#might drop more ocs lore in the future :))
pitaya-jelly · 8 months
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[ocs] “this day in the flower field i lost her”
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sotwk · 5 months
random no pressure ask: share a bit of oc lore you've been working on recently/haven't shared before💛
feel free to pass this ask on to others!
Thank you for the Ask and wonderful opportunity to drop more fic spoilers! <3 And thank you for supporting OCs!
Those who follow me closely enough would already know I am focusing on two multi-chapter stories this year, both of them spin-offs from my Canon x Reader Insert fics:
From "Breathe":
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From "Taken":
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The two love interests in these fics will actually become good friends in "Change the Stars" (which takes place post-RotK), to go hand-in-hand with the brotherly friendship between Boromir and Éomer that I wish to expand on. Although these two ladies are very different, they also find plenty of commonalities and shared experiences to bond over (not just about their men). Their shared qualities include:
Both are orphans (lost both parents very early).
Both come from controversial backgrounds. (details to follow)
Both are viewed as "unsuitable" for the men they love, due to class division and prejudice.
Both are fiercely loyal to their homelands and their people.
Both stand up for themselves and pursue their chosen paths successfully despite being underestimated and looked down on.
Both are very much in love with their men, but are prepared to sacrifice futures with them to do the right thing.
Now, without further ado, just because I can't sit on this any longer... I would like to introduce the names and faces of these new OCs:
Aerdis, Lady of Gondor
SotWK Fancast: Freida Pinto
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"What other explanation could there be for him asking for you ? On the evening of a kingdom-wide celebration, when every fair lady in Gondor was clamoring to gain even just a few moments of his attention? Who were you? Just a produce vendor with your own little stall in the lower markets of the White City." - Excerpt from Breathe  
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Signyr, Shield-maiden of Rohan
SotWK Fancast: Katheryn Winnick
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"He had forgotten what a vision she made outside of armor, so long had they lived in battle gear. The gown she wore to the coronation ball had distracted him all evening, but it painted her beauty too foreign. The plain clothes of their people suited her best. On her, the wine-red dress underneath her green Rider’s cloak outstripped any fine silk confection. Her hair, usually held back in tight braids or trapped underneath a war helm, flowed in free waves that tumbled to her waist and made his fingers ache with longing." - Excerpt from Taken
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Thank you for coming to my sneak peek, and I hope you continue to be patient with me as I work towards getting these fics going! <3 Your encouragement is SO invaluable and helps SO much.
Tagging a few friends who might be interested (if not, please excuse the frivolous tag XD): @scyllas-revenge @ass-deep-in-demons @konartiste @emmanuellececchi @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @hippodameia @heilith @lathalea @unethicallypleistocene @hesperioae @pinkerflamingo78 @hobbitwrangler @hesperioae @alwayssevvy
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starrysnowdrop · 6 months
Looking Forward -> 2024
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We are almost done with 2023 and what a year it’s been! Both IRL and here, there has been so many great changes this year, and there’s still so much to look forward to in 2024. Therefore, I wanted to take a little time to reflect on this past year and then talk about what I have planned for next year. Because I know I’ll be long winded as usual, I will place it under a cut.
2023: The Year of Hali
So this year was a momentous year creatively for me, as I officially switched my main WoL OC from Yume to Hali, and though I do still have a twinge of guilt for dropping Yume completely like I did, I have to admit that I’ve never been happier writing than I am right now. Hali and her story and her ship with Aymeric bring me so much joy, and I have seen how much Hali has been enjoyed by all of you, so it just tells me that I made the right decision. I have written so much more for Hali in only a year than I have for Yume in all the previous years combined. I have been practicing my gposing way more and I felt like I have grown so much as a creator, and I think it’s because I’m so genuinely happy with Hali that it makes me want to keep doing more. This little pink woman has stolen my whole heart and I am very proud of all I have done this year with her.
Now I know that the last two months have been really stressful IRL and it’s been difficult to get back into writing, but I’m not going to let it get to me. I’m hoping that starting next week after the holidays are over, my son is back in school, and we are all back to our routines that it’ll be way easier to write. Still, I’m proud of what I’ve already done and I’m so excited for what I have planned for 2024, along with my hopes for Dawntrail and for Hali and Aymeric’s future development.
2024, Dawntrail, and Beyond
I know I’m not alone in being extremely excited for Dawntrail and beginning our WoLs’ next story arc, so I already have some plans for Hali that will happen for sure, and some that might happen depending on circumstances. I also have plans for Urania x Hermes on top of everything I want to do for Hali. So let’s go over all of these briefly.
First of all, I am going to continue working on my current WIPs for Hali’s story, notably Hali and Aymeric’s first meeting, expanding on Hali and Aymeric bonding while Aymeric recovers in the infirmary (twice!), the letters they send to each other throughout SB, ShB, and Pre-EW, the love confession, and the Ishgardian Ball. I have worked on all of this interchangeably for months now and I hope to get something done soon enough. I also have a bunch of Hali lore that I have planned on discussing, notably her ancestry and where each side of her family comes from. This is a lot I know, but there’s so much that I want to write and share with you all.
Next I absolutely know that I want Aymeric to accompany Hali to Tural (The New World) for 7.0 despite it going against canon. I want Aymeric to have some time away from Ishgard and to experience an adventure with Hali. I know he can’t accompany her on adventures most of the time, but I want to be self indulgent damn it and that man needs an action-adventure vacation with his girlfriend!
That’s it for my definitive plans, but what about what I might be doing for Hali in 2024? Well, the biggest question hanging in the balance is the new casting job. It depends on if I believe the new casting job will fit Hali and make sense for her progression if I will add it to her canon jobs list. If I don’t think it’ll fit her, then I might look into the other jobs and see if there’s something I’ve overlooked that can be added instead. But there’s always the possibility that no new canon jobs are added and Hali remains an Astrologian and Dancer only. I was just looking forward to perhaps giving Hali some development of her magical abilities and learn a new job. But I will have to wait and see for Tokyo Fanfest for that!
