#mergana fic
merganalogy · 4 months
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Part 6
Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
This one takes place in early 2010
An uncomfortable silence hung in the air, each second stretching painfully as his eyes darted around, avoiding contact. The weight of unspoken words pressed down on them, amplifying the awkwardness of the moment.
The whistle of the kettle pierced the heavy silence, its shrill sound a welcome interruption to the tension between them. They both glanced toward the kitchen, grateful for the brief distraction from their uneasy quiet.
“I’ll get it.” Morgana rushed into the kitchen to make the tea. She soon returned with mugs in hand, her eyes briefly settling on the man's bruised face, a knot of distress tightening in her stomach.
“Was it drugs or alcohol?” She asked, placing his mug on the small table in front of him.
He eyed the tea but didn’t reach for it. Nevertheless, he nodded his head, “Thank you.”
“So?” she persisted, wanting to know what kind of shit he had gotten himself into.
A lie.
Then, Morgana raised one eyebrow high, an elegant, curved arc that spoke volumes. “What happened to your face then?”
The room fell silent as the question hung in the air, a palpable weight pressing down on everyone present. Merlin leaned back slightly, eyes narrowing in thought.
How hard was it to answer a simple question?
Finally, with a slow, deliberate nod, he turned his eyes back to her. The silence broke as he began to speak, his voice measured and deliberate, the result of careful consideration. “I am really sorry for what took place the last time we met… I was-”
He really didn't want to talk about what had brought him to this point. If he was willing to bring up the hotel incident 50 years later, it must be a big deal.
No matter, she’d forget about that for now.
He struggled to find his next words. “…I didn’t have all the facts and I just assumed…when you said-”
Ah, now she got it.
“You thought that I survived all these years because I was stealing the lives of other people. A life for a life. Is that it?”
A look of remorse washed over his features like a sudden wave crashing onto the shore. Lines etched themselves into his brow, as if the weight of regret pressed down upon him, heavy and unyielding.
Of course, he’d thought that. In a way, that did explain his aggressiveness towards her. “Well, I am just thrilled your opinion of me has remained so stagnant, Merlin.”
He continued as if he didn’t hear her, “Aithusa told me how she had saved you, that you lost your magic because of the ritual she had performed-”
She cut him off, he still didn’t have all the information. “I didn’t lose my magic. It’s tapped inside of me. I cannot use it, but it is what’s keeping me alive.”
In the beginning, it had been a fate worse than death. Being so vulnerable all over again. With time, she came to live it. But never accept it.
Merlin nodded his head and cleared his throat, “Yeah, I know that now….I am really sorry. Truly.”
She almost smiled in exasperation, her lips twitching with the urge to release a sigh of frustration. “Why do you keep doing that, Merlin?”
“You assume the worst of me and then you hurt me.” Morgana snapped, “You cannot apologize after all these years. What exactly are you expecting? My forgiveness?” she locked eyes with his, a defiant fire blazing within them. “Never.”
No matter what foolish excuses he came up with, she had no interest in listening. "You've never trusted me, Merlin; that's the crux of it. For centuries, I kept my distance, avoiding both you and Camelot. Yet, one slip of the tongue, and suddenly I'm labelled as evil once more."
It was all because she had said that she couldn’t heal her injured palm.
“You continually evaded me every time we crossed paths. You never given me the opportunity to inquire properly.” He countered, rising to his feet in front of her. He swayed, but managed to ground himself quickly, "I made an effort to trust you, Morgana. I was adamant about not repeating past mistakes, but it was you who consistently appeared out of thin air only to vanish just as quickly."
Of course he blamed her for his shitty demeanour.  
"It was all Aithusa's doing," she explained, feeling it necessary for him to understand the full truth. "I never intended to re-enter your life, Merlin. I was content living mine, away from yours. But then you were injured in the war, alone in the hospital. Aithusa badgered me relentlessly until I relented. The same happened when you were poisoned and on the brink of death. Sailing to America was her suggestion, and in hindsight, I should have known better. And again, when I visited your hotel, it was at her insistence. Even today, you're here in my flat because she sensed danger and asked me to help you." She took a deep breath, “Believe me, Merlin, the last thing I wanted was to see you again.”
