#meanwhile in pla lol...
duoduotian · 2 years
i feel mentally ill i’ll just not work on things that aren’t set in stone. self care first
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 2 years
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#every queer woman's nightmare
LA DUCHESSE DE LANGEAIS (1942), dir. Jacques de Baroncelli
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goldensunset · 9 months
i still stand by bp being a really useful and cool currency for all the stuff you can get with it but mannnnnnnnn it really is like oh so you want to do literally anything in the dlc beyond the main story? enjoy running all over creation in the terarium doing the most random stuff for hours on end lol
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Getting some Berserk thoughts down, because the last time I was in my feelings about Griffith and the Golden Age arc, I’d promised at least one anon that I’d talk about it later and then I didn’t shfhff
But dam the Primrose Hall speech is such Wuthering Heights level miscommunication! It makes me ill!
Griffith positing that: a) having a dream is thee most important thing in the world and b) he cannot respect or consider a friend anyone who does not have their own dream (implicitly a dream different from his, so those two spheres never need interfere or threaten each other) or someone who is subordinate to him and therefore in danger of dying for his dream.
And then like five chapters later we get Casca’s flashbacks about Griffith and that immediately establishes that he is a lying liar who lies when it comes to his own emotions and guilt, but also that we can’t really know what he’s feeling in the present day, exactly, because he’s a different person now.
Contrary to what Griffith stan nation might say lol, I don’t think the dissonance between his two reactions to a child’s death directly resulting from him striving to achieve his goals is actually him just being a better liar by the Golden Age era.
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He’s become indelibly crueler over the years and like, twenty is not fifteen.* He’s older and spent the entire time in between at war, killing other people, and commanding his own troops to die, for his dream. Age has hardened him. Meanwhile, him succumbing to that cruelty, to steel himself against personal grief, is literally the culmination of the Golden Age arc!
*caveat that the ages are messy, but he appears to be a teen and at least four to five years older by the Primrose Hall speech
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But that flashback sequence is truly the key to Griffith’s character. It establishes both that he feels a general guilt over the blood on his hands, but also that he is motivated by a catastrophic level of sunk cost fallacy.
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I also think him musing that the child must have really admired knights and wanted to be a knight himself, and that he always looked at Griffith like he was a hero out of a story is more indicative of Griffith and his initial perceptions of glory/his dream when he was younger, than simply an element of his guilt for leveraging the sense of hero worship he invokes in his followers (which is def an element at all)
It’s just very telling that this comes on the heels of Guts’ guilt over Adonis’ death and being reminded of his own younger self when seeing him.
Griffith’s own dream likely started out of naivety and simply wanting glory/to be a hero/to ascend when he started the Band of the Hawk as an adolescent. I think that child’s death represents him understanding the cost of being a mercenary, and leading people to their deaths for his own gain, when it’s far too late and he’s already sitting on a pile of corpses. And the only way to make it up is to keep grasping at his dream so that at least those deaths weren’t for nothing. I really don’t think he’s particularly torn up about Adonis’ death in the moment, but the larger abstract sense of guilt very much threatens to crush him if he ever falters.
And you know who has historically made him falter and put himself at risk, threatening his dream?
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So, I think he’s very deliberately talking about Guts here actually, rather than the usual shipper line that he’s not even considering Guts when he says this.
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And I think he’s very deliberately bringing up the key differences between himself and Guts (having a dream; Guts viewing himself as nothing but a tool to him despite!!! Griffith trying to convince him that they’re equals) and trying to convince himself that Guts shouldn’t mean much to him/that he cannot respect his life.
Because what’s one thing we know Griffith does? He pretends he doesn’t care while visibly caring very much.
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And interestingly, what Griffith claims not to respect at all when speaking to Charlotte, seems to be what drew him to Guts in the first place. I’d argue, part of how Guts makes him falter, aside from an emotional connection, is potentially that he’s envious/tempted by the concept of being so uniquely unburdened with personal goals, considering Griffith himself is practically drowning in his own ambition.
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Which, arguably, could simply be traits he values in any subordinate but not an equal. But we’re told several times by Casca that Guts is a unique case for him, that he’s never deliberately sought someone out to join him. And ostensibly, in that moment that observation is the only thing Griffith knows about him.
And it’s also worth noting that he initially simply asks Guts to join them. (More specifically he just says “I want you.” Super normal). The dual and its terms are something Guts sets, resulting in this moment.
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But even after that point, he keeps trying to nudge their relationship into a more personal dynamic. Confiding in him, making it clear that he doesn’t tell anyone else these thoughts. And of course the famous scene where he insists that his own life isn’t worth more than Guts’ at all.
But Guts views himself as a sword to be wielded by Griffith (something we see Casca echo too) and keeps reinforcing the fact that he only does as Griffith demands.
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And Griffith is very willing to leverage that and use Guys’ obedience to his benefit. At the heart of it, Griffith has always been mercenary even about this relationship. He’s very much trying to have his cake and eat it too, where his close personal friend and confidant is also his dog who he can bring to heel whenever it suits him.
It is very telling the way Griffith reacts when Guts tries to leave him. Where when he realizes he can’t talk him out of it, he decides to make him stay.
