#memorial del temps present
In this song/poem, the Valencian singer-songwriter Raimon (born 1940) reflects on his experience of separation from his land that resulted from the schools of Franco’s fascist dictatorship, which ruled Spain between 1939 and 1978.
The school system was tightly controlled by the fascist dictatorship and the Catholic church, and was based on the principle of national-catholicism (the dictatorship’s official ideology) that taught lies to praise the glory of the Spanish Empire and where, of course, the languages nations occupied by Spain (Catalan-Valencian, Basque, Galician, Aranese Occitan, Caló, Asturian, and Aragonese) were forbidden and punishable, and where the history, literature and culture of these cultures were erased.
Here’s the lyrics in Catalan-Valencian and the translation to English:
Al meu país la pluja no sap ploure O plou poc o plou massa Si plou poc és la sequera Si plou massa és la catàstrofe
In my country, the rain doesn’t know how to rain. It either rains too little or too much. If it rains little it’s the drought, if it rains too much it’s a catastrophe.
Qui portarà la pluja a escola? Qui li dirà com s'ha de ploure? Al meu país la pluja no sap ploure
Who will take rain to school? Who will tell it how one should rain? In my country, the rain doesn’t know how to rain.
No anirem mai més a escola Fora de parlar amb els de la teua edat Res no vares aprendre a escola
We’ll never go to school again. Besides talking to those your age, you never learned anything in school.
Ni el nom dels arbres del teu paisatge Ni el nom de les flors que veies Ni el nom dels ocells del teu món Ni la teua pròpia llengua
You didn’t learn to name the trees of your landscape, nor the flowers that you saw, nor the name of the birds of your world, nor your own language.
A escola et robaven la memòria Feien mentida del present La vida es quedava a la porta Mentre entràvem cadàvers de pocs anys
In school they stole your memory. They turned the present into a lie. Life would stay at the door, while us who went in were young corpses.
Oblit del llamp, oblit del tro De la pluja i del bon temps Oblit de món del treball i de l'estudi
Oblivion of the lighting, oblivion of the thunder, of the rain and the good weather. Oblivion of the world of work and of study.
"Por el Imperio hacia Dios" Des del carrer Blanc de Xàtiva Qui em rescabalarà dels meus anys De desinformació i desmemòria?
“Por el Imperio hacia Dios” [Spanish for “For the Empire towards God”, one of the mottos of Franco’s dictatorship] From Blanc street in Xàtiva [Xàtiva is Raimon’s hometown]. Who will compensate me for my years of misinformation and misrememberance?
Al meu país la pluja no sap ploure O plou poc o plou massa Si plou poc és la sequera Si plou massa és la catàstrofe
In my country the rain doesn’t know how to rain. It either rains too little or too much. If it rains little it’s the drought, if it rains too much it’s a catastrophe.
Qui portarà la pluja a escola? Qui li dirà com s'ha de ploure? Al meu país la pluja no sap ploure
Who will take rain to school? Who will tell it how one should rain? In my country, the rain doesn’t know how to rain.
Raimon talks about how the Spanish school system separated him from his country (the Valencian Country in the Catalan Countries).
The song, of course, applies to everyone ruled by a centralist government who decides what is important with no relation to the territories, where people will be taught to speak and write as the dominant group does or as they do in the capital city but not as they do in their homeland; who will learn the historical events that have been chosen to be “national” (for all a state) who might be important for another land but not yours, while your people’s history is purposely erased and forgotten to make you depend on theirs; whose words to name their surrounding can’t be replaced by a foreigners’ government language that never had your land in mind; and where nature-focused knowledge of the lower classes is not deemed “important enough” to be on par with the dominant culture.
Besides this, the extremes of the rain that the song talks about accurate to the Mediterranean weather.
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objecteiespai · 11 months
Dibuixa el teu objecte amagat per a un museu del futur
Els objectes quotidians del nostre dia a dia diuen molt de nosaltres. Què li respondríem a una persona del futur, d'aquí a 500 anys, que ens plantegés la pregunta de quins objectes feien servir les persones de Barcelona de l'any 2023? Amagats darrera d'unes formes, vine a dibuixar-los i entre tots crearem el Museu de l'Objecte Barcelona Dibuixa
A càrrec d'Eva Palomar 
Dia i hora
Dissabte 28 d’octubre de 2023, de 16.00 a 20.00 h
Diumenge 29 d’octubre de 2023, de 10.00 a 14.00 h
Dibuixos emmascarats 
Dibuixem allò que veiem o dibuixem allò que pensem?
Partint de les màscares del museu descobrirem que hi ha moltes maneres de dibuixar i que, a l'hora de fer-ho, el llenguatge i el pensament poden ser moltes vegades un entrebanc més que una eina. Experimentarem com la informació prèvia que tenim al cervell condiciona la nostra manera de veure i traduir-la a dibuix.
A càrrec de Javier Andrada 
Dissabte 28 d’octubre de 2023, de 16.00 a 20.00 h
Diumenge 29 d’octubre de 2023, de 10.00 a 14.00 h
Seu Montcada
9. Castell de Montjuïc - Maga
Bestiari màgic de Montjuïc
Crea el teu animal fantàstic a partir de la fauna diversa que habita el Castell
Us proposem crear un personatge fantàstic barrejant diferents parts d’animals. I aquí comença l’aventura; amb el nostre personatge recorrerem el castell buscant quin podria ser el seu hàbitat. Quan trobem el lloc, li podrem fer una fotografia. I el personatge ens el podrem emportar, o bé deixar-lo a l’exposició del bestiari màgic de Montjuïc. Veniu i passeu un dia bestial!
Dissabte 28 16:00-20:00
Diumenge 29 10:00-14:00
3. EINA Bosc - Grazielle bruscato
Sentim amb els ulls, siguem el dibuix
Descobreix i gaudeix de les possibilitats dels teus sentits a la punta de la mà.
Taller pensat perquè descobriu i gaudiu de les possibilitats dels vostres sentits per percebre l'espai i les atmosferes amb tot el potencial, i ho farem a través del dibuix a carbó i llapis. És un taller obert a tots els nivells, i amb un únic requisit: curiositat per veure el món amb ulls nous.
Dissabte 28 16:00-20:00
El Memorial Democràtic participa novament en el Festival BCN Dibuixa, la gran festa del dibuix de la ciutat de Barcelona. Grans i petits podran prendre part en el taller ‘Postals des d’aquí’ de la mà de l’artista Martín Vitaliti. El taller és gratuït i tindrà lloc a la seu del Memorial Democràtic els dies 28 d’octubre, de 16 a 20 h, i el 29 d’octubre, de 10 a 14 h.
Postals des d’aquí
El taller es centra en la comunicació epistolar i té com a referencia l’exposició "T'enyoro. Cartes per la memòria" que acull el Memorial Democràtic. Crearem un lloc fictici inspirat en l’imaginari fantàstic del còmic i l’art, i dissenyarem les nostres postals per construir un arxiu col·lectiu. Posteriorment, aquestes postals seran curosament guardades dins una caixa del temps, segellada i destinada a ser oberta en el futur.
Martín Vitaliti
Martín Vitaliti (Buenos Aires,1978), és un artista visual que ha treballat a partir de la recerca del llenguatge del còmic. Ha utilitzat el collage, el dibuix, la instal·lació i el llibre d’artista. També ha creat les seves obres des de l’alteració dels diferents elements del còmic: la vinyeta, els diàlegs o els sons.
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Seven Emblem books and two others!
Two sort of emblematic books (A&B) and Seven(1-7) emblem books in contemporary or original bindings!
1)   Andres Alciati 1492 – 1550
V.C. Emblemata (Viri Clarissimi) Emblemata. Cum Claudij Minois ad eadam Commentariis & Notis Posterioribus. Quibus Emblematum omnium aperta origine, mens auctoris explicatur, & obscura omnia dubiáque illustrantur.
Lugduni (Lyon), Hæred. Gvlielmi Rovilii, 1600. 1600. Bound in coeval vellum with author and title on the spine in an early hand. Octavo ã8, e4, i8 A-Eee8, Eee*2 Fff8 Ggg4.
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The ultimate reference for this book is Daly’ Andres Alciatus Index Emblematicsus 1985; ; Landwehr, J. Romanic emblem books; 89 ; Adams, A. French emblem books; F.063; Emblem books at the Univ. of Illinois; A32; Green, H. Andrea Alciati and his books of emblems,; 127; Baudrier, 1895-1921, v. 9, p. 464-65;. Item #738G
The emblem book, which attained enormous popularity in continental Europe and Great Britain, while it is possible to trace it back before was certantly made most popular by Alciati. . Alciato’s emblems were first published in Augsburg in Germany (two editions in 1531 and one in 1534); from 1534 onwards publishing shifted to France and remained there for the next thirty years. Wechel, who printed the Paris editions (from 1534), are like those in Augsburg. He can be said to have set the standard for clear presentation of emblems, with each emblem beginning on a fresh page, featuring the motto or title, the pictura below that, and then the subscription/epigram or verse text the main focus of publication for emblems shifted more firmly to Lyons from the mid 1540s, The 1550 Latin edition by Rouille is the first to have 211 emblems (the whole corpus, apart from the so-called obscene emblem ‘Adversus naturam peccantes’) illustrated. This edition includes biography of Andrea Alciati (leaves i1-i8). These emblems depict Alciati’s concern for the eternal nature of man and its contradictions, the attentive ear to the popular speech, the unfolding of the personality, madness, the reflection on human existence, the relationship between man and the woman, the struggle between reason and passion, and to the satire of society and its rules and rulers.
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      A) CARTARI 343J  Vincenso Cartari.   1531–1569
Seconda novissima editione delle Imagini de gli dei delli antichi di Vicenzo Cartari …Ridotte da capo a piedi alle loro reali, & non più per l’adietro osseruate simiglianze. cauate da’marmi, bronzi, medaglie, gioie, & altre memorie antiche; con esquisito studio, & particolare dligenza da Lorenzo Pignoria … Aggionteui le annotationi del medismo sopra tutta l’opera, & vn discorso intorno le deità dell’Indie orientali, & occidentali, con le loro figure tratte da gl’originali, che si conseruano nelle Galleri de’principi, & ne’musei delle persone priuate. Con le allegorie sopra le imagini di Cesare Malfatti … Et vn catalogo di cento più famosi dei della gentilità. Con l’aggiunta d’vn’altro catalogo de gl’autori antichi, & moderni, che hanno trattato questa materia, ordinato & raccolto dal medesimo Pignoria che ha accresciute le annotationi & aggiunte molte imagini.
In Padova, Nella stamparia di Pietro Paolo Tozzi. 1626. Quarto, 9 1/4 x 6 1/2 in 224×162 mm.  Signatures:   ‡8 ≠≠1,a6, ‡‡4 [∏2 FOLDOUTS] A-Z8 ,AA-OO8  (38 pages, 589 pages illustrations, two  folded plates) [[38] pages, 589 pages illustrations, two  folded plates 24 cm]. 2 double-page woodcuts and 227 full-page and in-text woodcuts of the ancient gods by Cesare Malfatti.          *   *.   *
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  #1 Vincenzo Cartari, Images of the Gods of the Ancients: The First Italian Mythography, translated and annotated by John Mulryan. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies vol. 396. Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2012.
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Praz 36; Cicognara 4686; Graesse II.56; Nagler XXII.15, ; Harvard 156.108; JCB Library catalogue; 2:198; Sabin 11104.;  BM. STC.(Ital.) 152.; ‘Choix 4280. See Also: Mortimer, Italian, 108 note. Caillet 2047 (French trans.) Brunet I,1601. Graesse II,56.Univ. Cat of Art, 287. Arntzen & Rainwater H35.Dekesel 16th, C11.                                                                                     And :
1)Sonia Maffei, ‘Le imagini de i Dei degli antichi di Vincenzo Cartari: Dalla poesia all’archeologia’ http://dinamico2.unibg.it/cartari/leimaginideiDei.html
2) Marco Urdapilleta Muñoz, ‘El bestiario medieval en las crónicas de Indias (siglos XV y XVI)’, Latino América, Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 58 (2014), 237-70. 5160.235500
3) Miguel A. Rojas Mix, América imaginaria (Barcelona, 1992) LB.31.b.10858
4) Rosa López Torrijos, La mitología en la pintura española del Siglo de Oro (Madrid, 1985). YV.1988.b.1010 María Jesús Lacarra, Juan Manuel Cacho Blecua, Lo imaginario en la conquista de América (Zaragoza, 1990). YA.1997.a.7376
5) Mercedes Aguirre at 11:59:11 in Americas , Collections , Latin America , Medieval history , Mexico , Rare books. BL.
6) Mexican Codex Vaticanus 3738. Item #743
This is the First Edition in which the antiquarian and egyptologist who was also  interested in the sciences, and a friend of Galileo. Lorenzo Pignoria added  his appendix Seconda Parte delle Imagini de gli Dei Indiani displays detailed illustrations of some archeological remains portraying Mexican, Egyptian, Indian and Japanese gods, seeking ‘a sort of unique visual language in pre-Christian religions.  It is bound in.
Price: $4,500.00
    B).  Cuper, Gisbert Cuper. 1644-1716
Gisb. Cuperi Harpocrates, Sive Explicatio imaguncluæ argenteæ perantiquæ; quæ in figuram Harpocratis formata representat Solem. Ejusdem Monumenta Antiqua Inedita. Multi Auctorum loci, multæ Inscriptiones, Marmora, Nummi, Gemmæ, varii ritus, & Antiquitates in utroque Opusculo emendantur & illustrantur. Accedit Stephani Le Moine Epistola de Melanophoris.
Utrecht: (Trajecti ad Rhenum) Apud Franciscum Halma, Acad. Typogr., 1687, Quarto. This copy is bound in 20th century quarter calf. .
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  ¶Harpocrates was adapted by the Greeks from the Egyptian child God Horus, who represented the newborn sun, rising each day at dawn. Harpocrates’s name was a Hellenization of the Egyptian Har-pa-khered or Heru-pa-khered, meaning “Horus the Child”. In the second century B.C., Egyptians connected Harpocrates with the mystic cult of the Egyptian goddess Isis. Harpocrates holds a finger to its lip for the Egyptians a symbolic gesture representing childhood.
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¶Yet the Greeks mistook for a hush for silence., misinterpreting Harpocrates as the personification of silence, and this particular work is a study of statues and other art from classical antiquity that depict these later figures of silence. And again, the Roman interpretation added strength to the Mystery of silence.
The frontispiece signed and dated in the plate: Joh. van der Avele invention and fecit. Title page in red and black. This edition is enhanced with a letter of Etienne Le Moyne; this text has a half-title and the second text: Monumenta Antiqua. Cuper’s research is a precursor to art history and Winckelmann.
Brunet 6, no. 22603; Cicognara 3212; Ebert 5512; Graesse 2,308 , Item #388J
Price: $1,800.00
  2). David, Jan David. 1545?-1613
Veridicus christianus: auctore P. Joanne David … Editio altera, auctior.
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Antverpiæ ex officina Plantiniana, M. DCVI. Second edition. This copy is bound in full contemporary blind stamped calf over wooden boards with two working clasps. Quarto ‡4, ‡‡4, A-Z4, a-z4, Aa-Ee4.+ 100 Numbered Plates. With a special engraved t.p. with allegorical depiction of Christ carrying the cross, surrounded by ten artists at easels painting scenes from his life (as well as a few questionable profane subjects). The vovelle : The centers of the engraving and the volvelle (through which a string passes) are reinforced with small paper roundels printed with the monograms of Christ. The numbers are keyed to an “Indiculus orbitae” that follows (Bb1r-Bb2r). There a number, having been selected, is provided with a phrase from various Latin authors (listed on Bb2v), and a reference to one of the hundred sections that comprise the main text. It is suggested in Bibliotheca Belgica that this game may have been intended as a pious alternative to such superstitious books as Thuys der fortvnen.