As he gnawed on his bottom lip, his eyes flickered with a mixture of fear and longing, a silent plea for reassurance in the face of uncertainty.               “You must hate for what I said the last time we met.”
He was referring to the confession she had made in a moment of brief insanity.
“I wish I could hate you, but you're nothing more than a footnote in a story I've long since closed." Morgana shrugged her shoulders. “I am no longer the Morgana you knew Merlin. That one died at your hands along with her memories and feelings of hate…and love. Unlike you, I’ve put the past behind me.”
“Then help me do that. Help me move on.”
“Tomorrow.” She didn’t know why had had said that. She should have declined immediately and he would have accepted her answer.  The moment of insanity had not brief after all. “But now, finish your tea and then leave.” she instructed, her tone firm.
From this list, send me a prompt if you’d like.
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tiodolma · 5 months
His only reprieve from that pain had been Will, who joked him through it. Who took the blame for some of the mischief that Merlin's magic caused. Will never treated him differently. He never lied to Merlin. Will had died for his sake. If Merlin didn't have a friend like Will, who risked a lot and risked it often for him, then Merlin would never have made it to Camelot.
Morgana never had that. He could have been that, but he was afraid. He was a coward, Merlin knew as much. Will wouldn't have poisoned his friend. He would have found another way. But Merlin didn't. He betrayed Morgana. She had put her entire life in his hand and he crushed it.
It's not everyday where you can read a mergana fic that remembers Will.
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 2 months
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onceandfuturelesbian · 3 months
ok i’m a merthur truther ride or die BUT
there NEEDS to be more bisexual polycule fics where everyone loves everyone
like the greater camelot polycule by mechup
i love that fic n i’d love to see more, especially like 1-on-1’s and more mature scenes and established relationships all around
like just seeing merlin edits n im like wow merlin has chemistry with everyone but also everyone has/could have chemistry with everyone
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ayoaloe · 2 months
Can anyone recommend me a Merlin fic where Arthur and Morgana are fighting over Merlin?
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merlin-gotcha4gaza · 2 months
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gwaineandmerlin · 1 year
I do not vibe w/ modern era Merlin au because it strips away so much of what makes the characters canonical relationships interesting
some fan fic tries to emulate the dynamic by making Arthur Merlin's boss or Arthur a rich prep school boy and Gwen poor . . . but it doesn't quite replace the King/Servant dynamic
I NEED rank to be part of the conflict in stories or else what makes almost any ship (merthur, arwen, mergana, morgwen, even merwen in later seasons) compelling is lost for me
like is it even Arthur and Merlin if they are not Loyal King and Devoted Servant?
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batshieroglyphics · 7 months
FICLET: Fought the Perfect Storm ~ BBC's Merlin ~ Mature
Title: Fought the Perfect Storm Fandom: BBC's Merlin Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Arthur Pendragon/Guinevere & Merlin/Morgana Pendragon Warnings: magic reveal, implied off-screen sex, established relationship, AU Prompt: N/A Summary: Arthur muses over how Merlin and Morgana became an item, while Gwen enjoys his suffering.
It had been about six months since Morgana and Helios' brief conquest of Camelot, when Merlin had started acting...strange. Even for him. (Admittedly, Arthur hadn't really noticed, otherwise busy with ruling a kingdom, but Guinevere had noticed. Had cornered Arthur's idiotic manservant and somehow convinced him to talk to her, even though every word of his concerns had been treason, because a bloody dragon had been screaming for help in his head—which was something that just happened to those able to use magic—and Merlin had been waffling over going to help it.) Armed with Guinevere's blessing, Merlin had left Camelot to help the dragon, and Guinevere—Arthur's dearest love—had decided to go on a crusade to convince Arthur that magic could have a place in Camelot.
Read it on Archive of Our Own! (Please note that you will require an AO3 account of your own to read. Please let me know if you need an invite code.)
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merganalogy · 4 months
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Part 7
Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Still in 2010 (July)
Merlin sat on the floor by his bed, a notebook balanced on his knees and a pen clutched in his hand. The soft glow of a bedside lamp cast a warm light over the pages filled with his neat, precise handwriting. He was lost in his thoughts, completely absorbed in the words flowing from his pen. The silence of his small apartment was punctuated only by the occasional scratch of the pen against paper.
