#meant to type this up before i went to bed but was too sleepy
katsu2ji · 11 hours
ignorance is bliss — k. tsukishima
a/n: he's so silly i wanna take a 0.5 of him
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you never thought in a million years that you'd have a picture on your phone of your boyfriend—your sweet but sour, sometimes asshole-ish (lovingly) boyfriend—cuddled up with your stuffed animal, but here we are.
tsukishima had come over late to study and, naturally, that meant he was spending the night. you could tell from the moment he called you saying that he was on his way that he was exhausted, but you knew he'd never tell you that. even when his yawns broke the comfortable silence of pens scratching and fingers typing along a laptop keyboard, he still didn't give in. it took you looking at the clock reading 1:47AM and reminding him that you guys had all weekend to study together before he finally accepted his fate, changing his clothes and settling onto your bed as you went in the bathroom to get unready.
"oh, and tomorrow we need to review chapter 36 and 37, since we didn't get to them tonight. you have your test on wednesday, right?"
no answer. you turn off the water faucet, wiping your hands on the towel as listened for him. now that you've thought about it, you hadn't heard more than a quiet "mhm..." from him since you first started talking.
you turned off the light, adjusting your sleep shirt as you stepped out of the bathroom and into your bedroom. quietly, you walked over to where he lay on the bed, finding him still.
"kei?" you tested. no answer again—he was out. you smiled as you heard soft snores coming from him; that smile became even bigger as you watch him stir in his sleep, wrapping his arms around the dinosaur jellycat he'd gotten you for your birthday and pulling it close to him.
trying to make as little noise as possible, you turn and grab your phone off the nightstand; this moment needed photo evidence, otherwise you knew your boyfriend would deny it ever happened. what you didn't realize, however, was that your flash was on, meaning that the moment you snapped that 0.5 in the blonde's face, he jumped, his whole body waking up and moving away from the stuffed animal he was so adorably holding moments ago.
you couldn't help but laugh, a hand going over you mouth as you watched him slowly sit up and look at you with a both sleepy and slightly surprised expression. you felt bad for waking him up so suddenly, but that was quickly suppressed by the humor you found in his reaction.
"what the hell were you doing? what's so funny?" he was used to your antics, but it didn't stop him from questioning you.
you looked down at your phone and smiled. you'd gotten the perfect picture, even if you had woken him up for it. you decided you wouldn't say anything to him about it for tonight, keeping this to yourself. you turned your phone off, setting it back down on the nightstand before moving to get into bed.
"no, no, it's nothing. i'm sorry i woke you up, though. if it helps any, you looked adorable." you laughed out, kissing his cheek as you settled next to him.
aside from his face slightly reddening, kei didn't say anything, just shuffled over to make room. he knew you were lying, his eyes narrowing in the dark, but he was too tired to give a damn about what you were lying about. watching you for a moment, he sighed, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes as he muttered something along the lines of "blinding me with your freakin' flash." he reached across you a bit and set them on the nightstand.
he then moved to lay down in the bed, pulling you down with him as he settled back to sleep. he laid on his back, an arm around you as you laid at his side.
"it doesn't, but thanks. now sleep."
his eyes were already closing, a yawn finishing his sentence. he muttered a good night to you, kissing the crown of your head before letting out a sigh, grateful to finally be resting—for real this time.
you knew that in the morning, he'd probably have more questions about what was really happening, but for right now you let him drift off. you soon followed after, the only sounds in the room being the steady breathing between the two of you.
as soon as you could, that picture was gonna be your phone's home screen. but for now, ignorance was bliss.
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katsu2ji © 2024. please don't copy, modify, or do anything of the sort with my work! i work very hard and you simply do not have my permission.
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bluevelvet-room · 8 months
ive made it to the first blockade in tartarus. currently my thoughts are as follows
1) tartarus is kinda sick. i love tartarus. i mean i was already a sicko who loved tartarus but they didnt make tartarus less fun to be in. proud of them
2) enemy weaknesses are, as far as i can tell, the exact same. im relying on memory and it's working so
3) it's going down now is a fuckn bop. the new version of mass destruction is,,,, not my taste. the new versions of various other songs are hit and miss
4) the attack button is square now and im not allowed to change it on the ps4. atlus let me button map i swear to god
5) you are Only allowed to join the track team. kendo is not an option. wasnt swimming an option in fes? well that's not an option either which points to a really funny thing where swimming isnt an option in portable, so theyve been very slowly removing the options
6) being able to go to iwatodai strip mall at night is sick. i havent used the ability yet but knowing it's there is so fun. yasss atlus let me wander around the city in the middle of the night
7) new ui is sick. new velvet room ui is extra sick
8) picking up the old document showed me what it said which is fun. in portable at least you had to go look at your items to see what it said
9) kenji is even more puntable in hd
10) im playing with japanese voices. i tried to play with the english voices for about 20 minutes and i simply do not have the strength
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
Geto/gojo/reader “I can’t believe there’s only one bed” and HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY
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THANK YOOUUU!! So, this one really sang to me, I went ahead and combined the two, mostly because they are very similar. Thank you both for the prompt!!
Now Presenting...
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Starring: A flirty Satoru Gojo, and a tired Suguru Geto
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Your body protested every step you took as you walked into the hotel, screaming at you to lay down and accept the sweet embrace of death. Okay, maybe death was a little extreme, but you could definitely have gone for a light coma in that moment. A yawn you had been suppressing came forward, and you tried to rub the sleep out of your eyes.
“Awe, well aren’t you cute when you’re sleepy.” Gojo teased with a smile, earning him a glare from you. 
“Shut up Satoru.” This entire trip he kept making note of how cute you were, and how you needed to be protected, and at this point, he was on the brink of losing vocal cord privileges.
“Flirt later you two, let’s just get checked in.” Suguru muttered as he ushered the two of you to the front desk. He tried to summon a friendly smile for the clerk, but it didn’t touch his tired eyes. “Hi! Uh, we should have two reservations under Masamichi Yaga.” He said, really hoping they didn’t ask for an id. He told his teacher that he should probably put the rooms under one of the three people going on the mission, but the man was more muscle than brain.
The young worker started typing on the computer, before confusion fell over her features. “Um, I found the reservations, but it says it’s only for one room?” She asked. You were a bit taken back by that, and you could tell from the looks on their faces the boys were too. You thought for sure you’d at least get your own room. But, then again, if getting a room with 3 beds was cheaper than getting 2 separate rooms, it did make sense for Yaga to take that route, the penny pinching bastard. 
“Uh, yea that should be fine, that’s us.” Suguru shrugged, too tired to really argue. Much to your relief (and concern) the woman nodded and happily gave over the room key, not bothering to ask for an ID. What a stand up place. The three of you dragged your tired worn bodies over to the elevator. Well, two of you did. Satoru felt fine, because of course he did. And because he had no problem filling the elevator with whatever came to his head. You shared a look with Suguru.
How do we shut him up? Your eyes asked.
Pillow over his face as he sleeps Sugurus eyes offered.
No, I want him to shut up now. 
Oh, that’s not gonna happen. For now, we just have to endure him.
You sighed, knowing he was right and hating that fact at the same time. Thankfully, the elevator door opened, and the room wasn’t far from it. Geto unlocked the door, and you and Gojo practically fell over him to get into it. You quickly went to grab your toothbrush, and Gojo went to fiddle with the tv. It was Suguru who noticed it first.
“Uh, guys? I don’t see another bed.” He said. You and Gojo stopped cold in your tracks, heads whipping to the center of the room and- yep. That was one bed, and only one bed. Not even so much as a pull out couch in sight. 
“OH ho ho!!” Satoru laughed, launching himself onto the bed and folding himself into what you think was meant to be a sexy pose. “I’ve read fan fiction before, I know what happens here!” He cackled, “Be gentle with me, I’m a virgin” He swooned, acting like a helpless flower. 
“I call sleeping in the bathtub.” Suguru said, checking out of this battle before it became a war.
“No, Don’t!” Gojo whined, reaching out to him, “The bathtub is cold and hard, I'm warm and soft. Unless you want me to be hard.” He winked. 
“I can’t believe there’s only one fucking bed, who sets this shit up?!” You snapped, aggressively waving your hands at the bed.
“God.” Gojo responded.
“Bad fan fiction writers.” Geto retorted, apparently salty about his characterization in my past fics. 
“Satoru get out of the bed.” You demanded, shaking your head. You did not just get out of a fight with ten, count em, ten first grade curses to sleep on the floor.
“How about you get in the bed?” He purred.
“I will, as soon as you get out of it.” you scoffed, fighting back a laugh at the absurdity of the situation.
“Why not get in it with me?” He grinned at you, opening his arms wide as an invitation. 
“I’d rather sleep in the bathtub.” You replied.
“Not an option, I already called it!” Suguru reminded you.
“Why don’t you sleep with him?” You accused more than asked, “He’s your man!”
“He is most definitely not my man!” Geto rebuffed the statement, shaking his head.
“He’s actually my man, we just haven’t taken our relationship to the next level yet.” Satoru purred with a cheeky wink to Geto to really seal the deal. Geto rolled his eyes.
“I’m going to bed, goodnight.” He said, going to grab a pillow from the bed, only for Satoru to grab his arm.
“Come on guys, don’t be silly! This bed is big enough for all of us!” He argued, “We all trust each other, right?!” Gojo paused long enough to look at both you and Geto, but not long enough for an answer. He already knew it. “We know no ones going to try any funny business, we trust each other with our lives there's no reason for any of us to be uncomfortable tonight!” you and Suguru shared more glances. Gojo may be annoying, but when he was right he was right. The only thing really keeping the three of you from sharing was standard social conventions. 
“Fine, but if any of you touch me I’m throwing you off the balcony.” You warned. Geto sighed and ran a hand through his hair, sitting on the bed.
“I just don’t get why we weren’t warned about this.”
“I mean, it kind of explains the weird look she gave us.” You noted, sitting on the other side of Gojo.
“Yay, sleepover!” Gojo cheered, grabbing onto Suguru because he was the one that didn’t threaten him, “Fair warning, I’m a cuddler.” He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows for emphasis. 
“I knew I should have just slept in the tub.” Geto sighed.
In the morning, you were a tangled mess of limbs and drool with your two best friends. Any warning against cuddling being tossed to the wind in exchange for the comfort human warmth brings. You hated to admit it, but it was the best sleep you had gotten in weeks. Gojo woke up not long after you, smiling softly, slowly coming back to life.
“Good morning,” He said. You shook your head and covered his face with a pillow.
“It was before you started talking.” You muttered.“It’s 6 am, go back to bed.” Suguru begged, not happy to have been woken up.
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noisyquokka · 1 year
Losing Game
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PAIRING - Felix x GN!Reader
SYNOPSIS - If your teasing is infuriating, Felix's is something akin to Wonderland - trapping your mind in a haze of desire, spiraling you into madness with just a few caresses and kisses. He won't allow you to push too far without pushing back with everything he has, and everything just means pulling your strings until you've admitted defeat. You're playing a losing game with a man who knows such things a little too well.
WARNINGS - Fluff, Suggestive (Borderline NSFW so 18+), Established Relationship, LOTS of Teasing, Felix is the biggest tease this side of the galaxy, but so are we
A/N - Y'all don't look at me, this was meant to be a tooth-rotting fluff piece but Boyfriend!Felix is too much fun to write I swear I blacked out typing the majority of this, idk where I went wrong-💀 Anyway... Happy Felix day!!🎉
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Felix is adamant that the scent of one of his favoured candles is what coaxed him out of his slumber, though the 9:00 AM sunlight may be the real culprit. It bleeds through the sheer curtains of the shared bedroom, softened by the cascading polyester. Brown eyes glare back in a mess of displeasure, thin lips curving into a frown at the audacity of twilight breaking into day only hours prior. He stretches against the sheets, limbs popping in protest of their owner's insistence. Felix glares a moment longer, the muscles in his face twitching as the luminary beams back. A great sigh is released and eyelids flutter closed, rolling onto his opposite side to keep the blasted sun at bay.
Long legs kick outward, connecting with a mountain of soft plush at the foot of the bed. Dark brows furrow. That's not meant to be there...
Before Felix can tilt his head downward, the canopy of flat sheets above catches sleep-riddled eyes. He rolls onto his back, gazing at the woven sheets with a furrowed brow. They fall off to one side of the bed frame, a makeshift wall made up of carefully crafted horizontal and vertical threads, the entrance to the bedroom just a shadow beyond. The entirety of the mattress is encased by blankets, dimly lit by the warm glow of fairy lights hanging from it's ceiling. Stiff arms push against the mattress, the few rays of sunlight that's allowed in warming the bare skin of his wrist.
A blanket fort; erected over the course of the early morning by determined hands. A sanctuary.
Brown optics shift to the foot of the bed where that plush mountain sits beneath bare feet. The collection of pillows aren't just from the bed, Felix notes, but from every other room in the apartment. They most definitely weren't there when he crawled into bed with you late last night, he knows that much. The man can't help the sly grin that pulls his lips, shaking his head as he presses an open palm against one eye. An attempt to rub the sleep away.
The bedroom door opens with a creak, quiet footsteps padding over hard-wood floors. There's the sound of dishes clanking and utensils screeching against plates, a mumbled curse that leaves hushed lips. Felix has to hold in his chuckle, following the human-shaped shadow behind the sheets with groggy eyes. He smirks once you emerge on his side of the bed.
"Morning, Sleepy Head."
You're balancing two plates on one forearm, two bottles of water in your other hand. You managed without much issue, handing Felix a bottle and setting the other on the nightstand along with the plates. He eyes the grub on the plate; a simple breakfast for two. He takes a swig from the bottle, his attention naturally falling back to you. Especially when you hop onto his side of the bed, mischievous grin on your lips.
You shift your weight from your bum to your knees, crawling up the bed until your hands splay on either side of your boyfriend's hips, fingers pressing into the mattress. Felix's eyes narrow at your actions, a wry grin settling on his face as the proximity between you two dwindles.
"Happy Birthday." You murmur, so low as the purring of a feline near their person. It earns you a wider grin, Felix's gaze traveling downward as he takes you in. He hums.
"Thank you, Babe." Sleep holds his vocal chords in it's clutch, that deep rasp like music to your ears. Those eyes linger on your lips, waiting for you to lean in just a bit further.
"Is that all?" He asks, his voice taking on that teasing tone. A smirk crosses your face in response, leaning in until your nose is nuzzling his.
"Maybe... maybe not..."
You're so close that your lips ghost over his with every word. This is familiar; the teasing. The man tilts his head back against the headboard, impatient to your featherlight caresses and your body heat seeping into him. The chuckle you release only aids that.
You know what he's waiting for. He's waiting for you to initiate things.
A slight tilt of your head brings you closer to the bareness of his neck and you press your face into him, breathing him in. It's less to tease him and more to satisfy your own need to be close, but when he tilts his head toward your ear, you can't help but leave a kiss behind. Felix bites his lip, lashes fluttering.
"I wonder... what else you have in mind." He whispers. You only continue to press kisses along his throat - soft and tender, grinning against tanned skin at the subtle bob of his Adam's Apple - lingering there for a moment longer. Brown eyes close as you pepper more up the side of his neck, his chest rising and falling with the uptick of his pulse. You pause with one last kiss behind his left ear, nuzzling the shell of it with your nose.
"Your breakfast is getting cold."
God, you're infuriating...
Brown eyes lock on yours when you pull away and Felix huffs a laughter of disbelief, watching as you lean over and reach for the plates on the nightstand. You hand him one of the two, fingers brushing over one another at the exchange.
"You do know it's my birthday, right?" He questions, arching a brow. Your eyes dance with unbridled mischief as you bring the utensil to your mouth.
"Mhm, and you, my Pretty Boy, are staying under the shelter of this blanket fort with me all day."
"Mm, I didn't agree to that."
"You tossed and turned through the entire process of it's construction, not to mention I almost stepped on you." You point the prongs of your fork at him in warning. "You're staying in here even if I have to tie you down."
"Oh? Is that what you had in mind?"
You hand connects with a sturdy chest, mumbling a shut it as you swallow your food. Felix just chuckles, finally digging into his own helping. A moment passes of quiet solitude, forks scratching and tapping against stoneware. His gaze flits to you every few minutes as he takes in the work you'd done.