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Veridicus Christianus emphasizes the Society of Jesus’ investment in thinking in, though, and about visual images that exemplify the supreme mystery of God. Published as a tool of devotion and meditations, it features one hundred chapters that encompass a wide
range of topics for reflection. Each chapter incorporates an extensive commentary that interprets the emblematic image David too follows the order in which we apprehend things with our senses, beginning with a visual representation at the head of each chapter. Then comes the explication. The symboli explicatio was considered necessary because cultivated readers would be more susceptible to a reasoned argument than a
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picture. The text is divided into 100 chapters, each with an allegorical engraving incorporating letters keyed to the explanatory text and with marginal references. Each of the 100 numbered plates has a single line of Latin at the head giving the subject, with two-line explanatory verses below the allegorical engraving in Latin (roman letter), Dutch (civilité) and French (italic) First plate (following [2 daggers]4) is added title leaf for the ill., which were also published separately; see Bibliotheca Belgica. The added title reads: Icones ad Veridicvm Christianvm P. Ioannis David e Societate Iesv At the end is Device with compasses and the motto “constantia et labore” on Ee4r . This book is notoriously found defective in one way or another, this copy is perfect and complete. . Item #382J
De Backer-Sommervogel Vol.II col 1845 N. 5; Funck 302; Praz 313: EBIU D 17; Landwehr EFBLC 138; Landwehr FISP 253. Daly & Dimler CLE Jesuit Series Part one p160 #J.153.
Price: $5,500.00
    3) David, Joannes David 1546-1613.
Duodecim specula deum aliquando videre desideranti concinnata.
Antwerp: Antverpiae: Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Ioannem Moretum, 1610, 1610. Theodor. Galle fecit. First Edition? This copy is bound in a contemporary soft vellum, (recovery vellum with writing. Faded and on the the inside. ) Ex libris ms.
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First edition of this wonderfully illustrated work about 12 mirrors mankind uses to try and see God. David was born at Courtrai and entered the society of Jesuits in 1581. He was distinguished for his zealous fight against heresy. “Emblem number with caption,pictura with motifs flagged, then subscriptio,prose identification flagged motifs,facing page with number followed by a prose conversation between Anima and Desiderus.
Youth edition with engravings only, without text. Each plate bears, at the top, a serial number and an inscription indicating the subject represented in the bottom part a Latin couplet with a summary explanation. RRef. Landwehr 188, Funck p. 303, BCNI 5556, Bibl. Belg. D 157, Praz p. 313 “scarce”
DeBacker-Sommervogel vol. II col.1851 no.20 ; McGeary & Nash. Emblem books at the Unviersity of Illinois,; G2; Daly & Dimler corpus Librorun eblematun(CLE) J141; Praz, M. Studies in 17th century imagery,; vol. I p.192 vol.. II, p. 46; Landwehr, J. Dutch emblem books,; Funck p. 303, BCNI 5556, Bibl. Belg. D 157; see also The Jesuits and the Emblem Tradition: Selected Papers of the Leuven International Emblem Conference, 18-23 August, 1996.
. Item #409J
Price: $1,900.00
    4)  Izquierdo, Sebastian Izquierdo, Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Praxis exercitiorum spiritualium P.N.S. Ignatti. Auctore P. Sebastiano Izquierdo Alcarazense Societatis Jesu.
Rome: Romae : Typis Joannis Francisci Buagni, 1695, 1695. Octavo 7 X 4.75 inches A-G8,H4 This copy is very clean and bound in full contemporary vellum. Landwehr, Romanic, 412.Sommervogel, IV, 70 1#4 ; Palau 291230; Landwehr:Romantic 412.; Praz,p.382. Item #716
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The Jesuit Sebastián Izquierdo in his Práctica de los ejercicios espirituales, written in (Spanish in )1665 translated in to Italian the same year then in 1678 translated as here into Latin and later published in several translations and versions offers an illustrated guide to the Ignatian spiritual exercises. The illustrations, 12 of them, are the subject of image meditation which was a favorite method of the Jesuits who, beginning with the monumental Evangelicae Historiae Imagines (1593) of Jerónimo Nadal, actively took hold of religious iconography and adjusted and concentrated it for the teaching of the Societies ( and Ignatius’ ) vision. The images are not just simple depiction’s instead they are mnemonic devices. These images are points of departures and give the current 21st century reader a precious examples of images that inspire meditation, direct the reception of the teachings and anchor them in the memory. Particularly memorable is the Image of Hell on page 72, The lay-out shows the pedagogical intentions and possibilities of this little book: there are 12 parts consisting of 12 separate quires, numbered from ‘A’ to ‘M’ and paginated each from 1-12, each with its own full-page illustration , these could have been meant to be distributed separately – according to match the educational needs or level of the students. The Images are in high contrast, with plenty of Bloody and memorable images. The Puteus Abyssi depicts a poor man who is naked and sitting in a chair in some sort of oubliette. He has sevenswords, each with animal head handles, in him and each is strategically stuck in various parts of the body. The swords are labeled for the passions. Most interesting of these might be the sword marked ‘Vengeance’ it is hanging offer the mans head, the Idleness sword is stuck between his legs, Gluttony in his stomach, Lust … Envy in his back, Avarice between his Shoulders and Pride in his heart.Izquierdo was also the author of Pharus scientiarum, a treatise on a methodology to access knowledge,
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conceived as a single science. In this work, he assimilated Aristotelian and Baconian logic, and he expressed some original ideas on mathematics and logic that have earned their author a reputation as an outstanding mathematician. Not just like his Spanish contemporaries John Caramuel or Tomás Vicente Tosca , but also significant foreign mathematicians as Athanasius Kircher , Gaspar Knittel or Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz , the latter, in particular, cited with, his Disputatio of Combinatione, in Combinatorial Art (1666).
Price: $1,800.00
  5) SCARLATINI, Ottavio Scarlatini
Homo et eius partes figuratus & symbolicus, anatomicus, rationalis, moralis, mysticus, politicus, & legalis, collectus et explicatus cum figuris
Augsburg & Dillingen, Johann Caspar Bencard, 1695. First and only Latin edition. Bound in a beautiful contemporary pig skin over wooden boards. Caillet 9948 (“unique in its genre”); Landwehr, German emblem books 530; Praz 490 note; R. Raybould, Emblemata 29. Item #734
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With 42 engraved emblems revolving around the human body and body parts. It describes and depicts the human body in its details and in its entirety in every aspect conceivable. The book also discusses magic, in the strict sense of the word, revealing many marvellous secrets, such as the occult properties of saliva, urine, sperm, etc.”The erudition demonstrated by the author is really quite extraordinary” (Raybould) including metoposcopy (the interpretation of facial wrinkles for divination!). . Book One studies individual organs: heart, etc. And Book Two the overall dignity of the whole and aspects of human life.An appendix adds short accounts of several subjects, including “hieroglyphia” and “androgyni”, along with short works by other authors: Lactantius Firmianus’s “De opificio Dei”, Coelius Rhodiginus on humanity, and a long “Ode” to humanity: “Considerationes patheticae de creatione, & dignitate hominis” based on Trismegistus, Plato, Coelius and other ancient sources.With a faint marginal water stain and a couple small rust spots in the paper, but
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otherwise in fine condition. The binding shows a few scratches, cuts and stains, small cracks at the head and foot of the hinges and 1 sewing support broken at the hinge, but is still in good condition. A fascinating emblem book for both text and imagery (some of it now also humorous), and an impressive piece of book production.
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Price: $5,500.00
    6). Sucquet, Anton Sucquet
Piæ considerationes ad declinandum à malo et faciendum bonum : cum iconibus Viae vitae aeternae R.P. Antonij Sucquet è Societate Iesu.
Viennæ Austriæ : Wien : [s.n.], 1672, 1672. Boetius a Bolswert and title by “I.M. Lerch sc. Viennae. Quarto,4 ¾ X 7 inches . ( no printed signatures) π 4 A-T4 V2. This copy is bound in original vellum. There is a really interesting modern bookplate on the pastedown. ¶ Praz, M. Studies in 17th cent. imagery (2nd ed.),; p. 506; Corpus librorum emblematum. Jesuit series,; J.1414; Landwehr, J. German emblem books,; 564; De Backer-Sommervogel,; VI, column 892, no. 2. Item #715
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There is an engraved emblematic title page signed “I.M. Lerch sc. Viennae;” The other 32 illustrations (numbered 1-32) are full-page emblems engraved by Boetius a Bolswert–See Landwehr. ¶The Illustrations are printed on the verso of leaf, recto is blank; accompanied by explanatory text on facing leaf. The text and illustrations are printed within ruled border. This popular emblematical work is arranged as a series of meditations, by the Jesuit Antoine Sucquet. Many religious emblem books were published during the 17th and 18th centuries, and of these, Sucquet’s work was one of the most popular. Because of its engravings by Boëtius a Bolswert , it was especially important for the development of the 17th-century Christian iconography. The counter-reformation produced a great number of emblematic meditation-books where text and illustrations are interwoven. Emblem books were therefore much favoured by the Jesuits for the purposes of teaching, as religious propaganda, and to provide subjects for meditation. The 17th-century Jesuit curriculum prescribed that emblems were composed in the schools. Members of the highest classes in the Flemish Jesuit colleges each composed an emblem, and the production of the entire class was collected in commemorative albums painted by professional artists and calligraphers. The meditation on the soul’s relation to Christ was precisely guided by provision of references in the engravings. The first religious catholic emblem book was published in 1571 and composed by Arias Montanus. In 1601 Jan David composed the first Jesuit emblem book, the “Veridicus Christianus”. Sucquet’s work is composed around the widely spread concept of the “homo viator in bivio”, the creature who during his life again and again arrives at the cross and has to make the good choice for the narrow and difficult path to his eternal destination. Sucquet made clear that vision is the most important sense of a human being. It had foundational importance for the Christian iconography of the seventeenth century. According to Brunet the work was very much searched after by the pious for its texts, by the curious minds for the 32 engravings by Boetius a Bolswert
Price: $1,900.00
  7) Venius, Otto van Veen
Theater moral de la vida humana, en cien emblemas; con el Enchiridion de Epicteto, y La tabla de Cebes, philosofo platonico.
Antwerp: Amberes,{Antwerp} Por Enrico y Cornelio Verdussen 1701, 1701. The Rubens master. third Edition.This large folio is bound in full contemporary vellum with gilt tooling. Snags repaired in the blank of the title page and on the folding Engraving , without damaging the text. Scattered freckles. Good copy. Landwehr, Dutch 240; Landwehr, Low Countries 678. (cfr. PRAZ, Studies in seventeenth-century imagery I pp.523-524 & Peeters Fontainas Bibliographie des impr. espagn. des Pays-Bas mérid. 1275;. Folio. 14 x 9 inches * 6, ** 4, *** 2, A-Z4, 2A-2C4 / a4, a-f4, g2. Item #97
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This Emblem book is made up of three Stoic works, beginning with Text from Horace in latin with 103 copper plates of engravings, That is a full page engraving of Vaenius by his daughter Gertrude van Veen engraved by Pontius.
These emblems also appeared in “Emblems from Horace, but not directly, these engravings represent both allegoric and general passages from Horace, these are in Spanish. The Horace is followed by
The Table of Cebes which has a large folding plate (16 x 13 inches) Cebes’ Tablet is an Ekphrastic work interpreting a probably mythical Tablet which symbolically represents “the whole Truth of Human life” Cebes is one of the characters in The Phædo of Plato. Xenophon tells us that Cebe was in the inner circle of Socrates’ friends. This is followed by The ENCHRIDION of Epictetus, in spanish. This manual is a ‘hands-on’philosophical collection of epigrams which promises to free the mind from Fear and enslavement to false Ideas.
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Price: $3,500.00
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Seven Emblem Books and Two others To see the web page which goes with this choose the link below. Seven Emblem books and two others!
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Bar-awling || Fab(ber) 5
 A fight breaks loose at the Hunted Deer.
@freddie-eddie-wiggins, @hngrylikethewoolf, @hellfire-damnation 
(Max + Clayton no longer in play but we didn’t want to lose everyone’s hard work)
[TW: violence, gore, blood, sexism, homophobia]
Freddie pushed his glass halfway across the bar, waiting for the hose to hover above and dispense whatever concoction Gaston felt like bestowing on him in that moment. It had become somewhat of a running joke, the barely drinkable beverages that graced Freddie’s glass whenever he set foot in the Deer. Though, the company tonight was somewhat better than it usually was. Fred unhooked one of his heels from the barstool’s footrest and crossed his legs, brushing invisible dust from his trousers. 
“So, I get called into the meeting with my boss, told I’m being reassigned, which honestly is a nightmare, because I was just starting to find common ground with…” He paused, taking his drink and thanking Gaston, “...anyway, it’s been a nightmare, and I can’t bear to be in my flat right now, it’s a complete mess, and Percy spent all last night crying and pissing in the kitchen.” Freddie sighed, catching Gaston’s eye again. “Can I get a glass of white as well, large please?”
It was nice, gettin' to talk to Freddie like this again. It had been a few days since the last time they'd gotten together, brunch after a late morning. After that the sheriff had been slammed with paperwork and calls, breaking the new bloke into the town beat, and general other headache-inducing business. Came with the territory, but a drink out was much preferable to staying in these days. 
He swirled his brandy around the glass, and took a swallow, listening to the younger man speak with his head resting on a hand. The noise of the bar was stuck in the background, something Errol was easily able to tune out. No one else was his problem here, anyhow, not until they made themselves that way. No, he was here off duty and he was here with Freddie and he was going to make sure they had a decent time of it.
Raising a brow, the Irishman snorted. "Right, an' his grounds fer yer "reassignment" were what, exactly?" Shaking his head, he signaled for another drink from Gaston, thanked him quietly when he got one, and then turned his attention right back where it belonged. He shrugged a shoulder, almost artfully nonchalant, before saying on the tail end of another drink: "Stay at mine. Percy likes Del, they'd be fine. An' I can get 'im tah stop pissin' everywhere real quick like." He smirked slightly, a boyish quality to it, before sobering up. "Doors always open, Fred." 
It was a relatively crowded night at The Hunted Deer. Relative to the fact that William had only been in Swynlake a number of weeks. Still, the werewolf restriction petition (has nobody thought of an acronym yet? This town: imbecilic) was of hot topic in accordance with two instances of werewolf promulgation in town. Two werewolves just out in the open. It was laughable. And if two identified publicly, how many were still scared and hiding? Had he stumbled upon an entire pack? 
Coming back into the bar from the loo, William saw that someone had taken his seat near the more crowded area, where the debate had broken out. Considering his true beliefs were on the more extreme end of the Magick spectrum, his public, Clayton persona, took a more reserved stance. It was all about inflicting fear. They’re dangerous, unpredictable. It was a bar, and everyone had a couple hours of drinking tucked under their belts by now. Slurs began getting tossed around. ‘Beasts’ they were called. 
Moving down the bar a bit, William leaned his forearms against the wooden edge and waited for Gaston to walk his way. Beside him, his ear couldn’t help but pick up the sound of a persona he thought only existed in movies. Not being able to help himself, his eyes took a cautious look across the pair of... men before settling on their feet. 
