you look towards him with a hopeful expression, eyes wide.
“Not today, unfortunately,” the look you’re giving him almost makes him change his mind immediately, the pout causing him to gently cup your cheek in his hand, running his thumb over your skin. “Maybe next time.”
“Alright,” you sigh, slightly disappointed. You love spending time with him, almost as much as he does with you. “You promise?”
“I promise,” he smiles, placing a gentle kiss onto your forehead as he reluctantly steps aways from you, only to see his mother observing him carefully. “I’ll see you at dinner.”
“Okay,” you respond, eyes following his figure as he turns and walks out of the room, gaze lingering ever so slightly on the doors even after they’ve closed behind him.
“Ready to go, dear?” Cathy’s voice manages to pull you out of your daze, you nodding in the next moment and following her out into the gardens for your weekly girl talk session.
The afternoon passes with the two of you conversing about how you’re liking staying at the palace so far. You tell her honestly that you’re having a wonderful time, and that everyone seems so nice, except for the odd few who seem to avoid you like the plague. She seemed to only hum in response at that, though you’re not quite sure why.
“How’s your family? Have you been writing to them like I suggested?” Cathy sips her drink, looking at you expectantly.
“Oh, I completely forgot,” you meant to send them a letter last week after she had suggested it, but you got caught up in the plans Jaehyun had made in the afternoon that you forgot all about it. Besides, he didn’t quite look too enthused when you mentioned writing to them, but that could just be your faulty memory. “I should write them today, I do miss them greatly.”
“Would you like to visit them?”
“I’d love to,” you smile softly, not believing it to be possible. “But-“
“Excellent! I’ll make arrangements for you to visit them tomorrow,” Cathy interjects, a chipper expression on her face.
“I don’t know how to thank you enough,” at this point you know not to question her decisions.
“Nonsense,” she places her hand gently on top of yours which has been resting on the table between the two of you. “It’s the least I can do. After all, with how much you talk about your family, I can tell they’re important to you.”
“They are,” you confirm, looking over to meet her fond gaze.
“You have a kind heart, (Y/n),” she hums, shifting her gaze to look out over the garden. “Guard it well.”
You can only smile in return, thoughts running wild as to you finally being able to go visit your mother and your sister since you first arrived at the palace two months ago. Finally, you’ll be able to catch up with them and tell them all about what’s been going on in your life. Maybe if you’re lucky, you can introduce Jaehyun to them as well.
That evening, after Jaehyun has bid you a goodnight, he storms into his mother’s chambers. Throwing the doors open, a loud bang reverberates throughout the room, a few passing servants looking on in fear. Sending a dangerous look their way, Jaehyun manages to scare them off before rounding on his mother.
“You promised to let her see her family tomorrow?” He seethes, voice booming as there’s no fear you may overhear. After all, your room is all the way on the opposite side of the castle.
“Oh, Jaehyunnie, what a pleasant surprise for you to drop by to finally come visit your dear mother,” she feigns interest, sparing him a side glance before going back to her nightly routine.
“Spare the small talk, mother,” he spits, brows furrowed in anger. “Why would you do something like this?”
“Are you that obsessed with isolating the poor girl?” Cathy hums, tilting her head questioningly at her son. “She needs to socialize with other people, she can’t just stay around you the whole time.”
“I’m the only one she needs,” his voice is low, a growl threatening to rise up his throat. “The only one she’ll ever need.”
“You do not own her,”
“I know,” he snaps. “I’ve worked too damn hard to let her go now.”
“You have a lot to realize before you should even think about calling her yours,” Cathy states, hearing her son let out the growl that he had been holding back this whole time. She only looks amused by his reaction. “You cannot control her.”
“Everything’s gone according to plan thus far,” he retorts, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “Besides a few minor set backs which have been disposed of.”
“Ah, yes,” she muses. “I’d appreciate if you stopped mutilating my servants, let alone killing them.”
“It’s no less than they deserve,” he counters.
“And what does your beloved think about that side of you?”
A brief moment of silence settles around the room, speaking volumes in Cathy’s eyes, until he breaks it.
“She doesn’t know,” Jaehyun watches his mother move around her room carefully, eyes narrowed in distaste. “She never will."
“My child, there will come a day when her eyes are opened to see your true colours,” Cathy warns, pausing in her step to turn and look down upon Jaehyun with her nose upturned. 
“Is that a threat, mother?” His eyes hold a crazed look in them at the mere idea of you finding out the truth. Hell, even the thought of you being taken away from him sets his instincts into overdrive, causing his eyes to bleed red and another growl to escape his throat.
“It’s not a threat if I only speak the truth,” she replies calmly, only causing his anger to flare more than it already has. “Do not expect her to return with you after visiting her family tomorrow. I have been keeping in touch with them regarding this entire situation and they know the lengths you are willing to go to ensnare her. The lengths you have already gone. I don’t know what you told Minho to tell her mother that first day that has her so terrified of the consequences, but her sister, Lori, was it? She seems to have a level head on her shoulders.”
Jaehyun’s blood boils, eyes filling with fury as they remain red, “you’ve been doing what?”
“Warning them about you and devising a plan to free the lovely Miss (Y/n) from your clutches,” her brow quirks as she watches her son fume before her very eyes. 
“I’ll kill them if they so much as even try,” he hisses, chest heaving with every breath as he is thrown into this situation. He’s come this far, there’s no way he’s letting you go now.
“Not if I have anything to do with it,” Cathy’s voice is steady, firm in her command of the room. “Enough blood has already been spilt on your account.”
“Clearly, there hasn’t been enough,” Jaehyun growls, eye flashing once more at his mother.
Rising to her full height, the Queen does not take the underlying threat from her son lightly, “you dare threaten me? Let’s not forget who brought you into this world and who taught you all that you know. Be careful, boy, lest your ambitious lust go to your head.”
“I don’t care who you may be to me, mother,” he seethes, straightening his back and matching her ferocity with his own, “but if you so much as even attempt to take what’s mine away from me, I’ll kill you.”
Without another word between them, Jaehyun is storming out of his mother’s room, leaving her standing with a shocked expression on her face. Never, in all of her long years of putting up with his antics has she ever seen him look this serious, this deadly about something in her life. Her worry only grows for you as she thinks of what he may have in store for you in the future. Going forward, she’ll have to be extra cautious, preparing herself for whatever her son has planned to come.
The next morning, you wake up bright and early, excited to finally go visit your family again after being away from them for so long. You hardly got any sleep at all last night, considering how excited you are. Being able to catch them up to everything going on in your life will be like a dream come true, and besides, you never did get your clothes from your mom that she promised to send to the palace, and you really miss your favourite sweater.
“You’re awfully happy this morning,” Maria comments as she does your hair for the day.
“I am,” you agree. “I haven’t seen my family in months and I can’t wait to introduce them to Jaehyun.”
“That’ll be lovely!” Maria replies, though you catch her grimace in the mirror.
“What is it?” You question, eyes wide with concern.
“Nothing to worry yourself about,” she tells you, shrugging off your inquiries.
“Clearly it’s something,” you counter, to which she sighs.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Prince will not be joining you right away this morning,” Maria admits, to which your expression drops slightly.
“But don’t worry! He told me to tell you that he’d be along as soon as he can,” Maria continues, giving your shoulders a quick rub in encouragement. “He just has a few things to tend to first. You know, political duties and such.”
“I understand,” you nod, still visibly disappointed you won’t be arriving at the same time, nor travelling together this morning.
“Come on, dear, let’s get you changed,” she gives your shoulders one final pat before leading you to the closet to finish getting you ready for the day.
After a quick breakfast with the Queen, you’re being ushered into the back of a car to head back home for the day. The whole car ride over feels like an eternity, the scenery not being able to distract you one bit. 
Restless wouldn’t even begin to be able to describe you, your eyes flitting everywhere inside the car, then out the window, only to repeat the same process over and over again. Even your leg hasn’t stopped bouncing in anticipation, fingers toying with the edge of your shirt just to have something to do.
Eventually, after what feels like hours to you, you arrive in a familiar neighbourhood. Once the car is parked, you step out onto a familiar driveway, a smile gracing your features as you breathe in the fresh air. The driver has only been instructed to drop you off since Jaehyun will be by later, accompanied by Minho to take you back to the palace. Once he sees you’re safe, he’s starting the engine once more and pulling out of the driveway. This way you can have some privacy before the Prince arrives. Cathy made sure of that.
Making your way up your front porch, there’s a slight spring to your step, pushing open the front door in the next moment and calling out a cheerful ‘I’m home’! Oh, how good it feels, too.
“(Y/n)?” You hear your mother’s voice sound from the kitchen before her head is peeking out from the doorway, eyes wide with disbelief. “Is that you?”
“Hey, mom,” you greet, kicking off your shoes and running over to embrace her, her arms already spread open in anticipation.
“It’s so good to see you again, sweetie,” she says, hugging you even closer than before, almost as if she’s afraid you’ll disappear in a moment’s notice. “When the queen sent notice last night of you coming to visit this morning, I could hardly believe it.”
“More like you couldn’t believe it,” Lori’s voice sounds from the entranceway behind you, causing a large grin to spread on your face as you turn around to face your younger sister. “Where’s the Prince? I’m surprised you two aren’t joined at the hip.”
You roll you eyes at this, “it’s lovely to see you, too, Lori. I’ve missed you so much.”
She merely sticks her tongue out at you in response, coming over to squish you in a hug in the next second. “Yeah, yeah, I missed you, too.”
Despite her grumbling, you can tell she means what she says, if the tightness of her hug is anything to go by. You can tell she’s also missed teasing you, just as you’ve missed teasing her.
“If you must know,” you say, pulling away from Lori after a long hug. “Jaehyun will be coming by later, he’s just got a few things to attend to first. He sends his regards, though, for the time being.”
“Wow, first name basis with the Prince,” Lori whistles lowly. “That’s a shocker considering I’ve heard that he doesn’t let just anyone call him that.”
“Lori,” your mother shoots a warning look at your sister.
“What? It’s the truth,” she shrugs, only causing you to chuckle.
“Well, we are pretty close,”
“I’ll say,” Lori hums. “Speaking of, has he ever told you why he chose you, or how he even found out about you in the first place?”
“Lori, my word,” your mother shoots her another look, as if to tell her to quit while she’s ahead.
“Mom, it’s okay,” you chuckle, voice nothing but reassuring. “I always knew my little sister was concerned for me, no matter how badly she tries to hide it. As a matter of fact, yes. I have asked him before.”
“And?” She motions with her hand for you to continue.
“He told me that one day while he was out he saw me and overheard the conversation I was having with Jaemin - remember how we always banter back and forth?” Seeing her nod, you continue, “anyways, he apparently appreciated my wit and humour and decided to learn more about me. Well, here we are.”
The smile you send your mother and sister only serves to unnerve them slightly. They’ve been told not to tell you that Jaemin has gone missing since you’ve left for the palace.
“You believe him?” Lori gives you a ‘really’ look, brow quirked in disbelief.
“I have no reason not to,” you shrug.
By now, the two of you have sat down at the kitchen table, your mother busy with preparing lunch for all of you.
“You know how crazy that sounds, though, right?” She goes on to say. “After eavesdropping on your conversation he suddenly wants you to move to the palace so he can make you his wife? That’s very strange.”
“I mean, I was a little weirded out at first, but after he explained himself I felt better,” you say, leaning back slightly in your chair in order to relax. “I trust him.”
At your words, Lori only seems even more suspicious, your mother distracting you long enough for her to hide her concern.
“That’s nice, dear,” she smiles at you. “You must really like him, then.”
You hum in agreement, “I really do.”
“So,” your mother begins, sitting down to join you two at the table as the food heats up on the stove, “tell us everything.”
It takes you about an hour and a half to explain everything that’s happened to you since your arrival at the castle all those weeks ago. The whole while, your mother and sister listen patiently to what you have to say, chiming in here and there with little comments of their own. Your mother seems happy for you, but you can tell your sister isn’t all that convinced. Her comment about the Prince not being everything he seems to be certainly is enough to rub you the wrong way, putting a slight damper on your mood the longer you spend at home.
“All I’m just saying is that he seems too nice, from what you’re telling me,” her eyes hold the same suspicion you can hear clearly in her voice.
“He’s given me no reason to suspect otherwise,” you counter, a slight furrow to your brows.
“Yet he’s never once suggested visiting us, and when you do, he’s nowhere to be found,” Lori quirks a brow at you.
“It’s not his fault he has duties to attend to,” you defend him, upset that your sister doesn’t seem nearly as happy for you as you thought she’d be.
“Does he always have ‘duties’ to attend to when there’s something you want to do?” A knowing look is sent your way, as if she already knows how you’re going to answer. “If you’re always alone there, then why don’t you just come home? It sounds to me like you’d be better off that way, anyways.”
“No!” You immediately counter, crossing your arms in front of your chest, hurt that your own sister would even suggest something like this. “That’s not the case. He’s been nothing but caring and respectful towards me since I got there. I don’t expect him to wait on me hand and foot all the goddamn time. It’s nice having some space every once in a while, too.” You can tell you’ve momentarily stunned her with your answer as she looks at you, dumbfounded. Taking this opportunity, you continue, “if all you’re going to do is shit on my happiness, then I won’t bother to come home at all. I care about him and I know he cares about me, and all you’re doing is making your jealousy clear. I don’t want to move back home, I want to stay with him. I-“ you swallow, gathering your courage to utter your next words, “I’m in love with him.”
A soft gasp leaves your mother’s lips, “sweetie.”
“What?” You turn your attention to look at her, noticing how she’s already staring at you with an unreadable expression on her face, your sister sitting frozen in her spot at your admission.
“You love him,” comes your sister’s voice. Not a question, but a mere statement of facts, of which causes you to gape slightly before closing your mouth and steadying yourself. You let out a breath that you didn’t realize you’d been holding.
“I do,” you confirm, staring both women down as they stare back at you. Your mother with a dumbfounded expression, your sister with a stern gaze that feels as if it’s boring into your soul.
A moment of silence passes over the three of you as they let your confession sink in, only interrupted by a soft knock at the door.
“I’ll get it,” your mother sighs, heading towards the front door to see who it could be.
“He has you wrapped around his finger, doesn’t he?” Lori sighs, causing whatever last thread of patience you had to snap at her remark.
Your snappy retort dies in your throat as soon as you hear a familiar masculine voice coming from the front door, Jaehyun politely introducing himself to your mother after being invited inside.
“Speak of the devil, and he shall appear,” Lori mutters, shaking her head.
In an instant, you’re standing, the scraping of your chair against the floor enough to cause Lori to look up at you in surprise at the sudden action. You say nothing as you head out of the kitchen and towards the front door, Lori following shortly afterwards with a frown prominent on her face.
To everyone’s surprise, you start to slip on your shoes. Out of the corner of your eyes, you see Minho shoot you a worried look while your mother and sister share a glance. However, none look as concerned as Jaehyun does right now.
“Is everything alright?” He asks lowly, hand finding purchase on your lower back as you right yourself after fixing your one shoe.
“Fine,” you respond shortly, to the surprise of everyone in the room. “Thanks for lunch, mom. It was really nice seeing you again.”
You move over to give her a brief hug. It takes her a moment to return it, unsure of what exactly has transpired in the past minute to have you rushing out of the door so soon. You seemed so excited for them to meet the Prince earlier, so this only serves to increase her worry.
“Of course, dear,” she answers. “Is everything okay?”
You pull away, giving her a tight smile, “just a bad headache, is all.”
“Are you sure you don’t just want to lie down for a bit? You just got here,” she frowns, worry evident on her features along with a hint of what looks like sadness.
“I’m sure,” you reply, sending her a weak smile in return. 
One thing you’ve always been horrible at is hiding your emotions. Anyone can read them clear as day on your face, especially right now. That’s one thing Jaehyun has learned about you during your stay at the palace, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t find out what happened. For now, he’ll simply go along with your wishes, playing the part of the concerned lover. Good thing, too, otherwise if a moment longer had passed, he probably would have torn Lori’s head from her shoulders for causing you such distress.
Even though he’s only just entered the house, he’s been outside far longer than any of you have suspected. Of course he overheard what the three of you had been talking about, and your family’s attitudes certainly rubbed him the wrong way. He knows his own mother definitely has something to do with the way Lori is acting. Thank fuck she won’t be a problem any more.
The only good thing his mind has latched onto at the moment is your loving confession. He has to remind himself to stay in control of his emotions for the time being, lest he want his plans to be ruined. After all, things are going far better than he could have ever hoped on this end.
“Okay, sweetie, if you’re sure,” even though she doesn’t look convinced, she doesn’t push the issue. “Come and visit again soon!”
“We will,” you give her another small smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
Giving one final nod to your mother, you hardly even spare Lori a final glance as you bid her farewell, the both of them waving goodbye to you from the front porch. Once seated in the backseat of the car beside Jaehyun, you let out a sigh.
“Is everything okay, Princess?” His voice holds nothing but concern as he motions for Minho to raise the privacy screen.
You finally meet his gaze, and he curses whoever was the one to cause you pain, “honestly, not really.”
He shifts closer, placing a comforting hand on your knee, “did you want to talk about it?”
A few moments pass by in silence as you attempt to calm yourself down. Taking a deep breath, you meet his gaze once more.
“She called you a devil,” he inhales sharply at your words, feigning shock. “And I know how much you hate that word, let alone being called such a thing. I just couldn’t sit there and listen to any more of Lori’s bullshit slander of you.”
“I see,” he says, lips tugging downwards in a frown. On the inside though, he’s surprised that you even remembered him telling you that offhandedly one of the first times you went horseback riding together. It warms his heart that you would remember a detail like that of himself. Though, this only serves to confirm to him even further that you’re perfect for each other.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize for your family’s behaviour. “I just couldn’t stand how she was talking about you, or the fact that I felt like they were invalidating my feelings.”
“It’s not your fault,” he assures you, shifting so that his hand can now gently stroke your back as you lean forward to rest your elbows on your knees.
“I was looking forward to you meeting them, too,” you pout, disappointment clear in your voice. “I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s alright, Darling,” he sends you a reassuring smile. “If I’m being completely honest, I’m kind of glad we left early. I don’t think I would have had the heart to be proper company to your loved ones.”
This time, it’s your turn to look at him in concern, “is everything okay?”
“Not really,” he shoots you a weak smile, his facade cracking just as he had planned from the moment you decided to leave your house as soon as he had arrived. “No.”
“What’s wrong?” You cup his cheek tenderly, and he leans into your touch, briefly closing his eyes as he revels in the way your skin feels against his, though you take it as him seeking comfort for whatever it is he’s about to tell you.
“It’s my mother,” he pauses, swallowing a fake lump in his throat. “She’s been murdered.”
“Oh my god,” a gasp escapes your lips, a hand coming up to cover your mouth in shock.
“I was only just informed minutes before I arrived at your house,”
“Oh, Jaehyun,” your eyes hold nothing but sorrow as you embrace him, “I’m so sorry.”
“You’re doing an awful lot of apologizing today for things that aren’t your fault,” he comments, wrapping his arms securely around your waist as he pulls you closer into his chest.
“Still,” you whisper into his neck, “I’m sorry for your loss. Your mother was a wonderful person.”
A hum is all you receive in response, his grip tightening ever so subtly around you as he feels you start to shake slightly. He knew the two of you were close, but he wasn’t expecting you to shed actual tears when you learnt his mother had passed. Perhaps it’s the combination of emotions from your family mixed with this sudden news that has you curled up in his arms, seeking his comfort as much as you are comforting him. Either way, he’ll use this to his advantage, loving the feeling of having you pressed so close to him, clinging onto him like he’s the only one you’ll ever need.
Quietly, he shushes you, telling you that it’ll be alright. You’re quite surprised at how well he’s taking all of this, though you can tell he’s glad for the comfort you provide him during this time. However, what you fail to see is Jaehyun glancing briefly towards the window, eyes flashing as he catches his reflection in the glass. A look of smug content resides on his features as he continues to stroke your back in comforting circles.
You manage to fall asleep about halfway through the car ride back to the castle. Your head is resting on Jaehyun’s lap as he gently strokes his hand over your hair. A smile pulls at his lips when he hears you hum in content, shifting yourself closer to him in response.
Growing up the way he did, getting everything he ever wanted or could ever ask for, and hardly ever receiving punishments for his actions, he’s used to others shouting and crying about how unfair he can be. The amount of people he’s seen beg for their life with tears in their eyes has never made him blink one time. However, seeing you this upset, with tears in your eyes has made him promise himself to never see you cry again. You’re the only person in this universe he cannot stand to see in pain, and he will do anything and everything in his power to make sure that this never happens again. You deserve nothing but happiness, of which he knows only he can give you.
The news of the Queen’s death spreads throughout the nation like wildfire. Many demand answers as to how something like this could have happened, as well as who would do such a thing. Luckily, Jaehyun had prepared for this. A few servants, both human and vampire alike, that had tested his patience for far too long took the fall, information leaking that the murder was an inside job long planned out by said servants.
Jaehyun played his part well, condemning the criminals for their vile acts and taking his precious mother away from him, as well as the precious matriarch away from the citizens. The best part is that you were there the whole time comforting him and making sure he was okay. 
Those were some of the best days for him, being able to stay by your side nearly twenty-four seven, being able to hold you in his arms as you slept beside him. Fuck, he can never get enough of you: your soft skin beneath his fingertips, the way your body feels pressed against his own, the way you stood by him and offered him condolence when he needed it, and especially the way you smell. There were a few times he nearly went feral during the night due to your scent spiking with arousal. He could tell you were having some pretty nice dreams about him, for the one time you moaned his name in your sleep, nearly driving him insane.
He only wishes he had done this sooner, maybe then your sister wouldn’t be even more suspicious towards him. The letters from her only seemed to increase after his mother’s death, but he has no time for them, nor does he even want to entertain them. Maybe then he can finally have you all to himself without worrying about what your stupid brat of a younger sister might do to take you away from him. No matter, he’ll make sure to dispose of her soon, if she doesn’t stay in line.
Approximately two weeks after his mother’s funeral, Jaehyun takes you on a small picnic beneath the willow tree that overlooks the gardens. The place is secluded enough that you know you won’t be disturbed. After all, after the commotion of the past few weeks, it’s nice to just get away for a while, especially with just the two of you.
Currently, his head is resting in your lap, the two of you finally able to relax and enjoy each other’s company without interruptions. Glancing down, Jaehyun catches your gaze.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look today yet?” He smiles softly up at you as he watches the evening sun kiss your skin.
“Hmm,” you pretend to ponder his question, gazing out over the gardens as you teasingly tap your chin. “I don’t think you have.”
“It’s a shame, then,” he clicks his tongue, shaking his head slightly. “All the stars in both heaven and on earth could never compare to your beauty.”
The way he looks at you, like you’re his entire world, sets your heart racing in your chest. You bite your lip, looking away bashfully.
Sitting up, he lets out a small chuckle at your reaction. How can you be so cute?
“Don’t hide that pretty face from me, Darling,” cupping your chin gently in his hand, he turns your head to face him, noticing how you avert your gaze slightly in embarrassment. Pride swells in his chest as he knows only he can get a reaction like this out of you. Only he can make you feel this way. “From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me.”