"This is pretty impressive, I've gotta admit." He says, poking at what little remains on his plate. "What made you land on 'blanket fort date' as my birthday gift?"
You shrug, setting your own empty dish to the side.
"I don't know. Just thought you needed this before tour starts. I know that as much as you love what you do, it can be stressful." You shift your weight on the bed, settling in beside your Lover. "That, and I wanted you to myself before our relationship is diminished to text bubbles and video calls for eight months."
You don't even care that you're both grown-ass adults getting cozy under a blanket fort like you're still in grade-school. To other people, maybe this is considered childish. To Felix? He didn't care as long as you were here with him. The two of you were children at heart anyways, and with a hectic schedule coming up, he was more than content to just lay here and do everything and nothing with you.
Brown eyes meet yours instinctually, a tilt of the head and thin lips.
"I know the distance sucks. Eight months will be here and gone before we can blink, though." Felix murmurs. He places both plates on the bedside table just as you rest your head against his shoulder, your eyes drifting shut with a long sigh.
"I know, it's just... it's difficult. I just want you to have a memory to think of me while you're away."
You mumble into his skin, nuzzling your face into his arm. Felix reaches for your hand, slotting your fingers with his before bringing them up to press a lingering kiss to your knuckles. He feels you smile against his skin, pulling away to glance up at him.
"Plus, you're adorable when you're flustered."
"Flustered? Me? When?"
I have cold, hard evidence, Mister! Don't even try to deny it."
A scoff leaves your boyfriend's lips, eyebrows arching incredulously.
"And where is this cold, hard evidence?"
"Right here," You tap an index finger to your temple, a smirk taking over your face. "video surveillance of Lee Felix anticipating a Birthday kiss from his Lover, loses his mind when teased. Not Clickbait!"
"Not clickb- get over here, you!"
You squeal when Felix reaches for you, your eyes bright with amusement. He snatches at your wrist, just missing your when you smack his hand away and shuffle towards the foot of the bed as a means of escape. You know this game well, and you know how he plays. Before you can throw anymore shade, a hand catches the crook of your knee and pulls you back towards the headboard.
"Felix!" You shriek, falling back into the plush cloud of pillows and sheets. You're still attempting an escape when he comes to hover over you. Anticipation dances within your eyes.
"I'm gonna have to see this supposed evidence, you know, for research purposes." He says, a teasing lilt in his tone. His hand finds the bare skin of your thigh, welcoming goosebumps in it's wake. You hum, a lighthearted chuckle leaving upturned lips.
"Research purposes, huh?" You reach a hand up to sweep those unruly strands from his face, fingers scratching softly at the back of his scalp. Felix smirks, humming an affirmative that almost sounds like a purr. He leans in, voice low as he stares you down in mock seriousness.
"Of course! They're gonna need a thesis statement!"
"Who?" You scoff, arching a brow.
"Judge and jury, obviously."
The sound of laughter erupts from your lips, your free hand pressing against his chest.
"Obviously." You muse, fingers trailing through golden tresses. "The jury of public opinion... I'm sure you've got some good things to say about me, hm?"
His eyes twinkle with something familiar; that soft admiration that he holds for you. The smile on his face broadens.
"You know I do." Felix's voice is low, teasing, and playful. His gaze heats your skin the longer he stares, deepening pools that pull you in. He dips down, lips brushing yours in a moment of sweet hesitation.
Or, perhaps... he's just teasing like you did.
Your words come out in a whisper through parted lips, grinning at your circumstances.
"Go on, then."
You barely have time to finish your sentence before Felix presses his lips to yours in a heated kiss. One hand finds it's way to the crook of your jaw and your neckline, tilting your head with a delicate touch. Your pulse races even as he takes his time, the heat from his body intoxicating to your senses. You can feel the tension grow with every movement that's made, the soft caresses and slow kisses a reminder that this game of cat and mouse continues.
And right now, the Birthday Boy is winning.
The hand on your jaw falls back to your thigh, slipping higher that before. Your mind blanks, wandering hands gripping onto the fabric of his T-shirt. Just as you're about to throw the ball back in his court, Felix shifts back, allowing both of you to catch your breath.
"Judge, jury... and executioner?" Your voice is hushed, the words a breath against slightly swollen lips. That earns you a chuckle, his fingers slipping under your shirt as your arms trail up to protruding collarbones. They splay over your skin, over curves and muscles that tense with every gentle caress.
"If looks could kill, I'd be a dead man, Love."
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips as your head sinks back against the pillows, your arms snaking around his neck. Felix allows you to pull him down with little argument, no hesitation to lock lips this time. Your fingers curl through soft locks, nails running down the nape of his neck in just the right way that ushers forth a shudder from the man above you. He nips at your bottom lip in retaliation, smirking at the sigh you release.
All thoughts of anything aside from each other slip away as one of your hands slide down the expanse of his chest, fingers twitching with a newfound need. There is nothing else. No one else but the two of you, tangled up in one another. Hearts race as the minutes stretch on. Needy hands pull you closer, squeezing whatever bare flesh is available to them. You break away from him, lips parting in heavy pants and desperation. Felix doesn't stop though, capturing your lips in another long kiss.
Any sly moves you'd thought up to get the upper hand are completely and utterly trampled once he deepens the kiss, hips pressing into your own. You accommodate him, sliding a leg up, hooking around his thigh to pull him closer. If that were even possible. Sleep shorts rustle against skin, hiking higher and higher with every shift.
If your teasing is infuriating, Felix's is something akin to Wonderland - trapping your mind in a haze of desire, spiraling you into madness with just a few caresses and kisses. He won't allow you to push too far without pushing back with everything he has, and everything just means pulling your strings until you've admitted defeat. You're playing a losing game with a man who knows such things a little too well.
Felix's lips leave yours, his teeth nipping at the corner of your mouth and chin before trailing lower to the skin of your jaw and neck. If this keeps up, you don't see an end in sight.
"Lix," You breathe, biting back a moan at his teeth grazing against your pulse point. Your fist clinging on his shirt presses against his chest and Felix lets up, muscles flexing under your touch. Brown eyes find yours, pupils blown in a haze of passion and lust.
"What, what's wrong?" His heart is beating out of his chest as he sucks in air through parted lips. Dark brows furrow, his head tilting at your insistence to stop.
"Nothing," You release his shirt, patting the wrinkles from the fabric. You shake your head. "I just... I left your cake out on the counter."
You already know the response you're about to get, a Cheshire smile taking over as he leans in again.
"I was just getting to that, wasn't I...?"
Wandering hands slide high enough to grab at your bum and you chuckle. Your fingers flex, gripping around lean forearms. Your calf is still hooked around one of his thighs and your eyes burn with some sort of trickery.
Gaining that upper hand.
You're quick about it, pulling your leg back with just enough strength to swap places with him on the bed. Felix just stares up at you, unfazed by your actions. In fact, you're sure he expected it. The fairy lights warm his face, sparkling in the glaze of his dark gaze.
"Cheeky," You mutter, giving him one last kiss before you climb off of his lap and out of bed. "I'll be back. Don't leave this room or there'll be consequences."
"Alright, alright." He says, and you catch the smirk on his face. His brows raise in anticipation when your eyes lock, your threat lingering in the air. An empty threat. The dirty dishes clatter together as you collect them and take your leave, your footsteps fading down the hall. The mattress dips as he shifts, pulling himself up against the headboard. Felix can't help the broad smile that follows, a contented sigh leaving his lungs.
"You're bringing that in here?!"
"Babe, just blow out the candle."
You settle on the edge of the bed. Two plates in both hands. Two slices of birthday cake, one with a single candle sitting pretty atop the icing. The flame dances in a make up of hydrogen and carbon, flickering when you shift it closer to him. Felix eyes the plates, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he straightens up with a groan. The flame is blown out in one short, heavy breath, the smell of sulfur assaulting your nose.
You hand him both plates, sliding into bed with ease. You situate yourself so you're facing your boyfriend, moving a few pillows behind you to get more comfortable. By the time you focus your attention back on the Birthday Boy, himself, he's already pulled the candle from his slice, digging into the sweet treat.
"Uh, Felix?"
He's so shameless in his indulging, mouth full. Icing smudges the corner of his mouth as he hums in approval. You eye the plate sitting on the other side of him - the slice of cake you'd cut for yourself - with a small smile on your lips, holding a palm out in waiting. Brown eyes follow that gaze, pushing the slice of sweetness out of your sight with a sly grin.
"You know, just because it's your birthday doesn't mean I have to play nice all day..." You mutter, eyes narrowing.
All that gets you is a snort of amusement.
"Mm, see, that's where you're wrong, Love." He says, leaning back against the headboard. The fork pierces through his slice a third time, ready and waiting on silver prongs for when he's finished this argument. "You see, it's my birthday. And since it's my birthday, you have this reputation to uphold of being the world's Angel. Especially on my birthday."
The smirk on his face only grows.
"Keep saying birthday and the word will become redundant." You sound annoyed but you're unable to bite back your own smirk while you hold his gaze.
"Have I mentioned it's my bir-" He grunts, chuckling as he soothes the shoulder where your fist connects, "Alright, alright! Gee, didn't know my Baby had a nasty right hook."
"You think that's good, you haven't felt my left." You glare half-heartedly, holding out your hand again. Fingers twitch impatiently. And Felix just stares back, that smirk stuck on quirked lips. After a minute of just this - staring at one another, trying your hardest to not get caught up in staring longingly at your boyfriend - you huff, jutting your bottom lip out in a pout. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Felix rolls his eyes, setting both plates on the nightstand before he reaches forward to pull you into his lap.
"Forget the cake, alright? You spent all morning making this-" He gestures to the blankets and flat sheets that hang above the bed, hiding the two of you away, "-even though you didn't. Need. To. Let me make it up to you."
"You could make it up to me by letting me have my slice of cake that's dying to be eaten." You chirp, reaching for your plate with a hint of a smile. But as over-the-top as Felix is, he catches your hand mid-air, lacing his fingers with yours. You groan in response, letting your face fall into the soft cotton that envelopes his chest and torso. His chest moves with the lighthearted chuckle it produces and you swear your brain short-circuits.
"Here I am trying to be a loving and appreciative boyfriend, yet all you care about is food!" He chastises, listening for that scoff that he could always draw from you after such remarks are made. And right on time, you do it, letting your free hand fall against his chest.
"No, no." You drawl, tilting your head up to look at him, lips twitching in a feigned grin. "You're right! I spent all morning playing chicken with your unconscious ass and still managed to make this bomb-ass blanket fort. I think all that work I did deserves the slice of cake sitting right. Over. There."
Your matter-of-fact tone is lost on the man, his gaze clearly set on your lips. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, attempting to hide the full-on grin that's determined to take over your face.
"Mm, I dunno..." He says, reaching for his plate once more. The fork is still loaded with fluffy cake and icing when he picks it up, eyeing it with knitted brows. It's held up just out of your reach. Oh, so close. Sunlight dances in dark irises, tiny shards of citrine catching the rays like stained glass as he shifts his focus back to you.
"I think you'll have to work a bit harder for it."
He can't even say it without his eyes falling to your lips. It's painfully obvious where this is going, and yet - once again - you're taking the bait.
"And what's your offer, Mr. Lee?" You question, shifting one leg so you're straddling his thighs. He takes you in with hungry eyes, mouth twitching in a slight grin. Fingers trace their way down his chest in lazy patterns.
"One kiss. One slice of cake." The plate in his grip keeps a slight distance between you, but at this point, you're not afraid to get a little more even from all the teasing earlier.
"You let me have my slice of cake, I'll give you all the smooches you want, Babe."
Your legs shift around him as you lean over the plate, your gaze level with his. Back to this - noses brushing and stalled eye contact and a desire for those fucking lips on yours. You can't make a play now. You've just moved your game piece. You would lose.
It's his turn now.
"That doesn't sound like a fair trade..." He mumbles, and you feel him lean in just a smidge more. Right where you want him.
"Life's not fair, Babe."
Felix's ears twitch at the sound to his left. A fork, screeching lowly over the surface of the plate as you lean back with your delicious prize. Oh, you haven't just grabbed the bait. You've outsmarted the hunter with all the finesse in the world. Left the trap empty and tripped. You smile triumphantly as you watch the muscles in Felix's jaw work.
You. Are. Infuriating.
"Even on my birthday? You are cruel." Felix's free hand comes to rest on one of your thighs that still straddle his own, browns locked steady on yours that roll in mocking exhaustion.
"Takes cruel to know cruel, hm?" You tilt your head at him, stabbing the utensil into the store-bought confectionary. Decadent goodness envelopes your taste buds and you feel the dopamine release of temporary pleasure flow through you. His eyes haven't left yours, deep brown narrowed on the fork that slowly makes its way back and forth from the plate to your lips. Your lips that were so close just a few minutes ago… He's watching you like a dog, waiting for its owner to drop the smallest morsel that it can snatch. It was comical, if you were honest.
"Shouldn't the Birthday Boy be indulging in the rest of his cake?" You ask, brows raised as your fork sinks into the layers of cake. "Or, is that slice for the taking as well? This is just so delicious."
You shouldn't be grinning so wide. Shouldn't be enjoying this as much as you are. But you are. You're relishing the expression on your boyfriend's face as he barely shakes his head, narrowed optics zeroed in, tongue darting out to wet a twitching bottom lip.
You've properly ruffled his feathers. He doesn't know whether to be proud of your victory or jealous of it.
However, he hasn't admitted defeat yet.
The cogs in Felix's mind are working overtime behind dark eyes, you can tell. An internal debate rages. His hand still rests on your thigh, thumb brushing back and forth in soft, slow motions. You're too busy making a show of indulging to notice Felix shove his plate away to the night stand.
"You have a strange idea of cruel, Love."
His comment makes you pause, the fork halfway to your mouth. Felix leans back, his back pressed up against the headboard. He places both hands on your thighs, the muscles tensing under his steady hold. A wave of goosebumps ripple across your skin.
"As much as I enjoy watching you torment me, I think I need to even the playing field." He mumbles. Eyes flicker over your face, studying you. Your reactions.
 The way your breath catches in the back of your throat. The little noise that accompanies it that you're unable to hold back. He tilts his head as he continues, his fingers trailing lightly up the back of your legs. Up… and up… and up.
Oh, Fuck it.
You yelp as your perspective tilts, eyes wide as your back sinks into the mass of pillows and blankets that had been behind you. Felix chuckles above you, a show of pearly whites.
You know why he's laughing.
Blue and white icing smears your neck and part of your jaw, the rest of the cake a mess of color over your chest. And the plate? Well, you're lucky you had chosen the paper ones this time because it wouldn't have survived the fall to the floor.
"Felix!" The look on your face is just priceless, really.
"The sheets-"
"Can be washed!" He cuts you off, glancing down at the mess.
"When I said it takes cruel to know cruel, that wasn't an invitation to challenge me on that."
The shock of being toppled backwards in bed is still working through your mind, nevermind the added mess. But by God, are you narrowing your eyes at the man hovering over you.
"Oh, you have no idea how cruel I could get, Babe." He says, voice lowering as he leans down. His breath cascades over the icing on your neck, pressing an open mouthed kiss to the skin there. The squeak you let out is quiet, but oh boy, Felix hears it.
Your persistence is admirable, he'll give you that.
"You're right." He hums to himself, licking away at the blue and white stuck at the corner of his mouth. "Delicious."
One look into those deep browns and you know.
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Psst!! If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read my work 💕 I appreciate you!
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barcalover86 · 1 year
Can u do a pedri angst where him and reader finally make it official after months of him chasing after her but the next day the paparazzi find him getting cozy with a girl qnd its all over the media and she feels embarrassed but he doesnt think its a big deal so they get into a fight but make up in the end
Breaking News- Pedri Gonzalez
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S, f, a
I saw that you also asked someone else and they did it, but I am gonna still answer you, so I hope you will like this as well. Enjoy!
So here is Pedri's version:
Pedri fell in love with you months ago, and he knew that he wasn't your type. His schedule was always busy, and he didn't have time to be in a relationship, and you wanted something serious. That hurt him a lot, but he didn't want to give up on you. For weeks, he did everything to show you that he loves you and that he wants something serious, too.