“Jon just left. I don’t know, had to go back to London, found something better, moved departments. Whatever it is, he’s no longer in need of my services, and Taylor, the guy I was assisting before, just up and died, so now I’m just temping for this one guy while they replace Jon and give me to that guy.” Freddie said, taking up the glass of wine and a couple of large mouthfuls from it. 
He considered Errol’s proposition for less than a second. Memories of Errol’s flat, charming as it was, flashed before him, and he shook his head. “I don’t think that’ll work, my shoes alone wouldn’t fit in your wardrobe, and your living room window isn’t south facing.” Freddie said, dismissing that thought without having to fully entertain what it meant. There was something heavy in the word cohabiting that had Freddie mentally backing away, no matter how warm the idea of lazy mornings and quiet evenings was. 
That was when he noticed the man behind Errol. Freddie didn’t notice men as often as he used to, but this one was staring...at his feet. He glanced down, thinking he might have scuffed the Louboutins, but no, they seemed fine. He looked back up then, meeting the other’s eye and cocking his head in challenge, gaze stony. 
William held the man’s gaze for a second, before pulling away and turning to lean against the bar with his back to both of them. Luckily within the same moment, Gaston walked over to him. 
Not knowing the night would be so lively he had started the evening out with a few glasses of whiskey-- soon, he was clinking glasses with half the bar. Stepping down to beer wasn’t ideal, but after some hearty ‘rounds with the boys,’ there was no going back. 
“Beer.” He told his friend. “You know perhaps it’s worth adding whether men should wear heels to this discussion? Or, maybe now that I think about it, it shouldn’t really be up for debate at all,” he joked with a wicked grin. 
Gaston followed his friend's eyes to the heels in question. He'd almost got used to Freddie trotting into the bar like a giant rat, last seen on a makeover TV show and, after the initial distaste, he was nearly coming to not completely dislike the fellow. After all, he had to give it to him, he usually drank the shit Gaston put in his glass. A lot of supposedly bigger blokes wouldn't.
But as always, when presented with something to pick at, Gaston did his best to join in. "Don't really think it's up for debate. They don't put them in the men's section for a reason," he said, pulling the head on the pint and pushing it over. Gaston partitioned most things in life into sections. Beer and hunting and women were men's things. Cocktails and high heels and other men were women's things. If it was something he knew his grandfather would see and grunt 'people at home wouldn't let you get away with shows like that', it probably meant it was in the wrong section. That was the thing with the country, it had grasped the natural order of things at the roots and, by right of being there first, refused to let go. Even if there was a new natural order of things called 'letting everybody bloody well get on with it'.
He shot a sideways glance at the priest, who peered over his glasses with eyes that said 'don't', and shrugged. "Bet there's a dirty corner in the Bible that the bloody do-gooders pretend isn't there anymore that says something like 'Thou shalt not tit around in your mother's clothing' and then something about death by stoning."
The Irishman made a sound at the back of his throat and shook his head. "Shame, 'at. Know he wasn' always amazin'  but was still familiar. An' a guy dyin' is jus'...shite." He didn't really know what to say to that, honestly. There were few things he really could say, beside condolences and commiseration. Errol snorted into his glass at the dismissal of his offer, nodding his head a bit and then giving a shrug. "'S a change o' pace fer ye. If he wanna stay wif me, ye can. Yer welcome tah. Yer place 'as more room, mine's cozy." The inflection on the word was intentional and he smirked a bit, wiggling his brows at the other man in a bit of a tease. He wanted him to know he understood; the offer was always open though, as was Errol's door. 
The sheriff glanced where Freddie was looking, his shoes, a bit of a frown on his face. He was confused for a second before he caught the younger man staring at a bloke behind them, eyes hard and challenging. Then he heard the commentary and grit his teeth. He would have let it go, honestly. People were going to be wankers no matter what he did or said. But hate speech was illegal in England, and it sounded like this particular strain of topic had gone on well into the evening. 
And he was off duty. 
"Why don' ye shove it where th' sun don' shine, boyo? Maybe it'll shove th' stick outta yer arse." Or push it further in and impale him. "'S none o' yer damn business." That was a warning and it would be the only one this guy would get. Errol wasn't about to badge him but if it came down to it, he would. He'd wanted a peaceful evening, some drinks with Freddie. And this is what he got. 
Errol knew Freddie could take care of himself, mumbled as much when he turned back towards him with stiffened shoulders. His eyes were hard, glaring at the barkeep as he continued on. Off to the side, he could see the local priest glaring just as crossley at the man, clear disapproval on his face. Good. At least someone else was bothered by it. 
Oi. The mouth on this bloke. 
Suddenly, William felt almost giddy. 
“No,” he said, turning to face them, looking amused, “that’s certainly not any sort of business I partake in,” his eyes flicked to the one with long hair, “’ shoving things up arses,’ as you say.” Looking back to the older man, William didn’t even try to hide the smirk that played on his lips. With a lift of his chin towards the effeminate one, he said, “However, if you’re looking for advice, I’m sure your girlfriend was working in that industry back when you still thought you were a genuine man.” 
Turning back to Gaston, William clapped his friend on the shoulder. “I’ll tell you what, chum, it’s been a busy night, you’ve been working hard--” Pulling a £20 quid from his wallet, he slid it across the bar over to Gaston. “And I hear you’re getting a bit lonely. No shame in it, my friend, no shame. Tonight, your dry-spell ends on me.” Tossing a casual glance to the man in heels as he slid over another £20, William said, “How much, darling? Seeing as this old chap can afford you, I assume it’s not much.” 
And suddenly Freddie knew this man. He’d seen him in his father’s board meetings. Read him in the comments on those videos. Glimpsed him every time he stepped out of the house in heels and had to tolerate getting looked up and down and sneered at. It just so happened tonight his patience wore from “thin” to “out”. It had been years since he had a fight, and Freddie’s palms itched. He looked down at the note and smiled, chuckling down at his chest as he took the hair band from his wrist and pulled his hair back in a bun. Didn’t want to give the prick anything loose to yank on. 
He passed Errol, cupping his cheek and leaving a quick kiss on his lips. “For you, gorgeous…” He said, voice sickly sweet as he reeled back (thumb over fingers, aim past the face, swing from the shoulder) and made contact with that crunch. The crunch that hit him harder than the coke did, with the same high. He reached out beside him and pocketed the 20. “I’d say twenty quid about covers that.” He said, stamping on the other’s foot with the high heel he’d hated so much. 
“Consider that one on the house.” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
William moved, not a lot, but he budged. The man in heels walloped a punch that hit hard enough to daze him, staying almost completely frozen in place until he felt him crush one of his toes. Another crunch. 
It won a round of “Ooooo’s” from the rest of the bar. 
Then, there was a moment of silence. He was hunched, having jolted from the pain in his foot. His vision went red, matching the blood now running from his nose onto his shirt. 
With a snarl, not unlike a growl, William glowered at the assailant. These people. Small-town nothings. He wiped his mouth against the back of his sleeve to keep from spitting. They had no idea who they were testing. 
Some idiot from across the bar shouted, “Fag!” and for a moment William wondered if he was the one being jeered at. 
He lunged.
With one hand around his attacker’s neck, while his other arm was barred against the man’s chest to block his arms, William took three massive steps forward, forcing the other man back, before throwing him down, crashing across the row of bar stools. 
Suddenly, the bar erupted into chaos. 
Errol knew what was going to happen the moment he saw Freddie's smile fall. There was something there that he had never seen before, some burning light, like anger and hatred and pain all rolled into one. It made him wonder who had caused it, made a flare of protective instinct swell in his chest. The fact that the bastard behind them had the gall to call Freddie a hooker because of his choice in footwear, then had the audacity to call Errol his John was the last straw. 
The Irishman didn't have to do much, really. He'd already shucked his coat off and tossed it over the back of his bar stool, but he unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt and rolled them all the way to his elbows anyway. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Freddie pulling his hair up. A smirk twisted his features, a stab of pride washing through him. Atta boy, he thought, ready to turn on his heel and wallop the man sound enough he'd be shitting his teeth out for a week.
Instead, Freddie's hands caught him, stilled him. They froze in time and, brow furrowing, the silver-haired man registered what he was about to do a second too late. Even if he'd wanted to stop him, he couldn't. Freddie was already reeling back and taking a swing and, fuck, what a swing it was. The lummox barely swayed, but he was dazed, and blood trickled down from his nose. The sight was satisfying to watch. 
And, then, all hell broke loose. 
Someone from the crowd around them shouted, a slur that he was all too familiar with, and the arsehole lunged. He had Freddie round the neck and slammed him into the stools. And Errol saw red. There was no hesitation, even as the bar erupted around them, as he stood, squared his stance off and kicked off the ground in a perfect arch. His dominant leg came up, whip-fast from the left,  and slammed across the back of the bloke's head.
The sheer satisfaction of watching him stumble away from Freddie wasn't enough, however. Now, Errol was looking for blood. He'd do his job in a moment. He just wanted another shot at him. Shifting his stance, the Irishman shifted back and then launched into a forward kick. His foot landed square in the man's chest. He stumbled again, backwards this time, and Errol smiled.
The message should have been clear but, if not, he was ready to go a few more rounds. 
Around them, fights were breaking out and furniture was being tossed about. Straightening, Errol fished out his badge, palmed it, and got ready to fuck up everyone's evening. 
The first kick was enough to make William forget about his original problem, one that he had not been convinced was completely dealt with yet. The second kick sent him tumbling backward over a table and crashing to the floor. 
As the brawl rushed in around them, William became separated from the couple. His head throbbed. With one hand gingerly guarding the sore spot on the back of his skull, he stumbled his way over to the far wall. Steadying himself for a moment, it took all his concentration to calm a severe wave of nausea-- a clear sign of a being concussed. 
Sensing something to his left, William snapped his attention to the man he caught in his peripheral. Claude. Gaston’s meek, nosy friend. 
William was breathing heavily, all of his senses on fire. With grunts and screams echoing across the bar he recalled Claude’s attitude towards him earlier: dismissive. Like he didn’t respect William... Most men were intimidated or awed by him, but he was seldom simply overlooked. 
Livid at the notion that he hadn’t landed a hit on his second attacker, William ached to hit the closest thing to him. With an evil smile curling around his lips, he grabbed Claude by the collar, and without exchanging so much as one word, he decked him. A solid shiner on the left eye, one hit across the face, and then he dropped the sorry man. Straightening up, William took a deep breath, re-broke his nose back into place, and then walked back into the fight. 
The priest had been watching the altercation across the bar from a distance, eyes drawn there originally by Gaston's purposeful commentary. He had originally come to the bar that evening to visit with his friend, perhaps study for his upcoming exams. What he had not expected, however, was the surly man Gaston had latched onto to be there. He certainly hadn't expected to be accosted, either, though Clayton's entire being reeked of self-importance and booze. 
A pitiful combination and a cowardly one, at that. It reminded Claude so viscerally of Laurent that the man had found himself shying away, purposefully avoiding that side of the bar all evening. He'd listened as Clayton and, following his poor example, Gaston spoke ill of not only the magicks in town but of numerous other "ingrates." Though Clayton hadn't used the word (and Claude wondered  if he even possessed the vocabulary to understand what it meant, let alone use it) the meaning was there all the same. 
When he went after that man in the high heels, Claude's gut sank into the bar floor. 
When the man's companion retaliated and the bar erupted into chaos Claude's heart leapt into his throat. He would have stayed where he was, away from the fight that had his hands shaking and his anxiety skyrocketing, but another patron had been thrown into his table. The priest scrambled away only to be dragged up into the air by his collar. He could see above the crowd, the sea of fists, and was staring into the pure malice of Clayton's face. 
Whatever he had done to incite such a reaction (beyond ignore him entirely), Claude flinched away from the man's fist as it came crashing into his face, a blow that cut open the skin across his cheekbone and had his left eye throbbing in pain. If he'd had his glasses on, they would have shattered. From the feeling of it, he knew from experience that it would swell and that his face would be mottled black and blue come the morning. 
Temporarily unbalanced, the priest crumpled to the floor. He narrowly missed another patron's booted foot kicking him in the groin. It caught his ribs instead with a harsh thud! Curling in on himself and breathing shallowly now from the pain, Claude dragged himself upwards and towards the bar. 
He didn't realize there were glass shards caught in his hands, falling from his clothing, from the bottles and glasses that had been smashed by the brawl. 
The barman watched the scene quickly unfold in front of him. He'd seen fights before. Two separate people on two separate occasions had had their ears bitten off outside his pub. But they tended to be small things. If people got involved, they got involved because they were good friends of the participants. And if he got involved, it was only to take bets from the gathering crowd of onlookers. He'd never seen a fight like this. Likely, he imagined, because the best part of his patrons had been coming since it opened, another part had been dragged along as wives and children of said patrons, and the rest had come for a cheap but relatively tasty meal. Or so he thought. Apparently today they'd decided to air their age old grievances with the crowd.
An American movie style brawl. The first and probably the last in the bar's history.
He would have laughed if it wasn't for the crunch of a table halfway across the room and the sight of someone picking up their plate and stepping back from the impending doom as their peas tumbled across the floor. Well, and the shame. The little voice in his head that sounded like his mother but was probably actually just the shadow of his conscience sighed. 'This was supposed to be a family pub,' it said. 'How do you expect ladies to want to come here when you let things like this-'
The thought was cut off however by the sight of the priest raising into the air, acquiring a nice purple bruise and falling back into the crowd. Gaston found him a moment later scrambling across the floor towards the bar and, when he was in arm's reach, hauled him by the scruff of his shirt over the counter.
Boy o' boy would there be some reckoning. 
He was already writing the banning notices in his head and totting up the furniture and utensils he was going to be putting on a certain Frederick's tab. And that was the least of it.
But for the moment, he crouched with the priest, his fingers taking his chin and pulling back his hair a little to expose the damage. He'd seen a hard punch and received a few himself. It looked bad. Worse than bad. Even so, it wasn't life threatening.
"Stay there," he grunted, pulling the crow bar that his father had kept under the bar for events like this and thought for a moment on what exactly he was going to do.
The chaos that had erupted around him and Freddie, while separating the two a bit, also kept that arsehole away from the other man. That was fine with him. But he also figured that, without Freddie or Errol himself to beat on, the bloke would find another target. Call it a bit of a hunch but he'd been around the block a time or two. He knew his type. If you couldn't hit one weaker person, you hit another. Made you feel powerful or some such bollocks. 
To Errol, it was cowardly.
The sheriff was proven right or, at least, he thought he was. He could see the priest scrambling across the bar floor when there was a break in the mob. Though he was a bit away from him, Errol could plainly see the already swelling face and the blood, the cuts and the fear in his eyes. Something glazed over, like. It was a look he'd seen countless times, for different reasons, and it made anger well up in his belly. 
The priest was pulled behind the bar by the owner and Errol made a mental note to ask the man how he was fairing after this was all cleaned up.
His badge was still in his hand but Errol had to shove it into the front pocket of his jeans. Needed both hands to be able to push through the crowd. If he needed to he was gonna hop up on the ruddy bar to get their attention. And that was his plan until someone laid into him from the side, a right hook that caught him on the chin. It barely moved him, really, but it pissed him off. He just wanted to get back to Freddie and he considered ignoring it but he knew the dumbarse might be drunk enough to try to follow. 
"Swing at me again, boyo, I dare yah," he growled, eyes bright with anger. Whatever the man saw on his face made him back away, but the snarl stayed as he stalked the way he'd been heading, a fair bit satisfied that his old commander's voice had worked. 