“Jae,” the whisper of his name from your lips sends a shiver down his spine.
“Getting to know you over these past few months has only confirmed my first thought I had of you,” he tells you, stroking his thumb slowly over your bottom lip as you watch him carefully.
“Oh?” Your gaze becomes hooded as you watch him, his own eyes focussed on the way his thumb is caressing your lip. “What might that be?”
“You’re perfect,” his voice is low, seductive, as he moves his hand to the back of your neck, thumb now stroking the nape.
“You must not have met many good people, then,” you lightly joke, the corner of your lip twitching upwards as your eyes flick to his lips, noticing how the space between the two of you grows ever smaller by the second.
“No,” he replies softly, “I haven’t.”
Your hand comes up to cup the side of his face, thumb rubbing his cheek tenderly as the two of you continue to stare into each other’s eyes. A moment of silence passes between the two of you before Jaehyun is breaking it.
“Can I kiss you?”
“I thought you’d never ask,”
You barely have time to finish your words when his lips are on yours, the hand he has placed on the back of your neck pulling you in closer. His touch is soft, lips delicate over your own, as if you’re the finest piece of glass that needs to be handled with the utmost care. Your eyes flutter shut.
This tender moment is enough to steal your breath away, something that Jaehyun never fails to do when you’re alone with him. How you got him of all people to fall for you is still a wonder, of which everyday you’re thankful for. Ever since he’s come into your life, you’ve never been happier. Each day with him is another where he makes you feel special. He cherishes you, just as you have come to cherish him, but more than all of that, he makes you feel loved.
Pulling away, he rests his forehead on yours, the hand on the back of your neck holding you in place as your eyes open to see him already gazing at you fondly.
“Like I said,” he breathes. “Perfect.”
“I could say the same about you,” you hum, pecking his lips once more and causing him to smile.
He hums back, content with how this evening is going so far, and with one final lingering kiss to your lips, he pulls away from you, albeit a bit reluctantly. If he’s honest with himself, he’s a bit nervous. The question he’s been meaning to ask you this entire evening sits at the tip of his tongue, unwilling to actually be formed into the proper words.
“I love you,” this is not the first time he’s told you this, but it still sets your heart aflutter. Maybe this time will be the time you say it back.
“I know,” you hum, lips tugging upwards as your eyes reflect the same love and want shining in his own.
“Even though we haven’t know each other all that long, no one makes me feel the way that you do,” he begins, again, somewhat nervously. You take his one hand into yours, letting him know he can take all the time he needs to in order to form the words he wants to say to you. “You mean the world to me, and I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life. I know it sounds ridiculous, but my life changed the day you stepped through those palace doors, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. You’ve changed my life for the better; you make me want to be a better man.”
“Jaehyun,” his name is but a whisper on your lips as he pulls out a ring from his pocket.
“Will you do me the honour of becoming mine?” He asks, gaze locking on yours as your hands come up to cover your mouth in shock. 
All you can do at the moment is nod your head, a large smile breaking out onto your face before it morphs into a slight smirk as he slides the ring on your finger. “Does this mean I get to call you mine?”
“You can call me whatever you’d like,” he grins, eyes hooded as he pulls you onto his lap to admire the ring now glinting on your finger. “My perfect bride.”
Your giggle is like music to his ears as he pulls you in for another kiss. This one is more heated, full of passion and longing with an undertone of a promise of what is still yet to come. 
Jaehyun could not be happier than he is in this moment with you. Everything has gone according to plan, and soon, he’ll get to call you his wife. Not that you would have had a choice in the matter, even if you had denied him. Now, you’re his, indefinitely, and nothing can change that. Now, he’s never letting you go.
As the sun begins to set in the distance, it’s your turn to rest your head on his thigh. He’s currently feeding you some red grapes, of which he’s been told are your favourite.
“What else we got?” You ask after a having a few more grapes.
“Hmm, let’s see,” he digs through the basket, pulling out and listing the different food options. “Why, do you not like the grapes?”
“I do, don’t get me wrong,” you smile reassuringly at him. “I’m just not the biggest fan of red grapes.”
“I thought they were your favourite,” Jaehyun replies, a small frown pulling at his features. Who was it again that told him that red grapes were your favourite? Ah, that’s right, Ben. If he had known they weren’t your favourite he would have never even dreamed of having them packed for you.
“Nah,” you scrunch your nose slightly while shaking your head. Jaehyun would think it’s cute were not for the situation he finds himself in. “Green grapes are where it’s at.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he smiles, though you don’t registered how it looks slightly forced.
Shooting him a smile back, the two of you turn your attention back to the sunset before you, making small comments here and there about the way the light reflects off of the surrounding areas. You feel completely at peace. Jaehyun on the other hand, is suffering from inner turmoil at this mistake. Something that is so small could have meant a world of difference to you, and the last thing he wants is to screw things up this far into your relationship. How is he supposed to be the perfect lover if he can’t even get your favourite foods correct?
The moment he bids you a goodnight and your door shuts behind him that evening, he’s speeding to the kitchen. The staff, whom had been finishing up for the day are startled by his sudden appearance. Immediately, they bow in respect, a few of the cook’s nerves spiking in fear that what they had prepared this evening did not please him.
“Where’s Ben?” His voice booms throughout the room, eyes deadly as they scan the area for the aforementioned man. 
“He’s just gone to dispose of the trash, Your Highness,” one of the cooks tells him.
“How fitting,” he muses, already thumbing the coin in his pocket which he had grabbed from the cellar on the way here.
The side door to the kitchen creaks slightly when it opens, a lanky man walking through in the next moment. Sensing the tension in the kitchen, he freezes, the door falling shut behind him. Noticing Jaehyun standing at the opposite end of the counter, he immediately bows.
“Your Highness,” 
“Red grapes, huh, Ben?” At Jaehyun’s words, Ben stiffens, already knowing something must have gone wrong for the Prince to be in the kitchen this late.
The rest of the staff share brief glances towards one another in confusion as they watch the scene before them play out. None are willing enough to move for fear of the Prince’s wrath.
“Do you know what this is?” Though his voice is calm, Jaehyun is far from it, only able to maintain his composure due to the fear radiating off of everyone in this room. He loves knowing the power he holds over each one of their insignificant little lives.
Ben eyes the coin now poised in Jaehyun’s hand warily, the metal glinting ever so slightly in the light of the kitchen.
“A coin, Your Highness,” Ben answers as Jaehyun looks at him expectantly, obviously wanting more than just that as his answer. “The ones which you use to pay us.”
“Very good,” he feigns amusement, eyes narrowing harshly in the next moment. “Now tell me, what’s the point in paying you when you provide me with the wrong information?”
Ben looks stunned momentarily, “I’m sorry, I don’t follow.
“Red grapes, Ben,” Jaehyun tuts. “Red. Grapes.”
It seems as if something clicks in his mind, “oh, yes, (Y/n)’s fav-“
“You dare speak her name in my presence?” Jaehyun’s voice booms, a few of the younger staff now visibly shaking in fear at his outburst. “Do not taint my love’s name with your tongue.”
“My apologies-“
“Silence, you scum,” he hisses between clenched teeth. Jaehyun’s anger currently knows no bounds, only serving to worsen the longer he has to deal with this situation. Taking a breath, he seems to visibly calm down slightly before speaking once more. “Did you know, Ben, that she prefers green grapes over red ones?”
It is then that Ben realizes his mistake. The information he had gathered proving insufficient and false. He starts to shake, unsure of what is to become of him now.
“I’m sorry, my Prince, it will not happen again,”
“You’re right,” Jaehyun smirks. “It won’t. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an engagement party to plan,” he turns to leave the kitchen, tossing the coin he’s holding in his hand in the air once before catching it between his fingers. “Oh, and somebody clean this mess up.”
In the blink of an eye, Jaehyun has flung the coin through Ben’s head, a dull thunk being the only sound heard as his now lifeless body falls to the floor. The whole kitchen remains silent, no one daring to even move a single muscle until Jaehyun has turned the corner, nothing but the coin embedded in the wall serving as a reminder of his presence mere moments ago.
The following week passes by in a blur to you, the whole castle bustling from the news of your confirmed engagement to the Prince. Now, there is cause for celebration instead of remaining in the period of mourning that had plagued the nation previously. You only wish his mother was still here to see it all.
You’ve planned to host an engagement party this coming Friday evening, and you can hardly wait. The two of you have been discussing plans for the event, and you don’t think you’ve smiled brighter than you have been these past few days. Jaehyun has been with you every step of the way, sharing in your excitement at the date grows near.
All too soon, the night of the party arrives and you’re dressed in the finest materials you’ve ever worn. Quite a few diplomats and vampires from surrounding kingdoms are coming to wish you a congratulations on your engagement to the Prince, and to say you’re nervous would be an understatement. You just hope you don’t make a fool of yourself in front of so many important people.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, cannot wait to show you off. Finally, he gets to profess his love for you in front of so many others, finally letting everyone know that you’re his and his alone. If anyone so much as dares to take you away from him, he’s prepared to do whatever it takes to keep you and make sure you never leave his side. Nothing, in all of the world, could tear the two of you apart.
Luckily, the evening goes by without a hitch, passing by much quicker than either of you two expect. Though, you have to say, you’re glad. With the way he’s been looking at you all night, the end of the party could not have come sooner.
Making your way back to your room, you think back to the events of the evening. A smile tugs at your lips as you recall the way the two of you danced, the way he held you close in his arms and made you feel loved. You couldn’t ask for a better man to have come to sweep you off of your feet. You only hope that the night doesn’t end here, and from the dark look you still see swimming in his eyes, you have a feeling that it’s only just begun.
With the way Jaehyun has been looking at you this entire evening, you swear he wants to eat you whole. His eyes are dark, a smirk on his lips as he backs you into the wall of your room, hands finding purchase on your hips as he leans into your neck, inhaling deeply.
“Fuck, you smell so good,” he breathes, eyes fluttering closed in bliss as he allows your scent to cloud his mind. A growl escapes him, finally allowing himself to indulge his fantasies, revelling in everything you. “All mine.”
You cannot deny the way your heart positively flutters at his words, and from the way his grip tightens, you can tell he is enjoying each and every one of your reactions. After weeks of tensions rising, interrupted moments and longing glances sent each other’s way, you know what you want, and you what you want, is him. Badly. 
“I hope you don’t mind, Princess,” his voice is low, nose ghosting over the skin of your neck until his lips come to rest right beside your ear, “but tonight,” he hisses as you pull him closer, “tonight, I’m going to make you mine.”
Bringing his lips to yours, he steals a kiss, loving the way you hum approvingly in response. He loves all the reactions you’re giving him, he thinks they’re so cute. The way your heart is racing in your chest, excitement rolling off of you in waves, sets his own dead heart racing. He can smell your arousal building, a fact which only makes his chest swell, a growl of approval building from deep within.
He could get lost in you. The feeling of your lips on his, your scent, your touch. Everything about you drives him wild, and tonight, he finally gets to show you exactly what you mean to him. He’ll treat you like the royalty you are; whom you are meant to be.
Breaking the kiss, he leans back slightly to rest his forehead on yours, staring deeply into your eyes. You can see the love he has for you shining in them, along with the lust and desire swirling within his irises.
“I’m addicted to you,” voice nothing but a whisper, he cups your cheeks in his hands, “I can never get enough.”
“Then don’t,” your soft reply has his eyes widening slightly. “Because I don’t think I could ever love another as much as I love you.”
He swears his dead heart has once again stopped beating in his chest as he lets your words sink in. You love him. You finally told him that you love him.
A smile breaks out onto his face as he claims your lips with his own. You love him, and that’s all he’s ever wanted. Everything he could have ever asked for has just been granted to him. You’ve fulfilled his every wish, and tonight, he’s going to finally make you his, in every meaning of the word. Tonight, you’re his Queen, and his alone.
“Fuck, you don’t know how happy you’ve just made me, hearing you say that,” he says against your lips, needing to feel every inch of your skin beneath him soon, or he might just go crazy. Your giggle is music to his ears as he litters your face with kisses, “I love you.” He hums contently. “My Queen.”
Your breath hitches as you hear him call you that for the first time. You cannot deny the way your stomach clenches at hearing him call you that, and from the slight upturn of his lips, you know he heard your reaction loud and clear.
Feeling a surge of confidence wash over you, you look into his eyes once more, smirk dancing across your own lips. 
“Then fulfill your promise and make me yours,” you purr. “My King.”
A shiver runs down his spine at your words, and he cannot help the snarl that escapes him, “with pleasure.”
In the blink of an eye, he has you pinned on the bed, hovering over top of you as he trails his lips over the skin of your neck. Pinning your hands at the side of your head by your wrists, he takes this opportunity to start sucking marks into your skin, biting down occasionally. Although he doesn’t let his fangs out yet, he makes sure to leave his marks. He wants everyone in the kingdom to know that you’re his, that he’s finally claimed you for all to see.
The sound of tearing fabric registers in your mind, and you glance down to see that Jaehyun has torn both your dress and his shirt from this evening from your bodies, eyes drinking in every curve of your figure beneath him. His hands come up to cup your breasts, thumbs brushing over your nipples as they harden from his touch.
“Beautiful,” he hums.
Giving your chest a slight squeeze, he emphasizes his approval, only serving to make you become bashful. In the next moment, you attempt to cover yourself with your arms, but he’s quicker. Grabbing your wrists, he pins them beside your head once more.
“Ah-ah,” he tuts, a gleam to his eyes, “don’t you dare hide from me.”
Before you can say anything in response, his lips are on yours as he successfully steals your breath away for the nth time that night. Ever so slowly, he parts from you, trailing kisses down your neck and to your chest, where his hands have returned to cupping your breasts gently. 
A shiver runs down your spine once you feel him take one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking lightly as his tongue flicks over the pert bud. His opposite hand works at the other, making sure neither goes untouched. Your satisfied hum is all he needs to hear to know you’re enjoying yourself so far. Smirking against your skin, he trails kisses from one breast to the other as he takes his time to make sure each gets the attention you deserve. By the time he’s done with you, you’ll be screaming his name in ecstasy all night long.
A hand in his hair catches his attention as you guide his head back up to yours, lips meeting in a heated kiss. He can never get enough of you: your taste, your touch, your everything, and he’ll take everything you’re willing to give him, and then some.
Slowly, he grinds himself into you, your legs parting naturally for him to fit between them. The gasp you let out when you feel his hard cock rubbing against your core is music to his ears.
“Feel that, baby?” He hums, nuzzling his nose against your neck and scenting you once more. “That’s all because of you. You have no idea what you do to me.”
The breathless whisper of his name you let out sends a shiver of pleasure down his spine. His one hand grips your thigh, pulling you against him as your fingers tangle in his hair, pulling him in to kiss you again as he continues to grind himself into you.
Breaking away, he nips at the skin of your neck, trailing kisses down your body. The whole time, he mumbles against your skin about how he just needs to taste you, your panties being ripped off of your body not even a second later.
The full force of the scent of your arousal hits him as he settles between your legs, a pleased growl echoing from within his chest. He can already tell his eyes have bled red, your slight gasp confirming it when you meet his gaze.
Trailing kisses up your thighs, he notices how your chest rises and falls with each breath in anticipation. A smirk dances at his lips as he sees you close your eyes momentarily the closer to your entrance his mouth gets. 
Testing the waters, he licks a tentative strip up your core, watching your every reaction and drinking it in. Fuck, if you aren’t the best thing he’s ever tasted in his life, and he’s sure to let you know.
At his words, you cover your face in slight embarrassment, feeling every breath he makes hit your core and send little jolts throughout your entire body. From the chuckle you hear him let out, he knows exactly what he’s doing.
“No, no, no, none of that,” he reaches up and pulls your arm down so you’re no longer covering your face. You meet his gaze once more, and your heart nearly stops at the carnal hunger you can see shining within them. “I want you to watch me as I devour you.”
A moan slips passed your lips as you watch him bring a hand up to spread your lower lips, tongue slowly dragging through your folds all the while he stares deeply into your eyes. Every sound you make, every reaction, is his tonight, and his alone.
Wrapping his lips around your clit, he sucks a few times before flicking the sensitive nub with the tip of his tongue. He alternates between this and bringing his tongue down to circle your entrance before thrusting it in to collect your juices, massaging your inner walls at the same time. Like hell he’s going to let anything go to waste, not after he’s waited this long to finally have you all to himself.
Your hips start to move in time with his tongue, and he lets out a snarl as your hand comes to tangle in his hair, only serving to pull him closer into you. His tongue continues to work you up in every way he knows how, wanting you to know that only he can please you like this. Only he can make you feel this good.
His eyes never leave yours the whole time, even when he starts to pick up the pace. Every twitch of your inner walls lets him know he’s doing something right, taking the opportunity to slide a finger in using his free hand. Now, he focusses his tongue on your clit, licking and sucking as his finger massages your inner walls. The way you’re clenching around him only makes him that much more eager to finally be inside you after all this time.
By now, multiple curses and moans of his name have slipped past your lips, whines only serving to becoming louder as he adds a second finger. Each movement he makes is precise, and you can feel the pressure building with each moment that passes by. With each flick of his tongue, you swear it will be the push you need to fall over the edge, but he purposely slows his movements, wanting to keep you on the brink for as long as possible and prolong your pleasure. By the time he adds a third finger, you feel as if you’re just about ready to fall apart.
“That’s it, darling,” he coaxes, moving his fingers along your inner walls in time with each flick of his tongue, the pressure within you about to snap. “Let yourself go.”
His words are all you need to hear in order to feel yourself falling over the edge, your orgasm crashing into you as a scream of his name tears from your throat. A smirk on his lips is the first thing you see once your vision clears, chest heaving with each breath you take as he laps up every last drop of your essence with his tongue.
“Such a good girl for me,” he hums, removing his fingers in order to crawl up your body and place them at your lips. “Suck.”
Immediately, you part your lips, taking his fingers into your mouth and tasting yourself on them. A moan bubbles in your throat as your tongue swirls around his digits, echoed only by his own groan as he sees the blissful expression on your features.
Taking his fingers out of your mouth, he kisses you once more, pulling your body impossibly closer to his own. He needs to feel every inch of you pressed against him, not wanting to leave any part of your body unexplored this evening.
“Jaehyun,” his name falling from your lips is one of the best sounds he’s ever heard in his life, and he could never tire of it. “Please, I need you.”
Those words are all it takes for him to be ripping off his pants and lining himself up with your entrance. He can’t help but tease you a bit, dipping the head of his cock into your folds to collect your wetness before pulling back out again just to hear you whine. You’re so cute when you’re needy for him.
“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll make you feel so good,” his voice is a low drawl that sounds right beside your ear.
Your arms are already wrapped around his torso, nails digging into the skin of his back as you feel the need to bring him closer. The next thing you hear is him let out a small chuckle, feeling him beginning to stretch you out in the next second as he begins to push into you.
Your mouth falls open in a soundless gasp as you feel him stretching you out. His own breath falters as he feels your walls pulsing around him, the soft warmth of your flesh feeling as if it were made for him. Considering the fact that you two fit perfectly together, he swears that’s the case.
He has to remind himself not to move before you’re okay, every instinct in his body screaming at him to ravish you as soon as he’s seated in you fully. However, he’s in no rush tonight, wanting to take his time in order to make the sweetest love to your body. Something only he can do.
As soon as he sees you nod, he’s resting his forehead against yours as he pulls out slightly and gives a shallow thrust to start. His movements are slow, precise, each movement of his hips a sensual grind to make you feel every inch of him buried within you.
“I fucking love you, you know that?” His voice is rough, strained as he attempts to control himself for the time being. This is your first time together, and he wants to make sure it’s special for the both of you, something neither of you will forget. 
You let out a gasp at a particularly sharp thrust, “I love you.”
This is all he could have ever wanted, and more, as he begins to pick up his pace. His lips meet yours once more in a searing kiss, all of his passion, love, lust, and want for you being conveyed wordlessly through every movement he makes.
When his lips aren’t on yours, they’re sucking marks into the skin of your neck, teeth nipping at the skin shortly after. As he increases his pace, his one hand comes up to grab yours, fingers intertwining as the other grips your waist, holding you to him as close as possible. The way your free hand drags down his back, nails biting into his skin lets him know he’s doing all the right things. Your legs wrapping around his waist only serve to pull him that much closer into you, a pleased rumble escaping his chest.
Shifting slightly, he adjusts the angle he’s hitting you at, hearing your sharp intake of breath as he hits a specific spot inside you.
“Fuck, my King, right there,” your voice is desperate as it comes out, eyes closing in bliss as your head is thrown back.
The snarl that tears from his throat is feral, your words snapping any last bits of sanity he had left in his body as his hips snap into yours. 
“That’s it, Darling,” he growls, eyes bleeding red once more as he takes in the beautiful expressions you’re making for him, “let your King take care of his Queen.”
The hitch in your breath at his own words causes a tightening in his abdomen, and he knows he’s getting close. He has to remind himself that you’re still only human as his grip tightens on your hand and waist, not wanting to hurt you, but needing you to feel just how desperate he is for you. Everything about you drives him insane, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t treat you like the Queen you are.
With each thrust, he can feel your walls twitching around him, signalling that you’re getting closer to your second release of the night. Bringing his one hand down from your waist, he uses his thumb to circle your clit, feeling your whole body shudder beneath him as you near the edge.
“Come on, my Queen,” his chest rumbles in content each time he says those words, voice dangerously low. “Come with me. Come for your King.”
The way his thumb flicks at your clit, combined with his words and the angle he’s hitting inside of you is enough to push you over the edge for the second time that night. Seeing you shake beneath him in ecstasy, combined with the sinful way you’re moaning his name has him following shortly after, a loud cry of your own name escaping his lips.
Lazily thrusting into you a few more times as you both come down from your highs, he makes sure you’re okay before pulling out of you. In the blink of an eye, he’s got a damp washcloth ready in his hand, wiping you down gently while whispering soft praises in your ear, telling you how good you are for him, and how much he loves you. You can only smile softly in return, finally able to catch your breath once he returns from disposing of the washcloth.
Crawling into the bed, he tucks you both under the covers, pulling you close into his chest in the next moment. His hand strokes over your back gently as he places a tender kiss to your forehead.
“I love you,” he whispers. “My Queen.”
“And I love you,” you hum. “My King.”
Silence settles over the two of you as you each take comfort in the other’s embrace. Eventually, sleep overtakes you, leaving Jaehyun to watch over your sleeping figure with a smile on his face.
“Always and forever,” he whispers, allowing his eyes to close and his whole body to relax as he succumbs to his own darkness.
Dawn comes and Jaehyun manages to wake before you do, appreciating the way the morning light cascades over your naked form, painting you in golden hues for him to adore. His eyes trail over your back, tracing the curve of your spine as he remembers the events of last night. Licking his lips, he inhales the scents of the morning deeply, positively growling at the way you’re now covered in his scent.
As it should be. As it will always be. From this point onwards, you’re his and he’s yours, and last night serves as a confirmation of that fact. Now, you’ve given yourselves to each other, and all that’s left to do is set the date for the wedding.
