#merfolk y/n
speedystarshine · 2 years
ok ok
The way Seacullents find a mate, is The end of their tail, which opens up to beautiful flower.
Whoever has a brighter and bigger Flower gets the mate they want.
They don’t have a preference for who their mate is and hybrids of Seacullents are very common in the wild. just whoever likes their flower and they like their style they bond! [which is a cuddles session]
Imagine y/n showing Mack their flower and he’s confused and just waves it off. which leads to a sad y/n cus ”my mate doesn’t like my flower :(“
and Later Mack after reaserching is running in and apologizing cus he didn’t know what they ment.
Reader: so you like it?? :D🥺🥺😖🥰🥰
Mack: i-um-about that-
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bibiscate · 21 days
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but seriously tho I wanted to post my sun&moon merfolk dudes only when I had digitalized it and colored and shit
I have so many tidbits on them and their biology and morphology and all that jazz (I made a whole new species just because) but it was a month full of exams and I CANT stop playing don't starve and cotl I feel like Im going crazy
Oh yeah, and those designs are just concepts and I already changed them a bit ekdkskd but I didn't wanna end the month with nothing, so mermaid AU letsgoo
Not really based on any particular species, there are some details here and there, some shark stuff cause I like em anddd some others fishes but as I said I changed them a bit and this is just concept art fase
Moon was gonna be a electric eel but I've seen enough people do that so I decided to just ignore most anatomy and do whatever FEELS like them, I hope I'm successful at least with their designs latter
Yes there's a bit (a lot but shhhh) of lore but I'm going to bed skdkwkdks
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yasashii-leaf · 1 month
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• The human in Optimus' group is considered a member of the group, but a member unable to hunt frequently therefore Optimus brings fish to the human... Problem, their new member doesn't seem very interested in the fish...
Worried Optimus explains the situation to Ratchet, who takes matters in hand (tentacles)...
In the end it was a failure.
More ???
• Arcee is strongly inspired by the Opisthoteuthis Californiana(It's long🙁)... Or the octopus flapjack. Arcee loves Arachnid, Arachnid is torn between loved or hated *cough* Tsundere *cough*. Oh also Arcee is considered quite old among the mer.
• Elita-one hates Arachnid.... For reasons unknown at the moment...Elita-one is very territorial like many females of her species...
• mating season, the time when merformers do courtship, and all the stuff... uh... mating seasons??? yeah everyone tries to have companions in their own way, sometimes they will fight, dance or sing, well it all depends on the merformers.
Otherwise some just prefer to get it over with and do it with a companion from the previous year...
Couples who are already well formed always like to do romantic things...
• Jazz is visually impaired, he uses his other senses to orient himself, his senses are so good that he is able to smell and hear many things (smell, vibrations, sounds and touch). Jazz's whiskers are sensitive (like touching it tickles).
• Prowl lost an eye because of poachers... If before he was wary of humans, he is now on his guard when he is in the presence of a human.
•I decided to change the coloring of elita-one it's another shade of pink
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xitsensunmoon · 1 year
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He likes to eat glowy things
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christall77 · 1 year
~❦Caught Feelings❦~
Merman x F!Reader
This is actually my first time writing about falling in love and stuff, so I hope I did good!
The art used doesn't belong to me, but to it's rightful owner @weyowang!
TW: ENTANGLEMENT OF MARINE LIFE, other than that it's pure fluff!
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Another fish is wrapped up by a loose fishing line, it was the fifth one today Tullius has come across on his way close to the shore. The lone merman wastes no time and swims over to help the poor puffer fish in need. His long, strong, pale tail pushing him through the water with no effort.
Reaching for the puffed up creature he carefully untangles the thin line from its spikes and removes the hook puncturing it's pectoral fin. Luckily the brown and white spotted fish isn't badly hurt and manages to swim off just fine, deflating in the process. That has become an almost daily routine for the male. Everyday Tullius would swim to the beach located not far away from his shipwreck he calls home and collect various trinkets he found. Helping other sea life on the way if he sees them in trouble.
Tullius himself hasn't been safe from the trash and other gadgets humans have lost, or thrown out to sea. Having the scars and even part of a worn out net wrapped around his tail to prove it. The material dirty and grown with algea and tiny barnacles. It's also one of his reminders why he was shunned and eventually exiled from his previous home. Trying to get it off with the help from others when he couldn't do it alone, only for them to end up chasing him away.
Anything and everything human related is frowned upon in his folk. As more people came to visit the beaches, mermaids and mermen were forbidden to come anywhere close to the surface, by order of their king.
But despite knowing how bad it is for his home which he calls the ocean, he can't help but still be curious and fascinated by humans and their strange knick knacks. There's a whole wooden shelf in the downed ship full of things he's collected. One new strange, or in his eyes, beautiful object found throughout his trips is added daily. The merman doesn't even know where to stock the rest of them he'll find in the future!
Tullius has come to like it out here by himself. It's not like he was well liked before either. Tullius was seen as an outsider already by not having a vibrant color of a tale, or beautiful fins like the others.
Of course he has kept safe distances from the shore to make sure he wouldn't be spotted, but lately he can't stop himself from peeking out of the water every so often. Swimming closer day by day, just to get another glimpse of something. Or more like, someone.
Tullius has seen humans before, but when he first saw you he couldn't take his midnight blue eyes away from your figure walking along the beach. Cradling and comforting a seagull you've rescued from drowning. From this day on he couldn't stop himself from visiting, just to hope to get another glimpse of you from behind a few rocks. His organ in his chest beating faster and a warm giddy feeling spreading throughout Tullius' body. At first he confused the feeling with sickness, or the tiny fish he had for breakfast, swimming around in his belly. But then he remembered, food that's been chewed and eaten can't swim anymore.
The male came to realize, this strange feeling returns whenever he's watching you from the distance, but it's not uncomfortable. No. He likes it. A lot. And it grew as time passed, the longer he watched the more enamored he became.