After a lot of work, you agreed to be his girlfriend and it was the best decision. He was a sweetheart, always made time to be with you. You would go to his games to support him and he would always be there when you needed.
People knew that you were together, but it was not a secret, but a private kind of relationship. He tried to keep you away from all the social media, knowing how they could destroy couples. He tried so hard to be yours, and he didn't want to lose you.
Now, Pedri was coming home after a hard day. It was really late and he was tired, especially that people were all over him. He barely could drive, so he decided to open the window and to sign some things and make some photos for the fans.
He stayed there a lot, and right when he wanted to leave to come home to see you, a girl shouted his name to make a video of her. Pedri sweared in his mind before smiling at her phone. When he thought that she was done, the girl went over and kissed his cheek. People started to scream in surprise. Everyone was with cameras, and Pedri felt so bad.
He couldn't say much thing, especially to shout at her, knowing that this was going to be on all super media. He only said that what she did was rude and his face was really angry.
He left the place and went home to see you on the couch, waiting for him, sleepy.
He smiled at you and kissed you. The kiss started to become more hard and after some time you were both naked on the couch.
"If you are too tired we can-"
"No, no, please" Pedri interrupted you. "I really want it"
You smiled at his words and then continued what you were doing.
Next morning, you woke up in his bed, naked. The blanket being the only thing that was covering you.
Pedri was already awake, and you went to sit on his lap while he was playing with your hair. He put the blanket over your shoulders and kissed your neck slowly. The night you two had was magic. He made sure to make you feel good, and today, being his off day, made it even more perfect. You could be all day together and that made you both happy.
After he told you that he's going to take a quick shower, you went through your phone to see if are some news.
You were on ig and saw a lot of videos and photos of Pedri and some girl the night before. You knew it meant nothing, but the way he acted made you sad.
She was way prettier than you and you were afraid that he enjoyed her kiss.
When he came back from his shower and saw your uncomfortable face, he asked you what happened.
"C'mon, Y/n, please tell me!"
"I said nothing, Pedri!"
He stayed silent for some seconds before speaking again.
"Did I do something wrong..?"
"Oh, really? I don't know, did you?"
"That's why I asked you!"
He was getting on your nerves now.
"I-" he tried to speak after you showed him the videos.
"I'm not mad"
He seemed to calm down at your words a bit.
"I..I'm just...sad? Disappointed? Embarrassed?"
"Why!? Y/n, look, I'm really sorry, but I don't think it's a big deal..?"
You were shocked by his words. Not a big deal?
"Ok" you replied simply before dressing up and wanting to leave the house.
"Where are you going?!"
"Not a big deal, Pedro."
"No, no, don't go. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, please stop. Let's talk about it, please."
"What is it to talk? You already made a conclusion. Exactly as you said 'not a big deal', right?"
"I don't want to hear it."
"Please, don't leave me. Let me at least explain!"
"What to explain, Pedro, if for you it's not a big deal!?"
"I'm sorry I said that! It was so stupid, but I promise to you that I only said it to not talk about it because I felt horrible when it happened!"
"Oh, and you decided to not tell me, but sleep with me! How mature, Pedro!"
"No, no, please-!"
"Please, what?"
"Let me explain what exactly happened"
"Go on, then. Make it quick."
He explained everything that happened. Ehy he didn't want to make a scandal and just left without going into a fight. How he didn't want it to affect your relationship and how he is really sorry.
You also explained that you weren't angry with him or mad. You just felt insecure and embarrassed that he chose you out of everyone.
"For me, you're perfect, and I only love you, amorcito. Trust me, you have all my attention"
You smiled at his words and kissed him. That day, he did exactly what you told him, in a way to be forgiven. You were laughing at his silliness, but were so happy that you were spending time with him.
All day, he made sure to tell you how pretty you are and how important you are for him. He also promised that if something like that is going to happen again, he would make clear again that he has a girl home that he truly loves.
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rallentando1011 · 7 months
Somnambulant Soulmates (rise Donnie x gn reader)
Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Word Count: 3676
(alright, we’re getting into some good stuff now ;) hope you enjoy!)
Three weeks.
Three weeks had passed since you first encountered that purple clad turtle, give or take.
And they were a blur of fighting and parties and studies and a library and coffee and him.
Donnie, the centrifuge that had been the catalyst of the whirlwind that had become your life. Well, technically his brothers, April, and the rest of the gang were also at fault, but he was the main culprit. The superfluous amount of meetings you’d had with him in your short time knowing him, his intriguing disposition, the whole situation had made it quite easy for him to work his way up to being one of your favorite people.
It had been a few days since you’d seen him. It had also been a few days since you’d left the fortress of your home. Following the hectic event and subsequently less wild ones of last week, you deserved a few days’ break.
But it was time to get back into the fray.
You forced yourself up from where you had been lounging on your bed, prying your eyes away from the ceaseless social media scrolling you had subjected yourself to.
Blinking your sleepiness away, you thought about what you had to do: eat something, first of all, get some water and whatever prescriptions you needed, then message that confounded turtle about his progress on that invention.
Call yourself curious, but you just had to see it in its completion. Also, you were desperately bored. Why not get your social interaction and entertainment in one stop, kill two birds with one stone?
You pulled up the chat you currently had with him but paused before you typed a word.
Sure, texting got the point across, but you were looking for a quick answer, not a typical, joining-the-conversation-hours-later Donnie answer.
Would a call work better in this scenario?
Of course, calls kind of sucked to do, solely because of the whole talking aspect, but it could be quicker. And if he didn’t respond, then you could just send a text.
You clicked his contact and the button to call him, holding your breath momentarily afterward. Hopefully it wasn’t too weird. You meant, you’d never called him before, so maybe you would look like an absolute maniac for calling him now over something so trivial. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea-
You startled at the sound of a voice over the phone. He’d already answered. No going back now.
“Hey, how’s it going?” you responded as smoothly as possible.
“... Fine? You called?”
The conversation fell silent until he spoke up.
“May I know what for?”
“Right! Yeah, sorry, I was just curious about that whole mystic gem-finding situation. Did you find one yet?”
“I have yet to locate and secure any that aren’t currently in use. The project’s also been on the backburner with lair repairs; segue, do you know how many microwaves Leo can break in a week?”
You snickered, though you quickly worked back out of that tangent. “Dude, isn’t your dad- er, wait, your father some kind of alchemist? He probably has something you could use.”
“He likely does.  However, we have what one might call a strained relationship.”
“Oh, you don’t have to tell me about that if you don’t want to-’
“Me and my brothers destroyed his lab and he threw Leo off of a roof.”
You two went quiet once more. He also broke the silence once more.
“Never mind that, let’s focus on the task at hand: how to obtain a sought-after gem.”
“By destroyed, do you mean made a mess of or..?”
“Absolutely decimated it.”
“Right,” you nodded slowly. “So is it abandoned, and, follow up, would it still have any resources left?”
“Not likely. Scavengers, and Draxum himself, probably made certain that anything valuable was taken care of. But, we could potentially check it out.”
“Hmm, ‘we’?” you asked innocently enough, save for a teasing inflection in your hum.
“Yeah, ‘we’. Unless you’re not interested, which is totally within bounds-”
“I’m free Thursday and Friday, either before noon or at, like, ten,” you cut him off. His surprise was discernible by how quiet he went for a solid ten seconds.
“Right, yeah, Friday works,” he finally conceded. “Would Friday at 23:00 work for you?”
Seriously? Military time? What a punk. “Translate into normal time talk and then you’ll get an answer,” you quipped.
“No need to be rude. Does eleven sound better to your inconsiderate self?”
“Much. And eleven works. Where’re we meeting?”
“Fret not. I’ll send the location.”
Come Friday, following the address brought you to the shadiest place you’d been since April took you into the sewers last week.
Man, your friend group was a whole situation.
The area itself was fine. Domestic, contemporary homes and apartments in a congested neighborhood, standard New York living arrangement. Your dubiousness, however, stemmed from the particular location: a horribly lit, uninhabited, possibly abandoned construction site.
Actually, it would probably be weirder for him to ask to meet you in a normal location with street lights.
You sent a quick text to Donnie, informing him that you were there and possibly telling him to hurry his shell up before stepping into the.dirt-coated lot. As you moved deeper into the area, you noticed a silhouette propped against the side of a big metal container. You squinted at the turned away figure, trying to make out any features.
Typing vigorously, wearing an oversized purple hoodie, hunched over their phone- okay, yeah, that was Donnie.
You quickly made your way over to him, leaning next to him on the container with a loud, metallic thud.
“Hey there, pal,” you grinned, a visible puff of air exiting your lips. Boy, was it cold.
He lackadaisically lifted an eyebrow at you as he finished typing something up on his phone. “Salutations. And refrain from calling me pal; we’re not pals.”
Donnie placed his phone and hands into his hoodie pocket and started making his way further into the shadows underneath the structure of steel beams and bars. You followed suit.
“What are we then?” you prompted playfully.
“Really? I don’t think people who are just acquaintances travel to literal mystic cities or even the sewers with each other.”
“Well, if you are so well versed on the classifications of relationship statuses, what do you consider us to be?”
“Friends, probably,” you shrugged.
“Probably?” he asked as he started to use a pin from his pocket to draw an unfamiliar insignia on an oddly placed brick wall.
You rested your hands on your hips. “I mean, thinking statistically about it, we’re probably friends.”
“In what universe does statistics have anything to do with this situation?”
“Ion’ know. You’re supposed to know about the science-and-math-y stuff. I’m just moral support.”
“No, you’re just throwing mathematical terms around haphazardly!” he exclaimed, gesticulating with his free hand.
“I probably am.”
His eye twitched. Before he could iterate his disdain for your insolence, the design he traced on the wall began to emit an electric blue shade. A static buzz entered the air, creating a warm, fuzzy feeling around you. Not comforting, though. It was reminiscent of the portals you’d encountered just last week.
Abruptly, a swirling amalgamation of light and energy came forth before you, small bursts of lightning zapping periodically.
Huh. You were right. Portals.
“Does this lead to that lab?” you asked, peering at it curiously.
“What do you say we find out?” Donnie gave a lazy grin before coolly stepping backwards into the portal.
You gawked. The audacity of this man to invite you adventuring and then leave you high and dry was astronomical.
That left you with two options: get out of there and have a cozy night in or follow him into a suspicious portal. Which, come on, you already knew what you were going to do: tail that turtle and make him rue leaving you behind like that.
With a roll of your eyes, you stepped, or fell, more so, into the portal, and that’s when things went loopy.
Your surroundings melted into a zero gravity tunnel of blue, insides churning in a manner akin to the swarm of colors around you. Everything looked distorted, warped into only sensations, and after moments of free fall and whiplash and weightlessness you plopped rather unceremoniously onto a brick path. 
Somehow, the area you ended up in was even loopier than that.
For starters, the sky was a washy mix of apricot and slate and a golden color. Next up, and quite likely most pressingly, was the gigantic structure sitting before you. A short, rocky path trailed up to a floating cylindrical building, the size of which rivaled every building you’d ever seen in New York. The building was bathed in green light, had a balcony- and did you mention FLOATING?
“Holy-” You couldn’t help but go slack-jawed, earning a smug expression from the turtle.
“Where are we?” You looked at the vast area behind you, the fiery orange sky littered with floating edifices and vessels and creatures of all varieties.
“Welcome to the Hidden City, my associate-”
You interjected, “-friend-”
“-entourage,” he corrected with the raise of an eyebrow.
You let it slide, not looking to lower your status any more. “Touché. Continue.”
“The Hidden City, a subterranean city-state far beneath New York City and home to the laboratory of former warrior-alchemist Barron Draxum,” Donnie introduced with a flourish of his hands.
You released an amused puff of air. “You feel good about letting out your inner theater kid?”
“I feel great, actually. But there’s no time to dwell on that. Onward, to exploration!”
He was really in full theatrics tonight, but you didn’t mind indulging. Lightly shaking your head at him, you joined him in moving up the path to the towering golden archway at the front of the building.
The door opened creakily, unsturdy on its hinges, shedding light on a decrepit, dust-ridden foyer. Large tapestries and artworks strewn about the halls were coated so thickly in dirt they almost couldn’t be made out. You shot him an uncertain look.
“Like I said, don’t keep your hopes up,” was all Donnie said in response before continuing down the dim corridor. You stalled, still weary about the condition of the building, before swiftly catching back up with him.
As you worked your way into the dark, desolate lab, Donnie lectured you on safety precautions. “Don’t touch anything unless it seems nonlethal and productive. Actually, just don’t touch anything.”
“So, I can’t open any drawers or anything?” you sassed.
He deadpanned. “You know what I mean.”
“Semantics matter, D.”
“Not really- fine, whatever. Let’s get to exploring,” Donnie conceded, excitedly flicking his goggles down with a smirk.
It was an instinct, really, that you clasped a hand over your mouth and terribly concealed a laugh upon seeing his goggle-covered eyes.
He stared at you blankly. “What?”
You waved your hand in front of you to dismiss yourself. “I’m sorry- I’ve just never seen you in the goggles.”
“I’ve worn them during every interaction of ours.”
“No, I mean like on your eyes. It makes them look all beady.”
“Wow. I appreciate that.”
You quickly defended yourself. “In a good way! It’s not bad, just different.”
“Ah yes, ‘beady in a good way’. I’ll log that one in the books.”
“Seriously, I thought they looked cute.”
He looked taken aback, lips pursed and face warm at that assertion.
“Not like that. Like an objective kind of cute.” You shook your head in disbelief at the words you were spewing. “Actually, nevermind. Forget I said any of that.”
“Agreed.” He rolled his eyes and set to work scanning shelves and drawers for any traces of the mysticism you were pursuing. For his sake, you didn’t mention how the pink tint on his face didn’t disappear until minutes into your guys’ search.
The search ended up unsuccessful. Sure, while scouring shelves and cabinets and odd cages around the spacious laboratory you found a whole lot more than you would expect in an abandoned building - elements in sealed jars, flasks of what seemed to be potions or ingredients - but nothing close to a crystal or gem.
After working your way around the room, you looked up at Donnie.
He shook his head and walked over to you. “It appears the lab’s a bust for any type of crystal. Not a total loss, though.” He held up a container labeled ‘emp.’ before one of the mechanical hands from his battle shell stored it for him. Another of the hands gave your shoulder a reassuring pat.
You shook your head. “No, we’re getting you a crystal, man.” You paused, thought of an alternative. “Are there any stores or markets nearby that might have them?”
“Ohmigosh, you are just full of great ideas.” You and Donnie began moving back toward the front.
He sounded like he might have meant that, but his voice was still startlingly monotonous. You narrowed your eyes, put your head askew. “For real?”
“Yes, this time,” the turtle nodded before excitedly gliding back down the entrance’s stairs.
You laughed, following along. “This time?”
“Surprisingly enough, yes.”
You caught up to him and landed a firm, still playful jab to his side.
“Just stop yapping and take us there.”
After what felt like eons of continuous motion, you two made it onto the streets of the Hidden City.
Brightly colored banners, advertisements, decorations, adorned lampposts all up and down the streets, though you avoided certain battle-themed ones. Multitudes of languages and dialects could be heard all around. The smells of delectable foods wafted through the air, sweet, savory, spicy, but you couldn’t pay them any mind. You were on a gem-hunting mission. Even if it wasn’t going very well currently.
The merchant running a crystal stand was slumped over on their counter, boredly staring at the customers that had been occupying their business for minutes on end without making a choice i.e. you and Donnie.
You raised an index finger at a particular pretty purple gem sitting in a pile of other ones on the counter of the stand.
Donnie flicked on his goggles and shook his head. “Uh, no. Not remotely. We’re looking to avoid overcurrent; that thing has enough mystic mojo to wipe out half the city.”
You slowly placed it down. “Oookay then. Glad to be of service,” you muttered.
He pursed his lips at your interesting body language. Slumped shoulders, hints of dejection in your voice - you weren’t having fun. Maybe it was because he immediately turned down the last five of your suggestions, but who could definitively say why?