A few minutes pass by with Jaehyun simply admiring you. Very lightly he traces his hand over your back, loving the way you shiver underneath his fingertips, for it only makes him recall how you were trembling beneath him in bliss merely hours before. He could stay like this with you forever, but unfortunately, he needs to attend to some final arrangements for the royal announcement of your wedding ceremony.
Letting out a small sigh, disappointed he has to leave you for the time being, he slides out of bed. The glint of the ring on your left hand in the morning light catches his gaze, only causing a small smile to form at his lips. Last night could not have been more perfect.
Moving as silently as he can so as not to disturb you, he exits your room.
It takes him longer than he would have liked to get ready that morning, his movements feeling a bit sluggish the more he has to move around. It’s almost as if his senses have dulled slightly for the time being, for his hearing isn’t as sharp as it usually is, nor his sense of smell. Perhaps these are simply side effects of his mood, for he knows when he’s overcome with emotions he can never think straight, let alone react in an orderly manner.
Making his way through the castle, he finally enters the throne room, having requested to meet Minho there to discuss everything that still needs to be done for the upcoming ceremonies. However, what he isn’t expecting to see is another person standing with their arms crossed in front of their chest beside a very nervous looking Minho.
“What is the meaning of this?” Jaehyun’s voice practically booms across the room, demanding their attention.
“Your Highness, I’ve been attempting to escort Miss Lori out of the castle and back to her home, but she simply will not go until she speaks with her older sister,” Minho explains, words coming out rushed as he looks towards Jaehyun frantically.
“Is there anything I can help you with? Your sister is currently still resting in her chambers,” Jaehyun continues to play the nice card. He’s gotten this far despite not needing anyone’s approval, but that still doesn’t mean he won’t try for you.
“Cut the bullshit, you’re not fooling me,” Lori narrows her eyes at him, only causing Jaehyun to raise his brows amusedly.
“Is there a reason that you’ve come to talk with your sister then?” Jaehyun asks, already bored with this conversation, yet still feigning interest and concern. Again, he’d do anything for you, even if it means something as trivial as this.
“I’ve come to collect my sister and take her back home,” Lori answers. “Away from you.”
Jaehyun’s expression falls, immediately darkening at the threat apparent in her voice, “I don’t think you understand the situation you’re in here.”
“No, I don’t think you understand your situation,” Lori counters, causing Minho to send her a look filled with nothing but distress. “I’ve seen through your little ‘nice guy’ act long ago thanks to your mother, and I’ve finally come to save my sister from whatever you plan to do to her. She’ll listen to me this time, she always has. I’m taking my sister back home with me, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”
The confidence in which she says those words irritate Jaehyun to no end. Though, he supposes he finds this situation rather ironic, causing him to let out a few laughs in disbelief. How dare Lori threaten him of all people. Like she could ever do anything to tear the two of you apart now, considering what occurred last night. After all, the two of you are to be bonded for life.
“You came all this way to threaten me? Me, of all people?” He chuckles maliciously, shaking his head in disbelief. “You think I’m just going to let you waltz in here and steal what rightfully belongs to me? That I’d even let you near what’s mine?”
“Your threats don’t scare me, I know you won’t do anything to me,” Lori raises her chin in the air in defiance, a smug look resting on her face. Clearly the letters his mother had sent her are still giving her a false confidence on this matter.
In a flash, he’s in front of her, holding her in the air by her neck. The hold his hand has around her throat is firm enough for it to be a threat, but not hard enough to completely block her airway just yet. “You underestimate the lengths I am willing to go to keep what is mine. I’ve spent too long planning everything out and making sure things run smoothly in order for things to get where they are now. I’m not giving my love up so easily.”
“Then, obviously you wouldn’t harm her own sister!” She manages to choke out, gaze darting off to his right as if something, or someone has caught her eye. His grip only serves to tighten ever so slightly as his eyes flash red.
“Wouldn’t I?” He hums, tilting his head in false sympathy. “I mean, considering I disposed of my own mother who got in the way, what’s a measly little human girl compared to that?”
Minho can do nothing but watch as this event unfolds before his very eyes, taking a few steps back in order to give the Prince space to do what he has to. His own heart is pounding in his chest out of fear, so he can only imagine how Lori feels in this very moment.
“It’d be so easy for me to cover up your death, so don’t flatter yourself,” Jaehyun seethes, eyes crazed as he stares into hers. “I’ve done everything I can to rid myself of nuisances in my way. So, what’s one more?”
Shifting his predatory gaze, he locks eyes with Minho, waiting for the advisor to speak and confirm his words.
“Yes, Your highness, you’re correct,” Minho swallows nervously, he’s never seen Jaehyun like this before. The intense insanity in his eyes nearly has Minho stumbling over his own feet despite standing perfectly still. He knows something must have happened last night after the engagement party, otherwise there’s no way he would be looking like that right now.
“You’re nothing,” he hisses. “A measly little human whose life will end at the flick of my wrist, worth no more that the servants I’ve killed beneath my feet. Poor Greta, only wanted to warn the love of my life about me, and look what that got her,” he feigns a pout, “only her throat ripped out.”
Lori gasps, remembering how you mentioned to her that one of the servants you met on one of your first days here seemed to have suddenly disappeared, never to be seen again.
“Not to mention the countless other lives I’ve taken for even looking at my love the wrong way. Or maybe, perhaps I should say poor Ben, who only got his skull run through for providing the wrong information about my love’s favourite foods,” Jaehyun tuts, shaking his head. “Bastard could have ruined everything. Just as you are trying to do.”
Lori can feel the breath being squeezed out of her lungs as Jaehyun slowly crushes her airway. She attempts to claw at the hands around her neck to no avail, legs kicking out uselessly beneath her. 
“Don’t you ever think for one second I’d let you take away what I’ve worked so hard to achieve,” he spits, venom dripping from every syllable as he crushes her throat, bringing his other hand up and tearing her head off in the next moment in his anger. “Worthless scum.”
Lori’s head hits the floor with a loud thump, her blood pooling around her now discarded body as lifeless eyes stare up at Jaehyun in fear. He shakes his head in disgust, pulling out a handkerchief to wipe off the blood that had managed to get on his hands. 
“Clean this up,” he orders, turning to Minho to see him nod once in understanding.
Closing his eyes, he shakes his head. So much for his pleasant morning. 
Turning around, Jaehyun sighs, eyes still closed. His face is still contorted into an expression of annoyance, brow furrowed as he takes a deep breath. He can feel his whole body tense as he recognizes a familiar faint scent in the air.
Slowly, he opens his eyes, realizing in horror that you stand in the open doorway of the throne room. Your hands are both raised over your mouth, as if to cover a silent scream as tears stream down your face. He can feel his dead heart falter in his chest as he watches you. The fear you look at him with is something he never ever wanted to see from you, especially directed towards himself.
A few moments pass by with the two of you just silently observing the other. Jaehyun hates how it’s only now that he can seemingly hear the loudness of your racing heart, your scent becoming stronger the more time you spend staring at one another. All that he had worked so hard to create, everything he’s done to impress you, to woo you and make you fall in love with him, is now ruined. It’s only all confirmed when he sees you turn and attempt to run away from him.
In an instant, he’s run to you, caging you in his arms and holding you tightly. Your screams and protests are falling on deaf ears as he holds you to his chest. His attempts to quietly shush you and calm you down are not working, with you only seeming to struggle harder against him, spouting insults and curses at him. 
“Sweetheart, please,” he sighs, “I need you to calm down.”
“Calm down?” You’re hysterical at this point. “Calm down? You just murdered my little sister in front of my very eyes and you have the audacity to tell me to calm down?”
“I did it for us,” he replies calmly, voice sounding completely opposite to how he really feels inside at the moment. “She would have only gotten in the way.”
He’s not entirely sure how you managed to sneak up on him, but he assumes that he didn’t hear you due to his dull senses this morning. The fact that you’re covered in his scent is probably why he didn’t smell you right away, too. Either way, he’ll do his best to steer the conversation in a direction which suits him, considering he doesn’t exactly know how long you had been standing there for. However, your next words only serve to confirm just how long you had.
“And I suppose your mother, Greta, Ben, and who knows who else were all collateral, too?” You retort, anger and disgust shining in your eyes which only causes his grip to tighten ever so slightly around you.
“Yes,” he answers, but he isn’t stupid enough to believe you’ll willingly accept his reasonings. “They were. I don’t expect you to understand why I’ve done what I have yet, but if you think I’m ever going to let you go, you’re mistaken. And before you say you hate me, I just want you to think back on everything I’ve ever done for you since you’ve been here. I want you to remember all the moments we’ve shared together, especially the good ones. Especially last night,” a shiver runs down your spine as he whispers those words lowly in your ear before trailing his lips down your neck, pressing them against the same spot he did the previous evening. Your struggling lessens as he continues, “I’d never do anything to harm you, I think my actions towards you have shown that. I never wanted you to be scared of me. Why do you think I never showed you this side of me yet?”
“You really are a devil,” you spit, finally giving up your attempts to escape his hold for you know that it’s futile at this point. You’ve long been trapped in his clutches, you just only wish you’d realized it sooner.
“A devil who loves you,” he hums, nuzzling his face deeper into your neck and breathing in your combined scents. A shiver goes down his spine. At least now he doesn’t have to worry about hiding this side of himself from you any longer. Plus, you now know what he’s capable of; what he’s willing to do for you. What he’s always been willing to do for you. “I always get what I want, so don’t even think about leaving me. You sealed your fate the moment you agreed to become mine.”
“I hate you,”
He simply chuckles, “that’s not what you were saying last night.”
“Yeah, well, things change,” you reply, refusing to so much as look in his direction as he holds you from behind.
“That they do,” he hums once more, clearly amused by your stubbornness. In the next moment, his eyes are going dark, expression deadly serious as he turns you around to stare deeply into your eyes. A shiver goes down your spine. “One thing that hasn’t changed though, is the fact that whether you like it or not, you can never escape me. I love you, and I will always love you, so you better get used to that. After all, a King should never be without his Queen.”
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humansofstarshollow · 3 years
If we’re fallowing AYITL canon: Paris divorces Doyle (but they co-parent), She move’s in with Francie (I’m picturing either townhome or penthouse?), and tbh I can see them just dating for a while but one of them suggests getting married for particular reasons?
she does divorce doyle (good riddance), and she does move into francie's loft before eventually purchasing a townhouse together, some years later, when it becomes obvious that this, what they have, is for keeps. and the twins do need more space to themselves, farther away from the parents (and the noise often coming from their bedroom).
i feel like it would be paris to bring the topic up because francie is happy with how things are, truly, and she's heard enough about paris' first failed marriage that she's not even sure how the doctor would react to a proposal.
hence-- one day paris looks up from the newspaper, her hair and make-up perfect, but she's still wearing nightclothes, and francie is drinking her morning coffee right there, leaning her hips against the lower cabinets. she's got this soft look in her eyes, that is always on when paris is around.
and that's when paris blurts out: "we should get married. I think it's time."
francie, for her part, half chokes on her drink, half dies on the spot. "excuse me, what was that, again?"
"yes," paris repeats, nonchalantly, "we really should. tax purposes and all that."
"paris geller," francie grits through her teeth, "i must have gotten that wrong because you cannot possibly have suggested that we get married, for convenience."
"I mean, there's perks to wed. you must know that, Fran."
stay calm. one, two, three, fo- "I cannot believe you." Francie can't refrain from saying.
"oh, come on!" paris replies, finally lowering the paper to offer her full attention.
"no. paris, no." and francie truly is fuming now. "i love you, exactly as you are, but this improvised proposal, for tax purposes -also, what the fuck?- this is too much. after five years, we owe each other better than that."
sighing deeply while shaking her head, paris stands up to march into the office at the end of the short hallway. it's about two minutes of francie just standing there, disbelief clear on her face, coffee long forgotten, when paris stomps her way back into the kitchen.
"here," she says, stretching her arm out. it's a tiny box, deep petroleum green in color and velvety, right there in her palm.
francie covers the few steps separating them and hesitantly, reverently almost, picks it up. "is this-"
"i've had this custom-made after our bali trip. i knew, then, that it would be yours, someday."
"paris," francie whispers. "that was three years ago."
"well, yeah," the other woman replies, bashful and adorable, eyes locked on her partner, nevertheless. "i just didn't want to rush into things, and you never really dropped any hints that you may want to get hitched, eventually."
"god, for that big brain of yours you can be extremely daft, at times."
"geez, thank you." remembering the whole point of them even having this conversation, "so, will you?"
"marry me, francie. i promise you, not just for tax purposes."
"of course i will marry you, you charming, frustrating, unbelievably incredible woman."
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elpercotreviews · 3 years
My Anime 9/10′s
With probably no spoilers cuz I don’t wanna talk too long about them zzz.
1. Fullmetal Alchemist
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YALL ALREADY KNOW THIS A 9/10. The only real reason this show is not a 10/10 is because it’s just a story that I’d never rewatch. There’s like 70 episodes, which is way too long for my short attention span, especially since I’ve seen it already. But yeah, by all accounts, this story is a masterpiece and is one of the only “shounen” anime’s that I genuinely enjoyed. No random sexualization. No dumb filler. All the characters have an actual purpose and role in the plot and everyone has their own morals and ideals that interact to make the story interesting. I couldn’t bring myself to really hate anyone, even the villains, because everyone was pretty well written. Also super satisfying ending that ties up everything properly without leaving me confused or upset. If you only watch a few anime in your life, Fullmetal Alchemist is pretty much a MUST WATCH to see a beautiful example of a modern classic anime as an artform. Also I should say that I really don’t like Hunter x Hunter (AN EXTREMELY CONTROVERSIAL OPINION BTW) but I love Fullmetal Alchemist so take from that what you will.
2. Parasyte: The Maxim
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Same kinda shit where you already know this a 9/10 for me. It’s just a very satisfying anime that doesn’t have random sexualization or random filler or anything like that. Ending is also very good and ties up the story in a way that doesn’t leave more questions but also allows the characters to have a “life” outside of the scope of the story. I think Parasyte, because of its more horror and psychological-esque vibes, counts as a seinen and not a shounen, so for more mature audiences. I also really liked how the story was successfully adapted to modern times since the manga is from the 80′s. I have actually rewatched this anime, but what stops me from giving it a 10/10 is a few things that I found kinda “stereotypical” that I don’t wanna discuss further too much cuz it’s spoilers. I still obviously really like this anime and highly recommend it.
3. Zankyou no Terror
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TBH, this anime is pretty hard for me to properly describe in a lot of words as to why I like it. The art was really pretty as well as the music, which was just straight up amazing. The cinematography of this anime is excellent as well, and a lot of scenes have that sense of being acted out by real people, as opposed to feeling completely drawn/animated. I was a teenager when this anime came out and I think a lot of the themes presented in the show really related to me. The show does kinda have some leftover questions when it ends that prevents me from rating it a 10/10, but I have such a soft spot for this anime. It’s from the same creator as Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop, and although those two animes are also very good, they did not impact me as much as this anime did. Recommended for people looking for idk something that gives off Inception vibes?? In the sense that it’s much more about its themes and its message more so than the believability of the events that occur.
4. Magic Kaito 1412
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THIS IS JUST A PERSONAL PREFERENCE BTW LOLOL I DON’T KNOW ANYBODY WHO’D PUT THIS AS A 9/10 ANIME. I JUST REALLY LIKED IT OKAY. It’s made by the same person who does Detective Conan but I like this a lot more because it’s a much shorter series and slightly more mature (more for teens than just straight up kids). I really liked the main guy, I think he’s funny and charismatic. He’s a pervert at times but Imma forgive that cuz of the 90′s. Idk it’s just a really fun anime that I don’t have to take seriously and can just watch and enjoy.
5. Mob Psycho 100 (season 1 AND 2)
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Imma put season two as slightly better than season one. So season one would be like a 9 and season two is like a 9.25 for me. Super super funny anime and I like it SO much more than One Punch Man. I liked that there was a good balance of serious moments, but you can definitely still count this anime as a comedy. I’m typically not the type to watch “comedy” but this anime genuinely had me laughing out loud, while also crying and freaking out right alongside the main character. The main guy is super great because he’s just this shy and sweet middle schooler, and it’s really interesting watching him balance trynna have a normal life while also using his powers for good and such. Apparently the anime was decently faithful to the manga and there’s apparently enough material for a third season so I’d be pretty stoked for a season 3, but season 2 ended on a pretty good spot and was satisfying. TBH, if I had the time, I’d probably rewatch both seasons and bump it up to a 10/10.
6. Vinland Saga
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This anime is just the first season of what I hopes to be a whole series that will be stay beautifully and faithfully adapted from the manga. As someone who read very far into the manga (but quit like years ago simply because I hate slow updates lol), I actually didn’t enjoy watching the anime at first. I was impatient and kept waiting for when like the “major” events would happen. So I watched like three episodes and quit. But when I had some free time, I decided to get stuck in and commit to watching the whole series and I was so pleasantly surprised with just how good it was. I was impatient but I needed to realize that there is no “filler” or like “wasted time” in the entire anime. I hadn’t read the manga in years, so so many things were only vaguely familiar but I think this helped me stay surprised and excited throughout the anime. I’m looking forward to the rest of the manga being adapted because it’s just a good Viking saga lolol. Major themes of stuff like growing up, violence vs. peace, what it means to be a good person, etc. Lots of blood and LOTS of violence like a LOT they are VIKINGS CMON but tbh not really any gore which I liked cuz gore makes me ughhhh. A very good watch and only a taste of an excellent story.
7. Demon Slayer
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It’s just Demon Slayer duhhh. Of course this a 9/10 for me. I don’t wanna write much just cuz the show is so popular. Just read a REAL review of this anime somewhere else lmaoooo. Also yes I did watch the movie in theaters and yes I liked it a lot as well mmkay. I’m mad hype for season two. My S/O doesn’t like Demon Slayer as much as me, but also has Hunter x Hunter as their all time favorite anime. Do with that information what you will lolol.
8. Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2
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Same shit as Demon Slayer. Just go read someone else’s review about why it’s so good lol. Also, unlike Mob Psycho 100, I can’t include all of the seasons in this, because I have very various opinions about how good/bad the other seasons were. But this season 3 part 2, was just plain and simply amazing. While I might not like each season equally, as a whole Attack on Titan is also a modern masterpiece of storytelling. Read the manga if you can.
9. Great Pretender
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I love this anime so much. Such a good and fun wild ride. The whole show is ridiculous but in a fun way. I’m a HUGE fan of heist films, so of course I absolutely enjoyed a heist anime. I’ve watched this show in sub AND dub, due to the fact that everyone is “technically” speaking English the entire time. If you’re a purist, just watch in sub OR dub cuz I did get confused here and there, especially when I would go back to compare language discrepancies.  Because basically I did this super high maintenance thing where I switched back to Japanese whenever the main character had flashbacks, since he’s ya know, Japanese. The dub also has this confusing thing where the first five minutes or so are still in Japanese, but switches to English when a little cue card on the screen goes “For the Viewers sake, everything from now on will be translated to Japanese.” It’s cuz in the sub, the inverse obviously happens where the characters are initially speaking broken English to each other, but for convenience sake, everything from that point on will be in Japanese. It’s confusing at first but I liked it cuz it just proved the whole international vibe of the show. It’s funny either sub or dub when they joke about how bad the main guy speaks English, cuz in the dub he’s speaking perfect English, while the sub has him not speaking English at all. But anyway, great anime that WOULD have gotten a 10/10 if not for the last episode. Like without spoiling ... WTF WAS THAT LMAOOOO. The anime as a whole is super wacky and zany but at least I could try to think it’s real life, but that last episode was just so unbelievable and bizarre and pulled my suspension of disbelief into the STRATOSPHERE that I just had to convince myself that this show takes place in some improbable alternate reality where something like what happened in the last episode is at least 5 percent possible CUZ HOW DID ANY OF THAT WORK LMAOOO??? Once again, great show, one of my absolute favorites, BUT THAT ENDING THOUGH WTF.
10. BNA
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Good super underrated anime that I don’t hear people talk about at all. If Beastars is anime Zootopia, then BNA is Disney Beastars lmaooo does that make sense? It’s a lot more fun and zany than Beastars and I liked it way more. Made by the same people who made Kill la Kill. I really like that more classic, animated “cheap” art style that the anime has, and I also really liked the plot of the story. Not a 10/10 cuz the show does leave a few unanswered questions at the end of it, but this show was such a fun and interesting ride. When I finished the last episode, I was left with a big smile on my face because I just genuinely enjoyed this anime. Recommended if you wanna watch something a little unique and more on the silly and wack side. Talks about some serious stuff, but luckily the show never takes itself TOO seriously, and remains overall lighthearted for a fun action/sci-fi show.
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yeojaa · 4 years
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Sometimes, hating someone is the only thing you can do.
pairing.  jjk x named f!reader.  a bit of jhs x named f!reader (but not really)?
genre + rating.   rockstar!au.  e2l (exes n enemies!).  general flangst?  anguf?  a blend of angst and fluff, tbh.  mainly angst tho.
tags / warnings.  sibling dynamics, introspective sadness, talk about not-so-healthy relationships (obviously), dumbass!jk, asshole!jk, jealous!jk, how many more jk tags can i add?, a silly reference to scott pilgrim.  nothing serious. 
beta reader(s).  @hobi-gif​ aka the loml!!!
wc.  3.1k
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chapter four.
You and Yoongi don’t fight.  It’s always been a point of pride - something to look at and smile on. 
That must be why it feels so terrible now, with his knuckles blown white and enough rage to start a war simmering within his veins.  You’ve never seen him like this:  a world away from your soft Yoon, your best friend, your beloved brother.
“Yoongi, really--” 
“No.  Stop saying that.”  Despite the fact that you know his anger isn’t directed at you - that you’re the farthest target in his mind - it still hurts, like getting caught in friendly fire.  Pinpricks of guilt spill across your skin, nerve endings shot to hell by the way his mouth curls and tears, venom laced between his teeth and draped across his tongue.  “He came here and you didn’t tell me?  I told you - I’ll kill him.”
Hyperbole, you’re sure, but you can’t help the way your heart stutters.  A little oh no for a boy who doesn’t deserve it - whose silhouette still carves a spectacularly painful hole in your chest.
“I didn’t want you to worry--”  It’s not an excuse.  It’s not meant to be.  You never lie to Yoongi.  Frankly, you don’t think you could.  
“You’re my sister.”
It’s enough of a rebuttal that you’re reduced to silence.  He’s right.  You’re family;  family don’t keep secrets.
“I’m sorry,”  you try again, feeble and emphatic.  
There’s an unbearable distance between you - a sea’s worth of sadness that rocks the rickety boat you’ve built.  You can practically see it stretching on and on, sweeping you further and further from his safe shores.  It’s an awful feeling. 
“You’re my sister,”  he repeats, suddenly so tired you worry for him.  For once, he looks that much older than you, as if five years have forced passages of experience within his pages.  “You can’t hide things from me.  Who’s going to be there for you if not me?”  