Tullius desperately wants to get closer to you but, what would you think of him? Would you like him back? Or would you look at him with disgust like his own kind? He sure hopes it's not the latter.
Another dreamy sigh leaves his lips as Tullius rests his head in both of his palms, half of his body leaning on top of the rocky surface on his usual watch spot. White tail lazily swinging back and forth in the blue ocean waters. Admiring your (body type) figure doing small dances while you keep singing to your favorite song that's playing through your earphones. Hardly anyone comes to this part of the beach since it's so secluded and luckily for the merman, you've decided to live in a small hut close by! It just happened recently but he couldn't have been more excited, especially since he gets to see you everyday now.
With a soft smile Tullius listens to your lovely voice, his wine colored ear fins twitching occasionally. No matter how good or terrible your singing is to you, he thinks it's the most beautiful sound in the world. The white haired male would love to sing with you, if he could.
Tullius snaps out from his thoughts when he heard a loud "oof" and thud in the sand. It seems you've stumbled over yourself and landed almost face first into the warm sand, for a second he was worried you might've hurt yourself only to make a quiet noise of relief when you get up unharmed. Immediately ducking behind the rock for cover when you take a look around to make sure no one has seen that clumsy act.
His heart beats against his ripcage hoping you didn't notice him watching, taking a quick peek over again Tullius lets out a small sad grumble when you make your way back into your hut and out of his sight. Yes, he does want to get to know you, but he always just gets too nervous for his own good.
But he told himself to finally approach you, the merman just has no idea how. So he ends up swimming around in circles in deep thought. The sound of panicked splashing suddenly makes him look over to the beach where a poor sea turtle is trying to get into the water. Half of its shell wrapped up tightly in a net which is holding the animal just barely away from the incoming waves. Tullius swims over quickly, looking left and right for any sign of another human around.
The male crawls onto shore and drags himself over, his arms lifting his upper body up from the heated sand, the small ocean waves now just barely reaching his white finned tail. Tullius, like others of his kind can breathe in air just fine, but he still has to hurry before his gills and other fishy half dries out in the hot sun. The animal notices the merman closing in and continues to struggle, sand flying in the air and some landing in his messy locks in the process from its flippers.
As Tullius tries to comfort the turtle his scaled hands grasp onto the net and he tries to pull it away, with no luck. It looks to be wrapped around to tightly, almost suffocatingly for one to just pull it off. And slowly but surely he feels himself get dryer. The tides also seem to go against him as well when he notices the water drawing back and further away from them. His eyes start loosing focus and Tullius can feel himself growing weaker and dizzy, until he collapses onto the sand beside the other sea creature.
In his barely awake state, he notices something approaching in the distance, but he's to weak to react or make a noise that would alert the stranger. They come to a short halt and seem to call out to him, whatever it is they're saying rings through his head in a blur. His lack of response makes them hurry over until they finally reached him. Tullius barely feels his hands being lifted and freed from the net, before being held up and brought to who knows where.
Until he feels himself being submerged into the familiar salty water, he splashes for a short moment before calming down and letting himself float to the surface with relief. Dry skin regaining its needed moisture.
Then his deep blue eyes meet your wide surprised (e/c) ones and he yelps, submerging himself in the shallow water to hide.
“Wait!”, That sweet voice of yours calls out to him and he slowly rises his head to the surface until just the top of his head and eyes are poking out from the water. You try to appear as nonthreatening as possible. Throwing the small knife away which you've used to cut through the seams of the net to free both the sea turtle and merman. With a quick glance down Tullius also discovers the lack of a familiar old net wrapped tightly around him now gone.
Keeping a safe distance and speaking in a calm voice as you show you're empty handed now. “It's OK... I'm not going to harm you. See? I also freed your friend if you're wondering.”
Tullius meanwhile almost can't believe his own eyes, the human girl he's been fawning over for who knows how long has saved him. And she's not afraid of him! He keeps staring at you with big sparkling eyes, ear fins twitching happily. “Can you talk?”, the merman tilts his head once he snaps out of his small daze and shakes his head lightly, small waves rippling around his head. While the male has learned and understands human language, he can't answer. Only communicating with clicks and other noises merfolk would use.
“Ah that would've been cool. I can't believe I'm actually meeting a real mermaid! Uhh merman..?” you let out a small chuckle at the end and look at him with big amazed eyes, not believing that a supposed mythical creature is right in front of you. “My name is (y/n) it's very nice to meet you!”
Tullius let's out a few clicks in return, introducing himself despite knowing you won't understand him either way.
The two of you spend a little more time together, the merman still mostly submerged while you've sat down onto the sand with your feet dipped into the shallow waves. Having what feels like more of a one sided conversation since he can't really talk back. But nonetheless, you still understood the small gestures he would make.
Only when the sun slowly starts to set did both of you notice how late it actually is. Standing up you give the merman a small wave, “It was really nice meeting you, Mr. Merman. I hope we can see each other again some time.”
Tullius perks up at the suggestion that you want to meet him again. Tilting his head slightly to the side he makes a small squeaky sound, wanting to know when that time will be and where you're going. Of course you didn't understand him and assumed he was saying his own goodbye, you give him a sweet smile before returning back to your hut.
The male watching your form getting smaller with his ear fins cast down and a pout forming on his lips. How he wished he could follow after you just to spend more time with you. Oh wait. He can.
It's around ten at night when all of a sudden you hear something entering your small wooden hut. As if something heavy got knocked over. You left your window open to let the small ocean breeze in, and you never expected someone to actually break in. After all, you're basically alone on this part of the island. You made sure when you rented this hut for your summer holiday. Wanting nothing more but to relax and enjoy the beach without having other people there.
But when you sneaked out of your small kitchen with a frying pan in both hands, just in case, you find that merman you've met earlier today, laying face first on the wooden floor. Lowering your weapon you let out a surprised gasp “You? What are you doing here?”, at the sound of your voice he quickly looks up from the floor with big eyes, a happy purr rumbling through his chest as he sits up to the best of his ability. Seemingly proud that he has found you and entered on his own. Because it was definitely not that easy.