“The issue is that you keep grabbing crystals that emit cool colors, which, as you know from the electromagnetic spectrum, correlate to a higher frequency. We don’t want that. So, as much as I would enjoy a violet crystal to match my ambience, something with a less vibrant, warmer hue works best.”
You slowly digested what he just said. Cautiously, your hand crept back to the merchant’s display and selected an auburn gem. 
“That one’s frequency is too low-”
“Of course it is.”
“-but you’re on the right track! Try a little further down the electromagnetic spectrum-”
“What, something like this?” You gestured toward an amber gem that was near the bottom of the pile, exasperated.
Donnie hummed. “Actually, yeah. That’s just fine.”
“Shhh,” Donnie waved a hand telling you to calm down before pulling you aside. “There’s no fixed price on the signs here. If we seem too excited or gullible-”
“We get duped?” you guessed.
“We get duped. So stay cool, and let me handle this.”
Donnie cracked his knuckles and turned back to the stand, professionally ready to bargain and deal with the price.
He still ended up paying a ridiculous price for the small gem’s size, but you didn’t know if you’d ever seen him grin so proudly, so you didn’t say a word about it.
The first time you spoke up after the deal was made was after passing by a food cart and hearing your stomach rumble.
Donnie almost kept walking without you before you loosely clasped onto his wrist.
Puzzled, he turned back to you.
“Would you want to get something to eat? Like, while we’re down here,” you asked.
He pursed his lips. Just as he opened his mouth to retort or deny the requests, you were both hit with a wave of the most scrumptious food you’d smelled probably in your entire life.
“Okay, you have to admit that smell is heavenly,” you looked at him knowingly.
“I don’t have to do anything, but those do look fire.”
You gave him the best pleading look you had, and you could pinpoint the exact moment he caved in.
“Alright, we can take a quick detour from the exit.”
“Heck yeah! You rock, no correlation to geology,” you winked, adjusting your grip from his wrist to his hand so that you two wouldn’t get separated from you charging through the crowd.
And charge through that crowd you did.
Donnie in tow behind you, you bounded through the crowd excitedly, scarcely avoiding collisions all over.
However, the complaining Donatello in hand and sweating were inconsequential compared to being in line for a brand new type of culinary experience.
You were practically buzzing with joy, so excited that you momentarily forgot to relinquish Donnie’s hand. You still did though, just a moment shy of awkwardness.
You had made a good deal, had good company, and were about to have good food. What more could you want?
Still beaming, you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket and pulled it out.
The smile on your face quickly receded as you checked who was calling.
“Just a moment, I need to take this,” you muttered before slipping out of line and off through the crowd.
Donnie froze. He didn’t like the fact that whoever called seemed to ruin your mood, nor the idea of you being alone in an entirely unfamiliar city.
Reluctantly, he relinquished his spot in line - which was painfully close to the front, might he add - to find you.
It took a moment of weaving left and right, dodging up and down through a flurry of wings and tails for him to find the space between two buildings that you had moved yourself into.
Not wanting to intrude, he stood right outside the small alley, listening in by a complete coincidence. Certainly not out of nosiness in the slightest. Nope.
Anyway, he only got close enough to hear you mid-sentence.
“-you serious? Now, I don’t know if your section of New York is in a different time zone, but for me right now it is way too dark and way too late to be calling for conferences.”
A pause. Scraggly sounds faintly sounded from the other side of the call, not that he could make out an inkling of it. You, on the other hand, understood it all too well.
“Obligatory? Yes, I know what obligatory means, I just find the notion of a required meeting kinda dumb- Sorry, I mean extremely dumb.”
Another pause of you presumably getting chewed out passed before you, begrudgingly, grumbled, “Ugh, if you insist. Be there later.”
The phone call ended after that, and Donnie had no clue what to do.
Walking in normally could make it seem like he was eavesdropping, which he was but he didn’t want you to know that, but he couldn’t just stand still either.
After some careful contemplation, Donnie looked around and stumbled (definitely not purposefully) into the alley you were in. He seemed somewhat concerned; he hadn’t seen you that perturbed before.“Is everything alright?” he muttered vaguely, not wanting to overstep.
“Just yelling at my… mother’s urn- Anyway, once again, I have really got to go, this has been really fun, we should do this again sometime, am I missing anything else?” you joked lightheartedly. Thankfully the mood, along with Donnie, followed your attitude shift.
“I feel like a ‘thanks, you’re the best’ may be due,” your companion urged jokingly.
“Thanks Donnie, you’re the best.”
He huffed. “Kidding. I was kidding.”
“I wasn’t.”
For a probably too long moment, he made eye contact with you and your startlingly genuine eyes. Eventually, he tore his gaze away and cleared his throat. “... Let’s get you back to the surface.”
The trip back to the site of the portal was mostly silent, just the two of you trekking shoulder to shoulder through crowds of characters, before you entered the vertigo-inducing light once again.
The wind bit harshly at you as soon as you landed back on New Yorkian ground, an unkind reminder of the end of your adventure.
You blew a puff of warm air onto your hands and almost started walking on instinct before Donnie spoke, reminding you of his presence.
“Are you alright going back on your own?” he questioned quietly, almost coyly.
“I mean, I made it here on my own. I think I’ve got it covered.”
“Oh. Okay,” he concurred with a nod before giving you a pair of thumbs up. “In that case, make it home safely. Text you later?”
“Later,” you agreed emphatically. With one more nudge of his arm and a pivot in the other direction, you were off, out of the construction zone, on the sidewalk, down the street.
As you moved toward your destination, the skyscrapers and towering structures lining your path grew taller, more opulent, more lavish. Insignificant residentials morphed into substantial, old money commercials. Your heart rate climbed.
You paused in front of the grand doors of your location and took a deep, steadying breath. It was just some quick business you had to take care of. Brief. Inconsequential. Everything would be fine.
With some renewed confidence, or at least some semblance of it, you pulled on the handle and swiftly entered the hotel’s lobby.
The door closed thickly behind you with a thud.
Resonate. Absolute. Irrevocable.
(Artwork for part 5)
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angelofacidx · 7 months
((@bunnyreaper V day exchange for @literatecowboy . I do not write fluff but here’s my crack at it, enjoy))
Ghost x reader fluff.
Valentine’s Day is a stupid Hallmark holiday meant to put pressure on couples to over perform and shower each other with gifts so that they may forget about how they treat each other the other 364 days of the year, or to make people feel isolated and lonely for not having a partner in their life. At least, that’s what you’d told yourself for most of your adult life. A self soothing consultation? Maybe. Valid? You’d like to think so. This view was swayed however, when Simon slipped his way past the iron gates of your heart and made himself a home there, rent free, the bastard.
A poorly folded note sat on top of your endless pile of risk assessment paperwork to go over before the end of the week, looking sorely out of place on your otherwise tidy desk. The note found itself clutched between your hands and splayed open as your curiosity surged. The handwriting itself was harsh, pen pressed too hard, angrily or nervously, and akin to what you’d expect a serial killer’s penmanship to be.
‘Be my valentine? -S’
Good lord, this was cheesy for anyone but especially for Simon. Regardless you felt the heat rise to your cheeks and your lips half quirk up involuntarily and awkwardly. Tucking the note away into your desk drawer, you headed to the rec room in pursuit of it’s sender. Thankfully, he was hunkered down on the peeling leather couch, tea in hand as he scrolled through an article on his phone. Probably about WWII. Men love WWII.
“You know you didn’t have to ask right?” You speak up, causing Simon’s gaze to tear away from his phone and fall onto you.
“The note. You didn’t have to ask. It’s kinda like…implied since we’ve been uhm..” You cough, clearing your throat and hoping he understands the implication.
“Is that a yes?” He asked, an eyebrow raised, and not bothering to humor you.
“…Yes, but no corny stuff.”
“So a string quartet to your office. Got it.” He says, turning his attention back to whatever he was reading.
When you wake, Simon is out of your bed and gone, his side neatly made with the corners of the sheets and duvet hospital tucked and the pillow fluffed. This wasn’t unusual for the two of you by any means. He’d come over after work, get fed, rearrange your internal organs in a way he saw fit, retire with you for the night, and then be out before his conditioning regimen started.
You sit up in bed, arching your back like a cat and stretching your body out with a content moan, shrugging off the sleepy feeling that ran bone deep. Your phone lit up on your bed side then, calling your attention to the string of ‘happy Valentine’s Day!’ texts from your friends. Cute. No text from Simon though, as you suspected. You wouldn’t be surprised if he forgot about the whole ordeal and the note was just a manipulation tactic, hoping you’d fawn over the gesture and suck the soul out of him harder than you had before.
Your morning routine went by without issue. Shower, brush your teeth, get dressed and apply makeup, a small spritz of perfume to your wrist. Making your way to the dining room, the usual resting spot for your keys, you’d noticed an iced coffee from your favorite cafe sitting on the table. It was a kind gesture, although the cup was sweaty and the ice was slightly melted, it was sweet of him nonetheless.
Your day at work dragged on as usual. Typing, filing, placing new recruits in their respective units and then completing the paperwork that went with it. Although you were just a desk jockey, you were the backbone of every goddamn task force on this base. Nature called you out of your office to relieve yourself and upon returning, your eyes mimicked an owl’s; huge pupils the size of saucers. Your desk was overtaken by a flower arrangement. Two dozen roses, babies breath, carnations, and eucalyptus all bunched together with a big silky black bow and overflowing the poor glass vase.
This was too much and beyond embarrassing. Your face heated, palms gathering sweat, and heart hammered somewhere deep in your chest. You mentally cringed at the image of carrying this home, the walk of shame off base and the sure to follow childish “ooo”’s from your colleagues. You had to admit though, it was a beautiful arrangement. He had to have picked it out and put some thought and consideration into it, which meant a lot to you even if you didn’t want to admit it.
With a determined pace you left your office, aiming to find Simon. After checking every nook and cranny of the base and leaving no stone unturned, you came up blank. He definitely knew you were looking for him, and saw you before you could see him. Though he was massive, he was able to be elusive and slip right through your fingers like sand. You admired the ability and wished you could do the same, but in the moment you hated him for it. Feeling defeated you headed back to your office, hat in hand, to see another note on your desk.
‘I’ll see you at home. -S’
Home. The word echoed in your mind. Though he stayed over at your place most nights during the week he’d never called it your home. The word itself sent you reeling, a giddy chuckle escaping you before you could stop it. Jesus, get a grip. He’s a guy you’re monogamously hooking up with who just so happens to return to your house every night like a stray cat, not your boyfriend. Totally not.
The end of your shift could not come faster. You sped walked to your car with your arms around the comically large vase, careful not to spill any water as it sloshed around and threatened to soak you. The vase ended up in your passenger seat, buckled in like a person as you made the trek back home.
Entering and kicking off your shoes, the smell of garlic, basil, and onion hit you. Simon sat at the table, two plates of pasta on either side and two glasses of wine. Carefully, you set the vase down as a centerpiece and ruffled a hand through his hair.
“You didn’t need to do all that Si. I appreciate it but you totally could have gotten away with a card or something.” You said, placing a kiss on his forehead before taking a seat at the table. Everything looked amazing.
“You’re better than a card darlin’ M’ almost offended for you. Have some standards will ya?”
“If I had standards you wouldn’t be sitting across from me.” You teased, which pulled a chuckle from his chest and the shake of his head. Your hand found his, giving him a reassuring squeeze that you were joking before letting it fall to your side.
“Did you cook this?” You questioned, stabbing a fork into the pasta and swirling it to gather some on the fork.
“…No. But I plated it so that counts for somethin’ right?”
“It does.” You assured, digging into your food.
The dinner and wine was delicious but silent, how the both of you liked it. Life and work was so busy it was nice to just sit together and exist without noise sometimes.
After you’d both finished you attempted to stand and clear the dishes but he stopped you with a hand to your chest, taking the duty on himself.
“They are beautiful, really. The flowers I mean. I appreciate them and I appreciate you, you really didn’t have to—.”
He cut you off with a wave of his hand, drying them on the dish towel after he finished cleaning up.
“You’re goin’ all soft on me and haven’t even opened the best part.”
“The best part? What is it?” You questioned too fast, mentally scolding yourself for sounding eager.
He fished a small box out of his pocket, placing it on the table in front of you and nodding his head, a silent tell to open it. Your hands found the box, opening it at its hinges carefully. Inside and sitting on the plush black velvet of the box laid a small silver chain necklace with the initial ‘S’.
Your eyes once again widened in awe as he moved to grab it from you carefully.
“Hold up your hair.” He said barely above a whisper.
With your hair out of the way he clasped the necklace around you, adjusting it to his liking before letting your hair fall back to its resting place.
“I uhm.. This.. What does this..?” You trailed off, anxiety twisting in your stomach.
“It means you’re mine, yeah?” He said in a hushed tone, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.
“..Yeah.” You agreed, breathily and hugging him to your chest.
You were his.
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cupofsapphics · 2 years
Hi! In case you're still accepting requests, may I ask for fluff prompt #8? Maybe they're both working silently and reader rests for a while, adoring Larissa quietly, then that's where it happens. Thank you!
prompt 8 - “it’s hard to sit here and be close to you and not kiss you.”
a/n: hi anon this is so bad and I’m so sorry but I forced myself to finish it cause I've been pushing it back for too long. I was gonna post this last night before I went to bed but I passed out w it open so
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Being a teacher at Nevermore meant hardly getting any peace, days mostly filled will trouble-making students. Halls were always occupied with students, whether they were running around or joking around with their friends. Today was no different, but you had trouble focusing more than usual. You woke up late and didn’t have enough time to order your coffee at the Weathervane. The entire day seemed to slow and you felt the headaches come in waves. By the end of all your classes, you were a mess. You felt relieved but felt as if you were missing something important. Oh. The weekly staff meeting, right? Looking at your watch, you quickly grab your phone and a few notebooks and head up to the library.
The meeting went smoothly, with teachers sharing ideas and how they progressed with their students so far. You spoke little throughout the meeting, just doing your best to stay awake. You were so focused on doing so that you didn’t notice a certain blonde sitting at the head of the table looking at you worriedly. After what felt like ages, the meeting was finally over. However as you were about to rise from your chair, you heard her voice call out to you.
“Y/N, I would like to discuss something with you. Please stay for a bit.”
You mentally groaned. Larissa Weems may be a beautiful, tall, gorgeous woman, but today was just not your day. But what choice did you have?
“Of course.”
As the last teacher left the room, you searched your surroundings for the tall blonde. No Larissa. You frowned, why would she make you stay longer if she wasn’t going to be here herself? Your thoughts were interrupted by the library door opening. The woman that you were searching for popped through the door with a coffee in her hand. She gracefully walked over to you and put the coffee down on the table.
“You seemed out in the clouds in that meeting. I assume you didn’t have your daily dose of caffeine.”
You looked up at her and gave her a sheepish smile. Drinking a sip of coffee, you could already feel the irritation, headaches, and sleepiness fade away. You looked up once more to say ‘thank you’, but she was already looking at you with something close to adoration. You could feel yourself turn slightly red under the attention of the taller woman until the silence was finally broken.
“How about you stay in the library with me and get some work done? After all, we don’t want you sleeping on the job, do we?” She gave a knowing grin as your cheeks flushed even more. You just had to finish some work next to your stunning boss in a secluded library. Absolutely no big deal about that.
“Of course, let me go to my room to get all the papers I need to grade. I’ll be back.” With that, you rushed out of the library, to your room, and back to the library. You didn’t even look at her as you took your seat across the table and started grading papers, no matter how hard you could feel those breathtaking eyes burn through you. Paper after paper, grade after grade, you could sense the effects of the coffee wearing off. You decided to take a break, pushing all the papers to the side and resting your head on the table. Wanting to see what the other woman was doing, you turned your head, resting on your elbows. Her brows were furrowed and her lips pursed while she was typing an email on her laptop. God, those red lips. It’s hard to sit here and be close to you and not kiss you.
The working woman’s head perked up right when you finished that thought. Or did you say it out loud? Oh shit. She silently rose from her chair and made her way toward you slowly, making you more nervous with each step. Closely approaching you, she smirked as you tried your best to apologize.
“I-I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. It was unprofessional of me.” You looked away, not wanting to meet her piercing gaze. You felt a warm hand grab your face to gently make you face Larissa. Nervously, your eyes went from the ground to her face.