Freddie wasn’t sure where Errol was in the mob, but it had been a long time since he’d been in a proper bar fight, and now he just wanted blood. He broke the nose of the man that pulled his hair, broke the foot of the one that went for his gut, and almost clawed an eye out of the man who spat at him. He could taste blood, and feel his cheek split and throbbing, but he felt alive. 
He was laughing, high and loud, spitting blood at the floor and continuing to laugh, adrenaline coursing through him at a brutal pace. It was chaos. Absolute warfare. No matter how feminine he presented, the testosterone, the drive to conquer had taken a front seat in his mind. So after a brief pause for breath, and with his mascara smudged down his face, he dove back into the fight. He heard Errol snarl from somewhere close behind him and for a moment was sobered by the thought of how much trouble he’d be in when all of this calmed down. 
Max was technically off duty. Not by much, but technically he was off duty. He fancied a drink, and knew Gaston’s was a sound place. Not many women or men interested in men, but Max wasn’t out on the pull, he just wanted a quiet pint and a de-stress from the mountain of paperwork he’d had to endure today. He knew Errol would only be breathing down his neck if he didn’t get it done. 
Max could hear a ruckus from outside, but hadn’t realised he was stepping right into World War Three. 
So much for a quiet pint.
He saw Errol’s head bob up out of the fray and elbowed his way through the jumped-up wannabe Hard Men™ to grab his boss by the shoulder of his shirt. “Oi, need some backup?” He asked, catching sight of Gaston as well, giving him a certain nod to let him know he had things under control now… or would do, shortly. 
With his head just above the line of the bar, Gaston spotted the policeman enter the pub, meeting his gaze for a moment. From what he could tell, there were at least two of them. Though he wasn't sure he trusted either of them to slow the crowd down. There were too many people and not enough of them.
Besides, he had his part to play and he wanted to hit at least one person for ruining his bar.
After a moment's breath, he leapt onto the counter, wielding the crowbar and staring into the middle of the crowd. "OKAY!" He yelled, though at first, no one turned. So he picked up a glass and threw it directly at the head of a nearby patron. "I SAID. O. K."
For a second the noise lulled as a few heads turned his way and he gave the weapon a demonstrative swing. "IF YOU ALL DON'T STOP THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW, I'M GONNA COME DOWN THERE AND START BREAKING SOME KNEECAPS." His jaw twitched. "AND JUST FOR REFERENCE, THAT'LL BE AFTER THOSE BASTARDS HAVE ARRESTED YOU."
It was too easy. 
William grabbed the collar of one bloke and punched his lights out, knocking him into two more sorry fools. He had lost track of who his friends were supposed to be in this fight and who he should’ve been aiming for.
But that was the best kind of fight, wasn’t it? A free for all. 
It meant anyone who came within a five-foot radius of him was getting hit. 
From what he could tell, the worst of his injuries was a cut on the back of his head. Some idiot had smashed a glass against his skull. “Are you trying to turn this into a knife fight?” He had roared in a blind rage as he threw the man over the bar, smashing… too much glass in the process. 
Suddenly someone in the background was bellowing. Usually a sign of someone wanting a challenge, or that the police had shown up. 
He looked up to see it was Gaston. 
Deciding that the fight, or at least the better part of it, was over, William dropped the guy he’d been holding up about to punch. Wiping the blood from his nose with the back of his sleeve, William sniffed and waited for Gaston’s cue.  
The next hour passed in a blur of silver stars and blue uniforms, all of whom he was trying his best to avoid. And too, it seemed, were the best part of the pub's patrons - bloodied and blue and running home to bed. They'd never find all of them and for that he was thankful. After all, police were bad for the health.
He waited until the sheriff was out of the building and slowly pulled the door to, trying not to think about just what the inside of his bar would look like when he turned around.
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segledepericles · 6 years
6th song of Clara Peya’s album Estómac: El teu refugi (“Your refuge”) for @toofarforgotten90. Lyrics in Catalan and translation to English:
Et penses que estàs sola You think you are alone
però et veig per un forat but I see you through a hole
mentre el temps s'atura i l'espai es converteix en il·limitat. while time stops and space becomes unlimited.
T'ha costat, tens molta gent parlant It’s been difficult for you, you have a lot of people talking
però has marxat but you left
només el cos resta congelat only the body remains frozen
i amb ulls de gat et cerques and with cat’s eyes you look for yourself
no saps què estàs buscant you don’t know what you’re looking for
i jo et segueixo la mirada and I follow you with my glance
al teu refugi que m'agrada tant to your refuge which I like so much
m'invento que una altra vida va ser un poema que no funciona I make up that in another life it was a poem that doesn’t work
i els teus ulls amaguen coses que només saben les ones. and your eyes hide things that only the waves know.
Digue'm què volen els teus ulls, Tell me what your eyes want,
I digue'm què troben a faltar, And tell me what they miss,
Digue'm què hi ha a l'horitzó Tell me what is in the horizon
que et du sense retorn that takes you with no return
més lluny del meridià. farther than the meridian.
I amb les pupil·les dilatades And with dilated pupils
trenques les parets del bar you break the walls of the bar
són dues fletxes disparades, they’re two shot arrows,
necessiten veure el mar. they need to see the sea.
Pou immens on els records es fan presents en un instant An immense well where the memories appear for an instant
i aquells records que t'asfixiaven and those memories that asphyxiated you
aquí tenen tot l'espai here have all the room
per plorar si cal to cry, if needed,
o callar or go silent
veig que ens els teus ulls hi ha massa coses que no es poden explicar I see that in your eyes there are too many things that cannot be explained
per trobar tanta bellesa en el dolor to find so much beauty in pain
que quan parlen les fissures that when the fissures speak
l'iris canvia de color. the iris changes colour.
Digue'm què volen els teus ulls, Tell me what your eyes want,
I digue'm què troben a faltar, And tell me what they miss,
Digue'm què hi ha a l'horitzó Tell me what is in the horizon
que et du sense retorn that takes you with no return
més lluny del meridià. to the other side of the meridian.
Portes l'iris tatuat You have your iris tattooed
per una vivència del passat by an experience from the past
que tu no pots ni recordar which you can’t even remember
però et fa sentir aquest buit but it makes you feel this emptiness
que només omple el més enllà. which only the Great Beyond can fill.
Digue'm què volen els teus ulls, Tell me what your eyes want,
Què troben a faltar els teus ulls. what your eyes miss.
Els teus ulls. Your eyes.
Digue'm. Tell me.
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Post-rock & Post-metal: The 50 Best Releases of 2018 [THE LARGER SHORTLIST OF ALMOST 300]
This coming Monday, 17th of December, we’ll publish our selection of the 50 best post-rock and post-metal releases to come out of 2018. There were over 700 releases on our original list, which was later narrowed down to a shortlist of nearly 300. The upcoming “50 Best” list was culled from this shortlist of nearly 300 releases, which you can see below if you want to use it for some purpose. If you don’t want to miss the upcoming “50 Best” list, you can follow the links below: facebook.com/postrock.instrumental twitter.com/postrock_music facebook.com/arcticdrones twitter.com/arcticdrones --- FULL LIST 1099 – Blindpassasjer 42DE – Fall Of The Moon A Film In Color – They March In Endless Circles A Storm Of Light – Anthroscene A World In Grayscale – The Process Of Passing Time Aesthesys – Achromata Aikira – Light Cut All You’ve Seen –  Synopsis XVI Anatomy Of The Bear – Alysu Antarte – Isole Antorchas – Aphelion April Rain – To Whom It May Concern Arcadian Waves – Above The Mountains Archelon – Tribe Of Suns Ares One – Optimist Arhios – Arhios Around The World In 80 Days – Dissonance Astodan – Ameratat Astronauta Marinho – Perspecta A-Sun Amissa – Ceremony In The Stillness Augure – Omina Aurora Borealis – Goodbye Autumn Creatures – Funeral Garden   Autumn Moonlight – Passangers Babel Fish – Follow Me When I Leave Baikonur – Nihil Per Saltum Bear The Mammoth – Years Under Glass Below A Silent Sky – A View From Afar Beyond The Event Horizon – Far Blanket – How To Let Go Bound – No Beyond BRUIT – Monolith Built-In Obsolescence – Instar Cataya – Firn Cats Never Die – Stay At Home Cavern – Eater Celestial Wolves – Call Of The Void CEVEO – Jordsand Charus – Mundus Cereris Ciempies – Intérprete Del Espacio Circadian Eyes – A Future Nostalgic City Of The Lost – Master Martin Rescue Cloud Anthems – Areté Coastlands – The Further Still Cold, Cold Heart – Arch Craters – Laurentian Abyss Crippled Black Phoenix – Great Escape Crno Dete – Neponovljivo Crows In The Rain — Ashes Of The Past Culak – Oblivion Dan Caine – Nocturne   Darius – Clôture Dark Matter – The Sovereign Night Darker Shapes – Kavik Dawnlit – True North DDENT – Toro Deafheaven – Ordinary Corrupt Human Love   Degree Of Arc – Raptures Dep – We Are The Lights That Will Not Go Out Des Astres – Des Plans Sur La Comète Dios Trio – II Distant Dream – Your Own Story Doomina – Orenda Doppälgängär – Melencholia Dûrga – De Lira Ire Earthholder – There Will Be A Future Edelveiss – Skull   Efrim Manuel Menuck – Pissing Stars Eigengrau – Radiant El Ten Eleven – Banker’s Hill El Tubo Elástico – Impala Elephant Gym – Underwater Elhombreanormal – La Unión De Distintos Vientos Elizabeth The Last – Elizabeth The Last   Empathy Forever Empty – All Monsters Are Human Encircling Sea – Hearken Epic45 – Through Broken Summer Feed Me To The Waves –  Before This Wilderness Consumes Us FERE – Montedor Feroces – Josephine First Came The Shadow – Premonition Flares –  Allegorhythms Floating In Space – Dreamland Follows – Nyctophile For Dummies – For Dummies Forest Mountain – Prisma Foxhole – Well Kept Thing   From Oceans To Autumn – Leave Me Here Future Usses – The Existential Haunting Gespenst – Oblivion Gift Of Blindness – Wasteland Giraffes? Giraffes! – Memory Lame Girih – Eigengrau   Glasir – New Dark Age God Is An Astronaut – Epitaph Grand Tétras – Abiogenèse Grito – Endless Grottos – Тетис / Tethys H A : Z E – Passage Hæster – All Anchors No Sails Halocraft – Chains For The Sea Hammock – Far Cry 5 Presents: We Will Rise Again (OST) Hammock – Universalis Hauste – Leavings Have The Moskovik – Papier Vinyle Heklaa – 1491 Hesperian Death Horse – Živ Hold Down The Ocean – The Symmetry Of Odd Numbers Holy Fawn – Death Spells Hope The Flowers/Pleiades – Gates To Universe HUEY – MA Human Factor – Let Nature Take Its Course Hundred Year Old Man – Breaching Hyedra – Hyedra I Am No Hero – Cyberpunk   I Am Wolves – ABCD IAH – II   If Only The Trees – Drop The Air Il Giardino Degli Specchi – Oltremare Illus Teller – The Backup Imploding Stars – Riverine Indignu – Umbra Infinite Third – Listen(Ing) Ingrina – Etter Lys Inspirative – Inertia Pt.1 Isles – Remnants Isola – Isola ISON – Andromeda Skyline Jean Jean – Froidepierre Jeffk – Inadequate Shelter Jet Plane – Falls Feather John Malkovitch! – The Irresistible New Cult Of Selenium JYOCHO – A Parallel Universe EP JYOCHO – The Beautiful Cycle Of Terminal Kalte Sonne – Ekumen Kaschalot – Whale Songs KHARA – Heaven Can Wait Khöbalt – The Sky Is Dead Kiova – An End In Motion Lake Of Licks – Blue Lang –  There Is No Reply But Sweet Wind Blew Lasitud – Lasitud Last Of Us – Swarm Le Temps Du Loup – Cardinal Le_Mol – Heads Heads Heads Leech – For Better Or For Worse Legendary Skies – Navigation Leonov – Wake Lights & Motion – Bloom Lobo Estepario – Los Que Bailan En Las Sombras Locktender – Friedrich Locomotora – Vuodet, Vuoret Long Distance Calling – Boundless Longlake – Beyond The Sun Loud Exit – Loud Exit Lowercase Noises – The Ironic Distance Macondø – Macondø Magdalena Gornik – Dream Sequence Collapse Man Mountain – Infinity Mirror Mass Culture – Primal | Ephemeral Massa – Walls Medussa –  LA PALABRA HA MUERTO Mesozoic – Earth Alone Message In A Cloud – Anassa Milanku – Monument Du Non-Être & Mouvement Du Non-Vivant Minsk / Zatokrev – BIGOD Modsdive – Four Wet Hands Moe’s – Smiles & Scars Mogwai – Kin Montaña – Coordenadas Morrow – The Weight Of These Feathers Mountaineer – Passages Movement Of Static – Naegleria Murmure – Nos Idées Fantômes Musatov Brothers – Existential Crisis Nautilus – The Oceanwalker Ninth Moon Black – Amaranthine Noorvik – Noorvik Northerner – Northerner Ocean Districts – Doomtowns   Of Two Minds – Of Two Minds Ohgod – The Great Silence Ok Seas – Ok Seas Old Faith – Old Faith Old Seas Young Mountains – Seasons Once Upon A Winter – .Existence Orellana – 52 Orphans Of Doom – Strange Worlds/Fierce Gods Osorezan – Osorezan OTHRS – Broken Dialogue Paraphon Tree – Aura Pershagen – Tarfala Pijn – Loss Planisphere – Into The Known Prune Deer – Chemistry 化學 Raedsel – A Simple Act Of Redirection Rammen – The Echo & The System Raum Kingdom – Everything & Nothing Reaching 62 F – Chronicles Of A Dying Sun Red Apollo – The Laurels Of Serenity Reformat – The Singularity Respire – Dénouement Riah – Autumnalia Rilf – Three Stories For Numbers RLYR – Actual Existence Rocket Miner – The Long Goodbye Roots And Ruins – Die Right Rostres – Les Corps Flottants Sagor Som Leder Mot Slutet – II Sairen – Neige Nuit Sejd – Ben & Hjärta Set And Setting – Tabula Rasa Seul Ocean – Je Fais Revivre Shadow Universe – Speaking For Clouds Ships Fly Up – Dream Maker Sinistro – Sangue Cassia Six Months Of Sun – Below The Eternal Sky Sky Flying By – (Re)Routed Sleep Dealer – Memories So Far As I Know –  Fragments: Disclosure Sojus3000 – Wanderers Soldat Hans – Es Taut SOM – The Fall Sonance – To Possess You Entirely Sondrous – Something Like Serenity Sons Of Alpha Centauri – Continuum Spurv – Myra Standish Hall – Standish Hall   Startle The Heavens – Canyons Straya – Sobereyed Subnoir – A Long Way From Home Summer Effect – Reverie Sunstare – Eroded   Taller Than The Trees – Hubris EP Talons – We All Know Tangled Thoughts Of Leaving – No Tether The American Dollar – You're Listening The Clouds Will Clear – Recollection Of What Never Was The Fog Ensemble – Throbs The Man Within – The Man Within   The Ocean – Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic The Sun Burns Bright – Through Dusk, Came The Light There’s A Light – A Long Lost Silence This Will Destroy You – New Others Part One This Will Destroy You – New Others Part Two This World Has Bees – Nearer Those Who Dream By Day – Glad To Be... Tide/Edit – All My Friends Tides Of Man – Every Nothing To Those Who Exist – BAIAME Toe – Our Latest Number Tomorrow We Sail – The Shadows Toundra – Vortex Trees Die Standing – Trees Die Standing Triple Deer – Urban Shepherd Trna – Earthcult Tsima – Koniec Twin Speak – Soulss Umber –  This Earth To Another URO – CABBA! Us, Today – Computant Velns Viņu Zin – Posts Versa – Versa Violet Cold – Sommermorgen Trilogy Vorcha – Liberosis Vy Pole – Like You Say Wang Wen – Invisible City WANHEDA – The Cenozoic Implosion Warm Shelter – Reflections Way Station –  The Way Of Minstrel We Made God – Beyond The Pale We Were Heading North – Lightness Weary Eyes – True North Wess Meets West – A Light Within The Fracture Whale Fall – Sondersongs White Lion Parade – Cloudlines   Widek – Dream Reflection Winter Dust – Sense By Erosion Winterlight – The Longest Sleep Through The Darkest Days World’s End Girlfriend – Meguri Wrekmeister Harmonies – The Alone Rush YNICORNS – Intervals Zommm – Reality Is An Illusion 昴宿 Pleiades – 致未來 For The Future
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Star Sightings: Katie Holmes Stylishly Steps Out, Gabrielle Union & Dwyane Wade Party With Rick Ross & More!