Now that he's out of the water you can finally admire the merman more closely. He seems to be your age, soft looking fair skin with small various shaped scars littering over his entire lean and slender body. Clawed hands littered with wine red fish scales spreading from the back of his hands leading up to his forearms and fading in color until they reach up his elbows, where on each a triangular fin with the same color is situated. Three slits on each side of his neck now visible which you guess are his gills are closed shut to instead breath in the air instead of filtering the oxygen through water.
One long dorsal fin, also colored wine red, travels from the back of his neck down and along his spine to the middle of his white tail where another triangular shaped one connects wandering down right to the end. Two extra pairs on the sides of his hips and the other one further down his tail. They all look like they've either got cut or teared on the edges and you wonder if it's as painful as it looks.
Your (e/c) eyes travel back up to his head where a mop of messy wet white hair just barely covers those beautiful dark blue eyes that seem to glow in the darker corner of your room. The merman crawls closer, making your form stiffen up slightly but you do not dare to make a sudden move.
Once he's just a few feet away from you, Tullius opens his fist he's been kept closed the entire time and reveals a (favorite color) star snail sea shell, holding it towards you. “For me?” The male nods with a chirp avoiding his gaze but glancing back at you to watch your reaction. You carefully take it from him, putting the pan away and look at it with awe exclaiming that you love his gift.
Tullius' tail slaps against the floor in delight, a sharp toothed grin and small blush spreading across his cheeks, seeing that you like his courting gift.
And this is how it would go on for a few weeks. The merman slipping into your home in the middle of the night and bringing you gifts, all the while hanging around with you so long until he has to go into the ocean again. While at day time you'll see him peaking out from the waves waiting for you to come visit him.
You came to know his name after you showed him how to write, being amazed what a quick learner your new merfriend is. The both of you bonded quickly and you would end up spending most of the time with Tullius and getting to learn more about him, as he does about you. Even sharing his collection with you and receiving some as well he's never seen before.
Eventually you come to feel a certain way for the merman, and you were hoping that he would feel the same.
Little did you know, you've already captured his heart way before you even knew him.
But the day where you have to fly back to your home from your vacation came quicker than you could count, and it made you sad about leaving Tullius for who knows how long. You have to tell him how you feel before you're gone from this island. So as per usual the first thing you do this morning, is walking out to the beach looking for the merman. And there he was, waiting for you at his usual spot by the small wooden pier leading to your hut.
Smiling he waves at you and does a few happy flips before climbing up the structure and leaping on top of you for a tight hug making you fall onto the wooden surface. Your clothes getting wet in the process but you don't mind and giggle as he purrs and nuzzles up against you.
Tullius has become more affectionate and clingy the closer you two became, but not in an overbearing or annoying way which you admit you find pretty cute.
As the two of you spend the time together, Tullius still having his arms wrapped around you chin resting on your shoulder while playing with your hair, you reveal to him about your vacation time and you ending up leaving this island. His reaction of course as you imagined makes your chest feel heavy. The merman is now pulling you tightly against him, his ear fins pulled down and whimpering softly, pleading for you to stay with him.
While Tullius understood that you had to go, it was very hard for him to accept it. After all, he just got closer to you and now you have to leave! He's worried you'll leave him forever.
“I know... I'll miss you too... ” Tullius rests his forehead against yours at your words clicking in response. And as a final goodbye he gently cups your cheeks slowly leaning in until his soft wet lips meet yours in a sweet kiss, surprising you but returning it with as much love as he's pouring into the gesture. A promise to him that you will definitely come back and visit him.
He pulls away with reddened cheeks and loving smile, loosening his hold and preparing to go back into the ocean waters. Neither of you wanted to leave but it would make it harder to say goodbye. And before he finally leaves, Tullius gives you one last look back and finally manages to form his usual noises into five simple words that fills your heart with warmth and will stay with you until the time comes that the both of you will meet again.
“I... love... you... forever...(y/n).”
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a-clown-with-wings · 11 days
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I laughed the entire time.
Very maniacally
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(Don’t) Face Your Fears: Part 2
Yandere Merfolk Straw Hats x GN!Reader
1.8k words
Part 1
This is the second part to that merfolk story I wrote before that I retroactively added a name to once I realized it wasn’t just going to be a one off.
Despite several members of his crew wanting to come with him, the river cutting through your island consisting of freshwater meant that only Luffy could go. Sure, Franky did build what was essentially a mobile saltwater pool that Luffy could use to bring some of them along, but he didn’t have it nearby and Luffy wasn’t willing to wait.
He wanted to see you again, and he wanted to do so now.
Being a bull shark had many perks, and he was currently using two of them. One being the coveted ability to swim in both fresh and saltwater, and the other being an impeccable sense of smell. It was best in water, but this island was so small that he could easily follow your trail. An awfully long trail, he noted. You are quite the runner! Usopp would have some stiff competition if you were merfolk, too.
Your unique scent came to a head, bringing Luffy to a halt. Pulling himself up onto the river bank, he sniffed the air to confirm that you were nearby. Somewhere in the house not far from where he is to be exact. A sharp grin spread across his face. He was right! You do live near the river! This will make getting ahold of you much easier.
Before he could pull himself fully out of the river, someone exited the house. Not just any person, but you. Luffy quietly slipped his upper body back into the river, leaving only his head poking out of the water.
Your footsteps drew closer, stopping slightly upstream from where he was. Once there, you dropped onto the ground and buried your face in your hands. Luffy watched curiously as you groaned loudly and scowled at the river when you pulled your hands away from your face. Is this a human thing? He’s intrigued and inches closer. Humans have awful night vision, he isn’t concerned about being noticed before he wants to be.
“I can’t believe this. Months of work wasted because I just had to run into merfolk during my first trip into the ocean,” you muttered under your breath. “What kind of stupid bad luck is that?”