To me, this all ties back to the Primrose Hall speech, and how Griffith is trying to distance himself from his feelings for Guts, because he’s so much closer to his goals at that point. And ostensibly both the Princess’ favor and the attempt on his own life have made him really reevaluate how close he is to achieving something real and to not let something petty like feelings get in the way of that.
…and then Guts breaks up with him and everything falls to pieces.
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onestepbackwards · 6 months
Imagine if I'm your self aware PLA au we fall into the game and gain archangel wings or something. Lol volo is going to be foaming at the mouth when he sees us, Laventon is gonna want to study us, meanwhile Kamado knows he fucked up and is prying to what ever god is listening for forgiveness lol. And imagine if we clam Akari/Rei as our kids and they get wings. Just a cute and funny thought.
Tbh i’m just imagining like
Having wings suddenly throws off your center of balance so it takes forever for you to figure out how to even walk straight, let alone fly.
When Laventon or anyone finds you, you clam up and pretend that yes, of course you can fly! Why else would you have wings??
Especially when you see people giving you a wide berth.
Some claim you are an angel. Others worry you could be a demon. Thankfully they keep their distance, but at least you seem nice enough.
Meanwhile you are mumbling that this is what you get for modding Papa Nintendo’s games during a thunderstorm. At least the wings look cool.
Though Akari and Rei getting wings was definitely a surprise after you unofficially adopted them. They certainly take to them better than you did, but hey, they are at least having fun!
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howl-of-the-blood · 2 years
I'm most likely not finishing this in time lol.
Pairing: Lalik x Mara [@stormbrightwriter]
Warnings: Smutty near the end
WC: 1193
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With her fingers combing through the chestnut strands, Mara kept an eye on a little box hidden behind the door. Completely pointless, she reminded herself. Their room was a huge mess that could be considered a maze, battlefield and a treasure cove at the same time. On a list of Lalik’s priorities, tidiness was among the bottom three.
“What would you like?”, she asked him.
“You know me. The classic. My look. My signature style.”
Mara rolled her eyes. “Oh come on. How about a cornrow?”
“Wouldn't that take too much time?”
“Well,” Mara took a comb and separated the hair. “A double French braid would suffice. And we wouldn’t be late.”
“If it’s not too much of a bother.”
Lalik sat on the floor, perfectly calm, like a good boy they are. They were playing with a little cubic toy, constantly shifting and moving their shoulders. Mara slapped them several times to stop wiggling, but it was useless. Lalik solved the toy’s riddle many times, she noticed. In the meanwhile, she was telling him about her day at work, focused on her fingers gliding through their silky hair.
A gentle thought slowed down her fingers. I could do this for hours. 
Lalik was sitting on the floor and Mara placed herself on an old footstool. Among all that chaos that was Lalik’s room, traffic noises from the outside, semi-musical screeching of a tortured violin next door, there was peace. Covered in the dim light of a table lamp behind Mara’s shoulder, there were two of them, all dressed up, ready to hit the club. 
She was done. “Turn around, baby.”
Lalik did, with his big blue eyes practically glowing in curiosity. “And? How do I look?”
“As pretty as a peach. Take a look, sillyhead.”
Lalik jumped to their feet and checked themself out in the mirror. Two tidy long braids went down their back.
“Absolutely perfect!” 
They turned around. “You are awesome,” they exclaimed, leaning down to plant a small peck on Mara’s cheek. A friendly kiss ended, but she wasn’t satisfied; braiding such long hair takes time. She frowned and Lalik immediately looked worried. “What?”
“Oh, nothing. You will need to do something more to make it up to me.”
“I didn’t ask you to do it in the first pla—”
Mara placed a finger on their lips. “Shhhhhh. I have a gift for you.”
“O gif?” Words came out mumbled on both sides of Mara’s index finger.
With a sly smile, she nodded and took Lalik’s hand in her. Suspicious blue eyes were staring at her.
They are so tall but they look so much shorter than me. “Don’t worry, it’s not a prank. I’m not you. But… you need to do one thing for me.”
Lalik’s free hand went behind their head, cheeks blushing slightly. “O-oh, of course. Anything you like. You just need to ask.”
This silly boy. How do I always end up with guys like these? “I need you to dance that silly dance you saw on TikTok.” Not that I don’t enjoy them.
There was an amusing shift on Lalik’s face. Slight disappointment wrinkled their lips. They were expecting something entirely else. Mara almost giggled.
“Again?” they complained. “My thighs are hurting me.”
“Then there’s no gift for you.”
The next moment, with a popular melody in the air, Lalik was dancing, jumping, twirling like a ballerina, imitating the ridiculous dance she had seen once or twice. Laughter broke out of her. It was such a pure, almost childish feeling that filled her chest with glee. 
A gentle hand took hers. “Dance with me, Mara!”
She accepted, of course. How could she say no to a dance? Immediately her foot gets caught in a belt that was lying on the floor. She stumbled, losing her balance, but Lalik catched her. 
Such a cringe situation, really. She tripped, like a damsel in distress, and they caught her like a charming prince. Music was a whirlwind around them, upbeat and loud, silencing any other sounds their bodies might be making. 
And they are blushing again. With that pretty face and braids in their hair, they almost look like a teenager. A very tall one. A very awkward one.