“Don’t be. I quite liked it. Say it again.”
God, this woman was going to be the death of you.
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
Okay well I just spent a good 30 minutes on this and I hope you like it and this is also only one of the stories but I’m going to bed now and I’ll finish the rest tomorrow so enjoy (this is also my first time writing smut so don’t judge okay 😅)
The smell of cake filled the kitchen as you were pacing around trying to make the icing while the dessert was in the oven. Nat was yet to awake from her slumber, and honestly you can’t blame her. Last nights events had you two up till almost three in the morning, leaving you both restless. But that didn’t stop you from waking up at the ass crack of dawn to make this day magical. This was you guys’ second Valentine’s Day together, the last one being spent on video call as she was on a mission in Germany. You wanted to make this day special for her, you were her first real partner so she’s never got to experience this type of stuff. While you on the other hand have only a few men who mostly tried to just have lame sex on valentines, never actually putting their heart and soul into it like you did. This day was important to you and you planned to make it memorable to both you and Nat. The loud beeping coming from the oven startled you as you rushed to take it out, just having finished your icing as well. Everything seemed to being going just perfect, you had the cake and icing done at the perfect time, it was a beautiful day, and a day that is meant to be filled with love. Nothing could ruin this for you. You quickly rushed upstairs while the cake was still hot, walking to you and Nats shared room. Upon entering you found her laying in a starfish position face down on the bed. Stifling your laugh you went to grab the sleeping woman and wake her. You put kisses on the areas of her cheeks that you could reach and started to shake her. You earned a sleepy “leave me alone.” In response, she could really act like a moody teenager in the mornings. You continued to shake her until she muttered a ‘okay Im up, I’m up’. Leaving Nat on the bed you went downstairs to frost the cake and surprise her with it, even if neither of you had breakfast yet you still wanted to make this day special. While you carefully frosted the cake down in the kitchen Nat was just starting to stand up and stretch. When she put her arms over her head and looked down she saw her worst nightmare, morning wood. Usually when she woke up with a boner you’d often help her take care of it, jerking her off, giving her head, etc. No matter what you always helped her get some kind of relief. Nat groaned and sat back down on the bed, planning on just jerking herself off and hopefully not making too much of a mess on the bed after you just changed the sheets after last nights events. She pulled down her grey Calvin Klein boxers that you got for her last Christmas and wrapped her hand around her cock. She started to slowly stroke her hand in an up and down motion, thrusting her hips up slightly into her hand to match the rhythm. Moans could be heard throughout the room as she pictured it was your hand wrapped around her instead. She thought back to last night when she had you on your hands and knees begging for her cock, and begging to be filled up. Before meeting Nat you were what some people considered ‘innocent’. You only slept with about two men and that was it. You never actually got to try out certain kinks and figure out what turned you on, only trying to fulfill the others needs. But once you met Nat she helped you explore those things, helping you figure out just what you liked and didn’t like. Nat loved the thought of her turning you into some sort of nasty freak who is addicted to her. All the time she’d have you on your knees begging to suck her off, even if you were at a public gathering she’d still pull you away to have her way with you. She was obsessed with you and you were just as obsessed with her, she fucking loved it. Her thoughts were interrupted by a cheerful sounding voice enter the room, only to hear it stop at what they walked in on. Opening her eyes she saw you standing there with a strawberry frosted cake in hand, mouth wide open. Fuck she wished she could just use that mouth, making you suck her off wether you liked it or not. Cumming all down your throat till she could taste it when she kissed you. She watched as you slowly walked over to the-
bed where she laid, putting the cake down on the bedside table and sitting on your side of the bed. Nat acted as if you didn’t just walk in on her jerking off, as if she didn’t still have her dick out. She took the cake and used one of the forks to bite into it, making eye contact with you as she moaned at the taste. She went back to the cake, this time without the fork and using her finger to dip into the icing and spread it on the tip of her long cock. “You gonna keep staring at me like that or you going to suck me off?” Her words made you return back to the real world. Realizing she was still very much hard you moved into a more comfortable position and started to slowly kiss up her thighs. You could see the frustration on her face as you got closer and closer to your destination but still, she didn’t say anything. When you reached her cock you started giving light licks along the tip and side of it, making sure to make eye contact while doing so. After much teasing you finally wrapped your lips around the head of her dick and started to suck, the strawberry flavor greeting your taste buds. The farther you went down the more she failed to hide her moans. You always loved when she made sounds during sex, it’s one of the things she helped you realize you had a kink for. She put your hair into a ponytail with her hands and slowly guided your mouth to go further down, almost reaching the base. You weren’t the only one who loved hearing the other make noise during sex, she used the sound of your gags to help get off as she got closer and closer to release. You suddenly arose from her cock, a string of saliva connecting you to her. She watched in confusion as you took the other fork on the bed side table and took a bite of the cake. That confusion turned into lust as she felt a new type of moisture around her. She could feel the cake in your mouth as it slides against her dick with your every move. The feeling only brought her closer and closer to her climax, deciding to warn you before she finished she said,“Come on y/n, take my fucking cum like the good girl you are. That’s it baby, choke on this fucking dick while I breed your throat.” You suddenly felt a hot spurt of cum enter your mouth as she rode out her high, using your mouth to do so. You swallowed all of her cum and the cake that was still in your mouth. Once you felt the grip on your hair leave and Nat’s gentle hands bringing your face up, you connect your forehead with hers, both of you panting like wild animals. After a few moments of sitting there and holding each other she breaks the silence saying, “That was a great way to start off Valentine’s Day.” It really was.
i read this earlier this morning and let me tell y’all it’s so fucking hot im just saying
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Tamlanto four 0816
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Media Orbit Ever After
Character Nigel
Couple Nigel X Reader
Rating Adorable
Concept A Baby!
"Nigel!" I called as I headed thought the hovel and into our bedroom seeing the mess of blankets and covers that has formed into a large bundle with his blonde hair poking out the top "Nigel!" I called again but he refused to answer so I went to the bed and found a tiny bit of his exposed skin giving him a tickle 
"Ummmmmmm nooooo" he whines 
"Umm what is it my love"
"You need to go out this morning"
"Do I have to?'
"But I'm sleepy"
"I don't care come on" I told him 
"Noooo" he whines 
So I sighed and grabbed the covers swiftly and sharply janking them off the bed and onto the floor leaving him cold and naked on our mattress 
"Your meant to me" he pouts 
"Love you" I smiled returning to the kitchen to start the next load of laundry 
"I love you too but your Still mean" he pouts as he got out of bed and dressed soon emerging even if he was very sleepy "alright I'll be up top of you need me darling" he Cooes giving my cheek a kiss 
"See you later"
"See you in a bit" he smiled before getting his suit on and climbing up top, while he was gone I of course kept an eye on him making sure he had everything he needed as I did my chores all the while taking things in from up top and adding them to the sorting pile and after a large pile had formed he returned throwing his helmet to the side and stretching "slim pickings today" he yawns "bed time?"
"No sorting time" I told him coming over to help him sort giving him a tea 
"But I'm sleepy"
"You can sleep once we're done sorting" I told him as we began sorting through things what we could use to power the ship, what we could sell at the market, and stuff we could use to repair the hovel "this is a big one" I said pulling the last big item closer the large circular pod type thing
"I know, no such what it is" he says giving it a hit and a fiddle with "I think it's hollow" he says 
"I think so. Ohh it's got power" he says as he found a small panel that lit up as he touched it 
"Power for what?"
"not sure it's in some weird language"
"No more like really botched rentanmic" "well what does it power?'
"Well let's find out" he says
"Nigel no! What if it's a bomb!"
"Then we handle it carefully" he says fondling the buttons a while until "ahhh!"
"Are you okay!"
"It stabbed me" he complained
"Let me look" I said taking his hand seeing it has stabbed his finger quickly and sharply, "what the hell?" I complained touching the pannel myself but it stabbed me too "oww!"
Suddenly it cracked like an egg opening slowly with some steam emanating I held his hand nervously and he squeezed me tightly too until we headed a little giggle.
As the steam cleared inside this large pod was a little bed for a baby giggling happily with a blanket and plush 
"Ughhhhhhh well that was unexpected"
"A baby? Did you kidnap a baby!" 
"No! I was just picking up junk I didn't know I picked up a baby" 
"What on earth were you doing floating around space all by yourself little one?" I cooed 
"Don't touch it. You don't know what kinda creature it is!"
"Nigel don't be silly, it's just a poor little baby we don't know how long it's been floating around all alone" I said gently picking up the little baby into my arms "awww hello aren't you lovely" I Cooed "you look into the pod carefully I'll make this little one something to eat" I smiled
"Fine" he sighed 
I gently took care of the little baby while Nigel did as much research as possible into the pod 
"Any luck?"
"Vaguely managed to find its origin"
"Tamlanto four"
"Oohh? Remind me"
"It's a massive hospital planet. Isolated islands all over the surface mostly for lockdown and care of the universe's most dangerous outbreaks" he explained
"Ohh noo" I said looking at this baby as it giggled "do you think this is some kinda… disease baby?"
"No nothing ever gets off the planet, it's pretty hard core. AHH found it!"
"What is it then?"
"This is a Tamlanto four 0816 pod"
"Right? What is it for?"
"They are purely empty hollow pods released from Tamlanto four during the height of the genetic disintegration epidemic the hollow pods were designed to lingerie in space  until being pulled into a planet's gravity where it could be… ohh"
"It could be used to take samples from the races and create a genetic combination on command"
"So when it stabbed us?"
"It was taking a sample of each of our DNA"
"And then combining them into…" I began before we turned our attention to the baby 
"Ahhh! I'm not ready to be a father! Even If I was I didn't eve get to do the one fun part about making the baby" he complained
"Well guess we have a whole new set of chores to do. I'll make this little one up a little bed"
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jarofstyles · 3 years
For mafia harry, I just love the fact that’s he’s only soft for his girl. So something soft!!!! Plss n thxx
He’s literally so soft for her it’s ridiculous.
Warnings: fluff, talk of murder, mafia type stuff
Check out our Patreon!
It wasn’t uncommon for Harry to come home with bruised knuckles. While he tended to have his men take care of business, he couldn’t help but be hands on sometimes.
When it came to certain motherfuckers, he truly couldn’t help but get in on the action and keep his name at the top of the’ who not to mess with’ list.
But his one and true weakness was sleepy eyed and soft as she stepped into his arms. He had gotten home from some business only an hour ago and put on the coffee pot. Being out all night was not ideal in the slightest, mainly because he had Y/N at home. Before meeting her he could go days at a time without sleep, without even being home. But having a woman he loved so deeply in his bed, who truly adored him and looked past his very unusual career path. She was so giving to him, with her time, energy, body, affection. He had hit the jackpot when it came to women and he knew all to well. So did anyone else.
It took a lot to get a man like Harry soft. He was hard and jagged around the edges. Throwing a punch or getting rid of someone wasn’t a big deal to him. Then Y/N stumbled into his life by accident and he found the heart he had covered with ice melted into a puddle of mush that she hand shaped in her own form. It was comical at times to see his attitude change when she would walk into the room.
“H?” She whispered sleepily. She shouldn’t be awake, but her body had somehow known her hero was home. While Y/N was well aware of his faults and his dangerous job and tendencies? He fiercely protected and cared for her. Provided for her. Gave her a home and a best friend and loved wrapped into one. No one was perfect, but Harry was perfect for her. “Where were you all night?” His stomach twinged with guilt as he pulled her into his chest, large hand cupping the back of her head and keeping her body close to his.
“M’so sorry, angel.” He whispered, pressing multiple kisses to her hairline. “We found one of the rats.” He grumbled, making Y/N freeze. Her head pulled up from his chest and her eyes were a dangerous glint. One that, quite frankly? Made him hard. As soft and gentle as Y/N is, she had come to take Harry and his men as family. You fuck with them? You fuck with her.
“And you took care of it?” Her tone was low, Harry still shocked at how fierce his little angel could be. How protective. She made them cookies and tea and brought sweets to the underground clubs, but was willing to put someone on their ass if they hurt Harry. It was fucking hot.
“Y’know I did, sweet girl. M’always taking care of my people.” He was cut off by her lips pressing to his jaw, her head tucking back into his neck. It was early and she hadn’t slept well. Y/N usually didn’t when it came to Harry being out and doing dangerous things. Her sleep schedule had been the worst it’s been since dating him, but it was the easiest sacrifice to make because she was getting to be in his arms. When he was home?
She got the best sleep of her entire life. Especially after getting dicked down.
“Know you do.” She relaxed, hand running over his broad back. The shirt was slightly damp form his sweat but she didn’t mind. The skin under was hot and it did get her mind going to think about how sexy he looked when he was mad. As long as it wasn’t at her? It went straight to her cunt.
Okay. Maybe even when it was at her. But it was very hard to make him angry at her. He was 100% a pushover for his girl. Y/N was the only one ever allowed to raise her voice at him.
The first time it had happened around others, they’d all nearly choked. Harry had ate the last of the cookie butter, which Y/N had been saving. It actually pissed her the fuck off, and not realizing he was in a meeting she had stormed down the hallway with her volume on 10. The girl wasn’t one too raise her voice often, but Harry knew how to push her buttons.
“Harry fucking Styles! You better hope to god you’re busy because I’m going to shove this jar up your ass!” She seethed, the stomping of her feet making everyone’s eyes widen. The men he worked closely with usually had a softer version of her. But it was earlier in the day, not their normal time, and gathered in the office in Harry’s large home.
Harry froze, realizing what it was and winced as he watched the door fly open. There, in all her big shirt, no pants and freshly woken glory was his beautiful Y/N. Empty jar in hand. Her eyes cut around the room but the fury she felt was too deep. This was personal!
Of course, they all were tense because No One talks to Harry Styles in a tone like that and got away with it. The shock that crossed their faces when Harry sheepishly got up and crossed the room, hushing her and trying to approach her like a wounded puppy was pure and utter insanity. The big man who always had a straight face, mean punches that knocked out cold, little regard for most people and took care of many a week was letting his woman talk to him like that.
“M’sorry, baby, I meant to get more but we called an emergency-“ he was cut off by a single hand raising, lips snapping closed as he watched his little love step closer to him.
“If you aren’t ready to go to Trader Joe’s in the next 15 minutes….” Her eyes narrowed. “You’ll be cut off.” And Harry knew exactly what that meant.
No sex.
There was no way he was risking that.
“Okay, okay.” He raised his own hands in surrender. “M’gonna finish up. Go get ready, we’ll take the Audi.”
They all learned that day that you didn’t mess with Y/N’s food, and Harry Styles only had one singular weakness.
Granted, Harry never was ashamed of it. He always said that his woman was half of his strength. She didn’t need him, but he needed her. Harry loved her so wholly and deeply that he knew that she was it for him. He had bought an engagement ring only 2 months in. So no, he didn’t ever deny it.
If anyone ever tried to use Y/N against him, they ended up in the river. Or in several pieces. He had very little restraint over that, considering all threats he took very, very seriously. The one light in his life was something he kept close, protected, and loved.
“Why don’t we go shower n’then we sleep? Hm? M’sorry to keep you up late, angel.” He puckered his lips down at her to be met with a soft peck, nodding her head at the idea. “And then we can make some ‘brunch’, whatever you call it.”
It got a laugh out of her, so he considered it a win.
“Mhm. If you thought I was letting you into our clean sheets smelling like guns and sweat. It’s sexy for dirty sheets but I’m simply too tired. Got the new ones I got online too.” She sighed, playfully teasing him because she knew it would get him to smile. He saw horrors every day, and if she could get some silliness in him it would lessen his stress.
“Oi. Don’t be callin’ me smelly, little girl.” He pinched her cheek, obnoxious kissing her mouth. “Better get your ass up there and get naked so we can pass out. M’Gonna need those pretty hands helping me wash, I fear… I’m a dead man walking.” He was dramatic, obviously overtired and it got a giggle from her.
“In your dreams, Mafia Man. Let’s move.”
“You’re right, I do dream about that.”