You want to rebuff him - insist that you’re stronger than he gives you credit for - but you know it’s not what he means.  More than anyone, Yoongi believes in you.  He sees your strength even when you can’t see your own;  he’s been that strength more times than you can count.  
The reality of your situation isn’t lost on you.
He’s the only one who knows everything you’ve been through.  A diary in living breathing form, full of your most shameless secrets, your deepest worries, your worst heartbreaks.  
“I know.”  Apology threads each syllable, stitches them neatly to each other.  The sincerity is blinding, bright white and earnest.  “I didn’t mean to make you worry.”  
The smile he offers is rueful, twisting the edge of his mouth in a manner you’ve adopted over the years.  You return it without thought and then, all at once, the expanse is closed.  He’s laughing - a sound that doesn’t ring true in the way you know it should - but it’s a laugh and you know everything is okay.
“Still worried,”  he returns with a quiet sigh and flick of his wrist.
You’re with him in a breath, curled against his side on the couch you’d cried yourself to sleep on just days ago.  While you’re both far closer in size than you’ve ever been - you were always a tiny kid growing up, even against Yoongi’s own slim frame - it’s reminiscent of your childhood and being caught beneath haphazardly strewn sheets and disorganised chaos in the form of blanket forts.
Dry lips find a home against the side of your head, his arm dragging you to warmth.  “You’re an idiot, you know.”  He says it in the way only an older brother can - with all the frustration and love in the world.  
You do know, intimately well, how idiotic you are.  Have been.  Seemingly always will be.
“I know,”  you mumble, sad into the raised hood of your sweater.  “But I made him leave.”  It sounds like a child begging for praise - to be told they’ve done well.  You won’t deny you need it now.  
Good is the first thing Yoongi says, a little flippant and with a hard set of his jaw.  More comes when he catches your expression and the way the dent forms between your brows, the tiny pout of your lips.  It’s the same face you’ve made all your life - one that hits him right behind the ribs like a Whack-A-Mole game at the carnival.
“You did good, Vivi.  I’m proud of you.”  They’re bandages, sticky and adhesive on the stitches Jungkook’s visit had torn open.  “You’re great and he’s…”  There are words he’d like to use - a million scathing adjectives to paint the asshole in technicolour - but he knows better.  Knows you can’t take it, at least not right now.  “He doesn’t deserve you.  You get that, right?  You’re better off without him.”
You nod against his side but offer nothing further.  The silence speaks worrying volumes.
“You’re not going to answer him again, right?”  
Some half-mumbled non-committal response comes.  Yoongi wants to tear his own hair out.  Better yet, he wants to tear yours out.  Instead, he blows a long exhale through his nose, free hand coming to scrub across his face.  When will you learn?  
“I’m scared.”
It’s so quiet even you hardly hear it, ear tucked against the cotton of Yoongi’s flannel.  You think, for a moment, maybe he’s missed it too.  Then he squeezes you a little tighter:  a silent reassurance.
“Seeing him again just brings back so many memories.”  Every other word is muffled but it’s the most you can do.  Courage is carried quietly - too loud and you’ll shatter it.  “I thought three years would be enough.  It should be, right?”
It’s a rhetorical question;  Yoongi still debates answering it, just for his own sake.
“Maybe he’s changed.  Or maybe I’ve changed.  It could be different.”  It’s a clandestine belief and one you shouldn’t speak to life - especially to your brother.  It spills forth of its own accord, wrong for so many reasons but begging to be asked.  You have no control over it and the hope it sows somewhere within your chest.
“You can’t actually believe that.”  
It’s infinitely more scathing than Hoseok’s reaction, tearing out of Yoongi’s mouth like a bullet.  You can’t help the way you frown, brows drawn and lips pursed.  You’ve known Yoongi your whole life.  Reading between the lines feels like you’re fucking stupid but you know it’s not quite so harsh.  A frustrated you dumb idiot, maybe.
“Don’t make that face.”  
“I’m not making any face.”  
“Yes, you are.  It’s the same one you made when I embarrassed you on your first date.  Also the one you made after you threw up all over Hoseok’s shoes the first night you met him.”  The recollection doesn’t help your cause - you’re grimacing even more deeply, chagrin spilling into misery in the form of red hot heat over your cheeks.  “Don’t resent me for being realistic, Vivi.  You know he hasn’t changed.”
The silence is childish.  You know that.
“You can’t fix people.”
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He arrives with flowers.  Two full bunches of your favourite blooms - pretty peonies in shades of coral and lavender.  They’re heavy in his arms, held so gingerly it’s almost comical as he extracts himself from the vehicle he most definitely should not be driving.  He wonders whether you’ll be home - if he’ll get to see your expression when he presents them to you.  He hopes you’ll light up, brighter than the sun in the sky and better than any nightlight.  
What he doesn’t expect is someone walking up the sidewalk, gym bag slung across his shoulder like he’s getting ready to settle in for a long night.  Short - atleast a few inches shorter than himself - with a stupid face that makes Jungkook want to punch it.  Dumb shoes, too.  Who the fuck wears Off-White Jordan 1s in that colourway?
There’s a permanent scowl etched across his face as he watches from behind the tinted comfort of his car, single hand caught around the edge of the door.  He’s vaguely aware of the fact that he’s perhaps crushing the stems cradled in his arms, inked knuckles blown white around quickly crumpling brown paper.
Maybe he’s your neighbour.  Or maybe he’s going to the other house or maybe—
No, he’s definitely walking right up the front path.
The words are out before Jungkook can stop them, shouted into the quiet afternoon more loudly than he anticipates.  “Hey!”
Dumbass with the face turns, full of surprise and wandering eyes.  He hesitates halfway up your stoop, looking stupider than ever as he looks around for the source of the voice.  
Then his stare falls on the brunet with his hands full and it’s like a flip has switched - mouth hardening into a line that raises the hairs on the back of Jungkook’s neck.  He’s glaring at him (or something close to it).  
Seriously - who is this fucker?
“Can I help you?”  Hoseok speaks far more reasonably, at an octave that doesn’t shatter the peace of the residential neighbourhood.  He’s still caught on the steps, fist tight around the strap of his bag as he studies the man - no, boy - that jogs up to meet him, two rungs the only thing separating the two of them.
“Do you know Vira?”
A part of Hoseok flinches at Jungkook’s casual use of your name - like he knows you or deserves to address you like an old friend.  This kid really was clueless.
When he speaks, he’s perfectly composed, tension held tight behind his teeth.  “I said, can I help you?”
Jungkook bristles at the response, some snarky comment threatening to knock the other off his apparent high horse.  He barely catches it, grinding it down into a fine powder beneath his molars.  He has to tread lightly here. 
“I’m a friend of hers.”  Not a lie, per se.  You two were friends;  after all, you’d come when he’d called.  That meant something, right?  Had to. 
“A friend?”  Disbelief slips into place, evident in the tone of Hoseok’s voice, how his brows shift beneath his chestnut fringe.  He knows better than to believe Jungkook - has heard all the heartbreaking stories - but he can’t quite keep the worry from worming it’s way into his thoughts.  They settle uncomfortably, just beneath the surface. “Is she expecting you?”
Everything about Hoseok makes Jungkook hate him.  From the sneakers he wears to the watch on his wrist - understated, all gold, more expensive than a nerd like him should have - there’s something undoubtedly punchable about him.
It certainly has nothing to do with the fact that he’s seemingly close with you.  Definitely not.
“I was going to surprise her.”  The flowers are held aloft, gesticulated in the best manner Jungkook can manage with his arms so full.  “I didn’t know she was expecting you.”  It’s a cheap tactic - recycling words - but he can’t think of much else beyond fitting his foot into this guy’s mouth.
“She’s not.”  Sharp, sparse, with no hint of indulgence.  Hoseok’s not about to get into a verbal sparring match with Jungkook.  It’s not worth his time.  
He is, however, going to put him in his place - and easily at that.
“She’s still at work.”  Slim bundle of keys rise - two unassuming and one for an Audi.  Perhaps unnecessary but Hoseok takes great pleasure in the other’s expression.
Tch is Jungkook’s first thought before the second smacks him straight in the face.  He has a key to your place?  The fact rubs him all the wrong ways despite the fact that he has no right to be bothered;  it isn’t his home any more - hasn’t been in years.  It still hurts, though, right behind his ribs and all the way down to the tips of his fingers.
Is this how you felt all those times?  
Something like nausea builds in Jungkook’s stomach, throwing acid up the walls of his throat.  It burns and strings, licking painfully all the way into his mouth.  His teeth ache - buzz uncomfortably - and his tongue feels suddenly far too heavy.  He wonders if he might choke on it.
Then, slowly, in a voice he doesn’t recognise.  Too soft, years younger, uncertain.  “Can you give these to her?”  He hates it.
He hates even more the way Hosoek looks at him, with such pity Jungkook wants to curl it around his fist and break the older man’s teeth with it.  It’s something he’s seen a handful of times - from you, from your brother, from his worried mother when she thinks he doesn’t notice.  It never gets easier. 
It forces him into a position he hasn’t been in in years:  weak.
“I don’t think so.”  By how calmly Hoseok speaks, it’s almost as if he’s commenting on the weather or passing along a banal bit of information.  It’s far too nonchalant to be breaking Jungkook’s heart, splitting it cleanly in two.
“Why not?”  Jungkook’s petulant, a child denied his favourite toy, forced into time-out.  
That’s not for you screams Hoseok’s expression.  She’s not for you.  “I’m not comfortable with doing so.”  
The sinking feeling hasn’t stopped for Jungkook.  It goes and goes until he wishes he were six feet under, buried under ground as low as he feels.  He should leave.  He knows he should leave - if only to stop the discomfort that’s gripping every nerve, twisting them like an elbow about to snap.  
“Anyway.”  There’s boredom working its way into Hoseok’s stare, relaxing the shape of his mouth until it falls wide around a short, terse sigh.  “If you’re friends, you can get in touch and drop them off later.”  
He’s done playing gatekeeper - can feel his frustration bubbling to the surface in a way he’s not about to entertain.  He nods once, dismissive, before turning away from the so-called rockstar that seems terribly small and the farthest thing from it.
“Goodbye.”  Then he’s disappearing into your home, leaving Jungkook on the steps with his tail between his legs.
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You return home three hours later - blissfully unaware of what’s transpired.  
You set your dinner on the kitchen island, deftly unpacking takeout boxes as Hoseok hurries to your side to help.  You don’t mind when he bumps into you, knocking his hip against yours with a heart-shaped smile.
It burns a little brighter than usual.  “Good day?”  
He hums in response, sneaking a yellow tomato from the salad box he’s just popped open.  “Something like that.” 
“Something like that?”  You can’t help but echo him, a pretty parrot with shining eyes and a silk bow in your hair.  “Don’t play coy, Jung Hoseok.”  A digit closes the minimal distance between you, finding purchase against his side - right where he’s most ticklish.
He shrieks, nearly upending the fries he’s tried to dump onto a ceramic plate.
“Hey!”  Hands swat, then fold, catching your fingers between his in an awkward hand-hold.  “Keep your hands to yourself, Vi.” 
“You don’t complain normally,”  you retort.  You’re not wrong.  Skinship with you is one of his favourite things, fourth only to his dog, dancing, and a certain green-labelled soda.
“Well, today’s a special day.”  
Hoseok really doesn’t know where he’s going with his words - only hoping that he’ll find their destination somewhere along the way.  He doesn’t want to tell you too soon, all too aware of how the mention of your ex will bring this perfect moment crumbling down.  He wants to hold it, perhaps a little too tightly, for as long as he can.  He thinks he’s doing you a service, giving you these few extra minutes.
“Oh yeah?”  You’re twinkling eyes and pealing laughter, so far removed from the bag of bones and sadness of only days prior.  It’s hard to believe there’s something broken inside of there - tucked right behind your breastplate and out of sight.
You wait for him to continue, opting instead to fill the silence with mouth noises.  He’ll tell you when he’s ready.  He always does.  
“Jungkook came by.”  It comes halfway through a bite of a french fry, the carb nearly bringing you to an early death when you choke on it.  All at once, everything spins, as if just the name is enough to upend your entire world.  Hoseok’s clapping your back, rubbing soothing circles over the cotton of your shirt, and you’re struggling to find words or breath - heaving around the sudden heaviness.
“What?”  So small, it’s hardly a word.
“He was here when I got here.”  You’re not oblivious to the careful way he speaks, choosing his words with utmost care.  You don’t miss his grip either, gentle and unyielding at your side - as if he might steady you beneath the sudden tidal wave of emotion.  
You do well, keeping your voice level once you’ve found it again.  “And?  What did he want?”
Hoseok does you the great service of pretending as if he doesn’t hear the hope in your voice.  You’re grateful for that. 
“He came with flowers.”  Not quite a laugh comes - more unimpressed and derisive than amused.  “Two bouquets, actually.”  You can feel him studying you from your periphery, his careful stare trained on your face and the dozen emotions that run rampant through it.  “Your favourite flowers too.”
Your laugh matches his own, though far heavier, as if the sound won’t form without immense effort.  “Wow.”
“Yeah.”  It’s a word you’ve heard a lot tonight.  It feels right.  One syllable to encompass every feeling you can’t properly articulate.  “He asked me to give them to you.”  
It should surprise you but it doesn’t.  Jungkook’s never been one to ask - instead taking what he wants - but it’s still funny.  Of course he’d ask that of Hoseok, as if the act itself weren’t terribly strange, the flowers an unwelcome, begging apology.  Jeon Jungkook only did what he wanted - etiquette be damned.
“I don’t see them anywhere.”  
“I told him I wasn’t comfortable doing it.”  There’s a touch of pride, glimmering gold painted over consonants and vowels.  It’s understated in the way that Hoseok always is - not how he looks, but is;  you’re drawn to it nonetheless, squeezing your fingers around his own in a silent thank you.
“I hope it wasn’t weird.”  It must have been.  It’s still the thought that counts.
Hoseok hams it up, scoffing like it’s just been another day.  “Weird?  Of course not.  I have to deal with my friend’s horrible exes all the time.  I’m practically Scott Pilgrim.”  
“Does that make me Ramona Flowers?”  
“No - but you’re my flower.”  He says it in jest, only to make you smile, because he knows you need it right now.
You try not to think of how you prefer Pumpkin, instead.
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tag list.  @jalexad @aa-ronpa @kookiesbreaky @celestialflamefairy @xjoonchildx @pars-ley @seokjinssi @youwannabelostandnotbefound @patpus @dazedjjk @koozui @jinhitwhore @always-wishing-for-rain @neverthefirstchoice @snackhobi 
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radbutsafe · 4 years
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1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
A three! I think I’m mid range cause I ain’t terrible but there is still shit I gotta improve and grow in my writing
2. Why do you write fanfiction?
to manifest what canon won’t give me and to write more! (though yes it is mainly about the smooching and the— I’ll stop there LOL)
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
Hm! My weird research details? I’m that “fun fact, did you know...” in my fics sometimes LOL! I plan on giving a penthouse for erina in a fic and I went through penthouse listings in Japan for floor layouts and locations💀 my research gives me inspo and depth to stuff I think I lack in comparison to others sometimes.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
In terms of fellow fic writers, one of them I can’t name here but she’s an inspiration with her exceptional gift for prose period and her lovely skill at comedy! I want to be as funny as her when I write, I love her ironic situational humor. Other fic writers are @takoyakitenchou, @royaldragonsevgisi15 who I always love sharing ideas with and motivate me to create more! For non-fic writers it would be V.E. Schwab, Leigh Bardugo, Oda, and Horikoshi! The last two may be mangaka, however they are writers as well to create their stories! The depth these creators have given their worlds and interesting characters theyve given life to are all what I aspire to be like!
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
so far uh?? hm everything I’m currently writing are wips lol!! im proud of my wip that has been nicknamed ‘soma panics’ that is a multi-chapter fic that spans like probs 20 plus chapters maybe
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
dialogue! it’s so much fun! and character thoughts. I’ve said to people I may be better suited for script writing
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
I think it’s description, of like setting and showing action. also an expansion of my vocabulary LOL
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
erina! I think it’s because canon has shown us many of her different faces and range of emotion.
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
SOMA!! chill ass mofo whos more carefree compared to the common shonen protagonist! for other shokugeki characters I’m not sure just yet because I haven’t flexed my fingers enough for the rest of them.
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
I guess I should say romance cause that’s what I mostly write LOL!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
sorina and I try to get them to smooch eventually KEK and yeah it’s..usually romantic fluff lmao
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
HONESTLY ALL OF THEM but “soma panics” is my brain child
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
pretty sure it’s digimon....
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
currently shokugeki no soma!!!!
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
uhhhh I guess SNS? LMAO fandoms...all have their quirks to them.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
characters cuddling!!!! or getting the urge to smooch!!!!
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
unrequited love GOOD FUCKIN BYEEEEEE
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
I have plot ideas thst can be wild potentially but so far nothing fits this criteria so far that I actually have written.
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
depends on the fandom, but if written well, all of it!
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff?
shippy 100% like I said I like smoochin
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
romantic is...*drumroll* SORINA! platonic, soutaku and erina and alice!
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Sometimes! There are times songs will be on loop and times I just shuffle a playlist. and if I’m writing in random bursts it’ll be with no music but it really does depend lmao I think music is when I’m forcing myself to write?
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
completely independent ideas, I’ve realized in the past prompts shoot me in the foot often unless I luckily figure something out. but I’m often driven by my own sporadic self interest with shitty ping ponging attention
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
multi-chap I guess cause I can post without being finished LOLLL but tbh can I really answer? I haven’t finished anything.....
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
I can’t answer this question imo because I haven’t finished a fic yet so technically stuff could all fit in the one fic?
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
MYSTERY AND CRIME! I love the genre and I have plot ideas once a blue moon but I can’t dive in because I want to make details that work and reduce plot holes where suspension of disbelief isn’t as needed. I need to study it more (I need to study all the details for any of my fics imo to be confident sometimes LOL)
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
I don’t think I can say one comment was the nicest because I’ve gotten comments that have given me quite the smiles to my face many times! I know this is a cop out but it’s true!
and also rad. i am never this vocal about my emotions like EVER but this needs to be said your fics are obviously far from perfect, as are mine and everyone else's. but the thing about your works is that they're so well-sanded that it's impossible to find any rough edges or faults in them in terms of cohesion to a plot. your cast is never OOC and the amount of effort you devote to developing your takes on the characters as accurately as possible is unimaginably awe-inspiring.
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
I’d like to believe I take it often well to try and improve because that’s always my goal. if someone is rude lol that’s not constructive snd is unhelpful. If I disagree with criticism I’ll explain why !
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Not yet, but I have some plot ideas I think will let me test this.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
F L U F F.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
elliott fuji, a japanese-american award winning photographer who is erina’s boyfriend in ‘soma panics’ which..causes soma’s panic LOL he’s 30 with slightly wavy black hair. I still haven’t pinpointed his personality just yet...he kind of humble brags for sure an artsy fucker and flirts maybe I’ll make him a lil shy though. he teaches sometimes, and becomes an adjunct photography professor in Tokyo so he can be with erina.
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
a cook is unfashionably late in realizing his feelings.
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I am a slow. so slow. motivation who is she? I also write out of order, unfortunately a bit too often.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
this should be for the fic ‘soma panics’ it’s either megumi or satoshi talkin to him rn, I’m leaning towards satoshi
“You thought she would always wait for you, didn’t you Soma-kun? To always welcome you home.”
Soma drags his palms down his face and groans. He doesn’t like this at all. He doesn’t shy from confrontation but this is a whole different ballgame. Soma doesn’t play any ball.
“I guess..?” Is his reply, because he thinks he isn’t sure how to answer that.
“You guess?”
Just being questioned again is enough to crack Soma’s pathetic facade as if it was dropped chinaware and he lets out the longest sigh.
Coming home means coming home to Nakiri Erina too.
Nakiri Erina is his forever.
this is @takoyakitenchou’s excerpt she’s most proud of that I’ve written, which is also from you guessed it, the long fic soma panics
SOMA: I am, I mean I will be, I swear I will always come home to you, not spend as much time abroad, once I’m done with work I’ll come right back. I’ll make sure to message you. Nakiri, I’m in love you with you. Maybe for a really long time. You know how I say I dedicate my food to you? My dad—my dad said that the key to become a good chef is to find someone to dedicate your cooking to. A special someone. For my dad it was my mom, you know? For me it’s...
(this is a good piece of dialogue tbh so I am also proud of this)
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I’ve mentioned it throughout this but the WIP I’ve nicknamed ‘soma panics’ is something I’m super excited to write, but it’s going on slowly...and almost completely out of order. out of all of my writing it showed off that particular habit of mine, along with “what is this, a shoujo manga?!” though the latter is currently being written chronologically now that I’ve posted chapter one and is pretty solid in direction. it was originally supposed to be a one shot but I got impatient and wanted to post at least something for the sorina / soueri fandom.
however, because ‘soma panics’ (I won’t call it that LOL) is my baby I want to keep true to my rule of refusing to post it until I have a draft of the entire fic finished and I’m satisfied with the main points pretty much. due to my writing out of order, I’m worried I’ll change my mind about scenes or want to reflect things in earlier chapters for later ones etc etc
I joined the SnS fandom extremely late, as season five was airing. I was a fan of the manga five years ago and dropped it because I forgot to check for updates when I caught up 😔 I really want to bang out the different fics and aus for sorina that I have before the fandom fizzles out entirely but tbh I’m writing for myself, I’m manifesting what I want to see and I’ll just share it with all my friends to read if no one else will. cause I’m slow broski I dunno what writing fast even is like LMAO I do really want to write faster though, so I can contribute more and let the words free from the discord dms....
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
JL confronts Marinette
From bio!dad Strange au, where they made her kryptonian to keep her alive. This is post-Hawkmoth (debating using a random and revamping Gabriel altogether tbh)
“Don’t.” Marinette was tired of heroes, tired of being one. She had to handle hawkmoth’s fallout, keeping so many secret identities (hers, JL, miraculus team, her gotham family’s) and she just wanted to sleep.
Flash found her first, but Superman grabbed her and put her in the air for a ‘talk’.
“Don’t what?” She knew superman wasnt a detective. She knew he was a reporter though and she could see baiting and needling just under the surface. He’s an interrigator then, she decided.
“Don’t come in and try to fix what the miraculous team already handled. Paris was abbadonned by your league.”
She figured this was about Ladybug. Paris is always going off the the miraculous holders and ladybugs were always deemed the defacto leaders. She liked that Daesuqa (Talia) took over leading long term missions for the most part, handled meetings and politics so her and Chat and the others could be more like the teens they are in theory.
And everyone knew Marinette was Chat Noir’s favorite after she got how many akumatized people to release their akuma on their own? And that she supplied mirauclous users with kwami food (though it was common for many other civilians). It was common knowledge to all, but Hawkmoth apparently, that if Chat or his miraculous team or the entire team was needed, you went to Marinette.
Superman furrowed his brow at that though. “I didn’t know there was an active team here.”
So it wasn’t about the miraculous or years of magic terrorism her city endured?
“Been here for years. Hawkmoth’s sentencing is in a few hours.”