The temps are starting to heat up and celebs' sartorial styles aren't cooling down! Katie Holmes rocked a pretty navy blue asymmetrical JD Williams jumpsuit for a photo shoot in New York City.
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Sophie Fritz
Heidi Klum went even bolder, topping her outfit with a bright green “Henny Faux Fur” trench coat from KUT from the Cloth while on the set of Germany's Next Top Model in Santa Monica, California, in early June. The 45-year-old model’s stylist, Rob Zangardi, originally got the jacket as a gift for Cara Delevingne, but Klum fell in love with it, so he gave it to her instead!
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Rob Zangardi
Shay Mitchell kept warm in some, well, not-so-cold temps by layering with a jacket by Canadian designer Ellie Mae. “When it’s 52° in the morning and mid-70s by lunchtime, a faux fur jacket with a crop top, seems sensible👌,” the Pretty Little Liars alum joked on Instagram on June 6.
When it’s 52° in the morning and mid-70s by lunchtime, a faux fur jacket with a crop top, seems sensible👌🏽
A post shared by Shay Mitchell (@shaymitchell) on Jun 6, 2018 at 2:17pm PDT
Younger star Nico Tortorella rocked the Teva Hurricane XLT-2 when he stopped by the shoe brand’s Festival Gifting Suite at New York City’s Extra Butter on May 30.
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Kimberly Mufferi
Cara Santana donned a pretty burnt orange dress for POPSUGAR x Winemaker's Selection Launch at A.O.C in Los Angeles on May 24.
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Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for POPSUGAR
On fashion's biggest night, the 2018 CFDA Fashion Awards in New York City on June 4, Rosario Dawson was among the celebs who snagged a complimentary LYFT to get home safely following the after-party in New York City.
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Madison McGaw/BFA
And Miles Heizer, Derek Luke, Alisha Boe, Katherine Langford and Dylan Minnette all looked quite nice at the 13 Reasons Why ATAS FYC Event held at Netflix FYSee at Raleigh Studios in Los Angeles on June 1.
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Eric Charbonneau
Workouts were on the brain of Hollywood's elite as well.
Jordana Brewster enjoyed a day at the horse stable with her family in Los Angeles last week, where she exclusively revealed her favorite go-to beauty trends to ET. "I love Fascia massages. They really get deep into your muscles, even more than a deep tissue massage. This massage really helps stretch your muscles when you are tight and extra sore," the 38-year-old actress, who works out six days a week, explained. “I am also loving dry brushing because it really gets your circulation and lymphatic system going." The Lethal Weapon star also revealed that "allergies are a challenge all year round" for her.  "Whether I’m heading to the Farmers Market with my kids or trying to exercise outdoors, my runny nose and watery eyes can be really disruptive, but, thankfully, I take ZYRTEC to give me consistent allergy relief," she added.
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Michael Simon/Startraks Photo
Also in the City of Angels, American Woman co-stars Kyle Richards and Jennifer Bartels hosted a panel at Flywheel’s Larchmont studio on what it means to be a woman in 2018.
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Lauren Katz
Rather than hit the gym, James Franco, New York Mets pitcher Noah Syndergaard and NBA trainer Chris Brickley took in a game, watching the NBA Finals together at The Ainsworth East Village in New York City on June 2.
Andy Cohen was also in the Big Apple, enjoying a birthday lunch with his parents and a friend at Black Tap Craft Burgers & Beer's Midtown Manhattan outpost on June 1, where he ate an All-American Burger and drank seltzer one day before turning the big 5-0. And Michael Kors dined at NYC’s db Bistro Moderne by Daniel Boulud for a quiet lunch with a small group of colleagues on June 1, enjoying restaurant classics like the Original DB Burger and the Peekytoe Crab & Avocado Tartine.
There were plenty of parties and performances going on not just in New York and Hollywood, but Las Vegas and Miami as well.
Fresh off a romantic vacay, Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade partied with Rick Ross at Rockwell Nightclub in Miami Beach on June 2.
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Seth Browarnik/Worldredeye.com
Hailee Steinfeld and birthday girl Normani were in the audience for the Jennifer Lopez: All I Have residency at Zappos Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas on May 30, posting snaps to social media as they took in the show.
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Hailee Steinfeld/Instagram
Logic returned to the stage at Drai’s Nightclub atop The Cromwell in Las Vegas on June 1, wowing the crowd with hits like “Everyday” and “1-800-273-8255.” After his show, which was taken in by the likes of San Francisco wide receiver Pierre Garcon, Oakland Raiders wide receiver Martavis Bryant and DJ Henry Fong, the rapper chilled in a stageside VIP booth with friends.
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Tony Tran Photography
Jhene Aiko also had a big night out at The Cromwell over the weekend, celebrating a friend’s bachelorette party at an exclusive dancefloor booth during her boyfriend, Big Sean’s, performance at Drai’s LIVE.
Tyga closed out Memorial Day weekend on May 27 at Oxford Social Club at Pendry San Diego, performing his hits like “Rack City” and “Faded” and inviting a few partygoers onstage when he introduced his new single, “Taste.”
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Oxford Social Club
Rapper Pusha-T hosted Beats by Dre's Governors Ball party at PHD Rooftop Lounge at Dream Downtown in New York City on June 1, ending his performance with “Infrared,” the song that started the recent drama between him and Drake.
Ty Dolla $ign got the crowd pumped at Jammcard's private JammJam event at Capitol Records in Los Angeles on June 3.
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Rodjiana Munoz
Ben Rector hit the stage at a Spotify Secret Show at Nashville’s Bits & Pieces Antique Boutique on May 23, performing songs like "Brand New" and "When a Heart Breaks" off his upcoming album, Magic, which drops June 22.
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Destiny J. Keller
Betty Who performed at Moonlight Rollerway in Los Angeles to celebrate the launch of Henry’s Hard Sparkling Water.
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And Antonio Banderas hopped in the DJ booth during the Miami Fashion Week Designers Dinner at the Doheny Room at Delano on May 31.
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Seth Browarnik/Worldredeye.com
Plenty more stars were out and about for fun events.  Lauren Bushnell and her pals attended a brunch at Skin Laundry's new headquarters in Newport Beach's Lido Marina Village on June 4 to celebrate the launch of her new wine line, Dear Rosé, just a few days ahead of National Rosé Day.
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Sydney Wallace
Paris Hilton chatted with fellow dog advocate Megan O'Brien about her hound accessory, the Dogipack, during a wellness event at her mom, Kathy Hilton’s, home in Bel-Air, California, on May 26.
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Katrina Bowden celebrated the opening of the La Fete french cocktail bar, a new hot spot from IB Hospitality Founder Rohan Talwar, in West Hollywood on May 31.
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La Fete
Tamera Mowry was the keynote speaker at Fashion Mamas: Mamas Making It Summit at the Line Hotel in Los Angeles on June 3.
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Jacky Andrews
Mom-to-be Christine Lakin showed off her growing baby bump at Neocell presents Bloom Summit by New Bloom Media, sponsored by Mychelle Beauty, Radar Roller and more, at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills on June 2.
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Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for Bloom Summit
After all that fun comes some R&R!
Actress Leven Rambin enjoyed a late 28th birthday celebration with boyfriend Tilky Jones at Aqua Beach Resort Cancun in late May, enjoying the beach and lounge around their Presidential Suite’s rooftop hot tub and leaving the resort to explore the Mayan ruins in nearby Tulum and Cenote Chaak Tun in Playa del Carmen during their week-long stay.
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Karla Ruiz
Red Hot Paris’ Ashley Hutson snapped a selfie with a clean-shaven Robert Pattinson at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France, on June 1.
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Red Hot Paris
Real Housewives of New Jersey star Melissa Gorga visited plastic surgeon Dr. Ramtin Kassir for Botox and Photo-Facial procedures in early June.
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Astrit Sabani
Plus, Kyle Busch’s wife, Samantha Busch, grabbed new Walmart Family Mobile smartphones from a Walmart in Charlotte, North Carolina.
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Michael Simon
For even more must-see star sightings, click through the gallery below.
Star Sightings: Drake Parties It Up, Jessica Biel Hits Up Vegas, Emily Ratajkowski Works Out & More!
Katie Holmes and Daughter Suri Cruise Enjoy Glam Night Out at the Ballet: Pics!
Bella Hadid, Lili Reinhart and More Look Stunning at the Dior Beauty Backstage Launch Party
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Res està escrit, by the Valencian rap band Atupa. I love this song and I’ve wanted to share it for a long time, so finally here it is! The song is very cheerful and always makes me feel good, I hope you all like it as much as I do ^^
Here’s the original lyrics in Valencian/Catalan and the translation to English.
Estic cansat de fer plans, I’m tired of making plans,
d’oblidar el que va passant en el precís moment, of forgetting what is happenning in that exact moment,
pensant en què passarà, on estarem, thinking of what will happen, where will we be,
quan tinc fred vull calor i quan és estiu vull que arribe l’hivern. when I’m cold I want heat and when it’s summer I want winter to come. Mai estic content amb el que passa, I’m never happy with what happens,
cansat de perdre el hui per pensar en el demà, tired of losing today thinking about tomorrow,
que no vull desaprofitar més anys I don’t want to waste more years
que vaig a disfrutar de tots els instants. I’m going to enjoy every instant.
Que allò que esperes és algo que està absent, That thing you wait for is absent,
però el present és teu, deixa’t endur, but the present is yours, let it take you,
que tot passa com si no hagués passat, everything happens as if it hadn’t happened,
ei tu, que la llibertat no està envoltada per murs. hey you, freedom is not surrounded by walls.
Lluitem pel que ens quede per fer, Let’s fight for what we have left to do,
vull fer-ho tot hui per si no hi ha un demà, I want to do it all today in case there’s no tomorrow,
els somnis són teus, compleix-los i creu, the dreams are yours, make them true and believe,
sols vull gaudir de tot els temps que em queda. I only want to enjoy all the time that I have left. Em queda el record dels qui ja no estan I still have the memory of those who aren’t with us anymore
la incertesa de qui seria jo, si estigueren al meu costat, the uncertainty of who would I be if they were next to me,
sóc jove, en constant aprenentatge, I’m young, constantly learning,
i està bé saber que he comés infinitat d’errades. and it’s okay to know that I have made an infinity of mistakes.
Seguiré lluitant per la meua parla, I will keep fighting for my language,
els meus projectes, tot el que estem construint, my projects, everything we’re building,
que no tinc germans de sang però si de tinta ‘cause I don’t have brothers of blood but I do have [brothers] of ink
i ganes de menjar-me el món amb el poc que tinc. and I feel like taking on the world with the little I have.
Que vull sentir la pluja al dormir, sentir-me viu, I want to feel the rain as I sleep, feel myself alive,
somriure quan el mal s’apodere de mi, smile when wrong takes over me,
adonar-me de què hi ha un terme mig, realise that there’s a middle point,
lluitant pels ideals que m’han fet estar ací. fighting for the ideals that made me be here. (Chorus)
Que no em vaig a preocupar pel que la gent pense de mi, I’m not going to worry about what people think of me,
un fracàs és un lliçó, tan sols vull sentir-me viu, a failure is a lesson, I only want to feel alive,
que vull volar, amb la música donant-me l’impuls, I want to fly, with music driving me,
si sóc qui sóc és per la gent que m’envolta, i tu? if I am who I am it’s for the people who surround me, and you?
vine amb mi a compartir el camí come with me to share the path
de forats i pedres que ja ens proposàrem seguir, of holes and stones that we intended to follow,
que la por ja la tenen, la temblor ja la notem. ‘cause they already have the fear, we already feel the trembling.
I és que la vida va i canvia, And life goes and changes,
res és com pensares ací res està escrit, nothing is as you thought, here nothing has been written
avui serem l’amenaça, today we will be the threat
del temps i la nostàlgia, vull pensar en el hui. of times and melancholy, I want to think of today.
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praza-catalunya · 5 years
Guerrero Medina, artista nin utópico nin apocalíptico
Por que no século XXI un creador plástico quere reinterpretar a Velázquez? Será certo que todas e todos os pintores, en conxunto, miran de plasmar o mesmo ao longo dos tempos? Cada pintor –ao tempo-- está toda a vida a facer o mesmo cadro? A Fundació Vila Casas sorprende –outra volta-- cunha antolóxica potente do artista Guerrero Medina. Compromiso social e virtuosismo estético percorren lenzos e outros soportes á procura dos retratos das teimas de cadaquén.
Lito Caramés
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Guerrero Medina. Camí de l'exili, 1975
Guerrero Medina – El meu compromís. Fundació Vila Casas. Exilis
El seu ofici artístic que es va fonamentar en l’assumpció d’un cert llegat de la tradició expressionista reconfigurada amb una proposta neofigurativa en què el paisatge i la figura humana tenien una centralitat indiscutible, a principis del segle XXI redirigeix el seu esforç i esguard cap a la història amb majúscula, però fixant l’atenció en les conseqüències que els grands esdeveniments històrics tenen sobre les persones. (Jordi Font, 2014).
José María Guerrero Medina (Jaén, 1942), pintor desde os anos sesenta da pasada centuria, é unha persoa sensible afectada polos acontecementos que rodean o seu vivir. Máis ca outros creadores. Na ampla mostra que agora lle dedica a Fundació Vila Casas nos seus Espais Volart --Guerrero Medina–El meu compromís-- hai moitas pezas dunha das súas series máis recentes: Exilis. No ano 2014 o Museu Memorial de l’Exili (MUME), radicado na vila de La Jonquera, fronteira con Francia, organizou precisamente unha mostra de Guerrero Medina co devandito título, e moitas das pezas proveñen da mesma. Cómpre aclarar, tamén, que as orixes desta serie arrinca da mostra Batecs de Memòria que se fixo no Museu d’Història de Catalunya no ano 2001. Desde entón e ata agora estas pezas teñen pasado por outras exposicións.