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becca-e-barnes · 3 years
Take Care of Everything
This is my first ever fic for a writing challenge omg I’m so excited! Huge congratulations to @balenciagabucky for hitting 3K followers!! That’s such a huge milestone and thank you for organising such a fun challenge! So excited to read the rest of the submissions 💗 @dulceslibrary
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Pairing: Personal Assistant! Bucky Barnes x Lawyer! Reader
Word Count: 3.5k maybe?
Summary: There’s only one thing in your life that your PA doesn’t take care of
Warnings: Smut, praise kink, pet names, protected sex (go me for writing something safe sex for a change), court mention, lil fluff, mile high club
Minors, do not interact.
“Un-fucking-believable.” You couldn’t stop the roaring boil of the blood in your veins, storming out of the court room with your long black gown billowing behind you. Being one of the top barristers in the country brought it’s fair share of high profile cases but this one had got on every last nerve in your body and you were out of patience.
The case itself wasn’t the problem. The issues were straightforward enough and applying law to fact, at the most basic level, your client had done nothing wrong. It should have been essentially cut and dry. The problem was the opposing council and the lack of intervention from the judge.
The prosecution had torn your witness to shreds. You had tried to warn the poor woman beforehand, as you did with every client, but on the stand, she had just crumbled under such an intense and downright ignorant line of questioning.
It shouldn’t have even been allowed in the first place. The judge should have stepped in and clipped the opposing council’s wings but the damage was already done and now you would have to pick the pieces up when court resumed on Monday.
“How did it go?” Your personal assistant must have been leaning outside the courtroom door for who knows how long, his suit somehow as neat and pristine as always, despite the fact it was the end of the day.
“Fucking dreadful, Terry was an asshole to Andrea and she lost it. Should’ve known he’d pull shit like that, he’s always a cunt on Friday evenings.” You practically spat the words out, heels clicking on the floor as you made your way down the marble hall to collect your things and begin to put an end to this miserable week.
Part of you almost wanted to laugh at how Bucky had developed the skill of being able to keep up with your pace without even having to look up from his blackberry. That only came from years of practice.
“Terry loves playing with fire. Fuck him. If anyone can put him in his place on Monday, it’s you.” Bucky still hadn’t taken a second to pull his nose up from his phone, his steps landing in perfect time with yours until you reached the chamber at the end of the hall, throwing the heavy wooden door open in front of you. Bucky filtered in behind you of course, closing the door behind him before slipping his phone neatly into his pocket.
“Thought your doctor warned you about your blood pressure? You gotta calm down.” Bucky’s face showed he was genuinely concerned, his eyebrows knitted together in disdain but there was nothing new there. He had worked for you for years now and truth be told, he was damn good at his job, not to mention the fact he was the closest thing to a friend your busy schedule allowed you to have.
“I’ll calm down when I’m dead. We need to get to the airport if we’re going to make that flight for the convention.” You pulled your wig off, setting it neatly into the little wooden closet before removing your gown, hanging it up alongside the other worn ones from earlier in the week so they could all be dry cleaned and back in the closet for Monday.
“It’s a private jet honey, it can’t leave without you.” Bucky laughed softly, knowing you were worked up and hoping a little joke would ease the tension.
You had to admit, you were so thankful for Bucky. He was devoting the prime of his life to making sure you had everything you needed, your life only felt so seamless because Bucky made it that way. He didn’t just manage your calendar and fetch you coffee like any other PA, he lived and breathed you. He went everywhere with you, crashing in your spare room at least three nights a week because you had both worked yourselves to exhaustion. He never missed anything. He had a solution for every problem, nothing was too big for him to tackle and given the chance, you two could absolutely take over the world one day. You confided in him, and he in you, getting to know every tiny detail of his life in the past few years, right down to that fact that neither of you had seen your family or been on a date in months. Hell, he’d went as far as buying you a packet of batteries one Monday after a particularly long and stressful court hearing.
“Here, got you these.” He had smiled mischievously as he handed them over to you, chuckling a little at your confused expression. “For your vibrator. Looks like it’s gonna be a long week.” You took them gratefully, joking with him that you really would need them, tucking them into your handbag and damn were they appreciated. The following morning he had asked how you had got on and you could only laugh. You didn’t tell him how thoughts of him had come into your head right as you had gotten close. Similarly, you didn’t tell him how painfully intense your orgasm had been when you imagined him on the bed with you, watching you come apart against the plastic toy. You could just picture his hungry gaze, watching how your body gushed as you released, nipples pebbled from arousal and your lips parted, a single whimper of his name escaping you as you rode out your high.
No, that was a little secret you would keep to yourself. He didn’t need to know your dirtiest fantasies. He was an employee. An employee that often arrived at your bedroom door shirtless and smirking, holding a stack of freshly made pancakes on the mornings he stayed over at yours but an employee nonetheless.
The cab ride to the airport would have been silent if it hadn’t been for the gentle tapping of your thumbs and Bucky’s racing over your respective phone screens. You had at least two dozen emails left to reply to and your eyelids were beginning to get heavy, the body heat radiating from Bucky in the cab’s back seat making you drowsy. You took a second, squeezing your eyes shut to force away the tiredness before going back to typing relentlessly.
The trip to the airport was short, Bucky had competed the preflight checkin so you essentially stepped straight onto the plane, taking a seat by the window, with Bucky taking the one opposite you. Takeoff was smooth as always, your phones picked back up as soon as it was safe to do so. But with the glowing screen came a fresh wave of drowsiness, your eyelids threatening to close of their own accord.
“Shit, Buck did you pack my -“
“Glasses? Left side of your bag, under the tissues.” Bucky finished your sentence for you, not looking up from his phone.
“And my -“
“Eye drops? In your makeup bag.” There it was again. What surprised you most was that Bucky didn’t even need to see you to work out exactly what was wrong.
“Do you really just take care of everything?” You huffed out a little laugh, digging through your bag, finding both your glasses and eye drops exactly where he told you they would be.
“Everything but you.” He chuckled, finally setting his phone down.
“What do you mean ‘everything but me’? All you ever do is take care of me. You organise my shopping and dry cleaning for god’s sake.” The whole notion of Bucky doing anything but taking care of you was just insane because you sure as hell didn’t have time to do any of those things for yourself. That’s what you hired him for after all.
“I didn’t mean like that. I meant like really take care of you. You’re so damn up tight.” You knew by the little chuckle that accompanied his words that he meant it affectionately but it still made you slightly defensive.
“I’m not up tight.” You protested. Normally you would’ve let harmless comments like that slide but the combination of your shitty day and the fact you were so sleepy made it impossible to not seek out conflict. This was the life you were used to after all. A life of treating almost everyone you came across adversarially. It was second nature to you at this point, inside and outside the courtroom.
“Come on, you seem to forget I am your calendar. You think I don’t know you haven’t gotten any in months? You should get laid, that’s all I’m sayin’. Wouldn’t kill you to have an orgasm every once in a while.” The words roll off his tongue like it’s nothing and truth be told, if you were in better form, this would have been a perfectly normal conversation between the two of you. Neither of you were particularly shy when it came to talking about your hookups.
You hated how right he was. You hated that you hadn’t been touched in months and Bucky knew that. You hated that most days, you were too exhausted to bother tending to your own needs. And you hated the warmth spreading through your body at the thought of Bucky finally taking care of you.
“Don’t know Buck, an orgasm might actually kill me with my high blood pressure.” You needed this conversation to turn more light hearted and you needed it fast, before your head became so clouded with need that Bucky picked up on it.
“I mean, I handle everything else for you. Wouldn’t even mind if that became part of my remit.” You almost couldn’t believe how carefree and nonchalant this whole conversation seemed, Bucky hoping you missed how he cock twitched in his trousers. Of course you didn’t. You missed nothing.
“If what became part of your remit?” You quizzed firmly, trying not to give anything away but knowing your eyes had gone big and doe-like, entirely of their own accord. This was a dream come true.
“You. Actually taking care of you. However you need.” His stare was intense, watching you keenly to determine whether he had horrendously overstepped and was about to get fired.
“Why would you even want to?” Your voice carried every single ounce of confusion you were feeling, staring Bucky down with an intensity that mirrored his own in that moment.
“You’re far too smart to act dumb.” He replied softly, knowing it was all or nothing now. If he was getting fired, he might as well be honest. His head tilted downwards, drawing your attention to the bulge growing in his suit trousers. Years worth of need and longing bubbling over all at once.
“If you want this, tell me. If not, that’s fine. But it doesn’t need to be anything romantic. Can be just sex. Whatever you want.” He was doing his very best to stay calm, his brain finally catching up with his mouth and considering that he was now in way too deep to just apologise and about to get his ass handed to him at thousands of feet in the air by one of the best legal minds in the world.
You’d never wanted anything more in your life. It was almost like Bucky was dangling himself in front of you. A piece of meat before a lion that could be snatched away at any second. You weren’t going to give him the chance, professionalism be damned. You were out of your seat and onto his lap in a flash, your pencil skirt hiked up to allow you to bracket his legs in your own.
“Are you sure about this?” Your quizzed softly, giving him one last chance to back out before you lost all self control.
“Do I feel like I’m not sure?” His voice was almost a choked whisper, his hands landing on your hips to press you down against his stiff cock.
You’d never seen him like this before. Horny and needy and losing himself in the feeling of you on top of him after years of fantasies. He had tried to curb the fantasies but his body didn’t allow him to. You were all he could think of on those lonely nights, a hand wrapped around his cock, groans and whimpers escaping until he came over his hand, a cry of your name pulled from his lips. He thought you would never know. And now here he was, the woman of his dreams perched in his lap, asking to be taken care of. Even the filthiest parts of his brain couldn’t have come up with this.
He could never have dreamt how you moved forward so tentatively, your lips hardly even touching his. He was used to seeing you confident, in control, the calmest person under pressure and yet here you were, unsure of yourself for the first time, he imagined, in your life. You both kept your eyes open for a little while, your lips sliding together gently, getting a feel for one another, up until your teeth sank into the plush skin of his bottom lip and an actual groan left him, his eyelids fluttering shut. The sound could’ve made you quiver with need. It was so alarmingly sexy, knowing your huge, sexy PA could be taken apart with the smallest touches. Suddenly, this seemed to be as much, if not more, for Bucky’s benefit than your own.
“Thought this was for me, hm?” Somehow your condescending court voice was pushing him over the edge. You felt one of his hands come up, tangling in your hair while the other wrapped around your waist, pulling your core flush with his clothed cock. He kissed you with a burning intensity that made your head swim and your pussy throb, loving how he was taking control but still hurtling further into a breathless, needy state.
“You’ve no idea how long I’ve thought about this. Didn’t think we’d be joining the mile high club.” He huffed out a little light laugh, using his grip on your waist to help you roll your hips over his growing erection.
“Couldn’t have been thinking about this for as long as I have.” You smiled softly, letting out a little gasp as his cock nudged you just right through your panties that you were sure had been soaked through already. His eyes went wide at your admission, his dick twitching deliciously underneath you.
“Fuck, that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.” He whispered, making you laugh at how eager he was.
“I won’t be able to wait until we’re off this plane Bucky. You gonna fuck me right here?” You teased him softly, your faces so close, your tiny hands running down his pristine shirt, toying with the buttons. When you began to graze his chest gently with your nails, it was like a switch flipped inside Bucky. He thrust up against you with a growl loving the yelp you let out, one hand now squeezing your ass, the other massaging your breasts through your blouse.
“Gonna fuck all the stress out of you. Gonna have you leavin’ this plane leakin’ and cockdrunk.” Somehow you didn’t even doubt his words and you had to admit, it did sound quite appealing to give up the control for a while, just letting Bucky take over.
“Gimme all you’ve got Barnes. Gotta make it worth my while or this is gonna be the last time you get the chance.” You couldn’t help but tease him before instantly realising that might have been a mistake, his lips burning hot as they worked against your own, needy, insistent and as always, eager to please.
His mouth was relentless to the point that you found yourself practically dry humping his cock, your hands laced in his hair while his untucked your blouse from your skirt, greedily holding onto any skin he could reach. He tasted of peppermint and coffee, smelt like the expensive aftershave you were so fond of and felt like a man who’s only purpose in life was to make you cum until it hurt.
“Need you. ‘Nside me. Now.” You managed somehow to pant the words out between the fervent slide of his lips over yours, his tongue dipping in to taste you, never wanting this to end.
The feeling of your much smaller hands landing on his belt buckle made him look down but he could’ve cum then and there at the sight that met him. The front of his suit pants were slick with your mess, proof that he wasn’t just dreaming and you really were needing this just as badly as he was.
“You’re so fuckin’ ready for it aren’t you? Look at the mess you’ve made. Why didn’t we do this years ago?” He was groaning, shifting in his seat to help you get his trousers and boxers down. You couldn’t help how you gasped a little at the sheer size of him, his cock thick and long, the head slick with precum, proud veins running up his shaft. He looked Godly. Two firm pumps was all it took to have his head thrown back against the plush leather seat, cursing and bucking against your hand, aching for more.
“I’m sorry Buck, I can’t wait any longer.” You panted, his lips attached to your neck now, kissing, licking and sucking all his frustration into your skin. If there was a time for foreplay, that wasn’t it. Neither of you had the patience right now.
“Thank God, needa feel this pretty pussy.” He all but whispered as you lined him up at your soaking entrance.
“Shit Bucky, you got a condom?” You asked anxiously, stilling yourself at the last second.
“My bag, zip compartment at the front.” He replied quietly and sure enough, that’s exactly where you found a packet. Tearing the wrapper off, you slid it down his length earning another groan from the huge man who was practically shaking beneath you.
“You think of everything.” You giggled, finally beginning to slowly sink yourself down onto him. Your laugh quickly turned into a breathy moan, your breath mingling with Bucky’s and you noticed how he made a very similar noise. You pressed yourself down slowly, your body having to adjust to the stretch.
“So tight, fuck. Shit, never felt a tighter pussy in my life.” He whispered when you were finally seated on top of him. He pulled your skirt out of the way to appreciate just how connected your bodies were in that moment. His cock just seemed to fit perfectly, so snug you could’ve cried as you began to slowly work your hips against his.
“Oh my god Bucky you’re huge.” You should’ve been embarrassed by how high and needy your whine came out but right then and there, you didn’t care.
“It’s all yours sweetheart. Gonna fuck you so good you never need another cock again. Gonna ruin anyone else for you - fuck.” Under normal circumstances you would’ve chastised him for being so overconfident but feeling how his cock nudged your sweet spot perfectly, you thought he might actually be right.
“Gotta fuck you angel, can’t just sit here anymore, ‘s driving me crazy.” He just couldn’t keep himself still any longer, lust burning behind his eyes in a way you had never seen in him before. You lifted yourself up slowly, feeling his length slipping from you, your walls fighting to pull him deeper until you sank back down, taking the whole length at once. The strangled cry that left Bucky was incredible. You repeated your gentle rise and fall, setting a decent pace. Every sharp fall of your hips tore a needy gasp from both of you, the sweetest spot inside you throbbing from the almost constant onslaught. It was everything you craved. Bucky was grasping at every curve of your body, lost in the feeling of your soft skin and the grip of your silky walls and the smell of your shampoo as you rode him, building speed as your pleasure built in your lower belly. The wet sounds escaping where your bodies were joined was nothing short of obscene, only fuelling Bucky to meet each of your thrusts with his own.
“Oh my god, I -oh oh- I can’t, can’t take it Bucky please.” You groaned, manicured fingernails digging into his chest.
“I got you honey. ‘s okay. Gonna take such good care of you when we get to the hotel. Just want you to cum once for me now, okay? Take the edge off. You feel so good wrapped round me. You know what else I can feel? Your pretty pussy is leakin’. Feel you drippin’ down over my balls. Never felt anything so hot in my ‘ntire life.” His fingers fell to your clit, rubbing neatly as if he had been trained to do nothing else. You were on cloud nine, your high so close but not quite there yet.
“Bucky, gonna cum. Oh fuck!” You whined, your orgasm hitting you like a train. You came with a loud cry, eyes squeezed shut, rocking against him more than fucking so his cock stayed buried inside you.