The other thing that I’m not entirely sure if I’m doing it yet or not is a proposal! I might have Aymeric propose to Hali in 7.0 but I’m not sure if I want to do it so soon, or if it feels right doing it in 7.0. I want to experience all of 7.0’s MSQ before I decide on that. It WILL happen eventually I promise, it’s just a matter of when.
I think that’s everything for Hali, but I also have plans for Urania and Hermes! I’m wanting to write a bit of their canon story but I’m also super excited for the Modern AU I have been developing! I’m not sure yet if I will do anything with the Good Ending AU I just posted about, but it’s still a possibility. I’m also going to make them a separate section under my pinned post so there will be easy access to their lore.
Okay, I believe that’s everything. I will be getting started on all this after the new year’s celebration, and I hope to be able to share something really soon. Until then, I wish you all a Happy New Year and I hope you enjoy your holiday weekend and I wish everyone joy and inspiration in the new year! Love you all!! 🥰💖
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troglodytepixieeater · 6 months
Tarnished Blood: Part 1
Disclaimer: want everyone to know that the future is not the canon of the series! This is my own personal headcanon of what I imagine my MC to have in the Blood Legacies (creator: @bloodlegacies). While I have read probably every piece of lore for the blog, there might be some things that are not canon in my story. If there are, then you can message me and correct me for future fanfics; however, it might not change said fanfic where I got the lore, magical properties, or anything else wrong.
Paring: Hayden x OC!Bianca
Warning: none?
The sound of tapping brought Bianca out of her thoughts; however, she did not look at the source and instead stared at the key points that she would have to cover in the next meeting with the court about the trade routes written on a piece of parchment.
Maybe I should ask my father about this?
Bianca sighed. She missed her father dearly, and although she knew he would drop what he was doing to help her, she felt guilty bothering him with simple trade routes just for an excuse to check up on him.
He was still in Darian; however, it was really Bianca who kept her house in power and her people happy as she had come of age to rule. However, that did not mean her father just sat on his ass. No. If anything, he helped take most of the stress off her shoulders, making sure everything went smoothly. He wasn't just her commander anymore; he was her commander if the crown on her head was any indication.
It was odd having her father follow her orders and not the other way around; however, Bianca knew deep down that she would never be the one in charge when it came to the relationship with her father. She respected him too much. Maybe she should try not to rely on him too much and let him enjoy his time in his older years with that new lover of his.
What would I do without him?
That thought came with an aching feeling of grief at the thought of losing another parent; however, she scowled at herself for having such a morbid thought. Bianca knew that one day it would come when her father wouldn't be around, but she would get through it; it would be full circle as it would now be her turn to teach her own children to slowly let her go as they grew into adulthood.
Speaking of children, the tapping became so excessive that Bianca finally looked up from her notes to see her middle child tapping away at the table with her right hand, her index finger having just a hint of ice on her tip as she mulled over her notes. In her left hand sat a quill as her daughter wrote something down and then frowned before roughly scratching through the paper again.
Bianca couldn't help but have a small hidden smile as she stared at the twelve-year-old. At only twelve, her daughter, the second heir and princess of Petrus, was probably one of the smartest scholars that their kingdom has ever seen.
The way that she consumed knowledge was amazing; unlike her siblings, who saw their studies as chores or a responsibility, it seemed that her middle child enjoyed her studies. Now only if Bianca could get her daughter to pick up a sword like her oldest than would she be unstoppable.
Bianca just stared at her daughter, watching as her nose wrinkled when she got frustrated, and the tapping got louder and louder. Unable to sit still, just like her father, getting him to sit through a whole meeting, people would think you were sending him off to war at how he moped and pouted, but with a few threatening comforting words, he seemed to make it through the "torture."
Although Hayden wasn't nearly as focused as their middle child, when mentioned to him once when they were alone, Bianca remembered him saying that her nose wrinkle reminded him of his sister when she would get annoyed at him.
Bianca smiled at the thought, and she remembered thinking than that the name of her daughter was even more fitting.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Bianca finally pressed her lips together before speaking.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Serah did not look up from her paper, and the tapping only seemed to increase, which put Bianca on edge.
"Serah." Bianca said again, a little more bite in her tone, and she noticed that her daughter's whole finger was covered in frost.
 Tap. Tap. Tap.
"Serah Gloryann Elkar!"
The princess looked at her mother, letting Bianca get a more full view of her daughter. Serah's light blonde curls were even more messy than usual, and Hayden's eyes stared back at her in a wide-eyed state.
"What is wrong?" Bianca spoke with a calmer voice, her expression remaining cold as usual.
Serah bit her lip as she looked down at the paper again and looked back at her mother, nervousness clear on her face as she shrank back.
"N-nothing." Serah spoke quietly, in her usual timid tone.
Bianca wished now more than ever that her daughter had not gotten her quiet nature from her; however, maybe that trait would stop the rumors that Serah was not her daugher. If she heard those whispers herself she would gladly show the stretch marks along her stomach. No one questioned if Serah was Hayden's child. Everyone could see she had Elkar blood through her veins just by looking at her eyes.
"I do not like being lied to by Serah." Bianca said this with a raised eyebrow and looked at the parchment in front of her daughter. "Does it have something to do with whatever you are writing?"
Serah's cheeks turned pink. "What? No!"
Bianca's eyes narrowed, which made the girl in front of her squirm in her seat. She needed to teach her daughter to have a better poker face if she wanted to survive in court.