Suddenly, a voice broke through the quiet, startling him. "Have you lost your damn mind!?"
Merlin jerked. The pen stilled in his hand as he lifted his head up, his wide eyes meeting the gaze of the speaker. His breath caught in his throat, a mixture of shock and confusion playing across his face.
It was Morgana, standing in the doorway, her eyes blazing with anger. Her sudden, furious question had shattered his focus entirely. Merlin felt his pulse quicken, his mind scrambling to process her words and her presence.
Should he be happy that, unlike their usual pattern of years apart, it hadn't taken an eternity for them to meet again this time?
Mere months instead of half centuries.
He needed to focus, he could be happy later for now needed to know why she was angry.
"I—uh, what?" he stammered, blinking rapidly. He took a moment to push himself up from the floor. "What are you talking about?"
Morgana’s eyes narrowed, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. "You know exactly what I'm talking about," she said, her tone icy. "You’re delving into black magic. You know how dangerous that it…"
His eyes widened further, “How did you know?”
The moment he uttered the words, he instinctively grasped the answer.
It was Aithusa. He should have known better especially after what Morgana had told him last time they had seen each other.  
The dragon cared too much about him.
How much did the dragon share?
Morgana took a deep breath, her anger giving way to a deeper hurt. “Why would you do this? Why would you care?”
Everything, it seemed.
Merlin’s shoulders sagged, the weight of the truth pressing down on him. “You know why. I just want to find a way to keep you safe…” He felt a lump form in his throat, “Even if your magic is what’s keeping you alive and preventing your body from aging, you can still get hurt, you can still…”
He gained extensive knowledge about the rituals Aithusa had conducted to save Morgana’s life and he came to the realization that without magic, Morgana was constantly at risk.
It was truly miraculous that she had survived all these years.
Morgana took a deep breath, her anger giving way to a deeper hurt. “…die.” She finished for him. “I didn’t ask you to do this.”
He opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. He just nodded his head. It was all that he could do.
Though she hadn't explicitly requested it, given the immense pain he had caused her and the suffering he had subjected her to over the years, he felt compelled to do everything in his power to keep her safe.
It seemed like the least he could offer—protecting her.
It might not have been much, but if it meant using black magic to restore her abilities, wasn't it justified?
Tears welled in her eyes as she shook her head, the pain evident in her expression. Once again, he was causing her anguish, unintentionally inflicting hurt even when he didn't intend to.
 “How do you think that makes me feel, Merlin?” She asked, then she was quiet for a few seconds before adding, “If this is about you being alone...We have talked about this, Merlin. Forget about the past. You need to move on. Go out, make new friends and get a job,find a girl, and ask her on a date-”
“It’s not about that.” He gently interjected to redirect the conversation. He didn’t know why Aithusa had sought Morgana yet again despite his orders.
He sympathized with the dragon's concern, but it was becoming excessive, particularly considering Morgana's reluctance to meet with him. He didn’t want to force her to do something she was uncomfortable with.
She had made it clear to him that his mere presence was enough to upset her and he was determined to respect her wishes of staying away.
Morgana shot him a sceptical glance, silently conveying her disbelief in his words.
“I am not. Truly.” He insisted, feeling unease discussing this with Morgana, “In fact, I have a date tomorrow. She wanted…We’re going to see a film.”
In the blink of an eye, her expression transformed from one of hurt to a playful grin, leaving him bewildered by the rapidity of her emotional shift. She sensed the subtle tension in the air when he corrected himself.
“A film? What is it called?”
He shouldn’t tell her. Or better yet, he should just lie.
“Twilight something. She said it was the third one.”
Despite her best efforts to conceal it, a mischievous sparkle danced in her eyes, betraying the amusement she was desperately trying to suppress. Her grin grew wider.
He should not have told her. And most importantly, why were they deflecting?
They had an imperative matter to discuss other than this.
“How old is she?”
He gave up, “Old enough to know better.”
Morgana burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the room. However, Merlin, though trying to maintain his composure, couldn't hide his annoyance, his eyes narrowing slightly as he attempted to stifle his own smile.
He missed that sound.