“Can I get my gift now?” Lalik was hardly blinking, holding Mara’s hands in theirs almost painfully tight.
Mara smiled, briefly. “Of course. Don’t move”
As soon as she went to the other side of the room, Lalik bit their fist, screaming silently. They straightened their back when the sound of Mara’s slippers came closer again. In her beautiful hands there was a small box. The wrapping paper was simple and blue. Sorry I’m late ^^’, was written on a pink sticky note, glued on top. Lalik ripped the paper. Inside was a Galadriel funko pop.
“And?” Mara was shaking her head, expecting their reaction.
Lalik didn’t say anything for a solid minute. “You remembered? That I was missing only her.”
“You sillyhead! Of course I did. You told me tha—”
“Can I kiss you?” Lalik’s cheeks were quickly losing colour from warm pink to pale green to bone white. “I mean… What would Cal say? I mean what do you say, because I know Cal is fine with it, but I mean… I’m not sure but—” 
Luckily, Mara grew impatient. She grabbed their braids and pulled them down. Lalik gasped in surprise, but quickly lost their breath when Mara pressed her lips on theirs. Her palms slid to Lalik’s neck and jaw pulling them even closer. They moaned into her mouth, which was still innocently barely opened, but already sweetly moist.
Lalik’s body melted like a candle, enveloping Mara. They hugged her tightly, wishing they had more arms to do it. To hold all of her, forever. It was so nice to hug her. And her lips… her lips were…
They bit her lower lip, maybe a bit too hard. They were unable to control themself when her lips were so soft. Lalik licked them - so delicious! And Mara smiled, breaking the kiss.
“Cal will be fine with this. But right now we’re gonna be late for the party and they are expecting us.” Mara started checking herself in the mirror, fixing her red hair.
“Ah, right...” Lalik frowned, slightly dazed. “You know, I can slow down the time.”
Mara looked at them and a smirk tugged the corner of her lips.
“Oh? And why would you do that?”
Lalik’s voice changed, grew, hardened. “To kiss you again.” Lalik took one step closer. “And again.” And another. “And again.” And another. “And again. Until… Until…”
Lalik was in front of her and this time really tall. Even though they couldn't finish their sentence, they appeared more determined, focused. Mara placed her hands on her hips, eying the pretty boy in front of her from top to bottom, noticing their pants making a familiar shape on their crotch. Mara’s glossy dark lips pouted and a dangerous shadow fell over her eyes.
“Oh, sillyhead, let me help you.” She placed her hand on their shaft pushed helplessly almost all the way up to their navel. “Until I say it's enough.”
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waywardstation · 2 years
For the recent thanksgiving blog:
I jokingly thought of mixing both, but my idea does not feel like a thanksgiving prompt though. It's more of a crackfic, so you can randomly read this idea for the lols.
Basically the stories and events of the Red sky have been passed down through generations till someone (in the present time) finally came up with the idea to make a play based on it.
After returning to the future, Akari and Ingo decided to drag Emmet and Elesa to this play and watch. At first, Akari and Ingo were excited to see themselves in the story, Emmet and Elesa were just there to learn more about their life in Hisui.
But just like history, it can have its inaccuracies of the actual events. So it's just Akari being absolutely pissed at how inaccurate the play is- wait, nO she did NOT forgive Kamado for everything THAT easily! And wait- did they just mistaken Akari for Rei-
Ingo's just as annoyed. What do you mean he had a weird love story with Lady Sneasler!? No, his warden ceremony was not a wedding ceremony! Where did that come from!?
Meanwhile Emmet and Elesa are just flipping cackling as they watch the two angrily (but silently) criticising the play. What a fun night out.
(Short answer: Basically, it's a PLA play, but Ember Island players style. 👍)
In regards to this post
I think I might actually end up mixing both! There’s a lot of suggestions to do that I see, and I like the idea a lot!!
It won’t end up like this, but your concept is really entertaining!! Akari and Ingo would be very frustrated, Emmet and Elesa would be having the time of their lives.
Imagine seeing someone come out on stage trying to characterize your twin brother/one of your best friends, but the only surviving concept of him they could work off of was that he was a scraggly mountain hermit, so they really play it up, and that’s all he is haha.
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0nl0n · 2 years
Alr ive ,thought about it and im calling it "mercurys lulaby "( idk if i spelled lulaby right)
So mercury was bullied alot in this au and he discovered his singing voice( the singing part is important but we'll get to that later)
After earth went a TINY BIT TO FAR, mercury just ran to the asteroid belt, far away from Jupiter and saturn
It took awhile but mercury managed to make a vacuum outa asteroids ( i ran outa ideas here)
He slooowly went near the sun where the sun couldn't see him, and uh-
Mercury like- sucked the light, and energy outa the sun, since the vacuum was pretty big
The suns colour drained, he was just.. Grey
There was no light no nothing, lets just say his personality drained too.
Everyone immediately noticed and freaked out, but then they heard something.