She hoped it was the kwami’s choice. Tikki murmured that people were surprised by what they could live through, and she is thw kwami of life. Tikki would make him wish he was dead routinely. He deserved it for regualrly slaughtering the city.
“No, that’s...” superman shook his head. “I came here to talk to you about...” he gestures to her then. She didn’t get it until she realized she was floating on her own.
When did he let her go?
“I know you’re Princess.”
Marinette’s blood stopped then. No. He can’t. They can’t.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I know Chloe changed my handle to Princess of Paris a few years ago but indont think heroes can stalk teens for that.”
Good, play into that. Distract until someone you trust can come. She hit an alert on her phone while he wasnt looking.
Pegasus should be here soon.
“I know you know it only as the Chimera project.”
Wrong. It was the surgery that kept her alive.
“And i know you’ve been poisoning yourself to stay hidden.”
Antidotes came from venom. It was fone to ise the stickers, they kept her human. The crystals were for emergencies only.
“What I don’t get is why.”
Why would she want him to kidnap, or abduct her? Take her from her family? Her life?
Don’t show that you’re who he thinks, anvocie whispered. Keep being the Paris Marinette from social media. The savage who snarled Weredad into submission.
“I really think you have the wrong girl. Its listed under my file as a volunteer flyer that i’m a flying meta, like most of the flyers.” Good, keep it up.
“And superman, if I had to guess why some girl that i look like would supress their powers, its becuase this is France and until the Miraculous team came clean about some being meta, you were imprisoned on suspicions of being meta, even infants were, are in the rest of France. Paris is the only place you arent imprisoned for it.”
Superman paled at that. “I. I wasn’t aware.”
“why would you be?”
Superman did respond to that.
“And if this Princess of yours is still hiding, she might be protecting her loved ones. Or maybe she thinks you’d steal her away from her life and home? Everyone knows about the fortress of solitude and i dont think anyone besides you would like living there, especially so far from people.”
Marinette watched him process. As long as Red Robin didnt see her, didnt confirm her identity, she was in the clear.
“Now if you’d excuse me, I’m needed to finish filling out a report on the final battle.”
That had superman’s attention.
“Final battle.”
“Yes, we just took down Hawkmoth a week ago.”
“He already has his trial, in a week.” Disbelief. Not worng either.
“It took the citizens of paris a week to finish voting. Finally tallies come in tonight if we try him as humans or if the kwami—gods of various concepts—are the ones to try him for his crimes. Afterall, he enslaved one kwami and abused another.”
Superman was not doing well, far too pale. Shock? No, they sent so many videos before the JL banned them.
Guilt. Regret, too. Probably.
“Now can you put me down somewhere? I’m not out as a meta and indont plan on being out anytime soon. Any supporting the miraculous teams do have their enemies too, and i dont want to be targetted.”
Superman nodded. Numb? Possible.
She let hersef be taken down.
Pegasus was there, Flash on his way. Another person who could make her.
She had to move fast.
“I hope I cleared things up?”
Superman nodded.
Max was ready to fight, glaring at the blue boyscout.
“Ready to go Miss DC?”
Marinette nodded, letting him guide her to the portal.
Flash didnt make it in, but he didnt see her face either. She’s take the narrow victory.
They exited in the Paris Grande Hotel. The Mayor had Batman and Red Robin with him. Crap.
“Is this...”
“Our civilian contact, Miss DC,” Pegasus stated almost too professionally. Great, now Red would know they know each other as friends. batman too.
“Batman, Red Robin, correct?”
“Yes. We, we just found your heroes videos and came to help. I see we’re too late too.”
Marientte nodded, avioding eye contact with Red. She wasnt sure if he learned to act infront of Batman yet, and wasnt risking it.
“I heard you came up with many of the emergency procedures and built the comms system with Pegasus.”
“As a flyer, yes. As Miss DC I just make sure the team stays fed and Chat doesnt forget to sleep.”
Batman shot Red Robin a look as he said, “I know the feeling.”
Marinette didnt fight the smile then. Yes, that was her Hero Stalker Tim alright.
“Would you two be interested in helping the league develop a better system to sort incoming messages?”
Pegasus moved first. “If we do, Miss DC is to be left alone. Her mother is very atrict about her not getting involved in science, and refuses to believe that her daughter has been actively helping the miraculous team.”
Batman turned his attention to Marinette then. “Is that so?”
Marinette nodded. “My birth father and her left on... terms i never got the jist of. He and his friends teach me in secret. Mama,” not maman, she forced herself to say, “she said something about it being destructive and dangerous, so she wants me to stick to the arts instead.”
Batman nodded. “Experiments can be, but that doesnt undercut the good you’ve done. I’ll tell the league you will work off-site should you accept.”
Marinette nodded along. “I can help where Pegasus gets stuck, and be contacted through him but otherwise would prefer not to be contacted by the League. I’m a civilian, and no offense, but there ahve been leaks before.”
“Understandable. The league thanks you for your help, and apoligizes for what you went through.”
Marinette could feel the hole Red Robin was burning into her. He earings. And the fox miraculous. Shit. He knew.
Marinette wanted to punch the league in their face collectively.
“All May i go now, i have a meeting to get to.”
“Of course.”
Pegasus opened the portal and escorted her out.
They both waited five minites, Max feeding Kaalki, for the call.
“So why didnt you tell me?” Tim was pissed.
“Media blackout. Any time i tried to call it was blocked.”
Tim swore. “Alfred!”
“You are so lucky Pegasus doesnt know anything about gotham.”
“He’s there?”
“I work with him alot.”
“So when you visited Gotham...”
“French government would know. Not hard to connect the dots of girl leaves to see gotham fmaily and suddenly the league shows up after banning all of Paris from contact.”
“I. When did it happen?”
“Before Chrismas. I would have had Nonna tell you but she didnt know either until after the fact and they said if she told anyone itd be me going to jail for her.”
“That’s. What hellscape do you live in?”
“I died so many times i don’t even know now.” She stopped keeping track after she got into the eighties. That wasn’t even a full year into being Ladybug.
“That’s not comforting.”
“Please tell me that you’re not outing me to Bats. I just got two leaguers off my tail.”
“I won’t tell him, but if the new Robin does i’m not stopping him.”
She almost forgot Talia’s son was a Robin. She didnt see him in uniform yet—as Damian (not wayne but damian who was mourning lost family, damian who didnt know how to talk to people his age). She knows he’s a bit thick with social cues, and his detective skills need work in her opinion but he’s skeptical and has good insticts. He might make her as Marinette if he’s there.
“Is he...”
“He’s with the Titans now, but theyre debating coming here to yell at the league.”
“Videoing it?”
“Obviously. Want a copy?”
“Ill make popcorn before watching.”
“Rkc are doing well by the way—stopped a human trafficking ring and i think they took the victims.”
“Harley’s working with them,” marientte got he update earlier. “Hood and zsasz took out the lower and mid tier that woudlnt snitch. The case should be smooth sailing—the sirens put out a blanket hit on anyone trying to touch the witnesses.”
“So managing two teams this whole time,” red murmured, almost... bitter, or disapointed in something—no someone. Himself?
“Just tweaking things. Daesuqa handles most the team since she found me and Chat. Apparently she was compatible enough to do a lot of the non-fighting work. I still did battle strategy and all but,” Marinette shrugged.
“She focused in survival aspects here, and long term stability for Gotham. Daesuqa has handled most of non-kwami work here outside of kwami and candidates,” Max added. “On top of her work as a student and designer and inventor.”
Red Robin groaned. “When do you sleep?”
Marinette hummed. “I have meds to make me. And angry family to make me take them.”
“Her... what are we calling him now?” Mac was asking about Felix, adiren’s gremlin cousin who’s mom isntryign to adopt her. Also a fellow reverse theif and possessive friend.
“Uh, gremlin.”
“Her gremlin calls to let is know if she does get rest on the weekends and we trade off on weekdays.”
Red robin hummed into the phone. “So staying to the shadows?”
Trixx and Tikki looked up at Marinette at that. tikki wanted her to be the Ladybug, the be seen and everywhere and she...
Trixx knew why Marinette liked the shadows and background. Trix understood that bit.
“Yeah, i’ll still play in between and have some kwami things for life now.” She and Chat were working out gaurdian duties still.
She wasnt interested in the JL.
@emeraldpuffguide @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @mystery-5-5 @weird-pale-blonde-person @dast218
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caitybug · 4 years
Hmm here’s a prompt,,,,,, Simon plays ice hockey, baz is a figure skater,,,, chaos ensues
Hi! Thanks so much for the idea, I hope that what I have done is alright for you. Per usual it’s kinda long (almost 1500 words) for a Tumblr post, but I hope that’s okay! I also kind of took it in a wonky direction... but I hope it makes you laugh.
(If anyone else wants to send something in please feel free to! I can’t promise to do every one of them, but I love ideas :). Also, the more ridiculous the better, tbh.)
I joined the hockey team this year.  
Not because I play, mind you. It’s the only way I could think of to get closer to him. 
Baz Pitch.
I used to work at the concessions stand, but I was let go after the nacho cheese incident.
(We don’t talk about the nacho cheese incident. I don’t, at least. Penny does constantly.)
Baz is a figure skater who goes to the posh school down the road. He has dark hair that, when he doesn’t pull it back, hangs loosely below his chin in soft waves. It’s the kind of hair I want to run my fingers through, it looks so soft. 
Baz has a sense of grace and poise on the rink I couldn’t imagine having even on normal ground.
Somehow he manages to make skating on ice seem easy.
I fall or get slammed into the glass at least five times each practice and I’m accumulating too many bruises. My parents are starting to wonder if I’ve joined a fight club. 
If the hockey team wasn’t so desperate for bodies on the rink, I don’t think I’d have managed to get on. I believe they saw me and thought ‘yeah, he’ll do.’
I don’t like figure skating. Not anymore, at least. It was great when I was a kid and everyone was stumbling around like idiots, but when I got older and people started to get good at the sport, well, I decided I wanted to quit. 
I would have quit after fifteen when my parents allowed me to if it weren’t for Simon Snow.
He used to work the concessions stand, but now he’s on the hockey team.
I’m not sure why that switch happened, but I heard something about an explosion of nacho cheese and a worker with burns. 
I’m not complaining, however, because he’s still here. I’d endure a thousand figure skating sessions to see his face. 
I try to spin in a circle, but I fall. 
My feet are covered in blisters, and I can’t actually do any of the tricks well. 
Snow always watches me while he’s waiting to get on the rink for hockey practice.
He probably thinks I’m a buffoon. 
We don’t go to the same school, so this is the only contact I have with him. The awkward half an hour where my practice is ending and his is beginning. 
My trainer sighs and dismisses me.
She probably wonders why I’m still here. I see the other people she trains and they are practically Olympic level good. I think Agatha is competing to qualify for next winter even. 
When I manage to grab hold of the rail and leave the rink, Snow is standing there, smiling at me. 
Suddenly my feet don’t hurt so bad.
“Hello,” I say, “how are you?”
“Alright, you know,” he points to the rink, “waiting for hockey practice to start.” 
He gulps, and it’s a show. I follow his Adam's apple with my eyes. 
I wonder if he’d like to be kissed there.
“How are you?” He asks, pulling my eyes back up to his face.
“I’m well, practicing my routine. We have a competition this Friday.” I respond, pulling my hair out from the bun it was in. 
His eyes watch as it falls around my face, exactly as I thought he would. 
“I bet you’ll kill it. You’re so good,” he says, eyes looking at my neck. 
I raise an eyebrow. Does he not see me skate out there?
I definitely fell at least three times. 
A whistle blows, and we say goodbye.
I watch from the side, I always do for a short while. I don’t live far so I can take my time, walk home. My parents think practice ends later than it actually does, so they never worry. 
Besides, I enjoy the show. 
Simon is a beast to watch on the rink. The way he juts his chin out, angrily challenges the other team, and slams bodies into the glass does things to me. 
I take a seat to take off my skates and watch the show. 
I’m trying my best to skate, but I swear I keep tripping over my feet. 
Baz is on the side, watching me play.
He probably thinks I’m an idiot.
Someone slams me into the glass, and I feel dizzy, but I keep going. I don’t want Baz to think I’m weak. My face feels wet even, probably from sweat. All these pads and gear make my skin boil. 
“Simon!” I hear the coach shout, I groan and skate to him. 
“Yes coach?” 
My head is really starting to hurt.
“Simon you need to get checked out, you’re bleeding.”
“What?” I ask, reaching a hand up.
Sure enough I have a cut on my jawline. 
“Go, now,” he points to the exit. “Hey you there!” He shouts. I see Baz perk up. “Can you help Simon get to Ebb?”
Ebb is the ‘nurse’ on duty. She’s not certified, and can’t do much, but she’ll be able to give me a bandage and tell me if I need to go home or the hospital. She’s nice and helpful, and with my constant onslaught of injuries we’ve created a good rapport. 
“Alright there, Snow?” Baz asks, looping an arm around me and helping me to the nurse.
He hasn’t done this before, touched me like this. We often avoid touching each other, even when I’d hand him a drink from concessions. Our interactions have been casual conversations and brief glances. 
I don’t need help walking, it’s my head that is hurt, but I’m not going to say no to him touching me like this. It feels like there are sparks going up my side, but in a good way. 
I have my arm looped around Snow, trying to help him to the nurse. It takes me a moment before I realize he’s only hurting on his head. He doesn’t need to be carried.
But he’s letting me hold him, so I’ll be damned if I move. He’s warm and close to me. I’d carry him to Timbuktu if it meant we could stay this close. 
Ebb helps clean him and puts gauze on the wound and tells him to lie down. She goes for ice in hopes to slow down the swelling. 
We sit for a moment in silence, awkwardly not making eye contact. 
“You okay, Snow?” I ask, finally. 
“‘S alright.” He mutters. “Might be out of practice for the day. Coach takes head injuries seriously, even when as minor as this. Besides they just redid the rink, they’ll want to wait for a game before getting blood on it.”
“You’re bleeding pretty badly, Snow. That’s not minor.”
He shrugs. 
“Don’t you need to go? I’m sure you’ve got better things to do than to sit here with me.”
“I’m just making sure you’re alright, is all. The nurse here is incompetent at best, so someone needs to keep an eye out.” It’s true, albeit I’m also staying for selfish reasons. 
He chuckles. 
“I’m sure you’re used to this kind of stuff, being a hockey player and all,” I state. 
“Yeah, a bit. Though I’m not much of a hockey player.” 
“What do you mean? I think you’re brilliant.” 
Simon looks at me like I’m insane.
“Baz, I constantly trip over my feet and can never manage to hit the puck. I’m horrid, let’s be honest. It’s you who is amazing on the rink.”
It’s my turn to frown and be confused. 
“Simon, I fell at least three times in practice today. Figure skating is not my future.”
He stares at me for a moment, then he smiles and starts to laugh. 
“What’s so funny?” I ask.
He is still cackling, making me join in. I’m not sure what’s so funny, but I’ll keep laughing as long as he does. 
When he finally comes up for air he answers my question.
“Baz, look, I am only on the hockey team for one reason. If I joined then I could be closer to you.” He’s looking up at me with wide eyes and a pink tinge to his cheeks. 
“You- what?” I ask, confused. 
“I really wanted to get to know you, Baz, and I couldn’t think of a better way.” He takes a deep breath, looking down at his fingers, and on the exhale continues quietly, “I really like you, Baz.” 
Baz isn’t speaking, he’s just staring at me. 
This was an awful idea.
“Well I guess I should-” I start, but he grabs me so I can’t move.
“Snow, the only reason I’m figure skating still is to be closer to you.” 
It’s my turn to be confused. 
“What? But you’re so-”
“Awful, Snow. I’m awful. I would have quit three years ago if I wasn’t afraid I’d never see you again.”
I stare up at him in complete disbelief. After all this time, Baz likes me back? 
“Wait, so you mean we both have been staying in sports we hate because we wanted to be closer to each other?” I ask.
We stare for a moment before breaking into laughter again. 
“Yeah, I guess we did,” Baz replies, taking a breath for air. 
“We are so stupid,” I say.
“Speak for yourself, Snow, I’m top of the class at school.”
I roll my eyes. He would be.
I reach up and pull his face down to mine, pausing for a moment to allow him to say no. In that pause, however, he closes the gap, pressing his lips to mine. 
I can’t wait to quit ice hockey. 
Thank God I can quit figure skating.
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toevenexist · 5 years
The Darkening Pt.19
Hey Everyone! So I had half of this little chapter written a year ago? (something like that, sorry), and when I came and read it back I nearly cried, its like a little time capsule I wrote! Arizona! And Oh boy Omelia, I feel this all so much. I wrote them and their love, how I always hoped (and hopefully still do hope) love could be. 
Oh boy. I’ll get writing the next chapter. Please please send feedback, really just let me hear your thoughts, I’m awful emotional these days, and I cry real easy. Could use some moral support tbh. 
Link to Chapter 1 for any new readers
Link to Chapter 18 for anyone wanting to recap
I sincerely hope this was worth the wait. Thank you for sticking with me.  Enjoy:
The house was quiet. Amelia stood at the window of the living room and pulled up the blind. The sun was rising. Orange light poured in, the feeling warmed Amelia’s chest. She had been waking up at this time for the past few weeks, someday’s the sky would be so densely overcast, with clouds hanging low. Not today, today the far sides of the cotton like clouds were orange and pink, and the sky that peaked through behind was indigo. 
Amelia sat down on the chair she had placed by the window weeks ago. It was a routine, she’d awaken before sunrise, before everyone else, and amble about the house. She’d check on the kids,  letting her eyes drift across their beds, their faces would always be so calm, lips in sleepy pouts. 
She’d make herself a cup of tea and go to the window, to watch the sun come up, and then fall asleep, there in the tattered armchair. Someone would always wake her late morning, usually Owen, or one of the girls, in a sweet and gentle way, tickling fingertips across her brow line, tiny hands rubbing circles against her round stomach. She’d opened her eyes to little Ellis doing this first, and the girl smiled, eyes glowing with the kind of energy only she, too young to understand what was lost, could possess. 
The sky slowly evolved in its colours, the light becoming yellower, the clouds lost their pink. Amelia rest her head back, and consciously relaxed her jaw, inhaling deeply through her nose. She had one hand wrapped around her mug of fruit tea, absorbing the heat, and her other moving in soothing circles against her taut stomach.  She was about a month from her due date, and the babies had limited room now, so their movement was restricted, more like sharp nudges and shoves, as if they were sharing a tent that was much too small for the both of them.
 Amelia took a sip of her tea and rest the mug atop her stomach, looking down at herself. In disbelief for a moment, she though, if someone had given her the ability to see into this moment a year ago, she wouldn’t have believed it. 
Before her mind wandered too far, and anxiety gripped too hard, she paused, and breathed deep, uttering “five things I can see.” She glanced up at the sky. “The sky… the clouds, the sun… The tree tops… snow” she breathed deep, and closed her eyes. Listening now to the sounds of her friends breathing heavily in their sleep behind her. 
One sound prompted her to snap her eyes open. She sat forward, eyes wide up to the sky. She put her tea down and stood slowly, pressing one hand against her lower back as it ached under her load. Her eyes were wide, filled with light. Among the clouds; A bird swayed across the sky mutely, Amelia’s eyes followed it. One of the babies nudged her and she held herself, ears twitching again at the sound of the bird wailing softly. She smiled up, at the first bird she’d seen since before this all began. He soured across the treetops, dancing in circles, as if he knew he had an audience. 
Suddenly another appeared and Amelia gasped, watching them circle around each other. Amelia quickly eyed Owen, looking undecidedly between him and the window. She moved to him slowly, keeping her eyes out of the window. Nudging him with her foot, she called his name in a whisper. His eyes sprang open and he sat up in a panic. She smiled, shaking her head and he immediately calmed. 
“Look…” is all she said, gesturing that he should follow her back to the window. She only knew he had followed by his presence behind her, his arms around her. He rest his chin on her shoulder, as if trying to see through her eyes. “Look up there” she whispered, pointing. His eyes captured the birds in their dance.
Amelia’s eyes glistened and she held Owen’s arms against her, smiling slightly, biting her bottom lip. The two birds swam in soft zig zags across the treeline and then soured upwards, up and up until they were up above the house, and out of sight. 
Amelia turned within the circle of Owen’s arms and smiled wider, tears dropping fast from her eyes. Owen smiled too, and they didn’t need to say anything. More tears fell and they kissed, sinking down onto the armchair, curled against one another, with arms entangled and embracing. Amelia looked up at Owen, at the sky reflected then in his shining eyes.
 He looked down, meeting her gaze, smiling contently. “I love you” he told her, and she nodded, uttering “I love you too…” whispering “so much” as she rest her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. She moved both of her hands to his chest, so that he had access to her whole stomach. He pushed his hand up under her white shirt and moved it in firm, shushing, circles, enticing a sigh from his wife's lips.
`The birds could still be heard, the first sound of life that had poured from the sky. Owen remained awake, eyes cast down at Amelia, draped across his lap. Her features were illuminated by the yellow of the sun. Her breathing deepened as sleep took her and her whole body slackened. Owen brushed the hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear, before pushing her shirt up over her bump. He rest his hand gently against it, running his eyes around her, taking in the sight. 
It was an odd feeling; feeling so incredibly lucky and unlucky at the same time, it was like a hand was wrapped around his heart, intermittently clenching and then unclenching its grip. He had to remind himself to not think about all that was wrong and all that could go wrong all at once. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, pressing his lips to Amelia’s forehead, breathing in her smell. He remained in that position, lips against her, hand against large swell of her stomach. One of the babies shifted minutely, a twitch of movement under his hand, and Owen smiled, kissing Amelia again. 
“Owen…” Owen looked around, Arizona was sat up on the couch. Her eyes were wide and immensely blue in the light. Owen smiled tearily. “Is… that birds? That sound?” Arizona asked, dragging her index finger across her cheek to move her hair from her face. Owen chuckled breathlessly and nodded, looking back to the sky. The birds were in sight again. Arizona moved to the window and peered up, mouth agape. They both watched. Arizona curled her arms around herself, feeling the chill of the winter creep through the glass. Her mind was up with the birds though. “They’re beautiful…” she said, “I thought we’d never see anything again…” She beamed suddenly, and chuckled, shaking her head. “This… they are a sign I think” 
Owen nodded, smiling tightly, uttering “I think so too.” 
Arizona looked down at Owen, and at Amelia. Her smile softened, “She’s beautiful…” she said, pressing her lips, letting her eyes drift across the pair. She held herself tighter and wandered across to the mattress that Owen and Amelia shared, scooping up the blanket. She brought it back and draped it across them, gently lowering it onto Amelia so not to wake her. “Thank you” Owen spoke quietly. Arizona just nodded and made her way over the the fire, she leant down beside it and nudged the embers, placing some paper and then some wood on it. The fire fluttered at the edges of the paper and then regained, engulfing the debris. Arizona swiftly dropped another log onto it and then watched, hands in her lap, as the flames wrapped around it. Warmth built against her skin and she relaxed into her seat, smiling slightly.
 Owen closed his eyes. Though he could feel anxiety and worry at the very edges of his mind, he focused in on the feeling of utter contentedness and it swelled, one of the babies nudged against his hand.