I will make sure to give her a lesson some time next week.
The Queen made a mental note in her head as she studied her daughter's flushed expression and dilated pupils, and it all clicked into place. There was only one person who had any kind of effect on her daughter in such a way.
"You are writing to Zemislav." It was not a question but a statement as Bianca leaned back to get an even more perfect view of Serah's wide-eyed expression once again.
"He was just asking about something." Serah fiddled with the corner of her paper.
The...infatuation was clear on Serah's face, and Bianca held herself back from killing the young preteen that seemed to wiggle his way into her daughter's heart.
The queen side of her knew it would be a great match. Zemislav...while he was nothing like his mother, Sofia, who only wanted a sweet release of sleep, it seemed that Zemislav, from what Bianca had seen, never slept and was always a ball of energy ready to go off at any moment. Poor Sofia. But still, it was a good match for both families.
The mother side of Bianca wanted to strangle the young man; her daughter was only twelve, and now Bianca had to worry about crushes. She didn't even think that her eldest had become smitten with anybody as of late; however, that wasn't surprising since her eldest would rather be left alone with a training dummy than any kind of person if it didn't have to do with achieving progress in their kingdom.
Bianca shook her head and tried not to let a scoff slip. This Zemislav was fourteen and already in the academy; what in the gods names was he doing writing to her daughter when he should be focusing on his studies? Maybe she should write to Sofia.
Worry gripped Bianca like a viper, and she had to force herself to remain stoic. Serah could make the most successful battle plans and strategies; however, it was no secret that her middle child was naive about the setting of the court and the wicked ways that would try to use a young princess for their own personal gain, especially a marriage alliance.
Serah got Bianca's own quiet nature. Yes. But instead of the cold expression that Bianca was blessed with that sent people on their way or even Hayden's mischievous smirk that kept people on their toes, it seemed her daughter was blessed with an open, friendly smile, which made Bianca often question which side of the family she got it from.
Not Serah's grandfather...that was for sure.
Bianca let go of the chair arms that she didn't even realize she had gripped, which were now covered in a thick frost. Hopefully her daughter didn't see, and from her daughter's open expression, she did not.
"What did your friend want?" Bianca said the word "friend" with distaste that Serah didn't seem to catch.
"He was asking if you were going to be announcing that Martella was going to the academy soon......everyone is curious." Serah whispered, her voice cracking a little; however, her eyes were trained on Bianca, studying her.
Smart girl.
Bianca kept the fear off her face, and her hands shook under the table. "Tell Zemislav that there will be an announcement soon."
Serah bit her lip. "Mother, rumors are spreading of Martella's elemen-."
"That. Is. Enough." Serah shivered at her mother's cold tone.
Bianca continued. "I don't want to hear another word about this." Grayish blue eyes met light teal, and a look of understanding crossed over the table.
Serah nodded, looking back down at her quill before uttering a quiet. "Yes, mother."
The sound of the doors slamming open made the two royals turn in their seats.
Masterpost | NEXT
Note: Blood Legacies is such an amazing story, and I can't wait for another update. While we have only touched the surface of what the author has planned for the series, I just appreciate the lore and the world that the author has created.
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bigt1e · 7 months
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Hello! My name is Bigite, some nicknames I use: Airy, olivegarden, and olive oil I'm okay with different nicknames, just ask before using them!
I am a minor (but my birthday is aug 28 :3)
I go by he/they pronouns
Im Biromantic, Demiromantic, Ace, and Nonbianary!
Im an osc artist, though I do draw other stuff and I can take requests!
REMINDER: I am human, and I may be stressed, tired, or busy so I may take longer to do some requests!
My persona is the character on the image, I will use him when ever I want tbh. Most of the time for silly thoughts, but that's it!
I also have tons osc, which I will post here and there and sometimes do lore drops for them lmao
°No Nsfw
°Basic dni (homophobia, transphobia, etc)
° anything else that's hella gross or something triggering (I can't think of anything else rn)
Object shows (favorites: hfjONE, ii) Music (Favorites: TV Girl, Lemon Demon !!, Will Wood!! I love show/game OSTs sm!! Mother Mother and plenty more) I love mephoj (mephone4 x Oj) so much my comfort ship fr, also my favorite characters are Me phone and Airy, if you see art of them pls @ me!! I love to see it!! I also like chatting with people, so don't be afraid to dm if you're a moot!! (Small interactions help me go through the day) I'm in so many random it's concerning, so if you do have a special interest or hyperfixating on something share it! I will most likely join in lmao. I love seeing art in gen, so if you're my moot and do art you also can @ me in it! :D
Also. I love fan art of my ocs so like yk... 👉👈
don't dislike many things lmao, besides like body fluids and stuff like that (which I most likely won't have to worry about lmao)
Also vegetables if you place one in front of me I'm dead/j
Art request!:
If you would like to request a drawing you can dm, ask box, or @ me in a post, anything is fine!
I will draw:
Ocs (original characters)
Furry characters
Characters from shows/ games/ books etc.
Object show characters
Ship art of characters
Not heavy/detailed gore (like blood thats basically it)
Angst (I'm not that well at drawing angst 💔)
i won't draw
nsfw (or anything like that)
Pro/com ships
heavy/ detailed gore
Full backgrounds (it's because I will cry if I tried to do that for a req)
please send a reference picture with your req! Or I will cry and violently attack you/j
I will TRY to be organized with my posts, but probably not if I am then here's the hashtags I might use
#bigtie's art #bigtie rambles abt something #bigite's req
Thats it I think ill probably edit in future...
thanks for reading!! Have an amazing fay/night!!