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Guerrero Medina. Muerte de un Miliciano, 2009
Guerrero Medina leu e estudou documentos para coñecer exactamente a traxedia da retirada das tropas e civís republicanos polas fronteiras naqueles xaneiro e febreiro de 1939. Fuxindo da morte segura, e procurando no país que proclamara Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, unha vida digna, atopáronse recluídos en praias e nas peores condicións. O pintor de Jaén plasma con toda a crueza esas realidades. Na longa serie Exilis, hai fileiras de persoas marchando por camiños de montaña, como formigas. Hai mulleres e homes arrimados a barreiras de arame con espiños buscando a liberdade. Relacionadas coa serie hai todo un estudo da famosa fotografía de Robert Capa, Muerte de un Miliciano, aquel soldado republicano que cae ferido en Cerro Muriano (Córdoba). Nos anos 2011 e 2012 o MNAC programou dúas importantes exposicións temporais sobre as fotografías da Guerra Civil Española de Robert Capa e Gerda Taro (Això és la guerra e mais La Maleta Mexicana). Coas versións en tinta chinesa sobre esta fotografía, Guerrero Medina estuda non as formas externas, senón a dor, a tensión corporal; a alma do soldado caendo. Sobre estes dous grandes fotógrafos (Robert Capa e Gerda Taro) hai publicada unha biografía ben novelada: Esperando a Robert Capa, de Susana Fortes.
Na serie Exilis, o autor de Pintant a Velázquez elabora moitos, moitos retratos de persoas anónimas, de mareas humanas que, con poucos trazos e cores apagados, marchan en ringleiras interminables. Por haber agora na Vila Casas hai ata un recipiente transparente inzado de area da praia de Argelers, areal tristemente coñecido por ser un dos lugares onde os franceses amorearon as persoas que fuxían da represión e do vandalismo. Algunhas das pezas desta serie tan dura están resoltas por vieiros que tamén outros artistas atoparon. É o caso de Anxo Baranga, que no ano 2006 creou varias pezas para a serie Na Procura dun País, nas que tamén se amosan os exilios forzados de tantas e tantas comunidades.
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 Anxo Baranga. Na Procura dun País, 2006
Guerrero Medina – El meu compromís. Fundació Vila Casas versus MACBA?
Arribats en aquest punt, hi ha qui es compromet a expressar-se segons el camí que li és propi, tot i que no resta aliè als corrents i modes del seu temps, prefereix seguir el curs que li dicta la seva pròpia enegia. Jo hi crec, en aquest compromís. (Guerrero Medina, 2019).
A Fundació Vila Casas, que leva tantos anos facendo unha inmensa traballeira para potenciar as actividades artísticas feitas en Cataluña e en presentar esas creacións ao público, enche agora os andares dos Espais Volart cunha antolóxica, Guerrero Medina–El meu compromís, onde se poden contemplar (e valorar) as realizacións de Guerrero desde os anos 60. En total Vila Casas mostra máis de 120 pezas, a meirande parte son pinturas de grandes dimensións, aínda que tamén están presentes esculturas, acuarelas ou traballos con tinta chinesa.
É doado ir repasando series e, con non estar organizada a mostra polos ditados da cronoloxía, si é posible repasar as evolucións estilísticas deste home que bebeu as realidades rurais xienenses dos anos 40, e posteriores, e que logo veu vivir a Barcelona, coñecendo así outros modos, a industria, etc. E sempre, como el mesmo di, no resta aliè als corrents i modes del seu temps. Por iso non debe estrañar na súa propia evolución estética atoparse con anos de informalismos, mesturados con regresos a certo neofigurativismo tensado. O humanismo propio de Guerrero vaise atopando ao longo das décadas, referenciando a figura humana como o eixo principal de toda a súa produción. É certo que ten devoción pola natureza, pola paisaxe, pero aí está o humano como guieiro dos intereses.
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Guerrero Medina. Pintant a Velázquez, 24, 2018
A Fundació Vila Casas está apoderándose do rol que lle corresponde ao MACBA, o Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona?
A Fundació Vila Casas leva anos organizando e programando exposicións temporais de tal envergadura que deberían ser institucións públicas as que executasen esas antolóxicas. Nos últimos anos é de xustiza citar a exposición conmemorativa do décimo aniversario do pasamento de Josep Guinovart que organizou –xunto co museo Guinovart de Agramunt-- a Fundació Vila Casas. Por que non o fixo o MACBA? O ano pasado programou Jaume Xifra. Home, natura, realitat, todo un repaso da vida deste artista; en 2018 tocoulle aquenda a Lita Cabellut. Retrospective, outra exhibición de poderío por parte do mecenas, o señor Antoni Vila Casas.
Ao respecto da realidade actual no mundo da arte en Barcelona, o analista e crítico Sergi Vila-Sanjuán publicou, a mediados do ano pasado, un artigo no suplemento Cultura/s da Vanguardia («¿Qué pasa en el mundo del arte barcelonés?»), no que acusa de pasividade ás institucións públicas de Cataluña, provocada en parte pola “pasividade” (non dedicar recursos económicos) das autoridades políticas. Recomendable lectura. No escrito menciona á Vila Casas como entidade privada que está a facer o que non fan as institucións públicas, e carga as tintas principalmente contra o MACBA. Que está a pasar no MACBA? Pode ser que, desde a “crise da Besta e o Soberano”, a institución non acade os seus espazos, os seus roles? A mentada crise veu provocada pola exhibición, na exposición La Bèstia i el Sobirà, da peza HC4 Transport, da artista Ines Doujak. A tal peza representa a un home, con gran parecido físico ao rei Juan Carlos, sodomizado por unha dirixente mineira boliviana e mais por un lobo. Liouse tal rebumbio que, primeiro retirouse a peza, logo volveuse expor, pero dimitiron (verbo en principio imposible de conxugar en pasiva!) ao director do MACBA, Bartomeu Marí (que agora dirixe un museo en Corea!). Unha censura en toda regra!
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Guerrero Medina.Pintant a Velázquez, 11, Esopo, 2018 
Guerrero Medina: Pintant a Velázquez
Vaig triar Velázquez –o ell em va triar-- i vaig realitzar prop de vuitanta obres de petit format sobre paper del Nepal. Com tots el temes que engego necessito interioritzar-los per tal de poder fer-los meus, i ser capaç posteriorment d’expressar-los amb la màxima fluïdesa. Vaig triar personatges “velazqueños”, alguns de rellevants però també d’altres de secundaris: les seves cares ampliades amb l’objectiu de la meva mirada pretenia dotar-los d’un protagonisme que probablement no tenien en la pintura original. (Guerrero Medina, 2019).
Conta o artista, nun dos escritos que forman parte do catálogo publicado por Vila Casas co gallo da exposición Guerrero Medina–El meu compromís, que había tempo que lle rondaba polos miolos a idea de xogar a versionar a algúns dos grandes clásicos da pintura. É dicir, penetrar as razóns que levaron a un “mestre” a optar por tal composición, por tales tipos humanos ou aquelas outras paisaxes. Dise “mestre” con toda intencionalidade; no mundo da pintura (como en tantos outros ámbitos da vida) aínda as linguas non teñen a flexibilidade suficiente como para aceptar unha expresión como “mestra da pintura”. E escolleu Diego de Silva y Velázquez. Analizando, estudando os seus personaxes Guerrero foi comprendendo psicoloxías, fenotipos, e –como non!-- mirándose neles, como espello, foi atopando a súa propia imaxe; a imaxe de todos os humanos. E a esencia do traballo artístico. 
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Guerrero Medina.Mujer en sueño, 1976
Leva razón Guerrero cando afirma que moitos dos personaxes aos que escolle (femininos e masculinos) para traballar nese ano 2018, non son protagonistas dos icónicos lenzos de Velázquez. Por que opta por estes individuos secundarios? A coherencia vital, o compromiso social de Guerrero, encamíñao cara a senda dos perdedores, daqueles dos que en moitos casos descoñecemos ata os seus nomes. Por que, senón, escolle a cabeza da fiandeira que se atopa en primeiro plano á dereita do famoso cadro? Fiandeira que está diante, si, pero á que non se lle ve a face. A pintura de Guerrero vén sendo unha homenaxe ao traballo silandeiro de tantas e tantas xeracións que permitiron (e permiten) a existencia das sociedades.
Unha proposta para Guerrero (ou calquera outro artista con sensibilidade social): facer unha serie sobre Las Kellys, as limpadoras de hoteis, ignoradas, mal pagadas, escravizadas nos templos do luxo.
Na longa serie –excepcional serie, por certo-- Pintant a Velázquez, non falta o can de Las Meninas, nin un dos “compañeiros” (borracho?) de Baco, o que mira de fronte, sorrinte, ao espectador. Que atopou nesa face Guerrero? A simplicidade da ebriedade?, a ironía de quen se sabe camarada dun deus inmortal?
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Guerrero Medina.Garrote, 1974
Guerrero Medina – El meu compromís. Fragmentos da Memoria. Denuncias.
Ni utòpic ni apocalíptic sinó conmogut testimoni dels crits, del fred en totes les seves formes i del dolor com a denúncia del fracàs fonamental de l’anima i el cos. Des dels violents “necis” dels anys setanta als fantasmes figuratius i cromàtics de la seva memòria d’inicis del segle XXI, quaranta anys ens contemplen i el mateix fan amb la pintura i l’escultura de Guerrero, ambdues humanistes perquè han percebut que l’home és la criatura més desmesurada mai coneguda fins ara. (M. Vázquez Montalbán, Guerrero Medina, 2004).
O percorrido vital de Guerrero Medina é tan dilatado, foi tan valorado por plumas tan formidables como Vázquez Moltalbán, que é escusado pretender vestir máis os méritos deste artista. As súas series teñen pasado pola introspección persoal e, desde logo, pola observación da realidade social e a toma de posición ante as inxustizas.
Dentro da última categoría, a denuncia, entran de cheo series como Garrote, creada por Guerrero no ano 1974, xusto nos tempos que a ditadura fascista condenaba a morte a Puig Antic, e executábao. Son un mangado de pinturas ao óleo que veñen denunciando ao franquismo con representacións de figura humana, atada a unha cadeira, e co pescozo esnaquizado. Algunhas dos composicións desta serie (como outras máis) danse un aire a figuras confeccionadas por Francis Bacon. Bacon tamén tiña unha querencia especial por Velázquez. Ou foi Velázquez quen escolleu aos dous pintores?
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Guerrero Medina.Retrato de mi padre, 1978
Respecto daquelas creacións nas que domina o traballo introspectivo, a reflexión persoal, Guerrero pode presentar Fragments de la Momòria, serie elaborada hai poucos anos e na que o pintor imponse o reto de deixarse levar polo que a súa propia memoria lle dita. Así comeza a riscar imaxes sobre unha superficie, deixando que vaian saíndo, para logo permitir que a linguaxe artística e a acumulación de lembranzas acaben resolvendo a composición que vén saíndo polas beiras dun surrealismo persoal, con fondos uniformes, neutros, e figuras ben definidas, con certas choscadelas ao que definira de Chirico nas súas metafísicas composicións.
Outro tanto vén acontecendo coa serie Retratos de soledades. Esta serie, de final dos anos 70 ten, como case todas, unha uniformidade formal e compositiva: sobre unha tela de 100x80 cms. e un fondo relativamente uniforme, que vai dos ocres aos verdosos, amosa –na parte central inferior-- o torso dunha persoa definida con cores escuros. Persoa que, deste xeito, vese diminuída, rebaixada nas súas proporcións ante a inmensidade do fondo uniforme que a rodea e –semella- a esmaga cara baixo. Son realmente retratos de soidade, retratos existencialistas. Anacos de realidade nos que o peso da vida sobre os ombreiros é tan oneroso que as figuras déixanse afundir na súa conformación máis terreña, máis material. Desta serie a obra máis coñecida –e a máis representativa-- é Retrato de mi padre, 1978. Observando a pintura do medio corpo sentado en cadeira de enea, é fácil chegar a unha cova xienense onde esa persoa remoe as soidades nese ventre terreal.
Lito Caramés
EXPOSICIÓN:  Guerrero Medina – El meu compromís
Fundació Vila Casas
ata o 24 de maio de 2020
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guillemelgat · 7 years
I just realized that not only have I not translated a song from Txarango’s new album, I have somehow not even translated a single Txarango song on here *gasp* so to make up for both of these unforgivable faults I present to you “Somriurem” (“We Will Smile”). I choose this song specifically because it’s a good example of a more modern rumba catalana (although traditional stuff is great or possibly better), and because I think this song might have the best lyrics on the entire album (close call here, there’s a lot of good songs). If y'all want, I will not hesitate to translate the entire album and every song ever written by Txarango, but I’ll just do this one to start. Enjoy!
Somriurem quan tot falli. We’ll smile when all else fails Abraçarem el temps junts quan el món s'encalli. We’ll embrace time together when the world becomes quiet. Somriurem quan tot falli. We’ll smile when all else fails. Guardo una vida a cada instant. I keep a life from every instant.
La rosada ha estès el seu vel fred i humit. The dew has stretched out its cold and damp veil. A poc a poc ha anat quedant buida la plaça. Slowly the square has emptied. Guardarem un bon record d'aquesta nit We’ll always have fond memories of tonight quan sota els estels tot el poble ballava. when under the stars the whole village was dancing.
Que ens adormi suau la calma de l'estiu Let the calm of summer put us softly to sleep mentre el sol desperta els cims de les muntanyes while the sun awakes the mountain tops i desplega a poc a poc tots els camins. and all the roads slowly meander off. I per les finestres es projecta l'alba. And the dawn is projected on the windows.
Hem anat veient el pas dels anys We’ve watched the passing of the years i pels que vénen seguirem cantant. and we’ll keep singing in the ones to come.
Somriurem quan tot falli. We’ll smile when all else fails Abraçarem el temps junts quan el món s'encalli. We’ll embrace time together when the world becomes quiet. Somriurem quan tot falli. We’ll smile when all else fails. Guardo una vida a cada instant. I keep a life from every instant.
Mentre caigui el sol ens banyarem al riu. While the sun is setting we’ll bathe in the river. Tornarem a poc a poc fins a la casa Slowly, we’ll return home vorejant els camps que ens coneixen per dins, along fields that know us inside-out, ens han vist somiar des de petits fins ara. that have seen us grow from children to now.
Hem anat veient el pas dels anys We’ve watched the passing of the years i pels que vénen seguirem cantant. and we’ll keep singing in the ones to come.
Somriurem quan tot falli. We’ll smile when all else fails Abraçarem el temps junts quan el món s'encalli. We’ll embrace time together when the world becomes quiet. Somriurem quan tot falli. We’ll smile when all else fails. Guardo una vida a cada instant. I keep a life from every instant.
Porto carregada per tu aquesta cançó; I carry this song loaded for you; bales de futur que espanten les pors. bullets of the future to scare away your fears. Porto carregada per tu aquesta cançó; I carry this song loaded for you; bales de futur, el crit dels tambors. bullets of the future, the beat of the drums.
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segledepericles · 7 years
Translated Catalan songs: Quan Caminàvem by Aspencat
Last time I translated a more traditional song, so now I come back with a modern pop/ska song by the Valencian band Aspencat. This is a love song that talks about Valencia, the oppression its culture and people have gone through, and their resistance against it. Hope you like it!
The original lyrics in Catalan and their translation to English under the cut!
Quan caminàvem per la desobediència When we walked for disobedience
Quan tu i jo teníem somnis rebels When you and I had rebel dreams
Quan sobreviure forma part de l'essència When surviving is part of the essence
A la meua terra hi ha una pluja d'estels In my land there’s a meteor shower
Quan caminàvem pels carrers de València When we walked through the streets of Valencia
Quan tu i jo teníem somnis rebels When you and I had rebel dreams
I amb poemes d'amor bastíem la resistència. And with love poems we constructed resistance.