Thank you for reading xxxx ALSO please reblog, I know I had many people reading this way back when, who didn’t/don’t follow me, more reblogs means it’ll find its way back to them. 
ALSO also please tell me what you’d like to read here next?
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athenadcvell · 5 years
If you're up for it, Stephen Strange and any brotp (I prefer friendship to romance lol). But any other character, common or rare, male or female, human or alien. Any genre from comedy to whump. I just really like Stephen. I need more Stephen.
@aelaer ... Hiiiiiiiii.... ok. So. I don’t even know if you remember making this request, but long story short, you probably made it near the end of July, or beginning of August. So ages ago. And me being me, I decided to postpone writing it until just now. Basically, I lost a lot of inspiration for writing and found it really hard to even sit in front of a computer, but I miss doing something I love, so I’m back and ready to write again. And I finally finished your ask, and I wanna say how sorry I am for taking so long. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this fic!
Word Count: 2,606
Warnings: None, unless you count angst and a little fluff
A/N: The brotp is Wong and Stephen, because I don’t think we get enough of their friendship and I thought this would be fun to do. Tbh I don’t think this is my best work because I’m trying to slowly get back into writing again, but I still tried really hard on this, so hopefully you enjoy :)
So many things were wrong with today. Not just because today was today, but because of small, simple things that you don’t normally think about. The weather, for instance. It was too sunny. The clouds were too white and the sky was too blue. And that god awful sun. Why would it shine so brightly? 
The birds were chirping too cheerfully. The sang their meaningless songs of nature and serenity, not a clue what effect they were having on the humans around them. Don’t they have any respect? They wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for… 
Stephen closes his eyes slowly, trying (and failing) to block out those pestering thoughts. What good will it do now? What’s done is done. 
Today was the funeral of Anthony Edward Stark. A father. Husband. Mentor. 
A hero. A dead hero. 
And it’s Stephen’s fault. 
He can imagine what Christina would say if she were here. Hell, what Wong would say. 
“It’s not your fault, Stephen. It was the only way.” Or would they even say that? No one knows it was the only way except for him. No one else manipulated the time stone and underwent the millions of scenarios, only to find one that didn’t result in the world ending in a fiery ball of Thanos’ wrath. He’s the only one who will ever be burdened with this. With having to witness Earth being destroyed over and over and over… 
Stephen looks up, seeing the small silhouette of a little girl by the lake. The funeral ended about an hour ago, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave just yet. He should leave. Go back to the sanctum and get to work in rebuilding the chaos the world is left in at the moment. But he can’t bring himself to. 
Tony was his friend. Someone he had come to care for. Perhaps this Tony didn’t consider Strange a friend, however, Stephen considered all of them his friends and teammates. He had gone to hell and back with them fourteen million six hundred and five times. He had developed bonds, whether they knew it or not. 
Morgan Stark. The daughter of the man he… he what? Stephen didn’t kill Tony. Sure, he could have let the deceased remain deceased, however, eventually, another threat would come. He saw that. He saw the Avengers being slaughtered and humans being taken as slaves. He saw it all. This was the only way… right?
Stephen has to turn away from her. He can’t bear to look at this small child who can barely understand what is going on today. All she knows is that her father won’t be there to tuck her in tonight. And that kills Stephen. It lays an unearthly amount of guilt upon his shoulders. One man’s life for half of the universe shouldn’t be a difficult concept to accept. 
So why is he having such a hard time accepting that Tony Stark is really gone?
Stephen lets out a quiet sigh, turning away to walk into the woods. A walk, before he goes back. To clear his head. That’s what he needs right now. 
He doesn’t get far when a shadow appears in front of his feet. Raising a brow, the sorcerer follows the darkness of the shadow to its owner, slightly surprised to see Wong standing in front of him. For once, he’s dressed in something other than  his robes, adorning a simple black suit instead. 
“Shouldn’t you be guarding the sanctum?”
  “I left Master Awiti in charge,” Wong waves him off, hands clasped professionally behind his back. “Besides. I never did get my tuna melt.”
Stepehn stares at the sorcerer, dumbfounded. He can’t be serious?
“You’re telling me,” Stephen begins, raising a scrutinizing brow. “That in the last five years, you never bothered to buy a tuna melt?” Wong shrugs. 
“Everyone at the deli was dead.”
“Oh, so there were none other open?”
“Come, Let’s go get a sandwich,” Wong ignores his last question, opening a portal and stepping aside. Stephen rolls his eyes, nonetheless stepping through the circle crackling with golden sparks. 
“This place is still open?” Stephen questions quietly as they come to a halt in front of the deli. It was a continuous favorite of his. Even before all… this. Before the accident, when he was just a surgeon who was impeccably good at his job. 
“Yes,” Wong nods, walking ahead of him to enter the shop. Stephen runs a hand along his peppered hair, sighing once again and following after his friend. 
It’s a simple deli, with an array of meats on display in front of the cash register, and a few wooden benches to sit and eat on. After ordering and receiving their sandwiches, the two men take a seat by the window and dive in. 
Well, Wong dives in. Stephen, on the other hand, doesn't touch his food, simply staring out the window with a longing look in his eyes. Wong follows his line of sight to across the street, where a row of condos sit. A teenager knocks on the door, holding a slip of paper between her shaking hands. She knocks on the door, once, then steps back, pushing her shoulders back and standing straight. As the door opens, and as a young man comes into view, her shoulders immediately drop. They speak for a bit, before she sulks away. 
“She’s looking for her family,” Stepohen states, attempting to come off as casual. Wong hears the tenseness in his voice. 
“Many families were misplaced after Thanos,” Wong explains, folding his hands together. “I’m sure she will find hers soon.”
“And if she doesn’t?”
“I actually wanted to speak to you about that,” Wong clears his throat, leaning forward. “I had plans to bring it up after a meal, but this works as well. Myself and some of the other sorcerers thought it would be fit for us to assist in reuniting families, as we have locators on every person-”
“Do what you want,” Stephen waves him off, catching his friend by surprise. 
“You ran the sanctum just fine for five years,” Stephen crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back. “Take over. I’m done.”
“I completed my purpose, Wong,” He cuts Wong off, brows furrowing together. “I helped save the universe. And in doing so, I took a father away from his child. A husband away from his wife. I robbed the world of a hero. So no, I don’t want to go back to the Sanctum and continue being the Sorcerer Supreme. I… I can’t.”
Wong has never seen him like this before. So… broken. Stephen doesn’t do broken. He does confidence, and a bit too much pride to be healthy. But broken? Wong knew he had put himself in a time loop, but he didn’t think it had affected him this much. 
“Get up,” Wong stands abruptly, looking down at Stephen with a hardset gaze. Stephen stares back, clearly confused. “We’re walking now. Up.”
Strange lets out a heavy sigh, smoothening down the sides of his hair and following after Wong. The golden portal opens up, and the two step through. Stephen is surprised to find himself standing in the midst of a forest. Pine and leaves drift through the air, the sounds of squirrels scuttling up trees and birds chirping happily the only ones to hear. The sorcerer’s pale eyes drift up towards the sky, clouded by towering trees wearing soft blankets of moss. 
All in all, it’s very calming. Serene. Well, it should be serene. Stephen finds it… plain. He used to find all of serenity and happiness in an O.R, before the accident. Before every aspect of his life changed. 
“Where are we, Wong?” He sighs, turning towards his friend tiredly. Wong ignores him, continuing to gaze calmly at the scene. 
“I come here when I am feeling overwhelmed,” Replies Wong after a long moment, hands clasped behind his back. He closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. 
“Okay…” Stephen’s eyes flicker left and right before back to his friend, who happens to be weirding him in this particular situation. “So what do I-”
“I grew up in the sanctum,” Wong interrupts, slightly annoying the other. “I come from a long generation of Chinese monks that served the Ancient One. I watched my father- Master Hamir- practice alongside her for years. It was quite the image to live up to, and I remember constantly being frightened that I would not achieve the level of excellence and perfection he had in his work.”
“Master Hamir is your father?” Stephen chokes in disbelief. “H-How did I not know this? I thought we were friends, Wong. Friends tell friends when they’re fathers are working in the same building as them!”
“This forest in Northern China gave me peace and moments of redemption from the real world. Trapping myself in the mirror dimension and meditating allowed me to think, and grow.”
“All this time, I just thought you two talked a lot because you were friends,” Stephen scoffs, shaking his head, still hung up on the earlier subject. Wong rolls his eyes. 
“I failed to mention it because there was no benefit in you knowing. Now pay attention. I brought you to this sacred place to help you.”
“I don’t need help,” Strange mutters stubbornly turning away. 
“Do you hear that?” Wong asks quietly, closing his eyes. Stephen snorts. 
“What? The sound of my time being wasted? Loud and clear, buddy.”
“The river,” The librarian corrects. “The splash of water against the stones? The creatures of the forest lapping it up?”
“Sure,” Stephen plays along, shrugging. “I hear it.”
“Do you hear the sounds of the birds chirping in the trees?”
“And the squirrels running up the trees to the safety of their burrows?”
“Yes, Wong, I have ears,” Stephen snaps. “Now that we’ve confirmed that I’m not deaf, can we go home? I have work I need to finish.”
“The animals,” Wong, once again, ignores him. “The trees, and the grass. Even the insects crawling beneath our feet. They wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. You helped bring them back”
Stephen freezes in place, stiffening up. He’s an idiot. He should have known what Wong’s goal was all along. But then again, Wong isn’t exactly a “help you feel better’ kind of person. He’s the kind of person who will tell you to suck it up and keep fighting, because that’s the only thing to do. This… all of it… if very new territory. 
“I know that,” Stephen glares at him, whipping around. “I helped. We all did. You think I don’t know that?”
“You blame yourself,” Wong tells him. “For the deaths. Iron Man. Widow. Gamora. The Vision. Loki. The Asgardians. All the lives lost after the snap, those who weren’t strong enough to handle the losses. Those who couldn’t survive without-”
“I don’t,” Stephen cuts him off harshly, clenching his shaking hands in frustration. When he gets particularly angry, it’s hard to control the tremors. “That’s not my problem. My priority was defeating Thanos, and it’s done! It’s over! I did what needed to be done, and I can’t do anything about anyone whose dead! I can’t bring them back!  I can’t… ”
It’s too much. Too much pain, and guilt. Too many emotions. 
It’s an overload on his heart, and before Stephen knows it, he’s breaking down. He stumbles in his place, falling to the floor messily. It doesn’t matter. The stinging in his knees and palms, the stinging in his eyes… nothing compares to the pain in his heart. The weight crushing his shoulders. 
He buries his head in his hands, pulling at his hair. It all comes rushing at once. The millions of scenarios, and deaths… Flashes of memories… Thanos stabbing Tony threw the chest with no chance of resurrection, Quill being practically ripped in half, Peter’s being thrown back with so much force he dies on impact… that wasn’t dust. They didn't turn to dust. They died. Horrifying and gruesome deaths, in front of those who cared about them. Over, and over, and over, and-
“Strange!” Wong’s booming voice pulls him back into reality, and the sorcerer realizes tears are making there way down his cheeks. Not just one. Several stain his skin, small little indications of sorrow written across his features. 
“I’m fine,” He pushes Wong away, attempting to stand up. It’s a failed attempt as he stumbles back and lands back on the floor with a defeated thump. “I’m fine. I’m… I’m …,” He harshly wipes away the tears, wanting to force himself to stop this madness. There is no reason, no reason to cry. To be sad. He survived. His friends. Survived. But this toll…
Wong doesn’t try to comfort or help Stephen up, which he is thankful for. Instead, the librarian takes a seat on a rock beside him, and folds his hands together. He sits quietly, closing his eyes and peacefully meditating. 
“I helped save them,” Stephen finally speaks, leaning against a tree stump. “I protected the stone and gave it up. I helped orchestrate the events so they would happen. But… five years, Wong. Five years of parents mourning their children. Of friends having an empty void in their lives, and children wandering around mindlessly without the guiding hands of their mothers and fathers. Five years… you know in one instance, it was five hundred years? Everything happened the same, except this time, I let five hundred years go by. A new age of heroes saved the Earth, but it wasn’t the Earth anymore. It was so broken and different that I had to scrap it. Another time, five months went by. I changed some events, leaving clues. But they weren’t ready, and Thanos came in contact with the stones again. He destroyed the Earth. This was the only way.”
He waits for Wong to cut in with some sort of inspirational note, and is caught by surprise when he does not. Slightly relieved, as well. 
“I close my eyes, and I see them. Dying. Because of me-”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Strange,” Wong finally speaks. “You always like to make it about you. Everyone who died died because of a reason, and that reason was not you. The Asgardians happened to come across Thanos’ ship. The daughter of Thanos died at his hand, and Stark was always ready to sacrifice himself for the greater good. They did that. Not you. Them.”
“No,” Wong cuts in, opening his eyes just enough to roll them. “No more buts. This is a sacred place. Sit and be silent, I no longer want to hear about your non existent self pity. It was a war, and individuals die in war. That is no one’s fault but the enemy. And you’re solution is to give up? That’s a cowards way out, Stephen.” 
Stephen slumps back in defeat, pressing his thumb into his right palm. “Anyone ever tell you you’re kind of a hardass?”
“What do you not understand about, be silent?” Wong sighs, causing Stephen to smirk and begin talking about something else mindlessly. Wong mocks annoyance, but deep inside, he feels relief, and even a bit of happiness. Five years was far too long for Strange to be gone. Sure, he may be annoying, and though Wong would never admit it, he missed the Sorcerer. For the obvious reasons, of course. Stephen is his superior, his partner, and someone he had once had the pleasure of helping and teaching. 
And dare he say it, Stephen Strange is his friend.
Hope you liked it! 
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retrauxpunk · 5 years
sv 6.06
recap post of the penultimate episode of silicon valley under the cut (with spoilers as usual)
this miiiight be a downer post so if you want to avoid that ... this is your warning
... i think this is the first episode recap post i’m writing that doesn’t start with ‘what the fuck’ because honestly i think i found this episode a bit weird and not ................that good? and MAYBE it’s just because i’ve had a shitty couple days? i’m not totally sure.
I dunno.
I’ll try do this chronologically.
it was a good point of yikes with richard not actually having secured the AT&T deal and just telling his employees that he had because like, that’s a good potential source of conflict. i’m down for that.
i liked when he was talking to AT&T guy and then there’s a cut to dinesh and gilfoyle standing their like shocked parents. dinesh’s expression of ‘WHAT’ ... yeah i like that. also gilfoyle looked especially fine as hell, particularly the hands.
... gilfoyle using THE AI TO DEBUG CODE? i think this broke my suspension of disbelief. this seems wildly stupid and implausible given, like, gilfoyle’s WHOLE CHARACTER? i don’t really buy that someone who’s as security-conscious and conscientious as he is would, um, DO THIS? please feel free to present counterarguments if you disagree with this (or any other points in this post tbh) because i’m honestly open to hearing them, in fact i would welcome anything that made this episode feel more sense-making and less ‘what the fuck did the show just decide to fire all their tech consultants and throw character out the window?’
LIKE. it’s partly the fact that this seems a bit farfetched on the technological realism front but it’s MORE SO the fact that it just seems so NOT GILFOYLE.
and he acts like this cavalier dont give a fuck asshole but i DO NOT BELIEVE that he would risk ALL OF PIED PIPER’S CODE with his AI?????? FUCK what is this!!...?
i’m  ............ upset that they seem to have COMPLETELY DITCHED this whole jarrich thing they were building up. i’m NOT saying i’m mad that they’re not canonically a romantic couple. i’m saying that -- shipper goggles completely not in the picture -- the first four episodes built up so much stuff for them, there was SO MUCH about their relationship, and with 6.05 and 6.06 there was just fucking NOTHING. and it just. feels like kinda shitty writing? UNLESS?? in the final episode there’s a lot of richard and jared content to make up for it?
like the first four episodes had so MUCH content about their relationship (jared’s whole generally lovelorn thing, accidentally driving to the hacker hostel, quitting, richard throwing a fit when he quit and watching with this cocktail of sadness and bitterness and anger as jared leaves, their fight at the hacker hostel, JARED BRIEFLY FORGETTING TO BE MAD AT RICHARD AND SMILING DURING THE WHOLE BUYING HOOLI THING, richard apologising and telling jared he missed him, JARED FUCKING CRYING) and then there’s just NOTHING? what the FUCK? IS THIS? it HONESTLY feels like the writers were building up to a big richard and jared moment (whether romantic or platonic, either works) but then that storyline got axed by an executive and they got forced into dropping or something, or they just fucking collectively FORGOT about this whole arc seriously WHAT. IS THIS?????
this is the first time in my life i’ve gotten this level of upset about any tv and i guess, well, whatever they do with the finale, it can’t be as bad as what they did with game of thrones!! (i don’t watch game of thrones or read asoiaf, but it was pretty impossible not to catch wind of that whole clusterfuck) that’s gonna be my source of ......... solace.
so yeah.
for FUCK’s sake. all of jared’s talking about gwart, i just. if that’s meant to be sincere i don’t fucking buy it because no fucking way did jared imprint so hard on a person who was fundamentally a rebound
honestly when i set out to write this recap i was just like ‘this prob won’t be a long post because all i really have feelings about and want to talk about is the ending of the episode’ but clearly ... that has turned out not to be the case
okay anyway, yeah, i mean, it’s definitely plausible that if richard and jared were to real life people that jared would rejoin pied piper and they’d just simply never address their falling out, right, i mean people are plausibly that emotionally constipated sometimes and don’t communicate in situations where you’d expect them to.
BUT THIS ISN’T REAL LIFE IT’S FUCKING TV and it appears to me rather much like shitty screenwriting when you set up a relationship conflict that’s fucking PACKED with juicy emotional moments and then it DISAPPEARS INTO THIN AIR what the FUCK
jesus christ
honestly when jared was seeing gwart around i was a bit like, okay if this meant to be a legit hallucination it’s a bit Much because, really, jared being that genuinely devoted to gwart that the breakup with her cut him that much? i’m not buying it 
so i’m glad it turned out to be Not a hallucination
i liked the twist that actually yaonet wasn’t throttling pied piper, pied piper itself just wasn’t good enough. i liked richard breaking down over it. tbh on a subjectively level i found it a bit painful to watch because he really did behave like a toddler and that was a bit, like, second-hand-embarrassment. but i don’t like object to it or anything.
the fucking speed with which richard breaks down and then magically finds a solution honestly feels way too rushed and unearned.
that is how i feel about the resolution of this episode. like.
okay so if i remember/understand this correctly, richard’s [extremely hand-wavey solution] was to apply his compression algorithm to son of anton which allowed it to become more intelligent and learn faster/better? and that basically FIXED PIED PIPER? he used gilfoyle’s [a tad unrealistically] bitching AI to like ... have pied piper fix itself? 
i barely understand it.
and it’s not like i demand a fully fleshed-out solution, right, like with the middle-out jerkoff epiphany, that wasn’t fleshed out but there was enough detail for it to feel believable. whereas with this ... it did not feel like that. 
yeah the whole thing felt way too rushed.
what even was it? like, gilfoyle was using son of anton on pipernet to debug things ... whereas richard first used his compression algorithm on son of anton, then set son of anton loose on pied piper? okay that makes, like, enough sense that if they poured more time and detail into this, then i’d probably be totally happy accepting this in the storyline and my suspension of disbelief wouldn’t have been fucking skullfucked
but this, just. this pacing. i did not like it. it felt massively unearned because there were, what, a very small number of minutes between when richard finds out his tech is inadequate to when he finds a solution?
okay like yeah totally possible the writers had constraints outside of their control and they did the best they could. but. i’m still not ... happy with the result lol
anyway yeah i’m fucking cheesed off about how richard gets skullfucked with the inadequacy of his own tech, has a breakdown, and then MERE MINUTES OF SCREENTIME LATER, he has a wild solution that works!
and sure, they had it appear to fail first, which was good. but then it magically was back up and running! and yeah i liked how russ said ‘lights!’ and it turned out that this magical new pied piper had gotten so awesome that it build this new feature for itself or whatever, but, honestly, it happened way too quickly to feel believable or satisfying and i’m mad.
because this show has set a pretty high standard in the past and now it’s been a fucking let-down with this episode. god.
what the fuck is this pacing? it was so good at the beginning of this season!! WHAT IS THIS???
THEN WHY THE FUCK DID THEY HAVE SO MANY PLOTLINES WITH FILLER? THE WHOLE ETHAN CONFLICT. GILFOYLE AND MONICA VS TRACY. GAVIN FUCKING BELSON’S STUPID BOOK DEAL. can you imagine how much better this russfest plotline would’ve been if they’d had MORE TIME from not doing those ultimately unimportant subplots? fuck
i have legitimately worked myself into a rage writing this post. i did not expect to have this many feelings, to this level of intensity.
and it’s fucking frustrating because the bones of an awesome arc are here! the moment when the AT&T guy sees the giant hologram from the plane, that could’ve been actually epic rather than a feeling of ‘i know this is meant to be epic but it just feels totally hollow because they completely fucking compressed the biggest part of this whole episode into five fucking minutes’
and richard’s breakdown where he’s jumping on the laptop, screaming about ‘six years’? god that point would’ve been amazing if there’d been more time to explore it!
on a lighter note, i was amused when richard said he had gilfoyle’s laptop because i was like ‘oh okay it’s nice to know that richard is a l33t enough hax0r that he can get through gilfoyle’s undoubtedly Strong laptop security with [presumably] relative ease’ ... and then it turns out it’s dinesh’s laptop and i’m like, ah, okay, less impressive then XD
...there’s no way that the girls in jian-yang’s ‘coding class’ were stupid enough to believe that writing fake amazon reviews constitutes ‘coding’. not in fucking 2019.
i’m mad.
god this has lowered my expectations of the series finale SO MUCH which i guess may be a good thing because, y’know, there’s less capacity for disappointment now.
and i have a whole imagination’s worth of potential fan content to be created once the show’s over. i don’t know how long this sv love affair will last but i sure fucking intend to keep it alive as long as i can.
on the topic of fan content, if you’re interested in making sv fan stuff and receiving it as a christmas/holiday gift, please consider signing up for the silicon valley secret santa/gift exchange that i’m running :))) the official blog for it is @svexchange2k19 and the sign-up form is here
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kojinnie · 4 years
The Way It Was
“How come you don’t know The Killers?”
“Haha,” The laughter on your face was faint unlike what your mouth suggested, something told me that you didn’t find it funny albeit the teasing nature in my question, “I have my own taste.”
Maybe I was wrong for not taking it on the first cue as I carried on with my unsuspecting grimace, “You are so uncultured!” which was stopped by the abrupt halt in your faint smile. It had turned cold suddenly when you got up and flicked your cigarette that was not even halfway done on the ashtray. It happens again, I thought, I crossed the line.
I bought the tickets on the simple basis of: I thought it would be fun. Afterall, you had fed me with hours of Chet Baker and bunch of your favorite artists, be it in your home, your workplace, your car. I took your interest as mine and I cherish everyone moment your face lit up each time your favorite tune would come out.