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alice-the-demon · 5 days
heyo its the anon who asked you if I could make my oc in your au again lol
I was wondering if it was possible to mix the sins together in one imp? like a wrath, envy, and lust imp in one. I was thinking that it might make sense if the sins were related in some way, since wrath, lust, and envy might indicate that the imp did something horrible out of jealousy over a person they were in love/obsessed with when they were alive. though this might also be a bit too complex or mary sue-ish, so I get it if you dont want that!
-🌙 (I'll probably ask you a lot more stuff so I'll just make my anon nickname "moon anon" or "waning anon" lmao)
Not gonna lie, that would sound so cool but honestly I prefer keeping things simple and just give one sin per demon. Plus it would be a little unfair that a Demon has Wrath's super strength, Lust's hypnosis and Envy's amplified senses all in one package, they'd become more powerful than Lucifer and the other Rulers of Hell.
I already have in mind how the Demon hierarchy works and their stages and thankfully it's the argument of the next Hell Tower Lore I'll drop in the future.
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blanketedblanket · 2 months
Splatoon Agent Headcanons
Feelin silly so I might as well drop some agent lore n stuff
Captain 3 (Tessa)
Mains Custom E-Liter 4k
Grew up in inkopolis and relocated to the most popular spots (inkopolis square, plaza, then splatsville) in order to "fit in" with the people that she grew up with, now thinks that it was a stupid decision but is glad she met the people she knows because of it
Neutral about turf war, but will play if she has people to play with. (normally 8 or 4) Absolutely dominates when she does play, all that experience on the battlefield really gets her in the zone when playing.
Dating 8 (Hachi), after the events of OE, they eventually got together and mutually bonded over not fitting in with their peers
Neglecting their hygiene, they will only shower after a mission. (Hachi is currently trying to help her improve, and it's going questionably well)
Callie and Marie once got Tessa her own matching idol outfit for fun, and she burst into tears (happy ones dw)
Cousins with Renee, Tessa freaked out when she found out about Renee ending up as agent 4. (Runs in the family, I suppose)
Formerly "destined for greatness" as their family said, (star pupils were deemed as good fortune and a bright future in their family) Tessa now refuses communication with anyone from her family except Renee, as she knows that they won't leave her alone about "failing her destiny"
Met Orca (neo agent 3) for the first time and was genuinely concerned for their safety in the splatoon, taking into account how frail they were at the time of joining the squidbeak splatoon. "He looks almost as if a light breeze can blow him away he's so small, AND he’s taller than me."
For the first few days of Orca being a part of the splatoon, Tessa was trying to avoid making to many connections with him and giving him to many tough missions, not knowing if he would be able to handle it.
Agent 4 (Renee)
Mains Nautilus 79
Grew up in inkopolis along with Tessa, but didn't move nearly as much as her. Moved closer to inkoplolis plaza to participate in turf wars when it gained popularity over in that area
Loud and rambunctious to the point of being called a problem child in school. Wasn't necessarily one of the popular kid stereotypes like the class clown, but was more of a funny kid everyone knew but only had a few friends (as in they knew his name, but not him if that makes sense) "So what if I didn't have friends and didn't do well in school? I have friends now and I don't even need to worry about education so what's the point!"
Close friends with Tessa in school and in modern-day, Tessa freaked OUT for Renee's safety after finding out that he was the so called agent 4 that marie would be mentioned by Callie and Marie on occasion (only actually met in person as "agent 3" and "agent 4" a few months after OE
Currently has feelings for Neo agent 3, (Orca) the two do not know eachother in their missions, only on occasion hearing the other agent be brought up in conversation (when at work, the agents instead of using real names use their agent number) They met in a turf war, when both of their teams decided to forfeit because "the other team was just to stong" (ironic considering that Renee's team was losing by a long shot)
Scorned by their relatives, was told they were nothing compared to Tessa because of a genetic defect in the eyes, (expanded pupils and heterochromia) even though Tessa technically had one of her own.
Agent 8 (Hachi)
Mains S-Blast 91
Raised in a very militaristic household (right outside of octocanyon), was taught that inklings were evil scum that have stolen their land and need to be eradicated on sight
Was an octarian general before she fell into the deep-sea metro, incredible skill with the blaster
Fought with Tessa before she fell, the floor gave out beneath them from all the chaos
Considered odd, by the octarians Hachi grew up with, as she had a strange fascination with the above ground
Recognized a few of the sanitized octolings in the metro from when she went to school, almost had a breakdown during the first station because the first octoling she saw was on of her only friends at the time that had gone missing a few weeks before
Dating 3 (Tessa), surprised when she ultimately reciprocated Hachi's feelings.
Brother and best friend were both sanitized, when they found out she was devastated, blamed themselves for their deaths. "When I saw them in the metro, I didn't know what to do. Those were the two people in my life that I knew cared about me, and they were just. Gone. Just like that. Pearl and Marina got me through it, but it took months for me to actually accept the truth. Now that I have more people with me, it's not that bad, but thinking about it makes me tear up a little."
Knows quite a bit about octarian weaponry, as back in octo valley they were trained on the basics of operation on all octarian weaponry. Orca has since taking a liking to this information and talks to her about it from time to time
Neo agent 3 (Orca)
Mains Custom Jet Squelcher
Grew up in a place not-so far off from inkopolis square, moved to splatsville when he turned 16 (Now 18) to pursue turf war
Curiosity killed the cat, as they say, Orca got curious on why there was a man in the sewers, boom 💥 neo 3
While in Alterna, they were not able to evade touching the fuzzy ooze too much, eyes, tentacles, and skin was effected (eyes and skin changed color slightly, and tentacles now have a fuzzy sheen near the browner parts)
Has not met agent 4 as an agent yet, hopes to soon but is in no rush to do so
Used to have a slight resentment of Tessa, Orca thought that she was a rude bitch who didn't care about anything, opinions were changed after the events of alterna, and they are on good terms
At the moment, Orca gets along best with Hachi, they bonded over an overabundance of knowledge on weapons and like to chit chat about it
2 different turf war teams, one with his sister and one of his own, considered one of the best in the area
Currently no feelings for anyone, and unaware of Renee's feelings. (I wonder where I'll take this lmao) "I haven't had feelings for anyone since like what..? Uhh maybe when I was 12 or something. If anyone currently does have feelings for me I don't know what I'll do so hopefully that doesn't happen."