He pondered whether she shared the same sense of isolation as he did, but he understood he could never broach that topic with her. She had made it clear she didn't want him to delve into her inner world. Even the prospect of rekindling their friendship felt like an insurmountable barrier for her.
At the moment, he resigned himself to her playful teasing, hoping to persuade her to explore alternative methods for freeing her magic at a later time. “You clearly heard of them, so don’t be like that!”
“Have you watched the first two?”
“No…” He shook his head. Did he have to?
“Well, you need to be prepared. We’re going to watch the first two tonight.”
From this list, send me a prompt if you’d like.
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tiodolma · 7 months
"I was reacting to being lied to and poisoned by the two people that I truest the most. Trusted with a secret that would cost me my life. If either one of you had told me the truth, that I had magic or that I was the vessel for my sister's enchantment." She paused to try and gain control of the hurt that had crept into her voice. "Do you think I would have chosen to turn against my friends. I wanted Uther gone, his reign to end, I never wanted anyone else to be hurt." As she went on she lost all pretence of trying to sound unaffected "You tried to kill me." Her eyes locked on Merlin. "Rather than speak with me, you tricked me into drinking poison. You gave me no choice." Realising how much of her emotions she had shown she quickly schooled herself into a look of blankness. "You showed me that there is no one that I can really trust. I can only trust myself." Merlin watched her carefully as she spoke and he was sure he saw her right eye water a little. This was just before her voice cracked. For the both of them it was like the old Morgana was standing in-front of them again. The Morgana that came running to them for help when she was at her most confused and scared, begging for answers they had refused to give her. In the back of both of their minds had been the nagging feeling that they had played a part, a large part in what had happened to her, their friend. They pushed this thought away because it was to hard to think about. They had done what they believed was the right thing, for the good of everyone, her included. Now faced with the emotional pain of those actions they went sure they could fully defended them as strongly as they believed they could.
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arthursbubblebutt · 1 year
So I have been thinking
This fic where Arthur doesn't become king and other fics where Morgana is the regent when he's away and maybe a webtoon I have read made me have an idea where Arthur became Morgana's knight and supported her ascension to the throne
And when everything is just too peaceful, Merlin comes in as Gaius' new apprentice, and Arthur gets a little too distracted during meetings with the physicians shadow in tow.
Morgana on the throne and being the girlboss that she is doesn't necessarily want a husband/king yet and just wants to focus on her people, but the council has been pressuring her for an heir of course she has said that Arthur is her heir but even then Arthur has stated he does not want to even be considered on the throne and just wants to be her guard/advisor
Now that's just context. The scene I'm thinking of is like
"If they want an heir, then they'll have an heir." Morgana stands and walks to the window to watch over the people down in the courtyard.
"And how are you going to manage that, dear sister?" Arthur says when he grabs an apple off her plate and takes a bite, watching her brow furrow.
"I do not want to be married at this time, and the councilors have been pushing their sons at me, similar to how you would stuff your face with bacon." Morgana's grimace twists into a smile when she hears an indignant squawk made in the direction where she left Arthur.
"So, not one of their sons which have been given to you on a platter."
"Don't talk with your mouth full, Arthur."
"A noble would just want to covet the throne for themselves - they would undermine my rule until they are the only one the councilors will listen to."
"A commoner then?"
"Yes, but even then, they would use the child as a way to say they have a right to the throne." Morgana's gaze never strays from looking out the window trying to think of something. She could have Arthur's children as an heir, but who knows when that will be or even if that will happen, and she doesn't want the councilors foaming at the mouth to introduce their daughters to her brother; eager to have their family mixed in the royal bloodline. She rolls her eyes at the thought.
Bloodlines, she huffs at that. She would rather adopt, but then she doesn't want to deal with the headache the council will induce when she brings up the thought.
"A contract then, and someone who will honor that contract." Arthur muses outloud.
A flash of familiar raven hair catches her attention as well as when they fumble a basket full of herbs she recognizes the royal physician having. A smile curls her lips when the thought of her brother flustered in being bandaged up by the kind apprentice. An idea forms in her mind then.
"Someone of common birth and that does not desire the position they could potentially hold." She turns to her brother then, eating another fruit from her platter.