Mercury used his little song ( which didn't have lyrics, just vocalizing)
Everyone felt drowsy. Like the song was making them fall asleep
Mercury came out from behind the sun after each one fell asleep
He captured venus ( NO, THIS ISN'T VENCURY BTW)
and mercury took venus captive
The planets soon woke up, confused, and freaked out
Meanwhile with venus, he wasn't himself anymore, by that, i mean he was hypnotized, the real venus was in his mind if that makes sense, he could see what was going on around him but he just couldn't control himself
mercury had venus in a asteroid cage, mercury was thinking what he could do for revenge.
He looked over to the suns energy he collected. He grins at it
Meanwhile with the sun, he was almost lifeless, actually, he was slowly (LIKE REALLY SLOWLY) shrinking.
The planets where out of their orbits thinking what to do. Saturn was crying, the moon and earth were making up plans, and mars and jupiter were shook
so they needed to stop mercury as fast as possible.
Mercury didn't know venus was hypnotized, since venus was just sitting on the ground, lifelessly
Mercury angrily told him " JUST STAND UP WILL YA?! "
venus opened his well- purple and white eyes and just stood up
Mercury was a bit shook, but he grinned at himself thinking he could use this to his advantage
The planets were finding ways to stop mercury
Earth and mars went to the deep parts of the asteroid belt, planning to comfront mercury
mercury ended up capturing earth, leaving mars since he saw mars as a friend-ish
Earth was yeeted into the same cage as venus was, venus was just following mercury wherever mercury went ( again, not vencury)
Earth wanted to know what mercurys plan was
after that (this part will be simplified bc i don't want this to be too long)
Mars soon was captured with earth, ( TW:GORE MENTIONS INCOMING) mars got his eye r!pped 0uT. Mercury wanted to know their plans.
Earth was also harmed, his surface looking like hell
after that jupiter went into the deep part of the asteroid belt
mercury didn't take jupiter, instead he wanted jupiter to "join" him
Jupiter of course said no, like a normal person would
Mercury told him sm like " alr... Well then... How about a deal? How about we battle? Me, "earth and mars and Venus" vs, you and those idiots? If we win, i get to rule the galaxys. And the sun dies off. If you win. I will stop and return the suns energy. "
Jupiter shook his smol hands and yeah
They fought, mercury sadly died. Then earth mars and venus came back to normal ( oh yeah mars and earth were hypnotized too-)
The sun was back to normal. Except.. Mercury was gone.
yeah so thats it, im so sorry this was long- i just wanna share this au, even if im bad at making aus XD
Naw man I love this au 😭. Mercury's villain arccccc and the fact that my hc is that mercury ca n sing and make music, the au fits so well with my au. Now I he ugre to make an animation meme about this au 😌 wait a minute....THIS WAS EARTH'S FAULT DANG FAQ TERRA and dw about the gore. i liek gore 😃👍 i would even like to become a gore artist one day lol. (BTW, I don't like vencury unless it eros' love plan cause he's clearly got an arrow in his head 😑) imma make art of this lol
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hakureiryuu · 1 year
part 1
episode 2, and I just noticed the episode titles that call the flashback b plots minisodes. what's that about?
not-quite-a-liveblog ahoy!
crowley looks so effing weird in this outfit?? maybe it's the glasses, they're so anachronistic, almost steampunk.
I actually thought he was talking about isaac or something here lol
birds flying away after crowley firebombs the goats lmao
saying that eve was the first human birth implies that she is adam's daughter???? which I guess makes about as much sense as a single breeding pair populating the planet, we all know how much inbreeding that would take.
(side note: I remember this Flood adaptation movie that had emma watson in it. noah wanted to kill off all the humans and just let the animals survive. he said while watson was pregnant that if her twin kids were boys, they could live and humans would just die out. but if they were girls who could grow up to be mothers, he would kill them. and I'm like, implying that their father/grandfather/uncles would be the ones impregnating them? nevermind the incest, what about the age gap??? but anyway)
ofc when gabriel claimed to be an expert in human birth I immediately thought of mary, but that hasn't happened yet. I mean it makes sense that this idiot would think eve counts, but couldn't he at least make it to cain??
there's something to be said about this story and elspeth's story connecting virtue with economic status. aziraphale appears to think about that when it's pointed out, but takes entirely the wrong lesson from it, as we see with elspeth later.
"but no one would ever find them- actually that's a great idea" it reads as aziraphale not wanting to deal with gabe's bullshit rather than agreeing with it, as though he hasn't done variations of the same thing for years. I still laughed tho XD
oh hey, "every day" was gonna be the original opening song for the first season! what a cute reference that will likely have little to no further relevance!
this was the point where I was like "why the hell is crowley just hanging out in that same alleyway all the time? wait a goddamn minute, did shax take his apartment?!"
it's so cute how maggie takes aziraphale's social cluelessness in stride.
the jukebox at the resurrectionist is just like the bently turning cds into queen, what a cute reference that will likely have little to no further relevance!
trumpets sound, archangels approach.
saraquel miraclling a ramp lmao
gabriel's attempts at flyswatting never work!!!!!!