I swear he has more lore I just can't remember shit
Erm anyway that's done
Thanks for reading this?? Maybe?? (Did you actually read this or did you skip it be honest)
Should I post about Orca's team next cause I really want to
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quaddmgd · 6 months
Girls and their rides
So back when 2.1 dropped, I decided to get all the new vehicles and clothes that have been added in the game since Phantom Liberty. While grinding vehicle contracts and races, I was wondering what rides would fit my OCs the best. Now that I managed to get everything, here are the answers!
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Crystal - ARCH Nazaré "Racer"
Crystal, my main girl and my OC of choice for beating both Cyberpunk 2077 and its DLC, ironically caused me the most trouble! Up until now, she canonically used a red Shion Mizutani Targa that I managed to find in the wild almost a year ago. The issue was that in case I wanted to use it, I'd have to find it again or spawn it on my PC. Since I mostly play Cyberpunk on my Xbox, that wasn't an ideal scenario.
For a brief moment I was considering giving her a brand new Herrera Riptide "Terrier" - a car I could actually spawn on demand. But seems too impractical for her. She loves cars but I don't see her driving a hypercar. She wants something cool, powerful, but not that high-maintenance.
Then I saw this cool new bike, fell in love with its looks and colors, and remembered that I wrote my dislike for bikes in this game in Crystal's lore! Instead of rewriting it I decided that Elegy, her gf who rides a Kusanagi, made her get used to them, start enjoying their looks, and taught her to ride them - which fits the 2.1 bike handling improvements perfectly!
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EV - Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet (930)
Now, I was thinking about giving EV either one of new muscle cars or Mizutani Hozuki "Hoseki". You might actually see some pics of her with these cars in the future (with Hoseki being her first car for example), but eventually I settled on giving her a 911. It fits her looks and personality, and she's my canon V, so a Samurai-themed car is a good choice.
Originally she was supposed to be driving a 911 you get in Chippin' In, but my s/o managed to convince me to get a cabrio! I like its color scheme more than the original one!
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Thalia - Villefort Deleon "Vindicator"
Sully was by far the easiest! While at first I had no idea what would really fit her, after I bought that Vindicator and examined it thoroughly, it was the only choice for her. It looks vintage, maybe a bit classy, but with a sport touch.
There's a lore reason for how she got it too! I didn't really have time or strength to explain how she survived her alleged death and ended up arriving in NC yet. Other than reuniting with Crystal, she needs her and Elegy to help her with a special task. The person that drove her near NC, left her that car as a gift and something to aid her in her journey. She might or might not have modified it for that custom look, but I didn't decide on that yet.
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enchi-elm · 4 months
I've been writing some smut for two of my OCs in the Turn fanfic You've Caught Me Between Wind and Water, Lt. Jameson Mullcock and Lt. Frederico Ridgewell. It's going really well, so well in fact that I might end up submitting it to an erotica magazine in the future--which would prevent me from posting it on AO3.
To that end, to cover my own disappointment, here's some bits of lore for these two, gratis:
Full name is Frederico “Dico” Miguel Carvalho dos Reis Ridgewell
He is a Portuguese-American (mother is Portuguese) and stands in for the many Portuguese-American contributions to the Continental Army (go look up Pedro "Peter" Francisco)
Father split when Frederico was young, he grew up with his mother in New York in a Portuguese neighbourhood
Speaks fluent Portuguese
Jameson Mullcock is just Jameson Mullcock, but he goes by James
He is Irish-American and stands in for the many Irish-American contributions to the Continental Army (I explicitly wanted to include an Irish-American character because there were shitty stereotypes in the army against the Irish from other nationalities; like, we have primary sources for this)
James does not disclose he is half-Irish when he enlists and just lists his birthplace as Philadelphia
His mother is Abaigeal Noiréis (Abigail Norris), born in Galway, Ireland (thank you @mercurygray for naming her and helping me with her backstory!)
She is Catholic and married a Protestant British soldier she met during the occupation of Ireland, then followed him to England and then Pennsylvania and had to keep her faith secret
James is raised Protestant and only knows a little of the Catholic faith, which he keeps secret (because there was a considerable anti-Catholic sentiment in parts of the colonies)
Knows a little bit of Irish and wishes he knew more but doesn't think he'd be welcome (or feel comfortable) among the Irish soldiers and officers
Personality and looks
olive skin, dark eyes, tousled dark hair
enough weight on him to look conspicuously healthy at Valley Forge in 1777
exactly as athletic as he looks but not quite as intelligent
drop dead gorgeous and doesn't care
cinnamon roll, too pure for this world, is the only one unaware that people believe this of him
a dark horse so dark you can't even see him coming
pale enough to look anemic, eyes and hair too light for people's comfort
tall, gangly; gaunt, even by Valley Forge standards
more athletic than he looks and more intelligent too
sarcastic slacker who's too smart to let people know how much more responsibility he's capable of taking on
has maybe two vices (tea and tobacco) that he'll hold onto, everything else he's already resigned himself to losing
would rather light his arm on fire than go after something he wants in a direct, open, and honest manner (and be Seen? Are you mad?)
and the whole reason I put this post together, which is to remind future Apfel that they are 2nd LIEUTENANTS in LAMB'S CONTINENTAL ARTILLERY which was reorganized in 1777 from LAMB'S INDEPENDENT COMPANY NEW YORK ARTILLERY which drew from artillery companies in NEW YORK, CONNECTICUT AND PENNSYLVANIA. OKAY??