Arthur sees the traces of mischief in his sister's eyes that he has grown to be wary of in their youth. He straightens his shoulders when she walks over to the table and takes a grape from his hand. "I was going to eat that," his eyes narrow when she just laughs and eats the grape.
"I think I know the perfect candidate."
"Someone who is of common birth?
"Someone who will stay in their position when they could easily climb the latter to a luxurious life beside the Queen?"
"Indeed, dear brother."
"And who's the idiot that would do that?"
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mintedemrys · 1 year
someone ask me about my mergana baby merthur fic so I can talk about it
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merlinemrys · 1 year
Summary: Merlin and Morgana fight.
Merlin feels the air around Morgana and pulls, leaving her choking, gasping. The dull ache in his chest returns like a new wound. She collapses on the ground, clutching at her neck much like she did when he shoved hemlock down her throat. His jaw clenches as the dirt falls away. He releases his hold on the air as he walks towards Morgana. She’s still struggling to gain her breath when he kneels down in front of her.
Her green eyes are lined with furious tears.
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ayoaloe · 1 year
Fic Recs (Short-Mergana)
1. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48046480
Name: Feathers
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: Morgana thought they'd never see them again. She's certainly come down from her Ladyship position.
Basically a short fic about established, domestic mergana.
2. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37332940
Name: Fortress of the Heart
Word count: 5.1k
Summary: The magic ban has been lifted, the war has come to an end, and Camelot appears to be on the cusp of its prophesied Golden Age. There are rumors, however, that Morgana is still plotting against Camelot.
Arthur doesn’t want to believe them. He's noticed that Morgana keeps to herself and that she's hardly ever in Camelot except to attend council meetings and pick up magic supplies. But surely there's another explanation?
I wouldn’t really count this since they aren’t actually together but it’s just really good.
3. https://archiveofourown.org/works/24566986
Name: Newlyweds
Word count: 1.1k
Summary: ‘Hey, Arthur. Beautiful weather we’re having today, no? By the way… I got drunk and married your sister at a Druid feast. Have a good one.’
No, that didn’t quite sound right.
Merlin and Morgana elope. They stuggle to tell Arthur.
There’s a really good multi chapter fic with the same premise called ‘Ain’t that a kick in the head?’ by wandrenowle
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merlin-gotcha4gaza · 2 months
As of right now, the Merlin Gotcha for Gaza event is now doing bogo prompts for the last couple days of the event!!!! That’s right, as little as a 5$ donation could get you 2 sfw prompts now!!!
Every dollar counts and we want to make a difference in Aya and her families lives!!! So please, check out the carrd to see where to donate and how to get your prompt filled!!! Event ends August 1st!!!!
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Harry and Hermione are twins and they're Merlin and Morgana's kids, but they only find out in their 13th birthday, when they recieve a Gringotts letter explaining that there's an urgent matter and they should go to the bank to sort it out.
They have a portkey in the letter to go straight up to a goblin's office, so when they activate it they're surprised to see each other there but they don't think much of it.
Until they make a sort of blood test? Honestly, they don't know how it's called in the wixen world...But they make this test and they're furious with the results, 'cause 1) they have a fucking lot of blocks, potions, glamours and spells in them; 2) their whole life was a lie, since their parents are not their parents, they were stolen as babies if the goblins are to be believed; 3) They're twins and it was hidden from them! and 4) Dumbledore did all of this to them.
Hermione screams that she wants Dumbledore's head in a fucking diamond plate and that she wants his head with an apple in the mouth just like a pig. Harry just calmly reminds her that this can't happen yet, that they should talk to their biological parents first and plot against Dumbledore in a way that he would never see it coming and he would see death as a gift 'cause they would absolutely ruin the old fucker.
So they ask the goblins to set up a meeting with their biological parents and once the tearful reunion is sorted out, they start plotting.
Once Harry and Hermione are back in Hogwarts they keep on the facade of being the perfect Gryffindors and 2/3 of the Golden Trio and the Dumbledore lovers that they were. But secretly they came back knowing more spells than Dumbledore himself, knowing how to use a sword perfectly and muggle martial arts, knowing how to protect their minds perfectly in a way that it just seems like they don't know how to do that and knowing how to read someone's mind without the person noticing. They start sneaking to the Chamber of Secrets to plot without being seen or heard, they usually do it at night, when Ron is sleeping so they won't have to make up excuses.