I'm assuming all those newspaper clipping say "every day" etc? for some reason? someone correct me if I'm wrong, I would really love to know.
also why is he DRAWING gabriel? later he just needed it to show someone, but why not take a picture? I'm sure you have an ancient camera where you have to hide under a blanket lying around somewhere.
shooing motion miracle at the pub, hahaha
I was a good deal sus of this plan to ship nina and maggie when nina already has a partner, but that was before I realized lindsay is a piece of shit. still, it's not like they know that either! ineffable homewreckers, they are.
everyone's talked about how crowley's first thought re: romance is taking shelter from the rain 😊
but my asexual brain is somehow always teetering over the gutter, so when he said "get them wet" I blinked a bit XDD
"you think you know someone..." "she had balls!" "what?"
actually it wasn't a what, it was a well. as in "well that's not relevant to my point" like, sir, did you know this already? in what context??
meanwhile back in job's era they're having a bit of a tense discussion. this is explicitly after the flood so it makes sense that aziraphale absolutely does not believe that crowley wants to kill some kids. I wonder why lying is such a big theme in this episode? I haven't been able to really boil it down yet.
aziraphale's smug grin really breaks the tension though XDD
jemimah is adorable. the others are the product of rich parents.
these two are playing chicken with children's lives, but hey, it's about the trust 😌
"can I be a blue one?" I love her
aziraphale discovering food is so deliberately gross, why this?
so many complicated feelings from both of them about god actually talking to someone.
god's pronouns are she/they, approved.
crowley says see you in hell but the next day when sitis is about to flip god off he says actually let's walk this all back pfffft
"reach into his robes... no, higher."
when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, they share a very special hug...
aziraphale stating flat out with no equivocation that gabriel was awful is such a huge step forward for him 😊
(while pausing to write this I noticed that john hamm is credited simply as jim, love that for him)
this is the 2nd time aziraphale has insisted "our" in the face of crowley's "my" I'm sobbing
good omens inside good omens, gomensception
aziraphale really took that "see you in hell" seriously though huh.
the gentle, simple way he says "I don't think you'd like it" hurts me and heals me.
"you're not like me because you're a demon, you're like me because you don't want to toe the party line." y'know lining up their meetings - the wall of eden, the ark, and now this - must paint a very interesting picture of aziraphale for crowley. we always thought that crowley fell for this angel nigh immediately and spent the rest of time orbiting him. now I think aziraphale fell into crowley's orbit, and crowley gradually learned more and more contradictory (and therefore interesting) things about him. like the shelter of the wing, it's all reversed in this season.
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canmom · 11 months
Animation Night 175: Short Film Night N+1 "Whoah, These Films Are Short"
Hello everyone! As you might gather from how spotty these streams have been lately, I have been running on kinda low energy for writing about animated films. But Animation Night will never die! Never!!!
Not even if I have to make an AI overlord to put all of humanity into bubbling, softly glowing science tubes, projecting each person's minds into a virtual studio so everyone can produce animation to fill my programme. [This is a hypothetical. No plans are afoot to bring about this eventuality.]
Tonight is one of those short film nights! I really like short films - there's a reason animation night started with package films like 'Robot Carnival'. And even though every collection is hit and miss, there's usually some gems.
Now, every so often we tune into the films of students at animation studios like CalArts and Gobelins. But students have been making films since long before there were video streaming sites. Some of those students will go on to be 'important in the animation industry' and stuff like that!
I recently came across a trove of CalArts films from the 80s through the 90s, thanks to rarefilmm, who maintains a great site for finding obscure movies. In his words:
Full list & link w/all the shorts I got from '80s CalArts students, some of these are on Youtube but not all of them, also included here is an unifinished version (doesn't have colors) of Wisconsin (1994), from the late Chris Moeller, considered lost media.
It's a fascinatingly old-school collection - some of the students go for a classic Disney kind of 'full animation' but you can also see the seeds of styles that would become prevalent in the 90s. The shorts are very short by the standards of modern student films, many of them less than a minute long - if anything underlines how tech has affected this scale of animation it's that.
And for modern contrast, Gobelins are releasing a current batch of student films! Alongside TRY HARD, in which anime girls try to get into anime gobelins, we have the Tekkonkinkreet-esque Kakomando in which parkour-loving kids vie with adults in a shanty town, and the above short in which a young alchemist is apprenticed to a vain and reckless older guy.
That's the student side, but what of web animation? Well, our favourite Australian animator couple Zoë Medcraft & Felix Colgrave made a great video about ants...
For that matter, I don't think I've shown Medcraft's previous animation, I'm A Witch, which drips with just as much style...
Schuschinus made a new PSYCHO ESSENCE, and I think this would be a great chance to visit the works of one of my favourite JDR-like autistic passion project series. Psycho Essence is a massive stream-of-consciousness space opera telling of how a group of hedonistic cyborg weirdos, the Maschinensäcke, resist the cosmic repressive hyperfascist force of 'F' (for Freitaglandmänner). Classic Kirby type stuff and incredibly sincere.
Honestly I think it might be a good time to watch the whole series! It's not the easiest thing to follow but it has some real sights and honestly, I just admire the whole energy of Schuschinus and his project so much.
Meanwhile The Line, one of the most talented animation studios in the world, released this incredible Berserk-core short film Heavenly Vessel - the debut for director Venla Linna. In their words:
The uneasy stasis of a space-dwelling Monarchy is shaken by the arrival of a hypnotic, luminous dwarf planet. Caught between the authoritarian Duke and the impulsive Prince, all will come to light.