@georgios-kyriacos, I believe you expressed interest in these two :)
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0xochitlsketches0 · 1 year
My friend wanted to know if my ocs came with playlists so I made some for them along with cover art for the albums. 💀
What doesn’t kill you always comes back to finish the job    
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Damiens's playlist is lore-based, each song is supposed to walk you through his life from when he was he was still in the hunt to where he is at the time the story officially starts.  
In my defense, I was left unsupervised!
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Sawyers's playlist is more about where he is currently, both physically and mentally in the story and where he’ll go
So past to present and present to future, Damien's playlist is also supposed to feel disconnected, almost like someone narrating his story while Sawyer is supposed to be like he's telling you himself. 
(that was the intention at least, as much as I could get it, I can only do so much with premade songs 💀 so im not sure how well I did that last part  salkdjs)
And then I made a third one for the bird bc I thought it was funny 💀
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felt cute, might incinerate it later
No story or thoughts there, it’s literally just a joke, still full of bangers tho 💃🏽 💀
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emmebearpaw · 5 months
hey reverse 1999 fandom, is there any place I can like, read the stories for the game? Alternatively any good youtube series going through the story. I'm interested in experiencing the story but I don't really want to play another gacha game. Second reason i'm interested is i have had ocs rotating in my brain for so long I genuinely might have enough for a full like, fake event/side story/whatever and when i realized that I got even more excited about that and even though I don't think i have the time/motivation to write a multishot I kinda want to try anyways? And so I want to make sure it's at least somewhat lore accurate and I'm getting characterization right. About the fic, the current year is 1944 and Vertin and the suitcase crew are being dispatched to Warsaw. Manus Vindictae seems to be operating in the city, which is... unexpected for certain. Not many arcanists remain in the city due to years of Nazi occupation, with even diplomatic and preservationist Foundation staff having been attacked in the recent years, with 3 confirmed dead and 1 MIA, presumed dead. And yet, despite that danger there are questions for the crew to answer: what is Manus Vindictae doing there and more importantly, why does the timeline seem to be deviating? Upon the crews arrival, they'll meet up with the missing arcanist, sent with Warsaw's future destruction in mind to preserve as much architecture from the city as possible with an eye for detail and a stack of blueprints, it turns out she was alive and not alone. She's shortly joined by another, a Warsaw local "conductor" (well, that's what the girl insists she's called rather than an arcanist) in collaboration with the home army who seems to have one mission, get supplies in and everyone who needs to, out. TLDR: where can i read/watch a playthrough of reverse 1999 i want to write a fake event and put the research i've done on poland and trains to good use and also drop more lesbians into the game.
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senkaithegriffin · 8 months
Welcome To The Cabin.
Hey there, dunno why you're here but if you'd like to stick around you'd find that the cabin holds many tales and I happen to be the author of most of them. I'll share my stories, OC's, and a bunch of absolutely stupid stuff here because I happen to be oh so incredibly stupid.
You can call me Kai, Senkai, or whatever flutters your wings I guess, I enjoy writing and so I am deciding to share the things I write. It won't be on this blog but maybe if this one catches on enough I have some darker stories I'd like to share too so we'll see how the first cabin does but even now my stories aren't exactly family adventures.
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In the Future, you'll find a List of all of my fic's and links to the full chapter of said stories. I'm considering separating it based on Fandom and having a long list with it being labeled.
The list (No link yet)
A couple of Fandoms you might find me writing for are: Mortal Kombat, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Cyberpunk, Dragon Ball, MHA, Warframe, and so much more do note that some of the stories change so much that they're almost unrecognizable.
Before you decide to dive further like I mentioned, for now my stories will start off pretty light but they typically don't stay that way, when I see fit or people express interest the lore type of content I'll post will get darker they'll still be light-hearted stuff on here however. There will be warnings in chapters but here's also a heads-up in case you read this!
Also, some fics simply never get an ending, I do my best to find suitable stories but I know myself, and more than likely if you're looking for an ending it may not be there.
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This is my only blog, it features a little of everything unless I ever see it fit to make another Blog then I'll link it here but for now.
I'll add a Link to my A03 here: Link (Not active yet)
Here you'll find the full chapters of the teasers and snippets I drop here, but Tumblr also gets benefits as I'll explain things, answer questions, and such here. I'll even drop unrelated pieces of lore here occasionally for my stories.
Also since you're here, check out my writing partner @rennsdeaddoves would never be posting any of this let alone writing it without them.
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A few fun Facts I suppose: I go my He/Him
I'm based outta the U.S
I'm beyond the age of consent
You can never really predict what i'm gonna put out because when I watch something new I subconciously make an Oc in my head and it would be wasteful not to put them to work so that's resulted in me making some pretty outlandish stories but it's all in good fun.
My Current focus? I would say My DS Story but it's one of those stories of mine that are super detached, oh and maybe Spiderman, I've been playing the new game so much it's amazing
I turned on questions and some other stuff so go for it, Don't know how to use the block button on here yet but I'll figure it out so don't be a dick.
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alicelufenia · 1 year
About me and what I'm doing here
There's been quite a few new followers the past few weeks so might as well update my pinned post.
So first off, hi! I'm Alice, I use she/her pronouns, I'm 29+ (bit sensitive about that), a bi lesbian trans girl, and huge nerd. While I do some roleplay around these parts I don't strictly post in IC or OOC voice, so you can for the most part assume what I'm saying is me and not any of my characters unless I make it REALLY clear.