Bad luck? You meeting and coming to their rescue was good luck! Great luck even! Luffy frowned at what you said. He knows he startled you earlier, but he thought it was just because you were surprised to see a merman up close.
Did you just… not like merfolk?
Why not? He can guess that he was the first merman to ever be so close to you. How could you come to dislike people you’ve never really gotten to know? That doesn’t make any sense. If you were willing to help people despite your obvious discomfort, then surely you couldn’t be a hateful person.
An idea suddenly clicks in his head. Other humans must be telling you awful things about them!
Nodding with resolve, Luffy swam even closer. When he was right in front of you, he launched himself out of the water and wrapped his arms around you. You immediately tried to scream, but he was prepared for you to do that after your last interaction and slapped a hand over your mouth.
You kicked and thrashed in his arms, and it only increased as he began pulling you into the water with him. You’re definitely not weak, he’ll give you that, but you aren’t stronger than him either. 
By the time he settles back into the water, you’re hysteric. You’re still trying to scream for help even with his hand in the way, and he can feel hot tears streaming down onto him. That makes him feel a little bad about what he’s doing. He doesn’t want to upset you, he just wants to show you that merfolk aren’t anything to be scared of.
“Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you!” If you heard him, you made no indication that you did. You were still fighting him hard and digging your puny human claws into his arm. What were these people telling you that had you acting this terrified?! 
Luffy became distracted as he picked up on more scents and heard doors being opened. It would seem that his hand wasn’t keeping you as quiet as he’d hoped, especially not with how much you were splashing in the water. Looks like you two are going to have to leave.
Pushing off, he hastily makes his way down the river and towards the ocean. You probably wouldn’t listen if he told you to hold your breath, so he settled for swimming with you balanced on top of his chest. This was easier said than done. Between swimming upside down and your squirming, he wound up dropping you into the water.
Bizarrely, you went from doing everything to get away from him to desperately reaching your arms out to his figure and holding on for dear life. Luffy pulled you back up onto him, patting your back as you hacked up the water you’d inhaled. Much to his relief, this experience seemed to have settled you down somewhat.
You didn’t look happy by any means, but you weren’t fighting against him anymore, so he considered this a victory. Seeing that there wasn’t anyone around, Luffy decided to try talking to you again, “Hi! I’m Luffy!”
“Please don’t drown me!” You sobbed, “I’m sorry for whatever I did to make you mad, please don’t kill me!”
Drown you? Kill you??? Luffy is completely bewildered by your pleas. Sure, he did drop you just now, but that was an accident! “Whoa there, no one is going to kill you! I’m sorry I dropped you, I didn’t mean to.”
“Then what do you want from me? Please just let me go, I promise I won’t tell anyone about this!” 
What’s got you so damn freaked out? He doesn’t get it. How dangerous are the people around here that you’re so horrified by him? Does every new person you come across try to harm you? That must be the case. 
“I wanted to see you again! Also, I want you to join my crew! You seem really nice, so I think you’ll fit in great,” Luffy beamed at you, not paying attention to how you recoiled from his teeth.
“Join your crew?! Are you insane?! I’m not one of you!” You spat out incredulously.
“What’s that got to do with anything? We don’t mind tugging you around in a boat,” Luffy didn’t really get why you were being so argumentative about this. He already told you that he’s not going to hurt you, what’s the hold up? These other humans must really have you brainwashed. Good thing he’s here to save you from them!
“I don’t want to be pulled around on a boat in the middle of the ocean, I want to go home!” You shrieked while frantically peering around to check your surroundings.
Much to Luffy’s relief, he’d finally made it out of the river and into the ocean. Once he’s gotten you away from this awful island, he’s sure you’ll calm down and be more willing to listen. You’ll love all the other crew members after you get to know them, he just knows it! You won’t even want to go back to this pathetic island after they’ve made friends with you.
“You’re back already? Could you not- You’ve got to be kidding!” Sanji surfaced and swam straight at you two. “You really thought it was a good idea to drag them out here just like that?”
You cringed away from the new shark and looked like you were about to faint. Luffy couldn’t help but puff out his chest in pride as you clung onto him, obviously a part of you recognized that he could protect you. 
“I had to! Other humans showed up, and I couldn’t just leave them all alone there!” Luffy nuzzled his face into your hair, choosing to ignore the way you shuddered from the contact. You’re probably just a little cold.
“That’s bullshit! No one came out until after you dragged me in!”
Sanji’s eyes narrowed at Luffy, “This is why we didn’t want you to go alone, you have no tact!”
“Like you would have done any better! You would’ve just creeped them out if you’d gone,” Nami jabbed. Sanji sulked away, not even attempting to plead his case. Nami, on the other hand, swam closer to you, eyeing you up curiously. She reached out to experimentally tug on your wet clothing, not paying any mind to how uncomfortable you looked.
Chopper was the next to appear. You were definitely surprised by his appearance, but seemed more confused than scared by him. The doctor went right up to you, visibly concerned, “Luffy! You can’t just drag a human into the water like this! It’s cold enough that they could get hypothermia if we don’t get them someplace dry soon!”
You latched onto this immediately, “Y-Yeah, you should take me back to shore before I get sick!”
“Don’t worry, I got this covered!” Franky pulled a self made boat over, “It’s not much yet, but I’ve got biiiig plans for this thing.” The boat in question looked like a small house boat. There weren’t any doors on it, just an open three walled structure for shelter. 
“Oooh, good thinking, Franky!” Luffy happily approached the boat and heaved you onto it. The second you were out of his arms, you scrambled into the walled off part of it. You stared at them with wide eyes with your back pressed up against one of the walls.
More of his crew appeared, wanting to get a good look at you now that you weren’t actively running away from them. With each head that popped out of the water, you curled in on yourself more and more.
“Are you sure this is a good idea? What if other humans come after us to get them back? Don’t we have enough enemies already?” Usopp was hanging back, still skittish about this whole idea.