Per camins d'horta sembrada avancem We advance through paths of sown fields [“horta” refers especifically to the typical fields of the Valencian Country]
Enyorem un temps que no s'ha viscut encara Missing a time that has’t yet been lived
Un passat de lluita accelerada A past of accelerated fight
Assaig d'una esperança que camina fermament Rehearsal of a hope that walks firmly
I transforma aquest present. And transforms this present. El Cabanyal que resisteix El Cabanyal [neighbourhood in the city of València] resisting
Hui no tinc cap dubte, hui t'estime encara més Today I have no doubt, today I love you even more
Hui vull fer l'amor de matinada Today I want to make love in the daybreak
Hui voldria ser un gran deixeble d'Estellés Today I would like to be a great disciple of Estellés [Valencian poet]
Veig murals a les parets. I see murals on the walls.
Saps que no vull glòria ni riqueses You know I don’t want glory nor wealth
No vull cartes de promeses enfonsades en el mar I don’t want letters of promises sank in the sea
Que no vull palaus ni vull princeses I don’t want palaces nor princesses
No vull plors, ni vull tristeses. Comencem a caminar. I don’t want cries, nor sorrows. Let’s start walking.
Quan caminàvem per la desobediència When we walked for disobedience
Quan tu i jo teníem somnis rebels When you and I had rebel dreams
Quan sobreviure forma part de l'essència When surviving is part of the essence
A la meua terra hi ha una pluja d'estels In my land there’s a meteor shower Quan caminàvem pels carrers de València When we walked through the streets of Valencia
Quan tu i jo teníem somnis rebels When you and I had rebel dreams
I amb poemes d'amor bastíem la resistència. And with love poems we constructed resistance. Fins un nou combat. Until a new fight. Quan l'Albufera ens sostenia When L’Albufera [lake in the Valencian Country] held us
Una vela llatina navegava contra el vent A Latin sail navigated against the wind
Amb la memòria empresonada With jailed memory
Els punys i les corbelles sobre sendes de paper The fists and sickles on paper paths
Creix la flor del taronger The orange tree’s flower grows Davant les torres de Serrans In front of the Gates of Serrans
El nostre amor serà la clau que obri tots els panys Our love will be the key to open all locks
Dels portals d'una València Of the entrances of a Valencia
On sona la freqüència del cor de Benimaclet Where the frequence of Benimaclet’s heart sounds
Amb Tereses i Bassets With Teresas and Bassets.
Saps que no vull glòria ni riqueses You know I don’t want glory nor wealth
No vull cartes de promeses enfonsades en el mar I don’t want letters of promises sank in the sea
Que no vull palaus ni vull princeses I don’t want palaces nor princesses
No vull plors, ni vull tristeses. Comencem a caminar. I don’t want cries, nor sorrows. Let’s start walking.
Quan caminàvem per la desobediència When we walked for disobedience
Quan tu i jo teníem somnis rebels When you and I had rebel dreams
Quan sobreviure forma part de l'essència When surviving is part of the essence
A la meua terra hi ha una pluja d'estels In my land there’s a meteor shower Quan caminàvem pels carrers de València When we walked through the streets of Valencia
Quan tu i jo teníem somnis rebels When you and I had rebel dreams
I amb poemes d'amor bastíem la resistència. And with love poems we constructed resistance. Fins un nou combat. Until a new fight.
Es difícil oblidar, les façanes d'aquell temps It’s difficult to forget, those times’ façades
I els amants que s'estimaven quan la por era el segell And the lovers who loved each other when fear was the seal
I el futur d'aquells infants que miraven als estels And the future of those children who looked at the stars
Il·lusions d'un gran present. Illusions of a grand present.
Tu i jo som rebels del temps i la distància You and I are rebels of time and distance
Alumnes de l'amor, amants de la insolència Pupils of love, lovers of insolence
Poetes d'esta nit, pintors del nostre llit Poets of this night, painters of our bed
Les coses imposibles d'explicar d'aquesta ciència The impossible things to explain about this science Tu i jo som satèl·lits sense rumb en la galàxia, You and I are satellites without a direction in the gallaxy
d'amors impossibles som la paradoxa, we are the paradox of impossible love
som pretèrits imperfets de la nostra història, we are pasts imperfects of our history [past imperfect: verb tense of an action started in the past that has not ended]
som aquell record inoblidable en la memòria we are that unforgettable memory
Quan caminàvem per la desobediència When we walked for disobedience
Quan tu i jo teníem somnis rebels When you and I had rebel dreams
Quan sobreviure forma part de l'essència When surviving is part of the essence
A la meua terra hi ha una pluja d'estels In my land there’s a meteor shower Quan caminàvem pels carrers de València When we walked through the streets of Valencia
Quan tu i jo teníem somnis rebels When you and I had rebel dreams
I amb poemes d'amor bastíem la resistència. And with love poems we constructed resistance. Fins un nou combat. Until a new fight.
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oliviacaliniuc-blog · 6 years
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🎆 Bye 2018 🎆 • 🇪🇸 2018 ha sido un año muy fugaz pero me ha dado tiempo para algunas cosas que me han marcado y espero que el 2019 se presente igual de bien : ✔️ Mejorar mi nivel de esquí me permitió descubrir nuevos lugares ✔️ Viajé a @eurpapark en Alemania, a Zurich en Suiza, a Milán y Torino en Italia ✔️ Empecé en el mundo del Snail Mail y conocí la mejor compañera de vida scrapera, @mylittlejournalpatt ✔️ Cumplí 30 años • 🇬🇧 2018 has been a very fleeting year but it has given me time for some things that have marked me and I hope that 2019 will be presented as well: ✔️ Improving my skiing level allowed me to discover new places ✔️ I traveled to @eurpapark in Germany, to Zurich in Switzerland, to Milan and Torino in Italy ✔️ I started in the world of Snail Mail and I met the best scrap living companion, @mylittlejournalpatt ✔️ I turned 30 years old • 🇫🇷 L'année 2018 a été très fugace, mais il m'a laissé du temps pour certaines choses qui m'ont marquées et j'espère que 2019 sera également de bien: ✔️ Améliorer mon niveau de ski m'a permis de découvrir de nouveaux lieux ✔️ Je suis allé à @eurpapark en Allemagne, à Zurich en Suisse, à Milan et à Turin en Italie ✔️ J'ai commencé dans le monde de Snail Mail et j'ai rencontré la meilleure copine dans le scrap , @mylittlejournalpatt ✔️ J'ai eu 30 ans . . . . #travelgram #bye2018 #memories #bestyear #scrapbook #bulletjournal #bujo #bulletjournalideas #bujoinspire #bujojunkies #bujoinspiration #bujoideas #bujoespañol #bujoaddicts #bulletjournaladdicts #bulletjournalespañol #snailmailrevolution #scrapbooking #lalalab #showmeyourbulletjournal #journalingyourway #journalthisinyourstyle (en Saint-Sorlin-d'Arves/Les Sybelles) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsfpfq6jtro/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7rqd1cy6uw1z
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wendyfimiani-blog · 7 years
L’histoire d’une Miss Italia made in Napoli, Pordenone, Pescara
♣ 2016, une année remplie d’événements grâce à une élection imprévue. Comment cela a commencé ? 
Tout simplement en allant voir un spectacle de François Pirette. Bien entendu, ce ne sont pas les personnages de Madame Termolle ou de Nathalie qui m’ont donné envie de participer à une élection. J’étais accompagnée d’un ami italien vivant en Belgique, nous nous parlions en italien quand une dame bien aimable qui connaissait le concours me demanda si j’étais intéressée par ce concours. Dans un premier temps, j’ai refusé en demandant si c’était une caméra cachée: A l’époque, ma définition d’une miss était 1m80 pour 50 kg.. J’étais loin du compte avec 1m67 et quelques kilos en plus. Après réflexion, j’ai contacté l’ASBL Viale gérée par Maria Di Donato, une personne avec une grande italianité comme moi. Ensuite, a eu lieu la réunion d’informations, je me suis retrouvée en face de filles avec un physique très beau, très mince, selon moi, je n’avais aucune chance mais j’y ai quand même participé pour la culture, mes grand-parents et surtout l’italianité belge ! 
Durant l’aventure, j’ai attrapé une pneumonie transformée en mycoplasme, peu de personnes étaient au courant mis à part, ASBL Viale et les candidats. J’ai malheureusement manqué quelques événements et répétitions. Mais malgré les 9 de tensions, je tenais à continuer l’aventure.
Le 6 mars, c’était la finale, j’avais tous mes traitements médicaux dans mon sac, mais psychologiquement je n’en avais pas besoin car ce jour-là, rien ne pouvait m’arreter. Mes parents, ma famille, mes proches étaient présents un peu stressés et surtout motivés. Je dois avouer qu’ils ont été de très bons supporters du numéro 4. Un chiffre qui m’a porté chance, vous avez deviné le pourquoi..Une expérience inoubliable..
♣  2016, an eventful year through a unplanned beauy contest.. How did it start ? Simply because I went to see François Pirette show (famous belgian humorist). Of course, these are not personalities of Madam Termolle or Nathalie that made me want to participate in a beauty competition. I was with an italian friend living in Belgium, we were talking in Italian when a very kind woman who knew the contest, asked me if I was interested. Firstly, I refused by asking her if it was a prank: My definition of a Miss was 6′tall and 110 pounds . I was far of the mark with my  5'6 and some pounds heavier. On second thought, I have contacted ASBL Viale managed by Maria Di Donato, someone with a great italian personnality like me. Next, took place informations meeting, I found myself in front of girls with a fine physique, thin body, for me, I had no chance but the reasons why I have accepted were the story, culture, my grandparents and particularly the belgian italianity !
During Miss Italia adventure, I got a pneumonia transformed into a mycoplasma, not many people knew about this other than Viale ASBL and candidates. I have unfortunately missed some activities and rehearsals. But despite pressure dops, I really wanted to continue the competition. 
On 6 March, It was the Final, I had all my medical treatment in my bag, Psychologically, I did’nt need it because that day, nothing could stop me. My parents, my family, my entourage were present and very motivated. I have to say that they were excellent supporters by the number 4. It’s brought me good luck, you, you have guessed why.. 
An unforgettable experience
♣  2016, un anno pieno di eventi grazie ad un'elezione imprevista. Come ha cominciato? 
Semplicemente andando a vedere un spettacolo di François Pirette (famoso comico belga). Ovviamente, non sono i personaggi di Madame Termolle o di Nathalie che mi ha dato l’invidia di partecipare ad un'elezione. Ero accompagnata da un amico italiano che vive in Belgio, parlavamo in italiano quando una signora molto gentile che conosceva il concorso mi chiese se fossi interessata da questo concorso. All’inizio, ho rifiutato chiedendo se fosse una candid camera: All'epoca, la mia definizione di una miss era 1m80 per 50 kg.. Ero parecchio fuori strada con 1m67 ed alcuni chili in più. Dopo riflessione, ho contattato l'ASBL Viale gestita da Maria Di Donato, una persona con un grande italianità come me. Poi, ha avuto luogo la riunione di informazioni, mi sono ritrovata di fronte a ragazze con un fisico molto bello, molto magro, secondo me, non avevo nessuna speranza ma ho partecipato ugualmente per la cultura, i miei nonni e soprattutto l'italianità belga!
Durante l'avventura, ho preso una polmonite trasformata in mycoplasma, poche persone erano informate a parte, ASBL Viale ed i candidati. Ho mancato purtroppo alcuni attività e ripetizioni. Ma nonostante i 9 di tensioni, tenevo a continuare l'avventura.
Il 6 marzo, era la finale, avevo tutti i miei cure mediche nella mia borsa, ma psicologicamente non ne avevo bisogno perché quel giorno, niente poteva fermarmi. I miei genitori, la mia famiglia, miei cari erano presenti un poco stressati e soprattutto motivati. Devo confessare che sono stati dei grandi tiffosi del numero 4. Una cifra che mi ha portato fortuna, avete indovinato perché..
Un'esperienza incancellabile..
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📷 Lors de notre shooting photo par Valerie Lorenzo et Karl S. Photography. Photographe officiel durant l’année 2016.
📷 During our shooting by Valerie Lorenzo and Karl S. Photography. Official photographers in 2016.
📷 Mentre il nostro shooting da Valeria Lorenzo e Karl S. Photography. Ufficiali fotografi nel corso dell’anno 2016 .
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On ne peut parler d’Italie sans citer les bonnes pizza.. Napolitaine comme moi.🍕
We cannot speak about Italy without mentioning good pizza.. Napolitan like me. 🍕
Non possiamo parlare dell’Italia senza citare le buone pizze.. Napolitana come me. 🍕
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👜 L’un des passages les plus émouvants: La Valigia (la valise), reconstituant l’arrivée des femmes des mineurs sur le quai de la gare dans les années 50.
👜 One of passages the most moving: La Valigia ( the suitcase), reconstituting wifes miners arrival’s on the train platform in the 50′s.
👜 Uno dei passagi più commoventi: La Valigia, ricostituendo l'arrivo dei moglio  dei minatori sulla banchina alla stazione negli anni 50.
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Après la finale régionale, il y a la finale national de Miss Italia Belgio. Je n’ai été que finaliste mais j’en garderai de très bons souvenirs. Je continue bien évidemment en tant que Miss dans le pays noir de Charleroi ! 👏
After regional finale, there is miss Italia Belgio's national finale. I was only a finalist but I keep very good memories. Naturally, I hold my title as Miss in the black country of Charleroi! 👏
Dopo la finale regionale, c'è la finale nazionale di Miss Italia Belgio. Sono stata solo finalista ma mi guarderò molto buoni ricordi. Guardo oviammente il mio titolo di Miss nel paese nero di Charleroi!👏
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🖥Les télés régionales et nationales m’ont accueilli dans leur studio lors: JT de Télésambre (Charleroi) présenté par Christophe Banneton; “De quoi j’me mêle spécial Italia” sur RTL TVI présenté par Sophie Pendeville (Merci spécialement à Monsieur Christian De Paepe);  “Viva for life” pour le défis pizza présenté par Ann-Laure Macq (RTBF) “Ah c’est vous” sur la Une présenté par Benjamin Maréchal et Pauline.
🖥The regional and national TVs welcomed me in their studio then: TV NEWS of Télésambre (Charleroi) presented by Christophe Banneton; "De quoi j’me mêle special Italia" (What do you care, Special Italy)on RTL TVI presented by Sophie Pendeville (Thank you specially to Mister Christian De Paepe); " Viva for life " for our pizza’s challenge presented by Ann-Laure Macq ( RTBF) " Ah, c’est vous" (Oh, it’s you) (RTBF) presented by Benjamin Maréchal and Pauline.
🖥Le televisioni regionali e nazionali mi hanno accolto nel loro studio ad: TG di Télésambre (Charleroi) presentata da Christophe Banneton ; "De Quoi j’me mêle speciale Italia" (Di cosa mi impiccio speciale Italia) su RTL TVI presentato da Sophie Pendeville, (Grazie speciale al Signore Christian Di Paepe,; "Viva for life" per la sfide pizza presentata da Ann-Laure Macq (RTBF) "Ah, c’est vous" (Ah ! è lei)  su Un presentato da Benjamin Maréchal e Pauline.
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⛏ La Belgique est un pays important pour les italiens, il représente un pays qui, pour l’époque a eu une grande concentration d’immigrés italiens (et d’autres nationalités), nous y trouvons également les anciennes mines et usines comme Blegny (Liège), Bois de la Vallée (Monceau-fontaine);  Houthalen;  le Quesnoy (Trivière). L’une d’elle a marqué l’histoire le 8 août 1956 à cause de son terrible incendie à des km sous terre avec au total 262 morts dont 136 italiens: Le Bois Du cazier. L’année 2016 fut très importante: 60 ème année de l’incident et la 70 ème année de l’accord entre la Belgique et l’Italie. Je me suis beaucoup intéressée à l’histoire, à leurs histoires. Les personnes comme les immigrés, les mineurs, les personnes fuyant leur pays pour le travail comme mes grand-parents par exemple, auront toujours ma plus grande admiration et garderont une grandes places dans mon coeur. Fin d’année 2016, AMCW m’a honoré la médaille du mérite de la jeunesse suite à mon engagement en tant que représentante de la beauté et de la culture belgo-italienne.                                 