PFP Credit
What you'll find here
My Final Fantasy XIV reblogs and gposes mostly, though rather than keep side blogs for my interests I just sorta drop it all here haha. As well as any lore and snippets about my OCs and ships too.
I also dabble in roleplay, and am open to just about anything, though we should have a talk before any ERP. For that reason, while this blog is not strictly mature only, I must insist minors do not interact when it comes to roleplay.
Occasionally I'll also drop something about Disco Elysium, aka the Best Written Game Ever.
And now, introductions to all of my OCs! Under the cut to spare your scrolling:
Chosen By Hydaelyn
Alice Lufenia (She/Her) - Background Coming Soon
Identity: bisexual trans woman Titles: Conjurer Knight, Warrior of Light, Champion of Eorzea, The Boundless Queen, Soul of Magic, Art Assistant Homeland: Born in Gridania, raised in Corvos Died: 4 times
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Inheritor to the seat of The Traveler, she is Eorzea's Hope, our Weapon of Light. You'd think she never asked for this, but OOPS she kinda did! Nowadays she'd rather just sit back and work mammets to death, except her Bookworm Husband and Murder Boyfriend have other ideas. And thus the adventurer's unending journey continues...
Character Tags The Boundless Queen - pertaining to Alice's life and the canon MSQ A Mirror for the Princess - pertaining to Zenos and Alice's relationship, and canon divergence Griffin and Bear - pertaining to G'raha Tia and Alice's relationship, and canon divergence
Cadwyn (They/Them) - Background Coming Soon
Identity: pansexual, agender Titles: Wandering Vanguard, The Song upon the Wind, Stargazer, At Land's Horizon Homeland: Dalmasca Sightseeing Log Entries: 473 (they've been around)
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The winds of change having taken them on the latest of life's diversions, the elusive rava serves as the Scions' eyes and ears across Ilsabard. Also Thancred's favorite drinking buddy. If Estinien remains clueless of what is happening but goes along with it anyway, Cadwyn knows exactly what is going on, but will feign ignorance to avoid responsibility.
A'zhel Meteo (She/Her) - Background Coming Soon
Identity: lesbian cis woman Titles: Warrior of Light (in solo canon), Of Unyielding Steel, A-Towa-Cant Reborn, Master Goldsmith Homeland: Oakwood Girls Kissed: 14
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Born to a humble family of merchants in an unremarkable corner of Vilbrand, A'zhel tired of the simple life at home and desired to travel abroad, only to find her future was more lively that she could ever imagine. With greataxe and hammer in hand, she will smash the walls of heartache. And heart to heart you'll win, if you survive.
Chosen By Divinity
Un'dine Dalamiq (She/They) - Background Coming Soon
Identity: demiromantic cis woman Titles: Khagan of the Steppe, Tamer of the Undying Flame, Moonwalker Homeland: Azim Steppe Crystals of Light: 1 (embedded in her chest since birth)
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Serving her people as a highly revered black shaman, she has been on a 5+ year pilgrimage to Eorzea to investigate the fall of Dalamud, that this crisis of faith may be put to rest. Carrying a blessing of Fire from birth, they are unexpectedly calm and resolute, slow to befriend others yet loyal to the pain of death to those they care for.
Achilles Pyrrha (She/Her) - Background Coming Soon
Identity: bisexual trans woman Titles: The Red, The Azure Dragoon, Halone's Consort Homeland: Tailfeather Prayers to Halone: 3054
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After a lifetime of having her true self denied by peers and family, the young Dragoon received the blessing of Halone at the moment of the Calamity, waking five years later as a woman reborn. She has a temper as fiery as her hair and a bloodlust to rival NIdhogg, yet more than anything else she yearns for peace.
Heroes' Companions
D'vunta Tia (He/Him) - Background Coming Soon
Identity: gay trans man Titles: Archon, Master Culinarian, Head Chef of The Rising Stones Homeland: Old Sharlayan New Recipes Penned: 251
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D'vunta has served as the head chef at The Rising Stones for years now. His expertise extends far beyond simply cooking dishes more palatable than archon loaf however, for it was by special request from Lady Ameliance that he journeyed to Eorzea, serving as guardian and escort to the Leveilleur twins abroad. While not much use against primals, his Academician skills are without peer, and he always has a hot dish ready to sooth the souls of returning champions.
Dolani Dola (They/Them) - Background Coming Soon
Identity: asexual, non-binary Titles: Voidbound, Of The Swirling Abyss, Alice's Avatar Homeland: Ul'dah and the Void Rejoined: 8 times
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The part voidsent thaumaturge has accompanied the Warrior of Light through many adventures, slaking their hunger on the enemies she has felled. The stagnation of aether heralding the coming Eighth Umbral Calamity forced them to resume their voidsent form. At which time, Alice formed a pact with them. Thus they serve as her reaper Avatar, feeding more deeply than ever before. Delicious...
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your-pal-nebula · 10 months
Ayo new WordGirl OC just dropped
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FYI Cori also has an 8yo brother named Kyle who I might draw later. Maybe one of these days I'll write out her origin story cuz yeah, she has one, and she does have backstory reasons for being friends with Silver and also have a backstory reason for being in love with Victoria
For the record, the InvisiBill and BLHG thing was literally just a dream I had once and then made canon to The Lore of Cori Worst. I actually made her nearly a year ago, this is just my first post about her
Tbh her relationship with Silver is kind of complicated (as I said, I will explain in the future why they're friends and why Cori became her sidekick) because Cori very much thinks of herself as just being Silver's lackey whilst Silver actually views Cori as her best friend who just helps her out with crimes occasionally and dislikes calling Cori her sidekick in the first place
So yeah I will prolly post about her more in the future. By for now guyz
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onepiece-oc-archives · 4 months
I’ve been sucked into one piece so bad and now really want to make an OC. So I had an idea for a character whose inspired by old maritime/pirate folklore of witches and sea witches.