“Shit, how did you get even fuckin’ tighter. ‘M so close.” He whispered against your neck, broken and needy. Your high had all but subsided, aftershocks still pleasantly coursing through you as you went back to letting your hips rise and fall so Bucky could finish. It only took four more well timed thrusts before he was cumming with a shout, pulling you flush against him as his balls emptied into the condom.
You were both spent and sweaty but more satisfied than you could remember being in months, your chest pressed to his as you both came down, craving a little extra affection. Bucky held you for a good few minutes until you felt his cock softening, knowing he really should get cleaned up. You let him slip from you, pulling your skirt down to take your original seat across from him again.
“Gimme a second.” He whispered, kissing your forehead before making his way to the little bathroom, returning a few minutes later looking just as put together as ever, apart from his telltale grin.
“Jesus, we should do that more often.” You smiled quietly when he returned, letting him settle in the chair beside you this time, the dividing arm rest pushed out of the way so you could cuddle as much as possible given the limited space.
“I can’t stop now honey. That pussy is addictive.” He smiled, happy to see you leaning so comfortably up against him but even happier when he heard your soft little snores.
@harrysthiccthighss @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @justatirednightowl @littlecanadianlani @babebr @sebsbrokentoe @badgirlwolfy
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warm embraces & sudden kisses | ot7
↬ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader ↬ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff | requested | drabbles/headcannons ↬ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: none ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ: anon ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ: “ENHA REACTION TO YOU KISSING THEM OUT OF NO WHERE OR JOW THE CUDDLE WITH YOU PLS AND THANK YOU 🙏” ↬ ᴀ/ɴ: 
since this is the 100th post on this blog I decided to do an ot7 one
simultaneously, this was a request so it worked out !!
anon said or but I decided to try & write both in here :$ so there’s kinda 2 mini scenarios for each member
also i wrote this on my phone in my notes while i was out today which is why everything’s lowercase :)
anon if you’d like me to rewrite this less as scenarios and more as bullet points just lmk!
Lee Heeseung
[a light’s on in the kitchen]
you wake up with the feeling of warmth no longer around you. looking around, you see that heeseung’s no longer in bed with you. your hand makes it way to your phone on your nightstand, 3:07 am greets your eyes and you hear faint sounds from outside the room. you get up with a yawn, the haze of sleepiness still on you as you make your way around the apartment the two of you share, a light’s on in the kitchen. he’s making ramen, you think to yourself. he stands tall by the stove, your footsteps are quiet as you hear him singing a song. when you get to him, your arms arm around his waist as he turns around to greet you, you jump up to give him a quick kiss, intending to meet his lips but because of how tall he is, your lips meet his cheek. he smiles, pulls you in closer to him, tilting up your chin but teases you by pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
[finally home]
you’re nestled up on the couch while a movie plays on the tv. today wasn’t a good day, to say the least. you woke up late which didn’t give you a chance to eat breakfast with heeseung, when you ordered lunch the fries were burnt and the food undercooked, and when you got home heeseung texted you to let you know that practice was running a little late which meant he wouldn’t get to have dinner with you. your eyes stayed settled on the tv until the sound of the apartment door greets your ears, bringing you out of that movie marathon haze you were trapped in. heeseung smiles as he sees you, makes his way to you, as he hands you a takeout bag.
“i bought some food on my way home, i’ll change and then we can eat, yeah?” he notices that you’re sad but doesn’t press you on about it. you nod, taking the bag from him. when he comes back, the two of you eat while a new movie is running. when you’ve finished all the food, his arm wraps around your shoulders and his head rests on top of yours.
“you ok?” he asks. his embrace is comforting and safe, similar to what it feels like when a blanket is draped over you just before you fall asleep.
“i am now that you’re finally home.”
rest of the boys under the cut !!
Park Jongseong / Jay
[flustered and red]
jay’s making dinner in the kitchen while you’re setting the table. you hear him chattering, more to himself than anything as he tries to make dinner the best that it can be. with how busy his schedule was and how much you’ve been swamped with your own work, the two of you haven’t had much time for each other. so, the you both having a free day today was something you were definitely going to take full advantage of. after setting the table, you head into the kitchen to see him slicing up lettuce for a last minute salad. you let out a smile as you see him make a honey based dressing and decided to surprise him by hugging him from behind. usually, he does it to you. despite his confident appearance and composure, you can already tell that he’s getting all flustered and red.
“Yah, who said you can sneak up on me like that!” he says, but makes no effort to pull away. You move so that you’re in front of him,
“If that’s how you react when I hug, how will you react when I do this?” Going on your tiptoes, your arms make their way around his neck as you feel the softness of his lips on yours. Guess honey was good as moisturizer…
[i built us a house]
jay was sitting in his gaming chair, his gaming set up in its own room while you were in the living room doing your own thing. while you were typing away on your laptop you hear your name being called, causing you to look up.
“i wanna show you something,” he said.
“i’m busy, hon,” you reply.
“real quick, i promise.” you sigh, knowing damn well jay wasn’t going to leave you alone until you went with him. so, following him into his game room he sat on his chair.
“why am i here?” you asked. he patted his lap, motioning for you to sit on him. as you did, one of his hands moves your hair to the other side while an arm stays settled on you. you can feel his breath on your neck, the butterflies in your stomach now doing somersaults.
“i built us a house.” your eyes look at the screen to see it on his minecraft server as his character walks around. you smile, turn your head so you’re looking at him,
“this is our house?”
“one day i’ll make it happen in real life.” despite the large promise, deep down you knew jay was going to find some way to make it a reality.
Sim Jaeyun / Jake
[just a little more]
you were on the living room couch, layla’s head on your lap while you pet her. as you do, you’re typing on your phone with your free hand. jake makes his presence known by sitting next to you, his head popping into your line of sight. you set your phone aside, smiling as you pat his hair. he frowns,
“you’ve been giving layla your attention all day, what about me?”
“layla’s cuter than you,” you reply with a teasing smile. he frowns, sighing slightly as he looks at the sight of all your attention on layla. jake heads to your room, glad that you loved layla as much as he did but wished you loved him just a little more. you head to the room, seeing jake seated by the edge of the bed, you settled yourself so that you were sitting on his lap, your legs around his waist.
“i want your attention too.”
“someone’s jealous.”
“naur, i’m not jealous,” he says, looking away. you lean forwards, pressing a kiss to his lips that lingers on for a few seconds longer than it should.
“yaur, ya are,” you tease. he smiles, kisses you again as his grip on you tighten slightly,
“it got you here, didn’t it?”
[a pair of fuzzy socks]
you’re half asleep when you feel warmth to your feet and suddenly a pair of fuzzy socks have been placed over them. you say nothing, wanting to go back to sleep more than anything. a few seconds later, you feel a dip on the bed, two actually, and you’re aware of both jake and layla around you. jake lifts up your head gently. you hear him whisper,
“layla, don’t wake up your mother,” and the feeling brings tingles to your heart, fireworks spreading throughout your body. he snuggles closer to you, intertwining his legs with yours as he traces random patterns on your back just before falling asleep.
Park Sunghoon
for as long as he could remember, park sunghoon has lived life cold. on the ice he was cold. towards people he acted cold. you entering his life was like the sun rising after a freezing winter night. you were the heat that rid himself of the icicles stuck to his cold exterior. you melted the snowflakes of winter and turned them into roses of spring. you were the warmth he never knew he was missing. he was in your apartment, washing the dishes after you made lunch. you headed to him placing your hand on his arm. he looked over to you, smiling as you hugged his side. you leaned up as you kissed him, he couldn’t hold back his small laugh. as he felt your lips on his, heat rose to his cheeks. but despite the shyness in him about to take over, he fights it, leaning into you and kissing you once more.
[cold hands]
sunghoon has always had cold hands. and whenever he cuddled with you, he made sure that you knew it. the two of you were joking, running around the apartment when you and sunghoon both ended up on the bed. a glint appeared in his eyes, a plan forming in his head. the tips of his fingers met your stomach as you started bursting out in laugher.
“HOON WHY DO YOU HAVE COLD HANDS,” you yelled as you tried to fight him off. he smiled, vampire teeth showing in all their glory as he settled next to you in bed. his hand rested on your stomach as he brought you to him, his cold feet pressing to yours.
“you’re my personal heater,” he said, pulling you closer to him.
Kim Sunoo
[a little too close]
sunoo has always been clingy around you. some days, he’ll grab your hand out of nowhere and start fiddling with your fingers. at the most random times, he’ll play with your hair and think about how to style it. being in sunoo’s embrace is something that you’ve always welcomed. you were sort of the opposite, accepting and welcoming his touch but never really initiating it. until, today that is. you noticed someone talking to sunoo getting a little too close to him. you didn’t think much of it knowing how friendly sunoo was towards people and how others naturally gravitated to him. but, you couldn’t help yourself when you made your way to them and held onto sunoo’s hand, practically staring down the other person. sunoo smiled, intertwining your hands together while bringing you into the conversation. unsurprisingly, the outsider moved closer and without even thinking, you kissed sunoo’s cheek. his eyes slightly got wide as he looked at you, but it was an action he was glad for. in return, he kissed your cheek with a smile and couldn’t stop talking about it for the rest of the day.
[a tough day]
you were having somewhat of a tough day, having cramps, on and off headaches, and an annoying ringing in your ears that you just couldn’t get rid of. sunoo came home to find you layed on the couch, his heart breaking at the sight. he got some things and brought it to the living room,
“what are you doing?” you asked.
“spa day!” he replied excitedly. he rubbed lotion on your hands, placed cucumbers on top of your eyes, and combed out your hair. the night came to an end with you and sunoo laying on the couch together, him patting in the face mask then rubbing soothing circles on your stomach. with sunoo came a bubble of warmth you never wanted to leave.
Yang Jungwon
[make me]
jungwon’s in a playful mood today and with that playful mood comes teasing you. you’re in the living room where he decided to grab your sketchbook and hold it up above your head.
“won, give it back!” you exclaimed in annoyance, glaring at him. he has the audacity to look amused and he tells you,
“make me.” he’s always found joy in teasing you for your height and right now was no different. a plan forms in your head as you take some steps backwards. as you practically run to him, his eyes widen with fear as he’s forced to let go of your sketchbook to catch you and you end up latched onto him like a koala. you kiss him, in those few seconds the entire world stops and it’s as if no one but him exists. the kiss lingers on a second or two longer than you intended as jungwon’s grip on you tightens so that you don’t fall. on his face you see him smiling and those dimples that you’ve always loved appear. jungwon was never good at hiding his emotions, his love for you no different. you close your eyes as he leans down, you expect a kiss returned but instead, he kisses the top of your head. lightly flicking your forehead gently,
“that’s what you get for being short,” he says.
[i'm here]
with all his responsibilities and the things jungwon needs to take care of at such a young age, coming home to you is the one constant in his life. to him, the second he’s able to wrap his arms around you, revel in the scent of your shampoo, and gets to hold you, everything is just complete. at 1:06 am, he came home. it was late, he was exhausted and all he wanted to do was sleep. he headed into the room you two shared, only to see you still awake.
“you’re up?” he asked.
“no, i’m asleep,” you reply sarcastically. he sighs, setting into bed next to you, “someone’s tired,” you said.
“i want cuddles,” he mutters unable to hide his need for your affection. you shift and his head lays on your shoulder. you run your hand through his hair while you kiss the top of his head,
“i’m here.”
Nishimura Riki / Ni-ki
[bungeo to his ppang]
more than anything, ni-ki liked to be by your side. whether it was while he was watching something on his phone, showing you a new dance routine, or asking you to dye his hair, as long as you were just with him, he was happy. sleeping is something that ni-ki has always enjoyed, how could he not when it grants him a few moments of peace before a busy day? the two of you are in the car, he rests his head on your shoulders. unlike normal, he doesn’t fall asleep this time. he pretends to, he closes his eyes, stays still while enjoying your warmth, but he’s not actually asleep. you didn’t seem to notice, he feels you messing with his hair a bit, something he’s never minded as long as it was with you. he hears you talking about how cute he is, practically fangirling over him. he feels you kiss the top of his head lightly,
“sleep well, ni-kitty,” he hears you whisper. he doesn’t move, doesn’t show any sign that he’s affected by your sudden actions of love. but deep down, he feels a happiness around you that’s greater than how he feels when he’s on stage. when he performs he enjoys the thousands of eyes that watch him but all he thinks about are how your eyes look at him with adoration and pride. it was in this moment that he knew, you were the bungeo to his ppang.
[take a break]
after dinner, you’re sitting on the floor of the table in front of the tv, trying to get some work done. suddenly, you feel a weight on your lap. you look down to see ni-ki’s head on your lap, his eyes closed but he’s clearly still awake.
“yah, get off,” you said, slightly lifting up your leg.
“no.” you roll your eyes, deciding not to pay attention to him as you go back to sleep our work. it seems that ni-ki had other plans as he took your one of your hand and starting fiddling with it.
“ni-ki, i’m busy.”
“take a break,” he said. you look down at ni-ki… how could you refuse? you put away your things, shifting so that your full attention was now on him. he smiled up at you, fiddling with the edge of your clothes while saying the most random things that made you laugh.
↬ ᴀ/ɴ pt. 2:
if anyone’s read up to this point pls lmk how it was, i’m not really good with ot7 scenarios typa things 😭
❦ written by riri @enhykkul | blog masterlist
requests are currently open! rules can be found here | anon emojis
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dameronology · 4 years
figure it out {din djarin x reader}
summary: din djarin doesn’t usually get jealous. not until he met you, at least {for the lovely and wonderful @stargazingcarol​} - 2.5k words 
warnings: swearing 
this is completely spoiler free!! just some good old jealousy and some antics with the kid. enjoy.
- jamie
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You had a complicated relationship with the Mandalorian. 
On one hand, you were colleagues…of sorts. He’d spent two years coming to your outpost on Corellia when he needed his ship fixing – and after becoming fed up of traipsing back and forth, he offered you the job full time. It was a mutually beneficial situation. You’d been desperate to get out the city for years, and you were also the only mechanic he trusted. The prospect of a job that would take you all over the galaxy was exciting, even if it meant tiptoeing around one another in the cramped hull of the Razor Crest (and that was before the addition of the Child). But, when you spent days and days in hyperspace with nobody else to talk to, it was only natural that you became friends. It had felt a little awkward at first, as though you were trying to force conversation with a man who just didn’t want to talk -- but then the Mandalorian’s barriers broke down, and things began to change.
You couldn’t quite pinpoint when. It had probably been a few months in, not long after he’d saved your ass from a bounty who had thrown a punch in your direction. You hadn’t expected the Mandalorian to be so protective - and frankly, neither had he. It was after that he found himself doing things without realising; lingering touches on your back when he passed, his hands brushing your thigh whenever you were sat in the cockpit next to him. Then, you became unintentional adoptive parents to a weird, green creature - a bond between you that only seemed progressed naturally, as though you had no control over it.
One night, not long after you took the Child in, you’d both collapsed beside one another on the tiny bed in hull of the Crest. Usually, you would argue for a while about who got to take it, but on that night, neither of you’d had the energy. Under the covers of the dark and with the baby finally asleep, you were muttering amongst yourself - you couldn’t remember the conversation entirely, but it was sleepy, tired gibberish. Din found himself reaching to take the helmet off; he could hear you easier that way, and your voice was comforting enough to lull him off to sleep. In the quiet of the moment, and with the conversation between you reaching a natural stopping point, he’d gently closed the gap between you. It was simple; his lips on yours, only for a brief moment. Then, as though the Child had sensed that everything was no longer about him, he’d opened his mouth and let out a cry for attention.
You began to kiss more often after that; every night before bed, actually. As soon as the lights were off, Din would take the helmet off, give you a gentle kiss and then he’d drift off, holding you tightly to his chest. It was always that, followed by a good night, cyar'ika. Then the morning would come, and it would be good morning, cyar'ika followed by another soft kiss, before the helmet went back on and you both went about your days.
After a few months of that, you’d fallen into an easy routine. Neither of you had quite established what your relationship was, but it didn’t feel like you needed to. It’s not like there was anyone else around for you to have to worry about, or anyone else who would force you to define it. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t frustrating; Din Djarin had never been the type of person to plan ahead, and you knew that more than anyone. The idea of becoming attached to him, only to lose him or get hurt was enough for you to at least want to try and work it out. You weren’t expecting a deep conversation, or even one that you could walk away from knowing whatever the hell was going on between you two. 