Draco notices that there's something off about Potter and Granger this year, like how they would glare at Dumbledore as if wishing he would just drop dead when no one can see that they're doing it and how they'll just whisper to each other while Weasley is distracted eating and how apparently Potter is following Granger to the library without any complaints and also how Potter decided to take runes and arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures as electives instead of just Divination and COMC...But there's also the fact that both Potter and Granger won't react anymore when Draco teases them, they just shake their heads at him with a complacent smile and once Potter even tried to pet Draco's hair, like what the fuck Potter? Honestly, Draco is pretty sure that Potter and Granger somehow went insane during the summer and now Weasley is the only sane member of the Golden Trio.
Harry and Hermione honestly don't have time for Malfoy's childish teasing and bullying, so they just ignore it and Harry just wants to say "That's cute, but we don't have time for childish things like that, we have bigger things to worry about" and once he tried to pet Malfoy's hair to try to say that, but by the look Malfoy and Hermione gave him, that wasn't his best idea, after that Hermione was just like "Harry, please, don't do that again, Malfoy isn't a cat, so don't try to pet him again." and Harry just shrugged.
One day Draco is passing through some empty/abandoned classrooms when he hears voices, familiar voices. Potter and Granger. He doesn't want them to notice he's there, but he wants to listen their conversation, since it can explain why they're acting so weird. Draco decides that figuring out what's happening is more important than Potter and Granger eventually finding him eavesdropping. He's surprised that 2/3 of the Golden Trio are actually planning on taking Dumbledore down.
Harry and Hermione are discussing their plans in some empty/abandoned classroom 'cause someone is using Myrtle's bathroom, so they can't go to the Chamber and they're with the Marauders map opened, so that's okay. They can see that Malfoy is coming in their direction but they just shrug and Harry say "It's not like he's gonna run and tell Dumbledore what we're planning, so just let him listen. That's gonna make him stop trying to follow us around...I hope." Hermione nods and they just keep talking about their plans, but they're careful to not mention the bigger secret knowing that Malfoy is eavesdropping. They're just throwing some ideas around and then Malfoy barges in saying "I want to help."
Draco keeps eavesdropping until Potter and Granger just start throwing ideas around, and he knows it would make his father proud if he helped with taking Dumbledore down and honestly, Draco agrees that the old goat needs to go, so without thinking too much about it, he just barges into the room Potter and Granger are saying "I want to help." Potter and Granger just look at him for a minute and then Potter turns to Granger saying "What do you think, 'Mione? It would be great having a third person working from inside with us..." and Granger considers it for a second then replies to Potter with "Yeah, I think it could work...I'm gonna let our...Partners from outside know that now we have an extra hand while you fill Malfoy in with everything he needs to know about the plan." and Potter nods and lets Granger go with "Don't use Hedwig, she's way too recognizable and it would be suspicious. Don't use Wendy either, she's just as recognizable as Hedwig. Use a school owl...Or just sneak to Hogsmeade to send the message from there." and Draco is confused on who's Wendy, as far as he knows, Granger has a cat and not an owl and Potter is not gonna elaborate on that for what it seems.
Harry kinda liked confusing Malfoy when he told Hermione to not use Wendy, her new owl that they bought 'cause Hedwig was kinda momming that owl and they decided she was staying with Hermione instead of Harry 'cause Harry barely send any letters anyways, so what use he would have for yet another owl? But even if Harry was enjoying it, he decided it was better to start filling Malfoy in.
Draco was enjoying helping Potter and Granger more than he expected he would, to be honest. But the unsettling thing is that he kinda developed a crush on Potter and he doesn't know what to do with it. Of course, that's when Potter and Granger decided to shock Draco to his death by saying that they consider him a friend and because of that, now they trust him with their biggest secret, that no one, besides all the people involved in the secret and the goblins, knows. Draco faints for at least a minute when the secret is revealed.
Harry and Hermione after a while of Malfoy helping them, started seeing him as a friend, or well Hermione did and Harry kinda developed a crush, and decided it's time to reveal that they're actually twins and their parents are Merlin and Morgana, that are actually alive by the way. They didn't really see it coming that Draco would faint, for Avalon's sake!
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