“Of course it is! They’re our friend now, so we’ll protect them!” Luffy pulled himself up onto the boat while you shrank back even farther. He turns to face you, grinning even wider than he already was, “Don’t worry about all those awful humans on that island, we won’t let them hurt you!”
“What are you talking about? Everyone there is-”
“Very dangerous and spreading lies about what merfolk are like! You don’t need to say anything, I already figured it out,” Luffy nodded proudly.
“You didn’t figure shit out, you maniac!” 
No one listened to you, and there was a chorus of groans from the merfolk. This was hardly anything new to them, humans always assumed the worst of them. 
Admittedly, Luffy didn’t have a long term plan for what to do with you yet, but he’s already made it this far without ever making any plans. Everything will fall into place soon enough, and you’ll learn to be grateful for his extremely considerate rescue.
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Hi queenie, here Is your Male Ocs lover, I saw your post so I'll Make you a question about the reactions of your male Ocs, when they find out about Cotton mating with The Reader.
How do you think the boys would react to that? Could Cotton escape the wrath of The Boys? I leave it in your hands.
PS: You know how to do your yanderes very well, I loved Benny's, Kisses
So cotton wasn't originally supposed to be apart of the yandere farm but this is an au where he is! In the original story he's supposed to be a solo yandere but in my oc kink list 2 I added him there since he's a hybrid 💀
Lmao so here's a Tiny list of who would rock his shit: (all the OCS that are amab)
Brutus, bubba, Coachella, kiki, Kim, tancho, Gabriel, king, prince, sweet pea, Timothy, harmony, Roxy and Johnny
The ones who would be pissed but wouldn't do anything:
bladviba, big daddy, Casper, Miguel, foolish, Simon, Sydney, tsu, koromo, mason, wehrner, poka, Silas and Milo
The girls are all over the place, most of them are insane
But all in all, they're all pissed to some degree so if cotton doesn't want his shit rocked, he better stay hidden in his burrow he's not going to hide, he'll follow y/n around with a shit eating grin
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clouds-by-me · 4 months
𝓞𝓬𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓼 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓮𝔃𝓮
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Characters ;; Kazuha X gn!mer!reader Warnings ;; being caught in a net, PDA(kinda) Word count ;; 1.4k An |not this being in my wips for a long time and just now getting it done. And I’m probably gonna go back and edit this
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As a creature of the sea, you were naturally beautiful. Who wouldn’t want to see a creature of your kind? Across Teyvat, your kind was told in many ways, but every single time your kind was depicted as beautiful with an angelic voice.
Their voice carried feelings, and emotion. However had gone extinct long ago, mers, mermaids, and mermen had became only stories. Tales of fantasy and beauty all across teyvat. Though native to Fontaine, only some merfolk traveled outside of there homeland.
The sound of the wind and waves crashing onto a ship mix into a beautiful song to Kazuha’s ears. A wonderful symphony of sounds mixing and colliding to create a sound that only he can understand. Made just for him. Though people laugh, and sing in the background, the only thing he can hear is the soothing sound of the wind.
His guide, and friend. The loose fabric of his clothes flows in the wind along with his white hair with his streak of red. Carefully his red, amber eyes watched the water, he noticed the waves crash against the boat, and shift at the movement of fish in the water. The way that the water reflected the sun’s rays looked majestic.
Kazuha felt himself be guided into a trance like state. No thoughts entered or exited his mind, he felt peace. For a while he watched the waves, unblinking, until he saw something splash out of the corner of his eye. Quickly, he turned his head to see what’s he had saw, but there was nothing.
Leaning forward, he tried to look closer, keeping a hold onto the boat so he wont fall. After about a minute or so of seeing nothing, he turned away from the water, leaving his own world and returning to the real one.
His crew mates still chatted, and yelled. Laughter filled the breeze. Kazuha softly smiled at the sight, it was nice to see everyone enjoying themselves.
His thoughts went back to water, did he see something? Had he been hallucinating? He doesn’t know. The sound of someone yelling caught his attention.
“Hey, Cap! Something big just got caught in the net!” The sound on the ship lowered, as everyone looked to one person. She stood tall, long brown hair flowed down her back, some of it put up into a bun, with her bangs covering her left eye. She dressed in reds, and browns, with gold italics. Thigh high boots, and an electro vision on her hip. She held a relaxed expression, but somehow still looked serious.
“Bring it on board! Let’s see what it is.” Her voice sprung people into action, and the crew scattered to pull a giant net onto the ship. The struggle to get the net onto the ship, wasn’t expected to say the least.
Once in the middle of the ship, Caption Beidou, and Kazuha along with everyone else on the ship surrounded the net. Something large moved around inside, yet was hard to see due to the light that reflected off of its scales, and the seaweed that was tangled in the net as well.
As Beidou stepped closer, most poeple were quick to assume that the newest catch would be their next meal. Kazuha watched the caption closely as she inspected it.
When she pulled out a small knife, thats when whatever was inside started to trash, and squirm violently. The sudden commotion caused everyone else on the ship to draw closer.
From a short distance, Kazuha watched the scene unfold. From his perspective, everyone else was overreacting, yet he had expected this. A gust of wind blew towards the group, causing the white haired male to continue to stare, this time much more intensely. Then he heard a sound, one that sounded almost like a cry, or gasp.
A hushed sound that swam through the wind. At the sight of skin under the thick green kelp, Kazuha’s eyes widen. He didn’t know what he was doing, but the next thing he knew, was him immediately being close to the net. The male ushered his crew mates, and caption away from the net, and after a few seconds they moved away.
“Kazuha? What are you doing?” The voice of Beidou didn’t seem to have processed in his brain, because he didn’t respond, nor did he move away from the now slightly damp net.
Carefully his hands grazed over the kelp, to which the already moved thing inside continued to violently thrash. The mocking. Voices of the people around didn’t males it to Kazuha’s consciousness. His red eyes scanned the kelp as his hands worked to remove the long green strips. When his eyes meet met another, he froze. Whatever was within the net stopped as well.