Sometimes, in your slurry drunken speech you would tell me how lucky you were to have met me for we had so much in common – disregarding the fact that it was all the hard work I put in. But I liked the way your curls disheveled across your face and the way your body curled up beneath the hotel’s bedding. I was never bothered.
But for us, the start of the end began when we were at the car following one too many impulsive calls of yours (“Hey, I’m picking you up. I need to buy groceries”), no matter whether I was having dinner with my parents or simply planning to have a quality time of my own, I would go with you. I was checking an Instagram notification when I jolted out of surprise although being strapped to the seat belt of your passenger seat.
You grunted, “What?” sounding annoyed as you oftentimes would by my reactions over things that you’d find ‘too much’ or ‘unnecessary’.
I said The Killers was announced to headline in local festival. I yielded my shriek as you threw me a piercing stare, “Since when do you like them?”, and I didn’t know how to tell you that I’ve always liked them since over a decade ago. I guess over the course of our five years relationship I never had the time to tell you that, amidst all your grandeur ideas about what you wanted to do with your life, although none of it was ever materialized.
             The day of the festival came and you dressed nicely like you always did. I liked that part of you. You picked me up from my home and I leaned over for a kiss as I situated myself on your passenger seat, but you turned your face away, mumbling, “Let’s go home right after the encore.” 
I had imagined a car ride where I would blast The Killers’ songs aloud, as I got you in the mood. But all I got was silence and the shrilling voice of the daytime radio host as we cruised through the interstate highway.
As we arrived, you roughly parked your car in the queue for valet service. Disguising the weight of my heart, I tried to lighten up the mood, “Yeay, we’re here!” And I carried on, talking to myself on how crowded it was, which songs I looked forward the most to – all efforts to conceal any trace of reaction to your elaborate cold shoulder play. But I guess it became quite too much for me in the seconds leading to you taking the valet ticket, when you asked, “What time will this band play?”
             “Well, they’re last on the line-up. They’re supposed to play right after—”
             “—what time?”
             “Um, 9.30.”
             “Then I need to reschedule the call with Mr. Krasinski.”
             “The potential investor.”
             “Wait, what? For the studio? Why didn’t you tell me?”
             “You bought the tickets already.”
I knew you had expected guilt to arise from me, and you were so good at it because that was exactly the only thing I felt that night.
The festival happened to be so overwhelming because I felt like floating, you were walking beside me a foot away. I’d walk closer to tangle my hand in yours only to be shunned away. I tried to lighten up the mood by pointing out some people dressing up funny, or the neon aesthetics of the festival, or whatever I could lay my eyes on. But all you uttered was haha, oh, okay.
Maybe it’s the age gap, I thought to myself as I saw you walking away to the nearest smoking booth. Maybe we differ in priorities, as I cheered myself on. But it’s tiring, I reminded myself. It’s like walking on eggshells, I confided to myself. It’s suffocating, I confessed to myself.
Ping! – a tootle from my phone took me back. I had been texting a close friend, telling her about you.
[19.38, +628211236****] tbh im getting tired of hearing him being like that
I leered at where you were, standing leaning to the glass partition of the smoking booth, when I saw you being approached by a guy in a cap, tall with hospitable smile. You embraced him in a friendly manner, and I was glad for a second that you had met someone you knew to take your mind off of how much you hated to be here.
[19.40, Me] ikr it’s suffocating
[19.41, +8211236****] hufft he’s years older than you. let him take care of himself for awhile. you should enjoy brandon flowers!!!
I smiled because there was a truth in that.
When I put my phone away, I saw you were walking over with your friend, and I had to put up a smile. As the two of you came closer, I began to realize how tall your friend was. He had such a radiant presence as you introduced the two of us, “This is my girlfriend.” You said, with your fingers latching to my waist in all of a sudden. We shook hands and you rambled about where he was working, how the two of you knew each other from high school, but all I could think of was how I just wanted your hands to stay there on my waist even after he left.
             Maybe it was your ability to make me nervous and anxious even after all these years, but I had to visit the loo, so I whispered in your ears to ask you to hold my phone and purse while I took time to the portable loo. You kissed me in the cheek and said, “Okay. I’ll be here with Joon.” And I bet your friend Joon would think we were perfect.
When I went out you were nowhere to be found. My heart plunged as all my belongings were with you and that this place was huge. I frantically looked around for awhile before what I had not wished to happen was about to happen.
I didn’t know where you had suddenly appeared from, but in all of a sudden, you came back and yanked my arms and dragged me off of the main arena to the back of Food & Beverages tents, where no one was around. I had been dragging my feet to balance your long stride, that when you finally let me go, I lost balance and fell on the graveled terrain.
“What’s happening?!”
But of course, the silence.
From afar I could hear the commotion of scream, and the bass riff of The Killers’ ‘The Man’ setting off. The show had already begun.
You stood there, taking my phone out of my purse, showing me the screen, which displayed the text conversation I had been having earlier on with my close friend. It was apparent that you had been going through my phone while I was at the loo. I should’ve known. It came to me as no surprise.
“Talking about me now?”
“You shouldn’t have done that,” I sighed, and started to get up to take back my phone from your hands, “The show’s starting now, let’s go.”
Maybe I was getting bored by your antics. Maybe I rolled my eyes a bit as well. Maybe it was my disregarding your inquisition. Maybe that was why you started to grab my wrist, this time with your nails dug onto my skin, “Ouch! Stop it, you—”
Mindlessly, you threw my phone right on my face with your free hand. The phone hit my chin then bumped off the ground. For a split second I tried to dodge away from it, which caused me to tumble down.
I was startled. It didn’t hurt, at least not on my face. That never happened before.
Something about the way your chest heaved and the way you stared at me told me you were in disbelief at what yourself had done. Maybe it was seeing me slowly losing any trace of expression as I stared at you piercingly. Maybe you thought it would be better to see me cry so at least you’d know there was still a remnant of me that was anticipating your consolation.
I sat there on the ground for a while, feeling the ground beneath me trembled to the music, and all I could ever think was—funny. Because the guilt, the suffocation I had earlier on?They suddenly vanished, and was replaced by a strange feeling: annoyance. I was annoyed that the gravels hurt my knee. I was annoyed that my phone cracked. I was annoyed by the fact that instead of being on the front row of a highly anticipated show, I was here in the presence of a sorry man, at the expense of my dignity.
I picked up my phone from the ground. Dusted the gravels that had pierced through my knee and walked away.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” You yelled, trailing my steps as you broke down your pretense and I could start to sense a hollow in your patron. You had this deep and stern voice which I always loved, and I was frightened of. But honestly, who would care when all I was hearing was the blasted voice of Brandon Flowers?
“To watch the show.”
“I—” You tried to reached for my hand, but I yanked it off of me, “—didn’t mean it. I’m sorry. Please.”
There was a handful of distance between us by that moment. The band was deep into their second song now. I wanted to watch the show.
“Just watch the show with me.”
“No. We need to talk.”
“No? I’m here to watch the show. I just want to watch it—”
“NO!” You never yelled, but this time you did, although you quickly brought it down and closed the space between us, “I want to talk with you or I’m leaving.”
I thought about it for a couple of seconds, trying to locate the last damn I gave about you, “Maybe you’re not used to hearing this because I’ve always refrained from being honest with you for five fucking years. But I don’t want to. And I don’t need to do—”
“You listen to me now—”
And I just snapped, “You really need to get your shit together.”
It was almost comical to see the pride on your face seeped away, “What?!”
“You need to stop using me as your punching bag. You keep projecting your failures—”
“—you don’t matter to me.”
“—at me. You hate yourself but you’re too proud to admit it, so you put it on me—”
“—I could have had any girl but I chose you—”
“—you hate the fact that I’m doing great at my job while still having the time to like myself—”
“—you’re not pretty. I’m not even attracted to you when—”
“—I FEEL SORRY FOR YOU!” I screamed. As loud as I could be. Which eventually shut him up, “I really do. You think you can use my insecurities against me? Well try again.” And alike to the stream of river that finally makes its way to the ocean, I let go of my final defense. I cried because I felt relieved, it could never get any better than this, “and this is my favorite song. I won’t let you ruin my night.”
The Killers was moving into their third song in the set-list when I finally walked away from him for the last time as they made their way into my favorite verse of the song. It says:
“Maybe a thief you stole your heart. Or maybe we drifted apart.”
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Missing Her - Part 2
Dean x Reader; Reader x Jim (OMC); Reader x Ollie (OFC)
Part 1 
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A/N: This was intended to be a sequel (and end) to the first part, Missing Her, however, the idea has taken on a life of its own and well, this is now just Part 2 of I have no idea how many parts. "Unbreak My Heart” by Toni Braxton, suggested by @ravenangel33 inspired this part. The song I have one planned for the last chapter, you may all hate me for. I already hate myself for it, tbh. Oh well... here we go.
Summary: Dean is back from his time in Hell, and wants to see Y/N and meet Ollie before he continues with the mission to stop Lillith from breaking the 66 Seals.
Warnings: Language, Canon Divergence, 
Words: 4.3K
SPN Tags: @sorenmarie87 // @wings-of-a-raven  // @kazosa  // @lefthologramdeer // @grace-for-sale // @rockyhorrorpictureshowstyle // @geeksareunique // @moonchild-shoshanna // @tiquismiquis // @mrsbarnes-rogers  // @yorkeylover// @fictionalabyss // @gettinjoyful // @teller258316 // @spnhollis // @sweet-things-4-life // @hobby27 // @sweetlythoughtfulbird // @theoriginalvicki // @dreamchester67 // @xxwarhawk // @babykalika2001 // @negans-wife // @superwhovianfangirl81 // @toobusynerdfighting // @vickyfarley // @missihart23  // @letsby // @hyphymanatee // @ravenangel33 // @thewinchesterchronicles  // @wayward-gypsy  // @closetspngirl // @fatestemptress // @rebelminxy  // @22sarah08 // @witch-of-letters // @cole-winchester // @rainflowermoon // @adoptdontshoppets // @foreverwayward // @waywardvalkyrie // @a--1--1--3 // @fandomoniumflurry // @gnrfanfic // @blackcherrywhiskey // @jessieray98  // @lyoly
The coffee pot had beeped more than a few times, but you didn’t hear it. Your mind was a million miles away thanks to the phone call you’d gotten the night before. No sleep had come after that and really, how could it? Learning that Dean was alive and wanted to see you were really all you could think about.
“Mommy,” Ollie said softly from beside you, her small hand pulling on your sleeve. “Are you alright? Your coffee is done.”
The spell was broken, and you looked down at her. “Hmm? What was that?”
She pointed at the coffee pot. “It’s done.”
“Oh, thanks.” You gave her a lacking, half smile and poured a cup.
“Are you ok momma?” she asked, pulling herself up onto one of the counter stools and reaching for the pack of chocolate chip muffins next to her.
You smiled again, trying to make it more genuine this time, and reached for the bananas. “Yeah, I’m fine baby. Here, have this with that, please.”
Ollie rolled her eyes, as most eight-year-olds do, and took it reluctantly. “Why? They’re so gross and mushy. Can’t I just have the muffin? I promise to eat the apple in my lunch today.”
You gave her a knowing look, which she ignored and concentrated on her muffin.
“You and I both know you will trade that apple for whatever sugary treat your bestie brings in today.”
“She likes to share!” she pleaded, her little green eyes ablaze with mercy.
“I’m sure she does, but I like you eating at least one piece of fruit a day. So, it’s the muffin and banana, or the apple at lunch.”
“Fine,” she relented and peeled the banana. Ollie took a bite and glared at you while doing so, which just reminded you how much she looked, and acted, like Dean. “Having a mom who is a nurse, sucks like crap through a straw.”
“Olivia Kate! What have we talked about?”
She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Use both in moderation.”
You shook your head and had to resist the urge to say something like ‘you are more and more like your father every day’. The truth was, Ollie was so much like her dad, it sometimes sent you for a loop. She not only bore his physical features, but his mannerisms and facial expressions. Olivia had never spent a moment in his presence, yet she was his ‘mini-me’ in so many ways.
“So, after school today, what’s the plan?” she asked, already putting the admonishing behind her.
“What’s the plan?” you asked, nearly choking on your coffee. “Plan for what?”
“After school, mom. Is Daddy picking me up today, or are you?”
“Oh, uh, I’m not sure. Is it my day?”
Ollie shrugged. “I dunno. I’m the kid here, shouldn’t you remember?”
“Fair enough. And yes, I should remember, I’m sorry. It was a little bit of a rough night.”
Ollie’s face turned serious and she gazed at you curiously, her head ever so slightly tilted to the side, her petite but pouty lips pointed in a frown. “What happened? Did Aunt El call with someone who was hurt again?”
“No, baby, everyone’s fine. But I did get a call from an old friend, and it just sorta surprised me.”
You leaned your elbows down on the counter near where she was eating her breakfast and thought about how you should proceed. Not bringing up Dean before had been a conscious choice because how you left things, and then after that, he had asked you not too. But now, things were different. He was alive, and he wanted to see you.
“Which friend?”
“No one you know,” you said and finished with “yet” in your head.
“Oh. Anyways, after school?”
“I’ll get you. But I do need to talk to daddy, so maybe I’ll pick you up and bring you there for a while? You can play with Max and Cody while he and I talk about a few things.”
“Are you gonna fight again?”
“No, baby. We won’t.”
“Alright. Cause its scares, Max and Cody, then they get crazy.”
You gave her that knowing look again. “It’s the dogs that don’t like it? Or you?”
She shrugged and concentrated on her half-eaten banana. “Maybe both.”
“Promise kiddo, no fighting.” You kissed her on the top of her head and moved about the kitchen readying her lunch and yours for the day.
  After school, you picked her up curbside and headed to Jim’s house. Luckily, he had answered your call earlier that day and had free time that afternoon to talk. When you got to his house, he answered the door, right along with his two golden retrievers, Max and Cody, who immediately began swarming around Ollie and licking her face.
“Easy guys,” Jim warned in a deep, commanding voice, to which they immediately obeyed. They sat and patiently waited for Ollie to remove her coat and greet them properly.
“Thanks for this,” you said, removing your own coat and hanging it up.
“Sure thing,” he said and turned to Ollie. “Hey kiddo, I got snacks and the tv going in the playroom. Can you head in there so—”
“Yeah, I know… grownup time. Come on guys,” she patted her leg and the dogs followed obediently.
“She’s good with them,” you mused, watching her walk away.
Jim cleared his throat and crossed his arms over his chest. It was his way of putting up a wall where you were concerned.
“So, what do you need to talk about?” he asked curtly.
“Do you remember a few months back, when I asked you to take her because I had to go out of town?”
He nodded slowly, still clearly a sore spot for him. Jim hadn’t exactly been happy about it, and not because he didn’t love being with Ollie, but because he knew it had something to do with Dean.
“Well, I know that you know, why I went. I went to meet up with Dean.”
“I figured,” he growled.
“It’s a long story and one I don’t think you care to hear, but he called again last night.”
“Why the fuck are you telling me this, Y/N? You know how I feel about this guy…”
“I know. But, he’s her father.”
“I’M her father,” he barked and angrily stuck his finger into his own chest, the veins in his neck popping with anger. “I’M the one that took care of her for the last five years! Not this ass—”
“Hey! Just stop. I promised her we wouldn’t fight!”
He glared at you and shook his head in disgust. “So, what? You want my blessing to take her to meet him?”
“Yes and no… I don’t know. I don’t even know if I should. But, you are also her father. So, I guess I wanted to include you in this. Forgive me for being so stupid to believe that you could just think about what’s best for her, and not be angry with me.”
“Best for her? This… Dean guy,” Jim spat the name from his mouth as if it were poison, “he’s what’s best for her? I assume he knows about her now, right? That’s why you went to meet with him last Spring, am I right?”
“But he didn’t want to meet her then, right? He bailed, again, right?”
“It's not that simple, you don’t know the whole story,” you said quietly and peered down the hallway to see if Ollie was listening. “It's complicated, from beginning to end, so very complicated.” You sighed and ran a hand through your hair, regretting even including him in the conversation.
“Oh, even better. Bring an eight-year-old little girl to meet some sperm donor you knew from almost ten years ago and wreck her world by telling her this scum bag is her biological father.”
“You better watch your fucking mouth, Jim,” you growled lowly at him, suddenly very angry and defensive of your feelings about Dean. “He wasn’t some sperm donor. I loved him. I still do. He thought he was going to die, that’s why I told him about her, but he got better and he’s ok. So, yeah, I am going to tell her about him, but I wanted to give you the courtesy of a head’s up first. Something I am beginning to seriously regret.”
He laughed in disbelief and crossed his arms over his chest. “Clearly you’ve already made up your mind. But, if it backfires, and it will… it may be time to revisit our custody arrangement. Legally I am that girl’s father and I will do what I have to in order to protect her.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, honey. I would. I won’t stop you from bringing Ollie to meet him, but if she’s hurt by this in any way, you will have me and the court system to deal with.”
  The drive home from Jim’s was quiet. Ollie wanted to spend the night since she was supposed to be going to his house the next morning anyway. Halfway between Jim’s and home, you pulled over to the side of the road and grabbed the burner cell from your purse. You found the number that called from the night before and waited for him to answer.
“Hello?” Dean’s voice came through. “Y/N?”
You cleared your throat. “Yeah, it's me. I’ve been thinking about last night, and, uh… let’s meet, ok? Where are you?”
“Not that far from you, where do you want to meet up?”
“My house. I’ll text you the address.”
“You sure? What about—”
“She’s with Jim… my ex. It's his weekend to have her.”
Dean was silent for what felt like forever but was maybe on 30 seconds. You could hear him exhale and just imagine his fists clenching opening and closed trying to quell his frustration. “Alright. Send me the address. Be there as soon as I can.”
  True to his word, Dean arrived within a couple hours and without Sam. You heard the rumble of the Impala’s motor the minute he entered the neighborhood, which gave you a few minutes to compose yourself. Stopping at the hallway mirror, you fixed a few strands of hair that fell out of place and smoothed the lines of your shirt. His car stopped in front of the house, the creak of the doors acting as the final announcement of his arrival.
You opened the front door before he could knock. The sight of him approaching down the narrow walkway made your heart start pounding in your chest. Dean looked up and saw you standing there, hesitating for only a second. It made you think of how he looked when he saw you at the hotel months earlier. There was no anger, now. This time, he was smiling nervously.
He was in the doorway, his eyes scanning you slowly from head to toe before he could say anything. Finally, he reached out for your hand and meet your gaze. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you replied sheepishly, allowing him to mingle his fingers with yours. The spark... that damn spark was still there and you both felt it the instant your fingers touched. “I’m so glad you’re alright.”
You threw your arms up around his neck, holding him tightly and burying your head into his neck. Dean hugged you back, lifting you off your feet in a fierce embrace. He exhaled unsteadily, finally returning your feet to the ground. He didn’t say anything else. For a moment he just studied your face and gently caressed the side of your cheek with his thumb. His tongue darted across his bottom lip, and in his eyes was a sea of unspoken feelings you could so easily drown in.
“Come on, come inside,” you said and closed the door behind him. “Can I get you something… coffee? Water? Um… I think there’s some apple juice---”
“A beer, maybe. If you have one. If not, I know you have a stash of whiskey somewhere. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t.”
You turned and gave him a playfully exasperated look. “I don’t know what you're talking about Dean Winchester. I would never…”
“Uh huh. I seem to remember a two-hundred-mile trip to get tacos where you just happened to have a fifth of Jack hidden in your bag. Oh, and there was that one time we were at your apartment, I had come over after a fight with dad and you just happened to have two bottles in the back of the closet.”
“Your point?”
“I know you got something somewhere in here,” he teased, the crinkles around his eyes becoming more pronounced with his growing smile.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed out two glass tumblers from the cabinet before going into the back of your pantry and retrieving your bottle of Gentleman Jack.
“Aaaand there it is,” he said, happily taking the bottle from you and pouring the liquor into both glasses.
You raised yours up in salute. “To you, and the whole being alive again thing.”
“Yeah,” he scoffed and threw back the booze. “Happy days.”
“So, you wanna fill me in? Last I saw or head from you… you left me a note saying goodbye. I get a text from Sam a month later saying you're gone. Now… you’re not. I hope details of your resurrection are forthcoming.”
Dean pulled out one of the counter stools, unknowingly the same one his daughter sat in that morning. He saw the same pack of muffins on the counter and seemed to consider taking one before pushing them away.
“Werewolves, vampires, ghouls, ghosts, shapeshifters… all real. You know that. You experienced it, yourself. Hell, even demons… all real. But never in my life did I believe that angels existed.”
“I swear if this is some cheesy pickup line to avoid the conversation, Dean—”
“No,” he laughed and poured another whiskey. “I wish it were, but no, that’s not it.”
“Then, what?”
“Angels are real, too. I was dead… in Hell, Y/N. And then, I wasn’t. I was in a box buried in the ground where Sam put me. Dug my way out of the dirty, and found Bobby, then Sam.”
“How long? I mean, how long were you—”
“In Hell? Forty years...” he trailed off, his eyes fixed on nothing ahead of him as he absently brought the glass to his lips.
“Forty—what? That makes no sense.”
“Four months up here, forty years in Hell. The details… I can’t… but then God thought I was worth saving. One of his angels, Castiel, pulled me up and put me back into my meat suit,” he downed the whiskey before shrugging off his coat and pulling up his sleeve to reveal a raised scar in the shape of a handprint.
“Jesus…” you muttered and lightly touched it.
“I don’t know about him… but Angels, God… they exist.”
You glared at him and rolled your eyes, then looked back at the scar. “I don’t know what to say… why? I mean, I am grateful they saved you, but why? If you made the deal Sam said you did…” you trailed off, still trying to take it all in.
“Because they need me. There’s something brewing and, they—the angels—want me and Sam to stop it.”
“What? Dean… what’s brewing?!”
“I didn’t come here to worry you, or anything like that—”
“Then tell me. Or I’ll just call Ellen and find out.”
“Ellen doesn’t know. She may not even know I’m back,” Dean said with a tinge of regret as he slid off the stool. He stood in front of you and took your hands into his. “I just wanted to see you again. Talk to you about maybe seeing Ollie. I don’t want to disrupt her life, you don’t even have to tell her who I am. I just… Y/N I need to see her.”
“Why?” you asked, unable to hide the tremor of fear that was present in your voice. “Why now? Are you afraid you’re going to die again? Because I can’t go through that again… I know we hadn’t seen each other in years, but, after the motel and being with you again—”
The thought of having to feel the loss of Dean again was enough to trigger a swell of panic and despair you never wanted to know again. “I don’t want to lose you again.”
“Y/N, I can’t promise you anything. I don’t know what is going to happen. I just know that I will fight like Hell to get this done and get back to you. Most importantly though, I can’t continue this mission unless I know you’re both safe. That none of this will come back to touch your lives.”
You felt your knees go weak and rested on the counter for support. John Winchester’s words floated through your mind, as did Jim’s warning, and your need for another whiskey was steadily rising. Sensing your thoughts, Dean poured more in your glass and slid it to you, raising his eyebrows with understanding as you threw it back, immediately pouring another.