It was just that with the addition of the Child, and the two of you growing closer each day, you wanted an answer. You wanted to know if you were wasting your time; if this was simply a pit-stop on your way to finding a more permanent settlement, or if this was it. Though you’d never admit it, you wanted it to be the latter. Din was reliable, and he cared about you. He was sweet in his own way and he’d have gone to the ends of the galaxy to look after you. He was protective in a way that let you fight your own battles, but not in a way you’d ever have to do it alone. You felt safe with him - as though you’d found everything you were looking for, except neither of you had been looking at all.
You brought the question up on a slow morning. The Mandalorian was between bounties, and you’d briefly landed in a dusty outpost on a thick jungle planet to refuel and find some food. The kid was snoring away in his pod a few feet away, clearly feeding off of the relaxed atmosphere that you’d managed to create. You were laying beside him, the lights still off and your head buried in his neck. Both of Din’s arms were wrapped tightly around you, gripping onto you as though you might slip away into the darkness of the vast galaxy. 
‘What are we?’ You asked quietly.
‘Humans.’ Right, there was the dry sense of humour.
‘Din.’ You grumbled. ‘I’m serious.’
‘What’s making you bring it up now, cyar'ika?’ He asked. ‘It’s early.’
‘I was just thinking.’ You sat up, pulling the covers with you. ‘We’ve been doing this thing for months but neither of us have actually worked out what the hell is it is.’
‘We don’t have to.’ He replied. 
‘Right.’ You murmured. 
‘It’s just-’
As though the little bugger had sensed a sudden onset of tenseness in the room, the Child let out a loud cry. You immediately recognised it: he was hungry. Even if you were ready to throttle anyone who dared come near him, you didn’t have a hard time admitting that he had a penchant for the worst timing. With that said, the fact he’d slept through the whole night without waking once certainly helped the fact.
‘Hey, buddy! It’s okay!’ You heard the mechanical click of Din’s helmet as he turned on the lights, allowing you to leap out of bed and stumble to the baby. ‘We’ll get you some food.’
That wasn’t the first time that something had magically changed the subject whenever you tried to bring up the status of your relationship with Din. If the kid didn’t decide to pull your attention away, it was the Mandalorian himself who veered away from the conversation. He always had to check on a bounty, or rush off to see if the ship was on the right route. It didn’t take a genius to work out that he was avoiding the subject entirely and you were starting to become frustrated.
After almost three weeks of trying to challenge him about it, you were close to giving in entirely. What if you were wasting your time? What if you were going to let yourself fall in love with him, only to find out you weren’t a permanent part of his plan? Fuck, did he even have a plan? Was that the life you wanted -
- it was at that point that your train of thought had stopped, because the Child sensed you were upset, and started bawling. Again.
A few hours after your fourth or fifth try at the conversation - once again to have it ended by the kid tossing a frog at you in an attempt to steal the attention back - the three of you ended up in a bar. It was a little cantina a few hours outside of Mos Eisley; it was much cleaner than the other bars you’d seen, and if it weren’t for your foul mood, you might have even enjoyed it. 
‘What’s up with you?’ Din asked quietly. 
‘Nothing.’ You murmured. ‘I’m fine.’
‘Your tone is off, cyar'ika.’
‘Leave it.’ You snapped. ‘I’m getting another drink.’
You moved the baby off your lap, placing him on Din’s instead. After digging around in your pocket for some credits, you quickly stood up and sauntered over to the other side of the bar, leaning against the wooden counter as you waited for your turn to be served. It wasn’t too busy - there were a few people floating about. Locals, you figured. It was a slightly fancier part of Tatooine, and you could see the difference in the people who were frequenting the establishment.
You were trying not to think about Din, or the fact he still refused to talk about what was going on between the two of you. You’d long surpassed the point of no return for your friendship - no, you were too invested now. Either he had to prove he was in it for the long run, or you had to walk away. Was that an unfair ultimatum? Not really. He’d started it, after all. 
‘What’s a pretty thing like you doing waiting for a drink?’
You glanced up to see a man beside you, a half-empty flagon of beer in his hand. He was tall, dark and handsome; the type you used to briefly date back on Corellia. He smelt of expensive aftershave, and his clothes gave the impression he was quite well-off. 
‘I could ask you the same.’ You replied. 
‘So you think I’m pretty?’ The man quirked an eyebrow at you.
‘No, I...I mean, yeahhhh.’ You turned to face him, offering him a smile.
‘You’re here with that Mandalorian.’ He glanced over his shoulder, before leaning a little closer towards you. ‘What’s his deal?’
‘Honestly, I couldn’t tell you.’ You snorted. ‘I don’t think he knows what his deal is.’
The conversation was completely innocent - after all, you had no intention of anything happening with whoever this guy was. And even if you did, weren’t you technically single? You certainly weren’t in a relationship, at least not according to Din Djarin. He had no standing ground, nor any right to be jealous. 
Still, that didn’t stop his entire body filling with rage the minute the man put his hand on your arm, and it certainly didn’t stop him immediately packing up all your stuff to leave the bar. Even the notion of another man touching you made him want to scream - let alone the actual sight of it. It was the way your new friend leant in a little too close, and laughed a little too hard at your jokes. You were funny, but you weren’t that funny.
‘We’re leaving.’ Din declared, suddenly appearing beside you. 
‘Okay.’ You shrugged, glancing up at him. ‘I’ll meet you back on the ship later.’
‘No, I mean we’re leaving.’
You snorted. ‘I think you’ll find that I’m staying right here- oof!’
You let out a small squeak as the Mandalorian grabbed you with his free arm, tossing you over his shoulder. Before you could protest, or even apologise to the man beside you, he was marching you out of the bar and into the cool evening air of Tatooine. All meanwhile, the baby was giggling at the site of you with your legs in the air and your face planted against Din’s back. 
The ship wasn’t far - probably not more than a two minute walk. Din had been conscious of the Child’s little legs when he’d parked at the outpost; he was becoming more independent now and insisted on walking places himself. It was just that he could only walk for five minutes before getting tired, but the little sod would cry if you tried to carry him.  He was lucky he was cute.
‘What the hell was that?’ You snapped, barely catching your balance as Din planed you on the floor of the ship. 
‘That man was flirting with you.’ Din simply stated. ‘I didn’t like it.’
‘You...’ you trailed off. ‘You didn’t like it?’
‘He was overstepping his boundaries.’
‘You were jealous, weren’t you?’ You let out a derivative snort, folding your arms across your chest. 
‘You knew I could see you.’ Din was still calm. 
‘And? It’s not like we’re in a relationship, is it?’ You murmured.
‘That’s not-’
‘ - let me finish!’ You cut him off. ‘I have been trying for weeks to talk to you about it, to see where I stand with you, and you always change the subject or try to run away from it! You have no right to be jealous, or to act like I’m with you because you have made it abundantly clear that I am not. Your high horse is basically a shetland fucking pony, Din Djarin!’
There was a silence between you for a moment. It felt good to have finally said it - you just wished you’d been a bit more gentle. Din had never seen you shout before, or even come close to losing your temper. He knew it was bound to happen but he had never imagined it being at him. Then again, if you’d tried to pick him up and force him out the bar against his will, he would have been angry too. (The thought of you even trying it was rather comical).
‘I was scared.’ 
That hadn’t been the response you were expecting.
‘Of me?’ Your voice was quiet.
‘I’m in love with you.’ He said bluntly. ‘That terrifies me.’
‘I...fuck.’ You felt as though the wind had been stolen from your lungs, and replaced with whatever grey smoke the Crest spat out when the engines were broken. ‘I love you too - but why does it scare you?’
‘Because it means I can’t ever leave you.’ Din continued. ‘And I want to give you the life you deserve but I don’t know if I can. Not with my job, not with the things I’ve done.’
‘Din.’ You took a step forward, his large hands enveloping yours as you did. ‘D’you think I care about any of that?’
‘I was afraid to ask.’
‘No offence, but you can be a bit thick sometimes.’ A small chuckle escaped your lips, even if tears were forming in your eyes. ‘I don’t care where we are or where we go, as long as I’m with you, then I have the life I want. That’s why I’ve been so off these last few weeks, because I was so scared you were going to turn around and push me away.’
‘That’s not going to happen.’ He said. ‘I’m not going to leave you - you have my word. I promise.’ 
‘So why don’t we just stop being scared and start just...being together?’
He briefly stepped away, hitting the control panel to turn off the lights in the ship. His helmet hit the ground with a thud, and a moment later, his hands were on your hips as he pulled you towards him. Din crashed his lips onto yours, closing the gap between you with a desperate kiss. You’d kissed before - more times than you could even begin to count - but this one felt different. It had meaning; purpose, in fact. It was as though the last few months’ worth of feelings that the Mandalorian had been pushing aside had finally broken.
‘I love you, cyar'ika.’ He quietly murmured again. ‘And I’m sorry.’
‘Stop saying sorry.’ You tearfully smiled, forehead still pressed against his. ‘And I love you too, even if you’re a bit of a dumbass sometimes.’
‘Say it again.’
‘I love you, dumbass.’ You quietly said. 
‘Is that now your equivalent to cyar'ika?’
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romanoffscottage · 3 years
watching rain fall
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a/n: flufftober day 12 - rainy day cuddles
warnings: none
pairing: natasha romanoff x reader
summary: when the reader wakes up to the sound of rain falling, they plan to spend the day cuddled up with nat
translations: detka=baby
words: 727 | natasha blurbs masterlist | navigation post 
likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated and welcomed <3
Rain was your favorite type of weather. You know most people find rain depressing or annoying, but you adore it. To you, rain was cozy. Rain meant cuddles and quality time with your girl.
This morning you were woken up by the sound of heavy rain. Natasha was surprisingly still asleep, which gave you time to prepare for a rainy day in. You quietly got out of bed, trying to not disturb Nat, and made your way to the living room. You grabbed all of your fluffiest blankets and got the Halloweentown movies all ready to watch. You and Nat watched them every October, but hadn’t had the chance to until now.
You went into the kitchen and started whipping up some pumpkin bread to surprise Nat with. She loved your pumpkin bread. You mixed up all the ingredients and popped the loaf into the oven. While that was in the oven you decided to grab your favorite fall candles and light them all over the living room.
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Natasha awoke to the smell of pumpkin and she knew exactly what was in the oven. She made her way to the kitchen and was met with the sight of you pulling the pumpkin bread out of the oven. “You made pumpkin bread?” Nat’s eyes lit up as the sight of her favorite fall treat. “It’s raining out so I thought we could have a cozy day in,” you motioned over to the couch and Nat saw you had set blankets up and had movies ready to watch. Nat walked over to you and picked you up, twirling you around, “that sounds perfect detka.”
You cut you and Nat a few pieces of the pumpkin bread and got comfy under the blankets on the couch. Nat pulled you close to her, pushing your head gently against her chest. The sound of rain falling on the cement and the sound of nats heartbeat making you feel safe.
You started playing the movies, but neither of you were really paying attention. Nat was too busy staring at how happy you looked. She noticed the way your lips formed a small smile as you nuzzled yourself against her. Nat pulled your beautiful Y/H/C hair into a tight braid before undoing it and starting over again and again. You loved the feeling of her braiding your hair. You stared out the window watching the rain falling outside while you felt the warmth of your girlfriend's body against yours.
After a few hours, Natasha reached up to switch the movies off since neither of you were paying attention, “you asleep?” she asked as she brushed the hair out of your face. You just hummed in agreement as you went to rest your head in her lap, curling yourself into a ball so you could be closer to her.
Natasha ran her hands up and down your arms and side as you fell into a deep sleep. She watched you peacefully for a while before growing tired herself. Slowly she shifted her body so she could lay her head on the armrest of your couch. Soon the redhead assassin was fast asleep with you fast asleep in her lap.
After about an hour of napping you woke up and looked up at your girlfriend only to notice that she fell asleep. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful when she slept. She even had a small smile on her face. You slowly reached down to pick the redhead up bridal style and carry her to your bedroom.
Nat shifted in your arms and instinctively wrapped her arms around your neck, “luv ou,” she muttered out sleepily. You gently laid her under covers and hopped in next to her. Whenever Nat was sleepy she got very cuddly, which you loved. You went to press a kiss on her forehead and before you had a chance to pull away Nat had wrapped her arms around you, pulling you to be flesh against her body. You combed through her soft red hair with your fingers as Nat fell into a peaceful sleep curled into your body. You couldn’t help but watch her sleep, she was the most beautiful person in the entire world, inside and out. As you watched her sleep you couldn’t help but think what did you ever do to deserve someone as amazing as her.
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fandomscompilation · 3 years
Left parties (Ivar x Reader)
Fandom: Vikings
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Requested: YES, by @profoundtyrantharmony
Warnings: touch starvation, fluff, softy Ivar
About: Ivar is touched starved and spending time with his best friend is starting to be really frustrating
A/N: Hello! I'm at the end of my requests. Feel free to ask anything. This one was nice to write, since lately I've been writing for Fjor (Ragnarok) mostly. I made Ivar soft, kind of. And I'm in the mood to rewatch Vikings now 😅
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Being a warrior meant many travels and a lot of time spend away from home. Sometimes it led to loneliness or even irritation. But in Ivar's case he was starting to feel touch starved. He was never one to hold someone close, or even be clingy. Yet, this time something in him screamed for being touched. He earned for holding someone's hand or being hugged like he was loved again. He was Ivar the Boneless, a great warrior, someone who should be feared, so his chances at soft touches were so small almost nonexistent.
They came back after two months to Kattegat. Ubbe and Hvitserk quickly found company, but Ivar seemed too unapproachable for girls. He was brooding with his cup of ale.
"You didn't come to say hi." Y/N sat down next to him and Ivar frowned looking to her.
"Was I supposed to?" He asked making her chuckle.
"Of course, we're friends. I've known you since little, at least act like you care." She pushed his shoulder lightly making him roll his eyes. But inside he wanted her to touch him again, to leave her hand on his tense shoulders.
"Alright, alright. Forgive me for not knocking on your doors the moment I came back." Ivar send her a smirk before taking a big gulp of his drink.
"Hmm, you seem more brooding than always." Ivar didn't think she would notice, not that fast anyways. But maybe growing up together made her more observant of his moods.
"I'm tired." He watched over the people laughing and dancing, all of them mostly drunk already.
"Then let's leave." She got up smiling down at him. Ivar looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "You're tired and I'm not really the type to have a meaningless night with a stranger, so let's go."
Grunting he left his cup on the table and followed her out of the room. She knew her way around his home, years of sneaking around and playing made a permanent map in her mind.
"Didn't change one bit." Y/N said walking into his room. Ivar crawled to his bed and layed down. His back was still sore from the time his opponent got him on the ground. And his muscles were tense from all the fighting. "You didn't lie about being tired."
"Why would I?" Ivar grumbled and Y/N sighted sitting next to him, her back against the wall.
"Don't know. You sometimes lie to get what you want." Ivar hummed with a slight smile. Y/N looked around the room again before looking down to her friend. Ivar had his eyes closed and for a second she forgot how lethal he could be. Her hand went to his hair and startled by the touch Ivar caught her wrist.
"What are you doing?" He growled, when everything in him was screaming. He wanted her hands to run through his hair, he wanted to fall asleep to her heartbeat.
"My mom used to do that, when I was sleepy." She gulped down looking into his eyes. They stared each other down before he slowly nodded and let go. Y/N was frozen, not knowing if he wanted her to continue or if she should leave.
"Go on." Ivar breathed out putting his head on her lap. She hesitated for only a second before threading her fingers through his hair.
"Would you like to have a walk in the forest tomorrow? We could go to our spot from childhood." Y/N whispered not wanting to interrupt his moment of peace.
"Maybe. I like it now." Ivar hummed when she scratched at his skin lightly. She let a small smile stretch her lips.
They were never this close. Ivar always tried to keep a distance between himself and people. And yet, here they are, with him slowly falling asleep while she purred her heart in making him feel safe. Maybe being friends with Ivar wasn't that bad. Y/N hoped they would get more moments like this. She yearned for having something more with Ivar.
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