Time seemed to have slowed to an abrupt stop. Curious eyes, met scared ones, and they seemed to have connected by some invisible string. When the scared eyes blinked, all the weird and uncomfortable kelp was off of their body. As the sun beamed onto them, they struggled to keep their eyes open, had been under thick layers of the oceans grass.
Kazuha stared in awe, at what had been in front of him.
A being with the upper body of a human, a fin with shining scales replaced their legs. Scales came in clusters around the human part of their body. Their nails were sharp, and they had webbed fingers.
As soon as the net had been removed from their body, they had brought a hand over their eyes. A feeling of longing washed over Kazuha at the sight of them shielding their eyes. Just as his hands twitched to reach out to the person before him, the sound of his caption stopped him.
“Alright crew! Everyone listen up! We’re going to set them free, everyone set about to their normal business!” A rumble of groans echoed throughout the crux, yet everyone did as told and event about their own business. Kazuha, however didn’t, still crouched down before the beautiful creature.
“I trust that you’ll be able to care for them?” He looked up to find Beidou looking down at him, something like a smirk was on her face. “Just be sure to be careful.” He wordlessly nodded, not really understanding what she meant, as she walked away.
When he looked back in fro at of him, he was greeted by a pair of curious eyes. In shock, he flinched back, falling onto his but. Water dripped onto him from the mer still being wet, seeing as the creature had gotten really close to him. Their eyes flickered from his, then to his hair. Wordlessly, they slowly moved their hand to his head. Kazuha watched their hand, and stayed still as if frozen in place.
He felt them grab a peace of his hair and pull it closer towards them. Kazuha leaned closer, now understand what they were reaching for. In their hand, was his strand of red hair. They played with it intently, as if it was the most interesting thing they’ve ever seen.
“I need to get you back into the ocean…” With a heated face, his voice trailed off, something about the lack of distance, and the look of innocence in their eyes made Kazuha slightly flustered. It wasn’t like they were in some secluded area either, which didn’t help him any.
At his words they looked at him, disgusted almost.
“I….don’t wanna go back.” They mumbled under their breath. If it weren’t for Kazuha’s incredible hearing, he would’ve missed their angelic voice. Their voice was like air to his lungs, it felt wonderful o hear them speak. For a shor t while, he was beginning the wonder if they could talk. The male didn’t understand the imploring sound in their voice, but his heart sunk at their words. He tilted his head slightly, and they avoided his gaze, opting to look at the sea instead.
He wanted to ask why they didn’t want to return to the water, but figured that it would be best to leave it be. Instead he began looking around.
“Well, doubt you need to get back into water? Before your fins dry out?” They didn't say anything, only nodded as a response. Them not using their words to express themselves was disappointing to say the least. the male sighed, as he stared at the being before him, the wind blew.
His hair blew in the wind, and as he sat there with the majestic creature he made up his mind. His friend, the wind, didn’t guide him to this decision. Looking at the being who refused to look ay him, he had made up his mind.
“I’m gonna take care of you. I’m going to protect you, and keep you safe.”
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adonisbeloveds · 1 year
Is it possible if there could be a Wally x reader writing request where the reader is a mermaid that scavenges for food until Wally stubbles onto them? They can speak and communicate through writing but chooses not to because they don’t trust anyone. They also eat puppets and intended to lure Wally in but soon discards that idea and gets closer to him. He has to keep their identity/existence a secret though.
Wally Darling with a merfolk reader
-Reader: They/them + no gender implied -He/him for Wally
Requested: No/Yes
Warnings: None Disclamer: Characters personality, looks, ect may be different from canon due to either hc or author has just forgotten.
A/N: oooo! This one is certainly new! I hope you like it, I really tried my best and had fun with this one because of the new and unique idea but I hope you like it!
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-🍎 You where looking around for food when you found out that you ate all the leftovers of the puppets, so you decided to go up to find other food when you heard someone humming beautiful dreamer, confused you slowly popped the top half of your head out of the water to see a...very short puppet painting something. -🍎 You were slightly confused but quickly got rid of that confusion and started making your plan to lure your new food in, you prefered not to talk to the puppet so that was out of the question. -🍎 After sometime of going through your options you figured you would get the trust of the puppet than lure it into your trap, nodding to yourself you quickly swam over to the painting puppet. You made it to the shore and made a splashing sound to get the puppets attention, the puppet perked up at the sound and turned around when they saw you, "oh! hello new friend! you look quite different from anyone I have seen" the puppet said as they turned around, placing the painting supplies down and going closer to you and sitting down infront of you, they looked like they were in thought when they perked up "oh! your one of those merfolk from franks books aren't you?" they asked and you nodded "well my name is Wally, Wally Darling! nice to meet you new friend" After sometime goes past with you talking to Wally you learned that he lives in a neighbourhood with other puppets and lives in a live house called Home? you were slightly confused but didn't mention anything with the stare that he sometimes gave you when he stopped talking, you also learnt his favourite food was apples and all the names of his friends, you slowly but surely got comfortable with Wally and forgot about ever wanted to eat him. "Oh! you should come back with me to Home and the others! everyone would love to have a new friend and neighbour!" Wally said smiling and staring at you, as soon as he ended his sentance you quickly shook your head, even though you did feel comforable and slightly trusted Wally you were Not comfortable with being around others, although Wally was sad that you didn't want to come back with him he respected your wishes and promised you that he will come back and that he will keep your secret!
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speedystarshine · 2 years
Y/n’s tank is in the underwater base. soo y/n’s tank is a giant glass box that is partway inside the lab and the rest is just a window to their home.
imagine them planning a escape with other hybrids:
Them: bring ESSENTIALS ! that. is not Essential.