“We’re quite the functional family, huh?”
You snorted a laugh and felt the slight burn of the brown liquor touch the inside of your nose. “I hate you…” you chortled in return, making him smile. It may have only lasted a moment, but any time that Dean would smile, it lifted you up as well.
When his expression turned serious, you knew that he feared dying again, but there was something else, too. “Dean, what aren’t you telling me?”
He hesitated, but when his eyes met yours, you thought maybe he felt comfortable enough to confide in you again. “It’s Sam. Everything going on… he’s in trouble. I don’t know how to help him other than to fight and try to stop the seals from breaking, stop what the demons are doing...”
“Seals?” you asked, but the lump in your throat prevented there to be much volume behind it.
Dean nodded slightly. “Old school testament shit. Like I said, angels, demons… God. It’s all real, or so they tell me. This war is Biblical, and if we can’t stop it, if the bad guys win, its not going to be good for anyone. I can’t lose Sam in this. Or you, or her. Before this goes any further, before we take on any more of these seals, I just needed to see you.”
“To meet Ollie,” you mused, more to yourself than to Dean.
“Yeah,” he said, lightly taking your chin in his fingers and turning it back to him. “And to see you. I wanted to come as soon as I was topside again, I hated leaving you like I did. It's just, everything happened so fast. Trying to catch up on four months of time. Then there was Sam… the demons… it was chaos.”
You felt your skin go cold at the idea of demons. You heard some hunters talk about them over the years since spending time at Harvelle’s, but to know they were getting closer, more of them were walking around, made everything inside you quake with fear.
“I’m scared, Dean. I don’t like the sound of this, at all.”
He pulled you into his arms and kissed the top of your head before resting his chin there. “I won’t let anything hurt you or Ollie, Y/N. I promise you that.”
You stood that way, just holding onto each other for a while. With your head against his chest, the sound of his heart beating comforted you. If Dean was alive again, things would be alright. Years may have passed since you really spent time with him, but your reunion at the hotel months before, and the time you had now, just reaffirmed what you always knew… he was the love of your life, the father of your child, and you would do whatever you had to, to help him.
“Dean,” you said softly, without lifting your head from his chest, “will you stay tonight? Stay here with me? Tomorrow, I’ll go get Ollie so you can meet her. But for tonight…”
“I’m all yours,” he said and pulled back slightly from the embrace; just enough to bend down and kiss you softly. “And not just for tonight, either.”
  The next day dawned to a rainy, overcast morning. Waking in your bed, you rolled over to see if everything the night before had been a dream. Spending hours, tangled in the sheets with Dean, slowly getting reacquainted with each other, unlike the rush and desperate need you had months before. When you found the bed empty, it was a treacherous case of Déjà vu of when you woke in the motel and he was already gone. Had he bailed again?
Fear shot through you as you lept out of the bed and grabbed your robe before haphazardly throwing it on and sprinting downstairs. Halfway there, the smell of crisping bacon and the sound of eggs sizzling instantly calmed you.
Entering the kitchen, you saw Dean standing at the stove and moving the eggs around the pan, so they didn’t stick. He was in his black T-shirt and jeans, his hair still soft and puffy from sleep. He had a tune playing in his mind that he was absently bopping his head too, little hints of mimicked guitar riffs coming from his lips of some Zeppelin song.
You were able to watch him for a minute or two before he sensed your presence. He moved around your kitchen like he had lived there for years and it felt like you were getting a glimpse of what life could have been if you didn’t send him away when you did.
Though he’d forgiven you, guilt still lived in your heart where that decision was concerned, and you were determined to find a way to make it up to him.
“Morning,” you said, finally entering the room. “Since when did you become so domestic?”
“Oh, this… nah… this is just breakfast. Eggs, bacon, toast, coffee—the basics.”
“It smells great,” you said dreamily, inhaling the aroma of the coffee on the counter. “I feel spoiled.”
Dean put the spatula down and killed the heat on the eggs. He approached you, backing you into the corner where the two lengths of counter space came together. Dean put a hand down on the counters on either side of you and leaned in close. “You should be spoiled. Now that the past is in the past, and once this other business is done, I plan on doing just that.”
“Tell me again…” you whispered, recalling the night before and what he had said to you as you drifted off to sleep.
“I love you and I’m not gonna leave again,” he rasped before his tongue ran nervously across his lips.
Even with the weight of what he told you the day before, and the nerves around him meeting Ollie, you felt overwhelmed with love at that moment. You took his face in your hands and kissed him. His hands found their way under your robe and grabbed your hips, pulling you in and resting on the small of your back. He withdrew one hand and wrapped it around the back of your neck, elongating your kiss the kiss into something that could easily put breakfast on hold and make you go back upstairs.
Just as his lips parted, and the silky touch of his tongue mingled with yours, you heard the faint sound of car doors slamming from outside. Dean heard it too and swiftly pulled away from you, while you tightened the bathrobe’s belt. The muffled conversation was approaching the house and you realized then, that it was Jim and Ollie.
You looked at Dean, slightly panicked. Yes, he was going to meet her, but you hadn’t even called Jim yet to see if you could pick her up early. Again, sensing your thoughts, Dean gave you a knowing look and ducked into the TV room that lived off the kitchen, flushing himself against the wall so he wouldn’t be the first thing they saw when entering the house.
Jim’s key was in the lock just as you dumped the whiskey tumblers from the night before into the sink, trying to hide the evidence that you weren’t alone.
The front door opened, and you tried to look like you had just made breakfast, then realized how much food Dean had already made.
“Mommy?!” Ollie called out from the entryway, most likely kicking off her shoes and tossing them near the door like she always did. “Are you up?”
“In here, Ollie,” you called, hoping that the nerves in your tone weren’t noticeable to her or Jim.
Ollie’s small form bounced into the kitchen, her ponytail swinging behind her. “I forgot some stuff, so daddy brought me here to get it. He said you wouldn’t be home though,” she added with a frown. “Whoa, breakfast! Can I have some? Oh, and is that a new car outside?”
It hadn’t dawned on you until then that Dean’s car was out front, and it wasn’t exactly a car that easily blended into your neighborhood.
“That’s quite the showstopper,” Jim’s voice echoed from the hallway before rounding into the kitchen. “Haven’t seen a ’67 Impala in years. Looks mint, too.” He was keeping his tone jovial for Ollie’s sake, but resentment burned into you from his eyes because he knew exactly who the car belonged to. “Belong to someone you know?”
You could sense Dean’s frustration radiating from behind the wall of the living room. You imagined that he was desperate to walk in here and start balking at Jim for any number of things; especially now that Dean was more informed about your past with him. The night before, you had spent a good amount of time going over the years you missed together, which included a full accounting of your relationship with Ollie’s stepfather. Dean was not Jim’s biggest fan. Or vice versa.
“It belongs to a friend of mine. He’s in town for a visit and he stayed here last night,” you said to them both, but the direction of your glare went straight to Jim.
“Your friend who called the other night?” she asked before grabbing two pieces of bacon from the plate.
“Mhm, yeah. Would you like to meet him?” you asked her directly but passed a warning glance to Jim from the corner of your eye.
“Sure,” she shrugged and quickly gobbled both pieces.
“Well, uh, we don’t have time for that right now, sweetie,” Jim interjected. “We just stopped in to get your books, remember? Gotta get moving if you want to get to the library before—”
“Oh, I imagine there’s a little time to say hello,” Dean said with a smug grin as he rounded the corner from the living room, sinking daggers into Jim. But the moment his eyes found Olivia, it faded into a sweet, gentle smile.
You watched his expression as he took her in, examining everything from the strands of hair on her head to the socks she wore that had little pizzas on them. He briefly looked back at you, and what you saw in his eyes was everything you had hoped for. The moment he laid eyes on his daughter, Dean Winchester fell head over heels in love.
Part 3
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staytheb · 6 years
Pairing: SKZ’s Chan x OC [Serena] || SKZ’s Felix x OC [Melanie] Genre: idol!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 2,265 Summary: Sisters, Serena and Melanie are babysitting their niece as she plays with their dog at the park. There’s nothing more to it then that, is there when Serena happens to notice a familiar looking long-haired Chihuahua?
Warning: ... the boys are idols still and this is not idol!life with the OCs. also i used Chris instead of Chan and i stayed committed because i wrote Chris without thinking when i’m so used to using Chan. anyways, i think that’s it. there’s really no warning tbh though xD
just a little something something that came to mind and i took the opportunity to write something when i felt it. also the words spoken here and the actions done here by “Lia” are true and my niece has actually said and done those things. lol so yeah anyways, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Serena and Melanie sat on the soft patch of grass as they watched their niece, Lia, run along the field of the park with their pet Jack Russell Terrier, Kirby, chasing after her in the late evening.
“I can’t believe you dragged me out here.” Serena muttered towards her sister in an annoyed tone. "You don't even like going outside."
Melanie smirked while side glancing her sister.
“It's only because your best friend misses you.”
The best friend she indicated was their niece since Lia has quite a strong attachment to Serena as she’s been babysitting the three year old since she was born.
“Haha, you're funny.” Serena replied dryly. “She’s your best friend since she takes after you.”
“Not even. Anyways, Kirby needed some play time, too.”
The pair then looked over at Lia and Kirby and noticed another dog had joined them.
“That dog looks familiar.” Serena commented upon seeing the black and white long-haired Chihuahua.
Serena cast Melanie a suspicious look.
“That’s not who I think it is, right?”
Serena shot her sister a playful look.
“Who do you think it is?”
Serena quickly glanced over her shoulder becoming alert to the possibility that her boyfriend could be sneaking up behind her and she was right.
"Ugh! I knew this was a set up!" Serena mumbled to herself as she shot Melanie a glare. "Why do you gotta do me like this?!"
"Because Chris misses you, too." Melanie replied with a laugh.
"We talked on the phone a few hours ago. I wouldn't do this to you with Felix."
"Yeah, right. You and I are alike."
Serena heard her boyfriend called her name in a loving manner and she made a face with Melanie laughing.
"Tell him I got some things to do."
After saying that Serena instantly stood up to run away, but Melanie immediately reached out to grab her and took a hold of her foot and made Serena stumbled instead. Serena kicked her sister's hold off of her and ran off without looking back.
Serena heard her boyfriend called from behind her again and didn't dare look back in case she would end up tripping because she knew that would actually happen.
Serena shook her head still running, but should have known that she would be caught when she felt arms encircle around her from behind.
Serena let out an inaudible soft squeal while twisting out of Chris' hold, but the two tumbled to the ground instead. She turned around while still on the ground and pushed him away, but Chris barely budged while laughing at her attempt. He pulled her towards him instead.
"Aww, don't be like that. I finally got some free time and this is how you behave?" Chris said in an amusing tone as Serena gave up.
"I thought you would be too busy working in the studio with those melodies stuck in your head?"
"Felix convinced me to come hang out."
"It takes a lot of persuading you to do anything, Chris. So how did Felix do that?"
"He mentioned you."
Chris smirked with a cheesy smile and Serena let out a groan with a roll of her eyes while trying to push him away slightly.
"You're so dumb."
"Dumb for you."
"You know you love me."
"I mean, I guess."
"You guess? That's not right. You're so mean to me."
"No, I'm not. You're just a baby."
"Because you're so mean to your boyfriend."
"Because the girlfriend has a boyfriend that's a very big and clingy baby."
"Wow. Is that how you think of me after all this time?"
Before Serena could reply back, the duo were interrupted by two canines jumping all over them.
"Ah, Kkami." Serena groaned as she shied away from the Chihuahua's licks. "Go bother, Chris."
Serena pushed the dog away from her and towards her boyfriend, but Kirby went to bother her instead.
"Kirby." Serena whined with Chris laughing beside her while playing with Kkami.
Meanwhile those two happened, Melanie was watching the scene with Felix beside her.
"So, how long do you guys got before returning back to practicing or whatever?" Melanie asked her boyfriend.
"Um, for like an hour or so." Felix answered with a chuckle. "I don't exactly remember, but I set my alarm before we have to leave."
"You're lucky I answered your call or we wouldn't even be here."
"What do you mean?"
"I was gonna let my phone die by watching my drama on it, but then you called and so I answered after thinking about it."
Felix cast her a side look.
"You were really debating on whether or not to talk to me?"
Felix clutched at his heart in a dramatic way upon hearing his girlfriend's response.
"That hurts."
"It's okay. You got Changbin."
"Maybe I should have hung out with him instead of you."
"Go ahead."
Felix pouted as Melanie laughed.
"You'll live."
Felix scoffed with a roll of his eyes.
"How can I live if I barely get love and attention from my supposed girlfriend?"
"I mean, you also get a lot of love from Stays, right? That's fine. Also the other members shower you with a lot of their love and attention."
"It's not the same." He whined as he cuddled up against Melanie. "I like you the most and your my girlfriend, Melanie. You're supposed to give me those the most compare to them."
Melanie rolled her eyes, but she leaned her head against atop of his with a small smile.
"You're cute."
"I know."
"Stop picking up stuff from Minho."
Felix laughed, but didn't reply as he snuggled closer to his girlfriend.
"You're such a baby."
"Yeah?" Lia interrupted the two as she heard 'baby' and assumed they were talking about her as that was one of her nicknames.
Melanie lifted her head from Felix and turned it towards her niece.
"Auntie not talking about you, Lia."
Lia walked closer and stared at Felix as he stared back at the little girl. Lia turned towards her aunt with a curious look.
"Who's your kid?"
Melanie busted out laughing at the absurd question.
"What did you say?"
"Who's your kid?" Lia repeated with a small smile due to seeing Melanie laugh while also pointing at Felix.
Felix pointed at himself with a big grin.
Lia nodded shyly as Melanie answered her niece.
"That's Auntie Nini's boyfriend. His name is Felix."
"Hi, Lia." Felix greeted the little girl with wave and bright smile.
Lia didn't answer, but she stared at Felix with a tilt of her head with the same smile on her face. Lia turned to face her aunt and went in to hug and sit in her lap.
"She's cute." Felix commented as Melanie laughed.
"She's such a brat though, huh?"
"No." Lia disagreed with a laugh. "I'm no brat."
"Yes you are. Hey, go bother Auntie Nana."
Melanie suggested as she turned her niece around to face the other couple who were playing with the dogs. Well, more like Serena wrestling with the dogs and Chris was playing with them. Lia instantly ran over them with Melanie letting out a relieve sigh as she and Felix went back to watching the other pair.
"Auntie Nana!" Lia exclaimed happily as she flopped onto Serena to lie on top of her.
"Ah, Lia." Serena groaned after removing the dogs from her face, but now having to deal with a small child.
"I miss you."
Serena chuckled at her niece's behavior while sitting up and holding the child within her lap.
"Because I love you!" Lia exclaimed causing Serena to burst out laughing.
"Hey, I love your auntie, too." Chris announced upon hearing the two's interactions while moving the dogs away from him and the duo ran off to play with one another.
Lia turned to look at Chris with a tilt of her head.
"No." She told Chris as she hugged Serena tighter. "My auntie."
Chris pouted as he leaned down to Lia's level.
"But she's my girlfriend, too. I like your auntie."
Lia shook her head.
"We can't share your auntie?" Chris asked with a frown.
Lia shook her head again.
"Why not?"
"Because." Lia answered not really answering Chris' question causing Serena to laugh.
"Oh, the child has spoken. I guess I can't have a boyfriend anymore."
Chris narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend with the pout still upon his face.
"You trying to imply something there, Serena?"
Serena continued to tease him.
"Oh, Chris, not me. The child is. Right, Lia?"
The pair turned their attention towards the child who shook her head.
"What?" Serena said in disbelief causing the child to giggle.
"You're gonna share me with Uncle Chris?"
Lia nodded causing Chris to cheer in victory.
Serena cast her boyfriend a look as Chris smiled lovingly at his girlfriend.
"Ugh. You're lucky I like you, Chris."
Chris giggled as he faced Lia.
"You hear that, Lia? Auntie Nana says she likes me. High-five."
He held up his hand and he and the three year old high five.
"Yay!" The pair cheered as Serena made a face.
"Whatever. Lia go play with the doggies."
Serena lifted her niece to a standing position and turned her to go play with the dogs as she ran after them. The trio played a game of chase. Serena turned towards her boyfriend and smacked him on the arm.
"Can you not like charmed my niece to go against me?"
Chris laughed at her words with a confused expression.
"I didn't do anything. She at first didn't want to share you with me. Then a few seconds later she changed her mind."
"Well, you didn't have to high-five her."
"That just happened. It was kinda cute."
"Cool then. You can babysit her and the dogs while I go back home and chill."
Serena suggested with a smile, but Chris reached out to hook an arm with hers.
"I came to spend time with you, Serena, but your niece and the dogs are just bonuses."
"Don't act like you don't like it as well."
"Yeah, yeah, but next time though, Chris, please let me know that you're gonna come hang out." Serena told him as she laced their fingers together.
Chris scoffed.
"Yeah, right. If I let you know, then you'll probably tell me to go to sleep or rest or something."
"Well, obviously since you're such an insomniac and you work like twenty-five-eight."
"That's true, but I'm functioning fine."
"For now."
"Hey, I'm relaxing with you at the park with your niece and those two dogs along with that other pair over there. So it's all good."
"Fine, fine, but if you fall asleep, Chris, don't expect me to carry you to your dorms."
"That's fine. We can nap underneath the stars."
"You're just asking for a scandal, aren't ya?"
Chris just laughed in response as he changed his position to lie down on his back and rest his head on to her lap. Serena rolled her eyes with a smile before looking down at him and played with the ends of his hair.
"She's so funny." Melanie mumbled upon witnessing her sister and Chris' interaction with one another.
"Who?" Felix asked while looking in the direction of where Melanie was looking.
"Serena. She's just funny."
"How funny?"
"Funny enough for me to enjoy her misery."
"What a great little sister you are."
"I know." Melanie cheekily agreed with a smile.
She then cast her eyes over to her niece having fun with the two canines and was happy that the child was enjoying a peaceful outing and away from the chaos of her own home since Melanie's brother who was Lia's dad was having issues with the baby's mother. Melanie shook those thoughts away and focused her attention onto the small dogs.
"Hey." She called out as Felix replied with a hum. "Hmm?"
"How did you get Hyunjin to let you guys take out Kkami instead of him? He adores Kkami like an older brother."
"We didn't."
"What do you mean you didn't?"
"We didn't let Hyunjin know that we took Kkami to the park."
"So you guys basically dognapped him?"
Melanie concluded as she cast her boyfriend a knowing look.
"We borrowed Kkami." Felix answered confidently before faltering with the last bit of his words. "Um, without asking Hyunjin."
Melanie nudged him with a shake of her head and letting out a laugh.
"Wow. Hyunjin's gonna be sad that you took his dog without telling him."
"It's fine. He won't know. Hyunjin's busy doing Hyunjin stuff."
"Okay, yeah, right, but that might be true since he hasn't called you guys yet about Kkami."
"Like I said, Melanie. We're fine. Kkami's fine. All is good."
"Mmhmm. Sure, Felix. Sure."
"Anyways, let's go buy ice cream."
Felix suggested as he stood up while pulling Melanie to her feet.
"I'm watching my niece."
"She's fine."
"Oh is she though?"
"I dunno, but my leader is and your older sister is, too. It's fine."
"You're pretty sure that all is gonna be just fine."
"We're just gonna get ice cream, Melanie."
"Ugh, whatever. Do I have to play your supposedly coordi-noona again?"
"It's getting dark and no one's out right now. We should be fine."
"That's what you said last time."
"Don't worry."
"Fine, Felix, sure, whatever."
Melanie gave in with a slightly annoyed look as Felix happily tugged Melanie along towards the nearest convenient store leaving the other couple alone with the pets and child.
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latetaektalk · 2 years
LITERALLY ME TOO!!! I cannot contain my excitement !! the show was on late at night for me but when I saw the picture that she was on the red carpet, I knew she would be announcing something… but I fell asleep 😭😭 I’m always asleep when she announces something! luckily I woke up a few hours into the show and saw the clip, and she was top trend on twitter!!! only downer is that the 21/10 release date is a hard date for me so I might give it a few days before I listen but I’m still so excited 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
It’s giving me 1989 (musical style) meets reputation (but like the romantic side of rep) meets evermore (sad girl feelings)... what do you think? I wonder what she’s cooked up for us!! and 3 VMAs for the ATW film, it’s what she deserves ✨ also, BLACKPINK. what a performance !!!!! the vocals, the outfits, the rap, they killed it. and rose partying it up with taylor, ah what a life they live 😭
I’m good thankyou!!!! how are you, how have you been? I literally just scrolled to your page to see when we last spoke and saw u replied, I totally missed that 😭😭😭 I’m so sorry!!! your Amsterdam trip sounds so lovely, I’m glad u had some a great time!! you saw THE MISS RODRIGO?? how was it, tell me everything! I’ve watched a lot of her tour performances online and they are so so good!!!! oh gosh how weeeird, I literally bought that book and read it at the beach about a month ago - I’ve read about half cause it’s so sad at times so I had to take a break from it, but I’ll be picking it up soon to finish it! I’ve been filling my time reading cute tiktok romcom books and watching never have I ever 😭😭 it’s such a funny show if you haven’t seen it (on netflix).
speak soon, 🦋 :) xxxxxxx
sorry bub !! ive been working 24/7 so i totally forgot to answer rip but yes oh my god i saw the news while at work and i just freaked out a little!! definitely made my morning <3 and uff i hope you get to listen to the album soon after it drops!! its unfortunate that its a busy date for you, but welp the masterpiece of an album will be waiting for you ✨
and oh my god yes i agree!! i totally get what you mean, especially when you say the romantic side of rep!! id add in the hopelessly in love but love is oh so hard side of lover to it as well !! cant believe this is actually happening tbh,, another new taylor swift album wasnt on my 2022 bingo card at all haha and oh my god yeah! the girlies really killed it on stage 💓💓 just their outfits were enough to have me in awe !! a fashion moment!! and the fact that rose was hanging out with taylor,,,,, idk who im more jealous of tbh HAHA
dont worry, bub!! its totally fine, i get that sometimes replies get eaten up and life is just busy so dont worry at all!! ive been real busy to be honest,,, i think ive had the busiest past two and half months in my life rip but theres an end in sight, so hopefully october will have me return a little more!! both socially and also here! and hehe thanks im still thinking abt my amsterdam trip on the daily tbh 💓 yes, i did!! actually still in disbelief abt it!! but yes it was as amazing and great as youd expect it to be! she is prettier even in person, and i wasnt even all that close to the stage so upclose she must be fucking insane ✨also yes she is my lockscreen now if youre wondering
and oh yeah on earth we're briefly gorgeous is painful to read but it is also so so so good and evidence for how good books can be!! tell me what you think of it when u finish it because it might just be my favourite book of this year haha and oh yeah ive heard of never have i ever!! im so bad at watching shows tho, so i havent had the chance to check it out. the last thing i watched was the office but that was also only because ive wanted to watch it for like five plus years. aside from that, i havent touched a new show since the umbrella academy/you dropped
either way, hope youre doing well 💓💓 also i hope you streamed august last month !!
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