⛏ Belgium is a very important country for italian people, it  represents a country which, for that time had a big concentration of Italian immigrants (and other nationalities), we also find there the old coal mines and industries as Blegny (Liège), Bois de la vallée (Monceau-Fontaine); Houthalen; Quesnoy ( Trivière). One of them made history on  August 8th, 1956 because of its terrible fire in underground km with all in all 262 deaths with 136 Italians: Le bois du Cazier. Year 2016 was very important: 60th year of the incident and 70th year of the deal between Belgium and Italy. I was interested a lot in the history, their stories. People as the immigrants, coalminers, people who left their country for working as my grandparents for example, will always have my great admiration and will have a big place in my heart. At the end of 2016, AMCW honored me the medal of the youth merit further following my commitment as representative of the beauty and the belgo-Italian culture. 
⛏ Il Belgio è un paese importante per gli italiani, rappresenta un paese che, per l'epoca ha avuto una grande concentrazione di immigrati italiani, (ed altre nazionalità) troviamo anche le vecchie miniere e fabbriche come Blegny (Liegi), Bois de la Vallée (Monceau-fontaine); Houthalen; il Quesnoy (Trivière). Una di lei ha segnato la storia il 8 agosto 1956 a causa del suo terribile incendio al km sotto terra con al totale 262 morti di cui 136 italiani: Le bois du Cazier. L'anno 2016 fu molto importante: 60 ème anno dell'incidente ed i 70 ème anno dell'accordo tra il Belgio e le Italie.  Mi sono interessata molto alla storia, alle loro storie. Le persone come gli immigrati, i minatori, le persone che fuggono il loro paese per il lavoro come i miei nonni ad esempio, avranno sempre la mia più grande ammirazione e manterrano un grande posto nel mio cuore. Fine del 2016, AMCW mi ha accordato la medaglia del merito della gioventù  dopo il mio impegno come rappresentante della bellezza e della cultura belgo-italiana.
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Les vacances aux couleurs VERT,BLANC,ROUGE ! Sous le soleil de la Campanie ! (Naples, Paestum, Salerne) ☀
Holidays GREEN,WHITE, RED ! Under the sun of Campania ! (Naples, Paestum, Salerno) ☀
Vacanze VERDE,BIANCO, ROSSO ! Sotto il sole della Campania ! (Napoli, Paestum, Salerno) ☀
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Dans l’aventure, il y a l’ASBL Viale, les belles personnes comme Maria Di Donato, Lucas Gizzi, Franco Gizzi.. Mais il y avait aussi le Mister Italie, sauf qu’à Charleroi, on l’appelle “Ragazzo in.. Hainaut” (en 2017 “Ragazzo in..Italia”) Diego Conte, un petit jeune de 14 ans (enfin petit c’est vite dit), très timide qui a, au fil du temps beaucoup d’assurance. Il est vrai qu’il ne laissait pas la gente féminine indifférente. Je pense que le charme de la Campanie a fait son effet durant 2016.. 
In this adventure, there is ASBL Viale, great people like Maria Di Donato, Lucas Gizzi, Franco Gizzi.. But there was also a Mister Italy, except in Charleroi, we call him " Ragazzo in.. Hainaut " (in 2017 " Ragazzo in.. Italia "). Diego Conte, a small 14-year-old young.. (finally young it’s fast said), very shy who has, over time, he has become sure of himself. It is true that womanhood was not indifferent.. I think that the charm of the Campania made its lasting effect 2016..
Nell'avventura, c'è l'ASBL Viale, le belle persone come Maria Di Donato, Lucas Gizzi, Franco Gizzi.. Ma c'era anche Mister Italia, solo che a Charleroi, si chiama "Ragazzo in.. Hainaut", in 2017 "Ragazzo in..Italia". Diego Conte, un piccolo giovane di 14 anni (va bee “piccolo” è veloce a dire), molto timido che ha, col tempo ha preso più fiducia. È vero che non lasciava indifferente la parte femminile. Penso che il fascino della Campania ha fatto il suo effetto durante 2016..  
By Olivier Sanglier ( Eventphotoview )
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J’ai également eu la chance de rencontré de grandes personnes dont la grande actrice italo-tunisienne Claudia Cardinale qui comme moi a été Miss Italie dans sa ville: Tunis, Fabrizio Pausini (Père de Laura Pausini), Rocco Granata, Célébre chanteur italien vivant en Belgique dont son plus grand succès est “Marina”, Jérôme de Warzé (humoriste, présentateur, chroniqueur, animateur Belge) et Jérémy Ferrari (humoriste français, d’origine italienne)
I had the opportunity to meet  the greatest Italo-tunisina actress Claudia Cardinale like me she was Miss Italy in her city: Tunis, Fabrizio Pausini (Laura Pausini’s father), Rocco Granata famous italian singer living in Belgium wich his succes song “Marina”  Jérôme de Warze (Belgian humorist, tv and radio presenter, colmunist) and Jérémy Ferrari (French humorist with  Italian roots)
Ho avuto anche la fortuna di incontrato delle grandi persone di cui la grande attrice italo-tunisina Claudia Cardinale che come io, è stata Miss Italia nella sua città: Tunisi, Fabrizio Pausini, Padre di Laura Pausini, Rocco Granata, Celebra cantante italiano che vive in Belgio di cui il suo più grande successo è "Marina", Jérôme di Warzé (umorista, presentatore, cronista, intrattenitore Belge, e Jérémy Ferrari, (umorista francese, di origini italiane)
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Et l’aventure continue.. Un an plus tard, le petit numéro 4 comme les 4 étoiles de l’Italie revient sur les lieux de son shooting mais cette fois, en tant que tenante du titre. 🇮🇹👑🇧🇪 Un nouveau photographe pour cette année 2017: Olivier Sanglier alias  Eventphotoview.
On one year later, the small number 4 as 4 stars of Italy comes back on the same shooting place but this time, as titleholder. 🇮🇹👑🇧🇪 A new photographer for 2017: Olivier Sanglier alias Eventphotoview.
E l'avventura continua.. Un anno doppo, il piccolo numero 4 come le 4 stelle dell'Italia ritorna sui luoghi dal suo shooting ma questa volta, come detentrice del titolo. 🇮🇹👑🇧🇪 Un nuovo fotografo per 2017: Olivier Sanglier alias Eventphotoview.
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Voici les personnes à la base de cette expérience, l’ASBL Viale qui organise Miss Italia in Belgio Charleroi dans la beauté mais surtout la culture. En 2017, elle deviendra l’organisatrice officielle du concours de la chanson italienne de Charleroi. 👑🎼🇮🇹
 Here are those who initiated , ASBL Viale which organizes Miss Italia in Belgio Charleroi in beauty but especially the culture of Italy. In 2017, it will become the official organizer of the Italian song festival contest Charleroi.  👑🎼🇮🇹
Ecco le persone alla base di questa esperienza, l'ASBL Viale che organizza Miss Italia in Belgio Charleroi nella bellezza ma soprattutto la cultura italiana. In 2017, diventerà l'organizzatrice ufficiale del concorso della canzone italiana di Charleroi. 👑🎼🇮🇹
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Un an plus tard, comme vous pouvez le voir sur les vidéos. Je suis très émue de remettre mon titre, 2016 restera une année que je porterai dans mon cœur. Jamais au grand Jamais je ne pourrai oublier cette année qui m’a fait: grandir, mûrir, embellir peut-être et qui m’a encore plus rapprochée de mes origines. Il faut savoir que pour certain purs belges nous sommes des italiens mangeurs de spaghetti et que pour certains italiens, nous sommes des “Stranieri” étrangers qui avons quitté le pays pour de l’or.. Le tord est des deux côtés, les personnes tenant ses discours n’ont aucune connaissance de l’histoire. 
Gianna Nannini, l’internationale chanteuse italienne avec son titre “I Maschi” était venue donnée un spectacle à Liège (Blegny-mine) et elle a prononcé ces mots:  Tant de choses se sont passées, ici en mine.Les immigrés ont grandement, fondamentalement contribué à la reconstruction de l'Italie et à la reprise économique en Belgique dans les années d’après guerre.. Ne jamais oublier cela. Quand j’ai entendu ces mots, je me suis dit: Enfin une personne cultivée, raisonnée.. A en prendre de la graine. 
Aujourd’hui, je ne me dis ni belge, ni italienne.. Mais Belgo-italienne.. Et j’en suis fière. 
One year later, as you can see him on videos. I am so moved to hand my crown. 2016 will remain one year which I will carry in my heart. Never Ever I can forget this year which made for me: increase, mature, Make me look beautiful  maybe and which even closer me of my origins. It is necessary to know that for certain pure Belgians, we are Italian spaghetti’s eaters  and that for some Italians, we are "Stranieri" (foreigners)  who left the country for gold .. Both parts are wrong , the people giving his speeches have no knowledge of the history.  
Gianna Nannini, international Italian singer with his famous song “I Maschi” had a perfom at Liège (Blegny-Mine) and she said these words: So many things appened, here in coal mine. The immigrants have largely, fundamentally contributed in the reconstruction of Italy and in the economic recovery in Belgium in the years according to war .. Do not forget it.  
When I heard these words, I said to myself: finally a cultivated, reasoned person .. To learn the lesson. Today I am not Belgian or Italian.. Belgo-Italian.. And I am proud of it.
 Un anno più tardi, come potete vederlo sui videi. Sono molto commossa di rimettere il mio titolo. 2016 resterà un anno che porterò nel mio cuore. Mai e poi mai non potrò dimenticare questo anno che mi ha fatto: crescere, maturare, abbellire forse e che mi ha avvicinato ancora più delle mie origini. Bisogna sapere che per certo puri belgi siamo degli italiani mangiatori di spaghetti e che per certi italiani, siamo dei "Stranieri" che hanno lasciato il paese per l'oro.. Le due parte sono sbagliate, le persone che tengono questi discorsi non hanno nessuna conoscenza della storia.  
 Gianna Nannini, l'internazionale cantante italiana col suo titolo "I Maschi" era venuta dato un spettacolo a Liegi (Blegny-Miniera) e ha pronunciato queste parole:  Ci sono passati tante cose, qui in miniera.Gli immigrati hanno contribuito grandemente,fondamentalmente alla ricostruzione dell'Italia ed alla ripresa economica in Belgio nel ultimo dopo guerra.. Non dimenticare. Quando ho sentito queste parole, mi sono detto: Ecco una persona cultivata, ragionevole.. Ad imparare molte da lei.. Oggi, non dico che sono belga ne italiana sono italo-belga e ne sono fiera.
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La citation dit qu’on garde le meilleur pour la fin, une des choses importante dans la mentalité italienne: La famille. Je voulais vous remercier d’avoir été à mes côtés. Vous êtes extraordinaire. Merci à mes parents de m’avoir toujours soutenue, suivie et encadrée. Et bien évidemment, je ne peux oublier la plus importante.. Nonna, ma seule et unique, qui, à 84 ans, m’a suivi à chaque déplacement.  
The quote says that we save the best for last , something important in the Italian mentality: FAMILY. Let me thank you for having been by my side. You are extraordinary. Thanks to my parents to have supported, followed me and supervised always. And naturally, I cannot forget the most important.. Nonna (grandma), my only one, which at 84 years has followed me in every travel. 
 La citazione dice che si custodisce il migliore per la fine, una delle cose importa nella mentalità italiana: La famiglia. Volevo ringraziarvi di essere stato ai miei lati. Siete extra-ordinari. Grazie ai miei genitori di mi sempre avere sostenuto, ininterrotta ed incorniciata. E bene evidentemente, non posso dimenticare la più importante.. Nonna, la mia unica ed unico che mi ha 84 anni mi ha seguito ad ogni spostamento.  
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Avant de conclure cet article, je tenais à adresser un dernier message voire plusieurs... Je souhaiterais dire aux petites filles et même aux petits garçons que si leur rêve est de porter une couronne sur la tête, de défiler, de briller physiquement, intellectuellement, d’être musicien, chanteuse, sportif et j’en passe. Les rêves deviennent toujours réalité un jour ou l’autre.
Un message également aux adolescents voire aux majeurs, qui sont physiquement complexés: si un jour une BONNE opportunité vous est proposé, même si ce n’est pas dans vos cordes, sachez que rien n’arrive par hasard, alors foncez et acceptez là, ne laissez personne vous dire que vous n’y arriverez pas à cause de vos bourrelets, vos boutons ou que sais-je.
Un message adressé aux parents, respectez le choix de vos enfants, bien évidemment, protégez-les de toutes arnaques mais n’ayez aucun préjugé, aucun monde n’est parfait même celui où vous êtes. Laissez votre enfant faire ses expériences, il vaut mieux qu’il soit dans un monde plus artistique qu’un monde nocif (drogue, alcool etc.).
Et pour terminer, un message à Monsieur et Madame Toutlemonde (qui vont faire partie de l’entourage), soutenez la personne qui ose réaliser des choses que vous ne pourrez JAMAIS vous vanter au lieu de le descendre...Ou alors occupez-vous de vos affaires, vous deviendrez ainsi moins nocifs... 👏💪  
Before concluding this article, I would like to write a last message even several.. I would to tell to little girls and boys: if their dream is wearing a crown, walking in a catwalk, to shine physically, intellectually, to be a musician, a singer, a sportsman and more. Dreams always become reality.
A message also to teenagers even to the new adults, who are physically had complexes: if one day a GOOD opportunity is proposed to you, even if you've never done: everything happens for a reason, go for it and accept it, Let nobody tell you that you will not can do it  because of your beads, your buttons or whatever.
A message for parents, respect the choice of your children. Naturally, protect them from any swindles but have no prejudice, no one world is perfect even that where you are. Let your child make their experience, it is better that your children are interested by artistic world than a bad world like drugs, alcohol etc.. 
And to end, a message to Jane and John doe (ordinary people in your entourage ), support peopl who dares to realize things that you’ll can never gloat instead of lowering him ... Or mind your own business , you will  become less harmful... 👏💪
Prima di concludere questo articolo, tenevo a scrivere un ultimo messaggio o più... Vorrei dire alle bambine e bambino che se il loro sogno èd indossare una corona sulla testa, di sfilare, di brillare fisicamente, intellettualmente, di essere musicista, cantante, sportivo ed io passo. I sogni diventano sempre realtà un giorno o l'altro. 
Un messaggio anche agli adolescenti addirittura ai maggiorenni che sono fisicamente complessati: se un giorno una BUONA opportunità vi è proposta, anche se non sono nelle vostre corde, sappiate che niente arriva per caso, Forza, fatelo ed dovete accettarla, non lasciate nessuno dirvi che non arriverete per causa dei vostri rotolini, i vostri brufoli o cose cosi. 
Un messaggio scritto ai genitori, rispettate la scelta dei vostri figli. Ovviamente, proteggeteli di ogni truffa ma non abbiate nessuno pregiudizio, nessuno mondo è perfetto anche quello dove siete. Lasciate il vostro figlio/Figlia fare le sue esperienze, vale meglio che sia in un mondo più artistico che un mondo nocivo (droga, alcol ecc..)
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