Y/n holding Mack: I NEED HIM! >:( he’s my mate!
mate's are essential!! >:( the others never let reader have any fun 🙄
mack's probably just so confused too like-
🥰😳mate?? wait are they ESCAPING >:(- hold up how did I even get here-
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aveegrex · 2 years
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PART 1 | PART 2 kinktober masterlist
pairing: merman!osamu x reader genre: fluff, smut word count: 2,2k cw: fingering, oral (f!receiving), penetration (f!receiving), a little bit of swearing, heated makeouts, two-dick osamu, virginity loss, somewhat underwater sex, mentions of atsumu and his lovelife. author's note: again, thank you @flycloudddd for your amazing artwork. give her love, my dear reader, and hope y'all enjoy this one too.
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“you… you have two?”
osamu’s been persistent. for the past few weeks, he’s been coming to your house every single night. you’ve even learned to detect his presence by the distinctive splash his tail made when he romantically leaned on the pier to watch you run down the porch. 
he managed to catch you first on the third night after he shyly introduced himself. blushing and stern, he presented you with the damned ring, membraned hands so careful when placing it on your lap. 
on the fifth night, he learnt your name, and for a while it became his “yes”. until he memorised the real thing, that is. 
you first heard him speak his language when you slipped on the wet spot, almost hitting your head as you not so gracefully fell into the water. tiny chirps and coos, fused with some very indecent (as you later learned) clicks, and you were caught bridal-style, worry and shock splaying in his eyes right above the blooming cheeks. 
by week four, you managed to teach him a good hundred of words, yet he was shy, skittish even when using them, usually opting to listening to you talk instead. he’d only utter a couple of timid phrases when your sleepy eyes fixated on his fin, glimmering under moonlight with soft undertones of gold and aquamarine. a whine about tsumu and his new boyfriend making too much noise, or a babble about how good jellyfish paired up with nori, and sometimes a reluctant question on human habits - he walked in babysteps, but his ears always betrayed him, fluttering under praise. 
once, he turned up wearing a thin silver band around his head. unable to keep his wide grin away, he chirped about how atsumu is finally married and moving to the neighboring reef to annoy someone else with his loud mating. you, on the other hand, were too baffled by the absolutely ethereal look of a prince-like samu, and effectively shut him up with a clumsy rushed kiss. 
after that, things progressed pretty quickly. a few broken words for the sake of manners, and you two hid in the adjacent cove, lips chasing lips, hands chasing waists and necks to bring the two of you closer and closer. sleepless, you returned home by the dawn, perfecting the way you opened the door to avoid its creaks and squeaks. lovelorn, he swam back to his cave, counting hours till he’d feel your lips mapping out his neck and chest next time. 
he probably even forgot some words, but surely learnt a few new ones, worse ones, but these were way better to huff in the midst of swallowing your moans. 
your moans, oh, those drove him wild. now the grudge he held against atsumu died down a bit. the moans were the best part, falling from your lips each time his tongue twirled sweetly just above your collarbone. the moans that he bathed in as you were grinding on his tail, placing open mouth kisses up his jaw. 
the moans that you let out when his hand accidentally brushed between your thighs. it was so hot there, and so alluring, yet for some reason he felt like he broke some sort of rule by letting his hand there. he glared at you, timid and bewitched, till you pulled his hand back and pushed it under the soft fabric, eyes rolling back the moment his fingers met your slick. 
that night he learned that humans love getting wet too. 
entranced, he watched as you pushed your panties off and moved his fingers to your liking, snaking them inside just to pull out a second later and circle them around a tiny sensitive bud. the noises you made that night, oh, samu couldn’t forget them to save his own life, imagining them as he humped the pitiful anemone later that day, lips pressed tight as his seed spilled out and your name blazed across his mind. 
just as it was with vocabulary, samu picked up on things quickly. soon enough, his skillful fingers were plunging in and out of you by the end of your every date, lips latched to your neck to drink the whines straight from the source. he was a little freak even, shyly suggesting that he’d use his tail, and succeeding with flying colors as gentle tissue of the fin rubbed so deliciously across your weeping folds, working you through the nth orgasm of the night. 
being a curious little foodie, samu wanted to have a taste as well, and that was another way for him to fixate on you. he was drunk and hungry, head almost immediately diving between your thighs as you nestled on the stones beside him. strong hands holding your legs apart, little fins fluttering each time another wave of arousal hit him, he lapped and licked and suckled, swallowing all your generous cunt could give. he wouldn’t even stop after you’ve cum twice, his mind hazy of how good the human essence tasted. of how good you tasted, and how feral he felt when your hands clutched onto his damp hair, pressing him into the best place there was above and under water. 
his adventurous side finally kicked in when once, caught up in the act, you two didn’t notice you were slowly sliding down into the sea and he ended up overstimulating you completely submerged. 
although, osamu never really asked you to return the favor. you weren’t even sure how that was supposed to go, given there were no body parts visible to do so. night after night he’d make you the happiest girl alive, blessing your lips and neck with the most erotic kisses and then tending to your lower needs, but never uttered a single word about his own pleasure. 
so tonight, as he was about to repeat the ritual, you caught his head, cradling his puzzled lovesick face in your hands, and questioned him about the details of his anatomy. 
“su-sure?” he pouted, membraned hands clutching on your knees nervously. “you’re sm-ch-small”
you nodded eagerly (and a little enthusiastically after that remark), and he lowered his gaze, yanking his lower half out of the water to nestle beside you on the mossy rock. both of you were quite pent up after the hour long makeout, raw lips puffy of all bites and kisses shared. he pulled you beside him, and you were quick to latch on to the sweet spot behind his ear, where scarce scales mixed with thin skin. during the previous night you’ve learned how sensitive he was to touch, how responsive his body was to all your caresses, and used it to your advantage, riling up innocent samu into the whining mess. a ghosting drag of your fingers across his waist, a gentle circle around his nipple, and a dig of your nails into his meaty pec, and he was buzzing already, human swearing babbled up in mush with his coos and clicks. 
you were about to repeat the ritual, as he caught your wrist and moved your hand way lower, somewhere just below the root of his tail, and you felt a previously invisible slit there opening up. curious, you’ve broken the kiss, pressing tighter to the spot, and samu’s head felt back. bemused, you did it again, and again, and a few more times again, every touch eliciting a whine out of your seaprince, until something prodded through the opening, quickly gaining in size. 
it took everything he got for samu to prop himself up on his elbows and watch your face as two large dicks grew above the scales, light purple and streaming with translucent slick, curved up and thick, with a slightly sharper tip compared to human. samu gulped, watching as your hand stilled beside them, eyes trained on the discovery. he was slowly growing frantic, feeling too open, too on display, too ashamed to ever present you with his physique, but your voice stilled him. 
your voice, filled to the brim with thrill. 