That means growing extra eyes and transitioning in a kind of space orgy, apparently. Absolutely gorgeous film, and I'm really excited to see the Line going in this more narrative direction, when so much of their other work carries the stain of being an ad lol.
We also have the second season of Worthikids' series Bigtop Burger to enjoy - the ending, in which we visit the planet of clowns and learn the significance of Old Deut to clown culture, is something else.
And as usual with short film nights, if you've seen anything cool and weird and animated on the internet of late, let me know and I'll slot it in! I'm always excited to see new animation!
Animation Night 175 will be going live in just a moment, and the films will start in maybe 20 minutes or so, so please make your way into the theatre at twitch.tv/canmom!
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goldensunset · 10 months
Seeing your Volo posts kinda made me think;
Volo is like Walmart-variety Waka but without what actually makes Waka such a good character (also Waka’s a hundred times hotter for a number of reasons)
ok first of all heyyyyyyy i like volo!!! i clearly like him a lot this is a big volo fan blog i think he's a great character i wouldn't talk about him so much if i thought he wasn't. no need to pit two epic blonde dudes against each other here. i don't really have a response to 'waka is a hundred times hotter' bc in my view both of them look weird and strange for different reasons but it works and makes sense in context of their canons. but you're entitled to your opinion
second of all fun fact did you know that a post comparing volo and waka is actually how i got spoiled on the volo twist lol? i just remember coming across a huge block of text in the okami tag and seeing the name of some character called volo and at the bottom of the post i saw the tags for pla and was like 'oh NO i just spoiled myself on the game i recently got but haven't opened yet...' bc it hadn't occurred to me to dodge spoilers on the internet for it bc i never thought a post about this franchise i wasn't into yet like this would organically appear in my line of sight
third of all as for your actual point yes i agree!! sad lonely blonde man mourning the loss of an ancient culture, one of very few survivors of it, it's not clear what happened, both pursuing a deity in some regard, etc. but like in opposite directions. you think waka's gonna turn out to be evil but he really is some genuine-hearted dude who loves you a lot and it hurts. meanwhile volo appears to be the guy who understands you and respects you more than anyone else but psyche he was just using you! it's tasty
i suppose as for 'waka is a better character than volo' you could say waka's motives and backstory are significantly clearer. it isn't difficult to extrapolate meaning out of volo's actions or puzzle out what he considers to be wrong with the world that needs to be fixed given his interests and the underlying lore of this game but it's true that it's never explicit. but nonetheless given that one character is a hero (not even an anti-hero or anti-villain, just straight up an ally even if he doesn't appear to be helping at first) and the other is a villain it's sort of hard to compare them like that. similar vibes as dudes on their own but being the narrative tools that they are they're very different
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m1sosazai · 2 years
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#i was gonna suggest 'not feeding the elderly/queens/sick+injured/kits before warriors and apprentices' as crack but that's actually p shit?
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0 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
i spent way too much money pulling for Butler suit ingo in pokemas... But i can't help myself, the submas addiction is too strong! Also i DID get him (along w sygna suit elesa, and a bunch of other random ppl) in the end!!!! So HA.
I guess I'll just... Avoid looking at my bank statement for the month... And hope i make all that money back when i go back to work next week... 😅😭
0 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
0 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ok so i've read the fics where ingo recognizes emmet right away, or very soon after meeting, or when he sees emmet he gets flashbacks and tries to run away or something bc he thinks his brother is actually some illusioned-up zoroark or something. also those fics where they meet in their dreams, or in the rifts. which are all very good!
but specifically that one fic where ingo sees like, little hallucinations of emmet out of the corner of his eye after he gets some of his memory back stuck w me. and basically i think...
what if when the twins meet again, maybe w the PLA protag or the clan leaders... emmet sees ingo give a quick glimpse at him, then pointedly ignore him.
he can't figure out why (is his brother mad at him for not finding him sooner? has he been so traumatized by the separation that he can't look directly at him, the way emmet had a hard time w mirrors during ingo's disappearance?), but meanwhile, ingo is frantically running down his mental checklist of tasks.
1. did he get enough sleep? (yes, a full eight hours before he was roped into this meeting, plus w the baby sneasels and lady sneasel.)
2. did he have enough to eat? (yes, he had a meal at the wallflower a few hours ago... with some cake lures and berries as emergency provisions if he does get hungry.)
3. is he injured anywhere? (no, the last wounds he got, some abrasions from the debris that flew up while he was fighting akari a few weeks ago, healed up just fine.)
having checked off all the criteria, ingo slowly looked up, and despite his better judgement, very carefully met gazes with the white-clothed man with his face that was still, inexplicably, there.
"warden ingo, are you alright?" professor laventon's assistant asked him quietly.
"yes, my engine is in perfect condition," ingo lied, deliberately turning away from the obvious hallucination. maybe it would vanish when he stopped making direct eye contact with it, like it always had before - he couldn't entertain the possibility of his mental state potentially getting worse and having the white-clothed man appear outside the dire situations he'd always seen him it in.