I’m struggling though with how to go about that. So should it be like a devil fruit thing? Or a friend suggested I just come up with a separate race/tribe like the Kuja? I’m so lost with what direction to take with this 😭
For some info I want to put my OC with the straw hats and want to avoid them just being this insanely over powered person. I did find when researching that some background character from a later arc is categorized as a ‘sorcerer’ but don’t really know what that implies.
Hi, welcome to the chaotic world that is One Piece and welcome to my blog!
I really love the idea of making an OC based off of pirate folklore! Sounds like there would be a lot of cool things to do there! The way I see it, you have four options:
Option 1: A devil fruit. I think a Mythical Zoan would be your best bet. Probably a Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Sea witch. You could put that in One Piece and nobody would bat an eye. Just remember that your OC wouldn't be able to swim. Do you want that for a sea witch?
Option 2: A new tribe/race. This is an option that gives you a lot of freedom because you can pretty much do whatever. You could create a race that has devil fruit style powers as part of their DNA. Oda has done that too. It comes with a few issues though. First of all, your OC's powers wouldn't be unique, because there's a whole tribe of sea witches. This could be good or bad. Second of all, there's a possibility that the World Government or other organizations hunt that tribe down. Once again, this could be good or bad for your story. Maybe this also makes your OC unique again because they're the only one of their kind left? Or at least one of few. This would, of course, have a strong effect on your OC's story and a lot of things that happen to them, so make sure to really consider if you want this.
Option 3: Science. I won't go too much into detail because of spoiler reasons, but incredible things are possible through One Piece science. This would most likely link your OC to a group of people or a specific person who develops said funky science and that's a connection with a lot of lore implications, so you should evaluate if you want that. Implications don't always need to turn into something big, but they can. If this is the option you decide to go for, let me know and I'll tell you more about that science and the people involved, but it will probably contain at least some spoilers, so be warned.
Option 4: It is what it is. I'm not kidding, this is a totally valid option that has been pulled by Oda multiple times. Your sorcerer example would fall under this option, though I believe he hasn't actually been seen practicing sorcery in any canon material. A canon example of this however is a certain woman who, for some reason, can accurately tell the future using a crystal ball. No one knows why. Never explained. And still completely canon. So, if none of the other options speak to you, going "it is what it is" is still a completely valid option.
Maybe as a sort of guideline of how I dealt with a similar issue:
My oldest One Piece OC used to be firmly in the Option 2 category. She's based off of mythology, mostly of Greek Myth, the goddess Selene in particular. Just going "oh yeah, she comes from a race of people who are just like that" worked really well for me for, I dunno, six years? But then a new manga chapter came along with a new lore drop and I thought I'd have to drop my OC's concept for good because it coincided/collided too much with the new lore drop. But then another lore drop happened and I was able to save her through sprinkling in some of Option 3.
The lore drop destroying my concept was purely bad luck. So you'll probably be doing really well with Option 2 if you commit to it. It might take a bit of worldbuilding, but you could also not explain anything. Both works. And if that fails, science can save your butt.
Also, I'm currently working on a new One Piece OC who falls into Option 4, simply because a mermaid being unable to swim would be a little stupid, so I can't give her a devil fruit, and her being involved with funky science just wouldn't suit her character that well. Also, I already kinda pulled that with said oldest OC, so I don't really wanna do it again.
Creating OCs is very situational, but sometimes "fuck around and find out" works surprisingly well or is the only thing that works. Mix and match things together. Run with a certain idea until canon throws a wrench in the works. Adjust things and make stuff up as you go. Sometimes, it's just about taking that first step, the rest will come all on its own.
I hope this helped at least a little. If you have any more questions, feel free to let me know!
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drhillmoel · 4 months
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Arlaum dr dump while i remember to post
Rant about her lore under the cut yahooo
Easiest way to explain her is that shes doctor but in a different timeline,, basically back in middle school me n my friends made a fantasy rpg AU for ourselves where the story was we all got isekai'd into a classic high fantasy kinda world named Arlaum. Last time we talked abt it was around 3 years ago now i think, but i had a random brainrot about it recently for some reason and decided to redesign the oc i made based off my current sona (doctor)(which is why their name is arlaum dr for now) and tried to build up a little bit of a side story for them just because. However, while i had this brainrot i also had fear&hunger and yakuza 0 circulating in my head, so one thing led to another and she started becoming a whole different character with completely different lore from what she originally had and now i just have a new oc HAHDHAH
Anyways i also wanna drop her lore in case i forget or i come back to this months later when ive turned her into yet another completely new person... Its really messy and just filled with self indulgent stuff but the basic outline is that after separating from their party, arlaum dr gains the trust of a newly crowned king who despite being rather young for the crown, already has suspicious interests in magic and rituals, and arlaum dr ultimately gets sent into a fear&hunger-esque dungeon. Originally she was meant to look for something there for only a few days before coming back, but ends up getting stuck with going deeper inside as her only option. As she ventures deeper and deeper the structures within the rocks get stranger and stranger and even more aged, with different creatures littered around, getting more and more otherworldly as she defeats and gets past them one by one, losing pieces of the scared, inexperienced adventurer that first came in and becoming more and more like an apex predator of the depths.
Stuff she gets up to in the depths varies wildly, sometimes its just straight up surviving day to day, hour to hour, and sometimes i send her off to other AUs to keep the little shred of humanity in her alive just a bit longer only to come back to the depths separated once again from the friends she managed to make.
As of right now details of her lore aren't that set in stone yet so i might change it completely for no reason in the future but yeah this is basically how shes doing
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