“you… you have two?”
samu nodded, ears flat against his head and neck, and quickly vocalised. “yes, two” he sounded skittish again, like when the two of you first met. “small a-and /click/ big”
“they’re both big”
for some reason, it helped him exhale, puffy chest heaving with intensity. 
“can i…” you finally looked at him and samu blushed under your lustful gaze. “can i ride you?”
“m-mhm” he managed, leading your hand to the base of the upper - smaller - one, and you felt your hole clench in anticipation as your hand barely closed around his girth. osamu barely held in a whine, the softness of your fingers so delicious against his neglected need. 
eyes darting between him and his dicks, you attempted a little pump at the base, and he threw his head back, a bubbly gurgle resounding off the rocks. once more, a little tighter, a little longer, and his tail twitched, mouth hanging open in search for air. 
he looked so good like this, so easily manipulated into the prettiest mess. unlike when he was pleasuring you, here he lost all focus, fingers clutching aimlessly at the grayish moss. Moving your hand up and down, dousing him in his own slick, you were hypnotized by this samu, a foolish little puddle of need and want, so extremely sensitive, so very pretty with tears in his eyes and lips quivering. Shy and bordering on crying, he was like a… wait. 
“are you a virgin?’ your hand stilled at his tip, thumbing mindlessly over the slit. forced to open his eyes, he tilted his head again, ears twitching in confusion. “vir-”
“first time?” you saved him the embarrassment, playful grin pulling at your lips as he dropped his gaze again, nodding. 
snaking your hand under his chin, you brought his face closer, leaving reassuring pecks all across the blooming cheeks. “you want to do it?” 
“yes” a rushed answer igniting your core with tingles, you left one last peck to his lips and straddled him, skirt tossed aside to the thickets of grass. 
teasing mood getting the best of you, you let your folds brush against his lengths, adding to the moisture. samu’s eyes were fixed on where the two of you connected, body all still except for the happily fluttering ears. “no no, watch me” you cooed, raising his chin up with your finger and tossing the rest of your clothes aside, hips picking up the pace as you humped on his pulsating cocks. 
samu gulped down the huff and obliged, hands finding purchase on your hips. his tail flapped lightly across the stone, body seizing up every other second as his tips brushed against your entrance. it was intoxicating, watching this hunk of a man so sheepish and eager while not even in, little whines and chirps bubbling up in his chest all because of you. 
dragging your pussy over him one more time, you lined his lower dick with your entrance and sank down, the stretch burning just a tiny bit. he was so thick, so heavy nestled all the way up to your belly, and your walls twitched uncontrollably, trapping him inside. 
“fu-fuck” he cried, fingers digging into your thighs and ass, eyes screwed shut of the sheer pleasure your tightness provided. your own legs shook, thighs splayed over his lower half, and you felt too drunk, suddenly, realising how hard it will be to last long on top of him like that. so pretty, so innocent even after his mouth has been devilishly good to your arousal, and stretching you out so perfectly, he was truly a gift. 
with one of your hands on his chest and another enveloping his upper cock, you tried to move, jerking your hips up and down, and your vision turned white for a second. he pressed against all the right places, the drag of soft ridges and curves hooking you up in an instant, and you moaned, trying the movement again. 
samu thrashed under you, eyes glassy, mouth hanging open in silent scream, and bucked up into you, shifting the angle just a bit and
“ah, samuu, ah-” you cried, nails digging into his chest. “m-more, like that”
fat chance he didn’t really hear you, too lost in bliss and chasing his own high like feral, he bucked up more and faster, faster, fingers digging into the plush of your ass. you bounced on top, choking up on your own sobs, your essence streaming down your thighs and letting out the sinful squelching sounds as you two neared your high. 
“sa-samu, oh, like tha-at” you whined, your hand pumping his upper dick on its own, all rhythm lost to overwhelming pleasure as you felt the familiar yet much bigger knot tying up inside. 
“mmhm, like that, mhmm, ah-” he echoed, foolish grin tugging at his lips, crazed eyes fixated on your fucked out face right above his own, as his thrusts became deeper, harsher, aiming right at your sweet spot inside. “gon’ mmm, gon’ c-cu-”
“saamuu!” you cried, toes curling as your hand tightened around his other cock and the knot snapped loose, orgasm washing over you like a tsunami. he followed right after, runny copious loads painting your insides, his body shaking and seizing up as he hugged you tight, face hidden in the crook of your neck. 
as you two came down your high, you kissed his chest, propping up yourself to smile at his blissed out features. 
“wanna go again?”
MDNI, reblogs and comments are welcome, double wrap for double d
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taglist: @hoohoohope, @justanothernpcartist @the-b-u-n-n-y to join the taglist, please leave a comment on my kinktober masterlist or dm me (pls remember u have to have ur age in bio)
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© 2022 AVEEGREX, all rights reserved. reposting and copying my works without my consent is forbidden.
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yasashii-leaf · 1 month
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just merformers...i'm quite proud of the design.
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starswimmingart · 2 years
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Some doodles for my (possible?) first ever fic, a selkie y/n DA au where you, dear reader, are the selkie, and the DA’s (one in each body this time!) are oceanic exploratory robots built to gather research and study! However, the owner of the coporation funding these robots, might not exactly have the best interests in mind, completely unknown to the DA’s..  not sure what to call it yet so for now it’ll just be The Selkie Search!
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bloo-the-dragon · 2 years
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He appreciates it! However...
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