(he didn't need more people in the pearl clan whispering about his uncanny habit of talking to the air, or akari eyeing him with concern whenever he was caught spacing out while turning to the left after she'd felled one of his pokemon in battle.)
so yeah, ingo is very used to seeing emmet whenever he gets into trouble somehow... so much so that he has a hard time remembering that he CAN talk to his twin now, in the flesh, without people looking at him crazy lol.
of course, emmet isn't going to stand for his brother ignoring him forever, no matter what he might've done or what ingo thinks, so he ends up goading him into talking to him right in the middle of the meeting (about past-future information exchange or something prolly, idk), and ingo ends up yelling at him like "not now, sleep hallucination! we're in the middle of something!" (bc most of the time he's suffering from insomnia when he sees hallucination-emmet, and "injury hallucination" is significantly more worrying to most - and also rolls off the tongue less imo - to say), which attracts everyone's attention. and the twins have an argument-sation about whether emmet is hallusionary (thank you esama for that great combination of hallucination + illusion), whether it was polite to yell at your brother (remembered or not, real or not) after not seeing him for a while, and how much sleep ingo usually got in a night.
after a while of this, rei is like "...who are you talking to, warden?" (bc honestly akari gets all the spotlight and i like to include cute nerdy assistant boy more), and ingo points at him like "SEE, he just asked who i was talking to, THAT MEANS you're as fake as always!" and emmet scoffs (still smiling in relief tho) before rei is like "actually, i meant 'who is that man who looks like you, warden?'"
ingo realizes that people can see his hallucination, somehow, and spends a brief moment horrified that some zoroark has brought his friendly illusion to life to torment him, or perhaps he's dreaming right now - before it hits him.
the illusion is... real. that's a real man standing before him, feeling very familiar, who looks just like him.
and ingo just derailed a meeting to debate with him and reveal his possibly decaying mental state.
...ingo is very embarrassed.
144 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
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samthecookielord · 3 years
Fun au time! What if cress and cilan also got sent to hisui?
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Meanwhile emmet and chili are just vibing in unova like:
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Emmet and Chili both fistfight god, more at eleven
I would draw how cilan and cress would look in hisui and doodle the specifics of their situation n stuff but i still need to finish watching more pla gameplay to get an idea of how theyd look lol
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tsuunytsuun · 2 years
Mactcablossom Questions
1. Who wakes up first? Kojiro is a natural early bird, and the other members of his family will never stop questioning it.
2. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? Kaoru of course, he hates waking up, and usually, getting him out of bed requires an offering of food and lots of kisses.
3. Who takes longer getting ready? Kaoru takes forever getting ready, and it kills Kojiro cause he just wants to take a dang shower.
4. When they can't sleep, what do they do? A side-effect of Kojiro's anxiety is occasional insomnia, so sleepless nights are pretty common for him. When they do happen, he usually goes downstairs and eats microwave ramen while watching late-night television.
7. Who comes up with the cheesy pick-up lines? 100% Kojiro, and Kaoru pretends to hate them when in reality he thinks it's adorable. ~ Ex: Kojiro: Man, are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you've got FINE written all over you. Kaoru:  *face beet red and trying not to giggle* O-Oh my GOD, Kojiro.
11. Who rearranges the bookshelf/DVD shelf in alphabetical order? Kaoru did this constantly while he was pregnant with Miya, and it drove Kojiro mad lol
12. Who does the hands-over-the-eyes "Guess Who" thing? Kojiro did it once and Kaoru accidentally punched him in the gut, because he thought someone was trying to attack him.
14. Who's prone to road rage? Kojiro is a pretty chill guy, but when it comes to bad drivers he goes insane, once Kaoru had to hold him back from jumping out the car after someone almost hit them on the highway.
15. Who's prone to wearing socks indoor (or to sleep)? Kojiro made Kaoru start wearing socks to bed after he got fed up with cold feet touching him every night.
16. Who reminds the other to put on sunscreen before going to the beach (or pool)? Kaoru has to constantly remind Kojiro and Kadence that just because they're naturally tan doesn't mean they won't get a sunburn.
17. Who carries all the important documents while traveling? Kaoru is the official family important document holder by majority vote.
19. Who puts their cold hands/feet on the other? Kaoru is the one who's constantly cold, meanwhile his husband is a walking furnace. Kaoru's feet and hands are like I C E and Kojiro is often woken up by a sudden surge of cold in the middle of the night.
20. What do they argue about? They mostly argue about small stuff that doesn't impact their lives at all.
22. Who texts more often? When Kaoru is working from his studio, Kojiro will constantly text him silly gifs and hearts and kissy faces, because he knows it'll make Kaoru laugh.
24. Who's the better cook? Kaoru isn't even allowed near the stove.
25. Who mistakes salt for sugar? Kaoru.
26. Who puts the fork in the microwave? Kaoru.
27. Who cooks at 2 in the morning? Kojiro stress bakes, and once Kaoru found him in the kitchen at 2:30 in the morning baking his third batch of vanilla cupcakes. He had to literally wrestle the spoon away from Kojiro and drag him back to bed.
28. Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1 a.m.? Kojiro.
29. Who licks the spoon when they're baking brownies? Kojiro does this all the time, even after Kaoru told him he could get salmonella.
30. Who likes doing the dishes? Neither of them, and if neither of them wants to sometimes pay one of the kids to do it
31. Who has bigger cravings? What are they? Kaoru LOVES Italian food, and even though he has an Italian husband at his disposal, he takes the time out of his day to drive to their local Italian restaurant and stock up on food to bring back to his studio.
32. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Both of them.
33. How do they eat ice cream? What's their favorite flavors? Kojiro bites his ice cream, which confuses and angers Kaoru as well as their children. (His favorite flavor is chocolate chunk)
34. Do they go on dates? What are they like? Kojiro and Kaoru always make sure to have a date night every month, and they usually go out to dinner and then do an activity, like playing mini-golf or taking a ghost tour.
36. Which one is the secret snuggler? Kaoru. Kojiro is basically a humanized Golden Retriever, and while he'll cuddle his husband anywhere, Kaoru will only cuddle when they're at home or by themselves.
39. Who leaves little notes in the other one's lunch? (Bonus: What does it say?) Kojiro will leave notes in Kaoru's lunch for work everyday, and reading them always makes Kaoru's day a little better :)
40. Who is the most affectionate? Kojiro comes from a large Italian family, and with a large Italian family comes lots of affection, so he's a hugger :)
41. Who is the big spoon/little spoon? Kaoru doesn't like to admit it, but he likes being the little spoon ;)
42. What is their favorite physical feature of their partner? Kojiro's favorite feature is Karou's hips and thighs, he just can't help himself ;} Karou's favorite feature of Kojiro's is his face, especially ever since he grew a stubble.
44. What are their favorite nicknames for each other? Kaoru's favorite nickname for Kojiro is Koji, and Kojiro's for Kaoru is Blossom
46. Who initiates kisses? Kojiro loves to pounce on Kaoru when he's most vulnerable and smother him with kisses anywhere he can reach, his face, his chest, his neck, his shoulders, ANYWHERE.
47. Who says I love you first? How did it happen? Kaoru said it first, they were sitting in Kojiro's room and watching a movie.
48. Who tells their friends/family about their relationship first? Kojiro's family figured it out all on their own, and when he and Kaoru came out they were like, "Yeah we figured, you thought you were being low-key about it?"
49. What do they do when they're away from each other? They FaceTime every night.
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tiktaaliker · 2 years
i can't wait for rei to meet ingo. most pla fics have the protag latch onto ingo in some way bc they're both ppl from modern times, but i can see rei going "oh shit" once they realize ingo is from modern-day (if not sinnoh, maybe) bc if he recognizes rei as being Not Who They Seem (maybe he knows lucas and recognizes a little bit of him in rei's appearance) and fully regains his memories... that could be p dangerous! and if they (rei and ingo) really get out of hisui and back to present-day, what if ingo has bonded so deeply w rei that he wants to visit every now and then like human friends do. so i see rei being really wary of ingo (every other human in hisui, they can just leave behind and not have to explain when they go back to sinnoh!) and kinda hoping he doesn't regain his memories or leave hisui, so he can't report them to the officers jenny or whatever for impersonating someone like The Sinnoh Champion (altho they prolly wouldn't know that's who their face/body belongs to at that point) and stealing some rando's phone lol.
oh yeah i will not lie ive been looking forward to introducing ingo since before i started actually writing history offers preservation. like 90 percent of the time when ppl write the protag and ingo interacting it's like. ok we have both been eebied from a similar deeby so we gotta stick together! but here? rei's worst nightmare is someone from modern day calling out their bs. like rei knows very little of how things work in actual civilized society and even with ingo's memory loss rei is gonna freak out BIG time. its like. you know how in hitman where if you put on a disguise there's certain people who can still tell you're lying even if everyone else buys it? i feel like rei would be absolutely CONVINCED that ingo will find them out eventually
meanwhile im honestly torn for ingo's side of it... either he's going to very very easily see thru rei's disguise (i feel like he's prob dealt with a lot of zoura/zoroark both in hisui and unova so is used to pokemon trying to pass as humans. like he can't tell with rei at first glance but there's some sort of vibe that ingo picks up on that rei is very much not human) or it goes RIGHT over his head. like its not even something he's at all considering despite any and all signs to the contrary
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klonoadreams · 3 years
I'm so salty about that buizel request. My coworkers are all nerds so we're all playing PLA right now and one of them caught a normal, non-alpha, 2'8" buizel in like her first hour of playing the game. Somehow. As someone who likes clearing all the requests for an area before moving on and who hasn't managed to spawn an alpha buizel I'm just. 😩 [Also I love your fic, I was wondering if Punch Baby would run after a honey cake or another lure cake if Rei or someone were to throw one? lol]
that request, as well as the Cherrim one can go fuck itself. I looked around for alpha Buizel and that fucker did NOT spawn, until hours AFTER i finally found a Buizel that was big enough for the request.
Meanwhile I caught two Cherrim in a row while I was in the Coronet Highlands and I just fucking blew a gasket vhdfklbjkgfnbg. This game tests me with it's fucking requests, but nothing pisses me off more than the Combee on Ramanas Island. DX
Anyways, I'm happy to hear that! :D And yes, she fucking would run after the cake. She'll lick the salt cake, and otherwise, MUNCH.
She's not picky (that's a lie - she is picky, the lure cakes just taste good).
Rei just: "I don't know what I was expecting" after he throws one and sees the Punch Baby go after one.
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